#ok i'm calm now i just needed to lose my shit about that for a minute
shebrakesforrainbows · 5 months
I swear on my mama bro if I unearth one more repressed memory
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restinslices · 10 months
Lin Kuei Bros: Play Fighting
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Smoke so dramatic-. Anyway, don’t ask why I thought of this. The voices were loud
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Play fighting with any of them is bold as fuck but HIM? You don't like your life 
I'm not saying he's gonna straight up assault you but out of all the brothers, he has the highest chance of hitting you hard as shit on accident 
He probably wouldn't even like play fighting that much. He'd prefer sparring cause at least you're working on your skills. Why you just fucking around?
You gotta catch him on the right day. Some days he's busy and some days he's just legit not in the mood. 
“Imma start it off slow. Imma scope the scenery out-”
If you somehow get this man to cooperate, first of all good job. Second of all, y'all do not stop until you give up. 
The type to pin you down and not let go until you admit he won. If you refuse, you're legit not moving. 
This is a big guy so you're not moving him. You give up, he lets go and you manage to crack a smile out of him
We never see him smile in the game but listen bitch, I'm here for the fantasy-
If he's not in the mood, I can see him just saying “no” like you're a puppy or smth. 
You'd go to swing on him again and he'd either grab your hand or give you a look that tells you he's being serious 
Going back to him accidentally hitting you hard as shit, he's used to sparring with two other buff ass men. Imma guess you're not as buff as them, and some of y'all reading this ain't men. Accidents are bound to happen 
You'd think the Grandmaster would have more control but I just think it slips sometimes. He's stupidly prideful and he's used to sparring so sometimes that's where his mind goes. Also once again, he probably sometimes forgets a hit Kuai Liang could handle is a hit that'll take years off your life. 
I would love to say he gets on his knees and apologizes but this is the same man who betrayed his brothers and was like “why y'all tweaking?” so um… 
You're gasping for air and he's “see why I always say no?”
I feel like I'm making him sound abusive but as someone who's play fought with my older siblings, they hit you hard as shit then tell you you're a bitch when a tear slips out. Why the fuck are you hitting me this hard in my chest? You got 5+ years on me-
He's an older brother. He's gonna hit hard. I swear it's in their DNA 
And if he does apologize it's not really verbal. He checks to make sure your limbs are alright then offers to do something else. 
“Are you gonna say you're sorry?” “For?” “For almost breaking my damn lung” “You started this”
You'd expect that the next time you wanna play fight he'd decline cause he doesn't wanna hurt you again. Wrong. 
Remember he's an older brother. THE older brother. Y'all squaring up again. You don't care about your health so fuck it. 
Honestly would be super fun besides the limb you're gonna lose 
Kuai Liang
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Would be more cooperative than Bi-Han but still isn't overly excited to play fight 
Bi-Han is the “tell mom. I don't care” older brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, I'm sorry. You can hit me back. Calm down. You want some candy?” older brother 
Fully aware he could cause terrible injuries but as time passes on, he relaxes more 
Definitely play fought as a kid but after Tomas started jumping everytime he heard his voice, he thought “maybe I need new hobbies”.
You’ve interrupted his recovery
He actively focuses on holding back and being soft even if you tell him not to
“Hit me harder” “No❤”
Honestly a fun time though. He holds back when it comes to strength but still tussles with you. Also let's you get hits in even when he could easily dodge them. 
If he accidentally injured you frfr, he's checking up on you immediately and says y'all stopping for today. 
“No, I'm ok” “Can you even breathe right now?” “Uhhh… yes😀” “We're done”
For sure feels like an asshole depending on how bad you're hurt. He's not sliding down the wall in pain but he's like “damn, that was a little too hard”. 
“You can hit me back” “No. I've seen Twilight” “What?” “It's gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you. I'm not doing that”. (Now I wanna write you making them watch Twilight. I'm never gonna be rid of this addiction-)
You gotta hit him back so y'all can be even. It's the only way to move on
Y'all are not doing that shit again for at least another week or so. 
“We gotta scrap right here right now” “No”
Does the thing older siblings do when they put their hand on your head so when you swing at them, you're just hitting air. 
It's so infuriating so you gotta stop. 
The next time though, you swear you're gonna win. You will not. 
Tomas Vrbada
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The most willing and having the most fun 
Tomas has two older brothers that probably jumped him on several occasions growing up and you're gonna try and convince me he doesn't have aggression to get out?
People would probably expect he's the softest but no. He's the youngest. As the youngest myself I can assure you, we are used to putting our all in these fights cause we gotta use all our strength to defeat these evil mfs we live with. Sometimes it's not enough-
You're not his older sibling so he's not scrapping like his life depends on it but I do think he's hitting somewhat hard 
Not as hard as Bi-Han, not as soft as Kuai Liang 
You feel his hits but it's not knocking the wind outta you 
Super fun cause he's also using the environment. Definitely is grabbing a pillow and starts swinging it at you. Definitely is running around the couch to chase you. Definitely has thrown you but made sure to aim at something soft. He's probably even turned off the lights then threw a folded blanket at you 
“Cheater” “Don't be upset you didn't think of it first”
You're fighting but laughing at the same time. There's no real tension. Just fucking around. 
Probably starts initiating it too
If he does injure you fr, for a split second he'd actually see it as a victory then he'd remember you're not his older brothers and is like “oh shit-”. 
Injuring those two would mean freedom (or a worse jumping. really depends), injuring you is not good. 
He knows how bad those hits can hurt so he makes sure you're alright. He's not watching you as much as Kuai Liang would but he'd still make sure you're not overly sore. 
He doesn't feel as bad as Kuai Liang would cause he kinda knows this shit happens. Kuai Liang kinda got a little bit of guilt cause Tomas gets into a fighting stance when he raises his hand up. Tomas hasn't victimized anyone so he's more chill about these situations 😭
Tells you random ass stories about when he used to play fight with his brothers. 
“One time Bi-Han threw me in the air and Kuai Liang jumped to catch me only to throw me against the wall”
“This reminds me of when Bi-Han swept my feet from under me and Kuai Liang jumped on me”
“What is it called when someone jumps on you elbow first?”
“This one time I woke up to them standing over me. I knew it was a wrap”
“One time Bi-Han slapped the back of my neck so hard, it was red for at least a week”
“One time Kuai Liang-” “Tomas… you need a therapist” “I don't think that's what it is”
Unlike Kuai Liang who makes you wait, he's cool with scrapping days later. 
Actually says “time out” when he wants a break. Also says “time in” fast as fuck though to catch you off guard 
Legit the most fun brother. I don't make the rules (except I do). 
I did not mean to write the least for Kuai Liang but I was really brain empty for him. Y’all should give me ideas, thanks bookie
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A/N ::: So I don't think I'm broken anymore. 1 week of a actually doing something didn't ruin me. I come back on the weekends.
C/W ::: Draken x F.reader, Make-up sex?, unprotected sex, P->V
WC ::: Kinda long, 3,035. Happy with every word.
You were going over to Draken's place to collect the rest of your stuff today. It's ok though, because he's out doing some stupid Toman shit and won't be there. Seeing him right now would be your absolute downfall. It would permanently wreck you. You're so fucking horny all the time. Yeah, so, you have toys. But your toys will never measure up to his cock. They'll never measure up to his hands or his mouth on you. He could get you wet by just looking at you for too long.
"Ohp, snap out of it, y/n. Stop. Now." You had to remind yourself on the way over there that not only would you not be seeing him, but you wouldn't be fucking him, either. And all the thoughts that penetrated your brain consisted of him. Pounding into you at such an unforgiving pace you thought you were actually going to die - but it was ok. There was no better way to go than being fucked to death by him. Him of all people.
The 2nd in command of Toman. Mikey's №1… in many aspects. Sitting at the red light you started thinking about how Draken was your №1, how you were his №1.5. Mikey always came first when it came to business. You always came first when he was done with that shit.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice the light had turned green until the car behind you honked their horn. "Fuck!" You slammed on the gas and turned the wheel a little too hard, causing the car to jerk sideways and you almost lost control. "Perfect visual to my life right now. Goddamn it, Draken. Leave me alone." You were really starting to lose it.
After calming down and pulling over to catch your breath, you realized you were already at your destination. It wasn't like you needed to check the address or anything, you knew exactly where he lived. And so often, you were on auto-pilot. Whenever he called you, you floated out to the car and eased your way down into the driver's seat. Your pussy already sensitive. Reeling in the anticipation of what he was going to do to you. How he was going to make you feel.
"Fuck. Ok, y/n. Keep it together." You hopped out and made your way to the front door. No one was around, and the gate was unlocked. That's always a good sign. Draken must have forgotten to lock it before he left. He was expecting you to come by today, but you double - triple checked the date to make sure he wasn't going to be here. If he were, you know all to well that you'd end up fucking in his room before you left with the rest of your things.
As you unlocked the door with your spare key, you realized he probably left the gate open for you. "Thanks, Ken." you muttered to yourself as you walked into the living room. It was just as clean and organized as you remembered it. Nothing out of place. Everything had its spot. That's one of the things you loved about him.
You made your way to his bedroom, and as soon as you opened the door you were greeted by his scent. That fucking smell. It was so intoxicating. He smelled like a mixture of cologne and musk. Something you couldn't quite put your finger on, but it was so sexy. So damn irresistible. You wanted to rip off your clothes and roll around on his bed just to soak up his aroma. You had half a mind to find his cologne and spray it all over you and your stuff so you could have it permeate your senses one more time and last until the smell completely faded away. But you managed to resist the temptation to go down that path.
"Ok, focus." You had to snap out of it again. "This is the last time you'll be in here. Just grab your shit and go." You gathered your clothes and some other miscellaneous items you had scattered around the room. Some makeup, a few books you borrowed from him, and some other trinkets that you didn't even realize you had left behind.
As you were stuffing everything into your bag, you found one of your old bras. You actually weren't even sure if it was yours. "Damn, Draken." You laughed to yourself as you shoved it into your purse. You didn't know how it ended up in his drawer, but you assumed it was from one of his one night stands. They must have left it behind and he either didn't bother to throw it out or he didn't know what to do with it. You decided to take it and toss it when you got home. "It's not like he's gonna miss it anyway."
Once you were finished, you took one last look around the room. The memories flooded back into your mind. The nights you spent tangled in his sheets, him fucking you so good you almost passed out. The way he whispered in your ear how much he loved you. How he was addicted to your pussy. You remembered how you would sit on his face and grind against him until you came. How he would eat you out like you were the last meal on earth.
"Stop! Stopstopstop it!" You smacked yourself across the face, trying to snap yourself out of it again. You couldn't think about him anymore. It was too much. He was too much. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door, locking it behind you. As you walked out to your car, you saw the garage door was open and you noticed his bike sitting there. It was so shiny and well taken care of. You remember riding on the back of it with him, feeling the wind whip through your hair as he zoomed down the streets. You felt so free with him. So alive.
"Not the point, asshole." You said to yourself, making your way over to the open door. "Hello?" You asked. It wasn't like Draken to leave his door open like this. It wasn't like him to not have his bike. There was no answer so you walked in. "Anyone home?"
And there he was. Sitting on his stool, lowered all the way down so he could work on whatever the hell he was working on. You never knew what he was doing. But you knew that he looked amazing doing it. "Hiiii," you said, slowly dragging out the 'i'. He didn't turn around. Didn't even flinch when you said that.
