#now I can finally focus on school! yay!
hi all ! for those unaware, i became a student again recently, so if you're wondering why i haven't been posting anything, that'll be why !
i promise i'll get back to it at some point, first two weeks have been crazy, just give me some time.
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solazu1 · 5 months
i can finally focus on my au’s and school now that all my shows are overrrrr yay!! Anyway here’s a swap Au I made that I really like, It’s named wooden beetles :3
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Feel free to yk.. give me asks about the Au… maybe… me thinks…I will lore and infodump gladly..
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magewritesstories · 6 months
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[ ᴛᴏɢᴇ ɪɴᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ ] ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ
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summary: 1 000 yellow daisies? Hah, Toge can do way better than that. Based on the s1 gilmore girls finale tw: none, literal fluff note: i wanted to write something for him too. might make this a series with diff. characters and different famous movie scenes. words: 1051 (yay 1k!) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE TO FALL YET AND YOU WERE ALREADY ON A GILMORE GIRLS KICK. You'd been rewatching the TV show along with some other iconic 00s movies and had almost reached the end of season one.
What brought on the sudden interest in the show, even though you usually saved it for your annual start-of-fall-ritual? You had no clue.
(Lies—it had been that one Jess Mariano edit on your fyp.)
Either way, it's not like it mattered, all that mattered was that you were happily bundled up in your little blanket burrito with popcorn and chocolate.
Just as you laughed at Lorelai annoying Michel, a small knock sounded from the door of your dorm.
"Come in!" You shouted, not bothering to get up. It would ruin the burrito form you'd turned yourself into.
"Kelp," Your boyfriend greets, walking over to you with a grin. You immediately open your arms for a hug, "Hey, how was the mission?"
The white-haired boy just sighed and shook his head. "Fish flakes," He replied, falling down on the couch next to you.
You two huddle together under the blanket as you weave your hands through his hair.
Toge sends a confused glance at the TV screen, "Mustard leaves?"
"Huh? Oh, that's the TV show I told you about," You reply, "You're actually perfectly on time for—dare I say—one of the most romantic scenes in cinema history."
Your boyfriend just gives you another confused glance before turning back to the TV. Your eyes are glued to the screen in anticipation.
"Oh, a little background—" A bit unable to contain your excitement you explain—"Basically, they're dating and she tells him that a real proposal should have 1,000 yellow daisies and a horse and yada yada."
You're practically sat at the edge of your seat as the look of realisation dawns on Lorelai's face, and Toge watches you with eyes filled with adoration. Wow, you're adorable.
You swoon as the camera pans around the brunette on screen, letting yourself fall into your boyfriend's arms with a giggle, "Isn't that so cute?"
"A little over the top but so cute." You look up at your boyfriend through your eyelashes and teasingly add, "Now that's how you say I love you."
It's an offhand comment, just meant to be a small joke but it sparks an idea in his head nonetheless. The gears in his brain shifting a mile a minute.
A way to say I love you, huh?
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It takes almost two weeks for him to get everything in order.
Placing an order of a thousand flowers is apparently excessive and the maximum of the local flower shop was three hundred.
And getting you distracted long enough to not notice a giant shipment of your favourite flowers being shifted into your room was no easy feat.
Toge had to beg and bribe Maki to go shopping with you and Nobara for an entire day.
Yuji and Gojo, ever the movie lovers and romantics were all for the idea of recreating the scene and even helped fill your dorm room.
Panda tried helped too but eventually gave up when his claws cut through three flower stems.
Megumi just rolled his eyes and reminded his senior that you'd probably give him hell for letting Gojo in your dorm room. (Toge tried not to focus on that upcoming lecture too much.)
Eventually, after an entire day of work and a few cuts on his hands, your boyfriend has managed to ready your surprise and patiently waits for you at the entrance of Jujutsu Tech.
"Ah, I feel like my legs are going to fall off," You complain as the three of you walk up the steps to your school.
Maki nods in agreement, "Now I understand why you guys make Yuji carry all the bags."
Like the amazing boyfriend he is, Toge holds out his hands and offers to carry your bags. And any other day you'd have told him it was fine—but damn Nobara took the words 'shop 'til you drop' a little too seriously.
The white-haired boy holds your bags in one hand and uses the other to intertwine his fingers in yours, leading you away from the now complaining redhead, who's whining about also wanting a boyfriend.
His excitement (and nerves) catch up to him and Toge quickens his pace until he's practically dragging you to your dorm room.
"Toge, calm down, you're gonna burn a hole in the floor at this rate," You laugh, matching his pace.
Eventually, the two of you reach the entrance to your dorm room and Toge stops you from opening the door.
He drops the bags on the floor and makes you stand in front of the door as he stands behind you, placing one hand over your eyes and the other on the door knob.
"Ooh, a surprise for me?" You ask with a quiet giggle, closing your eyes intinctivly.
You let Toge lead you inside, it was only a few steps but you had a general idea of the inside of your dorm and knew that you were standing in the middle.
Your boyfriend removes his hand from your eyes, and they immediately go as wide as saucers.
The two of you were standing in the middle of your dorm room—except it didn't look like your dorm room at all.
The usually plain dorm was now decorated to the brim with your favourite flowers, from small vases on your desk to the garland draped over the headboard of your bed.
You stand completely awestruck at the sight, not moving an inch as you try to process everything around you.
Toge waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your trance. "Salmon?"
"You—you did this?" You ask in disbelief, before nodding frevently and wrapping your arms around his neck, "I love it!"
You pull down the zipper of his hoodie and give him a long, loving kiss, "I love it, I love it, I love it!"
The two of you stare at each other with heart eyes.
"I love you," You finally add in a soft tone.
And he doesn't have to say it out loud. Because 296 flowers filling your rooms are relaying the message loud and clear.
Now that's how you say I love you.
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siomae · 7 months
lessons learned ☕ winter 2024
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i have completed the winter quarter!! yay!! i want to reflect on some lessons that i learned during the winter quarter.
🍞 do!! not!! procrastinate!! — i say this to myself every quarter, but this time, i am properly addressing it so that i can avoid procrastination in the next quarter. i had a bad habit of putting my assignments off at the last minute, or turn them in late if late work is accepted. i used to be impressed by my ability to finish a written assignment 30 minutes before the due time, but now i realize that the rush is just not worth it! i want to create work with quality that i can be proud of. better time management and self-discipline will make my next quarter much less stressful.
🍞learn to adapt — different subjects require different methods of learning. what works for one subject, does not always work for others. don't waste time "studying" if your study methods are not actually effective!! figure out which strategies result in better outcomes and focus on that.
🍞communicate with professors — this is especially important if i am taking online classes. one of my main struggles since starting college was not connecting with my professors. the lack of communication makes it so much more difficult to eventually reach out when i need help. go to office hours!! they have it available for students for a reason. advocate for yourself!!
🍞take advantage of resources provided by your school — my school offers free tutoring for students. i haven't visited the tutoring center because i wasn't sure how to ask for help. but i expect that i will need a lot of help next quarter to keep up with the learning material. i will make use of the tutoring services next quarter!
🍞remove distractions — i did a phone detox for a weekend and found that it was the most productive i have been in a long time! i will make an effort to be more conscious of my phone usage. having the discipline to actually turn off my phone and put it in a different room to avoid the temptation of checking my notifications.
🍞sleep! — i'm guilty of revenge bedtime procrastination! sacrificing my sleep for leisure time is not worth the tiredness i feel the next day. again, better time management will lead to more healthy habits.
🍞make time for friends — i learned that i shouldn't isolate myself for too long. studying can get lonely, especially during exam season when i get caught up in studying for long periods. i will try to schedule some time to socialize! it doesn't have to be a long schedule: it can be a quick coffee or lunch for good measure. having some positive interactions helps get me through the stress of school!
i'll be working harder next quarter to make sure that i don't continue having these issues! good luck to everyone taking finals!! 💌
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cookeybg · 6 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
I like how this chapter turned out. Also finally in Part two of the series. Yay!
I'm thinking of adding the word count, what do you all think? This chapter has 1,171 words.
FYI there are two mean words in this chapter.
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
[Here's my table of contents]
Part 2 - Chapter 6
Jon stood by the bleachers taking deep breaths, sweat stinging his eyes, and took a big swig from his water bottle. The sun was still sweltering in late August, but that did not deter any of the boys who had been participating in tryouts. There were ten open spots, left behind by the seniors who had graduated, and Jon was determined to be a part of the main reserve team. If he made it, he would be able to ride the same bus as the varsity players. He had been able to keep up with the more seasoned players and he really hoped that was enough to impress Coach.
He had finished his mile run before the rest of the participants and now he watched some of the stragglers finish. He took another swig from his water bottle and his gaze landed on Damian Wayne. They had not spoken at all since that awkward dinner, as a matter of fact he hadn’t even acknowledged him. Damian was currently sitting on the grass doing some stretches, his green shorts riding up and showing tanned, toned and glistening thighs. Jon could feel his cheeks warm up and immediately looked away. He really hoped if anyone noticed it could be mistaken for the running he had just completed.
He hated to admit that Damian was impressive. He basically excelled in all positions Jon had watched him practice but he had mainly stayed glued to Colin who was the team’s main pitcher. He and Damian could be seen throwing and catching the ball any free moment they got. Jon guessed that it made sense since Damian was the team’s catcher and it was important for the two to be in sync.
“Alright!” Coach’s loud clap echoed throughout the field. “Everyone gather around! It’s time to announce those on the reserve team!” All the students gathered in front of Coach with a mix of apprehension and excitement. “Remember even if you don’t make the main reserve team you can still come to practice and who knows you may eventually become part of the varsity team after the current Seniors graduate so, don’t give up!” He looked down at his clipboard and started rattling off some names.
