#oh maybe these two things are correlated
hawnks · 2 years
the urge to write NP getou because of that one art…..
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star-mum · 1 year
"comfort for what? HAVING A BODY" you continue to be fucking iconic. like that entire rant had me CLAPPING but that part in particular was just oOOOOMF. that was it so like.... Gar x fat reader where Gar hugs her and his instincts go feral because feeling someone with extra fat on their body ignites his breeding kink?? like his animal brain is like "this is a wife. this is a wife who will bear your children and do it well. this is a plump, healthy body for your children. you're gonna fuck her brains out" and he gets a raging boner in what is supposed to be an innocent hug and has to excuse himself and wants to die of embarrassment and the reader is like INTRIGUED by him from that moment on but then he keeps dodging her and avoiding her because of his personal embarrassment
(set during s2 with a reader who is physically affectionate for no reason and would just give him a random hug)
I had to actually take a break when the words “breeding kink” showed up— LIKE THE GENIUS OF THAT ??? AND ABSOLUTELY HE WOULD AAAAAAAAAAA
Me reading this:
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So,,, uhm things got a bit out of hand skskks and I talked way to much as usual so,,,
OKAY— so yes to everything you just said !! I can just SEE everyone’s in one the common areas (maybe a post training snack or breakfast, let’s say breakfast 🥴) and Gar’s standing with his back to the door talking to the rest of the group as the coffee machine does it’s thing and reader just walks up to them, greets everyone good morning and hugs Gar from the back, maybe rests her head either on his arm/shoulder so she can join the conversation OR on his back cause she’s just so tired and he just MALFUNCTIONS !!!
Everyone is still in pijamas and she’s not really wearing a bra, so he can feel her chest pressed up against him and hOMEBOY’S DOING FUCKING BREATHING EXERCISES IN HIS HEAD TO CALM HIMSELF DOWN !!! Whoever he was talking to — probs Rachel — goes “you,,, okay dude ?? you look,,, very intense in the face” and he freaks out, not thinking on an excuse quick enough and just BOUNCES “what?! 😧 Uhh yeah yeah im good,,, i just have to,,, i have to go now”
Also not to, once again, pull up my brazilian card BUT we have a habit of greeting people with a hug and a kiss on the cheek — it can be a real like kiss on the cheek or that like fake one sksksk where you touch the side of their face with your face and make a kiss noise KSKSKS most common to do that actually — my friends and I see each other every night in college but we still greet each other like that every time and less cause it’s the “polite thing to do” and more cause its a way to show we like each other and we’re close
SO— in my head, reader — who’s me cause,,,, who the hell else would she be sksksks — does that every morning. It’s a habit !! And when she asked the team if it would make them uncomfortable, to greet them like that, they said no !! So everyone’s getting a hug when she sees them, specially like the ones who don’t live in the tower the whole time !
And that’s fun in TWO different ways CAUSE
1. Gar really likes it and gets all weird about it later, cause the more times he gets turned on by her touching, the more innocent touches start making it happen too
2. POSSESSIVE ANIMAL INSTINCT BABY !!!! I hate — not really — to bring them into this BUT i feel like the ones who’d make Gar the more jealous of are -> Jason and Hank (stop rolling your eyes I have a nom biased explanation KSKSKSKS)
Jason is more of a logical jealousy, he’s hot, he’s their age AND he’s a major flirt/fuck boy sksksk even if it’s in jest or a friendly flirting when Reader hugs him or touches him, he’s still gonna say some bullshit like “i know im hot babe, but you really gotta stop touching me like in front of everyone” or “can’t keep your hands off me huh?” I desire him carnally
Hank is more of a — Absolutely One Sided — physical/animal instinct thing for suuuure. Like out of all the guys, he’s definitely an the closest thing we have to a Natural Alpha, he’s big, he’s strong, he’s agressive and dominant (not sexually but how he holds himself around other ppl) and Gar would just FEEL some sort of anger and jealousy when he sees Reader giving Hank any type of attention, even tho he KNOWS nothing’s ever going to happen (cause 1. Hanks not a fucking predator and 2. He’s very clearly with Dawn) — it definitely would NOT help if Reader let slip something about finding Hank hot/attractive, during a forced teens game night maybe? KSSKKSKS
She’d know RIGHT AWAY something’s off with Gar — cause she swears she saw his eyes turn green after a particularly Fuck Boy-ish quip got Jason a little slap on his arm/chest — he’s both avoiding her like the plague but also ALWAYS standing very close to her in social situations — on the off chance she holds onto him — so she’d up the antee completely -> push him til he breaks
And oh boy does he ever 🥵 Breeding Kink Gar is just supreme, I am not sorry
like I have personally a very clear stance about not wanting kids AND not wanting to experience pregnancy BUT IN FICTION ????? GIVE ME THE BREEDING KINK !! GIVE ME THE GETTING MARRIED AND HAVING KIDS !! THERE IS NO CONSEQUENCES TO MY ACTIONS !!!! LETS FUCKING GOOOO
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Do you know why dogs do that little exhausted sigh when they lie down even when they haven't really done anything that particular day?
I, too, make exhausted little sighs when I flop down and am suddenly extremely comfy!
But, okay, here's what super interesting. I didn't want to just give you a flippant answer, so I started looking up if sighing is a behavior in other species than humans. Because it's always worth keeping an eye out for accidental anthropomorphism. Turns out? The science on sighing is fascinating. Stay tuned for intense nerding out, and maybe a bit more of an answer.
First off, we gotta know what a sigh is.
"The sigh is a deep augmented breath with distinct neurobiological, physiological, and psychological properties that distinguish it from a normal eupneic breath. Sighs are typically triggered by a normal eupneic breath and are followed by a respiratory pause, which is referred to as 'postsigh apnea.'"
In non-jargon, that definition means sighs are a deep breath with a different pattern to it than normal, easy, regular breathing. "Augmented breaths" are frequently used as a synonym for "sighs", and the best definition I found is that "they comprise prolonged inspiration and increased tidal volume followed by a respiratory pause and several seconds of faster breathing. So a longer than normal inhale where you take in more air than normal, then an exhale, and then pause before breathing in again. Oh hey, look, I found a graph!
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The graph is super well labeled, but just to be clear: each cycle of the red line is a normal breath, where what's being tracked is the movement of the chest wall. The part where the vertical blue bar is, that's the cycle with a sigh. The red line spikes really high (during inspiration, or breathing in) at that blue patch, and for longer than the normal period of a breath. See how it's almost like two inhales on top of each other - a normal slope and then another upward spike? That's the "augmentation" of the normal breath, almost a double inhale without breathing out in-between. Then, after the red line drops (on the exhale) there's a flat bit. That's the respiratory pause, which the period after the sigh where you wait before you inhale again.
Apparently people have been tracking sighing scientific for like, over 100 years. The first record of it in academic literature was in 1919. And we know some really cool stuff. All humans sigh spontaneously. Even babies sigh! They do it every few minutes, whereas it's less frequent but still pretty regular in adults: one study found about once every five minutes, or twelve sighs an hour.
Okay, but why do we sigh? We only sort of know, because there's a bunch of different things that have to be studied to answer that question. The direct physiological aspect of it is the most well known at this point. You've got lots of little sacs lining your lungs, called alveoli, that facilitate gas transfer from the air you breathe into your blood. They make sure oxygen goes in and carbon dioxide gets breathed out. But sometimes they collapse and deflate, which prevents them from doing their job. When you do a big sigh, the air quantity in your lungs ends up being double that of normal, which inflates them again. So sighing is a way of doing lung maintenance, in a sense.
But there's so much more going on when you sigh than just that! This is the stuff researchers are still working on. They've got some pretty solid conclusions to start, but they're very emphatic that there's a ton more to learn.
Basically, the main hypothesis right now is that sighing functions as a "reset" for your internal state when it's out of balance. People sigh more when they're acutely anxious or stressed, are anticipating a negative outcome like a shock or seeing a negative image, or have chronic anxiety, PTSD, or panic disorders. Higher sigh frequency is also associated with pain: people with chronic low back pain sigh more, and how much they do correlates with how high their pain rating is at the time!
Another aspect of sighing is that it's frequently associated with periods of relief. Studies have noted that people sigh when they're able to relax following tension, like if they're interrupted while trying to do something really mentally taxing, when they finish a task that took a lot of attention for a long time, or if a negative stimulus stops/goes away. The reason behind that is actually thought to be why people sigh so much when they're upset or in pain: sighing doesn't just signal relief, but actually cause it! Some studies have found that people experience a temporary reduction in muscle tension right after a spontaneous sigh. (Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to also happen when you sigh on purpose.)
Sighing is also thought to facilitate behavioral and emotional transitions. The frequency at which someone sighs changes even just when they transition from sitting to lying down. People frequently sigh right before they fall asleep or start to wake up. One study found that people sigh more frequently when they go from a situation of being unable to anticipate what's next to a situation where they know what the outcome will be - regardless of if that outcome is going to be negative or positive! That led the researchers to hypothesize that sighing functions as an emotional reset from states of high internal arousal (a word which here means "the state of feeling awake, activated, and highly reactive to stimuli.") So sighing might not just bring relief when something really intense ends, but it might also help people prepare for upcoming stress.
Basically, researchers think that sighing may contribute to what they call "psychophysiological flexibility." That means that sighing helps keep someone in a physiological and emotional state that matches the situation they're in, and helps the body and mind adapt quickly when something changes. They noted that these types of transitions may involve "anticipatory, activation or recovery responses." In other words: they think spontaneous sighing is relevant not only when you're worried about encountering a leopard in the bush, but when you have to hide from the leopard you tripped over, and then also when you're calming down after the leopard got bored and left.
There's a whole bunch of research left to do about how exactly spontaneous sighs do what they do, but there's also a whole other aspect of the behavior that hasn't really been studied yet: their social function! In humans audible sighing is a salient social signal. (The researchers said the part of the paper addressing this that it is a "lay belief" that sighs have a "communicative function to convey emotions," which makes the whole thing feel like it was written by aliens observing humans from afar). But they did note that sighs for social communications may be totally different from other types of sighs, since the exhalation is often very exaggerated and doesn't always occur in tandem with that "augmented" inhale pattern that spontaneous sighs have.
Okay. So. I've been a nerd forever, but what about doggo sighs? Why do they occur? Obviously, the research doesn't give us a direct answer. The majority of the behavioral / situational research on sighing has been done on people, not animals. But it's pretty well documented lots of animals sigh (it might even be all mammals, I just don't have a citation for that). And some of the studies that have been done on animals indicated that they, too, sigh in relief when negative situations end or unpleasant stimuli go away.
Let's go back to my joke at the beginning of this book I've written. My first instinct was to be like "who doesn't sigh in relaxation when they finally get a chance to rest their bones?" That totally matches what's in the research: getting a chance to rest after activity is often both a behavioral transition and an emotional one, and if there's any physical discomfort being experienced, physical rest is often is a relief.
It seems fairly probable that dogs sigh when they lay down for at least one of those reasons. I can't prove that hypothesis, but it tracks with what the science says so far. The situation you described meets the main identified criteria for sighing: there's the physical transition of laying down, the behavioral/emotional transition of being ready for a period of low/no activity, and the possible relief of pain or discomfort that comes with laying down. We don't have any any evidence (that I was able to find) of species that sigh for other reasons, or sigh in situations that don't meet those criteria. We don't know for sure that this is accurate - this isn't fact, simply my educated guess. But since sighing seems to help muscles relax and relief discomfort, it seems reasonable to me that a good old sigh after the relief of laying down would make the transition to a resting state feel even better.
Effects of the hippocampus on the motor expression of augmented breaths
Brainstem activity, apnea, and death during seizures induced by intrahippocampal kainic acid in anaesthetized rats
The Integrative Role of the Sigh in Psychology, Physiology, Pathology, and Neurobiology
Sigh rate during emotional transitions: More evidence for a sigh of relief
The psychophysiology of the sigh: I: The sigh from the physiological perspective
The psychophysiology of the sigh: II: The sigh from the psychological perspective
Affect Arousal
UCLA and Stanford researchers pinpoint origin of sighing reflex in the brain
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moongoopy · 28 days
no way out
cont: reader has lost about everything so why not lose themselves too?
c/w: reader has anxiety and depression, dubcon, reader getting kidnapped, yandere characters, reader is an artist, death (not reader or the duo), dark content, family problems, blood, reader constantly relapses from self harm, manipulation, harassment (not from duo)
a/n: damn thats crazy. funny how i end it almost the same like my other scenario lolololol, reqs open!
c: geto x reader x gojo
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it was the last year of college and it was like you slaved away at your school work that it was numbing to even do your hobbies.
the light in you was dying that your heart should've stopped years ago.
no parties can save you.
you threw away the invitation for the college party, everything was blur to you. too much responsibility on your shoulders and no shoulder to cry on, your roommate no less too busy with his own life to go fuck himself over some girl he broke up with and you slip away everytime you were close to talking to him. he wouldn't listen anyways, head too busy in the clouds as he loses himself again.
the miscalls from your family didn't bother you anymore, it was aggravating to text them back everytime they remembered you so you pretend such a nuisance doesn't exist until it's too late.
