#nye 2020 blogging
accio-victuuri · 9 months
Bojunyixiao’s Weibo night 2023/2024 🎉🎉
can you believe we’re here again. no matter how problematic sina weibo is as a platform, their awards night is a day cpfs look forward to because our boys will be attending. even if we know they won’t interact or anything, the fact that they get to attend the same event is enough for us.
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i will just include the recap for the past years on here, the 2019/2020 being very short cause i feel like that has been widely speculated and talked about already. then 2021 and 2022. this post will discuss the event and stuff that happened + some commentary + cpn clownery. enjoy!!!!!
I. CPFs team building and showing strength
It would not be fair to exclude this feat that cpfs achieved with the free tickets for Weibo night. Even if we had no idea if both of them will attend, cpfs tried to grab tickets just in case it happens so we will be prepared. In the first round, we surprised all other fan groups with how we dominated and it set the rhythm for the next rounds. Trust cpfs to set the trend and make other fandoms “wake up”. lol. They can say what they want about cpfs but we all know that part of the hate is because they do not understand why we’re still here. They don’t get why we are this strong and a happy group.
My favorite thing that happened was when the top profile photos spelled out BJYXSZD + heart with a mole. It doesn’t stop there tho, the next week/round, we still dominated so Sina Weibo tried to save face by doing some tactics to suppress us. Nevertheless, every week, more of us got tickets because of the help of our little turtle fandom.
There were also efforts to get top comments on Weibo Night posts but I won’t get into that anymore cause we usually do that. But the thought of showing strength “online” as what the boys advertised is sweet.
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Years later, we are still as strong as ever and shall remain that way. and that’s all thanks to each and every turtle out there who chooses positivity & makes sure our community remains a safe space.
II. The anticipation and announcements
It’s safe to say that this year, XZ is a sure attendee cause he always tops the voting at this event. However, some were still not sure cause he did not attend other public events last year like 10c starlight or NYE events cause he is busy with filming his projects. On 1/10 evening tho, a rather unsavory rumor made it on HS which was a signal that weibo night was getting desperate and wanted some noise for their event. lol. maybe there are other parties involved, but the intent is the same. I will also just mention the issue that happened on 1/9 with Chunzhen and them withdrawing lottery tickets supposedly won by certain fans. But the next day, Weibo lottery decided to honor the win and gave the tickets. I have no reaction to this tbh, and that’s why i didn’t talk about this separately and at length on my blog. It’s the brand / fandom that i have nothing to do with’s issue. As a turtle, we all know how CZ is with certain things so i’m not surprised that this happened. LOL.
I honestly feel for XZ, he is out there working hard and minding his own business but people and circumstances keep dragging him into irrelevant incidents.
As for WYB, everyone thought he wasn’t gonna attend. This is the same energy as last year. People are busier with grabbing tickets for his SDC6 finals and completely ignored weibo night ( as they should ). There was still some hope tho, cause if you think about it, he attended a lot of platform events. Tencent, IQIYI, GQ MOTY and 2 NYE shows. So why not Weibo Night? I have said it before, but one thing that I loved about WYB attending multiple events by the end of last year was it’s a show of his position and professionalism in the industry. He can go anywhere and be welcomed — he has good relations with almost everyone and that is important in their industry.
I know he is not fond of public events, but i’d like to think he says yes because of his professional relationship with these platforms/companies. I was never a fan of when people flex that their fave “will not go to xx because they did something to him etc.” LOL. That’s not how any industry works. You can’t burn bridges and I’m happy that WYB doesn’t do that. It’s also a testament of how much of a good boy he is 🤍
Anyway, back to the timeline. On 1/10, Weibo announced some winners and the boys are on there. I guess One & Only winning was a clue that WYB will go. Then a so/o account gave a tip that WYB will announce his attendance to an event on 1/11 @ 13:00. So by the evening of 1/10, it was mostly confirmed that WYB will be going.
