#not the sandwich y'all wanted huh
eddiethehunted · 10 months
hey y'all here's yet another "i'll probably never finish this" snippet — this one's considerably longer (near 3k words!) so maybe it's okay <3
post-vecna, fwb, idiot4idiot, you know how it is. trans eddie but it’s not really relevant to this piece lol
18+ for sexual themes and also one usage of the f slur
Eddie knows he's acting weird—or, weirder than usual—but he can't muster up the energy to care.
He's not really talking, sitting off to the side and kind of just listening in. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hang out with anyone, or whatever—it’s that he doesn’t think he can handle hanging out with Steve.
He's successfully avoided Steve all night and he plans on keeping it that way. That is, of course, until Robin, tipsy and warm and happy from the beers she's been crushing all night, gets up and pulls Steve over to the swing chair with them.
Eddie considers fleeing while she’s not sitting on his knee forcing him to stay there, but he’s not quick enough. She flops back down and brings Steve with her, giggling as he stumbles and bitches and complains about it, making the chair swing back and forth and jostle them all together in a way that would normally have Eddie laughing with her.
Instead, all he can do is stare beyond Nancy’s head, rolling his beer between his hands distractedly and wishing the alcohol would hit him even half as hard as it’s hitting Robin. Maybe then he wouldn’t want to fucking bash his head into the wall right now.
He can see Nancy giving him a weird, curious stare, and look, he likes Nancy, really. She’s cool and badass and he’s kind of scared of her, which is awesome. But he’s not about to talk to Steve’s ex about this fucked up friends-with-benefits to maybe-not-even-friends-anymore-and-definitely-without-benefits trainwreck he’s gotten himself into.
Robin sandwiches herself in between them, a sharp elbow digging uncomfortably into Eddie's ribs. Eddie is being absolutely assaulted by Steve's cologne and presence and warmth and he's not okay. His heart feels like it's going to explode and he wants to leave so fucking bad.
Robin starts rambling about graduation and college to Nancy. Eddie tunes out quick, because Steve's arm is flung over the back of the chair and he's rubbing these distracting little circles on Eddie's shoulder, through his shirt. He can feel Steve's eyes burning holes into the side of his face, over Robin's head.
Steve's touch is distracting normally, but even more so now because it's been almost three weeks since Eddie has seen him, and even longer since he's touched him. The last time they were this close, he'd had Steve climbing into his lap, panting and grinding on him and kissing him like he was trying to steal the air out of his lungs. Whispering Eddie’s name like a prayer between breathy little whines as if it fucking meant something.
The painful throbbing in his chest is nearly as bad as the uncomfortable ache between his legs, and he almost forgets that he's trying to distance himself when he feels Steve shift closer. Robin's leaning forward to talk to Nancy, and that leaves plenty of room behind her for Steve's hand to move, to curl into the hair at the nape of Eddie's neck. Plenty of room for Steve to lean into his space and god, Eddie is having a really hard time keeping a grip on his self-control because all he wants to do right now is pull Steve into the bathroom and fucking get on his knees and make it so that he's the only one Steve will ever want.
“Been a while,” Steve says conversationally. Casually. Eddie wants to fucking kick him.
“Uh-huh,” he replies, not willing to give Steve more than that. It earns him a huff, and Eddie doesn’t have to look to see that Steve’s rolling his eyes at him.
His voice is quiet and trickles down Eddie's spine when he says, "You've been avoiding me."
Eddie can't think of a good response, his voice sticking in his throat, his brain full of static. He finally swallows and vaguely says, "You think so?"
Steve's hand squeezes the back of his neck and every single nerve in Eddie's body lights up. Robin is right there. Like, she's half-sitting on Eddie's thigh. This is—its a really bad fucking time for Steve to be touching him.
"Why?" Steve asks him. He sounds hurt, but also a bit angry, and that shouldn't turn Eddie on but it really, really does.
He likes that Steve's hurting. No, really, he does. Because at least it's not just him. (He's never claimed to be a nice fucking person, okay? He knows he's a bit of a selfish asshole, and he's fine with that.)
He's not having this conversation while Robin is sitting on top of both of them, so he jerks away from Steve and gets up, not paying any attention to Robin's indignant shout as he storms into her house. He's been here enough times that he knows the way to the bathroom even with all the lights off, but he doesn't have the chance to shut the door before there's a foot blocking it.
Steve pushes in, looking pissed, and so, so hot. Eddie's knees feel like jelly and his stomach squirms like he's going to be sick. Emotional confrontation is like, the actual fucking worst, and there's Steve, angry and hurt and crowding him against the counter in Robin's bathroom, looking him dead in the eyes.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
His hands are on either side of Eddie's hips and their faces are so close Eddie could count his eyelashes if he tried hard enough. His cheeks are burning, his voice stuck in his throat, and he's annoyed because Steve knows that being pinned like this gets Eddie hot, and that's not fucking fair.
"I'm not," Eddie lies through his teeth. "I've just been busy—"
Steve snorts, cutting him off with a mean laugh. "Yeah, real busy, I bet. Must be hard work pretending I don't fucking exist."
Eddie is like, five seconds away from either punching Steve or kissing him. He hates that this is doing something for him right now, hates how hot Steve is when he's mad.
"Get off of me," he snaps, but it doesn't sound convincing. Steve's gaze drops to his mouth, just for a second, before it flicks back up.
"Did I do something?" he asks desperately, looks at Eddie with those big, dark eyes. Eddie presses his lips together firmly, biting the insides of them, because if Steve keeps looking at him like that Eddie's gonna let him bend him over this goddamn countertop. Steve seems to take his silence as confirmation, and makes a quiet, sad sound.
"You can tell me, Eddie," he says, a bit softer, like some of the anger has evaporated out of him. "I miss you."
That hurts.
Eddie wants to throw up. "Don't say that to me."
Steve frowns. "Why not? What, I can't miss you? Can't wonder what the fuck I did to piss you off so bad that you won't even look at me?" He backs off, a bit, enough for Eddie to breathe, crossing his arms tight across his chest. "One day you're shoving my dick down your throat and the next you're acting like you hate me. Kinda makes a guy wonder what happened."
"I don't—hate you," Eddie manages, nearly choking on his words because he doesn't want to say them, but the sad, hurt eyes Steve's giving him pull them from out of his chest. "I'm not even—I'm not even fucking mad at you, Steve. I'm not—this is so stupid." He rubs a hand over his face. “I just… I can't keep doing this shit. This—whatever it is.” He gestures vaguely between them. “Hooking up. Whatever."
Steve's shoulders slump forward. He moves back, until they're not touching at all and there's a few feet between them. He sounds exasperated and frustrated when he says, "Okay, so don't! You could've just told me you didn't want to fuck around anymore. I’m not gonna be mad or something. Jesus, Eddie, you can like, talk to me. I give a shit about being friends more than, like, getting some ass or whatever.”
Steve's not getting it, which is maybe for the best, but the distance between them makes Eddie want to pull his hair out. "No, I mean—" He can't help but reach out, tugging Steve a little closer by the loop of his jeans, which makes him flush so pretty. “I don't wanna stop."
"So...don't?" Steve says slowly, warily. One warm hand wraps around Eddie's arm, like he’s not sure if he’s allowed. "We can keep... I dunno, doing whatever. Whatever you want. Even just… hanging out. Or watching a movie, or—uh, yeah, whatever.” He swallows, glances down at Eddie’s mouth, and Eddie’s sure he knows just what Steve’s thinking about.
He can't help but laugh, because he's sure that what he really wants is not within the realm of what Steve is okay with. Sex is fun, but—god, Eddie wants to be allowed to love him. He’s already opened himself up more to Steve than anyone else. Steve already knows things about him that nobody else does, except his uncle. It’d been so easy to fall in love with him.
"That's the thing. I don't think we're on the same page."
Steve looks so confused that it would be funny if Eddie wasn’t on the verge of spilling his guts, of throwing up his heart all over Steve right now.
“I need you to elaborate, man,” Steve says. “‘Cause you’re giving some crazy mixed signals right now.”
“I don’t want to just keep hooking up with you. I know this all started just as fun and it is fun, but it’s driving me crazy,” Eddie lets out a frantic little laugh, feels like he’s going to start hyperventilating, but he’s started now and can’t stop, “I’m so into you it’s insane, Steve. Like, I like you. So fucking much. So much it makes me want to rip my hair out or something. I can’t keep doing this knowing it doesn’t mean the same thing to you and I can’t keep pretending that the thought of you with someone else doesn’t make me want to die. Okay? I can’t. It—it hurts and it fucking sucks and I can't do it anymore.”
His voice is shaking by the end of it, and he knows by the burning feeling in his eyes and nose that he’s about to start crying. Because this is it—this is what he’s been dreading, all this time: the moment that the other shoe drops, the moment that Steve rejects him. He’s a nice guy, he’ll do it kindly, let Eddie down gently, but that’ll hurt more. Eddie needs Steve to like, punch him in the face and call him a fag, or something. He can’t handle a sweet, gentle, let’s stay friends forever, it’ll all be okay rejection.
Instead of the bright snap of pain he’s hoping for, he feels Steve’s hands slide up the sides of his neck, almost like he does when Eddie’s down on his knees for him. It’s much softer, now, Steve’s thumbs stroking just under his eyes to wipe away the tears that he can’t stop from falling.
It’s too much. 
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut tight, shaking his head in frantic, jerky movements as his tears just keep coming. He wants to yell at Steve, to tell him to leave and let him lick his wounds in fucking peace, but he can’t make the words come out. All he can do is suck in another sticky, wet breath.
It tears out of his chest as a sob and Steve swears under his breath.
“Hey,” he breathes. He moves Eddie’s hair out of his face gently, tucking it behind his ears. Any traces of anger are gone from his voice now, and it’s soft, quiet, like he's talking to a frightened animal. “Eddie, hey. Shit, I’m sorry. Can you look at me?” 
Eddie doesn’t want to, but he’s never been good at saying no to Steve. He forces his eyes open, blinking away the tears that blur Steve’s pretty face. 
“If you’re gonna reject me just do it,” he says miserably. His voice feels thick as it comes up his throat. “I can take it, man.” 
Actually, he’s pretty sure he’ll collapse to the ground sobbing and maybe even dry heave or throw up the second he’s alone, but Steve doesn’t have to know that. 
“I’m not—”  Steve huffs out a breath, something like a laugh, like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Eddie, I’m not rejecting you. I’m—I’m just kind of in shock.” 
Eddie stares at Steve with watery eyes. “In shock?” he bites out. “Yeah, dude, that kinda happens when your friend confesses he has big disgusting gay feelings for you.” 
“No! Not like—not in a bad way,” Steve clarifies. He has the most adorable pink flush on his cheeks, a frustrated little crease between his brows as he tries to find the words for what he’s so clearly hurting to say. “I’ve been into you for months. I honestly thought you were avoiding me these past few weeks ‘cause you could tell. I’m not, like,” he heaves a sigh, runs a nervous hand through his hair, “good at being subtle, man. I thought you were rejecting me.”
Eddie has no clue what kind of face he’s making right now, but he feels a little bit like he’s floating suddenly. Like he’s just missed the last step at the bottom of a staircase, a heavy, stony pang in his chest, his breath kind of stuck somewhere around his diaphragm. It’s almost like how it felt to flip upside down, weightless, as he climbed through the gate last spring, but only slightly less terrifying.
