#mustache man supports trans rights
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I'm love ttyd so of course I was gonna make art when I heard the news
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years
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I really love @gloomy-prince​ ‘s trans Eddie comic so so so so fucking much. ITS SOOOO SOO well crafted and wholesome and always makes me smile or like gasp in some way everytime it updates
SOOOO I drew a lil fanart of the AU with Richie being silly right after the haircut because FUCK I love to imagine how supportive and cute all the losers would be with eddie, esp richie.... MY HEARTTTTTT !!!
ALT TEXT: a drawing of trans eddie with his hair short, having just been cut by richie. richie is behind him holding two strands of cut hair above his lip as if it is a mustache. he is smiling wide and saying “HOI. OIM MISTAH EDWARD K!!” while eddie rolls his eyes playfully and tries not to smile. 
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stan has to do it all himself in the end, as was richie’s intention XDDD
ALT TEXT: a 6 panel comic. In the first panel, richie and eddie are laying in the hammock, with eddie reading a comic book and richie just relaxing. In the second panel, there are “huffs” and “hrks” that are heard by richie. He looks over. In the third panel, stan is carrying a big box that says “bird books” and also a grocery bag. He looks tired. He says, “can one of you lazy fucks help me?” In the fourth panel, richie smiles and looks at stan. He says “You heard em eds, use them big man musk-les!” Eddie glances up from his book. In the fifth panel, eddie angrily throws his comic book at richie and says, “JUST BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT IM A DUDE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME ALL THE WORK, ASSHOLE!”. Richie goes, “LMAOOO”. In the sixth and final panel, Stan is still carrying his stuff and he looks annoyed as all hell. He’s squinting angrily. Meanwhile, richie and eddie argue off screen through speech bubbles.  “well idk I think it does!” “it does NOT!” “I mean... look, you’re strong enough!” “It’s NOT ABOUT being STRONG!” 
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transgenderpolls · 7 months
I'm a trans man and haven't started socially or medically transitioning in any way. I'm 25 but I do live with my mother, the details of which are irrelevant but it feels like i should mention it benefits her more than me. My mom is generally supportive of trans people, but to her knowledge she doesn't know any so I don't know how shed do with actually confronted with one.
I have come out to my mom sexuality-wise before, and she's never been nasty, but she does tend to refer to me as "confused" even though i came out as bi about five years ago. The worst case scenario I think is that she'd just sort of ignore it, but I feel like the possibility of having someone in my corner is worth it to try. Also she's my mom and I love her. So it would be cool if I could like, tell her about things. Because we're friends and we talk all the time about pretty much everything else.
Even if she took a negative stance and started trying to convince me not to transition, I think I would do it, and I plan on moving to somewhere it would be easier to transition anyway. This is part of why I want to tell her - so that I can present a real reason for wanting to move other than just leaving for no reason. Especially because I'd be moving a minimum of fourteen hours away, so it's not like I'd be able to pop back in whenever.
Also, even though I'm not on testosterone I have facial hair and grow substantial sideburns and have a lot of hair growing on my chin and upper lip. That hair isn't as thick so it's not a full beard/mustache, but it is definitely enough to be noticeable if you get close to my face. It runs in the family and my mom whines at me to shave it all the time and tells me its gross or whatever. I don't know if telling her the real reason I don't want to shave it would make her understand, or if she just doesn't like the thought of me being masculine at all.
I know I would have to tell her someday anyway, because I don't plan to stop talking to her when I move or anything like that. Somehow it feels like it would be easier to tell her when I've already begun transitioning, because I would have more proof that it makes me happy and right now its technically just a theory. But I also feel like if I don't go out of my way to tell her, there's a significant chance if I went on testosterone she would just never mention it, and I would never mention it, and while that's kind of funny, it's not really the situation I want to be in with my mom.
Also feels relevant to mention that really the only other family members we speak to are my sister and my aunt, so its not like there's a ton of familial relationships to fall back on for either of us.
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girlfromthecrypt · 5 months
i don't mind the rambles, don't worry. but yeah, honestly trans people even when we're not shown in media as specifically unattractive, we're not like. depicted as attractive either. we don't get to be like objects of attraction if that makes sense? we get to be like side characters and shit. and top surgery or any surgical scars are generally pretty damn taboo because ooOOOOoooo we're mutilating something or other or whatever the fuck it is. even irl, we're generally considered a stereotypically unattractive group. when trans people are rarely represented, we don't get to be like objects of attraction. we're usually "and here's the lesson! don't be mean!" one off characters or best friend characters (assuming we're not horrible stereotypes). plus a lot of medias arent eager to add us in in general in fear of losing their more conservative audiences.
it's totally fine when you rant, I do it too (as demonstrated by the above), I've had quite a few VN/IF creators apologize to me about like rambling about their games and like, I'm asking questions because i love the media. I get the feeling, cause I get that about other stuff. but seriously, info-dumping about something you've created that people love is awesome for fans (not to speak for all of us, but generally it seems to be)
Ngl I'm blind to a lot of that media portrayal bc I'm not entrenched in a lot of media anymore. I "conceived" Basil as trans from the start (he was a LI/supporting character in a nosleep story [horror writing subreddit over on Reddit] I never ended up posting), and in my mind, he was just always "him" and always pretty cute. I was comfortable enough writing a trans character bc one of my oldest friends is a trans man, and he let me ask him just about anything I wanted to know. Ofc I researched most of the necessary info on my own, but having him around was still helpful and very reassuring. (In hindsight, this is also making me kinda sad bc that friend and I have kinda drifted apart since...)
I was kinda hesitant about sharing though bc I was afraid of getting things wrong, but hey, if what you're saying about the mainstream portrayal of trans folk is anything to go off of, I'm probably doing okay (nervous laughter).
Actually, have an excerpt from the original story Basil appeared in! [Note: he's WAYYY dorkier and socially awkward in this than in Such Happy Campers. He's also a landlord in this, so the vanlife stuff and spiritualism is part of his overhaul for SHC. But original Basil makes the same amount of horrible jokes.] [more below]
I was prepared to camp outside that house. That turned out not to be necessary, as right at that moment, a peculiar-looking youngish man appeared in the doorway. Pieces of striped tapestry clung to his threadbare tracksuit and glue coated a good portion of his hair.
I asked him if he’d just been in a fight, and he assured me he’d merely been putting up new wallpapers in one of the apartments. When I asked whether he had something for me to rent on short notice, he was surprisingly cooperative. He introduced himself to me as Basil, and enthusiastically welcomed me to the house and the neighborhood. When we shook hands, our palms stuck together. 
“Sorry… I had an accident with the glue,” he explained, grimacing awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I got something to wash it off. You’d best come in.”
With a glance at our entwined fingers, I told him I obviously had nowhere else to go, to which he replied that one could say my hands were tied.
Been meaning to share this snippet for a while and this seems a good opportunity. This was how he "looked" at the time/how the main character describes him:
I admittedly always considered him very attractive, albeit goofy-looking with his fluffy blond mustache and mullet. Something about his appearance inspired trust and openness, and the warmth he exuded was more than welcome.
So yeah, that's some of Basil's history. In this old version, he was actually kind of insecure about his surgery scars (which were fresher at the time, and he hated a lot of his looks in general), which I ended up discarding because I much prefer him with astronomic levels of smugness. Like, I want him to be fully aware of how good he looks.
I'm very happy with the current version of Basil, and I'm glad I "saved" his character for this IF project instead of posting his story back then. I just realized (while I was writing the nosleep story at the time) that I LOVED writing him and wanted to have him there in a bigger project, which ended up being SHC.
Okay yeah I'm about to be one of those IF authors you mentioned bc now I need to apologize as well. I went on a huge tangent here. Hope this particular infodump was at least somewhat interesting to you! Either way, thanks so much for the talk.