Jon felt his insides twist. What if he wasn’t chosen? He had sounded pretty confident when he told his dad that he was a shoo in. Would he still stay on or would he instead focus on the journalism club? It would be fun to be able to hangout with Jay some more. What if-
“Jon Kent!” Coach announced and Jon let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in. “That’s it for today! Go shower and head home, see you all on Monday!” He dismissed the teenagers and started packing up his things with the help of the two baseball managers the team had.
Jon was on cloud nine as he walked towards the locker room. He tried not to let the image of some of the participants who had started to cry get to him. He had worked very hard to recover from his broken leg and believed he earned it. The noise in the locker room was chaos some of the kids decided that they would just shower at home and took off with their backpacks and school uniform in hand while still wearing their gym clothes. Jon on the other hand grabbed a bar of soap and a towel from his locker and started walking towards the showers.
The week had been topsy-turvy at home, what with his parents being home and doing most of the packing, Jon and Conner had been responsible for their room. Conner was no help with the chore since he was comfortable with just dumping everything willy-nilly in whatever box or bag was near him. Jon had found a pizza crust in the bag where their blankets were folded in, well at least Jon’s blankets had been folded, the argument that proceeded that had not been pretty. So, Jon had been taking advantage of having a somewhat relaxing shower after tryouts instead on traversing the stressful, disorganized mess that was soon to be his old home.
Once finished he walked towards his locker, trying to dry his hair with one hand while the other held on to the slippery bar of soap. The locker rooms were basically silent. Almost everyone had left, those few had gathered in groups and talked about where they were going to hangout as they gathered their stuff and walked out the locker room. Distracted, he slipped and squeezed the bar of soap too tight. Jon watched the white bar fly up into an arc and over a row of lockers, his amazement turned to horror as he heard a smack and a yell of surprise. He rushed around the row of lockers spotting the bar on the floor. He ran towards it; the sound of his flip-flops smacked the floor loudly. Holding onto the towel around his waist he picked up the soap and looked at the huddled figure in front of him.
“I’m so sorry!” Jon reached towards the other teenager, but a hand shot out grabbing his wrist and yanking him so that his bare back hit the lockers, his arm pinned over his head while the other clutched the bar of soap to his chest.
“What the fuck!” Damian seethed, damp hair falling over his forehead.
Jon’s eyes widened in surprise. Damian boxed him against the lockers forcing Jon to bend his knees slightly so that Damian was slightly towering over him. Jon could see his nostrils flare but he could also see that Damian was only wearing his white school shirt and a pair of black boxers. His shirt was unbuttoned and Jon had to try very hard not to look at his bare chest, he also let go of the bar of soap opting to hold on to the towel around his waist. The bar made a clattering noise as it hit the ground.
“Why do you keep hitting me over the head with shit?” Damian hissed glaring down at him.
“I-I…” Jon couldn’t form a coherent thought, Damian was inches away from Jon’s nose. Way too close, closer than anyone had ever been, to his naked body. He could feel Damian’s breath, smell the mint of toothpaste and he could not look away from those very angry green orbs.
“Dames?” A voice called from somewhere towards the locker room entrance. Damian looked up tsked and pushed away from Jon hurriedly buttoning his shirt and pulling on the school uniform slacks.
“Coming!” He called, his eyes narrowed at Jon who stood staring at him with large blue eyes and clutching his wrist. Damian grabbed his bag, ruffled through it and threw the item he found on the bench behind him. “Put that on your wrist.” He commanded and left, slamming his locker door shut.
Jon picked up the item and examined it. It was an icy hot patch.
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Oh yay, our first thunder fire in the new house, wonder how long before someone dies again! Also love how you can see our old house in the background, a reminder you can run from your past but you can’t escape it. 
I am of course talking about this family’s past of semi-acceptable interactions between family numbers, because from now on is where things really go off the rails in this department. Allow me to introduce you to..
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..Julian and Stacy’s daughter, Sunset Tinker-Union! (Because her parents wear pink and purple, get it? Get the name origin?) So the minute Bartholomew brought Sunset from school I knew it was over for me, as we’re now far enough removed from the other branches of the family tree that not even the extended family mod can save us from all those third cousins being fair game.. and you all know full well that if there’s one thing this family knows how to do, is be attracted to their distant cousins-
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-I held out to one tiny hope that maybe Barflina will continue being socially incompetent losers and Sunset will hate them, but no, the minute a distant cousin enters the building it’s clearly time to turn up the charm. So first Bartholomew goes and smustles with Sunset, which, Barth, I didn’t know you were even like, biologically capable of having fun in any way-
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-and then Felina (who I keep forgetting is SHY LOL WHAT) goes over to ADMIRE HER. BRO. I have never seen Felina do anything remotely nice her entire life, KILL ME.
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But don’t worry, Sunset clearly takes after auntie June! She’s into it! She follows Barth to the toilet for no clear reason! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME
So you at this point you might be like ya ok, calm your tits, there’s no guarantee anything will even happen. To which I reply go back and read, not even the whole thing, just our college runs, and then get back to me. We’ve been knocking on semi-incest’s door since generation 1 and now we don’t even have to knock, I mean the door is wide open! FML
ANYWAY, all this to say, it’s time to extremely focus on finding these two flops non-related-to-us people to date before we fuck off to college, and this is ALL I’m gonna be doing this update- 
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-Like haha oh man Cyn and Sandy are starting a rock band, there’s def jokes here, NO. NO TIME, DON’T CARE, HAVE TO AVERT DISASTER.
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-Failina, hold your goddamn notebook closer so I can copy, it’s hard with my eyepatch! -It’ll be even harder when I take your other eye out!
Alright you two.. uh.. awesome kids, let’s go out! 
-Go out where. -And WHY.
So you can have fun, meet people, maybe sing some karaoke or play bowling! You’ve seen how much fun your ancestors have had as teens out and about, driving drunk, being hoes, committing various crimes, you wanna miss out on that experience? It’s even how grandma Shajar met grandma Sophie and that marriage could not be stronger!
-Ugh ok, I guess I do need to get started on the spouse hunt. -And I would like to get drunk in a different setting than our library.
Perfect! Who knows, by the end of the night, you might even be besties singing duets like Jojo and Gunther!
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Once again, I’m crawling back to Lakshmi! Finally she has returned to us! As you might recall I had to deal with her understudy, Margaret, and frankly she was better than Lak at her job but it just wasn’t the same. Lakshmi and I have HISTORY. We have a deep, dark, beautiful relationship-
-I’m not giving you a discount. 
UGH FINE. Take 5k of our last money (I forgot to mention the new house somehow cost 500K, we legit have like 20k left)-
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-and hit us with your best shot!
-Oh, I will! 
Ok but you’ve said that before and I’m still not over the time I paid you 5k for June and you gave us iVan. 
-No, this time I mean it! The path is clear! 
The ‘path is clear’?? The path for FELINA’S love life is clearer than it was for June the literal model-hot genius???
I gotta say, Lakshmi, your mouth better not be writing checks your crystal ball can’t cash.
-It is not, I promise! 
Alright, I’m waiting, do it to us-
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Bro this pairing is KILLING ME. Like I get it on paper since they’re both family sims and I guess their chemistry panels and zodiacs must insanely match too, but I thought Felina would get with someone like idk. Gvaudoin? Alegra Gorey? Klara Vonderstein? Maybe the Diva or a vamp NPC? Like you know what I mean, someone that makes sense with the whole dark queen powerful dynasty blabla she has going on. But no, she’s gonna start this house Lannister bs her LTW is about with.. MEADOW THAYER. I love it so much, Felina please don’t ruin this for us!
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-Sorry, but I don’t know you well enough to accept you touching my shoulder, huhu!🌞
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-But if you want to tickle me again, that’s somehow more acceptable to me despite it involving way more touching!🌞
Alright, as I suspected, not a lot going on upstairs with dear Meadow, but it’s ok, I’m just glad to have a huhuing sim around again, Cyn is like 80yo :(
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Ah, the tickling of love! Good job, Fel, now we can work our way up to flirting-
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-Or I can just not be a turbocuck AND GO FOR IT
Man, the Sophie genes kicked in! Good for you, Fel!
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Backyard karaoke time! Seriously what song could these two possibly BOTH like, please comment or msg me your guesses. 
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So at this point I’m already 100% sold on Meadow as a spouse as I don’t think it’s humanly possible to come up with a funnier pairing than what fate dropped in my lap, but I’d also like to point out that Felina is so into Meadow that she’s already rolling fears of falling out of love with her, despite not even BEING IN LOVE WITH HER YET. Family sims are a fucking trip. 
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CUTE. Alright Felina, you’re set, we got it in one, semi-incest avoided, yay us. Now I’m gonna leave you to your dream date and focus on Barth-
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-who is gambling by himself. Guess I don’t need to ask who’s drunk again!
-That’s one safe bet, haha! 
Good Lord. Alright, get up, let’s find you someone while Lakshmi is still here, I’m sure our amazing luck will continue-
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Oh good there’s nothing to abort, because it turns out Bartholomew is a COMPLETE FAILURE OF A ROMANCE SIM. Observe and keep in mind THEY HAVE 3 BOLTS:
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LOL NO @ THE NOOGIES RETURN. FUCK. So clearly Felina has grandma Sophie’s chadly genes and Bartholomew has grandma Shajar’s noogiesexuality, except he’s a romance sim with a 20 woohoo LTW. College with this guy is gonna be UNBEARABLE. 
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Alright, Barth, let’s try this again, don’t be discouraged! Ignore our lack of cash!
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Ignore that Felina got it right on the first try and is still on her endless dream date!
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PATRICK TEENS?! LMAO. Bartholomew is so committed to going through family trees, like if it’s not gonna be his own it’s gonna be SOMEONE’S, he doesn’t care! Unlike Don-clone Tiave, Patrick is cute tho, let’s give it a try-
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-Ya, let me stop you right there, buddy, not into it but best of luck in your future endeavors!
