#obey me angst with fluffy ending
voiidlizrd · 11 months
“Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago."
- Hozier, From Eden
Summary: The love the Brothers have for you follows them from present to past and to future
Note: MC is gender neutral (they/them pronouns), some angst but relatively fluffy, slight gore (it’s the Devildom), slight POLY MC, demon being a creep to Asmo, small spoilers to Chapter 16 in Obey Me: Shall We Date
A/N: For Satan’s part, I used his frustration and anger in a way of how I’d describe my anger/frustration because it can be hard to express how I feel and it’s like a big bundle of “what the fuck”
Oh, I also based Levi’s excitement to how I’d get really excited cause when I excited I get somewhat violent like “OH MY GOD IM GOING TO EAT THE DRYWALL” excited
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Lucifer did not trust or like you when the two of you first met. You were a demon, he thought at first, and disliked you immediately. Sure, he may be a fallen Angel now, a previous Archangel, but he refuses to compare himself to a demon, to be seen beside a demon aside from Diavolo.
He is more embarrassed of the fact he’d have to rely on you to help him through the Devildom, but maybe he hopes you’ll back down because of the fact, as a demon, caring for the traitors of the Celestial realm would ruin your reputation, or cause you to get in the line of fire with other demons.
But… You didn’t.
You got disgusted looks, glares, and were even spat at because of the fact you associated with them, with him, but you didn’t seem to care one way or the other, just keeping your head high and keeping by his side, not even caring if he did his own glaring and snide comments towards you.
You always came back to him no matter what he said to you.
When learning that you were human, he got a little softer towards you. Perhaps underestimating you sue to your mortality and how fragile you are, always monitoring you as if you weren’t already skilled around the Devildom, as if you didn’t have the power to destroy him with a flick of your wrist, as if you weren’t his own attendant.
Despite him growing protective over you, you always protected him in the end, even if he insisted he didn’t need such from a ‘human’ such as yourself.
“A fallen angel…” a demon had whispered while you two were walking down the street together, you showing him the best record stores in town. “How disgusting. I can smell the Celestial realm on it.”
Lucifer didn’t care, of course. What would engaging with a lowly demon do? But you, your Wrath was clearly showing when you side eyed the demon with a sneer. They seemed to notice you.
“And a demon? I feel bad for them…” Another whispered.
“I’d rather kill myself than be seen near that forsaken angel!” The demon cackled to their partner.
It set you off, even if Lucifer tried to grab your wrist to stop you. You approached the demons, and Lucifer felt his heart lurch. If you got hurt, they would smell the blood on you. How human it was. How soft you were. How pathetically fragile you are. It would ruin Diavolo. It would ruin everything Lucifer was trying to build.
He was about to shout when you grabbed the demon by the horns and tossed them to the ground, an aura about you radiating that made him shiver. You whispered something to the demon in their ear and suddenly their arm was twisted abnormally, as if the bones had shattered themselves at your voice, the skin stretching to accommodate the poking bones.
The demon could only scream, but silenced itself when you covered their mouth. “If I ever,” you said lowly to them. “Hear you utter those words, or any word for that matter, towards Lucifer and his brothers, I will make sure you lose more than just an arm.”
A single glance to the other demon cowering away from you only nodded, understanding the threat went both ways.
You suddenly flipped a switch and walked over to Lucifer with a smile, as if you hadn’t caused a demon to almost piss themselves because of you.
“Let’s get something to eat,” you said with a groan, holding your stomach. “I’m starving!”
He could only follow you silently to Hells Kitchen, unable to speak for a while after those events. He understood finally that you could be trusted to handle yourself, and, to handle his brothers (and himself).
It allowed him to lower his guard around you, to stop seeing you as a soft little human and more of an embodiment of pure, raw power that ended up in a human as kind, as empathetic, as funny and creative and beautiful and handsome as…
As you.
He would never admit his infatuation of you, finding it silly that he would fall for you so quickly. Perhaps it was a moment of weakness because of his Fall. Perhaps he was desperate for interaction with something other than loathsome demons aside from Diavolo. Perhaps it was the fact you were human and the very existence of humans brought him back to Lilith always.
How she gave herself up for them, for one.
It made him sick. It made him hate himself. It made him want to hate you, deep down.
How can he love the very thing that ruined his life? That ruined his brothers’ life? That caused his Father to have to try and punish Lilith for this.
He hated the way his heart throbbed in his chest when you were around. Those eyes gazing into his with a smile so kind, ignoring the harsh words that would escape his lips cursing your existence as a human being, yet you continue to smile at him.
He hates this feeling. He wishes it to go away. He wishes to stop seeing you in his dreams every night, imagining your hands running through his hair, kissing his skin, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He wishes he didn’t want to spend more time with you. He wishes much, much more.
A toxic, bitter disgust settles on his tongue, like eating a sour lemon, leaving nothing but an ache in his heart and a bundle of confusion, anger, and sadness tangled up inside his chest.
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Lucifer sits in his room, idly doing paperwork that seemed to never lessen in their stacks, to him, it only seems to grow more and more. He sighs quietly and drops his quill, settling his face in his hands, listening to the idle crackle of the fire in the background. His shoulders were stiff and so was his back. Lucifer considered for just a moment of taking a break, but there was an itch in the back of his mind urging him forward, that it had to be finished today. If he didn’t finish, it will ruin his reputation with Diavolo.
Just before he picked up his pen, there was a knock on his office door. He furrowed his brows, thinking it was on of his brothers coming to complain about one another again, or to complain about Mammon taking something from them again, he sighed;
“Come in.”
To his surprised (and to his dismay), you entered with a cup of coffee in hand along with a small box balancing on your forearm that held the cup as you opened the door, shutting it behind you with your foot as you grabbed the box in your now free hand. You smiled at him, ignoring his little glare, which would’ve been terrifying if you hadn’t seen it all before.
“This was an unexpected visit, MC.” He said, looking down at his paperwork. “Did one of my brothers tell you to come here?”
“Nope!” You said, setting down the box in front of him, on top of his papers, and the cup of coffee on the side away from the papers, because you didn’t want to annoy him, or spill the coffee. You’d… never see the next day, if you did.
“I came here to see you, Lucifer”.
The ache returned and so did the taste of something sour and bitter, he clenched his hand underneath his desk subconsciously, looking away from you and down at his paperwork, trying to give you the hint to leave him alone.
But you never left, as you never do.
“Aheeemm.” You cleared your throat annoyingly loud, making him sigh.
“Try the coffee I made you!”
“…I prefer to make my own coffee, thank you.” He muttered, pretending to read off of his paper.
“Luciferrrr…” You whined, sitting down in the chair across his desk, sighing loudly. “If you at least look in the box I got you and drink just a little sip of that coffee, I swear to you, I’ll bribe your brothers to leave you alone for the rest of the day. At least until I make dinner.”
He glances up at you and sighs quietly, dropping his pen again. “Fine.” He said, grabbing the box first, “you better hold up to your word.”
You nodded happily and lean forward in your chair to get a closeup of his face. Upon opening the box, he sees Devil macaroons from Madam Scream’s, Princess’ Poison Apple flavored. He’s narrowing his eyes at the name, never hearing of that before, given that you are the one introducing most of Devildom’s cuisines to him, when he ever has time.
“I always think of the Poison Apple like green apples,” you said with a hum. “I mean they’ve never gotten me sick, but they do have a bitterness about them with a hint of sweetness, kinda like how dark chocolate does.”
He barely understands half of what you’re talking about but he shuts the box and sets it to the side, aiming for the coffee. He was feeling a little exhausted, thinking about drinking some of his own brew in a few hours or so.
You look more excited as he brings the cup to his lips.
The taste of incredibly bitter coffee hit his tongue immediately, the warm black brew made his heart quicken, and tongue tingle. But the taste, the horrible bitter taste, it made his nose scrunch up.
Yet it was so warm, comforting, and familiar.
“You couldn’t have at least put sugar in this.” He glares at you as you snicker lightly as his expression.
“Sorry, sorry. But I did.” You said, standing up. “It’s a special bean brew I got from the shop today. The reason it’s so bitter is because it brings out the admiration the maker has for the drinker. That being you!”
His hands, through his gloves, are warmed by the mug of coffee, the crackling of fire filling in the silence that settled between you two. He couldn’t bare to look away from you as the tips of his ears grew warm while staring back into those eyes.
So soft.
So loving.
So perfect.
Lifetimes could go by and he could never be bored. Thousands upon thousands of years and never once forget. Devildom was suppose to be a punishment, a way to bare his sins, but how can this be a punishment when you were here in front of him? A human being that surely was a silent gift from his Father to him and his brothers. You must have been. To be molded so perfectly, to have your soul reflect his very being.
You reach your hand out to him, tilting your head to the side, as if examining him, and settle your hand upon his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it tenderly. He almost melts into your touch, craving it, missing it.
Then the comfortable silence is broken by the sound of yelling coming from downstairs, a mixture of Mammon and Levi arguing along with Satan’s screaming at them. You sigh and pull back, a fond smile on your face.
“Well, a deal is a deal,” you said standing up. “I’ll go take care of that and call you down for dinner, okay? And you can’t say no because I’ll drag you down.”
You leave the room, quickly, in order to stop the brothers from possibly breaking anything. Lucifer, before you opened the door and shut it behind you, almost reaches out to grasp you, to hold you close, to never let you leave.
Then the commotion downstairs dies down as quickly as it started.
You were a human of your word.
He looks to the mug and brings it back to his lips, savoring the bitterly sweet flavor that spreads in his mouth and throat as he drinks it down, never stopping as the warmth continues to burn at his heart and melt him. He wants to savor it, but the greed inside of him wants more and more to drink, to taste more of the feelings you brewed inside the coffee, to feel more of your love.
Lucifer set down the empty cup, his throat tightening as a wave washes over him, a singular tear running down his cheek. He wipes it away gently as he breathes out, shakily, confused.
He wants to drown in this lovely bitter feeling for all of eternity.
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Mammon believes he doesn’t need you. You may be their attendant to lead them around the Devildom, to get them settled, but he doesn’t need you. After all he’s The Great Mammon! He can do everything himself, if need be. It’s what he’s always done. Looking after his little brothers, looking after his older brother. It’s something he’s always done, even if the other brothers seem to hate him for it, or to berate him for whatever reason. They’re his brothers after all, he knows that they love him, even if they’re a little mean to him. He loves them dearly, even if he can never express it, or put it into actions properly.
But you always see through it somehow. Always giving him a playful smile when he unintentionally compliments his brothers. Never taking his little snide comments to you to heart, only lightly rolling your eyes at him, like you’ve heard it all before.
He doesn’t need you.
He didn’t need you to walk with him through RAD, keeping him from running off away from his classes, holding his arm and ignoring his complaining.
“Lemme go!” He struggled, though, not putting much weight into his struggling or fight. He could toss you off if he desperately wanted to.
“UGGHH I don’t wanna go to my classes! If I do, I’m gonna die. I’m actually gonna die, they’re so boring! Ya’ know that too! You were halfway of fallin’ asleep last period!”
“Yeah but I still managed to write all the notes in the class down, unlike you.”
“Nuh uh! I got m’ notes!”
He doesn’t need you to help him. To scold him. He’s already got Lucifer to do all of that. He doesn’t need you he doesn’t.
“Hey!” The sudden snap of your voice caused him to jump as he heard the snickers of a demon running away.
That’s when he saw his wallet being waved around in the demons hand, as if mocking Mammon because of the fact he was robbed blind, barely even registering it.
Mammon didn’t need you, he couldn’t easily just chased after the demon and caught up to them no problem. After all, he was the most fast of his brothers. Fastest swimmer, flyer, runner. He would’ve caught up with the demon if you hadn’t chased after them, sprinting after them and catching up only a few feet away, tackling them to the ground and slamming their head to the ground.
“Get offa me!” The demon yelled, trying to stretch themselves from you getting the wallet. “That traitor angel has Diavolo wrapped around his finger! It’s not like he’ll miss petty pocket change!”
This only angered you further. Mammon could only watch with wide eyes as you, a human, began to plummet the demons face in. Hitting them, scratching them, anything you could do to their face to make then scream and wail and try and fight you off. They tried to shove you, but you grabbed their horns and slammed their head down into the marble, rendering them completely dazed. You snatched the wallet from their loosened grip, standing up with a disgusted grimace, and spit down onto them.
“Next time I see your disgusting face around here again, I’ll curse you to live in eternal agony.” You gritted your teeth, giving a kick to the demons side, and walking off back to Mammon.
He didn’t need you. He could’ve done it himself. He doesn’t need a human to defend him, to fight for him, he doesn’t need-
“Here you go Mams.” You smiled, wiping your bloodied knuckles on your uniform pants. His wallet in one piece. “Make sure to keep your wallet in the side pocket. That way you don’t get your wallet swiped. Trust me, I’ve learned from experience.”
You were snickering as if nothing big just happened, grabbing his arm and dragging him off to the next class as he was in a daze, looking down at the wallet. There was a small bit of blood on the leather.
Mammon’s heart began to race as he wiped the blood off the leather with his thumb, swallowing hard. A warmth crawling up his neck and spreading across his cheeks.
He… wants you to need him too…
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Mammon hated today. He hated everything today. Leviathan blamed him for stealing some stupid figure from his room and complained to Lucifer. Lucifer decided it would be a great idea to string him up on the chandelier again for making Leviathan bother him while he was working and for stealing. Not listening to his protests. He was struggling against the binds as Asmodeus sighed pitifully at Mammon.
“Seriously, Mammon, you need to learn from your mistakes. This is, like, what, the fifth time this week.” Asmodeus looked down at his nails and picked at one of them.
“I told ya! It ain’t my fault! I didn’t steal shit from Levi!”
“Yes you did! Just admit it!” Levi cried. “It was a rare collectible! My prized jewel! I know you stole it, scummy Mammon! Give it back!”
“I didn’t. Steal. Yer’. Stupid. Toy!”
“It isn’t a toy! Monster!”
“Hey!” Your voice was like a saving grace to Mammon when he heard you coming through the door, a hand on your hip. “The hells going on?”
“Mammon stole my ultra Ruri-Chan figurine! I know he did! He was the only one in my room today!”
“Did you?” You asked, looking at Mammon with a raised brow.
“No!” He yelled, tears almost coming into his eyes in frustration, only seeing Lucifer just stand idly by silently. “I didn’t steal shit! Sure I’ll steal somethin’ else from the house but I ain’t touching shit from Levi’s stuff! It’s all junk anyways!”
“You take that back!-“
“Enough.” Your voice silenced their bickering. You stepped forward and looked to Lucifer. “Let him down.”
The other brothers watched in awe at your tone, demanding Lucifer to do what you wanted. Lucifer raised a brow at you, testing you, expecting you to immediately back down. But your little staring contest ended in Lucifer sighing and snapping the rope and letting Mammon fall to the ground. He groaned but looked up at you with admiration, and a gratitude as his eyes continued to water. The frame of your figure was like a sunrise in the Devildom, purely beautiful to him, better than gold. His heart thrummed in his chest violently.
“Hey!” Levi whined. “He didn’t give my figurine back! He didn’t even apologize!”
“Levi,” you look at him and Levi wilted back. “You should clean your room once in a while. I found the figurine box buried under your clothes. It fell from the shelf because of the other figurines on it.”
Levi’s face burst into red, embarrassed. He began fiddling with his fingers, finding his nails more interesting. He avoided Mammon’s gaze the most, more than yours, as you untied Mammon easily.
You give him a little look, a raised brow. Like you were a disappointed parent. Lately you’ve tried to get the brothers to apologize more to Mammon whenever he is accused of things that he hasn’t done. Especially Levi and Mammon. You hoped to bring them closer, or at least stop them from constantly yelling at one another. Also to communicate, even a little bit better with one another.
“I-I know…” Leviathan muttered under his breath, looking at Mammon finally as he stood up. Levi breathed in and sighed.
“I’m sorry… I-I just-“ Levi’s face grew more redder than before, it almost rivaled any Devildom equivalent tomato. “I’m sorry Mammon. You know I get very protective over my stuff… Especially those figurines… I’m-I’m really sorry!”
Mammon couldn’t even feel the anger he felt before, staring at Levi, but his focus was mainly on you, what you did for him. He looked at Levi, than to you. You were more preoccupied looking over his skin and rubbing a loving touch over the slight rope burn on his skin.
“Uhm… Yeah.” Mammon looked down at floor with his face a little red from your soft touches. “It’s fine. Just quit blammin’ me for the fact you’re so messy, Levi. That rooms a pigsty, somethin’ is bound to get lost.”
“Hey! I-“ Levi looked at you and saw a look in your eyes, he immediately shut his mouth and nodded, running off back to his room and shutting the door.
Mammon was silently led by you to his room, much to the complaints of his other brothers, but he couldn’t have felt more proud as they complained, your attention solely on him. You sat down on his bed, looking at him as he stood there. He tried to ignore the drumming of his heart racing, the swelling, the tightness in his throat.
“Y’- y’gonna scold me now?”
“Do you think I am?”
“Then you know my answer.”
Mammon couldn’t hear anything else other than his ramming heart. He couldn’t focus. The pain and frustration of earlier mattered little to what he felt right now. You motioned him closer. He slowly approached and you grabbed his hand gently, sitting him down beside you and tapping your thigh. He settled his head on your lap, awkwardly.
He swallowed as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“You okay?” You asked quietly.
He couldn’t be more okay than right now. He nodded as he buried his face with a turn of his head into your stomach, smothering himself in the smell of your shirt and your skin. There was the scent of detergent along with the sweet scent of you. It was a warmth of you that made him want to cry. You always focused on him, like he was more important and than anything else. More important than money, than gold, higher than any deity. Like he was your everything, and the way you ran his fingers through his hair, he was brought back to a weird nostalgia. As if this has happened many times before. Your voice. Your touch. Your smell. It all felt…right.
He never wanted to leave this. Not at all.
“Yknow,” you spoke up, twirling a strand of his white hair. “Even though you can be a pain in my ass for getting in trouble so much…”
He grunted into your shirt, as if warning you about your words, which was a fruitless threat.
“You’re the best first man I could ever ask for.”
His breath caught his throat and tears welled up in his eyes, now soaking into the fabric of your shirt. His lower lip trembled and he tried to smother himself further into you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, sniffling. That “first man” again… It made his heart soar, it made him want to hold you even tighter, to protect you like you protect him, it made him want to do everything for you, to bring you the joys that the world would have to offer, no matter the cost of Grimm.
“I love you…” He mutters. He wants to say it more. He wants to whisper it eternally, he wants you to feel what he feels, to suffer what he feels and how beautifully his chest aches for you, how there are words he wants to scream out to you.
“I love you… I love you…” He continues. Sniffling. He hates crying but he can’t help it.
He is your first man, as you’ve said. It’s his job to protect you, to provide for you, to give you the entire world, if you asked him to. And he’s more than willing to do it.
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It was your mission to change Levi, even a little bit. By change, you wanted to bring confidence to him, a confidence he never had in the Devildom or the Celestial Realm. Even a little bit of it would go a long way. You’ve made a little progress, which goes a long way in your book, but there are set backs to your hard work.
Like the demons at RAD especially.
It irritated you to no end about how they make fun of Levi, it pissed you off. But Levi didn’t understand your anger. He would sulk constantly because he knew what they were saying, but it wasn’t like you were apart of their comments about him. Levi just didn’t get you.
Especially when you do the things he doesn’t expect people do to for him. You fuel his spirits as an otaku. You buy him mangas you knew he’d love, watch anime with him constantly when you were over at the HOL, playing games with him or watching him play. It brought him a peace he didn’t know he could achieve, it made his heart race, his hands sweat, and face heat up. It was everything he ever wanted and more. Perfect, even. And it was hard to say “perfect” in the House of Lamentation, especially around his brothers.
You two were sitting in the partially empty classroom with other demons taking their seats, waiting for class to start. He was rambling about the new game he hoped to get so you can play together.
“I heard that it’s an open world and there’s so many options you can do as of gameplay that can also build your character and their personality that will affect the choices that will pop up in the game! Oh and-“
“Oh my gosh does this guy ever shut up?” You heard a demon behind you whisper. Well, not exactly whisper. They made it to where Levi could hear what they said.
Levi immediately shut his mouth tightly, looking down at the table, picking his painted nails quietly as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. This made you grit your teeth, turning around to the demon who continued to idly chat to their table partner.
“Hey, what the hell is your problem?”
“No… MC you don’t have to-“
“My problem? What’s his problem? He’s been going a mile a minute without a single breath and it’s annoying. Plus he was talking too loud and basically made it hard for me to even have a conversation.” The demon sneered at you, leaning their cheek against their hand. “I basically did you a favor by saying what we’re all thinking.”
You opened your mouth to say something else, to argue for Levi, but he grabbed your hand gently. “It’s fine… I mean I was being weird and-“
“You know what.” You interrupted, looking at the demon. “We’re sorry for interrupting your conversation.”
You turned away from the demon’s table, leaving Levi to sit there and stare at you, doubt immediately filling his mind. Did you mean that? Did you agree with the demon? But you were staring at him so sweetly as he explained his game… Was he just seeing it- was-
Then he heard the sound of muffled yelling and the words of the demon desk mate of the other rude demon who interrupted you and Levi’s conversation. Levi turned back to see the demon clawing at their face, mainly their mouth, which appeared to be sealed shut, as if their lips were glued together. Levi turned to you when he saw your slightly sadistic smirk as the two demon deskmates hurried out of the room.
Levi looked at you, then back at the door the demon scurried out of, then back at you. You were smiling, those eyes explained everything he needed to know about what happened.
“We can’t interrupt their conversation if they can’t have one, can we?”
Levi stared at you like a fish out of water, wide eyes and red cheeks as his heart raced, confused thoughts racing through his mind. Why? Why do this for someone like him?
“Levi? Aren’t you gonna tell me more about the game? You have to! We’re gonna play it together, right? I gotta know all about it first so we can enjoy it!” Grinning playfully at him, all thoughts were thrown out of the window as he relaxed.
That’s right, he never wanted anything more than to talk to you.
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“MC! MC YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!” He was practically shaking you before you even stepped foot in his door. Somehow he detected that you were walking down the hallway to his room and he opened the door before you knocked and said the passcode.
“Uh, what can’t I believe?” You gently put your hands on his shoulders to stop him from rattling your brain too much.
“COME IN! LOOK!” He dragged you inside and shut the door, locking it so no normies (his brothers) entered the room.
He pointed to his partially filled up bookshelf filled with hardcovers and manga volumes. There, on a lone shelf with a single hard book, was the infamous TSL book you saw when you first arrived to the Devildom and spoke to Levi.
“There’s finally a hardcover book on Tales of Seven Lords! Can you believe it!? I was the first one to revive the book! The hardcover no less! Look at it!” He grabbed it off the shelf and shoved it in your hands to look at the skillfully crafted art covered front.
“IM SO SO HAPPY! I could die! I could literally die right now!” He squealed and bounced up and down and barely even breathing from his excitement, on the verge of gritting his teeth as he clenched and unclenched his fists to conceal the urge to just explode! “OH! MC, so you know the third lord right!? The lord-“
“The Lord of Shadows.” You smiled at him fondly, as if reminiscing on a memory that was most treasured to you, the day you two first met, gazing at him with just as much devotion as it was in your words.
He stopped slowly, staring at you with wide eyes and he blinked. You knew about TSL? Well, it’s no wonder you knew about it, it’s pretty famous and he did ramble to you about it more than once, and during those rambles you’d always… Stare at him. With those eyes so soft and urging him to continue, never stopping him once. Even when he went on for hours and hours you never stopped him unless you wanted to get a snack or drink or use the bathroom, even then you always came back and would sit down right next to him and just… Listen. Usually incorporating your own thoughts into the conversation, but mainly letting him speak. And in those rambles, you remembered everything. The memories itself made him blush and heart pound, his hands sweating and his legs feel like jello.
Even now, the way you looked at him, it made him feel even worse, as if his legs would give out any moment and he would collapse into your arms and still you would look at him with that expression. So warm and loving, something he never thought in his loser life he’d see. He’s only seen it in anime, never IRL.
“Levi?” The sound of his name snapped him out of his stupor.
“Uh- Huh? What?”
“You were telling me about the Lord of Shadows, yeah? What did you wanna say?”
“I uh…” he can’t speak, his mouth feels dry as tears well up in his eyes, the overwhelming warmth crawling in his chest and prickling his skin. He wants to crush you in a hug, or he just wants to kiss you- okay no too far! He… He doesn’t know what to do with himself. All he can do is breathe shallowly as he stares at you, the tears running down his face.
“Levi?” You furrow your brows in concern, putting the book gently back in its place on the shelf, and stepping forward to him, a hand pressed against his cheek. “You alright?”
Oh the warmth of your skin sends tingles up his spine. He relaxes into the softness of your palm, more tears running down his face. It felt so right, so perfect, like time never passed and it was just you and him in this moment. He never thought he’d experience this normie encounter, this ‘love’, that he always watched or read about in cheesy anime romances, but the way you rubbed his tears away only made it more solid for him, more real.
“Are you okay?” You ask again, more quietly, softly, as if he would lurch away from you like a frightened fish.
“Yes…” He breathed out, sniffling. He shuts his eyes tightly, not being able to look you in the eye, and brings you into his arms, needing to feel more of your warmth, of your pure love. “I just… really, really, really like you. Like… uhm… like like you.”
You chuckle quietly as his embarrassment, running your fingers through his hair. “I like like you too, Lev.”
His blush only worsened as he buried his face in your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin, holding you even tighter.
You always listened to him. You have him all the confidence he could ever want in the world, even if it wasn’t much. He’d promise that one day, he was gonna have enough confidence to let the words “love you” slip from his lips and not in his texts…
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Satan is angry. He was born angry. Angry over what? He never understood why he was angry, he just was. The urge to just destroy, to tear everything he touched, saw, smelled and tasted apart. To rip into everything and make sure nothing would be recognized from it, whether that be a person or an object.
He never understands why he’s like this.
He doesn’t wanna be like this. He doesn’t wanna constantly feel the rage bubbling inside his chest and cause him to clench his fists tight, to make him grit his teeth, to make the unshed tears of frustration well in his eyes and almost fall. He doesn’t want to feel them. He wants to understand why he feels this way constantly, why it gets to the point he wants to rip off his own skin, to claw his way out of his flesh and rip his hair out, to rip anyone apart, even his proclaimed brothers.
Satan was angry at them the most.
Anything they did made him angry and he hated being angry and he hated it when they did it constantly. The yelling, the pointless bickering, the scheming, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. He blamed Lucifer for all of this, for making him the way he is. He’s angry over something that’s now passed and what is his purpose now? What is he supposed to be angry about now? He doesn’t even know why he’s supposed to be angry in the first place, tell him Lucifer, tell him what the point is in being angry over something he doesn’t understand. Was this his punishment for a war he didn’t even realize he was apart of?
He doesn’t understand and that makes him even more angry. He hates being angry. He hates his brothers. He hates everything and it’s a pain because he doesn’t want to. He can only hope that this anger tires him out so he can sleep, the only time ever him and his brothers ever find peace.
But there is no peace or rest for Wrath.
It surges through him as Satan tosses the coffee table to the wall, shattering the glass and causing the wall to crack, leaving an indent in it. He yells at nothing, the animalistic snarls and growls echoing through the living room as he continues to break everything in his sight and throw everything. His brothers can only watch as he destroys the living room.
“Satan!” He hears Asmo yell. “Stop it! You’re gonna throw something at us! If something hits my face you’re so dead!”
“Seriously Satan, calm down! It’s not the serious!” Mammon chimed in, trying to enter the living room but was quickly conked in the head by a hardcover book. “OW! Hey! That’s it! When you’re done with yer little temper tantrum, you better run!”
“Shut up, you imbecile!” Satan yelled, his throat tightening. He hates what he’s doing but he can’t help it. The anger hurts so much he can’t help but destroy. Even the precious books we was starting to enjoy, the thing that taught him what he needed to know about this new world he was created in.
“Satan,” HIS voice finds its way in Satan’s ears and he tenses, gritting his teeth, the anger almost bursting inside of him like a volcano, only worsening at the sound of Lucifer. “Don’t make me have to string you up at the chandelier again.”
Satan turned his head to his eldest brother, a sneer present across his face. They both stares each other down, Satan’s wrath boiling over. He was on the verge of pouncing when you suddenly showed up. You must’ve heard the commotion of crashing and yelling while on your way to HOL and came over immediately, maneuvering your way through the brothers.
Satan stares back at you, the rage inside of him still eating it’s way out of him. He wants to hurt you too. And that’s what makes him hate himself and his sin even more.
“Satan?” Your voice calls to him as he clenched his fists, shaking with anger. The frustrated tears began to leak from his eyes, down his cheeks, his teeth clenched so tight they could break.
“Hey,” you approach him slowly, taking small steps forward, your arms raised and open for him. “Cmere. It’s alright, let’s breathe, okay?”
“We’ve been telling him to breathe!” Asmo said with a pout. “But he wouldn’t-“
You looked at Asmo and he closed his mouth, seeing the look in your eyes saying “not now” and he understood. The brothers were ushered away by Lucifer when you looked at him. Crowding Satan wasn’t helping and you knew this.
“Satan?” You called again, his name sliding off of your lips like it was a name that was only meant for a demon that is important.
He couldn’t answer you as he continued to tremble, his nails digging into his palms.
“Hey…” You motioned your arms a little with a smile, stepping forward, closer to him, only inches away. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
He nods, slowly, swallowing hard as he tries to breathe but it comes off as rapid and heavy, given that he basically trashed the entire living room for half an hour.
Your warm arms wrapped around his torso. He was stiff as a board, still shaking, not returning your hug, afraid of hurting you if he even dared to touch you. Your hold was gentle as you brought his head closer to your shoulder for him to lean into, his heavy breathing hitting your neck as well as a bit of sweat and the tears that went down his face. Your fingers danced through his blonde hair. Your breathing was relaxed, composed, your heartbeat did not skip. It was calm. You were calm. Not worried at all around him, only leaning your head on his as your fingers continued to thread through his hair.
Satan’s shaky hands slowly came up around you, finding their way to your shirt, gripping it tightly, almost close to tearing it from his sharp nails. His face buried itself further into the crook of your neck, the tears hitting your skin hard as he breathed out shakily, biting his tongue to silence himself and try and hold himself together, but his resolve was breaking at the seams from how you held him so gently, like he was the fragile one and not the demon that destroyed everything in the house.
His breath hitched and a choked back cry left his throat, his legs slowly giving out beneath him as he began to crumple to the floor. You followed him, guiding his body down to the ground and still continuing to hold him. He was practically in your lap now, legs tightly around your waist as tightly as the hands that gripped your shirt. His anger began to simmer to a halt immediately, the scent of you overwhelming it, bringing his racing heart to a calming pace as he matched your breathing. The adrenaline coming down, leaving him at an all time low.
It was never usually like this after his rampages… He never felt this much clarity, no matter how bittersweet.
“You wanna talk about it?”
He didn’t give any indication of yes or no, simply keeping still.
“Was it your brothers?”
A slow nod. Yes.
“They say something to you?”
He shook his head. No.
“Mm. Too loud today?”
Nod. Yes.
“I’m guessing you were reading?”
He didn’t even need to nod for you to know. You sighed quietly. You’d have to scold them. But that could come later.
“I’m sorry…” his voice rasped out, muffled by your skin.
“About the furniture? Don’t worry, I got it covered-“
“No. About the book. The book I was reading.” He said, his grip on you getting tighter, like an apology. “It got so loud I snapped it in half… All of the pages were everywhere and that made me angrier… You got that book for me and I wanted to read it in the living room but they just ruined it… They ruined the reading time I wanted and I ruined the book… I’m sorry… I’m so-“
“Hey,” you move your hand up to his cheek, making him reluctantly move himself away from your neck and look into your eyes. “Don’t worry about the book. I’m more worried about you. I can always get another for you.”
You were worried about him. There was no doubt you saw the state of the living room; the overturned, torn couches that bled out fluff everywhere, the scratched up walls with a few dents in them from him throwing everything he could at them, broken glass here and there, splinters, and more. And yet you were more concerned about him.
Satan’s heart pounded softy in his chest, tightening, he swallowed again. He wasn’t angry or overwhelmed with rage, just warm. A good warm. A warmth that could only be described as admiration as the soft look started to get into his head, unable to remove it from his memory, which it was engrained in.
He buried his face back into your neck. He was exhausted and you weren’t making it any easier on him. The exhaustion of his rampage hit him like a truck and the warmth of your words and your body only soothed him further. Is this what the brothers meant by the Celestial Realm? Describing the bliss of it, the clarity, the pure warmth with the sun constantly beaming down on them. You were Satan’s sun in the dark Devildom, lulling him to sleep.
You smile at him and kiss his temple, the flesh tingling after your lips leave his skin. His heart was practically buzzing now.
You always took care of him…
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“MC, is there a reason you’re covering my eyes?”
“It’s a surprise! You’ll know it when you see it! Oh- watch your footing here, there’s a few holes in the pavement.”
Your hands covered Satan’s eyes, leading him over to who-knows-where with a smile on your face, almost mischievous, or maybe it just looked that way due to your excitement. You led him carefully through the Devildom Main Street, going past stores and other shops, mindful of the demons walking past the two of you. Your smile only grew as you made him stop.
“Are we there?”
“Yup! You just need to reach out your hand, okay? Push.” You instructed, leading him to the door.
