#not to be like look at emilia clarke but look at emilia clarke
cicerobussytransplant · 5 months
a point worth making when talking about the decrease of sexually explicit movies is that its happening simultaneously with an increase of intimacy coordinators and stronger awareness wrt making actors comfortable performing them. and potentially contractual power to refuse to do them without shooting your career in the foot
like yes, sure a lot of ppl watching are uncomfortable with sex scenes in many ways tumblr routinely dunks on, but also like lmao exploitation of young women who had to make rent-money and could be coerced into nudity/sex scenes they werent comfortable with was an issue in the industry for the longest time (and still is)
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alicentloyalist · 10 months
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ncthandrake · 11 days
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN Game of Thrones | S01E01
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melrosing · 7 months
really really really tired of asoiaf (but lbr mostly hotd) fans who keeping whining about how ‘ugly’ the actor playing whichever of their faves is, or getting up in arms at the very idea that someone who looks like anything besides AI wank material could be cast as a targaryen etc like ok then just leave lol. it’s a book series that intentionally includes ugly characters and their experiences of ugliness and if you are that disturbed by the thought of even an ordinary looking person playing a fictional character in a tv show then go somewhere else bc clearly u do not like the material you just want something to get off to
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thequeenwechoose · 11 months
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Daenerys Targaryen's beige dress in 4k
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youwerenevermine · 1 year
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EMILIA CLARKE || @ Glastonbury with her friends, via instagram (June 27, 2023)
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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Jade👑 ⛈️
Jade looking like she could be in House of The Dragon 🐉
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mzannthropy · 2 years
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Kindred spirits appear when you least expect them (geddit?).
Normally it wouldn't be a massive deal hating something popular, bc inevitably, everyone's gonna hate something popular at some point in their lives. But what do you do when you hate Me Before You and LOVE Sam Claflin, what do you do then? What do you do, when you see an article about him and get that dreaded feeling in your stomach as you click to open it, bc you know that film will be mentioned? (I want to hug every journalist who doesn't bring it up. Nicely done work, Men's Health.) What do you do when you see all the comments from people who love that film saying how much they cried? (Why? WHY???? What is there to cry about? How easily impressed people are by a cheap tearjerker?) What do you do when that film is sold as the best thing in romance, a True Love (how?), a "doomed love story" (how????? Romeo and Juliet is a doomed love story, not this trash). What do you do when you know there are much, much better, more quality films with Sam to watch, with better developed female characters AND love interests--but everyone ignores them? What do you do?
Will: You're the only thing that makes me wake up in the morning.
Also Will: kills himself.
How truly inspirational! /s
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
i probably shouldn’t watch got 2, for my health, but know that i’m rooting for the brunette #brunetterights
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linnienin · 1 year
🖤A s t e r o i d ⁕ P a n t h e r a ⁕4 1 9 8🖤(through the signs and degrees) ~~~~~~~~~~~ Y o u r ⁕ p r e d a t o r y ⁕ e n e r g y ~~~~~~~~~~~
A warrior, a schemer, a predator. Smooth and calculated movements, planning how to kill you in complete silence. The black panther doesn't show off their plan, they only show you their claws.
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The panther is part of the leopard family but it's easily identified because of its black mantle. Usually outcasted due to this difference, they face more difficulties in their habitat as they can't hide so well like others leopards (a black spot is easily identified by potential preys). They take the harder route, panthers also love to jump from tree to tree to assess the situation from a higher perspective. Because of those challenges, they know how to get a better understanding of their environments and know how to use it to their advantage
🖤 M y ⁕ i n t e r p r e t a t i o n :
In my opinion, Asteroid Panthera (4198) in a birth chart shows you:
⁕ How you scheme to catch your target ⁕ How you fight to gain respect ⁕ Your fighting temperament
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The special-0 degrees : They are THE panther🖤. Surrounded by a mysterious but fiery aura. They have qualities that resembles the ones of these felines. Could love to climb or run as a sport. Enjoy risky activities cause they crave that adrenaline rush 🔥. They could even have physical traits resembling those of a panther, like a feline type of appeal (especially if you have this asteroid in 1st house and 0°). Dominant personalities. Get easily involved in fights lol. They have a big ego and have a need to show their potential to everyone, cause they really crave recognition. Possessive but very caring. Put others needs first, cause this way they feel they're the provider and hold the power.
