#oc: clarissa todd
bamboozledjasontodd · 4 years
Earth 187 Outlaws
The team forms shortly after Rose Wilson reunites as many of her Teen Titans friends for a mission to save Eddie Bloomberg from Hell and ultimately, his deal with Neron. While most of her old teammates, don’t join the new team, there are a couple who do as time goes on. 
The Founders:
Jason Todd/Red Hood: Long story short, he left Gotham to be on his own after a falling out with his family and several other heroes only to be tracked down by Rose Wilson, save Eddie and accidentally start a new team. Despite the fact that this is a new start for him, Jason is as angst ridden as ever as he is still figuring out all of the side effects of The Lazarus Pit and some other things about himself that his death put on the back burner. Oh, yeah, he also acquired a sword forged in actual hellfire from a demon’s body. So, that’s fun. 
Rose Wilson/Ravager: Since her days as a Teen Titan, Rose has become an even more skilled fighter thanks to a combination of training and mastery of her precognitive abilities. Rose is usually the one that keeps the team on task, and also reminds everyone to take a break when one can be afforded. It should be noted that she is currently going through a lot personally with regards to her own feelings and some family drama. 
Eddie Bloomberg/Red Devil: Still the charming, sarcastic goofball and film snob he was during his teenage years. He has a lot of hurts ranging from the death of his Aunt Marla to the horrors he witnessed in Hell, and has begun to seek out a therapist who is qualified to deal with hero bullshit. He is currently working to improve his fighting abilities and how to use a sword. As expected, he often references The Princess Bride when he is practicing with a sword. 
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall/Requiem: An Amazonian warrior, weilder of Mistress and The Bow of Ra, former Queen of Hell, and all around badass. Artemis first encountered Jason while he was running from his problems by traveling the world. The two struck up a friendship and had a couple of brief adventures together before he decided to head elsewhere. Jason wrote to her from time to time and even requested her help on the rescue mission for Eddie. The latter would lead her to join the team, although, not as a full time member due to other commitments. 
The Recruits:
Zachary “Zach” Zatara/Zatara: As a result of the fact he is (still) learning how to be a team player, Zachary is prone to butting heads with his teammates and isn’t above dramatically leaving the room when he is irritated. The good news is he has a heart of gold and so far, has been able to apologize by correcting his behavior. Zach is the resident magic expert on the team. Jason insists he is the only magic user on the team but Zach is pretty positive hat is not the case. This is a bit of contentious point and whenever a disagreement happens about it, Eddie finds himself a snack that is inevitably shared with both Rose and Laney.
Holly Granger/Hawk: Another skilled fighter and all around badass. She met Jason while he was in London and recruited him to help her take down an illegal fighting ring she had been a part of. They part ways until she ends up in the US with a lead that says the same people had set up another ring but this time on American soil. From that point on, she was a member of The Outlaws. She is a bit on the aggressive side and filled with anger but she is working on it. (credit to Kai aka @ Redfreakinarrow on Twitter for the idea of adding her to the team and the part about Jason helping her take down the fighting ring she was in. Link to their blog post that details their idea here).
Courtney Mason/Anima: She hasn’t had the easiest life and is still processing a lot of it. She is recruited to the team by Holly as a result of their mutual ties to various heroes. She is incredibly powerful and knowledgeable, especially about music. She and Zach are often in unofficial competitions to see who can blare their music louder. Usually, there is no winner as someone inevitably asks them both to turn it down. She is known to dye her hair frequently and even initially tried to help Jason with the white streak. Needless to say, since it doesn’t hold color for more than a day at a time Courtney now gives Jason her left over dye to do with as he pleases. Oh, she is also a member of the glowing green eye club. Although, her eyes are a neon color.  (credit to @ MMaystorm on Twitter for the idea of adding Courtney and for her particular shade of glowing green eyes being neon in nature.)
Lonnie Machin/Anarky & Moneyspider: Every team needs a hacker and The Outlaws are no exception to that. Lonnie joined the team after a series of events that involved him hacking into The Outlaws computer system to attain information about his own nemesis, subsequently getting caught and having someone Jason dangle him out a window. In present times, Lonnie serves as the resident philospher, hacker, and anarchist. He has memorized the monologue from V for Vendetta and has tried to come up with his own. There is cell phone video footage of the latter that Rose took and promptly distributed to the team. 
