#now she will have to tip toe to smooch him
tategaminu · 1 year
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You were right, he even outgrew you
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izvmimi · 3 months
cw: set in both past and present. goofy but a bit of fluff. reader has a specified quirk. suggestive near the end.
Concentrate. Stop being impatient. You’re applying too little power, you won’t heal anything like that; you’re applying too much power, you’ll kill them! Slow down. Move more quickly, the sick and injured will keep coming. 
You bite your lip and pull your backpack closer to yourself as you think back to today’s lesson, both mentally and physically exhausted from the day before you. These internships are meant to push the limits of your Quirks, and you can imagine that all of your classmates are just as tired as you, but it’s hard for you to reconcile the fact that an old lady who keeps candy in her purse and smooches indiscriminately to heal injuries should be such a hardass to you. 
The tips of your fingers still tingle with the aftermath of transferring so much electricity towards them. Today, she had you try to practice transferring all of your energy from your toes to the palms of your hand and back, consecutively, and you still feel wobbly on your feet as you make your way home. It’s dark now and you’re a little lonely walking home alone, but your thoughts will keep your company as you walk through the streets. 
Joining the hero class late, you simply have to work harder, that’s all there is to it, you think. You don’t have the flashy quirks your peers do, no extreme power without blowback, no endless ice or fire or weapons, no explosions or gravity manipulation, no animals to come to your aid or ability to disappear and slip away. 
You have to be creative with your Quirk as best you can if you want to be of any use. 
You’re about 15 minutes away from your home by now and check your cell phone. There are messages from Momo where she’s trying her hardest to convince you that there’s some utility in makeup commercials for the greatest good, and you try to placate her as best you can as the good friend you are. Your friend from the support course has also sent you a wide-eyed orange cat emoji with the aim to check in since you’ve been quiet and you smile and send a signal that you’re alive with a tongue out emoji. You look at your screen for a few more seconds and don’t get an immediate reply but smile to yourself anyway before slipping your phone in your pocket.
As you turn past an alleyway, the sudden crashing sound of trash cans and body weight against concrete startles you enough that you jump. You have a few seconds to decide if you want to see what’s happening before you convince yourself it’s an animal, but you hear a groan, and before you can make it around the alleyway, there’s yet another thud. 
When you turn the corner, you’re surprised to see Midoriya, face smashed into the wall, nearly ten feet in the air. He falls too fast for you to reach him to try to break his fall, but it’s broken by a load of bundled trash, possibly more than you’ve ever seen not disposed of in your entire life. Dumbfounded, you watch him frown but he doesn’t seem hurt too badly (at least, not as badly as you’ve seen him self-inflict before) and he barely even realizes you’re there, before he’s back to his feet again, staring at the wall pensively, eyebrows knit together as he’s lost in thought. 
He’s in his hero suit, and you wonder how long he’s been out here. Feet pressed against the pavement again, he bends his knees and you see sparks fly before he’s about to jump again, and before he can move…
“Uh… Midoriya? What are you doing?” you finally announce yourself and he freezes still like a statue.
The sparks stop immediately as he turns to you, and his face is redder than a strawberry, jaw slack.
“Oh! Oh my God! I.. uh…”
You blink. Midoriya is always somewhat skittish around you, and you do admit that it’s probably because you’ve been prone to mess with him and give him nicknames, but you’ve never harbored any ill will against it. In fact, there’s a sort of fondness you have towards him, ever since the sports festival. He always manages to surprise you with his resourcefulness even if he’s the polar opposite of you ability-wise - all power, no self preservation.
Still, this isn’t the type of surprise you anticipated. 
Midoriya is still staring at you, mouth agape as he tries to come up with an explanation, not having realized that you’re no longer interested in whatever strangeness he imparts to you as long as he’s okay. All you can think about now is the fact that your head has started to pound, so watching him smash his face into the wall a second time might be the least of your concerns.
But you have to be curious in some way if you’re still standing here at 9 pm on a weekday.
“I-I’m trying to figure out my Quirk…” Izuku says through nervous laughter. You nod slowly, looking at and around him.
“Looking for the light in a dark alley, I see,” you murmur. He doesn’t laugh, instead grimacing. You scrunch your nose a bit at the smell, inescapable, trying to be kind enough not to say a word about it. “It’s super late,” you murmur, then tilt your head. “Are you going to go home soon?”
Maybe walking home with a classmate might be nice, it occurs to you.
Izuku’s green eyes light up for just a moment, then he frowns. 
“I can’t-” he sees you pout before you even realize you are doing so, “-but I can next time! I just have to…” his voice falters as you shift your weight from one side to another then shrug your shoulders. 
“No big deal.”
You turn on your heels, a little slighted but fine. He’s nice to talk to sometimes but you could call your mom or another friend perhaps for company. Izuku is annoying anyway, he’ll probably find a way to aggravate you before you make it home and you’ll regret even running into him. Perhaps.
“I’ll see you around then,” you offer, waving impassively behind you as you walk away.
“B-be safe!” he calls out as you take your first steps away, and you keep walking, the sparks of electricity he generates again as he goes back to whatever desperate move he’s working out putting the hairs of your neck slightly on edge, light catching your peripheral vision.
You turn to him, and take the scene in again. The boy with the Quirk that grants incredible power with a blowback he still can’t withstand. Perhaps truly, he’s not the opposite of you, but complementary. 
He has a look of determination to him, you note, as he squats slightly, then leaps again, soaring high to the point that it’s almost graceful -  but then he hits the wall once more. He tumbles again into bagged trash, and you sigh. 
You’re exhausted but not so exhausted that you can’t help.
“Midoriya, don’t jump again.”
As his head snaps back in your direction, he seems shocked that you’re still there and you wonder how he has such singular focus. Before he can react to you, you end up palming his entire face, pulsing the rest of your energy reserves quickly into the bruised tissues before retracting your arm.
Izuku’s eyes are wide when he looks at you, but you can tell you’ve succeeded because the redness and tiny scrapes on his face have already started to disappear, even if you can’t do anything about his bleeding nose.
You should have thought about this, you think as you wipe your hands on the side of your pants.
“T-thank you,” he mutters. 
You offer him a smile. Either way it’s a form of training.
“Of course. See you around, dino nuggets.”
“You know, that was the first time you healed me, ever.”
Izuku remembers that night so many years ago slightly differently than you do, it seems. He remembers being less uninterested in your presence than you impart to him as you recount it, and tells you his heart thumped so fast with embarrassment the moment he saw you he might as well have been having a heart attack, and focusing on his goal of figuring out OFA was the only thing that kept him from dying of mortification on the spot. Your crush finding you crashing into a wall then garbage repeatedly at nighttime in a dark alley isn’t exactly a chivalrous look, and looking so pitiful he earned an unsolicited heal wasn’t exactly the way he tried to woo you.
But all’s well that ends well, no?
You giggle, letting small pulses of your bioelectricity relax the muscles in his back with pinpoint precision. Your fingertips continue to dance gently along his skin until the tension dissipates completely, and he lets out a satisfied sigh as they move gently to his neck, then tap gently at his scalp. 
“I probably could have been just a little more respectful of your dignity, but I think even back then I was trying very hard to suppress any positive feelings for you,” you admit. There’s no point in pretending now that your tender relationship is clearer than crystal, blatant for the world to see.
“And how did that work out for you?” he retorts as your hands run through his hair lovingly. 
You smile to yourself, letting your torso press gently against his back. Izuku’s laying on his belly and you were straddling him prior to this, having decided to bless him with a special back massage as a treat. Your husband always does his best, and doing his best has taken a lot out of him in the past few recent days, so this is the least you can offer him and you’re glad to do so. Both of you have grown stronger, smarter, and better at using your Quirks for yourselves, for society and for each other. It’s only natural that you’ve learned a trick or two.
“Terrible,” you answer.
You smile as your face presses against his upper back, letting your hands run along the length of his arms, more soft pulses of electricity passing through his skin. He shudders against your body and your heart practically sings with affection. 
“Terrible?” he tries to sound annoyed but his voice comes out higher than usual, riddled with relief.
“Yeah, I had no intention to fall in love with you. A huge fail on my part, actually.”
He chuckles.
“I guess it’s true that there’s a lot to gain from failure then.”
You hate and love that he’s always so good at redirecting and softening any of your playful resistance. Your hands tighten gently around his wrists.
“Are you mocking me, Izuku?”
His laughter rumbles through his larger body, the vibration running through all parts of you as you stay pressed together.
“Maybe,” he replies, coyly. 
“You know, in this position, I could make sure you never get up again,” you say in a honeyed voice. “You have a vested interest in being nice to me,” you tease.
Izuku moves a little too fast for you to keep up at times, and this is one of those times. Before you realize, your positions have switched, and now he’s on top of you, so close his forehead is pressed to yours.
He kisses just above your eyebrows, your eyes closing automatically.
“I’m always nice to you,” he reminds you, his voice soft.
You smile as they open again and you look at him. He’s far from the awkward try-hard boy he once was, and you’re far from the sometimes standoffish, other times overly yet hesitantly invested girl you once were.
You’re invested in him with full intention, just as he’s invested in you.
“You’re right. Thank you for being so good to me,” you reply softly.
And you’ll always be good to him.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
soulmate!au, gn!reader and reader has a beauty mark on their top lip.
bakugou helps an old lady to her taxi car while on patrol, carrying her groceries with ease as if they weigh nothing to him.
spoiler alert, they don’t.
he sets up her bags in the boot of the car, mindful of the eggs and careful of the bread to make sure they don’t get crushed amongst the other things she passes to him to put away. when they’re done, bakugou reaches up high so the old lady doesn’t have to and closes the door to the trunk.
“you have a beauty mark on your hand, dear.” she comments with a wobbling and homely voice. “one just under your ear too.”
“hah? what d’they matter?” he asks her, keeping it polite as mitsuki’s berating voice from his childhood reminds bakugou to respect his elders—even as the big-shot pro hero he is now.
the old woman smiles, all crows feet eyes and and wrinkles. “they’re all the places your soulmate’s meant to have kissed.”
bakugou flushes red, heat burning right up to the tips of his ears as he thumbs the honey coloured spot just underneath the right one— a kiss from his soulmate.
he ends his duties with the very thought on his mind, wondering how lucky he is to have been kissed by someone destined to be with him. katsuki discovers more than one beauty mark as he showers after patrol— one high on his shoulder, two in a funny formation on his inner left wrist. there’s another on the column of his throat, his collarbones and kirishima notices a couple laid across his back like sun spots on a bright day.
