#nobility fic rec
thelarriefics · 2 years
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NOBILITY FIC REC: Below you’ll find fics where Harry and/or Louis are dukes, vicsounts, etc or members of the aristocracy!
📖 Lightning Strikes The Heart by @fournipplesau & @justalarryblog (130k)
Shrewsbury, 1814
Dearest reader, I present to you your new bulletin of news regarding Shrewsbury citizen's activities. My name is Lady Merriweather and I will be in charge of the updates. I will make sure you are to know all the important details of what is to happen this season. You must know that you do not know who I am and you never shall. But be forewarned; I certainly do know you. I advise you to be on your best behaviour, lest you want the whole town to be privy of your business.
As expected every year, the Lockhart House hosts the season’s opening ball, and its invitation is the motive of the hustle in town, and every family hopes for the invitation. This year is no different, but this year everyone's attention is focused on the new Duke of Montgomery, His Grace Harry Edward Styles, and whether he will attend it.
All the omegas will be in their best manner, behaviour and clothes as it is expected. And here, dear reader is where we will find out which young omega might succeed at securing a match, hoping to not become a spinster.
Place your bets.
📖 The Murmur of Yearning by @mediawhorefics (93k)
Four years ago, Harry Styles was forced into a marriage of convenience to enrich and ally both his and his promised's families. The sudden, and slightly suspicious, death of the Marquess of Haxshire, however, brings great disturbance to Crescentfield Hall and, as his late's husband's closest male relative, Harry unexpectedly finds himself the head of a family he never felt he belonged to. Between a meddling distant cousin hellbent on inserting himself in Harry’s life, his wicked and mistrustful mother-in-law and his late husband’s advisors refusing to help or take him seriously, Harry struggles in the fight to keep what he’s earned and make the Estate finally feel like home.
Luckily, he doesn’t stand completely alone and finds himself an unlikely ally in Mr Tomlinson, the elusive Land Stewart who has been taking care of the property in the shadows for years. Louis Tomlinson is caring, patient, and unlike everyone else, he doesn’t seem to think Harry committed a murder.
📖 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
📖 Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes by @softfonds (59k)
What happens when a Duke who will only marry for love and a courtesan who only sells it create a public ruse? Well, nothing boring for sure. An Edwardian AU.
📖 The Earl and His Duke by @becomeawendybird (52k)
Lord Tomlinson, the elusive Duke of Leeds, has suddenly emerged in London for the first time in six years. He is believed to have been abroad. He is believed to have been widowed. He is believed to want to withdraw from society.
Harry doesn’t know what is true and what isn’t. He only knows that the older brother of one of his best friends is back in town to stay, and that time has taken him from merely the most beautiful man Harry knew, to the most handsome man to ever walk the earth. A man whose gaze probably still skips over Harry like he doesn’t exist the same way it did when they were young.
📖 Lies & Liability by @evilovesyou (34k)
Harry Styles has only three wishes when he leaves River Dane Manor to go to Town for his first season: that his sister has rented a townhouse that will provide him as many of the comforts of the country life he has grown accustomed to as possible, that he will not trip and fall when he is presented to Her Majesty the Queen, and that he will enter matrimony out of true love, no matter how favourable the match with any which alpha may be.
📖 Blush by @dip-lou-in-honey (33k)
Harry is a young omega, presented at his first Royal ball, when he first meets Louis, the King. They're immediately infatuated with each other, but in the ancient hallways of the castle, whispers travel far and wide, and what they want is not what they're allowed to have.
📖 Fate & Chance by @zanniscaramouche (31k)
Haunted by his own ghost, the Duke von Tomlin fears for his safety and sanity as the days tick down to his certain engagement with the Crown Prince of Vienna. Meanwhile the travelling magician Hassenheim takes residency in a well established theatre, drawing mass crowds with his awe-inspiring illusions. Is it fate or chance that entwines their paths?
📖 Forever Never Comes by @larryyouknow (25k)
Victorian au, where Harry Styles, the youngest son of the Duke of Sutherland, was always a little in love with his childhood friend Louis Tomlinson, the young Earl of Doncaster, though he would never have told him in a million years. Especially since Louis never showed him any signs of romantic affection. But now Louis has invited him (and his sister Gemma) to London, and many things may not be as they have seemed.
📖 Manners and Misjudgements by @greenblueish (21k)
“Everyone you mention the Duke to raves about him, just like you are defending him now. But no one looks behind the façade he so ably maintains to deceive you all.”
Liam sighs deeply. “You sound like a crazy man right now, Louis.”
“I will prove to you who the Duke really is, just wait.”
or, the one where Harry is the Duke everyone loves, but Louis thinks he's too nice and decides he's going to figure out what the Duke is hiding. Spoiler: nothing, he's just nice and perhaps a bit clumsy.
📖 Just You, Me, and the Moon by @inked-withlove (13k)
It was the beginning of the 19th century when Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson fell in love.
📖 The Duke by @musketrois (11k)
Harry is the Duke of Wellington and Louis is an actor performing at the Apsley House Festival.
📖 stay with me, stay with me by @bottomhaztoplou (3k)
“The Duchess is ill!” cried the omega’s maid as she hurried down the stairs.
“What?” called the housekeeper.
“He can’t get out of bed!”
📖 Shining just for you by @thosefookinavacados (1k)
For a clumsy person, Harry danced with quite the grace- spinning around Louis, billowy light robes brushing against his firm darker ones. Despite his slightly smaller build, Louis was decivingly strong, his grip on Harry's waist tight as they performed their steps in sync. Like two opposite halves of a whole, like ones reflection in the mirror, like the sun and the moon.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku Royalty AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read AO3 tags.
Amazing artwork done by @keyade
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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An Oasis for You and Me by SecretKiwi
Summary: A prince and his retainer form a bond and grow closer than expected.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
For the Winter (I'll Be Yours) by bkdkwritingsdump
Summary: Prince Izuku Midoriya must be moved to the winter palace early when a warring nation threatens his life, but his carriage is attacked on the way there, and he finds himself stranded in the wilderness.
Frontiersman Katsuki Bakugou stumbles upon an unconscious man and nurses him back to health, hoping to get him in traveling condition before the snow sets in, cutting off his corner of the mountain from all civilization.
