#of course you start as the first evo
kargaroc · 1 year
I know I can play a pmd randomizer but I wish they made a pmd game where you and partner can be whatever non-special pokemon you want to be, like the whole game is built with this in mind
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solargeist · 3 months
i keep mistaking some of ur kidxelqua art for ur grian art so i have to stop and read the captions/tags every time 😭😭 is there a fundamental difference im missing that would make it any easier
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hi !!!!!!! no i understand it can be pretty confusing !! its pretty messy on my blog ahahah i'll try to explain them and their place in the AU
All the kid drawings are Xelqua ! Originally it was Grian, but as the character Xelqua developed, I changed it to him. When people send requests for kid Grian, i'm drawing Xelqua, as that is the AU.
This isn't 100% accurate as I forget to do it, but Grian and Xelqua part their hair differently, kid Xelqua does too. Xelqua's hair is always a bit longer. (Grian got a haircut when he joined the Watchers, thats why his hair parts different now in evoAU and HC, he just kept it shorter ! Xelqua used to wear his hair in a ponytail during his time with the Watchers.)
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The reason why i say they're "technically the same" is bc Xelqua is just another Grian from a different timeline, he just has a different name. Xelqua only exists because this one Grian joined the Watchers, new possibilités opened new timelines, ones where he died, ones where he's a Listener instead, or ran away to different servers, or stayed. Xelqua is the only one to have reached Sainthood.
Because of this, Xelqua can hop around timelines, he usually just bugs other versions of himself, helping them, giving them tnt. He finds This Grian during s8 of HC, bugging him through the boatem void, briefly possessing him later, but hey ! water under the bridge !
Xelqua's timeline doesn't exist anymore after becoming That, but by becoming That he has essentially rewritten history in other timelines, solidifying himself as a saint of destruction, a destroyer, this is what the Watchers know him as, this is what evo Grian knew him as, even if Grian caused it--It already happened--Xelqua has always been here. (It makes Grian's head hurts when Xelqua explains this to him.)
Basically: Grian set off a chain reaction when he joined the Watchers, and that opened new universes, and in doing that, Xelqua is made.
Xelqua is powerful, but also very lonely and has a lot wrong with him, which is expected he spent many years with the Watchers. Xelqua can mimic any version of Grian he wants, but if he stays in that form for too long, he'll start to forget himself and instead think "Xelqua" is a patron, rather than himself. This is why kid Xelqua will usually praise the Saint Xelqua and be proud of his own name, he just doesn't know ! It takes a little while to remember himself and change back. This also happens in high stress, (bc of course it does, i love when a character loses control of their powers hahaha,) the memory is much worse if it happens from stress. You can't talk kid Xelqua out of this, it'll stress him out further and you'll just have a little god child throwing a temper tantrum then, never a good idea.
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After s8 in HC EvoAU, Xelqua hangs around, popping up sometimes in s9, mostly in his adult watcher self. They don't get along too well at first, Xelqua has a little bit of bitterness over Grian having such a fun life, all these friends, needed, wanted..... But whatever ! Xisuma doesn't know how he keeps getting in, but Xelqua has been on good behaviour, so...... Shrug... Just let him visit sometimes....
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Xelqua's version of the Watchers are gone, the unfortunate conséquences of becoming a destroyer, you kinda rip your own timeline apart. This, added with the fact that he is a cautionary tale in every other reality to Watchers, means if he tries to visit other versions of his Watcher family, they won't really know who he is, and just see something destructive and chaotic. If he wants to see Aether, he'll just... hop in a timeline and change himself into a kid and quickly forget what he's done. He's lonely, ok !!
Xelqua starts doing this kid bit on HC (late s9/early s10) too, he doesn't exactly mean to, but he does feel safe there. He eats Grian's food and takes over his couch and no one can get mad at him bc he is just a little kid--grian puts him in the corner. timeout. a few dead birds hit the roof as a result.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Blade-Three, also known as Three, is the living weapon of the Watchers. Conditioned to follow orders, it is meant to use its considerable strength, combat abilities, and total loyalty to obliterate the enemies of the Watchers. Of course, the "following orders" part comes first, which is how, when Listener agent Martyn InTheLittleWood comes along with the right command words, he manages to steal it. Now, instead of missions that make any sense, Three must navigate as Martyn and his roommate Jimmy attempt to teach it how to be human, or at least enough of a person to be itself. It would help if either Martyn or Jimmy knew how to be human either, and if they weren't falling apart at the seams after the death of an old friend. (And of course, there's the matter of Three's original identity, a question no one thinks to ask...) Or: in which Evo had a bad end, and five years later, the pieces that were left behind start to accidentally fall back together.
so, here's my @mcytblraufest project! shoutout to my lovely beta, @strifetxt, and my artists, @cuteiemonster and @seawaveleo, who will post their art in the coming days!
this project is simultaneously very, very exactly in my wheelhouse and very far outside of it. i had to give myself a crash course in evo to get some of this to work so that was neat. it is a very weird and very me take on watcher!grian, arguably, it's more complicated than you'd think, i don't pretend to solve philosophy. i hope you all enjoy it! i am SO EXCITED to get to posting this. everything's written, so expect a chapter a day until we get to the end! :D
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moro-the-sun · 2 months
"I want to understand."
Tango has a crack in pink glasses — he looks tired, skewed. Martyn looks at him with a curious look, twice, he thinks — who cares what he wants to understand. Martyn doesn't understand much either. He arches an eyebrow in an interrogative gesture, leaning on a shovel, like on a cane.
“He said he was cursed,” Tango clarifies, and okay, he should have expected it, "I don’t understand. I want to understand."
Martyn blinks, returning to the shovel, which he drives deeper into the clay black earth. He asks, playing disinterest: "What makes you think that I know?"
Tango nervously moves his shoulders and sits on the threshold of their dog house. What a pest, and you won't get away with it — Martyn is not ready for this conversation, he generally did not undertake to explain anything for Jimmy.
He wonders, if Jimmy himself understands something in this?
"Weren't you friends with him? Like, even before the games?" Tango takes off his glasses, gnawing Martyn’s back with such a look that he feels it almost physically, "He told me about Evo. I think you should know something."
Martyn reluctantly stops and turns around, humbles Tango with his eyes again: in his Heart Foundations uniform he seems smaller than in his usual huge vest, and his fire only shyly cracks, obviously expecting any attack from Martyn. Here he is, damn him: he stretches himself on the palm, open and sincere, with one single question that doesn't let him sleep at night — Martyn knows, because he himself once had such a question. It can be seen that he despaired, that he does not know who to ask already, since he went into badlands to fall at the feet of the now lonely red. Curse Jimmy again for his talkativeness.
Okay, he has to leave a shovel.
Martyn pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Welp, listen."
He turns him into the house and sits him at the threshold, sitting opposite on the edge of the bed: a bright gesture that he is not going to do anything with Tango, giving an advantage in the form of a retreat. Now the conversation is serious, the conversation is not in games, but over them — Martyn dreamed of at least someone talking to him like that once, someone he knew, and not a thousand-eyed shit that looked like a demon of sleep paralysis. After all, Tango doesn't even understand how valuable such a gesture is, how much Martyn will now give him in one dialogue. He bites his lips, trying not to look back on the box: “You know Jimmy is a canary, don’t you?”
Tango bows his head, as if not quite realizing what the question is for, but nods in the affirmative: "He spoke about it."
“Of course,” Martyn confirms, “he spoke about it. This is his curse - the curse of the canary."
Tango does not understand, obviously, and he needs to gather his strength again, he needs to remember again what he once understood — when was it? Has awareness come with victory?
“The miners take the canaries with them because they constantly sing. Birds are much more susceptible to gas and pressure, and therefore, when they fall silent, it means it's time to leave."
Tango's face darkens. "What does this mean?"
Martyn wants to spit. That's what it means, why don't you understand?
“Jimmy is a canary,” he says as calmly as he can, “He dies first. He will always die first."
“Not this time,” is the obvious fact. Martyn nods, "Not this time. But it's not that important."
Silence. Tango tears a crack in the lens with nails, thinking about something, while Martyn tries to figure out how to explain it more clearly, how to embrace this topic a little more than "Jimmy does not see his own nose further, and therefore collects everything along the way cones."
“This is a warning,” he finally exhales, “his death means that the stage of the peace is ending, that everything is now too dangerous, and. . . Well, it's time to stop preparing for war and it's worth starting to fight. After his death, it becomes much more dangerous. Therefore, it doesn't matter if he died first or second: his function is not in the number, but in the alarm."
Tango looks up at him — pity oozes from his red eyes, and although its not towards Martyn, he feels anger gurgling inside. He has his own opinion about all this, even if it's none of his business.