“i’ve missed you.”
you welcome katsuki home as you always do— like he’s been gone for years and you’re finally being reunited with him. even though you saw him this morning and nearly scratched his eyes out for replacing your coffee with a green tea to help your tummy ache.
he’s barely through the door as his red eyes track your movements, pupils dilating when you wrap your arms around the bulkier hero’s frame and stand up on your tip toes to press a feather light kiss to bakugou’s throat, right where a beauty mark of his lies. your lips trace upward to behind his right ear, leaving several smaller smooches along his collarbones.
they’re all the places your soulmate’s meant to have kissed.
katsuki bristles with realisation, heart shaking with tremors of love as you show him such kindness and tenderness for a man who’s outline is a little rough. he cups your face softly, not giving you a chance to back away, not wanting to let the moment go to waste and captures your lips in a searing kiss. one that pours the words he can’t always say into you, filling you with affection and adoration.
and when he pulls back, you’re happy and hazy and katsuki notices the tiny dot, the beauty mark on the cupid’s bow of your lip.
“i’ve been missin’ you all my life.” he says back, simply.
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ladylooch · 9 months
One of my favorite blurbs you made was Timo and Liv’s daddy daughter date (the cutest ever 😭) But what happens when Nico takes his girls out on daddy-daughter dates? 🤣🤣🤣
A/N: AH! THANK YOU! I love that one too. Livy is so sassy... and mama's #1 fan hehe.
“Hischier babies! Look at mama!” Lexi calls to her girls. All three of them are dressed in matching red dresses. Nico is in one of his game day suits in the middle with a daughter on each knee and the littles on her butt between his feet. It’s Galentine’s Day! Which means all the Hischer women are taken out by their main man. Except this year, Lexi is staying home to enjoy some much needed alone and quiet time. Lexi grins as she clicks her phone to take a burst of photos. Wow, her and Nico made gorgeous babies.
“Daddy, do you like my dress?” Lucie asks. She sets her black ballet slipper against the opposite knee she is sitting on, right into Mack’s lap. Mack scowls, pushing it off her. 
“Very pretty, Luc. Just like you. But please keep your hands and feet to yourself tho."
Lucie and Mack lock eyes, clearly annoyed with one another. 
Nico sighs. This is why Lexi needed a break. 
Two year old Sophie excitedly runs to Lexi. 
“See!” She yells. Lexi turns the camera to show her daughter the pictures. Soph claps her little hands together and stomps her feet. She loves her daddy. She bounces back over to him, holding her arms in the air. “Up.” Her 'p' pops dramatically. Nico swings her up. 
“Okay, girls, jackets, hats, and mittens on.”
“I hate these shoes!” Mack yells. She punts them both off, running to the mudroom to get her big puffy yellow boots. 
“Well, at least we got a nice picture before.” Lexi smiles at Nico.
“I am in for it tonight?”
“Big time. Good luck with those two.” She motions between Mack and Lucie who are back to glaring at each other. 
But Lexi should have learned by now to never underestimate her perfect husband. 
“How was it?” She whispers to Nico as she helps him bring their sleepy girls back into the house after their busy night. They had burgers and fries and milkshakes and saw a 3D movie at the nice theater with heated seats. Nico let them each bring blanket too. They got to pick out a drink and a snack. He even let them all get the blue icee AND candy.
“Good. Lucie and Mack snuggled up together in their seats. It was cute. I'll show you the picture when we get them to bed.
“No way.” Lexi stops at Mack’s doorway with her, gaping at Nico.
“Yeah.” He says, disappearing into Lucie's room.
“How in the…” She mutters, shaking her head. Lexi and Mack struggle through getting her little pajamas on. She resists the whole time, saying she is too tired to change. “I know you’re sleepy, but we can’t wear this to bed.”
“I hate this dress. Next year I get to pick the outfit.” 
“Next year, Sophie does.” Mack whines. “It is only fair.”
“But she is littler than me.”
“Yeah, now you know how LuLu feels when you get to pick.” Lexi puts her long sleeved pajama shirt over her head. Nico walks in, pulling back Mack’s covers so she can snuggle into her pillow.
“I had so much fun with you today. Thank you for spending time with me.” Mack’s demeanor softens into gooey compliance at her daddy’s sweet words. “I love you.” He kisses her forehead. After Lexi gives a smooch too, her and Nico leave their middle child. Sophie is next followed by Lucie. They find their oldest sitting up on her propped pillows, crying quietly. 
“What’s up, baby?” Nico asks worriedly. 
“I don’t want our day to be over.” She mewls. 
“Oh sweets.” Nico pouts sitting next to her. “I had the best day with you. Thank you for helping me with your sisters. You’re getting so big.” He smooths her hair down. Lucie and Nico talk for a bit longer about their exciting night and how Lucie can't wait for him to take her to school on Monday since he will be in town. Eventually, Lucie’s brown eyes begin to close. Nico slides out from under her limp body, settling her back into her pillows. Him and Lexi tip toe out. 
She grins, wrapping her arms around him from behind as they walk together to their room.
“Our girls love you so much, Neeks.” She puts her nose into his spine, dropping a kiss there.
“I am not gonna lie, I don’t know how you do it by yourself. I am so tired after a few hours with them. You amaze me, baby. If I haven’t said it recently, thank you.”
“You literally said thank you this morning.” She reminds him, running her hand down his chest, resting it on his hip. Her green eyes meet his brown ones, reliving their morning connection. 
“Wanna do that again?” 
“Mhm. Really bad.”
Nico chuckles, leaning down to kiss her.
Now it’s time to take care of his favorite Hischier girl.
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"Give me smoochie! MWAH MWAH MWAH-"
Hobie Brown x OC!Diane
Pink Paint Prints - Diane's devious.
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"-Diane!" Hobie groaned - but alas, it was too late.
"No! Come'ere." Diane laughed wickedly, pulling the taller boy in as she assaulted Hobies face with an onslaught of kisses.
"Get kissed up!" She demanded, as Hobie faked a wince, like a begrudging cat.
In Diane's defence - he had it coming.
Her smooches left a trail of cerise marks across his face, pink pops of glitter dotted frantically on each cheek, each with an accompanying kissy sound.
Finally, Hobie gave in, relaxing into her embrace - and up this close she smelled like icing and strawberries, a breath of fresh air compared to the smog of his world.
"Might as well get it outta your system, yeah?"
He didn't have to tell her twice.
Diane wrapped her arms around his thin frame in a bear hug and Hobie screwed his face, snickering as Diane placed one last solid kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Had your fun?" Hobie asked, as Diane pulled away, cupping his face in her hands.
"Don't you look adorable!" Diane told him, admiring her handy work. "Don't answer that - you do. You're the cutest, smoothest, stone-cold fox, Bie-bie!" She said, pinching his cheek. "I knew this lip color would look good on your skintone!"
"This premeditated then?" He said, watching as Diane's smile grew into a smirk. "That eager to get your hands on me?"
"Uh-huh." She'd nodded. "Now just tell me how the formula holds up, okay?"
"The formula?" She said, as dread began to creep in on Hobies stomach. On instinct, he reached up to touch his cheek, long fingers rubbing at the stains of pink.
"They say it's long-lasting. 36 hours! And like, that can't be true. But I can't wear it for 36 hours. But you-"
When Hobie looked down at his fingers barely any had transferred, traces of glitter left on his gloves the only evidence.
"Diane." Hobie said, more urgently this time, more skeptical, rubbing harder. "I know you ain't do what I think you did-"
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Diane laughed deviously. Hobie could feel the prints drying down already.
"I did." she squeaked.
"Diane! The hell is this? What's this shite made of?!"
"I really don't know," she said, "But they call it Liquid Lip Paint or somethin'."
"And by the looks of it, they ain't lying." Diane said, watching as Hobie scrubbed his cheeks with his hands, efforts futile.
"You twat!" Hobie groaned, making a grab for her.
On instinct, Diane pushed forward on her toes, rolling backwards on her skates and right out of his range.
She errupted in giggles, throwing her head back in laughter as Hobie came after her.
"Ah, help!" She yelled, laughing all the while. "Hobie's being mean to me!"
"Come here-" he warned, swiping at her. And just as easily - Diane twirled just out of grasp, his fingers only gracing her as her skates carried her backwards.
When that didn't work, he tried to web her. Though, it was no use.
Diane geared up, kicking off and leaving him in the dust.
"Diane!" Hobie said, his demand lost in a bout of giggles, and the sound of rolling plastic wheels.
Diane took off, and she was gone.
That's what he got for trusting a groupie.
"What in God's name happened to you?" Miguel questioned, a sharp eyebrow raised in Hobie's direction.
"What's it look like, mate?" Hobie sighed, pulling on his mask. The morning had been populated by giggles and glances, on the account of Hobie's face being painted in pink lip-prints.
Pavitr had nearly squeeled when he saw it, a new gift for Gayatri already in mind.
'That's so dreamy, you guys!' he'd exclaimed. 'Hobie's dreamy.' Diane smiled. 'Are you going to give me a makeup wipe or not?' 'No.' she said happily. "Now quit asking me that."
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Hobie rubbed the stress from his brow. "Diane's what happened."
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yuriko-mukami · 9 months
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I waved my hand when Maria and Laito-kun headed out. Yuuto was still helping Nalia to put on her shoes but soon, both of them straightened up.
"It was so nice that you could come by!" I beamed. "See you later again~"
"You should come to the shrine on New Year's Day." Yuuto smiled and patted Ruki's shoulder before ruffling my hair once again. "You know, traditions."
"We'll be there." Ruki nodded, holding me close. "Isn't that so, my angel?"
"Yes! Yes, of course. Maybe we can help you with cooking since it will be a busy day in the shrine."
Nalia nodded. "That would be nice." The Kitsune woman looked exhausted when she massaged the small of her back. "I haven't been able to do much recently."
"Then I will make the dinner, Yuriko and you will simply relax, and Yuuto will do his work in the shrine." Ruki simply decided that without asking anyone's opinion. I wanted to poke him between his ribs, but before I could do that, Yuuto grinned.
"Sounds like a plan. Gotta love that. Thanks, Ruki." He wrapped Nalia in a warm coat. "Time to go, Sleepin' Beauty. You look like you're gonna nod off right here and now. See you, Ruki, Sis." And with that, the couple walked out too.
I stretched my arms and peeked at Ruki. "Umh... should we join others in the living room."
"No, we should not." Ruki's answer caught me by surprise.
"First, Kou said he bought Vampire Juice for everyone." I could practically smell Ruki's distaste in the air. "And secondly, I wish to have my wife all for myself after she has been socializing with everyone else for the whole evening."
"Well... your wife isn't against that at all..." I ran my fingers on his chest, following the buttons of his blue dress shirt.
Ruki snatched my hand and pulled me tightly against him. A strong arm enveloped my waist. "Close your eyes."
I did as told and felt how air swooshed around us. My skin tingled and my stomach turned slightly but I held to Ruki.
"You can open them now."
Slowly, I pushed my body into a straighter position and fluttered my eyelids up. "Oh my gosh! Where are we?"
