#obv it's fine if you ship them but... friendship...
stobinesque · 1 year
for the lovely little follower celebration (congrats on 250 btw!! thats awesome!!!):
Scoops Troop (platonic + sfw obv) Sleepover!!
no squicks or triggers really, but im not a big fan of the focus being them talking about a steve ship. other than that, go crazy! 💕
Thanks Devon!! 🫶💚
I have another Sccops Troop fill that I will probably post today or tomorrow (it is still over 250 words 😔) and one thing I am discovering about me is that if I have Scoops Troop in a room together those assholes are just gonna Bicker the whole time. (I love them so much).
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prompt: 'sleepover' | wc: 250 | rating: G | Scoops Troop
"Making friendship bracelets is literally a sleepover staple, Dustin." Erica shoved her face all the way into his space as she spoke.
"Yeah, well, I'm not doing it!” Dustin folded his arms, stubborn expression firmly in place.
Like an immovable object and an unstoppable force. Robin wasn’t sure who was which.
"Ugh, this is pointless. We all know Sinclair’s gonna win this, Henderson."
Dustin squinted at Steve. "So what, you're telling me that King Steve is gonna go around Hawkins wearing a friendship bracelet?"
"Dude, don't call me that. And I thought you were supposed to be observant. Robs and I have been wearing friendship bracelets for months, now." Steve raised his arm in demonstration, showing off the red-and-blue bracelet Robin’d made him after finding an old stash of embroidery floss.
"See, even Steve knows what's up,” Erica snapped.
"Shut up."
"I'm the adult here, I don't have to take this!"
"Excuse me, who was it that saved you two fools from being tortured by Russians?"
"She’s gotta point, Steve," Robin muttered.
"I'd like to return the subject at hand," Dustin broke in. "I am not wearing a bracelet!"
Steve rolled his eyes. "Weren't you the one lecturing me about ‘leaving behind’ primal stereotypes? What, you scared wearing a bracelet is too girly? What’s that if not primal!"
"You aren't winning this argument just because you know words better, Henderson."
Robin groaned. “Auugh. How about this, dorkus: think of it as…a Scoops Troop medal of honor.”
I’m celebrating 250 followers! Send in a pairing and a (one word) prompt for a drabble!
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
A few days ago I sent a very ranty ask but I think it got lost and so i was kinda disappointed but also realized I was being a bit of a hater and cannot remember how coherent it was, so it's probably fine it got lost lol. However I was thinking about my little lost hater rant and why I dislike bg ron/ance in steddie fics and not bg steddie in other fics and realized like. Obviously it has to do with my dislike of the ship in general, which means the immense amount of legwork an author has to do for me to feel like Ron//anace actually makes sense for Robin and Steve AND Nancy can only be done in a rn focused fic, which I will not read, because I don't like the ship and even if they say in the tags stobin are bffs it is unlikely that they actually are in the way they deserve to be. (I think it always boils down to people devaluing the relationship stobin have with each other for the sake of a Romo ship, which other ships do but I think rn does it the most or at least the most glaringly)
I also touched on how for some reason sometimes they make Nancy this best friend type person for Steve or Eddie and have her really involved in their relationship or getting together but that's not who she is! I'm not a Nancy hater at all but she doesn't seem interested in the people she saves the world with unless they are saving the world or dating her. She doesn't seem interested in other people's dating lives. And having an ex, even if you ended things amicably (one could easily argue st//cy didn't) smirking about how you are your queer crush in 80's Indiana are so obvious would probably be incredibly uncomfortable. But steddie in like, lu-max or gen fics is just two of their friends dating and maybe a mention of homophobia or how they are kind of an unexpected couple given their archetypes, or how they bicker or something. Obviously they do have to work on their relationship but not to the gymnastic level ooc bending (in my opinion) degree of rn.
i love being a hater. it’s my favourite hobby.
but anyway! yeah, i think it’s interesting that it’s often r//nance that’s the background ship, when it takes a lot for the relationship to work. (obvs the reason this happens is just the way people neglect lesbian couples and prioritise mlm, but still)
like, as the characters are in s4, steddie could be paired off in the background, but i don’t think r//nance could be. (and yeah, no matter what people try to do in a r//nance fic, either stobin gets ignored, or nancy is a completely different character and stancy is a completely different relationship)
a lot of fics prioritise romance over friendship, and i think the reason people notice it more with r//nance fics, is just because of how close stobin are, and so how vastly different the dynamic has to become in fics
but yeah, people try to involve nancy in everyone and it’s like… you are dragging that girl by her ratty hair, she does not want to be friends with these people. i don’t think she hates them! but like you said, unless they’re dating, or actively saving the world, she has no interest in them (sometimes even when they’re dating she doesn’t have much interest lmao).
i could see her getting involved in others relationships, but not out of like, kindness. i think she would just be nosy, and i do not think steve would take that well. and, honestly if anyone made snide comments about how obvious my queer crush was, i would stop talking to that person, let alone if they were my ex.
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
You know, as a bi person, I really kind of hate the aggressive pissing on hetero ships by virtue of it being hetero and not for the actual faults of the couple or characters.
Mind you; this is not the same problem as homophobes people who insist they don't hate gay stuff but have 0 gay couples and fight headcanons saying that they're gay. Those people, even if they don't know it; are homophobic. Their stubborness to face the fact that they're bigots makes them even more bigoted because bigotry does not inherently = being mean, but is about the inability to accept or think of other people. It's scary how many people earnestly think you have to shout some Westbro Baptist Church bs to be actually homophobic, and all that's before you get to internalized bigotry within the LGBTQ culture. Speaking of which...
I saw a thread where people were hating on Friendship is Magic because Pinkie Pie canonically gets with Weird Al's ponysona. --Obv I'm biased because that being made canon was the only part of the finale I liked as obviously I loved Cheese Sandwich for being his own character apart from Pinkie Pie and Weird Al-- but, BESIDES THAT; The complaint was talking about how some characters were "forced into being straight" by the writers and...really? You're incapable of headcanoning Pinkie and Cheese are bi or in an open marriage or just invalidating Pinkie now because she's the only one of the mane 6 who canonically had a kid with a stallion? Really?
There's being queer baited and wanting more gay couples that are also main characters and not off to the side cyclops police. And then there's getting mad that a character without a canonized sexuality is in a hetero relationship at least once in their life. Not even that they themselves are for sure straight, just that they're married or w the opposite sex.