The snow sets in early, Izuku loses his voice to illness, and now he’s stuck on the mountainside for four months with a man who has no idea he’s the Prince of his country.
Complete | 18 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
into forests & flames by pinchingzuku
Summary: It was the start of a beautiful day without any blemishes in the sky, a perfect glow to begin the longest day of the year, a perfect day for this year’s celebration between the Earth and Fire kingdoms. The sight, no matter how prepared he was each year, instilled something warm and pleasant in Katsuki’s chest, the knowledge of two complete opposites coming together to become one.
— — —
or Fire prince Katsuki and Earth prince Izuku spend an evening at their yearly festival, prince duties forgotten in favor of spending time in each other's company. But Katsuki soon realizes that this isn't one of their normal celebrations.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
A Happily Ever After by Violet_Fandom
Summary: “W-what?” Izuku stuttered out. Did his groom not like him? What an awful start to a marriage, his mother would be ashamed. Oh god, it was his body, wasn’t it? He knew he should have-
“Stop muttering.” The alpha growled. Izuku quickly slammed his hands over his mouth, apologizing. Katsuki sighed. “You look fine, idiot. You’re just,” The blonde looked at the omega’s much smaller frame and the height difference between them. “You’re very small.”
OmegaVerse | Mature Content
{One Shot}
Series: Ancient Egypt AU by TheHellAccount
2 Works in Series
Pharaoh Bakugo x Slave Midoriya
Rated - Explicit
Ignite Me by Kreativekilljoy
Summary: The flames steadied and warmed them both.
Prince Bakugo x Servant Midoriya
{One Shot}
Rated - Mature
Series: I accidentally confessed by Sherlock_Teddy
Summary: Where Prince Izuku accidentally confesses to Dragon King Bakugou…
2 Works
Rated - SFW
King of my heart by Alone77
Summary: Katsuki was the Dragon King, King of Yuei and yet his mother wouldn’t stop harassing him to get married.
What Queen Mother Mitsuki didn’t know is that Katsuki’s heart was already taken by an herbalist 10 years ago.
Complete | 5 Chapters
King Bakugo x Herbalist Midoriya
Rated - Teen & Up
The Oldest Tale of Time by stardust_rust
Summary: “Bakugou!” Mina says again, completely unperturbed by his indifference, “You’ll NEVER guess what’s happening!”
Katsuki just grunts and focuses on his form, ignoring the heat of the sun bearing down on him. He knows she’s too impatient to play this game with him, and sure enough -
“The CROWN PRINCE is getting married!” she squeals, and brandishes an ornate piece of parchment at him. She’s too busy having a fit to notice Katsuki stumbling mid-lunge, his sword tip almost eating dirt.
Deku. Deku’s getting married.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
The Crown by secrets_of_L
Summary: Crown Prince Izuku and barista Katsuki meet one morning. Izuku buying Katsuki a coffee for months before asking him on a date. A date that was great, but had some interesting future results. In other words, Katsuki now has to meet Izuku's family.
One Shot | Modern Royalty AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Wildfire by Tenkku
Summary: With his family in dire straits, omega nobleman Izuku is sent to marry the strongest alpha warlord, Katsuki Bakugo. But Bakugo wants nothing to do with him, and the marriage is for political and military purposes only. Izuku doesn't see himself as a weak omega and wants to fight on the battlefield side-by-side with Bakugo. Izuku will find friendly comfort in Shouto Todoroki, the prince of the Western Territory, and Bakugo's prisoner of war. Todoroki will see the qualities in Izuku that Bakugo refuses to see in a Dom-Omega mate, but Bakugo doesn't like to share, especially when Izuku belongs to him. Izuku will do whatever he can to ensure that he stands beside his alpha mate on the battlefield and help to bring change to the hierarchy world of alphas. Izuku will have to choose between happiness with one alpha or duty with another; he can't have both.
Complete | 19 CH | OmegaVerse
Rated - Explicit
Marry Me With A Song of Fire by illogicalAndiwrites (idontevenlogic)
Summary: It's finally time for the sole heir and crowned prince of the barbarian empire to choose a bride or groom. if it were anyone else, Izuku would gladly attend and cheer for the future happy couple to lead their people . . . but this time it's Katsuki, his Kacchan, who will be choosing someone to love. Someone he is very certain isn't him. However, after being threatened by his childhood friend to attend, the oblivious boy in love attends while his heart breaks at the thought of Katsuki loving anyone other than him.
Meanwhile, Katsuki is excited to finally have his favorite scholar's hand in marriage, if only Deku would stop being so stubborn and show up already.
{One Shot}
Rated - SFW
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wolfstarshipping · 10 months
Deepwood Wreathing (series) by Anonymous (25.326 words) Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
historic AU Summary: A baron in Victorian London, Sirius Black is very near his breaking point of simply absconding into the obscurity of the forest. That is, until a rent boy going by the name of Remus arrives to turn his reality on its head in one fell swoop.
Comment: I love a good historic AU and this series was just everything I could wish for, there's baron Sirius and rent boy Remus, delicious smut, a ball scene, domestic bliss on the countryside, wolves, some magical realism and a murder!
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theyoungeragrippina · 5 months
15 more gentlebeard fic recs!
that i have lovingly hunter/gathered for you all. may they act as sustenance for u in this drought.
they are all complete, do not feature any ongoing steddyhands, and are above 20k words.
peruse part 1 and part 2 at your leisure if you want to compare our tastes/devour more fine literature, or check out my masterlist as an ao3 collection.
happy reading!
it's what isn't in the name by @tciddaemina
41k, mature
"The first thing they see - apart from Captain Bonnet himself, all silked up and frilly and I sight in his own right - is the cat sitting primly by his ankles."
writing is top quality, the depth of understanding the author has for every character is unmatched. i have never felt so gutted to know a writer hasn't written anything else for ofmd.
clarity by @kat0nline
44k, explicit
"After an accident upends Stede and Ed's fragile new relationship, Ed fights to bring Stede back."
amnesia/memory loss fic done justice. mary continues to be the best and i love her. only note i wrote after i finished was 'screaming crying throwing up i love you author'.
