#not alive not dead but a secret third thing (existing)
ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
i wish i had something that kept me going and gave me some kind of drive but
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wolfstarlibrarian · 22 days
Hello light of my life (seriously you improve it daily with recs)
Im after basically any fic with a vampire Sirius (I actually saw some vampire Sirius and cowboy Remus art so if that exists I’d like to know). I also have a vague memory of a fic with vamp Sirius as Remus’ roommate?
Oh you're making me blush! 😳 But thank you so much for the love. It really means a lot. ❤️ And yes! The Librarian has a older list of Vampire fics as well as a bunch of new ones (including the one you mentioned). Hope you have a bloody good time reading them.
Vampire Sirius 1
Vampire RS 2
My Roommate is a Vampire by @moonyverse “Remus! Why didn’t you tell me?” Lily asks. He continues wiping, focussing on a particularly stubborn stain. “Tell you what?” “About your secret boyfriend.” Remus spins around. “My what?” “Don’t act so surprised. Your neck is covered in hickeys and you thought I wouldn’t notice?” "Er, yeah… sorry." Remus wracks his brain to think of an excuse. Anything but the truth. He sputters out a lie, "It was a one-time thing, is all." It was better than telling her his roommate is a vampire whom he lets take his blood on a biweekly basis.
I Don't Bite by @mooncat457writing Halloween was Sirius Black’s favorite holiday. He loved every part, from planning the perfect costume to throwing the kick-ass party that everyone would talk about for weeks to come. Okay, and sure, maybe the irresistible curly-haired, green-eyed cutie dressed as a werewolf that just walked through his front door didn’t hurt either.
A Taste of Your Love by starsnsoul the one where Sirius is a vampire and Remus a cowboy and they fall in love: “It’s dangerous out here at night,” Remus wet his lips, suddenly aware of how dry they were, “and we’re quite far from the nearest town.” The man in front of him continued to gaze up at him, eyes twinkling with a dangerous look, seeming to dare him to ask risky questions, to probe and let curiosity kill the cat. “What’s your name?” he asked, feigning ignorance to Remus’ concern. “Remus.” He answered without a second thought to who he was telling this to, something about the other man made him want to lay himself out bare, secret’s spilling out into the night air, all the good and the ugly. Something about the other man was dangerous but Remus felt the blood in his veins ignite at the thought. “Remus,” the man with eyes like the moon whispered, “I’m Sirius.”
A House by the Sea by @lurikko The wizarding world is on the brink of a war, Sirius is the heir of the House Black, and Remus is a vampire.
I'm starving, darling. by @marigoldwrites-blog
Remus is accosted by a vampire on his way home. Strange in itself. But when the vampire realises he has anaemia, he starts bringing him food. And medication. And nice little treats to make him feel better. And - well. Remus never claimed to be a man of strong convictions.
all the hot singles in your area are dead by atropos_aeneas The first vampire who comes to campus is annoying. The second one is an unwelcome, if begrudgingly pleasant, surprise. The third, fourth, and fifth vampires, on the other hand…No matter. Remus has been alive far, far too long to have his resolve broken on behalf of someone like Sirius Black.
To see more recs, join the WolfstarLibrarian on TikTok
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spectofdirt · 7 months
So I don't actually know. How. To make this post in like a way that makes sense because hoo boy I'm running on like pure pain and spite and I have no actual knowledge of things BEYOND of what I'm reading so half of this is me glueing clues together with bullshitted facts anyways
This is the lore I got from Poltergeist's info, and some other extra things (do note that this is based off my own speculations and theories so uh have a spoonful of salt with this):
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Poltergeist (name still unknown (or maybe I missed it I don't trust myself)) is a 15yo spirit who died in the 1960s and haunts her hometown, which is Broward County, Florida
Lowkey estimate her actual birthyear to be around the 1940s or 1950s but idk I never did good in math anyways
In regards to how she actually died, this is how I think shit went down:
There was beach party that was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during spring in some year around the 1960s.
Now Polt here isn't very fond of going outside because of how sensitive she is to the sun
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But despite her condition, she always wanted to go out and enjoy life like how she sees other people do in tv.
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So after hearing news about the beach party, she decided that she's going to attend it, just so that she could be like the "popular girls" (judging by her behavior and voicelines, Polt seems to have low self-esteem and always compares herself to other, mostly to actresses on tv and etc)
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Now, it's pretty apparent that Poltergeist died because of drowning, it's even mentioned in her voiceline where she describes what she last saw before passing
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But a part of me wants to say that Poltergeist probably died without anyone noticing, or like yknow, people didn't realized Poltergeist was drowning before it was too late.
The reason why I feel like this is the case is because a majority of Polt's voicelines hints to her wanting to be noticed/not be left behind by (Vertin)
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(I have more picture references but Tumblr is mean to me so imma just type out the rest of the references)
Poltergeist Idle voiceline, continuing from the image above: "Oh my God ... Where are you? Don't leave me alone! Please..."
Poltergeist Night voiceline: "Listen! Did you hear that? The ticking sound of a clock. This... This is too quite. Nobody noticed me. Nobody looked over. I... I..."
But also I'm not that certain about it since it could be just me looking too deep into her timidly behavior
Anyways, after her death, she became the talk of her hometown for a short while, at best a couple of years if not only for a few months
A section of her 03 story interview:
Pandora Wilson: Could you tell me about tour hometown? I mean, Broward County?
Poltergeist: ...Everyone forgot about me...
Poltergeist: It was such a shocking tragedy, but no one remembers it now. They all forgot about me, like I never existed...
Pandora Wilson: Is that why you repeatedly returned to your hometown?
After seeing how she's forgotten by everyone, she returned to her hometown as a poltergeist and started to haunt people at random (there's no actual reference or mention of who she haunts so I'm just assuming it's just the county in general)
A paragraph from her 02 story:
According to the investigation record of the police in Broward County, Florida, theblocal poltergeist incidents which took place from 1960-1965 had the following similarities:
Aaaaand I guess that's it? I don't know if I missed anything important but lemme just throw in trivia facts about Poltergeist in here:
- she mentions that she has a mom but never mentions about her dad at all so I assume that her mom is a single mother? No hints whether her dad is dead, alive or a secret third option so this is the safest assumption.
- apparently??? The octopus in her hair and around her leg is also a ghost???? It was mentioned as her second item. either it points to Poltergeist being dead for a long while before returning as a spirit or something else, I have no real clue
- it's mentioned that Poltergeist picked up a third leg somewhere, specifically she "dig it". I'm just gonna guess that she picked up someone else's leg that was on the ocean floor (apparently there were a lot of drowning cases at Fort Lauderdare so it's not that surprising to find more bodies down there. I'm just curious as to why Poltergeist even took someone's leg while also forgetting that people only have 2 legs.)
And I think that's all that I have. Again, this is just my own speculations and theories, and uh yeah I guess that's all that I can find about Poltergeist from the hit game Reverse 1999. Hey Bluepoch you better give more Poltergeist content soon you better-
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt: 13. Shimmering Icicles [C3]
Pairing: Turpin x fem!Reader
POV: Second, Reader & Third, Turpin
Setting: Turpin’s house
Continuation of: Prompt 4. Sharing, Prompt 6. Out Of Care
A/N:As promised! Here's today's fic - hope you'll love it 🤭 We're starting to get mighty warm in this one 👀 I mean, it is wintertime over here so I certainly don't mind 🤭🙈 I'm also so beyond ready to get a little break tbh - it's been nonstop of everything for the past few weeks (the last three days being super hectic with the writing as you know) and I'd love to curl up with a good book or longer fic and just take a moment to exist but I'm also super happy about all the writing I've gotten done so far this month 😂 I hope you're all having a wonderful time and that December keeps on giving all the good stuff 🥰❤
Tags/TW’s: Mutual Secret Pining, Wishing For Forgiveness, Cuddling Close In Sleep, Masturbation, Bathtub Pleasure, Unwilling/Unplanned Voyeurism, Virgin Reader, Sexual Desperation, Struggling With Emotions & New Sensations, Wishing For More, Yielding For Another's Benefit
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 2.9k+
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⩤• You •⩥
Your body hummed with warmth, a calmness seemed sturdily wrapped around you as you awoke to the steadily growing light of dawn sifting through your closed eyelids. It was late morning and you couldn’t quite make yourself fully wake up. The dream of Richard returning to you in the middle of the night made you force yourself to remain on the borderline to wakefulness — the encompassing warmth did little to help sleep leave.
