#oh nonononononononononono
yiffterrorist · 10 months
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Oh fuck
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t4tbedehopmar · 10 months
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unfulfillment · 2 years
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thestormynobody · 13 days
Sunrise Eight
You awaken in a clearing; which doesn’t seem quite right. Weren’t you doing something? You were…right? Keeping watch maybe? You failed that one if that’s the case. It’s also blindingly bright as if it were midday. Surely someone would have woken you up by now? If you were to reach Bambouche in a reasonable amount of time you needed to keep to the travel schedule. Odile was pretty clear about that. So then why—?
The party bustles around camp. They smile and greet you but it sounds distant like you’re hearing their voices from underwater. Maybe you’re still groggy? The trees bear in on you. It feels cramped and yet everyone seems impossibly far away. Isa and Bonnie are talking but you can’t make out the words. Odile has her back to you.
A shadow falls over you and you look up. Mirabelle.
“Good……………………..more like………….afternoon?”
“....What?” Your head hurts.
"Were you……That's just like you…..at a time like this"
“Mira— I don’t—? What are you saying?” This isn’t right. Where are the others? They were just here but you don’t see them anywhere.
"I guess that's....some rest while we can! …..ready for tomorrow"
Wait. No. That’s—
“So we can finally face against the King!”
Mirabelle goes rigid and her expression blank and in a voice that isn’t hers:
“You’ll be going back! Back to when everything started!” “I know you thought your quest is over, but it can’t be!”
“Somethings broken, somethings failing, rotting!!!!
No No No NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO The trees are gone. Mira is gone. There are only all too familiar black walls and the smell of burnt sugar.
you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach—
“Woah!!!! Sif!!” Isabeau just barely manages to catch hold of the collar of Siffrin’s cloak before they tumble out of the tree they were sitting in. Their arms flail wildly, their eye wide. Isabeau manages to haul them back onto the tree branch. “You okay there bud?”
They just stare at him wide-eyed for several long moments. Their whole body was shaking slightly.
“Siffrin, are you with me?”
Slowly, carefully he reaches his hand out. He hesitates for a moment then gently touches their shoulder. “Sif. Hey. It’s okay.”
They blink. Once. Twice. “I-Isa?”
He offers them a smile tinged with worry. “Scared me there for a second. Gotta be careful sleeping in trees. You…” he trails off as they reach their hand up to where his own hand rests on their shoulder. For a moment he wonders if they’re going to move it off of themself. Should have asked. Instead they just kind of rest theirs over his as if confirming it's real. He can still feel them shaking slightly.
“You’re real…right? I need you to be real.” Their voice is small and strained…desperate.
Oh Change, that could just about break his heart. Throwing caution to the wind he pulls them into himself; hugging them tightly. “Yes, I’m real. I’m here Sif. I’m here.”
They collapse into him.They breathe in. And out. The two sit quietly for a bit. Allowing Siffrin some time to center themself.
They give a barely perceptive nod.
“Wanna talk about it?”
They immediately shake their head no but then seem to think better of it. “I thought I was back in the loops.”
Oh. Yeah. That makes sense. “I can understand why you panicked….this isn’t the first time is it?” He’d seen how tired they looked. Noticed how often they offered to keep watch. He hadn’t pressed them on it before but in hindsight it made sense they’d have nightmares after everything they’d been through. He still didn’t have many of the details but he knew enough to know anyone would have come out of that situation with a fair share of trauma.
“No, it's not the first time…” they mumble into his chest.
“I wish you’d told me! I could’ve helped!”
“They weren’t so bad at first. I knew I was dreaming the first couple times. I didn’t-—want to bother anyone with it.”
“Sif—” Change can be hard. He can’t expect Siffrin to have completely shifted their mindset overnight. He knew firsthand how hard it is to talk to people when you feel like your problems make you a burden.
“I know!” They realize how loudly they spoke and more quietly repeat: “I know. I’m trying. I just— didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought maybe they’d go away the further out we got from Dormont but—”
“Instead they’ve been getting worse.”
There must be something… “Hm…Oh! How about this? We come up with some kind of codeword. Something you didn’t hear in the Loops so if you wake up thinking you’re back we can prove that you’re out?”
“Like what?”
They blink up at him looking mildly befuddled “Why waffles?”
