#oh hey i watch this show with my baby niece
daisyblog · 3 days
Auntie and Uncle Duties
Too Young Masterlist Summary: Louis and YN look after Olive.
Based on this request and this request.
Hey Sis! I’ve got a last minute meeting this afternoon, will you and Louis look after Olive for me please?😘xxx
YN let out an excited ‘agh’ as she read the message from Phoebe. There was no hesitation, they would be absolutely thrilled to spend the day with their niece. Plus, YN saw it as a way of her and Louis getting into practice of looking after a newborn again, considering it had been 9 years since Arthur was born.
“Lou! Lou!”. YN shouted with urgency trying to get his attention from the next room. “Louis!”.
Louis feet came to a halt as his sock covered feet ran into the kitchen. “What? What is it? What’s wrong?”. His voice was rushed as he tried to catch his breath again.
“We’re looking after Olive today!”. YN smile filled her face, as she broke the news to Louis. “Isn’t that exciting?”.
He couldn’t help but stare at YN in disbelief, at how she had shouted his name with such urgency. “Yeah it’s fookin’ great…but next time less of the shouting…I thought there was something wrong”.
YN only rolled her eyes at his words. “Don’t be so dramatic…I’m thrilled that Phoebe has asked us”. The large grin on her face told Louis that this really meant a lot to her.
“Pheebs thinks the world of you…all me sisters do…so of course they’d trust you with their babies.”. Louis reached around so his arms wrapped around her waist, his hands landing on her lower back.
“Makes me more excited for our little bean!”. YN looked down at the small bump that sat between them.
Louis smiled down as he thought about in a few months time, their family would have an extra little person. “Who would have thought ey? If it wasn’t for my blue eyes that night maybe we wouldn’t even be here”.
“It wasn’t just your eyes…I thought you were hot way before that night”. YN confessed as they were still wrapped up in each others arms.
Louis wore his famous smirk, enjoying the new information he was hearing. “Oh really? It was the striped T-shirt and braces wasn’t it?”.
“Definitely…just gave you that bad boy edge!”. YN teased before reaching up to meet his lips.
The moment Phoebe dropped Olive off at YN and Louis’ to go to her meeting in London, YN’s smile has not left her face. Louis loved many things about YN but watching her being a mother and auntie was something special. She was a natural and her caring side really showed.
“And how about me, you and uncle Louis go for a walk?”. YN spoke to Olive as she gently put her pink coat on her. “And then we can pick Arthur up from school…he’ll be so excited to see you…yes he will”. YN cooed as Olive looked up at her, the mini Phoebe taking everything in.
“Your auntie YN doesn’t stop talking does she?”. Louis gently took Olive from YN’s arms, rocking her gently in his as he looked down at his niece. “It’s the Styles in her…always chatting!”.
YN knew he was teasing but she couldn’t help but form a ‘O’ with her mouth at his words. “You’re cheeky….you know I’m the quieter Styles!”.
“if you say so babe…but Gemma has won that title fair and square…you and Harry don’t stop when you’re together!”. Louis defended his words as he placed Olive into her pram and placing a blanket over her to stop the wind from making her cold.
“Oh shush and let’s take our beautiful niece for a walk!”.
The couple had slowly walked to their local park, Louis pushing the pram as Olive slept constantly inside. YN couldn’t help but let her mother’s instincts take over and kept checking on Olive every few minutes to check she was okay.
Enjoying the calmness, they continued to walk through the park, over the small bridge and around the lake before deciding to head to a cafe for them to get something to drink and to be able to feed Olive.
Walking into the small cafe, they were lucky to spot a table towards the back of the shop and quickly claimed it as their own. Whilst Louis ordered them both cups of tea, YN carefully picked Olive up from her pram as she started to stir. Louis was quick to make a bottle of milk up, using everything Phoebe had given them. As Olive gulped down her milk, eager for her lips to meet the bottle, Louis and YN sat in silence watching in awe at the little baby.
“OH! Is that Louis?”. The excited voice caught both their ears, meaning they started at each other wondering how the interaction would go.
Louis quickly brought his mug up to his lips to take a sip, a way to distract himself as he noticed the two fans approaching them. “Uh hi!”.
“Hey…you alright?”. Louis was always polite to his fans, he was eternally grateful for all their love and support. But when he was in public with his family, he always felt the urge to be protective.
“Yeah…we just wanted to say hi and that we’re really big fans”. The older girl spoke, as she looked between Louis and YN.
“Oh well thank you love…I appreciate all your support”. Louis wore a grin on his face, as he looked between the two fans.
“Is this Olive?”. The younger of the two noticed the baby lying in YN’s arms, still drinking her milk.
“Yeah…we’re on uncle and auntie duty today”. YN joked as she gently rubbed Olive cheek with her finger.
“She’s so cute!”. They cooed over the newborn. After taking a quick photo with Louis, the fans were eager to leave couple to enjoy their time.
Wanting to let YN drink her tea before it got cold, Louis carefully took Olive into his arms as the little one began to fuss. He gently stood on his feet with Olive tucked up to his neck as he swayed her gently to help soothe her. The science in front of her made YN glad she was already pregnant because the sight of Louis holding Olive in his arms, caused her ovaries to dance. Wanting to cherish the moment, she quickly snapped a photo of the precious moment between Louis and Olive because it really was something special.
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liked by lottietomlinson, thephoebetomlinson, and 971,045 others
ynstyles my heart can’t cope🥹🫶🏼🤍 View all 3,671 comments
lottietomlinson ❤️
annetwist absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️
the.daisytomlinson My heart🤍
thephoebetomlinson Olive loved her day with uncle Lou and auntie YN! Love you both🥰❤️
pillowpersonpp This is too sweet!
j_corden Waw! This is a special photo x
louisfan4 LOUIS🥹🥹🥹
1dfan7 I CAN’T COPE!!!
louisfan9 can’t believe we actually get to see louis holding his own baby soon!!
harryfan6 YN tell Harry we miss him❤️
Taglist :@jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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foundfamilyhq · 28 days
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finelinevogue · 3 months
pancakes for two
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summary - seeing your niece for the first time
word count - ~1k
pairing - husband!harry x reader
You made pancakes for breakfast on a Saturday.
It was a routine at this point and would be rude not to have pancakes after your morning jog with Harry.
Harry tended to make himself banana pancakes, because he hated not having some fruit in there somehow, but you were all for the nutella and other loaded toppings.
You had both just finished your pancakes, dirty plates on the coffee table in front of you and cups of tea to hand as you watched ‘This Morning’ on ITV.
Even after having been on a run and eaten pancakes, your day was about to get so much better.
“Remind me that I need to pick up more loo roll the next time I go to the shops.” You said to Harry.
“Thought we bought loads?”
His free hand rested on your ankle from where your legs were stretched out on his lap.
“Yeah, but we gave a lot to Gem remember?”
“Oh shit, yes. We can go later if you want? I’ll take you?” He offered.
“The last thing I want to do is leave the house on the one day where you’re not busy preparing for baby number 4.” You laughed, taking a sip of your Yorkshire Gold tea.
“Baby number 4?” It was Harry’s turn to chuckle.
“Album? Baby? Same thing. They’re all your children.”
He tapped your ankle playfully.
Harry had been working so hard on planning for the next phase of his career and you were so happy to see him get excited and creative again.
Music is where he thrived and it was a joy to watch him work. However it did mean he was gone more than you wanted him to be, so quiet weekends like this were absolutely necessary.
Harry missed you just as much and he was constantly lucky that it was you waiting for him at home.
He’d been working so hard that he hadn’t even had a moment to see his sister since she gave birth.
It was only a week ago, but Gemma was still recovering and requested that the three of them just had some quiet time to let the new reality to settle in.
Now, Harry was restless to see his niece.
You scrolled through your phone when it suddenly made a Ring doorbell noise.
“Yes! I bet that’s my Waterstones parcel.” You said excitedly, sitting up and setting your tea on the coffee table.
“Another one?”
You hit Harry’s thigh playfully, “Shut up!” Although he did have a valid point.
You waited for the doorbell to ring, before jumping up and making your way to the front. You made a note to shout at Harry for - yet again - leaving his coat on the banister and not put back on coat rack.
You unlocked and opened the door, expecting the delivery guy but were met with Gemma, Michal and baby instead.
“Oh my God!” You shouted, cupping your hands over your mouth in shock.
“Surprise!” Gemma laughed, baby carrier on Michal’s arm and baby bags too.
You started tearing up then, emotional over how beautiful Gemma was after recently giving birth. She was glowing and looked incredible. They both looked so happy too.
“Y/N/N?” Harry called your nickname.
He rounded the corner only to stop short.
“Look who showed up.” You allowed the tears to drop down your face.
“Hey, bro.” Gemma smiled.
“Hi, H!” Michal smiled at Gemma’s smile.
Harry, ever the emotional man, broke down in little sobs then. He pouted when he cried and probably had the same thoughts as you initially did.
“Come in. Come on.” You ushered them in.
You gave Gemma a big hug first, squeezing her but not too tight, and kissed her cheeks.
Then you hugged Michal, careful to avoid all his extra baggage.
“How are you?” You asked Michal, as Gemma went over to speak and probably console Harry.
“Tired, but never been happier.” He genuinely smiled.
“Can I take anything from you?”
“No, I’m just going to dump them here if that’s okay?” He motioned to the space in the hall.
“Of course, go ahead.”
“You want a tea? Coffee?” You offered.
“Coffee, please. No sugar. Gem will probably just have water.”
You nodded and walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. Gemma and Harry were still hugging, softly talking to one another. You left them to it, not wanting to disrupt the siblings reunion.
You wiped your own tears with your sweater, before pottering around the kitchen.
“So let me see my niece then!” You demanded as Michal placed the carrier on the kitchen island.
He opened the visor and you had to choke back a sob as you saw how small your new niece was - your new best friend.
“Oh my God.” You whispered.
“I know. I keep having the same reaction, even now.” Michal chuckled.
Gemma and Harry walked in a few seconds later - Harry with red eyes and Gemma smiling like a madwoman.
You leaned forwards and brushed your finger over your nieces tiny bunched fist. Her skin was so soft and she didn’t budge at all with the tap from you.
“She’s beautiful, guys.” You whispered.
“She really is.” Gemma agreed.
“She’s a Styles if I ever saw one. No offence Michal.”
“None taken.” Michal genuinely didn’t seem offended.
You stepped back to let Harry have a gaze over his new niece, wrapped in her blankets and knitted bonnets. There were so many blankets you wondered whether she was cooking underneath them all!
It wasn’t your turn to know anything about kids or parenting though, yet, so you weren’t going to question anything.
Harry approached his niece and softly caressed over her small hand and over her quite chubby cheeks.
You cupped a hand over your mouth as you teared up from watching Harry interact with a baby.
“It’s too much!” You cried, laughing like an idiot.
Gemma and Michal watched you with soft expressions.
Harry moved towards you then, “Hey. What’s up?” He asked, pulling you in for a big hug. The best hugs.
“I think i’ve got a heavy case of baby fever right now.”
Harry pulled you away a bit to read your face, “You do?”
“Okay.” He smiled.
“Okay, what?” You stepped back.
“Let’s try. For a baby, I mean.”
