#nourish to flourish
aura-dragonfly · 2 months
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fractal-system-did · 4 months
Running 1 carton of Kate Farms at 40mL/hr, since I haven’t run a feed in a long while. I was stressed, but now I’m sort of amused (?). Hear me out😂: Last night, after a rough day and feeling like we wanted to throw in the towel with recovery, Rhiannon (she’s a Part) gave us a tarot reading asking the Universe to “tell us what we need to hear”. And she drew 3 cards. The meanings, in short: 1)feeling empty and in need of self-care, 2) in the process of releasing myself from self-imposed restrictions and hesitation to take action that will help us progress (“Now isn’t the time to stop, or you’ll be right back where you started”), and lastly, 3) “success is a combination of education and practical application. Neither step can be avoided… believe in myself and know that we’re working towards mastery”. Those are the three meanings of the cards in that order and orientation (upright vs. reversed). After that, we got a sudden burst of motivation and acceptance, and pushed through a challenging meal, plus a shake for dessert and kombucha, over a few hours. Later into the night, I experienced some nausea, but I breathed through it and it went away. And this morning, we got ready, fueled up with a protein shake and juice, went to the mental health rec center where I challenged myself in ballet and strength training. I had a decent lunch packed and everything and I fully intended to eat it. But I just got SO nauseous all of a sudden and just couldn’t. The nausea lasted for hours. I ended up throwing up the juice and protein shake which hadn’t passed. And then again, again. Horrible. And I realized that I’m probably having a flare-up of gastroparesis and I had been taking for granted my lack of symptoms lately. I wanted to prove to myself that I don’t need the feeding tube. So I pushed myself. With consequences. I’m amused because I got that reading and still thought I could circumvent having to run feeds in order to keep avoiding carbs. And it backfired. So now, if I want to continue my wellness and fitness journey without going downhill, I NEED to run a tube feed to get enough nutrients to recover from today’s undoubtably intense workout. So that’s what I’m doing. Hey. If a cosmic slap on the wrist is what it takes to snap me out of denial, I know I felt that one. Like I literally thought I gave myself food poisoning 😭.
~Violet and Lyudmila
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fitforestfairy · 1 day
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Sheet pan veggies 🍽️
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nourishflourishuk · 1 year
Wild About Gardening
There seems to be a bit of debate sparked by the comments made by Monty Don & Alan Titchmarsh in an article in The Telegraph. According to Craig Simpson the TV stalwarts agree that: “Wild gardens are ‘puritanical nonsense.” We introduced British native plants alongside non-native plants that enjoy the conditions by the pond. We let them run wild & tidy them up a little by removing old growth in��
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pinelessness · 2 years
s6 awoke the hyperfix again
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What Love Says... Superpower is Love
You and I can create communities that are loving, sharing, self-sufficient when we shine from within. Magnificent flourishing worlds become things when we turn on our hearts! All the love magic is in you. 
Unconditional love is a superpower fuels inspired thoughts, words, actions to dance from the heart. Your heart holds a vision that connects and suddenly you feel and see knowledge within. 
Be alive to all that surrounds you, nourish and flourish when you shine love light inward and outward. Joyfully, lovingly, play! Your superpower is unconditional love.
Be the love and play!
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series. 
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sohcean · 1 year
i was making strawberry shortcake and got nerfed by food poisoning so ATTEMPT TWO ELECTRIC BOOGALOO HAPPENING TONIGHT (after i get back from being out in the great outdoors)
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dirty-mirror · 2 years
vain peephole
you imagine what is real to determine what becomes, as i have imagined all that creates everything you think. never has one allowed a circumstance to develop another as one determines nothing from what may have never been. only imagination fuels everlasting connections to that which already was, much like that which never had been. to hide only facilitates a pain behind the actual reality of the very essence of the world, which is not tangible. because i have seen this, you will determine whether i have function, and you will imagine a defined realm in the soil of our bed. with matters present, the rivets pop and the springs snap. our worlds collapse as i diffuse, your shadow darkened. brought forth into this notion, no sense can foster a faculty in the presence of this illusion. never can i be more than you, yet i am now yours to consume.
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savcir-faire · 1 month
highlights from the convo w my sister today
me: im so bad at being vulnerable w men
her: same but wym
me: instead of telling him ‘’i feel seen by you’ i said ‘’you’re perceptive for a man’’
her: omg. that’s barely even a compliment
me: yeah and when he was like ‘’hm. idts, i think im quite dumb actually and i miss a lot’’ i was like ‘’yeah you’re stupid’’ and changed the topic
… later… after her riotous laughter…
me: idk im hopeful. we’ll find our way back to each other
her: he’s here. he hasn’t gone anywhere. he’s not at War he’s just not talking to you
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reflectionswithbella · 7 months
Our Essence, Was created, To be Vibrant, Enriching, bright, Able to multiply, Into a bountiful harvest, Of increase and structures, To Sustain us, Through tough days, Cold, Snow, times of perplexity, Ensuring FRUITFULNESS, Like the core, Of a well-drained Soil, Where seeds flourish, And are equipped to nourish.
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theloulouge · 1 year
Realization 73
If they want to leave, let them.
If they push you away, go.
You weren't put on this earth to convince anyone of your worth.
You're here to learn, create, flourish, live, spread love and nourish.
The ones deserving of you will always make you feel appreciated.
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fitforestfairy · 10 days
High Protein Keto Friendly Breakfast 🥣
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Protein cereal, Greek yogurt, PB fit and a roasted walnuts, cashews, almonds and hazelnuts.
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African Pride Shea Butter Miracle Growth Oil.
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nourishflourishuk · 4 months
Intense Care
Life can be a bit tricky as an unpaid carer for a loved one. You tend to get the wrong (I believe that’s the polite version haha!) end of the stick on a fairly regular basis. I co-care with other loved ones and have no idea how people manage single-handed. It’s tough as a team, so my hat goes off to them. Your life revolves around that person’s needs and can be thoroughly exhausting, especially…
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ultimatespinning · 1 year
also i know im posting at 4am but let it be known that im doing great lately
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ceyloncookings · 2 years
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