A flexing hand at your hip jolted your senses. You drew a quiet gasp as your eyes popped open in a rush. A pale chest dusted with grey hair filled your vision, the steady thumping of a heart beneath your ear rousing you further. You were curled up against Richard, his arm under your head and wrapped around your back. It wasn’t a dream .
You tried to remain utterly still, endeavouring to relax your muscles to fain sleep. Never had you laid so close. Never had he held you tightly. Never had you heard his heartbeat before or felt his steady breaths under your palm as his chest rose and sank. He was warm, soft yet sturdy — but that you already knew. How I missed you, darling … It was really a strange thing, though. Given everything, how had you fallen in love with the stoic man and felt as if he was missing from you when he wasn’t around? When did that really happen?
Richard hummed and tensed his arm for a second before his breaths turned deep and steady once more. You gently tilted your head back. His face was a wondrous thing to look at. Especially in that moment; his hard lines softened by sleep, the tension in his jaw gone for the time being, and his often scrunched eyebrows softly curved in relaxation. Your fingers tingled to reach up and drag down the curve of his hooked nose, to stroke those cheeks with the slight tint of rosy warmth and grey stubble.
You refrained. Instead, you cuddled closer, closing your eyes and pretending to be asleep. You wanted to remain there for as long as possible, a lacking in your heart you hadn’t known about suddenly felt filled with his closeness. Despite everything, he had come back and whatever discussion was to be had could wait. Your eternity rested in his hands, his words, but surely forever could spare another minute…
⩤• Turpin •⩥
He dared not move. The sun shone through the curtains, the day having since long begun. Yet he lay absolutely still, like a dead man in a casket. He kept his breaths deep and slow, every muscle relaxed and softened. Your warmth invaded his skin, your scent filled his nose, your soft breaths filled his ears with a sweet whooshing sound so low he could barely hear it but the warmth it fanned over his bare chest in intervals could not be missed.
Perhaps I perished in sleep and have reached— no, I must be very much alive, with my sweet wife cuddled close. The muddled and unfamiliar sensations within him were difficult to pinpoint — there were so many of them and all quite elusive to correctly term in their newness. His rigid cock was an easier matter to understand, you felt like perfection against him — despite the nightdress keeping your soft skin from his. This is not a time for my desperate need. I may very well be on the brink of never gaining such a gift from her, I cannot jeopardize this moment or the future beyond it.
He drew a deeper breath, gently moving his muscles to give you the chance to move away before ever knowing he was awake and aware of how the two of you lay so maddeningly close. But you didn’t move, nothing about your state changed and a mixture of relief and sorrow flooded him. He wished you awoke and remained cuddled against him willingly, what one did in sleep one had little control over and if you did not wake and made the active choice to remain close to him the moment meant that much less.
He sneaked his arm free before abandoning the warmth to shrug on his robe. When he glanced at you over his shoulder, your arm lay stretched over the mattress where he had been a moment ago but other than that nothing had changed. Asleep… Perhaps that is the only time I deserve your closeness, when you offer it unknowingly. The thought stabbed at his usually cold heart, his aching cock demanding to enter your warmth and find its sweet release, his skin itched to be connected with yours, and above all he wished for you to look him in the eye while offering your forgiveness.
None of it was granted, of course. He merely left the bedroom with a final glance at your sleeping form before heading to the bathroom. His movements were hurried, the constant pressure to go back and wake you, kiss you, press you down into the mattress with his own body while offering you all the pleasure he could was agonizingly unbearable.
He filled the tub with steaming water and shrugged out of his robe and underpants before sinking into the water with a deep groan. Leaning his head back and closing his eyes he tried to resist the urges coursing through his veins with the image of you in the bed as a constant stoker to the fire within him. It all mixed with his anger, his hurt, his wish for forgiveness, and the uncontrollable warmth you seemed to thaw his entire heart with.
His cock jerked as a memory flashed of you smiling widely at him, eyes all twinkly and warm when looking upon him. “Fucking hell and damnation,” he huffed out in a near snarl. “She’ll be the death of me, I swear it.” His hand found his cock and grabbed it harshly, squeezing the throbbing length with almost too much force as the need to come to the thoughts of you looking at him with warmth turned overwhelming.
He stroked himself, the water rippled at the motion as he spread his legs wider to relieve the pressure on his balls. “ Fuck ,” he hissed as he upped the pace, thinking of your hands on him, your lips against his skin, forgiveness and words of want tumbling out of your alluring mouth as he stroked himself harder. “Y/n— oh, fuck —��” he groaned while his balls drew up, his spine stiffening at the pending release he so desperately needed if he were to have the slightest chance at keeping a somewhat clear head later.
His hips bucked against his hand, and nearly painful pleasure built higher and higher as he gripped his cock harder — needing the pain to keep him from roaring out. “Y/n, my — haaa — sweet wife, oh fuck — ” He bit down on his lip, hissing a breath out between his teeth as he tensed all over. “Yes, yes, oh fuck -, Y/n—” His sentence got cut, his entire body turned stiff, and his eyes flew open at the sound of a gasp.
You stood in the doorway, your eyes wide, your hand over your agape mouth, the other still grasped the doorknob with with-knuckled force. “You-, you called my name,” you whispered while your cheeks turned scarlet, your entire throat rosy in a manner that only had his pleasure rising higher while your eyes seemed to look all over him in the clear bath, his hands still gripping his aching cock on the cusps of release.
It all happened in mere seconds, his lust-addled brain too caught in pleasure to fully register what was happening. “Oh my god!” you shrieked and his eyes found yours bound to his hand grasping his bulging length, he was still holding it tightly and the pressure along with your agonizingly alluring look of embarrassment and innocence tipped him over the edge before he could stop himself.
Red hot pleasure erupted within him as his cock pulsed, the water closest to it turning muddled with his cum while he gasped and groaned at the relief, his hips automatically jerking at the sensation while he tried to stop himself from completely unravelling while your intent gaze fanned the flames of his pleasure with your look of horror, intrigue, shame, and longing, all mixed into one delicious cocktail of purity to be ravaged. He couldn’t help it, you were the one woman he wished to be his and only his for all time — past, present, and future.
But this, the situation you were now in, had never been on his list of wants for your introduction to his naked anatomy. He always wished to go slow with you, make you feel safe in his proximity and closeness — make you curious, not frightened. Fucking hell , he thought while the five seconds after his climax passed in a breath-snagging stillness. Then you turned and slammed the door shut behind you with a bang so hard it rattled the walls. Dread seeped into his bones while his entire body deflated in the warm water. He feared all was lost now, seeing your reaction to him calling your name in the midst of manhandling his own cock. His body turned heavy and the sweetness of ejaculating to the thoughts of you did nothing to ease the stiffness in his shoulders.
⩤• You •⩥
You panted, your chest seemed nearly to explode as you tried to stop the raging of your pounding heart. You leaned against the door, a door you shouldn’t have entered despite hearing your name called. I thought he heard my steps, oh god, oh god, I thought— You hid your face behind your hands, your entire body felt on edge and there was a burning warmth forcing your entire body to tense as you couldn’t rid yourself of the magnificent view you had just witnessed. A primal urge. A deep-seated need. An indisputable sensation of something frighteningly new yet wholly wanted by your body.
Your skin was far too hot, your legs too shaky. The sound of Richard leaving the tub and water dripping on the tiles forced you to jolt away from the door. You couldn’t stop the feelings of him holding you close in the morning from mixing with whatever maddening sensation seeing him in such a state while nearly moaning your name made you feel now. It was too much, yet your body felt deprived of something at the same time.
Your back hit the hallway wall, your breaths in hot pants while the thin nightdress felt suffocatingly warm in the chilly house. Your eyes were glued to the door before you, your mind running rampant with the thought of your husband naked on the other side — and the length of him, the force of his hand, the look of pleasurable pain contorting his features just before his eyes had snapped to your face. The way his hips had jerked and he’d groaned, the depth of the sound wrecked you while you stood on trembling legs, frozen to the spot with only the wall for support.