He followed your instructions and pushed open the door, the sound of a bell chiming and the scent of coffee and tea enveloping his senses, as well as the sudden feeling of something rubbing against his leg. You removed your hands and suddenly Satan’s eyes adjusted to the soft lights, as well as the noise of… meowing?
He looked down to see an orange cat rubbing itself against his leg, purring loudly and chittering as it did so. Satan’s eyes grew wide as he looked at him, a bubbling of excitement building in his chest. He looked at you.
“Surprise! It’s a cat cafe! It opened a few weeks ago and I just had to bring you! They even have a little bookshop just across the way so it’s pretty convenient and cozy, yeah? Oh! Before that!” You grabbed his hand and led him to a booth by the window. “I got us seats reserved beforehand!”
Satan could only mutely follow your lead and sit down at the booth, the orange cat returning to jump onto the table and sit there proudly, a little lazy smile on its face. Satan looked at you again.
“You- You did this for me?”
“Mhm!” A waiter came by and handed you the menus and you skimmed through it, already knowing what was on the menu given that this cafe was there in the future, you having gone to it multiple times before with Satan.
Satan could barely breathe as you handed him the menu, looking down at it and then to the cat, who slowly blinked at him. He slowly blinked back with a small smile. You snickered under your breathe when you practically saw stars forming in his eyes at the orange cat that now lazily laid itself on the table, as if it owned the place, as expected of many cats.
“Thank you MC…” He said, petting the cat on its side with a soft smile. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t.” You smiled. “But I wanted to.”
Satan has always read about love in romance novels, always seen how the author describes love as a bundle of emotions that mix into one, becoming overwhelming, in a way that is painful, but it feels good, the pain, as it is described. Needing to hold the lover so tightly, needing more and more of their mind, body, and soul, needing their warmth, unable to breathe unless speaking their name. And when they speak their name of their lover, it’s like taking a breath in of their existence and exhaling it, needing more and more of their entire being that consumes the mind of the protagonist.
Satan never understood the feeling until now. Gazing upon you as the streetlights beam through the window and cast upon your face, almost like a halo or as if you were descending from the Heavens and in front of him now. Satan could barely breathe, nor think, for the very first time. This feeling he felt, he realized that it would last lifetimes, even more. Seeing you would be like falling in love for the very first time.
He began to thank his Father in the Celestial Realm, a Father whom he’s never met, but thanks him anyway, for creating you, for letting you sit in the booth with him now.
He doesn’t even realize your hand had enveloped his across the table, fingers intertwined perfectly. His fingers closed in on your hand. Oh your warmth… His heart pounded and eyes began to tear up without his notice.
Oh the love inside his chest as he stared at you, never breaking the silence with you and enjoying the bliss of the somewhat quiet cafe, the occasional chatter of demons, the clang of silverware, the meowing the cats. He felt no anger boil inside of him, just peace, peace for the very first time.
“I love you, MC.” He blurted out, the word ‘love’ heavy on his tongue, exhaling your name. He felt like it wasn’t enough.
Your smile made his heart almost stop. “I love you too Satan.”
He firmly head your hand, blinking back the tears that came from the weird familiarity that bloomed in his chest. It’s like he’s known you for decades, even more, and loved you for longer.
“I love you.” He repeats, more softly.
There’s a glint in your eyes, like you know. Like you’ve always known. “I love you too.”
He was born from rage, but you give him new purpose, you complete his newly formed heart. And he hopes that his existence can complete yours, as well.
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Asmodeus is beautiful, everyone knows this. The Jewel of the Heavens, now the Jewel of Hell. Quite literally a diamond in the rough. But somehow he shines despite this, and he knows this, he can tell by the way some demons start to warm up to him, or begin to stare for longer at him than they previously did when he first arrived at the Devildom.
He adores the attention. He craves it. He knows he’s beautiful, but to be appreciated for his beauty is even more than what he could ask for.
But yet it isn’t enough. He loves it yet somehow it… irritates him.
Perhaps it is the fact he’s still seen as the jewel of heaven? Loved for who he once was, not the beauty of who he is now? Maybe they are right with how they viewed him. His old self was probably better than who he is now. No longer as pure as he was, no longer with those beautiful wings and now stuck with the ugly leather and scorpion tail.
He knows he’s beautiful, he does. But yet why does he feel sick looking at himself in the reflection of his mirror, no longer seeing himself as Asmodeus and rather a stranger.
Asmo is torn between his thoughts, trying to find himself among the doubt, the insecurity, the pain of who he is. Give him the attention he deserves, the attention he needs, but see him.
See him… Please.
Love him.
I can’t be the only one that loves myself, can I?
But then you came into his life, to his brothers lives, in all your glory as a human being in the scary Devildom, completely unafraid by the demons around you, their strength, and the strange ingredients and the wildlife that surrounds you.
At first, he thought you would be like most humans he heard demons talk about, including angels. All humans are known for being helpless against temptation, all falling to the urges of power or lust, it was quite simple to do. But with you, it’s like you saw right through him, eyes sharp and looking past the persona he’s built for himself for eons, all in a single glance.
It terrified him.
You somehow could read him as easily as a book and it scared him. You saw past his beauty and it scared him. You saw his insecurities in himself, the occasional doubt, and it makes him almost want to cry. You could easily use this ability to your advantage, take him down a notch, to ruin him in the Devildom, or to use him as your own benefit.
But you don’t.
Instead, you protect him with your life practically on the line, forgetting you are a lone human (aside from Solomon) in a realm of demons, protecting him from the lowlife that try and take advantage of him as the newly established Avatar of Lust.
You two were at Majolshi. You came with him often in the Devildom, acting like a guard dog in a way, and keeping him up to date with a latest Devildom fashion. After all, he’s trying to establish himself in the Devildom as an influencer.
“Hey, Asmo,” you called to him. He looked up from the rack of clothes he was filing through. “I’m gonna go to the register to check these out, okay? If you wanna get any more, just hand it to me, my treat.”
Asmo gave you a surprised look and then pouted. “Darling! I could easily pay for everything! You may be my attendant, but you don’t need to spoil me so much!”
“But I like spoiling you.” Your smile was sweeter than sweet, like saccharine, and it made his heart jump to his throat. It threw all other thoughts out the window and he nodded dumbly, accepting you paying for him.
He looked back at the rack and felt his cheeks heat up, a dumb smile on his face. He was acting as if he were a Highschool teen that had a crush. He couldn’t help but silently giggle to himself as he thought of it, considering it so silly. But he didn’t mind it… He’s always been a sucker for romances. And adding you to the mix only made it worse.
Then suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist. He froze.
The thing about Asmo is that he knew your touch like the back of his hand. Your touch was soft, warm, any imperfections in your hands he has memorized, practically engraved into his skin.
This was not your touch.
It was cold. Rough. Unfamiliar.
It made him sick.
“Hey there,” the feeling of disgusting hot breath fanned on his beautiful skin, causing his nose to curl in disgust. “You’re the Avatar of Lust, right? Asmodeus? Yknow, I don’t understand how the Celestial Realm could get rid of a prize like you.”
Asmo clenched his fists, ready to toss this disgusting filth into a wall and break all of their limb.
“Oh well, more for us here in the Devildom, right?”
The sound of your voice was like hearing a heroine arrive in a moment of bleakness. Asmo perked up but immediately felt his heart drop when you stopped over to him and the stranger, anger present on your face. You couldn’t possibly be thinking of attacking the demon, could you? As a human? You’d surely die! Or- Or-
You punched the demon square in the jaw, throwing them into the ground and immediately tackling them. Asmo could only gasp as you used all your strength inside your body to practically tear this demon apart with your bare hands, gritting your teeth and cursing under your breath. To others, you’d look like an unhinged animal, but to him, you couldn’t he anymore beautiful.
A worker came over and ripped you off of the demon, ushering you two to leave with your paid for items in hand.
You were panting as you and Asmo stood there in the street. Asmo was silent as you looked him over.
“You okay?” You asked, grabbing his hand. Your knuckles were cut open and bloody. He felt his heart break seeing your beautiful skin all torn.
“I should be asking you that…” He mumbled, grabbing your hand with a frown. “You didn’t need to do that for me, I’m not fragile…”
“I know this,” you said quickly, but then blushed a little and rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish smile. “I just want to protect you! Cause I’m your attendant!”
“But you’re also human.” He whispered, eyes flickering to the people walking up and down the street.
“I know. But that won’t stop me from doing everything I can to protect you.”
Asmo felt his heart skip a beat at your words, his face further heating up, and he squealed quietly and pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face into your hair as you chuckle.
He loves you. He adores you. He loves you so, so much.
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“Lamb, I don’t understand why you want to do this for me. As much as I love and appreciate it, I can do my makeup on my own!” Asmo pouted at you as you applied his foundation, softly dabbing the sponge across his face.
You only smile and pick up the brush to apply the red blush on his cheeks. “I know this but I like doing it anyways.”
It had been only a month ago when he asked you to do his makeup once, opting to know how you’d do his makeup and to brag to his brothers at how close the two of you were. But something changed the day you did his makeup. The way you would stop for a moment, staring directly into his eyes. It wasn’t like you were under his hypnosis or influence, he found that you were immune to it, but somehow you acted as if you were completely enamored by him.
And you were.
Even now, you caressed his cheek and would glance into his eyes, so close to him but not close enough. It started to make his heart race, his cheeks burst with color, and hands grow sweaty. It was strange for the Avatar of Lust to act so smitten with a mere human, yet here he was, completely floored for you.
You applied the blush to his cheeks, the bristles tickling his skin and he giggles lightly, unable to keep still in his seat.
“You’re so cute.” He said, wanting badly to just kiss your face, to hold it in his hands, but he had to keep himself still, lest you accidentally apply the blush to his forehead.
You said nothing, grabbing the lipstick, and grabbing his chin gently, as if he were a doll. This gave him a chance to look directly into your own eyes.
He hated it when you applied his lipstick, it forced him to look into those gorgeous eyes of yours and it made him fall even harder than he did previously. He swallowed as you gently moved the lipstick across his bottom lip first, glancing up at him and the way he stared back at you. Your smile only worsened the pounding in his chest. Was the air always this thick?
As you applied to the top lip, he could feel himself drown in the pools of your eyes, like you had his power instead. And the more he stared, the more he didn’t mind being completely miffed by you, being under your control. And it’s even more knowing that as much as he worships you, practically on the verge of kissing your feet, you worshipped him just as much in a way that makes him just want to hold you for eternity.
“Asmo?” Your voice called to him, already done. Though, you didn’t need to do much to enhance his beauty.
“Y-Yes?” He cursed himself for sounding so nervous, demanding confidence. It was so strange how he would become so flustered when it should be the other way around!
“You’re so beautiful…”
He’s heard his many time from others, but from you, it meant more.
To you, the word beauty described his whole being. His soul. His body. His mind. All completely beautiful to you, going past beauty and turning it into something more, something he couldn’t describe. The love in your eyes went beyond his own, somehow, going beyond your years.
All adoring him.
He finds himself tearing up, grasping desperately at your hand tightly, swallowing his spit to hydrate his drying throat.
“I love you.”
Lust was never suppose to love, was it? At least, that’s what he’s heard, as an Angel. Lust was selfish, demanding, carnal and uncaring, but you’ve shown him that it is more than what it was painted. There was a need there, a desire, a craving, an itch you cannot quite scratch. All of it filled him with Love.
You leaned in forward to him, pressing your forehead gently on his, your breath fanning against his lips. He holds your face in his hands, keeping you there in front of him, never taking his eyes off of you.
He begins to realize that Solomon sees this face everyday. To wake up to you everyday.
And he envy’s Solomon. What a lucky man…
“I love you too Asmodeus.”
And it sealed it for him.
He will never crave another body of a demon, human, nor angel as much as he craves you. No one could even compare. All he sees is you.
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Beelzebub is indifferent towards you, at first he believed he was. All that was on his mind was hunger, which irritated him. He loves food, don’t get him wrong, but the agonizing gnawing that comes with Gluttony is both painful and a nuisance. Though, he’s learned to just deal with it now, given that it’s his sin.
Though his brothers don’t seem to understand when he says he’s hungry. They don’t seem to understand the anger that comes with his Gluttony that claws its way in his stomach. It makes him think of everyone as meat, which scares him a little.
“Hey Beel, is something the matter?” Belphie had asked, albeit sleepily.
It was one afternoon at RAD and Beelzebub was bouncing his knee, gripping his stomach as if he were in pain, and biting his inner lip, trying to make the time go by faster. He looked to his twin.
“I’m hungry.”
Belphie was probably the only one who could understand the pain, if only for a little bit. Though, he wouldn’t understand the entirety, he understood more than the others. He pat Beel on the back to attempt to comfort him, but it didn’t do much.
“Lunch is in a few minutes, big guy, don’t worry.” Belphie said with a sympathetic smile.
Beel tried to smile back but it turned into a grimace as his stomach knotted, almost making him think it was eating itself. Then suddenly, you burst in the room, the professor, long since having stopped the lesson and leaving a few minutes of free time, jumped up at the sudden noise.
You matched over to Beel and opened your backpack, throwing out a bunch of snacks on the table of various Devildom chips and chocolates, a few being your favorites. You were sweating like you were running down the hall at full speed, he could hear your heartbeat pounding.
“Here you go Beel.” You huffed and puffed. You sighed and wiped your forehead. “Sorry! I felt that you were hungry so I ran all the way here when my class was wrapping up the lesson.”
“You… Felt I was hungry?” Beel tilted his head at you, eyeing the various treats and his mouth watered.
“Yeah! It’s like a sixth sense. Or maybe… An either sense? I have various senses for all of your brothers. Like now, I feel like Satan is about to flip his lid.” You giggled a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck.
Beel’s heart skipped a beat. “Thank you…” he whispered with a soft smile on his lips, opening up a bag of chips and eating it, he paused when you settled your hand on his head.
“Make sure to eat slowly, okay? I know it’s hard, but savoring it will make the time pass by faster for lunch, okay?”
He nodded mindlessly to you gentle smile, you give Belphie the same headpat, ruffling his already messy hair a bit. He grunted and poured a little but it made you smile even wider, rushing out the room to presumably stop Satan from breaking one of the tables in the classroom again.
Beel stared down at the table filled with snacks, his stomach had stopped its growling, the only sound that filled his ears was the sound of his own heartbeat picking up tempo. Belphie looked to his twin, seemingly sensing what he was feeling.
“You still hungry Beel?”
“Yes…” He gingerly took a chip and ate it slowly, savoring it, like you said. A small smile made its way to his lips. “But not as much anymore.”
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It’s no secret that you take care of Beelzebub a lot, no secret to his brothers that you have snacks on deck, and it’s no secret that whenever you’re around, his hunger seems to be kind to him and calm down after eating away at him. You’re also soft, which fits the dilemma for him as a soft giant. He towers over his brothers, minus Lucifer, who is only an inch shorter than him (though, he likes to smile at the thought, occasional ideas of holding stuff up to where Lucifer can’t reach, but the last time he did it, he was smacked on the head). Depending on your height, he’s relatively taller than you. But you always have had a hold on him in many ways that he didn’t realize.
It was one night where you and Beel were sitting together in the spare room, a room which you said was “familiar to you,” a similar feeling the brothers all had to the room. Even Belphie, who would sleep there more often than not.
The TV went on while the two of you watched a movie, a random movie that Beel had no opinion to it, just the fact it was new. You seemed to enjoy it, so he kept watching it with you. But he was more focused on the mass amount of popcorn in front of him, all in a huge bowl. He munched away at it, already, half of it was gone. You were next to him.
You then suddenly leaned in closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, Beel looked at you for a moment and swallowed the popcorn in his mouth. He was hungry still but grabbed a bit of popcorn and held it up to your lips. You mindlessly ate it, not really paying attention to anything other than the movie, or were just in your own world.
Beel smiled and continued to feed you, completely ignoring his own hunger, finding satisfaction in seeing you eat. It was strange, really. He couldn’t explain it. Every time you ate, he would stare, watching you chew and smile a little at the taste of the food, or look blissfully happy whenever you had something you really enjoyed, like the chocolates from Madam Scream’s or their pudding.
That’s when he stopped, realizing that the half filled bowl started to grow smaller, had he been feeding you all this time? You seemed to notice when your mouth finally realized it needed water.
“Thanks for the popcorn, Beel.” You laughed a little pausing the movie. His face grew a little pink.
“No, no, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it. Thank you.”
Beel smiled a little and proceeded to pull you in closer, your back against his chest, his face buried in the side of your neck, holding you close. He wasn’t sure what to do with this feeling burning inside his chest, smelling the scent of your skin. Being near you felt right. The hunger was silenced and he felt full around you, but he couldn’t help but want more of you. You didn’t seem to mind his hold on you, opting to lean back against him and watch the movie, which was nearing its end, but there was no doubt he would continue to hold you even after the movie.
“You want any more popcorn?”
Surprisingly he shook his head and huffed, tightening his grip around you. Not enough to hurt you given his size, just firmly enough to where you can’t move a whole lot.
“Something wrong Beel?“ You ask. Though you know he’s perfectly fine, you just have to be sure. He’s a strong and loving giant, he can be a bit sensitive.
“Mhm. Just wanna hold you…”
You reach your hand up to put your hand to his hair, tilting your head to the side and kissing the side of his head. His arms tightened again, a smile on his face.
He never felt this way before, this much love all for one person. He loves his family and you being apart of it makes it even better. He doesn’t even believe he knows a world where you aren’t apart of it, nor does he ever want to experience it. He doesn’t want to imagine a world where you aren’t in his arms like this, where he doesn’t feed you or eat meals with him and his brothers.
“I love you, MC.”
He blurts it out without even realizing it until he says it, the word love is so sweet on his tongue. He hears you laugh a little. He can feel your heartbeat close to his ear.
“I love you too Beelz.”
After all he’s been through, he never thought he deserved a moment of peace after what he’s lost, but he’s learning to forgive himself. All because of you.
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Belphie is spoiled. Everyone in the Devildom knows this and everyone in the Celestial realm knows this. Given that he’s the youngest, he’s able to get away with almost anything. Lucifers punishments are akin to a slap on the wrist when it comes to his pranks. Mammon also spoils him rotten, mainly with “mysterious” gifts of soft blankets and pillows and then randomly asking Belphie about them, if he liked them, and trying to justify that is wasn’t him because; “why would I buy somethin’ like that when I can spend it on somethin’ I’d want!” But Belphie isn’t stupid and knows it’s him, but he stops asking if it’s him to keep him quiet so he can nap.
But he’s spoiled brat tendencies never really come out, unless it’s with you.
He pouts and gives you the silent treatment whenever you say you can’t come to the HOL, but quickly gives it up because that takes too much energy when he could spend it talking to you.
He’s also a brat when he comes over to you whenever you are at the HOL and flops himself practically on top of you, smothering you with his body weight, and falling asleep without a care in the world. He’ll only care if you try and get up.
He never was really like this with you, he was mainly indifferent towards you, but after the events of finding out you’re a human and slowly getting closer to you after all that’s happened, he’s was starting to get attached to you, especially when you started cuddling him.
The first time it happened, you had shown up to the HOL to take care of Levi and Asmo fighting this time around, which was surprising since they usually barely even registered one another. It was something about Levi being a shut in and what not, but either way, you took care of it.
You had sat down on the couch after it all, sighing, deciding that maybe you should just pass out from all the running around you had to do. You were an attendant, sure, but you were also a human too, energy tends to deplete faster than you expect.
Belphie suddenly appeared, pillow in arm, eyes all droopy. He’s sleepy, as far as you can tell, but he also looks a bit bitter.
“Move…” He muttered out.
“I said move.” He was sounding like a grumpy five year old with how he was acting, a five year old that didn’t have their nap yet.
You snicker at the thought, which made him pout further. You groan. “Just lay your head on my lap if you’re that tired.”
This made him feel wide awake. His eyes widen a fraction. He never really thought about laying his head on your lap. He mainly only ever laid his head on the laps of his brothers, well, mostly by force, unless it’s Beel. Beel is more than happy to let his twin sleep near him. But then there’s you.
Belphie thought for a moment and then sat down on the couch near you, leaning down to put his head in your lap. You sigh and lean your head back again against the cushions of the couch, hearing the crackle of the fire in the living room.
He was stiff until you started running your fingers through his hair and he immediately relaxed, his eyes growing heavy again.
It was strange.
For a moment it felt like time stilled, like all else had disappeared and it left just the two of you.
He’s never felt more warm in the Devildom before when it feel so cold all around him, so unnatural.
But you somehow make his life feel more normal, more like home. He still felt bitter, bitter towards you, mainly being human, he sometimes wishes you were a demon, but the more he thought about the more he never saw you as a demon in the first place. You are far too trusting, empathetic and considerate and a bit of a smart ass while making a few dumb decisions here and there. So perfectly human.
Was this how Lilith felt when she met her human?
Belphie couldn’t help but feel so bittersweet while laying there, head in your lap, hand against your thigh, letting you run your fingers through his hair gently, partly caressing his face.
He shut his eyes and yawned. His yawn affected you, the two of you growing sleepy together. He could feel it too, your drowsiness. His hand inched closer to yours, grabbing it gently, his pointer and middle finger encircling your own lazily.
Belphie smiled and closed his eyes, quickly drifting off into a quiet dream, a dream where it’s just you and him just together. No words needed.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Belphie learned he could enter dreams the night he went into yours by accident.
It was an accident, truly. He didn’t mean to enter it. The two of you were just in the attic space, laying on the plush bed with the hundreds of pillows and blankets, sleeping the day away, when he fell asleep.
His dream, rather your dream, was dark. Just pitch black. It was like being in a silent, dark room, searching for a light, but somehow you could see yourself.
Belphie moved forward, though slowly, like moving through tar. He stopped when he heard light gasping, choking.
He only turned a fraction to his left to see it. A figure, closely resembling himself, holding you by one hand, tightly gripping your throat. Veins pulsed and bulged beneath your skin, even he could feel his face throbbing as the breath escaped you.
Belphie watched in horror.
His heart was racing. His stomach at the pits of whatever darkness was beneath his feet. Hands shaking and body strangely cold.
He hated that look on your face, the tears that streamed down your cheeks, how utterly helpless you looked.
You were his attendant, always so brave in his eyes. Not even wavering against Lucifer’s rage, not once.
And yet you were helpless against this strange, black silhouette that held his image, foggy yet so clear.
Belphie charged at his shadow self and grabbed it, tossing it to the side, forcing it away with whatever sheer will he could muster. It clawed, it snarled like an animal, it cursed and yelled but Belphie shut her ears to the nonsense it was sprouting with clenched fists.
He would never do that to you.
He looked down at you, your gasping form, writhing in agony.
He felt like this happened before.
But why?
He wouldn’t hurt you, he would never hurt you! You loved him, his brothers, Beel! You took care of them, you adored them, you spoiled them rotten, especially him. Your care was gentle as your love was passionate. Why would he ever want to hurt you??
You looked up, fear flashing across your face.
Please… Don’t look at him like that…
Belphie shook himself from the dream, waking up with his head on your chest and body in between your legs. You were somehow still asleep, but with a look of discomfort.
Belphie grabbed your hand, firmly, and sniffled against your shirt, shutting his eyes tightly.
He wanted to give you a good dream, you deserved to have that, at the very least. You, of all people, do not deserve to be tortured senselessly for no reason.
As he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb, mostly to calm himself as he listened to your heartbeat growing steady, he heard you sigh and that discomfort left your face, relaxing into a smile.
Belphie took this moment to let his lower lip quiver and a small cry left his lips and a little sniffle. He let go of your hand.
He needed to go. There’s no way he could be around you if… If there was a chance he ever hurt you.
As he moved, you shifted.
He jumped when he heard you call his name, wiping his eyes in a hurried manner.
“You saw, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t a known secret you still had nightmares about that day, albeit rarely. Sometimes it just happens whenever your brain decides to torment you. And these were one of those days. And it was even worse it was with Belphie who really ended up being in your dream, saving you from himself.
His nod only confirmed it, which made your heart break. You sighed and reached for his hand and, just as he grabbed yours, held it firmly.
“…do you really think I’d do that to you…?”
“No. Not now. But would you have when you found out I was human?”
“…I don’t think so? I don’t know.. it was happening so fast then, I don’t see why I would just- just do that. I was a little angry that you lied to me, mostly, but I wouldn’t have-“
“Killed me?”
The word made him flinch. Human mortality was no secret. It never bothered him until now, he never thought about it until now, of how many times you put your life in danger for the sake of his brothers when your life could easily be snuffed out in a blink.
This is how Lilith felt, isn’t it?
“Belphie,” you brought him out of his thoughts. “You guys scare me sometimes, but I know that you won’t actually kill me.”
There’s something that lingers in your eyes that he can’t place. A knowing. You bring your free hand to his cheek and caress it.
“I love you, you know this Belphie.”
Belphie nods with a little ‘mhm’. He feels so pathetic, he should be comforting you, not acting like a little kid. He takes his hand away from you and kneels down in front of you, wrapping his arms around your midsection and burying face in your stomach.
“I’d do anything for you, you know,” he said, a little muffled by the fabric. “You’re everything to us, to me. I’ll throw the whole Devildom upside down if you want me to.”
You chuckle a little. “And not taking a break to sleep?”
“I’d give up sleeping forever if you wanted me to. Id do it if that would make you happy.”
“Woah, don’t need to go that far. I don’t want to torment you!”
“Stop making fun of me, I’m seriously.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. You’re just so cute.”
Belphie blushed and huffed as you continued to lightly chuckle at his words.
“I’m serious. I would do anything you wanted me to. Id cut off my own hands before touching you in a way that hurts you, MC. Just ask me to and Id do it.”
You sigh, running your fingers through his hair, “I know Belphie, and it won’t come to that. I trust you. Do you trust me?”
“Trust you for what?”
“Trust me to believe in you? In your ability to keep me safe?”
He was silent for a moment, then he nodded. “I trust you.”
“Then there’s no need for promises. Let’s just trust each other, okay? Promises can be forgotten.”
“Not for me, I’ll always remember to cut my hands off if you wanted.”
“I have a feeling you’re not.”
Belphie smiled into your shirt and giggled a little, letting you pet his hair.
Whatever that was in your dream, whether it was him or not, he’d be damned again to the deepest, darkest pits of the Devildom before ever hurting you or making you cry.
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mamayan · 11 months
★Good Boy☆
Sub! Genya Shinazugawa x Soft Dom! Reader
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cw: Soft Dom! Reader • Fem! Reader Coded • Sub! Genya • Fluff • Mild Angst • Hand Job (M) • Mild Teasing • Mild Overstimulation • Praise • Fingering (M) • Oral (M)
wc: 3k+
A/N: He is an angel, no one can convince me otherwise—
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“Can I…?” You turned to see your sweet lover standing in the entrance of the shoji, handsome as always but wearing an unusual nervous expression.
You cock a brow expectantly, smile curving your lips. “Can you what, Genya?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone which makes him purse his lips, pale skin beginning to flush red.
“T-Tanjiro was the one to bring it up, okay? I-I wasn’t listening to anything weird, alright?” His immediately defensive words before he’d even asked permission was a telling sign for you as interest sparked in your eyes. That made him even more nervous, but the sight of you sitting and being so patient made it even more difficult for him not to ask.
“Alright Genya, I understand. Now go ahead and tell me.” You weren’t asking, but your tone hadn’t changed. It didn’t matter though, as Genya immediately spit it out at your command.
“C-Can I lay my head on your l-lap?!” He’d all but screamed it. Panting as if it’d taken an incredible amount of effort to speak the sentence, the demon slayer with physical abilities that few could contend with appeared all but starved for oxygen. Those wide dark amethyst eyes are bloodshot and a little teary at the edges as he stared fervently at you.
“Yes?” You’d expected something different. Less innocent at least.
His face lights up though, and it makes any disappointment dissolve in the face of such a gorgeous display of happiness. His sweet smile and flushed cheeks make you coo, shifting yourself to sit in a more formal position as he scurries and secures a spot on your thighs with his head.
He lays himself almost stiffly on your lap, his large body frozen as if you’d change your mind if he were to move too much. You chuckle in amusement, his eyes flicking up to where you leaned over him. “Relax sweet boy, close your eyes.” He was too cute to deny right now, especially as he obeys with almost too much enthusiasm and tightly shuts his eyes with more concentration than necessary. You help him out, smoothing your hand lightly over his face, trailing down his cheeks and jaw with a feather light touch. He’s stuck between feeling like wanting to claw out of his own skin and melting in it. Your soft touch leaves him vulnerable, but as does the position which situates you over him, almost like he’s being protected. Genya ponders the last time he’s felt safe like this, but thoughts of his family and Sanemi hurt his chest too much to dwell long on, so he enjoys the fluffy feeling beginning to consume him and his mind.
“How was your day, my love?” He hates how much he adores your sweet names for him. As if each one is a balm to soothe his frayed nerves for each time he’s been hurt or insulted. He’s unable to deny a single request or command from you, nor does he particularly want to either. “I trained with Tanjiro, the dumb guy. He keeps getting stronger, while I’m just…” he grits his teeth, words not coming as easily as he tries to formulate the correct words which would describe his own inferiority to Tanjiro—
“Just what?” You goad.
“While I’m just me,” he doesn’t look at you anymore, eyes focused on the other end of the room as if his greatest enemy stands like a ghost in the corner. “I’m just me, I don’t have any cool ancestors or fancy breathing styles, I ain’t like ‘Nemi—,” you gently tilt his face back up towards you, eyes so warm he stutters on his words and stops entirely. How could you look at him like that? When he’s like this?
“You don’t need to be like him though, do you? You’re perfect just the way you are, sweet boy. Have I not shown you already? Your effort, your strength, your perseverance… they’re all yours, right?” His breathing nearly halts, so focused on your words he feels himself going light headed, “Focus on what you can do and focus on coming back to me. Isn’t that enough?” A single tear slides down his cheek, gaze blurry with the ones unshed as his chest fills with adoration and admiration for you.
“Don’t cry ‘Nya, I haven’t even done anything yet,” your teasing words make him flush deeper, the innuendo not lost on him despite his embarrassment.
“I-I ain’t cryin’!” He flinches as you inflict a small pinch to his cheek, “Sorry…” he apologizes quickly for yelling.
“Why are you embarrassed? Don’t you like when I play with you?” He wants to melt into the floor, but he’s trapped by the soft pillow of your thighs beneath his head and neck. Of course he liked it, he loved it even, but admitting it aloud was the most difficult for him. His silent trembling and watery gaze weren’t convincing enough apparently. Your hand leaves his soft tresses, smoothing down his neck and onto his chest where he tenses under the delicate pressure.
“That’s too bad ‘Nya, I really want to play with you now but… since you don’t like it, I won’t force you.” He nearly jolts up, but halts in fear of damaging your hand in his carelessness, instead panicking.
“N-no! I like it! I really, really like it,” his honest declarations are the easiest to achieve when he’s not given time to think of some crass response or lie, “Y-you always make me feel, well, good, really good,” he looks ready to burst, his cute expression almost too much for you as you withhold your laughter.
“Oh…? What do you like best then, sweet boy?” You knew he was close to his verbal limit, but to not push him until he couldn’t take anymore would be a waste since he so sweetly offered himself up like this.
Genya choked as your hand drifted lower, unable to control his body even with deep breathing as his pants began to feel tighter.
“I like… when you touch me, like this,” it feels like his throat is closing up. Your sweet hum of affirmation and your hand drifting lower was incentive enough to keep going. “When you—fuck,” his eyes nearly roll back just from you teasing the edges of his belt line.
“Finish your sentence, or we can stop here.”
“Wh-when you touch my cock—,” he looks like a boiled octopus, so red and flustered as he twitches helplessly beneath your hand. His eyes meet your own, as if asking if that was the right answer to get what he wants, no, needs from you.
He feels almost betrayed when you only lightly skim his stiff cock with the tips of your fingers, smile still in place as he gasps and jerks despite the minimal stimulation.
“I’m touching it, baby. Just how you like,” he wished you’d end the teasing, weak to your voice and touch as he grows closer to his breaking point.
“M-more please, like you usually do—,” his tone is getting whinier and more desperate.
“How do I usually do it…?” You drag one finger just up to the tip, chuckling as his hips hump uselessly up for even a tiny bit more friction. You deny him of course, playing dumb while dragging your finger around the opening where pre-cum was already pearling up.
He huffs, a light moan being drawn when you press down on his opening. “Y-you grip it, fuck, my cock—please, I-I need you,” there it was, your smile widens as tears spill freely, his eyes finally losing their defiance and cocky attitude in favor of showing you the sweet softness he holds beneath the surface just for you.
“There’s my sweet boy, I was wondering where’d you been~” you coo and give in finally, curling your fingers around his poor leaking cock and tightening until his breath became lodged in his throat and his body stiffened. “My sweet boy always tells me what he wants, doesn’t he?” You give no warning, only jerking him harshly and quickly, loving the way his eyes flash with pleasure and trepidation. Genya can’t speak anymore, only choked gasps and moans escaping as you drive him towards a quick and viscious end, back arching up, head pressing deeper into your thighs. “Wa—ngh—c-cum—please, I—!” Drool slides down the corner of his mouth as he brokenly begs for permission.
“Of course you can cum, sweet boy. Make a mess for me, ‘Nya” and he does, the vigorous stimulation right after being teased has him tumbling down the cliff’s edge as he shoots ropes of thick hot cum all over your hand inside his pants.
“Ah—!” He always cums with such emotion you can help but lean deeper and swallow his cries, tongue easily invading his mouth and tasting the sweets he likely shared with Tanjiro earlier.