Naturally, I only have women shippers to talk about. I can't quite talk for gay men or m/m shipcourse. Whenever I see lesbiansapphics be all "even canonically straight characters should be made gay"/"this ship would be fine if it were lesbians"/"this character should have gotten with this character so I can have lesbians", I do know it's all just joking. At least, I'm pretty sure. I know the reason you want more lesbians -I want more lesbians too because lesbians are great! You are right in how and what kind of scrutiny is held against you for liking women and like fiction women liking other fictional women...but...maybe don't be so judgemental of the ladies on your side who happen to like some m/f ships more than your appointed 'good' ship?
"We're not judgemental. You're the one who's judgemental for not being able to take some light rubbing abt your ship being straight."
Am I though? When you hate on a m/fships because seeing people support them in ANY WAY means you have to make fun of them just to validate your own feelings...idk pardon MY autistic arse for feeling a tad bit picked on or lumped in with the really not okay straights. Am I excluded from defending myself because I'm not the ideal lesbian? I'll never survive the sapphic hunger games if I don't have specific standards for my gay couples vs my straight ones?
I've seen people adore The Owl House for being gay because it is but absolutely hate that Willow/Hunter is implied and then be mad that Luz didn't get with Willow because "Amity is a bad girlfriend". It's not Dana's fault that Luz got with the "wrong woman", the show was written with Lumity being endgame and Hunter being an important side character because he's related to the main villain who is a man. Cope. I've seen people hate on MysteryElk because Elktaur/General has a standardly attractive' hunky design; I've seen people hate Edred from Unicorn Warriors Eternal for being an icky 'generic' guy. If you actually know the characters and the relationships in question with their lovers, you'd know that the fact that they're a man is the LEAST problematic thing they got going on! No, the men in these couples being women would not "fix" anything not just for shippers but in the actual show with the relationships. Like, you DO get that the problem is Nowhere King is the aggressor and that Edred is clingy and unsupportive, right? That those are the actual problems with these couples? And GOSH do I now hate Clone High's insistence that JFK is actually a decent person because he's not a 'pick me' like Abe. I hate that, in the wake of the internet realizing how bad tumblr sexymen nice guys really are, we apparently have to pick out the men who are "salvageable" or obsess over the problemed ones problems because they are men. Which- come to think of it, isn't that part of the issue with SnapeWife-types who stan flawed male characters like their the second coming but antagonize women characters for being flawed? Shouldn't we, idk, maybe encourage people to love characters for their flaws and not because we can 'fix' them somehow or hate them because they exemplify a person you hate irl?
Overall, the (hopefully) ironic demand for gay couples all the time like it's a supremacy is kind of irritating to me. I'm just not into living with the "this majority group are all the things wrong"-mindset, or even a "you deserve to feel the bigotry I already experience because that's cathartic for me". I know exactly why people are in pain. I know that pain because a lot of it is the same I have to go through. The reason I'm 'biting back', not at the gay community I'm in but at this specific mindset? Yeah it IS because I'm obsessed with people judging me, but I think it's because I'm self aware of this problem I have that I don't want to indulge the part of me that wants petty payback at all. When and if I like my petty payback, I want to make sure it's not at the people who might be judging me vs the people who actually, honestly are.
TL;DR: I love me some 'straights are not okay'-jokes, but there comes a point where I can not hear them when you clearly don't mean it as a joke.
No amount of active bigotry in this world will make the toxic absolutism you got as a result of that bigotry something I need to deal with as the butt of your anger. I and other bi/pan/ally people are not your stress dolls, inherently. The straights (a group) are not okay, not the straights (individuals), k?
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diddybok · 9 months
OOOOH ok interesting - first and foremost, guy best friend is a FLOP for being so lazy with your friendship, because you were initially interested in letting things get interesting, but now that HE'S trying to do that ON TOP of historically being flaky with the friendship? like no heaven forbid he goes out of his way during the day but oh at night when he's feeling it you have to? LIKE MATE BE FOR REAL AND be respectful?? it really seems like he likes you right now - did he seem disappointed after you kissed the friend?
if you're over him and his flakiness, then by all means drop him, you deserve infinitely better than waiting for him to want to see you - you deserve someone, a best friend, bf, something else or both, who would love to see you any time of the day and is ACTIVE in seeking you out 💕 i've been through a similar-ish situation with a flaky guy friend showing some level of interest, and a stalker girl mutual friend who seemingly encouraged him and i, but goes off to have a whole ordeal with him after mild things happened between the guy and i, when he apparently was "in love" with her the whole time? that's irrelevant 😭
my point is, i have tried to stay neutral with him the whole time, even though i knew him longer. it would be nice if none of this happened and we could still talk normally, but i'm not interested in trying to fix it, so being neutral is the way to go, rather than dropping him completely, to save the awkwardness. if you were to be neutral with him then you could potentially keep his door open if something were to happen in the future, which might be useful?? but it seems like you're pretty interested in mr uni pookie 😏😏😏😏😏😏 I SHIP IT
all the best with the two of these guys, and i guess just have fun with it?? enjoy the ride 🤪 always here if you want to chat or vent, or spill more tea 😊
omg this is like girl/chix talk time and i want to make it a regular occurrence where we all just talk abt shit happening in our lives atm! obvs not forcing anyone to!
okay imma start by saying REAL!!! i think in this case i would just put a hard line of it being strictly platonic. i already started to distance myself from him and i think he kinda caught on yesterday when i wasn’t entertaining it like i would have in the past.
but yeah all feelings for him are, and i can confidently say, gone🧌 but yeah no the other guy is so cute i wanna squish his cheeks😣
BUT WOAH??? youRE tea?!?! stalker girl and your friend😲 that’s acc kinda crazy. oh my god that would make me feel so, just, my eye would be TWITCHIN! the audacity. i strongly dislike girls like that, boys is a given because they do it to themselves by being themselves,, but the girls that try to set it up KNOWING behind your back they’re pulling a madness?
yeah you’re done for mate.
i woulda instantly removed myself from both of them. probably the guy too because wdym you were in love with her but talking like that with me? how are you to act then if we got into a relationship. next thing you know you get the “hey girly i know you don’t know me but-”😭😭
but i’m not getting my hopes up for uni boy, rather im already preparing for it all to be a purely just friends situation which 😀 is fine because he’s a good mate, so i guess it’d be a win win if it goes either way! but again no getting my hopes up. because i’ve learnt my lesson too many times whilst ignoring the facts and ended up getting all upset when i grew to attached😪
anyways that was fun, thank you for fuelling this little talk time with me!