“I haven’t been with anyone else since the first time we hooked up,” Steve admits, and Eddie's mouth falls open, because that was nearly a year ago. “I know we were supposed to be casual, but it… was never casual for me.” His face is a little redder now, but he doesn't break eye contact. It makes Eddie want to squirm. “I shouldn’t have lied and said I didn’t want more. I wanted you. When we—”  He swallows and Eddie can't help but glance down to watch the way his throat bobs, wants to sink his teeth into it. "When we’re together, you know, it’s… it’s all I ever think about. Fuck, I think about you all the time. I feel like I'm going insane.” He groans, letting his forehead fall forward onto Eddie’s shoulder. “I feel like I’m not doing a great job here.”
Steve thinks about him. Steve fucking wants him. Eddie is literally going to pass out or something.
“No,” he breathes, because this can’t be real, he has to be hallucinating or something, “no, you’re—this is really good. Keep going.”  
Steve sighs like he’s frustrated with himself, his breath warm against Eddie’s shirt. “What I’m trying to say is that I like you too, Eddie. A lot. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t, I’m just—kind of not great at this shit.”
Eddie really, really wants to pinch himself, but he can’t fucking move as Steve’s words sink into his bones. 
“You like me,” he croaks out. His hands curl into fists in the front of Steve’s shirt. He probably looks a fucking mess right now with tears and maybe snot all over his face but he can’t think about that, not when Steve is so close. “You actually like me? Like, not—not just fucking me?”  
“I mean, I do like doing that,” Steve says, lifting his head with a ridiculous grin and eyebrow waggle that makes Eddie feel hot all over. He groans and shoves Steve’s face away half-heartedly, and Steve laughs, turns his head to press a kiss to Eddie’s palm.
Eddie just about melts into a puddle on the floor. God, the Steve Harrington charm. Steve’s smile turns a little soft.
“But yeah,” he says, leaning into Eddie’s hand. “I’m kinda crazy about you, man.”
Eddie needs to make sure he's not insane. "Like, you wanna cuddle me and shit? Fuckin’… bake me a cake?”
Oh god, what do people in relationships even do? Is that even what Steve’s gunning for here?
Steve's clearly trying not to laugh. "I mean, I can make you a cake if you want, but I'm not that great at baking. I always put too much flour and it turns out so bad, and this one time I accidentally put salt instead of sugar and Robin still doesn't shut up about it. I can make a pretty solid lasagna, though, if you want—”
"Oh my god," Eddie says, because he's definitely insane, and also because the idea of Steve in the kitchen making him a lasagna like some kind of little housewife is going to make him act fucking stupid, "shut up."
He really does pinch himself, then, and all it does is hurt. Steve’s lips quirk up again, and he steps a little closer, until it would be so easy for Eddie to tilt his head a bit and move in for a kiss. He goes a little cross-eyed trying to keep looking at Steve, trying to make sure this is still real, that this isn’t some Vecna shit and Steve’s about to turn into some kind of fucked up monster and start, like, eating him or something. 
“Did you just pinch yourself?” Steve asks, grinning so wide Eddie can almost taste it.
“No,” Eddie lies.
“That’s so cute."
Eddie makes a weird, strangled sound, and it’s the most humiliating little noise, one he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He doesn’t have a chance to be embarrassed about it, though, because Steve moves so their lips are just barely apart. 
“Can I kiss you now? I really want to.” Their noses touch. “I know it’s not the first time, but… I wanna kiss you.”
“Like in a gay way?” Eddie blurts, like an idiot.
Steve’s eyes crinkle up a bit when he laughs. “Yeah, dude. In a gay way. I mean, I kinda feel like me licking my jizz out of your mouth that one time was already pretty gay, but yeah. I wanna kiss you for real. If that’s okay.”
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fuctacles · 22 days
if i didn't respond to your comment it's bc desktop tumblr didn't let me, I still love and appreciate y'all
Maybe tomorrow he'd bring his book here, and keep the cats company while he reads. Would they like it if he read it out loud?
Oh lord, the crazy cat lady energy must be rubbing off on him already.
The cats certainly are. He looks down at his black attire now speckled with cat hair, and sighs. He should have asked Steph where the lint roller was before she left. With great effort, he stands up from the comfy couch, vowing to himself to only do a cursory search with no unnecessary peeking. 
The entrance seems like an obvious start since people like to de-hair themselves before leaving the house. The dresser next to the door is cluttered with typical things - sunglasses, hand lotion, chapstick, some loose change, and jewelry. No roller in sight. So he goes to the kitchen instead, because kitchen is where everything goes. The cats are watching him curiously from their chosen perches around the house.
"Stop it. This is all your fault."
He finally finds what he's looking for on a windowsill next to a dead fly. He starts cleaning his clothes there, next to the fridge, and its colorful display catches his attention. 
There's an Ewok magnet that looks handmade, holding up a birthday card, and a few holiday photos, capturing smiling people in swimming costumes. Some of them look older, like the photo of a kid in a wizard robe, or a pair of bloodied-up teenagers in sailor costumes, which must be a very obscure reference because Eddie hasn't seen it at any costume party before. 
The caption under the photo reads BFF but someone added a circle of smaller F's all around the photo, turning them into a frame. Which, if Eddie's connecting the dots correctly, would imply that it's Robin and Steph. The quality isn't the best, but at first glance, he's assumed it must be a family member, maybe a brother, but he remembers her saying she's an only child. 
He tracks the other photos, but most of them are new, of the Steph he already knows. There might be more around the apartment, though. 
But he's already rolled his shirt and he'll be back tomorrow morning anyway, so he quickly works on his pants' legs, gives the cats a wave, and leaves. 
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While walking back, he's apparently so lost in his thoughts, he gets startled by his own uncle.
"The cats still alive?"
"Do you want?! Me?! To die?!" Eddie screeches, eyes wide and a hand on his heart, the other holding him upright against the wall. "Why the fuck are you sitting there in the dark?!"
Wayne looks pointedly at the lamp next to him, then to his nephew. Aside from his reading nook in the corner though, the living room has no other light sources right now, but Eddie just throws his hands in defeat, deciding not to argue. Especially not when his uncle finally folded and was reading Blade Runner. 
"Must have been thinking some guilty thoughts, huh?" 
"Excuse me?" Eddie takes a step back from his course towards the kitchen. His uncle was flipping a page in his book, clearly not reading but not looking up from it either. 
"To get scared like that. Did you do something bad, son?" He finally looks up, and Eddie doesn't like it. He looks exactly like his friends just before teasing him about something. "Saw something you shouldn't have?"
Eddie folds his arms and sticks his nose up, hoping the evening darkness hides his warming cheeks. 
"I don't know what kind of panty raiding you do up there, but I'm not a pervert."
"Panty riding, huh?" Wayne raises his eyebrows in interest. "That what you boys do in college these days?"
"Do you want a sandwich? Some tea maybe?" Eddie has already turned his back to him and is switching the light on in the kitchen. "And the cats are fine, thanks for asking!"
"Yes and yes. Thank you!" 
Eddie prepares them sandwiches and teas and grabs his own book so they can read in silence waiting for the evening news. It's nice to have this, a break from busy and loud college life, just sharing silence and love for books with his uncle. 
That is, of course, until Wayne looks at his watch and puts the book down to exchange it for a remote. Eddie likes to keep his nose in the book until the news become too distracting or he catches something interesting being reported on. His uncle has other plans for him this time. 
"You know it's alright to like her, right?"
Eddie lowers his book, slightly incredulous that Wayne is still talking about it. He looks at him with wide eyes.
"You really want me to fuck your neighbor, huh?"
Finally, his uncle gets a taste of his own medicine, almost choking on the tea that he unfortunately decided to sip on at that moment. Eddie: one, Wayne: zero.
But later, the score evened out again, as all Eddie could think of while trying to sleep were the pictures on the fridge, and plowing his uncle's neighbor into her mattress until she screamed. 
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The next morning, with not enough sleep under his belt, Eddie skips two sets at a time, because he totally absolutely royally forgot about the fucking plant. 
He fumbles with the keys, can hear the inquisitive meows on the other side of the door, and once he's in he takes a beeline to the kitchen, ignoring the little creatures following him like they have been starving on the streets and he was a fresh batch of tuna factory waste.
The plant looks normal, the same as it did 24 hours ago, and he waters it as per instructions while trying not to even brush its leaves because he truly believes his touch might kill it. His track record with plants indicates so. Only then does he turn to the meowing bunch at his feet. 
"Hello, little demons. Time to feast."
The cats are fed, their mouths making unpleasant wet noises against the equally wet food, and Eddie has a moment to take a curious walk around the place, in search of more photos.
He finds a wedding photo, with Steph in a pink dress and stunning make up dancing with a man with curly hair. There's one from a barbecue, where Steph is being hugged by a tall man with a mustache. She's wearing jean shorts and a sweater in this one, and somehow, looks a bit off. It looks older than the wedding one. 
But a true treasure chest is the huge frame he finds above a small bookcase.
It's a collage titled 'The fucking journey' that seems to be a collection of Polaroids from a multitude of workplaces, with the same two people present. Year after year, one job after another, until they got where they are today. 
It starts with a 1983 and the sailor costumes he's already seen. They are less bruised and more tired in this one. Knowing where to start, Eddie's eyes track from one photo to another, observing Stephanie's features, her wardrobe, and her hair change until she becomes the woman she is today. 
There was no boy in that photo on the fridge. It's always been her. Growing into herself. 
Is this what his uncle was talking about? Well, not talking, but being annoyingly vague about it, like he wasn't sure what he was talking about himself. 
Fear not, Uncle Wayne. Eddie's going to pick up every pamphlet and every zine he can put his hands on, to educate them both about who their neighbor is, how to navigate the topic and respect her the way she deserves.
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dulceackles · 3 months
Ambivalent Part one - The town
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, sex, violence, enemies to lovers, alcohol, all that. Mention of dead body, a little bit of horror. English is not my first language, so sorry for typos. Also, it is a Y/N, but I've created a background story and a fictional place around it for creative and storytelling reasons. Will not be describing exterior characteristics, tho!
Summary: Dean used to be really important to Y/N but ever since he suddenly left her without telling her why, she's been avoiding even mentioning him. Now, after years, he's back in town, but not because of her. There's a case. The only things she's certain is that she doesn't like him being back.
Word count: 1k
The town of Dimdale was exactly what it sounded like; small, rather boring, and they saved electricity by switching streets lights off by midnight. Not too fancy, huh? Still, it was Y/N's hometown and even tho she sometimes had dreamed of leaving, she'd never actually wanted to pack her bags.
Oily mugs the coffee house, don't ask about the name, was the town's tourist attraction if so you could say. It had been in business since the 60s, owned by the same family, and served the world's best blueberry pie. Y/N had been working there 6 years now and, you guessed it, she loved the simple job she had.
"One black coffee, please, darling!" An old man with a gray beard ordered over the counter.
"Sure, coming up. It'd be 2.50 dollars, thank you," Y/N smiled. She was just pouring the coffee when she heard the bell on the front door ring, notifying her that a new customer had entered the café. She lifted her eyes from the coffee mug to greet the new customers, but her smile dropped the second her eyes locked with a familiar pair of green ones.