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"While you were busy running around the manor, I took the liberty to ensure no one would bother us for the rest of the night. I can see that the familiars finished the decorations as I told them." Ruki gazed around a smug smile on his face. "I hope you like the cabin, my angel. It's a few kilometers to the north of the Polar Circle in the middle of the forest. Perhaps we'll even see reindeer tomorrow. "
"Oh, Ruki! I love it!" I jumped a little up and down, enjoying the cozy view and aroma of mulled wine and hot cocoa that wafted in the air.
"Is that so~?" Ruki chuckled, brushing my cheek.
"Totally!" Wrapping my arms around his neck, I rose on my toes and captured Ruki's lips with mine. "Thank you so much!"
"Mhh~ Bold..." The word was a mere mumble against my mouth as he pulled me even closer. His hand slid along my back, reaching under my bottom. He lifted me, and I instantly embraced his waist with my legs.
Smooching me again, Ruki carried me on the leather couch right next to the colorful tree. "I love you, my angel. From the bottom of my heart." He put me lying on the couch, inching closer.
"And I love you, Ruki. You're the love of my life."
Ruki laced his fingers with my hair, leaning even closer until our faces almost touched. "Prepare yourself, Yuriko. It's the longest night of the year, and your master will spoil you as long as it lasts." The tip of Ruki's nose rubbed against mine. "But tell me if you are feeling tired. You should be sleeping enough. Do you understand?"
"I... I... I do. But, Ruki, I can stay up for one night with you. I have plenty of time to snooze tomorrow~" Lifting my head slightly, I pressed my lips on Ruki's.
Maria belongs to @mermaid--bride
Nalia belongs to @nalia-tsukino
Yuriko and Yuuto belong to @yuriko-mukami & @yuuto-tsukino (me)
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newsecured · 1 year
❛  can i borrow a kiss ? i promise i’ll give it back.  ❜
〚 "dirty" pick up lines | @geraniumshurricane 〛
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Here came an eye roll. Where did he even get this line from?
❝ Let me think... ❞ Finger pressed to her lips, as she hummed. Despite how cheesy the line was, it was sweet of him to try. Even if certain events still tormented her mind.
Only once hummed melody stopped, Meryl got up from her spot to now stand in front of him, hands raised to cup up his face. After that it was matter of getting on tip toes to leave a kiss. & she made sure it's not just a small peck, no, she hung there for a bit, before getting comfortable on her feet, hands still wrapped around his face.
❝ You're lucky you have cute face, despite being a bit of headache for me. It's asking to be smooched even outside of your request. ❞
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
The duo exchanged a small kiss, though there was a hint of both wanting a bit more than just a smooch. As always they disguised their desire, in the form of a game. First asking for more would decide what to watch. The baker's eyes were drawn to her all day. Appreciating every curve and detail of Beth. rare display of confidence, the baker's hands held onto Beth's hips. His lips pressed against hers, he returned her kisses lovingly. He was reminded of the small bites Beth would give him as a child, deciding to take a page out of her book. The baker pressed a soft kiss against her neck, slowly beginning to give the nurse small little bites. [neck kisses that turn into love bites]
I Ask No More Than This || Accepting
Arizona is one of the most inhospitable environment she can imagine living in. And now that she was an adult and with the kind of fortune that could rival the Bezoses or Musks of the world, she could move anywhere she could think of, or many of them if she didn't mind travelling. So why does she stay? The answer is standing in front of her. His large, warm palms sit low on her hips, the palm of one hand almost brushing against the three aquamarine studs that follow the front curve, hidden as they are by her long blue skirt. The first delicate kiss was merely a press of their lips, before he pulls her a little closer and cosier. She knows it's a game and she is probably one of the most competitive people Chris knows so she's playing earnestly but that doesn't mean she isn't enjoying a dance on the sunset-soaked patio. She may have cheated a little. In an effort to conserve the desert's dwindling water sources, she's enchanted the lanai to keep a perfect seventy-eight degree temperature year around, with just enough humidity that she won't feel like desiccated jerky. It also makes it comfortable to feel the heat radiating from his chest to hers. Where Chris is solid muscle with a softer edge, she's all sharp angles and flat plains, though he's often told her she's fine just the way she is, especially when she's used her mana to change the shape of her body. She can do it at will but the magick only remains from sunrise to sunset or conversely the other way around. Keeping it going would require a permanent change, one she's not so vain to want to live with. Right now though, he's hot her rising up on the tips of her toes because her best friend's lips slip away from the curve of her jaw to the length of her throat. It's a whispered sort of affection that has her trying to get a little closer, all but pulling herself up with her hands on his shoulders, at least until she feels his lips part. Chris has never been so forward, understanding that Beth doesn't work the way other people might, that her need for intimacy is often overshadowed by her disinterest in it. He's never wanted her to feel pressured, and is willing to go as slow or as gentle as she might need him to. So maybe the gasp that escapes her parted lips is surprise. More properly it's the feel of his teeth grazing her flesh. It resembles a test bite; he's not trying to break skin though somewhere in the back of her mind behind the haze of heat that kiss sends up and down her spine, she half wonders if he'd been taking notes during Shark Week. This is how her ancestors began an elaborate mating ritual. And it's no less potent when his teeth become his lips again and he suckles a mark on her skin. One hand leaves his shoulder to curl around the back of his neck, nails mimicking the same sort of bite just on the back side of his jugular, and the other slides down to coil fingers around his wrist. She makes a little sound that is reminiscent of a purr before words take shape. "Uh… yeah, ya pickin' out da movie."
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sukirichi · 3 years
kiss me more
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request. Hi saw that your request are open and congrats for the 2.4k !! 🎊 if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
song inspo. kiss me more (doja cat, sza)
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There’s nothing more natural than showering your boyfriend with love.
You’ve always known Okkotsu Yuta was going to be your soulmate. It was made clear to you when he first picked you up from the playground when you were little, his chubby hands wiping away the tears streaming down your face. Your scraped knees bled from how rough you played and your lip trembled, biting down on your lip to prevent yourself from crying too much. Big girls don’t cry, your mother had said, and you most definitely wouldn’t cry in front of your friend.
“It’s okay to cry,” he reassured you, looping his pinky with yours as he took you to the infirmary. You peered up at him with wide, glossy eyes then – an innocent small, budding crush forming. “Cry if you want,” he’d insisted, soothing away all your worries with a smile. “I’ll kiss the pain away for you!”
You watched then, astounded, that the pain had really went away. The kind nurse had disinfected your wound and placed a cute, pink band-aid over the wound.
Yuta reached over, placing kisses on the side of your knees before he beamed; his smile sweet enough that the pain turned into nothing but a faint memory of the past.
He’d kept his promise of being the best friend and boyfriend anyone could ever ask for since forever, but now, it was your turn. You made sure to repay his kindness a hundred times more, not stopping even as Yuta shyly pushed your face away from kissing him in public.
“Stop,” he whined, but the redness coating his cheeks said otherwise. “We’re in the library. Someone might see us.”
“And that’s supposed to stop me from showering my boyfriend with love?” you teased then, reveling in the way Yuta hid his face behind his hands. Like a good boy, he leaned down closer to your face, the sounds of his groans like music to your ears. Typical Yuta – of course he wanted to kiss, and who were you to deny him that? Stepping at the tips of your toes, you placed a kiss on his cheek, laughing as his heat transferred to yours. “Love you,” you cooed, rewarded by a shy roll of his eyes.
“Love you too,” he mumbled, squeezing your hand to emphasize his words. “Now let’s go get lunch—”
You cut Yuta off by cupping his face into your palms, showering kisses at every covered inch. He froze into your hold, his eyes wide as you smooched his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids and his forehead. “Wh-what are you doing—” you kissed him flat on the lips, swallowing his embarrassed squeaks greedily.
It didn’t take long before he melted into your kisses, tilting his head to the side to get a deeper kiss. You smiled into his mouth then, treading your fingers through his raven locks. Yuta, too, had begun to mirror your smile and pulled you closer, his arms encircled around your waist.
You pushed him over until his back hit the shelves, grinning lovingly at him while he rubbed soothing circles at your waist. Like the stupid, youthful lovers you were, both of you burst into laughter, shushing one another when a librarian huffed from afar.
“Better be quiet then,” he suggested then, catching your eager lips into a slower, more passionate kiss.
You happily wound your arms around his neck and tugged him closer; your chests flushed from skin to skin, his heat spreading off to yours. It’s clear that both of you could stay this way forever, those former play house of man and wife becoming more of a reality with each passing day. But that’s for the future – for now, you just wanted to enjoy his presence, this innocent young love you’d been lucky enough to have.
For now, you’d rather focus on supporting him in his sorcerer duties, cheering for him in the background and bandaging his wounds, taking your turn to kiss away the pain every time he came wounded and bloody.
After all, there’s nothing more natural than showering your boyfriend with love. And you’d do it again and again, from now until forever.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
18, 19, and 40 please?🥺 maybe some smut if possible💕
19. “Take a breath honey, yes princess just like that.”
18. “Squeeze my hand if you could hear me baby.”
40. “I love you, pet. So much of it, come back, please??”
A/N: Girliessss, theysss and themsss. Sorry for being inactive :(( Missed you all so much!! Here's a blurb from mafia!h x soft subby.
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Y/N had never been this bratty. She had her occasional time-outs where Harry refused to touch her for days till she broke through her ice and begged him with a drool-y sweet mouth and honeyed puppy eyes.
She knows the drill and loves the adrenaline that seeps to her toes when Harry glowers at her across the room with bolting dark intensity -- his hook of thumb in a demand to have her in his lap is enough to excite her, the punishments makes her insides shrill and makes her fall in love with her daddy more and the best part of all of it's that she wants to cherish again and again’s how adorably caring he’s once fucking her raw.
At the moment though. She isn’t being a brat on purpose. They came for a dinner (with one of the Harry's business people) and it’s all business talk, rich dicks everywhere, hush hush voices that Y/N despises and the piqued ogle of the wife on her that makes her squirmy in her seat.
She zones out into her own lil bubble for a second, imagining herself back in their cosy home comfy in Harry’s humungous overly worn hoodie, snuggling him and smooching him, pecking all those softish spots where he has runs his fingers through the night and she wants to have a delicious pizza all to herself because the food here’s the amount of worm and leaf of spinach on a worm.
She didn’t even realise that she was slipping into her subby state until she was getting all fussy about her surrounds and plucked her lipstick out smudging the crimson tip against a tissue and slides it atop Harry’s thigh from under the table,
Daddy, home?
His flicker of gaze alters from the little needy note towards his girl who’s being choosy in eating her veggies and rolling them around in boredom.
Her head perks up cutesly at the feeling of his attention on her and he suckles his wine layered lip upon the sight of her doe-blown out pupils and glossy eyes indicating him like a train's horn that she’s submerging into her submissiveness at dangerous rate when she goes all squeamish and pink cheeks at the mere touch of his knuckles against her elbow.
“Daddy, please.” She whispers into his ear impatiently squeezing his knee. About to write another note to him to stay persistent but her lipstick breaks and she flinches when it rolls under the lady’s shoe leaving a bright stain on floor.