The next day, 1/11, Weibo Night account started posting emoji clues for the remaining celebrities to be added in their guest lineup. A few hours later, both the boys announced their attendance. What’s different this time tho is aside from the usual copy-paste caption, there is a reminder for everyone to not do any fan activities at the venue. more details was also added in the comment. I guess they don’t want a repeat of what happened last year with the crowds. It caused a delay & cancellation of the red carpet. Both XZS and YBO reposted with more guidelines to follow like no gatherings and light signs etc.
i know weibo dictated the posting time but the 13 kadian is sending me! yizhan! 🫶🏼
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The BJYX ST mods also sent out a message to not do any offline support.
There are more fandom drama after the announcement with other groups but i won’t add that here anymore cause it will only rot our brain. && it’s so much better to focus on the boys!
III. Pre show discussion
On the eve of Weibo Night, GG attended an awards show and it gave us some sweet candy. The most interesting to me is the choice of Alexander McQueen and the first two celebrities tagged by the brand on their weibo in 2024. This is giving me Dsquared vibes. Also how it almost mirrors the wedding-ish vibes they had last Weibo night. I know we as cpfs are somehow programmed to seeing connections but honestly, they don’t make it hard.
Late at night too, Weibo started showing opening screens of attendees and of course they didn’t put them in the same group/frame. This is understandable cause they wouldn’t put the top male celebrities together and knowing how both their fandoms hate each other. Also, how the grouping went, WYB’s was more of the “movie group”. That won’t stop me from being a bit better tho. lol. Cause if they can’t put them in the same frame like that, there is just no way they will be on the same stage or even sat remotely close to each other.
A photo from inside the venue also showed the projected commercial on stage is WYB & Chunzhen 😂😂😂😂😂
I can just imagine XZ smiling when he sees.
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There were also talks of the both of them being on the second row. XZ was already seated way before the ceremony started, and their names are so close but cpfs were anticipating since WYB was not inside yet. We were all waiting to see if it will happen. WYB is supposedly next to YZ but then we see that Jackson sat there. We joked that he should stay there so WYB’s place will be taken and he will have no choice but to sit next to XZ 😂😂😂
IV. Red Carpet shenanigans
🟢 WYB’s red carpet walk
I honestly didn’t get the whole look tho when some people pointed out that it’s the glam version of what he wears when he plays golf — i kinda got it. For his past platform events like GQ, IQIYI & 10C, his red carpet were really casual. I guess that’s what he wants — to be comfortable walking the carpet. There were also some praising him for going against the norm. Well, I have to say tho that his face really stood out. Minimal to no make up look. He was so handsome! 🫶🏼
🔴 XZ’s red carpet walk
I love his outfit! It’s black but still got that something special to make him stand out. &&& I honestly love the hair! I thought I would cry because of how short it is now but it suits him. I mean, he looks gorgeous in anything but you know what I mean ☺️
CPN: XZ signed his name beside/very close to WYB. granted, there are so many signatures there but i’m wondering if he recognized his husband’s signature. lol. In this simple way, they can be next to each other!
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V. Weibo night links
Photoshoot for red carpet look
Photoshoot for second outfit
Xiao Zhan winning Outstanding Actor of the Year
Photoshoot for red carpet look // Photoshoot BTS video
Yibo winning popular filmmaker of the year
Yibo-Official post for Weibo Night
* This is incomplete cause we still don’t have ( at the moment of posting ), the BTS for XZS photoshoot + their photos while receiving the awards.
• WYB’s personal post of him and the caption. The freakin caption. Look, i know that WYB’s brand is all about being the “cool guy” so maybe that’s why he said in the caption that he likes the HS about him. But the thing is, it’s totally out of character. How many events did he attend with him going so high up the HS with much more interesting tags but he chose this? Also, he really needed to do so that he used his own account??? For a couple of years now, yibo-official is the one that posts for him when he is at an event. So the speculation is this one is personal and amused him so much, seeing that their HS for the same event they are both at matched! Also, when WYB posted that, CPFs flooded the top comments! Understandably so. 💛
• The signed photos which i’m not sure about. I actually saw someone post that earlier and people were clowning about how it can’t be real.
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But then, an account posted a giveaway with all the other attendees and it included the couple photo. I’m putting this down as clownery, cause on their end there will always be deniability. The autographed photo was also deleted by the account a bit later, which is actually expected cause it will bring trouble. lol.
• XZS and YBO matching again! Look at how they arranged the photos. How a few of the snaps are not in theme with the rest. Nothing new here!