How dare he even walk in here? She thought. Dean Winchester, an asshole, liar, toxic jackass, a traitor even. To be honest, she hated him with all her heart and with all the rage she had left in her, but she didn't want to talk about it, or him, or think about it or anything... And behind him in walked Sam. About him Y/N had no ill thoughts about, but she still hated him too simply because he was related to the smallest man who ever lived, Dean. Someone could have described her as unfair, she just called herself a simple girl.
"Hey y...." Sam tried to greet her behind the counter but was quickly cut off by her.
"What would you like?" She gave them her best fake smile that also very clearly said fuck you to both of them. She handed the earlier customer his coffee, accidentally spilling some of the hot liquid into her hand. That made her hiss out of annoyance. That and the two men sitting in bar stools to be exact.
"I… Umm, I’ll take a sandwich, and he'll..." Sam stuttered, clearly taken back by her passive-aggressive character. He knew things between her and Dean had not ended well, but he hadn't thought they had ended so bad it was enough to make a grown woman act like a high school bully behind the counter.
"I'll take the sandwich too." Dean said, saving his brother from the trouble. "Soo... you still work here."
"Clearly." Y/N spat while solving the sandwiches into a paper bag. She had made the decision for them that they'd be eating on the go.
"Oh, actually, we're eating..." Sam tried to put in again, but again, he was interrupted.
"On the go. I'm sure y'all busy, I know he was last time." She gave them the same fake smile she had mastered and reached out to give them the paper bag. Dean grasped it in her hands and got up from his seat.
"It's okay, we are busy actually," He said and tapped Sam's shoulder. "Let's go."
Y/N watched as Sam got up and looked almost upset. For a second, Y/N nearly felt bad, like he had ever been nothing but sweet to her. But then she remembered that he was his brother, and that was enough reasons to hate him.
"And by the way, if you spat on it, just know I won't mind, darling." Dean smirked and then winked at her. Before turning his back, he watched, just a second, how her face turned red. He knew it wasn't a blush but a rage, and he thought a couple other customers might have clocked it too. He walked towards the door with his brother.
"Well, I'm surprised a kitchen knife hasn't flown into your back yet," Sam whispered and Dean laughed and shook his head as they get in the impala. Dean knew Y/N, and he knew that the only bullet she shoots were the bullets coming from her mouth. Well, to be fair, sometimes he had wished she would have just rather picked up a machine gun or something. Still, he thought she was adorable, even if angry. But Dean had promised himself before even stepping his foot over the boarder of this god forgotten town that he'd never drag her into his life again. Even tho they had quite a history, Dean had never told her about his real job because he didn't want to see him and real world ruin her too. No matter how cute, sweet, absolutely choleric, tempting, beautiful or enraged she was, he'd leave her be. 
She deserves better than to be dragged into this life, Dean thought. Besides, there was a case for them to battle.
"Soo.. 25-year-old woman, Sandra Rittenwell, last seen walking home from a night shift at a bar. Couple days later a body is found and well… See for yourself." Sam stretched out to show Dean the crime scene pictures he'd stolen.
"Well, that's a sight." Dean scrunched his nose in disgust. The pictures were cruel to say at least.
"Tell me about it. Surprisingly there were witnesses tho." Sam blurred out, "Victor Hills, called the police at 4am and claimed he saw a "faceless monster" take Sandra. Apparently he had been walking behind her. The police didn't take his claims seriously at first, but after the discovery of the body, they checked the nearby surveillance cameras and no "monster" had been caught in any of them. Police has no suspects as we speak, but they have had a sketch artist draw a portrait of the thing Victor saw."
"Hmm, interesting. Never seen this before;" Dean thought.
"Yup. Did some research and similar incident has happened before. In 1947 a woman disappeared, the body was never found, but locals said few had seen a similar creature in a couple of previous days, leading to the disappearance. One thing is sure, the monster has a type," Sam Said.
"Yeah, and what's that?" Dean knitted his eyebrows together.
"Women, walking home at night." Sam sigh.
"Of course," Dean shook his head for the second time that day.
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// Hope you liked it, I love a feedback and hopefully I wasn't rusty. I haven't written other than school stuff in a long time. xx
Next part (x)
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daisynik7 · 2 years
A Bento For Kento
Chapter 2: Two Bentos are Better Than One
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
cw: none that I can think of!
Summary: Nanami gets a pleasant surprise from his student, in the form of a Hello Kitty bento box. Meanwhile, you are an emotional mess who loves your weirdo brother. 
Notes: Bento inspired by this: Japanese Egg Sandwich. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like to be tagged in the next chapter(s)! Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated. Would love to hear what y'all think so far!
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
Preparing lunches for Ren has been fun, but making a different type of bento three times a week is really pushing your creativity threshold. Knowing that he isn’t picky about eating the same meal every other day, you decide to cook one type of bento throughout the week. Doing it this way has made the whole process less stressful and more manageable.
As for his actual lessons, you remain in the dark. When he comes home Friday afternoon, you ask him, “How was your first week? Still determined to attend this school?” 
He kicks his shoes off and flops down, face first, onto the couch. “Yes, very determined.” He flips onto his back and reaches his arms above his head, stretching. “Can we watch a horror movie tonight? I’m in the mood for something mindless that doesn’t make me think so much. I did too much thinking this week.”
You chuckle, agreeing to his suggestion. “You pick the movie. Nothing too scary, though. I would like to sleep tonight.”
“Can we order pizza too?” he asks, staring at you with his puppy dog eyes. “I really like you’re cooking, but I just want to eat like trash and feel like trash tonight.” 
You laugh even louder, sitting beside him to ruffle his hair. “You’re starting to sound more like an adult. Stop growing up so fast or else you’ll be a miserable millennial like me.”
“Never! You can never take away my youth!” he yells, playfully flailing his limbs up in the air.
After some typical back and forth about what toppings to get, the two of you finally agree on what type of pizza to order. While waiting for the delivery, you give your brother the honors of choosing which horror movie to watch, to which he picks the number one on a list of top ten scariest films he looked up on Google. So much for sleeping tonight. 
The start of another week means a brand-new bento creation. After searching the Internet for tasty ideas, you decide to make egg salad sandwiches. These were a favorite of yours and Ren’s growing up. To kick it up a notch, you use high quality Shokupan bread, courtesy of your favorite bakery nearby. Hell, you even cut the crusts off. Impressed with yourself, you deliberate if you should change careers to become a professional chef. 
As you delicately place them in the blue bento, you hear his footsteps approach the kitchen. “Yum! Egg salad!” He looks over your shoulder to peek. “And with no crust?!”
You turn your head to face him, grinning. “Yup. Pretty fancy, huh?”
“It’s amazing! The bread looks so fluffy,” he notices, poking at it. He hovers over the bowl of egg salad, still half full. He stares at it for a moment before asking, “Is there a lot left?”
“Yeah, looks like it. I’ll eat it some of it later. Maybe I can give the rest to the neighbors – ”
“Can you pack me an extra then? I’ll eat it!” He starts opening up the cupboards, looking for another box. 
“You want two bentos?” 
“Yes! Please! I’ll eat them both, I promise!” 
You’re surprised, but also flattered. Has your cooking improved so much that your teenaged brother actually craves two servings of your food? Maybe you really should become a chef.
Ren continues to slam the cupboards, his search for another container growing futile. After you’ve had enough, you head to your room and yell out, “Stop! I think I have one in my room, hold on.”
After you find what you’re looking for in your closet, you return to the kitchen, bright red Hello Kitty bento box in hand. “Let’s use this. Do you mind?”
He smiles wide, all his teeth showing mischievously. “This is perfect.” His enthusiasm throws you off. Teenage boys sure are getting weirder and weirder.
“Hello mentor!” Ren greets as he enters the conference room.
Nanami lifts his head up to return his greeting. “Hello Nakamura, did you have a nice weekend?” 
Ren sits down at an empty desk, unzipping his backpack to retrieve a notebook and pen, all while recounting his weekend activities. Nanami listens intently, simultaneously pleased with how prompt and prepared his student is for their lessons. 
After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they start today’s class. They delve into a more intense subject: curses. They review previous missions that Nanami himself participated in, some of the content being disturbing and gruesome for the average person. To his surprise, Ren doesn’t seem fazed. When he asks questions, he is analytical and intrigued. Nanami appreciates this, as he himself likes to separate sentimentality from work. 
They go through three different case studies until it’s time for a break. He expects that Ren has another delicious feast ready for him in his backpack. He’s had one every single day they’ve had their lessons. Last week, it was the same for all three days. He wonders if it’s different this time.
For some reason, Nanami keeps forgetting to find another bakery that sells ham and cheese sandwiches. He is without a lunch again. He gets up from his desk and walks down the hall into the break room to prepare his tea. This will have to do for now. 
He returns to the conference room, freshly brewed green tea in hand, noticing that Ren is already halfway through his meal. Egg salad sandwiches today, one of Nanami’s favorites. 
Back at his seat, he is shocked, and horrified, to find a Hello Kitty bento box waiting for him on top of his desk.
Whipping his head towards his student, he asks nervously, “What is this?”
Ren smiles, cheeks stuffed like chipmunk. “It’s for you!” Bits of egg salad come flying out of his mouth. “Sorry,” he mutters, swallowing his food all at once. “I couldn’t stand another day seeing you just drink your tea. I had my sister make an extra.” 
Nanami stares at him, then at Hello Kitty. Her black eyes and red ribbon peering into his soul. 
“Well, aren’t you going to eat it? It’s not like Hello Kitty is a curse,” Ren snorts, amused at his own joke.
Still hesitant about this odd situation, he clarifies, “Are you sure you don’t want this? Your sister packed this for you.” It’s not for me, he thinks.
He munches on a cucumber slice, responding, “The only reason I asked her to pack an extra was so I can give it to you. It’s the least I can do since you’re teaching me so much.”
There’s a lump in his throat, an unusual sensation Nanami isn’t familiar with. It’s been a while since someone showed this kind of generosity to him. It wasn’t as if people in his life mistreated him. It’s just nice to be acknowledged. 
He remains standing over the desk when Ren mentions, “Hello Kitty was not my choice. You can blame my sister for that. It was the only one she could find. But I think it fits your personality perfectly,” he teases.
Cracking a tiny smile, he says, “As long as the food is good, I don’t mind it.” He finally sits down and opens the box, bidding farewell to Hello Kitty’s face in the process. 
Underneath the cover is an egg salad sandwich, exactly like the one Ren just devoured. He notices that it’s on Shokupan bread. Good choice, he muses. He handles it with care, relishing the softness, appreciating the meticulously trimmed edges. Once he bites in, his eyes almost roll to the back of his head. Creamy, pillowy, not too salty, and slightly sweet. It’s simple and luxurious all at the same time. Purely exquisite.
Maybe it’s because this was his first taste of real food all day. Maybe it’s because it seems like a gift from his student. Maybe it’s because it makes him feel special. Whatever the reason, he can admit to himself that he is really enjoying this. He’s thankful to be wearing glasses to prevent his pupil from witnessing the dumb expression on his face. It’s embarrassing. Out of character. 