"You're supposed to be gone, Ken." You said, annoyed. Still, he didn't move. "Did you hear me? I said you're supposed to be gone!" You started to get pissed off. This wasn't part of the plan. He was supposed to be out with Toman, not here. You didn't want to see him. "Hey!" You smacked him on the shoulder.
He jumped up and put his fists in front of him. "FUCK! Don't fucking sneak up on me, y/n! Jesus!" It was then you saw he had earbuds in. A smile spread across your face. You weren't sure if it was the satisfaction of knowing he didn't hear a single thing you said to him or that you scared the shit out of him. He was always so aware of his surroundings. Always knew what was happening. But not today. Today he was at your mercy.
"You fucking scared the shit out of me! What the hell are you doing here?!" He was fuming. You couldn't help but laugh. You hadn't seen him this pissed off since you two broke up. It was a sight to see.
"I came to pick up the rest of my stuff, you jackass. You said you wouldn't be here." You crossed your arms over your chest. He looked so good when he was mad. It made your pussy clench.
"Yeah, well, Mikey had some shit going on and needed me here." He started to calm down after the threat of the unknown smacking him on the shoulder passed. "I didn't think you were gonna stop by today." He leaned back on his stool, eyeing you up and down.
You knew what he was doing. He was checking you out. Trying to get a rise out of you. Make you squirm. "I … don't … look at me like that, Draken." You didn't know what else to say. You were so frustrated with him. "Don't fucking start."
He stood up and walked towards you. "Start what? I didn't start shit, y/n. You're the one who came in here and started hittin’ me and shit. You smacked me on the shoulder." He whispered in your ear. You could feel his breath on you. How hot it was. How sweet it smelled - and you could never get over that. How typically gross things that other people look or smell like, you had grown to love about him. It was infuriating. You were doing so good until today. (Good meaning you had only thought about him while touching yourself. You hadn't actually broke down to see him.)
"Fuck, Draken." You pushed him away from you, but he grabbed your hands and held them in front of you. He was so much stronger than you. It was pointless to try and fight him off. It was pointless, but it wouldn't be a lost effort. Something would come out of it. And you hoped it would go in your favor. "Don't do this to me."
He pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you. "Do what? Hold you? Is that what I'm doing, y/n?" He squeezed you tight. Your back against his chest. His head resting on your shoulder. You could feel his breath on your neck. His cock starting to harden against your ass. "You want me to let you go?"
You shook your head. Yes or no, you don’t have a single clue but you still did it. You didn't want him to let you go. You wanted him to hold you forever. You wanted him to fuck you until you couldn't see straight. You wanted him to make you feel like he used to. But you knew it was wrong. You were broken up. He didn't belong to you. "We can't, Draken. We have to stop."
He turned you around and looked you in the eye. "Stop what? This?" He rubbed his nose against yours. Teasing you. All you could think about was how it would feel to have his lips pressed to yours. It was like a fire had ignited inside you. A burning desire to have him. To feel him. To touch him. "Is this what you want me to stop, y/n? This?"
Before you could say anything, he had his mouth on yours. You tried to resist, but it was useless. Your body melted into him like it always did. The kiss was so slow. So deliberate. So well-planned. You're sure he knew you were coming over today. You both made plans to not have to see each other, that was what was agreed upon. And yet here you both are.
Right where you need to be but not where you want to be? Is that what's happening? Is that the right order? Or is it right where you want to be but not where you need to be. But all you can think about is his taste. His tongue. Tracing your bottom lip from side to side, top to bottom. The warmth of it familiar and all-encompassing. You never wanted to give it up.
He started to pull away, but you grabbed his face and kissed him back. Your hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer to you. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, carrying you into the house. He set you down on the counter and started to pull off your shirt. "I missed this, y/n. I missed you."
He slid his hands down your body and undid your jeans, pulling them off of you. You couldn't believe you were doing this. That you were letting him do this. But you couldn't stop yourself. "I ... hoh ... fuck, Kennn-nuh."
He pulled you down and bent you over the counter. Your tits pressed against the cold marble. He slid his fingers into your panties and felt how wet you were. "So fucking wet, baby. You want my cock don't you? You want me to fuck you, y/n?"
You moaned as he rubbed your clit. "Yes. Fuck. I want you, Ken." He pulled your panties down and spread your ass apart. "Please fuck me, Ken." He spit on your pussy, getting it nice and wet. You heard him unzip his pants and felt the tip of his cock rub against your entrance.
"I'm gonna fuck you, y/n. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll forget why we ever broke up. You ready, baby?" He pressed his cock inside you, inch by inch. "Oh, fuck." You whimpered as he filled you up. "So fucking tight. You missed my cock, didn't you, y/n?"
He started to pump into you from behind. You couldn't believe how good he felt. How he stretched you out. The way he hit all the right spots. "I missed your cock, Ken. I missed it so much." He started to fuck you faster, his hips slapping against your ass. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum already."
He pulled you up and started to play with your tits, his cock still buried deep inside you. "Cum for me, y/n. Cum all over my cock. Let me feel you, baby." He bit your earlobe and squeezed your tits. 
"Oh, fuck!" You started to cum, your pussy clenching around his cock. "Fuck, y/n. I'm gonna cum."
He pulled out and your head dropped at the sudden lack of him. He turned you around and lifted you up, guiding your legs around his waist, He carried you down the hallway to his room but halfway there you slipped down on his cock. "Oh, shit. Fuck!" He started to cum, his cock twitching inside you. "No! Fuck! Not - not here, not yet!"
"Oh, god!" You started to cum again, your juices dripping down his cock and onto his balls. He pressed you against the wall and fucked you harder, his cum spilling out of you and onto the floor. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He grunted, his cock still pulsing inside you. "Oh, fuck, y/n. I'm still … cumming."
He slowly slid out of you and set you down on the floor. You were both panting, trying to catch your breath. "That was ..." you couldn't even form a sentence. You couldn't believe what just happened. You were supposed to be getting the rest of your stuff. And then Draken wasn't supposed to be here. And now you're cumming on his cock. You didn't know what to think or do. "Ken ... I think ..."
He picked you up and carried you to his bed. "Shh, just shh, y/n." He pushed your legs apart and kicked his pants off the rest of the way, laying down on top of you. "Don't talk. Just feel me, y/n." He kissed you again, this time it was slow and passionate. He slid his cock back into you, pumping in and out of you at an even pace. "I love you."
You looked up at him. "Ken." You put your hands on his hips and stopped him from moving. "You can't. You can't say that to me while you're buried balls deep in my cunt. It doesn't count. It doesn't count right now."
"The fuck are you sayin'. It should count more now than any other time. Why the fuck you think I'm saying it righ' now, hah?" He started to move again, his cock hitting your g-spot with every thrust. "I love you, y/n. I always will. You can't change that."
You pulled him closer to you and kissed him again. You didn't want to argue anymore. You just wanted him. "I love you, Ken. I love you, too." He started to fuck you harder, his cock throbbing inside you. You eyes began to roll back into your head. "Fffuhcckk," you moaned as he fucked you deeper. "Oh, fuck. Oh … fuck."
He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, exposing your neck. He started to bite and suck on it, leaving a trail of hickeys from your collarbone to your ear. "Cum with me, y/n. Cum with me."
You both started to cum together, his cock spurting inside you. He kept fucking you, his cum dripping out of your pussy and onto the bed. "Ken, stop. Stop, Jesus, mercy, uncle. White flag waving!" You laughed and pushed him away and he rolled over onto his back. He was so fucking hot. His chest covered in sweat, his cock still hard and twitching. "Fuck, you're something else."
He chuckled and grabbed your hand, pulling you on top of him. "Hmm … So are you." He pulled you down and kissed you again, his tongue exploring your mouth. You felt so happy. You forgot how good it was with him. How perfect it was. How in sync you were with each other. "I love you."
You laid on top of him, listening to his heart beating. "I love you. I love you, too."
"So." He said quietly.
"Mm?" It was all you could muster at this point.
"Unpack your shit and bring the rest of it over. You live here. You live with me now." You could feel him smiling against the top of your head.
You looked up at him. "Ken. You can't be serious. I can't ...""Yes, you can. You will. Not letting you go again." He kissed the top of your head and picked up the key you sat down on his nightstand, slipping it back into your hand.
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@arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku @viburnt @katshimizuu @darkstarlight82
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maximumkillshot · 8 months
Warnings: There are a lot with this one and it hits close to home. Mentions of S/A. The R word is used, sobbing, anxiety and mental episode. mentions of self harm, mentions victim blaming and slut shaming. MDNI. There is fluff spattered around.
Pairing: BangChanxReader
Characters: Bang Chan, Reader, mention of the person who S/A, people Slut Shaming and Victim Blaming. 
A/N:  Okay so this one is heavy. The things you are about to read have happened to me. I had a mental episode a while back. I wrote most of this during said episode. This is what I think Chan would do for his S/O if they went through and go through what I did. This blog has always been a safe space. I use my fictions to entertain as well as a platform to have safe conversations. If you need me as always I will hang around after drop.
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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“YN?” Your husband called out to you. You couldn't hear him from the pressure of today. It created a seething pool of frustration and anger as you kneeled at the foot of the bed, wanting to pray, but now that you think about it the pain of being on the floor was a sweet torture in and of itself. 
Usually, anger like this wouldn't be a problem for you. You would go down to the basement and punch granite with your poorly taped hands, yes you were only a kid then, not knowing how else to get the anger out only stopping when you'd hear a crunch. Yes, that was the start of negative coping mechanisms, and yes you are trying to either bury that anger or let it consume you fast before Chris gets home. He's dealt with enough, we don't need to add on to it.  
Now you're no longer a child… as a matter of fact, you are now an adult, an adult with a hairpin trigger vaguely yet expertly disguised as comedic sarcasm. Depression that you don't remember not having… maybe when you were 8? You weren't sure. Not to mention a cast made of a myriad of physical and mental health issues…. Disabilities… and the cast of characters just keep growing! You have the medicine and the “coping techniques”, they called it, for success! Even those fail. 
Trying to talk it out just made you more angry, the injustice looking more and more ludicrous by the second. Okay, let's try breathing. Yeah no. That didn't work either, it just gave your brain more oxygen, so your brain went from quantum computer speed to Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. Oh… ok oh oh! Let's try soundboarding. You know, talk to people, not yourself. That ended in yet another game of useless catch phrases like “calm down” and “you shouldn't be thinking of that.” 
TELL ME SOMETHING I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THANK YOU! Oh, and I almost forgot the “Your method of thought isn't changing because you don't want to change '' DO YOU THINK I AM POKED ALL DAY AND SAY TO MYSELF…
You reverted to hurting the people around you due to your anger and frustration, plus you darkened the mood, you've always been a multitasker. My friends were right. I'm depressing, I was only kept around because of my ex. That was before they kicked me out… because they didn't want to believe he assaulted me. You go back to that night often… 
“I didn’t want to do that, I felt icky” You told him after he came back from cleaning himself up in the bathroom, while you were left to clean the traces of himself from your own mouth. No aftercare, no thought about you. The ghost of a boy who used you, who was an on and off friend of almost 10 years…
“I know.” he answered with no emotion.