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• The same song and dance of them missing to see each other. As soon as XZ was gone, WYB came in to sit down. Good thing he had Jackson to talk too a bit and he was gone again after 10 mins! Hopefully they could spend time together backstage away from the cameras. 📷
People are pointing out that XZ was checking his phone lol. probably checking if WYB is giving him a signal to leave so they can do their usual operation. These two! Honestly!
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• Not really CPN, but a similarity. In the red carpet, both of them didn’t do the “activities” that others were supposed to. If you watched the red carpet, there is a point where they have to choose something from a wall with numbers. there is also a choice to take a photo from one of the “themes” by they both bypassed it. I was rolling my eyes cause a WYB anti was trying to make a big deal out of it, but then XZ did the exact same thing. Some people just don’t understand how celebrities like them operate. Not to say that they are above everyone else, it’s just that they do things differently.
• ZSWW fake rumor account posted at 19:21. At this time the red carpet was already finished. It doesn’t say who is saying which line. I’m interpreting this incident to be something that happened today backstage 🤡🤡🤡
"A kiss, a kiss...
"Oh, okay, let's talk about it later when we get back.”
"There will be a surprise when I go back 😏”
“You'll know when you go back”
Then they posted again, at 21:05 with a much longer one but it doesn’t seem be pertaining to today’s events.
• There is a photo/video of XZ talking to Huang Bo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and now we’re thinking about how they haven’t cooperated with each other but seem familiar. Yes, we don’t know all their relationship and friends off camera but my mind immediately went to the SDC 3 clowning. That’s most likely when they became close. lol.
• Heaven’s choice cause WYB was sat at #23 ( Love Zhan )
• This time, both of them left the venue after they received their awards. XZ didn’t stay like he did the previous years. Good for them! It’s better to spend time together 🤍 I know that most of us expected what happened today, them not being in the same place at the same time. Tho some may see that in a negative way, I actually see this as an example of trying to keep their private life separate from the public. Tho a big part of their lives are on camera and that’s how they met. I think what they are doing is really to reserve the time they have & are seen together in private. Maybe some can’t see it that way and will be frustrated but at the end of the day, we have to respect their choice.
• XZ’s 2nd outfit is by Balmain! He tends to wear this at events that they both attend 🥹🥹🥹
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• It’s now XZ’s turn to see the cpf headband light signs! Lol. I hope he saw it. We all know that he is near sighted sooooo….
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If there are post event CPNs, i will do a separate discussion. See you in the next Weibo Night! ✌🏼
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majaloveschris · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about the discussions that have been had on various blogs over Lisa consistently commenting on Steve’s posts versus liking a comment calling AB a racist. I checked his IG to confirm for myself and I noticed that he made a post after the weekend of Shanna’s wedding, which Lisa commented on. Based on this post, Steve’s parents were also in MA the weekend of Shanna’s wedding. I don’t know if this has already been confirmed, but I would assume they went to the wedding too. Otherwise, why make the trip to MA on that specific weekend? Now, I know Scott and Steve have been together since 2020, so the families have possibly met before. That being said, assuming Steve’s parents were at the wedding, Scott’s “in-laws” got an invite but not Chris’ “girlfriend”? Based on when AB followed Chris back on IG, the speculation is that they met during the summer of 2021 (which based on the articles in November saying they’ve been together for over a year, this would make sense). If that’s the case, they would’ve been “together” for almost a year by the time of the wedding. So if they were a real couple, she would’ve gotten an invite. And given the world tour Chris and AB had between NYE 2022 and the end of January, it gives the appearance of a couple “falling fast” for one another. It’s strange that she wasn’t at the wedding, which is one of the many reasons I think this is PR. Although, it’s possible she was working during that time, and so couldn’t attend. Maybe she was too busy making photoshopped yoga videos 🤣
It was definitely interesting that she wasn't there. I don't know if she was working at the time because I don't know her schedule, but I doubt it. And I also doubt she was invited.
We could all see that she was really uncomfortable in that Halloween video, and I think that shows she hasn't spent that much time with his family and friends. They are supposed to be together for more than a year now, and I think she should feel more comfortable in their presence. But obviously, she doesn't spend more than a few hours with them in 3 months because this is not a real relationship.
