#now they've got me in a chokehold
kveom · 1 year
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@userdramas get to know me bingo: favourite group
↳ seventeen
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mai-nonsense · 2 years
A sketchbook spread I’ve been working on, might colour later
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
The yan!stsg x reader cheating has me in a chokehold for days actually! As much as its thrilling, vindicating and flattering that these hoes come crawling back(except for gojo? Hes like the newest addition to you so hes just strolling in your 3sum 😭😂), beneath that surface is actually a heavy cesspool of angst(i love angsts!) like thats where your vision of unrequited love in yan trope comes in delicious clutch
Youve forgiven, moved on and stuff— theres no coming back to loving suguru again; but the banger is!!! Amidst your years captivity, you forgot how you started loving suguru. Yep, forgot.
You dont wonder the moot points how suguru is unrecognizable from the time youre with him nor question yourself what made you fell in love with the pos in the first place.
But youre trying to remember how you fell for him in the past because you feel nothing now; indifference, and how jarring you find yourself to be in this predicament— and so that trying to be with the two in your turbulent captivity would be freeing in companionship.
But the thing is, your feelings are like ashes that stsg is trying to ignite again, but you feel nothing; or a blind person trying to perceive colors or stuff.
JUST imagine sugurus pain in the later years, youve got hidden diary in between your cloud docs or written in little receipts thats about your regrets and your love for a person(thats after him) and that love is so full of passion and longing its borderline painful that you tried to get back to feeling any semblance of emotions for suguru but failed. Just suguru pathetically stewing in regret, how he shouldve handled both you and gojo and rage, because you loved another person thats equivalent to how you used for HIM lmaooo
I hope ive articulate my feelings for this prompt quite fine??? Im struggling with english(its my 2nd language), i hope you get the gist of it xD thanks for listening to my rant, but i had to share this brain rot 😭🙏😊
istg if you dont get outta my inbox and wRITE THIS SHIT RN-
ughhh i think its even worse that you've forgiven them, right???? lets face it, it's only cuz of you suguru and satoru were even able to get together. those two fucking suck at communication and you basically taught suguru to love and be vulnerable. maybe, even before the cheating happened, you became friends with Satoru, you talked about things together, he become softer with you and he fell for you. They both loved you, but they loved eachother too.
you forgive them, because of course you do. but it still hurts to see them, so you leave. Maybe you move cities, ignore their phone calls, block their numbers. You meet someone else. Someone who gently puts you back together, makes you learn to trust again.
You forgive Satoru and Suguru enough to send them wedding invitations. It's all water under the bridge, you think to yourself. You don't realize that they still aren't over you. That they will never feel complete without you. They've lost contact with you for years but now you've given them an exact date, time, and location.
They don't care how happy you are with your new partner. All that they care about is how happy they'll make you.
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ozzgin · 8 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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ghost-in-the-hall · 11 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part I
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Well, it happened... After trying to evade the hype for so long they finally got me 😂😂 This story has had me in a chokehold (haha, get it?) since I started toying around with the idea of it. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for future chapters and/or Sleep Token one shots!
Part II
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Credit to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading, ily bb 💗💗💗
You sat with your feet propped up on the counter, one of the magazines you had yet to sell spread open on your lap. "Be fashion forward this fall." You read out loud to the empty store in a mocking tone as your eyes grazed over the pictures of chunky sweaters, jeans, and boring, brown leather boots. The bell over the door jingled as a customer entered the store, your eyes darted up, expecting one of your regulars. You were met with the sight of someone in a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up over their head. 'Great,' you thought to yourself, 'just when I thought I was going to have an easy evening.' You watched the man carefully, waiting to see what exactly he was going to stick in his pockets. Now, you normally turn a blind eye to shoplifters up to a certain extent, everyone deserves to have something to eat. But, being an independently owned store you could only take so much of a loss on your inventory. To your surprise, the man didn't pick up a single item. He took his time looking over the contents of each shelf, his hands never leaving his sweatshirt pocket. "Can I help you find anything, sir?" His head turned slightly in your direction, but not enough for you to see his face.
"What time do you close?" You were caught off guard by his British accent, it was an uncommon occurrence to get outsiders in your small backwoods town.
"Eight o'clock." He nods his thanks and hurriedly exits your store, almost bumping into one of your regulars on the way out.
"Everything alright?" He asks as the strange visitor leaves your store.
"Do you know him?" You ask quietly, as if he would somehow be able to overhear you despite having rounded the corner of the building already.
"Yeah, he's one of those… those cultists that set up shop in the woods." He explains. You were a bit shocked at the realization. You had been seeing headlines in the local newspaper for months as curiosity rose around the small group of men that had built a few Cabins on the very edge of town. Reporters didn't dare venture into their camp for an interview, but that didn't stop them from snapping a few pictures from the safety of the treeline. Four cabins sat at each corner of a small clearing, a large fire pit dominated the center. From what you could make out they seemed to have some sort of root cellar and a lackluster garden, which would explain why you hadn't seen any of them in person until this afternoon. "You be careful, (Y/N). Freaks like that might just try to sacrifice you to some goat demon they worship." He warns. You can't help but roll your eyes at the outlandish statement.
"Mark, those boys haven't done a single thing to bother anyone since they got here. They've been out there for months, if they were going to take someone they would've done it by now." You argue.
He chuckles, "Trust me darlin', I hope you're right. But until then me and a lot of other folks around here plan on keeping a close eye on them. You'd do best to stay away from them."
"You think I can't take care of myself?" You challenge, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Now, Miss (Y/N), you and I both know you'd beat my ass to next Sunday if that's what I was implying." The two of you shared a laugh. "I just don't want something bad to happen, that's all. These strange men show up out of nowhere one day and no one knows where they came from, hell none of us have ever seen their faces. They all wear these black masks, least that's what the reports are saying. You can never be too cautious."
"I'll take my chances." You smile politely in an attempt to get him off his soap box. "Now, I take it you're here for your pack of Marlboros."
"Yes ma'am, and an extra one for Donnie if you don't mind." He responds with a nod as he fumbles for his wallet in his back pocket.
"You got it boss." The rest of your evening was spent rather uneventfully, save for the fact that you would practically jump out of your chair every time the door opened. You glanced up at the clock, there was about twenty minutes left until you closed. "Maybe he decided to not come back." You shrug. Moments later an old, beat up pick up truck rumbled into the parking lot. You watched as the driver got out, his head dipped low to hide his face in the hood of his black sweatshirt. He pushes through the door, the jingle of the bell the only sound to cut through the tense silence. "Welcome back." You tried to sound friendly despite your unease. He nods at you in response, not saying a single word as he makes his way quickly and directly to everything he needs. He approaches the counter, unloading his arm load of supplies before taking a step back. "You got a name to go with those big, broad shoulders of yours?" You ask in a bit of a teasing tone, trying to do what you could to lighten the mood. He remained silent, despite the fact you couldn't see his face you couldn't escape the feeling of his piercing gaze. You opened a bag, carefully organizing his contents inside. "$18.75, sir." He slaps a twenty dollar bill on the counter, not even waiting for his change as he grabs his bag and flits out the door. You watched as he drove off, not sure exactly what you were supposed to make of that interaction. You had a similar occurrence every day for almost a week. He would come in, grab an armful of groceries, put down his money, and he left. You would try and greet him whenever he would come in your store, it was always met with a curt nod.
