#read microfic
stobinesque · 1 year
For your requests! Buckingham anxious
(NSFW please 💕)
hello anon! I hope you see this even though it is weeks later! I promise I am still filling all of these backlog requests life has just been a doozy lately!
This is also my inaugural buckingham fic, and boy was it a fun one to start with. I really enjoyed writing this premise and I may end up expanding on this little drabble in the future. 🫡
prompt: 'anxious' | wc: 250 | rating: E | cw/tags: First Time, Virgin Chrissy, Sex Ed 101, Vaginal Sex, Mirror Sex (...kinda) | Buckingham
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“… this…” Chrissy watches Robin’s fingers brush over blush-pink folds “…is the labia minora.”
Chrissy’s heart flutters in an anxious rhythm. “They look all…wrinkly and weird.”
“I think they’re gorgeous,” Robin husks. In the pocket-sized mirror, Robin’s fingers spread, revealing soft pink flesh that glistens with wetness. The very tip of one finger dips into it—Chrissy squeaks, jumping in surprise. “That is your vagina.”
“I-I thought the whole thing…?”
“No, babe, just this pretty little hole.” And then Robin is inside her.
Chrissy moans—and immediately slaps an embarrassed hand over her mouth.
A kiss brushes over her neck. “Hey.” Robin’s voice is low, soothing. “I want to hear you.”
Chrissy nods, speechless, and Robin’s finger pulls out, tracing upwards. “This is your urethra…and this—” her finger hovers over the hard pink nub at the top of Chrissy’s vulva “—is the clitoris.”
Robin presses the mirror into Chrissy’s palm, and she watches as Robin keeps her labia spread with one hand and brings the first two fingers of the other down to press against her clitoris.
Chrissy throws her head against Robin’s shoulder with a moan, as Robin rubs.
Robin tsks in her ear, whispering, “C’mon baby, want you to watch what I do to you.”
Heat pools in Chrissy’s gut. Muscles clench. Her body is taut as a bow as Robin’s hand quickens.
The tension snaps, pleasure spilling all over. Chrissy doesn’t know what to call it.
But it’s the best she’s ever felt in her body.
I'm celebrating 250 followers with 250 word microfics! Requests are closed, but previous fills can be found here.
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toujoursrab · 1 month
Prompt: Dare (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 607
There weren’t many rules involved when playing Truth or Dare, but one of rules Regulus and his friends abided by was that dares involving people not involved in their game had to be completed with in the week. Regulus had been sitting on his dare for a week, and today was the day he would have to complete by dare or face the consequences.
It wasn’t as if the dare was particularly difficult. ‘Kiss James Potter…’ That part was easy considering they were dating and had snogged countless times. It was when Barty added the ‘in front of Sirius’ part that the dare became more difficult to carry out.
Sirius was blissfully unaware his best friend was sneaking around with his little brother. While James was ready to tell Sirius, Regulus was too fearful. Things between the Black brothers weren’t the best. They barely spoke to each other in the last year, although sometimes they held staring contests. Regulus would look at Sirius, catch his eye, and they would just stare until one of them looked away.  James told Regulus that Sirius loved him and wanted to talk to him, but Regulus didn’t believe that. No matter how many staring contests they held, it would never replace the look of disappointment and disgust Sirius’ directed at him the night he left.
“Time’s ticking.” Barty reminded Regulus with an amused grin. “You should’ve told pretty boy.”
“I’m aware.” On both accounts. Regulus didn’t tell James of the dare because he was hoping it would somehow go away. But like most of his problems he couldn’t avoid them in hopes that thing would just fade until they no longer existed. “I’m going.”
“You’re doing it now?” his friend snorted, looking around the Great Hall as Regulus got up from the Slytherin table. “I said in front of Black, not the entire school, but by all means. I’ll enjoy the show.” Leave it to Regulus to be overdramatic and cause a scene. The Blacks were famous for it; either do it up big or do nothing at all.
Despite his heart hammering in his chest, Regulus strolled leisurely to the Gryffindor table. He only stopped once he was behind James, reaching out to tap his shoulder. The Marauders fell silent when they noticed Regulus presence, James turning to face him and a slow smile forming on his lips but his eyes showing just how concerned he was. Regulus has never approached him publicly.
“Regulus.” It was Sirius who spoke first, sitting across from James and unbeknownst to him, having the best seat in the house for what was about to come.
Regulus ignored Sirius and the way his stomach dropped and his face heat up in an embarrassing blush. He felt like he was going to throw up and that would not be a very attractive scene.
“Are you alright?” James stood up from where he was sitting, reaching out for Regulus but stopping himself. His arms fell back to his side, fingers curling around nothing.
Somehow Regulus found his voice, his eyes locking with James. “I’m fine, Potter. Better than, I’m spectacular.”
