#not like the search results
quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Letters From Watson, Catching Up
The Musgrave Ritual part 3: fun bits! - I didn’t point it out in the last part, but I love how Musgrave immediately catches on to the scavenger hunt and starts helping. Especially because he knows the ins and outs of the house.
- Obviously there is immediately a corpse. And a crime scene reconstruction. I do like that Holmes admits that he has no idea whether it was an accident or on purpose that Brunton was trapped in the treasure chamber: contrary to many pastiches and modern adaptations he does not always have, or need, every single fact of the case.  - Also, the treasure. The absolute lack of fabulousness of the treasure! I admit that the first time I read this story with not a lot of historical knowledge (my known English monarchs skipped from allegedly King Arthur to Queen Elizabeth to Queen Victoria) the shabby condition of the artifacts made me think they were much more than two hundred odd years old. As an adult who has been to two archaeology digs I appreciate the realism: important things are seldom shiny! Granted, my best two finds were a left-handed pot sherd and a shred of china.  - On the subject of archaeology: every aspect of this discovery is a disaster and it makes me itch. First you remove the artifacts from their context with zero documentation, then you chuck them into a lake. Zero of ten stars all around. 
- Honestly, thousands of stolen artifacts filling the British museum and things that actually belong there thrown away in a pond. I have a grudge against Victorian era archaeologists that only starts with Heinrich Schliemann. - It’s currently VERY hard to quickly google information about Queen Elizabeth 1 or King Charles 1 and get answers, so I’m not going to do a deep dive (tonight) on whether this “ancient crown of the kings of England” (which didn’t exactly make me think that Charles 1 wasn’t some time in the 10th century) directly contradicts any knowledge of actual Elizabethan and immediately post-Elizabethan crowns. Hey British royal family, could you make it easier on historians and pick a new name, ever?
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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bixels · 3 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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vimbry · 5 months
has everyone seen that clip of limmy getting sidetracked on a stream over checking how john linnell looks these days from about a year ago btw
"do you think he's bald, by the way? I mean, that's 1990 - look at the forehead. say if I just checked him out, and his hair's all shaved off, we could say "aye, bald". you know, something like that. but I've got a feeling he might be clinging onto it, and we're gonna have a debate, about if that... is baldness. ... oh you FUCKIN bastard. WHAT. wait, wait, wait, wait. wait. WHAA T. that's two-? NO WAYYY. hold on. he's- what age is he? ... SIXTY fuckin three??? [stammering] hold on.... GET tae FUCK.... not lost a ffffUCKIN- .... that the same guy?"
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
Btw, if you really just Need A Job (tm)
I'd really recommend looking into care work
Care work here is specifically being a home care aid, a care aid or assistant at any kind of residential home.
This for usually for elderly or disabled adults - and those are the ones that tend to be most entry level, from what I've seen, but also for mental health, addiction recovery etc. (With the obvious caveat that some of these jobs will be more emotionally intense than others)
I'm so serious about this guys. I was applying to jobs in care work for just three weeks, starting a couple days before Christmas, and in that time I got three interviews, two jobs offers, and five additional interview requests
Care work needs people CONSTANTLY
because it's a huge sector but very hard for them to keep staff long-term. Partly because it can be high burn-out, and there's definitely toxic places out there you should watch out for. And partly because a lot of people think care work is beneath them
AND they ACTUALLY MEAN IT when they say they're entry level. Because it's so hard for them to get staff that a lot of them will advertise super aggressively that they will train you themselves. A lot of them will straight up pay for your CPR and First Aid certifications, once they hire you, too (and you can get a leg up on applications by getting a CPR/First Aid certification for like. $30 to $80, at least in the US). They also accept experience taking care of elderly/disabled/etc. family members as real experience
Like, obviously don't do it if you hate taking care of people, but if you're open to it, it's probably by far your best shot of getting hired rn, statistically
(eta: Genuinely disclaimer that it can be super taxing emotionally and large portions of the industry are indeed fucked, and def don't take a job in this field if you're gonna be an asshole to the people you're caring for, but sometimes you just need whatever job you can get.)
Seriously, though, the first time I applied for a care work job (in October 2023, yes short timeline, like I said there's some toxic workplaces etc. out there), I applied to like ten or fifteen jobs over the course of a week or so. Within three weeks, I was working.
(And they did provide all of the training, fwiw)
If you need a job and no one is hiring, seriously consider looking into it
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aimasup · 3 months
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and I don't mean things like roombas and space rovers
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bkyngw · 2 years
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cw gore
the best part of nona the ninth was when nona said "IT'S NONA TIME!" and nona'd all over those guys
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andloveistoolong · 2 months
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So I made a dunmeshi sexuality headcanon chart?
