#not against gen g but against someone
crocodilenjoyer · 2 months
op fic recs
dont tell my professors.
on my way to believing by nervermordor | g | romance dawn arc | vaguely zoluna, nami-centric | 8.5k words | complete
A head pops up on the other side of Straw Hat; the last of the fading sunlight refracts off Roronoa’s earrings, winking at her. “Oh,” he says, sounding only mildly surprised to see her. “You’re here too.”
“What are you talking about? What’s going on?”
Roronoa grins. “Yeah. He does this.”
Nami props herself up a little higher on her already bruising elbow. Straw Hat’s got an arm wrapped around Roronoa, same as her, pinning him to his other side.
“Okay,” Nami says, feeling her third headache in as many hours beginning to creep up. “What is this?”
“How he sleeps, I guess. Been doing it since we started sailing together.”
“You’re joking.”
Roronoa shrugs.
“Well, how do we get him to let go?”
“Dunno. Haven’t figured that part out yet,” Roronoa says and then, because he’s no help at all, lays back down.
migratory animals by donutsandcoffee | t | ambiguous setting, roughly enies lobby-onwards | zosan | 1.4k | complete
Sanji is carefully placing a cherry on top of the ice cream, his hands nimble, soft, almost—gentle. But all Zoro sees is the way the hems of his pants are still soaked in blood from an earlier skirmish with a marine ship, red seeping into the cracks on the floorboard, spattering across the kitchen floor in a slow drip, drip, drip.
Zoro stares, fascinated. He can’t bring himself to look away.
(Or, Zoro and Sanji—terrible monsters, in love)
trouble is a friend of mine by taizi | t | ambiguous setting, sometime from wci to post-wano-ish | gen, straw hats, sanji-centric | 3.1k | complete
“I don’t buy it,” Pete retorts. “Someone like you? Some cook from East Blue? You’re probably worth a couple hundred thousand bellies at best, maybe a million, if your captain’s somebody.”
Sanji tilts his head back so that it rests against the dirty wall behind him. He’s still upright, somehow, through sheer stubbornness or spite. He doesn’t look like someone who only has tonight left to live. In fact, he looks sharp. There’s no better word for it. His expression is still as peaceable as it has been since he arrived, but watching him is like watching a knife slide out of its sheath. He is, abruptly, dangerous. A tool made for cutting.
“If you knew where I’ve been, you would be terrified of me,” he says.
stolen things by Origamidragons | t | roughly enies lobby-onwards | namivivi | 2.8k | complete
A catalogue of things stolen by, for, and from Princess Vivi of Alabasta with regards to a certain thief, as documented by her long-suffering captain of the guard.
see hope rise with the tide by Origamidragons | t | pre-canon with info from fishman island | gen, nami & jinbe | 3.2k | complete
“If you’re looking for Arlong, he’s inside,” she says, pointing at the monstrous building. Jinbe doesn’t look away from her, from the bruise over her eye. She can’t be older than thirteen or fourteen. Her fingers are worn red and raw. As he watches, a drop of blood drips to the ground.
A girl, with reddish hair and exhausted eyes and a ragged, forced smile, and it’s Koala but it’s not.
(Jinbe goes to check in on his brother, and finds some things that need to be set right.)
ocean breathes salty. by novks (thychesters) | t | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | zolu | 2.7k | complete
“Do you think you can bench press me?” Luffy asks, interrupting him in the middle of a crunch, and Zoro pauses and says, “yeah, sure.”
now here you come by mugibaras (psalter) | e | set around ch. 956/ep. 957 | mishanks | 6.6k | complete
There’s a tightening feeling low in Shanks’ stomach as his gaze follows those long fingers wrap around the neck of the bottle, the candlelight lancing over a sharp cheekbone. Mihawk is terrifying before he is beautiful, but Shanks isn’t afraid of him, and Mihawk is so fucking pretty. The dim glow filtering in through the windows is beginning to tinge warm, reminding Shanks that they’re on borrowed time; he glances at the clock and decides. He reaches over before Mihawk can straighten and curls his fingers around the shell of his ear.
Mihawk stills and looks at him from the corner of his eye, barely turning his head. The bottle is in his hand, and Shanks trails his fingers down Mihawk’s jaw to take the liquor from him and set it down on the table.
“Wanna bang?”
But Patience Boasts by Augment | t | post-wci | zolu and tagged as "sanji/the concept of love" | 9.4k | complete
Sanji and Zoro have very different love languages.
Standards by taizi | nr, probably g | post-timeskip | gen, straw hats | 2.4k
"You aren't planning on bringing that boy in with you tomorrow night, are you? Our restaurant has certain standards."
(In which the Straw Hats set out to prove their captain meets certain standards; whether he likes it or not.)
The Marks You Choose to Bear by ThisCat | g | post-timeskip, small reference to info from wci | gen, straw hats | 5.3k | complete
Usopp gets his hands on a tattoo machine.
Soon after, he gets his hands all over his crew.
as the world goes on its wicked way by taizi | t | ambiguous setting, post-zou | gen, straw hats, luffy-centric | 5.4k | complete
When they’re on the forecastle, with the helm just behind them and the figurehead casting them further in shadow, Usopp calls, “Raise the sails!”
Luffy’s gasp next to his ear is the best part of his entire day. 
The sails unfold in a great rolling crash of canvas. Even the striped gaff swings out, catching the wind. The whole sloop gives a powerful lurch as if she’s eager to sprint out of port on the back of whatever gale blows along next. 
And painted on the foresail, bold and bright and proud, is a grinning Jolly Roger in a yellow straw hat. 
“That’s mine,” Luffy whispers, hushed and awed. 
“Told you so,” Usopp says smugly. 
Lost in Translation by HyperbolicReverie | t | wano arc | gen, zoro-centric | 4.4k | complete
Ever since he'd left home, people had not stopped asking Zoro about his accent.
Or, the reason Zoro was allowed to wander around alone in Wano.
poly philtatos (the most loved by far) by swordsmans | t | post-fishman island, spoilers through wano | zolu, straw hats, zoro-centric | 24.8k | complete | MCD as a framing device
He keeps moving forward at a steady pace, resisting the urge to run because how fucking embarrassing would that be, running because he missed them, and as he breaks through the treeline he shouts, “Oi, oi—what took you guys so long? It's been—”
And then he freezes, because yes, actually—something is very, very wrong.
The Sunny is anchored just off shore, close enough to see the deck but far enough away that the crew has had to take the Mini Merry to make land. Scattered across the beach in various stages of chaos—rolling around, yelling, fighting—are his crew but not his crew, so similar and yet so, so different. They look younger, fresher, and whatthefuck there, on the deck of the Sunny just peering over the railing, he catches a flash of green—his own green hair—
“Ah, fuck,” he grunts, and then immediately turns back around because no, actually, he does not want to deal with this.
informal swordfighting, and the sorts by naturecalls111 | e | modern au, canon setting n/a | zosan | 6.5k | complete
It’s been a while since Sanji has gotten some action, which is the only reason why Zoro’s deplorable, barely-there attempt somehow works. Obviously.
got all my attention fixed on you (and you're just where you said you'd be) by nevermordor | g | pre-enies lobby | zolu | 7.5k words | complete
Luffy looks again at the bitemarks that he left on Zoro’s wrist. Zoro’s usually hurt, one way or another. Sometimes it’s definitely been Luffy’s fault too, but the bitemarks feel different. They ain’t like normal bruises or cuts. There’s something about seeing the shape of his teeth in Zoro’s skin. Something about the colors, the slightly paler insides of Zoro’s wrists, and the blueness of his veins, and the dark pink color of where Luffy bit him.
riptide by nevermordor | gen | post-alabasta | zolu | 6.7k | complete
Luffy unhinges his jaw and crams an entire breakfast ham down his throat. He chews reflectively a moment and then demands,
“Zoro, you wanna have a date tonight?”
Zoro answers by inhaling the rest of his orange juice through his nose and promptly spewing it everywhere.
“That a yes?”
Luffy and Zoro destroy a restaurant, end up lost, get in a bar fight with a bunch of pirates and go on their first date. Not necessarily in that order.
gather up all of the crew (it's time to ship out) by wildparsnip | t | post-arlong park | gen, east blue quintet | 3.5k | complete
“Sanji! It’s lunchtime, right? Now? Soon? Now, right?”
His legs are tight around Sanji’s waist and his arms have come around Sanji’s chest and crossed, grabbing the opposite shoulders, the whole length of his chest pressed tight and close. Sanji can feel the vibration when he talks, the snap of the rubber resonating in his bones.
Luffy’s hair is tickling the back of his neck.
The whole thing is – it’s –
For a long second Sanji is frozen.
It feels –
(The Straw Hat Pirates set sail in the East Blue.)
the hand that thieves by Origamidragons | t | pre-canon | gen, crocodile-centric | 2.8k | complete | cw brief ableism
If he gets caught stealing again, if he loses his other hand, he’ll never be a pirate. Never be anything besides a crippled beggar, pleading for scraps.
If he doesn’t steal, he’ll starve.
giving value to survival by yohoapirateslifeforme | t | pre-canon to shells town | gen, zoro-centric | 11k words | complete
Despite the fluid nature of his ambition, Zoro himself rarely changes: principles, directions, appearance. And when he does, he makes sure it's under the heavy influence of both long-term irritation and a healthy dose of the nearest hard liquor.
Or, Zoro is trans, surgeries cost money, and there's little to no verified adult supervision in his life.
a glance that holds the world and all its seas by JacknessofHearts | t | fishman island arc | sanuso | 6.4k | complete
“God, again?!” Usopp looks down at Sanji who's sitting against a column and tilting his head back while pressing a tissue against his bleeding nose.
“Shu' ub,” Sanji growls. Or, he tries to. It sounds rather unimpressive.
“You're terrible,” Usopp says but he can't hold back the fond smile that's been blooming all over his face again and again ever since he's stepped foot on the Sunny after returning to Sabaody.
It's the big party after defeating Hody Jones. Usopp gets Sanji away from all the mermaids. (Honestly, Sanji, these nosebleeds are disgusting.)
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zweetpea · 5 months
Contracts or Biddability (part 1 of 2)
cw: Pg13, innuendos and vulgar language, and so much cringe, some pop culture references too.
