#notice how i said nothing about remus? i will save that for tomorrow
impishtubist · 6 months
Tonight, on the eve of my birth, I speak much chaos into the universe:
Sirius Black is tall and a top and an alpha and bisexual and probably fucked Bellatrix multiple times.
William Laurence deserves to be bred by Tharkay. He also deserves to breed Napoleon. He and Tom Riley are exes. I think he got Jane pregnant in book 9 and she gives him and Tharkay and Temeraire the baby to raise. I think there needs to be more fic where he gets executed post VOE.
Hawkeye Pierce has a breeding kink. He wants to be knocked up by Sidney SO BAD but only BJ will knock him up.
Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler are such a valid m/f couple but also Alan was definitely fucking grad student Billy right????
Ten/Rose isn't m/f because Ten isn't a man eyyyyyyyyyyyy
Jim/McCoy is superior to Jim/Spock.
Chakotay/Tom is superior to Tom/Harry.
Data ABSOLUTEY has emotions, it's just that his emotions don't manifest in ways that humans notice/understand.
You WISH your OTP had what Aziraphale/Crowley has. A 6000-year-long love story? Pining, misunderstandings, constant rescuing, canonical dancing, a canonical kiss? Your OTP could never.
Okay goodnight I hope I wake up to lots of chaos in my inbox in the morning!
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messers-moony · 3 years
Tomorrow | S.B
Paring: Sirius Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: James is nervous to marry Lily so he asks his best friend how he managed to marry his wife.
A/N: I know that this is vote number one instead of number two (which won) however, I decided to scrap what I had for number two because it wasn’t good. This is better and I’ll continue to rewrite number two until it’s to my standards. I hope you understand.
His hands were sweaty. He was nervously pulling his hair which received multiple slaps from his best friend for ruining his hair. James stepped foot in the full-length mirror readjusting his bow tie while Sirius stood behind him, chuckling at his nervous best friend.
James sighed, “How’d you do it, Pads?”
“How did you marry Y/n?”
Sirius chuckled, “Have you turned daft?”
James tilted his head in confusion, “You were my best man! You were there the entire time.” Sirius replied playfully.
“No, no, I mean, how did you really do it? Like step on the altar and marry her?”
“I just did?” Sirius answered, and James gave him a look, “Bullshit.”
“Okay, fine! Fine!” Sirius relented, “I was practically shitting myself. Y/n means a lot to me, ya’ know?”
James was silent, letting his best friend rant about his wife, “Y/n means everything to me. She’s been with me through thick and thin. There’s nothing more I wanted than to marry her even if it was in the midst of this war.”
“You’ve been chasing Lily for years, mate. I can promise you that she wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t really want to.” Sirius assured.
“You’re sure?” James inquired insecurely, “I’m one hundred percent sure.”
A knock resonated on the door with a soft voice on the other side, “It’s just me!”
The female voice on the other side of the door walked in, styled h/c hair and makeup placed upon her face. She was greeted with Sirius, and a hug pulled tightly into his chest. She saw James looking at them nervously, and she let go of Sirius to hug James tightly.
“You’re going to be okay? I promise.” She stated, pulling apart to look at his hazel eyes, “Lily loves you. Godric, she loves you more than anything!”
“Thanks, Y/n.” James smiled softly, and Y/n pulled her lips to his ear to whisper, “Lily’s liked you since second year.”
James and Y/n laughed as they pulled apart, “But that stays between us!”
“Oi!” Sirius interjected playfully, “Taking my wife, are you?”
“Never.” James replied smiling, all nerves having left, “Thank you both for being here. Seriously it means a lot to me.”
They smiled, “Anytime.”
Someone cracked open the door and spoke, “We need the maid of honor and the best man so we can start.”
“Suppose that’ll be us?” Sirius questioned teasingly, “I think so.” Y/n smiled.
Y/n kissed James’ cheek, “You’ll do fine, and we’ll see you soon.”
“Of course, Mrs.Black.”
Sirius wrapped his arm around Y/n as they walked out to the aisle and altar. Sirius took his spot on the right and Y/n on the left. Smiling at each other from the side, remembering what it was like only a few months ago when they got married. When Lily was in the maid of honor spot and James was in the best man spot. Now roles were reversed.
James stepped out, gaining a reassuring smile from them both. Lily following not too far after with her father. James and Lily looked like lovesick puppies. It was adorable. Vows were exchanged, and tears were shed, especially from James and Lily. On the alter, someone took pictures of the four of them together. Sirius told an absurd joke making them all laugh. A picture was taken at the exact moment.
It was nice. Y/n and Sirius sat at a table together. His arm was around her shoulders as they watched their best friends dance together and laugh together. Sirius took the clips out of his wife’s hair and scratched her scalp, causing her to move into his hand. Multiple hours of clips in Y/n’s hair gave her headache, and Sirius was relieving it.
“Feel nice, love?”
“Yes, these bloody clips. Make sure you save them. I’m going to throw them at Lily later.” Y/n stated, and Sirius chuckled, “Mhm, okay.”
Hours later, James and Lily began to act like fools. Y/n picked up one of the clips from the table, aiming precisely with some help from Sirius - a former Quidditch Beater - and threw it at her. At first, she didn’t notice, but after the third one, she did. The smile on her face was unmistakable.
Lily picked up the three clips and turned toward her maid of honor with her hair down completely. Another one was thrown at her, and Lily laughed loudly. Then one was thrown at Y/n and Sirius. Fortunately, Lily threw it and missed Y/n completely, instead hitting Sirius right in the face. James, Lily, and Y/n were laughing like the only people in the building.
“Oi!” Sirius yelled, “Control your wife, Prongs!”
Y/n stood up, reaching a hand out for Sirius, “C’mon Siri. Let’s go join them.”
Sirius smirked and took her hand, joining their best friend dancing together, jumping around like fifth-year Gryffindors in the common room. They looked like complete idiots, but that didn’t matter. Lily and Y/n holding hands, twirling each other around, laughing together. James and Sirius began to throw the clips at each other. Remus and Peter were on the side watching the idiots.
Lily and Y/n traded. Y/n danced with James, and Lily danced with Sirius. The girls could remember back in sixth year complaining about their boyfriends in the girl's dorms but always remembering that they love their idiots. When the night was over, just the four of them at Godrics Hollow, they just laughed the night away.
“So, Mrs.Potter, how’s it feel?” Y/n teased, “Surprisingly, it feels great.” Lily replied.
“How about you, Mrs.Black?”
“Being married to Sirius is a dream.” Y/n joked, “No, no, but in all seriousness, he’s delightful, sweeter than I imagined.”
Lily’s eyebrows quirked, “What’s he like?”
“Perfect?” Y/n replied, “Does laundry, cooks, cleans, makes my coffee every morning before order stuff?”
“Mother of Merlin! I never would’ve expected-“ Lily exclaimed, “I know! It’s crazy!” Y/n interrupted.
“We got lucky, didn’t we?”
“Indeed we did, sister.”
They clinked their glasses of firewhiskey together. Both girls finally married, finally together. Lily and Y/n hit the motherload with their husbands. Both were gentlemen and chivalry experts. Both girls fell asleep together on the couch, leaving both boys to bring them to bed. Sirius and Y/n in the guest bedroom. James and Lily in their bedroom.
The following morning the four of them woke up. Lily and Y/n were making breakfast while the two men tried to help despite having no knowledge of cooking. Two hours later, breakfast was made and being eaten at the dinner table. Clinks of forks and sounds of chewing were the only sounds coming from the table.
Until Sirius spoke up, “So, how was yesterday, newlyweds?”
“Perfect.” James answered, Sirius then turned to Lily, “Despite everything going on, I think we really needed it.”
Y/n nodded, “Completely agree. It was nice to let loose for a couple of hours.”
The conversation then went quiet, “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” Said James solemnly.
“Yesterday was great, but what we don’t know is the future, and I know that right now it’s a dark time. It’s probably one of the lowest points I’ve been in my life. My parents being terribly sick, the Dark Lord on the rise supposedly. Everything seems to be going in a downhill spiral.”
“But for the first time in months, yesterday I felt like a first-year at Hogwarts performing my first prank. I felt like that second-year who blew up Y/n’s cauldron for fun. The third-year who decided it’d be a brilliant idea to dye Sirius’ hair pink.” James stated as everyone laughed, “Let’s just say I didn’t have hair for a week.” He murmured.
“Fourth year when I stole Remus’ book, and he nearly killed me. Fifth-year, when I turned into an animagus for Moony. Sixth year when Lily finally decided to give me a chance. Seventh year when we blew up fireworks in the Great Hall for the graduating class of 1978.”
“Not knowing what tomorrow brings leaves us anxious and nervous. But there’s one thing I’m sure of.” James informed, “That if anything ever happens to me, just know, that every second we’ve spent together, every memory we have together, I hold them close to my heart. They all mean something to me. Even if it’s as simple as sitting in the common room together.”
“I’m not finished.” He interrupted, “This is a scary time, but I’ve always been certain of one thing, that thing is you guys. You guys have always been constants in my life. Always been there for me through thick and thin. Sirius being my brother, Lily being my wife, and Y/n being the little sister I never got and my shoulder to cry on.”
Y/n chuckled, “Hey!”
“I still love you.” James replied teasingly through his tears, and she smiled, “I know, Prongs.”
“I’ll eventually have to repeat the same speech to Moony and Wormtail, but for right now, I haven’t felt happier. I wanted to say all of this at the wedding, but Lily didn’t want to dampen anyone’s mood, which I understand. Yesterday was a breath of fresh air for what’s to come.”
“But tomorrow, we will all go back to our Order missions and meetings. One thing I can be sure of is that I can always trust you guys, through and through. If for some reason something happens to me, just know I love you guys.”
“We love you too, James.” Lily replied.
Sirius sniffled and smiled through his teary eyes, “Nothing will happen to you guys. Not with me here. You guys have given me too much to let you guys go without a fight.”
“And that’s why we love you, Padfoot.” James stated, smiling at him.
“Everything will be okay. We’ll get through this.” Y/n said with hopeful optimism that would always brighten her friend's days.
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aleksandersshadow · 3 years
All That Was Left Unsaid Lies Between The Stars
Pairing : Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count : 1294
Warnings : Mentions of starvation, PTSD, reader drinks a sleeping potion.
A/N : Re-posting my old fics.
The stars twinkled above you as you walked barefoot on the wet grass of your garden. This was how you calmed yourself whenever you felt overwhelmed, and your night visits to the garden were getting more and more frequent ever since you had heard that the person that was your fiance what felt like a lifetime ago had escaped from Azkaban.
You knew he was innocent. There was no way he could betray his friends and you like that. You had begged Dumbledore to help you. To help him. But the old wizard had shown no interest in saving a life from being wasted if the life wasn’t of his use anymore. 
You would never forgive him.
Now Sirius was out after enduring twelve years of torture. When you first got the news, you had wondered if he’d visit you, but now you thought it was unlikely. Twelve damn years had passed. Azkaban changed people in the worst possible ways. Maybe he didn’t even remember you anymore.
Maybe you didn’t want to raise your hopes.
You looked at the stars, trying to make sense of the constellations. Your gaze moved to a particular star that was shining the brightest and you closed your eyes, sighing.
Twelve years and you still loved him.
You decided to head back inside. Reaching the door, you froze. Your heart started pounding in your chest. The sound was deafening. There was a dog sitting on the front step.
A big, black dog.
Judging by the scratches on the door, it was obvious that he had tried to get your attention, thinking you were inside. You had been so lost in thought that you hadn't heard or seen him arrive.  He looked starved and ready to collapse, probably why he hadn’t noticed you out there when he came in either.
But now you were staring into the deep brown of his eyes, which reminded you so much of the Sirius you knew and loved that you almost started to cry then and there. A whimper from the dog brought you back from the reverie . You quickly looked around, making sure that nobody could see him even though nobody except you and Remus knew about him being an animagus.
You opened the door by using your wand to remove the protective charm that renewed itself whenever the door was shut.
Stepping in, you beckoned him to follow because he was still as a statue, waiting for your permission. As though you could ever refuse him anything. You shut the door after you were both safely inside and turned to look at him. You were forced to hold back a sob as he transformed right in front of your eyes. You felt as if your breath had been knocked out of your lungs at the sight. He looked pale, sick, starved and so much older, but he still looked like Sirius. Your Sirius.
You swallowed. This was too much. You couldn’t handle this. Couldn’t move closer, even though all you wanted was to hold him in your arms for the rest of your life.
“Did anyone see you come here?” you asked and then internally winced at the detached tone you had used.
Sirius shook his head, a storm of emotions in his eyes. You hated the look of uncertainty in his face, which only increased when you took a small step back.
“You can go and take a shower while I cook something for you. I don’t have any clothes for you right now, but you can take the bathrobe. I’ll get you some new clothes tomorrow,” you said.
You were trying to appear put together for both your sake and his.
You flinched slightly at the sound of his voice. You had been staring at your feet but you forced yourself to look at him.
“What?”, you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
He gave you a sad smile and shook his head again.
With him showered and fed, you started thinking about the next problem. You didn’t have a guest room, so one of you had to sleep on the couch. You obviously wanted him to take the bed but soon realized that Azkaban had done nothing to reduce his stubbornness.
“I didn’t come here to kick you out of your own bed,” he frowned.
“I’m not making you sleep on the couch!”, you hissed back.
“Look, no offense, but I’ve been sleeping on the floor for the past twelve years. Your couch looks luxurious. “
“That does not make it any better!”
“Would it be so bad if we shared the bed?”, he smiled slightly.
“I--of course not,” you  murmured, defeated.
“Nox”, you muttered. Both you and Sirius were settled in your bed, using separate blankets to cover yourself.
You stared into the darkness, stiff and unable to shut down your brain. How the hell were you supposed to go to sleep after all that happened today?
After a few minutes of tossing and turning, you got up to go to the kitchen. You felt Sirius shift sleepily in his spot. He was out cold already. He must have been exhausted. The realization of everything he had gone through sent a sharp pang to your heart. 
Reaching your kitchen, you opened a cupboard and took out a bottle of sleep potion. You poured out a few sips worth of the liquid into a cup and downed it in one go. It wasn’t much, it’d only give you an hour or two of dreamless sleep but you didn’t want to take more.
You returned to your bed and got under the covers. Already you could feel the potion doing it’s work. You closed your eyes.
You sat up, startled. A glance at the clock told you that you had slept for two and a half hours. You looked over at Sirius and realized what had woken you. He was thrashing around in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent. He looked terrified.
“Sirius”, you said loudly. His eyes remained tightly shut.
“Sirius, wake up! You are dreaming!”, you shook him slightly. When this didn’t show any positive outcome, you patted his cheek twice.
He woke up with a yelp and looked around the room, scared. 
“It was just a dream,” you said softly. He jumped, as if he had forgotten you were there. He released a shaky yet relieved sigh and hesitantly took your hand in his. You entwined your fingers without missing a beat.
That was it. You couldn’t control yourself one second longer. You gently pushed him back and wrapped an arm around him. Trembling, he brought his face to the crook of your neck and nuzzled it. You could feel the wetness from his eyes on your skin. You rubbed his back, trying hard to hold back your own tears. 
“I thought they had caught me”, he whispered and you almost didn’t hear it.
“What?”, you asked.
“The dementors”
You tightened your hold on him, feeling your heart break into a hundred pieces. You finally allowed yourself to let go.
“I’m so sorry”, you said in a shaky voice before you broke down crying.
He changed his position so that he could look at you. The moonlight coming through the window illuminated his beautiful features.Sirius wiped a tear on your cheek with his thumb.
“I’m sorry too”
For being reckless? For abandoning you? For leaving you feeling like the loneliest person in the whole world?
You realized that it didn’t matter. He was alive, and he was with you. Neither of you spoke as you basked in the feeling of being so close after so long. You could see the stars twinkling from the window.
 Damaged as you both were, you were finally together again.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Their Perfect Y/N
Wolfstar x Fem!reader
Warning : Smut, pretty chill though. Daddy kink. That kinda stuff.
 Word count : 2532
Your first order meeting. You were so young, you just got out of Hogwarts considered an adult in the muggle world. Only 18, and you had a war to fight, friends to defend, lives to protect. It’s funny how determined you were to obliterate every death eater, but your heart was caught in your throat at the prospect of entering headquarters. You tried to ignore it, this was the first step to saving the people you cared about. You watched the houses split apart and sucked in a big breath before knocking. 
Walking through the doorway was easy enough, being immediately overwhelmed by a high pitched, brutal shriek.
You were frozen in a state of terror, already you were messing up and you haven’t even said anything yet. 
“Y/N, right?”
Your wide eyes moved towards the figure with sleek ebony curls. The intense grey eyes were intimidating, but once you looked closer you saw the twinkle of humor in them. You shook his tattooed clad hands and tried not to let your knees buckle under his firm grasp. 
“Yes, and I’d ask you yours, but the daily prophet has done a great job of introducing me already.”
His smile was genuine, but you could read into that touch of sadness. But he was quick to shake it off.
“Don’t mind my mother, I promise she’s just as unpleasant as you get to know her.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that-”
“Oh don’t worry about it love. No one told you. It’s amazing that you could come, Remus says you were one of his best students. Really exceptional at defense against the dark arts.”
Heat flushed to your face at the praise and the mention of your favorite professor.
“Professor Lupin is here too?”
Your question was quickly answered when those familiar arms you would stare at entranced in class were draped over Sirius’s shoulders.
“Nice to see you Y/N, but you’re not my student anymore so please, just call me Remus.”
“Feels illegal but sounds good Remus.”
You all found your way to the dining room table and tried your best not to be intimidated by the row of wizards you admired and respected so much. Before you got the chance to breathe though Molly had you trapped in a tight bear hug.
“Oh Y/N, so good to see you dear. Of course I’m not happy about the circumstance, but all the same, glad to know you’re here and safe.”
There was no oxygen left in your lungs to respond, so you just smiled and accepted her warm embrace.
“Molly, if you want her safe and healthy you might want to give her the chance to breathe.”
Grateful for Remus’s interjection you gave Molly a quick peck on the cheek, while she released you bashfully. 
“Thank you Molly.”
 The meeting itself was fine, it was the dinner afterwards that had you terrified, because right across from you was Sirius and Remus. Two of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen and their unrelenting questions and invested eye contact had the embarrassment coming up all at the same time. That didn’t deter them though. If anything it sprung even more questions and conversation starters. You didn’t even notice everyone else had left, leaving just you three at the table. You were cupping some tea between both hands, while Remus was leaning against Sirius’s shoulder. Sirius was replicating the affection by wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
It was peaceful, never had you felt so comfortable in the presence of other people before. So safe. 
“Y/N, I’m glad you came, like I said Remus speaks very highly of you and we need all the help we can get. So if you want to invite your boyfriend or something to join, you should.”
“Oh, I don’t have a boyfriend actually, but speaking of which I had no idea you guys were together. You’re a really beautiful couple.”
Remus only smiled a little, but Sirius’s grin was proud.
“Thanks Y/N, you’re really quite beautiful too. We’re actually not gay though though, we’re both bisexual. We’ve even been known to have thirds in relationships. Nothing permanent though, haven’t found that right person.”
“Does that mean that you’re still open to-?
“Oh absolutely, there’s this girl we actually have our eyes set on right now.”
Your face fell.
“Oh, well if you two like her then she must be lovely.”
Remus and Sirius shared a look, clearly amused by your cluelessness and we all know what teases they can be. Remus spoke up this time.
“OH yeah, she’s a darling. She just joined the order.” 
“She has Y/H/C and Y/E/C. Exactly our type wouldn’t you say Remus?”
“An absolute beauty, exactly our type that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, she looks particularly cute when she holds a cup of tea, with an adorable confused expression.”
“I don’t understand, well I think I do but-”
Remus was sitting up straight now, zoning in on your troubled expression.
“Y/N, we want you. If you’re uncomfortable we can drop it and give you space from here on out and we’re so sorry for making you-”
“Wait. You guys like me? Like that?”
Sirius snorted at your surprise.
“How could we not? You’re completely captivating. Do you feel the same love?”
“I do, it’s just that I’m not experienced, like, at all. And you guys are so it’s intimidating.”
“We would never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable or unsafe. How about we talk more about this more tomorrow.”
Remus’s words were sincere, and well thought out. Yours were less eloquent, much more desperate sounding than you would have liked.
“No please, I need you now.”
Sirius was a man who smiled a lot. Always quick to let out a genuine, hearty laugh. But this was different. It was a taunting smile, a dangerous smile. And you were completely captivated. 
“Yeah? What’s got you so needy love? No one’s done anything yet.”
The table between you felt like it was keeping you miles apart. So you pouted, but Remus tutted. 
“Answer his question Pup, good girls speak up when told to.”
“I-I don’t know, I can’t help it. I’ve never felt like this before and I just need you.”
Clothes were discarded slower than you deemed necessary. Their clothes at least, not yours. You were only left in your underwear. They really just wanted to take their time with you, not worried about them, but you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out on their bed, it was impossible not to stop and admire your trembling figure. Remus slid behind you, allowing you to rest against his now bare chest. While Sirius knelt in between your legs, hovering over you, thumb running over your bottom lip. 
“So pretty baby. Can I take these off now?”
He was referring to your panties and you were all too eager to be rid of them. Except Sirius was still fully clothed, which wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Sure, but could you take this off?” You tugged at the bottom of his shirt suggestively, but Remus was tugging your arms back.
“That’s not how we ask for what we want love, try again.”
You bore into Sirius’s grey eyes. The twinkle of humour was gone, there was love and respect there, but mostly they were filled with hunger. His blatant lust had you nervous, not ever experiencing such intensity before. It had you subconsciously closing your legs. So Sirius was pouting.
“Darling you don’t have to be shy, we like hearing what you have to say.”
You sighed and spread your legs again while Remus robbed your arms soothingly.
“S-siri, can you take off your shirt please. I wanna see you.”
“Good girl for asking so nice.”
He departed from the bed to remove all but his boxers, and it just reaffirmed that you’d be spending hours tracing his tattoos later. Emphasise on the later, cause at the moment you’d rather spend time with him doing something else. He seemed to be feeling much the same, but had to pause to chuckle at your dazed reaction.
“See something you like?”
“Me too.”
Remus pressed a kiss to the back of your head. 
“Alright love, you ready? Do you want this?”
“Yes, please. Do you want this?”
“Of course love.”
Once Sirius was nestled between your thighs again he gave one reassuring peck before making his journey downward. He started sucking right below your ear, and you were already whimpering. He could get drunk on that noise. All the sounds you released so willingly as he nipped your collar bone, kissed your hip, and sank his teeth into your inner thigh. Right next to where you needed him most. He didn’t give you much time to complain though, cause soon enough that last barrier of clothing was being discarded and your fingers found their way through his black tresses. The vibrations of his moan against your clit had you bucking into his face. He kept his palms planted firmly on your thighs.
“That feel good Puppy? No one’s ever made you feel like this huh? Gotta stay still though, can’t make you feel good of you can’t stay still.”
“F-feels so good.”
“I know baby, Moony how bout you help her practice for another time.”
Remus seemed to understand what he meant and you were confused until-
“Open up pretty girl.”
Until Remus’s fingers were brushing past your lips. You started sucking on them as if it was second nature. 
Sirius went back to suckling against your clit, but this time one of his fingers was teasing your entrance. Which once had you whining against Remus’s fingers, so he pulled them out to let you speak. 
“What is it baby.”
“P-Please Siri.”
“By that way, how does she taste?”
He answered by inserting his pointer finger briefly before bringing it to Remus’s lips. Remus released it with a dramatic pop. 
“Now I think I’m jealous, Hurry up Pads so I can get a turn.”
You never thought you had this type of response in you, but Sirius’s fingers thrusting in and out of you was sending shocks through your body. Every touch burned in the best way possible and it was only a short matter of time until the coil snapped. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for us Y/N?”
“Y-yeah. Please, feels so good.”
“Bet it does, let go for us darling, I know you can.”
He placed delicate kisses across your shoulders as you released all over Sirius’s face and fingers. Despite not being the one who came Sirius parted ruefully with a heaving chest. Remus beckoned him closer and as soon as he was within reach Remus was cleaning off his glistening face with his tongue. A sight you found all too arousing.
“Did so good Y/N, you too Pads. My turn now.”
“Please I need to be inside of her so bad.”
Remus pondered for a moment.
“Could you be gentle with her as she needed. You’d have to be.”
“She was clenching around my fingers… don’t know how I’d respond with her wrapped around my cock. You’re right Moony.”
And there you were, wishing they’d skip the whole talking like you weren’t even there, and just fuck you already. Luckily your desire looked as if it was going to be satiated shortly as Remus and Sirius switched places. When Remus removed his clothes you stared at his member with complete and utter desire. He mistook it for nervousness though.
“It’s alright love, if you want to stop we can. We can go at your pace and I promise if you’re in any pain at all that we can-”
Your voice sounded pained, raspy and desperate as if you were being deprived of oxygen.
“Remmy, I need you. Please I need it so bad.”
He sighed in relief and stroked his length as he settled over top of you.
“I got you. Such a good girl using her manners. Tell me if it hurts at all okay.”
Chest against chest was not close enough, even that could not satisfy the desire, the need, to be close to Remus. It seemed he was replicating your feelings as he drank up every moan that flew past your lips. If Sirius wasn’t rubbing your arms and soothing your hairline you never would have been grounded enough to tell that this was reality. 
“Fuck, you weren’t kidding Pads. She’s so tight I can barely move. You feel so good love.”
Your high pitched moans were gradually becoming more staccato as Remus thrust into you.
“I-it’s not my fault you’re so big.”
“S’ not a bad thing at all Pup. You like my cock, you like being stretched out like this?”
“Yes yes yes. So much, please please Da-”
Embarrassment creeped up from the back of your mind, all the way to your cheeks, but Sirius noticed.
“What were you gonna call him baby. C’mon now, don’t be shy.”
Remus halted his movements to stare at your face intently.
“I- I don’t wanna, M’embarrassed”
Remus gave one more thrust to emphasise his point.
“Say it.”
You knew by the stern look on his face it was better to obey, or else you wouldn’t get what you wanted.
“Daddy, please let me cum. You feel so good. You’re so big daddy I-fuck”
You were cut off by your own moaning as Remus proceeded to thrust at a rapid pace.
“Cum then.”
It was like you were being blindsided. If you were standing you would have been knocked off your feet. Sirius held your hand the whole way, and your grip only tightened as Remus chased his own high. 
“Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Please cum inside me Daddy.”
“Yeah, you want Daddy to breed you? So pretty and innocent, didn’t know you were so dirty baby. I’m gonna stuff you full sweet girl- FUCK.”
He bit into your shoulder as he painted your insides with his release, and you found yourself whimpering as he pulled out. Remus was always a good caretaker though.
“It’s alright sweetheart. You did so good. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“No wait-”
“What is it pup?”
“Siri needs to feel good too.”