Before James could tell Regulus, he was not, in fact, spectacular, Regulus found a burst of confidence. He reached for James’ tie, wrapping his pale fingers around the red and gold fabric before pulling James in. Their lips met in a chaste kiss but neither pulled away. Once James got over his initial surprise, he laughed happily against Regulus’ mouth causing the younger to relax as he felt James’ hand curl around his hip to pull him in closer as if no one, namely Sirius, was watching.
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addsalwayssick · 2 months
@rosekillermicrofic || prompt: domestic || word count: 665
Barty collapsed onto the floor from Evan’s bed, fake sobbing onto the ground. “What do you mean you won’t go to Hogsmeade with me?” He gasped in between over exaggerated sobs.
Evan gave him a look from where he was sat at the desk in the corner. “You know why,” he told Barty. “I’ve got a date with that one bird.”
Barty immediately sobered up. “So she’s more important than your best friend now?” Barty asked sarcastically.
Evan sighed. “Don’t be like that.”
“Be like what?” Barty grumbled.
Evan side eyed him, turning back to his homework. “I’ll go with you next weekend,” He murmured as he wrote on his paper.
“That’s what you said last weekend,” Barty reminded him, packing his things.
“Well it just came up, Bee. She wanted to go and I couldn’t refuse,” Evan said as he pondered the next question.
“Yeah sure, break your promises to your best friend so that you can make your little girlfriend happy. Whatever, Evan,” Barty said, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Evan asked, turning around to look at Barty.
“To go get your girlfriend to keep you company since you obviously don’t need me anymore.” Barty said in a false cheery tone.
“Don’t say things you know aren’t true.” Evan glowered.
Barty shrugged. “You’ve shown what I mean to you as soon as you get someone you love more than me,” He smiled casually, though it was fake.
“I don’t love her more than you,” Evan said before he can stop himself.
Barty scoffed. “Whatever. See you later.” Barty started to walk towards the door.
“Barty,” Evan tried, getting up.
Barty just shook his head and stepped out of the dorm room.
Evan sat on the place where he had been, where the warmth was still there. He looks to his side, where the hoodie that Barty left was still there. Evan pulled the hoodie over his head and smelled it.
“We’ve got to break up,” Evan said, cringing internally. “It’s not working anymore.”
“What do you mean?” His girlfriend asked, her voice breaking.
“Look, you’re just not-“
“Barty. Yeah I know. I should’ve fucking seen it.” She said, her eyes filling with tears.
“Please don’t tell anyone,” Evan asked, grimacing.
“Why shouldn’t I?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I haven’t told him,” Evan said softly.
She just rolled her eyes and stormed away, leaving Evan in the halls.
The rumor spread fast, like the plague. Speaking of the plague, Barty was avoiding him like it.
Or at least he was until Barty came into his dorm with red eyes. “Is it true?” He choked out.
“Is what true?” Evan asked, already fearing what’s to come.
“You know what,” Barty hissed.
“I didn’t know you were like your father,” Evan spat, fight or flight kicking in. “Constantly assuming things,”
Barty’s face hardened. “So it was a joke. Knew you were as bad as the rest of them. Tease the fucking gay kid,” Barty choked on his own bile as tears spilled down his face. “I thought you accepted me?”
Evan’s face softened. “Bee what are you talking about?”
Barty’s face sported a confused expression. “You pretending to like me?”
“Why would that make you sad?” Evan asked.
Barty furrowed his eyebrows. “Because I like you? And you’re pretending,” Barty laughed humorously. “Man I thought you were smarter than that.”
“You like me?” Evan inquired, his eyebrows shooting up. “Fuck, Barty i’m not pretending.”
“I’m not pretending.” Evan said, getting up.
“You’re not? You like me? You’re gay? What?” Barty breathed.
Evan took him by his tie and pulled him in, pressing his lips to Barty’s. Barty immediately put his hands under Evan’s shirt.
They heard the door open and a few scoffs. They heard Pandora whisper “Gotcha,” And Dorcas say, “Fuck,” With a few coins clattering.
But the thing that made them laugh the most was, “God, you guys need to be domesticated” from Regulus.
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wordsofwilderness · 7 months
James Potter is the kind of guy who would pick Regulus up and carry him to bed just to cuddle, completely unaware of how Regulus is misinterpreting it
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic june 20 - response - 2623 words - nsfw content!
about love against all odds feat. injury related prematurely retired football player james that settled and raised a son and international football star regulus
for regulus pencil mustache truther @veryinnovative, my football (players) loving wife @rottin6 and my number 1 enabler @itmeanssungod
James is kneeling behind Harry on a picnic blanket with Lily when their last guests arrive. “There they are!” Sirius’ voice carries easily over the meadow and just as expected a few seconds later there’s a big, black scrub of a panting dog in front of them, curious to see what Harry and James are up to, which is flying a kite. 
“Oh my God– Hi!” Lily says, getting up. Which is a bit enthusiastic for the fact that they’ve seen Sirius and Remus only last weekend and should have been James’ first clue. Though, admittedly, he was a bit busy angling the kite and also angling Harry’s face away from Padfoot’s butt to avoid suffocation.