“The end.” The cryo abyss herald closed the book.
“That was a really sad story.” You said as your eyes glazed over. The Abyss order had kidnapped you and held you captive for a while now. You weren’t sure how long you’ve been down here but the food was good enough and they’d borrow enough books from the surface to keep you entertained.
“I’m sorry. We weren’t been able to borrow anything else because of the security around the Favonius library.”
“Well, you could just let me go and I can find something on my own.”
“No! We need you here to further our plans!” He panicked.
“What plans? What happened to Dvalin? What’s the deal with Andrius?”
“Just calm down my liege. All will be revealed in time.” He patted your head and walked away.
“I want to go home.” You curled up in a ball.
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“Aaaaahh!” Someone yelled. That ear piercing scream roused you from your sleep.
‘Should I shout for someone?’ You thought. ‘What if somebody broke in? But if it’s a fire and they don’t know that I’m still here…’
“Help! Help me please! I don’t care who! I just want to see the Sun again!”
The door squeaked open and you thought that maybe your pleas would be recognized, until you saw that the man who walked in was a Pyroslinger Bracer. “Why is the Fatui here?” You whispered meekly.
He raised his rifle towards you head. “Wait, please! Don’t kill me! I wanna live, wanna live!” He shot, but the bullet bounced off of your skull and fell on the ground. “Well… that was anticlimactic.”
He shot you again 3 more time. “Ow! That hurts, dickhead!”
“How are you alive?”
“Hehe. We’re immortal Buffy we can do anything. Oh yeah? Clap.”
“My name’s Vincent.”
“Oh for shucks sakes.” You roll your eyes.
“I’m sure the Doctor will be very interested in you. For now I’ll take you back to Childe though.”
“Ew! Dottore needs to back the F up before he gets smacked the F up for what he did to Collei.” Vincent bound you hands, then grabbed your arm and pushed you through the Abyss. “Hey real quick for my internal monologue I need to know what pronouns you use. My names Gen with a G apparently. I’m gender fluid and I go by they/them.”
“…uh, Vincent Powers and I’m a man.”
“So… he and him?”
“Yes? I’m so confused why you’re confused.”
“Well, I didn’t want to assume.”
He brought you back to the surface and it felt wonderful. Then he placed you in the back of a cart and you two and the rest of his squad set sail for Liyue.
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It’s been maybe two hours since the Fatui captured you and you’re finally at Liyue Harbor. They’ve taken you to the Northland Bank to meet Tartaglia. Vincent threw you onto the ground at Childe’s feet.
“What the Abyss is that thing?” His presence is all consuming.
“That “thing” said that they’re name is Gen with a G.”
You look up and see the red head eying you up with disgust. You return the glare and proclaimed, “I finally get to meet my rival. I swear to you, I’m going to seduce Zhongli and get his cock!”
“Excuse me?” He looks at you even colder than before.
“You heard me! I’m willing to take him up my ass if he’s gay.”
“You are vulgar and repulsive.” He pressed his water blade things against my throat and sliced across it. You fell back onto your butt at the pressure.
“Ow. Yeah, um—Mr. Tartar sauce—that’s not going to work. I’m kinda immortal, somehow.”
“How dare you insult me! Do you know who I am!?” He grabbed you by the top of your head to look him in his eyes.
“Honestly if you look at me like that more often I’d let you have a piece of my ass any day. I just assumed that you were a bottom but I’ll let you creampie me if you become my sugar daddy.” His face burst into crimson. He threw me onto the ground and stomped on my throat. “This is turning me on.”
“Get this thing out of my sight.”
“Hey I’m a person! I have feelings you know!”
“But what about Dottore? Wouldn’t he like to examine them?”
“Dottore will have both of our heads if we bring him this thing.”
“I’m not an object, I’m a person! You see, this is why Zhongli will never love you.
“You know what? Since you’re so obsessed with Mr. Zhongli, why don’t I just send you to him?”
“You’d do that for me?!” You shouted excitedly.
“Sure. If it get’s you to leave me alone.”
“But Childe, they’re immortal. You don’t come across something like that every day.”
“Hey can I have a delusions? I don’t have power over the elements but I don’t think I can die so a delusion shouldn’t be a problem for me.”
“Fine!” He threw a delusion connected to a chain at you. “NOW GET OUT! TAKE THEM TO SEE ZHONGLI IF THEY WANTS TO SO BADLY!!”
“Hey! This one’s broken!” You yelled at him as you were being dragged away.
“You never specified if you wanted a working one or not!” He smirked back at you.
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Ugh this sucks! You still have nothing to defend yourself with! You can at least tie the stupid thing around your wrist.
“Mr. Zhongli? Is Mr. Zhongli here?” You asked someone at the Funeral Parlor.
“Hm? Did someone call for me? I was just about to head out.”
“Hello Mr. Zhongli. I’m Gen Z, spelt with a G.” You extended you hand to shake his.
“Hello Gen.” He took your hand and shook it. ‘His hands are so big.’ You thought. ‘Heheh, dirty mind dirty mind dir-dir-dir-dir- dirty mind!’
“Excuse me. Why is your bracelet glowing?” He asked. You look down and see that your delusion has started to glow yellow. “Huh?”
‘Have I resonated with geo?’
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meadowziplines · 4 months
#IFD2024 Feedback Fest: 10 Gen Sandman Fic Recs
10 Dreamling Fic Recs // 10 Gen Sandman Fic Recs // 10 Femslash Sandman Fic Recs // 10 Fic Recs For Other Fandoms
I have not provided additional cw’s beyond what is in the summary; please check work tags before reading.
I didn’t tend to include authors whose works are already quite popular. Also, it was hard picking these and I love many more fics! And feel free to tag in authors whose Tumblr handles I don’t know.
[G] when only dreams remain by Karalyn/@karalynlovescake (507): Dream has always been drawn to stories, and the stories of the humans whose lives his sister touches compel him.
[G] Readings by lookninjas (995): Rose Walker spends the month before her first book reading (her first reading as a published author of her own book that is being published because she is about to be a published author which she is not freaking out about at all, she’s fine) giving readings in her dreams.
[G] one for sorrow by Morcai (1.2k): And that’s the problem, of course. He cannot focus because there is something wrong. Something, somewhere is wrong. Out of place. Disjointed. He can feel it, like an itch in his teeth, like a whine just barely on the edge of hearing, like any one of ten thousand sensations that dreamers have felt over the eons that are not unbearable, but will not allow peace.
[G] Basement Dreams by ramenlover (509): Jed Walker's past attacks him each night. Luckily he knows someone who can help.
(This whole 'Uncle Dream' series is excellent.)
[G] You Have but Slumbered Here by Eighty_Sixed (36k): Morpheus begins visiting Hob Gadling's dreams. Meanwhile, a growing darkness threatens the Dreaming.
[T] Red Flags and Butterflies by Griombrioch (2.2k): “Rose Walker,” Dream murmurs, announcing his presence. He steps across the carpet and kneels down in front of Rose. This woman who’d stared him down and given her consent to die by his hand. This child who had been forced into all of this because of his sibling. And himself, inadvertently.
The collateral damage from the petty fights of deities.
Twenty one years old.
“You are a child of the Endless. You do not belong on the ground.”
Or, the one where I write my need for Rose getting to work through trauma and Dream caring a whole lot about it.
[T] larks and katydids by mightybee4 (8.5k): He was a dream, a story, every fantasy and idea created in the universe. He was the abstraction of ideas, the clarity of thought. His body was formed from dreams made flesh, his appearance ever-changing; but in the circle of runes and glass, his body was no longer dream-stuff.
He was made of skin and bone, nerves and muscles, and he was sure if he dug his nails or his teeth into the soft flesh of his arms he would bleed; not like Despair, whose shedding of her blood was of her purpose, but like any animal ushered into a slaughterhouse, blood pooling indiscriminate and useless, indistinguishable from any others.
or: Dream under the conditions of absolute reality.
[M] descent by jamais_vu0 (4.5k): once he is done fussing with the raven that flew into his face, roderick burgess looks down at his new prize and feels his breath catch- for the first time, he understands the scope of what he is doing, feels the fragility of the divine cupped in his careless hands.
death should have black wings, he thinks, absurdly clear in the moment- but they are black, with a green shine like an oil slick, each feather tipped in pale gold. a starling’s wings, but vast enough to lift a man in flight, unfolded on the floor behind his prize, pressing up against the very inner edge of the circle. he stares, imprints the gold lacing onto his vision, stars in an aurora-painted sky, and aches with all the things he is not.
(dream of the endless has wings, and is made to suffer for this.)
[M] The Lady, Or The Tiger by jamais_vu0 (4.9k): “Dream of the Endless,” Roderick sneers, and taps the handle of his cane on the glass. Dream of the Endless blinks once, out of sync, but otherwise doesn’t respond. There is something terribly inhuman about him, something Ethel can’t define but recognizes on the same level of awareness that knows there is something lurking behind her in the dark.
They keep a tiger in the basement, in a cage of glass and willpower, she thinks to herself, and follows Roderick back upstairs and does not sleep at all that night.
(or, ethel cripps gets sick of roderick's shit and instead of stealing from him and running away, she frees dream from his cage)
[M] lilacs out of the dead land by tharkuun (7k): Dream of the Endless escaped the Burgess manor after driving every soul within it mad, but it cost him his own sense of self. Now free, he feels too much, he is too much, and he seeks out any way he can to bleed his excesses off and become a person again.
Or: Local Eldritch monster tries to become a person again: the fic.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 6 months
the thing about me is... i will write little vignettes. putting rose tyler in situations and whatnot. via dimension hopper, naturally.
this takes place right before that ending scene in the garden in the giggle. rated g, gen. rose-centric, guest starring the best dad, shaun temple. to read on ao3:
the happy landing
The scrapes and aches of the warzone she left behind—a world falling out of orbit, a catastrophic end after eons of civilisation—are fresh, and so are the smudges around her eyes. Tears still mingle with days-old mascara. And yet, when she jumps again, it's into the most beautiful summer day she can imagine.
She doesn’t know where she is. She doesn’t even know where she expects to be. But the sky is scrubbed clean by recent rain, the forgiving soil dark beneath her boots. In her periphery, all is green.