“If you’re sure then go ahead love.” Remus scootched out of the way so Sirius could situate you where he wanted. And that was face pressed into the mattress apparently. He sheathed himself fully inside of you, pressed his chest against your back so he could reach your ear and whisper.
“My turn, we’ll see who you’re calling Daddy at the end of this.”
The prospect of war was terrifying. You were so focused on protecting everyone around you. So it was a great comfort knowing, as you slept in between Sirius and Remus, that you had two people who would go to all ends to keep you safe.
Because besides each other they now had something even more undeniably precious. 
Their perfect Y/N. 
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @accioweaslcy @bluemoonyblurbs @weasleyposts
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sukifans · 3 years
Congrats on 1k!!! Can you do number 9 from 50 cliché promts and tropes with mako x reader? :)
MAKO + “there’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling”
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“Well, this is... unfortunate.”
“It’s unacceptable.” You glanced at Mako, who was visibly irritated. “First Beifong only approves one room because of ‘budget cuts,’ and now we’re expected to share a bed?”
“Relax, tough guy. I’m sure it was just a booking error. I’ll go talk to the receptionist.” You left your partner and your bag in the room with the single large bed against the wall to go downstairs and sort out the mistake. You gave the man at the desk your friendliest smile as you approached.
“Hello again,” the man said, looking up at you. “Is there a problem with the room?”
“Yes, actually. We should’ve been booked for a room with two beds but there’s only one. Could we be moved somewhere else?” You tried to sound as amicable as possible as you spoke, hoping the employee would oblige.
He flipped through the large book of records in front of him and traced his finger down a page. “Ah, yes! You reserved a double. So sorry about that—let me see what else is available.” You watched as he flipped through again, mumbling to himself. Your smile faltered a little when he frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“It appears everything else is filled for the night. I’m terribly sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” The man eyed you as if expecting you to blow up at him, but you just sighed and tightened your smile.
“Ah, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out. Thank you for checking, though.”
Mako was not gonna be happy.
“You’re joking,” he deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. You dropped down to sit on the edge of the problematic bed itself. “Are you and Beifong trying to pull a prank or something?”
You stared up at him. “Beifong? A prank? Really?”
“Okay, no,” he huffed. “But you’re kidding, right?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you think it’s funny to inconvenience me?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Mako.”
“Tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking.”
He groaned and threw himself in the threadbare armchair in the corner of the room. “Great, just what I needed,” he grumbled to himself.
“Hey, I’m not exactly thrilled about this either!” You rolled your eyes. “If you’re gonna freak out about it you can take the bed and I’ll just... sleep on the floor or something.”
“No, no. You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“How noble,” you laughed. “You’re the one who has a problem sleeping with me. Take the bed.”
“I—” His cheeks tinged a slight pink that didn’t escape your notice. “I don’t have a problem.”
“You sure seem to.”
“I shared a blanket with Bolin on the street for most of my childhood.”
“You must be getting spoiled with that detective salary if you can’t rough it for one night and share a bed with your favorite partner. Going soft?”
You grinned when he glared at you. “Why are you torturing me?”
“You’re easy to torture.” You stood up to rifle through your bag. “And it’s fun.”
“I’m requesting a partner transfer when we finish this assignment,” he muttered, making you bark out a laugh.
“You wouldn’t, you’re too attached now.” You straightened up with your arms full of toiletries and clean clothes. “I’m gonna go wash up so I can pass out. Early day tomorrow, and all. Catchin’ bad guys, kickin’ ass, takin’ names.”
“Uh-huh.” A small smile finally graced his handsome face for the first time since arriving at the inn. “I’ll be here keeping watch—y’know, for the bad guys.”
Once you’d scrubbed off the long day of travel and changed into clean, comfortable clothes you reentered the main room to see Mako studying the files for the case the two of you were working. His eyebrows were set into a furrow as he read through it and chewed at the inside of his cheek absently. You watched him for a few more moments once you settled down onto the worn but comfortable mattress. Something in the papers seemed to perplex him as he wrinkled his nose and flipped back a few pages. Suddenly, his warm orange eyes flicked up to meet yours.
“Why are you staring at me?” he asked with a small frown.
You shrugged. “Trying to figure out if that smell is the room or just you.”
His frown deepened. “Uncalled for.”
You hummed noncommitally and snuggled down between the sheets. “Go clean up so I can sleep.”
“I’m not stopping you,” he said, snapping the file shut and rising from the chair.
“I gotta keep watch, remember? Bad guys,” you murmured despite your heavy eyelids. Mako shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom. The gentle, steady sound of running water lulled you into a drifting sleep after only a few minutes.
You roused slightly when Mako returned, shuffling around the room followed by curling steam and the smell of his soap from the bathroom. You squeezed your eyes shut tighter and tried to fall back asleep until you felt him grab a pillow off the other side of the bed. Rolling onto your side you sleepily looked up at him.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.” He stood next to a blanket on the floor with the pillow in his hand, dressed in a clean white shirt and loose pants. “I was just getting set up over here.”
You squinted at the pillow he held while your tired mind tripped over itself trying to catch up. “What?”
“I told you I’d sleep on the floor,” he said, gesturing to his makeshift sleeping area.
You blinked slowly at him. “Mako.”
“Get in the bed.”
“I wasn’t asking,” you interrupted. “Come. To. Bed.”
He flushed lightly and opened and closed his mouth a couple times before looking down at his pillow he srill gripped. “I—I don’t want to make you... uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable?” you repeated blankly and he nodded. “I put my life in your hands every day, Mako. I trust you, probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. You’re not gonna make me uncomfortable. In fact, I’d be a thousand times more comfortable with you up here than on the floor.”
“Okay, okay,” he relented, finally moving back towards the bed. “You’ve made your point.”
“Good.” You closed your eyes again and yawned loudly. “The mattress is big enough we can both stay on our sides, no big deal. You need to rest well so I know you’re alert enough to save my ass tomorrow and sleeping on the floor does not reassure me.”
“I already agreed, you don’t need to keep working at me.” Mako carefully slid into the sheets, being almost calculating in how close he could stay to the edge without falling off. Even with the considerable empty space between you, you could still feel his familiar warmth seeping into your tired muscles.
“‘M a detective, can’t help it.”
“Go to sleep. You’ll have plenty of time to harass me in the morning.”
“You know you love me.”
If only you knew, he thought to himself as you slipped back into your dreamland.
The first thing you noticed upon regaining consciousness was the thumping rhythm next to your ear. The next thing you noticed was how warm you felt, despite the sheets being tangled down around your feet. You turned your head and buried your face into your pillow, inhaling deeply.
Soap. And smoke.
Hold on. You lifted your head up slowly and blinked blearily, taking in where you were as your brain whirred back to life.
Not your pillow. Mako—his chest, more specifically. Your eyes trailed down to where your bodies were pressed together in a tangle of limbs. The arm wrapped around you ended in fingers pressing into your waist. Your thigh was hiked up around his hip and his knee was slotted between your legs. You looked up at his face to see he was still sound asleep, lips parted as he breathed slowly.
You sat up all the way and his hand on your waist flopped down onto the bed. “Mako.”
He snorted and gave no other response.
“Mako,” you hissed, smacking his chest lightly. Without opening his eyes, he grabbed your hand and yanked you back down.
“Don’ hit me,” he grumbled, lips brushing your forehead as he spoke. “‘M sleepin’.”
Your face was starting to burn. “Well, wake up!”
He cracked one eye open to peer down at you and closed it again with a sniff. All at once it seemed to hit him and his eyes flew open as he shot upwards, knocking you to the side. You groaned as he launched himself out of the bed and onto his feet.
“What time is it?!” he barked.
“I don’t know!”
He whipped his head around to look at the clock on the bedside table. He made a small noise of panic and snatched it up as if getting a closer look would change the reading it gave.
“Fuck, we’re late!”
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thank you for the request! i hope you enjoyed it! it ended up being way longer than i thought it would be lol. i guess i’ll tag my atla list and the people who wanted to be tagged in my full mako fic lol
ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi @blazedbakugou @protect-remus @akiris @sunflowerazula @wooscottoncandyhair @chewymoustachio @ohno-caroline @sunflowerr-mami @1vitamin @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @u-4iia @nymeria-targaryen @tommy-braccoli @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @a-sloppy-bitch
REQUESTED TAGS: @ur-jinji @maruchan77 @songofgratitude @missturtleduck @zuko-is-the-sun @xxspqcebunsxx @atlabeth @malauri-lynn @sadskater25 @biqherosix @goodandevil18 @theeavtrkyoshi @miyonii @mcallmestiles @zutaraisendgamee @unketh @shortmexicangirl @keysvdssstuff @simmantha
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Golden Thread
Prompt: since Janus is Deceit, what if it takes a physical toll on him when he only tells the truth and doesn't manipulate anyone for a period of time? could you please write a oneshot where Janus is in a position where he really needs to to tell the truth, but he can tell he's getting close to his truth limit? - anon
 Hey! I don't know if you're still taking requests for prompts (and I apologize if you aren't), but could you do Janus-centric fluffy hurt/comfort? And maybe a polyship? (If you want to, of course). - anon
Thanks for the prompts, babes! This was supposed to go up yesterday and I’m so sorry I forgot
Read on Ao3
Warnings: sympathetic remus & janus, other than that, it’s not that bad
Pairings: LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 5874
There is a thread that winds through Janus’s tongue.
 Thin, golden, finely spun with lies. It tastes sweet against the back of his teeth, the back of his throat. As he talks, it colors his words with a soft gleam, spinning and spinning into the air in front of him. It coils neatly around his throat as its spool and winks.
Most of the time its taste is enough to curl the corners of his mouth upwards into a smirk, watching it wind and weave its way around the others. Sometimes he thinks he can see other threads, clasping delicately around wrists, arms, knees, necks. Sometimes he can’t resist letting his threat tug them this way and that. Come on, what good is temptation if you never give in to it? He’s grown fond of the sweetness it leaves on his tongue, in his words. Saccharine as they may be, the haze they leave behind is more than enough to make up for it.
 Sometimes the sweetness is too much. He swears he can feel cavities forming in the back of his mouth. His teeth start to ache. And sometimes…sometimes he doesn’t care. It’s too much fun to keep tugging this way and that at the others, too entertaining to let the thread unspool and unspool from his throat, filling the air with its golden light. His smile sharpens and the tangle grows, because what’s the fun of it without a little risk of hurt?
 Other times he knows to back off. He adores the others, but no matter how fun they are to play with, he knows not to push too hard. At those times, he lets the sweetness spill off of his tongue, gently winds the thread back around his own throat. It always protests, the lack of sweetness making his tongue ache, the grip on his throat just a little too tight. But the looks on their faces…the begrudging gratitude, the sincere remark, or--god forbid—the poorly disguised hope…well.
 Sometimes he wonders whether or not it’d be worth it to keep the thread fully wound.
 Not that he ever would, it’s just a thought experiment.
 It’s not like he wonders what it would feel like to have Patton be able to listen to him easily, not make it a fight to get his point across. He doesn’t want to have an engaging conversation with Logan about philosophy, ethics, science, anything just to hear the brilliant man talk. He refuses to entertain the idea of being a proper source of comfort for Virgil. He wouldn’t enjoy snarking with Remus just for fun and not because he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
 And he…
 The idea of being able to have an honest conversation with Roman makes him fill to the brim, top to toes, with hatred.
 He doesn’t have much of a choice.
 He can speak a few times with the thread coiled up, just enough when it really counts. He knows the others, he can’t just play with them all the time, he’ll get bored. And they’re not really cut out for it. And as much as he loves to see them squirm out of their comfort zones, it’s not good for Thomas. That’s his real priority.
 Janus pushes open the door to his room and sighs, taking his hat off and hanging it carefully up on its stand. He summons his cane and makes it the rest of the way to the desk, plopping himself into the chair and scrubbing his hand through his hair.
 “They’re so slow,” he mutters as his fingers go to the clasp around his throat, “how do they ever get anything done?”
 Well…they don’t. Not really.
 Don’t get him wrong, he loves being the one to tug and twist them into the right answer, but he doesn’t want to be there all the time. They do know what they’re doing, they’re all good at their jobs, so…trying to manage all of that is exhausting.
 The clasp at his throat falls away and he lifts his hand, craning his neck above his collar. There.
 He knows the thread isn’t real; nothing here is real. Nothing of him can ever be real. But he can still feel it sometimes. Like today.
 They’d been…talking. It wasn’t an overdue conversation, not in the slightest, and he’s had to be honest with them. Doesn’t mean he has to be honest with himself.
 And isn’t that just his saving grace?
 Janus winces as he feels the thread wind tighter and tighter around his tongue, pulling his gloves off to touch his throat, just to confirm that it’s not real. His fingers meet his scales and he sighs, missing the sweetness. It won’t be for long. This will blow over and tomorrow they’ll be back to everyone’s favorite regularly scheduled programming. He’ll make Patton blink in that adorably-confused way, Logan will be pinching the bridge of his nose trying to make everyone shut up and pay attention to Janus’s lies, Virgil will be hissing at him like a demented cat, Remus will be having the time of his life, and Roman won’t want anything to do with him.
 Janus breathes a sigh of relief as sweetness starts to coat his tongue again.
See? It’s already working.
 It doesn’t keep working, but you know.
 The effort was there.
 They’re talking again.
 The living room feels dry. Has it always been this dry? Disguising it as a roll of his eyes, Janus tilts his head toward the ceiling. Huh. He’s never noticed that light there before. Has it always been there? Probably.
 “Janus,” Patton calls, “can you—um—“
 Rolling his eyes again, he looks back down, crossing one leg over the other. He hides the lack of sweetness by pursing his lips.
 “Did you hear what I asked?”
 “Of course I did,” he drawls, idly flicking the tips of his gloves together.
 “…so what do you think?”
 “He didn’t hear you,” Logan says quietly, and thank god the other brain cell has joined the chat.
 Patton frowns. “Then why—never mind.”
  Oh, Patton.
 “I asked if you knew how to help,” Patton says, his hands clutched in his lap, “with the barrier breaking down. It’s been kind of rough from our side so…”
 There hadn’t been a barrier up until a few years ago. Something had formed in the Mindscape, an invisible wall. It wasn’t real, of course, but it made walking through the hallways unnecessarily difficult. One of them would try to walk from one side to the other and be suddenly seized with a compulsion to do anything but. Or they’d be accompanying another Side back to the room only to freeze in the middle of the corridor and have to mutter out apologies. It’s exhausting. Luckily they’d still been able to sink in and out to get from place to place, but it’s not like the barrier actually does anything.
 Janus sighs and uncrosses his legs. The thread leaps to the tip of his tongue, eager, poised.
 “I don’t know,” he says instead, feeling the sweetness recede in disappointment, “I don’t know enough about how it formed in the first place.”
 “It happened around the time of the series premiering,” Logan says thoughtfully, “perhaps it could be linked with the presentation of the Mindscape in the fanbase?”
 Virgil snorts. “Like any of that is accurate.”
 “You don’t know that, Virgil.”
 “Um, excuse me, which of us spends the most time on Tumblr?”
 “What does that have to do with anything?”
 “Where do you think most of the fanbase hangs out? ‘Cause it sure as hell ain’t Facebook.”
 “That’s a shame,” Patton sighs, “I miss it.”
 “You miss Facebook?”
 “You know it does still exist, right?”
 “Did Thomas ever even have Facebook?”
 “The color palettes were nice!”
 “You mean they were blue.”
 “Yeah, that’s what I said.”
 “…the point being I know a lot about what the fans do with the content we give them and most of that stuff is entirely made-up.”
 Logan raises an eyebrow. “As opposed to the made-up that the series is.”
 “Shut up, L.”
 “I’d rather not, actually.”
 Virgil swats Logan’s shoulder half-heartedly.
 Janus is smiling. Why is he smiling? He hasn’t lied enough for the sweetness to make him smile and it’s not like Remus has appeared with feet coming out of his head again. In fact, Remus is just…sitting next to Roman. Granted, he’s got his morning star in his lap dripping with god knows what, but there are no crazy shenanigans happening.
 He watches Logan reach out and tangle his fingers with Virgil’s as Patton starts talking again. He watches Virgil nudge Remus’s tape back over to him when he drops it halfway through rewrapping the grip on his morning star. He watches Roman cover a flinch that he’d never have noticed if he wasn’t paying attention and sees Remus take hold of Roman’s costume and grip it tight in his fist.
 The thread twitches angrily on his tongue as he tries to make sense of what’s happening.
 “Has anything happened,” Roman asks as Patton pauses, “on your side?”
 Virgil shrugs. “I haven’t noticed anything. But I normally sink straight to my room, so…”
 “You do realize that most of the thoughts that come into my head are the type that you guys would ignore anyway, right?”
 Roman rolls his eyes too, but it’s fond. Affectionate. Janus is not.
 “…Janus? What about you?”
 The thread begins to sew neat little words into his tongue, all prepared for him to say. Yes, he’s noticed something, he’s noticed that the others are so much less fun than they used to be. No, he hasn’t noticed anything, it’s not like he’s the observant one.
 Yes, he’s noticed that the barrier is fading and he hates it.
 No, he hasn’t noticed anything because he spends as little time with the others as possible.
 “I don’t know.”
 Patton nods. “That’s okay, just…maybe try keeping an eye out? See if anything changes?”
 “I will.”
 The thread takes longer to undo that night.
 Janus slumps onto his elbows and groans.
 When did he become addicted to the sweetness? When did it get so hard for him to realize when he’s the one telling the lies and when the thread is telling the lies? When did he stop caring about the words coming out of his mouth?
 The truth is, of course, that he didn’t.
 He started caring more about the others.
 The thread tightens in warning but Janus pushes it aside. He frowns, staring hard at the grooves in the desk. He started to care about them, not just as parts of Thomas’s personality that would help him do things, but as their own Sides. As them.
 He cares about how Logan’s eyes light up just a little when he starts talking about something. He cares about how warm Patton speaks when they’re all there. He cares about how bouncy Remus gets when they talk to him. He cares about when Virgil’s eyeshadow turns all purple and sparkly. He cares about how hard it’s become to genuinely make Roman smile.
 The thread groans.
 Janus curses.
 He can’t.
 “The others aren’t important,” he hisses at the mirror, “Thomas is the only important one.”
 The thread pauses.
 “I don’t care what they want,” he continues, feeling it slowly start to unwind, “it only matters that Thomas is safe. That Thomas knows what’s going on.”
 It starts to run back out along his tongue.
 “Their thoughts and feelings aren’t important.” His hands ball into fists. “I don’t care about them.”
 His tongue starts to taste sweet again.
 “I don’t care about them,” he repeats in a whisper, “they aren’t important to me.”
 The salt of the tears goes perfectly with the sweetness on his tongue.
Something is wrong.
 Something is horribly, desperately wrong and the others are panicking.
 The barrier is gone. That’s not the bad thing. The bad thing is that along with it, everything in the Mindscape is rushing out of control.
 The walls won’t hold. The doors lock and unlock more often than they stay in place. Floors disappear out of nowhere and open up into yawning black pits. The doors to the Imagination buckle and groan under the onslaught of rushing beasts from the other side. Something is fading.
 They can’t sink out anymore. They need to know where everything is in order to do that. The place is a labyrinth. Only one entrance, one exit. There’s no way that they’ll know the right path unless they run it themselves.
 Janus knows something is broken the instant his eyes open. He can feel it. Cracks wind their way through the walls, through the floor, the ceiling shakes. He’s out of his room in an instant, running through the halls, somewhere, anywhere, are they alright? Where are they? Have they faded?
 “Janus?” Virgil flies into him at breakneck speed, clutching his cape in both hands. “Are you—what’s happening? Where is everyone? Did something go wrong? What’s happening to Thomas?”
 The thread perks its end up eagerly but Janus swallows it down.
 “I don’t know what’s happening,” he says quickly, pulling Virgil closer, “and you’re the first one I’ve seen.”
 “I can’t find anyone,” Virgil pants, “I can’t—there’s no one—we’re going to fade.”
 “We won’t, I promise. We just have to find the others.”
 “Hello?” Another voice calls out from around the corner. “Hello, where the fuck is everyone? Who decided to break shit without me?”
 “That’s me, where the fuck—“ Remus barrels around the corner, almost knocking them over— “Virgil! Snake Face!”
 “Remus—“ Virgil wraps Remus in his arms, clutching him tightly. “Where were you? What’s going on?”
 “I was draining the viscera from a partially dissected sperm whale—“ of course he was— “but then everything started shaking.”
 “We can’t find the others.”
 “Then what the fuck are we waiting for?”
 They don’t even look back; Remus grabs Janus’s sleeve and Virgil still hasn’t let go of his cape, dragging him behind as they race through the halls. They can see where the barrier used to be, though with how much the place has shifted, it’s impossible to tell. Janus grits his teeth as they prepare themselves to smash through.
 Nothing happens.
 They just keep barreling down the corridor.
 “Patton! Logan! Roman!”
 “Where the fuck are you guys?”
 “Can you hear us?”
 “Re? Re, is that you?”
Remus reroutes them effortlessly, barreling through chunks of disappearing floor and leaping over cracks forming in the tiles. Virgil hangs onto Janus as they go. Janus can’t let go of either of them.
 “In here!”
 A blade flashes through a crumbling chunk of wall and a hand reaches out. Remus grabs it and vaults through the opening.
“Oh my goodness, Virgil!”
 Another hand helps to haul him through the crack. The hand he has in his cape pulls uncomfortably at Janus’s neck.
 “Where’s Janus? Did you guys see him?”
 “Yeah, he’s right here, Ja—“
 “Snake Face, get your butt in here.”
 “Don’t just stand there, help you idiots!”
 A sickening crack right above him makes him jerk his head up. His eyes widen as a massive chunk of ceiling starts to fall. Hands wrap around his arms, his clothes, even his waist and pull.
 “Janus?” He blinks through the dust to see Logan staring at him, concern written plainly all over his face. “Are you alright?”
 No, the thread sews, I am now trapped with the five people I abhor most in this world. I am the furthest from alright I could possibly be.
 “Are you all alright,” he asks instead, lifting his hand to fix Logan’s collar, “I’m not hurt.”
 “We’re fine,” Roman says, helping him to his feet, “we managed to get in here before the place really started coming down.”
 “What’s going on?”
 Patton’s shoulders slump at Virgil’s question. “We were hoping you would know.”
 Janus bites back a curse, turning to look at the opening. It’s blocked now, completely choked in dust. He glances around.
 “Where are we?”
 “Safe room,” Roman says, tapping the wall, “something Remy helped us come up with.”
 “He’s a bitch but he knows what he’s doing.”
 “Fair enough.” Janus grits his teeth. “So what do we know?”
 “Who was awake when it happened,” Logan asks, “Roman and I were not.”
 “I was also not awake,” Virgil mutters, “and I would really appreciate this not being how I wake up ever again.”
 “I agree.” Janus glances at Patton and Remus. “I was asleep too. Remus, you said you were awake?”
 “I was in the middle of an experiment!”
 Logan perks up. “An experiment?”
 “As much as I love watching you two be nerds together,” Roman breaks in, “can we do that later?”
 “Of course.”
 “Spoilsport,” Remus says fondly, “but it wasn’t me. I’ve done this experiment before, nothing I do could do…this.”
 All eyes turn to Patton.
 Patton shakes his head. “I…I don’t know. I had just gotten up to get a glass of water when it shattered in my hand.”
 “It did what?”
 “Are you hurt?”
 “Let me see.”
 “No, no, guys I’m fine,” Patton says quickly, holding up his hands, “but then the whole house started to shake. I don’t—I don’t know what’s going on.”
 Janus’s heart sinks. He’s telling the truth.
 They’re stuck.
 “Oh, god,” Virgil mutters, his hands flying to his head, “oh god, oh my god, no one knows what’s going on.”
 “V,” Logan murmurs, crouching down and reaching to take his hands, “Virgil, look at me.”
 “We’re going to mess everything up—it’s going to be so bad—what’s happing to Thomas?”
 “Virgil, look at me, come now, it’s going to be alright—“
 “How can you promise that?” Virgil’s voice starts to rise. “Have you seen what’s happening?”
 “Easy, shadow-ling,” Roman murmurs too, his hand carding through Virgil’s hair, “just listen to Logan.”
 “You’re doing well,” Logan encourages, rubbing Virgil’s arms, “just stay here, with me, alright?”
 Janus watches Patton and Remus stand a little closer to the three of them, shielding them from the debris still raining down from outside. Something in his gut clenches.
 Then he notices the tremors are slowing as the other calm Virgil down.
 And it clenches more.
 “It’s us,” he mutters quietly, almost too quietly for the others to hear, “it’s us. We have to stick together.”
 The thread on his tongue twitches angrily. There’s almost no sweetness left in his mouth now.
 Patton looks over his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
 “Look—“ Janus points at a crack in the wall— “they’re moving slower now. The closer we are together the less this place falls apart.”
 Virgil’s next inhale is almost a sob.
 “I really do just ruin everything, don’t I?”
 “No,” Roman says firmly, wrapping his arms tightly around the shaking Side, “we’ve had this conversation, shadow-ling. You’re important to us. You’re not a burden. And this certainly isn’t your fault.”
 “We need you,” Patton echoes, reaching down to rest his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, “don’t go anywhere.”
 “Don’t make us chase you.” Remus bonks his head into Virgil’s. “Not fun.”
 Virgil still looks doubtful. Which, alright, isn’t his fault. Voices in the head, not to mention the general anxiety, it’s no surprise, not really. Janus clears his throat.
 “Virgil,” he says softly, crouching down as well, “Virgil, listen to me.”
 Purple eyes stare at him.
 “You haven’t lost us,” he promises, “you won’t lose us. You’re important, not just for Thomas, but for us too. We care about you. All of you.”
 “Fuck, J,” Virgil huffs, swiping at his face, “why’d you have to make me cry?”
 The tremors keep settling.
 Patton throws his arms around Virgil. “See? We care about you, kiddo. We love you.”
 Something else twitches in Janus’s throat as he hears Patton say that. Virgil must notice it too; he looks up and squints at Patton.
 “Have we ever told you that we care about you?”
 Patton falters, his grip wavering. His smile wobbles. “W-well, no, not really, but that’s okay! I know you do.”
 Logan tilts his head. “But you enjoy hearing it said.”
 The smile slips even further. “…you don’t like saying it.”
 “That’s no excuse!” Roman reaches over Virgil to get to Patton. “If you want us to say it, we can say it!”
 Janus shifts his attention. “Patton?”
 “No one takes care of us like you do,” he says softly, “and none of us care as openly as you do.”
 Patton’s eyes widen. “Janus—“
 “You try,” he continues, not to be interrupted, not now, “and that is perhaps the most admirable thing we could ask for.”
 “He made Pat cry too,” Virgil mutters, pulling the now-sobbing side in for a hug.
 “Happy tears,” Patton manages, “I—wow.”
 A crack in the wall disappears.
 “Is that what this is?” Logan looks around. “An…emotional problem?”
 “We’re fading, the whole Mindscape is,” Janus says around the thread, “if we—if we stay, then we can fix this.”
