#now I get to enjoy new texts too hue hue
wishfulsketching · 11 months
Another(shorter) text of Lu Zhen and Long Min! This time of them in the future, when they're still having their adventures and being very much in love....but not everyone finds it adorable.
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sapphire-writes · 9 months
Pretty Little Thing
summary: After finding yourself at a holiday party you hadn't wanted to attend in the first place, Aemond Targaryen makes it worth while.
pairing: modern!Aemond x Reader
warnings: 18+/NSFW/MDNI - smut, oral fem receiving, fingering, spanking, praise, slight dirty talk, overstim, kissing, love bites, hand over mouth, titty play, allusions to Aegon being a creeper, alcohol, smoking, langauge
word count: 7.2k
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note: im back! grad school didn't kill me! hope you enjoy!
link to other stories from me!
To be notified when I post something new, be sure to follow @sapphire-writes-updates & turn notifications on 💙
Be there soon.
Alysanne had texted you nearly an hour ago, and with each passing minute you became more doubtful she’d be making an appearance at all.
You hadn’t even wanted to come. It’d been her idea and now she was blowing you off.
“We’re just exchanging the last of our things,” she’d promised on the phone several hours earlier, “You go on without me and I’ll meet you there.”
Yeah. Because it takes three hours to give your ex-boyfriend his stuff back. Totally.
Alysanne and Cregan Stark had been on and off again since you’d known her; this time was no exception. You knew from her first running later than I thought text that the night wasn’t going to go as you’d hoped. 
You decide to like her most recent message instead of replying, unable to stop the wave of annoyance cresting inside of you. 
You hadn’t even wanted to come.
An end-of-semester holiday party. Thrown by the elder Lannister siblings; twins Jason and Tyland. The kings of Casterly Rock are well known for their extravagant get-togethers and the unimaginable generational wealth that funds all their exploits. 
They’d long graduated from King’s Landing University, but you and Alysanne scored an invite courtesy of Cerelle Lannister, their younger sister, whom you’d been trying to avoid since you arrived. If Cerelle didn’t see you, perhaps you could escape the party unscathed.
That hope proves too good to be true as your name is called from across the room. You slide your phone back into your pocket as Cerelle approaches you. Her blonde hair hangs in effortless curls down her back, the emerald green top she wears accentuating its golden hues, along with her bright green eyes. 
You’re not exactly close with Cerelle, though she appears to enjoy your friendship, at least on a surface level. She’s part of the weekly book club you attend. Her grin widens as she reaches you, eyes drinking you in. 
“Darling!” she muses, pressing a kiss against your cheek.
“You wore it!” she says, fingers ghosting across the cashmere cardigan you’d chosen to wear that evening. Cerelle had bought it for you a few weeks ago, though you’d begged her not to; the price was more than you made in a paycheck.
Alysanne once referred to you as Cerelle’s Polly Pocket.
“She pulls you out of her pocket and plays dress up. It’s fucking weird,” she’d said. 
Cerelle’s lips curve upwards in a Cheshire cat grin as she slings an arm around your shoulder, bringing her glossed lips next to your ear.
“Stop moping in the corner like some dreary wallflower,” she purrs, brushing some hair behind your ear, “Have some fun! It’s winter break!”
Goosebumps break out on your skin at her affections. You laugh breathlessly shrugging away from her touch causing her to frown. 
“You haven’t had enough to drink,” she insists, reaching for another glass, “You’re much too antsy.”
“Alysanne was supposed to be here,” you tell her and she nods understanding, looping her arm through yours and giving your forearm a comforting pat. 
“Fashionably late as always, I suppose,” Cerelle drolls, pointing across the room, “There are lots of fascinating characters here who’ll distract you. Shall I spin a bottle to decide?”
“Hilarious,” you tell her, shaking your head.
“I never joke about a good shag,” Cerelle argues, gaze flickering about the room, “From the looks of it you could use it.” She turns back to you, matching your pout. “Don’t frown, you look too lovely.” She places her hands on your cheeks, thumbs tugging the corner of your lips upwards.
“Much better,” she praises as you hold the smile she’s decorated your face with, “Come on let's find you someone…don’t look at me like that! Someone to flirt with, that’s all. A bit of harmless fun.” 
You roll your eyes earning a pitch on the arm and you swat Cerelle’s hand away.
“There’s no one here I want to flirt with,” you insist, following her gaze around the room, “Let alone shag.”
“You’re too picky,” she muses, tapping a manicured nail against her chin as she scans the room, “What about Greyjoy?”
A shiver rolls through you, “No thank you.”
“Heard he’s good in the sack.”
You’d heard a lot of things about Dalton Greyjoy. None of which made you want to spend an extended period of alone time with him. You glance at Cerelle giving her a firm look. She sighs, returning to her mission.
“You need someone,” Cerelle insists after you shoot down several more options, “You haven’t been with anyone since—what was it again?”
His face flashes through your mind before you can help it. 
“Unimportant,” you quip, “Cerelle, I just want to—” Your words die as two new guests bound up the stairs into the main hallway. 
Suddenly, it’s as if all the air has been sucked from the room, your heartbeat echoing in your ears the only sound you can hear. You tug Cerelle closer, eyes wide.
“You invited them?” you hiss, as Cerelle frowns, following your gaze.
“Not me. Jason must have,” she answers, “It’s not a party without Aegon. Jay swears he has the best coke on this side of the Keep.”
Aegon Targaryen is relatively harmless as long as you keep your drink close. You’re more concerned with the tall figure who lurks closely behind him. Though the younger, Aemond Targaryen towers over his brother; his presence makes the room feel smaller, colder than it was moments ago. He’s dressed in all black, as he usually is, the silver chain around his neck the only other color. His long snow-white hair is braided down his back, an eyepatch securely covering his left eye.
He never takes it off.
Aegon pushes by his brother making a beeline for the kitchen where most of the chaos is localized. You can tell a new drinking game has begun by the sound of cheers and the echo of glasses clinking together. Aegon’s eyes lit up as he disappeared down the hall, eager to join the miscellaneous fun.
Aegon loves a good party.
Aemond watches his brother but lingers behind in the living room leaning against a wall. He extends a long arm to the bookshelf retrieving one with his long fingers. He flicks open a few pages, lips pursing. He glances up, violet eye meeting yours for the briefest moment. 
Your lips part and you look away, warmth flooding your cheeks. You had shared a couple of classes with Aemond, nothing more nothing less. He was quite mysterious. 
“Anyway,” Cerelle says, her attention wavering with each passing second, “Back to you drinking. I’ll get you another glass. Loosen up, pet.” 
You try to, you really do. No matter what her intentions are, Cerelle has been nothing but nice to you, so you allow her antics. An hour has ticked by and Alysanne has yet to respond to your latest text message. Squeezed between Cerelle and Sabitha Frey during another round of quarters you decide to plan your escape. 
“I’m going to get some air,” you tell her, rising from the couch. Cerelle rolls her eyes, “I’m not leaving, I swear!”
“You better not!” she says, perfectly sculpted eyebrows knitting together, “I’ll come to fetch you if you’re gone too long—you know I will.”
She’s telling the truth. 
“Five minutes,” you insist, forcing a smile.
Cerelle’s nose twitches but she lets it go and nods, returning her attention to the game.
Weaving through the sea of people you make your way outside letting the door shut behind you as you walk down a few steps of the front stoop. It’s colder than you expected, you can see your breath in front of you. 
You stand shivering, trying to decide what to do next. Reaching into your pocket, you check your phone for the time. You could leave, make your escape down the steps, and catch the last bus back to Maegor’s Holdfast. 
If you stay any longer, you’ll be forced to spend the night or dip into your savings to splurge on an Uber. It’s always crazy expensive on this side of town as if the drivers know the neighborhood is full of rich kids. 
The door opens and noise from the party fills the cool night until it slams shut once more. You roll your eyes expecting Cerelle as you turn your head. 
Only it isn’t her.
Aemond Targaryen lingers on the top step, reaching into his jacket pocket and placing a cigarette between his teeth. He finds a lighter a moment later, a nice expensive one, flicking it open with a sharp click. Fire blooms in the palm of his hand and you can just make out the three-headed dragon branded on the side of the silver lighter before it disappears into his pocket again.
He releases a cloud of smoke into the air, mimicking the one your breath makes. You turn away as he walks down a few steps, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. 
“You were in my class,” he says suddenly, his head tilting to the side, “History of The First Men, right?” 
You force your lips together. “Mhmm,” you answer, surprised he recognized you.
Aemond Targaryen didn’t seem the type to remember a random girl in his class. Smart as hells, he focused solely on his grades, paying little attention to the rest of the student body. He seemed to be the antithesis of his elder brother. Though incredibly different, supposedly they had similar lustful appetites. 
One for pleasures of the flesh, the other for academic validation.
Aegon Targaryen was a known party boy and ran in multiple social circles. He didn’t care about class or popularity; if there was sex, liquor, and drugs around, Aegon Targaryen would be there. 
However, there were stories about Aemond too that made their way around campus. 
“You alright?” he pressed, the silence laying heavy between you. 
“I shouldn’t even be talking to you right now,” you breathe, chuckling slightly as you rub your arms as the frigid air bites into your exposed flesh. 
Aemond quirks a brow at that, taking another drag of his cigarette. “Why’s that?”
“You’re sort of a banned topic at book club,” you admit, causing his lips to curl into a small smirk. 
“Am I?”
Another moment of silence goes by before his curiosity gets the better of him. “Because?”
“Maris runs it,” you tell him, and he clicks his tongue, nodding to himself before taking another drag of his cigarette.
Maris Baratheon, the elder of a pair of Irish twins. Floris Baratheon, once the object of Aemond’s affection for about a half second, was royally screwed over when he left her for none other than Alys Rivers. Adjunct Professor. It was quite the scandal at the time.
You’re not exactly friends with Floris; closer to Maris if you had to choose. But it's the principle of things—girl code. 
“Floris and I were never exclusive,” Aemond comments.
So maybe Aemond Targaryen is just like every other guy. Though, you’re mostly sure he’s telling the truth. The story you’d heard was that he ghosted her. 
“She shouldn’t have assumed,” he continues, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
You roll your eyes, blood boiling at his statement as annoyance begins to quicken in your belly. Aemond Targaryen seems more like his elder with every word that leaves his curved lips. 
“Right, of course not, how dare she,” is your sarcastic reply. 
Aemond tilts his head toward the sky, speaking around the cigarette. 
“You seem rather upset,” he accuses, “Funny, Floris never mentioned you.”
You turn to face him fully and he glances at you out of the corner of his eye. Folding your arms across your chest you jut your hip out. “We’re not friends. It’s the principle of it all. I don’t like assholes.”
His perfect lips curl slightly. “I’m an asshole?”
“Mhmm. At least Aegon owns up to his behavior, he doesn’t pretend he’s some suave guy doing nothing wrong.”
You swear a smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he plucks the cigarette from between them.
“Is that what I’m doing?”
“Sure seems like it.”
Aemond takes a step closer then. You have to tilt your head to look him in the eye. Something about being this close to him is almost unnerving, your stomach drops slightly as you focus on his prominent cheekbones. 
“It’s not my problem if a girl gets her hopes up after getting fucked properly,” he counters.
Your breath hitches in your throat and you back up, slightly slipping against the icy railing. Aemond reaches out, his hand curling around your bicep to steady you. It’s warm, almost hot; the heat seeps through your thin sweater in the shape of his fingers. 
There’s a tension between you as he holds your arm for a second too long, before the door opens and several partygoers stumble down the steps, forcing you to break apart. Aemond takes another drag of his cigarette from across the stairs as they laugh tumbling into the street. You’re grateful for the distraction, taking a moment to slow the frantic beating of your heart, and the slight flutter in your stomach. 
“So,” you begin, trying to break the awkward silence the partygoers left behind with their departure, “How do you know Cerelle?”
Aemond looks at you quizzically.
“How do I know Cerelle?”
You jerk your chin up in a hasty nod. Aemond chuckles, shaking his head and taking another drag.
“Family friend,” he answers, “Old money likes to stick together.”
You nod again, unsure of how to answer as he observes you. 
“Surely you’ve heard of the Westerosi Seven?” he asks.
You haven’t.
“The what?” 
“The seven families,” Aemond says, his tone indicating that this is somewhat common knowledge, “Generational wealth that can be traced back to medieval times. The higher lords and ladies. Near royalty.” He takes another drag.
“And you’re one of them?” you ask, crossing your arms. 
“My family, yes,” he answers, “And Cerelle’s. The Baratheon girls. Stark. They’re all quite close.”
“Interesting,” you tell him, glancing down the street again, “You sound like the mafia.”
Aemond holds your gaze, not denying your allegation. You release a breathless laugh, but unease settles in your gut. 
The door opens as if on cue, and Cerelle pops her head out. 
“Darling! Come back inside you’ll catch your death,” she calls, waving you forward. She spots Aemond out of the corner of her eye, and you don’t miss the look of interest that gathers in her green eyes as they flicker between the pair of you, “Targaryen.”
“CeCe,” he politely greets, choosing to use the nickname Cerelle often kept reserved for her family only. She doesn’t comment on Aemond’s choice. 
“Hope you’re being nice to my girl,” she says, the words clipped.
“Of course,” Aemond comments and you can’t help but feel like you aren’t there. 
Cerelle glances back at you, a smile decorating her face once more. 
“Come on, pet! In the kitchen.”
Her blonde hair disappears in the door. Aemond walks down the remainder of the steps tossing his cigarette to the ground and stomping it beneath his heel. 
“Best run along,” he muses, not turning to face you, “She doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
Annoyance prickles under your skin.
“She’s my friend—”
“You have got a very generous friend,” Aemond comments, turning to face you. He motions at your sweater. “Myrish, isn’t it?”
You cross your hands over your chest. 
“Mhmm,” Aemond hums glancing up at you from the bottom step, “I’d just be careful if I were you. Accepting gifts from rich strangers is a lot like Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds.” 
You scoff at the implication before turning away and heading back into the townhouse. Aemond does not follow; you don’t hear the door open as you hurry back up the stairs. 
The party has since moved completely to the kitchen, sans a couple making out on the living room couch. You enter the crowded space and crane your neck to see what everyone is cheering at.
It’s something happening on the marble island, but you don’t see what—that is until Cerelle sits up, her blonde curls cascading around her face, a lime between her pearly white teeth like a cat with a mouse. 
She smiles curling her finger, beckoning Aegon Targaryen forward. He leans against her, bringing his mouth to hers and stealing the lime. The juice flows down his chin before he lets it fall, pressing a sloppy kiss to Cerelle’s lips, earning several cheers. 
As she breaks away she notices you, eyes lighting up as she slips off the counter. 
“Good, you didn’t leave!” she says giggling, “It’s your turn.”
“My turn?” you ask, heart dropping into your stomach. 
“Mhmm,” she says, dragging you forward, “Up now!” 
“Cerelle, I don’t—”
“Hush! Qyle Martell is doing it,” she says biting her lip suggestively, “Let the sexy Dornishman take a shot off you, alright?”
Your cheeks darken as he appears before you, arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you onto the counter like a lamb for slaughter. The crowd cheers and your eyes widen as you meet Qyle’s warm brown eyes. 
“Your sweater,” he says, motioning to it with his hand that clutches a bottle of tequila. 
You glance at Cerelle and she nods encouragingly. Over her head and in the doorway you spot Aemond. He didn’t leave after all. Instead, he leans against the doorframe, observing the chaos with a curled lip, as if the entire thing is beneath him.
Qyle whistles, drawing your attention back to him. He motions to your sweater yet again.
“Oh,” you tell him, moving to unbutton it. 
Thank goodness you wore a tank top underneath. Your fingers slip with nerves as you struggle to unbutton it. You’re the center of attention, peers cheering and chanting around you as you struggle with the bottoms. 
Quite the sacrificial lamb you are. 
“Here, can I help?” Qyle asks, reaching toward you, his fingers bumping against your own. The bottle of tequila sloshes. 
“No—no I’ve got it—oh!”
You’d moved wrong, done something wrong—or perhaps someone pushed him you’re not sure. Your head is buzzing with the noise of the room and suddenly the front of your sweater is doused in tequila. Qyle’s eyes are wide as Cerelle pushes him to the side as the smell of alcohol fills your nose. 
The room quiets momentarily until Cerelle’s bell-like laugh pierces through the silence. 
“Qyle you idiot,” Cerelle sneers, nose wrinkling with playful distaste, “You’re supposed to wait till she’s laying down—”
“It was an accident!”
“—and her sweater!” Cerelle growls in annoyance, “Go upstairs, pet, my room. Pick anything you like.”
You slide off of the counter, hurrying from the room, leaving the sound of music and chanting behind as you move deeper into the labyrinth of the Lannister home. 
Cerelle’s room lacks color and warmth. 
You’d spent the night once here before, crawling into the white feather bed after too much mulled wine. Cerelle had stroked your hair until you’d fallen asleep, only to awake the next morning with a severe headache and a churning belly. 
Popping the rest of the buttons, you peel the soaked sweater from your body and throw it in the hamper. You then walk over to Cerelle’s closet—double doors—and open it. Expensive. Perfumed. You’ve already ruined one pretty thing. Though Cerelle could hardly care about the expense, you do. You sigh, gently pushing through the soft fabric.
“Playing dress up?” a voice calls, and you turn to Aemond at the door. 
You close the closet door. You’ll just have to survive in your thin top. Aemond holds a glass of whiskey between his long fingers.
“Well, I suppose that was a given,” you answer him, sitting down on the bed.
Aemond watches you from the doorway, his arm raised above his head, fingers tapping nonsensically against the frame. 
“D’you want to see how you’re supposed to do it?” he suddenly asks.
“Do what?” you question, tilting your head to the side. 
“What Qyle was going to do,” he answers, and you understand his meaning. 
Aemond walks over to you, the ice rattling against the glass he lazily grips between his fingers, coming to stand in front of your legs. You’re not sure why he’s asking, what interest he has in you. But something in your belly tightens the closer he gets.
“Alright,” you give him a quiet answer, the word barely slipping past your lips. 
Aemond purses his lips, glancing down at your legs. 
“Spread them,” he says softly, motioning with the cup. Warmth creeps up the back of your neck and blooms on the apples of your cheeks. You lock eyes with him, focusing on the ring of violet that surrounds his pupil. You do as you’re told, knees parting; his gaze hypnotizing. “Wider.” 
Your skirt tightens against your thighs as you do so, but you spread your legs wide enough for him to stand between them. He takes a step forward and you’re forced to look up at him.
“Lean back,” he instructs. You’re beginning to notice how easily he slips into the domineering role. Again you follow his instructions, cheeks burning as you lean back, propping yourself on your elbows. 
You’re much more exposed without your sweater, the tops of your breasts visible in the thin top you wear. Aemond steps closer, looming over you, heat radiating from his tall form.
He reaches out, fingers caressing your cheek. You hope he can’t feel how warm they’ve become, feel your pulse fluttering against his fingers as they trail underneath your jaw and down your neck until they reach your collarbone.
“You’re to put salt here,” he murmurs, pressing against the dip of your collarbone for emphasis, “That’s first.” He leans down then, fingers trailing over your shoulder and down your arm leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Though we’re without.”
You swallow as his fingers continue to trace your collarbone. His violet eye watches you carefully before he pulls his hand away. He brings them lower, ghosting down your ribs until they reach your waist.
“May I?” he asks, fingers at the hem of your shirt. You give him a wordless nod, not able to trust your voice. Aemond pushes the fabric up slightly, revealing your navel. He holds the glass above your stomach; a drop of condensation falls causing you to flinch at the cool sensation.
Aemond flicks a brow at the constriction of your abdomen, “You’re quite sensitive.”
“It’s cold.”
“Mhmm,” he agrees, turning the glass so more condensation falls; little raindrops begin to adorn your skin, “The liquor goes here.” His fingers ruin the pattern he’s created, rough fingertips swirling the dew drops around your navel, “Tequila.”
“We haven’t got any,” you breathlessly tell him, his touch leaving a scorched trail across your belly. 
Aemond brings his glass closer, pressing the edge against the beginning of your belly button, letting some whiskey pool there. Your hands clenched into fists as the cold liquid fills you up; you watch as it shakes slightly, overflowing. Aemond leans forward, catching the spill with his mouth causing a gasp that sounds more like a moan to leave your mouth. His mouth covers your navel and you can feel his tongue swirl around, collecting the liquid he poured there with hot, calculated strokes. 