Hope bloomed somewhere deep within you. Hope that he would forgive you, that he still wanted you, that he still wished to be with you despite the harsh words he’d spoken about your selfishness three days ago. You quenched a sobbed breath as your entire body confused you with the mixture of all the emotions running rampant within you. It was too much and you felt as if you were wound too tight, too tense and too loose at the same time — unable to untangle your feelings and thoughts while your body ached, thrummed, tensed, shook, all of it at the same time.
Your core ached far beyond anything else. A foreign sensation of coiling warmth your fingers seemed to itch to relieve. The view of Richard in the tub coming to the forefront, the sound of your name leaving his thin lips in such a darkly needy manner. You drew a shivering breath while trying to find your equilibrium. You couldn’t stay there, Richard would soon be done in the bathroom and you couldn’t face him when you were such a sordid mess.
After a few strained steps, you managed to get to the bedroom and slammed the door shut just as you heard the bathroom door open. You ran for the bed, diving in under the covers, and curled up in a ball of tension. What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel — Your thought was cut short when the door opened slowly, the tiniest of creaking from its hinges the only indication before Richard’s footsteps echoed out. He was moving closer, each thud echoed in your core with trepidation and shame filling your blood.
“Y/n?” he asked in a deep rumble, his voice thicker than usual. You curled up further, fully hidden under the cover. You didn’t know what else to do but to hide, despite the way you’d missed him while he was gone and how happy you had felt when you noticed him wake up a mere half an hour ago but not moving away from you.
“You should not have seen that,” he said after a short moment, his steps echoing out again — drawing closer once more as he rounded the bed. “I have done my utmost to wait, shield you from my needs to allow yours to dictate the pace we move in. Why would you enter the bathroom in such a manner?” he asked, from the sound of it he stood right by your side and his voice was thick with something dark you couldn’t quite name. “I-, I’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice meek and strained with the confusing sensations tightening your body. “You called my name,” you continued quietly while listening to his rough breathing. A small whimper escaped you as your mind flashed with the way he’d said it, with such need and want. You never knew your name could sound so wondrous, so delectable, so lusty.
“Are you frightened of me?” he asked, his voice a caress of a rumble. “No.” “Why are you hiding, then?” You drew a deep, shuddering breath. “I-, I’m ashamed.” “Ashamed?” “Yes…” Because I feel like I’ll burst into flames if I look at you, and I looked at you when I shouldn’t have looked at you. And I’m frightened, and, and, and confused— “Why? Tell me,” Richard demanded. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t word what you were feeling, it was a mess and foreign to you. So, you remained quiet under the cover.
A long moment passed in silence, but you felt his presence. It only made you curl up further, your thighs pressing together in an attempt to relieve whatever ache had steadily built at the apex of them. You’d felt a shadow of the sensation before, after having wed Richard and lived with him for a few weeks. He’d been dressed splendidly, seated in the parlour with a book and his legs crossed leisurely. He’d looked magnificent, the afternoon sun had shone behind him and the grey in his hair had nearly glowed from the warm light. Is this that same feeling, only stronger?
“Wife,” Richard said steadily, “answer me.” “No, I-, I cannot,” you whispered, your throat tight. “Do you wish to be alone?” he then asked, dejection hidden in his voice. Did you? Did you want him to leave? “Yes… No…” If you leave now, maybe you’ll leave completely again. I don’t want that… “I shall leave you alone, I will remain in my office,” he said in a cold manner. His voice dark and deep, it sent goosebumps along your skin and the memory of how harshly he’d spoken to you three days ago surfaced. It made you cool slightly, your mind distracted from the images of seeing him in the tub.
His footsteps receded. The sound of the door knob being turned came and your heart jolted. You threw the cover off, your breaths turning rushed, and found his eyes staring at you — no emotions in them. As if he’d turned them off. “Don’t leave me again,” you said. “I took everything down, and I’m so sorry for what I did,” you continued while trying to keep the conflicting emotions and sensations at bay. On one hand, you wished to launch yourself at him and make him take away the ache, on the other you were terrified of the way he looked at you. Blandly. Blankly. 
You looked away, not able to hold the connection. Your eyes went to the window, shimmering icicles hung from the roof and the sparkles were beautiful as the sun shone on the clear ice. Perhaps those icicles were to be the only sparkle this Christmas. It tore a sigh from you, a pitiful sound really. Yet, still, you found yourself thinking that if he needed a Christmas that wasn’t all that Christmasy then you’d accept that, and deal with it — for him. Perhaps him saying your name during such a time as in the tub meant there was a chance for more between the two of you. 
His rushed footsteps filled the room, and you hadn’t time enough to turn your head before his warm hands cradled your cheeks and stormy eyes of grey held yours unwaveringly. “You… are apologizing, to me?” he asked, a low sound of disbelief. “ I should be the one to ask for your forgiveness, Y/n.” You couldn’t say anything, his eyes held you mesmerized and there was not a single thought in your head beyond wanting to kiss the lips confessing to wanting your forgiveness and lifting the blame from you.
“Wife, sweet wife,” he exhaled in a rush while his thumbs stroked your cheeks. The rainbow-coloured sparkles of the icicles danced around him and all you could do was hold his gaze as your body went taunt and hot from the way he looked at you.
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Well, that was a fun fic 🤭 This is really turning into something quite delicious and I do have plans for at least 2 more parts of this story so stay tuned for that in the near future - hopefully not too far off in the future (yes, yes, I'm itching to write more for Turpin - as usual 😂)
Q: What's that one thing that bothers you with the holidays? 👀 A: For me, it's the mania regarding gifts. Like, yes, I love to give and receive gifts but I think there's a bit too much of a buying spree every year rather than an actual thought behind the gifts. I'd rather have one well-thought-out gift than ten random ones 🤷
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
Noah Czerny propaganda:
"Noah has been dead for 7 years by the time the story starts, and no one knows it. Not even the two friends he literally lives with. They just assume he doesn't eat in front of people and doesn't share classes with them. He was a failed sacrifice to a magic forest and the forest keeps him alive cause his body was left to rot in the forest, and since the forest experiences time differently so does he. He knows a whole bunch of stuff like secrets that haven't been shared and events that haven't happened yet because for him everything happens at once/in a circle. He died as a teenager, so he's kinda stuck in the teenager phase, and he still does dumb stuff like building ramps to drive cars off of. He's described as "less" now that he's dead. It's talked about by people who knew him when he was alive that Noah was cheerful and full of life and joyful and a jokester, but Noah as a ghost is quiet and shy and almost a completely different person because he lost so much of himself when he died.
This next part is confusing, but I'm going to try and explain it as best as possible.
Basically, 7 years ago, when Noah died, this other guy Gansey, who is one of the main characters also died. Gansey however, was brought back to life by what he thought was a magic king who was buried underground. Gansey spent the next 7 years searching for this king. He was obsessed and he thought it was his duty and his destiny to find the king. Long story short, it turns out the king was actually dead underground and had been dead for a while.
It wasn't the king who brought Gansey back to life - it was noah.
Noah as a ghost went back in time to the moment he died - aka the moment Gansey died - and sacrificed his spirit so that Gansey could live, whispering to Gansey that he was the dead king and therefore setting Gansey on his path to find the king. Because of this, Noah's ghost technically never existed, and Gansey and the others technically never met him, meaning they don't remember him. NOAH GAVE HIS LIFE SO GANSEY COULD LIVE AND I'M NEVER GONNA BE OVER THAT."