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roobylavender · 1 year
i think tim is bi not gay. and yeah i think the reason it always came across as off is because they basically introduced this very bland random character (bernard) whose sole role is to be tim's bf and feels very detached from anything about tim up until this point? i mean twt tim stans who woobify him enough already dont care but it's just jarringly done
oh yeah sorry i used gay as an umbrella term i know he’s bi 😭 the interesting thing is if tim had to date anyone i do think it should be a civilian bc he needs to have a definitive part of his life that is not entrenched in vigilantism and keeps him grounded to reality. but bernard is a bit of a bizarre conduit to use and then comics nowadays rarely produce anything compelling anyway so even if that dynamic does have potential it’s certainly not going to be capitalized on in a way that’s really meaningful.. albeit i do like that the writers recognized the significance of tim revealing something personal about himself to bruce and that being a big thing bc as far as his original robin tenure went tim was very adamant about separating the two parts of his life to the point he almost suppressed the civilian part esp where bruce was concerned, and that was obv not healthy
ig for me the disconnect with fandom comes from the reasoning popularly used for why he’s not straight. like it either has to do with his interactions with ariana and stephanie which i think it is a bit shortsighted to call queer coded bc they’re clearly products of dixon’s misogyny. or it has to do with the kon relationship, a hyper focus on which to me says people don’t equally value the other relationships in the core four. like if it was any of the other core four who died would people automatically ship tim with them too bc he would obv be incredibly upset and desperate to bring them back? the core four comes off as such a wonderful friendship to me and i personally kind of hate the whole prerogative that if you’re in a friend group it’s obv at least two of you will date. i like them as friends and i think it’s fine to keep it that way
i just wish people’s engagement with why tim could be queer was more interesting. i’m definitely open to the idea but it has to come from more than authorial misogyny and a reaction to a particular character dying
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years
Do you have any other stranger things ships?
At the risk of starting Discourse... yes lol
Hellcheer obv - i like eddie and steves friendship dynamic but i find it very, very weird that theres such an insistence that theyre just as canon as hellcheer bc steve like... literally confessed to nancy that hes still desperately be-my-wife-and-mother-of-my-many-children in love with her but whatever. Like I'll concede that sure maybe actors and writers and showrunners all saying that hellcheer was romantic isnt technically canon, fine, but, uh. Idk. Hardcore pushing-for-canon to the point of harassing the joes abt steddie and shitting on grace/chrissy abt steddie is... extremely offputting to say the least, esp given the fact that it could not be more clear that they are not and have never been and will never be canon, even if eddie was still alive. I definitely think eddie is bi tho lol
I like nancy with steve better than with jonathan - yeah steve was a typical high school popular boy asshole for a while, but jonathan 1) literally creepshotted her, 2) manic-pixie-dream-girl'd her, and now 3) is actively lying to her and avoiding her. I've never liked him and his only redeeming quality imo is the way he goes to fuckin bat for will at every chance he gets bc i love will
I like robin and nancys friendship, if i didnt love steve and want him to be happy as much as i do, id want robin and nancy to get together bc vickie is blah and robin and nancy have such a cute dynamic and complement each other so well, but if robin rly likes blah vickie then so be it, i want robin to have a gf that she likes
Jopper but thats a no brainer lol
As for the kids theyre kind of too young for me to really care enough to "ship". Max and lucas are cute together. I rly hope that they dont go the tragic-single-gay-kid route with will bc i love him so, so much and it seems like the writers are definitely angling to keep mike/eleven together, so i hope he finds someone and doesnt spend his life crying and pining for a straight boy who doesn't love him back. Idc abt dustin and susie. Actually i feel like the writers are setting up dustin and erica to get together (like 10 years from now, obv) but i like their friendship its so funny.
I love hopper/joyce/murray 3 musketeers dynamic
I like argyle and jonathans friendship but mostly bc it means i get to see argyle bc i love him lol hes so funny
Is that all the characters? Theres so many characters on this show i love most of them and dont want any of them to die off but i cant keep track of them all lol
Oh and btw i hate billy, glad hes dead, have never and will never ship him w anyone bc he was a racist abusive piece of shit who had one (1) redeeming moment of his entire fucking existence, its sad that he was abused but that doesnt excuse the fact that he was also abusive, sorry not sorry
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mokutone · 2 years
So, do you see Kakashi and Yamato as ONLY homies? I have nothing against shipping them, I just personally see them really well as just good friends.
sdgjkhsdkgjh i always feel a little silly answering questions like this, i'm not sure how well people understand what i'm trying to convey (nor that i convey it in an understandable way!)
i very much see them as homies, but i'm also not against shipping them at all, and i enjoy producing romantic content for that on occasion, especially in aus which are somewhat removed from canon, or when they're older and both of them have worked through some shit (lol)
but like mostly i am interested in like, the trust and intimacy that they have in canon and expanding upon that!
obvs i don't get upset with people who tag my stuff with those two with shiptags bc thats like, completely fine. I have some stuff which is intended to be romantic between them under the "kakayama" tag too.
It's just, like, these are two men who trust and rely on each other to an incredibly high and really endearing degree, and who are both clearly meaningful to each other. That's lovely and I love to see it and I love to play with it! It's not at all bad to interpret that as romantic, but it also doesn't have to be, you know? romantic intimacy is not the only kind of intimacy there is!
it's not like, if i were to imagine them in platonic scenarios, suddenly i could no longer depict them as trusting or being very affectionate towards each other, or being up in each other's spaces all the time. i wouldn't have to suddenly start depicting yamato's relationship to kakashi as simply stale admiration, or worse, a constantly disrespected subordinate or something.
i'm not like this only abt kakashi + yamato either btw, this is how i feel about like, most ships, especially in naruto. i am just somebody who cares a lot about friendship!!!
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#yamswers#montags-personalproperty#i often get the impression that this is a weird stance to take in fandom bc theres this kind of prevailing idea that like#if you headcanon characters to be in love you must headcanon them to be in love since first meeting...or like#like everything in their relationship MUST build towards that specific romantic love. no detours. friendship is only a steppingstone#and that ''being in love''ness should come before and be more important to any other relation they may have to each other#which is like completely incomprehensible to me. just personally speaking. thats not how i relate to love or how i relate to other people#like when i do write them as being in love...even then its not like ''ive loved you since the beginning!'' bc i dont think? they woulda??#kakashi is having the worst time of his life in anbu. tenzō is starting to figure out who he Can Be. theyre just trying to survive#which doesn't mean theyre not important to each other!!! it just means that Important People Need Not Always Be Romantic#bc literally for the majority of yamato's life kakashi is his most important relationship + he loves and trusts him immensely#even in the most utterly platonic reading of his character and relationship#additionally...abt the stuff w/ both of them which is NOT tagged ''kakayama'' on my blog...#a lot of the stuff i have drawn kakashi and yamato doing is stuff i have done or would do with my friends#like as a bi mlm dude ive cuddled with my friends ive coslept with my friends ive given massages to my friends etc etc etc#ive held my friends ive played with their hands ive professed over and over their importance to me—all without romantic intent on my end#and i'm fairly sure i'm neither aro or ace either. friendship is just really important to me!#i think men ought to hold each other a lot more. i think thatd do them a lot of good frankly
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
genuine question...I saw on your first post concerning the vminkook vlive that you would block someone even at the mention of third wheeling because they are all best friends. The question I have is why? You can be best friends with someone and also be a third wheel...especially if you are out with friends who are dating. Calling one of the members a third wheel doesn't negate friendship status
People make that joke about RM/ J-hope with Jikook all the time? Why would this be any different? Not saying I saw anyone as a third wheel...there were some interesting moments that seemed high on tension between Jikook (Jm not knowing about the Christmas song...not sure if that was a joke or not) but blocking someone for joking about a member third wheeling doesn't seem to be consistent.
