#ok but honestly i hc him as the first person to truly show acceptance to Birdetta
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I'm love ttyd so of course I was gonna make art when I heard the news
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yeluki · 2 years
then may I request cyno, yoimiya and yelan hcs about taking them to a festival? yoi would absoluetly love if you took her to a festival and cyno would find plesaure spending time with you away from studies :)
TAKING THEM TO A FESTIVAL — cyno, yoimiya, yelan
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a/n: here you go! enjoy this is set in a tiny bit of a modern au though, so i hope that's ok! warnings: nothing, just fluff! (but this piece came out before cyno and yelan were released) characters included: cyno, yoimyia, and yelan
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CYNO: — cyno would be a bit confused when you first ask to take him. he's never really been to a festival before, but won't reject the idea. actually, he's quite excited. he's usually so busy with his studies, he finds that taking some time off to spend time with you sounds quite nice. — now, cyno's definitely pretty introverted, so don't expect him to be bouncing from shop to shop around the festival with you. he'd prefer a quiet time there; maybe a stroll with some sweets, a picnic just outside the grounds, or a nice meal under a tent with some drinks. — he's also not a big festival game guy, so he'll most likely watch you while you try desperately to win him something to remember the occasion. he'll chuckle at your cute expressions, stand next to you with a hand on your hip, or might even join you if you get lucky. — so overall, it's a pretty chill and fun experience,, maybe a 7/10. cyno isn't a huge festival guy, but if you can get him to have a drink or two, he'll be just as energetic as you, and the night will be really fun. have fun you two <33
— this little firecracker is super excited the moment you ask her. she's all happy and bubbly, hopping up and down and clapping her hands. she prepares an entire outfit for the night, with some cute pumps and her hair pinned up with a shiny hair clip. — once you get there, yoimiya goes all out, running from stand to stand, trying every type of food there is to offer, and the whole time she's dragging you along with her. she keeps that adorable smile of hers all over her face all night, and she truly has never looked happier. — if there's a fireworks show at the end, and you were aware, she's gonna marry you. she's so touched that you always take her and her interests into consideration, and will have you lay your head in her lap the whole time. she'll rub your head, and will weave her fingers through your hair in such a loving way <33 — overall,, 19/10. amazing night, and honestly couldn't be better. she's the first person i'd personally bring to a festival to be honest lol
— yelan is pretty indifferent when you offer to take her to an upcoming festival. she's not particularly excited, but she doesn't hate the idea of going with you. she'll come, if it's what you really want. — yelan might drag you to a few interesting stands, but don't expect her to be screeching every second and dragging you all over the place like yoimiya. she, like cyno, will probably just watch you if you play games, and when she does join you, she'll get super pissed super quick. because of this, she'll drag you away mumbling about how all the games ar rigged lol — if you guys find a good food stand though, yelan is not leaving. she'll be there all night ordering food, and eventually, the shopkeeper will just stop accepting payment from her because she's spent, like, $2,000 on the booth already lmao — overall, 6/10. pretty nice overall, and it'd be enjoyable! <3
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Heyyy, could you do a headcannon post for tsukki, kenma, suga, Kageyama, and kurro, and how they would go about proposing to their s/o. I love your writing btw!!! 💜
proposal hcs make me so sOFT, and thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 It means a lot! I’m going to bury myself in these hcs to get rid of the stress my uni are giving me rn also kageyama’s is so long omg i got a little carried away
slight timeskip spoilers (kenma, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo)
Requests are open!
Proposal Headcanons - Tsukishima, Kenma, Sugawara, Kageyama and Kuroo
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Tsukishima wasn’t one for extravagant publics displays of love and affection, so his proposal wouldn’t be either
he wanted it to be natural, not some crazy, over-the-top event that had everyone in the neighbourhood witnessing
it would be around 5-10 years (depending on how old you were when you started dating) of being together when Tsukishima decided he wanted to marry you, it’s not that he never thought about it, he just wanted to be sure this was the right decision for both of you
he had mentioned marriage to you one night a few months before proposing to test the waters and see your opinion so that he could gauge whether you would say yes or not
he took Yamaguchi with him to pick out a ring, he was great friends with you too so he knew your style and preferences well to help out Tsukishima
the proposal itself what somewhat planned, he knew the day he was going to do it but, other than that, he left it open to change
the two of you had gone for an evening walk across a pathway that overlooked the town, something you two do often to wind down
you two hadn’t spoke much, a comfortable, warm silence surrounding you besides pointing out the odd squirrel or brief check-ups on each others day
both of you had stopped at a railing on your walk, leaning against it to watch the sun set over the tall buildings
his hand was in yours, brushing his thumb over the back of it as he looked out to the view
“I love you (Y/N),” his voice was quiet but it seemed certain
he wasn’t the kind of man that told you he loved you multiple times a day, it was reserved for special moments and the times where he couldn’t get how lucky he was to have you out of his mind
“I love you too Kei,” you didn’t need to be loud, or shout your confession to the world to know that you both meant it deeply
“Marry me,” it sounded more like a instruction than a question and his gaze hadn’t left the sky
“W-what?” had you heard him wrong? was this a joke?
he turned his eyes to you, locking them with yours - this was the most serious and sincere you had ever seen him
“Marry me,” he repeated
you stood with your mouth slightly open, eyes wide as he pulled out a box from his pocket, opening it to display a simple, yet stunning ring
“I always thought that if you went for what you truly wanted, it would just end in pain and disappointment, that all the effort and sentiment would be for nothing, but with you it’s so easy. I might never be, but I want to become the best man for you, that you deserve, so marry me.”
gets married for tax purposes
marriage was not something Kenma had ever though about in his life growing up
he never thought he would get married or find someone he had a connection with and, honestly, he was fine with that
he didn’t really see the appeal of it in the first place
it wasn’t until many years down the line of being with you and his friends around him getting into relationships when he started to consider the possibility
the first time it came into his head was at Kuroo’s wedding
he spent most of the time wishing he could go home and get out of this uncomfortable suit, but there were times when he say Kuroo’s beaming smile that he was glad he came
some of the ex-nekoma team members had poked at him with questions of when he was going to get ‘hitched’, which he responded to with a sigh
he certainly wasn’t going to propose because others told him he needed to
the next time it crossed his mind was when he started a new game that his fans had recommended he play
it was a romance game which wasn’t his usual go-to genre, but it had incredible reviews and created a storm in the gaming world so he thought he might as well check it out
through the game he got to witness an endearing story of a couple that went at odds to be together
the story delved into their married life and all the little things they enjoyed together through the years
he didn’t really want to admit it, but it did make him feel a little emotional
he saw himself and you in the characters, as if he was watching his own life play out on his screen
every now and then you and Kenma played some games together so you could spend time with him and he could show you want had been interesting him lately, so he decided to show you this game
you thought it was adorable, so heartwarming yet a little sad at points, but you had always been a little more outwardly emotional then Kenma
“imagine if we got married haha, how cute would that be!” you gushed out in the moment without thinking as you played
“eh...I guess” it wasn’t really the answer you were hoping for, but at least he didn’t sound utterly disgusted by the thought
you continued to play with him for a while, tucked into his side and making comments every now and then
a particular endearing part was plating on the screen and your eyes shone as they fixated on the characters
he could tell by the glassy look that you were getting a little affected by the story, but you looked so cute
the way your lip pouted ever so slightly, and how you gripped at his hoodie, as if to steady yourself
he had a sudden rush of adoration for you, he really did love you and the last couple years of you living together had been wonderful, how he got to wake up beside you, do daily chores with you, how you supported him in his many careers
“Maybe we should get married,” he blurted out, you whipped your head towards him so fast you almost got whiplash
“Are you...proposing?” you questioned, with somewhat of a laugh in your voice
“huh...looks like I am.”
Sugawara was sensible, mature, a little bit of a tease and sometimes chaotic if Daichi wasn’t watching but also traditional
he had often thought about what it would be like to grow up, get married and have a family
it wouldn’t take long before he knew he wanted to marry you, even throughout the 3 years you had already been together he had daydreamed about marrying you more times than he could count
from all the memories you had together, all the times you helped enough other in rough patches and the learning the two of you wanted to continue in the future had him certain that he wanted you beside him forever
so he set out his plan
he took his old teammates, Daichi and Asahi with him on a hunt to find the perfect ring
Daichi was there to keep him in check and calm his nerves, although Asahi was probably the most nervous and Asahi had a great eye for stylish, beautiful pieces due to his designing career
now it was time to plan
he didn’t want it to be crazy, but he wanted it to be something, a whole event in itself
so he scheduled a meal for the two of you and some of your friends
it was at quite a fancy restaurant in the evening and your group had its own secluded table at the back, surrounded with dividers from the rest of the restaurant
all of you spent the meal catching up and laughing, but Sugawara seemed a little quieter than usual
you had asked him if he was ok, but he just replied with an ‘of course!’ and a smile, so you let it be
Asahi was shaking but you put that off to general anxiety
you guys had ordered desserts and everyone had gotten theirs first
as the waiter brought yours over, the table went silent
the waiter came from your left, Sugawara on your right, so you had looked over as he came
as he set the plate down, you noticed the words spelled out in chocolate sauce 
“Will you marry me?” 
you gasped and turned towards Sugawara, who was now on one knee next to you, holding out an open ring box
“I have known for so long that I wanted to marry you. You’re beautiful, smart, courageous and so loving, and I want to have you by my side forever. I promise I will continue to grow as your partner and take care of you every step of the way, so, will you marry me?”
the only thing in this boy’s brain is you and volleyball, its all his one braincell can cope with
that being said, he has never once thought about marriage
his whole life he has spend all his energy and focus on becoming a better player, the best setter he possibly can and standing on the court longer
but you were the first person to get him, to understand him and accept him as is while helping him improve and grow
you helped him to open up and communicate with people better
you helped him whenever he was frustrated with volleyball and a certain play he was working tirelessly on
you never once turned your back on him when he struggled or lost his temper
you were his partner, but it was different from a volleyball partner
he cared for you, every part of you, and always wanted to know if you were ok or spend time with you
you made him genuinely smile everyday and he knew that he wanted to be your partner for life
it came about when he was hanging out with Hinata on one of their rare days off to catch up
he had been talking about you constantly, expressing how much he loved you and adored you
“Why don’t you just marry them?” Hinata questioned with his held tilted, as if it was obvious
“w-what? Hinata boke!” he shouted as his face grew red and pushed Hinata aside
the two talked about it and Kageyama decided, very bashfully, that yeah, he should just marry you
but how does he ask you that?
he knew nothing about marriage or proposals, so he spend the next few weeks asking his friends, teammates, even his coach on how to propose to you
“Take them to an expensive restaurant!”
“Wouldn’t it be cute to propose in Disneyland??”