you are at the top of my lungs by @ratchet
55k, explicit
"Ed has a simple life. He has a self-built, off grid, mostly self-sustaining house tucked away in the middle of a forest... the appearance of an incredibly nosy, incredibly handsome stranger three weekends in a row has him questioning every self-imposed rule he's ever set himself."
this is really a story about healing and hope and grief and love. one of my most favourite eds. this author makes me want to change my whole life, and in this case become an off grid chicken owner that grows food and has gay christmas dinners.
seven point three miles, also by @ratchet
20k (technically just under but it gets a pass because everyone should read it rn), teen and up
"Stede takes a job as a remote forest fire lookout in the summer following his divorce, with a plan to find out who he is, and what he wants his life to be. With the help of the enigmatic lookout on the other side of the forest, he ends up getting more out of the experience than he could ever have hoped."
when will this author receive their nobel prize in literature. i want to be a fire lookout now. i also want to scream and cry and maybe stare at the ceiling for five hours to process this fic. there is a reason everyone loves this fic.
fine dining by wishingonalightningbolt and sugarybowl
37k, explicit
"Edward Teach is one of the most famous chefs in the world, working under the handle Chef Blackbeard. Not one to be tied down, he does random pop-ups in all types of kitchens, and for the absurdly wealthy, he caters special events. Stede Bonnet wants to throw the best engagement party ever for his ex-wife and best friend, Mary. His assistant recommends the extravagant work of Chef Blackbeard."
my notes just say: 'ed is a chef and stede is a cute guy and they are cute together' and i think that is a pretty good summary tbh.
Old Bae Season by nomadsland
57k, explicit
"Ed picks Stede up at a bar for what ought to be a one-night stand, but it turns out they're attending the same academic conference the next day."
they are scientists and stede experiences self discovery. crab door knockers as a symbol of love. i love this fic because it made me smile so much (and want to get my life together, weirdly).
Vitalis by jfc_anna
29k, explicit
"Crown Prince Stede Bonnet. Reserved, anxious, and newly arranged to be married. A child is expected. Though, with the Prince’s lack of experience, is also highly unlikely. There are murmurs of an educator of sorts amongst the nobility, with raven hair and eyes like fire, who has been the cure of impotence and disagreeable attitudes. He has been called many names, whispered behind hands or between cracks in doors. Siren. Kraken. Devourer of Love."
short and sweet and so different from most other things i've read in this fandom. lots of flirting and pining and copious amounts of seduction.
all that might happen is here somehow by @sungmee
27k, teen
"Stede gets caught in a time loop at the moment where Badminton tries to shoot him."
i put off reading this because i thought i wasn't super keen on time loop fics. i was wrong. this is charming, and a little bit heartbreaking, and VERY well written, and i loved every word. don't make my mistakes. read this rn.
turn on the light by smallestchurch
55k, explicit
"Lighthouse Bookshop had been there seemingly since time immemorial. Over forty years at that spot, sitting proud, a beacon at the heart of the community, and when the old owner decides to sell, it's the perfect vessel for Stede's odd restlessness. And the building is connected to a famous cocktail bar run by a mad genius behind the stick."
smiling through my tears rn. i was so absorbed that the end of the fic came up on me like a jumpscare. stede and ed continue to be posterboys for maladaptive coping mechanisms. books & cocktails & outrageous flirting.
our tesco means death by @stedesparasol
21k, general
"Determined to prove he can earn a living without his family's wealth, Stede applies for a job at the UK's biggest retailer (probably). Hmm, I wonder who his supervisor will be... surely not a handsome bearded man sick of the retail grind until Stede joins his workplace and makes things interesting..."
so unserious and so funny. fuckin' brilliant. made me genuinely laugh out loud so much that my dad asked if i was okay.
Queen Anne’s Renovations and Remodelling by bythedamned
32k, mature
"Ed didn't know why Stede’s house had a room sealed off. Two decades gone, filled with the creation and destruction of things they'd never shared with each other, and Ed no longer had reading privileges to the Book of Stede. So he's left to wonder - what's in the room? Why is the door plastered over? And why does Ed remember kissing Stede on a make-believe ship they’d invented as kids?"
thank u sm to @okayestokapi for the rec!! i love the sort of magical-mystery vibe this carries the whole way through & the conclusion was so charming and clever. heaps of fun.
help me to find peace (tell me you're okay) by @percyjacksonfan3
38k, general
"Stede and the crew come to find Ed and make things right. Turns out Ed is doing the same".
i am simply a sucker for a good post s1 reunion fic, and this is up there with the best. it flows really well, the characterisation is so good, and it felt like such a natural continuation of the s1 story and character arcs!!
Invisible String by @dimplyowl
48k, mature
"Scourge of the Caribbean" has been Stede's favorite book series since he was 12 years old. Now, age 47, divorced, and an aspiring author, he turns back to the series to draw inspiration from the familiar story. But as he starts reading, he realizes that something is different. Blackbeard, the main character, is apathetic and depressed, and the story has changed. Even stranger still, Stede seems to be the only one aware that this change has occurred."
more magic realism!!!!! this is so much fun and such a clever idea (plus such clever execution)! lots of flirting and stede being flustered and cute dates.
The Lion, the Witch and the Auxiliary Wardrobe by @xoxoemynn
21k, explicit
"Edward "Blackbeard" Teach's foolproof strategy to get over devastating heartbreak: 1) bring a witch aboard the ship 2) get trapped in an auxiliary wardrobe with the man who broke your heart 3) well, you'll have to read to find out."
in this house we read everything em writes because it is all brilliant and hilarious, and this is no different. its silly and fun and still tender and sweet, and ed & stede get to be just as embarrassing as they deserve (also there is a currently updating work by the same author u should look at too - take it as an unofficial rec).
Due North by surprise pink (+ gorgeously illustrated by @sungmee who appeared earlier on this list!!!!!!)
28k, mature
"Burnt out from his corporate job and his miserable marriage, Stede takes a seaside vacation where he meets Ed, an artist who takes inspiration from strange dreams that feel like memories. A museum exhibit about Blackbeard and the Gentleman Pirate brings them together, but it doesn't feel like the first time they've met."
had me googling 'pirate museums near me???' urgently at 1am. romeo & juliet meeting through a fishtank/starcrossed lovers vibes. absolute oodles of pining. a joy of a time to read.
