#not looking for advice or consolation or anything like that i am just frustrated and upset and tired
alisria · 4 months
i know i am just smad because im tired and in pain and havent eaten in 12 hours and have no plans to but
i think as i approach 30 i am really starting to lose my mind a little bit about how ive spent 27 years putting my life on hold until X. like oh i will go out and do new things when i have X. i cant enjoy travelling until i have X. i cant be happy until i have X. and like. X doesnt seem possible anymore. i dont have the willpower to make it happen. i dont care enough. because i never gave myself anything to care about because that was something that would come after X. well what the fuck do i do when X never comes? feel like this forever? because ive certainly been dealing with that reality my entire life. and i can look at my friends and see they dont need X to be happy and thats fine and im so glad for them and i dont WANT them to need X but i do.
and it's like. okay well if X is my obstacle, what are the steps i need to take to get X? okay well join your support groups. go to your doctor. get more doctors. beg for help with X from them. from your family. and then the support groups say "you dont want it enough", the doctors say "you shouldnt want X at all", and your family doesnt answer your pleas because what you want doesn't matter, you dont want it enough, you should be doing other things, etc. and it's like. all my life i have felt like an absolutely massive part of me is missing. and the only thing that will fix it is X. doctor will give you vyvanse. doctor will give you all the hormones you can dream of without you even fucking asking. doctor will offer gender affirming surgery you dont even want. but you beg for X, you beg for help just getting closer to X, you write out a page of reasons why X would get you closer to finally feeling like a real person, like yourself, a self you havent even fucking met yet at nearly 30 years old, and doctor goes "ehhh well you need to learn to be happy without X. because you can't have it." and its like well girl what the FUCK do i do because thats the only thing ive literally ever wanted and i've structured my entire life over the pipe dream of maybe having it someday and i CANT have anything else until i have X and they kind of shrug and give you another doctor that goes yeah no you dont get a diagnosis and nothing is wrong with you and i wont help you get X so no more appointments call me if you need me but doctor i am fucking pagliacci.
and there's that nagging thought, that if i get X, nothing will change. the support groups tell you this. nothing will change. you will still be socially inept, you will still be mentally ill with agoraphobia, you will still struggle every fucking day of your life with choices that tear you apart. and i can hear that for 10 years and still feel incomplete without it. i am defective goods and i need a part installed and people either say "well you dont need that part to work!" "you can be happy without the part!" "you can never have the part, even if you get it installed it will never work so why even bother?" and this is supposed to feel like support. this is supposed to be positivity. but it's not. maybe it is for other people. but it isnt for me. but i can have hormones if i want!!!!! here you can transition wont that make you feel better!!!!! wont that make you hate yourself less!!!!! have as many hormones as you want!!!!!!!
and on tuesday im going to go to the doctor and smile and say everythings great im fine physiotherapy is working the meds are working everything is perfect see you in 3 months when i am quite literally rotting inside and there is no cure
im going to bed
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cinnamonest · 4 months
I know nothing about Persona let alone Goro Akechi but after reading the bsf and yan profile post I want to give this man a hug (and my tits). His story seems so sad ;-; and he's so pretty and for what?? 💢
Honestly, as much as I enjoy genshin I never truly found it to have any meaningful or extremely well written characters (which is not a bad thing, I just can't take them seriously when they all look like that lmao). All credit to making me think twice about them goes to writers and artists in the fandom. So the change in content feels soooooo nice. Made me appreciate your writing in another way
I've heard about Persona a LOT for years, but I didn't have a huge drive to play it until your liveposting (p.s I love the LP so much) and especially the posts with that one insane policeman guy who is a loser (affectionate, also giving him my pussy). Any recs? 😅
HE IS MY BABY BOY you're so right he is so pretty 😖😖😖 Akechi is genuinely an excellently written character, and Persona 5 Royal is one of the few games I think fully deserves to be so hyped as it is.
Tbh I think the problem genshin and similar games has is that there's so many characters, you have to essentially go out of your way to dig into lore to get anything beyond surface level from them. This happens a lot in series with lots of characters — like with Danganronpa for example, your experience of a lot of characters completely changes upon playing their free time events. A lot of genshin characters get very little screen time on the main story, so all their characterization is in their quests, lines, and character profile content. Which to be fair, with a game of this nature that's kinda the only way to really do it, so, I'm just glad they give us that extra content tbh. I've played some gachas that would introduce new characters but give very little beyond a design and name which is kinda sad when you want to know more about the lil guy you're playing with.
But AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much anon I am going to ramble here, but I'll put a tl;dr at the bottom!
Soooo if you want to get into Persona, I'd recommend the series in a certain order with some notes. There's 5 main entries in the series and a lot of spinoffs.
A word of advice in general with marathoning a game series: with any series it's a good idea to play in order of chronological and thus technological progression, especially if you intend to play the series back to back, otherwise going from a more recent game to an older one can damper your experience due to the decrease in graphical quality, gameplay smoothness, and general content quantity.
However for this series, the ideal order to play really depends on the factors of 1) which version of Persona 3 you choose to play, and 2) if you want to play Persona 1 & 2.
Regarding Persona 1 and 2: These are some of those games where your enjoyment will strongly depend on whether or not you're a person who is okay with some of the frustrations, limitations and slowness/jankiness common to old games (they came out between 1996-1999). I know some people don't mind or see it as a sort of vintage charm, while others get very frustrated with that — if you're the latter, I'd recommend saving yourself the frustration and skipping them, but if you like old games or have a high tolerance for jankiness, you could start here. I will also say that, even amongst the vintage/90s games fan crowd, P2 is definitely more popular and considered better than P1. It's also much better on the aforementioned issues.
Also, unless you have an original PlayStation or PSP, you'll have to emulate these.
Regarding Persona 3: there's several versions — the original came out in like 2006, then there was a remake version called P3 FES which added an epilogue (which is being added to the recent remake soon anyway), then a PSP remake called Persona 3 Portable (which has ports on modern consoles), then the most recent remake, Persona 3 Reload, came out just a few months ago in 2024.
Obviously the newest remake has vastly improved graphics and added lots of gameplay content. However, one of the biggest differences is that P3 Portable had the option to play as a female protagonist — this altered a lot of aspects of the game and is exclusive to that version (which has disappointed a lot of people hoping she'd be in the 2024 remake), so you can't play as her if you play Reload (unless, I believe, you play PC, there's a volunteer team currently making a mod for her).
Personally, I bought P3 Reload, and couldn't get into it, so I dropped it. Then I bought P3P on a whim and LOVE it so far. Getting to play as the girl protagonist makes a massive difference in my opinion, and more than compensates for the older graphics/gameplay. It's not just the romance routes either, her dialogue options, interactions, music, and overall vibe is different enough that it changes the feel of the story.
It really depends on what you value more — 2024-tier visual quality/gameplay and the epilogue, versus the Female Protagonist experience, so just pick which you prefer.
For the order thing, if you choose to play P3P (or the original/FES for whatever reason), I'd start here, but if you want to play Reload, I'd play it either last or just before P5 Royal.
Moving on, Persona 4: Golden and Persona 5: Royal are both the definitive editions of their respective games. They're remakes of the originals with a lot of added content, and unlike Persona 3, there's no reason to play the older versions over these. Notably their themes/vibes are kinda opposite of each other (big city world-scale societal rebellion versus small rural town murder mystery), I wouldn't say either story is better or worse, they're not really comparable and more a matter of personal taste.
As for the stories, admittedly if you've read my posts, you've essentially already been spoiled on the identity of the killers, but honestly it's still worth experiencing the story, there's multiple big plot twists before and after the reveals regarding Akechi/Adachi.
I would play Persona 5 Royal last, largely because it's widely considered the best entry to the series and is by far the longest. However if you only intend to play one game, it should definitely be P5 Royal. The only real flaw to P5 is it's much easier than previous games.
From here, there's a few more spinoff games, whether or not you want to play them really just depends on if you enjoy the genre. There's a bit of lore in some of them but nothing critical.
Dancing All Night/Starlight/Moonlight - dancing rhythm games
Arena Ultimax - fighting game, acts as an epilogue to P3&4
Persona Q 1&2
These are Nintendo DS spinoffs with chibi style art. I haven't played these and admittedly don't know much about them, I think they're dungeon crawler genre? It's popular for the aspect of which it involves the characters of the different main games, so you get to see them interact with each other.
The downside is that these games are oddly expensive, I think because there weren't too many copies. I intend to get them eventually.
Persona 5 Tactica/Strikers:
These are P5 spinoffs that put the cast in alternate stories, strikers is the closest to a true sequel from my understanding, tactica is more of a dungeon-crawler. I didn't get them because Akechi isn't in strikers and is just minor dlc for tactica.
The Phantom X
This is upcoming I believe, it's going to be a mobile game with a new cast.
The TL;DR of my advice:
- Play P2 only if you're into vintage gaming
- Play P1 only if you're REALLY into vintage gaming
- Play Persona 3 Portable if you really value the female protagonist/male character romance experience, otherwise play Persona 3 Reload
- If you play the original Persona 3, FES, or P3 Portable: start with that, then P4 Golden, then P5 Royal
- If you play Persona 3 Reload: play P4 Golden FIRST, then both P5 Royal and P3 Reload in either order.
- Play the spinoffs just based on what type of games you like, if any.
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stardust-wanderlust · 2 years
Sky & Rain
…And the inconsistencies in their characters as they relate to each other.
So, pardon my rant, but I am getting really frustrated with a few things that have occurred with Rain and between Rain & Sky in the last few episodes.
There have been a few inconsistencies in the characters, but really only in relation to each other. Their main plot lines don’t show these issues as much. For example:
“Love Rain” portion:
Rain is shown as a little airheaded, but not stupid (the guy is in a competitive and difficult course study & seemingly doing well when not distracted)
He does show some difficulties in reading social cues based on his puppy dog face at a blatantly disinterested Ple. I have seen and agree with the theory that Rain has ADHD or is otherwise neurodivergent, it honestly tracks.
Rain seeks Sky out for advice and consolation, the statements he makes about Sky being his best friend are shown to be true.
Sky is still shown as a sarcastic good boy™️, but he also doesn’t hesitate to help Rain with his hair brained schemes. Including apparently talking to his abusive ex for information on where to find the races.
“Love Sky” portion:
Rain is shown as being completely oblivious in one moment but then not the next, ie. he knew Sky was talking about Prapai when he said Payu isn’t the only hot boy around, but then was completely stupefied by Pai picking Sky up?. He is almost infantilized in his portrayed stupidity. The fandom’s strong rhetoric about calling him stupid also bothers me, but I’ll come back to that.
Sky’s characterization is pretty much the same as the first part . He is still the sarcastic good boy™️ just with added trauma.
However, it has been blatantly shown that he doesn’t share with Rain like Rain shares with him. - And in many instances this is fine, no one is owed your trauma. - But he doesn’t even share non-traumatic current events.
I made a comment about how of course Rain will talk about Payu constantly, because it’s not like Sky ever talks to him about anything going on in his life, what else are they going to talk about. Sky didn’t confide in Rain about his sexuality even when Rain showed trepidation in telling him about Payu. Sky certainly hasn’t made any sort of comment regarding the trauma of his past relationship, all Rain know is he has an Ex.
And Sky doesn’t have to tell Rain or anyone these things. They are tied up in his trauma and he is clearly trying to forget it ever happened and isn’t looking to have heart-to-heart about it yet. And that is more than fine, if not a good long term plan.
But he also doesn’t talk about his crush or budding relationship with a guy Rain not only knows but knows is pursuing him.
It just really bothers me that Rain has been significantly dumbed down in part 2 - AND the apparent “ride or die” friendship shown in part 1 appears more one sided in part 2.
I do recognize my own bias in the emotional turmoil that can be caused by the “you are my best friend but I’m not yours” situation. 30+ yrs old and emotional shit from middle school and high school can still effect you.
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Word count: 1509
Genre: fluffy as fuck
Pairing: Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: very brief mention of trauma (nonspecified), let me know if I need to add any
Summary: When Wanda goes on a date with Vision, you’re left to question your feelings while Natasha laughs at you.
A/N: Hi, this is my first piece I’m posting. I’ve been a long time reader on this hellsite but this is the first time I’m actually posting my own writing. I’m open to feedback! Forgive any mistakes, I did not edit this :)
You weren’t necessarily a jealous person. Well, you had been, but you moved past it. You learned that you didn’t, and shouldn’t, be possessive of your friends. It was hard, coming into a new place and wanting the pretty girl with long brown hair to spend all her time with you. Especially since you’d never had a friend before.
But now, you were questioning your sanity.
Wanda had announced to you that she was going on a date. Your heart sunk and something close to rage was burning through your veins. You couldn’t understand why! Wanda had talked about Vision before and you always had to remind yourself that she was friends with the other Avengers too. It had never bothered you this much.
But you had to come up with a bullshit excuse as to why you couldn’t gush about what she would wear or where they would go, because you thought your head was going to explode. You knew Wanda was upset by that, but you needed to figure this out.
“I seriously don’t understand what’s going on!” You pulled at your hair in frustration. “I mean seriously, I thought I’d worked through all the trauma and shit. Like Wanda’s not even my only friend. But she was talking about him and I got so mad, Nat, like so, so mad.”
Natasha snorted at you, watching you pace with an amused smirk.
“For real, like, am I a terrible person?” You paused your pacing to stare at her in horror. “I have no claim over her and I’m acting like a-a possessive a-and controlling piece of shit!”
“Okay, calm down.” Natasha told you. She patted the couch beside her for you to sit but you’re too busy overthinking. 
“I can’t calm down! I should be happy for her. But I’m just so angry and I don’t even know why! Vision’s not a terrible person. I mean technically he’s a robot, which is a little odd but-”
“Y/N, relax.” Natasha stands and grips your shoulders, forcing you to look at her. “You have a crush.”
“On Vision?” Your face squished up in confusion. “No, Nat, I’ve talked to him like twice.”
“No, idiot,” She sighs heavily. “On Wanda.”
“No-” You start but then your eyes widen and your jaw drops comically.
Natasha barks out a laugh at your horrified look, only gaining volume as you burn bright red. Clint walks into the living room, taking in the scene and furrowing his brows in suspicion.
“What’s going on here?” He asks, taking in the way the gears are turning in your head.
“I’m gay.” You say confusedly. 
“Yeah?” Clint looks like he’s waiting for you to continue. “Wait is this supposed to be news? I thought everyone knew.”
Natasha is overcome with another wave of laughter and you scratch your head lightly. It made sense, you supposed. You had never taken an interest in boys but you had figured that was because of your upbringing. They don’t exactly give assassins in training a lesson on feelings.
“Oh my god!” Natasha shoves your shoulder lightly. “How are you so oblivious?”
“Well, we’re friends.” You stutter out, still confused. “I thought this was normal!”
“Do you feel like that towards me? Or anyone else?” Natasha rolls her eyes.
“But you’re, like, old.” You dismiss, before squeaking out, “I mean, not old, Nat, but like, Wanda and I are the same age, you know? You’re not old! But you’re not as much a friend as like…. An older sister?”
Natasha’s eyes soften, the corners of her lips quirking up just slightly. You can see the words meant a lot to her, even if they were to cover up an insult. It was true though, Natasha had always had your back. She’d shown you the ropes, made sure you were comfortable, and she was always there for advice. Like the big sister you never had.
“Well, kid,” Clint broke the moment, “now that you’ve had your gay awakening, maybe you should tell Wanda how you feel.”
“What?” Your stomach lurched. “How’d you know-”
“The two of you are inseparable. You literally melt when she’s around.” Your cheeks burn a little at his words. “Seriously, kid. For someone who was trained as a spy, you don’t have an ounce of subtlety.”
“Well, she’s with Vision now anyway.” You can’t help the jealousy and almost sadness that twinge your stomach. “It doesn’t really matter.” 
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” Bucky muttered as he passed through the living room.
“Woah, how does everyone know about this but me?” You ask incredulously. Bucky shakes his head at you lightly, a small smile on his face before he leaves the room. 
“Seriously, guys,” You glare at Nat and Clint, “I just figured out I’m gay. Can we at least pretend like it wasn’t obvious.”
“If it’s any consolation, I don’t think Ms. Maximoff knows.” FRIDAY’s voice only makes you groan. 
Nat and Clint begin to laugh at the AI’s teasing but they’re cut off by Wanda storming through the living room. Her head was down, a slight red glow about her, as she passed the group standing by the couches. 
“Wanda?” You call lightly, but she doesn’t stop.
“Ms. Maximoff did not enjoy our date, it seems.” Vision slides through the wall, scaring the shit out of you.
“Stop doing that! And wiat, what?” You question, clutching your chest where your heart was racing. 
“She does not want to be with me.” Visions tells you simply. “She is upset. I do not know why.”
You stand there, wracking your brain for possible explanations. She had been so excited for this date. She’d talked about it for hours the day before, much to your annoyance. So, why would she have been so upset?
“Y/N,” Natasha snapped in front of your face. “Go after her.” She looked exasperated.
“Right!” You stumbled over your own feet racing after your best friend.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to knock on the door. Now that you knew you liked her, it all made sense. Of course you’d be jealous of Vision being able to take her on a real date. So, you stood at her door, trying to figure out what exactly you were going to say to make her feel better, if you even could.
“Y/N, come in already.” Wanda’s soft voice made your heart flutter. Your cheeks burned as you pushed open the door.
Wanda was sitting on her bed, leaning up against her headboard, knees pulled into her chest. She looked nice, even though her brows were furrowed the way they were when she was thinking hard about something.
“What happened?” You asked her, moving to sit on the bed. Your body was tense. Part of you was happy she wasn’t going to date Vision, but that didn’t mean you wanted to see her upset.
“We got as far as the zoo parking lot when I realized that I couldn’t do it.” Wanda fiddled with the crystal on her necklace. “It took going out with Vision to realize that I’ll never be able to feel anything for anyone else.”
“Anyone else?” You questioned. “Wanda, you’ll find someone. We’re still young! You have plenty of time to-”
“No, Y/N,” She gave a small, nearly sad, smile. “I found someone.”
“Oh,” the words startle you. Wanda had never mentioned someone else. The two of you were supposed to be best friends. She found someone and she didn’t tell you?
“It just took half a date with someone else for me to realize that what I feel for her isn’t platonic.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyes were wide as you searched hers for something, anything, readable. The only other girls she was friends with, that you knew, were Natasha and maybe Pepper. But that wouldn’t really make sense.
“I don’t want Vision. I don’t want anyone, really, except you.” You can hear a slight shake in her voice. “I don’t know why it took so long to realize this but, I don’t just have love for you as a friend. I really like you, Y/N.”
“Oh,” You nod. “I’m sorry. This is just a lot. Natasha just told me I was gay like twenty minutes ago.”
Wanda giggled at you. “I guess we’re both a little oblivious, huh?”
“Can I kiss you?” You blurt out, staring at her. “Sorry, uh, let me… It took you going on a date with Vision for me to realize I like you too, or, well, Natasha pointed it out. I was so angry. I thought about beating him up.”
“Y/N,” Wanda pulls you from your rambling. 
“Can I kiss you?” you ask again, too focused on her to be embarrassed. 
Wanda nods, fighting the big grin on her face. She cups your face gently, pulling you to her. Her lips are soft against your own and her hands are warm, her skin smooth. Your head is spinning as you lean into her touch.
Clint was right, you do melt.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 151
This chapter has been one that I have been dying to write for a while. I was worried that @baelpenrose would resist the idea, but he very much thought it was hilarious. As always, his input and riffing on this chapter has very much made it better and better.
However, it also made the chapter longer, lol. But there is just no way to trim it down without losing something that makes it all work, so this week is nearly double my normal length... break everyone’s heart, right? ;)
“I don’t like these numbers,” Parvati grumbled - as much as she was capable of grumbling - as she scrolled through the final counts of approval ratings on her and Hannah’s inaugural Food Festival.
The statistics had been dropped into our inboxes that morning, in the static of about a thousand other notifications now that Derek had finished the stress-test. Also included were the results of the last three invasion-prep drills, which I was in the process of scanning over.
“How bad are they?” I asked, half listening for a number. The drills were trending better, which was a good sign that the moves were effective.
Dismissing her display with a gesture of disgust, she sighed. “Seventy-four percent approval rating.”
I arched a brow and glanced over. “Did you adjust for those who did not attend?”
The glare she sent me wasn’t seen so much as felt. “Of course I did. First thing I ran…”
“Are you filtering by the day the comments came in?”
“I -” Bingo. She huffed. “No! These are intended to be ratings for the entirety of the event!”
I started scrolling through my own statistics. “Chart them out by the date the ratings came in, filtering out everyone who didn’t actually attend.”
A pause. “Oh… Oh! It’s showing ninety-three-point-four now!”
“Et voila,” I murmured. Louder, I clarified, “People like to weigh in early, and those who object in general tend to speak first.”
“I see that… how’s it going over there?” she asked, smoothing her braid over her shoulder as she turned to look at me directly.
“We are improving with every drill, marked upticks since the relocations. Arthur should be here in about - “ I glanced at a clock, “Seven minutes to go over next steps.”
Alistair breezed over to swap my empty bulb of cold coffee for a fresh one of water. “The appointment is in fifteen minutes.”
Parvati beat me to the punch.  “He is also compulsively early, meaning…. Six minutes now.”
He rolled his eyes hard enough that I wanted to giggle. “He doesn’t even have the decency to be fashionably late. Appalling.”
Surely enough, Arthur paged at the entrance - out of some sort of manners I accidentally instilled in him - exactly five minutes prior to our scheduled appointment. As he breezed into my office, he managed a half-assed glare at Alistair for abruptly turning away and focusing on my schedule rather than his usual tendency to get a beverage for any newcomers. “Okay, updated data on drills isn’t what I want it to be.”
I laughed. “You’re joking, right? Your team and Michael’s haven’t gotten past deck four by more than three percent in the last seven exercises.”
“Any percent above zero is unacceptable,” he grumbled. I chalked it up to the indignity of being forced to get his own tea from the console.
Almost as though to spite Arthur, Alistair made a point to set a refreshed water bulb in front of everyone except the professor. “There are guards on the other levels for a reason,” he suggested drily.
“And I would rather those guards be idle, thank you,” Arthur threw back in a near-venomous tone.
“Us guards would rather be prepared for any eventuality, which you may do well to plan for in your petty drills.”
I didn’t even try to intervene. Clearly there was some blatantly disagreement between my  admin and my friend, and I was exhausted from trying to make them cooperate.
“If I’m doing my job, you should be so grateful as to be idle,” Arthur drawled.
Alistair scoffed. “As if being left to rest and get fatter than a Christmas goose is a blessing…”
“You’ll live longer!”
“And get lax in my duties, which I will not stand for!”
“Get fat! Get lazy! LIVE! I don��t care! I’m not going to be lax in my duties to allow you the opportunity of getting practice at fighting.” Standing, Arthur buried both hands in his hair, but it looked less like he was running his fingers through it than pulling on it. “Are we really discussing this when we are training to fight in living body condoms?”
“I need to defend the Archives!”
“And Michael and I need to defend everyone! Us doing our job means you don’t need to do yours.”
My neck snapped back at the vehemence in his tone. This wasn’t their normal sparring… they may have never truly gotten along, but even in the beginning it was never so vicious.
To my further alarm, Alistair took a long stride forward and stared down his nose at Arthur. “We both know that she - “ his hand flung out to point at me “is either the luckiest or unluckiest person in existence. You can’t really believe that, in an actual assault on this ship, that she won’t be in danger. Which will place Tyche, the Archives, Derek Okafor, and Samuel Richardson in equal danger. You aren’t an idiot, you know this.” The hand pointing toward me turned, and time seemed to slow down as he stabbed Arthur in the sternum with it, punctuating each of his next words. “Stop lying to yourself.”
“Poke me again, and the finger comes off.”
“I would dearly love to see you try.”
Hannah and Parvati had jumped to their feet when Alistair approached Arthur, but were now slowly moving around to my position, safely behind my desk. Hannah hissed at me through clenched teeth, “You had to tell them to fight it out.”
“I thought they would use a gym, not the damned office,” I hissed back.
Before she could respond, Alistair spoke again. “You aren’t the only one on the Ark who wants to protect everyone. You need to trust us to do our bloody jobs.”
“The last time I trusted anyone else to protect people, I lost fourteen students,” came the ground out response. “I’m not backing down on this.”
“You will, or I will sedate you and strap you to a medical berth for the next four months.” Alistair stepped back and crossed his arms with finality.
A trickle of nerves ran down my spine as I watched Arthur clench his fists and release them. “You think the solution to everything is to tie it up, I swear.”
“Stop changing the topic. I am deadly serious, Farro.”
Arthur turned away from him, waving him off. “Try something else, you would never just sedate me for months on end.” Before we could stop anything, Alistair leapt forward and put Arthur in a headlock, only to be immediately flipped over the other man’s shoulder and onto the table. “Tch. Sloppy. I know you can do better.”
“I thought you wanted me to get fat and lazy,” Alistair grunted as he sucker-punched Arthur in the stomach and rolled for the other side.  Once on his feet, he eyed Arthur carefully as he circled the table. “You stubborn ass, you know I am right.  You are putting everyone in the lower levels at risk by not running preparedness drills with them, because you don’t want to factor in the fact that one of the offensive teams could fail.”
