#oc; headmaster
stormyykat · 2 years
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wizard guy
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myokk · 29 days
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The Black Cousins🫶
Versailles: @versailles-black
Eloise: me
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killersquit · 3 months
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commissions for @lunasong84 !! 🥰
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allhorsenoplinko · 3 months
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Oh hey @eddwardtheseventhspacewizard look it’s that foreshadowed transformers MLP crossover @fandomcenteral and I were working on!
Her name is Trill Inamorata; and you’ll see more of her in due time; she’s a Headmaster!
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jaigeye · 1 year
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Jedi Master Bernardeau "Bernie" Aiyu Namya, General of the 318th Attack Battalion, served as the head créchemaster in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for the majority of his life. From the day he was brought to the Temple by the woman who later became his Master, the Seeker Jolaia Shakeen, he exemplified the selfless love and care of the Jedi. He survived not only the loss of his Padawan Leonie but also, miraculously, the events of Order 66; he eventually settled down with his adopted daughter, Chava, and his husband, the previous clone Commander, Luck, in Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Temple.
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lazymonth · 3 months
Just to come by to send a funny art for u
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Ur welcome- =w=
JSUGDJSKSSLL. Thank you for the silly art, LMAO
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Here’s mine, take it. 🙌
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I'm animating and Night Terror's head and body are on different layers and because I'm a dumbass I made this silly edit:
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robofaggy · 3 months
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Anyone else remember how cool he was in g1?
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seedsinmygarden · 4 months
MC's Wedding Day
for: @rosy05
this was a fun request!! i randomized every (former!) student and used that as my basis. while there were certainly some I could have done easily (like MC and Amit inviting Shah or MC and Imelda inviting Kogawa), I wanted the challenge. enjoy!
Word Count: 2,017 words
Tags/Warnings: Set in a time where Fig didn’t die in the Final Repository Battle; takes place seven years after the Battle Below Hogwarts— thus, all student characters aged-up to their early 20s! Fluff, some found family.
“HEADMASTER BLACK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Phillip Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          What in Merlin’s bloody beard is this? He scoffs, preparing to owl back, but then his wife, Ursula Black, spots the letter over his shoulder. “Is that a wedding invitation? Darling, we should go!” “Absolutely not. To be quite frank, I don’t even know why I was invited!” “Perhaps it’s only a formality?”
          After some persuasion from his wife, Headmaster Black attended the event. He started off still grumbling, but eased up only a tad as the ceremony turned out to be rather lovely (and both Eleanor Gryffindor and the Minister of Magic were in attendance as well, seeing as Phillip, MC’s now-husband, was a renowned Auror). Besides, it was free food and he supposes there was some good conversation to be had among the other… witches and wizards, in attendance. He exchanged brief conversation with Phillip and MC when they visited his table (shared with a few other professors and their spouses) during dinner, only just congratulating them after a firm nudge from Ursula on his right.
“PROFESSOR MATILDA WEASLEY and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Thomas Dharby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Weasley was shocked to say the least, but not too shocked. She had remained in touch with many of her former students, but she had never been invited to one of their weddings before! Since it was only just outside of Hogsmeade, it wouldn’t take much of her time to attend and so she did. It was a beautiful wedding, especially when Tommy loudly proclaimed his vows as if he wanted the whole world to hear them because, well, who could blame him.
          Upon the first opportunity she saw during the reception, she had made her way to the lovely couple and thanked them for inviting her to join them on their day, to which MC had smiled and invited her to an embrace. “Oh, how you’ve grown into the wonderful adults you are. May your lives together be full of fortune, love, and happiness.” 
          Well, Professor Fig didn’t quite need an invite as he was the person walking MC down the aisle. When MC had asked him to walk them down the aisle alongside their father, Professor Fig could not have been more honored to do as much. He won’t admit, but he cried after MC had left. He got to watch them grow up into the wondrous person they are now and he was ecstatic to be there as they take their next step in life— quite literally.
          He watches as MC wedded Peter Green, the quiet Ravenclaw that was seemingly Madame Scribner’s favorite student in all her years as librarian of Hogwarts (and he was sure she would have been invited had she not passed away so soon). The dinner and reception were both lovely as ever, and he could see the love in both their eyes as they had their first dance, not far from the love he held for Miriam when they first wedded. MC was in perfectly good hands.