His violet eye peers up at you from behind silver lashes, half-lidded as he hollows his cheeks sucking harshly. He reaches toward the side table, mouth never leaving you, to place his glass on the edge freeing his hand. You can feel his tongue circling your navel, gently probing the sensitive skin. You can’t help the giggle that escapes you at the ticklish sensation. Aemond presses his hands against your obliques before releasing you with a pop, his chin and lips shining. 
“That’s how it's supposed to be,” he murmurs, not moving from the spot between your legs. Some of his silver hair has fallen across his brow, and on instinct you reach forward, brushing it from his eyes. 
“There’s one more part,” you tell him, fingers grazing the beginning of the scar that mares his left brow before disappearing behind the patch.
“What’s that?” he asks, his gaze revealing he knows the answer. 
He just wants to hear you say it, you realize. 
Your lips part, fingers still somewhat tangled in his hair; the strands soft as silk between your fingers. 
“There was a lime,” you tell him, “The person….holds it in their mouth.”
Aemond pushes up then, his hands sliding up your sides until they’re pressed into the bed on either side of you, his face inches from your own. 
“Have you got a lime on you?” he asks, his breath warm on your face, the scent of whiskey strong between you.
“No,” you murmur, not knowing where to look. He’s so close you can see the flecks of blue and gold in the lilac iris of his eye, count his silver lashes, and notice the small indentation on the tip of his prominent nose.
He hums again, his eye dropping to your lips.
“Pity,” he says, lips down turning into a pout.
Your heart is nearly beating out of your chest with the way it's pounding incessantly against your ribcage. He’s so close your chests are practically touching; your nipples straining against the fabric of your top. His chain peeks out from under the collar of his shirt and your resolve crumbles. Your eyes flicker to his lips, tongue darting out to wet your own and he leans forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
Your hands wrap around his neck as he kisses you; his lips so soft and firm against your own, skilled tongue parting them with ease to deepen the kiss. A moan doesn’t make it out of your throat as his hand cradles your jaw, the sound of soft kisses is the only thing you can hear besides the muffled hum of the music playing downstairs. 
Aemond pulls away then, the look is his eye ravenous as he lowers himself between your legs once more. For a minute you think he may grab his glass and do the party trick all over again, the kiss just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Instead, he pushes your skirt up, fingers digging into the flesh of your inner thighs. You realize a moment too late what he’s doing.
“Aemond!” you squeak, as he rips the seam of your tights, “These were a new pair!”
“I can buy you another,” he says, pressing a kiss against the smooth newly exposed flesh, “Or perhaps CeCe can. You’re her favorite plaything, aren’t you?” 
Your cheeks burn at the statement, your mouth pressing together in a tight line. Aemond grins, nimble fingers undoing the zipper of your skirt and wiggling it down your legs along with your ruined tights.
“Oh she doesn’t like that,” he says, clicking his tongue, “But it’s true, isn’t it?” His hands are roaming higher now, grazing against your clothed center. You’re certain he feels the evidence of your arousal but he stays quiet about it. “That’s what you are, aren’t you? A pretty little plaything.”
“Fuck you,” you hiss, humiliation seeping into your veins, though it does little to quell the desire pooling in your belly. 
“No shame in that,” he says, shaking his head, “I understand Cerelle, entirely.” His fingers tug your panties down your bare legs, exposing your wet center. Aemond’s eye locks on it, lips quirking upward. “I like pretty things as well.”
“So I’ve heard,” you quip as Aemond’s second-hand joins the first. He swirls a finger low against your entrance and you clench as he drags it upwards.
“Have you?” he muses, circling your clit with minimal pressure, “And what have you heard?”
“That you’re as insatiable as your brother,” you manage to choke out as his thumb continues to tease your clit, “You just hide it better.” 
Aemond cocks his head to the side in silent agreement before pressing his face against you. A sharp cry leaves your lips as his tongue explores from your entrance up to your clit, the tip circling the sensitive button. 
Eyes rolling back in your head, Aemond nuzzles his face against you, tongue slipping down and pressing into your clenching hole. He hums in approval as you make another desperate noise as his tongue curves upwards inside of you. 
Seven hells, how is anyone’s tongue long enough to do what Aemond’s is doing? Your toes curl as his tongue hooks upwards against the front of your pelvic bone, thrusting against the sensitive patch of nerves that resides there.
“Oh gods—fuck—fuck!” you cry as he continues the repetitive movement of his tongue, waves of pleasure lapping up your spine, sending shivers through your whole body. “Hells Aemond…”
His nose presses against your slippery clit, rubbing against it in a way that stokes the pleasurable fire burning in your belly. His hands hold your thighs open and you throw your head back against the bed as the pressure inside you builds and builds and builds. Your back arches and your thighs tremble in his bruising grasp.
You lean up on your forearms to watch him, his violet eye intently watching your face, studying your reaction. You can tell he’s smug at the effect he’s having on you. He would often get that same look in his eye in class after he proved someone wrong or made a more intelligent point. How you must look to him now; all spread out before him, flushed and slack-jawed, dewy-eyed and pretty. 
You’re a pretty toy to play with. Just want he wanted. 
His tongue leaves your fluttering pussy and you whine at the loss of contact. He mumbles something that sounds an awful lot like needy before two fingers sink inside your warmth to replace what he took away. 
Aemond’s tongue returns to its place around your clit as his fingers curve upwards replaying the motion from before. The stimulation now is much harsher, the pads of his fingers dragging effortlessly against your spongy walls, curling with brutal intention; relentlessly pressing against the swelling spot inside of you. 
His warm, wet tongue against your clit only hastens the tightly winding ball of pleasure in your gut and you feel your walls swelling around his fingers as your release knocks the wind out of you. 
You come with a strangled cry, hands gripping the bed sheets as your abdominal muscles contract to the point of pain, all your muscles going taut as warm waves of euphoria rush through you. 
Aemond releases a choked chuckle of appreciation as he feels you tighten around his fingers. He fucks you through it, stretching out the wave of your orgasm until your legs are trembling and the overstimulation causes you to hiss at him.
“Stop, stop, please.”
“Alright…shhh,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of your mound and gently pulling his fingers from your fluttering walls, “There you go, that’s a good girl. You did so well for me.”
You can’t help but warm at his praise, the ringing in your ears fading as your chest swells. Aemond is on you once more, lips pressed to yours the mingled taste of whiskey and you hot on his tongue. 
“Are you going to let me fuck you?” he murmurs between sticky kisses, “Hmm?”
“Aemond…” you breathe into his mouth, hoping that is enough for him.
You can feel him smirk against your lips and know instantly it's not. He tuts disapprovingly, pushing you back against the mattress, his face dipping into the crook of your neck.
“What would Floris say?” he teases, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your neck. Your hands wind around his neck, fingers digging into his scalp. His braid is all but ruined. “I thought you said something earlier,” he continues, nipping and sucking at different spots on your neck, humming with pleasure when he locates a spot that has your back arching. 
“I don’t—”
“Loyalty, I recall,” he purrs, his hand snaking down your side, gripping the meat of your thigh and hoisting it around his waist, “Something like that.”
“Aemond,” you whimper helplessly as he grinds against you, the feeling of his hard cock concealed by his trousers driving you close to madness, “Aemond please.”
“You’re going to have to say it,” he insists, kissing your cheek, “Come on, say it.”
“I want you to fuck me,” you tell him, “Please Aemond—gods.” 
“They can’t hear you,” he taunts, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss, “You’re all mine.”
You frantically nod, nose bumping against his as his lips curl into a greedy smile. He removes his shirt with one hand before he rolls off of you and onto his back, motioning to you with his hands. 
“Go on then,” he says, “Take what you want.”
With shaky hands, you undo his belt above the sizable tent in his pants before dragging the zipper down and releasing his cock. He’s bigger than you expected, both in length and girth, the reddened tip already weeping in anticipation. You stroke his velvety shaft once before he grabs your wrist, pulling you toward him. 
His hands pull your shirt from your body as you straddle him, his cock nudging at your folds. Aemond’s hands slide up your back, undoing your bra and freeing your breasts. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he murmurs, hands cupping the sizable mounds, “Gods, you’re so lovely.”
Your face burns at his praise as you raise your hips before gripping him in your hand and guiding him inside of you; gently letting yourself slide down his length, inner walls fluttering around him at the new sensation. Shuddering on top of him you whine at the stretch. “Gods—”
“You can take it,” he murmurs, squeezing you softly in encouragement, “Come on baby, that’s it, just like that.”
Slowly you let him bottom out in your warmth, happily seated on his cock feeling incredibly full. You brace your hands on his chest as he pinches both of your nipples, your jaw slacking in response. Aemond lifts his hips slightly, gauging your reaction as your eyes screw shut.
“That feel good?” he asks, his voice a rough whisper.
“Yes,” you breathe, slowly starting to ride him, hips lifting and returning to his with a soft smack. 
“There she goes,” he murmurs, hands dropping to your hips, squeezing, “Take what you need, gevie.”
A breathless moan escapes you as you ride him, his hands guiding you through the movements. The hum from the music downstairs matches the ringing in your ears. 
Aemond drops his hand from your waist bringing it to the apex of your thighs. His lips part as he watches you rise and fall on his cock, his length coated with your arousal. 
“That’s it,” he coos, his tone bordering on one of condensation, “Just like that—there’s a good girl.” His thumb brushes against your clit as he says it, a broken moan leaving your lips as pleasure ignites your veins. 
His movements are soft, tantalizing, and brutally calculated as he circles the sensitive button; his other hand clings to your waist, hard enough to bruise. Surely they’ll be memories of his touch when you wake; dark purple petals blossoming on your soft flesh at first light. He guides your movements as they become sloppier the closer you get to your release. 
It sends tingles up your spine, your chest and neck growing warmth as you edge closer to the precipice of pleasure.
No other man has made you finish before.
“Are you close?” Aemond murmurs, never stopping his attention to your clit, the subtle movement of his hips thrusting up into you, “I know you are—can feel you clenching around me.”
Your head falls back, mind foggy as you desperately grind against him, trying to ignore the burn in your hamstrings. Aemond’s hand leaves your hip crashing down against your ass with a loud smack. You yelp in surprise, head jerking forward, nails clawing into the hardened muscles of his chest. Aemond’s hand remains where he’d spanked you, fingers curling into the meat of your ass as he releases a breathless laugh; his eye flickers to where your nails dig against his pale flesh, leaving a trail of red behind as they scrape down his chest.
“Answer me,” he demands, and you quickly nod earning another stinging slap, “With your words gevie. Use those pretty lips.”
“Yes,” you practically gasp, “Yes, Aemond I’m close—”
“And you want to cum, don’t you?” he murmurs, lips curling into a smirk, “Do you want me to make you cum?”
“Yes, Aemond please—” the sentence dies with a moan as he plants both feet on the mattress, bucking his hips up against yours at an inhumane pace. Your eyes screw shut, mouth hanging open in ecstasy as all the muscles in your body tense followed by a sudden burst of euphoria pulsing through you. 
Aemond hums in satisfaction as you ride your high, blood rushing in your ears as you shake on top of him, clenching around his thick length. He’s careful to pull his thumb away from your sensitive clit as your eyes flutter open, eyebrows scrunched together at the overstimulation. But his compassion is short-lived as he hooks his arm around your waist, flipping you onto your back and slotting his body on top of yours. 
His cock is removed for merely a moment at the switch of positions before it’s stretching into your once more earning a sharp gasp. Aemond’s hand covers your mouth in an instant, his face buried in the crook of your neck once more. 
“Shhh,” he coos, placing a kiss under your ear, “Hear that?” he asks, thrusting gently into your warmth causing your eyes to roll back in your head. “Listen.”
His hips continue their gentle roll against yours, slowly stoking the pleasurable fire that is reigniting in your belly. Limbs still tingling from your previous orgasm, you blink rapidly trying to focus on what he’s asking. 
The music downstairs has died.
“Everyone’s going home,” he murmurs, through another kiss, “We’d best be quick. Would hate for lovely Cerelle to find her pet in such a position.”
Embarrassment burns your cheeks and he chuckles, keeping his hand over your mouth as he slings your leg over his shoulder, deepening the angle of his thrusts. The head of his cock bullies against your sweet spot almost lovingly as he drags his cock in and out.
“Keep quiet,” he murmurs, the sound of silence deafening with the lack of music, “Can you do that?” He’s rather cruel with his question, delivering a particularly harsh thrust as he asks, then clicking his tongue in disapproval at your muffled moan. “Thought not.”
So his hand remains as he plows into you, the sounds of your pleasure muffled but still desperate as you claw at his shoulders. 
“That’s it,” he encourages, “Cum for me again, just like that.” His pelvis grazes against your clit, the friction only aiding in his efforts of making you reach your release once more. His violet eye scans your face before he dips to your collarbone, nipping the sensitive flesh with his teeth and you cum with a desperate cry against his hand. 
“There you go,” he coos, the words breathy and broken his hips faltering as your walls clamp down around him, “Squeezing me so fucking tight—fuck.” He regains his pace with renewed enthusiasm as your walls continue to flutter around him. Aemond removes his hand from your mouth pressing it into the mattress beside your head. 
Nerves raw from the continued stimulation a tear rolls down your cheek as he chases his own release. Aemond leans forward, hot tongue darting out to catch the salty stream as he hums in satisfaction. 
“We’ll have more time next time,” he whispers the promise against your cheek, “I want to explore what other pretty noises you make.” His lips capture yours then, swallowing the whimper you release. 
“I’m very curious,” he murmurs against your lips, slinging your other leg over his shoulder, pushing your knees back beside your ears. “And I’m very thorough.” A silent scream leaves you as he slams back into you, toes curling as you cum again, vision going white with the force of it. 
Aemond’s hips meet yours a few more times and then you feel his cock pulsate inside of you before the warmth of his release fills you to the brim. You’ll need to make a trip to the pharmacy, but you’ll think about that later. He stays like that for a moment, buried to the hilt inside of you as you both try to regulate your breathing. 
Aemond lowers your legs gently from around his shoulders and brushes some sweat-soaked hair from your forehead. 
“Are you alright?” he asks, and you nod as he kisses you sweetly.
“Just fucked out,” you assure him, a pleasurable ache radiating down your thighs. Aemond hums, carefully pulling his softening cock from your warmth.
The emptiness takes your breath away as he stands. “Wait here,” he orders, walking towards Cerelle’s bathroom. He returns a moment later, washcloth in hand. You push yourself onto shaky forearms as he carefully cleans the mess between your thighs.
“Thank you,” you tell him, face burning from his attention.
“No need for thanks,” he insists, “It’s the bare minimum.”
“For you maybe.”
Aemond flicks a brow toward his hairline, his violet eye meeting yours. His expression is curious, but you sense he’s not going to push you to elaborate. You hold his gaze. 
Not tonight.
“Are you staying here?” he asks, standing when he’s done, handing you pieces of your clothes.
“I think I have to,” you answer, putting your skirt back on and glancing at the clock, “The last bus is long gone.”
Aemond frowns, reaching for his phone.
“I’ll have my driver take you,” he says, unlocking his screen.
“You don’t have to—”
“It’s no trouble,” he insists, placing the phone against his ear, “Cole. Ten minutes. Thank you.” He hangs up quickly leaving no time to argue.
“Thanks,” you mutter awkwardly while finishing dressing. You walk to Cerelle’s large mirror and attempt to fix your sex hair. Your eyes widen in horror as you tilt your head to the side, leaning closer to get a better look. 
“Aemond,” you hiss, fingers pressing against the three red marks sure to bruise, “I look like I’ve been mauled by a bear.”
Aemond walks up behind you dragging his fingers down the curve of your neck and over your collarbone. Goosebumps appear in their wake. Three more red marks lead a path down to the top of your right breast. Several sizable mouth-shaped love bites. 
Aemond rests his chin on your shoulder, meeting your eyes in the mirror.
“Think of them as a gift,” he tells you, the curve of his lips pressed against the skin of your neck.
His hand curves around your waist, the other slinking up to turn your face towards him. He hums appreciatively, kissing your lips, then your cheek. Down your neck to your shoulder. You glance in the mirror once more, catching his eye. 
There’s something new there. Almost possessive. 
His grip on your waist tightens and he presses his teeth into the soft flesh of your shoulder.
Outside, snow begins to fall.
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Kim Dokja headcanons with fem!reader who is a writer
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These headcanons are dedicated to my friend @d10nsaint who recommended me this webtoon series to me when I had nothing else to read lol. Enjoy! :)
Prior to the apocalypse, Kim Dokja was neither a social butterfly nor a likable person on Minosoft’s Q and A team. Most people avoided him, and he liked to keep a low profile so he could read his webnovels in peace. 
It was a perfect, quiet routine for a contract worker like himself  until the arrival of a new junior shattered it all. [First Name] [Last Name], recently transferred from the company’s [Country] branch to HQ. And she was assigned to work under him. 
Not only was the junior a quick learner, but she was also very good-looking. Kim Dokja might be a reader at heart, he wasn’t a blind fool to not notice her. She was definitely on her way to becoming the next Yoo Sangah in the company: charming, kind, and willingly to stay late to help the team finish up any assignments for the next meeting. 
He definitely did not have a chance with someone like them. At least that was what he had thought until he looked over in her cubicle to go over some paperwork when he saw the artwork of a web novel on her computer but she wasn't there. 
SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES HIM READ WEBNOVELS?! The man was stunned to say the least. However, right now he could not afford to look like a weirdo with the CEO making random rounds to each department today. So, like the gentleman he is, he placed the documents on your desk and went right back to work. 
But he kept an eye on her…in a non-creepy way of course! It was just….hard  for him to make conversation with someone. It definitely took Kim Dokja a few times to ask [First Name] if they would be interested in going to get a bite to eat on the way home from a particularly tiring day in the office. 
To his surprise and delight, she accepted. It was nothing fancy, just a food stall. When he saw that her phone screen was opened up to the newest chapter of Three Ways of Survival he couldn’t help but blurt out that it was a mind-blowing twist to the story. 
[First Name]'s reaction to his words was stunned silence, followed by them asking him that he’s read the novel too with a starry look in her eyes. 
After that, Kim Dokja and [First Name] exchanged numbers. While at Minosoft,  the two of them worked together and remained professional. If one or the other were invited to drinks, they’d follow them. Nothing too odd to raise any alarms, just casual banter that even made a few of the other employees raise her eyebrows.
It was a whole different story when they were off the clock though. 
The two of them either went out somewhere, or just spent a good chunk of the evening texting each other web novel recommendations or their thoughts on the latest chapter of TWSA.
Kim Dokja thought he knew everything about his growing crush on [First Name] until she shyly dropped another startling revelation on him just a year after discovering that they loved reading as much as he did: [First Name] [Last Name] was a web novel writer.
Not only that, but her work was something he’d recently started to read when tls123 went on a brief hiatus due to health issues. 
Seriously, how could someone be so perfect in his eyes?!
Naturally, he read [First Name]’s work and gave her honest feedback on the plot’s progression, the characters, any and everything that would make her grin from ear to ear or hum in contemplation about where she could improve. 
He has the honor of reading her rough drafts before she published it online. Not going to lie, some of his ideas came from his favorite web novel. But [First Name] deeply appreciated his help and often thanked him for his support, especially when she was hit with writer’s block.
It took Kim Dokja another six months before he worked up the courage to ask [First Name] out on a date. He was terrified, fearing that he might lose his only friend…but seeing the bright red hue on  [First Name]’s face and hearing her stutter that she would be delighted to go out with him as more than a co-worker and a friend made his heart skip a beat.
She….she really…liked him too, huh? That’s…great. No, it was more than great. This is probably one of the happiest memories he still kept close to his heart: knowing that he loved someone, and she loved him back.
And now, no matter what happened in these scenarios, he would protect and provide for [First Name]. She was precious to him, and she gladly reciprocated that same devotion and love with no strings attached or scheming. 
It still warmed his heart to see her cuddle with Gil-Yeong and Shin Yu-Seong late at night or work with the rest of his party to ensure that everyone was prepared for what lay ahead next. 
He also took secret, sadistic delight in seeing his significant other win arguments against Han Sooyoung, especially about stories or writing. 
No matter what she said, a plagiarist is still a plagiarist even if people said that SSSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor is superior to Three Ways of Survival in every way.
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heyidkyay · 7 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Fifteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Honestly loved writing this one! Lots of tension, so many emotions! First scene has a few flashbacks in italics so watch out! Hope you enjoy x
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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A list of things I remember about last night:
George buying a fan a bottle of champagne.. then four more for the table. He’d been six shots in and feeling more than a little generous.
Matty and I out in the smoking area, whispering back and forth, then giggling as we tried to knick a lighter from the back pocket of this big burly bloke trying to chat up the blonde beside us.