Bruh. Let’s extremely call it a night, Barth.
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-Oh hi, huhu!🌸 -Hi hi, huhu!🌞 -I feel like I know you?💗
Ya Cyn, if I didn’t have photographic proof that it’s not true I’d legit think she’s your long lost daughter. Man ACTUALLY how much sense does it make that like people tend to seek out partners that remind them of their parents and Cyn was always such a maternal influence on Felina??? Holy hell this game has so many layers. 
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Clearly inspired by seeing her younger self in Meadow, Cyn finally finds it in her to woohoo again after Don’s passing! It’s legitimately crazy to me how loyal she was to him in death, like I can’t get over it, she never extended that courtesy to him while he was alive!
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It’s ok, Barth, you sleep off the romantic flopping and that tray of whiskeys and we’ll try again tomorrow.
-Ya, make sure to call us over when he ‘tries again tomorrow’ cause we don’t wanna miss it HAHA -HAHAHA boy did I screw him over by passing down my personality points! -You sure did, my little turbocuck! Let’s sleep in the same bed tonight, I can’t get into this one anyway with this flop sleeping there! -That’s what everyone is gonna be saying to him in college HAHAHA -HAHAHAHA oh Shaj, I love you, let’s work on our marriage! -I love you too, we’ll overcome our issues!
Awww, see Barth? Love wins❤️
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prentissluvr · 3 days
im back with big brother! sammy thoughts :333
so like im half way through season 7 and yk how sam dean and bobby are like living off the grid bc of the Leviathans, what if they were traveling with younger sibling! reader, not on no little kid type,
like teenager almost finished with high school type, and theyre trying to finish school while also trying to capture the Leviathan and keep theyre head
and sam is trying his best to keep his head with Lucifer and also catch the Leviathans while also trying to keep readers head so they dont like drop out of school??? YKWIM? this sounds so request-y I DONT MEAN FOR IT TO BE i just wanna pick your brain 🙁🙏🏽🙏🏽
anyway, love ya!
- alex ⭐️
AGHHH YAY !!! i’m just the hugest sucker for all things big brother sam sigh <33
AND DWWW this is perfect id love love to give my thoughts!!! tysm for sending this is and for providing context so i can remember LMAOOO
but i love this idea!! like i imagine having to go off the grid like. right during the last few months of readers senior year. and it’s good because you don’t have that much homework and all that, but it’s still incredibly important to get everything done so you can graduate. and i can imagine sam doing everything in his power to work with the last school you attended to have them let you finish your assignments through email almost like independent study.
and he’s doing this all while suffering with literal hallucinations😃 but he makes up this sob story (that’s obviously nothing compared to your actual situation) and he uses his perfect gentleman, super sweet older brother charm to convince them over the phone.
it’s just poor poor sam juggling all of this, fighting to keep himself, to get out of this situation, to keep everything else off your shoulders so you can focus on school. and every spare moment he tries to help you with your school work. one day, you're working on a final paper, and he's been sitting there with you, helping you edit, when he falls asleep without meaning to. he hates falling asleep. nightmares. and he'll feel awful about falling asleep on you when you need his help.
but you're alright with it. he already helped you fix the section you were unsure about, and you're almost done anyways. the rest is easy enough, and though you're exhausted out of your mind, it's nice to see sam sleep. you rarely do. you send your teacher your final draft and settle on the couch with him, too tired to get up.
sam does jolt awake from a nightmare. but he's easily grounded when he wakes, for once. you're there, your soft and sleeping form pressed against his side. you don't even stir when he flinches because your body is so exhausted. he still feels guilty when he realizes what happened, but he opens your laptop to see that you finished hours ago, not long after he fell asleep. he doesn't feel too bad. instead, he's glad to see you sleeping. you look different when you sleep, because he's gotten so used to the way that you look tired and stressed all the time now. that sends a pang through his heart when he realizes it. that overwhelming sense of protectiveness that he has for you washes over him like a damn hurricane, especially because your sleeping form looks so vulnerable. open and soft and unprotected except for him.
at least he can wrap an arm around you and fix the angle of your neck. at least you still trust him and love him and ask him for help on school assignments. at least you're there at all. sam can't wait for you to graduate. he knows that you can. he can't wait for you to have that. he can't wait to get you out of this all, if you'll let him.
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lesbianmaxevans · 1 year
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Did I ever tell you I tanked my first law school final? No. I was working two jobs to put myself through it. Yeah. Bakery in the morning, parking garage at night. Wow. Wanna know how I did it? Time machine? No. Just an award-winning time management system. Taught to me by a pastry chef, every day at 4 A.M. And what award did that win? Pastries. Yay.
[Image Description: Ten stacked gifs from Nancy Drew.
Carson and George sit on the stairs at the historical society. George hands Carson her phone. George: Look. Carson: Let’s see. He scrolls through the notes. Carson: A judge would not spend this much time marking up an assignment unless he saw real potential in you and wanted you to do better. George: Eh, I find that really questionable. I mean, who would want to work with a scatterbrained lawyer like me? Carson: I think you trained your brain to survive by juggling a million things at once. But right now, maybe that superpower is killing this superpower. He hands George her phone back. Carson: I can work with you, to gather all the pieces. To focus. Will you accept my help? George: Are there pastries involved?]
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hollowwrites · 1 year
In the Light of the Relic
Ominis x MC
Summary - Yay alternative universes!! This is a reversal of the Shadow of the Relic quest where everything goes tits up! THIS IS WHAT WE COULD HAVE HAD!!
This is continuing my “What if there was a relationship system and you side with Ominis” BS
Also I just believe I could save Seb. Not with words I think I should be able to slap the sense out of him. It’s always effective.
This is already in my ‘Blindsided’ series but I understand if not everyone wants to read chapters of waffle
Warnings - Mentions of death, cussing, Crucio, angst, sad (Why do any of us like Seb and Omi?)
Word Count - 2199
This was it.
This is how she was going to die.
The Sorting Hat was certainly correct when it placed her in Slytherin. Pride was going to be her downfall.
After Sebastian had called her ignorant she refused to speak to him outright. Even when she desperately needed his help, like now, for example.
She sat back against a desk she had upturned in desperation for cover, flinching every time a spell ricocheted off the flimsy wood, sending splinters flying everywhere. Grimly, she thought how long it would take for them to find her body or if she’d attended the school long enough to become one of its ghostly residents. Everything went quiet when one the Ashwinders’ had rounded the desk, wand drawn.
“Thought you could outsmart us with a desk did ya?” He shoved the tip of his wand sharply to her forehead.
“Worked for a while” she laughed humourlessly before throwing a basic cast at his face. Her hand fell limply to her side, clutching at the gash caused by a Diffindo earlier in their fight
“Oh you bitch…Crucio”
Hot white pain ripped through her chest and radiated all of her body. The ringing in her ears was indistinguishable from reality and she couldn’t tell if it was actually happening or if it was part of the torture.
Oh this was different than when Sebastian had cast it.
This was unrelenting.
She tried to blink through it but her eyes remained unfocused. Shallow and unfulfilling breathes failed to fill her lungs as she gasped for air. How long had she been screaming for? Was that why her throat stung or was that also the curse? Her fingernails filled with dirt as she grasped for her wand.
Merlin, she wished Sebastian was here.
Or Ominis.
He’d been so tender with her after Sebastian had cast it on her. She could really use those reassuring words right about now. Or a second wand in this fight. She squeezed her eyes shut hoping to assuage some of the pain. An unpleasant pressure surrounded her. Not painful just, odd. But when it ceased so did some of the pain. Not completely, the Cruciatus Curse still emanated from her chest where the spell had struck. She gulped at air for the first time in what felt like hours, gasping at the sensation of air scraping down her throat.
“What on earth are you playing at?!” Ominis’ harsh tone shot at her “Oh…”
“Ominis?” She cried flailing outwardly, unable to focus her eyes on her surroundings. She crawled toward his voice, padding at the floor.
“I’m here, what has happened?”
She didn’t reply.
She grasped at his robes as he got closer, pulling his body down to hers, a soothing hand circling her back.
“We need to…get out of here” she grabbed at his forearms insisting he to listen to her.
“Don’t speak. Just relax it’ll be over soon”
“No…Ominis…dangerous, can’t…be here anymore”
“Evelyn…” he took her face in his hands willing her to look at him “You’re in Hogwarts. I don’t know how you apparated here but you’re safe. We can talk soon just…relax”
“….Crucio….” She whimpered
“I know” he pulled her back to his chest rocking her slightly back and forth, mumbling into her hair “I know”
It took a few minutes for the pain to alleviate enough for her to collect her thoughts. Her breathing now returning to something of normality, she heaved herself up and off Ominis. He remained kneeling on the floor next to her, hands outstretched still in case she needed the support.
Finally being able to take in her environment she struggled against what it told her.
“How did I get here?” She said voice ragged still. Her eyes settling on the bed she leaned against, it’s bright green sheets indicating she’d found herself in the boys dorm of the Slytherin Common Room. “I remember thinking …you were kind the last time…I wanted to see you”
“I don’t know, you must have apparated. Gave me quite the fright” he breathed humourlessly “But people can’t apparate into, or out of, Hogwarts. It has defensive charms stopping that sort of thing.” His mouth hung open as though he were going to continue. His eyebrows practically fused together in worry “Forget all that for a moment. How are you feeling?”
“Better” is all she managed. She watched his face shift ever so slightly. His brow still hard and knitted together, his eyes darkened in their deep sockets.
“Who?” He murmured through clenched teeth “Who cast that on you…again?”
“Some Ashwinder, but that…Ominis it felt different to when Sebastian cast it on me…” her eyes filled with tears imagining the pain once again. As though he could see the tears threatening to overflow, he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. Once she took it, his hand found it’s way to her shoulder, rubbing small circles with his thumb comfortingly across her collarbone.