“PROFESSOR DINAH HECAT and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Lucan Brattleby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          When the former Unspeakable first received the invitation, she was a bit surprised. It certainly wasn’t everyday that former professors would be invited to the wedding, though perhaps she had more of an effect than she thought back when they were students. 
          She later learned that with both MC and Lucan long out of school and working in the same department as Aurora, of course they were going to reunite and, as it seemed, a relationship kindled from there. When she arrived and witnessed the couple tell their vows, she knew the love they held was true and wished that it would live forever for them— one of a kind, she told them when she got the chance to speak to the couple. 
“PROFESSOR ABRAHAM RONEN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Annabelle Sallow and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          To say he was giddy was certainly an understatement. He cheered so loud, one could have heard it clear across the castle. He knewwww, he kNEW, from the moment Anne and MC sat together in 6th year Charms (how she was cured, Ronen will never know, but he always had an inkling that MC was involved) that they would come to spend the rest of their lives together. Now to get an invitation to their wedding? Merlin, he was pleased!
          The venue and reception were beautiful, and he could see the hint of charmwork weaved into the space, including Avis, the very first charm he had taught them in their 6th year. To know they had valued him so much in their lives that they would invite him to witness their marriage brought him to tears alone, and he was ready— more than ready— to sing their praises (and maybe brag a bit about some of the present charms as he had taught them so long ago). When he finally came face to face with the newly married couple bearing MC’s surname, he gave them both a great big hug and wished them all the best on their new lives together.
“PROFESSOR ASEOP SHARP and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Everett Clopton and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Well, this was certainly a surprise. An unexpected one. Yet, it was also rather welcome. He found himself itching to go, but at the same time, he wasn't exactly a party person, he had always been much more introverted... but then again, MC was one of his best students (and possibly the most powerful ever) and they were a joy to have in his classroom, though he would never admit that out loud. 
          In the end, he decided to attend the ceremony and since he had a plus-one, he took along Professor Ronen to keep him company. He knew the man's giddiness would rub off at least a bit and allow him to enjoy the wedding— and enjoy the wedding he did! He didn't quite dance, but he got to sit in on the scenery and atmosphere, and found himself grateful that he had decided to attend. (Even Professor Ronen managed to drag him out to the dance floor for one dance and of course, bragged about it later.)
“PROFESSOR MIRABEL GARLICK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Amoria Dovah-Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Garlick gasps happily at the sight of the wedding invitation, and to see that it was located in MC's own conservatory, a beautiful location on its own... Merlin save her. Though it had been a while since the two were out of school, Garlick was rather close with MC and Poppy as they started a combined herbology/beasts in the Gilded Perch corridor, a dream they shared since they had found it all those years ago (as MC had enthusiastically shared with Garlick shortly before graduation). 
          When she arrived, she could feel all the love that was put into the new conservatory, and the love that the now-married couple had for each other. Amoria always had a fascination with beasts, particularly dragons, so of course there was a couple baby dragons about without their mothers (whether it be abandoned or the mother was dead :( ). She congratulated the couple when she was finally face-to-face with them, happily wishing them all the best on their new lives together like a pair of beautiful budding roses. 
“PROFESSOR CHIYO KOGAWA and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Poppy Sweeting and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Like Professor Sharp, Kogawa was rather surprised to have received this invitation— unexpected, yet welcome. She found herself sighing with a smile as she looked at the beautiful artwork on the invitation itself— a phoenix and a badger, no doubt reminiscent of the couple whose wedding she was invited to. She decides then and there to attend— MC was a wonderful person and to be marrying Poppy Sweeting… Kogawa knew they had found true love with the sweet yet stern Hufflepuff girl. 
          The wedding ceremony was beautiful, of course, as was the reception. MC had expressed their excitement upon Kogawa’s arrival and chatted with her a bit while Poppy danced with her few bridesmaids— some mutual friends of her and MC’s— and Kogawa, of course, wished them well. 
          Professor Onai couldn't have been happier to walk her daughter down the aisle to MC. The two have been inseparable since they first met in Charms class in their 5th year and even through all the hardships they had experienced, well… they experienced them together and it only brought them closer. 