He jerks as you continue your fast and unending pace, hand able to work him easier now that his cum has lubed himself up.
“S’too much—!” He can only cry against your lips, clearly becoming overwhelmed and overstimulated but you merely hush him with another kiss as he’s forced to cum again, though much less coming out but not at the cost of pleasure as his mind goes completely blank as pain bleeds into the orgasm.
When you pull away, he’s left as a true mess on your lap, dazed expression languid and body completely pliant now.
As a slayer, he’s quick to recover, eyes lazily tracking your hand coming out of his pants, sticky with his release as you bring it to your lips and make a show of licking it up.
When his cock jumps to life again under the lewd display, you happily share in the experience and press two fingers against his lips.
He doesn’t even think as he parts them, your fingers pressing in and forcing his own release inside his mouth. He cleans your fingers eagerly, less shy now and with vigor.
“Good boy, ‘Nya, clean them good, okay? Get them nice and wet, I plan to fuck your ass with them.” He nearly passes out at your vulgar language, face becoming completely molten as you work your fingers around in his mouth, rubbing against his tongue while his eyelids grow heavy. “Does that sound nice? Do you want that, Genya?” The use of his full name lets him know he needs to answer or you’ll stop. You pull your fingers away so he can speak.
“Yes, yes please, I-I want that.” He doesn’t hesitate, knowing full well you can and will deny him if he’s slow to reply. You smile and plunge your fingers back into his mouth, swirling them a bit and even intentionally poking a little too deep to see his eyes water. “Such a good boy, my good boy,” you murmur, and his heart swells at your claiming of him.
Once you’re satisfied, you pull them free with an audible pop, saliva nicely coating them while Genya sits up, expression akin to a puppy eager to please its master for a treat.
“Strip and lay down for me,” you order softly, voice never rising but command firm all the same. It sends shivers down his spine, the ability to completely let his guard down and let you make the decisions for him, let you lead him because without a doubt he trusts you.
“Slow down,” you chuckle and tell him, slowing his violently fast movements to strip into a more normal pace so you can watch his skin be revealed like a present being unwrapped. He’s scarred, a physical reminder he’s survived, but not without cost and pain. His sinewy muscles are revealed as he folds and sets aside his top like you enjoy, his upper body bare, pale skin tinged pink like his face, veins bulging out as he trembles under your stare. He’s embarrassed and aroused, painfully aroused, but it wasn’t anything new in your presence. You set him on fire, made him melt into a puddle. He’s trembling even as he stands and pulls his pants down, adorable white underwear stained and soaked from his earlier release, his cute cock smacking against his skin with a wet noise as he pulls them down and releases it.
Down his lithe muscular legs, Genya fully undresses for you, obeying and sitting back down on the tatami mat below and letting his body lay out.
“So good for me, knees up and legs spread baby,” you coo, kneeling down as well after removing a few layers yourself. He’s star struck, eyes unable to look away from your perfect figure he very much wishes to worship, licking his drying lips in anticipation.
He stays as still as possible, only twitching a little as you blow cool air on the dark reddened tip of his plush cock, the leaking tip mostly hidden by his foreskin. “Keep your eyes on me, okay? If you look away, I’ll stop.” His pupils dilate, watching as you pull his foreskin down and reveal the sensitive tip, tongue slipping out to lick him. He’s panting and you’ve hardly even begun, hands clenched in shaky fists, nails digging into his skin as he struggles to keep his eyes locked with yours as you slowly open your mouth and let a glob of spit roll down his shaft. He wants to burst, ready to cum again by sight alone but he doubts you’ll give him permission to cum before you’ve had your fill yet.
Then he feels the cool wet sensation on the tight ring of muscle below, his balls drawing up as you gently prod with a single digit until he breathes out and relaxes, earning a smile from you as your finger slips inside of him. It doesn’t even burn, only a slightly alien sensation at first as you gradually wiggle and stretch his hole, pad of your finger lightly grazing his prostate.His eyes roll back as a loud moan escapes him, hips jerking up and smearing a line of pre-cum across your lips and cheek as he stutters.
It’s too late when you completely pull away, finger leaving him as well as you sit back patiently. His eyes went wide with panic, “N-no wait—! I-I’m sorry, please, Y/N, I’ll be good, please,” his desperate little pleas tumbling out freely. “I’m not upset ‘Nya, my good boy, I just need you to look at me baby, you can be good and do that right?” He’s nodding before you even finish, a pretty flutter of dark hair moving where his mohawk rests. “Be good, I’ll be good,” he affirms, eyes so serious and strained you giggle, moving back again to his cock twitching desperately for any attention you’re willing to give it.
Genya gasps in shock as you give him two fingers this time, his ass stretching just enough for a tiny burn before it fades as you lock your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue under the skin around his tip. His eyes water, unblinking as they look at you, and you’re blessed with the sight of them finally falling as he grits his teeth and whines for you. Your fingers prod and brush his prostate, warm tongue so gentle and sweet compared to your calculated thrusts into his hole, his whines becoming delirious moans while he pants and drools, face fucked out and so cute you can’t help taking more of his cock into your mouth. He feels so good, a building thrum of pleasure swirling from both his cock and ass it’s turning his brain to mush.
“I-I need, please may I, Y/N—!” He howls your name, one eye nearly closing but he holds strong when you suck particularly hard on him. “May I cum, fuck, please, please I need—!” Tears flow freely now, his dark purple eyes reddened on the corners as they spill down his cheeks while his hips thrust up begging for release.
You pull off with a pop, free hand working his cock still just like before as he grunts almost as if in pain but you know he’s simply holding on by a thread.
“Cum for me ‘Nya, let go baby,” you encourage, and he does. Unable to deny you a single thing and truly unable to stop the white hot pleasure which rips through him as his cock twitches and spurts his hot load. You open your lips, catching his cum in your mouth as he gasps and writhes below, sweet moans and whines filling the space as you gently work him down. You pull your fingers free at last, his tight ring twitching too as you do.
He’s left a sweaty satiated mess when you pull up, easily crawling over him and slotting your lips against his. Genya opens, groaning as you push his cum into his mouth, his salty sweet taste now filling his senses along with the taste of you.
You kiss him with all the love you feel, only pulling away when you need the air finally, adoration and awe covering your slayer’s cute face.
“I love you,” he looks so vulnerable saying it, as if you rejecting him might destroy his fragile heart.
You’d never do such a thing though.
“I love you too, my sweet boy, my Genya,” and he’s gone as you affirm his love. As you claim him.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, and we can have dinner.” Your aftercare is nothing short of perfection, and while he’s shy in receiving such tender care and love he’s been deprived of so long, he’s unable to deny how lovely it is to be cherished like this. He might still not be on the best of terms with his brother, but he knows a safe space will always remain in your arms.
“Y/N…,” you look up, his eyes shining with tears again but this time his smile is filled with gratitude. “Thank you,” his voice is hoarse, but you laugh, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your chest as you kiss his head.
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Dividers by/@cafekitsune
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A Brute, An Angel... (König x F!OC)
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Summary: König gets an order to make a female SpecGru sniper talk, but König doesn't want to hurt women.
Category: Smut 🔞, angst, fluff
Tags & warnings: Explicit mature content +18 audiences only, strangers to lovers (slight enemies to lovers), dubious consent, threats of rape, virgin!König, size kink, size difference, p in v, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, squirting, hugs and cuddles, super fluffy ending. König will be named in later chapters. 
A/N: KorTac and SpecGru are rivaling military contractors, Conor is König's superior (and a huge villain), and I just wanted to write angsty smut featuring our favourite Austrian boi. 
Part 1/3 of Valkyrie
Read on Ao3
A Brute, An Angel...
"You're always yappin' about how ya can make prisoners talk. Now here's ya chance."
König tried his best to stand tall while Conor spat at him with a gruff accent he couldn't quite place. He could tell the man got off on this: getting a chance to order him around and making him uncomfortable. He concentrated on looking down at him — knowing perfectly well that it only pissed Conor off when he did that. As if König could will himself to be shorter.
"But she's a… She's a girl. Sir."
"She is an enemy, and we need that intel."
I highly doubt that, sir.
"What do you want me to do with her?"
"Make the captive talk. Ya don't have to do the usual. If y'know what I mean."
"Are you suggesting that I rape her, Conor?"
The fact that he used the Lieutenant's name to appeal to him on a more personal level should've spoken volumes. But it had little effect on the man everybody in the KorTac was more or less scared of.
"I'm not suggesting anything. I'm giving you an order."
If Calisto or Stiletto were here, Conor would be on the ground by now, begging for mercy. König found himself thinking what stopped him from gutting the man right then and there.
"Does the team leader know about this?"
“Never ya mind about that."
"Permission to speak, sir," Zero pushed in.
"Go on."
"This goes against the protocol-"
"Did ya give two shits about the bloody protocol when we were in Adal?"
The abrupt outburst almost made König flinch. Almost.
Zero didn't turn the slightly disgusted gaze away, but snapped his mouth shut.
"I - I can't do it," König muttered.
"You sayin' you refuse to obey an order?"
König straightened upon hearing the word 'order' but otherwise remained in confused silence.
"I suggest you carry on unless ya wanna get demoted to a fuckin' desk job. It's your call."
And with that, Conor turned and marched off. Zero followed suit, sparing a pitiful glance at König as he went.
He was left alone in the bunker hallway, illuminated by a lamp that produced an unnerving buzz.
Conor was only doing this because he liked to bully him. Somehow, somewhere, Lt had lost his humanity, but it wasn't supposed to be his problem. Not until Conor made it his problem.
Something in him made the Lieutenant tick. König didn't know whether it was because he was a relatively fresh recruit or whether it was the fact that he was a foreigner. Hell, maybe it was the mask, how could he know?
"Fuckin' jerry."
And he wasn't even; he was Austrian, but Conor didn't care, which meant that it was something else about him that got under his skin. The man had vehemently decided to hate him, and he could do nothing about it.
König turned to the door leading to the interrogation room, grabbed the doorknob, inhaled deeply, and went in.
The girl was tied to the ceiling with a grey paracord that bit into her wrists as she hung there, barely able to stand. The bastard had bound her unreasonably tight. An ugly sight, that.
But she wasn't.
The thick braid was messy, her arms were more or less bruised, and her face had dirt on it, but she was, by far, one of the loveliest beings he had ever seen. She looked like heaven and hell, an angel of war who had fought for days against overwhelming forces and only wanted to sleep.
He swallowed, glad of the hood making the blob of his Adam’s apple invisible. She stirred and looked up, eyes dark with the burned out wrath of a cornered wild thing. She looked dog-tired, and scared. Beaten. And no one had even struck her yet. Not that he knew of, at least.
She pulled herself to her feet by the rope, although it was long enough to allow her to stand, and raised her chin.
"So you're the one they sent to break me."
It was him.
The man that had gotten her in this situation in the first place.
She had been stupid enough to freeze for a few moments, the crucial little moments that meant the difference between life and death, escape and capture. And for what? To watch how this beast raged on the battlefield like it was his playground, to watch how he plowed through her mates while bullets showered around him. Seemed to evade him even though he was the largest possible target in the whole damn skirmish.
It didn't really help that his gear was gone. He was still one of the biggest men she had ever seen. If not the biggest.
The black hood was still in place, though, making him look like an inquisitor. Or an executioner.
She suspected he was here to make her talk. He could probably make anyone talk... But there was a particular threat present here. She was a woman in a helpless state, and she had a hunch that this mountain of a man wouldn't shy away from any methods that would humiliate and destroy her. He probably enjoyed it: getting a little treat after a nice day in the field.
The man strode to her, and it seemed that the only thing that moved as he walked was his hips. But the sound of his weight, the sheer mass that met the floor through combat boots, made her draw back in a futile attempt to disappear somewhere between her raised arms.
He stopped a generous few feet away, crossed his arms over his chest, then unraveled them again to his sides. He was all corded muscle beneath that black shirt, the fabric barely concealing the curves of a well-built chest. The poor textile stretched from the swell of his shoulders.
She didn't say anything. She expected a punch in the face, a knee to the stomach. Something to get things started.
He walked behind her, much more slowly, the thumps against the cold, hard cement causing the hair on her neck to stand on end. He stepped close, so close that she could feel his body heat against her back.
"Listen to me." She flinched at his voice, far more high-pitched than she would've suspected from such a beast of a man.
"I'm going to help you. But you have to assist me here."
The 'here' sounded more like german for 'hier'. Through her terror sweat and confusion, she found herself wondering how odd it was that the KorTac had some German guy working for them.
"We have to…" he cleared his throat from the falsetto his voice was climbing to.
And she only now realized that he was nervous.
The soldier was fucking nervous.
"We have to have intercourse," he continued, his accent bleeding thick through her senses like some goddamn ASMR she used to calm herself with. A guilty pleasure she succumbed to when she tried to reach sleep after a mission.
Only after she got past the fact that the enemy soldier's voice made her feel tingly, she understood what he had said exactly. What he was proposing.
She knew that nerves and adrenaline were a fucked up thing. You could get turned on during the most absurd situations when the survival instinct kicked in. Those situations could include getting a target on sight and pulling the trigger, or getting hit and receiving care under fire.
Turned out that it could include the prospect of getting tortured by a 6 feet something enemy merc who whispered in her ear with a thick German accent, gently like a lover.
Perhaps this whole set-up was just another kind of torture. A good cop, bad cop routine, in which he was both of the cops. He tried to tear her walls down and make her trust him, and when she refused to tell him anything, he would get to work. Tear her nails off, dislocate joints, rape her bloody.
"I'm not going to speak."
She announced it with a far less stern voice than she would’ve preferred, and heard him swallow. Either he was damn good at acting, or he was the most socially anxious soldier she had ever seen.
He rounded her and stopped only an inch or two from her face. Which only reached the man’s chest, broad and lean, covered in that black shirt and smelling of battlefield along with his sweat - the combination hitting her nostrils as an undiluted, masculine scent. He reached a gloved hand to prop her chin up, to force her to look at him.
It was her turn to swallow, and the angle he forced her neck caused the sound of her gulp to echo in the bunker. The tactical glove had cut-proof padding on the knuckles, and it scratched the delicate facial skin, even though his touch was more of a coax than a yank. But that wasn’t what caught her attention so vividly that it nearly made her knees buckle.
It was his ice-blue stare. The eyes stood out from the holes of his mask, from among the heavily applied black facial paint like two beacons. And they were gentle. Bordering on puppy eyes. The thought alone nearly made her laugh hysterically.
Even with her faltering knowledge of human character, she could’ve bet all in that this man would not hurt her. That he was far from a torturer.
And the knowledge made her even more confused. If he wasn’t the torturer, then who was he? What the hell did he want?
“You have to co-operate.” His voice was strained with something akin to despair.
“I can only help you escape if you co-operate,” he whispered, his voice so low it went straight between her legs.
Jesus, this was not okay.
He released her chin, but she didn’t turn her gaze away. Her eyes roamed his face, or rather, the black hood that covered it. She wondered why he wore it when other soldiers didn’t bother to hide their identities. The only other man she had seen wearing a mask was Lt, with the top of a human skull attached to his balaclava. And even he wasn’t this big. Albeit menacing and shrouded in mystery that came from all things danger, death, and pain, the man before her now intrigued her far more than even Ghost did.
Why did he hide his face? Why was he so… jittery?
And why did he try to escape her gaze?
He looked like the whole situation was too much for him. To say that the man was distraught when she merely looked him straight in the eyes when he told her that they needed to fuck, would be an understatement.
If she were to choose a man to torture someone with his dick, this would be her last choice.
“What’s the escape plan, then?” She asked, still not believing for a second that he would help her, even if he didn’t strike her as intimidating anymore.
"I, uh…"
"You don't have a plan?"
"Well, not yet."
"Why am I not surprised," she murmured into the stale, dusty air of the chamber. "Why would you even want to help me?"
"I don't hurt women," he said and took a step back as if to confirm that statement.
This was so fucking ridiculous. He was a mercenary in a filthy bunker with a bound prisoner, assuring that he was a gentleman. Was she on candid camera or something?
She had never been in a situation like this. She had never imagined being in a situation even remotely close to this. She would have laughed over the absurdity of the whole thing but couldn't, because her lower lip started to tremble.
He noticed it and instantly shifted weight from one leg to the other. He tried to direct his anxiety into the leisurely movement, and it caused his hips to sway from one side to the other, making her think of all kinds of stupid associations, such as lapdance and snake hips.
With those rather tight khaki pants, it was impossible to prevent her eyes from darting to the bulging thighs and the evident package he was delivering between them.
Jesus fucking Christ, pull your shit together…
"I'm going to get you out of here," he promised.
"That's cute of you," she tiredly threw in, getting far too much satisfaction out of the reaction her words managed to pull out of him. He blinked a few times, and the colossal chest heaved as if the man was trying to catch his breath. "Funny that you need to fuck me to be able to do so."
Another switch from side to side, a sway of those goddamn khaki-covered hips.
"I'm almost positive that the only surveillance they have on this room is that camera over there. The screen is in another room," he told her, sounding stupidly proud of his debatable skills in spying. She pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. "But the guys there are usually watching tv," he hurried to add.
"I doubt they will today if your orders are to rape me." Again, he looked abashed, eyes darting to the floor and back to her. Was this guy thick in the head or something? "Probably got their beers popped and their pants down by now…" she said, and the man let out something close to a squeal.
"That is exactly why we have to… provide them with something until I come up with a plan."
She looked at him and almost smiled. Like one would smile at a daft dog that was far too eager to please.
"You just said you don't hurt women," she said.
"That is why I very much wish you would co-operate," he answered.
"You are the weirdest torturer ever."
"I - I am not a torturer. I'm just a soldier," he tried to assure her with that climbing voice. He was shitty at concealing his uneasiness. The man was completely flustered.
"Then why did they assign you with this… task," she demanded to know. It was yet again laughable: as if he was the one being grilled here. He wouldn't answer, and she cocked her head to the side.
"Ever interrogated with your dick before?" She blurted.
His hands were trembling. Slightly, but they were.
"Negative," he said, voice tight.
Was this guy….
Was he a virgin?
The twisted concept of some romantic chivalry, the nervousness, the respectful distance he kept, and the fact that his hands started shaking when she said a dirty word, all pointed to the possibility that he very much might be.
She thought he was picked because he was big, because his obvious blessings in the crotch department also held a promise of pain. But this guy certainly didn't know what the heck he was doing. And not only because he wasn't a torturer or because he didn't want to hurt a lady. She could almost swear, hand on Bible, that this man had never been with a woman. Not much further than the first base, anyway.
"Well, get on with it then."
She told herself it was only because it was useless to postpone the suffering that would eventually come anyway.
She told herself it was not because she was trying to break a Guinness world record of developing Stockholm Syndrome to this guy and his adorableness. She told herself it was definitely not because she kinda sorta wanted to see how he would act when he had to actually pull that cock out and touch her with it.
He stared at her, eyes wide beneath that oversized hood, and she could swear it was his heart, not hers, that made that thumping sound.
"I am going to touch you," he informed her. Like the dumbest moron.
If she ever got out of here, and if she ever, ever told this story to someone, they wouldn't be able to believe it.
He took his gloves off - why would he even bother to do that? - and let them drop to the ground.
His fingers were long, the fingernails meticulously cut. There were a few scrapes and scratches here and there on his palm, indicating his lack of coordination. Clumsy boy.
When he reached for her, she assumed he would go for her tits, or her waist, or grope her ass. But he didn't. Fingers cupped her face, trembling still, before they slid over her neck and grabbed her throat, not to choke, but to revel. Like she was a sculpture or something, and he wanted to know how the material felt. How soft she was.
She looked into his eyes, because eyes told everything; they would betray a flash of sadism or whatever else she still expected from this strange man. They roamed all over her, darted across her face, every now and then to her eyes, but mostly avoided her stare like the plague. He wouldn’t hold a gaze for much longer than a glimpse of a second. And there was still no sign of lust for inflicting pain. Only perplexed wonderment.
Her hands and arms were numb because of the position she was in, hands tied above her head, blood flow inhibited. But she paid it no mind as his hand traveled down her neck, caressed her collarbones, and then stopped right before he reached the gap between her breasts, free game in the white tank top she had been left with, along with her cargo pants and boots.
“Can I… May I kiss you?” He asked, his voice muffled and so thick that it was difficult to untangle what he had said.
It was such an odd request that her words left her, and she could only produce a whimpering sound at the back of her throat. He took it as a yes, and raised his hood, only enough to reveal a pair of thin lips among a light brown stubble. His mouth opened slightly, then closed, then opened again, as if he didn’t know how to proceed.
He bent down like the giant he was, not hinging at the hips but hunching over towards her, probably trying to appear smaller but ending up looking like there was a tower falling on her. The smell of gasoline and sweat hit her as his lips met hers, parted, and a shy flick of tongue swept across her bottom lip. She tried to remember how to breathe and ignore the rush of wetness that told her she would have no problem whatsoever with him parting her nether lips too. He captured her lip, sucked, then opened his mouth wider and hers with it.
She answered his kiss - just a little bit, and he instantly deepened it and moaned into her mouth. She fluttered her eyes open and saw that his were squeezed shut. He pressed a hand against her back and pulled her against his overwhelming body. All she could feel was muscle… and then some more. He was hard, the thick erection colliding with her stomach all but seductively. She went completely stiff, eyes wide and lips tight.
The man went even more rigid, if possible. He released her mouth with a grunt and buried his head in her neck.
"I can't -... I can't do this, I'm gonna go and tell him they need to find somebody else," he said in a strained voice, riddled with pain.
No. No.
The fuck he would.
If he would be replaced by somebody else, some crazy, blood-drunk soldier with cold eyes and a knife, some jerk-off who hadn't had a go with a woman since their last leave, she would fucking die.
"Please don't," she hushed and swallowed against him, the place where his hood and the collar of his shirt revealed skin.
"I want it to be you," she continued to whisper in his ear, meaning to say If it has to be somebody, let it be you, but choosing to deliver a sentence as persuasive as possible. As inviting as possible.
So that he wouldn't leave her in the hands of someone with no mercy.
"Scheiße…" The hot air brushed against her skin, even through that hood.
"If only I could touch you too," she said, regretting it immediately. She was acting a little too enthusiastic in the midst of her panic. Trying desperately to prevent him from leaving.
But the hand on her back moved down a bit, and long fingers splayed over the small of her back, pressing gently.
"Don't tease me," he huffed, panting although they were both quite still.
Jesus Christ… at this rate, the KorTac could hire her to do the interrogations.
She wondered whether the surveillance team was looking at the scene, which was far too intimate and loving to be an interrogation. What kind of a man would try to pry information out of someone by embracing them gently? Kissing them hesitantly?
In a way, this was torture: she didn't know what would happen to her after… whatever this was. She didn't know what procedures would follow when the others found out he had no intel for them to tell.
Let's get this fucking over with.
"What's your name?" She asked, hoping that the puppy boy wasn't naive enough to tell her his actual name.
"They call me König."
King in german...
She meant to ask him to touch her so that this horrible, awkward mess would come to at least some sort of an end, but couldn't find the words. His name on her tongue seemed to do the trick, though. He ground his hips against her, and had she not been tied to the ceiling, the movement would have toppled her. The hand on her back went behind her knee and raised it to his hip. Then another hand slid down to do the same to her other knee, pulling her from the ground like she weighed nothing at all.
The strain on her arms was released, and the relief was heavenly. For that alone, she could've let him do whatever he wanted to her.
"You're so klein… small," he commented with her raised to straddle his lap and her face finally on the same level as his. "Small people make good snipers," he declared with a hint of longing in his voice.
She had a terrible urge to sling the bundle of hands over his head. And not for self-defense reasons.
"I'm not that small, you're just big," she said, like a beauty to the beast, like it was a cute scene in a movie where everybody was nice to each other. Her gut feeling of the man being a virgin only increased by the minute. He was so… blameless. It was downright unintelligible that he was a soldier.
But she had seen how brutal he was on the field, how he had struck holes in her teammate with a combat knife like he was playing tag and didn't quite know the rules. Didn't know that one stab in a well-picked spot would have sufficed.
She had seen him haul a grown man with 100 extra pounds of tactical gear on him up like the poor man was a barbell, and bring them down over his knee. The sound of a breaking spine would probably haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. She had simply gawked at the display of utter, brutal violence before her. Normal men, even soldiers of a special forces tactical unit, simply didn't do stuff like that. Hands-on, down in the mud, barbarian kind of stuff from medieval times.
And now the same man was fondling her like she was his sweetheart. Like he was about to carry her in the bedroom full of roses and other syrupy valentines shit.
"And what do they call you?"
The accent was really doing things to her, along with the few german words tossed here and there, absentmindedly like candy. He was an enigma with his colossal body, croaking voice, and gentleness that surpassed even the violence.
"You've got to be kidding me," he said, astonished.
"My team found out I used to do fencing, and I'm blonde, so…"
It was silly and the swords weren't even that big. One could hardly call them swords at all, the pointy little things they were.
But the situation indeed had taken a turn into a sick fairytale. Like, come on. Valkyrie and König? Some stupid hippie would've loved that: how it was meant to be, destined, even, that the two of them had met. That she was a damsel in distress, and he was here to save her from the ring of fire.
She stifled the urge to shake her head, to snap out of where this was spiraling into.
They barely even knew each other's codenames. She was in a modern version of a dungeon, lit by a single light bulb, about to get raped by some edgy, mentally unstable goliath, she reminded herself. While perhaps psychologically interesting, he was not okay. This was not okay. She had been trained for situations like this.
Except that she wasn't. She was trained to withstand torture, battering, spending days in a cell where the lights never went out. She knew methods to draw the mind away from constant pain. But she hadn't received instructions on what to do in a situation where she wasn't even being questioned. Not even on the sly. Her call sign wasn't much of a secret. They probably knew who she was before they brought her to this room.
"There are many stories of valkyries in my Heimat," he prattled on enthusiastically.
"Yeah, I know the Nibelung saga," she said.
"Very heroic, very German tale."
"You ought to know."
"No no, I'm not German, I'm Austrian," he said.
This was turning into an odd conversation.
"König." She said in an attempt to bring his attention to the present moment. He fluttered his eyes, long lashes batting over that innocent-looking stare.
"Don't. Just… don't," she tried not to stutter.
He had lied to her about not being a torturer. Chatting with her like they were on their first date, discovering that they were actually intrigued about one another... It was insufferable. Although she was the one who had started it by asking his name…
"Right. Getting on with it," he said like he had been given an order. Her heart stung. Tears were welling up from the absurdity of this whole situation, from his silliness, from her having felt rather comfortable and safe in his hold. Fucking safe.
She should quit the army when she got out of here. If she got out of here. She wasn't right in the head to continue with this job.
"I've been an idiot," he told her.
You're damn right.
An idiot she could imagine herself falling in love with in another situation, but an idiot nonetheless.
"You should put on more of a fight, and…" he trailed off.
And you should be rough, you dumdum, she thought. Again, in another situation, she would've probably loved him to be rough.
"Roger," she said to him and heard him chuckle, saw how a few wrinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes. He lowered her down to the ground, and she hissed when her arms extended against the rope again. He let her go, gently, like it was his fault that she was attached to the roof.
"I would help you, but -"
"It's ok." She gave him a weighted look that told him to stop speaking. To get on with the action so that she wouldn't get attached even more than she already was.
He grabbed her by the throat again, doing a shitty job at trying to make it look like he was manhandling her. His eyes landed on her chest, and she could almost hear the wheels turning in his head, thinking about whether he should tear her top. Apparently deciding against it, he went for his trousers instead, pulling the belt buckle open with a click.
It had been a while, what with all the stress and the sleep deprivation not being an ideal combo to get her juices flowing. But nothing could prepare her for the surge of wet heat when the front of those light brown pants practically gave way for what must’ve been the largest bulge she had ever seen. It was almost vulgar, even more so when the fabric of his boxer shorts stretched at the sudden throb.
She realized her mouth was hanging slightly open, and she closed it carefully, but her lips parted again when he continued to shove both of those pants down. He didn’t even bother to take them off, and they were left somewhere mid-thigh, with belt buckle dangling in the air.
And God, he was huge.
It wouldn’t even stand up properly, even though there was no doubt that he had a full-on erection. It jerked between them like a threat, or a dare, but mostly it was just a long, thick, veined baulk that couldn’t support itself because it was just so goddamn big. He was uncut, but the foreskin had drawn back from the arousal, and the tip of his slit glistened with precum.
And he was flustered again, misinterpreting her stare as a sign of fear instead of awe.
"I promise I'll be quick," he whispered, and the first thing that her mind chirped back was Please don't. And not because it would probably be painful. But because she desperately wanted him to slide that monster in inch by inch and take his beautiful time with it.
"Uh-huh," she managed to say before the man codenamed King stretched his fingers toward her pants.
With trembling digits, he opened them and started tearing them down before realizing she could not spread her legs without him taking the pants off. And then he realized he couldn't take them off without taking her boots off.
So what happened was that her panties and pants were halfway down, and the Austrian hulk kneeled in front of her with his hooded face in level with her pussy. He turned his head to the side and leaned a bit on her thigh to unlace her boots, but she was pretty sure he did it mainly because he was embarrassed to look straight at her cunt.
She helped him as much as she could, raising her feet one by one for him to take the combat boots off. He tossed them somewhere to the side and tore her pants down, all the way down, and over her feet, leaving her in her tank top and socks.
He rose, his cock brushed her thigh, and she jerked like she had been scraped by some sharp object. It bounced at the contact, bumping against her again, sweeping a wet streak over her skin.
"Sorry," he mumbled like it was somehow worse than what he was about to do next. When he would shove… that thing inside her.
He picked her up again, almost in a hurry. Her heart was ramming against her ribcage and her mouth was dry as her feet left the ground. He was hard against her belly, flesh hot and throbbing and slick with precum that pushed out from the tip and left wet stains on her top.
This time she did raise her hands over his head and let the arms come down to rest on his shoulders. Her intuition told her she would soon need the support.
He moved her around like she was a doll, letting the erection drop between them to position himself against her slit. Her folds parted without effort as he slid against them, once, twice, before halting.
Don't comment about it, don't…
"You're wet," he grunted with delighted surprise.
"Yeah?" She said like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Just fucking do it, she yelled in her mind, lips drawn into a straight line so that even a dumbass like he could see that this was not the moment for hesitation.
And he didn't hesitate.
He searched, adjusted himself, adjusted her, spread his stance, grunted…
And it was pretty clear by now that he didn't know what he was doing. Her nipples brushed against his chest as he searched for the right spot with her in his arms, and she hoped he would've taken his shirt off so she could feel skin instead of cotton.
"There," she helped him with a whisper as he hit the right spot. He returned, probed, and she guided him. "Now up…", and he bent his knees while raising her slightly. The angle was right, and he finally drove in, slowly but surely.
The stretch was phenomenal. It hurt more than a bit after he had passed the entrance, and the delicious feeling turned into a burning sensation.
"Wait.." she begged, and he stopped immediately, panting like a runner.
"Back up a bit."
He did, pulling out almost completely before she bucked her hips to let him know he could push back in. And when he did, she gasped, and he moaned, so tight and so glorious that the sound that erupted from him was laced with pure need.
"Ach, you're tight.. soft…"
She clenched around him at his shameless commentary, and he let out another broken sigh.
Of course it's tight when you're so big..
He wouldn't go fully in, and she doubted whether he ever even could. She had never been this filled. But more was coming.
He withdrew again before thrusting back inside, deeper still.
"Oh Jesus," she gasped, "yes, just like that.." the words escaped her lips and she noticed his eyes were directed at her, drunk and half-lidded.
"Yeah…" he echoed, his voice shivering like a leaf. "Das gut?"
If her hands were free, she would've torn that hood away, buried her fingers in his hair, and pulled until he would expose his fucking throat for her to kiss and lick.
He began thrusting with a steady pace, shallow but intense, going deeper every now and then when he slipped. His hands shifted, one by one, to grab her by her butt to glide her up and down his length. It was fucking hot that he didn't need his hips to fuck her, that he could just move her around with his hands and slam her against it if he wanted to. Her ankles hooked around his waist on reflex, and her fingers flexed in the ties, trying to grasp onto something but finding only air.
"You feel so good," the short, agonized 'good' coming out more like 'gut'; and her pussy tightened, pulled, and sucked him like he was the best thing ever.
"Sch…shit," he breathed laboriously, taking a moment and thrusting even deeper, eyes closing like he was on the brink of losing consciousness..
He hit a spot that was both familiar and unfamiliar, and she was pretty sure that if someone was looking at the surveillance material, they couldn't tell whether the look on her face was of pain or pleasure. She couldn't keep herself in check, couldn't seize control anymore. She was so soaked at this point that the evidence of her arousal was heavy and loud. So audible that it made her cheeks hot.
"I wonder what you taste like," he mused, his hood shaking in sync with his thrusts. "Honey and raindrops, eh?"
"Mh," she sobbed, her thighs quivering. She wanted to spread them more, to let him see her and have a taste, to present herself for him to do as he pleased. But she couldn't move much in his grasp. It was like she had been propped up on a machine, buckled to a seat reserved just for her.
He took a wider stance as if hearing her thoughts on wanting even more of what he had to offer, and she held on to him as he shifted like the continental plates beneath her. He proceeded to fuck her while leaning his head against the side of hers, and she held on to him as he breathed into her neck. The occasional moan sounded more like a sob as his cock slid in and out, in and out, slick with her wetness.