“Well, I proposed to my partner by sending them on a scavenger hunt”
he was bombarded with ideas, but none of them seemed right
none of them seemed like him
he was getting frustrated with the pressure of coming up with a good way to ask you to be his forever, it had to be perfect, it had to be special and it had to fit with your relationship
you noticed he was getting agitated a lot more recently, he was quieter and snapped more often, he stayed back later at the gym to train and he rarely ate dinner with you anymore
whenever you asked what the problem was, he replied with an ‘it’s nothing’ and stormed off
his teammates had noticed too and were less than pleased with his attitude as it affected their gameplay
one of his teammates had begged you to come to the gym and talk some sense into him when he started continuously overworking himself
it was 7pm when you set off from your house to the gym where he was still training
as you entered, you noticed that he was the only one here, hitting serve after serve that never seemed to land right
“Tobio,” you called out
“Baby,” you tried again but you couldn’t catch his attention from his deep focus on the ball
you walked over to him and lightly grabbed his arm, stopping him from serving the ball again
“Tobio, what’s wrong? Everyone is worried about you. Are you having trouble with a play? Because we can sort that out with your coach-”
he cut you off by mumbling something under his breath, much too quiet for you to hear
“What was that?” 
“I want to ask you to marry me and I don’t know how,” he said louder this time, his eyes staring at the ball in his hand as he gripped it tightly
“O-oh, right...” you were stunned, speechless, this wasn’t something you thought you would hear from him
“Everyone’s been telling me how to do it, but none of them seem right,” his voice was low and his gaze still hadn’t let the ball
you put a finger under his chin and lifted his face towards you
“It doesn’t need to be what everyone else tells you, we can do things our own way,” you tried to comfort him with a smile and he simply stared back at you
“So go on then,” you were beaming at him by now, yet his face got even tighter with confusion
“Go on, ask me to marry you.”
his jaw hung wide open, his eyes seemed to be staring into your skull like he had seen a ghost, this is certainly not what he expected
he tried to speak a couple times, stumbling on his words as they got caught in his throat
“It’s ok, take your time,” you brushed your thumb over the back of his hand as you held it, encouraging him to continue
“w-will you....will...willyoumarryme?”
BONUS: you two picked out a ring together afterwards, this boy has no sense of style, don’t trust him by himself
Kuroo had jokingly asked you to marry time multiple times throughout your relationship
the first couple times ended with you being a blushing mess while he teased you
but by now you just tell him to shut up go off sis
marrying you had always been part of the plan for him, just a natural progression of your relationship
while Kuroo can be quite the tease, he was extremely serious of his relationship with you and your future
he started off his plan by asking your dad if he would like to spend the day together, you know, father-son-in-law bonding time
what your dad wasn’t prepared for was Kuroo to turn up in a shirt, suit trousers and confess how he wanted to marry you
he had a whole speech prepared about how he would be the best husband for you, how he would be sure to take good care of you and, possibly, be the best father in the future if you planned to have children
you dad had to eventually shut him up as Kuroo kept going, saying how he would be delighted to have you marry the man
step one: check
now he needed to find the right ring
he had a look around at multiple stores but he couldn’t find anything that was unique enough to be called yours and that captured you or your relationship
since Kuroo had quite the high-paying job plus a little backing from a certain famous youtuber so the cost wasn’t an issue and he wanted to spoil you
so he got one custom made
he sat with a designer for hours creating the most stunning, distinctive ring that he knew you would love
step two: check
over the next couple days he planned a meet-up evening with your family and his where he would pop the question
you both had spent the day cooking and preparing for the evening before they all come to your house
you had all finished dinner and moved over to the living room to chat
Amidst all the chatter, Kuroo stood up and cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention
“I have something I’d like to say,” he said with confidence, then turning to you with a grin
“The last few years with you have been perfect. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we have made so many amazing memories together. You really are my other half and I think everyday about how truly lucky I am to call you mine. You know me better than anyone else. I know I’ve asked you this a couple times in the past when we’re laughing together, but this time I’m serious,”
he got down on one knee, holding one of your hands while presenting the custom ring in the other
“will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
and the crowd goes wild
Tagging @togasknifes so she can read Kageyama ty ly
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lilred8220 · 3 years
Maya’s (updated) relationship chart with the Obey me characters! Part 1!
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This is a longer post with some spoilers and some of my Asmo's charming HC. This took forever but, I hope you enjoy it!
At first, Lucifer didn't care for Maya due to feeling as though this would be a hassle to watch over a powerless human even if he was the one who picked her and her snooping around definitely didn't help.
Pretty soon however, he found her quite the wonder. Seeing how she easily won his brothers over and making packs with them fairly quickly. Even though he was concerned about her and his brothers, he couldn't help but be fascinated by her. He decided to give her a chance and try to get to know her and he was pleasantly surprised to find himself enjoying her company.
When he discovered that Maya had found Belphie, he was hurt yet conflicted. Maya broke his trust but it hurt him to watch Beel drag her off out of the house. When Maya returned, having to deal with the ridiculous plan to get him out of his room and having a heart to heart with everyone, he felt guilty, even if his pride would never admit it. For what had happened, he was mostly glad that the air was finally cleared, all because of a nosey little human and her caring nature.
Finding Maya dead crushed him more than he expected. He felt his stomach drop and for the second time, he felt so powerless as her dead body was in Mammon's arms. But then, Maya returned and she was alive, still breathing. He never dared speak this to anyone how he secretly thanked God that she was still alive.
Her connection with Lilith was a happy shock, even though it didn't change the way he feels about Maya.
As time goes on, his feelings for her bloomed to something more, yet he tries to keep it hidden because he is fully aware of Maya’s feelings towards Mammon (she hasn't been very subtle about it) and doesn't want to ruin his relationship with her. Even though it hurts his pride to do so.
As for Maya, when she first met him, she was quite intimidated by him, growing up in a christian family yet she became agnostic, her whole belief was thrown out the window and he's THE LUCIFER MORNING STAR. And so, she kept her distance from him…at first.
As time went by, she found that he wasn't what she expected or how her family spoke of him. She still would walk on eggshells around him from time to time, especially when he would throw a warning or threat her way but she found herself to feel happy to have his company most of the time.
After what happened with Belphie, she was worried Lucifer wouldn't be her dear friend anymore but, having had the heart to heart with his brothers and the reveal of her relation with Lilith, she knew that they would be fine.
Even with the occasional pranks with Satan or goofing off with Mammon, she grew to have a great respect for Lucifer. She knows that she can trust him with almost anything. She even would go as far to call him family. Even if her actual family doesn't like him, she would stand her ground for that claim.
When he first met her, he immediately didn't like her, due to the fact that he had to be her guardian. He really didn't want to watch over a weak human, complaining about it any chance he got. However, that quickly passed as he got to spend time with her.
Having her around, constantly being by his side, agreeing with him and simply supporting him was quite jarring to say the least. He wasn't used to someone being kind to him or not trying to insult him at any given moment. He was cautious of her affection at first, expecting her to use him or for it to be some cruel joke. But, as they grew as close friends, pulling one of his money making schemes, spending time in class or simply hanging out in her room, he found she had pure intentions.
That being said, that was put into question when Belphie came into the picture. When she was dragged out with Beel, he locked himself in his room and wondered if what he feared was true, if she really was just using him. When she came back and properly explained the situation, he knew that she was telling the truth and was more than glad that their friendship wasn't a big lie.
When Maya died, he honestly felt his world crumble. He held her body and felt that he lost the only thing that he truly cared for. If he wasn't so distraught by Maya’s death, he would've torn into Belphie for taking the one person who actually treated him like he was worth something. He was stunned yet overjoyed by Maya being alive but it also put his viewpoint on his feelings with Maya into light. He knew that he cared for her more than just close friends.
The reveal of Lilith was shocking, but that was honestly the last thing that mattered to him. What mattered to him was who Maya was and she was someone he cared about truly and deeply.
Time passes and he slowly slips deeper into her love and affection. His crush on her evolves into something more, something serious. He simply can't stand the thought of losing her to someone else, anyone else. He loves her, and wants to tell her and the world that that's his human, he's her guardian, her first man and he intends to keep it that way.
As for Maya, when she first met Mammon, she was a blushing mess. It was like love at first sight, even though she didn't realize it at the time. Her heart was racing and she tried her best not to stumble on her words. She couldn't understand what was happening to her at first, why she had all the butterflies in her stomach, even when all he did was complain on the way to HOL.
As time went on, she quickly realized that she was having an equivalent to a school girl crush for Mammon. She tried to push her feelings down, because, well, she just met the guy. As she got to spend more time with him however, she only fell for him more. She honestly couldn't help it! She often wonders how his brothers could be so cruel to him and hated it. Seeing him hesitate to her kindness broke her heart. She decided that instead of shoving her feelings away, that she would make it her duty to shower him with affection, giving him love that he lacks and so clearly needs.
After being dragged off with Beel, she was extremely scared that she ruined everything that she had with Mammon. When she came back, she quickly explained everything that had happened, assuring him that their friendship wasn't a lie. She was more than relieved for him to forgive her.
She found that her feelings for him would only grow and chose to accept it. She truly loves to be with him, hanging out, coming up with schemes, even if they go south, and she just simply loves him. She doesn't care what her family says about him, they don't know him like she does. They don't know how he protects her, cares for her, maybe even loves her. She wasn't one to believe in soulmates however, after meeting Mammon, she now truly believes that they were fated to meet.
When Levi met Maya, he wanted nothing to do with her. She was a normie, thus, not worth his time. He didn't bother to get to know her, even when he and Maya worked together to pressure Mammon into a pact.
After making a pact with her however, he finally decided to actually get to know her and discovered that they actually had a lot in common. He first thought that maybe this is her still sucking up to him but, after seeing her games, her favorite animes and even some of the drawings she drew, he found that she was being genuine.
When Belphie revealed himself, his self loathing consumed him as she left with Beel. In his mind, he thought that it was all a lie because would anyone actually be friends with an otaku like him. When Maya apologized and explained herself, he was happy that she genuinely wanted to be friends with him. She was Henry to his Lord of Shadows. True best friends.
When Maya was in Mammon's arms, dead, his face went pale. His Henry, gone. Forever. How could this have happened? How could Belphie do this? Why? His one true friend was taken from him too soon. He felt himself release the breath that he didn't even know he was holding when Maya turned out to be alive. He was relieved, extremely happy that his best friend was ok and safe.
When Maya's lineage was revealed, it was definitely a plot twist he didn't see coming. He was glad Lilith lived but Maya was her own person, and cared about her as such.
Afterwards, Levi and Maya became best friends over their shared love of video games and anime. He finally found someone in real life who understands him, who actually gets him. He found his true friend.
As for Maya, she did want to be friends with Levi, seeing that they had plenty of things in common but Levi's constant reluctance to open up and being rude to her made it hard for her to not dislike him.
Slowly, as she showed Levi her shared love of video games and anime, she saw him open up to her and finally started to share his love for the same things. They soon became good friends and even started to marathon different animes every Saturday or play video games hours on end.
After leaving with Beel, she felt pretty guilty, knowing full well that Levi would dive into his self loathing. So when she came back, she quickly apologized, reassuring him that she truly wants to be friends and was happy to find that he forgave her.
With everything that happened, their friendship grew stronger. The two of them would geek out over all of the upcoming games, theorize over what would happen next in the next episode of the anime they were watching and even show each other the drawings they drew. They definitely have become very good friends.
