#oh god i love natsuo so so so so SO much
inkykeiji · 2 years
bnha anime spoilers under the cut i guess!
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basicallykiyotaka · 1 month
Ooh now why is Natsuo the best son? Is he your favourite Todoroki? I honestly thought you’d choose Shouto, most do but I’m loving the Natsuo appreciation for sure 🥰
Why is Natsuo the best son? I'll tell you why.
Look, I love my other two sons. Shoto is my sweet autistic badass and I kiss his little forehead as I tuck him in. Dabi...you're doing great, I will forever make Purple Guy jokes at your expense...you're realistically the only Todoroki I could cosplay...
But Natsuo? That's a boy whose doing good for himself. Great son, great brother...motherfucker is going to medical school. I want to see him happy, he deserves everything and I die a little inside because he's so underrated. He looks great, he knows what he needs, maybe don't marry so young baby but other than that. There is not a flaw in this man. If I had to kiss one of the Todoroki sons, it would be Natsuo. A good guy, closest to my age, would make a good partner, actually handsome, no rotting flesh...
Dabi? Can't do math. Shoto? Kind of insufferable until he gets his license and I'll never forgive him for not wanting to hear a story about Enji when he was in high school. I know you were being all "fuck you dad" at the time, but that story wasn't for you, it was for me the audience and you denied me the privilege. I'll never know what he was like at fourteen and it's your angst's fault.
Not only is it kind of funny Natsuo is the only character who seemed to take after their father in looks, but I just...grrrrrrr I love him. I love him and Fuyumi because they so much more...I guess realistic? They slot in so perfectly into a no-quirk universe and I want to know more about them and see them have fun. I like cute and simple domestic stuff. I want to give them all the love they didn't have for years and just take care of them. Natsuo is a sweet little boy. He's such a good person and I want him to have a good life. I eat out of the palm of happy todofam AU fiction writers for giving me Natsuo content. He deserves it. I can not wait to own volume 39 so I can kiss his precious little face. I want the Natsuo and Fuyumi keychain they made so bad.
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
au of a less traumatized todofam and their shameless favoritism when it comes to one another:
Shouto loves all his siblings, but Fuyumi would always have a special place in his soba obsessed heart. That's his sister that took care of him, attended his school meetings, and generally became the one person he knows will be there when the house would be empty of any soul. She's the one he'll run to when his brothers would be bullying him, knowing full well she'd side with him always. Class 1-A sees their resident ice prince goes full baby mode when his sister comes to visit. "Nee-san, nee-san, did you miss me? I really missed you, nee-san."
Natsuo having Touya as his favorite sibling isn't really a surprise, especially when the two slept in the same room. Touya was the first one who he told of his dreams of being a doctor, becoming a hero in the way he wants to. Touya only grinned at him and said he's sure he can do anything he wants to, because he's his baby brother. His big brother who he hid behind when the house got too loud, too destructive for such a quiet child that Natsuo was. He saw the lean, fragile back of his brother standing tall against Endeavor and not flinching for even a bit and was inspired to be like him, that when he grows up, he'll be the one protecting other people too. Basically, Natsuo's hero worship for the only person in their family who wants nothing to do with heroes lol.
Meanwhile, we got Fuyumi who we all know would be a complete daddy's girl. Because while their family became a tad shaky in the years of Natsuo and Shouto's childhood, she still remembers calling the no. 2 hero her Papa and being carried on his broad shoulders. She remembers those rough fingers brushing through her hair as she fell asleep to his singing voice, a little rough around the edges, but it's her Papa's. She remembers inexperienced hands fumbling to tie her hair yet still calling her the most prettiest princess even with uneven pigtails. It might be tainted by the years to come, but it's those memories that pushes her to keep their family together.
Touya, pierced and edgelord Touya, is a complete mama's boy. When he was young, still not knowing how to control his emotions that are always too much, he'd know that his mother's quiet and comforting demeanor would be the break he needs from the world. She would quiet the buzzing in his ears, playing with his hair as she hums a quiet tune, grounding him to reality when he's close to lashing out at anyone near. During his highschool days, the whole LoV(League of Vtubers) would get a front row seat to their resident deliquent being an obedient puppy and being nothing but a complete gentleman to his visiting mother. "Mom, you can have Shiggy's seat, I'm sure he'll be happy sitting on the floor if it's for you." Tomura just grumbles through it all.
Future son-in-law and Honorary Todoroki Keigo's favorite person would obviously be Endeavor, to the horror of his boyfriend. Touya didn't think anything would be worse than the time he had to babysit a Shouto who puked in the middle of the supermarket but there it was. It takes the form of his boyfriend being an absolute simp for Enji and the hero just confused why this smol child is being so chatty. "Endeavor-san, what do you think about going with me and Touya to our trip to the Bahamas? Of course Touya said yes, why would you even think otherwise?" Keigo slept on the couch for two weeks after the incident, Touya making him remember who his attention should be on with his very talented tongue and hands. (and the piercings- oh god the piercings. keigo can die a happy man)
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plusultraetc · 6 months
fiiiiiic reeeeecs? 👻
Thank you for being so sweet & patient with this, HERE ARE SOME!!! (also I know this is a long post but I didn't want to put any of them under a keep reading😭):
Nine Lives by machiroads | You may have been wondering if I was going to start by recommending Nine Lives again and yes I'm going to recommend Nine Lives again, who do you think I am. This fic was my Book Of The Year 2023. I'm also going to recommend its Shinsou-centric spinoff, Naruhata Noir, bc I love Shinsou and NN is so fun despite the literal actual cannibalism (mind the tags, but I didn't find anything in this fic overly graphic!)
Actually, I am going to blanket recommend everything by machiroads, you literally can't go wrong. Special shoutout to 1966 Ford Nutstang GT350 Shelby for Present Mic's quarter-life crisis and Aizawa at his Most Gremlin Ever, I love this fic sm.
let's make some noise (time goes fast when you're having fun) by carolinaa | The first time I read this fic, I actually scrolled right back up to the top and read it again. It's so good. I don't even know where to start. First of all, my favorite Hizashi POV I have literally ever read. The way the author handled everything from his hearing loss to the inherent horror of trying to navigate your 20s. How much he and Aizawa love each other. So much about this fic feels so whole? in a way? I don't know? 1000/10, no notes.
Cry Me A River is another favorite by carolinaa. I literally am wrapping this fic around my shoulders like a weighted blanket.
Passaggio by kashinoha | If you would Like To Cry, this fic is a very recent read for me. Another really good Present Mic POV, but also I curled up into a weepy little ball on the ground upon reading it. I just want the boys to take care of themselves for once is that too much to ask.
nothing as undoing by HalloweenClown | 'Fics that land somewhere between soft and stabbing me in the heart,' which is where a lot of Aizawa & Eri fics land for me. This fic does such an excellent job of capturing the very early stages of building trust™ between them.
acid reflux by lcthe | Vigilante Midoriya AU with a twist(?) The vibes are surreal, the vibes are I'm confused, the vibes are I'm having a great time, and the writing is excellent. It's incomplete and being revised, but I read up to Chapter 3 fairly recently and the erasermic in that chapter,, so painful but so good. Fair warning, this one does get a little dark!
the river walked me home by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion | Writing this post actually reminded me that I want to reread this one. It was the first Todoroki-centric fic I ever read in this fandom (something like a year ago? or close to it?) and I can vividly remember shedding tears over Animal Crossing. I have never played Animal Crossing.
My Brother, My Brother, and Me and Breaking the Ice by seventh_time_lucky | SPEAKING of fics I want to reread, we are going back to 'Liza's pre-ao3 era' (as in, the fics are on ao3, but I was not) These two follow Natsuo as he tries to get to know Shouto after growing up as virtual strangers. There are sentences in the first fic that genuinely haunt me, and the entire coffee conversation (motif?) in the second fic is just. So good? I'm so glad I was able to find them again.
komorebi by Calamitatum | If you're interested in a waaay canon divergent fic, this one reads like a gut punch (in a good way!!) komorebi is one of those fics that I started reading thinking 'oh, that's an interesting premise' and then ended up thinking 'oh god wait what oh no.' I don't want to spoil anything but it definitely went in a direction I wasn't expecting, and honestly it feels like a masterclass in building tension, tackling multiple POVs, and callbacks, my beloved. This author is soo good at unpacking exposition, backstory, and motivation through conversations as well, which I appreciate greatly bc I struggle so hard with that in my own writing. The fic is incomplete with one chapter remaining, so I'm currently rereading it while waiting for the final update!
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the-whitches-art · 1 year
God its been a while. So since the new leaks and season 6 had brought a lot of attention towards My Hero Academia and my past obsession with it is renewed i might as well write some headcanons. And what is better than the clasic relationship headcanons for the todoroki siblings.
Relationship with Shoto is a weird experience.
You would have to be the one to propose and even when you do he still wont believe you.
He still sees that bastard of a father in him partially, so dont blame him for not believing you at first.
But after you guys have been together for a while, god help you both. I cannot say who would be more obsessed with the other.
Dinner dates, celebrations, small gifts every small and cheezy thing couples do, you guys do it twice as much.
He loves it when you play with his hair, or massage him. Any kind of gentle and loving physical contact to be honest, since he didn't got much before you.
If you pay attention to his scar, that would be a very intimate moment for him. Tho i cannot say he'd be that much of a sucker for that, he really appreciates the meaning behind the gesture.
Oh and expect to have to explain a lot of stuff to him. Like why some couples to something, but others don't.
He'd have some of a learning cerve when it comes to relationships.
Just dont get i the way of his dream, he'll be heartbroken if you do.
A hard case to write for sinc ewe dint have much information.
He doesn't seem like the guys to go for a hook up in university. So hed either be alone for a while or somehow have that uni dream of finding your dream partner during it.
So to be honest his family is a sensitive topic for him, so no meeting them for a long while.
When you do end up meeting them, hed go one by one, his mother probably first, then Shoto and Fuyumi. Hed keep you away from Endeavor as much as possible.
He does have a bit of anger issues, but he is well aware, so he might storm off once in a while. Then hed return with something as an apology, be it a flower, a chocolate just anything to make up for his outburst.
He's the sweetest though. He wont be as love sick as Shoto, but he would apreciate when you tell him how much you love him. He hasnt heard thay much so it means the word ro him when you do it.