"- Noah isn't revealed as a ghost until the end of the book/series
- Most characters are unaware that Noah is a ghost, and when he disappears, they assume that's just a Noah thing
- Noah uses this to his advantage and just fucks off whenever it's uncomfortable or people need him, though sometimes he can't control this
- Noah stays true to Ghosting and permanently disappears at the end of the series
- Got bludgeoned to death with his skateboard I think? might've made that up but i think it adds points for Tony Hawkness
- His death is linked with another character: that character SHOULD have died, but because Noah was murdered at the same time on a ley line, their fates swapped (life/death)
- Had to die in his school uniform :(
- The cast also don't notice he died in his school uniform and assumed he just wore it all the time for some reason
- When connecting with one of the characters through their energy, Noah is clearly more energised, meaning his Ghostness really kills his personality too
- Canonically a Sk8r boy"
"sometimes he relives his death and isn't really aware of that fact. he is very sweet and keeps secrets and is still a third dimensional character even if he can't really interact with many people/things"
"“Oh! Your hand is cold."" Ashley cupped her fingers against her shirt to warm them.
""I've been dead for seven years,"" Noah said. ""That's as warm as they get.” "
"he's dead The Whole Time but his friends love him so much!!! he might be a bit smudgy and confused but he's still just a sweet boy!"
"This boy!!! He is a ghost that just kinda pops up sometimes and his friends are just kinda like “oh hey Noah.” He is so lovely and also his life is tied to a sentient forest that his best friend sacrificed him to. He is always kind to his friends and is a little jokester and is basically the best I love him :)))"
"Please I named myself after him"
"The sweetest boy who was murdered by his friend in an attempted human sacrifice. Lowkey the funnies character in the series if you appreciate dark humor. Sacrifices himself in order to save his friend. All around the best boy."
"He’s been dead for 7 years but when he tells his friends that they just think he’s being #relatable (until they find his skeleton). He was murdered by his high school best friend as part of a failed sacrifice to awaken a ley line and the ley line was basically like damn what a shitty deal here why don’t you be friends with the guys who are gonna wake me up properly. At one point his spirit starts to degrade and it’s all very sad and I’m pretending it didn’t happen."
"He's just my boy. He's sometimes in a trance replaying his own death. He has a stain on his cheek where his head was bashed in. He's sometimes corporeal and sometimes not, sometimes he just communicates through vibes alone or flickerin lights (peak ghost shit). His first line in the series is how he died, but everybody thinks it's a joke. The MC sometimes acts as a living battery for him and he's her first kiss (she was prophecised that her first love will die if she kisses him, so why not kiss a dead guy?)
He kinda gets excluded a bit from the main squad because he's nonexistant from time to time, which is bullshit. Justice for Noah!!!"
"Noah’s literal first line of dialogue is “I’ve been dead for seven years”. Despite this and many other comments about being dead, his friends (two of whom he lives with) believe him to be their normal alive schoolmate right up until Gansey finds his corpse in the woods.
Anyway on a more serious note Noah’s role in the narrative is so cool. At the start he’s very bright and present but as the series continues and he fades from the living world he fades from the narrative too. Depending on where you began the story (quote that’s repeated a lot in the series), it starts with Noah Czerny. Dying on the ley line when he should not, so Gansey lives when he should not. Literally in the end he gets goes back to kickstart the whole story by setting Gansey on the path to Henrietta I love him."
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nerdyenby · 6 months
Scar survived
The first to die in the entire life series is the only victor to survive the game. The irony there is fascinating and you can do so much with it.
In every other season, Grian takes at least one of Scar’s lives (his first, his last, or both), but not this time. He and Grian danced around each other, repeatedly falling towards one another only to be pulled away again. Scar broke his curse. One of the strongest curses in the series was broken, and in that moment Scar was free. Free not only from Grian, but also from death.
Or, another interpretation:
Secret Life is fundamentally different from previous seasons. As the games get more and more complicated, more and more involved, they become further removed from the senseless chaos and bloodshed of Third Life. Every season, the goal has been to be the last one standing, that is the only way to win. But when playing a death game, no one makes it out alive.
But that’s the thing: Secret Life isn’t a death game. It’s just… a game. A deadly one, yes, but loss of life is a consequence of the game, not it’s purpose. The design of Secret Life exists to sow tension and mistrust between the players, to drive them apart and yes, eventually kill each other. But the players prevail. They work together against the mechanics specifically set up to tear them apart. People live and die by their alliances, with no true betrayals for the first time in Life Series history. Even beyond teams, there’s a sense of camaraderie throughout the season. They’re not competing against each other, they’re competing against the Secret Keeper. The game isn’t “kill or be killed,” though that is how it presents itself. The game is secrecy. The game is self reliance. The game is independence.
All this death and loss was merely a side effect of the game, because who is more independent than the only man alive? Scar: friendly to all, friend to none. He didn’t have to die for the game to win, he was alone. He is left well and truly alone. There’s no greater independence than that. After all, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
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lyomeii · 2 years
Yandere Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori
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->warning: yandere themes, spoiler for season one, manipulation, death mention,
->request by anon! platonic yandere fushiguro megumi or itadori yuuji from jjk with older sibling figure reader? if it's not too much of a hassle, could you make the reader gender-neutral?? thanks! ♡
->a/n: this took more time than I expected, after all, i was playing persona 5 and getting too vicious on the sims 4 :) sorry for that, but I can’t promise to lower my love for games. But cut thst and enjoy your reading ;)
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-> even though it’s been years since you were told you are a sorcerer, you still afraid of your job and expectations, after all, seeing the people dying in the most atrocious way isn’t comfortable and regardless of the many times it’s happen, you never get used it
-> with that in mind, you stayed away from forming friends, keeping yourself away from anyone who tried to get closer to you, slowly becoming the quiet and outcast sorcerer, the shoko’s assistant who almost anyone knows their existence.
-> since your only power is the reverse cursed technique, shoko took you under her wings and became your teacher and because of that she prefers you to stay along her instead of going to missions and put yourself to dangerous situations which you agreed with her.
-> spending most of your time in her lab/medical room, you did met a couple of sorcerer whatever they came injuries, but most of the time, you never talk with them or remember their faces, after all, you stopped care about letting new people a long time ago and not to mention, you always keep your head lower to prevent any eye contact with them or even refuse to speak with them directly.
->but one day changed it for you, and how much you regret it.
-> shoko told you to check one body from a first year due to her being later than the usual, and as her good assistant, you obey her order and walked inside that room.
-> when you start checking the body, you felt dizzy, seeing such a young boy in this conditions made your heart heavier, what happened to him? how could do that to him? don’t matter after all, you needed to do your work before it’s get too late.
-> leaving the body to get the clipboard in the other room, you returned to see the boy awake (and naked) as he wasn’t dead as couple of minutes ago and suddenly you pass out as he start speaking like he wasn’t death just minutes ago.
-> and waking up in a dark room with only a tv and a couch with the boy made you even more anxious, but gojo show up and explain the situation to you and how yuji got back to life and that now you need to keep it a secret from everyone.
-> immediately you agreed with him, you needed to leave this place as faster as possible, however gojo gave you another thing, you needed to study along his student as a healer to them, it’s like you had another option.
-> and the next day, you are at the tokyo school with the first year and second years students while you are a third one, amazing :)
-> when they noticed your presence, the girl with orange hair told you to introduced yourself to them, and the others waited, a little excited to see someone new around that don’t look to bring much trouble like some of them.
-> with enough courage and a little of anxious inside, you told them your name and your abilities, in return, they introduced themself, most of them with smiles, making you feel more comfortable with their attitudes except for one.
-> the first year named megumi fushiguro, someone who doesn’t smile as the others, nothing that you care at all, but you feel his eyes on your back like lasers, what you made to deserve that?
Megumi knew that you were afraid of him the moment he introduced himself, who wouldn’t? He spoken with his tired and grumpy voice to someone like you, shy and anxious, he wants to apologize for it, but for some reason, he thinks it’s better to watch over you from the distance… but that quickly change when Itadori showed up alive.
Everyone, include him, we’re shocked to the reveal but you, you alway knew that, right? Nobara made you and the pink haired boy to explained, making her and Maki not surprised about their teacher making you become a student overnight.
In the other side, you were relieved seeing a familiar face, and in a couple of seconds, you and Itadori were talking like anything happened, well, something on him was unusual, he seems a little sad, but you didn’t push him to told what made him this way, only assured that you would be stay to his side no matter what. The talk was interrupted when Nobara asked( screamed ) for you help after she tripped and hurt her kneel, leaving Itadori to talk with Megumi alone.
