#oh well what can you do the elf is distracting as always
catinbluerain · 4 months
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Wizard Towers and their unimaginable horrors... for example, bad lighting. I will now proceed to have nightmares about this until unforeseeable future. (Also, unfair, but Astarion is also getting his share of the bad lighting and he still manages to look pretty)
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
Baker Steve/Rock Star Eddie wrong number AU
Part One
Part Two
"It's like a TV show, but on YouTube."
"Right," Steve answers, half listening to Dustin's explanation, "so it, like what, has an air time, or whatever?"
"Yeah, like a series."
"And it's just, what, famous people playing dipshits and dickheads?"
"Steeeeeeeeeeeevvvvveeeeeeeeeeee why are you like this?"
"Dunno," Steve shrugs, trying to read a recipe online. Unfortunately that's resulted in his having to scroll past someones entire fucking life story and he's ready to give up and try and work out the dumb Oreo cake recipe himself, "just lucky, I guess."
Dustin drops his head on the kitchen counter like Steve is the greatest difficulty he's ever going to face.
"So why do you need to be here to watch this?"
"Because we all want to watch it together, the guests are Corroded Coffin, they all like, play, the whole band, it's so cool-"
"Corroded Coffin? Playing your nerd game?" Steve's interest leaks through before he can stop it, "I mean, like, I think I've heard of them?" The last thing he needs is the kids finding out he's been kind of friends kind of flirting kind of maybe wants to date the actual Eddie Munson.
Dustin looks at him skeptically, "yeah...so you-"
"You can all watch it here, it's fine...I'll make cookies."
Dustin's completely distracted by his own success, instantly whipping out his phone to inform the other kids. Steve's pretty sure their group chat is called 'No Steve's allowed' but he hasn't actually found out for sure yet.
Steve does bake cookies. All the kids are gathered around his smart TV, absolutely demolishing them while they wait for this thing to start. It's like, an actual channel, with intros and graphics and stuff, a logo that reads 'Final Roll.'
And there's Eddie and the band, sitting around a table with two dudes who must run the channel. They all have the bits of paper and dice and little figures that Steve's used to seeing when the kids commandeer his dining room table.
There's preemptive ramble, and Steve leans forward a little every time Eddie's in shot. He's relieved all the kids are all sitting in front of him and all glued to the TV, so he can ogle in peace. They do introductions, and then everyone introduces their characters.
"May I introduce Sir Steven, the half elf paladin," behind Eddie Gareth rolls his eyes so hard his whole fucking body moves. Steve can see him and Geoff mouthing something to each other. Steve can only assume it's because Eddie has named his character, presumably, after him, "he has a sworn oath to always protect those weaker than himself."
Steve's heart fucking melts.
Steve's phone is buzzing. He's prepared. He knows Eddie's back in the country, they've been talking for months. Steve's kind of done waiting, and he's ready to press his advantage. He's had this set up for a little while, just waiting for the right moment. He presses play, and then answers the phone.
"Hey Stevie how-...are you listening to Corroded Coffin?"
"Yeah, yeah," Steve turns it down, bomb dropped, trap sprung, advantage played, "the kids absolutely love them, they're trying to get me into them even though they're not exactly my thing."
"Right, ah, right, what do you, uhm, think?"
"Yeah. Still not my thing-"
"But I really like it when the lead guy sings."
"Yeah, not the like, shouty growly singing, I can't understand a fucking thing he's saying-" Eddie chuckles, "but like, the parts where he properly sings. I think he has a beautiful voice."
"I ah, well, I mean, I bet the, uhm, shouty bits are hard work, you know. I expect that takes a lot of, you know, practice. Hell on the throat. I imagine, I would guess anyway, I don't actually, like know-"
"No no, yeah, well, maybe he should just sing more then, save those vocal chords, or whatever. I'd like that a lot."
"Yeah?" Steve can practically hear Eddie blushing down the phone. Eddie's so cute when he goes shy.
"Yeah." There's a long beat of silence before Steve goes in for the kill, "the kids are trying to get me to go see them. They're in the states now, apparently. Will be playing a gig in Indie."
"Yeah they are- I mean, I assume they are, most bands, uhm, yeah-" And Steve is hardly holding it together, Eddie is such a bad liar, and he's trying so hard not to lie at all. Steve doesn't know how he;s keeping his tone normal and not letting the whole ass cat out of the bag.
"And the kids are absolutely itching to go, you know? But tickets man, they're all doing every chore they can find to get some extra cash, but tickets are pricey, and for eight of us? Because I'll need someone else to help me chaperone and, you know..."
"I. I might...know a guy. Maybe. Like, because of the band I might...know someone who can get you tickets."
"Seriously? Eddie that would be incredible, the kids will absolutely loose their shit."
"Yeah, ah, is your work email cool?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course of course, man, the kids are going to love you for like, forever."
And maybe I will too, Steve just about manages to keep the words inside.
@steves-yellow-cardigin @melodymeddler @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao
@superduckmilkshake @she-collects-smut @paintsplatteredandimperfect @resident-gay-bitch
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saphirered · 9 months
hello saph! first off, i'm wishing you good luck on your masters! i'm doing mine next year and i'm super looking forward to it, so i hope everything goes well for you too!! 💖💖💖
now, WELCOME TO THE HOT VAMPIRE ELF CLUB!! may i request Astarion/Reader(Tav) where Tav is a good aligned Life Cleric (or anything similar) that focuses on healing and supporting allies during combat, someone's that's a ray of sunshine because they choose the difficult path of being kind. i'm curious of your take on Astarion receiving genuine kindness, being disgusted at first, the progression of his attempted manipulation, eventually realizing his feelings, and how he would react to Tav being extremely injured in a fight and trying to save them (with good ending hopefully).
oh and maybe some blood drinking. you know. for reasons :-)
you're such a creative writer, i'm always looking forward to anything you post, so thank you! have a lovely day!
Hello dearie and thank you! Uni is tough but worth it so good luck with yours! I hope this little piece of distraction is to your tastes. 😘
Oh how easy it is to wrap you around his finger. Your sickening sweet and sheer willingness to bend over backwards at the smallest inconvenience you have the ability to fix, it’s nauseating. You’d already naturally gravitated towards him. It must be this incessant need to fix the broken. You seem to be attracted to broken things, thinking you can mend them with love and affection and a gentle touch like a stray pulled from the streets. He is no such thing. He is certainly no stray.  A handsome wanderer without a home port, now that’s more like him. But you didn’t need to see that. You didn’t need to know him or his past. As long as Astarion kept on the front he could be your next project, just like these strays you’ve pulled along, well that might just work to his advantage. 
To say you were an absolutely horrible influence on him would be an understatement. Whether it be his thieving and charming tendencies that often lead to heartbreak of the recipient or when his silver tongue is perhaps a little too sharp at times, your disapproval sparked something in the coils of his stomach he has not felt in nigh two-hundred years. Is this what remorse and guilt felt like? Did he want your approval? Your praise? He’s being utterly ridiculous. He has nothing to prove and you are just a tool. But here he is feeling just the slightest bit of guilt at the thought of you finding out the truth about him and how you might look at him then. He considers he might just not be able to look you in the eye. What has he become? 
Admittedly Astarion got a little peckish and without much opportunities to feed himself proper he’d taken to your neck. An attempt was made but you caught him. Your eyes opened and stared right at him in surprise. He was equally surprised, his stealth having failed him. In that moment you managed to flip him onto his back and held your palm to his chest as you crouched over him. You’re much stronger than he gave you credit for. Maybe you just got lucky.
“What the hell Astarion?!” You whisper trying not to wake the others. He can all but heart the beat of your heart, how quickly your blood rushes through your veins. When he doesn’t move you give him a little more space. You don’t move for a weapon or attack him as he might have expected given what it must have looked like. You simply sit down next to him and he watches the tension disappear from your shoulders, the adrenaline rush coming down with. He goes over the excuses, the ways to explain to you but you simply hold up your hand to silence him. He finds it in his best interest to do so. 
“You know you could have just asked.” He freezes like a deer in the torch light. You knew? How? How long had you known? Why hadn’t you said anything, done anything. He’s not blind to the prejudices against the creatures of his sort. Especially the ones that feed on the innocent.  yet here you are in front of him absentmindedly brushing your fingers along the side of your delicious neck. 
“Yes. Yes of course. ‘Hello my dear, I’m a blood sucking vampire spawn would you mind lending me your lovely neck for a few gulps? I’m incredibly peckish and could use a snack.’ Exactly how long do you think it would take for me to end with a stake in my chest or my handsome head removed from my ravishing body?” He ridicules and for a brief moment that pang in his chest, that tightening string reappears when you cast your eyes down and frown. It only lasts for a second before you go back to your neutral welcoming expression of understanding and compassion. 
“I just hoped you’d be able to trust us, trust me. If you’d asked I’d have said yes. Would still say yes. All you need is ask, Astarion.” He tries to decipher any means of deceit or strings attached but finds none which leads him exactly to wonder…
“Why?” You catch on to the hint of suspiciousness and guardedness but you’ve not seen anything else from the elf. You’ve witnessed him for a little bit now and you know he must have his reasons to be mistrusting and always assuming everyone’s selfishness to be the root of any actions. You made him question that entire way of thinking. Whether he deemed you an exception to his usual views, allowed you to prove him differently or he’s simply chalked you up as a very good liar, you don’t know and perhaps neither does he. 
He needed you to trust him. You do trust him. You’ve proven as much yet here he is still questioning your motives. You have your answer ready for him and by the looks of it it would be a genuine one but he doesn’t think he has the heart to actually hear it. He shakes his head. Something within him once again sparks that guilt. He feels bad for his motives of befriending you, of pursuing the path to something more, of charming you perhaps even into his bed if he kept playing his cards right but with every step he takes in that direction he can’t help but feel that guilt, and having to force himself to push down his own feelings. 
“Nevermind.” Once again Astarion flashes you a charming smile. “Now since we have this little secret out of the way, I will ask. Not a drop more than I need?” It feels so incredibly strange to blatantly ask. He knows about certain individuals who have a thing for the sharp teethed and sanguine hungers but that is not you. What you offer is not for you. It’s for him. You want to help him, truly help him and that is why you offer. He’s been feeling so weak. The animals aren’t enough. The humanoid is so much more sustaining. He’ll be strong. He has to be strong if he wants to see this all through, to finally become master of his own fate. An intrusive thought pops through his head; maybe there’s a place for you in that plan as well. 
“Only as much as you need. I’d like to keep my wits about.” The first part is a true statement. The second a half-joke. As much as he needs his strength, so do you. 
“Well then, let’s make ourselves comfortable then, shall we?” He gestures to your bedroll. You simply scoot over.
Astarion, ever so gently as if you might fade into the dawn itself, lays you down. Never once does he break eye contact. You can see the brief hesitation, then reassurance of himself, and then something akin to pain. It crosses his features in but an instant but you catch on to it either way. It seems he’s noticed you catch on but he does not read into you further. Instead he softens, brushes aside your hair as he supports your neck and back. You place one of your hands on his bicep and give a reassuring squeeze and nod. He closes his eyes and sucks in a breath before making for your neck. 
It starts as a sharp and quick pain but is overtaken by a the awareness of the sheer rush of your own blood flowing through your veins. He drinks and drinks. You gasp his name, once more squeezing his arm but no response. He’s caught up in whatever runs through him, whatever keeps him latched onto your neck. You start to feel cold, then warm and lightheaded. You can feel your heartbeat speed up as well as your breathing calms and slows. 
He doesn’t know what overcame him. This isn’t anything he’s experienced before. This is pure euphoria. You are pure euphoria. Your heart, your mind, your very soul. He doesn’t know if it’s because of the tadpole. It has to be. He feels it all. He feels it as if those feelings are his own. He feels the warmth you radiate as it warms him from within like the rays of the sun he thought he’d never be able to feel again, not without them being his end. Your compassion and affections for him, the way you allow him to cradle you, how you fit so perfectly within his embrace. You hold him dearly and think highly of him even if sometimes you disapprove of his choices, words and actions there’s not but understanding to him. Whatever this is, it is unconditional. No one has ever held an unconditional affection for him. He won’t go as far to call it love, but in a way it is. You truly do care about him. Even the whisper of his name upon your breath is like charm bells to his ears. The way you hold on to him, it means everything. And in turn it makes him regret every step he’s taken, every step he knows will lead to your heartbreak and destruction. But all this he feels through you, all this that opens within himself it is addicting and he can’t pull himself away.
By the time he stops you’re not responding. Your body is unmoving. Shit. He can fix this. Of course he can fix this. The matter now comes down to testing the limits of your forgiveness.
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thechaoticdruid · 18 days
[This Bites] 7
Astarion x F! Chubby MC
Plot: Winnie and Astarion attend the carnival in hopes to get information on a certain mysterious modder.
Content/Warnings: Violence, touching without consent, clowns, a special guest, death threats, near death experience, choking.
Chapter 6: Here
Chapter 8: I don't fucking know man...
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The screams of people riding the roller coaster filled the air. Winnie held Astarion’s hand as the group walked across the carnival grounds. Astarion who'd been rather enthusiastic about going, now seemed rather unsure. Winnie assumed he was more excited about going on a date than the date itself.  Astarion’s hand tightened around Winnie’s as they passed a rather eerily looking clown who was putting on a show for some children, juggling sparklers. His eyes looked over to them for a split second. Winnie shook her head and decided to ignore the strange person and focus on what she came for. 