“Then… why?” You asked, your head cocked to the side.
“Because I really wanted it.” He puts his hand on your shoulder, “But I’m sorry you feel that way. Shit now I feel bad.”
Then it switched to those friends, on another night… “ I just don’t buy it. That DID NOT HAPPEN, I know him better than you.”
“I mean you did it anyway so you must’ve wanted it.”
You tried to explain that you were assaulted, it’s called coercive consent and it’s the most common form of assault. You were raped. You didn’t want to do it and he knew that but you wanted to make him happy. You tried to explain, to educate. They weren’t having it.This conversation at times whirls in your head. Making you itch to pull a trigger, do something to make the torture stop.
“You always overreact and you’re so annoying why don’t you just go the fuck away!”
“You’re so depressing just fucking go away! We only tolerated you because you are his girlfriend, just go the fuck away!” The intent in her voice. The reality. You trusted her most out of the entire group. She helped you emotionally… Now shaming you, blaming you.
Her boyfriend rendered you speachless when you called it what it was, it was rape via coercive consent:
“Oh I get the kind of person you are, you’re the type of person who gets felt up in the middle of the night by their significant other because they’re trying to get laid and you call it rape.”
You know the right method to take now, right… Yeah you do.
Isolate… process… torture yourself…cry… alone. Contain the monster, so it doesn't hurt anyone else… You're just a monster parading as a human. Don't forget it. This happens when you forget Y/N… stop being reckless. Always so fucking reckless… 
You started clenching your hands one over the other, wanting to rake the top of your hands until they bled, trying to ground yourself. Until subconsciously, you did. You rocked as you did it, trying to soothe yourself.
Sometimes you swear people don't see you drowning right in front of their fucking eyes. You know how to swim, you know how to get out, to scream, punch, fight. You want to swim, you really do. But you can only do so much in a rip current. The lifeguard sees you. But instead of helping they yell “PADDLE! JUST PADDLE YOU'LL BE FINE!” It's a different level of patronization. It just makes you want to let the tides swallow you. Because why fight when the waters are so warm?
“Y/N?!” Chris yelled as he saw your bag tossed haphazardly on the couch, never where you put it. He stopped and listened carefully. He thought back to the last text you sent him. “Shit hit the fan at work …I don't want to feel right now. I'll see you at home.” 
That middle sentence made his heart stop. He knows you… something was up. He tried texting you back, sending words of encouragement, calling, and leaving cute messages when you didn't pick up, and nothing was heard from you. As soon as he could get away from schedules he did. When he looked at the clock you had sent that message three hours beforehand, he never raced home faster. 
He knows what your mind does to you. He sees the battles every day. When he’d compliment you and you would look down, not shy, but contradictory. When he’d pick you up you would freeze and he’d remind you that you aren’t too heavy, that he loves you in every single way that you think is impossible to love you. He’d always encourage you to wear what you want, do what you want. He would caress every single curve, never being able to keep his hands off of you. Whispering into your ear in public as he tilts your head up gently after asking for permission. He’d kiss you so delicately in front of a sea of people. On the red carpet, on stage, it didn’t matter. You were and are his person, and he loved showing you off. He couldn’t win the war in your mind for you, but he damn sure would fight those battles with you.
He would fight away those negative thoughts, he’d wrap his arms around you and sing to you to will those images, the anxiety and fear away. Until those thoughts were rendered useless. He’d wrestle with them for control, as soon as he won your mind back he gave it to you. He reminded you that you are here with him for a reason. He adores you, and nothing would change that. 
It was something he promised you when he saw you breakdown while doing your medicines. You told him that you were ashamed of it all. All the illnesses, that you weren’t perfect and that you’d understand if he didn’t want you. He looked at you and helped with your medicines, learned about each of them, and their dosages. He was so gentle, smiling at you, wiping your tears. He looked at all the medicines and said, anything that keeps you alive is nothing to be ashamed of. You aren’t something to be ashamed of. He knows that sometimes you can’t hear him until he’s right in your ear. Now looked like that case.
You couldn't hear him calling out to you, your mind too loud, too vicious, bloodthirsty. When pain and self-deprecation are your main moods, all others seem like an abnormal concept. Something that is stolen, was it even real in the first place? You know one thing that was real… Chris. You hated being this… the medications, the constant fires in your mind, the barrage of hate aimed at yourself, of unbridled strength turned inward to rip yourself apart for no reason other than things piling up. He didn't deserve that. He deserves peace, the best… just like what he demands of himself, perfection. 
You got through the gauntlet at your job. People undermining your authority, people on a power trip of their own. Sending others to try to intimidate, embarrass you into submission… as if you weren't a bloodthirsty wolf that could snap any second, biting their heads clean off. “An Alpha through and through,” that's what Chris would say, “Even Alphas have to bite their tongue, Love.” 
That made you cry more because at this point you don't even know if your tongue is still existent, or if you swallowed the damn thing after you bit it off. Or worse… you still have it… but you lost your voice. You know that can't be it, we're too fucking stubborn for that.
But the hits didn't stop coming, traffic happened, then going to the doctor who said that the physical therapy you needed would eat into your personal time, your time to write, to cook for Channie and the boys, to spend time with Channie and the boys.. then you forgot the doctors note so you had to walk back in for it. Then you had to go home while you tried to talk about everything… and well now here we are. 
Even now you try to problem solve, try to nitpick at yourself, the person he loves so much. You collapsed more on the floor of your shared bedroom, cross-legged thinking of the ocean, the violent, dangerous, tumultuous ocean… something simultaneously so beautiful and scary. You want to say you are like an ocean, but you don't see beauty in yourself, only a beast. That's all we'll ever be.
Chris freezes in the hallway hearing a sob break loose from you. He hadn't heard a sob like that before, it chilled his core. How does he approach this? He sees the doctor's note thrown next to your purse… He was happy you were approved for physical therapy, you really were in a lot of pain daily from the muscle and tendon weakness, but he looked at the times…
He looked to the hallway, “Oh…Baby Girl.” He had one piece of the puzzle. He knew you loved to cook for him and the boys but this schedule meant you couldn't do that for the foreseeable future. You enjoyed seeing the boys eating, and staying fueled, knowing without that they'd opt for less healthy options. Then he saw the paper right under it. A typed log… a leger of interactions throughout your day… “No…” 
Right there, in black and white, was what you went through today, everything down to the sarcastic smirk your coworker had as you were barraged with pressure to break the rules… and you didn't break. He never would've expected you to. You are the strongest person he knows. Even under these conditions, Chris himself would break. In front of fifty plus people being berated, pushed to do something you knew you couldn’t do. 
Right at the end of it was a line, written in plain ink by hand. “Vacation not given as described by supervisor. No week off.” With tear stains smudging the ink. 
Chris started walking down the hall to the shared bedroom. As he walked closer he heard you mumbling as you sobbed. Things like “stop crying” and “it's nothing.” But one made him freeze right before he opened the door, “Chris is going to worry. You already take too much from him, get it together so he won't worry. It’ll hurt him. Stop hurting the people you love. You’re a monster.”
That made his eyes sting, you were worried about him above all else. He slowly opened the door and you couldn't find it in you to look up. You knew who it was. The aura you know and love, like salve on the holes you ripped into yourself. The small steps were only weighed down by his sneakers as he slowly spoke. 
“Hey…Baby Girl?” The tone was even more soothing. We don't deserve that. “Can you look at me please?” You just shook your head. Too embarrassed at the shambling mess you are. The real you that you hide. 
Before you knew it you saw two big hands undoing the laces on his sneakers, shortly after he toed them off. Slowly he sat in front of you groaning “Oooooookay criss-cross applesauce it is…” making you smirk as you wiped your nose with the inside of the collar of your shirt. Finally, as he settled he said “aaaaaughh” with a big puff of air… 
You just tucked your head into your chest as you hid as much as you could. He waited for a few minutes, until he said, “We can address what happened in a few minutes. But you need to know. You don't take from me.” 
Your tears kept falling as you listened, his tone calming the raging currents in your mind.
He looked at the engagement and wedding band on your left hand. He watched the tears fall, he saw the holes in you. He wanted to lunge at you, take that emotional knife away from you, smother you in affection. Hold you, his heart burned for it. Needle and thread ready to patch you up. To heal you.
 He spoke softly, “You are my everything, Y/N. You aren't a burden, a disappointment, you aren't a chore, the only thing you took from me was my heart, but you had that before I even heard your voice. The second I saw you… I gave it to you. I don't want it back either.” 
You hiccuped breaths as you listened. He scooted a little closer and he put his hands out, palm up into your vision… asking for your hands. That was when you realized you were scratching at them again. 
You unfurled them from one another, hissing where one nail was slightly deeper, the tiny droplet of blood following soon after.
He looked at your hands, humming in the back of his throat, “One second.” He didn’t want to show it, but he was worried. You feel so much and he just wants to be there to hold you, to love you. 
Then popped up and left. He came back with a first aid kit, “Oooooookay heeaarr we goar again... criss-cross.” That made you giggle the tiniest bit. Chris always loved to hear your laugh. Your laugh is infectious and it always never fails to brighten his day. He knew he was making progress.
You couldn't see it but Chris was smirking at your tiny cute form. And hearing that little giggle made him want to channel Changbin and squeal at the cuteness overload. 
“Okay my Koala Bear… hands.” When you both had started dating, he noticed you always hung on to him. You explained that he was warm and you were always frozen, especially in the colder months. You asked if it was okay for you to hold on to him like that. Internally he was trying his best not to giggle like a school boy at the prospect of you holding on to him like this naturally. He looked at you and said, “It’s no problem, you just remind me of a Koala Bear, so cute and tiny. Can I call you that? My Koala Bear?” And you nodded blushing. Since then, you’ve been his Koala Bear. 
You presented your hands to him wincing at the stretch of the new scratches and he said “So tiny… so cute. Okay tiny sting” he cleaned the bigger scratch and put a bandage on it, and checked the rest. Once he deemed it all good to have your hands back. He kissed them then returned them to your lap. “Thank you for letting me clean them.” 
You nodded and hummed. The voices slowed down. They always slowed down around him. He always was your safe place. Like home base in a baseball game. If you made it there, you’re safe. You’re home. That thought made you sad, surprisingly. How are you safe with only one person? You should have security in yourself not in someone else. Your brain was waiting to start assaulting you again. 
“Is it loud in there?” Chris asked. You've told him about all of this before, this is the first time he's seen it this bad though. The voices, memories attack you. You explained to him that sometimes your brain will do this, you try to hold it back but sometimes it just can’t be helped.
“People don't help… right?”
“Can you tell me what's going on in there?”
You told him. Some.. not all. You also told him about that pesky intrusive thought about your ex and your friends. 
His body went rigid as he said, “No… they're the ones that are wrong, not you. Your ex…” He wanted to choose his words carefully. He knew that you blame yourself at times. The memory of you explaining why you were hesitant to go further when you were dating. He assured you there was no pressure. That he loved you for you, the rage boiled in him and it still does because you were never at fault for this. Especially when you trusted that asshole enough to experiment with him. He was going to be your first for everything but after what he did. The trust was gone, rightfully so.
