#not anymore !!! gonna use this blog 🥰🥰🥰🥰
captainlunaxmen · 9 months
All for the Cameras
Chapter 2
Finnick Odair x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: it's time for the big event. And better keep our eyes open.
Chapter warnings: none, except the usual mention of prostitution and usual hunger games stuff. Nothing too wild we still won't see Finnick in this chapter, but I promise it's going to be worth it.
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"Snow is watching us." Haymitch says, we're almost at the Capitol for the final interview and the big celebration.
"Of course, he is. He needs to watch everything. Especially the inconveniences," I scoff.
"Yeah. And if he wants you to pacify the districts, I promise you, he's not happy." Haymitch continues, "instead of being in love, you two sounds like you're reading from a drilling manual."
"You try reading that stuff that Effie writes us," Peeta mutters.
"Snow doesn't care." I tell him. "That's not how you want to convince him."
"I'm open to suggestions," he says back, tired.
"We could get married," Katniss quietly suggests, not looking up at anyone.
"That's not helping," Haymitch comments.
"I'm serious. If, like you said we're on this train forever, it's gonna happen eventually. Why not now?"
"It does make a statement. I'll give you that." Haymitch then looks at Peeta who agrees, but quickly stands up and leave. Katniss looks at me.
"It's something we can try, you're right... they would want it to happen eventually." I shrug.
"It's settle, then." Haymitch drinks to that and Katniss looks at me with hope.
"Are you sure you don't want to come to the party?" I ask Haymitch before I have to leave for Snow's residence. "Lots of free alcohol."
"I don't need free alcohol." He chuckles amused, "I'm a victor. I already got that."
"Don't you want to save a damsel in distress?" I try again.
"Our president seems very well guarded on his own," Haymitch jokes, "he's safe."
I genuinely laugh at that shaking my head.
"See? I need that! Please?" I try to beg just one more time.
"Don't send me that look, Princess." He turns his head away ready to walk away.
"Fine, fine... I tried." I raise my hands up in surrender. "Wish me luck, at least. "
"Maybe they'll leave you alone tonight, too interested in the two lovers," he sadly smiles at me, hoping, rather than believing, his own words to be true.
"Yeah, maybe," I take a deep breath, "well... have a goodnight, Haymitch."
"You too, princess." He winks, "and eyes open."
The party is just as exaggerated as ever. Lots of people, lots of food and drinks and lots of lights.
I make my way through the crowd, towards the tables full of food and drinks, hoping to find something to make this evening more tolerable. I take a glass and take a sip, breathing deeply.
Some people come to talk to me, about the victors, thankfully.
"Two victors, exciting, uh?" One of the them says cheerfully.
"Very," I say with my usual forced smile.
"You must be proud, two victors on your turn on 12," a woman with very voluminous hair nudges me, "you were the talk of the town these past few days, you know?"
"Me?" I ask, surprised by that, usually everyone forgets about me during the victory tour.
"Oh yes, well beside the lovebirds." A green haired man chimes in.
"Why?" I start to get anxious, the necklaces feel a lot tighter than before.
"I heard a rumour... someone wants to put a ring on your finger," she whisper-exclaims with a wink.
"W-what?... I don't think... uh..." I stutter.
"C'mon, everyone knows you're Cal Kingslay's favourite." She teases, with a devilish smirk, "and it's rumored that he wants you all to himself."
"Isn't that wonderful?" The man cheers. "We could probably get two well awaited weddings this year!"
"I hope I didn't ruin the surprise." The woman adds, with, what I'm sure is, a fake apologetic smile.
"Of course not. Now would you excuse me, gotta wait for my Victors." I say turning around to walk as far as possible from them, I finish my drink in one go and soon take another glass. Thankfully it's announced the arrival of Katniss and Peeta.
I spot them walking through the crowd following Effie and heading to Flavius and Octavia so I quickly join them.
As they see me arrive they immediately smile, relieved.
"There you are," I say holding my hands out for them to hold, "I've missed you,"
All for the cameras.
"It's only been 30 minutes," Peeta plays along.
"And you can stay that long away from me?" I fake offence, "You wound me,"
Everyone around us laugh so I just decide to stick with them as long as I can.
Helping them play along is much easier than expected, especially with Peeta, Katniss is still a little uncertain, but I get her, it got me years and years to get used to the cameras.
After I unfortunately finish my fourth glass, I need another one, in order to survive this evening.
"Excuse me a second," I whisper at them and head to the other side of the room where I can get another glass of Whiskey.
I turn around to go back to Katniss and Peeta when I'm met with a firm chest.
Unfortunately I already know who this might be.
"Found you" Cal teases.
I look up at him, the blue in his hair is even stronger than I remembered, and a little longer too, he got bigger, more muscles for sure, eyes just as devilish.
"That you did," I try to mask my fear with a chuckle.
"I've missed you, you know, been looking everywhere for you since I got here," he says with a sweet tone, that only makes my skin crawl. He grabs my hand to play with my fingers.
"I've been here the whole time, chatting with the Victors you know," I take my hand back, "I should get back to them, exc-"
"They got you all this time," he stops me from walking away, "it's not the same without you."
"I..." I want to say something, but nothing comes out.
"I mean, it's fun and all with Finnick, but with you..." he lets out a big dreamy sigh, "with you it's so much better"
He says the last part leaning in, close enough to suffocate me.
"Excuse me?"
We both turn and see Peeta standing there.
"Peeta!" I say, both surprised and relieved, "Peeta, uh.. this is Cal Kingslay, his father was once the general himself"
"Nice to meet you, sir," Peeta extends his hand and Cal grabs it and shakes it.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr Mellark," Cal greets him, he's tense though, he doesn't like being interrupted.
"Uh... Peeta, where's Katniss?" I ask to change the subject.
"She's dancing with the new Head Gamemaker," he explains simply, "but I still wanted to dance so I thought to ask you, if you're free."
"Oh, but of course," I say holding out my hand for him.
"But..." Cal starts.
"Oh, c'mon, he's our new victor, we can't say no to him, now can we?"
"Of course not," Cal says with a very evident forced smile.
That being said, me and Peeta go dance with the other people, I even spot Katniss with said New head Gamemaker.
"Thank you," I breathlessly say as we start dancing.
"You're welcome, you looked like you needed saving," he says with his kind smile, "who is he?"
"A fan" I simply say, "a very... uh... insisting one"
"I see," he nods.
"Thanks again, really."
"Don't worry about it." He laugh, "I mean, you helped saving me in that arena, this is nothing."
It's actually a lot more than he thinks.
I smile at him, grateful.
I then feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn around seeing Katnis and the Gamemaker.
"Mind changing partners?" He asks politely.
Me and Katniss exchange spots.
"It's an honour," he says once we're dancing.
"That honour would be the same if I knew your name sir," I tease.
"Oh, my bad, I apologise." He chuckles, amused, "I'm Plutarch Heavensbee,"
"Now the honour is mine," I say, "new head Gamemaker... when did they choose you?"
"Oh, I volunteer," he simply explains.
"Oh..." I let out a surprised laugh, "I see Katniss is already dictating fashion."
"Yeah, she's an inspiration, don't you think?" He says it almost as a challenge.
"I do," I answer seriously. "There must be more then... why volunteer?"
"I think it's time for the game to mean something," he shrugs and smiles.
"Mean something?" I wonder, "that's pretentious,"
"A little," he chuckles again, "so I'd keep those eyes open, if I were you."
My eyes snap back at his face, he's smiling, proud of himself.
Why? Does he know something? Does Haymitch know something?
Before I get the chance to ask him anything, the Capitol anthem starts and the crowd cheers.
"I'm sure we'll meet again," he says before following the rest of the people out for President Snow's speech.
I'm a little stunned, it's Effie's call that snaps me out of it. I quickly join her, Katniss and Peeta out.
We all gather in front of the residence, waiting for the President Snow to come out. I turn around looking for Cal, only to make sure he doesn't sneak up on me again. I see him looking around, for me probably, so I quickly turn around getting closer to Katniss.
At last the President comes out on his balcony.
"Tonight, on this, the last day of their tour, I want to welcome our two Victors." He starts with his usual charming persona, two young people who embody our idealsof strength and valor. And I, personally, want to congratulate them on the announcement of their engagement."