“Behave.” Was all he muttered gruffly before throwing a nonchalant dismissive glance her way and that was the last straw for her.
It’s been hours!! All she wanted was to get home and cuddle! Is that too much too ask!?
That’s why she acted like a grump and didn’t even bid them goodbyes, waited at the lobby for him eagerly and couldn’t help but to sway with her hands clasped back and grin at the greedy thought that once he steps outside she will leap on him like an affection starved kitten.
Her wish remains a wish nevertheless when Harry passes by her with a stoic face and snaps his fingers at her, the single gesture’s enough to bead tension on her forehead.
“In the car. Right now.” He glares her sternly plucking his black leather glove to reveal his jewelled pretty hand as he reaches for the handle of the backseat door.
Y/N has decided that today she’s gonna hold her grounds and be as naughty as she possibly could to get her kisses of the day.
Sheepishly she slips inside and gives him a toothy smile whilst trying to scramble up towards to reach within the sweet distance for his lips.
The trinkets of her shiny dress makes a noise as Harry splays his calloused palm up her silken thigh, glides it all the way up her hip and keeps his grip on her to stop her from moving.
“What?” She pouts knocking her nose against his's in attempt to plant her lips atop his’s, all grabby hands for him, “You’re not havin’ any of me kisses.” He tuts, eyes dark and murky.
“But why!!?” She whines trying to cup his cheeks and just squish them awful good but he gives her a pointed look and doubles back, away from her.
“You know why, little one.” At that she gives him a nasty narrow squint of her peepers and mutters grouchily, “I hate you.”
“What did ye' just say?” He pushes her closer with one tug that elicits tiny gasp from her, his lip thin in annoyance, “I said I hate you!” She huffs crossing her arms and it makes her breast appear more plump.
In all reality, she’s too stubborn to tell him that she’s feeling terribly needy.
“Say tha’ again, I dare you.” Harry demands with tinge of surprise in his growl and she hisses in frustration adjusting the loose heavy shoulder of her dress, “I said, I hate you and this dress, ‘s so itchy. just w’na go home —-,” Her blabbing fades into a squeaky gasp upon the sharp sting of Harry’s hand against her bottom.
“What happened Sugar? Did cat caught ye’ tongue?” He grits wrapping his warm hand around her throat wanting to choke the battiness out of her, but rather it turns her into a melty puddle of a softie.
“Over my lap.” He says firmly.
He doesn’t give her time and positions her himself horizontally on his thighs, elbows pressed into seat and raises her bum with the support of his knee, pinching her cheek teasingly to warn her.
He tries not to coo as she looks ethereal in the glittery dress that's now bunched in Harry’s fist atop her spine to expose her itty bittys and she mewls prettily when Harry spanks her asscheek watching it jiggle then does it again and again, on her last count she’s dripping down her thighs stickily.
“What a filthy little brat,” He groans adam apple bobbing from the vigour of heat spreading in his body as he inspects her wet holes with middle finger making her squirmy and whiny from his feathery touches, “Proper soaked just from gettin' spanked.” He traces the lace delicates of her panties and presses his thumb against her bundle of nerves to feel the throb from his touch.
He pulls her back up and squishes her cheeks to pucker her rosy lips, pecks it heartily, “Knows why you’re gettin’ punished baby?” His tone gentler now. Realising that she shouldn’t slip too deep before they reach home.
She snuggles into the crook of his neck and hums, guiding his hand to her sore bum to make him rub the burn he left on her ass.
“Uhmm. ‘cos didn’t behave nice, acted bad ...” Her voice slurry from desire and yearn. If it wouldn’t be for his grasp on her waist she’d have gotten off on his meaty thigh long gone, “And?” He arches his brow sceptically drawing soothing circles on her flesh.
“And that I said, I hate daddy ‘n the dress he gifted me ....” His heart thumps a bit from the statement but the rational part in him assures him that she was just bumbled about him being too distant from her.
“And what do bad girls get?”
“Punished.” She mumbles into his throat and he nods, kisses her hair and cups the nape of her neck to give it a tender squeeze.
How much she acts like a spoiled brat sometimes; he still always makes sure she’s in her comfort zone and knows why she’s getting treated that way.
“I love you, baby sweets. But .... it doesn’t mean you’d not get your punishment.” She was about to protest and throw a tantrum but the car comes to an halt right infront of the large dark doors of mansion.
Tranquil air fills with her giggly shrieks when Harry gets outside and throws her over his shoulder with an ease, his grin wicked as she squeals out “No's" grabbing onto one of the door-frames in the hallway but it’s all vain since he’s way stronger than her little grip.
Once in their room, he’s flipping her into heaps of pillows and catches her calf when she tries to crawl away in hurry.
Her eyes widen and she looks down with a pout upon hearing the rip of her dress, “Liked it.” She mummers sadly.
“Thought it was too itchy,” Harry shrugs pushing her up towards the bedhead and ducks down to speck soft kisses against her collarbones, mouth foaming at the sight of her tits spilling out of her lingerie.
“No! Was just —.. fuck ...” She keens out a moan bucking her core to grind against his thigh when he nooks his knuckle between her sloppy pussy lips and twists her panties pushing them up scruffily into her mound feeling the flutter of her clitoris, the sheer fabric of it giving the right amount of friction to get her to an orgasm.
Her wet gasps and moans fogs into Harry’s mouth as he kisses her with unyielding roughness, hot bubbles popping in her belly ready to spread the nice feeling inside her, holding her down when he knows what he’s gonna do next will turn her into batshit crazy.
He pulls back. Both. His hand and his mouth away from her.
She blinks, with a lazy smile first then the realization dawns upon her and she’s grappling for his sides but he takes her wrists and pins them down.
“Daddy no!” She growls a whine and he just sits on his heels and admires the mess he created out of her, flustered and sheened in sweat, all soft and pudging to litter her skin with marks and bites, his cock warming up in his pants, “Please daddy I want you.” The whites of her eyes enviable and glassy from the frustrated tears that are collecting at her waterline.
Though, Harry stays adamant because those innocent coy eyes are her best weapon and ties her wrists to the bedpost without saying a word to her.
“You brought this on y'self, baby.” He tugs the bound to make sure it’s not too tight and moves back to get rid of his pants, his prick bloated and throbbing from ridges, slaps against his lower belly it’s head coated with precum.
“Now you’re g'na watch me jerk myself off and cover ye' pretty tummy with my cum, might lick it off from you.” She shivers at his words. Toes curling as she silently pleads with a parted mouth and barely open eyelids.
His nostrils flares, howling groan slipping through his lips as he spits in his palm and wraps it around his fat girth slicking his fist up and all the way down to give some relief to his balls.
He dips down and sucks onto her lower lip, “Knows your safe word right?” He asks shoulders jolting when he slops the bulbous crown of his prick against her clit in slow circles.
“Yes, yellow.” She breathes out delicately hoping he slips into her soon but Harry has other plans as he squeezes himself more, swiping the dollops of white thickness from the crown of his prick and brings his thumb to stuff her mouth shut with that.
“What a greedy kitten.” He tuts in mock when she eagerly swirls her tongue around his thumb creating soft sucking noises, she gags around his digit, eyeballs rolling to her skull when Harry slides her damp panties away and strokes his cock against her drippy hole.
“Hmm. Feels good.” He husks pushing into her, but not stuffing her full and that makes her whimper. She glides her feet around his spine to push him into her and her squishy sloppy walls tries to swallow him whole.
Everything just feels too hot and overwhelming. Him fondling his shaft from where he isn’t soaked into her warmth and her tiny whines and whimpers as he teases and edges her.
“Daddy ‘m sorry!” She squeaks out breathlessly clamping down onto him, “I bet you’re.” He moans out, that one sweaty curl dangling and tickling her forehead.
“That’s the most prettiest sound I’ve heard.” At his praise she just turns into a puddle and wiggles for more.
“You’re g'na make me cum.” He kisses his teeth and she digs her feet into his back not knowing if she’s allowed to come too and not having a voice to ask for his permission.
She gulps. Eyelids fluttering. Her cheeks blushy and peachy, listening to his deep moans that whirls within the pit of his chest as he fills her pussy with warm ribbons of cum that sticks to her already soppy walls and then pulls out to empty himself on her tummy as he promised.
Moments later the room echoes with her treacly yearning whimpers and blubbers of Harry’s name as he licks her juices off and the his own cum that oozes out of her whenever he pushes his middle finger inside her cunt.
“No!” That’s why they’ve discussed it before hand, her safe word. Harry knows his baby girl and that she gives up too early, gets too overwhelmed before she could actually enjoy the good part all of it although she has a potential to be more bearing than that.
They’ve lost the count of her orgasms.
The overestimation thingy.
Harry thinks it could be the best punishment for her.
She cramps her thighs around his wrist to make him stop but he spreads them wider apart, “You could gimme another one princess, knows y’could.” He curls his fingers to caress that spongey button inside her that makes her writhe like a leaf and it definitely did.
“Shit.” Eventually she gives into him basking in the pleasure of it -- sinking down on his fingers and grinds her clit against his knuckles, her cum from her previous orgasms glistening on his skin.
“Fuck already squirting.” She didn’t realize that, too floaty in her subspace and the ecstasy until she feels his fingers rubbing inside her again.
“Daddy no, no, no ... too sensitive!” She cries out cramming her legs around his waist and pushes his chest away with her knees but Harry keeps pummelling them deeper, scissoring them and adding two more, her thighs shakes terribly a burn spreads in her limbs as the sensational craving envelopes her once again.
“Yes, yes, yes. Don’t stop, please!” She shouts out whimperishly making Harry smile and he smooches a kiss to her forehead, pressing his chest flushed to hers and cradles her jaw to make her look at him, “Cum fo’ me. You’re me good fuckin' girl – g'na come right?” She bobs her head quickly fresh tears gliding down her cheeks and Harry wipes them away immediately.
She’s flying high like a kite. Wanting him all. His hands. His touch. His cock. His cum anything she could get out of him.
His love. His attention. His constant assurances and praises, affection, tenderness and his kisses and loads ‘n loads of tiny kisses She’s always needy for that.
“’M your good girl!” She sobs out in high pitch grappling onto restraints and Harry feels this dire urge to protect his little one at all costs, “Yes you’re.” He coos brushing her hair away from her eyes and let her hide her face into his neck as she turns stiff like an arrow and creampies around his fingers, lips smushed against his cheek.
“Take a breath, honey. Yes princess just like that.” He massages her shoulder and pecks it to calm her down upon feeling her heartbeat go wild after she comes.
She shakes in his arms whilst Harry showers her in kisses lining himself against her entrance and sheathes into her in a slick, their moans melting as he buries himself deep till her belly and cum spurts out from her cunt with his each hard thrust and it drips down her bum and onto already splotched sheets.
White dots wafts past her eyelids, arms shaking and lip wobbling as she feels it hit like a train. Getting pooled into utter bliss of many orgasms, feeling a rupturing dose of euphoria cocooning her.