“I like waffles!” A small smirk plays across his lips “Are you saying my suggestion is…wafful?”
“Pfft…hahahaha—” they laugh as if it was the funniest joke they’d ever heard. It takes them a moment to regain composure. They catch their breath, “Stars..”
Success. “Alright, alright, how about….sunrise? Cause um— it's a new day after the bad ones?”
“I may not need it every time but maybe-I can ask how many sunrises it's been since the loops sometimes?”
“Of course”
“.....how many has it been?”
“Eight.” they repeat softly. One day the number of sunrises it’d been since the loops will out number the number of loops. That day was a long way off but it was a start.
The two sit in silence for a bit til he feels them squirm a bit and realizes he still has them trapped in a hug and quickly releases them. “Ah! Sorry Sif!”
“S’okay, just lemme move into a more comfortable position.” They scoot so they’re beside him then lean against him.
He tries not to appear too flustered about the fact they are actively choosing to remain in very close physical contact. He was not expecting this though it is not unwelcome. They still hadn’t really talked about what exactly they were. Friends? Well obviously. Something more than that though? Maybe???? Now was hardly the time to bring it up though. Sif still needed time, and he was willing to wait as long as they needed him to.
He rests his arm around them. A safety net so they don’t fall again. “You can get some rest if you need to. I’ll take over keeping watch and if you have another nightmare I’ll be right here.”
They don’t protest this proposal and instead shift even more so they are practically laying on him. “Mmkay…” they say sleepily. They’re quiet for a long moment. Long enough he thinks they must have fallen asleep but then they say: “....thank you Isa.”
“Of course.” The two of them look out into the night sky. The stars were especially beautiful tonight. He watches as Siffrin lazily traces a pattern in the air between a few of them. Following their gaze he can just about make out a shape. Though he’s not sure of what.
“...it's a constellation. The little bear. You use their tail to find your way home…”
He starts to ask them what they mean but he realizes they have fallen asleep. Well. That’s okay. He looks out into the sky. It was no wonder Sif loved them so much. They were really quite pretty.
One day they’d talk about feelings and patterns and futures. But for now. There were stars.
Ok, so its probably a stretch to say this is Isatmonth prompt: Isabeau when I was already writing this before hand but hush Siffrin having nightmares post loops is a pretty common headcannon but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring so here we are. Huge props to Mos2.5 and Bethany from Isatcord for helping me workshop the keyword and to Nube for helping me with grammar. Commas my enemy....
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Chapter 10: The Heist - Sapere aude (Dare to know)
Warnings: None except my pitiful attempt at Scottish slang, if someone wants to correct it or yell at me, be my guest
Part 1: The dare (you’re here)
Part 2: The theft
Part 3: The aftermath
‘‘I hate you’’ Riot groaned with her head in her hands, hunched over the table. ‘‘Why, Johnny? Why did you think this was a good idea? And why did I go along with it?’’
‘‘Dinnae keek at me’’ Soap slurred, looking sadly at his empty glass before grabbing the bottle and pouring the orange liquid that was left in it. Most of it went in the glass at least.
‘‘What?’’ She raised her head to look at him, regretting it almost instantly when the stupid lights of the mess hall made her eyes crawl back into her skull. Or that’s how it felt.
‘‘Dinnae… ack… don’t look at me, ye bought th’ Irn Bru…’’
‘‘I bought the Irn Bru, you didn’t have to mix it with vodka!’’ Riot hissed, and that was even a worse idea than opening her eyes. Thank God it was early for dinner and the mess hall was mostly empty, and they had chosen for obvious reasons the table that was the furthest from other people.
Why they chose to drink in the mess hall in first place was beyond her.
‘‘Bit ye drank it!’’ He pouted, shaking the empty bottle he had used to mix the drinks right under her nose, and she leaned back, repulsed by the smell.
‘‘Stop fucking… fu… mierda (shit)… Deja de gritar, cojones (Stop shouting, damnit)’’ She grunted, looking around sneakily. ‘‘If Price catches us I’m going to murder you myself before he can’’
‘‘Aww ah knew ye loved me’’ Soap smiled broadly, grabbing her hands and shaking them enthusiastically. ‘‘Ye wid murdurr me sae ah wouldn’t suffer…’’
‘‘¿Qué?’’ Riot blinked, staring at him with her mouth open. Most of the time, in normal circumstances, her brain could comprehend or at least try to make out what the fuck Johnny was saying when the thickest of his accent hit. But with her mind and his tongue fogged by the goddamned mix of vodka and Irn Bru that seemed unlikely to happen. She hadn’t even realized that her English was gone to shit and her own accent was stronger than normal.