“So erm…. Anthony I was really wondering if you could maybe help me. Becca said you're a modder and you might know  the person who made this BG3 cheat engine.” Winnie took out her phone and showed him a screenshot of the cheat engine file she took with her laptop. 
“Hm ... .Oh yeah I chatted with him before over discord.” Anthony replied, not looking back at the short female, too distracted by all the sights and sounds.
 “Babe, look! A haunted house, let's go!” Becca exclaimed as she took hold of her boyfriend’s arm.
“Oh alright I'll come with so you don't get scared” Anthony winked at Becca before taking her arm.
“I don't know what you're talking about, you're the one always getting scared.” Becca teased back before looking at Winnie. “Come on Wyn! Let's go!” 
“Yeah okay.” Winnie replied.
“So we're going to hunt for spirits?”Astarion hummed.
“No. It's not real. Just people in costumes jumping out from behind the corner to scare people.” Winnie explained.
“Oh? Well that's considerably more boring.” Astarion huffed. 
“Hey, don't hate on our fun! We don't have magic and dragons like you do back home.” Winnie playfully punched him in the shoulder. 
“Very well let's go then.” Astarion smirked and followed Winnie towards the ‘haunted house’ ride.  The attraction was set up to where you'd get  and ride through a fake haunted house. Winnie and Astarion sat behind Anthony and Becca as the car slowly moved along. For the most part the vampire was unimpressed. Being much too perceptive he could always tell when someone was about to jump out.  
“Hmm…That's a poor hiding spot.” Astarion mused as he noticed a man in a bloody pig costume hiding in the shadows.  The man jumped up causing Anthony and Becca to scream. Astarion stared boredly, an arm wrapped around Winnie’s waist as she tensed up, startled.  The vampire caressed his beloved's back comfortingly. He honestly relished the thought of taking a protective role. It made him feel strong, valued, like he had a purpose. 
“Oh now he's just lying on the floor, tut tut tut. You can do better than that.” Astarion tsked before a man in bloody clothes leapt up and screamed at the cart.  The vampire rolled his eyes before looking back at Winnie. She didn't scream at the attempts to scare them like Becca and Anthony did, but she would tense up or flinch.   Astarion leaned in and whispered in Winnie’s ear, “There’s another idiot hiding behind that door over there.” 
Suddenly a man in caked in white costume makeup with fangs and fake blood all over his face jumped out from behind the door hissing and getting way too close to Winnie’s face for the pale elf's liking. Astarion’s eyes narrowed a bit before he punched the ‘vampire’ in the jaw.  
“Why the hell did you do that for?” Winnie asked, looking at Astarion in confusion.
“He was getting on my nerves and he got far too close for my liking.” Astarion huffed.
“You can't just punch people because you want to! You're going to get us in trouble.” Winnie said with a look of worry. 
“Don’t fret love, I’ll handle any ire that comes our way.” Astarion replied.
“That's what worries me.” Winnie rolled her eyes. 
“Sweetheart, everything worries you.” Astarion sassed. Winnie pouted as the carts came to a stop outside the haunted house. They got out and Winnie silently thanked God that somehow miraculously Becca and Anthony missed Astarion's little outburst.
 The group walked away from the attraction as Astarion glanced over to see that creepy clown from before. He began clinging on to Winnie as he glared at painted face fool.
“It's just a guy in make-up Star.” Winnie said, running a hand over his back comfortingly. Astarion huffed a bit as they kept walking, the clown disappearing amongst the crowd of people.
“It's hideous.” Astarion murmured quietly.
“So Winnie I have a question, how did you and Star meet?” Becca turned to Winnie with a curious look. 
“Oh you know…We…um…” Winnie tried to think up something quickly.
“My darling and I met at the beach. I needed some assistance fending off this disgusting beast.” 
“It…was a really big crab.” Winnie added, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. 
“It was monstrous, but Winnie smashed the little wretch with a boulder, my sweet little hero.” Astarion hummed before looking at Winnie fondly. 
“It was a very small boulder.” 
“Well that's…..interesting.” Anthony hummed as he and Becca stared at them awkwardly, clearly thinking their story was ridiculous. 
“AH LOOK BUMPER CARS!!!” Winnie said, trying to change the subject as she pointed at the ride. 
“Ooh that actually looks fun.” Astarion said as his red eyes trailed over the scene of people smashing into each other. 
“How about we have a little playful competition against the ladies?” Anthony suggested as he looked over at Astarion. 
“Oh, you two are on!” Becca exclaimed and grabbed Winnie’s arm, “come on Wyn let's go kick some ass!”  Becca dragged Winnie off before she could  comment and Astarion rolled his eyes and followed after Anthony.
Eventually the two pairs got separated in the line with at least ten people between them. Winnie looked back, worried about Astarion doing something chaotic while she wasn't within range to intervene.
Astarion glanced back in her direction, he wasn't exactly torn up about their separation, but he would have much preferred trying this activity with Winnie instead of Anthony whom he knew nothing about.  Anthony looked Astarion over for a moment before he spoke. 
“So…Winnie seems nice.” He hummed aloud. 
“She is absolutely wonderful, my Winnie.” Astarion hummed with a content smile. 
“Okay…I mean she's not around bro. You don't have to go all out.” Anthony chuckled.
“All out? I mean every word.” Astarion huffed, “don’t you feel the same about your Becca? She seems very taken with you.”
“She's aight. Pretty hot and good in bed.” Anthony said nonchalantly.
“Oh, well lucky you then.” Astarion rolled his eyes. Meanwhile Winnie was standing with Becca, looking back at the others with a nervous gaze. 
“Maybe we should see if we can squeeze into line with the boys…So we don't get separated?”
“Nah it's fine, there should be enough bumper cars for them to join us.” Becca stated, her eyes looking over Winnie curiously observing her gaze. 
“You're staring at him.~” The redhead said in a sing-songy tone.
“He has a tendency to get into trouble.” Winnie said honestly. 
“You sure you're not just disappointed he's not glued to your side like normal?” She teased. 
“You act like he's hanging on me 24/7.” Winnie chuckled.
“Isn't he? Whenever I've seen you two he follows you around like a lost puppy.”
“You've seen us together like twice before today.”
“And I have amazing intuition. So…Have you two….you know…?” Becca smirked.
“I'm not having this conversation.” Winnie rolled her eyes.
“Whaaat? I was just gonna ask if you two had kissed! Don't be weird about it!” The redhead teased making Winnie turn bright red.
After a few minutes they climbed into the cars. The bumper cars were brightly colored and had both a driver and passenger seat in each of them.
Becca and Winnie got into one, Becca in the driver's side and Winnie in the passenger seat. However before they could even get buckled up, they were slammed into by Anthony and Astarion.  Astarion smirked mischievously as his fingers curled around the steering wheel.
“Star!? What the hell?” Winnie hissed.
“Sorry darling, I've never controlled one of these things before aha!” Astarion giggled with a mischievous grin.
“Oh it's on! Let's get him back!” Becca exclaimed, steering the bumper right into the guys. The group giggled and teased each other as their cars would collide. Despite the fun eventually Winnie had to usher their little group away when her vampiric partner began to slam the car into some obnoxious children. (One whom so rudely exclaimed “out of the way old lady!”) 
Once the four had left the ride Astarion slipped back beside Winnie. Anthony seemed to follow after Astarion however. 
“So…Make a new friend?” Winnie asked glancing over at Astarion and Anthony. 
Astarion wrapped an arm around Winnie and pulled her off away from Anthony until the two of them were out of earshot.
“Friend isn't quite the right word I believe, but nevermind that while I was alone with him in line he mentioned that the creator of your modification lived nearby in some city called Varamont.” 
“Varamont? That's like a five hour drive from here.” Winnie rubbed her temples. “I'm not sure I could stand riding for that long on my bike.” Winnie said with a sigh.
“Come on Winnie we're going into the mirror maze!” Becca called as she and Anthony caught up with the two. 
“I think I'll sit this one out actually.” Astarion spoke up. 
“Ah yeah…He gets a bit claustrophobic!” Winnie added. 
“You ladies go on in then. I wanted to get some food anyway.” Anthony piped up. 
“Okay….” Winnie said as Becca dragged her off into the mirror maze. Winnie followed after her reluctantly as her friend continued to talk her ears off about mundane things. They had a lead on where ShadowMommy69 was. Things were going well. So why did Winnie have this gnawing feeling something bad was going to happen? 
She sighed as her and Becca walked through the maze occasionally bumping into a mirror once and a while.  “Becca…Is everything okay with Anthony? I mean he is your boyfriend but it seems…like he's avoiding you.” 
“Anthony can be a bit reserved, but he's really a sweetheart.” Becca replied. Winnie frowned, Anthony didn't seem to have any problem hanging out with Astarion. She wasn't quite sure he was a good match for Becca. As much as she admired her friend, Becca had a bad track record when it came to dating. Winnie could recall that the redhead's last girlfriend apparently maxed her credit card and her parents had to help her with the debt. She really didn't have the best judge of character when it came to romantic partners. Not that Winnie could really talk considering her first boyfriend was a bloodthirsty undead creature of the night, but at least Astarion payed attention to her. A little too much sometimes. That wasn't his fault though. The man barely had anything to do while he was cooped up all day to avoid the sun's rays. 
As Winnie and Becca continued walking through the mirror maze the two ended up taking different paths. Winnie being distracted by her thoughts and Becca distracted by chattering about her own boyfriend. Eventually the girls were separated in two totally different parts of the maze. Winnie was even pulled out of her head by her nose bumping against the cold glass of a mirror.
“Shit…Where'd she go? Becca!?” She called, looking around as she got no answer. The lights that illuminated the maze from above flickered a bit. And Winnie felt a chill go down her spine. 
It's okay. Everything is alright. We’ll just find our way out. 
Winnie could feel her heart speeding up as she carefully maneuvered through the maze. However each turn and path seemed to go on forever. Winnie couldn't even tell how long she'd been in here! She quickly took out her phone as she began to get nervous only to find that the battery was dead. 
Okay…Maybe this isn't so great…
Suddenly she noticed a shadow move across one of the mirrors. Winnie nearly jumped at the sight of it, backing up fearfully. Then suddenly there was a voice.
“Ah, we finally meet in the flesh.” A familiar looking brunette haired man suddenly appeared in front of one of the mirrors, his reflection appearing in all the surrounding ones. It took a moment for Winnie to process who this was.
“Raphael?! What the hell are you doing here!? I'm pretty sure I killed you!” Winnie gasped in complete and utter shock.
“And yet here we are face to face.” The devil chuckled as Winnie began to back up. “I should actually thank you, you know. If you hadn't pulled Astarion out of our dreadfully repetitive world I would never have been able to find a way out.”
“Shit. I knew something bad was going to happen. You…You better not s-start any trouble!” Winnie said, trying to act intimidating though deep down inside she was terrified. 
“What trouble? I'm simply here to explore this new realm much like your toothsome companion. Besides, you have other things to worry about.”
“What do you mean?” Winnie asked with worry. 
“Astarion and I are not the only ones who've found a way to enter your domain. The person who caused this opened far more doors into your world than he intended.” Raphael spoke in a calm tone. A smile etching its way onto his face.  
“Why are you telling me this?” Winnie raised an eyebrow with suspicion.  
“Because you are of interest to me and without this knowledge you'll likely meet a very early demise.”
“If you're planning to use me to do your dirty work you must be desperate. You realize I'm no fighter. Hell I'm not even an advent-” Before Winnie could finish her sentence the devil disappeared without a trance. “Oh you Asshat! I was talking to you!”  Winnie huffed, looking around for the devil, but he was gone. Raphael showing up was bad enough but the thought of others coming into this world was horrifying. Dragons, mind Flayers and God knows what else could appear and there was nothing Winnie could do about it. She was literally just a retail employee! 
“I need to find Astarion.” Winnie murmured to herself.
Astarion had been waiting outside, trying to keep to himself as best as he could. The carnival goers were all looking more delectable by the minute. He could feel the ravenous maw inside begging, no, demanding to be sated. 
“Hey Star.” Anthony called as he returned from getting some food. “Damn, the girls sure are taking their time aren't they?” The dark haired male hummed. Astarion looked up, red eyes immediately noticing the pulsing vein on the human man’s neck. He gulped nervously, doing his damnedest to ignore the urge to tear into Anthony's throat. 
“Oh…I-I'm sure they'll be back soon.” Astarion said with a huff, his eyes looking away from the other male. 
“Hey, you alright?” Anthony asked.
“I'm fine. Just a bit cold.” Astarion lied and looked back towards the mirror maze. The vampire tried to keep his mind focused on Winnie, knowing well that she'd allow him to feed once they arrived home. But then he suddenly felt an arm wrap around his waist. He looked back and noticed the other male was getting far too close for comfort.
“Hey why don't we ditch the girls? I think the two of us have more in common anyway.~” Anthony said with a smirk before suddenly Astarion shoved him off. 
“Touch me again and I'll choke you with your own innards.” He hissed. 
“Whoa hey! Calm down! There's no need to pretend here. I know you're just pity-dating that girl, it's kind of obvious.” Anthony exclaimed, causing the vampire to narrow his eyes at him.