"atleast pretend to care"
you told yourself in the mirror, eye twitching from your toothbrush that fall at your feet when your hand collided with the sink. you were worse for wear, eyebags getting darker as you thumbed through social media and letting a few minutes pass before picking up the brush.
instead of calling back, you left a long line of texts with another brand new line of excuses to shut them up with a bunch of emojis for some normalcy. you cleaned up the brush before applying another line of toothpaste onto it and slumped, remembering how money was also running low. thankfully, you didn't share money with your roommate or anything but inflation was upon us.
no way you wanted to ask from your family. they fared well but it was like a hit list on how much you'd ask them and that when you get back home, they'll use it against you and scream in your face while you're strung up limbly like a doll by not responding at all. a response is asking for a fight, no response is to defuse their thoughts by letting them pile ontop of you until they move onto another thing to complain about.
you nearly choke at the taste of blood and pulled away from your toothbrush, red coated your tongue and the gums of your teeth before they quickly get washed off including your grimy face.
another shower may do you good before you worry more about other things. should it be saving up more money or that you haven't come to work for two days now?
oh, this is killing you, why couldn't you just turn the cutter towards your neck? you'd sob so loudly when the blood on your thighs washes over and the cuts burn and twist your skin in and out that you desperately grabbed onto the shower walls. staring down at your scars that barely heal, you made sure to pick pants that wouldn't bother your battered skin. your mind lingers again, the pressure of the water against your head calmer than the caress of your mother's hand combing through your hair.
how did it went downhill in your life?
the folks here were seperated into systems of the typical tropes of college but you weren't treated that badly. there were stares and badmouthing but it never harmed you. so college wasn't the problem.
or maybe it was the relative that passed where you bawled so hard over? yet, you'd never really known them, having correlations towards your passion and attitude only. seemingly called a reflection of them by your other family members but the memory of said late relative lingers in your head sometimes like the wax that's left after the flames took it out but it can only be reshaped if you want to.
but you never pried into the past of that relative so it couldn't be.
you lost yourself way before the impending family problems and countless homeworks you had that the addicting press off the cutter felt more like home than home ever was.
no, dont go back there, it wont help.
drying yourself off, you decided you should atleast take the night shift. clothes tossed on, you couldn't slump around this time. you had something due in a week so maybe work was better to focus on at the moment. passing your roommate's room, you nearly stumbled out the door. night was fast aporoaching this time, it made you ill. the sun or the moon was something you could tell apart from the slow days that passed, without it was living like you're dying.
you took the shortcut, a creepy alleyway but if you were quick; you didn't have to deal with any drunkards and steadily walked. you clutched your earphones in your hand as you tried to listem for any noise that can ruin the night and jumped back to somebody that reached out for you.
"hey there..!"
the man drawled, oh god.
he was drunk or rather high with how hard he was clutching something in his hands but nonetheless it creeped you out, you walked hurriedly away from him.
it was amazing on how stupidly quick he was. his eyes were rolling to the back of his head and drool smearing his lips as he pursues you. your sling bag slipped from your arm which was held tight incase you needed to hit him.
the road down was getting slippery just a bit near to the cornerstore where you worked at, you could dissappear through the backdoor incase he gave chase. or was that a bad choice? he'd know where you work at if he remembered a part of you. thats why you didnt want to yell back incase he recognizes it if he scuttles into your work place and do god knows what there. not a lot of people were around at the hours you work at too.
tears spilled from your eyes, you always were the fearful type. thats why you havent died, just the thought of dying was perfect for you but never the action. you could die in this situation, what if he had a knife. you didnt want that. such an unflattering way to die by some weirdo whose name will be forgotteen after a few days of town talk.
you wanted to die but not this, no!
you swerved the corner and you heard the man gasp.. or choke?
you turned back immediately and another man was holding him by the throat, slamming him back on the graffitied wall with a dangerous glare towards the creep.
"get the fuck out of here!" was enough for the man to whimper and cry, running away back to the alleyway and his footsteps faded away slowly but if you just listen a little closer, he was really running for his life in his drunken stupor.
the stranger's fist was a bit bloody, you didnt know where he had hit himself, hell was that even his blood?
"shit, thank you.."
you exhaled sharply, you had held your breath so long eversince you had turned around. your heart beating so fast to what you thought was gonna happen if the creep caught up with you. this white haired stranger smiled widely, a bit too wide for almost beating up a man and walked towards you.
"you okay? theres been a lot more creeps lately. that must've shaken you up, do you need..?"
he opens his arms up to which you shifted akwardly, hand on your arm. should you? he saved your life and you haven't hugged anybody for a while. hell, you needed something to stop your panic and nearly fell right into his arms. he chuckled, rubbing your back in comfort as he fumbles with something in his bag in the other hand.
"where were you headed? i'll take you there. who know what other weirdos are out here."
you nodded slowly, feeling more at ease when both of his arms wrap around you. you wanted to stay in his chest for a while, scent so nice to inhale but you pulled away swiftly. wow, nearly caught yourself being the creep, this was revolting. you haven't felt affection in the longest time that some stranger's arms were what stabilize you, it was almost embarassing. you might as well ask him to bed you with how you nearly nuzzled into him.
you turned around and he slipped his fingers between yours which was a bit peculiar.
he laughed boyishly, putting his hands up defensively.
"sorry, its just instict. im worried about you!"
looking at him again, he was very pretty. such nice lashes fluttering at you as he utters his words and you shook your head almost mechanically. you dont get a lot of nice strangers like this often, it nearly made you feel too relaxed. it was fine, he probably goes through this with other people that walk alone at night and get disturbed by whatever.
"i'm kinda late now to my work.. but its fine, can you back me up?" he did a thumbs up before walking with you, finally turning the corner and seeing the signboard of the convenient shop lit up. you looked up at him, wanting to thank him again before one of his arms slip behind your waist and your vision becomes blurry.
a car drove past, stopping beside the two.
your limbs felt heavy and you started seeing black and he held you close.
"don't worry, i'll do more than back you up."
this was warm. it felt too warm like a mother's womb. or was that a strange way to describe this feeling? maybe it was more thicker than the blankets you had back at your home or maybe it wasn't your blankets at all?
you woke up in a sweat, head aching with great pain as you let your eyes adjust to the dark.
what was going on?
why was the stranger that helped you was here? legs held to his chest as he watches a movie while another stranger combs through your hair and he was so close, you'd nearly scream. chains rattle and your feet feels so cold. you were so disoriented that whatever noise you managed out of you made the stranger from earlier made him whip his head back.
"it's okay, y/n. we'll explain."
he moved so quick that he was right next to you, gripping your chin so suddenly which made you back up. he held onto you by your clothes and it made the fabric stretch, these weren't your clothes either. just what the fuck was going on?! you screeched, tearing away from him and it made the other stranger hold onto the other's wrist.
"satoru, don't act like a hooligan. you're scaring them"
the one named 'satoru' backed off, chuckling and putting his hands up defensively like how he did before except the look in his eyes were so much more carnal than ever before.
"cmon, its natural to get excited to have your plan work out. on such a random night and way more early than your intended timing, suguru?"
it was like a challenge for 'suguru' to bite back but he couldn't care less and looked back at you. it was eerie. his eyes a swirl of purple and such an illusion had you staring back into them which gave him a chance to touch you even more where he adjusted your clothes and patting them back to how it originally look.
"how'd you feel, darling? i'll explain, we three go to same college, remember us?"
you only had to a bunch of people remembered in your head that anymore than that, you dont bother to remember but their names were farmiliar. people do talk about them all the time so would you shake your head or nod? nonetheless, satoru butts in and thumbs your lips.
"so? speak up, your voice's too pretty to just nod as a response~"
you pulled away, a rush of tears rolling down your face at the realisation of how messed up this situation was. two men in this cold room. you were kidnapped. you didn't know whether to scream or bite back when they started cooing and wiping at your tears. it felt so insulting when they talked like you weren't there, you wanted to quale with anger but your eyes snap back to the shackles on your feet. they notice that you knew, suguru shoves his finger onto satoru's lips before he said something else that could trigger you.
"well, sweetheart. i know all of this can be scary but none of this is to hurt you-"
"how the hell, what the hell do you mean by that? you kidnap me to just look at me, is that what you're telling me!?"
that came out in one breath that you paused, your sobbing stop a bit. this was bad. oh no, you weren't rational. well, you were never rational but in this situation with two strangers from college, they could easily chuck you in a body bag and call it a day. your sniffling gets louder when suguru pressed his thumb into your cheek and turned your head towards him.
his expression was almost indescribable. was he angry? was he amused? was he planning things? this was making you dizzy. they might talk about killing your right here right now too as they had no shame to cover up their plans of kidnapping you. but a small huff was let out from his lips as he held your face so tenderly.
"i know, this situation cam be scary but we've seen you around college. your artwork is just astounding and we wanted to go look for you, such an artist should hear our praise from us and yet you were nowhere to be found." satoru's brows quirked up when your eyes started gleaming a bit but blinking fast to try to hide some care into his words.
"when we found out how you've been so down in your mental issues, it saddens us. your teachers told us how you looked deeply affected by them. that you've been so lonely.." your chest starts heaving when he got so close to your face and your feet kicked the floor to slip away from him only for satoru to hold you from behind.
"we decided to keep you here as our little darling."
you blinked up, eyes twitching.
so they only saw you as entertainment that you were about to push them away from you and spit at them until satoru held your hand and kissed it, taking in your scent.
"sure, its the most foul thing to ever be called by us but we promise you're gonna enjoy it here!"
his arm slips from behind your neck and pulled you close to your chest, snickering when you tried to get away from him. his lips inch close to your ear and he whispers.
"we want to make you feel much better, away from everything you're experiencing and we want to talk about your passion too. wouldn't you like that? we'll provide it all for you. just say the word~"
your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head from the tears you squeezed out painfully. this had to be a joke. what was even going on anymore? your life had to be an absolute joke, you should've joined that one relative in death too.
but a life with them where your problems are almost nonexistent was just peaceful, did you died to get into this position. your crying had calmed down again. you looked up at them in worry, were they really telling the truth? a kiss was pressed softly on the forehead by suguru and his smile reached his eyes with such tenderness.
"you need time to process this, you can go back to sleep and think about it when you wake up.."
"orrrr enjoy your favourite!"
satoru popped open a bag from the restaurant you liked to go to but haven't in a while and the smell was just strong enough to taste it. your eyes linger to a pillow suguru held out for you and you'd nearly keel over. it was your pillow from your dorm and it made your head swirl in confusion.
just who are these two? why do they know so much when they heard you through passing? there was so much questions that they shut down with a kiss and slot their bodies right next to you.
but one thing was certain, you're not getting out of this soon.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
for mutliverse monday!! (the best day of the week <3) maybe first mothers day as a mom with james!!! i feel like he'd be so sweet and maybe a little bit corny, buying every card/balloon/gift he saw and going maybe even too all out hahaha
You wake up to two kisses, one on each cheek, and one is only a little less sloppy than the other. Your eyes flutter open and there's two heads on either side of your own, one covered in sweet, soft little peach fuzz, and the other spouting curls that are tickling the side of your face.
"Morning, mummy," James croons, his hand firm against your daughter's back to keep her upright, "Say, 'Happy Mother's Day!'
Your baby babbles against your cheek, but it doesn't sound much like James's prompt.
"Oh," You coo sleepily, turning to scoop the girl into your arms and press a kiss to her flushed, rosy cheek, "Hi, lovebug."
The sleepy girl wriggles in your arms, happy to be in her mummy's grip again. James leans over to plant a smooch on your lips, sloppy and uncoordinated from how tired he is.
"'Made you breakfast," James informs you, "But it's a little messy, so I didn't want to give it to you in bed, just in case this one gets her little fingers into the syrup.
He pats your daughter's bum, and she peeks up at her dad through squinted, happy eyes. She giggles as she rocks against your chest, and the sound floods your heart with warmth you'd never known before becoming a mother.
"Giggly girl," You coo, craning your neck down to kiss your baby's nose. She lets out a squeal this time, she's new to her voice and she loves the sound of it. It makes you and James laugh, and he leans in to kiss a patch of skin just to the left of your nose, towards the apple of your cheek.
"Alright," You huff, sitting up with your daughter held tightly in your arms, "Should we go see what Dada made us, bug?"
She gurgles in response; you take it as a yes.
"She helped too~" James informs you, reaching over to pinch your daughter's tiny foot while you carry her out to the dining room, "I used the carrier-thing, strapped 'er to my chest while I made breakfast."
"Oh," You lean in to bump noses with your baby, "Is that right, bug? You're a chef already?"
"She was very helpful with getting syrup in my hair," James boasts, "We've got a natural."
"I'm glad you've washed her hands," You hum, just as she decides to put one on your cheek, "I don't want syrup in my hair."
The door to the kitchen is shut, but when James pushes it open, you're bombarded with nothing but pink, pink, pink set up in your little dining room off-shoot.
"Oh my god," You stiffen, baby still wriggly and giggly in your grasp. There's a balloon arch, different shades of pink all displayed proudly by the bay window, streamers hung from the ceiling, and a Happy Mother's Day banner hovering over the threshold between dining room and kitchen. Baby handprints are stamped all over the paper, and you have a sneaking suspicion that the paint flecks beneath your daughter's fingernails are somehow in correlation to them. The table is elegantly decorated with flowers and food alike, and it looks like James has prepared a spread of pancakes, waffles, potatoes, eggs, fresh fruit, whipped cream, and every other breakfast food known to man.
"The party store had a lot," James chuckles bashfully, wrapping a tender arm around your waist, "Do you like it?"
"Do I- yes!" You gush, turning to hug James while keeping your baby from being squished. She screeches happily at being caged between her parents, and you press a firm kiss to James's lips while she tugs on the collar of his shirt.
"Happy Mother's Day, love," He murmurs against your lips as you press them to his own. It means his words are muffled slightly, but you care more about kissing him than about letting him speak clearly.
"Thank you, James," You croon, bumping your nose into his, "Couldn't have found a better man to make me a mother."
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bvidzsoo · 9 months
Slow it down
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TW: nothing
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: A short drabble while I'm away on vacation, because for some reason biker Hwa's been occupying my mind lately, not letting me rest. I can't wait to continue my pirate!au mini-series with Ateez, I miss writing it so much lol. Being at the sea is definitely not helping at all at suppressing my creativity lol. Hope you enjoy this one!