“Really?” You eyes filled with tears. “You mean it?”
“A baby with you? It would make all those birthday and shooting star wishes come true.”
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storydays · 6 months
A silly little request from anon.
What if while in Gristles and Bridgets wedding, John Dory’s daughter (y/n) was found by Branch, thinking that she was lost and shocked that his older brother had a kid. (actually JD just lost her in the woods while hunting for food. Branch knew that Y/n is jd’s kid cuz of the looks) JD AND Y/N, FATHER-DAUGHTER REUNION. But also angst, since y/n didn’t know anything about her father
sorry my english is bad
When Will I See You Again?
John Dory X Daughter!Reader
Branch X Niece! Reader
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(15 years ago)
“Yeah, yeah! Baby girl, wait until you try Big Daddy’s gumbo!” a 30 year old John Dory laughed loudly as he mixed some vegetables and yak burger meat in a pan, making faces at his 8 month old daughter who giggled from her playpen.
It’d been the two of them since Kyomi, John’s wife of 15 years, passed during labor. It still hurt but John still had a reason to smile everyday:  you. 
You were a perfect combination of himself and your mother; although you took his smile and hair color, you took your mother’s calming personality and you both had that cute little gap between your front teeth. Your mother was an R&B Troll, one of the subgenres of Pop and Funk Trolls, who lived on a small island between Pop Village and Vibe City.
John Dory came across her during his journey of self discovery and Kyomi helped him break out of the role of oldest brother and the leader role, and helped him to understand why his brothers’ reacted the way they did. Together they then traveled around the world, looking for his siblings. But once John had seen how happy his brothers were, he’d decided to keep his distance, they didn’t need him anymore. 
John snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something burning. “Ah sugar!” He yelled as he moved you further away from the campfire and hurriedly put the water out. 
Once the fire was out, he turned to check you over, but you were fine, and not even paying attention to him anymore, instead you were facing away from him, playing with the necklace around your neck and babbling to yourself. John sighed softly and walked over to your crib and watched you play for a few minutes.
“Well, that gumbo is going to have to be made another day, darlin’. How about a breakfast dinner?” He asked, before grabbing you up, making you squeal in surprise, and put you in the baby carrier before heading out into the forest for more wood.
You babbled along as John Dory sang softly under his breath, as he gathered wood, when a loud screech startled you both. 
John cursed under his breath before rushing off, trying to get you both to safety when a claw scratched against him, making him trip, and hiss as he pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the deep scratches, before he felt his blood run cold when he realized you were no longer attached to him. 
“Nonononono!” He yelled, chasing after the bird before he tripped over a tree branch and face planted in the dirt, rushing to get up, yelling your name, hoping something could help him.
But the bird was far from his reach and so were you.
John Dory fell to his knees before an harsh sob escaped him as he started to wail in despair, calling for you desperately:
*Fastforward to present day*
“GOOD MORNING, UNCLE BRANCH!” You squealed, as you saw your uncle yawning. He chuckled softly, accepting the cup of coffee you were offering him.. “Hey, firefly. You ready for a royal wedding?” “You mean the one where Aunt Poppy and Aunt Bridget tried to dress me up as an actual flower?” 
Branch snorted in his coffee. “Oh yeah, Poppy showed me the pictures.” “It’s not funny, traitor!” You huffed, pouting and crossed your arms. Branch chuckled again making you smile before turning back to your journal, which was filled with different Troll fashion designs for each tribe. Branch started to make breakfast before peeking over your shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N)! These are amazing!” You smiled brightly, you always did when people complimented your work. “Thanks! I was so excited for the wedding today, I got so inspired! Can you guess what the theme is?”
“Hmm,” Branch hummed, as he got the ingredients ready for breakfast. He smirked to himself seeing all the hearts and swirls in your designs. “Chesseburgers?” He guessed playfully.
“No!” You giggled, “It’s love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, Uncle Branch. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of help to find it.” You said softly, fidgeting with the necklace around your neck, and looking over your designs with a thoughtful look. 
Branch studied you carefully, something was bothering you, you wore the same look he distinctly remembers his oldest brother having when he thinking hard. He cleared his throat before asking, “Wanna help me cook?” 
Now dressed in your wedding outfit,( you were the flower girl with Tiny being the flower boy), you stood next to your Uncle, dancing on the balls of your feet excitedly, stars shining in your eyes.
“Now, if there is anyone who objects to this—” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A loud voice screamed, making everyone turn to watch the mysterious Troll parkour their way down to the front of the crowd. Branch pushed you and Poppy behind him, eyeing the new Troll suspiciously. 
“Sorry, sorry, is this a bad time? I’m just looking for a Troll named–” asked the Troll as he pushed his goggles up, before gasping seeing Branch.
“Baby Branch!” The weird man then came up and started rambling about nothing of interest to you, as you could see how much this Troll looked like you and was strangely familiar. But seeing your Uncle uncomfortably trying to get out of the man’s grip.
“Hey! You put my Uncle down right now!” “And tell us who you are!” demanded Poppy, standing tall besides you. Branch groaned as he jumped down. “Oh right, right, sorry. I’m Branch’s brother.” You gasp as Poppy took the lead. 
You studied the new Troll, ignoring the argument between Branch and Poppy, and approached him. “Have we met before?” You asked, ceasing all conversation, not noting Branch bit his lip nervously.
“Now that I think about it……” John trailed off, seeing the necklace around your neck and gasping softly, before pushing your bangs from your face. “(Y/N)?” He asked softly, eyes tearing up. “Um.. yep that’s my name, heh. Says it on my necklace.”
“Oh my God….oh my God! You-you’re alive! “ John Dory laughed in disbelief before hugging you tightly. “I’m alive! I’m alive?” You giggle, hugging him back instinctively before backing away nervously. 
“Of course you wouldn’t remember me…you were just a baby when we got seperated.” John huffed softly, before looking at you with sad fondness. 
“(Y/N).....I’m your dad.”
There's no such thing as silly request :)
PART 2???????
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minniesmutt · 6 days
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⚠︎ ━━━  WC: 0.7K
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     Y/n felt very lucky for Jeongin’s family. By the time her and her boyfriend got to his parents house, his mom had put his brothers to work setting up. It looked great and Y/n could be happier. 
      “You know you can set up your own baby shower,” his youngest brother told him.
     “I brought the baby.” Jeongin told him
     “Y/n, are you parents coming early?” Jeongin’s mom asked 
     “My mom said they would. Depends if my dad actually gets out of the house on time.”
     “Mhm. It’s always their fault,” She agreed as Jeongin’s dad walked in from the backyard. 
     “Oh, Jeongin, have (Astrid)’s parents reached out to you?” his dad asked 
     “No. I have them blocked and my staff knows not to let them in the building. Why?”
      “Her dad showed up last night. Said they’d been looking for work. Thought you were hiring.”
     “For them? No.” Jeongin said stealing some of the snacks 
     “They’re still in town?” Y/n asked
     “Hard to leave town when you’ve practically lost all your money to pay your daughter for emotional damages.”
     “I almost forgot you all know her biological family.” Y/n stole some of the food from her boyfriend 
     “Hey!” he complained 
     Y/n smiled at him as the door opened and her parents walked in. Y/n was happy to see them and greeted them. Jeongin introduced himself to her family. Making a good impression with her dad. 
     Y/n introduced them to the rest of his family as well. Both seemingly get along well thankfully. Even after her parents interrogated Jeongin while he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. 
     “At least we met this one,” her dad said 
     “The old one wasn’t worth meeting anyways,” Jeongin said
     A few minutes later, the door opened again and multiple voices came from the entryway. Y/n looked over to see Jeongin’s friends walking in. 
     “Congratulations!” Felix— the only one she’s met besides Jisung , just because she went to his office once around their first couple of weeks — said and hugged her.
      “Thank you!” Y/n replied, hugging him
      Jeongin introduced him to the rest of his friend group; finally getting to put names to faces. (Astrid) and Jisung showed up not long after with Deiji, laying against her dad. Jisung put his daughter up in her room to finish her nap while (Astrid) joined the group. 
     “Sleepy baby?” Minho asked
     “Fell asleep in the car,” (Astrid) said
     The group conversed a little till Jisung came back and met Y/n’s family too. Pretty soon some more of Jeongin’s family and Y/n’s friends came. Hana practically hoarding her friends from her boyfriend. 
     “Where’s my niece?” Y/n heard Seungmin ask (Astrid) 
     “Hiding from you,” she told him
     “I see why they get along,” Wooyoung commented 
     All together, the baby shower was great. Y/n got to meet her boyfriend's extended family. Grateful for all the gifts their friends and families gave to help the baby. Everyone cooing at Deiji playing with the baby and helping her aunt and uncle open the gifts. 
     “She’s practicing for her birthday,” Hyunjin joked
     “She gets enough with how much Ji buys her,” (Astrid) sighed
      “I love my baby! Sue me!” Jisung defended himself 
     “I can already see Innie going that way,” Y/n said
     “I have no idea what you mean,” Jeongin defended
     “If he doesn’t I will,” Hana said
     “I’m locking you out of the apartment,” Jeongin told her
     “She’ll find a way in,” Wooyoung added
     “I’ll help,” (Astrid) agreed 
     “(Astrid) for sure knows how to pick a lock. I’ve watched her do it at least twice,” Seungmin confirmed 
     “It’s a good thing she doesn’t have to live that life anymore,” Jeongin’s mom said 
     “If it wasn’t for Ji, I might still be.”
     “I'm the reason you guys met,” Jeongin said
     “If Ji didn’t lie about having a girlfriend they wouldn’t of met either,” Minho said 
     “That is true!” Jisung said
     They all chatted for a few more minutes before they got up and cut the cake which also revealed their little boy's name. 
     “Now you can get something with his name on it,” Seungmin told Hana
     “This kid is gonna be spoiled,” Y/n sighed
     “He already is,” Jeongin told her, kissing the side of her head
     “Gross,” his younger brother said
     Jeongin glared at him as his mom served out cake to everyone. Y/n looked around the room as everyone talked. Happy with her new family and friends.
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
hi can you write a joe keery fic where they just recently got married and seeing joes family and reader being super cute with his baby nieces and nephews and joes super obsessed with it thankss
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pairing: joe keery x f!reader (married)
warnings: JUST PURE FLUFF !!!!!! okay ONE sexual comment but thats it, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, random names used for relatives (besides parents)
a/n: in my joe keery era fr
⋅•⋅⊰∙ ☆ ∙⊱⋅•⋅
"why are you nervous babe? you saw them at the wedding?"
joe and y/n keery have been sitting in their small car parked in joe's parents' house for the past five minutes. y/n didn't know why she was nervous either, which explains why she didn't answer her husband's question.
joe grabs y/n's hand and rubs his thumb over hers. "i know it's gonna be a lot of my family. if you get overwhelmed at all, we can leave, okay?"
y/n nods, before leaning forward and placing a kiss on joe's cheek. "i love you," her voice is soft.
"i love you," joe responds, with nothing but adoration filling his eyes.
the couple make their way to the front door. joe knocks and not even a second later, the door opens revealing joe's mother, laura.