"You're what they sing about in Rheingold," he kept talking that romantic bullshit in her ear while stuffing her with that long Austrian cock that would make most women squirt if he kept at it long enough. "Und Walküre…"
It was so good she wanted to cry. She thought about letting a tear or two slip and saying it was just for the show if he asked. Virgin or not, König was doing a pretty decent job in making her a writhing, weak mess. He was not too quick, not too slow, but set just the right, rigorous pace that would send her into oblivion. He became the fountain stone, the buoy in the storm. He was the man that would send her over the brink and the man to hold her unwaveringly as she fell.
"Not much longer," he informed her light-heartedly, like he was in the middle of a mission about to be completed. Completed to the fucking full.
She couldn't even begin to tell him that she was already there, because everything suddenly coiled and burst, and she was arching her back, making him reach even deeper, almost fully inside her, the heavy balls slapping against her ass as her toes curled and her body went completely rigid…
The sound that broke out was not a yell, nor a scream, it was a violation of her vocal cords. She had never sounded like this — like someone falling and meeting the ground with a strained, lewd groan. Like someone who had the orgasm of their life.
He startled, almost quailed from her. Not because of the screaming, nor the sounds she made after… but because she came, hard, while he was banging her like a battering ram.
"Genau so…" König rasped, taken aback but trying his all to cover it. He slowed down on instinct, letting her greedy pussy suck on him like it was giving him a blowjob, telling him he was a good, good boy… because her words had left her.
He moved a little, and she could see the flash of those eyes from within the darkness of the hood, knew that he was watching her intently as she swam in ecstasy with an open mouth and pinched nose and eyes that wouldn't focus.
"Schön," he continued, sounding fragile. Weak. Vulnerable…
She couldn't for the life of her look at him, look in those eyes that must've told her things she wasn't strong enough to deal with at the very moment.
Her head dropped and her thighs went slack, but König held her, steadfast like the most gallant knight. He resumed his earlier pace with caution and care, breathing distinctly with his mouth open under that black mask. She was limp in his arms, trying to hold on as best she could while listening how the cock drove into her again with moist, sloppy sounds.
The moans that followed didn’t suit a man of his build at all. She had expected brute strength and hoarse grunts, not pinched, needy sobs and a head softly pressed against her. Forehead against fucking forehead. And he probably didn't even know what it was doing to her because he was such a stupid, adorable little — ugh, big dumbass.
She wanted to grasp his shoulders, slide her hands under his mask and raise it, kiss those moans straight from his lips, and run her fingers all over his stubble, the chiseled jawline she had seen only once. She wanted to feel him, all of him, not just his hands and his cock, even though they were good. Or fucking best. It almost made her cry; the post-orgasm need to cuddle for a bit but not being able to do so because her hands were bound to the fucking ceiling of a fucking dull grey bunker.
"Can I… cum..?"
Was he asking her permission to…
"Can I cum inside… Please, I'm close," he panted.
"Yeah… Yes.."
He slowed down the pace as he drew out his own upcoming release, relishing the last thrusts like he was sampling the finest cuisine. She finally dared to look at him and saw that his eyes were open and full of naked, helpless adoration. Devotion, even.
She must have been imagining: they were only the eyes of a man who was about to nut good. But damn if that fevered, helpless stare didn’t succeed in touching her very soul. To her horror, he wasn't shy this time, but held her gaze, held it, held it — until his lashes fluttered and he went over the brink with a cry.
It echoed from the damp concrete walls, just a single, prolonged wail that eventually broke and ended in miserable panting.
She could feel his cock throbbing, shooting the load inside, emptying the whole magazine in her. How the seed welled up, unable to go anywhere before he would decide to pull out.
König laid his head on her shoulder and pulled her against him, and she was not suspended only in rope but in time and space as well. His shoulders moved up and down with the heavy breaths, and she pulled her tied hands to awkwardly brush his neck as he came down from heaven.
He was shaking. Shaking, and let out a whimper against her skin, and for a fleeting moment, she was sure he was crying or on the verge of doing so.
He shuddered a sigh, taking a moment to himself.
She felt hollow. Not raped, not assaulted, not abused. Just hollow, knowing what had happened between them would not be a recurring thing. That there was no 'them', not really. Not in the real, actual world.
"You can let go of me now," she whispered, although that was the last thing she wanted him to do.
But he did as she proposed, lowering her down and sliding out of her only after her feet had met solid ground. He pulled out carefully, gently, like he was leaving his beloved. Warm fluid descended down her left thigh in a streak, indicating that it had been a while for him.
Her head was full of dumb thoughts, such as whether he had a girl waiting for him somewhere back home. In Germany perhaps — no, in Austria. And if he had, just how lucky that person was.
She wondered if he had found someone here, and if they were in the military or not.
She wondered if there was no one, if he was alone, and if he curled up in a fetal position every night before he fell asleep in some bed that was too small for him.
And whether he would get into trouble for violating orders.
"You were," he started, eyes directed to the ground, "magnificent."
Was I your first, King?
"You weren't that bad yourself," she complimented him back, and he huffed.
"You liked it?" He asked in a way that made her heart squeeze tightly in her chest.
"Wasn't it obvious?" She couldn't help but smile. Couldn't… Wouldn't.
"Ja," he chuckled while looking down at his boots with an interest that was totally born from shyness. "I'm glad I could please you," he said before tucking himself demurely back into his trousers.
She wondered if he was as aware as she was of the fact that neither of them had played out the part they were supposed to. It had all gone out the window the moment he had touched her again. Practically thrown out, as if they were defying death itself together.
He gathered her boots and helped her step first inside her panties and then the cargo pants. He had to go around her back and reach from behind to zip her up and put her belt on, and it was such a mundane, cute act that she thought that this was indeed the cruelest form of torture she had ever witnessed. He hovered over her after he was done, and stole a brief caress of her waist before crouching to lace up her boots.
He rose, and came back in front of her, and the silence between them stretched to a short eternity. There were so many things she wanted to say, things he probably wanted to say, thoughts buzzing in both of their heads like bees as his seed cooled down on her thigh and made her pants stick to her skin here and there.
She thought about thanking him for being gentle, but what was she really thanking him for? Raping her tenderly? With the attentiveness and passion of a lover?
Was it rape if she had enjoyed it? If she had had one of the most powerful orgasms of her life?
He was… she had no words for him. The way he had unraveled her in mere minutes was shocking. Devastating, to say the least.
"I will find a way," he promised for the thousandth time. "I will not let them hurt you."
She nodded slowly, continued to do so while looking at him, her eyes welling with tears.
“Hey, kleine Süße, don't worry.” He brushed her cheek with his knuckles, soft and sweet. "I will be your Siegfried."
She didn't have the heart to remind him that both Siegfried and the valkyrie died in that story.
Part 2:
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lilgoblinbitch · 6 months
The Archer Finds a Soulmate 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
girl dad!daryl dixon x fem!reader
a/n: this idea was offered by @yummymeee !! was trying to find fluffy daryl prompts and this one stuck with me.
summary: Daryl is a father of a young girl and has always had trouble trusting new people. When he meets you, everything changes.
warnings: none really, typical twd stuff, just some angst and fluff at the end :)
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Daryl Dixon was left raising a child in the apocalypse. He didn't expect to find himself taking care of a baby all by himself after the mother of his child ended up hiding it from him, and on her death bed begging Daryl to keep the baby safe. Of course, Daryl would love his baby girl till the day he died. She was the light of his life. She was the only thing left in this cruel world that reminded him of what made life worth living.
Five years after the start of the apocalypse, Daryl was extremely lucky to have been part of a large community that actually showed not only him, but his little girl, charity and companionship. All he wished for was a safe home and chance for his daughter to grow up happy. Because he never got to have a happy childhood himself, it almost felt imperative for him to manifest his own happiness and prosperity by giving his own kid that opportunity.
"Jasmine! Get outta that pile'a crap and c'mere!"
The five-year-old girl lay on her back in mound of dirt and leaves, swishing her arms and legs back and forth. "Daddy, look! I'm making a dirt angel!"
Daryl scoffed as he peered over at his daughter, who was collecting bits of leaves and sticks and dirt in her hair and probably covering every inch of the fabric of her outfit. An outfit that Carol had recently washed, because it originally got stained with orange juice and pudding. Unfortunately little predicaments like that were bound to happen to any little kid. It didn't bother Daryl, he just didn't want to put more of a burden on Carol.
Daryl stood up from the log he was sitting on, setting the dead rabbit he was working on skinning to the side. "Jas! Ya want food or not?" He called out, waving the playful child over to him. She perked her head up at him, her dark curly hair now decorated with bits of colorful leaves and sticks, almost making her hair look like a Christmas tree in some way. The child obeyed and jumped up from the ground, shaking off the dirt that layered her clothing. And of course, they needed to be washed again.
Joining her father by the fire, Jasmine plopped down on the log across from him and simpered at him. He smiled back after examining her youthful grin and spotting the smeared dirt on her face. "Ya got dirt on yer face, silly girl. Here, wipe yer hands and face with this." He handed her a towel, one that was adorned with pink and purple flowers. She loved that little beach towel. She snatched it out of her father's hands and hastily rubbed it all over her face and hands, then tossing it on the ground. Daryl sighed in distress.
"How many more things of yers we gotta ask Carol to wash?"
"We're outside, daddy. There is dirt, and you say dirt makes us dirty. So it's got to make everything else dirty, right?" Her enthusiasm never failed to make him grin and forget what he was even upset at her about.
"A'ight, watch me, ready?" Daryl grabbed the dead rabbit and continued skinning it, making sure Jasmine was watching him. Her face contorted in disgust.
"I don't wanna do that, daddy! It's gross and it hurts the rabbit."
He ignored her complaining and continued skinning it. "It's dead already. Didn't feel any pain, I promise," he reassured the child. "I just needed to show ya how yer dad makes yer all-time favorite food: rabbit stew."
The little girl shook her head. "No, my favorite food is Carol's cookies, and the Kingdom's cobbler!"
Daryl rolled his eyes, finishing up skinning the rabbit and then sticking it on a stick and placing it over the fire. Throughout their meal, Daryl told her about the time he first ever had to eat rabbit, and how he was around her age. His daughter was always absolutely thrilled to hear stories, especially from her father. She admired him more than he realized. And she looked forward to every Thursday afternoon, because that's when Daryl took her out for walks in the woods, pointing out various plants and showing her how to differentiate between animal tracks and walker tracks. Of course, she was too young to fully understand everything he taught her, but it made him more comfortable knowing that she was learning early on.
Some nights Daryl lay awake, tossing and turning only to say "fuck it" and go out in the woods where he could ease his mind, while his daughter was already fast asleep in the room across the hall. He loved being alone in the woods; just him and no one else to disturb him for a few hours.
However, one night he ended up acquiring company from an unexpected individual: you. Daryl didn't know very much about you, besides the fact that you joined Alexandria not too long after he and his group did. You were quiet and reserved, always keeping to yourself and never being found in large crowds because you were always more content when alone. Daryl often found himself following you into the woods to see what you even did out there, but you were just too quick to spy on. And truthfully, you were afraid of Daryl. You had seen how similar he was to you in some ways; his love for nature and serenity and the comfort of being isolated from the loudness of the community you lived in. You observed him going into the woods and not coming back out for hours, just as you did. He ended up becoming a valued member of Alexandria as he helped Aaron recruit new members to the community. He was becoming more outspoken than you, and that seemed to make you nervous.
Tonight, curiosity got the best of you and you decided to go and see what it was that Daryl the archer father did late at night in the woods, all alone.
Daryl did not anticipate anyone to be as good of a tracker as he was, especially in the dark of night. But being the daughter of a hunter father ended up advantaging you with that skill. So when he heard footsteps and prepared to send an arrow flying and landing between the eyes of a walker, but ended up being face to face with you, he was surprised to say the least.
"Hey, um, Daryl right?" Your flashlight beamed onto his face, and he squinted. "Sorry," you turned it off and shoved it in your pocket, "I just, um...I always see you out here, and I'm always out here, so..."
"So what?" Daryl wasn't in the mood for visitors, especially not annoyingly beautiful women such as yourself. You made him nervous.
Daryl kicked the dirt around with his feet, not looking up at you as you continued to speak to him. "Look, I'm not really a people person, and you probably want nothing to do with me because I never talked to you before...but I–" you stopped to look down at the dirt and shuffle your feet in it as well, involuntarily mimicking Daryl. "I dunno, I just need a friend, I think."
You could feel Daryl's eyes on you now, the glow of the small fire illuminating his auburn hair and the specks of hair on his beard. You swallowed hard, becoming a nervous wreck under his hard gaze. "Why me?" Was all he managed to say after studying your face. You finally made eye contact with him after mustering up the courage to do so. He had pretty eyes.
"Because I think we're alike in a lot of ways." You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and leaned against the thick tree beside you. "And honestly, you're one of the only people I know of that has better tracking skills than me," you added, voice soft and unsure. Unsure of what the mysterious man in front of you was thinking. It seemed like he had so much going on in his head all the time, and that's because he did. His thoughts raced, thoughts about you and how pretty you looked under the sparkling fire and why the hell you were talking to a loser single dad like him.
But you didn't see him like that. You were intimidated by him – always have been, except this time he intimidated you in a way you never expected. He made you want to open up to him, because you could tell now that he was just like you. You went your whole life never wanting to be seen by anyone, but Daryl changed that.
Daryl's lack of words left you in your thoughts once again. What if that was his sign for you to scram? What if he hated you? What if he thought you were a fucking creep for sneaking up on him in the middle of the night in the woods? You couldn't handle the fear of rejection so you took matters into your own hands.
Sighing in defeat, you turned on your heal and started for the other direction back to Alexandria, until you were abruptly stopped in your tracks.
Daryl did not wish for you to leave. He believed you. You were like him. "Ya wanna come hunting?"
Your eyes lit up in elation, and you smiled at him. "Yeah, I'd love to."
After a only a few weeks, you and Daryl became friends. He properly introduced you to his daughter Jasmine, who when meeting you for the first time told you, "You're pretty!" It melted your heart. Yours and Daryl's friendship grew drastically from then on. You respected him a lot, as he did you. The two of you were able to teach each other things about nature and hunting that the other had no clue about; you taught Daryl which herbs were best for different things, and he taught you how to shoot with a crossbow. Of course, your bow and arrow and your dagger were just enough for you already, but it pleased you to know that Daryl actually wanted to teach you.
Soon enough it was evident that you and Daryl were growing a deeper connection than the two of you originally anticipated. But somehow you weren't scared of it. You felt content around him, and it was clear that he felt that way about you, too.
"Jasmine!" Daryl called out, frantically searching the woods for his pesky little daughter. The sun was setting over the tree line ahead of him, clouds painted orange and pink. It was going to be dark soon, and he had no idea where his daughter had run off to.
Daryl found his feet moving on their own, eyes shifting around his surroundings while he attempted to track the footsteps of his daughter. "Jas! C'mon let's go!" Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping filled the air. His heartbeat quickened, and his paternal instincts kicked in. He raced toward the sound, crossbow at the ready.
He was just about ready to shoot whatever was hiding behind the tree but when he saw you walking with Jasmine he stopped in his tracks, lowering his weapon. You and Jasmine both glanced up at him simultaneously, and the little girl ran up to her father and hugged him. A sigh of relief overcame him as he bent down to hug her back. You beamed down at the two of them, admiring how touching the sight was.
"Where were ya?" Daryl stood back up, moving his focus between both you and his daughter. You could tell he was trying his hardest to stay calm, but the fact that his daughter was running off in the woods without him made him feel uneasy and on edge.
"Don't worry, I found her by a stream back there. She told me she wanted to learn how to catch frogs," you reassured him. He grinned and looked down at the girl, who was carrying a red bucket full of croaking amphibians.
"Look how many I caught, daddy!" She lifted the bucket up to Daryl and he peered into it. "Well someone's a professional frog catcher now, ey?" He teased.
The three of you reached the gates and Jasmine hurriedly ran down the street to the other kids outside. You smiled and turned to Daryl, who was already staring at you. You blushed and looked down at your feet.
"Sorry, I should have told you she was with me. She just seemed so excited and I couldn't say no, so–"
"Nah. Don't need to apologize," he interrupted, reaching his hand up to brush a strand of hair out of his face. "I, uh, thank you, fer watchin' her."
A gentle breeze drifted through your hair and you brushed stray strands out of your face, all the while Daryl shifted his weight and gathered the pith to express his feelings at that moment. He needed to get it off his chest.
Your doe eyes only impelled him further.
"Uh..." his anxious eyes finally met your passionate ones. "I think Jas might enjoy having ya over fer dinner t'night."
This time you tittered, nodding your head enthusiastically. "If this is your way of wanting more of my company, just say it, Daryl." Your face muscles seriously ached from smiling so hard. "I... I like you. And I would love to come over, honestly, any time."
Daryl's face flushed a shade of pink you'd never seen on him before. It made you giddy. "I like ya too."
That moment felt so cliche – it felt like you and Daryl were part of a silly teenage romcom film. But you two earned that cliche moment. You were surprisingly capable of harvesting a healthy connection with someone who really meant a lot to you.
The magnetic pull between the two of you grew stronger and stronger, reeling your body closer to his. Your hand instinctively brushed against his, making Daryl's insides mushy.
A smirk ran across yours lips and you grabbed Daryl's hand firmly. "C'mon, let's go make some food for tonight."
That evening you cooked venison stew for Daryl and his daughter, by gratitude of the huge buck Daryl scored earlier that morning. Secretly you loved to cook, but you'd only ever cook for someone who was special to you; back in the day you'd always cook for your father after he'd go out hunting and bring back game that gave you an opportunity to create a mouth-watering recipe. Today, that special someone was Daryl. You truly believed he deserved a decent meal from you after everything he'd done for you. He won your trust and respect – even more so your love.
"Thank you."
Daryl was sprawled out on the couch, staring up at you as you had finished cleaning up the dishes. He had already tucked Jasmine into bed up stairs, afterward coming back down to gawk at you.
You wiped your hands on a towel and set it on the counter, turning your attention the the comfortable man on the couch. "No need to thank me. I wanted to cook for you." You joined him on the couch, drowning in the soft cushion and taking in the homey vibe of his living room.
He sat up, turning his body toward you. That expression was painted on his face again – the one that told you he was doubting himself, or that he was trying really hard to articulate his emotions. You took his hands in yours, a decision that caught Daryl by surprise. "You don't need to doubt yourself anymore. I know what you're feeling, trust me."
Your reassurance kindled the spark of courage Daryl so desperately needed. It was as if you were his god, his creator – the one to send him the message from the sky to tell him it was his time to listen to his heart. And so he did.
The archer's rough, calloused fingers traced shapes over the dry skin of your hands. Your gaze melted him like plastic by the fire, and the words your spoke to him spilled from your lips like a prayer.
"Kiss me, Daryl."
Carefully Daryl parted his lips while searching your face for any uncertainties; there were none. And so he kissed you. He kissed you like you were a porcelain doll, suppressing his strength as to not break you. He wanted this kiss to last forever, and so did you.
Daryl trusted his gut that you were the one for him, and boy was that the best decision he ever made right there and then.
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judeslove · 10 months
stay with me
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pairing - jude bellingham x gn!reader genre - angst, fluffy end warnings - reader has a panic attack, swearing, crying, petnames (babe, darling, etc), intended lowercase summary - this req
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all the stress would eventually catch up to you, you just didn’t want to believe it. being college student, having huge debts, trouble living and finals around the corner weren’t doing you any justice. you promised jude that you‘d come to one of his games, but that promise is waiting to be filled.
you placed the book down from frustration. you couldn’t understand anything. math wasn’t your strongest thing, yet you chose it as your major. you walked to the kitchen while filling up you glass.
the door whined as it sprung open. jude was taking off his shoes while making his way to you. his hands wrapped around your cold body. you pressed a slight kiss to his cheek and then leaving to study.
you flipped the pages of your book, trying to find something you understood. you had been flipping for ages, finding nothing. then you realised it. you understood nothing and your finals were next week. your breath shortened as your leg was bouncing. no, not now, you thought.
your pulse became increasingly faster, your heart beating like it was caged, trying to get out. tears fell to your lap uncontrollably while your hands were shaking from fear of failing. you couldn’t think and just continued shaking. then, suddenly, you felt a warm hand on your thigh. jude snaked his arms around you comfortingly.
“babe, it’s okay. breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold, can you do that for me darling?” he mumbled while telling you instructions. you obeyed him, feeling your pulse slow down. your once caged heart seemed to be free now, beating slower. you were tangled together for a good minute until you spoke up.
“thank you, seriously” you thanked him. the smile on his face was admiring your every feature, thinking how did he pull you.
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
suddenly i remember the days of obey me
domestic partner hcs with lucifer, diavolo, and asmo???
mischievous and silly arc is over, fluffy and domestic begins - ✨💅
Domestic HC with Lucifer, Diavolo, and Asmo with NB! s/o
omg hi ✨💅 anon!! I didn't know you were also in OM! ik you ask for some fluff, yet I ended up spicing everything with angst.. tell me why I get so carried away omg 💀💀
NBreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff, mention of alcohol, also kinda angsty in Diavolo's part and suggestive in Asmo's part??
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-If you were able to get so deep in his heart, he will never let you go now. I'm meaning it not only in some jealous possessive way, but in some overprotective one too.
-He's already lost enough in his life, so you're too precious for him now, and Luci is ready to protect you from anything, with all possible ways.
-Well but it didn't mean he would save you from his brothers and all this cacophony they make. He would never admit but one of the reasons why he falls for you so much is your ability to get into this trouble and then find the most ridiculous way to get out of this.
-Acting like all these things annoys him but really loves to see these little accidents and take part in it too. (Also, of course Luci wouldn't scold you as hard as he scolds his brothers after this.)
-"What do you mean this idiot again got into some debts?" - your boyfriend sighs, disappointed, as you are sitting on his office, telling him another story about Mammon and his and yours adventures. - "There's no way he would ever get mature, for demon's sake.."
"But don't you actually love it?" - you can't help but giggle, clearly see as the corners of his lips lift a little. - "There's no way you don't adore Mammon the way he is.."
Lucifer just scoffs again. You're really lucky that he's your boyfriend, cause he would kill right in place anyone else who would say something like that.
"I just got used to such behavior.." - another small sigh as he looks away with a light blush. What great magic do you possess that Avatar of Pride himself just can't hide his true emotions? It's like bright colors appear on his face against his will..
-It's actually surprising how soft Lucifer can be when no one else is around, just you and him in his office or bedroom..
-Only you have a privilege to see his relaxed face after a long day. Your presence is enough for your boyfriend to calm down, and all thoughts about paperwork and other problems fade away as soon as your gazes meet. The uncontrollable urge to pepper your whole face in kisses is the only thing in his mind now.
-Absolutely love gentle kisses, especially in moments like that, when Lucifer too drained after another loud day in House of Lamentation. All he needs now is to feel your generous care, your tender love, as your light touches soothe his tensed muscles.
-I don't want to say he suddenly would stop teasing you - Luci still absolutely adores how quickly your face turns red after a few of his commentaries.
-Just, even though he loves something burning and passionate in your relationship, he adores some cozy peace too. It helps the bond between you two get stronger as your souls get closer to each other, while some wild naughty games keep this initial feeling in your hearts glowing bright.
-So yes, he can be all lovey-dovey, but only in private. When outside Lucifer prefers more 'serious' touches - his arm resting on your waist, caressing it through the fabric, or his hand on your shoulder as he pushes you closer to himself in a crowded corridor. Lucifer just absolutely loves to brag off about you being so close to him through these actions..
-Demons who usually get to talk with you always avoid you when you're with your boyfriend, and you wonder why. Well, maybe if you would turn and look up at Lucifer's face you would realize, but he manages to change his expression to a calm and smuggy one every time you try to do this.
"Is something wrong? You keep looking at me with such an amusing face.." - he always chuckles, enjoying your frustration.
"Nothing.. Just sometimes it feels like you have some sort of vibe that frightens everyone off.." - you mumble in response.
"Mm? Vibe? I think I can say it's just my prideful aura.. You know, not everyone can get too close to someone as omnipotent as me.." - oh, of course. It wouldn't have been Lucifer if he hadn't started bragging a little, showing his prideful side. Yet you just chuckle, teasing him a little bit:
"Oh? And then how high-powered I am if I get so close?"
".. you had another sort of power.. I would prefer to say 'charm', actually, that makes everyone around you engrossed by this.." - Despite you hoping to make your boyfriend flustered, his words tickle your heart and make you blush a little again. - "But among all of them, you chose me.. Doesn't that mean we are a perfect, powerful couple..?"
-Lucifer always has some poetic words to make you shy and giggly, but he absolutely adores you when you tease him too. It's a game for both sides, isn't it? So he wants to see what you have for him in store too.
-And if you are able to make him flustered (that is more easily done when you two are alone, and he shows his sensitive side), it's just a wonderful view - light red color perfectly suits his face, and the way his perpetually furrowed brows arch slightly, making his gaze so alluring and sensual.. You can't help but finish Lucifer off, cooing at him for being so cute and adorable. Extra points if you would pepper his face with kisses between your little compliments.
-He just can't help but being a big softie around you. You're cold? Here, take his coat. Or maybe your arms shiver under such wind? Of course you can borrow his gloves too. Seeing you enjoying his clothes makes him happy, and it also strokes his ego very much as he kinda sees it as marking.
-But what actually makes his heart melt and swell is seeing you early in the morning in his shirt. Lucifer is not a morning demon, yet he always wakes up in a more high mood if you spend the night in his room and greets him in such an outfit.
"Good morning.. I just wanted to go to the kitchen and make you coffee.." - you chuckle, watching the sleepy yet pleasant face of your boyfriend. His casual styled hair is so messy, but it just makes him look even hotter.
"Good morning.. I wouldn't mind such a treat right in the morning.. " - Lucifer also chuckled, placing his hand on your waist and moving you closer to himself in a warm hug. - "But I do hope you will go like that? Only in my shirt?"
"Ahh, you want your brothers to be jealous?" - you giggle, burying your fingers in black locks and messing with his hair a little. And of course Lucifer wouldn't move away, as your soft palm on his forehead and playful fingers are very enjoyable. - "Want me to bring some sweets along with coffee?"
"Mm.. No, you don't need to." - he furrowed his brows for a moment before smirking, moving his lazy gaze from yours eyes to your lips. - "After all, you can provide me with another tasteful treat, don't you think..?"
-It feels like you moved from your room to his now, as more than half nights you spend here. Even if your boyfriend is too busy with some paperwork and can't pay you that much attention before sleep, your persistence helps him work without any distractions, as he didn't feel that stressed about this bunch of documents.
-Uh.. But can I actually say 'without any distractions'..? As sometimes, as you sit near him, you can't help but tickle him a little, he places your arm on his one.. You do know he's busy, but you also know your lover too well and can see when he needs a small break.
-And Lucifer absolutely adores how you spoil him with some tea or coffee, or cheering him up with a few kisses, telling that work is almost done and he should keep it up just a little. He's playful, teasing you about what kind of reward he will get from his precious human, but deep in his soul he's grateful for this. Nothing can keep him moving (not only in the sense of documentation) as much as you and your soft smile..
"Here.. You should be thankful that I was able to sneak into the kitchen and steal this from Beel.." - your soft giggle tickles his heart as you place a small plate with tarts and a warm cup of coffee near him.
"I'm sure his plate was full of baking so he wouldn't mind if you take one.." - Lucifer chuckled, moving a little from the table with a tired sigh. - "But thank you anyways.."
"You're welcome. Just finish your report as fast as you can, okay? I'm kinda lonely.." - you mumble but your boyfriend clearly sees that you are just acting. But even knowing it, he still falls for your games, letting you toying with his heart.
"Of course, darling.. But only if you would share some of your energy with me.." - he patted his lap, inviting you to sit down. Having you so close, being able to smell your genteel fragrance, your sweet perfume, feeling your warmth.. His whole face tells you how much he needed it right now.
"Oh, are you trying to say I'm more powerful than you and should take charge of my precious boyfriend..?" - you can't help but giggle, enjoying his weakness in front of you.
"This is not really what I meant.. You just have some magic bent to fill me with determination.." - Lucifer's smuggy smile gets wider as you sit on his lap, leaning to his chest. He immediately hugs your waist with his hand, another strokes your cheeks as he makes you look up at him.
"Darling.. S/o.. I love you."
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-Be ready to be pampered like a high royalty.
-Well, because you ARE a high royalty, don't you think? If you decided to engage in a relationship with Diavolo, that means you're serious about this, right? Cause he is.
-Despite his goofy careless behavior, he does appreciate you near him on a deep, serious level. After all, he is the future King of Devildom, he can be humorless while making great plans that indulge you in his life.
-So he's willing to take you with him anywhere. He doesn't care about your status as an ordinary human or just an exchange student, Dia will take you to different formal evenings, parties and meetings.
-Of course he would prepare you for this, buying all outfits that you want, sponsoring any of your wishes, so you would look stunning every evening, lighting up big rooms of his castle brighter than any lamps and candles can.
-Well, but it's only if you want to join all of these things. It's a big part of Dia's life and he does understand that you need to show up here, as his partner, yet if you are not comfortable, he would never push you into this. Just be more stubborn when it's a really important event or if it's something he finds fascinatingly interesting and really wants you to see.
-Diavolo just knows how to make this puppy's eyes, almost begging with his whole body and actions, as he is trying to persuade you for another soiree.
"It would be just an amazing evening..!" - he swears, holding your hands in his big and warm ones. - "But not that amazing if you won't go.."
"Dear, I know you wanted me to go, but I'm gonna be kinda busy.." - you sigh but without rancor, as it actually was kinda amusing to see Lord of Demons himself clinging to you so much. It almost feels like he's ready to drop to his knees.
"But there's gonna be your favorite meal..!"
"And I'm sure you have some paperwork to do, don't you?" - ignoring his demands, you just chuckle. - "Barbatos wouldn't let you go out this evening, Dia.."
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you would agree to accompany me.. I was hoping to spend this evening together with you, dancing and having fun.." - your boyfriend mumbled, frustrated. Just how did you know about his unfinished work..! Moreover, teasing him with such a cunning smile.. You just love to toy with him, knowing well he can't resist your charm..?
"Aww, so you just want to spend some time together? Then what do you say about me cheering you up a little while you're working?" - you giggle, cupping his cheeks as Diavolo looks at you with such hope. - "I don't want to steal Barbatos's work but I'm sure this is what he's actually wouldn't mind.."
-Well, but honestly, Barbatos WOULD mind, as his Lord is just so easy to distract.. He always starts working hard and carefully with all these documents, hoping to finish everything quickly and hear some praise from you, yet every time he starts wondering about you and your warm hands, about soft kisses you would give him as a small treat.. Every time it just ended up with you on his lap as Diavolo asking for another little break.
-He's just a big fan of touches, kisses, cuddles..! And there's no difference if you're in his Castle or in RAD, he would be glad to hug you tightly, to hold your hand with such a proud face. Of course he wouldn't get too touchy, leaving the most passionate and sweet things just for you two to see and enjoy, yet he can't control this urge to place hand on your waist or shoulder in a protective way.
-In a protective way? Well, because there sure to be some demons who'd envy you getting so close to Diavolo. Maddie alone would be a big problem, what can we say about others unruly witches, demons and succubus who were also wishing to get in your place?
-You will not receive a whole guardian team, but now you notice the gaze of Barbatos on your back more often, as he's just following orders of his Lord to check on you. Your boyfriend himself can't be with you all the time, even if he's really yearning to, so he would send his servant.
-And of course you would move to Lord Demon's Castle now. Maybe Diavolo would try to fake it and tell it's another way to keep you safe, yet you can clearly see how happy he is about making you stay so close to him. And soon he would give up, telling you how long he was waiting for it.
"Here.. This would be your new bedroom.." - A small chuckle escaped his lips as you two were standing in a kinda large room, already filled with furniture and all needed things. Diavolo is such an attentive lover, knowing all your hobbies by heart, as he pleases you with small gifts almost every day. - "I try to make according to your tastes, yet if there is something you want to add or change, tell me, princess.."
"Hmm.. That's good, but I thought you would sleep in your room.." - you can't help but giggle, noticing his surprised face and light blush. Yet Diavolo quickly came back fast and laughed too.
"Well, I thought about all the times when you spent nights in my castle before.. But maybe you wouldn't be comfortable living with me that close on a daily basis.." - he mumbled with an ashamed expression, but his pale golden eyes were glowing with excitement, holding out hope. Sometimes it was so easy to read Lord of Demons like an open book. Well, at least for you.. - "But if you don't mind pushing things more, then I'll be glad.."
-And he means it. You can't imagine how much he was longing for you, even before you two started a relationship, and now, as with each step he's closer and closer to lure you into the depth of his soul, Diavolo gets more and more impatient. You have no idea how hard it is for a demon to control his craving urge to just capture and withhold his precious human all to himself..
-So yes, he's really possessive, getting jealous so easily.. That's another reason why you moved from House of Lamentation, as thoughts about you hanging out with Seven brothers for a whole evening, about their privilege to adore your sleepy face early in the morning as they share breakfast with you.. It was like a hot burning needle in his heart, and Diavolo is sure he has all the right to get rid of this feeling by placing you near him.
-It's not like he's not confident in himself or in your loyalty, it's just.. As a prince, he gets used to receiving everything he wants by just snapping his finger, to get so many presents and gifts just because. But with you he can feel that his wealth and title is not what makes you interested, that you see his personality first, that you see him. And Diavolo was hankering for this empathy for so long, craving for someone like you by his side..