“Pretty good, right? It was our favorite growing up,” Ren mentions, finishing off the rest of his cucumber slices. “She got this bread from a bakery near us. Said the type of bread makes all the difference. It all tastes the same to me.” He has his feet up on the desk now and starts to rub his belly, relaxed and well nourished.
“Your sister is right; it does make all the difference.” Nanami swallows the last bit of his first helping, then starts nibbling on the second. “This wouldn’t be as tasty if it was on generic grocery store bread.”
Ren stifles a laugh and leans further back in his chair to give him an amused look. “Ha, I didn’t expect you to use the word ‘tasty’. It’s funny hearing it from you.”
He wipes his mouth. “Well, it is tasty.”
“I’ll make sure my sister knows her egg salad is tasty,”
“Why are you saying it like that?” He frowns at his student, but when he only responds with a snicker, he chooses not to ask the question again. 
He finishes the rest of the box, leaving no crumbs behind. Hello Kitty returns in plain view as he places the cover back on, handing it to Ren. “Thank you, Nakamura. This was a pleasant surprise.”
“No problem, mentor! Like I said, it’s the least I could do. I’m learning so much from you!” Ren beams at him while he puts both containers away, notebook and pen placed back in front of him.
“Shall we continue the lesson then?”
They go over three more case studies until it’s time to go. Ren asks well thought out questions, taking diligent notes all the while. Nanami explains a few techniques he used in one case study that he personally handled. 
After Ren leaves, he gathers up his suitcase and prepares for his journey home. He’s not as exhausted as he was last week, which he’s thankful for. I should probably find a café, he thinks, scrolling through his phone to look up locations nearby. He won’t subject himself to a single cup of green tea at lunch any longer. That sandwich gave him the energy he needed, but he doesn’t want to assume this is a recurring thing. He finds a café close to the office, setting a reminder for himself to stop by before their next lesson. This will have to do for now.
You’re already wrapping up work when Ren comes home. “Hey! How was today? Learn anything new?” you ask, closing your laptop. 
He drops his backpack on the floor and sits on the couch, yawning. “I’m learning a ton. I feel like I’ve already gone through half my notebook with all these notes!” 
You sit next to him, watching him open his backpack to retrieve his notebook. As he flips through the pages, you notice a variety of scribbles, as well as some strange doodles of little monsters with bulging eyes. The last page he lands on has a drawing of one long line with hash marks scattered evenly across it. There are notes scrawled around it, the numbers “7” and “3” popping up continuously.
Oh god, this is some cult shit. Panic begins to set in. You’re tempted to start interrogating him. Before you lose your cool, you listen to your inner voice reminding you to trust him. 
Sensing your internal crisis, Ren smiles and waves his hand in front of your face. “Sorry, I know it looks weird, but I promise it’s good.”
What the hell does that mean?! It’s good?!  His response doesn’t alleviate your worries, but as you gaze at his precious face, you realize that he’s putting so much work into whatever this is. It must really be important to him. 
You force a grin and state, “If you say it’s good, then it’s all good.” You reach into his backpack to grab the two empty boxes. “Wow! You must have really liked the sandwiches. I can’t believe you ate both!” 
“Yeah, they were amazing! So tasty! It reminded me of the first meal I ever had when Mom and Dad took me in. It was the first time I ever met you. I ate my whole sandwich in just a few bites, and you gave me half of yours without even thinking for a second. I’ll never forget that.” He smiles at you affectionately. “Actually, I gave the extra one to – ” 
He pauses, noticing the tears streaking down your face, nose sniffling noisily.
“You-hic-you-hic hic-remember that?” you manage to blurt out, your face getting wetter from your embarrassing tears and snot. You promised yourself you wouldn’t get emotional if he brought this up, but you can’t help it!
Concerned, he faces you and places a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry! I was just telling you how good it was! It’s a happy memory. I’m happy.”
You wipe your sleeve across your cheeks. “I-hic-just want to make sure I’m-hic-being a good sister.” It takes another minute to steady your breathing. “I know you can’t tell me everything, but if these bentos are the only thing I can do to support you right now, I’ll keep doing it! I was surprised when you asked for another one. I’m just so happy that you like it!” 
He gives your shoulder a small squeeze, smiling. “You’re the best sister ever. I mean it.”
Before you get emotional again, you stand up to wash the boxes in the sink. Halfway through, you remember him trying to tell you something right before you interrupted him with the waterworks. Nothing else is mentioned about it the rest of the night, so you leave it be, thinking it must not be important. 
Wednesday comes around and Nanami finally remembers to visit the café to pick up his lunch. Unfortunately for him, no ham and cheese. He ends up settling for the less satisfying turkey sandwich. 
He heads up to their usual conference room and settles in. Within minutes, Ren arrives, greeting him as he takes his usual spot at one of the empty desks. They continue their lesson on curses and different abilities that have been used to exorcise them. Nanami references several Jujutsu sorcerers and explains each of their “innate techniques.” He asks Ren if he is aware of any special abilities he might have exhibited throughout his lifetime, to which his pupil acknowledges several odd occurrences he experienced as a child. This helps put some of the pieces together. He’s pleased at the progress they are making. 
They take their break earlier than usual, their stomachs growling with hunger. Nanami hears his student digging through his backpack while he reaches into his suitcase for the sandwich he picked up earlier. He’s startled when Ren appears next to him, holding out the wretched Hello Kitty vessel. 
“Here you go!” he says, placing it on Nanami’s desk, walking back to his own to start munching happily on an egg salad sandwich. 
He wasn’t expecting another bento box today. He actually came prepared this time with his own meal. But he can’t shake this feeling of guilt, as if it would be a sin against humanity if he denied this delicious treat. As if Hello Kitty herself would scorn him for life. 
Also, he’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t secretly hoping for this. 
Luckily, he hasn’t taken the food out of his briefcase yet. I’ll just eat it for dinner, he thinks, placing it back to the bottom of his case. 
He stares at Hello Kitty, welcoming her reappearance on his desk. He thanks Ren, then opens the container to start eating. It’s exactly how it was on Monday. Tasty. “Are you sure your sister doesn’t mind making an additional box?”
“She doesn’t mind at all. I think she gets a kick out of it. She actually got emotional about it the other day.”
As he recounts the story, Nanami can’t help but admire his student for remembering a touching memory over something as simple as a sandwich. He also respects the way he describes his sister. She seems nice, he speculates, picturing what she might look like, just so he can put a face to a name. 
Deciding that his thought is innocent enough, he comments, “She seems nice, Nakamura. You are lucky to have a sister like that.” Immediately feeling awkward saying something sentimental out loud, he adds, “I guess I’m lucky too because I’m reaping the benefits of her generosity. Even if I do have to see this damn cat every time.”
Ren chuckles. “Well, get used to it. You’re going to see a lot more of Hello Kitty, whether you like it or not.” 
Nanami smiles. He definitely could get used to this. 
Tag List: @liliorsstuff-blog @hughugh20
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.77 Un-Invite
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Good thing Sophia and I weren't fancy sims, because I could have thought of a dozen better ways to celebrate our engagement than eating at a casual restaurant down the street from my mama's house to escape her being extra. She would have been thrilled to dog sit for a few extra hours if we had decided to make a big splash and go fancy. However, it didn't make sense for us to leave town, so we opted to go to Viviana's...the same Viviana's where I first sorta kinda met Yasmine. I didn't tell Sophia she worked there because I didn't want to dampen the evening, but I definitely walked inside, cautiously looking around and hoping she was off that day. But there was nothing to fear, even if she showed. We had already handled our business. If she wanted to be messy, that would be on her. Still, I hoped she wasn't working.
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Sophia, on the other hand, had no reason to suspect a surprise appearance and was grinning from ear to ear.
"This is such a nice restaurant!"
"Yeah, I like it too. This became our place when we moved here."
"I love how it's so trendy and modern, but I still feel comfortable being here dressed like this."
Even though I hoped we would not run into Yasmine, I knew she would turn up; I felt it in my bones. I buried my head in the menu and must have read it 17 times because I didn't want to see it coming. But eventually, I heard her voice.
"Welcome to Vi...oh..."
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Sophia looked up, and I saw that flash of surprise that hit her face. It morphed into confusion, then suspicion. Yasmine looked more embarrassed, but still ready to hold her own if Sophia wanted to take her there. They glared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I had no idea what went on in either of their heads, but if I could have backed away slowly, I would have. They were like two cats circling and sizing up each other. Who would strike first? Of course, I didn't expect a fight to break out, but I honestly had no idea what to expect. At the club that night, Sophia surprised me when she casually interrupted us. I never thought of her as territorial. To be honest, I thought it was kinda hot. But she wasn't a nasty woman, and we were in Yasmine's workplace, so I knew they'd eventually snap out of it. And they did.
"Umm..." Yasmine hesitated and fidgeted with the notepad in her hand. "I can go get someone else if you-"
"Don't be silly," Sophia said, brushing her off. "We're all adults here."
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I exhaled. Yasmine smiled sheepishly and nodded.
"Are you ready to order?"
"Yes, we are. I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup but..."
She explained exactly how she wanted the sandwich to be: grilled long enough to be very crispy and brown, but not so much that it's hard and scratches the roof of her mouth. Yasmine got a kick out of that, and I did too. I watched her in amazement, not about the sandwich, but how gracefully she handled awkward situations. Mama was 1000% spot on when she said I chose well.
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I ordered bangers and mash, and we both got a Sunset Valley. After Yasmine repeated everything back to us, including Sophia's highly specific notes, she surprised us both.
"That's a nice ring," she said with a beautiful smile.
She didn't smile much, but when she did, it was a nice treat. Was I still allowed to say that?
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"Thank you so much," Sophia said.
"Congratulations," she said. "You don't mess around, huh?"
"I knew she was the one. Why wait? But thanks, Yasmine. I really appreciate that."
"I hope it's okay to say this," she began.
Everything in me tensed up again.
"You're so lucky. I never really had a shot, but when I thought I did, I wasted it. I wish y'all the best."
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I exhaled. I think Sophia did, too.
"That's so kind of you to say," she said. "Thank you."
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"I'll be back in a bit," Yasmine said and disappeared into the kitchen.
"Well, that was nice of her," Sophia said.
"It was."
"She can't come to the wedding, though."
I chuckled.
"I wouldn't dare ask you that. Speaking of the wedding...are looking you looking to have a huge shindig?" I asked.
"Not really. But I don't want it to be so small that we have to labor over whom to un-invite. We should invite whoever we want."
"I was thinking the same thing, though I don't have many to invite."
I thought about Dub. We had only known each other for about 24 hours, but he was already one of my closest friends. He had a secured spot on my guest list, and I tacked on a plus one in case he and Maia had some serious talks on the train. I wanted to meet her.
"What about you?" she asked. "Do you have a dream wedding?"
"Nah, not really. I don't care where it is or what we do, as long as you, my parents, and my sister are there. Oh, and a huge cake. Gotta have a nice cake."
"I mean, is it really a wedding without a nice cake?"
I chuckled. She and I were always on the same page, and it was beautiful.
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"I would love a beach wedding," she said. "That's my only real preference."
"Then a beach wedding it is."
I took a moment to comb through my thoughts really consider if I'd been looking forward to anything in particular, especially since I was allowed to have an opinion, heh. Mama was right about one thing. I was a simple and adaptable guy, so I honestly didn't have any must-haves or deal breakers.