Celebs examples of Panthera at 0°: Simone Ashley, Jennifer Lawrence, the Weeknd, Beyoncé, Jamie Campbell Bower, Johnny Depp
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Aries / 1-13-25 degrees : Straight to the point, leaving their mark boldly 💥. Quick, harsh movements. Impulsive if triggered. Experts of both mental and physical aggression because of their experience. They never hold back to new scary trials, cause they're fearless. Incredible strategy skills, you make It looks like you come from the army lol (maybe you do!). But even if they create different plans they usually stick to one plan until the end, yes, even if it means dying on the battelfield (sometimes being fearless can make you blind to danger). Kings/queens of the territory. Insatiable warriors. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy.
Celebs examples: Amita Suman, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Emilia Clarke, Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep
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Taurus / 2-14-26 degrees : Waiting in the lair for the food to come lol🍗. Not an obvious striker. Slow but steady, plan to trap their prey with their sensuality. Da 'lazy' panther: they don't even bother to plan or think about catching their prey, they get It like this 👏. Sometimes they may appear superficial or dumb, but well, it's part of their stategy 😉. Everyone wants them because they look at them as the perfect throphy and these natives know this very well as they have a high sense of self-worth. They're silent most of the times cause they're relaxing knowing they got ya... "why you feeling ✨ jittery✨darling, i'm here with you...oh sweetie by the way, did you buy that tiara of diamonds i told you i really liked?" 👀. So pretty It hurts...yeah, hitting your self-esteem to make you fall at their feet 😏
Celebs examples: Marylin Monroe, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Keanu Reeves, Naomi Campbell, Grace Jones
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Gemini / 3-15-27 degrees : Too fast you can't keep up 🌪️. You won't see them coming in any way. They are like a rap song, you're vibing until you realize the words they're speaking 😶. Funny queens/kings that kill you with their sense of humour. Rolling eyes at you, putting into discussion your crafting level as their strategy to make you feel worthless. They have beautiful nails/claws (ngl they really do). These mfk are so freaking versatile and well-rounded, they can do anything... No one knows as many things as they do. The real street smart. They make you think you dodged them but they have already 1827829292 other plans on how they could catch you, you have no escape sorrynotsorry 👋
Celebs examples: Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jamie Dornan
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Cancer / 4-16-28 degrees : Baby panthers everyones wanna protect 🥺, until you realize you should have protected yourself from them lol. So frail they could break and cut you with one of their heart's sharp broken pieces. Jumping on you by jumping on your emotions. Changing moods 24/7 to confuse you even further. Shiny deeply emotional eyes on all the time. They rarely leave their lair but when they do, you know it's trouble (cause they reached an extreme). Like the moon, they catch your attention by making themselves appear all alone, until you realize they were always in their comfortable spot and only waiting for you to get trapped by the immense darkness around. 🌚
Celebs examples: Lily Rose Depp, Chadwick Boseman
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Leo / 5-17-29 degrees : Grumpy cats that want it all *cute umpf sound*😾. Get out of their ways to catch their prey. Hella talented. Work so freaking hard to improve their skills you'll see them making a whole choreography while hunting. They catch so many people's attentions. Now they use that crowd as a fortress with no exits for their prey to escape 😘. But hurt their ego and they can take a looot of time to get back to hunting with some pride. They're the best at taking care of their people, they share the food (keep the best part for themselves tho lmaoo) and they're protective towards their loved ones. Truly fighters with a biig heart and of course they have a *dramatic showy hunting style* 💃
Celebs examples: Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Helena Bonham Carter
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Virgo / 6-18 degrees : Peekaboo from da green bush 😶‍🌫️. Panthers with a green thumb for growing detailed organized plans. Perfectionist predators. Calculate every millimeters, every possible outcome, to the point of overthinking It all and not even starting the plan lol. Intelligent and adaptable, quick learners. Can make you think they're weak with their bodily constitution and shy because they don't speak much. Truth is, they're studying you and their surroundings. Make the best advisors, cause they can see what's missing from the bigger picture and they usually don't initiate the hunt. Stay physically behind others' backs but are mentally ages ahead. Outsmart everyone in the end (if in good form and with their doubtful part of the brain shut lol)
Celebs examples: Halle Berry, Winona Ryder