-So of course he do feel fear of losing you. What if his character is not that bright and interesting as one of brothers? Maybe demons around him get attached to his money and status because he's nothing without this things? Maybe he was wishing for you to see through this tinsel but when the gold curtain rises there's nothing on a stage of his soul and heart? Maybe you just mistaken with your interest to him and soon would realize how empty he's without this masquerade?
-And now Diavolo bewildered with his jealous, trying to win you over with his real feelings, which are a real mess due to his confusion over his own personality, and at the same throwing more money in your eyes, wishing to keep you next to him with it. If he will not be able to make you feel safe, to make you want to live in such abundance, then at least he would tie you to him with deep feel of guilt for all this amount of money he spent on you, isn't he..?
-And even when Diavolo do tries to control his jealousy, you can feel as his grip on your waist get tight when you're in RAD, how he tend to kiss you longer and deeper right in front of everyone. Some small, harmless questions about your friends in Academy never make you suspicious, when in fact your boyfriend was carefully thinking about everyone around you. He doesn't mind to make his or his servant's hands dirty, if suddenly Diavolo would realize there's someone bad who not worthy your attention.. Or get too many of your attention..
-Yet your boyfriend doesn't want to scare you away, still acting all bubbly and ebullient. And he's actually happy to fool around with you, it's not just an act! Diavolo does understand sometimes that many of his servants, subordinates, just demons around tolerate his airheaded behavior only because he's a Lord.. Yet you actually enjoyed his company, having fun along with him..!
-It's just so heartwarming, to have someone who understands you and doesn't care about your status in the first place. Sometimes you even surprise Lord of Demons with your lack of interest for his title. You always had talked with him on equal, and it was probably the first thing that amuse him in you.
-Especially how easy you call him by any teasing nicknames, as he absolutely love it. Any nicknames, you name it, Diavolo would be glad to hear it for yourself and use for you. It's like another small game for him, as he love to think what cute compliment would be suit you today.
"Mm.. You buy yourself a new shampoo?" - his lips curved in a soft smile, as pleasant smell tickle his nose during his bear hug with you. - "You smell so fresh and sweet, my little buttercup.."
"Aren't you call me your sweetie pie yesterday?" - you chuckle, trying to breath normally as your boyfriend just have tendency to squeeze you too tight in his grasp.
"Well, because yesterday we was baking together..!" - Dia laugh, remembering a big mess on Castle's kitchen and your crooked cake in the middle of table. - "That was fun, but for me, our product turned out not that yummy and delicious, as you.. And there's probably no sweets that would delight me as much as your lips.."
"Ooh? Someone flirty? That's mean I should call you a smooth talker today, am I?" - you chuckle yet get on your tiptoe to press your lips to his in a small playful kiss.
"I honestly wouldn't mind anything.. As long as it's your voice, I don't care about what you call me.. I just hear your loving tone and it's enough to make everything inside me trembling in happiness.." - he mumbled, his casual loud voice now was almost like a whisper, as Diavolo got into some romantic mode. Honestly, he always starts to melt like that when you hang out around him for a whole day, turning into a timid needy demon who's only wish is to receive some kisses.
"S/o, i.. I just addicted to you.."
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-Ahh, get prepared to fully renovate your life - your schedule, your wardrobe, your free time, everything..!
-Cause Asmo requires a lot of time !! You're literally was able to charm him, him, the avatar of Lust who's get used to charm everyone around him, not the vice versa..! So of course he wants to spend as many times with you as he can, exploring this new thrilling pleasure of yearning only to one person..
-Always know what you two would do in the evening, as he has a whole list of adorable sweet things he want to do with you. Shopping date, night tour along all Devildom's clubs, calm spa evening, cute little baking lesson, quality time at the cafe with bunch of photos for Devilgram.. You name it!
-It's honestly surprise you, where your boyfriend get so much energy and passion for you everyday. Not like you get tired of it, but Asmo literally ready to spend whole days and nights with you.
-In the begging you though it all would be harder, with his addiction to clubs and flirt with succubus. Yet he turns out to be really loyal boyfriend, even more faithful than many other guys can be. Like, he do still love to have some chit chats with witches and pretty demons, yet now Asmo would never cross the line, getting too lovely with anybody else than you.
-He even likes to brag about how happy he is in his relationship with you..! Now it looks more like you two share one Devilgram's blog, as his whole account is in cute photos with you on different dates. And yes, Asmo absolutely loves to spend lazy evenings in his bed with you, trying new funny effects and masks, or maybe filming a new video in Fab Snap.
"Oh, here, here, look..! This filer will show us how good our couple is..!" - he giggles, hugging you and leaning his head closer to yours, and now a big heart appears on a screen right above you.
"I thought you already had said to me that we're a perfect match..?" - A small chuckle escaped your lips as you hugged him back, waiting for results.
"Of course I said that, cause it's true..! ♡" - your boyfriend puffs out his cheeks, acting like you just said something mean. - "But aren't you feeling this funny tickle in your stomach, amused by waiting.. Ahh, I wonder if my phone can feel how deep my love for you is..!"
"Due to how many pictures of me you have, I'm sure your gadget is well informed.." - and it was true, as even your own gallery had more different things than Asmo's one. - "See? The results are 95%.."
"Ahh.! Where did it lose 5%?!" - your boyfriend whines, deletes the recorded video and starts filming again. - "It's probably because we were just hugging and giggling..! Come here, give me some sweet kisses filled with your love, and I'm sure it will be 100% this time..!"
-Asmo can be a big tease, actually, with all his light playful touches and smooches. Well, he's a demon, after all, and a very lustful demon, who knows how to make you all shy and silent after a few words and strokes. And despite always acting so lovable and affectionate, your boyfriend can sit straight and not show you any romance, making you the one who would cling and ask for some attention..
-Ahh, and your blushing needy face is so cute, he can't be so harsh with you for a long time, quickly clinging to you and giving more passionate deep kisses, teasing you for being so sensitive today.
-He is still kinda angry at you for not falling under his charm, actually! So when Amso is able to make you yearn for his feelings, it's like a little win for him, as he just can't help but keep toying with you a little.. But it's clearly seen that you do enjoy his games, aren't you!
-And of course he loves it when you tease him back..! This unknown yet so intriguing interesting feeling when someone makes him swoon, tickling his heart the same way he is always mocking someone.. It's surprisingly pleasant, and sometimes your boyfriend switches from naughty brat to sensitive needy demon, enjoying how you keep fooling him.. Just why does his head get so dizzy and he actually wants more..?
-Only sweet, cute, pink nicknames for both of you..! Such as 'cuite', 'cupcake', 'rose', etc.. Everything around Asmo should be perfect and adorable, and you, dolly, also would be covered in this bright glitter..
-And the first thing your boyfriend wants to do is to poke his nose in your wardrobe. Who as not him can help you improve your style and turn into the most popular human here, in Devildom? So you both would be an iconic duo, stunning more bright than any stars around..!
-It doesn't mean Asmo would throw away all your clothes, no. He's still respecting your own opinion and doesn't want to change your style, it's what makes you so unique, after all! But some little correction there and there, a few new outfits as a gift from your boyfriend, aren't these bad? It would give you more inspiration and ideas for your new looks.
"Come on, hurry up and unpack it..!" - Asmo whines, absolutely impatient as you sit in his room with a package in your hands. Just when he gets time to go shopping without you..? - "I want to see your adorable reaction, angel..!"
"Hm..? It kinda reminds me of your casual outfit.." - you mumble, a little bit surprised, looking at a set of clothes in white, pink, and reddish-pink colors. - "Is it..?"
"Yesss..!! It's a matching outfit!♡" - too excited to control himself, he screams, jumping from bed and hugging you. - "Please, try it on right now! I promise to not peeking at you while you change, hehe.."
"Oh yes? And I just thought about surprising you with a little show as a thanks for this gift.." - you sigh dramatically, making Asmo even more exuberant.
"Ahh, Doll! I appreciate your wish to please me too, yet we would move to such things after, okay? We have things to do..!" - with these words your boyfriend brings more packages with new clothes for both you and him. And, of course, matching. - "Some anticipation will just spice up things, you know? So let's warm up a little with a small exhibition, mm? ♡"
-Of course clothes and fashion tips are not the only things you would receive from him.. Asmo absolutely loves to pamper you with facial masks, lotions, creams, anything! Your head on his laps as he takes care of your skin is one the best way to relax, as you literally can fall asleep on his soft thighs, lulled with tender touches of his slim fingers.
-And the same goes to him! Asmo loves when demons around him pamper him and treat him good, but it never will compare to even the slightest attention from you, as your love and care can almost bring him back to heaven.
-There's no one who Asmo would let touch his face, no need to talk about any cosmetic procedures. Yet you can squeeze, stroke, tickle his skin as much as you want, as your hands are softer than silk and warmer than sun.. And when you kiss him playfully on the lips after washing off the clay mask, this little treat burns his insides more than a good shot of whiskey, making his soul ache for more.
-Would you ever thought a demon who's always seeking attention and flirting could be jealous? And Asmo isn't shy about saying out loud, protectively hugging you and leaning on you. He knows it's stupid, especially from his side, yet there's nothing he can do about it, you're just his little star..!
-Your boyfriend doesn't even know how to form this itching feeling that keeps pinching his soul into words, as he never feels any envy or anything! Like, yes, back then he can envy the popularity of some demons, and sometimes he still can be jealous if someone was able to buy the last limited mascara before him, but it's different! This storm of emotions that his soul undergoes when someone starts to be too chatty with you is just unbearable..!
-And all that Asmo can do it's to turn on his childish clinging behavior, throwing a little tantrum. Not a real one, as he sees that you didn't flirt back or anything, he just doesn't know how to relieve his stress that someone will outshine him in your eyes, as it's actually a thing that worries him.
"Just what sort of course you cast on me so now I feel like that..? Me! Feeling insecure..!" - small drops of tears shining in your boyfriend's eyes as he hugs himself with a melancholy look.
"What do you mean, honey? Something happened?" - you really try to hold your chuckle but when Asmo acts like that, overdramatically, you find it kinda amusing.
"This incubus! The one you were talking to just now! Is he pretty? What do you think?" - he suddenly furrowed his brow, waiting for an answer.
"Mm.. How can I call someone pretty, when for me the meaning of the word 'pretty' or 'beautiful' is your visage?" - you purr, getting closer and hugging him.
"You're more dangerous than any powerful witch.. As no one can fill my heart with such joy with one phrase.." - A little whine tickles your ear as he hugs you back, tight and needy. - "And the worst part is that I know that you just tease me, yet I will fall for it again and again.."
"Oh, tease? Is there something I can do to prove to you my words..? Maybe I should kiss the prettiest lips right now?" - you look at his deep dark eyes, that were filled with such need, then slowly lower your gaze at his lips with a small smile.
"Ahh, silly s/o!! You can kiss your own lips.." - Asmo giggles, grasping on your waist as he leans his face closer to yours. - "Just promise me.."
"That's you're mesmerized with me no less than I'm with you..♡"
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curi0us-gh0st · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're doing well ☺️ I would like to request headcanons for Ha Do-yeong and Jeon Jae-jun (separately) falling in love and confessing to a female reader is Moon Dong-eun's friend who helped her in revenge? She is also a very loving mother figure to Ye-sol? And what it will be like to date them? Thank you ❤️
(Im)Perfect Relationship (Do-yeong & Jae-jun)
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pairings: Ha Do-yeong x Fem!Reader, Ye-sol x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Jeon Jae-jun x Fem!Reader,
word count: ± 1k
genre: Angst, fluffy, suggestive (?)
Jeon Jae-jun, He was the almost perfect guy for all the girls, he had everything he wanted whenever he wanted, and the only thing he wanted, he couldn't have, was you.
Ha Do-yeong, With his thought of leaving Seoul with Ye-sol, trying to keep his daughter away from the evils of the metropolis, he only saw a single light to stay.
warnings: mention of Moon Dong-eun's bullying, swearing, forgiveness (?), almost an unhappy ending, Reader being doubtful of any act of Jae-jun, jealousy, age gaps, kissing, mention of Park Yeon-jin, let me know if anything slipped out.:)
a/n: aaaa, kinda sad? but, after all, deep down there are feelings :((
part 1 / part 2 (smut)
Jeon Jae-jun
★ Jae-jun the moment he met you, the first time he saw you with Moon Dong-eun on the court, he quickly felt that he could convince you (or you) with his charm, but he didn't even come close, you and Dong-eun just cutting off the chat and leaving happy that their plan had begun.
★ Jae-jun, after several times seeing you in situations involving Dong-eun and his revenge, he felt tempted to flirt with you, but unfortunately for him, he always got dumped, getting angry and determined to make you surrender to his beauty.
★ When Jae-jun realized that he wanted you more than any other woman he could have, he felt indifferent, laughing in his own face, because he had simply never felt that way with Yeon-jin, much less with Hye-jeong. So he spent long moments thinking about why he wanted to stay close and wanted to impress just you.
★ Jae-jun when he touched himself is in love with you, he cursed himself internally, cursing himself every moment he found himself thinking about you, what it would be like to wake up next to you, how your lips could be soft and sweet, how your food would be hot, etc. And he quickly shook his head furiously while you were almost finishing him off in the revenge plan, he must hate you.
★ Jae-jun thought that if he got rid of Yeon-jin, he would have a share of forgiveness and found the perfect time to confess his feelings while he almost made you guys crash into his car, what a stupid idea he thought of later. You asked Dong-eun to stay in the car, saying you would deal with him and well, it was really awkward talking.
"You're telling me you're in love with me? You're kidding, right?" You laughed in disbelief, the rain wetting your hair and clothes with how much outside it was.
"I am not kidding!" He shouted angrily, it wasn't because he was in love that he would be sweet, he was still explosive.
"No way." He scoffed. "It's impossible for someone like you to have feelings, especially you! Are you aware of what you did to Dong-eun? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel ashamed? No, right? Because you are you! Superb, just thinking about money and sex, nothing Besides, it matters.” He spat out the words. "Someone like you would never know what love, empathy, compassion, those things are. Never, do you understand?"
"Y/N, please…" Before he could say anything, Yeo-jeong appeared, asking you to leave with Dong-eun and he would sort it out, you obeyed, leaving there.
★ Jae-jun in the following days felt frustrated, hating himself for every moment of that damn conversation. You were right? Could he ever feel what love is? Did you hate him? Was he such a horrible person? And if he asked for forgiveness, would everything change? Would you like him? He was so confused, so sad, for the first time in his life, he would have to fight for something he truly cared about.
★ When Jae-jun went to visit Hye-jeong, after all those events, he felt strange and even asked Choi why he was feeling that way, of course Hye-jeong looked at him strangely, in disbelief at what she was hearing, quickly Jeon he told her to forget about it and not tell anyone, the moment he left, he came face to face with you, dressed as a nurse and with a gentle smile while talking to a patient, when your eyes met theirs he soon disappeared, moving on to another wing, but was prevented by him.
★ Jae-jun took you to the hospital terrace, where you could stay afterwards, saying he had to talk to you, you had no choice but to go.
“Y/N.” He tried to find words to say what he felt. "I know you don't believe me, and you're right, I understand that. But please… Just think about it." Jae-jun put his hands together for the first time to beg for something.
"Rethink?" You asked. "What do I have to think? You hurt my friend, you made her about, what do you want me to rethink?!"
"Oh!" He shouted impatiently. "Damn, I know what I did, but… I… Fuck!" He couldn't. "I-I like you! I want you, not just to stay and leave the next morning for the first time, I want to wake up next to someone, I want to be the reason you smile, I want to actually be good to you, I don't know why I'm feeling this, but that's what I think every time I see you! Please, please, please. Think again, if you really don't want to, I'll disappear from your life forever!" Jae-jun knelt in front.
His eyes staring deeply into yours, really trying to convey everything he felt to you, he didn't understand, but he thought it was the right thing to do. You stared at him, kneeling in front of him, your heart pounding, confused, strangely thoughtful at the confession, maybe… Just maybe, could you forgive him? Was he lying? Was he cheating on you? Was he planning something with this? Why would he go to the level of kneeling and begging? Maybe, you should at least give him the pleasure of a cup of coffee or dinner to hear what he had to say. Maybe, you should talk to Dong-eun and Yeo-jeong about this, you were so confused. You really need to think about this.
Ha Do-yeong
★ When Ha Do-yeong met you, you were Ye-sol's babysitter since Yeon-jin went back to work, you spent most of your day with the little girl. He was surprised when he saw her with Moon Dong-eun after her resignation, but logically, he didn't say anything to Yeon-jin while letting you see Ye-sol while she was gone, since the girl was attached to you.
★ When Yeon-jin tried to push you away at all costs if Ye-sol, he intervened because the woman wanted to fight in front of her daughter, he didn't let her insult you, much less let her attack you. He pushed you away and apologized to you, saying that you could see Ye-sol in peace once the divorce papers were signed, you were surprised when you heard him say that but you agreed.
★ Ha Do-yeong, after Yeon-jin was arrested, he sent you a text message, asking if you would like to leave with them and leave Seoul, you quickly denied it because of your family and that your friend needed you even That you loved Ye-sol, he couldn't leave everything and leave like that, he understood that, he thought, he spent the night thinking about it.
★ He asked you for lunch one day, you were silent until the waiter took your orders, he cleared his throat to say something to you.
"Y/N. I understand that you don't want to leave Seoul because of your family, Moon Dong-eun and other personal reasons of yours. Therefore, Ye-sol has been very attached to you since forever, I think. She doesn't stop Talking about you and your times together, I wish you could babysit her again in some way. I just… I really want you close to her, she likes you a lot like I do." He said spontaneously, of course it made perfect sense in his head, but something held you back.
"Oh-" his cheeks lit up pink, it caught her off guard at this. "I know, Mister Ha. And well, of course I can babysit Ye-sol, I love this little girl more than anything and I understand that you would do anything to see her happy." You smiled shyly and he smiled brightly.
★ When Do-yeong got home after weeks of you accepting the proposal, he felt his heart catch fire seeing you and Ye-sol preparing a cake, the kitchen full of wheat and mixtures that spilled while lively music played in the background, and Their laughter filled the place with joy. When you saw him standing there, his cheeks turned red with embarrassment while Ye-sol was more radiant than anything.
"Appa, you're here!" The little girl ran to him, despite his protest that she would dirty him. "Y/N and I are making a cake for us all to snack on." Ye-sol whispered as if it was a secret.
"A cake? It must be delicious!" He smiled approaching the dirty kitchen. "Apparently, there were some unforeseen events." He laughed at how he was doing.
"I'm sorry Mr. Ha, I promise I'll clean everything up!" You assured.
"No problem, if the cake is good, you will be forgiven!" He tickled Ye-sol who laughed loudly.
Some time after everything was tidy and clean, you were sitting on the grass in the backyard, having a picnic in the moonlight, seeing the full moon in the sky while listening to Ye-sol's stories. Suddenly, Do-yeong reached out to his face, which made it red again.
"There's still cake mix on your face." He chuckled, wiping at his chin. His gaze and hand remained for a good few minutes, you were very beautiful, how did he not notice that before?
"My God!" You almost exploded with embarrassment. "I'll have to spend long minutes in the shower to clean up all this mess." You laughed shyly as his eyes lit up, quickly taking his hand away from you.
★ After that day, he found himself feeling different about you, you seemed more beautiful and more attractive than any other woman he had ever seen, and who had flirted with him. He refused to accept his own feelings, because you were younger than him, he felt hesitant about it.
★ After much thought, he invited you to go with him and Ye-sol to the beach, you accepted thinking it was just to take care of Ye-sol during it, but certainly not. You were tempted to look at his almost defined body, the masculine features that highlighted his beauty, heavens, you were feeling completely attracted to his boss…
★ And this was even deeper when you saw a woman talking to him, feeling strange, calling Ye-sol to come with you, to call him.
"Jagiya?" "Appa!" You called them, right behind him. Making the woman look at you and as he turned around in surprise at the call.
"What?" He asked in surprise.
"Jagiya, Ye-sol wants to eat ice cream… How about you join us?" You teased, making a different tone appear on Do-yeong's cheeks. When the woman said goodbye to him, it was his victory, without saying anything, he took them to the ice cream shop.
That night, minutes after you put Ye-sol to sleep, he was on the balcony looking at the stars drinking wine he found in the hotel room.
"Jagiya. Was this all to drive away the woman I was with?" You almost spat the wine out of his mouth when Do-yeong appeared in the doorway.
"I… No…" He chuckled at her nervous state. "Were you jealous?" He asked, knowing the answer. "She was a lookalike from the company, who saw me and came to greet me, don't worry." He teased making your cheeks catch fire.
"Mister Ha…" You saw him get closer to you.
"Maybe I should show you who my heart belongs to…" He said almost in a whisper, your heart pounding against your chest, your eyes dilating, on impulse, you set the glass aside, holding onto Do-yeong's long shoulders and pulling him into a kiss, soft and sweet.
"Maybe, you already have your answer…" his eyes sparkled next to his.
That night, a new passion set fire to Do-yeong's heart, a true and pure love, without lies, without deceit, without cheating. Where even his daughter felt welcomed and loved.
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seospicybin · 1 year
hey! idk if you take requests but if do, can i ask for a fic where the reader and chan lay in bed, lazily giving eachother hand jobs while a movie is playing on the tv also with an angsty start and fluffy ending!!
i love your work! thankss
I try my best to fit angst and fluff in a drabble and it was hard but I managed to do it hehehe
Here you go, hope you like x
REWATCH. (s,f)
Bangchan x reader. 1,9k words
You stomp inside once Chan unlocked the door of the apartment, upset that he got late to the movie date that he, himself, set for both of you.
"I'm sorry. I'm losing track of time in the studio," he explains, following you as you're going to the bedroom and tossing your bag onto the vanity table. You start taking off your clothes to get ready for bed, wanting to get this day over with.
However, Chan doesn't like leaving the problem unsolved before bed. He wants to talk when you're trying to do the opposite, at least not with this rage still boiling inside you, to prevent yourself from saying things you don't mean to him.
"I can explain, okay?" He says.
You hurl the dirty clothes into the laundry basket and put on one of his t-shirts to bed, at this point, you claimed all of his clothes as yours.
Getting pissed with you keep ignoring him, he grabs your elbow and stops you from leaving the room again, "Can we sit down and talk?"
You look at him with jaws clenched, "I don't want to talk!"
You yank your hand away from him but that only makes him tighten the grip around your elbow. You start forcing his hand open to let yourself go but he's relentless.
"Let me go!" You tell him.
"I'm tired from working and the last thing I want to do is have to deal with this behavior of yours. I said sit down so we can talk!" He snaps at you.
Chan is rarely mad at you but when he does, it means that you've done some real problem but tonight, you've done nothing wrong, it's him, he was the one breaking his promise. Seeing him raising his voice at you with his eyes wide and filled with anger, you immediately break into tears.
Realizing that he lost it to his anger, he pulls you into a hug.
You push him away, doesn't want to cave in when he just snapped at you like that.
"No! I don't want—" Your words got cut off by your sobs.
He wraps his arms tight around you and not letting you go, "That's why you should have obeyed when I told you nicely," he scolds you more.
You try to get away from him again but it's a fruitless effort with the strength he has. You eventually give in and let him comfort you.
"Why did you raise your voice at me like that?" You cry into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he repeatedly apologizes with a kiss on the top of your head.
With a glass of water and cuddles, you calmed down once he explained why he forgot about the movie date.
"It's not about the movie date, okay?" You croak.
"You should have told me if you can't come and I'll be okay with that. You made me wait for hours," you explain your side of the story of how you waited at the movie theater yourself until late at night.
"I know. I'm sorry, it's my fault," he admits right away with his hand cupping your jaw.
He leans in and softly kisses you, in an effort to gain your forgiveness.
"Are we okay now?" He asks.
You nod.
"Can I get a kiss then?" He asks again with a smile.
You nod and lean in to kiss him this time, despite how you hated to see his angered face, he's just a human after all and he loses control of his temper sometimes.
"How about we watch a movie right now?" He suggests.
"Yeah," you excitedly nod, losing your drowsiness from getting into a fight with Chan earlier.
As a token of apology, he gives you the privilege to choose the movie and you sit on the bed while scrolling down the list of movies available on the streaming service.
Considering that you need something light-hearted, you pick a rom-com movie. You crawl back to Chan as he rests against the headboard of the bed, welcoming you back with open arms.
You lean with your back against his chest and he puts a blanket on your lap then puts an arm around you.
Half an hour into the movie, Chan starts to shift his focus on you, planting his mouth on your neck with his hand slipping under your t-shirt.
"You smell heavenly, my love," he mutters into your ear.
You don't want to give in to his temptations easily, especially after what happened.
His hand traces the lacy fabric of your underwear, "are you wearing these for me?"
"No," you answer without a beat.
He giggles because he knows you are still a bit upset.
"Then why are you so dressed so nicely tonight if it isn't for me?"
You shrug, "I don't know, maybe the staff working behind the concession stands," you playfully respond.
He presses a kiss on your jaw, "Oh... I'm so jealous," he half-heartedly replies.
"You should be because I'll be getting free popcorn for life," you joke.
"Now I'm really jealous," he drags his lips down the column of your neck.
It makes you begin to lose focus on the movie as his hot breath fans your neck. There's a big chance you'll eventually cave in but before that you want him to sweat a little.
You clear your throat and taunt him more, "Not just popcorn, I can get free tacos, chips, chocolate, candies..."
He puts his hand around your neck and forces your head to rest on his shoulder, "but he doesn't have what I have," he says.
You chuckle at him, "Yeah?"
He nods then takes your hand from your lap. First, he brings it to his mouth to kiss your knuckle then brings it down his body. You let out a gasp as he slips your hand inside his sweatpants, wrapping your hand around his hardening cock.
"He doesn't have this big cock you like so much," he confidently says
And confidence sounds so sexy on him, it arouses you more than his big cock.
You remind yourself of your initial plan while keep wrapping your hand around his thick girth, rubbing your thumb on the tip.
"He probably has a big cock too you know," you tease him.
He pouts in doubt and nods, "That's possible."
You raise an eyebrow at him and slightly slump down his chest to comfortably rest your head on his shoulder.
"But," he surprisingly adds.
With one hand, he parts your legs open to touch your clothed core, "he doesn't have hands that know how to make you feel good," he says.
You click your tongue at him, "Not sure about that either."
His fingers are tracing your clit against the thin fabric and easily spotted it, "he doesn't know where to touch you," he furtherly adds.
"Mmh?" You start to indulge yourself in his touches.
Chan indeed knows where to touch you and makes you squirm against him. He puts the blanket away to provide him the visual of his fingers deep in your wetness.
Somehow, you let him take your underwear off without complaints. Deep down, you want to see how he touches you, how his fingers repeatedly swipe up and down your slit.
With a sly smirk shot at you, Chan pushes two fingers inside you and begins pumping them, in and out of you.
"I'm sure he wouldn't know how to touch you like I do," he says.
"Mmh?" You hum in a questioning tone, trying so hard to rile him even just a little.
"He wouldn't know how... to make you..."
He curls his fingers and easily finds that exact spot.
"Oh! Fuck!" You curse out loud.
He nods as he's grinning in satisfaction, "Yes, there it is!"
You take a moment to get a grasp of the situation, taking a deep breath, you locate your hand still inside his sweatpants and decide to pull it down, freeing his erection from its confine to give you access to freely stimulating him.
"Still... I'm going to give the concession stand guy the benefit of the doubt," you tease him for one last time, curious as to what he'll do next.
"Oh?" He asks with his head tipped to the side.
"But I won't let you," he simply resolves.
You begin stroking his cock and set a steady pace, "yeah?"
You catch his eyes fluttering shut for a moment, "how is that so?"
Just like he's trying to make a point, he's adding speed to his fingers pumping in and out of you.
"This pussy is mine," he says with such possessiveness.
You manage to let out a laugh between your moans, "excuse me, this is my body," you remind him.
He shakes his head and smiles against your lips, "But why does it so sensitive under my touch, so pliant, always taking me well, mmh?"
You have no answer to that and you don't want to think anymore. It's time to finally give in and let him take you high.
"You are mine," his voice is low and raspy in your ear.
"These lips are mine," he says again, claiming your lips with a hungry kiss.
"These breasts are mine," he proceeds to knead on them through your clothes.
"You are mine and mine only," his breath feels hot on your skin before sinking his mouth on your neck, probably marking you there to prove his ownership over it.
You yelp in pain but with the pleasure building up inside you, both pain and pleasure blurs together, taking you higher and higher.
The hand stroking his cock starts to slow as you're on the brink of orgasm.
"Are you going to cum all over my hand like a good girl?" He asks.
You find yourself nodding to his request.
"I know you will," he deepens the kiss with teeth and tongues clashing against each other.
The moans are growing louder in the room, beating the sounds coming from his fingers deep in your wetness. You cling to his arm as the overwhelming pleasure is about to wash over you and all at once, you let go.
"Oh, I'm cumming... I'm–oh!" You moan with your eyes screwed shut.
Chan places kisses on any skin he can land his lips on while you're relishing your sweet release against his body. You hear the sounds of him licking his fingers coated with your essence and it's wildly erotic.
You feel bad for not being able to give him the release he needs but have a plan brewing in your head.
"When I think about it, I'm not into popcorn that much," you tell him with a smile.
He laughs before kissing you, "what are you into then?"
You get off his chest and go down between his legs, looking up at him as you bluntly answer, "I'm into big cock."
You waste no time taking him into your mouth, sucking on his delicious shaft.
"Oh, yes, take your time, baby" he lowly says while putting all of your hair away and into a makeshift ponytail in his hand to give him a clear view of his cock slipping in and out of your mouth.
"It's all yours," he adds.
And it's better be, only yours.
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A Man's Worth
Tup x Fem!Reader
Chapter 3: Death in the Twilight
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Summary: Your date-night with Tup is interrupted when your stalker finds you and won’t leave without you. Tup heroically comes to your defense, but is overpowered by the assailant and you are taken away. After your rescue, Tup struggles with his insecurities and self-worth as he tries to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Pairing: Tup x Fem!Reader
Characters: Tup, Kix, Fives, Echo, Rex, Jesse, Hardcase, Dogma
Tags & Warnings: 18+, established relationship, domestic fluff, minor suggestive themes, stalking, kidnapping, violence, blood, major injuries, whump, trauma, angst, hurt/comfort, minor character death, self-worth, masculinity, depression, PTSD
Word Count: 6.6k
Author’s Note: This is probably the quickest I've ever updated a fic, but that's only because the chapter was already written. However, I did edit it so it connects better with the previous one. Beware, this chapter is pure angst. No fluffiness in sight! The next chapter will be a little slow to come out, since I haven't written it yet. Also, there may be a fifth chapter because I can't seem to stop. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta Read: By the lovely @commander-sunshine!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
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It’s cold, so very cold, and wet. Where did all this water come from? Tup wonders. He tries to move his body away from the cold and wet feeling, but none of his limbs obey his mental commands. Why can’t I move? The tips of his toes begin to tingle, and the odd sensation travels up his legs and torso, eventually spreading into every nook and cranny of his body, like water filling an empty vessel. The tingle turns into a throb, then an ache, and finally into a burning fire. 
He feels the weight of something crushing his chest and his breath is stolen. Why can’t I breathe? Where did my lungs go? He tries to open his mouth to scream for help, but it also won’t listen to his commands. Is he even in his body right now? He tries to remember where he is and why he’s there. It’s dark, pitch dark, and silent, like a stasis of being. An ominous and unnerving thought nags at the back of his mind, but it refuses to be caught into his consciousness. 
Suddenly, a bright light breaks through the darkness, but it looks cold. It doesn’t look like the light he imagined the call of death would resemble. Wait… Death? Am I dead? He tries to remember, but the picture in his mind is fractured like puzzle pieces dumped onto a floor. Parts of a whole scattered across a vast and never-ending expanse. His remaining thoughts are pierced by a loud noise. He wants to cover his ears from the ringing but he can’t. His eyes finally open.
The artificial lights are bright and his vision is blurry. The constant beeping sound stabs into his skull. His head is swirling as his mind fails to comprehend where he is. It’s too bright. It’s too loud. He attempts to take a breath, but he can’t. He tries to move his hands, but he can’t. He tries to speak, but he can’t. Panic sets in and the beeping sound becomes louder and faster, pounding further and deeper into his head. All he wants is for someone to make it stop.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a muffled and calm voice breaks through his panicked haze. “Easy vod’ika. Udesii. Calm down.” 
Tup’s mind is a swirling mess of confusion and incoherent thoughts. He can’t place the voice, and he doesn’t care who it belongs to as long as they make the noise stop. He needs help. He needs the voice to help him. His body won’t move and his lungs won’t work. I can’t breathe. Why can’t I move my legs? Why can’t I move my arms? Tup struggles weakly against his confines, desperately attempting to move something, anything, but a set of firm hands stops him. 
“Tup,” the muffled voice becomes clearer and is more stern than before. The figure stands over him, blocking out the bright lights overhead, while waving a hand across his vision. “Look at me.”
Tup blinks to try and clear away his blurry vision. He sees the dark outline of a face, but he can’t make out who it belongs to. He feels something odd, then his stomach lurches and he stifles a cough against his teeth as he feels a long tube being pulled out of the inside of his body and neck. The feeling is startling and uncomfortable, but nothing he can’t handle. He tries to take a deep breath now, but he can’t. Why can’t he breathe? Why won’t the blurry man let him breathe?
“Tup, breathe through your nose,” the soothing voice commands. “Focus on breathing through your nose.”