Chris continued, “He took advantage of you, and coerced you into consent, that is not love. That is not okay? That is sexual assault. The way that your friends acted was disgusting, the way he acted was sub-human… You are not depressing, you are one of the most beautiful, talented, funny, caring, loving people I have…” his voice gave out and he cleared his throat, “You are one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. I love you so much and I know you feel like you're a burden on me but being with you has been the most amazing thing I've ever experienced.”
He tilted your head up and you let him, he had tears in his eyes as he said, “You have never been nor will you ever be a monster.” Your tears picked up as you looked into his eyes. You could tell, Chris doesn’t lie. He’ll tell you the truth. His tears started falling as you leaned forward, reaching for him, needing contact. When you saw him you needed his warmth, you need him to heal you. You were losing hope, faith, everything as you watched the holes in you. Seeing him holding the needle and thread. By holding you, being with you, just being himself, it heals you. You whimpered, “Need you…” As your tears switched from self-hate to desperation… you needed him and he could tell. 
He untangled his legs and scooped you up, cradling you in his arms as he rocked you petting your hair back, “You are my inspiration, my eternal love, you are the best part of my past, my present, and my future. You are the future mother to my children, the woman I'm going to grow old with, my forever and always. You are my Y/N, and I am never going to let you forget who you are and why I love you, okay?” He started crying, shielding you in his chest, protecting you. Stitching you together as you heard his heartbeat. You cried on him, relieved that you were with him.
You pulled back from him nodding. He tried to kiss your lips but you said “I'm all snotty” and he giggled. Leave it to you to be worried about snotty kisses. You looked so adorable, cheeks and nose red, nose running, tears stopping, the twinkle coming back into your eyes as he looked at you. 
“Are you denying me my snotty kisses?” He giggled as he said “Okay fine. There's no snot on your forehead” he pecked your forehead, “none on your cheeks”, and laid another peck, this pattern continued for any expanse of skin he could get his lips on as you giggled at him and his barrage of affection. When he stopped he wiped your nose with his sleeve and he kissed you gently on the lips. He savored moments like this, being able to heal you, to pick you up. He looked into your eyes as he said, “now I am thinking I’ll draw up a bath for us and I’ll give you a nice massage. After that we order take away, from your favorite place, then we watch something, Hm?” He looked at you for an answer as he kept wiping tears.
You nodded and gently, he placed you back where you were and went to get the bath ready. You'll always have hard days, but those days turn into amazing nights with Chris. Your home.
LIKE MY WRITING? WANT MORE? Tell me so! Want in on the tags?? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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firstfirerebel · 5 months
Sumary: When Levi was forced to join the Survey Squad, he left someone behind, someone who had grown to hate him since then...
(Levi was forced to join the Survey Squad by Erwin, that's also why I don't like the ship Eruri [I love both, but together it's just toxic])
Pairing: Levi x fem! Reader
Warnings: Mention of abusive childhood, many traumas (bullying, mental abuse,...), angst, hurt
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Years have passed since you last saw him. The guy you grew up with, and the guy who betrayed you.
Growing up was hard for both of you. You had more luck with the standard of the family, but still, your life was hard. Being the kid of two people who hated each other and only communicated by yelling and fighting wasn't exactly a good place for a child.
People around you always found something to mock and bully you. Kids your age were the worst. Except for him, you met Levi when you were forced to go to a club with your so-called father.
He never stopped drinking, so you just went to search for a silent corner to wait till this horror was over. But the only place that was at least a little bit calm was occupied with a dark-haired slim boy.
"Family problems?", you asked him.
"Something like that," he awnserd, and you silently walked towards and sat beside him.
"Wanna talk?,"
He shook his head for a 'No', which you totally got. You also wouldn't want to tell a literal stranger your deepest and darkest secrets, but on the other hand, letting it out would be better. It seemed like your whole life purpose was to hold the burdens of your family, no matter if you could take it or not.
"What's your name? I'm (Y/n). My siblings wanted that to be my name. It's ugly. I know,"
"Levi," he awnserd short and quietly.
"You know, my father is a lot here. It would be nice to have someone here I could spend my time with. Would you mind?",
He just blinked, which you got as a sign that he didn't care. But you weren't someone to give up just like that. Otherwise, you might have never managed to survive.
Breaking the ice was hard when it came to this boy, but after a few times of being there, he even told you that he actually liked your name and thought it was pretty. A little while after that, you caught him crying because some neighbor kids made fun of him (this was before his mother died, so he didn't know how to defend himself cause no Kenny). Those weren't new for you. They also constantly mocked you.
"Hey! Three against one? You're cowards!" After you managed to distract them from Levi, you tricked them into believing you went home when you really went to search for your friend.
You found him leaning onto a brick wall and sat beside him in silence.
"Thanks, but why did you do that?",
"Because it's OK if they make fun of me, but not if they make fun of my friends. I don't care what they do to me. I look out for you. And I know you look out for me. That's what friends are there for,"
Since that incident, nothing parted you guys. You even switched your birth necklaces to show that you were connected. But everything good must come to an end.
When his mother died, you didn't see him for weeks, so when you went to look for him, you met his uncle Kenny. You both pep him up again, and since your family didn't care about you, you decided to be with Levi since he needed someone after losing his mother.
Kenny taught you how to defend and provide for yourself, but that was it. He left you when you had learned it all.
"Even if he's gone now, we still have each other. Nothing really bad can happen to us as long as we have each other,"
It was you. Always you. You were the one who comforted him when he had to deal with shit. You were there for him to fix what society broke. And even after you allied with others, you two were the closest. No one could come in between.
That's what you thought.
After your team took Isabel in, you thought it would only become better. She even called Levi, her big brother, to his annoyance. It was like a sting right to your heart. But Isa didn't know what you both had gone through together, so you felt guilty of feeling this way. Besides her seeing him like her brother, didn't mean you were replaced! Your bond was stronger than that of siblings or lovers. Once you swore to never let anything part you, you'd never be separated, never.
Until one order changed everything.
You thought it was the Military Squad, but nope, it was the Survey Squad. You were the only one who managed to get away. But you watched from a distance how a soldier pushed Levi into a puddle of mud that had the consistency of water. Hell for him...
But when you went to go closer to hear what they were saying. You only heard Levis annoyed:"I'll join the Survey Squad."
A punch into your guts. He'd leave the underground. He'd leave you! Breaking the promise HE made you. And for joining a squad?!
You weren't someone who cried. When your whole body was covered in bruises because of a fight that didn't go as planned, no tear. Your family yelling and insulting you, no sob. But now your eyes became watery, and your vision blurry. It felt as if you were suffocated. Breathing was almost impossible.
As if the whole ground you believed to be steady and safe just tore open to devour you.
No, you wouldn't cry! Not because of him and especially not while still seeing him.
A few weeks after that, you luckily met Kenny again. It was more like he found you.
Since that scene, it was like you had to go through every trauma you experienced again, but this time on your own without someone at your side. Kenny told you of his new job at the Military Squad and that he could need a tough girl like you.
Training and years in hiding. That was your whole life from then on. With nothing on your mind, then to finally throw this damn birth necklace of him away. It was your kind of connection, your bond, after all.
Allying with the man that once left you and him. Just to tell humanitys strongest soldier one thing.
And finally, the day came. The Survey Squad decided to turn against the Military Squad. And that was your and Kenny's time.
Fighting your way to his side, just to slowly rip his birth necklace off your neck, look at him with disgust, and throw it into a mud puddle before his feet. With one word on your lips.
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cherryo · 2 years
Honestly I’m surprised no one has requested anything with Future Leo, smut or otherwise
But uh..if you’re ok with writing that then maybe some flirty future Leo, with smut if you’re comfortable with that
hi hi love!!! thank you so so much for requesting!! i honestly wasn't that big of a Leo fan before this,,,, but!! the more I wrote and had to look up a love for him like opened up,,,, like big tall man,,, but I digress. im so glad I could write this for you!! i really hope you like it sweetheart <33 pairing: Future!Flirty!Leonardo x fem! reader genre: angst(sorta not really lol) to smut w/ a fluff ending pronouns: fem reader (gn pronouns but mentions of female genitalia and pet names such as "pretty girl") word count: 1.7k warnings: Explicit themes, cursing, movie spoilers, a little bit of angst at the beginning? reader and Casey jr are just worried about Leo, mentions of crying, creampie (wear protection kiddos), mentions of bruises (Leos too strong for his own good <33), raw dogging this shit (wear protection, again, kiddos), leo's mean and goes for it in one thrust with no prep!! teasing, overall Leo is Leo, regardless of how old he is and he will always be a flirty bastard <333 sort of proofread, anyways I hope you like it darling!!
The kraang invasion had messed everything up, but the one thing that didn't really change was Leonardo. He was still that positive leader type (and impossibly funny), even after losing his family. He stayed that beacon of hope, for you and Casey, he might've lost everyone he loved but he gained two people he would die for. Literally, he's tried multiple times to save both of you in life-or-death situations, also meaning he got a lot of lectures. 
There you stood with Casey behind you giving Leon the biggest glare he could muster up. You were pacing back an' forth just trying to calm down while giving Leo a lecture and rambling. "I don't why you thought that was smart, Leon. Just because you're the "greatest ninja alive" "making quotation marks, rolling your eyes when Leo gasped at you making fun of his title " god, I hate that Casey calls you that, or that anyone calls you it for that matter. It always goes to your head" flicking his head at the same time "it inflates your ego and makes you think you're invincible and invulnerable and you're not. Plain and simple youre not, do you know how much you make us worry?" At this point, you became more serious in your lecture. 
Leo sat up straighter, you only got serious when you were hurting. It was clear his acts of "kindness" were doing more harm than good, he didn't want that, he just didn't know how else to show that he cared for you both. To be honest, he was scared of having to take care of Casey by himself, so when you came along it was almost like a perfect little family. 
Casey, realizing how serious this conversation had turned, slowly made his way of the train car and into a different one. He wanted to give his parental figures their space, hoping that that was okay with them. 
"And I understand you don't want to lose us or you're simply trying to save us, but why put yourself in that situation when we have it handled? Why jump in front of a train when no ones there? " you were crying now, not loudly just tears streaming down your face. Leo stood up, covering you in a shadow, he grabbed you up into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be risking my life, especially in the time we live in now. I just, I can't lose more of my family" he was petting your hair, the other arm wrapped around your shoulder. Your silent tears started getting louder, letting everything you've been holding in, out. 
his petting slowly helped you to calm down, realizing all you needed was him to acknowledge his stupid hero complex. "I swear I'll try to let you guys fight your own battles but, if you need help, okay?" 
Letting out a feeble 'mhm' letting yourself melt Into his arms. His deep chuckle startled you, forgetting where you were during your little meltdown, realizing that you had snuggled deeper in his arms. "Wow, if I knew getting lectured gets me into this predicament, I would misbehave more often" he squeezed his arm that was around you tighter and lifted your face so you both were looking at each other. 
Your face grew red, not just from the crying but now from Leos flirts. even in serious and emotional situations, he was a flirt, most times it made the air lighter. This time though, it made the air tighter, just not with seriousness. 
You held his gaze, it had a glint of mischievousness and something you couldn't quite pinpoint. Breaking away from the strong gaze, not able to move your head out of his gasp. You decided the wall beside his head was more interesting than the growing smirk on the handsome turtle's face. Your hands grabbed his wrists, your hand doesn't even for around his right one. 