Her first breath is dizzyingly rich, verdant and sultry with growth and flourishing. Not even the lingering taste of ash can taint its wholesomeness. As she sucks in oxygen like she's been starved of it, her legs give way with the force of her headrush, and she manages to catch herself against a nearby stone wall.
She is in a garden, somewhere.
Ivy tickles her fingertips, and she wants to dig her hands into it. Wants to fall to her knees and bury herself in this clean, perfect dirt. Instead, she takes several more measured breaths. She swipes away her tears and stands straight. And when she finally feels she must, Rose moves.
The garden is sprawling, bigger than the kinds she’s seen attached to posh city houses, so she can guess this must be the countryside. A countryside, anyway.
All her senses—even the ones she's only just begun to explore—tingle with the sense that this is right, this is Earth. This is home. But she pins down fledgling hopes before they can take flight. She’s been wrong before. Can’t be too careful.
Her nose pricks with the realisation that there's a fire somewhere close; she mistook it, at first, for the staleness of the world she's just left behind, but this is a warmer, more cheerful fire. It sizzles with a different kind of burning. A barbecue, her nose identifies before her brain can properly catch up. Someone is close, and cooking outside.
Her stomach pangs with hunger. The last thing she can clearly recall eating was a ration bar, guiltily nicked from a bunker on her way to the last human outpost. That was more than a day ago. Possibly longer.
As she walks through the expansive garden, following an emergent trail of smoke, she toys briefly with trying to identify the flowers she sees: there are so many, a vivid patchwork, and they'd certainly tell her something about where she's landed if she knew them. But she never had the chance to become a green thumb, in her past life or this one. She recognises the plants only vaguely, pausing at intervals to tip her nose toward one open bloom or other.
The sweet scents tickle her nose until she sneezes. It's loud, ricocheting all over the stone, echoing in the big open sky.
Rose goes perfectly still.
Over the garden wall, she hears a voice. “Hello?”
Wincing, she follows the curve of the wall for a few more steps, but the path has turned to gravel, and each crunch just makes her more aware of her own noise.
There's a scraping sound, probably tongs or something over a grill. “That you, Mel?” It sounds like a man. “If it is, you've come too early. Sylvia won't let me open the wine ‘til the brisket's done, and I can't get the brisket done ‘til I manage to scrape this infernal tofu off the rack. No idea how you’re s'posed to barbecue the stuff—it's like glue!”
By the time he's done talking, she's had time to round the bend more fully, where she comes upon an open wooden gate, waist high, looking in on another smaller garden.
It's a lovely, sequestered place, more tame and shaded than the relative wilderness she's wandered so far. There's a kind of pergola up overhead, laced through with vines. Grapes hang from them in bunches. And she's never been a particularly religious person, but she is imaginative, and this is not totally unlike how she used to picture the Garden of Eden.
Except for the barbecue, of course.
And the man in an apron that says Kiss the Cook, tongs in hand, staring blankly at her.
“Hello,” she says, giving a little wave. She tries and fails to imagine how she looks to this stranger, with tear tracks still down her face, coated in another planet’s dust.
“Hello.” He doesn't seem particularly suspicious of her. More like… curious. His eyes are dark brown, and kind, and observant, too. He looks like someone's father.
“Sorry, I was just… I was on a walk, and I got a bit turned around. What street is this?”
The man snorts. He looks less like someone's father and more like Mickey when she's bothering him now. “Oh, I dunno, probably la rue Something-or-Other. France, my wife says, she wants a little cottage holiday in the south of France. Mind you, none of us speak a word, and I need a map to find the nearest petrol station, it’s embarrassing! Would never happen to me in London.”
“France,” she repeats, smile blooming in wonder. “This is France?”
“Where exactly did you walk from?” His laugh is less baffled than she might have expected.
“Long way off,” she replies. “I'm on a sort of… journey.”
“Ah,” the man says wisely, with a shake of his tongs at her. “Gap year, is it? You're on walkabout. You lose your duffle?”
She nods. “Fell in the sea.” The lie comes easily, because it’s something she supposes she would do. Or something the Doctor would do, she thinks wistfully. Get caught up in an adventure and lose all his gadgets to the depths of the Mediterranean.
“Oh, that's rough luck. No offense, though, but don't say anything like that too loud near my daughter—it’s my worst fear, honestly, my Rose wandering off with nothing but a pack and a map.” He gives a visible parody of a shudder. “Not that she's exactly the type, you know, but kids change as they grow up, don’t they? You can never tell.”
Her smile only brightens further. So he is a father. And a good one, far as she can tell. She can tell by how his eyes crinkle up.
She asks, “Your daughter's called Rose?” He nods, and really, what are the odds? “So am I!”
The man isn't quite finished in his examination of her, that much is clear, but at the sound of her name, his eyes undergo a further softening. He sets his tongs aside and rubs his hands together.
“That's a funny coincidence,” he says. Then, in another moment, he seems to settle on something. “Look, why don't you join us for dinner? My family's all here, and I don't know how long you've been walking, but you're a pretty long way off from anywhere. I'm Shaun, by the way,” he adds with a self-deprecating smile at his own perceived rudeness. “Shaun Temple.”
Rose doesn't hesitate a bit. She is drawn by the scents of home, by a home more home than home. The effortless clarity of the sky, and the bees buzzing mildly... It’s like paradise.
She begins to feel every moment like the past few days of blood and loss and darkness are really going, gone, slipping off her shoulders, leaving her almost—very nearly—light.
“It's lovely to meet you, Shaun,” she says. It’s true. He is lovely to meet. She’s sure his wife will be just as lovely, and his daughter Rose, and whoever Mel is. “I'm Rose Tyler.”
And she steps into the garden.
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sevarix-blogs · 6 months
Var's 2023 Fanfic Year In Review!
This year I posted 97,002 words over 28 works across 3 fandoms.
I wrote for 2 new fandoms this year (engage and tgaa).
My most common rating was T and my most common ship was Gen.
Here are my favorite fics that I posted each month (fic descriptions contain some tgaa/dgs spoilers):
January: none February: Loyalty (G, Gen, FE Engage) - After Ivy is defeated in battle against the Divine Dragon a second time, she finds herself stranded with her retainers, with nowhere to go. (1,069 words.)
March: Nicknames Best Forgotten (T, Gen, FE3H) - Yuri and Byleth take turns telling each other how they got their nicknames. (4,765 words.)
April: Yuri's Revenge (M, yurileth, FE3H) - When Yuri finds out that Count Rowe is being held in Fhirdiad, he decides to get his revenge on the man who hurt him so badly in the past. As he goes through some difficult emotions about it all, Byleth comforts him. (5,089 words.)
May: The Goddess's Gift (T, yurileth, FE3H) - After Byleth uses Divine Pulse one too many times, he becomes unwell, and starts to understand the lasting effects his goddess-given gift is having on him. (4,860 words.)
June: none July: none
August: Flayn's New Era (T, Gen, FE3H) - After Flayn overhears some troubling news, she ends up going on an unexpected journey... (12,154 words.)
September: The Slightest of Smiles (G, Gen, tgaa) - While celebrating a victory at Sholmes's suite, Susato and company are joined by unexpected visitors. (3,127 words)
October: Wine and Conversation (T, Gen, tgaa) - After getting snowed in, Kazuma and van Zieks pass the time with (perhaps too much) wine and conversation. (2,207 words)
November: Mentor & Apprentice (T, Gen, tgaa) - Barok van Zieks agrees to take on Kazuma as an apprentice for a year. Kazuma soon realizes that it will be a difficult year ahead. (12,132 words)
December: A Longing for Friendship (G, Gen, tgaa) - Just as Kazuma starts to become overwhelmed with doubts and loneliness, he finds comfort from someone unexpected. (4,628 words)
goals for next year:
keep writing!!! don't give in to self doubt!!! participate in fandom events!! (such as @aspec-ace-attorney week and @tgaa-gen-week!) and maybe perhaps become capable again of writing a fic longer than 12k. also i hope to read more and get better at reading longer works...
btw i encourage other writers to do something like this too! you can follow exactly what i did or do something different, but if you do pls tag me bc i wanna see!
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cheetahsprints · 1 year
Lingyi fic rec list!
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In case anyone floats into the tag and needs this. Personal and without review/explanation because brain too rotted. I just adore this tragically non-canon pairing almost as much as our main guys.
💌 trust my love - panpipe - E - Chapters: 1 - Jin Ling confesses his feelings, and Lan Jingyi has to muddle through the aftermath. (The aftermath is they're in love.)
🕊️ best friends forever - varnes - T - Chapters: 1 - Jin Ling and Jingyi get engaged. Things spiral from there.
⚔️ Can’t Keep Holding My Breath - singingintheshower48 - T - Chapters: 2 -  Two post-canon snippets about Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi enduring growing pains, enduring a war, and somehow finding their way together.
🔥 how can i find the words to say (love has surely shifted my way) - annadream - G - Chapters: 6 -  Jingyi’s steely eyes blazed brighter than the flames surrounding them and in that moment Jin Ling knew he was in love with this loud, obnoxious fool.
📱 the song stuck in my head - poefucker (drbubblegum) - E - Chapters: 7 - Waiting until his third year of college to finish off his last actual gen ed class is absolutely a mistake, and Jingyi proudly admits to it. Public speaking is an unfortunately necessary evil. Or: the juniors have that college experience like the movies show us.
🧞‍♂️ over, sideways, & under - poefucker (drbubblegum) - T - Chapters: 10 -  Jingyi goes nighthunting. It should be that simple. But somehow, after a fateful encounter with a rude, runaway boy and getting trapped in a cave, he's strongarmed into bringing disaster upon the whole of the cultivation world by summoning the infamous Yiling Laozu for unknown purposes. Except now he grants wishes and is actually really funny for an evil spirit. Weird.
🙇‍♂️could someone call a referee - poefucker (drbubblegum) - T - Chapters: 1 -  The one where they go to prom.
📦 all there’s left to do is run - poefucker (drbubblegum) - T - Chapters: 1 -  Lan Jingyi helps his professor move in with his husband. The day doesn't end up like he expected.