 That tone of voice always leads somewhere good. Sure enough, as he looks around, he sees Logan adjust his glasses and take a step back.
 “And where are you going?”
 “I’m not sure I can help,” Logan says flatly. “You have the answer already.”
 “But we’re not done.”
 “And what do you expect I can lend to this problem?” He spreads his arms wide. “I’m no expert on emotions, nor am I useful in proving things that are already true.”
 “Wait, what the fuck are you talking about, L?” Virgil scrambles up. “What are we proving here?”
 “That you are important.” Logan frowns as Patton and Roman scramble up too. “What?”
 “You’re implying that you’re not important,” Remus growls, “and I’m pissed about it.”
 “No buts!” Roman points a stern finger at him. “Believing yourself to be unimportant is a falsehood!”
 “I never said I was unimportant,” Logan corrects, “I said I would not be helpful in this situation.”
 “Bullshit. You helped me calm down.”
 “So did Patton and Roman.”
 “You figured out that I like being told that you guys care about me!”
 “That was obvious.”
 “Logan,” Janus calls softly to get his attention, “Logan, if you believe that anyone knows us better than you, you are gravely mistaken.”
 Logan’s mouth drops open.
 “You claim not to know emotions,” he continues, stepping closer, “but you know us, perhaps better than we know ourselves at times. You are kind, you are wonderful, and if you ever stop teaching us things, I am sure we would never recover.”
 He slips Logan’s glasses back into position.
 “You are not just Logic,” he murmurs, “you’re Logan. Stay. Be Logan.”
 Logan swallows heavily.
 “I must ask,” he says hoarsely as a tear rolls down his cheek, “if you intend to make everyone cry today.”
 Janus chuckles. “No, I don’t, but it seems that it may be a side effect. I promise I’m not trying.”
 “You won’t make me cry,” Remus remarks casually, “not without trying. I don’t care.”
 Oh, Remus. Janus doesn’t bother to hide his smile at the indignant squawk from Virgil as Remus implies that he doesn’t care about the others.
 “I don’t need to try to make you cry,” he says, “I’ve never wanted that. I just want you to be listened to.”
 “…fuck you, Snakey.”
 Patton lunges forward as Remus sniffles.
 “Do we just like…not talk to each other, then?” Virgil wipes his nose. “Because I sure as hell don’t remember us getting this emotional about anything.”
 Then Janus realizes that his mouth tastes bitter.
 The thread has not been idle, he realizes in horror, not while he’s been spilling his guts to the others in an effort to hold them all together. It’s dragged itself over his tongue, scraping every last bit down his throat, winding tighter and tighter. His mouth tastes bitter. It’s not supposed to be bitter. It burns, scraping along the sides of his mouth until they smart. He swallows frantically. It’s not working. Nothing is working. It hurts. His tongue hurts. His throat hurts.
 The floor wobbles.
 He can’t catch his breath.
 His eyes land on Roman.
 No, no, no, he can’t stop now.
 Not here.
 Not with Roman.
 Roman just watches the others wrap their arms tightly around his brother still wiping snot from his nose. A soft smile curls at his mouth that never reaches his eyes. Behind him, massive cracks open up in the walls.
 He can’t let Roman fall.
 Not after everything.
 Roman notices he’s staring at him. He just raises an eyebrow.
 “Going to make me cry again,” he asks softly, “or are you all finished for the day?”
 The thread stabs words into his tongue until he can taste blood.
  Well, it’s not like it’s difficult to make you cry.
  If I had something that would work, I’d say it.
  Only if you were a Side worth worrying about.
 No, no, he won’t say that. He won’t.
 The thread tightens around his throat as a harsher warning. The bitterness on his tongue worsens.
 “It’s alright, Janus—“ no, it isn’t— “I know you don’t like me much anyway. Don’t force yourself.”
  At least you’re being considerate for once in your life.
  Took you this long to figure it out, hmm? No wonder you’re called the stupidest Side.
 Janus grits his teeth against the thread. It just keeps tightening. His mouth has never tasted sweet in his entire life.
 He needs to tell Roman how important he is. He needs to tell Roman that they all have to start paying attention to him. He needs Roman to know that he’s sorry, sorry he ever implied otherwise.
 All that comes out of his mouth instead is: “you need attention.”
 Roman blinks. “Well, yes, I’d say that’s true.”
 He has to tell Roman that Thomas needs him, needs him to be strong and healthy, to dream.
 What comes out instead is: “you spend so much time stuck in your head.”
 Roman frowns. “If that’s the best you can do, there’s no need to overexert yourself. I can make myself cry much easier than that.”
 Why won’t his tongue cooperate?
 The thread just tightens around him again. A warning. A threat. A promise.
 He can’t tell the truth.
 He can’t.
 He can’t.
 It doesn’t matter. Roman won’t know how important he is. He’ll think that Janus hates him and that’s fine.
 Janus struggles to breathe.
 “There are two Creativities,” he grits out, even if the ‘but only one Roman’ won’t follow.
 “Patton is the heart,” comes out next, separate from ‘but he needs you to love.’
 “We don’t need you,” hurts on the way out because it leaves behind ‘but we want you, we want you so badly.’
 The Mindscape is crumbling. Janus can’t speak. The others are going to fade. He can’t help Roman. He’s ruined everything.
 He’s forgotten what sweetness tastes like.
 Roman is frowning at him. He stands, striding across the broken floor, eyes flint chips. Janus closes his eyes and braces for the hit.
 Roman’s fingers hook into his collar and yank.
 “What the fuck is that?”
 “Why is it cutting into him?”
 “How long has that been there, this whole time?”
 “Janus—Janus can you breathe?”
 Janus opens his eyes in confusion. Roman’s still holding onto him but his eyes are fixed not on his face, but lower. Something shiny casts light onto Roman’s face.
 “Janus,” Roman asks softly, “what is this?”
 “What is what?”
 “This,” Roman says darkly, fingertips tracing across something, “around your neck.”
 No, it’s not real.
 It can’t be real.
 …can it?
 “It’s not a thread,” Janus spits out, his tongue smarting in the air, “and it doesn’t keep me from telling the truth.”
 Roman’s eyes widen in horror. He reaches forward and Janus keens as the pressure tightens.
 “Don’t stop,” he grits out, “it doesn’t hurt.”
 “The sky is green.”
 “The sky is green,” Roman repeats, still glaring hard at Janus’s neck, “the Fourth of July is in October.”
 The thread loosens.
 “Remus, get over here,” Roman barks. A second later, two more fingers slip under the thread. “Now lie.”
 “Um, ventricles are found in the liver.”
 “Blue is made of red and orange.”
 “The alphabet starts with the letter ‘m.’”
 Logan catches on next. “The sun goes around the earth,” he says, nudging Virgil.
 “Uh—“ he glances around— “Patton isn’t wearing glasses.”
 “Paris is in Canada.”
 “Books are printed on alligator skin.”
 “Water isn’t clear.”
 “Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the inventor of Facebook.”
 “Earmuffs go on your hands.”
 “Hamburgers are vegan.”
 Lies spin out of their mouths. Remus grits his teeth as he pulls at the thread. Patton looks around frantically. Janus still can’t breathe.
 The room is settling, slowly but surely, but there are still cracks snaking their way through the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Right under Janus.
 Roman looks directly at him.
 “I hate you.”
 The thread gives.
 The brothers yank, unspooling the thread from around Janus’s throat, throwing it at the walls. It freezes in mid-air, still glowing gold.
 The cracks weren’t cracks, they were threads.
 The golden thread melts seamlessly into the wall, knitting the place back together, stitch by stitch. The walls settle, glowing softly as the floor reconstitutes under them. The Mindscape breathes.
 Janus hasn’t noticed any of this. He’s too busy collapsing into Roman’s arms, sobbing his heart out.
 “Shh, shh, sweetheart,” Roman coos, “I’ve got you, you’re alright, you did it, come here…”
 “He’s gonna be cold,” he hears someone—probably Virgil?—say over his shoulder, “grab a blanket. Can we sink?”
 “Let me try.” A second later there’s another sigh of relief. “Yeah. We can. Let’s get him to the living room, I’ll get a fire going.”
 “In the fireplace, this time, Remus!”
 “Yeah, yeah!”
 “Come on, little snake,” Roman coaxes, lifting him up to a broad chest, “let’s get you warm.”
 He’s still sobbing breathlessly, draped uselessly over Roman. He feels another set of arms as they sink into the couch.
 “I’ve got him,” Patton says quietly, “hey, kiddo, can you hear me?”
 The next sob is slightly higher.
 “Shh, shh, it’s okay, kiddo, you don’t have to speak right now.” Patton rubs soothing circles into his back. “Just stay right here with me, right here, the others are just getting the nest set up.”
 “Give him to me, I’ll help him down while you slide in.”
 “Make sure to get his head, he’s having trouble right now.”
 “I understand.”
 A warm hand cups the back of his neck, leaning his nose into the crook of a warm shoulder. Books, coffee, whiteboard pen…Logan.
 “You’re freezing,” Logan murmurs, concerned, “let’s get you warmed up…no hyperthermia today, hmm?”
 Janus almost groans in relief as his scales hit something thick and soft and warm. He’s still crying, isn’t he? Why?
 “Hey, Snakey,” Remus mumbles, his hand under Janus’s head, “you gotta roll over, you’re gonna crush yourself that way. Come on—for crying out loud, you bastards, how long does it take to undo a clasp?”
 “Got it.”
 He suppresses a whine as his cape flies away, only for it quickly be replaced by a warm, warm blanket. He blinks his eyes open, straining to see through the tears. He can only see blobs. What is happening?
 “Rest,” comes another voice, is that Roman? Isn’t Roman angry at him? He can’t stop the confused whine.
 “Shh, shh, easy, little snake,” Roman soothes, running his hand through his hair, “breathe, that horrible thing was choking you.”
 The horrible thread…is it…gone?
 “Relax, come on, shh…easy,” he says earnestly when Janus whines again, “don’t work yourself up.”
 “He’s gonna hurt himself if he keeps clawing at his throat like that.”
 He’s doing what now?
 Warm hands take each of his and…oh. Well, maybe he was.
 “That’s it,” Patton whispers, “easy…”
 “What…what’s going on?”
 “You did it,” Logan says softly, stroking his thumb along the back of Janus’s hand, “you figured it out.”
 “But—“ he swallows, still not used to the freedom in his throat— “I couldn’t do it.”
 “You weren’t supposed to do it on your own, Jan-Jan. We all had to do it, remember?”
 “That’s what you said, J.”
 “So we did,” Patton finishes, smiling at him, “and it worked.”
 “But—but I—“ Janus’s eyes flash up to catch Roman’s.
 Roman, who sat there and didn’t protest when Janus couldn’t say one nice thing about him.
 Roman, whom Janus has hurt so many times.
 Roman, who pried the thread away from Janus’s throat without blinking.
 Roman, who caught him, and is still here.
 “Maybe the next time we talk,” Roman says softly, “we can do it without that thread around your throat, hmm?”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “Shh, little snake,” he murmurs, gently stroking a tear away from Janus’s cheek, “I know. But not right now, okay? You’re still crying.”
 He is?
 “Close your eyes,” he encourages, his hand still cupping Janus’s face, “rest, we all need it.”
 “Did we—“ his tongue is heavy— “did we ever figure out what happened?”
 “I believe Thomas had something of an identity crisis,” Logan remarks, “but we can figure that out later. For now…we should all try and go back to sleep.”
 “Great. Pop Star, budge.”
 “Hey! Kiddo!”
 “Ah. Much better.”
 “Pocket Protector, stop pretending you don’t wanna cuddle and get down here.”
 “In a moment, Remus, I need to take my glasses off.”
 “Ro-Bro! Get over here.”
 “Re, pulling me over Janus is not going to work.”
 “L, are you coming?”
 “Must you all be so impatient?”
 “Yes, my dear darling nerd, now come here.”
 Logan rolls his eyes and lies down, still holding Janus’s hand. On his other side, Roman leans Janus’s head into his chest and hums softly.
 “There. Now we’re all together again.”
 “Shut the fuck up, Princey, I’m trying to sleep.”
 “Shut up yourself, then.”
 “Sorry, Pat.”
 Logan chuckles. Remus shifts on the edge of the blanket nest. Roman tilts Janus’s chin up.
 “Are you alright,” he whispers as the others drift off to sleep, “not hurt?”
 Janus shakes his head. “I…was it really a lie?”
 “Was what really a lie, little snake?”
 “…you said ‘I hate you.’”
 “Oh, that.” Roman chucks him lightly under the chin. “What does your mouth taste like?”
 It’s sweet.
 Roman smiles. “Go to sleep, little snake.”
 The Sides fall asleep in the Mindscape, threads wearing them tightly together.
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
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loving him was red
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george always wanted to open a joke shop with his brother. when they decide to get back at umbridge and leave school to pursue his dream he also leaves behind his girlfriend.
warnings - angst, a bit of fluff
word count - 2648
a/n - a writing challenge that @chokemepansy is doing! also got inspired by Taylor Swifts red! angst prompt 42 from her prompt list!
h.p masterlist // george weasley
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George to Y/N was one of the most perfect people in her life. When she met him it changed her life for the best. He came in her life when she needed something good, when her whole life was horrible he was the only light in her life. But they also had a lot of arguments that had one or the other storming out saying hurtful things.
But they always found their way back to each other.
No matter what one or the other would apologize for the words they said and the other would smile and pull them in for a kiss. No matter what that’s how it always ended. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships but when George was there for her it always made Y/N’s feel better and feel loved.
Even though she hated the fights she loved the time she spent with him. The times where they would just cuddle while Y/N read a book. George would just play with her hair and sometimes would just watch as her eyes glazed across the book with interest. Sometimes would bite her lip if she’s confused by something. Other times she helped him with his studies and it would help some of the times.
George and Y/N would also just sneak around the Hogwarts castle and make out in corners whilst skipping some of her classes. She normally didn’t do this but George convinced her to skip some of the classes. Luckily it usually didn’t hurt her grades since she studied a lot.
Y/N was also convinced to help Fred and George with their pranks but if the prank seemed too harsh she wouldn’t do that. Fred and Y/N were friends but not the closest friends in the world. They often only talked when George was around since nothing else tied them to each other. She didn’t hate him and he didn’t hate her.
They would also go to the Three Broomsticks for dates and would just sit and talk about each other’s day. Y/N would just get lost in George’s eyes and the way that they sparkled whenever he mentioned the pranks he and Fred did. It warmed her heart to see him so happy about something.
Towards the end of their relationship the arguments have weirdly started to die down and George and Y/N started talking through their problems.
Maybe this was because of Umbridge coming to Hogwarts that year the relationship has matured more and they started to act like adults coming into their 7th year. Though one big thing was hanging over their head.
The future.
Y/N wanted to be a curse breaker and George wanted to run a joke shop with Fred and Y/N was okay with that and would support him through everything. But the thing was that Voldemort was on the rise and his supporters were coming back. It scared a lot of people especially Y/N since she was muggle born and her family were muggles and could be hurt by this. She knew if she wanted to be a curse breaker she would have to be more brave.
She would often talk to George about this instead of keeping this stuff in. He would comfort her by letting her bury her head in his chest as he rested his chin on her head. He caressed her hair as she wrapped her arms around his waist and felt herself start to calm down a bit.
George was starting to be a comfort hotline for her.
Y/N also noticed that George has become more secretive throughout the year and she just cut it down to him and Fred planning and making pranks. She didn’t know it was a secret army that was created when Umbridge cut back on the defense against the dark arts.
It hurt her that George didn’t tell her about it or that she wasn’t even invited to become a part of this army. She wanted to be able to help. She felt useless and it sank to the bottom of her stomach that she wasn’t even trusted by her own boyfriend.
Before she could even argue with him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to his room.
“George what the hell was that,” Y/N snapped crossing her arms across her chest. She was just talking to Luna and Neville in the common room when he dragged her to his room.
“I needed to talk to you,” George rushed out rubbing the back of his neck.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Dumbledore's army,” Y/N angrily questioned ignoring what he had said. George huffed, rolling his eyes, feeling frustrated.
“Y/N let me-,” George was about to talk but was interrupted by Y/N.
“No seriously was I not trusted by you or was it for you to get away from me?” Y/N asked, clenching her jaw as her fist curled at her side from the anger coursing through her veins.
“I think we should break up,” George blurted out making Y/N’s eyes widened. She didn’t want to break up with him over this. Yes she was angry at the moment but it didn’t mean she wanted to lose him.
“What-what,” Y/N stuttered her fist un curling from the shocking news she had just got.
“Me and Fred are going to be starting a joke shop next year,” George explained, not meeting her eyes.
“That’s it George I said I’d support you through that,” Y/N huffed and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I just don’t see you in my future,” George says quietly, his eyes traveling to his feet, not wanting to see her reaction to this. He promised himself he’d do this for her, so that she wouldn’t get hurt.
“I see,” Y/N whispers then biting her lip trying to not let the tears fall from her eyes. But her shoulders slumped when she heard the words tumble from his mouth. Sadness raked through her body and she could feel her feet start to wobble and her eyes start to glisten. “Well goodbye George,” She turned away and left the room not wanting to see his reaction to this.
Y/N decided to focus on her studies since she would be taking most of them tomorrow and needed to pass them to be a curse breaker. She needed to stop thinking about George so she could have at least a good career. She didn’t get much sleep that night.
But the next day as she finished her last N.E.W.T.S Y/N watched as Umbridge walked out of the room since she heard some noises outside of the classroom. It was a shock to everyone as George and Fred came riding in on their broomsticks with fireworks in their hands.
She didn’t get up from her seat like everyone else. She just sat down playing with her hands as the twins left the classroom creating a W in the sky.
After the school year was over Y/N was happy that she didn’t have to go back to the place that gave her so many memories with George. But when she applied to be a curse breaker she was luckily accepted but that meant she had to work for Bill Weasley.
Y/N met him a few times when she stayed over at the Weasleys house for Christmas. Bill of course recognized her and didn’t ask anything about her or George since he heard they broke up. She was thankful for that and found it easy to get along with the eldest Weasley. He was a good person to talk to.
For that whole year Y/N got used to the job only going on a few missions since she was the newbie. But things got weird when Voldemort killed Dumbledore by Snape.
She was invited to Bill and Fleurs wedding and she didn’t know if she should accept it or not since Y/N knew George would be there and it would be so awkward. But she did accept it eventually since Bill was such a good friend to her and she also heard about him getting attacked and wanted to make sure he was okay.
She didn’t take anyone as a date, she’s tried to date after school but it never worked out they always ended things before they got to serious.
Y/N managed to avoid George and even Fred that night but before it could end death eaters came to the wedding and attacked. She didn’t know what the hell was going on but she does know that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were going to go hunt for the Horcruxes.
She left Weasley's burrow with worry in the pit of her stomach. Fear filled her bones, fear for the trio and the Weasley’s. Y/N was even worried about her parents, who weren’t a part of the wizarding world which was worse since they couldn’t protect themselves. She went home that night, nervousness filling her blood as she entered her parents house.
Ever since she graduated from Hogwarts Y/N lives with her parents until she can get enough money to buy a place for herself.
Luckily her parents were okay and she went to sleep a little bit better. But still she worried for the Weasley’s and anyone who crossed Voldemort and his little posse. She just hoped everyone would be fine and wouldn’t end up dead.
The following year she kept in contact with Bill, even though she was staying with her parents to protect them.
Once Y/N heard about the battle she immediately signed up for it. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt. She wanted to help protect the people at the school so they could see the daylight the next morning. She didn’t care if she ran into George since this was a life or death situation.
The battle was a hard one. A lot of people died. Remus and Tonks being the ones closest to her. For a moment there Y/N and everyone around her even thought that Harry was dead and Voldemort as victorious. But luckily Harry wasn’t.
They won. But what did it come with. Casualties, families who wouldn’t see their children ever again. Even though they did win, Y/N felt like she failed them, she failed there families. After the war she even had nightmares about her friends and family dying and her not being able to save them.
She always woke up in a sweat.
The nights where Y/N couldn’t sleep she thought about George. What he was doing? Was he fine? Did he ever think about her? She usually shook those thoughts out of her head but ever since she broke up with him it felt like emptiness filled her life. But she masked that with a fake smile and burying herself in work and she was still doing this.
Y/N’s parents encouraged her to get her own place but reassured her that they weren’t trying to kick her out. She knew that but it felt like she was a burden on them so she just decided to move out and found a cottage in the forest. It wasn’t as scary as the forbidden forest since there were no monsters in this one.
The silence welcomed her with a warm hug. Y/N didn’t hate it; she liked being alone at the moment. She often spent her time watching shows late at night then waking up early to go to work with bags under her eyes.
One day Y/N went to go and get some ice cream in Diagon alley she saw a flash of red hair in the crowd and she immediately knew who it was.
Y/N knew it could’ve been Fred but she knew George too well to know that was him. So she did what most people would’ve done. Ran behind an alley so he didn’t see her.
Before she could fully get behind the building he caught her eye and yelled out for her.
“Y/N is that you,” George asks looking between the buildings with a smile gracing his lips. She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath before turning around with a fake smile appearing on her face.
“George it’s so nice to see you,” Y/N says while walking up to stand in front of him.
Before she could say anything else he wrapped his arms around her waists and hugged her. He buried his face in her neck while Y/N placed her arms around his neck and took in his familiar scent she loved oh so much. She missed it. She didn’t want to miss him but Y/N couldn’t help it.
“How’ve you been,” George asks kindly, finally breaking free from the hug.
“Oh I’ve been great,” Y/N lied straight through her teeth as she stared up at him. There was an awkward silence before George spoke.
“I wanted to ask a question,” George wrings his hands in front of his stomach.
“You already did,” Y/N responds with a smirk, a real one this time. “I’m kidding, go ahead,” She says after seeing the look on his face.
“I wanted to know if you want to meet up later so we could catch up,” George asks nervously as stands there with his eyes at his feet.
“Uh,” Y/N started to say and she didn’t even know what she was going to answer him with but deciding it would be good to catch up with some old friends she answered, “Yes.”
“Really,” George says shocked, he thought she’d say no since the last time they talked he dumped her.
“Yes I need to get out more anyways,” Y/N gives him a half smile before getting a pen and grabbing his hand. “This is my address, pick me up at….” She says looking up at him wanting to know when he wanted to go out.
“9 darling,” George answered and looked at the writing on his hand after she let it go. Y/N felt butterflies enter her stomach when he called her that. It’s been so long she’s been called that by someone she cares about.
When Y/N got home she immediately regretted agreeing to go on this date with George. She knew that seeing him again would bring back some old feelings that were being harbored.
She decided that when George got to the cottage Y/N would talk to him about all of her feelings.
“Hey,” Y/N greeted when George showed up at her front door with some flowers. She took them with a smile. “Come in,” She opened the door wider letting him come in.
“Nice place,” George complimented.
“Thanks,” Y/N felt nervous again when she thought about what she wanted to talk to him about. “I need to talk to you,” She rushed out as she stood in front of him.
“Knew this was gonna come,” George muttered as his smile dropped. “Before you say anything can I say something,” He asked with a pleading look on his face, Y/N nodded. “I wanted to say that breaking up with you was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and ever since I did it I’ve never been the same,” George takes a break before saying. “I'd take our relationship back in a heartbeat love.”
“I can’t do that George,” Y/N whispered as her eyes shined with tears. George’s head dropped once he heard her. “I want to, I want to take you back so much but I can’t,” Her lip quivered as a tear rolled off her cheek.
“Then why don’t you,” George whispered hope filling his eyes.
“I’m just destined to have no love.”
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prfctethereal · 3 years
bloodline. | james potter
thank u, next x marauders
alexa, play bloodline by ariana grande
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pairing: james potter x reader (fake dating au)
summary: after lily breaks up with james, you offer to pretend to be lily over the christmas holidays
word count: 10k (i deeply apologise)
warnings: language, mentions of food and eating, sexual jokes and innuendos (nothing explicit or smut), a whole lotta angst but a whole lotta fluff
a/n: a can't believe i wrote so much for this man. anyway, this is probably my favourite thing i’ve ever written to enjoy - Kennedy
The common room was a ghostly quiet, but that was expected at this time of year. Tinsel decorated the mantelpiece by the fireplace, the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon wafting through the air. In the corner, a large, oak tree sat, it’s leaves standing tall and proud, juxtaposing against the scarlet walls. Christmas was the reason for this tranquil atmosphere.
Except, that wasn’t the case for everyone. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be going home for the holidays this year, opting to stay at Hogwarts to get in more study time. It felt like nearly all students were going away this year and the ever growing loneliness was catching up to you, weighing your mind down, a foggy haze resting over your eyesight.
You turned your head, looking up at the clock on the wall. It was nearly one in the morning, which meant that there were usually more students in the common room. The train was leaving back to London tomorrow - well, today - so you assumed that they would all be getting some rest. The only sound that filled the common room was the fire crackling and some light whimpering.
Light whimpering?
That definitely caught your attention. Straightening yourself up on the chair, your eyes scanned the dim room, searching for the source of the noise. It was quiet, but prominent, and it definitely sounded like someone crying. The sniffling painted a picture in your mind of someone’s broken face, eyes red and puffy.
There was something wrong though. Your intuition was getting the better of you. You recognised that voice, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Sure, you had friends, but you weren’t close to anyone, close enough to know what they sounded like when you cried.
By now, the crying was loud enough to attract the attention of anyone that would pass by. Your book, laid forgotten on your lap, was brushed aside, as you sat up, ready to find the source of the crying. There weren’t many places to hide in the common room, so it struck you as odd that you couldn’t see anyone.
Following the whines, you crept to the corner of the room, where the cries never stopped and seemingly carried on through the wall. A smile stretched across your face, a mystery forming in your head. Pressing your palms against the wall, your tenacious fingers searched the wallpaper for anything, small incisions, lumps, maybe a door handle. In the lack of light, you didn’t notice the small hole in the wall, letting your finger slip through the wallpaper. Curling around your knuckle, you tugged slightly, opening the secret door you had just found in the wall.
Letting the light slip into the tunnel, you noticed the figure curled up in a ball. His suave messy hair, paired with the thin, round glasses on the ground gave away that it was James Potter who was crying in a secret tunnel at one in the morning.
Your heart broke in an instant. James was actually a very close friend, having helped him and his marauders out multiple times on their pranks and overall mischief. You had met James in the first year and you were the bestest friend he had outside the marauders; he had told you multiple times. Many times you had laid together in the common room, shoulders touching, staring up at the ceiling, enjoying each other’s presence. It was comforting. He was comforting.
But right now, he needed comfort.
A lone piece of parchment was peeking out of his arms, which you carefully plucked away, not focusing on the ink scratched in. Soothing his shaking muscles, you ran your hands up his arms, him immediately calming down at your touch. When you felt like he was feeling better, you reached down, sitting against the wall next to him, placing your arm around his quivering figure. Your fingers found his lonely glasses on the ground, bringing them up to his face, trying to coax his hands away from his reddening cheeks.