“ Itadori, you are close to them, right?” the black haired boy whispered to his friend, he didn’t want anyone to hear what he were saying, “ Are they ready for this?”.
“ [name]? Yes, they are” a giant smile appeared in Yuji face, how much he liked to talk about you in any way, “ Even thought they are third year, they have no experience in combat, Gojo-sensei asked me to help them training here…. Are you curious about them?” he noticed how Megumi didn’t talked with you any moment, so why he would care about your safety?
Itadori was right about it, Megumi didn’t exchange a word with you, “ Just worried about them… let’s keep a eye on them together” no words was said about that, but they both knows what the best for you, to protect you in any way, even that mean their death.
They both observe you taking care of Nobara, using your abilities to heal her kneel and trying to convince the orange haired girl not to kill panda for accidentally pushing her. The way you raise your voice to make both of them to apologize to each other is a surprise for Megumi and Yuji, maybe you didn’t that much of protection after all.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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mellylari · 2 years
Au where morro isn’t a good guy and he’s not a bad guy, but rather a secret third thing: manager at a local supermarket.
Okay so hear me out. Some random villain or whoever does like Day of the Departed… 2!! And brings them all back like alive n shit Yknow the drill. Then morro wakes up, finds out he’s been resurrected to try to kill the ninja for like the third time in his existence, so he just. Fucks off. Right in the middle of the bad guy explaining his big bad plot to everyone. Just walks out of the building never to be seen again. The villains don’t do anything because who fucking cares. They’ve already got an army of disgruntled dead people so they just go to the next phase. Morro isn’t even going to warn the ninja or anything. The ninja don’t even know Morro is back. Morro does not care enough to tell them. This plot thread does not gain a resolution or acknowledgment until a season and a half later.
Cut to the next big baddie doing some shit, and the ninja need to go shopping to create the mystical maguffin item that will defeat them or whatever. So they’re shopping and they’re antsy and one of them gets snippy with a part time worker and all of a sudden. A fucking gust of wind so strong one of them almost falls over manifests. They looks to what caused it and there he is. Morro fucking Wu dressed in store uniform with the title of ‘Manager’ printed clearly on his badge.
And meanwhile all of the ninja are having their own separate meltdowns over this revelation that one of their greatest enemies is alive and in ninjago city, meanwhile Morro is just like “If you keep being rude to the staff I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
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cacklefrendly · 2 years
actually no, im not gonna restrain myself to the tags. I've never played ANY final fantasy game but i think Emet-Selch is a very cool take on a villain who isn't evil n i have a lot of emotions about him
i initially compared FF14 to a zombie apocalypse, which i don't think is WRONG (Humanity being mutilated imitations of Ascians ≈ Zombies being mutilated imitations of Humanity) but being able to say that AND still appreciate that Emet-Selch is A Villian(tm) depends on some prerequisite over-thinking on the nature of Existence As You and how one would apply that to eldritch beings and as much as i love talking those are some difficult words :/
so instead of zombies — let's go with dogs.
let's sayyy that reports come in, tomorrow, that a horrible Thing will obliterate the world. let's say it's a plague, or a super-parasite. it is On Its Way, and it Will Kill Everything. this is a 100% guarantee.
you're part of a group of the world's greatest minds. this group steps forward and says "hey, we think we can stop this, but we need to test it on human subjects and it will probably kill them." they open to volunteers. millions of people apply. they die, but because of their sacrifices, a solution is found — let's say it's a super-strong pesticide. everyone else survives, but the planet is left a complete wreck.
the world's greatest minds come back again. "we're pretty sure we can adapt our solution to fix the planet, but we need to test it on humans again." again, millions volunteer, and again, millions die, and again, their sacrifices save everyone else. the former pesticide rejuvenates the planet. it might even be better than before.
a third time, the greatest minds speak. "hey, a lot of the people who've volunteered aren't actually dead. they're in comas because of our solution and we've been keeping them alive. we think we can adapt the solution to save them, but we need more test subjects. we won't ask the people to go through this again — we'll use plants and animals instead. it'll put a dent in the ecosystem, but it's the only way."
In response, a new group of people speaks up. "no, we should just stay as it is, the solution has caused us enough pain as it is. we should just move forward and let those people stay gone."
the two groups argue. they fight. a second 'solution' is made, in secret, to kill the first. it's released.
this new solution kills the first and, for the sake of our comparison, turns the entire population into dogs. several dogs, actually. each person becomes several dogs.
only, like, 3 people aren't dog-ed. you're one of them. you're one of the people who saved your species, and now you're looking at the end of it.
what would you do?
would you hate the dogs? i mean, i love dogs. i don't think i could hate them for existing. they didn't ask to exist, after all. maybe you could try living with them? make a fancy snouted mask to fit in? learn to bark and growl like them? maybe you could adopt a puppy, or try to direct a pack. maybe if you get bored you could try making packs fight.
actually, i think you would hate them. just not immediately.
it might take looking into a husky's face and see your best friend's eyes looking through you. maybe it takes being bitten for how loudly you grieve. maybe it takes you seeing them not for what they Are, but for every conversation you'll Never Have Ever Again. every joke and love and loss and petty workplace grudge that they've replaced with bark whine bark bark woof. they're not people. they could never BE people. no matter how much they howl and snap and war and tear into each other's mangy fuckin throats over rotten trash and you cry and sob and plea they're. just. dogs.
i think you'd try to bring humanity back. no matter how many dogs die in the process, i think you'd try. it would be worth a thousand dogs, if you could bring back ten people.
you'd work with the other survivors. you'd plan, and experiment, and lead the dogs in circles, and you'd try and try and try but the mutts keep WHINING and BITING and KILLING and on one hand you can understand the need for survival but this is for THEM this is for US why don't they get that WHY, WHY WON'T THEY JUST LET YOU SAVE THEM?
imagine the joy you'd feel when one day, a dog that's been a little too smart, a little too capable, finally stands up.
it says your name, it looks you in the eyes, and you can tell that it finally sees you.
and then it rips your throat out.
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wackyart · 1 year
Some DND prompts for you
(Because I'm an idiot with too many ideas and cannot complete them all so there you go friend :D )
The players are hired by a wealthy noble to investigate strange occurrences happening in their family's ancestral home. The noble suspects that something sinister may be lurking within the walls of the old mansion. And as they walk around the property, they find a stone memorial, with a statue of a young woman, not over 20 years old, with a black fresh rose in her hand, as if someone had just put it there. You read the small poem and realize this is the daughter of the family, thinking she might be the ghost haunting the mansion. But why would this young lady haunt her family, leaving deep scratches on the wallpaper, screaming in the dead of the night, letting lanterns explode in their faces, and even let a small bell ring constantly, in a rhythm that makes your head hurt...
The players are tasked with retrieving 5 powerful magical artifacts from a dangerous dungeon, but they soon realize that they're not the only ones after it. A rival adventuring party is also on the hunt, and the players must race to get the artifact first. And in this rival party, all of your players realize the people composing this party are none other that people from their past. Ex partners, ancient best friends, and even a brother/sister who has been missing for years... And as the moonlight shine upon them, in the darkest part of the cave, you see their real appearances. Corpses, zombies, and dead eyes staring right back at you. They explain to you that they need all of the 5 artifacts to complete a spell, spell that coud bring them back from the land of the dead. Is your party helping them, letting feelings rise back to the surface, or is your party even more determined to get their artifacts first, thinking that what is dead should stay dead.
The players are sent on a diplomatic mission to negotiate a treaty between two warring factions. However, tensions are high and the negotiations quickly become complicated as the players uncover secrets and hidden agendas on both sides. They realize a third party is staying neutral during this battle and as they come to try to ask them for help, they realize that the third party is actually far away to the point where they have to travel via a portal. And as soon as they step out of the portal, they realize that they went back in time, and that there's a crack in the timeline. Two cities are exactly the same, one is just stuck in the past, on repeat and her existence is the thing that caused the conflict. They have to eliminate one of the two towns, but this stuck city is actually peaceful and the people are living as amazingly as possible. The other being the one constantly looking for a fight. Will they chose to save the stuck peaceful one, and by choice looking for a solution to "unstuck" it, or will they save the one looking for constant conflict but in agreement with the timeline ?
