#not me simping for another anime character
themetalheadhippy · 1 year
Me trying to embrace my femininity and sexuality by reading more smut because imagination seems hotter to me rather than having it all in front of me like porn 🧠💭🌹
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
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;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - General Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis on Forget Me Not as a character and other related things.
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this post was brought to you by me, procrastinating on the second part of the Cover analysis and those yandere Pavia headcanons, and ALSO because mister lawrence cavendish jr is the second target for my brainrot
warning for suicide and self-harm themes!
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On the subject of Forget Me Not's name and past.
It's Lawrence Cavendish Jr. Forget Me Not's real name is confirmed to be just that, as seen in this specific excerpt:
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"Cavendish Jr, who was still alive and once sat in front of you [...]" which alludes to the dinner Vertin had at the Walden with Druvis III and Forget Me Not, and "'Forget Me Not', what a hilarious, stupid name". I only included this because I've seen people wonder about it.
What I mean to tackle in this point is the relationship between Forget Me Not, his origins and his current chosen name. Despite his calm and collected appearance, it becomes clear that Forget Me Not is one hair away from becoming entirely deranged, especially when confronted with the possibility of getting revenge. But why is Forget Me Not so focused on revenge specifically?
His backstory is not as openly laid out for us to read, but we can gleam some bits and pieces from all the documents and dialogue he has. To understand Forget Me Not, we also need to look at Druvis III.
All throughout chapter 02, we see parallels and connections being drawn between Forget Me Not and Druvis III - both of them appear to be extremely aloof, cold and collected, only to be revealed to be very emotional deep down, for better and for worse. Druvis III is initially defined by the neutrality and inertia that comes with being stuck in the past, while Forget Me Not is initially defined by the neutrality of the Walden and his ties with Manus Vindictae, an organization that rejects the future.
Druvis III is a disgraced, fallen noble whose life wasn't ruined by the fire that took her family, but the perception the world had of her, an image they forced onto her due to their hatred towards arcanists. And Forget Me Not has a family surname "buried in the dust, shot dead in history". A disgraced, fallen noble implied to have struggled with poverty, battling hunger and suicide countless of times. In the "··· Formula: 1920s" document, we can see a few pieces from various people and their opinions on Forget Me Not from the Big Mouth Bulletin. 3 out of 4 want him dead or think of him as a monster - entirely because of his existence as an arcanist.
The similarities are obvious. Hell, both share the theme of flora and plants, too. There is an even more subtle dynamic here too, alluding to the game's prominent religious imagery - Vertin's suitcase being compared to an ark that will brave the "Storm", the last supper moment, Arcana's offering, the orange, being a replacement for the apple of Eden...
And then, Forget Me Not association with snakes, rumoured to have a body covered in scales, with an arcanum skill that allows people to indulge in alcohol during the Prohibition Era - the snake that tempted Adam and Eve. Druvis III is associated with forests, trees, as well as a link between Vertin (the good guys) and Manus Vindictae (the bad guys) - the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The two go hand in hand and are linked together.
The big difference between them is that their respective quests to set things "right" are entirely different - their "revenge" is not the same. Druvis III was hellbent on finding out who set the fire that killed her family, not because she wanted them to face the consequences, but because in doing so, people would finally leave her alone and let her mourn. She could finally move on from something that she knew the truth of. Forget Me Not does it to feel satisfied with himself and get back at everyone who ever looked down on him or wronged him. To inflict as much as pain unto others as he had received before. It's a powerplay fantasy in which he finally wins, against all odds.
It's unclear what truly happened to the Cavendish that caused Forget Me Not to end up in such conditions, to the point where he'd go as far as make sure no one can trace him back to his family, to the point where not even the Foundation has a proper report on him.
But there is one line in particular that lives rent free in my head when it comes to the Cavendish and Forget Me Not's potential relationship with them.
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This takes place after Druvis III loses her forest, after she loses her eternal branch because of Vertin's intervention during their dinner. They're talking about how to use her forest to build a refugee camp.
There's the possibility that Forget Me Not is simply alluding to that forest - something that used to belong to her is now something that he should have for the sake of Manus Vindictae's goals.
But! Indulge me for a second! There's a noticeable pause, there's a subtle tone to his voice. Reverse 1999's writing might be confusing at times due to the translation, but it's easy to see that it's loaded with metaphors, hidden meanings and so much more, to the point where reading deeply into everything most characters' say is pretty much the norm.
The dialogue that precedes that specific line is Forget Me Not insisting that he can transfer the ownership of the woods over to Druvis III anytime, because she has always been and will always be the only owner, no matter what. He does this to convince her to go through with Manus' plans, that's his main goal, he doesn't care about the woods. But that single line pictured above? It could mean so much more.
Again, the two share many, many similarities. So when Forget Me Not talks about what Druvis III once had - a prestigious family business, a name people can recognize, an assured future - is what he should have, it evokes a sense of entitlement and lingering resentment. Almost as if Forget Me Not's desire to go back to the past doesn't stem from nostalgia like her, but to reclaim something that was denied to him.
Which is incredibly ironic to me because both of them carried their family in their names - Druvis THE THIRD. Lawrence Cavendish JUNIOR. And yet, the one that worked so hard to obscure his origins and changed his family name was him.
Neither of these characters can be recognized nor traced back to their families by appearance alone - people need a name or a really good memory to truly recognize them. The only one with enough courage to continue carrying such burden is Druvis III. Forget Me Not wants something that he willingy lost the right to the moment he allowed Lawrence Cavendish Jr. to die and fade into obscurity.
The name "Forget Me Not" begins to sound more ironic. Like an order, a threat or the promise of his return - his desire for revenge and his hypocrisy become clear once you begin to dissect his character. Like the narrator in the "To Lawrence Cavendish" document says: "He is patiently waiting... to put his meanness, craziness and quivers under the sun". He's waiting to reveal himself.
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The "stage" is shown when he makes people explode from inside out, a lot of people who recognized him as Forget Me Not, the mixologist. This is when we finally see his true intentions and the main difference between him and Druvis III, all in their respective reactions to the journalists.
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She's terrified, thinking about the day of her family's funeral. On the other hand, he's ordering them to watch and record as he "takes everything he has been deprived of".
This is why the thing that breaks Forget Me Not is hearing that Druvis III does not care about the man who started the fire, that it's not important anymore. He believed them to be on the same page, that she would love to torture the single person responsible for all of her grief. The guy is projecting heavily onto Druvis III.
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In the end, I don't know if Forget Me Not resents his father, his family name, if he had some sort of business to inherit and a "future" that was taken from him, or if they actually might've been a happy family.
What I do know is that Forget Me Not's desire for revenge was absolutely amplified and fueled by Manus Vindictae's own agenda. And that's why he works perfectly as both a victim of their MO and a willing member within their ranks.
He clings so hard to the past because there is no future worth fighting for, because everything would be much better if it was rebuilt from scratch with only those that won't oppose him and repeat history. He clings so hard that his new name and identity are, in the end, a plea for the world not to forget who he used to be and, at worst, an order because he sure as hell hasn't forgotten all the things others have done or said Back when Lawrence Cavendish Jr was around. Once his family outlived their usefulness or relevance within society.
TLDR: THIS is the cold-blooded, numb murderer who is actually very sad, empty and broken deep inside that some people wanted Pavia to be. Like, he's even sopping wet and sad and asking Vertin to kill him next time they meet.
Which leads us to my next point!
On the subject of Forget Me Not's self-destructive and suicidal mindset.
We've talked about Forget Me Not's views and relationship with the Cavendish - but what exactly is the end goal? He feels entitled to a better life, one he was supposed to have, and then what?
The "???" narrator mentions a woman who made a promise to Forget Me Not, as well as leaving a "sarcoma" behind which he then adapted and turned into his own. This woman is implied to be Arcana, as we see her talk to Vertin about being able to see the truth, to not be blinded - there's an emphasis in the way she recruits people by opening their eyes to reality. The sarcoma is the city (apparently "Windy City" is used to refer to Chicago, I had to google that but hey, that's pretty neat!). It's the world he lives in and that wants him gone. She focused Forget Me Not's grief towards it because in doing so, it would help Manus Vindictae's ideals of a world exclusively for pureblooded arcanists.
And even so, he remained suicidal. There was at least one more attempt at taking his own life, and that's when he saw "what had been on his mind". Whatever that might've been, no doubt influenced by Arcana and his situation, is what pushed Forget Me Not to "allow himself to revenge, revenge, re-re-re-revenge, and to die".
Ultimately, Forget Me Not's goal is to die at the end of it all - even after he gets his revenge, earns the life he wanted, takes back everything that was meant for him. This is why, after he's fully defeated, his last words to Vertin are to show no mercy next time they meet. To kill him.
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This is not only a long and convoluted plan of revenge, it's Forget Me Not willingly marching into his own demise. And just like before, he's not strong enough to pull the trigger himself. Now that he has no solid argument to justify his anger - all because Druvis III has shown him that people can, in fact, move on - his only option is to have someone else end his life. He's shown tired, and the phrase "Don't save it no more" might indicate that even if there was someone who could repeat what Arcana did to him - give him a sense of purpose and a target for his grief - he simply doesn't have the energy for that.