The moment you met his eyes, you could feel his pain. His normally bright, cheerful eyes were filled with salty tears, staining his freckle-covered cheek in a sheen of sadness. It was the envisionment of pure anguish.
“Jamesie,” you started, voice quiet as to not shock the obviously patronised boy, quivering next to you, “can you tell me what’s wrong? I want to help you, love.”
“It’s-” He sniffed, voice croaky, “Lily. It’s Lily.” He struggled to keep his gaze on your face, opting to look at his fiddling fingers in this lap. “She broke up with me. A few hours ago.”
Your heart failed. Lily broke up with James? But they were perfect together. For the past two years, it was always James and Lily, Lily and James, high school sweethearts. They were so happy, so why would she end it?
The sadness creeping up inside of you soon turned to wrath, a fire burning wildly in your chest. Red clouded your vision as you felt your fist curl up in anger, fingernails digging into your skin. You only stopped when you felt James’ hand resting on yours.
“Why?” You asked. It was a dumb question, but it was the only thing that came to mind, wanting to keep the attention off of your growing asperity.
“Dunno,” James shrugged, turning back towards his corner. “She said that she wanted to take a break. Had no idea why though. Thought everything was going swimmingly.” His voice was laced with sarcasm, a nice contrast to his tearful expression.
“What a bitch, right before Christmas.” The words fell out of your mouth without you registering it, your eyes scanning the room as you chew thoughtfully on your bottom lip. You didn’t know how James' face grimaced at the mention of Christmas, a pink tint growing on his face, but not from the tears.
Turning around, you saw James with his head in his hands, an excreted groan vibrating from his vocal chords. “Fuck!” He swore, “She was supposed to be coming to meet my parents this Christmas. Now, I have to owl Mum to tell her that’s she’s not coming, oh no-”
He paused, rubbing his eyes together. “This is going to ruin Christmas. Mum and Dad are going to be fretting over me all Christmas. I wish she could’ve just waited until after the holidays.”
It really did seem like James was in a predicament. You had never met Euphemia or Fleamont Potter, but you did know that they were described to be some of the most lovely people to be blessed on this Earth. Even through your tight friendship, you hadn’t met them yet.
Then, another problem rushed through your mind. Lily was now going to be staying at Hogwarts during the holidays, and your blood was boiling. It was going to be difficult to stay in the same room as her without lashing out in defence of James.
“I don’t want to have to deal with Lily for a whole week.” You muttered under your breath, unaware that James was hanging onto every word you said.
“You’re not going away over the holidays?” James asked, eyebrows furrowed together as he scanned your face for any insight. Sighing, you shook your head in response.
“Nah, normally stay.” You pondered for a moment. “Do you think that Lily is gonna be unbearable over Christmas? I might as well just stay in the Room of Requirement all Christmas.”
Then, a thought came to your head. It was almost genius, a bright light twinkling in your eye, your mouth slightly agape. You sucked in a small breath, watching as James eyed you curiously, before a slim smile stretched across your face.
“I have an idea James, but please, I want you to stop me at any point if you feel uncomfortable with this. You are grieving in a way and I don’t want to undermine that. Promise me you’ll shut me down if you don’t like it, okay?” You noted that his head nodded up and down, letting you continue.
“What if I pretend to be Lily? Your parents have never met her before, right? Or me, for a matter of fact. I can come to yours for the holidays and pretend to be Lily to keep the Christmas cheer. When the week is up, we can stop fake dating and you can send a letter to your parents a few weeks later saying that Lily broke up with you. Christmas saved, no pestering parents, and I don’t have to spend a week with the insufferable Lily.”
There was a silence that followed, James gawking at the ground as his mind churned over what you had just said. Then, he spoke.
“If that’s okay with you. I mean, it’s just fake dating, right? For like a week? Are you okay with that?”
You exhaled a deep sigh of release, followed by a hearty chuckle. “Of course I’m okay with it. I suggested it, remember? And besides, we’re friends. Best friends, if anything. Everything will be fine.”
“What about Sirius and Remus? They’re staying over the holidays too. Are you sure they can keep the secret? That, you know, you’re not actually Lily Evans. You’re Y/N L/N.”
“Yeah, I think they can.”
“We can’t keep that secret.”
You and James and just explained what the plan was. It was the morning of December 21st, a fresh layer of snow had just been laid on the ground. Wrapped carefully in many layers, students of Hogwarts had bundled up into the crimson train, ready to go back to London for a week.
After explaining to Professor McGonagall that last minute plans meant you could go away in the holidays, she had let you onto the train, where the four of you sat in a carriage, laying out the details of you and James’ awkward plan to fake date for the Christmas holidays.
Sirius had found the whole prospect of the situation immensely funny and had been laughing ever since you told him. Remus - the more serious one of the two, ironically - wasn’t too keen on the idea, a look of disappointment plastered on his face like an angry parent.
“You can’t just lie to Euphemia and Fleamont. They’re your parents, James. Surely they’ll know you’re lying?”
“That’s the brilliant thing!” James had surely brightened up overnight. After talking for a bit, you helped James into bed, hoping that a good night sleep would change his mood slightly. Unexpectedly, his mood changed more than slightly; almost drastically. He was cheerful, his teeth glowing in the daybreak sun, enthusiastic talks from across the common room. It was a rather stark constraint from the glum Lily Evans who was moping around, as if she was the one who got dumped only the night before. “They’ll never know! They haven’t met Lily, nor Y/N! Sure, they’ve heard about both, but they won’t connect the dots.”
Anxiously, Remus looked at Sirius for guidance, except Sirius hadn’t stopped laughing, glistening tears of joy beading at his waterline, a hand clamped over his chest. You rolled your eyes at his tomfoolery, focusing your attention on the still uncertain lycanthrope.
“Remus, please?” You begged, pouting your lips. “It’s just one week. Please just lie for one week.”
It seemed as if his brain was clicking into place because after a moment, a smile replaced with frown, with him sticking his hand out. Eagerly shaking it in agreement, your mood lightened significantly.
The rest of the train ride, you went over everything that you needed to know about James and Lily’s relationship, if it came up. Firstly, they got together in February of year five, 1976. You fake barfed at the fact that their relationship sprouted from Valentine’s day, an opinion that the others giggled at. Secondly, James had told his parents that Lily was a muggleborn, so you would probably get bombarded with questions about muggles. You didn’t mind though; you were muggleborn yourself.
Next, you had to make some rules to keep boundaries between James and yourself. First, let James answer questions about the relationship, while you have to make notes and remember. Second, only refer to you as Lily in communal spaces, as Euphemia or Fleamont could appear at any moment. Three, physical affection is fine, almost encouraged, but no kissing on the lips.
As everything was settled, the train pulled into King’s Cross Station, the horn blasting through, grabbing the attention of the energetic students, ready to stretch their legs. Nervously, you kept still in your seat, an anxious stomach ache coming on. You felt sweat beading at your forehead as you finally realised how nervous you actually were.
James took note of this though, grabbing your hand and rubbing the back of it soothingly, calming your tense nerves. It seemed impossible, this task at hand looming over you, but you had to keep calm. You knew you could; in all honesty, you didn’t know why you were feeling so worried all of a sudden. Giving in, you took James’ hand and followed the three boys out onto the platform.
You followed the gaze of the three of them before your eyes landed on an older looking couple. A lady was standing there, dark brown hair pulled tightly into a ponytail, streaks of grey peaking through. Harsh smile lines protruded through her skin, a warm and inviting look on her face. Next to her, a taller looking man stood proudly next to what you assumed to be his wife. His feathery hair was combed back and the same round glasses as James sat comfortably on his peaky nose. You could only assume that this was Euphemia and Fleamont Potter.
Walking over, you stayed quiet as James greeted his parents first, pulling them into a tight hug. Immediately, you noticed how much of a mummy’s boy James was when you saw him unconsciously seeking comfort from his mother. It hurt to see him not being able to get what he needed in the moment. You looked away, afraid that you might’ve started to cry if you continued looking for any longer.
Fleamont greeted Remus and Sirius like they were his own sons, engulfing them in a hearty hug, lovingly slapping them on their backs. You watched as the affection oozed from James’ parents, a warm feeling growing in your chest. It was admiration.
Then, you felt a tug on your sleeve, looking back to see James’ trying to grab your attention. Giving him an inquisitive look, you noticed Euphemia, arms open, a beaming smile on her face.
“You must be Lily. Come in, dear.” It felt wrong as you dove into her arms, letting her motherly love wash over you like a tidal wave. Pulling apart, you felt the guilt twang in your chest, the name of Lily echoing in your mind.
That wasn’t you.
But you continued to smile. You smiled through your greetings with Fleamont. You smiled through the light banter they shared with James’ friends. You smiled through the small talk. You smiled through aparating to the Potter’s house.
As you stepped through the front door, you were greeted with an adorning archway, the walls endlessly covered with family photos. Everything about the house was inviting. A lingering smell of fresh baking settled in the house, as the light from the window perfectly captured the chandelier, a thousand rainbows dancing around the room.
As you stepped into the entrance way, you watched as Euphemia gestured the four of you up the staircase, down a hallway littered with doors. She stopped at a room, a sign with ‘Sirius’ on it, labelling you it belonged to. You beamed, remembering how this was now Sirius’ new home.
“I hope you don’t mind Remus bunking with you Sirius. I pulled out a spare mattress.” Euphemia addressed the two boys, who eagerly piled into the bedroom, grinning like a kid in a candy store.
“You too, this way.” You looked over to James, but his face was contorted into something unreadable, only smiling when he noticed your staring, giving a reassuring squeeze of your hand. You brushed it off though, your mind blurred by the thought of following Euphemia.
“Here’s James’ room,” Euphemia stopped in front of a door that was decorated by a Gryffindor flag. “Make yourself at home, sweetheart. I hope you’re still okay with sharing the bed? James said that was fine in our last letter.”
You inhaled tightly through your nose, clenching your jaw. You looked back at James, whose face was once again turning a bright red, his lips slightly parted as stutters started to spill out. “Well- I- actually-”
“Sounds great, Euphemia. Thank you so much for your hospitality.” Impatient to leave the awkward situation, you gestured to James to enter his bedroom, trailing in behind you, keeping a faux smile on your face, up until the door closed behind you.
In an instant, apology after apology spluttered from James, trying to explain. You were vaguely listening, although you were more focused on the room around you. You liked the detail and the Gryffindor pride. Moving posters of different Quidditch players lined the walls, covering the red and white wallpaper. In a corner, a pile of muggle vinyls were stacked together, tied together by a pink ribbon, which you could only assume was gifted by Lily. The room was surprisingly tidy, different to the state of James’ dorms back in Hogwarts.
“I like your room.” You finally spoke, dragging a finger across a chest of drawers. A thin layer of dust rested on the pad of your finger, which you rubbed off on your skirt before turning back to the panicked boy before you.
“Did you hear anything I said?”
“Don’t worry about it, James.” You comforted him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You forgot; that’s okay! I honestly don’t mind. It’s sort of what I signed up for anyway.” You laughed, hoping James would join in. He did.
Dinner went alright. You stayed quiet most of the time, only speaking when spoken to. You didn’t think Euphemia or Fleamont noticed, but you did get a peculiar look from Sirius, seemingly smirking at the way James and your seats were placed so close together.
After excusing yourself from the dinner table, you helped out in the kitchen with Fleamont, drying the dishes and putting them away in the cupboards. You were lost in your own thoughts, drifting off, keeping a smooth rhythm as you stacked plates.
“Lily, can you pass me the soap dispenser please?” You almost didn’t register what he was saying, a muted hum escaping your lips, until you realised you were being addressed. After apologising profusely for your tardiness, you handled the soap bottle to Mr Potter and carried on, hoping he wouldn’t start a conversation.
He did anyway.
“How’s James been treating you?” Fleamont quipped, a sly grin on his face. You knew what he was implying and shook it off, trying to keep the conversation as ambiguous as possible.
“Good. He’s been good.” He didn’t seem to buy it. “Lovely as always.” You gulped discreetly, disguising your nervousness as a yawn, which wasn’t missed by Fleamont.
“My dear, you look tired. You better retire for the night.” Nodding and saying your goodnights, you trod up the stairs, into the bedroom, where you were met by James, where only pajama shorts, reading Quidditch Through The Ages on his bed. You smiled, knowing that it was one of his favourites. He looked up when he saw you enter, smiling sheepishly, pointing towards the ensuite door.
“You can get changed in there, love.” Humming in agreement, you took a spare change of clothes into the bathroom and quickly returned, having brushed your teeth and washed your face as well. It wasn’t that late, but you felt inordinately tired, feeling as though you could pass out.
Collapsing on the soft bed, you pulled the duvet covers over your torso, letting your head hit the soft pillow. You nearly missed James whispering a small “goodnight darling” before falling into a dreamless sleep.
Tuesday 22nd December
Day two of whatever this was supposed to be had begun. Sunlight was streaming in through the windows, not uncommon as James had always been an early bird and must’ve opened them himself. He wasn’t in bed when you rolled over, but you did notice the harsh sound of running water and an overwhelming smell of apple shampoo seeping into the bedroom.
Getting into some fresh clothes, you heard the water stop, buttoning up the last button on your blouse as James waltzed back into the bedroom, before seeing you. He stood like a deer in the headlights, water running smoothly down this toned skin, wearing only a towel around his hips.
“Why is it that I always catch you shirtless?” You tried to end the awkwardness by making a joke, reaching into James’ drawers and pulling out the first shirt you saw, throwing it across the room.
Because of James’ Quidditch skills, his fast reflexes caught the soaring shirt, catching it in one hand, unintentionally flexing his biceps. You shouldn’t have been staring, but the situation was too hard to read.
After standing still for a moment, you regained intelligence, snapping yourself out of your gaze. Muttering a quick apology, you dashed out of his bedroom, closing the door behind you. Pressing your back to the newly closed door, you shut your eyes tight, trying to forget the fresh memory in your mind.
“Trouble in paradise?” You opened one of your eyes to see Remus standing there too, novel in hand, also having his back pressed against the closed door.
“Shirtless.” The only words that could fall out of your mouth, making Remus bark with laughter, before clamping his hand over his mouth, an inch of sympathy showing in his eyes.
“Can’t be that bad of a sight, can it?” He joked, egging you on. You clutched your hands up to your face, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. It was so embarrassing, but the worse past was that there was still so much more to come.
“Shut up Lupin.” You stuck your tongue out playfully at Remus, before bolting down the hallway, hoping to help Euphemia out with breakfast, like you said you would last night at the dinner table.
You were efficient in the kitchen, once again keeping talk to a minimum. Except today, you were feeling more comfortable with Euphemia, a more natural conversation gracing your time. It felt easier to speak. Maybe it was the fact that you had just had a good sleep, or maybe it was that you were actually feeling somewhat at home at the Potter’s residence.
Just as the bacon seemed to be completely cooked, James bursted through the door, Sirius and Remus in tow. James seemed to be the only one nervous, as the other two boys sat down at the table gleefully. Dishing up the breakfast, you handed the plates out to everyone.
Lastly, you handed a plate to James, trying your hardest to not make eye contact. You only stiffened when you felt James’s soft fingers accidentally brush against yours, tensing your muscles immediately.
“There you go,” you spoke in a voice so everyone could hear, “sweetheart.” You hissed the last word out in gritted teeth. Instead of sitting next to James like last night, you opted to sit directly in front of him, something that didn’t go unnoticed by James himself, who gave you a curious look at your choice in seating arrangements.
But before he could talk with you about it, you had finished your breakfast, immediately bouncing back into the kitchen, avoiding all signs of the messy haired brunette who was lurking around the ground floor.
The rest of the day followed a similar pattern. Mundane tasks, followed by awkward conversation, and running away. It wasn’t what you had thought when you offered the idea to fake date, but you realised how hard it actually was to pretend to be madly in love with someone.
It wasn’t until later in the night, when you were getting ready for bed, that you overheard James talking with Remus and Sirius. You knew you shouldn’t, but after hearing him say your name, you were too curious not to eavesdrop in. Pressing your ear against Sirius’ door, you prayed that Euphemia or Fleamont wouldn’t walk past any moment now.
“How’s it going with the whole fake dating thing?” It was Sirius’ voice, and there was a cheek to his voice. You rolled your eyes at his blatant teasing.
“Honestly, I don’t know.” It was James speaking this time. “Everything was going so well, especially yesterday, but after today, I’m a bit worried that my parents won’t believe.”
“What do you mean?” Remus’ voice held a question, an obvious inflection at the end of the sentence.
“I just wish she was a little more, you know,” a pause, “tactile. At least, a little more affection. She’s not playing the part well.”
You should’ve been hurt by James’ words but instead, you felt immense anger, and for what? You didn’t understand why you felt so annoyed by James’ harmless comment, but you did.
Begrudgingly, you languidly stomped back to James’ room, burying yourself under the covers, pretending to be asleep. You didn’t want to talk to him at the moment, in fear that you would just snap at him for the comments that he was making behind your back.
When James came back in about half an hour later, you felt a feeling of pressure being lifted from your chest, breathing easily as James tucked himself on the other side of you. You didn’t know why, but you felt like it was so much easier to sleep now that you knew that James was beside you. And so you did.
Wednesday 23rd December
It was an accident. You didn’t mean to wake up at the piss crack on dawn, wrapped in James’ arms. Sometime during the night, your sleeping form must’ve found its way to James. Your head was tucked in the crook of his neck, the soothing sound of his heartbeat rippling out. You felt safe.
Until you remembered that you were supposed to be mad at James. Carefully so you didn’t wake him, you slipped out of his arms, letting yours legs fall off the edge of the bed. Your warm toes made contact with cold hard wooden floors, making you jolt up in surprise. Looking back, you saw that James was still asleep, so you sighed, peeling out of the bedroom.
It was winter, so it wasn’t even that early in the morning. The grandfather clock in the living room was showing that it was just about to be seven, and that was good enough for you. Taking initiative, you decided to start cooking breakfast yourself, remembering the open invitation Euphemia gave you to use the kitchen whenever you want.
Cozying up to the stove, you placed the palms of your hands just over the radiating heat of the stove top, reveling in the delicious warmth that was defrosting every muscle in your body. Your mind was working overtime, trying to remember what James’ favourite breakfast was.
If James wanted an affectionate girlfriend, then he was going to get himself an affectionate girlfriend.
Mixing together a sweet pancake batter, you welcomed Euphemia into the kitchen. Praises filled the room, as you poured the dough into the pan, letting the bubbles rise to the top. In the meantime, you took out the bowl of fresh strawberries in the fridge, letting them come to room temperature on the kitchen counter tops.
Once again, James entered the kitchen right as you were serving up. Making sure it was as noticeable as possible, you sent a massive wink his way, catching him off guard. Grabbing a chopping board from the cupboard, you started slicing the tops off of the strawberries, to which James stopped you.
“Let me help darling.” He spoke, his morning voice making you feel something in your stomach that you weren’t expecting. Butterflies? Surely not. You shook the thought away, focusing back on flipping the pancakes on the stove tops.
After serving another freshly cooked pancake, your attention was pulled to James, a dopey smile on his face, strawberry juice staining his lips. “Y/- Lily, come over here.”
A bitter feeling rose in your chest at hearing Lily’s name, but you pushed it away, walking over to James’ workstation. He had a strawberry in his hand, beckoning you over to taste it. An idea sprouted in your head as you sashayed over, swinging your hips slightly.
You did what James wanted you to do, bending over slightly to place your lips around the sweet berry, letting your loving ‘boyfriend’ feed you. What he didn’t expect was after you had eaten the strawberry, you latched into his hands, wrapping your mouth around his fingers and gently sucking off the rest of the strawberry juice. It had caught him off guard but that’s what you wanted.
Today he was going to get all the affection you could give him.
At the breakfast table, you sat beside him, resting your hand on his thigh as you ate, leaning into him as you laughed at a joke Sirius had made. It wasn’t that funny but you wanted to prove a point. You wanted to prove that you could play the part of the doting girlfriend.
Soon, after breakfast, the Potter’s decided to go for a walk, so everyone joined in. Wrapping each other up in as much warm clothing as possible, everyone bundled outside together, minding the brisk breeze that was blowing through.
Holding James’ hand, you strolled calmly together, leaning your cheek against his arm and shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind, but he didn’t keep sending you strange looks as you continuously clutched his arm, running your fingers up and down his skin. You couldn’t tell if the goosebumps were from hesitation or the cold.
It started snowing quite heavily so they decided to head back inside. James and Remus had been caught up in conversation for most of the walk, about who was better at wizard’s chess and had agreed to a competition to decide for once and for all.
Curled up on the couch, you sat beside James, one and curled around a mug of cocoa and the other places upon James’ thigh. He let you, nodding when you hesitated on placing your hand there the first time.
About an hour into their little competition, you felt a haze settle upon your eyes, rendering you tired. It was late afternoon though, not a good enough time to go to bed. Yawning, you placed your mug down on the coffee table, and stretched out over the couch, placing your head down on James’ lap. Subconsciously, his left hand followed the movements of your head, latching onto a piece of your hair and twirling around his finger.
You never slept, but you rested your eyes. You didn’t know for how long until you felt the familiar sound of Euphemia’s dream-like voice, calling you to dinner. Hurriedly, you placed a mushy kiss against James’ cheek and sat in the usual spot at the dinner table.
By now, conversation flowed more easily than it did the day before. You were now beginning to feel safe in the Potter environment, opening up to everyone more, letting yourself join the conversation.
When you were going off the bed, you placed one last public kiss on James’ cheek before lacing your hands together, pulling him up to the bedroom and winking at Sirius and Remus, knowing full well what it was suggesting.
Once you got behind the doors though, you were off him in an instant, searching through your bag for a spare change of clothes for the night. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, getting ready for bed in your own separate bubbles. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to speak to James, it was more that you didn’t know what to say to him after today. You were afraid that you had crossed a line.
“What was that today?” James finally broke the silence, a crack in his voice as you spoke. You spin around, a fake smile creeping onto your face.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.” His voice was cool, sending shivers down your spine. Your smile dropped, replaced with a frown. You could almost feel a few tears edging at your waterline, threatening to spill over if you weren’t careful.
“I’m sorry.” You started, fiddling with your fingers. “It was just- I overheard what you said last night. You said you wish I was being more, uhm, tactile.” You felt embarrassed to say the word. “I just wanted to put in a bit more effort. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
James stayed quiet as he settled into bed. You followed suit, getting it just behind him. You faced away from him though, as your cheeks were now being stained by your tears.
“Y/N?” You heard James call from behind you, but you didn’t turn around.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable. It was just strange seeing so much affection from someone who wasn’t Lily.” He paused. “Thank you.”
“Goodnight Jamesie.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Thursday 24th December
Once again, you woke up in James’ arms. Once again, you weren’t sure how you got there, but you weren’t complaining either way. Once again, you moved out of his arms before he noticed.
A new occurrence this morning though was he woke up by your movement.
“Oh, good morning love.”
Your heart fluttered at the nickname, although you didn’t know why. You kept your eyes closed, as they were still heavy from last night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it was plagued by fluffy dreams, all lead by a familiar bespectacled boy. You shook the thought from your mind, trying to open your eyes, but you couldn’t. You could barely mutter out a greeting.
“Hmm.” You grunted in acknowledgment, burying you head in the pillow. It smelt like James. A smile crept on your face without you realising.
“Hmm.” You let out another whine, this one more pitiful, as you nuzzled you head against James’ arm, wanting to feel his warmth once again. Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around you before placing a calculated kiss on top of your head.
“Stay here darling.” You didn’t have to be told twice. As James left the bed, you stayed put, falling down where James was previously sleeping, laying horizontally along James’ bed as you fell back into your slumber.
You didn’t know how long you were out for, but you didn’t wake up to the sound of the creaking door opening and the clinking off ice against a glass of water. You tentatively opened one eye, letting in as much light as you would allow, adjusting to the new found sunlight. Slowly, you opened the next eye, so you could properly see what James was doing.
In his hands, he carried a breakfast tray, adorned with fresh ciabatta bread, yogurt, and a bowl of strawberries. The clinking sound before was coming from a glass of icy cold water, sitting next to a vase of peonies. Your favourite flower. You flushed at the fact that James had remembered something so miniscule.
“Breakfast in bed for the princess.” James joked, letting you sit up filling before placing the tray on your lap.
“What does that make you then? A prince?” You continued the joke, folding back a bit of the duvet to let James hop back into the bed too. There was double of everything on the tray, so you assumed one helping was for James.
You gave him a plate of breakfast as you slowly miches on yours, your mind too preoccupied to think about breakfast. All you could think about was why you were feeling so nervous around James. Why was your heart racing? Why were your cheeks flushing? Why were your hands clamming up?
“Open wide.” You whipped you head around to see James with a goofy grin on his face, holding a strawberry in his hand. Remembering what happened yesterday, you took a bite of the berry, purposely not continuing how you did yesterday and licking his fingers.
A disappointed pout returned to his face. “No finger sucking? Aww what’s wrong?”
“Did you want me to suck your fingers, Prince James?” You poked him playfully on his side. “It would be highly inappropriate. We aren’t even married yet. What a scandal.” You spoke in an over the top British accent, mimicking stereotypical royal figures.
“Oh, don’t worry Princess Y/N, I wouldn’t mind have you in my bloodline.”
“Hm, Princess Y/N of the Potter residence.” You jokingly thought for a moment. “Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
As you giggled together, you heard a knock at the door, followed by a “I’m coming in.” The doorknob turned and Euphemia emerged from behind the door. “How is my happy couple going?”
You kept the smile on your face, not letting it falter and break character. A little voice in the back of my mind was angry, upset that Euphemia had interrupted the moment, but ultimately you thought that maybe it was for the best. You needed to keep the flirting for the public eyes only.
“Hey Mum.” James cheered. You looked back to him and noticed the same smile on his face, like it hadn’t fallen. Like, he hadn’t even noticed that Euphemia had called us a couple.
“It snowed again last night so we’re snowed in for the day. Do you two have any plans?” She asked, her eyes flickering from between us.
“I have a lot of homework to do so I might do that today.” You spoke quietly, a little embarrassed that you wanted to do homework. You didn’t actually want to do homework, but you felt like you need to be occupied by something, to control an inner urge that was bubbling inside of you.
“Come on!” James whined, letting his head fall down on your shoulder. You got immediately warm from his touch. “It’s the holidays! You can’t seriously be doing homework?”
“I have stuff to catch up on.”
“Like what?”
“Like, um, stuff.”
“Would you kids like to do some baking for Christmas tomorrow?” Euphemia suggested, to which James lit up like a Christmas tree, completely infatuated by the idea.
“Yes, yes, yes.” James repeated, rushing out of bed, but carefully enough to not spill the tray everywhere. You followed suit, pulling on a dressing gown and entering the kitchen with an enthusiastic James.
That’s how the rest of the day went. You and James stayed in the kitchen all day, still wearing your sleeping pajamas, fooling around and baking.
You started with making Christmas cake, but soon found out that James was rather good at baking himself. He took the reigns, busily working as you helped out, doing the chopping and measuring for him.