“Intent matters with The Unforgivables. Though it is true you have to mean them you can do so in different ways. Sebastian’s was a means to an end this…Ashwinder…wanted to hurt you” his jaw was tight “What were doing out there alone?!” He chastised her, failing to hide the pain in his voice.
She felt the anger from Sebastian once again, followed by the dawning horror that she hadn’t told Ominis a thing. Because Sebastian and Ominis were a package deal, she had inadvertently ignored Ominis this whole time.
It was about time he knew everything anyway. Sebastian was doing some stupid things and she’d promised him that after collecting that relic it would be the end of it all. But Sebastian was falling harder and faster than anticipated even on matters unrelated to Anne. She told Ominis everything. Her abilities with Ancient Magic, the Keepers, the Triptych, everything Fig and Sebastian would rather she not spread around. At some point during her confession he’d guided her to sit on his bed. He held her hand the entire time, reassuringly, nodding sagely and just, listening. Every other time she’d told people about this they, rather unfairly challenged her on everything, like she had any answers. She knew they meant well, but having someone just listen to her for once, really shone a light on just how overwhelmed everyone else had made her feel. When she stopped speaking for a while, finished with her monologue, Ominis squeezed her hand.
“Thank you for keeping your word and telling me about Sebastian. I’m really sorry if I seem selfish, Truly I am interested in your Ancient Magic and whatnot…”
“But you’re worried about Sebastian”
“…Yes” he sighed
“It’s fine. It’s why I told you. I’ve wanted to tell you all of this it’s just very overwhelming. This time last year I didn’t even know magic existed and now-“
“It’s okay” his hand giving hers another squeeze
“I’m scared for him, Ominis” her voice barely a whisper
“I…have an idea”
That night they found themselves at the Sallow residence. Solomon was away finding work so it was just Anne, Ominis and Evelyn. They told Anne everything unsure of how much she was actually aware of. She didn’t even seem upset, just tired. And considering this was all for her, she seemed done with it all.
“Why is he doing this, Ominis” she said flatly, her curled eyebrows betraying her sadness.
“He loves you. He just has a…ludicrous way of showing it” Ominis patted Annes shoulder.
The plan was to just outright confront Sebastian and make him see Anne wanted none of this. Anne had wrote to Sebastian asking them to meet and to bring all of his research. If push came to shove, they were going to destroy it all. If he hated them, he hated them. It’s the risk they all agreed to take. A few days were spent at the Sallow Household before Sebastian finally arrived.
“Sorry I took so long, I had to-“ he stopped briefly when he saw Ominis and Evelyn sat at the dinner table with Anne “-make some arrangements. What’s going on?” He continued, eyes narrowing and tone becoming sharper. Anne stood, shakily at first, but she knew what was at stake. She smiled at her brother sweetly before outstretching her hands.
“Can I see the research?” She asked plastering on a dainty smile
“Why are they here?” He barked
“Research. Now. Sebastian” she barked back, her charade now completely gone. Ominis stood, wand in hand. Not unusual for the blind boy but something about the way his hand wrapped around it’s handle made Evelyn uneasy. He shifted slightly around the table positioning himself in front of Eve.
Sebastian reluctantly handed over Salazar Slytherins Spell-book and the relic recently recovered. She took them both and pottered back to the table, her breath slightly laboured as she sat back down next to Eve.
Annes eyes darted over the pages quickly, a trait both her and her brother shared, more than likely inherited from their parents. She rubbed at her forehead taking in the words on the pages in front of her.
“This is-“
“Incredible isn’t it?” Sebastian chimed in almost giddy. Ominis shifted once again between Sebastian and the girls. Eves’ eyes flashed between the two boys. Sebastian didn’t seem to notice Ominis at all.
“Disgusting, Sebastian” Anne finished “I want no part of this” he looked distraught.
“But Anne…this could save you” he pleaded
“I don’t need saving!” She raised her voice “I’m sick of being treated like a victim. Damn it Sebastian, you’re supposed to love me unconditionally”
“But this isn’t you”
“It is now” her chest heaved from the heartbreak in her words mixed with the pain she was almost flawlessly masking
Something shifted in Sebastians face. Any trace of hurt melted away and was replaced with something dark. Eve recognised the look from when he’d cast the Imperious Curse on that goblin. He stood up straight, shoulders squared off and jaw clenched.
“Give me back the book” he demanded. This prompted Ominis to not-so-subtly shift once more. He raised his wand, pointing it towards Sebastian, and took a step forward
“No” Anne replied closing the book and clutching it to her chest. Evelyn picked up the Relic off the table and pocketed it, in case Sebastian tried to make a move for it. Sebastian chuckled darkly, looking around at his ‘friends’.
“You know, I could just take it from you. Give. It. Back” Each word he took a step towards Anne, not taking his eyes off her.
That worked to their advantage.
He didn’t noticed Ominis, seething beside him and approaching, hand outstretched, to find Sebastian’s neck. He pushed him against the wall by his throat, angrily pressing his wand deep into the skin at his temple.
“Sorry Sebastian. I have the monopoly on family trauma so I suggest you apologise to your sister” Ominis spoke through his teeth causing his words to come out as a hiss. Sebastian grunted as he struggled against his best friend. He reached for his wand but was halted in his tracks.
“Arresto Momentum” Evelyn snapped now standing, hand over Anne willing her to stay out of it. A deep irritated growl rumbled from Sebastian, struggling more. “Remember who you’re doing this for”
“Stay out of this” Sebastian shouted back at her. Ominis scoffed, flexing his fingers against Sebastian’s neck.
“Do you have any idea what you’re risking here?” Ominis spat twisting his wand deeper into his flesh “This is it now. This is the family you have left and you’re jeopardising it for some imaginary life you don’t know you can obtain.”
Anne gasped suddenly clutching her chest. The pain from the curse rearing it’s ugly head. Sebastian’s face softened as he watched his sister double over in pain. He squeezed his eyes shut unwilling to watch anymore.
“This is ending tonight, Sebastian. One way or another” Evelyn spoke not looking at him. She was attending to Anne holding her up as she screamed into her chest. Ominis felt Sebastian swallow thickly under his hand.
“Take…the book a-and the relic far from me. Let me go to my sister” all fight left him in an instant. His shoulders slumped and head rested back on the wall Ominis still held him against.
“Evelyn, grab them” Ominis instructed. Dispite not seeing, his eyes wouldn’t leave Sebastian.
“I don’t want to leave her al-“
“I’m okay” Anne’s words ripped straight from her chest, a deep guttural groan following her words “I’ve had worse” she smiled. With her permission, Evelyn took the book from the floor where it fell and patted her pocket to ensure the relic was still in there from earlier. She shuffled to Ominiss’ side, who only now released Sebastian, a deep indentation marking his temple. He instantly bolted for Anne, throwing his arms around her and sobbing.
“Let’s go, now!” Ominis barked taking Evelyn’s hand and dragging her out of the house. With his wand directing him he headed straight for the Feldcroft Floo Flame.
“Do you think we did the right thing?” Evelyn asked panting, a light jog forming as she tried to keep up with Ominis
“I…don’t know…”
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
So I followed Sabine Hossenfelder a few weeks ago thinking, "Here is a cool science lady" and then out of nowhere she releases a video on trans people where she is all, "Trans people are crazy and I'm normal!" and then dubiously interprets trans studies for 20 minutes. Then, while claiming she is the levelheaded centrist only seeking objective scientific facts, she references Jesse Signal, a bad faith anti-trans "journalist", as a scientific source.
I also hate this notion that the only metric for the success of gender affirming care is a decrease in depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Those are certainly goals. But...I mean, life is tough out here even if you aren't transgender. You can feel you've had a positive outcome with your transition and still struggle with mental health. I think that is clear by the low regret rate. And even when people are able to tackle their gender dysphoria via transition, we cannot discount the effects of poor societal acceptance. Not to mention the cruel legislative onslaught currently underway.
It's like, "Yay! I'm finally who I'm meant to be!"
But also, "Ack, these transphobic dipshits are trying to kill me!"
No other treatment is held to the standard of creating shiny happy people at a 100% success rate.
And yes, drugs sometimes have side effects. All drugs. Even over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol. There is no medical treatment without risks. And if we banned every treatment that had the possibility of a bad outcome, we would have literally no medications at all. She was very serious about all the bad things that can happen with blockers and hormone therapy but didn't mention how uncommon those risks are. She didn't mention that bone density is closely monitored. And the risk of heart trouble she mentioned was for older patients getting treatment for prostate issues.
Which makes me wonder why in the world she did not at least consult an actual trans person? Or even a doctor that provides gender affirming care? She just googled everything and interpreted the data with her physics brain and didn't even think to run her interpretations by people with actual expertise.
I'm not even sure a purely scientific analysis of trans issues is possible due to so many variables not being quantifiable. You can't just toss out the politics and focus on the science. The politics are a huge part of transgender existence right now.
And I don't even know what to say about her giving credence to the "social contagion" theory. Her only evidence was a theory concocted by a single person. No studies. No peer review. When I was in high school, none of us knew anything about being queer aside from the existence of gay people. We'd never even heard the words transgender or nonbinary. And even my friends who were gay didn't even consider that as a possibility until they went to college. There just wasn't any information available to teenagers. All they knew was that something was different and they had no resources to help them figure out what that different feeling was.
Teens are not being infected by a social contagion, they just have better access to information. They can also find more support and acceptance in online communities. Not to mention any competent gender affirming care program will do extensive evaluations to rule out things like peer pressure or someone seeking attention. Contrary to conservative belief, they don't just throw hormones and puberty blockers at everyone during their first appointment.
