#nora watts words.
hedonistiics · 6 months
starter for: @exsanguinatc
muse: nora watts. 21 - 26. bisexual. songwriter / producer. madelyn cline fc.
based on: this
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they kept running into each other, but having friends in common made it inevitable. the pair were constantly throwing jabs at one another and pushing the other's buttons in any way they could, and nora had convinced herself she hated them. however, time and time again they found themselves in the bathroom of some sleezy bar, their lips on each other and it always lead to more. "i fucking hate you," nora murmured against the other's lips, her hand going to the back of their neck and dragging them closer, her tongue playing along the seam of their lips, attempting to get them to open up for her. she desperately needed their taste on her tongue, their hands on her body and more than anything... she needed to cum.
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howlingday · 3 months
CRWBY: Wanna see us scar Jaune *kills Pyrrha*
CRWBY: Wanna see us do it again? *Stabs Weiss*
CRWBY: Wanna see us do it again? *Makes Jaune stab Penny*
CRWBY: Wanna see us do it again? *Isloation Jaune for 20 years and kill most of his new friends*
CRWBY: Wanna see us do it again?
Hang, let me do something... Alright!
Based on Watch Mojo
10. Jaune Arc has his eye ripped out and eaten by Salem. 9. Jessica Cruz comes back only to be revealed to be clone created by Neopolitan, leading to Jaune revealing his secret identity as The Huntsman to his sister Saphron. 8. Jaune learns that Weiss Schnee was impregnated by Cardin Winchester, but when she refused to use her children to kill Jaune, Cardin arranged for her death and raised the children on his own, believing they were abandoned by their father Jaune, who murdered their mother. Ruby Rose knew of the affair, but kept it hidden as a promise to Weiss. 7. Jaune Arc swaps minds and bodies with Arthur Watts, who was dying in a comatose state of Dust-Lung. Arthur's body dies, leaving Jaune's body in the control of Dr. Watts. In that time, Jaune then broke up with Jessica, disbanded Team JNPR, and was brutally violent. 6. Jaune Arc was buried alive by Hazel Rainart, who believed he had killed the young huntsman. He then went on to wear the similar armor to Jaune while Jaune was left paralyzed and in the dirt. By the time he'd left the earth, Hazel had already smeared Jaune Arc's good name. 5. In the RWBY Heroes Manga, we watch as Jaune Arc come into his own from dorky kid to genuine hero. Sadly, he met his untimely death at Tyrian's claw, passing away after defeating his hated foe, but not before he says good-bye to his sister and Weiss. 4. Jaune's sister had suffered a stroke and was in a coma for some time. She later recovered and the two then reconciled in some very sweet moments. However, she then dies again, a landmark event for Jaune only for the death to be... pointless, since she was a paid actress hired by Jacques Schnee while his real sister was imprisoned far and away in his mines. 3. Jaune and Ruby's darkest moment must have been when she had a miscarriage due to complications when she went into labor. However, this turned out to be a ruse by, surprise, surprise, Dr. Merlot, after Ruby was poisoned and led to believe her child died. This, of course, led to another rocky chapter in the marriage of Jaune and Ruby. 2. We come now to the tragedy that started it all. The origin of Jaune Arc's heroic pursuit, time and time again, the death of Terra Cotta Arc at the hands of a thief he hadn't bothered to stop mere days before. Terra had always been a mother figure in Jaune's life ever since his parents' death. Her mantra of "always go forward," words that stick by Jaune to this day as his own huntsman mantra. 1. Jaune Arc's greatest failure. His girlfriend, Pyrrha Nikos, took his place and was abducted to Beacon Tower by Cinder Fall. Jaune Arc had managed to reach to her but was too late to stop the arrow from piercing her heart. This was only made all the more tragic when their friends Ren and Nora were critically injured by Cinder as well, but not before revealing they knew Jaune was The Huntsman. Pyrrha's death spurred Jaune to chased down Cinder Fall, who died when her own fireball caused her to be crushed by the cavern they battled in. The death of the woman he loved hangs heavy on the heart of our hero, The Huntsman.
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armenianwriterman · 1 month
People not on the What The Heck Is RWBY Discord server are missing out lmao, we just had a 2 hour discussion on what various rwby characters would do on social media. Highlights include:
Weiss "has never had a social media in her life" Schnee meeting terminally online people
Yang and Blake announcing their relationship and someone responding with the "would lesbians have big boobs"
Summer having an AO3 account that Raven inherets when she dies, and now she has to complete a yaoi fic of a thirty year old show in between raiding villages.
Weiss having a bunch of Remnant Swifties speculating on her sexuality.
Blake unknowingly being tumblr mutuals with Cinder, whose account is unhinged even by tumblr standards and Blake manages to deduce her backstory from random posts made over the course of five years.
Watts creating a private social media for Salem's followers that Tyrian is the only one who uses.
Qrow still being on AIM
Ruby becoming an influencer to get people to help her fight Salem
The Happy Huntresses have a horde of lesbians who worship them online.
Cinder making a youtube apology video for the Fall of Beacon
Adam being a redditor and a tumblr user who makes rambling callout posts
Ruby posting videos of Somewhat like people post videos of dogs
Nora posting challenge videos
Penny wanting to go on social media with them, but being unable to get past the "are you a robot" screen.
In other words, we have fun on here.
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ryebecca · 2 years
love her like i do (ft. jake ‘ hangman’ seresin x f!reader)
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Summary: You overhear Jake talking to your newborn daughter. Fluff ensues. Word count: 609 Warnings: none, unless you despise fluff and dad!Jake - then I’d advise you to turn around. A/N: This is for @jostystyles​ “2.6k top tracks writing challenge”! The prompt was "I hope you look just like your mama, and love her like I do" from “Lady” by Brett Young. Congrats on the followers, Emmie! Figured I could flex my writing chops (or lack thereof) since I don’t really do that quite often. And thank you to my betas @writercole​ and @rhettabbotts​ - you’re the best. Enjoy!
Your eyes opened slowly, blinking away the sleep of the night. Or was it daytime? You looked around the room and it looked like there was light, but that didn’t mean anything. Damn, you must have really been out of it.
Where am I?, you thought with a start, panicking slightly until your eyes adjusted to the surroundings. You were in a hospital room. Slowly, you let out a breath. Right.
You had a baby.
No, of course, you didn’t actually forget you had a baby. But whatever meds they had you on, plus the sheer exhaustion of pushing another human being out of you gave you such vivid dreams that you couldn’t distinguish from real life. 
But what was very much real life was making cooing noises from the window. You couldn’t tell if it was the baby or the adult making them, though. Knowing Jake, bets were almost definitely on him.
You shifted in the hospital bed, wincing as you felt your entire body ache. Jake’s back was towards you while he faced the window, your daughter’s pink cap peeking through the crook of your husband’s elbow.
You were about to get Jake’s attention to readjust your pillows when you heard his whispers mingle with the adorable sounds coming from your little one. Jake rocked back and forth, soothing the bundle in his arms.
“Hey there, munchkin. I’m your daddy.” You heard a tiny grunt come from your daughter and you smiled. Jake chuckled lightly. “I know, I can’t believe it either, sweetness. But guess what? You’re one lucky kiddo. Your mama and I may still be figuring this whole parenting thing out, but it’s only been a day. I hope you’ll give us a bit of a break.”
Jake paused and kissed your newborn on the head, breathing in her baby-soft scent. “And sweetheart, I hope you look just like your mama, and love her like I do. And love her like I love you. She’s mighty pretty. And smart. She’s so smart. Maybe you’ll be a software engineer like her someday. Or an aviator like your daddy? I promise I’ll teach you how to fly someday.” Jake removed the cap and smoothed his hand over your daughter’s soft, downy hair. 
You snorted softly. “I think she should probably learn to sit up and crawl and walk and all of that before we put her in a cockpit with you, flyboy.”
Jake turned around, sporting his trademark mega-watt smile as he held your daughter. You had to admit, being a dad really suited him. “Oh, look who’s up. It’s your pretty mama I was telling you about, sweetness.” He walked towards your bed, gingerly sitting himself down on the edge of the mattress so he could scoot himself back to lie next to you.
You turned into Jake’s free arm, which he curled around you as you snuggled into his side. The two of you gazed down at your daughter, utterly astonished that you actually created her. When you looked up, you saw your husband’s beautiful green eyes staring lovingly into yours.
You turned and nudged Jake lightly with your elbow “What?”
“I just love you, that’s all. I love you, our baby girl, and the family we’ve created. I’m just…so lucky to have you both in my life.” He leaned forward, brushing a light kiss on your lips.
“Right back atcha, Bagman.” You murmured as you returned the kiss, breaking apart to gaze down at your daughter anew. 
You felt Jake kiss your temple and you snuggled into him even more. With a voice full of love he said, “Welcome to the world, Nora Elizabeth Seresin. We’re so happy you’re finally here.”
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atombonniebaby · 8 months
I suppose this is as good a day as any to share my OCs prologue chapter! I have already done a 'War Never Changes' piece for @falloutober but it's literally the title of the chapter 👀
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War Never Changes
Sanctuary Hills October 23, 2077.
Deep red leaves rustled in the crisp autumn air as the sun began to creep up over the hillside, casting a murky haze over the serene show of contemporary suburban living, America's "Homes of the Future." The residents of Sanctuary Hills lived in blissful ignorance as the world held its breath to the ever-present threat of Nuclear Devastation. Amidst the suburban sprawl, the morning sun warmed the cheeks of Nathanial Alasdair Watt, Nate to his nearest and dearest.
Nate leaned over a dusty blue cot, his eyes not quite believing that the soft and squishy bundle snoring away was his son. Months old already, how long would it be before he would be chasing after him around the cul-de-sac? With a lingering glance over Shaun, Nate slipped out of his room and stepped into the hallway, closing the door softly behind him. The house was quiet, and Nate's footsteps echoed in the empty hall, leading him to the kitchen.
"Ah, Master Nate! Good morning, sir!” Codsworth chirped, his eye stalks flitting in greeting. "Your coffee. 173.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Brewed to perfection!"
"Ah'll take yer word for it," Nate yawned, a fond smile spreading across his face as he reached for the steaming mug of coffee.
"Ah, of course, my apologies, Sir. 78.61 degrees Celcius!"
Nate snorted. "I flunked maths, son. Just say it's hot."
Codsworth let out a chuckle. "Ah, I forgot, the young miss is the brains of the operation."
"Aye, that she is. But she'll no be without a proper feedin'. Could you go rouse her for me?" Nate asked.
"Of course, Sir! Right away!" Codsworth trilled, floating away towards El's room.
"Good luck wi' that," Nate muttered, shaking his head. El liked her sleep, that one.
Nate chuckled, running a hand over his head, and frowned at the resistance. Big speech tonight. He could hardly rock up looking a scruffy mess, could he? With a sigh, he set his mug down and stretched out his back on the way to the bathroom.
"Lemme Sleep, Codsworth..."El's voice drifted through her door.
Ah, to be 19 again. Nate shook his head, smirking to himself as he turned to the closed-over bathroom door, a wide smile pulling in his cheeks when Nora's sweet voice filtered through, Shaun's favorite lullaby on her tongue. Nate would never tire of it or how her voice sent shivers down his spine.
"You're up early. How's my little man?" she asked as he stepped through the door. "I'm assuming you've been in there five times already?"
Nora, even under those horrid fluorescent bulbs, looked stunning. He caught her eye in the mirror she was brushing her hair in and gave her a wink. Nate took a few steps toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips brushing her neck. She hummed and leaned back into his embrace.
"What can I say, doll? Just like his mother, I cannae believe he's mine," Nate murmured, burying his face in her soft, icy-brown hair. "I keep thinkin' somebody's gonna pinch me, and I'll wake up from this dream."
Nora twisted in his arms, her green eyes sparkling. "You're a wonderful father, Nate. You shouldn't doubt yourself!"
"I hope so," Nate said, his ears growing hot. Nora knew him too well, and his bashful side never could stand up to her praise.
"I think Beth would agree with me. I mean, you practically raised that girl!"
Nate ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her nose. "She dotes on you, ye ken? She won't admit it, but she does."
"I like her too. I'm glad she's here. Now, care to explain why you interrupted my morning ritual?" Nora teased.
"I need some pamperin'," he raised his eyebrows. "Cannae hae this 'decorated war hero' looking like common street riff-raff, now can we?"
"Hmm," Nora smirked. "I dunno, that rugged Viking look is growing on me, Nathanial."
"Ooh, using my full name, eh?" he teased. "Am I in trouble, then, Mrs Watt?"
"You're always trouble, Nathanial Watt," Nora giggled.
"Tell the truth, doll. That's the real reason you married me, wasn't it?" Nate smirked. "That and the accent, aye?"
She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove away, returning to the mirror. Nate's grin lingered, his hands sliding to her waist. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and rested his chin upon it, gazing at her reflection. She met his eyes, a warmth and tenderness reflected at him.
"I love you, lass," he murmured against her hair, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "More than I can say."
Nora didn't speak, only leaned back, melting against him, a familiar gesture that spoke volumes. Nate's arms tightened, and he closed his eyes, wishing they could stay like that forever.
"Go get your trimmer; I'll at least neaten you up a little," Nora said, her voice thick. "Then, I'll see about breakfast."
Nate pressed one last kiss to her head and drew a sharp breath. "Yes, ma'am."
"—war never changes,” Nate sighed, the steamy air heavy with the weight of his speech.
“You're gonna knock 'em dead at the Veteran's Hall tonight, hon,” Nora purred, her fingers massaging the knots from his shoulders.
"Ye think?" Nate relaxed against her touch, letting his eyes flutter shut.
"Absolutely. Now get ready and stop hogging the mirror..."
"Right," Nate snorted. He stepped away and let Nora take his place. "You might want to fix the buttons on your blouse, love."
He couldn't help a small smirk tugging on his lips as she re-buttoned her blouse, not quite meeting his gaze.