Hann leaving early but with smiles for all of us and the promise of seeing Adi and I again soon! 
Finn’s text saying that Teddy was fast asleep and all fine- an utter reassurance not just to me, but seemingly Matty too, who’d cooed over the picture I’d received alongside it.
Matty dragging me out onto the dance floor when a certain song had come on, his hands on my waist, mine tangled in his hair, the lights bright, the music loud..
The last round of shots, or one of?
Ross standing on a table??
Adi then slipping out with Ross- note to self, text Adi!!
And then…
Then the cab ride home!
But, I supposed it wasn’t headed home, or at least not mine, because now that I thought about it, dizzying images of awkward fumbles in the dark, searching for a light switch, hastily turned into a terrible attempt at trying to scrounge up some food, only a little less drunk than what we’d been when we’d left the club. But then even those soon spun and fluttered away, moving onto heavy hands and heated looks…
I froze, taking in the unfamiliar feel of the bed sheets beneath me and the weight of an arm thrown around my waist. How suddenly the skin beneath it felt hot at the realisation of its touch. I allowed my wide eyes to wander, holding my breath, the remnants of sleep quickly slipping from me as worry overwhelmed it. I saw the cemented walls, the soft hues, the sunlight which flickered in through the far window.
I didn’t know this place, but at the same time I felt as though I did.
I let my eyes fall close again, only briefly, when I finally allowed myself a moment to breathe, inhaling slowly so as to not stir the man settled behind me. 
And that was all that would come to mind because I was panicking now. It felt like I had been dropped into a black hole head first, or some other kind of alternate reality- or maybe even five years in the past! Because this couldn’t be happening. It had to be a dream.
But my thoughts kept on betraying me.
“Don’t run from me.” He whispered in the dim light of his kitchen as his fingers skittered over the length of my jaw, gently coercing me into meeting his gaze once again.
We’d been making toast, he’d only had a spoonful or so of butter left but had latched onto the idea the second we’d walked through the front door, the cab having not long left us. He’d pulled jams and spreads from high cupboards to goad me into it too, and I could do nothing but stand there and watch on, perfectly content and with a permanent smile etched into my face.
He’d patted the countertop beside him not long after finding a new loaf of white bread in the tin, gesturing me on round to sit on its top whilst he got to work.
“What do you fancy?” He’d asked me, plopping a slice into his sleek toaster, one which looked a decade newer than my own.
“You decide.” I had gambled, happy to just watch him laugh whilst he worked, licking his thumb free of chocolate and swearing under his breath when the butter finally ran dry.
On the plate I’d then been handed, sat four sections, each one a different spread to the other. He’d grinned up at me when he had passed it over and had watched on as I’d chuckled and picked a slice up.
“Blueberry, fine choice.” He’d hummed, his drawl deep and tinged with a faint hint of amusement. I’d shrugged, sheepish for some reason, and licked at the corner of my mouth to swipe the crumbs away from the bite I had just taken.
“Didn’t even know it existed.” I’d told him truthfully, taking another bite before reaching out to have him try. 
His movements had been careful at that, as though he’d been surprised by the offer, but then he’d let me feed him and had grinned around the sweet taste.
“Good?” I’d asked him, already moving to withdraw my hand before his fingers caught around my wrist. I'd blinked, confused and slightly startled by the suddenness of the gesture, but his hold hadn’t been harsh or hurtful, merely just that, a hold.
He had nodded at me in answer to my question, but then he’d taken the bitten slice from my grasp to place down somewhere on the counter.
“Matty?” I'd heard myself say.
He’d merely stepped on closer, “You have something.” His voice gruff.
He had lifted his free hand up towards my face, the other still caught on mine, and let the pad of his thumb brush away the tiniest piece of jam my cheek had caught. I’d felt my breath catch at the motion, somewhere in the very back of my throat, and then swallowed thickly at the sight of him placing the same finger into his mouth, sucking it clean.
I’d looked away, feeling the fierce rush of alcohol and embarrassment heat my face.
“Don’t run from me.”
His fingers still touched me now, even as he slept on, completely oblivious to the chaos that was my mind, the world that had continued on around us.
What would they say? What would they think?
Slowly, I forced myself to start moving, unable to continue lying in a bed that wasn’t my own. I hated myself a little for the fact that it was his, something deep inside of me knowing that this would’ve been so much easier had it simply been a stranger.
I lifted his hand from around my waist first, ever so careful not to have him stir, then silently slipped from between the sheets, my legs sliding out first before I willed my torso to follow. 
I picked up the first thing I saw from off of the floor, the white shirt he’d been wearing the night before, and pulled it on over my shoulders. My eyes skittered about the rest of the space, taking in everything that made up Matty’s room whilst simultaneously trying to find the dress I’d arrived in the night before. 
“I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel like you do.” He murmured into the space between us, my legs pressed against the counter top and dangling either side of his hips, his fingers grasped my chin, mine cuffed somewhere around his wrist. 
“It’s fucking maddening.” He continued on in the hushed tone he'd adopted, though no one was around to hear him had he spoken any louder, “I keep pulling away when I feel I get too close, scared you might push me away completely. ‘Cause what would I do then? Where would that leave me?”
I could feel the blood rushing in my ears and the way that my hands would surely shake if they weren’t already clinging to him. “I don’t understand, Matty.”
He smiled at me and I watched the way his eyes trailed their way across my face. I’d always liked his eyes. “I know. And that’s what kills me, ‘cause I don’t reckon you’ll ever think I’m enough.”
It threw me.
“You’re enough, what on Earth are you on about? Of course you’re enough.”
He shook his head at me ever so softly, with a sad smile this time around, whilst I dipped my own head to be nearer to his, wanting him to believe me. Willing him to.
I was ripped away from the memory by the shuffling of sheets and stood in horror, barefoot in the middle of his bedroom, as the bed creaked with a slight movement. I held my breath, hands clutching at the buttons of the gaping shirt.
He sniffed unhappily, hands searching as he turned, but then was lured back into sleep.
I gave a stuttered exhale, heart pounding so hard it should’ve surely hurt, before continuing on with my search. I didn’t get too far though, not with my shaking hands and laboured breaths, the anxiety of it all overwhelming me now.
I could feel the pricking of tears that welled in my eyes, the stinging tingle of my nose as I fought not to cry. Why? The only question worth repeating, over and over and over. Why the fuck had I gone and fucked this all up?
My head shot up, startled by the suddenness of his voice and the realisation that I’d cowered into the wooden chair sat on the wall nearest to the window. Matty shifted in the sheets, sleep clouding his mind before I choked on a questionable sob and he was all but tumbling his way on over to me, catching on bed linens and fumbling across the floor.
“I need you to know, okay?” He whispered to me in the quiet of the kitchen, his wary face now cradled in the palms of my hands whilst his soft eyes stared back at me, mirroring an emotion I felt but couldn’t quite recall. “‘Cause, I don’t reckon I could say this whilst sober.”
“Know what, Matty?”
My fingers dug into the skin of my arms.
“Mouse, you hearin’ me?”
His voice sounded so different now, laced with a gruff edge I’d only ever heard during late night phone calls when he’d stayed too late at the studio and wanted company. There was an urgency to his tone now.
“Squeaks, just lemme know what I can do.” Matty rushed out, his face wrinkled with worry whilst his hands faltered, unsure whether or not to touch. “Please.”
Another sob ripped its way through me.
“I’m sorry.” I told him in earnest, crying hard enough now that I had to have been gasping to breathe, “I’m sorry, I, I just- I don’t know what to do now. I’m sorry, Matty. So sorry.”
He didn’t reply, didn’t say a word actually. Just moved to cradle me close, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as though that would hold me together, his body shielding my head from the rest of the world.
“I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.” Matty murmured, so much like he had the night before but only sadder now. “Nothing at all.”
She was embarrassed. That much he knew.
Could feel the way she shied away from him now that she had calmed, still hidden away in his arms. He hated himself for it. He wanted to hate what had gone down last night too, but couldn’t bring himself to. What good would it do him now? Hate, always so stuck on it.
“Mouse.” He called out to her softly, after the quiet had been stretched and pulled far too thin. He swallowed thickly, “Let’s make some tea, yeah?”
He must've surprised her with his response because she glanced up at him almost unconsciously, but as soon as their eyes met hers were quick to dart away again. 
She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, stare trained on the farthest wall. Matty licked at his bottom lip, still crouching in his position by the chair he had in the corner, moving his hands to now gently rest them by the knobs of her knees. 
He’d never been good at shit like this. Comfort.
He always got stuck in this place between panic and unease, forced to commit to empathising with another person and suspending his own agenda. It made him feel like he needed to make things better then and there, if only to save himself the strain of dealing with emotions.
That, and his mind was still so bleary due to the abrupt wake up, his heart still clenched to the point of exertion due to the spear of anxiety she’d propelled right through him.
“We can talk there, alright? Just, don’t leave just yet. Please?”
He felt bad for even asking her to stay but he knew her far too well, could see how desperate she was to run now, to escape her feelings and everything that had brought this moment to an abrupt head.
“Please?” Matty repeated even softer than he had before and was thankful when she finally nodded, a small thing he might not have seen had he blinked, but a nod nonetheless. “Okay.” He breathed out, something in him settling now that he knew she wouldn’t be making a run for the hills, “Okay, I’ll get a start on it then. You can have a look through them drawers over there, yeah? Find something, whatever, I don’t mind.”
He saw the bob of her throat as she swallowed and lingered on the motion until she nodded again.
By the time he’d made it out into the kitchen he was all but kicking himself, cursing as he tried to keep his temper in check. Of all the things he could have fucking done last night, why did he have to go and fuck the one good thing in his life up? She’d never fucking forgive him for this, even if she realised what had actually gone down and not what she’d just conjured up in that pretty little head of hers. 
Matty channelled his regret and sorrowful mood into hammering a pair of teabags into two empty mugs, figuring it to be the only way he could vent without banging everything about. He flicked on the kettle and moved to the fridge to pull the milk out, listening to it begin to boil instead of the stuttering of his pulse.
He only realised he’d been glaring a hole into the tiled wall when the thing finally whistled and the soft pad of shuffling feet echoed across the kitchen floor. Matty couldn’t help the way his head turned to find her.
“Hungry?” He asked, rubbing at his eyes, and although his voice was barely above a murmur it still felt too loud. She simply shook her head. Which was just as well really, he didn’t think he could even stomach this brew the way he was strung so tight. 
He dipped his chin in retort, ringing the two tea bags out before turning back to face her again. He paused when he found that her eyes were locked on the counter she’d been sat on the night before, Matty’s mind immediately flashed back to the skin of her thighs beneath his hands, the dip of her waist, the gentleness she’d held his face with, both the longing and sadness in her eyes when she told him he was enough.
He had wanted to scoff then, now even, but he’d never do that to her. If she thought he was worth even a fraction of the attention she gave him, then he’d take it. He was selfish in that regard, and couldn’t afford to waste anything she gifted him.
Christ, he sounded like a proper nut. How’d he let himself get so fucking gone on this girl?
Truthfully, he hadn’t even realised the depth of it until right then.
And now he had to be an actual grown-up and sort out the mess he’d made of things before he even got a chance to try to riffle through his messy array of feelings and their slow rising alarm bells. Another time- another day, even.
Matty cleared his throat as gently he took the seat beside her on the trio of barstools he had lined up on one side of his kitchen island, then faltered slightly, “Um, you good here or you wanna like, move to the settee or somethin’?”
She shook her head, hands careful as she moved to cradle the mug he’d just slid on over to her. He noticed how she moved her gaze from the counter down to the milky brew when he sat.
“Right,” He muttered, “alright.”
It was stupid, to feel so fucking incompetent then. In a moment he really should have been able to find the right words. Because Matty, somehow, had run out of things to say. And it was an accomplishment in itself, that he had to note, he wasn’t one to ever really be at a loss for words. But then again, Mouse was the biggest anomaly he’d faced so far.
He cleared his throat again and decided to just sip at his tea, noting that it was nicer than the usual scalding hot coffee he’d gulp down on his way out each morning.
Mouse went to open her mouth again, he saw the movement just out of the corner of his eye, and Matty already knew what she was going to say.
“Don’t,” He rushed out, though not unkindly. “No need for sorries, yeah?”
Her jaw snapped swiftly shut and she huddled in on herself slightly, staring back into the swirl of her brew. Matty immediately felt guilty.
He licked at his lower lip, feeling a cut there beneath his tongue just as a silence settled once more, one that was all the more suffocating.
He figured he’d best just get it over with, because at least then he’d be put out of the itching longing he had to end the quiet.
“I just,” He immediately paused, noting the way she had tilted her chin towards him at the sound of his voice, he coughed lightly then tried again. “Last night,” She tensed, and God, he had to steel himself further at that, “Nothing happened, alright? Well, yeah, I mean, fuck. Shit happened, but like we didn’t have sex or anything, I wouldn’t do that to you, Squeaks. You were drunk. It’d be a shitty move, yeah? So, just, if that’s what you’ve been worrying about, then..”
Matty glanced over at her wearily, internally wincing at the fucking stumble he’d made of things there, he found that her head was better turned towards him now, although her eyes still remained low. He watched her lips part, then quiver as though she was unsure of her response.
He let her have a minute.
“You were drunk, too.”
It didn’t sound like an accusation but felt a little like one. Still, he kept his head. “Not enough to not remember.”
The skin between her brows knitted, Matty could practically see the whirl of her many moving thoughts.
“I was naked.”
It took all his strength not to splutter at that, because he’d been trying his fucking hardest not to linger too much on that fact. Or how the sight of her in his clothes, even now, sent something stirring through his gut.
“Yeah,” Once again clearing his throat, Matty took another stilted breath, “Though to be fair, you’d had a shower then fell asleep like that after I said I’d be quick about mine.” 
His eyes flickered outwards, unable to look at her then, thinking back to the sight she’d made all sprawled out on his bed, face softened by sleep and the duvet pulled over most of her waist. 
“I didn’t see much,” He felt the need to add, because she was obviously a little torn up about it from the way she was wringing her hands, and knew for a fact that Mouse had a shit fucking perception of herself too. The way she breezily commented on her body and the scars that marred her face gave way to that fact, although most wouldn’t pick up on it, and he had realised quite early on that she didn’t either. Matty supposed he must have his rehab therapist to thank for that little enlightenment. 
He chuckled lightly when the image of her rippled to the forefront of his mind, clinging to the duvet with a strength no unconscious person should probably have. “You practically cocooned yourself in the covers anyway, threw a proper fit when I tried to steal some of it back.”
She smiled then, a tiny thing, mind, but a smile nonetheless. And that alone at least eased his mind a little bit.
“Thinking back, I probably should’ve just slept in the guest room but I was almost dead to the world. Sorry.” He was sincere in his apology, it’d been a misstep on his part, he just hadn’t been thinking. Hadn’t expected her to react so badly either.
“No need.” She said then, her voice a little more confident now as she mimicked his earlier words, “I shouldn’t, well, I shouldn’t have just assumed.”
Matty rolled his eyes and finally chanced a glance back over at her, so very pleased to see her looking back. Even then in that moment, after a right scare, fucking sobbing her heart out, and only just having woken up, she looked blinding.
He didn’t know if he had ever described a girl quite like that, or anyone really. But it felt too true to not shine a light to.
He internally chastised himself again- did ageing make you soppy or some shit? The fuck was he on.
“Yes, you should have. I’d’ve done the same, anyone would’ve.” He chuckled instead, loving the way her sheepish smile only curved up on the one side. “Least now we know you’d be fuckin’ mortified if I ever tried anything on.” He tried to joke, but it fell flat.
Squeaks swivelled her seat round to knock her knees against his own, then wrapped her cold feet around his ankle, “I was- I just haven’t, you know..” Matty arched a single brow, still rather pleased with their newfound position, his eyes lingering on the way her borrowed shirt slipped down to expose the majority of her collarbone. “.. slept with anyone in a while, and yeah, I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to go and ruin anything we have with a drunken mistake.”
Matty’s heart faltered. Felt it fucking implode and then shrivel up inside his chest. Mistake. 
He fought hard to keep his mask in place, smiling away. He sipped at his brew to keep the sudden sickness that jilted his stomach at bay then patched his bleeding heart back up. “How long’s a while?” He teased, smirking felt easier than a smile anyway.
It was her turn to roll her eyes at him then, laughing softly when she retracted her gaze, though their legs stayed intertwined.
“I don’t really know.”
“Yes, you do.” Matty laughed, having none of it, “Come on, a couple months?” She kept quiet, “A year?”
He frowned when she began to chew on her bottom lip, fighting the urge to reach out and stop her. “Two?”
“Six.” She answered him, probably tired of the guessing game.
“Six.” Matty murmured, reeling at the information. Six years. He’d fucking explode, “Is that even healthy?”
Squeaks was so quick in the way her hand shot out to swat him, “It’s fine, you dickhead! And besides, I just meant properly, you know? Like, there’s been a few quick passings but nothing, nothing like that.”
“Don’t be a prick about it!” She immediately retorted to his breathy reply, obviously a little embarrassed and annoyed. “I have a toddler! And I’m always so fucking busy! I don’t even have the time to think about it!”
“Sounds like what you need is to get laid, babe.”
He snorted when she wacked him again, purposely ignoring the thoughts of her and him, drunken mistake.
“Leave off!”
“Fine then, I will for now.” Matty laughed, rubbing at his bicep, she continued to glare. “You want breakfast then? Or lunch now, I ‘spose. Can order in.”
Her knee knocked against his once more. Goosebumps trailed the length of his skin.
“Need to be back to pick up Teds from the nursery but yeah, lunch sounds nice.” She smiled, and for a second Matty was frozen in that very moment, content to just watch her smile at him like that forever.
Nice nice nice.
“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.” I said, my tone almost scolding, but I’d been unable to flat out deny Matty of his request to come and help me pick Teddy up from school. I’d spent the rest of the day at his place, been given an actual tour, eaten some good food, and thankfully had been able to avoid any more awkward conversations pertaining to our wake up call that morning.
“What? You said I could!” He sounded almost petulant. “Besides, it’ll be lowkey, I have my hat, a hood. No one will know! Also, I’m not that important. Don’t reckon many four year olds are listening to Sex on the drive home.”
I snorted but my mind still flashed to memories of only hours earlier. My cheeks pinked. “First- lowkey, really? Aren’t we too old to be saying that? And second, that hat is the same fucking hat you haven’t taken off since Christmas!”
“Before Christmas, actually.” Matty said snidely, smirking all the while, even as he ducked to avoid the swat of my hand. “And anyway, I love this hat, so kindly fuck off.”
Matty spent the rest of the walk to Teddy’s nursery singing This Charming Man whilst my mind lingered on his words. Claims of how he loved the small, insignificant gift Teddy and I had handed him. 
By the time we made it past the school gates, we’d been nudging shoulders and grazing hands most of the walk, so wrapped up in one another that I didn’t even realise I’d forgotten my phone somewhere until I patted down my pockets in the playground.
“Shit.” I muttered.
Matty, still blissfully unaware of my sudden circumstance and humming softly, kept on surveying the small school. “Yeah, the mural could use a bit of work but I think it’s meant to look shit, you know. Reckon the kids probably did it.”
Furrowing my forehead at his words, I then peered up at him, “No, I forgot my phone.”
Realisation dawned but then he shrugged, as if it were no big deal, “It’s probably still at mine, you use it this morning?”
I shook my head, feeling panicked now, which was stupid because it was just a phone. But, it also housed most of the things I considered important in my life; my work contacts, documents, notes, and To Do’s; Teddy’s doctors and dentist and school’s numbers; all the memories I’d made in the last few months that I had yet to save onto my icloud or hard drive; and pictures of Matty and I, as well as the rest of the guys too, but also our texts and little messages on Twitter and Instagram.
Losing it? I hated the very thought.
“No, I haven't touched it since last night. Could’ve left it at the club, or in the cab, or the-”
Matty’s hands came to cradle my shoulders, making me pause, and I realised he’d moved to stand before me, looking down at my pinched expression with a small smile. “You’re stressing, just take a breath. Alright? We’ll find it, ‘cause I’m sure it's back at mine anyway, but if not, then we can get it blocked and whatnot, try to get a new one before tomorrow.”
I forced myself to suck in a breath, still reeling from the feeling of my heart dropping to my arse. “Yeah, yeah I know, it’s just-”
“One of them things.” He finished with a knowing smile, hands squeezing my shoulders briefly before he wrapped me up in a hug. “Stressin’ won’t help and will only have Teds all wound up when he sees, yeah? We’ll sort it.”