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happyely · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love. 🥀🖤
(Thank you for the tag @dynamars) 🪷
Although at the moment there are only two to be published here are my stories
My Hogwarts Accademia {DabixFem!ReaderxShigaraki}
Set in the famous school of witchcraft and wizardry, the story follows the protagonist as she begins to navigate the dangerous world of magic in which her parents have disappeared, but she won't be alone: ​​Dabi and Shigaraki will become two very important people to her...
A Song of Love and Blue Fire - [work in progress] - {DabixFem!Reader}
You are Princess Fuyumi's lady-in-waiting. Even though she is two years younger than you, you have a very close relationship with her and her family. Only Prince Touya keeps his distance from you, but you can't blame him, he likes another kind of women and he is the heir to the throne, you are just his sister's lady-in-waiting. Life in the palace goes by quietly, Princess Fuyumi's birthday is upon us, it promises to be a very important celebration for the royal family and for the nobility. But something doesn't go as planned and suddenly you find yourself having to pass out a conspiracy against the royal family and working closely with Prince Touya and his attendants.
Egyptian Tales - [work in progress]
Four very spicy one-shots with an ancient Egyptian background🌅
My Hero Accademia Crossover/ Jujutsu kaisen - Sorcery Fight - The Curse of the Blue Pearls [ DabixOc]
Dabi is a curse that was awakened when Erena broke a blue pearl necklace. Erena has always seen paranormal things since she was a child, she is not afraid of the curse she has released, but she is attracted to it and wants to help her. In a difficult situation they are forced to make an agreement, but this is not seen well by sorcerers.
ProHeroTouya x FemVillainreader! [Work in progress]
A very particular Au, I'm undecided on how many chapters to do, I estimate between 15/20 just to do things right and I don't know, I would like to have your opinion🥺, I would also like to put some nuicge, I already have a couple in my head🥰 obviously there will be hot scenes and smut 🥵 🌶️🔞, but there will also be a lot of angst and a lot of introspection.
10 short essays on Dabi
Tag: @airanke @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @dabislilbaby @dabisqueen
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 6 months
I'm craving fics where Merlin doesn't become Arthur's manservant but they still end up friends/ together. Not really looking for royalty/nobility Merlin, just different occupation. Any pairing, really... Any recs???
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f1crecs · 7 months
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Fic Rec List - Our Favourite Fics
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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thank you to @talictries for this lovely, lovely ask - and for letting us share our little slices of fandom happiness!
I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce the new blog team. I hope you'll join me in showering them with lots of love! 🤍🤍🤍
nsfw: I Heard You're a Player, So Let's Play a Game by Tianvette | E | 88.8k @boxboxbrioche's favourite fic. Mark and Seb are teammates, navigating a complicated relationship. This fic is absolutely stunning! There are parts of this fic that are haunting, that I still think of often, a year after reading it for the first time. The evolution of Mark and Seb's relationship is, although messy and difficult, so natural and so well written. I come back to this fic so often - I must be on my fifth or sixth read. It's captivating.
'Turning twenty-three clearly hasn’t made any difference to Seb’s infuriating cheekiness but surprisingly, he finds his chest growing warm with something like affection, his annoyance melting away like snow in sunshine'
1999, heroes by @lilcrickee | M | 36k @ocontraire's favourite fic Top gun au that explores power dynamics, both in the context of age difference and in the more rigid structure of the military. The dynamics between friends and rivals keep me coming back to re-read this one, as well as the messy, lovely unfolding of the main relationship
'And just like that, Lando feels the wind get snatched from his sails. His chest deflates like a balloon that’s been popped unexpectedly. The easy camaraderie that he and Lewis had shared most of the night feels like it’s been reset. Lewis is his superior officer. Lewis is 14 years older than him. Lewis is someone bright and unattainable and Lando should tell his heart to get a fucking grip.'
Name It The Blood by @effervescentdragon | Not Rated | 23.5k @singsweetmelodies' favourite fic. Charles and George are nobility, and Pierre and Alex are their respective childhood best friends who love them - until Pierre and Alex both run away from the lives planned for them to become pirates. They reunite just before Charles is set to be married. This fic just has absolutely everything, from complex worldbuilding to pining (so much pining and longing!) to not-quite-doomed period romance to pirate shenanigans to heartwarming friendship moments, and it is all so so beautifully written! I reread this fic almost monthly, and there are many lines from it that I can quote by heart. It still makes me tear up a little, no matter how many times I've read it. Just an absolutely stunning fic, from start to finish.
“Tell me, Pierrot,” he says lowly. “What am I to you?” Everything, every part of Pierre screams instinctively. You are everything to me, the sun and the stars, the air I breathe, the beauty in every flower I see for the first time, the rage in every sea storm, the one I would get on my knees for and worship like a God, the reason for my existence, the love of my life, the best friend I’ve ever had. You are everything.'
nsfw: my temple will be beautiful too by @notthehardtyres | E | 6.3k @lydia-petze's favourite fic. Daniel, in his second year at McLaren, is in crisis over gender and body dysphoria issues that have pushed their way to the fore. He finds somewhere to have a breakdown over it, which happens to be an empty meeting room belonging to Mercedes. George finds him there, and eventually reveals that he himself is trans. Narrowing down all the F1 RPF I've loved to ONE seemed like an impossible task, but when I laid out my favourites to make the attempt, this is the one I kept returning to. It's stunningly good. The language around bodies, and physical reality, and not feeling comfortable in one's own is evocative and visceral - as physical as the selves it is describing. There is a recurring motif of light and refraction, and how much it can change the way we see something, or someone. George's support of Daniel is quiet and steadfast. His decision to reveal his own body is based in compassion, empathy and deep trust. .