“Moony couldn’t make it today unfortunately,” Sirius says, closer now, “but I’ve brought substitution.”
James isn’t proud of the way his entire upper body whips around, Harry included, who lets out a small yelp at the sudden motion. “Sorry, mate. Sorry. I’m—”
Lily is already there to take over, nudging James to get up who’s working very hard on closing his jaw and not staring like an idiot.
Because standing there besides his brother is Regulus. Hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks, paired with a simple back t-shirt and green Adidas trainers. He does not look like he belongs onto a colourful picnic blanket in a park in London yet there he is.
He’s sporting a pencil stach now. Regulus had been convinced Sirius had already used up all the genetic material for pronounced body hair on the first way around, leaving behind very little for his younger brother. James, being on the hairier side as well, used to tease him about it endlessly back when they were in school. But it seemed to develop now in his late twenties. James has only seen it on the TV in a few matches and on one or two instagram posts but the real deal is even worse. Regulus looks criminally hot with it. The whole picture of lithe muscle, strong quads and stronger calves, curly hair, the occasional tattoo. He’s every young heterosexual woman’s wet european football boyfriend dream and James’ gut is swooping.
“Hi, James,” Regulus responds, much more articulated, sporting a hint of a smirk. 
Oh, he— “Bastard,” James mutters, low enough so Harry behind him won’t hear and then he’s grinning and yanking Regulus into a firm hug.
They all have a late lunch together at a nearby restaurant and Regulus is patiently letting Harry talk his ears off about Ninjago and preschool and Ron and Moine. Lily is taking him over the weekend and James bids his goodbye with a loud smooch to his son’s cheek. 
And just as James is about to invent a crazy, elaborate story about how he has something back at his house he’d meant to show Regulus for ages without making it interesting enough for Sirius to tag along, this one simply taps two fingers against his eyebrow in a mock salute before making his way in the other direction, Padfoot trotting along dutifully. “Why do you think I hid him from you all Thursday? Have fun, kids!”
Regulus groans pathetically and turns to hide his face into James’ shoulder.
“I told you we can’t keep it a secret from him forever. He probably knew all along,” James chuckles and takes Regulus’ duffel, “C’mon, love.”
It starts in the elevator up, is a wonder they make it past the hallway and into the bedroom. It’s very much overdue and heated and desperate all the way through. 
James might or might not have pinned Regulus one too many times into the mattress and offhandedly commented something along the line’s of Regulus being his and cuffing him to the bed if he needs to. And it’d worked because Regulus had moaned so prettily, eyelids fluttering and hips bucking, cock twitching and all James could think about then was where’s the fucking lube.
Saying that, he doesn’t quite expect Regulus to bring it up after the fact.
James is absolutely blissed out, breathing only just levelling out as he traces the shape of Regulus’ kiss bitten lips.
“You know I can’t stay, Jamie.”
He shrugs easily, kneading Regulus’ muscled thigh where it’s slung over his hip, “We’ll come with you then.”
“To Portugal?” Regulus’ eyebrows rise as he props himself on his elbow, his tone flat. “And then to France in a couple of months when I switch clubs? I don’t think that’s such a good idea given Harry is five.”
“Au contraire—”
Regulus rolls his eyes and slaps him on the naked shoulder. “Moving every few years? And during the nationals not to mention,” he tucks an errant strand of hair back from James’ forehead, “Multiple continents, who knows which timezone. That’s no life for a child, James. And I haven’t even brought up Lily yet. She’s just as much part of his life as you are and it works out wonderfully for the time being with you two living so close. It’s what Harry deserves.”
And deep down James knows Regulus is right. And if he’s completely honest with himself, it isn’t the life he truly wants for himself either. That’s why he’s here and Regulus is out there. James knows it isn’t what’s best for Harry nor for himself and yet. And yet no matter how many times they have this conversation it seems endlessly irrelevant when Regulus is looking down at him this way. The shine of the sunset through the window is catching in his pillow mussed curls, in the dark lashes framing his blue silver eyes and rivalling the flush of his skin with its own red hue and James thinks Regulus looks like home. Like anything he could still want in life besides what precious he already has.
James heaves a heavy sigh and hungrily swerves his eyes over every single of Regulus’ features, committing them to memory. Because that’s all that’s gonna stay when Regulus inevitably leaves again. But that’s not what James wants to think about right now though.
“Shut up,” James replies happily and pulls Regulus in by the back of his nape before his indignant expression can even fully form. Every single one of Regulus’ helpless sounds get swallowed eagerly and filed away for later. For a moment James is tempted to ask Regulus if he can get out his phone and record but he thinks better of it.
They have sex for hours. 
