#okay but i’m truly a creature of habit like none of this is surprising at all
redrattlers · 7 months
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valcalico · 3 years
Athena and Ares
(Just my thoughts on them and their relationship)
I have a lot of feelings about these two. They have a very complex dynamic, where they don’t really like each other, but they can’t work without each other either.
Athena provides rationality to the cruelty of war. She is the strategy and logic behind it. The objective. One might say she represents the generals, and the politicians and the main heroes. Basically the big players.
And Ares? He’s the opposite. He represents the emotion associated with war. He is the bloodlust and the desperate fight. Where the battle is thickest, where there is no room for thought, and when its pure survival instinct that drives you, that’s Ares. He represents the worst parts: the blood and the violence and the cruelty. He is accompanied by fear and terror (Phobos and Deimos). One might say he is the god of soldiers.
So they need each other. If they actually worked together, they’d be one of the dangerous forces ever, even in god circles. But they don’t. Not only because of how differently they view the world, but also because of deeper nuances in their relationship.
Athena is beloved. She is Zeus’ favourite child and his right hand goddess. The people love her. She is the patron of one of the most powerful, influential cities, Athens. She is highly respected everywhere else too. A protector of heroes and a friend to humanity.
Ares, on the other hand, is disliked by many. Zeus says he is “the most hateful of all gods” and says he would have thrown him into Tartarus if he wasn’t his and Hera’s son. (Its in the Iliad) (This part always makes me sad poor ares) He is highly respected in Thrace and Sparta. But Athens dislikes him and worships him out of necessity only.
Even in modern times, Athena is considered a feminist icon and badass lady, while Ares is labelled a brute.
Most people know this. So why did I just type out all that? Cause context is important when delving into the myths.
So first of all, let’s debunk that last point I made. In the ancient myths (and I’ll try not to include romans esp. Ovid), it didn’t work that way at all. Of course it’s important to keep in mind that ancient Greece was very misogynistic. But still, Athena was not feminist at all. Her being a “masculine” woman (mostly) was what made her so acceptable to Athens and she was regularly used to shut down other women. Also:
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(The actual translation of this scene was circulated a while back. So you’re probably familiar with this. Also I’m not saying this to offend any worshippers of Athena or anyone who admires her. There are a lot of bad things in greek mythology and Athena’s internal and external misogyny is probably the least of my concerns. Plus if the greek gods did exist, i believe they change with the society, so they will no longer be Like That in the present day.)
Ares, on the other hand, was incredibly feminist, especially for that time. He surrounded himself with women he loved and respected. (Aphrodite, Eris, Enyo, etc). His lovers were often famously women who challenged the status quo (Otrera, Cyrene). He was regularly show to be a good father to all his daughters, immortal and mortal. (Harmonia, Hippolyta, Penthesilia, Alkippe). Also:
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If that isn’t the coolest thing EVER-
Anyway, I won’t delve deep into that (well, any more than I’ve already rambled about it).
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, we can get to the hypotheticals.
I headcanon that despite ALL the evidence to the contrary, they maybe don’t despise each other completely. I see them having more of a love-hate relationship.
The thing is, gods are very contrary creatures. Zeus and Hera’s fights shake the world one moment, and in the next, they are as loving as any. Apollo is smiling and singing in one moment and skinning a satyr alive in the next. This complexity should be given this relationship too.
Like I said above, they need each other. Both general and soldier are equally important in war. And I don’t think you can completely truly need someone and hate their existence at the same time. (There are exceptions)
This scene in the Iliad really got me thinking:
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If you take the scene at face value, this is probably not something to think too much about. Its Athena going to Ares, insulting him a bit, and taking him away from the war.
But its more than that. First off, Athena goes upto Ares and can calmly convince him to listen to her. Second, look how she frames the question. She says “shall we” which i think is pretty important. Athena doesn’t need to worry about Zeus’ anger or his rules, as she shows later on in the Iliad, and before, during the Rebellion. Both Athena and Ares knows this well. So why does she also need to withdraw? She can make the point without adding herself to the equation. She can also fairly easily run him off the battlefield like she does later. But she doesn’t. And there isnt any hostility from Ares.
Instead, they go together, away from the battlefield and...sit down near a river bank? Basically relax as much as they can? That doesn’t sound like a hateful relationship.
There is also the fact that Ares was going to join sides with the greeks (aka on Athena and Hera’s side) until Aphrodite convinced him to join her instead.
Its clear from this that Ares doesn’t really have much of a stake in this fight. He doesn’t care much about the greater objectives of the war. The only thing that can convince him to take a side is the people one the sides. He fights for the people he cares about, not for any greater good. He easily changes his loyalty because of his love for Aphrodite. He frequently gets into fights to save his children. He goes against Diomedes partly because of how he wounded Aphrodite. All of this means that he cares for Athena too. (And for Hera ofc). Maybe he doesn’t care for her as much as he cares for Aphrodite, but its not really fair to expect him to.
I like to think they genuinely do care for each other a great deal, they just kinda suck at showing it. Maybe that changes as time passes. I can see Athena being quietly protective of Ares (maybe she makes up an excuse to send him away during the Rebellion because she knows he will be in danger otherwise). I definitely think she felt a little guilt (guilt, not regret) at stabbing Ares, seeing as it wasn’t really fair. Ares didn’t know she was there.
I also think that Ares, who spends a lot of time with awesome women and is very fierce in standing up for them if the need arises, will be the one who calls her out a lot of the time on her misogyny or hypocrisy. Athena also has a habit of suppressing any “vulnerable” emotion. She likes to keep all her guilt, sadness, fear, hurt, and regret all locked up tight. I feel like Ares is one of the few people she lets a few of those emotions out around, even if she still tries not to. And in the lighter moments, in private, maybe they joke around a bit and laugh, too.
Okay, now for the heavier bit. While i do think they care for each other, there is also a lot of resentment there. A lot of it, unfortunately, comes from how they are treated by their peers and elders. They like different people, they are liked by different people and they are liked to different degrees. Let’s talk about 3 of the main players.
1) Zeus. Does this surprise you?
I do think Zeus loves all his kids. He doesn’t like some of them, but he does love all of them. And he isn’t as bad of a father as everyone thinks. People have discussed that better so I’ll not rant about it here.
All that aside, he definitely has favourites. Athena is his favourite child (Apollo, I think, being his second). And this favouritism is SUPER OBVIOUS. Its like none of the rules apply to Athena, which is weird considering Zeus isn’t forgiving of those who defy his authority (did someone say Prometheus?)
Ares, on the other hand, is on the other side of the spectrum. The one Zeus dislikes the most.
We can see how this affects them in several instances. The most notable is probably in the Iliad, after Athena deceitfully stabs Ares and forces him to flee to Olympus, injured.
Ares calls Zeus out on his favouritism. He says that gods weren’t allowed to fight each other and if it were anyone else, they would have been punished. He says Zeus always does this, always lets Athena get away with everything, and that he needs to start getting his daughter under control.
Zeus doesnt like this too much and basically tells Ares to stop whining and that he isn’t much better when it comes to destruction. He says Ares is the most hateful of all gods and loves bloodshed. He says he would have gotten rid of him if he weren’t his son, but seeing as he was, Zeus cannot bear to see Ares in pain. He then gets Ares healed.
I can definitely see how this kind of blatant favouritism from someone who should be better to Ares would affect him. Ares is the firstborn son of Zeus and Hera. He should be getting a lot of respect, as per ancient standards but instead, he is overtaken by his virgin half sister from Zeus’ previous marriage, and many bastard half siblings.
Athena being able to break rules left and right, and Ares having to be nervous about even toeing the line will cause distance between them.
This in addition to his position as a god of civil order is a reason that i think he wouldn’t want to break any rule until he deems it absolutely necessary, like if someone he cared about were in danger.
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I can totally see a situation where both of them try to help a hero but Zeus orders them not to. Athena then wants to break the rules, but Ares is very hesitant about doing so. Athena convinces him, either by taunting or by calmly urging him, to go along with it. They get caught but only Ares gets punished. Ares can then truly show Athena the difference between her and everyone else.
Remember when i headcanoned earlier that Athena sends Ares away during the Rebellion? That ties into this. She knows that if they get caught, ares could get into trouble whether or not he did anything. I expect Ares will be furious about it when he returns and finds out what happened though, thinking it was just to get him out of the way, until its revealed why she did it. Then he’ll probably be super awkward.
2) Poseidon
The equal and opposite force to Zeus.
Well, maybe not equal, but quite close.
Lets start with the canon. Poseidon HATES Athena, despises her completely, and he frequently clashes with her father too. They worked together one (1) time and as a result, Athena wasnt punished while Poseidon was enslaved for years. Then there is the fight for Athens, the whole epic of the Odyssey, and so on.
Meanwhile he and Ares are actually shown to be close. Other than the Halirhothius incident, they are pretty chill. Poseidon is the one who vouched for him after the Net Thing With Hephaestus. Poseidon is also pretty cool with Aphrodite and they work together occasionally.
I think Poseidon thinks of Athena as this bratty kid of his brother, who is constantly working against him. You know that one annoying cousin you have who you try to avoid during family reunions because you KNOW you will clash? This is that, but a thousand times worse.
Meanwhile Poseidon really cares for Ares, and Ares takes fatherly affection from anywhere he can get it. Poseidon maintains a good relationship with both Aphrodite and Ares. He is closer with Aphrodite and doesnt love Ares quite as much as Zeus loves Athena, but he still cares a lot.
3) Aphrodite
It is no secret that Athena hates Aphrodite. Even when Athena warns Diomedes not to harm any god, she says Aphrodite is the exception. Athena, along with many of the other Olympians, see her as nothing but a silly, flighty, hysterical goddess.
On the other hand, Aphrodite and Ares are known for their intense love for each other, from even before her arranged marriage. They have a lot of kids together, and are shown to be close with all of them. They each have like one story of jealousy/one story where they are at odds with each other, which is pretty good for such a high-profile couple (Aphrodite curses Eos and Ares kills Adonis). They are there for each other, like in the trojan war, when Aphrodite was wounded and Ares gave her his chariot to go back to Olympus. He also changed sides very soon, just because Aphrodite asked. Athena complains about this too.
I think I wouldn’t be far off in saying that Athena is definitely resentful of how close they are, and how much sway Aphrodite has over her brother.
While Athena definitely doesn’t see eye to eye with Ares, and disagrees with his domain, she still sees him as a War God. One of her kind. And she just doesn’t see how a War God can go for someone like Aphrodite. Basically, she doesn’t think Aphrodite is, for lack of a better term, good enough for Ares, seeing as she is a Love Goddess.
Ares, on the other hand, does not want to hear anything like this. He is fiercely defensive of Aphrodite. He defends her warlike aspect (Aphrodite Areia), while everyone else tells her that she has no place in the battlefield. He sees Aphrodite as more than what people have labelled her to be. Which is why I believe (other than Eos and Adonis), they have one of the healthiest open relationships in greek mythology.
This can definitely cause animosity between Athena and Ares, because of Athena’s scorn and Ares’ temper. It can also increase the conflict between Athena and Aphrodite.
Maybe as time goes on, Athena can start seeing Aphrodite as having more depth. I certainly hope so. While they wouldn’t be best friends, I don’t see why they can’t learn to get along. This could also strengthen Athena and Ares’ bond. As long as people don’t insult her or lay their claim on her domain of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite is often very supportive. I truly think Aphrodite can help Athena overcome her misogyny, with Ares.