Releasing his grip from your face only for his hands to make their way down to your hips, squeezing to let you know they're staying there. Your face got even redder, if that was possible, just from him grabbing your hips. "Aww, are you feeling okay baby?" He cooed at you, a teasing tone highly noticeable in his 'concern.' You just looked away and pouted, simply ignoring his teasing. 
He pulled you closer to him by the hips, making you gasp and place your hands on his plastron. one of his hands started rubbing up and down your side, obviously deciding to stay quiet just spurred him on to get a noise out of you. Good thing you're stubborn, still staying quiet you held his gaze, eyes locked once again. "You're so hot when you're stubborn, you know that? There's nothing I wouldn't do to get you to unravel a bit" he leaned down to whisper that last part in your ear, he lingered in that spot for a minute. 
"Why don't you do it?" You rubbed your hands over his plastron, hearing him let out little whimpers here and there. "Excuse me?" At this point he had returned to his full height, hands still roaming your body, "I said, why don't you make me unravel?" You didn't have to say it a third time before you're brought in for a kiss. 
He kissed you hard and passionately, trying to put everything he can't say into it. He looped his hands around your lower back to drag you closer, wanting you as close as he could get you at this moment. He brought one hand up to your cheek to direct your face and deepen the kiss. Being tall meant he towered over you, so he leaned down quite a bit to kiss you, but he didn't care he'd do anything to know what you tasted like. 
His grip tightens on your back, basically scratching and clawing at you showing his desperation to get you. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, moaning into it just from how hot it was, the noise made him whimper. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer for a change. 
He spun you around and laid you on his bed, crawling over you so he could be face-to-face with you again. "Is this okay?" He rested his left hand on your hip, the other holding him up. "Of course it is," you pulled him down into another kiss to give him more reassurance. 
He started gripping your hips harder, hard enough to leave a bruise of his fingertips. Making a groaning noise into your mouth, he pulled back and flipped you over onto your stomach. Pulling you hips so your ass was up in the air, the sight of you in this position makes him moan. Him pulling your pants and undies down in one swift movement had you gasping at the rush of cold air and the stare that Leo was looking at you with. 
He went back to crawling over you, covering your whole body. He had his plastron right up against your back, making sure you could feel him right there. He reached back to make sure he was aligned before thrusting all the way in, making you cry out in the pain and the sudden stretch. He moaned at the tight feeling of your slick cunt, his hips shaking at the pleasure trying to stay still. He cooed at you, petting your head and going back to rub your hips for comfort. 
Giving you enough time to adjust to his size, you slowly moved your hips back towards his. Taking the hint, he pulled just so the tip was in and thrust back in again, slowly thrusting to get a nice rhythmic pace. Keeping the slow pace was almost torturous for you, wanting for him to just let go and go as hard as he wanted. 
"Mm harder" you moaned out, he slowed his pace making a 'hm' noise to make you repeat yourself. "Harder please! Please Leon,,,, I wan-nt nhhg,,,you to fuck me as hard as you can!" moaning out the words, you could practically feel his smirk growing as you struggled. 
"How could I resist such a request, pretty girl? Especially since you said please" he whispered into your ear, thrusting harder as soon as he was finished talking. His brutal pace was making you moan like a whore, having a hard time even speaking. 
He pulled you up so you two were chest to back, he reached down and started making circles on your nub. You were crying at this point, the pleasure was too much for you. "Awww, is this too much for you, baby? You can't even handle what you asked for huh?" Even through his teasing you could hear him straining to keep his moans and whimpers at bay. 
" 'm close,," you whimpered out, you could feel his breath on your neck, hearing that you were close made him go even harder. Before you could even warn him, you came, your legs started trembling. Your cunt tightening around his cock was what pushed him over the edge, moaning and grunting right into your ear. Feeling him fill you up made your orgasm over-stimulated, making you even more sensitive. 
He fucked you through his orgasm, making you cry out and moan, the feeling sending you into a hazy state. He held you up, you basically went limp in his arms, your orgasm making you have numb legs. Gently pulling out and laying you down, Leo went off to grab a towel and some water. 
He came back to find you in the same position he left you, letting out a low whistle, he came over to look over you. "That good huh?" You could practically feel his ego rising, the smirk on his face ever so present. 
"The best I've ever had, that's for sure" you made eye contact with him as he laid beside you, the smirk replaced by a soft and loving smile. His fingers tracing your thighs up to your stomach and down back again, he pulled you to where you were resting in the crease of his body. 
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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imaginespazzi · 9 months
Pazzi Drabble #2: Not Yet, Maybe Soon
Words: 933
TW: Light Swearing, Paige's ACL Injury
64 missed calls from Big Head Fudd
call me back please
are you still at the hospital???? did they do an mri??
k i'll just call carol for more info then i guess
please talk to me
just call me whenever ok?
i love you
There are more texts and if Paige closes her eyes, she can picture her best friend throughout the day, hunched over her phone, fingers tapping away frantically. She'd almost texted her back, almost picked up some of the missed calls, and then stopped herself. She hadn't been ready yet. Truthfully, she's not sure she's ready now but the overwhelming need to hear Azzi's voice pushes her to finally call her best friend back. She answers on the second ring.
"I bought a new fortnite skin," Paige blurts out before Azzi can even say anything. It's so random but she knows Azzi will understand why.
"Well at least it wasn't new shoes," Azzi says slowly, "we need to get you a financial consultant or something."
"I have one and I'll have you know he thinks it's an amazing investment."
"Well you should fire him them because investment? Really?"
"You're just jealous," Paige huffs. Bickering with Azzi feels so natural, so easy; she wants to lose herself in the comfort of it and just forget.
"Of your new fortnite skin? Absolutely not," and Paige can feel Azzi rolling her eyes through the phone. It almost makes her smile, almost.
"You're awake pretty late," Paige says after a beat.
"Yeah well, iwaswaitingforyoutocall," Azzi mumbles and Paige's heart flutters.
"What was that?" she asks and this time she does smile.
"Shut up," Azzi sighs but repeats herself anyway, "I was waiting for you to call. Couldn't sleep without talking to you."
Sometimes Paige wonders if Azzi understands the gravity of the things she says, if she understands the way they hit a part of Paige's soul she hadn't even known existed until Azzi. She pencils the admission into her mind's notebook, in a list titled things azzi says that break my heart and fix it at the same time.
"You're such a sap," Paige teases.
"Only for you Bueckers, only for you." and there's mirth in Azzi's voice but there's a touch of of something else too.
Paige pencils this confession into a list titled maybe it's not all in my head, maybe you feel it too.
They fall into silence. There's something comforting about hearing each other breathe, about listening to the sounds of the other's heartbeat. And amidst the calming quiet, Paige finally feels ready.
"Az," she whispers, the rest of her sentence sitting heavy on the tip of her tongue, "I tore my ACL."
The words hang in the air like a thick fog that suffocates Paige. She's known it all day. She'd known it the minute she'd torn it. But saying it out loud is different. Saying it out loud is making it a reality, her reality.
"Fuck," she curses, as the first tear slides down her cheeks, followed by a second and then a third until there's a constant stream flowing down her face, "shit. I tore my ACL."
"Paige," Azzi says, and she's never been one for a fake it'll be okay, not when she knows it won't be, not for a while at least but she hopes, Paige can hear the i'll be here for it all that she wraps around the whisper of her best friend's name.
"I'm not gonna play this season. I barely played last year and now, I'm out again," Paige says slowly, the admissions falling down from her lips like dominoes, "I'm not gonna play basketball properly for almost a year. Fuck."
Paige doesn't really know a life beyond basketball. After her family, everything she had, had come from basketball. The game had given her everything, including the girl on the other end of the phone. As she finally admits to herself that the game's been taken away from her, no matter how temporary it might be, Paige feels lost.
"What do I do," she pleads desperately, "Azzi, fuck, what do I do now?"
It takes Azzi a moment to gather her thoughts, to pry herself away from the misery she feels herself and be strong for her best friend.
"Tonight, you let yourself break," she says finally, remembering something her mother had said during her own ACL injury, "and tomorrow, you start to power through."
"Right," Paige leans back against the backboard, closing her eyes and repeating it to herself, "power through. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers."
"And you're the strongest of them all Paige. You're gonna get through this and I'll be right by your side for all of it, " Azzi says firmly, and the promise of it, of Azzi being there, loosens the knot in Paige's chest just a little bit.
"I wish you were here right now," Paige confesses. In the grand scheme of things, missing Azzi is not a new concept to Paige. They'd been apart far more than they'd been together for most of their friendship. But it's different this time and she's not quite ready to give a name to dull ache in her chest that rise every time's she's not around Azzi.
"I wish I was too," Azzi says softly. She means it more than she can ever convey.
There are deeper things, deeper feelings, that they hide behind those wishes. And perhaps one day, they'll have the courage to not hide those three words behind platitudes of friendship. But not yet, maybe soon.
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3. Look at me actually living up to a deadline I set for myself! I kinda hate how I ended this but I genuinely did not know how to finish it so whelp. Anyways, I hope that was a good quick read and I promise I will finally write something happy next time. Have a lovely weekend and let's get another W on Sunday!!
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memeapple2 · 2 months
Tails gets trolled rp starters part 1
yeah 😔 yes I'm leaving in the typos beacuse it's funnier that way :^) Fight me nerds!!
"Fuck you trolls!"
"They can't troll you if their dead!"
"I'm so mad, I'm gonna have sex with my girlfriend so I won't be so mad."
"Dumbass will learn."
"Mad? U Mad? U look mad U stupid bitch!"
"sorry *insert name* if this looks gay to the viewers."
"the art of trolling was actually started from humans but it wasn't called trolling it was called being a dick but back in the middle ages i was being made fun of because i wasn't human."
"im extremely hurt you would think im a douche. it might not look like it but i have feelings and you hurt them."
"hey can you put that on a coaster?"
"They have been getting trolled. you know how it is. there calling *insert name* gay and shit they cant take it."
"the way to stop a troll. is to become his friend .as his friend you can show him the right path!"
*-goes back to knitting-*
"come i will talk to these kids and stop this hate with kindness!"
"sometimes there is need to do whats needed, if it was up to me *insert name* would be dead and we would never have to worry"
"im not gay I have a girl friend and i would like it if this conflict to end in peace"
"you must not know who i am. i have alot of talent and i have lots of friends. one of my friends is right beside me . and for what your saying isn't true, so i am not afended by your hateful comments"
"ehhh...... im gonna ignore what you just said and ask you one more time. lets end this hate and become friends"
"why don't we just be friends this is stupid"
"ok im gonna take a random guess and say you guys failed with that peace crap"
"i fucking knew it"
"hello dickheads so your the trolls i heard about"
"hey do you see that? it looks like a group of pokemon.coming at us"
"for a em→→breaded donkey i can sure fuck your mom hard."
"there isn't. you remember what happen when you guys tried peace? you cant talk to them. there to oblivious"
"yea remind me next time to not kill such a fat person"
"high shovel!"
"ok i'm gonna go back to sleep now good night."
"don't worry man I killed the fat one. its all cool man. i know all about the taste for blood"
"thank you for proving that peace isn't shit. when it comes to trolls. your a good friend"
" *insert name* Wake up! you fucked up big time!"
