#nonbinaries in mlm schemes
darlingfella · 2 years
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Maidenless behavior? Why not dress up as one?
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galaxia-art · 1 year
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[id: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same colour scheme as the genderfluid and intersex pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over the two flag gradients, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. the genderfluid cat is a tuxedo cat with scottish fold ears, a sleeveless blue tunic, a purple cape, and a pink bandolier with potion bottles. each bottle is the colour of one of the stripes in the genderfluid flag. the cat is grinning and holds their arms out welcomingly. the intersex cat is purple with darker purple feathered wings. they have a yellow robe, somewhat styled like a monk's, thats longer in the back, and a lighter lining and hood. their hood covers most of their face aside from the mouth. they have a large purple halo over them, and are holding a sickle in each hand, held so the curved blades form a circle shape. end id]
I should probably get stickers for the intersex one because i have the rest but since these stickers are in a weird "i need to get these reprinted in vinyl but theyre currently in paper so i need to sell the paper ones first" so idk if i should get it in paper or viynl
If anyone wants to suggest any other flags they want to see as pride cats like this, please do suggest which ones so ill get to them faster! currently i have the polyamarous and polysexual flags up next but i also want to do the demiboy and demigirl flags
Also, I have these on my redubble or my etsy! well, i do for the genderfluid one. i'll add the intersex cat to my redbubble after i post this. anyway i'll have to link them in a rb because tumblr and its link problems
some other cats:
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
bisexual | pansexual
misc sketch ideas
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eldorr · 1 year
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Official Flag (left), Original Flag (right)
An orientation term where your turian/veldian identity is affected by the fact:
One is transfeminine, a trans woman, transneutral, nonbinary, or just not a man (includes multigender and genderfluid/genderflux/fluidflux individuals), as one is either too dysphoric about being called a man, experience a disconnection from traditional manhood, and/or simply doesn’t identify as a man or with manhood. They may describe their attraction as any of the following: WLM; WLNB; WLX; NBLM; NBLNB; NBLX, etc – but they don’t identify their labels as MLM; MLNB; or MLX due to reasons listed above. With a multigender and/or genderfluid/genderflux/fluidflux identity, one feels not straight when with a man and/or has a fluctuating level of dysphoria when they sometimes view their attraction as veldian/achillean in nature, or as MLM; MLNB; MLX. To express that disconnection, the prefix shadow- is used.
This term also includes those whose orientation is fluid and/or flux, who may not 100% identify with the label of turian; due to barely ever experiencing attraction to men (or attraction period), having an attraction to men that feels turian but also not, having an attraction to men that’s fluid between being queer and queern’t, and/or experiencing attractions under a turian/achillean lens.
In simpler terms, a shadowturian may be defined as the following:
Being multigender and/or genderfluid/genderflux/fluidflux but never MLM, yet feeling like their attraction to men is gai/queer.
Being m-spec and not MLM, yet feeling a connection to the label.
Being too dysphoric about being called a man/boy/being thought of as one, yet being either NBLM, MLM or XLM with a connection to the turian label.
Having a fluid/flux orientation where one’s not 100% a veldian due to any reason, but retaining a connection to the veldian label.
Simply feeling as if one’s veldian, but also not.
This term was originally reposted on June 27th, 2022.
So years (July 19th 2020) ago I coined the Shadow- terms on my original mogai blog. Since then I’ve deleted that blog and one-half of the Shadow- terms do not have rebloggable posts out there, so I decided I’d repost the terms.
A while after (February 27th 2021) another tumblr user (@/thepokedexisgay) decided to make simpler alternate flags to these terms. I’ll be posting a link to their flags at the bottom of these posts.
I made the original flags based off of my original all inclusive lesbian/gay/vincian/etc. flags, and since I’ve remade those and posted them, I figured I’d remake the Shadow- flags as well, simplifying them and following the color schemes of my new flags. So yeah, some “official” flags for these terms.