At one point, James’ eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration for over two minutes. You were getting restless, the perfection needed for baking boring you, so you decided to have some fun. Pinching your finger together, you gathered up a handful of flour, flinging it at an unsuspecting James. He turned around slowly, his cheek covered in white powder, before an evil grin consumed his face.
“Oh, you’re on, L/N.”
That’s how most of the baking went with James that day. Joking around, flinging ingredients at each other. By the end of it, you could hardly tell the difference between the kitchen floor and your aprons.
At the end, you had made Christmas cake, gingerbread cookies, and a loaf of bread. Happy with your haul, you went into the living room to call the rest of the members of the household to inspect the food.
“Come see what we made.” You and James called, standing underneath the archway from the kitchen and the living room. As you were about to step away, you heard a halting sound.
“Uh uh, wait up.” You turned back around to see Fleamont with a cheeky smile on his face, pointing at the two of you. You didn’t know what he was pointing at but Euphemia, Sirius, and Remus did, following Fleamont’s arm and laughing when they saw it.
Gazing upwards, you looked to see what the big fuss was about. Your face fell in an instant. Hanging above you and James was a freshly picked mistletoe plant.
You grimaced at the thought, feeling guilty. It was one of the rules you had set. No kissing on the lips. Surely Remus and Sirius knew that, but they were too busy laughing their asses off to remember.
Looking back at James, you gulped. You stared up at his cerulean blue eyes, your hand shaking beside you slightly. James’ eyes were raking your face, searching for any sign of consent. You nodded soon after realising what he was doing and you let him cup your face, bringing you closer than you’ve ever been.
“Are you okay with this?” James whispered for only you to hear. You kept leaning forward until you were only millimetres away from touching when you breathed out your last word of consent: “yes.”
Your lips met in the middle. It was soft and sweet, not wanting to push what was already fragile. James’ left hand stayed cupping your cheek, holding you face still as his right hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. It was magical, as if all your happiness you had ever felt was wrapped together and given to you right there. You had your hands resting on his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat underneath you like a song from the heavens.
When you pulled away, your eyes lingered a little longer in James’, the eye contact you were holding inescapable and passionate. Your head felt heavy, your eyelids weighing you down as a wave of exhaustion hit you like a freight train. Discreetly, you yawn behind you hand, a gesture that wasn’t missed by James, who reached out for your wrist, running his thumb up and down your hand.
“Let’s go get you some sleep, hm?” An affirming sound escaped your mouth as you trailed behind James. Back in his bedroom, you collapsed on the bed, your lips still tingling from the sensual kiss just moments before.
The two of you were silent as you got ready for bed. Working harmoniously beside each other, you changed, and did your repetitive nightly routine, just to end up in the same place as always; on opposite sides of the bed, unable to make conversation. Luckily for you, James was onto it.
“I’m so sorry,” he started, but when you tried to butt in, he cut you off, continuing his rant. “I knew that was one of the rules and I broke it. I should’ve just said no and I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. You didn’t deserve to have your boundaries crossed. I’m sorry for pressuring you into something you weren’t ready for.”
You stayed silent for a moment, soaking in his words before you began yourself. “James, I didn’t mind. You didn’t take advantage of me. It’s completely okay. And what’s that famous saying, rules are meant to be broken.”
Your pathetic attempt to joke was shut down as James didn’t say anything, nor move, just staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Huffing, you rolled over, trying to let slumber take you away, but you couldn’t. There was a chill in the house tonight, another snow storm heading your way. You shuddered as a draft blew through.
“You’re cold.” James finally spoke, yet it was an obvious statement, as you were still shaking under a blanket, your teeth starting to chatter.
“Come here.” You turned around, seeming as if you had misheard him, but you saw what you were afraid of. James’ arms were wide open, beckoning you to fall asleep with him wrapped around you, keeping you safe.
So you did.
Friday 25th December
Christmas morning was perfect. As you fluttered open your eyes, you once again found yourself situated in James’ arms, the only difference was that he was awake too, his radiant smile beaming down on you, making you feel warm and cuddly on the inside.
Breakfast was simple, as everyone was mostly preparing for Christmas lunch. You tried to help out as much as possible but Euphemia always shut you down, insisting that you had helped out enough and that you needed a break. So, you sat patiently on the couch, munching slowly on an apple, the juice running smoothly down your face.
“Good morning Lily.” James had appeared beside you, placing a soft kiss on your temple. The words falling from his mouth were more acidic than the juice dripping from your chin. Your returning smile was filled with bitterness, something James picked up on, his nose scrunching up as he surveyed your emotions.
“G’morning Jamesie.” You slurred, gritting your teeth together, detesting the name you were just called. Still unable to figure out why, James gave you a look, a look that just said “what?” It hurt, knowing that he wouldn’t know why it spurred you on so much.
Fleamont soon joined you in the living room, taking the armchair in the middle of the room, burying himself in the comfort. Politely, you nodded towards him, acknowledging his presence, but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“How did you two sleep?” He asked, gesturing between the two of you, to which you both smiled.
“Just fine, thank you, any you?” You responded for the both of you, feeling James’ hand curl around you own, his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Just fine, although, I was walking down the hallway during the night and I noticed something peculiar.”
Unsure of what he meant, you egged him on. “What did you notice?”
“Your bedroom door was open, son; the pesky draft must’ve opened it. There was moonlight streaming in from the window, and I noticed the two of you curled up together.” Fleamont looked directly at you. “I didn’t realise the two of you were at that stage of your relationship.
As Fleamont winked at the two of you, your mouth fell open, appalled, as James was laughing like a maniac beside you. It wasn’t until Euphemia came into the living room to break apart their banter to get together for Christmas lunch.
It was a peaceful meal of casual conversation and light jokes. You stayed quiet most of the time, actually rather enjoying listening in on the fascinating stories that Euphemia and Fleamont were telling about James when he was a child. Soon, the conversation turned towards the future, and all eyes were on you.”
“Dear, what would you like to do when you leave Hogwarts?” It should’ve been an easy question to answer but you were stumped, unsure if you should answer as Lily or as yourself. Unable to think of something Lily would say, you decided to answer as you would.
“Actually, I want to study in a muggle university. Literature, or maybe anthropology. I’ve always been interested in learning about the world and my heart has always been somewhat attached to the muggle world. It’s where I want to flourish.” Embarrassed by your little monologue, you flushed a deep red, before turning back towards your ham.
“How inspiring,” Euphemia said, clapping her hands together in delight, “and what about marriage? Have you thought about settling down?”
You almost choked on your food at the question, catching you completely off guard. All eyes were on you and James now, with Sirius and Remus trying not to disturb anyone as they laughed in the distance.
“Uhm,” you looked at James for guidance but he also seemed just as uncomfortable as you were. “I haven’t thought that far through, to be completely honest.”
“Oh, but dear,” Euphemia looked positively thrilled. “We would be absolutely delighted for you to join our family. Lily Potter, my beautiful and caring daughter-in-law.”
“Okay, how about we clean up now, yeah?” Thankfully, James had broken up the conversation, offering to clean up the plates. Eager to leave the uncomfortable situations you helped bring in the stacks of food, offering to split it up, and repackage it for later consumption. You worked efficiently, avoiding anyone with the last name Potter at all cost.
When everything seemed to be tidied up, the Potter parents insisted that everyone sit around together for the gift giving portion of Christmas. Quietly, you rushed back to the bedroom, getting out the small gifts you had brought everyone for the Christmas season while you were out the other day.
Sitting amongst everyone, it felt like everything was back to normal. No more awkward conversations about the future plagued the atmosphere, just joyous laughter and pure happiness circling the room.
Firstly, you gave small presents to Sirius and Remus, including some quills for school, and gunpowder for pranks. You gave Euphemia and Fleamont some Christmas fudge that you had found, as well as a thank you note, thanking them for letting you stay over the Christmas season. Lastly, you handed a small box to James, a lacy ribbon decorating it.
“Open it.” You spoke in an almost whisper, as James’ fingers fiddled with the ribbon. As it fell open, you heard the small gasp from James, as he took the chain out of the box.
It was a small silver bracelet, yet it was decorated by a tiny, dangling gem, the colour of the deep blue ocean, something that seemed to have enchanted the bespectacled boy.
“It’s a sapphire.” You said, running your fingers over the cold chain. “It’s supposed to represent honesty, trust, loyalty. Everything that embodies you.” You spoke with so much weight in your chest, speaking from the deepest depths of your heart. Everything you said was true.
Swooping down, James pressed a kiss to your cheek, whispering a hushed “I love you” under his breath, so faint that you weren’t even sure if you were supposed to hear it.
The rest of the presents were handed out, until there was only one left underneath the Christmas tree. With a smile on his face, Fleamont reached down underneath the tree, grabbing the package and passing it to you.
It should’ve been a happy moment, a moment where you truly felt like you belonged in the Potter house. It did at first as the smile seemed to never be able to falter, until you stared down at the packaging, noticing the name ‘Lily Evans’ written in cursive. A single tear ran down your face as you realised something harsh in that very moment. It was always going to be Lily Evans, never Y/N L/N.
The feeling got worse as you carrot undid the wrapping paper, revealing a collection of polaroid photographs. They were all different shots of you and James throughout the holidays. Curled up on the couch, baking in the kitchen, out on the walls, sucking the juice off of his fingers. The last one made you laugh as you remembered the memory that had now turned fond.
“I love them. Thank you so much.”
The day was mostly mundane, just filled with more activities, like chess, or cleaning to fill in the time. It seemed like everyone was just waiting for the snow to melt, so they could all go back outside again. You knew James was just itching to play with his Quidditch set outside.
Strangely enough, you found yourself outside in the snow, wrapped up tight from the weather. The snow had stopped falling for a peaceful moment, so you thought it would be the perfect time to get some fresh air, away from the overwhelming company.
You were soon joined though, as you heard the front door open and close from behind you. You didn’t even have to guess who it was as they stood beside you, taking in a deep breath, exhaling visibling in the frosty air.
“How are you doing?” James looked over to you, his eyes laced with concern. You shrugged, smiling that he seemed to care about you. It warmed you.
“Overwhelmed, but you’ve been perfect. All thanks to you, I think they might actually believe it.” You were now completely facing James now, looking up into his deep, aquamarine eyes, watching as the tint changed when the light hit the irises at a different angle. It was mesmerising.
You weren’t the only one mesmerised though. James couldn’t stop staring at your beauty. The way your eyes sparkled in the light. The way your skin catched the light snow that was starting to fall. Your lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
The question caught you off guard, but it left you feeling unsatisfied. Before you could even respond, you had James by the collar of his sweater, pulling him down ever so slightly so your lips could meet with his. It was light fire and electricity, a thousand gusts of wind blowing through you, spilling into you like an endless thunderstorm. You kissed him like it was the last time you were ever going to see him, hungry, desperate, passionate.
You were in love.
Saturday 26th December
You had fallen asleep on the couch, slumped with James as he cocooned your sleeping body between his limbs. Unfortunately, your slumber had been awoken in the early hours of the morning by banging on the front door. Groggily, James got up, rubbing his head with his hands.
Running your fingers through your hair, you got up with him, putting on a sweater to make yourself look more presentable. James’ sweater, to be exact.
The four other residents of the house had now awoken from the persistent knocking and had joined us downstairs. It was just after sunrise so everyone was sort of dazed and out of it. With one last eye rub, James swung the door open to reveal the person standing there.
Lily Evans, with her hair like a roaring fire, cheeks naturally rosy, and eyes glinting like a morning sunrise, she stood there, clutching her hands nervously. As soon as she saw James though, she flung her arms around his neck, burying her head in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” A string of apologies came out of her mouth as tears started running down her cheeks, dark mascara staining her porcelain skin. A confused look was shot my way as Euphemia just stared between the two of us, unsure of what to do.
“Hello darling.” Euphemia’s motherly voice was out to play. ”If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?”
“Oh sorry for not introducing myself.” Lily removed herself from James’ figuring, wiping her eyes on her sleeves, as she stuck her hand out to be shaken. “I’m Lily Evans, nice to meet you.”
Then, Lily noticed your looming form sending a curious look your way. It wasn’t the only look of confusion. Euphemia and Fleamont were almost unreadable as you flicked between the two of them.
It was time to come clean.
“This is Lily Evans, my ex girlfriend.” James had the same idea as you, introducing the red headed girl to his parents finally.
“And this is Y/N L/N, my close friend.”
That’s all you were. That’s all you would ever be, compared to Lily.
It took a bit of explaining and sitting Fleamont and Euphemia down to fully explain the plan. You started off with the breakup and then talked about the devilish plan, saying that all you wanted to do was keep Christmas light and cheery. All you got were uncomfortable looks from James’ parents.
When everything was laid out on the table, Fleamont got up and left, obviously disappointed in the choices you and his son had made. Euphemia looked as though she had just swallowed a bee, lips pursed as she contemplated the next move.
“Well, Y/N,” the name fell bitterly for her lips; it sounded so foreign, so unnatural. “You are happy to stay with us until tomorrow. It was nice to finally meet you.”
That was the full extent of the conversation. For the rest of the day, it seemed as though Fleamont and Euphemia were keeping James and you away from each other, always asking one or the other to help with chores, or to do a mundane activity with them.
It wasn’t until night time dawned on the residence. The atmosphere had unfortunately changed after Lily’s short and unexpected visit. Her exit was speedy after her unprompted entrance, an uneasy ripple of tension in the house.
When it was time to sleep, Euphemia had shown you to a spare room, taking initiative to set you up somewhere separate, now knowing that you weren’t actually dating James. It was cold though, empty and alone, and as you tried to sleep, your hands kept trailing to James’ side of the bed, searching for him.
You took it upon yourself to take matters into your own hands. Creeping through the house, you found yourself outside of James’ bedroom door. Quietly, you knocked, waiting a few seconds before entering. James was lying in bed, eyes wide open, staring at the open curtain which was letting in trickles of moonlight. When you entered, he looked back at you, his lips parted slightly in shock.
“Can I…?” Your voice trailed off as you couldn’t bare to finish your sentence in embarrassment, but James seemed to know what you were alluding to, pulling back the covers almost immediately.
“Of course.”
Sunday 27th December
You woke in early hours of the morning. It was intentional, not wanting to be found in James’ bed again. It would be scandalous. You laid back in your new bed, closing your eyes for a moment, hoping you could go back asleep, but sleep couldn’t find you.
Before breakfast had started, you had packed you bags, ready to catch the train at ten o’clock. An early breakfast run was needed as you munched some Christmas leftovers, opposite sides of the table from James. You still hadn’t talked about what had happened. Even last night, you had only just cuddled until you both had fallen asleep. Your feelings till needed to be addressed.
Hurriedly, the four Hogwarts students were aparated back to King’s Cross Station by Euphemia and Fleamont, both with sorrowful looks on their faces. They were hugging their son goodbye, then moving onto Sirius and Remus, hugging them like they were also their children. You shifted awkwardly in the group.
“And we can’t forget you, now can we, Y/N?” It was still strange hearing your own name come from their lips, but you welcomed it, slightly happy to be the only receptor of the love now. As you were pulled into a jug by Euphemia, you could hear the last words she spoke to you. “Thank you for looking after my son. I’d be happy to have you as my daughter-in-law.”
Last minute goodbyes were said as you all bundled up onto the train, finding a carriage right in front of where Euphemia and Fleamont were standing. You waved cheerfully at them as the train pulled out of the station, a chapter of your life closing.
You hadn’t noticed Remus and Sirius had stepped out of the carriage, giving you and James some much needed privacy. There wasn’t much that needed to be said though. Everything that needed to be communicated had already been done through awkward glances and small looks.
“Hey.” His voice was almost silent.
A pause.
“What are we?”
“Whatever you want to be.” You eventually said. James hummed in agreement, resting his head in his hand.
You smiled.
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Things We Gained In The Fire pt 2
Part 1, •, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A Prince In Snake’s Clothing
Word Count: 1701
Rating: gen
Pairings: Intrulogical, Royality
Warnings: mentions of a fire and death
Roman breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, after over a week of evacuating citizens and fighting a fire, he was home, and in a few short minutes he would be back in the arms of his love. He wondered if Patton had heard that he was back yet, or if he would get the joy of surprising the cook. It took everything in him to not just sprint down the halls until he reached the kitchens (he was still walking at an unreasonably fast pace, but he wasn’t running).
“My love!” Roman yelled as he burst through the kitchen doors. None of the kitchen staff even started, all of them seasoned veterans to Roman’s dramatic declarations of love for the head cook.
Barely a second later, the Captain’s arms were full of the cuddly cook “Roman!”
Roman buried his face in Patton’s raven curls, feeling the weight of the last week’s events slip from his shoulders. Nothing mattered as long as Patton was in his arms.
Patton allowed Roman to take as long as he needed, seemingly content to just hum and sway gently from side to side.
“You’ve heard about our guests?” Roman asked, unwilling to exit their embrace.
“I have.” Patton rubbed his hand along Roman’s spine, feeling a little more tension leave the knight with every pass. “We’re making soup for supper since it will be easy to make a lot of on short notice. We’ll have something more substantial to serve tomorrow.”
Roman hummed. He would have to leave the embrace soon if he didn’t want Patton’s swaying to rock him right to sleep, but it just felt so nice, and it had been entirely too long since he’d fallen asleep in the arms of his beloved.
“My brave knight,” Patton said softly. “I will hug you for as long as you need, but if you fall asleep right here, I’ll be floored!”
“Apologies, my love.” Roman mournfully released Patton, taking a step back to prove that he was supporting his own weight. “I am just tired, I have had a long, stressful week.”
“Would you like to tell me about it?” Patton asked, taking both of Roman’s hands in his own.
Roman gave him a tired smile. “The fire had already reaped so much destruction by the time we’d reached it, it will take the forest some time to recover. Much of Antilæ was already on fire when we got there. We aided the evacuation, but I shudder to think of how many didn’t get out. How many more people could we have saved if we’d gotten there just a day sooner?”
“You did the best you could,” Patton assured him, giving his hands a squeeze. “And many more would have perished if you’d gotten there a day later.”
“I know you are right, but I can’t help thinking that we could have saved the whole village if we’d just gotten there sooner. All those people in the courtyard, they no longer have homes; many of them don’t have anything more than the clothes on their backs. We can’t keep them in the castle forever, where will they go?”
“I can’t answer any of your questions, but I can tell you this: those people are alive because of you and your knights. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but today, they’ll have hot soup for dinner, and a safe place to sleep.”
Roman brought one of Patton’s hands up and placed a delicate kiss on his knuckles. “I have missed you, Patton.”
“I have good news and bad news,” Remus announced as Roman walked back into the courtyard after his Patton-prescribed nap.
“What’s the good news?” Logan asked, appearing suddenly at Roman’s elbow. The Captain jumped, but both of the kings ignored him.
“The good news is that Emile’s finished looking at all the injured, and everyone’s going to be fine.”
“And the bad news?” Roman asked wearily.
“Well, we’ve finished taking a census of all the refugees,” Remus started before grimacing. “And we’re missing two people.”
“Are you sure?” Logan demanded.
“We’ve checked, and double-checked, but we’ve only got two hundred eighty-one refugees. Two people entered the castle grounds and now are missing.” Remus pulled out a scroll with the list of villagers on it to show them.
“Well… that is a problem,” Logan sighed, rubbing a tired hand over his face, pushing his glasses up in the process. “Have the grounds searched, perhaps they got separated from the group. In the meantime, have we identified a village leader? I’d like to ask them about who might be missing.”
“I’ll organize the search,” Roman offered, already dreading the thought.
Logan nodded.
Well, Roman thought as he left to round up some knights, no rest for the weary.
“We have identified the Village Elder,” Remus told Logan after Roman left. “She’s basically the leader.”
“Where is she?”
“Right this way,” Remus gestured with one hand while offering his other arm to Logan once more.
Remus led him to the ballroom where much of the castle’s staff were hard at work making the refugees comfortable. At the far end of the room, an old woman sat in a chair, watching the commotion carefully.
“Mrs. Elaine Dodge,” Remus started, greeting the woman with a nod of his head. “May I introduce his Royal Highness, King Logan Sanders.”
“Your majesty!” The woman cried, pushing herself to her feet.
“Please,” Logan said, gesturing for the woman to stay seated. “You’ve had a difficult journey, do not push yourself on my account.”
“Thank you, my lord.” She said, taking her seat again. “At least some people have the graciousness to let old women rest.”
She shot a dirty look at a knight who was helping a family a few feet away. Logan expertly hid his grimace at her tone. Remus had no such manners.
“I have some other business to attend to,” Remus said, all but openly glaring at the Village Elder. “I trust you can handle this on your own, my liege.”
Logan barely suppressed an eyeroll (it wouldn’t do to behave childishly in front of a guest); he gave Remus his most regal and detached nod, and turned back to Mrs. Dodge, effectively dismissing his husband.
“Ma’am,” he started as Remus walked away, taking a seat beside her. “We seem to have fewer villagers now than when you entered. I wonder if you might help us identify who isn’t on this list.”
Logan pulled out the scroll for her to look at.
“Well, your majesty…” she said, studying the list carefully. “There are a good many souls not on this list, may their spirits find peace, but none that I can recall having seen on the journey over here.”
“Can you tell me some of the people who may have escaped your notice?” Logan pressed. It was possible that Roman and the gatekeepers had miscounted, but he’d prefer to at least know who they might be looking for.
“Hmm, there’s a hunter who lives in the woods, he comes into town every now and then to trade his furs. A bit unwashed if you ask me, but he is willing to trade his furs for less than they’re worth so I suppose we can look past his hygiene.
“There was the-” she grimaced “-naga family that lived at the edge of the woods.”
“Was?” Logan interrupted before she could continue.
“Excuse me?”
Logan’s calm mask stayed firmly in place, but his distaste for the woman grew. “You said ‘was’. You spoke of this family in the past tense, but of the hunter in present tense.”
“Oh! Well, we saw the fire take their home, the family was trapped inside and we couldn’t help them. Such a shame, eight kids you know. The mother used to be such a pretty thing; she could have done so much better than that snake. Such a shame.”
“Hmm.” Logan didn’t trust himself to comment further, but he had the feeling that it was so much ‘couldn’t help’ as it was ‘wouldn’t help’.
“Then there’s Mrs. Harrison, a widower you know. Now you didn’t hear this from me, but I heard that this was the fifth husband she’s lost, makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
“Um who else, who else… oh I know! There’s a beggar boy in the village, I don't know what happened to him, but he didn’t have a home to get stuck in.”
Logan quirked one eyebrow up, the closest he would get to a shocked expression in semi-public. “A boy?”
“Oh yes,” she said pleasantly, seemingly ignorant to Logan’s mounting rage. “Scrawny little thing, his mother died last winter and no one wanted to take the little rat in. He might have survived the fire.”
How a woman could speak so candidly about an entire village allowing a child to be a homeless orphan, Logan would never know.
“Excuse me, your highness, but there is an urgent matter that needs your attention,” Valerie said, appearing at Logan’s side after having no doubt noticed that Logan was seconds away from acting in a very unkingly manner.
“If you’ll excuse me, Mrs. Dodge,” Logan said, walking away before the woman could reply.
“It looked like you could use some help,” Valerie commented when they were far enough away.
“Thank you, Valerie. Please make sure that that woman is never anywhere near me ever again or I might have to take drastic measures.”
“I’ll pass the message along,” Valerie laughed. “The kitchen staff is about to bring supper out, I’m sure Patton’s made enough for everyone.”
“Yes, I’m sure he has. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go hide in the kitchens for the rest of the night.”
Valerie laughed again but shooed him off, promising to send Remus along as soon as she saw him.
Logan and Valerie parted ways with Logan heading for the kitchens and Valerie circling back to the ballroom. Logan walked swiftly and with purpose towards the kitchens, his so-called “murder face” keeping anyone from getting in his way or trying to speak with him.
Hopefully Patton would have some jam cookies left, Logan could really use a few of those right about now.
Gee, I wonder who went missing lol
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @imma-potatoo @knight-shives
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Perfect Skin {Remus Lupin x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @soularsmate Wordcount: 2570 Summary: Sometimes, a little jealousy can go a long way. Notes: Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin.
To say that Remus got a little testy near the full moon was an understatement. Even James and Sirius knew to keep their joking and pranking of their best friend to a low around those times. It was like he already transformed into a wolf with how he snarled at anyone who poked fun at him. Even you. It wasn’t even like you had said anything mean to him, you just complained a little about a scar that you had from falling off of your broom the last time that you played Quidditch with James. “Why are you even with me if you hate scars?” He asked, making you and your group go quiet. He wasn’t loud enough for others in the Common Room to overhear over the sound of their own chatter, but he was getting there. “If you hate them that much, then I’ll solve the problem for you. I can’t hurt you if I don’t see you. We’re over.”
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“Remus,” You protested, trying to reach out for him. Usually a hand on his shoulder or a kiss on his cheek was enough to calm him down somewhat. But he wasn’t in the mood for that today. He backed out from your touch, refusing himself that little bit of comfort. And refusing you that comfort as well. It hurt like hell when he got up and left the room, the cloud of bad temper over his head. You just watched, mouth agape, the sweet boy that you had been dating for four months, walking away like you were nothing.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean that...” James said, running his fingers through his eternally-messy hair.
“Yeah, he cares about you a lot,” Peter added in.
“It’s just his moon time, you know how he gets,” Sirius insisted.
But despite them staying with you and trying to convince you that everything was fine, you felt that sting in his words. He had meant them. You shouldn’t have been so stupid as to bring up scars, knowing that they were an insecurity for him. He often went on and on about how you had such perfect skin. It was like he was ignoring that you had scars of your own. That you went through your own pain and troubles and got to the other side of them. Nothing as intense as his of course but - it wasn’t a competition. It shouldn’t have felt like one.
“I don’t want to be here when he gets back,” You said, getting up after a couple of minutes of the boys trying to cheer you up. “Even if he didn’t mean what he said, he still said it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You left the three boys looking sheepish and upset - they rarely ever saw Remus snap at you like that and it left them feeling uncomfortable. James eventually got up and said he was going to go look for Remus, Peter went up to do some homework before the sunset and they would be going out, and Sirius sat there and stewed. He was close to both of you, closer to you than James and Peter were, anyway.
Remus was going to regret this when he came back to his senses after the Full Moon but Sirius had seen the hurt that was on your face, and wanted to make him regret it even more. A plan started to come together in that devious head of his, and he knew he had to talk to you first thing tomorrow.
“That’s ridiculous,” You said at breakfast, watching as the sleepy boy piled food onto his plate. The full moon was a rough night for everyone. You weren’t like the others, you didn’t change your form to try to be with Remus, but you spent the whole night worrying about him anyway. You tried not to, you tried to stay mad at him for attempting to break up with you over something as silly as scars but you loved him too much for that. You stared out the window of your dorm all night, waiting to see the weeping willow freeze and the boys come out of it. So you were much too tired to put up with Sirius’s strange ideas.