Forget Me Not's self-destructive tendencies can also be seen in other ways. His job at The Walden is to cater to all the people who shunned him - he welcomes everyone and anyone for the sake of creating a network of secrets, he attends fancy parties and events full of those who call him a drug dealer, Satan's spawn and so much more. And he pretends to be someone else entirely while wishing for others to remember him. He willingly surrounds himself with all the things that hurt him.
His arcanum being related to alcohol is rather poetic to me - since Forget Me Not is said to have spiraled into decadence and into this extreme mindset, it makes sense that his main skill is related to being intoxicated and to drown into something that is largely hated but at the same time, desired and coveted. The Prohibition Era does have a very similar mentality to religion, namely western ideologies - you're meant to openly reject and loathe something, but the constant repression causes you to yearn for it instead. And at some point, this repression can become an addiction in itself, leading some to indulge in it. This loops back to Forget Me Not's association with the snake in the Garden of Eden.
It makes sense to me that he indulges in something so painful, while cohercing others into indulging in forbidden alcohol. That he later uses this very same arcane skill to kill all those people who, in his eyes, represent everything he loathes about the current state of the world. It's like a sarcoma that he now leaves behind, that kills from inside out.
And this is the last time I'll bring up Druvis III in a Forget Me Not post, but notice their choice of flower/plant? She has a mistletoe bouquet - a parasitic and toxic plant which represents positive things such as fertility, life and protection in many different cultures. Forget Me Not has black roses, roses being immediately recognized as one of the most beautiful flowers but, in this context, symbolizing things such as death and rebirth, remembrance, mourning. Their duality, contrast and the "two-faced" aspect is prominent there. And not to get very deep about character design, but Druvis III holds the bouquet very carefully and carries it around with her willingly, whereas the black roses that Forget Me Not wears wrap around his neck not unlike a noose.
To really drive home how Forget Me Not sees himself, here's the description they gave him for his boss fight.
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They boil down his character perfectly, to all the little traits that make up his whole emotional baggage.
And to also put more emphasis on how Forget Me Not truly doesn't expect to live and "win" at the end of this whole revenge trip, here's his ultimate - "Heavengazing from Hell". He's fully aware that he's going to be destroyed by his own actions and that the only thing left for him will be to look up at heaven from hell. That all the good things will forever be out of his reach.
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Now, onto proper headcanon territory, since I'm running out of media to analyze!
On the subject of Forget Me Not's scales.
As established before, Forget Me Not is associated with snakes - one of the segments from the Big Mouth Bulletin comments on this. "[...] he had scales under those long sleeves, one next to another embedded in his flesh."
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And this can actually be seen on his in-game sprite! It's very faint, but there's absolutely some sort of texture peeking out from under his collar and sleeves that resemble scales. They can also be seen on the trailer animations. The only time these scales don't appear or peek out from his clothes are in The Walden illustration, with the other members of Manus Vindictae, but that can easily be explained as him covering up properly and the angle he's drawn in.
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Originally I thought that they could be burn scars, as it would mean a stronger connection between him and Druvis III. But upon closer inspection, they don't look like burn scars at all.
I like to headcanon that it's a side-effect from his own arcanum, similar to how Rabies is implied to look like a scarecrow because of his involvement treating rabies. Being something "self-inflicted" - in the sense of him having the choice to stop and heal, but refuses to - also lines up with Forget Me Not's suicidal tendencies, the whole sarcoma metaphor and the fact that by carrying on like this, he's doing nothing but destroy himself and add to his suffering.
As for how far the scales have extended, I don't have a set favorite idea! Part of me really would love it if the scales coiled around his body like actual snakes, but also the idea of him having different patches of scales scattered throughout (again, like a sarcoma) and the third secret option of him being MOSTLY covered in them to the point where it becomes grotesque, something that he can't even look at.
They're not just a tattoo or pattern embedded onto his skin either - they're actual scales, cold and rough to the touch. The areas affected by this have grown numb, making it hard for Forget Me Not to feel any warmth or pressure applied onto them. This adds to that otherworldly and sinister vibe he's got going on, even if the lack of proper tactile sense irritates him. It's extremely uncomfortable if they're brushed or rubbed in the wrong direction, however!
Sometimes, Forget Me Not might pick at the scales, as if deciding whether he loves or hates them. In particularly bad days, he picks them out. I like the idea that, once picked, the scales grow faster and stronger, as well as in broader areas, making it a perpetual loop of picking them off from his skin.
Overall, it would be extremely easy to conceal them - he only needs a shirt with a higher collar and gloves or some make-up, but I like to think that Forget Me Not loves the idea of someone catching a glimpse of them, a reminder that he's dangerous and so much more than meets the eye.
As much as he he's been affected by the stigma against arcanists, he now thrives in their hatred for him and his existence - sneaking into places he knows he's not welcome is addictive, especially knowing everyone tolerates him because he's their only access to alcohol. The way everyone will turn around and talk shit about him once they're out of The Walden is fun, because it reinforces his views on why this current era deserves to be rebuilt from the ground up.
Forget Me Not has extremely poor eyesight.
I know the glasses look thin and pretty standard, but I just like to think that Forget Me Not can't see shit without them.
He has this habit of taking them off to "clean" them whenever he's talking with those he loathes - mostly humans - just so he doesn't have to look at them directly. Sometimes, he might just close his eyes and dissociate, pretending to pay attention if the situation calls for it. Yes, he's petty and hateful enough to feel physically sick when talking to people he hates.
If you pay enough attention, it becomes clear that eye contact becomes scarce, as if just looking at them will send him into a fit of rage (but he conceals it extremely well when needed).
Forget Me Not's poor eyesight is not a secret, and he often likes to make patrons nervous by making their drinks without his glasses - of course, he knows his way around drinks and potions, there's no chance of him messing up, he could do this with his eyes closed. But seeing customers squirm is such a delight. Because now, they must choose between making a scene in HIS territory or risk being poisoned with a poorly-made drink.
I like to think that he also just has a very fine ear, since he does play instruments (all of his attacks being related to music and him using a piano as his wand during the boss fight). So really, Forget Me Not couldn't care less about his eyesight.
Forget Me Not enjoys floral arrangement.
This is just based on his association with the actual forget me not flower. I think he enjoys creating bouquets or putting up vases full of flowers around his home, even if all of them may end up creating a very gloomy and decadent atmospere - they're perfect for funerals, and he simply may be preparing for his own.
And he leaves them out on display long after they've wilted. "They're more beautiful this way", he'd say.
It's not rare to find Forget Me Not on rainy afternoons with a pair of scissors on hand, absentmindedly cutting every leaf and petal off from all these roses, as if he had a personal vendetta against their colorful hues. Sometimes, he just twirls the stem around, pressing hard on the thorns to feel anything while he looks out the window. He's so very fucking dramatic and volatile.
Basically, I like to picture Forget Me Not as the type of person who has dedicated so much time into something as empty as revenge, that he absolutely has no idea what to do outside of that.
Everything he does is just a way to pass the time until he can go back to dedicate every waking second of his life into his and Manus Vindictae's plans, every "little pleasure" is just a façade, he doesn't get any real enjoyment from anything. Sometime he worries that revenge won't help him climb out of this apathetic life he's built for himself, but he can't afford to dwell too much on that possibility. Everything that he does is muscle memory, he's forcing himself to try and do it, because otherwise he could simply sit still in an empty room for hours on end, with the lights turned off, waiting and waiting - all alone with his thoughts.
#reverse 1999#reverse: 1999#r1999#r1999 headcanons#reverse 1999 forget me not#forget me not#playable forget me not WHEN bluepoch i NEED him#i like forget me not when hes like. deranged#when hes one hair away from hurting others or hurting himself because hes. in the most horrible mindset ever#like hes just looking for an excuse to blow up or blow up others (hehehehehe....get it....)#like sure hes so cool with the walden and his network of information and secrets#but hes still a cowardly snake who hides and needs to be revealed. bc he cant reveal himself willingly and openly on his own#its the loss of humanity again but whereas pavia rejects it. FMN just lives within it. he just masks SO well#'but you cant simp for any manus vindictae character! theyre explicitly racists!' and re1999 is a game that CHOSE to replace#actual racial issues in history with their magic ppl vs normal ppl plot line with many many parallels to struggles poc like me lived throug#and then chose to be like 'hey theyre actually physically different and its xenophobia on a whole different species hahaaa bye'#so like. fuckin chew on that first before coming for me. if we're already suspending our belief for the sake of playing:dont cherry pick#tackle the WHOLE thing the game chose to portray. not just a single group within the whole game#sorry if that was heated but lmfao i saw ppl already trying to dictate who ppl can and cannot simp for on twitter#as if this wasnt another fictional anime gacha game at the end of the day
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whoreshijima · 2 years
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itgirl-111 · 7 months
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Why do I have to be so offensively attractive? Everything about me from top to toe is perfection. You've never seen a face as pretty and flawless as mine. No cause why do I have to look this hot? I'm fr the hottest girl on the planet. Everything about me from top to toe is pure perfection, my individual features are perfect and flawless but when they come together they are so harmonious? Like everything just fits my face so fucking perfectly like it's meant to be there. Every inch of my face and body is gorgeous and flawless. I am a walking masterpiece, I'm a work of art. Everyone is obsessed with me the first time they see me, I am so drop dead gorgeous that people literally double take and gasp once they lay their eyes on me. I mean, I'm always the center of attention because why wouldn't I be? I high key give off real main character vibes, it's like I straight up walked out of an anime. It's near impossible for someone to look this humanely beautiful but I do because I'm just too damn stunning. I literally take everyone's breath away. I am so offensively attractive, people find it difficult to not look at me, I swear all eyes turn only to me because I'm literally the most beautiful ever. It's only once in a blue moon that you'd get a chance to see a person as attractive as I am, Im once in a lifetime afterall. I get complimented every single day, I hear everyone call me beautiful more than my own name. I am too painfully attractive, it's indescribable. I'm the typa girl who you see once and never forget. I literally got everyone feeling some type of way they never felt before. I am literally so utterly mesmerizing. I got everyone simping for me fr. I'd be literally breathing and everyone would be down bad for me, Literally down bad. I got universal sex appeal, meaning everyone regardless of sexuality is down bad for me . I am so sexy people genuinely cannot get over it and everyday I just get 100x trillion times hotter. I am just sooo damn fine like I've got too pretty of a face and even more powerful vibe. I believe in my supremacy fr. Sometimes it's just so hard to grasp the fact that a person as attractive as I, is living on the same planet as everyone else, everyone is damn lucky to be born in the same generation as I am. It's ridiculous how many simps I have, like damn I really got everyone down bad for me huh. I am the pinnacle of God tier beauty and charisma.