'They don’t hear George move, either—only the sound of his deep, regular breaths. Daniel matches that rhythm for a while until their heart rate evens out and the anxious nausea recedes. The one time that they lift their head just far enough to see, George looks stoic and serene, staring at the opposite wall. He hasn’t even gotten his phone out to pass the time. What faint light diffuses through the window blinds has a cool bluish tint, and Daniel imagines that they’re somewhere under the ocean, pressed pleasantly down by the weight of the water.'
nsfw: objects in mirror by @drivestraight | E | 87.8k @blueballsracing's favourite fic. A series, in which Charles Leclerc decidedly moves to Red Bull Racing and copes with the effects of having Max Verstappen as a teammate, all while he's trying to win his first maiden World Championship. This series is one I constantly reread, because of the characterization and beautifully written moments of what having a rival and a lover is like. It's my favorite fic in the fandom, and I suggest reading the entire series.
“Max looks—his eyes are slits, and his hand is still firm on Charles’ waist. “What are you looking for?” There are a lot of answers to that question. A championship. Forever and always. A gap to overtake. The racing line. My brothers, to hold my hand. Papa, sometimes, when I’m standing up on the top step of the podium, looking out into the crowd and praying for a miracle.”
nsfw: breathe you in (like a vapor) by @fabbyf1 | E | 53.3k @frickinsweet's favourite fic. An enemies-to-lovers story of Max and Charles falling in love over winter break 2022. Choosing a favourite fic was such a challenge (it felt a bit like choosing a favourite child) – but since I could only choose one it had to be this one. Firstly, Fabby is a fantastic writer and I would rec every one of her fics if I could but this one is my comfort fic that I keep coming back to.
This fic has it all: misunderstandings, a Max that is a little bit obsessed with and unbelivably fond of Charles, a Charles having a bad time and in denial about his feelings, petnames, Charles being called pretty multiple times, bickering as foreplay – you name it, this fic has got it. Most of all I love the charactherizations, especially Max who is sort of a weirdo who cant read a room for the life of him but also refreshingly honest and unashamed about his feelings. When I first read this I was new to F1 and definitely not sold on Max/Charles but this fic showed me the light! Also the smut is superhot 🤭.
Charles suddenly snapped back into the present when Max asked, “Were you guys finished for the day? Or did you want to play doubles with us?” Charles turned to look at Arthur, giving him a look that only a fellow Leclerc brother could understand. He didn’t need to use his words. It was obvious that he was telling him: we are absolutely not going to play tennis with Max Verstappen. Arthur tilted his head at him, his eyes locked on Charles before he gave him a slight nod. Because he totally understood. It was so nice to have such a solid, strong bond with his brother. Leclercs were basically psychic! “We’d love to play doubles,” Arthur said, turning back towards Max and Brad. Charles wished he was an only child.
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I promised I looked but maybe I missed it but do you have a rec list for long feysand UTM fics? 🙏 tysm regardless
I swear this rec list already exists but I can't find it, so I guess we'll start over! A lot of these fics are still wips, so if you dive into them please keep that in mind and remember to be supportive of the authors! 💕
we said hello and your eyes look like coming home by @rosanna-writer - A canon-divergent AU where the bond snaps for Rhys on Calanmai, Feyre unwittingly accepts it, and Fire Night magic proves to be more transformative than anyone bargained for. Feyre drags a mate she hardly knows out from Under the Mountain, then puts him back together as war with Hybern approaches.
eclipsed nova by @shadowdaddyazriel - A retelling of A Court of Thorns and Roses in which Feyre and Rhysand remain under the mountain for much longer, transforming from mortal enemies to soft-hearted lovers and reclaiming Prythian as a team, defeating Tamlin and Amarantha for good.
The Portrait of a Male by HopeLions13 - When the bond snaps into place on Calanmai, Rhysand can't leave his mate in the Spring Court. Instead, he sends her to Velaris, to live and die in safety. But the more time Feyre spends with the Inner Circle, the more she wants to know the male, her mate, they all love. Which leaves her with only one choice.
There You Are by @whatishowedyouinthedark - If Calanmai had gone differently... how would the story have unfolded?
Of the Archer and the Dark by @thesistersarcheron - Feyre Archeron is the youngest member of the Fae nobility trapped in Amarantha’s court Under the Mountain, and she’s never known anything else; nineteen years ago, she was the last of three sisters born in the dark prison. She has never seen the stars, tasted fruit fresh from the vine, or set foot in her home court.
Link by Lyetta - What if the mating bond snapped into place earlier, while they were still trapped Under the Mountain? What if Feyre froze during the second task - would Rhys have stepped in to save her?
Yielding to the Dark by Frufrusc - Under the Mountain Amarantha has figure out Rhysands secret and enjoys herself by making a grand reveal out of it and designings a torture scheme for Feyre threatening to make her fear everything the Nightcourt represents.
A Wall of Stone and Time by nothoughtsonlyfantasy - Feyre is trapped Under the Mountain and thinks there is no way out until a dangerous Fae is put in the cell next door. Rhysand is sent by his father to win the heart of the mysterious daughter of the High Lord of the Dawn Court.
A Court of Faded Dreams by @the-lonelybarricade - In her grief after Rhys sacrifices himself to restore the Cauldron, Feyre accidentally sends herself back in time. Back in her human body, in her early days in the Spring Court, Feyre must be careful how she alters the timeline as she tries to save Rhys and Prythian from Under the Mountain.
A Court Outside of Time by Sonata_IX - Feyre's quest to discover why she can't get pregnant sends her back in time. Can she seduce her mate, who doesn't yet know he's her mate, while pretending to still be in love with someone else and trying not to alter history
If She Had Known by Whattheheckkristen - Feyre accidentally falls through time. Back to the beginning. If she had known of the trials she would need to overcome, and the mysteries she would need to solve, and was still brave enough to do it. If she had loved him all along.
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hello! I'd like to rec 2 lovely fics: Rumour Has It, and Pin Your Faith, both by Anonymous.
Hi and thanks for the recs. Mind the tags and warnings on both of these fics, folks!...
Rumour Has It by Anonymous (M)
There was a lot of talk after Crowley's failed execution about how he could possibly have survived. Satan was bound to hear the best theory eventually.