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You couldn’t tell when it started, your infatuation with Seonghwa. Infatuation, perhaps, was a strong word, but you didn’t know how else to define it at the moment; maybe crush would’ve been a more fitting term, you thought, but you weren’t too sure about it. Park Seonghwa. You had known him for years, although never truly paying much attention to him, he still managed to become the center of your friends conversations, stealing the spotlight at any given chance without even being around. Seonghwa was quite famous at your school, and in your town, let’s be real, for constantly doing bad things and breaking girl’s hearts left and right. He was your typical bad boy and you wanted nothing to do with him. He was edgy and sometimes quite dramatic; he dressed in all black and wore quite cheap looking jewelry, painting his nails black after he realized girls went crazy for it. He knew he was good looking and he used that to his advantage. He could persuade anyone into doing whatever he wanted and it came in quite handy when he was behind on his schoolwork, his teachers excusing him for whatever dumb story he managed to come up with. Girls ate up his sob stories about his fake pets and evil parents; he came from a very loving family, so you never understood why he was lying about it. And, oh God, when he got his license for his motorbike did his popularity skyrocket even more. You were pretty sure you caught him once making out with one of the teaching assistant’s behind the school, but one side glance from his sharp eyes and you knew never to mention it to anyone. And to be honest, that was probably your first and last interaction with the boy, not that it bothered you. You liked your peaceful life as it was, serene, and void of worries correlated to boys. You didn’t feel like dating at your age yet, seventeen wasn’t too young nor too old, but you felt like you weren’t ready for a relationship. And that was fine, your father was happy too, not quite ready to lose his ‘little’ girl which he was aware you weren’t anymore, but it brought closure to him to know that you didn’t crave male attention just yet. His ‘little’ girl’s heart would remain unscathed for a little longer.
And all of that sounded really good, really, you would’ve never complained about your ordinary life. Oh, well, that is until Seonghwa started showing up to your father’s car service frequently. For some reason, the two of them seemed to be getting on well, and your father allowed him to come in from time to time to fix his motorbikes. Seonghwa owned at least three by now. He was two years older than you and while all of his friends went to college, he stayed behind, telling people he wasn’t ready to choose just one thing he was interested in to study for the rest of his life. However, this confirmed your theory for you that he just didn’t know what he was good at and that he wasn’t smart enough to go to a good college. It might’ve been a little harsh to view him like that, but he never ranked too high in your high school, too busy chasing girls and starting fights. And so, one day, as you made your way home you decided to stop by your father’s car service before heading upstairs as you lived just above it.
The rock music blasted throughout the car service; a few cars scattered around as your father had quite a lot of work for the week. Him and his colleagues were nowhere to be seen and you figured you stopped by during their lunch break, everyone was back in the dressing room. But you wanted to greet your father still, show him the grade you got on your thesis, unable to keep the smile off your face. You scored the highest in your year, it made you ecstatic. Your father would always order your favorite food whenever you brought home an outstanding grade, celebrating your achievement. With a skip in your steps, you waltzed down the spacious room, appreciating the white Mercedes your father was currently fixing. You failed to notice the clanking of tools, so when you turned to your right, your heart almost jumped out of its place as you yelped loudly. The older guy just cast you an unimpressed glance before he bent down again, unscrewing something around the front spring of his motorbike. You placed a hand over your hammering heart, frozen in your place as you watched his long black hair fall over his face. His hair had gotten longer since the last time you saw him, which was probably around a year ago, at the closing ceremony of his graduation.
“Did you become a statue or what?” His low, monotone voice snapped you out of your initial shock and your eyebrows furrowed as you shook your head, remaining silent. Seonghwa cast you a quick glance before he continued working, eyebrows furrowing as he struggled to take off the nut screw. He had been sweating prior and he lightly tapped his forehead before twisting the screw again, nothing happening. You didn’t consider your next actions for long as you let your backpack fall onto the floor before walking up to Seonghwa, kneeling down beside him. He turned his head to look at you, his sharp eyes watching you closely as you inspected his work, chuckling. Of course the nut screw wouldn’t come off if it was stuck, almost fried onto the tube it was holding together. So, you looked around for a little oil and found it on your father’s stand, so, you stood and walked over to it, getting it, then walked back to Seonghwa’s motorbike. You kneeled down again and sprinkled a little oil around the nut screw, failing to notice Seonghwa’s curious gaze on you. Because it was slightly fried against the tube, you struggled to get the nut screw off at first, but after tugging at it and forcing it, it finally loosened up enough to come off, clattering onto the ground. You grinned in victory and grabbed the nut screw, turning your body towards Seonghwa to show him your success but you, instead, froze at the proximity. Your noses were almost touching and your wide eyes took in his face, taken by his mesmerizing features. He seemed tanner than the last time you saw him and his plump lips were redder too, dark eyes gazing into yours intently. Sweat rolled down the side of his temples, stray strands of hair sticking to his damp forehead. You had never seen him from so close before, and suddenly you understood all those girls who gave in to him. He was breathtaking. His sharp gaze held a glint of curiosity in it and that made you self-conscious as you quickly stood, clearing your throat, as you extended your hand to Seonghwa.
“Uh, sorry—” You started, avoiding eye contact, “I should’ve asked before helping—”
“I’ve been struggling to get that off for half an hour now,” Seonghwa chuckled as he stood, taking the nut screw from your hand; you didn’t fail to notice the way his pointer finger ran over the back of your palm, making you gulp nervously at the unnecessary action, “and you did it in like…five minutes.”
You didn’t know what to say so you just picked up your backpack and looked away as Seonghwa took a step towards you, your body tensing, “You’re Mr. Han’s daughter, right?”
“Yes, I’m—”
“Y/N, I know who you are.” Did he really? You smiled a little, nodding your head as you heard laughter coming from behind you, it was your father’s. And as Seonghwa watched you, he noticed how tense you seemed to be around him yet as soon as your father approached the two of you, you had long forgotten about him. It was weird to him; he was used to girls throwing themselves at him constantly.
“Y/N!” Your father hugged you, excited to see you, “What brings you around here?”
Suddenly, a big grin appeared on your lips as you unzipped your backpack, digging around, looking for your thesis. Seonghwa watched intrigued as you pulled the paper out and shoved it in your father’s hands, who’s eyes had the same glint as yours in them. It was quite an endearing sight, how much the two of you resembled each other.
“I got the highest grade, dad!” You exclaimed with excitement and your father chuckled as his eyes ran over the papers, a proud look on his face as he handed it back to you.
“Very well, honey,” He handed you the thesis back, “You know what’s for dinner tonight then.”
Seonghwa watched as the biggest smile he’s ever seen on you spread onto your lips, snatching the thesis away from your father who just chuckled and winked at you. He’s seen you around your high school, but never had the chance to talk to you. It seemed as if you always ran away from him, almost as if you were avoiding him. He knew of his reputation, it was hard not to when everyone kept reminding him of it, yet you never seemed to care as you wouldn’t even cast a second glance his way. You weren’t fascinated nor scared of him, it was peculiar, but he never thought about you for too long. He usually didn’t like challenges when it came to girls and those who played hard to get never had his attention for too long. He wasn’t there for the long run, therefore he found it useless to invest so much energy into one girl only. But you seemed like you didn’t want his attention at all as you kissed your father’s cheek goodbye before you ran out of the service, forgetting about his presence altogether. It didn’t sit right with Seonghwa, and as he gazed after your bouncing form, your father chuckled and looked at him amused.
“Didn’t you two go to the same high school?” He asked and Seonghwa nodded his head.
“We did, but our circle of people were too different for us to know each other.” Seonghwa’s answer made your father chuckle to himself, nodding his head in understanding. He knew what type of boy Seonghwa was, he never truly expected his daughter meddling with him.
“Yes, that makes sense—” Your father said more to himself before his eyes fell on Seonghwa’s motorbike, “How’s the spring, son? Any progress?”
“Oh, I got the nut screw off finally—well, your daughter did, actually.” Seonghwa admitted with a shameful chuckle and your father nodded, not looking surprised in the slightest.
“Yeah, she’s quite the mechanic, my little one.” Your father gloated proudly before he walked off, headed towards the white Mercedes he was supposed to fix by Friday.
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            And after that first encounter with Seonghwa, you considered it your first real encounter, you seemed to run into him everywhere. It started being creepy after a while and it made you feel weird as you told your best friend, who didn’t think much of it, unsurprisingly, and suggested that perhaps you were just randomly running into each other, your city wasn’t too big, after all. Despite that making sense, you couldn’t help but still think Seonghwa was doing it on purpose as he’d always strike up a conversation with you when you crossed paths. Sometimes it was about something really dumb and it would make you look at him with a questioning gaze, nevertheless, you still seemed to entertain him, curious of his motives. He never made obvious advances towards you, so you really didn’t understand what was the purpose of all of his actions. Perhaps he was looking for a friend now that his other friends were in a different city at college? But that didn’t make much sense as he stopped showing up to your father’s car service since he had fixed his motorbike, yet trailed you around the city whenever you were out. And one evening, as you were headed home from the library, you had been doing research on a fish type for you biology class, Seonghwa was there. Across from the library in the parking lot, sitting on his motorbike as his eyes fell on you. Your heart skipped a beat and you looked around, trying to find the person Seonghwa could be waiting for it. But it seemed like just the two of you were on the street and you sighed as you took off, but not towards him. The sun was long gone and you had to walk quite a lot to get home, so you didn’t want to waste any more time, not a fan of walking around alone at night. But you barely made it a few steps before you heard rapid ones approaching you from behind. By now, you knew it was Seonghwa. You had memorized his walking pattern and the force of his steps.
“Headed home?” And you were right as his head popped up next to yours. You cast him an unimpressed glance before nodding wordlessly. Seonghwa hummed and continued walking next to you, grinning as he realized you were trying not to look at him. You couldn’t help but notice the gear he was wearing, his thick jacket undone and his light sweater showing underneath. He has never touched you before, so when you felt his warm grip around your wrist, halting you from taking another step, your eyes widened. He pulled you lightly forward, towards himself, and you almost tumbled into him. His cologne was strong and you caught the whiff of something strawberry scented, his hair looked like it wasn’t completely dry.
“Let me take you home,” Seonghwa’s low voice was soft and quiet as he looked in your eyes, making you flustered, “It’s not safe for you to walk alone.”
This was it, then, the moment Seonghwa’s been probably waiting for to finally try and woo you. He didn’t seem like the patient type, you had to give him some credit for holding out for so long. And despite every fiber in your body asking you to accept his offer, heart thumping loudly at the proximity and wrist burning from his warm hold, you smiled and softly pulled away from him.
“Thank you, but I did this walk many times before,” Seonghwa wasn’t pleased with your answer at all, and he let you know as his eyebrows furrowed, “There’s nothing to be worried about.”
But Seonghwa didn’t let you leave, stepping in front of you, making your body collide against his, you hoped he didn’t hear your quiet gasp, “There’s plenty to be worried about, actually, so just let me take you home.”
You took a step back, trying to put some distance between your bodies, hoping he wouldn’t see your red cheeks. You didn’t think he’d be this persistent and as you looked up at him, he seemed very determined, “I’ve never ridden a motorbike before and I don’t have the proper gear either.”
That made Seonghwa chuckle and you watched as he quickly took his jacket off, closing the distance between your bodies once again, making you avoid eye contact as he draped his jacket around your shoulders. He held the collar together around your neck and you gulped nervously, his fingers lightly grazing against your neck. His jacket was heavy and a lot bigger than your frame, “I brought two helmets, don’t worry.”
You went to still try and deny his offer nicely, but Seonghwa was already pulling you after him, interlacing your fingers, making you blush again. You couldn’t deny his attractiveness anymore, and despite staying away from him for so long, you seemed to be unable to do so lately. Yes, he was everywhere, but you seemed to want him to be everywhere you were, his sharp gaze always following you, making you stay alert. When he wasn’t looking, you’d sneak peeks at him, admiring his features from afar, imagining as you ran your finger down his tall nose, his plump lips, his sharp jaw, and then all over his dark eyebrows. Park Seonghwa was gorgeous and you now understood those girls trying to get his attention, hoping he was the love of their lives. You entertained that thought sometimes, before falling asleep mostly, wondering if you could fall in love with Park Seonghwa. Wondering if he could genuinely love someone. Wondering if he could fall in love with you and not play you like all those other girls before you, But now, as you stood by his bike, allowing him to place the spare helmet around your head, securing it, it all felt so real and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was ever going to change. Seonghwa suddenly grinned, his smile making your heart melt, as he tapped the helmet where your cheeks were supposed to be, and you found yourself suddenly holding his hands, pressing them down, holding them in place
“Were you waiting for me?” You finally asked what’s been on your mind ever since you spotted him and now a charming smile appeared on Seonghwa’s lips, gaze locking with yours. He suddenly gripped your hands and brought them down to your sides, interlacing your fingers on both hands. You were glad the helmet somewhat concealed your currently red cheeks.
“Yes, I was,” Seonghwa admitted truthfully, “there are no coincidences when it comes to me, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you tried not to grin as Seonghwa watched your face closely for a reaction, grinning himself. You didn’t want strands of hair getting into his pretty eyes, so you found yourself pushing them behind his ear, hand lightly grazing against his skin, making Seonghwa gulp. He tried to remember a time when his heart was racing this much because of a girl, but he couldn’t. He watched you as you fixed his hair for him before placing the helmet around his head, securing it and tapping the top like he had done for you. It made him chuckle and you looked down, embarrassed, but excited by his reaction. Despite his bad boy reputation, he was being rather soft and almost shy as he released your hands and got on the bike, beckoning you over too. You got on too, excited and lightly scared by the new experience as Seonghwa brought the engine to life, reeving it a little and making you giggle. You allowed your arms to rest around his middle, holding him tightly as he took off, headed towards your house. You knew explaining this to your father would be a bit troublesome, but you hoped his liking for Seonghwa would help you out a little bit.
