#of clones and conspiracies
refried-ghost · 1 year
Zim was in pain.
Everything hurt. His bones, his meat, his PAK. He didn't understand it. Occasionally he'd feel it's tendrils shift through his meat, dragging their tracks as they went, and breaking through the gristle that held them.
He was on fire and yet he was freezing. His body shook violently. Breaths were sharp, shaky, and quick. And he couldn't open his eyes. He thought he heard talking, but between the old damage to his antenna and eardrums and the complete overstimulation he simply couldn't make it out. The only sound he could truly make out were the violent pulsing of his spooch and the deafening whir of his PAK.
And he sweat. It soaked through his clothes and pooled thickly on the bed he was laying in. His tongue dangled out near fully when he'd slip out of consciousness. When his sharp inhales morphed into panting. An uncontrolled unwitting plea to replace the liquid he'd lost.
A metal tendril hung over Zim hesitantly, having been ordered several times not to touch him. GIR'd been thrown out the base before things had gotten quite as serious. When the irken was still moving around.
At first, they'd thought he had caught something. Some unknown terrestrial disease and Zim likely still believed that was the case.
In the first time in a long time he'd called his Tallest. And he begged they send him help. They send him anything. And they promised they would. But they promised it in that same way they promised him his mission. And this time he didn't bother to deny it.
The irken choked on his tears. Pain rippled through him with the every drop that formed, every contraction of his throat.
"Please, just tell me I'm going to be okay..." He looked towards the screen, unable to really see them through the liquid clouding his eyes. And there was a moment of silence. The shifting of clothes from the speakers and a hesitant breath.
"Don't worry Zim. Everything is going to be alright."
"Yeah! You can make it through anything," only a hint of vitriol made it into that sentence.
And that was the last time he'd seen the invader smile since all of this started. The Tallest stayed on the line with him for hours. The conversation obviously forced on their end, but they humored him. As they always did. No, certainly more than they usually did. They'd bring up old times, old schemes of his, how things could have gone if they worked out, what snacks they'd had recently. But Zim didn't talk much. He mostly cried, scratching the partial tears in his skin. Begged them not to hang up.
Eventually he stopped and just sat there. They stayed on the line, silent, waiting for anything to happen.
"Is- is he dead?" Tallest Purple asked.
He wasn't. Simply cationic.
"Put him in a bed or something," Red said turning away from the screen. "There are things we need to get to. Give us a report if anything happens."
And then they hung up. Computer did as he was told. He would have done it even if he wasn't.
Gaz had came over a few days later. He brother sooner then that, but Computer quickly removed him from the premises.
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ominouspuff · 4 months
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when ur inconsiderate genetic duplicates fake a few deaths and kill a Sith w/out you
(you are a million other genetic duplicates)
Sketch Week! More concept art for Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith — A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant (AU)
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I've truly hit rock bottom.
The major complaint with all our delusional takes regarding Tech's survival is that we are taking them out of our asses, but in this case, it is quite literally outta someone's ass.
Look, I don't wanna dunk on my main man, but Tech's got no booty. He is as flat as an airport landing strip in the Netherlands. I don't know what voodoo dark magic Nala Se did to strip Tech of the standard issue clone tushy, because our next possible candidate for Clone CX-2 is Cody, and dude is packin'.
Exhibit 1:
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Certified 0° booty.
Exhibit 2:
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That's a category 10 booty right here ^.
Now, fortunately for us the creatives put Clone CX-2 in a leotard from the waist down, so we got an unobstructed view of the clone's behind and I gotta say, it's some pretty convincing evidence right here that CX-2 is Tech.
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Also, I made this account three years ago and have never changed the profile picture before, but today I did cause delusion is swallowing me whole.
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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You all right, Senator?
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
Dead on Main Childhood Friends Memes
Because now that I've gotten the hang of making au memes, i can't stop.
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andors-oar · 1 year
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You can tell they never thought they would survive the war 😭
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squidsponge · 1 year
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That time Fives didn't duck at all and then smiled softly while Jesse bluescreened, because even though their odds were shit, Fives had faith in his brothers, and they proved that his hope wasn't misplaced.
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And then less than a year later, on the orders of another darksider.
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Poetry rhyming in the worst way possible.
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I don't want to watch Fives and Tup die.
I don't want to watch Rex watch Fives die in his arms.