"Wipe that smug look off your face, Mr. Watt! You're the reason I never get anything done around here!" Nora teased.
Nate couldn't help bursting out laughing. "Why dae ye think I bought Codsworth?"
"Out!" Nora laughed, pushing him towards the door.
"Love ye too, darlin'." Nate gave her a mock salute and stumbled out of the bathroom.
"Miss Elspeth, breakfast was served thirty minutes ago!" Codsworth's muffled voice met him through the opposing door.
"Codsy! Bugger off!...and 'ave told ye… it's Beth!" came El's equally muffled reply.
"My, my. For such a brilliant young mind, Miss Beth, your language leaves much to be desired."
"Get tae fuck, or I'll turn ye into a toaster!" El spat back, a bit louder this time.
"By God! I don't believe General Atomics programmed me with enough patience for this!" Codsworth sighed.
"I'll handle this." Nate interrupted, opening the door.
"Good luck, that child's got the mouth of a drunkard."
"I'm weeks away from twenty ye daft bucket o' bolts!" El retorted.
Codsworth sighed, bobbing past him a little less chipper than before. Poor bugger.
Nate chuckled and shook his head. Wearing that damn onesie, she was akin to an overgrown toddler in a babygro. El glared at him, her hazel eyes flashing with a fire that reflected his own, her cheeks flushed, auburn hair still a tangled mess, reminding him exactly why he opted for a smooth dome.
"Arse. Up. Now. Or I promise you I'll cancel that comic subscription I already reluctantly pay for."
El's eyes narrowed, a defiant glint remaining, a slight smirk curving her lips. "Ye wouldnae dare."
"Try me," Nate raised a brow and folded his arms. "And to rub it in, I'll replace it with one about all the latest fashion trends, braw big frilly skirts and whatnot..."
"Fine. Ye win." El rolled her eyes, sauntering past him.
"Smart move," Nate smirked.
"Bite me!" El snapped, stomping into the now vacant bathroom.
Nate chuckled, shaking his head, and approached the kitchen, his stomach growling in anticipation.
"Breakfast is served sir," Codsworth set down a plate of eggs and toast.
"Thanks. And if ye need the afternoon off to recharge after the morning ye've had, you take it!" Nate smirked.
"A good show of humor, sir, but with a steady supply of Mr. Handy fuel, I am proud to serve!" Codsworth chirped.
"Your thoughts?" Nora's voice drifted over him, snapping his attention back to the present.
Nate blinked, glancing at his wife. She was studying him, her brows knitted. Damn. "I'm worried about her, doll. She won't admit it, but she's been having trouble sleeping again. I cannae remember the last time I saw her without dark circles under her eyes."
"She's just stressed. It's been a big year for her. Why don't you take her away for a few days? It's been a while since you two had time together," Nora suggested. "You could take a little road trip or something?"
"Aye, I'd been considering it, but I can hardly leave you with the wee one, can I?"
"I've got Codsworth to help. And besides, Shaun's not exactly a handful." Nora grinned, nudging him. "Take her. Trust me, she needs it."
Nate chewed his lip, his brows furrowed. Maybe she had a point. El had always loved his impromptu adventures.
"Okay, I'll talk to her about it—"
"Talk to me about what?" El asked, walking into the living room, her frown deepening as she looked between them. "I'm sorry! I know I've been—"
"No, stop right there! " Nate shushed her. "Ye don't go apologizing...I know you've been overloaded lately with all your projects."
El shrugged, dropping onto the couch beside him, her eyes fixed on the TV. "Yeah, I guess. It's just a lot, and I—"
"Deserve a break? Me and Nora reckon you've earned one," Nate grinned, nudging her. "So, how about we take off in a day or two? It's been a while since we've done a drive together, just you and me?"
"Wait, you're serious?" El stared at him, a smile breaking across her face, but her frown returned as she turned to Nora. "You're okay with that?"
"Are you kidding? Some peace and quiet, hell yeah, I'm okay with that," Nora barked a laugh. "And Codsworth's here to help, so I'll be fine."
"I like her, Nate. Can we keep her?" El smirked.
Nate's laughter bubbled, shaking his head. "Aye, she's a keeper, alright."
Nora gave them a fond smile, rising from the couch."Alright, you two, I'm going to help Codsworth tidy up, give you time to plan."
"Thanks, love," Nate's fingers curled hers as she pulled away, before turning his attention back to El.
"So, short-stop, any votes on where ye want tae go?"
"Laurey, Virginia—"
"The Caverns, again, lass?" Nate's eyebrow quirked.
"Come on, it's been months since we went to D.C. We could do a day trip to Laurey and then spend the rest of our time exploring the Capital!"
"Fine, but that damn mole costume is stayin' put!" Nate chuckled.
"She looked adorable in that thing. Never know, maybe she'll catch someone's eye!" Nora's laughter floated over them from the kitchen, and Nate grinned.
El blushed, her hand rubbing against the back of her head sheepishly. "I'll stick to studying, ta—"
"Quite right. I don't think there'd be many nerdy, bookworm Spelunkers out there that could put up with your pish!" He couldn't resist.
El's nose wrinkled, and her eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence—jackass."
Nate snorted and leaned back, his arms draped over the back of the couch, tuning into the TV.
The same usual shite.
A knocking came to the door, and Nora sighed. "It's probably that salesman. He's been trying all morning, insisting he talks to you."
"Oh, great." Nate rolled his eyes and lurched out of the sofa.
An all-smiles fella in a trenchcoat greeted him when he opened the door, stepping forward. "Good morning! Vault-Tec calling!"
"Sup, chief," he deadpanned, leaning against the doorframe.
"You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you," the rep explained.
Nate frowned—something about the guy's tone made him nervous.
"Alright, son, I'm here now."
"So you are, so you are,' the rep chuckled. "I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111. I just need to verify some information. That's all! Don't want there to be any hold ups, in the unforeseen event of *ahem*...total atomic annihilation."
"But there's room for my entire family, right?"
"Of course. Of course! Minus your robot, naturally."
"Oi, Codsworth is family!" El retorted, appearing at his side, her eyes narrowed. "He's a wee gem! We can't just leave him!"
Nate's hand fell upon his sister's shoulder, squeezing it. "General Atomics promised Codsworth could survive anything, even a nuclear blast," he reminded her, her sentiment mirrored in his heart. "Go. I've got it from here."
El nodded, a defiant glint remaining in her eyes, but she stepped aside.
Nate glanced at the rep, his unease growing."All right, let's have it."
"Splendid, splendid. Let's get to it. Just need you to fill out this paperwork, and we're all done. Won't take but a moment."
The rep pulled a clipboard out of his briefcase and held it out towards him.
Nate frowned, his jaw tense, glancing down at the stack of papers. He took the clipboard and scanned the pages, his frown deepening.
"What makes me 'S.P.E.C.I.A.L?' That's a bit on the nose, is it no? And this whole damn thing seems a wee bit excessive, no offense, son."
"None taken! It's simply a matter of determining what roles you may be able to undertake in a new life underground!"
"Well, lucky for us, we have a certified vault technician in our fold. My sister just finished her Masters at C.I.T. Did a whole project around Vault safety and maintenance," Nate couldn't help the proud smile creeping into his cheeks.
"Masters? At C.I.T?" the rep's eyebrows shot up. "My, my, that's impressive."
"Aye, she got the brains of the family. I clearly got the looks," Nate joked, handing the clipboard back to the rep. "Think that's everything, chief."
"Wonderful! That's..." he skimmed over the documents, smiling. "Yes, indeed, that is everything... just gonna walk this over to the Vault! Congratulations on being prepared for the future!"
"Aye, thanks..." Nate forced a smile, his jaw still tense. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a wee one who needs a bit of a feed."
"Of course, have a great day, sir, ma'am!" The Vault-Tec rep tipped his hat and strolled off, the tension in the man's shoulders not lost on him.
He watched the rep go, his instincts prickling as he stepped back inside."Something aboot that didn't sit right, did it, El?"
"I didn't like it, Nattie. You don't think he's doing this because—"
"Elspeth, don't get him started," Nora interrupted, her voice strained. "It's just a precaution, that's all."
Nate swallowed his throat tight. "Maybe ye're right, doll, but just in case, we should double-check the go bags."
Shaun's wails rang through the house. Cutting through his words, Codsworth followed.
"Master Nate. Shaun has been changed, but he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he needs some of that "paternal affection" you seem to be so good at."
"I've got 'im." Nate smiled and strode down the hall, his unease lingering. Nora's footfalls followed.
"Right, ye wee gremlin," Nate teased, sweeping a finger over Shaun's cheek. Shaun's cries grew fainter, his teary gaze fixed on Nate.
"Spin the mobile a bit. He loves that," Nora cooed, stepping up beside him.
Nate gave the mobile a gentle spin. Shaun's gaze drifted to the spinning rockets, green eyes wide, and his cries now soft whimpers. Nora brushed Nate's arm with her hand.
"Maybe we should go out later, a walk in the park?"
"And miss the World Series on TV? Not going to happen." Nate smirked. "But tomorrow, I'm all yours! I promise."
"I'll hold you to—"
"Sir? Mum? You should come and see this!" Codsworth's urgent voice drifted over them.
Nate frowned, exchanging a glance with Nora. "Codsworth?"
"I've got Shaun," Nora assured him, scooping the baby up.
Nate hurried out of the nursery, a knot forming in his gut, his blood rushing. "Codsworth? What is it, son?"
"Sir... the news..."
El was perched on the couch, her knuckles white around her backpack, its contents organized on the coffee table. "They actually did it."
"Did what, lass?" Nate frowned, sitting beside her.
“—followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions..." the news anchor caught his attention. "We're... we're trying to get confirmation…But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations."
"What? What is he saying?" Nora's voice drifted over them. "…Oh no.”
“...We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania…My God.”
The screen crackled, and the signal was lost. Nate's gaze fixed on the 'Please Stand By' screen. His mouth ran dry, a cold sweat prickling across his forehead.
"We have to get to the Vault. Now! Get all that back in the bag. I'll grab the rest." Nate blurted, his heart pounding against his ribs.
"Nattie...I'm scared."
"We're goin' tae be fine, El. We've prepared for this...You two wait for me outside!" Nate instructed, racing into their bedroom.
He yanked open the closet, his hands trembling, hauling out his and Nora's packs, followed by Shaun's. He slung them over his shoulder and hurried through the house for the front door—stopping on the threshold, glancing over his shoulder at Codsworth.
The Mr. Handy's eye stalks flitted over him, and he glided forward. "Goodbye, sir. May I say what an honor it has been to serve you and your family!"
"Ye've done us proud, son...maybe we could—"
"Now, don't you worry about me, sir! You have your family to think about. Go on."
Nate nodded, a lump forming in his throat. "Thank you, Codsworth..."
"He'll be alright, won't he?" El's voice pulled his attention.
He stepped onto the sidewalk and grabbed his sister's hand. "He'll be fine. Now c'mon, we gotta move!"
They raced down the road, Nora ahead of him, Shaun cradled against her chest. Nate swallowed hard, his hand tightening around El's. His mind raced. Vault-Tec. The rep—he knew something was up. That bastard knew this was coming!
"Nattie?" El tugged his arm, slowing.
"We're almost there, lass. Keep moving! Come on, we're nearly there—"
"We're on the list!" Nora's frantic voice greeted them, and Nate frowned as that Vault-Tec rep darted by them.
A soldier blocked their way, checking over a clipboard."Infant... Adult male... Two adult females... OK, go ahead."
Nate's heart pounded. It was real. This was really happening. They climbed the hill and clambered onto the platform, his arms circling Nora and El.
"Almost there, we're gonna be alright. I love you, all of you." Nate murmured, his pulse throbbing in his ears.
"We love you too," Nora whispered, her gaze locked on his.
The sky lit up with blinding white light, and the ground shook beneath their feet. A deafening roar filled the air. Nate's eyes widened as a mushroom cloud grew colossal in the sky. The blast waves thunder towards them, and El buried her face against his chest. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact.
"Send it down now!" a desperate voice shouted.
An orchestra of "Oh gods" and terrorized screams flooded his ears. The platform shuddered beneath them. His arms held tighter.
The blast crossed over them. The screams echoed, his breaths shortening, the pressure around his ribcage suffocating.
He held Nora, his lips pressed to her head, praying she couldn't hear his racing heartbeat.
The light faded, and the shockwave died, his ears still ringing.
The platform shuddered to a halt.
His eyes met Nora's, tears streaming down her face.
They had made it.
"Everyone, please step off the elevator and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion," the Vault-Tec security guard that greeted them instructed.
El clung to him as Nate made a move to follow the others, her breaths ragged and short. He glanced at Nora, Shaun sleeping soundly in her arms.
"She'll be okay. We're right behind ye," Nate murmured. "We just need a minute."
Nora nodded, her hand resting on his shoulder. "We won't be far. I'll go find out what's what."
"Be right with ye," Nate murmured, kneeling to meet El's gaze. "Hey, hey, look at me, lass. Look at me. Deep breaths. In and out. Like we practiced."
El's eyes flicked up to his, wide and fearful. She bit her lip, nodding. Her next shaky intake of breath was longer.
"Good, lass. Again. In and out."
She followed his lead, and soon enough, El's breaths steadied as her panic subsided, her grip on his loosening.
"You're a natural," Nate grinned, easing himself up.
El didn't respond and instead stood closer. His arm circled her, guiding them toward the vast cog-shaped doorway that loomed above them. Nate's heart beat faster. This was home now, for better or worse.
"It's impressive, eh? No wonder ye wouldny pipe doon about these Vaults!" Nate quipped.
El glanced at him, a faint smirk pulling in her cheeks. Nate squeezed her shoulder, their footsteps ringing as they climbed the metal stairs.
His eyes found Nora as they crossed the metal walkway. An orderly queue had formed behind her as she was collecting something up ahead.
