#ok I will; its the refuses to acknowledge he was wrong but just silently makes up for and never addresses it again
allgremlinart · 2 years
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:] <333
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the-passenger-if · 3 years
A prompt for the angst but!! How would the ros deal/treat/react to a newman that had frequent panic attacks? (If your comfortable answering, and no ones asked before) I imagine since the whole reason we're on earth is because we're trying to hide from this eldritch diety who wants to inhale us whole, and to top it all off newman doesnt even have enough energy to leave. That would cause any being an extreme of stress and anxiety. Especially after Tzr'nekre actually finally locates us
combining it with
if its not too spoilery, how would the ROs react to the MC waking up from a nightmare (say, one in which the RO got possessed by tzr'nekre?) and MC just clings to them, crying, after waking up, and refusing to explain but its obvious they had a terrible nightmare?
This isn’t what Fiama imagined when she was awaken by Newman’s warm face pressing against her breasts, ragged breathing and all. She wants to grab a hold of their head, hold them there, but as her hand brushes their cheek, she finds it damp. Maybe with sweat, maybe with tears.
“Baby?” she asks in a hushed whisper. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
The only reply she gets is a stuttering intake of breath. And then her partner’s arms are sneaking around her—one under her neck, the other around her waist—and Newman is squeezing her tight.
Fiama is strong, she has always been. Her mother once told her—not in kind terms—that she truly took after her father’s sisters; their arms, made to keep children from ripping one another’s eyes out, their legs to carry drunken husbands back home. Now, trapped in Newman’s strong embrace, she feels like the type of dainty, unobtrusive creature her mom wished she had grown into.
She takes a deep breath—as deep as she's able to within her lover’s tight grip—and tries again. “Babe… you’re… crushing me.”
The hold eases up an instant later, but Newman doesn’t let go. They bury their wet face in Fiama’s neck, still silent. It’s alarming to say the least, but she keeps her voice calm. “Are you hurting?” Newman shakes their head. “Are you sad?” She hugs them, feels them shaking in her arms—Newman doesn’t shake like this. “Are you scared?” She didn’t want to sound so flabbergasted (so ‘judgy’ her mother would say) but she can’t help it.
Once again, Newman doesn’t answer, but they do bury their face deeper into Fiama. It takes her by surprise; they have always seemed so unaffected by everything…
She hugs them tight and says the only thing she can think of, “I’m here, babe. And I’ll always be. I don’t know what or who is making you feel like this, but you aren’t alone. I’m with you.” She kisses the top of their head, murmuring every promise she knows she can keep.
A few minutes later, Newman is fast asleep again.
Sleeping next to another person in a bed that wasn’t made to be shared by two adults is uncomfortable, but it was late and Newman hadn’t brought their bike, ignoring that Joaquin’s car was at the shop, and Lucia had taken hers that night.
It’s ok, Jonny thinks to himself while he stares at the ceiling, we’ll just wait until my folks leave for work tomorrow. It doesn’t have to get awkward for anyone.
When was the last time he’d shared a bed? Probably when he was around twelve and Quino got scared by a storm and woke him up in the middle of the night, cold hands slipping under the sheets and touching the back of his neck. Dumbass always did the same thing, no matter how many times Jonny punched him to dissuade him. Of course Jonny could never stay mad at his twin for long, and they would share the bed in the end—Jonny grousing about Quino’s cold hands and Quino whining about Jonny hogging the covers.
As if invoking his brother, he feels hands around his neck now; cold, sweaty hands. Even though they don't belong to Quino, the way they’re clinging to him is pretty reminiscent of the way his twin used to squeeze him whenever lightning stroke too close.
“Are you ok?” he asks stupidly. Of course they aren’t; Newman is scared. “What is it?” he tries again, but Newman says nothing, they only keep tightening their grasp around Jonny. He takes their hands and tries to free himself. “Newman, you’re going to choke me.”
Slowly, those cold fingers loosen, giving him a chance to sit up.
“Don’t go!”
“Hush,” Jonny hisses. “Damn it, Newman. Remember we aren’t alone.” He takes the hand that is now gripping the front of his shirt and tries to hold it, but Newman doesn’t budge. “Please,” he whispers.
“Don’t go,” it’s the barely audible plea he gets as a reply.
“I won’t,” he assures them. After another second, Newman lets go, and Jonny takes the hand and gently rubs it between his. “Come here,” he whispers, and Newman doesn’t need to be told twice. They get between his legs and rest on their side and against Jonny’s chest. Jonny takes the covers and pulls them over both of them, and there, with an arm around Newman’s shoulder, he can feel their muscles begin to slowly relax.
Roach didn’t usually do this; lying down in bed while their conquests sleep. They had realized that there was so much one could do to pass the time, and watching people drooling was amusing just the first dozen times.
They turn another page of the magazine they stole from that gas station three towns over, the one with the old, balding clerk that had given Roach the evil eye from the moment they dared to set a foot in his territory.
The light is off but that’s ok because Roach doesn’t need it to read, the same way they don’t need it to sneak glances at Newman’s sleeping form. It’s something they do, they tell themself, to pass the time, and not because Newman’s face is nice to look at or anything like that. They aren’t expecting to find their companion awake the next time they look their way, least of all with a terrified look set on their face.
Roach opens their mouth to ask what’s going on, but the words die out as they are wrapped in a tight embrace. The fact that they were so distracted by Newman’s expression that their reflexes vanished for a hot minute, says something. Something Roach doesn’t want to acknowledge right now, so they don’t. Instead, they let their body go limp in Newman’s arms, let them squeeze and squash until they seem to come out of their trance.
“Yes?” they ask in return.
“Are you… ok?”
Roach wriggles to put some distance between Newman and them—as much as their companion’s steel grip allows, anyway—and runs a hand over Newman’s face, wiping off the sweat. “Just a couple broken ribs,” they say, “I’ll live. What about you? What had you panicking like this?”
Newman retracts from those words like a shy snail. It really takes Roach by surprise. They can’t think of many things that might scare Newman, which at least makes the list of suspects quite short.
“Hey,” they whisper in a way that they hope sounds both unaffected and reassuring, “I would know, remember? There’s only you and me here, no third roommate. You can relax.”
Their words, true as they are, do very little to calm Newman down, so Roach sighs and nuzzles against their jaw. “Squeeze away then,” they mutter and kiss Newman’s skin. “I’ll be the prettiest stress ball you’ll ever have.”
It isn’t a gentle awakening. Horizon’s muddled thoughts crash into one another as the Domini unsuccessfully tries to slip away from the tight embrace they are being subjected to. What’s going on? their mind asks, half asleep, half panicking.
Memories from last night come back to them as if slogging through a swamp; they remember having dinner with Newman, chatting and somehow ending up in bed together. They remember the tenderness of the moment, the way they felt like they could melt as Newman and they cuddled together...
Horizon strains their neck trying to look over their shoulder, but even with the rays of moonlight seeping through the window, the only thing they have an eyeful of it’s their own dark curls. Newman’s chest is pressed against Horizon’s back and now that the Domini is fully awake, they can feel the other’s racing heartbeat. It scares Horizon, it makes them want to ask what’s going on, what happened to Newman, what, what, what…
They fight those urges. They take a deep breath, find one of Newman’s hands and softly cover it with theirs. “You are in my cabin,” they whisper, “you are in ranch 48, in Luna Ridge. We had diner and I asked you to spend the night. Remember that?”
There’s a long pause, then Horizon feels them nodding against their back. A couple seconds later the iron grip eases up. It gives the Domini a chance to turn around, and very gently press their forehead against Newman’s damp one. “Deep breaths,” they whisper and then are doing just that, hoping Newman will follow their example. An instant later, they are.
Feeling Newman’s muscles relax as they get their breathing under control brings a smile to the Domini’s face.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
You Never Notice
Sykkuno x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: The center of someone’s world is never aware of their importance even when everyone else is in the know. People are hard to understand, no denying, but if we all spilled our truth like how Y/N admitted her feelings to Sykkuno, mutual understanding would be achieved a lot more easily. JK, she needed an eternity and maybe a thousand pushes. What’s important is the result though, right?
Requested by Anon. You are my first Sykkuno request and I wish I could thank you with a tag. Instead, I’m gonna thank you with a fic in which I put my all. Thank you for the request, hope the final product doesn’t let you down. 🥰
Here we go again. Sykkuno’s love life is brought up. This time it’s more frustrating cause I can’t shout how wrong he is about himself and the effect he has on the people around him. He has no room to speak, he hasn’t experienced what I have - one of your best friends living in your head rent-free because you’re just that whipped by them. That’s right kids, some of us never grow past the middle school crushes - they are a constant for some. That can be a good or a bad thing, it completely depends on how you view it.
Currently, him and Rae are addressing some dating rumors that started spreading about them earlier this week while Felix, Sean and I are kicking each other’s butts in Party Animals. We’re not all playing together, actually, we were all playing different games when we hopped into the call and just grouped together after playing solo got boring. Rae and Sykkuno are playing Among Us on a random server, her being the only person who’s streaming right now. She said she just wanted to clear up the dating rumors cause they were annoying to see popping up on her feed on every social media platform she’s active on.
“It’s ridiculous, really. People just look for online personalities to put in imaginary relationships. Are they that bored? I know quarantine is getting to everyone, but damn“ Rae says, laughing a bit to take the edge off her words but I know she’s bothered by this ordeal more than she’s letting on. I know how much it bothers her when people ship random youtubers and streamers together, even when she’s not involved. 
And I agree. Ever since I started streaming I’ve been shipped with my friends left and right. First Corpse, then Dave, Joel...you name them. It gets kinda gross cause these people are legit like siblings to me. Unlike Rae, though, I don’t waste my breath trying to clear those ‘talks of the net’ up. I don’t know if it’s for better of for worse that I remain silent on the issue when I’m involved but am willing to stand up for my friends when they find themselves in a similar situation. Some people think the reason I don’t share my thoughts is because the rumors are true, but the hint is most often taken, resulting in the ship ending. Well, that ship ending, there’s always a new one popping up. As Rae said, it’s ridiculous.
“Why does everyone think I am ever dating anyone? I’ve already commented on this: no one would date me.“ Sykkuno says through a sigh-like laugh.
“Why are you so sure?“ I blurt out without as much as a second thought
My eyes widen just a bit, just a bit. I’m not too surprised with myself. I am slowly losing control of my raging emotions and I’m afraid of what I’ll turn into when all my restraints snap. A mess, that’s the most likely answer.
“Well....“ Sykkuno trails off, clearly more than a little nervous, “I don’t have a girlfriend right now, and I haven’t had one in a while...Nor has a girl shown any interest to be more than friends with me in what feels like forever.“
“I’m sure you just don’t notice the hints girls drop. We can be pretty subtle.“ I try to sound as nonchalant as possible while I’m still in my panicked animal mode. And by animal I mean a cub. A scared cub that is now showing confidence but will run and hide right afterwards. I silently thank the universe that I’m not streaming right now. I can feel the heat on my neck and cheeks which is pure embarrassment and would have been more than evident on-camera.
“Yeah Y/N’s right, Sykkuno. Girls can be very subtle, but they will always let you know if they like you, even through the smallest of gestures. You gotta keep your eyes open.“ Rae backs me up reassuringly.
“Guys never notice anything.“ I say, rolling my eyes. I feel the pressure lessen thanks to Rae’s involvement in the conversation.
“That’s not true.“ Sean protests, “We pay close attention, especially to girls we are attracted to.“
“Yeah!“ Sykkuno pipes in again, “I’m pretty sure I would notice if a girl was dropping signals that she likes me.“
Now that stings. That legit makes me wince and cringe as though his voice delivered an actual physical hit to my chest and stomach. It’s really unpleasant, painful even.
“You never notice.“ There’s something about this triple opportunity - proving him wrong that he’d catch onto a girl’s signals; proving him wrong that girls aren’t attracted to him; coming clean about the biggest emotional struggle I’ve experienced in recent years; - that snaps my last emotional restraints. I will totally regret this later, but after the regret comes the relief which is 100% worth it. 
“What?“ He sounds very puzzled. I can just about imagine him frowning as he tries to wrap his brain around something even I can’t wrap mine around.
“You say you’d notice a girl’s hints of attraction. OK.“ I nonchalantly throw Felix off the submarine in Party Animals while I keep talking, “Would you notice if a girl purposely doesn’t kill you in Among Us when she’s impostor? Or would you notice that a girl always sends you links to videos she finds funny? Or that she always shares music and movie recommendations with you and you only?“ 
Dead silence ensues. I feel like they have all glitched, considering Sean didn’t even try to put up a fight when I lifted him and threw him in the ocean as I previously did with Felix’s avatar.
Maybe I was a tad too specific and made the whole situation hit a little too close to home for me. 
Sykkuno and I have become really close friends and we chat and play games regularly. As I mentioned, I give him movie and music recommendations and I only recently started acknowledging the fact that I’ve never killed him in Among Us. Natural instinct I guess. In fact, I feel the need for vengeance when he’s killed. I refuse to even vote for him unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Now that I think about it, it’s not his fault he has no clue. I just don’t know how to properly drop hints.  
“Um...I mean, I guess I would notice but I’d never think they are that type of hints.“ He finally replies.
On point there, dear. On damn point.
“What does it take for you to be convinced that a girl is into you?“ Who cares that a bunch of people are about to witness this outpour? It’ll make it more real, yes, but it will also help me believe that it happened so I don’t try to crawl back to the point where return is an option. No return now. You’ve already passed two thirds of the way. The last one will set you and your mind free. 
“The only way I can be sure is if she tells me, really.“ He sounds so nervous and shy, like he’s trying to draw as little attention as possible.
He doesn’t have to worry. I’m about to pull all the attention on me.
“Well in that case....you leave me no other choice.“ My screen displays me as the winner of this round of Party Animals - an easy one considering my friends are glitched in real life. “I like you, Sykkuno. I like you a lot. And I know you will see it from every context except the one its meant to be in so I’ll be even more head-on - I’ve liked you, as more than a friend for quite some time now, but buddy, you can be sooo oblivious sometimes. Anyway...“ Here’s that regret I was talking about, it’s already creeping in. “Don’t feel the need to say it back. I don’t wanna hear it if you don’t mean it. And Rae,“ I can’t help but laugh at the thought, “Sorry for making your chat go crazy. Peace!“
And I disconnect from the Discord call.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?“ I say out loud, staring at my desktop. “The cat’s out of the bag and you can move on now.“
I push myself to get some work done in order to get my mind off the mess I’ve created. I’m afraid of thinking about it, I know I’ll get too upset to do anything with the rest of my day if I do.
Suddenly, just as I’m about to open my email, my phone chimes. My brain doesn’t bother to stop my arm from automatically reaching out and checking the notification. A message.
From Sykkuno.
~ I knew you didn’t suggest me ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ for no reason
Me ~ So...?
~ So, I’m not the only oblivious one here, Y/N
Me ~ Wait WHAT?
~ ‘Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist’?
Me ~ Oooohhhh...I see
It takes him a few seconds to reply, the bubble with the three bouncing dots popping up and disappearing a few times now. I just now feel my heart banging against the inside of my ribcage, my pulse echoing in my ears.
He did seem a little too eager for me to watch that movie...
~ So, movie date?
I laugh, wholeheartedly and honestly. Genuine joy running through my veins.
Me ~ So it is.
The grin that is now decorating my features promises to stay there for the rest of the day. I bite my bottom lip at the thought that pops into my head.
Me ~ Phew, I can stop sparing you in Among Us from now on
He sends me three cry-laughing emojis in return, but I don’t need those. I can just imagine him laughing as he usually does with one hand covering his mouth. And here I thought my grin couldn’t grow wider.
 Imagining him happy makes me smile. His happiness makes me happy. He makes me happy.
Even better...
I think the feeling’s mutual.
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2 A.M.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
PROMPTS: 48. I called you at 2am because I need you. 50. I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand 
Requested by @wonderlandmind4​
So, I’m not going to include #1, because I already did that prompt in another story. 
The Avengers are at the Tower for plot reasons. And just because I wanted it that way. Deal with it LOL. 
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Bucky rubbed his eyes awake as FRIDAY announced that he was receiving an incoming phone call. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand and it read 2AM.
“Accept,” he muttered huskily to the AI.
“Wait, FRIDAY, no, no, no!” The call immediately came in.
“Hello?” Bucky asked with confusion.
He expected it to be Steve, who was on a mission with the entire team. It left Bucky as the sole “superhero” left in the tower. But he didn’t see himself as such. Bucky was crashing at the high-rise because he really had no place else to go. And he knew Steve would be disappointed if Bucky didn’t take him up on the offer.
“Bucky, hi.” A female voice said.
He squinted and then put it together. “Y/N, is that you?”
Y/N was Happy’s niece. Tony and Pepper were basically her aunt and uncle without being related. She lived in the city, and therefore was around the tower a lot. Pepper was constantly inviting her over for dinner. Sometimes she’d do her laundry there. If Tony ever had a party, she was invited. The rest of the team had befriended her. 
But Bucky...Bucky kept his distance – just like he kept his distance from basically everyone.
However, that didn’t mean he didn’t take notice of Y/N.
It was ridiculous how long it took him to realize that his eyes seemed to always be searching for her when she was around. He watched her at parties, always dressed in a fancy dress with her makeup a little heavier than usual. He would steal glances at her when she was in the gym. Apparently she didn’t want to pay for one herself, but there wasn’t a gym nicer than the one at the tower.
But just because Bucky noticed Y/N didn’t mean he talked to her. 
Bucky thought the world hated him. Once all of Hydra and SHIELD’s secrets were leaked, everyone knew exactly what he had done.
The Winter Soldier wasn’t someone people wanted to be friends with.
“Hi, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to call you. No, I told FRIDAY not to call you,” she was talking really quickly – obviously, stressed – and yet quietly, like she was scared someone might hear her.
Bucky sat up straighter, fully awake and now on alert. “Everything OK?”
“Yeah. Well, I mean, not really. I’m sure it’s fine. I’m probably being crazy,” her words were coming out faster and faster.
“Y/N, take a breath,” Bucky demanded.
She must’ve done as she was told because there was 5 seconds of silence.
“What’s going on?” He asked then.
“It might just be the storm…” Bucky looked outside his window at the lightning and heavy downpour. “But I swore I heard someone trying to get into my apartment. There’ve been two robberies in my building the last 2 months.”
Bucky already knew about that. He overheard Y/N telling Pepper, Tony, and Happy about it in the kitchen. She seemed pretty shaken up about it. One of her neighbors had to go to the hospital because the robbers timed it wrong and ended attacking the poor man in a panic.
Tony and Happy weren’t happy about Y/N living in what appeared to be an unsafe building. They both tried to convince her to move into the tower. When she refused, pointing out how ridiculous the idea was, Tony told her he’d just buy her a place that had a doorman and high-level security. Y/N refused that too.
It was the first time Bucky had ever agreed with anything Tony said.
“Can you hear anything now?” Bucky asked, taking Y/N’s concerns and fear very seriously.
“No. It’s hard to hear anything with the rain and thunder outside,” Y/N whispered.
Then she sighed.
“Listen, Bucky, I’m really sorry for waking you up. Pepper and Happy are in Germany for a Stark meeting. I was just trying to reach Tony…”
“Everyone’s out on an assignment right now,” Bucky explained. “I’m the only one here.”
“Oh…” Y/N said lamely.
Bucky could tell she did really feel bad, and was growing more and more embarrassed. “And you don’t have to apologize.”
“I’m just being a total spaz right now and–“ She stopped abruptly.
“I definitely just heard something,” she whispered as quietly as possible.
“Y/N, I need you to give me your address,” Bucky instructed calmly.
There was no answer.
“Y/N,” his tone more gentle this time, “you gotta give me your address.”
He was already moving around his room, grabbing necessary clothing. He moved with purpose, not even thinking about what he needed to grab.
Bucky listened as Y/N rattled off her address and apartment number.
He was grateful that her apartment was only a 10 minute drive from the tower.
“I’m on my way. Stay on the phone with me,” Bucky sounded like he did was he was on comms during a mission. Not that he’d done that recently.
“O-Okay,” Y/N stuttered in a whisper.
For a second, Bucky thought maybe he should talk to her, try to keep her calm, or make sure she knew she wasn’t alone. He’d be there soon.
But it was obvious that she was staying quiet so she could listen to any possible intruder.
Just when Bucky was two blocks away from her place, the line went dead.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath.
He slammed his breaks just outsider her building, not bothering to turn off the car or try to park it.
Bucky would’ve shoved his way through the front door of the building with his metal arm and shoulder, but the lock had already been broken.
Now Bucky was more concerned.
He was quick and stealth as he went up the stairs to Y/N’s floor. He pulled out the gun from the back of his waistband.
With one floor left to go, Bucky suddenly heard footsteps running on the floor above him – Y/N’s floor. The footsteps were running toward the opposite side of the building that Bucky was on. Which meant they probably knew someone was on their way up and they were escaping through the emergency stairs on the other side.
For a moment, Bucky considered running after them. He knew he could catch them. They didn’t stand a chance.
But Y/N was now at the forefront of his mind.
He quickly made it to her apartment.
The door was closed, but he could tell from the scratches on the lock and handle that someone had been trying to break their way in discreetly.
Bucky took in a deep breath and knocked.
“Y/N? It’s Bucky. Can you let me in?”
There was no answer. He waited a few minutes and listened for any movements from inside the apartment.
“Doll… I’m coming in, alright?”
With a quick twist of his metal hand on the doorknob, he was able to crush it to pieces. It should’ve been harder to do, but the building was clearly as old as Bucky and not kept up to code.
Bucky promptly put his gun back in his waistband, not wanting to alarm Y/N with just the mere sight of a firearm.
“Y/N?” He called out to the empty apartment. “It’s just me.”
But he knew where she would be. It was the most common place for people to hide in case of an emergency.
Bucky made his steps quiet, but noticeable, so Y/N knew exactly where he was in the apartment.
He made his way to her bedroom and stopped in front of her closet.
He knew that she knew he was there. He could hear her soft breathing that was still anxious and terrified.
Ever so carefully, he opened her closet door.
Inside Y/N was tucked in the corner, knees to her chest, with a kitchen knife in one hand and her dead cellphone in the other.
Bucky looked at her with only sympathy. 
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt as scared as Y/N looked. Fear had been beaten out of him long ago.
He kneeled down, his forearms balancing on his knees.
“Mind if I come in?” He asked casually.
She shrugged.
Somehow the giant super soldier managed to fit into the closet, making it feel even smaller than it already did.
“For the record… you aren’t crazy. There was definitely someone trying to get into your apartment.” Then he took in a deep breath, realizing he probably wasn’t making her feel any safer. “But they’re long gone.”
When he glanced down at Y/N, she just nodded in acknowledgment.
Bucky wished he was better with words. He used to be. Words used to be his specialty. But he’d isolated himself from everyone. Before that, he was a brainwashed assassin without a mind of its own. Bucky was out of practice.
Bucky slowed reached over to the hand closest to him, the one holding the knife. Gently, he took it out of her grasp and placed it far enough away from them that it wouldn’t accidentally hurt anyone.
Then he took her hand in his, gripping in tight enough to show her comfort. His thumb brushed back and forth over the back of her hand.
She squeezed in return, silently thanking him.
The closet was quiet, only filled with Y/N’s shaky breathing.
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” Bucky finally breathed.
The words surprised him. He had no idea where they’d come from.
But they seemed to finally calm Y/N down.
“Why don’t you pack a few things, so you can stay at the tower for a few days?”
He half expected her to be stubborn and say she was fine, that he’d have to put up a fight to get her to go back home with him.
But Y/N just nodded numbly.
He nodded back and got up first so he could help her back onto her feet.
When he started to leave her bedroom to give her some privacy, she jumped forward.
“W-Where are you going?”
Bucky quickly turned around. “Don’t worry. I’m just going to be in the living room. I’m calling the police. Between your door and building’s front door, there’s enough evidence to prove that someone was trying to rob the building again.”
Y/N blinked at the him saying “again,” proving that he knew this had happened in her building recently.
She didn’t think Bucky ever paid her any attention. She was never offended by it. But he had just proved that he knew paid closer attention to her than she could’ve ever realized. 
20 minutes later, there was a knock at Y/N’s front door.
Bucky quickly answered to find two cops standing outside.
He answered all their questions, hoping he did a good enough job that they wouldn’t really need to talk to Y/N all that much.
“You live here?” One of them finally asked, realizing that his name wasn’t on the lease.
“No,” Bucky answered.
“It’s your girlfriend’s place?” They followed up.
“Uhhh…no. No, Y/N’s just a friend.” He felt awkward as he answered, but the cops didn’t seemed fazed by it.
Y/N finally came out of her room with a duffle bag.
The cops started asking her questions. Bucky stood guard, making sure they didn’t push her too hard or ask things the wrong way.
After seeing how shook up she was, he felt like he’d instantly turned into her personal body guard.
“Your landlord already called a locksmith to fix your door. He should be here in a few minutes. But you should take any valuables with you just to be safe.”
Y/N nodded.
When the cops turned to talk amongst each other and with the landlord, Y/N turned to Bucky.
“Can we go now?” She asked him meekly.
It was the first time she’d talked directly to him since he got there.
“Yeah, doll, we can go.” He ushered her out and, on instinct alone, put himself between her and the cops as they walked out.
Y/N was quiet on the drive back to the Tower.
Bucky had already texted Happy and Tony about what had happened. He assumed the whole team would know soon enough.
When they were in the lobby of the residential floor, Bucky shifted his weight awkwardly. He didn’t want to leave her yet.
This was the first time they’d ever been alone together and Bucky didn’t think he could go back to keeping his distance again.
“Uhh…Do you want me to show you where the guest suites are?” He asked as he scratched the back of his neck. But he knew that she knew.
She gave him a small, forced smirk. “No, I know where they are.”
He nodded.
“Hey, Bucky?”
“Would you want to just stay up and watch a movie or something? I don’t–I don’t think I can go to sleep any time soon?”
“Of course. I mean, yeah.” Bucky responded immediately.
“Let me just change into some sweats I packed. I’ll meet you in the TV room?”
“Y-Yeah. Sounds good.”
A few minutes later, Y/N joined him on the couch.
She asked him what he wanted to watch.
“Umm…I don’t-there aren’t a lot of movies that I’ve seen,” Bucky finally told her when she kept trying to figure out what he’d like. “Haven’t really tried to catch up on the whole pop culture thing like Steve has.”
“Oh…” Y/N muttered, realizing the mistake she made.
“Put on whatever you want. Really. I’m sure I’ll like it.”
Y/N clicked a few buttons and a quirky song started playing along with someone writing in a notebook.
“Almost Famous,” Y/N explained. “It’s one of my favorites. Always puts me in a good mood, no matter how terrible I feel. And this way, you’ll be able to get a crash course on the best bands ever.”
Bucky couldn’t help but smile at that.
The opening credits weren’t even over before Bucky felt Y/N looking over at him.
He turned to her.
“Thank you for…saving me tonight,” she told him slowly.
Her words were sincere, her eyes even more so.
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N.”
“Figured you’d say that.” Then she seemed to be trying to work up the courage to say something else. “I’m…umm…I’m glad it was you.”
Bucky blinked at her small confession.
“Me too,” he finally agreed.
And then they both turned their attention back to the movie.
Halfway through, Bucky felt a weight fall onto his shoulder.
Y/N had fallen asleep, her body choosing Bucky as its pillow.
A soft and shy grin grew on his lips from the feeling and the sight of it.
Very carefully, he maneuvered her body so he could lift his arm around her and make it less uncomfortable for her.
She didn’t wake from the movement, only sighed and shifted a bit.
It wasn’t long after that Bucky fell asleep too.
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“Sam, I told you to leave ‘em alone,” Steve called out in a hushed tone.
“Not until I document this…”
Then Bucky felt the flash of a camera. His eyes snapped open to find Sam looking guilty with his phone pointed at Bucky and Y/N, who was still fast asleep.
“You have two seconds to get that phone out of my face,” Bucky warned in a growl.
He would’ve jumped up and snatched it himself, but he didn’t want to risk waking Y/N.
Sam winced and instantly fled.
Bucky glanced over at Steve, who gave him an apologetic look.
“Tony told us what happened. She OK?” He whispered.
Bucky shrugged. “She’s a little shaken, but I think she’ll be fine.”
“Well…at least you finally talked to her. Though I wish it didn’t have to be a break-in for it to happen.”
Bucky played the ignorant card. “What do you mean?”
Steve narrowed his eyes as if to say, ‘Don’t even try.’ “Bucky, give me some credit. I’m your best friend. No matter how discrete you are, I know when you have a crush.”
Bucky blushed and the looked down at Y/N.
What neither of the super soldiers knew was that Y/N heard Steve’s confession too. And she wasn’t about to let Bucky go back to ignoring her.
This request was put in ages ago. I’m trying to clean out my inbox. I have so many requests that are collecting dust. 
Please don’t request things. And please don’t immediately request a second part to this. There is no second part. 
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duskandstarlight · 4 years
Wings & Shadows
Notes: I had a few of you asking me for Azriel’s POV during Wings Flames & Shadows and eventually the idea stuck! This is set at the end of the fic, when Azriel finds Cassian at the Winter Court to address the fact that Nesta is Cassian’s mate. I loved writing this and I really hope you like it, too. It was strangely easy to get into Azriel’s head for this one <3
For those of you who want to refresh your memories of what happens in WF&S then you can descent into this smutty pit of hell here. 