James sucks all coherency out of Regulus through his cock and then fucks him so stupid, legs spread and pushed into the mattress, spit pooling out of the corner of his mouth, tears wetting his cheeks, cum smearing across his stomach, that he gets him to promise to stay. It’s futile and just a heat of the moment thing but it drives James so wild he almost blacks out when he eventually spills deep inside of him. There’s black dots and stars dancing in his vision when he watches it leak back out of Regulus’ puffy hole and a strange sense of satisfaction and dread mixing in his belly. 
After a quick entangled and still very much nude power nap James arranges them a platter of fruit and crackers and cheeses. They shower and James changes the sheets only for Regulus to prop himself up on his side and watch intently as he edges James until he’s the one whining and crying. He’s using ridiculous amounts of lube, his hand is so warm and slick and squeezing just right and his thumb is swiping teasingly along the slit exactly how it makes James go insane and then he’s taking his hand away and James curses, already feeling another tear running down his cheek. His thighs are trembling, his knuckles turning white where he’s clinging to the headboard. Regulus is staring at him out of lidded, expectant eyes and James’ dick is aching and it’s all so sick and hot James has to bite his tongue hard not to tell Regulus he loves him right then and there. 
He’s shown mercy, at last. Regulus makes him cum down his throat and over his face, there’s milky white running down the side of Regulus nose and James pulls him in with shaky arms for a downright nasty kiss.
They sleep until 2pm the next day and have a lovely, slow day bickering in the grocery store isles, preparing dinner together and not at all watching the movie that’s on the TV while they make out and frot on the couch like teenagers. Like back when they were teenagers. 
Sunday morning Lily brings Harry before she’s heading out to brunch with her FLINTA boxing club and James’ heart riots in his chest when he watches how easily and adorably Regulus and Harry interact. 
They meet up with Sirius and then drive Regulus to the airport together.
Goodbye is a bumpy thing. Harry is pure popcorn caramel sweetness between Regulus’ knees when he crouches down to hug him and James’ embrace, he knows, is much longer than socially acceptable. He vaguely notices Sirius distracting Harry, babbling to him about the stuffed toy assortment from a nearby shop as Regulus and James hold onto each other like they’re in a long distance relationship and not…well, whatever it is they can afford to be with Regulus visiting the country about three to five times a year.
There’s a fist clenched in the soft material of his t-shirt and James buries his nose in the curls of Regulus’ temple and inhales deeply. A spot he’s going to see sweat soaked on a flat screen and not getting to smell or touch or kiss for the unforeseeable future. At least that’s what he thinks for now.
Eventually they part and after a strong, swaying hug from Sirius and a few words about making him proud out on the field and seeing that physiotherapist about his shoulder and a safe flight Regulus is gradually disappearing into the distance with the grating velocity of your standard airport escalator. James doesn’t know who thought it was a good idea to be able to watch a loved one slip through your fingers at this agonising tempo but he’d like to have a word with them. His heart clenches in his chest, his lip already feels raw from worrying it with his teeth and James thinks, the warm weight of his son pressed to his chest, that, even though it might not seem that way, Harry is probably more holding him right now than the other way around.
And life’s a funny thing sometimes. 
Because, like every time when Regulus bids his goodbye, leaving behind not exactly shards but rather yet another pin in James’ heart, wrapped around by a red string Regulus indisputably, invariably takes along across the ocean every time, it bleeds and burns and burns so badly that they get ice cream. Sirius slaps him between the shoulder blades, pays for his chocolate mint and hazelnut, tells him he’s such a dad for his choice and, together with Harry, tries distracting him as best as he can manage. 
And so begins a week of moping and then one and a half of delusion and overcompensation, full of fun trips and adventures, and then another few of avoidance, full of social media free zones and grinding through work and scheduling all kinds of appointments to fill their freetime until—
Until one day he can’t avoid it anymore.
A bright, blinking LED sign in the form of an incoming call on his phone screen that’s making James’ heart stutter in his chest. He’s just sat back down in front of his computer in his home study after lunch break and started wiggling an USB stick into a port when the vibrations had made his head shoot up.
It’s just the three letters of Reg and a silly photo of when he was seventeen, pulling a face at James taking a picture of him on his digital camera.
Regulus never calls.
James isn’t sure he’s breathing.
It’s barely been about two months, not close to visiting time again, and Regulus usually never calls so James sits there absolutely dumbstruck and convinced the universe is pulling a sick joke on him.
The call ends abruptly and James blinks harshly. He fumbles for his phone and clicks into his call history. Incoming call from Reg in red font, signalising it’s been missed, followed by the exact time of the day it is at the moment. 
James presses on the little phone icon.
It only rings once before there’s a voice on the other side of the line.
“James?” Regulus sounds slightly breathless. James hasn’t heard his voice over the line in about seven years.
“Yeah?” James says back. His heart is pounding in his chest, his blood rushing in his ears. Then James realises he should probably say something more. “Err, Hi. I’m—” he sighs, clicks his tongue, clears his throat, tries again. “Did you just call me?” “Hi,” Regulus says back, still breathless and it sort of sounds like he’s smiling. James blinks again. “Yeah, yeah. I did call.”