Everyone cheers. Peeta and Katniss smile at the crowd around them.
"Your love has inspired us. And I know it will go on inspiring us every day for as long as you may live." He holds up his glass and the fireworks start and I turn around to look at them like everyone.
I sense Katniss holding my hand and turning around. I want to look at Snow too, but the way she starts to squeeze my hand tells me all I need to know...
He doesn't believe them.
It didn't work.
I'm sitting in an armchair staring at nothing in particular. My mind can't help but think about whatever we can do to make their story more believable, but nothing, absolutely nothing comes up.
The riots in the districts surely won't make him happy, which means it will be worse for everyone else.
My head snaps back as I hear footsteps coming, I let out a sigh when I notice it's just Katniss.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologises.
"Don't worry about it," I wave her off, "can't sleep either?"
She shakes her head, I motion for her to sit with me.
"Do you think we ever had any chance?" She then asks me.
"I guess, the positive side of me really hoped... but the realistic side knew." I sigh, looking down at my own hands, "I'm afraid it was too late from the beginning. And I don't mean from what happen in 11... I mean from the moment you took out the berries, that made the districts feel something, these riots all over the place won't be pacify by a love story. Snow knows that."
"He asked me to convince him," she explains, "to convince him ours is true love."
"He never believed you." I directly say, "not for a second."
"Why ask me that then?"
"Control." I simply answer looking up at her with a serious expression. "Show you he has control."
"How did you end up living like this?" She asks, she seems genuinely interested, but I'm not ready to share that part of my life with her just yet.
I smile at her, a smile that doesn't reach my eye.
"Aw... Katniss, I thought you knew the difference between living" I turn serious again, looking her dead in the eyes," and surviving."
With that I stand up, grab a bottle of what I think is rum, and head to my room.
I stand by the doors waiting for Peeta, Katniss and Haymitch to get off the train. The thought of going back to normal is dreadful enough, going back alone is even worse, I don't want to think about it.
"Home sweet home," Haymitch declares as he nears.
"Don't be so eager to leave me," I joke, holding my hand out for him to shake, he takes and kiss the back of it.
"You know, it pains me deeply," he teases back and I chuckle.
"Take care of them, will you?" I ask quietly.
"You take care of yourself, will you?" He lets go of my hand and leans down to whisper into my ear, "and eyes open" He smiles one more time before getting of the train.
"You'll have to explain that to me properly one of these days," I tell him as I watch him go.
"Isn't his whole character just... cryptic?" I turn around seeing Peeta and Katniss.
"Or just constantly drunk." Katniss chimes in.
"He's cryptically drunk all the time," I smile, "so... you got everything?"
"Yeah, we're ready to get home." Peeta smile back at me.
"Good... Good." I let out a deep sigh, "it's been a pleasure assisting you two. I guess I'll see you at the next Hunger Games, mentors."
"Thank you for everything, Y/n." Peeta pulls me in for a quick hug before walking away.
"Bye," I wave then turn to Katniss, "you okay?"
"Yeah... I think so." She forces a small smile.
"I wish I could do more," I tell her honestly.
"Say hi to your family for me, alright?" I smile again and she nods.
Once Katniss is out of sight a Peacekeeper comes up to me.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Your presence has been requested back in the Capitol. We'll be leaving soon." He tells me.
"May I know who requested it?" I ask, tired. I already imagine who-
"President Snow."
"Did he say why?"
The peacekeeper doesn't answer and walks away. I stand here dumbfounded, wondering what he might want from me.
Is it because of Katniss and Peeta?
Is it because of the riots in the districts?
Is it because of the Quartel Quell? Does he wants me to be more participant or?
Then a terrifying thought comes to mind...
"You asked for me, sir?" I stand in front of his desk as he write something down.
"It came to my attention a rumour's been going around regarding you, miss L/n." He starts, still not looking directly at me, "a merry one."
"Sir?" I ask, my throat instantly dry.
"Cal Kingslay apparently wants to marry you," he finally puts down the pen and looks at me with, what might seem, a genuinely happy expression, "That's a wonderful news."
"Is it?" I don't know what he wants from me.
"Oh yes, the people can't help but be thrilled about. the idea. I, myself, think it's great news. After the contributions the Kingslays gave to the games in these last years, it will show, not only to the Capitol, but the districts as well, that you are an active part of this system." He explains, the hint of a challenge in his eyes. Challenge me to say no, to refuse.
I really want to, I want to scream at him and just run away. Being sold to all rich people in the Capitol is not the life I want, but being tied to him... permanently, it's more terrifying.
But I have no choice.
All I can do is swallow my pride and take a deep shaky breath.
"I... how... how will it happen, sir?" I ask.
"You two will get engaged once I announce the Third Quarter Quell, and get properly married after the crowing of the Victor. He will ask, you will happily say yes." He explains satisfied with my compliance, then he goes back at the papers in front of him, "That's all."
I don't need him to tell me twice, I immediately walk out of his office, ready to go home and just let everything out.
"Oh, before you go," Snow's voice freezes me on the spot, "Plutarch Heavensbee asked for your company, you will be escorted to his house immediately." He informs me.
I shakily nod and walk out of his office where two guards make way.
"Do you want some tea?" Plutarch motion for me to sit at a big wooden table, "perhaps something stronger?"
I nervously nod as I sit.
He walks away, I hear him talking to someone before walking back into the room I'm in with two drinks in hand. He offers one to me and sits by the opposite side of the table.
"I told the guards to come back in an hour, we should have enough time" he smiles and I nod again, still not sure of what to expect.
Suddenly the lights go off and the room falls into deep darkness. I can still make out his face due to the lights coming from outside.
"What...?" I ask.
"You can never feel safer," he tells me.
"What's going on, Mr Heavensbee?" I ask, anxiety growing at every passing second.
"Tell me, miss L/n," he starts, voice a little quieter than before, "what do you know about district 13?"
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dnpbeats · 1 month
Hi Emma!! I’ve been driving myself up the wall with this so I wanted to get a another opinion. Do you think theres any chance we’re about to get hit with a crap ton of late-promo?? Because I keep having that “theyre up to something” feeling but at this point I don’t know if i should trust it.
With the recent pictures today we could be getting something but the timing of it all just feels strange. Im having phannie pharanoia 😭.
Also complete side note but I absolutely love your Philslion doc!! You were actually one of the first blogs I followed when I joined, and you were like a guiding place so thank you for that!
hi!! :) I do think we are going to see an uptick in the promo. at the very least we're gonna get some more pics. one would assume we're gonna get a dedicated yt video but at this point who knows 😭 I feel like they probably are gonna be unhinged but not anymore unhinged than like what they've been like recently (i.e. the phanfic vid) but idk. I oscillate back and forth between being like "they have to hard launch before tour because of the premise" and feeling like they won't hard launch before in order to avoid ppl (erroneously) accusing them of using their relationship to sell tickets 💀💀
(also thank you so much!! 🥰)
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ofmdee · 10 days
i finished another ofmd diamond painting!
under the cut because there is some rambling 😂
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i wasn't super crazy about this one as i was working on it, i felt like stede's hand looked weird, there was too much shadow etc, but once again, the finished product impresses me 😂
used a cropped screenshot as reference:
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i'm gonna make an actual pretty post once i get it framed, but i wanted to share a while.
i'm gonna be honest, tho, i think my diamond painting Frenzy is waning, and it's bumming me tf out!!!! i feel like i go thru this constant cycle of nothing interests me, nothing nothing nothing, OH found something fun?? 👀 lets do it CONSTANTLY because it feels good to have fun, it's so much more preferable than the hollow feelings, the anxious feelings, the 'what is the point?' feelings etc, but i inevitably exhaust all the fun that can be had much too quickly, because i don't know how to do it in moderation!!! because i Crave the good feelings and it hurts so much when the thing no longer sparks the kind of intense focus and interest.
and i KNOW i hyperfocus on things to the point of it being detrimental to other things, but that's when i feel.... happiest, i think? when i have something that my brain is so latched onto that it's all i can think about to the point where i start to think hey.... maybe i could be happy one day? and then there is the inevitable crash because i burned out and lost interest
(i live in a terrible fear of this happening to my interest in ofmd one day 💀 and i worry about not having anything to fall back on if that does happen)
anyway, idk what the solution to that is, and im not sure what i'm even talking about anymore, lol, but yeah. it's frustrating!