But dont get me wrong he'd know when you lie, or ot isnt sincere.
We don't kniw much about her except she loves her whole family no matter what shes been through because of them.
She'd look for someone who is just as willing to start a family with her.
She just seems like the person that knew early on that wanted a good and loving family.
She'd want someone with relatively thhe same values as her, so there is less of a chance to end up like her parents.
With her work she is pretty busy, and i guess her partner too. So the ocasional dinner/breakfasts date is so well appreciated.
She definitely makes bento boxes to her partner, every time she gets the chance.
If her partner is a woman her mother will be very supportive (not only for her too), but her father i doubt hell like it. I say that for her specifically because the boys dont care at all what their father will think.
Honestly good luck being with him, he's a manace. And ton take that as teasing king.
He loves teasing tho, but sometimes he says too much and might end up hurting you if you take stuff to heart.
His goal takes first place, thats a fact and no matter who you are to him it stays that way.
Doubt he can even love you, not in a normal way that is. Its closer to care than love. And to get to that point it would take a while.
But lets say you got lucky, and you get him for yourself. Dont bother being jealous, he has no eyes for anyone else in that way, youre probably his first romantic partner anyway.
I read somewhere that he and his paryner use each other with a lot of trust and a little emotion in the mix. And cannot say that this is anything but true.
He has anger issues, but unlike Natsu he doent show it untill its boiling in him. So unless you are someone that can take shouting well. You better get away as fast as you can. Hed cool down in a few minutes tho.
I think the best way to sgow him live it first is acts of service, show him that you care. Then comes physical touch, once he lets you touch him. For him touching is far more intimate than anything else.
Touch his scars and he will literaly melt in your hands. Unlike for Shoto, his scars are far bigger part of who he is as a person now and what hes been through as well. So i guess it would be like you see him now, but don't disregard his past at the same time.
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God, I just realized Rei's parents would be HELL in Amnesia!Dabi. Like, bit of a time skip, the Togas' have gone to jail, Himiko's cleared of charges & started attending U.A. (intern w/RG, cause she gonna be a doc), Jin's finally healed up (mostly), Magne is hiding Compress in her apartment, Toya mostly feels like himself, Rei's FINALLY home, it’s all starting to settle . . . & Grandparents Himura show up to be like "Kids! We missed you!" (Spectre of AfO lingers behind them)
Honestly them trying to get their hands on Rei or the kids again is just. It's gonna be a plot eventually.
Like in the grand scheme of things in Chaos Children? While there's a few other reasons, it's one of the biggest reasons that Rei decides to not divorce Enji. Because, with her past mental health issues? Even if she's in the clear /now/, it'd be easy for her parents to petition courts to deem her unfit to take care of herself and try to get her placed in their custody. If Rei stays legally married to Enji though, even if they do deem her mentally unfit, then he's the one who would be responsible for her by default. (They do later set it up so that if something happens to him, then the kids get to decide who takes over.)
And there's. There's gonna be a bit in the main fic during the 'Enji and Rei really sit the kids down and discuss All That™' where it's mentioned that Rei's family has previously tried to talk to Natsuo and Fuyumi and very... framed it as 'oh we'd love to come see you but your dad is soooo controlling'. (Toya didn't get a letter because he was dead and Shoto hasn't gotten one because he's still underage and can't leave even if he wanted to) and begging to meet up and 'talk'.
So yeah they very much want to get control over Rei and/or the kids and just. Manipulate them into what they want. Which isn't gonna work because hot damn these kids would fight every step of the way. (which is funny because they.... really don't want the kids. Part of their thing is keeping the bloodline Pure of any Mutation Quirks, and Enji ruined that lmao).
Swinging back to Amnesia!Dabi though!
They wouldn't straight just show up on the doorstep because by this point they know that Enji would just yeet them out.
They would absolutely see this as an opportunity! Toya doesn't remember anything, so he'd believe anything they tell him, right? Just send a letter, corner him alone when he goes out, so on and so forth. Feed him a bunch of lies that he won't know are lies because he can't remember what happened or what his past self did. Would he have been in contact with them during the time between moving out and 'dying'? He doesn't know. Maybe he would've?
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sarahjtv · 1 year
So, My Hero Academia Chapter 387 (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD)...
That was a really, really good chapter, but hoo boy that fucked me up real bad and I need to get some thoughts off my chest before I go to sleep.  Tumblr is the best place to post this; I’m not spending $8 on Twitter Blue to type this out.
First off, more eugenic stuff yay...  This time with Rei’s family, the Himuras.  So, turns out that Geten (the ice villain following Re-Destro) is a part of that family which means that he’s the Todoroki’s cousin at best.  I think Rei would’ve said something if he was her brother. 
And that the Himura’s have been inbreeding to keep their bloodline “pure” and their ice Quirk in tact...  And forced marriages were also desperate attempts to keep this in check.  UM WHAT THE FUCK, HORIKOSHI???  I’m not saying this is a bad thing story-wise, but it makes the Todoroki Family situation so, so much worse if that was even possible.  And sadly they’re not the only family to do this... 
So, if Rei was a product of inbreeding, then (and correct me if I’m wrong) the Todoroki children are technically inbred too on top of being born out of a quirk marriage to begin with INCLUDING SHOUTO WHO’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH (I need to clarify that I’m not criticizing Rei or her kids, it’s not their faults. I’m criticizing the practice of inbreeding itself).  I feel ill just thinking about that.  This is some royal family shit that should never be a thing to begin with.  I don’t care if marrying your 2nd cousin shouldn’t fuck up the kids too badly, it’s still extremely fucked up period!  This is honestly worse than the quirk marriage imo and that was bad enough as it was.  I kind of wish Horikoshi didn’t include this because it’s sadly kind of warpping my perception of them, but I’m not going to fly over to Japan and throw hands with him over it.
And this puts more context into why Rei chose to marry Enji because agreeing to be bought into a marriage with Endeavor to create the perfect offspring with Fire and Ice is somehow better than MARRYING YOUR FUCKING COUSIN AND HAVING A CHILD WITH THEM!  She never had a good choice to begin with; she just chose the best one that was given to her.  God, I feel bad for this woman.
I honestly need a few days to process this because it was dropped so casually and now I need to sit down and think of the implications of it while working on my finals 🥲
Onto Dabi who is fighting his dad with like half of his body remaining.  How the hell this man is alive is a goddamn mystery because he looks like a burning skeleton.  And this whole thing has caused his Quirk to evolve to the point where he’s now producing ICE ❄️!  HE HAS AN ICE QUIRK NOW TOO!  IT’S EXACTLY THE THING ENDEAVOR WANTED THIS WHOLE TIME AND NOW HE HAS IT IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE!  I WANT TO SCREAM!  SHOUTO AND DABI ARE REALLY 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN! 
There really is no way of knowing if Touya would’ve unlocked this part of his Quirk if he trained more with Endeavor, but the fact that he actually had the potential to become exactly what he was born for is devastating.  He could’ve been what his father wanted him to become, but his Quirk was too dangerous to himself to try.  If this happened, Natsuo and Shouto might not have been born (I’m glad they were born tbh), but at least the family would’ve been spared a shit ton of trauma.
Oh, and it looks like that massive fire punch he threw at Endeavor completely burned off his right arm and now he’s right armless like Endeavor.  That one panel of them “dancing” with right fire arms is haunting.  You could write a whole short essay on that panel.  Horikoshi loves parallels and I do too.
Honestly, I really expected Horikoshi to just kill off Endeavor and Dabi at the same time this chapter.  It looked like that’s where it was going.  There are a lot of ways their fates could be going and I can see it happening all those ways.  Personally, I want them to live at least until Shouto finally gets there.  I think Horikoshi is setting up that “Todoroki Family Reunion” he’s been planning since Chapter 300 or something especially with Rei entering the battle field.  What happens next is something we’ll have to wait for.  I want Endeavor to live honestly.  But, I can definitely see Dabi dying at the end because I really don’t think he’s going to survive at this rate.  Horikoshi cooked him too well 😂😭.
And finally REI TODOROKI!!!  The block or whatever her and her family were being transported in was stopped right below Gunga Mountain last chapter and they were forced to go up to the surface to make sure they avoid Dabi’s fiery explosion.  That’s why she’s up on the surface to begin with.  I do want to know how the hell she got to the battlefield so quickly though.  I don’t see her as a fighter, but maybe she trained her Ice Quirk to glide on it like Shouto does.  I’m really curious to see what she does because she does hold some responsibility for how Dabi turned out and I think she’s trying to atone in a way too.  This better not mean she’s dying though.  I don’t need the Todorokis to deal with more trauma, especially Shouto.
Anyways, there’s a lot to unpack in this chapter and there’s probably more to dive into.  Um, I’m glad to see Mr. Compress again like Horikoshi promised.  He’s probably still assless though.  Where are the 2nd year UA students you promised, sir???  But, yeah, the Todoroki drama continues to be more and more fucked up by the weeks.  Please let this family have peace one day I’m begging  🙏.
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poly-pan-0118 · 1 year
Show and Tell
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Touya x Fem!Reader
You confide in your best friend Mina that you never experienced an orgasm while having sex with a partner. She may know a remedy for that. or, Mina sets you up with Touya, who takes his time and makes it his mission to give you an experience you’ll never forget. Words: 4524
“Are you kidding me right now?” Mina squealed at you. “Shhh.” You hushed her as the two men at the grill turned to look at you both. One of them being your ex. “You mean to tell me that Mr. explosive attitude man is no good in bed?” She asked with bugged out eyes. “It wasn't that.” You explained. “The sex was really good, I just…” You trailed off and peaked up at him. Making sure his attention was elsewhere. “I was just never able to have an orgasm while we…you know.”  Mina nodded her head in understanding. “I mean, am I broken or something?” You asked her, sighing as you leaned back in your lawn chair. “Oh no, you are not doing this self depreciation thing.” She said with a stern voice. “I think you just need someone who knows what they’re doing and is not thinking of themselves for a change.” In a way you knew she was right. Katsuki was a really good guy but he could also be quite selfish. As you sat and thought back on things, you realized that when it came to sex once he got his, it was pretty much over. Not once did you ever orgasm with Katsuki.  You watched as Mina made her way over to the cooler to grab you both some drinks. Her high school sweetheart, now husband, Kirishima wrapped his huge arms around her and gave her kisses on top of her head. You smiled at how sweet they both were to each other and longed to one day find that as well. Your view was suddenly blocked by an ash blonde scowling down at you. 