"Do you think we'll have time to do all the pre-ceremony stuff, like the parties and dinners?" I asked.
"Listen," she said in a sweet yet firm tone, "I know you're a dutiful son, but this is our wedding. If you want to do all those things, we'll make time!"
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A different server arrived with our food, and Sophia celebrated her perfectly grilled sandwich. As we were both starving, we seized the opportunity to get a few bites in before continuing our conversation.
"Speaking of time," she began, "your mom asked one question I'd been considering. How would you feel about starting our family right away?"
"I wouldn't mind that."
She smiled and seemed very relieved.
"I'm glad... Time to tell your friends in the purple box goodbye!"
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I quickly swallowed my food before I choked to death from laughing at her. Forget surviving our relationship. I needed to survive the engagement!
This conversation was brought about by this mod!
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pulim-v · 12 days
Two characters
favorite thing about them
He genuinely cares so much for everyone around him it makes me go crazy
Least favorite thing about them
It's a character flaw and it's awesome that it stops happening as the story goes on but the racism gets quite annoying at times
Favorite line
"For all of these years... I've wanted to taste this soup again!"
Don't really have one? It's hard to think of a platonic connection Senshi has that has both parties as relative equals and still feels platonic
If I'm ever not spreading the Chilchuck Sandwich propaganda it is because I have died
Don't really have one either, it's hard to find characters without chemistry here lol (maaaybe him and Marcille? Though idk I haven't seen it anywhere)
Random headcanon
I feel like I'm disappointing y'all but I don't make headcanons 😭
Unpopular opinion
Haven't seen that many takes regarding Senshi but I do think a lot of people really misunderstood the conflict between Marcille and him as one of them being wrong while the other is right while it was actually a ✨️nuanced situation✨️
Song I associate with them
Cooking by the Book ft Lil Jon
Favorite picture of them
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I have no shame
favorite thing about them
His boo- his a- his ha- the way information about him is drip fed as thw game goes on and you slowly get to piece together who he is
least favorite thing about them
Babygirl couldn't you maybe have CONSULTED the other ruler before DECLARING WAR????
favorite line
"Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... perfect weather for a game of catch"
Don't have one! Asgore is so isolated from the rest of the game that it's hard to actually pinpoint a relationship that's close tot hat status lol (though in DR Sans and him could have a nice dynamic)
Asgorudy 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I love old man tragic yaoi
Barring stuff that's Just Straight Up Gross, I'd have to say that I just don't like him and Toriel as a couple, a whole ago I'd have said that it's toxic but like. She doesn't like him. She made that clear. In Undertale he actually respects that.
Random headcanon
Definitely has a German accent, at least in Deltarune. Am I basing that solely off his song title? Maybe. But still.
Unpopular opinion
I don't think he dislikes Sans lmao even in Deltarune he's giving him free pickles, he doesn't seem like the type to be mad that his (ex)wife has a friend
Song I associate with them
Don't have one 😔 maaaybe smth like Adventure Time's Monster? Not sure
Favorite picture of them
JUST remembered his tarot card exists and holy shit
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I could ramble about this for hours what a fucking masterpiece
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Criminal Justice (2007)- Episodes 1-5. Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? RALPH STONE!
Warnings: Murder. Blood. Drug Use. Needle Use/Injection is shown on the scene. Drunk driving. Accused/discussed sexual assault. Abusive parents, grief, and general bullshit in the justice system.
Should you watch this if you haven't: YES! Five episodes, each being an hour, but if you don't have any issues with the warning, it should be a fun time. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this show and Con is a very important character! He is on screen more than most of his other tv parts and is having a great time. It's a story about one defendant and the shit that goes down as he's tried for the crime.
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Special thanks to:
@dianetastesmetal who I chatted with around midway through about the show! (For me it was ~2 in the morning, so it was a whole lot of fun!)
The Usual Suspects! I would love to hear your thoughts about this show down alone! I want to thank all of you for following me and giving me love. Y'all are enabling my current fixation, and I thank you all! If you haven't seen it, just ignore me <3
@sphealybojeely @thedowneyheart @kimpreg @gydima @ivegotnonameidea @treesofgreen @tummy-stab-wounds @mossiestpiglet @sidewalk-scrawls @crybabyclover @
Criminal Justice- EP 1 (Guest starring my brother)
Why does that kid look like Benedict Cumberbatch?
He just needs a haircut. That hair looks awful.
This takes place in 2008 right? 
Why didn't the dad knock?
He's going to go have sex, huh, he's not going to his friend's house. 
Is he going to abuse his position here? Pretend he's a cab driver?
I feel like cab drivers are trained to drop a rando with no destination to a hospital or a police station. 
Also, a situation that's only playful because it's a young woman. If this were a homeless person? This shit isn't flying. 
I got to inform my brother that in England they call soft-served ice cream 'whippies' after the popular brand 'Mr. Whippy', to which he just said 'it's a clown land'
DRUGS! Here we go!
This is suspicious as fuck. Don't take her booze! She's a chick you just met! 
Society would be a lot further on if we just stopped caring about peer pressure.
We have seen so much of this man's ass, why? 
We are 12 minutes in?
Oh. She's dead. She's so dead. 
OH SHIT. Yep thats a stabbing
Brother guesses it was the parent, I say ex lover.
God, he's just bad at this
This is an actual ACE ATTORNEY CASE WTF
Bro, is this your first break in?
Ohhh he's fucked. 
Ohhhhh, this is the cops best day of his life
Oh, good luck defense attorney Con. You better get Phoenix Wright levels of bullshit. 
Oh my god, don't fucking fight the cops. 
Bro, take a nap. It's been a long night. 
Hello Con! Lovely to see you. Love the rat man fit. I know it's on purpose, but damn. He looks wet.
This is where my brother bullies the shit out of Con. 
OH I LOVE HIM-He's actually giving good legal advice! The cops are going to do whatever they can to get a false conviction.
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'No comment man'- Hard nose solicitor I FUCKING LOVE IT
It's so much easier to be quiet when you're nervous. 
Lessons to be learned from this tv show: Don't random desperate women, don't fall to peer pressure, don't say shit to the police. 
They wouldn't have left her body there. They would have taken photos then taken the body out of the house asap. It's weird they've waited so long to investigate. 
Solicitation of evidence. It's illegal to receive testimony from a private source without giving the evidence to opposing council. 
Nice that she packed him a sandwich. 
Why is the shitty cops boss so much taller? That's funny. 
Whelp. RIP Ralph, you did all you could. Having the guy almost assault a police officer isn't fun.
Oh this whole detective thing feels illegal. Without his attorney to represent him.
Yeah. Sure. Don't get buddy-buddy with the guy who wants to put you away for years.  
They're in a public spot, there is no expectation for privacy and this can be recorded, HAHAHAHAHHAHA. GOOD, HE DIDN'T SAY SHIT. 
It's 2007, a bit of weird transphobia was to expected. 
Oh good, Ralph corrected himself about his client's name and pronouns, nice. 
Ralph at the end of ep 1-'I looked into his eyes, and we vibed. He can't be innocent'
EPISODE 2: This is where my brother dipped out, but I summarized as much as I could for him. 
I'm going to be honest I skipped through this ep a ton. I generally got the gyst. I'm here for my guy, you know. 
I watched a bit, but this just establishes our protagonist's life in jail. 
I skipped Ralph's scene/ the trial. Seriously the preview in ep 1 gives you the gist. Read a summary. Etc. His roomie is great.  
AHHH RALPHS SMILE. "I don't care what you'd do as a lawyer, just as a human being" AHHH. 
HAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAH! WTF?!?!?!??! Oh, poor ralph. You guy just blowing up in court.
At this point, if I was Ralph Stone, I wouldn't really believe him, but that's what that whole grin was for. He just knew our guy was innocent!
Episode 3
Oh good. Protag was able to deep throat the drugs. 
Ralph! AHHH!! God, he has great outfits in this show. 
WHY DOES RALPH HAVE A FOOT THING? I noticed it earlier, but why are we drawing attention to it. 
Oh good, Ralph doesn't want to senselessly tarnish a dead girl's name. Nice. 
THAT FACE! Uh, the reluctant face! Chewing on the lip! 
Ralph! AHHH!! God, he has great outfits in this show. 
WHY DOES RALPH HAVE A FOOT THING? I noticed it earlier, but why are we drawing attention to it. 
Oh good, Ralph doesn't want to senselessly tarnish a dead girl's name. Nice. 
THAT FACE! Uh, the reluctant face! Chewing on the lip! Love it.
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Ohhh, god. Ralph's a good actor. That's cute. 
'With alpha brain?' What the fuck?
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. I got to see his chest :)
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Oh, Ralph doesn't like this at all. But shit. Not much he can do. 
Oh no. It's really not ethical. And this yonger lady is going to mess it up. 
Is this inadvertently informing the audience of how fucked the courts can be. Which is both good and bad. People deserve to know exactly what our lawyers know.   
Ralph with glasses gives me life. 
Okay, this is fun. But maybe let's not make jokes in a murder trial?
I love the one juror struggling to stay awake. Showing that even with all these verbal chess, they still need to convince the jury. 
Hey, babe. If you really fucking hate prison, maybe don't give a shit about how your mom reacts here!
Good on Ralph. Trying to speak up for her. 
(Seeing Ralphs…ex? For the first time) Oh I love them. WHAT ARE THEY ON?
Oh good. We can really hate the cops now. I mean, I already did. BUT. 
God I hate her(lead defense lady), but this scene is fun. 
RALPH IS HAVING SUCH A GOOD TIME. He's watching the divorced parents fight and he loves it. He should be allowed to smile.
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Ha, she's sowing seeds of guilt but that's really not how the law works. 
Ralph-'I told you not to talk two episodes ago, and you do it fucking now?!?!??!?!'
Is Ralph being kinda shitty? Yes. Is there any other option right now? Nope. 
Them showing how mentally I'll people in prison are severely punished without being able to seek help is cool. 
Back to court- OHHHH! SHIT. Yeah, digging at how the medical examiner is only going on prosecution for the state is suspicious as fuck. 
Ralph, mentally deciding if now is a good place to just call it a day when his client is just begging to go to jail.
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OH ANOTHER FUCKING CON CHARACTER WHO FELL IN LOVE THE WRONG WAY!!?!?!?!??!?!!? Well, that fills out my bingo card. This makes maybe 20 characters. I swear to god, if he ends up sad and alone I will make a Con O'Neill drinking game. 
"Are you calling me a hypocrite?" *Slight head tilt* -ME rolling on the floor laughing
Good on Ralph for staying with him though. 
AWWW. Ralph's an asshole but this is one of the few cases that's gotten to him! I love it. :)
Aww, they are sweet as a couple, but he needs to reorient himself. Find his own center and work on not 'always looking for doubt' before moving on. 
OH GOD! Don't fucking smile Con. It's mean. To me. Personally. 
AHHH! HIS TICKS WHEN HE'S LYING! Okay, that's funny as shit. I love him.
It's good that the main defense younger lady and the defendant trust each other. AND CON'S GRIN!