She feels like she’s on paradise and somebody’s calling her through the white noise but she’s unable to respond all she could do’s blabber nonsense while trying to stop squirming.
Then she gets familiar to that gentle voice, the cosiness of that hand holding onto her free ones now and the softness of those lips against her forehead.
“Squeeze my hand if you could hear me baby.” He gets anxious a little bit when she stays droopy and unresponsive like a sunflower at nights.
A huge grin adorns his after climax blissed out features when she obeys him and gives a lil squish to his palm, “There y’go baby sugar. Y'alright honey?” He kisses the tip of her nose when she just blinks up at him weepily.
“Daddy.” Her voice scratchy and awfully feeble from all of the screaming and moaning.
“No daddy. ‘S just Harry, I love you pet. So much of it come back to me, please?” He almost pleads corking his mind to think what would bring her back from her fragile state since she has never slipped past from him this deep ever.
She whines at the hollowness she feels in her tummy when he pulls out catefully from her with a squelching noise and hisses even when the sheets rustles against her folds, “So sensitive.” Harry murmurs trailing honeyed kisses into the softest flesh of her thighs.
“Yes daddy, but want you!” Harry’s brows shoots up into shock and he slips his forearm under her to hug her tight, “’M right her bubba.” She cuddles into him and yawns fumbling with his sides listening to his pacific breathing.
“Guess we gotta give this little one a sleepy bath.” He mutters into her hair, nails scratching soothingly up her neck and twirling her downsy baby curls.
“I love you.” She rasps out rubbing the sleepiness in her eyes with the back of her hand, “I love you too -- would you like if I lit up some candles in the bathroom? Y’favourite ones?” He thinks it might help her get out of her subby state.
“No. Just you.” She pouts battling the sleepiness away and clings to him when he walks them to bathroom and sits them into the cold tub, he wrapped her around him in a way she doesn’t come in contact with the coldness of it as they wait for it fill with bubbling water (Y/N was too sensitive and clingy that he knew if he’d away parted away she’d have cried endlessly.)
No words were exchanged as she almost slept on his chest and drooled all over him.
“Cutie.” Harry giggles softly pecking her parted snoring lips and cleans himself and her gently.
Gets his most worn out clothes, the one that could tell another person in a beat that she belongs to him from the smell alone.
She slings her thigh around his waist and smashes her face under his chin, canoodling into him with a little tired purr.
He was petting her head and running his hand over her back that when she mumbled into her sleep, rubbing her cheek up and down his chest, Harry stopped and ducked down to kiss her forehead feeling love bursting through his insides.
“I love you, Harry.” Was what she mumbled. He's just too much in love with his soft little button.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Ok so we all know that Sage and Stella don't like each so imagine sage's reaction to Stella being clingy to mc. Following them all the time and getting all purry and stuff and mc can't help giving her all their attention because she's so cute 🥺
Add another tally to 'dynamics I have in my OC writing that I can now share with everyone else'
GN!Reader, kitties, jealousy, fluff
Okay but imagine,, it's like 3 in the morning. Sage is getting back from a night out with Tulsi. He creeps into your room, trying not to wake you up - you've been training really hard and you need the rest but also he wants cuddles - only to see a pair of green eyes. His hackles raise. His ears flatten. He creeps closer. You're fast asleep but the little beast is awake, curled up against your chest. Sage growls lowly. The Thing nibbles on the fluff between her toes. Sage carefully reaches out, trying to lift the mangy thing up and away. She sticks her tongue out in a 'blep' and purrs against your chest. You hug her in your sleep. Sage glares daggers but sighs in defeat. Stella has won this round.
Sage invites you out onto the balcony. While he'd made his fair share of innuendos, all he really wants is some alone time with you and a nice view. Who can blame him for that? So he waits on the balustrade, the tips of his boots scraping softly against the ground. His ear flicks. He hears your footsteps. His nose twitches. He smells something eldritch. You finally step into view, all radiant in the setting sun. He would be swooning,, if it weren't for the fact Stella is winding around your ankles. Sage scowls in annoyance. You see the look on his face and stoop down, picking the kitty cat up and holding her against your cheek. You give him the biggest puppy dog eyes (perhaps kitty cat eyes in this scenario) you can imagine. Stella is so baby! And if she wants affection then you have to give it to her!! Sage's ears pin against his head in annoyance.
He got his ass kicked in a brawl today. Won't be the last time and it's leaps and bounds away from the first. He stumbles back into Fathom sore, exhausted, wanting nothing more than a bit of aftercare. And,, there you are, at the dining table, using a feather toy to play with Stella.
He's gonna punt that little runt.
Okay, he's not. He can't. It would make you upset. But he's still totally jealous.
Tulsi comes by one day to see Stella sitting in your lap, you lavishing her with baby talk and kisses, and Sage pouting. She snorts and says you have a real talent for taming cats.
Sage finally gets some alone time with you. You're laying in bed, arms thrown around each other and legs tangled together. Sage is snuggling up to you because he's marking you with his scent and telling stupid jokes, making you snicker and laugh. His tail is wound around whatever part of your body is closest. He's comfortable and happy.
And then Stella hops on the bed and lightly headbutts you.
You untangle yourself from Sage, cooing and cuddling Stella close, aw what a good kitty she is!
Sage starts to growl but,, you look happy. He deflates a bit. Sighs to himself and starts to get up-
You lightly grab his wrist. Where's he going? What's wrong? He tries to play it off but his droopy ears betray him. He keeps glaring at Stella.
It takes you,, a good minute. Then you finally figure it out. You bite your lower lip to hide a snicker. He's seriously jealous? To be fair, he is a bit of an attention whore. And you have been ignoring him.
You pause to kiss his cheek before standing up and walking Stella out of the room. You give her one last smooch on her furry forehead before taking her to Felix's study. Luckily she's perfectly content to curl up on the book he's reading. You dart away before Felix can curse you.
You return to your room and clamber back into bed, draping yourself over Sage and teasing him for being so jealous. He whines and argues and says he wasn't but with the way he's holding you against his chest, you know he was. Some cats just need a lot of love, you suppose.
From then on you make an effort to balance the attention you give to your two kitties. You also encourage Sage to tell you when he feels neglected. That makes him feel a lot better, to know that you care about his feelings and are treating them seriously.
He also constantly scent marks you so you don't smell like Felix's study and tuna
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ladylooch · 1 year
Choose Me with Trevor Moore
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A/N: TREVOR!!!!!!!!!! Love bringing these little, obscure babies to life. Originally from this request, with a separate request for some angst. Also, that GIF is stupid precious. K, sorry this took so many more weekends than I thought it would!
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, smutty if you squint
It’s raining in California this morning while I sip my morning coffee, looking out the deck door of mine and Trevor’s house in Manhattan Beach. The gray rain clouds meet the deeper gray of the Pacific Ocean, making it difficult to know where land and sky separate. It’s all around dreadful out and the forecast calls for more rain through the weekend. I don’t care though. Because after a grind of a NHL season, littered with scary injuries for Trevor, we are heading on a two week vacation to Maui. I am so excited. I’ve never been to the Hawaiian Islands and can barely wait. Two weeks of white beaches, poke, and coconut flavored drinks. Two weeks of reconnecting with my sweet soulmate.
That sweet soulmate is currently behind me, grabbing himself a cup of coffee as well.
“This weather sucks.” He says, groggily rubbing at his tired face. I walk over to him, going on my tip toes to give him a good morning smooch. He softens into my touch, feeling content with our arms wrapped around each other.
When the machine finishes his cup, we walk to the couch to drink our coffee together. We sit close to each other, hands easily resting on one another. Spotify plays soft country music through the house speakers as we spend some quiet time together.
“Do you have any plans for your first hockey free day?” I ask him, raking my fingers through the side of his brown hair. 
“Not much. Going to lift weights at the rink in a bit, then sit here on the couch the rest of the day.” His brown eyes slide closed, relaxing into my touch. I move forward, careful of my cup to trail kisses along his strong jaw. When I get close to his chin, he turns, capturing my lips with his. “Gotta make a decision about Worlds today though. They keep blowing up my phone.” He mutters a bit annoyed. I pause a millimeter away from his face, lips still puckered. Pre-worlds activities and practice begins right when we are supposed to be leaving for Hawaii. 
“Yeah, USA hockey has called and texted me every day since Saturday.” It’s now Tuesday. “Kinda sucks that I even have to be called about it… for the second year in a row.” I pull back, looking at his side profile. Did he forget?
“Babe, we are going to Hawaii.” I remind him.
“Yeah, I know that was the plan, but we could move our trip around. The tickets and hotel are refundable.” Anger shoots immediately through my whole body.
“Wow, when were you going to ask me my thoughts on this?” He senses the shift as I pull every part of my body away from his. I sit up straight, coffee mug set on the table in front of us.
“I mean… when I decided to go or not?” His tone is cautious and confused, like he isn’t understanding the sudden shift in my behavior.
“Trev, what the hell?”
“If I go, you don’t have to, babe.” He shrugs, reaching out for my thigh. He’s completely missing the point. I shove his hand off of me, standing up to pace in front of him. He’s completely alert now, sensing the fight brewing.
“What about our vacation? The one you told me to plan right after the team was eliminated. I just did all of this work and now you’re like.. well maybe I’ll go to Worlds! Without even asking me if that is okay?” Trevor is immediately put off by my raised voice and his nostrils flare.
“I don’t need to ask permission to go somewhere.” I baulk at him. 
“No, but you probably should check in with your long-term girlfriend, who you’ve been ring shopping with, to see if she’s cool with you moving your vacation.”
“Why is this such a big deal? It’s not like we can’t afford to change plans.”
“That is not the point, Trevor. Why is everything more important than me and what I want?” I wave my hands around in frustration. “I have sat here patiently next to you for three seasons now while you have lived your dream. I’ve cooked, cleaned, shopped, rubbed at your body and held you when you had insomnia because of your concussion. And this is the thanks I get? A moved vacation so you can go do more of what you love while I wait?”
His gaze drops from me. He says nothing. My chest rises and falls rapidly with my heavy breathing. I blink back tears, then look out at the different shades of California gray. I narrow my eyes. Fuck this.
“You know what, go to Worlds. I’ll go to Hawaii by myself. I could use a break from more than just this rain.” My tone is insinuating.
I reach for my coffee cup, walking it back to the kitchen sink and dumping it out. I set it aggressively in the dishwasher then slam the door shut. Trevor sighs heavily then stands, coming to block my path from leaving the room. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have asked if this was okay. I’ll tell them no if that’s what will make you happy.” I scowl. “What?” He responds.
“Why do I have to tell you to choose me? Why can’t you just do that?” He opens his mouth to respond as I step back from his grasp, holding my hands up. “I’m done with this conversation. I need space from you right now.”
“Okay.” He steps to the side, letting me pass without another touch or word.