The players are approached by a mysterious stranger who offers them a large sum of gold to retrieve a powerful cursed item from a dangerous location. However, as they journey deeper into the forest, they begin to question the stranger's true motives... Because the person holding said cursed item, tells you that the person you've mentioned actually died 20 years ago, during a necromancy spell who backfired.
The players are hired by a small village to investigate a series of disappearances that have been happening in the area. As they uncover clues, they discover that a group of goblins have been kidnapping the villagers and taking them to a hidden cave system. The cave can be found deep into a dark forest but once the players arrive, after all the incidents along the way, they come to face a bloodshed. The Goblins are all on the ground, bloody and battered and none of them are alive. Your players must pick up the pieces and clues to find who did this, and most importantly, who kidnap the Goblin's prisoners.
The players are shipwrecked on a deserted island and must find a way to survive until they can be rescued by the person that sent them there to retrieve a chest full of gold and treasures. However, they soon discover that the island is not as deserted as they first thought, and they must fight for survival against dangerous creatures and other castaways, only to find out that the other castaways were part of a previous party, sent exactly for the same reason as you and by the same buyer. They explain to you they have been looking and searching for weeks and that no one ever came for them. They also tell you that a roaring creature roams around the land on every full blood moon, always hunting and and eating one person from the party each and every time.
The players are called upon by a powerful mage to enter an alternate dimension and retrieve a powerful armor. However, the alternate dimension is full of dangers and strange creatures, and the players must navigate its bizarre landscape to find the artifact, facing someone they thought they had killed some time ago. They also realize that this magical land has the power to bring back recently deceased person and your party sees one of their friends, the shop keeper, they couldn't contact just a few days ago, that promised they had something that might help them in this quest. But there is a problem: Once brought to this land, all the memories are erased and your friend has no memory of you and the magical knowledge they had. You have to travel through the land to bring them their memories first in order to have them help you get the armor.
The players are hired by a group of merchants to protect their caravans as it travels across a dangerous wilderness. However, they soon discover that the merchants are not as innocent as they seem, and they must decide whether to continue to protect them or turn against them once they discover they have Drow elven children hidden in the floorboards of said caravans. They seem to be unconscious or sleeping, and you have to react. Either you say nothing and let them here, waiting to see where the caravans are headed, or you interrupt the travel right here and there to save them, and by so, negociating or killing the "merchants".
The players are recruited by a powerful dragon to retrieve a powerful magical item from a group of treasure hunters. However, as they delve deeper into the treasure hunters' lair, they realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew as they see rests of a previous party, bones displayed in various symbols and dried black blood forming runes one member of your party knows all too well....
The players are hired by a veteran of the Royal Guard. The man has been expelled, thrown into a cell, the villageers claiming he killed the entire army of guards, by himself, in just a few weeks. His weapon matches with the wounds, his footprints have been found and they even saw him at night, killing the last one. The guard offer you a bounty of 50 000 gold to save his head and prove his innocence, in just a month, right before his execution by hanging. Will your party help the man or the villageers ? You have to chose between washing his name and the guilt associated to it or prove even more that he is the culprit of such horrible crimes, and then condemn him to hanging.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
I want to hear about your Postcanon Primo Aporia AU with the twins 👁️👁️
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BATTING MY EYELASHES... ABSOLUTELY TOUCHED AND HONORED when folks are interested in the bonkers little AUs im always cooking up..thank you ;_; this one especially is rly dear to me, it's starting to grow into quite the, Project. slash pos
here's some notes and rambles about what the fuck's going on in my 5Ds Postcanon Au That's Grown Deeply Out of Hand/Rinascita AU/if i ever write something about it will give it a proper name BUT
"Rinascita" is Italian for 'rebirth' or 'revival'.... "Primo Rinascita" (name I've been calling this AU's Primoporia) plays off of "Primo Reprisa" (Primo Recovery/post ripped in half rebuilt Primo) :^)
the tl;dr I've touched upon with this AU is it's really just born from "what if Leo tried to salvage some of Aporia's mechanisms to bring him back after all the Ark Cradle chaos, but the hardware is so damaged only a third of it can be rebooted, so now Primo has to be alive again whether he wants to be or not"...there's a couple other defining Canon Divergences in here too though!!
Namely the twins elect to Stay in New Domino with Yusei rather than go live with their parents like they do in canon, partially because of the Secret Robot Harddrive(s) Leo has been sitting on for the last six months, and also partially because Fuck the Twins' Parents All My Homies Hate the Twin's Parents THEY ALREADY GOT A DAD!!! HIS NAME IS YUSEI FUDO!!!!
(but also Akiza drops out of medical school to come back to NDC and really buckle down on pursuing turbo dueling professionally... good god let the girl RIDE A MOTORCYCLE!)
Anyway, Primo in this AU is.. Mostly Primo but yeah he is also Aporia too, he has all of Aporia's memories (and fainter, more dreamlike recollections of Lester and Jakob's memories) and for a solid while Leo especially Treats him Like Aporia Primarily, which makes Primo EXTREMELY agitated!! What do you do when your memories both are yours and aren't yours, what do you do when you're a copy of a copy of a copy, what do you do the things 'you've' done are making you feel a whole lot different towards the people you so violently tried to destroy when you were last alive and it's making you feel WEIRD!!!!
he's just going through it. a lot. He has no mission he has no god he was supposed to be able to REST. and now Team 5D's is letting him stay in their garage like some kind of charity case!!
Primo eventually gets uploaded into a Ghost body Yusei and the twins recovered from a Satellite dump (it sucks <3 one eye doesnt work <333) but I think he can also partially exist in some other technology (possibly Leo's Duel Disc and the Yusei Go.... Aporia really did just like throw his whole halo into Yusei's bike and granted it flight there is DEFINITELY Apo Data in that thing's system.)
"You remember how in Homestuck, um, Bec Noir had that instinct to always protect Jade because he was partially her dog?? That's Primo in this AU, with the twins." The Aporia in him's protective instinct is logged the fuck IN
god there's just. A Lot. it's all fun and games until the little AU suddenly has a timeline and themes and. duels. and related OCs. I need to draw them but there's a small faction of scrappers that specialize in recovering the 258939285 stupidass Ghost robots Primo unleashed on the city and getting all the good tech and metal outta them. They'd like to get the tech and metal outta Primo too :)
really it's this sort of character study AU about what happens when a living weapon is allowed true and real free will, whatit means to really be a person, and about Primo coming to terms with this chance to be who He wants to be, not simply what he was created to be, and this nature of who he is vs. who Aporia was vs. who exists at the overlap of those points. Aporia may be dead but he is haunting that fuckin narrativeee his claws are all over everythinggg and it's giving Primo Gender Feelings that he DOESNT HAVE TIME TO FOCUS ON RIGHT NOW!!!! *the looming Postcanon Gender He/They Experience lurks behind him like a phantom*
there was even slowburn yuseiprimo qpr maneuvers. smiles.
LORD THAT'S A LOT SORRY and that's really just me sputtering some basic stuff off the top of my head...there is. a Lot going on. Didnt even get into the guardian angel symbolism and how Z-one slots into all this and the. um. entire fan duel monsters card archetype im cooking for Luna out in this thing. tl;dr This Rehabilitated Pit Bull Has a New Lease on Life and It's Stressing Them The Fuck Out But They'll Be Ok.i believe in Primo's innate big brother instinct and you can too. i like him SOO MUCH
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katyspersonal · 9 months
Okay, there is a secret third way..
On the topic about Fauxsefka's pregnancy, I still think that the absolutely dead solid evidence of it was the fact that she'd drop the GO cord only AFTER Bloodmoon, which implies that it had to appear after it was revealed. And like, the only way for it to appear is.... ???? If she just had it socked somewhere, she'd drop it even in the scenario where we invade the clinic before Bloodmoon and fight her like that. But nope! Basically, I am not downvoting my previous theory, I just think I've hurried in some ways
ALTERNATIVELY, this reminded me of a kinda old idea I had that maybe Fauxsefka was not pregnant but instead was about to become an infant Great One herself? Our Paleblood Hunter only becomes the squid AFTER defeating Flora, so maybe nobody can just Do That while she is alive, because she hoards the very concept? So even if someone consumed 3 cords, they will still 'hover' in their current state and only be able to reborn when Flora is gone. Like, maybe that's what happened with Fauxsefka? She was on her way to be reborn, like our hunter (maybe not into a squid, but something else? octopus? lol), but since Moon Presence exists and governs everything, it just went "bitch I said no" and there is nothing that could be done.