"Vessel." You froze as he finally spoke up. You looked up, your eyes met with 6 slits on an odd looking mask. "You can call me Vessel." You couldn't think of how to respond at first. He had barely acknowledged your existence before tonight, what had changed?
"Vessel… (Y/N)." You stick out your hand to shake his. "It's nice to finally meet you." You smile as his hands clap into yours.
"You're different from the other people we've run into from town." He remarks.
"The reporters?"
"Some of them, a few others we just happened to cross paths with." You could feel him studying you. "You don't seem scared."
"Vessel, you've been coming in here for over a week now. If you were going to try and hurt me you would've done it by now." You notice the corner of his mouth quirk up in a smile.
"I guess you have a point." He chuckles. You finish scanning his items and give him his total. He places the money down on the counter and picks up his bag.
"How come you never take your change?" You ask as he's almost out the door.
"I know you run this place by yourself, think of it as me tipping a small business." He flashes a brief, brilliant smile at you. You try to hide your shy smile by fixing up your register. "Oh, and (Y/N)?" You glance back up at him. "It's nice to finally meet you too."
Tag List: @herripinkle @mustluvecho @jumpcauseimfroggy (If you would like to be tagged for Sleep Token stuff let me know!)
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mydearlybeloathed · 1 year
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the eight get together for first time since Y/N's funeral, and it's a cause for some serious looks into their future.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: allusions to leo x fem!reader, heroes of olympus x fem!reader
𝐚/𝐧: omg you're so right it is like the eternals AND THANKS SM 🥰
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Christmas Eve hadn’t ever been so crowded, and honestly, Sally was a bit overwhelmed. Nevertheless, she'd never wish it any other way; her son was happy, and his wife was happy, so she was happy.
Besides, she wasn't stuck to the kitchen all alone. Estella and Paul were right at her side, and so were her grandchildren, Margot and Zoe.
Well, Margot and Zoe were fighting more than helping, spreading puffs of flour into the air with every punch and chokehold they threw out.
Sally let out a breath to calm herself as she very nearly dropped the tray of casserole due to their chase around the kitchen. Paul, who had gained a sense for Sally's temper, looked up form across the room and noticed the furrow of her brow as she squeezed her eyes shut.
"Girls," he snapped, snatching the rolling pin from Zoe and grabbing Margot by the back of her hoodie. "Please, take it outside."
Zoe, ever the oldest, nodded and dragged her sister out into the front yard. Hopefully, thought Paul, there wouldn't be a Christmas trip to the ER.
Further into the house, away from the stress of the kitchen, laughter rang throughout the house.
In the living room, sat around the hearth, were the eight Heroes of Olympus.
Hazel sat on the edge of the couch, every once in a while looking toward the kitchen she'd been thrown out of. Sally insisted she didn't need any more help, but Hazel couldn't help but feel the need to.
Annabeth and Percy sat on the rug, criss crossed and side by side as they thanked Hestia no arguments had yet to break out. It seemed things were finally getting back to how they used to be; that is, good.
On the couch, right next to Hazel, was Frank. There was a polite enough distance between them, but every once in while they'd lock eyes and smile. The conversation between them wasn't what they'd like it to be, but slowly, they felt the ice slowly begin to melt. Both were hoping for a second chance, but neither knew how to ask for it.
"You're still doing quests, right?" Hazel asked him.
He rubbed at the back of his neck. "Not really quests. A search party, more like. Searching for more demigods."
Her head tilted as she turned to face him. "How are you finding them?"
"Luck, mostly," he said. "It's just me and Lavinia right now. We're following monster patterns for the most part, as well as just going to Olympus and asking... well, asking for a roster."
Hazel laughed behind her hand. "A roster? For all the people they've, erm, been with?"
Nodding, Frank chuckled too. "It's effective."
On the other end sat Y/N and Leo, the latter completely captured by whatever the son of Hephestus said. His hands were quick as he worked with several gears and pieces of metal, not realizing as his friend got closer to his shoulder to watch what he was doing.
When he was done, he held up a tiny model dragon, which he handed to her before going on about all that had happened since last they talked, which had been some months ago, upon her crashing her own funeral.
Y/N grinned down at the dragon, setting it on her knee as she propped her arm on the back of the couch and rested her head there, eyes finding Leo's profile again as she hung on every word he said.
"What happened to Calypso," she asked in a moment of pause. She'd been wondering that for some time, even before her "death." She'd been on good terms with everyone during their decade of disagreement and had spoken to Leo every few years or so, and eventually, Calypso stopped showing up to their lunch get-togethers.
Y/N never had the nerve to bring her up, mostly because she didn't want to come off... the wrong type of way about it.
Leo blinked, not expecting that, and shifted to face her. "Oh. Uhm, we didn't work out." His lopsided grin turned melancholy. "Took me three years to figure that out."
"I'm sorry," she said, and she meant it. He'd been so happy with Calypso, and as much as that was hard to swallow, she wasn't about to put an end to that.
"Eh," Leo shrugged, noticing how her face had fallen. "It's fine. We're good now. Better as friends, I think."
The pair fell silent at that particular choice of words, an echo of a past they'd rather not bring up in their heads.
It hadn't been so long ago, to them at least, when they were sixteen, and better as friends had put some kind of impassable bridge between the close friends.
For some reason, they both reflected, sharing a brief glance, that bridge wasn't so impassable anymore.
On the soft armchair across from them were Piper and Shel. Piper had her legs thrown over Shel's, her upper body leaned against the side of the chair as she talked with Jason, who lay on his back on the floor. To her surprise, Shel and Jason got along really well.
"So you can fly?" Shel asked, a brow raised as she looked between her girlfriend and the son of Jupiter.
Jason sat up and nodded. "Yep."
Shel scoffed. "I don't believe you."
Piper and Jason shared a look, mischief in their eyes. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," she answered, shaking her head. "Just cause you're a demigod or whatever doesn't mean the laws of gravity don't apply to you."
"Well, they do still." Jason shifted so he was sitting right in front of Shel. "It doesn't work like that, really. I just bend the wind to lift me up."
"There's no way you're a fuckin' airbender, dude."
"There is a way, and I'll prove it--"
Annabeth's eyes shut as she sighed to keep her patience. Meanwhile, Percy nudged her and wondered aloud. "How come they never call for me when they're angry?"
Ignoring her husband, Annabeth looked up as her daughters ran one after the other into the living room. Margot shoved Zoe aside to get there first, sending her older sister spiraling into the wall.
Zoe jumped back up with a grunt, just in time to catch her mother's stern glare and shape up real quick.
Margot pointed at her sister and shouted, "Zoe punched me! For real punched me. In the eye!"
"Was it aggravated?"
He raised his hands in defense. "It's a valid question."
Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose, though a little grin was fighting its way onto her lips. "Zoe, do not deck your sister in the face."
"Margot," Annabeth warned. "Do not do anything garnering a deck in the face."
The sisters glared at each other before they said in unison, "Yes, Ma'am" and ran back outside, this time with their Aunt Stella marching after them, slouching and frustrated at being sent to be their babysitter by her mother.
Annabeth sighed and leaned into her husband's side, feeling his laughter in his chest before she heard it. He rubbed at her shoulders. "We haven't decided whose genetics trumped the others yet."
"It's obvious," Y/N said, looking up from the little toy dragon in her lap.
The parents shared a look before Annabeth asked, "Really?"