There's something about my vibe which is just so uniquely mine, like my vibe and energy is so one of a kind, everyone can feel my vibe even before I walk into the room. I give off an expensive, powerful, hot girl vibe who straight up walked out of an anime I swear lol. My energy is way too magnetic and irresistible, it speaks volumes. My presence is literally out of this world. The way I carry myself, the way I talk, the way I do things, the way I think, the way I look, my energy, my mannerisms, my habits, all of it is way too unique to be replicated. Everyone wanna study me like their favourite subject. It's impossible to mistake me for another one, I stand out and outshine literally everyone with my beauty, charisma, and interesting personality. The fact that it comes to me so naturally and effortlessly? Even better. I've got such amazing wit and humour, I'm so personable that people genuinely love to be around me even though I may seem intimidating at first. I always know how to spark interesting and amazing conversations, I know when to speak and be quiet, I got that perfect balance between loud and quiet confidence. My intelligence and the way I keep learning new things so easily? Even hotter!. I am an ICON. My energy is actually so magnetic, I have that little something, that is just so insanely attractive and captivating that it cannot be described in words, only felt. I truly believe in my own supremacy.
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Hello, I really love how you seem to have such a good read on RoR characters! Kinda shy asking this because I swore I read Record of Ragnarok for the action and backstories but it’s hard to contain my simping…. (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
May I request some headcanons for Poseidon x a shy but kind human fem!MC? The idea I had in mind was that some thousands of years ago, Aphrodite, annoyed with Poseidon’s indifference to her charms, “cursed” him with a soulmate. This soulmate turned out to be MC who wasn’t even born yet back then. The plot will take place sometime before the actual human vs. gods battles start, so maybe during some preparation period where they’re setting up the stadium and all that? During this period, the human audience had already been “teleported” there (I don’t think they ever elaborated on how the humans all just end up watching the ragnarok) MC is one of these humans and coincidentally happened upon Poseidon during her stay. Of course, the soulmate stuff won’t magically make Poseidon have a complete change on humankind, but I was hoping he’d gradually soften up to her even if he won’t admit it.
As for what kind of soulmate AU, maybe the type where the first words your soulmate says to you is inscribed somewhere on your body? I think it’ll be fun to have her say something to him, he realizes but doesn’t say anything back so she just doesn’t know until much later.
Hopefully this isn’t too detailed or convoluted (๑•́‧̫•̀๑) And thank you so much in advance if you decide to write this! And if it’s not too much to ask, please don’t kill off Poseidon, but I also don’t want Sasaki to die either… maybe Poseidon will choose to forfeit (after fighting at first) because his soulmate is amongst the humans that will be eliminated if gods win? •ू(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ωᵒ̴̶̷᷅*•ू) )੭ु⁾⁾
Either way, I hope I did well, this was my first time writing for Poseidon!
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- Consider how vain these two can be sometimes, it's only natural that they would butt heads often but when Poseidon dared to claim that Aphrodite truth wasn't as fair as she claimed herself- no, that she KNEW herself to be- she just couldn't allow this injustice to stand.
- He cherished absolutely nothing, he appreciated absolutely nothing. So she took it upon herself to change that. After all, it was HER who was the Goddess of Love. So she decided to pull a little trick
- Now, lets flashforward (to modern? ancient? Idk, man, heaven time??) and Poseidon has been summoned to his match. A match he felt was pointless but, whatever, who was he to deny his brother?
- Gracing the God's hall and going to his room to prepare and shield himself from sharing the same air as humans; imagine his surprise when he sees you.
- You're pathetic. Skittish, looking around like a confused mutt, and looking as disgusting as the rest of your kind. He knows your human alone and he's offended that you had the AUDACTIY to walk INTO THE AREA WHERE THE GOD'S RESIDE, AND EVEN STAND IN FRONT OF HIS DOOR.
- In reality, you weren't trying to piss anyone off. You had gotten separated from the rest of the humans and accidentally found yourself in a part of the arena you weren't familiar with.
- You were so relieved when you looked and saw another person in the hallway with you! Maybe you could ask them for directions. Poseidon did not know why you were approaching him so casually but he did NOT like it, like, AT ALL.
- Since your soulmates, maybe the reason why you don't feel his threatening aura like other gods and humans do is because some part of you just can't find it in you to fear him. He takes this as a sign of disrespect.
- You do feel anxious, however, he was such an attractive man but he absolutely did not look pleased to see you and you assumed he was just having a bad day.
- "H-Hello, I don't mean to trouble you!" You call out, your voice quiet and filled with uncertainty.
- He narrows his eyes at you, absolutely enraged by the idea of you approaching him so casually. You filthy little worm, he should destroy right-
- But then he takes a look at his wrist, he doesn't know why he does, a subconscious decision perhaps. But he side eyes you...odd, he makes sure to check his wrist. Oh well, he may as well grant you a few seconds of life.
- Then he checks his wrist and sees that the very first words you said to him...were on it. He looks from his wrist to you, who has no idea what's going on and honestly just wanted to find a way out of this big hallway.
- "U-Um, sir? I-I'm sorry, but do you know the way out?"
- He merely narrows his eyes at you before summoning his trident into his hands and thats when you realize; you're standing before a God. He says nothing to you and you instantly want to apologize but before you could, he just points in his trident into the direction he came from.
- You look at him, scared and confused, and he continues to stare at you with cold eyes. When he doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes you finally realized he was pointing the direction out.
- You apologize for the trouble and run like hell, his gaze following you.
- He observes you closely after that, believing this may be some kind of mistake. Thats why he didn't say anything to you, because a part of him was nervous. But he was mostly angry.
- It showed by when he barged into Aphrodite's room to DEMAND her what trickery she had stuped too and to undo it, she just smiles slyly and asks him: "What trickery?~"
- After some frustrating interrogation that goes NOWHERE...he finds himself staring at you quiet often, the mortals all cowering in fear when they feel his divine prescence. Not you, though, you never seem to notice him until you follow their stares and see his cold eyes, staring you down like you were gum under his new shoes.
- It's a very odd exchange, overall. Everyday, he'd show up at the most random of times and causing a stir among everyone else but yourself. Sometimes it'd even be multiple visits a day. Either way it confused you because the matches hadn't even started and already, you had somehow invoked a God's wrath.
- At least, that's what you thought at first until you noticed that he never did anything to really threaten your safety. Yes, watching you was a bit odd, but you find that you aren't really all that nervous about it anymore. Especially since with every visit, you believe that his gaze softens when they're set upon you.
- He kept his distance at first but then, once you started to take notice of him, you'd offer him to sit next to you as you sat in the beautiful fields that surrounded the arena or would be reading in one of the vast nearby libraries. Originally he would just walk away and as time went on he slowly began to warm up to you.
- Like a cat. tbh.
- He couldn't help it, at least, it FELT like he couldn't help it. He didn't know if it was your bond as soulmates, the unyielding kindness that he originally saw as foolish and niave, or overall just your quiet nature until you saw your friends.
- Either way, the more he began to see you, the more he could look past your flaws (which was being a human) and start to appreciate the things about you the made you beautiful.
- Don't get me wrong, he was definetly in denial for the longest time so he would kinda start off with small things. Like it goes from: "Oh, at least they bowed their head to my statue, thats a redeemable quality, at least." to "She is the epitome of perfection♡"
- You wouldn't really ever know that Poseidon's feelings towards you have grown, he hides it very well behind that stoic face that he wears and he hasn't even really spoken to you, yet. He doesn't know why but he feels like...the time isn't right. Despite his growing feelings, he truly isn't ready to accept a human as his soulmate yet.
- You just assumed he didn't talk much so you never pushed him too. Yeah, it mightve been a bit awkward at first but you appreciated his prescence, it brought you a new sense of comfort and peace that you never felt, not even when you were alive.
- When you made flower crowns in the gardens, you'd ask if you could decorate his trident for him and he gave you a deadpan stare before nodding his head in approval. He'd silently gesture you to follow him and show you a private pool whenever a say seemed a bit too hot for you and watch as you played in it, a soft smile growing on his face.