“Pity-dating? Ha! Darling, if I was going to court anyone out of pity it'd be you. Now stay the hells away from me before I rip out your throat.” Astarion snarled, his eyes were beginning to glow red, as he bared his fangs. This set off alarm bells in the human man’s head. 
“J-Jesus Christ!” He cursed and backed away. The vampire pushed back the urge to drain the male dry as he stepped away, beginning to retreat to a less populated space. His eyes then suddenly perked up at the sight of caged pigs off inside some tent. 
After stumbling through the mirror maze Winnie bumped into Becca once again. 
“There you are, Wyn! God, I thought You left for a moment!” Becca exclaimed. 
“Becca! I need to get out of here and talk to Star! It's important!” Winnie said. 
“Shit. Did something happen? Are you okay?” Becca asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I'm fine…I just need to talk to him about something personal, okay.” Winnie stated. Becca nodded in understanding.
“Okay. Let's go, I think I found the way out.” Becca grabbed hold of Winnie’s hand so the two of them wouldn't get separated again before she led her he down another path. Winnie could spot scratches and smudges on the mirrors, as if someone had already left a trial to help guide them out. Eventually they reached the end of the maze and stepped out. Not a moment sooner chaos broke loose as pigs began to charge across the fields in front of them.
“Fuck sake!” One of the carnival workers yelled.
“Someone let loose the pigs!” Winnie and Becca looked at one another in complete and utter bewilderment. As the carnival workers rushed to wrangle their swine, one began to slowly approach the two girls. It was the clown Winnie had seen earlier.  
“Ladies, may I speak with you for a moment?”
“Uhh…We're a bit busy at the moment! S-Sorry.” Winnie blurted out before suddenly the make-up caked stranger began to move in. 
“What's the hurry!? There's a show starting soon. Come and see!” The clown chuckled.
“She said we're busy.” Becca spoke louder and stood in front of Winnie.  The clown cracked his neck before suddenly grabbing a hold of both their arms.
“Hey get the fuck off us!” Becca shouted as both her and Winnie began to flail and attempt to pull away, but the clown was surprisingly strong. 
‘Let us go!” Winnie shouted, eyes scanning the area for passerbys but it seemed the whole pig fiasco had distracted anyone who could have helped.
Winnie suddenly kicked the clown in the shin, making him release them. The two of them bolted as the stranger began his pursuit.  
Fucking hell this is like something out of a horror movie!
Winnie panted and huffed as Becca moved ahead of her. The slender female was able to keep more distance between herself and the creep chasing them. Winnie could feel her ribs and legs burning. She didn't think she had enough stamina to keep going. The clown chased them back into an empty tent when suddenly Winnie tripped, falling onto her hands and knees. She winced, feeling blood dripping down a cut on her knee. Winnie scrambled to get back up as the clown lunged at her grabbing hold of her by the throat. Winnie gasped for air, gripping onto the clown's large hands 
“Winnie! Get off her you creep!” Becca shouted and ran back towards the clown. The red head leapt into his back and grabbed hold of his hair, yanking it hard and even tearing a chunk out, causing him to shout and let go of Winnie before moving to throw Becca off of him. Winnie fell to the ground holding her neck as the clown moved to strike at Becca. The redhead looked up with wide eyes before suddenly something sharp pierced through the clown's chest from behind, causing blood to pour down onto the ground as the carnie fell to the floor.  Astarion stood there clawed fingers dripping with blood as he quickly turned his attention to Winnie who was still rubbing her throat. 
“Winnie! Winnie my sweet, are you alright?” Astarion looked down at the human woman with fearful eyes as she rubbed her throat. She gave a small weak nod. 
“Y-You just shoved your fingers through that man h-how!?” Becca began to stutter out. Astarion ignored the redhead, his attention was on the marks on Winnie's throat. 
“Arghhhhh!” A loud snarl suddenly filled their ears. The clown corpse began to stand back and change, growing bigger and bigger. Suddenly a large blue skinned humanoid beast with long tusks and glowing eyes.
Shit. The devil was right.
Winnie mentally cursed as Astarion stood in front of her protectively. Blood was still dripping from the wound in the creature’s chest. The creature growled down at the trio. The silver haired vampire bared his fangs at the beast. He was unarmed but he'd be damned if he let some filthy creature hurt his beloved and get away with it. While the beast was slowed by its injury he took the opportunity to attack. 
“Ignis!” He launched a firebolt straight into the monster’s face. The beast roared in pain as its eyes were blazing. The stench of burning flesh filled the air.  The beast quickly turned tail and darted out the back of the tent, disappearing into the night.  Winnie got back to her feet, taking a few deep breaths. Astarion peeked out through the back of the tent to make sure it was go before returning to Winnie’s side.
“Magic…He just did magic!?” Becca sputtered out. Winnie sighed and rubbed her temples before looking over at Astarion.
“I'm going to assume that's not normal here.” Astarion spoke up. 
“No, definitely not. I was actually looking to warn you about this kind of thing earlier.” Winnie replied, her voice sounding a bit croaky from nearly getting choked out. “I ran into Raphael in the mirror maze…”
“The devil is here!?” Astarion asked aloud.
“Devil?!” Becca exclaimed.
“Yes. He said when you came here others did too, himself included. I imagine that monster was one of them.” Winnie said.
“Would someone please tell me what's going on here!?” Becca demanded.
“Ah….Right…This is all probably going to sound insane.” Winnie sighed.
“Everything that's happened today has been insane. We just got attacked by a god-damned clown monster-thing and your boyfriend chucked a fireball at it!”
“Yes ... .Um…How do I put this…..Hm…Becca this is Astarion…I uh…pulled him out of my computer about a month ago after downloading this messed up cheat mod.” 
“Ah…Hello.” Astarion gave her an awkward little wave. Becca just stayed silent for a moment, eye twitching at the insanity of it all. 
“This is a dream. I fell asleep while getting ready for the carnival and Anthony is going to wake me up any moment now.” Becca spoke to herself as she tried to rationalize the situation.
“Oh I doubt he'd stay long enough to realize you were asleep.” Astarion muttered under his breath. 
“I thought it was a dream at first too, but after a couple of weeks I didn't wake up.” Winnie said softly.
“How is this possible?” Becca asked.
“Honestly I have no clue. I've actually been trying to the bottom of this. This is why I need to find out who made that mod. I'm certain it's behind everything.” 
“I need to take some time to process this. I'm going out to my car…” Becca said before walking off, looking rather shaken up.  
Winnie stepped out of the tent with Astarion slowly following behind her.
“It looks like the number of people who know our secret seem to be growing.”
“I wouldn't worry too much about Becca. She knows how crazy this all sounds, she's not going to go tell someone. Shame all hell broke loose tonight.”
“Gods I'm glad I was able catch a whiff of your blood before it was too late. I….I should have been with you…. I'm sorry…” Astarion pulled Winnie into his embrace.
“It's alright Astarion, there's no way you could have known we were going to get attacked. I had no idea there was any danger until I met with Raphael.”
“What did the devil want?” Astarion asked.
“I'm not sure. He kind of just showed up to warn me. That in itself seems very suspicious.” 
“He wants likely wants something from you, no doubt.” Astarion furrowed his brows. 
“I can't imagine what. I'm not a fighter, I can't go and kill anyone for him. Could it be my soul he’s after?” 
“Maybe…But I have a feeling it's not as simple as that.” The pale elf huffed before looking at her neck once again, gently cupping her cheek.The marks were turning into bruises.
“You sure you're alright?” 
“I am, just…sore…Are you alright? You still need to feed?” Winnie asked before moving up the sleeve of her jacket to expose her arm. Astarion gently pushed it away declining.
“No. I took care of that, besides you've been hurt enough today.” 
“Astarion, I wish I could protect you instead, but I'm not an adventurer or a hero. Suppose I'm just going to end up being a burden.” Winnie sighed.
“Darling, you do enough for me already. You practically feed, clothe and put a roof over my head. Keeping you safe would never burden me my love.” Astarion slowly wrapped his arms around Winnie, pulling her into a hug. Winnie returned it nuzzling her face into his neck. 
“We should return home. Get something for your bruises.” Astarion pulled back. 
“Okay…..and thank you…For saving me Astarion…” Winnie wasn't exactly sure what came over her. She definitely wasn't one to initiate affection very often being as shy and timid as she was, but in that moment nothing else seemed to matter. Winnie leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a soft, chaste kiss upon his lips. Astarion was slightly taken back for moment but almost immediately returned the gesture leaning into it.
Winnie quickly pulled back as she realized what she'd done, her face flustered and full of embarrassment. What was she thinking!? She didn't even ask for fucks sake!
“I'm sorry! I should have asked if it was-” Astarion grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her back into a kiss. This one was more passionate, full of longing and need. It seemed Astarion wasn't satisfied with Winnie’s sweet little peck. The brunette was a little at a loss of what to do. She'd never been kissed before. Not in romantic sense anyway. She did her best to try to mirror his movements before he eventually pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.
“Took you long enough.~”
Apologies for the wait! I've been rather distracted since the last chapter, but here it is! The monster in the chapter was an oni btw. It's a shapeshifting monster in DnD.
@seradyn , @plimsim , @astarioffsimpmain , @marcynomercy , @iamsexytrash , @gaymistakeboi , @divineknightmare , @tinyfreakgirl , @misscrissfemmefatal, @gianchan-de @jaksfanficsaver , @the-disaster-in-waiting , @hp-art-studio , @im-just-a-simp-le-whore , @dajeong , @iamnotokei , @the-pale-elfs-love , @geminipridekitty
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
Tumblr media
Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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kit-williams · 5 months
Holding Hands
Male Lead: Eldar!König Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k & Cod AU/Everyone is an elf/eldar Canon Status: ???
Originally I was going to do one for every type, Exodite, Craftworld, Harlequin, and Drukhari but Exodite is literally just him with a dinosaur and Craftworld probably we wouldn't get to hand holding.
@lycheedr3ams I want to thank you for your recent analysis of König that helped me kinda get an idea for him.
As well as @wordstome and @kneelingshadowsalome
You needed some air... it was madness what the corsair had done. The ship was swarming with Fairweather allies and two cabals that only recently went from going at each others throats to working together. Oh by Yaneed it was madness as suddenly the ancient feud had to be forgotten and it made your whole body ache as you couldn't relax at all being around so many Drukhari whom many still looked at you murderously. Then there were the enigmatic harlequin troupe that operated beyond her knowledge as they were in direct contact with their god.
You sigh as you enter the meditation chamber lucky for you... you kept odd hours so no one would miss you for a few hours...
Drukhari Incubus
König opened an eye as he was in the midst of meditation and his instincts screamed for blood which only meant that you were in his presence. His bloodstones had been taken away as per agreement of joining up though he always could make more but that might not be... tasteful. He remembers spying you by the Corsair captain... Price if he remembers right being introduced as one of the ships farseers.
He could taste your distress as you hadn't even noticed him yet. Oh you would be so easily to kill... so easy to wring your frail little neck and make a new bloodstone out of your... no wait I didn't need a soulstone any more. Konig lazily opened his other eye moving to a lounging position as he watched you try your best to relax and enter meditation but failing again and again.
You jump as someone touches you and you normally hold your emotions in check but seeing the Incubi being the one to touch you... you reacted out of a panic. Your cheek pressed into the floor at the behemoth of a Drukhari just chuckled down at you with his reddish hair tied back with bones laced into his hair. Surprisingly his face was scarred and lacking much makeup making his skin slightly pallor minus the smudged remains of eye black around his eyes.
"Jumpy little maus aren't you?" He cooed, "You going to attack me again or be a good girl?"
"Get off of me." You huffed and he did helping you up. The male was nearly eight feet tall and when you saw him in full regalia you remember seeing the mon-keigh astartes helms decorating his armor; even if they were his favorite kills he was still a skilled killer.
You watched as he easily sunk to the ground in a meditative position. "You were distracting me with how high strung you are maus. While delicious, "He can't help but give his sharp toothed grin at you as his icy blue eyes look absolutely predatory, "I came here to meditate and clear my thoughts not be surrounded by anxiety. I would simply just have to take a walk through some slave holds. So why not tell me what is wrong?"
You huffed at that not watching him remove his gloves as you debate and you are suppose to try and be friendlier to them. You swallowed up your misgivings as the Drukhari on board have cleaned up nicely. "Well... some of your kind just make me anxious... given how I suppose your kind always tried to kill me first.... what are you doing." You say noticing how he is slowly wrapping his large hands around one of your own.
"A meditative technique my master taught me. Keep speaking."
"You're not going to inflict pain on me are you?"
"Nein. Not everything is about pain." He says pulling away the cloth from around your hand. You feel his bare fingertips against yours slowly moving down your fingers to your palm. You cant stop the shivering you can swallow up the blush on your face. You should yell at him for this inappropriate hand touching but... "continue what you were saying."
"I'm um... " You swallow again, "nervous and anxious as everyone looks at me like I'm a chew toy or a piece of meat."
He chuckles softly as his bare hands continue to play with your own. "Well you are fraulein. You are a rather young farseer and we can tell." He ignores your huff, "but that doesn't mean we are going to act on it. I certainly wont."
"See you say that but how can I trust you?"