i'm still gonna work on diamond projects, tho, because i do like the end result. here is my next project:
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no idea how i'm gonna explain this one to my parents, lol, theyre always so interested in what i'm working on but they have No Idea that sim ed and stede exist 😂
oh, it's sunday, isn't it? and i should be getting my period soon, maybe this is why it feels so Intense today.
my gf will be here next month tho so i am holding out for that, when i actually feel like a person who could end up happy. i want our lives together to start, somehow, but there are so many variables and obstacles to that, just..... idk. i want my beloved with me more than a few times a year 😔
anyway, idk, sometimes i just like using tumblr like it's an Actual Blog, lol, it's easier to make things make sense on here rather than twitter.
anyway if u read this, thank u, i appreciate u, and i am including two gifs i don't think i ever shared here in thanks 🥰
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these were from the beginning of the year, and part of a spicy set 😏🔞
okay. i think im done lmfao ✌
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candycryptids · 4 months
hewwooo tuesday here's a silly little question for you since your "check it out, frogs!!" blog title always delights me: how do each of your characters feel about frogs? 👀
I *love* Frogs, but how do the blorbeans feel about em...? Well... I had to really think about it TTuTT BUT! Chuu favors mechanical creatures over flesh 'n blood ones, and while her getting to the First is ambiguous and mysterious (being a non-wol, I just try not to think about it too much) She DOES... love the Dwarven Mecha frogs. And. The biggest frog of them all... Formi.... <3 …. So she doesn’t care for frogs much. She has sent Tuesday out frog catching for alchemical ingredients though….
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Colette... Doesn't have any feelings this way or that about frogs, really. They're small, they're kinda slimey? but mostly they're just, very small. Except Gigantoads, I suppose, but those are a toad, and decidedly less slimey, by virture of being a toad. The ambivalence remains though! They're not that tricky to fight so long as you know how to wriggle out of their tongue grasp. (I did... take some frog-related Colette pictures tho >:3 I'm just gonna, post em a bit later, since the theme got away from me) Gigantoads make for a decent enough meal so long as you prep the meat right :T the legs are the most edible part yk.
Ishi is much more fond of Poro Roggo's, Matoya's froggy familiars. They're wearing LITTLE HATS ! They wave little canes! They're quite frankly adorable and they have little croaking voices. What's not to enjoy? (And also, there's something really nice about being out in the marshes of Mor Dhona and finding a little frog instead of a Morbol ready to stink bomb you, HAH)
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Tuesday shivers when he thinks about frogs (knows the difference between a frog and a toad, still pictures a Gigantoad first, and does not much love being yanked mid-cast from his Ley lines into body slamming range.) Finds just a regular little frog endearing and will get down in the mud and muck to look at it though. Is especially fascinated by frogs that stick to things like leaves and trees and their camouflages uwu He’s the one who likely knows the most about frogs, and would gladly tell you more about them. Probably compares information with Erenville, if they ever meet up in non-life-threatening-situations.
Tangy finds them fun ! If she’s on a walk or a run or an errand and it’s drizzly and she sees a little frog hop across the pathway there’s literally 0 inhibitions in her body that stop her from also hopping or skipping for at least a minute (still on her way, but a frogs leap is so charming. They’re like tiny dragoons! She points this similarity out to Estinien once. Krile laughs, Estinien looks constipated- you know the face.) She also has a weird compulsion to put them into her mouth, though, so if she catches one….. make sure it’s not poisonous. She doesn’t even plan to eat it! They just look like they would fit perfectly in her kitty jaws (she is sometimes correct).
Mochiie had to get used to frog song when he moved to Gridania. The rivers and lakes and greenery abounding let the little critters thrive in a way they don’t particularly on the Steppe. …. He comes around to finding it relaxing and feels uneasy when he doesn’t hear them anymore lmfao. In non-WoL au’s, probably sometimes tasks adventurer’s with catching frogs for alchemical ingredients OR to bring back to the pond he’s been carefully maintaining to encourage the little beepers to live in it. (Btw, his favorite frog singers are the Pobblebonk or Banjo Frog [YT Link], and the Pacific Chorus Frog [YT Link] 🥰)
Levraut…. I’m still not sure. 🤔 I think he’d like them, but he wouldn’t feel strongly about them. He WOULD eat them though. As would Colette and Mochi… I mentioned Tangy liked to stick them in her mouth but actually eating them seems like a waste, since she’s so big and they’re so small. Like eating a blueberry. I can say his favorite frogs would be the Blue Jeans Poison Frog, for their striking jackets of warning colors, and the desert rain frog, whose perfect spherical nature and grumpy face is endearing.
#ASK GAME#TY FOR THE ASK? I got to think about frogs a whoooole bunch and it’s got me feelin like a sparkling lemonade#me personally? I’m always biting at the bars between me and the Devs wanting a mount that looks like one of their Gigantoads. idk how you’d#even ride on it I just. want it. LMFAO#also I didn’t get poses for everyyybodyyyy but I did have fun taking these screens uwu!!!#I also listened to a bunch of frog calls….. poison dart frogs make such a cool noise it’s wild#somehow picturing Lev with a Frog was akin to plopping an alien in front of him I could noOT figure out how he’d feel about them!#if I had my self-Insert character done up I woulda done a bonus of me with frogs lololol#but I was having trouble getting even just the one frog for Ishi 🫢#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv Miqo’te#ffxiv Ishi’li#also…. uhm…. the Boys ™ are still in ARR gameplay wise so even though by all rights they should be a DRK and an AST I didn’t uh.#I didn’t have any MCDF’s made up for either of them 🫢🫣 cos we haven’t >> Designed em yet#so please accept DRG Kizuna and his tummy and Nin Ishi and his. hair that’s a little short#OH ALSO THEIR SCRINKLE CARBUNCLE BC THEY HAVE POOR AETHER POOLS#the WoL has 10k. Ishi has like. 3-4k. he gets trained to Always Be (Lucid) Dreaming for the MP regen#I wanted to post this today and do more screenshots before hand but the Maint is gonna gunch me first#Cos Im finishing endwalkers with my husbaaaand !#Please enjoy what I have. Ishi tripped.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Hey beautiful! 🥰 I'm on a mission, which brings me to your blog tonight for a request. And there's no rush my love, so please take all the time you may want or need. I don't mind waiting at all ❤️.
Okay, picture this: Friends to Lovers kind of deal and Mutual Pining with F!Reader and Frankie Morales. They're out on a mission together but are only gathering intel so they're not planning to fight the enemy, and it's an exceptionally cold night wherever they are (could be an abandoned warehouse, a motel room, or in hiding in the trees etc, just somewhere where they're staying close to each other). She goes to tuck in for the night as there was no activity to record from the threat, but Frankie can hear how cold she is. Like, she is shivering, and the man just can't take it anymore. He tucks in for the night too but lays down beside her instead, placing his chest against her back to keep her warm.
Let the smut and/or fluff commence from this point onwards. I'll leave you to decide which route to take this story after this point. Thank you in advance and love ya bitch! 😏❤️
Chloe I LOVE this request 🥰🥰 Hope you enjoy 😉
Be my Lady?!
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, PinV sex, oral (female receiving), mutual pining, one bed, unintentional teasing, cursing, fluff.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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The static of the radio startles you as you gaze through your scope at Javi’s villa. It’s been quiet, thankfully but it’s been days out here in the thick jungle and the weather is beginning to drain you.
“Fuck, this is boring as shit. I think we’ve gathered enough information, wanna head out?”
“Fish, I thought you’d never ask,” you radio back with a smile in your voice.
“I aim to please half-pint.” You roll your eyes at the nickname he’d bestowed upon you back when you first joined the team. “Meet you at the starting point. Better hurry if we wanna get the chopper to pick us up today. The weather is getting real bad.”
“See you in five.” Packing up you head out to meet Frankie and once you make your way through the clearing you spot him leaning against a tree. He’s fiddling with the watch his daughter got him, something you helped her pick out and you take the opportunity to admire him.
His tack trousers hug his thighs just right and the way he’s leaning back with his legs slightly crossed over highlights his impressive package. The red shirt he’s wearing peaks out under his rain jacket and a smile works its way onto your face. It’s the one you bought for Kris Kringle one year and he always seems to have it on when you’re out together.