“No it’s not,” He said, stabbing a breakfast sausage and shoved it in his mouth. He spoke with his mouthful, making you grimace. How did so many of the girls in this school find this attractive? “It’ll work, I’m serious.”
“Yes, yes, we all know you’re serious,” You said, rolling your eyes at his weak attempt at a joke. “Look, best case scenerio is that he’ll come down for breakfast, he’ll apologize and everything will be okay. Worst case scenario is that he won’t. Why do you want to make an absolute worst ever scenerio by trying to make him jealous?”
“Jealous always works, haven’t you noticed? Plus this will totally help me score a date with that blonde Ravenclaw. Hogsmeade is coming up,” He sang, grabbing the maple syrup to drench his food. “We’ll be doing each other a favor!”
“Sirius...” You said, shaking your head.
“I do love the way that you say my name,” Sirius said, blowing kisses at me. The thought of kissing him, and knowing where those lips had been, made me grimace. But that soon abated when scruffy haired Remus walked past him, bumping into him, and continued down to the end of the table to eat with some third years. Sirius had gotten a head start on the plan before you even realized that Remus was in the room.
You watched him as he sat down and only took a piece of toast for his breakfast. You frowned, getting to your feet so you could tell him to eat more, but Sirius lightly put his hand over yours. “Just let him be for a little while, it was rough last night.”
“You’re one to talk about letting things be,” You said, but lowered yourself back down to continue your breakfast. That didn’t stop you from shooting looks back to Remus though. He looked so lonely down there. Peter eventually joined him, while James bothered Lily near you. He seemed to be trying his best not to look back at you. If he was going to be stubborn, there was nothing really that you could do, except for wait it out.
And that’s what you would do. You’d wait for Remus until the end of the world if you had to.
You finally gave into Sirius’s plan, but only because it meant that you wouldn’t have to walk alone to class or study by yourself in the common room. He kept you company, and was a laugh most of the time. He’d tell you about some of the pranks that you had missed out on the group doing, paying careful attention to Remus’s part in them. It had already been two weeks since the full moon, and he still had not spoken to you. You got to the point of trying to send him a letter through your own but Sirius stopped you from doing that.
“Don’t appear too clingy, it’ll blow the plan,” He said, grabbing the parchment from you when he caught the name written on the top.
“I just want to make sure that he’s okay...” You admitted.
“He’s fine,” Sirius said, rolling the parchment up between his fingers. “My brilliant plan is definitely working, though. You should have seen the way that he glared at me after I hugged you goodnight last night.”
“Yeah, why did you do that? It’s not as if the Ravenclaw girl was around to see it.”
“I like to throw myself into the role. Call me a method actor,” He ran his fingers through his hair, flipping it back behind his shoulders. “Plus I like the practice. This girl might actually make me settle down, if I can just get her to notice me.”
“That’s big for you, congratulations.” You said, more than a little surprised. Sirius Black, being serious? Almost unheard of. “But you know, just asking her out might be better than all of this-”
“I already asked you out, I don’t need anyone else,” Sirius said, his whole demeanor changing. He took hold of your hands, running his thumb over the back of them. He didn’t have to tell you that Remus was in the room for you to know that Remus was in the room. “Besides, who could focus on anyone else when there’s you?”
“That’s enough,” Remus’s voice came out in a sharp tone from behind you. You turned your head around, and saw that you were finally able to catch his eye. But instead of the warm, honey look behind them that you were used to, he looked angry. Downright pissed off, actually. “Sirius, what the hell? You could have any girl you wanted, why y/n?”
“I’m sitting right here,” You said, starting to stand up, but once again, Sirius had a good grip on your hands, pulling you back down.
“Calm down, pumpkin,” Sirius said, eyeing his friend. “It’s not my fault you gave her up, mate. She became fair game the minute you broke up with her for whatever stupid reason-”
“You’re a bastard,” Remus said, shaking his head, glare evident. “You’re a bloody bastard, Black, and I regret that I ever thought you were my friend.”
“Remus...” You said, breaking out of Sirius’s grip as the dark haired boy sat dumbstruck. “It’s really not what you think-”
“Save it,” Remus said, the anger in his voice turning to hurt as he addressed you. “Looks enough like you moved on.”
“I didn’t - let me explain, let me talk to you...” You pleaded. This was getting the attention of the others around the common room, and both you and Remus paused as you noticed the stares. “Please.” You said, one more time.
“Fine,” Remus said, taking your hand and pulled you up towards the boy’s dormitory. James was laying out on his bed, passed out, a book about Quidditch resting on his chest. Remus pulled the curtains over him so that he couldn’t see, then sat on the edge of his bed, watching me. “Why did it have to be Sirius?”
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“Wow, he must be a better actor than I thought he was, if he had you fooled,” You said, crossing your arms. “Sirius, seriously?”
That usually got the guys to chuckle, but there was nothing this time. Remus’s eyes still looked at you coldly. You sighed. “He’s trying to play you and some Ravenclaw girl into being jealous. I was against the idea, by the way. But then Peter took your side, James was obsessed with Lily and I had no one else to hang out with so ... I sort of went with it. But I didn’t like it. It got all weird when he was start playing with my hair or trying to hold my hand. It never felt right. Not like it did when you did it. Now can we just put an end to this ridiculous mess, and be together again?”
Remus stood up, and paced in front of you. His usually sweet face was contorted into something angry. As confused as you were, and as much as you were wanting to be over, it was pretty hot. He came in close, his warm breath on your face, and took your chin between his calloused fingers.
“All of that - was a ploy - to make me jealous? Is that really what you’re going with?”
“It’s the truth,” You said, unable to look away from his eyes. “There’s absolutely nothing between Sirius and I. I swear.”
He gave a little grunt, and you couldn’t tell whether that meant he believed you or not. After a long moment’s silence, still gazing into one another’s eyes, he finally spoke. “Good, because seeing you with him...” This time a growl came from between his lips.
“Does that mean his plan worked?” You questioned.
“That smart bastard,” Remus muttered. “He knows that you’re my weakness. Seeing you with anyone else makes me a little crazy.”
Rather than feel angry, you felt a bit happy. Relieved. He still cared about you. He still had your chin between his fingers, and he pulled your face in towards his to meet him in a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself in even closer. Chest to chest. He surprised you even further by letting go of your face, just to go for your  legs, pulling them up so that they were wrapped around his waist.
Sweet Remus Lupin. You knew that he had something of a dark side, becoming a wolf whenever the moon was full, but he was in between cycles right now. This was all him and yet - there was something animalistic about it. Sexy about it, even.
He took a few steps backwards, turning you so that you would fall onto his bed while he was on top of you. With barely a wave, the curtains closed around the two of you, granting you privacy from the sleeping Potter in the next bed. “I thought I was going to go out of my mind,” He admitted, his lips detaching from yours for just a moment. “You’re mine, y/n, and seeing Sirius’s hands on you. Thinking about what you might have been up to...”
“Absolutely nothing, my love,” you said, keeping your legs wrapped around him so that he couldn’t get away from you again. “I’ve always been yours.”
He pressed possessive kisses all up and down your neck, down to your collar bone and then back up. Right at your jawline, he sucked, kissed and nibbled harshly, leaving marks. You didn’t mind at all, but rather you moaned beneath each and every touch of him. Two weeks had been much too long without him. And he clearly felt the same way about you. Hands were running over your ribs, over your chest. He was repeating your name, his arousal felt between your own legs.
The amazing moment of your reunion was interrupted by something bumping against the curtain, and falling down upon the floor.
“Great, you’re back together,” James’s sleepy voice came through. “But do you mind keepin’ it down? Trying to sleep over here, bloody hell.”
“Sorry James,” You giggled.
“I’m not,” Remus grinned.
“Gonna go sleep in the common room then,” James mumbled, and he disappeared out of the room and down the stairs.
The reunion commenced, and you didn’t mind this new jealous side of Remus that sometimes came out. Though afterwards, as he curled up in your arms, you were the one who comforted him that there was no one else out there in the world for you. That he was your one. And that no matter how many scars he had, or where they were, he had the most perfect skin in the world, because it was his.
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mystical-marauder · 3 years
Painting stars
Sirius enters an art shop, hoping to finally buy the supplies he'd been saving up for for months, but walking through that door brings him much more than expected
This is my first oneshot and I hope you like it and I'll post more writing like this hopefully and my writing can also be found on ao3 my username is @loveglowslikethemoon hope you enjoy :)
Today had been pretty quiet with only a couple customers and the shop was closing in 10 minutes, I was ready to go home...
I look up from my book, ‘What kind of customer turns up this late?’ I think. I look around to the door, standing there is a tall, handsome young man, his grey eyes excitedly glancing over the shop, his black hair tied up into a bun. His fair skin is disrupted only by a small beauty mark, under his eye. The confident smile that suddenly splits his face as he turns to me, brings out two dimples that break his otherwise smooth cheeks.
"Afternoon! I'm looking for art supplies, I mean I am in an art shop" he says, chuckling. "I actually need some advice, you have a very wide selection and I'm not quite sure what to pick." he gestures vaguely at the shelves full of pencils and brushes, paint and charcoal, canvases and sketchbooks... "You see I love painting but I have no idea which brushes to use, it's embarrassing really."
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, actually it's quite common, that’s what I’m here for” I reply with a smile “So you said you paint, right? What do you need, brushes, paint, canvases…?”
“I… um… I actually need everything… You see my parents, well, they kicked me out… and I left everything there… but I've finally saved up enough money to buy new supplies so here I am” he explains chuckling nervously. I look around nervously, unsure what to answer to that but I try to remain as steady and professional as possible.
“That's… terrible, I’m so sorry.” I say, smiling nervously, trying to seem comforting.
“It’s alright, it’s a good riddance I guess.” he replies cheerily “so about those supplies, what do you recommend?”
“Follow me, I’ll show you my recommendations. You’ll have to tell me a bit more about your style of painting so I can give you my best advice.” I say, leading him over to the shelves.
I quickly give him an overview of the different supplies before giving him a more detailed review of each product and advice. We slowly go through the shop and I don’t even notice the minutes fly by. As I walk to another shelf, I catch a glimpse of the clock. I should’ve closed the shop half an hour ago but I decide to leave it. I was having fun. What was the harm of staying open a little while longer? As the minutes pass, our chatter becomes less professional and more friendly. We talked and laughed together and soon enough, we’d picked out all his new art supplies.
“Well there’s everything you need!” I say, walking back to the counter. I start counting the price while chatting to him. “That’s £81.99, the easel is on the house for being such an amiable customer. Do come back if you ever need anything else, it was a pleasure to serve you.” I smile sadly, it had been more than a pleasure and I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye now.
“Thank you” he answers, giving me another of his confident smiles “I- I was wondering if umm… this might sound a bit weird but-” his piercing grey eyes quickly shift away, his normally confident appearance fading to show a childlike nervousness. “Before I left home, well, before I was forced out, I was studying anatomy, and well… I think you'd make the perfect model… Would it be alright if I painted you? If you don't mind, of course. Please don't feel forced to accept anything, but I'd love it if you do. And we could get a chance to get to know each other a little better, maybe somewhere where you don't work.” he clears his voice, as though happy to get this over with, and shifts his grey eyes back to me, his confidence returning. A new childish smile splits his face, as though it had never left it.
My eyes widen as I register what he just asked, and I quickly look away, embarrassed. ‘Perfect?’ as the word races through my mind again and again, I feel my face heat a little. Perfect? Me? No one had ever even called me pretty, let alone perfect, but now this man, who looks like a model himself, wants me to model for him and used that word to describe me. I return the smile, although mine is more nervous than childlike. He tilts his head slightly as though reading my emotions but seconds later, he lets out a small laugh which I quickly copy, trying to diffuse the awkwardness that flourished in me throughout this interaction.
“Are you sure you want me? I mean-” I cut off as I watch him nod confidently “alright I'd love to then!” I answer him, flattered, yet I can't stop the slight shake of my hands. What if I mess up? What if he ends up hating me?
“See you then” he says happily, turning away with a wink. I watch him as he walks out, finding myself to be grinning like a child, like him. I only have one thought left, ‘I don't have to say goodbye.’ I stay standing there for a few minutes with this thought before I snap back to reality. My eyes snap to the clock.
“Fuck” I whisper as I work out the time. If my boss finds out I closed the shop two hours late, I'm done for. ‘Oh well, it was worth it’ I think ‘and anyways he might not even find out.’ I start packing my bag when I suddenly realise he didn't give me a name let alone an address, how was I ever going to find him?! My eyes trail back to the door but of course he is long gone by now… I look around, panicked, as though expecting something to magically give me his address and that's when I notice the folded piece of paper on the counter. I slowly open it, my fingers trembling at the thought that it may not be what I think. I flatten out the paper and quickly read the snippet of writing. I smile inwardly, holding the small, unfolded piece of paper, relief slowly flooding through me as I trace the sentence again and again with my eyes, struggling to believe the evening's events.
19:30 tomorrow room 29 Mirror Hotel - Sirius Black
“Sirius Black” I whisper softly, smiling. “It's nice to meet you, Sirius Black”
I try to steady my hand as doubt rises in me again, one thought racing continuously through my mind ‘What if I mess up?’ I reach out and knock on the door hesitantly. I wait for a few seconds, yet it feels like an eternity, before the door is swung open.
“Found my note I see!” he exclaims, standing in the doorway with a huge grin lighting up his face. I smile back, trying to look as confident as he did.
“Here I brought you this” I reply, showing him my bag. I take out a small black book and present it to him, “it’s my favourite book, actually I was reading it when you came into the shop, I thought that maybe...” I trail off, embarrassed. I rub the back of my neck, feeling the warmth radiating from my palm. “I just thought maybe you'd find it interesting, I've read it so many times I practically know it off my heart” I laugh quietly, quickly glancing up at him ���sorry I'm rambling”
Sirius looks at me, curiosity in his eyes. A small laugh escapes his lips before he turns to me and takes the book. He flips it, seemingly interested before looking back at me and taking a step back, to free the entrance. “Well why don't you come in?” he asks, before marking a pause, “I'm sorry I don't think I caught your name.”
“I'm Remus.” I respond, looking back up at him.
“Remus, that's a nice name.” he comments, his grin never leaving his face “the book seems interesting! I'll be sure to give it a try” I listen to him talk while I walk into his room, which is surprisingly organised. There isn't much, a table with an old laptop on it, two chairs, a bed, which takes up most of the space, a set of drawers, a small window and, in the corner, the art supplies he'd bought the day before. “You can sit here” he tells me, pushing one of the chairs towards me, I take it and sit down, putting my bag down next to it, unsure what to do next, I watch him walk over to the corner and pick up his art supplies.
“What do I need to do?” I ask, my hands still trembling slightly in my lap.
“Nothing, don't worry” he replies “just sit there and relax, there's nothing to be scared of” he addresses a friendly smile at me, pulling up the other chair to face me and setting up his easel in front of it. He takes out a brush and some paint, mixing them on his palette, and starts moving his hand up and down the canvas in big yet careful gestures. As the minutes pass, I start to feel more relaxed, watching his movements getting smaller and slower. “So, tell me a bit about yourself” he says, his eyes not moving from the canvas.
“Hmm oh well my life isn't very interesting. I grew up here with my parents, they're both gone now. I work in an art shop, as you know, I really like reading and I don't know what else to tell you…” I answer, thinking that my life must be too boring for him.
“That sounds interesting to me, you must know the surroundings pretty well then! Maybe you could show me around a little, I've been here for a few months but I still manage to get lost sometimes.” he tells me, chuckling.
“I'd love to, but only if you show me how to paint” I reply, nodding happily. As the minutes turn into hours and his painting progresses, we keep talking, about everything and nothing. It felt easy to talk to him, no not easy, right. Soon enough, I knew him like he'd been my friend for years. While we talk, his eyes tend to stay on the painting but sometimes they glide over to me, snapping back to the painting seconds later. In what felt like a short period of time, yet was a few hours, the painting was finished.
“Are you ready? If I'm honest, I'm a little nervous but if it's bad, blame it on the fact I couldn't paint for the past few months.” he admitted with a nervous chuckle, grabbing the canvas and hesitantly turning it towards me.
That's it. That's the only thought that went through my head as my eyes met themselves on the canvas. It's so beautiful and…
“Well? What do you think?” he urges nervously. I suddenly notice his hands trembling slightly and his eyes watching me intensely. He always seems so confident, yet I can see the fear in his eyes now.
“It's so… It's stunning… I'm speechless” I reply, looking him in the eyes quickly before turning back to the painting. The painting looked so realistic, my light curly brown hair and pale green eyes standing out against my pale skin, there is only one alteration. Instead of the freckles that normally sprinkle my face, are little stars. They're beautiful, shining like the stars I can now see from the window.
“Your freckles, they're beautiful, they look like the stars in the night sky. I thought I should paint them as such… They're like little beacons of hope and friendship, when I walked into that shop, I never thought I'd make a new friend, and well, thank you for giving me hope.” Sirius looks at me, his eyes sparkling with the same hope he was talking off. As I look at him, straight into his eyes, I feel a smile reach my lips, knowing my eyes have the same sparkle in them. And as our eyes dig deeper into one another, as we share a smile of happiness of who we found, the minutes slow, as though this moment was frozen in time, which I wish could be the case. Suddenly, we both break eye contact, as though embarrassed by the connection we'd both felt in that second. We both look back up to the painting, our eyes meeting again for a second, causing my face to heat a little. I slowly lift myself out of my seat, taking a step towards the painting to get a closer view of the talent etched on the canvas in front of me.
“It's- it's really stunning” I mutter, still speechless, taking yet another step forward. As I slowly edge forward, I notice something, something that had escaped me at first glance, as it usually escapes others' attention. A thin scar, tracing along the bridge of my freckled nose. Freckles which usually hide it, making it hardly noticeable, especially at first glance. A scar that had been given to me when I was only five, by an overexcited grey dog at the park. It's claw had scratched against the skin of my nose, after it had ambushed me. It had left me with a gash, one that never properly healed and could now be observed under the shape of a scar. This scar. The one he had noticed, when no one else had.
“You got my scar” I whisper in amazement. I slowly reach out to touch it, feeling like all that matters now, is this single detail. A small detail yet seeing it there had given me hope. At the last second, I pull my arm back, like an instinct, and, remembering the paint is still wet, I drop my hand to my side.
“Of course I got it, how could I miss it?” as his voice reaches my ears, I glance to my left to find him standing next to me, admiring the same spot as I was. Him. The man who, right now, felt like a dream come true. We both turn to face one another at the same second, almost as though we're in tune with one another. I find myself getting lost in his stormy grey eyes again, knowing that he was looking straight back into my emerald green ones. For a moment, there's no movement, we both stand there in silence, our eyes sparkling at each other, knowing that this is right. A shadow suddenly masks one of his eyes and I understand that a lock of his hair escaped his small bun. I watch it sway slightly before I instinctively take a step forward, closing what little distance is left between us, and reach out. I mark a pause, waiting to see if he'll reject the movement, but nothing happens. Carefully, I grab the small lock of hair and delicately brush it behind his ear.
As I hesitantly move my hand away, Sirius lets out a low throaty laugh, and I suddenly feel compelled to do something I'd never dreamed of. Instead of pulling my hand back, I instinctively slide it down to the back of his neck, cradling it carefully in my hand, and lean forward, closing the distance between us centimetre after centimetre until we collide. It was a short kiss but our movements were coordinated perfectly.
We pull away, almost reluctantly, and I watch his face quickly turn a deep crimson, knowing mine isn’t much better. I watch his eyes, like two storms lost in the middle of all this redness.
“That was… something” my eyes move down, as I utter these two words, as though expecting them to close the distance again. Our faces were still within centimetres of one another, making me struggle not to kiss them again.
“Something utterly spectacular” Sirius laughs breathlessly, intensifying my impulse to lean in again.
The room falls silent again, as I continue to watch the slight quiver on his lips. The only disturbance in the otherwise perfect silence is the sound of light rain splashing against the window and pavement along with our shallow breathing.
For a long while, we stand there, gazing quietly into each other's eyes, not uttering a single word, yet I feel complete, everything I need is right here, in front of me. This man, who has the most luscious hair, elegance and grace radiating from his unpolished appearance, a mischievous yet friendly glint in his eye, who is staring up at me with those mercury eyes.
And in that second, I feel certain that this is where I belong. That being with Sirius is right.
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heywardsarchive · 3 years
Before You Go - [Harry Potter]
Warnings: angst, grief, death, insecurities, anxiety, sadness, alcohol, if I missed any pls let me know!
Summary: Harry lost his lover to the second wizarding war and his mind is uneasy and filled with regret and sadness as he goes through the last of her belongings.
a/n: Letters are in bold and italics, memories are in italics
Word count: 2.3k+
Based off of ‘before you go’ by Lewis Capaldi for @iliveiloveiwrite‘s songfic challenge! I hope you like it:)
Pairing: Harry Potter x female reader
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Harry sat on the sofa of his apartment, nursing a bottle of beer in one hand, staring, dazed at the television screen, not paying attention to the movements of the characters. His mind was wandering. The war was over but he was still reeling from the effects of it. He lost so many people he loved, it wasn't his fault but he couldn't help but blame himself. If only he was quicker, smarter. If he didn't let voldemort in he could have stopped sirius from dying. If he just surrendered himself to the dark lord, he could have stopped Fred's death, remus' and tonks too. So many others would have been saved.
The deaths of Fred, Sirius, Remus, Hedwig and others killed him inside but none hurt him as much as hers did. Y/n l/n. The only woman he truly loved. He loved her with every inch and fibre of his being. There was no part of him that didn't ache for her touch. He didn't want her to die. He would have done anything to stop her death, but he couldn't help it.
He tried convincing himself that he hated her. Hated her for leaving him, hated her for saving his life giving her own instead. Hated her for putting his life over her own, which in Harry's eyes was a hundred times more worthy then his. He tried, but he knew he was just kidding himself. How could he hate someone as perfect as her? She put everything above herself.
Every memory of her faded in his mind. All harry could think of was what he should have said when he had her in his arms, feeling her touch on skin. Staring into her (e/c) eyes. Shining with love looking into his emerald green ones, her fingers in his unruly raven hair. If he thought hard enough, he could still feel her lingering touch. But it wasn't enough. He thought of everything he could have said to her. How he could have told her that he loves her, how he wanted to marry her one day, have children of she wished, how he would give everything and everyone to the devil for her. But alas, there were many things that were left unspoken.
Regret. That was all Harry felt. No other emotion but sadness, grief and regret filled his body. He didn't know how much you were hurting inside, too wrapped up in his own head, forgetting the one he loved. Y/n took care of him although she herself was broken, beyond repair with the heartache she had suffered. Losing her older brother and parents to a death Eater attack wasn't easy on anyone. She smiled like nothing was wrong, it was as if everything was okay in her life, as if no pain filled her heart . Her smiling face plagued Harry's mind. They said time can heal, but that was a would that Harry doubted would ever heal.
Harry wished that there was something he could have said to her before she died and left him and all others behind, going to a happier and safer place, or so Harry liked to think. In his eyes, she deserved nothing but love and support. He wished he was more present in her life, wishing he could have done something to ease her pain.
He took another swig of the beer in his hand and closed his eyes. He thought that her death was worse than anything in the world, but in reality it was the idea that she died hurting inside, completely broken and with the thought that she was alone was what killed him more.
He walked to his room clumsily, not really drunk but a bit tipsy. He walked to his dressing table and removed a box  from the drawer. He lifted the lid and went through the contents. It was the last piece of y/n that he possessed. Having no kin left behind, she left all her belongings to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
In the box Harry pulled out a few letters addressed to him. He opened the first one and read it for the tenth time since he got it. It was dated 1994, their fourth year. As he read the contents, his mind flashed back to the day the incidents occured. He remembered it clear as day, the Yule ball. He was clumsy and didn't know how to dance, but with y/n as his date, how could he not have fun?
Dear Harry, I know I will never have the guts to send you this letter, but maybe one day you will get to read this.
Today you took me to the Yule ball, we went as friends, I guess we'll never be anything more than that. I guess that's ok though, atleast I can still be around you. Wait, that's creepy. But you get the picture right? I really like you Harry. I want nothing more than to be your girlfriend but I don't know if you even like me that way. Maybe I'll confess to you one day, who knows? You looked really good today Harry. In the green dress robes, they really bring out your eyes. We matched too! Mother sent me a dark green dress which I love. I hope I get to wear it soon. Hermione is calling me to sleep now, I will see you tomorrow Harry. Lots of love, Yours, Y/n.
Harry closed his eyes and a tear fell from his eyes onto the paper, blotting the ink. He missed the way you smiled when you read a good book, or danced along to sweet music, or how you convinced him to make a snow Angel when it snowed back in 5th year. The memories filled his mind, he didn't know if he was happy about it or if it was too painful to remember.
It was 4th year, the Yule ball was in a few days. Harry still had not got a date. There was only one girl he had eyes for but he was tok afraid to ask her. He saw multiple boys her out but she seemed to decline all of them. He gathered his gryffindor courage and walked up to y/n. "Hey, y/n do you wanna go to the ball with me?" She was about to reply when Harry's nerves kicked in and he quickly added, "as friends ofcourse." He noticed her face fall but he didn't think much of it. "Yes Harry, I'd love to." She smiled and walked to her next class. Harry stood there happy that she agreed but also internally slapping himself that he asked her as friends when he wanted more.
Harry then remembered the time her asked her out, it was their fifth year and y/n had stood up for him against the toad face umbridge. He had to resist the urge the urge to kiss her then and there during class.
Harry stopped y/n outside class. He grabbed her hand and pulled her aside. "Harry, what's up?" She asked him, cocking an eyebrow. "I actually have to ask you something."  She gestured for him to go on. "Willyougoonadatewithme?" Harry looked hopefully. "What did you say?" She looked confused. Harry took a deep breath. "Will you go on a date with me?" He repeated, slowly. "Yes." She grinned. "I have potions now, but I will catch you later." She kissed Harry's cheek and left. Harry watched her retreating figure with a smile on his face and his hand on the spot where she kissed him.
Harry was now lying on the bed rummaging through the box, finding y/n's belongings. His breath hitched when he found the pendant that he gave her in their sixth year for their one year anniversary. All their memories filled his mind and all he could think of was y/n's face, which in his opinion was the most beautiful face in the world.
He closed his eyes, dropping the box in the process. He bent down to pick up the contents when he saw a picture fall out of a book. It was a picture of him and y/n. He smiled at the sight of the picture. It was taken in their sixth year after he told her he loved her. He missed the old days when things were a bit better.
He opened the diary and flipped through the pages. It had notes on y/n's life, some random pictures here and there. Harry then reached the date may 25th 1997. It was the date she lost her whole family. He read the words written with blue ink. Each word on the paper was a gaping wound on his body issuing life blood.
I lost everything today. I don't know why I am writing this down but maybe it will help me cope. I can't break down now. I need to stay strong for Harry. For Ron and Hermione too. They're counting on me. I have to fight with my life against that horrid dark lord. I have to. To avenge the death of my family.