In conclusion, Athena and Ares have a very complex relationship. They do not simply hate each other, and neither do they have the most loving relationship. But they do care for each other. But strain can often be put on their relationship from their relationship to other people as well. Hopefully as time passes, they can overcome that, and have a healthier relationship, instead of sharing a good moment and then proceeding to fight each other for the next 500 years.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
Eidolon 7 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:  AU: What started off as the result of a simple act of rebellion ends up causing his life to spin out of control. How will young Danny cope with the results as well as a past that has a strange habit of coming back to haunt him.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, kidnapping, and various other things
Parings: hints of Danny/Sam much later on
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr
7. First Confrontations
It had been about two weeks since Danny had decided to visit the cemetery on his own. As he traveled the familiar paths, he constantly checked his surroundings for a sign of another's presence. Although he wasn't exactly, happy he felt that there was a need to check, it was better to play it safe. That creature had been there once after all, so who was to say that it would not appear again?
Without even realizing he had been aiming for it, he soon reached his favorite part of the grounds. A small stone terrace decorated with a couple benches sat neatly out of the way of both graves and the normal path. Since it was surrounded by trees, it was often easy to miss by visitors, assuring he would be able to think in peace for a while.
Words and images manufactured from hours of speculation kept swimming around his head. He tried to make sense of everything, but it just seemed to make his confusion worse. The puzzle of both his past and his parents' was not only vast, but complicated. It was likely it was possible to solve it; however he was pretty sure that there were several pieces that he still didn't have.
The new information about his unknown parents seemed to take precedence over any other thoughts. They had disappeared after being attacked, yet Winston had never actually said if they were still alive. Maybe his guardian withheld the information because of concern, or perhaps he didn't even know for sure. So, was it possible that they could still be out there somewhere? Wouldn't that be nice? But, he knew that it was incredibly unlikely just because of how much time had passed. Besides, he'd have absolutely no idea what he would say to them.
There was also the issue of the guy that had attacked his parents… Plasmius, or something like that. Winston seemed very hesitant to talk about him and had even danced around the subject once he had gotten a chance to ask him for details. Although he couldn't say for sure, it felt as if something big was being left out of the story, even if he had no idea what it could be. Was this Plasmius just an unorthodox researcher with some frightening ideas? Or was there more to it? Tucker had suggested that he could be some type of crazy arms dealer (though he personally didn't understand how weapons and paranormal science could mix).
Danny took a moment to both rest his mind and to attempt to figure out how to make his hand visible again. Shortly after his conversation with Winston, different parts of his body had seemingly begun to randomly disappear. The first time it happened, he had been trying to wash his face the one morning, only to realize that the wash cloth was seemingly floating in mid air. Although his hand reappeared only a few moments later, he was absolutely amazed that none of the neighbors called the police because of his regrettably very unmanly scream.
Since that initial incident, he was still no closer to understanding why it happened. It was possible that it was somehow related to the incidents where he fell through a solid object. However, he was currently unable to rationalize how that was possible. The only thing he could say was he was absolutely terrified of what it might be doing to his body, and what his friends might think if they happened to be unlucky enough to ever get to see it. That was why he had not contacted them in over a week.
He ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. No matter how much he tried to wrap his head around it, there was just too much he didn't know which prevented him from piecing everything together. Although he was definitely hesitant about contacting them, his friends, but talking to them over the phone would definitely help calm the chaotic storm in his mind, even if they couldn't contribute anything thing.
After glancing at his watch, he realized that Winston was probably going to be expecting him back home soon. As he got up off the bench, he inadvertently shuddered after a strange, almost breeze-like chill caressed his body which was almost immediately replaced by the feeling of being watched. "H-hello…?" he stammered, hoping that it was just his imagination. The last thing he needed at the moment was a repeat of what happened the last time he experienced this feeling.
"Okay… You're losing it," he told himself when nothing answered him. "There's nothing here except you and some dead people… Nothing to worry about… unless Amity Park has suddenly become Pittsburgh…"
"Zombies… How amusing. It always astounds me how the mind of a teenager can jump to such things."
Danny felt himself grow rigid as a sick sort of recognition ran through him. There was no way he could forget the sound of that voice, not after the terror he felt the last time he heard it. The chilling yet oddly sophisticated tone told him that whatever was speaking was definitely the very same creature he had encountered last time.
"W-who… what are you…?" he asked it, hoping he could possibly keep it occupied long enough for him to magically figure out a way to make an escape. The only problem was that he had this sinking suspicion it was smarter than him.
A strange and unnerving chuckle answered him. "I take it that you've heard of ghosts before, my boy?"
"So… you're telling me that you're a ghost…?" he asked slowly while he tried to figure out what was creepier: a disembodied voice talking about ghosts or it calling him 'my boy'.
"And you got it right on the first guess. I must say that I'm impressed."
His eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out where it might be. Sure he was definitely scared of it, but currently the anger at it actually questioning his intelligence was currently overriding his fear. "Are you just here to annoy me?" he snapped. "If so, you're really doing a good job."
"Oh, I assure you that I have more important things to do than to wound the pride of an adolescent," it told him with a flourish before its tone became one of hunger. "I'm here to take you away from this world."
He slowly began to back up. Its voice had originally had sounded like it was coming from terrace boundary, now seemed like it was coming from right in front of him. And, it definitely felt as if something was standing only a few feet away from him, even if he couldn't see it.
"Are you afraid?" it asked him it an amused tone. "You really shouldn't be. Daniel, you don't belong in this world. You never have."
"Wh-what do you mean?" The fear was present in his voice now, and there was nothing that he could do to attempt to hide it. He backed up until he felt tree bark pressing into his skin. Whatever this thing was, it had managed to corner him.
He glanced around desperately, hoping there was something he could do. However, his attempts stopped when he realized a figure was slowly starting to materialize out of the air. He could tell it was humanoid in shape, but the features were still too burry to make out.
Once again, the voice, which seemed to be coming from the slowly emerging figure, chuckled. "Oh come now Daniel, haven't you realized that you feel more comfortable among the dead than the living?" Apparently, it took the confused look on his face as a confirmation as it continued. "I've watched you for a while now. I know that you come here because it seems to call to you. It's the only place where you can connect with the other side, whether you realize it or not."
His focus turned away from the conversation as he noticed that the figure appeared to be reaching out for him. He batted the hand away, surprised when he felt the resistance of another person. With the realization there was something physical there, he tried to further push himself away from it, but instead of finding the resistance of the tree, it felt like he was suddenly stumbling through a wall of water. The next thing he knew, he was sitting on the ground facing the opposite side of the tree.
"Good… It looks like your powers are developing quite nicely." The creature's voice now seemed to contain a dark interest as it again moved closer, undeterred by what had happened. It's form, though still hazy, was now visible enough for Danny to clearly identify it as having more of a male build. "Though, they're still tied to your emotions, which won't do you much good at the moment."
"P-powers?" he almost choked as he tried scooting away from it, ignoring the fact that he now had a chance to run. "What are you talking about?"
"So Winston really hasn't told you anything. It's such a shame." For a moment it appeared that it would say something else, but tilted its head as if it was listening to something. "Your friends have remarkable timing," it told him in a tone that clearly expressed that it was not happy about the intrusion.
He had no idea what it meant until he heard a faint voice calling his name. "Sam?" he shouted back in a surprised terror. "Don't come closer! Get out of here!"
"DANNY?" Her voice sounded closer.
The creature chucked yet again. "Oh, don't worry, I can wait a little longer before I claim you. Just be prepared." The voice seemed to fade away along with the pale outline of whatever it really was.
As soon as he felt like the creature was truly gone, he breathed deeply in relief only to jump at the sounds of Sam finally reaching him. He had just enough time to look up at her before one of his arms decided that it no longer cared for the rigidity of the ground and sank right through it before getting stuck.
"So… where's Tucker…?" he asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation after he and Sam rather awkwardly started back towards the entrance. It was definitely a risk for him to speak as his stomach started to turn against him, which apparently was going to happen every time something weird happened. But, knowing that he had frightened one of his only friends was enough to get him to try.
She was silent for a moment before she spoke, making sure that she did not glance at him. "He's waiting near the entrance… He said that he was too frightened to go any further than that."
He bit his lip as he tried to figure out something else to say. Sam had managed to handle seeing him try to free his foot from a floor quite well, but apparently watching how it had happened was a little too much for her. He wished that there was something that he could say that would help, but what could he say when he didn't even understand what was happening?
"Um… Danny…" He glanced over at her only to realize that she had stopped a few feet behind him. She was uncharacteristically playing with the hem of her skirt before she looked up at him with blazing eyes. "What's going on? Now I'm all for the weird and freaky, but even this is starting to get too weird, even for me!"
"Sam…" Before he could really say anything, she interrupted him.
"If you want me and Tucker to continue to be your friends, you've got to start explaining things! This is the second time that I've seen some part of your body get stuck into something solid. That's not normal no matter how you look at it! What are you? What was that thing? What's going on?"
"Do you think I know?" he snapped at her, causing her to stop her rant and stare at him. "If I knew what is happening to me, don't you think I would have said something after Tucker fainted?" Getting irritated was definitely not the best idea since his stomach decided to forcefully remind him that it was already upset with him. In an attempt to keep everything under control, he sat on the ground while resting his head on his knees. This illness thing was really starting to get on his nerves.
A hesitant touch caused him to glance up. Although it was very clear that she still felt uncomfortable, Sam had decided to come over and gently run his back in a somewhat apologetic attempt to make him feel better. "I'll wait until we get out of here before I ask anything else. You need time to feel better, and Tucker'll mentally need to prepare himself. I swear he can be so cowardly sometimes."
As he watched his friend try to find ways to rationalize what he was told of what had occurred in the graveyard, he grimly decided he would rather deal with attempting to escape from that creature… or ghost, if that's what it really was, than dealing with Tucker's spastic response to his fears. After meeting up with him at the entrance of the graveyard, they had relocated to Tucker's house to talk things over.
"So, you're telling me that this thing told you that not only do you not belong in 'this world' but that it was going to take you away too?" Tucker asked as he adjusted his glasses. "What's to say that it's not going to come after you while we're around?"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you," he sighed, for what felt like the thousandth time that day. "From what I understand, it could have very easily have taken me away earlier today, but instead it decided to leave when Sam appeared. It doesn't make much sense to me either, but I guess it would rather take me when there was no one around to watch…"
"But why?" Sam's tone made it clear that she held a great deal of skepticism about the motives of the creature. "I mean… I was the only other person around earlier, and it had plenty of time to take you and run, or fly, or whatever… you know what I mean… before I even managed to get a good look at either of you. There's just something that doesn't feel right about it."
Although Danny hadn't thought about it before, she had made a very valid point. That thing could have done anything it wanted with him, yet it decided to leave him alone again. There really seemed to be no logical reason for it. Well, no logical reason that he could come up with. For some reason, it just felt like it was somehow playing a game with him.
"Wait a minute, Sam! You actually saw this thing?" Tucker demanded, completely ignoring everything else that she had said. "What did it look like?"
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow for a moment before she spoke. "Why do you want to know? I thought that you were afraid of this thing…"
"I am, but I'd like to know what my doom looks like so that I have a better chance to be prepared."
"Tucker, we're dealing with something that's calling itself a ghost, meaning that it can become invisible. How is that going to help?"
For a second, he thought that the word 'ghost' was going to cause Tucker to go into another set of hysterics, but instead he smile rather broadly. "Well, if that's the case, than I guess I don't need to worry all that much."
"Wait a minute, you've been scared of this thing for two weeks and now it's suddenly fine? What's going on?" Danny asked after he shared a very confused glance with Sam.
Tucker gave them a rather surprised look before he started to look up something on his PDA. After mere seconds, he shoved it towards them so that they could get a glance at the article he pulled up. "I'm actually surprised that you haven't heard about this Sam, especially because of how interested you are in all things dark and creepy, but if that thing really is a ghost, then it's not going to leave its haunt."