‘‘What?’’ Soap stared back, with the empty glass in his hand, and after trying to drink the emptiness, glared at it as if it was his worst enemy.
She shook her head, and groaned when that was even a worse idea than hissing.
‘‘We are so dead if Price catches us’’ Why, oh why did she think she’d do a nice thing for Johnny when she saw a case of Irn Bru at the supermarket in base. Why the fuck did he have two half pints of vodka hidden in his room. Why were the fucking lights so strong in that bloody room.
Why the fuck did she agree it wouldn’t hurt to have a little drink before dinner, for the good old times.
‘‘If we hae tae be caught, let it be th' Lt’’ Soap slurred again, with a shit-eating grin that froze her heart but did nothing to sober her up. ‘‘He might fancy a swig’’
‘‘Nonononononononononono’’ Riot started shaking her head and stopped abruptly with the sudden dizziness, but kept saying ‘no’ over and over again. The mere idea of Ghost catching them drunk was… fucking hell. She’d die for real. ‘‘Do NOT fucking summon him, I swear to God I’ll murder you’’
‘‘Aww…’’ He giggled, hunching over until he rested his forehead on the cold surface of the table. After a second, he giggled again, turning his head and peeked at her. ‘‘Truth or dare’’
‘‘We’re certainly not playing truth or dare while half drunk in the mess hall, Johnny’’
‘‘Truth or daaaareeee…’’ Soap insisted with a sing-song voice and puppy eyes, and Riot sighed.
‘‘Dare’’ She regretted it the second she said the word, seeing Soap’s mischievous eyes. ‘‘No! Wait! Truth!’’
‘‘Ye cannae change yer choice, lassie’’ He laughed, sitting up again and interlacing his fingers. ‘‘Rules, ya know’’
‘‘Fuck you’’ She groaned, leaning back in her chair and looking at the ceiling. Maybe if she looked at the lights long enough she’d pass out or maybe, if she was lucky, she’d die already. ‘‘What the fuck do you want me to do’’
‘‘A'm waantin' ye tae dae a heist’’ Soap slurred happily, nodding his head up and down.
‘‘English, MacTAVISH’’ Riot hissed, the last part loud enough to make a private that was coming in the mess hall look at them briefly before continuing their path.
‘‘Ah, bugger… I want you to steal something’’
‘‘I am not stealing Price’s cigars’’ She shook her head, slowly this time, still looking at the ceiling.
‘‘Nah… Ghost’s t-shirt or a hoodie. That’s yer prize’’
Riot didn’t move for a while, and Soap started to think she had fallen asleep when she slowly sat upright and crossed her arms, looking at him with a frown.
‘‘Say that again’’
‘‘Ah dare ye tae steal Ghost’s t-shirt or hoodie by tomorrow’s tea’’ Soap smiled again, satisfied with himself and his absolutely fabulous idea. She was still staring at him, her left eye slightly twitching.
‘‘You can’t be serious’’ Riot shook her head in disbelief. ‘‘What if I refuse? This is ridiculous’’
‘‘Awww come on… just a wee theft’’ His lopsided smile was infectious, tempting, and so fucking wrong.
‘‘This is stupid’’ She smiled against her will. It was stupid, and reckless, and exciting.
‘‘We hae dane worse things, lassie’’ Soap sniggered.
‘‘True’’ Riot nodded solemnly. ‘‘What do I get in exchange?’’
‘‘Yer paperwork done for a month’’ He offered his hand, just as solemnly and still with the stupid grin, trying not to laugh. ‘‘Ye’ll dae mines if ye fail. Deal?’’
‘‘Deal’’ She giggled and shook his hand firmly, sealing the deal.
‘‘What’s the deal?’’ Ghost’s grave voice rumbled right behind them making them both yelp and stare at the enormous lieutenant with wide eyes. He was holding a cup of coffee and a stack of paperwork. ‘‘Do I want to know?’’
‘‘Yes!’’ Soap smiled widely, grabbing the empty bottle and chucking it behind him.