Y/N nodded. "Yeah. Margot may look just like Sally, but she's all Annie's sass and smarts. And Zoe's a tiny little Percy, except maybe a bit more self-aware."
Percy scoffed, nearly offended, as Annabeth chuckled. Y/N leaned back, reclining into the soft couch, and let her exhaustion get the better of her as she confessed, "I can't wait till I have kids someday."
An instant later, her cheeks were rosy as she sat straight up, glaring at Hazel's little snicker. "I mean, not mine, obviously."
Leo's brows quirked as he turned to face her entirely on the couch. "Why obviously?"
She realized then she'd actually never told anyone. "Oh, uhm," she stammered. "I... uh, I learned a while back I can't. Something in my DNA. I dunno..."
Suddenly, her little slip up wasn't so funny. Piper shifted so she was sitting up, beside Shel on the armchair. "Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry."
Y/N was quick to shake my hands in dismissal, a tiny grin on her face. "No, don't be. I have other options, if I ever get a life and move out of the Big House."
Annabeth tilted her head at that, her hand still in Percy's. "But you love being a counselor?"
"I do! Don't get me wrong," she said, starting to laugh a little awkwardly now that everyone was looking at her. "I just... I wish I hadn't clung to Camp like I had, you know? I shoulda gone to New Rome and gone to college with you guys instead of settling for never getting passed tenth grade."
Now it was Frank that turned to face her. "Y/N, you know it's not too late, right? NRU has GED programs."
Percy nodded. "And then you can apply. I'm sure Reyna and Jason would give you a recommendation or something."
"Definitely," said Jason.
Though the prospect of it was exciting, she ducked her chin and sank deeper into the cushions. "But... guys. I'm bordering on twenty-five..."
Before anyone could say anything else, reassure her it wasn't too late, the man beside her blurted, "I'll do it with you."
Everyone's heads darted in Leo's direction. Leo was smart. Insanely smart. But he'd made it clear school just wasn't for him. He was well enough off, and had a good job working at a garage not too far from the Waystation. He had no need to go back to school.
"What?" Y/N voiced the thought whirling around the room.
He just shrugged. "I've been thinking about it for a while, to be honest."
"You're not just saying that?" Y/N asked. "Cause I-I don't need you to do that for me, Leo. I know how difficult it was for you."
"I'm serious," he insisted. "Fixing motorcycles and cars is fun and all, but there's only so many oil changes a man can do before he has an existential crisis."
He wanted to be an engineer. He'd always wanted to be engineer, really, but it always felt so far away. He'd felt alone, but Y/N was there, and she also wanted more out of life. She too had regrets, probably some regrets they shared, and he wasn't just letting that go.
So he shrugged again, offering her his signature smirk, and raised his fist up to her. "What'dya say? Back to school?"
Y/N probably stared at his fist long enough to make it weird, before her eyes snapped up to meet his, and a smile spread from cheek to cheek. "Okay."
She fist bumped him, letting out a loud laugh as Piper whooped and started a round of applause that soon had the living room nearly too loud to handle.
It was still going on when Sally and Paul entered the room, the mother ripping an oven mitt off her hand and crossing her arms whilst her husband snickered under his breath. He cast her a look and wondered, "Did we miss something?"
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anishenanigans · 2 months
When Monkie Kid said you can't change what you were in the past, but it's never too late to change now. and when it said you have to learn to make peace with the parts of yourself that scare you. and when it said only you get to decide who you are. and only you can decide what you will become. and when it said you should never give up on life, because even though it will all come to an end, because even though it hurts so badly, it will only get better if you live to see it happen, and there is so much left for you to experience. and when it said that no matter how helpless you feel you are not doomed to die like this and you do not have to feel like this forever. and when it said changing for the better is scary but you don't ever have to do it alone. and when it said it's all going to be okay in the end.
Idk. Something about this show. It's got me in a chokehold.
In a similar vein, there was so much love and emotional catharsis in Season 5. Hugging and holding hands without reservation. The genuine concern the others express for MK's wellbeing, the support they offer in their own unique ways. MK working on accepting the things he's repressed the most (after 4 seasons of bottling it all up). The sincerity with which even Red Son talks about love. The blatant "I love you" from Pigsy. The "I don't want to lose you" from Wukong. The multiple instances of characters breaking down and taking a moment to truly cry, to let it all out. All the things left unsaid but so clearly felt. The promises of togetherness, no matter what happens. They've all come so far.
Yeah, season 5 made me fucking sob. I'm not much of a crier and I've never actually been brought to tears by a piece of fiction before, but here we are. There's a first time for everything, I guess.
This season wasn't at all what I expected. I'm not sure it was what anyone expected. But it was delightful. And it hit hard. And it did what it set out to do, even if things didn't quite happen the way they were supposed to.
It really wasn't that long ago that the theme was presumed dead in the water. And now... we're five seasons in. Not many Lego themes, or animated series, can claim that milestone.
We are watching what is arguably Lego's most ambitious and unique story unfold, despite how badly it's been screwed over time after time. Despite the fact that nobody thought it would make it this far. Despite the fact that everything the show is doing goes against what's expected from the hand it was dealt.
Is that poetic? Maybe.
Overall, Season 5 has quickly gained a special place in my heart. Especially after a few hours of letting it marinate in my brain. Man I love this show. Is it a silly Lego cartoon? Yes. Is it also genuinely poignant and beautiful and made with so much passion? Also yes.
And this concludes my thoughts for now. I'm so glad we had another incredible season, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
you got me in a chokehold
@steddiemicrofic prompt: suck | wc: 480 | explicit | kinktober prompt: hate sex
read on ao3
or, entirely under the cut because it is explicit from the jump
Summary: He wants him to remember this later, to look at the marks on his body and know exactly who put them there. cw: light bdsm, light choking, hate sex, degradation, creampie
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"God, you're so fucking desperate for cock that you'll take it from anyone, wouldn't you?" Steve hisses as he fucks into Eddie's hole, watching intently as he sinks into that tight heat.
"Shut the fuck up," Eddie groans, pushing back into him, or trying to anyway. His chest is pressed to the bed as Steve presses inside him, his thighs spread wide over where Steve has hauled him back into his lap.
"You just told me that you hated me and now you're taking my cock like you were made for it. What else am I supposed to think?" Steve asks, gripping Eddie's hips hard enough to bruise. He wants him to remember this later, to look at the marks on his body and know exactly who put them there.
"Shut up," Eddie says, reaching back and getting a hand on Steve's wrist, urging him to keep going.
Steve shrugs his hand off and delivers a smack to Eddie's ass for the trouble.
Steve hears Eddie suck in a deep breath and pulls him back onto his cock harder to hear the breath get punched out of him.
Having him here like this, at his mercy- getting to bend him over and then bully his cock inside always leaves him wanting more. It's never enough.
He never comes harder than when he's fucking his come into Eddie. How could Steve ever get enough of that?
He keeps pulling him onto his cock like he's a fucking ragdoll and Eddie just takes it. He just lays there and lets out these hiccupy sounding moans as he lets Steve do whatever he wants to him.
He hooks his arm around Eddie's chest and hauls him up so his chest is flush against Eddie's back. His hand comes to rest at the base of his throat.
Eddie laughs. "Yeah? You gonna choke me out while I'm hanging on your cock?"
"Maybe I will," Steve says, knowing he won't. He tightens his hand for a brief second anyway.