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krtart · 1 year
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[Image description: A reference sheet depicting Diamond in his original body. He is an adult man of medium weight, with light brown skin, an epicanthic fold, a broad jaw, straight black hair, and a mustache and narrow beard. He wears a medical ID necklace. An info panel gives his name, pronouns, height (5’7”, i.e. 170 cm), and shows the trans and bi pride flags. Detailed description below the cut.]
On his original homeworld of Mars and in his original timeline, Diamond was an embittered former neurosurgeon who had found a new career as a QA coordinator at a cybernetics firm. He met Clemcy in the depths of his disillusionment; Clemcy offered to heal Diamond’s dysfunctional telepathy, and to teach him magic as well, in exchange for Diamond’s financial and technical support on his own projects.
Diamond took the deal, and several years of embezzlement and illegal experimentation followed. The two of them got along quite well with one another… so long as Diamond ignored Clemcy’s treatment of other people and the sneaking suspicion that this was not a deal that he could ever back out of safely.
(He eventually proved himself right. Having gotten what he wanted from Clemcy, and after discovering some of Clemcy’s lies and least savory pursuits, Diamond confronted him. In response to the perceived betrayal, Clemcy mutilated and killed Diamond for the first time.)
Detailed image description:
Diamond is illustrated once clean-shaven and with short hair, but otherwise, he is illustrated with long hair and a short, narrow beard framing his jaw. He occasionally has a thin strip of dyed or bleached hair at his forelock. In portraits and busts he is illustrated with tired or mildly irritated expressions. In one sequence of full-body illustrations he is shown with a sharp, somewhat mocking smile.
Diamond is illustrated in both his original Martian storyline as well as a contemporary AU. His Martian medical ID tag is a token with glowing yellow lines resembling stylized sutures; his contemporary AU ID is a medallion with a blue star of life symbol. He sometimes wears a thin black choker and black nail polish in either setting.
Diamond is illustrated in some busts with a pale blue turtleneck, in one waist-up image in a maroon blouse with puffy sleeves and three-quarters length cuffs, and in a sequence of full-body illustrations showing him in his underclothes and two outfits. These show:
In his Martian body, Diamond has very faint top surgery scars and a moderate amount of chest and body hair. He is not drawn shirtless in the contemporary AU.
A semiformal Martian outfit consists of a long-sleeved white undershirt, a dark blue tunic with ice blue trim and a wrap around his waist, loose black breeches, tall brown boots with no visible clasps or ties, a glowing wrist band, and a glowing drop earring.
A casual contemporary outfit consists of a pink mock-neck shirt, a very dark brown jean jacket, pale tan pants, hiking shoes, and small silver earrings.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
guhh im so bothered rnn (vent/rant)
so... i? idk. ive been out as trans in my house since 2020. my mom doesnt call me dom (sometimes she does if my sibling encourages her to, but she defaults back to my deadname anyways) and ive learned to accept it. i dont think she ever will and its sad for me, the reality that once i start my transition, ill need to just.. leave a lot of my family behind. they think its some rebellious choice like i hate all of them but im more worried about them hating me
my mom says shes supportive but is actively right wing, shes having an inner battle with her ideologies, i know that. i can tell by how she talks about homeless people vs how she talks about us being queer
so. whatever. thats my mom i guess. but for a long time, i wasnt out to my moms husband. i despise him and ive never intentionally started a conversation with him, let alone come out. ive started to not care about what he thinks. i know what he thinks, he thinks gays should die, said it straight to my gay siblings face. okay, cool. doesnt concern me, moms bf is absolutely fucking nothing to me.
to remedy this sort of like... we didnt wanna DEAL with what he might say if he heard both my siblings calling me dom, cuz both of them do, so whenever theyre around they would just refer to my deadname, but i saw it made them cringe, so now everyone calls me 'that one child'
that one, other one, etc etc
no one even calls me my name anymore
it makes me feel so hopeless. ive EXPRESSED it makes me upset but my younger sibling doesnt care (the one most guilty of it), because they dont understand why it upsets me, i guess thats enough reason to keep going
its so dehumanizing to be reduced to actually nothing. i ALREADY have heaps and heaps and HEAPS of identity issues. sometimes it gets so bad i start having crazy ass delusions, sometimes im not even present and its a different part of my mind in my body
its hard enough as is!!! now my family wont call me anything at all
it makes me feel less bad about leaving, but i dont think ill ever leave at this rate
need to start T, change my name, get a job, all in that order. starting T seems impossible at this rate. i.. dont know what to do. i cant keep LIVING like this, because im not living at all
i never leave my house because im too ashamed in how i look, i cant BEAR the thought of anyone else perceiving me as female, i cant fucking do it!!! im so tired. my house is like a prison for me, genuinely.
and my family dont get it, obviously. they think its my choice, im some kind of hermit who doesnt care about being outside because i have internet. they are so fucking wrong. i miss going out, i miss being around people, i miss existing like everyone else, but i just cant do it man. not like this
so it becomes a waiting game, when am i gonna bring up starting it? how do i even move forward once i do? what if she says no? id have to do it on my own but i cant.. i cant even order things for myself without freezing like shutting up will get me out of there, i cant fucking do it
she doesnt even know!! we were in the car together and she was like yknow theres people who cant even make a doctors appointment. what losers.
IM losers, would she have said that if she knew? does she know and decided to say it anyways? i dont know, but its just.. everything seems so hopeless at this point. i want to just give up, accept im not gonna be who i truly am, but man i cant stand being any more miserable
it makes me wanna cry, the only time i get to feel myself how i think i should be is either if i draw something fictitious, or if i spend hours in the mirror making sure i look masculine, my mustache is convincing, etc. AND FOR WHAT? literally for fucking WHAT, because i dont leave the house anyways!!!!! dolled up like i have somewhere to be, like my appearance will get me what i want, when im stuck at home! i got nothing to prove to them, they think what they think
its fucking dreadful. im so scared of my life passing me by, and here i am wasting away in my bedroom for the last 3 years. no progress, nothing. at first, i was scared about even starting T because theres a higher risk of heart disease, but. i dont fucking care if it KILLS me. i dont care!!! if it kills me i dont fucking care im not living the life i want to live anyways. the risk of death is worth it at this point, i mean that so seriously
idk. im just tired, is all. i wish everyone could perceive me the way i dream they would. only time that happens is online, or when im not with my family at all and instead with my friends. but we only hang out like. once in a blue moon
and yknow what? im not even safe then. i remember we were at my friends house for halloween last year (we always meet up). i had my full leatherface costume one, my face was touched up to make it look like the mask. and still. dressed that way, when my friends mom asked me what my name was, i said dom and she was immediately like. "oh, dominique?" no. my name is fucking DOMINIC.
i didnt say anything besides correcting her, but it was such a blow, man. the only time ill be happy is if im closely monitoring every single thing i do, to make sure i dont appear feminine at all. no matter how i look, now matter how deep my voice is. miserable. why would anyone think that id choose this
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grcetxt · 1 year
An excerpt from something I wrote in history class:
"In conclusion, I believe that the biggest factor in Germany supporting the [NASTY NONO MEN] and [BIG MUSTACHE NONO MAN] was fear. [MUSTACHE MAN] created fear among them, using the Jews as a scapegoat for their economic, social, and political problems. The people of Germany looked to radical authority due to the inflation and destitute conditions they were living in, so when [THE NONO MEN] blamed the Jews, so did they. Anyone who disagreed was silenced, so they decided it would simply be easier to agree"
sound familiar??
because just before ww2 [NONO] Germany is sounding alot like modern day UK. just replace [MUSTACHE MAN] with Sunak and the Jews with trans people.
same shit, different century
trans right are human rights, and we need to stand up for them while theres still time. people like Sunak should NOT be in any sort of position of power, let alone fucking PM.