Let me know what you think! And just a friendly reminder that if you like what I write I’d love you to reblog so it can reach more people--thank you <3
Wings & Shadows Azriel POV
Despite being alive for over half a millennia, Cassian had never truly learnt to master his emotions. Whilst Azriel had honed the true art of a cold, blank mask from a young age, the general’s hazel eyes had always been a pathway straight to his heart if you knew where to look. But since the war—since living with Nesta—those underlying expressions had become something else entirely. Something stark and intensely sad. Something more distant and troubled as he worried over the ghost of a girl he had once known and loved.
That was not to say that Cassian did not attempt to hide the torment that wanted to wrangle its way across his features whenever he was forced to leave Nesta. Usually he laced over the agonised expression with barked, easy laughter and arrogant, drawling banter, but for the entirety of their trip to Kallias’s Winter Court, Cassian was… not present. Oh, he still plastered on his carefully orchestrated blend of fake, wide smiles and deathly calm as he usually did—a combination that should not be possible (although Azriel supposed Cassian had always defied the impossible)—but it was as if a light had flickered out somewhere and none of it rang true.
Rhys had clocked it immediately but knew better than to comment. He had learnt to keep his mouth shut when it came to his mate’s sister, even if it meant that Cassian’s duty to protect was reliant on muscle-memory and reflex rather than calculated assessment during a court visit. So his High Lord’s eyes had only flickered with faint starlight, the way they always did when a cog turned and clicked into place in his mind, before he turned back to congratulate Kallias and a glowing Vivianne on their pregnancy.
But given Azriel’s presence in Illyria the night before their trip to Winter, he knew just how fiercely every troubled thought and every laboured breath of Cassian’s was consumed with her—with the too slim female he had left behind. The female who was most likely slipping back into the lifeless husk she had been before Azriel’s hands had run over her body and Cassian’s mouth had lavished love and adoration with every press of his lips to her bare skin.
When the three of them had finished, it had only taken one look at his Cassian’s face and the outstretched wing he had thrown over Nesta’s body for Azriel to know that he should keep his distance. He had trodden dangerous ground when he had willingly engaged in that tryst—if it could even be called that. Whatever humming energy that whipped between Cassian and Nesta was certainly not just fucking, even if they wanted to pretend that was all it was. In the past, he and Cassian did not make a habit of discussing their shared social conquests, but slipping back into that brotherly familiarity had felt… tenuous this time. And whilst all memory of Nesta had been erased from Azriel’s skin, vanilla and jasmine still remained entangled with Cassian’s pine and musk, like the imprint of a frozen memory in time. Of when Nesta had been awake and glowing. Of when Cassian had wrapped her in his wings—protecting her from the trauma he seemed to know would come knocking as soon as he left her again.
But after three days of subtle distance to let Cassian cool off, all Azriel had achieved was an icy chasm of separation between he and his brother and a look on Cassian’s face that was so tortured Azriel couldn’t believe that nobody else had stepped in to ask what was wrong.
That was not to say that Mor’s chocolate brown eyes weren’t shimmering with concern or that Feyre hadn’t examined Cassian for a touch too long, but neither of them had dared to broach the subject. And whilst Mor would have usually probed Azriel for more information or fretted to him about what they should do, that easy familiarity between them had been severed.
Azriel could not see it ever being mended.
So, perhaps it was Azriel’s own grief that had him seeking out his brother on that third morning. Because even though his own heart was battered and aching, Cassian’s was worse. Azriel had learnt that the moment Cassian had sunk his teeth into the pale column of Nesta’s neck as she shattered between them—a mate territorially claiming his mate.
Mates. They were mates, for fuck’s sake.
Azriel should have known. He had suspected, of course, that Nesta Archeron was not just a female who’d managed to get under Cassian’s skin. Azriel knew Cassian better than anyone, after all. His brother had more female conquests than anyone he knew, his sexual appetite ravenous, yet Azriel’s shadows hadn’t needed to whisper to him in order for Azriel to glean that Cassian had not bedded anyone since Rhys had returned to the Night Court. Had not even glanced a female’s way since his eyes had first locked with the eldest Archeron sister in the mortal realm and snarled at her that he saw someone who had let her younger sister risk her life everyday whilst Nesta stayed safely at home. And even as Cassian’s eyes had gleamed feral as she had dismissed him, Azriel had known then that Nesta was not just another opponent. That she was in fact, most likely, the only person who was evenly matched to the male who was rumoured to be a warrior-God given flesh.
And maybe if Azriel’s judgement hadn’t been so fogged with Mor’s rejection then he would have been clear-headed enough to clamp down on his arousal and refuse to engage in a game of strip poker that could only have gone one way. But Azriel hadn’t been thinking straight. Had only thought about how even if Nesta was too gaunt, she was still undeniably devastating: her curves sweeping; her breasts full and aching. She had tasted like sin and distraction, and when her smoky grey eyes had turned from closed off to vulnerable and eager to please, his shadows had eddied out of control, flinging themselves out wide as he spilled onto her chest, her stomach...
That had been the final straw for Cassian.
Azriel didn’t blame him. He would not have had the same self-restraint himself.
The bitter winter air was sharp enough to burn when Azriel stepped out onto the otherwise deserted balcony of the breakfast room. Cassian’s wings should have been tucked in tight, but it was obvious that he was too far into his head, even as he seemingly stared out at the landscape before him. At the rolling slopes of white that stretched out for miles and miles until they were cut off by the green stripe across the landscape, where the pine trees of the forest lined the horizon.
Scuffing his shoes on the stone to alert Cassian of his arrival, Azriel stepped beyond the magical shields protecting the palace from the elements outside. The fiery crackle of pine logs was replaced by the crisp, bracing scent of winter as Azriel’s long legs carried him smoothly to the stone balcony wall to stand beside his brother.
He did not glance sideways at Cassian. Did not risk it, as he asked bluntly, “Did you want to do it?”
Cassian’s chest jerked and Azriel knew he was holding in a huff of breath—or more likely, a snort. A ginormous polar bear stepped out from between the snow-dusted pine trees, and together they watched the way the animals fur rippled with power and unimaginable strength as it padded across the ice covered fields. “Obviously,” he drawled.
Azriel’s sharp look was enough for Cassian to finally turn his head.
“You’re mates,” Azriel stated. His voice remained deep and lifeless—simple—but his words were soft and private. Only for he and Cassian.
Pain struck across his brother’s expression, the movement so swift and blinding that Azriel felt his heart clench. Shadows coiled and whispered around his ears, but Azriel silently ordered them to cease and they became quiet. “Yes,” Cassian forced out between gritted teeth.
Fists curled and uncurled at his friend’s sides, as if waiting for the questions and the derision, but Azriel only dipped his chin. “I suspected,” he said, “but when you initiated it all, I thought you couldn’t be, because there would be no way that you’d allow me to join you both otherwise.”
The grunt that emitted from Cassian’s throat curled downwards at the end, threatening to turn into a growl. Those fists tightened again and Azriel wondered how soon he’d have to blend into shadow. “You both wanted it. I wasn’t going to let you do it without me, was I?”
The torturous truth in the words hit home. Had Azriel been too blinded by his recent conversation with Mor to have judged what was right and what was wrong? But… no. Azriel had scented that room—the consensual desire thrumming between all of them. And he had not forgotten the look Cassian had shared with him that had told Azriel he was game—the raised, taunting eyebrow.
“You know I wouldn’t have done it without you,” Azriel replied carefully. “Nesta wouldn’t have done it without you.”
Cassian’s silence vibrated with a tense energy and Azriel understood the words his brother still could not voice aloud: he needed to be home with his mate. To check that she was ok. How could the others not see how badly Cassian was faring? He looked as if he had barely slept. Dark rings hung beneath his eyes as sharp as bruises and the agony wrought upon his face was so fierce it made Azriel’s shadows cluster to his brother, tendrils coiling out towards him.
His brother did not acknowledge them, even as one curled around his shoulder—a cold, gentle hand.
“Does she know?” Azriel asked.
It had been something Azriel had already considered. Feyre hadn’t recognised when the mating bond had snapped into place for she and Rhys and she had been human just like Nesta—had not grown up knowing about the bond and what it meant. Azriel couldn’t bring himself to ask Cassian when he had understood what he and Nesta were. There were so many times that Azriel had suspected that something far greater than lust or even simply love existed between the two of them. But then the war had finished and Nesta had become… empty—a byproduct of grief and death—and any obvious hope on Cassian’s part that the two of them might become something more had disintegrated into ash.
Steamed breath clouded the sky as his friend exhaled. The sound was bitter, somehow. “You should have asked, Does she care?”
“She cares,” Azriel replied, not waiting to pause for breath or to even blink. He had seen the way they interacted together now after all—how their bodies blended into one being, as if they had orchestrated a dance that only they knew. “Her eyes have this hollow quality most of the time. But sometimes, when she looks at you, it’s as if you have woken her up.”
Silence again as Cassian stared fixedly out at the expanse of white—at the fae that were bundled in thick furs and holding on tightly to leather reigns as they guided velvet-antlered reindeer and their curved sleighs through the snow.
“She’s good for you,” Azriel continued, offering up a truth—a blessing he knew his brother so desperately craved.
He was pressing far more than he usually did. Azriel was often a male of few words, but it was not often he saw his brother this lost. And Azriel supposed he had been privy to something nobody else had besides Cassian—a Nesta that was not sharp and prickly but open and unguarded in a way that had both hurt and given him breath. Azriel had seen the light spark back in her eyes when Cassian had bowed to kiss her. But Azriel wondered if Cassian knew how much she had woken him up, too. How for once, Cassian had not tried to be anyone but himself.
His brother’s brow furrowed with what Azriel translated as disbelief. “She doesn’t let you pretend,” Azriel clarified simply, in a tone that was not up for discussion.
A muscle ticked in Cassian’s jaw, but he merely crossed his arms tightly over his broad chest. The leather of his armour creaked, the sound swept away with the moaning of the wind. “It was hard not to be territorial,” he admitted eventually, glancing quickly at Azriel.
It was an apology, Azriel realised and a chuckle left his lips before he could stifle it. Cassian’s eyes widened in surprise. It was not often the Shadowsinger laughed so easily, but Azriel couldn’t help it. Cassian had certainly been restrained beyond measure, but there had been times when every muscle in Azriel’s body had been braced for Cassian to launch himself across the room and throttle him.
But Azriel did not bother saying any of that, even as his lips curved at the memory. He only pushed away from the railing wreathed in frost-covered ivy. It signified an end to the conversation but more importantly, what had occurred between the three of them—a clear line that would not be crossed again.
“Who knew you were so restrained,” he deadpanned, his voice falling into a near drawl that had Cassian barking a laugh. Rhys had asked Azriel to travel to Illyria in order to gather the latest intelligence from the camps and report back on the latest whisperings of the rebellion. He was already late. So he only nodded at his brother as his power swirled around him, ready to bleed him in and out of shadow until he arrived where he needed to be.
“I’ll see you in a week,” he told Cassian, and then everything went dark.
Tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @arinbelle @superspiritfestival @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @mylittlebigplanet @biggestwingspan-az @bellsqueen @ekaterinakostrova @bookstantrash @prophecyerised @rainbowcheetah512 @awesomelena555 @wannawriteyouabook @iammissstark @lovelynesta @melphss @nestalytical  @darkshadowqueensrule @laylaameer01 @a-trifling-matter @grouchycritic7794 @thalia-2-rose @champanheandluxxury @swankii-art-teacher @princessconsuela02 @lavendergoomsltd @little-diyosa @princessofmerchants-reads @jeakat @sjm-things @imwritingthesewords @nestable @inejbrekkxr @silvernesta @inyourmindeye @amelie775 @iwastoowildinthe70s @helen-the-weirdo @pizzaneverdisappoints @wishfulimaginings @trash-for-nessian @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @hatemecozuaintme @vidalinav @onceupona-chaos @inardour @thesunremembersyourface @teagoddess99 @dontgetsalmonella  @jungtaekwoonie-is-life @finallyrosie
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Is it OK if I request some Yan!Dabi? I reaaally miss him 😭 Perhaps in a situation where he's feeling touch-starved? I need cuddles from my fav fire boii. Thank you in advance!
I generally try to avoid content that seems so soft, but if there’s anything I jump at, it’s the chance to reinforce the idea that Dabi is, secretly, an emotionally unstable man who probably wouldn’t be able to tell kindness apart from human decency. It’s a character flaw we love to see.
Title: Wants and Needs.
TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Burning, Emotional Manipulation, Slight Dehumanization, and Mentions of Death. 
It felt like Dabi needed to watch you, sometimes.
Well, ‘watching’ might’ve been the wrong word of it. He used to watch you, really watch you. He’d stand outside your apartment complex for hours at a time, scanning the side of the building for your window or just lurking near the doors, waiting, stalking. He would watch you from the other side of a bar, an untouched drink in one hand and the other tapping nervous rhythms into the wooden countertop, a group of his more noticeable friends often loitering somewhere in the background. You knew what it felt like to be watched, you knew what he looked like when he was trying to watch you, and you knew he didn’t have a reason to, not anymore. He hadn’t since he locked you up in this filthy apartment, since he fixed you into place, since he cut off your head and mounted it on the wall just so he’d be able to glance at his trophy and admire himself once or twice a day. Sometimes less, if he was distracted. Sometimes more, if he was feeling cruel.
Staring felt primal. Staring felt hot, alighting your skin with the kind of itching, paranoid fire prey must’ve felt when it discovered it wasn’t really a predator.
This was barely lukewarm, in comparison.
He was doing it again, for the second time today, the seventh time this week. You tried not to pay him any mind, not to return his prying gaze, but it was hard to stay focused on the book in your hands while he was in the doorway, one shoulder slumped against the frame and his fists shoved in his pockets, his eyes half-lidded but unblinking, all the same. He didn’t seem to dislike silence, but he hated it when you said something he didn’t want to hear, a lesson the scarred skin plated over your chest could testify to. It was hard to tell what might set him off, and you tried to avoid topics that didn’t suit the domestic fantasy he’d carved out for himself, but your room was small, more of a closet with a bed shoved into the corner. Unless you wanted to pull the sheets over your head and act like a child attempting to block out the darkness, there was nowhere you could go that his stare wouldn’t follow. Confrontation wasn’t the wisest route, but he had a way of whittling down your options, like that. The worst path was often the only path, when Dabi was around.
Still, you tried to keep things simple, keep your tone neutral and your attention centered on the page you were open to, even if you hadn’t read a word since he made his first appearance. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” His response came quickly, defensively. As if he was the one with a collar around his neck and a chain keeping him linked to the nearest wall. “Obviously, nothing’s wrong. Did I say anything was wrong?”
He hadn’t said anything. He never said anything, not on his own, not after he fell into one of his moods. You couldn’t expect anything else, though, not from the man that’d spoken his first words to you while forcing a needle-full of something clear and dizzying into your jugular vein. “You seem tense,” You mumbled, trying to resist the temptation to sink into the barred headboard. “You get… kill-y, when you’re tense. I’m allowed to worry when you start to look like you’re plotting my death.”
“I’ve never killed you,” He scoffed, thinking for a moment before shaking his head, straightening his posture before he went on. “If anything, I should be the one doling out the questions. I’ve been taking care of you, I’ve been spoiling you, and you still act like I’m going to rip your heart out the minute I get close to you.” He was getting aggressive, now, but it was far from the bright, sadistic glee he usually wore while searching for an excuse to fill your lungs with smoke and coat you in your own blood. No, this was something darker, something duller, more of a tantrum than anything, a fit that was more likely to end in a few harsh names and a forgotten meal than real violence. That didn’t mean he was any less volatile as he went on, though. “I didn’t bring you here just to watch you start shaking every time I put my hands you. I don’t want to scare you. I don’t want to be the bad guy in my own fucking relationship. I don’t want--”
“What do you want?”
Immediately, Dabi fell silent, going rigid as soon as you cut off his rant. But, if he was really trying to act as altruistic as he claimed to be, you couldn’t be punished just for talking back. Your fists were balling at the bedsheets before you could stop to yourself, your book closed, thrown to the side and your stance just as offensive as Dabi’s, even if all you could do was sit up and lean forward, considering just how short he’d chosen to make your restraints, your tether, your leash. That’s what it was, really - you were on a leash, made into a glorified pet, one that refused to lick its master’s cheek, even after he made such an effort to bring it home and lock it in a cage. Honestly, he should just be glad you didn’t choose to bite, instead. “You kidnapped me, I’m a captive. I don’t have to prance around and just to keep you entertained just because you’re nice enough to make sure I don’t starve to death. How am I supposed to know what you want? It’s not like you’ve ever tried to tell to me.” It was your turn to roll your eyes, your turn to cross your arms and huff. “For all I know, this could just be some prolonged, creative torture session to see which one of us can make the other more miserable before you snap and decide to smother me in my sleep.”
Dabi didn’t speak, but he took a step forward, his passive scowl pulled into a snarl.
Instantly, you remembered why you’d made an effort to hold your tongue, before.
You opened your mouth, a dozen different apologies already playing over in your mind, but by the time you could think about vocalizing something small and pathetic enough to earn his forgiveness, lithe fingers were already slipping under your collar, dragging you forward despite your attempts to hide yourself away. You could practically feel the blow before it came, hot and searing and unbearable and...
And gentle.
The hit never came. As abruptly as his aggression had manifested, it dissipated, dissolving into thin air as an arm wrapped around your waist, then another, your chest soon pulled flush against his and his face quickly buried in your shoulder, his body falling onto the mattress like dead-weight, taking yours along with it. His touch was still warm, his calloused palms still smoldering against your lower back, but it didn’t hurt, didn’t bring tears to your eyes, didn’t maim. You didn’t relax, but you were stunned into lifelessness, and that seemed to be enough for Dabi. He let out a heavy, ragged exhale, pulling you closer in the space between one breath and the next. “I just…” He started, only to trail off, his lips pressing into a stern, sealed line against the dip of your shoulder. “I don’t know what I want. I just know I don’t want you to hate me.”
Any other time, you might’ve called him out. You hated him, you had to hate him, and he had to know that, even if he tried not to acknowledge it. You moved to push him away, to free yourself from his vice-grip, but something stopped you. A hitched breath, a scalding dampness against your skin. An inaudible, almost unnoticeable attempt to speak, only for his thoughts to be swallowed down with something that sounded eerily similar to a cracked sob, or… the closest Dabi could come to one of those, at least.
Your hands settled in his hair, instead, carding through the ash-stained mess, encouraging him to lean ino you, rather than back away. You still didn’t like him, and no amount of tears would earn him your pity, but…
He wasn’t looking at you. He couldn’t, when he was like this.
That’d have to be enough, for now.
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'6", Gender: female, Quirk: Plant Growth and Control, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Bakugo are really good friends and secretly have crushes on each other!!!
It was rather early in the morning and admittedly, (Y/N) hadn’t slept the best, her dreams being plagued with fantasies of hungry gators, with her on the menu. So in short, she needed her morningly sugar.
Walking down the halls of the dorms, she groggily made her way to the kitchen where she opened the fridge and grabbed herself a vanilla DrPepper. Popping it open, she shuffled into the living room and flopped onto the couch where she tiredly sipped at her drink.
Unknown to her were the three mischievous boys who had gathered in Sero’s room. “So here’s the deal…” The tall black haired male began to fill in his peers, Kirishima and Kaminari. “Yesterday, as I was out… I came across this guy who said that he had a special serum that can shrink someone…” He told them, to which their eyes practically bulged from their heads. “Wait for real?!” Denki cried, willing to believe his friend despite the height of the tall tale. Kirishima looked slightly skeptical, “Shrink someone??” He asked, despite how much he wanted to believe his friend.
Sero pulled a small bottle from under his bed with a wide, sly grin. “It’s pure extract from someone’s quirk.” He explained, shaking it gently  as the amber colored liquid inside sloshed lightly. Denki looked momentarily horrified, “LIKE THAT THING THEY DID TO THAT LITTLE GIRL, ERI!?” He cried, “NO!!!” Sero replied, “Yeah, Sero wouldn’t do that, come on man!... Though how did you get it??” The redhead asked, now fully on board. Their friend just gave them a slightly creepy smile. “I have my ways…” he admitted. “Anyways, the reason I called you guys here…” He continued, setting the glass jar down gently in front of them.
“You guys know (Y/N)....”
“Yeah!!!” “Of course man!!!”
“Know Bakugo…?”
“Oh?” “Where’s this going……”
“Well…. I was thinking we could help them come out of their shells a little bit…” He chuckles almost darkly. The other two gave him curious and expectant looks. “I say we find a way to sneak (Y/N) some of the elixir…. Then we leave her to Bakugo.” He says. The other two perk up, “YES!!!” Denki fist pumps, “That’s genius!!!” He laughs. Kiri on the other hand didn’t seem so sure. “I don’t know man… If (Y/N) found out we’d be in a lot of trouble…. And if Bakubro found out….” Kirishima needn’t finish as all three boys shivered at the mere thought.
“Its ok, Bakugo isnt gonna find out because nobody's gonna tell him.” Sero urged, both him and Kirishima giving Denki a death glare. “Wha- HEY!!! I WOULDN'T TELL, YOU GUYS NO THAT, I DON'T SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, I'M NOT MINETA!!” he whined, throwing his arms out before Kirishima quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. “But he will know if you’re not quiet…” He hushed.
“So are we going to do this then??” Sero finally asked, the other two glancing at each other briefly before nodding. “Great!!!”
(Y/N) remained on the couch, passively drinking her soda whilst tapping away on her device. The three boys all came in one by one, gradually as not to seem suspicious. The girl paid them no mind, only acknowledging Kirishima when he sat beside her on the couch, whipping out his own phone after wishing her a goodmorning.
After five or so minutes, The boys’ classmate got up to go retrieve her charger as her phone battery began to run low, leaving her DrPepper on the coffee table. As soon as she was gone Sero tossed Kirishima the bottle and he uncapped it, dumping its entire contents into the unsuspecting drink.  He then quickly screwed the lid back on and pocketed the empty bottle.
Shortly after, (Y/N) returned, retaking her place on the couch, grabbing her drink and taking a small sip.
All three boys couldn't help as devious smiles tugged at the corners of their mouths…
For the first little while she didn’t notice their creepy smiles as they watched her expectantly, her continuing to enjoy her beverage. Finally she looked up to be met by three pairs of eyes. “What??” She asked, furrowing her brows, confused at their behavior. "Nothing..." Kirishima smirked, chin on his fist as he refused to look away. "Riiiight.... Did you guys spit in my drink or something??" She asked, eyeing the other two who laughed, "No!!" Sero guffawed, "So.... Are you guys on drugs or something??" She pressed, feeling frustrated that she didn't know what was going on. "no, but you are...." Denki muttered under his breath with a snicker, getting smacked in the back of the head by his friend.
"Ok then, I'm going to leave you creeps to yourselves and get ready..." She stated, finishing her drink and tossing it into the recycling.
'What on earth was wrong with them??? Did they do something to my drink??? Were they just being dummies and trying to see how she would react???' (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder as she walked down the halls back toward her room where she'd shower and make herself presentable for the day.
Not long after she felt her knees turn to jelly as the air whisked itself from her lungs. Startled, she tripped over herself and fell hard to the ground.'What the heck just happened!? Was this because of Denki, Sero, and Kirishima?!' Her mind whirled as the fall to the ground felt far further than it should have.
The three men peeked around the corner at their classmate and watched as her legs gave way and she tripped, disappearing completely in the process, just her sweat pants and white T-shirt left on the ground.
"What just-"
"Did she-"
"Did we...?"
Their eyes were frozen open. It looked as if they had just vaporized her. "Well, we gotta see if she's ok!!!" Kirishima said, finally running out from their hiding spot, the other two chasing after. As they approached the discarded garments they were able to see a small form moving  underneath the cloth. "Is that-!" Sero's smile grew exponentially. Kirishima looked as if he would reach out and see if she was ok so Sero clamped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head in reminder that Bakugo had to be the one to find her.
(Y/N) Felt the ground shake violently briefly. She sat up, still a little shaky and trying to catch her breath. "What just happened, where am I?!" She cried, trying to look around only to see she was in some sort of large fabric covering. The boys remained silent, slowly backing away as to not be around if anyone else came down the hall. Luckily they had timed things right and the very man they wanted to see came walking down the halls.
The floor vibrated again with his footsteps. "H-hello??" (Y/N) called, a smidge of fear starting to creep in given she still didn't know what all was happening.
Bakugo had only just gotten up and was on his not-so-merry way when he heard a small voice. He stopped, noticing the clothing discarded on the floor. "Eh?? Who on earth just left their clothes on the floor??" He asked, grabbing each piece, unintentionally scooping the small woman inside up as well. "Whatever. If they want their stuff back they'll have to come get it back. I don't have time for this crap." He grumbled, making his way back to his room.
The three other boys just gave each other victorious smiles, the plan was set in motion.
Bakugo reached his room shortly, tossing the clothes onto a nearby chair. He was about to walk right back out when he saw that they were moving. He hesitated, eyes growing a little with curiosity. (Y/N) on the other hand was so close to getting out, "HEY!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" She shouted, pushing at the shirt that surrounded her. Bakugo's eyes widened more, was he going crazy or did the pile of clothes talk??? "IS THERE ANYONE THERE??!!" She yelled once more, finally pushing her way out, shoulders and up protruding from the linen prison. The ash blonde's eyes snapped all the way open, which, may I add, was most certainly a first. "Oi, what kind of a joke is this??" he asked, regaining his demeanor, reaching for what looked to him like some kind of doll. (Y/N) was still trying to process what all she was looking at around her when the giant hand tried to grasp for her. With a startled squeak she ducked back down, barely missing as the closing fist brushed the top of her head.
When he grabbed nothing Bakugo only blinked. Curious as to if he really saw what he thought he saw. Bakugo parted the clothes enough to see the top of  a miniature head. What was that thing?! he just stared at it for a second, trying to process what he should do. As he thought, the head turned to look up at him, and he was greeted by the tiny face of his classmate, (Y/N). Startled, he flinched away, goosebumps breaking his skin. "WHAT THE HECK!?" He finally yelled, "B-Bakugo!?" she yelled back, inching her way back out of the shirt just enough to peek up and out at him. "How'd you get so big!?" She asked to which he promptly shouted back, "Nothing happened to me, you're the one who shrunk, idiot!!!" "What!?" She looked down at herself to figure out if he was telling the truth, and soon learned that not only was she a great deal smaller, but she was also in her own clothes, meaning they weren't necessarily on her body anymore.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she hugged the fabric closer to herself. "Uh.... I don't think I have anything to actually.... wear" She told him, her cheeks lighting up with embarrassment. Bakugo rolled his eyes, shutting his door roughly, "Tch- well you're not walking around my place with your naked butt." He replied curtly, just standing there as if she should do something about it. "Well?" He asked. She looked around, growing uncomfortable, "Well....?" She responded, unsure of what he wanted. "Use your dumb quirk to make yourself some! You can grow plants from your body right???" He asked, lip slightly curling up as he spoke. "Oh!! i can make them grow from anything really, but it has to have the nutrients that the plants would need to sprout, so I could grow them from my own body, but they'd sap my energy and life force in a sense, plus that could be risky given plants can be kinda flimsy and delicate..." She responded.
Bakugo huffed, making his way over to the bed where he pulled something out from under. A small shoe box. The tiny girl leaned to look inside as he took the lid off to reveal the last thing she expected to see. Barbies.
"YOU HAVE BARBIE DOLLS?!" She cried out in disbelief, quickly covering her mouth as his head swirled to give her a death glare, "IT WAS A PHASE OK!? AND THEY'RE NOT BARBIE DOLLS, THEY'RE ACTION FIGURES!!!!" He belted, making her cover her sensitive ears. "Plus, I was ten...." He grumbled. pulling a few of the different girls out. "Pick whichever one you like, I don't care." the boy huffed, holding them out. "Umm, well I like the last one!!" She told him, pointing to one with a red, flannel shirt with a collar, and blue jeans. The ash blonde didn't respond, only set it down beside her and put the others away, his cheeks ever so slightly pink from embarrassment of the dolls.
"U-um... Could I maybe have some privacy???" The small girl asked, a little flustered. "Yeah, whatever..." he replied, turning around to stare at the wall, "Just hurry up, I have places to go and things to do." he told her, his tone returning to not a mean one, but also not necessarily nice. (Y/N) just nodded, staying within the safety of her shirt as she slipped the doll's clothes on. "Alright, I'm decent now." she told him, climbing from the wrapped cloth to stand before him, his crimson eyes turning to look her up and down. "Eh- They fit you well." he said after a moment of silence, making her blush, "Thanks!" She chirped, quickly turning his cheeks red, "NOT LIKE THAT, THEY JUST AREN'T TOO BIG!!!" He yelled angrily. The tiny couldn't help but laugh, a blush still set on her face. "SHUT UP!!!" He bellowed again, to which she responded, "Hey, no need to get all prickly, it was a nice compliment! Your yelling is hurting my ears though..."
Bakugo just scowled, letting out a terse huff. "Yeah, fine, whatever. I gave you clothes, you can go now, I just want those back whenever this is over." he told her, grabbing a duffle bag off the end of the bed. "Wait! You're just going to leave me here?! While I'm like this?!" (Y/N) sassily inquired, stopping the giant in his tracks. "Why not?? You're not some helpless little kid." he responded, to which she knew translated into another silent compliment. She understood that he thought that even like this she could handle herself just fine, and he wasn't a dunce, so she knew he meant it. "I know... but still, I'm still trying to get used to everything and, would you at least find me someone else safe to stay with?" she secretly hoped deep down that no one else would be able to, but she definitely wasn't going to admit that aloud whilst around him.