Obvs you have the right to block whom you choose...just wondering why this is a line in the sand? And if it's a line only for vminkook?
Not trying to be combative, just a genuine question.
Hi! Oh boy, let me figure out how to hopefully explain what I mean in the best way possible. It's a good question! Don't worry about it coming off wrong, you are fine. I'm going to ignore the parts here though about that vlive though, I think a lot is getting taken out of context by everyone because of the joking nature of the whole thing. I'm just going to focus on the what did i mean part.
Now I will say that part of that firm line in the sand came from the fact that the toxicity I was seeing from EVERYONE coming off that vlive was bad. Tkkrs calling JM a third wheel, jkkrs trying to retaliate by saying it was actually Tae when it was Taes vlive in the first place. Honest to God, the ones who were the best behaved during that vlive that I was saw on the shipping side were the vminnies! They were all just enjoying the hell outta the first vmin vlive in 5 years! So part of that was me seeing all that vile BS and wanting it NO WHERE near my blog/twt space.
The second part is that this fandom and people in general seems to have a hard time recognizing that you can have 3 people together hanging out, and even if two of them are in a relationship, no one has to be third wheeling. My best friend is single, she comes over to my house all the time and hangs out with both me and my husband. She jokingly talks about how I'm actually hers or how she is going to take my husband out herself since they both love scary movies and I don't. She is MY best friend, gets along fabulously with both us and hangs out just the 3 of us and is never third wheeling unless we get mushy, then she butts in to tell us to wait till she is gone or coos. One or the other. We can all be friends first before we are a couple plus one. You can hang out with a couple and not have any third wheeling going on. Or sometimes the friends can make the partner be the third wheel at times. Lmao not to bring it away from BTS. But Grey's Anatomy is the perfect example of "who was really the third wheel here!?" lmao
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One of my issues is recognizing when a third wheel joke would even Fit, and then recognizing when it's OKAY to joke and when it isn't. Or when said joke would even make sense. There was NOTHING in that vminkook vlive that hinted at third wheel behavior from ANY of them. And so making that joke is then making it because you are biased towards whoever you ship and feel like one is on the fringes, even in a friendly not serious way. At least, that's how it comes across. There was equal engagement across the board for those 3 in that vlive and they were doing skits and having fun and giggling all together. There really was no thirdwheeling behavior from anyone at any point during those vlives. Jimin often even had hands around the both of them.
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Making jokes about third wheeling when there wasn't anything there but the 3 of them having fun together, it makes it about shipping and comes off a bit disrespectful. There are DEFINITELY instances when one or more of the members act/seem like they are third wheeling a duo and it's then okay to make the joke, as long as it doesn't get taken too far. Which could be a whole seperate conversation. For example, times when a third wheeling joke is easy to make and actually would make sense.
Save Namjoon lmao he is making the third wheel joke HIMSELF here 🤣
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Seriously, Save Namjoon. Vmin literally using him as a resting place for their clasped hands that whole meal after Tae showed up
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Save Tae this time! He practically removed himself from the situation as much as he could during whatever was going on with jikook during that car ride after his graduation. Lmao He sat way in the back on his phone if he wasn't directly trying to change the topic of conversation or tease them.
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Hobi being SO DONE with jikook during this whole vlive. I swear. This is where it would be funny to make a third wheel joke
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Yoongi seeming to just stand there everytime TaeJin have their So What moments on stage like uhmm okayyyy
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When JK looked like he was awkwardly trying to post next to Jihope who were snuggled into it. Lmfao he ISNT third wheeling, but this is the type of photo where the joke would be funny
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Anytime jikook are together, third wheel jokes about whoever is with them is NOT necessary and trios can be and should be appreciated as they are. You mentioned Hobi and Namjoon. I agree, jkkrs bring them up as jokingly being third wheels, or jikooks biggest supporters or enforcers often. I HAVE blocked people who take those things too far in my ask box too. And that is honestly a whole separate conversation that I don't think anyone is ready for. How its disrespectful to boil both those trios friendship together down to one thing centering around jikooks relationship. Hobi is more to both JM and JK as individuals and a duo then just their biggest supporter. And hobi is more than just the biggest jikooker in this fandom and that needs to be respected more by jkkrs. SAME THING for Namjoon.
I don't mind jokes, I really don't. But when people take "jokes" and use it to fuel akgae/shipper aggression or "theories/rumors" it becomes a problem and the jokes should stop. Honestly a vminkook poly joke would fit better in that vlive than a third wheel joke would. So I guess it comes down to there is a time and place for jokes where they are okay and make sense.
Hope this all made sense and explained my point of view of things more. This is just my opinion and how I feel about it too. Thanks for the question and being so kind about it 💜 Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and is hyped for the concert later today!!
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chaoskingofplatypus · 2 years
Mk, so let's talk about shipping in the amphibia Fandom.
Mainly Sashannmarcy.
(Before you start judging me saying I'm homophobic to lesbians or whatnot, IM LESBIAN. ACE ARO LESBIAN. I just hate this once ship, but other ships like Lumity or Yunan and Olivia or cute and fine.)
(I saw some person saying anyone who doesn't think Sashannmarcy is canon is just a homophobic straight. Red flag much?)
So I completely understand if you say Sasha is gay because obv she is bisexual (ending of show). But for Anne and Marcy I completely disagree.
First of all, I don't think Anne is gay. Sure, I haven't studied every episode she's been in for glimpses of her blushing or holding hands with someone but ehh. She doesn't seem like she does like girls or guys, we just haven't seen that side of her yet and so I say she's completely fine to think whatever u want about her (same with marcy)
But Marcy...