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magnolia-sunrise · 7 days
The way you explore Bastien’s sense of identity through his presentation reminds me of an OC of mine, so they might see eye to eye in at least some respects! My guy Evan (he/him) is a fat trans man who figured out he was trans a little late into his teenage years because he was too preoccupied being the third parent to his three younger siblings. Eventually this fact about himself was too strong for him to ignore, though, and thus he quickly began the process of socially transitioning and gradually sought medical transition as well. He changed names several times throughout this period (Callum, Beck, Rory, and many others among them)
His parents… They weren’t *un*supportive, but in the very least his mother, who saw a lot of herself in her oldest child, indulged his desire to transition while never quite shaking his deadname out of her vocabulary, you know? Especially with him changing names *so* often, it’s just *so* hard to remember which one is right these days. And Evan wanted to maintain a relationship with his parents for a long time (honestly what he wanted was to stay close to his siblings, the youngest of whom is 13 years younger than him). It wasn’t until after he met his eventual spouse, Isador (he/she), who called him by the right name consistently, who encouraged him to experiment and figure out what he liked about being trans, and who showed him what supportive family looks like (Isador was raised by her grandmother who absolutely loves the hell out of her grandkid), that he eventually got the courage to confront his parents. This eventually leads to him going no-contact with said parents, although his siblings reach back out to him on their own
It takes a WHILE for Evan to feel comfortable circling back to femininity for himself, and to feel totally comfortable in his body even then. He grows out a beard and dresses in layers to kind of hide how his body looks underneath. He pushed his feminine hobbies and interests to the side Hard when he started socially transitioning, because he convinced himself he Had to, and instead leans hard into new hobbies like handiwork and cars. Once again he’s content to simply push through the feelings as though they’re small, until they’re too big to ignore. Years down the line, after he and Isador are married, he can admit to himself that Christina Aguilera may still be one of his favourite artists. After they have a daughter together, he comes back to the mending skills he learned as a kid in order to fix her dolls — and maybe even make her some, when he feels brave enough
Evan also tends to be good at reading people and social settings, and if he knew Bastien to any degree, I think he’d be thrilled to see how their sense of personal style and the way they carry themselves changes over time. It’s good to see :)
(Wolfgang and Isador would also absolutely queen out. That’s a separate thing skhdjssjg)
(sorry for getting to this a bit late i got this ask as i was heading out!)
helloooo Evan(and Isador!!) so nice to meet them :") <3 !
really really love how much care and love you put into his story and the realistic and long identity journey (some of the family stuff really hits so hard).
i don't post about this stuff much since its not relevant to the story and i like exploring my characters identities in relation to each other but Bastien left his family when he was fairly young to get himself out of that town and that deeply supressive environment and off to med school as far away as possible, and they've been no contact pretty much since. he used to be a twinkish dyke, and then a dykish twink early on in university and that environment was really fundamental in experimenting with gender and sexuality for him. he was also really lonely, and unsure of anything - getting himself DIY testoterone and then waffling whether he actually wanted to go on it, then waffling about some of the changes, then waffling about top surgery (so he spent some years walking around with mustache and tits) just. a lot of anxiety and stress all the time, they preferred to just put their studies ahead of anything else and only engage in sexuality in terms of one night flings on campus. then after one dramatic event and a shoulder injury, continuing studies was no longer an option and his life just. shattered.
this is where Matteo came into his life in a bigger way, and immediately he was someone really attractive because he seemed so confident, his life figured out, future lined out. it was intoxicating to be in the presence of someone so self assured without a care in the world. who in turn also accepted Bastien - at least back then, when he was a depressed twink Matteo could "save"- and motivated him. but ultimately it was like jumping from one form loneliness and isolation into another form of it, now depending on his cis partner, surrounded by Matteos cis rich friends. his body still changing, gaining weight, feeling unattractive to his partner and locked into specific way of gender and sexuality expression, losing sense of his identity and what they even wanted to do with their life. its so alienating.
all this is to say-- i think if Bastien knew somemone like Evan early on, he would have really loved to have a friend like that - someone going through similar experiences i feel like they could have found a lot of strength and support in each other :") i think if they stayed in touch and friendly over the years, they could have been really positive influences on each other and maybe Bastien would not have such deep seated issues opening up to other people and even to himself. lost in the thought imagining the happiness Bastien would feel visiting Evan's family and seeing the pure love and joy there and what it took to get there its just :"))))) maybe he even would have the strength to leave his unhappy relationship seeing what it's like to be *actually* really accepted when seeing how Isador loves Evan :"))
thank you for sharing!!
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Nashville shooting: Information still limited about shooter. Manifesto still MIA after being withheld for a lengthy period of time. Denial of reasoning being political. Democrats fundraised off the shooting by saying that trans people are in danger, as if the people shot that day were trans and not children and adults at a christian school.
Waukesha Massacre: An SUV who lacked a driver decided all on it's own to go run over protestors. Race and political affiliation of the SUV is unknown. The SUV was supposedly running from cops despite slow-rolling up to and past a cop into the crowd. SUV had a history of hitting others for fun.
Uvalde Shooting: We don't actually know anything. We should just ignore it. Nothing to see here. Must have been a sentient gun.
Texas Shooting: Life story, political affiliation, tattoos, family history, journals, social media posts, manifesto, youtubers they supposedly watched, type of ice cream they liked.
So for context let me put this in perspective. The Shooter in Nashville was a Trans person. The lunatic who drove the SUV was black. The Uvalde Shooter? He was mexican.
What did we find out from 98% of mainstream media? Fuck all. 2 of them got memory holed after their usefulness in pushing the stripping of rights in the US was basically done. Waukesha was STRAIT IGNORED. We got minimal coverage on it after the dozens of articles blaming potential white supremacists.....then his race came out and it quickly got removed and left to vanish into nothing.
The Texas shooter? Oh well see, he had a NAZI tattoo. What did they leave out? The fact he had gang affiliated tattoos as well potentially ties to Mexican Cartels. The fact that he WAS IN FACT a Mexican man and not even a light skinned Mexican man. BUT he had the right tattoos to push a narrative.
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What's more, aside from not being white at all. He seems to have checked every potential (Right wing nazi fascist) box that could potentially be checked. And the fact we got all the information as fast as we did. People were asking *as cited above* questions.
This would be like if a person were to assassinate Biden, then a big ass gift box showed up on the DOJ's door with the name, entire family line, dental records, current location of, and he'd not just be the biggest trump supporter but he'd have a hitler mustache, his room would be a shrine to nazi fascism, he's be the biggest racist on the known earth, and he'd listen to all the wrong youtubers as cited by a printout of all the people the assassin was subscribed to.
The info dump on this guy is insane and was SUPER fast. So either some of the information is planted. OR they knew about this guy for years and just let him do what he was going to do. And worst yet if he was not fully associated with a Cartel as is implicated in a few instances including with his tattoos, the FBI was likely responsible for facilitation of this. More so considering Primary season is approaching and they need more people to believe the lie that the only violent people in this country are right wing.
So. Dear News Outlets, Fuck you and your race baiting bullshit. Fuck you and your need to villainize people who are on the right. And fuck you for always putting when a violent person is white in the headline, but more or less no one else, unless they are apart the WRONG political ideals.
When civil war does happen, the side you are placating to? They will not spare you.
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hoiist · 3 years
I installed a body hair mod on the sims, my life has changed
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apricotbuncakes · 3 years
🏳️‍⚧️ Luigi is Trans Masc 🏳️‍⚧️
Long Post!!!
Now that I have your attention, here are some reasons that I headcanon Luigi as trans, based off of my own experience as a trans masc person.
1) He ghosts hunts even when he has the option to say no.
Could this be a ‘I have to save my loved ones from danger’ or a ‘this is the right thing to do even though I’m scared’ situation? Yeah! But I’m trans and grasping for straws, so let me have this.
I put this as a reason for him being trans, because I believe he’s doing it because he’s a man and he’s ‘not supposed to be afraid’.
