#note pad and ms paint
ra1nb0w-m4ggot · 6 months
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crexti · 2 years
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a silly picture I will never finish colouring
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
I love SM!roier. He has committed to the shitty ms paint track pad drawings. He doesn't even use the free version of canva. Soon enough he's just gonna make a post with the notes app on his phone drawing with his finger. No wonder people consider the page a meme page. It's great! Why would you be scared of a haha funny meme?
My man is dedicated to his art, I have to give it to him
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themasterpostblog · 4 months
Pencil/2D Animation Resources Masterpost
Hello, I broke into my old account so I could make a little masterpost of resources I come across for learning pencil/2D animation. (Free or affordable classes, places to get tools, videos to give insider insight, etc.) I may not be able to get everything included, so if you think of something, you can reach out and suggest things to add! I will be updating this over time, with notes on when it was last recently updated. And maybe I'll end up giving the old blog a refresh too. I likely won't be making new masterposts outside of this one any time soon, nor updating any old ones. It's been SEVERAL years, and the internet is a different place. I would assume most of the old links are out of date by now, unfortunately. I hope that this list is helpful to you as well, and if I'm incorrect in anything I list, I'm learning too! So please be patient with me and feel free to reach out with a correction. It's not finished yet, but Tumblr deletes my posts before I finish them, so I'm starting with posting the skeleton and slowly updating this)
Find a Community to Learn From!
(recommended groups to lurk/join/make connections and ask questions)
What Tools Do I Need?
PDF Guide to Animation Desks, as written by David Nethry
(next line)
Where Do I Get Tools?
(Places where you can buy art supplies, software, etc)
Cartoon Supplies
(Online seller who carries Ingram Bond paper, lightboxes, storyboard pads, blank cels, etc. See also: Lightfoot LTD, which is identical in every way to Cartoon Supplies and for the life of me I'm not sure the difference, though both are equally recommended along side each other.)
Jet Pens
(Ah... I love window-shopping this site. If you love stationary like I do, you'll be on this site for hours adding things to your cart... and inevitably removing them because it's not feasible to spend hundreds on pens and sticky-note pads.)
(I've found they have good prices on name brands, but I haven't purchased from them yet. Often, I'm too overwhelmed by all the choices.)
Improve Your Art/Learn the Basics!
(anatomy classes, starter tools, etc)
Aaron Blaise (Co-Director of Brother Bear)'s Online Classes
He runs very good deals on the classes occasional, but you can also do a year's access to all classes and keep what you download, which is very useful! They're short, quick lessons, and tend to veer into more "helpful tips" than teaching, from what I've personally noticed, but it's well worth the price if you get them at a good deal!
Inside Look at the Industry -- aka: the Special Features:
(behind the scenes stuff, etc)
Books are more useful than you might think!
(Richard Williams Animator's Survival Toolkit, etc) (check out gently used copies of these books on Thriftbooks for a good deal!)
Nifty Free Resources
(Things like height charts, references, color wheels, blog posts, videos, etc)
What Artists Can Learn From Aladdin's Incredible Color by J. Holt [VIDEO]
(spacing for formatting)
The Art of Color Theory: Guide for Animators, Designers, and Artists (Animator Artist Life)
(space for formatting)
Free software!
(A classic, GIMP is an old friend of mine. The first software I downloaded for art, I used to use it almost entirely to create animated GIFs for the Warrior Cat forums. Ah, how time has passed. Nowadays I can't even remember how to animate a GIF on there, but such is life. I still use it to this day for digital art, even having Corel Painter. Before GIMP, I animated the old fashioned way -- MS paint and Windows Movie Maker. With determination, I scripted and animated a handful of Warrior Cat characters frame by frame. Each frame of Hollyleaf or whoever it was blinking was the likely source of death for our old computer, may she rest in peace.)
(Storyboarder is a free software with which you can use to create professional and clean storyboards. It also provides printable storyboard templates so you can do you work traditionally and re-upload it easily into the software! It also works with Wacom tablets. Check it out! It's actually super cool.)
Pencil 2D
(A free, open source software. Simplistic design, switch between raster and vector, and best of all, again, it's free. I haven't used this one much yet, but I've seen it positively talked about by many! I'll update with more research when I have the chance.)
(I haven't used this one yet, so I can't speak on it either! But it's going on the list so I can come back and research it later. My poor laptop is not going to handle this many downloads lol.)
(I also haven't tried this, but see above, haha.)
Blender - Grease Pencil
(Blender is well known for 3D animation, but they added a 2D feature called Grease Pencil as well.)
(Free for up to 3 projects, very simple, but upgrades to a $10 a month plan, which is... eh, I'll keep my Scrivener for now. I used to write scripts in Microsoft Word or the Notepad on PC back in the day, I don't think I personally need the fancy features.)
(A free screenwriting software, very basic and simple, good for beginners.)
Keep an eye out for
(Humblebundle occasionally does software deals -- a good art bundle at a discount can give you an easy start!)
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whumppmuhw · 11 months
Whumptober Day 25: "Why didn't you save me?," stalked*
Part of my Friends To An End story (masterlist)
tw: scars, trauma, stalking, threatened with a gun, long post
*alternative prompt
used this name generator to come up with the name of the investigation unit
Sequel to day 19! I know there's a time jump but bear with me I promise this fic makes sense, plus I might return to this after Whumptober's over to fill in the details along the way
Whumpee took a deep breath and opened the door to the main office of the WPIU, the Wessex Private Investigation Unit. She walked to the front desk and greeted the receptionist coldly.
"I need to speak with Ms. Caretaker." She was almost scowling at him, and he decided to forego greeting her with his usual small talk.
"Give me a minute, and then I'll let her know. You can have a seat."
Whumpee sat down on a thinly cushioned chair. She tugged on the sleeves of her blazer and pencil skirt, trying to hide as much skin as possible. Though I don't know why, she thought, he and everyone else here saw me in all my scarred glory back at Whumper's place. I wonder if he even recognizes me.
She looked around the room. The walls were painted a pale blue, bearing photographs and certifications of the people who worked there. There was an overwhelming smell of Febreze, accompanied by noxious undertones of hand sanitizer. The dark wood that made up the receptionist's desk and the frame of her chair and those around it clashed with the room's look too much for Whumpee's liking.
She waited, listening to the receptionist clacking away at his keyboard, then him picking up a phone and talking into it, asking Caretaker if she was free, there's a woman here to see you.
He hung up a moment later. "Ma'am, she'll be with you soon."
A minute later, Caretaker walked in through a different door than the one Whumpee had used. She was wearing a knee-length, form fitting dress and denim jacket. She looked at Whumpee and instantly recognized her, but didn't show it.
"Come on back, let's chat."
Whumpee followed her through the door she had just entered from, down a short hallway and into an office. The plaque on the desk was engraved with Caretaker's name, and both women took their respective seats with juxtaposition to the desk.
"Your name is..." Caretaker began.
"Whumpee. You've seen me before, though I don't know if you remember."
"Oh, I remember, honey." Caretaker placed both elbows on her desk, chin resting on her clutched hands. "You were in that basement, with Mr. Whumper."
"Yes, though that was months ago, now. I'm...free," Caretaker noticed her hesitation in using that word. "...and I want to put it behind me."
"What do you mean by 'free?' Why did you want to talk to me today?" She sat back, picking up a pen and pad of paper, ready to take notes.
Whumpee sighed. "I assume you gave up on the Whumper case-"
Caretaker butted in. "We didn't give up. We would never give up, especially since we knew you were there. Someone, we think it was Whumper, stole all of our physical and digital files of the case and destroyed any leads we had. He also put cameras and movement sensors around the property, keeping us out."
Whumpee felt the bad memories coming back to her, and she huffed as she tried to push them away.
"I know that's not what you wanted to hear,"
Whumpee nodded, avoiding eye contact.
"...but it's the reality of the situation. I'm glad to see you here, out of that horrendous place."
"Why didn't you save me?" It was barely louder than a whisper, and Caretaker had to strain to hear it.
"Come again?"
"I said, why didn't you save me?!" Whumpee was loud and frustrated, and she felt like she was back in her cell on that night, watching Caretaker and her team walk away from her for the first and last time. She thought of the weeks that came after, time spent trapped with Whumper that could have been avoided, and how she had fought and struggled to get free.
"Whumpee, please, calm down. I know you're feeling a lot right now, but we need to work on why you came here."
Whumpee wiped her teary eyes and tried to calm herself down. "O-okay. Sorry, I'm just dealing with a lot." Her voice wavered.
"No need to apologize. You've been through one hell of a time, and I'm really sorry for any of it I caused." Her voice was genuine, and Whumpee relaxed a little. She took a deep breath before speaking.
"Right. Um, I wanted to come to you guys because of something with Whumper." She shook off her bad emotions and tried to sound professional. "I figured you could help me out since you might still have some information on Whumper, um... But you said all of the files are gone, right?"
"Right, but that doesn't stop us from making new ones. Continue," Caretaker stated.
"Okay, so, Whumper...is stalking me. I was able to escape and get far away back to my own apartment, but at first there was a man who would stand in the doorway and stare into my window."
She paused to let Caretaker write everything down.
"Then...then I kept my blinds shut all the time and got a curtain to put over the window, but when I got home at night he would always be there, in the parking lot. I tried to ignore him, but last night he grabbed my arm and talked to me, and I heard his voice and looked at him and knew it was Whumper."