Pin Your Faith by Anonymous (E)
Satan summons Crowley to Hell for a centennial review, but what Crowley's really there for is a party with the Hellish nobility. He's prepared to hang on Satan's arm, look pretty, and make nice with all the wrong dukes, counts, and presidents. He's been a trophy date before. What he hasn't been is a literal trophy. Beelzebub tells Crowley to unfurl his wings. They have an array of ominous silver pins and orders to arrange Crowley for display. (Taxidermy. That's the word his imagination is skirting around.) It's strictly look, don't touch, but not every demon is smart enough to read the unwritten rules. And then Satan has to fix Crowley up, doesn't he?
- Mod D
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metanarrates · 6 months
yeahhh. like dont get me wrong. i love, for example, a good dog themed character. its a fun bit of symbolism. but like dogs can mean different things in different narratives! i mean there is, yeah, blind loyalty, but also association with rich nobility, or themes involving war, or profound loneliness all very easily come to mind. these can even all be present in the same work if the author is very clever about it!
but they require setting up! it functions exactly like motifs in music (hence, ofc, the shared term)! yes, there are default associations due to the general cultural consciousness of the time, which can make it more difficult (though not impossible) to associate it with certain other things (brass music being associated with large showy heroism thanks to racism+arguably superman for ex), but the motifs still have to be set up in the body of the work itself for it to be cohesive—you cant rely completely on the culture of the time, bc otherwise you risk the whole being unoriginal and eclectic
(also frankly the idea of searching these things out when looking for new stories is wild to me. why would anybody do that? it. it says nothing about the story? how would that indicate whether theyd like it? fanfic tropes are useful when looking for fic bc you (hopefully...) have context for those things by default, but doing a similar thing with og fiction... doesnt work. at all?)
you ask why anybody would do that but i have SEEN people on this website ask for recs relating to specific motifs they like sooo... yeah there are in fact people out there discussing them exactly like fanfiction tropes. lmao. i don't think the popular zeitgeist on this site has ever understood what "specificity" is, let alone the definition of literary terms
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hlficlibrary · 6 months
Hello ...hope you are fine
Any good historical enemies to lovers recs ?
Hi, anon! Hope you're well, too! Here are some historical enemies to lovers fics for you!
A Stór Mo Chroí by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou
It was a gloomy, grey day in the highlands. The sun, try as it might, couldn’t manage to break through the clouds, painting land and sea alike in muted colours. Perhaps it wasn’t so desolate as all that, though it certainly seemed that way to Louis. Of course, his perception might have been coloured by his own foul mood. Everything seemed to have gone from bad to worse recently, and if his own problems weren’t enough now he had to pretend he didn’t want to throttle the chieftain of Clan Gunn, the one currently traipsing around the village and greeting clansmen as if he wasn’t just a glorified intruder. Louis narrowed his eyes as he watched Harry interact with Agnes and her young son, Harry stooping down to talk directly to the little boy. The Clan Gunn tartan, simple blocks of green and black, marked Harry as someone who clearly didn’t belong amongst them, and yet the people of Clan Sutherland always seemed delighted to see the man.
Louis is a young laird from Clan Sutherland and Harry the chieftain of Clan Gunn, and an alliance between their clans isn't enough to convince the two of them to get along.
now i think that i could love you back by maroonmoonlouis
“I do not care if she banishes me to my chambers for a month or the rest of the year, you two must see reason,” Louis protests, feeling a minor fit coming on. “He is nothing but an insufferable, cocky, cloddish, pitiful excuse for an Alpha, and he deserves to live the rest of his days in solitary, not me.” “My, my, what an array of abuse. I surely would loath to be this inadequate excuse of an Alpha you speak of, but alas I cannot relate to possessing such deficiency,” a honey-glazed voice drips out from behind Louis, and the omega can feel the steam pouring over, ready to burst out of his already flushed ears.
- Or, the one where Omega Prince Louis is thrown a Courting Ceremony. A weekend full of competition ensues for his hand in marriage. As if he’s not already stressed about choosing his future Mate in three days, it’s just his luck that his enemy, Alpha Prince Harry has decided to partake as well.
Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
Just You Wait by grapenight 
When Harry eavesdrops on a conversation between Louis and his mother, he hears Louis insulting his family. He doesn't have the heart to tell his family, who believes Louis and Gemma will get married, so Harry makes a plan to expose Louis for the person he really is.
Very loosely based on Downton Abbey. Harry is the son of nobility, and Louis is expected to marry his sister.
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sotwk · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you for this Ask and providing this self-promoting opportunity, @middleearthpixie and @lathalea (who also sent me this)! <3
Instead of naming my favorites, I'm actually going to name the fics that I wish could get more attention. I'm even going to list them in order!
SotWK's Less Loved Children Fics
#1: The Broken Shield (Thorin and Frerin, feat. Thranduil and the Elvenqueen - Gen Fic one-shot) Quite frankly, I'm heartbroken this never gained much traction with the Thorin stans. (Getting sad now just thinking about it.) It may not be a Thorin romance, but I believe I gave Thorin's character a lot of love in this story, showcasing the depth of his heart and the true nobility underneath his hardened exterior. I guess people might have just been turned off by the length. I dunno, but I worked really, really hard to complete this one and I'm proud of how it turned out. It was also my entry to the Thorin's Spring Forge Event; my first writing event ever.
#2: Greenleaf's Day Out (Legolas and his family - Gen Fic, family fluff) Currently my only completed multi-chapter fic. Holds a very, very special place in my heart since it is the first SotWK AU story I wrote, and it introduces ALL the OC Thranduilion Princes. Again, probably doesn't draw much attention since it is not a romance. (Although there is a bit of it between Thranduil and his wife!)
#3: Sins of Our Fathers (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen - romance, written in 2nd PPOV) Tells about the moment Thranduil and Maereth first laid eyes on each other, before they even exchanged a hello. This is meant to be the first of a collection of (pseudo) one-shots describing the early relationship between Thranduil and my OC Elvenqueen.
#4: The Only Gold (Fili x OC elleth - romance, written in 2nd PPOV) First part of a series. An AU (partial) retelling of The Hobbit through the eyes of Fili and Thranduil's granddaughter, my OC Anariel, and the friendship and love that forms between them. Was recently pulled from the brink of being discontinued, but is now back on! Expected to include plenty of headcanon history of both Thranduil and Thorin's families.