When Satan met Maya, he neither disliked her nor was interested in her. He simply saw her as an exchange student. Nothing more, nothing less.
His curiosity was piqued by her making pacts with his brothers left and right. He definitely tried to use her to piss off Lucifer by making a pact with her. Though, seeing her being so kind to not just his brothers but to him as well, he honestly felt bad for trying to pressure her into a pact for a petty reason. He finally opened up to her and was happy to be friends with her.
When Belphie showed up, it definitely was a shock, due towards Lucifer's actions more than anything. He definitely knew that Maya had no ill intent and knew it was for the best that Beel took her when he left. He understood Beel took her for her safety. When she came back, he didn't need her to explain herself. He pretty much understood the situation based on the kind of person she is. A person who sticks her nose in others business with nothing but the pure intention of helping others.
Seeing Maya dead, fueled him with a type of anger he's never felt before. He understood that Belphie hated humans but couldn't understand why he would do this to someone as caring and kind as Maya. Someone who only wanted to help him and his brothers. He felt a weight lifting off his chest when Maya was perfectly fine and alive.
Finding out about her and Lilith definitely made him feel some positive way, though he never really knew who Lilith was thus, didn't change his opinion of Maya in any way.
However, they became good friends. He would share his passion for books with her, telling her all about the stories he read as Maya listened enthusiastically, he would even listen to the few books she likes. Though their taste in books are very different, he finds the conversations he has with her something to look forward to, as she had a different viewpoint most of the time and her opinion definitely interested him.
As for Maya, she was pretty confused how he was the Avatar of Wrath. To her, he seemed like a pretty stand up individual. He didn't really stand out to her anymore then that.
But, as time passed, she had seen the cracks of his mask and was able to see exactly why he was called "Avatar of Wrath". When he tried to make a pact with her the first time was when she got a clear idea of why he has that title. He definitely made it more apparent with the swapping incident with him and Lucifer. That being said, she was always somewhat aware of why he was at odds with Lucifer. But she was fully aware after finding out that Satan's origins were…different to say the least.
She was a bit worried that Satan would be upset with her when she left with Beel. She was afraid that he would get the wrong idea of her; however, Satan didn't bother to let her apologize, having already figured out roughly what the situation was and her true goal was only to help. She was glad he understood where she was coming from.
When everything calmed down, Maya and Satan actually got to spend more time together and grew to be pretty good friends. They get together at the library sometimes and discuss the books that they would read at the time. Since Maya is a dog person, her and Satan would get into heated debates about what was better, dogs or cats. All of the time. Maya is also a reluctant member of the Anti-Lucifer League. All and all, they have a pretty good friendship.
When Asmo met Maya, she was a pretty face to talk to. He was quick to strike up a conversation with her, despite being forbidden to, he couldn't help but try to charm her, just for a bit. However, he found that she was pretty resistant to it and did love a challenge.
As time went on however, he kept coming to the same conclusion, that his charming really wasn't working on her, no matter what he did. So he decided it must be due to her being a virgin and gave up. But wait, his "six sense" was going off like crazy telling him otherwise. Wait, she isn't a virgin? Now, that's interesting…and now she has incredible hidden power? Sign him up! He knew she was special but she also was slowly helping his family come back together. She truly was a pure saint!
When Belphie came up, he was hurt by the thought that Maya was only thinking of Belphie and not him. Because, how could she think of anyone but him! When Maya apologized however, he knew to trust her word. She was always one to wear her heart on her sleeve.
Maya dying honestly scared him. He couldn't believe that someone like her could end up like this, to his little brother no less! All she wanted to do was help the family, how could he do this to her! He immediately hugged Maya when she turned out to be ok. Don't scare him like that! It's bad for his skin!
Lilith living was quite the shock, it's no wonder Maya was so sweet and caring. However, she was very different from her in many ways and she was someone just as special.
All and all, Asmo was pretty much Maya's BFF. He always gossips with her, doing her nails and goes out shopping with her when he gets the chance. He also admires how powerful she truly is. Being able to be immune to his charming and secretly being more powerful than Solomon is definitely something to respect in his eyes. He will try charming her every now and then. One day it'll work, right?
As for Maya, Asmo definitely caught her attention. He was stunning and kinda made her a bit insecure about herself. He was definitely the friendly type, she guessed it came with the territory of being "Avatar of Lust".
Getting to know him better showed that they clicked pretty well. They would tell each other juicy stories and share some more private stories with each other. Maya had to refrain from doing so for a while as Asmo would get too…excited and would want more explicit details of her more…intimate stories. Besides that, they both got along pretty well.
With the whole deal with Belphie, she felt pretty bad. She had hoped Asmo would see that she was just trying to help his family, like she always did and wouldn't take it to heart. She was very happy that Asmo accepted her apology.
Maya and Asmo were best friends after everything. Asmo would wipe away any insecurities that she would have by telling her how amazing and beautiful she is, take her out shopping, whatever it took. Asmo was basically Maya's hype man as Maya was his. Together they can take on anything!
When Beel met Maya, she seemed…so small. Are humans supposed to be that small? It was kinda cute actually. When she introduced herself, Beel instinctively crouched down to meet her gaze yet he couldn't understand why she got all huffy. Cute.
Getting to know her, he got to see how lively she was, even for someone as small as her. She was like a firecracker and he enjoyed spending time with her. He also got to see how caring she was, trying to help his family anyway she can. It was something that drew his attention, family was important to him too so it definitely warmed his heart to see her care about them so much.
When Belphie came back, he was extremely grateful to Maya. She was helping him this whole time! He honestly couldn't thank her enough for helping Belphie in his time of need. He needed to get her out of there before Lucifer did something to her! He needs to repay her for all she's done and being her protector is just the start of that.
Seeing Maya dead to Belphie's hands…he honestly didn't know what to think. He knew Belphie hated humans but…why her? Couldn't he see, she was different, she was kind and caring and all she wanted to do was help him, help the family. He cares for Belphie but Maya was someone special as well. Seeing Maya alive, he couldn't help lift her into the air into a hug after Asmo. He couldn't be more thankful that she was alright.
Lilith…was alive and Maya is her distant descendent? He felt the weight of Lilith's "death" finally lifted off his shoulders. Even if it was just a little. He's happy that she was happy. As for Maya it's just another thing that makes her so amazing! He understands she isn't Lilith and Maya couldn't replace her. Yet, Maya was still just as special in her own way. She perfectly fits into the family.
He became extremely close to Maya. He always thought sharing food with her, spending time with her or simply relaxing in her room was the best. He just thinks she fits so perfectly in his embrace. He knows he cares for her but it's different. He couldn't exactly put his finger on this feeling he has and what he doesn't realize yet, his feelings were starting to grow into something more.
As for Maya, when she met Beel, she was pretty shocked how big he was to her, like everyone was already taller than her but, Beel and Diavolo were different on a whole nother level. Hey! You don't have to crouch down like I'm a kid! Though, she can tell by his smile that he means well.
Hanging out with Beel made her realize that he was basically a gentle giant. She honestly thought he was such a sweetheart. After getting to know each other better, he would tell Maya a few stories about him and his brothers, even some about when they were angels. All these stories fascinated her and she returned the gesture by telling him a few stories about her, her own older sisters and the rest of her family from the human realm.
It honestly warmed her heart to see Beel so happy to be with his twin again. It was a bit upsetting to see Beel blaming himself for what happened to Belphie. She tried to reassure him that he's not to blame, it's not like he could have known after all.
Maya and Beel were the best of friends when all was said and done. They hang out everyday, go out to eat at a new restaurant every Monday after R.A.D. and even try a new recipe whenever it's their turn to cook dinner. Maya spends almost as much time with Beel as she does with Mammon. Maya thinks as Beel as her best friend and admires him for his loyalty to his family. She knows family is important to him like it is to her and every passing day, Beel helps make her feel like she was truly part of the family. A home away from home.
When Belphie saw Maya walk up to the attic, he simply saw his ticket out of his prison. He didn't want anything to do with her yet, he needed her, to use her to get out. She was a human. Because of human's, Lilith died, they need to pay. All of them. For the time being, he'd play along, until he was free.
Though he would never admit it at the time, he was honestly glad to have her keep him company. Since the only other person who knew he was up here was Lucifer, it was nice to see someone else, anyone else. He still didn't like her because of her humanity but somehow, he was starting to notice how nice she was being, how determined she was to help him. She really shouldn't blindly place her trust on anyone she meets. It works out for him though, right?
Finally making his grand entrance, he loved the pissed off look on Lucifer's face, the shock on everyone else's and Beel…his twin, he really did miss his brother. It's unfortunate the Beel decided to drag him and Maya off, he'll have to take care of Maya at a different time but for now, he just wanted to spend time with Beel.
Killing Maya…was a rush. His mission was complete, the exchange program would crumble. Though at the same time, he had a pang of guilt. He couldn't really understand why nor did he really care. But, wait, she's alive?! How?! Why?! That is quite interesting, isn't it? But that pang of guilt is gone, slightly. He'll avenge Lilith. He's doing this for her.
No…no…no! It can't be true! It's a lie! Wait…it is true? Truly? But…if all that is true and Maya…he felt extremely guilty when the truth came into the light. Thanks to his brothers, the guilt he had for Lilith's fate is finally beginning to heal, he can finally start to move on. As for Maya…that's a whole new guilt to take form. He needed to fix this. He had to.
Belphie knew that Maya no longer trusted him, he could see her try to move past what happened but he noticed her new…ticks. She would fidget when she was around him, a hand rubbing the front of her neck, how her body would always be turned halfway to him, seemingly ready to bolt at any given moment. When he was in his demon form, he would see her visibly shaking. Even when they start to be friends, every now and then she'd flinch at his sudden movements or if he would get too upset about something. His demon form however was still out of the question for her. He knew that this would take a long time and he would wait patiently. He would wait forever if he had to, and if he's being honest with himself, he would be more than grateful for her to fully trust him again simply because he feels that he doesn't deserve it. He could never forgive himself for what he's done and he would do whatever it took for her to fully trust him again.
As for Maya, seeing Belphie locked in the attic was definitely a shock. What was he doing here? Why? He's a human, huh? But, he looks familiar. Wait, he was in the painting by the stairs, he's Belphie!
Getting to know the mysterious 7th brother, she couldn't put her finger on it but something was…off with Belphie. Something in the back of her mind was nagging at her but she ignored it. Sure, this family had its fair share of kinks but she wanted to help in any way she could. She simply wants to help.
She thought the reunion with Belphie wouldn't be this…tense. The nagging in the back of her mind was getting stronger by the minute as Belphie seemed to change, it was only a moment before Beel dragged us off but, something about him in that moment was a bit…unsettling to say the least.
Maya's trust in him was shattered. She hated him. After everything she had done, despite her gut instincts warning her of this, she still helped him and he killed her…well, she really wanted to hate him, she had every right to but yet, she understood that his hatred wasn't actually aimed at her but at humanity as a whole. She just got caught in the crossfire. For a while, she kept her distance from him. That was until Belphie had wanted to have a serious talk with her, to apologize. She agreed on the condition of having Mammon and Beel nearby to intervene if necessary. Once they cleared the air, she tried her best to move past it. It was hard. Very hard. It would take her an extremely long time for her to get over her new ticks she developed because of him and even longer for her to trust him again. She would forgive him but she could never, never forget.