“We don’t have the luxury of failing, so no. If we do our jobs correctly, everyone who matters will be safe at the other end of the Ark.”
They didn’t seem to be at each other’s throats anymore, but the arguing wasn’t getting anywhere. “Guys - “ I tried.
Both men turned and practically screamed at me with their glares to stop talking.  Oookay. I held up my hands in surrender and decided to let them sort it out their way.
Damned if the console wasn’t on the other side of them, though. I couldn’t even get popcorn and a drink.
Alistair blew a harsh breath through his nose. “If you won’t include the lower decks in your drills, I will start sparring with Jokul.”
“He would kill you,” Arthur barked in the most miserable laugh I’ve ever heard.
“God forbid,” Alistair mocked. “If I were gone, who would make your tea in the morning.”
“The same person who picks up the socks that magically appear all over my quarters every day, obviously. Worthington, I’m serious, he could really hurt you. He has really hurt me. And Charly.”
That last part was dismissed with a wave. “Madam Charles the First put the fear of herself into him.”
“And you haven’t. He could kill you by accident, and he’d never forgive himself.”
“Maybe that wouldn’t be the case if you would let me train more!”
Arthur groaned and ran a hand down his face. “You are an adult, we’ve talked about this. Train all you want, with whoever you want - Charly, Sophia, Tyche… hell, train with Evan or Michael, I don’t care. Just, not Jokul.”
When did they talk about this? I wondered. It had to be during a sparring session or something, because it definitely wasn’t in my office during one of our meetings. A glance at Hannah showed she was watching everything unfold like it was the most riveting show she had ever seen, and Parvati’s squint of consideration wasn’t much better.
“As you said, I’m an adult. Perhaps I should take your advice, and train with Charly - “
“See - “
“- and Jokul. She will make sure I don’t get hurt.”
Arthur flung his hands up in frustration. “You are so stubborn, I swear!” Growling, he paced in a circle. “Fine! Train with Charly and Jokul. IN the bivouac suit, though! And I don’t want to hear a word when you end up confined in a med bay yourself.”
Alistair’s smug grin showed just how much he seemed to care. “At least I would be spared of picking up the trail of dishes that seem to follow you around.”
“For the love of - they are my quarters! Mine! And I don’t want to hear about it when your bloody socks are constantly getting lost behind my sofa!”
Oh. Oh no. Nonononononono.
“My socks can go wherever they fucking want to, when I am constantly cleaning your disgusting whiskers out of the sink!”
“You know what would fix you having to clean whiskers out of the sink? I could just stop shaving altogether. How about...that…” Arthur trailed off and very slowly turned toward the three of us behind my desk with a look of dawning horror.
And I tried. I really, really tried not to laugh.  I could feel my face reddening, my chest aching with the effort of holding it in.  
Hannah’s snort was my undoing. As soon as that tiny noise escaped her, all three of us erupted into hysterical, stomach-cramping, tearful laughter.  I felt stabbing in my arm as Parvati dug her nails in, trying desperately not to fall.  Unfortunately for her, Hannah grabbed me at the same time and all three of us toppled to the floor. The sight of Arthur rolling his eyes and crossing his arms only made me escalate from laughing to shrieking in hysterics and relief.
I couldn’t speak for the other two ladies, but I thought the two men were going to end up killing each other… At no point did I think they took the other option when I told them to either fight it out or….
I gasped for breath, trying to get myself under control. Wobbling to my feet with the help of my trusty desk and a couple yanks to free my shirt from Parvati’s desperate clutching, I pointed between them. “This… how long? Can’t believe… didn’t figure it out.”
“Not everyone is as… public… as you, Conor, and Maverick are,” Arthur snarked at me. “You know, private lives should be private and all that?”
“Must be for you,” I confided in Alistair’s direction, where he had turned his back to our fit.  “He’s never not told me when he was dating someone. Or thinking of dating someone. Or potentially interested in seeing if he was interested in dating someone… Best friend privileges and all that.”  While I waited for Alistair to respond, my mind whirled through all the things I had brushed off before but were very obvious in retrospect.
Glancing at Arthur for a hint yielded nothing but a flat stare that all but declared in flashing lights You Aren’t Stupid.
I tilted my head at that, and kept thinking. There had been genuine animosity on Alistair’s side in the beginning, and not a small amount of needling on Arthur’s.  So I knew it wasn’t something that had always been going on. My mind came to a screeching halt, however, when I remembered something - the day Alistair, Tyche, and I decided that, when I vacated my position on the Council, they would vacate roles as well to leave behind a ‘clean slate’. “Four years, holy shit,” I gasped. “Four years!?”
Finally, Alistair moved. His back was still to us, but his arms went limp by his sides, and his head dropped down toward the floor. “It would be unseemly to have the new Councilor of Education in a relationship with the attache to the Councilor for Resources and Engagement. Or formerly in a relationship, should things not end well.”
“And since he won’t be taking his position until we are on Von,” I put together, “You are okay to serve out the rest of my term, just not Hannah’s or Parvati’s.”
“Huh. That makes sense,” I admitted before hopping up to sit on my desk, the chair being a lost cause on the other side of two women who were still sniffling and giggling on the floor. “I learned a lot today.”
“Uh huh,” Arthur confirmed drily. “And it had better stay in this office.”
“What?” I managed a pretty convincing confused face before pretending to realize what he meant. “Oh! The relationship thing. Yeah, cool, whatever. That’s not what I was talking about, but you’re good.”
“Dare I even ask what you meant?” Alistair ventured, finally turning around so that he could give me a warning look.
“Uh, isn’t it obvious?” I asked, shaking my head and spreading my hands, palms up. When they both just stared at me, I finally broke and grinned. “Dude. You two are freaking slobs.”
The squeaking noises coming from the vicinity of my feet told me that no further work would be getting done for the rest of the day.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
How about Nado meeting Kuny’s parents
Do with that as you please
I don’t mind
Love, Trash Monster :)
Hello Trash Monster! Thank you for your prompt. This one kind of got away with me and loved writing it. It’s actually rather angsty for me, but there is a happy ending. 
CW: coming out, homophobia (mentions of potential harm to queer people), food mentions, very minor sexual content 
Please let me know if you feel I need to add any warnings
Rating: T+ (sexual content is very minor, but the subject content is a bit heavy at points)
Credit for the sweater weather universe goes to @lumosinlove
"You know you don't have to tell them if you don't want to," Jackson grazed his thumb reassuringly over his boyfriend's hand where they were clenched together. They had been sat stiffly on the sofa for the last 20 minutes, waiting for the knock on the door that would announce the arrival of Evgeni's parents.
"I'm want," Evgeni sighed, his words barely a whisper. "I'm just scared. I don't know what they think. What if they hate me?"
Jackson clutched Evgeni's hand tighter, lifting it to his mouth to press his lips gently against his skin. "Zhenya, I mean it. I love you and I will still love you even if you decide you don't want to do this."
Evgeni shuffled impossibly closer, "I love you too, I'm sorry, I'm coward."
"Stop," Jackson frowned. "You are not a coward. This could get you arrested back home. Killed even. You are allowed to be scared." He let out a frustrated sigh, not aimed at his boyfriend, but at the world around him. "Look, how about we just see how things go. I'll follow your lead and there is absolutely no pressure to say anything to them. As far as they know, I'm just your housemate."
"Very good housemate," Evgeni chuckled, although his laugh seemed strained. "Okay, we play by ear."
"Where'd you learn that one?" Jackson teased gently. Evgeni was always dropping new words and phrases he'd learned, his smile quietly proud, and Jackson loved it. 
"I learn from Finn. We both complain about silly boyfriends speaking French and he teach me English," Evgeni explained.
"Hmm, I'm not sure this is a friendship I should be encouraging," Jackson gave a mock glare. 
"Too late," Evgeni smiled. It was a real smile this time, and Jackson felt like his next breath came a little easier than the last. "We go shopping together next weekend. He give good advice unlike you."
"I changed my mind, this is an excellent friendship," Jackson grinned. Evgeni opened his mouth, likely a clever reply on his tongue, but anything he had to say was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. 
Jackson couldn't understand the string of Russian that Evgeni muttered, but he'd have wagered a large amount of money that it wasn't positive. "Hey, relax. It's just your parents. You love them, they love you," he reassured, despite the growing bubble of anxiety in his own stomach. He'd met his Evgeni's parents a few times before, but it felt different now, even though they weren't aware that anything about their son's relationship with his 'housemate' had changed.
"I go now," Evgeni said as he stood, but the words seemed to be aimed more at himself than Jackson. He left the room muttering to himself and running his hands nervously through his curls. 
A minute later, there was a burst of noise. Jackson smiled, letting his breath out with a sigh of relief. Some part of him had decided the world was going to implode the moment the front door opened, but all he heard was the happy sounds of a child and parents being reunited.
"Jackson," Evgeni pushed through the door a moment later. "You remember my Mother and Father?" he asked.
Smiling, Jackson stood. This part was easy. He could be polite. He was Canadian, polite was in his blood. "Of course," Jackson nodded. "It's lovely to see you again, Mr and Mrs Kuznetsov. Evgeni has been looking forward to your stay." He offered his hand out for his boyfriend's mother to shake. 
"I tell you to call me, Yelena," the tall woman said, batting away his hand softly and pulling Jackson into a hug. "Evgeni only wants to see me for Syrinki," she pretended to whisper. Jackson opened his mouth to mention that he had in fact been learning to make the Russian dish so that Evgeni would feel a little less homesick, but reconsidered. The idea felt too intimate, too suspicious. Looking up briefly, he met Evgeni’s eyes, finding a sadness in them. Maybe he had been thinking the same. 
“Nonsense, even big boys like us need a hug from our mom’s from time to time,” Jackson finally settled on a reply. 
Yelena gave him one last squeeze, patting his cheek. “You’re a good boy, Jackson.”
He wasn’t sure if he was making it up, but the moment seemed significant. He looked at Evgeni again, but just received a shrug, so Jackson turned his attention to Mr Kuznetsov. The man really did not speak much English, so Jackson just waved and said, “hello.” The smile he got in return was almost identical to Evgeni’s. 
It was now day 3 of the Kuznetsov’s week long visit, and Jackson was really starting to think something was up, he just couldn’t quite place what. They sat on the sofa, looking at some photography Mr Kuznetsov had taken. Jackson had been told repeatedly to call him Lev, but he still couldn’t do it in his head. It seemed like a perfectly ordinary thing to do, Mr Kuznetsov was very passionate about his hobby, but Mrs Kuznetsov kept making little comments that Jackson found quite strange. 
“This is church we get married in,” Mrs Kuznetsov explained, pointing to an unassuming, old looking building nestled between some trees. “Would you like to get married, Jackson?”
The question didn’t even throw him this time, just another example of the odd little elements that kept cropping up. The reasonable part of him wanted to chalk it up to an over curiosity, however he was not entirely convinced. “Yeah, one day,” he nodded, training his eyes on the photo so they didn’t wander to look at his boyfriend. 
“No have to be in church though,” Mrs Kuznetsov patted his hand, “not these days.”
Jackson wasn’t sure how to respond to that and thankfully, Evgeni came to his rescue muttering to his mother in Russian. Her reply was terse, but she slid her finger over the tablet screen to reveal the next photo. 
Things moved on smoothly, and soon Jackson was leaving the three of them. As nice as it was to get to know the family, he realised it was a bit awkward for Mr. Kuznetsov and Jackson liked to allow them to spend time together without feeling guilty about leaving him out. He had almost forgotten about the incident, until lunch time the next day. 
Jackson and Mrs Kuznetsov had made lunch together, which had been strange and yet oddly comfortable. He had realised midway through slicing carrots for the soup that it felt as if they had done this many times before. 
“Oh! I forget,” Mrs Kuznetsov clapped her hands together excitably, getting up from the chair she had just sat on. “I see a photograph in the newspaper,” she said, rooting around in her purse, making a small triumphant noise when she found what she was looking for.  
She placed the clipping down on the table proudly. The photo was of Remus and Sirius. “I think it funny that it in news all the way in Russia,” Mrs Kuznetsov chuckled. “The article was not so nice, so I just cut out photo. Make me think of you. Such nice boys they are.”
Jackson didn’t know what to say, so he just looked at Evgeni. However, his boyfriend was not looking in his direction, staring at his mother instead. Mrs Kuznetsov went about ladling soup into the bowls, humming softly under her breath. 
It was the final evening of Evgeni’s parent’s stay, and Jackson couldn’t wait to truly release the breath he had been holding. The two older Kuznetsov’s were wonderful, but Jackson wanted to be able to touch his boyfriend, to use the affectionate endearments they had given one another and quite frankly, he was horny. 
That thought was ripped from his mind, by the commotion of Mrs Kuznetsov tripping and throwing her glass of iced tea all over Evgeni. Jackson didn’t know much Russian, but he recognised the swear word that fell from his boyfriend’s lips and the scolding he received from his mother didn’t need translating. Then she began gesturing towards the wet clothing, saying something that made Evgeni’s eyes widen. Jackson would forever maintain that the sound that came out of Evgeni’s mouth was a squeak. 
“Off, off,” Mrs Kuznetsov ordered, her voice firm.
Jackson sympathised with Evgeni’s reaction now. He cleared his throat, mumbling a comment about getting a mop and hurried from the room. On his return, he realised he hadn’t been long enough, finding Evgeni standing in just his underwear. He swore softly to himself, going about mopping the floor, trying his level best to look anywhere but Evgeni. It felt like forever before his mother took his clothing, muttering something about the washing machine. 
“Mama,” Evgeni called, just as she was leaving the room. She looked back, smiling softly and Evgeni took a deep breath. “Jackson is my boyfriend.” He looked at his father and repeated the sentence in his native tongue. Jackson couldn’t recall loosening his grip on the wooden handle, but the sound of the mop clattering on the floor pulled him from his shocked pause. 
“Zhenya,” he breathed. And in that moment, the monumentality of his words seemed to hit Evgeni. Jackson saw the panic cross his boyfriend’s features, tensing his muscles to go and offer comfort, but somehow Mrs. Kuznetsov got there first. There were tears in her eyes, and a thousand thoughts ran through Jackson’s mind. He wanted to console Evgeni. He wanted to assure Mrs Kuznetsov they were good people, that Evgeni was the same son he had been thirty seconds ago. 
“I am so proud of you,” she reached out to grasp Evgeni’s hand. “I wait all week for you to tell me.” 
“What?” The word came from Evgeni and Jackson simultaneously. 
“Evgeni talk you, like I talk Alyonushka,” Mr Kuznetsov smiled. The words were stilted and the accent heavy, but Jackson understood well enough. Evgeni’s cheek took a pink tint to them. 
“I know love when I see,” Mrs Kuznetsov wagged her finger at Jackson as if he was a naughty child. She gave a small sigh, looking between the two of them, “Russia not so nice. But you safe here in USA, and Russia get better. One day, you hold hands there too.” 
Jackson felt tears in his own eyes now. Not even the fact Evgeni was standing in only his underwear could ruin this moment.
“Go put clothes on. I tell story to grandkids one day,” Mrs Kuznetsov smiled. 
“Mama!” Evgeni reprimanded. His next words were Russian, but the embarrassed exchange between mother and son was universal. Jackson suddenly realised he could tell his own parents now, and that seemed both terrifying and magnificent. He wasn't at all worried about their reaction, but it still seemed big. Deciding those emotions could be left for another day, he let himself enjoy this moment.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
hey, i was wondering if i could hv headcanons with how to fight characters? maybe when their crush's parents scold them for getting bad score at school, like that time at the end of the semester. pls do it with seong taehoon and jiyeon woo. thank you! 🥺
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The first thing he’s gonna do honestly is tell u to fight ur parents. U tell him about how u got a bad score and how it’s the end of the semester and the test/ur overall grade was important and he’s so used to living life the way HE wants he tells u to just. Fight them
And you’re first thought 2 say is idk how to fight? Bc what he said is just so sudden and kinda preposterous and ur upset and he’s like okay, I’ll teach u then and ur like I’m not fighting my parents 😭 and he goes okay then I’LL do it
And u have to rlly reiterate like” NOBODY is fighting my parents” first and foremost and after that he kind of just goes silent because he has no idea how to help you or what to do and u have knocked every idea he’s offered out of the park
Truthfully I don’t think he cares about grades too much for himself and this extends to you too. He doesn’t get why you’re so concerned, and his dad (I’m pretty sure form what we’ve seen so far) is really nice and laidback so it’s not like he’s ever being reprimanded so he’s also partfully angry at your parents bc they made u upset
Like rlly angry LMAO and as ur ranting to him ab how they yelled at u for bad grades he’s just like one day… one day he’s gna fight them 😐 he doesn’t make exceptions. He might tell u to tell them to watch out LMAO but he says it so dead seriously and u laugh but wonder if he’s even joking ?
He’s like okay well have u considered: running away
And u quickly dismiss that idea too bc u have nowhere to go and it’s literally just them scolding u ur like it’s not THAT srs... I’m just upset and he’s like u have a place to sta... nvm he’s not gonna b sweet if it’s not like absolutely necessary LOL
Bc of his lack of understanding or just overall interest in this kind of stuff, he just listens to u bc his advice clearly wasn’t cutting it for u.
He asks to see the grade and u hand him the test or the grade folder and it if ur grades weren’t even that bad, he’s gonna get frustrated w you and be like u have gotta b kidding me this is what ur stressed about 😐 what ur parents yelled at u for?? And he smacks u on the side of ur head and is like please tell me ur joking these are good. Anything above a C in his eyes is still really good
If ur grades were a D, he’s like neutral like okay yeah it was kinda bad but not the worst, don’t stress about it I’ve gotten tons of D’s.
And if it was an F he’s like oh okay yeah it was pretty bad like I get it. But this would just make things worse and ur like ur right I did so baaad and he’s like nonono oh no it’s not like that and he like stiffens and goes quiet when u get misty eyed I guess and wonders once again why this is so serious to you?? Who cares about grades?
He probably gets mad ur letting other ppl control ur life. We’ve seen that he hates other ppl living their lives for others or by others rules and he’s kinda frustrated at you and wishes he could just take over u for a day or something and tell ur parents off and ur talking about it and he’s narrowing his eyes at you but ur clearly upset so he’s not gonna yell at u rn. When u feel better ab this he probably will tell you to stop living by others standards but for now he’s kinda lost
He tries to convince u to rise up against ur parents and is like “are u gonna keep letting people in ur life control u?!” And it’s like a motivational pep talk and ur like “no!” And he’s like “are you gonna let THEM yell at you and hurt YOUR feelings?! Cause I sure as hell am not!” And ur getting more energetic and r like “me neither!” And he’s like “are you gonna let ur own PARENTS talk to YOU like that?!” And u go “no!!” Nd he’s like “we r sick of it!!” And u go “ya we r 😭” and then he thinks ur on board so he’s like good!! Let’s go beat ur parents
And ur like “what” and he realizes u weren’t on the same page the entire time so he eventually bedgrudginly will lie that idea go
And he tells you this, like he says it won’t matter in seven years, right?? So why does it matter? Pls cheer up and be doesnt outright say this but he’s like “don’t worry ur pretty little head about it” or something to cheer u up
If it works and he successfully consoles u he is rlly happy and doesn’t show it but he’ll shove his hands in his pockets and go “see?? I told you. I’m good at this advice thing.”
If it doesn’t, he’ll try to take ur mind off it and he probably just shows u his spinning back kick or something LMAO or take u to the dojo so u can either do stuff w him or just watch
But if u tell him what ur upset about isn’t grades but ur parents, he’ll listen to u tell him what they told u if it was mean or strict and if it’s rlly bad his eyes will go bloodshot and he’ll roll up his sleeves and be like okay let me at them then
Literally don’t even JOKE ab him beating up ur parents he will do it 😭😭 and worse thing is he’ll WIN. Don’t even be like “yeah I wish u would beat them up for me” bc he doesn’t draw the line between u joking and him actually doing it probably. Even if he knows ur joking, which he will bc he’s not dense he’ll use it against u and be like u have me permission and suddenly ur the instigator
He listens to u rant about them if u just want a listener and he can probably tell by ur body language… like If ur clearly wanting advice, he’ll offer u the best he can and will tell you to stick up for yourself or, if you’re really upset he’ll even consider talking to them for u. No fists to his chagrin but he’ll advocate for u and he won’t plan beforehand at all he’ll just say “I think u need 2 be nicer to ur child.” And will be like “this shit doesn’t even matter anyways” and will rip the test paper in front of them so this option is obviously not even a choice for you
If u start to cry he’ll first awkwardly do that thing that people do when they don’t know how to console someone and rub your arm and he’s like “Uhh, do u want water?” Bc he’s sad bc UR sad and doesn’t know what to do and it’s like what he’s doing isn’t that helpful but the tone in his voice is v consoling and comforting bc he’s suddenly kinda quiet 4 once
If ur sobbing he’ll hold u and u cry into his shirt and later he’ll talk about how you got it all wet but like when he goes home in the mirror and sees the tear stains it reminds him ur hurt and breaks his heart
He will study with you. And by studying it’s just him like sitting with you while you study. He doesn’t think you should study but if that’s how you want to solve this and feel better he’s down. He won’t read anything but if u have flash cards he will read them back to you and ask u questions and he doesn’t know the right answer himself (unless it’s math he’s probably rlly rlly good at math.) so u have to write them on the back. But he’s pretty good at helping u study
And if ur doing flash cards, he won’t tell u the answer until u guess it and he’s good at hinting to it and he gets annoyed VERY easily when ur not saying the answer u wrote on the back but bites it down
If ur parents make u stay home more and study as like a consequence of gettig a bad grade, he won’t have any of it
He will either confront ur parents and that either makes things somewhat better or incredibly worse
So if that’s what happens he’ll text u a lot and face time u in secret and call u a lot so even tho ur not together, every time u come home from school and open a book ur phone is hidden in the bend of it and ur fting and sometimes u don’t even talk he’s just FaceTiming u so u won’t b alone while u study and bc he misses u
Overall, he really couldn’t give a shit about grades but if need be, he’ll help u with urs, he’d be the best math tutor if ur looking, if ur parents lock u up a lot to study more bc they’re mad he will use any other option to see u, and he’ll try his best to console u despite not being that knowledgeable or understanding why you’re upset. His go to comfort option is distraction, but if it’s futile he’ll do whatever it is u wanna do. If u thank him for helping u he’ll kick something and will b like “yeah whatever I was just sick of u moping around.”
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He understands what’s going on with you all too well. When you tell him ur parents scolded u bc u didn’t do so hot in a test or ur overall grades this semester, it’s like his heart is a weight that drops into his stomach and ties his intestine into a huge knot. Like he feels the dread set in
He’s takes a muuuuchhhh more calm approach than Taehoon tbh, like while ur talking he won’t say a word and will listen. He is SUCHHH a good listener and especially now he’s just staring at you and nodding his head to let you know he’s listening to make sure u know that like he is there and present and if ur sad he’s sad too like u guys r a “team”
While ur venting, if u begin to cry he’ll let u and he’s more of a “rub-ur-back-soothingly” type of consoler so he’ll do that and if u half hug him he’ll continue do it but he’s looking at u w the saddest eyes in the world ☹️
Doesn’t rlly know what to do at first besides listen and b nice
He might even get misty eyed with u too bc he understands so much. But he won’t bring up his home situation at ALL, it’s like ur stage and he’s just a listener, he won’t make u feel like he’s comparing ur pain
His fist clenched at his side because he’s angry at your parents AND his and he’s imagining what ur parents said in his mind and even if it wasn’t that bad, he’s fuming
He might even offer to run away w u too and he “knows a place” 😭and ur like omg it’s not that bad but after reminiscing on his own home life he just assumes you’re as sick of it as him
If you’re his s/o, you obviously know about his YouTube streams, so that week at the end of every stream he’ll take a risk and unmute it and go “and don’t worry about grades too much, guys :)” and ur “guys”
Either that or he’ll do something so he will stop streaming completely for that week bc it might make u feel like he’s rubbing it in ur face how much he studies nd how studious he is and yes it gets him in trouble w his dad but when u start to feel better ab ur grades and u smile and he’s like “I thought u were upset?” And u say “oh, yeah… I’m feeling better now :)” it’s all worth it
Since he’s so consumed w streaming if u weren’t able to ever meet in person, and u had to FaceTime or text him, he probably spams u and u guys have to text at like 3am bc he’s studying all other hours of the day so he’s under his covers and reading or calling u
Like it goes
‘My parents got mad at me bc I got bad grades :(((‘ and then he sees the text he reads it and then again and is like oh no bc is it like his situation???
And then u go get a snack or something and go MIA during texting but he doesn’t know that so he spams u bc he thinks that maybe ur parents took ur phone and r locking u up like his did him so he’s like
‘Are you okay?’
‘Where did you go? :(‘
‘Are you okay?’