"Wait, that's right!" Sam exclaimed after handing the PDA back to Tucker. "Ghosts tend to haunt places that have some sort of significance to them, and they're never seen anywhere else. So if that thing's haunt is the cemetery, then…"
"It's going to stay there…?" Danny asked with a little bit of uncertainty.
"EXACTLY!" Tucker nodded to himself, pleased that everyone now seemed to be on the same page. "That means that I don't have to worry about it. But… just in case… what did it look like?"
He just shook his head. "I… I'm not entirely sure."
"What do you mean you're not sure?"
"Um… well, it was almost like it was slowly coming into focus the whole time it was talking to me, and I was more focused on trying to escape than anything else…."
"You had to have seen something?"
The desperation in Tucker's voice made him try to revisit the encounter to see if anything in particular decided to stick out at him. "It… was about the size of a normal man," he said slowly after a moment, "and was wearing black gloves."
"And it had a cape," Sam added.
"It had a cape?" both he and Tucker asked rather incredulously.
She nodded. "That's really the only thing that I know I saw."
"Wait, you're telling me that this thing thinks that it's some sort of demonic superhero?" Tucker practically demanded.
"How should I know what it thinks? And what makes you say that?"
After that simple question, the three of them managed to somehow get into a rather complicated debate about the various superhero universes. Although it was completely off topic, it was definitely a very welcome distraction from the earlier events of the day.
Although he kept trying to push it from his mind, there was something that nagging him about the encounter. Sure, Tucker might be convinced that the self-proclaimed-ghost would not appear anywhere else other than the cemetery, but he wasn't as sure. All of the ghost stories he had heard had taught him that ghosts were not able to hurt the living, yet he was absolutely certain that if it had wanted to, it could have easily have killed him or Sam. Assuming that it had that sort of power made him wonder if it could throw the other 'rules' out of the window too.
The only problem was that he didn't have the necessary information about it though. Hopefully, he would never get a chance to learn it, but something told him that he wouldn't be that lucky. The only thing he could do was wait and see what happened in the upcoming days.
=================================================================== Okay, there's a few notes for this chapter:
1) Story timeline rundown: Ch.1 Sat Ch.2 Sat night Ch. 3 Sun Ch. 4 Wed afternoon Ch. 5 Wed afternoon Ch. 6 Wed night Ch. 7 Sun (two weeks after chapter 3)
The story starts in the 2nd week of September (the year is rather unnecessary to know). The reason is that this is what came to mind when I first started working on this, and that I have absolutely no idea when Danny's actual birth date (if there is an official one) really is.
If you don't get the Pittsburgh reference, it's okay. Pittsburgh's often called the zombie capital of the world because of how many zombie films have been made there.
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Run A Rig: Part Two
He wanted the title, and the Captain wanted to be anything but idle.
The Siren wanted the sea, and the liar wanted all to be free.
They wanted their brother back, but each journey is more perilous than the last.
The Serpent’s Song is a ship for many, and at the same time a ship for none. Because when everyone runs a rig, nothing true can be done.
Tagging: @hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie
Ao3 - Masterlist
Part Two
“The naive one trusts you to the depths of the sea and back.”
Logan’s eyes narrowed at the siren as he sat in the lamplight, “He has no reason not to.”
The siren’s eyes shone with mirth as he leaned forward pulling against his chains, “Not yet.”
“I’ve come to make an offer.”
“Oh? The Captain has fallen for asking the lowly me for advice.”
“I don’t intend to ask ye for advice.”
“Then what do you want?”
“I simply ask that ye keep yer mouth shut to me crew about any and all things. Not a song nor a word, and if ye do I might reconsider selling ye.”
“If you don’t sell me... what will you do?”
“Keep ye. My foes would fall easy with a beast such as ye on my side.”
The Siren gave him a look of disbelief, “You want me to be one of your stupid crew?”
“I’m still not sure what I want right now,” Logan admitted leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “So in the meantime I suppose I’ll play the role of Captain. And that means building me legacy... Far beyond what me picaroon of a father ever could. And a siren for an officer would be a good way to do that.”
The siren was silent for a moment and Logan could feel the way his purple eyes watched him searching for answers that Logan truthfully didn’t have. 
“And what if I chose to run?” He asked finally. “I join your crew then promptly jump ship?”
“Then I’d capture you and kill ye.”
“You think you could?” The siren challenged. 
“I’m more capable than I look,” Logan replied leaning forward in his seat. “If needed I will pierce that tail of yours and ye would never swim again. So tell me beast... Do ye have a name?”
The siren gave him a glare, “...Virgil.”
“Virgil,” Logan repeated, trying it out. “I’ll give ye some time to think over me offer. But we will be at the nearest port within week’s end.” He stood from his seat and picked up the lantern moving toward the door. “If ye choose to be silent until I return we can continue this conversation. Goodnight Virgil.”
“Now yer looking like a Captain.”
Logan had to agree as he admired his new coat. It was long and a deep black, with blue details. And his hat on his head matched, it seemed all the coin he had paid had been worth it. 
“Now that ye look like Captain yer gonna need to act like it,” Dee commented. 
“Ye are the only one who seems to think I don’t act like one.”
Dee gave a shrug as he sat on Logan’s bed, “Perhaps it’s because I know ye best... To me yer always Logan first. And Captain second.”
“Break that habit,” Logan advised. “Would ye gather the crew? I’m going to fetch our pet.”
“Is it time to sell the beast?r” A deckhand asked as Logan approached pulling Virgil by the chains as he did. 
“Switch forms beast,” said another. “You’ll go for more looking like the monster ye are.”
Virgil barred his teeth, but he didn’t say a word. 
“Now now,” Logan chided with a smile. “Be nice, we’ve had a change of plans... we will not sell the Siren. Instead we will use him. I have already begun to tame him. And he will be the downfall of anyone who dares to face us.”
“Ye want to trust it?” Dee asked in surprise. 
“I never said trust,” Logan corrected taking in the surprised faces of his crew. “I said use. I have no trust in him, which is why he is still chained. Also he will be contained in my Cabin so I can watch him. But he knows not to charm any here, unless he wishes for a taste of the cat.”
The elicited a murmur from the crew and Logan couldn’t help but smile. “We leave come morning. But until then I suggest a party on the newcomer’s behalf. For the Serpent's Song has become the first! And the only ship, to tame a Siren!”
“So this is what you humans always drink,” Virgil remarked scrunching his nose at the rum he had tasted. “It’s disgusting.”
“It’s not for taste,” Logan replied. 
“You don’t drink?” He guessed. 
Logan shrugged, “Someone has to keep an eye on ye.”
He rolled those purple eyes of his before he stared down at the liquid in his mug. “Somehow I severely doubt that’s the reason.” 
Logan looked away from him to where him men were making fools of themselves about the deck, “Let me ask something of ye Siren.”
“What is it you want, human?”
Logan’s eyes didn’t leave the crowd, “Which of them desires to kill me?”
“Humans have many desires.”
Logan gave a hum, “That many?”
As a child Logan had wanted many things. 
At his youngest he had simply yearned for the day the father his mother had always spoken of would return from the sea for them.
When his mother had found out that his father had married another, he had still wanted to meet him and the younger brother he supposedly had. 
When his mother’s drinking had lost them the little they had he had wanted to give his father a piece of his mind. 
When his mother had moved them into the brothel he wanted to be anywhere but hiding in that closet. So he’d escape to his mind, and he’d wish to stand by his father’s side on the Serpent’s Song. 
When the ship had come he had wanted so bad to speak to its Captain he had snuck on the ship. He had shouted and kicked at the deckhand who grabbed his arm until he got what he wanted and had been brought before the Captain.  
Then when he had stood there watching the Captain smile at a boy younger than him, and he wanted that so bad he had shouted his mother’s name. 
And when the Captain- his father had sent his wife and his young son away before he had regarded Logan with a hard expression. Logan had wanted him to embrace him, to smile at him, to call him his son. 
So when his father had told him he could only remain on the ship as a nobody, as present to the boy who was his brother, he wanted it so badly that his child mind hadn’t considered the consequences. 
And as the years passed and Logan found himself ignored while Dee got everything. Dee would get their father’s attention, Dee would get their father’s love, and all Logan received was being treated like property. In those moments of inequality there was only one thing he wanted: to be by his mother’s side. Because at least she had loved him. 
But he as much as he wanted that, he knew he couldn’t have it. The Captain had given him as a present to Dee, and if Logan did not follow orders he knew where it would land him. And if he left, he knew he wouldn't live long enough to see his mother again. 
“So did ye have a specific destination in mind?” Dee asked as they sat pouring the maps. “I know ye simply want to show off our little siren, but-”
“I am older than you,” Virgil cut in. “And I’m also bigger than you with my tail.”
Dee ignored him, “But are there any beats ye wish to hit? Do ye want to go home or something?”
Logan blinked in surprise, “Home?”
“Ye were a stowaway,” Dee shrugged but Logan could tell there was more to it. “But did ye have family?”
“A mother,” Logan nodded slowly. “But I doubt she’d be happy to see I’ve become a pirate... she's not exactly the biggest fan.”
“Was her ship attacked, or something?”
Logan shook his head, “No, she was just wronged by one. She’s one of many who have been.”
Dee gave a shrug, “Okay so not there then. Where?”
Logan paused before he pointed to a town on the map. “Tilia, the Merchant City.”
“That’s a major trading town. It’s full of soldiers,” Dee said in surprise. “We can’t get in there.”
“Virgil,” Logan asked after a moment. “How loud can you sing?”
The siren gave a smile, “Cover your ears and lets see.”
Logan nodded, “We've got many leagues to cover before we arrive in the City. We can test it out a few times first.”
Logan glanced back at his crew to see them all watching apprehensively, and he could only hope their makeshift ways to block their ears would work. 
He looked down into the water to where he could see Virgil’s scaled form swimming beside the ship. He gave the creature a nod and with that Virgil swam ahead in the fog to where the merchant ship could be seen. 
Beside him the chain and rope which had been connected to Virgil began to fall into the water. He nervously readjusted the cloths he had used to cover his ears before he replaced his Captain’s hat. 
And after a moment he heard it. 
He couldn’t make out the words or anything, but he could hear a faint melody. It was soft and so far away, like a memory edging at his mind, but it didn’t go further than that as they approached the merchant ship. 
By the time they had arrived beside the ship he could already see men jumping from the ship to the waters below. Logan gave a smile as he motioned for his men to board the ship. 
“That went perfectly!” Dee praised as he ran his hand through the loot. “Wait until we get to the City. It will be the motherload!”
“Can I truly not eat him?” Virgil frowned at their prisoner. 
“Did ye not eat enough?” Logan asked in surprise. 
Virgil gave a shrug, “Your human food or fish are fine and all, but nothing is better than the taste of human flesh.”
“And that is precisely why ye are still chained.”
“Please,” The merchant begged from where he had been bound and left on the floor. Tears gathered behind his cracked glasses, and his expensive clothes were torn. “Please,” he whimpered again and Logan gave a sigh. 
“Sniveling isn’t needed. I won’t kill ye. In fact I want ye help.”
“Anything,” he nodded quickly. 
“We’re bound for the Merchant City,” Logan told him plainly. And yer going to help us get in.”
The merchant’s mouth opened and closed in surprise but finally he nodded, “O-okay...”
“Perfect. Ah where are me manners? I am captain of the Serpent's Song, Logan. This here is me first mate, Dante. And me Siren, Virgil.”
“It was you singing...”
Virgil gave a shrug, “Aye, I’m kind of forced to be here too. But at least I got a good meal today. Do you have a name merchant?”