You soon feel a familiar tracing on the palm of your hand as one of his hands pulls away pulling down his collar showing an ugly brand mark against his throat. A mark of khaine, "Shall I swear upon our war god? Shall I swear that my hands should forever bleed? We Incubi are a different breed then our kin... you should know that liebling." He leans in and you lean back ending up on your back with him looming over you with a smile. Your hand entwined with his, "I swear to Khaine that I will not act upon such baser desires and will actually try to get over my... distrust and hatred of you. I mean me touching you is akin to you touching me. A discomfort we both must get over." You glance down at your hand tightly holding his now and neither of you feel like letting go. "Well I am going to nap. I will guard you liebling." He says with a smile as you both return to sitting cross legged and just closing your eyes as you can feel the calmness wash over you... even if you're still holding his hand.
taglist @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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vera-king-hrfl · 2 months
I'm not really sure how to introduce this one. It's a continuation of the Zevlor story that's quickly becoming a novel. But I'm posting it for you guys because it's kind of a snippet. It's after we find our man in the illithid colony, and he finds out what happened while he was enthralled. A brief warning. There is some angst, emotional pain, a little self-harm, and major feelings here. No smut in this one. It's also a pretty long scene. I did cry while writing it. I'm not sorry.
Tav is based on my current, who is a noble high elf silver dragon disciple. Highfalutin, I know, but that's what was in my head.
You approach Gale with a bit of trepidation. You're not sure if he'll agree, or even if your idea will work, but you have to try. Zevlor needs his people on his side. Or, at least, for them to understand what actually happened in those dark lands, when he was taken by the Absolute. But you couldn't be the one to do it.
As you move to stand near the wizard, sitting cross-legged on a mat and reading some dusty book you'd found in the house of healing, he looks up and smiles. "Greetings, Tav." Seeing the expression on your face, he rises with a look of concern. "My, you seem agitated. How can I help?"
You bite your lip and take a breath, then speak, your voice tight and apologetic. "I need a favor. If it's not... if you can manage it." 
He nods, taking your hand and pressing it. He can be so sweet sometimes. "If it is in my power, I shall do my utmost. What do you need?" 
You nod and squeeze his hand, grateful for his friendly devotion. "How are you with... mental domination?" 
His eyes widen a little, but he smiles. "I can cast the spell. Depending on the intended victim, I suppose I could maintain it almost indefinitely, as long as there are no other distractions. The power and duration really depend upon my concentration and the target's resistance. But so can you. Why? Who are we dominating today?"
You worry your lower lip with your teeth again and shake your head before continuing. "It cannot be me. They all know... look, Gale. We both know how powerful the elder brain is... with an unprepared mind, it would be almost impossible to resist its influence. Is that right?"
He nods slowly. "Yes, of course, but... oh, I see." He catches on quickly, you reflect, as he works out for himself what you want. "Let me see if I can guess your thought process. I assume this is in reference to your Hellrider and how his people have been treating him since... all that. You want to show them that what happened was not his fault, and you think a little demonstration of that kind of power would be a good way to do that. You can not perform this feat yourself because of your known association with him, so you want me to make a tiefling stand on one foot or something to demonstrate how easy it is to lose oneself in the face of strong magic." He ruminates for a moment, looking thoughtful, then shrugs and smiles. "I don't see that it could hurt to try. Courtesy dictates that I must warn the person I am to control, but even then, I should be able to hold them to my will for some time. May I involve another of our group?"
You nod. "If you think it will help. I can't really keep secrets from any of you anyway. Who are you planning to bring?"
He squeezes your hand and nods decisively before releasing you. "I had a thought to take Karlach with me. She's a tiefling, and she well knows how it is to be compelled to do things she doesn't want. I will go immediately. I saw a group of refugees in the inn recently. I imagine they haven't gone anywhere. I shall do my best to make them understand. Who is the intended target?" 
You watch Gale as he nearly bounces on his toes, seeming eager, as always, to demonstrate his skill. "Whoever is the strongest. But... well, don't hurt anyone or humiliate them too much. Just... never mind, you know what to do. It is in your capable hands."
Gale grins and bows. "My lady, I live to serve. Rest a while. You've been burning the candle at both ends lately, and you're a bit overwrought. Stay near. I'll come find you when I'm finished."
You watch him as he heads off to find Karlach and the other tieflings. You are overwrought, nervous, your concern over Zevlor and the refugees, the remaining Chosen, and the Elder Brain mingling and draining your mental faculties. You wander back to your own tent, sitting on a cushion just outside the flap and trying to meditate for a little while to clear your head. 
After what seems like ages, but is probably closer to half an hour, you sense Gale and Karlach returning, open your eyes, and struggle to your feet, trying to read their expressions. As they draw near, you can see that they are both smiling. Gale with an expression of satisfaction and Karlach a cheeky grin, bouncing a little as she approaches. She looks around when she arrives, before speaking at half her normal volume. "It worked! You're a genius, Tav. Cal volunteered. He hopped on one foot and everything! Gale was even going to make him slap Lia, but I stopped him, so he grabbed Dammon with the spell too and made them dance together! There was nothing they could do about it." She slaps Gale on the back, and the wizard wheezes, but looks pleased nonetheless. 
"Yes indeed," he continues with a smug expression. "Rolan has the strongest mind, but I do not think he would have taken my meddling with it lightly. So I thought maybe, if I dominated two of them at once, when they were prepared for it... and I made it quite clear that my powers do not nearly match those of the brain. I think it's had the desired effect. I believe Tilses went to look for him. She has been on his side the whole time anyway, and the others seem prepared both to apologize and forgive."
You blow out a breath and sag with relief. It was a long shot, and could have gone quite badly, especially with Rolan being so protective of his siblings... But hearing that your plan had worked was a welcome bright spot in an otherwise trying day. You pull them both into a hug, Gale grunting with wounded dignity and with the pressure of the grinning tiefling’s muscles crushing you both, thank them profusely, and then head off to look for Zevlor. Maybe this news would help with the deep depression he'd been struggling with since you rescued him.
The soft call of the scale you'd planted on him leads you toward Rethwin Town. As you approach the mason's guild, you see that Cerys, as well as Tilses, are standing near the doors, heads together in a fervent whispered discussion. You are opening your mouth to greet them when you're startled by a crash from inside, and the crunch and rattle of splintered wood. Cerys notices you first, and waits for you to arrive with a concerned expression. They're both looking at you nervously as another burst of noise echoes from beyond the half open doors, causing them both to flinch as you hurry over. 
Noting your concern, Tilses raises her hands, palms facing you. "He's not in any trouble. At least, not from fiends or undead. His only enemy is... well, himself." 
Your eyes widen. "Zevlor is making those noises?"
She nods, voice low, "yeah, the Commander is in a state at the moment. We came looking for him and heard the crashes... we thought he was being attacked. But... He's alone in there. At first he was shouting about being weak and unworthy, but then... well, he just started tearing the place apart."
You turn to go into the building, but Cerys catches your arm. "You might not want to go in there, Tav. He's unhinged. I've never seen him in this mood before. He might be... dangerous." 
You smile reassuringly and pat her hand. "He won't hurt me." Though, with the sounds coming from beyond the doors, you're not quite so sure as you pretend. "Go back to the inn. Please. If... if anything goes wrong... I can defend myself, but I don't want you in the crossfire. Just in case."
They exchange a long look, but then nod. "Very well," Tilses says quietly. "If anyone can help him, it's you. We know him, but he may be embarrassed... I know he thinks very highly of you." She grips your arm, a plea in her eyes, and then she and the other woman move off, looking over their shoulders once or twice. You wait until they are out of sight, and then take a deep breath and turn toward the doors. 
It is dim and dusty in the building, golden motes drifting through the newly revealed sunbeams that are filtering through holes in the battered roof. There is a flurry of movement in the back room, and you pass through the second set of doors just as Zevlor seizes a thick, rotten log from a cradle by the ruined fireplace and rips it in half with his bare hands. He casts the pieces aside and paces the width of the room, his hands shoved into his hair. There is blood on his face and hands, spattered on his dully gleaming armor, and a wreck of shattered crates and tools is scattered about. Your heart aches for him, but you hold your tongue for a moment as you sidle through the door and stand next to it, leaning your back against the wall. 
He doesn't notice you at first, so great is his distress, and in the relative quiet, you can hear him whimpering to himself, his voice hovering on the raw edge of sanity. "I tried. I'm so sorry. I wasn't strong enough. They're dead. They hate me. They're right to hate me. It's all my fault. If I had only been stronger..." He grabs another crate and sends it hurtling into the stone wall, where it explodes in a shower of splinters and small nails. You turn your head, but don't move, feeling a few shards pepper the side of your face. He turns back to pace in the other direction, stumbling and nearly falling over as he finally catches sight of you. He freezes and his eyes go wide, orange rings in deep black, shining in the gloom. His mouth wags for a moment, but then firms as he turns his face away. 
His words are a low, pained growl when he finally speaks. "You shouldn't be here." His hands flex, and you see that some of his claws are broken, his fingertips bloody. "I couldn't bear it if I... I  killed them. Leave, before I..."
You stand away from the wall, approaching him slowly, staying well out of his reach, but preparing a shield just in case. "We both know that's not true," you say quietly, your own hands wringing at your robes. "You weren't in control of..." 
He cuts you off with a roar, swinging his fist until it meets a supporting beam with a loud crack of splintered wood. The edifice sways, and dust and bits of ancient birds nests filter down from above. He's not a big man, but in this extremis he's terrifyingly strong, and you hope he doesn't manage to bring the whole roof down on your heads. "But I am responsible! I led them, it was me that... I..." He winces, looking at his hand in confusion, and you see the flash of white bone peeking through his scraped, ruby skin. Dark blood drips onto the floor from his torn flesh, drops scattering among the dust and ashes. "I wasn't good enough for them. I'm not strong enough, couldn't resist her. They're dead because of me. You don't want to associate... I've failed everyone. You deserve someone who..."
He stands there trembling for a moment before looking up and quickly striding toward you, raising his wounded hand to shove you back against the wall, your head hitting the stone so hard you see brief stars drift across your vision. He's on you in an instant, mouth crushing yours, bloody fingers pulling at your clothes. You feel all of his rage and shame and desperation as he kisses you frantically, his teeth cutting into your lips. You let him tear at you, neither returning his violent kiss nor trying to push him away. You're slightly dazed when he suddenly gasps and rips himself away from you. He pants, eyes blazing... "Gods I... I'm... you see? Im no good to anyone. I could have..." He reaches out as if to touch the drop of blood oozing from your bruised lips, a horrified expression on his face, but the lowers his eyes and drops to his knees before you. He covers his face with his hands and keens. "You don't want to be near me. Nobody wants to be near me. I see their faces when... you should leave me. I could never... never be good enough for... I'm not the man you..." he stops, shaking silently in the dust, ragged breaths filtering through his hands. 
You stand still for a moment, stunned, but then slowly let yourself sink to the floor, sliding your back down the wall until you’re sitting before him. You keep your tone gentle, "I am perfectly capable of judging for myself what kind of man you are. Here." You reach out and, ever so gently, ease his hands from his face, being careful not to put pressure on the broken one. He resists at first, but then relents. You inspect his bloody hand, lamenting to yourself that you cannot heal him, but you let coolness flow from your fingers, hoping to soothe him and ease the pain into numbness. "Hold still," you say as you release his fingers and reach beneath the hem of your robe to tear a strip from your linen under tunic. He flinches at the ripping sound, but keeps his hand stretched out before him, breathing harshly. You carefully wrap the linen around his hand, sinking a deeper cold into his inflamed flesh as you delicately press on the exposed little bone, easing it back into place and pinching the skin together before wrapping his palm firmly and tucking the end of the makeshift bandage under itself. You cradle the wounded appendage and reach out with your other hand, cupping his cheek lightly. His eyes are wide, sparkling with unshed tears, his mouth working in shock, lip trembling. You lean forward a little to hold his eyes, keeping your voice soft, soothing, "you do not have to carry the world on your shoulders, my love. Let me take some of the weight. Come here."
A silent tear tracks down his ravaged cheek, but he allows you to draw him toward you, laying his bandaged hand on your lap and shifting him so he's sitting before you before pressing his face into your shoulder, lifting your chin to avoid his horns. He curls his tail around himself and hesitantly wraps his good arm around your back, and you hold the armored tiefling close as his lean frame hitches and trembes with silent, heart-wrenching sobs.
The fading beams have crawled a long way up the wall before a low voice nudges you out of your doze. "My. Aren't you two a mess." Zevlor is cradled in your arms, having fallen into a deep sleep after crying himself out. Shadowheart crouches next to you, her expression unusually soft, and looks you over. You know you must look shocking, with your lips bruised and cut, and little streaks of dried blood on your face, your eyes puffy from weeping with heartache over Zevlor's pain. She reaches out and brushes a lock of hair out of your eyes, dropping her voice to a quiet whisper. "We saw the other two return, but it took a while to get it out of them. We waited as long as we dared, and then I came because, well, I'm the most subtle." She smiles. "Good thing too. You look like you both could use a little attention." You nod and shift slightly, letting her see Zevlor's hand, wrapped in the bloody bandage on your lap. He tenses a little, tightening his grip on you and murmuring into your robe, but doesn't wake, such is his exhaustion. Shadowheart reaches out, very lightly touching her fingers to his, and whispers the spell. His breath hitches and he shudders as the tingling power filters through him, but then sighs, seeming to feel the relief even in his sleep. She heals you next, the sensation making your skin prickle with gooseflesh, but you feel the small cuts close and the bruises fade.