"People can't troll me beacuse I have no ears. They can't troll me if I can't hear them!"
"What? I don't have fucking ears!"
"If you don't mind I'd like to continue knitting this!"
"did you know with seat belts people die all the time in car crashes? I thought that was interesting!"
"have you ever been bitch slapped from lack of listening? Lack of doing what you're told? Beacuse I'm not that far from slapping you."
"which means I can be super powerful and kick everyone's ass..I'm gonna be awesomely badass!"
"trust me this plan will be better beacuse I'm gonna smoke my smart weed! I'm smarter when I'm high."
"Why are you filled with so much hatred and aggression? I'm finding it difficult to assume what you must have went through to mold you into the person standing in front of me now."
"Hey troll! FUCK YOU!!!"
"hmmmm this isn't as i thought it would be, killing people is really boring and all these annoying screams, i mean damn."
"Yeah that wasn't very good. I tried to do something similar to high shovel. Let's just forget about this."
"there is no need for any blood shed, this problem can be solved with out any villains"
"I do all kinds of stupid and gay shit."
"I’m starting to think that even if we pray our hearts out and know that we do wrong, that maybe there are things that god can’t fix and maybe, instead of putting our hope in god to fix all our problems we take action for our mistakes and learn from them."
"Sorry it took us so long to save you from TIME PRISON. So what did you do in TIME PRISON?"
"You gotta calm down bro, chill man, smoke a joint!"
"After 50 years I started to feel like I was losing my sanity so I started to break my fingers and I would just break my fingers and set them again. "
" I started breaking all my bones. I broke every bone in my hands. I broke my arms, separately, and then I started to break my own ribs. I broke my femurs, it took a while. And then I healed and broke them again."
"After 5000 years my bones were all scar tissue. They had all grown so solidly back together that I was unable to move. "
"And after another 5000 years of furious infinitesimal movement, I built up enough muscle mass to spontaneously break any bone in my body, and then I could move again. "
"My body had done so much healing that I healed almost instantly. That’s all I do now. Every time I move my body, my bones shatter and heal back in my next shape. If I take a single step, every bone in my legs splinters and then reforms. I don’t know what pain is because I have been alive for 10 million years."
"Okay but it looks like your walking normal."
"Well that's just stupid."
"oh sorry i forgot about this and took a nap and then took a shit. im so sorry i forgot but no worries man im here now"
"ahhhhh........................................................ yeah i dont know."
"hey your awful lonely. you must be a looser or something."
"this is the down side of having no ears, i can't hear if *insert name* is screaming for help or not, i mean i have no clue if hes screaming towards me back, so damn it having no ears kind of blows."
"hhahahahahahahahha i dont even know what the fuck you said?"
"i was trolled until i got bigger and stronger then them now i am feared"
".................... i have no importance to this story line what so ever, i think im gonna go."
"wow that story was super amazingly awesome, im not even joking right now"
"ahhhhhh so gay"
"we neutral's dont take sides in childish battles that normal people do. to pick sides is fullish."
"well most of the trolls are stupid but they all think there smart it's funny if you think about it."
"ummm. what object is like that? huh? ........ its unbreakable and its breakable? how is that possible? is it a liquid? hmmm i don't understand ?"
"now im gonna kick you right in your hairy ballsack"
"ok everyone! do you guys see this paper? well theres nothing on it yet but there will be"
"hey guys i was just telling him the plan. we are gonna do a all nighter and get fucked up hahaha its gonna be sweet."
"What? what are you talking about? We can discuss this further when there's not a gun in my face.."
"shut up, i got this alright, i got this shit in the bag, you'll see."
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sillysadduck · 2 years
Hey, I have seen your trio headcanons and I loved it ajdghdghgd
Do you have any others ? I'm in a dhmis brainrot right now, I need to be feed
just a warning this may have some red x duck vibes since that makes people mad now🤭 but my entire blog is fluffybird so its expected from me, sorry
-they're all going crazy but surprisingly enough red is the only one that loses his shit OUT LOUD on a daily basis and doesn't try to hide it
-ALREADY SAID THIS BUT THEY ARE THE AUTISM SPECTRUM! And yellow has adhd I'll die on this hill thank u
-red will call himself the father figure and then do shit like forget he left yellow outside in the rain and locked the door
-This happens often
-no one is surprised
-duck thinks and says he is a better father figure for yellow
-He's not
-they're trying okay but they're not made for parenting they suck at it
-when duck and red are doing their cheesy couple shit giggling blushing etc (rare occasion when theyre not insulting each other) and cuddling in bed yellow gets upset at them being all sappy in front of him🙄 so he gets on bed with them, that way he gets attention too
-On a softer note sometimes he gets scared at night and they get on his bed with him too so he calms down
-I personally dont think they have actual "ages" buuut I did say in my previous post for me yellow is somewhere between 4 and 8 :) duck may be somewhere around early 30s and red late 20s but that mostly applies when I draw them as humans!
-and before anyone comes at me for yellow to tell me "oh no hes 38" because of the pilot... he turned 48 the same day in that pilot it literally makes no sense he has no canon age🙌🏻
-red and duck argue over small stuff like doing the dishes or cooking all the time but yellow learned thats their love language they're not actually mad at each other,, they're just weird as fuck but whatever floats their boat
-red and duck complain about having to take care of yellow all the time but they can't live without him and will do everything for him, they're just big fans of complaining
-red is SLIGHTLY more patient than duck but only when it comes to yellow, he snaps at anyone else,, specially at roy
-they are a family, and theyll find a way to solve all their problems together in the end even if they go at each other throats occasionally ok ☹☹
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macsimagines · 1 year
I'd like to request Souya, Hanma, and Shion handling their partner giving them the silent treatment, like they've been ignored for a few days at this point.
OOOOOO I hate the silent treatment.
Angry? More like sad-baby. You won't talk to him ever since he and his brother went out all night and he hadn't bothered to even text you.
He didn't think you'd be mad! He said sorry a billion times... He's gonna cry if you don't tell him you love him soon.
Everything he says or does is met with an indifferent grunt from you. Finally breaks down. "Why won't you talk to me!? What do I need to do? I can't take it anymore, honey please!"
Finally you look at him and tell him. "I'm not allowed to go hang out with my friends past 8, but you get to go out all night? Screw you, Souya."
That makes something in him snap. He doesn't hit you. Never would lay a finger on you. But he's throwing items and breaking glass all around the house.
When everything is said and done, he looks down to see you shaking in fear on the floor. Without thinking he embraces you. "Sorry, baby I'm so sorry."
Dosen't care at first and ignores you right back. He didn't do anything wrong. You were acting like a bitch and he told you as much. Ok so you didn't like it when he called you that but if the shoe fits!
Weeks goes by though. And finally he shows up at your place ready to forgive your bullshit but then he opens the door to find. Some other fucking guy.
"What the hell is this, Y/N?" He asks his voice low and dangerous, "None of your business Hanma. Now leave." You spit ready to throw him out.
But he doesn't budge just looks at you with something in his eyes that you don't recognize. "I don't let you throw a fucking fit and you think you can cheat on me?"
Oh? Fuck that. He called you a bitch you'll show him a bitch. "You don't get to cuss me out in front of all your douchey friends, not apologize or talk to me and then still think we're dating! FUCK YOU. I'm moving on and I want you gone!"
Wrong answer. Good for you growing a pair, too bad it's gonna cost this other guy a few broken bones. And when Hanma is done with him he turns to you, Grabbing you by your hair and dragging you out of the apartment. Looks like someone neeeds a reminder of what happens to people who cross him.
Didn't know you ignoring him. Didn't really care either. It had been a month since you hit him up. Usually you're up his ass. Finds you with some douchebag at a cafe and loses his shit.
Makes a total scene. Flipping the table and throwing the guy around like a rag doll. Grabbing you by the forearm and dragging you back to his place.
"The fuck was that huh!?" he screams tossing you onto the bed. "You just up and cheat whenever you get bored, bitch? IS THAT IT!?"
You're in tears, shoving him away trying to crawl further up his mattress to get some distance. "You're the one that got bored! I was the only one ever trying! I thought you'd at least reach out to me but you never did! You didn't want me!"
He thinks about it. Ok so maybe he wasn't the best boyfriend. He didn't know how to be a good one alright? But he'll learn. Eerily gets calm.
"Ok. I get it. I need to try harder." Congratulations. You could never get the guy to give you attention now you'll never get him to leave you alone....
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josdelusions · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking requests rn but if you are I'd literally die for a story with the reader comforting erling after losing in a big tournament or something ❤️
Request:Comforting Erling after he lost a match
Fluffy, Comforting. warning: none
A/n:I hope you like it and if you want more requests, the ask is open
You were nervous and a little worried at home watching your boyfriend Erling's team play. The team was winning until 20 minutes ago and now it was losing 2-1 and the game was almost over. You saw your boyfriend's expressions and he looked pretty upset about defeat.
You knew when the game was over he would come straight home with mixed feelings; tiredness, sadness and anger. So you decided to prepare a very tasty dinner for him to try to ease the frustration.
After a few hours you hear the sound of the door being unlocked and you hear his footsteps going straight into the living room.
He was sprawled on the couch, eyes closed, hair down and wearing his blue City sweatshirt. You kneel on the floor and touch his arm.
"Love, I'm sorry about leaving"
"It was a total failure, I just want to sleep and wake up the next day"
he answers back
"It doesn't stay like that, unfortunately it was shit what happened, but tomorrow is another day you will be able to reverse these mistakes. I made dinner, are you hungry?"
"I don't want to eat, I'm going to shower and sleep."
"Honey, but did you get something after the game? eat something first"
"Yn, please, I'm fucked up and pissed off about this game shit. I just want to be alone, okay?"
"OK then"
After you say that, Erling goes straight to your room. You don't get upset with his driest words he was tired and was defeated today in the match.
So you put the food on your plate and eat alone while listening to the sound of water falling in the bathroom.
You decide to watch a movie instead of going to your room. It was better to leave him alone for a few hours, until he cooled off. You were tired too and it didn't take long to fall asleep right there on the couch.
Suddenly, you wake up with your boyfriend's strong arms wrapping around your body and carrying you to the bedroom.
"Erling, what are you doing?"
"Putting you to sleep in the room with me. That's where you're supposed to sleep, not here on the couch."
He says and places you gently on the bed and lies on the other side facing you, facing you.
"I'm sorry for talking to you like that earlier, it's just that my blood was still boiling and I just wanted to isolate myself"
"It's okay honey, you had a rough day today"
"I don't know what's happening to me, actually I don't know if I'm the problem or if it's the team"
"Honey, don't blame yourself. You arrived at the club practically yesterday and you've already become the season's top scorer. I think you've adapted well to the team, but maybe the team hasn't adapted so much to you. But that will be resolved with the time"
"I know, but you know how I am, I hate to lose and the last few weeks I've felt pressure from people on me"
"Love, you haven't scored in two games. Calm down, everything will work out, you don't need to be tense like that"
Erling hugs you tight and you reciprocate and stroke his hair.
"Everything will be alright, I'm here with you"
You feel that he has become less tense and he breaks the hug, gives you a smile and kisses you gently.
"You are my emotional support, you know right? You reassure me and bring me peace. Thank you for being here when I need it"
"I love you, Erling."