“A watched clock never chimes, Fish.” He smiles up at you, that dimple you love making an appearance. “Is that what they say,” he asks as he pushes off the tree and picks up his rucksack. “Winds picking up,” he says, tilting his head to the sky. “Don’t think we’re gonna make it back to base tonight.”
“Damn, I was hoping for a hot shower.” Frankie clears his throat and avoids making eye contact as he begins to lead the way. “Saw a cabin about a mile north, a little run-down but should be ok to haul up there for the night.”
“Once we get out of the rain I’m happy. Lead the way.”
When Frankie had said a run-down cabin you were expecting a shell of a building but it was actually in decent condition with a small bed and an open fire. Dropping his rucksack on the ground Frankie turns to you with a serious look on his face and his hands resting on his hips.
“There’s only one bed.”
“Half-pint, there’s two of us and only one bed.”
“Yeah. So? We’re grown-ups, we can work something out.”
“You take it. I’ll sleep on the floor. I’m sure there’s some blankets around here somewhere,” he says as he begins to look around.
“Fish, it's ok. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor. You got a bad back.”
“Well, I ain’t making you sleep on the floor before you even suggest it.”
With a sigh, you take a step closer to him and rest your hand on his arm. “I was gonna say we could share the bed.”
His eyes move slowly along your figure before landing where you're touching him. He gulps loudly before meeting your gaze, “you sure?”
“Positive. Now, let’s get that fire lit. I’m freezing.”
Frankie helps you light the fire before heading out back and getting some extra wood to try and keep it going for the night. You take the opportunity to change quickly into dryer clothes but you can’t seem to shake the chill that’s set in your bones so you riffle through Frankie's bag and throw on one of his shirts.
“Hey got enough to keep us going and I’ve cut some extra out back just in case we…” Frankie falters as he turns and spots you standing there with his shirt on. Your gaze wanders and you can see the effect you're having on him through his trousers.
As soon as he realises what you're looking at his face heats and he drops some of the wood. “Fuck, is that my shirt?” He stutters.
Biting your bottom lip you nod your head, “that’s ok, right? I’m just really cold. Needed the extra layers.”
He clears his throat as he makes his way towards the open fire, throwing some logs into it. “Yeah, yup that’s fine…I uh…yeah.”
You try hard not to laugh at how cute he’s being and the thought that he might just feel the same way as you, passes through your mind. He removes his wet jacket and grabs some food from his bag before reaching out and offering you some. “Thanks,” you say with a soft smile, patting the ground beside you.
Huddled together by the fire tucking into the food the sound of the wind howling outside draws your attention. “Shit, that’s bad.”
“I told ya it was gonna get bad. The weather here is always shit. Don’t know why that asshole has a villa here.”
“Hmm, at least we can be back on base tomorrow. I’m missing my bed.”
Frankie snorts a laugh, “that’s saying something. Those things are hard as shit.”
You yawn and Frankie’s eyes flick towards you, “you should get some sleep”, he says tilting his head towards the single bed. “I’ll keep this going a bit longer.”
“You should rest too, Frankie.”
“I will, I promise.”
“You better Morales.”
He watches you wrap the thin blanket over you and settle on the bed before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He was so screwed.
A little while later you begin to shiver a little, the thin blanket doing little to alleviate the cold. Frankie notices from where he's sat by the fire and decides he’s going to have to brave it out and hop in beside you.
“Mierda. You better not show me up, you hear. We’re in this together alright. We can't scare her off.”
You realise that he thinks you're asleep but you wonder who he’s talking to. When you peak at him from under the covers he’s pointing at his rather large bulge. Jesus, he is big. When he stands you turn back around and wait as he strips out of his tack trousers before lifting the covers and slipping in behind you.
It’s awkward given how small the bed is and Frankie is a hulk of a man but he manages to fit behind you. He’s careful not to touch you, well any more than can be helped. You shiver again and suddenly Frankie’s arm wraps around your waist and pulls you back against his hard chest.
You’re nestled right up against him and a contented sigh passes your lips. “That better,Hermosa?”
“Hmm, yeah. You’re like a space heater.” You wiggle your butt unconsciously seeking out his heat and a strangled groan comes from behind you. His hand grips your waist tight, “half-pint…Mierda! You gotta stop…I’m not gonna…shit, I’m not gonna be able to control myself if you keep doing that.”
“Who says I want you to?” You turn your head slightly when he doesn’t say anything but then he’s pushing you onto your back as he nestles himself between your thighs. His breathing is ragged and his pupils are blown wide. “Are you sure you want this,Hermosa? I won’t be able to stop once we start. Wanted this…shit, wanted this for so long.”
You bite your lip and nod your head at him. He shakes his and moves your hands above your head. “I need to hear you say it, half-pint.”
“Fuck me Frankie, please.” His eyes close and he groans as he grinds his hips into you. “Fuck your huge, Fish.”
“Don’t call me that, not like this. Say my name.” He grinds his thick length against you again. “Frankie,” you whisper in his ear.
“Fuck. Want you so bad, baby. But I gotta get you ready for me.” He moves down under the covers and pulls your pants down exposing your aching cunt before lifting your legs over his shoulders. He buries his face into you, breathing you in. “Fuck baby you smell so good. Bet you taste even better.”
He licks a strip through your folds and you arch off the bed with a strangled moan. His nose presses into your clit as he devours you. “Oh fuck…Frankie.”
Ooh! You moan as your back arches off the bed, hand finding purchase in his hair. He grips your thighs as he buries his tongue inside you. Fuck he knows what he’s doing. He alternates between licking and sucking and shoving his tongue inside you that you are a complete and utter mess on the bed below him. Writhing in pleasure. That heat begins to form and you can feel yourself getting closer to that edge and you all but shout his name as the pleasure from your orgasm consumes you.
His tongue licks around his lips as he emerges from under the covers laying his body flush with yours. You reach up and kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue. You reach down and grip him tight in your hand. “I wanna taste you now.”
“I won’t last,” he breathes out as he shakes his head. “Next time, baby. Right now I gotta feel you wrapped around me.” He pulls his boxers off and quickly discards them before lining up at your entrance. “Ready baby?”
“Yes. Need you, Frankie.”
His hips thrust forward burying his thick length deep inside. “Mierda. So fucking wet baby. You feel like heaven.” He pounds into you, fucking you deep into the mattress below you, the bed squeaking from the force.
“Oh god….Frankie, I’m gonna….oh…fuck…I’m gonna come.” His hand holds your hip tight as he keeps hitting that sweet spot. “That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock. Wanna feel you.”
“Frankie,” you cry out as your cunt flutters around him. He groans as you squeeze him tight only thrusting a few more times before he follows you off that ledge. He comes hard with a grunt of your name as fills you full of him.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he slumps on top of you. You both lay like that for a while, his cock still buried inside you as you run your fingers through his slightly damp hair.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting that to happen on this mission.”
“Me neither,” he mumbles into your skin. “Fucking happy it did though. I owe Pope for swapping with me.”
Frankie lifts his head slightly so he can meet your gaze. “Pope was the one who was on this mission with you but I asked him to swap. Wanted to spend some time with you, just you and me.”
“Got it bad, huh?”
He reaches up and places a soft kiss on your lips. “You’ve no idea, baby.”
“Well, I got it bad for you too.”
“Yeah? So does that mean you're my lady now?”
“I’ve always been your lady, Frankie.”