"Thank you," you mouth silently, and she nods, leaning back on her heels. 
"We will leave you alone as long as you wish. We just wanted to know you were safe." Her expression becomes thoughtful. "You love him." Her own nod follows yours, and she reaches out to brush one knuckle down your cheek before standing. "I'm happy for you. Truly. I will tell the others you are both alright. Take as long as you need. You deserve to be happy." Her smile is almost sweet as she turns away and silently exits the room. 
The last light is fading when Zevlor stirs against you. Slowly he turns, easing himself around in your grasp until his eyes, just a flicker of fire in the darkness now, gaze up at you. His voice is a husky whisper, "did you mean it? What you said, before. You called me... or, maybe I was dreaming." He closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, a soft, happy sound. "If so, it was a wonderful dream."
You look down at him with a soft smile and bend your head to place a light kiss on his full lips. "I did. And you are. Ai armiel telere maenen hir, Zevlor, and I can only hope you feel the same." He sits up, keeping his arm about you and chuckling softly, looking at you with undisguised adoration. 
"I don't know what that means, but I think I can guess. I can see it now, in your eyes." He cups your cheek with a gentle hand. "Are you certain this is what you want? Me? Because, I know... my heart is yours for as long as I draw breath. I love you. So very much." You nod yes, and he slowly leans toward you, taking a deep trembling breath before pressing his lips softly to yours. 
Zevlor kisses you chastely for a little while, his lips and hands full of tenderness, before placing a kiss on your forehead, and then resting his own against yours. "Very well, my lady. Together, then." His words are a feather brush against your lips. "But you need me at my best if we are to prevail in this... I will seek the Oathbreaker Knight."
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yourbuerokrat2 · 11 months
AU where Aaravos and Mage Fam (Claudia, Sir Sparklepuff, Terry and Viren) have a weird, toxic but strangely functional and if one were to leave out a few aspects of it almost 'wholesome' found and biological family dynamic after Aaravos is free and decides to keep them around.
Claudia is the happiest with this arrangement. 'Humanitys benefactor' is free, she has a cute homonculus half-brother, Terry and her are together and her father is alive and well. Even if Viren seems to be (momentarily as Aaravos insists) talking nonsense about how dark magic and Aaravos are bad for her.
Terry is not really sure what exactly is going on here, but Claudia keeps telling him how everything is perfect now. Claudia is happy, Viren is.. doing fine and Sparklepuff seems to be happy as well. He is not sure he likes this Aaravos guy but so far he has been nothing but helpful and beneficial. Besides, he has never felt so utterly accepted for who and what he is in his life.
Aaravos blames his admittedly long (not all that long if you consider how old he is then again if one were to look a human up with no outside connection or communication or stimulus he is sure to them a week would seem endless) time in isolation for the almost sentimental mood. He has had quite a few relations with quite a few people, especially humans, during his life time but never anything resembling what could be callled a 'family'. It could certainly provide to be a welcome distraction (and source of comfort after the years of loneliness but he would be damned again before honestly admitting that) and the apparent family of doing 'whatever it takes no matter how dangerous, no matter how vile' is not only something useful but also something that fits his own philosophy quite well. Besides, he has taken a liking to Virens reaction each time the.. relation between the two of them have been brought up.
Although Aaravos view on family would to anyone else be seen as more than a bit off and alarming considering how willing he was to have a being made partly with his own blood be sacrificed for a higher purpose.
Viren is the only one to openly see and understand how messed up their situation has become but no one really seems to understand. And each time he tries to do anything about it, Aaravos always comes up with a smile on his face. And now that the Elf is free things between the two of them have become even more.. complicated. Viren has no power in this dynamic and he knows it.
Sir Sparklepuff, blissfully ignorant of one of his 'fathers' being willing to sacrifice him at the turn of a hand, is just happy to be part of this. Claudia likes, him, Terry likes him, Viren likes him and Aaravos is amused by his very existence.
And all Viren can do as his daughter happily talks with Aaravos about what could end up being the end of Xadia as they knew it ('Oh, don't be so bleak about it, Viren. Don't you remember about how we used to talk about this and how you yourself called it 'a bright future for humanity'?' 'Yes, Dad, isn't this exactly what you always wanted?') with an Elf he knew he should keep at more of a distance than he was currently letting him (That sounds so great, Step-Dad. Oh, I am sorry. Can I call you step-dad' And Aaravos, that bastard, had just turned around, smiled at Viren in a way that made Viren like all of this was just some kind of game for Aaravos 'Sure, why not?')
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kydrogendragon · 6 months
Dec 16 - Snowed In
(Ao3 Link) (Masterpost Link)
“It doesn’t look like it’s letting up anytime soon,” Hob says, holding his half-drank mocha as he stares out the window. They’d rented a place up in the Highlands, taking some time for themselves after the busy holiday season. Morpheus had mentioned wanting to go somewhere quiet and with good views. He claimed he’d heard such environments were beneficial to “spurring the imagination in one’s mind.” So Hob found a cabin for rent on short notice, packed their bags and Morpheus’s laptop, and they headed out.
They got in late last night and the snow was coming down hard. The forecast had mentioned a small storm was going to be rolling in, but after listening to the news this morning, it looked like that small storm wasn’t so small after all. By the time they had gotten settled down for the night, there was easily 15 cm of snow on the ground and climbing. When they’d woken up in the morning, there was at least 25 cm, maybe more. And the snow still came down.
It looks like their stay might be longer than anticipated.
“What shall we do?” Morpheus asks from his spot on the couch near the fireplace. Hob had gotten a fire started - thankfully, there was a lot of pre-cut wood both inside and out in the log shed. At least they wouldn’t need to worry about not having enough heat. The cabin they had rented was well stocked (Hob thinks he remembers something about extreme sudden weather and ensuring there was enough supplies in cases like this listed on the website) and they didn’t have anything they needed to get back into town for, so if they stayed longer, it didn’t matter all that much.
“Guess we’re stuck here for a bit. At least until the snow stops coming down long enough that we can dig ourselves out. Or until the owners of the place come by with a snowplow to clear out the road.” Hob shrugs. “Guess until then, we just enjoy our time here like we planned.”
Morpheus nods and settles back into the plush cushions. His laptop - Hob had gotten him his very own for Christmas - was set on his lap. The coffee table was pulled closer, almost touching the couch, so Morpheus’s array of mugs were within reach. Hob discovered, soon after Morpheus had moved in, he was a fan of always having a variety of drinks available. His current array consisted of hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows, of course), green tea with honey, a water bottle that Hob had insisted he always have, and a half-drank can of cola. You know, the essentials.
Hob steps back over to his side of the couch and plops down, pulling Morpheus’s feet into his lap. The TV above the fireplace was muted (the sound distracted Morpheus) but was currently playing through the movie Elf that had been in the DVD player when they arrived. Hob had put the subtitles on since he knew the movie well enough to follow along without sound. He worked his fingers against the muscles in Morpheus’s feet and followed along to the film, enjoying the gentle clacking of laptop keys and crackling of wood in the fireplace.
They sat there, each content in their own little worlds and by the time the movie had finally ended, Morpheus, Hob realized as he turned to face his lover, was staring at him from over the top of his laptop. Hob arched a brow in question.
“I was simply… studying.” Morpheus replies, a light blush on the crests of his cheeks.
“Oh? That so?” Hob asks, smirking. “Something for your work?”
Morpheus nods and looks back down at his screen. His lips are pursed. “I… I wished to describe the flames upon this character’s face better. Yours made for an excellent reference.”
Hob had gotten used to this, over the past few days. Whatever story Morpheus was writing at the time, he always seemed to find a reason to “study” Hob. For his writing, of course. Definitely not as a not-so-subtle reason to oogle him. The last time he had caught Morpheus’s staring, when he’d looked over at the screen of his laptop, there hadn’t even been a word document or anything open. It was just the desktop screen. Not that Hob doubted he was telling the truth, occasionally, but he was certain that it made Morpheus more comfortable with looking at him casually. It always made Hob’s heart soar. He just wished Morpheus didn’t feel like he needed an excuse to do so. He’d gladly take Morpheus’s eyes on him anytime, after all.
“Well, if that’s the case, stare away then!” He says, patting Morpheus’s feet before setting them to his side. Hob stands, stretching his limbs out with a groan. “I am gonna grab a bite first, though. Want anything?”
Morpheus considers him, tilting his head in thought. It was adorable when he did that. It reminded him a bit of Matthew’s mannerisms. He’d said that once, in fact. Morpheus had just scowled at him, but it just made him all the cuter. Hob’s pretty sure he would have gotten a death glare if he’d said that thought aloud.
“A sandwich, perhaps. If it is no trouble.” He says, turning back to his computer.
“No trouble at all, love,” Hob says, leaning down and kissing the top of his love’s mess of inky black bed-head. He hears Morpheus huff fondly as he walks towards the kitchen. You know , he thinks as he pulls out the bread and spreads and fillings. A few more days of this bliss wouldn’t be too bad, after all. Perhaps getting snowed in was its own Christmas miracle, in a way.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I left fandom after a barrage of antisemitism, two toxic parasocial assholes threatening to kill themselves if I didn't respond to them constantly (who of course didn't give a shit about my problems, because I'm just The Content Provider, not a person), constant snide "well actually" remarks on tiny details that 1. weren't inaccurate to start with and 2. were the only comments these people would ever leave despite claiming to be "fans" of mine (sure Jan), conspiracy theorists, and of course the usual Republicans-claiming-to-be-centrists dickweeds defending Trump, complaining about my fanfic not using IRL political figures and instead using OCs and acting like I was an elf from Tolkien's work instead of a human being because I'm Jewish. Writing has been my hobby, my passion and my coping outlet since I was 8. I don't really know what to do now that I don't write. I feel relieved, because the "talk me out of my suicide right now or I'll do it" people I met in fandom are out of my life (admittedly, this is 100% my mistake for having exchanged Discord info and thinking they actually wanted to be friends), but I don't know what to do now that I'm no longer capable of writing. I sit down and the idea of writing makes me want to be sick. It gives me nothing but bad feelings all over, a sinking dread that drains all the energy out of me, and I can go from having an awesome, high-energy day to crawling into bed and staring at the wall from having tried to write.
What do I do now that fandom isn't a thing for me anymore? I don't really know what to do with my time now that something that's made me happy and been my catharsis for stress since I was a kid stresses me out to think about, now. I get a fanfic idea and I lock up and have this kind of awful moment, like, "Oh, no, no not again" and it's actually fucking with my sleep at this point since I used to imagine fictional characters interacting as a way to distract myself from my normal problems enough to unwind and drift off.
Maybe try something nonverbal like crafting? Or get a therapist for a while?
But as for the suicide threateners, block, block, block, and if they actually go through with it, it's not on you. Annoying dickheads always think I'll feel guilty about their self-created problems just because I didn't agree to be their punching bag. They are mistaken.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 6 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 5
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Chapter 4
-----------flashback: King's Landing, Day of the Tourney-------
It was day of the tourney. Nobles and knights had come in from all over the realm to watch or participate in the spectacle. And based on what you heard, the timing couldn't have been more perfect as Queen Aemma had just gone into labor. 
Rhaenyra had asked you to accompany her by her side when the tourney started. You had noticed the princess had been a little on edge, which made sense given the state her mother was in right now. Hopefully this day long event would distract and, gods be willing, her mother would come out of her labors with little to no complications for both her and the newborn child regardless of the sex.
Before joining the princess at her spectators' box with her father, friend, and others from the family and small council, you found yourself at Daemon's tent, hoping to get a sneak peak of the prince before he took part in today's festivities.
"Ooh, look at you," you say as you walk into Daemon's tent. The prince in question just had his armor in place, which included his dragonesque helmet
Daemon heard your voice and turned to face you; he smirked a bit, feeling confident from the look of admiration at your face, "do you like what you see?"
"Oh, I sure do," you nod, approaching him and placing a hand on his shoulder and another on his chest, "I've always had a...certain weakness for men in armor.
"Well then," Daemon leans in, deciding to flirt back, "I may not be able to request your favor during the tourney, Little Lark, but perhaps you may grace me now with a kiss as a gesture of good luck...maybe a little something more to make up for denying me last night after I was so generous with you."
You smirk back and lean in, like you were going to give him a kiss, but instead you stop and whisper, "it was your choice to use your tongue on me, Prince, I never asked you to." Daemon groaned as you pulled away, you unable to hide your smirk at the power you currently had over this man, "besides," you continue, "can't have you distracted before the start of the festivities." "I said I was sorry," Daemon pouts like a child. "You actually didn't," you say, placing a hand on his cheek, "but when you win, I'll give you all the kisses you want. ANYwhere you want. It'll be worth it."
Daemon made a small smile, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "I shall do my best then to earn those kisses." "Good luck, Prince," you laugh a bit and exit the tent to join Rhaenyra at her box.
------present day: Kaer Morhen-----------
You walk into the dinning hall with Ciri, seeing Geralt still there at the table with Lambert, Eskel, and Coen.
To your surprise, you notice Lambert holding Aemma in his arms.