The Pomeranian let out a long sigh after glancing at his nightstand clock. "Tch- fine." He slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, then lazily grabbed his shrunken classmate in his fist before she could protest, his large fingers wrapping around her stomach and waist so as to not grip her anywhere that would restrain her or make her uncomfortable, being respectful in his own way. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise, pressing against his hands. "You're fine." He told her, though he made sure his grip was loose enough he wasn't crushing her, but she couldn't get loose either.
"I never said you could just grab me!!" She objected, "And I never asked." He replied, walking out and into the hallway, toward the common room. (Y/N) just sulked, resting her head on her hands, elbows braced against the giant’s hand that wrapped carefully around her. As they walked in, the three boys from earlier plus Deku, Mina, Ochako, and Iida were all up and about. "OI! Extras!!" Bakugo yelled as he walked in, getting the attention of everyone there. "Who here can watch Flower Face for today??" He asked, waltzing up to the counter where he promptly set her down. (Y/N) stumbled, startled by the sudden and rough motion, trying to regain her balance. The eyes of everyone in the room popped from their heads, save the three boys who put her in the predicament to begin with.
Deku was the first to talk, followed by Iida, then Ochako, then Mina.
"Is that-?!"
"Woah!! How'd she get so small!?"
"So cute!!! What happened!???"
Bakugo let out a long, exasperated breath. "I don't know ok?? I just found her like this in the halls." He explained. Midoryia quickly fell to his knees, making himself eye level with the tiny as he gripped the edge of the counter, in absolute awe. "This is amazing!? Do you know what happened!?" He asked, his excitement enough to make it appear almost as if he were glowing.
(Y/N) stumbled back when he got so close so fast, his already large green eyes suddenly so much bigger. "Uh- well I was just fine when I woke up this morning, then I suddenly just got sick and shrunk..." She told him, still a little unsure of his enthusiasm, simply because of the drastic size difference.
"Wait, wait!! (Y/N,Y/N)!!! Could I hold you!?" Mina squealed, bouncing up and down, holding her hands out. the small girl was just about to answer when Bakugo stepped in. "Jeez, give her some space! She's still a living being and you guys are being super invasive." he growled, growing slightly protective, "And don't be so loud, she has smaller ears now you know." He added, hand raised as if he were ready to slip it in between them and the small. The others stopped to look up at him before realizing that they really must have been overwhelming her. "S-sorry!!" Deku cried, jumping back, "I guess I didn't stop to think how that may have made you feel, (Y/N), I'm sorry..." He said with a apologetic and flustered smile, rubbing his hands nervously. "No... You didn't..." Bakugo scoffed, making the poor boy feel worse. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean to." She chuckled, feeling slightly bad about Bakugo's unnecessary persistent comment.
"Now who here can be responsible and take care of her?? I have stuff I need to get to so hurry up." The grumpy teen curtly explained, leaning against the counter. Deku gave another apologetic smile, "Sorry... I can't today...." He said before looking at the clock, "I have to be somewhere in- IM LATE!!!" He jumped upon seeing the time, grabbing his stuff and running out the door. The girls watched with stifled giggles, "Sorry, we had a girls' day planned for today." Uraraka explained, Mina nodding, "Speaking of which, we need to go wake the others if they're gonna be ready in time!" she added, Uraraka nodding vigorously as they both jogged off. "What about you three?! You've been weirdly quiet." The Pomeranian growled at the culprits. Denki startled, "Uh- yeah well I have to go see my mom...." He said before running out the door, earning exasperated looks from Kirishima and Sero as he bailed on them. "Sorry Bakubro, gym day.." Kirishima said as he casually got up and quickly left, already in workout clothes and sneakers.
(Y/N) watched as one by one, they each left, the chances of her having to stay with Bakugo growing, along with the nervous butterflies in her stomach. Then Iida piped up, "Don't worry, Bakugo, I will gladly keep watch on-"
"Oop- Iida was going to go visit his brother today!! And I have elsewhere to be!!" Sero interrupted him, clamping a hand down on his mouth and dragging him out of the common room.
Bakugo growled, "WHAT!? YOU CAN'T ALL BE BUSY TODAY!!! YOU LITTLE BRATS, GET BACK HERE!!!"  He cried as they left, "Tch-!!" The man was beside himself, they really just left him to watch over her. "Come on Bakugo, I can't be that bad!!" (Y/N) laughed, though part of her felt slightly hurt that he seemed so reluctant to spend time with her. The ash blonde teen rolled his eyes, "Not that bad?? Taking care of your sorry butt would be easy, but it gets annoying when I have to do it while doing hero work..." He grumbled, "I don't have time for this!!" he said, gripping the bridge of his nose. "Oh... Well, I won't be much trouble!!" (Y/N) pressed, still determined to go with him. It'd be better than staying here all day where she wouldn't be able to do anything. The boy just stared at her long and hard before he grumbled, grabbing his bag again and holding his hand out. The tiny girl stared at it for a moment before her face lit up and she looked up at him with a glittering smile, "Wait- I can-!?" She started to ask before he glared, face heating up as he tried to ignore the throbbing in his chest at the sight of her so stoked to go with him. "Hurry up will ya, I already told you I'm in a rush!!" He complained, trying hard to hide the faint coloring in his cheeks.
(Y/N) enthusiastically jumped on, wrapping her hands around his soft yet rough fingers. Bakugo walked out of the building and towards The Best Jeanist's agency. Bakugo had agreed to work with him for a short time whilst he looked for a more permanent position, all under the condition that he wouldn't wear those cursed skinny jeans or have his hair combed back. "Before we get there and I'm officially on patrol and whatever, we'll need to get some things straight. I'm not babysitting you." He stated, still holding his hand up and out where she sat. The girl turned to look back at him as he spoke. "You and I both know you're not some flimsy little pansy, so if you get in a tough spot don't expect me to come in and save you right away, you'll have to be fine holding off as long as you can, got that??" He asked, her nodding her head. (Y/N) noticed he was a little more straightforward with her and honest about his thoughts, a privilege that only she and Kirishima shared. As the thought occurred she couldn't help but blush.
"Oi, earth to Flower Face!!"
His voice broke her train of thought. "Oh!! yeah??" She responded, finally coming to. "I'm getting tired of holding you like this." He told her as he kept walking. "Oh!! Sh-should I move??" she asked, not wanting to do anything without his say so. "Well I didn't tell you just to waste my breath now did I?" He replied, it being as much of an 'okay' as she'd get. "Right!! Is your shoulder okay??" She asked to which he didn't answer other than lifting his hand closer up to his shoulder. Carefully, she climbed on and quickly situated herself to be standing with some of his blonde fluffy hair clutched in her fists to help support her. Bakugo kept walking, seemingly thinking to himself the most of the time, so (Y/N) made herself busy braiding his hair into tiny, spiky braids that followed the natural flow of his messy head. Before she knew it she had braided everywhere she could reach from his right shoulder. 'It'd look weird if I left his hair like this...' she thought to herself, her natural next move being to braid the rest. She grasped each soft clump of hair to keep her from falling as she moved with careful feet to the back of his neck.
As she began to cross she felt him shiver as it quite obviously tickled, his neck and shoulders tensing beneath her feet. "What the heck are you doing??" He asked, the tiny's foot holds vibrating with the hum of his voice. (Y/N) looked down at his feet that kept pace, coming behind him just enough to push off and into the next step. "Oi, What are you up to you little dummy!" He asked again, this time getting her full attention, "Just wanted to see what this'd be like!" She exclaimed, carefully testing to see if his shirt collar would support her. "Yeah well don't get used to it!! And don't fall, you've already made me late enough!!" The Pomeranian warned her as she looked out over the ground they had covered. "Ok!" She chirped back, before  getting to work on his hair.
Crossing each large tuft over the other she soon reached the smaller hairs along the base of his neck that were too small to braid. The tiny girl ran her hands through the far softer, finer hairs that bristled straight up. "So soft!!!" She giggled quietly to herself, eventually burying her face in the fluff and nuzzling the boy's neck.
Bakugo could feel everything the girl did. Truth was that he had been thinking to himself around the beginning of the walk but as tiny fingers began working through his hair, his mind wandered to them. He couldn't tell what exactly she was doing but it felt good and he thought it was kinda cute. She was the only person, other than maybe Weird Hair, that he wouldn't yell at for doing this, plus he knew she was a very hygienic person. Though he grew curious as he could feel tiny hands and feet ever so carefully creeping toward the back of his neck. Bakugo could tell as hands tickled the base of his neck  where the baby hairs were and heard her praise his hair. He couldn't help but scowl harder in an attempt to hide the blush that painted itself across his cheeks. Soon something a little bigger than the minuscule fingers began to nuzzle against him. Shivers ran up his back and goosebumps broke his skin in a mixture of tickle and good feeling sensations washed over him.
"Hey!! No one said you could just do whatever you want back there!!!" The ash blonde growled, reaching back and plopping her on his other shoulder. "Sorry!" She laughed as his hand let go of her and she fell flat on her stomach. "oof-" She let out a little noise before pushing herself back up and looking up at the side of his face which was still very hot. "DUDE YOUR EARS ARE SO RED!!" She exclaims with a snicker, startled by the sudden change in color. "SHUT UP, IT'S JUST A SUNBURN!!" He roared back, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. "That's a fast sunburn!!!" She retorted to which  she could see a sneer curl at his lips, "You're about to get a fast burn...." He threatened.
(Y/N) shrugs it off and doesn't think much of it, beginning to work at his hair again. "What are you doing anyway???" He snarled after some time to which she realized just how ticked he'd be if he knew she was doing this. "N-nothing.... just- playing with your hair, you know...... fluffing it and stuff." She responded, turning sheet white. "Just don't do anything stupid or I'll blow your sad little butt to shreds." He tells her impatiently, to which she nods, continuing the braids slowly now. "Yep, definitely nothing stupid." She added, only adding to the blonde boy's suspicions. "Yeah, whatever." He sighed, rolling his blood red eyes as he kept walking.
At last the braids were done, and (Y/N) thought they looked amazing!!! She couldn't help but giggle and feel proud as she looked at their reflection in a window of a building they walked by. "Eh?? What's so funny?" The boy asked as he twisted his head to look at his tiny crush. The little girl was still grabbing his hair for support, so when Katsuki turned his head, (Y/N) lost her grip and wobbled before falling back and onto the giant's face. "Hey-Woah!!" She cried as she tipped back and fell against his nose and mouth to which he startled, clearly not expecting her to latch onto him for dear life. "HEY!!!" He hollered, making her grab tighter to his nose as her foot caught in his mouth. "GET OFF ME!!" He then began trying to grab at her. "I'M TRYING!!!" she shot back, her surprised but feisty, small, glittering eyes, meeting his much larger, glaring red ones.
He managed to grab her in his fist and give her quite the look. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR, HUH!!!???" He bellowed at the tiny that tightly gripped his fingers. "It wasn't on purpose!!" She countered, growing more and more conscious of the smoke that seeped from his palm and the rapid heat that generated around her as well. Bakugo's response came with a hard glare. "Well then be more careful idiot!!! I don't want you all over my face, who knows where on this blasted planet you've been!!" "No, you should be more careful!!!! I was fine till you tried to look at me without giving me any warning!!!" She corrected Bakugo quickly, earning a huff and a growl as he looked away for a moment. "Well I'm not gonna tell you every time I wanted to turn my own blasted head...." He didn't answer any more despite his softened attitude. He knew she was right and that he was letting his anger get the best of him.
"So are you gonna carry me in your hand again, Pufferfish??" The tiny girl asked. Bakugo scoffed, "Well you're not going back on my shoulder." He responded curtly, shoving her down in the pockets of his baggy jeans.
Once again, she was plunged into an ocean of cloth, only this time she was pressed up against his hand that rested casually beside her. Put out, the small girl began squirming around against his hand and in the pocket to get comfortable. "The heck you doing??" She heard his grumpy voice ask, and she promptly ignored him, wiggling into the inside of his hand and pressed herself to the Pomeranian's palm and fingers. She heard him scoff lightly before his hand curled inward and around her. She smiled and snuggled into his rough, work worn hand. She allowed her eyes to pull heavily closed, the swaying motion of Bakugo's walking soothing her.
(Y/N) awoke suddenly to being squished against the giant's leg by his hand briefly. "Oi, Watch it." His voice angrily chided. It was clear she had fallen asleep given that she could hear the sounds of a bus humming and every step seemed to drop her lower and lower before she could hear the vehicle start and drive off. How long she had been asleep, she didn't know, but the miniature girl was tired of being carried around in Bakugo's pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N) began trying to climb up his arm before he pulled his hand out, leaving her in his loose pocket by herself. "Bakugo!!" She whined, trying to pull herself out before failing.
Bakugo was getting off the bus as a stranger got on, slamming into his side where the tiny was in his pocket. "Oi!!! Watch it!" he barked at them, silently hoping that she was okay. She had fallen asleep quite a while back and he was now at The Best Jeanist's agency when he heard her call from his pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N)'s small and soft voice chirped. He could feel her pulling herself out, but he needed her to stay hidden or Jeanist might try to confiscate her, saying it wouldn't be smart to take a tiny girl like her on a hero patrol. So he paid her no mind as he pulled his hand out without her to open the building's doors. "Bakugo~~" She continued to complain and protest as he walked in, heading straight to check in with his temporary mentor. "Shuddup." He said quietly, cupping one hand to his pocket to keep her from wriggling around too much, clearly having the opposite effect. "Quit it alright?? I'll let you out in a minute," The giant whispered harshly, bopping the little body in his pocket gently. Luckily she stopped moving and he was able to get his patrol route and head to the changing rooms.
After a while of him walking something began poking hard against his leg. He was confused at what she was doing before he figured that she was probably kicking him. Bakugo ignored the little human who continued to relentlessly jab at him until her protests began to come a little too close to a certain sensitive area he did not want to be kicked in. His eyes widened and he quickened his pace to reach the privacy of the changing room as each rough nudge seemed to creep closer and closer to his midsection.
He swiftly threw open one of the locker room doors and dashed inside, setting his duffle bag down and quickly fishing the girl out right as she threw a hard kick. His hand tightened around her harder than he meant as he folded in half. Her small size did not affect her strength in the slightest. Bakugo then shakily pulled (Y/N) from his pockets and gave her a murderous glare. She looked up at him absolutely clueless as to what she had just done, her face a mix of confusion and surprise. "Dude..... Y-you okay????" She asked with furrowed brows. "Im fine." He responded in a strained voice, "But I'd be better if you didn't plant your gosh darn foot between my legs." He added, rage trickling into his voice with each word.
The tiny's eyes grew large as understanding dawned on her, "WAIT FOR REAL!!??" She quickly lost it, wheezing and choking on her laughs at the giant's misfortune. He held his breath for a few moments, resisting the urge to squeeze her just enough to get her to stop laughing and maybe, just maybe exact some extent of revenge. "Would you quit that?! It's not funny, alright!?" He yelled as she continued to laugh and apologize, "Sorry, I just-" she giggled, tears streaming down her face. "You don't sound gosh darn sorry!" He growled before setting her down roughly on the bench beside the bag. "Just be quiet, alright??" He snarled, unzipping it and pulling out his costume.
"Why didn't you let me out??" She asked carefully, calming herself, but not wanting to upset him any further as he remained still somewhat bent in half. "Because Greasy Hair would try to take you if he knew you were here." He told her, quickly pulling off his shirt to which she just stared, "Dang~." (Y/N) cut herself off face turning bright pink as she looked up at the boy's well built, bare chest. "You look like you work out, do you work out??? Would you like to work out together sometime???" She asked, making him roll his eyes as he tossed his shirt onto her. "Don't make this weird alright??" He told her, taking the opportunity to swap his pants whilst she tried to crawl out of the sweaty cloth.
"Hey!!" She squawked, pulling herself from the shirt and looking to see him sitting on the floor and pulling his boots on. She opted to just sit and watch as he put on the rest of his outfit. The room didn't have a mirror so he had to blindly do his eyeliner that he used to make the area around his eyes black and fit in with his mask.
"You missed a spot," The tiny chimed as he picked up the mask, about to tie it to his face. "Eh? Where."
"Right there."
"Well I'm gonna need something a little more specific than 'there'."
"Here, let me get it." She offered. Bakugo didn't respond, only leaned in close to the bench so she could reach his face. "Right here." She responded, stepping forward and placing her tiny hands on the soft skin beneath his eyes to carefully spread the thick black makeup. He didn't close his eyes while she did this, the giant blood red spheres just followed her every movement. The minuscule girl couldn't help but look back up and into his large eyes, every detail becoming very visible. Being this close up to his face, she had to admit, made her heart hiccup. She watched his large pupils dilate as they stared at her, shifting ever so slightly with his studying her tiny form. It was hypnotizing....
"You done??" His voice broke the silence, puffing a small, warm breath across her little body. "Oh, Yeah!!!" She replied, stepping back as he pulled away, tying on his mask. "Thanks I guess," He muttered before scooping her up in gloved hands, far more gently than the last few times- er- all the other times.
"Whoah!" She let her surprised reaction slip from her lips as she was tucked into the hero's belt loop, typically where a grenade would hang. "ah- This isn't very comfortable you know..." she complained, trying to change her position as she was held up by the strap that ran across her chest and under her arms. "Well you've pretty much lost the privilege to ride anywhere else." The ash blonde told her, opening the door and marching out and into the streets, though he walked with a bit of an awkward limp, presumably from her kick. "I'm not a baby, Come on!!!" She proceeded to whine at his stubborn responses. "You may not be one, but you get into about as much trouble as one." He responded as he walked, not even throwing her a glance. (Y/N) let out a huff equal to her size.
Things seemed pretty uneventful as Bakugo walked around, snapping at the occasional fan, and pretty much just marched around his route, with his tiny classmate hanging from his belt. Surprisingly enough, hardly anyone seemed to notice her. Two or three people did and Bakugo easily passed it off as her being his 'sidekick' or 'partner' but that was the most interesting thing to happen so far.
That is.... until a commotion broke loose...
A building not too far from them suddenly exploded as the side wall flew outwards in thousands of pieces, causing the explosive boy's head to whip around, a crazed grin stretching across his facial features, "Finally!" He cheered, a little too eagerly, as he took off running. (Y/N) was being shaken up and down violently by the mere motion of the giant's sprint. Suddenly they lurched forward as Bakugo rocketed forward with his own explosions, landing just a few feet from a startled bystander, "WHATS GOING ON!?" The angry Pomeranian demanded, startling the poor man even further. "I- I- I don't know!! I was just on my way back from the-" "I don't need to know that crap! It blew up, I know!!" He cut the man off quite rudely as he took to a speedy sprint toward the source of the panic.
As they approached the explosion sight, three figures could be seen coming through the smoke. "We've done it!! Now hurry up and let's get out of here before the pros arrive!!!" One masculine voice could be heard, followed by two more voices, one sounding male, the other female. "Sure thing!!" "Less chatting, more scramming!"
Bakugo couldn't resist the urge but to call out, "Not so fast!! Where do you brats think you're going?!" He taunted with the same frightening smile. "go." The first voice instructed and the other two bolted. The tallest of the bunch stayed, presumably the first to speak.
"Mind your own business kid, this doesn't concern you." He said sharply, raising one arm before it came whistling through the air, stretching out like a whip. Bakugo reacted quickly, using his own blasts to flip over the on coming threat right before it slammed into a nearby pile of debris with a sickening crack. "LIKE I GIVE A CARE!!" The hero in training shouted back, one hand held protectively in front of (Y/N). The figure paused before approaching, the long tentacle-like arm retracting into the thick fog and by their side. "Well then, I suppose I've warned you proficiently..." The figure mused, emerging from the dense aerial soot with a slow but powerful stride, "I have no intention of killing one so young, but I can't make promises, the fight tends to get away from me..." He added early with a sickening grin as he came into the light enough to tell the details.
The man was staggeringly tall with shaggy but well kept black hair, he had a long scar that ran up the night side of his face, painting one of his striking blue eyes a milky, blind white. He wore a battered suit and tie, dress shoes replaced by heavy duty combat boots. Two strange scars crept up from the corners of his mouth to his long pointed ears; sharp fang looking things jutted from the scar.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile wider as the man approached, "Same here, Bean Pole." He chuckled, more under his breath than out loud.
Then, with a loud ripping noise, The villain's arms split into many different tentacles, all rushing forward hastily. Bakugo blew up each one as they reached him, smoke and flame firing off in all directions with ear splitting noises. Bakugo grew careless, excitedly flipping and spinning about, propelling himself dramatically with his hand explosions that were each aimed strategically at on coming tentacles and arms that swung about with startling amounts of force.
It was then that he didn’t notice a particular limb until it slammed into him from behind, knocking the air from him as he was flung toward the ground, flinging the tiny (Y/N) from his belt just before he hit the ground.
(Y/N) watched as the world whirled about her as she fell, the wind whistling loudly in her tiny ears as the unknown of how far she’d fall threatened to plant fear in her chest. Reacting quickly she covered herself in cushioned mushrooms that bounced her gently whilst her tiny form rolled across the ground.
Peaking one eye open she shook the shrooms from her body and looked around in hopes to study her current situation. With shaky legs she stood and observed Bakugo swiftly standing and quickly checking his side where she was previously, he looked panicked as he looked around himself and even under his boots, and where he sat. “Crud-“
“What’s wrong??” The figure asked tauntingly as he walked closer, cradling one particularly burned tentacle close to his body as the others crept closer to the panic stricken hero. "You lose something??? Aww~ That's too bad isn't it... especially since you're about to lose consciousness as well...."
The pale blonde whirled on the villain, firing a barrage of explosive shots at him, each one hitting a tentacle and the villain in the head. The man let out startled cries of pain and surprise before shaking it off, "You little-" He started before Bakugo flew at him with outstretched hands that crackled and spat sparks. "I'll make you pay you filthy low life!!" The hero spat, pouncing on the man who deftly dodged and defended himself against the explosive demon boy that tore at him like a feral animal.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she observed the giants fight. She had to help, but she couldn't get close, or she'd risk getting crushed. That's when it occurred to her. She looked down at where she stood to see exposed dirt.
Placing her hands on the ground, they glowed a bright green and long, dark vines began to creep along the ground quickly, toward the two who fought. With careful control she aloud the plants to ensnare the tall man and slowly entangle themselves around his body. "What the?!" Both men asked in confusion but Bakugo's eyes quickly widened with relief and realization as he remembered your quirk.
The villain snapped the vines quickly, "How do you have two quirks?!" He asked in astonishment and confusion before his eyes caught that the plants crept from a further and smaller human form. "Isn't it obvious?! Cause I'm the best gosh darn hero this world will ever see!!" Bakugo yelled back, not wanting him to know about his minuscule classmate and crush who was somewhere he was unaware of.
Narrowing his eyes, he focused all his extensive arms on the explosive teen, cocooning him quickly before tossing him off to the side brutally. He then snapped his head to glare at the tiny girl. (Y/N) startled as the villain walked slowly but steadily toward her, stunning eyes fixated on her. She quickly looked behind herself, silently praying that he was looking at someone or something else. But when she turned to look back he was bolting toward her, long arms outstretched.
The small girl let out a startled scream as she turned to run the other way before one of the scaly limbs wrapped itself around her and pulled her off the ground. "So you have an accomplice!" The villain chimed, turning to look back at Bakugo who was standing up from a pile of crumbled stone, one hand clutched to his side.
Bakugo's eyes widened with genuine fear once they spotted the small. He began to run at the villain with startling speed, "GET YOUR FILTHY LITTLE-"
"Uh-uh -uh! I wouldn't do that if I were you!!" The man teased maliciously, tightening his grip on the girl's small form as the scars opened themselves along his jawline to reveal a startlingly larger mouth full of dagger-like teeth. (Y/N) paled. "Make one wrong move and I'll make sure she isn't a problem.... got that??" he asked, still with a sickeningly terrifying grin playing across his facial features.
Bakugo skidded to a stop, growling as he was left in quite the predicament. "What the heck do you want then....." He asked through gritted teeth, his glare hardening on the criminal. "Let us go and I'll give your friend back." He responded before continuing, "I'm going to take her with me to make sure you don't follow, because if you do...." the man trailed off, flashing a very toothy grin.
Bakugo just glared back, carefully running ideas and scenarios through his head as to how to get his tiny friend back without getting her hurt or putting her in any more risk.
(Y/N) on the other hand gripped the villain's arm that held her and let her quirk go crazy, sapping his energy as thorns exploded across his body, rapidly tangling and ensuring him and each other.
The blonde took the opportunity to jump on the villain whilst he struggled against his restraints, roughly pulling the small woman from his grasp and striking him unconscious. "Stupid extra." He spat under his breath before returning his attention to his miniature crush. "You miss me??" She asked with a bright smile despite her shaky voice, to which he turned her in his hand, setting her on his palm. He began checking her up and down for potential injuries, poking, prodding and feeling at her with careful fingers, "You break anything, idiot??" he asked, avoiding her question, and hiding just how petrified he had been for her safety.
The tiny giggled as he hit some ticklish spot and swatted at his large fingers. "Yeah, i'm fine!!! it'd take more than some creepy Slender-Man dude to take me out!!" She told him to which he sighed, giving the thorn ball on the ground a rough kick. "Yeah, whatever, come on, we can't let those other guys get away." He told her, looking down at himself for a safer spot to place her.
(Y/N) watched him study himself, noticing that the braids were still intact. Honestly a beautiful sight!
"You know what, i don't even care anymore!" He grumbled, interrupting her train of thought and quickly plopping her onto his head, "Grow some dumb vines to secure yourself or something." He told her, marching off before breaking into a full sprint in the direction the other villains had gone. "Wait what about that other guy??" She asked, quickly growing some vines off his head to secure her tightly to him. "What, Bean Pole?! That dunce is done for, the other heroes will take care of him." He chuckled darkly as he continued to run, following a strange trail of blue slimy residue footsteps.
(Y/N) just lied back into the tall, crazy, spiky blonde hair. There was a stunning amount of it and its ridiculously soft texture made it clear that it held its messy composure without any kind of gel or treatment. Good gracious was she glad she didn't have shoes. She couldn't help but wiggle her feet back and forth through his silky tufts, fluffing strands and clumps of it through her hands and against her face as well.
Bakugo knew full well what she was doing and smiled softly to himself as he kept running, doing his best to ignore the burning in his ears as they turned red.
Soon they could hear voices...
"Do we just wait here for the boss???'
"Duh, what else would we do?!"
"Well, what if he got caught?"
"By that kid?! Please, Kanja Kaiju​ise wouldn't get taken down by a silly little twerp like that, just be patient, he said to wait here so we will." a feminine voice chided in an annoyed tone in response to the nervous male one.
Bakugo gave a sadistic grin at their confidence in their leader. “You should watch who you're calling a ‘Silly little twerp’!” He yelled, swinging himself around the corner with a powerful blast, using both legs to kick the two from behind, knocking them to the ground where he pinned them by standing on them. “WHAT THE-?!” They both exclaimed in surprise, grunting as they were pinned beneath the ash blonde teen. “IM GONNA BLOW YOU TWO IDIOTS ALL THE WAY TO HELL...." he rasped harshly in their ears. The woman was stronger built than the guy and her skin was a transparent, glossy blue. "I'd like to see you try, punk!!" She hissed though she didn't seem to have any mouth. And just like that she flattened beneath his feet, upsetting his balance briefly. "What on earth??" He muttered as a large, sticky blue puddle and empty clothes replaced the woman.
Like water, the strange substance began to sift from between Bakugo's feet and took shape behind him. Suddenly a sharp pain connected with the back of the boy's head, sending him flying forward. Miraculously, he stopped himself  before he ended up crushing (Y/N) who gripped onto his hair with surprising strength, tearing at his hair ever so slightly. "You alright Flower Face??" He asked, hands cupped over his head before a shaky answer came, "Y-yeah, never better!! Just focus on kicking this girl's butt!!" She squeaked, gaining a very eager grin from the giant, "Alright then, hold on tight!!" He warned. She tightened her grip before he flinched, "Ow, ow, ow, not that hard dummy!!!" He winced at the feeling of his hair being yanked at.
Turning to face his opponent, he was met by the sight of the women, her entire body made from the blue, glossy slime. It looked as if she wore a loose body suit as the goop lacked any other details. The blonde grinned, sparks popping sporadically, from his palms,  "Come at me!!!" He jeered, both crouching down into battle stances.
"RAHHH!!!!" The woman let out a fierce battle cry, rushing forward and morphing around Bakugo's attacks, delivering heavy blows in return. The giant boy coughed and grunted, catching a second wind before sprinting at his sludge-like enemy. "DIE!" He bellowed, utterly missing again.
(Y/N) on the other hand acted quickly in an act of desperation, she generated a long twisted, horned vine and allowed it to fall back around the woman in attempt to trip or snag her, though it caught around her neck, and went right through the glop, severing her head from the rest of her body in a way that looked a great deal like cutting jello. The rest of her body completely melted. The tiny was left star struck and terrified of what she had just done. That was, until the woman's head touched ground and the rest of her quickly formed back. "OH MY-" her breath caught in her throat as she witnessed what she had thought had just been her own manslaughter. But that's when it clicked, "BAKUGO!! I KNOW HER WEAKNESS!!! ONLY THE SLIME CONNECTED TO HER HEAD CAN BE CONTROLLED, SO IF YOU SHRINK HER DOWN YOU CAN BEAT HER!!!" The minuscule girl yelled, making the boy's eyes snap in realization.