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @dindjarinswhore @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories
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hayjeon · 9 months
hi everyone, i know it’s been quite a while.
i don’t even remember how to use the app/site well enough to find when the last time i posted a fic was (like, where did the time stamps go?!)
i bet this won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who’s been following me for a while because i clearly went MIA for a few years. just wanted to pop back in and clarify a few things and let yall know i am alive and well 🫶🏻
i have, unfortunately, moved on from my ff writing era of my life. i’ve seen all your messages of support and reactions to my writing and constantly see the reposts and recs made in my email inbox, and i cherish each and every one of them and do miss yall very often. i am currently now working and traveling full time, and am just past the era in which i used to absolutely love bts/kpop. i’m actually now an avid ao3 dramione reader 😂 and have devoted a lot of my time to getting physically/emotionally healthier, furthering my career, and just pouring love into myself and everyone around me 🤌🏻
i still do love/listen to bts, but i’ve also been feeling like i’ve outgrown them a bit and no longer actively read bts fics myself 🥹 but to sometimes come back to my own blog and my homepage to see that other writers are still here and dedicated makes me feel so giddy and happy for them. watching bts grow from their boy in luv era when i first became a fan to the degree they’re at now and even when i stopped actively writing (probably when they started breaking into the US/english lyrics, or covid era) was such a big life landmark for me, and i will always cherish them in my heart for that. i will also always cherish this blog, that kept me actively writing, throughout uni, and actively creating content anonymously, for helping me through some hard times emotionally, physically, and mentally.
i don’t think i’ll be updating any of my wips: any writer out there who feels inclined to continue the stories, i give you full permission (pls don’t plagiarize!) and would hope that you drop a quick msg in my inbox when you post so i can read them (better than tags!) 🥰 would also be happy to share where i intended a lot of my fics to go plot-wise. i also deem it would be a disservice to a lot of you for me to release unfinished drafts, but im happy to share that as well to anyone who wants to pick it up, or just are curious where the plots went (lmk if ur into that?)
i will be keeping this blog up and active. anyone who wants to pop in and re-read anything: thank you for your continued support. feel free to translate, repost, use as inspiration, continue the stories yourselves, and do whatever you want. i’m sending these fics as a love letter to everyone who’s supported me thus far, and anyone new to the fandom (welcome! i know army has increased so much since i left) into the universe and all i can do is release them with a sense of peace and love, although it’s a bit bittersweet.
of course 😍 i love seeing them in my inbox so continue to ask away!!!
to conclude:
thank you to everyone here.
thank you to bts and hope for a quick and safe army service to all of them.
and happy new year 🫶🏻
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josephseedismyfather · 8 months
Music (it's not) Monday (anymore)
I was tagged by @inafieldofdaisies for this a few days ago, but I miss it so much, I'm gonna go ahead and do one. It's been a hot minute since I've shared, well, anything really. Thank you for the tag! 🥰
I love the way you look at me I feel the pain you place inside You lock me up inside your dirty cage While I'm alone inside my mind I like to teach you all the rules I get to see them set in stone I like it when you chain me to the bed But then your secrets never show
I need to feel you You need to feel me I can't control you You're not the one for me, no I can't control you You can't control me I need to feel you So why's there even
I love the way you rake my skin I feel the hate you place inside I need to get your voice out of my head 'Cause I'm that guy you'll never find I think you know all of the rules There's no expressions on your face I hope that someday you will let me go Release me from my dirty cage
I love the way you look at me I love the way you smack my ass I love the dirty things you do I have control of you
Without a life vest, I'd be stuck again Wish I was much more masculine Maybe then I could learn to swim Like (14 miles away)
Now floating up and down I spin, colliding into sound Like whales beneath me diving down I'm sinking to the bottom of my- Everything that freaks me out The lighthouse beam has just run out I'm cold as cold as cold can be, be
Where is the coastguard? I keep looking each direction For a spotlight, give me something I need something for protection Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine The jetsam sunk, I'm left behind I'm treading for my life, believe me (How can I keep up this breathing?)
Not knowing how to think I scream aloud, begin to sink My legs and arms are broken down With envy for the solid ground I'm reaching for the life within me How can one man stop his ending? I thought of just your face Relaxed, and floated into space
Now waking to the sun I calculate what I had done Like jumping from the bow, yeah Just to prove that I knew how, yeah It's midnight's late reminder of The loss of her, the one I love My will to quickly end it all Sat front row in my need to fall
Into the ocean, end it all
Untitled Johnny WIP.
A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend with weed is better A friend with breasts and all the rest A friend who's dressed in leather A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who'll tease is better Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed And makes for stormy weather
A friend in need's a friend indeed My Japanese is better And when she's pressed, she will undress And then she's boxing clever A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who bleeds is better My friend confessed she passed the test And we will never sever
Day's dawning, skin's crawling Day's dawning, skin's crawling Day's dawning, skin's crawling Day's dawning, skin's crawling Pure morning Pure morning Pure morning Pure morning
Tagging, with apologies for doubles and no pressure! @wrathfulrook, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @trench-rot, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @ladyoriza, @cassietrn, @redreart, @hotmessteaparty, @g0dspeeed, @v0idbuggy, @insanityofvaas, @simplegenius042, @malefiquinn, @strangefable, @noodlecupcakes, @chazz-anova, @aristomal, @ocdemon-747, @outlastic, @carlosoliveiraa, @la-grosse-patate, and anybody else who wants to share. Tag me! 😘
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nerdieforpedro · 10 months
Weekend Update
Nerdie, you’re making this a thing now?
Yes! I have to keep ya’ll updated on what’s going on.
Well, what did you read this week?
Many wonderful things:
I will again sing the praises of @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin three part series “When My Time Comes Around.” You’ll feel all the emotions and be thankful that you read something that touches you deep in your soul. 😭 She also attacked my heart again on Frankie Friday with bittersweet angst in Tender is the Night. I'm a fan of the melancholic greatness that is Angie.
So...you like reading about sad things?
There's more to it than that. Just go read her fics! Then you'll know.
Tommy Miller fans unite! @musings-of-a-rose is continuing to feed our younger Miller brother delusions with her series “Falling Slowly.” The slow burn romance is one of the trope I really dig. And Gabriel Luna always. 🫠 Dig into some Tommy…
Nerdie, you’re doing so well, don’t jinx it.
I mean, I'm not wrong. Whatever, moving on...
I also read Honey Stained Hands by the sweet and deceptively naughty @undercoverpena too. Seems to be a Joel fix this week. Post-outbreak. The reader manages to make honey and different sweets in Jackson. Telling ya’ll anymore is a spoiler. Go read it!
There’s also another grizzled man this week. Tim Rockford who in the capable hands of the same writer @secretelephanttattoo who brought us Marcus Pike (Doughnut Debauchery) and the reason I’ll never look at doughnuts the same, I’m sure she’ll find many a use for his gun holsters. She began her new series “Undercover.” I’m throughly looking forward diving into more of the chapters as she releases them.
@linzels-blog wrote another Din Djarin fic that is equal parts sensual and sweet. It’s called Safe to Touch. I’m rather fond of our intrepid Mendalorian and him exploring his body with someone he loves is a treat.
Speaking of which, who doesn’t like baked goods? We’re also being fed by @avastrasposts as she starts her A Baker’s Dozen series with Pedro Pascal characters. Her first one is about our favorite trash cuddle panda Dieter Bravo. It’s adorable. 🥰 Such fluff.
Nerdie, you actually read fluff? This is surprising.
What do ya’ll take me for? I told you, 80% smut. This is in the 20%. Geez. 🙄
I will say though, this next one, 100% smut, not watered down, will burn your throat and you’ll love it and want more. You’ll want it other places. 😘
Welp, we knew it was gonna end here eventually.
Yes! @morallyinept had me removing my socks and pants in an effort to cool down, it did not help. I will think of this version of Dieter Bravo when I’m out at night. Heck, maybe as I walk across the parking lot to get in my car after a shift. That honestly would be the perfect time… long story short, wild back alley sex with both Dieter and the reader being complete and utter lust filled humans. It is called, Back Alley Bang if you enjoy Pedro Pascal characters smut, it’s required reading or at least highly recommended.
Anything new for you this week Nerdie?
Session Two of my “Sard’ika Sessions” will be out on early Wednesday AM in EST. Session One and all sessions will be linked to the Sard’ika Sessions Masterlist. I’m currently writing sessions 3 and 4 from my notebook because I wrote them down. Wild what you think of between the hours of 12 mid and 4am.
I finally started writing for our Pickled Peña prompt! I might even have it in on time. If you’d like to join in, see all the details here. I’m on the fence about smut, odd I know. 🤨
I also started a Benny Miller fic (likely fluff with food) and a Christmas fic with Joel and Layla (on OFC I wrote three fics on a few months ago - I love them very much ❤️). Joel and Layla are on my Masterlist.