Whumpee's eyes went out of focus and she started breathing heavily. "I wanted to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth and told me not to, and I was scared and I didn't scream, and- and he pulled out a gun and told me not to tell anyone. B-but I'm here, and he doesn't know, and I'm hoping you could help me, please..." Her voice trailed off.
Caretaker finished writing and set the clipboard down. "Oh, honey," she began as Whumpee started crying. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Later, I have some more questions for you about it, but for now, let's find you a safe place to stay tonight."
Whumpee nodded her head.
Caretaker booted up her computer and started searching for local hotels. They didn't have great reviews, which only testified of the awful area they were in. Whumpee caught her frowning at the screen and asked, "What's the matter?"
"I can't seem to find any good hotels we could put you in." She looked thoughtful, and an idea came to her. "If you'd like, you could stay with me for a bit while we work this case out. I don't live with anyone, and I have a guest room ready. I understand if you don't, though, and we can find you somewhere else."
Whumpee smiled. "That sounds great, honestly."
"Alright, then. Is there anything you need from your apartment? I need to stay here until my shift is over, but I can have someone accompany you there and then back here."
"Yeah, I'll just need to pack a few things. It shouldn't take long."
"Okay. Once you get back here, if we have time I'll ask you a few more questions, then we'll head to my place. Sound good?"
"Yep!" Whumpee stood up to leave, but Caretaker stopped her.
"Oh, and Whumpee, I hope we can start over. From everything that happened before."
"Oh, yeah. The past is behind us." Whumpee held out her hand, and Caretaker shook it.
"Good. Let's start over then. Also, I'll have Marcus go with you, he'll meet you out front."
Whumpee left Caretaker's office feeling much better than when she walked in. She was never one to hold grudges, and she hoped that the WPIU would actually be able to help her this time. Caretaker seemed genuinely nice when she wasn't delivering bad news, and Whumpee hoped that they would get along.
By the time she was in the main office, a tall, burly man with short curly locks and the beginnings of a beard was there to greet her. He introduced himself as Marcus, and together the pair walked out, ready to give Whumpee a new start to life.
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solisvidentis · 1 year
>Oh, alright then. Thank you Ms... give him a second he's reaching back into the basket to fetch a clipboard, currently scanning the paper on it- Lalonde, Ms Lalonde, there he goes. Yeah the directions that were given to him said to go north to the spot that wasn't orange, and his compass seems to have broke, cause the needle has been idly drifting clockwise. Its weird, but hey not like that matters now that he's been corrected.
>A quick look at the landing craft as the pawn passed her with the delivery cooler wouldn't be much of a shock design wise. Much like the few carapacian ships she may have seen during her time in the game, it was basically a normal nautical looking ship that just flew through space. Except instead of a hulking battleship, it was just a normal boat (or maybe even a dinghy). What was strange however, was the paint job. Most of their stuff was usually monotone and matched their planet. This however looked like a patchwork of purple and gold, the colors following no real pattern or structure. The Derse insignia on thr bottom having an X painted over it. One may say that this is the first sign that this alter came from a weird timeline, along with him being a deliveryman for some reason. However that would require normal to be in Sburb's lexicon to begin with.
"Yes there isn't precisely a magnetic north here, it's a bit of an unusual body in that regard."
>amusing herself with the obfuscation, rose walks with him as he pads across the soft, gently shifting surface of her body. She notes the odd livery of the ship when they pass by, but doesn't remark on it
"It's a bit of a walk to get beyond the Orange Fields, and even then a bit further still to where I reside- I hope that isn't too much trouble."
> she wasn't exaggerating- they likely had a good hour or so to kill as they crossed the expansive dunes and valleys of her robe clad flesh, the occasional rumble vibrating the ground under their feet as they proceeded- leading to the seer engaging in a bit of small talk as they journeyed
"If I might ask out of curiosity, have you been in this line of work for long? This is my first time dealing with extra-universal delivery services."
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oathdublin · 1 year
From The Shelf | 5 Masterpieces From The Electronic Archive Of The Emerald Isle
Ireland, home to some of the greatest electronic musicians on the planet. Here's 5 of my favorite Irish records from the last decade, fresh from the shelf.
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New Jackson - The Night Mail
Originally pressed in 2011 on Bodytonics 'POGO Recordings' imprint and later remastered on Mano Le Tough's 'Maeve' label in 2019 - they do not come better than this. Accurately painted as a 'below the radar anthem' by the RANSOM NOTE, 'The Night Mail' is a unique endeavor, unlike anything I have heard since its release.
Driven by rolling arpeggios, droning bass rhythms, and euphoric synth lines, all glued together by a masterfully blended vocal - it is everything you've ever wanted from an electronic record. A testament to the impressively broad catalog of sounds represented by David Kitt's 'New Jackson' moniker.
A record I could never afford on Discogs before its re-issue, but one that now sits contently on my shelf.
Stream | Buy
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Kev Sheridan - Losing Someone Is Never Easy [Alone In Berlin EP]
Another beauty from the ever-growing back catalog of Mano Le Tough's 'Maeve' and a record close to my own heart - Kev Sheridan's 'Alone In Berlin EP'.
Snappy snares, lush pads, and melancholic chords - all combine to create this minimal yet emotionally eclectic affair.
It's not often emotion is encapsulated efficiently in a club-driven track, but Kev hit the nail on the head here. Packed with subtle tones of adapting to life abroad and produced at the hands of pure talent.
'Losing Someone Is Never Easy' earned its place on my shelf a long time ago and there it remains.
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Lee Kelly - Our Place In Time [Excerpts From Layers Of Identity]
Daire Carolan's First Second Label [FSL] has never really failed to disappoint since its conception in 2011, with contributions from a broad array of Irish talents like ELLLL, Sputnik One and Thrust's Glimmerman - but there's just something about Lee Kelly's 'Excerpts From Layers Of Identity' that ticks all the boxes for me.
Mesmerizing strings, low-frequency basslines and underlying arpeggios complete 'Our Place In Time', a track I've had on repeat since it came off the press in 2019.
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DeFeKT - Split My Mind [Magnetic Resonance]
"Few artists have been as pivotal in Ireland’s electronic evolution of the past decade as DeFeKT" [DJ Mag].
A playful affair with underlying tones of darkness and raw emotion, this EP is something truly special. Written in the midst of Matt's ongoing struggles with MS, this record is an immersive experience, one that allowed me to connect with an unfamiliar world.
'Split My Mind' became an instant dance floor anthem when it hit the shelves in 2019. Pounding kicks, acid basslines, lush arpeggios and mesmerizing pads - all the keys to my heart, served immaculately on a plate of wax.
Here DeFeKT uses his craft as an outlet to contextualize his experience and solidify his reputation as a modular mastermind who never falls short of the mark.
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Bicep - Glue
There are few tracks in existence I vividly remember hearing for the first time, this will always be one of them. Responsible for nearly 200,000,000 streams on Spotify and now casually disregarded by many as "overplayed" - 'Glue' is an undeniable masterpiece.
Comprised of mellow breakbeats, stuttering synths, harmonic pads and a vocal that will enlighten your soul, this track as much an experience as it is a piece of music [so much so that the live version has become an 8 minute escapade].
Records that have seen the club as much as 'Glue' has are few and far between and armed with memories and beer stains, mine has probably seen the inside of my record bag more than it has my shelf - After all, records were meant to be played...
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houseofedtech · 2 years
Has #EdTech Changed Your Teaching? - HoET209
Feedback & Shout Outs (1:17)
GoSynth is GoING away. I recommend you check out Podcastle.ai
Return of PodcastPD - 10/2/22
EdTech Thought (4:55)
Deleting & Adding Technology. I've deleted Clubhouse.
While I previously published an episode about the benefits of Clubhouse for Educators I just don't feel the same way.
EdTech Recommendation (8:24)
Convert images with Ezgif
Ezgif is a fast and simple way of converting images between formats. It can handle GIF, JPG, PNG, and WebP, and you can either upload the files from your computer or point Ezgif towards them on the web. There are also options for cropping and rotating images.
FREE - https://ezgif.com/
Edit PDFs with Smallpdf
Viewing PDFs is pretty straightforward no matter what platform you’re on, but editing them is something else. Smallpdf takes the hassle out of the process, with a variety of features that include letting you drop in images and text and add your digital signature.
Smallpdf is free to use, but you can get more features and unlimited edits for $12 a month.
Set an alarm with Kuku Klok
Whatever you need to set an alarm for, Kuku Klok can help. Just pick the time for the alarm to go off, then choose a sound (cockerels and trumpets are two of the options), and you’re all set.
Kuku Klok is free to use.
Get artistic with MS Paint
Microsoft Paint is one of the most well-known computer utilities of all time. MS Paint is the faithful remake of the program and runs entirely in your browser. You can get at it from any Windows or macOS computer, and access all the familiar tools—including the spray can and the paint bucket.
MS Paint is free to use.
Take notes with Online Notepad
Online Notepad lets you quickly jot down anything you don’t want to forget inside your browser: It could be a to-do list, an idea for your next novel, or an address. You can keep your pad open on a new tab, but you can also save it to your disk if you need to.
Online Notepad is free to use.
Featured Content (13:18)
Over the last century and in recent years, technology has promised to revolutionize how we teach, dramatically alter the relationship between teachers and students, and fundamentally change how students learn and work together.