"I love you more, much more, yn"
"If you really love me, then eat the carbonara I made for you"
"It will be a pleasure, because I'm starving and there's no better medicine to make me better than you and your delicious food"
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washa · 11 months
I listened to The Summit audio (part 2) and here’s my favourite personal comments/thoughts! (I HAVE SO MANY QUESTION WHAT)
Tf do you mean Porter, THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN PORTER
William order you to WHAT NOW 
Oh my god it’s an alibi for both of them
Alexis please find some care in your heart.
I mean.. We could make it a game of Cluedo. It would add more to the plot. 
Can vampires even get wrinkles??
“I didn’t kill him, now relax, we have work to do.” That was the most human i’ve heard Alexis.
Wait did they see what happened??? 
Oh no Asher sounds so stressed 😭
David needs a fucking break
Pushed magically away? Oh shit is closeknit here. 
It’s so interesting to see the characters discover plot we already know of, Imagine their reaction to Sunshine and Elliot or Blake and Bestie.
Sweetheart maybe take the memo and not do this
Goddammit Porter. Godfuckingdammit.
Confrontation part 2??? Let’s go
“Get in line.” Porter you snarky bitch
WOAH THERE ASHER?? I’m kinda woahie 🤞
My jaw is dropped. MY JAW IS DROPPED ASH. THE TEETH??
Are they on the floor, like Porter being pinned or?
Big word time 😇
I’m so lost right now. I'm so shitty abt politics, all I'm getting is a corrupt government. 
Kinda attracted to both of them rn… 💕
Porter and Asher both have great points tbh
Where’s Sam when you need him 😕
Are we really doing a trial right now??? RIGHT FUCKING NOW???
So the department ruling has only been formed for 50 years. Oh wait nvm that's not Alexis.
Monarch Baz is so self centered I loathe her, But damn she can be commanding when needed.
“Do we get a vote.?” “Do I look like a vampire, How the hell should I know?” Yes you two make some comedic relief, god knows we're gonna need it.
What are the mates/partners doing?? Is Lovely playing uno with Angel in a corner or??
I’m losing track of the whole houses thing, but that’s ok. 
Monarch Baz sounds so URGAJDDSAK.
“Zane, Ephraim-” , I heard Zac Efron and I was so confused. WAIT IS THAT HOW ERIK GOT THE NAMES??
I’ll be honest, I don’t think “The House of Shaw” and the Solaire Clan are gonna be allies after this 😭
The House of Shaw needs a break what about that 😇
“A piles of bones, obviously.” God it’s sass meeting sass.
ASH?? Are we breathing him in right now???
“Only the bones were left.” Aw yum?? Little chew toy for Darlin’ or something 🤷‍♀️
Beheaded Adam style, Lovely. (Pun intended)
“Considering his skull was halfway across the room, I’m assuming he was beheaded. That, or someone played an impromptu game of soccer with the good king’s skeleton after the fact.” Alexis put a muzzle on yourself please 😭
Yeah tbf Christoper isn’t really a saint here, Vincent can vouch for that. Also where is Vincent.
Calm conversation?? CALM CONVERSATION???
What’s with him and blaming Solaire Clan?
Christoper. Maybe look Lovely in their traumatic eyes and tell them that. STRAIGHT TO THEIR FACE. 
Adam hate club 🙌
Porter standing up for Vincent? Wow he really does keep his word on the whole Solaire’s stick together, also how many people have been killed now.  
“Well, I realized I left the stove on four years ago when I left, I needed to come check on it.” God the Solaire’s breathe sass don’t they. 
Nevermind. All vampires are sassy. 
What is the Shaw pack doing again, are they just in the corner.
Demon blood? Yeah David. POISON??
So hypothetically, If Gavin bled and sprinkler style sprayed his blood everywhere, he could kill a bunch of Vampires if it gets them in the mouth. 
“Shockingly we don't make a habit of broadcasting our weaknesses pup.” Is this an Imperium reference or?? (I've only seen like edits of Asher being called pup so idfk??)
How the fuck did someone get demon blood. A blood bank??
Why are they so sassy? WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKING SASSY??
CLOSEKNIT GETTING BLAMED WOO, I was so scared they were gonna blame Sweetheart or something. 
If the Shaw Pack is gonna keep getting trampled can they just leave? Pup, Dog, A leash??
Christopher, Your fucking alibi is so shitty man, You’re so fucked 😭😭
Oh shit he’s found guilty. HOLY SHIT WAS THAT HIS NECK??
The Shaw Pack is losing their minds and rightfully so, what the fuck.
Bye Alexis?
OH LOVELY WAS THERE?? Oh yes ma’am.
Yes we’ll speak with William. IF WE CAN GET IN CONTACT WITH HIM??
Well. At Least that’s good? Thanks Monarch.
No Vincent, baby. 
Porter, You confusing bastard. 
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lawlietkitty · 2 years
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Kazuichi Soda x reader 🔧
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The nighttime announcement has already went off hours ago, but I still can't seem to get any sleep.
I glance outside my window, looking at the night sky. The moon is shining bright as always. Staring up at the stars always seems to calm my mind.
My thoughts start to calm down, and I feel as if I'm finally ready to fall asleep. But my piece was suddenly disrupted by someone knocking on my door.
-shit, who could it be? It's like 3 in the morning. Why the hell would someone knock at my door at 3 in the morning?? What if they're here to kill me??! Ok I need to calm down.- I think to myself, taking a deep breath. Why am I so paranoid?
I hear the knocks again, but this time, followed by a familiar voice:
-Y/N? Are you up? Can I pleaseee come in??
Oh. It's just kazuichi. But he sounds kinda worried, almost scared, it seems.
I quickly get up and rush to the door. When I open it, I see the pink haired boy with a rather sleepy face, as if he had just woke up.
-Are you okay? Did something happen, Kaz?
Before even answering my questions, he walks inside my cottage and sits in my bed.
-Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare that's all.
I-... is he serious? Did he come here in the middle of the night because of some... nightmares??
-Gosh, are you kidding me?? You scared the shit out of me! I thought someone tried to murder you or something!
-WHAT, why would you think that?!
-Well, I never expected you to come here at 3am because of some stupid nightmares! Seriously, Kaz, how old are you?
-HEY, they weren't just some stupid nightmares, ok?? They were... about my dad... - his voice got a lot quieter when saying that last part. Fuck. I shouldn't have said that. Kazuichi has some serious issues regarding his father, but he's never talked about it directly. He always acts as if what his father did to him is something normal, which shows how used he is to being abused. For him to say it in such a sad voice ... it must have been a fucked up nightmare. I feel bad for him.
-Oh, I'm... sorry, I didn't know that's what it was about. Sorry I didn't mean that. - I say, now sitting next to him.
-No, it's ok. I know you were just joking.- he says, looking away, avoiding looking me in the face. It looks like he regrets saying that, or maybe he's just embarrassed.
The atmosphere is starting to get heavy, which is something unusual when I'm around kazuichi.
-Do you wanna talk about it, maybe? I'm not the best at advice but I'm a great listener!- I forced a smile, sitting down next to him.
-No, don't worry. The more I think about it the more it makes me feel worse.
-Are you sure, Kaz?- I rest my hand on his shoulder, and he turned his head to face me.- You know you can always talk to me, right? I understand what you went through.
-I just... want to distract myself right now, if that's ok... But... thank you for being so kind, Y/N. - he gives me a sweet smile, and I can see a slight spark in his eyes. That, right there, is my weakness.
I pull him in for a hug. At first he doesn't react, but he then gives in, hugging me back, wrapping his arms around my body. We stay like that for only a few seconds, but those few seconds felt like they lasted an eternity. I wish they did.
Kazuichi is not only my best friend here, on the island, but he's also the one person I come to when I need anything. If I need help, advice, someone to hangout with, someone to chat with, eat with, laugh with. It's him. I may see him as more than just my best friend, but he doesn't know that, and will most likely never know. What if he thinks it's weird and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? What if he laughs at me and makes fun of me? So many things could go wrong, and trust me, I've thought about every single one of them. I just can't risk losing someone so important to me.
He pulls away from the hug, stares at me for a couple seconds, and then looks at the floor, trying to hide the flustered look on his face.
He's so adorable. His little side smile, his rosed cheeks that match the color of his eyes, the way he plays with his own fingers when he's nervous. I love everything about him.
He called for me, taking me of my trance.
- Is it ok if I sleep here for the night? I just... really don't want to be alone right now.
-Oh, of course, don't worry about it.
-Really? If you want to, I can actually sleep on the floor, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable.
-Oh, no no! It's ok, don't worry. Here, - I pat one of the pillows - you can stay on this side of the bed.
He takes off his shoes and hat, and starts pulling down the blankets so he can lay next to me.
-Hum... are you gonna sleep with your jumpsuit?
-Huh? Oh, I usually take it off to sleep but, again, I really don't want to make you uncomfortable or something, you know. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of creep.
- But that's gotta be really uncomfortable to sleep in. You can take it off if you want to. It doesn't bother me.
-Huh? Are you sure?? Well, I guess I can keep my shirt on.
He takes off his bright yellow jumpsuit, wearing only a white tank top and black underwear now.
He lays next to me, and we both just stare at the ceiling in silence. But that comfortable kind of silence, you know?
-Hey, Y/N... what would you do if... you really wanted to say something to someone, but if you did, it could either destroy your relationship with them, or something really amazing could happen. But the person is really special to you and you don't wanna risk losing them.
Hm, how interesting. Sounds a lot like one of my problems.
-Ok, just tell me, who's the lucky girl?
-COME ON, I'm not stupid, you know! Just tell me who it is.
-I'm not telling you, ur gonna laugh at me. - he said making a pouty face, that I find simply adorable.
-im not gonna laugh at you, Kaz!
And with a straight face, he stares at me, deep in my eyes and takes a deep breath. Before I could even gather my thoughts, I feel his lips pressing against mine. My face starts burning up. I instinctively pull away. What was this just now? Did Kazuichi just...
-Oh my god I'm so so sorry! God I'm so fucking stupid. I- I'll just leave. - he said, shaking his hands around, nervously.
But before he got the chance to stand up, I pull him down again and put my arms around him in a hug.
-uh- y/n... what are you doing?
-I'm not letting you leave. You said you wanted to spend the night here so that's what we're doing.
- But- what I just did- you dont...?
-I like you, Kaz. You can kiss me as often as you want, from now on.
His face immediately brightens up, now forming his usual smirk.
-oh? It's that so? So I guess it would be ok if I just did this? - he starts kissing me repeatedly around my face. We both laugh, while still hugging
The silence once again returns, but this time, it's feels comfortable. We both just stay there, in each other's arms, enjoying the silence, eventually falling asleep.
So that was it! :D I hope it wasn't too bad for a first try. Apologies for any English mistakes, I tried my very best ^^ as always I'm open to criticism, so please don't be afraid to give me advice!! Tysmm byee ^_^
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fierceawakening · 1 year
So, actual question about actual gaslighting:
Mom tells me that my birthday gift is a table from IKEA that she and dad are buying me. I'm happy about this, as I very much do need a table. The one I have is one they were getting rid of when they moved into an apartment more suited to them aging in place, and is a lovely table but is way the fuck too big for my small apartment so I'm happy about this.