That being said, I made the new Shadowturian flag based off of my March Vincian flag, so along with that if you ID as Shadowachillean/ShadowQ4M or whoever else I mentioned could use the Marsh Vincian flag, you can also use this flag if you feel your orientation is Shadow-.
(I’d prefer people use these flags as the official versions versus the originals, however if u personally like the other flags whether it’s Alois’s (thepokedexisgay) or the original ones, or feel like making your own based on an alternate lesbian/veldian/enbian/etc. flag, feel free to go on ahead.)
Yes, most of the definition in this post is ripped directly from the LGBTA wiki, with some changes to it due to my current knowledge of labels.
Here is the link to the Shadowturian flag made by @/thepokedexisgay, and here is the [link] to the Shadowturian page on the LGBTA wiki.
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rebelshoard · 10 months
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A chart of what I call the polyCOOL, you should ask me about them :)
Larsky - He/Him - Gay/Poly - you know him :)
Yukahn :) - He/Him - Gay/Poly - i changed his hair a little because i want it to be more obvious that he is constantly pushing it back as a nervous tick, part of the rich parents club lol
Catali :) - He/Him - Gay/Poly - my sweet big man, part of the rich parents club
Marrel - He/They - Bi/Demiboy - part of the rich parents club
Raspin - He/Him - Pan - childhood friend/neighbor of Larsky
Zeke - He/They - Aroace - his and Yukahn's relationship is mostly like this lol
Danny - He/Him - Pan/Poly - Part of the "rich parents" club but not the "rich kids" club if that makes sense, basically disowned at this point
Cahira - She/Her - Bi/Poly - just a really cool lady :)
Scott - He/Him - Bi/Poly - Grouchy, trying very hard to unlearn all the homophobia/etc he grew up with
Xian - He/They - Gay/Poly/Trans - Part of the actual rich parents club™, voted most likely to start an mlm scheme in high school lol
Morgan - He/They - Gay/Poly - Generally chill, used to be a gem oc lol
Percy - He/Him - Demiromantic/Bi/Trans - still Casia's assistant™ in this AU lol
Casia - She/Her - Pan - Influencer™ :)
Russel - He/Him - Bi-Questioning - hes like, a tiktok famous musician lol
Tokala - He/They - Polysexual/Nonbinary - suffers from chronic insomnia
Marx - He/Him - Pan/Melolagniac - Nervous wreck, roommates with Tokala and Jack
Jack - He/Him - Demi/Bi - Professional™ photographer, needs a hearing aid
Eddy - He/Him - Aro/Pan - Professional™ artist, specializes in graffiti
Malcolm - He/Him - Pan - Inseparable from Parker
Parker - He/She/They - Pan/Genderfluid - Inseparable from Malcolm
Valentine - He/Him - Bi - roommates with Malcolm and Parker, suffering
Rhonda - She/Her - Bi - pretty chill, needs to mind her own business, used to be a gem oc
(Name tbd) - He/Him - Bi - Anxious™, used to be a gem oc
Gutter - He/Him - Pan - Yeehaw !
Lion - He/Him - Gay - Biker boy, inseparable from Evan
Evan - He/Him - Bi - Mute, biker boy, inseparable from Lion
Lory - She/Her - Straight - Biker girl :) carries the only braincell between the three of them
Avery - He/They - Bi/Nonbinary - a pretty popular singer, has major ADHD and mood swings
Deuce - He/They - Bi/Genderfluid - Not my oc, also a fairly popular singer
(Name tbd) - He/Him - ? - Casia's agent, kinda sleazy
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icarianiscariot · 2 years
🍁 🧡 🦚 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ if you want? But no pressure 💖💖💖 Big love!
also desktop makes some of these emojis funky so im sorry if they don't translate back to mobile emojis well (esp the trans flag)
🍁 - When did you first realize you were queer?
when i was like, twelve or thirteen?? my friends and i all kinda figured it out around the same time together so it was a very like, "hmmm i think i like Women" "oh me too" "yeah i think i'm like. Gay" casual thing (at least, it was to me)
🧡 - How has the way you presented yourself (ex. Clothing, hairstyle, etc.) changed since you realized you were queer?