Nora handed him a sealed bag and another for El. He eyed it, noting the '111' matching the jumpsuits some staff were wearing.
"What, do they no' come in a braw purple or maybe fluorescent green?"
El snorted at that, a wry smile curling her lips, and Nate's heart lifted a little. She was okay.
"Just follow the doctor here. He'll show you where to go," one of the scientists instructed.
"Lead the way, doc."
As Nora chatted with the doctor, El pulled away, her steps a little firmer, her gaze still far away.
Nate was drawn to the sudden bite in the air, a shiver running through him as he followed. People chatted, residents to Vault staff. Everyone seemed as edgy as he felt. They were led to a larger room filled with 'decontamination pods,' he was told as he was led towards one.
His attention pulled back to El, her belongings dropping to her feet. She stepped in front of them as one of the staff members attempted to collect them.
"I'm sorry, miss, but you cannot take your—"
Without a word, El unveiled a lanyard from around her neck and fixed them with a stern eye.
"You're a Vault-Tec intern? Very well, but be assured, vault-tec will not be held accountable if anything were to be damaged or stolen."
El nodded, her jaw set, and Nate couldn't help a smirk. Stubborn wee devil. Nate stripped to his boxers and tugged on his Vault suit, his skin prickling.
"Could ye's no have turned on the heatin'? It's colder than a polar bear's arse in here!" Nate grumbled.
El was already suited in her's when he looked up again, leaning against her pod, shoulders slumped, a blank expression set over her feature—still not back to herself yet.
"Can you hold him?" Nora asked, pulling his thoughts. Shaun curled up against her chest.
"Of course, love," Nate scooped him up, letting Nora get herself situated. He walked over to El, her fingers brushing Shaun's cheek, a weak smile curling her lips.
"Ye gonna be alright in there? I know how you get in tight spaces."
She held up her backpack, patting it fondly. Of course, she was always packed for every occasion.
"Right then, guess we'll see ye soon," Nate tried, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Okay, I can take him," Nora's hand rested on his arm, and Nate reluctantly handed Shaun over and planted a kiss against her cheek.
Nate climbed into his pod, and with a hiss, the lid descended, his breath misting the glass. His eyes locked onto Nora's, her gaze locked on him as her own pod closed, and she bounced Shaun in her arms.
"Just try to relax," the doctor reassured.
Nate nodded, pressing his hand against the glass. "Time for a whole new life."
"Resident secure. Occupant vitals: Normal," a robotic voice filled his ears.
A rush of cold flooded his pod. Nate's pulse spiked, his next breath shuddering.
"Procedure complete. In 5... 4..."
With every beat of the countdown, his vision whitened. Frost intertwined his eyelashes with every blink—everything faded.
Nate blinks away the frost that clings to his eyelashes, stretching his jaw to loosen the remainder of his beard and whiskers. It was a cold that hung as heavy as iron chains. Every breath stung his chest like swallowing broken glass as violent coughs wreck through him.
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately," The computerized voice echoed through the intercom, and a hiss filled his ears.
As the pod door lifts away, Nate's still-thawing limbs do nothing to prevent him from stumbling forward. His knees crack against the slick steel floor, a haze of mist following him. He didn't dare look up, unwilling to face the truth that the nightmare was real. But there was no escaping the memories that assaulted every fiber of his being: Nora's please, Shaun's cries as they tear him from his mother's embrace. Nate's own screams—lost in the deafening Gunshot that silenced Nora and continued to echo as Shaun's heartbreaking wails faded away—the face that mets him and the words that followed:
At least we still have the backup.
"That scar-faced bastard! Why did he have tae—"
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately,"
"Oh, shut up!" Nate yelled as he snapped his head back. "Can ye no see I'm havin' a moment, ye pushy cow!"
Blissful silence filled the chamber once more, and Nate breathed a sigh of relief. As if another entity had taken control of his body, he stood to his full height and ambled forward. His steps were clumsy, and fog engulfed the room as he moved toward Nora's pod. The faint glint of gold caught his eye. Her wedding band shined through the condensation. His fingers trailed over the icy glass.
Nora, his best friend, the woman he pledged his entire life to. Her rosy cheeks were now dusted blue, fear still painted in her expression. Her arms were so painfully absent—Shaun. He's just a baby, and they tore him out of her arms. Nate's knees buckled some, jolting him forward, and he braced himself, breaths coming out in rasps, his lungs constricting, the very walls closing in. His eyes opened over his wedding ring, a matching piece—he'd be dammed if he was leaving her's behind.
"C'mon! C'mon! There has tae be a release!" Nate barked, desperation bleeding into his brogue as he stepped back to take in the pod, reaching for the lever at its side.
His breath held as Nora's pod opened to him. Slowly, reverently, he slipped the ring off her finger, ignoring the spiderwebbing of frosted blood that now decorated her jumpsuit. Together, he joins their bands onto the chain around his neck, keeping them safe with his dog tags, holding them tight in his grasp. The mere sentiment of having them together offers a measure of comfort.
"I'll find who did this, and I'll get Shaun back. I promise."
With a brush of his lips against the cool metal, Nate tucks the chain securely behind his vault suit, and the fog clouding his mind subsides some. All he had to do was get El and get the hell out of this godforsaken ice box.
Shaky hands grip the lever release to El's cryopod, and he is met with an immediate sharp, jolting buzz that has him staggering back.
"Malfunction in Cryo Pod manual release override." A robotic female voice announces over the intercom.
"No-no-no! C'mon! I need tae open this damn thing!" Nate pulls the handle harder. Again, the error noise frays his nerves, not releasing. "Come on!" He presses a palm to the frost-covered glass, feeling the cold sting on his hand. "El!" Tears stream down his cheeks, warm against the cold fog surrounding him. "No. This can't-" His forehead rests against the pod. He closes his eyes tightly and sobs. “Ye cannae do this! I just need tae get El!"
His mind falls back to the terminal those scientist-looking folks were working on when they were after Shaun, how they opened Nora's pod. Nate spins on his heels and sprints forward, almost pummeling into the console as he slides to a halt. Fingers still stiff from his suspended animation, rattle the keys. Nate squints at the screen with a shaky breath, jumping through the entries as quickly as his frozen digits allow.
******** Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink ********
Thank you for choosing Vault-Tec!
>Cryogenic Array: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
>Life Support: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
Pod Occupant Status
POD C1: Miss Watt
>Occupant status: Deceased. Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to Life Support failure.
It takes several moments for him to comprehend the words laid bare.
Every occupant record painted the same picture: Cause of Death: Asphyxiation.
Nate collapses, his knees slamming on the steel, fingers clawing at the frost-covered ground, and a scream rips through him, a blood-curdling wail that echoes out in the empty chamber. Every cell in his body is alight, a sickening, bitter cold fire. His shoulders shake violently, and he balls his fists, pounding them to the floor until his knuckles are raw. He barely feels the biting pain as the fight seeps away, leaving him drained, tears frozen on his cheeks.
Nate doesn't move for a long moment—left alone with his thoughts and the steady Drip. Drip. Drip. of frost melting. His little sister is dead. They're both gone. It would be easy to submit to his grief, crumple over, and lose himself in the pain—but they have his son. He has to find Shaun, even if all he has left is a warped image of a man who ruined his world. A scar-faced bastard whom Nate committed to memory. His fingers curl around the chain of his dog tags, fidgeting the wedding bands between bloodied knuckles, the cold metal grounding him, and as Nate grits his teeth, steeling his heart, and sets his jaw, he stands.
A silent vow plays on his lips: For Shaun. For Nora. And for El. He would rain fire upon whoever took them from him, even if it meant tearing whatever world awaited him apart, one bullet at a time.
He vows it as he looks upon El's face. Russet frost-bitten curls drape across her forehead. A picture so peaceful she may as well be sleeping.
He vows it as his lips graze Nora's cheek before resealing the pod, committing his love's image to memory.
He vows it as his fingers trace Shaun's name, etched in ink within the tan line of his wedding band.
As the Sole Survivor of Vault 111, he has nothing left to lose and everything to fight for.
War Never Changes, and Nate was ready to wage it.
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I firmly believe CRWBY is afraid of the girls that make the acronym. That’s why the side characters get all the development.
That’s why Nora got the scars saving Atlas, Oscar got Ozpin, Jaune got aged up. That’s why none of the girls are a maiden. That’s why stuff that really narratively matters keeps happening to the side characters.
RWBY is their merchandising ticket. If something permanent happens to the girls or they take up more plot narrative. Then it might be like Vol 4-5 Blake where a lot of people don’t like them. And they can’t have that. Who will buy their RWBY merchandise? They need to keep the girls safe and palpable so they can keep slapping them onto everything.
Like even the current arc, let’s be honest it’s basically a filler arc that has no real over all plot narrative in their fight with Salem. And even here, it should have been in anyone else’s hands should have been old lady Ruby. Since we know this transformation won’t stick for Jaune. This could have been a interesting direction fro her. Instead we got this nothing that won’t be mentioned as Soon as the volume ends.
Holy shit yeah, you put this in much more eloquent wordings than I can.
Honestly, while I would argue that no one but Jaune actually have the respect a character should have, it's true that the main girls almost never had any substantial development for them that actually meant something. Not since Mistral at least.
Even when they did, it all went to shit. Blake became a coward, Yang became someone who no longer have empathy for her friends and family like she did in Vol 2 for Blake, Weiss couldn't bring herself to see that her own brother was suffering like she did and became a comic relief for no reason. And poor, poor Ruby's development while interesting for the most part, it was never developed organically.
I don't mind them not being maidens, that would just be too much with how much the narrative just want them to be right all the time, but you're right that the side characters were the one making actual development. Nora did, Oscar did, Ironwood did, Watts did.
Not Ruby, Weiss, Blake or Yang. And we see what they're good for, especially with Yang and Blake. They're tools to keep RT relevant after each scandals because God forbid logic be taken seriously here.
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metawatts · 1 year
What are your thoughts about the fight of Ironwood vs everyone in vol. 8? I was so annoyed by it. I felt like they nerfed Ironwood so hard. Oh, and the writers decided to NOW use Marrow's semblance to stop characters before they can start fighting (the Ace Ops). Would have been nice to have consistent writing and have Marrow use that in the fight against RWBY. (Loved your review of JLxRWBY, btw. You put exactly how I felt into words.)
Well the reason you feel like Ironwood was nerfed was, in fact, because he WAS. I pulled this fact from the rwby wikia because I don’t have it in me to actually hunt down the quote, but, according to the Director’s commentary on episode 12, ‘the reason that Ironwood lost was because the writers felt that Team ORNJ deserved a win after losing to Neopolitan in Volume 7.’
So don’t worry, you’re not crazy. Ironwood absolutely got nerfed so MKEK could make sure JNR didn’t look like the jobbers we know they are. That’s plot armour, deus ex machina, and hand of the author at work, straight from the horse’s mouth. No one is allowed call MKEK good writers ever again, do the words 'kill your darlings' mean nothing anymore?
Anyway, this fight. It’s crap. Honestly a lot of the fights in vol8 are just really bad, that volume was just a disgrace in every way. Personal gripe: the song that plays over it, ‘Be Strong and Hit Stuff’, is probably my least favourite song on the entire vol8 album and considering all of them on the whole suck except for the one that was not written for the show, that’s a low bar. Most of why I hate this song is because Nora is without a doubt my absolute least favourite character in the whole show, but it’s also just. I’ll do song rankings one day.
It's just the same style of formulaic combat that rwby does in every fight of the entire volume. It’s just JNROW mashing their attack buttons until they get a decent combo. And the qrow and robyn and marrow vs the other ace ops scene? Don’t even talk to me about that, so Marrow suddenly has the guts to stop fighters in their tracks when it’s his old team? Vol8 really took every character I vaguely liked and put a gun to their likability (except you Watts you kept slaying, I named this blog for YOU).
I mean, real quick combat breakdown: Emerald rips off Mercury’s kick and then does nothing for the rest of the fight. Jaune and Oscar trade off ‘whack ironwood with my bladed weapon/cane’ before Ren does his stupid rope trick and decides he wants to try whack at Ironwood. Ironwood is doing great here honestly, he’s just in full boxer mode, his guard’s consistently up, he recovers quickly and adapts, he lands some good blows. Jaune and Ren also quietly drop out of the fight here, because Nora is getting powered up by Winter, somehow, even though she’s never been shown to use dust ever she suddenly uses it all the time even though her weapon lacks the same sort of dust casing as Weiss so where’s this come from you’d think she’d have used it against Cinder when she was literally getting killed but WHATEVER-
Anyway Nora gets the first major relevant hit on Ironwood because literally of course she does, we cut off to Marrow being a turncoat, and then cut back to Winter and Oscar riding a Manticore while Nora joins Jaune and Ren and Emerald in ‘not existing in this fight sequence anymore’ land, and apparently they just decided after getting one hit in they’d pause to get on an animal instead of continuing attacking, this fight makes no sense.
Anyway, Ironwood destroys the Manticore barehanded, king shit, Winter hits him with the ice dust she suddenly uses, Oscar poke attacks, and right when ironwood’s about to knock this kid out of the stratosphere, Winter uses some sort of flashy finishing move that is literally ripped from Kill La Kill I see those studio trigger sparkles. Again, also makes no fucking sense either, what even is this, and don’t tell me ‘rule of cool’ because it wasn’t cool, it was lame. And also, so much for ‘give JNRO a win’, they can’t even stick to their own favouritism because Winter does all the actual fuckin work here.
Overall scores
Story Context: 4/10
Fight Choreography: 1/10
Authorial Bullshit Intervention (Plot Armour, this time admitted to): 10/10
Emotional Investment: 4/10 (but only because I wanted Ironwood to at least megaton punch Jaune or Nora into outer space)
Deserved Outcome: 1/10
Also, thank you!! I ended up having a lot of fun writing out my JLxRWBY review, even if a lot of it was tempered by Seething Rage. Being a miserly grump sometimes is good for the soul, after all.