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Masterlist (divider)
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fuumiku · 3 months
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Day 2 : Role Swap
Ok I have thoughts for this one bear with me. He’s a mage with a half-foot guild still but his activism is especially targeted towards half-foot mages specifically since they’re rare and so looked down upon (and the two are correlated).
Marcille scouts out places all Tomb Raiser style for lost treasures and knowledge, keeps maps and written info etc in her book. She’s still much of a scholar but more in an archeologist sense, she wants to discover the truth of dungeons and see if it could revolutionize the world. She’s a buildings and engineering nerd instead of magic nerd. She hypes herself up as a passionate cool rogue adventurer like in books✨ Chil thinks it’s a silly and unstable profession. All her um, grace and agility when doing headstands and dancing are coming through with this new role of hers.
Chil does need to borrow mana and so they hold hands a lot. I am so taking advantage of the mana transfer thing. "I’m out of mana, you’re an elf and you never use magic, give some to me! You have so much, don’t be selfish!!" -inparty fight breaks out as he chases after her and she runs away- I imagine that’s just kinda how he and half-foot mages roll? Dunmeshi-typical worldbuilding monologue that explains how "Most people don’t even use their mana, they don’t even learn magic. If you give me your mana I’ll be able to do more magic, win-win, no harm done." I imagine you have to be magic-savvy to be able to transfer mana to someone but it’s fine he can just steal it methinks 🌟 So he gets to be the one who’s very casual about physical touch. He does NOT want to be a healer it stresses him out but ah shit there Falin goes.
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More AU details under cut
You’ve heard of onion knight now get ready for onion mage Y’know the saddest part of mage Chilchuck is that he wouldn’t use explosion spells
You know how Marcille uses her staff to grab people by the neck or head sometimes… Chilchuck would have a free choking stick he can use to make people listen to him. He can REACH THEIR NECKS . It doubles as a walking stick for his old man back… /j And a weapon, sort of. I think staff more than lance, but long weapons like that suit him I think. Holding the monster at bay with a 4 feet long stick like "Stay BACK!! Go for my party members shoo shoo!!!!"
From my observations, staffs for magic all have a ‘hole’ at one end, oh size, shape, material and form varying. For example both Marcille and Rin have a similar hoop, but Falin’s is a lantern which imo the metal frame of it and the glass form this hole I’m speaking of. Maybe it’s like, the staff condenses the magic inside the hole and helps channel it and give it form? What I’m saying here is I didn’t decide what it was made out of but I like to think it’s carved wood so it can be homemade but unique to him.
Marcille and Chil both fight in battles, but he stays where it’s safer and does long distance spells only. Marcile uses daggers probably… But yeah her role’s more being a scout rather than a fighter, while Chil’s role is being a magical fighter and his expertise on magical creatures and such.
I think he’d be self-taught, where it’s his own magic system… I think he likes theory more than vibes and working at the whims of creatures, so maybe elven with an half-foot script? He doesn’t seem like the type to get buddy-buddy with spirits much A bit like his cowl it’s like he always has a part of home with him a bit with his half-foot magic… He’d have sucked at the beginning, it’s pretty experimental magic, but he made it work and tbh he’s a Big Deal for it. Learning on the field ofc ofc he’s no honor student
I think the racial prejudices tension would be worse, because he’d be nervous of the whole ‘half-foots who get too curious about dark magic get taken away’, and I think as a half-elf who doesn’t do magic it might be uncomfortable for her to deal with how the half-foot is better at it than her and how her mana would have had better use with him instead of her? Idk brainstorming. I def think she’d habe more of a complex about being a half-elf… Still with existential dread and still Hopes to find a cure to death, but she goes about it through artefacts etc rather than magic. I’m unsure how her career would turn out that wqy exactly because job stability and academia are important to her, but yeah I think she went to school on an agricultural and history level and focused her research on that front? And then she could become that adventurer scholar who explores to pierce secrets of the world and ancient civilizations trope yeah I think that’s the angle.
Maybe his plans for the future after quitting being a dungeon diver would be teacher/mentor instead of shopkeeper 🤔 One one hand oh god have mercy on his blood pressure, on the other he likes contributing to his community and would want to encourage half-foot mages and pass down his knowledge and expertise I think. Empty nest syndrome where…- OHHH mage Meijack……. I was thinking becayse Meijack followed in his footsteps in canon but it could suit Puckpatti and Flertom too… Their dad would have shown them some magic tricks hehe. They can be a magical girl trio in my heart, Powerpuff Girls energy…
A rogue has gotta be able to make intricate af braids and updos with their fingers (ignore how in canon Chil is just barely decent at them nvm). I was thinking maybe one of Marcille’s lockpicks is Ambrosia-shaped… Or maybe it’s an hairpin. Maybe she keeps her lockpicks as pins in her hair but they’re easy to grab… Getting more gimmicky by the second but my heart yearns for it I cannot lie. I ended up doing something close to canon for Marcille’s outfits but at first I imagined she’d wear stuff more akin elven fashion, short dress with pants, light material, though also with a leather armor breastblate. She has long gloves like the ones that look fancy, maybe even up her upper arm rather than just forearm ooh… Also her little pouch, which actually contains stuff this time around (lockpicks). They still have matching pouches yay
In that last doodle Chilchuck weaved her a little familiar with twigs… So it is magical but it’s hers, and it’s a second stand-in for Ambrosia. Maybe a golem… It’s very silly and prob not real in the au but the thought of it is really cute. Someone on the discord said Fantastical Beasts Pickett which yesss lmao, it’s like a pokemon for "(lock)pick it!" I love arts and crafts Chilchuck so much. Sew clothes. Weave twigs. Woodcarve. Necromance a frankenstein. He can make himself a new wife (/J I AM SO /J)
Also for Izutsumi: I think the reverse of a ninja is a bard. Take that as you will. Angry bard who grew up in a troupe……
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic Rivals AU])
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Y’all ready for Miguel to finally kiss (Y/N)’s ass??!?!?!? Not proofread enjoy lol, I had a lot of fun writing this. I tried to be a bit artsy near the end it it’s too cringe I’ll probably delete it and redo it lmao.
Cursing, Miguel finally getting his shit together, lol he’s ooc but it’s okayyy lol
(Y/N)- Your name, (L/N)-Last name, (N/N)-Nickname.
Word count: 2.1k
Series Masterlist Series Playlist
Chapter 12: What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
You hated to admit it, but you kind of missed throwing away those stupid little apology notes from Miguel. Oddly enough, they had stopped appearing on your desk the day after your last little “date” with Spider-Man. Though you doubt there was any correlation, you couldn’t help but wonder why all of a sudden he would stop after what was about two or three weeks of nothing but notes after notes of apologies.
“He probably realized that you aren’t going to forgive him and decided to finally give up.” Mj’s voice sounded through your phone speaker, lying next to you as you laid on your stomach on top of your bed. Checking over your new manicure you had just received that morning, before letting out a huff as you dramatically dropped your head down on the mattress.
“Can we stop bringing him up? I don’t need reminders of his existence, not like I didn’t have enough reminders before…” You grumbled, you're sure if she was there with you she’d roll her eyes at your theatrics.
“I feel like we talk too much about you two.” She teased, the end of her sentence trailing off in a chuckle.
“Yeah because now that you're dating Peter, I can’t tease you about how you act like a nervous wreck around him anymore.” You shot back, picking your head back up and raising your brow, your smirk evident in your tone.
“Don’t be bitter that I got a boyfriend before (N/N), I’m sure spidey will ask you soon enough.” Your cheeks flared as your best friend tease, despite you starting it first you couldn’t help but feel yourself becoming a bit more shy at the mention of Spider-Man. You know not to take it to heart though as you let out a small laugh.
“Hey aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for that date right now.” You point out, having remembered that she mentioned to you during your last class together that Peter was planning on taking her to some movie after his photography club.
“Oh shit- you’re right! I got to go, I’ll text you later!”
“Okay bye have fu-aaaand she hung up, welp.” You drop your head on your bed once more after grabbing your pillow to place underneath you. Deciding taking a nap would be better than spending the next few hours doing something else, too tired from school to even attempt to watch a movie or tv show, let alone read or do homework. A sigh escapes through your nose, closing your eyes as you snuggle against the pillow, waiting to succumb to your own exhaustion. The white noise of your air conditioner running in the background lulling you to sleep.
“Maybe this is too on the nose…” Miguel mumbled to himself as he glanced down to the wrapped item in his hands, trying to compose himself as he stands in front of your dorm room, gathering the courage to knock.
It was almost embarrassing, that he was going to grovel at your doorstep in order to get you to even look at him again. He was already bruising his ego enough with the countless apology notes that you didn’t even bother to glance at for longer than a second before tossing them, let alone read. Still despite his… complicated feelings towards you, he’d rather you bruise his ego then anyone else.
His eyes came back to stare at your room number that was etched into your door, before nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
You were a smart girl, a very smart girl. Miguel knew that. So he knew he was potentially playing with fire with his apology gift, he knew more than anyone else how your brain worked, he knew that you could take one glance at it and all the pieces would fall in place. He just hoped that for one, he would wave away any suspicions that you might come up with. Worst case scenario you outright declare him as Spider-Man, but then what? You weren’t one to tell secrets, you weren’t money or fame hungry so you weren’t going to go off and tell the media for a check.
Miguel shook his head, trying to shake away all the possibilities that were now coming to the forefront of his mind. Close his eyes to take in deep breath before opening to them once again to stare at your door.
‘If I keep thinking about it, I’ll end up walking away, just knock damnit.’
Finally, with a sharp exhale through his nostrils, he brings up his enclosed fist to tap lightly on your door. The edge of lips pulling downward after not getting any confirmation that you heard his knocking. After another louder knock, his ears finally picking up the faintest of annoyed groans, making his tensed shoulders slip down just a few centimeters.
Miguel thanked whatever dumb constructor decided to not give the ancient dorm building doors peepholes, because if they did, he knew you wouldn’t have opened the door for him. That’s why he stuck his foot out to act as a stopper, preventing you from closing it in his face once you realized who had decided to interrupt your short lived nap.
What a relief to be able to see your face up close with the mask on to counsel his. Despite the fact that your fake polite smile quickly melted away from your face once you realized who was at your doorstep, leaving a scowl to come and take its place. Miguel barely had time to open his mouth before your frame was once again covered by the wooden door, his school assigned leather shoes certainly getting scuffed from it hitting the side of them. Not even wincing as you attempted to push his foot out with resting your weight against the door.
“(L/N), Come on. It’s been weeks, you can’t keep ignoring me. Just… I-I know I fucked up okay? You were trying to be civil with me and I… Look I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry.” His free hand came up and pushed against the door lightly, not enough to knock you off your balance or anything but enough to peak his head through the door to meet your glare once more. “You know more than anyone else that I don’t do serious apologies. Just hear me out. You’ve-You’ve already got me begging here (L/N), to just be in the same room with you so I can admit I’m an asshole. You don’t have to forgive me, just hear me out! Please-“
He was able to squeeze himself through the crack of the door, closing it before him and leaning against it as he attempted to catch his breath from his babbling, chest raising up and down rapidly as his pleading eyes turned a bit more intense, you took a step back and crossed your arms over your chest, letting out an irritated huff as you kept your eyes on him.
“Get out O’Hara-“
“I’m tired of you ignoring me, what do you want me to do, huh!? You and I are too intertwined into each other’s lives for you to ignore me forever. You know that-“
“Unfortunately.” You grumbled under your breath, rolling your eyes a bit. Miguel, now standing up straight, took a step towards you, a hand flying to his chest as usually narrowed and bored eyes suddenly turned wild and frantic almost like a confused puppy.
“I-“ he paused, letting out a huff, before lowering his voice down to just above a whisper. “I’m not going to leave until you listen to me please just-“ He stutters, taking another pause as his eyes flutter shut tightly, you haven’t even noticed that his eyes were turning glossy and red until he opened them again, had you ever seen Miguel cry before? Well if you hadn’t, this might be a first for you both. “Please (Y/N).”
The use of the first name between you both was rare, you had been in more near death situations then you’ve heard your first name uttered from Miguel’s lips. So hearing it with such… desperation… it made your heart jump up to your throat. Your eyes never leaving his as he took another step towards you and… oh my god… is he kneeling?
“Please I-“ He choked out, the wetness that was threatening to spill out from the corner of his eye finally came down, his hands reached out to yours in desperation, you were too much in shock to think about pulling them away as you blinked down at him almost stupidly. “I can't… take it anymore. I feel like I’m going mad.”
He was being completely truthful with that statement too. He was jealous of his super powered alter ego from getting more attention from you then he was just as himself.
You finally pull yourself back into the current moment, clearing your throat as you shake yourself to help gather your words, neither of you noticing during the whole ordeal that Miguel’s apology gift had landed a few feet away from the door. Tugging at his hands as a signal to get up and off the floor. “O-okay, okay fine. Just-get up Miguel, Jesus…”
You wanted to keep holding onto this grudge of yours, but how could you when you had brought a man who is twice your size and four times your ego down to his knees? Reducing him to nothing more than a crying begging mess. Simple answer, you couldn’t. Whether it’s simple petty or if you felt like you were truly ready to hear him out, it honestly didn’t matter to you anymore. It’s clear from his breakdown that he had suffered enough.
He let out the biggest sigh of relief, sniffing a bit as he finally brought himself back up from your floor. A large hand of his coming up to wipe away a few lingering tears of frustration once he was up on his feet again. A silence fell over you both as you gave him a few seconds to collect himself properly before he could start explaining himself. Finally, with a clearing of his throat, bloodshot eyes met yours.