I can't be weak. Not now. I can deal with my own problems later on, after the war. I can't let my anxiety and insecurities take over my mind. Not now. Not now.
Once the war is over, things will get over. I know Harry can defeat him. I belive in him. He's so strong, faced so much loss at such a young age. I could never survive that much trauma. I admire his strength, I wish I was that strong. No point dwelling in my faults now, we have a war to win.
Harry shut the book, unable to read further. He didn't understand why y/n felt that way. She never showed it. He couldn't comprehend how someone so strong and brave could put themself down like that. She called him brave, when he was far from that. He kept lashing out, removing his anger on everyone. But she didn't do that, she didn't cry, kept everything inside for his sake. She was the strong one in the relationship not him.  Harry felt guilty  once again, like it was his fault. He felt he didn't do enough to help his love out of her cage of insecurity.
Harry wished he had done more, said more and stopped her hurting, or reduced it. He wished there was a way for him to reach her once and ask if he could have stopped her pain. He blamed himself for being distracted, leading her to let herself be taken instead.
Harry was dueling a death Eater, not paying attention to what was happening around him. Another death eater snuck behind up behind him and blasted the wall he was standing in front of. Y/n saw him and pushed Harry out of the way, taking the brunt of the falling bricks herself.
"No!" Harry cried, pushing the bricks away from her frail body. "No no no." He whispered. He finally freed her from the bricks and cracked her in his arms. A few tears rolled down his cheeks. "Don't cry Harry." This only made the tears fall faster. "I'm not worth your tears haz." She weakly reached up and wiped the tears off his dirty face. "Why?" Harry croaked. "You didn't have to die for me. I don't want you to die for me." He cried. "Oh Harry, I'd give my life a thousand times over to save yours. I'll love you forever and always. No matter what, I'll always watch over you."
"Don't leave me." Harry pressed a feverish kiss to y/n's lips, forehead, hair , cheeks. She was getting colder every minute. "I'll always be with you. In here." She placed her hand on his heart and smiled. Her hand become limp and dropped down. Her last breath of life taken. Harry freely cried over her dead body.
When voldemort called Harry to his death, he freely went, knowing it was right. He had to avenge the deaths of all those who were killed in the war. But a small part of him yearned to see y/n's smiling face again, and he hoped that he would see her again when he was no more. So he went, went with a brave face to the one he loved most.
Harry sat down on his bed, leaving the box aside. As he closed his eyes he wondered if there would have been a different outcome, a butterfly effect of sorts, if he hadn't been so closed off. If he let his walls down, been vulnerable around y/n, maybe she wouldn't have felt so alone and weak. If he let her in fully he could have let her know that he too was weak in a way, he too needed to let out his emotions. But it was too late now. She was gone and there was nothing Harry could do about it.
He drifted of to sleep, one thought lingered in his mind. If there was something he could have said to make it all stop hurting her. If he could have eased her mind before she went. It truly killed Harry how y/n's mind could make her feel so worthless.
But she was gone. There was a gaping hole in Harry's heart, one that could only be filled by love from y/n. But she was no more with him. He would never hear her voice again, never feel her touch, all that was left in him was guilt, regret and sadness and there was nothing anyone could do to fix it. *** A/n: I am so sorry for the angst, I hope I didn't break y'all too much;) I will be posting a new year fic tomorrow!
It's new years eve y'all! I hope you guys have a fantastic new year and here's to hoping 2021 is better than 2020!
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stargazedmoony · 3 years
Excerpt from a story I’ll never write: The younger brother.
Sirius cried and screamed, his hands shooting up to his head. Fiery pain shot along the most sensitive nerve endings of his body and travelled along the fingers and up his arms, never settling but emerging his body in what seemed to be endless pain. He clutched his hands to his chest, trying to breath, but the air got knocked out of him with every splinter of torment that went through his body.
“Mother, please!” It was not his voice that had spoken, Sirius knew that. “Mother, please! I will— Let me talk to him!” As strong as the voice had sounded when it first spoke, so weak it sounded now.
But the pain was ebbing away. Regulus had gotten their mother to stop casting the horrific spell and Sirius tried catching his breath, hot tears lingering in the corner of his eyes. He lifted his eyelids a little, to see Regulus, rather blurry, shielding his mother’s wand-arm as though trying to keep her from swinging it again. Her eyes were furious, looking down at Sirius in disgust and anger. “Talk to him?” she hissed. “Torture would do him good! He’s to know who’s in charge in this house. If it weren’t for him being the heir of this family, I would have—!”
“Mother, please!” Regulus looked at her in distress. “He’s— He’s…” Lost for words, Regulus looked down at his brother, his eyes widened with worry and disbelief. Sirius shivered. To sleep, to die— it didn’t matter to him anymore. His head fell down on the carpet, his eyes fluttered shut. His head was throbbing with his mother’s screaming, her kicking the life out of him. Was it all he was ever going to be?
Perhaps he’d lost conscious, perhaps his mother had cursed his body into nothingness. Sirius woke up to a nagging feeling in his shoulders and a drenching pain down his spine. He noticed that he was no longer laying on the carpet and as he tried to move his arms, he felt he lay in a bed underneath a packet of blankets. It was his own bed— he could smell the fancy cologne he’d bought in a Muggle shop with Remus a couple of weeks ago. Sirius was certain it had not been his mother who had brought him to bed and as he opened his eyes, he found Regulus sitting in a chair at the far end of the bed, looking rather uncomfortable and not at all certain as to why he was there.
“Hello, brother,” Sirius said hoarsely, trying to stretch his neck to sit up straight. His body felt immensely uncomfortable, as if his limbs were not in the right place. “What you doing here?” Sirius tried pulling away the blankets.
“Here, let me.” Regulus got up and helped untangle Sirius from his blankets. “I— I’m sorry, I didn’t know she would—”
Sirius shrugged. “Whatever,” he said, in a very indifferent tone of noise. He lifted up his shirt to find several bruises there. Walburga— he did not find her worthy enough to be titled as his mother— had kicked him right below his ribs. His hips were bruised, too. Nothing too bad, nothing that could not be fixed. A simple concealment spell would do, he figured, in case the bruises would still be there when school started. If James saw his bruises, the boy would probably write his family a letter or something and Walburga sure didn’t care for a 14-year-old ‘blood traitor’, as the Blacks called the Potters, to tell her how she should raise her son. No, it was better not to tell him.
And maybe in a way, Sirius felt like he deserved it, too. He was never the son they longed for him to be and his life would sure be easier if he’d just cooperate.
But what is the fun in that? he asked himself. He was a marauder after all. He couldn’t help but crack a smile at this, though it looked more like a grimace through the pain.
He caught Regulus’s gaze and straightened his face. “Thanks, Reggie,” he said softly. “You can go now.”
Regulus opened his mouth as if wanting to say something. Then, he pressed his lips together and nodded briefly, looking rather hurt at Sirius’s blunt reaction to his helping. He should have been used to it by now, but somehow he had always hoped for a little more recognition. He wanted Sirius to trust him, Regulus being his little brother who cared, regardless of their differences in opinion about their family. Sirius was his blood.
He turned on his heels, facing the door, but he couldn’t bring himself to just walk out.
“Why do you keep doing that?” he asked quietly. The room stayed in silence. He bit his lip, not sure if Sirius even heard him.
“Are you asking the door or are you asking me?” Sirius said, a hint of humour in his voice. Regulus didn’t care to laugh at this, not when he was really trying to have a conversation. These were the things that made him feel belittled. Sirius was always making these stupid jokes, hovering his heavy, arrogant shadow over him, always trying to be the superior person in the room, when, in reality, was he? The black sheep of the family, was what their aunts and uncles called him. Another disgrace on the tapestry. Sure to be shred off of it if he didn’t make up his mind whose side he was actually on, Regulus was certain about that.
“I’m asking you,” Regulus said, turning around. He lifted his head, thrust his chin forward, hoping to, in a way, look dominant. Sirius was no better than him. Not according to Mother anyway. “Why do you keep doing that?” he asked again. “Contradict her, getting yourself in trouble. When has that ever done you any good?”
Sirius’s face angered. “When has that ever—? Are you really asking me that? It’s not about what good it does to me, it’s about morals! It’s about… It’s about doing good to the world!”
“But don’t you see that you keep distancing yourself from us when you behave like this? Father won’t even look you in the eye no more, did you not notice that?” Regulus’s voice was shaking.
Sirius looked down at his lap. “Of course I noticed,” he said annoyed. “But it’s not like I care.” That was a lie. Regulus knew very well that that was a lie. He did care, Sirius just had too much pride to admit it. It was one of the Black-traits that he did inherit. It had never been enough to make his family proud though.
“Don’t act like you do.”
“Don’t act like you care.” Sirius looked him in the eye, fiercely. Regulus shook his head. There was no use in talking to him. He had known for a very long time now where Sirius’s loyalties lay. He couldn’t blame him, but he did blame him for not trying to play it smart— like he was. “I do care,” he said, softly. “I’m your brother.”
“Don’t care for me just because I’m your brother,” Sirius fired back. “I’ve had enough of that. Found me a new one a few years ago anyway.” That struck Regulus— a dagger to his heart. A poisonous snake’s bite in his ankles. The Potter-boy, Regulus knew. The room fell quiet once again, Regulus breathing heavily in it. He didn’t know how to position his body, how to use his head, hands— anything, really. He looked away, slightly shaking his head, and turned his body to walk out of the room.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius said behind him. His voice trembled, as if on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry, Reggie. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m—”
“Whatever,” Regulus spat, in the same exact arrogant and indifferent tone Sirius had shot at him before. “If you need me, I’ll be in my room.”
And with that he walked up to the door and shut it with a slam behind it, leaving Sirius looking hurt and red-faced.
It would never be any different than this. The worst thing of all was knowing that he, Regulus, would do it again— saving Sirius from Mother’s hands, taking him up to his room and talking to him until his voice had dried out. He would then wait for his brother to wake up, hoping and praying that he’d wake up at all. He’d do it all again, but he was ever more so afraid of the day that he might not. Loyalty was a matter of questions. Could he really turn his back to his brother? But then again, it was Sirius who was distancing himself from the family, not Regulus. Was “Toujours pure” really a matter of blood purity or was it a matter of love and loyalty and the pureness of the both of them altogether?
Regulus walked to his own room, locking the door as he shut it behind him, and took place on the bed.
For a moment, he sat there in silence, his head in his hands. Then, the room filled with soft sobs. Sirius was going to wake up tomorrow. That was all that mattered now. Still he kept crying in his darkened room for a little while longer, quietly so that his parents wouldn’t hear him, and feeling the most loneliest he’d ever felt.
by: @stargazedmoony ❥
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The Witch Lives Across the Street
Inspired by this post of mine that lived in my head rent free so I wrote it.
Pairings: Prinxiety
Words: 1421
Virgil was used to knocking on his door all the time. He hated it, but he supposed it was what happened when you lived next to a witch but fit the gothic aesthetic much better than the actual witch. The house across the street was white with red shutters and a red door. There was no sign or anything saying that a witch lived in the house, nothing odd at all about the house. There was even a garden. Virgil’s house on the other hand was very different. Black with purple shutters and no garden in sight. Even the bushes the house had come with were wilted and brown along the walkway to the front door and the iron gate was rusting. The constantly drawn curtains added to the mystery that apparently made everyone think he was the witch of the area.
So he’d get knocks on the door, begrudgingly answer it and tell the person, “No, the witch lives across the street.” He had seen the witch in question a few times, always wearing some combination of white, red, and gold. Virgil had never bothered to meet his neighbor up close, though. A few weeks ago another car had shown up in the driveway next to the red one that usually resided there. Green, it made Virgil think of Christmas when it was put next to all of the red. He started noticing someone else lurking around the witch’s house, this new neighbor spent a lot of time outside in the garden and suddenly when people knocked on his door they asked about witches instead of one witch.
Virgil was currently in his kitchen feeding his cat when the knock hit the door. Another one of the witches’ clients he guessed, considering no one really came to visit him, it wasn’t too far fetched of a guess. He moved to the door, grumbling a little as he opened it.
“The witches live across the street,” he said, blinking at the person on the other side as gay panic hit his mind for a moment.
This man was easily the most beautiful person Virgil had ever seen. Tall and broad shouldered with swoopy brown hair and the most gorgeous brown eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with the top three buttons undone and a red sash tied around his waist. Layers of gold jewelry matched the gold eyeliner that sat atop deep red eyeshadow.
“Actually, the witch is indeed here this time,” the man said, flashing a dazzling smile.
“Uhm-” Virgil said, trying to get his brain started again.
“I figured it was about time I came and introduced myself. Three years of you deferring my customers, I should have done it sooner. I’m Roman,” the man - Roman - said, holding his hand out. “Virgil, right?”
“How did you-?” Virgil asked, shaking the witch’s hand.
“Not magic this time,” Roman said with a small laugh that sounded like bells. “I get your mail by accident sometimes, I always just stick it in your mailbox. Seems nobody can get our houses right.”
“Right...thank you.”
“Actually, my brother and I were just about to have some tea. I was wondering if you wanted to join us?”
“Your brother?”
“He’s been staying with me, seems two witches are much more popular than one,” Roman answered, smiling at Virgil again. “So. Tea?”
“Uhm...yeah. I can do tea,” Virgil nodded.
Roman gave another one of his dazzling smiles, taking Virgil by the hand and leading him across the street. The other man - the one Virgil had noticed more recently - was outside digging in the garden. He was covered in dirt, wearing a tanktop that showed off various symbols tattooed onto his arms.
“This is Virgil!” Roman introduced. “He’s joining us for tea. Virgil, this is Remus. My twin brother.”
“Virgil?” Remus asked, looking Virgil up and down.
Virgil squirmed a little, feeling like he was under a microscope, but upon his own inspection, he could see the similarities between the brothers. If you looked past the mustache, the streak of white hair, and the dark gaudy eyeshadow, Remus and Roman were identical.
“Virgil, are you a witch?” Remus asked, tilting his head a little bit.
“No, the witch lives across the street,” Virgil replied, same as he always did.
“Get cleaned up, Remus. I won’t guarantee that we’ll save you any cakes,” Roman said, pulling Virgil inside.
The inside of the house matched Roman, all red and gold with hints of white. It smelled like cinnamon and cloves and-
“You have a lot of plants…” Virgil observed.
“Oh, yes. Remus tends to like them. I wouldn’t touch, though. I never really know what he’s growing,” Roman chuckled, pulling out a teapot and a few different jars of herbs.
Virgil watched as he added the herbs to the pot, seeming to know what he was doing. He poured in cold water and with a wave of his hand, the pot was steaming like it had been boiling all along.
“Magic,” Roman winked. “Come, you can sit in the living room. I’ll bring the cakes, you simply have to try them, they’re delicious.”
Virgil couldn’t do much more than nod. Roman directed him to the living room where two couches sat on either side of a coffee table, obviously where Roman took his clients. Remus came in, mostly dirt free and holding a plant clipping in a small jar that he set by the window.
“Are you sure you aren’t a witch?” he asked Virgil, plopping down on the couch across from him. “You have a very bright aura.”
“First of all, I don’t have a bright anything,” Virgil replied. “And secondly, I think I would know if I was a witch.”
“Not necessarily,” Roman said, setting a tray on the table that held the teapot as well as some sugar and cream. “Lots of natural born witches go their whole lives without knowing.” “Yeah, but that isn’t me,” Virgil said, watching as Roman left and came back with a small plate tower of cakes and tiny tea sandwiches.
“You have to try the lavender cake with the lemon glaze,” Roman said, distributing small plates and starting to pour tea into teacups. “Anything in yours?”
Virgil shook his head, content to drink whatever tea it was plain. It smelled good, much better than any tea he had had before. He waited until his hosts had their cups and had sipped some before trying it.
“Oh...this is really good…” he said, having another sip.
“Thank you, thank you,” Roman said. “It’s a special blend of herbs and a little spellwork.”
“You sound creepy when you try and give random guys magic drinks,” Remus rolled his eyes.
“Virgil isn’t a random guy! He’s been my neighbor for three years!”
“And yet you only first spoke to him today because somebody was intimidated by the cute boy who lives across the street. It took you losing a bet to get the balls to go talk to hi- mmph!” Remus couldn’t finish his statement as Roman slapped a hand over his mouth.
“You were intimidated by me?” Virgil asked, shocked. “You’re literally a witch. I just saw you boil water with a wave of your hand. If you told me you studied at Hogwarts I wouldn't be shocked.”
Roman seemed to blush a little bit at the compliments, shaking his head. “No Hogwarts,” he said. “But of course I was slightly intimidated. You’re very mysterious, you know.”
“Yes! You live all alone in that big dark house and you hardly come outside which makes it very hard to snoop on the cute boy across the street.”
Now it was Virgil’s turn to blush a little bit. “You’re literally a witch,” he reminded.
“Oh my god you two are super hopeless,” Remus rolled his eyes. “Roman, just ask him out already.”
“Shut up,” Roman said, throwing a bite of cake at his brother before smiling at Virgil. “But I would like to get to know you better. Perhaps we can go to dinner some time, I can make up for all those times you had to answer the door for me.”
Virgil would have to be a complete idiot to say no. A gorgeous man in red and gold wanted to go on a date with him? And dinner didn’t sound too bad either.
“Okay…” he nodded. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
“Tomorrow night perhaps?”
“Tomorrow night works,” Virgil said. “You do know where to find me.”
“Of course. The cute boy lives across the street.”
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Princess Part 6
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 5 
Parings: Regulus Black. Mentioned Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Rating: Explicit- smut warning 
“It's Christmas Eve tomorrow. I still have to get your mother’s present.”
You said as Regulus pushed a small path through the hordes of people that were out snagging last-minute gifts.
“I figured that you would have had everything done weeks ago.”
Regulus commented, rolling his eyes as the fourth person ran into him. You wrapped your arms together around his to prevent separation.
“Well, I would but she’s been hovering over me since we returned home. It's hard to buy a present with her breathing down my neck, however, I could have turned around and asked her if she liked whatever the item was.”
Regulus smirked.
“Father got her a nice necklace and diamond ring this year. I thought last year’s gift to that self-help seminar was a wonderful gift. Father was right. Mother needs to get out of the house more and network with other basketcases.”
You said his name with a sly smile remembering last year’s horrible Christmas disaster when Orion gave Walburga those tickets to that seminar. Walburga didn’t speak to Orion for three weeks. She, instead, insisted upon following Regulus and yourself around questioning everything that the two of you were doing?”
“So, is this what teenagers are doing today?”
“Regulus, do you really have to play quidditch? What if you fall or hurt something?”
“Where is your jumper?”
You could still hear her shrieking in your mind. Both Regulus and yourself had politely dealt with Walburga’ meddling. The two of you were too polite to say anything to her. It wasn’t until Orion came home with jewelry did she start speaking to her husband again.
Even Kreacher was delighted for his mistress and master to be speaking again. The poor elf had taken refuge under Regulus’ bed resulting in sex not happening.
“Master and mistress, just pretend that Kreacher isn’t here.”
Both Regulus and yourself were looking at each other with disturbing expressions and given up on whatever thought of sex that was once had.
“I know what you are thinking about and Kreacher is not living under our bed for three weeks again.”
Regulus whispered, rolling his eyes. The two of you had finally gotten to a place where people weren’t running into you. Regulus pulled you closer to him.
“Yes, we don’t need a house-elf living in our room again. That was awkward.”
Regulus glanced over his shoulder. His eyes had stopped on the candy store that had the one type of chocolate his mother enjoyed.
“I’m going to run in there quickly. Mom needs her chocolate fix. Are you coming?”
You shook your head upon realizing just how many people were in the store.
“Go ahead. There are too many other humans in there. I’ll wait for you here.”
Regulus shrugged and disappeared into the shop. You took a breath and looked down at your watch. 7:30...Walburga was probably wondering where the two of you were. Forget the fact that Regulus and yourself were almost adults. Walburga, after Sirius’ departure, turned up her worrying over Regulus (and yourself too) to new heights.
When Regulus’ dark mark started burning and he had to leave, Walburga turned into a worried child whose blankie was in the wash. She would pace the floor until her son returned home. Her out of character behavior was never mentioned, however. If someone mentioned Walburga acting differently over Regulus now, she would deny it.
You looked up the moment that you heard your name being called. The moment that you met the source, you froze seeing Sirius standing in front of you. A few feet behind him stood James and Lily Potter.
It had been ages since you had seen or spoken to Sirius last. After he ran away, Walburga made it crystal clear that she didn’t want Regulus or yourself speaking to him. Regulus was just fine obliging to his mother’s request. Your lover wouldn’t admit it but he was devastated by his brother leaving. Sirius leaving was, in Regulus’ mind, Sirius saying that he didn’t care for him anymore. It was harder for you to stop talking to Sirius cold turkey. The two of you had always been friendly. You were the go-between when he was having issues with his brother or mother.
“Hello, Sirius.”
You said, softly before looking around to make sure that Regulus wasn’t coming back. Regulus would be livid if he saw you speaking to Sirius. Livid or jealous...which one it would be was yet to be determined. Regulus has always been jealous of your friendship with Sirius. Why, you weren’t sure. You had been dedicated to Regulus since day one. He was the one that you played wedding with. Regulus was the one that you followed around like a shadow and vice versa.
“It's good to see you! It's been a long time...I heard that you agreed to marry Regulus.”
You could tell Sirius was struggling with the subject. There had always been a part of Sirius, whether he wanted to admit it or not, was sour that you didn’t “choose him.” After all, you had been meant for Sirius in the beginning. When you took to Regulus that plan was shot to hell.
“Yes, we are getting married after school is over. How have you been?”
You asked, changing the subject. Sirius shrugged.
“You know me...just going about here and there. I’ve been doing some traveling. I have a question and it's a bit awkward to ask but I need to know…is Reggie really a death eater? As the person that knows him the best, I figured that you would know.”
You blinked a few times seeing Regulus step out of the store. His eyes instantly narrowed on his brother as a cold glare set on his face. Sirius noticed it too.
“We don’t have much time. Blink once for yes and twice for no. I won’t tell him a thing.”
You blinked twice. Sirius put his head down, knowing that it was a lie. The moment that he looked back up, you blinked once. Sirius wanted nothing more than to offer to help keep both Regulus and yourself safe. He wanted to get his brother out of that mess but he knew Regulus would never say yes to him or the order.
“Look who it is.”
Regulus said coldly as he finally reached you. His arm went around your waist as Sirius met his eyes.
“Regulus, it's good to see you.”
Regulus only stared at Sirius. He made no move to speak to his brother. It didn’t matter deep down that Regulus wanted to talk to Sirius. He wanted nothing more than to beg his brother to forgive him for being so cold but that wouldn’t happen. Regulus was “the good son” and his parents were counting on him.
“We should go, Y/n.”
Regulus said before wrapping his wrist around your hand and tugging you with him. Sirius held his hands up.
“So you aren’t going to say anything? You’re just going to stand there like some kind of zombie?”
Regulus turned.
“You don’t deserve a moment of my time.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at the hurt expression on Sirius' face as Regulus tugged you along with him. There had been many run-ins with Sirius when he was still at Hogwarts that resulted in Regulus hexing his brother. Many MANY times you were pulling Regulus away as he shouted any insult that he could at Sirius. When you couldn’t get him away it was Evan and Snape hauling him off.
“Can we slow down?”
You snapped as you almost lost your balance for the third time. Regulus turned and glared down at you with jealousy in his eyes.
You thought. It was going to be one of those nights. Nothing that you had to say would please Regulus at the moment. It didn’t matter that it was his engagement ring on your finger or that you were chasing after him. All that Regulus could think about was the fact that you were supposed to be Sirius’ betrothed. The insecure side of him questioned in you or Sirius actually cared for each other and was just too good to say it.
“Let’s just go home. We don’t need to talk.”
Regulus replied before turning and starting back in the direction of Grimmauld Place. This time his hand wasn’t around yours making sure that you didn’t get pulled off. Regulus had shoved his hands in his pockets and reminded you of a jealous child.
You commented before following him. If he wanted to be difficult then you would let him.
Thankfully Walburga and Orion were in bed when the two of you arrived home. You immediately followed Regulus to your shared bedroom. He took off his jacket and tossed it carelessly on the floor.
Shaking your head, you reached down to hang it up.
“Leave it. That’s what Kreacher is for.”
Regulus snapped. You blinked a few times having to bite your tongue. There were a lot of things that you could say to Regulus at the moment but you didn’t want to sleep alone or end up sleeping on the sofa.
Regulus had started the fire in the fireplace before sitting down on the sofa to glare coldly at the flames. He knew that he was being childish but he didn’t care. You didn’t seem to realize how much Sirius still hurt him. Seeing you talking to the jerk with none other than James-Fucking-Potter close by was enough to make the jealous little shit in Regulus come roaring back with a vengeance.
You gave Regulus half an hour to “get over himself” before plopping down on his lap in emerald green lingerie that left little to the imagination. Regulus was still scowling as he looked you over. You sighed.
“Stop acting like a child Regulus Black. I’m your fiance and you know it.”
Regulus sighed.
“If you weren’t my fiance I would be worried about you sitting on my lap dressed like this, princess.”
You smiled. There was your prince charming.
“I was saving this for our wedding night but given our current situation I figured this would be better than me just rolling around naked on your lap.”
Regulus reached up to stroke his hand over your cheek.
“You don’t see how he looks at you.”
You frowned.
“Are we still talking about Sirius?”
Regulus nodded.
“Uh-huh. He looks at you like you’re something to eat. I see how his eyes roam over your body. He doesn’t seem to understand that you are mine.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned into the kiss Regulus’ lips. He didn’t stop you. The kiss was tender for a moment before leaning backward further on his lap. You knew that you would tell him all about Sirius dating Remus Lupin. Why this was so lost on Regulus was still a mystery. You could have picked those two out as lovers without either of them saying anything.
“I assure you that he sees me as nothing more than a friend. Reggie, he knows that I am devoted 100% to you. He’s known it for a long time. Besides, I don’t have what Sirius needs. I’m made for you.”
Regulus had to grin at that though. Hell yes, you were “made for him.” Your bodies fit together perfectly. Everything about the two of you went together.
“Princess, you’re killing me.”
He groaned as you wiggled your ass on his now prominent erection. You giggled before kissing his bottom lip.
“I’m down for some nice jealous sex.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow before harshly pulling your upper body against his.
“Well, then love, you are in luck. All of your slutty self is all mine.”
He growled against your lips before possessively kissing you. You reached up tangling your fingers in his curls. Resisting the urge to start tugging, you instead stroked your hand through his hair earning a moan from your lover.
Regulus’ hand had fallen to your ass and roughly squeezed your plump flesh. He gently pushed you backward on his lap.
“I believe we should take this to our bed.”
You didn't wait to be told twice before getting up and hurrying to your shared bed. Regulus had gone to the door to lock it. The last thing that he wanted was his mother walking in and screaming when she realized what was going on. He turned to look at you as you pulled back the heavy duvet and blankets.