Anything outside of fanfiction Nerdie? Please say that’s not the only thing you do. 🙄
I have a job you know. I actually worked this weekend. I visited my mom while she had a cold earlier this week. She’s very into Tom Hiddleston. Not a bad choice, I too appreciate his accent and baritone voice. She enjoys his dancing. 🕺🏽 I’d watching Loki with her and finally got her to watch Andor - she liked it but called it “low budget Star Wars” because she didn’t know any of the actors. I swear she’s so goofy. I love her. She also said that Andor grew on her like The Mandalorian and she wants to see more. I may be able to get her on board with both Lunas eventually. 😝
I’ve been working on my Statistics class. It’s difficult but I’m pushing through. 😵
Finally watched two Garrett Hedland movies this week! Country Strong and Four Brothers. The first was bittersweet but I liked it. He did sing a lot which was wonderful. The second one I’ve seen multiple times with little brother (he loved the movie when we were younger.) Garrett looked so young! It was from 2005 though.
Well Nerdie, your week sounds full. Good luck!
Have a great week everyone!
I jammed to while some music while looking at a picture of Gabriel Luna that @musings-of-a-rose sent me because she knows me well and is always willing to share: 😍
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One of the songs was:
Stay safe and feel better to all those who are feeling under the weather,
Love Nerdie ❤️
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gladdygirl18 · 5 months
Hey everyone! hope all is well!
ok so um....... this is gonna be hard to say but, remember how in a recent TTS i said that i had an annoucement to make regarding the TTS's? Yeah well this is it
As i said before, TTS's will be coming to a stop for a good while. Idk for how long, but it is ending soon. The reason for that is........ my girlfriend and I are breaking up due to her moving and transferring schools.... 😔😔💔💔
Remember in my spring break TTS i said my GF and I had a very serious talk? Yeah, it was about her moving and what would happen to us. School is ending soon and finals are coming up, and after all is said and done, my GF will be moving away and we won't be a couple anymore..... 💔😔
That night while we were talking about that, many many tears were shed since we've both been dreading talking about it. We wanted to try long distance, but since she's had bad experiences in the past with long distance relationships, she's hesitant about doing the same with us, and I understand that. I've already reassured her that I would talk to her almost every week if not every day to make sure she's doing okay
I already promised her that I would visit her and her family this summer since I'm gonna be visiting another friend down there as well as my aunt.
But yeah. TTS's are gonna being on hiatus for a little while. I'm very sad to see my GF leave and to be breaking up with her, but I want to spare her the pain of long distance.
Hopefully, TTS will return one day but as of right now, TTS will be ending. I may post 1 or 2 more depending on what my GF provides, but if not, I wanted to thank all of you for sticking with me through this
Seeing all of your comments, likes, and reblogs really made me happy and it made my GF happy as well (yes she knows i have a blog about tickling)
I hope to one day bring back this series with hopefully a new partner (BF or GF; I'm Bisexual so I'm flexible😋) or maybe my GF (who will be my ex by that point) will make an appearance soon too! Once again thanks so much for all the support on this series! Stay safe, stay blessed, stay hydrated, and have a blessed rest of yalls day! 💖🥰
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
That I do.
Charlie Wealsey x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Also, if you want to be tagged in future Charlie's stories, let me know❤️
I wrote a sort of sequel, too.
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"You got more?" I ask Charlie as I trace the line of the tattoos on his chest with my finger as we cuddle.
"Uh?" He asks, half-dozen off to sleep.
After months and months of not being able to see each other we finally got some time for ourselves.
"You got more of these in these months?" I repeat, pointing at his quidditch inspired tattoo on his chest.
"Oh! Yes! Here, let me show you" he quickly stand up turning the lights on. Excited like a kid showing his new toy.
I laugh at his excitement, he looks so sweet, I don't know how he manages to make me fall in love with him more and more each time.
"Okay, here. This is the last one I got... well it's just the lines for now, I'll go back and do the rest in a week or so." He proudly show me his arm "it's gonna be for my family, you know, here some knitted scarfs for mom... here a tool box for dad... and yeah everyone else"
"That's really sweet, love" I tell him, looking at the lines of all the drawing.. there's even a small lightning for Harry.
He then turns around, more excited than ever.
"Oh my god!" I exclaim, admiring the wings tattooed on his muscular back.
"I got this one after our last encounter" he explains.
"That's amazing" that's all I can say, too speechless to say more.
I reach out to touch it, carefully following the lines of the wings.
He turns back around and kisses me.
"You like them?" He asks after the kiss.
"Like? Charlie.. they're amazing" I tell him.
"Really?" His eyes literally bright for joy.
"Really!" I playfully roll my eyes. "Hot too"
"Oohh that's why you like them?" He asks teasingly.
"Oh for sure" I laugh.
"Wanna come with me when I get this finished?" He asks, nodding to the incomplete tattoo on his arm.
"Maybe you'll get one too? How does that sound, my love?"
"Maybe" I pull him in for a quick kiss, but he chases me as soon as I pull away making us fall back on the bed, with him on top of me kissing all over my face making me giggle.
"Okay, okay, big boy. We gotta sleep.. we have to be up early so we can arrive to your parents on time.. and not late as always" I tell him, making him pull away to look at me with a pout.
"They're used to it... what's one more time?" He gets back at kissing my face.
"You're terrible" I say defeated.
"You love me" he mutters between kisses.
"That I do, love. That I do"
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youmyjhope · 1 year
some people in my asks really want me to comment on hobis "thanks to" notes in jitb hope edition. okay :)
let me set the record straight for all of you people.
im okay with being wrong, actually. so i admit i was wrong in some of my recent posts blaming HYBE for the lack of cds.
everyone who says I "guilt tripped" hobi into doing anything can kiss my ass. i never did, so stfu. 🥰
all i did was make a post on my blog ranting my frustration ALMOST A YEAR after album release using my poor judgement of the situation. ive been supportive of jhope's decision since the very beginning (and the screen below confirms it)
not like some of you would know because yall clearly just reactive.😒
im not gonna talk about this anymore so ppl in my inbox can calm down fr. im chilling
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
10, 12, 15, 21, 24!!
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
Is all an answer? No? Fine...
@steadfastsaturnsrings is the most positive and bright person I've ever met, and seeing him in my notifications never fails to make me smile. His metas and speculations are always fascinating and his tags on posts are so fun to see.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
Another hard one!! Okay...
@lover-of-mine is a brilliant person. Her metas and her attention to detail always make me see a scene in a new way, and it's always fun to talk to her. Her fics and gifsets/ edits are top teir and I get so excited every time I see them 🥰.
15. the character that always makes you smile
I'm gonna cheat! There's two: Eddie and Christopher Diaz. Those boys are the reason I watch the show quite honestly. Tbh I kinda hated it before their introduction (and Maddie's). The Diaz boys bring a goofiness and a sweetness to the show that it really needed. I love their relationship. The minute I see either of them, I'm grinning like a fool.
21. a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
Sherlock used to be my main fandom. I haven't been active there in years, but I still have mutuals who are and it's nice to see the fandom there still so active and as positive a space as when I was there.
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
I've met wonderful friends in the short time I've been in the fandom, and seeing the reaction to the fics I post has boosted my confidence as a writer immensely. Before I joined fandom and started writing fic, I was losing all hope in ever writing anything at all. But y'all have been wonderful and I'm so grateful for everyone I've met here 🩷
Fandom asks 🩷
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dark-falz · 11 months
Kinda personal but about Tumblr
I just wanna say I'm probably gonna pick Tumblr back up as my main and now only social because I can't stand Instagram anymore and that's all that was left.
Since the editor change hasn't effected my gif quality (Tho I'll no longer be dealing with HTML cause it's a different headache with this editor I feel) and this blog is the main reason I'm even still on this site, if you see a follow from me after years of interaction through here but nothing else, it's because I felt I was never active enough to bother, cause I didn't look at my dash.
Now there's other PSO content so. More reason to look at my dash. And I need something that isn't Instagram to scroll idly when my dogs don't show up at work lmao.
So? Thanks Phantasy Star fandom for making the NSFW ban irrelevant to me 🙃🥰 (why I stopped using tumblr and why my old account kept getting shadowbanned and i made a new one but still fuck u tumblr for not letting me appreciate hot nakey anime grills the same)
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
hi again!! its 1st time cannibal the musical watcher again- i might start signing my asks or somethin cus i keep wanting to talk but like you're always sharing such obscure random stuff.. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE THING YOU'VE DISCOVERED OR FOUND?? specific quote of an interview or a particular photo you've found ???
hiii anon lovely to see you back! feel free to tag yourself if you prefer that way, but either way you're much appreciated 🥰
I have so much stuff I found (I'd say it more like... was lucky to run into while researching 😵‍💫) that I love, but to name a few...