“Look, I know that… we haven’t been anything more than tolerant of each other… but I should have never,” his hands went to find yours again, grasping tightly as if he was afraid that you’d disappear in front of him. “Ever. Said that stuff to you. It was… too much even for us, if I could take it back, I would. I have no idea what snapped in my mind to say such vile things to you, it was wrong, it was stupid-so stupid-and I regret it. Regret it more than anything I’ve ever done in my life. You don’t have to forgive me, I don’t expect you to. Hell, say the word and I’ll walk out of here and I’ll disappear from your life forever. “
You have honestly never felt so speechless before. Miguel has never made you feel so speechless before.
“But god do I want you to forgive, to take those words back. I'll do anything, and when I tell you that I’ll do anything, I mean anything.”
You couldn’t help the breathless chuckle that escaped your throat, uneasiness bubbling up in your lower gult, despite laughing being your first reaction, you could tell he was all but joking. Your tongue stuck out to lick your suddenly dry lips.
“I can tell you’re being quite… erm, serious, so,” you pause, inhaling the tense air in hopes it’ll help calm your nerves, “I accept your apology.” Miguel took a deep breath to keep himself from turning into a babbling mess again, he could feel that heavy pressure on his chest filling up, he could finally breathe agai-“but I don’t forgive you.” He could feel his airways clog back up, he felt like he was blue screening as his ears heard the words but his mind didn’t want to accept it. He wants to do nothing more than to grovel at your feet again for you to take those words back.
But he couldn’t, it made him a little happier to know that there is something he can build off of, still as he finally was able to drag himself out from your room after putting on the facade of countenance , he felt the need to release all his pent up emotions out. He wanted to cry till his tear ducts stopped working, sob till his throat felt raw. But he couldn’t get himself to do it, his body simply wouldn’t let him, refusing to undo all of his years hiding his emotions more than he’s already done in your room, you're the only one who could make him feel again. What was that book his class started reading last week?
He felt like he had no mouth, and he had to scream.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini @cowboylikeevie @thedevax @codenameredkrystalmatrix @reader-1290 @laysmt (to be added click here)
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bluecookies02 · 10 months
Oh noo neuvillette hired his assistant hoping he would get more work done but only the opposite happened. He thought paperworks and files would be the only thing sprawled out on his desk but his desk has been awfully clean nowadays, the clutter of papers have been replaced by his assistant. Its almost like he has no time do any of them now, too busy fucking his assistant into his desk.
But having his assistant be pinned down on his desk all the time getting dicked down by him is risky, well thats what the melusine that stands guard outside his office is for! He couldnt care less when someone is arguing with the melusine outside his office for all he cares, not when hes too busy getting milked for all he’s worth by his assistant.
Neuvillette might even move her desk inside his office so he can just call her over whenever he wants just to be deep inside her. Well atleast he’s doing something all night and its definitely not paperwork.
Oh I like this one too omg. Like ik that canonically he would be very professional, i just like to be objectified sometimes, my feminism slips up.
But oh god, him falling for his assistant???
She's just sitting next to him, filling out paperwork and he's just like😳
Can you stop doing your work now, I literally do not care, jail them all.
Like you being a regular assistant and he's fucking g o n e.
He is not thinking about a single law related thing in that court, expect from maybe the laws he would definitely be breaking if he tried to woo you over.
You trotting away to show him the correlations between some cases and leaning over his shoulder. He's a dead man, he's sweating, his throat is dry and he might faint.
He's a weak man and you two end up fucking within your first week. After that, if he really needs to finish something important he literally needs to send you to another end of Fontaine or he will not make it through a single sentence.
It motivates him though, the sooner he's done the sooner he can have you in his lap.
I also wanna see him try to play off the suspicious stains that ended up on one of his folders.
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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crepes-suzette-373 · 6 months
Germa and French references
(Plus bonus Star Wars mention at the end)
Sanji's iron mask in the flashbacks immediately made me think of Dumas's works, but when I saw it I didn't think much about it. It's just like, "Oh I guess it's just part of the Sanji = French thing". Plus in one of the cover arts Sanji was drawn in a classic Musketeer outfit, so I thought it was just for fun.
But Twitter user Marudoro-san made this thread that pointed out a bunch of the same references I'd caught and said "Hey, maybe this is actually important to the plot later", and I think they have a point. So I figured I'd share what I'd already noticed, and I will highlight the input that I got from Marudoro-san in red here in this post.
Iron Mask
The man in the iron mask is a French prisoner whose identity is never truly known in history. In his novel, Alexandre Dumas invented a plot where the iron masked prisoner is the twin brother of King Louis XIV, and the plot involves the famous Musketeers from the previous novels in a conspiracy of switching the king for the twin brother.
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At a glance, it might be just a literary Easter egg, but when I look at it again, I do start to have questions. Within the One Piece scenario context, this is unnecessary. In the Dumas novel, the mask seems to be needed to hide the prisoner's identity. But there's no need to hide Sanji's identity, and it's not to prevent him from shouting for help because he can still talk even with the mask. What is it for? Is it a clue that the Man in the Iron Mask novel is relevant to this story?
For one, the fact that the iron masked prisoner being the king's twin is noteworthy. Sanji is one of 4 quadruplets, but still. Marudoro said that maybe this is a sign that Sanji and Ichiji will have a confrontation later. This makes sense, because of the other Vinsmokes, the one most likely to represent a "king" would be Ichiji.
This is something I myself had considered before, that Ichiji specifically might later have a role as "Sanji's opposite". I don't know how yet, but the imagery and themes that I've seen so far seems to point that way.
Marudoro also points out that if you look into the Musketeer novels, Sanji has vibes similar to Aramis, who is described as something of a womaniser. Aramis happens to be the mastermind behind the twin conspiracy in the Iron Mask novel.
The correlation is vague, and it's hard to tell how is this going to be relevant, besides maybe "there might be other French history/literature references in Germa's storyline".
Les Misérables, Revolution, the French Royalty
The only two Germa servants who actually has proper names, head chef Cosette and Sora's personal servant Eponi, seem to be references to the Les Misérables characters Cosette and Eponine. Part of the narrative of Les Mis is the June Rebellion, an uprising of the anti-monarchists.
In the Soul Pocus song that serves as the outro of the WCI arc, the "lyrics" specifically has the exact word "guillotine". For many people, guillotine is very closely linked to the image of the French Revolution and the execution of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
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Speaking of guillotine... Yonji's attack, translated as "Winch Guillotine" in the official translation, is actually called "Winch Danton" in the raw. This is possibly a reference to Georges Danton, and important figure of French Revolution, who is curiously executed by guillotine.
Sensei clearly knows the word guillotine, so why not just flat out call it "Winch Guillotine" like the translation?
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For whatever it's worth, Danton was someone who was executed for opposing the new government after the first revolution. The revolutionaries got so bad that it was called the "Reign of Terror", so Danton turned against them and was trying to oppose this cruelty.
Yonji is rather visibly the least "bad" of the brothers and his reactions are almost like a "normal person" in a lot of ways, so maybe this is significant?
Marudoro-san said that the Nyasha/cat carriage the Vinsmokes were riding when they were about to meet Big Mum was incredibly similar to the funerary carriage of King Louis XVIII. While there are some differences, they do have a point.
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Again, it's still unclear about what significance all of this stuff will have. Maybe the imagery of "revolution" and "King's funeral" indicate that Germa will be undergoing a lot of changes. Something that's beyond just the formation of Neo MADS.
The Knights Hospitaller... and Napoleon?
Marudoro-san says there's an interesting parallel between Germa and the Knights Hospitaller. This is a chivalric order that has privileges that puts them equal to a sovereign power. They have minimal land holdings, but has the standing almost on par with that of a nation. It's like the landless Germa, who is still recognised as a kingdom by WG up until their privileges were taken away after the mess in WCI.
The Knights has lost a lot of its power and territories in Europe through history, and finally, its headquarters in Malta was sacked by Napoleon. Marudoro-san highlighted that Big Mum's hat and sword was called Napoleon.
Marudoro-san took this analysis elsewhere, but for my part, I'm wondering if Germa almost being destroyed at WCI is a parallel of this attack of the Knights in Malta, with Big Mum being the parallel to Napoleon.
The possible proof of the Napoleon parallel is Law. Law was heavily instrumental in Big Mum's defeat in Wano, and his name are connected to events related to Napoleon's downfall.
Napoleon suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar, and the man who was his jailer to the point of his death was a surgeon's son named Hudson Lowe. Law and Lowe looks different in English, but in Japanese both are spelled the same: ロー.
[Edit: Napoleon was also famously defeated in the Battle of Waterloo. In Japanese, Waterloo is spelled like this: ワーテルロー. It contains the same "ロー" as in Law's name.]
Marudoro-san said that Napoleon's invasion of Malta involved tricking the Knights to letting him dock under false pretences. I don't know how true this is, but at the very least this is a narrative that is accessible to the Japanese. One could argue that this is parallel to the conspiracy in Whole Cake.
If this parallel is really correct, then, this could be a hint of "Good Germa".
The Knights Hospitaller surrendered and survived that Napoleon encounter, with its status being even more diminished. Eventually it restructured as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which still has its sovereign authorities (Wikipedia says they can even issue passports and currency), but is now an organisation whose activities are focused on charity.
Bonus: The Jedi and Clone Wars?? (Star Wars)
Marudoro-san also mentioned that the 66 of Germa reminds them of Order 66 from Star Wars, which ended the Jedi order and enabled the Sith to rise to power.
I only understand Star Wars very minimally myself, but a fan I talked to on Twitter confirmed to me that they think so as well. Especially because there's the specific focus on Germa soldiers being clones, and it's reminiscent of the whole clone plotline in Star Wars.
Order 66 ended the Jedi. The 66 of Germa is in reference to the destruction of the old Germa Empire.
If this parallel is true, then this might confirm the theory that "Germa is not actually evil before". If we read that the "Sith" is World Government, and the old Germa is "Jedi", then maybe it's hinting that all the story about them being evil in the past is a lie? They may be awful now because Judge is so driven by revenge, but maybe they were actually not evil before.
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profound-jade · 1 year
Supreme Support Reader Part 2
Sorry for being away so long, just life in general hit me. Anyways, heres part two. It doesn’t have much correlation with part 1 in terms of story so you can just read this first. Enjoy! 
Oh yeah. Warnings: Yandere
Word Count: 5500
Part 2 of the Supreme Support Reader. Basically the reader has the supernatural or divine power of making anyone happy and destroying their negative emotions. It’s a passive ability which can get stronger based on certain things like activities and distance.
 For example, its effect is way stronger if the reader is physically touching someone or if they’re giving direct compliments instead of just being close or talking to them. Someone looking at you brings them happiness and all but it’s even stronger if they are hugging you or  doing uhhh, things that are a bit more naughty. Well, for those that tried putting in some effort in trying to make it not obvious.
The effect of this is either a direct result from darling being in Sagau where they have it because of their divinity aura, or just because they were born with it or given to them if they were isekai’d into Genshin. 
It’s not like a drug that gives artificial happiness, no, you give true and pure happiness to those around you, the kind of happiness that is warm and beautiful.
An indirect result of this is the characters experiencing the effect and feeling would become infatuated with the reader, which would most likely lead to them being yanderes. 
Once someone feels the effect darling has on them, it's over. Similar to how one would feel after seeing an oasis in the desert after days of dehydration might feel, an primordial urge to claim would awaken within them, especially characters with deep hidden trauma.
When those trauma and insecurities are dug out and erased, it's gonna be filled with an intense emotion of love and obsession for you. 
Beidou would be back from a journey from the seas, the fleet filled with treasures, trophies of battles she fought, stories to tell and so much more. Maybe she met you tending to your humble little shop like the flowers or simply just something normal like just going and enjoying a nice walk but either way, with how familiar Liyue is to Beidou, meeting you is a matter of when and not if.
She would walk confidently with a brilliant smile on her face as she took in the scenery of Liyue Harbour before her gaze caught onto you, an ethereal like beauty tending to their own business. 
Her smile would falter and her lips close out of nervousness before she would carefully make her way towards you, almost as if she was scared that you were going to be startled by her and run away. 
You lift your head and instantly recognize her. It was Beidou, the Captain of the Crux Fleet and one of your favourite characters in the game! How could you not recognize her? 
A gentle and cheerful smile would be given to her alongside a quick wave. Beidou could almost hear her heart pounding by this point as her mind went into haywire just…staring at you. She would somehow manage to pull herself together and quickly give a simple greeting and ask about you, which you would reciprocate with a slight bow and introduce your products like the flowers you grew.
You would run over to Beidou’s side with a small pot of flowers you picked out in hand and bring it to Beidou. “The shade of these flowers matches your dress and would look nicely anywhere on you, especially on your hair. Of course any flower would look great on you, but I think these ones are the best. Would you like to buy some?”
Staring into your beautiful eyes and with your figure close enough that if she were to just extend and wrap her arms around, you would be in her embrace. Her mouth dry as your faint scent flowed into her nose, her pupils dilating instantly. She brought both shaky hands onto the reddish clay pot you were holding, nearly gasping as her fingers felt the touch of yours.
“...I would love that…” 
Beidou would stick onto you from then on, practically locking you in place with her grip that always seemed a bit too tight for your relatively weak body. You had originally wanted to tell her to not do that seeing as it was a bit too close for your likings, but seeing her bright smile as well as her “innocent” character, you found it simply too awkward for that. After a while, you grew accustomed to the tightness and even began to feel rather comforted by it.
No matter where you were, whether it be from picking apples and berries in the outskirts of Liyue or simply just taking a stroll in the streets of Liyue on a nice day, Beidou would always somehow coincidentally bump into you. Does Beidou usually go out at this time, and here at the flower shop of all places? Or even out in the wilderness, far from her ship and crew, right next to you?