"Hey.” Katsuki mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck. You felt a bit awkward as it had been a few months since you saw each other. When Mina told you about the little cookout her and Kirishima were having and that he invited Katsuki you almost bailed. You didn't really have a bad break up, both agreeing to go your separate ways, but it did hurt. You fell madly in love with Katsuki Bakugou, but he fell in love with his work. Not leaving much time for you. “Hey.” You replied back with a small smile. “How have you been?” He asked. You suddenly missed his gravelly voice. Katsuki moved to sit down next to you but was stopped by Mina. “Nope, nope, nope.” She said pulling on Katsuki’s arm, dragging him back over to the grill. “We’re having girl time. Go talk about, I don't know, boxing and steaks.” You couldn't help but bark out a laugh at the look on Katsuki’s face. He simply rolled his eyes and returned to Kirishima. “Don’t you dare even think about it.” She said pointing a finger at you.” You didn't have time to ask her what she was talking about before she started explaining. “You don’t want him back. You’re just lonely and need a good dicking down.” She said matter of factly. “Mina!” You harped, shaking your head but you didn't argue. “I know exactly how to fix this.” She said reaching to grab her phone out of her bag. “Brb!” She said taking off to the pool house for privacy. “Oh god, what is she up to?” Kirishima asked as he watched his wife slink off with a devious smirk on her face. We all knew that look. Ever since high school when she threw all those parties with games like, Spin the bottle and Seven minutes in heaven. Mina was up to something and you weren't sure how to feel about it.
Minutes later she returned and noticed Katsuki sitting next to you trying to have a casual conversation. “Let’s go swimming.” She exclaimed, pulling you up and to the pool. Once you were both in waist deep water and once again away from listening ears, she told you her plan. “So do you remember Nat’s older brother?” Nat, was Natsuo Todoroki. You were friends with him during college and met his family a few times. “Touya, right?” You asked, trying to play dumb but Mina could see right through you. “Mhmm.” She grinned. “Well that’s who I just got off the phone with and he is on his way over.” Your jaw dropped and eyes popped. “Mina? What did you say?” Now you were nervous. Not only did you not know what she told him, you also were not prepared for an impromptu date. "Tell me Mina." 
"I told him about your little dilemma and he's coming over to help you with it." You wanted to ask her if she was joking but you just knew she wasn't. Mina could see the wheels spinning in your head. "Look, don't worry. Just hang out for a few and if you decide not to do anything that's cool." She said, trying to placate you. "Touya is actually a really sweet guy. Yeah he gets around but everything is safe and consensual." She grinned again. "And I have heard no complaints." You rolled your eyes and that's when you remembered another problem. You looked over at the hot tempered blonde that was arguing with Kirishima on how to properly grill a steak. "What about-?" 
"Don't worry about Kats. If he gets out of hand then I'll have Eijiro take care of it." Time seemed to slowly drag on but then you heard the iron gate to the patio open. Looking over you felt your soul leave your body. It had been at least two years since you last saw Touya at some college party. You thought he was an eye catcher then, but now. You just may have drooled a bit. Mina elbowed your side as Touya came walking over to the side of the pool. “Hey Mina.” He said squatting to get a better look since you both were still in the water. “Touya,” She smirked, “Remember Y/N?” Touya’s eyes raked over your body as if he was assessing a piece of property. After lingering on your breasts a tad longer than they should, his eyes finally met yours. “Long time no see.” His raspy voice greeted you. The setting sun reflected off the water shining into his bright blue eyes and you were lost. Mina cleared her throat loudly bringing you out of your daze. “Oh, um, yeah. Hey.” You stuttered making Touya laugh. 
Katsuki was pulling the steaks from the grill when he heard you laughing. He knew that laugh. It was your flirty nervous laugh. His head spun and he did a double take as he watched Touya pull a lawn chair over to the pool. He clenched his jaw when he noticed him practically eye fucking you. “Oi’, what the fuck is that Todoroki man-whore doing here?” He asked Kirishima. The red head looked up to see the new guest. “Oh, Mina must've invited him.” He said nonchalantly. Katsuki gave his friend a disgusted look. “Relax man. Mina and the Todoroki’s go way back to high school. You remember Natsuo interned with us right?” Katsuki rolled his eyes and let out a low growl. Shoulders squared, he took a step forward but Kirishima stopped him from going any farther. “Hey just let it be.” He warned Katsuki. He was the angry blonde's best friend but Kirishima would not hesitate to put him in his place if need be. “I know it sucks man but,” Kirishima sighed, putting a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder. “You took your shot and missed bro. I’m sorry.” Katsuki snapped his head at Kirishima and was about to argue but stopped when he heard you laugh again. It had been so long since he heard that beautiful sound. “She looks happy.” He said in a soft voice. “Then leave her be.” Kirishima said, directing his attention back to the steaks. “Meats done!” He called out. 
“Oh yum. I’m starving.” Mina cried out as you both climbed out of the pool. Touya, of course offering his hand to assist you. Grabbing it you couldn't help but feel a zap throughout your body. Maybe it was the anticipation of what was to come, but you felt your entire body warm up. As the five of you gathered around to eat you noticed Katsuki was unusually quiet. He didn't even once look at you. You prayed he stayed on his best behavior. It was after everyone had their fill when Mina noticed Katsuki had gone inside to get more drinks she continued with her plan. “You two can have the pool house all to yourselves. I promise you won't be interrupted.” She said with a giggle. “Baby you’re acting like we’re back in high school.” Kirishima chuckled shaking his head. “Hey, I’m just trying to help.” She defended herself. Touya stood up and held out his hand. “Well, shall we?” He asked you with a smirk. Clearly he took Mina’s suggestion to heart. You grabbed his hand and he led you to the pool house. His hot hand found its way to your lower back, then snaked around your waist. Walking out of the house with a bucket of drinks, Katsuki caught sight of you and Touya walking away. Katsuki gritted his teeth seeing Touya’s hands on your naked body. “Fuck this shit, I’m out.” Katsuki said, slamming the bucket on the table. “I’m not being a third wheel tonight.” The slamming of the iron gate made you jump as you turned to see Katsuki glare at you then walk down the driveway. “Hey,” Touya said as he placed a finger under your chin. “Don't let him get to you okay.” You gave him a nervous look and you could feel your cheeks heat up at his touch. “He had his chance. Now it’s my turn.” 
Touya’s words were filled with such determination as he led you into the pool house and took out his phone. He connected it to the Bluetooth speakers that were wired around the room. Clearly he has been here before and you wondered where he was all the times you came over for parties. He placed his wallet along with some change he had in his pocket on the table. “Fuck.” He mumbled under his breath. “I’m gonna have to ask Eijiro for some condoms or else run to the store real quick.” Touya picked up his wallet when you placed your hand on top of his. “I’m clean and I haven't been with anyone since Katsuki and I’m on birth control. So..” Your voice trailed off feeling embarrassed at your words. “I get tested every month.” Touya said. “Are you sure? I can always run and-” You quickly cut him off. “No it’s okay. I mean I.. I want, um.” Touya’s eyes gleamed knowing what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you say it. “Tell me kitten. What do you want?” Your thighs clenched tight at his pet name for you. You searched his eyes trying to find the courage to tell him exactly what you wanted. “Remember, this is all about you tonight.” He reminded you and it somehow gave you the courage you needed. “I want to feel you cum inside me.” Your voice was almost a whisper as you looked to the ground. Touya cupped your face forcing you to look at him. “Oh I can definitely do that.” He said with a wicked grin.  
Stepping back, Touya unbuckled his pants and slowly pushed them down his hips. You could see his huge bulge through the boxer briefs he wore. But there was something…different. Touya smirked as he watched you stare. You gasped as he grabbed your hand and placed it over his hardening length. “Feel that?” His voice was raspy and thick like honey as his lips grazed your ear. “That’s all for you.” A rush of heat took over your body causing you to shiver. “Relax.” Touya said, pulling back to look at you. “I won't do anything you don't want me to.” Looking into his eyes you could see he was sincere. If you were to tell him to stop right now, he would. There’s no way you would though. You wanted this so bad. Finally somebody who was willing to take their time with you. Willing to make this intimate moment all about you. “Use your words and say that you want me and I will make this an experience you will remember for the rest of your life.” Somehow you just knew it wasn't his ego talking. Touya could actually back up his words. “I want you.” Your dry throat croaked out, “I want this so much.” You thought you sounded desperate. Touya thought you sounded cute. Begging for him to pleasure you. 
Touya sat on the couch and you went to kneel before him but he quickly stopped you. “Nu-uh” He said, lifting your chin again to look at him. “This is about you tonight, not me.”  You looked down to see his dick twitch, straining against the confined clothing. He thought it was absolutely adorable how you wanted to please him. “Curious?” He asked as you eyed him. Touya grinned as he slipped down his boxers releasing his cock. You bit down on your bottom lip watching the length spring up and slap his abs. Touya grinned as he watched your face turn red. It was then that you realized this huge thing was somehow going to fit inside you.  And it was also when you saw what was so different. He had piercings. Lots of them. “Never seen a pierced cock?” Touya asked as if reading your mind. Shaking your head no, Touya smiled and proudly gave you a tour. “This one at the tip is called a Prince Albert.” Your eyes widened, wondering what that would feel like. Touya’s grin got even bigger at seeing your excitement. “These four are frenum piercings.” He said pointing to the piercings under his shaft, “In this instance this is called a Jacob's Ladder.”  Touya could see you were so full of questions. “Did they hurt?” You asked in a small voice. “Like hell.” Touya chuckled as he raised his hands to your swimming bottoms. “May I?” He asked. After shaking your head yes, Touya slowly pulled them down. You felt completely exposed standing there with nothing but your swim top on. “Mmm, your body is absolutely beautiful.” He said, directing you to sit next to him. “Now that you’ve seen me.” Touya smirked. You knew what he was saying. You laid back with your head against the headrest of the couch. “Here,” Touya said, placing a pillow under you to raise your hips a bit. “Comfy?” After assuring him you were, you found his hands rubbing up and down your thighs, slowly spreading your legs. Your breathing hitched as you felt cold air hit your hot core.  “Let me get you ready for me.” Touya said as he gently ran a finger along your slit. You let out a slight moan and your legs unconsciously fell further apart. “That’s it, just relax and let me taste you.” Suddenly you felt his hot tongue protruding your cunt and another revelation hit you. His tongue was also pierced. And fuck did it feel so good, especially as the cold metal flicked at your clit. 