Your foot became stuck in one of the soft blankets resulting in you slipping. Regulus had rushed forward and caught you.
“You’re so clumsy. If I wasn’t around to catch you all of the time, you would forever have broken bones.”
“Yes, lucky for me.”
You said, kissing him and laying back on the bed. Regulus shook his head and began to undress. Your heart began to pound the moment that you heard Regulus’ belt unbuckling then the loud noise it made upon hitting the hardwood floors.
Regulus was on top of you before you were able to formulate another thought. His hand immediately went between your legs and shoved the emerald thong to the side.
“Oh, look at that, you are wet...just as I suspected. You’re so wet and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
His voice was almost mocking as he glared down at you. You knew that game that he wanted to play now and as messed up as it sounded, you were excited.
“Why wouldn’t I be wet for you?”
You squeaked when Regulus shoved his index and middle finger inside of you.
“You could be wet for him too.”
“It's always you, Reggie. I only want you.”
You gasped as he scissored his fingers. Regulus didn’t reply. It wasn’t until you reached out to wrap your hand around his length did he push you away.
“No touching.”
Regulus leaned down and smothered his face in your neck. You swallowed as he bit down. A pornographic moan left your lips as he continued to manipulate your already spasming core. Regulus’ breath on your neck was hot as he sucked love bite after love bite onto your neck. There would be no mistaking on whose woman you were.
You whined the moment that his hand left your body. His grey eyes silenced you with one disapproving look. You fought back as he tugged the emerald thong off and tossed it over his shoulder.
“Now, where were we?”
You wanted to scream to answer the question...Right here! We were right here! Just touch me! Anything!
You knew that, however, would get you nowhere. Regulus would probably get out of bed and leave you moaning for him. He wouldn’t come back to you until he was good and ready.
“You’re such a good girl, princess.”
Regulus praised you as he took his length in his hand. You moaned as the tip rubbed over your clit then down to your entrance multiple times.
“Reggie, don’t be a tease.”
“Who said that I was teasing?”
Regulus replied. His face was dead serious. He had returned to his stoic reserved nature as he continued his game. A loud moan escaped your lips as Regulus shoved in. His hand instantly clasped around your mouth.
“Hush now. Mummy will hear us.”
Regulus whispered before giving you a little grin. He knew exactly what you were thinking about. That little comment alone brought back memories from years past. Regulus would make that comment when the two of you were early teens and started messing around. Gone were the days where Regulus could get off by seeing you naked. You could simply take off your shirt for him and let Regulus put his mouth or hands on you. He would barely touch himself and come. Now things were different. You had to work to make Regulus come.
“You’re a fucking tease.”
You said with a giggle as you took his hand in yours and brought it to your lips. Regulus leaned back on his heels but made sure to remain snuggly inside of you. His eyes winded as your mouth wrapped around his middle and index finger. You sucked the digits like you would if they were his cock.
“Love, you call me a tease.”
“Then fuck me…”
“You asked for it.”
Regulus hissed before pulling out and slamming back into you at a furious pace. You couldn’t help crying out as he ravaged you. Regulus didn’t care that the headboard was slamming into the wall and that you were screaming. Too much blood had already left his head to leave him incapable of thinking of anything other than fucking you. His goal was to leave you so sore that you couldn’t put your legs together the next morning.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, leaving you light headed as your body began to spasm around Regulus’ length. As much as you enjoyed sensual lovemaking, you equally enjoyed Regulus using you as his own personal toy.
“I need to come.”
Regulus groaned. You moaned at his words alone. Your body tightening was enough to push Regulus over the edge. His body shivered as he emptied inside of you.
“Come, love.”
He choked out through his own orgasm before teasing your clit with his fingers. It took two or three circles before you were coming screaming his name like a prayer.
Regulus was the first to pull out. His come coated your thighs as he leaned down for a kiss.
“Shall we have round two?”
Before you could respond, someone was pounding on the door. Regulus’ face went scarlet as he looked down at you. Your eyes were wide as Orion’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Okay, you two...we have heard enough for one evening. Go to sleep!”
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Clandestine: Chapter Three
The first mission doesn’t exactly go as planned. Also, Logan has a thing for glasses, apparently.
@lumosinlove Thank you for letting me run away with your characters! <3
Again, @donttouchmycarrots is my hero and the best proofreader ever! This fic wouldn’t be what it is without her.
Clandestine Masterlist
The bank was quiet, save for the soft murmurings of tellers and customers. Sunlight filtered through the windows of the storefront, light and hazy. The office plant by the front door was growing way too big for its pot. There were a few people waiting in line, absently scrolling through their phones. Others were sitting in the waiting area, mindlessly taking in their surroundings. It was calm, peaceful.
Or it was, until a redhead came sprinting out of the men’s restroom, screaming “Fire!” at the top of his lungs.
The bank then descended into madness.
A man watched from the driver’s seat of his car as people frantically streamed out of the building and onto the sidewalk. He sighed, taking a second to rest his forehead against the steering wheel. “Damnit, O’Hara. This wasn’t part of the plan.”
29 Hours Earlier
“Good morning, cubs!”
“Fuck you, Black.” Logan muttered into his cup of coffee. “It’s too early to be that excited.”
Leo smiled a little and set a paper bag on the table. Logan stared at it. Where had it come from? He hadn’t seen Leo carrying it into the briefing room, but it was too big to stuff into his pockets. He didn’t have a bag or anything – the only thing he was carrying with him was a notebook and a pen. How did he manage to smuggle it in?
Logan was so confused, and it was still too early.
“I brought muffins.” Leo explained, opening the bag and handing one to Finn. “They’re cinnamon swirl.”
“Nut, did you make these?” Finn asked, removing the wrapper and taking a big bite. Leo shrugged.
“I like to cook.”
Black looked up at him in awe. “These are amazing.” He cradled the muffin in his hand like it was something precious.
“I can give you the recipe, if you want.”
Logan grabbed a muffin, looking up quickly at Remus’ snort. “He can’t cook.”
“Neither can you.” Sirius shot back, a little more hostile than his usual teasing manner. Logan glanced back and forth between the pair, tearing off a piece of muffin and popping it into his mouth. Fuck, that was good.
His partners had clearly picked up on the tension, too, but neither of them brought it up. Leo twirled his pen around in his hand, eyes moving from the pair to Finn. He smiled as the redhead enthusiastically grabbed another muffin. Logan snapped his gaze back to Sirius. “Can we get started, please?” He asked pointedly. “If you make me get up this early, we’d better be doing something productive.”
Finn laughed at him, nose scrunching. “Are you always this grumpy in the morning?”
Green eyes rimmed with dark, dark lashes glared back at him. Logan didn’t say a word but took a long sip of coffee instead, refusing to break eye contact. Finn let himself stare a little longer than he probably should have. He wasn’t lying when he told Logan he was a sucker for green eyes.
Sirius finally broke the tension-filled staring competition between himself and Loops and looked down at his files. Remus started the projector without a word, only speaking up when he was ready to begin his presentation. “We’re starting you three off with the easiest flash drives to retrieve – the two in the banks.”
He moved to a picture of the layout of one of the banks, pointing at a small room tucked away in a corner of the building. “So the safe is back here in this room. You can’t get back there without permission or an escort, which makes it a little trickier. The security system is also very high-grade, so I don’t think trying to break in after hours is our best bet here. There’s too many little things we might miss.
“The plan is to go undercover. Leo and Finn, you’ll be infiltrating this bank. Logan, you’ll be lookout. Leo, you’re going to pretend to be a safe specialist. Tell them the make and model of the safe Riddle uses is faulty and the company sent you to see if this one needs to be replaced. I don’t really care what you say, just make it believable.”
“What kind of safe is it?” Leo asked.
Sirius looked down at his notes. “It’s a… Tigerking Digital Security safe. Does that mean anything to you?”
Leo grinned. “Makes my job a hell of a lot easier. They’ve got a weak spot.”
“What am I doing during all of this?” Finn asked through a mouthful of muffin, crumbs stuck to his mouth. He swiped at them with his tongue before speaking again, “Distraction?”
“Yeah. It’ll have to be big – big enough to get Leo alone with that safe. How long do you think it’ll take to crack, Knut?”
He shrugged. “Ten minutes, tops. It’s got this small hole at the back where bolts are fed through. I can get a stiff wire through that hole and hit the reset button. Then I can reset the code of the safe and open it without leaving a trace.”
Finn smiled, mischief in his eyes. “I think I can manage a ten-minute distraction.”
That… that didn’t sound good.
Finn took one look at Logan’s fearful face and laughed. “Relax, it’s nothing too dramatic. I’ll probably just ask for whoever takes Leo back to look at the safe and then throw a fit when they say he’s not available. And then I’ll drag out our conversation to give our dear Nut enough time. Simple.”
“That… actually works.”
Finn scoffed, giving Remus a look. “Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because you’re Finn O’Hara.”
Finn thought about it for a second, then shrugged. “That’s fair.”
“Nut, when you open the safe you need to replace the real flash drive with this decoy.” Sirius said, holding up a blue flash drive. “This op might take weeks or months – if Riddle comes to check on this drive, he needs to see one instead of an empty safe. Now, if he actually checks the information on the flash drives… well, we’re screwed. Hopefully it won’t come to that. He doesn’t usually check the flash drives unless absolutely necessary – it’s too much of a hassle.”
“And I’ll loop the security camera footage when you get there, so there won’t be any evidence of you tampering with the safe.” Remus said. “Get in, get out. Not too hard, right? And we’ll both be with you every step of the way. You’ll have microphones and earpieces so that we can all communicate.”
Finn couldn’t tell if the bouncing of Leo’s leg was his normal restlessness or nerves. His face was a mask of calm that revealed nothing. For someone who didn’t have any previous experience in espionage or conning people, he sure was good at hiding how he was feeling.
Finn handed him another muffin anyways.
The dimpled smile he got in return was nothing but genuine.
Remus sat down on his couch with his dinner, sighing to himself as he stretched out his back. It had been a long day, but he finally felt ready for tomorrow. Their plan was solid, the cubs were as ready as they were ever going to be, he had his video loop for the security camera in the safe room, the rest of his tech had been checked over and deemed ready to go. There wasn’t much else he could do besides get a good night’s sleep if he could.
That would be easier said than done, though.
Sirius chose that moment to throw open the door and close it loudly behind him. Remus glared at him. “Is that really necessary?” He asked, but didn’t add anything else on as Sirius slammed down a stack of hand-written pages onto Remus’ coffee table. 
“You want me to open up? Fine. There’s all you need to know about me.”
Remus looked down at the pages and instantly felt guilty. How long had he been working on this? “You didn’t have to-”
“You said you couldn’t trust me.” Sirius interrupted coolly. “I can’t get my brother to safety if you guys don’t trust me.”
It appeared that his brother was his sole motivation. For all of this. Remus could understand that. He’d stop at nothing if the safety of his own brother was put into question.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to do this.” Remus looked up at him, at the stiff set to his shoulders, the detached look in his eyes. He went too far the last time they’d talked about this, hadn’t he? “Look, we got along for over a week when you first got here. I think we can do that again, right?”
At Sirius’ skeptical face, he sighed. “This is on me just as much as you. I… I don’t trust easily.” He had to laugh at that massive understatement. “Perks of being a spy. But I feel like we can manage learning to trust each other the old-fashioned way.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“Getting totally, outrageously drunk and sharing all our secrets.”
Sirius’ straight face only lasted for about a second before he busted out laughing. “You go from wanting my entire life story to wanting to get drunk together?”
“It’s a failproof way to gain someone’s trust.” Remus said solemnly, cracking a smile when Sirius laughed again, incredulous. “But not tonight. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“This Friday, then?”
He couldn’t help but notice the hopeful look on Sirius’ face. Had he ever done this with someone before? Did he have any friends besides his brother previously? He put up this excitable, outgoing façade, but Remus honestly had no idea what lay underneath. He nodded decisively. “This Friday.”
Sirius hesitated, then spoke again. “Do you think they’re ready?”
“I think so. And we’ll be there if something goes wrong.” Remus met his eyes, trying to instill confidence into the ex-Snake. “No matter what happens, we’re going to do our best to get your brother out safely.”
“And what if that’s not enough?” Sirius asked, eyes haunted.
That was exactly why Remus hadn’t made any strict promises. There was no way to guarantee that they would get Regulus back. If Remus was in Sirius’ shoes, if this this was Jules instead of Regulus, what would Remus most want to hear?
“We’re going to do everything we can, I promise.” He said, soft but firm. “I know that’s not enough, but it’s the best we can do as of right now.”
Sirius stared back, then nodded. “Thank you.” He looked down at Remus’ food. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”
Remus laughed, shoving him away. “Get your own, you leech. This is mine.”
“Leech?” Sirius demanded, dramatizing his offence. “I can’t believe you called me a leech. You were the one who offered to house me, after all.”
That was true. Even if he hated to admit it, Remus was lonely. He lived in this apartment all by himself, worked mostly on his own, and his family lived miles and miles away. And being a spy didn’t exactly make it easy to find friends. He was distrusting and cautious by nature, especially after... well. After he left fieldwork and transitioned to a desk job.
He didn’t know why he’d offered to let Sirius stay, honestly. He just got this gut feeling that it was the right thing to do.
And Remus Lupin always trusted his gut.
“Worst decision I’ve ever made.” He quipped, laughing as Sirius threw a pillow at him. Sirius was a horrible roommate. He left dishes in the sink, beard trimmings on the bathroom counter, and his shoes haphazardly strewn about the living room.
But he always had hot water on the stovetop in the mornings when Remus woke up, always let him pick what they watched on tv at nights, and always replaced anything he had used up without being asked. And, if Remus was being completely honest with himself, soft gray eyes paired with an even softer smile weren’t exactly a terrible thing to wake up to.
So far, this whole roommate business wasn’t too bad.
Logan hated nothing more than being lookout.
He watched on as Finn and Leo geared up, testing their mics and earpieces and making adjustments accordingly. He was supposed to be watching the entrance to make sure no Snakes entered the building. They were doing the first bank heist while Logan was stuck here, in the car parked on the street, where he couldn’t see what was going on or if his partners were in trouble.
Their first mission, and he was stuck outside.
“You ready for this?” Finn asked Leo as he discreetly tucked a wire under his collar and out of sight. Leo had his eyes trained on the building across from them, wrapped in his coat and a thick scarf, fingers drumming out a staccato beat on his thigh. He didn’t seem to have heard Finn.
Leo swiveled his head to look back at them. “Hmm?”
“You ok?” Logan asked, watching the blond’s face for signs of nervousness or stress. But his gaze was steady, determined. For someone on their first mission, he was remarkably calm. Either that or a much better actor than Logan had given him credit for. But then his expression flickered and a shadow of doubt crept in.
“I’m fine.” He said, and Logan couldn’t tell if he was trying to convince them or himself. He reached out and gave the blond’s shoulder a squeeze, letting his hand linger before trailing it down his arm and pulling away.
“You’re fine.” Logan reassured with a smile and watched the resolve build back up in Leo’s eyes, causing the knot in Logan’s chest to ease up a little.
That was better.
Finn looked at him for a second, then took his glasses off. “Here, put these on. I feel like your cover story requires glasses.” He gently eased them onto the other boy’s face. Leo blinked rapidly, then squinted and widened his eyes to adjust to the lenses.
“Jesus, what prescription is this?”
“It’s not that bad.” Finn said, ruffling Leo’s hair in retaliation. He took a step back to see the finished product and whistled lowly. “Damn, maybe we should take those off again. We’re supposed to be unmemorable when we’re undercover. No one will be able to take their eyes off you with those on.”
Logan had to agree there. Soft blue eyes blinked back at them from behind tortoiseshell frames, looking larger than they normally did. Leo buried his nose in his scarf in an attempt to hide the blush caused by Finn’s flirtatious words.
The sight did strange things to Logan’s stomach.
Remus’ voice reached them through their com link, startling all three of them. “You guys ready to go?”
Leo took a deep, steadying breath. “Let’s do this.” He looked back at Logan, eyes fierce – a stark contrast to the soft look of only a few seconds ago. Logan sucked in a breath of his own. This kid sure was something.
“See you in a bit.”
“See you in a bit.” Logan echoed, grabbing the car keys out of his pocket and letting his lips twitch up into a smile at Finn’s cheery salute. He leaned against the car door and watched the pair make their way around the corner and towards the bank without glancing back.
He got back into the car and moved it around the same corner before putting it in park. His eyes shifted between the street in front of him and his rearview mirror, a book in his lap to keep from raising suspicions, and settled in to worry and wait.
Leo shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from fidgeting and made his way to the front desk. Ignoring his pounding heart as best he could, he locked eyes with the teller and smiled. “Hi there. Is your manager here?” He asked, dragging his accent out slow and sweet like molasses. “I’ve got a few questions about your safes.”
She smiled back. “Sure thing. I’ll go grab him.” Leo thanked her as she left, looking around while he waited and trying his hardest not to squint too much in Finn’s glasses. 
“Nut, between the accent and the glasses - plus your looks in general - I think that girl is half in love with you already.” Sirius’ voice teased, causing Leo to flinch slightly. He needed to get used to hearing the voices of people he couldn’t see during these missions.
“She is not.” He muttered back as he pretended to rub his nose, covering his mouth as he spoke so that no one else could see it. His hand absentmindedly played with the old, frayed bracelet on his wrist.
“You can do better, Nut.” Logan chimed in, voice a little gruff.
“How do you know?” Sirius asked. “You can’t even see her.”
“I’m using my imagination.”
Sirius barked out a laugh while Remus just sighed and requested that they all stay focused. Leo glanced around at the lobby again. Finn was standing in line behind him, looking at something on his phone. He forced himself not to look at his partner too long and kept scanning the rest of the lobby. It seemed to be a pretty quiet day - there weren’t too many people inside. A few people were seated in the waiting area and some were waiting in line behind Finn. Leo saw the teller and a short, balding man who must have been the bank manager making their way back towards him.
Leo stuck his hand out when they reached him, which the manager shook with a fake smile on his face.
“Hi, how are you doing?” Leo asked, withdrawing his hand. “I’m Fred Decker with Tigerking Digital Security. I have on record that you’re currently using one of our safes, is that correct?”
“Fred?” Sirius’ voice asked incredulously. “Of all the aliases you could use, you choose Fred? Nut, you should be ashamed of yourself.”
Remus hissed at him to shut up. Leo ignored it.
“Yes, that’s right.” The manager said, a bit stiff. “What’s this about?”
“There’s a recall on a few of our safes. I was wondering if I could take a look at yours and see if it needs to be replaced. Free of charge, of course. This is an error on our part, and we want to do all we can to fix it.”
The manager hesitated, then nodded. “This way.”
Leo followed the man through a set of doors into a hallway, spotting Finn out of the corner of his eye as he approached the front desk and sent Leo a quick wink. That, more than anything, calmed Leo’s nerves. If Finn was acting like this was just run-of-the-mill and not a big deal, then they must’ve been doing something right. The door closed behind Leo, blocking his vision of the lobby. He took a fortifying breath and followed the manager into the safe room, secluded from the rest of the bank.
“Here we are,” The manager said, then pointed to a safe wedged into the corner of the room. “And there’s your safe.”
“The camera in the safe room is already on a loop, Leo. You’re all set.” Remus’ voice said, steady and calm. Leo looked the safe over, stalling as he waited for Finn’s distraction.
“Fuck,” he heard through his earpiece. “Leo, you’re going to have to hang in there for a few more seconds. The planned distraction didn’t work.”
Leo swallowed, looking back up at the manager. “So there’s these holes in the back, see?” He said, figuring a sure-fire way for him to stall was to talk about the safe. He could keep up a conversation like this for hours. “They’re used to bolt the safes into the wall. A few of our older models have larger holes.”
He grabbed the stiff coil of wire out of his pocket. “Some thieves have learned that you can get to the reset button in these older models if you use a tough wire like this and insert it through one of the holes. Basically all I want to do today is see if a thief could potentially do that with this safe. Is that all right with you?”
“Yes, of course! If there’s a problem, our client would want that fixed immediately.”
“I’m sure they would.” Leo said absentmindedly as he started fiddling with the wire for as long as he possibly could. He straightened it out from it’s coil, looked down it’s length, and then pretended to straighten some kinks out.
Don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic-
Remus’ voice was a little more tense now. “Finn, where’s that distraction?”
Finn, who was in the men’s bathroom grabbing handful after handful of paper towels and shoving them into a trash can, grumbled, “I’m working on it, ok? Sirius was right - that teller definitely has a type, and it sure as hell isn’t me. I had to improvise.”
“What does that mean?” Logan asked warily. Finn could practically see him gripping the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip as he forced himself to stay put. “What are you doing?”
Finn grabbed the bottle of hand sanitizer on the bathroom sink and took the top off, dumping the contents into the trash can as well. He grabbed the lighter in his pocket (he liked to be prepared, thank you very much) and produced a small flame.
“Something stupid.”
He lowered the lighter to the trashcan and prepared to run.
Leo could hear the shouting from Finn’s distraction all the way back in the safe room. He looked up at the manager, pretending to be confused. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure.” The manager frowned, shifting from foot to foot nervously as he looked towards the commotion. “I’m going to check it out. I’ll be right back, ok?”
Leo waved him off with a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right here.” He messed around with the safe until the door closed, then hissed, “Finn, what the hell is going on out there?” He moved Finn’s glasses to perch on top of his head and shoved the wire through one hole in the back of the safe. He grabbed his flashlight to look through the hole on the other side, searching for a small red button.
“I might’ve started a fire in the men’s restroom.”
“You what?” Leo demanded, finally finding the reset button and moving the wire steadily closer to it. “You do realize that does the exact opposite of give me more time, right?” Sure enough, the fire alarm sounded, loud and clear.
“Fuck me.” Leo muttered as he jabbed the reset button with the wire. Someone - Leo thought it might be Finn, but he wasn’t sure - muttered something too soft and muffled to be picked up by their mic. Leo didn’t have the time to question it. The safe door opened with a soft click. He quickly switched the flash drive with the replica and closed the door again. The wire got recoiled and shoved back into his pocket, Finn’s glasses returned to resting on his nose. He climbed to his feet and made his way towards the lobby at a quick pace. “I’ve got it.”
“Nice work, Nut.” He heard Logan say, and couldn’t repress the jittery feeling he always got after a successful job. He exited the bank, looking around for the manager. He seemed busy as he talked to his employees in an attempt to get the situation under control. He caught Leo’s eyes and stepped towards him. “Mr. Decker! I was looking for you.”
Leo only just remembered to over-exaggerate his accent. “I heard the alarm and high-tailed it out here. Was it a prank?”
“No,” He said after a beat of hesitation, “Someone actually started a fire in the men’s bathroom. The fire department is on its way. Hopefully it won’t take too long and you can get back to looking at that safe.”
“No need, I already finished. The holes were too small for the wire, so y’all should be fine. Anything thinner than the wire I used will be too flimsy to press that reset button.” Leo glanced down at his watch. “I do have six more banks to visit today, though, so I’m afraid this is where I leave you. Thank you for being so cooperative.” He held out his hand for the manager to shake again and gave one last smile before walking back down the street towards their designated rendezvous, trying to look casual and not like he was running away from the scene of a theft.
Sure enough, a non-descript gray car was waiting for him, right where it was supposed to be. Without a word, he climbed into the back and sprawled across all three seats, throwing an arm over his eyes as Logan put the car into drive.
The three of them were silent for a few seconds before Leo cracked a smile and laughed. “The one thing – the one thing that could get me kicked out of that safe room too fast, and that’s what you decided would make a perfect distraction?”
Finn looked back at the back seat with a grin, which softened when he laid eyes on the blond. His hair shone in the late-morning sunlight, highlighting a streak of gray at his temple. Those long legs of his took up most of the back row, and even then he still had to bend his knees to fit all the way. His eyes were blocked by his arm, but Finn could’ve seen those dimples via satellite image from space. 
“Hey, cut me some slack. I was making it up as I went.” This sent Leo into another fit of laughter, causing Finn’s smile to broaden.
“Besides,” Logan added, “You’re quick with your hands. You didn’t need all ten minutes, you barely needed three.”
Leo shrugged, which looked really strange in his current position on his back. “Got lucky. Found that reset button faster than I usually do.” He adjusted Finn’s glasses, which were still resting on his nose. “Maybe I need glasses, too.”
“Shut up. Those glasses are a statement piece, thank you very much.”
Logan snorted, watching Leo’s hand reach over the center console to return the glasses to their rightful owner. “Maybe that’s why you’re a terrible marksman, O’Hara. When’s the last time you got that prescription checked?”
Finn gasped in offense. Logan glanced over briefly and noticed the tips of his ears getting red. Cute.
“How dare you! I am not a terrible marksman!”
“That’s not what your file says.”
“The evidence doesn’t lie.” Logan said, struggling to bite back his grin. Finn was just so fun to tease.
“Screw debriefing. When we get back to the office, we’re going to the shooting range.” Finn crossed his arms over his chest sulkily. “Terrible marksman. How dare they. Nutter Butter, back me up here.”
Leo blinked at the new nickname, but he couldn’t say he minded it too much. Especially when Finn said it like that, with such unfiltered affection. He watched the redhead turn around in his seat to look at him with big Bambi eyes, only then remembering that he was looking for an answer from Leo.
He put on a show of thinking about it, then shrugged. “I dunno, Finn. The evidence doesn’t lie.”
“Et tu, Brute?” Finn whined. “Betrayed by both of my partners. Unbelievable.”
Leo wished there was another word for partner. Maybe he should refer to them as just coworkers now. The term partner was giving him ideas. 
Ideas he couldn’t afford to be having for the first and quite possibly the biggest op of his life.
“Also, you’re one to talk!” Leo looked back up at Finn when he realized he was talking to him. “Have you ever shot a gun before, rookie?” He stopped suddenly, then grinned broadly. “Oh man, please tell me you’ve shot a gator when you were back in Louisiana. That’s so badass.”
Leo arched an eyebrow.
“Just because there’s horror stories about gators doesn’t mean they deserve to be shot.” Logan said, switching his turn signal on and waiting for the left turn light to change from red to green. “They’re a big part of the ecosystem.”
“And they kill people.”
“Oh come on, when’s the last time you heard of someone being killed by a gator?”
“Literally last week, down in Florida.”
“Well, that’s Florida. Crazy stuff like that happens in Florida all the time.”
“Did you hear about that guy from Florida who made a beer run while holding a gator?”
Logan chuckled, glancing over at his partner in disbelief. “What?”
“You heard me! Apparently he walked in, looked around and asked ‘Y’all ain’t out of beer, are you?’ But then the story gets weirder!”
Leo just sat in the backseat and laughed at Finn’s dramatic retelling of Florida news as building after building flashed by outside their windows, feeling lighter than air. His first mission was a success. He grabbed the small, innocuous flash drive out of his pocket, twirling it in his hand. One down, six more to go. If all missions were like this, taking down the Snakes wouldn’t be so bad.
He should’ve knocked on wood after having that thought.
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