Julian “Laney” Luther Kent/???:* Having been recently freed from Lex Luthor and Cadmus by The Outlaws, Laney is the newest member of the team. At Cadmus he was the product of a project called Match. He was even called this. He isn’t keen on this name, and is currently seeking out an identity that feels unique to him. He can be a bit rough around the edges and at times, the world overwhelms him. He is the king of turning himself into a blanket burrito. He’s not on the best terms with the Kent Family but he is always welcome regardless of the circumstances. Is not pleased with the fact that he and Jason could potentially be in-laws via their brothers. Rose sympathizes as her older brother had once dated Dick. (*Note: He is a composite character of Jon Lane Kent, Match from the Young Justice cartoon, and a mix of my own creation.)
Faye Gunn II/Clarissa Todd/???: The adopted granddaughter of Ma Gunn and biological younger (half) sister of Jason Todd. She was illegally adopted by Ma Gunn’s son in order for her birth parents to pay off some debts. Jason was under the impression that his sister did not survive being born. Fast forward some years, and Faye Gunn II is being primed to take over her family’s criminal empire. However, she plans on using her knowledge of its operations in order to  destroy it from the inside out. As she begins to do so, she ends up on the radar of The Outlaws. To make a long story short, The Outlaws help her take down the criminal empire of the Gunn Family, she learns about her biological family, and joins the team. She enjoys undercover work, art, coffee, and wearing oversized sweaters. Note: This character is an OC that is derived from the fact that Catherine Todd was shown to be pregnant in a panel once. She is Faye Gunn II in name only. Also important to note, Ma Gunn is not related to Jason Todd at all in my fanfic au.) 
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phroggy-trades · 4 years
I’ve been lurking in the Starlight Express fandom for awhile, and its one of the most fun fandoms I’ve been a part of in awhile. So I’ve decided to gift some of my StEx bootlegs so I can give back to the community!
I created a google doc that contains the date, tour, cast, and the link for each bootleg, along with some additional info about file types and other things.
Here are the boots that are listed: (This isn’t my whole collection of StEx boots, but these are just the ones I think people should see. I intend to add more as my collection grows!)
September 13, 2003 | 2nd US Tour |
Franklyn Warfield (Rusty), Clarissa Grace (Pearl), Drue Williams (Greaseball), Dustin Dubreuil (Electra), Jaremy Kocal (Caboose) Katie O’Toole (Dinah), Dennis Legree (Papa), Joanna Loughran-Richert (Buffy), Kait Holbrook (Ashley)
January 28, 2015 | Bochum |
Kevin Köhler, Trina Hill, David Moore, Matthew Goodgame, Emma Prosser, Paul Shipp, Ben Draper, Sian Velazquez, Carla Pullen, Toby Poole, Paul Treacy, Jason Gray, Brett Shields, Brad Corben, Cary Chennell, Dean Coach, Kelly Downing, Dawn Leigh Woods, Melanie Brown, Graham Harvey, Elliot Collins, Adam Bailey, Jeffrey Socia, Craig Tyler, Manuel Reckow, Etienne Vogel                                                    Notes: Excellent shoot, taper clearly knows the show. A couple particularly blocky bits couldn’t be smoothed out.
May 31, 2015 | Bochum |
Kevin Köhler (Rusty), Trina Hill (Pearl), Matthew Goodgame (Greaseball), Paul Shipp (Electra), Amy Di Bartolomeo (u/s Dinah), David Moore (Papa), Carla Pullen (Buffy), Victoria Anderson (Ashley), Mike Eborall (u/s Caboose), Dewayne Adams (Hip Hopper 1), Brett Shiels (Hip Hopper 2), Ciaran Rees (Hip Hopper 3), Duncan Leighton (Dustin), Paul Treacy (Flattop), Dean Coach (Krupp), Toby Poole (Purse), Kelly Downing (Joule), Melanie Brown (Wrench), Cate Gunner (u/s Volta), Graham Harvey (Ruhrgold), Jason Gray (u/s Turnov), Adam Bailey (Espresso), Jeffrey Socia (Bobo), Luke Zammit (u/s Hashimoto)                                    Notes: Goodbye show for the 2014/15 cast. This is also the bootleg where that infamous gif of Greaseball and Electra kissing comes from. 