“It’s cruel,” Tango says quietly, and in these words — love, endless and boundless, embracing with fire, a love that Martyn could neither know nor understand. He looks away. He closes his eyes.
“Yes,” he agrees, “But it’s merciful."
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nix-writes-mcyt · 6 months
Yup, I'm obsessed.
Hello! It's the anon that sent 3 paragraphs in one single... I'm not really sure what to call it because it wasn't exactly a request. I'm glad I was able to brighten your evening, and honestly I was a bit worried you'd think I was being a bit over the top (social anxiety, my number one enemy). Surprise, though! I actually have a request this time! I loved your yan!grian drabble and one-shots so much I couldn't wait to finish the EVO smp before sending in a request of my own.
If you could, do you think you could write a yan!grian x reader one-shot. I was daydreaming a bit and it wandered off to a plot where basically, the reader acted as almost a lost puppy with grian. Following him everywhere, showing a clear fondess towards him with their loyalty, and just constantly being by his side. As time goes on, he's so used to their company that when they aren't near him, it becomes almost maddening. It's almost an obsessive need to have them around him, to protect them, to keep them with him.
It's a very rough idea, but it's been on my mind for a while, and maybe you could play with it a bit more in your own way (if you'd like to that is!). And my goodness, this one was just as long, or maybe even longer then the other message(?) I sent to your inbox. I am once again apologizing for that fact.
It's okay anon, I had a lot of fun with this and I hope you enjoy it. I really hope it's the kind of thing you were looking for! P.s this is my first S10 fic!!
How Could You Say No?
Oneshot Contains: Low key yandere, Fluff (unhealthy), manipulation
Warning: This is not healthy behaviour! I write for entertainment but please be aware than in real life this type of behaviour from both parties is not healthy nor acceptable. If you find yourself in a situation like this please let someone know and stay safe! ----------------------
With a new season came new opportunities. It had been an interesting start, that was for sure.
This time around many people had decided to take it slow and enjoy the new world, which of course you decided to do as well. You'd been invited on an adventure to find a home, an adventure where your crush was going too. How could you say no?
So to the mountain you'd gone, messing around. But soon enough people began to claim land. You claimed some right next to Grian.
You'd had a crush on him for some time, but never had the chance to get to know him, this season you wanted to change that.
Then the fishing began. You liked fishing, but it was much more enjoyable being around Grian. Plus, that change did happen, the two of you got to know each other well, talking all the while catching fish and treasure. You fished for hours upon hours, day after day. Grian even built a little fishing hut for the two of you to have some shelter, which was incredibly sweet of him.
It hadn't taken much longer for Grian to build a house either, yours popped up about a week after than. All the while the two of you still spent time together. Grian would invite you everywhere, mining, fishing, of course you'd go.
You'd been surprised when he asked you to be his, but happy. So very happy. The next day he gifted you a fully enchanted pickaxe, which of course you couldn't refuse. It was a gift after all.
When shops started popping up the two of you would go together, spending diamonds Grian insisted you have a share of. He helped you gather resources, although soon enough there was no need for them. Grian asked you to base with him, how could you say no?
The two of you spent even more time together, chopping down trees, mining through stone. Anything and everything you did, you did together. You have done ever since the server began.
Which brings us to today, you and Grian, sitting by the sea. Today there is no fishing, no need to fish, but Grian had asked you to come with him to sit by the ocean. So you did.
Your thoughts were left to wander, and suddenly you were left thinking of the empty wall in the kitchen and how you had the perfect painting at your house. Not that you had lived there, or even visited, in some time.
"G, I've figured out a solution to our empty wall problem." You say, breaking the silence. "Oh yeah?" "Yes, I know the perfect painting. I'll have to go get it though."
"Go get it? Now?" He asks. "I can, probably should really. You know what I'm like for remembering this kind of thing." You laugh sheepishly.
"But we're enjoying the ocean, like we used to. Can we go another time?" "I can go myself, it's only at my old house." You say.
Suddenly Grian's eyes are on you, you can feel them almost burning a hole in the side of your skull. "You can't go there alone, it could be dangerous." You turn to look at him, shrugging. "It can't be that dangerous, besides, I can handle myself." His eyes darken.
"I don't want you to get hurt, you know that. What would I do if you got hurt and I wasn't there to help?" You didn't think about that. "I, well, you can come with me then. I want to get this painting, it'll be perfect."
Grian sighs, taking your hand in his. "Okay, we'll go get it. I can't let you go alone." You smile at his words. He stands, helping you up.
The walk to the house is longer than you remember, and sure enough it's in a bit of a state. Nature has very much taken over, you didn't think it was that long since you'd left.
When Grian had asked you to move in it was done very quickly, most of your furniture wasn't needed, so it was either given to other hermits or left in the house for you to collect at a later date. Looking around inside you don't think you'll be back for most of the things you left.
The floorboards squeak under your weight and Grian's. Moss covers much of the floor, vines crawl along your walls. You move carefully towards the office, not wanting to hurt yourself. You're glad Grian came.
As you reach for the door handle Grian pulls you away, startling you. "Let me, just in case. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened." You stare at him for a second, but nod "okay." It's not exactly like you can say no. He only wants to protect you.
Grian pulls open the door with ease, scraping at the moss on the floor as the wood moves. The office window is clearly broken, but the rest of the room looks okay. Grian steps in, holding your hand and pulling you gently along.
You spot the painting, propped up in the corner of the room. Many of the colours have faded from time in the sun, plus it seems to be cracked and peeling. You feel so disappointed seeing the state it's in now, knowing how beautiful it once was.
The piece was so unique, and now it mirrors its surroundings. You can't bring yourself to even pick it up, it's inseparable from this house now, a worn down broken place, no longer a home.
Noticing your increasing upset Grian gently guides you out of the house. You can't bring yourself to say no. He does more than that, holding your hand tightly and taking you all the way home.
The walk is silent, full of sorrow. You can't even bare to look back.
Grian doesn't take you into the house, he takes you up to the swing in the garden. He'd built it for you, a place where the two of you could relax, read, look out at the ocean from a distance. Compared to your old home this one is beautiful, perfectly crafted, delicately detailed. This is your home now. You try remind yourself of that, but still feel sad.
After some time in silence Grian speaks up. "I had something I wanted to ask you earlier, when we were on the beach. It's why I didn't want to leave, but you know I'd do anything for you." You nod slightly, knowing his words are true. His home changed for you, he changed for you. He looks after you and gets you gifts and allows you to be creative. He protects you from harm, takes care of you when you're sick, takes you on days out and adventures.
You turn your attention to him as he begins to speak again. "You're very special to me, truly you are. I don't want to spend a day of my life without you, ever. You mean too much to me. You've become a part of my home, my comfort, I can't lose you. I need you to be by my side, forever." You see the box, you see the ring. A beautiful piece, you wonder if he crafted it himself.
You look at the ring, at him. You glance at your surroundings, what a beautiful life he has created for you here. A life you don't have anywhere else with anyone else. "Marry me?" How could you say no?
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mochiwrites · 6 months
have anything new to add for the secret husband au 👀
👀 we’ve kinda touched on season 6 a bit here and there, but why not dedicate a whole response to it :3c
I think season 6 is their softest season. not that they aren’t ridiculously soft and loving in other seasons because they definitely are. but season 6… they’ve been reunited after two long and very difficult years. grian’s got some trauma, scar’s got some fears. they have to relearn one another
and it starts small. they have dinner together a lot. scar takes grian out on dates. grian builds his first ever nest in scar’s lil pirate cave. they spend a lot of nights just… together
the first time they go flying together is amazing, so breathtaking. scar hasn’t seen grian look so happy like that in a while, he looks at peace in the sky
scar is there when grian struggles with himself and his place on the server, there to pick him up and hold him close
season 6 is also the first time where scar preens grian’s wings <3 there’s a… lot that they learn that night, whoops
I think a few of the hermits come up to grian and thank him. they mention how upset scar was, how bad he was doing before grian came along. and they’re genuinely grateful because scar is so cheerful and bright, and he’s doing much better. and when grian sees scar later he all but tackles him and smothers him in love (and also apologizes for being gone for so long, that scar was that bad without him)
and the prank war!!!! concorp may be supplying supplies to both sides, but we all know scar is g team. he listens to grian plan pranks and builds and offers his own input, helps build on his ideas. he’s also totally shown his bias in giving g team stuff that team star doesn’t get :p
sahara vs concorp is fun too. when they do that prank with the sand, scar comes home covered in it. and he does quite a bit of complaining. face plants right into grian’s lap with a loud whine of “griiiian” while his pesky husband just laughs at him and starts to brush some of the excess sand out of his hair. and— “something wrong, scar?” “sand? really? sand?! cub and I spent hours cleaning it up!” “aw, poor baby. sahara had to send a message somehow!” “you couldn’t have, I don’t know, used signs?!” “where’s the fun in that?” “griiiiiii sand is so coarse! and it gets literally everywhere!” “ah, but a small price to pay for competition in business”
and demise??? oh my goodness demise. grian has a field day with teasing scar when he dies. and they have to set ground rules “no scar you cannot kill me when we’re sleeping in the same bed or nest. husband time is sacred time, demise does not exist in our home.” scar is over the moon when grian joins the dead team because they can scheme together and be menaces with one another
also with the area 77 stuff, grian Definitely tried to flirt with scar in order to get into that big building where his time machine was being kept. we’re talking the whole pushing up against the wall (a funny thing to do when your husband is like a foot and then some taller than you) and grian’s leaning in to whisper “don’t suppose you could let me into that there building, mm? just for a few minutes?”