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Libra / 7-19 degrees : Graceful panthers, so poised they resemble perfect statues. And they make you believe they are that harmless...but careful not to fall for it 👀. These people don't aim directly to their prey, they get to it through others (the type to not dirty their hands lol). The glue that keeps the pack intact. They're loved by everyone, gentle smiles, kind gestures, they make sure they are pleasant to be around . Keep their outward persona all in check, constantly clean and polish their shiny fur 💅. Balanced, not too risky in their moves, they always test the waters first and adapt to the responses they get. Choose their words carefully to hit the weakest spot. Kill their prey with kindness and charisma, then offer them dessert to not feel guilty 🙃🍰
Celebs examples: Jamie Campbell Bower, Vincent Cassel, Zoe Kravitz
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Scorpio / 8-20 degrees : The arm reacher distance. No, they don't have the COVID, they have the INTIMIDATION. No one wants to mess up with them. They have the blackest and thickest and shiniest fur of them all. But they rarely show their powerful moves, all they got are rumors spreading from people that SAW. If some other naive panther try to provoke these natives out of fun, they got to be prepared to suffer from Scorpio panther's psychotic fun .This is how they get the people to respect them out of fear. Sneaky and untreceable, they're the best at erasing their fingerprints. Get into their prey's mind. Predicting every little action and elaborating a plan on it. They don't like to strike right away, but prefers to take their time with it cause they enjoy playing and see their prey's reactions to their little scary games 😈. Very private and jealous, won't share their prey with anyone.
Celebs examples: Darkota Johnson, Carrie-Anne Moss
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Sagittarius / 9-21 degrees : Can't stay still a sec. Always get in the way of other's people lol. Two panthers are fighting for the throne? Lemme jump in real quick and make a showstopper mooove 🤸‍♀️ (by risking their lives..yeah 🤦‍♀️). *everybody gets mad (but still laugh)*. "weee everybody sorry, i thought it was match break! I am the lady holding the round sign ya know thisss". Makes mistakes but knows how to crack a joke on them. They don't usually attack intentionally, as they don't really stand cruel actions. But they could kill by mistake cause they take up so much space and are very energetic, you get in their way, you dead😂. Their big presence ,easygoing nature and funny/entertaining behaviour win people's hearts (and their prey's too 👀)
Celebs examples: Michelle Yeoh, Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johannson, Lena Headey, Al Pacino, Simone Ashley
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Capricorn / 10-22 degrees : Why so serious? 🤡 These people have gone through hell and back, no surprise they become the Devil. They tried them all, the bad, neutral and good strategies, they got a baggage of experience that could have either made or broken them. Always disappointed with others. Wise with a mind of a genius, but if this trait of them is neglected by people, the lack of respect could trigger them to suppress their emotions and use this detachment to manipulate others' feelings pretty well. Calm and premedited actions. They take time to kill their prey, they wanna consume them till they can't get it anymore and wanna hear them begging to give them that feeling of respect they didn't get before. Natives that people can consider too strict/inflexible (almost like tirants) if they get to rule as King/Queens panthers. (but they're just good people to whom bad things happened 🥺, lemme give you a hug 🤗)
Celebs examples: Heath Ledger, Zhang Zi-Yi, Grace Kelly, Alan Rickman, Jennifer Lawrence, Maggie Q, The Weeknd, Audrey Hepburn, Alexa Demie, Bruce Lee, Kristen Stewart
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Aquarius / 11-23 degrees : Loner panthers that don't give a heck of getting to the Queen/King's panther's throne cause they're already building one of their own 😎. Making their own rules, getting their own land, initiating a whole new way of living. And then people see how cool and innovative their way is, and how strong they are to have built all of their empire alone, so they get easily influenced, and individually choose to become their plebs. And this is how they sterminate all their preys at once lmaoo. Unpredictable actions, have unique ways to hunt that may seem weird to people, but they're not afraid to show them by being themselves. This silent confidence can only gives more appreciation and genuine respect to the natives. Can get quite a lot of controversial stares too from close-minded people, but again, they just don't care 😇
Celebs examples: Zendaya, Joaquin Phoenix, Lana Del Rey, Keira Knightley, Anya-Taylor Joy
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Pisces / 12-24 degrees : The forgetful predator and utopian leader. Create some fantastic plan than only can exist in an imaginary world cause gravity cannot bend to these native's thoughts unfortunately lol...or maybe it does cause they're manifestation king/queens hehe✨ . But everyone is obsessed with them even if they make a lot of mistakes. People are very very confused by these natives and Pisces panthers take this to their advantage. Manifesting their prey like this 👏...but then they don't feel like attacking them lmao... or coff coff... they were sleeping and missed it 😆. Chill around, but cannot not getting involved in the drama cause they're curious by nature. And then the drama (and so the prey too) hunts them, trying to switch the roles, giving them even more opportunities to catch what they want. Not the best at striking to the front, but will hunt you in your dreams.