August 27, 2019 | Bochum |
Markus Fetter (Rusty), Hollie Aires (Pearl), Ben Carruthers (Greaseball), Adam Lake (Elektra), Sian Jones (u/s Dinah), Reva Rice (Momma)              Notes: Filmed in portrait mode. You can't make out any faces but you can follow the action and the choreography quite well. Very good audio. Nice to see the changes for the 30th Anniversary of Starlight Express.
1984 | West End |
Ray Shell (Rusty), Stephanie Lawrence (Pearl), Jeff Shankley (Greaseball), Jeffry Daniel (Electra),  Frances Ruffelle (Dinah), Lon Satton (Papa), Michael Stanifourth (CB)                                                                      Notes (not Masters notes): This is the only known capture of the original West End cast on stage. It’s not the full OC, as some characters, like Buffy and Dustin have different voices from the cast album, but I can’t verify which understudies they are. The sound is washed out, and there's a slight static sound, but it’s still understandable. I’d recommend this to any fan of the show!
1988 | West End |
Gary Cordice (Rusty), Kim Leeson (Pearl), Drue Williams (Greaseball), Maynard Williams (Electra), Beverley Braybon (Dinah), Shezwae Powell (Belle), Peter Reeves (Caboose)                                                                        Notes: Proshot, Quality is just alright, but there are separate cameras for the race scenes, which look great.
1988 | Bochum |
Steven M Skeels (Rusty), Maria J Hyde (Pearl), Trevor M Georges (Greaseball), Eric Clausell (Electra), Natalie Howard (Dinah), Trevor M Georges (Papa), Carol Hoffman (Buffy), Roslyn Howell (Ashley), Hans Johansson (Caboose), Garry Noakes (Dustin), Michael Rivera (Flattop), Wilton Anderson (Krupp), Christopher Todd (Purse), Janina Baucke (Joule), Louise Conte (Wrench), Leesa Osborn (Volta), Jens Klarskov (Ruhrgold), Hansgeorg Gantert (Turnov), Frido Ruth (Espresso), Allan Edwards (Bobo), Ric Mount (Hashamoto)                                                Notes: Pro-shot press rehearsal
September 8, 1996 | Las Vegas |
Greg Ellis (Rusty), Dawn Marie Church (Pearl), Ron DeVito (Greaseball)  Notes: Last show of the 1995-1996 cast. Pro-shot, filmed with one camera for the cast and crew. Repaired audio.
Now I don’t want this post to get taken down, so I can’t link it here. If you want the list, DM me and I’ll send it to you as soon as I can! I’ll keep the gifting open until Nov 10, and I don’t intend to open it again, so ask me while you can!