🐇 what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? - taetaeloveschimmy - Not Rated - Chapters: 6 -  Jin Ling is in love with Lan Jingyi and he's not exactly thrilled that he's finding this out about himself. Meanwhile, Jingyi is also grappling with his own emotions and complicated history with Jin Ling, leaving both of them unsure of where they stand with each other.
📑 A Guide to Dumbasses Getting Together - Midori_99 - T - Chapters: 5 - Lan Jingyi pines, in poetic melancholy fashion like a true Lan, bemoaning his fate of falling in love with someone as difficult as that Spoilt Mistress Jin. Too bad his love would forever be unrequited and there's no way Jin Ling would ever look at him that way! Lan Sizhui and Ouyang Zizhen would like to disagree. "Mission: Get an overworked Jin Ling to rest and an idiotic Lan Jingyi to stop pining and just confess already, commence!"
📝 Jin Ling’s Heart Is So Big Because It’s Full of Bad Poetry - corduroyserpent - G - Chapters: 1 -  If Jin Ling had learned anything about love in his sixteen years of being alive, it was this: love made people crazy. Sometimes love made you do things like write horrifically bad poetry. It happens!
💝 Oh no- Jiujiu!!! - You_know_yeah - M - Chapters: 1 -  Jin Ling takes a break and fucks off to the Cloud Recesses to "study". Jiang Wanyin follows with the threat of paperwork and leg breaking. All Jin Ling wants to do is kiss his boyfriend and chill :(
🦊 Chasing Gold - albsyant (transtobio) - T - Chapters: 9 -  Jin Ling expected this to be just a regular night hunt, but it didn’t even last a day before disaster struck.
Lan Jingyi, meanwhile, had no idea what to do with the fox that seemed determined to cuddle against him 24/7. What had done this to Jin Ling, and could he please get his prickly cru-friend back?
🌧️ bending the clouds - Jenki - G - Chapters: 1 - Jin Ling's father left him destined to become a leader of the earthbending sect but he didn't leave him his earthbending skills. On the other hand, his mother's waterbending talent was the reason for all of his problems. But he had learned how to isolate himself and hide his secrets and feelings from everyone.Until one day an airbender from Gusu discovered his secret and, with the help of his friends, began to do his best to make Jin Ling feel loved.
👨‍🏫 just because you’re an idiot doesn’t mean you can’t go to college - theinkquiry - T - Chapters: 1 -  “So Lan Jingyi asked you for help to get Professor Wei and Professor Lan together. Does… does he not realize they’re already married?”
“No.” Jin Ling rolled his eyes. “Because he’s an idiot.”
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cynthinesia · 1 year
Hello! Congratulations on your milestone dear! May I request something about your event?
I would like to order 🌺 tea with a side of 🌰 with Jamil and Azul? More on a romantic note, if possible. Thank you and have a great day/night! ❤️
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🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
The classes, the tests, the quizzes, the exams... All were too tiring in the following week, but you somehow managed to pass them with flying colors thanks to the tutoring you got. You walked out of your classroom when the lessons ended, and went straight to the Mostro Lounge not only to get yourself a drink, but also to visit your tutor; none other than Octavinelle’s dorm leader, Azul Ashengrotto.
Floyd was the first one to greet you along with Jade, who just came back from his shift.
“(N/N)-chaaaaaan~! How’re you doingggg~?” He leaped to your direction and came to your left side.
“Welcome, (Y/N)-san.” He politely asked you as he emerged from your right side.
“I would like to see Azul, please.” You replied just as polite as you smiled back at him.
“Azul? He should be in the V.I.P room right now, but he is kinda busy...” Floyd said as he chirped. “We can hang out with you!”
You frowned and let out a sigh.
“Thanks, but I want to see Azul. It’s important.” You insisted, making the moody eel frown more.
“Now now, you two. It is not a good thing to quarrel with one another.” You heard a familiar voice of someone none other than your darling, Azul.
“Zuzu!” You chirped, immediately rushing to hug him.
“Hello, my dear. What brings you here?” He replied after kissing your cheek.
“I wanted to thank you for tutoring me.” You smiled, making him smile as well.
“Ew, gross. You two better go to somewhere else before I barf.” Floyd said with a pout on his face.
“Floyd...” His brother sighed, then smiled as politely as before. “I believe we need to go now. See you later as I have to go to my club activity today.”
Before Jade left the dorm, Floyd was already gone. Azul looked around to check if anyone else other than you is there. After making sure you two are alone, he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head.
“Awww, did you miss me that much?” You smirked.
“...Is there any problem with it?” He asked after a short pause.
“No, there isn’t.” You replied and pulled him closer with a hand on his cheek.
“G-good.” He replied as his cheeks flushed red.
Then you pulled a chair and sat down on it, Azul following after. It was only now that you’ve realized that you were tired. Maybe because of the usual shenanigans, or maybe because of the classes. Either way, you were tired.
“Hey, Azul...” You sighed. “I’m feeling exhausted... May I rest my head against your shoulder, please?”
“E-eh?!” He felt his heart jump at your request, “...I-I mean... You can, of course. But wouldn’t it be more comfortable to sleep in a bed than my shoulder?”
“...Yeah, I think so...” You replied while hugging his arm, “But I want to rest with you. Both of us need a break, you know?”
“I still need to do some paperwork, my dear... You can wait for me if you want to.” He said, then he got up and held out his hand.
“Now, do allow me to accompany you to your dorm...” He said while you sleepily took his hand and muttered, “...I can only do so much for you as your lover.”
— — 🐙 — —
By the time Azul was done with his paperwork and came back to your dorm, one of your dorm members opened the door for him.
“Hello, I came to visit (Y/N), are they here?” He politely asked with a smile.
“They are sleeping right now. Could you come back sometime later?” They said, slowly closing the door, but he was persistent.
“Oh, what a shame... I have brought something special to them.” He pretended to weep, “How truly unfortunate...”
The dorm member let out a sigh and let him in.
As he made his way to your room, he looked at the box that was in his hand. He opened it to check if the gift was still inside there. It was a well made brooch that’s gems glowing in the dim lights of the windows. The corners of his lips turned upward as he closed the box. When he arrived in your room, the sight of you sleeping peacefully in the bed caught his eye. They must be really exhausted... Wait, did they wait for me to come?!, He thought to himself for a moment. Then he put the box on the counter and sat on the bed.
He watched your sleepy form for a moment. The way your lips were parted, the way the moonlight hit your face, the way your skin looked shiny... He smiled as he put a strand of hair that was on your face to the side to see your face better.
“My dear, you never fail to amaze me... It makes me wonder what did I do to deserve you...” He muttered to himself.
He took off his jacket, neatly folded it and put it on the chair. Then he laid on the bed next to you, took off his glasses and put it on the bedside table. It was now blurry to see a thing which made him a little uncomfortable, especially when your face right in front of him and he wasn’t able to see it well. Regardless, he gave a light kiss to your lips before cuddling you, and snuggled up before he fell asleep as well.
“May we have a good rest, my dear... After all, we rightfully deserved it to the full extent.”
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🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
You heaved a sigh as you rose up from your seat. With that, your final exam was over. You smiled ever-so-proudly as yourself as your eyes searched your beloved, Jamil. It was hard to spot him in the crowd of students, and when you thought you saw a glimpse of the feather accessory he wears all the time, it quickly disappeared in the next blink. You were becoming annoyed as you kept searching for him, but it was to no avail.
You sighed as you found yourself in the courtyard. The sunlight beaming upon you gently touched your skin as if it’s smiling at you. So, you looked up at the sky too. The floating clouds above felt like you were in heaven for a moment. Then you closed your eyes, savoring the moment, and opened them again as you turned your gaze to the front. Then the realization dawned on you, that Jamil might be in his dorm. So, you made your way to the Scarabia.
When you arrived there, you saw Jamil coming out with a bag to go somewhere. Needless to say, he was just as surprised as you were.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” He said, with wide eyes, and let out a sigh, “Did Kalim call you here?”
“No, he didn’t. I wanted to spend some time with you, just the two of us. That’s all.” You replied and forced a smile, “But if I caught you in a bad timing, we can hang out later.”
He knew what your smile really looked like, and he grabbed your hand.
“It’s fine. I was about to come to your dorm, actually.” He said with a smile which became a smirk, “It would greatly upset me to go to back my dorm without seeing my dear (Y/N) first, I’m afraid.”
“Well, aren’t you the smoothest?” You impishly grinned as you two made your way in the dorm, heading straight to wherever Jamil brought you.
“I suppose you can say that.” He replied as he opened the fridge to reveal something to you.
“You... You made my favorite food..?!” You said with a hand on your chest, panic immediately rising in your chest, “Jamil, you really shouldn’t have..!”
“But I wanted to.” He said, “I anticipated that you may be hungry, that’s why I asked you what your favorite food was the other day.”
You shook your head as you carefully took out the food and warmed it up, so that it can be eaten well. As you two ate together, you had a long time chatting about various topics. As you can chatted, you could barely see it, but the boy before you was looking at you with tiny sparkles in his eyes. You put your head on his shoulder, resting it there for a few moments before doing the dishes.
The second place was the lounge, and he gave something to you as a gift. Inside of it was a thing that you wanted for a long time, but couldn’t even buy it. You couldn’t believe your eyes, because you knew he told you how much he wanted a new sweatshirt but couldn’t get one, so you had got it for him. You let out a laugh as you collected yourself and took the gift.
“...I may have asked Kalim a favor...” He mumbled, which you heard it clearly as it was pretty quiet. “...which he did...”
Without any words, you smiled again. Then you wrapped your arms around his waist and put your chin on his shoulder. Then you took another glimpse of his face. He looked more exhausted then he usually was, his hair looked messier and his usual, bright eyes looked a bit dim like the candlelight flicking in the wind.
“...You’re tired too, huh?” You said as you caressed his cheek, “You don’t have to do all these things to make me smile. I’m happy with you either way, honey.”
He tensed up a bit as you said what you said, but then he closed his eyes and let you caress his cheek, relaxing for a bit. Then he felt your hands cupping his face, and you lightly kissed him.
“...Shall we rest somewhere?” He asked, “In a place where we will not be disturbed by anyone?”
You nodded while giving your hand to him, which he took it after a moment of hesitation.
The third place — the last, but surely not the least — was Jamil’s room, which he looked at you and sighed.