scar is a Strong, Strong man in that moment
I don’t think they talk about what exactly happened with the watchers for a good bit into season 6. of course they have a small talk initially, one where grian kinda explains what happened with evo. but he never goes into the nitty gritty. just implies things for scar to pick up on. and it’s not until it’s been a long good while that grian ever mentions the watchers and what they did to him. scar never pushes, just sits and waits until grian is ready to talk and open up. and he tells grian as much multiple times
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novastardoughnut · 11 months
real talk can we talk about GeminiTay's Secret Life episode 3 real quick. because its driving me crazy and into full-blooded conspiracy lore mode
so lets start at the beginning. Gems quest was that she had failed last weeks and needed to reroll a hard task. right out the gate she comes out popping with "can we go to the nether bastion that Martyn died at". this is SUS as hell. she shouldn't know her second quest is opening the end portal so why would she out the gate suggest going to the nether for resources that would only be important if she knew her reroll. its very antithetical to Gems playstyle up until this point which for the most part has been rather safe. this is unless of course she KNEW her task would be to open the End portal.
Next when she gets her task who else shows up but Grian himself, to just remind her why she has a new task and ask if its a hard one. you know the person who at least in Martyn's Lore is canonically a watcher (in a season with the large looming watcher face). and a reminder the End is where Grian first went at the end of EVO to become or join the watchers. and Grian has made much about this season and the fact that there is the possibility for the end portal
Gem then finds the stronghold, and where does she dig into... what is the exact room she digs into first... THE END PORTAL ROOM!!!. not any of the winding corridors, none of the other rooms leading to her needing to scour and search for the portal room. no she Digs right into the portal room. then there is only 1 eye of ender needing to be placed and where is that, its none of the outer corners, none of the weird locations, not uneven or out of sorts, no... the sole Eye need only be placed at the very top of the portal itself to finish the array.
meanwhile as all that is happening What is Grian upto? he is in the courthouse laying down the law on how the Rules of the games work.
so if you are as conspiratorial and full up of lore as I am you will leave with these thoughts. Grian as a watcher knew all of it, he had planned out all of it, the watchers had told Gem what her hard mission was before she actually rolled, Grian showed up just to confirm the plan was in motion and the coincedence of opening the portal and Grian laying down the rules as the Games Master was somehow planned by the twisting fates that the watchers control, with all their sense of theatrics and drama.
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chillychive · 8 months
Hi! You mentioned we could ask any questions so I was wondering who is on the bridge? Who are the highest ranking officers on board?
Did the protagonists get on the ship all at the same time? And, if not whose the newest on the ship?
Also, what in which year/time frame are you setting the story? (Mostly asking because Cleo’s poll clothes were from Strange New Worlds set in like early 2300, whilst Bajorans really enter into the Federation’s notice a hundred odd years later)
(Sorry if this is too nitpicky, I’m just really excited!)
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(this image was the happiest thing i could think of so im using it to prove my joy (and my oddity))
*deep breath*
Okay! bridge first. Captain is Xisuma, I don't know who his first officer is. Chief Engineer Doc, of course. Other bridge crew are Martyn (pilot, im thinking), and tactical at the start is Grian, but after Evo... probably someone else... and then later Pearl.
So interestingly- yes! The ship is brand new, this is it's first voyage, I suppose. So the ENTIRE crew is new to the ship. That being said, a lot of them have served in Starfleet for longer, except some of the cadets. Their mission starts off kind of oddly so a LOT of people get promoted unexpectedly. For example, X wasn't even captain initially- an unnamed character was (he didn't seem like the command type to me lmao), but days before their maiden voyage she got too drunk celebrating, stole a shuttle and crashed it, killing herself and some of her buddies along with it.
before that tho, she wasn't the best captain ANYWAY, she mostly ignored the crew, but she was tactically intelligent and knew what to say to superiors, so she got captaincy. Xisuma was originally her first officer and did most of the crew interaction, so after she died, they speed promoted him and he very naturally became the captain. He leads a very collaborative ship.
Another person who's served for a while in starfleet is Etho- despite being quite young for a commander. He's kind of a prodigy, flew through the academy and got promoted very quickly. He's definitely a legendary figure among most officers. still unsure of what species to make him. Trill would be cool but I dont think so.
All that being said, Oli is the newest to Starfleet of all the characters. He's an ensign who spends most of his freetime at the bar, either serving drinks or playing various alien instruments. At this point, the bartender considers him an apprentice.
As for timeframe, the best answer I can give is I dont know. I spent probably WEEKS trying to figure it out... and I ended up hopelessly confused. If you have any suggestions that would be AMAZING
Edit: I just wanna emphasize how INSANE I was when i saw this ask- i literally screamed it's been A YEAR of thinking about this AU inside my own little crowded brain... having other people 1- know BOTH fandoms and 2- be interested??? EIILSDILFHI LHHEAdrthfhd
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voidarkana · 1 year
man I'm terrible at keeping this up huh Anyways welcome back to my ramblings, today's topic is ✨Paradox Pokemon✨ or more like what could have been I guess yet again a more accurate term would be what I wanted them to be But anyways, I present to you ⭐What if Paradox Pokemon were based on prehistoric stuff and spec evo⭐ because why not and because I wanted to practice sugimori style, yknow, for when I open commissions in the future or something But anyways, first up we of course have
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✨Woolphan and Donphlight✨ Donphan's ancestor and descendant respectively
Let's start in the beginning:
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Shiny is white because ice age = snow, and snow = white
It's based on the cartoonish caveman stone protowheel, as well as of course the very popular whooly mammoth, and it also has a few details similar to Copperajah, like the 4 horns on top of its head.
Let us now move forwards to the future.
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Since Donphan is also lowkey a car, what better way to represent the future of a car than with flight? That's right! Donphlight is now a flying car, and it's also based on Dumbo because it's the only other elephant that flies, really. It also has way smaller tusks to reflect the way some elephants might have better chances of survival because of them being poached for their tusks, which is honestly terrible.
Anyways, that's it from me for now, let's hope I make the next post some time between the weekend and 2025
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 2 years
Greedy Thoughts
-3591 words (longest yet)
-Hope you enjoyed this, I know the ending was a little cheesy, but I really tried and hopefully the next chapter will be more engaging and less sloppy. 
-I wanted to give a shoutout to @revenants-queen26 and @deadbydaylightaddict because these two were the ones to encourage me with writing more about a prompt that I didn’t even completely like at first. Thanks for the support, guys! :D
-Lmao I’m srry I forgot to @ you guys in the beginning, I guess I just wanted to get this post out there ;D 
You landed on the ground with a thud. The sun bore down on you, making you perspire already. You looked to your left and there sat a supply bin, so you quickly ran over, opening it up. Just what you needed, a Prowler and shield cells. There was also a blue evo, which you greedily snatched. Good start to the game.
“Energy ammo here.” Octane said, pinging the small green box. He was outside of a house nearby looting a supply bin as well. You were only a few feet away.
“I need that.” Revenant growled, quickly appearing from the roof and jumping down. Upon impact, the ground rumbled a little as he grabbed at the ammo. “Don’t expect me to thank you.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, demonio-” Octane muttered under his breath but quickly stopped when he saw Revenant’s pure look of disgust on his face.
“How much time have you been spending with that bitch Loba?” he growled, taking a menacing step in the now worried-looking Legend’s direction. It seemed as if he hadn’t let go of what the kid had done to you the night before yet. Octane threw his hands up in an apologetic manner.
“Ay chico, sorry! Just a slip of the tongue!” he cried out. Revenant just snorted furiously before turning around and walking off in the direction of the nearest point of interest. Gunshots could be heard from that area, echoing off the rolling green hills of Olympus. How was he already done looting? 