‘Please be okay…’
And if he suspects ur parents took ur phone and r gonna read this he sends things a very lengthy and persuasive text that explains why this is cruel and unusual and to PLS give u ur phone back and then it says seen and ur like it’s still me :)) I’m okay but thx for worrying 😭❤️
And he’s like ‘thank god…’
Since he’s a part of that newtube company (XY or something? I forgot HAHA), he has connections honestly??? So if you’re that torn over this grade he might try and pull some strings to improve your grade, make classes easier or to reach your parents even. Like he affects his parents’ boss which then butterfly effects to you
Assures you that grades aren’t that important, or tries to, but it’s so horrible coming from him because he has such good grades and it always is gonna feel like he’s just saying that no matter what
If he could he’d fail a test too to make u feel better and like ur in it together but his dad would MURDER him. So he just tries to tell u it’s okay and graders aren’t that bad
If ur mostly upset over the bad grade, he’s like it’s fine, and even if it’s a grade he genuinely considers bad he’ll look at it like “...” before going this is fine too!! :) and in his mind he’s like if I got this my dad would kill me but would NOT tell you that EVERRR. He’s gonna do anything to preserve ur feeling rn and the next few weeks he’s especially nice to u
Will study with you to make you feel better but it’s hard because he’s really far ahead tbh :(( like he explains assuming u already have some ground knowledge. BUT he’s really good at being patient so if ur like I don’t understand and get frustrated he’s like “oh I’m sorry!!! Here, I’ll go over it again.”
U guys start spending time at the library and when his dad questions him he’s like I’m studying and he really is and it’s like a study date and it actually ends up being RLLY fun
Might even print u worksheets and stuff and leaves nice notes on them when he gives them to u like every chapter has another ‘u can do it’ of ‘ur already here?! Omg! Ur far ahead keep going!’ And lots of smiley faces and hearts in the margins
He is not above helping u cheat. He will give u answers in school, risking being caught nd getting in trouble, like he’ll find a way to sit as close to u as possible in class and “drop” his pen besides u that just happens to have a paper inside with all of the answers!!!!
And when you see it you’re so happy and you look at him and wink trying it be inconspicuous and it’s so obvious and he’s like omg (y/n) pls… but he’s happy ur happy and ur grades improve so much bc he gets every answer right and so of course you are getting them right too
But u both plan on u getting a few wrong to avoid suspicion and he’s so happy when ur happy bc ur grades improve so he’ll start sending u the HW, too
Will send u just study notes if u don’t want to cheat and they r so good and he’ll also send u his flash cards and everything and lend u notes from the past
He knows ur YouTube username so if u start to study a lot more bc of ur parents’ scolding and watch his streams to “study” w him despite the million viewers it’s like it’s just u nd him and when u comment like “here bc my parents yelled @ me and now im trying to improve my grades” he is simultaneously v happy ur there but also heart broken
If it’s mainly ur parents scolding u ur upset about, he’ll listen to u talk about it for hours on end over text, FaceTime, call, etc.
Makes a joke ab sending ur parents to the nursing home he volunteers at to cheer u up 😭😭 it either makes u son harder or laugh
Overall, he cares LOTS about grades, but his not urs. And if ur worried ab getting a job he’s like dw I’ll cover u in the future :)) and he’s very understanding bc he’s in a very similar situation and hates seeing u suffer like that or go thru that even if it’s genuinely not that bad. If u cry his works just SHATTERS and he’ll listen to u rant and cry for hours on end. And if ur grades were actually considerably bad, he won’t tell u that, and he’ll help u improve them bc THATS his solution to it and he’s good at helping u study. If ur not up to it he will help u cheat despite the danger of getting caught, so he can see u happy again :(( he’s rlly so sad ur going thru the same thing as him and will do anything to make it better. Won’t offer to fight ur parents but if need be he might rough one of them up if things escalate to really like mentally abusive-like proportions. But if it wasn’t that bad, he’ll just console u and help u to feel better no matter what !!
I hope this came out well!! I’m so happy I’m getting how to fight requests tysm for that, <3 also it ended up kinda long and I lost my train of thought a few times but this felt like an emergency request and when I read those I like when they’re rlly long bc it distracts and comforts me. If it was one I hope ur okay and know u r more than ur grades!!!! ❤️❤️ ty for ur request :))
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hwangsbbg · 4 years
First - Hyunjin
3.9k word,
In which reader is worried about her first time with Hyunjin but it ends up being everything she’s dreamed of. 
"I really don't know what to do" You groaned, your head resting in your best friend's lap as you told him of your problems.
Hyunjin was going to be quite busy for the rest of the week with the rest of stray z with this project he couldn't tell me about.
The last time I had seen him was yesterday which explains why I was here ranting to Eric about my "relationship issues".
"It's not like I don't want to but every time we go a little far I start freaking out and I back out." I explain as the older boy runs a hand through his blonde hair.
Eric and the rest of the boyz were on break for around a month so I was over at their dorms whenever I could and spending time with my best friends.
I had to go back to the US in a month however to start my tour. I was on vacation for a good three months and decided to come spend it with my boyfriend and friends.
"You've been dating for like a year. I'm sure he really loves you and he won't force you to do anything you don't want to" Eric explains making me groan in frustration again.
"A year and four months. It's not that I don't want to, I just.. I feel like I'm gonna disappoint him or it won't be how either of us imagined" I let out.
"Listen dude. If you're feeling insecure or something let me remind you of the thousands of fanboys you have as well as the idols and celebrities who've tried hitting on you. You're gorgeous. Hyunjin knows that and I'm sure you wouldn't disappoint him. But if you're still scared, that's fine. You don't have to rush anything." Eric smiles a little towards the end of his small rant making me sit up and give him the tightest hug possible.
"You are the bestest friend I could ever ask for" I said before the door opened revealing Kevin.
"Kevinnn" I ran up to him and hugged him, his arms wrapping around me, returning the hug before letting go.
"Hey! What're you doing here? You said you were coming tomorrow" Kevin spoke.
"I needed advice" I pouted walking back towards Eric and laying down where I previously was.
"About what? Maybe I can help" Kevin sat down on the seat next to me and before I could even speak up, Eric began speaking.
"She's scared to have sex with Hyunjin" He spoke bluntly, my eyes widening at his unfiltered words.
"Well I wouldn't call it scared" I defended myself not really knowing why as Kevin gave me the dad look.
"You know, you shouldn't rush yourself. Your body knows when it's ready or not. You don't have to do it for him. When you're both ready it'll happen" Kevin explained, a soft expression adorning his face.
"But it's not like I don't want to. I do, it's just I get super nervous before anything happens" I explain exactly what I did with Eric before Kevin spoke up again.
"Don't even worry about this. Just live like it doesn't even matter and one day you'll feel if it's right and it'll happen okay" Kevin told me, giving me a tight hug.
"I literally love you guys. I needed this" I smiled as Kevin spoke up announcing he had to shower before leaving Eric and I alone.
"I'm heading back to my house in like two hours" I told Eric as he turned on the videogame console and handed me a controller.
"Two hours is enough to beat at least a hundred times" I laughed, picking my avatar for the race.
---------- three days later ---------
I opened the door to my house, walking in with Hyunjin following after me. He turned around and locked the door before we made our way up to the stairs.
Yes, I had bought a house in Seoul. I had the money and frankly it was much easier to stay at my own house then pay for a hotel every time I visited, which was alot.
Hyunjin was finally done with his secret project with the rest of Stray kids and came over to spend some well needed time with me.
I followed him to my room, giggling as he almost tripped over a staircase. I stayed the door, watching him in amusement as he opened the door and ran straight for the bed, plopping down onto it.
He rested his back against the dashboard and grinned at me, tapping on his lap making me laugh as I understood what he was implying.
I closed the door behind me, hurrying over to my boyfriend and sitting down on his lap, chest to chest, face to face with my feet on both sides of his legs.
He smiled, wrapping his arms around me before speaking up.
"It's only been three days but I missed you. What am I gonna do when you leave for tour again" He pouted, as I rested my forehead against his.
"We have a whole month and a half left, and when I leave I'll call you everyday. And remember we'll see each other in Berlin" I gave him a small peck, smiling widely at him as I pulled away, our noses still touching.
"If only we could stay like this forever" He sighed, his fingers rubbing circles on my waist.
I simply hummed in response, using my fingers to brush a loose strand of his golden colored hair back in place.
"You know you're really pretty" I blurted out, not really knowing why those were the words that decided to make their way out of my mouth.
"Thanks baby, you too" He chuckled, placing his lips on mine again.
I smiled into the kiss as he lifted his head up a little from the headboard allowing me to place my fingers in his hair and pull him closer.
"Your kisses are intoxicating" He pulled away.
I smiled for the hundredth time, reconnecting our lips as his hands held onto my waist keeping me steady.
I felt him nibble lightly on my bottom lip asking for entrance which of course I granted to him.
I felt his tongue brush against mine before mine responded and both of us began moving in sync.
We were actually quite often like this. Alone, in our own little world, appreciating each other's company.
I pulled away, leaving a kiss on his lips, cheeks and forehead, cupping his cheeks with both hands and smiling widely.
"I love you so much it hurts" I told him.
"I love you more baby. So much. I'm gonna marry you someday" He answered.
I couldn't even explain the amount of love I had for this man as I reconnected our lips, this kiss needier than the previous ones as I wasted no time in latching our tongues together and letting him create a steady pattern with his.
His finger trailed under my shirt, leaving a cold and tingling sensation on my waist as he continued whatever it was he was doing with his tongue.
He detached his lips from mine before quickly reattaching them on my ear, nibbling lightly on the lower part before moving down along my neck.
I let out a few ragged breaths as he began kissing and sucking lightly on my neck, his hands going up to my bra.
I let out a small whimper as he began sucking on a certain spot causing him to chuckle in satisfaction as he continued sucking on that same spot, applying a bit more pressure.
Meanwhile his hands palmed by breasts, covered by my bra. He squeezed on them making me involuntarily arch my back causing my hips to twitch forward.
A groan emitted from his lips as he began sucking on the exposed part of my collarbone, the only part my skin would allow him to.
"Let me just" he pulled away, hooking his fingers to my shirt before pulling it off.
"Gosh, you're beautiful. So beautiful baby" he latched his lips back onto my collarbone, more of it exposed with me now being topless.
He squeezed on my breasts again, rubbing on them as I let out a few barely audible moans mixed with whines.
He pulled away, pulling his shirt off in a swift motion as I indiscreetly stared at his body. His gorgeous muscles, his six pack abs, his tan skin, his chest, everything about him was absolutely magical, breathtaking.
"You're so fucking hot" I could feel my face heating up as he moved a strand of hair behind my ear, grinning, before cupping my face and pulling me into another kiss, this one sloppy as we were both simply desperate to feel more of each other.
He moved his hands back onto my hips, holding onto them as he guided them, moving them back and forth. I could feel my ass rutting against his growing erection and despite the layers of clothing I could feel the sensation on my core making me more and more wet by the minute.
He clearly wanted me to feel him as he let out a small groan, moving in the same rhythm as he moved my waist.
I pressed a few kisses on his neck before moving to his collarbone and sucking. I couldn't mark his neck or he would get in trouble but I freely let myself suck all over his beautiful collarbones, red marks decorating his skin as my hands roamed over his toned stomach.
"Ok baby.. um.. you're going kinda far now" he moaned, holding on to my face and pulling me away to look at him.
We had never gone this far, as I'd usually panic and he'd tell me it was okay and go take care of himself but after talking with Eric and Kevin I was convinced I could go through with it.
"Sorry" I apologized. If my skin weren't so dark, I'd be as red as a tomato.
"You don't need to apologize, I just don't want you to go further than you're ready to you know. I'm fine with what we do until you're ready" He whispered.
"I think I'm ready" I nodded at him. I was absolutely in love with him and I needed him right now.
"Are you sure baby" He asked, grabbing onto my hands and kissing both of them.
"I'm positive" I reassured him. He grinned. He was as virgin as I was and tried not to show how nervous he was when he trailed his finger upwards to the hook of my bra and unhooked it.
He easily pulled my bra off and stared at my exposed breasts, his breath hitching before he slowly moved his hands up and cupped them.
"Fuck baby" He groaned, moving his lips to them and kissing one, sucking on several spots leaving dark purple marks before taking a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, sucking it and letting it go with a popping sound before moving to the other.
I let out a moan, gripping onto his hair as he sucked harder on this nipple, his teeth slightly grazing on them making me hiss in pleasure.
He let go and the cold air immediately hit them making me shiver.
He chuckled at my reaction, picking me up and flipping us over so he was hovering over me.
"I love you so much beautiful" he pecked my forehead then my lips as he intensely watched my fingers undo his belt, then his jeans buttons before he helped me remove his jeans completely.
The bulge in his pants looked much bigger as the only thing covering it was now his boxers.
The nervous feeling kicked in again but it wasn't enough to overtake the absolute neediness I felt for my boyfriend at this moment.
I slowly moved my hand to palm his erection earning the loudest groan I've heard from him all day.
I began rubbing my hands up and down his boxer hidden length while he hooked his fingers on my jean shorts and breathed a "fuck" before pulling them down along with my underwear.
"Fuck. Fucking hell. Baby" he dragged the last word, staring at my body, completely naked and only for his eyes.
He moved his hand along my thigh, trailing it upward and stopping just before my core.
I looked up at him, desperately wanting him to touch me as he reattached our lips.
"You're so fucking hot" Hyunjin let out, finally touching me where I wanted by tracing a finger on my slit.
"Look at you already so wet for me" He tugged on my bottom lip, easily slipping a finger in my heat causing me to groan.
"Hmm you like that babygirl?" he curled his finger slowly moving it in and out before adding another one.
"You're so wet for me baby, look at how easily my fingers fit" he spoke, barely audible as he continued thrusting in and out of me with his fingers, his thumbs going my clit and rubbing on it.
The scenario was giving me more pleasure than the actions itself. Hyunjin, almost fully naked, his lips on mine and his fingers fucking me. Hell it was straight out of one of those wet dreams I had.
I arched my back to give him more access as he continued what he was doing, his hand going back up to grab one breast and massage it.
"Please, I want you, so badly" I finally let out.
"Fuck babygirl if you keep speaking like that I'm not gonna last long" He groaned removing his fingers making me wince at the loss of contact.
He was now on his knees between my legs as he began removing his boxers revealing his very erect length.
My eyes widened at it, wondering how the hell it was supposed to fit. He seemed to have noticed my worrying because he quickly spoke up.
"Don't worry baby, it'll fit. Trust me" He said making me nod as he threw the boxers aside.
He lowered himself so that his face was inches away from my heat as I stared at him in confusion.
He began kissing my legs all the way up to my thighs where I was certain he left a hickey or two before his face was directly in front of my core, his hot breath sending shivers to my core.
"I've always wanted to taste you" he said, attaching his mouth to my clit. I let out the loudest squeal ever, feeling an insane amount of pleasure all at once.
He began circling his tongue around my clit and sucking on it making me a wriggling mess.
"Mm stop moving" he mumbled against me as he used a hand to push me down. My hands unconsciously went to the back of his head, pulling him closer as he made out with my clit.
"Please. Fuck please. Don't stop" I let out whatever word I could think of as I tried pushing his face against me even more as if to get more pressure.
He smirked, licking a long stripe on my heat before sticking his tongue where his fingers once were. The warm feeling of his tongue inside of me, exploring my inner walls, thrusting in and out of me was driving me crazy to the point where I couldn't think straight.
"I want you. Please. So badly" I told him. I wasn't one to beg but when I had my very sexy boyfriend naked in front of me, between my legs, begging was the least of my worries.
"Of course babygirl" He pulled away, grinning at me, his lips swollen and red and his face flushed with strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
"Isn't this is your first time too" I asked him and it seemed to make his confidence falter for a while as he blushed and muttered a small "yeah".
"Let me take care of you too then" I spoke up, instructing him to sit against the dashboard of the bed again.
"You don't have to do this babe" "No I want to" I said positioning myself between his legs.
"I really have no idea what I'm doing" I told him, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Just whatever feels right" He hissed when I grabbed hold of his member. I began stroking it, wrapping my hand fully around it and moving my hands up and down.
"Fuck.. yes like that baby" he moaned as I rubbed by finger on the tip of his cock, dragging it on the pink slit.
I out some spit on his length and rubbed it all around allowing me to move my hands faster.
"Fuckkk. Yes baby like that" He looked completely fucked out and absolutely breathtaking with his pupils dilated, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyes staring at me and what I was doing.
I finally took the tip in my mouth, continue my movement with my hands as I licked around the tip before hollowing my mouth and sucking on it.
I continue sucking, going deeper each time until I reached my limit. I made sure to not let my teeth get involved as I bobbed my head up and down his shaft.
"Ah I- I think I'm gonna come" he let out. I continued my actions, bobbing my head faster. Despite trying to control himself he began thrusting into my mouth, his cock twitching.
With a final thrust he released with a loud moan, eyes closed as he regained his breath. He opened his eyes to see me swallow the load he had just shot into my mouth.
"Fuck that's so hot" he ran a hand through his hair.
"You're so hot. You drive me completely crazy" He spoke in between breaths making me giggle.
"Can you keep going? Cuz I really need you right now" I rested my hands on his thighs and stared at him awaiting an answer.
"Fuck you really thought we were going to end things there?" He shook his head, making me smile as I laid on my back with him between my legs.
"Do you have a condom" He asked me, realizing he hadn't brought one.
"I'm on birth control" I answered simply, making him grin.
I had started taking the pills to control my period and the pain.
"Damn I just came and I'm already so hard again" He let out, rubbing the tip of his lenghth along my slit making both of us moan at the feeling.
He slowly inserted the tip making me hiss at the foreign feeling. Two fingers were nothing compared to his member.
"You okay babygirl" He asked. I nodded, giving him the pass to continue as he moved deeper inside until he was fully in and you couldn't see any of his member anymore.
"Fuck you're so tight. And warm. It feels so fucking good." He groaned, falling as if he were on cloud 9.
After the slight burning subsided I gave him the signal to start moving and so he did. He slowly moved out until only the tip remained inside of me before thrusting back in.
"Fuckkk Hyunjin" I moaned surprising myself and how loud and high pitched it was. But the sensation he had brought now was one I had never felt before.
"Say my name again babygirl" he repeated his actions as I moaned his name once more, fueling his ego.
"Fuck you're so tight but you take me so well. Don't you babygirl" he began gaining speed.
"Mmm only you Hyunjin" I replied, shutting my eyes closed and enjoying the feeling.
Hyunjin lifted one of my legs onto his shoulder and began thrusting even deeper than I had imagined was possible.
"FUCK- FUCK RIGHT THERE " I cried out as he hit a specific spot that sent a tingling feeling through my entire body.
He watched as my boobs bounced with every thrust, the scene making his release approach faster and faster.
Hyunjin bent down and began kissing me, messily as he continued thrusting, deeper and harder, always hitting the spot that had me going crazy.
"Fuck you're so hot Hyunjin. Fuck- fuck you're gonna make me come. You make me feel so fucking good" I cried as he moved to attack my jawline with kisses.
I could feel his cock twitching inside me and I could tell I was also close to releasing.
"So beautiful. All mine. Mmm you're all mine" he grabbed hold of both my hands, entangling them with his own as his thrusts began slowing down but he kept thrusting with the same intensity.
I felt my walls clenching around him more and more with each thrust.
"F-fuck Jin I'm gonna cum" I squeezed his hands tight as I reached my orgasm, my walls clenching around his cock as he came one again, inside of me.
"I love you so fucking much" He whispered, kissing my forehead before rolling over next to me.
"I love you too babe" I whispered, still trying to catch my breath.
"We need to clean ourselves" Hyunjin said making me nod.
"Wait here" He stood up towards the bathroom as I waited and after a few minutes he came back.
He picked me up bridal style making me giggle before taking me to the bathroom.
I smiled at him as I saw the bathtub ready. He put me down and I almost fell down, gripping onto his shoulder.
"Whoa baby, don't worry I got you" he said, holding me steady and helping me inside the tub.
"I'll be right back" he disappeared into the room for a few minutes before reappearing.
"I'm here" he climbed in the tub besides me, pulling me against him so that my back was against his chest.
He lovingly wrapped an arm around me while using the other to rub soothing circles on my thighs.
After a few kisses, a bunch of “I love you”s and actually washing ourselves clean, we went back to the bedroom where he had put on new sheets.
I smiled at him as he handed me a pair of underwear and his shirt to wear while grabbing a pair of sweatpants himself.
Yes, this was my house but it was full of his stuff as he often came over and even slept over.
"I'm glad this happened. I'm glad my first time was with you. With someone I love. It was absolutely amazing." Hyunjin told me, pulling me into his chest before we both fell asleep.
--------------- two days later -------------
"So you actually did it" Kevin asked in surprise and I nodded. Again if it weren't for the color of my skin I'd be as red as a tomato.
"Well, how was it" Eric asked right as Juyeon walked in the room.
"How was what" He asked sitting down beside us.
"She lost her virginity two days ago to Hyunjin" Eric told him, revealing my personal life as if it were nothing once again.
"Oh, congrats?" Juyeon laughed, giving me a small hug before speaking up again.
"Remember my offer still stands. If he ever hurts you I can kick his ass" Juyeon spoke making everyone in the room laugh.
"But really though, how was it" Eric spoke once again, not forgetting his original question.
"Um.. magical" I replied. It was simply magical. Better than I could've ever dreamed of.
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 4 years
You Gotta Fight... For Your Right...
Stiles was about to take the three hundred year old tome, that Deaton told them to be extra cautious with, and lob it right at Derek's little furry werewolf balls.
"I don't see why this is such a big deal Stiles!" Derek's eyebrows twitched with annoyance.
Stiles gaped and threw his arms out. "Oh, of course. Of course you wouldn't see the importance of being invited to a super cool exclusive party. Not you mister I have sex in my really cool car with my hot ass leather jacket on and could probably seduce anyone living with an eyebrow raise! Sorry some of us are lame and need to pander at Danny's feet just to get laid!"
All of the earlier annoyance dropped from his face and a cold blank one appeared. "I wasn't aware that was the situation."
Stiles scoffed and started pacing as the pack shot each other unsure looks. "Well, yeah man. In case you're just tuning into the Stiles show, I'm undesired as hell! So, I am absolutely going to this party. Summer heat wave and unpredictable omega passing through be damned."
Stiles started to walk away like he got the last word, but Derek grabbed his arm. "You have to stay to protect the pack."
Stiles rolled his eyes. "What, you don't think you guys can handle one weak omega? Are you slipping? Unless you need protection from the heat, in which case you'll have to deal. No matter how useless you all think I am, I have more self respect than to fan you all with palm branches and bring you iced drinks in a toga." Stiles yanked his arm back and gave Derek a sharp look before storming towards the door.
Derek growled lowly at him.
Stiles turned back and sneered right in his face. "Oh you know what sourwolf, eat me! I barely ask you all for anything. And after months of nonstop threats, multiple abductions, and getting an accumulative five hours of sleep a week because of research I think I deserve a break! One party. Marcus's weekend long bashes have been legendary since freshman year and a year after school this is the first year I'm invited to it. I'm going! End of story. And you-" Stiles jabbed his finger into Derek's chest. "Can fucking deal, or find a new fragile human."
That shocked Derek enough that Stiles had enough time to storm away and slam the loft door. Even him cursing as the force nearly dislocated his shoulder didn't snap him out of it. Derek only slammed his palm into the wall once his Jeep door closed.
He turned and the pack all had shocked looks. He took a moment to calm down. "There's a rouge omega out there and he's thinking with his dick!"
Lydia hopped of the counter with a huff. "He'll be fine, Derek. He could handle one omega with his hands tied."
"What about stupidly drunk too fucking busy with some preppy asshole?!"
She shook her head. "He's resourceful and perceptive, so probably. If you're worried about him being drunk though, Marcus makes sure everyone is safe. You have to hand over keys and phones at the door. Marcus has someone to drive if someone wants to leave."
He raised a judgemental eyebrow at her. "Him not being able to contact us is supposed to make me feel better?"
Erica hopped into the conversation, "There's a landline. He'll call if he needs us. Chill. Unless there's another reason he shouldn't go to a party with a bunch of drunk, attractive, and popular people?"
Derek turned away, but could still see her smirk.
Lydia had to put the final nail in the coffin. "Besides, Danny will be there. He'll take care of him. Really well."
Derek closed his eyes so they wouldn't see the red glow reflect off the window he was staring out. "Fine. Leave. Pack meeting over. Stiles can do whatever the hell he wants."
Derek would never understand why they all seemed so enamored by him. The entire pack loved him. It made Derek's skin crawl. Even when the sheriff met him mid supernatural fight and Danny took a moment to introduce himself he immediately loved him. He exclaimed about how there was finally a teenager with manners. Derek couldn't figure out if it was the hawaiian charm or what, but everyone on God's green earth that met Danny Mahealani seemed to frickin adore him. And somehow Derek's rare disapproval got out. Mrs. Thurnbury took him aside in the supermarket and patted his arm and said, "That Danny boy is a good egg. He helped me with my groceries. Be a dear and don't murder him with your eyebrows of discontentment." She winked and left and all he could think was he helped her with her groceries first god damnit!
They started to trickle out.
Peter stood up. "Oh, nephew mine?"
Derek sighed.
"Would your objections have anything to do with the Mahealani boy rejecting your offer to join the pack? Or maybe the corrupting and subsequent poisoning of the token human's liver that you find fault with. Or maybe the pounding that Stiles could get fro-"
Derek's fangs joined his threatening growl.