His words ebbed my every worry just for a moment, I took another breath and let my arms find his waist, returning the hug and enjoying the way he settled his chin atop my head. 
“Okay.” I whispered into the edge of his coat, smiling when he squeezed me tight and then pulled away, “Sorry.”
Matty rolled his eyes at me, “Shut up.”
I chuckled to myself, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep from reaching out again and instead glanced about the rest of the playground. Most of the mums were here now and that panic that had subsided only a second ago almost came back in full force when I noticed how intensely they were watching me, or rather, Matty and I.
Carefully, I pivoted behind Matty, keeping my back to the gated fence which enclosed the school, but also forcing Matty to turn confusedly after me, his own back now facing the rest of the watchers.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He snorted with a bemused sort of frown, “Hiding?”
That had been the wrong thing to say because Matty nearly turned to glance back around, I reached out to stop him, hand encasing his elbow. “Don’t, alright? There’s a shit ton of mums just watching us. Got eyes like hawks or something.”
Matty merely blinked back at me before laughing, “You’re for real? Come on, they can’t be that bad.”
He went to turn again, only this time I couldn’t stop him. “Matty!” I called in a hissed whisper and he was quick to spin back around, face a little shocked.
“You reckon they’ll close in on us? I dunno if I can outrun them.”
I spluttered out an unexpected laugh, “I hope not. They usually hate me.”
Matty’s frown was quick to make a reappearance, “What, why?”
Shrugging, I glanced over his right shoulder, “You want a list? I’m a young mum, single, my kid doesn’t know his dad, I look like this, I don’t have a normal job or stay at home to take care of him, and sometimes Teds gets picked up by Finn or Adi, I don’t attend their stupid little-”
“Fuckin’ hell, alright I get it.” Matty said, his hand reaching out for my elbow just to slow me on my rant. “What a bunch of cunts.”
I forced a smile, “Yeah, well. Just another part of my life.”
Matty pulled a strange face at that, but before I could begin to decipher it, the classroom doors were opening and I was quick to step forward. Matty lingered behind me, keeping his hood up.
A few kids were called when Miss Sparks spotted certain parents and she did the same for Teddy when she saw me and smiled. “Teddy, your mum’s here!”
It only took a minute or so before Teddy came stumbling out with his backpack thrown over one shoulder and his hair a messy mass of curls. I grinned at the sight of him and picked him up when he hurried to grab at my legs, “Heya, little man. Good day?”
Teddy nodded in my arms, opening his mouth to tell me all about it when he peered over my shoulder and paused, his eyes lit up at the face he found there. “Matty!” Teddy all but squealed, immediately wriggling in my hold to make an escape towards the man.
Matty laughed, his eyes wide and dancing with warmth as he held out his arms for Teddy to jump on into. I rolled my eyes at the exchange but couldn’t help the way my whole being radiated with the beaming smile I wore.
“Alright, monster?” Matty greeted him, settling Teddy on his hip once he was done playfully swinging him about a bit. “How was nursery, hey?”
Teddy was still so awed by Matty’s appearance at his school, of all places, that he was eager to tell the man literally everything about his day. It was only once we’d managed to make a quick exit out of one of the side gates, that Teddy finally asked, “How’d you get here, Matty?”
Matty merely grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at the boy, “Magic.”
With a wrinkled nose, Teddy giggled, “Matty!”
“Alright, alright, jheeze.” Matty relented, all too easily, “I annoyed your mum into letting me come pick you up, didn’t I?”
Teddy looked at me with that, as though I’d gone and put all of the stars into the night sky. “Ta, mama!”
I shook my head at him fondly, leaning in to press a kiss to my baby’s cheek. “You hungry?” I asked him, instead of focusing on the entire scenario at hand, how Teddy seemed to cling to Matty and how entirely charmed Matty was by the boy. They appeared so close in that moment, it made me notice just how different Teddy’s reactions to Matty were to that of Finn’s, a man who had always been a constant in Teddy’s life.
The thought sent me spiralling down a rabbit hole, but thankfully before I could fall any further Teddy was nodding happily and Matty was making a suggestion, “Dinner at mine then?”
Teddy seemed thrilled with the idea but I merely raised a brow at Matty, “What ever will we make with your one egg and half a dozen jams?”
“Toast?” Matty grinned, enjoying the eye roll he received in return as he leaned in to laugh with Teddy. He looked back to me after a moment, “Could head to the shops if you wanna cook, or just order in.”
I pursed my lips, “Would you be able to?”
“To what?” Matty frowned.
I looked ahead as I clarified, “Get some shopping.” 
It was his turn to roll his eyes then, nudging his elbow against mine, “Yes, you muppet.” He shook his head when he glanced back at Teddy, feigning a huff that made the toddler giggle, “What do you want then, little man?”
Matty could only blink.
By the time we’d made a quick whip around the local Waitrose (because Matty lives in an affluent area and not because he’s ‘pretentious’, he’d like to claim) and back to his, we’d been pictured more than a dozen times. 
Although, we’d only found this out when I’d finally caught sight of my phone, wedged between Matty’s bed-frame and the mattress, and managed to charge it. In between then and now, I had roped Matty into helping me cook whilst Teddy worked at the counter doing today’s reading.
“B-ah.” Matty carefully sounded out, still wearing one of the mock aprons Ross had apparently gifted him one Christmas, it was frilly, pink and had ‘This girl loves meat’ written in a pretty font. My own was of a similar fashion, only the words ‘Always use protection’ were warped across its front. “B-ah-guh.” He said once more, leaning up against the counter by Teddy.
“Bag!” Teddy exclaimed excitedly and looked practically giddy when Matty loudly cheered for him.
“Go on, mate! Knew you could do it.” Matty complimented, grinning down at Teddy before ruffling his hair and pulling him into a one armed hug. “Let’s see if we can get the next one before your mum’s done with the spaghetti, yeah?”
Teddy was all too happy to agree, something I slightly resented seeing as he whinged and moaned whenever I asked. But it was nice to see him enjoying his homework for once, a concept that was still so mad to me considering the kid was four. 
“‘Bout five minutes to boil now,” I told them as I wiped my hands on a nearby tea towel. My phone finally powered on then and so I moved about the counter to grab at it, not wanting to miss any important notifications. Adi and I had a guest on the show this week and had yet to be filled in on the requirements needed.
Only, before I could even pick the thing up, it started buzzing like mad with hundreds of notifications. 
With wide eyes I turned to glance over at Matty, who had paused in his helping of Teddy and was already staring back at me. I blinked and then went to pick the thing up, even as it continued to buzz, but Matty was now moving too, “No, wait.”
I shook my head, wanting to know what the hell was happening, but Matty had been closer, quicker, and was already reaching out to grab it. “Let me look first.”
“Matty.” I huffed, annoyed, but the man didn’t relent. Actually his expression only worsened as he scrolled through the thousands of alerts on my phone. “Matty! What’s the fucks going on?”
“Bad word!”
I winced, then turned to look over my shoulder, “Sorry, Teds, won’t do it again. No chocolate for me tonight, yeah?” My toddler nodded sternly, it made me smile before I glanced back at Matty who’s mood had obviously soured. He tossed the phone back down onto the counter and went to leave the kitchen, I could only assume to look for his own, “Oi!” I admonished, but he just shook his head, seemingly muddled.
“Sorry. Just- gimme a sec.”
I watched as he left, Teddy eyes latched onto him too before he turned back to face me, “Sad Matty?” He asked and I gave him another small smile.
“Not sure, baby. But he’ll be okay in a second.” Or at least I hoped. Teddy took it though and nodded, already going back to his work, though he kept looking over at the door every few seconds.
I forced my shoulders to drop, knowing the tension would only wreak havoc on my back come bed tonight, and took a careful step towards my phone. 
It had stopped pinging so incessantly now, but the odd notification still came through.
[HOMESCREEN] 17:18 Twitter now  Trending.. Notifications..  Instagram now Open to view News 1m Matty Healy's new budding romance? 
My heart stopped. It was all there, us dancing at the club, getting into the cab, Matty at his front gate this morning with the food delivery driver, us walking to pick up Teddy, the hug we'd shared in the playground, Matty holding a bundle that could have only been Teddy in an aisle at the shops- thankfully his face was hidden, the only saving grace of it all. But still, it all looked so convincing. 
We were definitely in deep shit.
My head snapped up to find Matty standing over by the counter, his body tense but a gentle hand holding Teddy’s own, the horror I felt must’ve shown on my face because he winced.
“We’ve gotta talk.”
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onyxfox · 2 years
Read to Me (NSFW Aizawa x Reader Drabble)
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♡ 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒻𝒶𝓈𝒸𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹...𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒 ♡
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hi guys! i’m finally going to try to start posting again regularly, but in the meantime, here’s a drabble I wrote a couple of days ago. Enjoy! :)
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❥warnings: 18+, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), language, orgasm denial
❥words: 1-2k 
❥ summary: your husband Aizawa becomes fed up with how obsessed you’ve recently become with a new book that you’ve been reading. Instead of begging you for attention, he decides to just take what he wants. 
❥disc: character mentioned belong to Kohei Horikoshi
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You hadn’t intended to ignore your husband. You never wanted to make him feel as though you weren’t interested in his day or spending time with him. You were just glued to your new book. 
Definitely too much for his liking. 
This went on for days, and you were beginning to notice the atmosphere in your home changing. Aizawa had become noticeably more silent, just observing you from afar. Sometimes it felt as though he was even stalking you as if you were prey. 
“What?” You asked. You were lying on the couch, wearing one of your favorite sweater dresses for comfort. 
He simply shook his head and continued to say nothing, turning his attention back to his work. You sighed and proceeded to read as normal.
One night, Aizawa decided to attempt to break the tension by telling you that he wanted to spend time with you. Watch a movie, cook dinner together, cuddle, anything. Just as long as you gave him a sliver of your time.
You whined a bit as you had just gotten to the most climactic part of your story. 
“We can later, Shota,” you said, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. “I’m just getting to the part everyone’s been talking about.”
Aizawa stared at you for a moment, saying nothing. You picked up your book and proceeded to read again. Letting out a deep sigh, Aizawa got up from where he was sitting across the room and sat next to your feet on the couch. You didn’t budge, too deeply immersed in the text. 
“Fuck it.” He growled, leaning down and positioning himself between your legs.
“Shota, what are y- ouch!” You were cut off by a sharp smack to the thigh.
“Keep reading.” He said sternly.
“I said,” he growled, sharply slapping your thigh yet again, the sting causing you to hiss. “Keep. Reading.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he began kissing your inner thigh, maintaining eye contact with you. You nearly lost yourself in the sensation before a sharp pain made you gasp. Aizawa had bitten your thigh, leaving a small mark in his wake. You took this as your sign to continue your reading aloud. 
“T-The night set in, it’s blue and purple hues gracefully painting the sky as an a-…artist across his canvas.”
Your voice trembled as you attempted to keep your focus on the book, but Aizawa’s constant kissing, licking, and sucking against your thighs was driving you insane. You glanced away from your book to look down at him as his warm tongue lapped against your skin. 
Goddamn. Seeing a man this fine with his head between your thighs was enough to make you come on the spot. His hair tied into a messy bun, lips glistening with his saliva, the gentle scratching of his facial hair against your sensitive spots? 
At this rate, fuck the book. You wanted him. 
But you knew his temperament. This was his punishment to you for having ignored him for so long in order to read your book. Now, you have to read to him while he melts you with his tongue. You stop, he stops. Those are the rules. 
You gasped slightly when you felt his fingers hook around your damp panties and pull them to the side the brief friction causing you to let out a small whimper. 
“Go on.” Feeling his breath against your heat made you shudder. His deep voice sent vibrations against your skin as you reluctantly proceeded to read. 
“The wind whipped through the air, swaying against the- ah!” Your husband lapped at your juices, sucking feverishly on your clit. The book fell from your hands onto the floor as you went to grip his black locks, pushing him closer to you. 
“Fuck, Shota!” You cried as he pushed his fingers deep inside of you, teasingly brushing up against that familiar spongy spot.
He knew that he was driving you crazy and was relishing every moment of it. Through the slurping and squishing of his mouth and fingers against you, you could still hear him let out a chuckle at your cries. 
His brushing teases against your sweet spot soon turned into vigorous thrusts as his fingers pumped in and out of you, roughly massaging against it. 
Your body was hot, beads of sweat appearing across your skin, your legs shaking as you began feeling that familiar coil forming in the pit of your stomach. 
The pleasure was too intense. You felt like your entire body was about to fall apart. The faster and deeper his tongue and fingers pressed into you, the more stupid you became, unable to spill anything but his name off of your tongue.
Instinctively, your thighs fought to close around him, trapping his head between them. You could feel how intensely your vagina was pulsating, your body eager for that sweet release. 
Your cries grew louder and your breath quicker as you felt that coil within you beginning to snap. 
At this point, Shota quickly pulled away, leaving you an aggravated, panting mess. 
“W-Why??” You whined in between pants. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” He questioned innocently. “You know exactly what punishment is like around here.” 
You squirmed as he gently stroked your clit, aching for more. 
“You haven’t wanted me for days. You’ve been too busy with your book, remember? Now look at you. A horny mess begging for me to let you cum.” 
“Fuck, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel that way, it was just…too good.”
“Better than this?” 
Your husband dove back down between your legs, working his fingers and tongue with more energy and vigor than before.
“Shota!!” You cried his name one last time before your orgasm rippled through your body. Your hands grasped at anything they could as you grinded against Aizawa’s face as he ate you, riding through your high. 
After a few moments, your muscles dropped as they quickly relaxed. You panted as you fought to catch your breath, your limbs feeling as though they weighed a hundred pounds. Your eyelids drooped low over your eyes as you took in the appearance of the man in front of you.
Shota’s lustful eyes took in your frame as you lay on the couch with your thighs still spread and drenched in a mixture of his saliva and your juices. He smirked at you as he wiped his dripping chin, leaning down to place a gentle kiss against your forehead. 
Grabbing the back of his head, you pulled him down for his face to meet yours, embracing him in a deep, passionate kiss. Tasting yourself on his tongue and inhaling his scent was enough to get you drunk on him all over again. 
“God,” you sighed after pulling away. “I guess I’ll have to start ignoring you more often,” giggling as you playfully teased him. 
“Oh, I’m not finished yet, sweetheart,” he said, hand gripping your tear-stained cheeks. “I let you get off easy the first time, but now I’m not going to be so nice.”
Your smug smile slowly faded as he began trailing wet kisses against your neck. 
“Your punishment for that is just beginning.” 
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mayusteapot · 2 months
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading everyone's thoughts and analyses about the first chapter. I'm not a new reader, a rather seasoned one, as I used to read the books three times during every summer vacation between the ages 9 and 19. I'm now 41, so it's been a while, and I've never read the books in their original language but the Finnish translation. I did start once but got caught comparing the translation to the original which was endlessly fascinating.
I did study English language and translation as a major in university, so I'm supposed to be both familiar with the language and analysing texts, but I find it really hard to get to this mindset around these books. The emotional load is such that looking at them objectively is totally out of the question, so instead I'm going to lean into it.
What jumps out at me are the colours in this chapter. It's mostly filled with dark hues (as opposed to the start of eg. Anne, which is covered in pale apple blossoms and sunset), even most of the magical elements are very untame and ethereal in their aspects. And yet there's a glimpse of the pinky-green sky around the new moon. It's very much setting us up for a darker tale, and yet there are slivers of light in it too.
Nature plays such a big part in this chapter. Even the house looks like it wasn't built but grew like a mushroom. Everywhere Emily looks she seems to see shapes of nature, slightly twisted and a bit gnarled. Even Saucy Sal (best cat ever) is like something from a Tim Burton film. Wait. The other way around, surely.
The first and last paragraph of the text do seem pleasantly (and tragically) elliptical in this chapter. Assuming Ellen pities Emily because her father is dying. It's like everything between those two paragraphs builds for us this slightly mystical world from Emily's point of view, and then rips it away from her with that last line.
I also found interesting how Emily's attitude to god and religion is also very apparent from the start. Her views are very individualistic, and she sees it as very personal, as opposed to communal. [At this point the writer of this post fell into a deep deep rabbit hole about the Presbyterian faith, Calvinism and so on. It will take a while to dig all the way through, so ending here for now.]
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence:💙Ending progress + poll results💙
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Hi again and welcome new followers, here's another progress update about the game! >;]
But before I write that out I just want to say a very big thank you to everyone that participated in the poll I did so far, The results and responses have been helping me for the final version. :,] If you still want to give your vote/opinion on the start of the game here's the poll from my tumblr! There's less than 24 hours to vote!
I took a small break to gather my thoughts before continuing from where I left off. I was brainstorming a lot about this because I didn't want the beginning of the game to be too long when it comes to figuring out how to get to Noah, but I do want the explorative side to give some lore.
Suddenly, an idea came to mind that'll help me solve this issue I've been having. :,]
Last week I mentioned the two endings you could get that are from the [Extended Demo]. I don't count this as spoilers but these endings will have their own separate choice to go down instead of it being in the same path. This replaces a section from the [Extended Demo] and lowers the amount of time it takes to figure out how to get to Noah, especially for those that are new to the game. Consider this a healthy quality of life change, only one ending has been put on the shelf that I didn't have a connection with so far! :] This also gave me a chance to go through both endings individually and give a deeper exploration into these areas as they do play a part in the game. I added a few choices to show the differences in the terrain and how the player(Y/N) reacts to it. You can get an alternate situation but it will still end the same. I also fixed up some errors I found through the alternate choices that I almost missed too. For right now I'd say this ending will be finished once my play testers look through them! They've given me pointers on the CG's and dialog but not everything else yet. x] Speaking of quality changes I also went back and adjusted some of the new CG's I've drawn. I had a habit of drawing the landscape too low so you couldn't see anything unless you toggled the text box away. :,,,] Luckily this was a quick and easy fix.
Here's the results:
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I'm very happy with how far I've come when I draw backgrounds now! It's been a interesting journey but overall I enjoy knowing everything is coming together no matter how long it might take. There was another one I wanted to share but this the second CG I tried posting gave me an error. Luckily I had everything saved so I don't have to rewrite anything! :,,]
It took some time but I went back and fixed one of the effects that happen when you lose HP. The old version lights up the edges of your screen but sometimes it can be hard to see if there's another effect happening. I went back and gave a small hue effect every time you lose HP instead.
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Lastly in other news, I finally started work on Noah's reference sheets! >:]
There will be a total of three(?) which will have specific details for each one! It's took some time to create since I'm still learning how to do angled faces/poses but I've gotten time to practice so I'm ready. >:] I also want to state that Noah's sprites/side sprites in the [Extended Demo] are accurate to how he's suppose to look too. Since I've improved my style certain specifics of his appearance might be slightly different! :]
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Almost there to the cabin section, yay! I just have a few more things to fix up. >:]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I work on the game. Also a very huge thank you to those that have optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io too, it really means a lot. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
There were some other things I wanted to discuss but this post is getting too long so I'll save it for next week, thank you guys for all of the support, I appreciate it! :,,]
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darth-aces · 1 year
Pining For Pineapple
Bella Ramsey x Reader
This is just a short story I wrote that wasn’t meant to be a fanfic, but I’m bored and I don’t know where else to share this story so I decided to nourish the gay Bella army with a new story. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
“Pineapple again?”
Bella asks as they picks up a silver tin wrapped in a bright yellow strip of paper. Before I could answer, their hand and the can make their way toward the basket swaying from their other hand. “I know you like them. We might as well pick some up while we’re here.”
“I’ve got a can or two in the cupboard already so I think I’ll be all right till next week,” I explain as I try to pick the can back up to return it to its original place on the shelf. Before my fingers could reach it in time, Bella moves the basket farther away from me.
“I think we should just grab one, in case you’re craving pineapple this week. Also, it might save us some time from coming back here next week.” Bella protests.
“Why? Are you so sick of me that you’d rather stock up on canned food to avoid hanging out with me?” I say teasingly, knowing full well that I’m the one who wouldn’t be able to go a day without them.
I watched as a grin emerge from their lips before they speak. “Yeah. You’re suffocating me, so I’ll have to buy as many canned pineapples as I can to feed you and keep you satiated while I’m away.”
To this remark, I scold them with a light smack to their arm and say, “You know you love me too much to stay away.”
“I do know that, but do you love me?” They playfully say.
I taunt back, “Not as much as my pineapple.”
We continue our banter with a side of more shopping. By the time we paid for our things and exit the store-the groceries in my hand-I noticed that night was approaching, and the clouds were grey and ominous looking.