“I know I had said I’ll bring you to a place where we will not be disturbed but--” He said, which you cut him off.
“But you are getting tired too, hm?” You teasingly said as you smirked at him, “I can really see that, Jamil...”
“I believe we had better rest since both of us are tired right now.” He said, looking down. You kissed his cheek as you made your way to his bed and sat down.
“After you.” He smiled at you as he gestured his bed, which you laid down with a smile as he followed after. He hesitantly looked at you before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest.
“...You have no idea how much I wanted to hold you in my arms like this after a long time, (Y/N)...” He said in a low tone as if he was whispering into your ear. Then he pulled down the blanket on the two of you and cuddled you.
“Same here... Especially since the exams ended, we can cuddle all day... Right?” You said while caressing his braids.
“...Have you forgetten about my duty as a servant to Asim family? It would not be good to not stay by Kalim’s side for a long time.” He replied, looking down again.
“Come on, not even a little nap?” You cooed, “I’m sure he will understand!”
“But...” He hesitated again.
“Jamil.” You playfully glared at him.
“...Fine. Just for an hour or two, I shall relax...” He said, and you cupped his face and kissed him again.
“Good...” You said as you trailed off, about to doze off.
“Oh, are you going to sleep already? I was hoping we could chat for a while longer.” He teased, which you didn’t respond as you have fallen asleep. He let out a sigh and kissed your forehead before he, too, fell asleep.
“Have a good rest, my gem... I love you so much...”
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mathclasswarfare · 3 months
Thank you @kageyuuki for tagging me!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
here are mine:
It was a beautiful grey day—soft raindrops pattered against the lily pads and speckled the surface of the pond.
(The Red Cap Savior, gen, rated G)
At the port, Insomnia doesn’t look anything like the movies.
(Impossible Knots, Ignyx, rated M)
It’s impossible, Prompto realizes, glaring at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
(The Night of the Moogleholly, Promptis, rated T)
As he levels his weapon at the Niflheim chancellor, Prompto’s heart is pounding.
(Train in Vain, Promptis, rated T)
The bell jingles and clacks against the door as a customer exits The Cheery Blossom.
(The Lucky Chocobo, Promptis, rated T)
Noctis sleeps, cradled in the cool emptiness of the void, wings and tail curled around himself.
(Wet Dreams May Come, Promptis, rated M)
The lobby of the First Secretary’s Estate is filled with irritating noises.
(Thorn in His Side, gen, rated G)
Ignis Scientia will never forget that first time he walked up the Citadel steps.
(Unwanted, Uninvited Kin, gen, rated G)
“What’s that?”
(Birthday, gen, rated G)
"What time did you say the bus was supposed to be here?"
(The Best Laid Plans of Plebes and Princes, Promptis, gen, rated T)
Ok so for patterns . . . most of these have some sensory imagery or description of the place where the first scene is happening. And I mostly avoid starting with someone’s name (a tendency I have that I try to edit away, except when I don’t.)
I will tag @moonwaif @voxiferous @avianscribe @bladesandstars @chasingfigments @crazyloststar @bramblepeltao3 @star54kar @ammyc-art @errantknightess @rose-madder-gaze
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caneviim · 8 months
my heart’s aching. yet i know that whatever happens, it comes from Allah swt.. the happenings in the world are not just sent down without a reason- they are all a sign from Him, but not everyone receives it as one. not only in Palestine but in other countries people are suffering and dy*ng as well. there are dozens of videos or pictures of the affected people, we can’t simply close our eyes to what is happening out there. i know. we all want to do something to stop all of this. we want them to live finally in peace and safety. we don’t want to see babies covered in bl00d, we don’t want to see them crying, suffering from pain. we don’t want to see people, mothers, fathers, and children losing their families and having no safe place to stay. day by day the amount of citizens there decreases. they’re living there only in fear. can you imagine, that you’re sleeping peacefully in your warm bed while the people there are anxious, constantly thinking “am i next? when will the b*mb!ngs hit me? when will the screams and the cries stop, when will i stop seeing destroyed houses, k1lled people, body parts all over the ground?”. i feel ashamed to be able to eat and have a normal life while they have nothing to think about but to find a way to escape the places that get destroyed. i feel ashamed to sleep in my warm bed, because, they have no place to sleep anymore, they don’t even have time to sleep because they get distracted by the noises of rockets, etc. i feel ashamed and i want to act against what happens. but the fact is we can’t do much. we can pray for them, make duâ, and ask the Almighty for help. we can keep sharing posts on social media about the truth side of the happening because they (the media) still try to hide the truth. we can keep telling and speaking because we need to show them that those people are not alone. we need them to see that we are supporting the innocent people experiencing gen*cide. that we won‘t stop telling the truth and that we won‘t stop talking until they stop doing g-n*cide and stop destroying their lives, countries, and families. there are so many people, especially celebrities that fear telling the truth because they think that people will hate them, they think sth bad will happen to them but they forget that there’s Someone who Sees and Knows everything. He swt is Aware of what happens. The money they have, the car, the house they own, all of this won‘t be theirs when they leave this life. It‘s not a cr*me to tell the truth and stand for it. it‘s a cr*me to keep quiet and stand with the wrongdoers. humans have to open their eyes. they have to see the truth. they have to let others know that they won‘t support oppressors, cruelty, hate, and vi0lence. sadly not every human being owns humanity or emotions, so they won‘t understand that the side they took is the one of the ev*l. and that the Almighty will Give them what they deserve one day.
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narumi-gens · 1 year
Not to give you any more ideas but I totally feel like the chaos couple is the type to solve disputes with sex/sex related bets or dares. Someone’s gotta take out the trash and it’s a week long passive aggressive back and forth of piling shit on top until they agree whoever make the other come first doesn’t have to take out the trash. Then it become best 2/3 and so on and so forth. Would this be in their wheelhouse and if so who usually loses and has to do chores?
while I don't think the kn8!chaos couple would descend into sex-related bets over chores (those end up falling on Hasegawa's plate when he can no longer take the disarray), I can easily see them doing so just out of pettiness.
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In It to Win It
narumi gen x f!reader warnings: 18+ minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, edging, spit kink, squirting, sex competition (lol), even when narumi's in charge he's still losing, typical kn8!chaos couple pettiness words: 1.6k
part of the Agents of Chaos series
minors, ageless, and blank blogs do not like, reblog, or comment
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It's torture. Pure and utter torture. If Narumi takes you right to the precipice only to pull you back one more time, you think you might actually die.
It's all you can think of as he laps at your pussy, flicking the tip of his tongue against your swollen clit with each pass, his head buried between your thighs, your legs tossed over his shoulders, and your fingers desperately tugging at his hair.
'This is how I'm going to die.'
It's the only thing going through your head, other than the silent pleas to cum that you refuse to actually give voice to. And when your toes begin to curl, and your thighs begin to tighten around Narumi's head, and the walls of your pussy start to clench around nothing, only for him to lift his mouth off of you for the umpteenth time, you think it might just be true.
'I'm going to die.'
You open your eyes to stare up at the ceiling of his office, your vision blurred from the tears streaming down your temples and into your hair.
"G-Gen..." you sniffle, your voice hoarse and your chest on the verge of heaving with the sobs that you're trying to hold back.
You weakly try to shake off the hand he has on your stomach that's holding you down. But in your pathetic state, you're no match for the strength of his grip that's been built over years of tightly holding onto a variety of different gaming controllers.
"If you wanna cum, you just gotta say so," he says casually, reminding you of the rules of your little "who can keep from cumming the longest" competition. As if you could ever forget. 
He then gently blows on your soaked folds and the sudden rush of cool air makes you hiss. You squirm helplessly on top of the futon, which is an absolute mess beneath you, covered in sweat, tears, and cum — both yours and his.
Once he thinks that you've calmed down just enough, he gets back to work. But instead of long licks with the flat of his tongue, he wraps his lips around your clit and begins to gently suck.
A sob finally escapes you, although it's undercut by the moan that immediately follows. 
You know that there will be no holding back at this point. He's going in for the kill, the ticking clock surely on his mind.
It would be on yours too if you could think clearly as you were able to what feels like — and for all you know could have been — hours ago. But now, the only thing on your mind is how much you want him to slip his fingers inside of your tragically empty pussy and crook them just how he knows you like.
But you both agreed on an even playing field at the start — no hands, only mouths.
'Losing wouldn't be so bad, would it?' the seductive voice in the back of your head murmurs, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Narumi's. 'It’ll feel good, won’t it?'
It will. It really will.
Your mouth unconsciously falls even further open, like your lips are preparing themselves on their own to say the words that you've been holding back for so long.
And when you see the glorious cliff just before you once more, what little remains of your pride disappears altogether.
"L-let me cum. Please let me, ah!, cum. Please please please," you beg, but where the words would bring relief in any other situation, right now they only ensure your prolonged suffering.
Because as soon as you've gasped the plea, Narumi is scrambling away from you and your pussy to grab his phone where it sits off to the side. He easily ignores your sobs of protest in favor of hitting the lap button in his stopwatch app as quickly as possible, hyper-aware that every microsecond counts.
He sets his phone back down and returns his attention to you, taking a moment to burn the image of you literally crying because of how much you need him into his memory.
"Don't worry, I've got you," he smugly assures you as he drops back down to his stomach and returns to his place between your thighs, happily tossing your legs where they belong over his shoulders.
But his voice sounds muffled to your ears, like he's speaking through the wall of desperation that's consumed your senses. You continue to sniffle pitifully. only able to focus on how neglected your clit now feels, despite the amount of attention Narumi has lavished on the bundle of nerves over the course of the dumb game that you've both been playing all night.
Aware of your distress, and partially because of it, he hums to himself with a smile. He then spits directly onto your pussy to prepare you for what comes next, although it's more for show than anything as you're already practically gushing by this point.
Your gasp in response echoes beautifully in his ears and he easily slides two fingers inside of you as he returns his lips to your clit.
It's almost embarrassing how quickly he's able to build you back up with just a few well-timed sucks and a few thrusts of his perfectly-crooked fingers. But you've been so close for so long, and now that you're no longer fighting the orgasm that's just within reach, you don't care that it only takes a few seconds more before you're falling apart.