So like, after Flora is gone, our hunter can take her place as new Moon Presence, but nothing says how things WILL go past that point, especially since they're still only an infant. Maybe given that Fauxsefka was spared and Hunter went for third cord from Arianna (oof...), as soon as Hunter becomes a criter - Fauxsefka becomes a criter too?
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mud-castle · 9 months
I don't think this has been asked before, but sorry if it has.
What's the deal with Flame and Fawn?? Are they alive? Dead? The secret third option? Is Cloudtail a thing now or is he still debatably non-existent?
Fawntail is alive and leaves the clan at some point in TPB, leaving her littlest, sick kit with her mother-but-not-mother, Brindleface, after she catches her sneaking out. She joins the Hope Colony.
Cloudtail will exist, I just gotta figure out the timeline. He, Ash, and Fern might be born later than in canon. A lot of drama happens, and for its sake they might be born around the same time as Bramble and Tawny.
Flamesong dies, which kickstarts Fireheart's villain/revenge arc.
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Guess what happened! You'll never guess. Ever.
I wished for one thing during my trip really, really hard and so hard it became a canon event. The only thing I didn't get was a warm chamber- the fire place exists, but is not lit. The company I wished for, you asked? Well, since it is not hostile, but DEAD, I guess that also counts as granted.
Call me nothing but a lucky bastard.
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Transcript of the first and second page: I don't know how I ended up here, I just wished upon something, but this is where the pool and the rooms afterwards lead to. It's a moist, dusty and abandoned libarary and there are statues of knights all over the place. The flags of the LV are red with a yellow LV-logo on them, I have never seen this combination before. Some book shelves had axes and swords on top of them, draped on the wall.The shelves were covered in cobwebs, dust and felt like they hadn't been moved in forever, in centuries for sure. The books in there are barely movable.
The knights that wore just armor had spears and a coat on top of the upper armor. Obviously it's the LV armor they used in their meetings and secret order doings. Dusty but not rusty, you know. On the floor were two mummier, I swear I jerked when I saw them. They were in front of the stairs leading to a statue next to a cracked wall. They looked as if they were in a deep slumber- and had redently been awaken. They also wore Lux Veritatis prints on their armors and both were male. The order might really have been males only which inherit to their sons.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: I think this was the fire place? It has statues of two lions on top. It might be a reference to the Golden Lion on Eckhardt's diary pages. But he isn't a member of the Lux veritatis, maybe he just used this room as sort of a message? As a payback perhaps? He conquered the LV even in their libraries, yet they still exist to this day and fight him. He intruded into their chamber of knowledge, all their secrets and magic rituals. Too bad I cannot open a book, they are sticking so close together and if I manage to open it, I'm unable to understand the language. Someone please translate that if they can read an angelic alphabet...?
I wonder if Vasiley has ever been here. I know he has ties to the Lux Veritatis, yet I'm not sure if he's a blood-related member, an ex-member, just someone appropriating the order...? What if he really was a member of them. That would explain his death- such bloody and cruel murder is personal. It suits the Montrum killings, which had ties to Carvier, to von Croy, to the Obscura Paintings, to Lara Croft and Kurtis Trent. If Eckhardt really tried to wipe out the order, his enemy for the last 500 years, os he even done yet? Kurtis is alive, last time I checked, as far as I could...check.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: On the right side of the room was a table with a skeleton and a book, with a lit(!) candle: 1. someone died here and has been here for a while now. I guess he's an LV 2. That's the page Vasiley has a replicate of in his house! He has to be connected to the LV, no way this is not the case. 3. There's a castle at the top of the page. Is this a nephilim in the middle? I took photos to examine the pages better.
Here's a list of books on the shelves:
too many Latin books I cannot read
BUT I have some information on the two open book pages on the table. Seeing the picture with the Periapt Shards up close will be a lot more useful than a bad scan
I get this is an LV hideout, but Eckhardt is an alchemist. Would he just stay here and read stuff or wouldn't he have his own laboratory? At least that's what I would do. I'll search around a bit more, my company is dead and dead people don't move
I found something! There's a whole lot about the Black Alchemist's weapons! And I know it has to be Eckhardt. They know about him, too!
He exists, they exist, I'm on a ride!
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Transcript of the eighth page: Here it is, finally, I got my hands on this book and could take a photo up close. Carvier would be jealous- it's such a pity what happened to her. I need to be looking forward. So: these knives were indead the Periapt Shards, I can distinguish the lion heads. The dude in the middle is not a dude, it has to be a lion. Which dies if it is stabed by the shards, hence the deflating expression. The quote below is the one Eckhardt used in his diary- the Golden Lion, bla bla, taking over the world, you get it. The symbols in the corners are weird and I can only assume what it is. A sleeping winged dog, a crow, a man holding two snakes and a winged beast with a human (?). The LV-logo above obviously triumphs over the evil lion, which has to be Eckhardt. Maybe even including his following, I've collected photos of theses people. Seems like their rivalry has been going on for forever until someone- the last Lux Veritatis or the last Nephilim/Eckhardt dies.
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Transcript of the tenth page: Castle Bouzor, here we go again! That's the castle I had been looking into, the one I had contacted. This thing in the middle has elongated arms and legs, I think that's supposed to be a nephilim. Especially with the figure in the right lower corner, I think that's a human being in its regular size as a comparison. Maybe the nephilim isn't crucified, but rather sinking...down? Down to earth? The texts about nephili taking over the world weren't particularly kind and low on violence. The text in the lower corner is another written in an angelic alphabet, something I haven't learned yet and I assume I never will unless I decide to make a pact with them. I doubt I ever will do that...I think the pages were to be read left-right. So on the left side we see what humanity will be threatened by if nothing happens, and the right page shows how to avoid doomsday- the Shards that kill evil. They're parts of a talisman, I wonder what happens if you put them together?
I still have some books to go through and pictures to take photos of and hoping my film will not run out, otherwise I'd have to start drawing whatever I see.
I have noticed however that there is no real way out of here. The way I came from is open and I guess I won't die out of thirst, but other than that I haven't seen a door. Maybe there's a secret switch or something? I have something to do after taking all these notes. Maybe I'll wish for something again, or...maybe I shouldn't try my luck.
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lastlycoris · 4 months
I spoke about the green sun earlier and how exposure to its light produces symptoms after three days. However, it's the plants that are the real danger. Luckily as non-combat personnel, I'm far in the backline, but I am in the world camp because of emergencies.
We found no signs of mammals or lizards in the area. I suspect it's because the plants wiped them out, and this may be a recent phenomenon. Part of my analysis is looking at the plants' means of parasitizing its victims - aka the unfortunate people who entered prior to the military and some military folk too.
Before I get into specific plants, let's talk about their generalities.
Most of the plants here are red; I'm assuming this aids in the absorption of the green sun's light. The mobile ones have a specialized vasculature system not unlike our blood vessels except in the plants case, it's like a hydraulic engine using differences in fluid pressure to generate explosively fast motion.
A number of plants have a rudimentary muscular system more meant for sustained motion. They are similar to slow-twitch muscles in animals. They don't seem to have nerve cells or any analogue. Neither do they seem intelligent. They just seem solely driven by the need to feed and reproduce.
I guess we can start with the trees. The trees seem to be a group of plants that have a symbiotic relationship with each other. Their trunks are all spaced apart approximately a third of a city block from each other and seem unwilling to grow closer to each other.
The trees have red leaves and have bark with a similar hardness to iron. It seems the excessive hardness is likely an evolutionary adaptation to the majority of insects flying in the air, which are pretty much horse-sized mosquitos. The mosquito's proboscis pierce through the bark and drink the sap within, and they make a quick escape before they get slapped to death by the vines hanging off the tree.