well im still fucking emo LMAO. uhhh but literally now i cut my own hair and have bangs and bleach it and dye it in ways i never got to. i'd say i'm more comfortable now?? idk my style hasn't changed hugely bc i've always been a "hoodies and skinny jeans" person, but i'm def more comfortable in Formal Clothes now, like button-ups and dresses. also 13yo me would never be caught dead in shorts above the knee but here i am, somehow less Girl yet more Comfortable With Femininity ??
idk i was going to a private lutheran school and also didn't have a lot of freedom in general with my style so obviously things have changed since i've become an adult and the inherent difference in appearance that one takes over the course of a decade and adolescence. this answer is probs v different for people who realized later in life which is fair but like. my queerness has always been an aspect of my identity ever since i was at the age where i was FORMING an identity, so it wasn't like a huge game-changer for me, it just helped explain who i was better.
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
for the anime gang, Given is a big one, as well as Sasaki To (And?) Miyano (sometimes i see the title as "sasaki to miyano" and sometimes "sasaki and miyano," idk) - both are mlm high school romances and they're SO GOOD.
the owl house is a huge one for me. our flag means death. what we do in the shadows.
technically the six of crows duology isn't like, A Queer Book (Duology) but there are explicitly queer characters and who DOESN'T love a good heist??
i'm sure i'm forgetting some, i'm VVVVV bad at recalling recs off the top of my head, and i def am too big into fandom/fanfic and know most of my media isn't Actually queer rip
on that note, if y'all ever have any queer recs, PLZZZ hmu!! i have been itching more for like. adult-oriented content like OFMD and WWDITS, with adults figuring their shit out over high school coming of age, but OBVIOUSLY high school coming of age can still slap and i still def consume it. idk if there's a mom "i'll always love you" scene in it i'll cry automatically so
🏳️‍🌈 - Do you enjoy the colors of your preferred flag? Do you incorporate it into your outfits, decor, etc.?
YES THE BISEXUAL FLAG IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT <333 blue/purple/pink is THEEE best color combo, sorry not sorry <333 there are def other pretty flags (aro and ace flags each are fantastic, love the black/gray/white with a pop of color in them sm) but i love the bisexual flag so much. i absolutely wear it frequently. i have multiple tie-dyed clothing items that are this color scheme. i love wearing it, i love dyeing my hair this combination of colors, etc etc.
the genderqueer flag is fine enough but idk i'm not a huuuuge fan of the green/white/purple (esp also now that TERFs on twitter use it to identify each other?? bc those are also the suffragette colors. suffragettes: cool. TERFs: uncool. genderqueerness: banger)
the nonbinary flag hits the aro + ace "black/white/[color]" sweet spot but at the same time it feels like the yellow and purple are from different palettes..... there's a post abt it floating around somewhere that i big agree with......... hmmm
the aromantic flag is banger as previously stated, we love to see it
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
bisexual flag EZ. asexual, aromantic, agender, trans, and bear pride flags are also all v pretty / good combos!!
send me some queer asks perchance (i promise not to forget them this time)
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jewishdainix · 2 years
So about those last two main character, what are there names and just general info?
I actually don't have names for them yet but ~
Racha (he/she/they) = when Ray Oscar and Nimerr were already on their quest they ended up one time in a kingdom full of various types of snake people and through shanenigans ray ends up in prison where he meets Racha.
Ray quickly finds out that she's in prison not because she's a thief but because she punched his half sister. Her explanation? He was helping her friend who came back from the dead (they became friends after she was reanimated) run a multi level marketing scheme as a completion with the multi level marketing scheme of the other guy who was brought back to life by the same person that brought back her.
Anyway, the mlm of Racha's friend was revealed and while Ray's half sister was trying to arrest the friend, Racha punched her. Ray has about as hard of a time processing this information as you are right now.
After that Ray and Racha escape and she joins the team. Yay.