"She really grows on you, doesn't she?" Eskel says, leaning in to make faces at the baby. "Yeah, when she's not screaming for ma in the middle of the night that is," Coen mutters, taking a bite of some bread, "but she is adorable. If only we knew who the father was."
"Well, we can rule out Geralt," Lambert jokes, "given that being a witcher had made him seedless."
"Very funny," Geralt deadpans, sipping from his mug.
"Seriously though," Eskel states, looking into the baby's face, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone with this type of blonde hair, it's almost silver." "And violet eyes," Coen adds, "unusual, unless the father was part elf."
"You people are really that eager to know who the father is?" you interrupt the conversation, getting the wolves' attention.
"Oh uh, good morning, (y/n)," Lambert greets. "Don't you lot have super senses or something?" you ask, taking a seat at the table, "I thought you would've heard Ciri and I walking from across the hall."
The witchers exchanged looks. "We got distracted," Coen provides for an excuse, "you daughter was distracting us."
"Really?" you snort, "far as I can see, she's been quiet this whole time."
"Uh, Lambert, I can see you and Aemma are having a special bonding moment, but I'd like to spend some time with her now," you reach out and the witcher gives you to her, seemingly reluctantly, "Huh, I never would've expected this from you." "To be fair, none of would expected this," Eskel smirks. "Why is this so surprising?" Lambert asks in disbelief. "I may admittedly be a little rough around the edges but I'm not a fucking monster."
"Hey, watch you language," you scold, giving Aemma a kiss on the cheek.
"Why is your face flushed?" Geralt asked Ciri as she took a seat next to him. Ciri straighten up a bit thinking about an answer to give him, "I uh, I was warming up in my room before we start training." "Oh she was warming up alright," you say with a smug look. Geralt frowned at you and her, not sure what that meant.
"Uh, where's Tris?" Ciri looks around. "We were running low on herbs in the alchemy lab," Geralt tells her, "She went with Vesemir to go gather some more."
"Knowing Vesemir, that'll be an all day task," Lambert snorts, "they have to be the right height, growth, and some other shit like that." 
"Lambert," you scold in a firm tone, "Not in front of Aemma." "How is that swearing?" Lambert exasperates, "I heard you say that over and over again last night!"
"Huh?" "What was that?" you and Geralt perk up.
Eskel, Coen, and Lambert exchange looks, "these walls are kind of thin," Eskel points out.
"Gross," Ciri mutters, taking a bite of food.
You felt your face heat up realizing what that meant. "Uh, Ciri" you ask hesitantly, "did you...?" "Nope," Ciri says quickly getting up, "I thankfully don't have witcher senses." Geralt had a look of confusion on his face. You lean in to ask him, "Geralt, did she ever get some kind of talk from her grandparents before...?" "I did, I don't need to have it again!" Ciri calls out, practically running out of the hall at this point.
The other witchers couldn't help but chuckle at this awkward situation.
Thankfully Aemma started fussing to be fed again, "I better go feed Aemma now," you say, quickly getting up.
"What, you can stay and whip em out for-" Lambert calls out, only to get nudged in the ribs by Geralt and earning a stern look from the white haired witcher.
----------------flashback: Red Keep Post tourney------------
It was late in the night when you roamed the halls, intent on getting some sleep.
It had been a long day.
The tourney, the death of the Queen and her newborn son, the funeral that followed after, it was all a lot to process right now.
You weren't close with the king or queen, but Rhaenyra was clearly grieving from the loss of her mother and newborn brother. When you were called to entertain her, she had you stop in the middle of your first song, which was a mourning song in elven which seemed appropriate for the occasion. With tears in her eyes, the princess had you dismissed early. You couldn't blame her, she needed some time alone to process her grief.
You had thinking about how the queen had died, having heard what the maesters did, cutting the poor woman open in order to save the babe, all without sedatives or herbs to numb the pain. You could only imagine how horrible the procedure it must've been for the poor queen, and how painful her death must've been; if this had been in any of the courts in the Continent, at least a mage would've been there to help ease the pains of labor and have spells on hand to turn the babe or sedate the queen if it came to that.
If you ever found yourself with child, you would pray you would be on the Continent when the time came to give birth.
You also thought about the king, and how he must've felt being in this position. You knew Viserys loved his wife, and to be put in this situation to choose to save his son or risk losing both, and only for both to be lost anyway...
You looked to see the door to Daemon's chambers was slightly cracked open. You didn't know if the man was in there right now, but you had no interest in knowing, especially after what you heard what he said earlier among his men.
Right when you passed though you heard his voice, "where do you think you're going at this hour, Little Lark?"
That moment, the prince came out and approached you. 
Before this, you were having a great time watching this man compete.
Daemon may had asked for Lady Alicent's favor at the tourney earlier today, but you knew his gazed was fixed on you when you stood by Rhaenyra's side.
You were about to turn, but Daemon was quick and pulled you back, "you finished earlier then usual this evening," the prince states. "Let me go," you struggle. "Why would I do that?" Daemon asks with a smirk, "have you forgotten so quickly what you promised me?" "You didn't win," you point out, "I'm not obligated to give you anything." 
Daemon grabbed your chin so you can face him. "Why put yourself through this hell you created?" he questions, "you want me, I know this."
"Why would I want you, especially after what you just said?" you scoff, succeeding in pulling back. "What I said?" "Your sister-in-law is dead, as is your nephew," you bring up, "your brother and niece are grieving from the loss, but instead of grieving with them you run off to the Silk Street and drink and celebrate your status as Heir. From what I heard, you referred to the dead babe as 'Heir for a Day'." "He was," Daemon points out, "even less then that as he only lived for a few hours."
"You truly have no shame," you say in disgust, "all you care about is yourself. You have got to be the most selfish, arrogant, insufferable person I've ever had the misfortune to come across." "Yet, you've never stopped me or pushed me away before, Little Lark," Daemon points out. "Don't call me that!" you exclaim, "I hate it when you call me that! I'm not your pet, I'm a person. And you're not a dragon. You...you..." "I'm what?" Daemon asks, a dark look in his face.
"You're a snake," you spat out, "A spineless, limbless snake." "I'd watch your tongue," Daemon warns, "this is a battle you can't win." "Ha, don't make me laugh," you joylessly laugh, "You come at me like you did Ser Criston, I'm sure I'd be the victor. Especially if you beat your chest and shout to the crowd rather then wait for me to yield like some brainless rock troll!"
Daemon grabbed your hair and pushed you against the wall. You grab onto the hand that was holding your hair and try to yank him off, but he takes his other hand to pin your hand to the wall.
You struggled when to break free while Daemon merely stared at you darkly. You stop when you realized how close his face was to yours.
Next thing you his lips were on yours.
You feel a hand going under your skirts, but this time you slap him away.
"I mean it, Daemon!" you say with a stern tone, "I don't want anything to do with you right now. I would've made an exception after the tourney, but after that display of disregard for the life of your family, I had second thoughts."
"If I wanted lectures about my conduct, I would've gone to my brother," Daemon mutters, making you roll your eyes and turn away, "We all mourn in different ways," he continues, leaning into you, sighing a bit, "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, (y/n)." "Don't tell me, tell your niece and brother, they're the ones who are hurting right now," you say. "I know. And they're not the only ones right now," Daemon says, voice muffled into your neck, "I kept my word not to stick my prick in other women as promised. Please allow me to keep grieving my way while also upholding my promise. I wish to hear your sweet voice again...please, (y/n)."  
You sigh and turn around, ready to scold him again. But the moment you saw Daemon's face, you could see the tired look in his eyes, like he was bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders. You've seen that look before, in the face of another man you once cared for.
The Queen was Daemon's family too, and he had suffered a loss.
You sigh, hands moving to card through his long, soft, hair as you press your lips to his.
He took you to his room and you allowed him to do what he needed, what he wanted, if only to make him forget for a while.
He was fast and rough at first, but as soon as he came inside you, his movements became slower.
When the both of you were spent, you rested your head on Daemon's chest as he pulled you in and gave you a kiss on the head.
"Sing to me, Little Lark," you hear him whisper.
You did as he request, singing the same elven song you sang to the princess earlier today.
Chapter 6
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spiderrmax · 1 year
grand wizard cartman & an elf!s/o
request: wizard cartman w/ an elf reader?? romantic ofc author's note: this ends a bit abruptly as i didn't know where to go after i wrote "oh." i hope it's still enjoyable nonetheless :D
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You don’t remember when your personal feud with the Grand Wizard started. Humans and elves have hated each other since the sun first rose, but your personal vendetta against the Grand Wizard is only old enough that it’s origin blurs into your mind, with the rest of your memories
It’s noticeable too; whenever you are in battle against him, he only targets you with his attacks. His allies clearly hate it, hoping to be more strategic, but are unable to due to the hatred he has settled in his heart.
You leave every battle burnt and bruised because he is the only one attacking you; you return the energy, but as an archer you can only pierce so much. You start dipping your arrows into damage poisons, in order to cause him more harm.
However, in one battle, him against you and a couple elves, you are able to get him down due to his constant targeting of you. Your friends leave the battle unharmed, and as you stand, wounded, you notice he isn’t moving.
The other elves have already walked off, and you glance back at his unconscious self, you take a gamble. You place a healing potion next to him, under the guise of stealing some of his items.
He is able to open his eyes, just enough to see you placing a potion next to him, then standing up to leave. 
Things change after that; hate and love is the same passion, and the two of you start to teeter that line.
He still targets you, taunting when you fight, but instead of insults they become teasingly flirts.
Miss a shot? “Maybe you should focus on the target instead of staring at me.”
Get a shot? “Damn hotshot!”
If you ever make eye contact with him he will wink at you. It’s a bit embarrassing but it has blood rushing to your face either way.
You’re so confused at what happened. You assume it had to with the potion, because that is the only nice thing you ever did for him.
Your partner in battle is always so confused; his allies are just excited he isn’t throwing battles so he can always hit you.
“Dude, what is up with you and The Grand Wizard?” Stan asks you, sitting on the floor near your bed. You dramatically collapse onto said bed, laying so your head is close to him. You speak into the blanket, “I don’t know!” “Well get it under control! You keep making goo-goo eyes and missing easy shots. It’s embarrassing. He’s a human.” His voice gets close to a whisper, and you can hear the disgust in his voice. “I don’t like him! He’s just using a new tactic to distract me. He probably thinks it’s funny.” You explain, pulling you head out of the blanket to make eye contact with him, to solidify what you said; to make it the truth. Stan gives you a look, one of knowing with one eyebrow raised. All you can do is groan, and fall back into the blanket.
It honestly gets worse as time progresses, the flirting and the comments.
The Grand Wizard enjoys your bashed looks, confusion, and flimsy shots when he perfectly times a comment.
One night when he can't fall asleep, he finds himself thinking of you, your laughter and shy smiles. He doesn't think he should be thinking of the enemy outside of battle, and like this.
He can only come to one conclusion: you gave him a love potion. That "health" potion you gave him was actually a love potion!
It explains how the flirtatious remarks and teasing comments come from his mouth so easily, why you've consumed his thoughts.
So, he decides that night, to confront you about it. But he has to get you alone (this could harm his reputation!)
It takes him a bit to get into a solo fight with you; you seem to always be with a partner. When he finally sees you alone, he challenges you. You’re caught off guard, but have to agree as he gets into position.
Luckily, you don’t have to fight. Cartman gets to go first, and does a close up target. You go to block, but there is no point, he grabs your wrist, and whispers close to your ear. “Tonight at dusk, meet me at Stark’s Pond.” The fight ends after that.
You’re left flabbergasted. (Also why did he speak directly into your ear and also why was his voice attractive? Maybe Stan had a point.)
Deciding not to tell anyone, out of fear of being talked out of it, you arrive at Star’s Pond.
The first thing you notice is that he isn’t there, leaving you alone with the anxiety as to what he could need. Your relationship with him is weird, changing like tides that keep pulling you under. You bounce on your heels, watching as the winds blow the tall grass that borders the lake. The sway of the cattails is mesmerizing, and makes you forget why you’re in here in the first place; at least, for just a moment. Footsteps appear from behind you, and with how the moonlight casts his shadow, you feel no need to turn around.  “I’m glad you could make it, I need to talk to you.” His voice is muffled by the wind, forcing you to turn around and step closer in order to hear him more. He’s still wearing his hat, but it’s slanted, allowing some of his brown hair to be shown; it’s a mix of weird and domestic to see him in a more relaxed state. He’s still intimidating, so you straighten your back, and nod your head, an approval for him to keep speaking. “I must admit, your power is strong, and keeping it secret is smart. But I’d like you to explain to me how you charmed me, and did it so well.” He smiles at you, titling his head slightly wanting you to speak. Your eyebrows furrow, and puzzlement stirs through you. What was he talking about? Subconsciously, you pick at the skin around your nails. “I, uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about, sorry.” Cartman laughs, closing the distance between you two even more. “No, I know you do. I wouldn’t willingly flirt with an elf.” You open your mouth then shut it, unable to think of what to say. Does he think you bewitched him into acting this way? When you don’t respond fast enough, he speaks again, “It must be your health potion. And here I thought you were being nice. No, you spiked me with a love potion!” He laughs, as if he hit the mark. After he is done with his victory laughter, he looks at you with triumph in his eyes. It comes crashing down, as you admit: “I’ve never charmed you. I don’t do magic, I’m an archer. Sorry.” His eyes glare, then realization dawns. Oh. Oh.