- He would even feel a bit of anger when he was with his fellow gods, listening to them generalize their hatred towards humanity. Usually Poseidon would join them but he couldn't bring himself too. After all, humanity was pesky and troublesome but some of them weren't that bad.
- They could be sweet, they could be unfailingly kindhearted and empathetic...They could be you. So he'd just glare distastefully but never say anything, but he didn't need to as everyone slowly stopped talking after sensing they somehow upset him.
- He spent a lot of his time with you during the days that led up to his match, you were unsure of who to root for; since it's true that humanity would be wiped out if the God's continued to win but at the same time, you didn't want to see Poseidon get hurt.
- He picked you out from the crowd immediately and made eye contact with you, not even acknowledging his opponent as he stepped into the ring.
- Did he still look down on humanity? Yes. But...he supposed there were some good aspects to it. Good aspects like you.
- As the mythical creatures and gods from his side cheered him on, shouting insults towards the humans, and telling him to destroy them like the ants they were: his eyes were locked on your (e/c) eyes before he finally made a decision. Internally, he had just lost a battle within himself in that moment...but he wasn't upset about it.
- So he interrupts Heimdall's introduction speeches as he addresses the whole crowd, "I FORFIET THIS MATCH!"
- Shock and bafflement was all that could be heard from both sides of the arena. They couldn't have possibly heard him right, though, after all: He was Poseidon, the beautiful God of the Sea, there was no way he would just-
- Then he looked at you and your heart leapt at hearing his voice for the first time. His eyes became gentle as they stared into yours, "I will fight for humanity. For some of you are worthy yet."
- You didn't respond for a bit, not noticing how the words "I will fight for humanity" appeared on your wrist, but he did. And he knew that even if Aphrodite had "cursed" him, that it truly didn't bother him. You were made for him. His perfect mortal♡
- This was only proven when you broke out of your shocked trance faster than anyone and cheered his name happily, your shyness lost as you joyfully cheered his name, causing him to visibly smile in front of everyone.
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iisthings · 10 months
Yk but what I REALLY LOVED about mutant mayhem were the characterizations!
Raph's anger issues aren't the main focus of his character and something he needs to overcome but actually something that helps them by the end of the movie
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Leo isn't cool, collected or a natural leader
He's a dork and a nerd (which we've seen a lot in newer iterations) A SIMP AND A SNITCH!
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Donnie isn't a tech genius, he's a NERDY KID WHO LIKES ANIME AND K-POP
honestly I really thought that donnie was gonna hack into the machine or sumn when they tried to stop it just because we're so used to him doing that
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Mikey's extroversion, optimism and energy doesn't characterize him as the youngest/dumbest/most naïve of the brothers, he's just a fun loving theater kid AND DOESN'T GET BABIED (that point is so important to me)
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And ofc most importantly
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(don't get me wrong i love 2007 but cOME ON)
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therealdogsinmymind · 25 days
Okii, I saw you had some open slots so I thought Id give it a shot!!
Jinwoo with Male!childhood friend!reader who remembers everything post-regression. Reader had pretended to be oblivious ever since and planned to take his secret (feelings) to the GRAVE.
BUT eventually it slips when reader refers to their crush as "SM" when talking on a panel at an anime convention (Reader wrote a series based on the last timeline but changed things around so it would be hard to recognise) they were invited to.
The pannel is talking about childhood crushes and reader literally describes jinwoo pre-regression powers and all then saying "oh they're just a character from an old show I watched about growing up (LIE) avsndnjdn 😅😅" (reasoning was "ahahaha its not like he'll see this right? ... right??)
The issue is that jinwoo sees a recording of the panel and realizes that reader remembers EVERYTHING and needs to confront them NOW.
Here are the issues:
Jin Woo didnt even know that Reader was an Author in the first place
Reader is in ANOTHER COUNTRY and is going to stay there for a few weeks after said convention
Reader confessed their feelings assuming the other didn't feel the same before the last battle, DIED, and then had been pretending to not remember anything for years after time reset.
Reader's cosplaying (as a cute anime girl /maid with the fluffy short skirts) at the convention and having fans SIMPING for them.
All I know that Jinwoo will not be waiting for reader to come back to Korea
This is mostly Brainrot, but I hope you like it skdnkdnd!
have a good one :)
Hello There! Thank you for your request and for the wait!! I hope you like what I've cooked up!! A standard drabble for me is 300-600 words but this ended up being a little over 1,100 lmao ^^' It's only loosely edited so I hope there's nothing tooooo terribly wrong with it!
Anyway! Without further ado!
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Be an author they said, it’ll be great, they said. 
Nobody actually said this, especially since you’ve largely kept your writing a secret from your friends and family. However your whole life you’ve been determined, and consequently you were thrilled when you were invited to America to speak at a panel about your works, who wouldn’t be? You never got to do anything like this in your last life, it was absolutely mind-blowing to even consider. However you’re not sure if this is what you wanted seeing as your fans have started to ask some invasive ass questions. 
“My childhood crush?” you repeat with a dry mouth, you really don’t want to talk about Jinwoo in front of a room full of people. Surely you can spin this, make up a story; you’re good at that. Hesitation fills you, you don’t want to admit that you’re gay to a room full of strangers but you can’t spin this tale that hard. “The only childhood crush I had is this character from a really obscure comic,” you say with a weak laugh, unfortunately they all prompt you to say more.
“Well.. He was actually a huge inspiration for my series,” you offer, cringing internally. Jinwoo will never see this, never ever, it’s fine. “This character, we’ll call him SM,” the audience groans at the hidden identity, “I can’t reveal all my secrets to you guys! I gotta have some mystery y’know? Anyway- he was this really weak guy, super cute right? Then he ends up getting like crazy strong. Not that he wasn’t hot when he looked like a wet cat, I have taste.” The audience chuckles knowingly, they get you, you have a similar character in your current series, he’s quite beloved. You clear your throat and continue, getting bolder despite the way your hands are sweating. “I’ve always been in love with him, that's why I wrote my story, I couldn’t get that, um, series… out of my head and I needed to create something of my own. It altered me in a way that I’ll never forget, and I’ll love SM until the day that I die.” The room goes quiet for a moment and you have to wipe your palms on the fluff of your stupid maid skirt. Why did you want to cosplay at this convention again? You look ridiculous up here, cat ears atop your head as you talk about some “fictional” boy like you’re deeply in love with him. You could’ve at least worn not a frilly skirt?
Suddenly the crowd goes wild clapping. “You’re so real!” Someone yells and everyone else cheers in agreement. Is that something the kids say? You’ll take it. 
The rest of the panel is much less harrowing, lots of goofing off and then the next day you have autographs and photos right after, who knew you were so popular in America? It’s quite exciting, but you’re exhausted every night when you get back to your hotel room. 
The last day at the convention you trudge back to your room, slipping your heels off and flopping face down onto your bed. Your skirt flips up and you don’t even bother to fix it, what’s the point? You’re just going to sleep like this, let the exhaustion take you. You have another two weeks of sight-seeing in America before you head home. You’re excited for it but a part of you just really misses Jinwoo, you want to call him but then he’d know you’re not in Korea.
“SM, huh?” The bed dips and a familiar voice sounds from behind you, just before hand settles on the back of your thigh. The touch barely high enough that a gloved portion of it brushes your skin above your thigh high stockings. You startle so badly you roll off the bed in the other direction. 
You hit the floor hard enough that it knocks the air out of you and you have to take a second to reorient yourself before you spring up, pointing at the intruder, “Y-you! What are you doing here!?” 
“I could ask you the same question. You up and vanished, I had to find out from a video posted of some panel that you’re not dead.”
“I’m fine, you could’ve texted! Besides! How they hell did you get here so fast!” Your voice is shrill as you round the bed, crossing your arms over your chest as you stand in front of him. 
He doesn’t reply right away, just raising his eyebrow, unimpressed. “Avoiding the question?”
“Your childhood crush-” he starts, not needing to finish. You start stuttering out excuses, it’s not what he thinks, it came to you in a dream, you were just making stuff up, the more you talk the more you dig yourself into a hole.
Jinwoo sighs and grabs your wrist, pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and sticking his face in the crook of your neck. “Why didn’t you tell me you remember everything?” His words are quiet and pained, full of mourning. Your heart throbs suddenly aware of how painful it must’ve been for him to have to start over all by himself.
“I’m sorry.” You don’t know what else to say. You don’t know how to tell him you’ve loved him for as long as you’ve known him, in both timelines that is. Or how to tell him you were also suffering alone. Or even how to say you think you’d die without him by your side. You shakily reach up and card your fingers through his hair, exhaling a breath you’ve been holding for a little too long. 
Jinwoo makes a noise of discontent, “I don’t want an apology.” You stiffen, unsure what to do before he continues, “I want to know why you thought it was okay to let other men see you like this…” He runs a hand up your thigh, it’s a whisper of a touch. Eventually his gloved fingers sneak onto your bare skin then under a too-frilly skirt. You suck in a sharp breath. Does this mean he feels the same? When you confessed so very long ago in the other world you never got to hear an answer so suffice to say your brain is spinning as he presses a soft his to your shoulder. 
“Jinwoo-” you start. 