The problem isn't the fact you're shipping her, it's the fact that I see so many people claiming "ITS CANON, SHES HOLDING HANDS WITH SASHA" or something like that. Or they bully anyone saying "Uh, no. I think they may just be doing that platonicly, it's common for girls to hold each other's hands." And send them death threats on the dime.
And sometimes I see kinda weird shit like people calling them wives when they barely even have a non toxic friendship. I feel like all these posts of comics or drawing of marcy having gay panic around Anne or Sasha are very VERY ooc.
Marcy has never shown any signs of liking anyone that way. I personally headcanon her to be ace aro (just like myself 💅) and I think that fits her very well.
But it's your opinion, I just wanted to rant here a little lmao do whatever u want.
* Editing this I realized I completely misspelled Sashannarcy but I'm too lazy to fix it so deal with it.
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inoghmia · 2 years
As an aro person, seeing jayvik is really getting on my nerves
Just hear me out
When I watched arcane I really liked Jayce’s and Viktors relationship. It’s professional, it’s intimate, it’s that specific type of love you have for someone that just gets you and its muddied with the disconnection they have in other things, like their upbringing, politics which is something that creates this barrier between them, it’s this one small for them but ultimately always in the background thing that will eventually drive them apart - I genuinely love it
It’s also platonic.
Viktor had an objectively kinda shitty childhood, not being able to play with younger kids, growing up misunderstood for his genius, being seen as a “cripple from the undercity” later on, even if he became assistant to the dean of Piltover’s best academy, he probably never had anyone close in his life (not talking abt his parents cause they weren’t mentioned in arcane). He deserves a friend
Viktor and Jayce click, they finally found an equal that operates on the same wavelength, has the same goal in life and is a great work partner. They themselves are great and fun characters, and they have this amazing story line and relationship I love them really
So I wanted to read fanfics about them and then I found jayvik.
I was honestly appalled by it, really just being angry at the fandom for this ship being seemingly everywhere. But I’m someone who doesn’t want to judge so I’ve read a few fanfics and altho they are imo all extremely out of character, the stories themselves are greatly written and stand on their own.
I don’t have an issue with jayvik, I myself like it for comedy
But there’s literally barely anything not jayvik related and it really makes me depressed, cause I feel like a lot of people (not everyone obv) ship them cause friendship “isn’t enough”.
All aromantics can probably agree that it’s really disheartening how often this happens, how it’s a socially accepted truth that romantic love is above friendship and that’s just simply not true. Friendship, true actual friendship, aka someone willing to sacrifice anything for you, kill for you, die for you, they are your ride or die, they’ll always have your back, they are there for you for when you’re broken and when youre at your best, they pick you up, they are the reason you want to be better - is absolutely equal to romantic love.
The thing is, it’s just as much effort to acquire as love, because it is exactly that, it’s just a different kind of love, but people think that it’s for some reason a given. As if friendship is obvious and meaningless and only love is what matters. And this just hurts to see. I see it irl all the time and I see it especially in fandoms.
How many fanfics do you see or two characters being friends? They may be in the background, but usually it’s all just romance, sex, drama, it’s exhausting and after some time heartbreaking, cause it feels like someone is taking that beautiful thing, that platonic love, and basically spitting in your face that it’s boring and meaningless
I understand that people can ship characters for fun and that’s fine it’s just that I sometimes wish that we could see platonic relationships on the same level as romantic and this is just another example of that
And if the writers are gonna ship them because fans want it I’m going to cry no joke, cause it’s just another slap in the face of how we can’t have intimate friendships without it being romantic
This was just me ranting at literally 4 in the morning
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amporella · 3 years
How do you feel about Kyman shippers?
This is a loaded question! And I'm going to do my best to answer it in the kindest and most honest way possible. I'll also be censoring the ship name just so it doesn't show up in the tag for those who do like it.
Firstly; I don't inherently dislike ky/man shippers. I don't think that shipping ky/man makes you a bad person, even if I personally am repulsed by the ship. However, there are a few trends that occur primarily among ky/man shippers from what I've noticed, and those do tend to drive me away from them. Namely;
- Ky/man shippers tend to be more likely to mischaracterize Kyle/Stan/the style friendship to make a closer ky/man relationship more plausible. I have trouble believing that Kyle can be characterized accurately and still develop feelings for Cartman.
- Ky/man shippers generally seem more prone to producing content that inappropriately romanticizes events that should under no circumstances be romanticized - I think I don't need to go into detail on what I mean here! I'm not saying that I haven't seen it from other ships, but ky/man tends to have an abundance of it.
- Ky/man shippers are more likely to be dismissive of the abuse Cartman's put Kyle through - or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, more likely to fetishize it.
- A lot of ky/man shippers I've encountered seem generally bitter towards style - anyone remember the whole style privilege thing lmao? Style is obv my favorite ship, and the whole 'style is dead!!!' ky/man rhetoric makes me roll my eyes every time.
Shipping ky/man in general isn't a red flag for me - but a large portion that I've encountered fall into at least one of the above categories, and that makes me generally wary. It's not reflective of every ky/man shipper, but it's enough of a trend to make me hesitate. Ky/man personally really puts me off, and because of that, the amount of shippers I follow is very few - but I'm not going to go so far as to say that I dislike them, because I don't! If you manage to avoid the above, you're fine! I've just had a lot of questionable experiences with ky/man shippers, and because of that, I judge a little more quickly when exposed to questionable content from them.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender
WOOHOO an ask for the TV show 20 Questions ask game.
Thanks anon! If there's one thing I love to do it's talk about mah shows.
Character I most identify with. Probably Katara. I act like the eldest daughter even though I'm technically a middle kid. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do the right thing and be a good leader and I probably get too earnest and clenched up and need to let go from time to time. Also Zuko because I know what it's like to spend your adolescence trying to please a shitty parent before going...oh, maybe this is a bad idea.
Character I would date. Hakoda is a dilf.
Character I can’t stand. Firelord Ozai no question. I always hate the shitty parent character the most.
Character who can do no fucking wrong I don’t care what they did it was fine. Aaang. My baby. He's trying so hard. Also obv Appa's the best.
Character that took me by surprise (I didn’t know I would like/dislike but here we are). Probably Zuko.
Favorite ship (canon or fanon). I don't really have any ships for this show. I kind of look at all of them and go yeah...I can see that. That's cute.
Favorite platonic relationship. Katara and Zuko. Sibling shit gets me every time. And that moment where Zuko is like *water tribe* just makes me so fucking happy. Second is Katara and Toph. Toph is probably my fave character and their conflict is so believable and their friendship is earned.