"From that rouge omega. Only if it were to show up to that party. Small chance though, as we said." Peter smirked. "So nothing to worry about really."
"Get out before I show you out. The third story window."
Peter gave him a consoling look as he passed. "No need to get so worked up over the boys rejection. He simply wants to stay out of supernatural matters as much as possible. Besides, I think he's got all that he wants from this pack." He dropped his voice lower even though it was unnecessary. "I would suggest figuring out if you do before it is no longer available. Or rather, he isn't." Peter looked smug as he sauntered out.
Derek looked up with relief to see that only Scott was left in the loft. Scott sent him a consoling look. "Don't take it so hard dude. It's just a party."
Derek felt frustration bubbling up. "Exactly Scott. It's just a party. And he goes and acts like that." Derek shoved his hands towards the door he had slammed like he was still waiting behind it. "He challenged our decision and the advice of the pack over a stupid party."
Scott smiled. "I've known him since I was four, alphas or not it was not our decision. It was his."
"He could get hurt. We were worried and he did that!"
"Did what Derek?"
Derek roared back, "He said he'd leave the pack! He said it like it was nothing! He said it because of that boyslut that makes him think he's not good enough! I'll never get why he-"
"Why he what Derek, wants to have fun? Blow off some steam?" Scott nodded pointedly to Derek's clawed and balled fists.
Derek unclenched them, realizing how out of control he was getting.
Scott went over to the table to sit down and Derek followed.
"Why do you think Stiles became friends with Danny?"
Derek deadpanned, "To get laid."
Scott gave him a crooked grin. "Besides that?"
Derek shared none of his humor, but offered silence.
Scott was undeterred and used to it. "Because he's fun. Danny has this way of putting people at ease. Like no matter what, if you're with him, you're going to be alright. He's fun and easy."
Derek snorted and nodded.
"He shows people how to be carefree and enjoy themselves."
Derek grew irritated. "Why are you here then."
Scott looked sad. "Derek, why do you think Stiles became friends with Danny? I think it's because maybe he needs that. He needs fun and carefree. He needs blackout drunk and mistakes you won't remember in the morning. It's a way he can lose control without risking anyone's safety except his own. Dancing to music till it's light outside might still end with your muscles burning in the morning, but it comes with less trauma than running for your life in the woods." Scott looked devastated. "He just wants something fun Derek. My best friend just wants to be a normal teenager for a few nights. I think he just wants to remember what it's like to be okay. To be carefree. And I don't know about you Derek, but I can't find it in me to fault him for it. Not after everything he's been through."
Everything wiped off Derek's face except bare grief and guilt.
"Do I still worry about him getting home, and if he'll watch his drinks enough, and what if he's too drunk and someone is too insistent yes I do. But at the end of the day he deserves a break. From the craziness, the supernatural, the constant looking over his shoulder, the responsibility, the hurt, and yes ultimately also the pack. He's earned it. With all the research, the sleepless nights, the-"
Derek closed his eyes. "I know how much he's sacrificed for the pack. I'm sorry I didn't realize."
Scott shrugged. "I'm not the one you have to apologise to. But then again if I know him, you don't have to apologise to him either." The heaviness was gone from his face, just that lightness that Scott's unending hope brought. "Couldn't hurt though, right? He'll spend the weekend worrying about worrying you."
*** Derek had procrastinated until the very last moment. He knew Danny would pick him up soon, but Derek couldn't leave the Camaro and walk the last final blocks for some reason. He heard a car coming up the street and his eyes snapped to his mirror expecting to see Danny. He huffed and swung open the car door.
Derek opened the window silently and stepped in without a sound. He inched closer to Stiles' turned back.
He froze as Stiles started to speak out loud. "Should I pack an extra shirt sourwolf?"
Derek was silent.
Stiles turned. "No opinion?"
Derek softly mumbled, "It's always good to be prepared."
Stiles smirked. "Oh I bet you looked adorable with your eyebrows and sash asking old ladies if they needed help to get your community badge."
"What?" Derek asked confused.
"Don't worry, I won't ask Cora for pictures in your little uniform. Scout's honor. " He held up the Vulcan salute.
"Pack the extra shirt Stiles. And a sweatshirt. In case it's cold."
Stiles' face melted to a smile. "Aww it's almost like you care." He turned back to his bag. "But it is summer. Ya know, hot as balls out?"
"You get cold easily. A slight draft and you're shivering like you're naked."
"Considering the limited amount of activities I do while naked, I'm usually very hot when I'm naked."
Derek scoffed, but turned away from Stiles to keep from taking off his clothes in his mind to picture him with a slight heated blush like the one Derek had right then.
"I do hope you didn't come here to argue or try to stop me."
Derek shook his head, but then spoke, "No."
Stiles zipped his bag and turned. "Well, that clears everything up. Is it the omega?" He was still playful, but a hint of worry worked it's way in.
Derek turned quickly. "No. If we have to, we'll deal with that. I-I just came to wish you a good weekend." Derek attempt a small smile.
Stiles raised an eyebrow and put what was in his hands down. "Are you alright? Do you smell toast? What's that thing you're doing on your face? Do I need to call Deaton? I'm sure he's got like a magical milkbone that could fix whatever's wrong with your face."
Derek's face changed to a genuine smile and Stiles' eyes gleamed as the corners of his mouth also lifted.
"I'm sorry."
Stiles turned back away. Derek would take that as a bad sign, but he knew how well Stiles knew him. He knew Derek wasn't good with apologizing. He was giving him space. "It's okay sourwolf. I'm sorry too."
"For what?" Derek looked at the hands nervously folding and unfolding a flannel.
"You know what for. I should never have said that. I knew how it would effect you. You know I would always fight to be a part of the pack."
"And you know you would never have to. We know and appreciate how much you do. Even if we forget to show it."
Stiles turned back with earnestness in his eyes. "Thank you sourwolf. It means a lot."
Derek forced himself to look back into his wide brown eyes. "You mean a lot. To the pack. For all that you do."
"I would do anything, for the pack." His lips stretched into a lazy smile. "I have to finish packing." He made no effort to move away.
"I should head back." He hesitated slightly before heading to the window.
It was a few moments after Stiles heard him jump down, but he knew he would hear him. "Thank you Derek. Have a good weekend."
Derek was not having a good weekend.
He didn't even want to talk about yesterday and today wasn't going much better.
He sat on his couch reading a book and listening to music. After he flipped each page he'd check the time in his phone. Normally he'd be busy with something, but he had already made supper, did a long workout, and showered. Usually he enjoyed his down time, but it was too quiet. He flicked on the TV and turned his page just to turn it back to actually read what was on the page this time.
He sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face after having to reread the first paragraph for the third time. He laid his head on the back of the couch and stared up at the ceiling.
The door flung open and a loudly laughing Erica walked in and Derek had enough.
"Just for one night can I have some peace! You haven't let me focus all day! How can three people be so loud!"
He finally looked over and his harshness faded seeing their shocked faces and arms filled with bags.
Isaac meekly spoke, "Uh Derek, we've been at the mall all day."
Derek closed his eyes. He vaguely remembered being home alone all day. "Right. Sorry."
Erica recovered the fastest. "Okay grumpy pants what's got your tail in a twist?" She shoved the bags onto a chair and plopped down beside him.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
She raised an eyebrow. "Right. And yelling at three pups who have done absolutely nothing wrong all day qualifies as okay? Maybe a couple years back, but not now. Spill the kibble."
He raised an eyebrow back at her.
She rolled her eyes. "Okay moderately nothing wrong. Stop deflecting."
"The omega still isn't dealt with and S-"
"Stiles is at a party?" She looked amused.
"No. And Scott's approach of giving them the benefit of the doubt and allowing them to pass through isn't exactly comforting."
"Right, sure. I completely agree that is what's wrong with you." She got up. "Boyd, come and have a conversation with mister ignore the real problem till it goes away."
Isaac piped up, "He'll do it when he's ready guys."
He dutifully walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder from the other side of the couch. "Go and see if he's okay if that's what you have to do." He walked away.
Derek hated his betas some days. Erica because she was so smug, Boyd because he was so correct, and Isaac because he was so supportingly encouraging.
He mostly hated Erica though.
It was another twenty minutes and they had all settled in. Erica had put on new pjs and commendered the TV. Isaac had turned off his music and Boyd had asked him about his book and he just tossed it over. He couldn't even remember the title.
He heard them before they slid the door open and didn't bother to move. As soon as he saw their expression though, he stood quickly. "What happened?" His heart was thundering already.
"The sheriff found a body. He wants us to check it out. Before he rules it an animal attack." Scott gave him a concerned look.
Allison spoke up next from where she was linked to Scott's arm. "The sheriff will probably call you soon."
Derek calmed slightly. "Take them with you. You and Allison can check out the body, see if you can figure out what happened, then if you can find a trail. The betas will fan out from the crime scene and see if they can find anything else."
Scott nodded. "And what are you going to do?"
Derek's phone started to ring and he eagerly checked the screen. "If you were an out of control omega and were lost in the woods, what would you be attracted to?" He answered the call and headed to his room to get changed. "Hello sheriff."
Scott muttered mostly to himself. "The loud party in the middle of the preserve with a bunch of drunk people."
Scott and Allison waited for the three of them to get changed, but Derek was grabbing his jacket on the way out before they were ready.
Derek was reaching for the door when Scott put a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be fine. We'll call with any information."
*** Despite Scott's reassurance he broke every speed limit on the way there. He had been searching the mass of sweaty dancing bodies for several minutes, unable to make his way upstairs yet in case of what he might interrupt. The bright flashing lights were already making him nauseous.
He got a phone call and made a break for the kitchen. He still had trouble hearing the call over the booming music, but he managed to gleam that Allison identified the body as a hunter. One with a tentative understanding of the code at best. They figured the omega was being tracked by the hunter and it was self defense. Scott called the betas and asked them to check and make sure the omega was okay, but they were no longer looking at a bloodthirsty killer and just a scared omega.
He ended the call with some relief, till he realized he had no reason to be here anymore. No reason to take Stiles back.
He took a cup from the kitchen, and despite knowing it wouldn't do anything chugged it.
If he was here he might as well check in on Stiles and let him know what happened.
He shoved his way back into the main dancing area knowing that was the best place to find him. He was near a corner when someone approached him from the side and grabbed his arm. He tensed and turned ready to strike, but not obviously.
It was Danny and somehow that made him bristle further.
Danny shouted into his ear, "Are you looking for Stiles?"
Derek clenched his jaw and nodded.
"Is it serious?"
Derek shook his head.
Danny's face morphed to a flirtatious smile. "Then stay awhile." His hand started to tighten slightly around his bicep. "Wanna dance? Or not dance?" He looked towards a dark hallway that made Derek finally grateful to not be able to hear.
Derek yanked his arm back. "I don't know if Stiles would like that." He paired it with the most murderous brows he had.
Danny's eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't think you guys were-"
"We're not. You are."
Danny laughed. "Yeah, we messed around in the beginning. Now we both decided we're better as just friends."
Derek still remained cold. "I have to find Stiles."
"Are you sure, because he looks a little busy." Danny pointed to a spastic drunk yelling and surrounded by laughing preppy vultures. One particular asshole was practically stuck to Stiles' back as they writhed to the music. He was very handsy and Stiles didn't even seem to notice. Danny spoke again, but Derek didn't turn. "We could be busy too. I'll even let you keep up the bad boy gruff act, I like it a little rough big bad alpha."
At that Derek turned back and took threatening steps forward till Danny pressed himself against the wall with a smirk. Derek flashed his eyes and bared his fangs. Danny's smirk fell and fear flashed across his face. "It's not an act. Thanks for the offer." Derek stalked to the other side of the room careful to avoid catching Stiles' attention.
"Whooooo! Body shotssssss!" Stiles' missing shirt and already sticky collarbones told Derek this was probably not anyone's first shot. A girl with messy red hair started pouring liquor into the divots above Stiles' collarbone. The crowd around them started chanting the word shots. The redhead moved to one side and handsy asshole moved to the other. As soon as they started to lick out the alcohol the crowd cheered. They both started to kiss up the sides of Stiles' neck and as Stiles relaxed his shoulders a few droplets rained down just like the blood from Derek's palms. They were clenched so hard his claws dug into them as he watched the two strangers lay claim to Stiles' neck.
Handsy asshole started to move down Stiles' body to a stray drop that was making its way towards Stiles' nipple. Derek was across the room before he even realized it.
Stiles' look of enjoyment and pure glee faded to one of confusion. "Derek? What are you doing here?"
Stiles pushed both people back to allow them room to talk and put his shirt back on. Derek instantly shoved into the space handsy asshole had previously filled. "I have to talk to you."
Stiles sobered. "Is it about the pack?"
Derek looked at those around them and handsy asshole trying to worm his way back over. "Not here."
Derek looked down and saw Stiles intertwining their hands. "We went through the crowd to get a beer three hours ago and I haven't seen Danny since. You can hold my hand for like two minutes sourwolf."
Derek nodded and just as they turned to leave handsy asshole grabbed Stiles' other arm. "Heyyyy where ya goin? We're havin fuuuun."
"I'll be back." Derek couldn't help narrowing his eyes at those words.
"What iv I wanna nother shot?" He threw in a look that supposedly was seductive. Derek thought it looked like he was taking a shit while looking directly at the sun.
Stiles let go of Derek's hand. He smiled at the man and kissed him. The man was so enthusiastic and fond of ass groping Derek looked away in disgust. "Then find Hannah till I get back."
Stiles grabbed Derek's hand again and started to pull away, but the man nearly yanked him out of Derek's grip. "But I want you Mickyyyy!"
Derek pulled Stiles behind himself and growled right in his face, "That is NOT his name!"
The man just scoffed and looked towards Stiles. "This your boytoy Micky? Hes rude, and wrong." His voice went to a stage whisper. "He doesn't even know your real name. How imporant can he be? Staaayyy!"
Derek turned with a sharp look towards Stiles. "You told him your name?! Him!?"
Stiles looked to be searching the air around him. "To be fair I got here around ten and they greeted me at the door with three shots of vodka. I don't remember the hours between twelve and two yesterday. If someone asked I probably would've told them my social security number. Today is strictly beer and a slight buzz day."
Derek held firmly to Stiles' hand as they moved away and handsy asshole started to object, "You said you'd blow me upstairs you shit!"
Derek put his hand flat on the front of his face and shoved him back with enough force that the high top table they had been using as a bar wobbled and the glass bottles on it clinked together when he made contact. Derek growled threateningly and flashed his eyes and teeth.
Derek got a small amount of pleasure from the scent of fear coming off the man. He was yanked towards the stairs by a hand that was gripping his tightly. Stiles finally found an empty room and shoved both of them in it. "What, the absolute hell, was that!"
Derek rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry for taking offense for you, since you obviously didn't care."
"Of course I care! And of course what he said was totally gross, but he was drunk! What's your excuse for wolfing out like that huh!?"
Derek looked away. "Damn it Stiles! He shouldn't have treated you like you were just a fuck!" Derek once again flashed his eyes and snapped his fangs, but Stiles just growled back and snapped his human teeth back at him.
Stiles huffed out a short laugh. "That's kinda the point Derek."
Derek turned to him with squinted eyes.
"Here I want to be just a fuck. I want to be dancing in the lights and have someone desire me. Maybe I want to feel like, no matter anything else, someone wants me."
Derek objected, "You have people that want you. You don't have to do this, the pack-"
Stiles shook his head and interrupted while pacing away from him, "Not like that and you know it. I don't care if all he wants from me is a fuck. That's all I want from him, so it'd be pretty hypocritical of me. Why should you care?"
Derek gave him judgemental eyebrows. "Well sorry for hoping you had self respect. Next time I won't get in the way of you getting dick."
Stiles went stock still and turned towards him with rage in his eyes. "Derek. Are you slut shaming me right now?!"
"Well if th-"
Stiles steamrolled right over him. "Because I don't give a god damn fuck who you think you are, you do not get to tell me what I do with my body! My relationships are my business! Who or how many I have sex with is my business! And alpha or not you don't get to make those choices for me! Because last time I checked you're not my fucking boyfriend! Last time I checked you hardly ever pretend to even like me! So back the fuck off and learn what place you have in my life before you lose it!" Stiles was fuming and yelling right in his face by the end of it.
All of his need to argue flooded out of him and Derek put his hands up. He tried to put his hand on Stiles' arm, but he pulled away and stalked to the other side of the room with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that you were a slut."
Stiles squinted at him with malice.
"Okay, maybe I implied you were a slut, but I was mad and didn't mean it. I am sorry. I am pro slut power. Seriously, I raised my eyebrow at Laura sneaking back in come morning time and she yelled at me for two hours. Then she made me wear a shirt that said slut power for a week."
Stiles snorted and sat on the bed. Derek slowly approached and sat beside him. "You're pack. I want you to have someone that cares about you, but if that's not what you want I have to respect that and I'm sorry I didn't. I'll stop trying to stop you from going out with Danny."
Stiles nodded and was quiet for a moment.
"Derek? Why do you hate Danny?"
"Well Stiles, I believe you yourself said it was because of my complete lack of ability and hatred for doing anything fun."
"Be serious."
"Maybe for the way he makes you feel. Like you aren't good enough and you should be grateful just to fall at his feet."
Stiles hummed. "I don't think that's Danny. I do it with you too, I do it with everyone. I think that's just my own insecurities that I need to work on. I need to stop comparing myself to others. It's just hard you know? I'm a human in a pack of werewolves and badasses, it's hard not to feel inadequate. My best friend is a true alpha, and two of the people I have in my life are Danny Hawaiian god Mahealani and Derek Greek god Hale, so there's my self image shot." Stiles played it off with a laugh, but Derek frowned.
"Stiles. You aren't a human in a pack of werewolves and badasses. You're one of the badasses. I have seen you bash in a werewolves skull with a wolfsbane laced baseball bat. I mean sure you did throw up after..."
Stiles knocked their shoulders together with a chuckle.
"But it was badass. And about the god thing. I think you're-" Derek started to hesitate. His resolve firmed. "If anyone is a Greek god it's you. They say Aphrodite appeared both male and female."
Stiles gaped at him and Derek looked away.
"You couldn't be more wrong! I'm totally-"
Derek's embarassment turned to determination at Stiles' persistent doubt. "No. You really are-"
"Athena." Stiles insisted.
"Beautiful." Derek muttered breathlessly.
"Oh." Stiles cheeks colored.
Derek tried to deflect. "What were we even taking about?"
"Why you really don't like Danny."
"I don't want to talk about that."
Stiles squinted. "Implying that we didn't already, and that there's a different reason."
Stiles was silent still and Derek sighed. "I don't know. I think I just do for the way he exists."
Stiles snorted. "Harsh dude."
"Don't call me dude. And I just mean everything he does just seems so easy. He exists like it isn't hard, like he wakes up everyday knowing everything will be okay." Derek considered for a second. "He's like Scott like that."
Stiles shook his head. "No. Scott doesn't wake up every morning knowing it's going to be okay. He hopes it will be. Scott has seen and knows bad things can and will happen, he just eternally hopes they don't."
Derek nodded. "Yeah I guess so. And with Danny I think he's just never had anything touch him. He had a popular best friend, he was popular, attractive, likeable, good family, he gets nice things. He just goes through life like it's the easiest thing and nothing is hard. He lives like it's easy."
Stiles put his hand on top of Derek's. "And you envy that. So do I. I think that's what attracted me to him. We're both so used to having to fight so fucking hard just to have one good thing, and he just seems like that's all he has." Stiles laughed. "You know how we ended up kissing for the first time?"
Derek's hand twitched under Stiles. "How?"
"I was looking into his eyes and I just blurted out how much I wanted to kiss him. And he just looked at me, smiled, and then kissed me like that was the only logical thing to do. Like it was that easy. But Derek, sometimes it is just that easy. Sometimes we get a nice thing if we just tell ourselves there is more to life than pain and we deserve it. We deserve to go to parties and kiss people that we won't remember in the morning. We deserve to love people and be loved by people. Just because we can handle pain doesn't mean that is all we deserve." Derek turned to him and Stiles looked right into his eyes. "We can have easy and happy things too."
Derek's eyes started to go a bit shiny and he felt the urge to pull away, but he didn't. Stiles smiled at him and Derek's eyes tracked the stretch of his lips and before he could think of all the ways it was supposed to be difficult, he just leaned forward and kissed him.
There were a terrifying few seconds that Stiles didn't respond, but then Stiles' hands went into his hair and Derek tasted beer and something sweet. Derek put his arms around him and fisted his hands into the material on Stiles' sides. Derek started to think that maybe he could get a buzz from just kissing the beer off Stiles' lips when he moved one hand down to get under Stiles' shirt.
Stiles went still and pulled back with wide eyes. Derek instantly felt a pit in his stomach.
"Why did you do that? Oh God, why did we do that! Fuck Derek this isn't what I meant!" Stiles pushed his arms away from his sides and sprang up from the bed.
Derek felt like the action ripped a piece of him out. "I- I'm sorry. You are drunk and I shouldn't have done that anyway. I just-"
"I am not drunk. My decision making skills are quite intact, and- and I kissed you back. So I did it too. Even though it was a bad idea, I did it anyway. It's okay though."
Derek shook his head and got up and quickly started towards the door. "No it's not."
Stiles eyes went wide and he moved after him. "No. Please. Please Derek! It has to be okay! We have to be okay! Fuck I didn't mean- I didn't mean for this to happen!"
Stiles tried to catch him, but he moved out of the room and made it through the downstairs quick enough he was backing out of the driveway by the time Stiles got to the front door.
Derek got home and woke Isaac back up just to lead him to Boyd and Erica's room. He flopped down in the middle of their bed and soon enough they were all curled around him.
"You smell like a frat house and you're still wearing your jeans." Erica said irritably.
"I don't think Stiles and I will ever be friends again and I'd like to sleep so I don't have to think about it."
In the small amount of light she could see her face contort with sympathy before moving to annoyance. "You two are idiots."
"I'll be an idiot in the morning. Now I'm just hurt, and I need you."
Erica smiled softly at him. "I'm so proud of how far you've come. We've always been here for you-" She snuggled into his chest more. "Now I'm just glad you know it."
*** After a summary of the night before Erica once again declared him an idiot, but at least this time it was over breakfast and coffee.
They all moped with him all morning before heading out for some mystery errand. As soon as he heard Roscoe clunking closer he cursed out his betas and gathered some things before he sat on the couch to await his doom.
Stiles nervously paced outside his door for several minutes before cursing and speaking to the hallway, "You can hear me can't you?"
Derek set his mug down. "Come in."
The door swung open and Stiles walked in with wild hair. Like he had been running his fingers through it nonstop. A small part of Derek wished that he'd used the time he had to run his fingers through his hair. Just so he knew what it was like at least once. "I figured you'd want that." He nodded to the mug and pills on the coffee table.
"You are a god amongst men Derek."
Derek smiled, but then it turned bitter. "And I thought you said you didn't drink that much last night."
Stiles looked sheepish as he downed some coffee with the pills. "I hadn't. Not until you left. After that I probably drank half a kegs worth of alcohol. Definitely feeling it this morning though." He let out a weak chuckle.
Derek spoke softly. "Why are you here Stiles?"
Stiles sat down lightly on the couch. "I didn't like how we left it last night."
"Neither did I."
"Look, I didn't mean to give you the impression that that's what I wanted. Because I don't."
Derek tried to not break at that.
He really did try.
"I don't want to have you be a fuck. I don't think I could do that with you."
Derek smiled as genuinely as he could. "It's okay Stiles." He said it even though Stiles kissing him while he thought it was a happy thing they both deserved and Stiles thought it would just be a fuck did not make him feel okay.
"I'm sorry that you wanted that and that I gave the impression that I also wanted you to just be a fuck."
Derek's eyebrows went up marginally as he said that, but he quickly schooled his expression. Maybe they could salvage their relationship if Stiles thought Derek had just wanted sex.
Unfortunately, Stiles' face filled with shock. "Unless you thought it was more than a fuck."
Derek got up from the couch and turned away. Stiles quickly scrambled up as well. "Derek! I-"
"It doesn't matter."
"It does."
Derek shook his head and continued staring away. "It doesn't. Not if I want to be your friend."
"It does. If you want to be more." Stiles pulled on his arm till he turned to face him.
Derek's face looked openly hurt and broken. "It doesn't matter what I want because you don't want me. Stiles we don't get easy." Derek's hand started to lift, but it hesitated infront of Stiles' face. "We don't get happy." He smiled as his eyes held pain.
Stiles grabbed his hand before it could fall and pulled it to his face and Derek's hand instantly cradled it. "It's not that I don't want anything from you, it's that I want everything. I wasn't going to say yes last night not knowing that in the morning we would still be happy. And yes. We do get happy. And you know why sourwolf?" Stiles pulled him into a statement making kiss. He pulled back a little breathless. "Because we deserve it."
Derek looked at him confused and his hand dropped. Stiles rolled his eyes. "I don't want to just have sex with you. I want to be and make happy with you. It might not be easy though, but I'm okay with that if you are."
"Are you still drunk?"
Stiles pinched him.
"Ow! Okay I had to make sure."
"You jerk! I just asked you to be my boyfriend, the least you could do is say yes!"