“Be it America, or anywhere else in the world… Any timeline… I will find you and I won’t let you slip through my fingers- never again.” He makes his intentions clear with a scrape of his uncannily sharp teeth across your skin. “And trust me, I still have some… frustrations- about you hiding your feelings from me for all these years.” He says, snapping your garter, making you yelp.Ah, the consequences of your actions, so you see. Well, perhaps you don’t mind too much if this is the outcome.
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ebonysplendor · 12 days
Do you have a review of The Kid At The Back?
Pfft...of course I do! What? You thought I just had it downloaded and in my "Play Later" stash for the past 2 - 3 months with the full intention of playing it and writing a review, just for it to never happen? Of course not~! Just to prove it to you, I will insert the entire thing right here, no links needed! And no, it's not because I didn't have it written until now, so don't think that! ANYWAYS.
TL;DR: I'm not worried about if this man is at the back. My question and only concern is can he hit it from the back?
Game Link: https://fantasia-kittcat.itch.io/the-kid-at-the-back-demo
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Notable Features: Yandere LI, Custom Pronouns, Self-Insert (first and last name), Two LIs, 1+ Hour Long Demo Spiciness: 2/5 or 5/5 -- It depends on which version you get. If you get the regular degular free version, it'll be more innocent with some flirtiness here and there. If you pay for the NSFW version, it'll be way more sinful and the way that the Gods intended it to be. LI Red Flags: 4/5 -- Breaking-and-entering, possessive, drugged us, lack of consent; the usual stuff, but I can fix him
Wanna know more? Pfft, not if you aren't in the 18+ club you don't. Yes, that's even with nothing explicit popping off in the demo. So go on, get away. Oh? You're at least 18? Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's get into it!
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...Okay, so I may or may not have completely lied about having this review written, but I mean, so what?! I'm making the review now, aren't I?! Cut a girl some slack!
Lol actually, all jokes aside, this gave me the push that I needed to go on and get it done. I've honestly been meaning to play this game for a hot minute now, but other things caught my immediate attention, and this kept getting pushed further and further back. All that matters now is that I've finally played it, I'm making the review, and we are here together as a squad.
Now, with that being said...
I find it extremely disrespectful that I waited so long to play this masterpiece; what was I thinking?
The story, so far, has me in an absolute chokehold, and I absolutely hate that it's only the demo because I want to know now. I am all over this story right now, and the dev is going all the way in with no remorse.
Not to mention, the LI -- or at least the one that I'm simping for, because there's two this time -- is just so damned good looking. What's even more attractive is that he doesn't play into the whole edge lord stereotype like some people we know. He's actually a pretty sweet guy so far! He has psycho tendencies, for sure, but a sweet guy overall!
Just as a side note, I have always had the weakest spot for a guy in alt/goth/emo/grunge -- all of that -- fashion. Like, the attraction that I have is ungodly, and I just...like, it's disrespectful how attractive I find them. Now, I want you to imagine our yandere LI...but with tattoos. When I tell you that I'd be ruined?!
When I say ready to submit?! When I say ready to turn into the absolute best baby girl?
Okay, now that I've got my degeneracy out a little bit, I'm going to start giving you a summary of the game so that you can be as absolutely geeked -- and in love with this man -- as much as I am. The game is really good, and like I said, the story is damned interesting thus far. Anyways, I'm going to stop yapping so I can start telling you about the game. Like always, I am going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself. That being said, let's finally get into it.
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So boom.
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Literature class is over, and we're getting our anime protagonist on. We're dramatically looking out the window thinking about how it's going to rain, and how it was super unfortunate that we hadn't brought an umbrella. ... Damn.
...Okay, well anyways! Now that we've had our main character complex solidified, we get up, and one of the members of the squad inquire about lunch before another one comes up behind them. Now, we aren't too worried about them anymore because we're looking at him.
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Jericho "Crowe" Ichabod.
Classroom representative, close friend, and an absolute snack. While he has an anime antagonist aesthetic to him, he has the vibe of the supporting character and love interest of the anime protag, ya feel me? Like, we are feeling this man.
After we're done thinking about how much we simp over this man on the low, we respectfully reject the offer to go to lunch and instead hit the library, anticipating that addictive smell of books and coffee. Besides, we've got a paper to work on, so why not? We get our stuff, and we head in that direction.
Now, everyone knows about having unassigned assigned spaces, right? You know that whole thing when you get so used to sitting in a particular seat, or having a certain parking spot, or always studying in a particular room, so you just always gravitate towards it and kind've make this unsaid claim on it? Well, we have an unassigned assigned seat by this window in the library, and some bitch took it right as we were going towards it. How are we supposed to feed into our main character syndrome, if we don't have the window seat?
Whatever though. We're lowkey pissy about it, but we decided to let the kid have their moment. Everyone deserves their own episode, ya feel? We go find another seat.
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Since this is the library and all, we start browsing the shelves to find a book for a little leisure reading. Was this the initial choice? No, but we weren't really trying to involuntarily focus on the fact that we got stuck sitting around all the gossiping "peaked-in-high-school" students. Shout out to that bitch who took our seat earlier. Your mom's a hoe, and I hope someone punches you in the face. Either that or you get in a knife fight. Either is good, just don't sit in my damned unassigned assigned seat anymore.
It gets worse though, because we can't even look for a book in peace. There's this loud ass thud from the book shelf right next to us, and whoever knocked into it hit it hard enough that some of the books almost came off the shelf. Of course, we've got to investigate the cause of this, so we try to catch a peek through a gap on the bookshelf and...it's honestly typical.
Remember when I told you about the "peaked-in-high-school" students? Well, we found another set on the other side of the bookshelf. These two students were harassing this other student for, what sounds like, no apparent reason. The situation escalates pretty quickly before one of the bullies absolutely knocks that other student's shit in. We just kind've wince because, damn that's tough...but, meh, it's not our business. The other bully then proceeds to pull out a pocket knife. Well, damn, I guess it's our business...
We jump in.
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Lol don't get it twisted, though. We didn't do much, but we did do enough to get them to go away, which mattered more than anything because this guy was definitely about to end up in a hospital bed.
We help this poor, unfortunate soul up, and...gah damn, he's tall. Lol imagine my 5'2.5 -- 5'3 on a good day -- self helping this 6ft tall man up. Sheeeeeeeeesh. He should've curb stomped their asses, because he's gotta be rocking at least a size 14 shoe.
Anyways, I guess he kind've said "fuck us" though, because we were like "Nurse's office?" and he was like "Nah" and just straight dipped out after that. No "thank you", no nothin', and-- wait.
THIS BITCH WAS THE ONE SITTING IN OUR UNASSIGNED ASSIGNED SEAT. We know this, because he went and got his stuff from over there and then bolted out of the library! Well, that explained the punch to the face and the pocket knife. Honestly? Good look, universe.
Okay, okay, okay, enough jokes; let's get on with the rest of the story (kinda because avoiding huge spoilers).
We leave the library, too, after some more time goes by, and guess who's in our next class...
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The bitch that stole our seat The guy from the library. Huh...never noticed him before this point, but that's probably because he sits at the very back of the room.
He must've noticed us, too, though, because when we make eye contact, he get's all flustered in the face and looks away.
Now, admittedly, after that encounter in the library, we're kind've curious about this kid, and, again, it's dope how the universe works sometimes because, for this class, we need a partner, and wouldn't you know it?
We don't have a partner, he doesn't have a partner, so we do as the Gods intended and pair up.
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Contrary to how he looks, he actually isn't the tsundere of our cast.
He -- his name is Solivan Brugmansia, by the way; he likes to be called sunny Sol -- is actually a pretty okay dude!
He's not that stereotypical emo boy edgelord or that arrogant hard ass that thinks the people around him are idiots. He's actually pretty nice and legit doesn't mind our company; he's even open to seeing us outside of class just to casually hang out and talk. He's also pretty -- very, extremely... -- damned attractive, if you don't mind me throwing that in. Something else that I wanna throw in is that -- you remember when I mentioned that he rushed out without saying "thank you"? -- he said "thank you" and really appreciated us jumping in to help him.
Pretty grateful that he didn't make it to the knife fight portion of our threat. I would've never made that threat if I knew he was going to be this sweet of a guy.
Anyways, class gets out, we exchange numbers, and make mentions of hanging out in the future before parting ways for the day. We get back home, text some of our friends and the new bae, and eventually go to sleep for the next day to roll around.
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As mentioned, the next day rolls around, and we're with the squad making lunch plans. While this is going on, we find new bae in the crowd of students in the hallway. Naturally, we call him over, but in hindsight, this was not the brightest idea. We didn't really account for the fact that OG bae and new bae were going to catch a bad vibe from each other.
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And boi, did they catch a bad vibe. More accurately, they caught a "you're competition" vibe.
At this point they're sizing each other up, and it's like, please don't do that, because I'll take you both...then again, I am leaning more towards one than the other.
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But it might get bad depending on whoever we pick, and we've definitely got to pick.
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I have got to give the fattest shout out to whoever sent that anon message in, because they've pushed me to stand on business and play this game, and it was so worth it.
Honestly, where do I even start with this? The art style, the bae, the plot -- dear Gods the plot. I am so invested in this story! You'll understand once you play it for yourself, but it's like...what is going on?! What is going on behind closed doors? Why are things starting to get not so black and white? Like, I am extremely suspicious of the things that are going on in this game. Like, the dev(s) didn't have to go in on the art style and the story like that. Speaking of the art style...