They're nonbinary, their hair is this type of snake (piebald ball python I believe)
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and their skin is also the white scales. They vibe well with Ray since A) Ray appreciates anyone who punches his sisters (even though this snake girl isn't mean like Kaira) and B) both of them and Ray think that their ends justify the means, even though they are more chaotic than Ray
Twigst (He/him) : The group takes a trip to the floating candy island (before they meet Racha) to get a mcguffin or something where they have to blend into a candy people party (Nimerr casts ilussions so they look like candy people). At the party Ray and Oscar get in a conversation with Twigst, who is a sugar person. Oscar leaves to help nimerr with the plot and after some more conversation Twigst invites Ray to dance. Then plot happens and Twigst sees from the side their shanenigans and after they leave the island he decids to follow them.
After some time (after Racha joins the team) he catches up with the group and they have to fight a weather monster that makes it rain. Oscar and Racha get hurt, Ray's leg gets hurt and he uses his wings to protect Twigst, who is semi unconscious, from the rain while Nimerr kills the weather monster using abyss scholar magic. After that Ray yells at Twigst for coming after them, Nimerr calms him down, and Twigst joins the team!
Using some shapshifting magic Nimerr gives him a necklace that shapeshifts him into a human so he won't die from water. He and Ray kiss eventually.
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silktouchhands · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 - Do you enjoy the colors of your preferred flag? Do you incorporate it into your outfits, decor, etc.?
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
nooo i hate the colors of the nonbinary flag actually -m- i think they clash a lot. i obviously wear a lot of black and white though hehe
i think the blue/pink bigender flag looks the best. its so stunning and its way nicer than the ugly easter flag people use more these days. i also like the mlm flag and the lesbian flag
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andromachos · 2 years
yandere Diavolo makes you eat his lice for sustinence.
Yandere!Diavolo feeds a hungry Y/N
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tw: i have never written lices, i hope the depiction is accurate
You walk down the beautiful streets of Sardinia. The description i'm about to write is so specific you could feel like you're looking at images of the city on google
But not everything was sunshine in Sardinia
"Mmmmmmmm I'm so hungry" you say
You were hungry
You walk around the streets but nothing was open. Weird. But whatever.
You continue walking until you spot a hidden place, inside an alley. It had a red sign with white diamond grid and it read "Ma Pidocchi, Authentic Italian"
Must be a new shape of pasta. You eagerly walk in
You enter the cold, dank room and wait in the dark for some seconds. Something was wrong. There was no hand disinfectant! This hole in the wall didn't follow covid-19 procedures, it wasn't safe! You need to get out right freaking now!
But the door closes behind you and you hear a sound effect
You are now seated with a bag covering your face. Well it counts as a mask so...
You hear the characteristic queef sounds of leather loafers being worn without socks approaching you
"Tch tch tch tch, ma what do we have here?" Despite being an Italian in Italy, they didn't have an accent. You were more intrigued that scared now
"How did you find this place, bambina neutrale rispetto al genere?"
He removes the bag from your head and you're greeted with a handsome GNC Italian stallion of a man looking at you. His fractured toxic green irises bore into you, and you could feel your own eyes get the size of a big pizza pie.
But you were in a situation
"I just walked in, I'm just very hungry. Please don't kill me"
You hear a sound effect and the pinkette is now standing 10 steps away from you, deep in thought
Truth is that Diavolo, while being a yandere mafia boss and therefore not an empath, never had sympathy for people. But when he heard your case, he couldn't help but remember the time his tummy hurt once. It was a painful moment, that marked him as a kid. But he overcame that. And now the past rots behind him. Perhaps, he can help you leave that behind too.
Another sound effect happens and now he's standing next to you, holding your face with his two hands gently, like you're a burger.
"Poppetina mia, you must have endured so much. I will spare you, just this once, but you have to grow stronger. The world is unfair to gender neutral y/n's whose tummy hurt"
You close your eyes for a kiss but instead he pries your mouth open with two fingers.
You watch in horror as he grabs a fistfull of his watermelon hair and starts popping the seeds off it. Wait those aren't seeds...