Luigi is assumed to be 24, and his character was first introduced in the 1980s, specifically 1983. Assuming he was 24 when the first game released, he would have been born in 1959 (feel free to check my math on that).
Although his character was introduced in the 80s where men tended to be more feminine and flamboyant, he was probably raised with the idea that men should be tough and strong, and should lead. Even if we throw release date and age aside, even if he was born in my generation, those stereotypes of men still exist and are taught within society. Even as those norms are being broken day after day, he would have still been exposed to the toxic masculinity.
Luigi, from what we’ve seen of his adventures, tends to be more scared and less ‘tough’ than what was expected of a man. From what we know of Luigi, we can safely assume that (if he was trans) he would be doing this not only for his family and friends, but to prove he was tough and strong, and that he was manly.
2) He dresses like his brother.
Yes, he is a plumber by trade, but he also ghosts hunts, and makes bank off of that. You think he would wear a different outfit when he ghost hunts simply because denim Isn’t meant for physical activity. Anyone who’s run in jeans knows that it isn’t exactly meant to be stretchy. It’s (supposed to be) designed to withstand the test of time. So why doesn’t Luigi change from plumbing cloths (specifically his denim overalls) to something more suited for the running he has to do in various places for ghost hunting? Because Mario wears overalls and a t-shirt.
From what I’ve seen on social media, other trans people follow the lead of those around them who match their gender identity/their presentation. I would do the same was well. I would look at what my dad wore, what my brother would wear, and what guys at school wore. I developed my style after what I had seen, so I could pass.
While you don’t have to pass to be trans (or even have the desire to), it’s a common theme amongst trans people to try and blend in with cis society. This can be for safety reasons, or just because they want to fit in with their peers.
Luigi clearly looks up to his brother, crying tears of joy whenever Mario is saved from King Boo. He congratulates him when he wins events. He supports him, because he looks up to him. They’re brothers after all!
It makes sense that Luigi would mirror Mario, since they are so close. Since Mario is most often seen wearing his overalls, Luigi follows suit, because it’s what he believes guys do. He’s following the example that Mario set for him.
3) Luigi’s view on gender expression.
Luigi has had a couple of instances where he is known to ignore typical gender stereotypes, specifically with dresses.
In the game super Mario Odyssey, Mario can be seen wear a wedding gown with a veil, and Luigi is only concerned that Mario didn’t tell him about the wedding. There was no wedding, and Luigi didn’t mock Mario when informed that his brother was wearing the gown for fun.
The second major instance is from the New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe website. The website tells us that only Toadette can use the Super crown. The last part of the Super Crown’s description says “Sorry Luigi- Only Toadette can use this item!”
While this could point to Luigi being trans fem instead of trans masc, I would like to point out that recently, it has become more accepted that men can dress feminine. Since this game was released in 2019, it’s completely possible that Luigi has caught onto this, and is becoming more accepted and accepting of his femininity as a man. This would also be plenty of time to unlearn harmful stereotypes from when he was younger, about what men can and can’t do. Although he still sticks with old habits, he’s learning more about how the world around him works, and how it’s changing day by day.
I believe that Luigi has a better understanding of gender and gender expression because he is trans. He’s learning to accept that he doesn’t have to be hyper masculine to be a valid guy.
4) How he got his mustache and flat chest (and… other stuff).
This section will be discussing the effects of hormones, surgeries, and genitalia. Please keep this in mind as you read.
This is more of an explanation for how certain things happened.
How did he grow a mustache? Testosterone. It was likely after helping his brother with his career, and winning sporting events he had a good amount of income to start Testosterone. Another option? Minoxidil. Minoxidil was tested to see if it could cure ulcers in the 50s. Through testing, The Upjohn Company discovered it opened blood vessels and allowed for blood to flow more smoothly. In the late 70s, it was FDA approved for patients to use if they suffer from high blood pressure. Through this, they discovered that minoxidil also has the side effect of hair growth. The FDA approved the product to be sold, and it was called Rogaine. Meaning Luigi would have had access to something to grow facial hair, even if testosterone wasn’t an option.
What about his flat chest?
Binding or Top surgery. Both were an option by the time Luigi was old enough. Laurence Michael Dillon was a trans person who was born in 1915 and died in 1962. While I do recommend you look at more of his story, what I want to focus on is the fact he had top surgery. While the surgery was still fairly early in it’s development, it was possible. Luigi, who wasn’t born until 1959 (as previously discussed) would have the option to get top surgery when he became an adult.
Another option would be binding, though I think this is less likely because of how binding restricts physical activity. Binding in any way makes it difficult to run or exert yourself in general. We see Luigi run a LOT in various games, and for decent amounts of time too. It’s less likely that he’s binding.
The last thing is his penis.
There was a huge joke going around about the bulge we saw in a promotion for Mario Tennis Aces. People were discussing how large it was, and Even Mattpat on Game Theory discussed the measurements to determine how large it was.
Why was it so noticeable? Well bottom surgery was also an option for him pretty early on. Surgeons (from what I’ve been told be social media) will ask how you’d like to look like. Even if he decided to not get bottom surgery, he could be wearing a packer.
A packer is anything you use to give the feeling and or appearance of a penis, specifically used by trans masc people who were not born with a penis. There are many different types of packers (including clean rolled up socks) that people may use. What’s most important to note though, is they have a high chance of moving around.
Even with harnesses or underwear specifically designed to keep a packer in place, they can still shift around in your pants, especially when you’re doing a lot of moving. From my experience, my packers tent to move forward rather than back. Wearing athletic shorts will also make that area more pronounced as the fabric is looser, so if Luigi was wearing a packer, we’d know.
5) He’s trans cause I say so.
Like I said in the beginning, it’s a head canon. I say he’s trans because it’s a cool idea. A Nintendo character that is trans, and isn’t being hidden, explained away, or made fun of (like Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door). I like the idea that Luigi is a proud trans guy, and we don’t know because it doesn’t matter. He’s a guy because he’s a guy. He doesn’t just ‘become’ a guy because he goes through surgeries or goes in hormones. He’s trans, and t doesn’t matter if we know or not, because his trans identity isn’t important to the story we’re playing, or our knowledge to know. We aren’t entitled to it.
He’s a guy who happens to be trans, and that’s that.
If there is any misinformation above, please let me know so I can correct it. This was meant to be a fun post about my head canon, but I did use real world examples t explain it, and if I got something wrong, I’d like to know. Thanks!
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fantabulosabasket · 3 years
“In the name of love, sincerity, and knowledge, and with a clear conscience, I have dealt with the most profound and delicate problems. I challenge and have little regard for laws, customs, and conventions. Because I reject that which is false, that which is not the fruit of love. And if laws, customs, uses, and conventions serve hatred and falseness, I shall want nothing to do with them.”
     - Aldo Mieli, preface to Il libro dell’amore, 1916
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(Drawing of Aldo Mieli, a man with short, swept-back hair and a dark, trimmed mustache. He wears round-framed glasses and is smiling slightly.)
Aldo Mieli was a Jewish Italian gay man, socialist, internationalist and pacifist, a pioneer of early gay rights, and one of the founders of the history of science. Born in 1879, he founded the journal La Rassegna di studi sessuali in 1921, through his publishing house (Leonardo da Vinci, or L.D.C): opening the door to contributions and debates encompassing the perspectives of Catholic moralists, laymen, psychologists, endocrinologists, sexologists, creatives and scientists on a range of topics related to sexuality and gender. Mieli, along with a mysterious collaborator known only as Proteus, contributed extensively on the topic of homosexuality.
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(Frontispiece of the first issue of La Rassegna di studi sessuali)
La Ressegna embraced the contribution of German sexologists, and in fact Mieli became a close friend of Magnus Hirschfeld. Frustrated by Italy’s more tentative approach to the emerging status of what we would now call gay rights, Mieli advanced the work on sexuality and gender being done at the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin. The example that Germany provided led Mieli to organise the second World Congress of the League for Sexual Reform, originally slated to be held in Rome in June, 1922 (the location was later switched to Germany for economic reasons).