We’re walking back to our apartment when Bella gets a text on their phone. I take a glance and it’s a message from a good friend of ours. “Everyone’s hanging out tonight. Wanna go?”
“Sure, but we gotta be quick. It smells like it’ll rain soon.” As if on cue, raindrops lightly fall onto our face.
“I think if we run, we can make it back to the apartment before the rain gets heavier.” My hand holding the grocery bag tightens as I nod, and we both take off.
I’m only a few steps behind them, giving me a chance to get a good look at them.
Hair, eyes, nose.
Then I see their lips. They grew as uncontrollable giggles slip out of their mouth as we run through the rain, and it convinces me that I now have heightened hearing and limitless capacity in my memory just for them.
Suddenly I feel my heart expand, and I am eager to fill it with the thing I’m craving the most. I’ve felt it before. The way my lips purse as I engulf myself in its sweetness, but I have to brace myself every time for the sourness that comes at the end. Despite this pain, I’m craving it more than ever right now.
When we finally get to the main entrance of our apartment, we slow down before getting closer to the door. The giggling had turned into huffs as we try to catch our breaths.
Before they reach the door handle, I say with the little air in my lungs, “Hold on.” They turn around to face me, and our eyes connect. Before I forget why I stopped them in the first place, I lay the groceries down by the door. Then I walk back into the rain just a few steps away under the warm yellow hue of a street light nearby. The rain had started pouring moments before we got here. Despite this, I still waved them to come over.
“In the rain?” They yell over the sound of the sky continues to pour down on us.
“Just for a bit, please,” I say.
They come over grinning, radiating, and ecstatic about whatever plan I have up my sleeve.
“So much for trying to avoid the rain.” They’re still taunting me.
We’re both drenched now, yet they’re still glowing; brighter and yellow now as they enter the light. I extend my hand as they get closer, and they rest their palm against mine, weaving our fingers together. My eyes are on them this whole time, with a grin I can’t seem to shake. Our eyes are still connected until they get close enough to place their other hand gently on my face. Immediately they use their thumb to caress my cheek, and my eyes fall to their lips like it always does.
I’m feeling it again. I’m craving them, and nothing can stop my concentration, not even the rain.
When I move closer, I ask them, “Is this okay?”
Bella nods, and they let out a slight chuckle. This only amplifies my craving. My smile gets wider and my heart beats at a rhythm I can not recognize.
Then we kiss, and I lose myself in the sweetness.
The hand already tangled in theirs, softly squeezes. I do this because I hope it can make the sweetness linger a little longer. It is also to brace myself for the sourness that will follow when it’s over.
When we do pull away, we laugh to ease the tension in the cliche story we’ve curated. It’s time to walk out of the rain, but my concentration stays on them.
I'm doing my best to savor this moment so I can store this memory away for the next time I'm craving pineapple, and I’ll ensure to ask them if they want to share it with me again.
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hypmicdaydreams · 1 year
this is my first time ever requesting something and im a bit nervous, but i had to since your writing felt so comforting..
love epiphany 4, "getting flustered around them" with doppo and jiro? (separately) with someone theyve been friends with for a decently long time!! thank you
Aww thank you so much anon!! You're too sweet.. I'm glad you love my writings so much, and I'm glad they bring you some comfort 💖 These were so cute and endearing, and I hope you enjoy these of Jiro and Doppo 💕 Thank you for the request anon! and I hope you love your first one~
love epiphany prompts: getting flustered around them
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-pairings: jiro yamada x gn!reader, doppo kannonzaka x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
-word count (overall): ~1.55k
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Jiro (659 words)
“did you finish the japanese homework?” jiro’s heart skips a small beat as he asks, standing above you and your desk. there’s the slightest tint of rosy pink hue his cheeks, and jiro sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, averting his gaze with yours. he’s all cute in his slightly wrinkled school uniform.
he’s not entirely sure why he feels so strange; his breath hitches in his throat as he asks, and he feels a bit embarrassed now, heart skipping a beat. i mean, he was simply asking his friend for homework answers after all. it wasn’t anything he hadn’t done before, time and time again. after all, you were his close friend; this is what friends were for, right? (no, he’s not merely using you for homework answers, unlike what saburo would imply).
but yet, jiro feels as if he was going to lose it. he was all too warm and flustered.
he doesn’t get it; you were his best friend! jiro doesn’t get why he’d feel like this over you. this has never happened in the years of friendship before, all entirely new sensations. the way his heart twists into knots (but good knots) and jiro suddenly gets all warm at the mere thought of you: it all made no sense! jiro groans. it freaks him out to some degree.
despite all that, they weren’t necessarily bad feelings. they were..strange, sure, but jiro actually quite liked the warmth they brought. the fluttery sensations in his stomach and the way he got a tad lightheaded
“yeah, i did.” you already know damn well what jiro was getting at. in typical jiro fashion, he didn’t do the homework, much too busy binging a new anime; he had texted you about it late last night anyway. “you need it?” well, the answer to that question was clear.
he nods, sheepishly so. it’s weird — you’ve never made him feel this way before, so hot and bothered. he’s antsy and on edge, as if his own heart was going to rupture out of his chest any moment now. it worsens when you laugh; it’s the first he’s realized how..nice? your laugh sounds. it was cute.
“well,” you laugh, noticing his weird mannerisms. it makes jiro jump a little in his skin, and the warm flush he had turns a bit brighter. “here you go.”
his hands brush over yours lightly, as jiro takes your paper from you; he swears his heart jumps all the way to his throat at the accidental touch, and his stomach gets all fluttery with the butterflies. the pink on his cheeks deepen, and jiro can feel his fingertips go all numb. he grips your paper a bit harder, but the only sensation he can feel at the moment is that of his pounding heart. he’s even more flustered now.
this..this was exactly like a shoujo manga! jiro flushes at the realization. he can see the sparkles and hearts all over this scene, when the love interests share a moment. was this like a shoujo scene? i mean, it certainly felt like it, not that jiro entirely minded.
“man, you’re the best!” he throws an arm around your shoulders, though the mere proximity and touch of you was enough to send him into a frenzy once more.
did..did he like you? but you guys were friends, so it couldn’t be. i mean, jiro knew you for a long time! if he’s only developed feelings for you just now, then that would’ve been weird, right? but again, this could very well be a friends to lovers romance.
he grins, a bit boyish and warm. jiro actually liked the thought of that; it sounded all too good.
even though jiro is still a bit confused on his feelings for you — friend or crush — all he knows is that he wanted to be by your side forever and ever. it felt too good not to be.
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Doppo (886 words)
“i’m..i’m so sorry!!” doppo is quick to apologize and bow, looking in absolute horror as he accidentally dumped your drink all over your shirt. it’d been a while since the two of you were able to hang out, alone, and yet doppo managed to mess it up already. oh he’s clumsy, more so than usual.
“it’s ok doppo,” you try to reassure, though it fell on deaf ears. well, knowing doppo (which you absolutely did), you knew it’d be futile. he liked to try and correct his mistakes.
“no..no it’s fine! here- i can..”
he struggles in getting you some napkins, and doppo drops them all over you, again. he’s just even more embarrassed now, though before he can go back to apologizing profusely, you assure him that it was totally fine.
stupid stupid stupid — doppo can’t help but scold himself. he’s been more clumsy as of late, totally lost in his thoughts and self. it only worsened when doppo was around you or even simply thinking about you. his heart skipped multiple beats, similar to those from his anxiety itself, and he found himself trembling a bit, though he’s not sure if that’s from anxiety as well or not.
he’s been feeling strange lately, well, more so than he usually does. his heart skips way too many beats — doppo thinks he may have arrhythmias — and he’s been feeling feverish, all warm. he thinks he’s probably sick. i mean, all these were surely symptoms of some form of medical condition: shivering arms, a fast heart beat, breath getting stuck in his throat, a fever of sorts. blegh, it sounds like the seasonal flu, he mulls.
all those hours of being overworked are finally catching up to him, doppo thinks; his body has finally given up once and for all..
it actually scares doppo to some extent, all these hot and bothersome feelings. he doesn’t know why he feels this way — all warm and jittery. and he didn’t know why it only ever occurred around you. it wasn’t the flustered type he got whenever his boss would scold him on something so menial; no, these flustered feelings actually felt good, and it scares doppo that he can’t seem to understand why.
“are you ok, doppo?”
you give your longtime friend a look of concern, and that’s when doppo finally snaps out of his thoughts. unfortunately, his heart skips another beat at the sound of your voice (it was then he realized that it sounded so nice), and that alone makes him flush a bit of a pink.
oh, he’s fidgeting a bit again, doppo realizes. it was a bit of a bad habit of his. his hold on his cup of coffee isn’t entirely great, and you’re clearly worried that he’s going to spill the hot drink all over himself.
worried.. doppo flushes even brighter, and he feels the blood rush; it was such a dizzying feeling. he didn’t know why, but the thought of you worrying over him made doppo so happy. it didn’t even make sense! the two of you were great friends; of course you’d worry over him.
“sorry..” he apologizes, again. god, he had no idea why the words hitched in his throat around you. it wasn’t normal; doppo usually wasn’t at a loss of words around your “ok- i’m ok! it’s just..”
he sounds so stupid, doppo scolds himself as he continues to drink his coffee. he was supposed to be hanging out and catching up with you (which was great considering it was a rare instance he didn’t have work that day), but instead, doppo was making a damn fool out of himself. first, it was accidentally bumping into you and spilling your drink all over yourself — which, thankfully, wasn’t scalding hot. second, he dropped the napkins all over you, and now, doppo couldn’t speak! he doesn’t know what’s gotten into him.
it must be his heart condition. well, he’s assuming he has one given how irregularly it beat right now. doppo couldn’t even think straight, too preoccupied with how strange his chest felt, what all this could mean. and it only ever happened around you.
did..did he like you?
doppo chokes on his coffee at the thought.
“doppo?! are you alright??”
he waves you off, or so, tries to in between his fits of coughs. man, all you’ve been doing this entire time was checking up on him; ah, it makes him feel so bad.
but the thought of him liking you…doppo turns warmer at the thought. that would certainly explain the change in his demeanor, how even as stupid as doppo felt right now, he was still happy hanging out with you. it explains the rapid ‘badumps’ of his heart and how, even as strange and odd his chest feels, doppo still finds himself enjoying it. even as much as he makes a fool out of himself, tripping over his two left feet and feeling all the more embarrassed, doppo still enjoys himself with you. when you smile, it gives him the butterflies, and he gives a gentle one in return.
doppo thinks he might like you.
(though the fact that you’re his longtime friend definitely has him questioning the morals of it all and whether or not he’d even make a good boyfriend for you)
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colossal-fallout · 1 year
Reactions *New*
AU modern - Reacting to WAP
Eren - Mikasa - Reiner - Levi - Erwin - Annie - Porco - Connie
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You're driving along, and your partner insisted on driving, so you get to be in charge of the music - of course, when you see WAP appear on suggested songs, you put it on, just dying to see the reaction on your lover's face.
They're all just too precious for our world.
Song: WAP - Cardi B (Ft. Megan thee stallion)
There's some hoe's in this house...
!Taking requests for reactions!
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As the song starts, his eyes flicker over to the stereo, then to you, and then back onto the road.
"Make that pull-out game WEAK!" Makes his eyebrows spring up in surprise.
His face is unreadable for the first part, almost as if he didn't notice the lyrics. But he did.
"Is this what you're into now?" He mutters nonchalantly as he turns the wheel.
You don't reply. Just observe.
"I want you to park that big Mack Truck, right in this little garage" He blinks, pulling back his head.
He's starting to wonder if you were trying to tell him something.
Turns around and is heading back home.
"E-eren, where are we -"
"You know, if you want me to fuck you I'll always happily do it. You don't need to put on a song to - "
"Eren, n-no." You try to speak through laughter as he picks up speed to get home. "It wasn't... like that, ha-ha!"
His face was blank, priceless.
"Well, too late now I've turned around. Text Jean, we're going to be a little late."
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Mikasa doesn't notice at first. She's a careful driver and was focusing on something happening up ahead. Nothing bad, just something that required her focus.
"Bring a bucket and a mop, for this wet ass pussy." Snaps her attention. She wasn't sure if she had heard that right, her eyes widening and looking at the stereo.
"Give me everything you got! For this wet ass pussy" Nope. She heard right.
Her face deepens into a hue of crimson, her lips parting in a sheer sock.
"Y-y/n!" She gasps, totally blown away at the vulgar lyrics. "What is this?"
Her fingers fumble for the knob to turn down the volume, but you playfully bat her hand away.
"No, no." You tease. "You wanted to drive, so you said I could pick the music."
Throughout the song, her face was locked into a worried frown her face getting redder and redder as it went on.
"My innocence..." She whispers when it finally ends.
You'd literally ruined her entire day, those images of Cardi B's wet bajingo invading her mind. It took her until dinner later for her to see the funny side. But until then, she isn't best pleased with you until then.
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Reiner is uncomfortable as soon as the intro begins. But he gives it a chance in silence.
What the hell is a Kegal? He thinks, totally innocent and oblivious. But he doesn't really want to say anything, thinking you're enjoying the song. He doesn't want to ruin it for you.
Is this what people listen to? His eyes dart over to you, doing a little jive dance.
A pink hue colours in the tops of his cheeks and nose, the lyrics just reminding him of the intimate times he's had with you, his love.
"I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp, I wanna gag, I wanna choke." He lets out an involuntary squeak, clearing his throat immediately after, pretending he has to cough.
"Are you okay?" You ask, holding in your laughter to the best of your abilities.
He nods, pretending he has no idea what your concern is for.
The song ends and he is tense, wide-eyed and still a blushing mess.
"What did you think?" You ask, innocently.
"I think that woman needs to find someone nice to fulfil her needs."
You can't get over how precious he is at times.
"And I think some things should be kept private."
"They certainly do." You sigh happily looking at the sweetest man you've ever met.
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Don't expect much of a reaction from Levi. Before the first verse even ends, he switches it off. And he's lightning fast.
"We're not listening to that filth."
He's not dumb, he knows you were trying to wind him up, so he's a little huffy with you for an hour or so afterwards.
When you reach your destination and Erwin greets you (meeting up for lunch) he asks how you are.
"I was great until my ears were assaulted by the worst song I have ever heard." He mutters, still huffy.
He lightens up about it, but don't expect a laugh or anything.
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Eyes flicker a little wider for a moment, but after that not much of a reaction.
His eyes snap to you now and again to gauge your reaction, wondering if you'd put it on by mistake and you hadn't noticed.
The song ends.
"Well now." He comments. "There were indeed some "hoes in that house. I think I said that right."
Erwin is clever. He's turning your prank back onto you.
"Is that how it's said, y/n? Hoe's?"
"Erwin - "
"And that 'dangling thing in the back of her throat' is called a uvula."
"I don't think she - "
"So there are hoes in the house. They have a... was it WAP?"
These things did not sound right coming from Erwin.
"The storytelling was tremendous."
"Okay, Erwin I get it please sto -"
"Catchy too. I think i'll add it to my playlist." He then begins to sing, to your horror. Monotone, and flat yet he still goes for it. "Got me thinking about that wet ass pu-"
"Okay Erwin, you win! Just please, god, stop!"
He smirks. Chalk up yet another victory for Erwin. He knows you'll never play such music in his presence again.
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Annie doesn't seem phased in the slightest. She continues driving without a word, her face never changing from its usual stern expression.
"That song was disgusting." She eventually says when it's over. "Never play it again while I'm here."
"Okay..." you reply, disappointed in her reaction.
"Not a single person could realistically give anyone that. Bought her a phone? Just to see pictures in between her legs? Hasn't he heard of pornhub?"
"Woah, jesus Annie I don't thin -"
"She's either full of it or she likes to pull pathetic simps."
"It's just a son-"
"Music is art. That wasn't art."
"That's subjective really isn't it?"
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Porco bursts into a giggle after the first verse. "What the hell is this, y/n?"
Starts to bob his shoulders to the rhythm. "Catchy though."
"She wants him to what?!" He laughs.
He laughs pretty much through the entire thing and when it ends, he pulls over to the side of a street, undoing his seatbelt."
"Porco? What are you-"
"You want me to do that to you?" He turns to face you with a devilish grin.
"N-no!" You joke, laughing as he lunges over and assaults your neck with kisses that tickle.
"Aw, but I wanna 'tie you up like you're surprised'" He jests, laughing as he grabs your waist.
"Okay, okay, I get it!" You laugh as he continues his tickle assault.
"That's what I thought." He grins, stopping and pecking your cheek. "Come on, we're gonna be late."
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You're not surprised, to be honest when he exclaims; "Oh! I love this song!"
Sings it word-for-word. Dancing. The whole package.
Lowers his windows and turns up the volume.
It's you who squirms in embarrassment as he yells out the window; "CERTIFIED FREAK - SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!"
You end up turning it off, resulting in a whine from him.
"Aw, you're no fun y/n."
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naradivision · 27 days
Miraitabi's Summer Notification
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// Ya~ho everyone! // Check the mic, check the mic // Guess who is now speaking ( ≧ᗜ≦) ⋆✧ ?
// Whoopsie~ Whoops
// Even if this cutie clione is sometimes using the similar type of texting like a certain Over-something group, she’d like to make it clear that we are not being operated by the same creator just so you know!
// And now it’s time to get into the topic, ahem
// Will this be a dejavu to say time flies so fast that this summer has come close to an end within a blink of our eyes ~?
// So, so, so
// It would also be such a deep regret if we all just let this wonderful season pass by for nothing
// …Really, ANGE doesn’t have to do this algorithm coding all the time but welllll ange.addTheme(“Tropical”); // Special thanks to the original creator ;) // Model by neka // Art by @kurokun_0718
“MochiMochi~ Ohayou minna-san☆ Looks like we’ve met here all again!”
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“Test, test, test. I— mmm, ANGE! Believes that this isn’t the first time you’ve seen her, correct?!”
“Welcome to Miraitabi’s Summer notification everyone! And more importantly~ Today Tropical ANGE is more than delight to announce about her human and our latest project 🌊”
“—So far as the vast blue sky has stretched out, a boundless canvas of summer blue was prepared to be painted with the new promising journey… 
The scent of salt hung in the air as that clear blue deepened when the sun went higher and higher, carried inland by the gentle breeze that rustled with the coherent echo of cicadas, brushing the tips of golden sunflowers that brightened all over the landscape. It was such a day that felt like the start of something— Something more than just another summer… It was the kind of day that held secrets in its warmth, whispering of adventures yet to unfold.
...Each summer, the rhythmic pulse in the sea is a reminder of endless possibilities.
—And those above are what ANGE has generated via A.I. in according to our summer plan, tee-hee☆ It is surprisingly depictive, isn’t it? Just looks at how creative programs these days are— But oh whoops☆ ANGE is kinda forgetting she is an A.I. too ;P”
“Anyway, let’s get a brief look through ANGE and human’s proud teaser from our inspiring trip ✧˖° This time human was attempting to mix the music with the Vlog style! He was still too critical with his work like usual, but hmph, can you see that summer was such a really fascinating season? There are so many fun and wondrous things waiting for us if only we’re willing to step outside… So, instead of just being some archive borrowing the theme of this season as its title; it’s a dare that ANGE, human, and his gang are going to make you enjoy this season together with our own versions of Summer Mixtape!!
…And lastly ~ Are y’all ready?”
🌻 Someday In That This Summer (On Tour With ANGE!) 🌊
Real Title: Someday In That Summer (2023 ver) Covered by: ねんね (Nenne) Original by: *Luna ft. Hatsune Miku / Otomachi Una & Rana
From the hues of sunrise toward those lights when the night falls… Have you ever wonder what color the summer is?
Pack your belongings and get ready
—We’re going on a trip 🫵
…Soon at the end of this summer…
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because-she-goes · 1 year
warnings: smut, piv, mdni, dirty talk, swearing, praise kink, mutual aftercare. Enjoy!
notes: big thanks to @byyourside28 for the help w/ this and giving some pointers lol
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March 7th, 2015
“Dearest Downey,
I should start by saying the following: My heart has longed for you every second since I have left you for this tour. It hasn’t stopped begging and pleading with me to be near you. My skin has been burning to touch yours again, to feel your lips against my own. I am truly lonely for the first time probably ever, only knowing loneliness in the juvenile sense up until now, I have come to understand that I can not possibly exist without you in my life, Nora. It is currently about 4pm in Rome and it is bitterly cold, rainy and windy. A perfect picture of my emotional state, drowning without you. Two teenagers across from me are currently making out in the rain, totally oblivious to the rest of the world. Oh how I wish I could have you near me and do the same. The sound of rain and thunder fills the space around me. I am freezing cold, your personality normally being like a space heater in my life - oozing joy and warmth until everyone around you is doing the same. My cigarette has now gone soggy in the ashtray in front of me, wine glass I was sipping from now dotted with raindrops. Nora, you are the only thing in my life I well and truly miss at the moment - I miss waking up to you getting dressed, handing me a mug of tea, kissing my forehead and whispering an “I love you, Handsome” before breezing out the door to get to your studio leaving me breathless. Sometimes I think you are supernatural or otherworldly, something beyond the human capability to love and care for others. I can’t wait for those mornings again, my love. The notion that I may have them for infinity is a dizzying idea and I can only pray to whatever angel brought you to me that the idea becomes a reality. See you soon, my love.