Not wanting to get on his bad side, even though you weren’t sure if you already had from the second collision this morning, you briskly jogged after him. The loot wasn’t worth him having a grudge on you all game. You decided to walk in his shadow, making sure to keep a little distance as to avoid any more accidents. You stared at the back of his head; the sudden urge to walk beside him hit you like a wave. For some internal reason, you wanted to see his face so badly, and you didn’t even know why. Suddenly, you felt needy and began to crave for his attention. What if you just touched him ever so slightly…
You shook your head, no, of course not. What was wrong with you? Behind you, you heard Octane blurt out, “But I want to loot!” When neither of his teammates stopped, however, he just sighed loudly and followed a distance behind.
There were people in the tall skyscraper in front of you, you were sure of it. Not only were there extremely loud footsteps, but there were also the occasional rounds of gunshots before quietness filled the space once more. Octane was quickly sneaking around the building, grabbing loot as he went. You briskly followed after Revenant, who was deathly quiet and heading for the open set of doors located at the front of the building. He obviously didn’t approve of his other teammate wandering off, but he seemed content enough having you as back up. Or a shield. You quickly gulped down your worries. No, he wouldn’t do that to you, would he? He paused, and you had to quickly stop yourself before you ran into him again. ‘Head in the game’ you told yourself. ‘this isn’t the time to get lost in thought.’
A few seconds passed and he didn’t move. What was he doing? But just as you had begun to open your mouth, gunshots rang from a few floors up, and Revenant burst into the lobby area. You followed in a flurry behind him as he began marching up the stairs. You realized the other teams were engaged in battle at the moment, so they most likely wouldn’t hear the third party. Smart. Octane was still wandering around outside, though, which made you frown.
By the time you two had made it to the second floor, you were struggling to get past all the deathboxes, which littered the ground. It began to stink of blood and sweat, making you slightly nauseous. Nothing you hadn’t experienced before, though. “What a massacre..” Revenant muttered, taking it all in with his LEDs. “I love it.” His words sent chills down your spine, making you feel both uncomfortable and safe at the same time. Was that possible?
You guys were definitely closer to the fighting now; the ceiling was shaking from pounding footsteps and things being thrown around, and the lights were rattling and flickering on and off. Shouts were heard as well, making you nervous. “Crouch and be silent.” Revenant suddenly demanded as he fell to the ground and continued up the stairs, now crawling. You obeyed, staying quiet and copying likewise. He reached the top of the stairwell, slowly inching his head up to peer into the next floor. The fighting was near, but still slightly muffled, and you didn’t know what to expect next. Was someone going to blow his head off? You held your breath, but when he indicated to continue, you exhaled with relief and continued after him.
You emerged on the third floor and gasped ever so slightly at what you saw. There were deathboxes everywhere. Blood stains coated the walls, half-destroyed defenses were left to waste. Everything stank like death and destruction. The fighting was still happening, but it was all down a different side hallway that you noticed a little ways down the corridor. There was a miniature gap in the wall that led down an even smaller corridor before reaching a pair of doors. You tilted your head and were able to make out blurred movements through the humidified glass. You watched as Revenant carefully stepped over a deathbox, huddling up against the edge of the wall that led down the corridor and to those same doors.
Suddenly, the doors bursted open, and you were expecting the worst, but no one emerged. Instead, the fighting just became louder. You gasped, hurrying to get over to where Revenant was, but stumbled over the deathbox obstructing your path. You fell forward, landing right in front of the view of the doors. You watched as someone darted across from behind the doors as Mad Maggie followed, her Havoc spitting in their direction. 
She cursed, looking in your direction. At first she hadn’t recognized you as human, probably assuming you were a deathbox, and looked away. But after a shocked double-take, she growled, pointing her gun at your head. You yelped as everything happened at once. Hands pulled you back as shots were taken, and you watched as they embroided the rug where you had just been. It took you a second to realize where you were, but as you looked down, your face grew hot. A metal claw held your side, keeping you pressed up against the simulacrum’s body. His legs stretched out on either side of you, indicating he was now in a sitting position. 
His other hand produced his tactical, which you watched him chuck at the door. You heard Mad Maggie screech as it hit her, and the doors abruptly shut as the fighting continued. After a second, Revenant growled down at you. “You need to be more careful skinsuit, or you’re going to end up like all the others.” He indicated at the deathboxes surrounding you both, and you gulped deeply.
There was a moment of silence. You felt his artificial lungs and heart as they did their work, pumping things through his body to keep him going. The temptation was becoming too overwhelming. You looked up. He was staring right back down at you, his LEDs wavering slightly. Seconds, which felt like minutes, passed by as you stared into each other's eyes, and it felt as if time itself seemed to slow and come to a halt. You felt the beating of his heart speed up slightly, and you couldn’t help but blush a little. 
You felt his metallic fingers run across your cheek as he gently stroked. Yes, that was what you had been longing for. You sighed into his fingers, closing your eyes and resting your head on his chest. He cupped the side of your face, his claws drawing circles near your hairline. He was enjoying himself as much as you were. His rubbing pace sped up and then slowed again, then repeated. He was playing with you. You purred ever so slightly, causing him to pause before continuing, this time his claws pressing harder into your skin, but not so hard to where it hurt. 
You twitched. He reacted by beginning to toy a little with your hair with his free hand. Wrapping your strands around his finger and then unwinding them before repeating. After a few moments of this, he began itching your scalp with his long, sharp fingers. He was overstimulating you mentally and physically, and, to your embarrassment, you let a little moan escape your mouth, to which he responded with eagerness to continue pleasing you. So relaxing-
“Amigos! I found you!” Octane shouted out as he emerged from the stairwell. You jumped and Revenant quickly withdrew his hands. You snapped back to reality as Revenant began growling angrily, and you realized that you no longer heard gunshots. In fact, it had been almost completely quiet for awhile now that you had thought about it. 
“You idiot!” Revenant whisper-yelled, but it was too late. The door to your right burst open, and out emerged a team. Revenant was up in a second, both throwing his recharged tactical at the enemies and shoving you back with his free hand. His silencer caught them off guard, giving him time to pull out his gun. Within a second, shots began to fire.
Yelping, you darted past Octane and down the stairs as he rushed in to assist Revenant in battle. You felt bad for not helping, but then again, what were you going to do at the moment? You had to regain yourself. And plus, Revenant had pushed you back, wasn’t that a sign to get the hell out of there? You tucked yourself away in a corner, pulling out your gun. You had to get the battle down here, where there was more room to fight.
As if your request was answered, Octane suddenly retreated, pulling out a shield cell and charging himself with it. “Octane!” you called out. He looked over at you. Good, you had his attention. “Go up behind the team and try getting them down a level.” He cocked his head in obvious confusion but shrugged.
“We have nothing else to lose chica, so sure.” he said, stimming and running past you. He was smart; he was going to use the zipline, which would bring him up behind the enemies. Revenant appeared after a moment, using a Phoenix kit and cursing. Gibraltar stumbled down the stairs after him, shield in hand, but you had the advantage since he hadn’t seen you yet. Aiming, you sprayed your Prowler, catching his side completely and downing him.
“That’s one.” Revenant growled out. Was that approval you heard in his voice? Or pride? Nonetheless, the enemy team abruptly spilled out the stairwell. Horizon used her tactical to fly off the side of the balcony, which opened up on the floor, with both Gibraltar, herself and-
You felt chills run down your spine as Ash turned back for a split second to lock eyes with you. Her LEDs bore holes into your eyes, making you squirm on the spot. But in a moment, they were gone, and you were able to breathe slightly normal again. Revenant must have not noticed, because he set up his totem, saying, “C’mon.” without a further word and chasing after the escaping team, his body now morphed with black smoke. Octane sprinted down the stairs a second later, drawing your attention to his glowing green body. He had definitely loaded up on stim.
“Sorry it took so long, chica, I had to grab a better shield from one of those deathboxes.” he said, winking. “Couldn’t pass that offer.” You rolled your eyes as he touched the totem, sprinting after Revenant with the same haunting look the ultimate had given to both of your teammates. Gunshots could be heard below, and you sighed, standing up on wobbly legs. You slowly made your way over to the totem, but a whooshing sound interrupted your walking, making you turn around. 
Before you could even process what was happening, you had been pinned to the ground by Ash, who smirked at your now-panicked expression. Her metal legs pinned down yours, and her sword was pressed menacingly against your neck. She quickly whacked your gun out of your hands, which were both free but couldn’t do anything to save you at this moment. “Ah, it seems the prey has finally been captured by the predator.” she said in a prideful voice, despite her monotone expression.