She quickly discounted the left handed analogy because some gender affirming treatments have lasting effects. Which didn't make much sense to me. All that analogy is meant to explain is that teens are more comfortable with queer introspection and feel less pressure to repress said queerness. The huge increase in queer teens matches almost perfectly with the dawn of the information age.
She also said that biological sex is "simple" (it is not) and then handwaved the existence of intersex people as "rare." First, I think the number of intersex folks is undercounted, but also, they are just as prevalent as people with red hair. When there are 8 billion people on the planet, even small percentages add up to a lot of people.
It was just a mess of a video.
I am disappointed in what I thought was a cool science lady.
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lolzitop · 9 months
I passed my finals and am free from the prison that they call school (for a few weeks) so time to continue my AiStars Rewrite because I am better than Bandai
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(also I am prone to forgetting things so if I repeat information from the last post,,,, just be patient w/ me please 😭)
Season 1 (continued???)
Main characters as usual are Yume, Koharu, Rola, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka 
I said that S4 only had Yuzu, Yozora, and Tsubasa but we’re changing that– Lily now is also part of S4 and takes Hime’s spot since,, yk,,, Hime’s missing 
Hime disappeared a while before the S4 Selection (so she was there for her second year at FSA and was in S4 for one year, but is not there for her third year when the series takes place) 
Hime disappeared after an S4 concert (the same one that Yume and Koharu attend to in Episode 1 of AiStars)-- and Yume was the last person to see her (and the rainbow power was accidentally given to her here idk how just bear with me) 
Anyways uhhhhh what else 
Brands in the rewrite aren’t under a specific type; they don’t fall under cute, cool, sexy, pop coords specifically (so they can make coords that vary in types) and idols can choose what coord they want based on their preferred idol type 
We’re deleting that one FSA rule where you can’t make a brand if you’re not in S4 because I think that’s lame and stupid and doesn’t do much for the plot anyways 
So some characters still have the same brands (Lily w/ Gothic Victoria, Yozora w/ Romance Kiss, Yuzu w/ Shiny Smile) but some don’t 
Ako, for example, uses a brand that’s story themed– this brand is heavily connected with a film production agency and the agency and brand correlate stories (like if the brand released an Alice in Wonderland collection, the film agency would then release a movie based on Alice in Wonderland) 
I wanted to lean more into Ako’s acting side and thought this would be a good fit 
Haruka Ruka uses a brand called “DECO●LOUR MY WORLD” that follows a decora and candy concept
Oh and she’s also the princess of this land called “E-Magi Nation” (pronounced “imagination”) and everyone thinks she’s putting up a persona because there’s no land called the E-Magi Nation silly! Except no she’s dead serious she’s a literal princess from the E-Magi Nation and her home palace is actually made of gingerbread and candy canes thank you for asking 
Romance Kiss’ official concept says that its a “brand that travels around the world” and takes inspiration from different ethnic cultures, so I was thinking this brand would have a whole bunch of branches in different parts of the world with different top designers and such– Yozora (and later Mahiru) is the top designer of the Japan branch 
The muse of Romance Kiss is in charge of representing the different cultures of the brand 
The school coords in Four Star Academy also has various silhouettes rather than the typical “different tops- same skirts and shoes” pattern 
Here’s an example with an Ako Star Coord I designed 
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(I didn’t design anyone else guys I don’t have any ideas I tried with Hime and it was a disaster so please be nice about the Ako design I tried my best) 
Also people can enter the magic fitting room thingie (I forgot what its called HELP) by using their Aikatsu mobile instead of their Aikatsu pass because idk I thought it’d be cool I’m not too sure about this idea though
Lets move on from most of the plot points and go to the end of the season 1 where the S4 Selection happens because I forgot SOOOO many things!! Yay me!
In Wind Dance, Haruka Ruka loses to Yuzu (but since everyone in S4 is a third year including Yuzu, Haruka Ruka gets the spot for S4 next year) 
In Bird Theatre, Ako wins the spot for S4 by beating Tsubasa 
In Moon Beauty, Mahiru beats Yozora and inherits the muse position from Yozora
Its here where Yozora announces that she’s taking a hiatus from being an idol to focus on being a designer (for Romance Kiss) (guys I need reasons to get the 25th S4 Gen out of Season 2 okay bear with me) 
In Flower Song, Lily wins over Rola and Yume,,, however, Rola wins over Yume and gets the S4 spot; Yume becomes Flower Song Class’ admin
TLDR: basically Rola, Ako, Mahiru, and Haruka Ruka are the 26th generation of S4 and are the S4 for Season 2, Mahiru (or Ako I’m not sure) becomes the leader for S4 and we say goodbye to our previous generation of S4 
Oh and Hime shows up at the finale! But like in a super mysterious way where we know its her but no one sees her and she’s just quietly lurking and its basically a hint to her being in the next season
Season 2
Ohohohohoho here’s the fun part 
OKay SO 
The top idol Hime Shiratori has shown up to Four Star Academy… with the Perfect Idol Elza Forte 
Idk why they’re there its probably to try to steal S4 away from FSA 
Anyways Elza does her big performance and she gets her Star Wings and everyone’s in awe and she’s made her name as a perfect idol you guys know the drill 
Hime says that she has returned to help her friend Elza collect perfect idols and get all the Star Wings like they’re Pokemon 
And because of this, she is currently residing in Venus Ark (not as a student she just stays there as a guest of Elza’s) 
The normal shenanigans happen, some Venus Ark characters get their pretty wings 
Oh and later, Hime does a performance (which is her big return back to idoling (which she kinda hates), just for Elza to get her sun wings) and gets the Earth Wings 
A big thing here is how Hime truly trusts Elza and wants her to achieve her dream, doing the one thing she hates (being back in the public spotlight) just so Elza can get her mom’s approval (this is important later) 
But you may be wondering…. if Hime got the Earth Wings… what wings does Yume get? 
she’s not getting any wings 
(I swear I love her she’s one of my favorite characters I just gonna make her struggle… sorry) 
The lineup for the wings goes like this: 
Kirara has Mercury as usual 
Mahiru gets Venus (guys guys calm down I know that Elza has Venus canonically but I swear I have a good reason!!!) (the good reason being that I like Mahiru and Rola together and if Rola gets Mars then Mahiru should get Venus because in mythology-)
Mahiru got her wings due to a plot point in Season 2 where she has multiple muses in Romance Kiss to show the many faces of beauty in different cultures rather than just one– she implements this officially in a festival celebrating different cultures and does a performance and BAM SPR 
Hime gets Earth because it made the most sense to me 
Rola gets Mars and Aria gets Jupiter, like in canon 
Ako gets Saturn (I kind of pushed out Yuzu and Lily in Season 2 so that they play roles similar to Yozora and Tsubasa and Hime in the canon Season 2 of AiStars, so that Ako and Haruka Ruka can get their pretty wings) 
Rei gets Uranus and Elza gets Neptune (because *mumbling* the Sailor Moon ship) 
Haruka Ruka gets Pluto and her wings are made of candy because I said so 
Oh and Koharu’s back! She was in France for a bit learning more about fashion and Elza took her in and now she’s a cool fashion designer who loves Venus Ark with all her heart and having the time of her life 
Aria and Hime also have a sweet relationship– Hime actually meets Aria in Season 2 (rather than pre-show in AiStars), and the two connect 
The main reason they connect is because they were both muses of My Little Heart. My Little Heart was Hime’s brand before she disappeared, and after she did, the whole brand was running around to pick up the pieces 
They had a little reboot and got a new muse (our little fairy Aria) who became the new muse of My Little Heart 
Hime is sorry for the trouble and hate that Aria received after she became the muse but Aria’s very sweet about it with her– they get along quite well because Aria sees Hime as this cool older sister and not a top idol, and Hime is truly at her calmest with Aria 
Oh speaking of brands, Hime has a private brand in Season 2 to avoid the same thing that happened with My Little Heart (she’s planning to leave the spotlight again after Elza gets the Sun Wings) 
We’re gonna skip a lot of plot points because.. again… I forgot a LOT of the ideas I had I should really write these down 
Hime finds out that Elza was just using her the whole time and gets really really upset,,, and pulls a little revenge 
Can you guys guess what it is 
Lol Hime gets the Sun Dress… surprise(!!)
I know Hime is out of character here compared to canon but then again this is my rewrite and I can do whatever I want and I think she should be able to destroy a few dreams because of the betrayal she feels 
And everyone was like “WOAH!! How did she do that!! Gasp!! The Sun Dress is here again??!” 
So the main rival of Season 2 shifts from Elza to Hime
Uhhh skipping more plot points,,, but Yume is doing pretty great! She was kinda moping around after she didn’t get an SPR but she and Koharu made up and created a new brand called “Rainbow Berry Parfait” Yay!! 
So she’s kinda vibing because her best friend is back 
So at the end of Season 1, because she lost the S4 Selection and was exhausted due to the rainbow power, she took a small hiatus 
She still trains a LOT, more than she used to, so she learns to control her rainbow power again idk how 
But you may be wondering,,, Yume has no SPR nor a sun dress, how the heck is she gonna beat Hime in the finale? 