The man gave a sniff to stifle his tears, “Patton.”
Logan nodded, “When we approach ye will board a small boat with a few of me crew and Virgil. Ye will take them to the center of the port without altering anyone. Understand?”
“Yer missing something there,” Dee tossed in. “It’s aye Captain.” 
“...Yes Captain.”
Logan gave a nod as he considered the merchant before he moved forward and drew his dagger. He saw as the man tensed but he paid it no mind as he cut the man’s rope bonds. “I trust I won’t need to replace them?”
He nodded quickly, “You won’t.”
“Well that was mildly entertaining,” Virgil drawled. “Now what?”
“I suppose I should divide the loot for me men,” Logan mused. “Before they begin to steal from it.”
“How much do I get?”
“Do ye sirens even have a need for money?” Dee asked him. 
Logan watched as Virgil gave Dee a once over, “I’m living with you humans now... and I like pretty things.”
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Alright, time for biology class, let’s go.
Except not quite yet because I have a continuity question: This might be a book to movie error, but this says that Emmett, Rose, and Jasper were pretending to be seniors, but in New Moon (definitely in the movie, but I thought also in the book), Jasper is there at school with Alice and Edward and Bella. So did Forks High flunk Jasper???
Anyway, Biology class.
would manage to pull out anything in his lecture that would surprise someone holding two graduate degrees in medicine.
Edward has two graduate degrees in Medicine. This makes all of the Twilight books look hilarious in retrospect, but makes the fourth one especially funny in a rage inducing kind of way.
The humans weren't smart enough to know that they feared me, but their survival instincts were enough to keep them away.
1) You said this shit already back in the cafeteria, and I didn’t buy it then, so stop repeating yourself, and 2) I will say again since we’re repeating ourselves: They stay away from you because you’re a stuck up, smarmy little asshole.
Still, from the place where Bella Swan stood, nothing.
If only, sweet Weirdo, you had taken this as a sign of what it truly is: Your sweet precious flower Bella is empty space. A placeholder where hundreds of thousands of guys, gals, and non-binary pals can slip in and make it their fantasy. Can’t do that if she has unique and interesting thoughts. (And no, dear readers, I do not consider Twilight Bella’s ‘unique and interesting thoughts’ because SM never mastered that first person POV and it never felt like we were actually in Bella’s head.)
There was no room full of witnesses - they were already collateral damage in my head.
Okay everyone (myself included) clowns on the fact that as soon as Weirdo gets a sniff of the blood, he’s plotting out the murder of his entire class, but if we could all just take a second here. 
Edward Cullen, the Vampire with Morals and A Heart Of Gold (according to the fanbase) gets a sniff of Bella’s blood and is immediately plotting out the murder of his entire class. No hesitation, no thought. This does not strike me as a man with a high regard for human life, as the books tried to tell me over and over that he was. If the line is still in there, this will get even worse later, but for now, I’m letting it rest on that.
I would also like to make a point about Vampires and their Instincts, but I don’t think this is the time for it. Not yet. So hold on to that thought for later.
the face I'd beaten back with decades of effort and uncompromising discipline
Remember that time Weirdo got pissed at Carlisle and fucked off to go people for a few years in a fit of warped vigilante justice?
Okay, the section is far too long to quote, but let’s talk about Weirdo’s little murder plot, shall we? At this point in the story, especially in this one as I am in Weirdo’s head, I’m supposed to think that he’s driven mad by bloodlust and in some kind of incontrollable madness.
But he’s sitting in his seat literally planning out exactly what the best route is to kill every single student in this classroom so that he doesn’t leave any wittnesses to his crime. He’s being detailed to the point that he can tell exactly how much time he has to do this. 
That isn’t driven mad by bloodlust, guys. That’s fucking cold and calculated. This man is planning to the second how to kill 20 people all at once without getting caught. It’s planned down to the detail. As hilarious as it may be to clown on Weirdo about this passage, please think about it. Think about the cold, calculating way he’s describing murdering innocent teenagers and his biology teacher just so he can drink Bella in peace. Please think about the implications of what kind of person Edward Cullen is, that he can so coldly plan something like that. 
In my head, Carlisle's kind eyes did not judge me.
I have a lot of feelings about Carlisle, and none of them are very nice, but I’ll save that rant and see just how he is in this book, since we’re gonna see more of him.
There is more of Weirdo’s woe is me bullshit here. I feel like it’s supposed to be dramatic and really get us into his Feelies about the Tasty Good Hooman Blood he’s wiffing, but it reads so much like a dramatic pre-teen diary entry that all I hear when I read it is ‘Waaaaaah! Why me? I hate everything, this isn’t FAIR!’
But I didn't have to breathe.
This is a very relevant and important point about the mythology of vampires in this canon. They don’t have to breathe. They literally never have to breathe and choose to do so anyway, and while I could understand that new vampires might continue to breathe because it’s a comfort of their previous life and a force of habit carried over, Weirdo has had plenty of time to lose the habit. And it is absolutely possible to not notice someone not breathing if you aren’t constantly staring at them waiting for the signs, so saying that it’s a tactic to blend in (especially when the Cullens do nothing in their power to blend in to begin with) doesn’t fly either. Weirdo goes on to make a point about how he relies on scent more than his other senses, for the hunt and for warning signs and all that, but he is in school, and if we go by the text, he doesn’t want to hurt the humans around him, so even if he does use his sense of smell, he has no reason to use it in a school full of vulnerable teenagers.
Weirdo calls Bella a Woman-Child and Thanks I fucking Hate It.
And once again, Edward is going into a lengthy fantasy about how to get Bella alone to murder her. I said it already but I’ll say it again. This isn’t fucking bloodlust, this is a cold blooded killer plotting his next kill. This fucker is Calculating. He’s plotting. If he was truly as bad off as he’s claiming, he wouldn’t have the brain power to be this cold and rational about it.
I played a CD of music that usually calmed me, but it did little for me now.
This is funny to me for a number of reasons. The first is my assumption that the CD he’s playing is that one with the DeBussy song on it. Symbolism and all that. But the second is that this is v much something that happened all throughout the Twilight saga with SM. She refuses outright to call things by name. She won’t say the names of bands, or search engines, and the only ‘product placement’ we get is the cars. I can’t tell if she did this to try and make her stories feel more timeless or because she was genuinely afraid of being sued or something for using specifics.
He's almost young enough to be my son. Too young to think of that way..
We get is SM, you want us to think your Pires are the most beautiful, amazing, alabaster angel creatures on the planet. But no sane, rational middle-aged school secretary is going to think of a student this way. It’s gross and creepy and makes me think extremely badly of Mrs. Cope if she’s having lustilicious thoughts about what she thinks is a teenage boy. 
like they've found some way to cheat in every subject.
I would like to point out that, at the very least Weirdo has found a way to cheat in every subject. Even taking into consieration the amount of times he’s been through high school and college, the guy can literally just pluck the answers right out of the teacher’s head. 
And we end Chapter One with a wimper. There are a lot of plot holes in relation to Alice’s visions, but they aren’t bad here, so I’ll leave them alone. The narrative of ‘Vampires do everything so much better than icky humans because they’re just the best and wonderful and great and amazing’ has already started happening, and now that we’re in the head on one of the Pires, I can only assume it’s gonna get so much worse. Here, it only really came up in the form of ‘pitiful, insignificant humans could never do that that I could.’ and the super fast driving bullshit that makes no sense because a car is not a Pire so it can’t just magically adhere to the warped Pire physics.
Anyway, that’s chapter one done. On to the next.
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Possible fic request. Thomas still has trouble readjusting his views on things, having urges to go back to how it was before but he understands that is not right but he can't help it. Finally he breaks down and calls Janus himself (probably in tears), calling him by name and begging to help him. And the snakeboy is more then happy to talk some sense into him. At the same time, Virgil secretly watches them, slowly realising the necessity of Janus.
I love this Prompt, thank you for submitting it!
Shifting Sides
Summary: Thomas is having trouble adjusting to his newly acquired viewpoints on selfishness. Janus is given the opportunity to show this is a necessary change.
Warnings: none
Ships: none. Purely platonic Thomas and Janus
Thomas hung up the phone with a sigh, sliding down on the couch until he was being nearly suffocated by the cushions. His phone fell on the floor somewhere he didn't care to look as he shut his eyes and tried to breathe.
He felt awful.
He hadn't gone out since the wedding; despite the assurance he recieved from Lee and Mary Lee's visit that they still loved and appreciated him he had still felt stretched thin, the stress of the constant moral dilemmas running through his mind sapping any energy he might have had to do anything productive; even with the bit of self care he had been doing at Patton and De-Janus' prompting.
Other than reassuring Thomas that it was okay to have a break, he hadnt really heard from Patton lately. Roman still adamantly refused to see him even after a week of presumably sulking in his room. Thomas knew that line of thinking wasn't really fair to the fanciful side but any attempt to try and talk to him proved futile. Virgil and Logan weren't much different, only popping up occasionally when Thomas was dithering around doing one thing or another, barely exchanging more than a few words before sinking back out.
He really didnt even want to think of what Remus' input might be.
And that left Janus. Although he seemed pleased Thomas was following his advice he still made himself scarce, likely keeping on the down low until things settled down more. The mind scape was shifting and it was tearing his literal mind to metaphorical shreds.
Covering his face with his hands he groaned. Joan and Talyn had called to see if he had wanted to plan a hang out. He hadnt seen either of them in a while and the social interaction would probably do him some good. But just as he was about to say yes he noticed how drained he still felt, slumping over the couch with a resigned set to his shoulders, eye bags that could rival Virgil's eye shadow carving deep hollows in his face. He knew in that moment he still needed time. He needed to refuse.
So he said no.
Joan had sounded disappointed on the phone, their tone dipping before assuring Thomas that they understood and maybe another time? Thomas had of course agreed, having to almost physically stop himself from apologizing and simply wished them well before hanging up. He knew he made the right decision but what if they hated him now because of it? Maybe they'd stop inviting him out with them, stop talking to him altogether because they could sense this was the beginning of the end. Since Thomas had refused this, maybe they thought that spoke for all future plans and they wouldn't want be friends with someone who could never bother to be there for them. What if-
Mentally berating himself he sat up, not noticing the hoodie wearing side that had popped up on the stairwell. Just as Virgil opened his mouth to speak however he was interrupted by Thomas himself.
"Janus?" The call was so quiet it was barely heard by even Virgils sharp ears, but the name that left his mouth sent him reeling. Why the hell was he calling on Deciet of all people? Shifting up the stairwell quietly he made sure go blend into the background, ready to intercept at any point.
"You called?" Janus stood casually by the window inspecting his glove clad nails, putting on his usual bored expression if only to hide his worry over the fact that out of everyone Thomas had called on him.
"Joan and Talyn called."
Janus nodded. "I'm aware."
"I told them I didn't want to go out."
The serpentine side regarded him carefully. "Just as well you did. I've barely seen you expend the energy needed to stay hydrated, I'd hate to see you attempt to brave the outside anytime soon."
Thomas hung his head, ashamed at his clear lack of initiative. Virgil watched with sharp eyes as Janus' demeanor softened.
"Creature of habit as you are you have become far too complacent in ducking your head and handing out what little you have on a silver platter. I'd be surprised if you took to taking for yourself every once in a while with anything other than a bit of guilt." He shifted slightly, offering a kind smile. "I assure you, you did the right thing. Your friends are observant. They would be able to tell you did not truly wish to be out."
"I've really set myself so deep in never saying no, I don't know how not to be there."
"Well," Janus glanced at the T.V., its blank screen showing his hosts dejected expression. "A distraction is a good start. Why not put on a movie or something, take your mind off of things for a while?"