“What do you want from me?” you muttered through semi-clenched teeth. You tried to sound menacing, but you still believed the simulacrum could sense your inner fear. Her expression had been proud, but it quickly contorted into annoyance.
“What do I want from you?” she scorned down at you, her LEDs quivering angrily. “I want you to stay away from that murderbot you seem so attached to.” So it was about Revenant! Why though? Did she secretly like him or something? You obviously didn’t want to interfere with that. But as you thought to yourself, did you really? Or did you want Revenant for yourself?
“But I-” you tried to explain, but Ash just pressed the blade down harder, producing a line of pain that burned your neck. You had to be bleeding.
“No ‘buts’, I’m giving you a heeding before I really do make you wish you had never even spoken to that simulacrum.” she spat. “As for now, I will punish you. A quick and painless death is far less than what you deserve, but since I’m in a merciful mood, I’ll do you this favor.” Her eyes glowed with fire it seemed as she spoke, and you just prayed that if she was going to do it, it would just be over quickly. “Now, hold still.”
She stood up, and even though she had told you otherwise, you tried to scramble towards your gun. It was no use though. She pressed her rod for a foot onto your chest with surprising force, pushing you back onto the ground and knocking the air out of you. You grimaced on impact as something internally snapped and produced a load of pain. As she aimed her blade for your neck, you just closed your eyes in defeat. It wasn’t worth watching anyways. On the plus side, at least once you died, you would be able to rest for the remainder of the day…in the infirmary where they would take care of your once-decapitated form. You frowned, but thus was the life of a Legend.
A moment passed, and then there was a grunt and a loud thud that shook the floor beneath you. Your eyes flew open as the pressure on your chest was suddenly removed. You quickly sat up, hunching over slightly and holding your neck, which was not bleeding fatally but was still wounded. Revenant was in front of you, looming over Ash’s crumpled state on the floor. You had zoned out slightly, so you took a moment to regain yourself before catching what he was saying to her. “-and if you ever touch her again, you’re gonna wish you were never given a second chance at life.” you heard Revenant say before grabbing her and throwing her into the wall to his right. She hit it with a thud, and as she slid to the floor, some of the wall’s plaster came off with her.
You winced; wasn’t that a little harsh? But then again, she had just threatened you with death. You watched as Revenant grabbed his gun, aiming it at her head. You didn’t want to watch, but you couldn’t help but notice as Ash lifted her head to look at you, her LEDs boring into your soul. It was such a look filled with loathing and maliciousness that you had to look away. The echo of the gunshot filled the room as Revenant finished her, and the sound of her deathbox hitting the floor made you shiver.
A few seconds of silence passed, but you broke it with your sudden coughing fit. Blood dribbled from your mouth; great, now you were internally bleeding somehow. You listened as Revenant walked over briskly, kneeling down in front of you. His frame was humongous compared to yours, but he still somehow managed to get his face inches from yours. He quickly scanned over you before muttering, “I’ll kill her over and over again for this.”
Your breathing became slightly labored; she probably broke a rib or two. However, you thought back to what she had said to you, how she wanted you to stay away from Revenant. Doing what she did definitely didn’t tilt her scales in his favor, and plus, you didn’t even know if he liked Ash to begin with. Then again, you weren’t all up in the daily gossip and reports about the Apex Legends, so you wouldn’t know.
You two stayed there hunched over on the floor for what seemed like an hour before Revenant stood up. “I know it hurts but the ring is closing and I have to get this idiot back in the game before it’s too late.” Revenant said in a quiet voice, growling at the end. You noticed the little banner icon poking out of his hand, which he stuffed somewhere behind him.
You attempted to stand, but the pain in your side swelled up and shocked you, sending you back to the floor as you cried out. Revenant stared down at you, and you couldn’t tell if he was worried or disappointed. Nevertheless, you didn’t care to check. The pain was slowly making its way around your middle section, affecting everything it touched.
You groaned, waving at the simulacrum. “Go.” you muttered, gripping your side. “I-I can’t walk.” You knew the consequences of staying. You would burn to a crisp outside the ring, but you didn’t care. The suicide sounded better than the suffering you were currently going through. At this point, it felt like your broken rib was stabbing one of your lungs or something, which it probably was. Now that the adrenaline had just about worn off, all the pain was hitting you at once.
Revenant didn’t say anything for a few seconds, he just seemed to be thinking. But after a moment he leaned down towards you. You were confused until his arms gently wrapped around you, picking you up. You hissed in pain as your side bopped his chest, but otherwise his hold on you was semi-comfortable. He was practically cradling you, one hand holding your shoulder and balancing you, the other gripping your, well, butt. You felt your cheeks flush a little at this thought, but the pain washed over you, making your face pale again.
When he didn’t move, you looked up at him. He was staring at you, like he had been the night before, a mix of emotions filtering through his LEDs. As much as you would’ve loved this any other time, the pain was continuing to increase, and you broke eye contact as your side throbbed once more. Without a sound, Revenant began down the flight of stairs, careful not to let you move in case the pain would increase. Out the doors of the building he went, leaving the closing ring behind, leaving the massacre behind, leaving their soon-to-be worst rival behind, where she would sit dead until after the game.
Despite the burden you had now become, Revenant had to completely control himself from acting out. He was so tempted to thrust his face into yours, to smell you, your contents, and to hear you. Just the sound of your heartbeat picking up from earlier gave him chills. And your ass, oh, how he wanted to squeeze it and make you react, just to get a noise from you. The way you had moaned earlier, he had replayed it over and over in his head. He wanted more of it. In fact, he wanted to hear all of it. 
He could see it now, you underneath him, begging for mercy as he drove into you like a mad man deprived of sex. Oh, how he wanted to feel what it was like to be inside of you. Having your walls close around his length gave him sheer delight at the prospect. It was a goal, a want, a need. He wanted all of his senses filled only by you. Oh, how he craved you. 
But he snapped out of his thoughts as you whimpered a little in his arms. He looked down to see you sleeping fervently, and it seemed as if you were in a nightmare, as you scowled and grabbed at his arm in your sleep. He nudged your head slightly with his, and if that had been the remedy to it all, you un-tensed and continued sleeping peacefully. How silly it was, the most deadliest and malicious Legend in the entire of the games carrying a vulnerable little sheep like you. He was the wolf, and instead of devouring you, he would claim you as his own. 
No matter what, he would make you his.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 8 months
Summary: Blade-Three, also known as Three, is the living weapon of the Watchers. Conditioned to follow orders, it is meant to use its considerable strength, combat abilities, and total loyalty to obliterate the enemies of the Watchers. Of course, the "following orders" part comes first, which is how, when Listener agent Martyn InTheLittleWood comes along with the right command words, he manages to steal it. Now, instead of missions that make any sense, Three must navigate as Martyn and his roommate Jimmy attempt to teach it how to be human, or at least enough of a person to be itself. It would help if either Martyn or Jimmy knew how to be human either, and if they weren't falling apart at the seams after the death of an old friend. (And of course, there's the matter of Three's original identity, a question no one thinks to ask...) Or: in which Evo had a bad end, and five years later, the pieces that were left behind start to accidentally fall back together.
Author: @theminecraftbee
Note from submitter: I love an exploration of media mechanics inside fanfic, especially when the medium is video games! Also, the way identity and self is examined and re-examined really appeals to me. 
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thebladeblaster · 2 months
Digimon Survive-esque evolutions for some of the spinoff protags
With the idea of the SMT characters fighting alongside their Digimon, they evolve based on the main attack type you have been using since their last form. These also correspond to the vaccine, data, virus trio of types.
The DS duo
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Honestly I started with Manticoremon then went backwards. It’s both demonic and angelic which I thought worked well. I liked the idea of going with a chimera route considering he absorbs the other Bels. Machinedramon is a combination of a bunch of ultimate Digimon. Shakamon is a jogress here. I didn’t use Chimeramon mostly because I used Milleniumon for another character.
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I kinda already used Lunamon😅. So I used Apollomon’s line instead. I didn’t use Gargomon because it felt very-dex. Of course I had to use Baihumon because of the anime.
DDS (I didn’t know what to do with Sera😅)
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Seraph’s starting element is ice so I went with that. I kinda wanted to use Shivamon but I couldn’t think of any way to transition it to that well. So I did a route focusing on the more demonic side to his character. I wish there were more IceDevimon related evolutions. There’s just not a lot of demonic ice Digimon. The white sprite is Omnimon Merciful Mode who I can’t explain for spoilery reasons.