Character with best char development arc. No question that's Zuko. Can I tell you what's so fantastic about his character dev? One, it's believable. He's a kid. So of course he's just blindly trying to make his father love him. Secondly, his arc is earned. He tries and fails and tries again. Thirdly, even when he does start to make better choices that match his ethics and conscience, he is still *him*. He struggles. He's awkward. He has a temper still sometimes. It's so genuine and organic and one of the best character arcs everrrr!! Gritty adult shows don't often match the quality of this character work!!
Notp. Again, I don't really 'ship' with this show. So I don't really think that far into it.
FMK first three adult listed cast. Ok, the first three adult characters listed on google are: Iroh (Marry) Firelord Ozai (kill. sorry Aang, I just woulda iced him) and Master Piandao (fuck.)
Moment that made me lose my fucking mind. Iroh and Zuko finally making up. ;LKDJAF;OIJAEF A MY HEART.
Moment that broke my heart. Oh gosh so many. This one may seem small but when they took Appa I was so fucking upset. And ofc Firelord being a dick to his child. And Katara confronting her mother's killer. So many powerful moments.
Moment I laughed my ass off. Oh that's easy. That's the fire nation play. It was so funny.
Favorite quote. Ok, this sounds silly in a show with so much good writing. But "That's rough buddy" just made me so happy. There was something about it. Zuko's awkwardness. How he's trying to help but it just comes across as oooof. And I quote it allll the fucking time. So I pick that one. Iconic.
Did I like the finale? Yes! It's brilliant. Aang gets to keep his values. Zuko gets the kingdom. The water tribe family is reunited. I like it all. In fact I like it so much I don't want to watch any spinoffs because I want it to stay like that.
Favorite show writer if I have one. The episodes are so consistently good that I like all of them.
Why I love this show. Oh my god the writing. These characters are so beautifully written as kids. They make mistakes and do shitty things and fight but all very much in character and at their maturity level. But they work through it, pick themselves up, and grow and it's so satisfying.
What I wish they would fix about this show. Nothing! No notes.
Why I watched this show. Because my nephews wanted to and I cannot tell them no. Then it turned out that I loved it so rewatched it with my little niece because I wanted to introduce her to it.
Do I consume or create fan content for this show? I do search up fan art. I'm a total sucker for modern au fanart. I just love seeing them being kids in many different settings I guess. Oh, and I look up vines and comedy bits for it. There's a few that are so brilliant.
Thank you for the ask and letting me ramble about shows I love!!
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kaebedom-me · 4 years
What about chaeya and the reader's first time with all three headcanons??? Like how did it all start
This all started because i ship them but i also want to be between them
Coming right up, nonnie!!!!
I kinda like to think they met through the traveller?
But prior to that they'd know of each other, or at least Kaeya would know Childe because of his position
They're not friends but they're not acquaintances either? It's complicated
Them occasionally seeing each other around and they "hang out", really it's just them trying to see if the other will falter and give up information lol
They don't tho, they're professionals
So they end up just getting to know each other a certain amount? They just vibe ya know
I usually leave these kind of requests vague because i want y'all to have the full self insert package and your own ideas of how you want enter the relationship but I'll give you my version? HAHAHA
I like to think maybe y'all know each other prior to the three of you hanging out? Like maybe you're already friends w the two of them
One day, you're doing your thing just vibing and you see one of them and since you've finished your thing and jskf lets say you met Kaeya and he finished his thing so y'all decide to just chill ya know
It's totally not a date or anything lmao
Jk unless 👀
Nah, Kaeya's just teasing
But you two do walk around and just hangout as pals do uwu
Y'all maybe stopping by a shop for some refreshments before wanting to head back to where y'all were headed
This is prolly somewhere in Liyue, maybe the outskirts near Mondstadt
And Childe sees you when he's out doing his thing also and is like "!! that's my friend" but also sees Kaeya?
Immediately sus, not of the two of you, he's not jealous also ok
He's just curious cuz what a small world
He approaches the two of you and invites himself to sit down
And you have a lil moment of "y'all know each other???"
I like to think y'all start hanging out more after cuz you like their company and they seem to be fine w each other's and yours
Now forming a relationship is a little harder
It's very easy to fall for the both of them with their teasing remarks and them being protective of you, like you can't help but to just catch feelings
Them falling is a little harder, i think they're both a little protective of themselves, so a relationship isn't exactly something they're head
They're not like wary of getting their heart broken or being in a relationship, it's more they have their respective things they have to deal with
Doesn't stop them from thinking about it though, especially when you're being cute because of their teasing
Them falling for each other is a different thing though
I like to think there's a little Thought in their head about it
Less from love but more from lust, especially when they're being difficult to each other
The tension [chef's kiss] makes their dick h-
That's when the dynamic kind of changes? Y'all are getting along a little better, you guys seeking out each other's company more, goodbyes are a little harder
They definitely can tell when you're more interested in them, even if you don't see it yet?
They start to try to woo you a little
I also think they're both stupid. Sure, they're smart and sneaky and can tell when you're behaving differently around them
But they will 100% mistake their own feelings for each other as like a rivalry of who's getting more of your attention
We stan smart stupid boys
Can go anyway from here on?
If you're like receptive of them giving you affection them it'll involve into them fighting for your affections
If you're kinda dense they'd fight for your attentions less because it feels less like a competition and they'd bond over how to get you to realise that they like you and they'd fall for each other more first
My personal favourite is you trying to get them to realise they have feelings for each other and you play their wingman
Like you realise the Tension between them and you start drilling for answers when you're alone w them, or pulling the "oh i gotta do smth you two wait here" and just leave them, those kinda of shenanigans to get them to acknowledge their feelings
One day you just come back to them angrily making out [chef's kiss] [chef's kiss] immaculate
Them falling for each other and starting to date, they won't let you feel left out though
The vibes of your lil trio will still be the same except their more affectionate to each other sometimes
If you're chill with it they'd be so handsy w each other in front of you, like they won't fuck or make out in front of you but they will do it like before you out hanging
You get used it
Honestly, you kinda just meld into it? Like yeah you guys get along well and the lines just kinda blur where your friendship ends and a relationship starts
Cuz they're also such touchy people, if you're comfortable with that, so even when they're dating they'd still hug you and all
Eventually it'll click on your guys' brains to try a poly relationship
It's not much difference, the dynamic is the same it's just y'all being able to kiss and fuck now lmao
Obv, they'd talk to each other first and they'll realise that they still have feelings for you
They'd agree with each other about opening up the relationship to you first before approaching you with it
When you accept, even with hesistation, they'd be so happy!!