Celebs examples: Kim Kardashian, Jenna Ortega, Michelle Pfeiffer, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Jackson, Eva Green, Johnny Depp, Maisie Williams
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And you've reached the end of the post!
Thank you for staying with me 💖
I hope this post entertained you and also gave you some cool info on your placement!
Lemme know if you resonated, and if you didn't let me know equally😊 as you know, i value your feedback a lot ✨ I'm aware this asteroid is an untamed territory, so take in mind this is just my personal interpretation
As always,
I wish you all a wonderful day ahead! Be well, Yours, Linnie 🖤
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( Sorry @brielledoesastrology if this took so long, i loved the suggestion of your request, and i hope this post satisfies it 😘 )
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 6 months
House of the Dragon Hot Take except I don't care what number I'm on because this is a more important post than usual.
I feel like the majority of GOT/HOTD/ASOIAF fans see this post as "common sense" but a lot of you don't act on it so I'm just going to say it anyway. Stop threatening the actors. Stop bullying the actors. Stop threatening people that have different opinions then you (i'm SPECIFICALLY looking at toxic team green and team black stans right now.) I have seen people like Iwan Rheon, Carice van Houten, Jack Gleason, Sophie Turner, Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Tom Glynn-Carney, and Matt Smith get treated like absolute SHIT because of their characters, their appearance, their gender, and their acting. It is truly disgusting and dehumanizing to go on social media and see people sending death threats to actors and actresses because people don't like their character. I'll give examples on what I mean:
Iwan Rheon - Has been harassed for playing Ramsay.
Jack Gleason - Got sent death threats for playing Joffrey.
Kit Harington - Got sexually harassed in public numerous times and I believe threatened at least once for playing Jon. He also gets made fun of for wanting to be seen as more than a pretty face and body. He also got ridiculed for saying being randomly touched in public and having people practically harassing him about his appearance makes him reasonably upset.
Matt Smith - People bully him for his appearance, harassed him AND his MOTHER on twitter, and people accuse him of supporting abuse towards women because he plays Daemon.
Carice van Houten - Got sent death threats for playing Melisandre.
Sophie Turner - Got bullied off of almost every social media at some point for playing Sansa. She's also the victim of almost every misogynist GOT fan on the internet all for playing Sansa.
Emilia Clarke - Has been sexually harassed in public and gets bullied online for being a "terrible actress" for doing what the script and director tells her because she played Daenerys.
Tom Glynn-Carney - Got rape allegations put against him on twitter because of the episode where Aegon rapes Dyana. They said that because Aegon is a rapist Tom is too.
I have said this time and time again, you guys are fucking EMBARRASSING!! Get a god damn grip on yourselves and instead of acting like morons who can't separate character from actor/actress go outside and breathe in some fresh fucking air.
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Emilia Clarke in Spain, 2016
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"This was taken in Spain, and I thought Emilia looked like, as the old saying goes, a million bucks. To me, in this photo, she screams fifties, sixties, Old Hollywood chic. And that’s why I took this snap, ’cause she sort of has a timeless quality to her."
-Kit Harington
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drewharrisonwriter · 1 year
Donor | Drabble | IG Official
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is a drabble for my Henry Cavill fic Donor. English is not my first language. So they finally went IG official LOL
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The sun hung low over the tranquil waters of the Amalfi Coast, casting a warm, golden glow across the picturesque landscape. You and Henry stood on a secluded balcony, the breathtaking beauty of the coast serving as the backdrop to a moment that had been a long time coming.
With a playful grin, Henry held up his phone, framing the two of you against the stunning vista. You chuckled as he adjusted the angle, his fingers deftly navigating the camera app.