"You must overcome this. It hurts me more than you. But hopefully you will learn, and grow to build your own MLM scheme like me"
He gives you a kiss on your forehead, leaving a plum colored mark. A Maybelline™ wax seal of your fate. You both cry as he brings the first lice closer.
Years later, we see a matured y/n, looking at their city, their fucking city. Who knew reselling cosmetics from a magazine would lead you to currently have the town's politicians as your puppets. Puppet... Poppet. You touch your forehead and look outside the window. The handsome man never appeared after that bizarre lunch, but someone always sent you hot pink and black flowers to your desk. Also your competition always disappeared. Wherever could he be?
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Okay, idk how to do this, but here we go!
What are your pronouns?
What flags do you think have the best colour scheme?
And I'm going to add one, if you don't mind- what are the flags that go along with your ocs?
Thank you for asking!! :D
What are your pronouns?
My pronouns (in order of preference) are Zey (like they but with a Z instead of th), Him, Themself
What flags do you think have the best colour scheme?
I'm gonna have to go with the Gendervoid flag. I love the dark grey, blue, and black colour scheme and it's just generally pretty nice-looking:D
What are the flags that go along with your ocs?
Well, Joseph is Demi and MLM, while Mach is Panromantic Asexual and Nonbinary. If you're asking which flags would go along with their colour scheme, then I think I can do that too :D. Joseph's colour palette would go along with the Nonbinary flag but I can't find any flag that would go along with Mach's palette :(
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flying-elliska · 3 years
Wlw couples I would like to see :
- Feral wildchild x girly girl. Possibly both monster girls (werewolf/vampire would fit, or two vampires as well). They bring each other flowers and braid each other's hair and delight in being different kinds of uncanny and eat creepy men together.
- High femme knight × soft butch princess
- Just more epic long term love. Like that classic mlm fic trope of comrades in arms who find themselves separated by decades of war and trauma and impossible circumstances and remain each other's compass through it all. Bonus if childhood friends.
- Impulsive volatile daredevil with a heart of gold × scheming emotionally wounded genius (this is just fem!Pynch ngl)
- They're both neuroatypical and find a safe space + understanding in each other ! Talk about their special interests and give each other stim toys and joke about their therapists and help each other thrive !
- Amoral nihilistic nasty bitch × idealist crusader who is also a hypocrite. Very dysfunctional very sexy no role models to be found anywhere.
- Just more wlw that aren't conventionally attractive thin white feminine upper/middle class able-bodied neurotypical cis wlw. Also nonbinary wlw ! Asexual wlw ! Intersex wlw !
- Paranormal investigator x cute but scary eldritch entity who has a weak spot for this particular human
- Middle aged women being extremely competent at their jobs and professional rivals who hate each other at first but need to become allies to take down a common ennemy and find first grudging respect then loooove
- Dramatic artists who are obsessed with each other and their art in equal measure, whether they're rivals or partners or muses
- Rival spies. One is a femme fatale and the other is more butch and ruggedly handsome. Lots of drama and angst and tension.
- Two bisexual women in love who recognize and celebrate each other's bisexuality
- Charming rogue x shy bookish librarian OR charming rogue x arrogant brilliant scientist
- SLOW BURN !!!! Pining ! Insecurity ! Angst ! Almost-confessions ! Misunderstandings ! Simmering chemistry ! Shared interests and deep friendship ! I'm tired of instalove !
Feel free to add more. If you have seen any of those somewhere please let me know I am tired of reading YA and Overly Wholesome Good Representation TM
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jack-o-rabbit · 3 years
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I added some new designs to the redbubble!
They're a set of covert pride pins, going under the name 'Colorful Planets'.
As of now, I have pan, bi, wlw, mlm, ace, aro, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, and queer!
Images ID:
A set of drawings with these traits: a circle with a small planet with craters to the bottom left, and a large planet with craters and an asteroid belt to the top right. There are ten of them, and the only differences are the color schemes, which match the flags of the identities stated above.
End ID.