“You know your pussy will look even more beautiful with a hood piercing right, here.” Touya said pushing his thumb on your clit making you whimper. Touya laughed as he began to eat you out like a starved man, the vibrations from his vibrato going straight through you. He slowly eased a finger inside you and then added another, then another. “Look at you, three fingers deep and you're still so needy.” He said pumping in and out, making you moan and writhe underneath him. His other hand found its way up your chest and underneath your swim top groping at one of your breasts, fingers pinching your nipples. “Do you think you're ready for me?” He asked you teasingly. You couldn't even begin to form a sentence. “I don't think you are yet,” he said in a harsh tone pumping his fingers faster and sucking hard on your now swollen button. “I want you to cum for me first.” He said pinching your breast harder. “You cum for me, and I will give you what you want.” Touya shoved his fingers in harder at each pronunciation. “Give. It. To. Me.” You came so hard, your juices squirted all over Touya's face making a mess. He growled as he licked his lips and stared down at you like a demon getting ready to devour the purest soul. He looked down at your limp body so blissed out already just from coming on his fingers. He couldn't wait to get you on his cock. “I hope you're not thinking that was all kitten.” You opened your eyes to see Touya's nose brushed up against yours. “Come on.” He said pulling your arms to sit up. Touya sat down and stroked his cock. “I want you to ride me.” You gave him an uneasy look. You didn't really have much experience in this part and you never really received any praise so you were unsure if you were any good. Your insecurities got the best of you, scared of not being able to please him.
“Don't worry kitten, I told you I was going to take care of you.” He said as he gently rubbed your hips. “You got this.” All night long it seemed as if Touya could read your every thought. Was it that easy to see right through you? Or was he really just that good at knowing what you wanted? You slowly straddled over his lap and he teased your wet slit with his cock, allowing your juices to get him wet and ready. “Okay, now slowly.” He said letting you sink on him. You both moaned loudly as your fingernails dug into his pecs. “Oh fuck!” You groaned as you felt him slowly stretching your walls. “Fucking hell, you're so tight.” Touya hissed, “Damn, you sure you're not a virgin?” He asked. You could hear his words but you couldn't comprehend a thing. You were too focused on his piercings rubbing against your walls. The Prince Albert piercing hitting your cervix as he totally bottomed out. “Oh fuck Touya, you're too big, too big.” You whined. “Shh, no baby. I'm just right.” He said caressing your hips. “ Just stay still for a minute so your body can adjust.” Touya pulled you down close to him so he could kiss you slowly and sensually. It was the first kiss you guys shared all night. You've already came on his hands and NOW you're kissing? It made you giggle. Touya pulled away to look at you and he smiled. It wasn't a smirk or another grin that he’s been giving you all night, it was an actual smile and you couldn't help but think how handsome he was. For a fleeting moment you thought that maybe after tonight, maybe this could turn into something more. But your insecurities reared their ugly head and you remembered he was here for one thing. To get his dick wet and make you orgasm, and after that, chances are you could never see him again. Lost in your thoughts you let out a yelp as Touya thrusted his hips hard and slapped your ass. “Stay With me baby girl.” He demanded seeing your thoughts wander. “Are you ready for this?” He acted as if you were getting on an amusement park ride and perhaps you were. “All right now slowly, up and down.” He guided you slowly to bounce on his cock. “That's such a good girl, just like that.” He said giving you praise. Long fingers groped your breasts, the other ones grabbing a globe of your ass to grind on him.
“Mmm fuck. You know how to ride this cock.” His touches seemed to burn into your skin. “Those other fuckers didn't know what they had did they?” Was he right? This whole time you thought YOU were the issue. Maybe it was your partners that were inadequate. You took a moment to truly take in the vision before you. You wanted to sear it into your brain. His jet black hair with barely there white roots to match his perfectly groomed pubes. The piercing cuffs on both ears. The three stud piercings in his right nostril. The barbell piercing in his left eyebrow. The snakebite piercings in his lips. He even had a nipple piercing. You thought of Touya walking through a metal detector and setting them off and couldn't help but start laughing. “What’s so funny huh?” Touya asked, slapping your ass with a smile to match yours. Your head fell back as he pushed deeper inside than you could imagine. “Such a beautiful neck.” Touya said, letting his fingers graze along your collarbone. You looked down at his arm. A tattoo of blue flames ran from his wrists to his elbows on both arms. You grabbed his hand, admiring his long, graceful fingers before slipping them between your lips and sucking. “Fuck, maybe I will tryout that mouth of yours later.” Touya moaned. You let his fingers slip out your mouth and placed his hand around your neck. Touya’s eyes darkened. “Have you ever experienced breath-play before?” He asked. You shook your head no and saw something flash behind his eyes. “Do you trust me?” That question hit you harder than you thought it would. You’ve known Touya a total of maybe five hours tonight and yet, you trusted him right now in your most vulnerable moments, more than you did some partners you were with for years. 
Soon as you told him yes, you found yourself squealing as he stood up from the couch. Your legs wrapped tightly around him, keeping him inside, as he walked to the bed. Laying you down on your back, he raised one leg so your knee was to your chest. “I want you to tap my arms the moment it gets too intense for you. Understand?”  You nodded. “No, I need to hear your words baby.” He said as his lips ghosted your neck. “I’ll tap your arm if it's too much.” A low rumble came from Touya as his kisses made their way down your jawline. “Good girl.” He gave you another passionate kiss and sat up. His hand slowly wrapped around your neck. “Now let me show you what heaven feels like.” His thrusts sped up and got harder as his grip got tighter. You could feel the tightness buildup at your core. “Nyahh '' You managed to whimper out. “Feels so good, so good.” And indeed it did. You never felt like this before. No partner was able to give you this and this was a different high than when you used toys. Was this what heaven really felt like? If it was, you never wanted to leave. “Fuck, you’re strangling my cock baby. You gonna cum for me like a good girl?” You nodded your head quickly and mewed. “I wanna cum. I wanna cum for you so bad.” Your fingernails dug into his forearm and your vision started going black. “Just let it go baby. Cum for me.” Touya said, running out of breath as his tight balls slapped loudly against your ass. Touya felt you clench around him tighter and he released his grip on your neck. “Fuuuuck!” You hollered as you came harder than you ever have. “Oh fuck that was beautiful.” Touya grunted, pushing your other knee to your chest and picking up incredible speed. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, yes, yes, yes!” One more harsh thrust deep inside you, Touya pulled you into a kiss by your neck. You bit his lip, drawing blood making him release an animalistic growl as his hips stilled and hot ropes of his cum shot deep inside you.You collapsed into his arms, having no more strength left. 
“You were, so fucking amazing.” Touya praised trying to catch his breath. His fingers traced invisible circles up your spine as you planted your face into his chest basking in the afterglow of the greatest orgasm of your life. “You still with me kitten?” Touya asked. “Hmmff.” You managed to huff out and received a laugh in return. “Look at me baby.” He said lifting your chin. Touya gazed down at you and you got lost in those haunting turquoise eyes of his. “Remind me to thank Mina.” You told him with a weak smile. Touya searched your face as if contemplating something. “That makes two of us.” He whispered as his thumb traced your bottom lip. Your lips found his once again and when you both decided to pull away for air Touya pulled out and laid next to you. “You took me so well, little kitten. How is your throat? Does anything hurt?” He asked looking over your neck and his hands rubbing your hips. You were absolutely blown away at how attentive he was. “How about we take a shower and then go grab some greasy food at that all night diner?” He asked, running his hand over your hip. "I don't know about you but sex always works up an appetite for me." You were taken aback and in a bit of shock. From how Mina explained things, once Touya was done he was out. So why is he wanting to prolong his stay with you? You stopped questioning things and agreed. As you both made your way to the shower Touya asked himself the same things. He never once stayed longer than he had to with a partner. He gave aftercare if needed then he left. But Touya didn't want to leave you just yet. Was it because he knew there was so much more he could teach you when it came to sex. You were no virgin by any means but up until now your sex life must have been so vanilla he thought. Touya wanted to be the one to show you new things. The thought of someone else giving you a new experience made him feel possessive of you. That was a new feeling to him. Touya watched your breasts jiggle and the soap run down your naked body as you washed. Fuck, you were absolutely gorgeous. Maybe he’ll ask you out later while at the diner. But, he thought, what if you didn't want anything more outta this? 
You looked up from washing to see Touya staring at you and felt a little self conscious until you saw him smile. There it was again. A genuine smile, not fake. You felt a bold feeling come upon you and you stepped closer to him, grabbing hold of his dick. “What are you up to kitten?” Touya hummed in surprise. “Can I now?” You asked and Touya furrowed his eyebrows in confusion till you moved to your knees. Yeah you wanted more of him. And he was definitely keeping you.
Thank you for reading my brain rot. If you like my writings you can follow me on Twitter. I am currently working on several MHA themed Bangs, ShinBaku, Blood Riot, and one featuring Touya as a dragon shifter and Bakugou barbarian slayer. It is called Eyes in the Night. It is a predator/prey bang. I have artists working with me to compiments these delicious stories. Thank you again and Much love.
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ghostxrose · 5 months
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Hey, Lovelies! Here's chapter three and four will be up right after I post this one! My husband and I will be going out of town for a bit, so yall get a double-update treat! Enjoy, Lovelies! <3
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“Toya, are you sure it’s okay for us to be doing this..? Dad will kill us if he finds us out here without him or Mom..” Natsuo quietly asks, his body language screaming how nervous he is as they all walk along.
Toya lets out an annoyed huff, waving a dismissive hand in the air, “If you’re going to be such a scared little baby, then you can go back to the house.” He says without turning around to face his younger brother.
“We’ll be fine, Nats. We’ll only be down at the beach for a bit; play in some waves, make sandcastles, admire the stars or whatever, then we’ll head back.” Azusa tells Natsuo, reassuringly wrapping an arm over his shoulders.
“Yeah, Nats! C’mon, this is going to be so fun! It’s a full moon tonight, so we have plenty of light to play wave tag in!” Fuyumi exclaims with a wide smile as she skips across the sand.