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spectralscathath · 3 months
What would the cast of Antares have as their Epithets if they were transported to the world of Epithet Erased? It doesn't have to be associated with their semblance. It can be a new power entirely.
ooo this one is fun! I ended up grabbing a lot of characters because honestly the dynamic is entirely up to interpretation, so I'm just going to give the characters and their epithets, I think!
Also on a lot of these, I actually decided by just rolling random word generators a whole bunch of times until something jumped out as interesting or distinctive to tie to a character, I'll be honest. It made it a lot more fun, having that randomised element rather than specifically worrying about tying things in. A lot of these are based really on vibes, or on the fun that could come from the secondary meanings of words, or how the powers could work.
RWBY Ruby Rose: Starjump Weiss Schnee: Chromatic Blake Belladonna: Bombshell Yang Xiao Long: Heart
JNPR Jaune Arc: Contraindiction Nora Valkyrie: Berserker Pyrrha Nikos: Arrow Lie Ren: Oilslick
STRQ Summer Rose: Ghostwriter Taiyang Xiao Long: Cook Raven Branwen: Stagehand Qrow Branwen: Undertaker
WTCH Salem: Fossil Arthur Watts: Diagram Tyrian Callows: Carnival Cinder Fall: Mundie Hazel Rainart: Salt
ASSORTED #1 Sun Wukong: Spooky Emerald Sustrai: Wish Mercury Black: Doppler Adam Taurus: Beartrap Roman Torchwick: Charm Neopolitan: Lovebug Vernal: Obnubilate
FANCIV Flynt Coal: Cool Arslan Altan: Shoelace Neon Katt: Poptart Ciel Soleil: Binoculars Iris Marilla: Dirge Velvet Scarlatina: Snapshot
ACE OPS Clover Ebi: Champion Elm Ederne: Hazelnut Vine Zeki: Herpetology Harriet Bree: Orchid Kelpie Tortuga: Snail Marrow Amin: Paint
ASSORTED #2 Penny Polendina: Helpful Polly: Fairy Oscar Pine: Staircase Whitley Schnee: Soap Winter Schnee: Vampire Ilia Regnbue: Tidepool Robyn Hill: Vessel Sienna Khan: Queen Shion Zaiden: Net
OZLUMINATI Ozpin: Mundie Glynda Goodwitch: Casette Bartholomew Oobleck: Rhyme Leonardo Lionheart: Goldleaf Yoruhime Taniguchi: Darkness James Ironwood: Quasar Yvainne Stellaria: Gloss Theodore Gale: Hound Morgan Thresher: Piracy Ozma: Cleric
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invincibleweasel · 1 year
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deedeli-liveblog · 1 year
RWBY ReWatch Volume 7: PENNY!!! :D
Okay, so what do I remember from this Volume? PENNY!! She’s back. The Ace Ops were introduced here, Clover dies a stupid death, Robyn is here, Ironwood starts off crazy, calms down, and then completely loses his shit by then end.
Yeah, that’s about it. Broad strokes, but the finer details elude me. So let’s get started.
Oh, this was the volume they changed Qrow’s VA, ahklhdhka. It’s so noticeable.
This is the first Volume since 4 that the captions have functioned as they should.
They have such a large, colorful, conspicuous group now alkdhkjhfaksh.
qrow didn’t even need to punch those tigers but he did that for me
Oscar’s weapon is so funny, he is quite literally just aggressively poking things to death.
I’m that guy from ATLA that foams at the mouth and passes out, but for everytime Penny shows up.
Mmm, Clover’s introduction has him picking up the very weapon used to kill him later on. Nice touch.
Unlike the last two Volumes, I vividly remember the OP for this one. Mostly because I have the damn song on my phone, because I immediately fell in love with it. But also because that one image of Penny smiling that’s in the OP, because I love her.
Ironwood actually laughs a little bit when Ruby admits to stealing the airship.
Damn, I know Ironwood kinda falls off his rocker later, but RWBY and co., reaaaalllly made it worse. Like, he made a real, genuine effort to assuage their worries and make himself trustworthy. Opened himself up completely to them.If they were as upfront with Ironwood in the beginning as he was with them, maybe he wouldn’t have reacted so poorly.
Oh no, I forgot about Qrow and Ironwood’s hug. :c  That just makes it sadder that Qrow wants to kill Ironwood later..
I smile every time I see Tyrian, I can’t help it. 
I don’t think I had noticed before that Yang gets an actual gauntlet for her robot arm now, instead of using just built in guns.
We still don’t get to see Nora’s landing strategy.
Sorry, but you can’t make a fishing pole a cool weapon. It’s just not happening.
I noticed this volume has actual wording on a lot of the screens that can be read instead of indiscernible scribbles. Case in point: one of the earlier monitors mention a toilet being “decimated”.
Marrow is so funny, oh my god.
The second Jacques can’t get anywhere with threats he moves straight into emotional manipulation. Fucker.
Jaune being popular with the moms is too cute.
I’m so happy FNKI got a little cameo this season, I love them so much.
Robyn was really about to throw away her chance at winning the election over a single truck of supplies.
Oh damn. Winter was looking forward to being the Winter Maiden. She considered it as part of her destiny and it was a decision she was making her own. And then it was ripped out from under her. That’s gotta sting like hell.
Oh, right. Nora and Ren start having relationship issues this volume. Poor Ruby just wanted to go to a fun party with friends.
We get a bunch of cute Penny moments to placate us before we move into Sad Penny days.
It’s actually SO GOOD to see Nora put her foot down for something serious.
Ironwood saying that Salem’s lack of humanity is her greatest advantage actually makes his turn to outright villain make a little more sense. He’s out to win now, and if losing his humanity and restraint is what helps that, then so be it.
Oh, Klein was fired. Shame, he was a sweet character. Jacques couldn’t hire anyone else? Just gonna have his son act as the butler? Okay.
Watts and Ironwood fighting in a gravity arena is such a fun stage for their battle.
Pffft, Watts falls after shoving Ironwood’s arm into the hard light shield, but Ironwood didn’t do anything to him. So really, Watts just threw himself to the ground to be dramatic.
Tyrian is SO fun to watch when he’s fighting, he’s like a little tornado of knives and poison.
Damn, Qrow, Clover, and Robyn had Tyrian completely overwhelmed in that fight. That seems to be the way to beat him seeing as he’s usually the one overwhelming his opponents. If Clover and Qrow had focused on Tyrian after the crash they could’ve easily subdued him again.
Every scene with Salem is so well done. It’s always so ominous and chilling, she constantly feels like nothing but a threat.
If Clover dying is what it takes for me to get that amazing scene with Qrow and Tyrian fighting together, than so be it. Sacrifices must be made. U.U
Also, I never commented on what Tyrian’s doing when his hands are glowing with what I assume is his aura. He did that once before when he attacked Fiona and he cut straight through her aura. Then he does it again when fighting Clover. His eyes are purple, so it’s a subset of his poisoning, perhaps.
It’s kind of hard to see, but it looks like he retracts the blades on his wrists when he does it too. Huh...
Okay, I went back to watch A Night Off, and when Tyrian attacks Fiona one hand is purple and he uses that to tear straight through her aura and then uses the blade on his other hand, the one that’s not purple, to slice her. So Tyrian has the ability to just slice through someone’s aura temporarily. The poisoning must be just an aspect of his Faunus traits, and tearing through aura is his semblance.
oh no the whaaaaale
I didn’t really have a lot to say this Volume that I didn’t say during my first watch. As a whole it’s very well done, posing interesting questions and choices for all the characters and an overall consistent theme.
I will say that, having to constantly pause the show every minute to make commentary or screenshots, warps the pacing of the episodes in a certain way that can skew my first impression vs someone who just watches the episode normally. But I still really enjoy doing it this way, so that’s not going to stop me.
A quickie for the first 5 episodes of Volume 8:
I can’t believe i forgot about the fucking HOUND
So thinking about it now, I never really believed Emerald when she said that Cinder was her family because I don’t think Cinder has said one nice thing to Emerald the entire show. Beyond a generic “good job” or something like it. Like, Cinder has very clearly treated Emerald the same way she treats most everyone-- putting them at a distance, no affection or genuine attention. But Emerald acts like Cinder would be affectionate to her. She gets excited when she sees her and at one point it even looked like she was going in for a hug. I wonder if Cinder’s behavior towards Emerald is a new thing? Like Cinder was kind and affectionate (as much as Cinder is capable, anyway) to her before, but has recently needed to put on airs and treat Emerald different now? Maybe? I dunno. I don’t really see it, but it’s the only thing I can think of making sense. Cause I dunno why Emerald would keep acting like this towards Cinder if Cinder has always treated her so indifferently.
Annnnndddd, that’s it!
That concludes my rewatch of RWBY, now I’ll move into the next episode, Midnight, See ya then and thanks for reading!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Justice League x RWBY: The Scars We Never Let Heal
by Starman42 After the defeat of Killgore and Watts, all seems well on Earth, untill it becomes clear the Grimm haven't been completely eliminated from the Earth. Jessica Cruz goes to get help from Remnant again and with the team too busy to offer assistance, Jaune decides to go to Earth alone. But complications arise that will test the young Green Lantern greatly as she struggles to both prove her compatance and juggle her feelings for Jaune with her responsibilities. Words: 8120, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Jaune Arc, Jessica Cruz, Vixen, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Yang Xiao Long, Nora Valkyrie, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Barry Allen, Kal-L | Superman (Superman: Red Son), Black Canary (DCU), Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne Relationships: Jaune Arc/Jessica Cruz Additional Tags: Action & Romance, Slow Burn, Social Anxiety via https://ift.tt/LQcEkM0
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hedonistiics · 7 months
starter for: @svftlove
plot: nora's in love with her best friend, who's clueless about nora's feelings towards her.
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it was her best friend's surprise birthday party and everything was going off without a hitch. nora had planned the entire thing, inviting everyone who knew and loved her friend and she looked around the room, happy with how everything had turned out. well, save for the fact that she'd barely had a moment with the guest of honor. attempting to spot the other woman, her hands clenched into fists the moment she saw her in the arms of her ex-boyfriend. the same ex who had treated her like shit and who was definitely not invited to the party. without really thinking, she stormed over there and grabbed ahold of the girl's arm, dragging her away. "are you fucking kidding me?" every word was laced with anger, "do you not remember how he messed you up?" she whisper-yelled, not wanting people all up in their business, as the unspoken words lingered between them. do you not remember how i had to pick up the pieces afterwards? however much it pained nora, she would never be able to let her friend suffer after a break-up. however, with every breakup came her own heartache, as her feelings for the other only continued to grow with time. "please tell me this is a moment of temporary insanity, and not actually what you want?" nora pleaded with the other, her heart breaking for what felt like the millionth time at the prospect of her being back with her ex.
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#mark barberio - 67 posts
#avs lb - 62 posts
#clemberio - 47 posts
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#wlgyl - 32 posts
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#when life gives you lemons - 31 posts
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#serving “mom returning from a work trip and just hoping the kids didn’t overrun her husband and tear the house apart” vibes
My Top Posts in 2022:
When Life Gives You Lemons-- Part 2
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders, OCD etc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic not just particular chapters.
Word Count Chapter: 3663
Word Count Total: 7,949
Author's Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Thank you SO much to @hockeylvr59, @newlibrary, @itisawitchesworld, and Nora, who I can't seem to tag. The rewrite of this fic wouldn't have happened without all of you. Thank you for indulging my impulsivity. All of you can see Mark in action during the upcoming Olympics! Reminder that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC. Also *~*~*~*~* means a POV change. Flipping between Mark and Clementine. Today we are beginning with Clementine.
Chapter 2
I rolled my eyes so hard I’m pretty sure I saw my own brain, but despite that, I ended up sliding down the wall and sitting next to him. Thanks to the tilt of the floor, I slid next to him until we were touching, shoulder to hip.
“Is it difficult being this dumb all the time or does it come naturally?” A warning blinked behind my eyes, Brain to Mouth Filter Failure.
His beard was short, but thick; despite it, I saw his lips curve into a smile. “Around you it’s effortless.” He paused before continuing, “You know you seem pretty unperturbed about being stuck in a leaning elevator with a certified moron.”
I offered an anemic shrug before continuing nonchalantly, “Ohh ‘unperturbed.’ Did you hurt yourself?” One of his thick eyebrows arched and he flashed a 1000 watt smile but didn’t dish the insult back which made the game less fun so I answered, “My world feels like it’s on fire all the time. I’ve had complete mental breakdowns because I accidentally used a blue pen in a journal that I only used a black pen in. Comparatively, this feels like no big deal.” It felt weird to share that personal detail with someone I found so annoying.
He nodded at Daze, “Is that what she’s for?”
A personal detail was one thing, spilling my entire life story was another thing completely and he must have picked up on my hesitation because he held out his hand and said, “How about we start over. Hi, I’m Mark Barberio.”
Ok. He WAS an idiot, but at least he seemed aware of his hoof and mouth disease. I gave his hand a firm grip and shake. “Clementine. Clementine Jones, and this is Daisy, but I just call her Daze.”
“She seems like a good service dog and not at all for a blind person,” he grinned like this was now our inside joke.
I rested my hand on her head thinking about the freedom she gave back to me and took a deep breath, “She’s the best.”
The conversation lulled and I’d be the first to admit that I let it die. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I had a thought. “Wait, you said you texted Gabe?”
His answer was a lazy nod of the head with a “mmhmm” that sounded like it reverberated in his throat.
“What is the likelihood of him making me suffer by association, simply due to the fact that I’m stuck in an elevator with you? Because I just met him today and he seems like a nice dude and I think we’re copacetic, but I could easily see him leaving you in a steel box for a few hours.” I flashed back to the mischievous glint in Gabe’s eyes earlier.
Mark just shrugged, “I don’t know, Lime, guess it depends on if he likes you.”
“Great.” I slumped harder against the wall. “Any chance you want to share that Wi-Fi password so I can contact some people so they don’t worry?”