"oh you guys made it!" she exclaims, pulling her son into a hug. "hello y/n," she pulls y/n into a hug, making her relax slightly.
joe and y/n make it through the threshold of the house, and are instantly greeted by joe's older sister, maddie.
she envelopes both of them in hugs, and informs them all the nieces and nephews are in the living room. joe takes y/n's coat, and the food they brought from her. he kisses her temple before telling her he'd be in the kitchen.
y/n makes her way to the living room, and just as maddie said, five children were playing with toys or watching the cartoons on the tv.
"aunt y/n!" gracie yells, alerting the other four kids in the process.
gracie was maddie's oldest daughter, then rylan, and jack was their only boy.
joe's other sister hannah, has two boys, adam and tristan.
all of the children come running towards y/n, as she kneels on the floor to bring them all into one big group hug.
"hey kiddos! happy holidays," y/n smiles.
she ruffles jacks hair, before following all of them. she sits on the edge of the couch, watching all of their activies.
"what are you all up to?" y/n asks no one in particular.
"me and gracie are playing with our new dolls," rylan answers.
"we have another if you want to play!" gracie announces.
y/n objects, "oh no, i couldn't intrude on the tea party you two have going on."
y/n turns to the three boys on the other side of her.
"how have my favorite boys been?"
"good!" they all chorus, earning a laugh from y/n.
adam's quick to show her the new toys he got that morning, along with jack and tristan.
down the hallway and in the kitchen, laura and her husband, thomas, along with joe and his sisters were all adding the finishing touches to the christmas dinner.
"oh honey, can you call y/n and the kids in here for dinner?" laura asks. joe nods, before walkings towards the living room.
he peaks his head into the area. his heart melts at the sight in front of him.
y/n was sat on the floor besides the three boys, as tristan was explaining how his new trucks worked. she kept going back and forth between the boys and girls, as they were all excited about her being there.
joe jumps slightly at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. laura looks over his shoulder at y/n and the kids.
"you picked a good one joe," she kisses his cheek before speaking again. "y/n, kids, dinner's ready."
the kids all immediately get up and run into the dining room. y/n kneels on the floor, and starts tidying the toys. joe walks over towards her. "y/n, you don't need to do that. those buggers are going to come right back and play with them after dinner."
"i don't mind joe," y/n dismisses.
joe holds his hand out, "come on, you heard my mom," he laughs while helping y/n stand, "dinner's ready."
y/n leans forward and kisses joe's lips softly. joe happily kisses back, without letting go of both of y/n's hands.
y/n tries pulling away but joe only pulls her into another kiss.
"ah ah ah," y/n places a hand on joe's chest and chuckles, "how about we skip dessert here, and you can have some when we get home?"
"oh i like that idea," joe kisses y/n's forehead, "i like that a lot actually."
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91dawsonmercer · 2 months
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I accepted the job in Newark, and the last week had been spent packing up the apartment with the help from mom and dad. I was worried about how Odessa was going to take the move, but once she heard we would only be a couple minutes from Jack and Luke she was all for it. I had all of the major things shipped to Jack and Luke's apartment in case the moving company took longer than expected, but everything got here on time.
I unlocked the door to the new apartment and Odessa let go of my hand and ran in. I watched as she ran through the small walkway in-between boxes and spun around to face me when she reached the window.
"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded before running back to me.
"I see my room?"
"There's nothing in there yet, but I'll show you."
I picked her up and carried her back the hallway to her room. I pushed the door open, and she wiggled out of my arms and walked around to get a better look at it.
"When's Rowdy and Lukey coming?"
"After they are done at practice. You're going to go play with Owen while we get everything unpacked."
"Owen!? I haven't seen him in forever, mommy."
"I know. We need to get you out of your pjs so you are ready for when Curtis comes to pick you up. They should be getting out of practice right about now."
"I wear my Rowdy jersey?"
"What about the hoodie? I should know where it is."
"Okay, mommy."
I got Odessa ready and was in the middle of tying her shoes when my phone started ringing.
"Nope, it's Curtis."
I accepted the call and put it on speaker.
"Hey. I'm leaving the rink now. Do I have to buzz in or anything?"
"I can just meet you downstairs to make it easier on you."
"It's up to you. I told Owen before I left this morning and Reanne said he hasn't stopped asking when she's coming."
"Awe, Dess is excited too. Just text or call me when you are here and I'll run her down."
"Sounds good."
Curtis came and got Odessa and I've started unpacking. I opened the one box as the door opened.
"Kind of unsafe to just leave your door unlocked with a toddler running around, you know." Jack says, causing me to look over at him.
"The said toddler isn't here, Curtis already came to get her. Plus I knew you guys were on your way and that's the only reason it's unlocked."
"What he already got her? I didn't even get to see her."
"You'll see her later, Luke. Hi Dawson, Hi Nico."
"Oh yeah, we brought our pest and the stray chihuahua that lives in the building. Hope you don't mind."
"Honestly, I would rather be a pest than get called a chihuahua." Nico says, looking over at Dawson.
"You live in the building, Dawson?"
"Yeah, like two floors up."
"So if you ever need something call him first. He can get here before we can."
The guys and I got everything unpacked. We got all of the furniture built except for Odessa's new bed and Nico and Luke insisted on trying to put it together themselves so we all are just sitting in her room watching them try to figure it out.
"Where's this go?" Nico asks, looking over at Luke.
"It's the headboard, idiot." I tell him, causing him to give me a dirty look.
"Rusty, tell your sister to get out."
"Yeah y/n. Get out if you aren't going to help."
"I've tried to help. You guys won't let me."
"Mommy!" Odessa yells as she runs into the room with Curtis following behind her.
"Hi, baby. Did you have fun?"
"Mhm. Owen and I played hockey!"
"Oh, dumb and dumber building a toddler bed? This has got to be interesting."
"They aren't very good at it. Thanks for taking her for a little bit."
"No problem."
"Well, I give up. Gimme my niece." Luke says and goes to reach for Odessa, but she runs to Jack instead.
"Dessa who is your favorite Uncle?" Curtis asks her and she acts like she is thinking about it.
"Hm…. Quinner."
"What?!" Jack moves her away from him and stands up. "I'm hurt, Odessa."
"You get over it."
"The sass she has."
"She got it from Rowdy."
"Nuh uh! I am not sassy."
"Uh huh! Mimi tells me too."
"Yeah, well Mimi lies."
"I tell her you say that. Where's my ipad, mommy?"
Jacks face changes from amusement to panic in a matter of seconds when Odessa brings up calling mom.
"There's no need to call Mimi. I'm sorry."
"Awe, is little Jacky still afraid of his mommy?" Curtis asks as Odessa walks over and sits beside Dawson.
"Have you seen the woman when she is pissed off? It's like y/n but times a million."
"Yeah that does sound terrifying. I need to get going. I told Owen I wasn't staying and that I would be back to read to him before bed."
"Thanks again, Curtis."
"You're welcome."
"What? It's already almost bedtime?" Nico asks, flipping his phone over. "We spent the whole day unpacking?"
"We've been done unpacking for a solid minute. You guys spent like three hours trying to build the bed." Dawson tells him as Curtis walks out.
"Do you need us for anything else?" Jack asks and I shake my head no.
"No, I think that's everything. Thank you and I owe you all-"
"Drinks." Jack interrupts.
"Sure, if that's what you guys want."
"But you have to come out with us. Luke can babysit."
"What? How is that fair to me?"
Jack and Luke go to start arguing but Nico's laughing makes them stop.
"Is she sleeping?"
I look over and Odessa is using Dawson's arm as a pillow and has one hundred percent fallen asleep.
"Yeah, she's out." I got up and picked her up without waking her. I carried her to my room and laid her down, making a little barrier so she wouldn't roll off of the bed.
I walked out of my room and the guys were all putting their shoes on.
"We're gonna head out."
"Okay. Thanks again, I really appreciate all the help."
"You're welcome. Goodnight."
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milfsfckr · 3 months
Natasha x daughter!reader, Yelena x niece!reader.
Y/n’s age: 3
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Fluff, a lil of angst.
A/n: this is another from my wattpad but I have a one shot in my drafts okay. (But I’m still being lazy)
Pretty short soz.
Natasha's POV:
I've just came home from a six month mission, and I can't wait to see y/n. She been with Yelena and everyone else, I'm still on the jet, and I have two hours left until I'm home.
As I'm landing the jet I see everyone but Yelena and y/n. I get off the jet hug everyone then I ask "where's Yelena and y/n?" They look at each other and Wanda was gonna say something, but tony stopped her.
"Where is my sister and my kid tony." I ask tilting my head slightly, tony was going to say something but Wanda said "they are upstairs in Yelena's room" I thank Wanda and go up to her room. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.
After a few seconds Yelena opens the door, and was about to say something until she saw it was me. "Natalia?" She say and hugs me, and I hug her back. Then I see a little red headed girl on Yelena's bed, "y/n?" I say and see her look at me "baby it's mama." Lena says, and she looks at me and looks at Lena.
"That's not mama" she says and goes to Lena, "it is mama, dorogoy" Lena says and I just look at her and smile "I want mama auntie Lena!" Y/n says while crying. "Baby mama is right there" lena says, "that's not mama, mama has red hair" y/n says looking at my blonde hair. (Sweetheart)
"It's okay Lena" I say with a sigh, and leave her room and go to mine.
⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗
Yelena's POV:
As Natasha walks out of my room I look at my niece and tell her "baby that wasn’t very nice" the little red head looks at me with teary eyes "why would mama change her hair.. was it cause it was ugly" she says "baby it wasn't cause of that, she had too" I say.
She looks at me and says "why did she have to auntie Lena?", "cause it was for her mission" I say with a sad smile and hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I say and see Natasha with her red her "mama?" Y/n says "hi moya lyubov’” Natasha says. (My love)
⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗
Natasha's POV:
“I’m sorry mama” y/n says “why baby?” I ask, “because I thought you weren’t mama” she says and I smile. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to change my hair” I say and pick her up.
"Mama how long will your white hair stay?" Y/n says with a confused look, "I don’t know Detka just gotta wait” I say and kiss her forehead, we walked to the common room by the kitchen and we sat on one of the couches. (Baby)
"Hey Nat how was the mission" someone asked me but I wasn't listening, "Nat?" Then I looked up. "Oh it was good" I say with a smile and looked at y/n and she was about to say something. "Mama I'm hungry" and I smile and got up and said "what do you want baby" she thinks for a bit "peanut butter cut in triangles, please" she says with a smile and Wanda says "she's just like you Nat" with a giggle, I smile and pick her up and go to the kitchen.
"Okay Detka this is how you make mamas favourite sandwich's" I say and she giggles, I show her how to make it and I saw Yelena look at us with a jealous look, because I never show anyone how I make my peanut butter sandwich’s. I cut them in triangles and give one to y/n.
and then I walk over to Yelena "here you go" I say with a smile then Yelena says "why does she get to know how you make these" she says with a huff "maybe cause she’s my daughter" I say with a laugh and go back to y/n eating her sandwich, and sit down with her.
“I missed you mama” she says while watching bluey, “I missed you too baby” I say and pull her onto my lap. “Did you make any drawings while I was gone?” I ask and her face lit up and she hoped off my lap and went to her room.
Then when she came back she had lots of drawings, “okay which ones do you want me to put on the fridge? And which ones do you want me to put in my room?” I ask her then she picks which ones go where.
⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗* ⧗
Y/n’s POV:
As I was picking pictures for mama I saw her yawn “mama wanna have nap?” I ask her while titling my head. “That’s a great idea, baby, we’ll pick these later okay?” She asked “okay mama”.
Then she picks me up and takes me to her room, she puts me on her bed and says “I just gonna have a shower okay?” She says and I nod my head, getting comfy in mamas bed.
Soon I end up falling asleep, then mama got out of the shower and hops in with me as i cuddle liho, she could feel the smile on my face and just giggled.
“Good night my sweet girl” she mumbled quietly and soon fell asleep.
My Masterlist.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Shapeshifter and the Quizz
a/n: in my mind it was a good idea
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*not my GIF*
mama!Natasha Romanoff x daughter!Reader; Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader; Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader(best friend); Yelena Belova x Teen!Reader(aunti-niece); Avengers x Teen!Reader
Summary: it was not the type of Natasha to get involved in Sam's and Tony's childish game but she need to prove them she know you better than anyone
Type: Fluff
Wanrning: nothing
words count: 1879
In the tower, the Avengers were chilling; it was one of those days when there was nothing to do except probably for Pietro, who was planning a lot of pranks for everyone. Usually you should be home at this hour, but you decided to hang out with MJ a little. Correction: She forced you to hang out with her, but you didn't mind; she's one of your best friends, so it's okay.
Tony came to the living room, where Wanda was watching TV with Peter and Natasha was reading; there was also Sam, Bucky, and Steve, but they were doing their thing. "Red, I'm building a new bookshelf for the little spider, but I don't know what's her favorite color." He asked, and before your mom could understand what he said, she heard.
"(F/C)" said by the Sokovian. She smiled, and Tony looked at her for confirmation; she just nodded.
It should be like that; she was happy to know your girlfriend knew you. But she obviously didn't think Sam would invite himself into the equation.
"Oh, Nat, I'm confused; I thought you were the one who knows her best," Sam teased her. Everybody knew what he was doing, but Tony, being Tony, couldn't let it slip. "She starts to steal your baby girl." He said this loudly, and the Russian started to feel jealous of your relationship with Wanda.
"What do you mean, guys? Of course I know what her favorite color is. Wanda was just faster." She replied; she obviously didn't want to fall into their childish game.
"Okay, so what's her favorite movie?" Sam asked not so innocently.
"(F/M)" Wanda replied instantly; there was a silence, and she looked at the redhead. "Sorry," she said lowly.
"See, Natasha, she knows Y/n better than you," the Falcon teased. Usually she wouldn't let them get her, but when Steve and Bucky laughed at Sam's antics, she started to feel jealous.
"Okay, and what do you want to do?" The Russian said, and Tony thought for a moment.
"What do you think about a quiz? We will ask you questions, and the first to reply wins a point," he said. Everybody looked excited.
"We're not obligated," Wanda said to Natasha.
"No, but why not?" The redhead replied. "But what win the winner?" she asked Tony.
He looked at the room and tried to find something worth before his eye lend on a shirt with Minnie Mouse. "A trip to Disneyland with Y/n?" he asked, and the Russian seemed skeptical.
"Why would I play to win something I can afford?" she asked.
"Because I'll pay everything," he replied, and that seemed to cheer Natasha.
"Deal!" they both said.
"Perfect, now we just need a referee who knows Y/n as much as you." Sam said. He thought for a moment before speaking again. "Friday, can you tell Pietro we need him here, and it's important." And the IA did.
For the first fifty minutes, they both replied correctly at the same time. The little animation brought the rest of the Avengers into the living room, and at each question, they always had a little comment. You finally showed up a few minutes later.
"Hey mom, I'm...here" you said when you entered the tower. Your mom didn't come to greet you, but you heard noise in the living room, so you made your way into the room, where you found your mom and your girlfriend. They seemed tense. "Wow. What's happening here?" You asked and walked to sit between them. All eyes were now on you.
"Oh, perfect little Romanoff. We are playing a game. A quiz." Sam explained.
"What's the theme?" You asked; you wanted to play too; it could be fun.
"You." Tony said, and you frowned your eyebrows. Your mom was not someone who easily got involved in Sam's stupid plans.
"Okay, I have another question." Pietro said, and everybody looked at him. "Who was Y/n's first kiss?" He asked, and now everyone looked at you, and it was impossible to hide your flushed cheeks.
"Easy, it's me." Wanda said, and you lowered your head; you were clearly not ready for that. When she noticed you, the witch gasped. "Seriously?" She asked, visibly offended, and everybody except you two laughed.
"It was Mike." Natasha said, "One of our old neighbors." She explained proudly. And you shook your head.
"To be completely honest with you, it was her big sister Nora." You said, and you didn't miss the grin on Pietro's face.
"What but you said…"   Your mom said
"Yeah, but it was before I came out, and I didn't know how you'd react," you confessed, and the redhead hugged you. This cute moment was interrupted by Tony.
"Okay, who was your best kiss between her and your first with the little witch?" He asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Wanda, of course," you replied, and your girlfriend kissed your cheek.
"Okay, okay, lovebirds I have another question." Sam exclaimed. "Who's Y/n's favorite Avenger?" he asked, and you chuckled. Except Pietro, no one could reply.
"Me," they both said, and you and your best friend laughed. The two women looked at you, shocked.
"It's totally Auntie Yelena," you replied, and Natasha cursed herself. Of course it was her; you were literally her biggest fan.
"At least the little poser has good taste." Yelena said, and you gave her a high five.
"I'm pretty disappointed," Wanda said, and she pouted. She was too cute, but that didn't change anything.
"Okay, guys, I have a last question. The first who replies wins," you said. "And I warn you, I'll be very disappointed if you can't find the right answer." you added. Okay, now there was a lot of tension in the room because of you. You cleared your throat and felt everybody focus on you. "Who... is... my best friend?" you asked.
"Oh, come on, it's easy. Pietro," your girlfriend replied.
"No, it's MJ," your mom said.
You didn't say anything; you just stood up, went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and made your way to your mom's room. Everyone looked at you but didn't understand why you acted like that. Pietro could see you were pissed off, and it was unbearable.
"Really?" your best friend asked, and all eyes were now on him.
"What?  It's true." Wanda defends herself.
"Technically yes, but from what we saw, it's not the answer she expects." Yelena said.
"But who is it?" Sam was obviously the only one who remembered you didn't reply.
"It's you!" Pietro said poiting Natasha before sprinting to your location.
"Hey buddy," you said, and you sat properly on the bed, and he sat beside you.
"Oh, you take better than I thought." he replied, and you chuckled.
"And how did you think I would react?" you asked, clearly amused by his exception.
"I thought you would be more sad, you know, like this time with Wanda when she didn't say 'I love you' back and you were a burden for a complete day." He said and you groaned, "Or this time when you split all your drink on the table because you imitated Peter." He added and you laughed.
"It was a very good drink, so of course I would be sad." you said.
"Or this time when you shot an explosive arrow and almost destroyed the training area, and Laura grounded you for fifteen minutes because it was dangerous." he added.
"Okay, I understand; you know me really well, but I need to remind you that it was not my fault for the arrow. If Kate didn't change it, I would never destroy it." you defend.
"I think that means Tony own me a weekend at Disney," he said, and you frowned your eyebrow.
"What?" you asked.
"He promised a weekend at Disney World to the one of them who could answer the question the best," he explained, and your eyes were wide open.
"All that for a trip to Disney World?" you asked, and he nodded. Pietro wanted to speak, but your mom and your girlfriend came.
"Hey, are you still angry?" Natasha asked.
"I wasn't angry," you replied, "just a little surprised that you couldn't both answer an easy question like that." you explained.
Your mom looked at her feet; she was a little ashamed that she couldn't get the right answer. "I didn't know," she mumbled, and before you could notice, Pietro excused himself and her sister and took her out of the redhead's room. He really knew you the best.
"How? I mean, we spent a lot of time together." you said. She didn't reply at first and just sat beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Yeah, but with the time we had fewer mommy-daughter moments; every time I asked you, you said you had something planned with MJ, Peter, Ned, or Pietro, and now you have Wanda."
"But did you forget all the mommy-daughter moments we couldn't have because you were on mission or just too exhausted from work?" you asked, and she felt guilty. "But I'm not really upset or anything. Yes, it's true, I spent a lot of time with MJ recently, but that's because recently you had a lot of missions, so she stayed with me to fill the void of not having you with me whenever I wanted, like when I was a kid, but it's okay." you explained.
"But I should be there. It's not okay." she said, and she started to feel angry towards herself.
"Hey, it's okay, Mom, like really. It's true sometimes; it's really sad, but I know you are somewhere, helping people, and I'm okay with that. I mean, how many teens can say that they have the famous Black Widow as mom?" you said, and she smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Nat asked with tears in her eyes, and you chuckled.
"You just knocked out a bad guy." you joked, and she laughed.
"I love you, мой маленький ангел (my little angel)." She said, and hugged you.
"I love you, too, мама медведь (mama bear)" you replied. There was silence for a moment before you spoke again. "Wait, what will we do about the trip to Disney?" you asked.
"I think you can convince Pietro to let you and her sister have a good time." she suggested, but you shook your head.
"I think I have a better idea. You'll go with Wanda, and I will stay with Pietro at Barton's farm." you said, and she frowned her eyebrow. "It's obvious that you both know me very well, but I think you need to learn more about each other." And it's been a long time since I had a sleepover with Lila, so it's a win-win." you explained.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, and don't worry, Aunti Laura will do all she can to not let me or Pietro get hurt or anything." you assured her. Your mom didn't reply; she just nodded and laid down on the bed, and you imitated her.
"I'm happy to be your best friend." she whispered, trying not to break the mood.
"I know, everyone would want to." you joked. You both stayed like that until you fell asleep, visibly tired about your day.
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gay4ddlovato · 2 months
Mingi Imagine - the boys meet your baby
"Hey, baby." Mingi smiled as he returned to the room. "We've got company."
He came back to your side and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead as the boys entered the room.
They stared in amazement at the precious little baby on your chest, all of them immediately cooing over how adorable they were.
"Hey, guys." You spoke and a tired smile pulled at your lips as the boys stood around you, Mingi, and your baby. "Meet your niece."
"She's beautiful," Hongjoong said as he reached out to touch the baby's arm.
She was staring at you and Mingi, just as entranced by you two as you were by her.
"She is the cutest baby I've ever seen." Seonghwa smiled.
"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Jongho asked.
"Tired. It's been a long night." You spoke before staring at your' and Mindi's daughter. "But she's worth it."
"Told you it would all be worth it when she was here." Mingi smiled before kissing your cheek. "I can't believe how amazing she is. You should've seen it. She's the strongest woman ever."
The boys all smiled at Mingi as he spoke about you proudly, knowing that he was on cloud nine and more in love with you than ever before.
"You two are parents now. How's it feel?" Yunho asked.
"Amazing." You said. "I love my beautiful family."
Mingi put his cheek on your shoulder as you both continued to stare at your daughter, taking in every feature.
"She looks like Mingi," San said. "Same nose, same lips, same eyes."
"I think she's going to be his little twin." You said and Mingi's smile grew just thinking about it.
"When can we hold her?" Yeosang asked.