#5: The Crown (Thranduil x OC Elvenqueen - one-shot romance/drama) Written in 2nd PPOV, tells about the evening of Thranduil's coronation as Elvenking, and reveals some history about his relationship with his Oropher and the challenges he faced in marrying a Noldorin wife.
Everyone who has already read/reblogged/commented on any of the above "less loved" fics has my deepest gratitude. For everyone else, I hope you are able to give them a chance. <3
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genderdoe-sly · 9 months
abedison fic recs (sfw)- no specific order
@swagittariusrising asked and i said why not. Also @abpleboo cause they will probably have even more recs. (CHECK OUT THEIR ART TOO!!!!)
this list is sfw because y'all don't need help finding porn. Maybe when I'm 18.
Always Means Always by MicrosuedeMouse (13,286w)
I say no specific order but this is defintlry #1. 5/5. The best abedison fic I have ever read. Summary: Annie breaks up with Jeff who she has been dating after Greendale and goes to see Abed. Sunny, emotionally vulnerable vibes. Like lying in bed with the sun coming through the blinds. In my top 3 fics of all time list.
For the Record by MicrosuedeMouse (5,162w), Weird by womanaction (1,605w), and I Will Take Good Care of You by gingerteaandsympathy (1,182w)
These three are all about either Troy or Britta noticing small extremely close or plainly romantic moments between Annie and Abed. All are amazing, and great reads when you aren't looking for something particularly plot-heavy.
Scars by thenofutureshoe (13,318w)
I'm not as into this one as the other ones, but it's a sfw troy-leaves staple that isn't very heavy, which I really appreciate.
So Cliché by borchrtslab6 (3,263w)
This one is a bit less strictly sfw, but I'd still categorize it that way. It gives more of a wait-oh-this-is-COLLEGE feel than the others. The Blurb is great this time, but it's a bit long to copy and paste, so I recommend you go read it yourself rather than me trying to explain.
 make me by nereid (1,575w)
Heart-wrenching in a very still way if that makes sense? The only characters in this are the two of them, and it works so well. A peak into two early to mid 20s autistic loners; one trying to trust a new main life partner and the other trying to trust themself.
Introduction to Persuasive Essays by gingerteaandsympathy (2,910w)
So sweet I can practically feel if sticky on my fingers. Summary: Sometimes your friend gives you a love letter in the most autistic way possible, but you think she just wants your advice on how it's written because she forgets to address it to you.
she wants to live in shades of blue (cat eyes, warm jazz, cool attitude) by Yellow_Bird_On_Richland (6,001w)
Sometimes a fic is a hit for a reason, and that's this fic. Lady x Servant Au sort of? (he is technically a duke but it's those nobility hierarchy vibes) Class differences and fighting for Maturity are the main themes, but also fashion.
When the Camera Cuts away by serindipitysays (7,555w)
1/2 of the ship is THE meta character. Of course I had to include a fic like this! It's season 6 focused and only slightly canon-divergent. You can really feel how much Abed cares about Annie in this one
Adjusting for Unanticipated Factors by MicrosuedeMouse
Good enough for me to not cap this list a 10 fics. Sunny Morning vibes again, MENTION OF SEX, dialogue heavy.
Lastly. Check out my stuff! INFJsly. I have 8 fics out and am desperate for commenters
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fic writer tag game
Thank you for tagging me @somanywords 🥰
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
I'm doing favorite = most enjoyable to write & reread. Self-indulgence, baby!
📱🔥Spelling Out Desire (post-endgame stucky fix-it)
With the Snap undone, the stones returned and the shield passed on, Steve Rogers would ask for nothing more than a quiet, simple life for them in Brooklyn—much like the one they had before. There’s just one thing he hasn’t factored into his plan: Bucky. “If you want a life as someone other than Captain America, maybe you should get to know people as someone else. As Steve Rogers. Or—as anybody.” “That's your grand plan: catfishing people on a dating app?” Or: the one where Steve Rogers experiences 21st century online dating and learns some things about himself along the way. This is a story about guilt, forgiveness and rebuilding.
🚙🌙a black sky prickled with small lights (post-endgame fix-it cont.)
There's this: The July heat. A wide open road. An obnoxious country song on the radio. Bucky in the driver’s seat. Or: Two hundred-year-old men and their Great American Road Trip.
☣🦾it’s bloody and raw (but I swear it is sweet) (stucky, post-apocalypse au)
The rifle was a hard, solid line across his back. Somewhere above his head the sun was still floating high in the sky. Everything further than ten paces was covered in the same brown, putrid soup. They called it fog, but it was more like a gaseous sludge rolling up from the bay, the smell of burning chemicals and garbage left out to rot on a hot summer day. In a world that's gone to hell, everybody needs something to anchor them in the moment. Sometimes that thing is the person you thought you'd let go. A rescue mission gone badly might be what tips the scales.
🕺🕺East Coast Swing (pre-war stucky)
“Please?” “Quit it, Buck.” Bucky pulled out the second chair and straddled it with his elbows resting on the table. If Steve looked up he’d no doubt see him batting his eyelashes. (They were longer and thicker than any girl’s he’d seen, which wasn’t really fair any way you looked at it.) Some moments that define a relationship. And Bucky, who just wants a dance with his best guy.
🏰👻Don't let the past haunt you, my dear (wartime stucky feat. spooky season)
The sight of the castle with its towers and turrets shifted him into a state of surreality; like they'd somehow stepped onto the pages of a novel, Arthurian knights or undead Romanian nobility waiting behind those walls. Dernier was the first to open his mouth, letting out a string of rapid French interspersed with curses. He switched the grip on his gun to his left hand and crossed himself. "He's sayin' it's haunted," Gabe translated helpfully.   Or, finding quiet moments in the dark.
I feel like I missed most of these when they went around so I'm just tagging some ppl and would love for you to point me to your posts if you already did this 😘 @dharmasharks @voylitscope @hipsterdiva @dreamsinthewitchouse @sparkagrace @cable-knit-sweater
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
Tumblr media
A fic rec of One Direction fics that have dark academia themes as requested in this ask. You can find all my fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! Happy reading!