A few taps on his phone and a notification popped up asking if I wanted to save the password to the Wi-Fi. As soon as I hit accept, my phone started buzzing so hard it almost fell out of my hand.
Nora: Hey, I’m running late. There was a thing with the room I’m painting. It looks NOTHING like the swatch and after sanding and refinishing the floors and having the paint not look good I had a little mental breakdown. FINE NOW.
Nora: Ok, I am 10 minutes late, but where are you?
Nora: Ok. I’m worried now. Did you get stuck at work? WHERE ARE YOU?
The last one came in as I hit reply and tried to tap out a response faster than Nora could dial 911.
I’m fine! Stuck in an elevator with no service! I’m sorry. I just got on the Wi-Fi.
Nora: Oh, shit! Are you alone? Do I still need to call 911? Where are you?
I’m fine. You know I handle actual emergencies better than like… not being able to find my lucky socks.
Nora: This is true and you’ve conveniently ignored the “are you alone” question.
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102 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
A Not So Southern Christmas-- Part 6
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This is obviously a rewrite of my old fic. I have been feeling romantic and Christmasy, so I figured it was time to bring back my favorite holiday couple. Title banner by the wonderful @whatishockey. Thank you thank you thank you to the people who periodically peek at this fic to make sure I don't make too many typos and mistakes. @hockeylvr59 @rymurrsneckbeard and @princessphilly
Synopsis: When Adelaide Thibodeaux finds her husband to be diddling the wedding planner in the Church before their nuptials, she walks out and is determined to take her dream honeymoon by herself. Until she gets a seat upgrade to first class and ends up next to Hurricanes Defenceman, Joel Edmundson. Holiday shenanigans ensue.
Author's Notes: This was written in early 2019 before Eddy went to Montreal as a free agent. I will be tagging both teams. It's been a while since I've posted a dual POV so reminder that *~*~*~*~*~* delineates a change in POV. Today we are beginning with Eddy.
Tag List: @leafs-foreverr, @pagirl6866, @colecockfield If you would like to be part of the tag list, please let me know.
Part 6
Just over an hour later we were crawling along I-90 in an SUV the size of a tank. After the second close call of almost being sideswiped by another vehicle sliding on ice after a single mile on the interstate, I was thankful for it. It was a rideshare, so I didn’t care if it only got two miles per gallon, as long as it was able to get us to the airport in one piece.
Adelaide finally turned on her phone and I just arched a brow at her as it vibrated in her hand for what seemed like a solid minute while she looked annoyed, “You ok there?”
She gave me a withering glare, and she looked so cute that I couldn’t help but smile, which made her glare harder and the entire thing was just a circle of me being amused and her getting more furious. It was fantastic.
Poking around on the screen, a call connected and started to ring as she brought the phone to her ear. I could hear her mother’s voice on the other end of the line. “Hi Momma, is everyone there? Put me on speaker.”
I was thankful it was a regular voice call and not a facetime, because I knew her father would pinpoint the “I just fucked your daughter nasty" vibes wafting off of me from four states away.
“No, Adele, I'm not putting Eddy on speaker.” She sighed and dropped her phone to her lap, hitting the speaker button with her thumb. “FINE. Is everyone here?”
“Adelaide why are you in a car, it sounds like you’re in a car.”
She transferred the phone to her opposite hand as I stretched my arm across the seat and intertwined our fingers. “Eddy and I are going to the airport Mama, our flight leaves at one.”
Her father’s rich baritone chimed in, “I guess there’s a first time for everything, one of my daughters not being stubborn? I better buy a lottery ticket.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes, “Daddy.”
“Eddy, son she IS going with you, correct?”
I cleared my throat, “Yessir, she agreed.”
“Good. Finally. Adele you’re next.”
Adelaide mouthed “I’m sorry” at me.
The conversation devolved from there. “What does that mean Daddy?” Adele sounded irritated.
“It means you need to stop being so stubborn and accept help and maybe find a good man.”
An argument started between the two of them, with Dottie interjecting at random times. There was something about college and Adele getting her Masters while working. Adelaide looked bored, like she had heard this argument before. She started massaging the palm of my hand with her thumb and staring out the window as her family argued.
Finally, Adele’s voice cut through the nonsense, “Addie and Eddy’s hotel room only had one bed!”
I caught the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror and I don’t think he felt at all sorry for my impending death.
Adelaide’s attention was suddenly diverted back to her phone, “ADELE! Daddy, there was one bed, but I slept on the couch.”
Her sister wasn’t to be swayed from her current path of turning the attention to Adelaide, “Daddy, I looked at photos of the suite, the couch was too small for anyone to sleep on.”
He sounded displeased, I was suddenly very aware the man owned a hardware store and all murdering/disposing bodies things were readily available and no one would blink twice at him having any of them. “Eddy made you sleep on the couch?”
Adele sounded breathless, “THEY WERE CUDDLING THIS MORNING.”
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110 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
When Life Gives You Lemons-- Masterlist
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Synopsis: Disabled OC and service dog get stuck in an elevator with Mark Barberio. Shenanigans ensue.
Word Count Total: 93K (this includes unposted parts)
Author's Note: Shout out to @newlibrary who has tirelessly created the graphics for this story. She's the true hero here.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
129 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
When Life Gives You Lemons -- Part 1
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders etc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic not just particular chapters.
Word Count: 4286
Word Count Total: 4286
Author's Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Thank you SO much to @hockeylvr59, @newlibrary, @itisawitchesworld, and Nora, who I can't seem to tag. The rewrite of this fic wouldn't have happened without all of you. Thank you for indulging my impulsivity. All of you can see Mark in action during the upcoming Olympics! Reminder that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC.
Chapter 1
“Ok, can you look at the camera please?”
The flash was blinding and while I appreciated the professional set-up, I couldn’t help but wonder if a nerd named Kevin with a cell phone and a white wall would be more efficient. This seemed excessive and far more painful. I found myself blinking to see if my retinas had detached.
The photographer fiddled with the settings for a moment, “Can we do one of your service dog too? I’d love to make her a little badge for her vest.”
I actually thought that was kind of cute, I doubt Kevin would have been as creative. “Sure,” I agreed, “Come on Daze.” I asked for a sit/stay on the little platform and waved a treat behind the photographer.
“Great, these are so cute,” The photographer declared. “What were your names again?”
I sighed, this was about to be awkward, “Clementine and Daisy.”
She blinked at me, her brain processing the names and trying to figure out who was the flower and who was the fruit. I took pity on her and clarified before she short circuited and smoke began to pour out of her ears, “I’m Clementine and the dog is Daisy.”
She sucked her lips into her mouth and nodded enthusiastically, perhaps to compensate for her previous reaction, “Um ok, give me just a second to get these printed.”
Within a few moments, she had handed us our badges and I had to admit the outcome was a little better than using some random nerd named Kevin with a cellphone. I attached the clip of the badge to the pocket of my jeans and Daisy’s to her service dog vest. I didn’t normally make her wear it, but it was my first day at the job I desperately needed and they had given me a chance despite my need for assistance so I wanted her to look the part.
Sports had always been one of my passions but I didn’t have an athletic bone in my body, so I embraced the rules, the stats, the analysis. Numbers had order and always made sense to me, but I just wasn’t quick enough to be a statistician. However, the very best thing about sports is all the numbers could make sense, but the underdog could still win. There was no way to measure luck, to measure a human being’s ability to dig within their soul to beat the odds. It was this, the human element, that attracted me to sports.
It was only after a nasty divorce, a complete mental breakdown, and facing the stark reality of starting my life over completely with nothing to show for a quarter century on the earth that I decided to go back to school, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Sports Communication.
Before that,I spent a year in and out of hospital psych wards, sedated while they tried to glue my brain back together. When that hell was over, I was forced to move back in with my parents, becoming their dependent again. I also got Daisy, a service dog to help me juggle depression, anxiety, PTSD, and all the medications I had to take in order to return to society as a semi functional person. With Daze’s help, I was able to go back to school and reinvent myself and now here I was, on the farside of 30 and almost human again. Truthfully, I had no idea what “normal” was but I had decided I was going to be it. I was going to be normal.
I was starting my life over from scratch, as a new college graduate old enough to be the parent of some of my classmates and a psych ward veteran who was probably the subject of several academic papers. I am the product of a really shitty emotionally and physically abusive marriage which left me with a slew of partly recovered emotional wounds, but all of that was still better than what I had been, as my therapist was constantly reminding me.
It had taken many strings pulled by my professors and, unfortunately, my father, the head basketball coach for Denver University, for me to get this job. Even then, I wasn’t entirely sure I hadn’t been given it because I checked the affirmative action box for being a disabled woman (double the diversity). And by job, I mean, this was a temporary paid internship gig and if the Avalanche executives liked my content the position would be created and then I could apply. Imposter syndrome was something I struggled with daily and my therapist had invested a great deal of time trying to teach me that it wasn’t nepotism, strings my father pulled in Denver, a hiring percentage, or a variety of other things that got me the job. The Avalanche Organization could have said no. They saw my academic projects and were curious enough to create this internship. It was up to me to keep it.
The makeshift photo studio was in the depths of Pepsi Arena, while Human Resources was several floors up in a part of the building that had windows. Having completed my surprisingly good staff photo with Not Kevin, Daze and I stood directly in front of the elevator ready to make our way up and navigate the next part of the new hire process. I was absentmindedly pressing the UP button as if that would make the car arrive faster when the ding sounded its arrival. I was completely unprepared for anyone to actually be inside the elevator, much less a herd of Avalanche players in full game regalia-- down to the blade covers on their skates.
I barely had time to register the half a ton of boisterous testosterone bearing down on us before Daze darted behind me to avoid being trampled. In surprise, I stepped back and felt one of her little furry paws under my heel. She gave a yelp and my knees buckled to avoid putting my full weight on her little toes.
Before I hit the ground, arms were around me and I found my face pressed firmly against the Avalanche logo covering a hard chest protector. To my credit, I managed to turn my head to avoid a bright red lipstick stain on the fabric of the jersey.
Daze whined as I was righted by the ridiculously strong arms I was wrapped in, and the chest I was pressed against stepped back, putting me squarely in front of my savior and his four compatriots. I blinked for a second as I got my bearings and tried to make my mouth move in a way that wouldn’t haunt me at 3 am a decade from now, but my savior spoke first, his voice quickly snapping me back into reality.
“Whoa, your hair is like… blue.” He sounded like the least intelligent frat boy I had ever come across and my nose wrinkled in distaste as I felt my eye twitch.
It was such an inane response that I forgot I was in front of a bunch of professional athletes, most of whom I watched on a regular basis and all of who could now get me fired on a whim. Now I will be the first to admit I put my foot in my mouth a lot; mostly, because there’s no filter going from my speech center to my mouth and I’m not ashamed to say, working in sports, I often felt like the smartest person in the room. “It’s actually more of a navy, but thanks for the commentary Captain Obvious.”
The four players who were mostly blocked by the pair of broad shoulders and helmet, took an audible step back, and so did the set of pads in front of me which was bad for my IQ. The first thing I noticed were his eyes which were the color of the hazelnut coffee I liked to drink in the morning. My face went slack and I promptly forgot everything I’d ever known, including my own name as I stared into their rich depths.
An accented voice that didn’t seem to be attached to a body floated across my vision, “Is she okay?”
“I think so?” The man standing in front of me waved a hand in front of my face.
Daze whined and I swallowed, the world coming back into focus. My voice sounded far away when I spoke, “I’m fine, we’re both fine.”
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144 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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We stan a man who reads
232 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Avengers: Remanents of Earth
by KarmaSpidr
An incursion is happening. Two universes are about to collide. The heroes of one universe gather in hopes of coming up with a last-ditch attempt to save their world.
They are interrupted when their world is destroyed without warning and our heroes find themselves in a world similar to but different from theirs called Remnant.
Someone from this world sacrificed their Earth to save their own. The Avengers need to adapt to this new world as they prepare to battle not just the evils of this world but also their own.
For they are the Remnants of Earth.
Words: 5352, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel, RWBY, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Avengers (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Peter Parker, Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Stephen Strange, Ozpin (RWBY), Glynda Goodwitch, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee, Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, James Ironwood, Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Winter Schnee (RWBY), Roman Torchwick, Salem (RWBY), Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, Penny Polendina, Pepper Potts, Adam Taurus, Arthur Watts, Hazel Rainart, Tyrian Callows, Neopolitan (RWBY)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos, Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Additional Tags: Avengers Tower, Remnant (RWBY), Incursions (Marvel), Crossover, Beacon Academy (RWBY), Stark Industries (Marvel), BAMF Avengers, Angst, Multiverse, Humor, Team Dynamics, Team as Family, Protective Avengers, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), Everyone Needs A Hug, Magic
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/foeFCYb via IFTTT
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rachetmath · 3 years
Favorite (Characters)
Ruby: *barges in* RatchetMath!
Me: What is it Ruby?
Ruby: You’re showing favoritism.
Me: Okay. And?
Ruby: You need to stop. Why not draw us for once?
Me: Hm, maybe because I like Jaune more. Hell I like Penny and Neo more than you or your team.
Ruby: Why?!
Me: Because your team is horrible.
Ruby: So is team JNPR!
Me: Yeah, but only because they have to follow you. They have some individuality but we don’t explore that as much. Plus, your team would be dead without them. But you know what Ruby, I would rather draw Yang, Blake or any other character except Weiss than you right now.
Ruby: What?! But I’m-
Me: The main character that barely does main character things. Woman, Salem was in Atlas! Why was she not your top priority? Why was James your problem?
Ruby: Um well…
Me: Ruby, she knows your mother! She might know what happened to her! I get Yang was some levels your mom but shouldn’t learning what happened to your actual mom be just as important? Especially after that dark memory.
Ruby: That is true.
Me: You have silver eyes but you still don’t know how to use them. There was army of grimm around Mantle and that would have been good practice. And a better solution than Ren.