The way Eddie clenches around him as he does it is so fucked up. The threat, the pressure, the words he said- it all does it for Eddie, he thinks. He likes it when Steve is mean, when he doesn't forget what this is and why they're here.
He likes it when Steve thrusts up into him hard and relentless, chasing his own pleasure without worrying about Eddie's.
He likes it when Steve curls his hand around his throat, pressing lightly.
He likes when Steve comes in his ass and fingers it back inside after they've caught their breath, always saying some variant of "you're so fucking pathetic, letting someone you hate come inside you," while plugging him up.
They don't talk about how Steve comes in his ass because there's no risk because they've been sleeping only with each other for over a year now.
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asteroidzzzn · 1 year
souvenir | part 1
summary: you're sent to summer camp for two weeks and make an unexpected friend. unfortunately, all good things come to an end, but how could you ever say goodbye to her?
word count: 2.2k
warnings: cursing
a/n: summer camp aus have me in a chokehold i fear. here's a new series!! while i still haven't finished my smau!!!!! that's ok ill finish it eventually i just had this all come to me while i was in the car on a road trip, and im so excited to write it all (❁´◡`❁)
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you stepped out of the cramped-up car, stretching your limbs after the four-hour ride. your energetic young cousins ran out immediately, making their way up the hill to their cabins.
you took in the gorgeous scenery around you. you were surrounded by towering trees. the wind softly grazed the bushes as a few squirrels scurried around.
"hey hun, you alright?" your aunt snapped you out of your trance with her hand on your shoulder and worry etched on her face.
"yeah...just getting used to the altitude," you brushed her concern off, heading to the trunk to take your bags out. your aunt helped you set down your items and hugged you goodbye.
you had to admit, you were very anxious. you were staying in a cabin with other girls your age for two weeks, and you didn't know a single one of them.
"call if you need anything, i'll be here eleven am on the dot in two weeks," she gave you a smile and wave before heading down the mountain.
your cousins had been going to this camp since they were old enough to be away from their mother longer than a few days, so they knew the campgrounds like the back of their hands. you eventually found your way into the dining hall to check yourself in, approaching a tall woman with a clipboard.
"name?" she chirped.
the woman glanced up from her clipboard, "have you been here before? i don't recognize you. got your last name on here, though."
"no, i haven't. but you probably know my cousins. they've been going here for years."
her face lit up, "ohh those kids!" she let out a chuckle, "always getting into trouble, but so much fun to have around. well, welcome, y/n!"
the woman flipped through a stack of papers and handed you a small slip with the times of events at camp. she looked over her shoulder and beckoned someone over.
a girl, about your age, with dark hair pulled back into a messy ponytail strolled over, smiling at you.
"this is dina, she can give you a little tour," the woman's head tilted towards the camp. dina nodded and began to lead you out of the dining hall.
"hi, i'm y/n," you said while navigating around large rocks leading up to your cabin.
"nice to meet you, i'll introduce you to some of the others at the bonfire later."
you stepped into the cabin, immediately hit with the strong scent of citrus. you waved your hand in front of your nose, wincing slightly. dina chuckled at your action.
"yeah, sorry about the smell. it's just to keep the mosquitos out. chateau get's all the bugs because we're on the top of the hill. but woodrow, where i was two years ago, gets the rats, so it's better here, i guess."
your eyes widened. "that's terrifying, i hate rats. so you've been going here for a few years?"
dina nodded, guiding you to the bunks. there were only two open. one on the top near the window, and one on the bottom in the corner of the room.
"since i was six. so ten years now. do you wanna bunk with me?" she pointed to the bed on the bottom. it was embarrassing to admit, but you hated being on bottom bunks. it's been an irrational fear since you were young.
you swayed on your feet nervously, "it's dumb, but i don't like being on the bottom bunk. 'm scared it'll fall on top of me somehow."
"it's all good, i'm the same way. so you'll bunk with my friend ellie, instead. she's nice. it's her fourth year here, i think."
you hurled your bags up to the bed on top of ellie's.
"speaking of, where is everyone else right now?" you pointed out, since the cabin was completely empty.
"they're down at the lake, do you wanna go see them?"
"yeah, sounds fun."
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you slipped into a bathing suit and threw your towel over your shoulder, walking beside dina towards the lake. she told you about camp customs and traditions.
you laughed at the story of dina's friend, jesse, trying to swing into the lake but the rope broke, landing him in a pile of mud.
dina laughed with you, "yeah," she breathed, "not much going on up there," she knocked on her head, "but he's great."
"oh, get this! there's this thing we all do where we can send anonymous letters to people. we decorate the letters with stickers and cute hearts and send them off. people usually send love letters, but you can send them to anyone else you want."
you swerved your way through large trees, allowing your mind to wander. what would it be like to have a camp crush? maybe a summer fling? you pushed the idea down. it wasn't very likely there were other gay girls here. maybe summer love just wasn't for people like you.
dina continued, "one of the camp counselors, jeanette, got letters from this guy in the eagle cabin when she was our age. she found out it was him and they started dating. isn't that so cute?"
she nudged your shoulder after noticing you had zoned out, with your lips parted lost in thought.
"you good?"
you blinked, "mhm. i guess i'm just a bit nervous to meet your friends."
dina shook her head with a small chuckle, "don't be. i'm sure they'll like you."
the two of you approached a clearing, where you heard people laughing and water splashing.
the first person to catch your eye was a girl with auburn hair lazily pulled back into a ponytail. she wore baggy shorts with a sports bra, wrists decorated with bracelets and sharpie drawings of crude items. just when you wanted to study more of her features, she did a backflip off a towering ledge into the water, creating a splash which sent a large amount of water onto you.
dina let out a laugh, drawing the others attention to you.
a boy with jet black hair and a towel wrapped around his neck approached you, a smile on his face. there were two other girls and a boy sitting down, holding up pieces of paper with numbers written on them towards ellie who had just risen out of the water.
"fuck yeah! look dina, i got 10 out of 10!" ellie shouted towards dina, but once her eyes found you, water on your face and clothes, she pushed herself onto shore and stumbled on the dirt and wood until she was standing just in front of you.
"sorry about that. uh, i'm ellie, he's jesse," she pointed to the black haired boy beside her, "you friends with dina?"
you glanced towards dina, opening your mouth to speak, but you couldn't find the words. ellie's eyes were stuck on you, shining a beautiful green with the hot sun on her face. freckles were scattered across her face, leading all the way up to her ears, which had a star earring on her left, and moon on her left.
maybe, just maybe...you would have someone to send a letter to after all. then it hit you. this was the ellie you were sharing a bunk with for the next two weeks. living together, sleeping right next to each other.
you were fucked.
dina spoke for you, picking up that you were nervous, "it's her first year here, she doesn't know anyone except her cousins. they're the hudson twins," she wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
"oh shit, those things are your cousins?" ellie snickered, earning her a punch in the arm from one of the girl's who rose from the towels to greet you.
"be nice, ellie."
you let out a huff of air in amusement. "yeah, they're kind of crazy. i'm y/n, by the way."
each of them introduced themselves, and you found yourself smiling as you all walked back to the shoreline. you spent the next two hours swimming in the lake, jumping off ledges until you earned 10's all across the board to which you took a very proud bow, and simply laying in the sun, hearing stories from previous summers at camp.
they all sat in a circle as the sun slowly set, telling you their different perspectives on the most recent drama from last year. apparently, there was this girl who either fought or fell in love with a bear. they couldn't seem to decide which side of the story was true.