The tension snaps and you cry out his name, your hips bucking up to meet his face, your fingers yanking him even closer, and your cum gushing out of your pussy and down around his fingers, completely soaking through the already-drenched futon.
It's only when your walls have released the vice grip on his fingers that he slowly slides them out of you and lifts his head up, a grin on his shining lips. You bring a heavy and shaking hand to your heart, which is pounding so hard it feels like it's about to burst from your chest.
"H-how long?" you rasp, your eyes still squeezed tightly shut and you feel Narumi sit up between your thighs.
You hear him moving a bit as he reaches back for his phone before an annoyed tsk leaves him and the smile on your face turns from one of satisfaction from your orgasm to one of victory from your win. A soft oof escapes you when you feel his phone unexpectedly dropping onto your stomach.
You open your eyes and when you pick up his phone to check the screen, it feels like it weighs as much as a honju — the largest size of kaiju. The stopwatch app is open and still running. But your gaze is immediately drawn to the lap time written in green at the top and the lap time written in red below that.
He must know that you're able to lord your superior sense of self-control over him because as soon as you've opened your mouth, he grabs hold of your chin tightly and pulls it open even wider. His fingers are still wet on your skin from where they were only just buried inside of you.
You let out a displeased whine in protest, but it dies away when his face — the lower half of which is still shining with your arousal —  appears directly above yours. He doesn't give you any warning before he's spitting directly into your open mouth.
Another whine leaves you, but this time it sounds needy and pathetic. You want to swallow the gob of his saliva just like you swallowed his cum earlier, but his firm grip on your chin keeps you from closing your mouth to do so.
Despite the intense climax that you're still recovering from and which you can still feel in the tips of your fingers, you can't help but squirm with a renewed sense of need beneath him. It seems to be exactly what he’s waiting for because his lips quirk into a small smirk before he releases your chin.
"Swallow," he orders you and you immediately do as told. "Let me see."
Your lips part wide for him, showing him your empty mouth and the way his eyes are shining with pride at how quickly you behaved for him has you preening under his attention.
Slowly, his expression starts to turn into something more eager and you see his gaze dart to the phone in your hand and the stopwatch that's still running on the screen. Your own eyes are quick to follow and when you return them to his face, you find that he's already looking at you.
A grin starts to tug at your lips, clearly thinking the same thing as him, although neither of you seems willing to be the first to say it. But the longer the silence stretches on, the bigger your grin grows and the wilder his eyes get, until finally…
"Best two out of three?" you both manage to say at the exact same time and Narumi grabs his phone back to reset the stopwatch back to zero.
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ach-sss-no · 3 months
i slacked off on my daily fic recs so here's a catchup collection, it's a themed collection, it's *drumroll*
five times boromir survived the war of the ring and one time he didnt
Black Shroud, White Feathers by Icarus_is_flying
Gen, rated T Author's summary: Boromir wakes in the sea, bumping against the shore. His wings are burnt up or gone, and the waves lapping at his face are fresh, not salt. Someone bumps his ribs, and the pain blooms fiery. “This one’s still alive.” The shink of a knife leaving scabbard. “The rabbits are useless. Sharky’ll want one alive…” Boromir thinks in his other body, the one that does not hurt, that sharks have no business bothering him, but someone drags him out of the water and flops him like a gutted fish across their shoulders. They run, and the first step plunges him back into darkness.
This one's really poetic and abstract and prettily written, also Grima Wormtongue is there briefly which is always a good time
The Floor Is Molasses by Scyllas_revenge / @scyllas-revenge
Gen, rated G Author's summary: The War of the Ring is over. Frodo has sailed to the Undying Lands, Sam is comfortably settled into Bag End with Rosie and his children—and Boromir, Steward of Gondor and Captain of the White Tower, is taking a much-needed vacation in the Shire. And while Boromir may have developed a surprising knack for gardening, looking after Sam’s children is proving to be much harder than he’d planned.
a kind of fluff I never knew i wanted & found infinitely satisfying, would read fifty chapters of this
Long Road Home by Scribblesinink / @scribblesinscribbles this one is a series! explores Boromir's life from the point of canon divergence to his eventual hopeful future. it's one of those where i'll remember a thing from it and think 'yes that was neat, what book was that from, oh it was a fanfiction. it was a fanfiction that was more impactful and memorable than the ten or so interchangeable fantasy novels i read last year'
Beyond the Measure of Dreams by Skye
Gen, rated G Author's summary: Having survived the injuries he suffered at Amon Hen, Boromir returns to Minas Tirith. None are more surprised or happy to see him than Faramir. But while his brother seems content with his life, Faramir knows that he harbors a great sense of shame and guilt. While the two are hunting an elusive stag in the forests of Emyn Arnen, Faramir discovers that the sins Boromir hold in his heart and soul are more haunting and powerful than he invisioned.
a lovely moment between brothers
A Great Evil Unmade by Linaewen
Gen, rated G A most unlikely Ringbearer contemplates how he came to Mount Doom and whether or not he will succeed in putting the Ring in the Fire. An AU vignette, written for a challenge to answer the question of "what if someone other than Frodo had taken the Ring?"
ring gotta get in the fire somehow and gollum frodo aint here
Boromir takes the Ring to Mt. Doom. There's something very compelling and satisfying about watching him swing the 180 from trying to take it to 'I can't wait to see it fry'
and finally, the non-AU one:
The Horn of Gondor by Saentorine
Gen, rated T Five-year-old Boromir receives the horn of Gondor, which goes about exactly how you'd expect. Aggressively fluffy, some moments of peril but with a happy ending.
just a nice history of the brothers
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strayheartless · 5 months
Leg bouncing. So much leg bouncing. To the point where he rattles the table. Angeal has grabbed his knee many times to make him stop.
Extreme task avoidance. Like it’s ridiculous. He would dearly love to be on time with his reports, alas he will do anything but while berating himself the entire time.
He’s messy. GODDESS is he messy. And what’s worse is that he can’t concentrate in the mess. He’s in a perpetual cycle of not being able to function, which leads to irritation, which leads to lashing out, which leads to overwhelm. Eventually Genesis will simple haul up in bed and cry because everything’s stressing him out.
Genesis fiddles with his earring like it’s a stim toy. He also taps the spine of his copy of LOVELESS against his leg subconsciously.
Makes popping sounds with his lips when he’s thinking.
The ADHD rage is strong in this one. Zack slurps? “Can you NOT?!” Angeal interrupts him mid moogle deep dive? “Get the FUCK away from me before I incinerate you!” Sephiroth turns on the overhead light? He’s THIS close to decking the demon of Wuti.
Frequently forgets to call Angeal while on mission. He’ll be told “let me know when you arrive so i know your okay.” And then won’t. The amount of times Gen has gotten home only to get lectured at that Angeal thought he was dead, and clearly he was too arrogant -and pigheaded to consider his friends.
Speaking of which. Rejection sensitivity. This presents itself in two main ways. One: Gen can’t take criticism he didn’t ask for. If someone (like Sephiroth or Angeal for instance) points out a flaw in his technique or his plan, or sends him back a report with corrections after proof reading he immediately shuts down and won’t listen. It’s like someone’s stuffed his frontal lobe with cotton. Two: if you yell at him he goes quiet and will think about it for days. He obsesses over small perceived rejections a lot.
If he likes you he won’t shut up. Be honoured he doesn’t like a lot of people.
If the vibes are off for Gen then they’re not doing it. Angeal and Sephiroth have learned not to question it. It’s saved their skin far more than they care to admit.
Needs validation a lot.
Midnight cleaning is unfortunately the only time he gets things done.
Manic episodes where he can’t sit still and ends up crashing randomly.
Not as sensitive to sound as Zack is but certain things like white noise emitters and certain genres of music make him want to tear his ears off.
No temperature regulation. He’s either too hot or too cold, both in excess never a happy medium.
His parents used to call him Lazy all the time because he had the potential of a child prodigy. After inventing pasteurisation/ apple juice Genesis struggled to focus on anything until he hyper fixated on becoming a SOLDIER, and then on LOVELESS. He got all the way to finishing his Masters in Classic literature and then didn’t continue to his PHD because he lost the dopamine. His longest running dopamine spike has been Sephiroth… and we all know how that ended.
Let me know if you want something g more specific ❤️❤️❤️
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Heyyy idk if you're ok with this request, but you're free to decline it if you don't want to do it🫶
Can u do lee gen and ler ryusui? Their dynamic in the ep "Dr. Stone: Ryusui" was so chaotic i loved it, but again if you don't want to do it that's perfectly fine with me🫶🫶
Ooo, the boys!!! I adore Ryusui so much- he is an absolute dork and deserves the world! Him and Gen have such a fun dynamic! I've gotcha covered, anon! :)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn, @skribblz (tagging you because Gen :D)
“Ha HA! The horizon! I desire it all!” Ryusui spread his arms out wide, wind swiping at his hair and clothes as he took it all in. “I want the world, and the world wants me!”
“Sure, awesome- mind stepping back from the edge there, Sailor? I don’t think the world wants you encased in it just yet.” Gen reached out from behind, hands coming to the other’s sides to pull him back. In the distance, he swore he heard tin whistles. “Come on before you take a dirt nap-”
Gen blinked, startled. Ryusui had twisted away, elbows to his sides and eyes wide in shock. When it wore off, the sailor cleared his throat, a faint blush on his cheeks.
“H-Ha ha! Thank you, Gen! A sailor’s nothing without a crew to back him up, and it’s thanks to your quick thinking I’m still standing!” He nodded, trying to hide the small tremor in his voice with a hearty laugh. The mentalist only carried on watching him, tilting his head.
“Of course, though- tell me, Ryusui. What was that just now?”
“What was what?” Spoken too fast.
“That noise you made. It sounded rather interesting, no?” Gen started to smile, walking a step forward. “Are you hurt?”
“Ha-no. No, I'm not hurt.” Ryusui took a step back, further away from the edge. “Not hurt at all!”
“Then perhaps you’re sore? I’m fairly good at massages.” Gen raised his hands, curling his fingers. The sight made Ryusui straighten, eyes widening and cheeks rivaling his clothes. “You can ask Senku-chan when we get back; he’ll tell you.”
“I-I knew it! You two have something going on!” Ryusui backed away further, slowly down the path they took to get up here.