In many ways, technology has profoundly changed education.
Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together.
House of #EdTech VIP (24:16)
Israa Lulu - https://twitter.com/edu_metaverse - https://www.edu-metaverse.net/
She's a passionate educator, dedicated Leader, and certified Tech coach and trainer.
Israa believes learning never stops and has always been an avid learner who craves knowledge of the world at large and works tirelessly to develop as an educator and leader. Israa's passion is to support teachers in building their capacity with impactful technology use and innovative teaching practices and ideas to transform education.
Check out this episode!
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omhamlet · 6 years
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Give Me Reasons to Be Complete 
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
ok i know i just requested something yesterday, BUT I HAVE A REALLY GOOD SONG FIC IDEA - steve harrington x reader and the song is you belong with me by taylor swift where steve’s dating a cheerleader and the reader and him have been best friend’s since forever but the reader has had a huge crush on him, I THINK IT’D BE SO CUTE
s. harrington || you belong with me
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A/N: my personal thanks to u and our lord and savior, source of all my inspiration: ms. taylor alison swift
The day you met Steve Harrington was one you couldn’t quite remember, granted the two of you had been in kindergarten then. Your mother loves to recount the story on your birthdays, how he had stolen your favorite crayons and you retaliated by flicking your mashed potatoes at him. Eventually, you both made up and bonded over finger painting, and you both had been inseparable since.
Even through the awkward years of pre pubescent middle school kids to the more intimidating environment that was high school, you both had managed to remain as good friends, best friends, that was, when Steve wasn't out with his other more well known friends.
Of course you saw it coming, even from miles away, as you and Steve first set foot on the High School campus, you knew deep down that he would be swept away by the popular crowd, because even you had to admit that he was charming, the fact that he had perfect hair only ever boosted his reputation.
Passing notes and always spending you lunches together turned into short 'hi's' and 'hello's' as you passed each other by in the hallways, every time Steve and you had managed to snatch some alone time to talk, somehow one of his friends always managed to barge in, dragging Steve away with him.
Despite how dejected you felt whenever he was taken away from you, you let him go each time. It wasn't as if you were together anyway, you and Steve? The king of Hawkins High with some band geek nobody? Not a chance.
After years of being friends with the Steve Harrington, absolute heartthrob of the school, could anyone truly blame you if you told them you'd had a crush on him since the fourth grade?
For years you had buried whatever feelings you had for him deep inside you, locked up in a dungeon of your own creation along with all your dreams of becoming a ballerina or astronaut.
You convinced yourself it was never going to happen, especially now that he was currently dating the captain of the cheerleading team who also happened to be one of your biggest bullies, none other than the queen of hell herself: Heather McNamara.
You told yourself it was natural, predictable even. She was pretty, she was popular, she was actually a really talented cheer leader, and she made him smile--despite how she tormented you, you tried to force down the bile that crawled up your throat whenever you saw his arm slung around her shoulder, the little kisses she would throw him while she did her cheer routines as he played basketball, while you were the one stuck on the bleachers.
Curse the stupid made up hierarchy that was high school.
Although you and Steve seemed to be drifting apart while at school, that wasn't the case at all outside of class. Sometimes, every after school when you didn't have band practice and Steve didn't have whatever sports practice he was into at the time, you would both spend afternoon until night driving around Hawkins, with music turned up and the windows down as you two yelled out the lyrics to your favorite songs.
Those were the moments you liked most, where you could be you, and he could be the Steve you always knew him to be.
Then he'd drive you both home, which was easy, considering the fact that your houses were right next to each other, with his bedroom window only a few feet away from yours. When you were little, to avoid waking any of your parents up, you and Steve would communicate with big pads of paper, chatting through writing way past your bedtime.
You smiled at that memory.
"And then Heather said 'I'll bring my own cassette tapes next time,' like, um, what? Y'know, if she didn't like my music she could've just said that and I would've turned it off, I don't know why she had to be so passive aggressive about it, and her tone was just--"
You furrow your brows and shake your head. "Dude, if that annoyed you so much why don't you just talk to her about it?"
Steve groans. "That's the thing! Whenever I try to talk to her about something that's bothering me that she does, she always twists my words and make it so that I'm the villain! I mean-- that's not fair!"
You huff, giving him an incredulous look. "If it's like that every time you confront her for stuff that she does to make you feel bad, why are you still with her then?"
"Because!" Steve starts, shrugging. "I don't know, I think I might really like her, she could be the one, y'know."
You let out a fake barfing noise. "Gross, keep that sentimentality away from me please."
"You know, I think you'd have a better understanding if you were in the same situation." He says before turning the steering wheel down towards the park you were supposed to be going to.
You scoff, turning in your seat to face him. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean," Steve inhales before blowing out of his mouth. "You've been single for like, the longest time, (y/n), you sure there aren't any cute band geeks you're hanging out with?"
"As if I'd ever want to be all mushy gushy with someone like that." You roll your eyes for what seemed to be the tenth time during this car ride. "Like 'oh babe how are you, I missed you so much', 'oh baby I missed you too'." You tease, mimicking Steve's deep voice and Heather’s high pitched one as you say those words, right before putting your fingers together and making your hands kiss while imitating kissing noises.
"Hey! Stop that." Steve whines, slapping your hands down as you giggle.
"Now I get why no one wants to date you." He murmurs, but you hear his words perfectly, causing you to punch him square on the bicep.
"Ow! Hey, I was just joking, alright? You're great, (y/n), I'm sure you'll find someone soon."
"Last time I checked, Harrington, I don't need to date anyone simply in order to boost my popularity, okay?" You retaliate, crossing your arms.
"Ouch, (y/n), you make me seem so vain." Steve places a hand over his heart to feign hurt.
You laugh sarcastically before looking at him while batting your lashes. "Glad you noticed."
He rolls his eyes at you, nudging your forehead with his fingers and you laugh.
You'll find someone someday, his words echo in your mind.
But as you watch him laugh and smile with joy as he turns up the volume to his favorite song with the afternoon sun pouring through the car window to illuminate his face in gold, you didn't need to look any further.
Because you had already found someone.
It was a typical Tuesday night, your current favorite song blasting through your speakers as you read a book that you needed to understand for class. Unable to even remotely understand the author's words in their 19th century grammar, you let your mind wander as you stared at the page.
Prom was coming soon, and there was no doubt in your mind that Steve would be crowned prom king, along with his snooty little girlfriend.
You sigh, shutting the book. You spot Steve in his room from the view you had into his bedroom window, he was pacing around the room, the phone wire getting caught in his chair before he yanked it out.
You didn't know exactly what was going on, but you saw his animated hand gestures, the frustration on his face as he ran his hand through his hair.
With your eyebrows knitted together, you get off your bed, making your way towards your window. Steve finally slams the phone down, his face tinged with red from all the yelling he had done. He catches your eye, and you give him a concerned look through your window. He quirks his eyebrows, shrugs, and shakes his head.
Swiftly, you grab the big sketchbook that you usually reserved for your art classes, writing a message to him in big black letters with your sharpie.
He looks at you with confusion as you scribble down your message, his eyebrows turning upwards as he realizes what you were doing.
'Are you okay?' It read.
He grabs his own pad of paper, the yellow pad he was supposed to use to take notes in, scrawling his own message in black marker.
'Not really.' He replied.
You shoot him a frown.
'What happened?'
He shakes his head, sighing, before turning the pad of paper towards you, revealing his message.
'We had a fight again :('
The sad face he doodled almost makes you laugh. He was still the same dorky Steve under that popular mask he wore after all.
'Sorry about that'
He comes closer towards his window, opening up the latch to slide the window pane upwards.
"You wanna go for a walk?" He calls out.
You smile, opening up your own window. "Sure."
You sneak your way into the kitchen and out the back door, memories of doing the same sneaking out as kids when either of you were grounded replay in your mind.
You carefully unlatch the gate to his backyard, making sure there would be no noise to alert anyone, tiptoeing your way up the back porch until you stood at his own back door, waiting.
"Hey." He greets, eyes not meeting yours.
"Hey," You smile. "Everything okay?"
He makes his way past you, shaking his head while you follow him.
"No, not really."
"What happened?"
"She," He hesitates, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. "She broke up with me."
You feel bad for him, you do, but if that meant him finally being free of a toxic relationship, you couldn't help but feel relieved.
"Oh." Is all you manage to say.
"But I'm gonna get her back." He says with conviction, nodding his head as his eyes looked far away into the horizon, as if he was imagining the ways he would somehow win her back.
You furrow your eyebrows and scoff, which catches his attention and snaps him out of his daydream.
"What?" He says, bewildered and confused by your reaction.
"You're kidding, right?"
"No? I'm serious, I'm gonna win her back, just wait and see."
You roll your eyes, incredulous at his response.
"Why? You don't even like her that much!"
"How could you even know that? You don't know me!" He cries out, emphasizing his words with wild hand gestures.
"That's another thing you're wrong about, Steve, I do know you, and I know that you're making one of the biggest mistakes in your life." You say the last few words with a hint of cynical laughter in your voice.
"Where the hell is this even coming from, (y/n)? I really like this chick, what more is there to it?"
"Oh so you 'really like this chick' but you just so happen to complain about her all the time?"