"no, she totally left out the snacks on purpose to get the bear to come to the cabin."
"maybe she was out to kill us!"
"or she wanted it all for herself..."
"ew, you're so gross!"
you all burst into a fit of giggles while jesse was genuinely contemplating how a relationship between a girl and a bear would work. you settled into comfortable silence, where you took a moment to gaze up at the sky.
"i love how you can see the stars so clearly from up here," you whispered only to yourself, but ellie heard from beside you.
the others found a new topic of conversation to argue playfully about, but ellie didn't join along with them. she stared at the starry sky above alongside you.
she hummed in agreement, "i know right, it's so beautiful," she suddenly gasped, turning to face you, "did dina tell you we have a massive telescope here? oh my god, it's amazing. you can see all the constellations and if you zoom in in the right place you can kind of see saturns rings, which is so fucking awesome—"
"ellie!" dina called her out of her ramble, "don't annoy her with all that space stuff."
"i don't mind it," you said quietly. ellie flashed you a small smile, which made your head spin for a moment. you had only just met this girl, but you were so captivated by everything about her.
"i take astronomy at my school, back at home. so i'm really into space, too," you told her.
ellie groaned, letting her head fall back. "i'm so jealous. that's the dream."
your barely noticeable grin grew wider. "yeah, it is."
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crickets chirped and buzzed while the lake water gently washed over rocks. the night sky had fully turned black now, yet the campgrounds were still illuminated by the bright clusters of stars above.
all of you had packed your stuff up in a frenzy once you realized you had stayed out past curfew and missed dinner. you felt like you were breaking the rules by sneaking into the kitchen to grab some snacks. you were afraid of waking up the counselers that slept above the dining hall.
a girl named cat, removed on of the butterfly pins from her hair, and slipped it into the lock. it unclipped with a quiet snap, and the door creaked open.
"maybe they shouldn't make it so easy to break into if they don't want us here," she shrugged smugly, propping open the door.
you crept around the kitchen, searching through drawers, until you found a cabinet with bags of chips and candy.
"guys, look what i found!" you whisper-shouted.
everyone crowded around the cabinet, taking whatever they wanted. once they were content with the food they picked out, you all found the dining room and sat in a booth. cat placed a flickering yellow lantern in the middle of the table.
the only sound that bounced off the walls of the hall was quiet giggles and crinkling wrappers.
you stayed in the cramped booth, effortlessly making conversation with your new friends, until you felt a yawn creep up on you.
dina took a deep breath, "it's getting late, we should head back to the cabins."
everyone agreed, shuffling out of the booth and back out the kitchen door. you parted ways in the middle of the campgrounds, waving to jesse and dean who headed down the hill to the boys cabins, while you, dina, ellie, cat, and lara made your way up the trail in the opposite direction.
"sooo," dina nudged your shoulder with her own, "how was your first half-day at camp?"
you were beaming as you replied, "it was amazing. i'm excited for the volleyball court to open tomorrow."
"ooo, and you'll meet some of the boys tomorrow," cat teased with a smirk.
you scoffed, looking down at your feet as you balanced on a trail of rocks, "boys aren't really my thing right now."
"oh right, you live pretty far away from here, huh? what did you say ?jackson? i get it, i wouldn't have a fling with any boy if i could only see him during the summer," cat said with sympathy.
you took your bottom lip into your teeth, wondering if you should tell them the real reason why boys weren't your thing. the group of girls didn't seem like they would judge you at all, and it's not like you were ashamed of your sexuality. and yet, for some reason, you bit back a response, silently promising yourself you'd allow your friends to know that part of you one day.
"yeah, exactly," you muttered.
"it's ok," lara spoke up, "there are plenty of other things to be excited about. you'll have a lot of fun."
once you reached the cabin, you quickly prepared yourself for the night and wished the girls goodnight, climbing up to your bed.
it took a while to fall asleep with all the thoughts rushing through your mind, awaiting the next day, and the thirteen more to come.
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a/n: hehehehe awwwwaejfnksdfnfd >.< teenage romance is so adorable i love this so far, hope u guys do as well!! comments, reblogs, likes, and feedback are, as always, very much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️ thanks for reading!
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude @fireflyels @trulygnomed @deluluwh-0-re @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @emluvselandabs @ariianelle @jokerpokimoon @lonelyfooryouonly @lil-elliesgf @yuaaa05 @ourautumn86 @ucannotcompare @lunarpretty @cassharass @uberyellowsheep @444na0m1
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jayenator565 · 11 months
My Tanthamore Comfort Fics
We were talking about comfort fics in the Tanthamore discord and I realized I have too many for a normal sized reply, so here's a tumblr post instead. In no particular order i've reread these fics...maybe too many times.
I'm just gonna list em by author cause that's easier. Keep in mind we may have different definitions of the word comfort.
650 ft2 - Ok so like envision these girls have been best friends for forever and they've been secretly pining for ages, no sense of personal space, they can read eachother like books AND they were roommates!
The Tanthamore Affair - This fic has everything, one bed, fake dating, celeb au, the fic that changed the meaning of a certain emoji and all the tropes you could want really
We've got to find other ways to make it together - this one line says all you need to know
"It is the greatest irony of Jade Claymore’s life to be a certified genius who is nevertheless in love with an idiot."
More Than Just Survival - as far as 5+1 fics go this one has me in a CHOKEHOLD
I scream at your chest for as long as I must
one night at the start of the end of the world
@ilovemyships (i think you need an AO3 account to read these gems)
you won't believe it (they think we're lovers)
don't wanna pressure (but friends don't kiss friends)
@acre-of-wheat - Acre's way with words should be studied
Network Connectivity Issues - I have never related to a character more than I relate to this Jade
The Dark
The Bite
Out of the Cuirass - one of the first tanthamore fics I ever read actually and I still come back to it every so often
lay down your armor (come lie bare with me) - saintbot has a catalogue lemme tell ya but this one for tanthamore is just so heartwarming
Escaping Fate - the Kit runs away fic that everyone needs
Dil3mma (idk their tumblr right now sorry)
A Sword And A Shield (And Everything In Between)
Deja-Brew - the loveliest coffee shop one shot
Jad3dEt3rnal (idk if they have a tumblr either)
This Daydream is Dangerous - cuddly vampire Jade, need I say more?
ana_chronistic (idk if they have a tumblr either x3)
Oops. I proposed. - fake dating x 100, fake proposal it's like fake dating to the next level and I love the growth of communication and pacing in this.
do what you feel now
you want a good girl that does bad things (to you)
fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an arrangement)
we simply don't have time to unpack why these are comfort fics, we're just going to accept it and keep going.
Sword and Shield - I love this look at what post S1 life could have been like for the gang, revisiting Nockmaar, seeing Galladoorn, getting into the evil Elora storyline with Graydon, spending more time with the Nelwyn and in the Wildwood it's just everything
What a pleasant surprise - a fic of one of my other comfort fics, I know it's like fic-ception in the best way possible. If you liked Tanthamore Affair I have an inkling this will be right up your alley
@isabrella @jade-claymore @allthefakepeople @resurrecho
those rumors they have big teeth - BAND AU need I say more? I don't need to but i'm going to, this fic has everything Kit and Jade in a band, Kit's leather pants, gay-ifying songs, MAMA MIA, totally gay best friends who have basically been dating for years but won't admit to it, Jade gets to be a bit problematic as a treat, inner band fighting, what more can you want?
meet you where the spirit meets the bones (tanthamore 90s werewolf au) - its a SERIES of these repressed gay DORKS and they're werewolves, there's such a charming way to how this author writes them I legit can't even with these two gays
these walls come tumbling down - look, we don't have time to unpack why there's so many were-related supernatural esque fics on my comfort list and I know this is only 2 chapters in but I can already feel the comfort in all the hurt ok I dont even have to wait I already know i'm gonna be rereading this like monthly
I'm gonna have to stop there even though I know i'm still missing some! If someone asked me what my favorites are we'd be here all day XD
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heatwave has me on a chokehold.
like fuck. No autonomy for reader fr and it's so deliciously and wrenchingly fucked up for them to present the illusion of free will via limited options even if at the end, they're the ones with the leash, the one in control, regardless of the option you chose.