I’m absolutely seething as I walk down to our bedroom. How does he not get it? Why do I have to lead him to the answer? How could he just assume this would be fine with me? I need to calm down and I know the answer is a long, hot shower.
I rip my clothes off when I get in the bathroom, still absolutely seething. Why does anything hockey related come before me? It’s like we have a third person in this relationship at all times. I’m asking for two fucking weeks of his time. Is that really too much to ask after sharing him with the world for the last 7 months?
“Asshole.” I mumble as I light my Sweater Weather candle. I grab a lavender shower steamer, tossing it onto the tile to give me some extra calming power. I take my time from there, trying to refocus my anxious energy into self-care. I do a hair mask. I exfoliate my skin. I stand under the scalding water hoping it will relax my neck muscles. I admittedly shed a few tears too.
After I dry off, I do my whole skin care routine with every oil, cream, and moisturizer I have in my drawers. I lather lotion on every inch of my skin and put in air drying hair cream to de-frizz my hair before it has a chance to poof with the rainy weather.
When I open the bathroom door, I see Trevor sitting on the edge of our bed. His doe eyes lifts to me in the doorway, fingers laced together in his lap.
“I asked for space.” I remind him, walking by his sluggish body to our large closet.
“I know. And I’m respecting that as much as I can. I had to physically restrain myself from getting into the shower with you.” I roll my eyes at him. He’s such people pleaser, it kills him when I’m angry with him.
“Should I get you a gold star?” I quip back. His jaw ticks as he grits his teeth together to avoid a similar retort.
I drop the towel, going to my dresser to grab a fresh set of bra and panties. They’re black and Trevor’s eyes watch longingly as they glide into place against my smooth skin. I reach for a pair of jeans folded in a different drawer. The sound of denim against my legs is the only noise in our large closet. Trevor leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. 
As I get dressed, my inner thoughts begin to swirl, telling myself a twisted victim story that brings tears to my eyes. I sniff as they form, turning my back to Trevor as I reach for a t-shirt. I’m so disappointed and hurt. I feel like he would rather go halfway across the world than spend time with me. When I turn back towards the door, two tears slip down my face. Trevor can’t hold back anymore. 
“I’m not going to go. I already told them no.” He wraps his arms around me, kissing my wet hair. His hands rub along my fresh shirt, pressing me as deep as I can go into his body. “And not because you asked me not to, but because I’m choosing you. I want you to know that it really isn’t a choice though. It’s always you, babe.” I collapse further into his body. “And, I’m so sorry I made you feel like just an option.” His words soothe my inner thoughts until the truth of his intentions are clear again.
“Trev, that’s enough.” I whisper, turning my face to catch his lips. “I know you’re choosing me and that’s everything.”
“I love you so much.” He says between kisses. “I appreciate everything you do for us. And me specifically. I’m so lucky. I’d be lost without you.” I smile against his shirt. “Couldn’t even make my morning smoothie.” He jokes. Last week, he almost turned the blender on without the top on.
“It would be a really sad life for you.” I agree “I’d be fine.” I purse my lips against the laugh.
“Thanks, babe.” He chuckles against my hair. “Keeping it real as always.” 
“It’s why you keep me around.” I pat his butt before stepping away from him. He pulls me back into his embrace.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He nips at my mouth. “You put those sexy panties on and think you’re leaving me?” 
“Thought you were going to the rink.” My heart skips a beat at the molten desire in his brown eyes.
This time, his choice is easy and obvious.
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passerine-writes · 2 years
MHA Boys Reacting to You Kissing Their Scars
How I think the MHA boys would react to you kissing their scars.
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead:
-Doesn’t even expect it
-Man swears you sneak attacked him
-You just went for it, full send
-Got all flustered and awkward
-You do it whenever you can, especially when he has his hair tied back a bit for work
It was a month after the USJ incident, a month after Shouta came home bandaged. You had to grab your hair brush while he was in the bathroom, you barely caught him staring at his scar for just a little too long. You wrapped your arms around his waist, one of his arms resting on his shoulder while you nuzzled into his side. You brought one hand up and cupped his face, he thought you were just gonna kiss him on the cheek. Nope. You weren't as high as you could on your tip toes and pressed a longing kiss to his scar. The tips of his ears went bright red and his face went pink. Then you just walked to the bedroom like nothing happened.
Bubaigawara Jin/Twice:
-It took a lot of convincing to let you see it
-He was scared you would think he's ugly with the zipper scar on his forehead
-He was also scared of getting out of control with his quirk
-He almost cried
-Both sides of him almost did
You sat on Jin's lap, two two of you on the couch in the bar, the others out on a mission right now. He had just finished telling you the nightmare of what happened, he was silently praying he didn't scare you off.
"Can I see it?" He hesitated. "If you don't feel comfortable you don't have to. I've never paid attention to it. I never had a reason to. But now I know how deep it is to you and I want to be able to understand you that much more. I won't let you get out of control." He sighed but nodded, pulling off his mask. You looked closer at the zipper scar on his forehead, knowing from the times that you had seen your beloved with his mask off it would help if you cupped his face and so you did. He stared up at you through his eyelashes and almost cried when you placed a long, tender kiss to the scar. Staying there for a long moment before pulling away. He quickly pulled his mask back on and held you tighter to his chest. He desperately willed the tears back and just held you.
Iida Tenya:
-You two were just sitting there in his room
-You asked why there was a bandage on his arm but he obviously couldn't tell you the truth
-You asked if he wanted help changing his bandaid and he agreed, very happy that you were helping
-When you saw it, it hurt you but before you could place the bandage back on you laid a lil' smooch on it
Tenya and you were walking out of school, his mother had been pressing to see you and was very excited to hear you were coming for dinner. Meeting the Iida's was intimidating and overwhelming at first but you finally understood where your boyfriend had gotten his mannerisms. His mother shoo-ed you both upstairs as she made headway to finish dinner when Iida asked you to wait in his room so he could change. You looked in awe at all of his books and collection of glasses, enamored at his vast collections when you heard the door click. Tenya walked back in wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans, deciding this to be casual enough for the occasion. That's when your eye caught sight of the bandage. You had heard about how he got hurt by one of the Nomu during his internship but you hadn't seen it.
"Love, would you like some help changing your bandage? You've had it on basically all day." He glanced down and paused to find the right words. In fear you overstepped you immediately went to take it back but he beat you to it.
"I would appreciate it, thank you Y/N. I'll go to the bathroom and grab the first aid supplies." You blushed at your given name leaving his lips, not quite sure if you would ever get used to the sensation.
The blue haired boy came back and sat down on his bed next to you, allowing you full control of his damaged shoulder. Your nimble fingers gently peeled the bandage off and folded it up, your eyes finally seeing the almost fully healed scar grazing his shoulder, your hand resting on his bicep. His head snapped towards you when he felt your plush lips placing a feather light kiss to the line before patching him back up. His pupils blown wide at the small yet seemingly extreme act of affection. A blush fighting to rest on his cheeks before you kissed one as his mother called you both for dinner.
Kirishima Eijirou:
-It started with him telling you how he got his scar on his eyelid
-But you noticed that he didn't hold an signs of a smile
-He looked sad
-He giggled like a kid when you leaned forward to kiss it
-Definitely taken aback but happy
Eijirou had just finished explaining how he got his scar to you but something seemed different about him.
"C'mere." He cocked an eyebrow but leaned closer to you regardless. Your left hand came up and cupped his cheek, thumb rubbing over the healed scar. His eyes fluttered shut at the gentle action. You quickly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to it. "You're beautiful." Your voice barely above a whisper as he giggled lightly at your actions. Once you moved your hand his eyes blew wide and a dark blush covered his face.
Midoriya Izuku:
-He was shook
-Didnt know what to say
-How to react
-He cried
-Like a baby, broccoli boy has always been sensitive
You and your boyfriend were laying in bed, he had just told you how he hated the stares he was starting to receive for his scars, everyone in public assuming they were from something else. It pained you to see him like this. You sat the two of you up and he looked at you perplexed.
"Your scars won't change how I see you. I promise. You're beautiful, scars or no scars." His eyes started to water as you grabbed his scarred arm. Gently placing kiss after kiss against the marks, an even longer one on the large scar that covered his outer bicep. Tears spilled past his eyes and down his freckled cheeks. "I love you for you, scars are a part of you and I'll love them too."
Todoroki Shoto:
-I did in fact already write a one shot on this
-It scared him
-You called him beautiful
-He cried, silently
Shoto had a bad time during school and explained what happened when the two of you got back to his dorm. He was going on about how he thinks his scar is ugly and you instantly knew you had to say something.
"Can I show you what I see?" He hesitantly nodded as your wrist went to cup his face, his hand flying up to hold yours, not in malice but in hesitation. "You're okay Sho." He relaxed visibly at your soothing words and dropped his hands to your waist. Your thumb gently running over the outline of the scar. "I see a beautiful boy, that I got lucky to be with. He has a scar on his left eye, the edges are uneven and it follows his hairline up. I love him with all my heart and I hope I can help him realize scars don't make you ugly." His eyes remained shut, his hands squeezing you tighter as you placed the gentlest of kisses on his scar. "God I love you so much and I wish I could take this pain away." He finally opened his eyes and met your own before flying forward and pulling you into a hug. You gently stroked his dual colored locks and held him as he silently cried into your shoulder. Whilst whispering sweet nothings into his ear he pulled you in closer for just a second to ensure you were still there and you weren't leaving him.
Todoroki Touya/Dabi:
-Taken aback
-Tries to not show how much it means to him
-Secretly though?
-It means the world to him
-If he could cry his eyes would probably be watery
You and your boyfriend sat in his room, the two of you laying in his bed. You had asked him how he gotten his scars and he explained that backfire of his quirk.
"Do they hurt?" He raised an eyebrow at you, glancing down at your body tucked into his arm, an arm draped over his shirtless abdomen, just underneath the patchwork across his ribs.
"Right now? Nah. Sometimes when I over use my quirk they do but I'm used to it at this point, barely feel when it's happening." You glanced at all the staples and scars before an idea popped into your head. You quickly changed your position, picking yourself up and straddling his hips. His hands making a quick trip to them, holding you in place. "What're you doin, Doll?" You gave him a soft smile and cupped his face, gliding your thumbs over his cheekbones.
You slowly leaned down, his eyes fluttering shut as he thought you were placing an kiss on his lips but much to his surprise you lightly placed one, long, kiss on his right eyelid. Making your way around and landing one after the next on his staples. Moving onto his left eye then his chin, trailing a handful of kiss down the staples below his lips. Placing kiss after kiss on his neck and collarbones, following the line of staples just below. His head falling back as he watched your ministrations with hooded eyes. Your lips dropped down his chest, his breath hitching. Sure you two had done stuff together multiple times but something about this, these simple heartfelt actions, made his heart threaten to beat out of his chest. Your lips pressed a quick kiss to the inside of his left elbow before you sat up a bit. The faux ravenettes right hand cupping your cheek, your left hand following and laying a top his before you placed one final kiss. Your face turning ever so slightly to lay the small act of affection on his wrist, directly on a staple. The man sat himself up, your hands immediately gripping his shoulders for an ounce of stability. His nose brushed against yours before he captured your lips in a kiss. The scarred bottom lip and his healed upper creating a sensation that you had fallen for. Your lips moved in sync, the two of you melting into the others body. Nothing sexual or rushed behind his actions, just love and adoration.