Ruby: But then I be overpowered.
Me: No. Ruby your silver eyes only work on one person. If someone sneaks up on you or doesn’t care about that light you give off then, you’re dead. Maria is proof on that.
Ruby: Um..
Me: Plus, the question that everyone in the audience could have an answer to is whether your silver eyes can even work on Salem. In all honesty, it proves the writer don’t keep track of the characters and their personalities to where they fit together in story. You know what I have been making skits, trying to be funny but… the jokes died. Look guys I-I’m sorry but… let me explain.
1. Ruby and Blake should have stayed in Mantle. Why?
1. Salem is the main villian. She knows Ruby’s mother. You know the same mother who left for a mission and didn’t come back. The same mother, who Ruby knows nothing about while everyone seems to have different perspectives of her. Or has a better clue on who she is, than Ruby herself. Plus wasn’t Salem after her too? She basically would be killing two birds with one stone by kidnapping Oscar and giving Ruby a reason to see her. That way Ruby isn’t assuming what happened to her mother. Let Salem antagonize Ruby. (Question: Can silver eyes work on Salem?)
2. Perfect training for silver eyes. Let’s face it, Ren proved to us he can mask a bunch of people without Jaune’s help. All he needed was concentration. However, Ruby is more effective because silver eyes seem to be able to destroy multiple grimm on sight. And with lives on the line that gives Ruby plenty of reason to start using them.
3. Ren calling Ruby out on her issues. Look I loved how Ren was willing to tell the truth, but him revealing Jaune cheated Beacon was… weak. Reason being it relates to Jaune’s character and Ren still follows Jaune’s orders. However, Ruby, who is supposed to be a prodigy because she came to Beacon two years ahead of her class, has not proven once that she is worthy of such praise. The only reason-The ONLY reason Ruby was enrolled into Beacon was her silver eyes. Ruby even in volume one has been nothing but liability. Initiations, she almost dies from a Stinger. Stake out, she almost got run over by a truck and it ended in failure. First mission, she gets kidnapped and almost destroyed a city block. Roman, a man with no semblance or aura continues to beat her four times in a row. And it gets worse. Ruby almost got her uncle killed. She was the first to get knocked out by Emerald. Almost dies by a robot and Godzilla. And the moment she arrived in Atlas her first move was to lie to James. She didn’t even try to stop Tyrian when she saw him. She had her gun with her too. Ren is not her sister, he might as well tell her the facts so she can do better.
4.  Blake is Faunus. Mantle hates faunuses. Why not have Blake help them to prove faunuses are people too? Let Blake represent her people. I mean Velvet and Sun represent faunses more than she does her whole existence. Blake also can relate to Ren’s problem. How? Blake was a part of the White Fang, so there were expectations she had to fulfill. Especially when trying to measure up to Adam. However, she explains the longer she was in the White Fang, the more she found out how messed up and extremely bias it was. Including with Adam to the point she decided to leave. She even states she was lucky that Yang even forgave her after all the trouble she caused her. Blake challenged her bias nature, and it made her stronger for it. Blake would be basically telling Ren the more he tries to live up to someone else’s expectations, without seeing their flaws, the more he loses touch with himself and everyone around him.
5.  Oscar shouldn’t have been able break out of Salem on his own: I’m sorry but… Oscar got beat up. Took a magic beam to the chest. Had to switch between him and Ozpin and mind you he had no aura to help him. He should be tired and unable to move. (In my opinion, this kid was given too much screen time. At first I was worried about him but now I’m wondering why was I worrying at all.)
2. Jaune and Yang should have gone to Atlas.
1. Penny is basically Pyrrha in the opposite light. Penny’s special because she’s a robot with a soul, a mind of her own and an attitude to prove it. She is just as human as everyone else, but no one seems to treat her as such. James only sees her as something of a weapon. Pietro treats her like child even though she’s more mature than the rest of the female cast, except Maria. And now with maiden powers, everyone is out casting Penny even more. Jaune is perfect for her because he has experience with this kind of issue. However, he would’ve had to take different route to the situation considering his failure with Pyrrha last time they had discussion on maiden powers or responsibilities (Destiny.).
2. Jaune already has been a part of maiden business since volume three. His reason to be with Penny would be make sure she doesn’t meet the same fate as Pyrrha or Amber. Not just for himself but for others around him. Especially since Cinder was in Atlas and is willing to hunt her down for the maiden powers. And James was willing to turn Penny into a soulless machine to follow his every command. (Actually, Watts is more a fault considering he hates Pietro.). James and Cinder are also opposite to Jaune in some ways.  James earned his position and earned respect from his military. Jaune on the other hand cheated, and unlike James might not have everybody’s respect. Cinder treats her allies like tools. And with power she just consumes and gives nothing return. Jaune however treats his allies like family. And instead of just taking power he gives power to others around him. He’s the reason Cinder has maiden powers. So, him making it his personal mission to make sure Cinder doesn’t get more power only increases his resolve to protect Penny. (Especially since he already had to kill her in the canon finale.)  In other words, James and Cinder purposed a challenge to Jaune. Can he pervert history from repeating itself? Can he really protect the maiden powers? Is he truly worthy of being a huntsman? What is he willing to risk in achieving his goal? (Also let’s be clear. Hazel beat Oscar down for the password to the relic. James shot the kid and was willing to let him fall to his death. Qrow intentionally punched the kid.  I don’t care if it was for Ozpin, he still punched Oscar. Lion before even knowing Oscar was Ozpin reincarnation was already about kill him anyways. All Jaune did was push him to a wall. Yes, Jaune still would have hurt Oscar, but he didn’t. He walked away.)  
3.  A lot of the situations could’ve been avoided or mattered if Jaune was there. Don’t believe me? Well let me explain. Was Ruby the only option when sneaking pass Central Command? No, because they had Weiss, Nora and Penny. Weiss could have done a freezer burn like in her fight with Marrow. Or Nora could have thrown her grenades and Penny just shoots them before the hit the ground or damage anything. Both causing a smoke screen, so no one sees them. Plus, they were already caught by using Pietro credentials. Did Nora need to get knocked out for the team to escape? No. If she had Jaune with her they could’ve one caused an EMP wave being Jaune has gravity and Nora has lightning. Or two, if Nora still went through with it, Jaune would have healed her immediately. Penny lifting and keeping the arena in place. If Jaune and Weiss were with her then once Amity was in position, Weiss with Jaune’s assistances can keep it place so Penny can come back inside and the whole video could be played. Also, Pietro would know what was going on with his daughter and can properly explain how to fix her. (Better than Jaune healing her.)
4. Nora’s whole character is knowing who she is without Ren right? Then why not just have her lead the evacuation once she’s done with Atlas? Why not have her and Yang work together along with the happy huntress to evacuate Mantle? Especially if their friends disappeared to save Oscar. (And before ya’ll tell me they can’t do it….. Yang, blocked a punch from a mech, held off a Manticore, and has a semblance that literally lets her take damage and dish it back five times harder. Nora who literally crushed Weiss and Yang in a food fight. Knocked a giant horse down on its knee. And knocked Hazel away.  Are you seriously saying these girls are not enough to take on a few little tigers? Come on!) If the whole point of Nora’s character development was finding out more about herself then let Nora try something without Ren. Let her call the shots. Let her take charge. Give her a character. (Hell don’t stop there. Have her interact with other characters. Like Jaune. Yang. Weiss. Or anyone other character than Ren. Let them tell her what they think about her. Let Nora be a solution to a character’s struggle. Ya’ll make it sound like Nora has no friends.)
5. All Yang needed was a break from Ruby and Blake. In all honesty Yang should have been the one to see the hounds face and kill it. Why? Well Ruby is Yang’s sister and only reminder of her nonblood related mother. And Blake is her girlfriend. And if we saw the hound’s face, we know it’s not just a silver eyed person. It’s also a faunus. This will give her a reason to protect both her loved ones because by seeing the hound she knows Salem intention with Ruby and want to keep her, and Blake from meeting the same fate of being turned into monsters. Yang should’ve been the 2nd to 4th member of team RWBY to fall. Why? One, a Yang vs Neo fight. Two, Cinder and Neo both wanted Ruby dead. So why not get rid of Ruby first? The fights would have been more thrilling and seeing the character, the show is named after, presumed to be dead would have added stakes and tension to the fight. (Also let me say this. Why is it, that the only great display of the maiden powers I’ve ever seen, was from Amber and not the maidens, as of now, Winter, Raven, and Cinder? The maiden powers are basically magic right? Why isn’t Cinder using any other element than fire?)
6. Weiss was completely useless. Look, as the saying goes, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” And when it came to Weiss and family, she has little to no clue of what it is nor deserves it. Weiss should have been more of an inspiration for Whitley to do right. How? By simply talking to him. What reason would she have other than Mantle? Simple, he’s her brother and she started off like him. Beacon, she was a brat. She was arrogant. And more importantly a jerk. Blake ran because of her racist attitude. Ruby literally had to impress her to prove she can be leader. Even though Weiss is not leadership martial herself.  Plus, hearing May and how she and her family never resolved their issues should inspire Weiss to not repeat that mistake. And guess what, her mom, Willow, the drinker of the family, wasn’t wrong. Both her and Winter left Whitley alone. Klein wasn’t there for him either. All Whitley had was his father. So Weiss, actually acting like his sister and trying to help him allows him to feel less alone. Instead Weiss was complete Jacque through out the entire volume.  
And that’s all.  Look I know I should have seen this coming but I had to say it.  Volume 8 could’ve been good. The problem was.
1.       Characters are not placed well within the story.
2.       We lost track of who said characters are.
3.       The ships are in the way.
4.       Being dumb for the plot. (Sometimes it’s necessary.)
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atombonniebaby · 6 months
Love in the Crosshairs: Just the Thing I need
Some notes!
(Love in the Crosshairs is my Nate and MacCready series 🙌 Part one begins Vanilla blends into SS2's storyline and jumps between Nate and Mac's POV)
(Note on the title: When Jake did his "Why it's an ASAM, just the thing I need!" I was fully invested in Sim Settlements 2 🤣)
Now that I have finally complete SS2, I know exactly how this whole thang plays out 💪🏻 I got 4 chapters for ya! (and then some...but those ain't in order yet 🤣)
Relationships: Nate & MacCready (father-son dynamic🙌), Nate/Jake Evans (SS2) MacCready/Sturges
Chapter 1: War Never Changes.
(I've posted this prologue before...but I have more chapters!)
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Sanctuary Hills October 23, 2077.
Deep red leaves rustled in the crisp autumn air as the sun began to creep up over the hillside, casting a murky haze over the serene show of contemporary suburban living, America's "Homes of the Future." The residents of Sanctuary Hills lived in blissful ignorance as the world held its breath to the ever-present threat of Nuclear Devastation. Amidst the suburban sprawl, the morning sun warmed the cheeks of Nathanial Alasdair Watt, Nate to his nearest and dearest.
Nate leaned over a dusty blue cot, his eyes not quite believing that the soft and squishy bundle snoring away was his son. Months old already, how long would it be before he would be chasing after him around the cul-de-sac? With a lingering glance over Shaun, Nate slipped out of his room and stepped into the hallway, closing the door softly behind him. The house was quiet, and Nate's footsteps echoed in the empty hall, leading him to the kitchen.
"Ah, Master Nate! Good morning, sir!” Codsworth chirped, his eye stalks flitting in greeting. "Your coffee. 173.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Brewed to perfection!"
"Ah'll take yer word for it," Nate yawned, a fond smile spreading across his face as he reached for the steaming mug of coffee.
"Ah, of course, my apologies, Sir. 78.61 degrees Celcius!"
Nate snorted. "I flunked maths, son. Just say it's hot."
Codsworth let out a chuckle. "Ah, I forgot, the young miss is the brains of the operation."
"Aye, that she is. But she'll no be without a proper feedin'. Could you go rouse her for me?" Nate asked.
"Of course, Sir! Right away!" Codsworth trilled, floating away towards El's room.
"Good luck wi' that," Nate muttered, shaking his head. El liked her sleep, that one.
Nate chuckled, running a hand over his head, and frowned at the resistance. Big speech tonight. He could hardly rock up looking a scruffy mess, could he? With a sigh, he set his mug down and stretched out his back on the way to the bathroom.
"Lemme Sleep, Codsworth..."El's voice drifted through her door.
Ah, to be 19 again. Nate shook his head, smirking to himself as he turned to the closed-over bathroom door, a wide smile pulling in his cheeks when Nora's sweet voice filtered through, Shaun's favorite lullaby on her tongue. Nate would never tire of it or how her voice sent shivers down his spine.
"You're up early. How's my little man?" she asked as he stepped through the door. "I'm assuming you've been in there five times already?"
Nora, even under those horrid fluorescent bulbs, looked stunning. He caught her eye in the mirror she was brushing her hair in and gave her a wink. Nate took a few steps toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips brushing her neck. She hummed and leaned back into his embrace.
"What can I say, doll? Just like his mother, I cannae believe he's mine," Nate murmured, burying his face in her soft, icy-brown hair. "I keep thinkin' somebody's gonna pinch me, and I'll wake up from this dream."
Nora twisted in his arms, her green eyes sparkling. "You're a wonderful father, Nate. You shouldn't doubt yourself!"
"I hope so," Nate said, his ears growing hot. Nora knew him too well, and his bashful side never could stand up to her praise.
"I think Beth would agree with me. I mean, you practically raised that girl!"
Nate ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her nose. "She dotes on you, ye ken? She won't admit it, but she does."
"I like her too. I'm glad she's here. Now, care to explain why you interrupted my morning ritual?" Nora teased.
"I need some pamperin'," he raised his eyebrows. "Cannae hae this 'decorated war hero' looking like common street riff-raff, now can we?"
"Hmm," Nora smirked. "I dunno, that rugged Viking look is growing on me, Nathanial."
"Ooh, using my full name, eh?" he teased. "Am I in trouble, then, Mrs Watt?"