Mieli moved to France in 1928, however in 1939- unable to return to fascist Italy, and at risk from the advancing Nazi front in France- Mieli fled Europe for Buenos Aires, where he took up a teaching position and worked to found and direct South America’s first institute for science and history. Towards the end of his life, he poignantly wrote:
“In Italy, Fascism has destroyed all movements for redemption by introducing a true reign of hate. However, there is no doubt that I have been able to awaken a sense of human solidarity in some souls. For years I have fought, written, and taken action in support of a better comprehension of sexual life in an effort to overcome strongly rooted false ideas and proclaim a kingdom of physical and spiritual love. I am sure I have obtained some results and convinced some dubious souls. However, it appeared as though all my efforts had ended in failure when another morality based on power, imposition, and superstition began to dominate and reduce populations to slavery.”
Source: The Enemy of the New Man: Homosexuality in Fascist Italy, Lorenzo Benadusi, trans. Suzanne Dingee and Jennifer Pudney
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years
 Part 3 of the Reba au. Pat one and part two.
Summary: The weekend comes and Janus deals with paperwork, one-night stands, and meeting his ex-husband's new boyfriend. 
A/N: So I went on a vacation to see @forever-forgotten-angel and took a break from writing. But I'm back and writing! Special thanks as always to @amazon-me-bitches and my qpp @forever-forgotten-angel for beta reading this fic! And now, without further ado, my fic.
When Janus woke up on Friday things seemed almost normal. He dropped Emile and Remy off at school, Patton agreed to pick them up. Virgil had ridden with Thomas, which meant that Janus didn’t have to worry about any pickups today. That was good, considering he was working late. He had a trial coming up in two weeks, a factory worker who’d been injured on the job due to company negligence of machinery. Janus had been happy to take the case. 
 Of course, it meant that he wasn’t leaving the office until 8 PM. Janus yawned as he left the office, ready to get home and sleep. It would be lovely. A full night’s worth of sleep and then the weekend. Not that he wouldn’t be working of course. But his home office was far superior to the one he had at work. Maybe he’d take the boys out for a picnic if he had time. That would be nice. Emile had been wanting to go to the park and see the ducks before it got too cold. They could feed the ducks.
Janus was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud clang. He reached for his pepper spray, better safe than sorry. There were clangs, seeming to come from a dumpster next to the parking lot. It was most likely a raccoon but Janus wasn’t taking any chances. He began quickly walking to his car, eyes trained on the dumpster the whole time. He was halfway to his car when the source of the noises showed itself.
 Janus prided himself on his eloquent speech but all he could find it in himself to say was, “What?”. Brilliant Janus, just brilliant. 
 It was a person, taller than Janus. They had dark curly hair from what Janus could see, and a mustache as well. They held a possum in their arms. Janus blinked, “What did I tell you about running off Tallulah? You’re not going to find any tasty treats in a law office’s dumpster. We have to go to taco bell for that. The only thing you’ll find in there is paper, office supplies, and-”, they looked up and made eye contact with Janus, “And the sexiest man alive.”
They’d ran up to Janus before he had a chance to react, “Hello sexy. Are you a lawyer? Because it’s illegal for someone to be as sexy as you are.”
 “Sorry about that. I tend to get over-excited.”, they offered a hand out to shake, “I’m Remus. He/him pronouns.”
“Janus.”, he found himself saying, “He/him pronouns. What exactly were you doing in the dumpster?”
“How dare you insinuate that Tallulah is merely a pet. She is my baby.” 
 “Oh! Tallulah here thought she could get snacks in that dumpster over there so I had to get her out.”, he held up the possum in his arms.
“Right. And Tallulah is your pet?”
 “Well, it appears your baby wants to eat office supplies.”, Janus reached out to pet the possum in question,  scritching her ears. He smiled as she leaned into the touch. He smiled at the sight.
 “Believe me she doesn’t want that. I’ll take her to taco bell. She enjoys their burritos. You’re more than welcome to join if you want?”, it was a stupid idea. They’d just met, Remus was a total stranger. He could be a serial killer for all Jan knew.
 Message sent to Patton at 8:23 PM.
 “Hey Pat, don’t wait up for me. I’m gonna get take out on the way home. Make sure Remy’s homework is done before he plays on the Switch.”
Taco Bell, Janus thought, was best enjoyed at night. They’d gotten fast food and now sat out in the parking lot, a feast of fast food laid out before them. He watched as Tallulah happily ate her promised bean burrito. It was nice, relaxing even. Janus smiled as he watched, “So how does one end up with a pet possum?”
Remus grinned, “I birthed her from my womb.”, seeing Janus’ unamused expression he turned serious, “I rescue animals. She was rescued from an exotic pet dealer. She can’t be rehabilitated into the wild, unfortunately.”
“I see. She’s very sweet.”, Janus continued petting the possum in question, “So what do you do with your time? Besides rescue possums and climb into dumpsters of course." 
 “I’m a midwife actually.”, Remus grinned. Janus looked over to where he had unhinged his jaw to deepthroat his burrito like a snake. He waited for Remus to finish before speaking. 
 “A midwife?”
 Remus nodded, “Yeah. I make bank. Which is nice cause it means I can foster lots of animals.”, he continued deepthroating the burrito.
 Well, that was unexpected. Janus stared at the man in front of him delivering babies and truthfully he couldn’t picture it. Remus seemed more like the type of person to go into a job that didn’t involve babies. He seemed more likely to own a demolition derby, “You don’t seem like the type. Can I ask a dumb question?”
 “Well, it’s not a question. I just didn’t know men could be midwives.”
 “It shocks a lot of people actually. Most people don’t think women would be comfortable working with me.”
“I’m guessing that’s not true.”
 “I work with trans men mostly. Having a trans midwife is reassuring. I know what they’re going through. And sometimes cis midwives can be judgy.”
“You’re trans?”
 “Is he?”
“Well then.”, Janus took a bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully, “My son’s pregnant.”
 “Yeah. It’s been super stressful because he’s 17.”, Janus sighed, “How much would it cost for you to work with us? Any resources would be helpful.”
 “For you? I’ll do it for free. I know all too well what it’s like to be a pregnant teen. And I think you’re cute.”, he winked and Janus felt his face warm in a way he hadn’t felt in years. 
 “You- you got pregnant as a teen?”, he forced himself to get out. Remus nodded and for a brief second Janus thought he saw a tear in his eye. 
 “Yeah but I miscarried. Lack of resources and all. So now I make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.”
 Message sent to Patton at 11 PM
 “That’s amazing. You have to let me pay you though.”
“I told you, helping a cutie like you out is payment enough.”, he leaned forward, “I wouldn’t mind a kiss though. That is, if you’re agreeable?”, Remus leaned forward and Janus could smell his cologne. The warm, spicy, citrus scent drove him wild. It was like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, staring at the abyss below. And Janus was happy to fall.
 Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be back late.
Patton Picani-Hart had never been a morning person. Sure, he wanted to be; but late nights at the restaurant and his sleep schedule meant that he had trouble pulling himself out of bed in the morning. It also meant he could barely function without at least three cups of coffee. He was currently standing in front of the coffee maker, staring at it as if he could will the coffee to brew faster. 
 It had been a long night. Janus had to work late, which meant it was up to Patton to pick up Emile and Remy from school and drive them home. Luckily Virgil and Thomas had agreed to watch them because then he had to rush back to the restaurant for the dinner shift. He got back by 11 to all of the kids asleep and leftover greek food waiting for him. He’d been so tired that he’d eaten the food and fallen asleep immediately, never seeing the message he had from Janus.