With another huff, this time one of slight guilt for being snappish, Toya turns around to face his three siblings, “Exactly what they said, Squirt. Look, I just want to make the most of this vacation. You know that Dad doesn’t get a lot of leave days, so who knows when we’ll be back and dammit a night swim at the beach is something everyone should experience! Even you brats!” He lightheartedly jabs with a playful smile as he continues to walk backward on the beach.
“-m not a brat-”
Azusa, Natsuo, and Fuyumi all playfully whine out with giggles and smiles on their faces as they all charge their older brother. A game of tag ensues; laughs echo in the air, sand and water being flung at one another, and pure joy exudes from each of the Todoroki siblings.
A yelp escapes Azusa’s mouth when she feels Toya squish a fat handful of sand into the top of her head, ensuring that grains of sand bury themselves in her hair.
“Oh my god, Toya! You are so dea-”
“Attention Rangers, report to the Mess Hall for breakfast, then report to Bay 3 at 0600 immediately following breakfast for your co-pilot and Jaeger assignments. Attention Rangers, report-”
Azusa groans at the AI voice grating at her ears and she blindly reaches a hand out to shut off the alarm and the accompanying repetitive message. As she pulls herself from her bed, she tries to cling to the faint feeling of happiness she gained from the memory she relived in her sleep. She makes her way to her dresser, pausing before opening up the sock drawer to pick up a photo of her late brother.
“Today is the day I officially become a pilot, Toya.. I’ll even get to pilot your old Jaeger. D-don’t worry, Toya, I’ll m-make sure t-to take care of her f-for you.” Azusa whispers to the photo, barely getting her promise out past the painful lump in her throat. She gently sets the photo back down on the dresser and takes a few deep breaths then proceeds to get ready for the day.
Once dressed and as mentally ready as she can be, Azusa leaves her room and heads for the Mess Hall. Fuyumi never showed up to accompany her, which happens from time to time especially when Rangers are woken up earlier than usual. A small and quiet voice whispers how much it wants to be in bed still in the back of Azusa’s mind as the elevator descends. She lets out a tired sigh as she steps off of the elevator when it stops but quickly rights herself out as she enters the Mess Hall.
Azusa heads for the food line when she’s roughly shoulder-checked by somebody quickly moving past her. “Watch it,” she hisses out just before she registers the tall, broad, and blonde-haired being cutting in front of her. Sticking up his middle finger, Bakugo turns to shoot Azusa an arrogant smirk before turning back toward the stack of trays at the start of the food line. Azusa’s jaw clenches, her blood immediately boiling, but before she can spit any venom at Bakugo, Kendo and Tetsutetsu come up to her.
“Asshole,” Kendo says harshly under her breath as she casts a glare at the back of Bakugo’s head.
“I feel sorry for whoever his co-pilot ends up being,” Tetsutetsu adds as the three of them grab their trays and join the food line.
“Hopefully whoever it is can help him pull his head out of his ass.” Azusa quips quietly, causing her two friends to snicker as all three of them watch Bakugo’s knuckles go white from how hard he grips his tray.
Breakfast goes by without any more spats, surprisingly enough to Azusa. She had to hide it in the moment but she was genuinely shocked that Bakugo hadn’t attempted to fight the trio when they were shit-talking him literally right behind his back. All she had gotten for her comment was an ugly, snarl-twisted glare shot at her before he stomped off to “his” table.
All too soon, Rangers across the entire Mess Hall began standing to clear their places and head for the Shatterdome. An air of nervousness and excitement settles amongst the collective of newly graduated Rangers as they all gather around the elevators. Azusa blankets her nerves with perpetual stoicism and forced calm. She observes that Kendo has chosen to take occasional deep breaths while Tetsutetsu finds that yammering on endlessly about random crap soothes his nerves. It’s only when the group of new Rangers are all standing at attention at the mouth of Bay 3 with Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa in front of them that a suffocating silence ensue.
Marshal Todoroki’s judgmental gaze sweeps over the group as Marshal Aizawa’s stern gaze serves as a silent reminder to take this seriously. Marshal Todoroki clears his throat, making everyone tighten up their positions.
“At ease, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki finally says after a couple of moments of tense silence. “Before we announce the co-pilot pairings and Jaeger assignments, I wanted to remind you all that this is not a game. This is not your childhood dream nor is it your chance at 15 minutes of fame. This is war. You are Rangers now, fighting for the sake of saving humanity.” Marshal Todoroki firmly states, his tone deadly serious.
“This is reality and in this reality, in this war, you are all putting your lives on the line. You may die. Your co-pilots may die. Your friends may die. But with those facts of this hellish reality looming over our heads, I thank you for your service and hope that you all live to see the day we win this war.” Marshal Todoroki ends his speech, both he and Marshal Aizawa straightening up and saluting.
The group of Rangers, collectively torn between shitting their pants from fear and keeping their cool, straightens up and salutes back. Azusa, while fully grasping the seriousness of the situation, inwardly cringes a bit at the lack of encouragement from her father. ‘Did I really expect him to be any sort of encouraging, though?’ She ponders bitterly as she and the rest of the group relax their positions.
“Onto announcing the co-pilot pairings and Jaeger assignments,” Marshal Aizawa says, drawing every pair of anticipation-filled eyes on him.
As Marshal Aizawa read off the names of pairs of co-pilots and their assigned Jaegers, Azusa’s stomach began to churn a bit. As much as she tried to will away the feelings of nervousness and slight dread, the roiling feeling refused to go. Occasionally her eyes connected with those of her father’s, making matching his steely and stoic gaze the only easy thing about this whole event.
“Rangers Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, you both will be the pilots of the Jaeger; Steel Riot.” Marshal Aizawa announces, then sends a sharp glare at the two as they move to high-five and cheer, stopping them in their tracks.
“Rangers Hado and Kendo, you both will be piloting the Jaeger; Battle Fist.” Marshal Aizawa continues, letting the smiles the girls shoot each other slide despite the air of professionalism.
“Rangers Bakugo and Todoroki, both of you will be piloting the Jaeger; Bravo Inferno.” Marshal Aizawa says, casting a slightly wary glance between Azusa and Bakugo.
As soon as she had heard Bakugo’s name in the same sentence as hers, every single other word out of the man’s mouth became muffled by static. Her stomach now burns with a nasty mix of anger, dread, and loathing. She hears a curse-filled outburst that undoubtedly comes from Bakugo, but she is too focused on glaring at her father to acknowledge the brash blonde.
Marshal Todoroki pointedly avoids meeting Azusa’s eyes, his stoic gaze shifting over the other Rangers. Azusa clenches her jaw, her teeth grinding together as she continues to glare, half registering the stern words from Marshal Aizawa’s reprimand toward Bakugo. She can’t understand why her father or Marshal Aizawa thought that pairing her with Bakugo would be a good idea.
‘There is absolutely no way we will be able to work together, let alone Drift smoothly! This doesn’t make any fucking sense! He’s a stubborn asshole who will get us both killed if we’re even able to Drift successfully! Son of a fucking bitch-’ Azusa seethes as she half listens to Marshal Aizawa continue with assignments. Eventually, the assignment announcements come to an end and the group of Rangers are being led to Loccent’s command center while the first Jaeger and its pilots are being prepped for their first test run.
Azusa and the other newly graduated Rangers watch as team after team take their turns with their Jaegers, going through their first Drifts. Her peers cheer and congratulate each other with every successful display. Azusa offers her own words of praise when Tetsu and Kendo come back from each of their own successful Drift sequences with their co-pilots. Finally, the moment that she has been dreading comes when Marshal Aizawa tells her and Bakugo to go suit up.
The tense and rage-filled air between Azusa and Bakugo could be cut with a knife as the two don’t utter a word, let alone spare a glance at each other while techs help them suit up. The two enter the Conn-Pod of Bravo Inferno, Bakugo stomping his way over to the right-side pilot harness without even asking what side Azusa would prefer. As much as she would have preferred piloting from the right, she lets it go with an annoyed roll of her eyes.
Mechanisms lock Azusa into place when she steps into the foot-holds and places her back against the harness. The soft hissing and clicks coming from her right tell her that Bakugo hasn’t decided to leave the Conn-Pod in an anger-filled rage. Azusa takes a deep breath, using the cool oxygen being pumped into her helmet as an aid to shove down her growing dread.
“Alright, Rangers, let yourselves flow through the Drift. Remember Random Access Brain Impulse Triggers, or RABIT, don’t chase it and don’t fight it. Just like in your simulations, do not get stuck in the memories. Are you ready?” Marshal Aizawa’s voice coaches through the Comms, his voice firm but holding the slightest amount of hesitance.
“Whatever! Let’s just get this over with!” Bakugo snarls out, smothering her confirmation of readiness. Marshal Aizawa doesn’t even bother reprimanding him, just lets out a tired sigh before getting off of the Comms.
Azusa straightens up and tries to force the tension from her body as the AI voice speaking through the Comms counts down the seconds til neural handshake. She leans back a bit and closes her eyes, the final seconds ticking down. A gasp is ripped from her mouth and her body jerks as her consciousness is sucked into a flurry of memories, both hers and Bakugo’s.
Flashes of her childhood play before her eyes, good moments blurring together into bad. She sees herself running around and laughing as she chases her siblings. Watches as her past self cheers and gloats over beating Toya in a video game. Feels it when memories of her father angrily shouting at her and her siblings when they did something wrong or embarrassed him in some way fly by. Unaware of her body’s labored breathing, new memories flash across her mind’s eye, memories that are new to her but not to Bakugo.
Azusa watches as a younger version of the blonde marches across a playground seemingly commanding those that follow him. Another memory bleeds through and she sees an older, female version of Bakugo cleaning his younger version’s knee. The woman, his mother Azusa assumes, says something that makes Bakugo’s younger self reluctantly giggle before that memory fades into another. This time, Azusa sees a teenage Bakugo gripping tightly onto a family photo. His face is twisted into anger and anguish, tears sliding down his cheeks and his jaw clenched. Everything fades out completely and with another gasp, Azusa is dropped back into reality, feelings and thoughts that aren’t hers invading her brain.
“Right hemisphere calibrating,” the AI voice from before guides, as Azusa and Bakugo lift their right hands up in sync.
“Left hemisphere calibrating,” the AI continues, Bakugo and Azusa raising their left hands up in sync.