Will not bombard you with affections at first, i think they'd need time to adjust too
So at first it'll be a lot exploring around, cautious touches and hugs and stuff
Y'all 3 going on dates together after and realising you guys are the same people before the relationship and just feel a little dumb to be so tense
After that it's just smooth sailing!! Expect lots of cuddles and kisses and most importantly more time spent together!!
Sex comes a little later since you guys are pretty used to the friends dynamic but when y'all pass the trial period oof
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miss-kittyy · 3 years
🌌 for the ask game?
🌌Twilight - Favourite ship and least favourite ship
I can’t choose just one so I’ll do top three in no particular order
Fernsong x Ivypool: this ship is the one thing standing between Warriors and complete misogyny (/hj). All their canon interactions are 10/10 Fernsong sees the best in Ivypool and rlly admires her and its clear that Ivypool rlly loves being around him even if she’s too prickly to admit it. But I also headcanon Fernsong as autistic, he prefers doing jobs in camp like helping the medicine cats and queens rather than hunting or fighting cause he finds it confusing and/or over stimulating while Ivypool I headcanon as having PTSD so she likes to patrol and hunt but can’t a lot of the time because she gets distressed and paranoid, so Fernsong accompanies her while she does her duties and does grounding exercises with her if needed, so they’re a rlly good team!! I also think Fernsong’s relationship with Lionblaze has a lot of potential regarding his relationship since I can’t imagine Ivypool likes Lionblaze very much given that he was totally on board with keeping her in an abusive situation as a child for the greater good even though he could’ve done it himself because he is literally invisible and defeating the dark forest is the reason why he had super powers in the first place. (Sorry Lionblaze lowkey pisses me off)
Feathertail x Sasha: read A Shadow in Riverclan and look me in the eyes and tell me they were not girlfriends. I love the trope of two individually troubled people finding eachother and loving eachother despite their pain so much and I think they could’ve worked things out if Feathertail didn’t die, she forgave Leapordstar she def would’ve forgave Sasha, also I understand why she was mad at her, even though it wasn’t justified I think it makes sense given Feathertail’s mental state. I also rlly like how you can actually see how their relationship developes, it’s not instant and you can understand WHY they like each other so much. I wish Feathertail hadn’t died, I wouldve traded Brambleclaw POV for Feathertail POV in a HEARTBEAT. I think Sasha might have stayed if Feathertail was still in Riverclan when she returned, after understanding her trauma more I def think Feathertail would have forgave and apologizing to Sasha. Seeing Sasha and Feathertail’s interact with Hawkfrost would have also been very interesting and could have fleshed him out more.
Grasspelt x Briarlight: I got another AU coming up that has to do with them, so I wont give to much away but I love the idea that indivually Grasspelt and Briarlight are both very smart and admirable cats but then when they get within 5 feet of eachother they both become goofy mushy idiots. I know Grasspelt is like a very minor side character so I’ve just given him a personality myself but just let me have this ok I am tired. They’d also make great parents!! I headcanon Grasspelt as autistic and I like to think he infodumps about how incredible Briarlight is- he is completely and unapoligetically in love with her and she thinks he’s a wonderful cat he lights up her life.
Least favourites:
Im not gonna include any of the obvouisly bad ships like firetiger or other shit like that, just assume all the pedophelic and abusive ships are also my least favourite, ok?
Daisy x Spiderleg: why did they feel the need to do Daisy like this?? What was the point??? I get that those types of relationships happen I’ll but I don’t see why you’d include it in the book if it wasn’t going to have any type of meaning beyond Leafpool being mad at Spiderleg. They could have still had that happen and then had Daisy get a mate that treats her right, I just feel bad at her.
Bumblestripe x Dovewing: Bumblestripe is such a pick me and their relationship reminds me a lot of a past friendship of mine that did not end well. Dovewing deserves better Bumblestripe is manipulative as hell and I feel like he takes advantage of Dovewing’s kind nature. I am so glad she left his pathetic ass, I rlly hope he doesn’t get a mate in the future and I am convinced Rosepeta’s crush on him was comp-het or something cause she must have some taste. I understand why Ivypool was for Bumblestripe and Dovewing’s relationship, she was still totally in the wrong and doesn’t deserve to be completely excused but it makes sense given her character, she’s been denied any agency for a rlly long time, Hawkfrost was her best friend and he treated her just as shitty as Bumblestripe treated Dovewing- so she’s less likely to see the red flags as they’ve been normalized to her. Everyone else though?? I have no idea why they told Dovewing to get with Bumblestripe he literally sucks so much. I think it should have just been Ivypool who said that cause it makes me dislike everyone else lmao.
Blossomfall x Ivypool: Blossomfall is mean to her as an apprentice and compares her to Dovepaw which fuels Ivypaw and Dovepaw’s unhealthy relationship, and then the only reason why they become friends is that Blossomfall gets sympathy from Ivypool and that strikes me as p toxic and unhealthy, obv if someone were to make an AU or headcanon where their relationship plays out differently than that’d be totally fine but in canon I just can’t see them doing anything but dragging eachother down- also Blossomfall is mean to Dovewing and Ivypool and Dovewing’s relationship is already strained as hell that would be very counterproductive.
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meteor-shots · 2 years
kunsel ddemands answers to that shipping meme, gimme all the ones that apply
@vctlan || meme response
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Neither one of them do. It just sort of happens over time. Maybe neither one of them really even acknowledges they have more than just the average friendship, but they definitely both feel that way. I think if anyone were to acknowledge it, it would be Zack, but I also don't feel like he has the terminology to define their relationship. Either way, he's content to call it a super close friendship and leave it at that.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
They're generally both pretty secure people for the most part. They definitely go back and forth with who is more insecure. Zack's vulnerability grows during their friendship, thanks to everything going on with Angeal and Genesis and Sephiroth, but Kunsel is always there to reassure him. Kunsel always knows exactly how to cheer Zack up when he needs it. I like to think Zack is also good at distracting Kunsel when he needs a break!
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
They both say it regularly. It was probably Zack who said it first, though. How entirely sincere they are when they say it is up to interpretation.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
SHENANIGANS. Kunsel is an enabler of the WORST kind, and Zack will do just about anything if it sounds fun. They've been kicked out of several bars, and not for not being old enough to drink. (SOLDIERs get certain perks. Also, what is the legal drinking age in Midgar? Maybe they are old enough to drink.)
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
What haven't they done? What are they even embarrassed about? One time Kunsel emailed Zack the entire script of the bee movie and Zack threw his PHS out the window in response, that was kind of embarrassing because then he had to explain to HQ why he needed a new one.