 He hadn’t seen it until the morning when he awoke to Emile sitting on his chest asking for food. A quick check of his phone revealed it was 9 am and Janus had stayed out all night. So Patton did the only thing he could do; he got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.  Six breakfast burritos later, and he was beginning to wonder where Janus was. Clearly, he’d had a good night if he was gone for this long. At least he hoped it was good. Regardless, it was good for Janus to start exploring romance again if he was ready. Hopefully, the relationship would be good for him. He couldn’t wait to hear the details. 
 Patton was considering calling him when there was a jingle of keys at the front door. Janus walked through the door. His hair stuck out in multiple directions, his suit was unkempt, and Patton could see multiple hickeys on his chest. It had been a good night after all. He handed him a cup of coffee, “Good morning. Looks like you had a good night.”
 Janus blushed and Patton knew exactly how good of a night he’d had. He grinned as he watched the man in question try to come up with an excuse, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”, his ex may have had a silver tongue, but that all went away when he was flustered. 
 “I’m not mad. You seem to forget that we’re separated, soon to be divorced. Going out is healthy.”, Patton handed him a plate of food with a smile, “So who is he?”
 “His name is Remus and we met last night. He’s nice. I invited him over for dinner Tuesday night.”, Patton frowned. Having a one-night stand was one thing, heck dating was fine. But bringing this guy around the kids after one date didn’t seem like the best idea. 
 “I support you dating Jan, but don’t think you should date a little bit longer before bringing him home. Virgil won’t mind but it might confuse Emile and Remy.”, it was the truth. The boys would be confused if Janus introduced them to a new boyfriend and then it didn’t work out. Best to wait until it was serious. That was what Patton had done.
 Janus blinked as if it was a new idea to him. “Pat, I’m not introducing him as my boyfriend. He’s a midwife. I invited him over to meet Virge. I thought it might be a good idea to have a midwife as well as an OBGYN.” 
 Patton sighed in relief; he didn’t want to sound like a jealous ex, especially when he’d been the one to ask for the divorce. This Remus coming over as a midwife was different though. And it meant that he wouldn’t have to worry if the kids would be confused. Speaking of the kids, Emile ran in at that moment, practically bouncing in his shoes, “Is breakfast ready yet?”
 Janus smiled at their youngest, picking him up and balancing him on his hip, “Yep. How about you go get your brothers and then we can eat.”, Emile nodded and ran off as fast as he could. Janus nodded and went to leave the kitchen, “I should go change.”
Pat nodded, a thought coming to him, “Virgil wanted to come to help me prep for lunch rush today at the restaurant. Could you pick him up before the dinner rush? I don’t want to stress him.”, Janus nodded before leaving, leaving Patton alone to wonder what this Remus was like.
Janus hummed as he drove to Pat’s. He’d spent most of the day in the office today, getting caught up on his paperwork. He’d promised to take the boys to the park tomorrow for a picnic, which meant he had to get it all done today. Thomas had luckily agreed to watch Remy and Emile once Pat and Virgil left to prep for the day, giving Janus ample time to work. 
 Soon 5 o’clock came around and Janus was leaving to go pick up Virgil. He was sure that Virgil would be ready to go home. Janus had seen just how busy the restaurant could get during the dinner rush. Virgil may have wanted to be a chef, but he wasn’t ready for that. Especially right now.
 He pulled up behind the restaurant, parking in the employee parking lot. Inside he could see the kitchen was a flurry of work, prepping as much as possible before it got truly busy. Waving to the kitchen staff, Janus headed to the back office where he knew Patton would be finishing paperwork before he went to go work in the kitchen. Virgil would most likely be in there with him. Only he didn’t see Virgil when he entered the office. 
 Patton stood in front of his desk, kissing an unfamiliar man as if his life depended on it. Janus blinked before realizing this must be the Logan he’d heard about. He quickly realized he was staring and, unsure of what to do, coughed to announce his presence. Patton jumped and turned around, Logan blushing and looking down. 
 “Janus, hey, what are you doing here?”, Patton looked flustered, like they weren’t divorced, “This is Logan, I told you about him.”, behind him, Logan nodded, still blushing too much to properly speak.
 “Nice to meet you, I’m here to pick up Virgil. I said I’d be here at 5, remember?”
 Pat’s eyes went wide, “Is it 5 already? I need to go get started in the kitchen.”, he moved away from Logan and ran to put on his chef’s coat, “Virgil was taking inventory in the fridge. Janus nodded and left the office, hearing Logan saying he should get going as he left.
 He did in fact find Virgil in the freezer, stocking ingredients and taking note of what was low. Upon seeing his dad he handed the list to a cook before standing up to leave. They got to the car, Virgil getting in, and Janus was about to when he heard someone call his name.
 Logan stood in front of him, looking made together and not at all how he looked when Janus had seen him earlier, “Yes?” 
 Logan took a deep breath before speaking, “I just wanted to apologize that we had to meet like that. I wanted to meet you and the kids properly, not having you walk in on me kissing Patton goodbye.”, Janus nodded in understanding.
 “It’s fine. Patton and I were separated before you two started dating. Just treat him right. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about him. He has a good heart and I don’t want to see that heart broken.”
 “I never want to hurt him.”
 “Then we’ll have no issue. Goodbye then.”, Janus got in the car, giving the man a wave before driving off. He turned to Virgil, who was listening to music next to him, giving him a tap on the shoulder.
 Virgil looked up at him, taking off his headphones before speaking, “What’s up?”
 “How does Indian sound for dinner?”, Virgil nodded and Janus set off to get take out. There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again, “Virgil, you don’t mind if your father and I date again, right? I mean date people that aren’t each other.”
 Virgil shrugged, “It doesn’t bother me. You two are getting a divorce, dating seems to make sense. And I know you’ll both always be here for me and Remy and Emile.”, Janus nodded, comfortable in the fact that he knew at least one of his kids was ok with him dating.
A/N: We finally meet Remus and Logan. All that's left is Roman, who will be in the next part.
 Disclaimer: Possums are not pets, they are wild animals. Furthermore, I do not know their diet but I'm taco bell isn't part of it. Tallulah is a magical possum and real-life rules do not apply to her. Do not inbox me saying possums don't eat bean burritos. 
Besides that, I'm taking prompts for this verse, so if you have prompts send them in! I'd love to see your hcs for this au. And as always, if you like this fic, leave a comment. Thank you for reading!
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crossdreamers · 4 years
Norwegian trans man makes some important observations about J.K. Rowling and the anti-trans “feminists”
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Luca Dalen Espseth  is one of Norway’s best know transgender activist. He is blogging over at “Best med bart” (”Best with a Mustache”.) In a recent blog post he made some very good observations about J.K. Rowling and her fake sympathy for transgender women.
Under the headline “Keep Rowling Rowling Rowling”  (Google translation here) he asks why Rowling hasn’t come out in support of black trans people. She had, as Luca points out, a golden opportunity to say that the feminist struggle must be anti-racist and trans-inclusive. But she didn’t.
The anti-racist movement in the US's response to this is that tens of thousands of people this weekend have taken to the streets under the slogan "Black Trans Lives Matter".
Because anti-racists see that melanin-rich transgender women are subjected to a complex form of discrimination that deals with racism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny and their interaction.
Rowling wrote "I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans."
Luca wants to see pictures of Rowling in a parade.
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More than 15,000 turn out for the ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ rally in Brooklyn. JKR was not there.  Photo: Julie Ann Pietrangelo via Twitter.
Educated as a high school teacher/master in biology, Luca finds it painful to read Rowling’s statements about biology. 
No trans people have said that genitalia, chromosomes and hormones do not exist.
We have said that it is society that requires people with Y chromosomes to call themselves men. The so-called biology does not.
We have said that every body is different and what kind of body you have should not determine what kind of life you can live.
We have said that your experience of who you are and what gender you are is an important and fundamental part of your identity, and something you decide on yourself. You have some basic feminism 101, right there.