It had happened so quickly, all within the time the giant stopped his missed punch and whirled around to see her form again. "I KNEW THAT DANG IT, JUST SHUT UP AND DON'T GET YOURSELF SPOTTED!!!" He yelled back, "Don't tell me to-!!" "I SAID SHUT UP AND DIIIIEEEE!!!!!" The hero whirled on the woman, this time, using her dodging tactics to blow up or kick off small amounts of goop at a time, instead of trying to blast her face into the floor. With each quick, controlled blow strategically taking out inches at a time, they fought till he towered over the woman who stood at only 3-4 inches tall. "Heh heh heh heh, whatcha gonna do now pipsqueak?!" He asked with a devilish grin, having her backed against a wall.  "You should watch who you're talking to you little-" She was cut short as Bakugo slammed a glass bottle over top of her, trapping her inside. "Can it!" He laughed maliciously at his own pun. She let out a frustrated growl as she banged slimy fists against the glass whilst Katsuki pocketed it in one of his heavy duty pockets on his pant legs, filled with other gear and equipment. He turned to see that the other villain was gone. "Coward!" He rolled his eyes with a click of his tongue. "at least he left the money,..." The boy muttered,. "Oi, Flower Face, you still alive??" he asked to which she answered sassily, "Psh- Yeah!!" she chirped whilst he sighed, grabbing the many, heavy duffle bags off the ground, slinging some over his back, the others over his shoulder, and the last two in his arms.
With a light grunt, he lifted the loot and marched back toward where the fight initially broke loose, where the other pro heroes and police were inspecting things and indeed dealing with the so nick-named "Bean Pole".
"Dynamight!!" a voice called as he marched over. "Eh?" He grumbled as a news reporter rushed over, "It seems you single handedly took out the leader of the villains responsible for this attack!! What can you tell the rest of us!?" The lady asked before practically shoving the mic into his face.
"Well (A, I took down two of those gosh darn villains, and got the money back, (B, i didn't do it alone, so get your stupid facts right." He finished his snide remark before shoving past her and marching steadily toward the police. "What are you talking about 'didn't do it alone', i didn't do squat!!" The tiny asked, genuinely confused. "Well, you wrapped Bean Pole in thorns and helped me figure out how to beat Pipsqueak, didn't you??" He asked, though it came out as more of a declaration. (Y/N) just smiled.
After a long chat with the cops about the third man, Bakugo handed the slime girl over to them, along with the stolen goods. Then they finished up an otherwise uneventful patrol and headed back to Best Jeanist's where the blonde would check in, change back into normal clothes and head home for the day.
Bakugo walked into the agency, no longer determined to hide his miniature crush as he had already gone on patrol so it didn't matter anymore. He reported quickly with Jeanist who was, as the boy predicted, angry that he had brought her along but couldn't do much about it any more.
He then went into the changing rooms, this time getting one with a mirror. "Alright, as soon as we get back to the dorms, i'm-!!!" "THE HECK!?" "DID YOU DO THIS YOU LITTLE FUN SIZED PUNK!?" The ash blonde giant roared, staring in horror at the neat little braids that followed the sides of his head all the way around.
(Y/N) paled, "Um well-"
"NOOO!!!! They look so cuuuute~!"
"Can we leave them-"
Bakugo was livid with her and clenched her in a hot, smoking fist as she was forced to undo the little braids that were far too small for his large fingers to fix. Though unknown to him was the fact that she left a particularly favorite one of hers in the back, where he couldn't see. "No way I'm letting you anywhere near my hair again!!" He snarled, earning a complaining whine from her. "And if you freaking kick me I will kill you..." the explosive giant growled as he stuffed the tiny (Y/N) into his pocket after having changed back into his clothes.
(Y/N) knew full well that he'd send her flying if she did so, though she didn't plan to. Instead, she made herself busy playing with pieces of lint, like one might a cloud or cotton candy, squishing and shaping it in her hands.
Sooner than she would have thought the sound of a door opening and closing caught her attention. "Hey!! Are we home!?" She asked, standing on his thumb to peak out of the pocket. Her question was answered simply by looking around. They were in a simple convenience store. "Tch- Whats it look like??" He asked with a click of his tongue. "Wait, I thought we were gonna head back to the dorms?" She asked to which her classmate let out an annoyed sigh, "We are, dummy, I just wanted to grab some snacks to eat before we get back."
"What do you mean?? You already have a snack!!"
"Eh? what- that plain crap ramen and potato chips back home?? I'm not eating that trash-"
"No, you've got me!!! I'm a hot pocket!!!!"
"Cause I'm hot! And I'm in a pocket!!!" Bakugo just stared at her with a blank expression as she returned one that clearly stated that she knew full well and was proud of her bad pun. She could have sworn his cheeks and ears turned red though, "Are you blush-" "Shuddup!!! Just pick something out already so we can check out!!" He yelled, turning to look away from his pocket and hide his face as his hand shifted beneath her, catching her tiny figure in his palm as he lifted her out of his pocket. (Y/N) decided not to push, but the thought alone that her comment had made him blush caused a hot pink to dust her cheeks whilst her heart swelled.
Bakugo carried her around the small gas station store to pick out some sweets and snacks. A certain treat caught the tiny's eye, "OOO, GRAB THOSE (fav unhealthy snack)!!!" "Are you serious!? Do you know the havoc those things can wreak on your body!?" He asked, disgust lacing his tone. "Yes!!! NOW GIMME!!!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Fine, just know I'm not gonna let this be all you eat, you better save room for something healthy!! There's no way I'm letting you eat too much of this junk!!" He chides, (Y/N) just laughing at his comment. "ok, I won't say no to that!!" she giggled.
After picking out some stuff for her, Bakugo bee-lined for the spicy ramen and other hot snack foods, grabbing some ghost pepper potato chips, dried chili peppers, and spiced almonds. "You want some food with that hot sauce??" The tiny asked with a sarcastic little scoff. "Ha!! This is the mild stuff!!!" He said, grabbing a pack of Carolina reaper snack sticks off a shelf. "This.... is the good stuff!!" He spoke with a triumphant laugh as her eyes popped, looking at the pack of seasoned sausages he shook in his hand. "Holy crap man!! How can you even still taste anything!!??" "I can taste plenty fine, and you're gonna eat these with me!!" He laughed, tossing them into the little basket he held. The tiny girl paled as she looked down into the basket below her, sitting on the wrist of his hand that held it. "No way, and you can't make me!" She responded after a moment as they came up to the register. "Oh yeah!? We'll see about that, Flower Face!" he laughed, setting the ingredients and snacks they planned to purchase on the conveyor belt.
The cashier rang them up, casting countless looks and glances at the shrunken human that sat on Bakugo's shoulder. It clearly got on the hot head's nerves as he eventually yelled at the poor guy to stop staring. The adult got defensive and demanded that the temperamental boy give respect to his elders.
"Oh yeah!? And who are you to make me!?"
"Someone who can kick you out of here without your food!"
"Try me Spider!! You're looking at the future number one hero!!!"
"Number one hero!? You're not going to be squat with that attitude!"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT AN ATTITUDE LOOKS LI-" The blonde was promptly cut short as the shrunken girl pressed both her hands against his face, squishing his cheek and getting him to stop. Bakugo had already gotten up and onto the counter, one leg propped up high the other ready to launch him forward as both hands sparked. "Sorry, he's a little hangry, if you'll pardon us we'll just pay for our food and get out of your hair!!" She apologized, still leaning against the boy's face.
The man just stared as Bakugo began angrily fishing the money from his back pocket with a sneer. "Fine whatever, just get out of my store already..." the cashier huffed. Bakugo clearly got angrier at this and moved to further threaten the man but (Y/N) pulled one of the blonde tufts of hair. "Come on, let's just go home and eat!" She urged before he snatched the bag of food and stomped out, "Whatever... " The small girl just let out a long sigh, "good grief..."  she groaned with a soft chuckle.
Bakugo then began walking back to the dorms with her still on his shoulder.
They soon arrived and the teen went straight inside where they were met by the three from earlier who had started the whole thing. "Yo! Bakubro!! How was your time out!? Where'd you guys go?? What'd you do!?" "It was hero work." he replies, giving the red headed, Kirishima, a skeptic glare. "You took her on a hero patrol!?" Sero asked sitting up from his spot on one of the common room couches closer to the kitchen where the blonde set down the food. "Well what else was I supposed to do?! You idiots were all too busy to provide any other supervision... if what you would do could even be called that." he added with a click of his tongue, (Y/N) laughing at his comment, knowing full well how true it was. Denki piped in, "Yeah but how was it???" He asks with a sly grin. Bakugo's scrutinizing scowl returned, "Why do you three dummies care huh?" "No reason, no reason!!!" They all quickly shut him down, throwing each other glances. "Yeah right...." He muttered with a roll of his eyes before grabbing out a pot for the ramen with the tiny girl still perched on his shoulder.
(Y/N) just observed him start the boiling water, silently praying that he forgot his little vow to make her eat the spicy food. "Why the heck did you go quiet all of the sudden, huh?? Usually your mouth runs like a stinking river." The boy commented as he fished out an apron from a kitchen drawer. "Oh! I don't know, just watching I guess." she shrugs. "Yeah well, remember that you're technically not even supposed to be up there so just don't get too comfortable." The boy commented with a sharp exhale.
Bakugo then pulled the strap around his neck, unaware that it loosely wrapped around (Y/N) till he pulled it tight and she was yanked up against his throat. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise as the previously loose strap suddenly came up and around her stomach, pulling her tight against the giant's neck. "Oi, What are you doing?" "Nothing! The apron strap got me!!" she laughed, gripping the cloth strap around her waist. "The strap-? oh." And with that it loosened and she was able to slip free.
"You alright?" His question startled her. It came softly, as if meant only for her ears, despite being close to the boy's voice box. "I- Yeah I'm ok, just startled me" The small giggled, discovering herself slightly flustered at the fact that he cared enough to ask, especially given that he did not often check on people like that. "Don't take it like that, gosh dang it! I just wasn't sure if it caught around your stupid windpipe or something!" He yelled, though looking up at the subtle color of his face told her otherwise. "I thought you said you knew I could handle myself!" (Y/N) was unable to resist another chance to tease him."Shut up!! Don't think I've forgotten about our little deal!! I'll spice it up just for you if you keep being a little pain in the neck!"
"heh- pain in the neck~"
"I said to shut it already!!"
The blonde then carefully retied the apron, sure to not get the tiny caught up in it this time. (Y/N) Just beamed as she ventured to stand, carefully placing a hand along his jaw. She enjoyed criticizing his cooking and pointing out the few tiny and unimportant mistakes or differences in cooking that he made; be it the way he chopped green onions, the way he de-shelled garlic, or his choice in extra seasonings, she nagged him over everything. It very clearly was ticking him off more and more as she just got a kick out of the whole thing.
"Fine!! I guess you want me to dice up some raw ghost peppers!!"
"NO!!! NO No No Noooo Nonononononono!!! I'll stop, I'll stop!!"
"Heh, that's what I thought, you little punk!"
"Don't be spiky! You porcupine!!!"
"Tch- spiky?! I can show you spiky if that's what you're wanting to see!!!" Bakugo kept on grumbling at her remarks.
"Oh I've seen plenty!!!" (Y/N) laughed before following up, "I wanna help cook." The giant blinked, not only was her comment off topic, but how did she expect to help cook when only a few inches tall?  "Oh yeah?? How so??" "I don't know, but I feel like I haven't really done anything other than be carried around! I wanna help!" She pressed. It had been bothering her since they left the agency. "Alright, Peel the garlic then." He instructed, continuing to cook without giving her much of a way down from his shoulder. (Y/N) knew full well he wasn't going to stop unless she asked, silently giving her her wish of a chance to display her independence. "Okay!!" She cheered, waiting till his arm was hovering over the counter and near the garlic before she slid down, landing rather sloppily before standing back up with a laugh and dusting herself off. The tiny noticed a faint smile tugging at the corners of the blonde's mouth as she got to work on the garlic as he had requested.
She soon finished, and before she could say anything on the subject he scooped it up and plopped it onto the cutting board, promptly dicing it into tiny bits. "What next!?" She chirped. Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head lightly with a soft grin. "I need some of the chicken seasoning in the cabinet." He stated, nodding his head in gesture to the cabinet just above the floor and not too far from her. He felt he should test her with slowly bigger and bigger tasks.
(Y/N) took one glance and replied with a bright and determined smile, "Easy!"
And with that she jumped off the counter, sprouting a large and frilly flower from the soles of her feet, saving her from a dangerous fall. The giant teen watched her scurry across the floor from the corner of his eye, keeping tabs on her as he moved about the kitchen, careful to watch his feet.
The small girl swung the cupboard open with little effort, easily accessing its contents. The seasoning jar was about as big as her, so carrying it was the harder part of the ordeal. With a soft grunt she managed to lift it up and move it out and onto the floor where she rolled it up to Bakugo as he stirred their meal. "Got it!!" (Y/N) cheered in triumph.
"Took you long enough." He chided, her response coming back playfully, "Hey! I did really well given my size!!" The ash blonde just rolled his eyes as he picked the jar off the ground and added some of the dry mixture to the boiling liquid in the small pot.
"What else!?" "Eh? Now we just let it cook for a couple minutes, so why don't you make yourself useful and put stuff away." "Ok then!! Give back the chicken stuff!!!" With that, the giant set the jar on the floor before grabbing other items off the counter tops to return them to where they belonged.
(Y/N) watched the giant move around above her. Being on the floor was both terrifying and exciting. It was cool to watch him shuffle around from below, his feet being careful not to come too close to her, though he did occasionally step over her, his towering shape moving just overhead. She was quick to deftly put the dried herbs back into the cabinet. She then realized that everything else, including her friend and crush, were above her, and she was still on the floor.
She could either ask Bakugo for help, or further prove her independence and find a way up herself. The answer was obvious.
As the giant stood at the fridge, putting things away, (Y/N) took her chance. Moving quickly she climbed onto the boy's stationary feet, causing them to shift ever so slightly beneath her as he looked down to see his shrunken classmate. Bakugo just watched as the small began pulling herself up his pant leg til she reached his pocket where she managed to pull herself inside.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile at this. But he pretended not to notice, moving to grab two bowls of different sizes and serve the ramen. He then grabbed himself chopsticks and her a couple of toothpicks before he grabbed the bag of snacks. "Oi, Flower Face, Ready??" he asked, glancing down at his pocket where she peaked out, giving him a thumbs up. "Yup!!"
Bakugo marched up to his room, sending (Y/N) through another roller coaster of swaying motions. "We're going to your room??" "Yeah, so what?" "I just don't think I've ever seen it before if I'm being honest." "You were in here this morning..." "Oh yeah!! I guess I just didn't pay much attention then..." "Yeah, well then don't make it weird or I won't ever let you in again." He grumbled, opening the door and walking in.
His room, quite honestly, was an absolute aesthetic. The shelves were decorated by comic books and traditional books, he had some small string lights that draped over them too. Small succulent plants and potted cacti could be found here and there. His bed was up against one wall with storage underneath and in the headboard; a cork board hung above it. He had some posters up on the walls, some of U.A., others of All Might, and few of other topics. A laptop lay open on his desk, along with other supplies and small books. An open window allowed the wind to flow through the room. Over all the room's decorations were simple but homey, theming more around a sort of Lofi feel.
"DUDE!!! YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL!!! HOW COME YOU'VE NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE SEE IT BEFORE?!" "Tch- Because I never felt like it." He scoffed, setting the food down on the desk before clearing it up a little. "Well okay, but your room is so cool!!!!" She continued to compliment him. "Yeah yeah, now are we gonna eat this stuff or what??"
That's when (Y/N) remembered that the ramen was spicy, as in spicy spicy......
"Ohhhh.... Yeah.... Well-" She started before the explosive boy cut her off. "You're not bailing on me, are you?!" he taunted, flashing her a devious grin. "I- No!!" She shot back before realizing what she had done. "Good!" He laughed, pushing the small bowl forward. "Because this batch should be really good!" He chuckled darkly.
The bowl was gigantic in comparison to the tiny. There was no way she'd be able to eat all of it, though knowing Bakugo, he'd try and get her to eat as much as she possibly could. "Eat up Bite Size!" He coaxed, using a new nickname.
(Y/N) gave him one last foreboding glance before grabbing the makeshift chopsticks and lifting a noodle out of the bowl. Bakugo already had a full mouth and let a slight grunt of approval to the meal escape. "Well?! It's not going to eat itself!" He managed through his full mouth, finishing and quickly shoveling in another bite. "It's not even that spicy!!! Still pretty flavorful though." The small girl wasn't sure how much she trusted his judgement on that, but nonetheless she took a large bite.
Yup. It was bad.
The tiny human quickly swallowed it before exploding into a coughing fit, making Bakugo almost spray his food. Whilst (Y/N) fanned at her mouth frantically, tears began to well up in her eyes as her nose went bright red, becoming runny from the spice alone. "HOT HOT!!! OH HEAVENS THAT IS VERY VERY HOT!!!" She gasped and sputtered between coughs. "IT'S NOT THAT BAD!!!" The blonde giant guffawed at her predicament. "JUST GET ME FRIGGIN WATER!!!!" "FINE WHATEVER!!!" Bakugo was now choking on his own laughter as he got up and ran out of the room. Had he seriously not grabbed any kind of liquid before trying to get her to eat the stuff?! What was that idiotic brat of a gremlin boy thinking???!!! After what felt like eons of fiery mouth pain, he came back in, slowing from a run.
He dashed over, holding the large glass in his hands, moving to help her drink. In both their hurry to help (Y/N) with the spice, neither thought to be very careful, and the teen ended up drenching his friend in the process, tilting the still sloshing glass of water a little too much. "DUDE!!!" The girl yelled, getting more upset from the pain in her mouth than the actual water. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The giant lost it, dropping the cup as it further soaked her. "BAKUGO!!!!!" She screeched, no longer in pain given that she choked on an entire wave, but now hopelessly soaked. 
The laughing Katsuki lay face down on his desk, face in his folded arms as his shoulders heaved from his chortling fit. "DUDE! YOU SOAKED ME!!!" "Sorry~" He managed between laughs, "You don't sound sorry." She huffed, folding her arms and glaring at him. Bakugo didn't answer, he just kept laughing.
Despite being sopping wet, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. He didn't smile much so it was really nice to see. "Well then, since it's so funny, you got me wet, you can dry off!" She exclaimed before throwing herself onto him and scrubbing herself against him furiously. "Hey, get off me idiot!" He half laughed, half yelled, still grinning wide. The miniature girl clung tight, burying into his sleeve and drying herself even more violently. "Dang it! Let go of bite size punk!" He cried, wrapping his fist around her and trying to pull her away with little to no success as she continued to stubbornly cling. "The heck!?" The giant pried and pried, but his best efforts weren't enough. "I'll dry you the fun way if you don't LET GO!!!!" He threatened, his fist becoming increasingly hot as both steam and smoke rose from between his knuckles. "BET!!!" And with that a sharp pain collided with her entire torso, predominantly where he had been gripping her. "OW!" She startled as a loud crack filled her ears and bright light obscured her vision, a strong wave of heat washing over her for a brief instant. "You asked for it you little brat!"  he chuckled, dropping her roughly onto the desk whilst she shook herself from her daze. Her only response was to let out a few short coughs, still a little out-of-it from the blow.
"Tch-" Bakugo clicked his tongue, scoffing at the tiny. "Well... At least I'm dry and okay, but come on bro! What the heck!!" (Y/N) punched his hand that rested by her, causing him to flinch slightly. "Don't look at me Bite Size, I gave you fair warning!"
"That's what I thought, now hurry and finish your ramen!"
"Are you insulting my cooking?~"  The question came dangerously, as if testing waters that were sure to be filled with sharks. "N-No!! It's good, it's just too hot for me!!" She exclaimed, as she began to lightly shiver from the cold of her still lightly damp clothes and the wind blowing through the open window wasn't helping. "Yeah, well at least you handled it better than Dunce Face and Soy Sauce Face." "What's with you and ____ Face?" "Shut up. Plus I'm calling you Bite Size now." "That only concerns me further." "Just have your junk food or whatever." Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes with a faint grin still drawn up on his features.
(Y/N) gladly accepted the sweets and ate them quickly, Bakugo finishing both his and her servings of ramen. When he was done, the boy swiftly cleaned up their mess and returned to his tiny friend. When he returned to her, she was shivering violently. "Oi, What's wrong??" She startled a little, previously lost in thought and caught slightly off guard by his question. "Wrong?? Oh! N-Nothing I'm f-fine!" she stuttered out between chattering teeth. "Don't even think about lying to me, idiot." "No really I'm ok." "No you're not, you're freezing, gosh dang it." He huffed back, carefully scooping her tiny figure up in both his hands. "The heck, you freaking ice cube...." He commented softly before lifting her in cupped hands up to his mouth where he began puffing warm breathes across her small body.
Being this close to his face, and mouth no less, made her antsy; not to mention the boy's breath wreaked of peppers and literally everything else hot, and it took a decent amount of self control to not cough from the prickly smell. But his breath was warm and it felt very very good, so who was she to complain?
"Better??" He asked after a moment or two, her response coming as a slow nod, content from the heat. "Good. Wanna get changed into some of the dry clothes??" "Dry clothes??" "Yeah dummy, from my action figures." He clicked his tongue at her before cradling her in one hand, reaching under the bed for the shoe box. "Oh! The barbies! Yes please!" (Y/N) made the mistake of calling the dolls by their real name. "Action figures!!..."  Bakugo hissed back angrily, pulling the box out along with the little figures inside. One caught (Y/N)'s eye, one that Bakugo hadn't pulled out last time. It was a boy so that was probably why, but he wore some simple long sweats that looked especially warm, and the tiny girl wanted them very badly. "That one, that one!!" She cried excitedly, pointing to the very doll. "Him?" "YES." "Geez, chill."
The giant pulled the doll out and stripped it, handing her the clothes. "Be fast alright?" He instructed, placing her on his desk before turning around to face the other way. (Y/N) felt rather uncomfortable changing clothes without what felt like proper privacy, but he wasn't looking and she didn't have any other options, so she swiftly swiped her clothes, making herself decent. "Done!"
"Took you long enough!" Bakugo groaned, taking the wet clothes and laying them out by the desk light that was on.
"Thanks by the way!" The miniature teen girl chirped, earning the boy's attention. "Eh? For what??" Bakugo gave her a curious glance. "For taking care of me!" "You make it sound like some kind of dumb mushy thing, all I did was carry you around." He acknowledged her thanks with a gibe, trying to cover the fact that he really did enjoy it. "Plus I don't really care, it wasn't much effort..." (Y/N) just smiled, wrapping herself around his hand, "Well thanks anyways." She says with a bright smile. Bakugo gains a light blush before covering his mouth with the other hand. "Yeah whatever, I wasn't gonna leave you to get crushed by those idiots." He says before lightly shaking his hand and wiggling it from her grasp.
"Anyways, we have the whole rest of the afternoon, so what do you want to do??" The giant asks, gesturing to the  digital clock which read 4:26pm. The small just shrugged in return, not quite sure herself.
Since neither of them knew how much longer this would last, it seemed that now all they could do was kill time until (Y/N) turned to normal. "Well.... We could play a game??" She suggested half heartedly, shrugging whilst she said it. The ash blonde scrunched his nose, "What kind of game, cause most I can think of won't work for you right now...." He made his point. "Hmmmmm, got any multiplayer games on your phone???" She asked. "Tch- like what?" "I don't know, like Jelly Jump, Astro party, or Fruit Ninja??" "Really?? Fine... But they better be free. I'm not downloading some cheap-crap game if it's gonna rip me off my money." He told her, pulling out his phone and tapping around for a minute or two before setting it down, and confirming with her that they were the right ones, messing around a bit longer before setting it back down, the screen showing the three games downloading. (Y/N) smiled, "Have you ever played them before???" "Tch- no. I don't bother with lame games like those..." He scoffed. But this only made the tiny girl smile wider. "We'll see just how lame they are when I'm beating your sorry butt to a pulp!!!" She declared mightily, giving him a competitive grin. "What was that!? I don't care what these games are, I'll rip you to shreds!!!" Bakugo barked back, suddenly sitting more upright and attentive, until he leaned down to get somewhat in her face. "See you at the finish line!" "Yeah right, I'll make you eat those crappy words you dang Bite Size!!"
Once the games were installed and ready, Bakugo opened the first being the one titled Jelly Jump.
"Ok, so how does this work??" The giant asks gruffly. "This one is a teamwork one, and it's pretty simple." She explains. "Tch- teamwork?! How do I know you're not gonna just drag me down the whole time??" He complains as the screen turns to show a little gelatin like cube. "This already looks lame..." He adds with a grimace upon seeing the little thing. "Shush! Now gimme the phone, I'll show you how to play on one player mode!!"
Bakugo set the device on his desk for the ecstatic little girl. She quickly displayed how to play and spelled out how it applied for two player mode. Pretty soon the boy's room filled with vigorous yelling as the two tapped violently at the phone. (Y/N) was pretty much just slapping the screen, but it worked as they waited and timed things just right for the two small jello-like squares to keep jumping up levels.
"WE DID IT!!!" "WELL DON'T STOP!!!" And it was then that their luck ran cold.  "NO!!! GOSH DANG THIS STUPID GAME!!!!!" Bakugo leaned back in his chair, gripping his hair in enraged fists, fluffy clumps sticking out between his fingers. "WOOOO!!!! WE DID IT, HAHA!!!!" (Y/N) on the other hand found a victory dance more appropriate. "Fist bump!!!" She cheered, sticking her arm out in waiting. "Yeah, whatever, I guess we did alright..." He grumbled, watching his tiny crush doing her funky little jig softening his mood. He complied and tapped his finger against her fist as she beamed up at him, her smile alone like an entire freaking sun.
Bakugo just smiled, though he quickly caught himself and stopped, "What were the other dumb games again??" He inquired, trying to distract himself from the cute and panicky thoughts running through his mind. "Oh! We could do Fruit Ninja now if you like, that one is a verses and is super duper fun!!!" He scrunched his nose. "Mmmm." "It also has brutally murdering fruit with knives." "Ok fine." (Y/N) couldn't help but smile wide at his quick cooperation.
They opened the app and let's just say the explosive Pomeranian didn't need any sort of instruction, and took to quickly wiping his shrunken classmate out, battle after battle.
"Ok, I'm done with this game..." She eventually pouted after finally running out of juice and just accepting defeat. "The heck?? Did I really whip your butt for a full two and a half hours!?" The ash blonde laughed looking up at the clock and making her slouch more. "Yeah- very modest about it too!" she sassily shot back, earning a cocky smirk from the boy. "Oh?? Not so high and mighty now, huh Bite Size?! What happened to beating me to a pulp?!" He taunted with a wide and malign smile. "Be nice!!" She whined, flopping back and onto the hard surface. "Enough mopping you cry baby, you're almost as bad as that dang nerd." He shook his head, still smirking as he grabbed the plastic shopping bag off the desk not too far from where (Y/N) sat. He then pulled out the Carolina reaper sausages and some fresh fruit. "That's dinner??" She asked, slightly confused, mainly because she was so used to Bakugo cooking something in one way or another. "Yeah. It is. Now don't complain. I'm having to take a lighter day on everything because of you, you know." He berated her, pulling out a pocket knife from one of the desk's drawers.
"You have a pocket knife?!" She asked in disbelief. The explosive giant took a long, annoyed sigh. "Yes. Now would you just be quiet for a minute and stop questioning everything I do??? Geez...." He exhaled sharply before continuing in cutting up the fruit into slices including small edible cubes that were perfect for the tiny. "There, eat up." he instructed, setting the pile of minced fruit in front of her before grabbing some of his own fruit and popping it into his mouth. (Y/N) gratefully took the food and ate quickly, finding that even after such a large amount of food she was still a little hungry. "Could I have some more??" She questioned, taking some cautious steps forward and toward the giant's food. "Eh?? You finished yours already!?" "Yeah... And I may or may not still be hungry?" She tries carefully, watching his brows knit together. "More!? Tch- No way!! You had your share!! Don't be stinking greedy!" He scolds harshly through a mouthful of nashi pear.
So be it.
While the boy's eyes fixated on something else for a brief moment, the dwarfed hero-in-training took her chance to quickly latch onto a thinner slice of fruit and swiftly drag it a small ways away and begin eating quickly. "HEY! I TOLD YOU NO!!" His angry voice startled her as she devoured the slice of crunchy pear. "And I told myself yes!!!" She shot right back at him before shoving the last few bits into her mouth and turning to give him a sort of 'try me!!!' look. "Stupid little idiot!! Well that's all you get so make yourself busy doing something else to waste your gosh darn time, got that?!" He growled at her before returning his attention back to what it had previously been on.
Still hungry...
She watched the temperamental Pomeranian before snatching the last one. "YOU LITTLE-!!" She heard him yell and let out a surprised squeak before her legs involuntarily began carrying her further than she had meant. She cast a glance over her shoulder to see a large open hand extended toward her and that was enough to really get the tiny going.