"You're always trouble, Nathanial Watt," Nora giggled.
"Tell the truth, doll. That's the real reason you married me, wasn't it?" Nate smirked. "That and the accent, aye?"
She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove away, returning to the mirror. Nate's grin lingered, his hands sliding to her waist. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and rested his chin upon it, gazing at her reflection. She met his eyes, a warmth and tenderness reflected at him.
"I love you, lass," he murmured against her hair, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "More than I can say."
Nora didn't speak, only leaned back, melting against him, a familiar gesture that spoke volumes. Nate's arms tightened, and he closed his eyes, wishing they could stay like that forever.
"Go get your trimmer; I'll at least neaten you up a little," Nora said, her voice thick. "Then, I'll see about breakfast."
Nate pressed one last kiss to her head and drew a sharp breath. "Yes, ma'am."
"—war never changes,” Nate sighed, the steamy air heavy with the weight of his speech.
“You're gonna knock 'em dead at the Veteran's Hall tonight, hon,” Nora purred, her fingers massaging the knots from his shoulders.
"Ye think?" Nate relaxed against her touch, letting his eyes flutter shut.
"Absolutely. Now get ready and stop hogging the mirror..."
"Right," Nate snorted. He stepped away and let Nora take his place. "You might want to fix the buttons on your blouse, love."
He couldn't help a small smirk tugging on his lips as she re-buttoned her blouse, not quite meeting his gaze.
"Wipe that smug look off your face, Mr. Watt! You're the reason I never get anything done around here!" Nora teased.
Nate couldn't help bursting out laughing. "Why dae ye think I bought Codsworth?"
"Out!" Nora laughed, pushing him towards the door.
"Love ye too, darlin'." Nate gave her a mock salute and stumbled out of the bathroom.
"Miss Elspeth, breakfast was served thirty minutes ago!" Codsworth's muffled voice met him through the opposing door.
"Codsy! Bugger off!...and 'ave told ye… it's Beth!" came El's equally muffled reply.
"My, my. For such a brilliant young mind, Miss Beth, your language leaves much to be desired."
"Get tae fuck, or I'll turn ye into a toaster!" El spat back, a bit louder this time.
"By God! I don't believe General Atomics programmed me with enough patience for this!" Codsworth sighed.
"I'll handle this." Nate interrupted, opening the door.
"Good luck, that child's got the mouth of a drunkard."
"I'm weeks away from twenty ye daft bucket o' bolts!" El retorted.
Codsworth sighed, bobbing past him a little less chipper than before. Poor bugger.
Nate chuckled and shook his head. Wearing that damn onesie, she was akin to an overgrown toddler in a babygro. El glared at him, her hazel eyes flashing with a fire that reflected his own, her cheeks flushed, auburn hair still a tangled mess, reminding him exactly why he opted for a smooth dome.
"Arse. Up. Now. Or I promise you I'll cancel that comic subscription I already reluctantly pay for."
El's eyes narrowed, a defiant glint remaining, a slight smirk curving her lips. "Ye wouldnae dare."
"Try me," Nate raised a brow and folded his arms. "And to rub it in, I'll replace it with one about all the latest fashion trends, braw big frilly skirts and whatnot..."
"Fine. Ye win." El rolled her eyes, sauntering past him.
"Smart move," Nate smirked.
"Bite me!" El snapped, stomping into the now vacant bathroom.
Nate chuckled, shaking his head, and approached the kitchen, his stomach growling in anticipation.
"Breakfast is served sir," Codsworth set down a plate of eggs and toast.
"Thanks. And if ye need the afternoon off to recharge after the morning ye've had, you take it!" Nate smirked.
"A good show of humor, sir, but with a steady supply of Mr. Handy fuel, I am proud to serve!" Codsworth chirped.
"Your thoughts?" Nora's voice drifted over him, snapping his attention back to the present.
Nate blinked, glancing at his wife. She was studying him, her brows knitted. Damn. "I'm worried about her, doll. She won't admit it, but she's been having trouble sleeping again. I cannae remember the last time I saw her without dark circles under her eyes."
"She's just stressed. It's been a big year for her. Why don't you take her away for a few days? It's been a while since you two had time together," Nora suggested. "You could take a little road trip or something?"
"Aye, I'd been considering it, but I can hardly leave you with the wee one, can I?"
"I've got Codsworth to help. And besides, Shaun's not exactly a handful." Nora grinned, nudging him. "Take her. Trust me, she needs it."
Nate chewed his lip, his brows furrowed. Maybe she had a point. El had always loved his impromptu adventures.
"Okay, I'll talk to her about it—"
"Talk to me about what?" El asked, walking into the living room, her frown deepening as she looked between them. "I'm sorry! I know I've been—"
"No, stop right there! " Nate shushed her. "Ye don't go apologizing...I know you've been overloaded lately with all your projects."
El shrugged, dropping onto the couch beside him, her eyes fixed on the TV. "Yeah, I guess. It's just a lot, and I—"
"Deserve a break? Me and Nora reckon you've earned one," Nate grinned, nudging her. "So, how about we take off in a day or two? It's been a while since we've done a drive together, just you and me?"
"Wait, you're serious?" El stared at him, a smile breaking across her face, but her frown returned as she turned to Nora. "You're okay with that?"
"Are you kidding? Some peace and quiet, hell yeah, I'm okay with that," Nora barked a laugh. "And Codsworth's here to help, so I'll be fine."
"I like her, Nate. Can we keep her?" El smirked.
Nate's laughter bubbled, shaking his head. "Aye, she's a keeper, alright."
Nora gave them a fond smile, rising from the couch."Alright, you two, I'm going to help Codsworth tidy up, give you time to plan."
"Thanks, love," Nate's fingers curled hers as she pulled away, before turning his attention back to El.
"So, short-stop, any votes on where ye want tae go?"
"Laurey, Virginia—"
"The Caverns, again, lass?" Nate's eyebrow quirked.
"Come on, it's been months since we went to D.C. We could do a day trip to Laurey and then spend the rest of our time exploring the Capital!"
"Fine, but that damn mole costume is stayin' put!" Nate chuckled.
"She looked adorable in that thing. Never know, maybe she'll catch someone's eye!" Nora's laughter floated over them from the kitchen, and Nate grinned.
El blushed, her hand rubbing against the back of her head sheepishly. "I'll stick to studying, ta—"
"Quite right. I don't think there'd be many nerdy, bookworm Spelunkers out there that could put up with your pish!" He couldn't resist.
El's nose wrinkled, and her eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence—jackass."
Nate snorted and leaned back, his arms draped over the back of the couch, tuning into the TV.
The same usual shite.
A knocking came to the door, and Nora sighed. "It's probably that salesman. He's been trying all morning, insisting he talks to you."
"Oh, great." Nate rolled his eyes and lurched out of the sofa.
An all-smiles fella in a trenchcoat greeted him when he opened the door, stepping forward. "Good morning! Vault-Tec calling!"
"Sup, chief," he deadpanned, leaning against the doorframe.
"You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you," the rep explained.
Nate frowned—something about the guy's tone made him nervous.
"Alright, son, I'm here now."
"So you are, so you are,' the rep chuckled. "I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111. I just need to verify some information. That's all! Don't want there to be any hold ups, in the unforeseen event of *ahem*...total atomic annihilation."
"But there's room for my entire family, right?"
"Of course. Of course! Minus your robot, naturally."
"Oi, Codsworth is family!" El retorted, appearing at his side, her eyes narrowed. "He's a wee gem! We can't just leave him!"
Nate's hand fell upon his sister's shoulder, squeezing it. "General Atomics promised Codsworth could survive anything, even a nuclear blast," he reminded her, her sentiment mirrored in his heart. "Go. I've got it from here."
El nodded, a defiant glint remaining in her eyes, but she stepped aside.
Nate glanced at the rep, his unease growing."All right, let's have it."
"Splendid, splendid. Let's get to it. Just need you to fill out this paperwork, and we're all done. Won't take but a moment."
The rep pulled a clipboard out of his briefcase and held it out towards him.
Nate frowned, his jaw tense, glancing down at the stack of papers. He took the clipboard and scanned the pages, his frown deepening.
"What makes me 'S.P.E.C.I.A.L?' That's a bit on the nose, is it no? And this whole damn thing seems a wee bit excessive, no offense, son."
"None taken! It's simply a matter of determining what roles you may be able to undertake in a new life underground!"
"Well, lucky for us, we have a certified vault technician in our fold. My sister just finished her Masters at C.I.T. Did a whole project around Vault safety and maintenance," Nate couldn't help the proud smile creeping into his cheeks.
"Masters? At C.I.T?" the rep's eyebrows shot up. "My, my, that's impressive."
"Aye, she got the brains of the family. I clearly got the looks," Nate joked, handing the clipboard back to the rep. "Think that's everything, chief."
"Wonderful! That's..." he skimmed over the documents, smiling. "Yes, indeed, that is everything... just gonna walk this over to the Vault! Congratulations on being prepared for the future!"
"Aye, thanks..." Nate forced a smile, his jaw still tense. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a wee one who needs a bit of a feed."
"Of course, have a great day, sir, ma'am!" The Vault-Tec rep tipped his hat and strolled off, the tension in the man's shoulders not lost on him.
He watched the rep go, his instincts prickling as he stepped back inside."Something aboot that didn't sit right, did it, El?"
"I didn't like it, Nattie. You don't think he's doing this because—"
"Elspeth, don't get him started," Nora interrupted, her voice strained. "It's just a precaution, that's all."
Nate swallowed his throat tight. "Maybe ye're right, doll, but just in case, we should double-check the go bags."
Shaun's wails rang through the house. Cutting through his words, Codsworth followed.
"Master Nate. Shaun has been changed, but he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he needs some of that "paternal affection" you seem to be so good at."
"I've got 'im." Nate smiled and strode down the hall, his unease lingering. Nora's footfalls followed.
"Right, ye wee gremlin," Nate teased, sweeping a finger over Shaun's cheek. Shaun's cries grew fainter, his teary gaze fixed on Nate.
"Spin the mobile a bit. He loves that," Nora cooed, stepping up beside him.
Nate gave the mobile a gentle spin. Shaun's gaze drifted to the spinning rockets, green eyes wide, and his cries now soft whimpers. Nora brushed Nate's arm with her hand.
"Maybe we should go out later, a walk in the park?"
"And miss the World Series on TV? Not going to happen." Nate smirked. "But tomorrow, I'm all yours! I promise."
"I'll hold you to—"
"Sir? Mum? You should come and see this!" Codsworth's urgent voice drifted over them.
Nate frowned, exchanging a glance with Nora. "Codsworth?"
"I've got Shaun," Nora assured him, scooping the baby up.
Nate hurried out of the nursery, a knot forming in his gut, his blood rushing. "Codsworth? What is it, son?"
"Sir... the news..."
El was perched on the couch, her knuckles white around her backpack, its contents organized on the coffee table. "They actually did it."
"Did what, lass?" Nate frowned, sitting beside her.
“—followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions..." the news anchor caught his attention. "We're... we're trying to get confirmation…But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations."
"What? What is he saying?" Nora's voice drifted over them. "…Oh no.”
“...We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania…My God.”
The screen crackled, and the signal was lost. Nate's gaze fixed on the 'Please Stand By' screen. His mouth ran dry, a cold sweat prickling across his forehead.
"We have to get to the Vault. Now! Get all that back in the bag. I'll grab the rest." Nate blurted, his heart pounding against his ribs.
"Nattie...I'm scared."
"We're goin' tae be fine, El. We've prepared for this...You two wait for me outside!" Nate instructed, racing into their bedroom.
He yanked open the closet, his hands trembling, hauling out his and Nora's packs, followed by Shaun's. He slung them over his shoulder and hurried through the house for the front door—stopping on the threshold, glancing over his shoulder at Codsworth.
The Mr. Handy's eye stalks flitted over him, and he glided forward. "Goodbye, sir. May I say what an honor it has been to serve you and your family!"
"Ye've done us proud, son...maybe we could—"
"Now, don't you worry about me, sir! You have your family to think about. Go on."
Nate nodded, a lump forming in his throat. "Thank you, Codsworth..."
"He'll be alright, won't he?" El's voice pulled his attention.
He stepped onto the sidewalk and grabbed his sister's hand. "He'll be fine. Now c'mon, we gotta move!"
They raced down the road, Nora ahead of him, Shaun cradled against her chest. Nate swallowed hard, his hand tightening around El's. His mind raced. Vault-Tec. The rep—he knew something was up. That bastard knew this was coming!
"Nattie?" El tugged his arm, slowing.
"We're almost there, lass. Keep moving! Come on, we're nearly there—"
"We're on the list!" Nora's frantic voice greeted them, and Nate frowned as that Vault-Tec rep darted by them.
A soldier blocked their way, checking over a clipboard."Infant... Adult male... Two adult females... OK, go ahead."
Nate's heart pounded. It was real. This was really happening. They climbed the hill and clambered onto the platform, his arms circling Nora and El.
"Almost there, we're gonna be alright. I love you, all of you." Nate murmured, his pulse throbbing in his ears.
"We love you too," Nora whispered, her gaze locked on his.
The sky lit up with blinding white light, and the ground shook beneath their feet. A deafening roar filled the air. Nate's eyes widened as a mushroom cloud grew colossal in the sky. The blast waves thunder towards them, and El buried her face against his chest. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact.
"Send it down now!" a desperate voice shouted.
An orchestra of "Oh gods" and terrorized screams flooded his ears. The platform shuddered beneath them. His arms held tighter.
The blast crossed over them. The screams echoed, his breaths shortening, the pressure around his ribcage suffocating.
He held Nora, his lips pressed to her head, praying she couldn't hear his racing heartbeat.
The light faded, and the shockwave died, his ears still ringing.
The platform shuddered to a halt.
His eyes met Nora's, tears streaming down her face.
They had made it.
"Everyone, please step off the elevator and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion," the Vault-Tec security guard that greeted them instructed.