Derek grinned wide. "Fine if I must."
Stiles matched his smile. "You're such an ass."
"Like you aren't annoying too."
"But now you're stuck with me." Stiles stuck out his tongue. "No take backsies."
"Nuh-uh. I'm yours, but you're not mine yet. I haven't asked yet."
Derek just stared at him till he scoffed. "Before I'm dead sourwolf."
Derek's eyes just filled with mirth and a gleam. His hand once again found the side of Stiles' face. His amusement died down and genuineness and love filled it instead. "Mieczysław Stiles Stilinski will you do me the honor of dating me?"
The perfect pronunciation had a lump forming in his throat and tears forming in his eyes. "God when did you even practice that." His voice was choked up as Stiles thought of him practicing his real name over and over till he could say it properly. "And that was so stuffy and proper. Like God what's next are you going to ask my dad if you can court me. Really it's just-"
Derek kissed him sweetly. "I believe the standard response is yes or no."
"We're difficult, remember?" Stiles laid their foreheads against each other.
"Still not an answer." Derek nudged their noses together.
"Do you really need one?" Stiles looked at him with clear love and adoration.
"Do you really not want to give one?" Derek asked smugly.
Stiles bit the inside of his cheek and held out for ten seconds. "Yes. God yes. I want to have your little sourwolfie babies. I've been in love with you since you slammed me into my wall. Or maybe since I saw your car, or your jacket, or your ass, or your face, or-"
Derek cut him off again. Stiles pulled back blissfully. "Or maybe the moment you did that."
"And I fall in love with you every time you open your mouth, and somehow even more when you shut it."
Stiles pushed him away. "Rude!"
Derek smirked then started to study his face. "I won't mind if you still go to parties with Danny."
Stiles squinted. "Thanks, but I'm sure I'm a one sourwolf kinda man."
Derek's eyebrows looked flat. "No, not for that reason. Just, if you want to go have some fun. To blow off some steam and forget other things, I trust you. I know you would never do that. If you need a break to chill out, I get it."
Stiles smiled softly. "Thanks, but I'm good."
"Stiles yo-"
"Derek do you know the reason why I would go to the parties? Other than to get laid."
Derek's eyebrows furrowed. "To have fun. And to be happy while being safe from the supernatural."
Stiles shook his head. "No. I went to forget that I wasn't. I wasn't happy at any of those parties because I was alone. And I wasn't safe there because I was alone. I just didn't have to care there. But here with the pack on movie night? I'm actually happy. Here with you I'm happy. The only thing that made me unhappy was that as soon as I left I felt like I was alone because I didn't have the relationship I wanted with you. Here with you I am and feel safe.   There's a difference between being happy and feeling safe and just forgetting that you aren't. You make me actually feel those things."
"I'm notoriously no fun though, I guess you can't have everything."
"Oh I don't know, you can be fun. Sometimes. On occasion."
"Once in a blue moon one could say."
Stiles laughed. "Very rarely."
"Stiles come on, the party is inside." Derek pulled his fiance off the picnic table.
"I know, I know. It's just..." Stiles looked at the front of the restored Hale house, and Derek hugged him from behind. "This is my favorite view."
Derek took in the awe and pride in his eyes. "Mine too."
Stiles looked into the eyes already on him and rolled his own. "Could you be anymore sappy and cliche."
"We've got the rest of our lives to figure it out."
Stiles groaned. "Ugggh make it stop." Stiles dragged him towards where their pack was celebrating at the party inside.
Right when they got to the front door Derek pulled him back and into a kiss. "I'm so happy we're here together."
Stiles hugged him tightly. "Me too sourwolf, me too." He pulled back and looked into Derek's teary eyes. "Hey, hey. We deserve this Derek. We do."
Stiles opened their door to a laughing and happy pack celebration.
Of all the parties he's been too, staring into the eyes of the man he loves, Stiles decided this was by far the best one.
A.N. Well I read through this once and did absolutely no editing because these last few weeks can eat me so here's this shit. Dldr. Much love💜💜💜
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formerprincess · 3 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 61
Chapters: 61/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan (Teen Wolf), Brett Talbot, Lori Talbot Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates, Top Theo Raeken, Bottom Theo Raeken, Top Liam, Bottom Liam Dunbar, Bisexual Theo Raeken, Original Character(s) Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Maddie and Asher follow Liam's invitation. He also learns new things about were cheetahs and Theo gets a new job from an unlikely source.
"Anyways, he invited the whole core pack to a BBQ. It's nice meeting with Luka. I learn so much about general history and other things. That's alright with you?" Liam switched his cellphone from the right hand to his left so he could reach for a shampoo bottle with his right. He was currently doing some shopping before his shift at Ellie’s started and also used the time to have a phone conversation with Byron. Byron chuckled softly. "Why shouldn't it be?" "Dunno. Maybe because you think I'm replacing you? Rather listen to him than you?" Byron sighed softly. "Liam, I am well aware of my own age. It is very noble of you to care about my feelings in that matter but I have to tell you not to worry. I know you listen to me but having another werewolf, an Alpha even, closer to your own age group, gives you undoubtedly the advantaged to see things from a different perspective. You young people see the world differently than we do, that is perfectly fine. You can never know too much and different viewpoints allow you a better understanding of things. I am not worried you will forgo my advice or replace me with Luka. In fact, I am excited you get to make this experience with other Alphas and leaders of supernatural groups." Liam exhaled and smiled. "Good. I am grateful for all of you taking your time to teach me things, explain things to me. Especially at the moment, I feel I'm learning so many new things about our world. Things I never ever thought of before." "Your willingness to learn is one of your most admirable traits. When we met, it was one of the first things I noticed", Byron praised him. Liam meanwhile opened the shampoo bottle and sniffed. He grimaced. Way too chemical for his liking. He hastily closed the bottle and put it back on the shelf. "I try my best. The way I see it, knowledge makes me a better Alpha. Which, funnily enough, is an insight I share with Scott." "You're right. Knowledge is always good." Liam found another shampoo he liked and took it to the cash register. Byron meanwhile reminisced. "I think I met Luka's parents once. Unless there is another pack with the same name in North America, which I highly doubt. Insightful and willing to listen. Remarkable people. It appears, their son takes after them." "Wow, maybe one day you two can meet and you can tell him that. I'm not sure when his parents died exactly but he still grieves them and hearing about them will surely make him happy. Maybe you can also meet Savannah and Maddie." He considered this a good idea. Byron hummed approvingly. "I'd love to."
"One second, Byron." Liam found it incredibly impolite to check out and be on the phone so he paused the call and turned his full attention to the cashier once it was his turn to pay. The transaction didn't take long and Liam left the store with his shampoo. Only then he picked up the conversation again. "Sorry, had to pay." Byron hummed again and Liam remembered a question from earlier he had wanted to ask: "You said it's highly unlikely two packs with the same name existing in North America. Why?" "I guess I should have worded it better. There is a chance of another pack having an Alpha named Barrett, it is not an incredibly rare name, but the possibility of the other pack referring to themselves as Barrett Pack is rare. You know, Liam, packs can have all kinds of names. A lot of them take their Alpha's last name. McCall, Hale, Barrett. Others, like ours, derive their names from the world around them or things connected to them. Red Ambers Pack, The Creek Pack, Silver Eyes. What all those names have in common is they are exclusive to those packs, simply because no one wants to be dragged into another pack's business because they share the last name. Imagine another pack, full of brutal and disruptive wolves, being called Dunbar Pack. One day someone shows up at your door and causes trouble. You would be furious. It's common werewolf etiquette to not have an already taken name. Also an etiquette stemming from old times." "Why do I now imagine all Alphas visiting an office where they register their names and pay the registration fee?" Liam snickered. Byron laughed wholeheartedly. "It's a nice image. Most come from hearsay, to be honest. And, in case of a pack having their Alpha's last name as pack name, the name changes with the Alphas. Unless it's another family member taking over, but that goes without saying." Liam pondered. "So our pack would have gone from Fairclay Pack to Dunbar Pack, if it weren't for Morning Dew." Liam opened his car and put the shampoo bottle on the passenger seat before he closed the door and locked his car again. Now he made his way toward's Ellie's store. "Exactly", Byron confirmed. "I like it better that way. Think of the poor registration office. All this paperwork for a name change." Byron laughed again and Liam joined him. "My shift's about to start, Byron. Talk to you later." "Take care, Liam."
He ended the call and pocketed his phone. The store was very central, with many shops around, and Liam used it to run some smaller errands quite often. When he now arrived at his workplace, Ellie was on a ladder. “Didn’t I tell you to wait with restocking until I’m here?” Liam asked lightly and sidestepped a few empty boxes. His boss placed a box on the shelf. “You mean because you’ll heal faster if you fall from the ladder?” “I…yeah. Besides I’m your young employee. Use me.” “I want to take up that task in case you have no use for Liam!” Carlie yelled from somewhere between the shelves. Her friends giggled. “Carlie.” Liam smirked. “What about Theo? He would get jealous of me for having you.” Theo had visited Liam in the shop before and as expected Ellie and her friends had fawned over his charming personality. “I take both of you!” They all laughed and Ellie thankfully climbed down from the ladder to let Liam take over.
He was working away for a while when the door opened and Theo entered the shop. He didn’t even need to open his mouth, the feeling of resignation and frustration pouring through their bond was enough. Liam gave him a pitiful glance. “The job interview didn’t work out.” Theo completely skipped over Liam already knowing his emotional state and just continued. “They wanted a twenty-year-old with thirty years experience and I can’t offer that. Tried telling her I’ve been to hell. She thought that was a joke.” "I'm sorry." Liam meant it and went to console his boyfriend. He hugged him tightly and Theo clung to him. He wanted to work again and Liam always felt a pang of guilt. Theo had hated working at the diner but he had been working and because his Alpha pressed, he was now jobless. "It's just...It's starting to get borderline ridiculous! Seattle is not a small town, how can nobody be in need of a healthy college student willing to get his hands dirty? Bullshit!" Theo ranted and Liam let him. It was only logical Theo needed to air out his frustration.
"Don't mind me barging into your conversation", Ellie appeared next to the couple. "But, Theo, if you really want a job, I can offer you one. Liam said you two wanted to work together after college anyway. Why not start now?" "That would be possible?" Liam asked surprised. She shrugged. "I see why not. There is more than enough work for the two of you. Also, two strong young men are always better than one. Carlie, don't even comment on that one!" "I didn't say anything!" Carlie shrieked and Theo laughed. "It sure sounds like fun." He looked at Liam. "Is this okay for you?" "Yeah, I don't mind." Liam really saw no issue with that. Ellie was right, they wanted to work together someday, might as well as start now. "Then, yeah, I'd love to accept, Ellie. Thank you." Theo was extremely grateful. She was happy. "Amazing. We can later talk about all the details. I'll offer you the same contract as Liam." He understood that. "Any rules for working together as a couple?" "Boy, you visited Liam several times since he started working here. I never had to fish you out of the storage room or the back office. I'll take the chance." "We are professional!" Liam squawked. Ellie shot him a grin. Then she pumped her fist. "Not me being selfish but there will be some deliveries arriving soon. You two strong men can take this, right?" "Absolutely", Liam promised and pulled Theo along to show him everything.
****** Working with Theo was easier than Liam imagined it to be. Sure, he would have never made the suggestion for their own coffee shop had he doubted that but it was even easier than in his imagination. They worked well together and knew how the other would react in certain situations. They also fell in an easy working rhythm without speaking so much. "Is it really okay for you? Me working here?" Theo still asked when they were storing the deliveries later on. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind in the slightest." Liam opened a box and began handing Theo things. The Second Alpha sorted them meticulously. "Just wanted to check, so you don't feel like I'm intruding or whatever." "You're not. We want to have our own store one day. This is a great exercise." Liam gave him a big smile which Theo returned. "Besides, Ellie is a great boss, you'll see. Makes life easier." "Easier?" Theo inquired and grabbed another box from Liam to store it away. Liam grunted. "She knows about us being werewolves. We don't have to find silly excuses if anything comes up. I had to lie so often in Beacon Hills and come up with stories to cover. Now my boss knows what I am, my coach knows, even my most important family members know.  I don't have to lie anymore and that makes things so much easier. My friends all are either supernatural themselves or involved with the supernatural one way or another. I can be honest, and just be me, you know? It feels so much better", Liam confessed. "It truly is easier", Theo admitted. "Ellie is my first boss in known about the supernatural, it's quite a luxury for me." He gave Liam a cheeky grin and Liam laughed. "You don't mind working with me, right?" He then inquired. "If I did, I wouldn't have accepted the job offer. I'm desperate for a job, but not that desperate." Theo sorted the last thing and handed Liam the label maker. "I'm sure there was a compliment somewhere in that sentence", the young Alpha nagged but didn't mean any harm. Theo understood and scoffed playfully. But then he grew serious. "It's actually quite soothing for my wolf. Being around you, knowing where you are." "Knowing where I am? You know where I am, even if you're not here with me." "It's not that. I know where you are, yes. But are you safe? That's how the mating bond manifests for me. By the urge to protect you every time and at all cost." Liam loved Theo with all his heart and he loved the protective streak the older one had developed for him. Yet... "I like that and I appreciate that. However, I am perfectly capable of protecting myself." "I know you are", Theo confessed, "And that scares the crap out of me." "Huh?" Liam frowned in confusion. Theo grumbled. "One day, I fear, I will be too slow. And you jump headfirst into danger, probably sacrificing yourself for us, and I won't be able to protect you and keep you from doing it. One day, even though you're perfectly capable, I'm afraid a bad guy will get lucky and you will die." Theo shuddered and Liam smiled softly. He put his things down and moved closer to his boyfriend. "I protect myself as good as you do. I will never leave you like this, okay?" "Hm. Promise?" "Promise." Liam kissed him. Maybe it was a dangerous promise given their life but at this moment it felt needed. The sheer thought of one of them not returning after a fight was terrifying and cruel. So acting as if they had complete control over their fate was the only thing to stop the thoughts from going down this path. Theo responded to the kiss but then poked Liam's side. "Come on, let's get those things to Ellie. She didn't hire us to make out. That would be a different line of work."
Liam snickered but then grabbed a box and followed his boyfriend back into the store. "Before I forgot, Sadie and Mason plan on taking you shopping to your new friend Savannah's boutique. Told me before I left." "Me??" Liam shrieked and Ellie looked at him in shock. "Yep. Sadie stalked Savannah online and wants to see the stores. Mason's all for that idea but both agreed it would be rude to show up there without you. So, you have to be the sacrificial lamb, puppy." "No", Liam said firmly, "I'm not going shopping. You all dressing me up once was bad enough. No way!" "Tell them that. I'm just warning you."
The young Alpha grumbled and Ellie chuckled. Liam decided to change the topic slightly. "Luka said he would also invite Savannah and Maddie to the BBQ. I'm really excited to have you all meet. They're cool. It's nice hanging out with them." "Or texting with them", Theo teased. It was true, especially Savannah sent a lot of texts but she never expected a decent answer and just spammed with various things. Maddie, her sister in spirit as the two called themselves, responded equally excited and Liam's phone was buzzing significantly more since he met them. "Are you jealous?" "Me? Of what or whom?" Theo asked surprised. Liam shrugged. It had crossed his mind, he still remembered Theo's jealousy regarding Scott once. "Of Luka maybe?" "Why? Because you had a lunch date?" Theo joked and began tidying up behind the cash register. "It wasn't a lunch date. Not even a date. Just two friends getting something to eat. I do the same with Mason." The Second Alpha shook his head. "I'm not jealous. You're friends, you clearly respect each other and I see how happy it makes you. You see it as a chance to exchange views and advice. How could I be jealous of that?" He paused. "I mean, he is handsome and I know you noticed this as well. You have a type, puppy. Charming men with dark hair. Only natural you find him attractive." "I don't have a type." Liam had begun to fill the displays around the cash register and now shook his head. Theo raised his fingers while he enumerated. "Brett. Me. Luka. Even some of your exes. All fit the bill." "No." Liam scrunched his nose. Though he was not so sure about that one. "Hayden, for example, didn't fit the description." "Yeah. This particular type you have is reserved for males only. I met all your ex-girlfriends and when it comes to women you go for different types. But almost all your ex-boyfriends or crushes share the same traits." Flawless logic but Liam would rather swallow his tongue than directly admit that. "Okay, so what? He is attractive. Doesn't mean I want to start something." "Never said you do."
"Can the old coot give you advice?" Ellie injected. Both men looked at her. She shook her head. "Don't do that to each other. Don't tell yourself you're not allowed to find someone attractive just because your partner might get jealous." "I'm not jealous", Theo clarified. "I know you're not. It's just general life advice from an old lady." "You're not that old", Liam mumbled but continued to listen to her. "I saw relationships end over this. Because one partner thought they were not allowed to find anybody else than their partner sexy or handsome. It's ridiculous. Finding a person attractive says nothing about feelings or ambitions. Just like you said, Theo, it's a preference, a type. But this irrational of making the significant other jealous can become such a pressure, it ends in a breakup. And yet somehow society began telling people, young people, this is how it should be. It shouldn't. It's toxic. My advice is to see it as easy as you two do. A little bit of jealousy is good and I know there is a thing called emotional cheating, that is wrong, but not taking things too seriously is the best way to handle it. I am in a happy marriage and we both find other people handsome. Doesn't mean anything." Liam and Theo looked at each other. "I think we got that one covered", Theo muttered and Liam nodded with a smile. "Yeah."
****** "I hate you and regret all my life choices up to this point." Maya had her arms crossed in front of her chest and glared at the building ahead of her. "Why am I here?" Liam put his arm around her shoulders. "You know you love me and your life choices were good. But if I get dragged down by them, I need to drag someone with me", he explained sardonically and pointed at Sadie, Mason, Brett, and Corey currently gushing over the shop window of Savannah's boutique. Mason had managed to convince Corey and Brett to accompany them and they had excitedly agreed. Liam had decided for that alone they all would get one Christmas present less. Or a lump of coal. "Liam, look, they have suits." Mason was already at the entrance. Coal was a good idea. "And bowties!" Or nothing at all.
The boutique was perfectly illuminated and the carpet was held in pastel colors. One ground floor and a first floor, connected through circular stairs. Several clothing racks and shelves with all kinds of garments were placed around. Liam didn't know where to look first. "Welcome, welcome." Savannah walked towards them looking stunning as always in black heels, white ripped jeans and a black spaghetti top. She smiled brightly at Liam before she hugged him. Then she introduced herself to the others. "I am Savannah. Feel free to look around and see what you might like. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. And shut up, those earrings are adorable." Just like that, Sadie had a new best friend. Both women excitedly greeted each other and soon enough their friends all swarmed the place. Maya stayed next to Liam. "You look out of place. Are you alright?" Savannah asked. "I don't like shopping", Maya admitted. "I just can't spend hours browsing a clothing store. It's just not me." "That's a shame. I think everybody should enjoy buying things for themselves. We try to give customers that here in our store. But maybe we can help you. Pilar!"
A dark-haired woman in Savannah's age showed up at the top of the staircase. "Yeah?" She called out while she walked down the stairs. She wore sneakers, grey shorts, and a colorful top. "Guys, this is Pilar, she works here with me and is also one of my Betas. Pilar, those are Liam and Maya. Maya hates shopping. Think you could help?" Savannah moderated the getting to know each other. To Maya, she further explained: "Pilar is great with clothing and has this unique talent of always finding something a person likes. I swear, she will make this a fun experience." "Oh, great." Maya still didn't seem convinced but she gave Pilar a brave smile when the were cheetah grinned proudly. Then she swiftly pulled her long, wavy hair up in a bun and studied Maya. "Tell me about yourself. Are you more tomboy or more sporty? Dresses yes or no?" "I'm not a tomboy. I'm simply not interested in too much makeup or dresses. Don't know if that makes me a tomboy already?" Pilar hummed. "What are your hobbies? What do you care for?" "Painting, I care about the environment, protests," Maya started to list. "Environment, amazing. We have a collection of local-made eco-friendly clothes here.  I make all of them, so I know what materials were used and how. Maybe we can find something there?" Maya looked suddenly incredibly happy and followed Pilar up the stairs again.
Savannah grabbed a polka-dotted bowtie in blue and white and held it up to Liam. "You would look pretty in a bowtie." "Absolutely not!" Liam shook his head. She laughed. "Relax, I'm just messing with you. You're not my dress-up doll." He chuckled. Her humor was something you had to like, otherwise you might feel insulted or ridiculed. But Liam got it. "You're coming to the BBQ?" "Later, I think. It's a busy day here and I cannot plan in advance when we will be done. Stocktaking, you know? I'll keep you guys updated." She smirked. "I wonder what his house looks like. Is it big? Small? Maybe even bigger once inside." "Are we still talking about Luka's house?" Liam questioned. Savannah clicked her tongue. "Maybe. Maybe not." Her eyes flashed light blue. Liam narrowed his own eyes in concentration. "Are your eyes always this color? Or did they change after you did become an Alpha?" "Blue, you mean? It's the default eye color for cheetahs. Our Alphas don't have different colored eyes than the rest. Blue for everyone." "Wolves only have blue eyes once they took an innocent life. Hence why I'm asking." The blonde shook her head. "We don't have that." Savannah wrapped one arm around Liam. "Now, tell me, any life updates? Things I should know about? Should I take time off work for a wedding?" "My wedding is in a few years, don't stress." Liam blushed. She cackled and let go of him when three women passed the store window. They waved and Savannah waved back. "The brunette one is Beatriz, the redhead is Paola, and the one with the black hair is Carmen. They make the rest of my pack." "Your pack is solely women?" Liam was surprised. "I mean if you don't count our parents, yeah. It's not uncommon for were cheetahs. We are matriarchic minted packs most of the time. It has its origin in the myth of the first were cheetahs. We originated in Africa and there was a village. The old king had been okay-ish to the women in the village. Not the most supportive fella but not bad either. But he got dethroned and killed. The new king made women fair game. They had to serve the men, were mistreated, abused, raped, were no more than slaves. One night the women fled into the wilderness. But without any food or weapons, they were scared and so they prayed to the highest gods for help. One heard their prayers and decided to help them in exchange for something. The women would get the powers to overtake their oppressors and in return, they would forever serve the cheetah goddess. Thus were cheetahs were born." Liam marveled. "I have no idea how werewolves were created. It is so cool you guys know your origin story." "Well." She looked rather proud of herself. "It's tradition and we're proud of it. No, we don't hate men. That's not what this is about." "Who hates men?" Mason appeared next to them. "Nobody." Liam ducked last minute before his best friend managed to place a pink tie around his neck. He just didn't count on Corey appearing behind him and placing a small tiara on Liam's head. "We crown you Alpha of our hearts!" Liam wanted to be mad. But it was hard when he was already laughing. "You're ridiculous!"
****** "Do we have everything we need? Are you sure it's fine? Maybe we should have picked up wine? I don't know." Corey stood in the kitchen and nibbled at his thumbnail. He had begun that after running his hands through his hair and destroying his hairstyle three times in a row which almost caused a nervous breakdown on Mason's part. Liam reached out and gently tugged his friend's hand away from his mouth. "Wow, you are nervous. Relax, it's only Maddie and Asher." Corey groaned. "I know. But I feel this is the first time Mase and I represent this pack as emissary and consultant. Yes, you are here but nobody else is, and what if something goes wrong?" "Corey, you advised me in the past", Liam reminded him. "I know but that was in group settings. This time, it's just us." He pointed at himself and Mason who also seemed incredibly nervous. Liam almost pitied them. "Look, I felt the same way before the Alpha meeting. But it turned out fine. Maddie's a great character and I'm sure Asher is as well. I mean, otherwise, they surely wouldn't be friends." He exhaled. "I also don't think you two are even capable of starting a war or offend somebody. I know you. Mason, you're great at diplomatic stuff, and you, Corey, are great with keeping the peace. I trust you." Sometimes as an Alpha, you had to give a pep talk. Liam could relate to the anxious feeling and the fear of destroying everything but he absolutely believed in his consultant and his emissary. He would have never given them those positions otherwise.
The doorbell rang. "Okay, relax!" Liam felt like a father protecting his kids from trouble in school as he now made his way towards the front door and Mason and Corey followed closely.
And then he opened the door. "Liam! I brought the playdate for your boys" Maddie announced cheerfully and with the biggest grin on her face. She stood at the front door alone, Asher still at the car which he currently locked. Other than last time Liam saw him he was now wearing jeans, sneakers, and a grey henley. It fit him better than the suit. More like him. And it seemed like his best friend had not bothered to wait for him. It also seemed as if he was used to this given he didn't even comment on it when he now joined them at the door. "I'm thirty-one. I don't need a playdate!" He now corrected her playfully exasperated. He smiled at Liam. "Hi, I'm Asher, please ignore her." Maddie opened her mouth in mock outrage and Liam laughed. "Hi, I'm Liam, welcome. Those are Corey and Mason." He stepped aside and pointed at his friends respectively. Both raised their hands. "Hey." "Hi." Maddie had overcome her faked shock from before and stepped into the house. She continued the conversation with her best friend as nothing happened. "No, what you need is some happiness fucked back into your soul." "Oh my god!" Asher glanced at the ceiling as if he asked higher powers for help. Then he gave Liam, Mason, and Corey an exasperated glance. "Please, double-ignore her." "You can't ignore me! You love me!" She reminded him gleefully. He sighed. "I wonder why." But the banter between the friends managed to break the ice, Mason and Corey warmed up immediately, and smiles spread over their faces. "You just stepped into the house, so you don't need an extra invitation", Mason mused. Maddie nodded. "No, I don't need this. We can enter any house unless a or mountain ash barrier prevents us. Speaking off, you have one outside, right? I felt it." "A ghostly barrier created by our witch, yep", Corey confirmed. "You were only able to pass because Liam invited you. Other supernaturals without invitation would have not been able to get over it. But it's amazing you could feel that." "Sometimes we can feel those things. Not always", Maddie explained.