And I love the difference between Gojo and Geto with Gojo wanting for reader to accept whatever they offer but Geto not really caring if reader really accepts (wants) as long as he provides and takes care of reader (even if against their will) and can very much so resort to forceful means (the tube feeder ((that shit has me like😶, like damn, as long as reader eats lmao)).)
The way you write the humiliation for reader with all the times they forced them to wet themself feels real fr. That shit is literally picking at their self-esteem, and the constant unwanted reaffirmation that it's natural and it's fine is so not doing any good at all to her pysche.
Ngl I wanna see reader after the panic attack breaking and turn into a hollow shell fr. One that do still talks, entertains and obeys but one that's just hollow. Half-hearted at best and empty at worse because they're gearing for the worse (the abandonment. the pain, left behind all tied up and with no control over her body. They've turned her into someone who can't even feel like they're capable of making choices on their own anymore). Just for the angst and a little (okay maybe big) karma for what they've done🥰
Wonderful writing! Hope to see more jjk with stsg (esp satoru) and If you don't mind, make a little insight to their pov?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the fic! hearing this makes me feel really great about writing this, because it's like!
yes!! PRECISELY!! SO REAL SO TRUE!!! the message has come across, the fic gave you exactly the feelings i had when i was making it!! it makes me feel like i successfully conveyed,, The Vision,,,
honestly it started out as horny and it was supposed to have heat sex later on but then when i got into the forced piss stuff it got. sooo psychological.
in the back of my mind i kinda knew it was getting off track but it was getting SO GOOD. i loved writing about. conditioning, psychological warfare, the loss of control and how people deal with it.
jjk itself is pretty brutally realistic with the consequences of the bad things that happen in the series, and i love realistic dark content.
you try a hunger strike? geto deals with it. you do not refuse food again. they are yanderes and they are not afraid to make this very ugly and very uncomfortable for you. they'll do it sometimes even if you DO cooperate.
gojo is truly the essence of a puppy dog. he loves you sooo sososo much and maybe he'll throw a fit but he's not the calculated tactician geto can be. geto's got goals. gojo's just happy to be here.
the panic attack/breakdown kinda just came out when i was trying to write you going into heat.
it was supposed to be this stockholm syndrome moment where you're like "oh at least they won't leave me" but then i started getting into. well.
they did leave you once, didn't they? and at every moment they remind you, sometimes in the most humiliating ways, that you DO NOT control what they do or how they treat you.
so now you're enduring psychological warfare from your own psyche where you're wrestling with the idea of getting impregnated because:
you don't want to be pregnant
but if you DID get pregnant, then they would HAVE to stay with you, right?
but you don't WANT them to stay with you. you hate them, right? if they left you'd like that because you don't WANT them around.
but what if they wouldn't stay with you anyways? you can't make them do anything.
actually you can't even control that so why worry haha. they're going to get you pregnant if they want to, they'll leave you if they want to, and you can't do anything about it.
just the absolute war zone in your head as every thought clashes with all the others. the natural consequences of the stuff you've been through since the beginning of the fic, all trickling down into one moment.
*extremely quietly* okay don't tell anyone bc it's annoying when people JUST say "can't wait for part 2" and nothing else, like.
what did you like so much? what would you hope to see expanded on? many writers would love to hear this in a comment, but instead they just get "part 2 please" and it feels like a demand.
i know it comes from a place of appreciation but it's not encouraging when that's all someone has to say about your work.
there WAS actually more to that fic. i kept writing after where it ends. it switches to geto's POV and him and gojo freaking out, trying to calm you down and figure out what happened and how to fix it.
i realized that this oneshot would turn into a huge monster of a fic if i let it keep going, and i had a really good stopping point already with the reader in the midst of their breakdown, so i cut it there and posted so i could start writing for the next prompt (which i'm also super enjoying!).
if i DO any kind of part 2 or companion piece for ANY of the heatwave fics, it'll be that one.
i'm not sure how i want it to go, though. it'd be easier to write the shell of a reader from gojo/geto's POV, but i like keeping things primarily in the reader's POV. i also don't like to stick to one mood, especially not some boring doom and gloom suffering stuff.
i'll need someone to do something drastic in the follow up. maybe gojo? he's got to get something out of you somehow. and we all know what a freak he is, the fuck is he gonna get up to, hmmm...
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smolkiwi98 · 2 years
Hi! If it's okay, i have a request. Reader's good friends with steve and eddie (maybe childhood friends with one and they all got close later on) and now she's dating billy but they've been hiding it and not sure how they'd react giving their history with him. Anyway, she's been neglecting herself lately, not sleeping or eating well and she won't listen to them, but they're shocked to find her with billy and he's being all loving and soft and even kinda strict in order to take care of her
Okay! I'm sorry this took so long, but here ya go! I'm sorry if it seems rushed.
WARNING! mention of depression, anxiety, insomnia, getting bullied (just quickly mentioned), mother not really liking kid (not detailed...just quickly mentioned), fluff, angst(?), not eating, not sleeping, and I think that's it. Oh! not proofread!
requests open > here
Secret Love
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“Why would you sell to him!? He’s an asshole!” Steve exclaimed “Steve, it’s not that big of a deal. I needed some money and he wanted to come back and buy some stuff.” Eddie said casually. You sighed and sat there quietly on the couch as you watched the two, “Eds…you know what he was like in high school. Why would you want to continue to sell to him?” Eddie just rolled his eyes at Steve “Maybe because it’s my job?” He said like it was obvious…which it kinda was. “Billy needs to just find someone else. He was an ass to me and you.” Steve said, sitting down next to you. You hated when these two would bicker. Sometimes it was funny, but when it was over something like this it was annoying. Eddies a dealer…he’s going to encounter people we don’t really like, but Billy is different. Steve and Eddie had their reasons for hating Billy but you had nothing but love for him! 
You and Billy had met in high school. Junior year and you immediately turned into the other girls and drooled over him. His blue eyes, thick eyelashes, the way his jeans fit him…he had a chokehold on you and the other girls in the school. But unfortunately your two friends had beef with the guy. You’ve known Eddie since you were about 9 when you moved into the trailer park with your mom. The two of you became best friends almost immediately. Then 8th grade hit where the two of you met Steve. Eddie was a little jealous of Steve at first because he felt like he was losing his best friend which wasn’t the case at all. After a month or two Steve and Eddie were bonding over…well everything that 8th grade boys like. Except for the music and movie taste. They were still complete opposites when it came to those subjects. And then high school happened…and then Billy happened. In the beginning Billy had no idea Steve and Eddie were your best friends…brothers really. All Billy thought was some jock was going to get in the way and some freak dealer. Eddie hated meeting with him, but he paid well. The only thing they found they had in common was their love for Metallica. Steve and Billy? There was nothing there. Seemed like nothing but hate was there for those two…which meant Eddie had an issue with Billy. Steve and Eddie knew you had a little crush on him and they picked on you all the time about it, but at the same time wished you wouldn’t have a crush on him. Which is why they can never find out the two of you were dating. It’s been two years in your relationship and you were happiest you’ve ever been! Keeping it a secret was annoying, but Billy was the one who suggested it back in senior year. With your friends and his father, it was just best to keep it on the down low. 