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energyanon · 3 years
Surprise reading as I can’t seem to shake off the curiosity. Ok, I’m gonna set them up in relation to this drama. Personally, I don’t believe it. NV would have to have various personality disorders in order for this to be true, among 5000 other reasons why that is not normal, sane human behaviour. But the Instagram.. so many things don’t match up. However, both me and another anon felt fuzzy headed when we were representing her.. maybe it’s not just her overthinking, maybe it’s something more relating to some kind of disorder, but that’s not my place to say. Let’s check it out. Once again I’m gonna type as I go.
I’ve decided for three set ups here: 1. NV, 2. The group chat as a whole as cited on said Instagram, and 3. Henry.
Set up 2. (The GC) first. I picked up NV and got a headache.
First flag: Natalie wanted to be on top of the GC… that’s weird..
Henry is at a distance but he is staring at them both. Starting to feel like I may have been wrong in my judgment here ha.. 😬 I’m really hoping it’s not true cause otherwise that’s fucking sad and NV has genuine issues. But, I’m ok with being wrong.
Alright, let’s start as NV (cause GC, I feel I already know their feelings regardless of if it’s true or not) FYI, I have moved NV to being close but not on top, as one energy on top of - group of energies would be much too hard to decipher.
Immediate dizziness. I feel very hot and my air con is currently blasting down upon me so it’s not me. The group chat feels very little to NV. like tiny, as in I could step on them. (1. This can mean they’re not even being seen, she barely cares about them, or 2. Can feel more powerful than) as we know in the screenshots the latter was supposedly the case, so I’m not going to cross that out just yet, but it feels more like I’m just not even seeing them. they’re dirt under my feet. They don’t really have her attention and she’s not super bothered by them, but once I brought her attention to it She does want to stamp it out, it’s a complete nuisance. She wants to cover them up. I gave them a little tap, which ended turning into many taps which turned into actually wanting to destroy their rep all together. so she’s angry about it. (At this point I don’t know if she’s angry about This situation being a lie, as in she’s sick of these people doing this to her, or if she’s genuinely angry at the group for exposing her) the tiny dirt now feels a bit bigger but more like a basketball sized nuisance. She still feels bigger than them, it’s just that this is so ANNOYING. Still wants to rip them up into little pieces, she’s annoyed, she’s moving me around a whole bunch, she’s angry, she’s frustrated, she’s tying her hair up, she’s not having it. like it’s fucking annoying. this is all so ANNOYING. She’s stressed, she’s annoyed, she wants this over and done with.
No more energy shifts. Incoming questions.
Q: do you know them?
No I don’t fucking know them
Ok do you think that was a friend who exposed you?
I don’t know I can’t think I- (just a bunch of profanities) [note: it’s like she’s keyboard smashing in my brain right now it’s REALLY annoyed]
Jaw clenched, I’m swaying from side to side my hands are on my hips, hair away from my face I want to move somewhere else but I need to deal with THIS FUCKING THING FIRST ISHDJFKSJXJDSNX.
god it is SO ANNOYING like if you guys were all in front of me right now you’d be heading me yelling and screaming and So irritated I’m so I’m SO Annoyed. I can’t even think of any other questions to ask cause I’m too busy getting keyboard smashed atm.
I’m gonna move to the group to just see if the intentions there are legit. I need a break from NV.
Ok the group:
the group have some anxiety, stomach dropped. They’re not angry they’re just looking at NV. None of them can be sure if It was NV - I think some of them doubt but it was a “get it out just in case” situation. At least one of them feel bad. Nervous jitters from my right leg. You know how you fidget when you’re waiting to get in trouble?
Q: do you believe it was NV?
There are many of them so I’ll just say it as it came up. No (1) I don’t know (majority) one of them is a yeah, feels like the leader of the group but even then the yeah isn’t a solid resounding yeah. But it’s also not like a “yeaahhh?” It’s like I’m just gonna make a decision and it’s yeah.
Q: are you mad that nv is with Henry
I’m not mad (1)
We’re not mad, we just think he could do better. (Majority)
Q: why did you do this
To expose her
Q: why to expose her if you didn’t truly believe it was her
There is a very weak “it was the right thing to do” like.. when I say weak it feels like they don’t even believe that, but they’ve convinced themselves it is..?
Q: at any point did you lie or fabricate the screenshots?
Resounding no, but one solid yes from someone.
Q: Yes?
One of them.
Q: which one
(I was shown one of them, it was one of the purple and black ones, one where there isn’t much purple - I’ll have to check it after)
Ok, my leg isn’t going crazy anymore - there is just an expectant waiting. They’re looking at NV, she’s taller than them but not much taller (not like they’re a basketball being looked down upon, just normal human heights) the feeling is just waiting. Waiting to see if there is a response. That’s it, that’s all I’ve been given I can’t even conjure Up another question. (Sometimes when the energy is done sharing its just done, I can’t force it past that and I’m not in my right to)
Checking Henry:
Henry is tired, he’s disillusioned, he’s just staring into space. The other two are in front of him (facing one another) but he doesn’t see them. Genuinely no thoughts from him it’s complete disassociation. But I did ask if he knew about this situation, he doesn’t seem to know yet.
And yet he’s still disassociating.. the thought “I don’t know what to do” came up, but it was so slow and fractured it was like… you know that video of that kid who’s trying to say have you ever had a dream that you could do anything but he muddles it up for 20 seconds before getting to it? It’s like that (I’ll link it when I’m done)
“I don’t kn- I just I - what do I ev- wh-“ and it keeps going but imagine it taking FOREVER for him to say it.
He’s stuck in the disassociation. Weird choice, but I need to do it. I’m gonna slap him. (Which yes, means slapping myself)
Ok, that didn’t make much difference, he’s still super tired, he still didn’t see the other two but I tried to bring his attention to NV and he was already turning around to leave “I don’t care, I don’t care I’m too tired” and then he turned back and said to NV to clarify “I do care, but I don’t, I’m tired” and I took him out cause he was walking out of there anyway.
Back to NV one last time, and then I’m doing other stuff with my day and then I’ll do CE tonight.
It’s always dizziness with this chick, I swear. Everytime im with her I’m dizzy, I’m losing blood pressure. She’s calmed down at least but fuck I’m dizzy more dizzy than I usually am (can be her, could also be me continuously going into different energies, I don’t tend to feel like this though but don’t rule it out)
Dizzy, Im not tired, but fatigued like I don’t need to sleep, I need to just lay down. I see the GC but they can fuck off I don’t care. She wants to kick them out of the way. As soon as she does she wants to leap out at them and tear them to shreds. She goes from 1- 100 real quick. I don’t want her to destroy my representative for the group, cause I don’t want anything to accidentally manifest in real time for the actual group, so im going to create a little thing that she can destroy instead - just in case there are any energetic consequences of her destroying the representation of the GC. Found a little piece of paper I called it placebo GC and we’re tearing it up.
Ok so, I got her to tear up Placebo GC. She got raveonous with it. I am now coming to believe that NV has some major anger issues. To be fair, im feeling how annoyed she is and I get it honestly it’s the only way to get out this level of emotion. It’s not healthy, therapy is needed for sure, but I’m not gonna sit here like this and say that she’s overreacting cause when you’re feeling like she is, there’s no where else for this to go
She ripped them up, crushed them, tore at them with her teeth, crushed them into a little ball again and chucked them away and then we just screamed “FUCK!” For literally about 3 minutes and she was LIVID. I’ve sat her down now while I write this, she’s still annoyed, she’s not livid.
Interesting to note though, all throughout the screaming there was never a single thought that came up that was like “why can’t they just let US live, why can’t we just BE together” she really doesn’t seem to care about the affect it has on her and Henry’s relationship, she’s just annoyed people are talking shit. Like she just doesn’t care that people won’t accept them.
Oh! I haven’t checked on her vs. HC so lemme do that. I wanna see if she checks up on him too, cause from a normal relationship perspective, this would affect him too. But let’s see.
Yup, ok, nothing from her end, if anything she’s giving him the silent treatment. Like she’s looking at him in the way you do when your partner has said something stupid and you’re too angry to answer. But she doesn’t care that he’s there. I went to him also to see if he would comfort her and he was just a brick wall, kind of more like “here I am I’m showing up but idc. I really idc. Sorry that you’re going through it I guess.” Both of them had the ~aura~ (I don’t know how to explain it on text) of “this did not go as planned” however, they didn’t SAY that, just as an FYI, it was just a bit of a shared feeling translated into words.
That’s it. I’m ending it there. I’ve got life admin to do, be back later for a CE reading as promised. :)
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
Boys reaction to MC who never have date before meeting them. Like, the boys as MC's first love.
My first HC on here and I was memeing half the time while writing it. Included what the boys would do after hearing this news as well because why not. I’m not a Lucien fan but lord have mercy on my soul, I couldn’t help making his romantic af. He is the ideal boyfriend/date minus the l i e s that come in the MS and I hate it. All the crossed out stuff is just commentary because I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for your ask <3
How the MLQC boys react to being MC’s first love below the cut~
Follows with some snarky comment after he calls her “Dummy”.
Let’s be real here, if he doesn’t call her dummy immediately, then something is wrong. Reminds me of when we streamed the first episode of MLQC and we were all yelling “CALL US BAKA” the second Victor came on screen.
While he seems cool and collected on the outside, you can hear the computer shutdown sound play on the inside.
To him, this is a shocking confession.
Victor: I’m not surprised a dummy like you hasn’t been in a serious relationship before.
Victor, internally: How has she never been in a serious relationship before??
He’s not very good at expressing himself honestly through his words but he truly admires MCs hardworking nature.
He finds that very attractive in a woman and is surprised that other men in the line of business haven’t taken their shot with her yet. it’s because they can feel your death stare on the back of their heads, kind sir
One thing he struggles with is being himself. He tries to act like everything is in his control all the time.
Because of this, upon hearing MCs confession, he invites her to a fancy dinner at his penthouse insert Victor’s Dazzling Date because THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Jkjk haha... unless...
He wants to impress her as much as possible even though he knows deep down that she doesn’t care about what a person has and rather how they are as a person
BUT ALAS. The stress be real for her first boyfriend.
He wants her to know she made a good decision without verbally telling her out of his own bitch mouth I love you, please call me baka so he goes over the top with their first date.
Basically pulls a Mr. Krabs when taking Mrs. Puff on a date. Just add shades to Mr. Krabs to represent Victor’s “I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m all good. We vibin out here.”
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All MC wants from him is his honest and genuine thoughts. and a lifetime stock of pudding because good god a girl has chocolate needs
MC eventually figures out Victor’s intentions with all the gifts he rains on her because hE dOesNt nEeD tHeM he can’t give her anything more than a cup of pudding up front
MC knows this and accepts the secret gifts with a smile.