Minutely, Thomas nodded, not moving to get up quite yet. Sighing, Janus made to sink out.
Pausing, he raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue.
"Will you stay? Just for a little while?"
Pretending to think it over, he shrugged. "No."
A hurt expression passed over Thomas' face, quickly replaced with understanding. "Oh, okay. Bye then."
Smirking, he leaned on the arm of the couch. "Thomas, I said no."
The other looked up confused. "I know? And that's okay, I understand."
"Is it?"
"Of course it is. Why wouldnt it be?"
"Thomas." He looked at the man pointedly.
"I said no. And you were hurt but you understood. I said no to your request of staying with you through an emotional crisis and you said it was okay."
"So is it fair to say that if you said no to a simple hangout with people you've been friends with for years, they would also be understanding?"
Janus smiled as a look of realization replaced the sadness on Thomas' face, patting himself on the back discreetly.
"I- yeah that makes sense. Thank you for....well thank you."
"Oh I dont know how the light sides could ever stand it, being right all the time. It truly is aggravating." Winking at Thomas playfully he continued. "Now! What movie shall we watch to make you feel less like a piece of human garbage?"
Thomas shot him a confused look. "But you said no?"
Janus waved him off dismissively. "I was teaching you a lesson Thomas. Do keep up, won't you?"
Virgil watched as Deciet rummaged through their movie collection and Thomas busied himself setting up a comfortable nest on the couch. He didnt fully understand what had just happened but...maybe...
He spared Deciet...Janus....one more glance before sinking out quietly. He'd still have to keep an eye on him.
But maybe this could be the start of something better.
This work is also available on AO3 for anyones convenience. I'm still taking prompts so feel free to submit an ask if you like!
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karasuno-writings · 4 years
Soooo due to the lack of Yamaguchi content and requests on my inbox I decided to give myself a little christmas present and be a little self-indulgent. I did work on this as I wrote it so it was very out of the blue, nevertheless I could not stand aside to the lack of my favorite boy. I hope this is fine!
Also I ate a strawberry shortcake so so delicious and it made me think of sharing it with Tsukki.
Character: Yamaguchi Tadashi x gender neutral reader
Prompt: Self indulgent christmas fluff
Twas the day before christmas and all through Miyagi every creature was stirring in preparation for the holidays. Whether it was for christmas, hanukkah or New year, people all though Miyagi rushed in the usual december madness to get all they needed. 
Yamaguchi was no exception to the rule, however he decided to enjoy the cold season in which snow coated the streets and a chilly pleasant feeling made every warm cup of anything taste better. That is why he walked slowly, pleasantly taking in everything that surrounded him. It felt weird to be all by himself, but Kei had gone off to spend the month in Tokyo so the errands that he would usually do in company of the tall blonde, were left to do by himself. 
He did not mind much and deep in thought he enjoyed the view of the snow-coated town, and of the people who passed him by about their business, some rushed, some at their own pace but most of them looked at least mildly joyful, or stressed, most  of the times it was a mixture of both only the holidays could manage to create. 
Suddenly his attention was taken away from his thoughts thanks to a nearby yelp. When he turned to look at who made it he saw you. Your footing on the sidewalk had been lost and now you were sliding your way towards Tadashi, whose eyes were opened wide and could not really get himself to move. 
Just when you thought you had regained control over your stance, it happened, almost in slow motion. You were sent tumbling backwards, yelping once more as both of your feet left the ground and your body became buried by a nearby snow bank. 
They say your friends habits rub on you, so it was of no surprise when Yamaguchi found himself holding back his laughter at the whole things, a slight snicker escaping his lips. However, when he saw you were not standing he began to worry, blushing at his behaviour he approached you and stood over to one side.
“Need any help?” He offered, not really finding your head due to the snow that had coated you looking around for a way to assist you on standing. You stretched your arm held single hand out and he took it as a yes, so grabbing your cold, gloveless hand he pulled you up.
You were shivering, so the first thing you did once back on your feet was shake the snow off. Then you looked up to see who had helped you. Tadashi stood shyly looking at you with curious eyes and a big blush, the first thing that came to your mind was how handsome he truly was, his freckles standing out due to the redness of his cheeks and nose; he was glad it could be played off as an effect due to the cold. Now it was your turn to blush as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks, this boy had just seen you make the latest act of clumsiness and had been kind enough to help you stand up. 
“Thank you so much…” You looked at him expectantly hoping to put a name on the face of this kind stranger. He stared back looking at the person who he had laughed at a few second ago, he was left speechless, their shy smile and beautiful eyes made his heart feel something. A few moments of silence passed before he caught what you meant, with that he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I’m Yamaguchi. Are-are you okay?” He asked as he took your features in, he was not used to tackling cute people all by himself, they usually only wanted to engage in conversation with Tsukki so naturally he was a little bashful about the whole situation.
“Y/N actually!... but I do feel like I can’t move my ankle” you answered, apparently smiling through the pain, maybe it was the cold, maybe it was not that bad, but other than not being able to stand up properly you felt nothing else on your feet.
Yamaguchi giggled at the terrible pun, sure, it was absolutely one of the worst out there, but you had answered so naturally that he couldn't help but laugh lightly. Then he looked at you and frowned lightly as he saw your difficulty at keeping upright, if you had fallen before he did not want to know what would happen if he let you be on your current state.
“Let me help you to a hospital...I don’t want you falling around more” He said, a hint of harmless mockery on his tone granted by a newfound courage to get to know you better and help you out. Just as he said that you lost your balance and tumbled lightly, before anything else could happen he wrapped an arm around your waist and put your over his shoulders for you to lean on him. The heat on his cheeks was enough to melt snow, nevertheless he smiled at you. All you could do was stare at this angel of a boy who was  thoughtful enough to help you on christmas eve, your eyes glistening as you returned his smile. 
“Sorry about all of this, I bet you had better things to do than asist a silly person like me “ You said as the two headed towards the nearest health clinic. Sure he had stuff to prepare for tomorrow, but none of them seemed to matter at the moment as long as you got safely to the clinic, and maybe even to your house. 
“Don’t worry, it all can wait”
“Thank you so much Yama, maybe we can go christmas shopping together afterwards”
His stomach fluttered as soon as the nickname left your lips, and at the mere thought of going together with you somewhere where he was not really necessary, just because you wanted to spend time with him, he could not deny such a request.
Yamaguchi tapped his foot lightly against the floor of the waiting room, he knew it was nothing to worry about but something about hospitals always made him uneasy. He could have left and carry on about his day but you had won your way into his heart and he was looking forward to your company in the madness that is last minute christmas shopping. 
When you entered the room he smiled as you gave him a thumbs up, your foot on a special cast that worked perfectly as a shoe. Sure your walking was still wobbly and you still could not feel your toes, but the doctor said that all you had to do was take some medicine that he gave you and wear the special cast for at least four days. 
“I won’t be able to run, but we can sure walk around with me like this!” They said as Yamaguchi stood up, he chuckled lightly once more. 
“At least you can’t fall if you walk slowly” He retorted. He knew you were now his friend, you had won his trust and he was not afraid of showing you his more playful side, and he was glad that his comment made you laugh, like music to his ears he wished to hear that more frequently.
“You’d have no one to save then! Let’s go, we can take turns on which store to go if we hit the mall”
“Sounds good….feel up to getting coffee after?” Was he asking you out? Maybe not yet, but he sure wanted to get to know you better, and maybe in a near future he’d gather up the courage to take you out on a date. For now he was glad he offered his help, and he had made an unlikely friendship that seemed to be the start of something much more than that.
41 notes · View notes
lumiose-fletchling · 6 years
Champion of the Small: Gummyworm the Caterpie
Wordcount: 10,890
After saving the world from Ultra Beasts and becoming League Champion of Alola, Luna decides to wind down from the adventuring life... That is, until fate brings her a new friend! Meet Gummyworm the Caterpie, a little bug who wants to realize some pretty big dreams. Can Luna make them a reality, or will they have to rethink what it means to be strong?
Trainer Luna had happily embarked on her new journey of dex filling, taking “gotta catch ‘em all” a bit too literally. Off she went across Alola, gathering research data for the professor, filling box after box with new discoveries. This had gone on for awhile until things grew a bit... snug. Luna wondered if having so many boxes was such a good thing after all.
Even Mohn had noticed many pokémon growing restless and a bit wild on Poké Pelago. “My, we’ve been near full up!” he had pointed out, keeping jovial. “We might have to look into developing a whole new island!” Luna had smiled politely, but the truth was plain: there was simply no way of attending everyone, and many needed a new adventure of their own.
Luna thought back on her latest quest that had brought her all across Alola. What had begun as an Island Challenge had quickly become something utterly extraordinary as she faced the Aether Foundation and helped protect the islands-- and the world-- from Ultra Beasts. She hadn’t been alone, though; Hau, Lillie, and Gladion had been by her side, along with her team. She wouldn’t have known any of them if her mom hadn’t packed up to Alola in the first place. Luna was once frightened and a bit bitter about the decision, but now? She wouldn’t have changed a thing.
Well. Maybe the life-threatening parts.
Dex-filling had been a great way to decompress after her harrowing experiences. With Kindle the Talonflame at her shoulder, they had grown by leaps and bounds nearly every day, and now... it was time to rehome all these pokémon so they could have their grand adventure, too.
Professor Kukui had agreed, showing Luna the Global Trading Station and offering her a place to stay at the lab. It had become a popular habit for many trainers to list a pokémon on the GTS for a Caterpie, releasing the bug once the trade was made. It was a neat and tidy way of adopting without taking on a new responsibility. Plus, Caterpie were everywhere, and it didn’t hurt to simply return them to the grass from whence they came. Knowing this was the right thing to do, Luna began sorting, feeling who needed to go where.
Out went Vikavolt, Eevee, Rattata, Pichu, Toucannon, Carbink, even a spunky Magikarp-- a host of pokémon just waiting for a whole new direction, a whole new life. In came the waves of Caterpie, all officially released into the grasses and trees of Melemele as quickly as they came. None seemed to mind too much, being more simple creatures. Luna slowly thinned out the ranks of her PC, feeling much better about it all. A few more trades, a few more Caterpie, and they would be good. Then, she could actually take a break from all the adventuring...
Which was true, surely, but life has a way of surprising us even in the gentlest of times.
While many Caterpie had gladly rejoined the Alolan wilds, Luna noticed how one had lingered. He had turned to them with wide, expecting eyes, slowly waving his feelers in greeting. Kindle cocked his head this way and that, trying to understand what this little creature wanted of them. It was supposed to be trade-and-release, not trade-and-stay. He took a careful step back. The Caterpie gladly inched forward. Kindle was not amused.
<<Go on,>> Kindle said. <<Lovely tree right over there, just for you.>> Caterpie didn’t quite catch his drift, continuing to inspect the air with his antennae.
Luna couldn’t help but laugh. “Name: Gummyworm. Adamant. Good endurance. Caught on Route 1.” All of this would be lost once she made the Release request, but it was a cute profile. Some kid probably named him and moved on, like so many did. “Alright, little guy. Time for a new life!” Just as her finger hovered over the key, Gummyworm realized what was happening and made a distressed mewling noise, waving his little feet and swaying as if to say <<No, no! Wait!>>
“Okay, okay!” Luna knelt down for a better look at him. “I’m sorry. It’s just, so many usually choose to head back out. Your name’s Gummyworm, right?” His little body heaved a sigh of relief. If there was something he didn’t want, it was being sent back out into a world of Pikipek and Spearow. He waved his antennae in what he hoped was an endearing way. His original trainer had been a young one, too, catching haphazardly along Route 1. He’d been Ruby’s very first catch, had been praised by her family, and was so sure this could be the beginning of something great! But, once the lass realized there were more powerful options, Gummyworm had been unceremoniously deposited in a box. That had been nearly a month ago.