"Are you sure about this, Hank?" you teased, though your heart raced with anticipation.
Henry glanced at you, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Absolutely. It's time, don't you think?"
You took a deep breath, your gaze shifting between Henry and the majestic scenery.
He was right – the time had come to share your love with the world after a little over a year of trying to avoid PDA. The world knows that you and Henry were best friends for so long that a new photo of you guys grabbing iced coffee in the morning with Kal or going on a night out with friends were not newsworthy anymore.
As he hit the capture button, he leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. The warmth of the sun on your skin and the taste of his kiss were a perfect blend of sensations.
With the snap of the photo, the moment of you and Henry, against the backdrop of the Amalfi Coast, sharing a kiss that symbolized a journey that had brought you from the depths of friendship to the heights of love.
You both looked at the photo. It was good and you both exchanged a knowing smile.
"Ready to let the world in on our secret?" he asked, his voice a mix of excitement and tenderness.
You nodded, your heart full. "Absolutely."
With a tap of his finger, Henry uploaded the photo to his Instagram account, crafting a caption that was very simple: Finally with the love of my life.
Almost immediately, the response was overwhelming. Likes, comments, and shares flooded in as people from all corners of the world celebrated the news of your relationship. Heart emojis filled the comment section, along with well-wishes and declarations of support.
But the response didn't stop there. Almost instantly, your phones began to buzz with notifications – messages from your managers, industry friends, and colleagues. You both exchanged amused glances before checking the messages.
Your Manager: Well, it's about time! The internet is blowing up. Get ready for a wild ride!
Henry's Manager: Congratulations, you two! The world is losing its mind over this.
Emilia Clarke: Wait, is this real? You guys are amazing together!
Pedro Pascal: Finally admitting what we all knew? This is going to break the internet!
Jason Momoa: I'm demanding a double date ASAP to celebrate!
Laughter filled the air as you and Henry scrolled through the messages. It was amusing and heartwarming to see the outpouring of love and excitement from those who had been cheering you on from the sidelines.
As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm orange glow over the coast, you leaned into Henry's side, the weight of the moment sinking in.
"So…" You turned to face him. "Love of your life huh?" You teased, and he nodded with a shit-eating grin.
"Love of my life." He repeated as he leaned down to kiss you.
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Jealous!Sylvie or Jealous!Loki (Emilia Clarke) x Reader?
Loki drags Y/N off to their room…
Loki: saw the way those girls were looking at you. I don’t like it
She summons silk ribbons and bind them to Y/N…
Loki: you’re mine. All mine.
She kisses them forcibly and with all the passion she can muster…
Y/N: I love it when you get like this.
Loki: you did that on purpose?
Y/N simply smirks. Loki giggles and shoves them onto their bed…
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house-of-daenerys · 1 year
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“I’ve never been killed on camera before. I have an innate understanding of what death looks like because I was pretty damn close to it twice and then I lost my dad. So having Daenerys die, a lot of these things were coming out. It was like grieving my brain hemorrhages all over again, grieving my dad all over again, grieving what Daenerys could have been, and grieving the love that I had for the show, for Kit, for David and Dan, for Jon Snow, and for the dragons. In that one moment, the grief of a thousand deaths came back and it was like, "Oh my God, I'm struggling to find breath right in this moment." - Emilia Clarke
(James Hibberd's - Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Puberty with the boys is never a big deal for fem!Bruce. The PROBLEM happens when her little birds become taller than her. Her empty nest syndrome goes into overdrive and she just mcfreakin’ loses it.
The first time Tim (who she secretly thought might be smol forever) reaches above her to hand her something off a tall shelf, she lies down and doesn’t get up for days.
*Dick calling Clark*: Please come collect your girlfriend. Damian grew two inches and I don’t know how long we can avoid him standing next to her.
This is so funny as a Emilia Clarke! Bruce Wayne truther. That woman's growth stomped at 5'2 out of sheer spite for all the damage she puts her body through. Alfred grumbles. Not at all because of your laughable eating habits. Not at all.
If anything, Damian resents that he's growing? He shouldn't grow. He doesn't want to look down to talk to his mother with that gentle sadness like Dick and Jason do. It's not like she can just pick them up like she used to. She can carry them, and she does, but it's just not the same.
He shall not. He'll be her baby forever. Fuck milk. 9
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