All my love,
Nora cried as she read the letter. She had only been officially dating Matty for a few months, but they were inseparable. Always talking, texting, calling or sending little pictures of their days - this was the first time they had properly been apart. She had read and reread the letter dozens of times by now, but each time it made her well up with tears. She missed him terribly, but luckily the tour had come to an end and he was already on the flight back to her in New York. Her heart fluttered at the idea of having him in her apartment again, his smell filling the rooms, flannels hanging in her closet, shoes by the door. She couldn’t wait. Admittedly, she was going a bit stir crazy and had been running around all day buying wine he liked, ingredients for his favorite dinner, fresh sheets and blankets and also lots of candles for her dining table where she set up a romantic dinner for two once he arrived. This was her first big night to impress him as his girlfriend and she was buzzing.
Speaking of buzzing, her phone vibrated on the counter as she sipped some water hoping to calm her nerves.
“Let me up, Angel. - Handsome xx”
Her throat letting out a mix between a squeal and scream, she ran then calmly walked to her door - not wanting to seem too eager to hold him, kiss him, have him again. Her beautiful dress flowed behind her, the purple hue complimenting her skin and hair wonderfully. Within milliseconds of the door being cracked open, his face illuminated and his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her further into the apartment, door left open haphazardly.
“Missed you, Honey.” He breathlessly admitted into her done up hair. His spicy woodsy scent absorbing her senses. God, she missed this. He pressed a kiss to her temple before taking her face in his hands and stepping back a bit to admire her.
A sparkle in her eye, “Missed you too, Handsome.” She goes to quickly close the door, not wanting any onlookers. On her return to him, another kiss to her mouth, sweet yet desperate. They each were trying to communicate all the unsaid things, how much they needed each other, how if the other was to actually go away they would break down, how they were the other person’s half. His lips moved languidly against hers, tongue swirling around hers, teeth gnashing together as things became more intense and heated.
“Dinner first, love.” She reminded him of their plan, once they separated for air. She ushered him over to the table, getting him a glass of the Malbec she had on ice. Getting the roast chicken and vegetables out of the oven and plating it delicately for him, she felt her body being watched. His eyes tracking her every move in fondness, he couldn’t believe she was his, that he had actually done it and gotten her. A calm, content exhale left his lungs as she walked over to him with the plates of food.
It was the best roast dinner he had ever tasted, perfectly cooked. Chicken was savory and not dried out, and the vegetables were lovely and a bit sweet. “Honey glazed!” He remembers her comment about them when she had texted him what she planned to make a few days ago. God, he could eat her cooking for the rest of his life.
Once dinner had been eaten and her famous lemon cake served, they had found their way into the bedroom. He was laying in bed in his boxers and not much else, she however was getting ready in the en suite. He could see her reflection in the mirror from where he was, now able to fully take her in and how wonderful she looked even without makeup, after cooking for god knows how long and running errands all day. Her jawline sharp enough to cut glass, bright cinnamon eyes twinkled in the lights, cheeks flushed with a rosy-peach hue when she caught him staring at her. Closing the door, wanting to keep her surprise hidden. She slipped out of her dress and into the red silk bra and panties set her friend had helped her purchase a few weeks ago when he finally sent her the information about his flight home. The red bow resting between her cleavage, she straightened it nervously one last time before stepping out.
When he sees her, Matty’s heart drops to his stomach, his brain clears, and all the blood rushing down his body. “Oh fuck.” He mutters, jaw hanging open.
She was unreal—a dream.
“All for me, princess?” He asks as she stands at the foot of their bed. She pulls a knee up to the mattress and crawls up to her side of the bed, and she nods victoriously at his flabbergasted state.
The ‘M’ necklace he had gotten for her for Valentine's Day that year was hanging from her neck, the gold catching the soft mood lighting of their room. “Downey you are-“
“I know, trust me, I know.” She laughs next to him. “Before we start, I just want to clarify it to you. Matty, I want you. Forever and ever. This separation has only made me realize just how deeply I need you like a fire needs gasoline to ignite. Like the ocean needs the moon for the tides.” She confesses, still slightly nervous about revealing all of this to him.
He sighs, his head dropping back as her words overwhelm him like a wave. “Oh darling, I’ve felt that way every minute since I first looked into your eyes” The butterflies in her stomach were now running rampant.
“Fuck, Matty… I need you.” Her eyes are now as dark as his hair, lips flushed from nervously biting them.
“Downey, I’m yours.” He whispers, his voice thick with emotion, and his hand reaches up to cup her cheek and kisses her hungrily.
His hips followed and landed above hers, enveloping her. Her eyes close, wanting to freeze the moment and kiss him forever. Her skin was smooth and warm against his, the scent of her coffee and vanilla perfume surrounding him.
His hand finds her hip, and he shutters at the feel of the silk gliding against his touch. “Can I take these off of you, love?” His voice is delicate and sincere, yet full of hunger. He takes a moment to admire how his hand looks against the red silk, veins and knuckles creating rough angles against the smooth texture of the silk. His pale complexion creating a beautiful contrast against the deep red hue.
“Yes, Matty. Please take yours off too. Wanna feel you.” She whimpers under him, the heat growing with every waking moment between her thighs.
He takes off his boxers and then quickly works on the lingerie, whispering sweet nothings in her ear to reassure her that she is a goddess to him.
His hand moves to the apex of her thighs, feeling her eagerness. “So good for me, Angel. Always so ready.” He groans as his fingertips draw tight tiny circles on her clit. “Want me, Nor? I’ve been dreaming of this since I left.”
“Yes, Matt, please.” She begs, “W-Want you to fill m-me up so good!” Her hips came off the mattress as her back arches. He lines himself up with her and slowly makes his way in - eyes searching hers for any pain or discomfort, taking things at her pace. So he doesn’t overwhelm her.
“Oh fuck, I’ve missed you!” Matty moans as he bottoms out, feeling his hips meet her thighs. “Ready for me to move?”
“Matt, move for me, please. Need it. Need you.” She groans, feeling full as her hips grind against him, aching for any type of friction. He first moves cautiously, then once he sees the pleasure in her face grow, he throws all the caution to the wind.
Now, at a steady pace, Matty feels her clenching around him. His breath caught in his throat at the erotic sounds of their centers colliding.
“Feel so good, baby. So, fucking perfect. Like you were made for me, Nor.” He praises her sweetly as her eyes roll back and her hips buckle. His hand reaches between them and pinches her nipple with his thumb and forefinger—the way he knows she likes.
“Fuck, Handsome! God, you are gonna make me cum so quick if you keep at that.” She warns.
“Yeah, Nora? Gonna cum for me baby?” He taunts, “You sound so pretty talking so filthy. Love it.” He groans as his climax grows with each thrust. His stomach tightened with each whimper and moan that fell from her lips.
“Oh fuck, Matthew– I’m gonna fucking cum any second if you start with that cocky shit.” She moans. Her body was writhing in pleasure, her skin now covered with a thin layer of sweat. She said his name like it was a sacred hymn.
“Thats it, Nora! Cum for me, angel. Wanna feel you cum on me.” He said hers like it was gospel scripture.
“God, Yes! Feels so good Matthew!!” Her body shutters as her orgasm gripped him. She clenched around him as her walls tightened like a warm glove.
He closed his eyes, savoring each and every feeling he felt as his body reacted to hers. He lost himself within himself as her body became a part of his, physically and emotionally.
He rolls back onto his side, both panting next to each other and trying to catch their breaths. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Nora.” He whispers into the air, truth spilling out of him.
“Matthew, I’m never gonna love anyone else.” She replies, breath still shaky.
Once they’ve relaxed, he goes to the little mini fridge she keeps in the room and grabs water and granola bars. He hands her the snacks and gets a warm wet washcloth from the bathroom.
“Gotta clean you, baby okay? I’ll be quick, and then we can get you some nice warm pajamas.” She gives him a loving nod, this being her favorite part of spending nights with Matty. This caring side of him comes out after, suddenly, his demeanor goes from stiff and rough to soft and sweet.
He takes the cloth and cleans up any mess. He gently kisses her knee for reassurance and hands her a clean, cotton pair of white underwear. Her comfort and relaxation came first in his mind. He then gives her a pair of his sweatpants she likes, and an oversized tee shirt. He even goes as far as brushing her hair back into a loose bun, placing another kiss along her hairline. She munches sleepily on the granola and finishes the water bottle.
“Thank You, Handsome. Too sweet to me.” A yawn leaves her body. “And you’re okay? Want me to grab the essential oils you like?” Her eyes looked to his, sensing the shift in his brain chemistry that could happen to either of them.
“Yeah actually, that’d be lovely.” She sits up, leaning over to reach into her bedside table and fishes around for the small bottle. She placed some oil on her wrists, then delicately took his wrist and did the same. She kisses his hands as she does so.
“Goodnight, Matthew. Sweet dreams, it's good to have you finally home.” She whispers as her head hits the pillow, her eyes closing softly as her breaths even out.
“Couldn't agree more, Nora. Good to be home.” He says as he also falls asleep, arm resting over her waist. He sighs contentedly. He could die happy knowing he had Nora in his life, that he had been blessed by her presence.
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zeydaan-isabella · 2 years
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Poisoned - Zeydaan Version
Story by AxiomTF
Sitting alone, Zeydaan breathes in the fresh summer air. A gentle breeze is blowing around the area, as the tree leaves rustle softly amidst the sound of birds chirping in the distance. On their knees, the wolf leans in close to a small flower, its stem pushing upwards out of the dirt, though with its petals still closed up – this one was still in its infancy, though was sure to blossom soon enough. They brush their clawed finger gently by it, looking at it as a mother might do with her child, with golden rays of sunshine casting a soft glow upon the wolf’s garden. They go to put on a thick pair of gloves they used whilst outside for messier jobs, pulling them out of their trusty gardening box, which was also filled up with various tools and seeds. Slipping them onto their furry hands, they notice a hole had appeared upon the fingertip of their left index, and with the fabric starting to fray in other areas, they assumed that this pair didn’t have much more life left in them. They didn’t mind for now, though, as they were sure they’d be perfectly sufficient for the task at hand. They had recently taken an interest in gardening – the weather had been rather exquisite as of late, and they were thoroughly seizing the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine whilst it was around. Zeydaan knew very well that these things tend to pass one by all too soon, and plus, it had been a good while since they had tried out something new like this. Reaching over to grab their trowel, they hear a ‘ping’ emanating from their trouser pocket – normally they wouldn’t wear them, though getting grass stains and dirt in their fur didn’t sound too appealing to them either. They reach into their pocket, pulling out their phone to see that they’ve received a text from an unknown number. Reading it over a couple of times, they double check that this wasn’t one that they were familiar with, before replying to the rather unconventional greeting that the owner of said number had sent them.   Hey puddin’ Hello, who is this? I don’t have your number ^v^” Awww come on sugga, you don’t know your own bestie? I think you might have the wrong number, sorry. Yeah right, hehe! Anyways, wanted to tell ya that I was thinkin of us doin that job around next month. What job? Idk what you’re on about Oh don’t play coy with me, you know the one – see ya then ;)   Zeydaan’s brow furrows, trying to work out whatever this person was trying to say – had one of their friends gotten a new number? Or was it some kind of joke they’d forgotten about? Either way, they didn’t dwell on this for too long, as they put down their phone and get back to what was at hand – their beautiful garden! Beside them are a collection of plants that they’d picked up from a local plant nursery; a nice selection of Bromeliads which had petals that spanned a wide range of the colour spectrum, though most of them had a warm magenta hue to them. Towards the back of the garden, where Zeydaan currently kneels, is a section which was looking rather bare at the moment, and would therefore be the perfect spot to plant their new flowers! Upon pushing their trowel into the dirt, however, they are met with some resistance they weren’t expecting to encounter.   Pulling their trowel back, they lean in closer to the patch that they had tried to bury into, reaching into the soil and expecting to remove a rock or something of that nature, but instead… ow! Zeydaan quickly pulls back, looking down at their finger as the tip starts to bleed a bit, the redness soaking into their dark blue fur – something had gone through the hole in their glove. Glancing down once more, they can see a sharp, prickly vine that’s half-buried in the soil. It’s an unnatural shade of green – much brighter and saturated than any weed Zeydaan had seen before, which multiple razor-sharp spines protruding from it all over. It was rather unpleasant to look at, and its appearance worried Zeydaan – what if it was going to strangle all of the plants that they had just put here? It needed to be removed soon, that was for sure, as they make a mental note to purchase some weed killer along with a thicker pair of gloves – the ones that they had wouldn’t suffice for a job like this, and they certainly didn’t fancy the prospect of getting cut-up whilst de-weeding their lovely garden.    After moving to another section of the garden, which was also looking rather sparse for décor, Zeydaan plants their new Bromeliads there instead, not wanting to deal with the unpleasant weed situation for the time being. The day goes by, with the sun sailing slowly across the sky until it hangs just above the horizon at sunset, basking the sky in an orange blanket. Satisfied with their work, Zeydaan calls it a day and heads back inside, eventually going to bed, and forgetting about the weed that had irked them earlier in the day.   A couple of days pass by, though Zeydaan had been consistently putting off going to buy the pair of gloves they had told themselves to purchase, or in fact, doing anything about the invasive weed at all. Instead, they had spent much of their time moping about their room, feeling strangely disenfranchised about going back out to do their gardening. They couldn’t put their still sore (and ominously green) finger on it, and had instead opted to stay indoors and hope that their old enthusiasm would come rushing back to them soon.   But it didn’t.   As the hours went by, and without their realisation, their body had been changing. From the point that their finger had been pricked, that green shade had begun to soak into their fur, travelling down and enveloping their entire left hand. Their claws had been dulled into feminine fingernails, with the green fur miniaturizing until nothing but the also green-coloured skin was left behind. It was soft to the touch, and as the old wound healed, it spread up the length of their arm until arriving at their shoulder blade when they received another text from their mysterious friend.   Heyyyyyy!!! Hi. I’m out in town rn, thinkin of hittin up a convenience store, want in? Nah, I’m okay. Jeez whats been bummin you out hun, ya aint yourself these days – come on itll be fun! Another time, maybe. I just want to be alone at the moment.   And with that, they cast down their phone, and take their second nap of that day. As they rest, their hair starts to extend, changing into a shimmering, ruby red colour. The whites of their eyes take on a subtle green tint, whilst their iris’ become a deeper shade of green - much like their new skin, which has been spreading steadily across their torso as they rested, and eventually made its way over to their other arm and consumed it. Their fur had was being shed as the invasive greenness took over, like a lawnmower passing over and cutting down their fur as if they were blades of grass. For now, with both of their arms having now been altered, the changes that had occurred thus far looked symmetrical and even, and Zeydaan was none the wiser to it. As far they knew, nothing had happened at all in fact – they’d always looked this way, and there was nothing of importance to note about their appearance.   The next morning, Zeydaan stirs awake, feeling much different than they had been. It was a welcome sensation – the sensation of excitement... maybe they should go outside and seize the chance, they think to themselves, hoping that in doing so, this sudden burst of motivation would last. They scurry down the stairs, heading through the rooms downstairs and out into the garden. The warmth of the sun greets them like an old friend, as the cosy rays it emits makes their fur feel all fuzzy. However, this pleasantness is dampened upon being greeted with a horrid sight.   Almost the entirety of their garden had been… overrun. What was once a small weed, buried under the ground had burst out, wrapping its jagged vines around the other plant life in the garden and consuming it all like a virus. Most of them looked dead, or at the least, a very unhealthy brownish-green colour, as the vines had stolen all of the water that they needed to survive for itself – not even Zeydaan’s new Bromeliads had been spared during their absence. What kind of plant even is this? They wonder this to themselves, as they approach it with a mixture of caution and curiosity. It did have a macabre sort of beauty to it that couldn’t be ignored; its raw power and speed of growth seemed strangely… admirable to the wolf. Things like this are only natural too – in the wild, only the strongest species survive after all, and the weak must adapt or be eradicated. There’s no point in trying to tame such a thing and limit it unnecessarily… so maybe it would be best to instead raise it? To help it grow?   Days tick by, and as each one went past, Zeydaan was spending them all out in their garden like before, though in this case, spending this time with an entirely different mindset. The vines grow and spread at an alarming rate, now sprawling all over their lawn with the vines beginning to bloom carnivorous flowers that attracted insects to them, only to seal their doom upon entering their maw. Zeydaan, meanwhile, had developed a much slenderer figure, with their waist curving inwards whilst their legs looked thinner to match their new arms. Their body was now undoubtably feminine, with a decent amount of musculature built up too. Ever so slowly, their chest had been pushing outwards, as a pair of breasts developed whilst their muzzle flattened and separated into a distinct nose and mouth. Their lips had become slightly plumper, with their ears migrating downwards to the sides of their head and losing their canine features. Any fur that had been clinging onto them had gone by now, leaving Zeydaan looking more like a mutated human over a conventional wolf.   Many would be inclined to label the plant that Zeydaan had been allowing to grow as ‘poisonous’, or even ‘deadly’. Sure, they could be that, though only to those who didn’t understand them. To Zeydaan, that’s all that these beautiful things were – misunderstood. Helping to nurture and care for them was something they had been taking great pride in recently, and it truly pained them to think that they hadn’t been doing that for so long. However, the past was done with, and now, they… no, she could start to make things right. Weeks had now transpired since Zeydaan had been pricked upon the finger, and to her, this seemed like ancient history by now. The person that they once were seemed distant, and totally alien to the woman they had become – that they always were, deep down. Along with the changing of the dates, so too had the interior of Zeydaan’s home changed and flourished. Encouraging them to grow, the vines had spread into their living room, latching onto their walls, and uprooting the carpet, not even the house could withstand these mighty vines. Zeydaan had also opted to undergo a bit of an identity rework, too. Truthfully, they had never really been fond of their name, feeling that it didn’t reflect them much at all. After mulling over it for some time, they concluded on something far more fitting – Dr. Pamela Isley. So simple, yet so fitting for a woman of her nature. Wearing a new deep green jacket with lime highlights, and a pair of tights coloured similarly, she was dressed to kill, and had definitely come to the natural conclusion that green seemed to be her go-to colour.   Its time!!! Be at yours in 5 <3   She smiles to herself – Harley never ceased to amuse her. Sitting upon their armchair, she awaits her arrival, a vine coiled around her which she was currently using as a placemat to hold her tea. This peace was eventually interrupted upon Doctor Isley’s front door being kicked open – she didn’t bother turned around to see who could’ve done that, as of course, she was already well aware. “Hey Ives! It’s time, ya all ready to go?” she asks with a crazed grin, her eyes wide with adrenaline and anticipation. Poison Ivy gets up, setting the teacup in her hand down upon its saucer and cracking her knuckles. “Of course, I’ve been ready for ages now – it took ya long enough to get here, now let’s head out!” She replies, striding forward as the two villains leave the house, getting ready to cause some mayhem in the city. “You been up to much lately hun?” Harley asks, as the two head down the street. “Oh, nothing much, just cultivating my lovely garden as usual – some nasty generator got installed besides me the other day. It was spitting out fumes and causing a real racket, and of course I can’t have such a vile atmosphere for my lovely vines, so I took care of it. Plus now my plants have a new place to spread! Maybe that’ll teach those people not to install such horrid things around me.” She explains, flicking her head to the side as to get her hair out of the way. “Hehe – I’ll sure it’ll make them think twice for sure Ives!” Harley adds on, as their chosen target lies ahead of them – the city bank. With both of them at the ready, they brace for an action-filled day, and they were counting on a good old-fashioned fight.
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( For ooc: I totally understand and agree ^^)
Upon getting a message from Caleb about keeping his jacket safe, Asha smiles with a red hue dancing on her cheeks.
She hums and chews her lip as she answers his message with a brief text of, "of course. What's your is mine now, you might have to pry it off me though. When you do come home, I miss you?"
She'd never admit it to his face but she really did miss his quirky company, beginning to grow bored without someone to tease so Asha busied herself with reports form past missions.