Say what you will, this man loves his job
AHHHHHHH!H!H!H!H!HH!H!HH HE TOOK EVIDENCE BITCH! It proves that he stayed in her bed
Oh they're getting him addicted to drugs to keep him loyal. Whelp. That's going to ruin him.
Why is Ralph going into his clients home? 
Ralph(I'm paraphrasing)- Look, I'm a hard ass. I'm a dick who usually has guilty clients and does what he can to abuse loopholes and police mistakes to get them free. If I have a gut feeling, that really fucking matters. So I'm going to do what I can. 
Yeah, the neighbor did it
Stone is pissed, and doesn't want to freak out in court. OR HE'S GOING TO EXAMINE A WITNESS?
What act is he playing here? I love it. He's being a clever cheeky bastard. Knowing how people want to treat court like they're the important heros that can save the day! AHAHHAH! I love it. 
"Are you the kind of person-"- SHUT THE FUCK UP-He's just trying to establish his character before crushing it.
Ralph, I love you. Babe. This is the kind of trust in the justice system I need. 
Another court scene goes by without note. But Ralph shows up? Oh boy, I'm typing. 
Oh good. Ralph. 
OH MY GOD HIM FUCKING SITTING ON THE TABLE? Me Moment. Queer? Coded. I'm assigning it to him. I'm giving him an honorary badge even though this is probably one of his straightest roles. 
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Ralph- "I like getting my clients off." YEAH so does she! *Ba Dumb Tisk*. See, Ralph is smart. Get entangled with others in the arm of the law, not your fucking client. 
Scene passes without note. But a few prison scenes go by. 
GLASSES!!!!!! Look at them! THE EXAMINER GENUINELY HELPED. I'd also be smiling at him like that. 
Aww, Ralph's trying to ask without asking to hang out with a friend. 
Skipped a bit. Back in court. 
AWW Ralph and the yonger female defense attorney leaning together to chat. 
THAT FUCKING SMILE. GOOD FOR HIM! GOOD FOR HELLEN! I love that they're immediately like, yeah, this might be a conflict of witness BUT. She still has a point.
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DAMN. Good on the friend/witness. 
Oh wow, the cellmate is just as shitty and corrupt as everyone else? I'm shocked. 
I love Ralph trying his best here. 
"You're 46 years old, what do you know about justice?" :0. WOW.
FUCK if they pull her in the case is fucked. 
EP 5: 
Hour and a half deliberation is good! 
Yeah, I should have seen that coming. 
He's going to kill himself within a year. Calling it now. 
That moment when you work the same job as our prisoner protagonist 😐. Hey, don't dis a dishwashing job, protag. It's nice and easy.
"'Self-deprecating jokes get you out of hard questions'- avoids the question by shoving toast in his mouth"-me. God, I was messaging @dianetastesmetal during this bit. Who pointed out how loving these characters is a form of self-love, and I will partially embrace it. Maybe I just want to see a man with a nice chest and a nice smile huh! ;)
Oh good, the protagonist is doing more drugs. Love that
The hugging of the book! THE GRINNING! AHH!
This is why Ralph is emotionally distant, 'cause he's lost good cases before. HAHAHAHHA HE CAN'T LET IT GO. 
OH SHIT! RALPH INVESTIGATING THEIR RELATIONSHIP! He's asking the protagonist to sell out his legal advisor! 
No, RALPH IS SO RIGHT! She abused her station and got too close. 
Oh good. Another arm of the law is weird around police reports and evidence. Great.  
AHHH! Her sewing that little tidbit in the cop's head! She's onto him! 
Yeah, good on our protag to stand up for himself. 
Cellmate is going to get killed cause he knew too much, huh. 
Hey, good on the cop for looking into it a bit more. Still a jackass. But you know. 
Skipped a few scenes without note.
OHHH SHIT HE FILED THE SUIT!!!!!!! GOOD ON RALPH! We love a man who cares about giving justice to his client. 
'Frances- out for blood after Ralph is about to ruin her career'
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 'Ralph-Half passed out on a couch with a rag over his eyes, already done with this conversation. Ready to throw every insult she directed to him back into his face.'
Ralph knew to get romantically entangled with a medical examiner and not a fucking witness.
GET IT RALPH! God, good for him. SHE ABUSED HER POSITION! She took everything they worked for and threw it all away. She didn't let their client find justice. 
Yeah, cellmate's about to die, huh. 
OHHHH SHIT! GET IT!!!!!! Good on him! Yeah, he's going to get murdered, but good on him. MURDER THAT BASTARD! 
Oh, wow. Ben's life is ruined. He's hooked on drugs, and he thinks he has no prospects in life. 
Now he can't fall asleep without listening to the radio.
Hi Ralph. Why are we talking about your feet? 
Frances is fucked essentially. 
Yeah, going in for a mistrial was the right option. 
Yeah, no. Nothing would have changed if Ben told Ralph the truth the moment they met. Good on Ralph! Giving our protag a bit of closure on this whole thing. Telling that none of this was really his fault.  
Yep. He had his last few free years of youth ripped from him. 
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Final thoughts:
I think the fact that this was a mob member being the real murder and that it was covered up was the real thing here. The entire point and moral the audience was meant to learn. It didn't matter if Ben had the best case, the entire Crown was against him. Ralph and his team could have been the best defense lawyers in the world and it still would have gotten buried. I'm happy the final evidence came out, obviously, but Ben was fucked over in so many ways. Now what life does he have? He lost his friends, his trust in his family, and is now destined to fall back into the system he knows. It's a shame. 
Con: 11+/10. Long hair AND glasses AND he's Exhausted! Perfect role. I want him. I want to be him. He's divorced, and sad, and I love it.
Ralph saved this series for me personally. He was so much fun. I will be updating the Con list here soon to include bit TV roles. Ralph is going to be high on my ranking. We are given a Con character who has REAL impact on the story, introduces the audience to the rules of this world, AND GETS A HAPPY ENDING! It's brilliant. Obviously, there are moral issues to him being such a good defense attorney to allow criminals to get away, but this whole story was about giving Ralph a different perspective. He's a slime-ball but he's not totally against change. Willing to look at other perspectives. He started to genuinely care about his client, and didn't treat it as some weird game of chess. Him genuinely helping the younger defense attorney was nice, especially because he rarely blew up at her for her choices. He did his best to help where he could and didn't take things personally when shit blew up. 
Con's acting here is so fun and fluid! I hate being a person that ties OFMD into everything, but this is kind of what I want Izzy to become. Con's allowed to be fun! He's allowed to be mad, suspicious, have doubt etc. There are a few scenes that got me chuckling just by his face! He feels really confident and comfortable in this role. He talks with his hands! He's a dick, a total slime-ball, but he really cares about getting things done right! I love it. 
Everyone else: 8/10. Nothing really stood out besides our protagonist, and after a quick google, he won an award for this role. Which is deserved. He does great. I liked the characters the show wanted me to like, and vice versa. 
Story 7/10: Intriguing. I had fun, but this show sits more in the turn off your brain and gets swept along by the bullshit, vs trying to solve it yourself. 
Overall. 9/10: I highly recommend it if the tags don't worry you. Con is in this enough to justify a Con watch. I have a thing for Professor esk Con. I will not be ashamed about that. His whole speech about how he was perceived was nice. Now, this is about five hours of commitment, but If you need something longer I'd recommend it.
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months
Re-uploading my library with only the fluffier🌺 pieces, because fiction⛔reality, but nobody told the 🧌🧌 that
If you used to follow me at sarah-writes-stucky, this is the reboot of that blog, so please give a follow and a re-blog! I miss y'all!
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📖It Started with Helga the Lunch Lady
Rated T
Pairing: Bucky x Steve
Tags: Dom/sub au, sub Steve, subdrop, humor, Sam Wilson is a good bro
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Summary: After a slight collapse at work, Steve is forced to admit his status as a high needs submissive. A prequel starting point for "Wet Dream"
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"SO, I'm gonna assume you lied on your paperwork," Sam says, asking and yet somehow stating at the same time. He's looking at Steve from across the shiny top of the conference table with his big googly eyes - his "don't bullshit me" eyes - and Steve's plans to lie through his teeth dissolve into dust and float away.
"Yeah," he mumbles, unhappy about having to fess up. But it's pretty obvious at this point, since he's just come from the mess - where he'd collapsed.
All the lunch lady had to do was tell him a little too authoritatively that she wanted to see him "be a good boy and clean [his] plate today," and the next thing Steve knows, Sam's scraping him off the floor and walking him to the nearest vacant room, dumping him into a conference chair and complaining about how heavy he is.
"It's not a problem," Steve hurries to say, though his speech is still noticeably clumsy from the lunchroom incident.
Sam scowls. "Rogers, just, I mean - well look at yourself!"
What used to be a tuna sandwich is smeared down the front of Steve's shirt and the crotch of his pants, like damning evidence, a metaphor for his shitty and unfulfilling dating life. Steve frowns down at it, feeling miserable. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I did. Lie."
"I didn't think I'd get the job if I- "
"YOU wrote down that you were a one," Sam interrupts harshly. "That's what you said when I interviewed your ass." He folds his arms across his chest, eyes flicking up and down disdainfully at Steve's ruined clothes. "And over my dead Titi's grave are you a one. So, what level are you?"
Steve winces. "It's really not that big of a d- "
"What. level?"
Steve's shoulders slump and he glumly admits, "... six."
Sam jerks away from the table with a 'what the fucking hell!' gesture.
"I'm sorry! okay?"
"What the fucking hell, Rogers?"
"I know, I know."
"You could get in big trouble for this, Steve!" Sam jabs a finger in his direction, then turns it on himself. "Hell, I'm gonna get in trouble."
"Nobody's gonna get in trouble," Steve insists, some of his fire coming back at the idea of everybody at his work knowing. "Cause you're not gonna tell anybody. Sam? Sam!"
"Shut up." Sam's not even looking at him. He's pulled his phone out, is looking something up, muttering under his breath about how he's sick and tired of dealing with 'too many goddamn cocky dumbass Army grunt jarheads' until he finds what it is he's been searching for. He taps on the screen and puts the phone to his ear, pointing at Steve with big, wide, angry googly eyes when he sees Steve's mouth open to argue again. "Ah! Not a word."
Steve can only sit there helplessly as he hears Sam's call being picked up, and then he has to suffer through the small torture of not interrupting while his manager has a clipped conversation with somebody on the other end of the line about his "high needs employee."
"Sam," he tries again, once Sam's hung up from the call. "I don't need that, seriously,"
"No, you do, seriously," Sam says tersely, glaring across the table for another second before his angry expression gives way to that of a worried friend. He sighs and stands up, rounding the table to stand next to Steve. "Look, man, I get it. You don't want to tell people, that's your business. But you can't go without getting dropped. Not for however long I know your stubborn ass's probably gone. Falling apart just cause Hilda looks at you sideways?"
"... it's Helga," Steve mumbles. "And hey, you don't know: she can be really intimidating." It's a weak argument that holds up about as well as Steve had, back in the mess. Sam doesn't even dignify it with an answer. "What're you gonna do?" Steve worries.
Sam puts a hand on his shoulder. He pats him. "Nothing, if you take care of yourself." He removes the hand and heads for the door just behind and to Steve's left. "I'll text you the place. You're off on personal leave the rest of this week- "
"Sam!" Steve starts to twist around towards the door but Sam's already out in the hallway.