Basically, Yume and Koharu,,, craft a Moon Dress by themselves– its not given from the system or anything but they literally make a dress that can rival the Sun Dress 
Each one of Yume’s friends help her too, like Mahiru making the crown, or Haruka Ruka helping get certain fabrics? Stuff like that 
And then in the near finale of the season, Yume performs in this Moon Dress (without wings) 
She activates her rainbow power and has a super powerful aura,,, except the rainbow from her aura then goes into her back,,, and forms a pair of wings 
And its sort of basically the system deeming her “worthy” of the Wings of Stars 
Yume wins the competition and beats Hime– so both of them sort of get what they want? Yume is at the top now because of her hard work and now her super rainbow power and Hime is finally lifted the burden of being the top idol 
Also Rei, Aria, and Kirara get Elza’s mom to give her a hug and they sort of mend their relationship from there 
And in the end of the season, Yume beats Rola in the S4 Selection, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka win their S4 spots again
Rola decides to go to England to find out what being an idol means to her (and makes a cool rock band because I think that’s what she deserves) 
Koharu is now the top idol of Rainbow Berry Parfait– she leaves Venus Ark and opens a boutique that is also a candy shop because why not 
Ako is the top actress,,, ever; she’s getting film deals everywhere, every movie she is in sells out completely, she’s a big hit 
Mahiru is a supermodel, she’s constantly traveling the world for brand deals; one of the most influential people in the world 
I’m ngl I barely talked about Haruka Ruka,,,, oops I swear I love her 
I imagine that she gets her own talk show that’s super successful- I also remember making her have a rivalry with Yuzu so she probably beat Yuzu sometime in Season 2 but I never mentioned it until now 
And Yume is the top idol of top idols; she’s now the leader of S4 with her super successful career and now she’s just vibing 
Elza and her mom are working to mend their relationship good for them good for them 
Also Elza apologizes to Hime for using her because I think Hime deserves that apology; they don’t end up being friends again but they do end their little,,, whatever they had going on, amicably 
Venus Ark leaves Japan at the end of Season 2 and they’re gonna go to some other country to girlboss and be better than other idol schools good for them 
Hime actually stays in Japan! She now helps with Hotaru’s (Moroboshi’s sister) flower shop! 
Yozora is the top fashion designer for Romance Kiss in the Japan branch 
I think Tsubasa starts an idol agency because I think it’d be cool to have one of those and no one would do it better than Tsubasa 
And Yuzu and Lily make their own idol unit its literally a canon event 
And I think those are all my ideas so far for the series but if I remember any more ideas I’ll probably reblog this with the new ideas 
Also if you read this whole thing, I APPLAUD YOU BECAUSE HUH??? One of god’s strongest soldiers fr 
(Note: I swear the characters, especially the main six, are very close to each other I was just trying to get my ideas out so I didn’t focus on much on the relationships between characters) 
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Also I definitely planned more for lore building like the origin of the rainbow power and how the aikatsu system works (because that thing is definitely sentient,,,) but that's all in Season 3 + 4 where there are new characters (,,,,my ocs,,, STOP SCREAMING I AM BUT A GIRL WHO WANTS TO INDULGE HERSELF IN HER LITTLE DELUSIONS!!!) so that may be a different post,,, maybe
(special tag for @elcall, I hope I did Ako justice 🫶)
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this story is my roman empire
Ahhh yay thank you!!! I am so glad to see people invested in it.
66 for a impending Buddie reunion:
It could also be any other vampire that thinks he’s a threat. That thinks he’s against them. It could be someone from the church. Someone who genuinely is hunting vampires, realized his deceit, and has decided to do something about it. It could be an undercover cop. Law enforcement is allegedly trying to crack down on anti-vampire crimes, but it’s hard when anyone and everyone can cry self-defense. Buck could be a suspect in illegal activity. It wouldn’t even be false. 
There are countless options for who might be following Buck tonight. Only one of them is good. And even then, only potentially good. Only hopefully good. He needs to be careful. He’s not getting fucking killed this close to getting Eddie and Chris back. That would be some sort of sick joke. 
Buck devises a plan.
He sends Sophia his live location through iMessage. Tells her that he’s being tracked but is going to lead the stalker to one of the usual spots to deal with it. If he doesn’t send her their safe word within the hour, call the police. 
Sophia’s text back is filled with worried expletives and one final question.
Is it Eddie? 
He can’t answer that yet. 
It’s a seven minute drive from Hen’s house to Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. Most of it spent driving on La Cienega Boulevard. Buck tries to focus on keeping calm and not looking behind him too much. He doesn’t want to reveal that he knows he’s being followed. 
Although, the driver of the CRV doesn’t seem to be doing much to conceal their behavior. They’re as subtle as a building on fire. They only drive a car behind Buck. They signal when Buck signals. Merge lanes when Buck merges. Really, where did they go to stalking school? 
Several more texts ding through from Sophia as he drives. They pop up on the Jeep’s CarPlay screen. 
Is it Eddie?
I know you said to wait an hour but if it’s not Eddie I’m seriously freaking out. 
He has to ignore them. He can’t deal with anything but this right now. He doesn’t have the required composure. She’ll calm down. The two of them have been in crazier situations than this. It’s just the added stress of knowing Eddie is nearby getting to her. He can’t fault her for that. Not even a little bit. He’s going through it, too. 
Buck turns into the main road for the park and holds his breath. Not even thirty seconds later, he can see in the rearview mirror that the CRV has followed after him. Okay. So this is happening then. It’s getting dark. It’s January. They’re about to be in a wooded park, alone. Buck has followed leads here. Dealt with this place at night. Experienced danger. He understands the risk he’s walking into. He’s just never brought the danger with him. 
He drives all the way down the main road and parks in the first long, oval lot to the right. Not the main parking lot by the playgrounds, but the one by the lake walking trail. He doesn’t wait to see if the CRV parks beside him. Slowing down, changing his cadence - that could all tip the stalker off. Again, if the stalker doesn’t already know they’re being obvious. So Buck does a quick check of his person to make sure his knives are where they should be, then climbs out of the car and starts walking. 
He turns to lock the Jeep behind them, using the motion as an opportunity to confirm that the CRV is pulling into the lot. Good. They can follow him around the lake, too.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Todoroki x reader training camp
A/n: this is going to be a short series with 4 parts over the arcs of mhs season 3 and 4 every part it one arc | enjoy
⚠️: fem reader, spoilers for season 3, uraraka pucking, fire, you training for like 7 hours. You calling him sho, the villain attack, toga and knifes. Kidnapping, spelling mistakes, swaring, compress is referred to as "the man" a lot. Passing out, angst, light fluff.
Quirk: magic- you can do everything scarlet witch can basically
Word:2,770 wow longest thing I've written
Non of the characters or quotes are mine they belong to the original creator that said don't steal my work ©️Maycat-19-142 2023
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You woke up and immediately got to training with your class. You are in the hero course and have a control based quirk so you have to do focus traing. That is how you ended you using you quirk to juggle three 10 pound rocks while jogging.
You hatred it but "it would help" at least that is what momo said. You finished your 4th lap as you saw class 1-b. Mr.vlad was talking lile this was a game show. You saw your friends from middle school setsuna and you waved causing you to drop 2 rock almost hitting aizawa.
You got scolded by aizawa then you started to run again. You ran and to make you lap go faster you watched you classmates while trying to keep your quirk running to keep the rocks up. You ran and saw iida pass you as he was also running laps.
You saw sero and kaminari on the mountain and uraraka pucking in by some trees. Yiu then felt a blast of heat and then cold. You looked over to see yiu boyfriend in a barrel of water freezing it and bolting it. He looked so tired.
You kept running for almost 6 more hour with only three 20 minutes breaks. In that short time you just drank water and went to the bathroom. Finally you got the ok to stop and go wash up for dinner. You fast todoroki and just waved as you walked to the girls drom.
Later on all of class a and b got to the cooking stations. You walked over to momo,mina, and todoroki who were talking about their training,but then you heard ragdoll yell that it was time to cook and not to make it sloppy.
You got sent to a fire station with mina, uraraka, and sero. "Hey todoroki can we get some fire over here" mina yelled as he walked over and lit the fires and muttering a small "here let me" as sero. Fiddled with the flint he had
"Thanks sho" you said as he got called over to start another fire "no problem [nickname]" he said kissing you cheek. You heard and yell and saw Bakugou had exposed his station. That was Bakugou alright.
You worked on the meat rhe other hero course kids did there jobs. In the end you had barely enabled curry but it was still good after 7 hours of training all day. Sero then accidentally insulted momo by comparing her quirk to poo. Todoroki had to stop yiu from punching him in the face.
The next day was the same as the last but you got to spend time with todoroki in the morning. You talked as you cooked breakfast because you both got breakfast dute that day to you got an hour of uninterrupted time together cooking. That was until the bakusquad showed up and it was loud.
You started the same exact thing to did yesterday except to had 2 more rocks. So lap after lap to ran with the rocks now totaling 5. On one of your breaks you and todoroki were sitting together in silence till yiu heard pixie bob. Yella that you got to play a game today after training. Yay you thought more training. Todoroki look over and said "if we're not on the same team I will try my hardest to beat you." You just smiled and said "same to you sho"
Later you and shoto were moving fire wood for dinner shoto stopped to talk to deku. Yiu just kept walking to get the wood to mina. After that you started getting ready for the game and yiu got paired with deku. You started talk about things like home town and his mega crush on uraraka. Thay made him turn red.
Yiu walked over to todoroki who was with bakugou of all people. "You ok sho" you asked him "just odd gut feeling thats all." Said calmly "you think you going to lose" teased he just shock his head as him and bakugou got called to go next.
You heard a yell and a fire smell. You looked back to see pixie bob get thrown back and hit a staff held by a person with short red hair. You run in the forest to find and warn them of rhe attack. You find tyu and uraraka first and they are not sure of what is happening.
You then say you got scared and ran ahead of deku and yiu wanted to join them. They had no idea of the attack so it was best to keep everyone calm. You then start walking.
You start to fell guilty and just say it "there is an attack" tyu look at you and said "I thought so" uraraka looked shocked "why didn't you tell us"
"I did not want to scare you" yiu said and uraraka just nodded knowing she would do the same. You look around you and see and girl in a school uniform. It is different than your but it is a school uniform. She has a knife and is wearing battle gear.
In that moment you heard a familiar voice in your head "every one in class-a and class-b in the name of rhe prohero eraserhead you granted permission to engage in combat i repeat use you training yiu may fight these villains." It was ms. mandaly.