We go to IKEA. Somehow they forget that this is an hour each way and everyone is frustrated and annoyed at the trip taking so long so we're all kind of snippy while we're there. Which is maybe not great but I'm just kinda, eh, shit happens, I'm finding a table. Whatever.
TO MY PERCEPTION, my mom has a thing about people getting snippy. She starts to get really nervous and uncomfortable and make a big deal out of it, where I personally would prefer we just all laugh it off. "Oh fuck, we're all tired and cranky and forgot how fucking HUGE an IKEA is. Ow, argh, welcome to the universe, we all want to commit murder now but are too tired, woe is us, ha ha ha." But, again, as I perceive it, this is Not Okay with my mom, who really wants everyone to act happy and grateful all the time. It's TO ME like she can't see grateful if you're not beaming, and it baffles me.
BUT I am not her, and I could be downplaying that I'm curt to the point of mean, so let's presume that I'm terrible and grouchy and should really be less of both given that this is a present for me. Okay. I suck. Let's go.
Well, things get worse. We go to have dinner after, and I say we should wait until we get back to town and know the restaurants, and that while I know she practices intermittent fasting religiously "it's never actually the end of the world to mess up your diet once due to extenuating circumstances, we can push dinnertime to 6:30."
Well she LOSES IT because I called her fasting a diet and we have an argument which culminates in us eating at a terrible Mexican place we all absolutely hate so it won't be 6:30 at which point she absolutely cannot eat.
We're all tired and grumpy and annoyed because that was exhausting They take the table home with them and tell me they'll come back tomorrow (today) to assemble it, and then, since this is about my birthday, we'll go out to lunch for my bday. (I could SWEAR I asked if it was OK that that would take attention away from Mother's Day and she said it's fine, but maybe I don't remember?)
Anyway, we're all still exhausted and kind of annoyed, and now we're assembling furniture. I'm tired and hungry and looking forward to lunch, and from MY PERSPECTIVE I'm still in a bit of a snippy mood but I don't THINK I'm doing anything terrible.
But she gets super upset. Why am I not happy? Why am I not excited? Why did I not immediately mention Mother's Day? And I'm just like oh man can I just focus on putting a table together? And she's like why am I talking in the way I'm talking? MY answer to which is that we're all tired and run down and it's normal, but she doesn't like this.
Finally she tells me that she's not going to go with me to lunch if "I can't behave decently."
I'm hurt about this, but I don't want to promise that I can "behave decently" because I know from experience that trying to mask in front of her makes things worse, not better.
So I say, "You need to make up your own mind. I am not sure I can mask my snippiness until I have eaten and calmed down. If this is a dealbreaker for you, please just drop us off and we'll catch back up with you. If it's not, I'll probably be fine once I've rested and have some food in me."
I feel like this makes sense, and actually even like maybe it would help! I can't vow to never be visibly tired or annoyed, but I can be aware she dislikes it and tell her I'll catch her later when it won't put her on edge.
But her reaction to that is basically that I want license to behave badly, and that I don't care about her enough to "be decent." She goes with us, but the whole time talks about how unfair it is that I be allowed to "not be decent."
I eat the food and enjoy the restaurant, and as I predicted, this helps me to feel calmer and present as less obviously irritated. I am hurt deeply by the "not decent" remark but able to hide those feelings as I'm calmer. Everything is fine. Ish.
AITA or is she? I mean, I think she is, but... if I am abusive or cruel and giving myself a pass, I feel like I should know that.
I just... Idk. I don't feel like anyone else does this. Like, friends and loved ones have seen me annoyed. And they don't necessarily like it, but there isn't the same sense that I'm incapable of being decent.
Dafuq do I do about this? I love my mom but I'm so tired of feeling like I can't just... be pissed off, lest it hurt her in some way, when it seems like me being pissed off in front of other people is treated like it's, maybe not perfect, but normal.
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a-998h · 7 months
Creator's POV
I'm back in that dream world for when I was in Inazuma. The god me was staring at me, looking angry.
"What are you doing in Mondstadt?! You need to get the hypostasis cores and get your ass to Musk Reef before you get trapped here," It yells.
I try and explain what happened with the festival and the shock about it causing me to pass out. It's expression softens, I think, and it sighs. It warns me that I have three days left. The panic sets in as I worry about how to defeat the hypostasis in order to get the cores. It tries to calm me down, and tells me that I'll find my weapon of choice in a chest. That's would've comforted me if it wasn't for the fact that I am absolutely shit at finding chests in game to finding when in the game world is gonna be hard. I asked where the chest is and it tells me that it'll be neat the tree roots of the giant tree in Windrise.
"Ok, I'll find that chest and leave this hell!" I yell.
It nods and... I wake up. I notice that I'm in the cathedral and Barbara is in front of me.
"Your grace! It's nice to see that you're awake!" She says.
I rush up and out of the cathedral and towards Windrise. When I get to the tree I turn everything upside down to find the damned chest. When I do find the chest and open it I find my favorite weapon inside. Making my way to the electro hypostasis, I manage to get its core. When I touch I hears Ei's voice telling me to stay. I make my way to the anemo hypostasis and also manage to get its core. This time I hear Venti's voice telling me that the people need me. I'm getting more scared, but I must keep going or I'll never make it home. I find a teleport waypoint and go to Liyue to get the geo hypostasis core. This ritual will happen, no matter what.
In Fontaine
Neuvillette's POV
I was waiting for the usurpers to arrive. As much I hate to admit it, with their powers the Creator would not be here. I remember being told by my brothers and sisters that the Creator made Teyvat for the elemental dragons. After the death of my family, I remembered the attendants and all the devine could hear the sobs of the Creator. Back then I could do nothing, but now I can protect to one who tried to protect us from those who sought to kill us.
The doors to my chambers open and th usurpers walk inside and take their seats. I notice the cryo archon is not present, in her place is a woman with a robot.
"Who might you be miss?" I ask her.
"Adress me as Sandrone," she responded.
She explains that she is there on behalf of the cryo archon. I nod and she just stares in reply.
"I have called you all here, due to reports of incidents happening with the Creator and how to prevent any future problems from arising," I explain to them.
Barbatis goes first, it seems that there have been two documented incidents in Mondstadt, one in Sumeru, and none in Liyue and Sneznaya. When it is my turn to speak I tell them the report I hear from captain Chevreuse. Sandrone is smirking. Plans are suggested and in the end we decide to keep the Creator in Fontaine for the time being. As the meeting ends a melusine hands me a piece of paper. Apparently the Creator has been collecting hypnosis cores and they believe one is in Fontaine. I send her away and begin trying to get Furina to help planning a welcome festival for the Creator.
"We will not lose you, your grace," I mumble to myself. We have three days left, before the tethering ritual is ready. I feel a small smile creepy across my face at the thought, of protecting the Creator within Fontaine's walls... forever
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krystalfics99 · 6 months
Warning: child neglect and mature language
Age Rating: 16+
Summary: The well known billionaire Playboy Tony Stark has an affair with the wrong woman and now Has to attend the consequences of her vengeance.
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-That fuking bitch,- Tony said, full of hate. In the background, the baby could be heard crying. Pepper approached and took her in her arms.
-Poor girl still has her hospital clothes on, she's probably been in that basket all day,- said a worried Pepper as she held her in her arms.
-That bitch left and left me this nut to raise,- repeated a very hateful Tony as he walked from one side to the other, Happy passing behind him discreetly taking the letter from the desk and reading it.
-It says her name is Aurora here,- Happy said, interrupting Tony's tantrum.
-Aurora, what a cute name,- Pepper said as she held Aurora.
-Pepper, you're my assistant, right,- Tony asked.
-Yes,- he responded with an obvious tone.
-So fix this mess ok, I don't want to have anything to do with the dwarf teletubie- Tony said pleadingly.
-do you want me to put her up for adoption-
-No, if you do it, everyone will find out and my reputation will be ruined.- Tony said, losing his sanity.
-So what do you want me to do?- Pepper asked.
-DNA test, get a DNA test now- Tony said desperately taking his car keys -come on Pepper and leave it with Happy- he said this time leading Pepper towards the door
-But Tony we can't go...-
-Yes Pepper now-
-But I-
-Happy, tell Obi that something came up,- Tony said, dragging Pepper to the exit without giving her much time to leave Aurora in Happy's arms, taking Aurora's pacifier.
-What do I know I'm supposed to do with Auro...- He was interrupted by a slamming door.
-Of course, just what I was missing, first Tony's nanny and now his daughter's - at that moment small sounds came from Aurora making Happy smile - At least you are adorable and physically a baby - Aurora let out a loud laugh, making my heart of Happy melted completely. Happy looked at Aurora's round eyes, so black and full of light, eyes that made his insides fill with calm and serenity. Looking at her face, she ironically noticed that she was the perfect combination between Emma and Tony. For each feature of Tony, something about Emma complemented him, for example, his eyes were almond-shaped like Emma's, but his irises were brown and large like Tony's, his nose had Tony's thickness and Emma's profile, Emma's full lips, but pink like Tony's, her hair was brown like Tony's and pale skin like Emma's. There was no doubt that it was his daughter.
Aurora is the positive product of two negative variables.
From one moment to the next Aurora began to cry.
- Hey, baby, calm down, don't cry... oh, you smell very bad - he said, making disgusted faces.
-That's disgusting... you stink,-he said while Aurora only cried harder. Happy walked over to the basket looking for diapers.
-Damn, there's nothing here.- He began to look around and found Tony's private bathroom. -perfect here there is paper- taking an extreme amount of paper.
- ok now what - looking at the highly restless and sobbing baby - well I guess I'll change your diaper now.....
But there are no diapers here.-Happy, in the absence of diapers, had to improvise with toilet paper.
After hard work wrapping Aurora in toilet paper. He decided that at least getting decent diapers wouldn't be bad. So he left the building, headed to the parking lot, and
-Shit, I don't have a child seat,-he said, feeling the shock of reality, he looked ahead and got a taxi.
While Happy, with Aurora in his arms, headed to a nearby store in search of suitable diapers and a car seat. The connection with the girl grew as he struggled to cover all the needs improvisedly.
Tony and Pepper are on their way to a lab to perform the DNA test.
- Tony, don't you think you're exaggerating a little? - Pepper asked with a worried look.
- Pepper, this is crazy. I can't have a child now, much less with that woman,- Tony responded, with his nervousness evident.
In the laboratory, JARVIS was already preparing the equipment for the DNA test while Tony impatiently waited.
- Calm down, Tony. This will be resolved soon. - Pepper tried to calm down.
Back at Stark Mansion, Happy awkwardly manages to properly change Aurora's diaper while she continued to cry.
Meanwhile, in the lab, the DNA test reveals the truth. Tony Stark, the genius, millionaire, playboy and philanthropist, was about to face a reality he did not expect.
- Tony, the results are ready. - Pepper announced cautiously.
- Tell me, is she my daughter or not? - Tony asked, with a mixture of anxiety and fear.
- The results are positive. Aurora is your daughter. - Pepper revealed, watching Tony's reaction.
The expression on Tony's face changed from disbelief to surprise, and finally, to disappointment.
- But, Tony, this could be an opportunity to... - Pepper tried to say before being interrupted by Tony.
- No, Pepper. This doesn't change anything. - Tony responded firmly.
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