That yoga video is one of the best things that has come out of this whole shithsow 🤣
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cpw-nyc · 18 days
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Don’t Quote Him on That: Did Mark Twain Really Say This?
By Editor November 10, 2020
To this day, Mark Twain (1835–1910) remains the most frequently quoted American author. But there’s a caveat: many of the clever sayings commonly attributed to him were actually someone else’s.
In his lifetime, which began 184 years ago this past November, Twain had indeed voiced many opinions that reflected his sharp wit, intelligence, and an often quirky way of seeing the world. He was able to capture the American spirit of the era, and his wisdom was derived from his many varied activities, ranging from piloting a steamboat and prospecting for gold out West to traveling the world on a cruise liner (which led to his widely popular book, The Innocents Abroad). All these experiences inspired the sometimes biting, often funny, and always pertinent sayings—even the ones that he never claimed as his own.
This is an opportune moment to separate fact from fiction, which Twain, a one-time journalist, would have surely appreciated.
Here are just a few of the more famous quotations mistakenly ascribed to Twain:
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”  (In fact, Twain’s contemporary, British politician Leonard H. Courtney, said this.)
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.” It’s a great quote but, unfortunately, not Twain’s. It appears that American novelist Harry Leon Wilson said it in 1904.
“The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer day I spent in San Francisco.” There’s some debate about who this quote should be attributed to, but Twain never voiced this.
“Wagner’s music is better than it sounds.” Though Twain liked to use this quote, he credited it to a journalist and fellow humorist, Edgar Wilson Nye.
These are just a few of many quotations that have, over the years, been misidentified as Twain’s. But the fact remains that the author of such literary classics as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, really did have a fine sense of humor and delivered plenty of his own witty lines.
For instance, he DID say: “You can’t depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus.”
“Get a bicycle. You will not regret it—if you live.”
“All dentists talk while they work. They have inherited this from their professional ancestors, the barbers.”
And—perhaps the most pertinent one to this subject—It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive.”
Twain really did have a clever way with words, even if—to paraphrase another American icon, baseball great Yogi Berra—he never actually said most of the things he allegedly did.
We can only imagine that this confusion over the quote attribution might have prompted Twain to voice an appropriately amusing remark, which we could, in good consciousness, attribute to him.
✍️ 📔 📙 📕 📗 📙✍️ 🗑 📬 📌 📘 📚 📖 📒
10 Things You Might Not Know About Mark Twain October 3, 2021
1. Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He took his pen name in 1863. The reason for this particular choice may have been that the phrase “mark twain” was often used in navigation to measure water depth, and the theory is that he heard it during the four years he piloted steamboats on the Mississippi River.
2. Before becoming known primarily as a novelist, Twain was a newspaper reporter and a travel writer. He may have been the most widely traveled author of his era, having crossed over 300,000 miles at a time when international travel was a rarity.
3. His overseas trips inspired such bestselling books as Innocents Abroad, A Tramp Abroad, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and Roughing It.
4. While Twain’s primary purpose for traveling and writing books about his adventures was to make money, these experiences inspired him to make a living from writing novels.
5. Authors Eugene O’Neill and William Faulkner called Twain “the first truly American writer” and “the true father of American literature.”
6. Among Twain’s best-known and popular novels are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
7. Starting in 1885, the year Huckleberry Finn was released, it was banned from many libraries, schools, and bookstores because of its use of “coarse language,” as spoken by its uneducated protagonist. Some writers of that time, like Louisa May Alcott, criticized Twain’s language, while later authors defended Huckleberry Finn. Ernest Hemingway said, “All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.”
8. To this day, the book remains controversial for its frequent use of the “n-word.” However, many school districts are now replacing the offensive language with alternative wording.
9. Although Twain has a reputation as a humorist (and many of his stories do have elements of humor), he also experienced dark moods sparked by the deaths of several family members, including his oldest child, Langdon, and brother, Henry.
10. Though an acclaimed writer, Twain did not have such luck in his business endeavors. His investments failed, resulting in a hefty debt.