"My lovely wife Matt Stone" aka Trey's BOM speech from Feb 25 2013 at the first west end preview. How I found this: So, sometimes when I'm bored I'll pick a random mattrey blog that's been active for a long time, open an old post from their archive, see if there's old inactive mattrey blogs in the notes, and look through their archive to see if there's any posts I could make resurface that had stopped circulating, right? The funny thing is I'll go on reblog sprees, so I actually hadn't listened to the audio when I reblogged it. I was only informed of what it said when I saw others freak out about it.
Daily Show with Craig Kilborn. Why it's my fav? Well, aside from being adorable and iconic, it landed my youtube channel in the lost media wiki! How I found it is actually quite easy, when you look up fansites on the web archive you can do specific search for the files the web archive has saved from it. Turns out sometimes quicktime files work! Four parts were in canniballovers and one in dtisfu if I remember correctly, I just edited them together and posted it. Still wish someone could find it in better quality though. 😔
I'm gonna list a bunch of pictures now... because there's many. 😭 But my absolute N1 is probably the Halloween Robert Smith Trey picture. How I found it is simple, just looking up random words on facebook. Probably "trey parker", nothing special. This and this from the Ron Jeremy website on the web archive, though I think maybe the second one had already been circulating I'm not exactly sure. Showgirl Halloween Trey. The kiss pictures. Pink haired Trey!! This NATPE (?) picture. These older Trey pics where he's serving absolute cunt. This Lapdance/Sundance (?) pic. And these too. This reverse cap one altho this was from twitter I don't think I was the first to come across it tbh. These three from the "A Million Laughs" fb page... Bowl hat... Trey with the blue umbrella full pic... tho I wouldn't say I "found it" only that I got to it first the day it was posted... Trey in the matching christmas pajama from 2018... I'm gonna stop but my heart is pretty big and I like all pics...
These measly 7 secs of SDCC footage only because of the first mattrey pic included because that pose from Trey is everythinggg.
This oscars clip because Trey does such a graceful hair flip 😭
Le Petit Package pics though all I did was waltz into the lost media thread and see they had been posted...
The forbidden mattrey slides which we may never see... these were all from worthpoint, which is just a website that archives past ebay bids.
Annual Diversity Awards for the Trey serve ofc.
And finally, I'm very partial to "Matt's a cock".
As to how I come across anything... it's lots of free time. Like I'm talking hours daily just picking a random lead and following it. It may be a website you think hasn't been thoroughly searched (I've tried fb, ig, twitter, worthpoint, ebay, wordpress, tripod, weebly, various fansites on webarchive, footage.net, bilibili/baidu, vimeo, dailymotion, flickr, a load of sketchy other websites I don't remember anymore... basically trey parker has brought me to places I wouldn't go with a gun...) a combination of words, a new search engine that may give u different results (I've tried the ones listed in the lost media wiki guide, my favorite is startpage). Using targeted searching like "word" or site:x "word" or "word combo" before:year, basically trying to make google your bitch. I also use gettyimages like a visual wiki of events Trey's been to+the date, it's quite useful... ik you didn't ask the "how" part but aaaa I like talking about it 😭 I have a lot of fun. Even though sometimes I just come up empty handed even after hours of research. More often than not tbh. Also I'm an obsessed weirdo who checks the words "trey parker" daily on twitter, tumblr, ig, fb, yt, web archive and ebay. 🫠
And also the concept of finding is weird because it has happened to me that I thought I had found something and then it actually had been circulating already, so I tried really hard to answer you by only listing stuff I was fairly sure hadn't been circulating before I got to it, but I mean... it doesn't really matter! I'm here to serve, I just like sharing whatever stuff I run into, it'll happen that it's new to me but it really isn't. 😵‍💫 I try...
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I like this too also but I didn't find it, it was pretty available already fjdkg you know Jack Shih was at that dodgeball event?
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Favorite funfact that I haven't had a chance to share yet, so now you know!
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Hi! Love your blog! My sister and I love love love Encanto (me more so) and it's my favourite ever Disney movie ever!
I have the headcanon set in modern times that after seeing the barbie movie, Luisa buys herself an emotional support barbie so she gives herself the childhood she didn't get. Also in relation to this, after the events of the movie, Pepa and Isabela bond over the trauma of having to suppress their gifts and being seen as perfect to keep up appearances. Isabela finds her old dolls from when she was a kid and seeing how she's not that girl anymore, she goes ham in destroying them and essentially pulls a Sid from Toy Story. Pepa helps in this therapy by using her lightning and its beautiful.
Other hcs include...
Mariano still being a himbo! One Christmas, Alma says they had an important visitor and Mariano deadass asks if it's Santa. It's padre fransico from a neighbouring church. This one is based off my sister at work, who, last Christmas, asked if the special visitor they were getting was Santa as 'christmas' and 'special visitor' usually means him. It was safeguarding people.
Behind the donkey shed is a popular place for couples to have alone time together. Both Pepa and Luisa can attest to this.
Dolores was adamant about wanting a baby sibling for Christmas, to the point where she held the baby who was the baby Jesus in the nativity hostage. Pepa and Félix did not think that negotiating with a three year old would be on their parenting duties and yet there they were.
Antonio is an oops baby. Very much welcomed, but an oops baby nonetheless. Pepa and Félix swore that after Camilo, there was to be no more. Cue Dolores' quinciñera where they had too much to drink and figured they were too old to need protection. The morning sickness five weeks later proved otherwise.
Thank you so, so much! I love me some Encanto, too 🥰 I took a little break for a while, but I'm back on it now 😂
And my goodness, these are some awesome headcanons!! I'll address each of these and number them so I can keep track 💗💗💗
I have honestly never much considered an modern AU for this group, but I have to admit, that's a really intriguing idea! And Pepa and Isabela bonding is pretty awesome, too, even if it's something I've never thought a lot about either (a lot of my thoughts belong to the three sisters 😅) However, I have to admit, the thought of Isabela destroying Barbie's in Sid-like fashion is the stuff that horror movies are made of 😂 However, I could very much picture it 🤣
I absolutely love Mariano being a himbo. He is literally the sweetest and he's got the spirit, but idk 😂
Now all I'm picturing is Luisa walking up after a hard day of gathering donkeys that she shouldn't have to gather in the first place and coming upon Pepa and Félix back there behind the donkey shed 🤣 Poor baby Luisa gonna be scarred for life
My goodness, I could definitely see Dolores wanting a baby sibling 🥺 And holding the nativity Jesus baby hostage is hilarious 😂💖 The question is did she want a boy or a girl or was she good with whichever? I kinda picture her being cool with either, but that might be based on my own experiences as a little kid wanting a sibling.
And my gosh, it's crazy you say this because I was literally telling my dad this the other day. I was forcing him to look at some of the Encanto characters (as you do) and I was looking at those kids thinking, "Dang, somebody done had an oopsie." 🤣
Thank you for sharing these delightful headcanons! 🥰💗💗💗
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neverland-l0stgirl · 5 months
I wrote a lengthy blog post about my experiences in NY for the Japan Parade. I’m definitely the main character of my post, so don’t read if you don’t like that kind of stuff. The parts focusing on the Kimetsu float are between the ~~~ marks. Please also excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes 🙏
I went to NYC this past weekend to see Sakamoto Shogo-kun as Tanjiro in the NYC Japan Parade. I don’t really read manga or watch anime anymore, so I’m mainly there to support Shogo-kun himself 🥰
I debated for a long time whether I would go. Planning a trip just for a celebrity is not really something I would usually do, but going to NYC alone IS exactly the type of thing I might do 😅 Because I love theater so much, I would honestly fly to NY just to wander around and watch a bunch of Broadway shows.