Maybe, just, maybe, he could be strong for this new girl?
But even if he lived his days out on the Poké Pelago, Gummyworm just wanted to be safe.
Luna sensed this. She had a remarkable talent for understanding pokémon, a trait that had helped her build her first team of Champions, but had also helped her save the world. She sensed Gummy was preoccupied, and wanting.
“Here, why don’t you stay for dinner? I can get you some nice leaves and berries, and we can get to know each other!” Gummy looked up to Luna’s smiling face. She seemed kind! And she wasn’t going to let him go, not yet. He mewed happily, smiling at Kindle as well, who fluffed up his feathers in a huff.
They had known each other for a few days at the Professor’s house before their relationship was sealed.
Luna had successfully adopted out dozens of pokémon to trainers all over the islands, each one delighted to meet their new friend. She felt good knowing everyone was right where they should be, and Professor Kukui was glad to lend a hand. Finally, the whole job was done, and the boxes felt much more spacious and manageable than before.
They were having Apicot ice cream on the beach, admiring the waves. Luna had grown up inland, and hadn’t become a bit tired of this beautiful seaside view. Kindle basked in the sun, wings spread wide across the sands, while Gummy took cover under a propped-up beach hat. He did love the beach, too, when he was with friends. This was the life!
While relaxing, Gummyworm noticed a case in Luna’s bag had come poking out a bit. He stretched his antennae closer to the corner, wondering. “Oh,” Luna said, “Would you like to see? These are everyone’s ribbons that they’ve earned.” Luna carefully opened the folding case, and there lay a collection of shining, beautiful ribbons. He had never seen anything like them before, all brilliant and glittering in the Alolan sun. “These first ones,” she said, pointing to rows of bright gold badges, each with red and white details, “are for every team member who ever won in the League with me.” Kindle alighted next to the case to admire his own. There was a definite puff of his proud chest, and a gleam in his eye.
<<I wasn’t part of the First Team,>> he explained, <<But I was there in her first Title Defense! A League Champion just the same!>>
Gummyworm wondered how it must feel, basking in that moment like an eternal sun, and knowing forever after that you had stood on the top of the world. His own eyes began shining with the very thought-- had there ever been a Champion Caterpie before in all the world? He imagined standing tall on Luna’s shoulder as cameras flashed and interviewers vied for their attention. “How did you do it?” a plucky reporter would demand of them. “Gummyworm, over here! How does it feel to be a Champion of Alola??”
But his little Caterpie heart suddenly clicked back to reality, and felt very small on that big beach. Luna smiled at Kindle with such pride and closeness. She must have looked that way at every team member who credited her talent so boldly, for all the regions to see. That was real.
He turned away from the beautiful ribbons.
It just couldn’t happen to such a small bug like him, caught on Route 1 and forgotten in a box. Even Luna had originally planned on releasing him. Wouldn’t a Champion know best? Hadn’t she kept him just to be nice, because he had waved his little feet so wildly? Gummy suddenly became very focused on his melting ice cream. 
Ruby is just a little girl, he thought. She didn’t know... how much it would hurt to be left behind.
It wasn’t worth the worry. To Poké Pelago he would go, and he must be content with that.
Kindle saw the change, the little crestfallen turn of Gummy’s green head, the dejected ice cream nibble. At first, he was fully prepared to ignore it-- not everyone could be so accomplished like them, grand heroes as they were-- until he saw a small glint of a tear in the sun. It actually took him by surprise.
But then... hadn’t he been a wayward Fletchling himself once? Small, with no idea what he could do in the world. It had been a chance meeting that had changed his life, and a leap of faith that had brought him to where he was. He looked to Luna. Luna saw his little nod towards Gummy, the concern in his eyes. A wordless understanding passed between them, and both their hearts beat a bit faster for this new friend.
“Hey, Gummy...” Luna scooted over to his hunched form, still holding the box. “There’s still a lot of room in here. Would you like to try for your own ribbons, too?” His antennae perked up. Luna looked to Kindle, who gave a few reassuring nods. Kindle was a sassy bird, but he wasn’t heartless. “If we spend some time together, practice battling, maybe watch some of the others, I’m sure you could be awarded something! Even a Champion title!"
Truly? Gummy considered it. Oh, it would be heartbreaking if nothing came of it. But hadn’t this been what he’d really wanted for so long? To prove himself on a journey, to be part of a team? Even if it was one ribbon, that was more than what he had now!
Gummyworm turned around swiftly, letting the few tears sparkle from his smiling eyes. If Luna thought it could be done, then they could try! She was a Champion, after all, whatever that meant! He nodded vigorously, making Kindle soften, too.
Such an uplift made Luna emotional in so many ways. Just what was she getting herself into? But imparting your strength unto others is just one responsibility of a good Trainer. Compassion, too. She nodded.
“It takes time and hard work, okay?” she said in a mock-stern way. Gummy waved his feet and gave a tough cry. Kindle churred. He still wasn’t sure how long this little bug would be around for, but if there could be some joy in the journey, then why not? Hadn’t Luna shown him time and time again the miracles born of every-day kindnesses as well as feats of bravery?
<<Yeah, yeah,>> he said warmly, shaking off any prior feelings. <<If she says so, then it’s settled! We’re teammates! Our ribbons will be side-by-side!>>
Gummy felt pride swell in his heart. Whatever they could achieve, they would do it together!
“Alright! The very first thing we need to do, Gummy, is...” Luna swept open the door dramatically, revealing a very cozy and clean house. “Meet my mom!”
“Luna?” came a kind voice from within the house. Out walked a lovely lady. Her smiling face and colorful clothing immediately put him at ease. “Oh, what do we have here? A new friend?” Her soft brown skin, hair in gentle waves... The way she looked at him as a welcome friend! He purred when she picked him right up from Luna’s arms.
Luna introduced them properly, as well as to Meowth, who seemed to like him well enough (Kindle made sure of that. It was one thing if he was a bit snippy, but no one else was allowed to be that way, surely).
As everyone grew acquainted, Luna wanted her mom’s advice on the whole thing. It was funny: there was so much mom didn’t know about her journey. There had been no time to call and say she was raiding the Aether Foundation, or pursuing an Ultra Beast. She never knew about facing Lusamine when she fused with Nihilego. Mom also had no idea about even the every-day dangerous things, like traversing Vast Poni Canyon. This seemed like the perfect time to let her in on the Big Plan.
Mom listened, and nodded, while watching Gummy play with Meowth. After hearing Luna out, she smiled. That was her daughter. Always compassionate, always trying to help and make new friends... Thankfully none of that had changed. Kukui and Burnet had filled her in one night on the details of Luna’s last adventure (or at least, what they knew of it). How a child could navigate so much... And to immediately become the first Champion in Alola’s history as well! It was enough to make her cry, she was so proud. This, though, is positively normal.
“It might be more about feeling accomplished and loved,” she offered. “Expose him a bit to the life of battling, let him choose, and go from there.” Luna nodded. “He can always live here if he wants a quiet life, too!”
“Thanks, mom... But, do you think it’s even possible? Getting him a champion title?”
“You’ve done some extraordinary things,” she said, considering her daughter lovingly. “I won’t say it’s not possible, but, sometimes we have to rethink what strength means. Like I said. See what works, what doesn’t, and go from there.”
They continued watching the group for a bit before starting dinner, Luna thinking all the while about how she was going to move forward.
From that day on, Gummy was part of the family. Mom looked up all the best care tips for Caterpie, making sure to load them up with the finest berries and drinks she could find. “Now make sure you don’t push him too hard,” she had said on their first day of training. “He’s still young. Make sure you stay hydrated! You, too, Kindle! And say thank-you to Lapras if you go out on the water! Have fun!” They waved as they walked off, looking for the best beginning Trainers in the area.
At first, Luna let him watch the tougher matches with Kindle out on the local beaches, just to show him the real heat of a competitive match. With every battle, Gummy felt his heart beat fast, and he could just feel himself grow stronger with each experience. Could he grow on the sidelines? It sure felt like it, almost as if he’d been in the thick of things himself. Kindle, too, was always giving him tips and tricks, asking him what he saw at exact moments when he had made a swift turn or a perfectly-aimed Flamethrower. He was pleasantly surprised that Gummy was taking everything in with enthusiasm.
<<Now, you’ll notice I didn’t use up all of my energy on that last one...>>
<<Yes, you were brilliant! A blur!>>
<<When it’s your turn, think of what’s best-- slowing them down with String Shot, or running in with a good Tackle...>>
While she was glad Kindle was taking him under his wing, Luna was feeling a bit over her head. Sharing experience was alright, but if Gummy ever wanted to be recognized big or small, he would have to get into the ring himself... How could he possibly hold his own with anything bigger than a coconut? Never having specialized in Bug pokémon, she honestly wasn’t sure what to do.
Ruto the Primarina, her starter and oldest friend in Alola, would know. He was spending a bit of time with Kahuna Hala, and was so was just nearby. Luna missed all of her team dearly, but had also known that they needed their own time to grow and learn away from her. Was this how Mom felt sometimes?
She did know someone else who could help, too. Someone who was an expert on Bugs, and who was actually right nearby... and might not be too glad to see them. Still, for Gummyworm, Luna would give it a shot.
They would have to go to Iki Town.
The next day, the team traveled to a place full of memories and dear friends. Iki Town was as warm as ever, with its sumo ring standing strong at its center. As Luna grew closer to the house of the Kahuna, she heard a familiar voice already calling her name.
“Aloooooola, Luna!!” Hau jumped down from his perch on the fence, running to catch his friend in a fast hug. Kindle and Gummyworm emerged from their balls, taking in the beautiful view. Luna laughed. “What brings you here?”
“I’d like you to meet someone! And hopefully have Kahuna Hala introduce him to someone, too...” Hau, in his usual way, greeted Gummy with his wide smile and contagious attitude. Everyone in Luna’s life seemed so wonderful! Of course they saved Alola together. Kindle hadn’t been there, but he’d learned the story through the First Team. Gummy wondered when he would get to meet them.
But, until then, they had some business in Iki Town.
“See,” Luna said, “I’m hoping he can convince Guzma to give us some pointers.” Hau recoiled slightly before recovering with an awkward smile.
“Gramps has been having some trouble with him lately...” He looked around anxiously, as if afraid of being heard. “But, maybe this will be good for both of you, if that’s what you really want! Let’s go!”
The group walked to Hala’s house where they were again warmly greeted, this time by the great Kahuna himself. They exchanged pleasantries, made their introductions, and finally sat comfortably in his living room with lovely, tall glasses of ice-cold Pinap juice.
“So,” Hala said, stroking his mustache. “You’re wondering if I can convince Guzma to help you guide this Caterpie.” Something in his voice made Gummy wonder if the road would end here. He certainly was a disciplined man... and Gummy hadn’t really thought about what it would be like to be scrutinized. Hala offered him a smile, though, easing the lump in his throat. “We can try. Though I must warn you, Luna: progress with him has been slow. You might be faced with much of the same rough-and-tumble attitude as before. But, he will not hurt you.”
Luna nodded. She’d been prepared for that, but something told her to try anyhow. If she was right about Guzma, Gummy would have no better teacher. First, they had to find him.
After some much-needed catching up and malasadas, Hau and Luna parted for the afternoon. He had some training of his own to direct with ex-Team Skull members who wanted to reform themselves into something resembling heroes. He was willing to give it a go, seeing what his grandfather was trying to accomplish with their old boss.