“Oh,” James makes. His heart does a little spin in his chest. “Uh, what’s up?”
“I’m coming to England,” Regulus declares, giggling. James’ heart tries to leap out of his chest at the sound.
“Cool, cool. You got another away game?” He winces, closes his eyes, “Sorry, I haven’t been keeping up with your matches lately.”
“No, James, I’m– wait. Okay, rude, first of all—”
James snorts and rolls his eyes, now grinning against the phone as well. “Sue a guy for being heartbroken.”
“Yeah, I just might,” Regulus quips. “But…what I was initially going to say is, No, James, I’m not having an away game in England.”
“No?” James asks, confused. Nationals are still a while away so that can’t be it.
“No. I’m having a home game in England,” and James wonders how something so soft spoken can pack such an ear-ringing gutpunch.
“I’m— Regulus, what,” James stands up, his chair loudly scraping against the hardwood floor. “Are you saying…”
A single chuckle works its way out of Regulus and over the line to James, “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”
James’ heart is sprinting away from him. He’s sweating. His breath is coming faster and he feels like he should run a lap around the property. Or six. “Regs, love, please spell it out for me because I’m not entirely sure I just hallucinated what you—”
“Arsenal made me an offer,” Regulus says and James hears angels singing in the background, “A better one.”
“Oh, fucking Christ,” James pinches the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead, “Reg, I swear to God if you’re joking right now I’m personally flying over and—”
An exasperated noise, grin evident in his voice nonetheless, “I’m being honest, James, God’s sake. You can fucking look it up online, they probably already posted about it.”
A breath punches out of James, he sinks back down into his desk chair. There’s a polaroid of him and Regulus from Halloween a few years back, alien and a scientist. It was a fucking mess scrubbing all that green paint off again and it didn’t help that Regulus abandoned his sponge in favor of grabbing at James’ hardness through his briefs. It had been the first night they kissed since they were teenagers. 
With a sudden clarity, all the tension floods out of James’ body with a slightly delirious laugh and he leans his cheek into the warmed glass of his phone screen, “You’re coming home.”
Regulus sounds equally giddy, equally drunk on love and fate. “Yeah, Jamie, I’m coming home.”
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raiynnah · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 130
“What happened?” Remus asks, worry and bewilderment tearing at his throat.
“It was Prongs. Prongs killed Voldemort,” Sirius replies hysterically. His hair is tangled, dark bruises pressed into the flesh under his eyes. He’s laughing, a deranged but relieved grin slicing his face in two.
“James killed Voldemort?” he repeats. Sirius laughs harder at this.
“No, no, Prongs killed Voldemort. Turns out Peter was the traitor this entire time.” Remus’ mind screeches to a halt.
“The stag? The stag killed Voldemort. Wait—Peter?” Sirius sobs, grin still fixed on his face.
“I’m sorry, Remus, so sorry.”
“You thought it was me.”
“Yes, sorry.” Remus sighs, tugging Sirius into his arms.
“We’ll talk about it later. I just can’t believe Prongs took down the dark lord.”
“It was kind of gruesome actually.”
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tealeavesandtrash · 2 months
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Ancient Greece - 363 words
“Are you just going to sit here reading?”
Remus glances up, face scrunching against the sun in a way that’s so endearing Sirius wants to smoosh his face in his hands.
“Yes?” Remus blinks like it’s obvious and - to be fair - it's a silly question because of course Remus would be content to spend his holiday with his nose in a book.
Sirius flops down next to him, sprawling out on the soft sand. The sea is calling Sirius’ name, crystal-clear waves lapping invitingly at the shore. And as much as he wants to jump into the warm Ionian waters, he is also not about to pass up an opportunity to appreciate Remus in this element - long limbs stretching out, sun-kissed skin contrasting beautifully against the white sands and the blue of the sky and sea.
“What are you reading?”
“The Iliad,” Remus says simply, attention flickering back to the book.
Sirius sits up, shuffles closer to peer over Remus’ shoulder. “Didn’t you read that in Uni?”
“Yes but this is a new translation,” Remus explains with an air of excitement. “And it’s fitting, we’re going to the Palace of Nestor tomorrow.”
Sirius nips at Remus’ bare shoulder, just as quickly presses a light kiss in the same spot. “You’re such a nerd.”
“It’s the best preserved Mycenaean Greek palace, of course I’m going to brush up a bit.”
“Nerd,” Sirius mutters again, not hiding the playful tone in his voice because as much as he teases, there is nothing Sirius loves more than listening to Remus’ passionate rambling about history (even if he can’t always follow them.)
Like he reads Sirius as well as the book in front of him, Remus says “Once I finish this chapter I’ll come swimming with you.”
Sirius hums with content, wraps his arms loosely around Remus’ waist and murmurs into his skin, “Thank you for letting me drag you to the beach when you’d rather be poking old ruins.”