"Now, if you want to." You said before gently passing your baby over to Yeosang, who was so in awe of her.
"Oh," He said as he gazed at her, her precious eyes meeting his. "You are your dad's twin, aren't you? You're adorable."
She let out a few soft sounds as her curious eyes took him in.
"We're your uncles," Wooyoung said as he peeked over Yeosang's shoulder.
"And we are going to spoil you like crazy." Yunho smiled.
"You have seven uncles who love you all the way to the moon and back. No matter what life brings, we will always be here for you. Promise." San said before kissing her head.
"You're so tiny," Yeosang whispered.
You and Mingi watched them with bright smiles.
"But so perfect."
"She's going to be breaking hearts all over," Hongjoong said as he looked at you and Mingi. "You two made a beautiful baby girl. We're so happy for you."
"Thank you." You said and put your head on Mingi's.
Pulling away from you for just a second, Mingi grabbed his phone and took a few pictures of the boys gathered around your daughter as they cooed and melted over her.
"When we post about her arrival later, I want to post a couple of these." He said and showed you the pictures.
"So cute." You smiled. "They're such good uncles already."
"They've loved her ever since we told them that you were pregnant. I knew they'd be so amazing with her."
You nodded wordlessly as he put his arm around you.
"I'm so proud of you." He whispered. "You did such an incredible job. I'm so in love with you."
"I'm so in love with you too." You smiled. "Thank you for being here."
"I wouldn't have missed watching her come into the world for anything." He assured.
Looking back over at the boys, you both smiled as they continued to gaze at your daughter adoringly.
She was truly going to be so spoiled by all of them and you couldn't wait to see what the future held.
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
hello ash! big fan of ur work :)) could i get a reader waiting until marriage but jaehyun can't help but get dirty fantasies of her? thank u <333
his dirty fantasies jeong.j
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genre: fluff and suggestive.. more leaning towards smut..
warnings: dirty imagines, oral sex (both f and m receiving), innocent reader, mentions of pregnancy, breeding kink, fingering, finger sucking, mentions of needles and mentions of doctor role play.
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your heart thuds, beating in your ears as the love of your life preaches his speech on one knee.
“…will you marry—?” you cut him off by kissing him. “yes, i will, you idiot! now get off your knees and put that ring on my finger!” he quickly gets on his feet and hugs your waist, pressing his lips down on yours. “god, i love you!” he moans into the kiss.
yeeeeeaaaahhh, that was two years ago.
you and jaehyun have been engaged for two years straight. yet, no sexual contact.. ever. but, the sexual tension is always there.
your amazing fiancée has been there since day one, ever since you were involved in a hit n’ run. he called an ambulance and stayed with you the whole time until you recovered.
“uh.. hey, when you’re discharged.. would you maybe like to go on a date?” the heart monitor increases when hearing him finally ask you out. “i— i’d love to.” you answer, lips twitching.
now, he’s laying across from you with a fake bandage on his forehead. his nieces and nephews running around to you and him both in doctor outfits with doctor tools.
jaehyun lifts his head and looks over at you when you tap on your bell. “oh, doctors! please help me!” your voice wails as you act and cough.
“we’re on our way, ms y/n!” the five giggly children run to you, leaving jaehyun alone. “someone has to watch mr jae!” someone demands and three of the little ones run towards jaehyun who groans in pain.
“what seems to be the problem, ms y/n?” a little voice asks you while slapping their gloves on. “my throat really hurts, please fix it doctors!” you give them a frown and they grab things around them.
“get the needles! n—no! the.. the sticks!” the little boy scrambles around the living room and shrieks when finding the can of sticks. “take it! take it!” he tosses it to the little girl who yelps when it smacks her in the face.
you choke back a laugh when she grumbles. “ms y/n, could you please stick out your tongue.” jaehyuns eyes move to you as he hears the soft demand. “yes, ma’am.” you clear your throat and you stick your tongue out.
“fuck..” jaehyun soft mutters under his breath and bites his lip. “gah,” he shakes his head at the sudden thoughts just spreading through his mind.
“oh, no! something’s happening to mr jae!” the three yelp and spring into action. but, jaehyun stays spaced out.
his thoughts lure him to.. fantasy. dirty fantasy.
“open wide, baby.” he holds the back of your head and his cock above your tongue. “you want it?” you nod and he scoffs. he bends his knees and allows his dick to slip onto your tongue. “mmm,” he hisses and bites down on his bottom lip. “good job, baby.” he lets go of your head and allows you to bob your head. “taking me in like a good girl.” you close your eyes before a bright light makes you disappear.
“ah—?!” jaehyun yanks his head to the side and hisses in pain. “shi— mm,” he massages his eyes and heaves before pulling away to see what made him go blind.
“and, uncle— mr jae is back.” the boy says and turns off his flashlight. “did you—?” the boy nods with a hum before jaehyun can finish. “and, no bad words, mr jae! or, i’ll have you kicked out!” the little girl scolds the man. “yes ma’am, i’m sorry.” he clears his throat and looks over at you when hearing you snicker.
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jaehyun holds you close as he makes his way off the dance floor. “guys,” jaehyun shouts over the blaring music. “y/n and i are gonna head home— someone spilled their drink on her.” he explains and you show his friends the wet area on your dress.
“noooo,” the girls whine and rush over to you. “don’t go just yet! the party hasn’t even started!” they pull you away from jaehyun. “please, y/n! please,” they give you puppy eyes and pouts.
“i have an extra dress in my car, let’s go get it and we can fix you up, yeah?” you bite your lip before giving in.
johnnys girlfriend and yutas girlfriend leads you outside and to johnnys car. “pink or green, take your pick.” amy holds up two dresses. “uh, pink?” she tosses you the neon pink dress at you. “alright, girl. hop in the car and take your clothes off.” you hesitate before amy shoves you into the car.
the car door opens making you shriek and cover your chest. “don’t forget to leave your panties.” lori shouts into the car before slamming the door shut.
“leave my panties?” you ask yourself confused before slipping off your undies.
you swing the car door open and step out to see lori and amy waiting. “ahhh!” they shriek at your appearance. “you look so amazing and sexy!” you flush at their compliments. “wait,” lori makes amy pause. “she needs.. makeup.” you go to protest but they cheer and giggle.
amy digs in the car and finds her makeup bag. she and lori applies blush, mascara, lashes and lip gloss. “smack your lips together.” you smack your lips together as she screws the cap back on. “beautiful, now you’re ready to go.” amy slams the car door shut and lori leads you inside with amy behind you.
“guys,” you shout over the music. “my lips are kind of buzzing?” lori laughs loudly over the music. “it’s plumbing lip gloss, it’ll be gone soon.” finally, you and the girls reach the table filled with shot glasses and men.
“look at that gorgeous women!” johnny shouts and suddenly, multiple eyes are on you.
you look towards jaehyun and he’s stunned. he blinked repeatedly and held a sideways grin.
“hi,” you mouth before walking over to him. he holds your waist and leans down, “you look gorgeous.” jaehyun says into your ear before pressing a kiss on your cheek.
gorgeous was one word, but the dirty words and fantasies he had in his mind definitely said more then gorgeous.
“thanks— wow, my lips are on fire.” you hiss and bite down on your tongue. “why? what’s wrong?” he lifts your chin and examines your lips under the flashing lights. “amy and lori put plumping lip gloss on me so, it’s.. plumping the hell out of my lips.”
he licks his lips and imagines the dirty things he’d do with your pretty plumped lips. your lips around his tip and sucking him off so gently. and that dress.. that dress. the dress hugged your body tightly and showed your breasts off nicely. jaehyun wanted to drag you to the bathroom and wanted to bend you over the sink and push up your dress. he wanted to pound you roughly while you watched in the mirror all while looking fucked.
no, snap out of it. - the “innocent” mind of jaehyun.
you put a hand on his cheek. “and, lori made me take my underwear off so.. it’s a bit uncomfortable.” he watches you squirm your legs around. “and, i have to take a seat.” you laugh and push him away.
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the sound of giggles erupt from you and the tiny child in front of you. “..okay, now, stick your pinky out.” you show the four year old how to hold the tiny tea cup. “mm..” she sticks her tongue out to the side and attempts to stick her pinky out.
“auntie, why can’t i do it?” you set your cup down and she follows. “no, no— hold it. auntie will help.” she picks her cup back up and allows you to help her stick her pinky out.
then her ring finger pokes out. “i..” she looks up at you with big bug eyes. “that works? you did it!” you clap and she quickly looks down and goofily grins. “i did it! thank you, auntie!”
“aren’t they just so cute bonding together?” johnny asks watching his daughter and you bond. “i never knew y/n and riley would get along more than your new girlfriend does with riley.” johnny deadpans at jaehyun who looks away.
“anyway— are you and y/n ever gonna have kids yet? or are you guys at least trying?” jaehyun shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “we won’t be trying for a.. while.”
johnny sputters. “for a while? what, no sexual chemistry?” of course, there is sexual chemistry… you just aren’t ready yet. “obviously there’s sexual chemistry, but.. y/n just isn’t ready to do it yet.”
jaehyun zones out when johnny starts speaking, again. he watches as you and johnnys daughter laugh together.
jaehyun imagines you pregnant— with his baby. with swollen breasts and a swollen belly. your fragile body laying chest down and ass up, weak and fucked out after being held down and fucked for hours straight. his cum leaking out of your hole while you twitch and groan in pain and pleasure. jaehyuns hard and ready for another round but you can’t do it, too weak and too used. “you can take another round, baby.” he whispers, already slipping his tip past your cunt. ignoring the whimpers and pleads from you as you push back to meet his slow thrusts.
“—dude?” johnny pokes jaehyuns cheeks. “huh?” jaehyun shakes his head and looks down at his lap. “i—?” jaehyun crosses his legs and clears his throat.
“penny for your thoughts?” jaehyun looks at you and riley. “eh,” he shrugs softly. “just.. can’t wait to start a family with y/n.” johnny teases jaehyun when a grin grows on his face and the tip of his ears then red.
and he also couldn’t wait to do the dirtiest things to you once married.
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter. Unexpectedly, your niece came to visit.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, angst, language, having a child
-Word count: 2472
-Note: (Repost from Wattpad, if you have any requests, send them in!) I loved to write this one! I had so much fun! I used a large amount of text from a great TV show. Also, your niece in this story is just a character. I love my niece, she isn't like this character at all. That being said, enjoy! TV Show: Friends - 10x5
I was changing the diaper of our beautiful daughter, as we heard a knock on the front door.
'(Y/N)! Open up! It's your niece! I have to talk to you!' I was confused from the unexpected visit from my niece, I didn't saw in months.
I wanted to ask Spencer for opening the door, but I didn't even had to. He immediately understood, and went to the front door.
'You're not (Y/N).' I could hear Amy say. P
I sighed, she didn't even greet Spencer. Don't get me wrong, I love my niece, she just my total opposite. And, she says everything, she thinks. Without a second thought.
I finished changing the diaper of our one year old, and placed her gently in her crib, before making my way towards them.
'Hey Amy!' I greeted her, while sharing a hug.
'Ohh, you're here!'
'Yeah, so what are you doing here?' I asked, genuine wondering.
'Well, I have huge news.'
Just on that moment, the baby began to cry.