‘‘No!’’ Riot blurted out desperately, her right knee jumping up and down wildly under the table, tempted to kick Soap’s shin until she broke his fucking bones. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
Ghost was still staring at them, obviously not buying it, but in the end, he decided that no, he didn’t want to know.
‘‘Figured as much’’ He shrugged, and looked down at Riot. ‘‘Later?’’
‘‘Yes’’ She smiled, nodding, maybe a bit too much. Oh God, she needed to sober up and quick.
Ghost hummed while nodding and left, ignoring the sight of Soap sprawling over the surface of the table to look at Riot more closely.
‘‘Lateeeerrr…? What does that ‘later’ meeeaaaan?’’
‘‘Coffee’’ She grunted, swatting his hands away when his grin widened. ‘‘I love you like a brother, Johnny, but I swear to God that if you mock me for this I will absolutely, mercilessly, throttle you to death’’
‘‘Mock ye? ah wouldn't dae that!’’ He shook his head excessively and she groaned, just dizzy at the sight. ‘‘Dinnae forget th’ prize, lassie’’
Riot groaned again, burying her head on her crossed arms over the surface of the table.
What did she just got herself into?
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velnica · 6 months
Lv. 57 — The Vault (part 2)
Continued on from part 1 due to image limit.
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The conviction in his face is just undeniable. He is your shield, no matter how you slice their relationship.
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Oh Alphinaud my sweet boy, I am so sorry... Being a healer and just not being able to help when it's your one job to heal would have been so hard on him. His expression is so heartbreaking here, I'm glad they added this scene on the rework.
Fjora and Alphi are gonna huddle together in the manor after this, they both need that comforting touch.
[Continued in part 3 cause wtf who decided on such a low image limit for the app]
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manyofnine · 2 months
oh no.
oh no oh no oh no oh no no nonononononono
I'm on my way to work... and I forgot my headphones. nonononononononononono
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imaginepostingonmain · 10 months
oh no no nonononononononononono. oh no. well that's enough wbg for today folks ummmm goodnight!!! don't need to hear the last eight minutes of this ummm sure it all goes well! haha yeah byeee!!
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leaderintitleonly · 1 year
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trencri asked:
Gentle headbutt.
" I came t' visit you -- since ya' haven't been comin' to th' train yard lately. Ya' busy or somethin' ? "
( i have NO IDEA where to hop in but I wanna piece of angst thanks :) )
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Oh... oh no! Had time really ran away...? He should have been paying attention... "Garvey-" No. Nonononononononononono-
"Never too busy fer ya. Uh..." You can't. Everyone else failed him! You're going to fail him, too! Garvey had managed to move Doc more than he normally could. His knees buckled and though he managed to stay standing for a few minutes, his legs eventually gave out from under him. There's plenty of padding so it's not painful. Nothing more painful than creeping age reminding him that he has a job to finish and so very little time to say goodbye. "Lookit tha' now... g-gettin' stronger!" His hands grasp through the air like he's swimming to reach Garvey. He forces a smile while trying to desperately pull him into a hug. "Makin' medicine. Special kind. Takin' time..." Literally. "Y'know folks like me. Old. I ain't good wit' time anymore. Need somebody smart like ya!"
Tears were welling up. No... No, what would happen to Garvey? No... No, he'd be fine. He was fine before he came along. What if he wasn't...?
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bobgoesw00t · 1 year
Just watched the last episode of Digimon Ghost Game and…oh god…where do I even start…I think my reaction is probably best so here it is…
Digimon Ghost Game was doing SO FUCKING WELL FOR ME in EVERY aspect and when it finally got to the finish line, it literally decided to channel the dogs from Up and go, “SQUIRREL!!!!! SQUIRRELS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE!!!!!!!” which in turn caused it to trip over it’s own legs and break them. Digimon Ghost Game didn’t even finish the race, IT REMOVED ITSELF AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND.
The critics can bash the Digimon Adventure reboot all they want, but AT LEAST IT HAD CLEAR CUT STAKES AT THE END AND THEY MANAGED TO ACTUALLY GIVE US AN ENDING!!! Ghost Game LITERALLY got 99% of the way done, only SURPRISE!!! WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK TO DO NOW SO I GUESS WE’LL JUST END IT HERE!!!!!