Remus rests his head against Sirius’. He can hear his soft smile in his voice, “And thank you in advance for letting me drag you to all my old ruins when you’d rather be at the beach.”
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steddie-island · 4 months
sins of the father
@steddiemicrofic Prompt: Stuff | Rating: E | WC: 483 TW: brief mention of homophobia ao3
Dick Harrington would kill them both if he knew what they were up to. Or maybe the universe would take it easy on the two boys who had seen enough pain for two lifetimes, and he would simply stroke out before he could get his hands on them.
Frankly Steve didn't care what his father would think. He only cared about the way Eddie kissed him, the way Eddie's hands felt as they stroked over his ribs and his hips, down his thighs before two fingers pressed to the most intimate part of his body.
Steve loved that Eddie didn't just try to stuff his fingers in. He took his time, got Steve worked up to the edge again and again and fucking again before he finally gave in.
He loved the way Eddie fit against his back. Loved the stretch and burn as Eddie finally stuffed his cock inside of him. He loved that no matter how they did it— slow and sweet with their hands intertwined, or pounding away with hands threaded into hair instead— there was still so much love that Steve thought he could drown in it.
“You seem distracted.” Eddie kissed just below Steve's ear and crooked his fingers, making Steve arch up against him with a gasp. “Does that mean I'm not doing a good enough job?”
“No, fuck no it doesn't mean that.” Steve licked his lips and hitched his thigh up higher, wanting to hold Eddie in place. “'s stupid.”
“It's not stupid if you were thinking about it,” Eddie said. He circled his fingers, rubbing back and forth and making Steve melt beneath him until he was having a hard time finding the words. And just when he knew Steve was right there at the edge, he stopped and pulled his fingers out a little. ”What were you worrying that pretty little head about?”
Steve's flush wasn't just from the way Eddie's fingers had worked him up so quickly. “I was thinking that... my dad would lose his fucking head if he knew what I was doing right now.”
Eddie's nose wrinkled. “Baby, I think you're thinking about the wrong Dick right now.”
“Shut up!” Steve lightly slapped Eddie's shoulder before throwing an arm over his face to hide from Eddie's gaze. “I told you it was stupid.”
Eddie pried Steve's arm away and looked down at him. “No, it's not. It's not stupid, Stevie. Do you want to stop and talk—”
“Eddie, no!” Steve laughed again and shook his head. “No, I want you to stop asking what I'm thinking about and fuck me already.”
“As my king commands.” Eddie let his fingers drag over Steve's prostate, then moved to line up between his thighs once more.
Once Eddie pressed inside of him, as they moved together towards their pleasure, the rest of the world faded away. No one else, nothing else, mattered.
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littleliterarylesbian · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic May 8 // prompt: silk // warnings: small hints to past nsfw // Words: 352
"Where are you going?"
James pauses at the door, face going pale and his hands admittedly start to sweat a little as he holds both the map and has the cloak draped over his arm. He slowly turns to Sirius. Oh his best friend, Padfoot, one of his favorite people on Earth.
"Out. Talking a walk. Can't sleep." His response is clipped and he's fidgeting where he stands, shifty and he knows it because he also knows he can't lie for shit. Especially not to Pads.
But he has plans. Plans with a wonderful boy who has grey eyes and soft skin and silk sheets and makes such pretty noises underneath him.
Who also just so happens to be Sirius' estranged brother. Sirius who, despite their distance, is still really over protective when it comes to said estranged brother.
Sirius squints at him for a few seconds and James has the urge to run but Padfoot just shrugs. James doesn't hesitate before he's out the door, sloppily throwing the cloak over himself and pulling out the map, muttering the password as he speed walks down the halls. He can't help but smile as he catches the name Regulus A. Black. They're not anything, no labels (or at least not yet), but that doesn't stop James' heart from beating quickly as he thinks about freckles that decorate pale skin. The blush on his features that will hopefully only get worse and worse throughout the night.
He thinks about the bruise-able skin and how Regulus' hair sticks to his skin when wet or sweaty.
James slips upstairs and takes a turn before opening a door. He sees Regulus startle and as soon as it's closed James pulls off the cloak.
Only seconds after that there's soft lips pressing against his own and he can't help but groan at the feeling. He pulls back slightly, turning his head when Regulus follows which instead causes the younger to kiss at his neck.
"Hello, love." He already sounds slightly out of it, "Missed me?"
Regulus nods slightly as he peppers more kisses against his skin.
"Missed you."
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stobinesque · 1 year
For microfic: Steve & Lucas bonding (maybe a lil Erica too?) and your word is ‘imply’ 💗
oh no, I got all up in my Lucas feels 😭
prompt: 'imply' | wc: 250 | rating: G | tags: banter, basketball | Steve & Sinclair Sibs
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"Are you implying I'm not cool, Sinclair?"
"He might be," Erica called from the stands. "But I'm not. I'm stating it outright: you're not cool, Steve!”