'Oh wait, hold on. Let me just check on the baby.'
'Wait, this is important! Can (Y/D/N) wait?'
Spencer gave me a look to say he could check up on her, but I gave him a smile, saying it was okay. I walked towards the bedroom, Amy following me.
I gently took her out of the crib, rocking her slightly. In the meanwhile, Amy was watching.
'So beautiful.' I smiled at her compliment, nodding in agreement.
'Oh, I know, isn't she?'
'No, I was talking about your bedding.' my previous smile quickly faded, hearing her confession.
'Alright, what's your news, Amy?'
'Oh! Umm... Well...  I'm getting married.' she stated, happily.
'What? Oh my God! To who?' I asked, completely shocked.
'This guy! He has a killer apartment.' she stopped talking.
'And?' I pushed her, hoping she would tell a bit more about the person she's getting married to.
'And, it's on fifth. And, the elevator opens up right into the living room.'
'No, what's he like?' I specified.
'Oh! He's okay. Do you remember my old boyfriend, Mark?' she asked, causing me to nod.
'It's his dad!' my expression immediately changed, processing what I just heard.
'His dad? Wow, he's gotta be-' she cut me off, continuing my sentence.
'Old? Yeah! But, he travels a lot, so he's hardly even there.' it was clearly, she was out for his money.
'Sweety, I need to tell you. It sounds a little bit like you like the apartment more than you like-'
'Myron.' she spoke, as I gave her a look.
'I told you, he was old!' she took the words out of my mouth.
'Honey, you deserve true love. Your soulmate is out there, somewhere. Someone that is your age, that is smart, that is fun and that you care about. Just like I found mine soulmate. You see, how happy Spence and I are? You can have that too.' she thinks about it for a moment, my speech clearly made her quiet a bit.
'You're right, you're right. I'm gonna do it!' she announced, excitedly.
'I'm gonna marry Myron, and keep looking for Mr. Right.' I bited on my lip, not quite what I was aiming for.
'Okay, let's keep talking.'
After talking more, she finally understood what I was aiming for. Immediately after that, she left the house. We were a few hours further, as we heard another knock on the door. I went to open it.
'I took your advice, I left Myron.' Amy said, but I couldn't ignore the many bags that were behind her.
'Im so proud of you!'
'Thank you! So, can I stay with you?' I laughed, but inside, I was doing the complete opposite.
I didn't even said anything, and she walked herself, and her bags, in. She made her way straight towards the guestroom.
Just then, Spencer walked in. I sighed, closing the front door, and walked to my husband for some comfort. He instantly wrapped his large arms around my body, hugging me tight. He gave me a sweet kiss on my head, rubbing gently my back.
'Spence, I need to tell you something.' I sighed, once again, preparing myself to tell him.
'I know, love. I've heard you two talking.' he confessed, and I was glad he took it well.
'Are you really okay with this? I just want to help her.'
'I'm really okay with this, love. Don't worry about it. And, I'm so proud of you, you want to help her.' I hummed, contently.
'I love you.'
'I love you more.'
The next morning:
I woke up with beautiful hazel eyes already staring in mine. Spencer was admiring me, just like I was admiring him.
'Good morning, beautiful.' he greeted me, with his morning voice.
'Morning, handsome.' I smiled, widely, and scooted closer to him.
He was hugging me, pressing my body into his chest, his arms around me, protectively. Then, Spencer peppered my face full of kisses, making me laugh.
'I love this!' I told him, as we shared a passionate kiss.
'I love you.' he replied, as we ended the kiss.
'I love you. So much.'
Suddenly, we heard crying from the crib. I wanted to get up, but Spencer pushed me gently back into the mattress.
'I got this.' we both smiled to each other, as I thanked him.
After a few more minutes, I decided to get up as well. I made my way towards the kitchen, seeing Spencer already preparing coffee.
'(Y/D/N) is okay.' he spoke, as I nodded, thankfully.
He gave me a cup of coffee, as I sat on the chair of the kitchen island. I sipped, as Amy walked in.
'Good morning.' she greeted us, as I saw what she was wearing. That was my outfit.
'Amy, that's what I was supposed to wear today, that's why I hung it on the closet.' I told her, thinking she must have took it when I was in the bathroom.
'Oh, sweety, you can't pull this off.' I bited on my lip, sipping again my coffee. Spencer watched me with sad eyes. I quickly changed the subject.
'Amy, you know what? I was thinking that maybe now it'd be a good time for us to sit down and, you know, talk about your future.' I suggested, while she took her purse.
'I can't. I'm gonna go get my eyebrows shaped.' she pointed at her eyebrows.
'I am not happy.' she added, before heading to the door.
'I see you guys later.' and, she was gone.
I rolled my eyes, and drank my coffee further. Suddenly, I felt two, warm arms around my waist. Spencer pressed a loving kiss on my cheek, holding me close.
'Love, you are absolutely stunning. Don't listen to her, you can definitely pull that off. You can pull everything off.' a smile appeared fast again on my face, hearing those comforting words from my husband.
'Thank you. Really, I needed that.' we shared another sweet kiss, before getting changed for work.
We needed to leave in a quarter hour, as Amy came in. I had give her my spare key for as long as she's here. On that moment, my phone began to rang.
'Hello?' I spoke through the main speaker.
'Oh no, I hope you're feeling better! Okay bye.' we broke the connection, and I sighed.
'That was Mary, she's sick.'
Mary was my best friend, and always watches our daughter when we had work. The thing is, we needed to go to work and we had nobody who could babysit. I would've asked the team, but since we work together, they can't as well.
'Shoot, what are we going to do?' I asked the genius, as I began to stress.
'I can do it.' Amy spoke up, as I thought about it for a moment.
It didn't looked like we had much choice. We had paperwork, since Spencer and I made the agreement to work less cases, and more on the station, since we got (Y/D/N).
'Well, Spence, can I talk to you for a moment?' he nodded, and we went to the other side of the room.
'What do you think?' I asked him, and as answer, he gave me a doubtful look.
I couldn't blame him, I had my doubts as well. I mean, it's our child, we're talking about. But, I still trusted my niece.
'Look, I know you have your doubts, so am I. But, this is a big breakthrough for her. I'm trying to help her become a better person, and I think this would help her.' he thought about it for a moment, as Amy walked closer.
'Um, listen. I couldn't help but overhear, cause I was trying to listen. Let me do this, alright? I really wanna help you guys out, and plus (Y/N) is been so wonderful to me.' she gave us a pleading look.
Spencer was still doubting it, but eventually gave in. Amy squealed, visibly happy.
'Great! So how much does is pay?' I was almost proud of her. Almost.
'Amy, we're not going to pay you. You're just doing it, because you're kind. If something is wrong, call me immediately.'
She nodded in agreement, as we both said goodbye to our daughter. After that, we left for work.
I unlocked the door, letting us both in. We just got back from work, and I was dying to see (Y/D/N). Amy had texted me that they were on their way, so I didn't worried when I entered in an empty house.
We weren't home for 5 minutes, and the front door swung open again. There they were. (Y/D/N), in the stroller, wearing a new hat, Amy bought her.
'How's my little girl?' I walked happily to our daughter, as she began to laugh at my touch on her little hand.
'What did you guys do today?' Spencer asked Amy.
'(Y/D/N), wanted to go out, so we went shopping and got some sushi.' she explained.
'That sounds like fun.'
'Yeah! Oh, (Y/N), I got you a present for letting me stay with you. Ready?'
'Yeah.' I answered, very curious about the gift.
She then took the hat off our daughter's little head, as her ears got suddenly more attention.
I putted my hand for my mouth, gasping at the sight in front of me. (Y/D/N) was wearing earrings. I can't believe, Amy did this. Now Spencer came looking, and was just a shocked as I was.
'You pierced her ears!?' I shouted, angrily.
'Doesn't it make her nose look smaller?' she stated, excitedly.
'You pierced her ears? How could you do this without telling me?'
'Well, if I had told you, then it wouldn't have been a surprise, now would it?'
'Amy! How-how could you do this? I told you we shouldn't have left (Y/D/N) with her!' Spencer now reacts more angrily, realizing what she did.
'I know, I know. You were right, Spence.' I agreed, but I could see, he wasn't mad at me.
'You are soo irresponsible! I am never letting you babysit ever again!' I yelled at her, the anger burning on my skin.
'Hey, you know what? This kid needs me, okay? She needs to have a cool fun aunt.'
'You're not even her aunt! You're her grandniece! I can't believe this! All I wanted to do was help you try to figure out what to do with your life, and this is how you repay me?'
'Well, I don't need you to help me, because I already know what I'm going to do with my life.' she stated, proudly.
'Oh yeah? Since when?'
'Since today. I am going to be a baby stylist.' we both looked at her with disbelief.
'That's not even a thing!' now Spencer yelled.
'Well, it should be. I'm gonna help babies learn how to accessorize, what colors to wear, what clothes are in fashion...'
'Baby's don't care about that!' I argued back, furious.
'Enter Amy!' she told us, as I just looked shocked.
'Spencer, get Amy's bags, she is moving out!' my husband immediately disappeared to the guestroom.
'You're kicking me out?'
'You put holes in our baby's ears!'
'Yeah well, at least now people will know she is a girl!' I gasped once again, my madness growing.
'I can't believe I ever even tried to help you. You are so beyond help!'
'You know what? Ever since I got here, you have been nothing but negative.'
'Excuse me?'
'You didn't want me to marry the old guy with the great apartment. Then, I tried to help your daughter to de-empathsize her flaws.' she pointed to (Y/D/N) her nose, making me even more pissed.
'And, suddenly, I am the bad guy?' she continued.
'Spencer, where are those bags?' I shouted, wanting her to leave as quick as possible.
'She has a lot of stuff!' my husband answered.
'When I moved in here, I thought: This is gonna be so great. Just us nieces, back together again like when we were kids. Just talking and gossiping like we used to do.' I began to relax more, trying to calm myself down.
'I can do that.' I stated, calmly, I was still mad, but tried to ignore it for a moment.
'You can?' she asked, more calmly herself.
'Yeah. I just kept trying to make you a better person, but you're-you're already a pretty perfect version of what you are.' she gave me a hug, as I hugged her back.
'Thank you. I've got to admit, (Y/D/N) does look cute.' a genuine smile crept on my lips, happy with the compliment.
'She really does.'
'Look, I'm sorry for what I did.' she apologized, which I didn't excepted.
'Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it.' we gave each other a smile, finally finding a bit rest.
Only two days later, Amy left the house again, as Spencer and I, finally returned to our usual routine. I have to admit, it's more peaceful now. But, at the other side, it was also fun to spend some time with her. Most of the time.
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Uncle Thor’s First Time Babysitting xreader Headcanon Feat. loki Fan fic
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Summary: Y/N & Loki have a busy day ahead and need their child’s uncle Thor to come baby sit & what would happen
Warnings: not a lot, just a lot of fluff and funny cute moments, a bit of angst just slightly and Thor feeling overwhelmed at times
. Y/N and Loki have Loki’s brother Thor come watch their daughter Ella for the day while Y/N goes out to run errands & Loki has a meeting at home and Thor is excited to babysit but Y/N is nervous about leaving her daughter but Loki says “Y/N, darling it’ll be alright Thor will be here and will take care of her I promise.” Y/N nods and kisses Loki and grabs her bag and says goodbye to Thor and Ella on her way out
. Thor tries to tell Ella jokes and stories of Asgard but struggles to entertain Lilly and feels a bit stressed and goes to find Loki for help and says “brother, how do you get a baby to laugh? She seems so bored of me.” Loki sighs and stops his meeting for a moment to help Thor and Loki says “oh brother just try and do something funny like make funny faces or something.” Loki shows him an example and Ella laughs when loki does something funny and Thor says “ah right ok, thank you brother.”