If Toei doesn’t give this season an End of Evangelion treatment where we get a movie that ACTUALLY TELLS US WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THIS EVIL ENTITY FROM SPACE ARRIVES IN 2,000 YEARS…I’m gonna be really fucking pissed. I mean they REALLY didn’t need to pull an Evangelion and leave the ending a convoluted mess of “wait what? That’s it???” There was only ONE THING missing from the episode and it was THIS:
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ask-alterwolf-curseko · 11 months
oh man
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I-I-I-I said I was sorry!! [He whines, and jumps over the group, then races to bolt out the office door, but it disappears once he touches the doorknob, fading into a severely cracked wall.]
AAAH! No! Nonononononononononono--!! [The infernal looking KOs and TKOs start to slowly advance towards him, as they start relentlessly and viciously saying every kind of slander to him. The "you're a heartless monster" kind of slander.
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[He screams with that particular anon but it's of immense terror. The rest of the walls around him form even more cracks, and they all stretch before his very eyes.]
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t4tbedehopmar · 10 months
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
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flunkett · 2 years
this lore stream was like:
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kaiyeti · 2 years
Ambrosius: Okay. So what horrid abomination are you going to ask me to make tod- Oh its you. This is a surprise.
Cinder: I would assume so.
Ambrosius: What’s the reason you summoned me?
Cinder: You can create anything right? Even living flesh?
Ambrosius: Siiigh, I hate having to keep telling people this but I can’t bring back the dead.
Cinder: This fine. *Removes her eye patch and holds up her grimm arm.* I want you to make me a new arm and eye that Ruby Rose destroyed.
Ambrosius: Interesting. Hehe, Do you have a reference?
Cinder: ... For and arm and an eye?
Ambrosius: Yes. You don’t want one that is too big or small do you?
Cinder: Just copy my right side and make it for my left just a mirror image of it.
Ambrosius: Okay. That covers the outside but what about the inside?
Cinder: Are you Serious!? You made that robot into a human and you-
Ambrosius: Her name was Penny and she was one of the most brilliantly made creatures I have ever seen. So you what be wise to show some respect towards her. *The spirit said in a serious tone.* Besides, her friends gave me her blue prints.
Cinder: Fine. *Pulls out her scroll and shows he detailed anatomy sketches* There. Now make me my new arm and eye!
Ambrosius: Very well. *He said and began to move her hands as his powers activate.*
Cinder: *Cinder blind as he field of vision widen as a smile grew on her face.* It’s... It’s working! It’s actually Wor-ah. WHat? WhAH! WHAT’ HAPPEEEAAAH! *Cinder screamed as a new human arms began to form from her stomp and around the grimm arm causing the arm to become disformed.* STOP! STOP! STOP! 
Ambrosius: No need. I am finished.
Cinder: NO YOU ARE NOT! *she hissed in agony* YOU MADE MY NEW ARM OVER MY GRIMM ARM!
Ambrosius: Well that’s on you. Honestly I don’t know why you asked for this when the next thing I create your new arm and eye will just disappear.
Ambrosius: Yes. But I made Penny’s new body from her old one without creating any new material. So unless you can give me the things I need to-
Cinder: THE GRIMM!
Ambrosius: Excuse me?
Cinder: MRRRRR! Use the grimm inside of me to fix your fuck up!
Ambrosius: Are you sure about that?
Cinder: JUST DO IT! *In pain she watched the spirit shrug and work his magic once again and with a flash of light the pain left Cinder’s arm and as she looked down she sees her arm restored.* Ha... Haha.. Hahahahaha! It would!
Ambrosius: Of course. Though, question? What was that light?
Cinder: What?
Ambrosius: The light that came out of you? It was magic but what was it for? A gift for your boss to keep the grimm from destroying you?
Cinder: ... *Tries to summon her blade but nothing happens.* ... No...  NononononoNONONONONONO!!
Blake: I don’t think that is safe to eat Ruby.
Ruby: It looks okay. *looking over a odd looking fruit*
Weiss: Ruby. Its glowing.
Ruby: And?
Yang: I say go for it. WHo knows you may get super powers.
Ruby: Bet. *eats the fruit*
Blake: WHy would you say that knowing that would make her want to eat it more?