Mason was already on the case and lead them to the dining room where they had put the bestiary and Corey's computer. "He needs to write this down." Liam knew his friend. Maddie pointed at Asher. "I have one of those as well." Asher was more interested in what Corey and Mason had gathered. "Is that a bestiary? I've heard about those but never saw one before. Wow. How did you get that?" "From friends. Yeah, I think that's a good explanation." Corey kept it simple. It didn't need more explanation for the moment, the three of them started talking animatedly. Meadow and Liam retreated into the kitchen.
"I know it's weird. A human and a vampire being best friends. But he makes me feel normal." She smiled weakly. "I don't think it's weird." Liam shook his head. "Mason and I were friends before I became a werewolf but after I finally came clean to him, it was good to have him. To know not everything is supernatural. Sometimes I need this. Normality. I understand what you're saying." Maddie seemed happy he understood and looked at the three men. They were still deeply involved in their exchange, didn't even notice their friends being gone. "I think this was a good decision", she said quietly. "Yeah? That's good." Liam was also pleased it worked so well. She sighed. "He doesn't have many friends. Acquaintances, yes. But not those I-can-call-you-at-three-in-the-morning-because-my-whole-life-is-exploding-right-now type of friends. It's good he's meeting new people." "I thought Asher was part of your coven." Had Liam been wrong? "No, he can't be", Meadow declined, "See, vampires are independent beings. We can form covens but even then we tend to ourselves. I told you I can walk around during the day but at night, vampires are more active. You won't find a vampire sleeping during the night unless they're forced to. Our rhythm is completely different than a human's. It's not like your pack, you are humans as well. We have a human side and yet we're detached from the human living. Having a human in a vampire coven wouldn't work." It made perfect sense Liam just had not considered it before. Logical. "So best friends but not part of each other's groups. Huh, okay." "Yep." She popped the 'p'.
"How did you two meet?" Corey asked meanwhile. Asher put one arm over the headrest of his chair and looked at Meadow. He started laughing. She grinned. "Oh, I can tell you. A few years ago this vampire came to town. She had been going on my nerves for a while and causes some havoc. One night, she was on the hunt for new prey and picked Mr. Asher himself. Look at the guy, who can blame her?" Asher groaned and rolled his eyes but continued to look highly amused by how she was telling the story. "Anyways, she lures him away and I follow. She's doing the most, all seductive and sexy, and then I barge in, ready to save the innocent human. The vampire chick and I start yelling at each other, she cries about how she almost had him and what does he say? Sitting on the couch, frowning as if she insulted him, and then he hits her with: I'm gay!? Like, how could you not pick that up? Completely unfazed by the reveal about vampires." "To be fair, I knew about supernaturals through my father. It wasn't a groundbreaking discovery", Asher relented. Maddie ignored him this time. "From that moment on I knew he is game for everything. We started talking, I learned whose son he was, the rest is history." "Meaning since this moment she's pestering me and acting like my undead auntie", Asher teased her. "Well, someone has to take care you're not going to the dogs. Also, undead auntie? If anything I'm the cool auntie!" She acted arrogantly and watched her nails. "Don't be fooled, she's the one getting her heel stuck in the streets and lands on her behind while trying to get it unstuck." Asher let Liam, Mason, and Corey in on a secret. Meadow shrieked and walked over to his hit shoulder. "This was one time and absolutely not my fault." Every word was followed by a hit. He laughed and tried to stop her from hitting him. "You were drunk and the shoes too big. Which I told you in the store." "Yeah, the only fashion tip of yours actually useable." Asher groaned. "Oh god, no, not this again." Mason used this to take notes. "So calling out god in the presence of a vampire is okay. Nothing happens." "I'm not Satan. We can walk into churches without bursting in flames or getting hit by lightning too." "Demons burst in flames upon entering a church. Hence why my father never visits one", Asher put in his own two cents. Corey eyed him. "Morbid sense of humor or truth?" "Dark humor. His father is the human equivalent of a demon if you must know. Though I personally prefer to call him a walking trash pile of a human being. You never know when a demon is around and overhears. Wouldn't want to insult them", Meadow nagged and Asher shushed her. "Maddie!" "What? Your father is garbage. Not just because of his businesses but just alone based on how he treats you." "It could be worse." This didn't seem to be the first time the friends got into a spat over Asher's father. "At least, he didn't let me be homeless." "He lets you live in a tiny shoebox of an apartment and makes you pay horrendous prices for rent. The bar is so damn low and yet this rat walks beneath it with his head held high." Liam didn't want them to fight and cut in. "The joy of terrible fathers. My biological one is also one of those. But it's good to have people in your life who care about you." "You cherish them more. That's how I see it", Asher agreed. Meadow understood the peace offering as what it was and kissed his cheek. "Such a cutie." "Hate you." "Asher, you're embarrassing me in front of our new friends." "They know you for a few days now. That train has left the station. They already know how nuts you are." Mason cackled. These two gave him and Liam a run for their money. They also could banter and bicker but when push came to shove, they were there for each other and had each other's backs.
Asher returned his attention to the bestiary and pointed at an entry. "That information is false. It says nymphs are redhaired. Nymphs can have every hair color in the world, not just red. If you can, I would note that somewhere." "You can read Latin just like that?" Corey was baffled. Asher shrugged. "Sure. Learned it in school and never stopped using the skills. Especially after I met Maddie and started helping her with a few vampire-related things. Comes in handy." "Asher is good with languages. It helps him in his job as well." "What are you doing for a living?" "I'm an event planner. My client list is small but exclusive. It's not the most charitable job in the world but you have to get out of bed." And just like that, Liam decided he liked Asher immensely. He had this wicked humor you only got after years of being through an absolute shit show and from what he already heard about his father and what he saw at the meeting, Liam could see where this came from. Meadow had said Asher's mother died when he was a child, another traumatic experience. Yet here he was, talking openly with strangers and sharing things with them. Away from his father, Asher seemed more relaxed and himself. And it was obvious he cared deeply for Maddie. Liam liked people with their hearts in the right place. Those were his type of people.
Author’s note:
The eyes of a were cheetah when they flash:
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I am happy I got to insert Asher more. I love this guy. I love all my characters but after I barely had a chance to write about him in the last chapter, this chapter felt good. Next chapter they all finally come together. Or do they? We will see 😁 Did you like the chapter so far? I hope I managed to bring out the friendship Maddie and Asher have. They're each other's persons.
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addicted2escapism · 4 years
Falling for You | JJ Maybank
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Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: JJ can’t go to jail again, in fear of his father’s wrath. You take the fall for him.
When two cops walked into The Wreck, eyes sweeping the building suspiciously, you knew something was wrong. None of the Pogues seemed to pay too much attention to the officers, except for JJ, who was sinking in his chair. You eyed him, noticing the way he turned his face away from the front entrance where the cops stood. Kie’s dad popped out from behind the counter to greet them, realizing that they weren’t just here to eat.
“JJ.” You spoke lowly, leaning back in your chair to put your body between him and the officer’s line of sight. “You okay?”
“Yeah, of course!” JJ clears his throat, eyes flickering around to all of the possible exits. He anxiously adjusts his hat. The movement drew the attention of the Pogues, their conversation about what to do after they’d eaten was quickly forgotten.
“What’s wrong?” Kiara asks, looking around the restaurant to see what JJ was hiding from. When she spots her father conversing with the police, she frowns. “Please tell me those cops aren’t here for you.”
“Uhh, they might be?” JJ winces, unable to hold the other girl’s gaze. Pope’s expression grows increasingly more panicked, and John B looks like he’s concocting plans A through Z.
“Dude, what did you do?” Pope sighs, running a hand down his face. “If it’s not that bad then you just gotta take the fall, okay, because I can’t get involved with the cops!”
“Pope!” Kiara slaps his arm.
“No, no, I can’t get arrested man.” JJ shakes his head. “My dad will kill me.”
The cops nod, stepping away from Kiara’s dad to begin slowly strolling between tables, thoughtfully looking at each customer as they pass by. You discreetly put your arm around JJ’s shoulders and push his head down, trying anything to cover him up as much as possible. John B clears his throat and starts commenting on how well flavored the fries are. Kiara and Pope adamantly agree, jumping into conversation about the various flavors of their meals.
“Guys.” You hiss, squeezing JJ’s shoulder to an attempt in reassure him. He’s incredibly tense, and you subconsciously start massaging him. “They’re going to come over here. They know that we’re his friends.”
“Ok, you’re right, we just need to-“ John B rises from his chair, hurriedly pushing it politely back into the table. Pope says his name in warning, but when John B moves to turn towards the exit, he’s met with the cops beelining for your table. “Hey! Officers. Ah…”
“Hey, kids.” One officer greets, stopping just in front of the table with his hands on his hips. He’s fairly shorter than his partner, who was moving around to the other side of your table. Sandwiching you. His hard gaze falls upon the boy next to you. “Looking for your friend here.”
The taller officer’s hands clamp down atop the back of JJ’s metal chair, who abruptly stands and turns around, dislodging your arm that was around him. He’d been sitting quietly before, but now he was in defense mode, which meant uncontrollable talking. 
“Hey, guys! Wow, it is so good to see you, how you been, man?” The words are friendly and overexcited, and the stretched grin on JJ’s face is unnatural. He skirts away but the police officers step with him. The impending confrontation has you and the rest of the Pogues anxiously rising from your seats as well.
“Why are you guys looking for him, exactly?” Kiara inquires, scratching her head innocently. You hesitantly stand behind the officer closing in on JJ, unsure of if there was anything to do in this situation. John B looks like he’s ready to fight the second officer, but Pope grabs his arm before he gets himself arrested as well.  
“Theft.” The taller officer puts simply, snagging JJ by the wrist and twisting him around. JJ’s pushed against the table as his arms are cranked behind his back, and the officer latches handcuffs on him before he had a chance to fight him off.
“Theft of what?” You ask, stepping towards JJ, only to be held back by Pope. He shakes his head at you, expression screaming “don’t get involved”. Ignoring him, you push on. “What did he steal?”
“That’s none of your concern.” You’re brushed off without a second thought as the police lead JJ out of The Wreck, which had fallen silent in wake of the commotion. The eyes of the other patrons were glued to JJ as he was escorted from the building. You and the Pogues follow him out, but Kiara is stopped by her dad, who is spewing off something about how “this is what happens when you associate with lowlifes”.
The shorter officer makes deliberate attempts to block your view of JJ, but you consistently skip around his body as the cops move towards their cruiser. JJ’s head hung low, and his hat made it so you were unable to see his eyes or much of his expression. His mouth was pressed in a tight line, and his jaw kept clenching and unclenching as he walked. You noticed his hands were shaking behind his back.
“Theft of what?” You tried again, glaring at the shorter officer with determination. The taller cop that was handling JJ opens the backdoor of their cruiser. The man you were speaking to huffs, rolling his eyes with his hands on his belt. 
“He stole a power drill from his dad’s workplace, okay?” He admits, shaking his head at you. “Now go back to your lunch.”
“A power drill?” You confirm, glancing over your shoulder to see John B, Kiara, and Pope standing behind you, looking defeated. You look directly into the officer’s eyes. “It was me. Not him.”
You don’t even think about the words, or the consequences of them. JJ couldn’t get arrested again. You’d never been arrested before. 
“Are you crazy?” JJ chokes out, struggling against the officer that was forcing him into the back of the car. The other Pogues begin calling out to you, but you pay no attention to them. JJ couldn’t go to jail for something so simple. He couldn’t even get charged with a replacement fee without his father losing his temper. It could be you instead. The fine and any possible time probably wouldn’t even be that much. It was just a drill.
“Yeah, it was me. Don’t listen to him, I’m telling the truth. I convinced him to do it because he knew the place better than I did.” You sneak a glance at JJ’s pleading eyes. The cop had stopped shoving him into the backseat, and the one in front of you was shifting hesitantly. You hold your ground. “It was me.”
The shorter cop sighs, looking to his partner for advice, who shrugs. 
“If you say so, kid.” He retrieves his own set of handcuffs and fastens your arms behind your back, while the Pogues yell in protest. You watch as JJ is released and shoved back into his group of friends, looking overwhelmingly confused and concerned, but you saw the relief in his eyes as well.
It was worth it. 
The cops pushed you into the car and slammed the door, and you smiled reassuringly at your friends as they drove you away. 
- - - 
You got let off easy. You played the part of the apologetic poor kid, and the cops bought into it quite nicely. They gave you a monetary fine and a strict talking to about ruining your life. You took it in stride, and when they sent you back into the world, JJ was waiting for you. 
“Have you been standing there this whole time?” You tease, pulling the boy from his thoughts. He pushes off the side of the police station he’d been leaning on, rushing over to you and taking your hand. 
“Are you okay? Dude, your record-“
“Isn’t clean anymore, no. But it was worth it, JJ.” You squeeze his hand, wanting to console him. “And don’t you dare feel guilty. It was my choice.”
“Why did you do that for me?” He pulls you away from the doors and off to the side. He didn’t have his hat on anymore, and his hair was tousled, probably from worrying his hands through it so many times.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You reply. “You said yourself that you couldn’t get arrested again. I don’t like seeing you hurt, JJ. It was the right thing to do.”
“I know what I said, a-and I’m thankful, really. But you can’t do that again.” 
“Why not!?” You ask incredulously. 
“Because you can’t ruin your life for me!” 
You scoff and cross your arms in front of your chest.
“Funny, the cops just lectured me on something similar.”
“Then maybe they’re right!” JJ raises his voice, and in return your raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Wow, JJ, I am so sorry that I took the fall for you because I didn’t want you to get hurt! I am so sorry that I care about you! I guess next time, I’ll just stand around and-“ 
Your next words are smothered by his lips smashing against yours. A noise tears from the back of your throat in shock, but you manage to regain your senses and return the kiss. Your frustration deflated in an instant as you let yourself press against his warm chest.
When you pulled away, JJ was grinning like an idiot, an infectious smile that had you grinning as well. 
“Yeah,” You breathe out a disbelieving chuckle. “Taking the fall was well worth it.”
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pizzablondie · 3 years
Invasion of Privacy
Ok so this is something that is absolutely driving me mad. Due to saving up for my first house (which I will hopefully be moving in to sometime this year if everything goes to plan) I have been living with my parents.
Now I know that I have been very fortunate as it has allowed me to save up faster as they only wanted a little bit of rent (which I am very grateful for do not get me wrong) I am struggling with the privacy element. They seem to have no regard or respect for personal space. I have actually discussed some of my irritations with my work colleagues/close friends and they thought it wasn't just intrusive but abusive.
I basically live in my bedroom at the moment, its where I sleep obviously but it is also where my PC is (from which I occasionally work from home), Where I occasionally eat and my television and my games consoles are. Now picture this, I go to work and I am gone roughly 8 and a half hours. Now in that time my mum has wandered in to my room, rearranged all my possessions, read my mail and gone through my private belongings. On one of these occasions she actually came in to my room, went to the left hand side of my bed near the window (which she had no reason to) take out a clear takeaway Tupperware box and put all my hidden sex toys inside. When I asked her about this she said "Well they shouldn't be out on display and they are all together now in that box" despite the fact she has no reason to come in to my bedroom and they are out of sight as they are down the side of my bed, so unless you actively walked in and awkwardly went around my bed (as my room is quite cramped) you wouldn't see them at all (Especially as I did tuck them under my bed slightly anyways so it wasn't obvious). I was literally lost for words when I saw what she had done, not to mention the fact she didn't seem to think there was anything weird about a mother gathering her daughters intimate sexual possessions and organising them in a takeaway box so they look 'tidy'.
I hate the fact that nothing in the one place that I call my own can be private or left untouched. I am 25 years old, I find this behaviour incredibly frustrating and no matter how many times I have tried to tell her to stop coming in to my private space and rummaging/moving my things (to which she usually sulks pulls the "Sorry I'm such a shit mum" routine, stays out for one or two days then continues her normal behaviour) I don't know what to do. Whenever I get a prescription she noseys at it then gives me a ten minute lecture on how I should take it (despite I have been taking my medication for over 10 years now, so I'm pretty sure I know how it works). When I was a child they would read my diary and then make jokes about the things I wrote (I am an introvert and didn't have many friends to talk to growing up so my diary was like my safe place to vent my thoughts, idea's and problems, I can't be the only one thinking this was cruel to expose me like that?). Whenever I try to bring it up I get mocked for being 'oversensitive' or to 'get over it'. I just don't know what to do, I guess the only thing is to just put up and shutup until I get the keys to my house.
Part of me believes it is a controlling issue on their behalf. When I put in an offer for my first house, I told my mum that I didn't want her to buy me anything for it as I want to build it up myself and I also have very specific taste in décor (her taste is dreadful if I am being honest). Also it is my first ever house, I should be able to have the pleasure of furnishing it and decorating as I please. Despite me making this point to her several times (very, very clearly), she still tries jumping on any opportunity to design what my house will look like. She bombards me with links to lamps and furniture she has found (which 9/10 is dreadful and nothing like the themes I have repeatedly said I am planning), my dad has even tried telling her to back off but she yet again does the whole sulking routine. Its so frustrating she just will not listen no matter how I try and tackle the problem. I'm sorry to vent so much but this is the only place I can that I know she won't find. Anybody have any advice or tips? I just want to be able to get through to her and make her listen without being guilt tripped or completely ignored, that shouldn't be so hard should it?
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Late Night Worries
A Haikyuu Fanfiction
Pairing: Yaku/Lev
Words: 1604
“What are you doing awake?” He whispered. Lev jumped back, grabbing his shirt in fright. Seeing him, he let out a breath and relaxed.
Yaku can't sleep at the training camp and finds Lev stressing in the hallway. He consoles him.
I wrote this one fairly quickly (about a week ago) so I don’t really feel like it’s anything special. I’m working on a much longer fic at the moment, though I’m not sure whether I’m going to post it to tumblr or just link the AO3 page to it. We’ll see I suppose. As always, any comments/criticism/feedback is appreciated, and I hope you have a nice day.
It had been a long day at the training camp, but despite his exhaustion, Yaku couldn’t get himself to fall asleep. It was a humid night, and especially stuffy in the classroom where their team were staying, so no matter how much he shuffled and adjusted himself, he could not for the life of him get comfortable. The rest of the team had drifted off quite a while ago, leaving Yaku alone and frustrated. He huffed, staring at the dark ceiling of the classroom.
He perked up as he heard movement from the other side of the room, and watched a dark figure stand and creep towards the door. The door opened, illuminating the room with the hallway lights, and Lev stepped out, before quietly shutting the door behind him and sending the room back into darkness.
Where was he off to? Yaku wondered. The bathroom, most likely, he reasoned, but as the minutes ticked by he grew restless. Surely he wouldn’t be taking that long? The urge to investigate grew, and Yaku, who wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon and had nothing better to do, decided to follow him.
He kicked off his sheets, carefully navigating his way through the maze of sleeping bodies before making his way out the door. He squinted his eyes at the fluorescent lights, waiting for them to adjust, and then went on a search for Lev.
Yaku found him around the corner and down the hall, standing at an open window and staring out at the dark sports field below. He was dressed in his pajamas, checked boxers and a plain white shirt. His silver hair was disheveled from sleep, but was further displaced as Lev raked his fingers through it anxiously. He approached Lev.
“What are you doing awake?” He whispered. Lev jumped back, grabbing his shirt in fright. Seeing him, he let out a breath and relaxed.
“Oh! Yaku-san, I didn’t see you there. Sorry, I couldn’t sleep.” He turned his eyes back to the darkness outside. The breeze blew softly through the window, cool and refreshing, and a nice break from the stifling humidity. Lev was silent for a moment. “Hey Yaku-san… do you think I deserve to be on the starting line-up?”
“No.” Lev’s eyes widened for a moment before he turned them down to his hands.
“Oh.” The hurt was visible on his face, but despite it he plastered on a small smile. “Y-yeah, that’s fair...um… you can go back to bed now, I’ll come back in a little while I promise.”
“Wait, wait,” Yaku said, seeing that Lev was actually upset about this, he backtracked. “I didn’t mean that.” He lent against the window sill beside Lev. “So what, you’re out here because you’re stressing over whether you deserve to be on the line-up?”
“Yeah.” Lev shrugged. “I guess.”
“It’s just… I haven’t been playing volleyball for very long, and yeah, I’m the tallest on the team and I know there’s value in that, but is my height really that valuable when there are people on the bench way more skilled than am I? Don’t they deserve it more?” Lev stared at him, eyes wide and questioning. Self doubt was a strange look on Lev, Yaku thought quietly to himself. He was always such a happy-go-lucky, carefree guy. It was a little disconcerting to see him so dejected.
“Okay, first,” Yaku began, “regardless of your current skill level, you have a lot of potential, and everyone on the team can see that. What you lack in experience and technique, you make up for in your reflexes, natural agility and strength.
“And second, it’s not always about ‘deserving’ it. Did I deserve to be on the starting line-up in my first year because I was the only libero on the team?”
“But you’re a really strong libero! Of course you did!” Lev interjected.
“I wasn’t always strong though. Believe it or not, there was a point in time where I was just as bad as you at receiving.” Yaku paused. “Well, maybe not that bad. I don’t think anyone could be as bad as you at receiving.” He nudged Lev softly with his shoulder and he returned the gesture, smiling slightly.
“The point I’m trying to make is, sometimes in life, you’re not ‘deserving’ of the roles you take up. There’s a position that you’re able to fill, regardless of whether you think other people could fill it better, the team wants you to do it.” Yaku turned his gaze to the window, the cool breeze brushing against his face. “You don’t turn up worthy of the role you fill, but to deserve it, you need to put in the effort. Work hard and improve yourself, and then you’ll deserve the position. Do you understand?” Lev nodded slowly.
“Yes… yeah, you’re right, and I get what you’re saying.” He fiddled with his hands. “I just can’t help but feel a little guilty. Like for Inuoka, I know that he had my position before I joined the team, I feel like I stole it from him.”
“Has he said anything about that?”
“Huh?” Lev said.
“Has he acted like he’s upset about it? Has Inuoka or any of the other first years said anything?”
“Well, no––”
“And they’ve been nothing but supportive?” Yaku interrupted.
“... yes?”
“Then don’t worry about their feelings.” He said firmly. “You took Inuoka’s position when you joined the team, but he’s not going to be on the bench forever. Who do you think is going to fill the other middle blocker position when Kuroo graduates?”
“... Inuoka.” Lev relented.
“Exactly. I’m sure Inuoka realises this as well, and doesn’t hold any ill feelings towards you. He probably feels a little jealous, but that’s natural and it’s not your place to worry about him. But, if you’re really that concerned, you can always talk to him about it.” Lev hummed in thought.
“Okay, yeah, I might do that.” He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Thank you, I feel a lot better after talking to you about this.” Yaku waved him off.
“Of course, it’s what any great senpai would do. Which I am by the way, great.” Lev chuckled softly at that. “Do you want to go back to bed now?”
“I think I’ll stay up a little longer if that’s okay.” Lev said. “I need to digest what we’ve talked about.”
“Alright. Do you want me to leave then?” Lev gave the windowsill a squeeze.
“Could you… stay a while longer?” He asked hesitantly. “I thought I wanted to be alone, but your company makes me feel a lot better.” There was a strange sincerity in his request, a vulnerability that could be heard in his voice, and possibly something more. Yaku, tired but enjoying the coolness of the open window, didn’t particularly want to go back to bed, especially considering that Lev seemed to be in a fragile state of mind.
“Yeah, sure.”
They stared at the window in silence for a little while, listening to the peace of the night. Across the field, too dark for Yaku to make out, the trees were rustling softly in the wind, the only sound punctuating the quiet. The two of them weren’t really allowed to be hanging around in the hallway this late, but Yaku wasn’t particularly worried about getting caught. It was a beautiful night, and it was nice to spend it quietly with someone else. After a while, Lev spoke again.
“You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a little cranky and mean, a bit like a bitter old man,” He smiled to himself. “But, you’re actually a lot nicer than you give yourself credit for.”
“I can’t even tell if that was a compliment or not.” Lev laughed. “When I first met you Lev, I thought that you were incredibly annoying, but now that I know you better, you’re actually more annoying than I could have ever imagined” He mocked.
“You put up with me though.” Lev said.
“Sometimes I think you might even like me.”
“I have no idea what could possibly give that idea.”
“Yeah.” Lev said, stroking his chin in thought. “Maybe you’re right. Looks like you’re just the bitter old man I always knew you were.” To that, Yaku elbowed him in the side.