The Persona trio (Sorry I haven’t played the first two)
I decided to have them represent data-vaccine-virus. I didn’t think the other way would work with persona really so I made it more like survive and based on if you make positive dialogue choices and do social links. I imagine the more you choose asshole options and act anti-social you would get the negative ones which is ironically just like Survive.
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The idea with going with Dorumon is because it has a death evolution where it evolves through dying. For obvious reasons I thought this was thematic (with death being a big part of P3). Its attacks are also fire based. The first white sprite is Jesmon GX and the other is Death X mon.
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I gave him Pulsemon because he becomes a lightning god. Yeah, it’s that simple. Unfortunately that led to me having to reuse some Digimon but it’s kinda unavoidable in some cases wherein there’s not many alternatives especially when it comes to the Ultras. As for going with AxeKnightmon it was more based on his personality in Xros Wars. I feel like the dark version of a persona protagonist would be a lot like him. Also I think the Pulsemon dark evo is best saved for a certain someone. I’m imagining Marie has Fenrirloogamon which he jogresses his Digimon with.
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I had to use Jokermon my hands were tied. I thought Beezlemon fits well because he’s also edgy and likes using guns. Also despite being a demon lord it’s often used as an anti-hero and has a big rebel vibe. Lucemon isn’t really an ultra. In this case it’s acting as Satanel with being his true mega. Considering Satan mode is supposed to be uncontrollable I thought that fit more for the negative one. The negative one was very hard to do.
For mainline:
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
the legends with their s/o as a teammate
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𓆩♡𓆪 ft ; crypto, seer, mirage, octane, revenant
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n ; had to sneak in my little princess meow meow revenant !! i'll write a female legend centered part 2 soon if i feel like it <3
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the dropship screen interrupted the program it was televising to show everyone the lineups
his eyes widen a bit since you both rarely get paired in a squad together
his heart rate picked up a bit and seer could only giggle from the other side of the room
tried playing it off like he's unbothered
but please help the poor guy he's kinda dying inside
especially if it was duos, ya might need d.o.c on this one
isn't that different than he normally would be
but becomes really protective
he knows you wont actually die but he is the literal embodiment of the word paranoid so he will treat it like you will
always lets you go first whether its in buildings, tunnels, ziplines, etc.
like the gentleman he is
discreetly attempts to impress you with moves using his biwon blade
already at your side when you get knocked down, "don't worry, i've got you" he'd say as he grabs an injection then pierces your chest with it
he'd quickly press a kiss onto your forehead then go back to your other teammate/just by himself to finish off the rest of the remaining enemy squad
with adrenaline coursing through you, you healed up pretty quickly from the med kit he dropped before finishing that squad
it wasn't long until you heard him pinging things you needed such as a better evo shields, shield cells, optics and the like.
trusts you enough to protect him and actually take his time to scout out the area with his drone
waaaay more chill with you, not in a 'let's his guard down completely' but more in a 'not on the verge of snapping his teammate's neck'
winning with you makes it a hundred time more rewarding for him, that smile you give him especially if he had the last kill
he would kill for it
sneaks in a kiss on the way back to the dropship
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at the time, seer was chatting away with ramya at the dropship's lounge when it was announced the match was starting soon
you were tidying your room at the drop ship, making sure everything is spotless and at its place
the announcer's voice echoed throughout the dropship, reminding every legend that was within the vicinity of the approaching game, including you
all the legends gather at the drop area and it wasn't long until the squads were announced
a small laugh escapes seer as the screen shows you in the same squad with him
"this performance will be entertaining with you, beloved" he says to your direction as the platforms lower until everyone is faced with the breeze of kings canyon
"with you, it will be a spectacle" you reply, placing a light kiss on his right snakebite
whoever you poor teammate is would have to endure the endless romantic remarks you lover birds exchange
if it's just the both of you then the level of flirting that happens between you both cranks up
the most gentle lover ever
knows your limits and boundaries and never dares to push any of it
frequently asks if there's anything you need
"is there anything you find missing, my love?" he'd ask as your squad advance through crash site, making sure to look out for anything you potentially need
you tell him the certain optics, ammo type, or grenade you needed and its not long before he hands you those with a loving smile
he always has an eye and ear out if you're crafting or opening a care package
frequently checks if there are any heartbeats to be heard when your squad rotates the map
any squad approaching would be detected before they could even set foot to where they wanted to go
"i hear heartbeats approaching from the left, let us show them not to play with fire" he informs your squad, placing his exhibit shortly after
your squad was at a strategic position but unfortunately, you got downed by a grenade due to a knocked enemy blocking the only exit you had
the swiftness and grace seer executed when he heard you being knocked down was like no other
every heartbeat of an enemy he heard, soon ended as he rushes to your aid
"i won't let my flame die out yet, ifuru m" he says, quickly reviving you and helping you to your feet
informs your squad that there are no heartbeats he can hear as he lets you loot the death boxes and heal up
"phoenix kit here, we need to calm that heartbeat of yours" he says, hearing your heart rate from the adrenaline that was just injected into you
the ring started closing in but to your advantage, you were already within the next ring with seer using every survey beacon he sees
the number of legends and squads were quick to dissipate and it wasn't long until the remaining players were '?'
the sound of gunshots and explosives increased and seer gives a nod of approval that the enemy heartbeats were getting louder, meaning both squads were knocking each other out
your squad jumps into the fight, eliminating every last player with ease
seer managed to get the last kill with a grenade, finishing his act with grabbing your hand and waist and leaning into you, the distance of your faces decreasing as the announcer declare you both champions
"how about an encore for our audience?"
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he was serving drinks at the dropship bar when the abrupt cut announced the match, "approaching drop site"
was excited to see you in the lineup with him, then that excitement turned into nervousness
"you're stuck with ol witt now! not that its a bad thing- you should be grateful not everyone has the opp- oppor- chance!" he wriggles his brows to you as you both hop onto the platform
"keep it in your pants, elliot." you reply while looking at the map, deciding on a place to land as jumpmaster
"keep what in my pant- wait- HEY!" unfortunately for him, by the time he understood what you said you already launched the squad
he always protects you even if there are no squads near
does that spy movie thing where he pretends he has an earpiece before turning the corner and pointing the gun
knows your exact favorite gun and the optics you need
drops batteries and med kits but pretends its already there to hear you commend him
"thank you, babe. appreciate it," you say, stuffing the kits in your backpack
"anything for you, beautiful" he finger guns while winking. you try to stuff the laugh in when he almost trips while doing it
likes carrying you and loves it when its the other way around
he knows he can handle them too but seeing you so focused on knocking down the other squad while he heals up, gives him butterflies in his stomach
an absolute SUCKER for pda and kisses from you
he hands you the hop-up you've been looking for since the beginning of the match "voila! as always i've got your back so you are very welcome"
you kiss his cheek as your own form of thanks
he quickly turns into a blushing mess, "oh- oh wow okay- right here too- not that i don't like it- i love it"
he continues like that for a few minutes, contradicting himself every other words and before other teams could hear him and shoot your squad down, you cup his cheeks with your palms and place a firm kiss on his lips
it quickly did the job with shutting him up and oh did he feel like he was gonna melt in your hands
he can't stop the smile on his face throughout the remainder of the match
when you're knocked he deploys his dupes and rushes to your side "i'm here, can't let you leave me so soon, "
sticks to your side most of the time, rambling about whatever because he knows you'd always listen to him
would totally do that hero thing where he sacrifices himself as a body shield so you can live on and win the match for him
doesn't turn out the way he wanted though, seeing that you scolded his ass nonstop after the match for doing something as idiotic as that
ego boost to the thousands when you win with him, brags non stop that someone might just duct tape his mouth
"of course we're champions! we're a force to be reckoned with!" he shouts at the cameras capturing your winning moment
once all the press things are dealt with, he can finally be with you to relish in glory and comfort
slinging his arm around you to pull you closer, he gives you a celebratory kiss, "told you being stuck with me has its advan- ad- perks- yeah i meant perks psh"
you lean into him and just hum in reply, the fatigue a match brings is unmatched
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the moment the screen flashed the lineup he was in for the match, he couldn't stop the grin behind that mask
octane ended up running and jumping around the dropship while waiting because he couldn't contain his excitement
gushes to you how fun it's gonna be in a trio/duo with him
caustic was so annoyed he almost gassed the entire place
finds excitement in finding the exact items you requested, looking forward to the praise
"hop-up here, turbocharger, only for mi cariño"
"how kind of you, thank you," you'd kiss the side of the mask that covered his cheek
he gets a rush from your encouragement, adrenaline and stim running through his veins from running and your compliments
huge ego boost
he WILL bridal style carry you to cover if you're really hurt
after that, he'd fight off the enemy squad and the moment they're eliminated, he sprints back to you to check if you're fine
makes sure you're revved up and fine before running off again
tries to keep it professional for the cameras and everything, but still loves to kiss you
when he knows there's no squad nearby he uses every pickup line that wattson taught him (the poor 3rd teammate)
randomly picks you up to run off somewhere
"wha- hey! tavio where are you taking me again!"