Tup blinks harder and the picture becomes clear. It’s Kix. He wonders what Kix is doing here. He tries to ask him, but he can’t open his mouth. Why can’t he open his mouth? The new realization sets in. He can’t open his mouth, which is why he can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. A fresh wave of panic washes over him and that incessant beeping noise gets louder and faster again. The beeping matches the rhythm of his heart and it pounds into his head like a stake.
“You’re giving me no choice,” Kix sighs as he grabs a small syringe off the counter. “I need you to calm down and breathe through your nose.” He takes the syringe and injects the contents into the IV attached to Tup’s neck.  
Tup feels a rush of warm liquid travel to the ends of his extremities. He sees stars and his body lightens as he becomes a little drowsy. His heartbeat begins to slow and the beeping of the heart monitor follows the new rhythm. As his nerves settle, he starts breathing disjointedly through his nose. Kix looks in his eyes and breathes with him, trying to have him match his rhythm. A slow inhale and a slow exhale, over and over again, until Tup is breathing at his own pace.
“That’s it,” Kix praises softly. “You’re doing great.”
As his body falls deeper and deeper into a relaxed state, Tup tries to ask Kix what’s going on, but he still can’t open his mouth. His eyes grow wide, but his body won’t let him fall into another panic episode. He eyes Kix and tries to communicate that he can’t open his mouth, but Kix doesn’t catch on to his attempts at telepathy. Instead, Kix sits in the chair next to the hospital bed, throws his head back, and sighs in relief. Tup is confused at his actions and waits for him to speak.
Kix picks his head back up and leans toward the bed. “Thank the Maker, you're finally awake.”
Tup furrows his brow in confusion, the only body part he can seem to move at the moment.
“You gave us quite the scare,” Kix chuckles lightheartedly.
Tup doesn’t know what Kix is talking about.
“You didn’t wake up after your surgery,” Kix explains as he leans back in the chair and rubs his forehead. “And to be honest, we weren’t sure if you would wake up at all. It’s been Five rotations.”
Tup’s eyes widen with the startling news, but the pieces of his memory are still scattered.
“You have multiple fractures in both legs, your left arm, several cracked ribs, internal bleeding, a skull fracture, and a broken jaw,” Kix continues to explain. “We were able to reconnect most of the broken pieces during surgery and repair the internal bleeds.” 
Tup’s breathing quickens at the laundry list of injuries he’s unsure how he got.
“I had to wire your jaw shut too,” Kix notes as he realizes he should have mentioned that piece of information first since he’s been talking to himself for the entirety of the conversation. “Which is why you can’t open your mouth and need to breathe through your nose. I also had to intubate you using a trach in your throat because you stopped breathing eight times, but I removed that when you woke up.”
Tup’s mind goes numb with all the information. Some pieces are clicking back together as he now understands why he can’t speak or why he had so much trouble breathing. He still doesn’t remember how he received such severe injuries that warranted this much medical intervention. As he studies Kix’s face for more answers, he can see the dark circles under his eyes and his hair threatening to cover the tattoo on the side of his head. He looks burnt out and exhausted.
“Also, you’re in traction,” Kix adds as he rubs the back of his neck. “Basically, you’re immobile. Well, except for your head and your right hand, but I restrained both just in case you had an intense reaction when you woke up. Glad I did too. I didn’t need you pulling your breathing tube out.”
Tup stares into Kix’s eyes, trying to communicate all his observations and questions to him, but has no luck.
Kix can see the searching look in Tup’s eyes as they dart around. He cocks his head to the side at the obvious dilemma and thinks for a moment. “If I remove the restraints,” Kix begins with hesitation, “will you promise not to do anything stupid? Blink twice for yes or once for no.”
Tup blinks twice in response. What could he possibly do with one hand?
Kix walks around to the other side of the medical bed and undoes the restraint holding Tup’s right hand securely to the rail. Tup slowly moves his arm, rolls his wrist, and expands and contracts his fingers to gauge their function. Kix then removes the strap holding his head in place and eyes Tup suspiciously for a moment. Once he’s satisfied with his patient's calm demeanor, he places a data-pad down next to his free hand. “Type what you want to ask me,” Kix says.
Tup carefully turns his head to the side to look at the data-pad and taps on the letters slowly with his fingers. The data-pad, like most, has a text to voice feature, so after he types the words, the built-in voice reads them to Kix.
What happened?
“You don’t remember?” Kix asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Great,” Kix sighs as he grabs his own data-pad with Tup’s medical chart pulled up. He scrolls through some information and makes a few notes. “I’ll add concussion to the list.”
What happened?
“Based on the holo-recording Fox gave us,” Kix begins to explain in a serious tone, not bothering to look up from his data-pad. “You picked a fight with a clone serial killer and miraculously survived.”
Tup knits his brows in confusion as he tries to remember the events, but everything is fuzzy.
Show me.
Kix looks up from his data-pad and frowns. “That’s not a good idea.”
Tup slaps his hand down on the data-pad, his only way of showing emotion. He wants to see it. He wants to see what happened because he can’t remember any of it. He knows he’s forgetting something important and it’s clawing at the back of his mind like an animal trying to escape a cage. He tries to think back to the events that led him here, but the fog is too thick to see through. He gets glimpses, flashes of light, pricks of pain, and sounds that drift along like strangled chords. 
Kix crosses his arms and weighs the pros and cons. On one hand the footage could jog his memory, but it’s also disturbing, and watching himself get brutally beaten could put Tup in a state of panic. Kix grumbles to himself but gives in. If things go south, he can always sedate him. Kix swipes through his data-pad and pulls up the footage the Corrie Guard sent over the night they found Tup. He hesitates, but holds the data-pad up for Tup to see and presses play. 
Tup watches as the silent recording starts out with an empty alley. As the holo-cam footage rolls further, he sees himself come into view with a woman behind him. A woman? Who is she? The heart monitor starts beeping faster as his thoughts start reeling, trying desperately to remember. Something is coming back to him, but it’s still too vague to connect, like an extension cord that’s too short. If only he had more length. Kix looks up at the monitor and back down at Tup’s face. 
His breathing quickens through his nose as he watches himself fight the monstrosity of man in the footage. Then it happens, his fist gets caught. He feels a twinge in his left hand. He may not remember, but his body does. His body remembers all of it. He continues to watch as his limbs are snapped in half and the woman in the footage cowers against the alley. It’s there. It’s on the tip of his tongue. If he could vomit it out, he would. The name. The name of the woman. 
A shooting pain strikes like lightning across the back of Tup’s head. He brings his right hand up to touch it out of reflex, but Kix grabs it before it can make contact. Tup looks up at Kix and Kix shakes his head as a warning. Tup’s face scrunches at the shooting pain. He wants to yell, but the most he can do is grunt incoherently through his wired jaw. The pain is excruciating. He wants to keep watching to see what happens to the woman, but Kix pulls it away before it ends.
“That’s enough for now,” Kix says. He rummages through a drawer and pulls out a small vial and a new syringe. “This will help with the pain.” Kix pushes the medicine through the IV and sits back in the chair with his data-pad on his lap.
After a few seconds, Tup starts to feel relief from the stabbing pain in his head and relaxes again. He flips the holo-footage through his mind like pages in a book, roving over them as he tries to understand the whole picture. Little pieces begin to creep back into his mind. Pain. So much pain. The sound of his own screaming resounds in his mind like an alarm bell. Then a face. A face that’s very important to him. A face that he’s desperately trying to remember.
“You’ll be happy to know that he’s been eliminated,” Kix says with a reassuring smile. Tup is pulled from his wandering thoughts. “And she’s safe.”
Tup scrunches his brows together and forces his brain to think. She. Who is she? He closes his eyes and tries to remember, searching the recesses of his mind. Then he hears it. The sound of your voice, broken and terrified. A sound he thought he could never forget, but he did. He forgot about you. The memories of your life together flood into his mind like a broken dam. The sound of you crying and the sound of you begging that monster to let him go, it churns his stomach.  
It’s all backwards. He was supposed to protect you, but ultimately, you protected him. This isn’t right. None of it. What is wrong with him? Why couldn’t he take him? Why couldn’t he protect you? What kind of soldier does that make him? What kind of a man does that make him? The destructive thoughts infect his mind, taking root in every corner of his psyche, smashing his pride and crushing his ego into little tiny pieces of worthless dust. A failure, that’s what he is.
Kix watches and waits for Tup to respond to the good news, but he doesn’t. The lack of response concerns Kix for a moment, but perhaps the pain medicine was a little much for his system and he didn’t hear him the first time. “He’s dead and she’s safe,” Kix repeats a little louder.
Kix finds the first question odd, but he rolls with it. “Fives, Echo, and Jesse went on a manhunt, killed him, and rescued her,” Kix begins to explain.
Tup rolls his eyes, and Kix takes notice. Of course someone else had to save his girlfriend, Arc troopers no less. The strongest and bravest of all the clones. Tup scoffs at himself in his mind, thinking about his pathetic attempt at protecting you and then failing in the most horrific way possible. Not only did his girlfriend have to bribe the offender to let him go, but he can’t even get the satisfaction of killing the scum himself. It’s humiliating, another man finishing his fight and saving his woman.
“Even with the three of them in full kit, it wasn’t easy to take him down,” Kix explains further. He realizes that something isn’t right with Tup’s reaction. He can’t fully place it, but he has a hunch, and it has him worried. “According to Fives, he took a blaster shot to the chest and kept moving. I’m still baffled how you went up against this guy alone and survived with no protection.”
Kix chuckles half-heartedly at the short answer. “Must be.”
Who was he?
Kix pauses and wonders where this line of question is leading. “They ran him through facial recognition and it turns out he was known as the Clone Killer,” Kix explains with a shocked expression. “He was wanted in several planetary systems for killing at least fifty clones, but he’s dead now. Fives made sure of that.”
Tup huffs through his nose and Kix furrows his brows. Of course it was Fives. He doesn’t want to hear about the ARC trooper’s heroic rescue of his girlfriend or how Fives killed the man responsible. They’re probably already dating each other at this point if he’s been unconscious for five rotations. He doesn’t blame her. He wouldn’t want to be with him either, seeing as he’s so useless. She’s better off with an ARC trooper protecting her. She’s better off without him.
“She’s here if you want to see her,” Kix mentions with a smile in an attempt to cheer him up and bring the conversation back to being about you.
“No?” Kix questions. Now he’s really confused and concerned about what’s going on in Tup’s brain. “What do you mean, no?”
“You do remember who she is, right?” Kix asks, double checking that the concussion didn’t wipe out all of his memories.
“Then why don’t you want to see her?” Kix continues, still shocked by Tup’s apathetic responses.
Tup doesn’t answer, but instead looks away from Kix. He doesn’t want his brother to see the humiliation and embarrassment growing on his face. He doesn’t have to explain his reasoning. He doesn’t have to share his deepest fears or his radical insecurities that all of a sudden moved in and kicked his old confident self out. This is his problem, his fight, and his battle. His other fight was stolen from him, so this one he’s going to keep all to himself and wage on his own.
Kix raises an eyebrow and studies Tup for a moment, his hunch becoming more and more apparent at the silent treatment he’s receiving. “Oh, I see,” Kix says knowingly while crossing his arms. “Your pride got hurt, didn’t it? Because you couldn’t save your girlfriend and someone else did.”
Tup turns his head and glares at Kix as he sees right through him. Kix’s intuition and blatant disregard for his privacy makes him angry. His reasons are none of Kix’s business. How dare he say it out loud with such disdain in his voice, mocking him as he lies helpless in a hospital bed. He didn’t ask to be saved and he didn’t ask for Kix to psychoanalyze his private thoughts. This whole situation is ridiculous, meaningless, and he wants to be left alone.
“I don’t see what you’re so upset about,” Kix says in bewilderment. “You walked away from this with your life. You could’ve died.”
Should have.
Kix rubs his hand across his mouth and huffs in disbelief. He gets up from his chair, walks to the side of the bed, and lowers his face down to be eye to eye with Tup. “You listen to me and you listen well,” Kix begins with a stern voice. “I didn’t save your life so you could lie here and brood about your fragile masculinity. I don’t care about your feelings and I don’t care about your pride or your dignity or your ego. I only care that your heart keeps beating and your lungs keep breathing. So suck it up trooper.”
Tup scrunches his face into the best sneer he can make in response to Kix’s fiery words.
“So, that’s how it’s going to be, huh?” Kix says as he straightens up and shakes his head. “Well, I’ll let everyone know you’re awake and that you don’t want any visitors. Rex and the others have only been sitting in that waiting room for five rotations waiting for you to wake up, but by all means, wallow here alone in your own self-pity.”
Kix turns to leave and Tup throws the data-pad at his back. It hits without much force and clatters against the tiled floor. 
Kix takes a deep breath, whips around, and glares back at Tup in anger. “I swear, if you weren’t already broken, I’d break you myself!”
Kix grabs the data-pad off the floor and lays it on the counter. He then leaves the room, slams the door behind him, and leans his back against it. He sighs and brings his hands up to rub his face. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, traumatic injuries never are, but he wasn’t expecting this type of reaction, and definitely not to this severity level. If this is any indication of how the rest of the recovery will be, it’s going to be a hard-fought and bumpy road for everyone.
Kix thinks about his options and decides the next best course of action is to let everyone know Tup’s awake and alert. He meanders his way through the sterile hallways, medics and orderlies rushing past him as he thinks about how to explain Tup’s condition. He can use all his medical knowledge and verbiage to make it sound less impactful, or he can just come out and say it and wait for the shock factor to wear off, like ripping a bandaid off.
He rounds the corner to the waiting room, pauses, and takes a step back into the corridor. He smiles fondly. A sea of white and blue all tangled together with you at the center. You’re sitting sideways in one of the waiting room chairs, head leaning against Rex’s shoulder with your legs outstretched on Jesse’s lap. Jesse, Echo, and Fives are leaning against each other, while Hardcase and Dogma are leaning peacefully against Rex.  
The image is almost too pure to disturb so he pulls out his data-pad to snap a holo-photo of the moment. Maybe showing it to Tup will help him understand how valued and loved he truly is. Kix looks at the holo-photo and smiles. They may be clones, and viewed as a subhuman species to most, but their bond as brothers is the strongest force in the universe. No one messes with one of their brothers and gets away with it. If no one else will protect them, they must do it themselves.
Kix sighs and braces himself to deliver the news. He walks into the waiting room, approaches Rex, and gently rouses him from his sleep. Rex blinks and straightens himself up to stretch his shoulders, which starts a cascading effect of waking the others around him. You stir as your head dips from Rex moving his shoulder, which causes you to kick Jesse and wake him. One by one, each trooper stirs from their slumber and stretches out their cramped bodies.
“What’s the news?” Rex sleepily asks as he rubs his face.
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” Kix asks in return.
You startle at the idea of bad news, but Kix stretches out his hand to assure you that the bad news isn’t terrible news. You still wonder what kind of bad news you’re up against. Ever since you were taken, your only reality was that Tup was dead, but after your rescue, you had hope that he was going to survive. “What’s the good news?” you ask, thinking that it will help you get through whatever bad news may come next.
“Tup is awake, alert, and he doesn’t seem to have any permanent brain damage,” Kix answers.
Several sighs of relief and ‘thank the Maker’ erupt from the group. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in as tears fall from your eyes. Rex rubs your back for reassurance and comfort. Every day of waiting with no answers was painful as you desperately wished for Tup to wake up. There were no guarantees that he would or that if he did wake up, he wouldn’t be catatonic or brain dead. To hear that he’s awake and alert is the greatest news you could ask for.
You look up at Kix and mouth ‘thank you’ to him as the words can barely escape your mouth through the rolling tears of joy. Kix wants to smile, but the other half of his news won’t let him. He doesn’t want to destroy your little bit of joy by sharing about Tup’s spiraling mental health, but he doesn’t have much of a choice. That’s the double-edged sword of being a medic. He has to deliver good news and bad news. He can’t pick and choose which one to give.
“What’s the bad news?” Rex asks cautiously, a twinge of nervousness in his voice. 
Kix rubs the back of his neck and tries to formulate his words carefully. “Tup,” Kix begins, but then pauses again before continuing. “Physically, his recovery is progressing as well as expected, but mentally…” Kix trails off as he thinks about his words. “Traumatic events like this one can alter a person’s psychological state, so mentally…” Kix pauses again, struggling for the first time to get words out. “Mentally he’s not doing well.”
“What do you mean, mentally?” you ask in concern. “He’s okay, isn’t he?”
“Well, yes and no,” Kix answers in hesitation as his tone goes high and low with the words. “He’s struggling with his self-worth.”
“Self-worth?” you repeat in confusion. “I don’t understand.” 
“Spit it out, Kix,” Rex demands.
Kix sighs and puts all his cards down on the table. “He’s angry at himself about what happened and doesn’t think he deserves to live.”
“What?!” you retort in disbelief. “That’s ridiculous! Of course he deserves to live!”
“Not according to him,” Kix breathes out as he rubs his forehead.
“Can I see him?” you ask, determined to knock some sense into your boyfriend.
Kix frowns. “He doesn’t want any visitors.”
“He doesn’t want to see me?” you repeat quietly with disappointment as your eyes threaten to release more tears.
“Wait a minute, hold on, back up,” Fives interjects, astonishment dripping from his words. “We went through absolute hell to save him and her, and kill the man responsible, and he doesn’t want to see us?!”
“Like I said,” Kix starts calmly. “His mental state is extremely unstable.”
“That doesn’t sound like Tup,” you whisper as you think back to your happy-go-lucky boyfriend and his playful demeanor.
“This type of mental shift isn’t uncommon for trauma survivors,” Kix explains, trying to sound as compassionate and realistic as possible. “It changes people. He may not be the same man you remember, and he may never be that man again.”
The room goes quiet as somber thoughts float around like dandelion seeds caught in a breeze. No one can imagine a different Tup than the one they know so well. He’s always been bright, cheery, playful, and a bit of a tease to his batchmate Dogma. The idea that the Tup they know could be gone forever is a hard pill to swallow, especially for you. To think that your happy life was ripped away in one night is almost too much to bear. 
“I want to see him,” you assert as you stand up from your chair.
“That’s not a good idea,” Kix warns while shaking his head.
“I don’t care,” you argue, your emotions cracking through your voice. “I need to hear it from him.”
“We’ll go with you,” Echo adds as he stands up and gestures to Fives and Jesse.
“That’s definitely not a good idea,” Kix emphasizes while putting up both hands. 
“Are you going to try and stop me?” you ask as you take a few steps towards Kix and look him in the eyes.
Kix tries to look away, but your conviction catches his gaze. He sighs. “I can’t stop you if you’re determined. I can only strongly advise against it.”
You nod that you understand the risks and are willing to take them.
“However,” Kix cautions, his voice turning serious. “His health is my top priority and I will remove you, any of you, if you aggravate his condition.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” you acknowledge, fully embracing the terms of the visitation. You look back towards Echo, Fives, and Jesse and they give you nods of agreement.
As much as the rest of the group wants to see Tup, they stay behind in the waiting room, content in knowing that their brother is awake and out of immediate danger. Rex gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder and you return the gesture with the best smile you can form. You take a deep breath then follow Kix down the corridors, staring at your reflection in floor tiles as you stroll along. The three Arc troopers trail along behind you for the silent walk to Tup’s room.
You wonder what you’ll say to him. You’ve had some time to think about it since your rescue, the thoughts you want to express. Your gratitude, your fear, your love, your elation, all of it. You want to tell him everything and not spare any details. He’s in that hospital bed because of you after all, so it’s the least you can offer him. It should have been you, not him. You barely have a scratch on you, which only fuels your anger at yourself for Tup’s condition. He’s not worthless, not to you.
You finally reach his room and Kix stops in front of the door as he mentally prepares himself to walk inside. You decide to fortify yourself too. Kix said Tup’s not the same man as before, but you don’t know what that means. You don’t know what that looks like and you’re not entirely sure you want to know, but you need to know, even if it hurts. Even if he spits in your face and tells you to walk away, you need to know who he is now. You need to know how to love him where he’s at.
You take a deep breath as Kix opens the door and brace yourself. You haven’t seen him since you were in the alley. The last image you have of Tup is him hanging, bloody and lifeless from your stalker’s grip. Your breath quickens and your anxiety spikes as you step into the sterile hospital room. The heart monitor beeps steady and rhythmically, a good sign that he’s relaxed, and as you come around Kix, you finally get your first glimpse of Tup and it breaks your heart.
His entire body is wrapped in bandages, with limbs casted and suspended in the air using pins screwed into joints attached to wires that coil around pulleys. Several IV bags hang on a nearby pole with different fluids dripping through the catheter into his neck. What can be seen of his face is bruised and swollen from his dislocated jaw. The setup looks archaic and almost barbaric, like a scene out of horror holo-film, but it must be necessary if this is what Kix decided. 
You cautiously step closer to the bed, with Jesse, Fives, and Echo hanging back alongside Kix to give you a little privacy. You told yourself you wouldn’t cry, that you would be strong for him, but looking at his immobilized body and listening to the beeping monitors threatens to break your resolve. You look back at Kix for reassurance, and he gives you an affirming nod. You walk around to the other side of the bed, to where Tup’s hand is free, and gently place yours atop his.
Tup startles at the sudden touch and you flinch in response to his jerk, but you don’t remove your hand. You brush your thumb along the back of his knuckles in a soothing manner. He slowly turns his head to see who’s touching him and to his surprise, it’s you, smiling down at him with those beautiful eyes he instantly and intimately recognizes. For a moment his heart leaps knowing that you’re alright, that you’re safe, but he lets the feeling fade into his abyss of despair.
“Hey,” you say softly when you notice his eyes are on you. You almost lose your composure with just one word.
He doesn’t answer.
“Oh, yeah,” Kix says under his breath as he realizes Tup can’t communicate. Kix grabs the data-pad off the counter and brings it over to you. “You’ll need this if you want to talk to him.”
Tup glares at Kix for ignoring his wishes. Kix glares back. “Keep it on the bed this time.”
“Thanks,” you say as you grab the data-pad from him. You set it down next to Tup’s hand and wait eagerly for his response.
Your heart sinks at the cold solitary word. “What?” you ask in confusion. The first thing he tells you when you finally get to see each other again, is ‘leave’? That can’t be right. Maybe he misspelled ‘love’. That must be it. There’s no reason for him to make you leave, not when you haven’t had a chance to tell him how happy you are to see him alive. You chuckle playfully. “I can’t leave. I just got here.”
“Tup,” you say as your smile turns into a worried frown. You search his amber eyes, pleading for him to tell you more. “I’ve missed you.” You put your hand back on top of his and he pulls away from your touch. 
You hold back your tears as you realize Kix is telling the truth. This isn’t the Tup you remember. This isn’t the Tup that you went on dates with, laughed with, baked with, or made love with. This Tup you don’t know. It isn’t just the endless amounts of bandages or pain medication. No. His cold gaze and lifeless demeanor; this isn’t the same man that you held hands with five rotations ago. “Tup, please,” you plead with a strained voice. “Talk to me.”
Tup averts his gaze and moves his head to look at the other side of the room, and that’s when he sees them. The real heroes. The real clones. The real men. The men that did what he couldn’t. The men who protected you and saved you from your attacker. It’s like a fairytale dream where the princess is saved from the evil monster by the handsome prince, except it’s not him. He didn’t even get a chance to audition for the lead role in his own story and it broke him.
“Tup,” you call to him, hoping to get his attention back on you.
He wishes you would stop saying his name. It sounds disgusting and he doesn’t want your forced pity. It’s embarrassing enough to have you standing there, gawking at his broken body, but to hear you say his name with such sympathy is demeaning. The more he thinks about it the more his anger builds. Anger at himself, anger at you, and anger at the ARC troopers who had the gall to stand in his hospital room and gloat about their triumphant victory. It makes him sick.
Get out.
You finally let your tears fall as your heart shatters into a million pieces. He really doesn’t want to see you, but that’s what you wanted right? To hear it from him? To prove Kix wrong, thinking that you knew Tup enough that he would get one good look at you and he would somehow go back to normal? And now you have your answer, but it isn’t the answer you wanted. It isn’t the answer you hoped for. The nightmare continues, rolling like a stone beaten by a river.
Unable to watch the emotionally depressing scene play out any longer, Fives decides to intervene and bring his two cents to the table. Kix tries to stop him, but Fives is a force to be reckoned with when he’s determined. He doesn’t understand Tup’s attitude at all. He was there at the scene of the crime. He saw his brother’s bones, felt his ripped flesh, and bathed in his blood. He watched the footage, he knows what happened, and it fueled his ravenous revenge. 
“Hey!” Fives says forcefully as he approaches Tup and gestures at your tear stained face. “What do you think you’re doing? You’re not supposed to make her cry!”
Not your business.
“All of this is my business,” Fives huffs and crosses his arms. “If it wasn’t for Echo and I, you’d be dead in that dumpster.”
Rather be. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Fives questions as he furrows his brows in confusion. “That’s a really strange way of saying thank you.”
For what?
Fives scoffs in disbelief and starts to wonder if Kix is right. “What do you mean ‘for what’? How about thanks for saving your sorry shebs!” Fives points at you. “And hers!”
Didn’t ask.
Fives’ jaw drops, completely baffled at Tup’s response. His anger builds as he remembers every moment of fear he and the others suffered as they waited and prayed to whatever deity would listen that their beloved little brother would wake up. After everything they did, after everything he did, to have Tup dismiss him like this, pains every part of his being. “Do you even know the levels of hell we’ve been through?!” Fives seethes. “Everything I did was for you!”
Fives’ blood boils as he narrows his eyes and scrunches his nose, losing the last bit of composure he had. “Why you little, ungrateful piece of–”
“I think that’s enough for today,” Echo interrupts as he stands between Fives and Tup. 
“But–” Fives protests.
“Leave it,” Echo interjects sternly. “He’s not himself, and we don’t need you to make things worse.”
Fives grunts in frustration and turns around to leave, bumping Jesse’s shoulder hard as he storms out of the room. Jesse looks at Kix in bewilderment and Kix just shakes his head and sighs. He tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. Tup’s mental shift hurts him too, but he doesn’t have the time or the emotional capacity to process it like they do, not when he has to deal with it on a daily basis. It’s going to take time and the only thing any of them can do is wait.
Echo walks over to you and puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Why don’t we let him get some rest.”
Realizing there’s nothing more you can do, you nod your head in agreement. You offer Tup another smile, but he still won’t meet your eyes. “I love you,” you whisper in hopes your words will somehow get through to him, but they don’t. You slump your shoulders and turn away as tears prick the corner of your eyes. The Tup you once knew and loved is gone and it breaks your heart. 
Echo stays behind for a second and stares down at Tup. “You may be angry with him,” he begins calmly. “But you’ll never know what it was like to see Fives drenched in blood.”
Tup avoids Echo’s eyes, training them straight ahead and staring into nothingness. He doesn’t want to hear it, any of it. He doesn’t care what sob story they made up to condone their actions. It doesn’t matter to him. It hurts. It hurts more than anyone will ever know, more than he can ever express through a data-pad or spoken word. The pain in his heart is unbearable and the only way he can placate it is by shutting everyone out, because only then can no one hear him cry.
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
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livelaughlaw3 · 4 months
The unbearable pain of periods (Part 1/2)
TW : angst, sadness, insecurities, virgin reader, physical touch, period pain, blood, flirt, fluffy end <3333
You are single in this story and Shanks is only your Captain. (He has two arms because he's too smart to have lost his arm that way and Oda already said it was his editor who told him to tell that story.)
(It's literally day 5 of living on three pills of ibuprofen a day to relieve my fucking pain and it's not even working, plus it's ruining my liver, so I needed to think of something else.)
You curl in on yourself, desperately trying to suppress the pain. You couldn't even take an anti-inflammatory since you would have had to change position. You just stand there crying, silently, in the complete darkness. You hear your crew going about their business. Hongo is in the know, he knows exactly when your period will start and when it will stop. But since it's your privacy and even if he knows you trust him, he's still a man, he doesn't bother you and waits for you to ask him for help. He just puts your pills and lots of water on your bedside and reminds you that he is there for you then leaves. Shanks misses the only woman on his crew and asks his ship's doctor. He sighs and gets up, going to boil some water. He prepares some herbal tea and asks Lucky to prepare something hot for you for dinner. Your Captain also warms pockets for your stomach.
He knocks on your room with all this in his arms. You hear your door creak. “Y/N ? Are you awake ?” You turn towards him slightly, tears in your eyes. So that he understands, he turns on your night light. He places his things on your desk, pulls up your shutters slightly and opens the window to get some air. He wipes your tears and sits on your bed. He tilts his head to the side to caress your face. “Is this your period ? Do you want me to take you to the hospital ?”
You shake your head, biting your lip to keep yourself from bursting into tears. He gets up and looks at the time then encourages you to drink the anti-inflammatory, holding the bottle for you. He sits back down on your bed, placing your legs over his to rest the warm pack on your stomach. You sigh, he places another one behind your back. He arranges the pillows around you so you can stay in this position. He makes you drink hot tea. You obey him. He knows how to do everything right. “Can you try to eat ? A little bit… While it’s still hot ?” You nod, he places a pillow on your pelvis and the plate on top. He’s the one who makes you eat because your arms are numb from holding your knees to your chest. You finish your plate, he smiles and thanks you. He places the plate on the floor with the glass and cutlery. He asks you if it's better, you shake your head. He thought, placing his hand on your stomach. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt, sweetie ?” You answer “27 !!”, he smiles sadly and asks you “Okay, will you let me stand behind you, please ?” You nod your head, you try to help him, he pins you to the bed very nicely. “No honey, stay as you are, it’s me who’s moving.” He sits near the headboard, takes off his shoes and belt and opens his legs. He pulls you very gently, against his chest.
He lifts your t-shirt, places his arms around your waist and both hands on your stomach. He moves his palm down, asking you, “Where exactly does it hurt, darling ? Tell me." He continues towards your lower stomach when you tell him “Here..” He rests his chin on your shoulder to watch as he gently presses the pouch there. He massages it through then tells you “Try to relax. I imagine it must be difficult, love. But. Close your eyes and let me do my job. All right ?" You nod and listen to him as you rest your neck on his shoulder. He kisses your neck furtively and massages until the pill takes effect and you fall asleep. The meal was hot and heavy, which left you exhausted enough that you were able to nap for several hours. He lies down with you in his arms, so that the two warming pockets on your back and your stomach fit around you. He covers you warmly and thinks but he is called an hour later. He pulls away from you, being very careful not to wake you. He places your pillows correctly around you, picks up the cutlery and closes the door. Busy, he decides to let you sleep and watches the time of your next dose. After chatting and passing time with his crew, he looks at the clock which points to 6 p.m. He fills a glass of water and goes into your room. He frowns, seeing you standing there, agitated. You remove your duvet cover, your sheets, in tears. He walks towards you, slowly, looking at you. You stained your pajamas, really badly. He places his hands on your shoulders, you jump but continue. He holds you by the waist and pulls you back from your bed.
“Y/N !! Look at me. Concentrate. Let me do it, it’s nothing, I swear.” You obey him as usual, you still trust him. You nod, he wipes your tears, makes you drink the anti-inflammatory and carries you to your bathroom. You brush your teeth, he holds your hair then clips it with clips. You’re still crying, asking him “B-But.. I-I made a mess.. you’re up-” He interrupts you “No never, I’m not upset, beauty. Let me take care of it.” He makes you sit on the edge of your bathtub, takes off your pajamas. He turns on the hot water, asking you to test if the temperature suits you. He puts soap on and prepares a glove, a towel and panties as well as a tank top. He pre-pads your panties, without you asking him. As you remain in your underwear, he leaves you, picking up your pajamas, after asking you if you could undress yourself. You take off your underwear, wash them and hang them out. You slowly enter the water. You stay there for several minutes when he says to you through the door “Is everything okay ?” You answer “Y-Yes..”, “Okay princess, I’m going to go out for a few minutes and I’ll come back.” You stutter a little “O..okay..”, you feel that he smiles as he answers you “See you later my doll, I’ll be back soon.”
He washes your clothes by hand to remove all traces of blood, hangs them out. He then puts all the sheets to wash then puts some more, a clean duvet cover and tidies your room. He takes the remaining dishes and brings them to the kitchen sink.
He puts on his cape and goes down to the island, he thinks about what to buy you to please you. Of course, it starts with a bouquet of white roses. He looks for food but thinks the dishes will make you sick if they are difficult to digest. So he opts for chocolates, your vanilla drink and salad. He returns to the ship and puts everything on your desk. He takes off his cape and waits for you sitting on the chair. He knocks “Y/N ? Are you finished ?”, “N-No..” He scratches his head “Do you want help ?..” You stay silent for a few seconds then tell him he can come in. He hesitantly opens the door and finds you in the water, your head resting against the edge as you stare at the light. He crouches down “Are you okay ?”, you shake your head painfully. He places his hand on your forehead, asking “Did you have time to clean yourself up ? Or do I ?” You nod, he asks you again “Do I ?” You start to cry “I’m very.. hurt..” His shoulders sag, he asks you “Okay, okay angel, let me do it. Trust me." You nod, he wipes your tears and removes the glove from your hand. He puts it on and cleans you, massaging your stomach with his other hand as he goes. What relief he gives you, with his hands. He smiles at you, making you giggle at the color of the water. He stops, asks you “Did you wash your hair too ?” You answer no, he washes and rinses your hair then ties it. He gives you the choice: he rinses you or you do it and he leaves to let you do it. You shrug your shoulders, he smiles “No honey, you have to make a choice.” You answer him “I-I will.. do it..". “Ok my love, I’ll wait for you outside.” You nod, he comes out, you drain the water and rinse. You put the towel around your hair then another around your body. You realize that he has prepared your panties and even your pad.