“Holy shit,” Bakugo breathes out over the Comms and Azusa can feel his awe as much as she can feel her own.
The pair’s thoughts fall into sync seamlessly as they move to show off a bit. Moving together fluidly the two raise their fists and bend their knees, getting themselves and the massive machine they now control into a fighting position. Feeding off of the impressed looks and cheers from onlookers, they quickly move into a different stance. Their brains and bodies following the same train of thought, they straighten up and bring one fisted hand to the palm of their opened one. Bakugo’s overwhelmingly confident and flashy ego reminds Azusa of Toya, a bit of sadness flashing through her mind when-
“Where the fuck is he?! Where is Toya?! He can’t be dead! Please, no no no-”
Flinching at the painful drop back into reality, Azusa groans and tries to make out what the voices she’s hearing are saying, “-roki and Ranger Bakugo, you are both out of alignment! Please try to re-stabilize yourselves!” Iida’s slightly panicked voice rings through Azusa’s ears.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m good now-” Azusa tries to say, but she is cut off by Marshal Aizawa getting on the Comms.
“You’re stabilizing, Todoroki, but Bakugo is still way out of it! Bring him back, now!” Marshal Aizawa commands with urgency.
“Dammit- Bakugo, listen to me! Snap out of it! It’s just a memory, you have to come back to reality!” Azusa shouts across the three-foot gap between her and Bakugo.
Unfortunately, nothing seems to be getting through to the blonde as he stands in place, stock still. His eyes have a faraway look in them, his face fearful and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. But Azusa keeps trying to get to him, closing her eyes and sinking into her mind to try to find where his went.
When she opens her eyes again it’s raining and she’s standing among the rubble remains of a building. Her gaze sweeps the area, not finding her co-pilot anywhere but instead catching on the form of his younger self. This version of Bakugo appears to be the same teenage version from the earlier memory. Once again, she looks around at all of the broken pieces of the building and pieces together that it used to be an apartment complex.
She looks back at teenage Bakugo when she hears him cough and groan as he moves to sit up from where he is lying. In the distance, she can hear helicopters and there’s a slight rumble from the ground beneath her, but all she can focus on is the boy in front of her. Teenage Bakugo stands up slowly with a dazed and pained look on his face as he grabs at his bleeding torso. More blood runs down the side of his face from his hairline and overall he doesn’t look too good.
Azusa watches as he looks around, clarity coming back to him as concern floods his features. He stumbles forward, desperately searching for something among the rubble surrounding them.
“Ma? Pops?” He calls out, his raspy and cracking voice echoing throughout the destroyed landscape. A few tears escape his eyes and he furiously wipes them away before continuing his search for his parents. A few feet away from where he had woken up, Bakugo stops cold in his tracks.
“N-no,” he brokenly whispers out, looking down at a pile of broken concrete slabs.
Azusa slowly walks up behind him, morbid curiosity getting the better of her, admittedly. A horrified gasp leaves her mouth as her stomach lurches at the sight of a hand sticking out from beneath the rubble. Slender fingers lay slightly crumpled and limp on the ground, a silver wedding band coated in dust sitting snugly on the ring finger. Acid burns at the back of Azusa’s throat when she recognizes the small ruby adorning the ring.
“No, no, no! Damn it!” Bakugo’s gut-wrenching shouting breaks Azusa’s attention away from her horrible realization.
Turning to her left, Azusa sees teenage Bakugo on his knees next to a body half-covered by rubble. Part of a re-bar sticks out of the side of the body’s chest and her nausea hits full force, once more, as Azusa walks over to Bakugo. When she reaches him, his face is buried in his hands as he sobs and his shoulders shake violently. Azusa looks down at the body before them and with a broken heart she realizes that it’s the man from the family photo from the other memory; Bakugo’s father.
Lost within the shared feelings of loss, grief, and pain, neither she nor Bakugo registers the sound of emergency personnel making their arrival. It’s only when a paramedic is crouched down in front of Bakugo do either of them briefly break from their grief. Bakugo, expressionless and silent, gets ushered to an ambulance with a dust-covered picture frame in his hands, the glass of it shattered and the whole thing is overall broken.
Teenage Bakugo passing out in the back of that ambulance is what snaps them back to reality, both of their bodies giving out on them. Alarms are blaring throughout the Conn-Pod and voices shout at them through the Comms. Looking out of the window of the Conn-Pod, Azusa watches the arms of the Jaeger slowly fall to its sides. As the glow of them fades out, she realizes that one of the weapons had been engaged during the traumatic flashback and a dulled shiver runs down her spine.
Ignoring the continued shouting from whoever is on the Comms, Azusa removes her helmet and releases herself from her harness. She rushes over to Bakugo, hands out ready to steady the man as he stumbles from his harness’s release. He rights himself, though, and shakes the look of sadness from his face to replace it with a harsh glare. He rips his helmet off as he steps away from Azusa.
“Get the fuck away from me.” He seethes out before running a hand over his face to wipe away the remaining tears. Shoving past her with little care, Bakugo storms his way out of the Conn-Pod leaving Azusa alone to deal with the torrent of emotions flooding her brain.
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Note ~ Let me know if there are any tags I should add! I love and appreciate every single one of you, Lovelies! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
Dabi never turned into a villain here, interesting! But the fact that he immediately became a porn star instead is funny. And Natsuo and Shouto backing Dabi up is great too.
Oh my God, Shigaraki owns La Venus here. This is amazing.
I love how professional they are about everything.
The aftercare is sweet! Short, of course, but still sweet. Also, the fact that everyone is so happy about Dabi coming on camera is amazing.
Yes, save that number Dabi!
Ahhhhh, I really really like CNC, especially when you write the set-up in the beginning and the aftercare afterwards. So many conflicting emotions! I think reading CNC from Shigaraki's perspective would be interesting, too.
I always find it a bit harder to comment on prompts like this, but they're always so good! Daddy kink is something I never thought I'd be into as much as I am, and Dabi's oral fixation is always nice to read.
Thanks for this one!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and any kind words on porn fics always light up my day! They also help me to know what kinds of kinks I should do more often! Thank you so much for commenting!
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seiwas · 1 year
and for your other game, k + r + z, if i may ask so humbly of you, my dear !! i have warmed up croissants for us both, along with some delicious coffee / tea 💝🥐☕️ !!
how sweet of you sweet dilly!! bringing warmed up croissants and drinks for us when it should be me treating you!!! 🥺 and of course you may ask!! thank you so much for keeping me company on this brunch / midnight snack ! 💗
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
oh dear angst 😭 i think ex!bakugo might be the angstiest one i've come up with so far!! (which is currently being developed!! it's the next long fic i plan to finish) i like me a good hurt/comfort but when it's just hurt no comfort 😖 i'm weak !! my heart can never take it !!!
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
i can only really read a major character death if it's canon, and even then it's really hard for me to!! my heart really can't take it!! like i know the writing's gonna be good but i just... i'd be a complETE MESS. like. unable to recover 😭 i've written mentions of character deaths but not during... the process... of it... i cannot tolerate... anyone's death i think... 😭 my loves must stay alive with me... 😭
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
yes so many fanfic writers i adore!! for col especially, i mentioned @seravphs and @augustinewrites as being main influences for the way i chose to write gojo!! i think i base it more on their versions of characters (bc characterisation is big for me!) than other things like writing style etc. other influences i have are: for gojo --- @/saetoru (bc of rb!gojo), @/hawnks; for bakugo --- @/willowser, @/ofmermaidstories, @/bakughosts
those are just off the top of my head!! and writers i am silently admiring from afar :') i'm sure the influences will change for every version of each character i plan to write though !
i associate my mutuals w their very distinct ways of writing our faves too!! (lowkey appreciation post ahead!!)
@stellamancer - for expert dialogue n banter between reader and gojo (unnamed fic verse) i go thru niku's stuff so quick bc the conversations flow so well!!!
@seravphs (alr mentioned sera) - for teen dad!gojo but also recently knight!gojo (my god... everything abt it is just... UGH)
@crysugu - for papa!gojo 🥺 and the most devoted nanami i have ever seen in cariño; my sweet dilly is the intimacy queen!!!
@strawberrystepmom - for semi-established gojo x reader!! kendall drops another piece in this universe and u can catch me SCRAMBLINGGG TO READDD (she also converted me into a natsuo fucker fml......) kendall's really good at immersing u in her stuff!!
@satoruhour - dad!gojo too 🥺 whether to own kids or megumi/tsumiki !! i have yet to go thru all of t's stuff but every time she posts abt gojo i go into gojo brainrot 😣
@kentoangel - for nanami but especially bodyguard nanami 😣 he lives in my mind!!! whenever roma talks abt nanami i melt inside!! and lately even the choso posts r getting to me 😭
@soumies - for angst. somi breaks my heart. she wrote a gojo angst series and it ruined me. and she wrote an iwa angst drabble and it wrecked me too.
@augustinewrites (alr mentioned augustine) - for keeping up with the fushigojos ofc!! and her iwa stuff too!!! (i love anyone who loves him!!) 😭💗
@vagabond-umlaut - for twin dad!gojo!! the twins!!! my heart melts with this series by kit!!
@gardenofnoah - for the works of hers that i've read so far and just been floored by (there's a bakugo one and a todoroki one, and a nanami drabble!) they're all different from one another but bea writes so so so beautifully, i fear going thru her masterlist (but i'll still do it!!!) bc i know it'll break my heart just to mend it back up!!!
@c4ssiopeias - for that heart-wrenching ex!bakugo fic that ripped my heart up!! haven't gone through nova's masterlist yet but her writing is so so painfully raw!!
@treasuringizu - for an atsumu i'll fall in love with always!!!! kc writes him so hNGh-ly i wanna squish him and punch him and kiss him all at the same time!!!
☕♡🍞 brunch chats or a midnight snack! ☕♡🍞 pick from any of these ask games: 1 | 2 | 3 and let’s talkkkk!!
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number1villainstan · 2 years
Villain Pet AU
In which most/all of the villains/villain groups in MHA have their own pets/mascots. @cans-of-beans and I created this in a wild discord convo. Beans, if there's anything important I missed/that you want to elaborate on please add it on
League of Villains: Monchan, naturally. In this AU, he has a longevity/immortality Quirk (so Tomura can't hurt him by accident) and One For All (which he got by accident, by licking up some of All Might's blood during his battle with AFO while All Might was thinking about a successor). There is much debate in the League over whether he's haunted, weird, or just a Very Smart Good Boy. This is because the vestiges (mostly Nana) use an Ouija board to communicate through Monchan. (It was Toga and Twice's idea.)