Caleb flopped down onto his couch while reading her response, snickering at the first part of her response before faltering by the second half.  
[ If you’re enjoying it that much I may just need to try and get myself a new jacket, or get you one like it 😛] 
[As for when I can come back home, I should be able to come visit again sometime next weekend?] 
[ I miss you too.] 
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My, how have they both developed.
Tbh, Sebs scared me when he did that suddenly. omg.
So possessive.
Chapter 8: Swan Arc
The young master and his butler share a glancéd night together. Soon the close contact is interrupted by a letter from her Majesty. What on earth happened this time?
Helllooo! I am so sorry for the long wait. School is drawing to a close and to celebrate, here is a new chapter that should fill 90% of your satisfaction.
Enjoy! :)
Do any of you have any ideas as if to what this Arc has in store?? Leave a comment to chat about it.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
His Butler, Striking
Sebastian held his hand over his eyes and set a plate of food down in front of him. "Just try to guess what it is."
"Um....I don't know..." He chuckled.
"Open your mouth." He smiled, holding a piece to his mouth.
Ciel did so.
He fed him a piece. "What do you think?" He tried to make something both sweet and savory for dinner, because he knew Ciel was fond of sweet things.
"Give me a hint?"
"Tell me."
He shook his head with a smile. "Maple salmon paired with black rice." Sebastian removed his hand from his eyes.
"It tastes wonderfully." He gave him a smile.
"Thank you, sir." He handed him the fork.
Phantomhive lightly took it from him before quietly eating.
He ran his gloved fingers through his hair before removing his hand.
It was indeedly sweet and savory, Ciel loved it.
The centerpiece of the table was a bouquet of white and cream roses. Sebastian smiled and watched him eat, pleased that he enjoyed the meal.
He loved how his favorite hue of roses were nearly everywhere. The simplest things the demon did made him happy.
The servant stood next to his master. It really was good to see him smile. Once he was done, he took the plate from him and wiped the remains from the corners of his
mouth with a napkin. Before he left to take the plate to the kitchen, he placed a kiss on his cheek.
The dual eyed boy smiled before messing with his fingers.
He brought him out dessert. Or rather, desserts. In each arm, he carried at least three plates. Chocolate cake, eclairs, fluffy, light pastries and dense chocolates adorned
with beautiful garnishes. He laid all of the plates out in front of the earl, smiling proudly.
He was shocked at the arrange of delights. "Sebastian...Here I thought you didn't want me to consume sweets like this.
"Oh, but it's an occasion. Just once won't hurt." He grinned and kissed his cheek. "Go on and enjoy yourself."
Phantomhive grinned back at him happily.
How he loved to see that smile.
"Thank you."
"Of course, my darling master."
Darling? His cheeks tinted pink at the pet name.
He chuckled at the color and kissed each blushing cheek. Adorable. "Go on." He gestured to the sweets.
The blue haired boy looked back at the display before dipping straight into the chocolate cake.
He chuckled. "Of course..."
"Shush." He joked.
"Yes sir."
"I didn't mean it."
He smiled and kissed his cheek.
Ciel took one bite out of it with delight, moving on to the other treats.
The servant kneeled and fed him a bite of vanilla pudding.
Phantomhive made a smile at him as he happily ate it.
"Do you remember my first attempt at making you food?" He chuckled.
"Yes." He laughed as well.
"Utter failure."
"I knew little about human food back then."
He fed him another bite, this time of salted caramel pudding.
"Thank you." And then a bit of tiramisu.
Ciel lightly kicked his feet, grinning.
"I love the way you look when you eat sweets."
He chuckled at the demon's statement. "Oh really."
"Yes. You look happy." He fed him a bite of lemon tart.
"I am happy." He mumbled, chewing silently.
"Good." He kissed his cheek. "Now don't talk with your mouth full."
He mumbled something else, slightly pushing the demon back.
He smiled. "I love you."
"Love you too."
"You continue eating. I'll get your present."
"Yes. I got you a present."
He fetched a letter and a rose and handed them both to him.
"Thank you."
"Of course~."
He placed the rose down for a moment to open the letter.
It was a letter from Sebastian, of course. The angular cursive writing indicated so. It was about a page in length.
He looked at the demon with a smile before starting to read.
It was basically a long list of reasons why he loved the human, telling how the last three years had been the most memorable of his long life, and hopes for the future.
It was signed with both, Sebastian Michaelis and Malphas.
Ciel truthfully felt touched. Malphas was so sweet to him. How admirable the letter was, He'd keep it forever. Placing the paper down, he gave the taller a hug.
"Happy Valentine's Day, darling." He kissed his forehead.
"Same to you."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
"Are you tired?"
"Let's go to bed, hm~?"
He picked him up and carried him upstairs to his room.
The dual-eyed boy simply held on to the taller, glad to be close to him once again.
He sat him down on the bed, shutting the door. Then he went over and began undressing him.
The tiny male stayed still for the time being.
He started with his top and worked his way down.
Wondering what tomorrow shall bring, He exhaled mutely.
"I apologize that I could not get you sooner, else we would've had more time together..."
"It's fine.."
"Let's just enjoy what we have now."
"Of course."
He had undressed him almost completely. Ciel was only left in his socks and undergarments, and Sebastian could help but stare.
Ciel stuck his tongue out at him.
"You're beautiful, master...I can't tell you enough..."
"Thank you."
He wrapped his arms around the small frame and kissed him gently.
His hands found the taller's chest as he returned the gesture.
"I love you." He said once more, lowering him down on the bed.
"I love you too."
He kissed his lips a few more times. "My master..."
"My demon.."
He got off of him and took off his shoes and his jacket.
Ciel sat back up and moved his hair.
Sebastian sighed and looked at him, cupping his face. "Ciel..."
He scooted closer to him and kissed his lips again.
The lord returned the kiss before crossing his legs.
An exhale left the demon again as he continued to stare at his body. Truly sinful, Sebastian, to look at your young master this way. He didn't realize he was drooling.
The petite male chuckled and changed legs. His finger gestured for the other to come closer.
He moved closer to him, looking at him expectantly.
Phantomhive gave him another soft kiss.
He returned it just as gently, placing a hand on the earl's thigh.
"Don't be afraid to touch me."
"I want to touch you..." he moved his hand upwards.
"Then go ahead.."
He pushed him down on the bed and kissed him deeply in a flurry of passionate emotion. His hands were moving along his hips and torso.
Phantomhive turned the gesture with just as much affection, locking his arms around Malphas' neck.
"I love you...Ciel."
"I love you too, Malphas."
He hooked a finger under on one of his stockings and pulled it down.
The boy allowed him to, his fingers messing with the butler's vest.
Then he pulled the other one off, trailing his hands up his thighs and to his waist. "It's been a long time I have been thinking about touching you in this way..."
"Oh really..?"
"I can't help it...something so beautiful, I want for myself." He kissed his neck, gently at first, and then giving little nips and bites.
Phantomhive made a slight gasp.
"Mine." He held one of his hands, the other tugging what was left on him off. He continued kissing a few spots on his neck.
The butler unbutton his own vest while kissing his lips.
The noble kissed back sweetly.
He took his thighs with both hands and spread them apart. He presented one finger to the Earl. "Lick it for me."
The bluenette was slightly flustered at being exposed like that. It's not like this was the first time Sebastian saw him bare.
He removed his glove and placed his finger in his mouth. "So pretty~."
Ciel looked at his finger before glancing up at the demon himself.
After a moment more, he took his finger out of his mouth and replaced it with his tongue.
He distracted him with a kiss while he inserted the finger inside of him.
A small sound emitted from him as his body stiffened from the action.
"Shhh, relax...relax..." he whispered to him, "Stay still."
"Malphas..." He called lightly.
He was trying not to hurt him too badly. "You're so tight, even with just one finger... I don't think I can fit any more if you don't release your body tension."
He lightly bared his teeth before attempting to get used to the feeling.
"Good." He rewarded the attempt with another, deeper kiss.
Ciel loved every moment of it.
He gently started to move his finger, trying to find where he was most sensitive and stretch him out a little before he just jumped right in.
"Oh, did I find something~?" He teased, rubbing the tip of his finger against the little bundle of nerves there.
The smaller slightly moved his legs, biting down on his lower lip to shush.
"There it is~." He pushed upwards gently.
"Ah~!" His nails threatened to scratch his lover.
He smiled and hummed as he fit another finger in, rubbing him there.
Ciel tried his best to keep quiet.
"It's okay, you don't have to keep quiet. No one will hear you but me." Sebastian kissed his neck, curling the tips of his fingers.
"Mm, just like that~." He kissed his cheek.
His eyes were lidded as he gazed up at the demon.
"Do you think you're ready? Because I'm dying to get inside of you..."
He gave a small nod, lips slightly parted.
He removed his fingers and stripped himself of his clothes as quickly as possible.
Phantomhive placed a finger by his mouth.
He positioned himself over Ciel, taking one of his hands.
Honestly, was this what those other woman experience?
He cupped his face and gave him a few kisses. "My priority is to please my master...this is what you want, correct?"
"Yes..." Out of all of the possible people, Malphas chose him. The thought made Phantomhive rather happy.
"You know...you don't always have to call me by 'master' or 'lord'. Not when we're together like this.."
"If you prefer me to call you Ciel, then I will do that instead."
"Do what you want."
He smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're sure you want me to do this, Ciel?"
"I'm positive."
Michaelis held both of his hands and clenched his jaw as he entered.
He stayed still for the time being, daring not to move. His eyes were shut and an inhale sounded.
"Are you alright?" He asked, cupping his cheek.
He tried to find his spot again, pushing a little bit deeper into him.
Once he found it, Ciel definitely let him know.
He chuckled and thrusted rhythmically.
The noble tightened his grip upon the taller as a breathy moan left his mouth.
He smiled at his pleasure, wrapping one arm under his waist.
Ciel's brows were drawn together unconsciously.
This was such a beautiful scene, and he had control of it. Whenever the demon was overwhelmed by something's beauty, he had the urge to destroy it.
It was only part of his nature. He was a twisted, malicious remake of a human.
Would Malphas destroy the earl?
But this...this human was different. Sebastian leaned down and kissed him gently... this was different.
All those others who experienced this from him didn't receive it in this way. This time, he actually cared...
A peck was given back as his fingers tangled into the taller's inky black strands.
He softly exhaled, looking down at him and thrusting deeper. "Ciel~..."
He smiled, not even a bit out of breath. He kept going, speeding up his pace.
"Oh, Fuckin-" He trailed off, gently tugged the demon's tufts of hair.
"Hahh~..." he sighed into his ear, grabbing both of his hips to keep him in place, "Dirty mouth for a boy~..."
"And yet you kiss this mouth~."
As if on cue, he brought him in for a kiss, not slowing down.
Ciel moaned into the kiss, eventually breaking the contact to squeal from all of the pleasure.
He smiled, rubbing his thumbs over his hip bones.
His hands clenched the sheets as he drew out breaths.
"How are you doing, love?" He kissed his cheek, moving the bangs out of Ciel's face.
"I'm okay.." Phantomhive smiled at the gesture.
Sebastian kissed his jaw and neck, the tender flesh feeling nice under his teeth.
One hand reached up to mess with his hair once more.
He moved deeper into him, slowly and gently, careful not to hurt the boy.
Ciel softly moaned the demon's name.
He became sharper with his thrusts, his pace still slow. He kept his face buried in his neck, savoring the delicious scent of his arousal.
The bluenette clutched the sheets messily, continuously making sounds.
Sebastian was extremely glad he finally told him how he felt, because this moment was something he'd never forget.
In all of his long life, there were a few crystal clear memories, and he was sure this would become one of them. "Oh, Ciel..." he cupped his face, continuing to pleasure him.
His back arched beautifully. Ciel's dual gaze peered at the demon above him as a delicate tune left his lips again. "Malphas~..!"
He lowered himself for a kiss, hugging his master.
Phantomhive's little plump mouth returned the kiss lovingly, wrapping his arms around the demon's neck.
Good gracious, that human tasted wonderful. He licked his lips for more of the taste and held his hips in place.
In response, a gasp came from the male. "I..I'm-Close~!"
"Go ahead~."
Ciel shuddered as he released, allowing a squeal. The boy was ultimately exhausted, but nonetheless elated. Short pants escaped from himself lightly.
Sebastian smiled and kissed him gently, holding his body with large hands as he followed with a groan.
"Mnh~." The nobleman emitted into the kiss.
He sighed softly when it was broken. "Happy Valentine's Day, Ciel."
The bluenette smiled in reply, hugging the demon weakly.
"I love you."
"Love you more~."
"I sincerely doubt it."
"You don't know the limits of my love."
"No, but I know mine. And there are no limits for me." He laid beside him and smiled.
"Same goes for mine." Still hugging him.
He kissed his cheek. "I should...clean up." He looked at the bodily fluids all over the bed and their bodies.
The earl's smaller hands traced the butler's torso.
He sighed once more and played with the bluenette's hair.
Ciel kissed his jaw.
The demon smiled. "Ciel..."
"Let me up, I'll run a bath for you."
"So tired."
"It'll be quick." He gently moved out of his arms.
The boy pouted.
He kissed his forehead and put some clothes on.
He shyly smiled when he sat up.
The demon went to the bathroom and ran some water in the tub for Ciel.
The earl attempted to get out of bed, facing a slight pain.
He came back and held him. "It's going to hurt for a few days... I apologize..."
"It's okay.."
He picked him up and carried him to the bath, gently setting him down in the warm water.
"Thank you.."
He nodded, "I'll be right back."
Sebastian went to the bedroom once more and quickly changed the sheets, making the bed back up and cleaning the clothes from the floor.
He picked out night clothes for Ciel and himself, then took them back to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, the lord was in his thoughts.
He set them on a counter and smiled at him, going behind him and rubbing his shoulders.
Ciel smiled at his lover.
The demon kissed him on the cheek. "You did very well." He took a damp rag and gently washed his back.
"I did very well?"
He nodded. "Well, you seemed to handle the pain."
"Somewhat used to it."
"I prefer it this way...no one likes pain."
He went silent and lathered soap across his back.
The male sighed.
He placed the rag down and took hold of Ciel's chin, giving him a soft kiss.
The petite male kissed back.
"I love you. I was always too proud to say it, but I love you."
"Oh look, the demon, Malphas the great prince of hell--loves me." He teased.
"Which makes you the princess of hell." He kissed him on the nose.
"I am no princess."
"You are my princess."
His cheeks had a pink hue dusted across them as a small--sheepish smile showed.
"Turn around and let me wash the rest of you."
"I'm not a female~." He did what was asked.
He ran his soapy fingers over his shoulders and sides. "It does not matter. You are still my princess."
"Sweet prince."
"Beautiful princess."
"It is only the truth. Haven't I told you that I will not lie to you."
"You have."
"Then believe me when I say I love you~."
"I do~."
The bluenette smiled up at the demon.
"There's that smile I love."
Ciel held his hands together while moving his feet.
He kissed his cheek and continued washing him until he was sure that Ciel was clean. Then he helped him out and dried him, draining the water from the tub.
"Very tired.."
"Let's go to bed."
He held his arms up to him.
He picked him up. "You don't want any nightclothes?"
"Your shirt? Yes."
He shook his head and carried him to bed, buttoning his shirt up on the small earl.
The garment practically swallowed his torso and thighs.
He tucked him in under the covers. "Do you wish for me to sleep with you?"
He joined him in bed and kissed his cheek.
"Such an affectionate demon."
"Love is a strange thing. I've had a weakness for certain humans."
"Such as yourself."
"I've noticed."
"You're very observant."
"Not hard to notice."
"I suppose not. Although, it took you three years."
"My mind was quite unclear around the time. The thought never occurred due to the environment and occupation we share."
"It was a bit difficult to tell you."
"Glad you finally did."
"Me too."
The little earl returned the kiss upon Sebastian's cheek.
He blew out the candle and held the boy in his arms. "Goodnight, Ciel."
He decided that he would break the bad news to him in the morning.
Unconsciously unknowing, Earl Phantomhive welcomed slumber upon his body.
In the morning, Sebastian woke up far earlier than Ciel, as always. He started his chores early and prepared breakfast for the lord,
as if nothing had happened between them last night.
"Young master, it is time to wake up." He drew back the curtains, smiling at the sight of Ciel in nothing but his own white button up.
Of course, he heard him. Ciel placed a hand over his eyes before waking up shortly.
He poured him some tea and kissed his cheek while serving it to him.
"Thank you."
"Of course. Would you like your eggs poached or fried?"
"Very well."
As he brushed a tuft of hair behind his ear, Ciel smiled to himself about the previous night.
"Breakfast shall be served in the dining room at nine." He held a pair of clothes on his arm and began undressing Ciel.
So far, the morning was calm. The whole news though might change that.
"Did you sleep well, my lord?"
"Very good." He dressed him in a burgundy suit, tying a dark blue bow around his neck. Then he fastened the eye-patch over his contracted eye.
Ciel remained silent as he stood to leave once the butler was done.
He smiled and took the plate back to the kitchen, soon delivering his breakfast to the dining table.
"Thank you once more."
He allowed a smile. It wasn't often that he received thanks. "You're very welcome."
The little boy gradually began to eat.
He delivered him a letter bearing the seal of the Queen. "It came in while you were absent."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. You will want to read it. I believe she has another task for you."
"As always.." He replied while opening the letter.
Sebastian hadn't opened the letter yet, but if it was another case for the guard dog to complete, it meant it would surely be interesting.
His neutral features changed as he read, brows furrowing. "I refuse."
"Refuse what exactly, sir?" He asked curiously, leaning down closer to read.
Ciel passed the letter to the demon, utterly done with the queen.
After a moment of reading, he folded up the document once more. "Ah... so you're going to refuse the request?"
"Participate in a ballet? Sometimes I believe she enjoys making a fool out of myself.."
"Perhaps. Although, it sounds as if she's very serious about this."
"Tch...I refuse to wear a tutu or even tights."
"How else shall we investigate?"
Ciel frowned.
"You may have to take a role in the ballet, my lord."
"....The sooner this is over, the better."
I bet Elizabeth would love to see him in a tutu. *cough cough* Alois too.
Chapter 9: His Butler, Reunited
Sebastian and his Young Master gets prepared to handle a request from Her Majesty. Ciel's demon also takes another appearance as the two participate at the theatre. New faces are shown and some unknown Brunet who goes by "Fletcher" proceeds to mess with Phantomhive and Michaelis.
Hello! How are you guys doing? I know, feel free to beat me up. It's been too long! School has been kicking my ass. Life has also kick my ass. So ready for the holidays.
But, go ahead and enjoy this chapter!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
"Well, we should get to work then. I'm sure you know how to audition?"
"Yes, my lord?"
"Of course not!"
"That will be a problem, then."
"Well, you certainly can't show up looking like a noble... that would be suspicious and might scare away the captor..."
He finished breakfast and exhaled.
"I will set out some clothes for you, sir. And then I will walk you through the steps of an audition."
"Well, That was a lie. Don't you remember the circus.
"Unfortunately, yes. But ballets and theatrical musicals are different."
"Still an audition."
"I will see about those clothes." He set off to find an appropriate costume for him.
The little earl left the kitchen to walk back to the room.
He redressed the young master and in some drab clothes, mostly grey and and navy blue.
He really wished the letter asked something else from him.
"And I suppose I can't exactly be perceived as your butler..."
"No...Besides, it's suggested as a cover to investigate of two missing children. There might be something supernatural involved.."
"Hm... I suppose I'll wear something inconspicuous, myself."
"Even if so, there will be someone suspicious of you regardless."
"Hm..." he hummed, "I think I know what to do... although I'm not very fond of the option..."
"Inform me."
"There is another form I could take. The form of a previous master."
"Do what you must." Ciel wasn't sure that could be physically possible but, Sebastian was the demon--not himself.
"Yes, my lord. As always." He took his previous clothes and exited the room.
"I suppose the best way would be to look in town first. Surely the people are chattering of the upcoming ballet."
Sebastian was really not looking forward to changing forms. He had grown quite fond of his butler appearance.
He decided to wait and see his butler's new form.
Soon enough, he had knocked on his bedroom door.
A teenaged boy entered, probably around fifteen or sixteen. He had dirty blonde hair that fell across his forehead,
and perfectly tan skin with sparse freckles. The only thing reminiscent of Sebastian was the deep red eyes that glanced at Ciel.
If the noble didn't know any better, he would've left in search of the other servants /immediately/.
Ciel slowly came closer to him, having an unsure look.
He looked down at him, as he was still a couple of inches taller than his master. "You can see why I am reluctant to take this option."