El clung to him as Nate made a move to follow the others, her breaths ragged and short. He glanced at Nora, Shaun sleeping soundly in her arms.
"She'll be okay. We're right behind ye," Nate murmured. "We just need a minute."
Nora nodded, her hand resting on his shoulder. "We won't be far. I'll go find out what's what."
"Be right with ye," Nate murmured, kneeling to meet El's gaze. "Hey, hey, look at me, lass. Look at me. Deep breaths. In and out. Like we practiced."
El's eyes flicked up to his, wide and fearful. She bit her lip, nodding. Her next shaky intake of breath was longer.
"Good, lass. Again. In and out."
She followed his lead, and soon enough, El's breaths steadied as her panic subsided, her grip on his loosening.
"You're a natural," Nate grinned, easing himself up.
El didn't respond and instead stood closer. His arm circled her, guiding them toward the vast cog-shaped doorway that loomed above them. Nate's heart beat faster. This was home now, for better or worse.
"It's impressive, eh? No wonder ye wouldny pipe doon about these Vaults!" Nate quipped.
El glanced at him, a faint smirk pulling in her cheeks. Nate squeezed her shoulder, their footsteps ringing as they climbed the metal stairs.
His eyes found Nora as they crossed the metal walkway. An orderly queue had formed behind her as she was collecting something up ahead.
Nora handed him a sealed bag and another for El. He eyed it, noting the '111' matching the jumpsuits some staff were wearing.
"What, do they no' come in a braw purple or maybe fluorescent green?"
El snorted at that, a wry smile curling her lips, and Nate's heart lifted a little. She was okay.
"Just follow the doctor here. He'll show you where to go," one of the scientists instructed.
"Lead the way, doc."
As Nora chatted with the doctor, El pulled away, her steps a little firmer, her gaze still far away.
Nate was drawn to the sudden bite in the air, a shiver running through him as he followed. People chatted, residents to Vault staff. Everyone seemed as edgy as he felt. They were led to a larger room filled with 'decontamination pods,' he was told as he was led towards one.
His attention pulled back to El, her belongings dropping to her feet. She stepped in front of them as one of the staff members attempted to collect them.
"I'm sorry, miss, but you cannot take your—"
Without a word, El unveiled a lanyard from around her neck and fixed them with a stern eye.
"You're a Vault-Tec intern? Very well, but be assured, vault-tec will not be held accountable if anything were to be damaged or stolen."
El nodded, her jaw set, and Nate couldn't help a smirk. Stubborn wee devil. Nate stripped to his boxers and tugged on his Vault suit, his skin prickling.
"Could ye's no have turned on the heatin'? It's colder than a polar bear's arse in here!" Nate grumbled.
El was already suited in her's when he looked up again, leaning against her pod, shoulders slumped, a blank expression set over her feature—still not back to herself yet.
"Can you hold him?" Nora asked, pulling his thoughts. Shaun curled up against her chest.
"Of course, love," Nate scooped him up, letting Nora get herself situated. He walked over to El, her fingers brushing Shaun's cheek, a weak smile curling her lips.
"Ye gonna be alright in there? I know how you get in tight spaces."
She held up her backpack, patting it fondly. Of course, she was always packed for every occasion.
"Right then, guess we'll see ye soon," Nate tried, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Okay, I can take him," Nora's hand rested on his arm, and Nate reluctantly handed Shaun over and planted a kiss against her cheek.
Nate climbed into his pod, and with a hiss, the lid descended, his breath misting the glass. His eyes locked onto Nora's, her gaze locked on him as her own pod closed, and she bounced Shaun in her arms.
"Just try to relax," the doctor reassured.
Nate nodded, pressing his hand against the glass. "Time for a whole new life."
"Resident secure. Occupant vitals: Normal," a robotic voice filled his ears.
A rush of cold flooded his pod. Nate's pulse spiked, his next breath shuddering.
"Procedure complete. In 5... 4..."
With every beat of the countdown, his vision whitened. Frost intertwined his eyelashes with every blink—everything faded.
Nate blinks away the frost that clings to his eyelashes, stretching his jaw to loosen the remainder of his beard and whiskers. It was a cold that hung as heavy as iron chains. Every breath stung his chest like swallowing broken glass as violent coughs wreck through him.
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately," The computerized voice echoed through the intercom, and a hiss filled his ears.
As the pod door lifts away, Nate's still-thawing limbs do nothing to prevent him from stumbling forward. His knees crack against the slick steel floor, a haze of mist following him. He didn't dare look up, unwilling to face the truth that the nightmare was real. But there was no escaping the memories that assaulted every fiber of his being: Nora's please, Shaun's cries as they tear him from his mother's embrace. Nate's own screams—lost in the deafening Gunshot that silenced Nora and continued to echo as Shaun's heartbreaking wails faded away—the face that mets him and the words that followed:
At least we still have the backup.
"That scar-faced bastard! Why did he have tae—"
"...Critical failure in Cryogenic Array. All vault residents must vacate immediately,"
"Oh, shut up!" Nate yelled as he snapped his head back. "Can ye no see I'm havin' a moment, ye pushy cow!"
Blissful silence filled the chamber once more, and Nate breathed a sigh of relief. As if another entity had taken control of his body, he stood to his full height and ambled forward. His steps were clumsy, and fog engulfed the room as he moved toward Nora's pod. The faint glint of gold caught his eye. Her wedding band shined through the condensation. His fingers trailed over the icy glass.
Nora, his best friend, the woman he pledged his entire life to. Her rosy cheeks were now dusted blue, fear still painted in her expression. Her arms were so painfully absent—Shaun. He's just a baby, and they tore him out of her arms. Nate's knees buckled some, jolting him forward, and he braced himself, breaths coming out in rasps, his lungs constricting, the very walls closing in. His eyes opened over his wedding ring, a matching piece—he'd be dammed if he was leaving her's behind.
"C'mon! C'mon! There has tae be a release!" Nate barked, desperation bleeding into his brogue as he stepped back to take in the pod, reaching for the lever at its side.
His breath held as Nora's pod opened to him. Slowly, reverently, he slipped the ring off her finger, ignoring the spiderwebbing of frosted blood that now decorated her jumpsuit. 
"I'll find who did this, and I'll get Shaun back...I promise," Nate's tremblings slipped Nora's wedding band above his own, and pulled the level to reseal his wife. The door hissed shut, and the frost formed on Nora's pod window. Nate's tears froze on his face, and he stumbled back, his own thawing limbs failing him as he hit the vault floor. He lay there for what felt like an eternity, before finally gathering enough strength to pull himself together.
"Elspeth," he whispered, crawling to his sister's pod. Her features still frozen, that bloody pip-pad clutched between her fingers. Nate clenched his fists and breathed before his shaky hands grip the lever release to El's cryopod, and he is met with an immediate sharp, jolting buzz that has him staggering back.
"Malfunction in Cryo Pod manual release override." A robotic female voice announces over the intercom.
"No-no-no! C'mon! I need tae open this damn thing!" Nate pulls the handle harder. Again, the error noise frays his nerves, not releasing. "Come on!" He presses a palm to the frost-covered glass, feeling the cold sting on his hand. "El!" Tears stream down his cheeks, warm against the cold fog surrounding him. "No. This can't-" His forehead rests against the pod. He closes his eyes tightly and sobs. “Ye cannae do this! I just need tae get El!"
His mind falls back to the terminal those scientist-looking folks were working on when they were after Shaun, how they opened Nora's pod. Nate spins on his heels and sprints forward, almost pummeling into the console as he slides to a halt.
"Right, c'mon. Ye can do this, it's just a computer," Nate squints at the screen with a shaky breath,  gingers still stiff from his suspended animation, rattling the keys, jumping through the entries as quickly as his frozen digits allow.
*************** Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink ***************
Thank you for choosing Vault-Tec!
>Cryogenic Array: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
>Life Support: Offline. Premature termination resulting in system failure. Isolated manual and remote overrides detected. Controls disabled.
Pod Occupant Status
POD C1: Miss Watt
>Occupant status: Deceased. Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to Life Support failure.
It takes several moments for him to comprehend the words laid bare.
Every occupant record painted the same picture: Cause of Death: Asphyxiation.
"No," Nate sobbed, his fist slamming into the console. "No, she can't be, she can't—Elspeth!...” 
Nate collapses, his knees slamming on the steel, fingers clawing at the frost-covered ground, and a scream rips through him, a blood-curdling wail that echoes out in the empty chamber. Every cell in his body is alight, a sickening, bitter cold fire. His shoulders shake violently, and he balls his fists, pounding them to the floor until his knuckles are raw. He barely feels the biting pain as the fight seeps away, leaving him drained, tears frozen on his cheeks.
Nate doesn't move for a long moment—left alone with his thoughts and the steady Drip. Drip. Drip. of frost melting. His little sister is dead. They're both gone. It would be easy to submit to his grief, crumple over, and lose himself in the pain—but they have his son. He has to find Shaun, even if all he has left is a warped image of a man who ruined his world. A scar-faced bastard whom Nate committed to memory. His fingers curl around the chain of his dog tags, fidgeting the wedding bands between bloodied knuckles, the cold metal grounding him, and as Nate grits his teeth, steeling his heart, and sets his jaw, he stands.
A silent vow plays on his lips: For Shaun. For Nora. And for El. He would rain fire upon whoever took them from him, even if it meant tearing whatever world awaited him apart, one bullet at a time.
He vows it as he looks upon El's face. Russet frost-bitten curls drape across her forehead. A picture so peaceful she may as well be sleeping.
He vows it as his lips graze Nora's cheek before resealing the pod, committing his love's image to memory.
He vows it as his fingers trace Shaun's name, etched in ink within the tan line of his wedding band.
There had to be someone around, Vault Tec staff, maybe someone hid, someone survived. Anyone. Nate forced himself to move, and limped towards the exit. It was slow going, his muscles burning, and his joints ache.
"Hello?! Anyone?!" He stumbled through the door, retracing the steps they'd taken minutes before. Water dripped. Rusted metal. It made no sense. "Am I the only one left?”
Nate caught himself on the wall, the burning in his lungs catching his breath—the coughing that wrecked his body had him holding his chest like it was the only way to keep the air from escaping all together.
‘Just breath Nattie.’
"Oh God, Elspeth," he choked back a sob, falling against the wall, the metal cold on his face. "I can't—I cant--" He coughed again, the spasms sending him to his knees. He'd failed everyone, Nora, Elspeth, Shaun, everyone. Maybe if they'd stayed, got in the car and drove—maye, just maybe they'd have found somewhere safe, somewhere better than here.
He didn't know how long he sat there, the ringing in his ears so loud, his tears so thick he couldn't even see anymore. It took everything he had to pull himself up, and even longer to realize the door they'd passed through was sealed shut. Forcing him another way.
Movement caught in the corner of his eye, and Nate grabbed for the security baton, slowing pacing through the corridor. "Hello?!" He yelled, his voice echoing off the walls, bouncing back—something—a shadow, a rustle—moved, and Nate froze.
He had to dreaming, maybe the freeze box messed up his mind. A cockroach, bigger than a rat scuttled across the damp floor, it's wings pulsing as it seemed to size him up with equal suspicion. Nate backed away, his head pounding, his eyes darting between the insect and the door it was blocking.
"Why'd it have tae be giant beasties? Why couldnae it be something cute like a wee fluffy bunny rabbit?" Nate mutters, his brogue thickening. "Ye picked the wrong day tae piss me aff," he leveled his baton, and charged, his heart racing.
It was over fast, the bug smashed under his heel, a pained chirp the last sound it made. Nate shook the big entrails off his boot and pressed forward into the generator room. The bloody things hissed and zapped as he passed, one more giant roach lay dead, the electricity dancing around it, the smell of cooked meat met his nose.
His stomach churned, and he took a second to steady himself. No time for a weak stomach, not when survival was at stake. Two more met their end, and his eyes fell on a skeleton, a tattered Vault Tec jumpsuit still clinging to the bones. "How is this possible?"
The door to his left hissed open, two more roaches charging through, their mandibles clicking, their wings buzzing. Nate swung wildly, the baton denting the first, sending it reeling. The second, he caught with his hand, squeezing it's guts out until it stopped squirming.
"Still not cute," he muttered, catching his breath, his eyes searching. He had to keep moving, had to find a way out, find Shaun.
The office he came to next was met with a smile, a handgun, ammo, some smokes—no lighter. He loaded the gun and looted anything of use, but the next door was sealed. "This room looks important. El told me their doors seal up in emergencies... Only terminals can open them."
His eyes squinted over the terminal. 'welcome Overseer.' meeting his gaze. "Emergency exit, I guess that's what I'm after. Here goes nothin'."
Click. Clack. Click.
The door hissed open, and Nate stepped through, a deep sigh escaping his lips. "Come on then ye overgrown bugs, I'm ready for ye!" He cried, his fingers tight on the trigger, his heart pounding. Despite his stress. Despite this whole damm shit show. He made every shot.
His reward, was a sealed Vault door and more skeletons. One had a pip-boy, conveniently by the door controls. Nate strapped it on, relieved that someone seemed to work as intended as the device booted up, and after some trial and error, he finally managed to figure out how to activate the door open sequence.
Alarms blared and pistons hissed, Nate busied himself with looting the lockers and grabbing the handgun ammo he found lying around. When the Vault door finally rolled to a stop, he crossed the bridge and found himself standing in the lift back to the surface. "Welcome Home." disappearing as he was hoisted out of sight.
The earth above him split open, blinding light pouring down, Nate shielded his eyes and steadied himself. He was alive. That was what mattered now.
He took a moment to breathe, to process, his fingers finding Nora's ring still on his finger, his jaw set, his eyes blinking back the tears.
As the Sole Survivor of Vault 111, he has nothing left to lose and everything to fight for.
War Never Changes, and Nate was ready to wage it.
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Elspeth Rae and Nathanial Alasdair Watt
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