Anyways, so there is a little backstory of how I decided to go…
Last month was my birthday, and Shogo-kun happened to livestream on his Openrec account the day before. I sent him a paid comment telling him that it was my birthday and that I was happy to see him livestream right before my birthday 🥳 I had wanted to tell him “MAYBE I’ll see you in NY as well” just to be polite. I’m a very self-conscious, people-pleasing type of person. It seemed rude to me to write a comment just to point out how it was my birthday 😓 However, there was a character limit, and the stream was about to end. In a moment of panic, I just typed “See you in NYC” in English. Because I told him that, I thought I had to keep my promise and go 🥲 He even acknowledged it and said something along the lines of, “ah, I wonder if I would see you.” My friend asked me later why I didn’t just say “Have fun in NY.” Well… I can’t think clearly in a moment of panic, okay?! 😭
Anyways, so that was the reason. I’m not gonna lie, the entire time, I felt a little silly to be doing this. I honestly feel like I’m too old to still be chasing idols around and not focus on adult things that proper adults should be focusing on…
Before I went, my otaku friend told me I should make uchiwa with Shogo-kun’s name. I did plan on bringing a sign of some sort with Shogo-kun’s name, but I guess the proper way to do it was to make uchiwa, right? 😅 I wasn’t able to buy blank ones in the US nor did I order them in time to be shipped to me before the event; however, 13 years of US compulsory schooling taught me nothing but arts and crafts right?! (no, actually my middle/high school were very academically rigorous 🥲, but I also did do lots of arts and crafts!). I ended up making uchiwa from black poster board with popsicle sticks on the inside as structural support. It was a fairly easy crafts project until my superglue EXPLODED, and then it became a disaster. Up close, there was glue everywhere, but from far away, they looked alright.
But remember how I said I was a very self-conscious person? I was sooooo embarrassed by the thought of holding up the uchiwa’s but only because I knew I would probably be the only person who had them. If I went to a TouMyu show where everyone had uchiwa, I wouldn’t have minded at all. Anyways, it was with these kinds of feelings that I left for New York.
Before going to New York, I was really worried about the weather since it seemed like it would be cold and rainy [as a Californian, anything below 65F (18C???) is extremely cold 🥶]. BUT the weather was amazing on the day of the parade. It was literally cold and rainy the days before and after. Shogo-kun is really prone to sunburns though, so I hope he was alright. I hope the heavy stage makeup he wore protected him from the sun 😬
On the day of the parade, I got to the parade location very early. I knew I was going to be waiting around for a while since the Kimetsu float was scheduled to come out pretty late in the event, but I was already too tired from the previous couple of days to really want to be doing anything else, so I just waited and chatted with the volunteers. I ended up waiting about an hour before I saw the Kimetsu float. In the first hour, I spent some time waving to the kids in the parade and anyone else who looked excited to be a part of the parade. In my youth, I did a lot of performance arts (I also started doing them again as an adult!). I thought about how sad I would be if I were performing, but the patrons didn’t seem too excited to see me, so I tried my best to smile and wave at people in the parade even if I had no idea what their organization was all about 😅
Finally, I saw the Kimetsu float! The official event website said it would be less crowded the farther away you are from 72nd street, so I made it up to 79th street. I held out my uchiwa’s as soon as I saw the float. I think Shogo-kun’s castmates saw them before he did 😅 When he finally saw them, he made a face like 😮 and started waving to me while mouthing “thank you” 🥰 It was my first time meeting him, and I wanted to appear as normal as possible 🤣 so all I did was smile and wave. He waved to me until I was out of his sight. After that, I tried to chase the float a little. I picked another spot down the street and waved my uchiwa’s at him again. He waved to me again until I was out of his sight. I tried to chase the float some more, but the farther down I got, the more crowded it became, so it was really impossible to chase the float anymore.
People were sooooo excited to see Kimetsu, I was honestly pretty surprised. I didn’t know us Americans were THIS into Kimetsu haha. There were kids and adults, men and women who shouted “Tanjiro!” and “Inosuke!” at the top of their lungs. There were people professing their love to all the characters 😅 There was even a Japanese girl on stilts (she might have been in the parade) who was going CRAZY for Tanjiro. I’m happy to see people being this passionate about Kimetsu 😆 It would have sucked to come all this way to a lackluster crowd.
At the end of the parade, the cast of Kimetsu sang a little bit and performed a couple fight scenes. The people who got to see them from the front all wore a badge of some sort. They were probably important city officials and event planners or the press. Most of the fans only got a side view or a back view. It’s not a big deal, though, since the portions I couldn’t see well were all captured by the press and posted online. I was standing on the west side at this point where it was very crowded. I ended up crossing the street after the performance to the east side where it was less crowded. After the show, the Kimetsu cast did a prolonged interview session. At this point, I couldn’t see them at all, but I was too lazy 😅 to cross the street again. Also, I did not want stand where I could have been captured in pictures or videos with my uchiwa’s by the press 🫣 The fans on the west side were able to see their backs. Around this time, some fans holding signs for Sato Yugo-kun and Yazaki Hiroshi-san spotted my uchiwa’s, and we started excitedly waving and giggling at each other 🤭. It was so nice to make a connection with other fans of the actors!! I was also super glad (and no longer embarrassed 😅) that I brought the uchiwa’s ☺️. Would Shogo-kun have been sad if there were supporters of Yugo-kun and Yazaki-san but not himself??
At the end of the interview, Shogo-kun ran up to the fans standing on the west side and high-fived them all! He was particularly excited to see the fans who came out to support Yugo-kun and Yazaki-san 😊 Finally, he came to my side. He saw my uchiwa’s again and waved to me while mouthing “thank you” again. He did this even after he got back on the float to leave the event 🥺 I told him “Thank you for coming!” I hope he heard me 😅
Shogo-Kun really brought his best fanservice game. He smiled SO randiantly and waved a lot and said some phrases in English and Japanese like “How are you, New York?!” and “Thank you!” I’m sure he said more things that fans were able to see in the online streams, but it was so hectic that I personally don’t really remember what else he said 😓
I kind of regret not trying to high five him when he got close enough, but as I have mentioned, I’m, uhhhh, very self-conscious people-pleasing 😭 Shogo-kun is very people-shy, right? I honestly didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable 🥺 just in case he didn’t want to shake hands or whatever. I also didn’t want to shout his name. I don’t know if himself or people who came to see Kimetsu would have minded that I would be breaking his character a little. There were a couple girls who were shouting “Shogo-kun” though. And also grown ass men shouting “Tanjiro I love you!” and doing finger hearts 🤣
Because I was holding uchiwa’s and trying to wave to Shogo-kun, I couldn’t take any videos of our interactions. I also thought it would have been impolite to stick a camera in his face while he was making eye contact with me (self-conscious people-pleasing amirite or amirite 😳). Because of this, our interactions only live inside my memories (and maybe his????? 🤷🏻‍♀️). From what I can remember, every time I brought out my uchiwa’s, he only waved at me and no one else. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know, but that’s how I remember it. I wonder if anyone next to me at the time who came to see Tanjiro felt disappointed at all that he only waved to me 😬 I hope they also got their fair share of fanservice 😬😬
Shogo-kun and his castmates really worked sooooo hard on this trip. They arrived midday Thursday, attended a rehearsal on Friday, and the event was on Saturday. They flew back to Japan midday Sunday and have all arrived safely 😊 They barely had time to go sightseeing at all, and at least Shogo-kun and Yugo-kun were suffering from pretty terrible jet-lag, so they might have spent a lot of time sleeping 😢 I also thought the event planners would at least spend a day showing them around the city since they were literal guests to the city and were supported by the Japanese-American consulate, but it seemed like they were on their own 🙁 I also don’t know if all of their meals got reimbursed! That’s crazy! I treat my guests much better!! I hope they all had fun regardless, and I hope they can visit again someday in a more relaxed fashion!
In the end, all of my doubts and feelings of “what am I doing” dissipated. I’m so glad I made the trip all the way across the country 😅 I don’t think there will be many more events where I can see my oshi up close and freely take pictures and videos. I wish I was a bit more daring and appeared more passionate about meeting Shogo-kun, but I hope he felt my support regardless 🥰
As a bonus, I also saw some amazing Broadway shows and did some fun shopping! I saw Back to the Future on Broadway, which Shogo-kun, Yugo-kun, and Yazaki-san also saw. While it was fun, I really wish they saw a more renowned show like The Lion King. I really think the quality is different!!
Alright. That’s it. Thanks to those who have made it this far. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about anything!
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