11. What do they hide from one another?
Kunsel is a pretty secretive guy, but he opens up to Zack about a lot of things. Not everything, though. Even I don't know what Kunsel hides. Zack, on the other hand, wears his heart on his sleeve -- when they first meet. After a while, though, he gets better at hiding what he's really feeling. He feels the need to stuff away his insecurities about Angeal and Shinra most of the time, but even those are things he'd admit to Kunsel, if it came to it.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
They send more "Bro...I love you, Bro" memes to each other than they did before.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Kunsel would come over and babysit Zack as much as he could until Zack got better, including smuggling contraband watermelons into Zack's apartment to cheer him up. Zack would try to do the same for Kunsel, but he's a lot less good at it.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Kunsel picks out a sappy love story. Zack picks out an insipid action flick. Kunsel wins because he says Zack picked last time, and Zack doesn't think that's true, but he can't remember for sure so he just goes with it most of the time.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Seeing who can kill more zombies, obvs.
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Do NOT give Zack and Kunsel a time machine.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Zack buys candy and ice cream and maybe a pizza? A stuffed bear that has a heart that says "Shit, Bitch, You Is Fine," perhaps? Kunsel actually uses his words and apologizes, if he realizes he's in the wrong. If he thinks Zack is mad at him for realsies, though, he isn't above using Aerith or Cloud to deliver messages, since Zack would be hard pressed to be angry at his other favorite people, even if they were working for Kunsel.
19. Where do they go on their first date?
An active warzone.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Costa Del Sol to meet the parents. This is me showing off how much I remember about Kunsel's backstory. (Not a lot, but SOME!)
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
I can't think of any place they'd be nervous about going with one another. Maybe Zack would be a little nervous introducing Kunsel to Aerith, but only because he really wants them to get along! Less so with Cloud, except he'd just assume Cloud and Kunsel would get along. I'm not sure why I think that, but I do.
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Any place where they're causing mischief together. Out on a helipad, trying to strap a SOLDIER sword a helicopter blade? Check. Leaning out of helicopter, snapping pics of each other barely hanging on? Check. Standing on top of a dead (?) behemoth, chanting about how they're the best? Double check.
25. Why do they fight?
Because one time, Zack came back to Midgar after being a science experiment for four years to look for Cloud, and he called up Kunsel to help him, and then he went to go find Aerith and a Turk saw him (was it Tseng? I forget. Probably Tseng.) because he's dumb, and Kunsel was pretty pissed about that.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Because Zack has some serious trauma and should talk to his emotional support stalker about it!
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Because they're the most awful human beings on earth when put together. They are teenage boys with super powers, and they are going to see how many rubber bands they can get around a watermelon before it explodes and thereby get watermelons banned for everyone from the Shinra Building.
28. Why do they get jealous?
Because Zack is friends with everyone, pretty much, and sometimes, Kunsel wishes he wasn't. Because Kunsel seems to know everything about everyone, and Zack doesn't know shit about anything!
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Because when Zack breaks out of the lab, he contacts Kunsel, and Kunsel is able to warn him away from coming back to Midgar and instead, gets him to hide out somewhere until Shinra decides they don't care that much about getting rid of him, and Cloud gets better on his own, and everyone lives happily ever after, and Kunsel and Zack and BFFs 5evr and no one gets brutally murdered.
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years
Also I’m so sorry if I ever hyperfixate or brainrot too hard I’m just
Brain is
Brrting with non despair aus where taka is happy and Leon and Sayaka are like
The Frenemies Trope
The Pettiest People Ever Known To Hope’s Peak
literally Punk vs Prep
you 🤝 me
fun danganronpa au brainrot 😌
Yes!!!! Happy taka!!!!! Happy taka happy taka happy taka!!! Sometimes being the hall monitor is difficult but you know what??? He has friends and classmates who love and understand him that he can talk to when he needs it!!!!! Everything is okay and despair does not exist it’s fine!!
sssooo many,,,,,,,starcrossed lover ships,,,,,I’m crying??? hdvsbdvvsvd like......idk man just? sorry idk if u like these ships I’m just rambling but 👉👈ishimondo I feel is an obvious one and I’m ���🥺🥺 because OH?? I love them that’s SO VALID and just. u know what?? makuwata too okay we’re going there
Mondo, after seeing taka shirtless and surfing and generally being a cutie: ......I might got a crush on a surfer
Leon: are you a fucking moron-
Leon, after having accidentally bumped into Makoto and talking to him for .05 seconds: ....f u c k
And there are a bunch more too but I wanna talk abt friendship dynamics within the groups for a sec because OH????
like taka and chihiro are surfer friends and chihiro is really the only person taka feels he can talk to about his feelings because she’s kinda??? The only one who knows him well enough??? and I think that’s pog (it’s sad but it gets better so dw dw dw he gets happy ending because of course he does he deserves it)
Makoto and Komaru are also surf, but Makoto doesn’t rlly surf so much as hang out and chill at the beach and cheer his lil sis on while she hangs ten on some bangin waves (because fuck yeah we love Komaru). He thinks the rivalry is kinda stupid highkey hsbsbsbsbdbd and he and Sayaka are best friends
Mukuro USED to be a biker, but has since switched over to the beach because there are so many pretty girls on that side and she just thinks they’re neat, but internally she misses being a biker and she’ll always be a turf at heart 😔 (which a few ppl are wary of - that’s another reason she misses being a biker; because she doesn’t have as many friends as she used to)
Junko......is not on either side :) she’s employed as a lifeguard (HORRIBLE IDEA) and instigates conflict between the groups whenever she can. she just thinks it’s fun :)
Gundham: I-....you’re a biker? Why have I never seen you with them , then??
Kazuichi, crying: i hAVE MOTION SICKNESS-
he has to walk everywhere and I think that’s valid 😌 (also I’m not rlly a big bubblegum rock shipper but I did just get a vision of Leon offering to give Kaz a ride on his motorcycle, slow enough that Kaz’ll be okay, but also definitely quicker than if he were to travel on foot and god.....smh 👀👀)
Celeste pays for a lot of shit for the bikers and nobody??? really knows why??? Mondo asks her once and she’s just “because....I find you quite entertaining.” and leaves it at that and everyone’s just ???? bitch okay???? (people offer to give her rides on their bikes and the expression she gives them always looks as though they just spit in her face and called it a compliment)
And also Leon and Sayaka going from enemies to frenemies because they’re both close with Makoto and both are really prideful in their side’s status hsbsbsbsb like Sayaka is like “koto I love you but you are dating a DIRTY BIKER” and Leon being like -m- 🔪
I have more but I’ll stop here bsbsbsbd I’m rlly sorry if this was too specific with ships and stuff I just got excited hsnsbsbdbdb
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