You would be a bit confused at this. A thought did cross your mind once but it was brushed off like a small speck of dust without a second of you entertaining it. It was too ridiculous, you would never entertain a thought as absurd as the Beidou, Hero of the Seas and Captain of the Crux would fall for you. Not only fall for you, but would purposely find out your daily schedule and stalk you. That would be just ridiculous. Hahaha
Beidou’s familiar and joyous laugh sounded next to you as well before she slung one of her arms over your neck and pulled you close. This had startled you before in the past, but now it was a common occurrence, happening seemingly anytime you go out. 
You did find it a bit strange, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable or anything so you decided to attribute it to Beidou’s very friendly personality and even grew fond of it, enjoying the rest of the day where you and her would go around Liyue to enjoy all kinds of things you wouldn’t have known if Beidou hadn’t introduced it to you.
Eventually without you knowing, her presence had become a daily part of your life and you started to learn more and more about her in detail. The game covered a lot of the important parts, but there are still many more nuanced parts that only close friends would know, and she started to learn more about you as well along the way. 
The more you learned about her, the closer you got to her and felt more and more comfortable near her, while she fell deeper and deeper in love the more she learned about you. 
Whilst you have progressed from seeing her as an idol to a close friend, she has progressed from seeing you as a lifelong lover to her wife. While you two are out in public, any other suitors wouldn’t be granted a chance in getting close to you, not when Beidou’s strength which is strong enough to behead sea monsters would be directed at them. 
Well, not that is much of a deterrent to people like Beidou who has already felt your effect on them, but Beidou’s sheer strength alone bought her more time to court you by beating the others bedridden behind your back. 
Thankfully for her none of them were people with visions or powerful people which really helped with hiding what she has been doing behind your back.
As your peaceful days would continue, you would sooner or later visit the Crux and her private chambers by her request and give compliments on it, talking about how lovely and exciting it must be to live there. 
Beidou’s large figure would sneak up behind you and snake her arms over your waist, pulling you closer. This was something that you had relatively gotten used to after a while, but it feels a bit off today for some reason. 
“Yes, it really is lovely. But, it gets lonely sometimes…” Her voice trailed off, loving how you flinched and shook as she whispered gently behind your ear. “So…I’ve decided to fix that. With you…”
Before you could ask what she meant, the anchor had already been pulled, and the ship was heading out into the seas as the wind picked up. It wasn’t anything unusual, really. The Crux always goes out for periods of time into the sea for adventure, and wouldn’t come back for quite some time. 
It wasn’t too long, or too short. But it was enough time for Beidou to thoroughly convince you to be hers…
Or maybe it was Beidou that had been chosen by fate to be the catalyst, maybe it had been someone else.
Maybe it was someone who desperately needed love and affection in their life from all the hate and pain they had experienced. 
Eula grew up in a clan that highly advocated bloodline purity and an aristocratic image due to their clan’s history of ruling Mondstadt. Many things would come of this that would affect Eula negatively. 
Due to the high standard that she was met with, she was always pressured into performing to the unreasonably high standard that aristocrats would expect by her family, of which she never received actual affection from due to the cold and robotic way of life their clan upheld.
From the rigorous etiquette training she would receive as a child, the cold aristocratic manner had been imprinted on her, making the situation with the citizens of Mondstadt even worse. 
The children of the Lawrence clan were not allowed to indulge in any “childish” games and were instead forced to do productive things like swordsmanship and noble practices, leading to none of the children in the clan making friends with each other.
Adding onto the fact that the parents of Mondstadt would quickly call their children away when Eula was near and warn them about her, she never had anyone to call a friend. It would stay like from when she was a young little girl to a tall, proud young lady. Well, until she met you.
Looking at the cold and dim stare Eula had on her face as she tread the streets of Mondstadt would give anyone an instinctive chill and the urge to back away. But, you knew why she was like that. You read her backstory, listened to all her dialogues, and played all the events with her in it. 
Eula wasn’t a bad person, all she needs is a bit of affection and understanding to be friends with her.
She wasn’t someone like the Lawrence clan that would chain and lock someone up for their own needs, right?
And so, you would go and greet her cheerfully with a smile. That was the first ever positive greeting from someone in her life, and the sound of the chain around her heart cracking resounded.
Although Eula would act like she was suspicious of you, it was actually just her being confused as to why you were being so nice to her. As much as she would act rather coldly with her oaths of vengeance, it really wasn’t all that of an issue with you. Not when she was visibly happy that you did something nice for her.
The two of you grew closer rapidly. Eula never had any friends and family that she can call loving. It was only now that she had experienced true affection in her life, the effect of which is multiplied by the warmth and comfort your divine aura gave.
Eula rarely went around Mondstadt in public, especially where there were many people. The collective stares of fear and unease given to her was something that had always been a thorn in her side throughout her life.
But ever since meeting you, it didn’t seem to matter. You who would always carry a kind smile on your face would grab her hands and take her all around the city to places she had never been to before.
The Good Hunters for food, the Cat’s Tail for drinks, and so much more. No one dared say anything bad to her when you were around, making sure everyone knows that Eula was a great friend of yours.
It was throughout this period of time in public did Eula discover a hidden change regarding.
The stares…
The stares people give still affect her, but a far cry from the original way it did. She no longer cared of how the citizens of Mondstadt stared at her, but she did when they stared at you.
Anger would flare up inside of her as Eula saw how people would stare at you and look at all parts of your body. 
However, the part she hates the most is the looks of confusion they have for you. Why are you with a Lawrence clan member? Don’t you know what her family is like?
Eula hates this the most. After so long without love, she has finally met you and received it. So who are they to question why you are with her?! 
She would painfully admit it in her heart that she isn’t worthy of you, but so what? You are beloved by everyone in Mondstadt, everyone, including her. Since everyone likes you, then what makes them worthy of you.
If no one is worthy of you, then it doesn’t matter if it's Eula who is the one who gets to be by your side.
Your aura has melted away the years of pent up stress she has in just a short amount of time. But, there are deep lodged parts within her heart that need a little more power to properly clean it. It could be from anything that triggers the boiling point, in fact, just a simple compliment would be enough.
One day, you and Eula had decided to meet up at Windrise to play some games. You two would usually go together, but Eula had to sort some stuff out at home first and then come so she went alone at a later hour.
She would receive so many stares as she made her way to the city gates, eager to meet up with you outside. This would be stopped by one of your suitors would gather up enough courage to halt her.
“Hey! We see that you’ve been getting close to Yn recently, what are you trying to pull?” They would question loudly, drawing the attention of the passerby. You were popular in Mondstadt with your gentle and bright personality, always ready to lend a helping hand.
A pair of cold eyes would stare back at them as she replied coldly. “...What are you trying to say?”
“What we are saying is that you need to back away from them.” The suitor would state as a matter of fact. “Y/n always lends a helping hand to people no matter what. We don’t need a Lawrence to come and take advantage of their kindness and hurt them.”
At this point, Eula and the suitor would argue back and forth, losing miserably and leaving with a huff when all of the audience would be on the suitor’s side and tell her off.
You would meet Eula later at the lake and obviously ask her about what happened to make her so upset but it would always be brushed off one way or another. This led to an awkward silence in which you two didn’t make eye contact and just stood there motionlessly. Well, until Eula glanced up towards you, not making eye contact, and slowly spoke with hesitance.
“...hey, Yn?”
“...oh! Yeah, what’s up?”
“Why…do you treat me so nicely?” Eula would speak, her voice trailing off as tears threatened to fall out. “I’m a…Lawrence…the family of the tyrant of Mondstadt. Shouldn't you…hate me?”
You were a bit stunned at her question as a dumbfounded expression was plastered over your face, but your usual thin smile would come back on. With a small chuckle, you leaned forward and pulled Eula into your arms, embracing her gently and letting the warmth of your body envelope her, greatly to her surprise.
“You are a Lawrence, family of tyrants and all that, true. But, ” You stopped briefly. “You are also my Eula, someone I love and care for deeply.”
You held her face in both your palm, rubbing the tears away from her cheeks and eyes and staring in her eyes with great clarity and strength. 
“I’m not afraid of you, silly. I love you!” You spoke with a laugh, closing your eyes in the process and not seeing the expression on Eula’s face. It was as though the Raiden Shogun herself had struck her with lightning. 
You pulled her head against your neck and snuggled up against her. Things like this had happened before in the past. Whenever Eula was upset at something, you would always hold her like this and wait until she was alright again! 
Eula’s beautiful eyes that seemed to hold the morning sun were still wide open, even as your aura was currently healing her mind and soul rapidly, the words from earlier made it impossible for her to react to it. 
I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!
Your voice repeated your words thousands of times inside Eula’s head, echoing as though it was in the deepest parts of the Chasm.
Her arms slowly wrapped around you tightly, pulling you tightly as though you were her anchor in this world. Her face still in your neck, Eula closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, intoxicating herself. 
“Mine…Yn belongs to me.” Her voice whispered quietly.
Eula brought you over to her family manor one day, something that you never expected to happen with how much she despises her lineage. It moved you a lot, since Eula was actually willing to not hide, but show you the details of her life.
She would guide and take you everywhere in her home, from her study areas to the training areas, and even the ball room for dancing. It was really interesting and fun to learn more and more about her, especially when she has been so secretive and quiet about her personal life.
Finally, she brought you to her room. It was very formal and neat without much recreational things like art equipment but it did have a lot training equipment like wooden swords and dummies.
As you were in awe of all the different things in the room, you failed to catch the nervous look on Eula’s face. Her head down with a guilty expression, Eula looked to be in deep thought. Eventually, she grabbed on her arm and dug her nails inside, drawing blood. 
“Hey, Yn? Do you want to see something cool? You have to keep it a secret though.” She spoke and went to a nearby bookshelf, feeling an angle of it.
You beamed at her, which she kept her head down didn’t meet your gaze. “What is it? I'll keep it a secret, show me!” 
Eula gestured for you to come closer and she pressed against the wall, which rotated and brought inside the hidden room.
The room was very well cleaned and…decorated? The room was filled to the brim, and everything a room needs was there, lined up nicely. A large bed, a wooden table, a beautiful chandelier, a bookshelf, a cabinet, everything was there.
It was so neat! There was just more and more you can find when looking around. Several landscape paintings, make up, posters, clocks, and…chains? And..handcuffs, rope, and…tape?
A husky whisper would sound behind you and Eula’s cold embrace wrapped around your body. Her hands firmly around your wrist and the entire outline of her front was felt on your back.
“This is a hidden room within my room. I discovered it by accident when I was younger, and not even my parents know about it.”
Eula gave your ear a small bite, loving the way your body struggles against hers.
“E-Eula, w-what are you…?” Your voice quivered.
“Be obedient, okay? I don’t want to hurt you, I really don’t.” She spoke, pressing you closer against her and eyeing the thick chains on the bed. “...I love you too, Yn…”
While both Eula and Beidou would take some time to actually muster up the courage to take you for themselves forcefully because they fear your rejection as well as moral conflicts within themselves, Shenhe would be vastly different.
Awakening abruptly from a nightmare from back to her traumatic experiences not too long ago, it was such a contrast in the eyes of Shenhe for her to encounter such a beautiful opportunity right in front of her.
The warmth and comfort that you brought to her by just being there and existing was something that she would have never expected nor believed if not for the fact she is facing you right now. The words of Cloud Retainer would come rushing to her mind, of how one day she’ll encounter someone important to her. That day was today, the day she saw you.
From how mentality detached from human society and culture Shenhe is as well as her upbringing as an exorcist, a career that is already highly detaching from human society, Shenhe would not know how to approach you effectively.
Unlike other suitors who would go and try to familiarise themselves with you directly, Shenhe would stalk and learn more about you one-sidedly by herself. That’s why she would always be where you were, just secretly observing you like a masterpiece of art that needs to be properly cherished and protected.
You would be browsing the local wares and goods at the market and the familiar figure of the silver haired lady would seem to be right there near you. Shenhe was not someone that would visit Liyue so often, and when she did, it would always be in dining areas, and not a market like this.
Out of curiosity and as well as friendliness, you would go and greet her and strike up a conversation. Her opal eyes would widen out of shock when you came up to her, making her subconsciously take a step back as though something that is not supposed to happen had occurred.
 Her eyes shaking and her breaths uneven, this would be the first time you stood so close to her. From how you tread your steps to how the air brushes your hair, Shenhe’s rare emotion of greed would express itself as she internally conflicted as to where her eyes ought to be.
“Oh, uh, did I do something wrong?” You would say to her, just the bit confused over her reaction towards you. 
Hearing no reply from her, you would introduce yourself to her and ask her name, to which you would finally get a reply.
“...Shenhe…” She breathed.
It would go incredibly downhill very fast from there.
Akin to giving a tiger with wings, you freely expressing your goodwill towards Shenhe and allowing her to get close to you was the match thrown into the hay. 
She would be to you as what a shadow would be to its owner; right beside the at all times. 
Shenhe’s direct personality as well as her violent nature would definitely be something that is hard for you to get used to, especially when you have to physically restrain her when other suitors come close to you.
This did bring you some concerns regarding what she would do if she got her hands on them, but with simply how dorky and innocent she is in your eyes, you just chalk it off as your good friend being protective.
The two of you’s friendship would slowly blossom over time and sweeten as you two got to know each other more and more. Stories of the adeptus abode and her youth under Cloud Retainer would be given out by her whilst the admittedly more mundane stories of your daily life would be handed out by you.
It really wasn’t anything interesting to the average person, but Shenhe seemed to treat it as the best thing she has ever heard of in her life. The way your voice flows into her ears makes it sound as though you were truly being alive. When you are calm, your voice is akin to a soft cool breeze , whilst your voice when full of joy and energy is like the warm comforting ray of the sun.
Everything was fine with her. Shenhe had no well defined definition of love and didn’t see a “path” for her to take with you. All she wanted was to be with you, which she already has.