I don't want to watch Fox shoot Fives.
Why must The Clone Wars just be pain?
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 51
Hear me out: Either due to a prank originally or them both being genderfluid, Bruce and Kate swap vigilante outfits. Batman is Batwoman for a night and Batwoman is Batman, not that the goons know that. The thing is though… it’s kind of fun. So they do it again, and again. The criminals don’t know if they’re going to get kick in your teeth Batman or shoot your kneecaps Batman, they don’t know if they’re going to get flirt while terrorizing your gang Batwoman or terrifyingly silent while snapping someones leg Batwoman. It’s fun for them, and sometimes on slower nights they’ll swap in the middle of patrol. No one can figure out who the bats are, even in rumors or conspiracy theories. People trying to psychoanalyze them are pulling out their hair, the batkids when they find out are going wild with ideas on how to make it worse. 
Of course, come the Justice League, they continue to do their whole switching vigilante-sonas. 
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brungeons-and-bragons · 10 months
Need a Timkon fic where the world resets again and Kon is unwritten from time again and no one remembers him but Tim who is going actually crazy trying to find any evidence that his totally-just-best-friend ever even existed.
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refried-ghost · 1 year
It was only once. Perhaps it could have been called an accident. She wanted to think so. She doubted it was. But once was more then enough.
Gaz was six when her father smacked her brother.
The force of the blow sent him to the ground in an instant.
It was an innocent question.
It was her fault.
She never should have told him what she was thinking. She knew their dad was weird about the woman they'd never so much as heard whispers of. But as soon as her worries left her lips. He'd pulled her off the bed and down the stairs determined to get answers from the man.
When Gaz saw the man shake, she'd always assumed it was from sorrow. Grief. She'd assumed her dead or somewhere far far away. Thoughts of dragons, spies and other bad guys holding their mother captive plague her nightmares. If they came for her what if they came for Gaz as well. On one hand she wished they would. Then finally she'd meet her. And she's be everything she every wanted. Loving, kind, attentive. Always there to read her bedtime stories, good night kisses, cheer her on when she got an A in class, safe from those bad guys on the other side of the bars.
She'd care. She'd be family. Real family.
But that would leave Dib and dad all alone. She didn't want that. Dib. He tried sometimes. When he wasn't to focused on sneaking magazines and books about the paranormal passed their father. When he'd notice her he'd try to give her the attention she rarely got. But he was only a kid. And the Professor didn't allow that sort of nonsense in his house back then.
She loved them both. She didn't want to abandon them.
Constantly she seeked her father's approval, despite his purposeful ignorance. He was far too busy, he'd say. But when he did acknowledge her everything seemed right in the world. So she worked and worked and worked to get that attention.
Despite the hours that passed as they waited at the door, Dib's determination didn't wane. Gaz was bored and tired by now, but it was hardly the first time she'd waited for him like this.
"I think we should got bed," she said looking to the floor.
"No! We're gonna get answers. Me and you," he smiled at holding her hand. "We'll make him tell us!"
Dib screamed as their father tore his room apart. He begged him to leave them alone. To let him keep even one of them, but the man remained firm. "Dibromide, these are going to rot your mind!" Gaz flinched as she heard something crack against the floor. "They have already." She knew not to ease drop, but her curiosity always won out. "What's so wrong with science, son?! Why fill your head with this, this nonsense instead?" Her brother wailed sickingly as his prized possessions were taken and destroyed.
It wasn't the first time. And she hadn't thought it'd be last. But-
The door open. Startling Gaz awake once more. Dib shot up. And moonlight silhouetted their father.
"It's nearly midnight," he crossed the doorway and flicked on the light, "what on earth are you two still doing up?" Once the door shut, he really came into view. With a sigh he reached to pick them up. Dib, however pulled them away. Gaz knitted her brow. She wanted to be carried to bed. He'd almost certainly give her a good night kiss then.
"Dad we need to talk," the boy said. Another sigh and the man scratched his scalp. She definitely wasn't gonna get a good night kiss now.
"Dib now really isn't the time, I stayed late at the lab and haven't had a day off in months." He picked up his overly stuffed briefcase once more and pushed passed them.
"There's never a time! You make your own schedule! But this needs to happen. You need to tell us dad!" Dib followed his father, pulling Gaz after them.