Realizing that he actually loved you and wasn’t charmed made Cartman want to throw up, die and curl up into a ball. It also made him want to dance and walk you home. Everything is too much, dizzying and nauseating as he locks himself in his tower. 
He watches you realize what he’s realized. Your face is painted with shock, but a small smile makes its way onto your lips. 
It’s all he needs as confirmation; warm hands grab your cheeks and he kisses you.
Everything is kept a secret after the coin flips from hatred to love; you think King Kyle would behead you if he knew the level of treason you were committing. (Treason: enjoying the company of the Grand Wizard.)
The flirting stays the same; no one really questions it because you occasionally miss shots to keep up the embarrassed facade, as if you hate it.
The stupid pet names, the pick up lines, and everything in between makes you giddy.
The two of you meet up during the night; Stark's Pond is always your go-to place.
You bury yourself deep in the forest, so you can laugh loudly at his jokes without worry you’ll be found.
He enjoys kissing you, even if you’re laughing into it.
With a disgusting amount of affection in his voice, he refers to you as his elf.
You once made a joke about you guys being like Romeo and Juliet, and he didn’t get the reference. 
“Hey, this is kind of random, but do you remember when you’d just beat me up? Why did you do that?” You ask one night, curiosity burning you. “Oh, I thought you were pretty, and hoped that punching your face would ruin it.” He shrugs, tugging his hat off so he could lay his head on your shoulder. “You thought my face was pretty before I gave you the potion, and still thought I charmed you?” You snort, laughing enough he can feel it in your chest. “Hey!”
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Attending Hogwarts w/ the DSMP: Year 1
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A.N: this took so long to write T^T
Includes: Dream, Sapnap, Badboyhalo + Skeppy, Quackity + Slimecicle, Nihachu
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: these are probably gonna be a bit long
Hogwarts Series || Prologue
Reminder: Some characters appear in some years, some don't, it depends on how their story w/ the reader goes
❝ Dream ❞
As the train departed on it's way to Hogwarts, we can find Dream and Sapnap in a compartment, happily watching outside the window while they exchange some small talk
Dream was currently telling the other all he knew about magic and Hogwarts, since Sapnap was born from a none magical family and all of this was new to him
But their conversation was cut short as a figure walked into their compartment
You stood at the door, eyes scanning the two boys infront of you
"Hi, ehm, have you seen a frog jump by? A boy named Neville just lost one" you asked the duo
Sapnap was the first to speak up "Nope. Is it normal for frogs to just jump around the train?"
"Some students can have them has pets, so, yeah" you chuckled and turned to the blonde to see if he had seen something, but he didn't say anything
"O...k, well, if you see anything we're two compartments away"
Sapnap couldn't help but laugh as soon as you left at Dreams enchanted face
The blonde couldn't explain it, but he had found you so fascinating
From the way you confidently stood by the door and kindly answered his friends question without wondering why he didn't know
And so he had a goal. To get to know you and, potentially, date you before school ended
He tried his best in your first year
He would show off during flying class, even if he got a broom to the face while he was distracted by you;
He paired up with you during potions, but caused an explotion and got both of you in detention;
He even tried to talk to you during lunch or dinner, but something would always come inbetween his plans.
At the end of the school year, the blonde was defeated. He was ready to just throw the towel and give up
Well, he was
"Oh, Dream!" You called out as you spotted him near the great hall
You stopped in front of him and gave him a small smile "Is this by any chance your cat? She was wondering around the dungeons"
Dream was surprised from the interaction, but quickly recovered, he couldn't be uncool in front of you "Yeah, yeah! Thank you" he said as he picked Patches from your arms
"No problem, she's such a cutie! Maybe next year we can hang out more so I can play a bit with her"
"Sure" Dream calmly said, as his mind was freaking out. There it is, his first step towards victory! He couldn't wait for next year
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❝ Sapnap ❞
You and Dream decided to go togheter to Diagon Alley, since you were both going to Hogwarts, and happened to stumble upon a lost pup- I mean, Sapnap
He was overwhelmed and confused by everything that was happening around him, so he didn't know where to start
"Do you by any chance need help?" you dragged Dream with you and approached the boy
He looked at you two like you were his saviours "YES! I am so lost!"
You three went from shop to shop togheter
You got your wands from Olivander, not without causing a wreck in the shop;
You got your robes and hats that made you three look like little elfs;
You bought the insane in of books you needed and looked into some of them
Dream was interested in Defense against the Dark Arts, you were showing off all the creatures in the "Care of Magical Creatures" book you saw at the library, while Sapnap was trying to comprehend all these new subjects
You three even passed by the brooms display and gleed at the Ninbus 2000
While also explaining to Sapnap what quidditch was
By the end of the day he couldn't wait to learn more about this new life he was about to live
And you and Dream were ready to help him though it
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❝ Badboyhalo & P!Skeppy ❞
Not even a month in the school year and Skeppy was having a prank war w/ the Weasley Twins
They had recognised his talent and decided to challenge him to see if he was worthy of befriending them
And Skeppy was all about it
Bad, on the other hand, couldn't believe the trouble his best friend was getting himself into
On one fateful day, you ended up under one of Skeppy's pranks meant for the twins
He was levitating two buckets of color changing potions on the classroom door, but Bad bumped into him while trying to stop him, and ended up dumping it on you
You hair went through a range of rainbow colors as the other student laughed at you
You sent a glare towards the duo and ran out of the classroom, Bad and Skeppy following your trail
"We are so so sorry, he didn't mean for this to happen. Right Skeppy?!" Bad montioned for Skeppy to talk
"I mean yeah, technically it was for the twins-" Bad hit Skeppy's shoulder "OW, ok, I'm sorry...but you have to admit it was pretty hilarious-" "SKEPPY!"
You listened to them argue the entire journey to the infirmary
At first you were pissed, nobody expects to be thrown a random potion first thing in the morning
But hearing them quarell like a comedic duo made your mood a bit better
The duo made sure that the potion could be taken off and that you were ok before leaving you alone
You thought that was the last time you'd see them...until the next day at breakfast
The duo sat down infront of you in the great hall, smile plastered on their faces
"Can I help you...?" You questioned as you studied them both
Bad gave Skeppy a little push "OK, ehm, we have something to give you. As a sorry for yesterday..."
They placed a muffin shaped plushie on the table. It smiled at you with it's cute plushie-charm and you took it in your hands
"Heh, it's cute. Ehm, thanks, I guess"
Bad and Skeppy cheered "So...water under the bridge?" Bad asked happily
"Sure, but, no pranks at me for the rest of the time we're at school togheter" you pointed at Skeppy
"No promises" you glared at his answer "I take it back, I promise!"
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❝ Quackity & Slimecicle ❞
You didn't know for how long you could keep this secretly
It honestly hurt you to not be able to be truthful with your two best friends
But the magical world had rules, and you weren't very fond of meeting the Ministry anytime soon
So you kept your mouth shut and just enjoyed these last few days of the summer before you have to "go to a private school"
"Is that an owl at the window?" Quackity asked and Charlie turned to see
You were internally panicking as the owl hooted at you. Was this really the way they were gonna find out? And why did the owl come to Quackity's house and not your own
Unless...you shook away those thoughts. It couldn't be. What are the odds that one, if not both, of them are wizards
That could never happen
"Look, there are three now!" Charlie exclaimed and cooed at the owls
"They're holding letters" Quackity commented
What are the odds, huh?
You told both of them to open the window and let them in
You three read out loud the letters dedicated to each of you
The two boys looked at you curiously, waiting for some sort of explanation since you seemed to be the only one who knew what was going on
But after a long talk alone, and later with your parents, you three were planning the next day at Diagon Alley
That night you also had a sleepover, where you told the duo all about the magical world and Hogwarts
They listened carefully and excitedly
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❝ Nihachu ❞
It was half way though the first year
By now everybody knew eachother well
And new students have gotten used to the life at Hogwarts
But maybe some got too comfortable
You are not one to start a fight or get inbetween people when they're arguing
Unless necessary obviously
"Hey Niki, why don't you morph into the ugly monster that you are? Hahaha"
"Trying to get others attention by changing hair color? Pathetic."
These are unnecessary comments that really irked you
The girl in question, Niki, was one of the kindest Hufflepuff you had ever met
You two stumbled upon eachother during charms
She helped you with you "Wingardium Leviosa" and also sat by you during lunch just to converse a little
Some students didn't like Niki like you did, because she's a Metamorphagus
And rumors spread around that she just wanted to get everybody's attention by being "different"
Funnily enough the rumors were started by none other then the girls who were attacking Niki right now
So you certainly could not stay there and not say anything as they attacked one of your new friends
"Look into the mirror, let's see who's the real ugly monster. Oh wait, you can't, cause it would probably break upon seeing you" your exclamation caught the attention of the students nearby, who stopped to look at the scene
"What, are you trying to start something?" The girl tried to scare you, but you just gave her a laugh
"Sorry...I don't talk to inferior people who put down others for things they don't do." You took Niki's hand and walked away
You deeply hoped that the other girl would be embarassed and move on
Oh she was embarassed, but she didn't move on
She used a jinx to make you and Niki fall
But, unfortunately for her, Professor Tristin (mumza) was just walking by and caught her in the act
You and Niki were now safe and closer then ever
After all, you did stand up for her even with all the stupid rumors surrounding her
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lilyoffandoms · 9 months
For your requests, anything Maiele and Daenarya! Missing those besties! 💖💖💖
Blades AU Drabble - Maiele & Daenarya
Warnings & A/N: No warnings, just a simple museum date and these two (and Mal) finding new ways to tease Tyril. Thank you so much for indulging me in my favorites always 😘
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“He did not!” Maiele’s loud whisper bounced off the high walls and vaulted ceilings of the quiet museum.
“Oh he definitely did,” Daenarya grinned.
“Yes,” she nodded at Maiele beside her, who’s mouth stood agape at the story he had just heard, temporarily - but thoroughly - distracted from the painting before them.
“Does he ever think through anything?” Maiele giggled and glanced back at Mal arguing over the artistic merits of some sculptor with Tyril.
“Never,” she giggled and glanced the same way. Biting her lower lip as Mal turned to wink at her.
“What do you suppose they are talking about?” Mal asked Tryil who was still going on about the artist’s unique vision and practiced technique.
“What?” Tryil sputtered to a stop, mid thought.
“They keep looking over here and giggling. What do you suppose they are talking about?”
Tyril looked over at the two friends who were indeed stealing glances at them and hiding smiles and laughter behind their hands.
“Clearly they are gossiping,” he determined and turned back to the piece they had been considering. “How can you not see that the artist values the form of the stone she works in as much as the final form she gives life to?”
“Gossiping? Does Maiele have something juicy to share? Did he tell you? Do you have gossip? Tell me,” Mal said in a single breath.
“No. They are clearly gossiping about you,” Tryil sighed.
“Me,” Mal’s pleased smirked spread.
“Yes, you. And if I am wrong, which I’m not, I am positive Daenarya will provide you with all the details you desire when you return home. Which will hopefully be soon,” he mumbled the last under his breath. “Now will you focus,” he huffed.
“Oh I’m focused alright,” Mal stood distracted by Daenarya now whispering something to Maiele again.
“On the art.”
“Oh she’s definitely a work of art,” Mal hummed in consideration of Daenarya’s form that he continued to study.
“This artwork,” Tyril muttered and gestured to the sculpture.
“I don’t-“ Mal began, fully planning on picking their previous argument back up for the fun of it, when an older docent stopped beside them.
“It is so wonderful to see lovely young couples out on museum dates, don’t you agree?” he smiled and pointed to Daenarya and Maiele who, having overheard the exchange, linked hands and Daenarya brought Maiele’s hand to her lips for a kiss.
“They play the lovey dovey couple quite well, don’t you think, elf boy?”
“Oh they aren’t together,” Tyril began to explain to the docent.
“But we are,” Mal smirked wickedly.
He failed in his attempt to take Tyril’s hand in his own, being met with only swats, he instead opted for a kiss, leaning up onto his tiptoes to kiss Tyril’s cheek and smirking more when Tyril simply sputtered and blushed a violent purple.
“We are not! No, you don’t understand. He is simply-“ Tyril protested.
“Ah!” the docent smiled, “I do so adore young love. Enjoy your date.”
With that he walked away and Mal slipped his arm around Tyril’s waist, grinning madly. Tyril resigned himself to his fate as Maiele and Daenarya walked hand in hand towards them with bright, mischievous grins.
“You do make a lovely couple,” Daenarya smirked.
“The loveliest,” Maiele agreed wholeheartedly.
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
Tyril Tag: @lawrencebarkley @starlight-starfury
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theelvenhaven · 11 months
Not So Secret
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Vanifinwe x Family
2.1k words
Request: Hey is there any possibility to do a request about your Original character Vanifinwe and their family discovering she is dating an elf during the days of peace in Valinor? Maybe a Vanyar elf from the house of Ingwe? 🤪
A/N: Absolutely you can! I always take requests for Vani! :) Hope you enjoy!
* * *
Vanifinwë was quiet as her brothers all chattered along to one another around the dinner table. Her fork gently pushing around her food as she wore a faint smile on her lips as she recounted her morning with Ingwion. It had been sweet and tender, the way he held her hand and kissed it. Even better was the sweet poem he had written her to take home with her, and she read it over and over again. 