The days continued until she saw something that awoke something deep inside of her. 
Your smile, which she ahs seen so many times, always seemed to irk her in a strange way whenever it was directed towards someone else. Whether it was just a simple greeting to an acquaintance, an emotion that Shenhe couldn’t fully grasp or understand would appear in her heart.
But this was different.  A suitor bold enough to flirt with you in front Shenhe dared to make you not only smile, but laugh and blush. Once again, right in front of her. 
Shenhe’s eyes glowed an ominous blue and before you know it, her grip would be on your wrist and you would be dragged off with an innocent and concerned expression. The other party would object of course, but her cryo avatar’s hand would’ve already been on their neck, giving Hu Tao something to smile about later on.
As someone who is effectively an adeptus, Shenhe well has her own adeptus abode. Still trying to get an answer out of Shenhe on what is so urgent, the space around you would distort and before you know it, it was already too late.
You are in Shenhe’s palms now.
Shenhe doesn’t use restraints such as rope, chains, or handcuffs. No, any attempt to resist her would be easily dismantled by her titan-like strength and cryo avatars. She truly wonders why you are being so resistant to her, it makes no logical sense to her.
You’ve sincerely befriended each other and built a lasting relationship. In her eyes it was comically simple, she loves and you love her. Therefore, you should always be with her so that she can keep you safe.
But, that’s not what happened. Oh well, things can’t go so smoothly in life right? There’s bound to be complications in everything, so Shenhe didn’t dwell on it too much. She’ll sort the minor details later, the most important at hand has to be solved first.
To make you submit.
Raiden Ei loved her companions greatly, which is why even now, hundreds of years later, the aching loneliness left behind by their passing still persists. Her mind distraught and confused, she gave herself an ultimatum and obsessed with the pursuit of eternity.
Her nation of Inazuma, guarded and raised by both her and her sister, Makoto, as well as her companions was one of the few vital things left to her. It is something that she cannot accept losing, something that has to be safe,
But, history has shown her that the unending stream of time will never stop for anyone and even her friends were washed away by the currents. She cannot guarantee Inazuma;s safety, so she went into seclusion for the pursuit of eternity so that everything she holds dear will always be with her.
Her views of Inazuma and its islands are all present. Though it's not perfect, Ei can see anything she wants within Inazuma and be aware of major events. Only with this can she continue her pursuit of eternity without worry of her precious nation being in danger.
She would be on her periodic survey, giving the lands of Inazuma a simple view to make sure nothing dangerous went unchecked. It was here where it happened.
A glance, a single glance. Not one less or more, just one glance was enough. 
Your image out of the corner of Ei’s sharp amethyst eyes would be enough for her to be bound to your presence. One more glance, just to see you again and try to understand the feeling that it brought about in her heart.
No, two views wasn’t enough. Out of everything in Inazuma, only you were able to catch her cold yet determined heart so easily. You are an exception, an enemy of eternity. It was only her duty to know more about you, right?
Viewing quickly became her main focus in euthymia. It was strange, just watching you do ordinary simple things for hours on end, but the feelings of warmth and comfort it brought to her was indescribable.
Her lonely heart, once plagued by loss, was finally being filled and healed. The cold chamber with a thousand regrets was being melted so easily by you and filled with love and comfort, that she wondered to herself if you were truly real and not a figment of her imagination.
Time flowed by and her viewings of you became even more frequent. The sincere joy in her heart as she watched you sing was something that cannot be described with mere words alone. The joy in her heart as she witnessed you bake was almost as much as eating it.
The cute confused face you made afterwards as you looked around to try and find the few treats went missing was the cherry on top. Surely you don’t mind her taking a few, right? She’ll make it up to you in the future.
Her viewing of you one day was the usual, sitting cross legged whilst hovering above the now warm floor of euthymia and her eyes on the “screen” where your image was being presented. 
You had made your way out of Inazuma city and into one of the villages for some fresh melons. Reaching up into the trees, you picked and filled your basket with the ripe and was about to start your journey back home when a piercing pain shot through your shoulder.
You fell onto your knees, eyes clenched in pain as the figures of 4 rogues made their way towards you, one of them holding a wooden crossbow that had just been fired. 
It was late autumn and the temperatures were sinking by the day, so you wore heavier clothing for warmth. The thick fabric absorbed all the golden blood flowing from the wound, making the rogue oblivious to who they had just shot.
As one of them unsheathed their katana and began to speak about handing over your money and goods, the sky itself turned dark in an instant and purple lightning roared before a figure crashed down before you.
Ei’s eyes met with yours for the first time, and despite the situation, the thought that you looked so much better in person went through her head. Her eyes narrowed and a sharp bloodlust erupted out of her as her eyes met the wooden arrow still lodged inside your shoulder and chest.
She swung her blade once, not even seeing the filth that dared harm you, and they were gone, leaving nothing but a smouldering pile of dark ash.
Your eyes widened in shock and fear as you registered what had happened. You parted your lips to speak but the Shogun had already made her way to you, crouching down and holding your cheeks in her hands.
Regret swelled up in her heart as she gritted her teeth. 
A mistake. She had made a mistake once again. After so long of bearing with the pain in her heart, the burden of pursuing eternity, and enduring the days of loneliness, she has finally found you, Teywat’s blessing to her. 
However, after all that, she had dared allow herself to become complacent with you. She allowed herself to view you freely wandering about the mortal world, not realising the amount of potential danger there was!
She took in your trembling figure and took in your scent, the warmth of your body and intoxication from your scent more than enough to solidify the decision in her heart.
Her friends all perished due to the ever changing outside world. You, who is just a weak mortal, cannot be in such a place. You need to be beside her where she can keep you safe. She needs to protect you. You need to be in euthymia with her forever to be safe.
“E-Ei, I-”
She cradled your body and cooed softly, cutting off your words. “Shhhhh, shhhh. It’s okay, it’s okay. Just come with me,” Her hands ran though your hair, loving the silky texture on her fingers. Her eyes darkened and her voice now oozed possessiveness. “I will keep you safe for all Eternity.” 
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vandalyssm · 3 months
Theory: Merlin's Recent Publicity and its Correlation to a Possible Sequel/Revival/Reboot (+Eoin Macken's Pseudo Merlin Project)
'Ello. Fancied sharing my thoughts on recent developments regarding BBC's Merlin.
Fair, firm warning: I'm only sharing speculations and my personal opinions on the matter, and I do not advertise them as fact whatsoever. Consider them musings (or delusions, your choice). You can use this to further fuel your hope of the slim chance that this beloved show will see the light of day once again or maybe make theories of your own. Dispelling it is also an option, as I cannot assure my arguments would be free from flaws.
Right. Without further ado...
Revival of the Official Merlin Twitter Account
Let's put this into scenario.
Imagine a dated piece of media, previously well-known worldwide and had its own golden age for a time. This media launched the last of its contents over a decade ago, yet it gained a loyal, devoted following that persisted to grow and continued the legacy of the franchise over the years. Though there were highs and lows, the community remained alive for an impressive amount of time, steadily producing art, fiction, and creations dedicated to the media, despite not having anything new to work with. This devotion is acknowledged by those from an outsider's perspective, including the creators of this media (cast, staff, and distributors alike).
To put into context, the community was left unsatisfied with how the media ended, and many wished for the media to return. Articles were written, petitions were signed, comments left on the cast' social media accounts, and even questions were asked directly to them. Although different in wording, the inquired notion remained the same: Will there be a possibility of a sequel/revival/return/reboot? The answers range from a neutral, vague reply to a more resounding no.
This cycle persisted, but the people were immovable; they were visionaries and their dream lived on in their hearts. And this did not go unnoticed.
So it continued... until one of the media's social accounts made a sudden return. Out of nowhere, without a warning. They're back for good, the account announced. It sent the community into a frenzy. But if you took a step back from the excitement, you'd notice that it's strange. Why would a media ended over a decade ago suddenly be promoted again?
Now, I'm going to explore two possibilities; pragmatic and idealistic. The previous hypothetical scenario lays the general principal of Merlin's relevance (duh).
I'll make the pragmatic perspective brief. FremantleMedia saw the opportunity to make some bucks from Merlin because of the loyal fanbase, using a no-cost yet effective method to keep us tuned in; hoping. OMG, what does this mean? Does this mean they're going make a sequel?! Holy shit, they're teasing us, aren't they? I can't believe this is happening, it's a dream come true! And so on and so forth. Evidently, it works and numbers are growing. The official Merlin twitter account is racking up more followers and likes with each post. In this possibility, there's no such thing as a sequel/whatever it is the fanbase hopes for; just a reanimated corpse doing the same silly tap dance while we holler at it, dumbly hoping that they bust out new moves.
Now, the fun part. The idealistic version!
I'm going to use a real life example for my theory: the upcoming release of Dragon's Dogma 2. With a quick Google search, you can learn that Dragon's Dogma 2 is the highly awaited sequel for its well-liked predecessor, Dragon's Dogma.
For some time, Dragon's Dogma was on sale on Steam (with a decent cut too). This was done to gain the attention of...
1. those who haven't previously dived into the franchise. It's to make them think 'Wow! This game's so good. Oh, there's a sequel of it that's gonna be released soon? With even better graphics and gameplay? Sign me the fuck up!'. You liked Blueberry Cheesecake, so it'd make sense that you'd be more open to buying Double Blueberry Cheesecake, Premium Ingredients Addition, with 2 additional paid toppings.
2. Veterans and nostalgic fans. 'They're promoting the game I liked years ago... Oh, well, it won't hurt to play it again, just for the nostalgia. It never really left my mind anyway."
In other words: hype! hype! hype!
If using this principle, then the possibility of a sequel/revival/reboot/new content exists. It's either being processed (wishful thinking, not as likely) or being considered (more likely). If it's the latter, then they're testing the waters to see how much people still care/how much money they'll make. The more attention and hype it gets, the higher the likelihood.
P (old media pushed for publicity) -> Q (hype built)
Q (hype built) -> R (new content)
Eoin Macken's Pseudo Merlin Project
If I recall correctly, Eoin Macken first announced a pseudo Merlin project in late 2020. It's first teased to be released in 2021, but nothing came out of it so far (at the time of writing this) except if you count the small handful of times Macken hinted it over the ongoing four year period.
Now, I understand his position. First and foremost, he needs the legal rights to actually produce anything and it's no easy feat when you're dealing with a massive company. Then there's the issue of costumes, props, sets, and equipment. A lot to consider. To put it simply, he must offer the company something worth more than the show itself or contribute in their favor in some way. Macken seems like a charming and capable guy, so he can make it work. Probably.
I lean towards the spin-off theory because a cast reunion would not take four years. As far as I know, Macken is close with the knights and they could get together at any convenient time. If the project was a zoom call or a recorded get-together, it would've been released already. To compare, by using the average of 385,000 babies born each day during the last three years, we have 421,575,000 newborns before the Pseudo Merlin Project.
I want to tie this in with the previous theory, but eh. It can connect, but not really. I don't have any further explanation or evidence since Macken hasn't given any news.
Anyways. That's enough of this. I hope it made sense, at least it did to me. I'm entering my third year in the fandom, so I'm relatively new and still hopeful. (Though I try hard to keep my feet on the ground while I stare up at the clouds.)
To end this post, I'd like to say: keep hoping. Hope is such a stupidly beautiful thing, and it should be nurtured. Turn that feeling into art, into efforts.
There are franchises revived 2-3 decades after, and Merlin is no exception.
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omegapheromone · 9 months
Ok so, between the recent psa about miscecanis scent and reblog of the incels of omegaverse, I can’t stop thinking about how the two would correlate in a verse.
Like, “Chad alphas” could say you need to go buck wild on the Axe so other alphas know what’s “your property” (which becomes yet another omega-repellent because of scent sensitivity). Or even the opposite, where they don’t use anything, like no hygiene At All, because “omegas like the musk” but they just??? Smell like BO?????
But that’s not to say omegas/betas are exempt from this!!!!!! You’re telling me you don’t think some omega incels wouldn’t over-scent all of their bags and shit to like, “allure people in the halls”, but it’s just a Lot and it’s Everywhere. Or even an insecure beta who’s like “can anyone even smell me?????” And it’s like, Yes Buddy, I Promise You We Did Before And Can’t Stop Now
Also just????? The role of actual perfumes in omegaverse. I’m sure they’d exist for so many reasons, but I just wonder like, how they’d be marketed or even placed. Because you’re supposed to place perfume right where scent glands would be normally so I feel like people have a Problem with that while for others that’s The Point, you know?
Idk this just became a ramble. Any thoughts/insights are appreciated :’D
Chai your mind...... this is so good
Niceguy McFedora-type alpha that showers once a month because they think it's unnecessary because your "natural scent" is supposed to be strong to show the "weak and fragile omegas" what a strong and ~healthy~ alpha that will Definitely Treat Them Well you are. (He always has a personal space radius of at least 5 meters or more and doesn't connect the dots)
Or the *ndrewwww t*te type alphas making a point to go to the gym and Not Shower every time they go anywhere in public as some sort of a ridiculous show of dominance and thinking the nasty looks they get from people is because other alphas are feeling insecure and Betas are envious, obviously the Omegas are just pretending to hate it but actually they're all going into heat right now all because of his ~mUsKy AlPhA sCeNt~ (no sir, I know you live in delusion about owning a porsche but this is public transit and your stink is making everyone gag in disgust)
The desperate yet insecure folk of any gender and dynamic buying ridiculously expensive perfumes modelled after celebrities' natural scents (like that one headcanon post) because they think the scent is what made the celebrity famous/desirable/attractive and so if they smell like them then maybe they will also get courted...
And man I'd feel a little bad for the betas thinking they have no desirable scent and trying to "make up for it" because of how much importance society places on alpha&omega scents (that tend to be slightly stronger, sure, but It's not like betas don't have scents!!) And how little betas are talked about in the context of pheromones/scent
Also YEAH on the perfume thing!!!