Soon the minuscule little trickster was tearing across his desk, dodging grabby hands that barely missed her each time. That is till he got to close and she jumped up and onto his arm. Still running.
"The heck you think you're doing Bite Size!?" He snarled, his other arm flying to quickly snatch her up before she deftly dodged, "Quit it!!" He yelled at her as tiny feet scampered up to his shoulder, then neck. (Y/N) had dropped the pear by now and it was clearly more about him catching her and her keeping out and away from his dangerous hands. "Heh heh heh! Looks like you've run out of places to run!!" The blonde chuckled maliciously, both hands now quickly closing in and toward her as he bent his head down slightly, making things easier for him.
Clearly she hadn't really thought this far... or like- at all.
Panicking, she made to step back and away from his approaching hands before she realized there was nothing under her foot. Both her stomach and heart dropped in surprise as quicker than either of them could register, the tiny girl slipped and disappeared down Bakugo's shirt.
The explosive teen just stared forward, wide eyed for a minute and frozen in place as the girl disappeared off the back of his neck. "THE HECK!? GET OUT!!!" He cried out, a shiver crawling up his spine as (Y/N) fell about halfway till where his back was pressed against the chair stopped her, entrapping her between the cloth and the boy's bare back, before he arched his spine and made things worse.
One moment (Y/N) was on her classmate's shoulders, the next she was plunged into another ocean of fabrics and cloth, only this time she was pressed against Katsuki's spine. She tried to process what had just happened and began to shift when everything around her started moving, dropping her further down. "STOP STOP, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE, YOU'LL CRUSH ME!!!" She quickly yelled back as she quickly got tangled up in the clothes. "THEN GET OUT OF MY GOSH DARN SHIRT!!!" He belted back. The teen had clearly didn't know what to do and was panicking as he just sat there, trembling with rage from the embarrassment and the uncontrollable tickling it was creating. "I'M TRYING, STOP MOVING ALREADY!!" She ordered to which he didn't argue, using all of his will power to keep from jerking or accidentally smooshing her.
The shrunken high school student then managed to get herself loose and began trying to first figure out where exactly she was. "C-can you feel me??" She asked, tentatively reaching a hand out to rub his tense body. "Yes." He snapped, his voice strained. "Ok, where am I?? Which way do I go?" She asked, not wanting to move until she knew what to do. "Just go up." He instructed, to which she began to make her way back up to his shoulder. His shirt wasn't super loose but it wasn't super tight either, so she was able to move about with surprising ease. As she climbed, she could feel each muscle tense and trembled beneath her hands. It was kinda terrifying, felt like he might give in any moment and suffocate her. "Hurry. Up." Bakugo growled through clenched teeth as every part of him twitched and vibrated. It was humiliating to have to sit there and try to not flip. It tickled like heck and he was getting impatient.
After what felt like forever, the ash blonde could see (Y/N) heave herself onto his shoulder out of his peripheral vision. Finally.
Both their faces were beet red and Bakugo didn't move for a minute, seeming to try and calm the embarrassment that had just boiled up. His mini sized friend on the other hand was a giggling mess. "What so funny, huh??" He quickly accused, glaring at her from the side of his vision. "Nothing- its just- Everything!" She snickered, "I guess I'm just so relieved things didn't go worse than they did!!" she added before his expression softened. "Well, just don't ever speak of this to anyone else, ever..." He muttered, still red though calmed down. The small just gave a slow nod, still laughing lightly, draped lazily over his shoulder.
"Oh, and for good measure-" Before (Y/N) could react, Bakugo wrapped a tight fist around her and brought her up to his face where he gave her a victorious grin. "I win!" He taunted smugly before setting her back down on the desk and grabbing the discarded nashi slice and popping it into his mouth. His small companion just gave him a pouty glare, silently promising payback. He just laughed.
Bakugo flashed another glance at the clock before his brows raised slightly. "Mmm- it's getting late..." He commented before glancing around the room as if contemplating what to do first. (Y/N) turned to do the same, reading it. "Late!? Bro it's only like 7:43!!" She exclaimed, her gaze meeting his scowl. "Tch- just because you go to bed so dang late doesn't mean that's when you should go to bed." He scoffs. "Come on! There's no way-" "I have to take care of you, so that means I say when we head off to sleep." He cuts her off abruptly, earning another very annoyed look.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get into something more comfortable." He tells her, getting up and walking to a nearby dresser and opening a drawer to pull out some lazier, and more comfortable clothes. The tiny turned away whilst he swapped out his outfit. Then, without much else warning, two large fingers wrapped around the minuscule girl's underarms, lifting her up and off the table top. "woah~" she squeaked out another cry of surprise. She was carried by the boy off and over to the lights where he flipped them off, and then to the bed. "Come on, I'm tired and ready to sleep." He told her, setting her gently on the headboard before rummaging around in the cabinet space underneath.
After some searching, Bakugo pulled out a match box and a little towel and some cotton balls. He then put the three together and created a makeshift bed for his small classmate and friend. "There, you can use this for tonight." He told her, setting it beside her gently.
"Wait!!! This is still super early for me, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep.... Could we maybe talk for a little bit??" (Y/N) asked timidly, watching his blank face for a moment before he let out a short sigh, lying down on the bed, having already thrown back the sheets. "Fine. Whatever. What do you even want to talk about anyway??" He asked, his tone becoming calm and quiet, reflecting the exhaustion that was coming over them both, though the small was determined to stay up. "I don't know, what if we just took turns asking each other random questions???" She offered, watching as he thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding, "Sure." "You go first!" she chirped, walking over the edge of the head of the bed before dropping down and into his blonde mess of hair.  "Me?? Fine..." The giant teen looked off to the side as he thought, not reacting much to the tiny now on his head. "I don't know, Who are your closest friends here at UA??" He inquired.
(Y/N) just blinked, it was a rather mundane question for someone like Bakugo, so she wonders if it had ulterior meanings. "Uhhh, Well, definitely You, Kirishima, Mina, Ochako, Deku and Iiida are really nice, But so is everyone, I guess that's just everyone I'm super close with...." She admitted, bracing her elbows just above his brows, chin in her hands.
The giant's large eyes scanned the ceiling for a moment longer before they fixated on her, dilating dramatically. "Mmm." He responded to her answer. The soft glow from the moonlight outside illuminated the room just enough to make out the soft details on each other as they both stared for a moment before the mini sized girl broke the silence. "My turn. Who are yours??" She asks, not sure what kind of answer she'd get, nor sure what she expected.
"Ugh- This is between you and I okay?? Share this with anyone else and I'll never tell you anything ever again..." He let out a low growl before taking a deep breath. "If I had to choose someone to consider my friend I guess I'd choose..." He seemed hesitant with his next words. "Don't take it weird, but probably you and weird hair... Then maybe Soy Sauce Face, Dunce Face, and Raccoon eyes..." He replied.
(Y/N) was ecstatic, "Wait really!?" She cried, perking up. Bakugo's face grew hot beneath her, "I said maybe!!!" He insisted, face contorting into an embarrassed glare. When he moved his eyebrows, The tiny fell forward, face-planting into the bridge of his nose. "Would you quit it with the being all over me?!" He growled, scrunching his eyes shut in instinct before grabbing her by the back of her shirt and lifting her off him. "Sorry..." She giggled before he let out an annoyed breath, gently placing her back where she previously sat.
"Who do you think will be the number one hero??" He eventually asks, resuming their little game. "Aha- obviously me!!!!" She laughed, "Ok but for real- Ummmmm either.... You  or Deku... I think Shoto, Momo, and Kirishima have pretty good chances too, maybe like top five for them, but like you or Deku for number one." She replied thoughtfully. "Tch- That dang nerd is good, but nowhere near as much as me." Katsuki scoffs, earning some merry little laughs from his fun-sized companion. "Right! Anyways, Okay, okay, Do you think I'll be a good hero??" "What kind of lame question is that!? Of course, idiot!!" "Really??" "Duh!!! You're smart, you're good at combat, you're strong, you're spunky, and stubborn, and I have no doubt you'll beat the heck out of any and every villain you meet." He says proudly, rattling off his little list as if he's given it much thought.
"You think so??" She asks softly, "I mean- what if people don't like me..." She tacks on, it's clearly something that's been honestly bothering her for quite some time now. "Then they can-" And with that the giant proceeded to use some very colorful language to further make his point. "(Y/N). You've got everything you need to become an amazing Pro-hero and more, way more than you credit yourself. And if you don't believe that. That's ok. I will... till you can." He told her. She wasn't sure if she had ever heard him speak so genuinely or passionately about something and it made the girl tear up.
"Th-thanks!!!" she stuttered out through teary eyes, sniffling softly as she wiped at them. "Hey, hey, calm down okay??" His voice comes tenderly, a cautious finger reaching up to pet her head and back, like one would a small animal, but (Y/N) didn't mind, it felt good. "You good, Bite Size?" He asked after a minute or two. She could only muster out a quick nod, not trusting her voice to not betray her and crack like a dry salt pan.
"Alright then, my question... Have you ever been in a relationship before??" He asked, his skin becoming increasingly hot against her own. "I- um- no??" "Really???- I mean- yeah, ok,"
"Do you-... do you have a crush??....."
The boy remained silent for some time before speaking. "Tch- Who needs crushes!!!"
"oh- ok."
"No I-...D-Do you?"
They sat in silence before the tiny continued.
"Do you like me?"
"......... Do you like me???"
"..... BRO I JUST CONFESSED TO YOU AND THE FIRST FREAKING THING YOU ASK IS WHY!???" The shrunken girl was beside herself with a flustered mix of fear, excitement, anticipation, and confusion. "I DON'T KNOW!!!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OKAY!?? I DON'T GET WHY YOU WOULD LIKE ME!!! I'M LOUD, I'M A BRAT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE, I'M HORRIBLE WITH EMOTIONS, I'M TEMPERAMENTAL, AND I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" He cried, balling his hands into large fists and shoving them into his eye sockets.
"That may be true... Not the horrible person part but- you're also super kind and caring in your own way, you're considerate, you recognize your faults and are working on them, you're loyal, you're determined, ambitious, and you're an incredible friend." She said, "And that only scratches the surface...."
"Oh and you're like super duper hot like- really hot." (Y/N) adds quickly, the last part making him let a singular laugh slip loose. "Ok then..." he mumbles after a minute, the soft and subtle glisten of tears welling up in his large crimson eyes able to be seen.
The girl just lies there for a silent moment before pressing her previous question. "So do you like me??"
"I- I think so..."
"Well, what do you mean "you think so"??"
"I don't know. I do!! I like you!! A- A lot, I just- don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now... or if I'm even looking for one... But at the same time...." He trailed off again, now refusing to make eye contact with her. (Y/N)'s mind began to race before it was quickly interrupted with the giant's gravelly voice. "But here-" And before she could really respond, a large and gentle finger was placed to the back of her head, whilst he tilted his up, bending her carefully over his nose to plant a very large, but soft and innocent kiss onto the entirety that was her face.
It seemed to last forever, but not long enough. A single blissful moment when all time stopped and everything was perfect. A single moment she wanted to experience as much as humanly possible, something one could truly describe as amazing. When she finally pulled away, she caught a breath she hadn't known she had been holding.
"There, I'll think about it, but for now, I won't keep you waiting..." He told her kindly, her still draped over his nose, each word humming a warm breath onto the tiny's face as she continued to try and process what all had just happened. "But for now, I'm tired, so let's get some rest..." He finished, careful fingers gingerly scooping her up only to place her back down on his chest where he then draped one hand over her like a blanket, in a very protective manner.
"Goodnight (Y/N)..." The boy hummed, "Oh- G-goodnight!!" The young girl finally managed to retrieve herself enough to speak and actually make out what was happening around her, that it was real, and that she wasn't dreaming.
And with that, the shrunken girl was able to drift off, the powerful sound of the giant's steady heartbeat and the chorus of each strong breath flowing evenly through his enormous lungs just beneath her lulling her to sleep like a sort of lullaby.
(Y/N) awoke to one of the best nights of sleep she had ever had. And to some place she didn't quite recognize. As the girl was groggily coming to, she slowly pieced things together, finding herself still carefully wrapped in a careful, loving hand, clutched to the giant's chest. She honestly wanted to just curl back into his warm hands and go back to sleep, but she wanted to know if Bakugo had made up his mind yet, and was concerned about the fact that she was still no bigger than a few inches.
So cautiously, she wormed her way out of his fingers and began carefully walking up to the boy's face, where she pulled herself onto him and flopped. "Bakugo." The tiny lay sprawled across the lower half of his face, head resting on her folded hands that lay on the tip of his nose.
"Good morning!!" She greeted, though there was no initial response. "Bakugo! Wake up!!" She made a second attempt as his crimson eyes flew open before he remembered the night before "Mmm...." The boy grunted, shifting a little. His eyes quickly dilated upon spotting her, his mouth curling into a tender glow. She had to admit she absolutely loved how his eyes grew larger every time he looked at her, it honestly reminded her of a cat.
"Hi!" The tiny chimed, grinning from ear to ear. "How'd you sleep!?" she asked, still splayed across him. "I slept fine I guess..." He mumbled, careful of the fact that his tiny crush was over top of his mouth. (Y/N) let out a little yelp, surprised by the ticklish feeling created by the vibrations of his words against her stomach. Bakugo snickered, only making it worse as she squeaked again, quickly sitting up before tumbling off his face, landing on the giant's collar bone. "Oi, watch it, I don't want to have to take you to recovery girl this early, alright??" He chided softly, cradling a hand beneath her before sitting up in the bed, allowing her to slide into his large but gentle palm. "Sorry!! Just startled me!!" She giggled.
"Do-.... do you have an answer for me??" She asked after a few silent moments of inner debate. The ash blonde furrowed his brows in confusion for a mere moment before the night's previous events came back to him entirely. He seemed to linger on her decision before telling her,  "I- I guess we can try it but- don't go telling anyone about us just yet alright??" The usually so confident teen avoids her gaze whilst a bright red glow warms his face. "REALLY!!??" She cried, jumping to her feet, suddenly much more awake than before. "Geez, yes!! Just don't make it weird, got that!?" He warned, his second hand coming up to catch her should she fall.
"This is too good to be true!!!" she squeals, bouncing up and down eagerly, clutching to his thumb to keep from losing what little balance she had left. "I get it, I get it, just calm down already, I don't want to drag the nosey attention of everyone else in the entire stinking dorms!!!" He continues to try and hush her excitement in vain, more and more embarrassment filling him.
"Best day ever!!" (Y/N) squeals clearly not listening to a thing he had just said, lunging forward before falling onto his face yet again and stretching her arms to hug as much of the Pomeranian as she could. Bakugo panicked when she dove for him, her high energy so early in the morning just not being what he had expected. But as the miniaturized hero-in-training clung to him, he couldn't help but smile, "Tch- yeah, whatever..." He finally gave in, taking her up into his hands once more as his expression softened before pulling her down and into another kiss. 
Just as the previous one, the tiny was able to nuzzle her entire face into his show of affection, enjoying every moment of it. Upon finally breaking away, he brought her up eye level, holding her close. "As much as I'd rather stay here than deal with those nerds out there, we've got a full day ahead of us, we should get going." Bakugo whispered, and despite (Y/N)'s reluctants, the ash blonde was eventually able to coax her into greeting the day.
A request for: WinterKlover
WOW. OKAY. THAT WAS A REALLY REALLY LONG REQUEST!!!! I DONT THINK THEY WILL EVER GET AS LONG AS THIS EVER AGAIN BUT I HAD A LOT OF FUN WRITING THIS!!!! This was super fun despite its ridiculous length!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!!
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
∆~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
∆~ Giant Shinso x YN - Forest Spirits
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Dragon, not Lizard
Ω~ Deku x Tiny YN - The Innocence of a Child
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - I Fear No Man... But That Thing.... Scares Me
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Crossing Worlds
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - A Figment of Imagination
Ω~ Tint Deku x YN - Shoulder Angel
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - One Heck of a Softy
Ω~ Deku x Giant YN - A Pure Soul
Ω~ Kirishima x Giant YN - Snakes Are Very Manly, Very Manly Indeed
Ω~ Giant Deku x YN - ~Blep~
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Red on Black, Poison Lack
Let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, I will count it as a request and add it to queue, right now they are in the order of request to inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. Feel free to reblog i, I would appreciate that!
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Creep- FFVII Biggs X Reader Ch. 16/?
A/N: Sorry it took six months! Life is wild, y’all.
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You stared at the sight in front of you in disbelief, no, denial. Biggs was slumped against the pillar's main column, eyes shut and completely still. You couldn't believe it. Just a moment ago his lips touched yours, and now, just like your lips, his skin was cold to the touch. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening...
"Biggs...?" You whispered, half in disbelief and half in shock. He didn't answer, he didn't move. And even though the sounds of gunshots and screams surrounded you, for one moment, it felt painfully silent. Deep down, you knew what this meant, but you refused to believe it. Your lip began to quiver.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You whispered, cupping his face in your hands, "Wake up, please! Wake up!"
"Y/N," Cloud said softly.
You barely even registered his voice over your own desperate attempts to rouse Biggs from his unconscious state. Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, falling onto Biggs' bloodstained shirt and pants as you brought him into tour arms. He meant everything to you, how could this be happening?
"Don't die on me! Please, oh God, just open your eyes!" You shouted, shaking his chest slightly. Still nothing. He was gone.
Finally, the dam burst and you broke down into a sobbing mess, pressing your face into his chest as if looking for his comfort, and yet none came with the gesture. You held onto him tight, unwilling to give him up just yet. He loved you, and you loved him, why did it have to end like this?
"Y/N," Cloud said. You heard him, but didn't acknowledge him.
"Y/N," he said louder, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Shut up!" You snapped. For another moment it was painfully silent. Regret flooded your body, somewhat of a relief from the heartbreaking grief; you didn't mean to make things so tense, "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-"
"It's ok," he interrupted.
Cloud's eyes were glassy too, just barely enough for you to notice, but you did. He had a tight grip on your shoulder, but when you had looked at him he seemed to freeze, no longer confident in handling the situation. He glanced from you, to Biggs, then back to you.
"Get out of here," he said, not in his usual aloof  tone, but an awkward, almost compassionate one, "It's what he would've wanted."
You didn't answer at first, instead staring at the man you loved in his pitiful position against the pillar. He, along with the rest of your team, was your everything. And now he was gone and they were still in danger. Staring at the deep crimson puddle growing around his body, you felt the pit in your stomach grow deeper. Every time you thought your heartache had reached its peak, you were proven wrong. You tried to look away, but you couldn't.
"Cloud..." you managed to say.
"Yeah?" He replied, his thumb and fingers digging into your shoulder so tight it almost hurt.
"I don't... I don't know if you can stop the plate from dropping," you looked back up at him "But please... just get Jessie and Barrett out of there."
He held your gaze another moment before nodding. The strong grip on your shoulder fell away as he got up, and he took one last glance at Biggs before heading to the staircase.
Just as he reached the base of the stairs, he looked back at you expectantly.
"Y/N," he warned.
"Let me finish saying goodbye," you ordered, the words fell off your tongue with a tone like venom before you could stop them. He just wanted you to be safe, and you were being an asshole again. You took a deep breath, "I'll leave as soon as I'm done. Promise."
Somehow, you had convinced him. Either that or he had no time to force you off the pillar. Cloud nodded before flying up the flight of stairs and out of sight.
You glanced back at the man you just kissed, It was only a moment ago that your lips met but it felt like eons. And now he was gone... And somehow you were supposed to say goodbye and leave him here to fall with the pillar. Fate was a cruel thing...
Tears were welling up in your eyes again as a shaky breath escaped your lips. You didn't want to leave him, not like this, but you made a promise. A promise to Cloud, and a promise to Biggs himself. And if you wanted to fulfill either of those promises, you'd have to make your goodbye quick.
Leaning forward, you pressed a kiss to his forehead. The surface of his skin was still warm to the touch, and though you knew it wouldn't stay that way, it was comforting in the moment.
A small tear slid down your cheek and onto his as your lips hovered over his face a moment more. Leaning back, you took his hand in your own. It was still warm and wet with blood, but you didn't care. You were soaked in his blood anyways. You brought his hand up to your lips.
"Maybe in another lifetime," you whispered, voice rough from crying. Then you placed a kiss onto the back of his hand. Squeezing your fingers around his own tightly, you prayed for the strength to walk away.
Your heart stopped for a moment when you realized you could feel the slightest pulse from his hand. No, it couldn't be. You must've imagined it. But you hadn't let his hand go and you still felt it, weak but steady. There was no way.
It dawned on you that you had never checked the man's pulse. How could you have not checked his pulse? Within an instant, you had dropped his hand and brought your fingers up to his neck.
You gasped - it wasn't your imagination. He had a pulse. It was weak, but still noticeable. You couldn't believe it. He was alive.
You couldn't leave him. There was no way in hell you were gonna leave him behind. Not after all that the both of you had been through. But that raised an important question: how the hell could you get him down the pillar?
You took a step towards the railing at the edge of the pillar, looking over the side to estimate what floor you were on. Were you really only on floor 5? It felt like you were so much higher. You looked back at Biggs, he groaned and shifted the slightest bit as your mind searched for a way to get him down.
You knew you couldn't carry him if you tried, so the only other option you could think of was to drag him off the pillar. You felt half stupid for even proposing the idea, he was probably still too heavy for it to work, and dragging him down five flights of stairs while he was bleeding out wasn't a great idea, but right now it was the only option. If you didn't, he would surely die. You couldn't just give up and let that happen. You had to try.
You approached his slouched form and grabbed at his shoulders, placing pressure on one of his bullet wounds as you pulled his body into your lap.
Looking at his face, you hesitated. You didn't want to hurt him, and being dragged down the stairs would definitely hurt, but it was that or leave him, and you couldn't do that.
Pressing your fingers to his neck again, you made sure this wasn't a lost cause. His pulse was still there, still steady. Thank God.
Placing your hands under his armpits, you stood up from the ground, lifting his torso. You then realized that in order for this to work, you'd have to walk backwards off the pillar. Great. So, turning around and looking over your shoulder, you began to walk. Biggs, although heavy, wasn't posing a problem for you to drag... yet.
The first flight wasn't too bad, relatively at least. He was heavy and it was a strain, but you managed. His weight was slowly starting to become a problem, though. The longer you dragged him, the harder it seemed to get. But you were down one flight already, there were just four more to go.
Flight two was a challenge, but gravity worked in your favor. Your arms were growing weaker from the weight, and your back and legs ached. Your already slow paced had grown even slower as you dragged his limp body across the metal floor. This was really starting to get difficult, and you weren't even half way done.
You barely made it to the third staircase. Your muscles were screaming for you to stop, and you didn't know if you had the strength left in you to get him down. But you couldn't give up. Giving up meant death, for him and possibly you. So you made it down the staircase.
You were just steps away from the second staircase when your body could not pull him any further. You simply didn't have the strength or leverage to move his weight. You tried, and tried, but your muscles were far too fatigued to move.
Tears pricked at your eyes again as you sat down to take a break. Hopefully you could get some strength back in time before the plate collapsed - if the plate collapsed. Deep down, though, you knew it was inevitably going to happen.
So you were left at a crossroads: keep trying to drag Biggs down the pillar even if it meant the death of both of you, leave him here and get to safety, or stay here with him. You didn't like any of those options.
A tear dropped from your cheek, you didn't know what to do. He meant everything to you, and you felt helpless in that you couldn't help him. No matter what you chose, someone was probably going to die. And your only option with the chance of saving both of you was something you weren't sure you could physically do. People were evacuating now, surely no one was near the pillar, so how far would you have to drag him? All the way out of the sector by yourself? You didn't know, but it was the only way. So, even though you still felt weak, you readied yourself to drag Biggs the rest of the way down.
The sound of footsteps running down the metal stairs made you freeze in place. More Shinra troops? You placed you hand on your holstered gun as you anxiously awaited the sounds to come closer.
"Freeze!" A voice shouted. Suddenly, two helmeted troops pointed their blasters at you.
You whipped out your gun and pointed it at one of the troops, pulling the trigger then moving to aim at the second troop.
Only no bullets came out. You pulled the trigger again and again. Your gun was empty. And you had just tried to shoot two Shinra troops. Fuck.
"Drop the gun!" The commanding troop shouted, and you did what he said. There was nothing else you could do. At least nothing that would ensure both you and Biggs would make it out alive, but the odds of that happening now were close to none. And you'd come so close, too.
"Hands on your head!" The other one shouted, and they both approached. One of the troops kicked the back of your legs, forcing you onto your knees. Two blasters were pointed at your head from each side, so close you could almost feel them.
You looked back at Biggs, he lay still against the cold metal floor. This couldn't be the end, could it? If they captured you, he'd surely die. If they killed you, he'd also die.
There was no way out of this.
"Got a female assailant in custody, what are the orders?" The superior said into comm in his helmet.
You couldn't stop looking at Biggs. The blood puddle under him was slowly growing bigger. He was bleeding out.
The younger troop pushed your head forward with the barrel of his blaster.
"Head down sweetheart, you don't wanna end up like your buddy over there, do ya?" The troop said. You could feel the cold metal of the blaster on the back of your head. The seconds crawled by painfully slow as the Shinra soldiers decided your fate. If they decided to kill you, the gun was already aimed; a single pull of the finger and you'd be gone. Every breath you took, there was that hyper awareness that it could be your last. You didn't want to die.
"Mhm, copy that," the senior officer shook his head as he listened to the orders, then he turned to the other troop, "Take her out."
A whimper slipped from your lips as soon as he spoke, and both of the troops looked down at you.
"Don't worry, It'll be over before you know it," the you get one said, pushing the barrel of the gun into the back of your head. You squeezed your eyes shut.
A gunshot. Then another.
Except you didn't fall. Someone else did. Two someone else's, on either side of you.  You opened your eyes, and there were the two troops, dead on the floor.
You turned around quick to see your savior. And there he was, surrounded in a puddle of his own blood. He was putting all of his upper body weight on one elbow, and struggling to do so. Both his hands were wrapped tightly around his pistol to keep them from shaking. Upon meeting eyes with you, he dropped the gun and fell back to the floor with a sigh.
"Biggs!" You shouted, running to his side.
“I-I couldn’t let them,” he wheezed, “I couldn’t let them hurt you.”
His skin, which was adorned with a layer of sweat, had lost much of its color, and under the fluorescent lights of the pillar, it looked even paler.
“Please, just stay awake for me alright?” You pleaded, taking his hand in your own and squeezing it, “I can’t lose you!”
The clanking of footsteps against the metal staircase caused you to whip your head towards the source of the sound. This time it was coming from the lower set of stairs. Somebody- or more like a group of people- were coming up. You grabbed Biggs’ gun from the ground and got ready.
The tops of their heads came into view first. No helmets - you were probably safe. You lowered the gun. Once their faces came into view, you immediately recognized them. They were other members of the neighborhood watch.
"Help!" you shouted.
A few of the men rushed forward to your side, kneeling down by Biggs. Some searched the level for any more survivors-or bodies, and the rest continued up the stairs, guns in hand, presumably ready for a last stand.
Biggs groaned in pain as one of the men observed his wounds. The man shook his head at the sight.
"We can't waste any time, he's got to get to a doctor now!" He said, and the other two men nodded before lifting Biggs up from the ground. The leader stood up to help them carry him down. Once they had a secure hold on him, they made their way towards the stairs.
"Is he gonna be ok?" You asked, trailing behind the group.
"Don't know," the leader said without looking back.
Just as the men were starting down the stairs, another set of footsteps was running up them. Your eyes widened as you watched saw Tifa come into view. She rushed towards your group, she herself frantic as she looked at Biggs' bloodied, unconscious body. The men pushed right past her, though, not wasting any time getting him off the pillar. She watched for a moment as they descended before turning back up to you, taking the final few steps to be at your level.
"Is he gonna be ok?" She asked. You couldn't even answer over the lump in your throat. Instead, your eyes filled with tears again as you shrugged your shoulders. She placed a hand on your arm.
"Don't lose hope," she tried to reassure, but it was unconvincing, "I'm going to go help the others."
She pivoted away from you, but you caught her wrist in time. She threw her head over her shoulder to look back at you, her gaze both soft and frantic.
"Please... Please come back down. I don't think this pillar's gonna last very much longer," you said.
"I will. I promise." She said, and then she ran towards the next flight of steps.
You rushed down the last flight of stairs, trying to catch up with the neighborhood watch boys. They were a little ways ahead of you, around halfway to the tunnel to sector 6. You ran toward them, and once you caught up to them you slowed to their pace as you walked next to them. Biggs hadn't moved in a while, which was beginning to scare you.
Sector 5 was a long way away, you remembered. And unfortunately the closest doctors were in that sector. Would Biggs last until then? You wanted to believe he would, you wanted to believe he would be ok so badly, but the odds weren't in your favor.
His arm was limp, hanging from his side, and without a second thought, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it. There was a terrifyingly long walk ahead of you, so you squeezed his hand tighter and prayed to any higher power that would listen. He has to make it, you thought, he just has to.
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He Used to be Mine
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Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader
Word Count: 3186 of pure sadness.
Warnings: mention of divorce, marriage break down, drink, infidelity, angst. I’m really sorry again Poe. There is NO happiness to be had here!