She sends a gift in return to his office the following day along with a thank you for the wonderful date.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Victor’s heart rate slowing to the average persons.
insert pikachu meme
This boy is mind blown.
“How have you never been in a relationship before??? That can’t be true!”
Kiro sees the good in everyone, so hearing that MC has never been in a relationship before him is
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He gives her a bright smile and playfully hugs her from behind.
The two of them laugh together as he whispers genuinely in her ear,
“I promise to make you happy. You won’t regret it.”
He immediately drags her off to Loveland’s Amusement Park, where they spend the whole day together.
Rides, snacks, games, you name it, they did it all.
Kiro naturally spoils MC without putting much thought to it.
It’s like a reflex for him. It’s just who he is as a person. Always wants to share the happiness in the world with the people he cares about.
As for how anxious he is after hearing the news about being MC’s first love, he is screaming at a pitch only dogs can hear.
Almost 100% of the time he has a smile on his face and even convinces himself that he’s not worried about it.
But he is.
It only hits him when he thinks about another man taking MC away from him after seeing her talking with another guy.
MC will catch him without his carefree smile at times and eventually confronts him about it.
He shows her a wide smile and says there’s nothing to worry about.
After a few attempts of trying to get Kiro to open up about it, he gives in and says he’s worried he’s not good enough for her HAHAHHA, GOOD ONE KIRO
MC, however, turns it around on him
MC: I’m afraid IM the one who isn’t good enough for you.
They both smile and embrace each other, knowing they’ll get through any little concerns like this.
He knows.
We’re talking about the boy who has been in love with MC since high school; Who has protected her behind the scenes ever since he laid eyes on her.
He would know if she had been in a previous or current relationship.
It only comes as a shock when she says she’s never been interested in anyone else romantically before. Lies. Have you seen the other suitors, MC. In a world where guys are that hot, you must’ve had at least 1 crush, c’mon sis.
Gavin respected her personal boundaries and never looked into her personal affairs so he had very little knowledge of her views on other guys.
He gets a little bit nervous, since he believes her standards must be high if she hasn’t been interested in anyone else before.
Does the full on soldier oath, bend the knee cliche which includes “I promise to always protect you” and “Nobody will ever be good enough for you”
Mc: Gavin no...
Spoiler alert: You are waayyyyy too good for me, Gavin.
He doesn’t have too much anxiety over the thought of being MC’s first love though since he’s very good at staying true to himself and knows MC is one to admire that about others.
Gavin is a quiet guy in general. He’s more of an observer and watches MC to take note of what she enjoys.
When he sees her eyes shine bright after seeing a delicious dessert cafe, he offers to take her. He makes sure to express how he also wants to go since he knows she won’t accept unless he is interested as well.
Boy literally has no interests the moment he’s with MC. He is essentially that vine
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Doesn’t even wait until the question is over and just “Absolutely. Let’s do it”
MC: But I haven’t even said anything yet...
He isn’t much different from how he is now. Has around the same amount of anxiety just from being in MCs presence.
Boy just wants to PROTECC and is always panicking on the inside but tries to remain calm.
He is very good at calming his anxiety though since he’s had so long to understand what MC values and knows she just loves people for themselves.
That’s all he needs.
His eyes widen slightly at MCs confession.
It’s nothing too mind blowing for him since he knows how refined MC is and how dedicated she is to her work.
It’s still surprising to him that nobody has tried to sweep her off her feet yet.
With how kind MC is, it would be hard for her to refuse a date with a gentleman.
Lucien gently presses a kiss to MCs hand upon hearing her confession.
Lucien: I am honored to be given the opportunity TO WOO to take such a beautiful lady out on a date~ AND MORE PLEASE
Lucien is the definition of a gentleman shhhh we aren’t speaking of current chapters in the main route Lucien. Cover your eyes. Pretend you do not see.
With little to no anxiety showing on his face after the reveal that he is MCs first love, he insists on taking her out to a nice restaurant the most classy and romantic 5 star restaurant Loveland City has to offer as a way to thank her for dealing with his bs (both his bullshit and black swan hahaha I’m so funny oml) being given the opportunity to treat her as a beautiful young lady should be treated.
He’s also more on the less anxious side of being MCs first love.
Lucien is a traditional man and does stuff by the book.
Because of this, he respects and likes the idea of being MCs first love.
He doesn’t go over the top yet isn’t cliche with dates and little actions.
He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Though he may struggle with being openly honest about his own thoughts and feelings, he tries his best to express himself for MC. a lot of the time he just assumes talking to her about his personal affairs would bring her down.
This, however, gets better overtime as they continue to date.
They spend a lovely evening at dinner together and take a midnight stroll through the city oh god city stroll PTSD
He gently wraps his jacket around her bare shoulders with a soft smile as he thanks her once again for believing in him believing he is worthy of her
Shaw, smirking: Is that so?
Oohhhhh you know what that smirk does to me. DOWN BOY D O W N.
He’s surprised but his reaction is very mutual.
His internal thoughts are more on the line of “Hmm I’m her first boyfriend, aye?” and “OYA OYA”
He very likely most definitely places his hand on the wall beside her head and leans in closely to get a reaction from her as he growls,
Shaw: So that means you really like me, yeah? I’m making this way too hot gdi. Shaw stans please enjoy your food
MC looks up to see that same playful smirk resting on his face.
highkey don’t know how to respond because Im just “ok think of 3 things she would probably say and go from there” while my brain just computer error sound
MC: and what about yourself? I’m sure there are tons of girls throwing themselves at you yet you choose me.
He pulls away and places his hands in his pockets with a chuckle.
Shaw: I’ve had my fair share before.
iVe HaD mY fAiR sHarE bEfoRe MY ASS
I’m convinced he’s had one time things with girls purely for information or he isn’t the least bit interested in relationships because he thrives on stimulation and entertainment and nOboDy iS gOoD eNouGh plus he literally asks what people do on dates when taking mc out in his first date in game SO
Either way, this is a LIE. The man can’t relationship for the life of him so he has no RIGHTS to tease her.
Just let him believe or you can try to tease him about it in hopes of getting a little pouty face out of him.
Honestly, their first date would just be the first date we got in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Shaw is a wild child and doesn’t care for romantic dates. at least that’s what he wants you to think
A little insight on his character: He’s very blunt and easily pushes people away all the while keeping them close enough to gather intel. He doesn’t get emotionally attached to anyone and makes sure it’s mutual on both ends. Personal relationships only drag him down, especially in his line of work. He prioritizes other things before relationships which makes him so damn FRUSTRATING BUT I SWEAR I WILL CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE A WALNUT JUST YOU WATCH ME.
With that being said, after actually being in a relationship with MC for a while and opening up about their personal lives more, Shaw can be very romantic. He may be awkward for a bit at first since he literally doesn’t know what a date is but he gets there eventually.
He’s still full of fun but is also very gentle and makes sure MC is enjoying herself.
I got sidetracked with the actual HC on this one but Shaw stans need food I NEED FOOD
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obeymeoof · 5 years
C-can I get hcs for the boys declaring to MC? And reactions to acceptance and rejection? Thank you
These took me a while to write and were also somewhat difficult so please excuse it if you think some of these are out of character.
Seeing as he’s the Avatar of Pride, he wouldn't confess to you unless he was completely confident that you would accept.
So when you reject his love confession he has to take a moment for his brain to process your answer. 
He thought for sure you reciprocated. He was 99% sure.
Wouldn’t say much more than “Excuse me then” and awkwardly clear his throat.That'd be about the last of a friendly convo you’d have with him.
Any other matters with you would be strictly professional. Things like school work. Updates on your tasks a what not
He would distance himself from you. He’d stuff those feelings down with the other ones he’s hid all these years. 
Guess that 1% mattered more than he thought
Acceptance(slight chapter 20 spoilers)
When you accept his advances he gives you a knowing, but loving smile.
Pulls you in and kisses you.
“I’ve always known that you wanted to do this” (Literally straight from 20-14)
Will want to spend time alone with you after you accept so that you two can enjoy your first few minutes/hours being a couple. 
Refuses to let anyone else have you for at least the rest of the day. As much as he would like to have you to himself forever, he knows his brothers would start a riot
It takes so much to build up his confidence enough to even think about confessing to you.He is a stuttering mess when he tries to tell you. Honestly, it's a miracle if he can even get it out. 
When you reject him, you can almost feel his heart break
“Of course a normie like you wouldn’t want to be with a disgusting otaku like me”
Assumes you like one of his other brothers and mumbles about how “Its NOT fair…”
Shuts himself in his room nearly the entire remainder of your stay and avoids looking at you when being around you is mandatory.
He gets so incredibly jealous everytime he sees you being friendly and happy with other people but not him.
Puts all of his focus on anime and throws his money into merch as some retail therapy.
Won’t come to see you off on your final day because even though you rejected him and he hid, he can’t hide that he’s going to miss looking at you when you don’t notice or hearing your voice pass by his room. He was jealous but knowing you were close gave him a weird sense of comfort.
he understands that you have to think about it(maybe) but if there's too much hesitation this boy may run for it. 
“yeah I figured you wouldn't want to-“ wait...you said yes?...YOU SAID YES?!
Will make that “woooooah” sound that he makes when he gets excited. He is so blushy.
“You’re...you’re way better than Ruri-chan!”
Realizes that he’s clueless as to what to actually do in a relationship. 
Suggests he tries things that hes learned from his animes but...please help this boy. 
Belphie isn’t too shy of a guy. If there’s something on his mind he has no problem telling someone what he thinks. This is apparently from how he openly expressed his opinions on destroying the human race.Once he realizes he loves you, he may be a little nervous to tell you but he won't stall too much. When he finds a moment alone with you, he will confess to you. 
The rejection hits him like a ton of brick but he just sighs and nods. 
“I see...I understand. I guess you’d be crazy to accept me anyways seeing as I tried to kill you…”
He feels a lot of guilt for his actions and thinks he was insane to think you’d love him back after everything he’s done. 
After this, Belphie seems to sleep longer than usual. 
His voice is steady and calm when he confesses to you but you can see the bright red on his ears. 
When you accept his confession, his eyes widen a bit and his cheeks fully flush. 
he smiles at you softly and chuckles a little. 
“wow...ill be honest I didn't expect you to say yes. I didn’t plan this far ahead so i'm not quite sure of what to do next”
He may be a tad bit awkward in the relationship at first until he gets comfortable with you. 
Expect all the snuggling and naps you could want!
Similarly to Lucifer, he doesn't ask unless he thinks you feel the same. He’s confident in himself when he confesses to you. He has a little smirk on his face as he waits for your answer.
As he expected! You don’t feel the s-.....You...don't feel the same?
His first instinct is to react with anger. 
Says many hurtful things that he doesn't mean in order to make you feel some of the pain he is feeling.
After he’s done he’ll storm off even angrier at himself for acting like he did and saying what he said
However, he won’t apologize. The ill feelings make it slightly easier to be away from you
Or that's what he tells himself
When you accept his confession he isn't too surprised but he is of course happy.
Puts his hands on bath sides of your face and kisses your forehead 
Being with him is very casual and laid back. 