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plushievash · 7 years
hey feli ur a real cool kid and i love listening to u ramble about ur ocs aa a. do u have any random facts about them that u havent shared previously? :^0
thank u!!vitalia has a light hypersensitivity;; she often gets headaches from light even on a cloudy dayfelix rarely refers to others by royal terms even as a joke;; its very limited who he calls royalty seriously and jokingly leo(king; seriously), talia(princess; seriously), dasha(prince/king; seriously), dara(prince; seriously) // miko(king/majesty; jokingly), ruby(princess; jokingly), pekka(prince; jokingly)leonardo works out daily! usually with oriana and nevio but he also loves working out with felix whenever hes up for ittalia loves tarot cards and doing readings! she also loves magic and often performs for regulars at the dioli loungetalia often mimics rubys gestures and posture when shes around her;; she often thinks of herself as rubys “look alike doll”clarissa taught felix tagalog for a way to them to speak without lodovico being able to undestand them;; felix taught dara to do the same around veliadara is dyslexicdara can make a few accurate bird calls;; hes tricked felix into thinking there was a bird in the house beforedespite the most recent events;; after recovery dara has become happier!ippolito snorts when she laughsagostina is very literally a type of mutant that was never supposed to exist;; she was born human and rather than being mutated with a raremutants genes as a template she was mutated with a golden eaglethe falcos often use little catclaw nubs when they sleep to make sure they dont accidentally scratch themselves;; pietro is the only one who doesnt, he refuses to bc he thinks its degradingpekka and antoine are almost constantly listening to music with everything they do;; they use it to regulate their emotions and also to drown out background noise;; they always sleep with music onzacharie tends to fidget a lot when hes anxious;; he often jingles his keys and focuses on the sounds it makesagostinas most treasured possessions are the eagle skull mask that matches pietros falcon skull mask and the traditional russian mask artyom got herthe falcos are a very poison fascinated family! they all think poison is very interesting..pietro likes it the most he likes to study and make his own poisonszaria and talia are both very interested in witchcraftbesides moths dara really loves stickbugs! he thinks theyre coolippolito never learned to drive;; she always thought cars were kind of intimidating instead she often road the bus or got a ride from her older brother dorianopietro greatly looks up to leonardos ancestor fiore;; he thinks of her as a hero she is his inspiration;; he thinks shes a saint and the personification of justicepietro always knew leo was a raremutant;; he knew more about leos family than leo did himself;; it was because after the incident all of vittorios and lucrezias things where given to his mother, salvatrice and nevionevio made copies of important things and kept them on filethey were put in safe keeping with salvatrice since shes known to horde things from her friends in hopes to remember them easierpietro always felt guilty about it but nevio made him swear to never tell leo anythingafter leonardo found out and returned from russia for the first time he talked to pietro about it and pietro admitted he always knew and gave him all of vittorio and lucrezias things so he could know all the things he was meant tomasha/wojciech/svetlana/maxim/miko/dasha all visited and met leonardo when they were younger before the incident;; leo had forgotten about them all since he was so young;; masha/wojciech/svetlana all believed leo was dead as nevio reported to masha that there were no survivors;; maxim felt leo seemed familiar when they first met again but he brushed it off until leo took off his joke eye patch and realized who he wasbecause of this they all knew felix when he was little as well! felix also forgot about them all since he was even youngermaxim actually used to feel protective over felix since he was often seen with bandages and bruisescorvi wears a coiled snake ring that used to belong to demetrio;; it was given to demetrio to show their status as a direct descendant of enrica serpente;; corvi now wears it as proof that they have a serpente from the original family under their controlcorvi is…a very big fan…of sweeney toddcorvi collects gems! they favour black and white gems but they also think purple ones are very prettycorvi is very odd! they completely disregard personal boundaries and push peoples buttons to see how they will react;; theyre most interested in demetrio and zarias reactions to things;; some things they say or do are cruel this has caused demetrio to fear them more than they already did;; zaria tolerates corvi she thinks theyre interesting enough to keep around so she doesnt mind corvis fixation on her too muchcorvi seeks zarias approval? it doesnt destroy them if they dont get it or weird zaria out but they feel some sort of accomplishment out of making her happy or surprising herippolito is a lot taller than people would expect! (shes 6′7′’)alessio had two children his first being “gioia” which he named because she was his joy! his 2nd named “graziella” bc he was thankful for her existence
lskjfs sorry i got a bit carried away but thank u again!!