"You've got that, plus the weekend to handle it. And I'll know if you lie about going!"
Steve turns back around, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he clenches his teeth. A moment later, there's a 'buzz' against his leg. He maneuvers past a glob of mayonnaise to pull his phone out of his pocket. As promised, there's one new text.
[11:59 AM] Sam Wilson (VA job):
"Safe Haven Respite Services, LLC"
1472 Halifax St., Ste. C.
--ask for "Bucky" (and don't be an ass!)
Steve purses his lips, knowing that he's going to have to do it if he wants to keep his job. Feeling both tired and grumpy, he lets his hands fall into his lap and scowls down at the phone.
What the hell kind of simp-ass Dom even calls themself something stupid like "Bucky," anyway?
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If you liked what you read and feel so inclined, please consider dropping a tip in the Kofi🍵 cup. It's a big part of what allows me to take time to write. Thanks!
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 3: Mommy/Daddy//Threesome//Wax Play
Pairing: Dave York x Carol York x F!Reader Word Count: 1K+ Warnings: SMUT, threesome activities, pet names, daddy/mommy kink, double penetration, strap on, oral (f receiving), anal sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, some degrading language, unprotected sex, creampie A/N: This is my first attempt at Kinktober and like third attempt at writing smut! I'll be following @absurdthirst 's list :) I have a couple more planned out but I make no promises! Happy Kinktober y'all!!!
"Mommy…Daddy!" You whine out hopelessly. Completely blinded by pleasure.
It'd started what felt like hours ago. When Carol and Dave came to you with an idea. They both wanted to dominate you in a way you'd only ever dreamed about. Now here you were living your ultimate fantasy, sandwiched between the Yorks.
"Shh baby…you're doing so good for us." Carol hushes your cries in a loving voice. "You're taking Mommy so well." She smiles against your jaw, placing butterfly kisses along your neck. Her hands teasing your nipples, pinching them. Thrusting harder up into your cunt with the double sided strap.
"Pretty girl, so drunk on us fucking you." Dave teases. "You're just Mommy and Daddy's pretty play toy huh?" He smirks against the back of your head. His hands dig deeper into your hips, pulling you back harder on his cock.
Their voices circle you like a pair of sharks. The stretch of both of them leaving you cock drunk. If there was ever a question of how they had managed to stay together so long, the answer was obvious now. They worked beautifully together. A perfect rhythm of push and pull. Dave and Carol functioning as the ocean in constant negotiation with the moon, leaving you as a poor little sail boat caught up in their storm.
"Fuck-" Carol murmurs in your neck, a loud moan escaping her lips. She peeks up to look over your shoulder to Dave, who's lost in the feeling of your tight hole. "Dave?" She says to get his attention. He's eyes snap up to meet his wife's. All she does is give him a nod, which he returns with his own.
They'd planned out everything. These two had a whole fucking game plan on just how exactly they wanted to ruin you. How to extract the most pleasure out of this for all parties. And you? Well you'd been totally left in the dark. Totally at their mercy.
"Switching up position, Baby Girl." That's all the warning Dave gives you.
In a flash, Carol has pulled out of you; leaving your cunt to clench around nothing. Dave roughly pushes you down to your elbows. His hand on your lower back keeping you arched for him as he continues to fuck you, now free to begin his own brutal pace. Carol smiles sweetly at you as she shifts to lay down in front of your face. Her glistening pussy on full display for you. Instinctively, your arms wrap around her thighs desperate to pull her closer. You lean in to taste her, but Dave roughly grabs your head pulling you back. You let out a whine, annoyed at the interruption.
"Where are your manners, Babygirl?" He scolds you. "You gotta ask your Mommy for what you want." He smirks over at Carol, who is enjoying the view. The image of her husband fucking into you from behind having an obvious effect on her.
"Mommy! Mommy please- let me lick your pussy. It's so pretty…I'll be a g-good girl!" You struggle to get the words out with Dave still fucking you harshly.
Carol nods at her husband again, signaling him to let you go.
Your head drops down again to her dripping cunt. You look up at Carol from over her stomach, "Thank you!"
You moan into her pussy as you take a long lick up her core. The taste of her is sweet and tangy. From your time with the Yorks, you can tell she's really close. Carol's hole flutters in front of you, reaching for something to cum around. You're more than eager to comply as you fill her with your tongue, earning you a long series of moans from her.
"G-good girl!" She praises, her eyes can't decide if it's hotter to watch you or her husband. "Fuck- eating me out and- taking Daddy's cock so well."
Her back arches off the bed. Hips fucking up against your tongue. You feel her tighten around your tongue as a rush of slick makes its way down your throat. Eagerly, you clean it all up. Unwilling to pull away from her delicious cunt.
Your hands dig into her thighs, trying to steady yourself from Dave's harsh thrusts behind you. He's only gotten more erratic, more hard. It's obvious Dave is also close to cumming. He puts a hand back on your head, shoving your tongue deeper into Carol.
"Get it all, Baby. Take all of your Mommy's cum. Fuck-"
Dave clenches his jaw, trying to draw out his orgasm wanting you to fall apart with him. As well as you knew the Yorks, they knew you just as well. Carol and Dave both could tell you were reaching your breaking point, even if you didn't know yet. Dave reaches around and starts playing with your clit.
"Come on Pretty Girl, cum for Daddy." He beckons you.
Carol pulls you away from her, wanting to hear you. "Mommy wants to see you cum on Daddy's cock. Nice and loud, Baby." She encourages you, stroking your head lovingly.
Suddenly, you feel it. The tightly wound band in your tummy eager to pop. Dave pinches your clit sending you overboard. Your core snaps like an elastic band as you cum around nothing. Dave hisses as your ass tightens around him.
"Daddy! M-mommy!" You cry out to both of them. Your head drops to lie on Carol's thigh.
Eager to praise you, Carol continues stroking your head. "Good girl, you did so good cumming for us."
Your body relaxes into the arches position, feeling too exhausted to fight against Dave's brutal thrusts anymore. A couple more deep thrusts and Dave is filling you with his cum. His hands digging into your hips. Spreading your cheeks to see his cum leak out of you.
"Fuck- that's a pretty sight Babygirl. You did so good for Mommy and Daddy letting us both play with your holes." He can't help the smile that comes over him as he looks down to see you cuddling against Carol's thigh. Slowly he pulls out of you, careful not to hurt you. He playfully pats your ass, "Go on ahead. Go lie with Mommy. I'll go get rags to clean up."
With that, you slowly crawl up Carol's body, already a bit sore. You lie on her chest; Carol continues her praise.
"Such a good girl. Do you feel okay?"
You nod your head in response, feeling too tired to verbalize.
Soon, Dave returns with rags and water for everyone. Noting your tiredness, Carol and Dave take special care to clean you up well. Together they shower you in praise and affection, of course sharing with each other too.
Tomorrow, you'd feel refreshed enough to elaborate on how much you loved tonight. But for now you were content to drift off to sleep, in your rightful place right between the Yorks.
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agereoneshots · 1 year
The next time Right had the chance to see Reginald again was at lunch.
"How's it goin'?" Right asked as he opened the door. Burt was sitting on the floor, Sven and Reginald playing next to him. Sven was playing with his shark while Reginald played with some toy cars.
"They've been doing good all day." Burt showed one of his very very very rare smiles.
"Huh. Well I'll bring you three some food. What y'all want?" Right leaned on the doorframe.
"Sammich?" Reginald asked. Right smiled, Reginald loved grilled cheese sandwiches when little.
"And tomato soup?" Reginald smiled and nodded.
"Oh, grilled cheese. Yeah, that's a great idea for lunch. Bring enough for me and Sven as well. Please." Burt added the please on after remembering he is talking to his superior.
"Yeah, sure. Makes it easier for me." Right smiled as he left. Today was a good day.
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londoninafog · 2 years
My Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Thoughts as I Play The Game
Part 2/???
~Spoiler Warning~
The grass leader is into some kinky shit
He carries around a fucking whip, I don't want to know what he does in the bedroom
The Sunflora gym trial was wholesome as shit
Klawf is also amazing, love him sm
Arven calls me his little buddy <3
Koraidon really loves sandwiches huh
Y'all, I'm struggling to catch a level 10 Gimmighoul
Love that the director is in disguise for the Team Star raids
Like, bitch I know it's you
The shiny sound effect only happens once you enter battle, so I almost missed this little guy
Katy's design is perfect, I love her sm
So kids in the Pokémon universe get told that they came from the Bombirdier
Kofu also looks like he gives the best hugs
Rika is giving me INTENSE gender envy
*ominous black stake glowing through the ground*
Me:..I'm gonna pull it...
I still don't know what that stake was for
Arven: Maybe Koraidon is having a mental block, or psychological trauma
Me: Trauma, I'm familiar
I love how we can make friendships with our teachers, it's really wholesome and sweet
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whumpookies · 1 year
Nevermind writing the date backwards, I want to know why y'all seem to think it's acceptable to put baked beans on your toast? Y'all like your toast wet and soggy, huh? Although when my British friend first told me about beans on toast I thought she meant string beans and was even more bewildered. That is a crime against humanity in itself and potato chips in a sandwich? Please explain what that's about.
Anoni 🤣🤣
Oh this is brilliant, for one I'm a mix i like beans on toast but not on my toast!
With lashings of butter 😋
Well, let me tell you, us Brits have a peculiar taste when it comes to breakfast (or any meal for that matter). Baked beans on toast is a classic, it's our version of peanut butter and jelly!
The fact it was the concept of baked beans on toast seems to be an iconic British staple, this was thought up by Heinz (yep, the ketchup company) they claim the combo was invented by one of its executives in 1927.
But It's a perfect combination of protein and carbs, and let's be real, who wants dry toast anyway?
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As for the potato chips (crisps) in a sandwich, it's all about the crunch and flavour from salt and vinegar, cheese and onion to beef & onion and even roast dinner flavour!
We like to add some texture to our sandwiches, and what better way to do that than with some crispy, salty goodness? So, while it may seem strange to some, to us it's just another delicious snack.
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And hey, don't knock it until you've tried it!
Whumpookies 🍪
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential!
*This is no longer true
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide!
Oooooooo spahooky
That's a fun one. I like that. The angst potential is huge! Amazing!
Vanessa has been through so much and here we are putting her through more it really does suck to be a blorbo, huh?
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thatoneguy031 · 10 months
Pelipper Mail!
A bunch of containers, filled with leftover food from the day's events. The contents include but are not limited to:
Fried Chicken (which one? who knows)
Chocolate creme pie
Cooper's signature Pink Aprijuice
A couple batches of sushi!
An ordinary sandwich, to contrast the Paldean sandwiches we've seen every now and again.
There's a note, too: "Bet you didn't expect to get any of this yourself, huh? Cheers! Should be enough for all of you. -Cooper" @silverott-chevalier
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I- You... What...
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...Thanks, guys. You shouldn't have. And the fact that what I gave to you was so small in comparison... I'm so thankful for being able to know you all.
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Food! HUMAN FOOD! Dude, this is so sick! You guys are sick! All of you!
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Y'all sure you don't want some of this back? If anything, I'm just grateful that y'all had tolerated my crap for so long! Especially if stuff like this is the payoff!