Practically memorizing the poem he had written to her, now the issue was just trying to find a way to break the news of courtship to her father. Ingwion had been confident that his father would see no issue with their courtship and that their union would be welcomed. But there was her father to contest with… Seeing as he shirked off every blond that wasn’t the same shade as his mother’s and Tyelkormo. 
It made her hesitate, she had been trying all week as she told Ingwion she would tell him this week so they could make a formal announcement. As he said he’d tell his father this week too, but Vanifinwë found it harder and harder the longer time went on and she was quickly running out of time. 
But she tried not to dwell on that as she pushed her food around some more before picking up the glass of wine to sip on. Still lost completely in her thoughts, 
“What’s on your mind anelya? You’ve been awfully quiet.” Fëanaro’s voice suddenly spoke up over the hustle and bustle at the table, that didn’t stop just because he was talking to her now. Vanifinwë began to blush some, figuring she would be overlooked by her father and what was going on with her. Like he had for the past week or so, but no… This time he was paying too much attention to her. 
Unbeknownst to her, Fëanaro had noticed her change in behavior and had been carefully watching her all week. Someone had come into her life and she wasn’t being very forthcoming with the information. He wanted to support his daughter, but couldn’t if she didn’t give him the opportunity too. He loved her and if this ner or nis made her happy who was he to be upset otherwise?
“Oh-I-Uh nothing Atya.” Vanifinwë lied with a stutter trying not to look so wide eyed, catching Tyelkormo’s attention who began to grin as he looked at her. Vanifinwë turned her head away from their father to look at him and immediately she paled, oh no. He knew. 
Eru damn him, she thought to herself because now their father was going to know for certain who she was courting. Or at least trying to court. 
“Oh I know what’s on her mind.” Tyelkormo said, and Vanifinwë shot him a glare, grateful the rest of their brothers were still distracted with one another. Too busy to notice the chaos that was about to ensue… But she supposed they’d be roped into it then. She set her goblet down on the table as Fëanaro opened his mouth to speak. 
“Oh? Do you now? I did not realize you were well acquainted with Vanifinwë’s mind to know better.” Fëanaro said, skewing a sharp black eyebrow as he looked down at his son and Nerdanel sighed out knowing an argument was bound to ensue if she didn’t intervene now. 
“Tyelko, it is not your place to be telling Vanifinwë’s business.” But the ner just grinned out mischievously, and Nerdanel dead panned her son. Giving him a warning look, but Tyelkormo was not deterred by any of his parents- let alone his sister- trying to deter him from spilling the proverbial beans. 
“She’s thinking about kissing- OW!” Tyelkormo switched to a growl as there was a thud against his shin from Vanifinwë’s foot. Her glare was even more fierce than his, rubbing his shin he stuck his tongue out at her as if that would stick it to her. 
“Ingwion! She’s thinking about Ingwion!” Tyelkormo practically hollered out quickly before his sister could get in another shot at his shins or knees and Vanifinwë’s face began to blush a bright red. Her eyes went wide and she clenched her jaw tight as she stared at her brother, 
“Traitor!” She responded in a hiss, and Fëanaro paused in his eating as Nerdanel began to choke on her drink and all eyes fell on Vanifinwë. Oftentimes she was used to the dead pan of her brothers all staring at her. But not when it came to matters of the heart, Vanifinwë kept those things under lock and key until she was ready to share them. 
But clearly Tyelkormo was going to do it anyways, regardless of her attempts to try and top him from telling the whole world. Vanifinwë was usually brave and courageous, but she wished to sink to the floor and under the table away from Fëanaro’s prying eyes that stared intensely at her. 
“Why is Vanifinwë thinking about Ingwion?” There was an edge to his voice, one that spelled out disapproval for Vanifinwë. But it didn’t stop Tyelkormo now that he got the attention he was wholly desiring to get in telling his sisters business, 
“Tyelko, not another word.” Nerdanel said firmly, but Fëanaro moved his eyes from Vanifinwë who was hiding her face in her hands, to Nerdanel. 
“No, I want to know. Why is Vanifinwë thinking about someone who is related to Indis?” Indis came out in a hiss, and the scowl on her fathers face had grown tenfold. Nerdanel looked to Fëanaro and then to Vanifinwë, gently bringing her hand to hold Vanifinwë’s arm as she kept her face hidden in her hands. Nerdanel knew precisely why Vanifinwë was thinking of Ingwion, Tyelkormo didn’t need to explain any further. 
“Because they were k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” Tyelkormo said teasingly, singing ‘kissing’ like one would do in the rhymes. Fëanaro’s face went from frustration to shock and then right back to frustration, 
“Tyelkormo that is enough.” Nerdanel retorted out sharply, but Tyelkormo only smiled at his mother innocently, 
“Anelya, look at me. Were you kissing that ner? While you aren’t courting for starts!?” He said in exasperation, as if it were some great surprise that his daughter would have a romantic interest in someone. Though Vanifinwë knew it was mostly because of her choice of ner, who wasn’t from a good Noldorin background. 
But a Vanyarin one instead. 
Like Indis. Related to Indis. 
Finally Vanifinwë took a deep breath and lifted her head up from her hands and looked at her father, blinking back the tears of embarrassment. She could strangle Tyelkormo right about now, but she wasn’t going too. It wouldn’t change that the cat was virtually out of the bag now. Nerdanel only moved to gently start rubbing herback. 
“Why were you kissing him?” There was a note of disgust in his voice at the idea of her kissing a family member of Indis. 
“Because… We are… courting, Atya.” Vanifinwë faltered, usually not afraid to stand up to her father but for the moment she was. Knowing how big of a no no this was, he despised Indis and that included the family she came from despite how cordial he might be to Ingwe when he had to interact with them. 
The whole room was silent and everyone looked between one another save Vanifinwë and Fëanaro who stared at one another. The blush was still evident on her face, rivaling the color of her gown she wore. She could see her father run through a myriad of emotions as he sat at the head of the table, leaning back in his chair and resting his chin on his hand, clenching his jaw and his brows were furrowed. 
No one knew whether to give Vanifinwë congratulations or their condolences at the moment, seeing the predicament she was in. For once the youngest was in some kind of trouble- needlessly so in all of her brothers eyes. But Tyelkormo was reveling in the chaos he had caused, knowing as always their father would come around for her. Though Vanifinwë wasn’t so sure that he would this time.
“Why? Why in Eru’s name are you courting him?” He asked trying not to hiss it out to her, keeping his scowl and not moving from his spot, 
“Naro, you are being far too harsh.” Nerdanel chimed in, but Fëanaro didn’t budge. Vanifinwë swallowed thickly for a moment, as she sat back in her chair shooting Tyelkormo a glare. She supposed it was better they got it over with now, but not quite in this manner. Damn him. 
“Atya we are courting because we have feelings for another, I care for Ingwion regardless of who he shares relation with.” Vanifinwë answered a little more firmly and with confidence about her decision and why she was courting Ingwion. The bandage was ripped off now, so there was no turning back. But Fëanaro still didn’t seem too pleased by her answer, he knew he should’ve kept her somewhere else while Ingwion was visiting on business…
“For the love of Eru Vanifinwë, you know how I feel about that family.” Fëanaro said to her in exasperation,
“Feel that way about Indis if you will Atya, but I don’t see what Ingwion has to do with her. They are simply related distantly and has nothing to do with me and Ingwion’s feelings for one another.” Vanifinwë said arguing back, 
“Atya, Vanifinwë should be able to court whom she pleases, Ingwion is a good ner.” Nelyafinwë spoke up garnering Fëanaro’s attention, who quietly thunk over his eldest sons words. Which were true, she bit her tongue as Makalaurë seemed to open his mouth to speak, 
“Yes I agree with Nelyo, he is a good and respectable ner and Atya he’s Prince, which I am sure you know since he has been around the Palace.” Makalaurë added, and Vanifinwë watched as Carnistir hummed and so did Curufinwë. She quietly hoped that they too would come to her rescue on this matter and not give their father a chance to argue with her further and force her to end the courtship. 
“He is agreeable… Too kind if you want my opinion on the matter.” Curufinwë grumbled as if it were reprehensible that Ingwion have such a good heart, the only people who wouldn’t have an opinion on Ingwion were Tyelkormo and Ambarussa. Carnistir simply didn’t look like he was in the mood to say something on the subject knowing it would just be crass retaliation. 
“So all of you are just going to supersede me on this matter?” Fëanaro asked in an offended tone as he looked between them all, all of them made a face and began to nod at their fathers words and Vanifinwë sighed in relief. 
“I mean she could do worse.” Tyelkormo finally added with a shining smile, Vanifinwë still wanted to strangle him for even opening up this can of worms. Though it was finally out in the open and this time she seemed to have her brothers backing her, even Tyelkormo despite him opening this mess up for her father. 
Fëanaro on the other hand was fuming that his whole family would turn on him so quickly and not in defense of his hatred of Indis and her family. He ground his teeth and his face began to turn red, this time it was Nerdanel’s turn to put a hand on her husband to try and comfort him. 
“Naro.. This is the only ner Vanifinwë has shown interest in, we should be supportive.” Nerdanel said sweetly, softening Fëanaro only a little bit. He looked to Nerdanel before taking a big huff out of his nose, 
“I need time to think…” He grumbled out, scooting out his chair and moving to leave before he stormed off from the room. 
“I could kill you.” Vanifinwë said to Tyelkormo immediately, and he began to laugh giving her his most charming smile. 
“But you won’t. Plus thank me for it, now you and Ingwion can do your official announcement or whatever.” Tyelkormo said to her, and there was a collective sigh in frustration, 
“There were better ways to do it than doing that Tyelko.” Nerdanel chastised, and Tyelkormo simply shrugged before he too began to leave the table. Vanifinwë simply sat backin her chair taking a deep breath. 
“He’ll come around, Vani.” Maitimo said, though he hid the uncertainty that was in his voice, not wishing to worry her. But Vanifinwë herself seemed skeptical of that, regardless she gave him a small smile. 
“I sure hope so.” 
“Now that everything is not so secret anymore, when do we meet him?” Makalaurë asked and Vanifinwë smiled. 
“Soon I hope, once Atya has calmed down.” She responded,
“Perfect, in the meantime I think you owe us details on how this courtship came about.” Maitimo answered with a smile. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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master-k0hga · 6 months
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| B R A D Y |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Last OC ref in my drafts before I post the couple other lots later today (Cuz I think I might've missed like one or two, not like this post would be done and posted before I have to leave for work anyways..)
This is Brady, also part of the Frostclaw tribe (and again, everyone from this project were former Yiga OCs..). Brady is a nervous wreck and seems very timid and sweet on the outside.. In fact he kind of is, except that he's obsessed with the town's local chef to an unhealthily unhinged degree. Like full on stalkerish fan and also in love too..
But other than that, if he's not being obsessed, he can be kinda chill too...
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Brady Species: Ice Elf General Personality: Sensitive, kind, nervous, love-struck, emotional, jealous, sweet Height: 6ft “8” Relationship Status: Single
Extra Info:
He works part time in the local library of the town, mostly works at the little shop that resides near the back of the library itself along with a small café inside too. Absolutely filled with glee when they get a delivery for new books each month, especially when Jackson's cookbooks are in the monthly delivery
Is a fan of Jackson and his food, loves to go to every restaurant and bakery to try out the food; However is a little disappointed when the food isn't up to par with the "man himself"
Loves food and can be quite the food critic, believe it or not even though he's just some average joe, he does inspire some beginner chefs with his whimsical critiques; Although sometimes his opinions tend to get shut down when he starts comparing food to his favourite chef
He can get rather jealous very quickly, so his obsessiveness can sometimes get the better of him. His traits can be toxic however that seems to be a mechanism his brain triggers when he feels "threatened". Does go to therapy trying to control it but tends to purposefully miss out on his sessions for obvious reasons
Sometimes when there are updates or other public announcements about the town he doesn't usually keep up to date with much, due to lacking understanding, his personal stresses and whatnot. It's not exactly a bad thing; However he does become misunderstood sometimes because he doesn't keep up or show any empathy for something. People just need patience is all
He's not a fighter for the town but he is part of a small force who defend it when it comes to emergencies or last-minute procedures; Although dangers don't come around here as much as they used to, sometimes you get the odd rebels from the outer walls of the town infiltrating and causing a slight ruckus now and then
He loves reading and listening to audio books, especially to help him sleep. Or even when he's washing dishes or doing chores
Flails his hands in excitement, especially towards interests or things he enjoys. It's cute
He doesn't have many friends, but he enjoys talking to his regular customers, seeing as most are mainly old ladies or visitors who have decided to stay in the tourist/vacation side of town. It's helped his socials skills quite a bit despite still having a little ways to go
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Words aren't working, forgetting what words to use for these now and I hate it.. Oh well not like that matters anyways, but still have loads of these to go anyways so I'll be doing these for an awful long time.
I just don't really want to draw fan art in between re-posting and trying to finish off OC refs and whatnot because I'll just get distracted and leave them all to collect dust all over again.. Designing characters is always fun though, it's just trying to name them, working out their purpose and further developing them.... Especially when you decided to make it into a project and go as far as to creating worlds for them.
I want to die..
. Brady, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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