Y'all know that I have a thing for the way that games look, and baby, I am in love. I love this whole "comic book" vibe that this game has going on. Like, I just love the shadows behind the characters and their designs and how they're written and just -- I honestly can't give you a clear depiction of how much I love the art style or exactly what about it I love, but I love it. I just love the style of this game, how it looks, and how it flows.
Anyways, I think this game is definitely worth it, and shit, based on what I managed to dig up and research, those $5 to unlock the sin is worth it. Not even because the CGs or the scenes that were made exclusively for the degenerates were revolutionary or anything, but because I really feel that this is going to be a great damned visual novel once it's complete, and it is so deserving of that monetary support. The amount of work that has already gone into this game in its demo stage is impressive, and I am super excited to see what else is in store. Like, I'm really trying to see what day 3 is about at this point, and I'm trying to get to the part where Sol starts clapping these cheeks. I will do a lot more than just research the NSFW scenes, I'm going to drop some cash to experience that firsthand. BRING ON THE OTHER 5 DAYS. MY BODY IS READY FOR IT!
But seriously, when is Sol going to start hitting it from the back...? And no, I ain't scratching it out this time! Y'all know what it is at this point! You know full well that I am a degenerate.
Lol okay, anyways, all jokes aside, that's it from me.
Like I said, I'm really excited for this full game to drop, and I will gladly spend the money for it whenever that time comes. That being said, I definitely recommend it. If you want the NSFW version, you do have to spend a minimum of $5 to unlock it; however, if you're low on cash, you're still able to play, but it'll be the SFW version -- both are really good either way, so don't let that deter you.
I'll go ahead and put a link for it right here so that you can head on over and get in on this amazingness. As I always like to remind people to do, once you get to the dev's page, leave them that ever warm "Yo, this shit is fire..." to give them some verbal validation, and if you're feeling really fancy, drop some financial validation, too. Either way, definitely play this game because it is good and so worth the (minimum) hour of playthrough.
Welp, that's all from me, friends! As always, please remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Kid at the Back (DEMO)
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ruiniel · 8 months
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thank you Powerhouse Animation for having me simp over yet another 2D character in your universe Castlevania: Nocturne (2023) S01E01 - A Common Enemy in Evil
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themetalheadhippy · 2 years
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PLEASE even in a coma he's so handsome 🥹😍💙💚🫢💫
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fearmeeeee · 5 months
aaaaAAAAAAHHHHHH I just found your art and it’s AMAZING OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I love your art style!!! I especially love how you give you’re not afraid to give the characters more animalistic features - like Sebek with the crocodile teefers and I saw the one picture where you explored how moray eels have 2 sets of tooferz (terrifying thanx 😳) and Malleus with a long dragon tonguuuuuuuuue. It’s just so cool to see you explore the twst characters being/looking like that!
I saw a couple pictures where you branched into Savanaclaw, but I’m curious… if you’re up to taking requests, could I see your take on Leona? I saw one of your old drawings of him, but I’d love to see another one because he’s my favorite lol 🙈
But no worries if you’re not doing requests! I just wanted to ask. Either way, I’m now here for the cool Diasomnia content!!! Because I love how you draw all of them, not just the waka-sama simp! 😂
Thank you, you are so nice! I find humans... very boring? I kinda don't care for them. On the other hand I love animals, and they are the most fun to draw for me, so if I am given an excuse to add more animal features to a humanoid design I will take that and RUN.
I'm glad you enjoy how I draw everyone! Thought it will still be 90% wakasama simp </3333
Requests are Closed, however I had already sketched him for a friend, so I can show you those. *rant about how he should have had round pupils because lions have round pupils and get your animal facts RIGHT PEOPLE!!!!!*
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endersimp · 5 months
Mike and Scott flirting headcannons
hello my lovely simps! this is my first every fic, so please be kind! if you want me to write for a specific character, send in an ask!
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Summary: headcannons for both Mike and Scott flirting with a gn reader
Warnings: none
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This boy might be nervous wreck but he adores you!
Like, he’ll try to be subtle, but he is NOT
You like frogs? He’ll try catch one and show it to you!
You like the stars? Boom. He’s asking you to teach him constellations and smiling the whole time.
You like climbing trees? He might be a little scared but there is NO way he’ll miss out on an opportunity to be with you!
Mike will absolutely get flustered if you’re a fan of touching. Side hugs, sleep cuddling, even things like brushing hands or leaning on him will have him blushing like crazy. He does love it though.
If you’re on the same team, he’ll make sure to stay near you just in case something happens in a challenge. Definitely not cause he likes being around you!
If you’re on a different team, get ready for a little friendly rivalry between you too! But the second you’re at risk of being voted, he’ll throw the challenge without a second thought.
Everyone knows he like you, except him.
He might be adorable but he is not the smartest at emotions.
He’ll try and impress you with his animal “knowledge”. Every single animal WILL be pointed out and incorrectly named. That bird flying up there? That’s a bug-eating rat feather! What do you mean, it’s a seagull? No it’s not!
Scott will try and do little things to make himself close to you. Leaning against you, or having an arm around your shoulder are two of his favourite ways. 
Gifts are a common things with Scott. Anything from pretty rocks to weirdly shaped sticks to clumps of dirt will be given to you as he proudly tells you how and where he found it. 
Without a doubt, you’ll be roped into his schemes one way or another, but you don’t need to worry to much because he will absolutely tamper with the votes to make sure you aren’t voted out. 
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Beel, Are You Srs Brah? WHB Event React Part 1 *Spoiler Warning*
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So here we are at our third event since the start of the game!!! Here's some quick things I noticed right off the bat 1. It's LONGER? Instead of stopping at SP15 it's more like SP26, which I thought was a good call considering our Avisos bbys had 3 fucking places to search and there's no way to squish that in such a short amount. 2. The enemies are more challenging??? I think my wording may be off here for this, but more angel enemies were popping up that you normally wouldn't see until chapter 3 or 4. I h a t e the specific ones that scream at you from a distance...if you know, you know which ones...and yeah a bunch of those bitches were popping up so I was like AYO >:( 3. Tons of l o r e. We actually got to see some background lore for two characters in this, and it still leaves me wanting more because honestly, because Andre is from Niflheim though he praises Beel as to be the one to stop the war... For this event I gave a 10/10. I loved learning about the freak nasty devils of Avisos (i mean this is in a good way), and what really goes down after dark. (adult swim, all kids outta the pool! *i get i'm old, bye*) Plus the dynamic of our three bois???? Omfg I couldn't trust them with barely anything if they can't even bother to feed themselves. But I did notice something.... Why the fuck Beel opening tabs and not paying? He'd have to come see me, because baby I ain't made out of money, Mammon is. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ANYWAYS I'm talking too much, let's go, but not before you all grab your snick snacks <3 (this may very well be a three-parter) ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
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So we enter in the grand office of Beelzebub, swanky stuff. And the story starts off with Bael literally being buried in an organized stack of paperwork...(poor bby) He even didn't bother to have the guard devil tell him that Beel decided to not reach out...like at all. .-. And he just brushes it off because he's used to it. Bael is really out here handling the entire country by himself for the most part. He was so tired he nearly ripped his horn off (we now are aware that the crown on his head is a uniquely shaped horn, imagine how that thing grows out of his skull like that? w i l d).
So the guard devil reassures him that the subjects of Avisos do respect all of his hard work, but right now Bael just cares that Beel is being a shitty best friend by causing him so much trouble. Tickets, tabs, just stacks upons stacks of things Beel owes money for (again why is he traveling around broke asf, and having his friend deal with the consequences back at home T^T) So he calls our bbygirl, Amon...and well he shows up with Stolas AND Naberius all of their tummies growling and Bael is like "??? Do you not eat?"
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So basically what happened is it took the two of them to wake up Amon so it killed all of their calorie intake for the day. Also, another big eater, Stolas (Eligos also being another big eater) was complaining about his third snack of the day. So it makes me think he eats on a specific schedule everyday. But here we also see he's like "Let's just kill Amon he's annoying."
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Like damn Stolas okay T^T And poor Naberius is like "My energy was spent trying to stop Stolas from killing him... Dysfunctional bunch aren't they? Lol
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NOW BAEL's face here....he looks so done rn. Amon sleeping off his starvation just so he can wait for Beel to return and eat with him *quiet sobbing* But he also is like "Your fake Majesty" as you know he's aware that Bael isn't really Beel but it's still funny he calls him that. Naberius tries to correct Amon, but they just go into a spat about what to call Bael. Stolas even calls both of them stupid for not just using the normal title (again they are a trip and a half their dynamic makes me want to see them interact animated wise) Then Amon, our no.1 Beel simp is like "Majesty Beel is the only Majesty for me" (cutie) Bael is done with them all and what's worse they can't leave because they're too hungry and their energy is spent. (FEED THE BOIS). Stolas out here complaining about tea time...sir you can't even move... So from here the story starts going on about how Avisos is. A rough area where you can basically just do whatever the fuck you want and it sounds like something out of a GTA game if you think about it. Also there tends to be ALOT of accidents. The line "Avisos routine was a battlefield even before the angels appeared" just reads to me like they really there just fucking shit up 24/7. Honestly, do the angels even have to bother with Avisos?? Cause it sounds like they rarely touch that area. But even a place as lawless as Avisos, what binds them together-
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My...guilty pleasure. My one-night stand. My fuck buddy. The devil that always has the Plan B prescription ready.