With a sigh you shut the front door, the house was dark but you didn’t need lights as you made your way upstairs. This was your house and it had been for the last 10 years, when you bought it with your…..husband. You pushed the door open to your bedroom, the moonlight shining through the window as you sat on the bed, your hand trailing over the bedsheets, the ones you’d bought with him. You’d been on a date tonight and you reeked of perfume, his favourite perfume. It made you feel like a fraud, nasty as memories of his voice echoed around you. Whispers of his declaration of love, whispers of how he’d never leave you and you closed your eyes as you tried to stop the tears from coming but they leaked out your closed lids regardless. You ripped the dress off you had on, the mascara burning your eyes, you hated yourself for dressing up, for attempting to look pretty for anyone other than him. It made you feel cheap, like you were cheating, but you weren’t. You were single and free to do what you liked but it wasn’t a feeling you liked. You stalked towards the shower hoping to wash off the stench of your evening out, the smell of thrice cooked chips and steak stuck to your hair and you hated it, a reminder of another man who wasn’t your husband. Ex husband. Not quite though, still got to sort the house and all the financial mess before you were completely free of him. You leaned on the cold tiles as the hot water washed over you, running down your body and you imagined it washing away your troubles but when you stepped out you felt even heavier than before. You slipped on some pjs before getting into bed, you only ever got in your side, you couldn’t get in his side, it was ingrained in you to sleep on the right and his side was always the left no matter where you were. You tried not to look at the empty side of the bed but your gaze was drawn to the still made half of the bed as you sat there, your light bathing you in the warm glow just accentuating how alone you really were. You hastily shut the light off feeling the familiar despair creeping up on you as you shivered alone in the big bed all by yourself, you scrunched your face up as you tried not to miss his arm thrown over your hips, his face burying in your hair, the way he whispered good night before falling asleep, his body pressed against you keeping you warm. You moved your pillow with a jerky movement as you tried to contain the tears but they spilled from you silently as they did every night since you told him he should pack up and go.
‘Poe? You home?’ You dumped the bags in the kitchen.
‘Yeah I’m home.’
‘I was thinking about salmon for dinner, pesto sauce, some cheese and veg then we can watch that film you mentioned the other day….’ you paused as you tried to remember the film he said and you shook your head as the name evaded you completely, he’d tell you anyway. You unpacked the bags of shopping, putting food in the fridge and cupboards, you looked up and smiled as he came into the room. ‘Hi husband,’ you stepped towards him and kissed his cheek before opening the fridge.
‘We need to talk.’ You looked at the block of cheese in your hand as you ground your teeth together.
‘Oh yeah? What about?’ You said cheerily as you slowly placed the cheese in the door, not quite ready to close it yet, not quite ready to look at his face. He said your name and you closed your eyes refusing to believe this was happening, you slammed the fridge door shut and moved straight onto the pasta on the side opening the cupboard and placing it in there.
‘Can you just stop for a second?’
‘I can’t if I want to get dinner on.’ You said and even you noticed the edge to your voice as you grabbed something else, refusing to turn round and face him, refusing to acknowledge what you knew he was going to say. He didn’t know but you’d seen the messages, all of them.
‘Come on I need to talk to you, please?’ His voice tugged at you and slowly you turned, your hands gripping the kitchen counter in a death grip as you refused to look at his face. He didn’t come near you, choosing to stand the other side of the island as he fiddled with his phone and you noticed his wedding ring was off. Already. He wasn’t wasting any time. He sighed and your eyes flickered up to his face, his hand ran through his salt and pepper curls as he tried to look for the words he wanted to say. You pulled your eyes away from him hating how your heart swelled every time you looked at him, how you felt that rush of love even after you knew what he’d done.
‘I’ve seen the messages.’ His hands stilled and his head snapped up to look at you, his gorgeous face wearing an expression of surprise.
‘I’ve seen them. Not very well hidden, messaging her on your signed in email account.’ At least he had the decency to look ashamed, you thought.
‘I’m sorry….’
‘I suggest you go and pack.’ You turned away grabbing a tin of tomatoes tightly in your hand as your eyes filled with the tears you’d been fighting for days.
‘You ok, I guess I’ll go and do that now,’ his voice was soft and it felt like a stab in your heart as he left the kitchen, no fight, no denial, just pure acceptance of what he’d done.
You wiped your eyes, still refusing to make a sound as you stared at the open bedroom door, he’d always come to bed after you making sure you were comfy and settled before sliding in behind you and you hated how much you missed him. Had you not been a good wife? Had you done something wrong? Thoughts tumbled around in your head tormenting you every single day, every time you slowed down your brain dragged you down into the pits and you hated how it made you feel. You were sick of crying yourself to sleep, sick of going on rubbish dates because none of them were him. None of them even came close, they all looked promising on paper but not a single one matched up to your Poe.
‘Mrs Dameron?’ You looked up at a smartly dressed receptionist as she beamed at you, her blonde hair in a tight bun and her red lipstick was perfect. Her figure was one to die for wrapped in a tight white blouse and a pinstripe pencil skirt and you couldn’t help but feel hideous and frumpy in her presence.
‘Mr Hanson will see you now.’ You smiled as you gathered your bag to you and followed her down the quiet corridor, her high heels thudded gently with smart steps as she led you to the office of your lawyer.
‘Mrs Dameron!’ He came round the desk taking your hand in his and sitting on the edge of his desk as he sat down in one of his plush leather seats. ‘Thank you for coming, how are you doing?’
‘Oh, you know,’ you shrugged not really knowing what to say, did you tell him you cried every night? Or did you just smile and pretend you were fine? The latter was more socially acceptable, right?
‘Right well, we have a meeting in just over 5 minutes, do you need a drink, tea, coffee?’ You raised an eyebrow as you really thought you could do with a gin and tonic. ‘A coffee will be great.’
‘Great, oh Daisy!’ The receptionist paused at the doorway that disarming beaming smile dazzling you again. ‘Be a dear and get Mrs Dameron a coffee? Extra creamy, yes?’ You nodded, not really caring.
‘I’ll bring it into the conference room.’
‘Thanks Daisy! Right, we should head there as they will be here soon.’
‘’I’m sorry, who’s this meeting with?’ He looked up at you with a pity filled expression on his face.
‘Mr Dameron and his lawyer will be joining us today to talk over the marital assets.’ You nodded, of course they were. ‘Come on, it looks good if we beat them to the table.’ You rose and followed him back down the corridor, your feet dragging slightly as you wished you could be anywhere but here. About to face your ex husband who cheated on you. About to split your entire life between you like all those years meant nothing.
You slipped into a seat as your lawyer got his papers out of the briefcase, your eyes were drawn to the door as it opened, the receptionist showing in the other lawyer and her eyes dragging suggestively over your husband. You felt a flush of jealousy as she asked them what drink they wanted, all smiles and teeth as she gently placed a hand on your husband's arm promising to be right back. Ex husband. Your eyes followed her out of the room before dropping back to look at Poe. It had been a few months since you’d seen him and he hadn’t changed, you weren’t sure what to expect but his suit was crisp and clean and you felt a stab that maybe she had done if for him. You stood smiling and shook hands with Poe’s lawyer. You went to sit back down when Poe’s hand grabbed yours before you had a chance to pull away completely. His deep brown eyes looking earnestly at you as your hand automatically gripped his in return.
‘Hi,’ that lopsided smile you knew and loved so much toyed at the corners of his mouth until you snatched your hand back, clearing your throat as you sat back down trying to concentrate on what was being said. Most of it went over your head and the lawyers did the balk of the talking, you coasted your way through trying not to think about how good your husband looked across the table, how good his curls looked today or the stubble on his face. Ex husband.
Finally the meeting came to an end and you shook hands with everyone again, slipping out of the room you swiftly heading to the lift pressing the button a few times hoping it would come quicker even though you knew it wouldn’t work.
‘You know it won’t come any quicker…’ You tried not to look at him as he stood so easily next to you, his hand fiddling with his tie as he looked up the numbers above the lift doors. Thankfully it chimed its arrival and you slipped inside but he followed you and you both reached for the ground floor button at the same time.
‘Oh I’m sorry,’ you gasped in surprise and pulled your hand away.
‘No I’m sorry.’ You stared at the button.
‘You should push it,’ you said softly.
‘Right. Yeah,’ he hastily pushed it and you watched the doors slide shut, silence stretched between you as you both stood awkwardly in the small space together. ‘See you…’ you smiled automatically and nodded politely as the doors slid open, you let Poe exit first trailing after him as he cut a path through the busy foyer and out onto the street. You saw him pause just to the side of the doors pulling a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lighting one. He took a long drag, his eyes surveying the busy street as he blew the smoke up into the air.
‘I thought you gave those up.’ He looked down at the floor as he rested a foot on the building, leaning against the wall. He took another drag before looking at you.
‘I did.’ You backed up a step, what were you doing? Did it really matter if he was smoking? He wasn’t your problem anymore. You went to walk off but he called your name and your heart skipped a beat. ‘Can I stop by later and grab some more clothes?’
‘Sure, they’ve been bagged up in the garage for weeks.’ This time he let you go, your heart like a heavy weight in your chest as you walked back to the car.
It got to about 6pm when you heard the garage door go, you stared at the gin bottle on the side and the empty tonic cans, ah shit. Maybe you’d had one too many. You slipped off the stall, the floor shifting slightly and you frowned as you headed to the front door, your bare feet padding lightly on the floor. You could hear him moving stuff, putting bags in the car and you placed a hand on the door wishing with all your might this wasn’t happening. You jumped at the knock on the door and you took a shaky breath before opening it, he stood there his curls flopping over his forehead, his hands were shoved in his pockets and his brown eyes wide as he took in your appearance.
‘Can I come in?’ You nodded leaving the door open and heading back to your glass in the kitchen, you downed the last of it before dumping it in the sink wishing he’d just take his shit and go already. The sound of your name made you jump slightly and you turned, using the counter to stop you losing your balance.
‘What do you want Poe?’ Your voice sounded harsh and you refused to look at him.
‘We haven’t talked….since it happened.’ You shrugged.
‘What is there to talk about, you decided I wasn’t good enough anymore and you moved on.’
‘Oh gods, is that what you think?’ He asked, his hand rubbing his face as he looked at you. You took a deep breath trying to stop the tears from flowing.
‘Yes. That’s what I think…’
‘It wasn’t like that at all.’ He took a few steps towards you but you moved round to the other side of the island, keeping distance between you.
‘It doesn’t matter now…’
‘Of course it matters!’ You flinched slightly at his raised voice and he clenched a fist at his mouth as if he regretted his tone. ‘It matters to me, that you know the truth.’
‘I don’t want to hear it…’ you began to head upstairs but he stopped you.
‘Yes you need to hear it…’
‘No!’ You felt the tide begin to wash over you as you stared into those brown eyes you had adored so much. ‘You should leave,’ you whispered.
‘No, not yet.’ You backed away from him slowly making your way up the steps.
‘Please…’ you begged, wishing he would just leave.
‘Just hear me out,’ he said stepping forward.
‘Poe!’ It came out almost as a scream and he halted at the bottom of the stairs. ‘You’re tearing me apart!’ Your shaking hands rose to your face as your vision blurred with tears.
‘No! You have no right to call me that anymore…’
‘Baby please just let me talk!’ You turned and sprinted upstairs but he caught you before you could lock yourself in the bathroom and you dug your hands in the carpet as you cried loudly at the top of the stairs, he lay next to you, his hands covering yours as he whispered your name, his own pain evident in his voice.
‘You broke my heart!’ You cried against the floor, the sobs coming thick and fast but you still managed one last question. ‘Was she worth it?’
‘No, no she wasn’t.’ You felt yourself crumble, the sobs wracking your body, you had no more fight in you as he gathered you to him, whispering words you couldn’t hear as he held you tightly. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry I did this, I broke us I’m so sorry,’ he kissed the top of your head as you cried into his top, your fingers clutching at the leather jacket he always wore. His warm hands moved to your face tilting you up to look at him, his thumbs gently wiped the tears off your face as you tried to contain yourself, his eyes were red as he gazed down at you, his own tears spilling down his face.
‘I’m sorry. I have nothing else to say.’ You nodded slowly pulling yourself away from him, you sat back against the wall too exhausted to move any more than that. He leant against the bannister at the top of the stairs opposite you, his legs stretched out next to you and you noticed he had taken his shoes off.
‘You didn’t have to take them off,’ you said softly. He sniffed and gave a small laugh.
‘Are you kidding? You’re always on at me about my shoes indoors…’ he trailed off as he realised you wouldn’t be nagging him anymore.
‘Did you get your stuff?’ He shrugged as he pulled at a piece of skin on his hand.
‘For now.’ You both sat in silence almost like you didn’t want the companionship to end but knowing it had to. You tried to find something else to say but all words failed you as you looked at your husband. Ex husband.
‘You should go,’ he nodded, not looking at you as he stood up, you used the wall as support leaning against it wishing you could go to bed.
‘Can I…..’ his eyes rose to meet yours as he stepped towards you. ‘Can I kiss you goodbye?’ His voice cracked slightly as his hand captured yours, his warm fingers intertwining with yours as he stepped even closer. Your eyes were wide as he dipped towards you, his hand tensing in yours and his lips met yours gently. You could taste the saltiness from both your tears as you let him in, his tongue taking possession of you completely. His other hand slid up your neck and your hand dug into his soft salt and pepper curls that you loved so much. He stole the very breath from your lungs as he kissed you with a need you hadn’t felt for such a long time and as he pulled away you wished it hadn’t ended. He started making his way down the stairs, his fingers slowly sliding out of yours, the last lingering connection between you both and you watched as it slowly disintegrated right before your eyes. He put his shoes on and opened the front before casting one last look up at you, he held a hand up in a farewell gesture and you did the same, the sound of the door closing echoed around the empty house and you felt more alone now than when he first left. It was over, your marriage was over.
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crystalrose555 · 4 years
Don’t make me slap you pt 19
“Truly remarkable.”
“What, I’m just examining her.” “Yeah, but do you need to keep petting her belly like that!?” Levi yelled out with an accusing point.
Satan stopped mid-stroke as he stood up from the calm seal who showed him her belly. Marley flipped over upon realizing she wasn’t getting any more attention and shed her pelt.
“I was just seeing if her sealskin had a seam of some sort.” Satan coughed out to hide his embarrassment.
“No fair, I wanted to rub Mochi’s belly too~” Asmo whined as he clung to Marley’s side.
“Asmo, you know her name is Marley, why are you still calling her that?”
“Why not, it’s the cutest nickname and we still have to call her that when Lucifer’s around.”
Satan smirked.
“I have to admit, it’s nice having a secret Lucifer doesn’t know about.”
“Yeah, he always has his own secrets that he never tells us about, so it’s a nice change of pace.”
“It’s only nice if no one blathers to Lucifer, that means you, Mammon, and can you take off that stupid crown?!”
“Hey, when I’m not being roasted by Lucifer, I’m wearin’ this, so get off of my back!”
“Then get out of my room! In fact, why don’t all of you get out of my room, it’s at maximum normie capacity with Marley here! So shoo!”
At that exact moment, all the brothers began to argue amongst themselves which gave Marley enough of an opening to slip out of the room unnoticed. She sighed to herself, finally, she had a moment of peace as she changed back and slid down the hallway. However, she could feel herself being drawn to a sweet scent that lingered in the air and led her further away.
The fire crackled in the fireplace as Lucifer’s papers rustled in his hands. He sighed to himself in his silent study, he was going over the latest test results for Mochi and his brothers which left him intrigued by the sudden improvement overall, even Mammon was leaning towards acceptable scores. He rubbed his brow softly as he pondered his most private thoughts. Loosening his collar buttons, Lucifer got up from his seat and walked around his study, stretching his legs while brushing his hair back. He then opened a bottle of Demonus which filled the room with its floral aroma but before he could take a sip, something entered his study.
“Well, isn’t this a rarity?”
He looked down at Marley, who refused to acknowledge him as she was wrapped in the aroma of the alcohol. Her nose twitched, wishing she could get some for herself but Lucifer clearing his throat brought her attention to the eldest brother. However, instead of growling at him, she simply turned to face him and gave a small huff. A moment passed as Lucifer prepared another glass of the rosy liquid which made Marley’s eyes glimmer. He turned back to her and placed the glass upon the table, out of her reach.
“My apologies but I don’t share drinks with beasts.” He calmly teased as he took a swig in front of her.
Feeling insulted, Marley snorted at the eldest brother who gave her a condescending smile.
“Then again, I should give you some sort of reward. Since your arrival, my brothers have been behaving themselves. Even Mammon hasn’t been incurring my wrath as often as he usually does.”
Lucifer then slowly knelt down in front of her, keeping his same prideful smile on his face.
“Now what would a seal possibly want as a reward? Let me guess, your freedom from this hellish realm?” “...” “Unfortunately, that isn’t possible. So may I offer something else?”
Lucifer slowly reached for Marley’s head with his hand. Not wanting to start a fight, Marley held her temper and allowed the eldest brother to brush the back of his fingers against her fuzzy cheek. Lucifer chuckled a little as he felt her silky pelt against his skin.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to slap my hand away as well?”
It was only a second but it was all that he needed. Marley’s eyes told him everything with the slightest flutter of her eyelids.
“You were able to fool me for a while, so I have to say I’m a little impressed. However, your game is up. So why don’t you be a good girl and allow me to meet you properly.”
Marley locked eyes with Lucifer who stood at his full height and loomed over her as his shadow made him appear even darker. With a smirk, he turned his back to her as if to give her privacy to change. The crackling blaze and smoldering ashes flickered as Marley silently removed her pelt.
“May I turn around now, Mochi, or do you wish to stab me in the back?” He asked sarcastically.
“...Go ahead.”
Lucifer turned around and looked down at Marley who was crossing her arms while looking away from his direction. He smirked as he walked past her to lock the door to his study.
“Are you going to kill me now or later after you punish me?”
He turned back to Marley and slowly approached her, causing her to step back slightly. As he stood in front of her, his true size could be felt by every cell in her body. Her eyes locked with his blood-red ones as she chilled the air around her, waiting for him to take the first move. He closed his eyes and gave a darkened chuckle underneath his breath as Marley neutralized the warmth of the room. He then picked up the spare glass of Demonus and held it in front of the guarded woman in front of him.
“As I said before, I don’t share drinks with beasts.”
“Mochi, Mochi! Mochi, wake up!”
Marley jumped out of her sleep and tried to stand only to stumble back from her throbbing head. Beel effortlessly caught her as she glanced around to see herself surrounded by concerned Demons. She grumbled nonsense as she tried to block the bright light from her eyes.
“What’s wrong, Mochi honey?”
“I think I know what caused this.” Satan calmly claimed as he held an empty bottle.
“Woah, what were you thinkin’, you can’t just down a whole bottle of bronze-aged Demonus like that! No wonder you’re out of it!”
Marley didn’t respond as she tried to match faces to voices while battling the sharp pulsing of her skull. She gently and slowly held her temples as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her mumbles were mixed with soft whimpers and acute growls as she turned away from the bright lighting of the common room.
“I doubt we’re going to get any answers from her like this. Beel, why don’t you take her to your room so she could sleep it off for tonight?”
“W-Why Beel’s room?”
“Because being drunk and sleeping in a bathtub is not a good combination. Besides, the rest of us are going to have to replace this bottle. It looks like she got it from Lucifer’s study.”
“Oh my, stealing from Lucifer’s study, Mochi, you naughty girl~”
“Oh, when she steals from Lucifer it’s cute, but when I do it, y’all get pissed.” Mammon grumbled.
“Stop your whining, Mammon. We have to get going before Lucifer wakes up.”
“Here we are, Mochi.” Beel claimed as he walked into his spacious room.
Marley just cuddled into his shoulder as he carried her to his side of the room. Setting her down in his chair, Beel turned to his bed that was covered in snack wrappers and bags. With a sigh, he began to clear his bed from his earlier snack attack. Marley, on the other hand, felt drawn to the coolness of the other side of the room and got up to stumble over to the darker color palette. Hearing her almost trip, Beel turned his head to see her reaching to sleep in the other bed. Quickly, Beel scooped her up in his arms and much to her displeasure as she squirmed in his grasp.
“No, Mochi, you’re sleeping in my bed tonight.” He claimed with a sigh of relief.
Once back to his side, he placed her on the now cleaned bed and she responded by turning back into a seal and slapping her belly at him in annoyance.
“Mochi, you can’t sleep on that bed. It belongs to Belphie.”
Marley just snorted and slapped her belly again.
“I know, I haven’t really talked about him a lot but I want his side to be just like how he left it.”
Beel’s eyes softened as he looked away from Marley, wanting to hide his saddened gaze. The silent moment stretched on and while Marley continued to stare at the large demon, deep down she sensed his anxiety and sighed softly. She snorted to get his attention then moved over on the large bed with a blubbery shuffle. Then locking eyes with him once more, she gently patted her belly softly.
“Are you sure, is it ok?”
Giving a nod and a soft snort, Marley invited Beel onto the bed with her. With a nod of his own, Beel took off the light and climbed into the bed with the round animal. With little effort, Beel adjusted Marley as he laid his head on her belly while she placed her flipper on top of his head. The silence came over them as their heartbeat slowed down with the calm of night. However, Beel had to break the quiet.
“I know you probably want to go to sleep but is it alright for me to talk about Belphie for a bit?”
Marley lifted her head to look at Beelzebub who held her closely with a trembling grip. She sighed once more before nuzzling his forehead with her snout, placing a kiss on his brow. Beelzebub gave a soft sigh of his own while taking a deep breath. On the exhale, he closed his eyes and whispered lowly to Marley.
“Back then, we were really happy together, Belphie, Lilith and me...”
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lostonehero · 3 years
Under the full moon
Tw mentions of sexual assault and abuse, hospitals, animal attack
Nanu was a life saver, he managed to pull some strings and get Cyrus to Alohla without any suspicion or even his sisters finding out. Guzma was practically walking on air when he arrived back in Alohla, Cyrus in tow looking uncomfortable in the heat even though it was cooler as the night sky lit up the sky as the full moon hung up above.
Guzma watched Cyrus stare up at the starry sky, he could see the smaller trying to suppress a smile of wonder as he looked.
Cyrus was still distracted as a growl was heard from the bush and a large lyconrock jumped the two biting Cyrus's arm with a loud sickening crunch.
The next few hours were a blur to both Cyrus and Guzma, but what was clear was the end where Guzma's large frame was contorted awkwardly in a small hospital chair as he fell into an uneasy sleep watching over Cyrus. Cyrus woke up to the sounds of hospital equipment he knew all too well from being a sickly child growing up. He wanted to bolt out of bed, but he looked over and saw Guzma and he couldn't bare to abandon him.
He groans covering his face with his one good hand the other was bandaged to hell and back to the point where he couldn't move it. Feelings were not something he was equipped to deal with and Guzma brought up so many, and he wanted to spill his guts be open with him, but he wasn't as strong as he was. He could never be as great as Guzma needed him to be. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and wiped his eyes. He just wanted Guzma close thats it.
Plumeria was one of the three now that knew of Guzma's secret, the man was half siren. She didn't know the specifics but she did know that his mother that raised him wasn't the one who had him. That wasn't important what was important was how frustrated she was getting with Guzma what she could only call nesting, his new sinnoh friend was coming back from the hospital. Guzma insisted that they were just friends but she wasn't an idiot and could feel the tension between the two hell she could probably cut it with a knife, even there pokemon notice it.
She sighed watching Guzma again rearrange his bed again, and yet he refuses to admit that they would even share a room. "GUZMA." She shouts annoyed as all hell.
Guzma stiffens and shoots up. "Plumes you know better then to sneak up on me sides I haven't done anything wrong."
"That's not the point everyone in this house can hear you moving your furniture for the nth time today Guzma."
"So nobody but you has complained."
Plumeria gave an auditable sigh. "Guzma you know none of the grunts would ever bother you when you're in one of your moods."
"I'm not upset Plumes "
"They don't know that."
Guzma looks away somewhat embarrassed. "Shit yo didn't mean to "
~~~later that day at the hospital~~
Cyrus moves his now freed arm from the cast, he had never healed this fast before. His arm didn't hurt he just had a pink mark left on his arm from the bite. It was kind of odd, maybe it was a side effect from the distortion world, but in reality he didn't know. He cuts off his own thoughts spotting Guzma and he swore his heart skipped a beat when there eyes locked, he decided to push thoes feelings down. He would deal with that later even if his heart was still beating out of his chest when Guzma approached close enough he could smell the scent of moss, honey, and even the sea off of him.
Cyrus didn't have a good sense of smell to beginning with, he used his sense of time to cook to perfection. As a child due to his sicknesses his sense of smell was partially damaged. Alarm bells rung loud in his head but were went silent when Guzma pulled him into a hug and all the panic dissipated from his head like the clouds after a storm.
"Cy look at you all patched up you had me all worried." Guzma was loud as always but it was comforting.
"You seem perfectly content without me." Cyrus bristles at the praise as his entire being screams at him to lean into it. He was scared of seeming soft.
"Ah I'm glad a hospital visit hasn't changed you I set up my room nice for you till you can find a place in po town, I mean if you want to stay there you don't have to if you don't wanna."
That was the last thing Cyrus could ever want to be away from Guzma. "Your room will suffice for now." He answers a bit too quickly for his own liking. He probably sounded needed but that thought had no room to grow when he heard Guzma chirp and grin.
"Your boy made it so comfy for you spaceman you're going to love it."
Cyrus covers his face quickly he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. Something was different and he couldn't understand why his emotions were so easy to keep under wraps maybe the pokemon bite had side effects.
Guzma loves the fact Cyrus decided to stay in his room, and he loved the nest he made too, fuck he never knew embracing the siren half of himself would actually feel good. Maybe it was because he had the right partner. He quickly shook his head Cyrus wasn't into him like that, and he knew not to force anything onto the smaller man. Cyrus's half sister had done that, well more so used him as some sort of plaything and he let her.
He couldn't let anyone use him like that again, he couldn't let anyone have control over him again like his siren half begged. He wanted Cyrus to control the bedroom he wanted Cyrus to make the decisions when it came to his body like she forced herself into that role. Guzma groans turning over to look at Cyrus sleeping. He wasn't weezing so the wet air was helping his lungs hopefully.
Guzma stared at his sleeping form his heart twisted and raw wanting to love again, but his mind was already hurt too many times, but what screamed louded then both was his siren instincts that refused to be silenced anymore and insisted that he let Cyrus claim him. He was getting a headache, and angry at his conflicted feelings, and he knew when he got upset he broke things and he really didn't want to wake up Cyrus.
He sat up pulling at his hair his feelings only growing more complicated as he let them fester. He wanted to punch something but he heard a soft whimper come from his sleeping companion and all his thoughts seem to bend into one cohesive thought. He needed to comfort Cyrus.
He wrapped himself around the smaller man who seems to melt in his touch and all the worry and pain drains into bliss as he falls back into a deep sleep.
A small sense of pride seems to grow in Guzma chest as he drifted off listening to Cyrus sleep softly next to him.
Cyrus's temper was like a fire cracker even his pokemon noticed and ran to Guzma when he showed slight frustration. His houndoom however kept his attention for some reason Cyrus was now content chasing after his dog pokemon and she was happy to comply. She obviously knew something changed within him, but atlas he could not understand her.
"The humid air seems to really help you Cyrus." Guzma hums in the small pond behind Po town his gosilepod was splashing around with him. Cyrus wouldn't call it a pond it was more of a micro lake it was deep enough that Guzma could dive down to explore the many caves it hid below.
Cyrus pauses letting that comment sink in. Guzma was right he hasn't had any lung issues since arriving to Alohla. He was even running around like he had the energy of a child. "I concede that I have been feeling much better here then I have sinnoh, but it is much too hot here."
Guzma rolls his eyes and splashes Cyrus with his tail. "Cooled off enough?"
Cyrus against his normal facade and how he liked to act he scoffs and croches near the water and splashes Guzma back and even laughs.
His own pokemon froze hearing that noise and seeing Cyrus smile was an enigma in itself.
Guzma challenged this and splashed again causing an all out water fight, and Cyrus couldn't remeber any other time where he felt this happy. He felt safe as Guzma carried him back into the Shady House. He knew this wasn't normal behavior for him but Guzma was carrying him and his smile was so nice. He clung to Guzma like he was the best treasure he had ever found.
Cyrus could not get comfortable for the life of him, his own skin felt too tight, and wrong. He felt miserable and just needed something. He flips over again in the mock nest Guzma made he had pushed the larger man out an hour ago.
Cyrus groans and glares at Guzma from the position he was in on the bed.
"Good your awake I need to talk to you."
Cyrus stretches and sits up. "Its not as my body will let me get comfortable go ahead." He says with more bite then he wanted to.
Guzma seems to hesitate and Cyrus doesn't want to be alone right now, why did he sound annoyed, but Guzma didn't leave he took a breath and sat in his throne. "Do you mind if I get personal Cyrus? I'm loosing my courage here, stupid Guzma."
"You're ok, please speak your mind." For some reason Guzma being there made him feel better and all he wanted was for him to be comfortable to, only to return the favor. That thought was tact on but he wouldn't acknowledge that fact.
Guzma's face turns red as he stumbles over his words forgetting English for a second. "Cyrus I want you to take control, I mean I just my siren half has been screaming at me for you and I fuck I fucking like you a lot and I want to be vulnerable around you. Not like how your sister forced that out of my with you I feel safe enough to let you see the real stuff." Guzma sighs putting his face in his hands. "I like you spaceman and I want you to yaknow do the nasty with me I want you to control the scene, I want you to take care of me."