. Thor picks up Ella and says “hello Ella, hello love how are you?” Loki waves at Ella and says “Ella darling here watch me!” Loki uses his magic to help keep her busy and Ella smiles liking the magic and then remembered he had a meeting and goes back to it
. Thor carefully feeds Ella her food and smells the food that’s on her spoon and says “hmm this smells kinda good” then later on notices she needs changing and Y/N left written directions on how to do it and Thor makes faces not liking the stench and says “dear goodness Ella.” Thor is proud of himself when he puts the diaper on right
. An hour later Loki comes to check up on Thor and see how he’s doing with his daughter and sees Thor and Ella asleep on the couch with Ella sleeping on Thor and Loki smiles conjuring a blanket on both of them and Y/N walks in on Loki reading in the kitchen and says “hey honey where’s Thor?” Loki looks up at Y/N and says “hello love, he’s resting with Ella & Y/N goes to find Ella but Thor walks in with Ella before she could and says “hello lady Y/N, how did everything go?” Y/N smiles and says “my errands went well thank you! How did we do?” Thor carefully hands Ella to Y/N and says “oh we did great, I loved spending time with my niece thank you for asking me to babysit, I was nervous at first I will admit”
. Loki hugs Thor and says “I hope you will come over again to see us brother, we would love it and I know Ella here would love to see her uncle more.” Thor nods and says “I would love to babysit more as well, Ella is such a sweetie I hope I’ll have a child one day.” Loki pats Thor on the shoulder and says “oh brother you will I know it, you always believed I would be a good dad, as will you.”
. Thor walks over to say goodbye to Ella and says “Ella can you say Uncle? Hmm?” Ella just stares at him and he shrugs but when be turns around he heard Ella say “cle” and everyone gets excited and Y/N says “oh my gosh!! That was so cute!! Ella I’m so proud of you sweetie!!” Thor says “good job maiden Ella! Well sadly I have to go now but I will see you all again soon.” Loki and Y/N take Ella to walk Thor out and Y/N says “Ella wave bye to your Uncle!” Y/N helps Ella wave at Thor and Thor smiled and waved back at her once more Thor & then teleports back to Asgard and Ella wonders what she saw
Hey lovelies!! Ok so this is my first time writing a Thor fan fic 😁😅.. I hope I did ok on this one, I hope you all might enjoy this 💚💚xx
@jessybarnes @nana1000night
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starkandthewaynes · 1 year
Ghost From the Past pt. 6
"Danny, why did you bring us to Gotham?" Tucker asks as Danny's trying to show his friends some of his toys, ignoring Tucker's question completely. "Danny?" Sam asks, as he looks to the ground. "Plan J." He whispers as Tucker gets out his phone. "Plan J? How in the hell did you get a meeting with the Justice League?" Sam asks, obviously having no problems swearing in front of a little kid. "JJ." Is all Danny says, as Sam and Tucker stare at him. "Hello, My name's Jason, some people know me better as Red Hood." Jason says as the two friends nod. "Yeah, okay, makes sense." Sam says as Tucker nods. "You guys are awfully calm about all this." Jason says as Sam shrugs. "When you're best friend gets turned half-ghost at 14, and then gets turned back into a baby at 15, you get used to the weird pretty quickly." Sam says as Tucker nods. "When's the meeting?" Tucker asks, as jazz checks her watch. "We're supposed to be to Wayne Mannor in thirty minutes." Jazz says as Tucker nods. "Cool." He says, as Danny crawls into Sam's lap. "Can you guys come?" He whispers as she nods. "Of course, we're coming Danny." Sam says, bouncing him on her knee. 
"Miss Nightengale, Mr. Nightengale, Master Jason, and guests, welcome. Master Bruce is in the sitting room." Alfred says as the group comes into the house. "Alfie, this is Tucker and Sam, Danny's friends." Jason says as the group is led to the kids' living room. "Jason, I thought I was just going to be you, Jazz, and Danny." Bruce says as Sam and Tucker look at Bruce Wayne. "He's batman?" Sam asks, as everyone freezes. "Nah that makes sense, remember we had bets." Tucker says as the two look at Danny, he won, and by his smirk he knows it. "Did you have help in placing your bet?" Sam asks as Danny shakes his work. "Pawpaw wouldn't help even if I asked him." Danny says, as he pouts. "Does that mean they bet on all the bats?" Jason asks Jazz as she groans. "I take it you lost?" He asks her as the three turn to Jazz. "No Jazz won at least one of them." Tucker says as Danny looks to Dick. "It is an iconic Ass, for a cheater." Danny says as everyone else laughs as Dick's face becomes red. "What?" He shrieks as Jazz shakes her head. "I'm so sorry." She mumbles as the bats laugh. "Oh my god." Steph weezes as Danny smiles at Jason, who smiles back. "Can he even call you a cheater?" Tim asks, as Danny turns to him. "I was born in Gotham." He says, as he looks a little older then he had a few minutes prior. "Fair, alright, so shall we get to the meeting?" Dick asks, as everyone nods, following the boys down to the cave.
"I am not going in there." Danny says, as he holds Jazz's leg. "Danny, it's the safest way to get to the watchtower." Jason says, as he looks up at Sam and Tucker. "We'll be okay." Sam says, as he nods, holding her hand. "Why'd he freak out at the zetatube?" Tim asks, as Jazz watches the three kids go through the tube. "It looks like the machine that my parents built." She says, as she holds her head up high and walks through. 
"Uncle John!" Danny shouts as Constatine turns around to see his niece and nephew. "Danny? Jazz?" He asks, as Danny hugs him. "I didn't know you'd be here." Danny says as John holds him. "You're the reason all hands on deck were called for the JLD?" He asks, as Jazz nods. "I see, so you found your brother, huh, little tyke?" John asks, tickling Danny. "Yeah!" Danny says, as the rest of the justice league is shocked to see John so caring. "I see." John says, as the rest of the bats come through. "Constantine?" Red Hood asks, as John smirks. "Hey there, brother of the ghost king." John says, as Danny is put down, going to Sam and Tucker who are getting the presentation set up. "What do you need me to do?" Danny asks, as sam smiles sadly. "We need you to tell them what the fentons and GIW did to you, Danny." She says, as he nods. "I don wanna." he huffs, as Sam bends down to his hight. "We know you don't wanna talk about it, Danny, and I'm sure the other evidence we have will be enough for them to get started on shutting down the GIW and getting rid of the anti ecto acts, but, if they have a first hand account of what they did to another dimension's ruling monarch, then it'll speed up the process." Sam says, as Danny crosses his arms. "Hey, Danny, you know how you love Martian Manhunter?" Tucker asks, joining their circle. "Yeah?" Danny asks, as Tucker nods. "Do you remember how brave you said he was for telling the world what happened to him?" Tucker asks, as Danny nods slowly. "This is your chance to be brave like him, to tell the world what's happened to you. To get justice and protection for your people." Tucker says, as Danny takes a deep breath and nods. "Otay, I'll tell 'em."
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@blacksea21090 | @ashenfairytale | @pastalavistamf | @runoverghost
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pastelavender88 · 1 year
Sinbound- Chapter 8
Summary: Y/n spends the day with Evan and Jee-Yun; Eddie confides in someone about his drunken mistake and makes a rash decision.
Series Masterlist
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Today, Chimney and Maddie were leaving Jee-Yun with Buck today and he asked me to tag along for a little help since I had experience. With the new baby on the way I thought a refresher with young kids would do me a little good. Buck was flying around the place looking for stuff and setting up everything while I stood to the side observing him. He looked like he was in his element and I couldn’t help but feel guilty for taking these kinds of moments away from him. Buck looked over at me and noticed my expression. “What’s the matter?” “Nothing, I think it’s just the hormones.” “But?” “But, I can’t stop thinking about how I took this away from you. I should have told you about Alex sooner.” “It’s definitely the hormones because we’ve been over this a million times. Life led us down this path and now we’re on it together. So relax.” I just smiled at Buck’s response and that’s when someone knocked on the door. “Sounds like they're here.” Buck rushed to answer the door. “Hey. Is that my favorite girl?” Buck scooped Jee-Yun. “Who's that? What's uncle's name?” Maddie asked. “Buck,” replied Jee-Yun. “Look who else it is, it’s aunt y/n/n.” “Hey honey.” I waved at Jee-Yun and she gave me a shy wave back. “She's had breakfast and been changed, so you should be good till lunch..” “Yes, we've got turkey sandwich squares or organic chicken nuggets. If she goes for the nuggets, no sharing. You are on your own.” Chimney joked. “You guys must be excited, huh? Finally going house hunting?” Buck asked. “I think so, I mean, our apartment has so many memories and firsts…” “We're ready for seconds, as in a second bedroom.” Chimney interrupted. “Oh, you're sick of having the world's most adorable roommate, huh?” Buck teased. “The world's most adorable roommate has been very active lately. The terrible twos are no joke.” “Well, try telling her that.” Maddie responded. “ Oh, we'd better get moving. We've got four drive-bys, three showings, two open houses and hopefully a pear tree to fit our partridge in.” Chimney pointed out. “Are you sure that you guys are okay with her all day?” Maddie questioned. “Are you kidding me? I get to spend the whole day with my niece. I'm living the dream.” Buck said with a chuckle. “And I get a refresher on all things having to do with toddlers. So yay.” I said, nervousness setting in. “Okay we’re leaving, have fun.” Maddie said as she walked out with Chimney in tow. “Alright, what are we doing first?” I asked. “I was thinking of some light coloring followed by baby shark singing and dancing.” I laughed at his terrible attempt at a joke. Buck went to go get the crayons and coloring pages. “Okay, here we go. What are you gonna use?” He said as he pointed to the row of crayons. Jee grabbed the red crayon.  “Oh.” “This is red.” Jee babbled. Buck and I laughed at the girl’s words. Jee threw the crayon across the table causing it to roll near the island. I was about to get up and grab the crayon when Buck stopped me. “I’ll get it.” I turned to watch Buck look for the crayon and was not paying attention to Jee-Yun. “I got it.” When we both turned around Jee was making her way up the stairs. “No, no, no. Stairs are not for babies. Okay?” Buck quickly picked her up and put her back on the chair. Buck went to the living room to grab pillows while Jee and I sat around the table. “You're gonna stay right there. Okay? Don't move. I am gonna make this nice and safe. Like a good, responsible uncle.” Shortly after that, that’s when the chaos started. Jee ran Buck and I rampant by rolling out all the toilet paper, coloring on the walls, climbing under tables, and so much more. It wasn’t until she finally agreed to take a nap, that Buck and I had a moment alone. “Was it this hard with Alex, because if so I apologize for not being there but I can’t say I would have loved it.” Buck jokes. I let out a small chuckle as to not wake up Jee. “Oh no Alex is what they call a trick baby.” “What’s that?” “A baby that’s so good you get tricked into having another.” Buck laughed. “No, I'm serious. She never cried, never was sick, always slept when I wanted her too. She was perfect. It was honestly scary, I thought I broke her.” “Oh don’t worry there’s still time for that.” “Oh trust me I know.” I replied. “Let’s just hope we don’t.” “Yeah.” Buck grabbed my hand and we locked eyes for a moment. Seconds later, there was a knock on the door. Maddie and Chim were back to pick up Jee. “So how’d it go guys?” they asked. “Uh, let's just say she's not the only one who needs a nap.” Buck said. “Yeah, I am tired. I’m gonna head home and work on a few baby show things. Are you guys still coming?” “Of course we wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Maddie replied. “Buck?” “Yeah. No, of course. Everyone’s going to be there so count me as everyone.” Buck awkwardly replied. “Uhh alright. Later guys.” I grabbed my bag and made my way home. “Honey, I’m home.” I said in my most cartoon voice. “Hello Lucy.” Eddie said in his best Ricky Ricardo impression. I let out a little laugh as Eddie kissed my forehead. “How was Buck’s?” “Let’s just say I’m happy we have over 2 years to prepare for that stage. Again.” “Yeah, me too.” He joked. “Need any help with the baby shower?” “Nope. I got pretty much everything handled but when the day comes I’m gonna need a big strong man to do the labor.” “Damn, do you know any?” I swatted at his chest. “I’m serious. Can’t you pay someone to do this for you?” “I can but why would I do that when I have the best boyfriend in the whole world to do it for me.” I looked over and saw a troubled look on Eddie’s face. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. Just thinking.” “About?” “If I told you that I would have to kill you.” He replied. He tried to make it come out as a joke but I could tell there was something weighing on him. I decided not to push it. “So what do you think of this color for the backdrop because…”
Eddie’s POV
I tried to listen to y/n’s rambling but all I could think about was what she said. The best boyfriend in the world. I definitely wasn’t that. How could I be? I cheated on her with an ex while she was pregnant with my kid and lied about it. I’m still lying about it. It’s been eating at me and I needed someone to talk to. I decided Chimney was my safest bet. Bobby would tell Athena who would tell Y/n, Hen would tell Y/n right away, Carla would lecture my ear off and then tell Y/n, and Buck was just a straight up no. Maybe if I made him promise not to tell anyone it would be okay. When I got to work I pulled Chim aside. “Hey, can I talk to you about something?”