You faced the girl. She lunged at uraraka and hit her arm. She started bleeding. Uraraka grabbed her arm and both yiu and tyu asked if she was ok. She said she was fine so you turned to the girl again. She had 2 blonde buns and the knife she has was covered in uraraka blood. "Shallow not much blood" rhe girl said looking at the knife.
"Who goes slashing people out of know where." Tyu asked the girl
"Who are you" you asked preparing to attack her
"I'm toga, jeez you 3 are super cute uraraka, tyu and [lastname]." The girls now known as toga said
"How does she know our names" uraraka said to toga
"Maybe the sport fest" you wishpered.
Tyu said "we know nothing of her so we're at a disadvantage stayon gard" yiu nodded in agreement to tyu's statement
"There's not enough blood, normally i would suck it straight from the cut but no time. Alright girl this machine will start sucking it out as soon as I stick it in you. All get what I need and move on, so who's first" toga said calmly. She then lunged again at uraraka and tyu rapped her tongue around uraraka waist move in her out of the way.
"You got to get back to camp we have permission to use quirks to protect ourselves not to counter attack I'm sure that is what mr.aizawa meant." Tyu said throwing uraraka up in the air
"[Yourname], tyu come on" uraraka yelled out to you.
"We're coming uraraka" you yelled as toga lunged again hitting tyu tongue and below your ear with double sided knife.
"[Yourname], tyu, [yournameI, tyu I like it" toga said "what cute names I think I'll call both of you that too"
Tyu yelled back "no only my friends get to call me that." She lowered in to a fighting stance. But toga hit her hair with a nettle from her support gear pinning her to a tree. She then started to dance and say that she was tyu friend.
"We're coming tyu" you and uraraka yelled as you ran to her. "Oh your bleeding tyu you couldn't be anymore adorable i love boiled, we're going to be such good friends" toga laughed
"Get away from her" uraraka said as she when to hit toga and toga hit her hair. Uraraka then started using Marshall arts she learned with gunhead.
"Uraraka that was amazing" you and tyu said at urarakas bravery
"Tyu can you use her tongue to restrain her hands or is your tongue hurt and [yourname] can you use you quirk to lift her." You nodded and tyu also nodded.
You heard toga say calmly "uraraka your delightful to you have rhe same smell as me you got a crush on someone am I right. So do I and let me guess you want to be exactly like that special person huh. I can tell to love sick girls." Uraraka looked horrified as toga continued "first you Model you self after them by dressing lile them thing is that is not enough yiu have to got further then you realize yiu want to become them. Ones yiu get to that point there is no going back that is how love is right, who has your eye I love people who have been slashed up and smell of fresh blood. That why I always end up cutting them. Hey uraraka this is fun right just 2 girl talking about our crushes."
Then uraraka got stabbed with a part of toga gear and it started to pump her blood "uraraka" you and tyu yelled. Yiu started to run run to her but uraraka said "stay back i don't want yiu to get hurt too."
Toga just started to say over and over "suck suck suck suck" you heard shoij and saw him and deku and yiu and tyu yelled "help us help her" Toga then jumped up out of uraraka grip and moved to the tree line "stop" you yelled running after her but tyu grabbed your arm to stop you.
Toga them said "there are too many people and I don't feel like getting killed tonight todeels" but then she stopped as she saw deku covered in blood on shoij's back "yiu and uraraka tried again to go after her but you got stopped by tyu again "we don't know her quirk"
Todoroki,bakugou,and tokoyami joined deku and shoij "are you all ok who was that girl just now" Todoroki said with a worried tone "We're fine sho and that girl was a villain she was crazy"
Deku said slowly "uraraka [lastname] your bleeding" todoroki eyes widened a bit as he walked closer to you and saw the cut under your ear. "You're sure your ok [yourname]" todoroki said quietly. You knew he was worried he never called you by your name ever only if he was mad or worried he always called you a nickname.
"Sho I'm fine just shaking up that's all" he nodded and you put yiu arm around him. He couldn't hug yiu due to the fact he was carrying a boy from 1-B.
"Deku what happened to you, you look horrible" uraraka asked the green hair boy on his classmates back "join our group we are protecting kaccan and making our way to camp" tyu replied calmly "if you're protecting bakugou shouldn't he be with you guys" "what are you talking about he is right behi-" deku was cut of to see bakugou was not there.
Deku looked shocked as he looked around to see no sign of bakugou. A male voice coming from a tree said "nice trick a I took the lad you talking about with my magic. Talent like his would be squander if he was cast as a hero. We'll give him a grander stage were he can truly shine."
"Give him back" deku yelled at the man in a long yellow coat. your hand stated to glow with yiu magic as you prepared to attack him
"Give him back what a odd thing to say bakugou don't belong to anyone he is his own person don't be arrogant"
"We'll stop you" deku yelled as todoroki froze the ground "why the aggressiveness we much show him whatelsethereis other than hero life" said he man a he jumped to avoid the attack
"It is not just bakugou he took tokoyami to." Shoji yelled "if you are monologing just because you think you've got use beat your mistaken" todoroki yelled
The man said simplely "sorry habit of mine I used to be and entertainer you know. Tokoyami was a bit if improv on my part. When I saw tokoyami take moonlight down so fast I thought I must take him too"
"You basterd" deku yelled as you flew up and thought a blast at him and todoroki gave the boy for class 1-B to uraraka. The ice blast todoroki shot was one of the tallest you have seen every in the time you have known yiu boyfriend
"Apologize by slight of hand is my specialty" he yelled as he jumped and escaped. He started to talk in his com. You landed from the air and stumbled back a bit. Yiu felt todoroki catch you "you ok" he asked
"Yup just thrown off that's all" you said standing up and fixing you shirt. And get ready to go after the man and your classmates.
"We'll stop them" said todoroki and deku as you all stated to run after them. You and you class were struggling to keep so yiu took flight to follow him. You got close multiple time but he always out ran You.
Then you saw todoroki deku and Shoji fly though the air to catch up with you in the air and they hit the man to the ground. You tried to soften there fall with you quirk but it didn't work as well as you thought. The 4 of them landed on he ground of a small clearing that had other villains around it like the girl that you fought earlier. "who are they" you heard one of the villains that you do not recognize said.
A blast of flame went out and it hit you flannel lighting it on fire. You heard todoroki ask if everyone was ok you yelled that you were fine as you took of your buring flanel. a villain jump and tried to attack todoroki but he was blocked by an ice wall. toga charged where you were with the hurt deku. you blocked her attack as she tried to pin deku to the ground and get his blood you tried to get her away from deku by she almost cut you and shoij knocked her off of him.
she threatened to cut you and shoij even thought yall were "not her type" you saw shoji pull 2 marbles out of his pocket and he said "these are tokoyami and bakugou"
"color me impressed" the villain said as todoroki made an ice wall to block the villain he was fighting. you and the other students there ran to get out of the clearing but a nomu and a smock villain showed up and blocked you. the smoke villain said "it has been five minutes so let's go dabi" toga said "sorry deku but see you later ok"
all the villains slowly entered the warp gate made by the smock based villain. "they don't have the kid" he villain said as you looked up and he continued "i wanted to let them gloat for a bit because they thought it was so smart to check my pockets, but let me explain a basic thing. if i'm showing something shiney it is because they is something else i don't want you to see" he then moved his mask to show on his tongue was bakugou and tokoyami. the marbles that shoij had took to their normal form as todoroki's ice. deku then charged at the man with bakugou and tokoyami as you tried to stop him but he just moved to fast for you so you joined in the sprint to get them both back.
"forgive me" the masked man said as he moved in the gate to escape. then Aoyama hit the man's mask and broke it. the man spit out of marbles and shoji was able to grab one that had tokoyami in it. dabi got to the one with bakugou in it after he blocked you, and todoroki for it. you and shoto slid on the ground as you missed bakugou. you were able to catch shoto so he did not get hurt anymore than he already had been.
all you hear before passing out was "checkmate" from villain and deku yelling "BAKUGOU NO!!" and then it all went black. The next thing you knew was waking up in a hospital with jiro and hagakure. the rescue of bakugou was done and all might retired after a extrem fight. you saw todoroki in the chair next to you bed he had bangges and small cuts on his face but he was ok and alive
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I loved this but it took like 2 hours 👏 have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
Yay Yipee I Finally Remembered I Should Update Folks On Things That Are Happening
because hey whoops as some of you might remember Supposedly I Stream Sometimes! That Uhhhh Hasn't Happened In A While Has It! so I should probably let folks know what's goin' on!! the long and the short of it is
Around late November/early December I started having issues where Discord would crash and restart anytime I tried to screenshare my capture software with my friends who I stream with. This put console game streams (so 2/3 of the games we were streaming) on the backburner till I could troubleshoot and solve that issue
On top of that it was Fucking Finals Season for me at my Graduate School so at a certain point I had to be responsible and focus on getting my final projects & essays done, which meant sacrificing stream time till my break (where I would hopefully have time to troubleshoot and then do a ton of streaming to make up for lost time)
Except THEN literally the second I went home for the holidays my hard drive abruptly and completely died. It is very possible that this contributed to the aforementioned tech issues
I was able to replace the drive and get my computer working again but because I have a Fucking Curse a lot of tech-side things were lost or started experiencing issues due to the new drive, namely A) I haven't been able to get my capture software working yet and B) whoops my entire OBS layout is just gone now I guess
This whole saga, on top of juggling other life shit and work and the like, effectively ate up my entire winter break
so tl;dr! I have a computer curse and because of it streams are gonna have to wait till I can get both OBS and my capture software working again. I'm hoping to work on that this weekend so I can be back to streaming next week, but given my school & job workload I'm guessing it'll more likely be two or three weeks. On top of that, I won't be streaming most of March due to reason of "my partner is visiting then". all of this sucks cause I want to be streaming, both for reason of "i like spending time with my good friends doing this" and "haha whoops I'm not earning money now and oh boy there sure are a lot of expenses flying at my head like rocks huh".