Cyrus could feel his own face heat up his mind wasn't entirely there anymore but he somehow knew exactly what Guzma was asking and he wanted the same thing. His voice didn't sound like his own. "I love you too- I -gah" his own words cut off as a scream escapes from his lips as burning hot pain fills his his veins. His whole body felt as it was on fire and that was the last thing Cyrus can remember before it went black.
Plumeria lead the charge hearing the scream come from Guzma's room a few brave grunts followed behind her as they opened the door they expected the worse, but that isnt what they got.
Guzma was laughing trying to pull a lyconrock that was five times bigger then normal off of him it was also completely blue like Cyrus's hair. The closest thing to an attack the dog was doing was locking Guzma senseless as there tail wagged hard and fast.
The grunts seem to braven up even more as one shouted puppy then the rest piled into the room petting the dog who seems to melt at the attetion and Guzma could finally get up but he didn't stop smiling.
"Cyrus is the puppy Grunts." Guzma got through his laughter as the dog Cyrus began another lick attack.
The grunts gasps as cheers of werewolf ran through along with spaceman is puppy space man, along with team skull mascot.
Guzma was having too much fun to notice or listen to what his grunts were saying.
Cyrus woke up startled he was just in the worst pain in his life where was he now. His panic ebbed away into comfort as he realized he was curled around Guzma his scent was everywhere, and that purple tattoo was a dead giveaway. He absolutely no memory of what occurred last night nor did he know where his clothes went. Wait why was he wearing a collar did they have sex? Was he drugged? Guzma confessed his feelings did he use him?
Cyrus's own stomach growling made him stop his downward spiral of thoughts. He was starving, was that normal after sex? He needed to research. Guzma shift making Cyrus give a startled oof noise in response.
"Oh you're back to normal, the grunts were right." Guzma yawns and stretches. "Man you kept us up till like 4 in the morning."
This brought up more questions, so he didn't have sex, the grunts were involved, and he wasn't normal. His face must of betrayed him because Guzma was looking at him with concern.
"You don't remember last night."
"I remember saying I love you." He says embarrassed and his voice a bit horsed.
This seems to ease some worry from Guzma's face but not all of it. "Well apparently Z one of the grunts likes looking into myths and he can say for certain werewolf, and now the grunts know about me because you kind of dragged me into the pool to go swimming."
"It was actually kind of cute, I got upset and you did the whole ears and tail down and puppy dog eyes and actually you were fuckkng adorable and I couldn't stay mad at you but now the grunts are clamoring to make a full moon schedule that needs your approval of course." Guzma laughs. "For the first hour you wouldn't stop licking me you also kept trying to steal my socks."
Cyrus's face was red as he put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry "
"Why it was a blast, and you make a great puppy Cy even if I'm a bug guy." Guzma chuckles. "Now we know it wasn't a normal pokemon bite."
Cyrus looks away. "You aren't mad? I outed you and I didn't even know until you told me."
"I mean no Cy you were being cute and now I have blackmail we took so many pictures. Want to see "
"Abostutley not." He gets up. "I'm going to get dressed then eat you can talk when you want to be civil "
Guzma laughs and gets up hugging Cyrus from behind. "I love you too Cyrus even if you can't express it well. I'll be emotional for the both of us."
This dried up every ounce of shame and anger Cyrus had at the new he could feel wet streaks down his cheeks before he realized he was crying. He immeditaly turned and buried his face into Guzma's chest. He refused to let go.
Guzma didn't realize what he said meant so much, but he didn't want to upset Cyrus anymore so he let the smaller man cry until he was done.
They got dressed in silence but left the room holding hands with a unspoken love between them only growing.
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
crush. [part two]
pairing: poe dameron x reader
warnings: a swear word or two, a little angsty
word count: 3.1k
a/n: i hope this lives up to expectations. i threw a little angst in there because everything i’d written up to this point has been fluff.
[part one]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He should’ve been back.
The mission to Jakku was simple; land, get the missing piece of the map from Lor San Tekka, leave.
You replayed the moments before he left over and over again; the way he told you he’d be back before you could miss him, the hug that felt more affectionate than reassuring, and the kiss he placed on your cheek that lingered a little too long.
He should’ve been back. He was prepared.
Poe had woken you up after a couple of hours and you were amazed at how much better you felt. You had finished up your work and presented it to Leia, got it approved, and went over everything with Poe.
But something had clearly gone wrong and you couldn’t help but feel like you did something wrong.
You isolated yourself as you wallowed in guilt. You sat alone at meals and worked alone, only communicating with others when you needed to. Leia had tried to assure you that it wasn’t your fault and that things beyond anyone’s control can happen at any point, but you refused to listen. There was a plan if the First Order showed up and it failed.
It was late and you sat outside the command center in the same spot you’d been for hours now, breathing in the fresh air. You stared up at the sky, looking at all the stars, hoping Poe was out there somewhere unharmed. You heard footsteps approaching you, but you stayed silent. Jessika and Kaydel had both been by to visit you, bringing you food and trying to coax you into sleeping. Neither of them were successful, but you were grateful for the food.
You recognized Commander D’Acy’s voice, but barely acknowledged her. Leia must’ve sent her, you thought. You assumed an order was coming from your commander, to get rest or to stop worrying you didn’t know. But you weren’t going to listen, not until you knew what had happened to Poe. You turned to tell her in the most polite way you could to go away, but then she said the two words that you’d longed to hear.
“Poe’s back.”
You’d never moved so fast in your life. You were out of your seat and out the door, racing towards the hangar before she could say anything else. When you reached it, there were only a couple of people around, none of them Poe. Your quick and panicky movement caught them off guard, the atmosphere having been calm for the late hour. A rickety ship was being pulled in for repairs. It slightly concerned you that Poe didn’t make it back to D’Qar with his x-wing, but it was not your priority right now.
“Where is he?” You asked the closest mechanic. She didn’t need to ask whom you were asking for.
“Med bay.”
Your blood ran cold as you rushed out. Poe never willingly went to the med bay, so you assumed the worst; that he was gravely injured or missing a limb. When you approached the med bay, you forced yourself to slow down and walk at a normal pace. You didn’t want to frighten anyone else with how frantic you felt.
You walked into the med bay, only one of the rooms lit up due to the late hour. You saw a med droid fussing over him and Poe arguing with it. You stood in the doorway and waited for the droid to be done. When it moved away, you inhaled sharply as you took in Poe’s injuries. Dried blood was caked on different parts of his face, originating from cuts you could and couldn’t see. You saw a couple of bruises in different stages of healing and a deep cut on his lip.
Your wavering, concerned voice caught his attention. Poe looked up from his hands and for the first time since his dramatic escape, he felt relief. You pushed yourself off the doorway and slowly walked towards him
“Are you okay?”
Poe exhaled and nodded.
“Yeah.” He said lowly. “For the most part.”
“What happened?”
“I got caught by the First Order. Escaped and crash landed back on Jakku, woke up two days later and stole a ship to come back here.”
There was something between the tone of Poe’s voice and his short, clipped answers that suggested he wasn’t telling you everything. You wanted to push him for more information, but you knew how he was. Whenever something didn’t go right with a mission, he blamed himself even if it wasn’t his fault. It was the natural leader in him that made him do it.  He felt a responsibility for the successes and failures of his squadron.
Whenever he took the blame, Poe kind of shut down. He became more reserved and quiet, something that was unusual for him. He’d be fine the next day after having time to process everything, but all you could do until then was wait.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
Poe gave you a small smile, a flash of his usual self shining through the dirt and blood that coated him. Your lip quivered involuntarily and you brought your hand up to cover it before Poe could see it.  
“I’m so sorry.”
“What for?”
You took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears forming in your eyes from coming out.
“For failing you.” You felt everything from the last few days, all the uncertainty and worry and before you could stop yourself, you were rambling. “I should’ve gotten sleep instead of staying awake trying to work. If I had, I would’ve been able to get you more prepared and you wouldn’t have gotten caught.”
Poe reached his arm out, beckoning you to him with his fingers.
“Come here,” he said softly. You walked towards him, placing your hand in his. When you were close enough to him he grabbed your other hand, holding them in front of him, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles.
“I don’t ever want to hear you say that this is your fault. Because it’s not.” Poe assured you, catching your eye and making sure he held your gaze so you knew he was telling the truth. Even though you didn’t quite believe him, you nodded to give him some assurance.
“I tried to stop them.”
Poe dropped your hands and ran his own through his hair, messing his curls up further.
“I…they shot at my x-wing and instead of running, I sent BB8 with the map and went after the stormtroopers.”
All you could do was stare at him. Once again, in the face of danger, he acted impulsively and tried to fight the First Order himself. You felt a flurry of emotions – fear, anger, and sadness. You settled on anger as you took a step back.
“Wh—Poe, how could you do something so reckless?” Your voice was low, but growing louder with each word. “You have people depending on you, you can’t just act impulsively because at some point it’s going to cost you and—“
Poe softly shushed you as you started rambling again. Poe grabbed your arm, bringing you back into him and wrapping you in a hug. A few tears fell from your eyes as you gripped his tattered shirt, as if you were willing him to stay put. You buried your head in his shoulder. He smelled like oil, dirt, and blood…but still distinctly Poe.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.”
You mumbled something into his shoulder that Poe didn’t quite hear.
“What was that?” He asked, bringing his head up to look at you. You wiped the traces of your tears away.
“I said you should be sorry for scaring me. Because you scared me to death.”
Poe muttered another apology. You tilted his head slowly to the side, looking at the cuts on his face.
“You’re injuries don’t look too bad.”
“Nothing I can’t come back from.”
You dared to run tip of your finger on the cut on Poe’s right cheek, just under his eye, and then you ran the pad of your thumb across the cut on his lip.
“You might have a scar from this. It’ll make you look tough.”
“I’m not tough already?”
Poe pretended to look offended, making you let out a watery chuckle. It took you a minute to realize Poe’s hands were still resting on your waist, keeping you firmly placed in front of him, and that your hand was still resting on his cheek. He’d never justheld you this close before, or even this long. The urge to kiss him was becoming overwhelming. You glanced at the cut on his lip again and lingered just a little too long. When you looked back up at Poe, you found he was doing the same thing, and there was no cut on your lip.
The incessant beeps of the med droid interrupted your moment. You were flustered, so caught up in the moment that you forgot where you were, so you mustered up the most convincing smile you could and stepped back, crossing your arms.
“Do you want me to wait?”
Poe nodded and you stepped to the side to let the med droid finish its work, trying to bring your erratic heartbeat back to normal. You could feel how pink your cheeks were and you willed it away, looking around at anywhere but the face of the man you nearly kissed. After a few more minutes, the med droid finished patching him up and finally released him. You walked with Poe towards his quarters; wanting to make sure he was ok and settled before going to bed yourself. Nothing was said between the two of you as you walked next to each other.
Poe felt a small bit of security when he walked into his room, seeing the things he honestly didn’t think he’d see again. You saw him eye the charging station in the corner of his room where BB8 should’ve been before sitting on the edge of his bed. Poe placed his head in his hands, breathing steadily. All you could do was stand there and watch him. It was clear there was something else on his mind but you didn’t know what to do or what to say. You’d never felt so helpless. After a few minutes you heard his breath shudder, like he was holding back tears and you couldn’t stand there not doing anything anymore. You carefully sat down next to him so you wouldn’t frighten him, unsure if it was the right thing to do. You hesitated before placing a gentle hand on his back.
“Talk to me,” you said softly. “What’s going on?”
Poe was silent, his head still in his hands. Everything from the last 48 hours was hitting him at once. You rubbed his back soothingly and waited for him to be ready to talk. You knew he would eventually and you were prepared to wait as long as he needed. You thought he had fallen asleep sitting up with how quiet he was until let out another shuddering breath before looking up at you. Your heart broke at the fear that was etched on his face.
“They tortured me for information.” He finally disclosed. You swallowed uncomfortably. “Kylo Ren, he—he invaded my mind looking for the map.”
Poe rested his forehead on your shoulder. You’d never heard him sound so defeated. You leaned your head against his, his hair soft against your cheek, and placed your hand on top of his.
“I’m so sorry you went through that, Poe.” You whispered, giving his hand a light squeeze. “But you’re safe now. You’re back on base and you’re safe. Kylo Ren can’t get to you here.”
“I know. I know, I just…can’t stop thinking about it.” He said. “I feel like I failed. They know BB8 has the map and if they get it from him—“
“Then they get it. We’ll find another way to locate Skywalker. No one is going to blame you.”
You knew he didn’t believe you. He took full responsibility for the failure of his mission. Poe Dameron didn’t fail missions. He was the best pilot in the Resistance, possibly the entire galaxy. This assignment was among one of the simplest. And he was unsuccessful.
“Will you make me a promise?”
You felt Poe nod against you and you took a deep breath to keep your voice even.
“You might feel fine for awhile when you busy with stuff again, but then the memory of this will pop out of nowhere. Promise me that if this gets too much for you and you can’t sleep that you’ll come find me. I don’t care what time it is. We’ll talk it through or we’ll sleep or we’ll do whatever you need. But you won’t be alone. Not unless you want to be.”
Poe brought his head up to look at you, giving you a tight smile as a silent ‘thank you’. You could see the bags under his eyes and you wondered how long it had been since he got any sort of rest.
“You need rest.” You said. “Do you want me to go?”
“No. Stay, please.”
You mouthed the words ‘ok’ and stood up slowly.
“Will you stay the night?”
You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll stay.” You said. “You should get in the shower, though. It’ll help you relax. I’ll go get it started for you.”
You made your way over to his refresher. Before you could get there, however, you heard Poe softly call your name. He was walking towards you, a quiet determination in his steps. He held your face in his hands, eyes searching yours.
And then he was kissing you.
He had grabbed your face with a sense of urgency, but his lips were soft and slow against yours as you kissed him back. His hands cupped your jaw, thumbs gently caressing your cheeks as he kissed you. You matched his languid movements, savoring every moment. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. It was everything you imagined kissing him would be like, everything a first kiss should be, which is why it pained you to pull away. Poe’s brow furrowed in confusion. He felt you kissing him back, why were you suddenly so hesitant?
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted that,” your voice just above a whisper, cracking just slightly. “But—“
Poe closed his eyes dejectedly, his head falling slightly and hands dropping from your face. Your heart hurt as you gently started to break his. This was all you wanted, all you thought of for the longest time. But Poe wasn’t exactly of sound mind right now. He’d just been through something traumatic and was looking for something comforting, familiar and safe. You would be that person for him, but not in the way he might regret having when his mind cleared.
“Poe, you’re hurting right now and—“
“No,” Poe shook his head as he stepped back to look at you. “No, with you I’m not. You’re my comfort.”
“No…please.” Poe placed his hands on your shoulders, grounding you and forcing you to look at the sincerity in his eyes. He spoke quietly but deliberately. “I should’ve told you the other night. Or in the hangar before I left. I want this. I want you, Y/N. Fuck, I—I’m in love with you.”
Tears filled your eyes for the second time that night, but your heart soared. It was like every happy feeling you’d ever felt was rushing through your veins.
“You love me?”
Poe threw his arms out before dropping them back to his sides, but there was a disbelieving smile on his face.
“Yeah,” he breathed out exasperatedly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “How could I not? You’re…you’re everything to me.”
You stood wordlessly in disbelief, but in your head you were replaying every interaction and every conversation you had with Poe in your head. Had it been so obvious and you missed it?
“I’m not expecting you to say it back, I just wanted you to know.”
Here was Poe, pouring his heart out to you, making himself even more vulnerable than he was. You now had no doubt that it was the trauma talking. He loved you, and you could feel it through the way he spoke and the way he looked at you. You stepped in front of him, your hand going to the back of his neck and bringing his lips down to yours. You kissed him harder than before, trying to convey everything you felt for him in one action. Poe immediately kissed you back, his hands pressing into your lower back as your arms circled his neck. You brought yourself impossibly closer to him. When you pulled away, a small smile graced your lips.
“I love you, too.” You said, causing Poe to grin elatedly. “And I’m an idiot for not telling you sooner.”
“Seems like we both are.”
The two of you stood there, arms around each other and foreheads pressed together, enjoying the moment of bliss. Every worry, every problem, every issue happening in the galaxy seemed to disappear. You finally had him and he finally had you.
“Stars, you need a shower.”
Poe barked out a laugh and hugged you a little tighter. You squeezed him back.
“Go. I’ll be here when you come out.”
He pressed a sure kiss on your forehead before letting you go, disappearing into the refresher. You removed your jacket and shoes, making yourself comfortable in his bed, similar to what you had done three nights ago. But this time was different.
Poe loved you. He wanted you. And you loved and wanted him just as much. It’d be you and him against the world, fighting together.
You couldn’t help the blissful smile that stayed on your face when Poe came back, wrapping his arms around you like you had wished he did the other night. You both fell asleep perfectly content.  
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nanbaka-82 · 4 years
No one asked and no one will probably read but here’s songs that remind me of some of my most beloved hypmic boyos (Yes I wrote this at five am and I was being biased) Alert this is very long and shitty don’t read if ya don’t wanna get a brain rot and I advise you not to break your mind before 2nd drb.
Bonus up top:
All Stars + Kotonohoto:
- This Is The Moment - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- I’m Ready - AJR
- Three Thirty - AJR
IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE AT ALL but since he’s a character that we never really got to understand and analyze, or maybe the fact that he was put falsely into his comatose state pains me.
“You start thinking about the clock ticks, you get nervous, you start stressing, so how am I supposed to fit this, in three minutes, and thirty seconds?”
“Listen to my aching heart. Quick before you skip the song. We are human after all. And we. Don’t. Stay. For. Long”
Naughty Dialogue/MCD +:
- Bang - AJR 
“I’m way too young to lie here forever (IchiKuko) I’m way too old to try so whatever (SamaSasa) so come hang! We’ll go out with a bang!”
- Partners in crime - ft. Ash Costello
The vibe too! Idk I really like it!
- A Bud Like You - AJR
Naughty Busters: 
- Rope - Kulick
“I keep slipping on down but I can’t let go yet”
- Kids In The Dark - All Time Low 
 “They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark, we come together, state of the art, we’ll never surrender, so let the the world sing”
More pain but cute 
Mad Comic Dialogue:
- I’m Not Ok - Weathers 
- Weak - AJR 
“But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that” (fall for each other those Lil gay boiz)
- Broken -lovelytheband 
“I like that you’re broken broken like me, maybe that makes me a fool?” (sasa)
“I like that you’re lonely lonely like me, I could be lonely with you” (sama)
“There’s something tragic, but almost pure, think I could love you, but I’m not sure” (sama)
“It’s something wholesome, it’s something sweet, tucked in your eyes that I’d love to meet” (sasa)”
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
Y e s 
- Sober Up- AJR
“Hello hello, I’m not where I’m supposed to be, I hope that you’re missing me, cuz it makes me feel young”
*Cries in SamaSasa*
“Won’t you help me sober up? Growing up had made me numb, and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me sober up? All the big kids say I’m drunk and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me feel something again... how’s it go again?”
“And I wanna feel something again. I just wanna feel something again. (My favorite color is you)”
“Can I finally feel something again?”
*Cries in SamaSasa again*
Otome (I’m so in it for her):
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez 
Just. Her backstory. Shit. 
Fling Posse:
- TMD (Talk Me Down) - R & R 
This song just reminds me of the overall relationship between fling posse! I’d make an edit but I’m lazy and sad 
- It’s On Us - AJR
(Honestly AJR is my emotional anchor and it’s obvious)
“It’s not your fault you don’t feel safe it’s not your fault so don’t take blame (no it’s on us)”
“We can try together, make it right together, we can fight together, it’s on us, though your trust is stolen, though your heart is broken, you are never broken, it’s on us” 
“We know what we need to do we’ll be there it’s not on you”
Now da main course:
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
- Karma - AJR : 
THAT PART WHERE ITS LIKE “Where the hell is the karma?” HNGGG
- Can I Get a Witness - Sonreal :
OKAY hear me out:
“I fell in love with you cuz you made me feel, I fell in love with you cuz you kept it real, but you changed up on me, you changed your flow, and now I’ve been hating on you every where I go”
- Honest - Nico Collins 
No comment... 
- Middle Finger - BOHNES 
Oh god I love this song 
“But I refuse to let you make me feel like I can’t fly, not only will I soar again, I’ll own the fucking sky” 
“Livin like a riot, setting off the sirens, fists are clenched I’m fighting, soul has been ignited, ain’t got time for dying, I’m too busy thriving, more than just surviving, heart is beating violent”
And just so much more, this song reminds of his spirit that no matter how many times it’s been broke down just won’t give up, and I love it
- Little Poor Me - Layto 
“I tried hard you know I care, I care, I care, just a little poor me, just a little poor me”
The way he protected what he loved with all his heart, Sasara and Nemu, yet, he still lost them at the end. 
Jyuto Iruma:
The Car - Nightly 
Idk why it fits him—the feel of it I guess 
Ramuda Amemura (maNy but I chose):
- Rabbit Hole - AViVA 
Gives me the feel where he drags people down with him but wants to escape 
- Hypnotized - AViVA
“Can’t you see you’re hypnotized? Locked inside those eyes. Now don’t you go out at night, you’ll end up hypnotized”
“Look into my eyes find it so appealing look into my eyes send your body reeling, now you’re hypnotized, drag you down down down”
Gentaro Yumeno:
- The Way - Layto
Not so sure about this one—but 
“New Speak, show and tell, this will be my hardest sell, wise men, always say, sadness raps in golden plate” 
Reminds me of how he was bullied and unsocial in school, also how his care takers were elders and made him happy 
- 100 Bad Days - AJR
“A 100 days made a hundred good stories, a 100 good stories make me interesting in parties” 
Dice Arisugawa:
- Disaster Party - MAGIC GIANT
“You’re a brave heart, but you’re broken, and an Angel, but you’re choking”
“Throw away all your money” hhhhh
- I’m Not Famous - AJR 
Reminds me oh how he could have been literal royalty but decided to say fuck it
Hifumi Izanami:
- Echo - Crusher-P
We don’t talk about why I link this to fumi 
- Oh oh and there’s this part in Parents - Yungblud, “Hi nice to meetcha! Got nothing to believe in! So tell me when my breathing, stops-“ idk it reminds me of his phobia and past 
- Make you Mine - Public The Band
Doppo Kannonzaka:
- Isolate - SubUrban
“Segregated, situated, hanging on, sophisticated, liberated, nauseated, I just want my medication, individuality and blue lights give me headaches, I’m not changing for the better, I’m just changing clothes on weekends”
Need I say more?
- Come Hang Out - AJR
I personally love this one 
“Come hang out cuz you’re outta your mind, you’re working so damn hard, you forgot what you like, come hang out, don’t you leave us behind. But, I’ll be there next time”
“Come hang out cuz you’re missing your life”
“Should I go for more clicks this year? Or should I follow the click in my ear?”
I feel like this song is from everyone who cares about him which is also me—
Jyushi Aimono/Hitoya Amaguni:
- Crybaby - Melanie Martinez
ABSOLUTELY NOT SHIPPING but the part where it’s like 
“I look at you and I see myself”
Makes me cry because I remember how Hitoya lost his brother to bullying then you have Jyushi so he wants to help the little boy live his life and achieve his goals, unlike his brother, sadly
Sasara Nurude:
- My Play - AJR 
Fucking. Just watch the official vid. That’s all. It’s about parent divorce and slaps.
“When I show you my play, will you pretend you didn’t know, if I make a mistake? It’s gonna get really really really really bad, before it’s okay. But maybe you’ll forget it all, while you’re watching my play” 
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) 
- Hushh - AViVA 
Fucker got one. 
“Hush Hush, keep your pretty mouth shut, hush hush, lose your inhibitions”
- This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race - Fallout boy
Like HeLL.
“Fitting you with Weapons in the form of words, and don’t really care which side wins, as long as the room keeps singing that’s just the business I’m in”
“I’m not a shoulder to cry on, I digress, I’m a leading man, and the lies I weave are so intricate, oh so intricate” 
If you read this then congratulations why the fuck did you waste your time
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Mischief & Madness - Chapter 3 (Loki X Reader)
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Loki/Reader (No physical description of reader other than female presenting)
Warnings: LOKI, Angst, lots of violence, graphic gore, extreme cursing, anxiety attacks. 
Living in New York has its ups and its downs. Upside - You have a cushy job at Stark Industries. Downside - You wind up getting yourself kidnapped by The God Of Mischief.
All you wanted was a decent cup of coffee, now you’re stuck on the otherside of the universe with a sociopath who has only begrudgingly not murdered you.
To get back home you’ll have to work with Loki, and probably stop trying to stab him.
To regain his power, he’ll have to work with you, and probably stop trying to slaughter you.
When Mischief and Madness collide, chaos ensues. Even if you survive this, the universe probably won’t…
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Chapter Three
As soon as the doors opened Natasha sauntered out of the elevator, leaving you to trail after her. The first person to notice and acknowledge you was Vision, who drifted over and held his fist out to you.
 “I have garnered from watching the interactions of the team that when a friend is victorious it is customary to offer them your fist so that they may bump it.” He explained, pleased with himself.
 You shifted your coffee to your non-dominant hand and accepted the proffered fist bump, cooing under your breath at his adorableness.
 “There she is, my favourite lil genius!” Sam crowed loudly, jogging over to sling his arm around your shoulders.
 “Excuse me? Is she the genius who pays for everything?” Tony squawked, offended.
 “Shush, let me have my moment.” You scolded.
“You did very well today.” Wanda said softly, and you had to look around for a moment before you spotted her on the couch, sandwiched between Clint and Steve.
 “Yeah, I had Friday pull the footage so I can watch it on repeat.” Clint sniggered ecstatically as Sam swept you over to the seating area.
 Something cold touched your wrist and you looked down at Bucky who was splayed across an armchair. He didn’t say anything, just caught your eye and gave you a firm nod of approval.
 “What kind of coffee is that?” Tony demanded, snatching the cup from your hand and taking a sip.
 “Gimme a break, I took an impromptu and unwilling flying lesson today.” You scoffed, snatching it back.
 “But I caught you!” Peter exclaimed, wiggling in his seat like a proud puppy who’d successfully performed a trick.
 “Yes, yes you did. Three cheers for Spiderinfant!” You scoffed, letting Sam push you onto the couch next to Steve.
 “I agree, congratulations are in order for the young ones and their part in todays battle. Were this Asgard, we would feast for days to honour them.”
 “Let’s go to Asgard then.” You stage whispered to Peter.  
 “Alas, I have just returned from Asgard and I have much news.” Thor admitted heavily.
 “Lay it on us, how much did Loki screw up Asgard?” Tony asked.
 “While masquerading as my father Loki ruled Asgard fairly and justly. He built monuments to himself of course but the people did not seem to mind. I suspect many of them knew it was Loki in disguise but choose to continue the charade. Indeed, Asgard is peaceful and prosperous.” Thor admitted, befuddled.
 “Huh. How about that? The would be King was actually fit for the job. Maybe we should have just given Loki the planet.” You sniggered.
 “Joking. Obviously.” You quickly added when you were subjected to numerous hard stares.
 “So what’s the bad news?” Steve asked, getting back on track.
 “The Enchantress Amora began causing havoc in Asgard, that is why Loki came here to find a weapon to stop her. She has been captured, though only barely. I believed Loki was acting in Asgards best interest until we went to the Vaults and the tesseract disappeared.”
 “Loki has the Tesseract?” Steve asked sharply.
 “I do not know. The Tesseract was in the vault. It disappeared before our very eyes and we know not where it has gone.”
 “Friday, where’s Loki?” Tony snapped out quickly.
 “He is on the balcony reading about childhood trauma and the effects it can have in later life.” Friday responded.
 “Who gave Loki a book?” Steve sighed.
 You sunk down in your seat guiltily, refusing to meet Natasha’s eye.
 “I did. Thought he might learn something.” The redheaded Russian said blithely, covering for you.
 You put your hand up nervously.
 “You can go to the bathroom, you don’t need to ask.” Clint whispered, shaking his head slightly at you.
 “Good to know, but… What do you mean The Tesseract disappeared. In all the years it was studied on Earth it never acted on it’s own. Someone had to have taken it, somehow. There’s only one person we know of who can do anything similar to that, and he knew where it was. It had to have been Loki.” You suggested.
 “Agreed. Friday, up the security on Loki and around the tower.” Tony instructed, taking your suggestion seriously.
 “I will guard Loki personally.” Thor said sagely, picking up his hammer.
 He didn’t really wait for an agreement, just stomped out onto the landing and stepped over the edge.
 “Love that guy. Knows how to make an entrance and an exit.” You snorted.
 “You’ll get used to it.” Steve assured, patting your shoulder.
 “Will I? Because as fun as today has been, I don’t really see myself hanging out with you in much of an Avenging capacity. Feel free to invite me to Pizza Parties though! And by feel free, I mean do it or I’ll subscribe you to every penis enlargement scam on the net.” You warned.
 “You wanna tell her?” Steve asked Tony.
 You looked between them, teetering between curious excitement and nervous fear.
 “Tell me what? Tell meeeeeeeeee!” You demanded.
 “Wanna hang out with us in an Avenging capacity? Pizza parties included.” Tony asked giddily, looking quite proud of himself.
 “All of our scientific minds are also out on the front, fighting. We think it would be beneficial if we had people working full time on tech, communications, weaponry etc… People we can trust. We already know you, we like you, we trust you and you’ve more than proven how capable you are.” Steve added.