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bamboozledjasontodd · 2 years
Earth 187 Bat Family (& Their Mantles)
The “Core” Family:
Alfred Pennyworth - Penny-One
Bruce Wayne - Batman I
Selina Kyle - Catwoman I
Dick Grayson - Robin I, Nightwing I, Batman III (temporary and unwilling)
Barbara Gordon - Batgirl I, Oracle
Jason Todd - Robin II, Red Hood I, Phoenix
Tim Drake - Robin III, Red Robin, Cardinal
Cassandra Cain-Wayne - Batgirl II, Black Bat I, Batman IV
Stephanie Brown - Spoiler, Robin IV, Batgirl III, Nightwing III
Duke Thomas - Lark, The Signal
Damian Wayne - Robin VI, Redbird, Nightwing IV
Athanasia Al Ghul Wayne - Blackbird, Flamebird III
The Extended Family:
Kate Kane - Batwoman II
Luke Fox - Batwing
Minhkhoa Khan - Ghost-Maker
Bilal Asselah - Nightrunner
Jace Fox - Batman (currently working on where to put him in the order that is why there is no number at the moment) 
Julia Pennyworth - Penny-Two
Ryan Wilder - Batwoman III
Holly Robinson - Catgirl I, Catwoman II
Bette Kane - Bat-Girl, Flamebird I, Hawkfire
Jean-Paul Valley - Batman II, Azrael
Harper Row - Bluebird
Carrie Kelley - Robin V, Catgirl II, Redtail 
Tiffany Fox - Batgirl IV, Delphi
Nell Little - Batgirl V
Maps Mizoguchi - Robin VII
Alina Shelley Wayne- Sparrow
Other Associates:
Commissioner James Gordon
Dr. Leslie Tompkins
Dr. Victoria October
Lucius Fox
Tamara Fox
Cullen Row
Onyx Adams
Helena Bertinelli - Huntress I
Charlie Gage-Radcliffe - Misfit, Huntress II
Clarissa Todd* - Red Hood II
Next Generation Kids Not Otherwise Classified:
Mariand’r “Mar’i” Grayson - Nightstar, Nightingale 
Jakand’r “Jake” Grayson - Wildfire 
Elainna Grayson - Batwoman IV
Helena Wayne - Robin VIII, Batgirl VI, Huntress III, Batman V
Thomas Wayne - Black Bat II
Bruce Wayne Jr.  - Robin IX
Tyler Todd - Blue Hood, Blue Jay
Nathaniel Todd* 
Terry McGinnis- Batman VI
Matt McGinnis- Robin X
Nissa - Batgirl VII
Authors Notes:
* Denotes an OC
Kathy Kane-Webb was the first (very brief) Batwoman but I don’t have her on here because...reasons lol. Anyways, these are all subject to change as I write and further plot out this universe. Technically speaking I could have added a ton of characters under “Other Associates” because of who I have dating/marrying who but this post was already too long and that information feels like I should put it into household posts if that make sense. Additionally, I would like to credit @ flashhwing and @ dykerachelsummers with the codename Phoenix for Jason!! 
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bamboozledjasontodd · 4 years
Tiger King of Kandahar (Spyral changes have me interested), Jason Todd, and Vic Stone?
Yeeeee - okay, let’s go
Tiger King of Kandahar: 
Team Membership(s): Checkmate, Spyral
Best Friend(s): Friends might be subjective here but Dick Grayson, Helena Bertinelli, Agent 8 
Pet(s): Sadly none, I don’t think it would be practical with his line of work
Parental Figure(s): I can’t remember if they’re ever mentioned but if they are, they are likely staying the same
Sibling(s): Again I can’t remember if any are mentioned but if they are, they are likely staying the same. Might give him a sibling for the fun of it though.
Relationship(s): Alia 
(Tbh I need to reread Grayson because it has been a minute and I want to be better informed in the decisions I make when I overhaul Spyral. I really like Tiger and want him to have a decent ending.)
Jason Todd:
Team Membership(s): Teen Titans (The Lost Generation), Bat Fam, League of Assassins, The Outlaws, Justice League Dark
Best Friend(s): Eddie Bloomberg, Rose Wilson, Raven, and Artemis of Bana Mighdall
Pet(s): German Shepherd named Dantès, a mutt named Dog
Parental Figure(s): Willis “Solitary” Todd & Sheila Haywood (biological parents), Catherine Todd (step-mother), Natalia Knight/Nocturna (temporary caregiver when he was on the streets), Bruce Wayne (adoptive father), Selina Kyle (adoptive step-mother), Talia Al Ghul (caregiver & mentor) 
Adoptive - Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Athanasia Al Ghul, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alina Wayne, Helena Wayne, Bruce Wayne Jr, Thomas Wayne
Biological - an OC named Clarissa
Relationship(s): Tom Bronson, Raven, Essence, Rose Wilson (it’s a brief fling),  Isabel Ardila (on again, off again for a while. I don’t ship it at all but it works with the story I’m planning), and Numbers (we had one issue and I ship it, I am in rarepair hell) 
Vic Stone:
Team Membership(s): Teen Titans, Justice League, Mainframe (an original team I created that involves collecting information through technology based methods)
Best Friend(s): Gar Logan, Karen Beecher-Duncan, Mal Duncan, Wendy Harris, and Donnie Hall
Pet(s):A gray cat named Smoky 
Parental Figure(s): Elinore and Silas Stone
Sibling(s):  None
Relationship(s): Sarah Simms but I want to add a few more because Vic deserves a lot of love!