You are satisfied, you dry off, put it on and then a dress. You go out, he makes you sit on your bed, you thank him for changing the sheets. He smiles at you “You’re welcome, my star.” He detangles your hair very gently. He dries your hair and braids it several times to keep it wet. He sits next to you and puts your legs on top of his then makes you eat what Lucky prepared. He makes you laugh, while he picks at your plate at the same time. You hold your stomach from laughing while he thinks it's because the pain has started again. He apologizes miserably, you shake your head, explaining to him. He pinches your cheek then makes you drink the vanilla milk and hands you the chocolates. You thank him, he gets up and picks up the dishes. He goes out and comes back with a vase which he fills with water and offers you the roses. You smile at him, when you take them, he is a little anxious. Regretting handing them to you directly. “B-Be careful.. with the thorns.. baby.” You nod your head, he says “Show me your hands. Let me see." You comply, he inspects them, no you are not injured. He kisses you on the forehead then gently takes them from your hands to put them in the vase on your bedside. You thank him with difficulty “They.. are.. very.. pretty.. Thank you.. very much..” He holds your chin “Not as much as you.. Is it better otherwise ?” You shake your head, his mood is directly affected. He seems to be thinking when Hongo and Benn burst open the door.
“Captain !!! Come !!! Come !!! Oh hi, pretty !!! Cap !!! Come !!!" You look at them, worried, about to ask them what's going on but Shanks leaves with them, after telling you he's coming back. Your room suddenly feels cold and empty. You get up and go to brush your teeth but the fact of bending down to rinse makes your stomach bend. You try to breathe, as Hongo advised you. You wipe your face and go out to go through your drawer and put on some socks. Big mistake, it makes the pain worse and you feel dizzy. You sit down, leaning on your side in front of your wardrobe, folded in half. You put your head in your arms, you didn't even hear your Captain come in. He places his hand on your back, gently, between your shoulder blades. He kisses you on the cheek and invites you to go to his room. You cry, wanting to answer him, you feel the blood flowing into your towel. He shakes his head “Nooooo sweetie, don’t cry !!! Do not cry !!!" You sigh, telling him you're going to dirty his bed. He takes your hands in his, making you relax your legs. “Nooo, who cares sweetheart. Come." He puts your socks on, bends down and carries you in his arms to his quarters. He makes you sit in his chair then protects his bed, plastic, paper, towel etc. You watch him do it, he makes you lie down and covers you. You smell his scent in his sheets, focused, watching him leave the room again. He returns with the vase, which he places on his bedside. He puts down a cup of tea, the heating bags he collected, your medicine. He goes to see Hongo one last time who explains to him, at the same time giving him some oil. Shanks nods, as he is educated on the subject. “The uterus contracts to reject dead cells so her whole lower body must be hurting, her stomach. The back, the legs, the thighs, I don’t tell you.”
Your Captain nods, takes some water and returns to his room, turns on the heating. He asks you “Just a little patience, my moon, I’m going to shower and I’ll come back, okay ? Will you let me massage you ?” You nod, he smiles and places the heat packs around your thighs, on your stomach and under your back. He makes you drink the tea slowly, undoing the braids so your hair keeps its shape. He covers you and kisses you on the forehead then goes to eat. He walks in again, winking at you as you watch from afar as he takes off his shirt and belt, on his way to his bathroom. He closes the door, undresses, showers, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. You're still awake, holding your stomach. He pulls back the blanket slightly “I’m here my princess. How are you ? Are you still in pain ?” You nod your head, he asks you “I’m going to massage you, treasure, will you let me ?” You accept, he turns you onto your stomach very gently, moves your hair from your back and pulls up your dress. He puts his blanket on your butt, so as not to bother you. He warms the oil in his hands and massages your lower back especially. He often asks you if he is doing well and if he makes you feel better. You thank him several times, he smiles. He asks your permission again and massages your thighs after lowering his blanket. He massages your legs up to your calves, he is very gentle as he runs his hands over your thighs. He pulls your dress down and covers you properly. He places his pillows well so that you are comfortable, kisses you on the cheek and takes the pockets to warm them again and give them to you. He kept you on your stomach, waiting and when he returned, he gently moved you onto your back to place them on you.
He lies down next to you, tucking under the blanket. He caresses your face, looking at you intently. “But baby, you suffer like this every month ??!”, you nod. “But.. And you didn’t tell me ??!”, you lower your head, he apologizes but you interrupt him “I.. didn’t want.. to disturb you..” He gets up slightly , hovering above you. “Don’t think that way. I am your Captain, I HAVE to know that. Okay my goddess ?!” You nod, he caresses your face, keeps his fingers in your hair, kisses you on the cheek. Then you manage to fall asleep, he holds you against him. About an hour passes, he also ends up falling asleep. You are awakened by the pain, in tears, you release yourself from its grip. You literally step over his bed and then crawl into the hallway. You hold your stomach and since you don't know what time you took the pill, or what time it is, you can't swallow anything, for fear of overdosing. You suffocate from crying and when you almost reach the deck, you moan in pain. Benn, who was watching over the nest, hears you and comes down. “Y/N ? What's the matter ?? Am I taking you to the hospital ??”, you shake your head, biting your lip to keep from screaming. He puts your arm behind his shoulder and lifts you off the floor, into the kitchen. He makes you lie down on the couch and boils water. He wakes up the ship's doctor, who tells him to notify the Captain. Hongo rinses his face and walks to the kitchen when he frowns.
There’s no one there, he shouts to Benn from afar “Isn’t she in the kitchen ? Where is she ??!" Shanks wakes up suddenly when his right-hand man tells him you're sick. He touches his bed with his hand, now cold. “Is she not here anymore ??” He rubs his eyes and walks out of his room with his right arm. You walked to the railing, looking at the sea as if you wanted to jump into it. When you hear the doctor's voice, you don't react. Shanks speaks to you from afar, the time to reach you. “Y/N !!! You're going to catch a cold !!! Come come !!" You shake your head, holding your stomach. He wipes your tears, carries you to the infirmary. Followed by Hongo as Benn returns to the nest to continue his surveillance. Shanks covers you and holds your stomach and your hand to take over. Hongo asks Shanks, what time did you take the last medicine. Given his response, the doctor makes you drink the next one. Your Captain carries you in his arms to his toilet, he pulls down your panties. Your pad is full, you're dead of shame. He asks you for permission and goes to get another one to change it for you. You pee, holding your stomach, cleaning yourself then he pulls up your panties and pulls down your dress. You wash your hands, still in tears, he rinses your face and wipes you then carries you back to his bed, you want to stay seated. You start crying again, he is distraught, he crouches down, holding your hands. After several minutes of persuasion, you agree to at least lie down on your back. He covers you warmly.
He goes out, goes to get a drink, reassuring his right arm who asks him for news. He comes back, closes the door to his room gently. He turns on his night light but keeps his shutters open, allowing you to see the moon. He explains to you what he is going to do and asks you for permission. You let him do it, you have no other alternative to stop the pain. He removes the blanket, puts your hands on the pillow, on both sides of your head.
He pulls your dress up to the bottom of your breasts. He places his hands on your waist, his fingers tracing your skin then he kisses the flesh of your stomach. The shivers running down your spine and the contact of his lips on your skin send electric shocks through you. He is so skilled that your pain seems much more bearable now. But every time he looks up to look at you and therefore stops, the pain starts again, with no escape for you who starts crying again. But you shake your head, trying to convince him that it will pass. He spreads your thighs, placing them on either side of his hips and slides one arm under your back, while the other guides your hands behind his neck. “Shhhh, I’m going to distract you sweetheart, breathe, don’t panic..” He kisses your neck, careful not to press on you. “Are you okay like that ? Don't I hurt you ? Can you breathe ?” You nod, to make you smile, he compliments you. “You smell good..”, “T-Thank you..”, “You’re welcome princess.” He kisses your jaw, along your neck, the crook of your shoulder. He gently holds one of your hands behind his shoulder. “You have soft skin, darling.” You thank him, your voice shaky with tears. He continues without respite then changes sides, sometimes blowing on the wet trail he leaves with his tongue. Making you grab onto his shoulders, you apologize. “Nooooo doll, go ahead. Hold me as much as you want. Hold tight.” He adds, laughing “Otherwise, I’ll bite you !” You smile, asking him “Is that already what you do..”, “Mhhh and does it work, angel ?”
You nod, he smiles and skillfully continues his task, as you release your hands, he rises just enough to take them and make you hold his back, under his own arms. He kisses your forehead a few times and kisses your neck again. It’s been more than an hour since he devoted himself to relieving you. You tell him, in a low voice, numbed by sadness “It’s.. g-good.. it’s okay.. T-Thank you.” He gets up, kisses you all over your face, lies down on his back and pulls you against him to sleep. He holds your thighs with his arm and the other arm caresses your back to help you sleep. He falls asleep before you but you quickly join him. He wakes up before you, the next day, he holds you in his arms for several minutes before deciding to wake up. He covers you, goes to shower and get dressed then goes to see his crew. He’s the one who wakes you up, helps you get up, takes you clean clothes to his bathroom. You wash, brush your teeth, dress and do your hair. You come out of his bathroom, he waits for you sitting on his bed that he has redone. He makes you sit on his thigh and drink your pill. You don't want to eat, so the crew comes and sits with you, to take your mind off things. You listen to them but you still hold your stomach, with the heated bag he brought you. Exhausted, you lay your head on your Captain's lap as he strokes your hair to help you fall asleep.
Part 2 : https://www.tumblr.com/livelaughlaw3/751768470944907264/shanks-sitting-on-his-lap-will-fix-me?source=share
Enjoy - Do not copy or repost anywhere. Republish of course if you like it. I made edits on Tiktok too if you want to check 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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froggibus · 2 years
I've had this idea and I just want to give it to you as a request, I hope you're not too overworked with all the work you've been putting out for all of us! Maybe a one-shot with Hanzo or Genji (whichever you prefer to write the most!) where after a one night stand, you get pregnant and don't tell him in order not to burden them, etc and they find out via someone else or by picking up on small changes on your body, personality? Angst with a fluffy ending, but completely up to you if you want to make it all angst, etc!
Happy Little Accident - Genji Shimada
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Pairing: Genji Shimada x reader
Genre: angst -> fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: you get pregnant with your mission partner’s child after a one night stand, and now you’re not sure what to do
CW: pregnancy, reader is AFAB!, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, angst, mentions of abortion (??), lots of crying, genji is relentless, ghosting
Happy Halloween!! I love this idea so much! thank you anon! also took a bit of a break cause I was SUPER tired after my first day of work, plus just wanted to play obey me in bed <3 enjoy lol
“Shit!” You scream, banging your head on the tile wall of your bathroom. 
The little stick you’re holding in your hand stares at you, two little pink lines on display. In your anger, you snap the stick in half and toss it across the room. It clatters, sound echoing through the room. 
Hot tears clouded your vision. How could you let this happen? With him of all people? It was one night. Just one. And now you were dealing with the consequences of your actions. 
Genji and you had just come back from a rough, three day mission, and you had one night to spend in London before the extraction team came. The two of you had never been close outside of work—only seeing each other when you had to. 
Yet you had always harboured a bit of a crush on him. The quiet man was good at what he does, and he was hot too. Spending a night in a cramped hotel room together didn’t help, either. 
One thing led to another and suddenly he was on top of you, muttering your name like a prayer and giving you the best night of your life. 
He hadn’t tried to reach out to you since, and to avoid an uncomfortable interaction, you decided to use up your vacation days. For the first week or so, you had a good time. You spent time at the beach and sipped mimosas. 
The second week is when it started to go to shit. You woke up every day feeling devastatingly nauseous. You thought you might have gotten food poisoning or something, but when it lasted longer than a few days, you knew what it was. 
Which brought you to this devastating moment where you’re staring at the shattered pieces of a pregnancy test, realizing you’re carrying Genji Shimada’s child. 
You place your head in your hands and tug on your hair in sheer frustration. 
You can’t help but lift up your shirt and look at yourself in the mirror. There’s no visible bulge, no significant change in your appearance. The only evidence of your situation is the pile of positive pregnancy tests in your trash can. 
There’s a ding from your phone, forcing you to drop your shirt and leave the bathroom to check it. 
Shimada: heard you’re not on assignment this week
You don’t answer, slamming your phone face down on the counter. God, how were you supposed to tell Genji? Not only could this end your career as an agent of Overwatch—it could end his, too. 
Another ding, another message. 
Shimada: sucks :( they’re putting me on assignment with Cass instead 
You take a deep breath before typing back. 
You: that sucks :(
You see the three dots show up, indicating that he’s typing and turn your phone off. You don’t want to deal with this right now, and instead settle on grabbing a pint of ice cream from the freezer and flopping into your bed. 
The world (and Genji) can wait a while longer. 
When you check your phone again, there are three messages. 
Shimada: is everything ok with you? 
Shimada: feels like youre avoiding me after the mission 
Shimada: i promise it won’t be awkward 
You check the messages but you have no desire to answer them. What do you even say? You can’t tell him the truth, it’ll just be a burden on him. 
You end up leaving him on read, turning your phone off again and going to bed. 
You go back to work after another week. Countless mission assignments wait for you, not to mention the incredibly annoyed cyborg ninja. 
“Y/n!” Genji practically ambushes when you make it to the hangar. 
“What’s up, Shimada?” 
You try not to look in his eyes but the man makes it impossible, purposely walking directly in front of you. 
“Are you avoiding me? You haven’t answered my texts.”
“I—“ you sigh, “listen, I was just out of work for a week. I’m supposed to be going on a mission with Lena, we’ll talk when I’m back, okay?”
It was the truth, mostly. Although you didn’t plan to tell him what was really bothering you, knowing it would only burden him. 
“Yeah, I know. I swapped with Lena,” your face went white at his words, “you’re going on the mission with me.”
“You swapped? Why?”
It was impossible to hide the panic in your voice. The two of you were going to be stuck, together, in a hotel for at least a night. There’s no way you’ll be able to avoid this conversation with him. 
“Because something is obviously going on and you’re going to tell me.”
“Just leave it alone, Genji.” You groan, “can’t I have any damn privacy?”
“Not when you’re hiding something from me!”
Morrison enters the room just in time to see the two of you mid argument. “Jesus!” He shouts, “the two of you are behaving like fucking children! Just get on the damn plane.”
You and Genji mumble out variations of ‘yes sir’ and slowly climb aboard the plane. You sit in the back row, as far away from him as possible. 
He gives you a sad look and sighs, taking his seat at the front near the pilot. The events of the morning, you could feel exhaustion overtaking you and before you know it, you’re drifting off into sleep. 
When you wake up, you’re laying down across the back row. The air in the jet is cold, but you’re surprisingly warm. When you sit up, a grey sweatshirt slips off your shoulders. 
You squint suspiciously at the fabric before realizing it’s Genji’s. The owner of the sweater is sitting in the row in front of you now, clearly asleep. 
You sigh and cuddle it closer. It smells like him. You miss being close to him, but you know it’ll only be a matter of time before he finds out and leaves for good. You settle in and try to swallow down the nausea, waiting for the jet ride to be over. 
By the time the two of you are at the hotel you’re meant to be staying in, you’re almost overwhelmed by the nausea. You barely manage to swipe the keycard and make it through the door before you’re skidding to your knees in the bathroom. 
Your stomach heaves with every wave of nausea, your arm propping your forehead up on the toilet seat. You don’t even hear Genji come in until he’s sitting next to you, rubbing your back. 
“Y-you don’t have to be here,” you mumble, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“You’re sick, y/n. What else am I supposed to do?”
You bang your head on your arm, “not sick.” You moan miserably, “not sick…”
You raise your head from the toilet and suddenly Genji is wiping your face with a cold cloth, looking at you seriously. 
“But if you’re not sick—“ his eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
You sob, more tears coming. He’s going to figure it out. You let your head drop down and cover your face with your hands. 
“Y/n,” his voice is shaky. “Are you…are you pregnant?”
You cry harder at the word, nodding your head pathetically. Genji is taken aback, he has no clue what to do here. You’re pregnant, and you’ve been avoiding him—which can only mean:
“It’s mine, isn’t it?”
You nod again. “I-I’m so sorry G-Genji!”
You expect him to be angry or annoyed—to be mad at you for ruining his career. Instead, strong arms wrap around you and press you closer to his chest. 
One hand rubs your back while the other rubs your hair. You’re limp in his arms at first, but eventually you give in to the hug and let him hold you. 
“Shhh, no more tears,” he says. “It’s okay, y/n. I-I’m not mad, it’s okay. Everything is gonna be okay.”
“But what?”
You cry, “I’m ruining your career! I had to-to go and get pregnant and now—now I’m just a burden!”
You can’t make it through your sentence without crying even harder, Genji desperately trying to keep you from spiraling into a panic attack. 
“How could I be mad about that? Y/n, you’re carrying my baby…I-I’m gonna be a dad,” he sniffles until your hair. “Unless you’re not planning on—“
“I’m gonna be a mom,” you realize, cutting him off. 
He pulls back so he can look you in the eyes and presses a messy, desperate kiss to your lips. “I didn’t even know I could have kids,” he cups your cheek, “I’m so happy right now.”
He pulls you back in for a kiss, and for a minute, everything feels alright. 
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minigirl87 · 1 year
Mine! Part 2 with Steven Grant
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So, having written a few one-shots with hints of NSFW. I have taken the plunge to attempt a two-part NSFW story. Please be kind. Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. I have left my imagination run wild with this, I loved writing it.
After Steven saves you, he orders you home to shower. He's reiled up as he smells the other man still. Once you're cleansed of that smell, Steven claims you as his. I love seeing Steve reiled up and dominant. I hope you do too. Enjoy 😉
You can read the first part here. Mine
NSFW. Minors DNI. Talk and sexual actions. SMUT in this part. Anxious reader due to past relationship. porn with plot, dominant Steven. Slight Angst. Fluffy ending. Established relationship. Cum play. P In V (please wrap it up and practice safe and happy sex) sexual language used.
Word count: 2752
You step into the shower, letting the warm water sooth your mind and well body. You still can’t help thinking that Stevens is angry at you. The smell of lavender mint and steam fills the air.
As you wash your hair enjoying, as you drag your fingers through your scalp. Your mind wanders to when Jake done that a few nights ago, as he gripped your hair as he pulled you up and down his cock.
You rub your thighs together unconsciously at the memory. As soapy suds, run down your breasts, catching on your hard nipples. As you exit the shower, your gut twists as you wrap the soft towel around your frame.
You coyly look at Steven who’s sitting at the bottom of the bed, in only his boxers. His big palm rested on his covered erection. If you didn’t know this was Steven, you would believe it to be Marc or even Jake.
You swear that the 3 of them are rubbing off on each other!
“Drop it” He commands, gesturing to your towel. You do as he says, as Steven comes to stand behind you. Gripping his hands on your waist, she buried his nose in your damp locks.
As your scent envelopes Steven, in comfort, He starts to calm. So when you shudder against him, Steven registers this as you shake.
“Oh my love, I’m sorry” Steven choked out
He quickly turns to face you, worry evident his the eyes you love so much.
You look up at his loving gaze, cupping his cheek, rubbing your thumb on his jaw. His 5 o’clock shadow, gently scratching your skin.
“Make me yours” you reply
Steven looks at you carefully, making sure you want this, you want him. He never wants to hurt you in a way.
“you sure love?” He says
His arms wrapped around you, pressing you to his body. You both shudder, feeling each other aroused.
“I want you, I trust you, my love. I want this love ” you reply
His chocolate orbs blown as the shine like obsidian crystals. Nodding his head, Steven licks his lips. Turning you both round He pushes you towards the bed.
His mouth hungrily, his mouth connects to yours, licking your bottom lip for access. You let him control the kiss, whimpering as he nips the corner of your mouth.
Trailing wet kisses and nipping his way down your throat and along your collar bone.
“Mine” Steven grunts out.
His left hand buried in your hair as his right hand kneads your left breast.
“Yours” you moan out as his strong fingers roll and pinch your already hard nipple.
“On the bed” Steven demands in control once again.
You obey sitting on the bed. Gazing up at the man you love. Your eyes blow in lust. You know Steven will ruin you in the best possible way.
Steven kneels before you, his velvety chocolate curls falling on his forehead. He pushes your legs apart, staring at your core as it glistens back at him.
“Your so wet love” He growls as he starts kissing your right calf while kneading the inside of your left thigh.
“Only for you l..l..love” you involuntary gasp
As he sucks and nips inside you, Thigh. You know tomorrow that constellations of bruises will be scattered across your skin, which will remind me of today.
Steven changes the position of what he has done from your right to your left. And after another gasp as he nips your left Thigh. You desperately want his mouth on your soaking aching cunt.
You grab a fistful of his velvet locks and try to shift so that he gets the hint. Your clit throbs as Stevens warm breath coats your slick. A whimper escapes your throat in anticipation as Steven clamps your thighs to the mattress.
Chuckling darkly “ Someone’s a needy little slut” Steven stands up, taking his boxers off. Palming his length, pre cum glittering the almost purple head.
Bastard you thought as the words “yes sir” sweetly left your lips. It was exciting, but seeing Steven being dominant, but you loved it.
“ Good girl” he said against your stomach, kissing, nipping and suckling your sensitive skin, working his way up between your breasts.
Breaking his dominant composure slightly, he praises you as he softly kisses you.
“Y/N darling, you're so beautiful”
Your heart swells hearing this. Leaning up to kiss him again as his forehead rests on yours. Your hand on his bicep.
“you Steven, are so handsome”
He smiles to himself on hearing his. Before he’s kissing you again, but unlike the last, your tongues fight for dominance, and Steven wins. Kissing up to the ear, he whispers to you.
“Who do you belong to?” His breath tickles the shell of your ear.
“y...you.” You tremble out
“Good girl.” He praises as he kisses your cheek then down the valley of your soft breasts. Kneading the right as he kisses up the left to your nipple.
He licks around the pebble before engulfing it in his hot wet mouth greedily suckling as he squeezes both breasts.
An audible pop sounds in the room as the cold air hits your hot nipple, Steven moans moving to your right nipple and he’s still as greedy as the first.
Your right hand caresses his broad back, occasionally leaving scratches which Steven groans and arches into your hand. While squeezing the back of his neck, wrapping curls around your fingers.
With one last lick to your hard pebble, Steven moves downwards kissing slowly to your pussy. You feel like your stuck in this moment till Stevens hands are on you.
“open up love” he says as he kneels between your thighs. He strokes your juices deliberately avoiding your pulsing clit, with is thick index finger covering it.
You shiver and arch into his familiar touch. He licks your juices murmuring about how sweet you taste for him. He runs the same finger through your pussy juice again.
“Open” Steven demands, bringing his dripping finger. His wedding band shining mixed with your arousal, and the pale afternoon light. You open your plump, kiss, bruised lips.
Steven moans as your tongue swirls and laps at his finger. Gripping your check as you continue suck his thick digit, tasting your sweetness.
Steven almost loses it as you swirl and suck around his wedding band. Making him understand your his and Marc’s and Jake’s.
You pop his finger out your wet, warm mouth and smile down at him between your legs.
If there was a picture next to the definition of lust in the dictionary, it would be a picture of Steven’s face in this moment.
Pinning your thighs open on the mattress, your lower back arches towards Steven’s eager mouth. You shudder at the connection.
Steven kisses your clip forcefully before lapping the juices up, like someone dying of thirst. Between kneading your Thighs, liking and suckling your clit, pluse Stevens dominant attitude. Your chasing your high.
Steven moans as his mouth, chin, and nose are soaked in your juices. Moving down to tease your entrance with is tongue, his nose deliciously nudges your swollen clit. You fucking love his nose.
In your bliss you barely register Stevens mixture of a growl and a moan leaving his lips of “MINE” as he’s buried so deep in your pussy. But you certainly feel it.
He continues to tease your throbbing entrance with his tongue darting and swirling within your core. Taking his hand away from your quivering thigh.
He takes his thumb he does one slow stroke then 2 quick strokes over your clit, you almost jump at the sweet sensation. Steven watches as you close your eyes your bottom lip between your teeth. Writhing at the pleasure he’s giving you.
Repeating the action again, your moans a sweet melody that none of the boys will tire of.
“Enjoying me touching you like this?.” He smirks
All you can manage is a breathless moan.
“so wet for me love” as he starts fucking you with his tongue, repeating the movement on your clit that you loved. Your left hand grabs at his crown, moaning as you finally yank his chocolate curls. Your right tangled in the bed sheets.
“Oh OH FUCK STEVEN” you scream from your lungs, your ears filled with the sound of your wet pussy and Steven’s moan.
Swapping his tongue for his fingers he slips two inside you fucking you senseless, your core contracting around his fingers. You feel beads of sweet on your forehead and saliva running down the side of your mouth pooling at your chin.
“that’s it love, cum for me, show me what I do to you love” Steven’s growls rubbing your clit faster and stretching his fingers in you.
White nose fills your ears, body going limp as your orgasm washes over you like a warm liquid pooling in your soul.
Coming to Steven is hovering over you as you look at him with hooded eyes and a soft smile. He kisses you softly, licking your saliva up.
“I love you” he whispers against your lips. You feel his damp curls on your forehead, and his beautiful long lashes tickle your closed lids.
“I love you too. Sweetheart” you whisper back as he pecks your lips again.
Getting off the bed, Steven walks to the bottom again. You marvel at the man in front of you, sometimes you can’t believe he’s yours.
“Now who’s going to fuck till you can’t think straight.”
He strokes you outer Thigh in soothing circles with his thumb.
“You Steven” you answer confidently.
Steven slaps your thigh, the sharp sting, sending electricity to your soaking core.
“Who?” he says a tinge of anger in his tone.
Your big eyes lock with his as you gently shake in anticipation of what’s to come.
“You Sir” you say, coyly trying to wind Steven up a little more.
Steven grunts in approval, as he strokes his achingly hard cock a few times, closing his eyes on the last stroke. Wiping his pre cum with his thumb. Wiping it on you lips. He watches liking is own as you eagerly lap his sweet, saltiness on your lips.
With a groan, he pulls you down so your arse is hanging off the bed. Resting your legs on him, you can feel his stomach soft but firm and his toned chest.
He lines his hard cock at your entrance, and pushes into your warm soft cunt. You both moan as he bottoms out, staying there a few moments as you secure your feet on his strong shoulders.
Steven turns his head and kisses the side of your foot. His hands squeeze your hips securely.
Steven pulls out and thrusts in quickly, getting his rhythm going
“So feel so good love, your Perfectly made for me” he moans with closed eyes.
“You treat me so good, love. Your the only one me” your moan out feeling Stevens cock movement hitting the right spot.
“I'm so close” you whimper, arching your back, grasping the bed sheets.
Steven relinquished his grip on you right hip, placing it in your clit repeating the one slow stroke then two quick strokes, your clit spasms as Steven works his thrusts in time with his thumb.
“Come for me love” Steven commands.
And your body complies, and the white noise and waves of pleasure electrifying your nerves to point of no return as you scream his name in a non-stop chant.
“Steven, oh fuuuck, Stev....en” you cum around his pulsing cock. He lazily continues to thrust into you.
“On your knees” you hear as you come too.
Somehow, you comply, your body still shaking from its high.
Positioned on your knees, you can feel your juices on your inner thighs. You look up at Steven towering over you. His cock hard and pulsing, still in hand. He pumps his hand up and down lazily.
“Open up love, who do you belong to?” Steven says in a breathless moan, pumping his cock harder and faster.
“Yours” you smile. Then, open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
He moves towards your tongue, pumping his cock. You know he’s close as this legs start shaking.
“I’m gonna cum, gonna gonna cum, love!” You put your hands on his thick thighs, stabling him. His head falls back, you can see his sheen of sweat on his neck and toned chest.
And with a couple more pumps of his hand, he comes undone, with a string of moans saying
Ropes of his white cum coat your face, neck and chest. And you catch the remaining drops on your tongue, swallowing your prize proudly.
As Steven comes back to you from his high, rubbing circles on your shoulder. He dips his finger in his spend and brands the word MINE on your chest, then he kneels down to your level and kisses you lovingly and passionately. Hugging up protectively to him.
You saver his touch in this most intimate moment between you both.
“Oh love, you OK?.” Steven asks softly.
As he shakily gets on his, offering his hand to help you stand. You nod your head in a yes, taking Steven’s hand as he gently pulls you up against him. Getting your breath back and straightening yourself up.
“Yes Love, just a bit breathless” you giggle.
Guiding you to your side of the bed, pulling the covers back. You lay down, your head sinking into the soft pillows.
You hear Steven padding to the bathroom, and after a few moments, he comes back.
Gently patting your hip, as he says “open you legs. My love” Steven ever so delicately cleans you and dries you there and then doing so with your breasts.
With another cloth, he wipes you face with a feather like strokes as you nuzzle into his hand. Then, he proceeds to throw them in the laundry basket as he pads to his side of the bed.
Before he gets in, you roll round to face him. He gets in, pulling the covers up, and you snuggle into him.
As you're about to kiss him, he’s looking you over.
“Did I hurt you, love?” he asks with a whimper. Shaking slightly as rubs your cheek.
You realise that Stevens is back to being Steven, how that he got that all out of his system.
You raise yourself so you're in a sitting position, holding your arms out. Steven takes your invitation and moves to your side. You move, and he slips an arm around your back, resting on your waist.
His other arm around your waist, linking his hand in yours. Resting his head where he hears your heart beating. You play with his hair at his nape while he fiddles with your fingers.
You both lie there quietly. The only sound is you both breathing.
You break the silence. Kissing the top of his head, his curls tickling your nose.
“No love. You needn’t worry” You hug him tightly.
“that’s good love, I couldn’t bear it if I did” comes out as he looks up to you.
You smile as he moves up to kiss you.
“I love you more than anything, love, and when I saw what he was doing to you, I saw red.” He says, putting his hands in his lap. As though he’s unsure of how you’ll reply to him.
“I was scared till you came Steven. He touched me, and I froze, thinking of you know” You breathed out with a shudder. You continued “ I thought you were angry with me, love, when you looked at me.”
You turn to face him, tears on the verge of escaping your eyes. He quickly pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back, grounding you back to him.
“Never love, I knew that you wouldn’t have done that, I wanted to protect you.” Steven says with a kiss to your head.
Looking up to him, Steven catches your lips in a strong embrace. Rubbing his thumb across your cheek.
You put your hand on top of his, giving it a squeeze.
“I love you, Mr Grant.” looking lovingly into his chocolate orbs while fiddling with his wedding band.
Steven takes your hand in his, and with his other, he touches your closed eye lid, then your heart. Then kisses your wedding ring.
“I love you too, Mrs Grant” snuggling up close together.
“very much” you hear as you drift to sleep.
@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @novanitee @micheleamidalajedi @annautumnsoul @midgardian-witch
Word count: 2,752
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Larissa with really powerful witch s/o who protected her from dying but in the process the s/o gets injured rlly bad and they healed well ,took a little long but Larissa is like, extremely guilty about it so s/o reassures her and it ends with just pure fluff with angst in the first part please? Btw awesome writing and pls do tell me if you can't and I totally understand<3
You are worth it
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 979
Warning: near death, wounds, blood
A/n: Really liked this, Angst with a fluffy ending is just superior!! <3
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You were determined to protect Larissa. It didn't matter what happened to you, she was the only important thing right now.
You stormed out of the door, running faster than ever, directly to Larissa. She was frozen in shock, looking at the Hyde in front of her with widened eyes. You jumped in front of her, shielding her with opened arms.
"Leave, Larissa!" She didn't move, not one bit. You shot a shock wave to the hide, throwing it back a little. Fast you turned to Larissa and grabbed her shoulders, staring in her eyes sternly.
"You have to leave, Larissa. I'll work this out." You shook her lightly until she fell out of her trance and moved her eyes panicking.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" You turned around, feeling the Hyde approached again, having your arms around Larissa the whole time.
"I'm protecting you." With that you gave her a gentle but firm push away from the chaos.
The Hyde took a jump forward, reaching out for you with its claws. With a step backwards you shot a spell to it, letting it fly back in agony. Giving you some time to collect yourself and decide your next move.
After that it all went downhill, you had just turned around for a split second to look at Larissa. Seeing her eyes shoot open in panic, showed you that something bad was about to happen. And that's when you felt it, a claw ripping open your back. In mere seconds you had fallen to the ground, having had just enough time to shoot another shockwave towards the Hyde. Crying out in pain you fell onto the hurt back, trying to stand up again you fell onto all fours.
"(Y/n)!" Larissa screamed your name, filled with panic and muffled by tears.
Slowly you stood up again, seeing the Hyde ready to attack again. You concentrated exactly on the spot the Hyde would land, as it jumped you snapped your fingers, causing a big purple flame to shoot out of the ground. Avoiding being burned you jumped to the side just in the last second. Still the Hyde ripped your shoulder open, blood streaming out of it, before it fell into the flames, burning and screaming out. With the last bit of strength in you, you stumbled towards Larissa. Caving in right in front of her.
Larissa fell to her knees, pulling you into her lap. Looking at her hands, all she saw was blood. She cried out, panic flooding her senses.
"(Y/n), stay strong, you won't die in my arms. I forbid it." You chuckled, nodding ad to show her you would try to obey. A second later, you felt your mind slip away. Slowly closing your eyes, the last thing you heard was Larissa's scream.