✍️ 📔 📙 📕 📗 📙✍️ 🗑 📬 📌 📘 📚 📖 📒
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drakternfl2 · 4 months
Ja'Marr Chases kontraktsforlengelse er en test for Cincinnati Bengals
Minnesota Vikings tilbyr topp wide receiver Justin Jefferson en maksimal kontraktsforlengelse, og kontrakten deres utløser en sommerfugleffekt i NFL. Andre lags enestående brede mottakere ser også frem til nye kontrakter, og deres lønn har en stor sjanse til å stige. Cincinnati Bengals må også møte testen av bredmottakeren Ja'Marr Chases kontraktsforlengelse, og laget vil absolutt ikke at Amerikansk Fotball Drakter hans skal endres.
Justin Jeffersons lønn har blitt en av de høyeste i NFL, og han er også et idol for ligaens brede mottakere. Justin Jeffersons kontrakt overrasket ikke fansen, og han fortjener det fra nivået og prestasjonene sine. Minnesota Vikings valgte Justin Jefferson i første runde av 2020-draften, som er lagets beste valg i draften de siste årene. Som Ja'Marr Chase, som ble valgt av Cincinnati Bengals i 2021-draften, vil han også innlede kontraktsåret. Alle lag er veldig glade for at NFL annonserte en økning i lønnstaket i løpet av offseason i år. Selv om Justin Jefferson fra Minnesota Vikings har blitt invitert av mange lag, har Ja'Marr Chase fra Cincinnati Bengals også fått samme behandling. Både Minnesota Vikings og Cincinnati Bengals nekter å bytte med andre lag. De vil ikke la fremragende spillere gå til andre lag.
Minnesota Vikings er en handlingens mann. Teamet fullførte nylig kontraktsforlengelsen med Justin Jefferson. Cincinnati Bengals har ikke diskutert kontraktsforlengelsen med Ja'Marr Chase ennå. Diskuterer de det igjen neste år, vil lønnen endre seg betydelig. Ja'Marr Chase liker Cincinnati Bengals Drakter og quarterback Joe Burrow. Han venter på at laget skal tilby kontraktsforlengelse. Denne kontrakten vil også være en melding som vil eksplodere ligaen. Cincinnati Bengals har fortsatt tid til å diskutere kontraktspørsmålet.
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omnomwithrob · 1 year
Happy new year!
Hiiiiii! Remember me? I can't believe it's been over a year since I've made it over here to post a new blog to Eating with Rob. I've missed you very much - so much that about a year ago, I started an Instagram account to make it easier for me to keep you up to speed on what we're cooking and eating. Give me a follow!
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Now, to step back in time where I left off here on Tumblr, New Year's Eve 2020. I can't believe how long ago that feels - almost half of Rosie's life! She made sure we all looked beautiful for our COVID-19 NYE.
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We really did doll up in a big way, just in an effort to feel normal after at the end of a very unusual year. I even stuffed my 20-week baby bump into this sparklebomb!
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While Rob and Rose mixed fancy homemade lemonades, I was dreaming about our late-nite dinner - a big ol' box of al pastor tacos from La Catrina, the Mexican place just across the park from our place.
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You can't even make them out beneath the flurry of accoutrements (omg the cebollitas, so smokey and delicious), but trust me, they're there. 10 flawlessly sweet and tangy al pastor tacos, the best I'd ever had in my life - still true as I write this three years later!
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At the time, we were a little worried about whether La Catrina and their amazing tacos would survive the pandemic. These days, business is hoppin' and we have to wait in line when we make the special trip back to Logan to satisfy the craving. Which usually includes New Year's, as ordering a huge box of their tacos has remained an NYE tradition in our family. These babies are perfect for ringing in a new year, or welcoming yourself back to your food blog :)
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falselyprofound · 4 years
As a side note - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s ever supported my OC-related endeavors.
Whether we RP’d together, or you read EtIOCT, or played my games, or ask questions about my D&D campaigns, or take the time to read my ramblings about video store exorcists and motel alien hunters whenever they show up on your dash at two in the morning...
Thank you.
It means a lot.