“Ah!” He squawked. “Violent as well, your cruelty is truly never ending.”
“Alright smartass, watch the mouth, or you’ll spend your extra practice time tomorrow running laps.”
“I’m terrified.” Lev quipped, and Yaku kicked him in the shin.
“Enough sass from you.” He snapped, though Yaku couldn’t hide the humour in his voice. “Bed time now.”
“Roger that.” Yaku gave him a small push towards their room, and the two of them made their way back, Yaku’s hand resting against his spine. The gesture was strangely affectionate, but he reasoned that he was in a strange mood tonight anyway. They reached the door to their room, but before they opened it, Lev turned to him and whispered.
“Thank you again, for tonight. I feel a lot better after talking to you. You’re really good at giving advice, you know.”
“Yeah, anytime.”
“And,” Lev bit his lip, looking a little bashful. “If you ever need someone to talk to as well, I’m here.” Yaku blinked.
“Oh, um, thank you.” Lev smiled, reaching his hand out and giving his shoulder a squeeze, before opening the door and disappearing into the darkness of the room. Yaku followed a moment later and settled into his bed, feeling a little more content that he did earlier.
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puckyess · 4 years
Love Her Like I Didn’t | Owen Lindmark
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See if you can pick out which paragraph @penaltbox wrote! & In case y’all didn’t know, I hate angst.
Words: 1.9k
Owen leaned against his headboard with his head tilted up, staring at the ceiling. He wondered how he had gotten to this point and whether or not it was the right move to do what he was about to do. He switched apps to look at the photo once more, sucking in a breath just like he had the first time he’d seen the picture of you with your bright smile and his arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind. Sure, he’d assumed you’d move on from him eventually, to some douchebag guy who he could hate, but he’d never expected it to be with his teammate. He closed his eyes and tried to level his breathing out, feeling like he’d been sucker punched. It was a Friday night, they had a bye week, he should be out with the boys and not wallowing. And yet here he was, feeling like he had the first day of the breakup, if he could even call it that. Technically you two had never officially been together.
Shay was a good teammate and all, but Owen wasn’t sold on you not being with himself. Shay didn’t know you like he did. He’d buy you food and expect you to eat it, not knowing that you were picky as hell, but you also wouldn’t want to make him feel bad so you’d force yourself to eat it anyway. He wouldn’t appreciate the way you mumble, he’d just tell you to speak up instead. He wouldn’t think the baseline between your neck and face is beautiful the way Owen always did. Shay sees the many knots in your hair and thinks ‘my god she’s a mess’ whereas O would say ‘my god she’s perfect’. He’ll notice that you wear the same 5 tshirts and sweats and chirp you for it but Owen always loved it, especially when they were his. He should have told you it more often, too. Owen hates the thought of Shay getting to put his lips where O first let his own drift and explore across your soft skin. He doesn’t like that he won’t get to hear you singing all around the apartment anymore or in the car, which he adored even when it was off key. He’ll miss the playlists you always made and hearing you rap all the songs from middle school. He won’t hear Morgan Wallen the same again after all those times you belted the lyrics every chance you could. He won’t get to see you at 8am all grumpy over being up that early or grinning over a stack of pancakes at brunch. Shay won’t know where your scars came from or why it is that you flinch when he’ll spread his hand out on your stomach. How long will it take him to notice that you smile even when you need to break down because you’re always so strong for everyone? Owen can tell with one glance these days. Is he going to wipe the corner of your mouth or your shirt every time you two go out to eat? You’re clumsy, that was no secret, but Owen always just helped with a soft, ‘it’s okay, baby; it happens’. Owen hates the thought that one day Shay could know you that well, or worse, better than he does. You were his girl, his person. He could go on and on about things he doesn’t want Shay to know, ways he doesn’t want Shay understanding the real you. Every thought that rolls through his mind is like a knife twisting in his heart.
He’d done this to himself though. He told you from the beginning that he hadn’t wanted anything serious & you were fine with that, never really expecting to tie down a college hockey player turned future NHL’er anyway. He’d repeated the phrase every time he felt himself getting butterflies. The first time was when he was having a conversation with the boys in the middle of the bar and he’d known you’d just arrived because he instantly felt warm. Turning around, his intuition would be right. He was drawn to you and your presence. He’d say it when he was around the boys playing video games and you’d be in between his legs and he’d lose track of the game, watching you. He’d repeat it when his eyes searched for you in the hall after every home game and when he made it a point to call or FaceTime you on the way home from every roadie, even the bad ones. No, especially on the bad ones. And he’d really repeat it when he couldn’t sleep because you weren’t there curled up next to him. He’d repeat it to his mom and brothers and cousins and anyone who would listen because if he said it enough times, then maybe he would believe it.
You could tell things were getting to be different, a little more than just friends. The looks he’d give you, the nights you’d spend in each other’s arms just talking, and the amount of time you would spend together. But you didn’t push for more and he was appreciative of that.
The final straw had been when he’d drunkenly almost told you he loved you after you forced him to go out with his team. A decision they had regretted when they spent their night consoling him for you not being there, only made better by FaceTiming you. They delivered him back to you in one very drunken piece and he’d almost let it slip past his lips after you had washed his face, claiming he’d thank you for it in the morning, and tucked him into bed. He got as far as “I lo-“ and even in his drunken state, he could see what it did to you. How hopeful you’d looked. He’d gotten too comfortable and leading you on wasn’t fair. He was leaving soon and you were going to go back to your life, to achieve all of your goals and forget about him. He was doing this for you, or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. Never mind the fact that he’d let himself for a split second think about what he was feeling and how real and terrifying it was. He couldn’t give you what you deserved and he knew that. So he closed out of the picture and reopened his notes app, hoping that he could give some words of advice to his teammate so that he could. He didn’t even know where to begin; you deserved the world and then some.
Shay, I’m writing this because I need you to give Y/N the very best and if you can benefit from my fuck up then so be it. She doesn’t deserve to be broken again and though I know she’s strong enough to pick herself back up, she shouldn’t have to. Please love her the way I never showed her.
Don’t make her pick the restaurant, it stresses her out because she doesn’t want to choose something that you won’t be happy with.
She’s not herself when she’s hangry. She doesn’t know what she wants to eat and she doesn’t mean whatever insult she throws your way. Just make a list of her favorite foods and offer them to her, even if it’s all the way across town. You’ll thank me later. 
Let her control the music. The songs she picks will often be a sign of what she’s feeling. If you’re lucky, you’ll see a whole new side of her.
Don’t make fun of her singing, she’ll never sing for you again
Family is important to her, make sure you earn her mother’s respect 
Don’t let her go to bed without washing her face, no matter how many times she tells you she’s tired or it’s fine. It’s not fine, she’ll thank you the next day. 
Compliment her all the time, even when she doesn’t accept them. She really needs to get better at that
Take her out of her comfort zone every once in a while. She loves to try new things but rarely does so on her own 
She loves to have her hair played with, especially when she’s stressed or can’t fall asleep
Don’t make her feel second to hockey. Ever. 
Don’t make the age gap a big deal, because it’s not. 
Defend her especially when she’s not around. Don’t you dare let anyone speak bad on her name. She doesn’t deserve that. 
Talk hockey with her, she loves that but doesn’t want to bother you with that in case you’re tired of it 
Don’t entertain any of the girls that slide in your DMs. Don’t even like the picture. You can let her know or even show her your DMs but don’t rub it in her face either. 
Trust her. There will be other guys that try to steal her. She’s a catch, but you can’t let that get to your head. She’s loyal to a fault. 
She’s going to doubt herself, that’s just how it is. You just have to do everything in your power to let her know you only want her. 
Really let her get to know you. All your hockey stories, why you got into hockey, what that guy on the ice was saying. Not the bullshit “it started at a really young age “stuff either. She won’t judge you. Open up to her.
Chirp her. She can handle it. 
Treat her right, I mean it. Don’t fuck this up. She’s the best thing that will ever happen to you. I mean that. 
Tell her you love her. Say it 100 times over and say it with purpose. Tell her the second that you realize you love her. Don’t make her wait for it like I did. Don’t make her ever question whether or not you love her like I did. Don’t be too proud to say it because she deserves to hear it and I was stupid enough to think it didn’t mean anything, that it wasn’t a big deal and I lost her. Maybe this should be #1 but I didn’t want you to fucking forget it.
Finishing his list, he took another deep, steadying breath & lightly chuckled to himself. This was it. He was really giving his teammate advice on how to keep his girl. He cursed himself. This wasn’t about him and you weren’t his girl anymore. You deserved more and if this is what his part was now, then to hell with his own happiness.
His thumb hit send as he shared the list with Shay. He threw his phone across the room, his hands running through his hair and pulling in frustration, a pained groan falling from his lips. Minutes later his phone was playing Whiskey Glasses, your ringtone and your picture flashing across his screen. He hadn’t heard from you since your ”breakup”, much to his disappointment. He flew across the room to retrieve the phone and immediately picked up.
“Hello?” He answered breathless, craving the sound of your voice.
“What the hell, Owen?! You can’t just...what am I supposed to…” your voice was raw and you were at a loss for words besides the burning question in your mind. Even though you were terrified of the answer, you forced the question past your lips.
“Did you— Do you mean it?”
There was a pause on the other end of the line and your breath hitched in your throat.
“Ohmygod”, he said in realization. Putting you on speaker he opened his notes app and looked at who he’d shared the list with.
Shared with one person: “Y/N”.
123 notes · View notes
might-be-a-zygon · 3 years
Flat 40b
Chapter Five
What Road to Take?
AO3 link in the reblogs
Thea wasn’t really sure how she’d wound up spending so long chatting to that odd woman in the odder room. It was all a little concerning, honestly- just a woman sitting alone in a little room like that, with such a secure lock. She’d been half worried that someone had trapped her there, but when Thea had held the door open for her to follow, she’d just said she was waiting for a friend to visit and asked Thea to shut it for her.
She hadn’t expected the sky to have darkened when she left the room, but she wasn’t particularly worried. It wasn’t a far walk to the flat, after all, and she hadn’t had much else to do that day.
Still, her casual dismissal of how late it’d gotten did turn to some degree of guilt when she spotted Yaz, still sitting up in the kitchen, looking at her with a degree of relief.
“Where have you been?” She asked, looking Thea up and down as though expecting to see some injury. “Bill said you went for a walk after the lecture and they you never came back- I was worried.”
Thea had the good grace to look guilty, at least.
“I didn’t realise how long I was gone.” She admitted, taking a seat opposite Yaz at the kitchen table, even if all she really wanted to do now was go back to her room and try and work out who that mystery woman was.
“You didn’t even notice it getting dark?” She could tell Yaz didn’t quite believe her.
Thea considered a moment. She could tell Yaz the truth- they were friends, after all. Best friends. By all accounts, she should tell her, but- something deep inside of her was screaming that telling Yaz about the woman in her vault would be a very bad idea. It seemed to be the kind of thing which she just knew should be kept secret.
“I went to the library.” She lied, digging a notebook out of her bag as though trying to prove her point. “Keep having these weird dreams, I’ve been trying to write them down. Thought I might try and make them into a book or something.”
Yaz blinked at her a few times. She seemed to have been caught off guard by that one. “Weird dreams?” She asked, taking her hands off of the mug in front of her and reaching for the book tentatively. Thea handed it over without complaint.
She hadn’t been planning on sharing them again, but in honesty doing so made her feel an awful lot less guilty about lying to Yaz about where she’d been.
“Is that me?” Yaz asked, holding up a sketch of the pair of them in some sterile room.
Thea grinned, nodding. “Yeah! That’s the one where we’re fighting the little goblin!”
“The goblin?”
Thea flicked forwards a few pages to another sketch of a pting. It had a snarl on it’s face, just like it’s real life counterpart had when they’d faced him on the hospital ship.
“I don’t know what I’m actually gonna call them, yet.” She admitted, “But he’s kind of cute, look. They’re these little goblin things that eat everything.”
“And you’ve been dreaming about this?” Yaz asked.
“Yeah. Probably just too much dodgy sci-fi before bed, but I think there are some cool ideas there, if I could streamline them into something.”
“And you- am I there a lot?”
Thea was suddenly very glad she wasn’t much of a blusher.
“Sometimes.” She admitted, not quite looking Yaz in the eye. “A fair bit, really. You’re my best mate, I like it when you show up. Those are always the best ones- we fight aliens and stuff.”
Yaz broke into an almost proud smile, and Thea had to remind herself not to stare. Had Yaz always looked that pretty when she smiled?
“Aliens?” she laughed, as though at some joke Thea didn’t quite get. “I thought they were goblins?”
“Can’t they be both?” Thea asked, flicking through the pages. “I have one in here about vampires who were fish, too…”
“I’m just saying.” Martha raised her hands in mock surrender, “Maybe if it’s been this long and I haven’t seen anything weird, and you haven’t had any weird readings, it was just a machine error or something.”
“There’s got to be a reason that we were brought here in the first place.” The Doctor responded stubbornly, not even looking up at her. He’d been tinkering with the same bit of the console throughout their entire conversation, and it certainly wasn’t helping her feel particularly heard in the situation.
It wasn’t like she needed his undivided attention- they’d not spoken in person once since she’d moved into the flat- but it was more than a little frustrating to be ignored while she was trying to report what was going on to him. It didn’t help that most of the reason she’d agreed to this in the first place was to learn about emerging technology, and since he’d registered her as a first year, she was going through all the basics over again.
“Go through it again.” He said, more instruction than request.
“Go through what?” Martha asked, showing her frustration a little more, now.
“What’ve you found.”
“I told you already! There’s nothing suspicious. No signs of aliens or anything, just a normal Uni campus.”
The Doctor made a frustrated noise, and Martha couldn’t tell whether it was aimed at her, or whatever he was fixing. He muttered something under his breath, quiet enough that she clearly wasn’t supposed to be able to hear it, though she could just about pick out the word Rose. That one stung.
Of course Rose would have been able to track down whatever was going on immediately.
Or, at least the Doctor might have believed her when she said that nothing seemed suspicious.
“The energy readings from your flat are off.” The Doctor insisted, finally giving up on what he was messing with, though if Martha thought she was actually going to have any attention paid to her she was sorely mistaken, since he moved straight back to checking the readouts on the monitor. “Who’s living there? You’re sure they’re all human?”
“Well I haven’t exactly tested them all.” Martha replied sarcastically, “But everyone seems normal. They’re eating and sleeping like humans.”
“Nobody’s wearing a shimmer?”
“What’s a shimmer?”
“Oh it’s all-“ he made a vague gesture in mid-air which was apparently supposed to mean something. “You know. A shimmer.”
Martha gave him a blank look.
“…Right.” He nodded after a minute. “I’ll get you something to test for a shimmer.”
He cut her off before she could actually voice her question, brow furrowing, “Oh- Yeah you’re right, that won’t work if they’re Zygons.” he said, despite not having given her time to actually say anything even if she had known what a Zygon was. “Tell you what, I’ll get you a DNA scanner too.”
“Hang on.” Martha said, “You want me to scan my flatmate’s DNA? How am I meant to do that?”
The Doctor shrugged her concerns off. “I know you’ll work it out.”
Her meeting with Jack had dragged Yaz right out of the town centre, to some pop-up milkshake shop which was she’d heard a few other students chatting about. She’d been meaning to ask if Thea wanted to go (as friends, obviously), so it wasn’t as though she was actively blaming jack for dragging her away from the University for a little while. After all, they had to make sure to avoid his past self.
She’d arrived first, though she could hardly be annoyed about that- it’d been her idea. She arrived, checked that Rose and the other Jack were absent, texted the all clear, then grabbed herself a drink, and snagged a booth in the back corner where they’d be able to chat with some degree of privacy.
“Yasmin Khan.” Yaz heard a voice that was becoming increasingly familiar from behind her, turning around to smile a little at Jack as he approached her.
It was odd, really- being relieved to see him, rather than dreading it. That first time she’d been scared out of her mind (though in fairness, he had kidnapped all three of them), and the second- well. She wasn’t too proud to admit that she’d been so overwhelmed by the Doctor’s return she’d hardly noticed Jack stepping out alongside her. This time though? Well, seeing someone she could actually talk to about all of this was amazing.
“Thank you for coming.”
“I’m always here to help a friend.” Jack said seriously, despite the grin on his face. He slid into the booth opposite her, “Loving the choice of venue, by the way. Very 1950s.”
“Remind you of home?” Yaz asked, just for something to fill the small talk, though she was really itching to get straight onto the topic at hand.
“You’d think.” Jack laughed slightly, as though at some joke she wasn’t privy to. She didn’t push him.
“So.” She said, when he didn’t elaborate. He sat forwards slightly in his seat, already knowing what she was about to say, “You know about this chameleon thing the Doctor used to make herself human?”
“Not quite.” Jack admitted, glancing over behind her, in the direction of the counter. “I know what it is, but I’ve never been around when she’s had to use it.”
Yaz seemed to deflate a little at that. It was hardly his fault, but she’d really been hoping for some more concrete advice about the whole situation.
Noticing her reaction, he gave her a reassuring look, “Hey, don’t worry. I haven’t see it but I called in a friend of mine who has. Great girl, you’ll like her. She was with the Doctor the last time. Plus she’s from this Time Zone so she’ll cause a lot less chaos hanging around here than either of us will.”
“You brought backup?” The relief on her face grew. She’d been beginning to feel very out of her depth, especially with all of Thea’s talk about weird dreams and secret rooms. What was she supposed to say to discourage Thea from sneaking around when she was supposed to be keeping herself safe? She was still the Doctor under all that, after all.
Jack grinned. “The Doctor drops into a lot of people’s lives. Makes a lot of friends. I knew a woman, once, used to say that for a lonely man, the Doctor had the biggest family in the world.”
Odd as it was to hear the Doctor being referred to as a lonely man, Yaz smiled. It was nice to think how many other people out there would always be there for the Doctor when she needed them.
“And this friend of yours can help?” She asked.
“Oh yeah.” He smiled at someone behind her, and Yaz turned to get a look. “PC Yasmin Khan, meet Dr-”
“Martha!” Yaz exclaimed, shock plain on her face, because- That was Martha, right? It was so clearly her. Except Martha was younger than this woman, by a fair few years, and at least judging by the shocked expression on her face, she didn’t recognise Yaz either.
“You two have met?” Jack asked, looking between them.
Both responded at the same time.
Another bewildered look shared, though Jack barking a laugh boke the tension.
“The joys of time travel.”
Martha seemed to relax slightly at that, slipping into the booth next to Jack, and setting a drink down in front of each of them. Yaz didn’t relax. She couldn’t just yet. If the Martha she’d met was younger, why didn’t this one seem to recognise her at all?
“Jack said the Doctor used the Chameleon Arch again?” Martha asked, drawing Yaz’s attention away from that issue for a moment. It was strange, but Jack had said she could help, and Yaz needed all the help she could get working out what was tracking them.
“That’s the thing that turns her human?” Yaz checked. The Doctor had never actually given it a name during their panicked preparations.
“Hang on, her?” Martha raised an eyebrow. “Blimy. He said he could change his face but I never knew he could change it that much.”
“You knew the white haired Scotsman?” Yaz asked. It was what the Doctor had said she’d looked like before.
“He got Scottish too? This must be a few regenerations since I last saw him.” Martha laughed. “I knew spikey hair and sandshoes.”
“Can’t believe I missed them turning Scottish.”
All three of them laughed a little at Jack’s statement, seeming to break a lot of the tension.
“So, spiky hair and sandshoes is who we think is here?” Yaz asked Jack. “You said the past you came here with a previous Doctor to investigate.”
“Oh, no. That was the Doctor with the ears and the leather jacket.” He supplied.
Yaz tried to picture the Doctor running around in a leather jacket, then quickly stopped herself. Nice as that image was, she doubted she’d get much else done today if she didn’t get it out of her head.
Still, that Martha thing was still nagging at her.
“Hang on, if the younger you,” Yaz nodded at Jack, “Is here with a younger Doctor. Then-” she glanced at Martha. “There’s a younger you living in the same flat as me and Rose. Does that mean…?”
“Another Doctor.”
Martha looked between Jack and Yaz, clearly thrown off by this whole thing.
“Hang on. I don’t remember coming here.”
“I don’t either, not really.” Jack said, though he seemed very calm about this whole thing. “Crossing your own timeline can sometimes scramble your head a bit. Makes you forget stuff, so you don’t find out about your own future too early.”
Martha gave him a look. “Do I want to know what you’ve been doing hanging around in your own timestream?” He winked at her, and based on the face she pulled, the answer was no.
“So, three Doctor’s then.” Yaz said, changing the subject. “That feels like a bad thing.”
“Well it’s not a good one.” Jack conceded. “We’re gonna need a way to differentiate, for a start.”
“Ears, Sandshoes and-“ Martha looked to the two who’d met the latest Doctor for a descriptor.
“Rainbows.” Yaz supplied. “She’s going by Thea Smith, right now, though.”
“Thea?” Martha looked surprised. “I would have expected Jane Smith.”
“Might be a little close to home.” Jack suggested.
The pair of them shared a sad look, and Yaz didn’t want to ask.
“Ears, Sandshoes, and Rainbows.” Yaz repeated, trying to get them back on topic.
“They’re like codenames.” Martha said. “It’s like we’re playing spies.”
Yaz felt a shiver run down her spine at the idea of ‘playing spies’. She’d been there, and fun as it had seemed at first… Well, she didn’t want to do it again. She thought about being on the run with Ryan and Graham, knowing how scared her family had to be, the plane, and that endless realm that those creatures had taken her to. They were all still fresh, and had very much put her off the James Bond lifestyle.
“Not spies.” She responded, quickly. The other two looked at her with some surprise. “There was a thing, with the Doctor, and some old mate-but-not-mate of hers. It wasn’t-“
Both of their expressions turned to understanding.
“The Master?” Jack asked and, when Yaz nodded, he spoke with the same bitter anger he’d used when talking about the daleks. “Pity. I’d hoped he’d stay dead.”
Opening up the diner portion of the TARDIS as a student hangout had seemed like a good idea at the time. They’d get to hear more gossip from around campus, and Clara had been kind of hoping it’d get them more information, though as of now she’d mostly just heard nonsense about who was dating who, and which of the tutors had the worst reputation.
The only real consolation was that they were far enough out of the way that they weren’t too busy, despite it being a Saturday morning. She had the distinct impression that most people were probably too hungover from the last night of Fresher’s week to fancy a milkshake.
It’d been an especially easy morning, really, since she’d roped Me into helping her out behind the counter, and she was just cleaning out one of the machines when her girlfriend had nudged her in the side, nodding towards a figure who’d just stepped into the shop.
“Is that…?”
“Jack Harkness.” Me responded, with a tone that suggested she was already bored of whatever drama he was about to drag them into.
It was hard to blame her- it wasn’t as though Earth had a lot of immortals, and from what stories of Me’s Clara had heard and read, they’d run into one another a fair few times over the years, usually with dramatic or dangerous results. Thankfully, he walked straight past them, to settle in a corner booth.
“What’re the bets that he’s behind this?”
Clara shot her a look that said ‘be nice’, despite the very real possibility he did have something to do with this.
“Should I go talk to him?” Clara asked.
Me shook her head. “I’ll do it. I’ve known him longer.”
“Play nice.” Clara said, a pleading note in her voice.
“I’m always nice.” Me responded in mock-offence, though the smile she gave Clara was a little too soft to maintain that charade. She leant in to kiss her girlfriend’s cheek, before slipping off towards the corner table.
The fact that they’d settled in the corner was honestly enough of a worry. There were two empty tables in between them and the nearest other customers, and they were speaking in the kind of low voices which implied they were plotting something.
“Okay, so no spy stuff.” Jack said as she approached, “But we’re keeping the code names.”
“Jack Harkness.” She said, drawing his attention, as well as that of his friends. “I should have known you’d be the source of all this.”
“Me.” Jack looked interested at her intrusion, even if his friends looked baffled. “Or, do I still have to call you Lady Me? Because you know I’m not big on titles.”
“Titles like Captain?” She retorted.
“Touché.” He smiled, in a way which made it unclear whether they were friends or foes. “Least you haven’t threatened me with a sword this time. Loving the uniform, by the way.”
“Still the same insufferable flirt, then?”
“You know you love it.” He grinned, before turning to his friends. “Martha, Yaz, meet Me. I have a feeling she might know a little bit about our problem.”
So, on the one hand, hanging around outside his dead wife’s office was an awful idea. On the other, the Doctor really couldn’t resist. He wasn’t planning on talking to her- he just wanted to see her, for a minute.
He knew that it would only upset him, really. He was just opening up an old wound. Somehow, though, that didn’t phase him. Seeing her for a few minutes- letting himself look back just once. It had to be worth it.
The Doctor was fully planning on seeing a face from his past that would make his hearts ache with loss- though the one he got was one that made them sink with guilt, instead.
Ashildr. He’d lost track of her a very long time ago- somewhere before all that hazy business on Gallifrey. Still, in this time zone he’d have assumed that she’d be managing Trap Street, still, not hanging around a University.
Not walking out of River Song’s office with a smile on her face.
Whatever she was planning, he already didn’t like it.
“Ashildr.” He said by way of greeting, glancing towards the door, but barely catching a glimpse of River before it slammed shut.