You were zoning out completely now while Steve and Eddie continued on going back and forth about the meeting with Billy. Recently you’ve been feeling very overwhelmed. Work was getting to you and living with your mother as an adult isn’t the best thing right now. When you were younger you had a good relationship with your mom, but when 17 hit all of sudden you were her enemy. You got anxiety, depression, and even insomnia from it. And things at school were never too great, you dealt with your fair share of bullies. You thought once you graduated everything would stop, but boy were you wrong. You haven’t been sleeping or eating properly. Going to bed at 5:30 in the morning just to wake up at 7:00 wasn’t good and skipping breakfast wasn’t helpful either. You knew this, but with everything going on…you just didn’t care. Right now peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are your go to meal. “Sweetheart!” Eddie said, snapping you out of your trance “Hm? What?” You asked, looking at him. Eddie was kneeling on the floor in front of where you sat on the couch, “Steve asked if you were okay.” He said looking at you concerned. You blinked a few times and looked at him and then Steve “Yeah I’m fine. I’m sorry.” You said and then let out a small sigh. Eddie squinted his eyes examining you “Are you sleeping?” He asked, “Of course I am, Eds.” You lied “What about eating?” Steve asked you “Yes I’m eating.” You lied again. You didn’t want to lie to them, but you didn’t feel like getting lectured either. Steve and Eddie looked at each other, but decided to shrug it off “Well…are you going to stay for the movie?” Steve asked. You shrugged “I don’t know. I gotta clean up around the house before the mother gets home.” You said while standing up, “But we can have a movie night at my place Saturday.” You said with a small smile. “We’ll be there.” Eddie said, smiling wide and pulling you into a hug, “Go clean!” He said jokingly as you walked out his trailer. One good thing about the trailer park…you lived right next door. The only flaw…sneaking Billy inside.
“Billy, they’re going to be here soon. Please just drop it.” You groaned. Billy did nothing but roll his eyes “No, Y/N.” He said, crossing his arms, “You’re lying to me.” He added. You looked at him confused “About what?” Now it was his turn to let out a groan “Don’t act clueless. You’re not sleeping or eating.” “I am! I told you I am. I’m perfectly fine.” You argued. Billy just nodded his head “Okay…then why do you bag under your eyes? They’re darker than before which means you’re not sleeping. You’re also a lot more shaky which means you’re not eating properly either.” Billy was a good observer, this was obvious. Years of living with Max he could tell when something was up. You thought you could hide it from him like you do with Steve and Eddie, but for some reason Billy could see right through you. 
Billy stepped forward and gently grabbed your arms, which got your attention and looked directly at him “Are you eating?” You nodded your head “What have you been eating?” He wasn’t mad. Just worried and he wasn’t being rude, but he was being stern. “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” You mumbled. Billy then nodded, which was him giving you silent praise “And are you sleeping?” You looked at him and then down at your feet “Nu-uh. Look at me.” He said lifting your head up by your chin “I am…but I’m getting about an hour of sleep.” He sighed and leaned his forehead on yours “What have I told you when you start to feel like this?” He questioned you. You stayed silent. “Y/N.” He said in a quiet but stern voice “What did I tell you to do?” He tried again, “You told me to call you.” You said in a soft voice “And why didn’t you call me?” You sighed “I didn’t want to bother you.” You answered. Billy didn’t say anything, instead he just pulled you into a tight hug. His arm warped around your waist while his other hand on your head, “You’re never a bother. I want you to be okay.” He whispered. You closed your eyes and felt the tears swell up in your eyes “I’m sorry.” You said through a shaky voice. Billy shook his head and pulled away making you look at him again “You don’t have to say sorry. I just want you to tell me when you’re feeling this way. So I can help you. Be with you.” He explained while brushing some tears off your cheek with his thumb. 
“I don’t think he’s the asshole like we thought he was.” You heard a whisper, “Well to us he is.” You and Billy pulled apart and looked towards your bedroom door. Steve and Eddie were standing there with snacks, sodas, and movies. You nibbled on your bottom lip and sniffed while wiping your face, “How much did you hear…or see?” Billy asked them, “All of it.” Eddie answered with a smile. “How long have you two been seeing each other?” Steve asked looking at Billy and then you “Since senior year.” You said. The look on both their faces made you smile a little bit “You were dating this guy the whole time!?” Eddie said shocked “We thought you were just sharing some crazy fantasies!” Steve said right after. “Fantasies?” Billy said looking at you with a smirk, “I might have described our dates like they were daydreams.” You admitted shyly. 
After a long talk about the relationship you have with Billy and why you kept it a secret for so long, the three of them made up! You were happy to see your two best friends and your boyfriend to get along and finally become friends. What was even better was you watching them talk and get along…you didn’t even realize you were eating the snacks already. The boys didn’t point it out to you, they just let you continue snacking and watching them talk. Seeing you smile and finally eat multiple things was enough to make them happy. All that’s left is getting you to sleep…which shouldn’t be too hard since the three of them are staying the night to watch these movies with you.
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cannibal-walleye · 2 months
@a-plethora-of-peters’ So Much for Stardust au has had me in a chokehold the past few days, so... ART! Fic link below (READ IT I say) as well as me talking about things
Ft. aliens Zed, Tango, and Impulse (still tweaking Imp design) and a very traumatized human Skizz
Warnings! Blood, scars, but also hugs n comfort :')
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Fic Link:
So Much For Stardust - Chapter 1 - Cringe_Is_Dead (A_Plethora_Of_Peters) - Hermitcraft SMP [Archive of Our Own]
Quick summary for context, it follows human Skizz after he was abducted from earth by the "Defectors" and essentially tortured and treated like an animal before being rescued by space cops. Team ZIT is a group of scientists whose job is to determine how intelligent alien species are, and they're tasked with figuring it out for Skizz in order to know what crime the Defectors will be convicted of (were they poaching & murdering animals or people?). But they don't speak English, so good luck with that. And Skizz has trauma. :]
Now excuse me while I wax eloquent on random things about the art and the fic itself:
I don't think it's difficult to tell, but my favs are Impulse and Skizz lol. I don't usually like drawing them all so differently from their minecraft skins (especially Tango, in this case), but decided to just go all out making them look a lil alien and I think I went too far for Imp. Might redo, give him more skin instead of scales. Also, his clothes r just grey bc I couldn't figure out what colors to give that wouldn't clash horribly lmao.
Also in case you couldn't tell, I ADORE the hurt/comfort this fic has, the concept is so fascinating and just PERFECT for this kinda thing, the angst is delectable. It's the kind of fic where the longer you consider the scenario that Skizz is in, the more tragic and heartbreaking it gets, for everyone involved. I tried drawing a couple other hug/comfort scenes but scrapped them bc I didn't like how they turned out, might retry later.