Steve stammers for a moment. "Love's complicated like that, I don't know, I just know that I need to take her to prom too--"
"Oh so that's it!" You exclaim sarcastically, moving your hands into wild gestures of their own. "Steve, the king of Hawkins High, is afraid to go to prom without a date."
"Yeah, well, at least I actually have the chance to have a date on my arm, not sure I can say the same thing about you, can I?" He seethes.
You squint your eyes at him in disbelief. "You're seriously bringing that up right now?"
He shrugged. "I figured that since you were such an expert about love you'd be in a relationship oh no wait," Steve points at you. "You're not."
You let out a laugh devoid of any joy. "At least I don't go out with people who aren't good for me for the sake of keeping my social status." You reply, words dripping with poison.
"Yeah well, at least people know me. I mean, who even are you at school besides the band geek who follows Steve Harrington around like a lost little puppy?"
You lick your lips, resolve faltering. "Is that really what you think of me?"
Steve sucks in a breath, closing his eyes as he rubs them, then shakes his head. "No, no, (y/n), I--"
"You know what? Fine, I'll stop following you around like a lost puppy. As far as I know, you're on your own, Harrington." You say, anger bubbling in your veins as you stomp away from him.
You don't even notice the look of regret in his eyes as you turn your back.
It had been a week since you last stopped talking to Steve, avoiding him at all costs whenever you were at school, closing the curtains to your window to make your one message very clear: Don't talk to me.
Sometimes you wondered what happened to the two of you. You two used to be like two peas in a pod, he told you everything there was to know about him, his entire life story.
Steve felt nothing but guilt as you brushed past him in the hallways, barely even sparing him a glance. He remembers those days where the two of you would sneak out to go on walks, or 'nightly adventures' as you two used to call it growing up. He recounts the moments he'd spend with you, sharing secrets, hopes, and dreams under the stars. He had told you everything there was to him. Steve was stubborn, but he knew you were right; you did know him, down to the very specs of stardust in his bones. He had told you his life story, but he forgot to mention all the chapters you had always been a part of.
Prom was only a day away now.
As much as you brushed your friends' invitations off, you couldn't ignore the endless pestering of your mother.
"Oh, come on, (y/n), it's your high school prom! I remember how fun my little proms were, come on, sweetheart, you need some sort of grand moment in your life to commemorate your high school days! Pleaasee." She had begged and pleaded with you.
Finally, after more pestering and nagging, you relented.
So now here you were, walking your way towards the gym after your mother had dropped you off, snapping an endless supply of pictures of you on her polaroid, gushing about how stunning you looked.
Before you left the house, you had caught your reflection in one of the mirrors by the living room, and, as vain as it was, you had to admit that you looked good.
Your hair was meticulously styled courtesy of your mother, makeup brushed on to highlight your best features, that, along with the elegant dress of your favorite color you and your mother had chosen paired with the matching jewelry made you feel the best about your appearance for the longest time.
You walked into the gym, decorated with various balloons and streamers, your mouth widening into a smile as you caught one of your friends from band. You ran over to them as best as you could with the strappy heels you wore, tackling one of them in a hug.
As you laughed and drank punch with your friends, your eyes caught a glimpse of none other than Steve 'the hair' Harrington. He glances towards your direction and you two make eye contact, which you immediately break as you turn to your friends.
"So, you guys see anyone cute yet?" You say.
"Uh, duh, Steve Harrington is literally standing right there." Your friend replies, quirking an eyebrow.
"Actually, he's walking towards us now." Your other friend says as she fixes her hair.
You bite your lip, sure, you weren't mad at him anymore, but you were still a little annoyed. Ever the prideful one, you only looked down at your drink as Steve approached you.
He waved to your friends, sending them a small smile before he turned to you.
"(y/n), can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" You casually shift your eyesight to the side, intent on not even making eye contact with him. While he was the pretty one in the friendship, you were most definitely the petty one.
He rolls his eyes at you and sighs. "Look, I know you're probably still annoyed at me, and I'm sorry, but can we please just talk? You and me?"
You close your eyes, letting out a breath, before you look at him. "Fine."
He grins, finally, you were talking to him. He leads you away from your friends and to the dance floor.
You quirk your eyebrow at him. "Steve, where are we--"
"Come on, (y/n), dance with me." He holds out his hand towards you.
Memories of you pining for him for years envelop your heart, and you just couldn't tell him no, not with those sweet, pleading eyes of his.
You take his hand, and as if on cue, a slow song starts to play.
Before you know it, you had your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands at your waist. Your heart thumped against your chest, still, you tried your best to play it cool. After all, the two of you were completely platonic, And, much to your dismay, nothing could ever change that.
"You were right." He says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What do you mean?"
"About Heather," He says, looking into your eyes earnestly. "She and I.. we just weren't right for each other."
"Oh, um, okay." Is all you can manage to say as you felt your cheeks flush pink when you caught his gaze flickering towards your lips.
"I've spent my entire life chasing after things, people, because I guess being popular and liked by a lot of people made me feel wanted, loved." He laments, gazing at your features with affection.
You let out a soft chuckle in an attempt to ease your nerves. Throughout your entire life of knowing Steve, you had never been so close to each other like this. "Glad you finally noticed."
He laughed, softly, before he licked his lips. "Guess I was too busy trying to impress the world that I forgot about the one person who I saw as my world."
When he looks at you like that, with that affectionate, kind look in his eyes, how could you ever stop your heart from melting?
"That person's you, by the way." He smiles, clearing up his words.
You squint your eyes at him, despite the smile that graced your lips.
"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard, Stevie."
He laughs, shaking his head. "It was worth a shot."
"What, did you spend like 30 minutes of your time practicing that line in front of your mirror or?" You teased.
He rolls his eyes playfully at you before leaning his forehead on yours.
"Can't get anything past you, can I?"
You beam at him, eyes crinkling as you smiled. "Never."
He laughs before he kisses you on both cheeks, then on your nose, then your forehead, until he reaches your lips. You practically melt into him as his soft lips move against yours, ever so gently, and you swear you could stay in this moment forever. Despite the sea of people around you, whispering and gossiping about the band geek and the king of Hawkins, all of that faded away as you swayed to the rhythm with Steve, your Steve, who you knew inside out, who knew you down to the tiny specs of stardust in your bones.
And nothing and no one could ever take that away from either of you.
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fictionalwh0ree · 3 years
love notes- angelina jolie
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summary: you and angelina pass each other sweet notes in the one class you have together word count: 777 warnings: none
a/n: i've had a bit of an obsession with angelina jolie this past week. girl, interrupted is SO GOOD. it feels like a crime that there's no angelina fic like anywhere
school had to be one of your least favourite places ever. you'd much rather be in your girlfriend's arms than sitting at a desk listening to a teacher. your favourite class of the day had come, science. it wasn’t because you were amazing at it, but because angelina was in it, too. you were also lab partners, so it was easy to communicate in discrete ways. it helped that your teacher was totally oblivious to everything.
you walked into the classroom, immediately spotting her. her long dark hair flowed over her arm as she faced away from you, probably doodling something. you slapped your detention slip onto the teachers desk, interrupting his lecture, but your eyes never left your girlfriend. the teacher gave you a passive-aggressive greeting and returned to teaching.
you dropped your bag onto the floor loudly, finally catching angelina's attention. she faced you with a bored look on her face, which graced her face every science class. she quickly bent down to search her backpack, finding a pad of stick notes. you looked at her with a puzzled expression as she wrote something on it.
detention again? it read.
maybe :), you answered, a small smile on your face
what’d u do this time? she wrote
hey! it wasn’t my fault, you wrote
you looked up at her, a huge smile painted on your face. she dramatically rolled her eyes, the smile you loved so much finally making an appearance. right before she could write something else, you snatched the sticky note. her jaw dropped and she narrowed her eyes, a smile still present.
you’re pretty, you wrote on the other side of the paper
you slid it over to her and watched her smile wide at the words you’d written.
not prettier than you, she wrote, causing you to blush.
stop it, the teachers gonna know somethings up, you wrote, still smiling hard
you watched her begin to write something down, her smile growing. you leaned over to pick up your water bottle and took a large sip. angelina slid the sticky note back over slowly. she watched you carefully as your eyes grazed over what she had written.
yeah, just like he noticed that time i had my hand halfway up your underwear, she wrote sarcastically.
your eyes widened at the words on the small yellow paper and you choked on your water.
"everything okay, ms. y/l/n?" the teacher asked.
"oh, yeah. i just choked on my water a bit," you answered, your voice a bit strained.
"do you need a minute?" he offered.
"i'm fine, thanks," you declined.
he resumed the lesson and you looked over to your right. there sat angie, biting to her bottom lip to hold in a laugh and diverting her eyes. you glared at her until she finally looked up. the minute your eyes met, she burst out laughing.
"ms. jolie, do you need a minute out in the hall?" the teacher asked.
"no, no. i'm fine. i'm sorry. sorry," she apologized through laughter.
he muttered something under his breath and then continued his lesson.
angelina's head was now laid over her open notebook as she laughed silently. you folded the old sticky note and stuffed it in your pocket before pulling out a new one.
so not funny, you wrote.
angelina took the note and crossed out the word "not."
that wasn't funny either, you wrote.
she smiled at you again.
it was very funny, she answered, underlining "very" three times.
i think i will be taking a minute in the hall. to cry. because my girlfriend is making fun of me, you wrote jokingly.
drama queen, she wrote.
i'm leaving now, you wrote.
no, you can't, she knew you were joking.
why? you asked
because you love me too much, she answered. you looked at each other and smiled.
as she was folding the note, it fell onto the ground, right next to the teacher's feet. he had been helping the student in front of you two.
just our luck, you thought.