Shie Hassaikai, specifically Chisaki: Shi, aka Four, a black cat that Chisaki adopted at Pops' request two years pre canon. (Also my personal favorite and therefore the longest section here.) The conversation went a little like this:
Pops: You need to develop empathy and be more human. Maybe taking care of a pet will help.
Chisaki, used to Pops indirectly insulting him: Oh thank god, for a second I thought you were going to shove a whole child at me.
Pops: Haha, no, I don't trust you with a child.
(Eri is hanging out with her grandfather for now. It's a marginally better situation.)
Four has an intelligence Quirk. She can't naturally understand human language or get into deep philosophy (and she still acts and thinks like a cat), but she understands some things that normal cats don't (like that feet are a part of humans and not the enemy) and can communicate concrete ideas with symbols that Kai taught her.
Her name is Four/Shi because in Japanese both death and four can be pronounced 'shi,' making four an unlucky number. I feel like Chisaki would be the type of person to play on that superstition.
Chisaki loves this cat. So much so that he gets/sews clothes for her. He tried to make her wear shoes too, to keep her feet off the dirty floors, but she hated them because they kept her from using her claws. Also, there is definitely a cat-sized lab coat among the clothes she has.
Gentle Criminal and La Brava: You know the whole "Kiwi and his goth gf" thing? Those are the birds these two have. Gentle has the goth gf, whose name is Bronte--sometimes he'll call her Miss/Madame Bronte for fun. Brava's multicolor bf's name is Cariño(so), which is Spanish for sweetheart/kind/loving/gentle. The birds are in love, naturally, and they often fly out with cameras attached to scope out areas Gentle and Brava are interested in for their videos/heists.
The MLA/PFL: Neither of us have gotten far enough into the story to meet them, so we decided for fun that they had a goldfish with a mecha suit a la Megamind. (This is subject to review.)
(Bonus: Natsuo, in this AU, is a vet and works at a veterinary clinic that (somehow) all of the villains attend to for their pets. The clinic is the only neutral ground that all of them respect.)
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pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 3 excerpt — fuyumi confronts endeavor read full story here
“You’re home.”
Fuyumi toes off her shoes.
“It’s been a while.”
As her sole slips out of her flat, she loses herself in the engraved lines of the tatami floors at her home's entrance. She imagines what they’d look like to a wandering ant — imagines in a next life if she were reincarnated into one, how she’d most likely roam onto and over the beige grooves as if they were hills; an endless expansion of rice straw landscape to be explored. How she may even feel protection in the surrounding deeper valleys of each indent during her journeys. 
Then she remembers what her father does to wandering house ants. Her lifespan would probably be cut to two — maybe three — minutes, maximum. 
In her most vicious thoughts, the ones that creep at three in the morning when the house echoes with the blaring silent loss of her mother, her brothers, and pieces of herself, she swaps the positions. Her father the ant, herself the executioner. She imagines, in the hazy moments between wet lashlines and clogged sinuses, bringing her thumb over her ant of a father, how ginormous and catastrophic the view would be for him, how scared he’d be, how powerless he’d be, as the pad of her thumb gets closer, closer, closer, and closer until —
She wonders if monstrosity runs through her veins, bitten through her umbilical cord, and infected her D.N.A. 
She’s read that study, the one that theorizes how trauma is genetic. How it burns through the bodies of each next generation, over and over again.
The part of her that loves her father wonders what his own father was like. 
“Fuyumi, are you — ”
“I spent the last couple of nights at Natsuo’s,” She finally says, taking her eyes off the mats that hold the twenty-six years of Fuyumi’s existence — soul, spirit, spit and smiles.  
She looks at her father.
He’s healed quite well, physically, these past few weeks.  
However, his eyes are different. 
Before last week, Fuyumi didn’t understand why her father woke up from his coma in tears. She remembers being scared because she was so confused, ‘My father? Crying? Oh, Gods, someone has died, surely, haven’t they.’
Little did she know, the fool she was, it was the arrival of someone coming back to the land of the living. Those anguished eyes were not of mourning but of guilt and horror, azul irises flooding with the dire consequences of his own sins.
A prideful man, filled with greed and burning lust for power, wrathfully envious of those who rise above him in heart and skill, fueled by the gluttonous desire for respect while his efforts to obtain so are drenched in nothing but sloth and empty expectations.
But his eyes are different, they’re so different. No longer are they scrunched in downward severity, no longer burning for sky-high promises. 
He hasn’t turned his flames on since the incident. 
‘Is he ready to come back down to Earth?’
“We need — ”
“ — To talk,” Her father finished her sentence, his new eyes slightly widened at the unison of their thoughts. 
Fuyumi isn’t sure if they’re referring to the same topic. There’s a feeling deep in her gut, though, that thinks, ‘Yeah, we’re talking about the same thing.’
She decides to break the ice. She needs the upper hand here. 
“I know. About the villain who did that to you…” Fuyumi sees her father’s head hang slowly, “About Touya.” 
He nods towards the open area in the center of their house, “Can we sit? The weather is nice today.”
Fuyumi’s throat is so dry at how easily her father accepts this, “Yeah,” She croaks, using her arm to gesture, ‘lead the way.’
They sit at the ledge, five or six feet apart. 
Fuyumi remembers sitting here as a child, with her twin who grew faster than her, and how he’d make fun of the way her feet wouldn’t reach the ground as she’d swing her little legs back and forth while he’d stomp the ground with his big feet for emphasis on how much longer his legs are. 
Fuyumi snorted quietly through her nose at the memory, ‘That dickhead didn’t even grow to be that tall. Natsuo practically towers over him.’
“Such a beautiful garden,” Her father starts, sun in his eyes. The way his knee bends up to his chest reminds Fuyumi just how large her father’s stature is, how sometimes he’d make her home feel like a dollhouse — how child-Fuyumi would think that her own father just doesn’t quite fit right in this home of hers. “I really let it go to waste, didn’t I?”
“Not enough plants for you?”
“The grass is too perfect,” Her father seems to be in his own world, a large hand trailing a thatch of greenery beside his feet, “Parents complain about their lawns constantly being scuffed up by their kids. Running around, rolling in the dirt, digging, and playing these… ‘scavenger’-type games. You should have had a home where the grass was not so perfect.”
‘You never provided such a home!’
Fuyumi’s eyes sting. She sucks in her cheeks and presses her tongue to the roof of her mouth, to pause, to think.
“You’ve been sleeping in Touya’s room.”
“I have.”
‘Gods,’ Her father is being so quiet right now. Fuyumi never imagined her father’s thick vocal cords were even capable of such softness. 
She asks the only thing she’s wanted to know since her father woke up from his coma three weeks ago, “Why?”
Her father buries his face in his hands, wipes his eyes, and holds his mouth as if he can’t utter the words out loud, can’t speak the truth lest he makes it real. 
“Please,” She begs.
How many times will she have to beg this man? For kindness, for cooperation, for truth?
Hands folded at his chin as if to hold a quivering jaw, her father’s auburn eyebrows turning upward, “Fuyumi. I don’t…” He breathes deeply, “I don’t even remember… what really happened that night.”
That night.
The night of Touya’s death. 
Her father intertwined his fingers to rest his chin upon, a ray of light highlighting the glittering of clumped auburn lashes, “I sleep in his room because I feel… that if I… If I’m surrounded by him — by his things and his scent and who my son was, I will finally remember or-or understand why he is who he is today. But Fuyumi,” Her father rasps thickly as he turns to her, “His room… His room does not smell like him. His things haven’t been his for such a long time, and the only thing I have ever been certain of is that all of this is my fault.”
Her heart aches. 
Fuyumi has seen her father in physical pain. She is often the one who mends him and feeds him after a particularly draining battle. But she has never seen what the man looks like in fear.
“What will you do?”
“For once in my life, I’m at a complete loss.”
Fuyumi grips the strap of her bag.
[ “Are you sure you want to give these to him? Usually, these are mailed or delivered by professionals in a matter of seconds.”
“Yes, Eraserhead-san. I… I need this, and I know him. This will end better if this news comes from me.”
“I don’t like this.”
“Not a whole lot to like about this entire situation, Sensei.”
“Shouto… Do you always talk to your teacher like this?”
“Sensei says I need to speak up more, put myself out there.”
“Todorokis… Fuyumi, I’m calling you in an hour. If I don’t get a response, I’m putting an all-points bulletin on you.”
“Thank you, Eraserhead-san.” ]
“Do you truly seek redemption, Father?” 
“Yes, Fuyumi,” Her father’s eyes pleaded something fierce with her, “I... I want to atone. I want to be different. Better.” 
Fuyumi takes the manila folder out of her bag, the one with a bolded ‘YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED’ stamped on the front, and lays it down in the space between them, “Then confess.” 
Tawny eyebrows scrunch briefly as he takes in the words on the folder, before they shoot up in surprise, “Fuyumi…” His head snaps up and shakes as he pulls back, “I am a hero.” 
She snaps, “Then, for once in your life, be heroic!” And, ‘ Gods,’ it may be wrong but the way her father flinches back makes something inside her chest feel so good, “Be worthy of that title. Face the consequences of your vile actions. Turn yourself in, and spare all of us the trauma of a trial, the possibility of a biased and undeserved verdict.” She searches for signs of immediate danger, for raising arms and rising heat because bravery only got her family members so far in this household. However, what she sees — slumped shoulders, quivering lips — makes her softly finish, “In your heart of hearts, you know you’re guilty.” 
“... Is this the only path? Towards forgiveness? Redemption?”
A bitter laugh escapes her throat, “After everything that’s been revealed, it’s much too soon to talk about forgiveness, and I’m not even sure it’s my right, anymore. But regarding redemption? Father, what is the reason you put villains in jail?” 
Her father jams the final nail into his own coffin, “Because they broke the law.” 
“And are you arrogant enough to believe you are the exception?”
There’s silence for a long, long moment.
“So it’s out,” Her father mumbles, taking the manila folder into his lap before looking towards the sky. 
Fuyumi has never been able to read her father, as Todoroki Enji is not a man of visible words and coherent sentences to make sense of. 