His voice was different when he spoke, not so deep, and with a slight French accent.
"And this is the form of a previous master?"
He nodded. "Alexander Leveque."
"Well, How do you do, Alexander." It was possibly a joke.
"Speaking of, I suppose I can't call you 'sir' or 'Ciel' either."
" 'Sky' can replace my name for now."
"That will work."
"Anything else?"
"I guess not."
"Into town we go."
"Lead the way."
Hopefully, they wouldn't run into the other servants.
The blonde was dressed in a grey flat cap, with an outfit of particularly boring colors. It was February, and slightly cold, so he kept his jacket buttoned.
Of course he kept a pair of brown gloves on his hands, as his contract symbol and black fingernails were still there, although the nails were significantly shorter.
Ciel kept an ear out as they walked around.
He walked closely behind him, looking around. The theatre was close by.
Suddenly someone cut a corner quickly and intersected with Ciel, Both falling upon the ground with an- "Ack!"
Sebastian, or Alexander, moved quickly to help Ciel up. "Are you alright?"
"Yes..." He rubbed his forehead.
"Apologies, Ma'am!" The lad shuffled up and held his head as well.
He took a look at his head, a small red knot forming where he was hit. "Oh dear... you should put some ice on that."
The boy blinked at Ciel before gasping. "You'll make a fine Odette!"
Before Phantomhive knew it, he was suddenly dragged off to wherever the boy took him. "Unhand me!"
Sebastian chuckled, following the two younger boys.
Eventually the boy brought Ciel to the theatre, letting him go once they reached the practice room.
A lady adoring a neat brown bun noticed the trio and excitedly approached.
"Ah, Merci Simeon!" It was clear that this was the teacher with a french background.
Sebastian glanced at his master for a moment, then back at the lady. "Excuse me, madame," he said, with his French accent pronounced, "But what are we here for?"
"I apologize for the sudden gesture but, time is low and we need an Odette and the Prince. Our two performers disappeared a two days ago." She explained.
Ciel did not like where this was going, he had to do it--Queen's orders. But, what a coincidence....just the lead they needed...
"Well, she looks similar to our previous Odette."
Phantomhive stiffened at "she". Even though his expression displayed a small smile.
"Yes, well... It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am."
"Please, Call me Miss Adelia. It would be great if you'd agree to help us."
"Well, if Sky agrees to it, I'd be happy to."
"...Of course.."
"Then it seems we are all in agreement."
"Merci!!" She clasped her hands together in delight. "The changing room is back there, I'll let you go get changed then practice shall begin."
"Oh goodness. What are we supposed to wear?"
"Go find out~."
He walked back to the dressing room.
Ciel followed after, hoping to Victoria that he wasn't going to encounter a tutu.
"Ah, well..." he came across a leotard and tights, getting dressed. His now boyish body fit the clothes well.
Guess what the Earl found...
Since he appeared to be female to them, Ciel had too...
After a moment, Sebastian stepped out in the new clothes.
And of course the young Lord struggled to properly dress himself, sighing in frustration.
It wasn't as if Sebastian could enter the women's changing room to help him. And it would be suspicious for him to dress Ciel anyway, since he did not act as his butler.
Eventually, He believed it looked decent enough. Ciel has been here probably for ten mintues and he was already done with this.
The demon waited for him to come back out before meeting Adelia for further instructions.
Soon enough, Phantomhive walked out, the treacherous tutu slightly bouncing as he moved.
Sebastian had to stop himself from laughing too hard, he might pull a muscle.
His sapphire orb shoot a look of annoyance at the demon.
"You look very ravishing, master."
"Spare me." He murmured.
"Let us find the instructor."
The tiny male started walking towards Miss Adelia.
'Alexander' followed, not particularly enjoying the feeling of the garments.
"Très bien! " The teacher claimed once she saw them in the necessary garments. "Now, we have to get you two caught up with the program. There is a script, and a choreography. Plus I'm sure this may be your first time performing a ballet. So, you must learn how to dance."
Ciel silently exhaled, trying to stay into character.
Sebastian nodded, noticing his master's frustration. "We will try our hardest to prepare as quickly as possible."
"First I'll let you get familiar with the scripts." She handed them their own. "We don't have six months to teach you the choreography--we're down to a month. So we have to try our best to get you guys to present well."
The demon immediately started looking through the script, "A month? Well, you really were desperate for some performers. What happened to the others? You said they disappeared?"
"Yes, /none/ of us knows what happened to them. They just stopped coming to practice, contacted them, never got through."
Ciel gave Sebastian a side glance as his hands flipped through the script.
"Hm... that's interesting..."
"Once you're done reading act one--come find me so you can get introduced to the cast and practice the performance for that act."
"Yes, ma'am." He opened back up to the first page and began reading.
Ciel begun to do the same, peering around at the dancers.
After a minute or two, Sebastian was done with the whole script. "You stay and read. I'm going to go look around for anything suspicious..."
He stood, setting his script down on the chair and walking around, as casual as possible. He spoke politely to a few of the dancers, and generally poked around the theatre. "Hmm..."
Ciel eventually finished reading and had a feeling someone was staring at him. But he didn't dare to turn around.
No traces of the dancers, but there was a certain feeling that was strangely familiar, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it...
Soon Simeon came over to the little lord and informed that he was going to help demonstrate the dancing for Act One-Miss Adelia's orders.
'Alexander' felt that he should follow a particularly recognizable scent. He might have a hunch as to who was behind this.
As Ciel and Simeon practiced together, Phantomhive decided to glance at the stare, locking eyes with a pair of fiery ones in the back. The bluenette felt insecure at the unknown man's smirk and immediately looked away.
"What's wrong, Sky?" The dancer asked.
"Who...Who is that in the corner."
"Oh, That's Fletcher."
Ciel looked around for Sebastian for a second.
The brunet's smirk stayed as his gaze shifted to 'Alexander'.
The blonde boy became protective over Ciel instantaneously, as he always did when a potential threat came to him. "And I'm assuming he's an actor, as well?" He asked Simeon, coming closer to Ciel.
"That's right, He's suppose to play as Von Rothbart."
"How fitting..." he muttered. "Ciel, stay close to me."
He didn't have to be told twice.
Unfortunately, Fletcher wasn't in the same location anymore.
"This man is unnecessarily creepy. Go ahead and continue practice, I'll watch out for you."
After hours of practicing, Ciel's feet were sore and he was damn tired of the tutu. The teacher told them to report back here tomorrow.
Alexander changed back into more casual clothes the found Ciel directly afterwards.
Fletcher then approached Sebastian.
"Oh hell, here we go."
"You sure don't appear to be normal..." He murmured, looking at Alexander with a smug expression.
"As if normal is your specialty, 'Fletcher'."
"I suppose this is Ciel Phantomhive, then?"
"You tell me." He took Ciel's hand and started leading him away.
"And I thought I smelled something familiar...it's a shame you don't know who I am." The brunet spoke.
"Oh, for heaven's sakes. I'd know that sickening stench anywhere. How stupid do you think I am?"
"My my, what a kind way to greet your brother after such a long time." He snickered.
"You're one to talk about being kind. Stay away from us."
I bet Elizabeth would love to see him in a tutu. *cough cough* Alois too.
Chapter 9: His Butler, Reunited
Sebastian and his Young Master gets prepared to handle a request from Her Majesty. Ciel's demon also takes another appearance as the two participate at the theatre. New faces are shown and some unknown Brunet who goes by "Fletcher" proceeds to mess with Phantomhive and Michaelis.
Hello! How are you guys doing? I know, feel free to beat me up. It's been too long! School has been kicking my ass. Life has also kick my ass. So ready for the holidays.
But, go ahead and enjoy this chapter!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
"Well, we should get to work then. I'm sure you know how to audition?"
"Yes, my lord?"
"Of course not!"
"That will be a problem, then."
0 notes
muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Where Harry's cute assistant gets lost in city of Italy and the thought of loosing her drives him bullocks.
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Flatulent gust of breezy wind kept wiggling through Harry’s coffee lovelocks, sunshine bounces against his soft skin and his pink heart-shaped mouth stays puckered as he takes in the beauty of his surroundings with his cheek smashed over his wrist – which’s resting atop the rooftop of yacht and his head perks up puppy like when tufty giggles maroons in his ears.
He gazes his cute assistant from under his ray bans and skims back a timid smile when her face beams with glee, her cotton puffy sleeved sundress blows away from the breeze giving glimpses of her plump thighs and Harry sucks in a breath snapping his eyes away.
“Harry look s’beautiful!” She squeals taking another picture of landscape with her grandpa's vintage Yoshika camera and Harry just rumbles his lips, shrugs and slumps back, a lazy mumble of “mehhh” elicits past his lips.
She’s just so endearing, and cute and fucking adorable it’s hard for Harry to keep from not babying her.
When he first went to sets of My Policemen he considered her rather unprofessional, as everyone kept on finding her but it seemed like she vanished into thin air, turned out when Harry took a break in his cubby she was lighting up saffron and black scented candles, “Oh! Thought you’d like comin' back to nice smelling room —-- holy fudge .... by the way, me Y/N your new assistant for the meantime.” His all grumpiness defused into bunch of reverence for her.
She'd always beat him to bringing in brekkie and smoothies for him and her fellows, sometimes giving him the velvet muffins before he goes back home --- Harry became such a drooly lovey puppy for her that he decided to keep it stern from then.
He’s trying. He’s prolly gonna fail.
Y/N isn’t very immune to water trips and she was well aware that a sickness is coming – but so soon? She didn’t know that!
So, when she chokes onto nothing and then gags driving Harry into fritz. Harry tries to keep his balls in place and not panic because that’d just spill his secret and expose him.
He quickly facades himself under stoniness, “Christ! Y/N if you die on me —-,” Though, grabs her elbow lightly and walks her to the edge of the deck.
Y/n smacks his hand away. Glares him and grunts pushing her hair away aggressively, “Don’t tell me what to do I’ll die wherever the hell I want!” His pupils resembling to that of clashing waves of sea blows away comically as she huffs and pushes past him.
“Better die and ghost you for life.” She gags into her elbow again and he rushes to grab her hand, when she pulls away with a tut he rolls his eyes brings his glasses to the bridge of his nose and looks at her from under the brown sunnies, “Jeez just holdin' a hand, not gonna slip a ring, ‘s that what yer afraid of.”
“Just admit you’re desperate to hold my hand.” She smirks up at him and he cackles, then dims into nervous chuckles because oh fuck he’s getting caught red handed.
“No.” He mutters.
How much she resists not to pout and turn all fussy over his denial she ends up doing so and it’s his turn to smirk cheekily at her.
“Are you mad? You look mad.” He wiggles his finger at her and she grumbles folding her arms infront of her bosom and cranes her head to side, “I’m not mad.”
“Yer pretty face’s all screwed up, like you’re mad.” He nibbles at her and she glowers him --- sighing at last, the wisp of her hair falling in her eyes, her lips plush and glossy from sick.
“I’m perturbed, not mad.”
Then there’s an overrated pause of silence and heartbeats before Harry pokes her knee.
“You still look mad.” His face splits into a wide cheeky grin – showing his bunny teeth and she stands up hastily wobbling a little.
“’M’not mad! But I’ll be soon Harry Styles!!!!” She goes for smacking him at chest but he jerks back and sneaks his way out squealing annoyingly, “Mommy come save me from this feisty sea-creature.”
“You mean a mermaid?” She giggles.
“No. Frogfish.” He deadpans.
“I’m not talking to you ever again!” She cries out and turns away from him but he barks out a laugh --- riling her up is the most entertaining thing and seeing her make cute fussy faces another.
“’Kay, sorry! Wouldn’t do it again.” He toddles behind her and glides his forearm against her clavicles bringing her to his front, “Says this everytime!” She squirms pushing him away but he’s ten times stronger than her and even if she’s ... she’d want to spend some more time like this.
“Wouldn’t call ye' frogfish —-.. from now on.” She nods. Humming in agreement and he turns her, holding her from shoulders and looks down at her with glinting eyes and wide toothy mouth.
“How ‘bout blobfish? They look more funny.”
“I’m gonna kill you, Harry Styles!”
They were given a loft infront of the shore 10 minutes drive away from the shooting place and after fighting over who'll occupy the bed, bickering and pillow fighting over it and almost making it creaky loose bench Y/N went back to living room telling him that he snores so much, “Sorry but ‘m too sensitive to piggy snorey noises – better sleep outside.” He was fuming and gritty mess, flailing his limbs like a baby because he was “the hair on his directors head” away from sharing the bed with her.
“Whateva! your loss. Don’t come t'me beggin’ to pop your backbones.” He told her in high pitched mimickness and flumped under cool sheets.
His one hour nap turned into two then three. In the meantime, Y/N made a sandwich from the fresh veggies piled in the fridge, sipped onto her matcha drink sitting beside the window and enjoyed he view, even went through her socials.
Realized that she’s missing him around her terribly even if it’s just jokes and giggles and shit, whatever, so she took her camera and went outside to take pictures of shore and the purple sky battling with hue of clouds.
She got so charmed with Italy's beauty that she kept on walking and taking pictures, only to realize when the bustle of crowd dropped into tranquil quietness and she found herself into some unknown street.
She’s fucked.
She’s lost.
She has got nothing,
Not even her phone.
She contemplates to knock on the house doors and ask for locations but she’s petrified of the idea and tries to find some shop, so she could call someone and ask them to pick her up.
Dumb. Dumb. Dumbest decision, she has ever taken in her life.
When she sees no passer by, none tourists no-one in sight and the daylight defusing and darkness laughing and taunting her tears springs in her eyes --- bubbling at the corners and weeping down furiously.
Her heartbeats drops dead when she sees a group of men approaching towards her. She runs away hiding into the dark tunnel and clamps her mouth shut from crying out loud when they walk away -- they weren’t about to do anything to her – it was just her feared instincts.
“Harry ......” She whisper-cries into her wrist, her legs weak and trembly making her tumble down into dusty stoned pavement, her back getting scratched from the bricked wall of tunnel.
Harry woke up to pin-drop silence. Void of the sun that was once glimmering through the window, “Y/N.” He grogs out, knuckling the sleepiness away and trudged out finding the room empty.
It startles him. Waking him up properly now. A sweat flushes down his spine when he couldn’t even find her in the washroom and at the door-steps.
He dials her number and finds it at the coffee table, gruff cruses breathes out from his mouth at that.
His heart feels like someone’s squeezing it mercilessly in their grip when he goes outside, but couldn’t spot her and he finds it difficult to breathe, chest heaving as he snaps his head in every direction to look for the face he’s oh so in love with.
Where are you, Y/N?
Maybe, she’s angry with me? Did I hurt her in any way? Oh, fuck. I’m such a bitch.
Now, she’s angry with me and hiding in some corner cursing me out.
I have to bring her back.
So, he calls anyone in connection with Y/N in hopes that she’s with anyone of them and when there were, “no mate --- maybe check in the washroom...” and “last time she texted, said she’s going out to take pictures.”
Harry’s face pales at that. Sick to his stomach. His fists tighten by his sides to keep his calm the world around him spins for a moment and he stables himself with the nearby railing.
Bad thoughts spirals in his mind, how much he avoids them it frightens him like his worst enemy.
What if she’s hurt? It hurts him in heart even to think that.
Got into an accident and they took her?
What if some mafia has kidnapped her.
Obviously, Italy is famous for mafias ..... No!No!No! Harry shut up, shut up, shut uppppp!!
He screams internally to pause everything and think rationally.
He searches for her everywhere. In every street. His feet hurting until now and he chokes onto a sob, not even wanting to think of getting police involved and still not able to have her back.
He shouts for her name. Halting past anyone looking like her, that mini dress she flaunted infront of him with a gorgeous smile –-- asked him how it looked on her and he wasn’t very interested to give a response.
If he could take all of it back and praised her like his life depended on it, only if he’d told her how much he loves her, her making sure he’s comfortable in his cubby, her bringing cold milk drinks for him, dividing her oreos with him.
His hands shakes by his side, his lip twitching constantly and his legs trembles pathetically with each step he takes.
He stops. Narrows his eyes to squint through the darkness and he feels like someone blew oxygen back in his lungs, his knees weakening at the sight of some girl sitting on the bench, her shoulders slump and her head downwards as she clutches the edge of bench, rocking on it with quite sniffles.
He prays that it’s her.
Upon, hearing the footsteps Y/N looks up and those sweet eyes are enough for him to recognize her in between many people.
“Harry?” Her voice feeble and scared.
“Oh baby .....” He mumbles. Rushing towards her, stumbling back a bit when she flies in his arms and latches to him like the missing piece of her body.
His palms curves into her ribs, her face smashed into the crook of her neck – her tears wetting his skin instantly and his cheek squished atop her sweaty hair, he hugs her for dear life making her legs dangle in the air, she sobs nuzzling deeper into his throat and he caresses her shoulders to soothe her cries down. Kisses the side of her temple with tender affection and sighs in relief.
“Shhh. Shh baby, ‘s okay. I’ve found y’now ..... ‘m here sweetheart ‘s alright.” He doesn’t stop splodging soft pecks to her forehead – scared that if he’ll she’ll get lost from his arms again.
Her hiccups painful not letting her take a breather and Harry puts her down on her feet gently, taking her face in his clammy hands and hooks his thumb into her hair gazing into her glassy eyes intensely, “Hey look at me lovie’ just .. focus on me alright?” She nods at his plea grabbing his wrists and follows his breathing pattern.
He glances back at the bench and goes to grab her camera but she cries out fisting the hem of his corduroy shirt in her tiny hands, “No!” could barely choke out from her dry throat and he turns his attention back down onto her, strokes the rosy apple of her cheeks and pets her head.
“Not leavin’ yer side baby .. was bout to get your camera fo’ you. Could come with me if you don’t like stayin' away.” He assures her softly and trots towards the bench with his arms still around her as she keeps on hiding her face into his bicep.
They walk down the street like that, she has calmed down letting a sniffle slip here and there --- this kind of scenario has never happened to her before – she has never been outside of her home city before too.
He feels her tummy screech for food so asks her, chin butted atop her head, “You’re hungry, petal. Let’s get pizza.” She doesn’t feel like eating though. When she shakes her head – squeezing him more. He takes her from shoulders looking down at her with gentleness and brushes a strand of hair behind.
“Just a tad, darlin'. I know a delicious take away round the corner ... could eat it sittin' by shore.” He offers her with a smile and punches the air happily, whistling when she agrees.
When she giggles softly, defrosting back from numbness Harry spins them a little overly gleeful.
“Got me sweet girl back.” He exclaims ducking down to kiss her cheek and now when she’s less wobblish, her lungs fills with bunches of butterflies.
Blush splatters on her features. As Harry aligns his tanned arm with her delicate one and locks their fingers together lulling it backs and forth between them lovingly.
He keeps her tucked under his chin and snuggled in his arms all the time, even while waiting in the line for the take away.
“Ow!” Squeaks, “Ow. Ow.” Jumps on his tippy toes upon balancing the hot pizza on his palm.
Grins like a mad man when succeeds in making her laugh, takes her hand and helps her climb down slippery stones.
Goosebumps arises on her skin from shyness when he coils his strong arm around her to pick her up, with pizza in his other hand and giggles breathily in her ear upon hearing her squeals.
She sits in between his knees. Leans against his chest and inhales his woodsy vanilla scent, nibbles onto the crust while hearing his heartbeat.
“You scared the living hell out of me, lovie’ ... thought —-... thought I’d never be able to have you back again ... proper vanished.” He croaks out. Runs his nose up and down the sweet curve of her neck.
“Made me realise ... that I don’t want to be away from you, ever.” Y/n's breath hitches at that and she turns in his embrace. Looks at him with surprised doe eyes and coos when his eyes gloss over with wetness, that he’s forcing to keep at waterline.
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“You do?” She gasps.
He bobs his head giddily, “Can you picture it? You and I together?” He murmurs mellow street light dancing between them.
“’Us'? I like the sound of that....” She smiles searching for his hand and he grasps it eagerly like he was yearning for it.
“Kay then, when could I take you on a date?” He grins. Dimples mauving deep and pretty.
“This isn’t a date?”
“We’re in Italy. The sky's so romantic and I’ve got you, seems like a date to me....” She peppers kisses to each rosy gap of his knuckles and his inside bursts like they never did before.
“Kay then. It’s memorable too, you got lost on our first day –--”
“Harryyyy....” She whines nudging him in belly with her elbow. “’Kay we could change that.” He laughs. Showering her in kisses and her laughs whirls loudly into quite air, trying to squirm away from his tickles.
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