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it’s the last day of 2020 but i’m cool with just forgetting this year happened if that’s alright with all of you
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proseandpinotnoir · 4 years
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The number of books I read this year is incredibly arbitrary to me. Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE seeing people set (and meet!) such cool reading goals. But I know myself, and if I tie a goal or number to my most personal and intimate hobby/safe space, I won’t read a single page and will spend the entire year burned out and book-less.
So while I’m proud of the 80 books I read (mainly because pushing through one or two of them was truly torturous), I’m more interested in the books that left a mark on who I am and who I become as I read.
Well...here they are. The books I think about most often. The books that made me feel the most. The books that didn’t force, but organically asked me to think the hardest. The books that taught me something new, or presented something I thought I knew through a different lens. The books that still linger, months after I turned the last page.
(Worth noting two of these were @bookofthemonth selections!)
In no particular order:
🏺The Secret History took a laser pointer and outlined the living thread connecting antiquity to the present through a manifestation of the irrational - darkness, chaos, carnal lust - within a world obsessed with beauty and form. Powerful and terrifying.
☯️The Book of Longings made religion feel more accessible and universal to me. It made me think about how some of the most divisive schools of thought are actually built upon our inescapable likenesses.
🥇Head Over Heels was personal. It taught me that the sport I built my life around shouldn’t have to end in jagged, painful fragments. That it’s possible to find joy again in something you loved that became something that hurt you.
🎭If We Were Villains made me think about how art imitates life to the extent that sometimes it’s actually life imitating art. PEAK dark academia.
🏛Ghosts of Harvard showed me that sometimes, the people hardest to help are those you love the most. How important it is to be there, even when it’s scary or confusing.
With that...CHEERS. To you, both for reading this far (😅) and surviving such a strange, amorphous year. Don’t underestimate it.
To gratitude, warmth, and lessons learned - in pages and off them🦉❤️📖
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Happy New Year!! May 2020 bring all the good vibes. 💜
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mayorwhisper · 4 years
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its-merrilee · 5 years
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majaloveschris · 2 years
Hi. I'm not against you and I like your blog, but here are some thoughts on why I don't think it's PR. 1. He started following her in 2020, but she only started following him in 2021. If it had been PR, she would have followed him back immediately. 2. The whole NYE. If this is PR why did he invite her and her friends to his house?? (I think he invited her friends because he wanted to impress Alba). Apparently Alba stayed with him after the other two went home so they had some alone time. I think he really likes Alba and he is happy with her. Regardless, just because he wasn't in the video doesn't mean he isn't happy with her. Please stop this whole PR thing.
1. I've never said this whole PR thing started when he followed her. I think it started a year ago. In 2O2O, Alba and her friends were trying to link her to Lucas, so it wouldn't even fit into the relationship narrative.
2. Page has already debunked that they weren't in Chris's house, but let's say they were. That could easily be part of the PR. Chris and his team know their fans. Before New Year's Eve, there were already rumors that they might be together, so they knew there are people who follow every single thing they do. The "she stayed there after Justin and Joana left" thing is just a rumor.
If somebody is in love and happier than ever, they don't act like this. He is so in love with Alba, and he's never been happier, and he acts like this? He isn't happy next to the woman; who makes him the happiest? They called the pap, so he knew they would be there, and he's already done pap walks, for example, with Minka or even with Lily, and he was fine.
This is my page, and I talk here about anything I want. I think it's PR, and until there is any real evidence that they are legit, I'm going to say it's PR, and if it bothers you, you don't have to be here.
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crackinwise · 4 years
I can never tell if J.Lo has a personality disorder, is on a substance, or is thiiiis close to having a Mariah Carey public breakdown.
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sk-lumen · 5 years
Now is the best time to start anew, to declutter your mind and wardrobe, to reorganize your goals and habits. Use this time to live intentionally, to set intentions, clear goals, to dream big. When you get into the habit of consciously deciding what life you want, it becomes a habit to live intentionally, not just something for a new year’s resolution.
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robynhoodscloset · 5 years
Vision 2020
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Happy New Year/Decade y’all. I hope we all get rich!!
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falselyprofound · 4 years
So... 2020, huh?
Saying it was rough is an understatement. But also, it’s December 31st, there’s three hours left in the year, and I am far too tired to find the words that carry the proper amount of weight to describe... whatever all that was.