 Proud of you, Tony was proud of you, not himself. You were being extended a coveted invitation to…
 “So you want me to be your ‘Q’?” You clarified.
 “Yes.” Steve agreed, rolling his eyes when you and Tony gaped at him in surprise.
 “I’ve seen James Bond.” He said flatly.
 “We’re offering you a job Princess. We want you to move into the compound upstate and work for The Avengers full time. You wouldn’t be in the public eye so you would be safe, and yes you will have your own lab. All the toys and funding you want.” Tony explained.
 “Barnes and I have worked out a training schedule for you, not that we’re expecting you to go on missions.” Natasha added, smiling over at you smugly.
 “We picked you out a room next to mine.” Wanda said excitedly.
  “I stopped Tony from making your room pink, but I couldn’t talk him out of the Canopy bed.” Sam snorted.
 “That beds awesome. If you don’t want it, I’ll have it!” Clint offered enthusiastically.
 “Banners at the compound now, setting up your lab equipment.” Steve added, explain the Doctors absence from the meeting.
 “Wait, you’re taking her upstate?” Peter piped up, near pouting.
 “Relax kid, we’re not locking her up, she’s not going from Sleeping Beauty to Rapunzel. You can still have playdates.” Tony assured.
 Throughout all the excitement you had remained uncharacteristically silent, something that started to dawn on everyone.
 “Uh, I… My coffee is cold. I’m going to make a fresh one.” You muttered, getting stiffly to your feet.
 “Just give me a minute, please. I’ll be back.” You said briskly, high-tailing it towards the elevator.
 “Well done guys, you scared her off.” Sam grouched as you slipped into the elevator, trying not to hyper-ventilate.
 It was a more than generous offer, it was a dream come true. But you couldn’t help but wander back to your lab in a daze, trying to untie the knot in your stomach. This was literally the biggest thing to ever happen to you, being invited to work with Earth’s Mightiest. You’d have access to resources and tech beyond your imagination, you could work directly with Tony and Banner not just for them. You could have a hand in saving the world, changing it, improving and saving lives.
 So why were you sat on a chair with your head in your hands and trying not to cry?
 “Princess, your heart rate is elevated and you are showing signs of distress. Is everything ok?” Friday asked, her volume lower than it normally was.
 “And there is your greatest fear, laid bare. You can’t stand the thought that your death will be as meaningless and unimportant as your life.”
 “I’m fine Friday.” You answered numbly.
 “The genius in a tower of people smarter than her, brushing shoulders with champions and knowing she will never be one, surrounded by greatness but unable to achieve it herself.”
 “Should I inform Mr Stark you need him?” She prodded.
 “You hate that you are insignificant, that you will never rise above the mediocrity that is so prevalent in your race.”
 “No. I don’t need Tony. I don’t need anyone.” You replied coldly.
 You knew what was wrong now. You were scared. Scared that you’d have the chance to be something more, to be important and that you would blow it. It was easy to hope for something but when that hope came to fruition it wasn’t easy to follow through.
 What if you weren’t as smart as they thought you were?
 What if you messed up and someone got hurt?
 What if you crumbled under the pressure?
 What if you let yourself down?
 What if you let Tony down?
 What if you got what you wanted and realised it wasn’t what you needed?
 What if you didn’t fit in?
 What if they realised the same thing everybody else always inevitably did, that you weren’t likeable?
 What if you got thrown out and lost everything?
 You were so consumed with what ifs that you didn’t notice that Friday hadn’t answered you. You only looked up when something you couldn’t quite put your finger on let you know something was wrong. You looked around the lab, on alert, searching for what was wrong, when you heard it.
 Or rather, you didn’t hear it. The lab was full of equipment and machines that were always on, humming and whirring, the white noise of machinery. It was silent now though, and now that you realised that you could see that all the blinking lights were off.
 There was no response, and a chill ran down your spine. You pulled your phone from your pocket and frowned at the black screen. You raced towards the elevator, knowing full well what you’d find and you were right. There was no electricity in the building, or anything in the building. Something had drained all the power.
 Which meant…
 “Hello Vænn.” He hissed, right behind you.
 Loki’s cell was useless.
 His fingers closed around your elbow and you were forcibly slammed into the nearest wall. His green eyes glinted in the darkness and something sharp and cold pressed into the tender flesh over your thrumming pulse.
 “Is that a dagger at my throat or are you happy to see me?” You laughed breathlessly, without humour.
 “You bested me once, I can not let the insult pass, nor risk you doing it again.” He explained almost amicably.
 He was so close you could see the flecks of gold and emerald in his eyes, and the regret as well. It almost distracted you from the sharp pain in your neck until you felt something damp drip down your skin. The dagger was so sharp it had started to slice through your skin even though he’d made no move to injure you yet. His gaze flickered down and he watched the thin rivulet of blood roll down your throat.
 “You’re hesitating.” You accused him.
 “Are you so eager to die?” He threw back.
 “Just wondering if that connection I felt we had was in my imagination, because after our moment on the balcony I thought we were friends. And friends don’t slit friends throats.” You told him, half joking-half imploring.
 His eyes darted across your face like he was searching for something, some kind of sign about what to do. Or maybe he was just relishing in your terror and you were projecting.
 “I was King. I had the throne and the power. The people adored me, even if they didn’t know it was me. I had everything and it’s lost because of you. You took everything from me and taking your pathetic life isn’t an even bargain but it is all you have, so it is what I will take in recompense.” He hissed, his eyes brimming over with darkness and hate.
 “Loki, don’t. Please don’t kill me.” You whispered softly.
 “For someone with so much pride, you do beg so prettily, sweet Vænn.” He whispered back, his tone hard where yours had been gentle.
 There it was again, that word. What it meant was still beyond the reaches of your knowledge but it hardly seemed pertinent right now, with the tower shrouded in darkness and your blood painting your skin.
 They had to know Loki would be free, The Avengers had to know. If you could just stall long enough, distract him, you could survive. You could beg some more, play up to the pathetic mortal gig, wait for someone stronger than you to come and rescue you.
 “You can try as hard as you like to lay the blame with me but we both know you were never really King, you were a bastard prince playing pretend.” You snarled.
 You didn’t want to die, but in the end you were still you, and you didn’t want to snivel and beg. There was no point in surviving if the price was being unable to look yourself in the mirror.
 Thunderous crashing above you made you flinch, unwittingly slicing your own skin a little more. The entire tower shook and for a moment you thought an Earthquake had struck New York, but everything soon became clear.
 “Loki! Stop this at once!” Thor roared, his booming voice reaching you a split second before he came crashing into the lab, the hammer swinging in his hand. When he saw you, half hidden behind Loki and blood beginning to stain your shirt, his eyes widened. Which begged the question, if he didn’t know Loki was about to kill you, what was he demanding that Loki stop?
 There was one final crash as the ceiling above your head collapsed, plaster and concrete raining down on your lab in a dusty explosion. Instinctively you hid behind Loki, using him as a shield and forgetting about the dagger that he thankfully pulled away in time. When the dust cleared you realised he wasn’t even paying attention to you, his eyes fixed on the centre of the lab. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Thor raise the hammer but you couldn’t care less.
 Levitating off the ground, smack in the middle of your lab, was the Tesseract. Blue light shone from it, casting a glow over everything it touched. It was… mesmerising. Utterly entranced by it you stepped forward in tandem with Loki, unaware you’d put yourself between him and Thor. Thor was yelling something but you couldn’t make it out, it was like you were underwater, separated from the world and drowning in blue light. The only thing you could clearly hear was your own heartbeat, slow and steady, calmly pulsating as you walked towards the Tesseract as the light got brighter and brighter.
 And then the floor dropped out from under your feet and swirling blue light was the only thing left.
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A/N - Aaaaaaand we're off.
I think it's setting itself apart from MMYM. I feel like Princess and Kitten, while both sassy af, are quite different, and this Loki is a little bit different as well. I could be wrong though, so, thoughts?
Ngl though, I am already digging the Princess/Loki dynamics.
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minhoseok · 4 years
Infiltration Yandere!YangYang
pairing: yangyang x reader (fem)
description: yangyang got himself into a mental ward because of you. you decide to pay a visit to see why he would put his life aside for someone like you. you end up finding out more than that.
Warnings : its yandere, so its going to be toxic, gore-ish and unhealthy. this is purely fiction and does not represent the members or Yangyang in any way
based on the wayv teaser : 10110
Blood stained nails tapped against the brick wall, head banging against it for what seemed like the hundredth time today, Yangyang was at it again. Everyday it was the same thing, he woke up, ate barely enough, self loathed, then yearned for y/n. This was how it had been for the past year.
Audible footsteps approached his cell as he dragged his nails up against the worn out brick, eyes peering up the slightest. Muffled voices could be heard from the inner walls of the cell. The gruff voices of the body guards and a female voice could be heard. Hearing the locks free he finally looks up.
Yangyang grins as he tries to stand up from his bed, crammed in the corner of the room. Walking towards the two figures at the door going as far forward as he could with the restraints on his ankles. 
Y/n stepped back with caution, picking at the skin around her fingers, causing them to bleed as she tried to calm herself down. She’d been requested to come by the mental hospital by Yangyang himself, ever since he had first ended up there. 
“Y/n...” his throat rough and dry due to his refusal to drink anything. Eyes study her through his overgrown bangs. Red stained hands reach out to feel her face as she gets pulled back by one of the guards.
“Don’t push it” he uttered to the shorter boy. He glared at the taller individual.
Y/n got the hint that he was obviously uncomfortable around him due to the thick tension in the room. “You guys can leave, I’ll be ok” y/n voiced out quietly. Directing her eyes away from the young boys stare, trained on her
Nodding in agreement the two guards left the room. Only to stand outside, in case things got out of hand.
“Y/n you’re here? Why?” He teased, taunting her, hoping to drive her as mad as she drove him.
“They said you wanted to talk, and I” she paused “ and I wanted answers” she said looking him in the eye, emotionless. 
She stood a good distance away from him. Close to the door., way too far for him to even get close.
“Ahh I see, so you didn’t visit because you missed me?” a small frown was visible yet you could see the smugness that lurked behind it. 
“Look, why did you follow me, stalk me? Kill all those people?”
He purses his lips, ruffling his rough, matted hair. “Very straight forward I see? I’ll give you an answer similar to that too. They touched you. Something that was mine. They don’t deserve to live” he basically sang out. grin playing at his lips once again as he remembered the way he ruined them slowly, how he was successful in protecting what was his. 
He was snapped out of his daze when he thought about the stupid cell he was forced into. They took her away from him. He couldn’t protect his love anymore when he was chained to the wall, too distant from his precious y/n.
She suddenly took steps closer. Curious to see how far he’d go. He shuffled closer until his restraints were tight, skin around his bare feet were burning and slowly ripping the skin apart.
“Why are you doing this to yourself?” she watched in horror and disgust while closely observing him. He looked up at her with eyes that could pierce through you and huffed “because I love you sweetie” he tried to move even closer to her, bolts bearing the restraints, on the brink of falling off. He knew how close he was to getting her. He just had to figure out how to get out without anyone ruining his plans.
“Look, I don’t know who you are, but you stalked me for a good year, killed a bunch of people cause apparently they messed with me and now you’ve ended up here in this hell because you wasted your time on a lowlife like me.” She turned to leave before the tears fell. 
“You’re not a waste” his jaw clenched at the thought of her thinking so lowly of herself. She deserves the world. Only I deserve her. Before she could leave, one final tug of his leg broke the chain.
In panic of hearing the burst, she turned around only to see Yangyang towering over her. Engulfing her in a hug. 
“Please don’t leave me, not again”
Fear struck. Not knowing what to do she froze. Letting him enclose her into his arms. He held her tightly, pushing her head against his chest while raking bloody fingers through her hair. Her smaller frame having no chance against him despite him having such low energy and power. 
Adrenaline suddenly rushing through her blood. She shoved him back with all her might. Even if it didn’t do much. She fumbled with the emergency button they handed her and pressed the button in a heartbeat. 
Deafening sirens blasted and rang throughout the room. The door bursting open with at least 5 people ready to move. The two body guards from earlier were the first to go in. 
Yangyang, still dazed from the sudden outburst from you, was still surprised and stood on the other side of the room, being restrained down to the floor. Weakly struggling against their strong hold. The other 3 finally walked in when they deemed it was safe.
You had only noticed in their hands was a shiny syringe, ready to put into action. You glanced at the boy who was yielding and thrashing. He looked up with sincere eyes, suddenly bursting out with laughter, the psychopathic side of him shining right through. Just before the nurses inject him with the drug. Before you know it. He was out.
Y/n drove home in silence, the radio wasn't on as usual, ever since she saw Yangyang she hadn’t felt like herself. Her hands clenched the wheel as she stopped at the red light, knuckles turning white as she got caught up in her thoughts.
‘So that’s who was following me? A psychopath who claims to love me?’ She was shoved out of her train of thought when she heard a honk behind her; signaling the green light. She continued to drive home. Still weary of her surroundings, she still couldn’t get the thought out of her head. Had she really been the cause of countless deaths?
“Hello?” Y/n hurriedly spoke into the phone. Picking it up the second she had heard the call not caring for the caller ID
“Hey y/n we know you only came a few days ago but we need you here as soon as possible”
She recognised the voice, it was the head chief that had requested you go see Yangyang.
“ Hey um is everything ok?” she spoke leg bouncing as she tried to keep herself from panicking. What had gone wrong during the 3 days she was away?
“I think it's best if you come see for yourself”
“I'll be there in 30 minutes”
Y/n pulled up in the familiar parking lot of the large, barricaded building. She stepped out of her car and walked to the gate, to be greeted by two guards who stopped her before entering. One of them handed a mask to her, then stepped aside, opening the doors. 
She found herself walking down the walkway that held foul memories, finding it hard to breathe she drank some water she brought with her.
“Ah y/n nice to see you” acknowledged Jaimson, the head officer. He then gestures for her to follow him down another hallway, leading up to the cell where she had met YangYang.
“I want you to talk to him, ask him the remaining questions we prompted you to last time. He’s gone a bit more mad than when you last saw him. If the light starts flashing blue I want you to put in the mask and move as close to the door as you can until someone gets you out. If he acts up we’re going to knock him out with some gas so make sure your mask is fixed on properly if it comes to that ok?”
Y/n nods her head, feeling drowsy, stomach churning in fear.
The iron door opened, and once again she felt so small, helpless.
She felt his eyes on her, head hung low, she quivered.
When she finally looked up the room was unrecognizable. Marks all over the room in assortments of colours, resembling those alleyways full of graffiti.
This time Yangyang was restrained to a chair behind a table. He looked through his overgrown bangs and glanced at the empty seat across him. Inviting her to sit. 
Clutching the mask in her hand to her chest she decided to finally sit. Yangyang let out a low chuckle. 
“Why” was all that y/n could utter out. Barely audible but yangyang heard it loud and clear. 
“Because my love” he took a breath in, glanced around the room, then fixing his eyes on hers. “They touched you, disgusting imbeciles like them don’t deserve to live” he simply said, not phasing his calm yet eerie demeanor one bit.
Y/n took a breath in, unsure what to say in response.
“Well what’s so good about me then?” She suddenly came up with “what makes me any different than them?”
“You?” He suddenly tried to stand up though the chains keeping him seated, hands rigid against the cuffs 
“You are a gift from the gods y/n, never and when I say never I mean it. Never compare yourself to those scums.”
“Well what makes you any better than them?”
That’s when he snapped. Struggling against his restraints, he was furious. “YOU! I’m here to protect you. I’m here to keep those idiots away to protect you.”
He calmed down and slowly sat back down and chuckled again.
“Isn’t that what love is about darling?” He cocked his head, a sinister grin forming.
“That isn’t love. You’re fucking crazy” her newfound confidence taking over her.
“Isn’t that what they say? Love makes you crazy doesn’t it?” Flashing his pearly whites.
“You’re obsessed” she blankly stared, all emotion leaving her.
She got up and left the room. His laugh ringing through the room, haunting her as she silently dragged herself out. 
“Hey Y/n how are you?” Rang through her phone, her friend Cherlyn was on call while y/n was getting ready to sleep after the long day.
“I’m alright, you?” She tied her hair up, ready to wash her face.
After chatting for a while, Cheryln brings up something unforgettable.
“Did you hear the news?”
“What news?”
“Yangyang escaped”
Days passed,though it felt like years , y/n was too scared to leave her house, yet she felt her house was also the most dangerous place to be. He knew where she lived. He knew everything about her.
Driving back from a quick grocery errand she zoomed through the breeze, it had been days since she left her house, lack of food forcing her to get out. She made some rules for herself. If she has to get out of the house she has to leave while the sun is up and she has to bring her pepper spray and pocket knife. Not that they’d help much over an overly obsessed psychopath of a stalker that’s killed.
After parking her car and warily taking her groceries out she got ready to sprint up 3 flights of stairs without encountering anyone and dropping anything.
Running up wasn’t a problem for her. The problem was she has a whole carton of eggs and a bottle of milk she had to carry up without turning it into an omelet.
Finally reaching her door to her apartment she reached for her keys to unlock the door. Noticing her door was slightly ajar. “I could have sworn I locked my door” she mumbled under her breath. 
Pushing the door open she was wary of her surroundings, looking around to see if anything was out of place. Given the state she was in she decided she must’ve accidentally left the door unlocked, pushing herself to remember not to do it next time. 
Putting her groceries down she went to lock her door, noticing that she didn’t forget to lock it, but her lock had been picked at and basically destroyed. 
Her heart dropped. Frantically looking around her house she came across her photos of her friends, photo frames shattered on the floor, marker drawn all over it. The shelf of photos was replaced with new photos. Photos of her when she thought she was alone, undressing, even in the shower.  
Her face showed a mix of fear and disgust. Running to her room she got one of her baseball bats from when she used to play in highschool. She backed out of her room, clutching the bat in her hand, phone in the other. She looked around for possible threats. She decided to check all the other rooms. Checking her bathroom last, she shrieked. In her bathtub was a very much dead cherlyn and written on the mirror in what seems like her blood ‘TOLD YOU I’D PROTECT YOU’
Y/n look in the mirror once more seeing a masked shadow behind her, the same one she had prayed to never see again. 
“Goodnight baby” the voice whispered as the cloth was held against her, knocking her out
 The room was semi dark, an uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding her semi conscious body, tied to a chair. Towered in front of her was the person she feared most. The bright light suddenly illuminated the small basement. He touched her cheek softly, embracing the warmth he never got. The one he sacrificed everything for. “So beautiful,” he said, studying her features from up close, even in the state she was in she still looked like a goddess to him.
Eyes fluttering open she tried to rub her eyes, noticing the unusual restraint and uncomfortably dark light. She tried to call for help, not noticing the cloth tied to her mouth, drenched with her saliva. 
Once she got used to the harsh light she saw him. Standing in front of her, a bright smile on his face, like a kid waking up on christmas day. y/n instinctively tried to move back, however unable to. Limbs carefully tied to the chair, held her down very well. Attempting to yell at him through the cloth she tried to wriggle her way out of the restraints. 
‘Maybe if i pretend im hurt he’ll let me go?’ she thought to herself. 
“Shh sweetheart don't scream, i won't hurt you, well unless you make me” he giggled to himself. “Look I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll take the gag off if you promise me you won't scream ok? If you don't try anything I’ll give you some water, maybe I’ll even let you talk to me.” he cooed
She nodded, eyes pleading in hope to win him over.
He smiled at her submissiveness and squatted down to her level. “Good girl” he was glad that he wouldn't have to use force to get her to listen.
Untying the gag he looked her in the eye, his adoration visible. Once the gag was off she took a deep breath. Worried what he would do with her now.
“W-why d-did you do this t-to me’ y/n croaked.
‘Baby u dont needa stutter with me’ he says, still caressing her cheek. She flinches away from his touch making yangyang frown. “C’mon y/n you know i wouldn't hurt you if my life depended on it. Well, unless you try to escape or make me jealous. Other than that you basically have me wrapped around your finger. I’d do anything for you.”
“Yangyang i-” she started to  cough “water, please” she whispered.
“Oh right, i'll be back in a minute. Don't try to escape. Or else” she nodded quickly, a small ‘ok’ leaving her lips. He hesitantly walked towards the door and went to get some water. 
Once she was sure he left by craning her neck she then pulled out the pocket knife she swore to keep with her all the time and cut the ropes around her wrist carefully, then smoothly slid out the ropes. Bending down she cuts off the ropes that tie her legs to the chair and slowly stands up, praying to not make any noise.
She got ready to get out or at least hide from him when she was interrupted with him standing at the doorway with a glass of warm water, and a very unhappy look.
“What did i tell you about escaping y/n? ” he frowned “I trusted you!”  Yangyang slowly losing his patience, getting angrier by the second.
Backing her up into a corner she started to panic. At this point she was just bracing herself for the pain. Tears flowing down her face. 
“ Please don't cry, i know you’re scared and confused, so I’ll let you slip this time ok? Next time I won't be as forgiving and you’ll be punished,” attempting to calm her down he kept his distance, he handed her the glass of water he had originally come to give her.
Suspicious of the water he just held it in her shaky hands. Noticing her hesitation, Yangyang sighed. “look i didn't put anything in it”  he took the cup out of her hands and took a sip and made sure she saw he swallowed it “see?’. She hesitantly takes it back and chugs it all down
“Better?” he asked
“Yes. Thank you yangyang” the last part coming out as a soft whisper
“What did you say?”
“Thank you Yangyang”
“Good girl”
(a/n: it was originally longer than this but it got messy so i might post the remaining bit if you guys want)
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enigma-im · 4 years
Kindle Unlimited Recommendation
Dark Planet Warriors Series
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Warning: Gore, violence, some situation of wrongful touching
8 stories. The series begins with a bug infestation on the mining station outside of earth. A species called Kordolians are there to be the exterminators. After a meeting with a strange human our primary story kicks off while the bug story plays in background in some stories while being the main focus for several books. The consistent story for the other 8 books is a romance between the aliens and humans that results in a war for purity.
Person thoughts:
Great fuckin series. Almost every book has a different couple with only the very first couple being the focus several other times. First book is fantastic, especially the first sex scene. Its so good. The next few focus on the bug infestation till its dealt with then it gets back to the war. Don't skip them though, Riker is a treat that deserves to be acknowledged. My favorite one of this amazing series is Infinity's Embrace. That book has some dope characters. Electric Heart is my least favorite because it's like a real bad Watch Dogs (video game).
Rating: 9/10
Dark Planet Warriors
Dark planet Falling
Into the Light
Out of Darkness
Forged in Shadow
Infinity's Embrace
Electric Heart
Brilliant Starlight
Office Alien Series
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Warning: Awkwardness, drug use, kidnapping (kind of)
Three books about an office relationship with three different aliens. Each alien goes through the venture of courting a human woman. All of them succeed on confusing then educating these people on their culture. All the aliens come from the same planet that has been ravaged by a tough alien species that try to wipe them out with their superior technology. That isn't a plot point, its just an explanation. Each story shows the struggles of cultural differences and how education and understanding can help make the world a better place.
Person thoughts:
I adore this series. One book in this series actually got a perfect score from me, which is strange cause I'm a tough grader. The first book has a super awkward lad who just seems to hate everyone. Its really cute and I like them both though their relationship is filled with cringe. The second book I didn't much care for. The main love dude was kind of an idiot and was too blinded by acceptance to be a reasonable thinking alien. Still decent but Its not my cup of tea. The last one- sweet jesus- was amazing. It has a ‘my cousin Vinny’ vibe with their relationship where they fight often but its like their form of foreplay. So good. There is another series that’s super short that takes place 1 year later for each story. Totally worth a read after you read the series.
Rating: 8/10
The E.T. Guy
The New Guy
The Security Guy
(Christmas special)
Kraving Khiva
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Warning: Sex workers, forced prostitution, abuse
Eve is a virgin who is fed up with it. After her father's death she has been ghosting by in life with her best friend. After said friend points out a brothel of some interesting aliens she decides to give the place a try to finally rid herself of her virginity. After just one night she keeps coming back, falling for the sex worker. Romance ensues with lots of strife and abuse to keep the two from their HEA.
Personal Thoughts:
Man, this story represents everything I love in a story. Tons of fluff. It was a really good slow burn that I didn’t expect from a story about a prostitute. The cover gives the illusion of a typical middle aged mother romance - which I guess it is- but it has so much more. I only had one problem with the story, the ending. I felt they could have given more information but they just glossed over it. Besides that, hot book. The second one is really boring, just a slice of life that I couldn't get into.
Rating: 9/10
Kraving Khiva
Prince of Firestone
The Queen's Ransom
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Warning: Near death situations, a lot of near death situations, gore
432 pages. Long book. Jalia enters into a competition to win a great prize. The interest of great fortune is too much for her to pass up. Little does she know the treachery the competition hides or the actual prize. The king of Minotaurs is hosting an event to test the strength, endurance, and intelligence of potential wives. In a culture that values strength they refuse to accept a queen who hasn't been tried. Genius Jalia goes through challenge after challenge, nearly dying about every chapter while catching the attention of a charming king.
Personal Thoughts:
I generally don't have the patience for long books but this one never dragged on. Every chapter was captivating and riveting. The challenges were interesting and Jalia's solutions were pretty genius. The relationship between the king and her is pretty grand, I adore them greatly. My only problem with the book is all the potty humor and insults. She was a genius but her insults left much to be desired. Once her biggest annoyance is no longer in the picture does that kind of stuff end.
Rating: 9/10
The Queen's Ransom
The Kraken
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Warning: Gore, racism, attempts of suicide(only 1 book), sassy AI
A mysterious creature has lived in the ocean long ago, since the beginning of the settlement on this planet. After a nearly drowning woman is saved a series kicks off. Each book has a different relationship of humans and Krakens. Every book tells the story of how the krakens go from living in isolation at the bottom of the ocean to breeding with humans.
Personal thoughts:
When I first read this story I was just getting into monster romance. The love interests have fairly human tops but hella tentacle bottoms. So I was a little off-put by it but as I read on I didn’t care. The first one is pretty good for a start. The second one was decent, I didn’t really care for it. I actually skipped the 3rd one my first go around. Which is fine, it doesn't add too much and its short. Its still worth a read. The 4th one, fucking grand. 5th one? My all time favorite of the series! If you don't want to read them all at least read the 5th one. Like ask me for story details and I'll give you a cliff note for what's mentioned in that story then you can read in peace. 6th was ok, love the sassy AI. I didn't read the 7th one. Its two old people and I just can't
Rating: 8/10
Treasure Abyss
Jewel of the Sea
Hunter of the Tide
Heart of the Deep
Rising from the Depth
Fallen from the Stars
Lover from the Waves
Escaping Wonderland
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Warning: Sexual assault, gore, lots of sexual stuff
Alice is wrongfully placed in a psych ward that specializes in simulation therapy. She is placed in a pod then taken to the world of wonderland. This twisted version of the children's classic introduces a rapey mad hater and manipulative Red King. The main love interest is a playful lad who has more control of the simulation than most. The two run from the clutches of the Red King while trying to escape the simulation.
Personal thoughts:
I had very low hopes for this story. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It was a twist on the beloved movie and book. Everything was rapey and creepy and I weirdly loved it. Of course nothing too terrible happened to the main lady so it made those situations more tolerable but only just. I adore the main dude, shadow. He was a playful little mischief maker and I would die for him. What made this book better for me was when everything hit the fan they didn't rid him of his sassy personality. Most books make the cocky, silly, playful personality as something that is bad and needs to change. This one they didn’t and kept it. So good.
Rating: 9/10
Escaping Wonderland
Infinity City
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Warning: Abuse, gore, sexual assault, dope ass fighting
A city where criminals are more in control than most people think. Each book takes the reader through different adventure of different people. All having the similarity of protecting the ones they love. The first is of an assassin protecting the only woman who has made him feel so strongly. The second is with a mob boss hacker who grows fond of a shy human. The third is the second in command of the mob boss hacker who finds a pregnant woman in a menagerie and discovers she is his mate. Fourth is one of the workers of the mob boss's security team who gets taken by some slavers along with a woman he was entertaining for the night.
Personal thoughts:
First book sucked. He was obsessives and pretty much took all her choices. It wasn't till the end that he was like "my bad, you can leave if you want". Bleh. Second book was fan-fucking-tastic. Arc is a charming idiot with an amazing backstory. I didn't like the girl in the beginning but she grew on me. I love that he focuses on her but still pays attention to work and his 'family'. The third was surprisingly good. I generally don't like stories where someone is pregnant because they get boring. This one was not that. She was never a hindrance or weak, she was a badass. With her big kitty man they made an amazing duo. Also any scenes with her man and the baby made me tear up. He was so sweet. Fourth was boring, it reminds me too much of a lot of other stories.
Rating: 8/10
Silent lucidity
Shielded hearts
Untamed Hunger
Savage Desire
While people watch TV or Youtube in their free time, I read. I have such a weird organization with everything i read because i tend to reread stories and forget i read them. the entire time i read it im like “have i read this before?”. so for books i write them down, rate them, then review them. i didn’t post the reviews here because it would be so many spoilers. Also i sort my favorite fanfics by fandom then relationship. i read so fucking much, its a problem at this point.
If you liked this recommendation drop a like, reblog, or reply. i will perhaps do another if you all like this. i have read so many books and i can post some decent ones and some god awful ones. perhaps you all can tell me how wrong my thoughts are on the ones i deem terrible. i think we will probably agree, ‘free’ books tend to have lower standards.
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