The vines that hang off the tree are dull gray and are thick as one's wrist. They're primarily called "the tentacles" at the base camp. These tentacles can move from tree to tree via the branches. A number of them are growing into the ground - which gets important later.
The ones that are in the air lash and entangle anything that is within reach, including the mosquitos. This is usually enough to slap them into the ground where it will wrap around it and grow tendrils into the insect to absorb their nutrients. It usually drags them towards the roots of the tree it is currently on, suggesting that it shares the nutrients with the tree.
In the case of animals like humans though, these secrete a neurotoxin that can cause swift paralyzation to skeletal muscle with the exception being the diaphragm. It wears off after several hours if the plant is not in contact with the victim. It too pulls the victim into a large underground chamber beneath the tree where it continues growing into them and treating them as soil to drain nutrients from. The few very dead victims that are recovered before the dissolving step, where the tree rains concentrated acid into the chamber, all show that the final cause of death is starvation. Judging by the nail growth at the time of death, they were kept alive between 1-2 months meaning the plant has some means to supply water and maybe nutrition, likely from the root system growing into them.
The vines are ambush predators. They grow underground and can hook together to increase their effective hunting range. Once it detects motion above it, its hydraulic-based locomotion kicks in and lashes and wraps around an appendage where the toxin quickly kicks in, and the vines drag the victim back underground for feeding. No wonder most of the non-plant things here have adapted to fly.
Having such a specialized neurotoxin and feeding method is practically proof that mammals existed here once. The question now is where did they all go?
Maybe we didn't explore far enough. It's a bit hard to go deeper when you're practically surrounded by murder forest.
I also have a bad feeling that this may not be evolution at work - and all this might be engineered instead.
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whatisurgatepolicy · 5 months
My best friend challenged me to figure out what my various Tavs would be like as origin characters, and it's been a very fun thing to consider. So here's something overly in-depth.
So let's start with Rhea Dancer (Seren Lowell), as I just finished playing her through for the second time, hahahaha.
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Initial Class: Paladin (Oath of Vengeance), occasionally receives [ex-bard] dialogue options when controlled by the player due to her past.
Quest Title: Nevermore Rhea was the youngest princess of a small kingdom to the east of the Chionthar. She took part in a failed rebellion, was exiled into drow slavery, and returned to try and kill the king again, only to die because he's a level 18 archwizard and she was a level 7 bardadin. Her twin brother, a Chosen of The Raven Queen made a deal with his goddess to bring back his sister. Unfortunately, she was brought back to life about five minutes before the Nautiloid swung by. Found: hiding from intelligence devours in the crashed nautiloid, pretending she isn't hiding from intelligence devours.
Tent: Plain, blue, blue rug. A hammock on the inside. No personal effects, unless the player gives them to her. She's not used to making decisions.
Big secret: the part about being a dead royal. Rhea currently exists in a half-life, under the auspices of a death curse, and her HP will go down every day while she's in the Shadow Cursed Lands. Small secrets: her mother's family worship Sehanine Moonbow, the elven aspect of Selune. Shadowheart's occasional references to Shar worshippers killing Selunites fill her with...something.
Charming quirks: Rhea has todo lists for every occasion, and regularly writes them out for her fellow party members and the player. She has an almost criminally bad taste in men (Aradin, Volo, Barcus), gets flustered around mean women, and will absolutely and shamelessly hit on Nine Fingers if you take her to the Guild in Act 3. Is disconnected from her emotions. Got her fake name from a strip club.
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Ways they embody their class: Originally a College of Lore Bard, Rhea is great at history and religion checks, and her high charisma makes her a great persuasion/deception tool. Ways they are the antithesis of their class: Rhea's low con and strength vs high dex/charisma makes her a terrible fighter unless you have her in the back with spells and archery.
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Personal quest/choice: In Act 1, in the Underdark, the player is introduced to Rhea's Revenge Todo List: after escaping from the drow, she found a myconid who looked after her. Its grove was destroyed by a demon, whose name is on the Revenge Todo List. In Act 2, an option is offered to Rhea by the Raven Queen: die, become a full revenant, get strong, and finally tick off every item on her todo list. In Act 3, you can find another of her remaining brothers in Wyrm's Rock Prison. If you rescue both him and Florrick, they're eventually able to break the curse keeping her half alive and bring her back - as a bard, who'll likely never be strong enough to overthrow her father.
Live and let go of vengeance as a bard, or exist as a revenant and finally fulfil the queer dream of killing one's father. (Secret third option if romanced: you can convince her to let you go back to Lowell with her and help her assassinate her father. If she's a revenant, she'll die for good. But if she's a bard, the player can help her wrest control of the kingdom and take over. It's implied she's not super happy ruling and would prefer to be doing more important stuff. Like a ton of shrooms. If she has a good ending and neither are romanced, she'll go live on Shadowheart's farm and be entirely useless as a homesteader.)
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Green Flags: gives approval options on anything around freeing others, chasing self-freedom, or protecting others. Will critique Raphael's poetry. Is immediately ride-or-die for Wyll. Loves cats and rabbits. Will do anything for a slice of afternoon tea and some cake. Red Flags: is the only companion to not give approval when the player pets Scratch. Gives approval on anything that involves parent/sibling murder. Will talk endlessly about economics and/or the philosophy of statecraft if you let her, until the only person willing to talk to her is Gale. Is definitely stealing books from the other characters.
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Relationships with the others:
Lae'zel - Rhea thinks very highly of Lae'zel, and wants to be her best pal. Their parallel is that they're both part of societies ruled by an evil magic user who wants to be a god. They're foils for each other because Lae'zel is an active part of that society, whereas Rhea was a rebel. Shadowheart - Rhea has an obvious crush on Shadowheart but also doesn't want her knowing anything about her. Their parallels involve being half-elves with a history with Selune who turned to a goddess associated with ravens and shadows and have fake names. They're foils for each other because Shadowheart had her memories taken away by her goddess, whereas Rhea now works for a goddess obsessed with memory. Rhea's original name, Lowell, also means little wolf. Gale - Rhea pretends she and Gale don't get along and always has choice words for wizards, but they share a lot of the same academic references and party banter often includes them having excited discussions to the horror of the rest of the group. Their parallel is that they are both nerds. They're foils for each other because Gale accepts his nerd title, and Rhea is in denial. But also because Rhea hates wizards and the weave, and Gale is a wizard who has fucked the weave. Astarion - Rhea keeps Astarion at arm's length at first because she has the blood of an undead. But it's clear they agree on more things than not, especially vis-a-vis murder. Parallels: weird family dynamic might be the key to overcoming your current undead limitations. They're foils for each other because Rhea's could be brought back by her family, whereas Astarion could use his family to ascend. Wyll - both Rhea and Wyll are from noble families. While King outranks Grand Duke, Rhea sees Wyll as being higher up the pecking order, and a lot more put together. Despite being around the same age, she looks up to him. Parallels: noble background, both exiled by their fathers. Foils because: Wyll wishes to reconcile with his father. Rhea wishes to murder her own, and his too, actually. Karlach - Rhea is clearly intimidated by Karlach's power, but enjoys spending time with her and playing songs for her. Later, can offer Karlach comfort about dying. Parallels: both on a fast track towards death. Foils: having been through death before, Rhea is very accepting of it. Minthara - so many toxic noble in-jokes, or comments about drow culture. Rhea warms up to Minthara very quickly when she realises she hates Lolth. Parallels: both vengeance seeking lil murderers from a noble background. Foils: Minthara was high up in drow society, but Rhea was a slave under the House Mizzrym. Their experiences of the drow are very different. Halsin - Rhea refuses to acknowledge Halsin because his height makes her very insecure. Jaheira - new mammy, who is doing her best to keep her new kids in check. Parallels: both are nobles who had to leave their seat of power. Foils: Jaheira has long accepted this and embraced being a druid. Rhea would give Gale's left arm to get out of the wilderness and never sleep on the floor again. Minsc - Rhea speaks only to Boo and doesn't seem to be aware that Minsc exists as anything other than a hamster puppet. Minsc approves.
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