“Who?” From the look of false-innocence on her face, he got the impression that Ashildr was being purposefully difficult.
“Call me Me, Doctor. How many times do I have to remind you?”
“Me isn’t a name.” He replied, sounding almost like a petulant child.
“Nor is Doctor.” Ashildr replied coolly, crossing her arms.
Since he didn’t have much of a retort for that one, he found himself falling silent for a moment, though when she didn’t get a response, and began to walk away, he found himself asking a question just to stop her from leaving just yet. He really didn’t like that she was here- with everything else that was going on, it made him nervous.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, still not sounding the most friendly. He didn’t remember much about his last few meetings with Ashildr, but he remembered coming away from them very angry with her. She had to have done something, he just didn’t remember what.
She shrugged, maddeningly casual about the odd reunion. “The same thing as you, I imagine.”
Well that one certainly couldn’t be true. Ashildr may have had some questionable practices, but as far as the Doctor was concerned his and Missy’s current predicament had to be pretty unique.
“I really don’t think you are.”
Seemingly a little thrown off, she asked. “You’re not here investigating all the odd energy readings?”
“Energy readings?”
Ashildr narrowed her eyes at that. It clearly wasn’t the answer she’d been expecting, at any rate. “Why are you here, then?”
“I’ve got a thing to do.” He replied, sounding totally confident in his own vague explanation, even if she looked unconvinced.
“I told you once I’d protect the world from you, Doctor. I meant it.”
“I know you did.”
“Well then, I’d-”
Before either of them could continue their argument, the office door opened, and an annoyed looking River Song stuck her head out, looking between the pair of them as though they were naughty schoolchildren. Seeing that one of them was a Professor did nothing to change her demeanour- not that the Doctor had expected for a minute it would. Not with River.
“Excuse me, I don’t know what the two of you are bickering about, but if you could take it somewhere that isn’t right outside my door, I think it would be better for everybody. Okay?” She said sharply.
Ashildr offered a quick apology, while the Doctor suddenly found his throat had gone dry, his eyes fixed on the woman he’d been fairly sure he’d never see again.
She waited a full minute for him to speak, before beginning to disappear back inside. “Right, then. I’ll take the gawping fish look as a yes.”
“Y-Yes.” He just about managed as the door slammed shut between them.
By the time he’d managed to process what had happened and turned back to Ashildr to continue their argument, she was already disappearing from view at the end of the corridor.
After the third time going through the information they had at this point (which was about as little as they’d had when they arrived), Amy was really beginning to regret deciding to come back to the TARDIS instead of heading to the Student Union.
“Right…” The Doctor was pacing around the console, still. By now Amy was fairly sure he was talking more to himself than to them. “Right so what have we got? We’ve got a professor who doesn’t age-“
“We’ve got a professor who doesn’t age, and some weird energy readings coming from our flat.” She sighed, looking bored with the whole thing. “It’s the same thing we’ve known all week.”
“Wasn’t River trying to meet the professor.” Rory offered before either of them could say anything more. He just wanted them to stay on track, which between the Doctor and Amy was always a tricky task.
“He won’t set up a meeting with her.” Amy responded, “She said he turned her down when she made a proper request, and he’s never in his office when she goes.”
“So he’s onto her, then?” asked Rory.
“No…” The Doctor had moved back over to the scanner, now, bringing up those readings again, as though he was on the brink of some breakthrough the others couldn’t see. “No. Doesn’t make sense. I’m missing something-“ He turned to the pair of them. “What am I missing?”
Rory gave him a blank look.
“Right. Of course. In my head. Yeah…” The TARDIS made a wheezing noise, which appeared to mean something to him based on his reaction. “Oh! Oh, yes. That’s good, okay…” He began digging through a drawer under the console.
“What’s good?” Amy asked, leaning forwards to try and get a look what he was messing about with. When he didn’t respond right away she actually stepped over to get a look at the odd little device he was holding. It looked a bit like a USB drive, just with a display screen. “Doctor? What’s that?”
“What does he teach?” He asked, instead of answering her.
Amy hesitated. She knew that Bill, Thea and Jenny had been to lectures with their mystery professor, but she’d never bothered to work out what the lectures were actually about.
“Oh, I don’t know. I could ask my flatmate, he’s her personal tutor. Not sure what she studies, though.”
“Oh, that’s great.” He tossed the not-USB-drive to her, “DNA scanner. Should be able to work out if he’s human or not. You’ve just got to get close enough to use it.”
“And how am I meant to do that?” She asked, turning it over in her hands.
“Ask your friend if you can tag along to lectures or something.”
“Oh, great.” Amy replied, sarcastically, “You’re signing me up for mystery lectures with the maybe-alien professor.”
“Try and use it on your flatmates too, if you can.” The Doctor responded, either not picking up on the sarcasm, or deliberately ignoring it. He was messing about trying to wire something into the console, now, though he seemed to be mostly doing a lot of running around and sonicing various things.
Amy looked the device in her hands over. “You should’ve given me this earlier. Would have been easy to use it if I went to that comedy night with Rose-“
There was a clatter, followed by a squealing noise from the sonic, as it protested being dropped.
“Something wrong, Doctor?” Rory peered around the central console, looking concerned.
The Doctor picked up the sonic quickly, trying to brush off his slip-up. “What? No. Fine. I’m fine. Totally fine.”
Amy raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah. Because when someone says ‘fine’ that many times in one sentence, that usually means it’s true. What happened?”
“I had a friend called Rose once, that’s all.” He seemed to be staying at the other side of the console just so he didn’t have to meet their eyes. “Long time ago.”
“You’ve never mentioned her.” Amy said, nothing accusatory in her tone, though she certainly sounded curious.
The Doctor smiled a little, now, in that far off and slightly sad way he did when he was remembering something long since passed. “I don’t always like talking about the people I’ve lost.”
“She sounds special.”
“Oh, she was. Great woman, that Rose Tyler.”
Now, it was Amy’s turn to drop what she was holding.
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adenei · 4 years
Endings and Beginnings (In Three Parts)
And now, for my Hinny Incognito Elf fic! This was written for eevylynn, and tells the tale of the lead-up of Harry and Ginny’s relationship during HBP from Ginny’s perspective :) Side Romione included 
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The Break-Up
Ginny couldn’t sleep. She was having trouble calming her mind, as she couldn’t stop thinking about the events of the night. It hadn’t been what she’d planned on, but in retrospect, Ginny supposed it had been coming for a while. She tried to tell Dean multiple times that she didn’t need his help with certain things, like being guided by the small of her back through the portrait hole. 
If she was being honest, something had started to feel off between them at the beginning of March. Right around the time when Ron was poisoned. Ginny had started spending more time while he was in the hospital wing with Harry and Hermione, and Dean had expressed his displeasure, which ended in their first huge row. She told him he didn’t have the right to tell her who she chose to spend her time with, and that her brother had almost died! Dean had tried to come back with the argument that he had Harry and Hermione, which sent Ginny off the deep end. ‘I’m his sister!’ she’d shouted at him in the halls, as she told him he’d need a better reason than that. To which he’d muttered something unintelligible about Harry. Ginny stormed off after that, unwilling to hear any more.
Dean did apologize eventually, but then she started getting bored when they’d go off to snog. He didn’t give her the same thrill he used to at the start of their relationship. Plus, what had once been kind gestures became mild annoyances that began to fester. At least this was what she was trying to tell herself. It would have been easier if he’d accepted the breakup easily. If he’d felt the same way, that the breakup was imminent. But instead he’d acted blindsided. He’d even tried to plead with her in the common room. ‘I won’t do it again, I promise, Gin. Let’s not be rash and end things over that.’ 
But it wasn’t just that and she’d told him as much before storming off up the girl’s staircase to her dormitory. Ginny felt bad that she didn’t give him more of an explanation, but she couldn’t. It’d break him even more than the lame excuse she’d used to end things already. Plus, it’d probably have confirmed whatever he’d muttered back in March, and she was too stubborn to admit he was right. 
She’d taken Hermione’s advice, and tried to date around a bit to forget her crush on Harry, but then last summer happened. They’d become closer than before, and Ginny loved the idea that they could be friends. Except that her heart still leapt any time he’d flash a grin at her, or when they’d go for a fly and she’d see the carefree side of Harry that he rarely showed anyone. Dare she even admit that there was the slightest banter of innocent flirting between them. 
Ginny knew she’d made the right decision when she felt her heart flutter at the mere thought of Harry. Yet she still sighed as she flopped back, her head hitting the pillow in the continued frustration of being unable to shake her feelings for him. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when there was a knock on the door.
“Ginny?” Hermione popped her head in the doorway.
“Over here,” Ginny said, happy to have a distraction and some company.
Hermione walked over and sat on her bed. “I heard what happened...I’m sorry,” she offered.
“Yeah, you and everyone else in the common room.” Ginny rolled her eyes as she sat up. “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad it’s over.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, you weren’t the only breakup tonight, and yours was much tamer than what came after.” Hermione was having trouble hiding the smile that was creeping across her face.
“Oh?” She could have guessed, but figured she’d let Hermione say it. 
“Ron and Lavender broke up!” Hermione said with glee. 
“It’s about time,” Ginny said as she smiled. “How’d it happen?”
“Oh, well, we were upstairs in the boy’s dorm with Harry, and-” Hermione looked around to make sure they were alone, but then cast muffliato just in case, “he put on the cloak because he was going to sneak out of the common room for, er-” 
“Lesson with Dumbledore?” Ginny asked.
“Y-yes. Yes! Anyways, because he was under the cloak, Ron and I came down and it looked like we’d been alone up there, and Lavender was not happy. I almost felt bad for Ron. People halfway across the castle probably could have heard her shouts,” Hermione said.
“Eh, he probably deserved it. Should have broken up with her a while ago,” Ginny commented. 
“Kind of like you and Dean?” Hermione raised her eyebrows in question.
“What?” Ginny countered, but Hermione only responded with a knowing look. “Yeah, alright. It was overdue, but sometimes it’s hard to break something that’s comfortable for something that’s never going to happen.”
“I wouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch..” Hermione said pensively.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Ginny questioned.
“It’s just a muggle expression,” Hermione said smugly. “Well, I’m going to go up to bed, but I think Harry’s still down in the common room. Said something about attempting to catch up on his homework for McGonagall.”
Ginny eyed her suspiciously as she hopped off the bed and left for her own dorm room. She sat there for a bit, considering what Hermione had said. Should she go down there? She was bored, having been cooped up here all evening, avoiding Dean. But she was also comfortable. 
Then, as if fate was interfering, her dorm mates came in the room giggling about something, and Romilda had this smug look on her face. A surge of jealousy flowed through her system. Romilda had been after Harry all year, with no success luckily, but it still annoyed Ginny to think that she could get her bloody paws on him. 
That was all it took for Ginny to stand up, and head down to the common room. Sure enough, Harry was sitting in his favorite spot on the couch, but his homework lay abandoned on the table in front of him as he was staring at the fire. Ginny walked over and sat on the opposite side of the couch. The common room was all but deserted at this point.
“Last I checked, the fireplace isn’t going to help you finish that essay,” Ginny said wittily, grabbing Harry’s attention.
“Oh, hey Gin,” he said. “I, er, heard about you and Dean. Sorry…” 
“Are you really, though?” Ginny asked him, one of her eyebrows had arched in question.
“Do you really want the answer to that?”
“Answering a question with a question. That’s clever, Potter,” Ginny smirked at him.
“Well, it sidetracked you, didn’t it?” Harry laughed.
“It did, but your strategy just failed because you reminded me again. And yes, I would like the answer to that.” Ha, take that, Ginny thought.
She could tell Harry was contemplating his answer, and wondered why. Did it have to do with something that Hermione had said? “No, ‘m not sorry. You can do better than Dean.”
“Oh? Like who? Careful about your answer though, Potter. Wouldn’t want to pull a Ron on me,” Ginny warned. She had to remind herself to breathe when she realized she was holding her breath as she waited for his answer.
“Well, not Seamus, that’s for sure,” Harry laughed as Ginny rolled her eyes. Of course he’d suggest another person who wasn’t good enough for her. 
“I guess I’ll let that one slide, but if you do have a suggestion regarding my love life, I’d love to hear. You must be doing something right, yourself,” Ginny grinned as she made an innocent dig at him.
“Oi! Here I am, trying to be a supportive friend, and you just go for the low blow.” Harry feigned offense. 
Ginny laughed. She loved how easy it was to talk to Harry, which was a far cry from her preteen self. Her mood had vastly improved since coming down to the common room, and she was secretly thanking Hermione for the tip to come downstairs. Which reminded her, “So...Lavender and Ron?”
“About time, isn’t it?” Harry said.
“Hermione seemed quite happy about it,” Ginny said as they shared a look. “You don’t suppose they’ll finally sort things out, do you?”
“Anything will be better than what happened over the last four months,” Harry muttered.
Ginny watched him carefully. They’d joked about Ron and Hermione’s constant bickering and how they thought it was flirting, taking bets about when one would finally make a move on the other. He’d seemed okay with it last summer, so why was he close-lipped about it now? “How would you feel if those two got together?”
“Dunno,” he said simply. 
A thought crossed Ginny’s mind. “Harry, you don’t- you don’t fancy Hermione, do you?”
“What? No! No way. She’s like my sister,” Harry defended himself quickly. “Why would you even suggest that?”
“You’re acting weird about it,” Ginny told him. “Not like this summer, when we were having a laugh over it.”
Harry just shrugged. “I’m just happy they’re talking again. Maybe the four of us could hang around more, you know, like the summer.”
Ginny could tell when he didn’t want to talk about something, so she didn’t push it. Instead, she thought about what he’d said about the summer. She tried to hide the excitement about Harry wanting to spend more time with her. 
In an attempt at playing it cool she said, “Only if you help me with revising for Defense. O.W.L.s are coming up, you know.”
“Er, yeah, sure! I may be able to help with potions, too. Everything else, you’re better off asking Hermione for help,” Harry said as he flashed her a smile.
“I’m sure you could help just fine,” Ginny returned his smile with one of her own. “You did manage E’s in everything else, didn’t you?” She watched him shrug as the faint hint of a blush tinged his cheeks. “Anyways, it is late, and we do have class in the morning. Unlike you, some of us have class during the first hour tomorrow,” she teased.
“Yeah, you’re right. See you tomorrow?” he asked as they both stood up and headed to their respective staircases.
“Not if I see you first,” Ginny said as she laughed. It was one of the twins favorite things to say that she’d taken a liking to as well. It had become one of her signature flirting lines. She froze, but it didn’t seem as though Harry had heard anything out of the ordinary. “Night, Harry,” Ginny said as she turned and climbed up the staircase.
The Insinuation
“Harry, we’re going to be fine, don’t worry,” Ginny reassured him for what seemed like the millionth time. 
Everyone had been on form during their last few practices. They were pulling through in spite of the broken morale after Harry’s incident a few weeks back. Luckily, Harry had still been permitted to attend practices and coach the team even though he couldn’t play in the final match due to Snape’s detentions. This gave Ginny the opportunity to focus on her seeker skills, and Dean, Demelza and Katie could get used to working together as chasers.
“I know, I know,” Harry said.
Ginny leaned in and nudged his side with her shoulder. “Then why do you still have that worried look on your face?” She looked up at him through her lashes. 
They’d been spending a fair amount of time together both on and off the quidditch pitch. Ginny had started to drop subtle hints here and there, but Harry seemed to remain oblivious. There were times when she was about ready to give up her pursuit, thinking that maybe Hermione’s subtle nudging was just for a laugh. But then it was always Harry who would ask if she wanted to go to the library in the evening, and Harry who would make Ron and Hermione wait for her to go down to breakfast in the mornings.
“Because it doesn’t matter how on form you all play tomorrow, I’m still letting you all down by not being there! I’ve never hated Snape more in my life,” Harry muttered as he kicked at the ground.
“Harry, you know I agree with you on the whole Snape thing, but you did almost kill Malfoy. It’s just a shame he couldn’t push this one detention to a different time. I promise I’ll give you the whole rundown after the match.”
Harry looked to her as he said, “Thanks, Gin. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
Ginny had to force herself to keep moving and to play it cool despite the breath that hitched in her throat and the sudden fast beating of her heart at Harry’s comment. She was thankful for her quick wit, which allowed her to comment without Harry knowing that her insides were about to explode from excitement. 
“Probably something stupidly noble or nobly stupid,” she said giving him a look. They both erupted into laughter. 
They continued walking up the corridor when Ginny recognized one of the Fat Lady’s friends watching them interestedly. She nudged Harry with her elbow and nodded with her head. “Is it just me? Or are they watching and possibly gossiping about us?” she said under her breath.
Harry looked up at what she was referring to. “Er, I dunno, Gin, can’t say I really notice what the portraits do on a regular basis.”
Ginny rolled her eyes in exasperation as she heard one of the portrait ladies giggle and say, “Oh don’t mind us, dear!”
“So you are staring, then!” Ginny said in triumph. 
“No, no! Just watching carefully. We like to be current with the state of relationships! If I may offer some advice,” she was addressing Harry now, “I’m sure the lovely lady would appreciate some hand holding at the very least,” the lady on the right said.
“Relationships? What are you on about?” Harry asked. 
They ignored Harry’s question as the lady on the left chimed in with, “I think the corridor up ahead is vacant if you’re looking for a place, too! Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone,” she said innocently. 
Ginny stared incredulously at the portrait. “Oi! What in the bloody hell are you talking about?”
“Aww, look how shy they’re being, Violet! It’s quite clear you two are the newest couple in Hogwarts!”
“It’s about time,” Violet agreed.
“What?!” Harry and Ginny both said at the same time. 
“We’re not-” Harry said.
“Why would you-” Ginny added. 
Neither finished their sentence before Ginny looked at Harry and said, “C’mon Harry, let’s get out of here. Clearly, the portraits have lost touch with reality, as they don’t know how friends act anymore.” She gave the ladies in the portrait a dirty look as they continued walking without looking back.
What was once a comfortable conversation had now been replaced with an awkward air. After what felt like an eternity of walking towards the Gryffindor common room, Harry broke the silence with an apology that wasn’t his to give. “Er, sorry…” he said, looking anywhere but at Ginny.
“Sorry for what? Last I checked you weren’t one of those old batty women in the portraits,” Ginny commented.
“Er, no, but we have been spending more time together. If it’s too much-”
“It’s not,” Ginny said, perhaps a little too quickly.
She noticed a wave of relief fall over him at her words. “I mean, if the portraits think we’re together, then maybe we should at least give them something worthwhile to talk about,” Ginny laughed at the thought of messing with the portraits. 
Harry didn’t answer her, and he looked seemingly lost in another thought. “Are we really acting like that?”
“Like what?” Ginny asked for clarification.
“Like a...couple?” Harry choked out.
Ginny thought about his words. They were spending quite a bit of time together, about the same that she’d spent with Dean on any given day, at least. And sure, maybe there had been some innocent flirtation, but neither was any the wiser on how the other person felt. 
“Um, not that I was aware of,” she lied. “We’re just two friends enjoying each other’s company, and sometimes taking the piss on each other, now and then. Maybe even in the form of innocent flirting” Ginny chanced.
Harry chuckled at her words. “Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed.
Wait, did Harry just agree to the idea of flirting? She really wanted to ask, but by that point they’d entered the common room and Hermione was waving him over. She probably wanted to know how Ron had performed tonight to get a better idea of his mood.
“Well, I’m going to turn in early for the night,” Ginny told him. “I’ll see you in the morning, yeah?”
“Er, yeah,” Harry said awkwardly as Ginny took off for the girl’s staircase. 
It was all Ginny could do to avoid thinking about their conversation in the corridor. Maybe she’d convince him to mess with the portraits some more after the match tomorrow and see where things would lead. At the very least, it could be fun to take the piss out of the Fat Lady’s drunken friends. But for now, she had to focus on the match tomorrow, which meant giving herself a little space from Harry for the night, both mentally and physically. 
The Kiss
There was a deafening rush of sound that flooded Ginny’s ears after she’d caught the snitch. She looked at the magical scoreboard. They’d won. They actually pulled it off! Ginny flew down to the pitch where she joined the rest of the team in a huddle/hug and she looked at the stands where the Gryffindors were losing their minds.
Yet the only thought she could focus on was Harry. She couldn’t wait to tell him! She hoped his detention wouldn’t last all day because she was already bursting at the seams with excitement. He’d trusted her to lead them in his absence, and she did. Ginny saw Professor McGonagall’s satisfied smile. Maybe she’d be in the running for Captain next year, not that she’d want to take that away from Harry, but it would be nice. 
She found herself in the locker room, putting her broom away and changing out of her sweaty gear. She waited for the rest of the team, so they could make their victory march back up to the school. Ginny decided to wait outside the locker room for the rest of the team members and saw Hermione waiting there, a beaming smile on her face. They waited together as the rest of her teammates filed out. Finally, the last members emerged; Ron was walking out with Dean.
Things were less awkward than they had been. At least they were until Hermione ran up to Ron and hugged him in congratulations, leaving Ginny standing awkwardly next to Dean. “Oi! Is everyone ready to head back up to the common room, then?” The team members all nodded as they began their walk back to the castle. 
The party was already raging in the common room by the time they made it through the portrait hole, and the Gryffindor’s cheers could probably be heard throughout the entire castle when the team entered. They were all handed butterbeers as Ron was holding the Cup in his arms, Hermione at his side. More rounds of ‘Weasley is our King’ could be heard as Ginny decided to hang out near the doorway with Ron and Hermione. 
If they didn’t think that was at all normal, neither said anything. After all, Ginny had been spending more time with them lately. Ginny downed her butterbeer in an attempt to calm her nerves, and looked around for a second one. She found them by the fireplace, but as she made her way over, she heard someone shout, “He’s back!” 
Ginny turned around and froze, waiting to see if it was true. Sure enough, she saw a black mess of hair appear through the portrait hole and heard Ron shout, “We did it! We won!” 
She watched as Harry looked at Ron, who was holding the cup, but then his eyes were searching for something else, someone else. He scanned the room, and her heart stopped briefly when his eyes met hers and he froze. She nodded, solidifying Ron’s words with one motion, and then she watched him move toward her and her feet stepped forward to meet him somewhere in the middle.
He had this wild look in his eye, and she was just about to ask him what was wrong when he closed the gap between them and kissed her. Harry freaking Potter was kissing her! And not in private. In front of the whole bloody lot of Gryffindors! Speaking of...she pulled away slightly. She needed to make sure this was real. 
But in typical Harry fashion, he looked not at her, but at her brother. She hoped Colin had his camera and was able to capture the look on Ron’s face. Hermione was holding his arm, and looking between the two. Her worried look turned into a bright smile when Ron cocked his head to the side and grunted what Ginny assumed was his ‘blessing.’ Not that she needed it, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
She saw Harry’s own face break out into a more relaxed grin as the rest of the common room erupted once more. He finally looked back at her and gestured toward the portrait hole. He may have said something, but there was no way she could have heard anything. Ginny nodded as he took her hand and led her back out from where he’d just entered. 
She heard the Fat Lady laugh and say, “It’s about time, you two,” as they headed down the corridor and found an empty classroom. The door had barely shut behind them before their lips locked for a second time. She felt Harry’s hands wrap around her waist as hers wrapped around his neck. 
They’d barely started snogging before Harry pulled away abruptly. “Wait, is this- this is okay, right?”
Ginny smirked at him. “Well, your form is a bit off, but I’m sure I could teach you a few things,” she said suggestively.
“Very funny,” Harry said as he rolled his eyes. “I’m serious, Gin.”
“If it wasn’t okay, you would know already, Harry,” she finally said sincerely.
“Brilliant,” he said. Ginny leaned in, finding his lips with hers as they fell into an easy rhythm. 
Some time later, they broke apart. Ginny was impressed at how quickly Harry had improved, picking up on the art of snogging. “Should we take a walk? It’s rather beautiful out today to be stuck in a stuffy classroom.”
“You’re sure you don’t want to go back to the party?”
“I���d much rather do this,” Ginny told him as they exited the classroom. They turned in the opposite direction of the common room as they made their way out to the grounds.
Harry and Ginny stopped by the large oak tree that shaded the Black Lake and sat down, guarded by the privacy from any onlookers.  “So…” Harry said.
“I’m listening,” Ginny said through a smirk. 
“Are we, er…” Harry stuttered.
“I don’t know, do you want to be?” Ginny knew it was cheeky to be teasing him about this, but she just couldn’t help it. Harry Potter, the boy who had defeated You Know Who once and fought him another three times, the boy who had saved her from death in the Chamber of Secrets, was having trouble asking her out. 
“Y-yeah, but only if you want that,” Harry said. 
“I think me kissing you back is a good indication,” Ginny smiled. She supposed she could have just been up front and given him an easy yes or no, but she knew he could handle her sarcasm. It was part of their easy banter, what made their friendship so special and unique. They tended not to take each other’s shite.
“That’s what I was hoping for,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her again. If Ginny wasn’t sure about her decision to break things off with Dean before, those doubts had disappeared. Now, a new chapter was beginning. One that had only been in her dreams for far too long. But now it was a reality. The best reality she could have ever hoped for as she melted into Harry’s arms and enjoyed their day together in the bright May sunshine. 
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