My own headcanon sort of separates scents into their own cathegories of like, there's the natural scent that's associated with pheromones, it's not the same as body odour from sweat, but also the pheromones are slightly different/separate in that pheromones can affect the qualities of the scent but not the actual scent itself? And then there's obviously body odour, and then on top of that, I think perfumes are often used to either mask or even enchance one's own scent. They'd probably be especially affirming for any transdynamic folks! But also I can imagine some people feeling like their natural scent should be sort of "private" or they just don't want people to pay attention to it, esp if it's very unique? so they'll use fragrances to change it somewhat. Also for people with weaker scents, it could be an insecurity so they'll use perfume to feel more confident?
Oh and I wanna talk more about my headcanon about the pheromone-natural scent relationship! I think pheromones are what cause and are affected by emotional responses, almost like having a sort of... "aura" or "energy" people can read? But pheromones so it's an actual thing. but I also imagine it could affect the actual scent a lot too! I'll use my own peony+peach combo to explain since I know it best, but for example, if I was angry or annoyed, the pheromones would probably make the scent appear slightly "sour", like a sour candy or a flower that's slightly past its best bloom but still emits a really strong scent that starts to smell almost a little "stinging"? Or if I was really content and happy, it'd be like freshly-bloomed peopny blossoms and sweet, perfectly ripe peaches.
Probably in heat the scent would turn more "warm" and "heated" as well as stronger, too, like sitting in a garden of peonies eating a peach dessert during a heatwave in the summer? (Also I just like using that analogy for my own scent a lot. Sitting in a Peony garden and eating peaches. Except in heat it'd be more like a heatwave and much stronger/warmer) Like almost a little overwhelming, but not necessarily in the same way that overusing axe body spray is overwhelming, more like... a heat-scent becomes sort of really thick and warm? And that's why it's so noticeable? Like so ripe it would be "tempting" or something, idk.
For example if someone's scent was "pine forest", and they went into rut, I imagine it'd also increase in intensity a lot. Like... maybe the scent of pine sap really intensifies and gets really "thick"? Or maybe it'd be like... if it rains during a heatwave so the smell is extra strong but also really warm. And maybe someone with a scent like that would smell more like a cold winter forest when they're irritated (which would also be a wonderful way to describe personality through scent- people whose scents turn "cold" and "wintery" being more likely to have that sort of stoic, cold anger than the more explosive hot-headed type bursts of anger...) and when they're content, it'd be like a camping trip in good weather somewhere deep in the woods where you feel safe and relaxed in nature?
Idk man I just like thinking about scents and how scents change based on pheromones & emotions........
I also think perfume could be used to permanently amplify some aspects of specific emotional states in scent. I imagine customer service workers or salespeople using a perfume that maybe doesn't change their scent, but makes them always smell really happy, inviting and nice for better sales results and a better customer experience (especially since I imagine customer service is probably still absolute hell, even in omegaverse... not like they'd actually be feeling very happy to deal with some Karens all day)
Or for people who want others to stay out of their way (bouncers, gangsters, idfk depends on the canon I imagine), they'd maybe use a perfume that makes their own scent always appear a little aggressive/stern, not in the challenging kind of way, but just so people get the idea that it's probably better not to mess with them
But also certain professions having bans on those kinds of things, or even requiring full on scent blockers to be used (especially prevalent in the medical field I imagine)... just. Yeah lots of thoughts on this!
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bibluebutterfly · 7 months
Do you agree that helluva boss is a male obsessed show?
Oh my goodness I was literally writing an essay on this that I may or may not post to YouTube at some point in life!! Anyway, buckle your seatbelt because this will be long.
So I wouldn't call it male obsessed, more that it has a very obvious favoritism to certain characters. Mainly who I call the Big Four (Blitz, Stolas, Moxxie, and Fizz).
Because of this favoritism, our women characters (mostly Millie but sometimes Loona) get less of a spotlight than they should. This has been a problem since season 1 and I will not pretend that it's not.
HOWEVER, even though it's mostly women who suffer this problem, the show also has this problems with the men outside the Big Four. Read: Ozzie and Striker.
NOW BEFORE THE FIZZAROZZIE FANS COME AT ME, hear me out. Ozzie suffers the exact same problem Millie does as while Fizz gets the spotlight, Ozzie is often reduced to his loving supportive partner. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, but like Millie we know very little of what Ozzie is like outside of being Fizz's partner. Like Millie, he's the more well adjusted half, he's a badass, he's powerful. But we don't know anything else about him. Like Millie, everything we know about Ozzie so far correlates back to Fizz. Even him being talented in robotics translates back to Fizz.
And like I have in my essay, yes he and Fizz have only been in three episodes. But at the same time, there has also only been around three Moxxie centric episodes, and the rest of the time he and Millie are off being wholesome with neither getting character development.
Striker also suffers this issue as despite the fact that he's also been in three episodes, we can still safely say we know almost nothing about him. He's implied to have a tragic backstory and has major hypocrisy issues, but that's kind of it. Which isn't bad for his first two appearances, but for him to be in three episodes and we only know a tiny bit more about him now as we did in his first appearance is a bit of an issue.
I'm not saying that Striker and Ozzie need a character centric episode (although Millie DEFINITELY does), but like a lot of the women in Helluva they need to be able to stand up as their own characters rather than the story's plot device.
So to say that Helluva Boss ONLY has this problem with women is a bit unfair. Don't get me wrong, the women definitely suffer this problem the most and Helluva REALLY needs to fix this. However, it does need to be noted that ANY character outside the Big Four have this issue, not JUST women.
That's why I say I don't think it's "male obsessed", more that it's "Big Four Obsessed," because every character, including other men, suffer a severe underdevelopment in favor for those four.
Now to end it on a positive note, what Helluva does with these four, it does REALLY well. But there's so much focus on them that other characters are often reduced to plot devices that either keep the Big Four from being cold, emotionless people (Ozzie, Millie, Via, and Loona), or are the bad guys for them to defeat (Striker, Stella, and MAYBE Crimson). (I only include Crim because Vivziepop has implied that Crim genuinely thinks he's a good dad.)
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justanotherhh · 2 months
Hi! Love your blog! I have a question:
Maybe it's because I listen to a lot of crime podcasts, but I have never associated psychopathy with being aro and/or ace (despite or maybe because I'm on the aroace spectrum myself?). Is this one of those things where there are people out there equating – I imagine especially aromanticism – with being emotionless? I feel like I've mainly heard the – also horrible – comments of aroace people being "like robots". Then again, I'm not "fully" aroace, nor have I had the need to be super open about it, so I don't pay much attention to this stuff.
Anyway, while I agree that calling Alastor an "evil psychopath" is simplifying things something that frustrates me in parts of the Hellaverse fandom in general....or just fandom in general, tbf...I don't think considering him to be on the ASPD spectrum is incorrect?
Enough rambling and onto my main question: in your opinion, should I always clarify that when I call someone a psychopath and that person also happens to be aro and/or ace, that the two things are not correlated? I don't want to accidentally imply something hurtful/feed into a horrible social mentality. P.S. I want to be clear that I don't want to imply that all people with ASPD are murderers/rapists etc either. Though clearly Alastor is the former. Of course they're not. And I can only imagine how much of a struggle living with such a disorder might be.
hello hello, thank you for the questions. i shall try to be methodical and not rambly (we'll see how it pans out)
yeah there's a big ableist and queerphobic cliché around "emotionless" characters being psychopaths who don't love -- basically it's an oversimplification of psychopathy and often conflates it with being psychotic, and of course, it assumes a correlation both between psychopathy and being evil, and being aspec -- especially the kind that's further down the end of repulsed and loveless and aplatonic -- as being evil (with "love" being the opposite of these things, which, tangent, do have a whooole other post on with this show, because it's done some very fun and potentially future-interesting things on love and sex)
the key here is that aro and/or ace is often never spoken of in narratives when this happens because well... people don't know wtf that is, so it's got that similar flavour to "oh well buffalo bill isn't transphobic, because actually the character isn't trans, the cisgender psychiatrist said so!" (actually... whole other thing on that too, but not on this blog... basically jame gumb is underrated and i root for them every time i watch the movie), but it's the Idea that "love makes you human, and sex is always assumed with love, and if you don't feel those things, it's a clue that you're evil, and the shorthand for that is psychopathic" -- generally the person writing this has never actually researched the words psychopath or psychotic, it's not about being interested in those concepts in characters, it's just a synonym for Bad
and yeah, the "like robots" fully ties into this -- the other side of the coin is aspec people as children, but alastor sooo far doesn't seem to be read this way, although the whole "but if he just discovers how to do Love/Touch/Sex in [insert whatever is wanted for this narrative] he'll become better" does play into some of those tropes too, that there is inherently something mentally ill about being aspec, and that being mentally ill is a sign of Badness (there really is a whole Essay i could do on this, and the general overlap between aspec-writing and trans-writing but! i will resist!), and it's about whether or not the Badness can be cured. if not, he's a psychopath, if yes, it's through normative relationship structures/fundamentally changing the character
it all comes down to actual curiosity -- hc'ing alastor as ASPD is totally fine (i also hc blitzø from helluva boss as BPD) and can open up a lot of doors for interrogation and interest, it's whether someone is using mental health as shorthand for shutting down further interaction with the character (think Psycho's "ah yes, this character is schizophrenic and has mother issues, hence why wearing women's clothing, the end"), or if this allows further play with the character, opens up potential doors, considers the character as rounded, rather than one-note. some aspec people do have a history of trauma or have personality disorders or are autistic, but is someone actually interested in exploring the rich variation of queerness within a character, or are we "explaining it away" as something that's merely a symptom (often one that is imagined to be fixable)
generally, im so into poking at villains and i think alastor is one of the juiciest characters ive had to play with in awhile, mainly because it feels like a lot of his writing is intentional and isn't me deciding to delve into the motivations of [slasher/monster/villain/etc] that doesn't actually exist in the text -- and i think alastor definitely does have some Stuff that could be unpacked from a neurodivergent and mental health perspective, even and including parts of his aroaceness
so in the end, picturing him on the ASPD spectrum and even linking that to aroaceness... I mean, totally chill. al-old-pal does have low empathy, and a pattern of reckless, violent behaviour, and fundamentally views relationships differently from the norm. im making arguments that he hasn't been able to create the kind of intimacy that works for him, except for perhaps with rosie and maaaaybe mimzy and niffty (@creepysora has had some very cool ideas of him connecting in alternate ways that work with his way of being and boundaries), but that doesn't mean he's suddenly More remorseful or empathetic about how his actions affect others
it's about whether or not one is using that as a way of minimising or pathologising aroaceness, and/or as a way of making aspec identities all about self-hatred (and that in turn fuels villainy), and/or generally as an explanation of his villainy as some inherent degeneracy, and/or using the word "psychopath" to mean something completely different from what it actually is... that's when we get into sticky territory
and in the end, it can be hard -- something that's perfectly reasonable to one person, could be crossing a boundary for someone else and we just have to live with that, so don't wait on my blessing, i just think as long as one's caring and curious it's heading in the right direction. i watch a lot of horror, and i can usually recognise when something is well-meaning and something is lazy, and even times when it's the latter i can still find enjoyment (think angela from sleepaway camp -- on the flipside the movie they/them was well-meaning and a complete miss in its final political statement)
i recognise also im bringing up a lot of trans villainy as-example, rather than aspec villainy. that's a. because my special interest is trans horror so go figure and b. because that overlap is soooo real
(another example, not horror unless you're a karate kid 3 truther, is the character terry silver, who is never stated to be aromantic, but whose villainy on the later show cobra kai is intimately tied to an unspecified madness that includes low empathy and... no love, vs all the happily monogamous (het) relationships around him. he's not aromantic, he's not diagnosed with anything, it's not of interest to the story that he may be mentally ill or have PTSD or be aro and possibly loveless or that he may be gay -- because yes, he's coded that way too and that overlap is also real, and a whole other tangent i could go on -- it's just subtext to add to the villainy)
now another tangent, but loosely connected: was reading a transcript of the 1974 TS/TV conference (the first of its kind that was organised in the way it was) -- a series of talks over the course of a weekend discussing trans rights, especially in healthcare, and it fully contained a section of someone saying that "true" transsexuals can be recognised because before they physically transition (into binary genders)... they're asexual. because they hate their bodies so much that they can't feel sexual attraction to others. lot to unpack there, but really in this little conversation as example, what i mean is that the roots of pathologising aspec identities run very very deep, including within the wider LGBT+ community, and since alastor is quite a complex character that has done some very bad things, it's worth really thinking about what headcanoning him as one way or another says about the character for oneself. what does it add? what does it potentially demonise or minimise? what does it allow?
the neat thing about hellaverse is the sheer amount of queer characters meaning we can go beyond "if x character is Bad this represents Every person within this group" but with alastor being (so far) the only character who's not doing the whole love-and-sex game (although i think striker counts in this as well, personally + listen... sir pentious givin' real demi vibes. and if we're looking for a link between trauma and asexuality, well, angel is right there. and, and, and...), it does bear going the extra length to learn about -- especially since a lot of people really don't know that these biases even exist in the first place, which leads to a lot of unthinking perpetuating
i think a good place to start would honestly be: "would this feel like a queerphobic and ableist coding if the character were gay? trans? bi?" not because we're totally over queerphobic writing in general (lol, can you imagine), but as a starting point: are we treating aspec identity in text in a way that makes the idea of being aspec in and of itself degeneracy?
but like. hell yeah villains. hell yeah neurodivergency, mental illness, low empathy, lovelessness, unhealthy coping mechanisms, Bad Mean Queers, cannibalism, and characters you just can't quite suss out. big into a fucked up little guy
how did i do on the ramblyness
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