He’ll like to take you places like the library or just to his room to read and talk about books. 
You can bet your ass he’s going to take you on every mystery adventure he can stick his nose into. You two will be like Holmes and Watson
Asmo is telling you he loves you from the first time you arrive so it's hard to tell when he’s being super serious.When he honestly starts to put you before himself he's confused. 
and he’s also worried because...you already don’t seem to reciprocate any of his feelings no matter how much he flirts. 
When he comes to you to admit these feelings, he still kind of expects you to accept because he's so used to everyone else easily accepting him
And when you reject he still can’t quite accept it. He’s never had to deal with rejection so it throws him completely off. 
He’s persistent and will continually try to make you fall for him. 
You're the first person he’s ever truly loved and you didn’t feel the same. 
When he realizes that it just isn’t working, he falls on bad habits. 
He parties more than he does already, has even more flings(if possible), and slowly forgets to take care of himself. 
Again, this is the first time Asmo has ever felt like putting anyone else above himself and also the first time he’s ever felt like devoting himself to one person. 
He admits this to you with a dramatic sigh.
Youll pretty much have to spell it out for him. ITS LOVE ASMO!
After you explain and tell him you feel the same...just be prepared.
He’s going to be so excited and all over, telling about all the things he wants to do with you...or to you. He speaks so freely about it that its enough to make anyone blush.
He best shows his feelings through physical touch so be prepared for a long night with the avatar of lust.
When Beel is around you, he doesn't feel hungry all the time. Being around you is so fulfilling to him.He’s happy around you. You’re the only one that makes him feel whole.
So when you reject him, his stomach drops. 
He understands and doesn't hold any hard feelings against you. In fact, he will act as he did before and still make sure you're always ok.
However, he eats a lot less than before.He doesn't feel hungry but this time it's for a different reason.
He feels full but he’s full of longing. Longing for someone he can never have. It weighs him down and makes even his favorite food taste bland. It’s like cotton in his mouth
He still loves you, but he has to love you from afar and it's so hard on him. But he will still act like the same ol’ Beel around you.
Beel is all to happy when you accept.
In fact, one of the first things he wants to do is tell Belphie since he had been encouraging him to tell you the whole time.
Expect to be included in the “Twin Snuggle Pile”
He wants to try all sorts of new foods with you.
He’ll teach you how to cook if you don’t know how to already and it'll become a daily thing. It's one of the main things you two do to bond even more.
Honestly, being with Beel probably feels like being in one of those tv shows with the ideal husband.
Let's be honest, Mammon has also had a thing for “his human '' since they came to the Devildom. He didn't understand that what he was feeling was love at first. He thought it was the same feeling that you have when taking care of a pet. Even after coming to the realization that it was much more than that he tried to deny it. How could he have feelings  like these for a HUMAN???...Eventually he comes to terms with it and “begrudgingly” decides it’s time for “The Great Mammon” to sweep his human off their feet 
In a way, he is shocked. He’s embarrassed and sad.
In All honesty, he hadn’t really thought of the outcome of asking you . He just did it.
His face is blank for a second before he gives you his usual Mammon grin and laughs.
“Wow human that was harsh! Good thing it was all just a joke!” It wasn’t. 
He plays it off as a joke to save himself from the awkwardness of it but probably just makes it worse.
After this, he continues to try to be himself but there's a noticeable change. 
He’s not nearly as rambunctious and his prank level drops exponentially. 
I know I said Levi goes and does some retail therapy but this guy goes beyond that.
He will eventually go back to being his true old self but it takes him a while
Even the others are worried.
“Ahahaha! Of course you’d accept The Great Mammon!” he stands there with a big, goofy, blushy smile on his face.
Like honestly, you would've thought he won the lottery! Which in his mind, he did.
He’s honestly so nervous of messing up. He doesn't want to do anything that'll run you off.
100% bragging to his brothers about, which fyi, be ready for the judgmental looks.
Please teach this boy about how to save money.
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Helloo pretty 🤩 how are u ? Ok ummm may i get a match up shshshs idk why am i shy wtf is wrong with me lol whatever im 17 and im super energetic AND IM SUPER VERY moody like omg im moody asf i like singing my friends told me im good at it but idk I don’t think so and...what else ohh im obsessed with manga like omg and im scorpio 🤭 idk sometimes people think im madly toxic i have rbf 😞 any ways I guess that’s enough right? I want it with haikyuu boys please 🥺 thank ya have a nice day sweetie
🍰 for @pinkqp
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How yall met
You were Karasunos manager
You were messing around with Noya and Tanaka
Cuz yk...crackhead tings
And Bokuto had noticed you
If he didn’t believe in love at first sight
He does now
He was just thinking
Omg how can someone be so pretty
They look so fun to be around!
Are they singing about meat?
Omg I love meat!
It’s meant to be!
Meanwhile his team was wondering why he was staring at the three of you dancing to some sort of meat song
The rest of the day he spent trying to impress you with his spikes
And well….
It wasn’t working that well
You were so focused on supporting your friends and helping them improve
That you didn’t even notice him :((
His mood was starting to affect his playing
So when he spiked a ball…
He wasn’t expecting it to ricochet off the ground...
And hit you…
In the face…
He quickly ran over to you
And kept on apologizing
You really weren’t hurt that badly
You just got a bloody nose from the hit
But honestly you might as well have been dying
Our boy was PANICKING
“Bokuto they’ll be fine just take them to the nurse”
So he did
The whole time he kept apologizing
You swear you’ve told him it was fine like 50 times
But he just felt so bad :(((
After the nurse fixed your bloody nose and sent you both back to the gym
He promised to make it up to you
The next day he had showed up to the gym with an “I’m sorry” basket
Apparently he had ran to the nearest gas stationand picked up a bunch of snacks and even a little bear plush
You thanked him for the basket and gave him your number to show that there was no ill will
Next thing you know
You guys are texting everyday
Even when camp was over and you both went home
Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore and told he liked you
And he was pleasantly surprised when you accepted his confession :o
What they love about you
He loves how goofy you are
Your goofyness is what drew him to you in the first place
So he loves it because it reminds him on why he fell in love with you
He loves how you can understand his mood swings
You admitted to being a little moody yourself
And he just feels better knowing he’s not the only one who gets down on himself
And you help him overcome his mood swings
If he’s ever in emo mode
Your always there to cheer him on and telling him to keep going
What you love about them
You love his energy
This boy acts like he can be up for 24 hours and still not be tired
And honestly
Your here for it
You’ve never really been able to find someone who could keep up with your energy levels
But now you e found someone who seems to have more energy than you
You love how much he cares about you
You saw how he reacted when you got a bloody nose
This mans would do anything for you
Someone’s bothering you? He’s on it
You skinned your knee? He’s right there with a band aid and kisses
He’s always looking out for you and you couldn’t be more grateful for that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so you guys have a bit of a long distance relationship
So he can’t see you every day :(
Which means his favorite thing to do with you is text you in the late hours of the night
Or even better! FaceTiming you
You guys have stood up so late just talking to eachother about whatever was on your minds
And when he can see you
He loves just doing random things with you
He cherishes the time he has with you in person
So he’s down to do anything really
Random Hc
He thought you hated him after the volleyball incident because of your rbf
You still have the best plush he bought you as a apology
He bought you both matching necklaces so that way you could always be together
God help anyone who’s around you when your both acting moody…
Scary shit right there
Sometimes you’ll just show up to Fukurōdani and surprise him
He loves it when you do that :))))
Scorpio + Virgo
Compatibility 76%
That changeable nature of Virgo will be settled down by the fixed quality of their Scorpio partner, who will keep their relationship exciting for a very long time.
In general, there is a problem that these partners share when it comes to Venus, and their relationship is often a reflection of these troubles. This can lead to all sorts of emotional blackmail, their tendency to control each other’s lives, and if not this, than constant criticism that makes them both feel guilty or simply sad.
The best thing they can do is decide that they will value each other and be thankful for each other in this relationship.
If they develop a strong sense of gratitude, their relationship might be extremely deep, exciting and truly appreciated by both partners.
Overall Aesthetic
Cherry Cola (kuwada)
Marlboro Nights(lonely god)
Run the world (dayglow)
Dance baby (boy Pablo )
Pump it (black eyed peas)
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Hello there! Would it be alright to ask for Kid, Law, and Zoro realizing that they have a crush, how they act, and then realizing that the crush became actual love?
Ahh, 3 of my fav boys! I loved this request, hope you like what I wrote! Because you didn’t specify whether you wanted scenarios or headcanons, I defaulted with HCs! If you want scenarios, feel free to send them in :) x
HCs Crush/Love Realization (Kid, Law, Zoro)
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- he honestly doesn’t mind the crush phase- it’s usually a temporary thing, and honestly, most of the time it’s just sexual desire
- he’ll be playful, flirtatious, and a Grade A tease- but once he realizes he’s actually in love with this person?
- oh, fuck
- he will do everything in his power to deny that he’s in love
- who has time for that?? He’s trying to be King of the Pirates!
- but, he won’t deny the fact that he wants a Queen by his side once this happens
- and looking at this person…
- he can easily imagine having them right by his side, the both of them conquering the world together!
- these thoughts always cloud his mind when they’re around him, causing his heart to race at a million beats per minute
- that pale skin?? there’s no way in hell he can hide all the blushing!
- Kid is not a blusher, but they somehow always manage to make his face feel like it’s on fire??
- this always pisses him off
- he goes all tsundere for a while, making them wonder what they did wrong
- which results in Killer fussing him out a lot for being so insensitive
- (( this person has to have a lot of patience to deal with angry ketchup head’s antics ok ))
- he won’t necessarily go out of his way to be harsh, it just sorta happens?
- huffing while stomping away or telling the person to piss off is his usual go to when they try to come around him
- he’s definitely angry, how dare they make him feel so silly and weak?!
- but he knows the more he acts like this, the more he is pushing them away
- though he tries to tell himself that’s what he prefers, he can’t imagine any world without them that he would want to live in 
- it takes a while for him to truly accept it, and when he finally does…
- they’re just pretty much his at that point, forever
- there’s never an official “will you be mine?” scenario
- he just kinda assumes they get it at this point
- what, does he have to spell it out for them? no chance!
- he’s not a man of many words, but he will definitely let it be known who they belong to with his *ahem* actions
- once they are his, his shy/tsundere side is gone and he’s back to being normal Kid
- as for the end result, he doesn’t fall in love easy, so this person is pretty special and he knows it
- he is gonna love them unconditionally until the end of time, knowing he can accomplish anything and everything with his love by his side 
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- the crush phase takes the longest for Law, just because he’s really hesitant to enter the love phase
- though he acts like “crushing” is such an irrational feeling, so childish, he’s actually like a giddy school girl
- the new, exciting feelings are a bit of a rush to him, but he wouldn’t dare tell anyone that
- like Kid, he’s a bit teasing during the crush phase
- he likes to hit them with witty, playful, sarcastic comments and that irresistible smirk of his
- he will go out of his way to see them, but acts absolutely casual around them
- a major crush/flirt master
- now love? that’s an entirely different ball game
- is he even capable of such feelings??