Meanwhile, Hala brought Luna out to Mahalo Trail, talking all the while as they went up, up, up towards the bridge. Luna remembered fondly how she and Lillie had met here, how Tapu Koko had saved her and Nebby... They hadn’t heard from her in awhile. Hopefully she was doing well, or at least was closer to saving her mother. It was difficult not knowing how she could help her friend.
But, she had to focus on who she could help. Two Spearow with one stone, right?
There, towards the left of the bridge, sat a familiar figure with Golisopod at his side. Guzma had been quietly considering the waterfall, thinking about a great many things. The disbanding of his team was a natural consequence of everything that had come before. He’d been stupid enough to trust Lusamine... but it’d been in the interest of everyone underneath him.
Who was he kidding? She’d offered him power, saw him for who he was, and he took it without a second glance. Now everyone was gone. Plumeria was off training in her own way, and had even challenged Luna once. She had her life together. What was he doing? Thinking old man Hala had any answers for him was stupid, too. But, here he was. Big bad Guzma, training in Iki Town with the geriatric Kahuna and his brat grandson.
“Alola!” Guzma flinched. When he turned to see who Hala had brought with him, he outright grimaced. That kid. The one who dragged him out of Ultra Space, the one who defeated him again and again and never let up. Guzma turned and stood to face them, setting his face in a guarded expression.
To Luna, he looked surprisingly sparse. White sleeveless shirt and black baggy pants with his typical shoes. No jacket, no glasses... Professor Kukui and Guzma are around the same age, she thought. How could one adult be so together-- esteemed researcher, married, founder of the League-- and another seem... more like a kid? But he had been the cause of a great deal of trouble across the islands, and Luna couldn’t forget that.
“Guzma, my boy, I have a challenge for you, should you choose to accept it.”
“I ain’t in the mood for a battle.” They’d been meditating. Wasn’t that what the old man had wanted? Hala shook his head.
“Not quite. Luna has decided to train an unusual protege.” He motioned for her to walk forward with Gummy on her shoulder. That piqued Guzma’s interest immediately. Golisopod was... less impressed. Which, really, was fine, because Gummy thought if he had to go anywhere near all those arms, big or small, he just might faint.
Guzma sauntered up to Luna, leaning in close to Gummyworm.
“You’re training this squirt?” Up until now, Gummy had been met with kindness and support, but this! He gave an indignant wriggle and mew. Surely Luna wouldn’t let him talk that way! It was Guzma, though, who stood back and laughed, though Gummy couldn’t tell if it was mean-spirited or genuinely amused. “What a scrappy little guy!”
Luna could feel Gummy’s little suction feet gripping her shoulder a bit harder than usual. Hala was with them, though. So was Kindle, and he’d already faced off with Guzma on the beach what felt like ages ago. They had to play this well.
“Yup, he sure is. Name’s Gummyworm, and I think he could make it to the League.” At that, Guzma outright laughed. That was something!
“Kid,” he said, shaking his head at it all, “I ain’t gonna say you’re no miracle-worker, but be real. Who ever heard of a Champion Caterpie?” He shrugged. “But...” He thought about it for a moment. Golisopod considered him, too. If he could train a Wimpod into the beast by his side... and if he could get credit for having boosted a small fry to the League, then maybe he could make another name for himself. “If you’re really set on this, then you got yourself a deal.” Gummy wasn’t so sure he was set on this, but he was getting so terribly tired of everyone referring to his size. He watched as the tall, strange man turned away from them all, heading back to town. “Meet me in the ring at sunset.”
Hala nodded. Gummy had his teacher.
“Come,” he said, welcoming them across the bridge. “Let us pay our respects to Tapu Koko. Then, we can reunite you with your friend. He should be down by the waterfall...”
And so, they visited the Ruins of Conflict, where Gummy secretly prayed for courage and protection on their adventure. When they were done, Hala led them down to the water’s edge, where Ruto was waiting. Luna called, and out from the depths of the current sprung one of the most beautiful pokémon Gummy had ever seen-- a Primarina with flowing turquoise hair set with glistening pearls, impeccable grace, and large, bright eyes rimmed with thick lashes. Ruto sang out his happiness as they embraced, holding Luna’s face in his flippers and celebrating their reunion. There was no mistaking the bond they shared.
She introduced the two of them, Ruto taking Gummy into his cupped hands, and immediately placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
<<Any friend of Luna’s is a friend of mine,>> he said in his lovely, silk voice. <<Now, tell me about yourself, darling!>>
They sat together, Kindle, Gummy, Ruto, Luna, and Kahuna Hala, mapping out how the week would go as training began that evening.
Luna met Guzma and his team in the honey light of the sunset. He looked refreshed somehow, as if he’d been anticipating this since their last meeting. Finally, something worthwhile in this boring little town!
Luna, meanwhile, had assured Gummy that she wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him, and that Guzma was just someone hurting from the past. Gummy wasn’t too sure what that meant, but then, even Luna wasn’t entirely sure about how Guzma came to be the leader of Team Skull. She vaguely remembered something at Malie Garden awhile ago, about how he and the Professor had been “fellow rejects who couldn’t become Captains,” but... She also remembered his parents, the bent and broken golf clubs. His cries of “Guzma, what is wrong with you!?” after his defeats. Too many unknowns, she thought. Hala would have to sort them out. She could give this a try, if it would help. If it would make him kinder.
“Alright, Champion,” Guzma said, flexing. “Let’s see what this squirt’s got.” And so, it began. They started String Shot training with Ariados, then moved on to Bug Biting with Pinsir. Training continued for days, with each sun giving them another opportunity to become stronger, more agile, more focused. Luna found that Guzma really did have a soft spot for Bugs, never telling Gummy that he was stupid or hopeless. It was genuinely surprising after all she had seen from him, even with his own grunts.
Gummy, too, felt invigorated, if not constantly annoyed by the competitive, aggressive nature of his trainer. He was glad when finally it seemed he had mastered his String Shots, toughened his Tackles, and bettered his Bug Bites. Hala, who had been supervising every now and then, was also pleased at how this venture had turned out. Guzma was still harboring anger, frustration, and far too much aggression... but this exercise had set him in a more compassionate direction. They would get better, one day at a time.
On the final day of training, Guzma sat with them all on the platform, feeling like they’d accomplished something. Of course the strongest Bug trainer in all of Alola had successfully toughened up this wimp of a Caterpie! Who knew if he’d actually make the League, though. That worry had been itching his brain these last few days... Luna was an extraordinary kid, but that didn’t mean she was smart all the time. And if she set him up for failure... Well, she was gonna catch a beat-down right at the top of her Champion world, and he’d show everyone what the title really meant.
“Alright, Gummyworm.” He leaned in on his elbow, face-to-face with his student. “I like your moxie. But that ain’t gonna cut it if you really want to fight in the League. And you’re gonna have to fight if you want to actually earn that ribbon.” Guzma shook his head. Thank goodness he’d dropped all that trophy-and-ribbon BS back in the day. Luna, though, was on the verge of protesting before he cut her off. “Nah, look! You can get him to meet level requirements, but then what? He’s gonna backseat battle his way to the title? Never setting a sucker in the arena? First Caterpie Champion, and he ain’t never thrown a punch?” Gummy looked to her; surely that had been the plan all along? To actually fight? A little shadow of doubt crossed his mind as Guzma continued.
“Look, people are gonna tune in on this whole thing. You need to be ready. Even if it’s just one hit, one opponent you beat down, you need to show everyone you’re the biggest, baddest Caterpie in all of Alola! You got that?” Luna wasn’t entirely sure what to say. Gummy, though, mewed with determination. “Good. Besides...” He stood up, brushing himself off. “You don’t need no League and don’t need no ribbon to prove how tough you are.” And with that, Guzma waved them off, having taught Gummy everything he had the patience for.
Kindle and Ruto emerged, joining them in watching Guzma head off towards Mahalo Trail again. Thank goodness that was over. Kindle ruffled his feathers and sent a few embers floating in the cooling breeze. Goodness knows he had not approved of this whole thing from the start, and had kept a close eye those past few days to make sure there was no funny business. Ruto, too, had been wary, helping every now and then.
<<We’ll take over from here, yes?>> he said to Kindle.
<<Yes, we most certainly will.>>
“Well,” Luna sighed. “He certainly helped. And... he had a point.” Leave it to Guzma to drag everything out in the open. Gummy turned to look up at his visibly tired friend. “I’ll admit, Gummy. I had doubts that you could hold your own in the League. The Elite Four are no joke, and I just... don’t know that you’d be safe facing their teams.” Gummy’s heart dropped. Was this all for nothing, then? “There’s one pokémon, though: Acerola’s Sableye. You would have a chance of landing a hit on him. Maybe others... We can always go for other ribbons, though. It’s entirely up to you.”
Gummy considered this. Really, he did have to be realistic... He was small. And soft. He wasn’t ever going to be fast on his many feet, and he wasn’t ready to evolve just yet. He could, though, take what he had learned and start applying it. Kindle sat next to him as he thought.
<<You’ve grown a great deal, and that’s something to be proud of. You don’t have to decide now...>>
<<You’re right. What’s worse, though? Going in and being on the sidelines for almost everything, or never trying at all?>> Kindle considered this. Ruto scooted over, too, offering insight.
<<There have been a few Title Defense runs where not everyone was battling consistently. At times, maybe half the team carried the victory... but the team stood firm. We don’t have to prove ourselves constantly.>>
<<But only after you proved yourself a great deal elsewhere. No one doubted you.>> Kindle gave a soft, churring sigh. Luna returned it. Guzma had certainly put a Beedrill in their bonnets.
Gummy considered the deepening shadows. If they were going to do this right, there would be time enough to prove himself. You don’t need no League and don’t need no ribbon to prove how tough you are. <<Then, I’ll just keeping working hard! And there will be no doubt!>>
Somewhere, off in the distance, a cry of approval rang out, deep and ancient.
After saying good-bye to Hau and Hala, Luna called a Charizard service, and off they flew back to her house, where mom was sure to ask how all their training had gone.
They all needed a good rest.
It took a few days to shake the vibe of Guzma’s training, though the lessons stuck. Gummy had grown bigger and stronger, and continued to do so as he held his own against younger, beginner Trainers around the beach. Every victory brought him a bit closer to feeling like he belonged.
“You’re doing so well, Gummy!” She lifted him up in a celebratory swing. “Let’s get you cleaned up after all that.”
Later, as Gummy napped, it was Kindle who had opened up the ribbon book and pointed with a careful talon to one of his own. “Oh!” Luna exclaimed softly. “Of course... He should be able to get that one now.” Ruto also agreed, and so it was settled: they needed to travel to Akala!
They left on the ferry the next morning, waving to Melemele as they departed. Gummy had never been out on the ocean before, but thankfully Luna kept him tucked in snugly to her front with her jacket. Sunlight glinted off the water, Wingull glided with them... Actually, he could do without the Wingull, but Kindle was bigger, and he was very sure at this point he wouldn’t let him get eaten.
Someday, when he was a Butterfree, he’d be able to fly himself across the water to every island... Until then, he did like traveling swiftly on the waves with every possibility on the horizon.
Akala proved to be a wonderful adventure. They met up with Mallow, who had been teaching Orchid the Lurantis how to cook and forage, and both made them a fabulous dinner with Lana, Kiawe, and even Kahuna Olivia as guests. Orchid met Gummyworm warmly. Kindle and Ruto filled them in on their journey so far, and she was very sure they would be good friends.
<<It’s been awhile since we thought about a League run!>> She smiled demurely. Gummy was quite sure he’d never seen such an elegant and composed Grass-type before. Was everyone on Luna’s team so lovely? <<How interesting this will be!>>
Gummy was dazzled by them all, making new friends, who all wished him luck on his journey. Their pokémon even trained with him little by little, helping perfect his skills. (Gummy did decide, though, thanks to Kiawe’s Marowak, that fire was something beautiful to admire from afar, and not a type he could navigate very well. His webbing was very flammable.)