Transgender people also fully acknowledge that women who were assigned female at birth can experience parts of the world in a different way than women who were assigned male at birth. That's why we're talking about trans women and cis women
Luca points out that trans women are not a threat to cis women. However, cis women can be a threat to trans women when they discredit, discriminate and marginalize them.
They may also represent a threat to cis women with a masculine gender presentation, Luca says, because these cis women actively ask people to police the gender and gender expression of other people.
Men must be held accountable for what they do, Luca argues. Do not blame women for what men do. This is also basic feminism.
To say that women's spaces are unsafe because of some types of women is discrimination. Few would have accepted it if I said that lesbian women are a threat to heterosexual women. 
(If you read the Google translation, keep in mind that the word “tog” means both “train” and “parade” in Norwegian. Google is getting a bit confused, I see. Maybe the AI thinks Luca is referring to the Hogwarts Express. )
Top photo: Frøydis Falch Urbye 
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brandstifter-sys · 5 years
Love Like Winter
Word Count: 2362                         (Ao3)
Pairings: Dukexiety, Roceit
Rating: T
Warnings: Trans!Remus, Sex Mention
Just in time for Cheap Candy Day, here’s a Dukexiety soulmate au with a twist. And it’s a song fic, so might as well link that here
Warn your warmth to turn away Here it's December everyday (I like that)
It was strange how much emphasis was put on soulmates in this society. Remus hated it. Everyone had their soulmate's name in their handwriting marked on their body. It was supposed to be magical when you meet your soulmate after searching for ages. 
Remus knew his soulmate and he knew that the man he was destined to be with wanted nothing to do with him. He sat on his bed, holding an old photo from when he was just starting high school. He was such a wily girl back then, with wide green eyes and a wild brown mop. He had to laugh at how even then he wanted the mustache. He was sitting on an emo boy's shoulders cheering. 
Virgil. He absolutely adored Virgil with his snarkiness and wit. He was mean a lot but he was kind and caring. He was everything, and his name was on Remus' wrist in purple ink. 
Press your lips to the sculptures And surely you'll stay. Love like winter For of sugar and ice I am made, I am made
In his other hand he held a tiny clay spider that he made in pottery class junior year. It was a gift he could never give. His heart shattered as his fingers trailed over the fragile legs. He was just as fragile and his sweet caring side ached. He brought the cold glossy sculpture to his lips and let the icy memory fill him. 
It's in the blood. It's in the blood I met my love before I was born
Remus, before he knew he was Remus, skipped down the bland school hallway, violating the dress code in his short shorts and tube socks, as usual. He was going to meet up with Virgil behind the school. He was so excited, ready to show Virgil his mark and to give him the little figurine he finished. 
He crept out the door and into the sunlight. No one was outside but as he rounded the building he spotted the emo himself, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. 
"Virgil!" Remus sang and skipped up to him with a bright grin. Virgil spotted him and offered him one of his shy smiles that could melt the ice caps, killing multiple species and destroying the climate as we know it.
"You showed, Beets. Didn't think you'd actually want to come to the make out corner with me." 
"Are you kidding? I could feel it in my soul!" Remus giggled, "And I have something for you besides this bod." 
"Bod!?" Virgil yelped and went red, "I'm not ready for that kind of thing!" Remus giggled and stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket. 
"I mean I'm down for kissing or whatever." Virgil rambled, "I don't want to move too fast."
"Breathe, Scare Bear. How long have we been friends? Long enough for you to know that I run my mouth." Remus cooed, "And long enough that you're out of ways to shut me up!" 
"Am I really?" Virgil questioned. He shrugged and tapped his lips.
"I dunno, are you?" Remus jeered, pressing his entire body against Virgil's. Virgil huffed and leaned down to press their lips together. 
Stars exploded at the contact. A warmth that Remus could only dream about filled his chest as he dragged Virgil down to deepen the kiss, bringing about more of the pure magic coursing through his veins. Virgil grabbed his waist and gently tugged on his bottom lip before snaking his tongue into one willing mouth.
He wanted love I taste of blood He bit my lip and drank my warmth From years before 
"That was amazing." Remus breathed when they finally pulled away, "I guess it's true what they say about soulmates." 
"Soulmates? I like you, a lot, but we're not soulmates." Virgil pouted, "I don't need to be your soulmate to like you and care about you, do I?" 
"But look!" Remus rolled up his sleeve to show off his mark. Virgil's face went pale and he shook his head. 
"That isn't me. I'm sorry... this was a mistake."
"A mistake!?" Remus shouted with tears welling in his eyes
"I'm not that Virgil. I don't want to play rebound or make you think we're destined to be together."
She exhales vanilla lace I barely dreamt her yesterday
Remus set the sculpture and photo on the end table and sighed, wiping his eyes on his arm. The woman in the bed next to him was stirring. Elisabete was definitely not his soulmate, a cuddle buddy who would indulge him occasionally, but she was, first and foremost, his friend. 
"Good morning, Remus," she said with a yawn and sat up, "Have you been up long?" 
"Hmm? No, not really. How did you sleep?" 
"Fine, fine. Though I did leave you a note when I got up in the middle of the night. I'm completely relaxed." she hummed and directed his attention to the mirror across from him. She had to use his favorite black lipstick, of course she did. And of course she was lying.
Read the lines on the mirror Through the lipstick trails Por siempre
"'Amigos mejores, por siempre'" Remus read aloud, "You've been practicing." 
"I have. You told me your twin is fluent, and I want to impress." she shrugged and pulled her hair back to reveal the extent of the birthmark on her face, "Portuguese won't do much good, especially if he's the elegant Roman who's on my calf."
"Oh that's definitely his handwriting." Remus mused and stared past the wall. He was going to help her find her soulmate, probably his goddamn brother, and he would lose the only physical comfort he ever got anymore. He was jealous, but happy for her, Roman was super supportive of trans women so Liza was safe. It didn't keep the ache in his chest away.
She says it seems you're somewhere Far away, do explain
"Remus, you're getting lost in thought." Elisabete pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She had other things to worry about, but her friend out ranked her foolish worry over meeting Roman finally. He glanced over his shoulder at her and shrugged.
It's in the blood It's in the blood I met my love before I was born
"The soulmate stuff is getting to me." he admitted.
"Virgil. Remus, have you ever considered that he was right, and that your Virgil is out there looking for their Remus?" 
"I know. It's just that I don't want to meet him. I still love—yes, love—the boy from school who was my best friend. It's silly but I can't help it." 
Elisabete cupped his face and captured his lower lip between her teeth. It was her go-to distraction when he was in the dumps about something that couldn't be changed. 
She wanted love. I taste of blood. She bit my lip and drank my warmth From years before
"How about you shower and get ready to see your brother? Making yourself miserable over this won't do any good." 
"Do I have to? I like my natural musk!" Remus whined. Liza glared at him and inched away. 
"Yes. Even if we only cuddled you need to bathe." she droned, "It will clear your head." 
"You first."
"What do you think I did last night after I practiced my Spanish? Relax and curl up next to you?"
"Fine. But I am not binding before we leave." Remus huffed. 
"That's fine, just remember to wear your deodorant without eating it." 
"No promises!" Remus sang and made his way to the bathroom. It was gonna be a long day.
Love like winter
Remus wasn't sure why Roman texted him last minute about bringing a friend, but considering how Elisabete was a stranger to him, it made sense. He led her into the cozy establishment and found a table for four in plain sight.
"You wanna grab a couple coffees and a couple raspberry danishes?" Remus asked, "Roman knows my face, even without my fake stache, so I'll hold the table." Elisabete nodded and smiled sadly at him. It was rare to see Remus so low-energy and depressed. 
Love like winter
He wanted to be anywhere else but here. He sat down and pouted looking around the relatively empty cafe. He wanted Liza to be happy, even if it meant losing her time. He was tired of loss. He lost his best friend over the soulmate bullshit, and hadn't seen him since graduation. His college flings had no meaning and all he could think about for the last eight years were stupid scenarios like coffee dates and running into Virgil on the street, destined to reunite. Foolish dreams like that left him cold.