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On a real note, though... Y'all aren't half bad. Thanks for this. ...And for not snitching about anything.
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... <We dont talk alot. but i like you alot. for everything you did for us. for beng frends. not just me. but samrot and flygon to. ma gods bles you in futr.>
(We may not talk a lot, but I appreciate all of you. For everything you've done for us. Not just me, but Samurott and Flygon, too.
...May the gods bless you in the future.)
[Mx. Suicune gave an approving nod, as though to legitimize their statements.]
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C'mon, dude... What're the waterworks for? No need to get so sentimental...
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Especially because you're gonna make me cry, too...
Let's just eat before all the food gets cold...
0 notes
kinggoldthetrueone · 1 year
SCD! Deltarune Season 1 part 10
Jarry: Why do you want a snack so bad?
Hearts: Because I do
Jarry: Fine here
Hearts: * Praises the cheeeeese sandwich * Yum 😋
Jarry: We shall take a break
Chris: Where are we?
Larry: We are at.......well I actually don't know
Stephanie: Heh what is....
7Heart: Well hullo
Jachcer: Welp hello there
Larry: It's that guy again
Chris: What are you doing here
Jachcer: O right. HA HUH HEE you must past all of the before you go to the rest. HA HUH....HEE
Chris:....That was terrible
Jachcer: What?
Chris: You wasn't confident enough
Jachcer: What
Chris: You sounded too unsure
Jachcer: Heh
Jachcer: What's the matter?
Chris: You sounded like you are not ready to actually act brave
Jachcer:...I am
Chris: Hmm 🧐 you have to fake it
Jachcer: Teach me?
Larry:.... 😯
Jachcer: Well like this HA HUH HEE. YOU WILL BE DUUNKED ON
Chris: Gooder but I think you could do better
7Hearts: Let's just do this
Jachcer: Let's go now * Brings 7Heart with him *
Checky: HUO. Hou are u?
Larry:.... 😐
Larry: That's not English
Checky: HEllll o HUO u?
* Encounter starts *
Larry: This doesn't make sense
Stephanie: O my God. It's so adorable 😍
Chris:..... 😑
Larry: What do we do?
Chris: * Selects fight and jumps it back in one hit *
Stephanie: How could you?
Larry: I don't understand
Chris: It was a abomination
Stephanie: It was cute
Stephanie: With a adorable smile
Chris: It doesn't matter
Larry: I don't think it's ok that you could you know....damage anyone just because you really want to
Chris: Nah I can
Larry: I said no
Chris: When was there care?
Larry: Let's just go in
* In the checkers place fight area *
Sidekick: I think I need some more.....black berries.
Jarry: You already have enough.
Hearts: But....I want some more sandwiches
Larry:..... 😯
Jarry: I you can't pass now. Why are eating
Larry: That doesn't make sense
Jarry: You must wait
Jachcer: Hello
Jarry: O
Jachcer: * Uses his Scythe to tear up they're food *.....
Jachcer: O it was in his way
Hearts: My food :(
Sidekick: * Still eats it *
Larry: That was rude
Jachcer: CHRIS :)
Hearts: I don't understand why anyone would still eat that
Checky: Hello
Jachcer: So where y'all going?
Chris: We are going to the dark fountain
Larry: Shouldn't you say sorry
Jarry: Hmm 🧐 geuss it's time to ruin your hopes Lightners
Jachcer: What do you mean?
Jarry: We are going to fight them
Jachcer: Not now, these are my friends. I don't want to fight with anyone now
Jarry: Look kid I don't care
Jachcer:....I am the Prince of this world
Jarry: FINE
Jarry: What
Checky: Hul lo
Jachcer: O NO
Jarry: O no
Checky: He he
Chris: What's the matter?
0 notes
Huh like a workout place?
Uhh ohh
OPE 😳😬😬
That is NOT good xdd
Hmm I bet this place/class isn't great for you xdd
Maybe I'm wrong but eh lol
Ooh you don't see what every day 👀👀
Oh hi lady :D
Ohh okay an annoying neighbor storyline xDD
As every good show has to have lol /lh
I knew as soon as Chimney said what do you think of her xD
Ope wait 😳😳👀 she's odd 😳
Because this is 9-1-1 xDD it's gotta have extra ~flair~
Lol but I don't mind it! I'm here aren't I XD
Ooope o.o 👀👀
OOHH oope just outta prison o.o 👀👀😳😬
I mean that doesn't necessarily mean anything and maybe the plot's about them misjudging her but o.o 👀👀
OOGH interestinggg o.o 👀👀👀👀
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode!! I thought it was amazing :DD. Okay, fair warning from this sentence on, it is the day before the next episode (I may even end up finishing it day of). So. Yeah this'll probably be really short xD. Especially because it's been so long since the episode! Anyway :). THE BUDDIE MOMENTSSSS!!! And Y E S S S we finally avenged Wendell :'DD. Luckily, without any other casualties (be that death or arrest xd). I'm so glad :')). And on Buck's side besides Buddie, I'm really glad he's starting to open up about how he's feeling with everything <33. Also, I'm not really nervous for next week, but it certainly looks interesting 👀! Anyway, I loved the storylines today, they were amazing 😭😭🥰❤️.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Hen! Lovely as always 🥰🥰. I really loved Hen checking up on Buck (very literally at some points lol, in Dr. Hen mode XD), even if it was orchestrated by Maddie. I think Hen would've gone over anyhow :). But yeah! I love her <3. And I'm sure she was great at her job :)) (I don't think her checking in on Buck counts as us seeing it lol). Also the fondue pot thing XDDD. I can't lol 🥰🥰.
Chimney! Just like Hen, we didn't see him much this episode, but as always it was great to see him and Maddie :)). And again, the fondue pot XDD. But I'm a bit nervous for them next week 👀. I'm sure it'll turn out okay, but theirs was really the only personal plot we got to see in the promo, so I'm obviously focused on it lol. But, yeah, a bit nervous o.o! Anyway, for what we did see of him, he was great :). I love him :DDD. And I'm sure he was, as always, great at his job 🥰.
Maddie! She was great this episode :). Her organizing the scheme for Buck was hilarious xD. But also sweet :)). I mean, it clearly wasn't what he wanted, but it was a nice thought lol. And their conversation at the end 😭😭❤️. I love them so much :')). Start with a Buck and Maddie conversation and end with a Buck and Maddie conversation <33. I don't know if they were the exact beginning and ending scenes but eh whatever. Anyway lol :). Also, again, she and Chimney will probably be just fine, but the next episode looks a bit wild. Anyway! I love her 🥰🥰. And I'm sure she was amazing at her job :D.
Eddie! HOOOO MY BOYYYY THE BUDDIE MOMENTS!! I don't know if I'm just saying my boy or if I'm talking about Eddie but xD. Anyway, obviously I have to mention the couch (the COUUUCHHHHH), and just the domesticity of sandwiches and whatnot was adorable :')). Also, I love how Eddie respected his request not to be asked <333. Until he let Buck have a bit, anyway :). Also, the discussing of his coma? 😭😭😭 Y'all, I am not okay <333. So much quality buddie content, but also just emotional scenes this episode in general, and so lovely <33. Anyway, he's great 🥰🥰. I love him <3. And I'm sure he was great at his job lol.
Athena! She slayed this episode :D. Seeing her worried about Bobby was just 😭😭😭, but I'm so glad everything worked out :'DD. Luckily they managed to do it, together <33. Athena did a lot of great work this episode, and again, it just showcased how much she loves Bobby really well <333. I love them so much your honor :'D. Anyway, yeah :)). She was great at her job this episode, even if she wasn't technically on the clock for most of it lol. But she did amazing 🥰🥰. I love her :)).
Buck! My boyyyyy 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. He was really going through it this episode xd. I'm so proud of him though :')). He's opening up about it a bit, and it seems like he's on a good path <333. But seriously the angst man 😭😭😭. Although the humor laced throughout it was really nice XDD (like the people coming over to be with him, and couch theory aside just walking into Eddie's house and promptly falling asleep on his bed- WHOOPS SLFKGHDHJKS - couch xD). Anyway, I hope he doesn't make toooo crazy of decisions because of his near death experience xdd 😭. Buddie I wouldn't mind though 👀👀 - and that would seem pretty crazy XD. Anyway, his scenes with everyone, but especially Maddie and Eddie, were amazing :')). Though if you want to talk to someone who's had a more similar coma experience I think you'll have better luck with TK dude, lol. Of course he's not in love with TK so yk <33. XDDD Anyway lol! The part at the end where he admitted to checking if reality was real, especially the texting Bobby one - I can't 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️. He is my boy and I love him SO much <333. Anyway, yeah :)). He's currently not working, but I'm sure he WOULD'VE been Greta at his job xD. Well, hey, right now his job is recovering, so yeah, good for him xD. He's doing amazing lol <33.
Bobby! BOBBYYYY 😭😭😭. Man was going through it this episode, possibly more than anyone else (I say possibly but, sorry Buck, he was xd). I am really happy he managed to avenge Wendell though :')). And it's a really good thing those people are in prison xdd <333. And those FLASHBAAACKS!!! They can't just hit me with those 😭😭😭❤️💔. They were amazing though <333. I think it really helped cement their friendship for us, since we never got them before this plot - he did just kinda show up xd. Anyway, I'm SO GLAD Bobby's okay, and same for everyone else :')). Especially what's her face (I'm so sorry girl I cannot remember your name xD). Also, of course, Bathena was amazing :'DD. Anyway! Bobby was so great <33. I love him so much :'))). And I'm sure he did great at his job lol - his day job, not solving mysteries to avenge people xD. But yeah <3. I'm just really glad he can have some peace of mind - though obviously with everything it won't be much. And also, :OOO he's the leader of the meetings now!!! That's awesome :')). I don't wanna say he deserved it and make it sound like a promotion (or punishment lol), I just mean he's definitely capable <333. Now he can help others the way Wendell helped him :')) (I swear that parallel at the end there was amazing 😭😭❤️).
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! We didn't see too much of the others, besides Buck and Bobby (and Athena) that is, but it was a really great episode :D. And not that I haven't enjoyed the storyline - it's not that whatsoever -, but I'm really glad the Wendell plot is over. It was good, and I'm glad they didn't drag it out too long :D. And also that he got that closure :'). Or at least his family did, if he didn't mind from beyond the grave lol xd. Anyway xd, Buck opening up and starting to move forward with his life and Bobby doing the same thing was just so :'D. Like father, like son :'))) 😭😭❤️❤️ <3. Also, I'm a bit nervous for the next episode! Not too much, and we only saw Maddie and Chimney's plot besides the call(s? I don't remember lol), but still. It looks interesting! And I'm sure there will be other to worry about lol. Anyway, this episode everybody was great :). I think this is the start of a new- well, not quite era, but time :)). Obviously stuff still carries over, especially with Buck, but with him starting to figure stuff out and Wendell put to rest (the storyline and kind shim literally lol), something new is coming :)). I'm excited! But anyway, it was a great end to all that <3.
So yeah! I loved this episode. I thought it was super good. I'm a tiny bit nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 12: Recovery
It was amazing! I'm definitely excited to see what happens next, be that next episode or further on I'll be here next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 13: Mixed Feelings
See you next week!
0 notes