"can't let mi amor die of heat here!" he shouts in the midst of the sound of his metal legs working, 'how considerate' you thought, smiling that he noticed you were sweating a lot from the lava that surrounded lava siphon
he love love loves to show you cool tricks with his jump pad, although sometimes it ends in you having to stop him because he was gonna use a grenade again
or you get eliminated by another squad out of nowhere
either way, he had fun with you and he's content with it, although winning could've made it better
when you do win though he's so happy he could run circles around an oval
peppers you with endless kisses in your own private time
"we should be in a squad more often, makes us a deadly duo huh, mi cielito?"
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mostly doesn't care whoever his teammates are, he's just satisfied to kill
but he wonders why is it that when he saw your banner beside his, he actually wanted to try for once
"you're spared this time, skinbag" he leans to you when you're lining up on the dropship
becomes a bit more docile when you're around
actually waits for you but gets a little impatient sometimes
"hurry up! there are skins to collect!" his robotic voice interrupts of your squads' comms
"i am literally crafting!" you shout back, checking the map to see he's already across the location
you could only sigh and wait for your med kit to finish, before running across the map to catch up to him
he'd see your panting state and laugh, quoting how "humans are so weak"
you give him the annoyed side eye and he only grins
he sometimes drops shields or syringes when he notices you have yet to heal, claiming "i don't need it" or "since you're fragile"
you can't tell whether to be touched or annoyed so you just take it
you're also probably the only person he'd say thank you to, reluctantly of course
he finds joy in knowing you just watched him execute a kill perfectly
he assures you firmly that it's not to impress you but "what you should look out for"
if you're camping he loves to literally stare into your eyes, his metal ones turning and adjusting with no indication to ever blink
maybe it's to intimidate you but every time you have to remind him
"we are literally dating, i could not be fazed at all," you mutter, working on the optics of your gun to your style
confused why you get so happy after kissing him but since it makes you happy he just lets you do it
doesn't care about pda, couldn't care less about what others think because he would literally let you hold his hand while shooting people with the other
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© this work is by cryptonite-exe, please do not copy and post on any other platform.
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tweeksandturns · 11 months
HI ITS ME IM BACK. (once again, I wrote this one first)
And this time I’m talking about Mirror Birds, aka, Jimmy and Martyn.
So, first of all, as a humongous Mirror Birds (Property Police) fan, holy shit, the boys are back together again, being that weird sort of slightly pathetic and maybe (character wise) gay that they have always been. (Examples: Mean Gills, Flower Husbands, 3rd Life (when Martyn tried to take Jimmy away from Scott at the start-), When they buried Jimmy, Whatever was going on in the Southlands, etc-) These two have always had their moments, AND they have been together since EVO (off server of course, they didn’t play together since evo until 3rd life i do believe).
But Martyn has always been a survivor. Hey, remember when Tango said that about Etho to Bdubs? It’s true for Martyn too, and he’s just proved it. He said it himself, in his episode, the main reason he went to Jimmy was because Jimmy was “gullible” and he needed someone to complete his task. Martyn tends to either go for the best way to survive, or someone he cares for (Ren??? Ig- maybe he thought he’d survive with his king. Or he just liked the roleplay) and Jimmy fits into the useful category simply because of the way this season works. If he needs someone to do something that he can’t tell them he needs them to do, then Jimmy would work well.
I love Jimmy, he’s one of my blorbos, but he is also kind of naive, in a positive sense of course. He’s like a lost cat. He needs someone to take care of him, and hey Martyn totally offered. And Jimmy has never held what life a player is on against them, unless they are Red, or he has something against them in general. (I don’t really know this and it’s too late to search, my coffee is running out. He gives those vibes.) Martyn being Yellow isn’t going to get him out of Jimmy’s big shack. 
Now, Don’t get me wrong, I love their friendship, and I didn't fully mean to angst-ify it in teh beginning, but who am I if not an angsty person 😎. Also you can’t tell me I’m wrong, Martyn craves to survive, despite being the first to Yellow. 
Also they kissed in the first 2 minutes this was destined-
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Question asking! How would you depict Morph in the X-Men Evolution cartoon? And if you could redo Pyro’s depiction in it, what would you change?
Ooooh, boy, I actually had a vague fanfic type idea awhile back about putting a version of Morph in Evolution. Basically? I'd put him on the Deadly Genesis team.
So, the first team of mutants that Xavier ever recruits is a group of teenagers - Vulcan (I think in this case Xavier does NOT know that he's Scott's brother), Darwin, Petra, Sway, and Changeling. (I'm gonna go with Changeling here rather than Morph.) After a few early missions, he sends them to investigate a mysterious island (Krakoa, of course) that appeared in the Pacific Ocean, while he stays onboard the Blackbird monitoring them. The mission is a disaster. Krakoa lashes out with an enormous blast of energy that appears to kill Vulcan, Darwin, Petra and Sway, as their life readings disappear, and Xavier feels their pain and fear. Changeling, who had shapeshifted wings and was flying above the island to scout it out, is spared the brunt of the blast and is knocked into the ocean, badly injured and apparently the only survivor. Xavier rescues him, and Krakoa sinks back below the waves.
Xavier returns to the mansion with his only surviving student, and nurses him back to health. I want to emphasize, Xavier is absolutely devastated and fucked up over what happened. I think Evo Xavier is kind of a bastard, but like all Xaviers I think he has good intentions. As far as he knows, his X-Men were a complete failure, he failed them, and he led four teenagers to their deaths. When Changeling wakes up, and is determined to go back to the Pacific to search for his missing teammates, even growing wings and physically flying there if necessary, Xavier makes a decision. He has no hope of starting another X-Men team, and he decides that the best possible thing he can do for mutant Kevin Sydney is to protect him - by erasing his memory of the team, and of ever being a mutant. I think Changeling in this universe generally uses a human form similar to Morph's human form in TAS/X-Men 97 as a default, and if the featureless white clay form is his "real" self, he hasn't found it yet. Xavier locks Kevin in human form, suppresses his X-Gene, and sends him back to his parents believing that he was in a terrible car accident at "summer camp," and leaves him to lead a normal life as a "human."
Xavier then spends a few years deeply depressed and not doing much.....until he hears reports of the weather-controlling mutant in Africa. Storm is enough for Xavier to start considering an X-Men team again, and believe that there might be some hope. He tells no one about the original team, it is his deepest shame. In the meantime, Kevin has become a relatively successful actor - not a superstar, but doing pretty well for himself. He's been in a few movies, and by the time Evolution starts, he's starring in a CW sexy vampire drama similar to The Vampire Diaries. For self-indulgent reasons, I'm gonna say that it's a Dark Shadows revival that is actually really good. (Kitty absolutely loves the show, and loves Kevin's character. Rogue is probably into it too, but won't admit it.) Xavier never contacts Kevin or removes the blocks on his memories/powers, convincing himself that it's for the best, Kevin is obviously happy and successful and there's no need to throw his life into chaos. But also, because re-recruiting Changeling would mean telling everyone about the first team - his greatest failure and deepest shame.
Then, at some point after the end of Evolution, Krakoa re-emerges in the Atlantic. I'd say at this point, it's about 10 years after the Deadly Genesis team, so Kevin is in his twenties - not super old, but an adult compared to the Evo teens. Seeing news reports about the island knocks something loose in Kevin's mind, and he starts dreaming about Krakoa, and seeing occasional hallucinations of his old teammates (the kind of quick "blink and you'll miss it" thing where the ghost appears briefly in a mirror or in a crowd that horror movies do before the scares start ramping up.) Maybe he even starts to involuntarily shapeshift while asleep, but assumes that it's part of a dream. Xavier absolutely forbids the team to go anywhere near the mysterious new island, but won't say why.
Meanwhile, someone emerges from the island - it's Vulcan, who went into a deep coma while basically trapped at the center of Krakoa. Vulcan doesn't know exactly what happened or how he survived, but he is pissed. While flying towards Xavier's, he sees a billboard for Awesome Dark Shadows Revival That I Wish Existed, with what appears to be an older version of his teammate Changeling. Taking a quick detour, Vulcan tracks down Kevin and demands to know what happened. Kevin doesn't know what Vulcan is talking about, but realizes that he does recognize him from....somewhere. And at some point while Vulcan is somewhat violently confronting him, Kevin shapeshifts as an instinctive defense, and realizes that this isn't a dream, he is actually changing forms, and is probably a mutant, and there is something very wrong with his memories. Vulcan realizes that Changeling doesn't know what the fuck is going on, and assumes that Xavier must be to blame for this as well (he's right!) and drags Kevin off to confront the Professor.