Yang: Calm down. Small would let us know it it was- *There is a sudden gust of wind and flashing light as Yang, Blake, and Weiss Look back at Ruby how is now floating in a cyclone with flaming silver eyes.*
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aajjks · 6 months
this isn’t real.
this can’t be happening.
not here.
not now.
why here?
why now?
you just feel like someone ripped your heart in two and then, for the fun of it, ripped it more. tearing your poor heart into tiny pieces until it couldn’t be torn anymore.
you can’t believe this. you LIVE with him. what are you supposed to do now? why would he choose now to break your heart and not wait until the both of you were home? why didn’t he tell you before you both left so you could already have your stuff packed?
it hurts too much. this is all too much.
so here you are walking, basically jogging somewhere away from eunwoo so he doesn’t see your tears and what hurts most is that he doesn’t come after you. this breakup is real.
you thought you made it clear that you’d support eunwoo through it all and if it were his career he had to prioritize then you were okay yet here he is choosing his career over you and you don’t mind it but dammit you mind it!!!
you supported him through thick and thin, been there when people thought going professional was crazy, and in return you get a broken heart. no, it’s not his fault y/n. he’s just doing what’s best for him but what about you? you can’t live without him.
you love him.
finally, you’re somewhere to cry it out. to just let it out and a few minutes later, you hear someone’s footsteps…
“eunwoo?” you call out but when the person makes it to you, all the hope you had is gone.
“o-oh. jungkook, h-hey” you quickly wipe your tears with your hands pretending to be “okay” when it’s obvious that you aren’t.
“i-i’m okay. just, uh, just something in my eye. y’know how eyelashes are. gosh, they suck” you say as you keep trying to wipe your tears away but more just keep falling.
God, this really hurts.
you take a deep breath and try to give jungkook a smile to indicate that you’re okay but since he’s here…
“eunwoo and i broke up” you blurt out in a shaky voice. “like…he JUST broke up with me”
“please don’t tell anyone, okay? i don’t want anyone finding out. you’re the only person who knows and i’d like to keep it that—“
“y/n!!” yells danielle who bypasses jungkook to pull you into a hug.
“why are you crying? did something happen?”
“eunwoo and i had an argument that’s all. i’m okay”
“why are you out here with jungkook?”
“we…we were just catching up” you lie and you’re hoping jungkook will piggyback on your lie and convince danielle so she doesn’t fret too much.
“catching up about what?”
“his life, danny. what else would we be catching up on?”
“mhmm…do i need to punch eunwoo in the face? you look like you’ve been crying”
“i was but i’m okay and now i want to talk to jungkook….ALONE”
“oh, excuuuuse me. i’ll talk to you later then” danielle rolls her eyes and sizes jungkook before heading back to the party and once she was far enough you let out a sigh and thanked jungkook for helping you fool danielle.
“sorry about that” you say “but uh…promise you won’t say anything about eunwoo and i, okay? i want to be delusional a little longer if you don’t mind”
jesus, you’re pathetic and you’re sure jungkook thinks you are too.
he wants to fucking jump, he wants to laugh, he wants to scream.
Eunwoo broke up with you- abs even though he wants smile right now, he can’t because it’s literally hurting his heart to see you so heartbroken and crying like this.
Because all because of your ex-boyfriend. That’s right.
“Oh yn sweetheart don’t worry about it- I swear I’m not gonna tell a soul… your secret is safe with me.” He winks at you, approaching you, because he wants to comfort you.
And he wants to personally thank eunwoo for breaking your heart so now jungkook can mend it and steal it for himself, although he deserves to get punched in the fucking jaw for making you cry. Jungkook is now standing right infront of you and he takes the opportunity to pull you in for a tight hug.
His tattooed fingers sliding over your pretty hair as you reluctantly cry in his shoulders, and your heartbeat is already synchronized with his- he can feel it.
Oh poor you.
“Yn shhh… please don’t cry… listen I’m here for you..” he whispers in your ear, trying his best to soothe your trembling shoulders. Your sobs are breaking his heart into many pieces but this is for your own good.
Jungkook is having the time of his life having you in his arms and God… your scent… is so exotic, he can get high on it. Jungkooks heart is still fluttering with the way you asked Danielle to leave so you could talk to jungkook.
“Yn I’m here for you… hush sweetheart… it’s going to be alright…”
Of course, he knows his you’re feeling because heartbreak is something he has experienced first hand, thanks to you.
“D-Do you want to leave? I could take you somewhere yn.”
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