"what is this, ladies?" he asked, holding the folded note up.
thankfully, no writing was visible. just as he was about to open it, angelina stuck her hand up, signalling him to stop.
"um- girl problems, sir," she said slowly.
"oh," he said, before placing the note back down onto the desk.
you both looked at each other when he turned away and smirked at each other. angie placed her hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles in.
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
the rina headcanons are endless!! it would be verrrryyy cute if we ever got rina baking together. it is very necessary to see them having a flour fight and having a frost-off to see who can ice the GF cupcakes better (my money is on Ms. Porter those turkey cupcakes looked expert level). we also deserve to see ricky teaching gina how to skateboard in this summer montage bc imagine him holding her by the waist gently while she holds his shoulders and her knees are kinda locked bc she’s nervous and is completely padded up…yeah i like to suffer with these thoughts.
also random but i would loveee a proper halloween episode bc we absolutely NEED to see rina in a haunted house bc yes gina would be protecting ricky. hes so malewife i cant 😭. one of these days i may have to slip out of anon mode and dump all my ideas on you privately haha but hiii it is me bday anon 🧁!
the expo gave us SO much i can’t even process what all this means for s4 but seeing the chemistry between sof and josh as rina is so heartwarming they work so well together i already know rina are going to be the most annoyingly cute couple when they finally get together. can you say ‘IT couple!’ and im totally projecting here bc i always wanted to do this but all the guys i ever dated were losers but i would d-word for a scene where rina are doing face masks together!! idk something about that is so sweet to me, especially if its gina smearing clay mask on for him and ricky being totally into it. (!!!) and since josh likes to paint his nails, it would be a cute nod to that if gina ever polished ricky’s nails. like imagine him with the cucumber slices over his eyes ike a diva while gina is giggling as she paints his nails in some pastel color. very bestie-turned-boyfriend energy! <33
BDAY ANON I MISSED YOU!!! Thank you for always showing up with a little cupcake 🥹
Ok but for real how did she frost those turkeys that well?? I’m literally a decade older than her and I do be struggling making anything meaningful in my kitchen lmao (and I eat mostly gluten free too so I just KNOW those were not easy to make). Also, completely unnecessary side note, Sofia is gluten free so they added that in as a call out to her IRL. They didn’t need to specify the cupcakes were GF so I thought that was a cute little shout out :)
And OMG I am like 90% sure I saw someone do a fan art of her standing on his skateboard and holding onto him 😭 (I can’t remember if they were kissing in it or not but how CUTE would that be, especially with their height difference!)
AND THE HALLOWEEN ONE IS SO GOOD. Like imagine him just quaking and crying and she has to lead him through, but then she gets a little scared sometimes and they call each other chicken again 😭 where I live (not sure if other places are like this) every one of our haunted houses end with someone chasing you through with a chain saw (no chain) 😂 it is the most traumatic and funny thing and the amount of screaming and panicking that happen in the end is so funny. I know it’s to get people to get out of the haunted house quickly but BOY is it funny. I would d*e if I saw them both run out in absolute fear from the ✨fake✨ chainsaw man
We were FED at D23. There was NO REASON for them to add the triangle to the choreo in their performance outside of fan service and you want to know what? I ate it up EVERY time I watched! And I’ll do it again!!
And trust me I totally get that!!! I 100% live vicariously through my rom coms and books so I don’t blame you 😂 (sorry you dated jerks though- I hope you find your own rina type love story some day 🥲)
And that is SO cute and we absolutely know ricky would do it. He would probably be the one who keeps bugging gina to go shopping for the supplies, asking her a million questions about the spa night, and would proudly brag and wear his colored nails. TBH it reminds me so much of Jim and Pam. Like we KNOW Jim would literally wear the dumbest outfit or do something that makes him look silly if Pam asked. And Ricky just RADIATES Jim energy. I’m so obsessed with these ships like I’m down BAD!!!
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novoaa1writes · 3 years
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pairing(s): dark!peggy carter x nb!reader
you and peggy carter have a professional relationship. 
she’s your boss, for christ’s sake. 
sure, she’s gorgeous. and funny. and intelligent. 
are you attracted to her? undeniably. 
but regardless, you’d never pursue her. you know better than most that getting into it with your boss never ends well. 
too bad peggy doesn’t seem to harbor the same reservations. 
contains: non-con / dub-con smut
[ inspired by “positively owned” by @imanuglywombat​ ]
word count: ~1,000
rating: explicit (18+)
warnings: non-con, dub-con, rope bondage, dark!peggy, pet names, dirty talk
notes: reader is non-binary (they/them pronouns), though their gender identity is a fairly minor part of this drabble-ish thing. and, as always, reader is written to be poc / racially ambiguous, though that’s very minimally alluded to here.
[commissioned by someone who requested to remain anonymous]
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“Jesus, f—Please, I can’t—Shit !” 
With one last choked scream, you collapse back down to the mattress, aftershocks of euphoria ravaging your trembling body in powerful waves. Your wrists ache where they rest behind you near the base of your spine, bound tightly with coils of sturdy crimson rope. 
The lacquered surface of the wooden headboard behind you is cool and hard against the flushed, sweaty skin of your back—a welcome respite. 
Your thoughts spin; your naked chest heaves; and that sensitive place between your thighs… twitching and unbearably sore, puffy folds glistening with copious amounts of your own slick.  
You’d close your legs if you could—but of course, Peggy’s already several steps ahead. Both legs are restrained, bent double and widely spread—ankles to the tops of your thighs, knees askew—limbs tightly bound in crimson rope which matches the neat coils around your wrists. 
“P-P-Please, Ms. Carter,” you manage to gasp out, lungs burning. “I-It’s too much, p-please—” 
A dainty, perfectly-manicured finger dipping into your swollen folds stops you mid-thought, ripping the very breath from your lungs as the tip drags languidly from entrance to clit. 
In this moment, it seems to matter very little that you never wanted this—that Peggy Carter was a friend to you and nothing more, that you were more than content with allowing the dynamic between the pair of you to stay exactly that: platonic. Professional, even.
She’s your boss, for Christ’s sake, and heaven knows you’ve never been one for mixing business and pleasure. 
It never ends well. You know that better than most. 
Not only that, she’s… well, she’s Peggy Carter. Sole founder and current CEO of CARTER & CO., the world’s largest weapon manufacturing conglomerate to date. She’s among the most successful women in the world—in history, even. Hell, she’s been on the cover of Forbes three times spanning the last five years; she’s basically a celebrity. 
What could she possibly want with the likes of you? What could you possibly gain from making yet another big-time mistake with the woman who holds your very future in her dainty, impossibly well-manicured hands?
“Holy—Shit—Fuck !” 
Maddening shocks of pleasure jolt you back to the present, the pad of a probing finger as it lazily circles your clit. Just like that, any semblance of dubiety and skepticism flee your thoughts, leaving you a writhing sweat-slick mess in its wake, noxious euphoria twisting your very insides up in dolorous knots. 
“Aww,” Peggy coos, her breath hot against your lips as she looms above you, cocoa-bean-brown eyes watching your every twitch and shudder with rapt attention. “Does that hurt?”
Even as she asks, the very tip of her middle finger delves surehandedly back into your slick to dip just so inside your spasming hole; needless to say, the sensation alone (no matter how slight) has you fucking keening off the bed.
“Oh—OhmyGod—” You cut yourself off with a short inhale as Peggy sinks her finger ever further inside your clenching depths without a semblance of warning—slowly, gradually until she’s knuckle deep inside you.
Holy fuck.
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—but there’s pleasure, too. Body-racking, chest-compressing, insurmountable pleasure which threatens to tear you apart from within.   
“Puppy’s a bit sensitive now, aren’t they?” Peggy questions, her honeyed tone dripping with faux sympathy. She’s all power and hungered poise as she bores down upon you: red-painted lips pushed out to form a perfect pout, lust-blown pupils intent upon your own… It feels impossible to look away. “Well, that’s to be expected, I suppose. I’ve put this pretty little pussy of yours through quite the ordeal this afternoon, haven’t I?”
“I—P-Please, I don’t wanna—Oh, my, FUCK !” Pleasure arrests your body from every side as she works another finger into you without preamble, effectively halting any futile attempts at escape in favor of arching your body obscenely up into hers—a wordless plea for more, more, more.
You don’t want it; it hurts and you don’t want it, but somehow you do, and that juxtaposition alone threatens to shatter you from the inside out—never mind the rest of it.  
Peggy chuckles, leaning down to nuzzle the tip of your nose with her own—teasing you even still, like you aren’t hanging on the precipice of utter mental and physical collapse. “Aw, my precious baby… You can give me another, can’t you?” She plants a kiss at the very corner of your lips, letting out a quiet chuckle against your skin at the tortured groan that objectively rather simple act elicits. “You can cum for me once more, make me so very, very proud?”
Something about Peggy Carter—she has a certain knack for making every question come across as an incontestable demand. This instance is no exception. 
And, in typical Peggy Carter fashion, she doesn’t wait for a verbal response.