As for the fic itself, I'm very excited to see where it goes, hanging on the edge of my seat. I only learned about it like 5 days ago and I think I've read it 3 times (AND ITS OVER 100k WORDS???), not to mention how I reread my favorite scenes over and over (chapter 10 ESPECIALLY, I tried to draw like 7 times but it was all hot garbage lol). I'm slightly worried but also itching to get to the climax they mentioned in the last update. I have a couple theories/ things I kinda want to happen.
First, they've mentioned a few times that ZIT doesn't have the data on what the Defectors actually did to Skizz, even though they should have had it from the start. This hints at 2 VERY juicy things, one, that they're being sabotaged. It seems the Defectors are trying to prevent ZIT from determining Skizz's sapience, and in the absolute worst-case scenario, I can see this going so far as them trying to hurt/kidnap/kill Skizz while he's under their protection, which would be just... evil >:))) and traumatizing. and scary. it would just be so juicy if they got separated after all this bonding and healing and growing love they got for each other. Idk if that's where it's going but we'll see. Second, they're already so devastated every day (especially Zed) by Skizz's obvious trauma and scars, breakdowns, triggers, etc, and they don't even know what happened. But if/when they do get their hands on that information, well... I imagine it'd absolutely break all three of them, to the point where they wouldn't even know what to do with Skizz, they'd feel incredibly guilty, angry, heartbroken, everything over him-- not to mention them becoming overwhelmingly protective over Skizz, wanting to just get retribution on the defectors, maybe break some bones, spill some blood, ya know. (PROTECTIVE IMPULSE PLEASEEEE). Meanwhile Skizz is just tryna eat gapples without hurling and narrowly avoiding panic attacks every time he sees Tango.
I could talk for hours about this, but I think that's enough for now lol. I shall continue to spin them around in my head for the next month, and you should too, I highly recommend.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Injured has me in a chokehold. Has us ALL in a chokehold. ty <3 Want to apologize for how long this got… sorry
Trying to sympathize with Olga and Alexia but it's a little hard to because it seems like they've never spoken about Bambi’s presence and what that meant when Olga first got into a relationship with Alexia.
In each instance Alexia seems to see Bambi as an afterthought—and she’s normalized it to the point where she can’t help but just blurt stuff out and push Bambi to the side. It’s selfish and very traumatizing to Bambi :( why didn't they have a conversation about whether or not Olga was ready to form a relationship with not only Alexia, but Bambi too?
Had they not considered trying to co-parent Bambi first before deciding to have Jaume? It goes both ways for Alexia and Olga and the miscommunication is not just concerning for Bambi, but Jaume too. The whole bit about “I love Jaume bc he’s mine but mostly bc he’s your’s too” is so disconcerting because ??? all along Bambi’s been here and she’s Alexia’s. Was Bambi always going to be that bastard child Olga couldn’t fully love just because she wasn’t something Olga (nor Alexia, kinda) really wanted?
This is a little irrational but what if Olga decides that Jaume is actually her’s the way she’s internalized that Bambi’s Alexia’s? I feel like it’s so wrong to assume possession of a child when you get into a relationship with someone who has children already. It’s not to say Olga needs to want Bambi as much as Jenni does immediately… but I feel like it would’ve been much less painful to have considered forming a relationship with Alexia AND Bambi. What are your thoughts?
ig I just really like how complex and thought-evoking everything is! Olga didn’t try with Bambi because she didn’t want to be rejected by Alexia. Alexia didn’t try to get Olga and Bambi to interact more because she thought Olga didn’t want to. The true villain here is miscommunication and clearly the two need to be more frank about where they’re heading because this seems like slippery slope into a bad marriage and …really bad parenting. Alexia’s already overcompensating with Jaume and I doubt that’s any good too.
It’s kind of easy to align with Alba and Jenni considering the Putellas-Rios household so far has done nothing but harm poor Bambi. I do appreciate seeing their views and the grovelling Alexia doing… but team Jenni! She’s at an advantage where she can prioritize Bambi and always consider what’s best for the child. Not only that, but she truly wants Bambi and is being so mature and respectful towards Alexia about it (sorry lol… I currently cannot fathom how Alexia could possibly get us to the reconciliation outcome. Enjoying the attempts though.) Kids should never have to go through parents who don’t completely, wholeheartedly want them. It creates resentment in both the kid… and a little bit in the parent. Bambi is definitely the definition of forced to grow up and she shouldn’t have to.
Honestly all I wanted to ask was where you currently align in terms of reconciliation or not. It’d be cool to see a little bit more of your thought process with regard to Bambi and what you think is best for her. Sorry about the long msg!
ps. lowkey was like “you got eggsma?” at Bambi the entire time
Don't apologise. I love these kinds of long messages.
It is such a complex situation because Alexia and Olga both have different ideas and thought processes and they never even realised until this was all going on.
Bambi was always a little bit self-sufficient, it was just how she was but this whole situation is maturing her much too quickly.
Of course, I'm way more informed than you guys about where this is all going/how reconciliation could be achieved. Right now, it looks pretty grim but Alexia did put in some effort (even if she did muck up the ending). Everyone can see that she's trying whether or not it's successful.
The next part is definitely going to be a bit rough for Bambi and Jenni though but somehow a bit healing in some parts. It's very easy to put Alexia and Olga as villains in Bambi's story but Jenni isn't perfect either and the next part is definitely going to be a bit of a warning about how small things can freak out a traumatised child even if you have the best intentions
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elizabethkitley · 2 months
Exactly like this makes the most sense to me and I don't mind either I'm just such a hopeless romantic and don't want her to be lonely but you're right as long as she's away from lord voldemorts son she should be fine and all that about women waiting till the end of their career to settle down makes perfect sense i read comments that wanted her barefoot and pregnant as soon as next year and I'm like HUH???? MAAM THATS A CHILD!@@ like Debbie from Ohio hold your horses
What got me was that the tarot reader also said connor makes her feel safe, and I was like .... HUH??? personally I would not feel safe if that grown ass man had me in a chokehold daily but you do you boo - also she looks up to him and he guides her apparently (caitlin you're better at basketball than him get real) but I guess because he's older and has more experience and maybe since he knew her before she was CC she was today okay maybe but that reader said nothing about fire or passion just that and they wouldn't last djdhdhd good luck connor
Also, everything falls on her and is always her responsibility, and she makes things happen, which is like so much pressure on her but also so admirable
crying what does he guide her with when they've had 2 completely different life experiences  😭 like this is a woman who has worked so hard to get to where she is now and the other is a nepo baby who's gotten everything handed to him from the womb. but wtv i guess it's cause he knew her before the fame like you said
that last part is defo true even in basketball she's had to do everything since middle/high school lmao
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Your downfall IAU has me in a chokehold. Now I'm wondering when wind and four go to the downfall timeline. What happens to their own? Does the rest of their family in their own timeline just think they're missing? Or is it like they've never left once they do end up coming back?
Well I was thinking a villain is who launches them there, and Wind and Four’s family at home isn’t sure exactly what happened to them. They’re pretty sure they just got transported somewhere. That or... vaporized.
B-but probably not! Hopefully...
They’re all very worried.
I’m thinking time is a little different, just so that Wind and Four aren’t missing for too long (and it gives me more flexibility in regards to what I can do lol). It’s not like they’re gone and then immediately back, but maybe more like they’re only gone for a week or two in regular time, whereas they’re in the alternate world for like, a month or two..? Those are vague times, don’t hold me to those lol
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