ANYWAYS Beel is that order, you know even when he's out there just fucking roaming around his country still respects as if he's there. Bael is just here being the temporary face, and it's funny because they mentioned how he wanted to kick his ass (understandably so because goddamn) Also Amon is so me...because he was asking Bael if he could take a nap before the mission when his ass literally slept for months. But Bael gives everyone the mission: Find Beel and drag him back here. And Amon brings up his crown asking when Beel returns would he be able to remove it and Stolas is like wtf you idiot-
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But with how Bael replies to him confuses me a little because he's just like "Oh you think I'm just gonna do that, I'm throwing off these sunglasses too!" So now I'm like...is your horn removable? Like...can you take it off and put it on, or are you just agreeing to agree? ;.; don't mutilate yourself Bael. *also small tender moment where Amon and Bael are excited to speak to each other like friends again when Beel returns * Now after they're dismissed it seems to me that Stolas is really fucking excited that Bael would be stepping down, and even offers to put him out of his misery (what's up with Stolas being a little gremlin it's funny)
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So our Avisos bois are on the hunt, but they need a plan right? The papers are basically receipts and tickets that Beel has racked up during his travels (like goddamn Beel where's your cash?) What gets me is that Naberius mentions that most of the places are so old it wouldn't be beneficial to even check. And this has me thinking...how fucking long has this king been MIA? So our Avisos bois are on the hunt, but they need a plan right? The papers are basically receipts and tickets that Beel has racked up during his travels (like goddamn Beel where's your cash?) What gets me is that Naberius mentions that most of the places are so old it wouldn't be beneficial to even check. And this has me thinking...how fucking long has this king been MIA? So they keep talking and it's been decided that traveling in threes might take too long so splitting up may work better, that is until Stolas and Nabe stare at Amon like yeah nah he can't be trusted Poor Amon. Like he really just seems like he stays out of trouble for the most part, but maybe it's just due to his personality and how he does whatever is why his comrades question him so much.
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Stolas is Amon's #1 hater. He's literally just hating on Amon because he just wants to lol. Here is when we found out that Stolas can shapeshift. Fun stuff. Not that I'm surprised since OG demon Stolas is an owl (no srs look it up). While going without Amon seemed like a good idea for them due to their mistrust...Nabe did bring up that Amon is devoted to Beel so badly (yes a fanboy in every word) that he would point out clues, track things easier etc. Amon's their hunting hound.
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Bael is so pretty <3 But yes we get more lore about Avisos. At night time it's apparently not the best country to be walking about in the heavy city areas. Though from the background it looks really pretty D: (that's how they'll get me) Nabe then says during their mission he will observe Amon closely, also admitting to himself (and us) that he always though Amon was pretty soft of a devil. That's very judgmental but okay lol
So the pub they're gonna go see first is called Dance of the Bumblebee (cute name) and Amon is like IT FAMOUS FOR BEING NASTY. (this had me cracking up because yes, thank you Amon for telling us this) And by reading through this again I realized that he meant "nasty" as in not really a place devils wanted to hang out at too often? And Stolas is like calling him out how how he knows this info when he's always asleep. Amon apparently has awareness even when he's sleep, so this pisses off Stolas even more to realize that while they were trying to wake him up he was listening to them try xD
To be fair though, just because one can hear you doesn't mean you're fully awake. *shrug* They keep talking about this pub and how it makes weird alcohol with extra additives in it and how Beel would be up for visiting there just for that reason. And I'm the same as Stolas WHAT IF THERE IS SOMETHING LIKE POISON IN IT? And even though Amon pointed out other stores in Avisos do it, Stolas says it's really an image issue to the other countries if they suddenly have deadly alcohol lmao
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So outta nowhere Stolas turns himself into a crow. And I'm cryin' look at his little crown and cape/outfit! He'd peck me because I'd call him cute all the time. His point of turning into this was so Nabe and Amon can follow him because it is dark, so certain landmarks may be difficult to see.
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We start off in what looks like a downtown area, and it's described as being really loud and noisy. The devils are literally just out here doing whatever, someone was even singing out loud, cussing each other out, the works. LMAO It even sounds like people were smoking (probably different types of things lets be honest...) and other devils were making out, PDA, and even though they won't say in game.... there was probs public sex happening too Like pit stop, have any of you come across those wild fucking vids of ppl just straight up fucking on the sidewalk and someone is filming and there seems to be no one else on the streets? it's just weird to me lmao
So there's a devil with good eyes (whatever that's supposed to mean) that says there's one place where there's something fishy going on. And fishy is right because it's fucking quiet.
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So the Dance of the Bumblebee seems like really swank place. A great place to find some sugar devils~ /j though watch me be exactly right that you can waltz in there and come back out with a devil that will pamper you...
It's fully of customers, and looks nice, but it's quiet and no one is really making a move??? Well...guess who decided to show up?
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Dreeeeeee <3
So they're talking about how everyone is nervous because this tall ass devil with wings a halo and a nice suit is just chillin' in the pub and they can see the horns so they know he's not an angel...it's just...
they all assume he's some kind of assassin
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So they were explaining how the jazz music stopped and do did everyone smoking and I'm just laughing because of that meme
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skskskskkskskkskskskks xD
But yeah like the devils weren't concerned about the music anymore they literally were trying to figure out what Dre wanted and if he was the famous 'Angel Hunter' based on his appearance.
More rumors (which are true about him) are that he plucks the wings and other parts off angels and sticks them to himself to provoke them. His eyes were damaged by an angel and the scar on his neck shows where his head was once severed. Even so, they're calling him savage looking. (i mean he does look a bit rough around the edges, you would too if you were on a mission)
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GIRL YES SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS Dre is my kind of devil. I wonder if he likes brown tequila or the clear kind... Could he drink me under the table? Yeah...like two drinks in and I'm giggling and being a klutz.
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So as someone tries to buy him that drink, the owner pushes the bartender out of the way and starts making small talk with Dre. However he calls him out quick, asking to see the real owner. And now the fake owner is sweating more than he was before.
Dre pulls out his sycthe on him (sexy asf move) and then it goes to black. We then see that this fake owner was actually a fucking angel in disguise and Dre starts hacking off his ears. The angel was bitching and crying about it, asking why he didn't bother to ask him to confirm he was the fake owner and Dre knew the entire time that it wasn't the real owner and that the angels are here following our Avisos bois around. Thankfully tho, it seems they don't know why.
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Dre is a fucking beast. Because like he gives 0 fucks here. And it appears that Dre can isolate the area to where it's only him and the imposter owner where no one else can see or hear. This is some powerful stuff and some more lore behind how powerful each of the 72 can be.
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That fucking unhinged grin.
And yeah of course the angel is shitting his pants at this moment. Dre even was saying that each time he lied he would rip his body piece by piece and he only has 6 chances to waste his time and if whatever of him is leftover is able to return to heaven he will do that. But... who knows what he'll leave behind. bloodthirsty. stands on business. focused. Dre for the win everyone.
(not to mention the first part of the angel he aimed for was his dick lmao)
While Dre is basically having some fun with his victim, it pans back to our bois. This lets me know this probably happened some time before they got there.
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And Stolas is back to his regular looking self saying that they should go in and get some clues. Amon brings up how he looks and Stolas gets upset about it. Though in the game I was concerned with how they described his looks being 'boyish' I figure this is the literal sense of young looking but he's of age/adult. As he has said in the Raphael card prologue as well when Amon teased him about his looks there too.
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See? He's just not gonna let him win this one ever xD These two, I swear So Amon is just walking into the pub without caring and he realizes that it's abnormally chilly. Even the doorknob is. (probably Dre's doing from that alt. area thing he did) But the way it said the other stores were sweltering hot I'm just like crying inside because I hate the heat and I hate sweating. I'd have to keep a bottle of water around me traveling in Avisos. Amon is feeling a bit uneasy, but he has to do the mission. The others follow him in and the guard is putting up a front asking if they were customers.
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There's a comparison to Gehenna in saying that Satan and his nobles knew basically everyone and that their approach isn't so frigid. The guard questioning the three active nobles of Avisos makes it seem like ppl don't care if you're important or not.
The guard demands that each of them show their proof. And at first I'm like what proof???
So Nabe shows his ear, Amon his tongue, and Stolas his 'pretty pink' nipples. It turns out that these areas all have piercings. Not only are they pierced, the jewelry has a green hue to it when a flashlight is shown on it.
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So, it is confirmed, that our headcanons that Beel knows how to give out piercings is true! He pierces his citizens when they turn of age and he feels that they belong there truly. Anddd I guess that's out 1st stopping point! Part 1 and done. I think there will be two more parts for sure....because this event was l o n g. Sorry if there's less screencaps than usual it's just most of this stuff is better said than with millions of screenshots lol
See you in the next post <3
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happypanda101 · 4 months
Apologies for yet another Naruto rant, I’ve just been overthinking about things lately lol.
The fact that people continue to argue that Sasusaku got no development at all or came out of nowhere honestly boggles my mind? Granted, I know a lot of people watched the anime rather than read the manga. But looking at the manga, it’s made more obvious that Sasuke had a crush or at least had soft spot for Sakura in part 1. Things get more complicated in shippuden, but they are also able to have their moments too.