Rather, she does precisely the opposite—works in another finger and doubles her pace despite the way it makes you shriek and wail, thrusting violently into you until lewd squelching noises fill your ears. Your cheeks burn with the shame of it; your sorely overstimulated cunt throbs and spasms wildly around Peggy’s thrusts; the sheer sensation of it all is unlike any else you’ve ever known, eclipsing your fickle consciousness in shades of blinding white.
“That’s it, bunny, let it happen,” Peggy soothes, her voice low and silken—offering comfort… and even still, her pace doesn’t falter—if anything, it quickens; long, dexterous fingers coaxing your swollen cunt steadfastly towards another earth-shattering orgasm that you’re sure will break you when it hits. “You’re doing so well for me, now—such a desperate little thing… You’re going to cum, aren’t you? All over my hand like a good little puppy, that’s it...”
… Fuck. Yeah, that fucking breaks you. 
You bite your tongue to stifle a keening whimper and don’t flinch when you taste blood, even as you can’t stop yourself from bobbing your head up and down in a shallow nod—admitting defeat. Hell, you’re almost cross-eyed as you gape wordlessly back up at Peggy, helpless and utterly overwhelmed by pleasure, bits of drool dribbling down your chin. 
It’s… heaven. Fucking heaven.  
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[marvel]: @teenwonder
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end notes: dark!peggy rail me challenge
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peachyteez · 3 years
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 harmless pranks ≫ DAY ONE, WOOYOUNG?!
this mischevious dolphin hybrid escaped an illegal experiment lab and has wandered the ocean for almost a year. all he longed for was love and attention—maybe even a family. who knew his “little” prank on jiyu would be the beginning to all of his wishes being granted.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminpeachy, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @pirate-of-the-dark-seas, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight, @everrrlasting, @bls-luv-me, @atzgiggle, @arohabyeol, @rainbowmagicpixecorn, @soverystupid, @ayetothezee, @kingalls00, @sanstreasure0305, @sparklingmallow, @kpopnightingale, @rosesarethebest, @stillcantfindaproperusername, @bonbonhwa, @its-sarah-stark, @sanismybb, @frankenstein852, @peachseok, @woopetals, @exhofayemars, @pvrkacciosan, 
✧ can’t be tagged: @alienmashup, @c-sanshine, @int0chae
✧ notes: surprise! i know i scheduled the release for may 7th, but thought i’d release it a little early :)
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“i can’t believe you’re up and leaving us for a month,” yeonjun sarcastically commented while helping her lug her last luggage into the mercedes van that sunwoo had been so generous enough to send to pick them up. “and from the looks of it, it doesn’t look like soobin, beomgyu, and taehyun are going to let go of the others.”
and true to his word, she looked over to see them gathered in a group hug. beomgyu clung onto yunho with teary eyes, he’s never been separated from him for a month before. yunho gently pat the younger puppy’s head with a small smile. 
she chuckled at the heartwarming scene. “guys, you’ll still be able to call and facetime. and you’re acting like we’re never coming back! we’re only going to jeju island.”
“but what if you run away with this person because they’re rich?” beomgyu asked, ignorant to her background. at his question, the other boys gasped and whipped their heads over to her. 
her smile slightly faltered, forgetting that they don’t know of her origins. she knew she’d have to come clean someday—maybe this trip was the right time to tell. 
“don’t be ridiculous, of course we are,” she gently reprimanded before coming over to ruffle beomgyu’s hair. “beomgyu’s imagination is just running a tad bit wild.”
pouting, beomgyu shifted from yunho to engulf her in a bear hug. 
“soobin and i’ll make sure beomgyu doesn’t grow any grey hairs while worrying about you guys,” taehyun jokingly reassured. he knew beomgyu well enough, even though he was an addition to the family a month ago.  
“miss, it’s about time to depart to the airport,” the driver informed with a bow. 
with a nod, she rubbed beomgyu’s head. “okay, we need to go now, bub. we’ll message you when we get there, okay?”
reluctantly nodding, beomgyu let her go. he joined soobin, taehyun, and yeonjun to see them off, waving until they not longer saw the black vehicle. 
in the car, yunho, mingi, san, and yeosang were fascinated with how fancy the interior was. there were two rows of two seats, and row with three seats in the back. the seats were so comfortable, and it was so roomy; an environment unfamiliar to the hybrids. while seonghwa and yunho knew somewhat of her background, the others wondered how she managed to afford something like this. 
“is your friend rich?” san asked, looking back to face jiyu. seating arrangements were decided by an intense game of rock-paper-scissors. in the end, yeosang and hongjoong sat in front, mingi and san were in the middle row, and jiyu was squished in between yunho and seonghwa in the back. 
“that’s one way of putting it, yes.” in truth, she was worried about how they would react to her and sunwoo’s background. most of them had come from influential families or illegal organizations to begin with. having terrible memories with them, would they change once they knew who she really was?
“but don’t worry, he’s really nice! he has a hybrid friend of his own, too. i think he said a german shepard hybrid.” yunho seemed to perk up at the thought of meeting another dog hybrid. 
“hm...if you say so. if you trust him, then we do, too,” hongjoong said before getting comfortable in the seat. 
upon arriving at the airport, the van immediately took them to the runway where a private plane was parked and waiting. she assumed it was sunwoo’s. the boys plastered their faces against the van windows at the sight of the plane. they’ve never been on one before, hence their childlike fascination. 
“are we really going on that?” san asked with excitement. “i love your friend already,” he teasingly commented. 
jiyu softly chuckled as the van came to a stop. hopping out, she saw sunwoo standing at the entrance to the plane with a hybrid she assumed was eric. catching sight of jiyu, he started climbing down the stairs. she smiled and waved to him, an action he returned with a small chuckle. 
“were you waiting long?”
he shook his head. “don’t worry, we came ten minutes ago. eric’s been eager to meet you and your—” seeing the six hybrids behind her filing out of the van, his eyes widened. he knew she had hybrids, but he didn’t really know what to expect. “you have six?”
she sheepishly chuckled. “yeah...i hope you don’t mind. they won’t bite if that’s what you’re worried about.”
on the contrary, sunwoo didn’t mind at all; it actually made her a hundred times cooler in his eyes if anything. he’s never met a girl who managed to befriend six different hybrid breeds. but then again, with her job, he should’ve seen it coming. despite that, she just kept surprising him with who she is. 
“guys, this is sunwoo,” she called out to the boys. “he’s the friend i was talking about!” 
while the boys acquainted themselves with sunwoo, the german shepard hybrid approached jiyu with a friendly smile. “hi, i’m eric! although i think sunwoo told you plenty about me already.”
jiyu giggled at the boy’s abundance of energy. “he has mentioned you a few times. i’m jiyu.”
eric enthusiastically nodded. “i’ve heard about you a lot, too! sunwoo didn’t stop talking about you for a whole week after your first meeting.”
jiyu felt her face flush at the new piece of information. “a week—”
“ji! sunwoo said there’s also video games on the plane!”
before eric could continue exposing sunwoo, yunho came bounding up to her with the others in tow. with their calm and excited demeanor, she assumed that they managed to feel relaxed and at home with sunwoo, which made her happy and relieved. 
“is that so?” she mused, rubbing the spot behind his ears. yunho nodded and giggled, pushing his head into jiyu’s hands. eric glanced at sunwoo and couldn’t help the smirk on his face at the sight of the soft look on his friend’s face. 
snapping out of his reverie, sunwoo cleared his throat. “we should get going.”
the plane ride nothing out of the ordinary—the boys were getting to know eric, while jiyu and sunwoo caught up over a glass of champagne. 
“so it seems like your friends don’t know about you yet?” sunwoo inquired. “i told eric to keep his mouth shut about it just in case.”
softly shaking her head, she quietly glanced at the hybrid group that had passed out not too long ago after expending all of their energy. “only seonghwa and yunho know about it. i never found the right time to tell the others but this trip might be it.”
mingi had sleepily wandered over towards them and plopped down next to her before laying his head on her lap. within a few minutes, his breath evened out again. 
an endearing chuckle left her lips as she threaded her fingers through his faded red hair. “ah, you big baby,” she cooed. 
sunwoo watches her with a soft smile on his face. he watches the way she gently lulls the giant bunny to sleep, the mother-like smile on her face, the gentle aura she exudes—he could go on and on. she was completely different from what he had been expecting. while they had a few brief meetings during company gatherings, she always had a blank expression, never smiling nor frowning. it was almost like she was more robot than human.
when his parents had informed him of his future marriage with her, he didn’t know how to react. a part of him would’ve been lying if he had denied feeling the tiniest bit of disdain at his fate.
but lo and behold, she managed to leave him soft and charmed with every meeting, even if this was only their second one. 
“sir, ma’am, we’ll be landing in about ten minutes. please fasten your seatbelts.” 
his pilot’s voice managed to break him out of his thoughts, leaving him to scramble to sit up straighter and cool his flushed face. 
“i should wake them up,” jiyu said, completely unaware of sunwoo’s dilemma. softly shaking mingi’s shoulder, she gently prodded him awake before relaying the pilot’s message to him. padding over to the others, she did the same.
sunwoo sighed before buckling in his own seatbelt. he needed to keep himself in check around her before he accidentally does something that would embarrass himself. this is going to be a long month.
upon arriving at the private vacation home, jiyu was already bombarded with the youngers’ pleas to go to the beach. luckily for them, the vacation home was just down the street from the beach, giving them easy access to visit whenever they wanted. 