Once they land at the mansion, a fight naturally breaks out. Vulcan wants Xavier and is willing smack down anyone that gets in his way. Kevin continues to not know what the fuck is going on, but I think he winds up on Team Protect Xavier, because he doesn't want to kill anyone, he just wants some answers. Everyone mistakes him for Mystique at first, and he gets knocked around a bit. I'm imagining Kitty, when she realizes that he is not only NOT Mystique, he is actually Kevin Sydney from All-New All-Different Dark Shadows, she is absolutely appalled that she kicked her favorite actor in the face.
After Vulcan smacks everyone around for a bit, and it seems like he is about to kill Xavier, he suddenly freezes and collapses, and another figure emerges. It's Darwin, who had merged with Vulcan all those years ago in order to allow them both to survive. They both went dormant within Krakoa, but Darwin woke up along with Vulcan when the island returned to the surface. Darwin has been fighting this whole time to stop Vulcan's violent rampage, and finally managed to put him down (for the moment).
Xavier finally explains everything. Everyone is angry. But also, they decide to go back to Krakoa for reasons I haven't decided yet - maybe they are worried about human researchers who are approaching the island, maybe Vulcan wakes up and flies out there, and the team wants to stop him before he starts wrecking shit again. The entire team, including Changeling (with the blocks on his memories and powers now fully removed) and Darwin. I think on the island there will be another fight with Vulcan and maybe with Krakoa itself, but it will stop when the team makes another discovery - it's Petra and Sway. Still alive, because fuck it, they deserve better and in my version of Deadly Genesis they get to live. They are trapped inside a time bubble that Sway instinctively created with her powers the moment the blast hit, and have been basically frozen in stasis this entire time (which is why Xavier couldn't read their life signs.) Xavier has to reach out telepathically to "wake up" Sway and cause her to drop the bubble, freeing both. For Petra and Sway, no time at all has passed, they haven't aged, they don't remember anything about their time in stasis. At this point, seeing all his old teammates still alive, I think Vulcan drops the vendetta (at least temporarily) and flies off into space, still very pissed. How does the team deal with Krakoa itself? I dunno, Xavier puts it to sleep or something.
I'm not sure what happens to the X-Men team after this. They have to reckon with Xavier having done some awful things and kept massive secrets, but unlike comics Deadly Genesis, it turns out no one actually died. Storm and Wolverine would demand to know ALL of Xavier's secrets and threaten to leave if he holds anything back. The kids are probably divided, but lose some respect for him. I think at least one person out of the Petra, Sway and Darwin trio will decide to stay at the mansion. Kevin does not stay - he doesn't want to hurt Xavier, but cannot forgive him for the memory blocks. Kevin also offers to use some of his actor money to help Petra, Sway and Darwin start new lives if they want (I think one of them might take him up on it), and tells the rest of the X-Men that they can call on him if there's a major emergency that requires a shapeshifter, because even if he hates Xavier he likes the rest of the team. The he runs back to Hollywood to stay on sexy CW Dark Shadows. I think he wrestles with whether or not to "come out" as a mutant, now that he knows, because a mutant celebrity might help the cause, but it could also destroy his career.
No Banshees were harmed in this version of Deadly Genesis.
As for the character in general, I think he'd have the same upbeat, kinda sassy personality as TAS/X-Men 97 Morph, but you wouldn't see as much in this story, since it's mostly Changeling getting dragged through the two worst days of his life and dealing with some very confusing memories. He's also not non-binary - at least not yet - but is kinda gender-nonconforming. I think he's probably questioned his own gender a bit, maybe he'd be nonbinary in the future after some soul-searching. I think Morph in TAS can also really hold onto a grudge, and I think Changeling would be the same about Xavier. Like, "I'm not going to attack or hurt you, but I do NOT want to talk to you, and you are NOT forgiven. Your student are cool, though."
As for Pyro - If given a chance, I'd make him a high school teen so he can be part of the Brotherhood the whole time, but I'm not sure how he would fit in, and what his dynamic would be with the rest of the group (or which X-Man would be his official "rival." Maybe he'd cockily keep trying to challenge Storm, just like in the comics.) I think he'd get along well with Boom-Boom during her Brotherhood time. He'd have a massive crush on Avalanche (that he's not very good at hiding) and get very jealous when Lance shows interest in Kitty. I'd like to see him actually have some opinions about mutants and politics rather than just "Hee hee, I like to burn things!" (Although that's fine, too.) His grandmother raised him in Australia, but when she suffered a major health crisis, she sent him to America to live with his deadbeat mother. His mother then kicks him out when he displays mutant powers. His grades are decent when he does the work, but he mostly excels in English and creative writing. He reads a lot, and has a laptop that he is constantly using to write. Mostly fanfic, for now. The best way to piss off St. John is to read his stories without his permission, and I imagine there are some Brotherhood keepaway games with his laptop. When not writing, he's usually playing with fire or looking for some kind of adrenaline rush.
Of course, I'd be satisfied if we just got to spend some time with Evo Acolyte Pyro after he joins the Brotherhood, or whatever their SHIELD team becomes. Just flesh him out more beyond "Laughs at violence, loves fire."
Edit - I just realized that my version of Deadly Genesis makes Vulcan like, several years older than Scott. Which makes no sense for his origins. Eh, don't worry about it. Maybe he got aged up prematurely in a Shiar breeding pod or something. Maybe he's actually Corsair's brother and therefore Scott's uncle. Whatevs.
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nkn0va · 7 months
could i request some izanami relationship hcs? i feel like she's an underapreciated character.
Two Blazblue asks in one day, I am truly blessed.
Izanami is indeed underappreciated, she's just kinda not there for a big majority of the story. Poor girl got hit with the Relius treatment to get the game out in time for Evo. That said, this is a real oddball to think about in a romantic context lmao. I'll give it a whirl.
Hades Izanami
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-The Goddess of Death (more specifically the physical manifestation of death) is...quite the interesting romantic partner to say the least.
-She pretty much never makes public appearances. The only way she'll know you exist is if you're working in or for the main circle of villains, consisting of herself, the snek man, big titty witch, and "best" dad. You either end up in this circle yourself or she catches wind of you as an at least decently high ranking officer of the NOL working directly under Hazama or Relius.
-She felt her vessel start forming some attachment to you upon first meeting. This strange, foreign feeling filled her body every time she found her thoughts drifting to you. She had no idea what in The Origin's name this feeling was, but it felt...strangely nice. Attributing this feeling to you, she decided to take you for herself. Not like anyone could stop her, she is the Imperator Librarius.
-Despite what genuine affection she does have for you, she will stop at nothing when it comes to manipulating you into loving her. She will do whatever it takes to have you all to herself, though she'd never let you know. Around you, she's actually surprisingly sweet to you.
-Izanami is eerily intelligent. She keeps whatever semblance she has of a personal life completely separate from her work in destroying the Master Unit and bringing death to all. At least, if you weren't helping her with that already, which only increases her infatuation even more. If not though, you will not be finding out about all that business as long as she has anything to say about it.
-That said despite the manipulation and trickery behind your back, being the S/O of the Imperator does have it's perks. You shoot up instantly through the ranks of the NOL and eventually rumors about it start to circulate. If anyone even dares lay a finger on you, they're immediately deemed a traitor to the Imperator herself, and we all know what the NOL does to traitors...
-You're often called up to the Imperator's quarters. Nobody really questions it, not that they're in any position to, but you well know by now it's not for a mission or secret direct order. It means that Izanami is feeling needy and requests you to be in her arms.
-Your alone time with her is actually surprisingly pleasant. Despite her cold touch, it's surprisingly soothing, as she showers you with praise in a soft, sweet voice and makes you feel like the most important person in the world. Being the partner of the Imperator, that's not too far off, even if the public never actually knows about it.
-You soon end up becoming her personal agent acting on behalf of her when it comes to all the public appearances she won't make, which is quite a bit, delivering her personal messages and orders wherever needed, in or outside of the NOL.
-Of course, it's not meant to last for long. This is the physical manifestation of death we're talking about. You will soon eventually die by Izanami's hands like everyone else according to plan. But in the meantime, she intends to cherish you and keep you all to herself for however long she can. Worry not, for your inevitable death will be made sure to be a most glorious one indeed, worthy of the object of her affections...
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