Edit: I'm gonna list all the flags under a cut for anyone who needs that.
Senshi: MLM and Bear Brotherhood
Chilchuck: Bisexual
Izutsumi: Aroace
Falin: Bisexual
Aaaand Laios: MLM on his chest; around his head, clockwise from the far left, are Asexual, Acespec, Aromantic, Aroace, Aego-aroace, and Demi-aroace. Just, lots of different possible aspec identities.
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kenobihater · 1 month
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prolibytherium · 6 months
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Beautiful friendship
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sergle · 6 months
FOREWARNING FOR GROSS-OUT SKIN CLOSEUP SHIT DON'T YELL AT ME FOR SHOWING YOU has anyone else gotten this really weird phenomenon on youtube. I swear every algorithm on every website is actively and purposely worse now. Where you'll be scrolling through vids after searching for something (I was looking at crochet stuff) and SANDWICHED IN THE MIDDLE OF ACTUAL SEARCH RESULTS... YOU KNOW. LIKE THINGS RELEVANT TO THE KEYWORDS I TYPED
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are a couple of completely out of left field SHOCK VALUE VIDS. like to intentionally be alarming. drama vids and things you're enticed to click on bc they're upsetting, and deep deep closeups on zits. what the fuck is going on. Sandwiched between videos about GRANNY SQUARES. crack? is it crack we're smoking????
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autisticaradiamegido · 3 months
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day 86
do any of yall ever have like. an Evil infodump? where instead of endlessly word vomiting about a thing you love and are very informed about, there is a thing you are equally well-informed about but hate with a passion that you cannot hold back in conversation?
i do :')
(I'll put it under the cut for the curious because I think it's important and i cannot be stopped but also i'm not kidding the facts are infuriating)
SO. "Homeopathic" is often interpreted as sort of a vague synonym for "natural," or "organic," but it's actually related to a system of alternative medicine that means something Very Specific.
There are two main principles behind the practice of Homeopathy.
"Like cures like." This is the idea that, for example, if you have a headache, taking a veeeery small amount of a substance that is known to CAUSE headaches will cure that symptom. I understand where people fall into this flawed idea, as it sounds very similar to the principles behind, say, vaccines, or antivenom. But it isn't universally applicable in this way. An herb isn't a virus. But even if it was, a Homeopathic preparation of that herb would not have any effect on the body because of the second principle.
"Water has memory." This is the idea that water is able to "remember" any substance that it has had contact with. This is also not true. Molecules don't really have any way to store information like that, and even if they did, well... What would that information do inside our bodies? Would our cells have any way to interpret and process that information? What would they do with it? It's all rather nebulous and it seems like more of a spiritual claim than a scientific one. Which is fine, but is not medicine.
So, with these principles in mind, the process of creating a "Homeopathic Preparation of [insert substance here]" goes a little something like this: You take a dropper and put one drop of your active substance in a container with a hundred drops of water. You then take a drop of that mixture, and put it in another container with another hundred drops of water. You continue this dilution process until there is, quite literally, a near-zero percent chance that your mixture contains even a single molecule of your original active substance (depending on the level of dilution believed to be best for the substance in question. Typically, a higher dilution is considered more potent.) So it is, by this point, literally just a vial of water.
This vial of water is what is then sold as a "Homeopathic preparation of [substance]." OR that water is used to compound a batch of sugar pills, or gel capsules, or tablets, whatever format is being offered. Regardless, the composition of the tincture is literally just water and ~*vibes*~.
And they sell these vials of expensive vibe water! At!!!
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In fact! In the US they are able to advertise that they have been FDA approved! (FDA approval of dietary supplements is not the same as FDA approval of actual medications. In the context of supplements, approval just means they've proved it won't just kill you straight up, and thus you're allowed to sell it.) And, well. It certainly won't kill you! In fact they often also advertise things like, "It's natural!" and "No harmful side effects!" and "No risk of overdose!" and it's all technically true! BECAUSE IT'S JUST WATER! LIKE I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH HOW IT'S LITERALLY JUST WATER!!!
Anyway. Please keep this in mind the next time you are offered a homeopathic remedy, or see one advertised in the store, or hear your antivaxxer auntie bragging about the fact that her kids all got a "homeopathic" alternative to their MMR shots.
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manhattan-gamestop · 4 months
Reading a post about someone else's blorbos is like. it was so cool when the scrumbldyfuck did the itchyerdock and also when snorpinof and goubildiov looked like they were about to kiss
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sanshinexx · 1 year
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Family portrait with the Dad Bad Batch
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royaltea000 · 3 months
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pruame dynamic
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houseswife · 2 months
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Residence reference spotted in my coursework 😨🫵
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