“i’m really sorry, i hope you don’t mind,” she apologized to sunwoo for the fact that they were going to the beach the moment they put their bags down. “if you’re tired, you can stay. i can take—”
sunwoo’s soft chuckle made her pause mid-sentence. she didn’t know he was capable of making such a melodious sound. while she was still living in the main house, her friends had painted him to be an aloof person. and even from what she saw at company dinners. the daughters of other elites were always throwing themselves at him, offering him drinks and their company. 
yet every singe time without fail, he would coldly reject them.
so when yuta had told her that he was the one her father set her up with, she was doubtful if they could even be civil with each other. 
“it’s fine, i’ll go with you and the others. eric’s been pestering me to go, too so it works out.”
the soft and friendly expression was just proof to her that maybe, just maybe, she had been judging the facade he puts up.
“oh, okay then!” she smiled before scurrying to her room to change. “let’s meet back here when we’re ready!”
watching her excited like a child to go to the ocean, he couldn’t contain the smile that he had been biting back. he was glad that they could at least be friends despite the circumstances.
“stop staring at her door and go change, loverboy.”
he was bought back to reality by his best friend’s quip. throwing him a half-hearted glare, he trudged to his room. “i wasn’t staring.” even his protest was weak. 
eric couldn’t help the smirk that crosses his face. he’s known his best friend long enough to know that he never gets like this around girls. “this should be an interesting trip.”
by the time they all met back up to leave, it was two p.m.—a prime time for the sun to be out and bestowing them with it’s heat on their short walk to the beach.
“it’s the ocean!” yunho shouted with utter glee and happiness as he and eric raced each other across the sand and to the water. the others ran after them, even san who ended up straying on shore and dipping his feet in the water. hongjoong joined him as he watched over the others in the water. 
jiyu and sunwoo had found a group of beach chairs under a big umbrella and tossed their bags down. stretching her limbs, jiyu sprawled out on a chair and closed her eyes for a brief moment. hearing the ocean waves along with the cheerful shouts of the boys in the water made her smile with content. 
cracking an eye open, she caught sunwoo throwing off the white t-shirt he had on and shaking his head afterward to fix his hair. her eyes raked over his body against her own will. his lean figure, the define abs lined on his stomach, and the hints of muscles on his arm only served to have a volcano of butterflies erupt in her stomach. 
“everything okay?” he asked, leaning down towards her face.
looking away from his piercing gaze, she jumped up and quickly discarded her own outerwear before speed-walking towards the water. “yep! just great!” she definitely didn’t miss the smirk that was threatening to take over his face. 
sunwoo smirked before running to catch up with her. he couldn’t help but take note of the red two-piece she was sporting. a part of him wanted to throw his earlier discarded t-shirt over her to give her coverage from other people’s gazes that were lingering just a bit too long, but he bit back his own desire.
after all, they were just budding friends who were about to be stuck in an arranged, and potentially loveless, marriage.
but that didn’t stop him from lifting her up and tossing her into the water.
emerging back up, she had to rub her eyes to get rid of the salt water before throwing a glare towards the laughing culprit.
“kim sunwoo!” she stood up and crossed her arms across her chest like an angry child. 
“i had to—hey!”
too busy caught up in his own laughter, he failed to notice the wolf hybrid sneaking up behind him to exact revenge for jiyu. emerging up next to jiyu, shook his head to remove excess water out of his hair before looking for his culprit. seeing the proudly-smiling seonghwa on shore with his hands on his hips, he let out snort. 
“alright, you got me.”
she burst into giggles before floating on her back. looking up at the sky, there were no hints of clouds—just the endless blue that seemed to stretch out for miles on end. feeling someone tug her feet, she perked her head up to see yeosang pulling her. 
“you were floating too far out,” he informed before lightly flicking her forehead. “watch out before you float away and we’re stranded here without you,” he added with a chuckle, just barely missing the splash of water that jiyu retaliated with, before swimming off back to yunho and mingi. 
“he seems fun to be around,” sunwoo said as swam up to join her. “he reminds me of eric, only more sass.”
“yeah, i never know where his sass comes from—”
she was cut off by a huge splash of water from behind that had not only hit her, but also sunwoo. turning around, she expected it to be yeosang, san, or eric.
but no one was behind them. 
sunwoo furrowed his eyebrows. the hybrid group was at least twenty feet away from them—there was no way any of them could’ve done it since he and jiyu would’ve heard them swimming off or laughing. 
“that’s odd, who—ah!”
before jiyu could finish her sentence, a pair of arms grabbed her waist and yanked her underwater. having no time to react, she felt herself being tugged away as they started swimming with her in tow.
sunwoo swore his heart almost stopped; whether it be from the fact that it all happened so quickly or the fact that jiyu could potentially be drowning, he didn’t know. he didn’t have time to know.
“oi, what the—!”  
his scream caught the others attention. looking over, they sunwoo looking frantic pulling something up from under the water. 
but there was no jiyu. 
they all swam over with urgency, fearing something went wrong.
“where is she?” hongjoong asked, brows furrowing with panic. the others looked ready to fight what or whoever took jiyu, even yunho and mingi even though they both looked on the verge of crying. 
“something pulled her down and just...swam away!”
meanwhile, underwater, jiyu was having a ball trying to fight off what or whoever pulled her down. it was definitely a person—she felt the arms around her waist and the hard chest that was tightly pressed against her back. looking behind her she managed to make out a male with majestic, black with gold highlights. 
the lack of air snapped her back to reality from her gawking and she stared to try and pry the man’s hands off of her. as if catching onto her message, he quickly brought her back up to the surface. 
inhaling like her life depended on it and coughing out some water, she turned around and glared at whoever decided to try and almost drown her.
but before she could her a word out, she was blown away by how...pretty the man staring back at her was. with his hair tucked behind his ears, it framed his face perfectly, showing off his distinct and defined facial features.
but something else caught her eye. 
the lower half of his body was a tail. eyes flicking back and forth from the man’s face to the tail, her mouth opened and closed like fish out of water.
“a fish h-hybrid..?”
“oi, jiyu!” 
at the sound of her name, she looked behind the man to see everyone swimming up to her. it turned out that they weren’t that far away from shore—the man, or hybrid, just took her along the shoreline rather than farther out like she had originally thought. 
the unknown hybrid just watched as the seven other hybrids and sunwoo crowded her to make sure she was okay. yeosang profusely apologized, saying “i know i joked about you floating away and stranding us, but i didn’t mean to make that a reality”.
sunwoo ruffled her wet hair, breathing out a sigh of relief. “you scared me there. i thought i was going to lose you on the first day here.”
“huh? yeosang?”
at the sound of his name, yeosang turned around and practically fainted. he literally swam past him, how did he manage to miss the extremely familiar face.  he stared at the underwater hybrid, wide-eyed, like he had witnessed another miracle from the universe. the unknown man mirrored yeosang’s look.
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fuzzyizmit · 2 years
It Feels so Good Again!
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Here is some background. I used to be into art (like drawing, painting etc... not sculpture) when I was younger. I mean A LOT. Every note book from first grade on is full of doodles. I took darn near every art class my high school offered (everything except ceramics).
Over the years, I have stopped. It took to much time and money to keep it up with everything else going on in my life. Now, all this was before digital art was really a feasible thing for a 'normal' person to do (unless you count old school MS Paint). Digital art was in it's infancy and the tech needed to do it was WAY out of my price range. I've wanted to get back into drawing digitally etc for ages, but really didn't know how.
I've tried over the years, got a cheap drawing pad and pen, but found the process to be really hard. I don't know if it is just me, the software I was trying to use or what. Now drawing tablets (ie you draw right on your screen) has become more viable, I downloaded Ibis Paint X for an old tablet and I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH ART AGAIN! So much of my old skills (not all, and I wasn't particularly gifted back in the day either... I need to take some figure drawing classes so bad) have flooded back up!
It's amazing how GOOD it feels to create something again! I feel like I have reawakened an old part of me that I missed so bad! I just had to share!
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halaboyz · 3 years
pairing: non-idol! sunwoo x gn! reader, close one eye for non-idol! hyunjae x gn!reader genre: angst, fluff + very, very cliche word count: 2.1k warnings // notes: profanities, no more that i know of ;; decided my first post to be the birthday boy! happiest birthday to the brightest ray of sunshine that deserves the whole world ♡ + you can find this scenario on my wattpad! i cannot find any time yet to write a new one so here you go,,
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"I hate you." You cuss out to the man in front of you, sunwoo. "What did I ever do to you?" You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at yourself in disgust, full of flour and eggs.
"I just like making fun of you," He held his belly while laughing, "You look definitely someone to make fun of." He nodded off and left you standing on the cold rooftop.
You looked up, heaving a deep sigh. You closed your eyes in high hopes of stopping the hurt and anger conquering yourself. Your thoughts were distracted when you felt something cold touch your nose, and lots more to your face afterward. You open your eyes to see, "Snow.." You mumbled to yourself.
"Yes, it’s snowing, and you're still here, only in your school uniform, and–– drenched in flour and eggs." You look behind you to see Hyunjae, your not-so-average closest guy friend, removing his padded jacket and walking towards you.