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bamboozledjasontodd · 5 years
Sending ya some hugs, anyway how bout u tell me about some of ur ocs for this universe of yours
Thank you!!! 
OMG OCs! Okay I’m excited! I’m putting this under a read more because I am likely going to ramble a lot!
Aaron Roth/Corvid:
Back Story:
Aaron is Raven’s adopted son. He looks a lot like her and even shares her ability to manipulate darkness and affinity for magic so there are some jerks people who are skeptical about his adoption. Anyways, Raven rescues him from being sacrificed by a cult when he is just an infant. Unable to find any family members who are not members of the aforementioned cult, Raven takes him in and raises him. When he’s older he gets into the superhero gig using the code name Corvid. He joins Lian Harper’s Teen Titans and has a hard time fitting in at first. He ends up becoming quite close with all of them, especilally Helen Jordan.
Physical Description:
He has curly black hair, pale skin, and grey eyes with violet tints to them. When he grows up he is only 5′7.” His style is a bit punk like/goth. Also, he insisted on having a proper cloak with a hood like his mother to not only honor his family but because he is a tad dramatic.
Miscellaneous Info:
He’s bisexual af, loves chemistry, into the tech part of theater, and has expressive eyebrows. He enjoys reading (mostly poetry), playing various instruments (primarily guitar, harp, & clarinet), and calligraphy. He has in interest in make up art and is known to ask his teammates if he can practice on them. He’s quite good at it and runs an Instagram account where he showcases his work. Oh and did I mention he has a magical pet cat made out of shadows and starlight named Lucienne? Because he does and he enjoys dramatically sitting in chairs while scratching her between the ears.  
Clarissa Todd/Faye Gunn II:
Back Story: Okay so apparently when either the N52 or Rebirth launched (I can’t remember which) there were plans for Jason Todd to have a younger sister that were scrapped. There is even a panel in one of the RHATO books that shows Catherine Todd as pregnant. Anyways! Little boy Jason is super excited to be a big brother and goes to to the library to ask about the best children’s books to read to younger siblings. It’s absolutely adorable! Unfortunately, he doesn’t realize that his parents had sold their child to a prominent crime family in order to pay off their debts. So when Catherine comes home from the hospital without the baby, Jason is told that his baby sister died due to complications during the delivery process. 
Fast forward over a decade later, Jason is approached by a young woman, Faye Gunn II. She states that she is Ma Gunn’s granddaughter and is supposed to be taking over her operations. However, she doesn’t want to. She has seen how many lives have been ruined and wants to bring it all down. Jason, having been in Ma Gunn’s employ while only a child, agrees to help. Later on, when confronting Ma Gunn, the truth of Faye’s origins is revealed. It’s worth noting that Ma Gunn is not Willis Todd’s mother in this universe. 
When all is said and done, Faye Gunn II wants to establish herself outside of the family she was raised in, wants to get to know her brother, and wants to do some good in the world. She creates a new identity using the name her birth parents planned on giving her, Clarissa Todd. She then goes on to become a member of The Outlaws (code name undecided) and social work student at Gotham University. 
Physical Description:
She’s about 5′6″ and an average build, black hair, brown eyes, and a scar on her right eyebrow. Clarissa has her ears pierced along with her left cartilage. She has no tattoos yet but she has plans to get several if she can ever decide on where to get them. She is a casual dresser unless she absolutely has to be fancy and is consistently found in jeans paired with combat boots. Really loves over sized sweaters and cardigans.
Miscellaneous info:
Clarissa is skilled with firearms but I have plans to make her train with a couple of archers in order to diversify her skill set. She’s an absolute sweetheart unless someone crosses her... She loves art, is a bit of a caffeine addict and mildly obsessed with Pusheen.
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