- he has no time nor emotional energy to actually pursue someone romantically
- all he needs is his crew
- but, images of their sweet smile tend to cloud his brain at all hours of the night, making him question otherwise
- he can’t stop thinking about them, his mind and heart race every time they’re around, he can’t stop imagining what it’d be like to have them as his...
- then it hits him, he has miraculously fallen hard for this person
- he has zero fucking clue on what to do
- no medical textbook could ever prepare him for this
- and he can’t just crush on them for the rest of his life?? (though he wishes it were that simple)
- he realizes this feeling won’t go away until he knows they don’t feel the same way towards him
- does he just ask them? does he drop hints? oh god what if they already know??
- he is an awkward mess
- he spends so much time locked up in his office trying to think of how to tell them
- and his whole crew definitely knows when they’re captain is in love with someone, it’s such a rare occurrence!
- they’re all in on this wild match-making game, the sub is a lively disaster
- which makes Law want to just curl up and die in his office
- Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo all corner Law, telling him he needs to man up and say something to his crush
- the trio have been shambled to pieces so many times, but it’s all worth it to make Law happy; they know that this person is the one for the job!
- Law is very upfront with his feelings, he doesn’t like beating around the bush
- his confession isn’t the most romantic, but one can feel the sincerity in his words
- even after a successful confession, Law still remains aloof around his partner (just for a little while), because this sensation is still a little new to him
- but give him time, sweet boy is in the background learning and taking note of everything he can about them so he can dote on them properly when he’s feeling brave enough
- in the end, he is the most devoted partner, giving his all to keep his partner safe and happy!
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- no one is more clueless than Zoro
- he completely ignores the crush phase, thinking his liking towards them isn’t strange in the slightest
- he just enjoys being around them, is that so wrong??
- they’re just friends…
- friends who train together, drink together, nap together, are always together  
- yep, just really good friends!
- which goes to show, he’s not even the one to realize his own true feelings first
- let’s be real, the entire ship picks up on Zoro’s feelings, especially his rare ones like love, because it’s so obvious
- nonetheless, he’ll go to Chopper complaining about “heart problems”
- it’s been beating so fast lately? like it’s just gonna burst any second?
- after explaining what the source of his problem is, Chopper giddily tells him he’s not sick, he’s in love!  
- panic mode ensues
- he panics even more when he realizes Chopper is right!
- Zoro just straight up avoids this person, scared that once he opens his mouth, everything will be ruined
- he just has so many emotions and thoughts to sort through, hanging around them would only distract him
- but he can’t stop thinking about them!
- he’ll miss their scheduled naps and late night drinking during his time apart from them
- he gets antsy while he’s away
- he just has to see them, make sure they’re okay, it’s his job
- the Sunny is only so big, so he (luckily/unluckily?) does run into them every now and then
- it’s like the universe is just constantly pulling the two together and he doesn’t know what to do
- Zoro is not one to question fate, he usually follows his gut instincts, and his gut is screaming to confess to them
- the few days he takes to separate himself really proves to him just how much he needs them by his side; he realized just being around them is all he needs
- this realization gives him the confidence boost to confess, finally
- it’s a hella awkward confession, since Zoro is terrible with romantic words
- he’s like a mix between Kid and Law
- he’s definitely more blunt with his words, but he reassures them with an awkward (yet inviting!) hug or a rough kiss, scared his words aren’t good enough
- after a successful confession, Zoro likes to act tsundere around the crew once he and his lover are official
- but behind closed doors, and given some time, Zoro is a real softie
- when he falls, he falls hard
- and he gives himself to his partner whole-heartedly, no fears
- ok some fears, but none big enough to scare him away at least
- a very protective lover
- Zoro would never let anything happen to them!
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evartandadam · 8 years
Since it's the theme today: can you do more analysis' on Hidan's behavior, like I wanna see if you think he has similar mental illnesses that I think he does! He's so complex and such a mystery! What are your thoughts on how any illnesses and disorders erupted as he grew up? Through his religious path? Through the akatsuki? I'm so curious! :D
Hidan is very complex! Kishi did an amazing job on his character! I wish he gave him more of a background haha!
Ok, so first I will go over possible disorders, then talk about his general personality and behavior.
If anything, he has a personality disorder. I definitely think he has borderline personality disorder, and probably PTSD like all the other Akatsuki (I mean, honestly). Also probably depressed. Aaand probably a bit sociopathic, but that one’s complicated. I will talk about that last one in his general personality section. 
Borderline Personality Disorder:
Inappropriate or extreme emotional reactions- I would say so.
Highly impulsive behaviors- Oh yes.
A history of unstable relationships- Yeah.
Having an unstable or dysfunctional self-image or a distorted sense of self (how one feels about one’s self)- I think so, because of the kind of cult he’s involved in.
Feelings of isolation, boredom and emptiness- I think Hidan often feels alone, and bored. He seems to always be seeking conversation or something to entertain him. When bored, he gets lost in thought.
Difficulty feeling empathy for others- This is a tricky one, because I think as a kid, he definitely had trouble with this. Growing up, I think he is capable of empathy. And part of his faith is about sharing pain with others. So even if he struggled, he would try to follow this commandment and think of other’s emotions from that point on.
A history of unstable relationships that can change drastically from intense love and idealization to intense hate- I think so. He was probably proud of his village, and his place in it, but once they no longer needed ninja, he turned on it quickly, killing the elders and leaving to join a cult. He is no longer with his cult members- this can be taken many ways, but I feel that he probably left, believing he is the one true follower, and the others didn’t meet his standards. I think the cult is probably after him, actually. He is just on his own, running amuck.
A persistent fear of abandonment and rejection, including extreme emotional reactions to real and even perceived abandonment- I think Hidan definitely has abandonment issues. I feel he probably didn’t have a good home life, and he wants acceptance and validation, which is why he fell into the cult’s clutches. People who need acceptance are the ones who end up in cults.
Intense, highly changeable moods that can last for several days or for just a few hours- Like, I think Hidan has some control over how he acts, but inside, he feels elated one moment, and down in the dumps the next.
Strong feelings of anxiety, worry and depression- I don’t think Hidan is anxious at all. He has placed all of his trust in his god, and he fears little. But I do think he is depressed.
Impulsive, risky, self-destructive and dangerous behaviors, including reckless driving, drug or alcohol abuse and having unsafe sex- Hidan probably did self-destructive stuff before becoming a Jashinist. I think for him, Jashinism helps him stay under control, because of the regulations. Because he is so faithful and serious about Jashinism, he will try his best to follow the laws. I believe Jashinism would list these types of behaviors as sins. It’s funny he is named “hidan”, because I think of hidanism, the opposite of what he follows. I think he avoids self-indulgent behaviors, because they are seen as selfish and pleasurable. Jashinism is about destruction, not pleasure. He is still an impulsive person- that is just his personality- but he tries not to partake in really crazy activities, like those examples.
Hostility- Hahahahahaa well yeah.
Unstable career plans, goals and aspirations- I think before Jashinism, he struggled to find his purpose. He settled on being a warrior, and I think he worked very hard at it. But I don’t think he had trouble sticking to that goal. Like, he has a short attention span, but I think if he sets his mind to something, he can be very stubborn.
So, I think he has this just because realistically, this would be very common for ninja to have, especially ninja of his status. Whether the crappy things he’s seen bother him or not, I don’t know. Probably depends on how personal it is. I don’t think bloody war would bother him too much, but a bad family experience from is childhood would. So I think it depends on headcanons. I don’t think he would know that he has PTSD, and he wouldn’t complain about it or really bring it up if he did know.
I think literally all of the Akatsuki are depressed. I think Hidan is stuck feeling like nothing good comes out of life really, and part of him wants it to end. But then again, he is definitely a survivalist, so his instincts would prevent him from taking action. Jashin gives him a purpose, and his faith is what’s keeping him going. He is definitely into self harm, and likes to play it up as something raw, something that allows him to feel truly alive. But I think he feels bored and empty when he’s not stimulated, and he sits around brooding, thinking about life and death. He spends a lot of time pondering deep questions. People think he’s an idiot, but Hidan is farther along spiritually than most. He accepts death when it comes.
General Behavior and Personality:
The thing is, people can easily label themselves with all sorts of disorders, but most of these behaviors are normal in certain amounts. Hidan is rash, gullible, and misses some social cues. He is overly violent, and seeks validation from others. He is a mess. But I also don’t see him as being super crazy as a person? Like, he’s generally a likable guy, and he likes to talk to people. He also isn’t stupid in some ways. People diss his intellect too much. He is a good battle strategist and can actually read people pretty well. He has good instincts when it comes to people, I think. He is observant in ways others are not.
He is interesting, because he seems like he should be one thing, but after consideration, would actually be the opposite. Hidan is a bunch of contradictions, really. These opposite aspects of his personality add up to make… well, Hidan!
Messy, and yet, Orderly?
He likes to be clean, but I don’t think he is actually OCD. He is just a bit particular about some things. As an example, due to Hidan’s impulsive and outgoing nature, I would think he would have messy handwriting. But then again, he likes to be neat, and I think he would want his handwriting to be orderly.
He loves to bathe in the blood of his enemies, but he wants it washed off as soon as it dries. He hates bad smells, and slicks his hair back. He takes care of his appearance. I think he doesn’t bother wearing a shirt because a) He doesn’t like to wear clothes in general, and b) He knows the shirts will get ruined anyway, so what’s the point.
He also draws perfect circles hahaa and I know that’s just for the show’s sake, but I also like to think his circles have to be perfect, or it will drive him crazy.
But personality-wise, he cuts corners and doesn’t care about details. He just wants to get done what he has to get done. He’s not a planner in most cases. He is impulsive- instinctive.
Distrusting, and yet, Gullible?
He can be gullible, and easy to trick- The Jashinists converted him, and boy did they do a good job. He is pretty content following orders. But, Hidan is also suspicious of other people and their motives. He does still have to be convinced. It would just be easier to convince him than others, once you use his emotions in your favor. But then again, if he dislikes someone, or an idea, I think he would stick to his guns.
I guess a good way to explain this is Chizome- When Hidan will come across Hitomi in my story, he won’t like her. She is too friendly and charming, and everything about her seems too simple. He senses that she is hiding something. That she has other motives. Whether this is true or not, Hidan will not give up on his instincts. Even when Kakuzu assures him she is not an enemy, and calls him an idiot, Hidan still knows something is up. (And Hidan is right about her in some ways, and wrong in others).
I decided this would be his reaction to her, based on what I know about his character. Which is that he has good instincts about people in ways others do not. He is suspicious of other’s motives. And he is stubborn.
The reason he is suspicious of people in general is because of his own personal experiences in the past. I have my own hcs about his backstory (duh, I wrote a full thing about him that will be in Chizome), and I think he distrusts people, not only because his village betrayed him, but because he has had bad luck with personal relationships. My friend Dana does an excellent job at explaining his issues with trusting others in her comic, Akachou. He is distrusting, and she shows probably where it started.
Whiny, and yet, Tough?