"Thanks, little Sinclair."
"Don't call me that, asshole!”
"Can you stop antagonizing her," Lucas asked, arms crossed over his chest.
Steve threw his arms in the air. "I'm antagonizing her?"
"Well what am I supposed to do, tell her to stop antagonizing people?”
"Fair point." Steve gestured to Lucas, indicating he pass the basketball. "Okay, if you're not going to take my advice to avoid the basketball team, then let me at least make sure your form is up to par."
"Isn't par a golf thing?"
"The nerd does know sports things!”
"Hey, I know basketball!"
"Funny, I've never heard you bring it up before now."
"Because he gets embarrassed that his little friends aren't gonna like him anymore if he becomes a jock."
Steve squinted. "Is that true?”
"No.” Lucas glared at Erica. "I just…it's not something they care about, so I don't bring it up."
"Oh. That's dumb."
"What's the point of being friends if you don't talk about the stuff you like?”
"We talk about science and D&D all the time!"
"Yeah, but that’s stuff they like too. What about like—? Will’s art. D’you listen to him talk about that?"
"I mean, yeah…”
"And Max’s skateboarding? You listen to her talk about that?"
“Of course!”
“So are you the only person who doesn't talk about your interests?”
I’m celebrating 250 followers with 250 word microfics! Requests are closed, but previous fills can be found here.
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ao3usermelancholyhues · 9 months
steve harrington/eddie munson for @steddiemicrofic's january prompt: hole, 404 words. ft. flirting, sexual innuendo | T rating read on ao3
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“That’s just perfect.” 
Steve stares at his rapidly flattening tire, and the culprit just behind the car. He loosens his tie, irritated. 
It’s not that Steve can’t change a tire—he doesn’t have a spare. 
Robin’s house is a couple of streets over. Sighing, he begins the walk there to call his mechanic.
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“No answer,” Steve announces dejectedly as he walks back into Robin’s livingroom and flops down in her armchair, huffing.
The dramatics are a little much, but Robin bites her tongue. No need to kick the man while he’s down (not a rule she always conforms to). 
“I know a guy who could help,” she says instead. “My cousin’s friend.”
Steve perks up. “Is he good?”
Robin bites her tongue again, this time fighting a grin. “Oh, he’s somethin’.” 
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Thirty minutes later, there’s a mechanic named Eddie in her livingroom. Steve supposes he looks exactly as expected—grey coveralls, arm tattoos, hands stained but washed (Steve knows, he shook one, with the hand that wasn’t clutching a cup of tea). 
However, Eddie also has long hair tied in a loose bun, and the warmest smile. It lights up his eyes and Steve barely knows where to look. 
Robin’s in the kitchen doorway, both hands on her own tea mug. 
“So. Popped a tire?” asks Eddie. “How’d that happen?”
Steve flushes when he hears Robin snort. 
Eddie’s grinning from ear-to-ear. “Hole?”
“P-pothole,” Steve clarifies quickly. “I went over a… a big pothole.” 
Eddie contemplates that, tongue between his teeth and looking Steve up and down, before he says, “Yeah, it’s amazing what a hole can do to you.” 
Steve splutters into his tea. It goes up his nose a little, kind of fucking hurts. Robin barely keeps a lid on her laughter, knowing Steve won’t thank her for it. 
“Eddie, you’re gonna kill him. Quit flirting.” 
“Sorry! Right. Where’s the car?”
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He keeps his comments to himself throughout the tire change, even though he really wants to wind up the cute guy in the nice suit with the nice car.
Steve pays him there and then, cash plus tip, but Eddie rejects the tip. 
“Keep that. Since I almost killed you back at the house.” 
Steve blushes. “You caught me off-guard.” 
Eddie can’t resist. “I tell it like it is! Gotta know your way around a hole or you might blow, big boy.” 
There’s no tea this time, but Steve still manages to choke. 
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ultravioletbrit · 4 days
“pain” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 289 words
Regulus is coming back from the bedroom after grabbing a jumper, but as soon as he steps into the living room he feels a sharp pain in his foot that travels up his leg and sends a shiver through his entire body.
“Fucking hell!” He yelps. “What the fuck?!”
“What happened?” James quickly stands up to get to Regulus.
Regulus hops back and looks down at the floor and sees a blue Lego on the carpet. He glares at the Lego then shifts his glare to James.
“This is your fault.” Regulus growls at him.
“How is this my fault? I didn’t put it there.” James tries to hold in his chuckle as Regulus rubs his foot. Regulus is being a little dramatic.
“Fuck, that hurt worse than a Crucio.” Okay, Regulus is being a lot dramatic, James thinks as he bends down to pick up the Lego.
“Not funny.” James tells him when he stands back up.  
“I wasn’t being funny.” Regulus says and James gives him a stern look.
“Fine, it hurt almost as bad as a Crucio.” Regulus huffs and James narrows his eyes at him but walks back to the coffee table.