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karometeenk · 2 years
The CBT, MLM, NB, STD, FTM alliance, nobody knows what each one stands for in context but they have to decide to support or not support it.
CBT is either cognitive behavioral therapy or cock and ball torture
MLM is either Marxist-Leninist-Maoist or men loving men or multi-level marketing
NB is either nonbinary or non-black
STD is either sexually transmitted disease or save the date
FTM is either female to male (eg; a trans man) or first time mom
communist gay men who fell for a pyramid scheme really won huh
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galaxia-art · 1 year
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[image description: 2 anthropomorphic cats in the same colour scheme as the bi and pan pride flags. the first image has both in the same image over a bi &pan flag gradient, the other 2 images are each cat on a transparent background. The bi cat is purple with darker patches, short fur, and a wirey tail. they're themed like a pirate, with a peg leg and eyepatch, blue trousers, an open pink shirt, and a purple sash belt. the pan cat is yellow with a slightly lighter underside. they're themed like a knight, with a pan flag shield almost as big as them, blue armour, and pink underarmour. end id]
Realised I forgot to post the rest of the cats, oops. Anyway here's the bisexual and pansexual fantasy pride cats!
The two I have left to upload are the genderfluid and intersex ones. I'm currently planned on doing the poly flag next because someone at a convention asked if i had any so I want to next time! they didnt specify if they meant polyamorous or polysexual so i might as well do both. If anyone wants to suggest any other flags they want to see as pride cats like this, please do suggest which ones so ill get to them faster!
Also, I have these on my redubble or my etsy! i'll have to link them in a rb because tumblr and its link problems.
some more cats
intersex inclusive progress pride flag | lesbian | mlm
nonbinary | transmasc | transfem
misc sketch ideas
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
You attracted:
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈✨The Gays✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Also umm haha if you want— this is your excuse to talk about your gender identity and how you figured it out because I’ve tried a million labels and they all feel icky and I like labels because they help me feel valid and like I have a community please help. I’m some form of nonbinary but every title feels wrong 🥲
we all just end up grouping together !! like bees or stand users.
this is a very complicated question but i’m happy to talk about my experiences! i didn’t really start thinking about my gender identity until fairly recently and it was a pretty immediate “oh shit i am NOT cis” kind of thing. i would probably describe myself as vaguely non-binary, but that term is so flexible i feel pretty happy vibing under that umbrella term.
i think my relationship with gender and sexuality are very similar in that i had to kind of be walked through the “no………other people don’t feel like that” thing. like i was always attracted to women but it took someone pretty explicitly saying “i feel this way about women and that’s how i knew i was bi” for me to finally realize “oh shit that’s how i feel. that makes a LOT more sense.”
i had to really sit down with myself this past year and be like okay……so your entire life you identified more with male characters in media. you frequently think to yourself “god i wish people were attracted to me the way they’re attracted to men.” you’ve always been drawn to mlm stories because even though you’re bi and have a general preference for men, you want them to love you like they love other men. even though you’re comfortable expressing yourself in a feminine way, you want to be perceived in a masculine way. that’s………that’s sure not what cis people think.
so even though i don’t specifically label myself and have never really directly “come out” to anyone in my life, i know that for myself that i want to be perceived in a specific way. i am not uncomfortable with being perceived as a woman. i truly don’t care what pronouns i’m called.
truly, don’t feel pressured to label yourself. even though it feels nice to put a tag on things, you have absolutely no obligation to do so. you are valid not because someone on the internet designed a flag for the specific way you experience one aspect of your gender identity, or because there’s a subreddit for the label you decide on (not to minimize those things, because i know having a very specific community makes people feel more comfortable.) you are valid because you’re a person who matters and whose experiences are completely normal, completely okay, and shared by others who love and support you.
in addition to that, labeling yourself one way doesn’t mean you can never change that label. i know i identified as pansexual for a while, but now that i’m an adult i’ve realized that the kind of attraction i experience is more in line with bisexuality, plus telling someone that i’m bi is a lot easier than explaining the many different subsections of that identity. all of them are valid, but i’ve settled on a word that makes me feel much more comfortable.