Now, am I saying it’s the best developed ship ever? Heck no. I, like a lot of people in the fandom, wish they could have gotten more development. Also maybe an explanation as to why they had feelings for each other. A lot of people like to say that Sakura’s love was shallow becasue she only liked him because of his looks, but when you actually look over everything, looks are never mentioned by Sakura at all. She’s either worried about her own or commenting on Sasuke’s skills.
Also, despite what some fans like to say, Sasuke never out right rejected Sakura’s feelings. When he knocks her out and plays the “I have no reason to love her or be loved by her” line, he’s talking to Kakashi. Sasuke is a very traumatized character, he’s not going to openly admit he loves someone.
However, what really has to irrates me is when people try to argue that NaruHina got more development, which like? Bro, a whole ass movie had to be made to get them together. And as much as a soft spot I have for the Last, it wasn’t even that good! They had to bring the space aliens in again! I like NaruHina, but it’s obvious that the simps over at SP had a role to play in why the ship actually became canon.
Anyway, you don’t have to like the pairing. I know I don’t like a few ships that ended up becoming canon. However, it would be nice that whenever a Sasusaku fan tries to explain why they ship them an anti doesn’t comment: “lol Sasuke never liked her he hated her she sucks.” The amount of times I’ve seen these fuckers on a good Sasusaku analysis is tiring.
Just leave people alone. The worlds not gonna end over people shipping a ship you don’t like.
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Au Where I Make Cod Characters Act Like Characters I Simp For From Other Fandoms
Requested: No
Warnings: Blood Drinking, Voyeurism, Ghost has 3 sons (all fully grown and 25+, their names are Payton, Quentin, and Rowan), small bit of ✨spice✨, Dub-Con touching, Reader is called “Wife” and “Woman” in Soap’s part (if you know who Eddie Gluskin is, you know why), torture, tarantula, tarantula crawling on the reader, mentions of gore, blindfolding, abduction
Ghost - Lady Dimitrescu (Re8)
Ghost stares down at you, on your knees before him, shaking in fear while looking entirely out of place on his expensive rugs with your dirty and tattered clothing, covered in filth from the village outside, scratches all over. Looked like you had tumbled with a Lycan or two, he was almost impressed that you had survived such an encounter.
Ghost sighed as he sipped his wine, the rich taste of a maiden’s blood soaking into his tongue, a burst of beautiful flavor on his senses, like fireworks behind his eyes. He looked to you before looking away again, golden eyes narrowed like a snake’s. He was pretty sure you wouldn’t make good wine. But looks could be deceiving, perhaps he should sample you to be sure?
He heard you squeak and his attention snapped back to you, agitation melting away when he saw that one of sons was was currently kissing and sucking along your neck while another was pushing his hand into your pants, the third palming at your chest while nuzzling his face against yours. Surprisingly gentle for his boys, it seemed that they liked you more than the usual manthings.
He sighed again, deciding that maybe he could keep you around, if only to amuse his rowdy boys.
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Soap - Eddie Gluskin (Outlast: Whistleblower)
He saw you. He saw you he saw you he saw you. He knows you’re there, hiding from him. You heard him chase you up the stairs, slammed the door in his face, damn near breaking his nose before locking it behind you. He had to break it down, an easy feat but it had given you plenty of time to hide from him. No matter, the room was only so big.
“Come out, Love. You’re hurting my feelings.” He cooed into thin air, hoping to soothe you like you were some sort of wild animal that got trapped in the asylum. “I just want to love you, can’t you see that?”
Something shifted to his right, he jumped towards it, scraping his elbows on the cement only to find it was a kitten darting through the rubble. He clicked his tongue, annoyance beginning to take hold when his patience started to wain.
“Darling, stop running from me! We’re going to miss the ceremony!” He called, standing to his full height again, brushing dirt off of his makeshift vest. “I want to make an honest woman of ya! Marry ya and fill you up with my bairn.”
Another shift, this time inside a locker. He took care not to focus on it as he checked his pocket for the spare lock he kept for situations just like this.
“You’ll look so pretty, swollen and full of me. And our babes will be so beautiful. I hope they look like you.” He said, trying to make it look like he wasn’t walking towards you, his fingers clenched tight on the lock, stroking the smooth metal. “Maybe with my eyes though. Just a little bit like me so everyone knows who ya belong to.”
The lock clicked in place and he felt your panic in the air before you showed it, but then you were banging on the inside of the locker, chanting a soft “no” again and again like that would get you out of this mess. If he looked close enough he was sure he could see your tears.
“There you are, My Lovely Wife.” He purred happily.
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König - Asa Emory (The Collector)
König watched as you squirmed, silent as the grace as you sniffled and sobbed, frightened beyond belief. You’d woken up chained to a ceiling by your wrists, stripped naked save for your panties and the blindfold over your eyes. You couldn’t even remember how you’d gotten here. One moment you were in bed, the next? Here.
And the worst part was that something was crawling on you, sticking to your skin no matter how hard you tried to shake it off, making it’s way up your body. Every step it took with it’s furry legs sent you further into a panic attack. It only amused König as he watched one of his beloved tarantulas walk upon your skin. It made for a lovely picture, he’d have to do this again sometime.
He just couldn’t help himself when he saw you, all wide eyed and scared as he chased you through your house, dead family members and pets all over, slipping in their blood and guts with every turn. He didn’t even know you were home when he started laying his traps. Didn’t even know you existed.
But he was glad you were there. From the second he saw you, he wanted to know what you looked like naked, blood running down your body as he touched you, made you enjoy his touch. He got so excited that he ended up slamming your head into the ground a little too hard when he wants to knock you out. He hoped your brain didn’t suffer too much damage, he wanted you to be able to remember this. Remember your fear.
Maybe he’d paint your pretty face after this, just to watch your tears ruin the makeup, smearing it down your face as he fucked you, all pain and no pleasure. Poor little Fehler. His little Bug.
You shouldn’t have come out of your room.
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Alejandro - Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
He could hear you, trying to stifle your sobs as you crawled under barbed wire and through bramble, your sniffles of pain and fear echoing in his ears. It was almost…cute, how you thought you were being quiet. But so sad for you, Little One, he heard you loud and clear.
His hand clasped around the back of your neck, pulling you out of the bushes and into his arms no matter how hard you squirmed and squealed, pushing at him with your cut palms, bits of glass and thorns digging further into your open flesh. He’d need to bandage that for you.
He cooed in your ear, trying to soothe you as his hands patted your face and belly, trying to calm you down as you sobbed. His sweet Nanny, come to watch over him. And he’d watch over you just the same now that he was out of the walls. Once he got you back into the house and tied down onto his bed. Maybe he could calm you down like that, with his tongue between your legs, drawing sweet noises from your lips instead of the fearful ones you were making now.
He lifted his mask up just above his nose, burned nose nudging against yours softly, voice cracking from disuse. “Kiss?” He whispered, watching you shrink in on yourself with frustration. You kissed the doll’s head, but not him?
He sighed, deciding he would have to work on that later as he hauled you over his shoulder, ignoring the pounding on his back as you cried and screamed. No one would hear you. Not ever again. You were his, and nothing would take you away from him.
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Not sure if your doing request, but can you do a yandere!Hashira (any of your choosing) with a Reader who isn’t physically strong but very strong Mentally? I can give one example is Senku Ishigami from the Anime Dr,stone
Sorry if my english very bad, make sure to drink enough water and get enough sleep <3
I definitely do Yandere Hashira requests. Not a fan of the Yandere stuff but please don’t feel discouraged, will always do these so thank you dearly
Much prefer people to give me a specific character since I’ll always go for the most underappreciated Hashira, Gyomei but right now, I’ll pick Water Baby and Water Babe!
Another short one, sorry and I’ll also just give us Senku’s physical stature and personality, and also, thank you once more for the reference of a character! Really appreciate it!
Tomioka Giyuu- Sky-High Fortitude
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Giyuu is a very protective Yandere, right up. He loses everybody he loves all the time and he cannot stand the idea of you disappearing from him as well. So, he grows obsessed with your safety and your health. And this is normal you…
With your scrawny, petite body, Giyuu is so clingy to a suffocating state and follows you around all the time to make sure not even a drunken man can lay their hand on you since you’re physically weak
However, Giyuu does find your straightforward, confident, and logical personality very impressive. Your body screams weakness but your mentality screams strength. It’s almost impossible to sway you mentally and you are practically immune to psychological coercion
Your scientific passion allows you to believe there is nothing science can’t explain and Giyuu admires that. He admires everything of you and your personality. You’re a powerful person in your mind, not even bringing forth your smaller body. Giyuu absolutely loves that and doesn’t mind bragging about you in non-verbal ways
Giyuu isn’t a fan of the fact you’re apathetic towards romance and you often discourage over anybody else trying to develop feelings towards you. He dislikes that you dislike romance but that won’t stop him from trying to claim you as his, you’re a great friend with a genuine selfless and kind heart, even with your almost unlikeable, cold rationale
Giyuu does like a number of your traits, he aspires to have them as well; determination, persistence, supportive, protective. You may not like romance but you support romance. You may be manipulative at times to get what you want in a rather arrogant style, but you don’t use others in a way that’s hurt anybody. You have negatives but Giyuu ignores them since he loves who you are far too much to be picky about specific details
Giyuu, with a Darling like you, does not change his usual behaviours. He is just a big admiring clumsy simp for you, your mentally powerful persona and very very protective over you because of your physically frail figure!
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