That said, I’m going to try my hardest not to write it off. It was a difficult year, but as with any NYE, taking a step back to think about the things I did accomplish helps keep me sane. Makes me think I’m still moving forward.
So, without further ado...
The World is Weird got nominated for an AGS award! I stayed up until about five am watching the awards ceremony, timezones and Australian wifi be damned. Good times, good times.
Made myself a website! It’s still a little bare-bones but it shows off some of my art and game projects.
Made an OC ask blog! Given how this year went, I very much did not have the mental headspace for writing out any of the comics I’ve been planning. But it is genuinely so nice to have a place to post small tidbits here and there. (Big thanks to everyone who’s sent in asks! I have a few more answers in the works, but feel free to send in more stuff if u feel so inclined)
Finished storyboarding the first act of Buy-r-Die. While that doesn’t sound all that impressive, the game’s had several drastic presentation overhauls this year. I’ve finally settled on something I like - sort of a mix between visual novel and motion comic - and personally I think it adds a lot to the more action-y scenes! I can’t show too much off just yet, but I’m really excited with how things are progressing. In the meantime, the dev log is up on the AGS forums.
Illustrated, wrote, and programmed like half a visual novel for Art Fight. I’ve been chipping away at it in my own time since the fight ended, and while I’ve still got quite a bit of work to do on Spice’s side I’d say it’s coming along p well. Most of the post-fight adjustments aren’t up on GameJolt yet, but you can play the original prototype and read the devlog over here.
Speaking of Art Fight, I earned 1443.62 points this year! That’s about triple the amount of art I did over the past few fights combined. Not bad, considering I had to take two weeks off for an elective.
I also drew some much-needed reference sheets for (most of) my main OCs. One day I’ll update Clarissa’s art. One day.
Played a lot of D&D. Like... a lot. Not all of it turned out to be good, and sadly a lot of games died out due to COVID and/or uni scheduling. But Mel finally escaped her vacation from hell, Sloane finally made it to the town of Barovia, Maya avoided starting an international incident, and I finally managed to drop some Lavinia lore that i’ve been sitting on for four years. Delicious drama.
Finally had a chance to run Monster of the Week! My first attempt was... not all that great, mostly because I was trying to write a scenario from scratch without really understanding the rules. But I’ve now moved on to Damn Dirty Apes, and am having an absolute blast.
Small town superhero OC RPs. You wouldn’t know it from reading this blog but I got, like, really into those this year. Think I wrote something around 40 A4-pages worth of fic for one server, and that’s not counting the actual threads I did with other people. Now I just need to channel that kind of productivity into my solo work...
Lots of digital painting work this year, mostly for personal projects. I like to think my grasp of colour and lighting is getting better, though I still have a long way to go. Regardless, here’s some of it.
Kept on top of my university work, with a distinction average. Barring unforseen bullshit, I should be done with my Masters’ Degree within the next six months!
Did not keep on top of MMB, unfortunately. There was just... too much to do, with too little personal energy to do it with. That said, I’ve started sketching out ideas for a relatively light mini-game. Fingers crossed that’ll surface relatively early into 2021.
It is a little frustrating to see that this is yet another year of half-finished projects, but I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. The mental strain of lockdown, juggling several bouts of drama at once, and uni study all at once is... a lot. And while I’m upset I never completed anything -- jesus christ, it’s a miracle I managed to even start things when my brain was already this full.
Felt like I spent most of this year fighting metaphorical fires... and I don’t know if that’s going to stop any time soon. But anyway.
All that aside, I feel as though my game development workflow is really improving. My code isn’t industry standard, but it’s significantly cleaner, easier, and faster to work with than ever. I’ve gotten some slight animation practice under my belt. And I’ve also dealt with the terrifying world of optimization.
(My games have option menus now! Incredible!)
What’s more, I’m getting better at achieving personal goals without any external pressures or hard deadlines -- which is comforting, as the latest spike in COVID cases has got me worried that I might not be able to get an offline job any time soon. I might need to look into Patreon, advertising my commissions more, or otherwise monetizing smaller projects of mine... we’ll see.
For now, I’m going to go play Animal Crossing and eat chocolate.
‘Cause there’s no fireworks out tonight and I have nowhere to be.
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