"It's okay, you wear that. I'm not very cold."
"You are. Your lips are pale." You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness, and let him put his jacket on you. "I'm not stupid enough to know that it’s not Sunwoo. I'm sorry, Ms. Cha got on the way and made me run some errands."
"Come on, it’s not like you can stop Sunwoo."
"But I promised you I'd protect you."
"I know that."
He sighed, "How'd he turn out that way though? You were the best-est friends."
You closed your eyes. You also didn't know. You were childhood friends, closer than close, but one day, the Kim Sunwoo you know just disappeared. He started making fun of you, throwing balloon paints at you, embarrassing you in class, tripping you with the food tray on your hands, and now, throwing flour and eggs on you. This was going on cycle for a year and you don't know until when you can take it. If he hates you, why can’t he just say it? 
Oh, and of course, the reason. Why did he suddenly turn out to be so cold and merciless to you? every question you wanted to ask is just getting many and many.
Until Hyunjae came, he once tried to save you from tripping but then one of Sunwoo's friends pushed him too so you fell with him. That day he promised to be your closest friend and to save you always. 
"Thank you Hyunjae."
"Suddenly?" He let out a breathy scoff that made you realize he was only wearing a hoodie and was breathing visible air already because of the coldness.
"You up for hugs?"
"With your egg and flour?" He laughs, "Why not?" He reached his arms to you and hugged you lovingly.
"Let's go in, you're freezing." You said, "You can use my jacket." As you made your way to the door, he pulled you.
"One step he takes towards you I'll do martial arts on him." He made silly moves to make it look like he can beat up Sunwoo in 2 punches.
You laugh and pull him in, "You're so gonna walk me home today to explain to mom that there was a.. project."
"I got you, even though it’s bad." He pointed at you while going down the stairs, giving a playful wink.
As you got down, you heard stomping feet away from you. As you look at the back of the person, you knew very well that it was Sunwoo.
you looked at Hyunjae as he was giving the same confused look. You both shrugged it off and proceeded to your room–– yes, you're attending classes that messy.
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You stretch your back and arms up, hearing the bell signal dismissal. You fix your things, waiting for Hyunjae. He wasn't in the same section as you, so you really had to wait.
While waiting, you recalled how grumpy Sunwoo was in the remaining class after you met him on the rooftop.
You shook your head sideward and when you were about to stand up, enough of waiting for Hyunjae, you were met up with Sunwoo's eyes and face that was very close to you so you let out a big gasp.
"Shocked? We were more than this close before, y/n." He smirked and made himself closer to you slowly.
"What the fuck are you up to?" You said, trying your best not to stutter while moving backwards as much as you can. "You've done enough for today, Sunwoo. Please, let me go home." You tried dodging him but he held both sides of your chair.
"Oh no, you're not going home." He made his way closer and closer, until your faces were inches away. Your heart was beating faster and you didn't know why, and you don't want to know why. You closed your eyes tightly when he was closing the gap. "Are you and Hyunjae dating?" He has made his way close to your ears which made your blood rush up to your face.
You were just breathing heavily until he was pushed to the wall with a raging Hyunjae. He grabs Sunwoo by the collar and protectively holds you behind him. Sunwoo did nothing but give a smirk.
"Do not, ever think about getting close to y/n again. I'm fucking warning you." You instinctively held Hyunjae as he let go, got your things and you both walked out the door.
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You were now on the bus taking the way home, Hyunjae still has furrowed eyebrows.
"Hmm?" He hummed without looking at you.
"Hyunjae, I'm sorry."
"Nah, I'm just kidding," His face turned absolutely opposite in a mere second, turning to you. "So what did he say?" Like a little girl, he wanted to know everything, every detail. So you did tell him. "Ah! you know what, I honestly think, from the bottom of my heart, to my guts and to the blood running insid––,"
"Just tell me!" You cut off his blabbering.
"He's just in love with you." Hyunjae smirked as you turned red again. Your heart beats faster, but to hide your redness, you hit him repeatedly.
"What the fuck's in your mind! Are you crazy! Why would he do these if he does! You’re insane!" Until you arrived at your stop, he just kept on laughing at you because your red face didn't fade one bit.
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Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months.
It has been months and even once did Sunwoo talk, or even make fun of you again. you didn't complain though, but still you felt incomplete. On the other hand, you were now spending all of your spare time with Hyunjae. He was fun to be with, how come you just became friends with him this year?
"y/n!" Hyunjae shouted through the hallway. "I have something to tell you."
“I'm thinking of building my courage and asking my crush to prom!"
“That's nice," You laugh, “Why’d you tell me?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Are you going?” He ignored your question.
"I don't have plans to go to this prom," He raised his eyebrows at you. "What? It'll just tire you up dancing." You roll your eyes at the silly thought, but something inside you wants to experience prom.
"No, you need to go."
"I don't need to."
"You have to."
"I don't want to."
"y/n! Shit, I still have class. prom's on the day after tomorrow, I'll pick you up! I'll freaking drag you if I have to!" He waved as he made his way to another classroom.
You were on your way to your locker to get your things and go home, but as you open your locker, you find your favorite flower inside it, with a letter.
Go to prom with me?
You were beyond bewildered, no one knew your locker's password except.. Hyunjae and... Sunwoo?
You curse at yourself and look more in the letter but no name was written.
This handwriting isn't Hyunjae's.
You shrug the thought of Sunwoo asking you and thinking that he probably has a date already.
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Prom night.
It was already prom night. You wake up early, the flower from the other day bringing good morning to you while sitting in your nightstand. You still don't know who gave it, but didn’t mind otherwise.
Why the fuck were you excited?
Weren't you supposed to have no plans?
Who is Sunwoo going with?
Questions start to bubble your mind again and it was none other than Sunwoo and Sunwoo only.
"Argh!" And you unintentionally slept again.
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The loud ringing of the doorbell ruined your sleep and it was ringing nonstop.
"y/n, I'm not gonna stop until you let me in!" Hyunjae banged the door until you opened it. He made his way to the couch with his tuxedo.
"Oh, you look nice."
"I know. I look great." He scoffed. "Now go get ready gal, prom's in 5 hours."
"And you're already dressed?"
"That's because my mom wanted it, but I brought some spare clothes so I'm going to change here first and change again later, so that I won’t look a mess around girls who fawn at me." He fantasizes as you rolled your eyes.
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You walk out your room prepared simply, and Hyunjae playfully claps at you.
"You look great." He winks at you, holding out his arm for you to hold as you walk to your flat’s parking lot.
You look at the car in front of you as Hyunjae takes careful steps with you. He opened the passenger's seat for you to take. As you were waiting for Hyunjae to speed off, you realize that there was also a car with a sticker of the school you were attending in.
"Huh, do I have any classmates in the same apartment?" You tilt your head as you think until Hyunjae sped off.
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"Wow, this is very boring." You said as you just sit and watch couples dance. A lot have been offering their hands to you but politely decline it, reasoning you didn't know how to dance.
Hyunjae was beside you, reluctant to dance with others because he can’t just leave you alone.
"Have you noticed Sunwoo has been having his eyes on you the very moment he stepped out of his car after us?" He asks nonchalantly.
Your eyes now start to dart everywhere, looking for Sunwoo and as soon as your eyes landed on him, he avoided your eye contact and drank whatever was in his cup.
You scoffed and were surprised that Hyunjae stood up, offered his hand–– more likely pulled you to the dance floor.
"I'm bored, let's make Sunwoo jealous."
"You're really insane."
"Not,” He sassily cranes his neck. “Because what if I'm right? I might pass the prophecy." He laughed as he made you hug him in position for a dance; your arms on his neck while his hands on your waist.
You stayed like that for minutes until you were pulled outside.
"Alright, show's over." Sunwoo grunts, and Hyunjae just winks at you.
"Where are you going?" You ask him as he continuously pulls you and unintentionally tighten his grip on your wrist. "It hurts, Sunwoo, let go." He didn't budge one bit but just made it tighter. "I said it fucking hurts!" You stop and escape your wrist on his grip. You stopped in an empty garden that had a cool breeze.
"It hurts?" he scoffed, tears brimming in his eyes, "Do you even feel hurt? Then what do I call it when it’s worse? That's not all the pain you've given me, y/n! Do you know how much it fucking hurts seeing you so close with Hyunjae? Do you know how I felt that time when you were so happy the first time you got seated with him and not me? Do you know how random it feels to say I don't love you but my heart feels otherwise? Do you fucking know how it always hurt me that you say i hate you to me always, in hopes of you saying the opposite those times i always make fun of you?" Tears were now running down, and yours were threatening too. "Do you know how hard it is to avoid you, to avoid thinking that you and Hyunjae aren't dating?" His furrowed eyebrows made you scared of what was to happen.
"We aren't."
"Bullshit y/n!" You winced, "Bullshit! Sharing hugs, you're always together, yet you didn't even acknowledge the flower I put in your locker! You went with him this prom.." he exasperatingly exhales. "I'm doing my best to erase you from my mind and heart.. to say that I don't have any chance with you. But this heart," he points at his heart, "It beats for you.. It beats for you, it hurts." You let out a light chuckle, cupping his cheek to make him face you.
"Bastard, we aren't dating, you know how fond I am of cuddling with whoever." You smiled at him, "I don't know how love feels," his eyes lit up, "But it feels the same way you do.. It beats for you."
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