          Handing her daughter off was truly a gift in itself. She had heard MC’s muttered compliment and Natty’s giggle in response and smiles. The ceremony itself was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and when the reception came with dinner and dancing involved, Professor Onai sat and watched the lovely couple. She remembered the excitement Natty brought with her after her first date with MC, and she certainly didn’t need to be a Seer to know that her daughter was in good hands.
“PROFESSOR SATYAVATI SHAH and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Scarlet Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Shah scoffs. A former student inviting her to their wedding? Please, this must be a joke. However, after a brief conversation with Professor Garlick, who was also invited, Professor Shah decided it was worth her time and went only as long as Professor Garlick joined her. Of course, Garlick was excited, and even shared the color of her gown with Shah so they could match if Shah so wanted to.
          The venue itself was beautiful, but the reception area was extravagant. So much more than Shah was expecting. It was in the Highlands, and it was a clear sky, and they were so lucky to have picked a date where there would be a few constellations and even planets spotted in the sky. MC visited with Professor Shah, thanking her for coming and the two shared in spotting some constellations. Shah wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was proud of her students and the wonderful people they grew up to become. 
“PROFESSOR BAI HOWIN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Leon Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Certainly a pleasant surprise when Professor Howin received the owls. She knew that MC had been traveling the world with Leon as he played Quidditch, and they studied, rescued, and rehabilitated various beasts that they found around the globe, often owling Howin with their finds and anything else interesting they see along the way.
          She attends the wedding, marking it the first time she saw them in years and MC was excited that Howin was there. She doesn’t converse much as she wasn’t a party person, but she still wishes the couple all her best and only the best lives together going forward. 
“PROFESSOR CUTHBERT BINNS and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Florence Watts and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Unfortunately, he cannot even leave Hogwarts as he's confined to its walls. (It's a ghost thing.) He sends an owl with regrets, but adds a letter wishing them all the best and a few books as a wedding gift. Hopefully they understand. 
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briry18 · 4 months
Too far, Crowley, too far!
~When you've got nothing left to lose, and that idiotic crow says something stupid.
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starflethegreat · 1 year
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headmaster in a magicollege rp server i run. her name is Sol.
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wineaunt420 · 3 months
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Nyxi stop making OC’s with trauma!
No, Shut up
Anyway meet my old Tfa oc Eziekiel, he used to be human but in an effort to save his brother he made a deal with another tfa oc I made called Scorn (a biotech scientist) who transferred both Ziek and his brothers minds into lab grown protoform mech bodies. One problem with that is Scorn didn’t know what the fuck he made the mech bodies out of, turns out woopsies he made them out of dead Sparkeater parts, Making Ziek a somewhat sentient Sparkeater.
You can imagine how much of a problem that would be when you end up with the munchies and good ol’ energon just don’t hit the spot.
Anyway, he was on a career path to becoming a movie director while he was human, but now works as a private hire assassin with no Cybertronian files or birth records of him or his brother, basically making them completely “invisible” to the elite Guard (which is always good when you assassinate folks for a living)
There is so much oc lore for this guy it’s too hard to dive all into through one post
Also a small Henry Masterson and Oilslick sketch
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au-yuukiemcee · 4 months
Swan Princess: Practice, Practice, Practice
~Rumors surrounding Yuuki's mysterious disappearance spread. It is a said a great animal carried her off in the night. Determined to track this animal down and save her Malleus practices his hunting techniques with the other NRC students.
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mamalunawolf · 1 month
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Hahaha! Even Headmaster black got called out in magic awakened haha!! I was going through the old seasons and saw this. This was magic awakened first came out and I just died laughing remembering him canceling it in Hogwarts legacy.
But let me tell you. Daniel and Colby are so cute! I just wanna squish them!
I really hope they add romance in this game like they did in hogwarts mystery. I want to see the characters develop and everything!
Also if you play. Let me add you so we can play together.
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novankenn · 8 months
The Fundraiser : Backroom Deals
(Original Post)
/==/ The Day Before /==/
Weiss sat at the conference table. Across from her Professor Goodwitch, headmaster Ozpin, and a holographic screen that features a middle aged blonde woman who bore a resemblance to Professor Goodwitch, and was introduced as Jasmine Arc.
Weiss: So let me get this straight. Just so I understand.
Ozpin: Certainly.