I've already rambled a bit more than I'd like to now so here's da main points:
Streams will (HOPEFULLY) be back in February. When they are, they'll be Monday & Tuesday nights, 5:30pst/8:30est, for as long as my friends remain available at those times (we're all adults having to look for or maintain Day Jobs so availability could change. y'all know how it is). I may also do occasional one-off streams on weekends as my energy 'n schedule permits, most likely art streams
I'll continue to be around on Holly's streams Fri/Sat/Sun as her schedule permits, because I don't have to rebuild OBS from the ground up for that
There is a 99.99% chance I'll be totally absent stream-wise during March
Even though streams are facing The Troubles I am still taking art commissions! Those haven't been affected!! You can submit an interest form here and I'll reach out to confirm prices as soon as I'm ready to start work on yours
If, out of the kindness of your heart, you would like to toss some support my way during The Troubles (which would be much appreciated; as said I've got a lot of expenses coming my way and unfortunately my day job covers my rent and nothing more), here are some other ways you can do so: -- Tip me on Ko-Fi; if you pay $9 or more you can request a doodle that I'll do for you and post on here & twitter (and might stream the process of drawing once that's up and running again). Here's an example of some Ko-Fi doodles I did previously -- You can also tip through my stream page if you want but I probably won't see those till I start streaming again. Still appreciated!!! -- I have a Throne Wishlist that's mostly stuff like kitchenware, household goods, stuff for my kitty, etc. There's also a few Fun Things though, like vinyls and a billy big bass Jay insisted I add. Either way, if you wanna contribute to something on there it means a lot. You can also suggest items to make me laugh
an' above all: thank you for reading and for bein' around!!
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
So, bit of a life update because it's been... almost two months? since I last properly logged here (I had some stuff in the queue, but I think it ran out after a while, woops). Getting a bit personal, so the rest is under cut.
Honestly the main reasons are simply, I'm busy, and exhausted. Not a good combination lol
I haven't had proper relaxing time for me since at least a year and a half. Summer holidays are supposed to be the time when I can finally relax responsibility-free for a month and a half to get over usually hectic second semesters. Except last July my grandma had a fall, and while she's fine, long story short she's now in a nursing home and we spent the whole summer and lots of free time during the following months clearing her house (which was. a mess).
On top of that I'd bought an apartment (yay) in a building that's still under construction, and while that's great because it means I could customize it the way I want, it also meant spending a lot of time going here and there to choose floorings, furniture, and lots appointments (bank, notary...) etc etc. And now that it's in the final stage we're running into issues because the notaries aren't agreeing about some conditions, so the deed signing date recently had to be postponed, which'll leave me very little time to schedule the actual move (I have to be out of my current place by the end of the month). Super stressful. And also busy--spent nearly two days last week playing telephone game with the developer, the notary's office, the bank... and we still haven't solved the issue as of now orz
On top of that, this past school year has been super intense, I took on more admin responsibilities, which, while fun, consume a lot of time and focus, which put me behind on my regular class prep and grading, which just generally added to the mental load. Also I had to take lessons on Saturday mornings for my teaching certificate, which is also something that ate into my time and energy this year.
This all kinda came crashing down on me in early June when I just... kinda shut down for about two weeks. I had 4 super important tasks/projects to do, and for those two weeks I made progress on none of them. I just kinda froze, not knowing where to start, and my focus was allllll over the place, could not keep it on one thing for the life of me (there may or may not be suspicion of adhd at play, I'll have to look into it more and see someone about it, but... no time atm orz)
I managed to pull through in the end (well, one of the things is postponed to August so I have more time to do it thankfully), but I'm completely mentally exhausted. So yeah, I kinda gave up checking tumblr for a while, bc I just didn't have the mental capacity for that.
In happier news Missy is still as silly as ever, my niece is the cutest, I got a baby blahaj yesterday to go with my big one, Dreamcatcher's new mini-album is wonderful, and once everything is solved and I can move in it'll be awesome to live in my own place. Also I went to TwoSetViolin's world tour show in Berlin last week-end and it was awesome :D (might make a separate post about it later)
And now I need to start packing. Gonna be a busy month again 😅
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eimoonie · 1 year
My love for you is infinity
5wirl x FEM!reader (today is Heizou's turn!)
Read the first chapter to know better of the plot.
It has been a week since Xiao transferred to the school. Let's discuss some of the recent news.
Recently, Xiao joined the music club.
As Xiao slid open the door to the music club, Venti exclaimed happily, 'Huh? Xiao!' Venti approached them with excitement and embraced you, saying, 'Hehe, Xiao has had a change of heart and decided to join the music club.' The other members looked at him, and Xiao gazed down, reconsidering his choices.
"Yay!! You guys met Xiao, the guy I told you about who has a perfect physique!" Venti pulls Xiao closer to the group.
"Hello!!" A lively voice exclaimed. Xiao turned towards the voice and saw someone with maroon-colored hair highlighted with dark streaks, light olive green eyes, and a mole beneath each eye. "I'm Shikanoin Heizou, nice to meet you." Heizou winked at Xiao.
"Right! Time for an introduction," Venti said as he introduced the guys. Each of the members appeared to have a distinct character they portrayed.
Heizou is the playful and lively character who frequently takes on the role of the protagonist's best friend.
Venti is the mischievous and cheerful character who portrays the trouble-making friend of the protagonist.
Kazuha is a gentle and polite character. He could play the 'lover' role.
On the other hand, Scaramouche is a dangerous and mean character. He can be played as the tsundere type of character or even as the 'Ren Yamai' type!
You're already familiar with Xiao's character, but with this development, you can envision a promising future for this band. You choose to linger and enjoy some of the snacks that Kazuha brought along. "Does everyone here play an instrument?" Heizou inquires, to which Venti responds with certainty, 'I play the lyre!' Interestingly, it appears that Venti is the only one with a traditional approach, as every member of the group has an instrument they can play.
Heizou plays the drums while Kazuha plays the guitar. Scaramouche is on rhythm guitar, and Xiao is on bass.
The music club once had only one member because bands were unpopular at the time, until an exotic-themed band called 'The Dickz' rose to the top stage, along with an all-girl band named '4yro'. This band included students from an all-girls school next to yours, and you're familiar with them: Keqing, Ganyu, Yanfei, and Hu Tao are members of the band.
Recently, you've developed an interest in bands, prompting you to witness one rise to the top. You're delighted that your best friend is finally engaged in something productive, instead of idling around and consuming energy drinks—this applies to Xiao as well.
"I'm about to leave now. I'll make sure to check in with you guys every day." Just as you took a step, Venti halted you. "Huh? Venti?" You gazed at him in confusion. "NO!!! You can't leave. Can't you see, Y/N?" Venti became dramatic and pleaded for one last favor, "See what?" you asked, "There's a group of boys who don't know how to take care of themselves!! How are we supposed to reach the top hashtag on Twitter if... we don't have a manager?" Venti begged. "I know how to take care of myself," Scaramouche chimed in, ruining Venti's dramatic moment. "Is he always this dramatic?" Heizou joked. "Fine, I'm only doing this because it's my last favor for you." You agreed, and Venti thanked you numerous times.
Alright, Manager! What's our first training?"
The five guys were seated in chairs. "First of all... Hmm, Scaramouche, you're going to practice your guitar skills! And Kazuha, could you please bring more snacks? Xiao, let's cut back on the energy drinks. Venti, focus on enhancing your voice since you're the vocalist. Heizou..." You gave them instructions, and Heizou responded, "Yes, ma'am!" Heizou played along, "Hmm...
"There's nothing wrong with my style! I like it," Heizou defended. "You see, you're the only one who likes it, not everyone else." The rest were shocked. Who knew you could be this strict?
"Let's get to work!" Everyone rushed to their positions. Heizou and you went out to buy new clothes, while the rest worked diligently to make a good impression on their new manager.
"Ah, I honestly thought you were joking!" Heizou chuckled. "I'm serious, but I'm not passing judgment," you replied. "Exactly, so... we're actually going to shop for new clothes for me?" Heizou asked. "Yes! I'll help you pick out some clothes!"
You grasp Heizou's hand and lead him to the clothing store. "Stay here, I'll pick out some clothes," you say before moving away to find suitable attire for him. While you are away, Heizou looks around and catches sight of several couples. His surprise grows as he observes a male entering the dressing room with a female. "Oh, that could be troublesome," he mutters to himself.
Public indecency is illegal (AND NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING THAT, GRRR!!). Heizou decided to let them have fun, and afterward, he would give them a warning. One thing no one knows about Heizou is that he's a detective or a private investigator. 'Heizou, I'm back! Here are some clothes I picked. Go, try them on!'" You were being assertive, but at first glance, you knew that Heizou already has good taste in fashion. In fact, the clothes he was just wearing are the latest trends, but he incorporated them into his own style.
Heizou really knows fashion. once he's done changing, you complimented how the clothes looked on him, saying, "I look pretty good! I'll wear this next time we meet again." He winked, then glanced at the dressing room that the couple had used. "Hm... well, I guess I'll let you in on a secret," Heizou said as he approached the couple. You were confused, but then Heizou issued them a warning for public indecency.
"Huh?!" you exclaimed, pausing for a moment. "Wait, what? How did you know they were doing it?" you asked. "I just heard some noises," Heizou explained. The couples apologized and walked away. "Hey, how about we pay for these clothes? I have some memories associated with them!" Heizou suggested. You replied with a nonchalant "Sure, sure..."
"That'll be 200 Mora! Right now, we're offering a couple's discount. Would you two like to use it?" The cashier asked. You replied, "Sure, thanks." You used the discount. Heizou caught on quickly, saying, "Ooh, you sly..." Heizou continued, and you chuckled before heading back to the clubroom.
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