Togata Mirio:
-You sneak attacked this man
-And he swears by that as well
-Which also lead to you calling that
-Because who can resist his smile
-Literally you guys were just cuddling and it popped into your head
-He smiled and laughed softly at the interaction
-Thought it was so wholesome
-He was blushing so much he could put Amajiki to shame
You and a certain blue eyed blond were laying in class 3-A's dorms, specifically in his room. Nothing all that special was going on, just some well spent quality time. The two of you cuddling, both on your phones, your head in the nape of his neck as he placed the occasional forehead kiss. His strong arm draped around your waist and the other one tucked under the pillow for extra cushion. He adorned no shirt, seeing no reason to over heat if he wasn’t required to like during his hero work. Your (e/c) eyes flittering over every scar from his training and adapting to his quirk when an idea popped into your head.
"Hey Mir?" His eyes flickered down, locking his phone and giving you his immediate attention.
A small hum leaving his throat while he brought his spare hand up to cup your face. You followed suit and locked you phone, long forgetting about it for a moment as you brought your own hand up to cradle his. Your eyes becoming half hooded as you angled your face and placed a kiss to the one right past his wrist. His eyebrows danced in confusion as he watched you move his arm up and across, placing yet another one on his forearm before leaning up and landing the tiniest of kisses on his bicep just prior to you managing to flip the two of you other so you could land two more kisses on the toned, worked limbs. His face is bright red as symphonies of laughter left his perfect lips.
"What was that for?"
"Cause I love you."
Lemillion.exe has stopped working.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might:
-He finally showed you his injury
-Yes you had seen him in his original form
-But he didn't want to show you and scare you off
-Once he was out of commission he told you about it
-You asked to see it and slowly lifted up his shirt when you got permission
-Is super shocked
-Doesn’t know what to say
The two of you sat in your apartment. You both were in the mood and he couldn't stay in his super powered stayed so you took the lead. Him on his back, pressed flat against your bed, and you straddling over top. You had already peeled off your shirt to reveal your torso to his wanton eyes but you noticed him go stiff as you tugged at his shirt.
"What's wrong Toshi?"
"I have a large scar, from my fallen battle a few years back. It's weakened me." You studied his features, Toshinori wasn't used to the feeling of being insecure.
"Can I see it?" He felt like he was shaking in his boots but nodded.
Your hands moved and slowly, meticulously moved the thin piece of fabric out of the way. You studied the swirl of colors, the dented and what most people called deformed skin, but you didn't think of it as that. You saw it how it was; a battle scar. You kisses your way down his jaw, his neck, his chest. The blond's breath hitching at the sensual acts of affection until you landed a kiss right on the center of his scar. He mentally buffered, not knowing how or what to say to this. So he soft smile, that way you do at a child who did something sweet without the intent of it.
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eremiie · 4 years
hii ! 🥺 could I ask for a scenarion with timeskip Armin and his s/o, she manages to get him to sneak off with her just so she could spend time with him and give him kisses? thank you sm! ❤️
a little bit more;
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❥ armin x reader | fluff | 2k words | canonverse
❥ yes you can, i’m sorry that it took me a literal millennium to write this, but i hope you still see and enjoy this anon<3
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"yeah, i'm not hungry today, i'm just gonna head to bed a little early." you told mikasa, her hold on your hand dropping.
"are you sure?" she replied, eyes studying yours, watching the way you pursed your lips and tried avoiding her gaze.
"mhm, yeah!"
"you don't look sick."
"i didn't say i was sick, i just wanted to get a little extra sleep in."
mikasa's gaze raked your figure before letting a silence wander over the two of you. she nodded her head, although something felt off to her she would let it go for the meantime, i mean— you couldn't be up to any harm, right?
once mikasa turned the corner you made your way towards the boys barracks, hoping to meet armin halfway in the hallway, your feet guiding you hastily.
that's when you spotted him, speaking to hange in the hallway, a slightly worried expression on his face that you could tell even from a distance. you made your way towards the two, grinning slightly once armin's eyes landed on you, his eyebrows lifting slightly in awe at the mere sight of you coming towards him, almost as if some relief was lifted off his shoulders. hange looked towards you as well, smiling and adjusting her glasses.
"______," armin said, his hands subconsciously reaching out to enlace in yours, hange looking down towards the entangled digits with another small smile before speaking.
"okay, i'll leave you two or whatever— i'm gonna catch dinner, wouldn't wanna miss that!" hange exclaimed patting you on your shoulder before pointing a finger towards armin. "and if you ever get a little time come see me so we can talk a bit more."
you and armin watched hange leave, you beginning to pull armin into a hug once she rounded the corner. "hi, armin." you said, brushing your thumb over his knuckles, his eyes watching your nimble fingers smooth over the skin before letting them come back to your face with a half smile.
"hi, are you okay?"
you nodded your head, turning around towards the direction the commander went before turning back towards armin. "i'm fine, are you? what was that about?"
armin shrugged his shoulders, bringing a hand towards the buzzed hair on the side of his head, smoothing it over before letting it drop back down. "just titan stuff, and you know... the whole war, all of that." he let out a sigh, his hands squeezing yours a little more, a small frown detailing your face before you pulled him into a hug, your head burying into his neck.
"hey, let's skip dinner."
armin's hand rubbed up and down your back, his nose smelling your natural scent, bringing a sense of calm over him while he let out a small chuckle at your statement. "why?"
you let your arms squeeze him tighter, then pulling back a little to rest your chin on his shoulder, the blonde hairs on his nape tickling your cheek. "i want to spend some time with you, we can go out for a little, just take a little walk."
"how about we spend time in the dining hall together, while eating dinner? am i not talking to you enough? or—"
"no, no armin, you're okay," you giggled, pulling back and pecking a kiss to the tip of his nose, letting your warm hands come up to grab his cheeks, while you looked into his pretty blue eyes— the ocean he always longed to see were a mirror of them. "i just want to spend some time with you like i said, we can just walk and talk and take a breather." you let go of his cheek with one of your hands, letting it drift up to run through his hair, feeling the silk like locks run between your fingers while he let his head tilt more into your palm.
"i want to, but i don't know... people might ask where we are,"
"armin, we'll be okay. we won't take long, just the two of us for a little bit, let's just forget everything for a little."
armin let his eyes meet yours again, pulling the hand in his hair out before pressing a kiss to it. the kiss felt more like him simply pressing his lips to your skin, letting it linger a little before pulling away, watching your smile grow wide causing him to reciprocate. "okay."
so you pulled armin along, your hand gravitating back towards him as you grasped it in yours and led the way down the hall, your pace quickening once you spotted the large doors that would lead you to the outdoors. you turned your head around to face armin as he stumbled after you, you dragging him towards the door. "sh!" you joked as you carefully opened the door with your back, causing armin to smile a warm smile that made your heart flutter while he caught up beside you once the doors shut.
"i'm gonna take you to the trail we used to run laps on."
"you're not gonna ask why the trail?" armin reciprocated your movements earlier, rubbing your knuckles as your hands both felt clammy from holding onto each other for so long; as if one of you would disappear the minute you let go.
"if it's special to you, i like it too."
you looked down to your feet watching you and armin's feet move toe in toe as you made your way down to the trail before looking back up to the sky that was quickly darkening, the sun venturing to hide behind the many mountains and large wall keeping you captive. if you turned around and looked closely you'd be able to see the moon fighting to appear in the sky as well, but you didn't you kept your eyes trained on the scenery in front of you instead, then to armin; his cheeks slightly flushed, red focused on the tip of his nose while his blonde hair blew like dandelion seeds once you would make your wish. he had a permanent smile in your presence that you absolutely adored and you unconsciously leaned closer into him, saxe eyes fixating on you from the side. "well, it's special because one time when levi made me run laps i took a break without him knowing since he head inside. there's an area that leads to a little hill. there are some pretty flowers over there, wanna see?"
"_____... you're gonna take me anyways. but yes, for you, even though we shouldn't even be out here."
"that's what i like to hear." you kissed his shoulder, your lips being met with the metal shoulder of his uniform, but he could tell your intentions anyways. "diverge from the trail, up the side." you used your clasped hands and the push of your body to guide armin off the track, and he obliged stepping off the dusty surface and into the grass that was having a hard time growing near the track, yet the further the two of you walked up, the more the grass climbed your legs.
"you see the flowers in the distance?" you watched armin's neck peer up trying to spot a burst of color in the green field, his eyes widening and lighting up like sparks when he saw the array of flowers get closer, tickseeds littering the grass.
"yeah, i can... i actually can, i see them!" armin's pace quickened him this time pulling you forward as the two of you strode towards the pretty yellow flowers, armin collapsing at his feet once the two of you met the most densest group of them, pulling you down with him.
"pretty right?"
"yeah, of course, i like them." he said as he let his free hand brush through the field, his past worries of getting caught lingering only in the back of his mind. he plucked one of the flowers, twirling the plant in his hand before pulling you forward by your hand that he still was holding onto before finally letting go, the cool breeze washing over your warm hand while he brought your face forward, wonder swirling behind his eyes, placing the decoration behind your ear. "wow.."
you pursed your lips as he studied your face, bringing your hand up to touch the flower, then touching armin's face. "you too," your hands maneuvered in the flowers until you pulled one up as well, placing it behind armin's ear. his hand laid on top of yours near his ear in pure awe, more at the sight of you adorned with nature than at your actions.
"you're so beautiful." he murmured.
you didn't respond, pulling him in for a chaste kiss, your lips meeting his softly as both of your eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of your lips touching together.
"______..." armin's eyes fluttered as you pulled away slightly, the red on his face only growing while he settled his hands in your lap.
and with that you pressed another kiss to his nose, forehead, cheek, the other, and lastly his tinted lips again. you could practically feel the butterflies flapping their wings in your stomach at the mere gesture you were making, and you knew armin could feel them too, just by the bashful expression gracing his face before he pulled you into another hug. "beautiful." he repeated.
"'wanna kiss you again." you muttered into his uniform as your arms dangled around his neck, pushing him down until he fell backwards, blonde locks bouncing framing his face, whilst you straddled him.
"well... you were just doing it, i don't see why you're asking me now." armin let his arms travel down yours, from your shoulder down to the ground below him, trying to hide his slight nervousness he still felt despite the countless times you've landed in this position with him.
"shush." and you leaned down, attacking him in more kisses, letting your lips decorate his skin, the constant smooching sound making armin giggle as you trailed your pecks across his jaw, to his neck, back up to his lips, always ending there.