They both sit down on the floor and James puts the blue Lego on the table with the others. Regulus crosses his arms and continues to glare at the offending Lego.
“Regulus–” James starts.
“I don’t want to build anymore.” Regulus pouts.
“Reg, you can’t take it out on the entire set just because of one piece.” James tells him.
“Fine.” Regulus says reluctantly after a moment as he pushes the blue Lego over to James. “But you deal with that one.” He says, still scowling at the Lego.
“Okay love.” James smiles fondly and slightly amused at Regulus’ dramatics.
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wastingawayinmyroom · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic - prompt: resume - word count: 219 tw: implied suicide, double mcd
He cradles the older boy's face in his hands.
"James," Regulus starts, and James' eyes immediately fly open. "Can I tell you something?"
There's a mischievous glint in his eye. He hasn't changed much, even after all these years. "We're married, darling. You can tell me anything."
Regulus smiles. He loves mornings like this, where they can wake up together and laze around for a while, in their own little bubble.
"I love you," he whispers, leaning in, closer to James' face. "I love you, to the edges of the universe and back."
"But the universe is always expanding." James is grinning now, even though they play through this conversation often.
"Then so is my love for you," Regulus says, and the gap between them closes, mouths connecting and devouring each other like starving men.
Regulus wakes up.
James is not there.
No, James is in the graveyard thirty minutes from his cramped apartment. Regulus knows that; he makes the trip every day.
Regulus is not confessing his love to James for the thousandth time.
He is lying facedown on the carpet.
Glass shards litter the floor. When he moves, he winces, feeling them get embedded in his body.
He is bleeding.
He does not care.
He will join James.
Because without him, he could never resume his life.
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marauders-bs · 2 months
“James, darling, what's all this talk about a partner?” Effie asks, evidently trying to fill the silence that has become slightly awkward since the Potters’ house became a shelter to even more of James's friends.
James almost chokes on his steak. He can actually feel the blush rising to his cheeks, and he tries desperately to avoid Regulus's eye. Or Sirius's. Or anyone's, to be honest.
“Oh, he's blushing,” Monty says, and James doesn't need to look to know he and Effie are grinning at each other. “It's gotta be serious, then, eh?”
Dead silence rings through the room, and James knows why even when his parents don't: Evan, Pandora, Dorcas, Barty, even Regulus, Sirius and Remus are waiting to see how he answers.
Because the person making him blush is someone everyone at the table, including the Potters, is incredibly protective of.
It's Regulus.
“Yeah,” James says. “Yeah, it's serious.”
He looks up in time to see Pandora and Sirius nod at each other and Remus and Dorcas shooting approving looks at Regulus.
And Regulus is smiling, oh, he's smiling, a real Regulus smile. A small one, sure, but it's bashful and adorable and just so Regulus that James realizes once again that he's done for.
Monty and Effie are gazing warmly at him, and later, when the two of them find James running his fingers through a sleeping Regulus's curls, he'll think back on this moment and wonder if they already knew.
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bimoonphases · 5 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 18 - prompt 18: Floo [word count 336]
“Stay still,” Sirius said, doing his best to keep his voice from trembling and pointing his wand at the bleeding gash on Remus’s arm.
“I can handle myself,” Remus snapped, moving further away on the sofa.
All the anguish of that late autumn night reared its head in Sirius’s stomach.
“Bloody hell, Moony, it’s not a Full! I know you can handle those, but this is a wound caused by a Curse!” he closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. “Let me check it, please.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus moved his arm closer again. “I’m exhausted and it hurts.”
“I know,” Sirius started passing the wound with his wand. “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have shouted. But I was on edge all night waiting for you to come back.”
“I told you you should have gone spend Halloween at Lily and James’s,” Remus said softly. “It’s not healthy for you to worry on your own.”
“I couldn’t. I had to be here for you.”
“I love you, Pads.”
Sirius smiled over the last bit of the wound closing, leaving a pale scar on the skin.
“I love you too.”
In that moment, their fireplace roared to life, green flames almost licking the mantelpiece. They both jumped to their feet, wands at the ready, a split second before a figure clutching a bundle tumbled on their carpet in a cloud of Floo powder.
“Lily!” Remus shouted, running immediately to her as she coughed. “What happened?!”
“He… He found us,” Lily’s voice was hoarse as she clutched the bundle in her arms, a frightened Harry who began to cry. “He came to the cottage tonight.”
Sirius’s face crumbled as the meaning of that last sentence crashed on him.
“He… Pete…” he croaked, wanting to throw up.
Remus shot him a look but then busied himself in helping Lily to her feet.
“It’s alright,” he said soothingly. “You’re safe, Harry’s safe.”
“Where’s James?” Sirius managed to whisper.
“James…” Lily’s eyes were empty. “He… He held him back.”
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sunmoonyandstars · 7 months
getting all warm and fuzzy abt jegulus again <3
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