"What? What do I need to tell you?" He threw his hand up and turned on his heel. The boy stopped in place and took a deep breath.
"Who is our mom? And what happened to her? Why isn't she here?!"
Gaz didn't want to be here. This was a mistake. She just wanted Dib to be quiet and get to their rooms. But she stayed silent, the tension felt like hands on her throat. And their father shook.
The brief case dropped to the ground and he reached for his skull. Gloved hand pressed into it with as much for as he could muster, but Dib paid no heed. The beat of silence far to long for the impatient child.
"I. Don't. Know." Their father hissed out. "STOP ASKING!"
Gaz started to hiccup and hid behind her brother.
"THAT BULLSHIT!" Gaz grabbed him and mumbled for him to stop. "How can you THE WORLD'S GREATEST SCIENTIST with photographic memory really tell us you don't know?!" He pointed at man. Then he froze. "Are we adopted?" It was quiet. More so then her pleas.
The man composed himself as much as he could. But he still shook.
"No. You're not. Please. Just stop." He kneeled down collecting the brief case. He turned to walk away. "Don't bring this up again."
"What happened dad? Why do you hate her so much?"
Gaz's ears rang from screams that follow. One was words she was sure, but she didn't know what was said. When she opened her eyes again Dib was the floor holding his red cheek in shock.
When her father shook. It may have been out of sorrow and grief. But it was that day she learn it was mainly rage.
Her father wasn't shaking anymore. No he was frozen. Then he took a step back. Then another. The brief hit the floor a second time as his gaze moved from his son to the hand he struck him with. He held it away from him and covered his mouth.
Then he flinched at the stifled hiccuping from the floor. She looked back to her brother who was getting up slowly facing away from the man. His nose was bleeding. His glasses broken.
"Dib, I'm so sorry, I didn't- I don't know what came over me. Are you okay?" The man stepped towards. Dib scrambled up wiping his face and running out the door. "Son! Wait please!" Their father rushed out after him.
Gaz was alone in an empty house, crying because she knew this was all her fault.
It was only once, but it changed all of them.
Now. A slightly older Gaz laid in bed unable to turn off her brain, unable to hold back her anger. A slightly older Dib stayed up plotting an alien's down fall whilst trying to get back into the Swollen Eye forums after yet another ban. Long since giving up on his father. The newcomer to their little unit, Zim sobbed into a pillow thinking about friends he can no longer deny hate him with every fiber of their beings. And wondering if he deserves to start over. And a seemingly ageless Professor glances to long forgot corner of his home lab as he plans the next family dinner, feeling as if something isn't quite right.
They were family. As real of one as she was going to get until she was an adult and made her own.
But she still wondered about her mother.
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ominouspuff · 1 month
Ah yes, my favorite version of Commander fox, it’s
✨Dastardly Bastard✨
However with Fives added to the mix it’s
✨Dastardly Bastards✨
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pretty muchly
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oh my god I just had an epiphany
The clone assassin says to Crosshair while they fight "You could have been one of us. You chose the wrong side."
And with the framing of the conversation they had with the first clone assassin it's mostly probably about the fact that Crosshair could have joined the secret ops group but then chose the side of the proto-rebellion, but WHAT IF:
what if the assassin is truly brainwashed Tech and in that moment, some part of Tech that is still buried beneath, managed to break through and Tech just leeches out all the negative emotions and the hurt and the betrayal Crosshair caused them in season 1, and what he says is this:
"You could have been one of us (the batch). You chose the wrong side (the empire's side)"
Of course, I don't think our Tech would then go on to drown Crosshair even if he is still secretly pissed about Crosshair trying to airfry them all like a christmas turkey, but considering the assassins are reprogrammed, brainwashed!Tech wouldn't be above fratricide.
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babyscilence · 5 days
If Kal Skirata knew about the inhibitor chips, he and Vau would have single handedly burned down Kamino and the Empire and adopt every clone after
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Not to get into the filler discourse again, but, in my opinion:
Calling episodes like "Decommisioned," "Pabu," and "The Crossing" filler implies a fundamental misunderstanding of what The Bad Batch is actually about and what the plot actually is.
Calling episodes like "The Outpost" filler implies something but I'm honestly too boggled to figure out what because I'm sorry what? What??
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oldnarnian5 · 6 months
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Trying to start a new internet conspiracy theory...who's with me?
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