"okay, okay, my turn." armin tucked the flower further behind your ear before it could slip then grasped your face with his palms, leaning you down to press his mouth to yours a little more fervent than you, letting you indulge in the kiss, gripping the grass and pulling a couple stray weeds up before coming up for air and letting out a shudder.
you closed your eyes and laid your head against his chest, squeezing them tight, trying to relish in the moment for as long as possible before the words could escape armin's mouth.
"we have to go now, the sun set, dinner's almost over."
you didn't even look up, you knew the sun had set, but you didn't want to see for yourself as it would confirm that, yes; it was time for the two of you to go. your hand trailed down to grab armin's and place it around your waist. "i love you."
"i love you too, _____."
"i love you, i love you, i love you, i love..." armin's hold on your waist tightened.
"i love you too... we have to go."
"i don't want to go."
with a sigh, armin reluctantly picked himself up you still on top of him. "i don't either, if i could, i'd stay here with you and put flowers behind your ear all day. i would kiss you all day, and not worry about any duties, any war, or... anybody else. but that's not how it is yet... i will come back out here though— with you, another time, okay?"
you untucked your face from where it was buried in armin's chest as he patted your back for you to stand up with him, and you did, letting him pull you by your hands before repeating himself more solemnly. "okay?"
a little bit more duties, a little bit more war, then you could spend some more time in the pretty yellow field with your pretty boy.
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“Alright…and now I’ll take THAT.” Said the man, taking the gold bracelet from his date’s hand, and setting it on the counter beside everything else she’d inspected for longer than a minute during their trek through the quiet department store. “And that will be all for us today I think. Right…?” He said, his voice softening, and a small smile creasing cross his lips as he gazed down at his date.
“I…E-everything?? But…h-honey…I—“
She was quickly cut-off before continued protest, as usual.
“You, deserve it. As I’ve said before. Now…back up a little…no need to stand so close to the counter. I don’t want you seeing the register.” He said, grinning a little, facing the cashier. “And I don’t need you saying the total either, hm? I can read how much it is just fine. She’ll just protest so much if she hears, it doesn’t matter WHAT it is. You know how women are?” He chuckled a little, shaking his head, and fixing a blond curl carefully out of his face.
“O-oh yes sir! Of course…” the cashier exclaimed, ringing all of the luxurious gifts set before him quickly, the woman standing on her toes some in earnest, but blocked when her date casually, stepped further in front of her, arming her gently out of the way.
“Uh-uh. I’ve told you this is of no concern to you honey. I can afford this…I don’t have anything else I’d rather spend my extra cash on. And besides, gift-giving is my love language.” He smirked slyly, and looked at the cashier again “I read that in a magazine quiz I took on the bullet train the other day. Could you imagine?” He laughed softly, looking at her again.
“But…dear it…it’s so much, I just know it…and—“
“Too much, is never enough.” The blond man interrupted, raising his hand and gathering the two bags full of things, walking away from the counter with her after paying.
“Now…..I want you to put that bracelet on RIGHT when we leave the store…”
“I…yes of course…but—“
“No more buts…You wanna thank me…?” He said, leaning down some, tapping his cheek indicatively with his finger “You can give me a kiss…”
She stood on her toes a little to reach his cheek, as he was MUCH taller than she, and pressed her lips to his cheek gently, making a soft, smooching noise as she did so, leaving rose petal lip marks behind on her date’s high cheek bones. He smirked in response, taking her hand in his and kissing it in return, sighing a little to himself as he retrieved the gold bracelet from his bag.
“Now……it’s a clasp……let me help you get it on…” he spoke, his voice low and quiet and full of mirth. His lover sighed at the look on his face. He always got this way about her hands. He ran his fingers over hers delicately, before connecting the clasp on her bracelet and letting go.
“There…beautiful as ever……” he sighed again, his face a soft pink, looking at her hand.
“Thank you……” she nodded, and bowed her head briefly, fixing her dark hair out of her face and smiling up at him affectionately. He put his hand out on the wall beside them, his arm stretched out next to her.
“Hey……would you want to…go to your place for the night……?” He asked, his voice low and quiet. It always was whenever he asked anything like that. There was a difference in tone she always picked up on but didn’t fully understand. She always thought it was cute though.
“O-oh! I…yeah……of course!” She blushed, looking up at him sweetly. “I’d love to. I know you…you like the quiet there a lot…”
“I do…” he nodded, tipping her face up gently. “And we can…stop by the grocery store……I’ll pick up some things to make you dinner……” he said, practically purring at her. He reached down and took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers together as they walked down the busy street. “Now be good…and hold my hand……I’d hate for you to get lost out in the crowd……” he sighed, his eyes closing slowly, on his face a look of pure bliss.
“I understand……I’ll be good, my Kira-Kun…” the girl laughed softly, as they made their way down the street together, moving along in silent happiness.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
More of desi y/n imagines?? I really like all of yours imagines desi and other
It was the best, delightful time in Harry’s life. During quarantine when they found out they were two months pregnant and to say the least Harry wouldn’t stop crying into Y/N's chest because he may not thought of becoming a dad so soon but it still cocooned him with such a sanguine feeling – he became a puddle of sweetness at Y/N's toes.
After telling their families. It was bunch of well wishes and advises from them well more of Y/N's mum teaching her a list of their old traditional tricks and eating habits to stay healthy.
Y/N didn’t need a pregnancy pillow at all. Harry fulfilled that role with such dignity and proud, happy to have her bump over his tummy and her thighs slinked around his own while she snored with little wheezy drooly breaths against his cheek wiggling everytime he traces his fingertips under the crescents of her plum tits.
They had all the time to themselves doing face masks made out of turmeric, yogurt and chickpea flour and he is never able to resist but to sneak his palm under bum and nudge her up into his lap to suckle soft kisses at her lips because she looked heart-achingly adorable in shalwar kameez Anne had tailored for her from one of her closest Indian friend for Y/N to wear in her pregnancy (because Y/N’s wardrobe’s already filled with many of them and she finds herself most comfy wearing them).
Her womb starting to get beautiful and big with passing months heralded Harry about her jesting cravings and her tremendous hormones.
He'd drive an hour to get to Waseem's grandma to get some desi makhan (organic butter) for Y/N since she’s Punjabi and it just rotted her mood when her favourite South Asian store down the block was shut most of the time, having dry parathas in brekkie used to be no fun.
“Hmm. Smells so nice.” Harry hums tipping his nose, nostrils expanding greedily to soak into it as Y/N made them passing him a cheeky smile, “It was worth tha’ boring drive,” The corner of his lips denting into a looping smile as he flutters his eyelashes up at her with his chin buried in his palm and elbow bent upon the counter.
“She even taught me how make desi makhan at home!” His chest boasted out proudly and Y/N’s head lulled at her shoulder with giggles slipping past her rosy mouth, she rounded over the counter to reach him and he had his hands already splayed forward to hold her and bring her into him.
“You’re g'na make makhan for me?” Pure love if you ask me so. When Harry rattled his head happily her lips wobbled terribly eyes glossing from feeling lightheaded with his affection and caring assiduousness for such intricate wishes for her spreading in to her bones.
“I love you, so, so, much.” She squished his cheeks between her spread palms and mantled his simpering lips, bushy cheeks and eyes with wet gaspy kisses -- sweeping his tufts of curls away to press her lips against his forehead while he kept on hugging her from belly swaying them ever so lightly.
They'd be binge watching Sharukh Khan's rom-coms on Netflix when she’d whine into his throat about how she’s craving jalebis so bad, she’s ready to walk bare foot to get a takeaway if that’s possible and Harry would just chuckle at her dramatic antics kissing her temple feeling the healthy pulse there and would take her along into the kitchen.
“No need fo’ tha’ baby. We could make them at home.” Harry learned to make jalebis for Y/N when they first started dating -- they had this huge fight and Y/N refused to let him be anywhere near her. Harry knew it shouldn’t have hurt him this much since he considered it just a fling, but when in a lonely bed all he missed was her warmth and her fragrance looming around him as some sort of comforting blanket he realized he wouldn’t be able to spend another night without her.
At, three in the morning he learned how to make jalebis and they might were topsy-turvy leaving stains on his clothes, sticky gooey fingers the sentiment behind it was just so pure and loving.
Y/N still remembers him popping up at her doorstep barely recognisable drenched in rain while he tried to keep the container safe under his hoodie all she was able to do was smash her lips against his wet slippery ones not caring if they tumbled into mud from her literal passionate attack.
“How ‘bout we open a sweets shop instead?” He grinned taking perfectly orange sorbet jalebis out from oil, bunny teeth fully displaying now when she giggled softly wiggling her brows at him, “Touring the world's no more fun ey?” Her heart thumps sadly when a pregnant pause lingered in air and she cooed when his shoulders slumped, fingers fumbling with the tissue paper.
“No more without ye'.” Her arms wrapping around his torso, cheek smushed under his shoulder blade as they let themselves divulge into tranquil calmness.
“Good thing's now you’ll come back to the two of us.” She tried to cheer him up and he just rubbed his stinging eyes with the heels of his palm, sighing then turning towards her to cradle her face to make her look up at him.
“You make me s'happy, y'know that?” His thumb swooning over her bottom lip tenderly and she gave him a playful nip with mischievous eyes, “Defo knows that –- gloats me ego.” She smiles into the their messy kiss tugging onto his flimsy shirt to keep her upright and snacking the plate of delights from behind him.
“Oi! Come back here y'greedy goat!” He'd complain practically stomping behind her to their bedroom.
The mornings are quite an experience for both of them. She’d wake up to the elated sight of him snuggled into her side, suffocating him with his rings of curls all over her face and his swelled up bulge resting heavy against her thighs.
To ease it for him she slithers her hand into his sweats brushing her fingertips along his stiffy length and giggles hoarsely when he stirs and squeezes her tighter whining aimlessly in her neck.
“Harry ...” She whispers knuckling a hand up his soft cheek and he quips lightly with a snore, “Mhmm. He’s asleep.” So, Y/N shrugs and retrieves her hand away from around his throbbing cock that supports a semi after her attention.
“No baby!” He pants out sleepily catching her wrist and guiding her touch under his heavy balls.
“Shh. Shh. Gimme a kiss.” She prods his chin with her nose to petal a warm smooch against his mouth and he pities a mewl panting ‘yeah —- yeah faster’ and ‘mhmm rub my balls uhmm j‐- just like that’ as he rocked his hips against her hand nibbling onto the sheeny skin of her exposed collarbone.
“Stop ..” He growls out pressing his bicep into mattress to lift himself up and skims tiny kisses all over her face when she whines a complain raking her palms from underneath his shirt, “But whyyyyy ....”
“Wanna cum inside you, love. Fill y’up nice and warm.” With a gentle push he presses her into pillows, hauling her leg around him —-- finger pads digging pudgy into her flesh as he lubes her to give her one of the best morning fuck.
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