Weiss: Professor Goodwitch with assistance from Mrs Arc has "arranged" for Jaune's twin sister to show up at Beacon just in time for Beacon's charity auction.
Jasmine: Correct.
Weiss: With the intention that they will be auctioned off as a set... a House-Husband and a House-Wife.
Glynda: That is correct Ms Schnee. Jaune and Joan have no talent for combat, they need to be kept safe, and the best way to do that is make sure they end up hitched, and taking care of a home.
Weiss: And you figure if I bid on them then Pyrrha Nikos will try to out bid me?
Ozpin: It is obvious Ms Nikos is in love with Mr Arc, and it is our theory that if she is presented with two versions of her obsession... she'll finally cave and admit her feelings...
Weiss: And if she doesn't? What if I win?
Jasmine : You end up with my babies as your husband and wife. I can certify they will take very good care of you and your home, in addition to the information Beacon and my family have gathered about your father, you will also as a member of my family receive our full support, morally, publicly, emotionally, and financially to oust your father from the SDC.
Weiss: So it is a win-win for me, isn't it?
Glynda: It will be a win-win for the needy in Vale, Ms Schnee, but you if you win will definitely be set to see all your goals and ambitions come to fruition.
Weiss: And if Pyrrha wins?
Jasmine: You will still receive the information as promised, plus to sweeten the deal, I will have Nicholas use our contacts and finances to add pressure to the SDC board.
Ozpin: So Ms Schnee, do we have a deal?
Weiss: We do.
A/N Thanks to @superbkryptoniteavenue for pointing out the wink, and reminding me that I never did explain why it happened. Hope you all enjoy. :)
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Ozpin: Name?
???: Evelynn Taurus. No middle name. I prefer to be called Eve.
Ozpin: Age?
Eve: 23.
Ozpin: Previous occupation?
Eve: Part-time at a local library, I offered private tutoring sessions as a secondary source of income.
Ozpin: And how long did you work there?
Eve: Three years at the library, I offered lessons after earning my GED. I was considered too old to enter traditional schooling by the time I realized how far back I was.
Ozpin: Hmm. Do you have any chronic or consistent injury or pain?
Eve: That's awfully bold to ask.
Ozpin: Many would consider allowing this interview to take place far beyond 'bold' given your brother. I only ask so that we may supply you with any assistance in case it acts up or hinders you beyond ability to perform.
Eve: ... An old, severe burn on my left shoulder. It acts up in extreme heat or under severe, unprotected acts of strength. Otherwise it will simply ache occasionally. Nothing major.
Ozpin: Thank you. you haven't noted a Semblance despite having register, custom weaponry and several years of active aura.
Eve: Sol's Suture, My semblance, makes it so any damage dealt to it occurs over a period of time, depending on how much a I focus on slowing it down - Though, the pain remains active the whole time.
Ozpin: Excellent. and your weapons?
Eve: Starting with Bloom; A shepherds Crook and Bolt-Action Rifle combination. The other is Pallor; a Hand-crossbow that can be infused with dust - though usually I just load nets or bolas into it. I don't like hurting people.
Ozpin: That's good to hear. this next question may be personal, or discomforting, but it is something I must ask anyone beyond our traditional Student's age.
Eve: Alright?
Ozpin: Are you willing to kill another to ensure the safety of your fellow Beacon Residents?
Eve: ... Adam is violent. He hates and hates, lashing out and causing pain because he has felt pain unjustly. He takes no joy in killing. He does enjoys the pain it causes.
Ozpin: And you Take no joy in either, do you? You would rather end needless pain and suffering, than draw it out?
Eve: I Would rather talk it out.
Eve: ... But in a place where I had no other choice to save another ...
Eve: Yes. Yes I would take another life.
Ozpin: another life?
Eve: ... Life is difficult on the road. Grimm, wild animals ... Bandits ... Those little villages where they think anyone that has more than human features should be slayed like a beast ...
Ozpin: *Placing a hand on her shoulder* You won't need to worry about that here. Should anyone of of your fellow students harass you for what you are or who you're related to, You may show them the difference between a life of fighting and a life learning to fight.
Eve: Fellow students .. You mean-
Ozpin: Congratulations Eve. You're cleared to take the Advanced Entry Quizzes and Tests. I will send you the dates over Email.
Eve: Thank you! Thank you Very much sir!
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