"There you are!" a familiar voice called him from his thoughts. Remus hadn't noticed that Liza was sitting next to him with a couple danishes and two coffees, and he hadn't noticed that his brother was there, nearing him with his guest. Remus had to stare, ignoring his brother's smug expression. There was no way. 
This had to be a dream. Virgil, his Virgil, was standing just behind Roman, studying the floor. He got taller and he dyed his hair purple. He had some piercings and better eyeshadow. It couldn't be real.
"Remus, you remember Virgil, I see," Roman chuckled and approached Elisabete, "But I believe introductions are in order. What is a rose by any other name? Surely yours is more fitting for a rare beauty such as yourself." He bowed and brought her hand to his lips. 
"Elisabete, darling" she cooed despite the blush darkening her cheeks. Remus ignored their mushy introduction and focused on Virgil, who had taken the seat across from him.
"Remember? Have we met before?" Virgil asked confusedly, daring to look up. When he did, his jaw dropped. Remus forced himself to play it cool and wiggle his fingers to wave at him.
"[REDACTED]?" Virgil gawked and immediately covered his mouth with his hand. That was not his name.
...2, 3, 4!
"No, no, I'm Remus," he chuckled, "And as you can see I'm a lot more comfortable now." Virgil's eyes welled with tears as he shrugged off his patchwork hoodie. At least he was smiling.
It's in the blood It's in the blood
"Remus is a good name." Virgil said and extended his arm. Remus' eyes went wide when he saw the mark above Virgil's elbow. "Remus" was written there in bright green. He traced the letters with his fingers in awe. 
Remus wanted to pinch his own ass to be sure he wasn't just dreaming again. He looked up at Virgil's face, the shy blush and smiling eyes staring back at him were real. His pulse hammered in his ears and Remus didn't have time to think.
I met my love before I was born
He launched himself over the table and tackled Virgil to the floor, knocking the chair out of the way and spilling both coffees all over the table. Liza and Roman jolted and stared at the scene. Remus was clinging to Virgil for dear life. 
"Ow." Virgil grunted but made no move to get up.
"I was right!" Remus laughed, "I was right!" 
"Yeah, and I'm glad you were," Virge mused and ran his fingers through Remus' mane, "You have no idea how badly I wanted that stupid mark to change to your name."
"Soulmates or not, I wanted to find you again but I didn't want to get in your way, like always." Remus laughed and cuddled into his chest.
"You? In the way? Nah!"
He wanted love, I taste of blood
"Not to intrude on such a touching moment," Liza hummed, "But you are on the floor, in the middle of a café. And you owe me a latte." 
"I really do!" Remus giggled and got up, offering Virgil a hand. 
"Not to worry, I'll handle this one!" Roman chuckled and stood up at the same time Virgil got to his feet.
"You two should catch up." Liza said with a smirk and got up, "the park is lovely at this hour. I'll make sure Roman is safe." Virgil raised an eyebrow at her and glanced at Remus. Remus was beaming and nodding. Virgil's expression softened and he took Remus' hand.
Hip bit my lip and drank my war  From years before
The pair left the cafe and went to the park across the street. The cool air didn't bother them much and the autumn leaves littering the ground were just beautiful. 
"You know, ever since that day we kissed, I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it was and how magical I felt." Virgil said as they strolled, "I never understood why no one else could make me feel like that until now." 
"Well it's not everyday you have a trans soulmate." Remus mused, "Kinda funny how fate knew my name before I did."
"Yeah, it caused some bs, Beetleduce." 
"Now there's a nickname I haven't heard in years!" Remus chuckled and leaned into Virgil's side, blinking up and him with a soft smile. Virgil glanced at him and smiled back.
"Wanna know what else I haven't done in years?" Remus goaded. 
"I haven't kissed my sexy Scare Bear soulmate in years." he teased. But that playful demeanor fell when Virgil stopped and pulled him to his chest. 
"That's something you can fix." he smirked. 
"How forward of you!" Remus giggled and dragged him down into a kiss, slipping his tongue into Virgil's mouth and wrapping his arms around his neck. Virgil kissed back with just as much passion, grounding himself by holding Remus' waist and gently nipping at his lower lip.
From years before, From years before
"Only for you," Virgil mumbled against his lips, "because I am never letting you go again. And I am so sorry for the years of doubt." Remus swore he would melt on the spot. He pulled his emo into another kiss to shut him up and taste the magic that set his heart ablaze. His winter was blossoming into spring again.
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cc-tinslebee · 4 years
Buzzfeed Unsolved Cinematic Universe Headcanons for Pride!(Shane's Personas Edition)
C.C. Tinsley - Gay
- He sometimes suffers from internalized homophobia because of the time period he was born in and because he was raised Irish Catholic
- His mom (who raised him Catholic) is the sweetest though, so he knows that she would love him the same. There's just too much of a risk with the rest of the world
- Growing up, he never dated anyone or had many friends. He was content by himself. It was easier for him to live solitary than to risk anything or lie to someone.
- This continued into his adulthood, especially since he was working with the police for some time. Getting involved with someone during that time would have been a death sentence.
- And then he met Ricky Goldsworth: the suave criminal that would not stop flirting with him every time they crossed paths.
- Of course he was annoyed about it at first. But then Ricky started doing him all of these favours, asking for nothing in return, and he started falling for him.
- Evidently, Ricky was also the one who introduced him to Banjo and Francesca, who became Tinsley's first and closest friend.
- When the police department fired him for being delusional and making up this clearly nonexistent Goldsworth fellow, Ricky actually took care of him when he slipped into a sort of rut.
Banjo McClintock - Pansexual
- Being raised by a rich couple forced him into a lot of opposite sex relationships that he usually wasn't a huge fan of.
- He secretly dated one of the staff before he quit and found a job elsewhere.
- Ricky was technically his rebound boyfriend, but his influence also gave him the confidence to go against his parents' rule over him.
- When he got caught embezzling funds from his town, he was disowned and Ricky (despite encouraging him to do it) left him.
- He started isolating himself after this, until some of his old rich friends found him and started inviting him to luxurious parties again. Despite having very little money of his own, he was back into the social scene. Which was the catalyst for his art heist career.
- After a year or so of having dozens of priceless art to his name, Banjo met Francesca one day. She had been there investigating a series of art thefts, but after getting to know Banjo, she couldn't bring herself to turn him in. As a compromise, Banjo tipped her off on a dirty rich person he knew that she could frame.
- Being the smartass he is, the story of how he and Francesca got together varies from time to time. No one has heard the same story twice.
- The truth is that he fell in love with her instantly.
(This doesn't exactly fit very well with the other headcanons, but I can see Banjo being a trans man and that's one of the reasons he wears fake mustaches.)
Legs Madej - Demiromantic
- Legs has always avoided romantic/sexual relationships for the majority of his life, just because he's never actually felt a connection to anyone before.
- Then he started to work with Night Night in the mob and they became inseparable friends.
- Night Night was pretty much the only person he has ever felt a connection to because their friendship is so strong.
- They kind of had a moment one time where Night Night joked about Legs never having a girlfriend and that he should just marry him, and Legs was just like, "Okay."
- So now they're platonic life partners.
- Night Night would absolutely fight anyone that talks shit about Legs and he loves that about him.
- But don't be deceived, Legs may be a clean up man, but he WILL do the same for Night Night.
Australian Shane / Shane G'dej - Ace/Aro
- My guy is just here to do his job and maybe get a hamburger while he's in America, okay,,
- Don't get me wrong, he's supportive of Night Night and Legs, but he just wants to be left alone,,
- Asexuality is probably the only thing that he and Legs can agree on, you heard it right here, folks.
Others: Ryan’s Personas, Miscellaneous
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