🖤 Love Endless (series) by wubwubnparmaham
(E, 884k, vampire au, ancient Rome, 1970s, historical, supernatural elements, homophobia, abuse, bullying, mystery, gothic mansion, violence, angst, smut)
Love Endless is a story about ancient and supernatural love between two vampiric figures of history. Centered around Aelius Hadrianus of Rome and Alexander the Great, it chronicles the tragic loss when one of them was killed and later reborn as a bullied teen in Idaho. 
🖤 Young & Beautiful by Velvetoscar / @mizzwilde
(M, 227k, uni au, drugs, alcohol, poetry, music, dark, falling in love, angst with a happy ending)
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
🖤 Victorian Boy by audreyhheart
(E, 101k, Victorian au, historical, nobility, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, sexual tension, murder mystery, jealousy, smut)
Harry the virgin Duke of Somerset knows little of love, while Louis the sly Duke of Warwick knows too much.
🖤 Coax the Cold by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(M, 86k, historical au, 19th century, fantasy, mermaids, angst, circus/freak show, professor Louis, mermaid Harry, violence, abuse, adventure, romance)
When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers.
🖤 Loyal Knight and True by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowninja
(E, 51k, magical realism au, poetry, bisexuality, love spells, unreliable narrator)
In contemporary Oxford, Harry Styles and Niall Horan run a magical bookshop, unbowed by an entire academic establishment that insists magic doesn't even exist. Sometimes, Harry finds, it's much easier to have faith in magic than in himself. Louis Tomlinson is a classically trained poet who needs something to believe in, and Liam Payne longs to be a part of something magical.
🖤 Whispers in the Trees by hazzayoudoing
(M, 51k, murder mystery au, high school, boarding school, friends to lovers, secret crush, sexual tension, minor character death, suicide, smut)
an AU in which Louis and Harry witness a murder on the pristine campus of Wellington Academy, their posh boarding school
🖤 You Came Just Like A Flower In My Darkest Hour by graceling_in_a_suit / @graceling-in-a-suit
(T, 44k, magical realism, 1920s, historical, fantasy, magical spells, writer Louis, mute Harry, jazz, mutual pining, demisexual Harry)
Harry had spent a thousand years as the king of a false kingdom, no one but his empty-minded subjects to distract him from his loneliness. 
🖤 A Million One, A Million Two (a Hundred More Will Never Do) by LittleLostPieces
(E, 42k, boarding school au, inspired by Young Americans and Gotta Be You music video, rich Harry, smut)
An AU loosely inspired by the short-lived WB drama, Young Americans, and the Gotta Be You music video.
🖤 Along The Heather by noellehenry / @noellehenrymain
(M, 35k, historical, Jane Eyre au, Victorian, abuse, panic attacks, tutor Harry, attempted murder, angst, boarding school, manor house, Yorkshire, eventual romance)
Thorgill Hall, however, holds a secret; it’s becoming slightly more eerie every day and when his life is threatened, Harry makes a drastic decision…
🖤 The Blood of Love by @mugglemirror
(E, 25k, historical au, fantasy, supernatural elements, magic, mythology, nurse Harry, Louis is a portrait, pining, witches, smut)
As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
🖤 Drop to Hold You by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(T, 15k, Harry Potter universe, Oxford, uni, auror training, graduate school, lust at first sight)
After the end of the Second Wizarding War and the ensuing diplomacy between Muggles and the Wizarding world, the long-defunct Merlin College at Oxford opened it's doors again.
🖤 grand old ivy by orphan_account
(T, 12k, uni au, Harvard, friendship, alcohol, developing relationship)
Even though he had been so eager to start at Harvard and leave life in England behind him, Harry found himself making friends with a slew of other Englishmen (and Irishmen) on campus. 
🖤 Nighttime in the Book Shop by Larry_Klaine_Stylinson
(T, 3k, bookshop au, storm, poetry, fluff)
Harry has been working in a small used book shop for as long as he's been able to have a job. One night he and his co-worker Louis are left to close up the shop, but it's storming out, and they get trapped inside.
🖤 Palace on the hill by theglitterbee (wwxmole) / @theglitterbee
(G, 1k, fable, gothic, supernatural elements, ambiguous ending, inspired by Oscar Wilde short stories)
In Holmes Chapel you were awarded blissfulness as long as you didn’t question where it had come from.
-Rare Pairs-
🖤 we are spirits of a different sort by StormDancer 
(E, 53k, Zayn/Harry, soulmates au, uni, soul marks, coffee shop, enemies to lovers, photographer Harry, rebel Zayn, literary references)
O hell! to choose love by another's eyes...Or, if there were a sympathy in choice, War, death, or sickness did lay siege to it, Making it momentany as a sound, Swift as a shadow, short as any dream
🖤 if not the happiest, surely the luckiest by dangerbears
(NR, 10k, Zayn/Louis, boarding school au, new student Zayn, wealthy Zayn, popular Louis)
reform boarding school for the obscenely wealthy, essentially.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi do you have any recs where Harry embraces his fame and is rich, a play boy etc but Draco isn’t like hated by everyone and is also happy?
Hello! Hmm that’s a bit too specific, but a few fics came to mind. Not all of them explore both tropes so I focused on the rich/playboy!Harry side. Haven’t read these but I reckon he’s also a playboy on Running Mate by Kbrick and HP Gives a Shit by talithan. Enjoy :)
What’s My Age Again? by lazywonderland (E, 12k)
Harry Potter has had enough of pleasing the public, and his reckless tendencies are finally getting out of hand.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (E, 19k)
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Famous by fw00shy (E, 24k)
It's a couple of years after the war, and Harry's bored of models now, the same way he's bored of Ron's constant nagging, bored of his Weasley monogram knitwear, bored of the same fucking grin that greets him when he hands his fire-truck red Bugatti over to the valet every night.
The Nobility of Ascent by Lomonaaeren (E, 27k)
Not even his own fame and power are enough to get the Wizengamot to pass laws protecting Muggleborn and orphaned children, so Harry swallows his pride and goes to Draco Malfoy, who can teach him how to convince the prejudiced old bastards to listen to him.
Romp and Circumstance by wolfpants (E, 35k)
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining.
Nights With You by The_Sinking_Ship (E, 58k)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
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