Fuyumi stands up to leave, “Spare us all the burden of trial. Don’t make him beg other people to give him the justice I know, and you know, he deserves.”
read full story here
my other works
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inkykeiji · 1 year
As someone who admires the Todoroki family from a writing perspective and just Horikoshi's ability with characterization as a whole, I'm very, very scared that the series as a whole is just going to end cleanly. I'm invested in the Aizawa/Present Mic/Shirakumo/Kurogiri arc the same way you feel about the Todorokis, but I feel Horikoshi is going to go for a happily ever after for everyone somehow. I'm very fine with the idea of major characters dying, but I don't think Horikoshi has the balls to do it. That's just my two cents though.
That image of the Todorokis made me so happily sad in a way though. He's so SMALL next to Endeavor and Natuso!
YES oh my god
yes that’s my fear exactly, too. because i know hori has the talent and the capability to end these stories in gut-wrenching but well executed ways, but does he have the balls to do it????? to potentially upset a huge portion of the fandom that would rather have the fan-service happy fluffy endings instead of something that’s written beautifully but hurts so much??? i don’t know. i’m worried he doesn’t, but i’m really hoping he does >.<
i gotta be honest, it bothers me so much when people say dabi deserves a happy ending or that dabi dying is a ‘bad ending’ for his story, as if dabi didn’t kill TONS of innocent people just because he felt like it, like dabi didn’t consciously make the decision to take away mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters from people, as if dabi doesn’t ENJOY killing, etc. it like genuinely makes me see red HAHAHA like alright, let’s say he lives. what happens? the only plausible answer is that he goes to fucking jail, because they got the man in 4k lucidly admitting to 30+ murders, among other crimes. what else could possibly happen??? the judge and the authorities and society as a whole just give him a slap on the wrist and ignore his laundry list of crimes because he’s ~got trauma~ and he’s ~the eldest son of the number one hero~??? dabi’s story as a whole is absolutely heart wrenching—and it deserves to stay that way!!!—but that doesn’t excuse any of his actions. like, at all. i’ve got loads of trauma too and yet i am not out there killing in the street lmfao.
or what? the whole todofam works out their YEARS long combined and convoluted family and personal trauma in one battle out on the battlefield and suddenly everything is resolved and happy and great again and they all love each other and everything’s been forgiven and dabi’s/touya’s severe mental illness just disappears??? just evaporates from the tissues of his brain like a fucking mist??? it’s borderline offensive LMFAO like i know this is a series about fucking superheroes but hori has done a pretty good job keeping several aspects of realism within it. my cousin and i have this talk often but it’s incredible and super interesting how hori has been able to take something so REAL (trauma as a whole, with all the league members) and portray it in a way that is relatable and realistic while still filtering it through this superhero lens and society. it’s brilliant. they all deserve well written endings, dabi and tomura especially.
anyway sorry i’m going on a serious rant here and i am going to stop HAHAHA but yeah, i totally feel you. and it’s like,, i get it, in a way; i understand the appeal of everything ending super happy and warm and feel good, but for me personally, i would rather things end in a way that hurts but is well executed, you know? i’ll take that over bad writing any day. the aizawa/mic/shirakumo | kurogiri storyline is SUPER interesting and they too deserve a properly written ending, even if it’s painful!!!!!
anyway moving on yeS HE’S SO TINYYYYY ugh i love how he’s like, taller than rei + fuyumi by a decent amount but so much shorter than enji and natsuo it just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it makes my heart !!!!! explode <3 he’s so cute <3 he really is his momma’s son like look at him!!!!!!!! he looks like her so much 🥺🥺🥺
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Amnesia Dabi: What is Fuyumi's initial reaction to the "Everything"?
In canon and presumably in CC she had a hard time accepting how bad the situation really was. In a timeline where Touya's death got Enji to be less terrible she would probably have an easier time of it, even if Natsuo and Shouto don't reconcile with Enji.
Also, what is her first reaction at finding out about Dabi?
So I'm gonna go on a few different tangents here on like.
Fuyumi's optimism isn't denial. Not exactly. She's aware that things are fucked. What she /doesn't/ accept is that it can't be fixed. Fuyumi has solid memory of when things were better in the family. She /knows/ that, with some help, they can fix things. Not perfectly, of course, there was damage done, but as best they can.
Now this can push some buttons for the rest of the family. Enji himself is the one in the most denial about things being fucked(he's a little aware but in canon/cc he's going 'I can fix this if I just keep going'). Natsuo is ready to cut his losses and get away, even though he does entertain Fuyumi's optimism enough to keep showing up, but he has serious doubts that anything can change. Shoto, as much as he loves Fuyumi, doesn't understand her optimism because he's too young to have many good memories of the family. But he's also kinda stuck here being the baby of the family and hasn't fully decided on things. Meanwhile, in canon and cc, Toya is very full of rage and wants Enji to answer for his crimes.
All the kids reactions to their situation is pretty valid and understandable.
Now for the Amnesia!Dabi AU:
With Enji fixing things when Toya dies instead of doubling down, this is going to change some things by the time canon comes around and there's two factors to that
1.) the time. This AU would be focusing on current time, so Toya has been 'dead' for years and the family has had time to heal. Time for Enji to work on his shit and to do his best to make up for his mistakes, time for Natsuo and Shoto to realize that this is genuine and get used to the new dynamic.
2.) the ages. Shoto and Natsuo are younger when this change happens. Shoto is 11. Natsuo is either 14 or 15 depending on when in the year this happens. Them being younger helps with the shift as well.
Swinging over to Fuyumi: in between the grief of Toya's death, she's glad that things are changing. There is some upset to it. Did it really have to take Toya's death for Enji to realize things are fucked? But she's good at accepting that and it's in her nature to fix things, so the fact that things are being fixed helps her.
The reaction to the Dabi situation as a whole is. It's A Lot™.
At first there's the initial 'oh my god he's alive and he's okay' thing. Which is confusing and exhausting but also how can you not be happy about it?
But then there's the amnesia stuff. Which puts that 'he's alive' relief on hold because he's 'alive' but he's not fully 'back'. It's Toya but it's Not™. He feels like a ghost haunting the family for a while. A stranger wearing her brother's face. Fuyumi feels touch of jealousy because he talks about Himiko the way he used to talk about her. (it gets better as his memory starts returning, but sometimes she'll mention an old joke and he'll just stare at her)
Of course there's also the fact that Toya in general is just Not Okay™. He's clearly been through so many kinds of hell, between dying and whatever was done at that shady ass clinic he woke up in then living on the street with no memory and joining a group of villains.... plus the more they trigger his memory the more they also trigger trauma responses so he's having a hell of a time with that too.
It's. It's a lot.
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
My thoughts on MHA s6 ep17:
⚠️Spoilers (obviously) ⚠️
Alright let's get all my emotions about the episode out of the way first:
Now about the episode. I think it has some of the best cinematography I have ever seen in my hero academia!
I'm going to gush a little. Bones decided they wanted to start experimenting with the animation and I'm here for it!
First they gave us A GREY SKY last episode and then this episode we get shots like these:
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I am LOVING these Dutch angles and the camera spins.
It looks like Touya literally opened the door to hell in that shot!!
It's fucking amazing!!!
I hope they continue to experiment with lightning and creative angles like this in future episodes too, It really elevates the scene.
The one animation thing I will complain about (which is a real nitpick) is the single blood tear.
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Hori gave us this nicely composed shot of the blood tear dropping as we transition from the panel of Dabi on the couch to a panel of the Todoroki household.
The way they animated this it shows the blood flowing down his face but then we cut to black hearing the sound of the droplet, before cutting to the shot of the Todoroki household.
Again this is a real fucking nitpick. They still shot it in a creative way, it's just not how I would have preferred it. I wish we saw the droplet landing or something. Especially because there's multiple other instances in this episode where they cut to black for dramatic effect, so taking out this one wouldn't change much.
They also changed the doctor. I remember everyone theorising that in the scene where Endeavor and Rei go to a doctor about Touya's condition that it was Ujiko.
And in the manga where we only got one not very detailed shot from behind, he really did look like that. However in the episode they changed that completely.
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In the manga he looked bald, so I can see why people thought it was Ujiko. And personally I like that idea more since it fits with what we learn later about Touya in chapter 350.
AFO and the doctor would need to keep a close eye on him for AFO to appear and take Touya when the Sekoto incident happened. They were waiting for this. So showing "maybe Ujiko" as the doctor that Endeavor and Rei consulted was a neat little bit of foreshadowing.
They also reanimated the ball scene. In the season 2 version of the flashback they made Touya's hair red (even though it's white in the manga). I think that's why there was so much confusion about his hair colour in the fandom.
In the new version of the flashback they changed his hair back to white to fit the timeline of his loss of melanin better. I'm wondering if they're going to change the season 2 flashback too now or if it's just going to stay in as a continuity mistake.
I mean obviously the DVDs for season 2 have been out for long, so it would cost them a lot to fix it now. So they're probably not going to, which is understandable.
Something I didn't expect to like this episode was Hawks!!
I mean, I still don't exactly like his decision to help Endeavor. I don't like how Horikoshi keeps inserting him into the Todoroki side plot in general (as I've said many times)
But I liked the comedic relief he kind of provided. I think it wasn't as good in the manga, but here when they added the silly robot voice and him furiously typing on his phone! I think it worked a lot better in the episode.
Overall I really liked the episode, I think its quality is a lot better than the average my hero episode, even if there's not a lot of "premium treatment" scenes. That's what I like to call when the animation gets really smooth which usually happens in fight scenes, or in the intro.
The cinematography was visually intresting and that made panels that aren't really anything special in the manga, look absolutely amazing.
Again the scene where Touya opens the door to go outside.
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It looks cool in the manga but I didn't think the animators would do anything other than colour these panels and slap some generic background behind the door. But they exceeded my expectations this time.
Even the shots of Touya training in the forest
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Not as shocking as the grey sky we got last week (OMG STILL HAVEN'T FULLY PROCESSED THIS) but still impressive by bones standards!
I mean I was half expecting them to just make him train midday with a bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds in the background!!
But look at how interesting and good my hero academia looks when the animators get some creative freedom and play around with the lighting and angles and the colours.
I wish every episode could look like this.
ok ok I'm done gushing about the animation now! 😂
Loved the episode
episode good 👍👍
more of that please!!
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