“Oh, sailor boy- our thing’s been common knowledge since day one.” Gen smirked, unfazed by Ryusui’s attempts of diversion. “Everyone knows. Just like how everyone knows about you and Tsukasa.”
“W-What?” Ryusui seemed stunned by this, face on fire. This was Gen’s moment to strike! He darted over, quickly grabbing Ryusui’s sides and squeezing. “AH! Ahehahhahahahaha! G-Gehehhehehn wahhahhhahhait!”
“Hehe, I knew it! I’ve grabbed Senku-chan there enough times to know what a ticklish reaction is! And you sir- are stupid ticklish!” Gen laughed gleefully as Ryusui twisted about, giggling like a child. Feeling bold, Gen stepped closer, moving his hands further around to his belly-
“Gohohohhohootcha!” Ryusui twisted at the last minute, grabbing onto Gen’s waist. 
The reaction was instantaneous. Gen arched with a loud shriek, trying in vain to wiggle away from the sailor’s vengeful fingers. “Whahahahit- whahahahit wahahhahait, Ryuhuhuhuhuhuhuusuuhuuhuhuhiihihi!”
“Ha-HA! Just when you thought you had me! You’re a sneaky guy, aren't cha Gen? Can’t say I’m not impressed.” Ryusui snickered as he gently massaged the spot between Gen’s lower ribs and waist, earning a fresh squeal and hands attacking him-pulling at the back of his coat and banging against his shoulders. “Come now- you know you’re gonna need to do more than that to beat me-hehehheheehhe!”
“Ooohohohoho?” The hands attacking his back returned to his sides, drilling into his ribs and making Ryusui double over in mirth. “Whahahhahat abohohohout behehheahhahting youohohohu?”
If the sailor had a retort, it was lost in his howls of mirth. Instead, his hands carried on seeking out all of Gen’s own tickle spots, the results fruitful. It wasn’t long before the two were having an all out tickle war, their loud squeals and cackles filling the space surrounding them.
Alas though- Gen underestimated challenging someone like Ryusui to war. The man was the self proclaimed “Greediest man on earth”- and he made sure that was known as he swept a foot under the mentalist’s leg, dropping him harmlessly into the grass below and going for his belly. “HA-HA! Take this! I desire your laughter, and I shall get it!” Ryusui snapped his fingers for added effect, ducking his arm down quickly before Gen could prod him there. “Now take this!”
“AHEHHEHEHE! REHEHHEHEYUHUHUUHSUI, PLHEEHHHEASE!” Gen shrieked, arching with a loud titter beneath the sailor. He had lost this fight. “OHOHOHOKAY! OOHOHOHOKAY, STAHHAHAHP YOU WIHIIHIHIHN!”
The sailor did as requested, hooting in victory. Gen groaned softly, too tired to move, even when Ryusui all but collapsed across him. “Ehhhehe…ehhehe..tuuhuhhuckered yoursheheehlf out, dihiihidn’t you?”
“Ha…hahaha…A sahahhahailor…dohohosen’t get tiihihired…” Ryusui tried to get up, but the best he could do was roll onto his back, lying side by side with the Mentalist. “Hehe…hehee…I hahaven’t done that in a long time.”
“Have a tickle fight?” Gen looked at him curiously. Though- he supposed that made sense. He himself hadn’t really had this many tickle fights until he met Senku and humanity fell into the stone age.
“Yeah. I missed it, the whole…tickling thing. Heh,  saying it outloud’s kinda embarrassing, now that I think about it.” Ryusui laughed softly, something vulnerable creeping into his expression that made Gen pause, choosing his words carefully.
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing. I think…a lot of us from our time miss things like that. Intimacy. Goofing about. Back in the modern times, we’d get so busy with our day to day lives that we push down those parts of us.” Gen thought once more of his own life- cameras and photos, book signings and state presence. “I know for me, I hadn’t realized just how badly I wanted someone to just hold my hand until the Stone Age came and there was nothing to distract me from it. Sure, we’ve got the Kingdom of Science keeping us busy, but when the days end and the quiet sets in…” Gen shrugged, turning to Ryusui. “Whatever form it may be- there’s nothing wrong with craving touch.”
Ryusui hummed in thought, considering. Then he smiled. Not his usual “Ryusui the Greedy” smile, but something soft and genuine- something so achingly real Gen wondered just how Tsukasa stayed standing whenever the sailor smiled at him like that. “Thanks, Gen. I appreciate it.”
Gen grinned, nodding. Just then, Senku’s bright green head appeared above them, upside down in their vision.
“Found you two. I heard yelling and got worried.” Judging by the smirk he was wearing, he clearly wasn’t anymore. “What got you two giggling like a couple of school girls?”
“Why, Senku-chan. Some things are better shown than told.” Gen grinned, winking at Ryusui as a new idea set in motion. “Shall we give him a demo, Ryusui?”
“Ha-HA! Sounds like a plan, Gen!” Ryusui snapped his fingers, rolling to his feet with ease. “Come, Senku- let us hear those laughs we desire…”
“What? Oh- Oh, nohoho. No, that’s alright- I’ll take your word for it!” Senku backed up a few steps before taking off, running towards the village with Gen and Ryusui hot on his trail.
Thanks for reading!
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regulusblackfest · 1 year
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Week 1 Round-Up
The first week of posting is over and done with! Please enjoy the fantastic works everyone has created, and leave them some love ✨
Title: A Boy and his Cat Pairing/main characters: Gen Rating: G/A Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1 603
Regulus Black becomes an animagus specifically to spend more time with Sirius.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46110178
Title: Umbrella Drinks Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Peter Pettigrew Rating: Teen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 4201
Regulus and Peter escape the war and start a new life on the beach, where Regulus learns to relax, forget the past, and wear flip-flops, God help him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46169656
Title: by the milk-light of moon Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage, Incest, Dubcon, Painful Sex Medium/Word Count: 2587
Only Sirius can make him feel safe. Even if it hurts, he knows his brother loves him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45726763
Title: black, mirror shards Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black  Rating: Explicit Warnings: Blood/Violence/Abuse Medium/Word Count: 2,433
“Sirius, I’m scared,” Regulus confessed, cheek pressed against the mirror. “It hurts.” His insides burned. Then, something breached the surface of the lake. Deathly pale arms and faces, water bloated and rotting. (In which Sirius DOES run away from home, but leaves Regulus with a communication mirror, and how that small change affects Regulus' future.)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46642927
Title: A Little Bird Told Me Pairing/Main Characters: Gen; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Original Character (Regulus's daughter) Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: mentions/discussion of injustice, oppression, and bigotry; canon-typical violence; minor character death; brief mentions/references to self-harm Word Count: 49,988
In 1979, Lord Voldemort asked to borrow a house-elf, and Regulus remained silent. As a result, he never learned of the locket horcrux and remained a Death Eater until the end of the war, avoiding punishment by claiming to be a victim of the Imperius Curse.
Now, it's 1995, and the Dark Mark is burning again. Regulus, who has spent fourteen years trying to distance himself from the Death Eaters, is not exactly thrilled about this turn of events and has no desire to rejoin their ranks. Unfortunately for him, the Dark Lord does not accept resignations. What is a semi-reformed Death Eater do when the past he thought he had left behind comes back to haunt him?
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46457365/
Title: El Reyezuelo de El Dorado Pairing: Regulus Black/Remus Lupin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con (sex on polyjuice potion), kidnapping and torture Word Count: 4,430
Sirius Black has made a habit of ruining Regulus's life. His support of a political rival that threatens their family's California dynasty is a step too far. Regulus decides it's time to take back what is rightfully his. He ends up getting more than he bargained for.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46456318
Title: Good Luck Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Lily Evans Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: art (no words)
When Lily attends the quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, it’s not to cheer for James, as everyone assumes.
AO3link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_2023/works/47003767
Title: Fate and Love and a Potion for Finding It  Pairing: Hermione Granger/Regulus Black Rating: G/A Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1883
Hermione doesn’t ask for much.  Hot tea. A cozy fire. Old books.  Oh, and a potion that will show her one true love.  Will it be Weasley-red she sees at the bottom of the cauldron or someone else? 
AO3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/47023795
Title: What We Do For The Cause Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-con Medium/Word Count: 3 074
In order to get access to some sensitive information they have to first gain access to the inner circle. Regulus is willing to do everything for Severus, even accept Voldemort's advances.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47043400
Title: Flowers Sleep in the Winter Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/ Muggle OMC, multiple original characters Rating: Mature Warnings: MCD, terminal illness Medium/Word Count: 10,250
Main Prompt: Regulus pining for a Muggle Summary: Instead of dying in the cave, Regulus goes into hiding in the muggle world while he figures out how to destroy the locket. He doesn't anticipate falling for a muggle, never mind one that is sick. OR Regulus cries at the movie Bambi and is never the same again.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47160751
Title: In the Colossal Brain of Damnable Gods Pairing/main characters: Regulus/Sirius Rating: E Warnings: Physical violence, Rape/non-con, Incest, past/reference underage Medium/Word Count: Fic, ~10,000 words
Deep in the lower cell block of Azkaban, Sirius Black is one of the only prisoners managing to retain a level of sanity by focusing on the depressing truth of his innocence. But Sirius hides from the Dementors a terrible weight of true guilt, a sin so soul-crushing that he vowed to never face it again. And for some time, he succeeds... Until Barty Crouch throws his son into the next cell, and Sirius finds himself getting far too close. Close enough to shake loose his own dormant secret.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47145352/chapters/118783324
Title: Of Soulmates and Starbursts Pairing/main characters: Lily Evans Potter/ Regulus Black/ James Potter Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None That Apply Medium/Word Count: 3 330
Regulus Black finds himself closer than he has been to Lily and James Potter in a few years. The two have officially tied the knot and not only moved into his apartment complex but the very space next door. Now, torn by past feelings for James and the knowledge that Lily and James are quite literally destined for one another, Regulus is left with complex feelings for both parties.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47232049
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genevievemd · 2 years
Like the Leaves
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure), F!MC (Genevieve McClure) x M!OC (Ryan Ozwell) Word Count:  Rating: T Category: angsty fluff Trope(s): and they’re with someone else (sorta - in the past), and there’s a birthday
Summary: Gen discovers that not everything is like it used to be.