Hidan drives Kakuzu up the wall with his constant commentary and whining. When Hidan is bored, he whines. He likes to complain about stupid, shallow stuff. But when it comes to his dark thoughts and feelings, I think Hidan would mostly keep them to himself, once in awhile making a comment, not caring if anyone is listening. Hidan is a tough guy, and doesn’t want to be seen as vulnerable. He doesn’t want pity. He thinks there’s no point in sharing feelings, or opening up to people. He thinks people generally don’t care.
He also won’t take pity on others if they whine. Well, he’s open for some mutual venting, sure, but he is into tough love.
Empathetic, and yet, Sociopathic?
Hidan was definitely one of those sociopathic kids who was a little too comfortable with violence and death, and scared other kids. But all children have sociopathic tendencies. What’s interesting is how he ended up.
I don’t think Hidan is a hardcore sociopath. I think it’s hard to get to him, because he has hardened his heart, as all of the other Akatsuki have, in order to protect himself. He has had crappy experiences, and it is just easier not to care about other’s problems.
I do think Hidan is a bit of a sociopath, because whenever I write him with others, and bad things happen to him, he isn’t as bothered as he should be. He thinks that is part of life, and what happened, happened. But I do think he is capable of making a bond with someone close to him. So, he’s not nearly as bad as Sasori, and he’s not dangerous strictly because it’s tougher to make meaningful bonds with him. I think he likes animals, even though I hc him torturing them (or at least not caring about them) as a child? I think he grows more empathetic as he ages.
Also, as I said, Jashinism is about sharing pain. And Hidan takes his faith seriously. If he is instructed to understand his victim’s pain, I think he would try to do so. After joining the cult, he tried to relate to others more. So for him, it would also be a conscious thing.
There are many others, but I’ll just post this for now :) I could talk about Hidan for hours, he’s very complex haha, as you said! I adore your blog, by the way!! Also would love to know your take on him, if you have a link! :D
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Aww, don’t worry!
(Seriously though, I’m really happy you’re back <3)
I didn’t even like Saiko that much when I first got into Re (she was like the least interesting Q to me), and now she’s one of my favs. Literally one of the only people who doesn’t have a nasty side. Urie/Saiko is now my OTP and if Ishida makes Urie sacrifice himself for Mutsuki or something I SWEAR I’LL DROP THIS MANGA (only we all know I won’t ;-;)
Yep, seriously. Touken has really bad timing. At this rate we can be sure their kid will choose to be born in the middle of a raging battle. (Why does that actually sound like a possible option)
Poor Shuu. I firmly believe that he’s going to confront Kaneki about Kanae at some point, and Kaneki will be forced to realize that just because he’s in love with Touka and is going to have a family now, doesn’t mean that he can just ignore everyone else around him.
WOW. Wait, who is that? Which anime/manga is he from??? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before… (those gifs are really cool 0.0)
Is it bad that I want to read the Kaneki Pamphlet.
Tatsuo would roast Shuu so badly tbh. You know he’s super passive-aggressive…
(I’ve only read a few chapters of HxH so far because I was so busy with FMA, but it seems interesting! The art isn’t very good and it has a very typical shounen-ish vibe, but the character designs are cool and the setting is interesting (I also can’t wait to actually meet all my problematic favs, because despite only just getting into the fandom Hisoka (AKA basically the HxH version of anime Tsukiyama- only, instead of wanting to eat the MC he wants to turn the MC into the strongest warrior and then fight him, ‘cause apparently violence and fighting a good opponent turns him on) and Illumi (AKA coldblooded assassin who’s obsessed with his little brother and just…has a lot of issues) are already my problematic favs.)
(is it bad that I sang/rapped along while reading that.)
I also have a huge crush on Lust and Olivier. Those two are just amazing. Though it’s a more complicated crush than the one I have on Scar because tbh, to me, Olivier and Lust are scarier than him XD so a mixture of fear and desperate ‘NOTICE ME PLZ SENPAI’ thing? lol
Yeah, from what I’m seeing so far Scar is getting a lot of cool development and I’m really happy about it :)
0////0 omg. That’s making me blush…though in reality, I feel like he’d be so done with me most of the time lol
Ok, this is just like with Urie/Luna and Shuu-Evans. LET ME MAKE HEADCANONS FOR THE QUEEN
-The first time you meet he immediately tries to hit on you. Unfortunately, Queen Luna is way too sarcastic and sassy for this loser and rejects him.
-He accepts that he’s been rejected, but he finds you even more interesting now and tries to make friends. That’s how you get to know each other.
-There’s a TON of sarcastic banter in this relationship.
-Though he’ll probably never admit it, Roy is impressed with how much you know/study and considers you one of the smartest, most dedicated people he knows. He truly respects you for that.
-He likes watching/listening when you play the piano. Sometimes he asks you to play a particular song and once you offered to teach him how to play- though that lesson somehow ended with a burning piano
-Later actually falls in love with you and decides he must ask you out, only to realize that he’s super nervous about ruining the friendship. He has to rely on Riza for help, and she suggests asking Edward as well, since 'teenagers seem to know more about romance these days’. Needless to say it does not go well
-Somehow, you do end up as a couple.
-After you become a couple:
-Roy often buys flowers for you, especially when he’s busy and hasn’t been able to see you that much. Eventually your house is swamped with flowers and you tell him that simple notes/letters are just fine.
-(doesn’t stop him from buying complex bouquets and asking you to figure out the flower meanings. If he gets you to blush with all the romantic flower language he won’t stop teasing you about it.)
-He always tries to take you on the most extravagant dates ever and sometimes you have to convince him that yes, just cuddling at home with a movie is also great and he doesn’t have to try so hard to impress you.
-Gets pouty when he finds out you have a thing for guys who wear glasses. Immediately buys some fake glasses for himself
-There isn’t a lot of open affection, since you’re an introvert and Roy may be a flirt but he isn’t quite the type who can make deep, touching, genuine speeches about how much he loves you and why. However, he has his own way of showing that he cares.
-He spends as much time with you as he can and either calls you or writes letters when work keeps him busy; he lets you know that you are one of the most important people in his world.
-Will spoil you to the point where other people tell him that you can’t just spend that much money on presents for your girlfriend, but he doesn’t care as long as you like the gifts.
-Sometimes worries that you’re too good for someone like him and that you’d be better off with someone else; actually tried to break up with you over this once but you managed to convince him to stay.
-He also loves talking about alchemy with you if you’re interested; if he ever teaches you some, you turn out to be a fast learner and he’s very, very proud (probably goes around showing off his genius girlfriend to everyone else)
(I’d like to make Greedling HCs too but unfortunately I can’t say I know him that well yet. I’ll definitely write some when I read more of the manga though ^^)
I’ll probably be able to submit a few pictures this weekend :D
I’m also a bit terrified of Kimblee XD he IS very interesting though. I don’t like him at all but I love how how complex he is.
Tatsuo is totally Sloth. He finds everything tiring. As long as Naomi survives and he has blood wine he just doesn’t care.
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This is a game called ‘Cinderella Phenomenon’, made by Dicesuki. It’s completely free to play, available on Steam, for pc and mac. 
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These are the dateable characters.  From left to right: Waltz, Fritz, Karma, Rumpel and Rod.
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This is Karma, the only route I’ve played so far. 
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This is also Karma. Yes, he casually crossdresses. 
Ah, the MC of the game is also a character I like because it’s one whose personalty I actually hate, but at the same time, I get where she’s coming from, and those characters are always a sign of good writing for me, because they make someone a bitch, but not a pure bitch who’s like that for the sake of being mean.
What i’m trying to say is, if you’re into otome games, this is a gem, so you HAVE to play it at some point.  Maybe not now, but at some point. 
Yeah, Saiko is a rare gem in TG, so it’s pretty much impossible not to like her. Because, wow, a nice person! That’s rare! (hopefully we didn’t jinx ourselves now)
I’ve… dropped TG again XD I guess I just don’t have the patience to deal with the mess that is Touken. And the last of Urie/Saiko. If Urie/Saiko happens, though, I’ll definitely pick it up again ^^;;;
Kaneki’s strategy in life seems to be ‘ignore it, hopefully it goes away’. Unfortunately, that strategy never works. So, he has some shit incoming soon. I actually kinda want to see the argument between him and Shuu…
Oh, it’s Hayama Akira from Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars. It’s an anime about cooking. Unfortunately, it’s also… Ecchi. So, if you’re not comfortable with those things, then I’d recommend skipping it. In all honesty, it’s not even that good.  But the food does look delicious ;-;
You’ve invented a new kind of stupid, a damage you can never undo kind of stupid. The open all the cells in Cochlea kind of stupid. 
Well, HxH seems… interesting to say the least. But from what I’ve heard, it gets VERY emotional later on, so good luck with that!
I wrote the whole thing from memory, so I honestly doubt rapping along is considered bad XD
Scar gets EVEN MORE development. Seriously, no matter where you are in the manga, he always gets more development.
You seriously have something against my heart, don’t you? Cause you make it die every time you send something like this T_T
Good luck with making me blush, because at this point, I am convinced I’m physically unable to blush. Because no matter how embarrassed I get, I never, ever blush. One of my friends tested me, when we were still in elementary school, by constantly making sexual innuendos around my crush, yet I never blushed. It’s fascinating, really.
Okay, but imagine Roy realising I like guys with slightly longer hair. I don’t know about you, but my mind immediately goes to a certain midget.
And since I’m pretty sure that, if I was an alchemist, I’d specialise in water alchemy (a, because it’s all around us and easily accessible, b, because the human body is made up of 60% water, so you’re able to do a lot of damage with it (as the freezing alchemist graciously showed us), even though I don’T think I’d freeze/turn people into steam, maybe just smaller body parts. Y’know, so I don’t exactly kill them), so we’d be a pretty dynamic pair.
Which alchemy do you think you’d specialise in?
BUt seriously, I can already imagine Scar being so so worried around you in the beginning, cause you always freeze up around him and he’s actually kinda hurt?? but he doesn’t want to admit it, cause he’s proud™, and then again, he doesn’t like it?? So he tries being gentler, nicer around you, so you stop looking at him like he’s a lion or something, and it actually takes a lot of effort on his part, but he’s trying to change, so he needs people NOT being afraid of him And eventually he succeeds and you’d no longer freezing up and he’s so freaking proud because the girl who honestly reminded him of a mouse at first is finally talking to him, and he feels like he’s accomplished a big step in life.  seriously, i can see him fussing over you so much, because he’s always, always worried he’s intimidating you, and he genuinely doesn’t want that
Tatsuo is the definition of a glorious bastard.
THE NEW CHAP OF KUROHITSUJI IS HERE!! And honestly, I’m a bit disappointed, because that’s it?? I mean, what exactly was the purpose of this chapter?? Probably to say that, yes, this actually IS Ciel, and they actually ARE twins, but I honestly never doubted that. But, hey, we got to see a panel from a long, long time ago drawn again, and we can see the art development:
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It’s actually beautiful to see how much Yana has improved over the years.
Oh, and I found this:
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AAAND I’ve also seen the new Spiderman! Peter is so pure ;-; And he’s younger than me. Wow. 
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