Larissa couldn't stop sobbing, her makeup smudged completely, the mascara running down her cheeks. She was scared, more than she had ever been in her life.
She sat next to you, holding your hand. A nurse had stitches you up and cleaned your wounds. She said you were healing well, still you had been out for nearly three days. The fight had sucked all the strength out of you.
Three days you had been out, and three days Larissa had been crying. She just couldn't stop herself, the tears kept coming and coming.
The first thing you heard when you woke up, were sobs. You felt a hand in yours and tears on your arm. Slowly you opened your eyes, the sight broke your heart. Larissa sat at your side, puffy eyes, chaotic hair and wet cheeks.
You hissed, suddenly feeling pain in your back. At that Larissa's eyes shot up.
"(Y/n)" Larissa's voice was thin, nothing like usual. You slightly squeezed her hand.
"I'm fine, it's alright Larissa." She let out a sob, and put her head onto your stomach, clinging to the shirt you were wearing. She soaked it wet with her tears. Gently you stroked over her hair, trying to calm her.
Suddenly she shot up, looking at you sternly.
"How could you do that, (Y/n). You could have died, I was worried sick." You cupped her cheek with your hand, brushing away a few tears.
"Yeah, but I didn't, did I? I'm still alive, here by your side." She put her hand onto yours, intertwining your fingers.
"But you could have died, the risk was too high! And what for? For me, and I'm not worth risking your life." Your expression became serious, taking her hand into yours.
"Look at me, Larissa. Never say that again. I didn't die, but I wouldn't have minded dying, if that meant saving you. I'd die for you. Don't you understand that?" Larissa's breath hitched, letting out an uncontrolled sob.
"But why?"
"Because I love you." Larissa's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know what to say.
"I love you Larissa and I could never forgive myself if you had died. You're like the sun in my life, warming me from the inside, letting my heart blossom in joy. The light at the end of the tunnel. I've never felt like this before, and I never want to leave your side. Your worth every pain and death there is. You're worth so much more." Larissa couldn't believe her ears, never had anyone said something like that. Never did she know anyone who would've died for her.
Slowly, careful not to hurt you, she leaned forward and cupped your face. The kiss that followed was sloppy, wet and salty from all the cried tears. But that didn't change, that it was exactly the right thing. Breaking apart, Larissa pulled you into a hug.
"Still, I'd appreciate it, if you wouldn't try to die in the future." You laughed into the hug, pulling her even closer to you.
"I can't promise anything. But I'll try."
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manestjerne · 1 year
Let me save you pt. IV
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Juice Ortiz x female
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: toxic relationship, abuse, blood, injuries, mentions of crimes, angst
A/N: Maybe it’s a little too much, but I really felt like it, promise the other parts will be more calm and fluffy, still hope you enjoy🥰
It’s been a few days now, and not much has changed. He still wasn’t talking to me about things he should, but I knew it was only a matter of time. But at least we talked a lot, about everything except the important things, but it’s okay. If he wasn’t here we were texting and it made me feel more safe.
I got up late, enjoying my day off, when I got an unexpected call. It was from St. Thomas, one of the hospitals I applied to. They wanted me to come for an interview and I could actually go there the same day, since I wasn’t at work, so I took a quick shower, did my makeup and put a jacket on to cover the tattoos on my arms. At least for the interview. I really wanted to get this job and the phone call was promising. I sat in my car, feeling like I wasn’t there for ages. Sound of the engine starting warmed my heart a little. I was still stressed, but nothing bad can happen, the worst thing is them not hiring me, but that’s not the end of the world. Driving 30 miles and obeying all the rules was pretty boring, so I decided to step on the gas harder. I knew well why I stopped doing that, but still, it can’t get any worse now, can it?
The lady interviewing me was much nicer than I expected and at the end she said I can get started next week. After that she was talking about some papers I’ll need to sign, but I couldn’t focus on that. The only thing in my head was who should I call first. My shitty boss, telling him I won’t stand behind his shitty bar ever again, or Juice. That one won’t be so easy, me moving from Lodi might make our situation worse. Leaving the room and going down the hall I was staring at my phone, wondering what should I tell him first. New job, moving out? I stared at my phone and stopped rapidly before tripping over some man. He stopped too, so I looked at him. Pretty tall, black beard and hair with silver accents, two long scars by his mouth, imitating a wide smile. But that was not what I was looking at, his cutte was hella familiar.
- Holy shit - I said before thinking of anything else
- Hi - he laughed - can I help you?
- Uh-huh. I have a quick question.
- Go on then - his smile was warm
- Is “Redwood Original” the name of your charter? - I pointed at his patch, which I saw way too many times, but on a different guy
- Ya. Why? - I liked his accent
- And what are you doing here?
- What do you mean by “here”? - his laugh was a bit comforting looking at the weirdness of the situation - The hospital?
- No, what are you doing in Charming?
- Well, darlin’ I live here.
- You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!
- I’m actually not, but can you tell me what’s wrong?
- Nothing’s wrong. Could you tell Juice I said hi?
- Juice? - I heard confusion in his voice
- Yeah… - he kinda put me off guard
- Oh no, don’t get me wrong. We just didn’t know he had a lady.
- We’re just friends, nothing serious - I said nervously and he smirked
- Hey, Chibs! - I heard a man yelling from the other side of the hall - No time for chicks now, we have to go.
- Shit, sorry. So what’s your name again?
- Y/n - I realised I didn’t introduce myself - thanks Chibs.
- Anything - he said walking away
Problem solved. I dialled my bosses number when I heard Chibs saying
- Ay, Tiggy. You knew Juice got himself a girl?
- No shit, finally - the other man replied with a laugh
That’s gonna be fun.
My ride back home was way quicker than it should, but I didn’t care, still happy about my new job. I sat at the balcony with my laptop and started to look through the houses for sale in Charming, after a few minutes I heard a motorcycle pulling up. A moment later I heard a familiar knock on my door, so ran there to unlock it. Juice came in without even asking.
- The hell were you doing in Charming? - I flinched at him throwing his hands in the air and saying it a bit louder than necessary
- I got a new job…. - I replied taking a step back
He must’ve seen my reaction and realised it’s because of him, staring at the floor now.
- But why didn’t you tell me you applied to St. Thomas?
- You never asked what places I applied to. Are you mad? - I decided to get more defensive and set my boundaries - I don’t get what your problem is, you never even told me where you live, so what’s this about? Scared your friends are going to meet me now? Don’t worry, it’s already too late and I still never wanted to-
- Hey - he cut me off with a laugh - What are you talking about? That’s great news.
The relief was surely visible on my face because he shortened the distance between us again.
- So you’re not mad I’m moving?
- Mad? - his laugh melted my heart - Why the hell would I be mad? It will be even easier to hit up on you when you’ll be closer. Just watch out for Tig, he might me a little extra sometimes.
My phone started buzzing but I completely ignored it.
- Why would I ever see him again? Y’all live together in a cute little house or you spend so much time at the hospital? - he didn’t say anything about that, just laughed
- You’re not going to answer?
I took the phone out of my pocket and declined the call from Mark.
- Absolutely not.
We decided to order some food and just hang out for a while. Spending time with him was something else, I felt more safe and comfortable than ever, even tho I knew him for only about a month. Although this time was different, Mark tried to call me two times and I declined. He hasn’t reach out for a few days now so it was my chance to finish it, but I couldn’t pick up when Juice was around. He will probably call again. Definitely. I tried to enjoy spending time with Juice but it was hard to focus. For the first time I was relieved when he said he’s got to go. When I closed the door behind him and sat on the couch I looked at the unread messages. “You moved to Lodi? Why didn’t you tell me?” Holy fuck. How can he know that. I stared at the messages when he called, answered immediately.
- Jesus Christ Mark. Can you finally leave me alone? We broke up months ago.
- Not really - he sounded offended - you broke up with me.
- Exactly - I just smiled at how ridiculous was what he just said - and it means we’re not together anymore
- But can we at least talk about it? For the last few months you acted like you forgot about me.
- Maybe because I did - I was confident, trying to let him know it’s really over - that’s what people do after a breakup. Fucking forget about each other, you should do that too.
- Don’t swear princess - he sounded so calm, started to freak me out
- I’m not you damn princess, what the fuck is wrong with you Mark?
- I just want to talk, you live in Lodi, right? - I felt my body tense at his words
- Well, I’m moving soon, but that’s not your business.
- But you’re still in town? I want to talk to you personally. I’ll be there in 5.
This has to be a joke. He can’t come here, he can’t know where I am.
- You’re freaking me out Mark - I said and hung up
I didn’t know what to do and lately when this happened I just texted Juice. But what am I going to tell him now? Hey, can you come save me, I think my crazy ex got my address somehow and is on his way to kill me or sth. He probably isn’t even going to come here. He surely just meant Lodi. I’ll be there in 5. I’ll be in Lodi in 5. Yup, that’s it. I opened the conversation with Juice.
Hey, I know you just left, but could you come by? I want to talk, but don’t worry, you haven’t done anything bad this time:)
I looked at the message. He won’t freak out, nothing’s happening. It sounds cool. I praised myself in my head for not overreacting when I heard knocking on the door. But it wasn’t my favourite knocking. It was more harsh, aggressive.
- Y/n, please, I just want to talk - his voice was nice, welcoming
I walked to the door slowly, thinking what could happen.
- Please, you know I won’t hurt you. Let’s just finish it.
At this point I had no choice. Slowly bringing my hand up I unlocked the door, at the same moment he slammed it open. I felt warm blood dripping from my nose. Meeting with the cool surface of the wall behind me was comforting, trying to get my thoughts together I just stood there for what felt like hours. He grabbed my hand and brought me to sit on the sofa with him.
- Oh baby, look what you made me do - he said while getting a tissue and wiping my nose and mouth, but I slammed his hand away
- What I made you do? Get out of my house and leave me alone - I yelled, but got silent as he slapped me
I wished I told Juice the truth, or at lest called him to actually come here.
- Shh, let me talk - I just nodded - look, we could start again, what do you think?
- I don’t think I’m ready for a new relationship, not with you.
- Not with me? - he put his hand on my throat and started squeezing - okay, but we don’t have to do it now, huh? - I felt my eyes watering - I can give you some time, just don’t treat me like air.
- Mark, you’re hurting me - I whispered underneath my breath
- Oh right - he pulled his hand back - sorry, love.
My phone started buzzing on the table, I tried to get it but just felt a hard punch on my ribs causing me to wrap my hands around my body.
- Who’s Juice? - he asked
- Just a friend, we work together - I forced a smile to calm him down
- Just a friend? - another punch - just a friend? - he yelled punching me again
- Yes - I said confidently
- Then why would you try to answer so fast? - another punch
I have to change my strategy before I cough my lungs out.
- I just wanted to mute, so no one will bother us.
- Oh, I’m sorry baby, you know I’m nervous sometimes.
- I know, it’s all right - I smiled, blood filling my mouth again
- So can we start again? You know I’m not like this. I have a hotel here, I’m staying for a while.
- That sounds good, but I need some rest now. You can call me tomorrow, how about that? We’ll figure something out.
He pulled me in and kissed my forehead. I felt tingling in my fingers, realising he was holding my wrists so tight I felt blood leaving my hands.
- I missed you. Glad you’re okay, I was afraid you’ll push me away again. I should go now - I felt the pressure around my wrists loosen - I’m so grateful I found you.
- How did you know where I live? - I asked before realising it will only make him stay longer
- Emily told me she talked to you before you moved.
Oh sure, fucking slut.
- I’ll go now, please don’t make me do things like that again. We’ll talk different tomorrow.
- Okay, see you then - I forced a smile and waited for him to leave so I can close the door
I sat on the couch and tried to settle my breath. While putting my fingers to my pulsing temple I felt it’s also wet and sticky. And how the fuck did that happen? I looked at my fingers covered in blood and just wished he’d really leave me alone today. I walked up to the sink to wash my hands and face, looked at the mirror. Bruises covering my neck and wrists, tried to take off my shirt to look at my ribs but couldn’t put my hands high enough so I just sat on the couch glad that it’s over and I’m all right. I remembered the times when he suddenly started being aggressive towards me and after that acted like nothing happened. That’s why I left him, that’s one of the reasons why I left LA. Focusing on what just happend I forgot about texting Juice, but when I heard knocking on my door my heart dropped.
- Y/n. Open the door please!
His scream made me shiver but I walked to the door opening it slowly. He bursted in and walked past me.
- Please don’t do that again, you can’t text me such shit and then just not answer my messages and calls, I was-
He got silent immediately when he looked at my face. Wandering around with his eyes he saw the tissues covered in blood on the coffee table.
- What the hell happened here?
I couldn’t answer, just fell into his arms feeling tears dripping on my cheeks. He gently walked me to the couch and sat close enough to wrap his hands around me in a comforting hug. He didn’t say anything, just hold me close stroking my arm lightly, waiting for me to calm down. When I started breathing normally I pulled back and looked him in the eyes, but immediately turned my head away when I felt my eyes watering again.
- Can you tell me what happened now?
- You want to hear the whole story or just todays one?
- Do we have time for the longer one? - he smiled gently encouraging me to speak
I told him everything about Mark. Starting at how we met during a race, our stormy relationship, his sudden change of attitude and finally about the breakup he couldn’t accept. Then I started about what happened today, but felt like I forgot half of it.
- So at least I was right about the toxic ex - he tried to sound funny but I heard his voice shaking - Why didn’t you tell me? Jesus, I should know, all the missed calls and messages, you flinched when I raised my voice. I should ask you about it, it’s obvious you won’t tell me.
- God, stop. Are you blaming yourself?
- Maybe a little. You should go with me, we have a doctor at the clubhouse, she should see this.
- I don’t need a doctor Juice.
He put his hand on my side which made me bring my knees up and hold them close to my chest.
- This looks like you need to see a doctor. Your nose is also not looking good.
- I don’t think it’s broken.
- Maybe it’s not, but Tara will do something about it. Let me help you, please - he sounded desperate at this point
- Okay, I’ll go.
- Then go and pack, I’ll help you but first I have to call Jax.
- Pack?
- You don’t think you’re staying here, do you?
I knew I couldn’t stay here but I was planning on getting a hotel room near Charming before I could find a house.
- I’m not homeless, I don’t need a shelter.
He just smiled at me and called Jax, I got up slowly and went to my bedroom to get the most important stuff. Juice joined me a few minutes later.
- Tara finishes her shift in about an hour, then she can come and see you, we’ll wait for her - I rolled my eyes - unless you want to go to a hospital?
- And what will I tell them?
- That you were attacked by a clowder of cats?
When we packed all the things I might need in the next few days I realised I’m still covered in blood in some places, it dried up making me feel pretty uncomfortable.
- I think I need to take a shower before we go - I said stroking my hair
- Really? - he put his face in his hands in an act of disbelief
- Really. I won’t go anywhere like that.
- As you wish princess, I’ll wait.
- Yeah, great. Can you help me with my shirt?
- You can’t put your hands up and still tried to refuse seeing a doctor?
- I just. I don’t want to go to your clubhouse okay, definitely not looking like that.
- We’re used to it, don’t worry.
- Used to bringing beat up hoes by another members? - I didn’t actually know why I reacted like that
I was really grateful Juice wanted to help me, I guess it was just my reaction about being so stressed lately. I automatically regretted saying that, waiting for him to take up the argument, but instead he came closer and lightly grabbed my hands.
- Y/n - he started softly - you’re not a hoe, nobody thinks you are. You shouldn’t think about yourself like that either. I know you’re stressed, but you know I just want to help.
- I know, I’m sorry…
- Don’t be sorry, just let me do what’s best for you now.
When I took a shower Juice helped me with my bags and we were ready to go. He stopped at the door and turned to me.
- Can we take your car? I’m not sure bike is a good option for our trip - he smiled
- Sure - I tossed him the keys - but you drive.
We walked out and I leaded him to my car, before he put the bags in the trunk he stopped and looked at it for a moment.
- A fucking challenger? You really were playing Fast and Furious back there.
I just laughed and got in the passenger sit, realising I’ve never sat here.
- I never let anyone drive it, it’s like my child, so you better be careful - I sent him a warning smile - you should feel honoured.
- Well, I am. Don’t worry, I won’t be speeding.
- Oh don’t be ridiculous, that’s what this car was made for. Just don’t hit any pedestrians or worse, a curb - I sent him a death stare and he just laughed before turning on the engine
- Wow - his smile was beautiful, especially when he was sitting here
I started getting more nervous as we entered Charming. Handling one biker was enough for me and meeting an entire charter sounded even worse. I met one, basically two of them and they seem nice, but I don’t think that’s really how they are. We pulled up in the parking lot around midnight. Juice helped me get my bag and we headed to the clubhouse. Silently I wished it’ll be empty since it was that late, but I was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t crowded, but when we entered, the hot smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me as if I walked to a crowded bar in a big city. Everybody got quiet and all eyes were on me. Chibs stood up and walked to me, patting my shoulder lightly.
- Hello sweetie. I believe you looked better last time I saw you.
- Oh thanks, nice to see you too, now shove off - I said before thinking about it
At least I didn’t say fuck off.
- I knew you were a good one when I first met you - he laughed and went back to the couch
I looked around and saw that they’re not staring at me now, when I walked through the room everyone greeted me, like they actually were friendly. Juice told me to sit next to Chibs since I already knew him and he went to get Jax.
- Oh hello - said the man with curly hair I saw at the hospital - I’m Tig.
- I remembered that - I smiled lightly - I’m y/n.
- Well, so you’re Juice’s girl, huh?
- Okay, I don’t know what he told you, but we’re just friends - I was pretty annoyed by hearing it again, not knowing what Juice was saying about me
- Actually he told us nothing about you. We tried asking him but he only said that you’re from Lodi, nothing more. But now - his blue eyes wandered around my face and body, tracing all the visible bruises - what happened?
- Just a few scratches, Juice insisted that I should see a doctor so here I am, waiting for Tara.
- But who did it?
- Thanks for your worries Tig, but that’s not important.
- I’ll get you a beer, huh? - he smiled and walked up to the bar
Actually a beer is a good idea.
- Listen - I turned to Chibs immediately when I heard his voice - I know you’re not comfortable here and you don’t want to talk about it, but we need to know who did that. You’re a friend to a club now, we’ll help you.
- Juice helped me already - I shrugged my shoulders
- So you’re sure that this person won’t find you here?
- Uh, well - but I never finished
Juice came in with Jax and gave me a hand to help me get up.
- Jesus Christ… - Jax gently wrapped his hands around me as a welcome - Are you allright? Tara will be here soon, she’ll take care of you.
- I’m sorry Jax, I didn’t want to come here in her free time. I’m really grateful she’ll come.
- That’s not a problem.
- Now - Juice looked more serious then ever - can you give me your phone?
- My phone? Why do you need it?
- I need to make sure he won’t bother you again, your phone can help me find him. And don’t say you don’t want me to do that, I’ll find him either way, we can’t risk him coming back.
I didn’t know what to say, I never thought this could happen. Juice bringing me here should keep me safe.
- I’ll come with you - said a long haired man sitting at the table besides us, he greeted me with the warmest smile saying his name’s Bobby
- I’ll go too - said Chibs standing up slowly
- Count me in - Jax nodded looking at me
- If you have so many volunteers - Tig came back with our beers - I’ll stay here, keep an eye on the girls.
- Okay, so we’re all set - Jax smiled at me again - Tara will be here any minute, then we can go.
I sat on the couch, glued to Juice’s side when they were talking about some random shit, I couldn’t focus on the conversation thinking about what was going to happen. When all of them got in an argument about Tig’s hair I felt Juice’s eyes landing on me. Bringing my head up I looked at him and he put his hand on my cheek sending me a warming smile.
- Are you going to kill him? - I asked seriously, keeping my eyes on his
- We’ll do what’s necessary - he kissed my forehead
- Don’t do this - I shyly tried to push him away
- And why is that? - I looked around the room - I told you they don’t give a fuck.
And they actually didn’t. No one was even looking at us. I took a sip of my beer realising it’s almost empty.
- Another one? - Juice asked and I just nodded
When he left I looked around the room again, how can they all be so calm? My eyes stopped at a woman coming through the door. She also saw me, gave me a welcoming smile and came up to me.
- And you must be y/n. I’m Tara, nice to meet you. Let’s go clean you up.
She leaded me to a smaller room and closed the door. I looked around at the wooden table and chairs around it. Tara encouraged me to sit down and opened her bag, starting to clean the cuts on my face.
- I’m sorry you had to come here, I really wanted to do this myself but Juice got stubborn.
- Don’t worry, I help the club when I can, wanna tell me what happened?
I couldn’t say anything because the door opened and Jax came in saying that they’re ready to go. He gave Tara a kiss and told her to take care of me, after that he was gone and we stayed alone again.
- So? - she continued - it doesn’t look like a little fight with a friend.
She seemed so peaceful that I decided to shorten the story for her. She looked at me from time to time but never interrupted. When I finished she stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes.
- I know what you’re going through, trust me. The guys will take care of him and you’ll be safe, it’ll be okay. Let them do what they have to, before it’s too late.
I didn’t know what to say, just kept looking at the door not wanting to catch her sight again.
- Good news, your nose is not broken, but it may bleed from time to time. And about your wrists-
- Oh, probably nothing happened, I’ve actually had problems with my wrists for a few years now.
- Yeah, I can see that, you should think about a surgery. None of your ribs are broken too, but it looks bad, so I’ll come again and see what’s going on in a few days. For now you’re okay - she smiled while packing her bag - I’m really sorry, wanted to stay with you but our babysitter called and I need to go home.
- Oh sure, you should be home right after you finished work. Thank you again for all you did for me, I really appreciate that.
She smiled and opened the door for me. I instantly came to sit with Tig since he was the only one here I “knew”.
- You look better now, hope you also feel that way - he handed me a beer
- Do you drink here all day long or is today any special?
- There are no limits about drinking here, don’t worry.
He was actually nice and pretty funny. All of them were, maybe it’s not going to be as bad as I thought. We talked for about 40 minutes before they came back and I actually enjoyed our conversation. I felt pretty safe here. That’s weird. When boys came through the door I felt shivers on my body. Knives and guns at their belts, bruises and scratches everywhere, they just looked scary.
- It’s all done, you don’t have to worry about him anymore - Jax said with a smile - but I think you should stay here, at least ‘till tomorrow.
- He’s right, come on - Juice got my bag and gave me his hand
I followed him through the hall and entered his room. It was much cleaner than I thought and kinda cozy. If you can say a room at a clubhouse is cozy. I went through my bag to find a T-shirt and matching shorts to sleep in. Juice helped me with a shirt and put my bag back on the floor.
- I’m going to take a shower now, you can change here. The covers are clean, don’t worry - he laughed as he closed the bathroom door behind him
I changed my jeans to shorts and crawled under the covers. The bed was much more comfortable that it looked, but maybe it was just because I was really tired. I tried not to drift away waiting for Juice to come back. When he finally opened the door quietly and made sure I’m not asleep he sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.
- You’re safe here y/n, everything will be fine. Aren’t you hungry?
- I don’t know.
- How can you don’t know? - he laughed softly
- I mean, I probably won’t eat anything, you know.
- Are you sure? I can get you something.
- I’m good - I felt my eyes closing
- Okay, so goodnight - I felt him getting up and opened my eyes again
- Are you not going to stay with me? - he froze
- Do you want me to stay?
- Well… - he raised his eyebrow - yeah, okay. I want you to stay.
He said nothing and laid down next to me, but still keeping some distance, so I decided to shorten it. Rested my head on his arm and smiled when he kissed my forehead again. That felt nice, I love feeling his body next to mine. He gently traced all my face features with his fingers, not leaving any detail, while I slowly fell asleep feeling his hot breath in my hair.
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
Hi! Can i request a seventeen hoshi angst inspired by rihanna's song california king bed where hoshi is giving mixed signals and reader is wishing secretly that he will love them back in spite of their "arrangement"?
Wishing On Stars | Kwon Soonyoung
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pairing | arranged husband!kwon soonyoung x f!reader 
genre/cw | angst, fluff, heavy sexual content but not exactly smut, mention of sex, explicit language, unrequited love (temporarily), crying, arranged marriage, fluffy end
wc | 1.5k
notes | thanks for the request! as you requested, this fic is based off of the lyrics of california king bed by rihanna. also sorry if you didn’t want a fluffy ending, I just love him too much to let it end so sad, you know? nonetheless, enjoy! :D
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Y/n smiled at the sight before her. A beautiful Kwon Soonyoung, sleeping peacefully as the light from the window poured in through the opened curtains. She wanted nothing more than to reach out and brush the silver hair away from his angelic face, but reality stopped her. It didn’t matter what happened last night. In the morning, everything was always different. 
When he began to stir, she moved away, not wanting to disturb him. And when she saw him yawn, she quickly got up, and decided to get herself ready for the day in the grand bathroom. Washing up, doing her makeup, and deciding on a decent outfit. When she exited the bathroom, she saw the dreamy man sitting on the edge of the bed, looking right at her. She felt bare to him, when he looked at her like that. She hated and loved the feeling at the same time. 
Her ears perked up. He was talking to her. All of these possible scenarios ran through her head. Could this be the moment she’s secretly been waiting for ever since they were arranged to be married by their parents? Could it be?
”Yes?” Y/n smiled.
”I’m working late today, so don’t bother waiting up for me. I’ll probably get dinner somewhere else,” he deadpanned as he stretched his arms. 
“Oh, okay,” she fake smiled. Inside, she was hurt. Did he really ever care for her at all? 
“Oh and also, my laundry needs done, if you could please take care of that,” he said before going up to her. Confusedly, she backed into the door of the bathroom. What was he doing? “I need to use the bathroom Y/n,” he gestured to the door behind her. 
“Oh, right sorry,” she moved out of the way for him. He entered and closed the door, locking it behind him.
Y/n stared at her feet. Soonyoung always acted like the night before never happened. How he had her screaming his name, and cumming all over his cock. Her hands pinned above her head as his length filled her to the brim. The tears that ran down her face from the overwhelming pleasure. It never happened, according to Soonyoung’s face. But she knew that at night, he’d forget his coldness towards her and do it all over again. It was just the way he did things, whether Y/n liked it, or not. And she couldn’t say anything. She was bound to him through marriage. She had to obey and respect him for the rest of her life. And no, it wasn’t fair to her, to be in love with someone who didn’t treat her right. But it was normal for her. She was used to it.
Soonyoung adjusted his tie as the meeting finished, the board members filing out. He took a sip of his coffee and leaned back in his chair with a sigh, obviously stressed.
”Hey Soonyoung, you don’t look too well,” Seungkwan noted, looking at his friend’s face. “Are you feeling alright?”
”Fine… just… tired,” Soonyoung lied through his teeth. He couldn’t tell them the truth without breaking down in tears, and he knew it. 
“I’ve seen that face before. Tell us the truth, it won’t hurt you,” Minghao deadpanned, crossing his arms. 
Soonyoung sighed. “It isn’t any of your business, alright?” He snapped, causing Minghao to back off slightly.
But he persevered. “No Soonyoung. It is our business if you being like this is going to effect our meetings. And it isn't doing you any good keeping things in the dark. We’re your friends. What could hurt you?” Minghao reasoned.
”You are persuasive,” Soonyoung admitted. “Well, truthfully, I’m in love with my arranged wife.”
”That’s amazing! Y/n is such a nice girl, she deserves a good person like you,” Seungkwan clapped. 
“No it’s not like that it’s… complicated. I convinced myself I wanted this arranged marriage to be strictly for business. So I built myself a reputation and I was cold towards her, rude even. And I know Y/n did nothing to deserve it. To deserve me. But now I’m not so sure she’ll be so understanding if I tell her the truth. I wanted it to be business until I fell in love. And now… it’s messy,” he explained. “And it doesn’t help that we fuck almost every night and I pretend like nothing happened in the morning. I just didn’t want anything between us, but she was always just so tempting. Now, I see that I really was just being selfish. I had no regard for her feelings and only focused on myself. Now fixing things is going to be… not so easy.”
Minghao and Seungkwan listened intently to their friend’s rant.
”She deserves the world. And I’m just not sure I’m the one to give it to her anymore.” 
“Soonyoung, you are the one. From what you’ve told me about her, I’d say she’s in love with you too. And I bet she’d be more than happy hearing your confession. She’s been chasing after you in secret. Now you should tell her the truth. Everything will be right again,” Minghao smiled. “Come on, I can’t see you like this everyday. You deserve love as much as she does. Go get your girl.”
”Yeah. Go get her,” Seungkwan agreed.
Soonyoung only nodded before leaving the room. 
The drive back home allowed him to think about what he’d say. And he thought it through very carefully. He hoped she’d still be up, him being gone pretty late and all.
He quietly opened the door and looked around. He noticed a familiar h/c head on sofa, reading a book. He decided to sit beside as he still thought about how he’d go about his confession in his head. And truth be told, he’d never been more nervous in his entire lifetime. Then, he thought maybe he’d act like he normally did, and then surprise her with a change of heart. 
He liked that idea. 
He moved closer to wife, as she slowly set down her book. Once directly in front of her, he gently raised her chin, looking directly into her eyes. She stared back up at him, already seeing stars. It was just how every night between them went. She shuddered when she felt his hand slide up her shirt. And it wasn’t long until his lips came down onto hers. Their lips moved in perfect sync, like always. His hands traveled all the way up to her breasts as he began massaging them through the fabric of her lingerie. The one Soonyoung liked best on her. 
Y/n realized then, she couldn’t do this anymore. She was done. She pushed him away, leaving him confused. “Soonyoung,” she began, tearing up unintentionally. “I can’t do this anymore.”
”What?” He asked, backing off of her.
”I can’t go any further until I get an answer,” she explained.
”What is it?” He tilted his head.
”I need to know if you love me, Soonyoung. Because it seems that every time we do…. this, you forget it the next morning. You act like it never happened. I can’t do this anymore. I love you, okay? And I need to know if you love me or not because I’m getting mixed signals from you and I hate it,” she said quietly, head hanging in sadness. “I need to know.”
”Y/n baby,” he began, catching her off guard because he’d never called her that before. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something. And that something answers your questions. I do love you, whether you believe me or not. At first, I’ll admit, I wanted us to be strictly business. No intimacy, no real relationship, just business. But then we started this new nightly routine and I… fell in love with you. Every single part of you. And I’ve realized how messy I’ve made things. I hurt you and disregarded all of your feelings. But if you give me a chance, I’ll give you the world. Just like you deserved in the first place,” he smiled, taking her hand in his. “Will you give me a chance?”
”Oh Soonyoung,” she smiled, despite the tear that left her eye. “Of course I will.” 
Soonyoung smiled back nearing her face. “I love you.” 
He wasted no time reconnecting their lips, as he hungrily kissed her. He wanted to savor this kiss, like he never had before. Remember how she tasted. He wanted to remember how she felt when he was inside of her. He wanted all of her. 
Y/n smiled at the yet again peacefully sleeping Soonyoung. She reached out to brush the hair away from his face, not afraid of his reaction. And when he woke, he smiled at her. “Good morning love,” he smiled. 
“Good morning sunshine.”
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yinorathedragontamer · 11 months
Requests + rules (requests are: CLOSED)
hey everyone!! this is a more updated version of my requests page, aka i made some changes and by now, i'm a bit more experienced with writing, so yeah! that's pretty much all <3
so far ill write for characters from:
buffyverse [buffy the vampire slayer + angel]
dnd honor among thieves
genshin impact
one piece [live action]
voltron legendary defender [only paladins + allura]
how to train your dragon
tangled the series
obey me
spider verse the maze runner book of life
good omens
agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
the witcher
tangled the series [i love varian so much its insane]
avatar the last airbender
legend of korra
Percy Jackson show + first book
sweet tooth s1
fallout tv show
Dead Boy Detectives
Supernatural (season 1-5, first half of s6. will update the further i get)
ghostbusters afterlife
ghostbusters frozen empire
The Turning
Deadpool & Wolverine
bayverse tmnt
tmnt 2012
there are more though its late and i cant think of them right now, but if anyone would like to request anything id love to give it a try.
you can also request for anything that isn't on here if you want since i might be able to write for it anyway, if that makes sense.
what i mean is that even though there is a chance that i cant/wont write for it, there is also a chance that i will so dont be afraid to ask!
i would also like to add that:
english is not my first language so if there are any typos or anything you can always let me know
im a beginner in writing fanfic however i really want to get better at it, so if you do have even a vague idea for a request or a trope or au id love to try writing for it
i mainly want to write fluff, id also like to write angst with a fluffy ending or just try out angst in general [i know the first fic i posted here is angst but still-]
i don't mind writing things that are a little darker (for example things like traumatic events) though only a vague description of having been through it, I WILL NOT write it "currently" happening in the fic. there are a few small exceptions, but not many
fics based on songs [or specific parts of lyrics]
poly, or any kind of queer relationship
pregnancy/implied pregnancy
suggestive on that note, here's what i WON'T write (a few will be repeated from the list of what i will write, so apologies for that if it annoys you):
full on smut
graphic fighting scenes (i suck at writing them when i'm not in the mood T.T)
sexual assault (unless it's a vague memory/trauma for a character, for example when a character talks to reader abt why reader has been hesitant for touch and its just a heartfelt moment of opening up to eachother about what happened if that makes sense) i can write for any reader [gn, fem, male, nonbinary, etc]
ofcourse if anyone has any tips or any feedback on any future fics then please do let me know! im open for suggestions to improve my writing skills.
anyway, thats all for now, have a great day!
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