Warnings: language
A/N: For the longest time, I’ve wanted to do a fic where we see G with Ryan and then with Ethan in a similar situation and see the difference and now here we are. I felt like today, Gen’s birthday, was a great day to do it lol 
Submitting this to @choicesficwriterscreations for Naughty and Nice (prompt in bold) and @choicesmonthlychallenge​ for Picktober (flufftober - forehead kisses and falltober - pumpkin) 
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October 14, 2011
Autumn had finally descended on Pennsylvania. The trees on Genevieve’s college campus had slowly begun to change into various, and beautiful, shades of red and orange. Though, the beauty of fall at UPenn was nothing compared to her hometown in Maine. 
She’s been hoping to be able to go home for a long weekend for her birthday tomorrow, but with the workload of her second year of undergrad, it would be impossible. But maybe, she could bring a taste of home to Philly for her 19th birthday and convince her boyfriend of almost a year to go apple picking with her. They could even get pumpkins to carve and have the full seasonal experience, with the man she was almost certain she loved. 
Genevieve walks across the courtyard towards Ryan’s apartment, textbooks and outfit change in hand, knocking on his front door a few minutes later. 
“You’re late.” He opens the door without hesitation, walking away without another glance in her direction. 
Gen quickly follows him into the apartment, dropping her things onto the kitchen table. “I know, sorry. My class ran over. Well, technically it didn’t, I just stayed behind to ask my professor about the —“ 
“Yeah, I don’t really care, Velvet. Go make yourself decent for the party.” 
“I told you, I don’t like that nickname.” 
“And I told you, that I don’t care, I’ll call you whatever the hell I please.” Ryan smirks, kissing her cheek before slapping her backside, with more force than she likes. “Now, go get ready. Don’t make me ask again.” 
“Okay.” She nods sheepishly, walking into the bedroom to change. 
She hates going to parties with his friends, they were crass and always drank too much. Treating her more like a maid or waitress rather than Ryan’s girlfriend. She sucks it up and goes, mostly to avoid a fight with him and always with the hope that he’ll do something like that for her. Though record shows he probably won’t. But that won’t stop her from hoping, praying and doing whatever she can to try and get what she gives in return. 
“So, you know how my birthday is on tomorrow?” Gen calls out as she finishes putting on her dress, zipping up the side and checking herself in the mirror. 
“What about it?” 
“I was wondering if you’d go apple picking with me? Or maybe we can get pumpkins to carve? I used to at home every year and since I can’t go back to Portland this weekend, I thought —“ 
“Are you serious?” Ryan enters the room, eyebrow raised in disbelief as he leans against the doorframe. “Are you five?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Grow up, Velvet. That shit’s not cute, or fun for a grown ass adult. I’ll take you to dinner if I don’t have plans, but there ain’t no way in hell that I’m taking you to and wasting my Saturday at a fucking apple orchard.”
“Oh,” She does her best to hide the disappointment on her face as she finishes doing her makeup. The way her stomach twists at his words. “Is it really that childish? I see couples that do it for dates on pictagram all the time. I just thought…”
“Pictagram isn’t the real world. Gotta step outta that fantasyland you keep getting stuck in. Grown men, with any ounce of self respect, don’t do that shit. Now, get your ass ready so you don’t make us late like always.” 
“Forget I said anything.” 
Ryan laughs, turning towards the living room, “I wouldn’t have to if you keep those stupid thoughts to yourself, honey.” 
“Yeah.” Gen looks back at her reflection, wondering the thousandth time why she ever bothers to speak or think. 
Things are always better when she doesn’t, and it’s not as if she ever comes up with anything worthwhile — at least that’s what Ryan says and he's usually right. 
9 years later, October 15, 2020…
Ethan opens the door to his luxury apartment, stepping to the side to let Genevieve in before following close behind her. 
As far as birthdays go, this one has been a top favorite. Ethan surprised her with dinner at a diner that served poutine that could rival her beloved grandfather’s recipe and then an escape room with a Hocus Pocus theme. Not to mention the bouquet of her favorite flowers that he’d given her before they left the hospital. 
It was more than any boyfriend had done for her birthday in a very long time, and made her all the more thankful to have someone as thoughtful as Ethan. 
“Do you want a drink? I may have gone against my better judgement and bought you a bottle of rosé.” Ethan guides her into the kitchen, a gentle hand resting on the small of her back. 
“Did you really?” Gen sits at the kitchen island, watching as Ethan moves towards the fridge. 
“Of course. Anything for you, G.” He smiles wide, closing the refrigerator door and moving to the liquor cabinet to grab them two wine glasses. 
“Is that why you agreed to dress up as the Prince Charming to Cinderella for my party on Saturday?” 
“Absolutely.” He hands her the wine glass, his playful smile melting into something softer as he raises his own glass. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you.” Gen clinks her glass against his before taking a sip, blushing slightly when he doesn't take his eyes off her. 
“So, aside from this costume party, is there anything else you want to do this weekend?” Ethan grabs her hand, gently leading her to the couch. 
Its then she remembers a conversation from years past, with another man – whom she thought she loved – about her birthday. The way he dismissed her and teased her. Demeaned her every thought and desire and couldn’t be bothered to even take her to dinner on a day she so adored. 
It was a wonder how she’d gone from that to this. To someone as kind and thoughtful as Ethan, who even knowing her past treats her like a precious jewel, a gift. Someone who indulges every thought she has, no matter how childish or silly it may seem. 
“G? What is it?” Ethan’s brows furrow at her silence, head titled with concern. He places his wine glass on the coffee table then reaches for her hand, thumb stroking it gently. 
“I… I was just thinking.” 
Three months had past since she told him about Ryan, since she sobbed on this very couch feeling unworthy and tainted, and she still hesitates. Is still scared that with every detail she shares, Ethan may grow to regret his decision to stay. 
But, she knows she has to lean into the trust she’s placed in him, the unspoken love they share and continue to be honest about herself. 
“My birthday, nine years ago.” Gen swallows down the rock of anxiety that begins to form in her throat, shifting to place her glass beside his on the table. 
“That would have been when you were with that bastard, Ryan Ozwell, correct?” 
“Yeah.” Unconsciously, she moves closer to Ethan, looking down at their still joined hands. “I had asked him to do something with me, for my birthday because I couldn’t go back home, and he told me it was stupid. And maybe it is, but I still want to do it.” 
“And what’s that exactly?” There’s a patience in his voice, so rare that it forces her eyes up to meet his own. 
He’s so different with her than he is with the rest of the world, as if leading with his heart makes him softer, kinder. Offering a version of himself that only the most deserving of souls gets to see. 
“He was right, it’s stupid and childish. You’ll probably laugh at me too.” 
“Never.” Ethan offers her a smile, letting go of her hand. He pulls her into his lap, letting her settle before gently cupping her cheeks in his warms hands. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, myself included, you’re safe with me. Whatever it is just tell me, I highly doubt that it’s as juvenile as he had claimed it to be.”
“Okay,” Genevieve nods, resting a hand against his heart. “I want to go apple picking, and then get pumpkins and carve them.” 
“That,” He blinks rapidly, letting go of her face. “That’s what you want? That’s what he said was childish?” 
“Yeah. You agree, don’t you?” 
“Rookie, the day I agree with anything that man has ever said or done to you is the day the world ends. He has the cognitive abilities of a rock.” 
“So, you’ll do it? We can have an apple orchard date?” 
“Of course, I haven’t gone since I was a kid, I think it will be fun. Actually, I’ll even add to your desires and when we get home after we can turn the apples into a pie, roast the pumpkin seeds and watch our favorite Halloween movies.” 
“Ethan…” Despite herself, she can feel her chest warm with hope, the tiny ember getting larger with every word said. Feel her eyes well with tears of joy and surprise. 
Everyday, he proves all her worst fears wrong, shows her that every thought her ex had placed in her head was wrong. That, just like the leaves of Ethan’s favorite season, things change and become even more beautiful than they were before. 
He was turning her once dull and grey world into a kaleidoscope of bright reds and sunny yellows, and hopefully she’s doing the same for him. 
“Thank you.” Her words are no more than a whisper, too overwhelmed to utter them any louder than that. 
Ethan pulls her impossibly closer, arms wrapped tightly around her small frame, kissing her forehead gingerly before his own against it. “Always, G.”
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A/N: And then they go the day after her party and have the best time. Look at our girl, having all her dreams come true. You love to see it. 
tagging separately 
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aspd-culture · 1 year
do you have any advice for when your dealing with big bouts of rage? all i do is sit and wait for it to go away but i just end up repressing which is not healthy
Not a whole lot, but I do have some.
First, a serious PSA. It is NOT ok to use BDSM or any variation of violent sex to deal with true anger. That is not a state of controlled and calculated actions, and regardless of if the other person is consenting to it, they cannot truly be informed in what they're consenting to because of the lack of control while angry. No one, ASPD or not, should be taking out any real anger via BDSM. At that point, it really is just assault that you're hiding under the guise of kink. As a victim of this, it is really important to me that people are aware it is abuse and is not ok.
A big one is gross motor. If you're feeling the itch to break something or hurt someone, your body will feel MUCH better if you can use the large muscles in your body - even if it's not in the way it would prefer. Running, swimming, trampolines, sports, weight lifting, etc. all help with this.
Another thing is redirecting your rage. This is simpler than it sounds. If you want to hurt someone, reduce harm by separating yourself and breaking a cheap plate against a tree (pick up the shards later tho and try not to do it in front of them - that's intimidation and is abusive). If you need to hit something, try having a punching bag somewhere if possible, or punch a pillow or even your mattress.
If neither of those are options, some people find a lot of help in viewing others' anger and getting vicarious catharsis through their actions. Video games, true crime, fictional crime, horror/action, etc can all help with this - whether you're consuming that content or writing it yourself. As long as you don't send the threat to anyone and delete it or burn the letter afterwards, you can write in extreme detail what you'd like to do (for added safety do not say to who or write it as a story rather than a plan but honestly just burn the letter). Don't do this in places that automatically backup like G**gle Docs.
Sometimes, some of this will rile up the rage even more, so you have to find out what works for you.
I hope at least something in here works for you. /gen
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