“Oh no. Am I in trouble dad?”
“This is kind of serious Howie. I need to tell you something but I need you to promise not to tell anyone.”
“Why can’t I tell anyone?”
“Because then Y/n will know and what I’m about to tell you I don’t want her to hear from anyone except me.”
“Oh okay then. Go ahead.” He said which surprised me.
“Okay, so one night Y/n and I got into a really bad fight so I went to the bar and got some drinks. Well I ran into Ana and next thing led to another I slept with her.”
Right as I finished my sentence Chimney started to yell. “What!” He covered his ears and quickly began to talk. “Why would you tell me that? Huh?! Out of everyone in the station!”
“Will you keep it down before someone hears you? And I told you because you’re the only one that won’t go running to tell Y/n.”
“How can you tell me something like that and expect me not to say anything?”
“Because you promised and because I need advice. You’re the one that said go ahead.”
“Because I thought you were about to tell me you were proposing to Y/n or something. I didn’t think you were going to tell me you’re an adulteress”.
“What? Why would I propose we’ve only been for a few months. I just need advice on what to do?”
“Well Eddie, do you love her?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I love her.”
“Then tell her the truth. You got a baby on the way Eddie. If she finds out any other way besides you it’s going to be bad.”
“How would I do it though? She already gave me a chance and I lied to her face. I can’t just walk up to her and say “hey remember how you told me to tell you if anything else happened? Yeah well I lied to your face about it.” I’m so screwed Chim.”
“I’m not sure how to do it since I’ve never cheated but maybe just sit her down and talk about it. I really don’t know Eddie.”
“Alright, but Chim you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone in the 118 or Y/n. Okay?”
“Of course.”
“I’m serious, Chim. I can’t risk anyone else telling her besides me.”
“I get it Eddie.”
After Chimney and I’s discussion and a long shift I had finally made it home and Y/n and the kids were in their rooms already. After showering, I slipped in the bed beside Y/n which made her stir awake. “Hey honey.” I whispered.
“Hey. How was work?”
“Work was…work..” She let out a tired laugh. “I had an idea.” She hummed a reply. “Tomorrow, I call Carla and me and you will hit the town, just the two of us.”
“More like the three of us.” She teased. Even while dead tired she somehow found a way to crack jokes. “That’d be nice Eddie. I would love to.” I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Good night my love.”
“Good night honey.” I replied.
Y/n’s POV
The next day Eddie stuck to his word and invited Carla over so he and I could have a date night. I found the best dress I could that would fit my ever-growing stomach and Eddie and I left. He refused to tell me where we were going but it was obviously a fancy restaurant given that Eddie was dressed his best. He had a nice suit, watch, and the only cologne that didn’t mess with my nausea. When we arrived I realized it was that very nice (very expensive) restaurant that I was raving about to Eddie. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you were trying to knock me up all over again.” Eddie laughed at that, “Actually I'm just trying to take you out on a nice night. But, if whatever you want to do to me because of it I’m happy to accept.” He teased me. We walked inside and were seated at our table. Eddie and I talked throughout the night and after ordering and eating our meal, Eddie reached for my hand. I happily gave it to him and he began to talk. “I actually do have a bit of an ulterior motive for bringing you here. I know we haven't been together long, less than a year really but I can say I haven't felt this way about anyone since Shannon. After losing her, I felt like this part of my life was over, that I would never be happy with someone else, but then you walked into my life. From the moment I met you I knew you were someone special. Being with you has been a rollercoaster to put it lightly but if it means spending a lifetime with you I’d do it any day, any time, any where. I’m my best when I’m around you and the thought of not being with you kills me to even think about. What I’m trying to say is,” Eddie got up from the table walked in front of me. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” By now I was a weeping mess, I don’t know if it was Eddie’s words, the pregnancy hormones, or both, but I was sobbing like a baby. “Yes. I will be your wife.” I replied. Eddie put the engagement ring on my finger and I pulled him in for a kiss. People who were watching the scene play out clapped and congratulated us on our engagement. I couldn’t wait to go home and tell Carla and the kids.
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anneimaginesundertale · 5 months
Oh oh oh, I got a cute one! Someday and Sansy, think Sansy would practice his routine with her ^-^
Sansy poked his head into the playroom and grinned. Someday had set up all the stuffed animals in rows and was standing in front of them as if she was on a stage. His niece had put on a big blue jacket and pink fluffy slippers, and she had a beanie on her little skull.
"Thank you," she said to her plush audience. "Telling all my jokes makes me really tired, so I have to go take a big long nap now! Yaaaay!"
Sansy clapped his hands as Someday took a bow. "Sorry I missed the show," he said, walking into the room. "Sounded like you had a real good set there."
"Uncle Sansy!" All show-based weariness forgotten, the little girl rushed into her uncle's arms. She hugged him tightly and beamed up at him. "I'm you!" she said. "I did all your jokes!"
"Oh well now I'm really sorry I missed it," Sansy said, hugging her back. "Would you do it again for me?"
"Maybe later," she said, slumping against him. "I'm tired. But I didn't wanna take a nap with the twins, so Mama said play quiet."
"I see." He scooped her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. At four, she was just starting to get really tall, her long legs so similar to her daddy's. "You think I could do a show for you then?" he asked. "I got some new material I need to test on my best critic."
"Yeah, I guess we can do that," she said, nestling her head against his shoulder. "You put me down in the front row."
"As you wish, cher." He cuddled her for a moment and carefully picked his way across the room to put her in the front row of the plushies, moving a few of them to new seats to accomodate the guest of honor. Someday sat down criss cross and pushed her pink glasses up her nasal bone.
"I'm ready for the show!" she declared.
Sansy took his spot on the "stage". "Hey everybody, it's Sansy!"
"Yaaaay! Hi Sansy!" Someday clapped and Sansy gave a little bow.
"So glad to be here in the Playroom, doin' the naptime show. I heard we got a very special guest in the audience this afternoon -- my oldest niece, Miss Someday Joy Gaster! This little lady is four years old and already a comedian. Her daddy asked me how she got so good and I told him, bro, it's obvious. She inherited your funny bones!"
Someday (and the stuffed audience) cheered and clapped.
Sansy continued. "I'm tellin' ya, folks, this little girl gives me my best material. She is one humerus little lady, and when she's with me, she always wants to practice jokes. She'll tell me knock knock jokes. She goes, Knock knock!" He pretended to knock. "I say, Who's there? I'm expecting somethin' silly and little kiddish, like Poop, but this girl is too good for preschool jokes! She goes, Someday. Now folks, that's her own name. I think, oh, maybe she forgot how these jokes go. Nope. I go, Someday who? And folks, this little girl--my favorite four year old in the whole wide world--she goes, Someday my prince will come! And she sings it! In a beautiful little voice. I ain't even doin' it justice here. And I just fall over laughing."
In the audience, someone had fallen over. Big Mr. Ted, who had been seated next to Someday, was flat on his fluffy face. Sansy watched Someday lay down next to him, on her side so she could still see him. Her sockets were starting to droop.
Sansy kept going. "I got so many Someday stories," he said. "She comes home from pre-k one day and tells me another new joke. She says, Why did the chicken cross the road? I say, I dunno, baby. To get to the other side? She says, No! No, Uncle! He crossed the road to get to his uncle's house to hear him be silly. I say, baby, don't you ever cross the road to get hear me being silly. She looks at me and she goes, Oh, I don't hafta cross the road. You be silly right in my house! All day long. And I'm on the floor laughing again."
Someday's sockets were closed. Big Mr. Ted was doing double duty as a pillow. Sansy lowered his voice. "That's all the time we got today, folks. Somebody's gotta take a big ol' nap. Actually, two somebodies. Thank you. You been a great crowd."
He took a little bow that turned turned into a crouch. Carefully, he scooped up Someday and Mr. Ted. She cuddled against his chest. "All done?" she mumbled.
"All done, sweet girl. You're my best audience." He kissed her little forehead. "You wanna nap in your room?"
"I wan' your bed."
"You got it, sweetheart."
"You nap too?"
"I sure will." He carried her out of the playroom to his bedroom. It was neater than it used to be. Laundry in the hamper, trash in the trashcan. Most of the mess was the kids' toys, which had migrated into his room (and everywhere else in the house). He lay down on the bed with Someday, letting the little girl cuddle against him.
From this position, he could see his wall of sticky notes. In the very center of it was a big poster-sized sticky note (courtesy of Anne's classroom). On it was a crayon masterpiece depicting a lady in purple, a tall skeleton with glasses, a short skeleton in a blue jacket and a beanie, and three little skeletons. Among the hearts and stars drawn around it were two words, written in the shaky hand of a precocious pre-kindergartener. My family. Sansy's soul felt like it was going to explode with happiness as he drifted off to sleep with his little niece in his arms.
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