truly, finding or never finding a label doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. you’re valid nonetheless. plus, if you’re wanting a community, you already have one! just by realizing you aren’t cis, you’ve opened yourself up to a huge world of similar minded people that are struggling and celebrating in the same way you are. you’re valid, you’re loved, and i’m happy to talk more about this if you’d like. my messages and asks are both open so i’m happy to chat about this more.
also if you’re interested judith butler has a lot of cool things to say about this kind of thing? i know theory isn’t accessible or interesting to everyone but i’ve done a lot of reading and essays on her and her theory of gender performativity is really interesting. basically summed up it’s just: gender isn’t real, society’s just mean.
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painhaver · 4 years
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ok take 2 lmao...i decided to scrap the 7 stripe version of this flag as i was told it was too similar to the lesbian flag, which id like to take a moment to apologize for: it was never my intention to mimic the lesbian flag so closely n i apologize for not making sure my flag was different enough. from now on the only version acknowledged as the "official version" is this one
this is my proposal for a gay flag, specifically meant to represent everyone who falls under the G. ive seen mlm flags proposed before but i wanted to make one specifically for gay ppl that's also explicitly inclusive of nonb gays. my goal with this flag, if it gains any traction, is both to give gay ppl a flag to represent our community, as well as encourage people to use the rainbow flag for the entire lgbt community again, since that's what gilbert baker designed it for in the first place
some notes on the color scheme: the green tones were chosen bcuz green carnations r a long-standing symbol for gay men. i chose blue and violet tones because blue is a traditionally masculine color, and purple is a color historically associated with both lesbians and gay men/ppl. purple is also used in part as a subversion of expectations regarding traditionally masculine/feminine colors; subverting expectations is another thing i feel our community excels at
DARK GREEN: masculinity, manhood, gnc masc gays
LIGHTER GREEN: love, gay love being natural; this stripe is also meant to mirror the green stripe on the rainbow flag, which represents nature
LIGHT GREEN: nonbinary gay ppl, including those of us who dont id as men but are gay for men
LIGHT BLUE: gay trans men, including ppl who id only partly as men but consider themselves trans men
INDIGO: freedom, self-expression, and tenderness. the way we express our love to each other and the freedom to do so
VIOLET: femininity, feminine presentation, gnc fem gays
this flag is free for anyone to use with no credit needed [though youre welcome to tag me in anything u make with it!] and ive included a 500x500 icon friendly version above
a HUGE thanks to both @luciformz and @casinonight for helping me with this flag! the color alterations were sorely needed, the original version wasnt the prettiest lol. and an even bigger thanks to the lesbians who gave me input so that i wldnt make a flag too similar to the lesbian flag, many of u chimed in n i cldnt thank u enough ❤️
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lacefuneral · 4 years
I think it’s really funny how shatner and others play gay coded characters and then get upset that they’re not straight.. like thank you for the food. The accidental food. We tricked you into making us breakfast. You thought it was for you but it’s actually for us. Surprise bitch.
EXACTLY. Especially because it was intentional on his part? Because he had specific motivations for doing so. But then he turns around and clutches his pearls because he doesn’t want to commit. 
“Oh, if I buddy up Jim to Spock then people will see us as an inseparable duo and then MAYBE I’ll get more fanmail. Because right now Nimoy is hogging all of it and that makes me mad.”
“Wouldn’t it be really funny if Jim Kirk openly flirted with this man, or very clearly ogle this other man for the entire episode? Y’know... characters that we’ll never see again. That’s silly right? That’s humor. Just, chuckles all around!”
That’s... what’s what gay people do. You made a bi guy, a pan man. I don’t know if that’s what Gene had in mind when he created the character, but Jim is m-spec now. He’s mlm. He likes dudes. And probably (definitely) nonbinary people. And you did that, you gave us this wonderful gift. We just colored the lineart with pinks and blues. 
Also, I know it doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of “canon”, but even Year Five was like “Captain Kirk is not straight.”
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