Kindle and Ruto both enjoyed the visit immensely, but also couldn’t wait until they made their way to the resort. Hopefully Kindle’s suggestion was more than just high hopes!
The Hano Grand Resort stood proud in the Alolan sun. Airy and opulent, it was unsurprising that so many celebrities found themselves basking on their award-winning beaches. Gummy hadn’t imagined that such a place existed. Were they on vacation? Wouldn’t that be lovely!
There was even a dashing Pikachu laying out in the sun with all sorts of people waiting on him. How nice, Gummy thought, to be taken care of so well. (Only later would Kindle tell him that he’d just seen one of the most famous Pikachu, star of so many films.)
They stepped inside the enormous lobby. The cascading water features caught the light and shimmered as water lilies quietly graced the indoor ponds. Gummy wondered at it all! You could live here without a care! As he marveled, Luna was walking towards the western corner where a gentleman in a straw hat sat drinking coffee. His face lit up when he saw Luna approaching.
“Well if it isn’t our Champion!” Gummy watched as they shook hands amiably before attention was immediately turned to him. “And this must be Gummyworm! I’ve heard all about you, my friend. You’ve been working hard, I hear! Let’s have a look-see.” Gummy wasn’t so sure what to do, but he picked himself up and struck a confident pose. He flexed his bug muscles, waved his antennae, and gave a spunky cry. The gentleman gave a hearty laugh. “Well, if you aren’t the spriest Caterpie I’ve ever met... But tell me, have you grown a great deal with Luna?”
Gummy hadn’t ever really thought about it on the spot before. He remembered when he had come out of the GTS, been allowed to stay, the moment Luna asked if he wanted his own ribbons... All of the battles he’d been allowed to watch from her shoulder, and even the ones he took part in himself. <<Yes!>> he mewed. <<Yes, I’m worlds away from where I was before! She believes in me, and I believe in her, and everyone here! We’re a team!>> He affectionately tucked himself against her neck, feeling very proud to have a friend like Luna.
That, it seemed, was enough.
“I have something for you...” There was a moment of rummaging, and Gummy wondered just what was happening. Kindle emerged from his ball, perching politely on a nearby chair, expectant. Ruto and Orchid came out as well. The kind man almost seemed misty-eyed. “Your love leaves its mark as surely as your passing leaves your footprints upon the sand...” He took a small case from his pocket, opening it to reveal a shining Footprint ribbon. “I’m grateful that you were willing to show me the wonderful bond between you and your team.”
A ribbon! His very first ribbon! Gummy mewed with delight as Luna held it up for him. Recognition for work well done, and a journey he would never forget. But this was surely just the beginning! Kindle gave a joyful cry, and together they took a lovely photo, sending it immediately to Mom.
“You always impress, Champion,” said their straw-hat friend. “Keep spreading that strength and cheer wherever you go.”
Gummy had traveled across each island with Luna and the rest of the team, having the chance to meet so many of the people who supported her along the way. Ula’ula was especially nice; they had tea at Malie Garden with Acerola, then popped by the Community Center so Luna could visit the local kids there. They loved hearing about her adventures leading up to becoming Champion, and peppered her with all kinds of questions about raising pokémon. One child in particular was there that day, and noticed Gummy sitting on her shoulder. “Oh, wow!” A few curious glances quickly grew into a little crowd regarding the bug with great curiosity. “You and your Caterpie are so close! Here, you should have...” He dug into his pockets, and procured a pink and white ribbon, set with a luminous gold heart. “This!” Gummy’s eyes glittered at the unexpected gift. He hadn’t known you could be recognized for friendship like that! Luna cheerfully took placed it in their case, safe and sound, while Gummy gave his chirping, chirring thanks. (And of course, then sent another picture to Mom.)
Suddenly an audience of children emerged and exploded into a barrage of questions. “Why’d you train a Caterpie?” “Is he strong?” “Can I get my own Caterpie??” “Why hasn’t he turned into a Butterfree yet?” “Is he really going to take on the League?”
Gummy’s head spun with all the questions, so many he’d been asking himself, but Luna took the reins of it all. Thank goodness he could count on her!
“He can evolve when he’s ready! Right now, he’s happy being a Caterpie. He is strong. Everyone’s strong in their own way. Yeah, you can catch your own! And I think we might just be thinking about a League run...” <<Oh!>> Just thinking about it made his heart skip. It hadn’t come up in awhile, and he had wondered if maybe Luna had let the idea slip away, focused on other things. <<Are we really still? Can I be a champion?>>
But, what are dreams if we don’t try at least once?
They left the Center feeling invigorated, setting off to catch a bus to the Hokulani Observatory.
There, they rejoined Science the Magnezone, who had been helping Sophocles with energy studies. The very notion of what they were setting out to do thrilled Science to his grommets, and he immediately began assessing all possible outcomes.
<<Caterpie have traditionally low capabilities,>> he buzzed. <<To pursue such an endeavor alone would produce a 98.375% chance of defeat within the first minute of battling. To do so with a team such as ours increases your success exponentially!>> Gummy laughed nervously. That was... exact and vague all at once.
The jolly Magnezone introduced him to all the Charjabug helping run the operation, and gave him a grand tour of the stars. Luna went to talk with Sophocles about Ultra Space, leaving her pokémon to stargaze. There, looking out upon the vastness of space, Gummy ventured to ask his new friends something that had been bothering him. He just couldn’t be part of this building team if... if he was right about his worry.
<<Do you think this is all a bit silly?>>
<<Well,>> Kindle thought, eyes skyward, <<Our very existence is overwhelming at the best of times. Why the great philosopher Mr. Fuji once said...>> And off he went, expounding on existentialism, and the concept of destiny, and many other theories that made Gummy’s head spin. Orchid and Ruto dozed, while Science was riveted.
<<I-I mean, do you think I am silly?>> he interrupted. <<That people wouldn’t take me seriously at the League?>>
<<Oh.>> Kindle brought himself back to earth again. Somehow, this seemed more complicated than explaining the miracle of life. He considered it carefully. There would always be someone out there, bitter and criticizing, some unhappy soul who wouldn’t believe in anything they were doing. <<There might be a few people who think it’s a mockery. That if you can do it, anyone can. But, isn’t that the point?>> He brushed a wing across him reassuringly. <<That if you work hard enough and keep with the people who can help you, who believe in you, anything is possible.>> Orchid nodded, cutting off Science who was undoubtedly going to make a comment about probability and calculate exactly what was possible.
<<Title Defense matches are serious business, but you’ve been making a name for yourself. Don’t mind what people say.>>
The friends sat in comfortable quiet for a moment.
<<You are the least silly pokémon I have ever known, Gummyworm. If anything, I admire you very much for your tenacity,>> said Ruto.
A star fell across the midnight sky, pulling a spider’s web of silver in its wake. They looked to Mount Lanakila in the distance, each making their own wish for the future.
They had been working hard for quite some time. Gummyworm was the strongest Caterpie Luna had ever met-- or was it that she had never considered investing in one before? It was curious, too, how Gummy hadn’t evolved yet, but she remembered her answer to the kids at the Community Center awhile back: he just liked being a Caterpie. Maybe someday he’d choose to evolve, and she would be there to protect him until he was a beautiful Butterfree.
For now, he was surprisingly talented in their League team.
On Poni Island, Moro the Lycanroc had been running through Vast Poni Canyon, patrolling for new Kahuna Hapu. When they met her once again, it was clear how fiercely loyal she was to Luna, and how she would treat Gummy as one of their own without question. He couldn’t help but be intimidated by her unwavering gaze and sharp claws, but it became clear she was essentially the Mom Friend of the group, and there was nothing to fear.
<<Are you well?>> she would ask, every day, and every day, Gummy would adamantly say that he was. Oh, he was, he was, he was. To be part of this full team, and to learn from them, was a wonderful, testing, trying dream.
They stayed on Poni with Hapu for a time, chasing Dragons and paying homage to the first Trial. Soon enough, it was obvious that they were ready for the final leg of the journey.
Ruto the Primarina, Moro the Lycanroc, Science the Magnezone, and Orchid the Lurantis were all together once more, sharing memories and rethinking strategies. They made Gummy feel right at home in their midst, though he couldn’t help but feel like an outsider in this tight circle. Science was an odd combination of logical and Brave, constantly computing but taking risks anyhow. Ruto was Hasty, but lovingly so. Serious Moro was clearly the protector of the group, especially with Timid Orchid. They complemented one another perfectly, knowing, it seemed, each other’s very heartbeats.
Even with the grand trip they’d just completed, he could just feel that what they had weathered together was something extraordinary. Listening to Moro’s recounting of Ultra Space, incredible monsters, saving the world... Suddenly he began wondering, again, if he was really even worthy to step foot into the League. She regarded him carefully, though not unkindly.
<<Is it... frightening?>> Gummy asked softly. Moro tilted her head, thinking. What had it been like for her? She had met Luna as a pup, and had gone through such trials at her side. But what joy they had as well! Her love was unshakable. By the time they had stepped through those great metal doors at the top of the world, they had dismantled the Aether Foundation, gazed into the abysmal darkness of Ultra Space, defeated Ultra Beasts, had saved Alola... Nothing could have stood in their way. Nothing.
And now, they were helping a small being achieve his dream. It had felt like an act of charity at first, but hadn’t she been a ragtag Rockruff once? Hadn’t they all been something small, and found their way to Luna? Moro had the honor of being a founding member, but she saw now that they had to make way for others to find their strength, too. Gummy had helped them all grow.
She realized Gummy was waiting for an answer.
<<It very well might be. You’ll meet those who walk with Kahunas and Captains. There is not one weak link in those walls, and once you step in, only defeat will bring you back out.>> Gummy hung his head.
<<What if I embarrass her? Or...>> Moro nodded her head, prompting him to say what was really worrying him. <<What if this whole thing... has just been... a joke?>> His little heart felt like breaking, once it was said. Moro didn’t seem surprised. She looked over to Ruto and Orchid, laughing easily by the water. Science was chatting with the Rotom Dex. Luna had set out with Kindle for some shopping, and they were all rather at ease waiting until she returned. Of course he felt out of place here, standing in the midst of history itself. She shook her rocky mane and stood, catching Gummy fast in her firm gaze.
<<You have asked that before, and must erase that doubt from your mind! You may have started this journey as an act of kindness, but Luna would not have led you to a false hope. I understand your doubts: who indeed has ever heard of a Caterpie Champion?>> She tossed her mane again, clacking her shards. <<Say it aloud! You will be the first in the history of Alola!>>
The first! Moro left no time for him to think twice. <<Are you ready to pull your weight, Gummyworm? Because the League is waiting for you!>> She gave a playful feint and yelp, ready to spar a bit. And so, they passed the evening practicing String Shots, and talking about their future opponents. They would be brave, and they would be ready!
Gummy couldn’t safely walk from the Pokécenter to the League Doors, and so had to wait anxiously as Luna made the trek. He heard the call to battle, Luna’s confirmation, and the hydraulic hiss of the immense doors pulling aside for their trial. This was it. All of their journeys together, their battles, training sessions, their victories and trials, had led to this moment. Gummy thought about his Footprint ribbon, given to honor his rise in strength since meeting Luna. There was the Effort ribbon, given to show how he had peaked in his strength. And then, of course, the Best Friend ribbon... because here they stood, ready for anything. Even if he should fail, Luna wouldn’t let him be ashamed.
Once inside, everyone emerged from their pokéballs. They stood in a semi-circle with Luna at their center. She looked so much different in this immense hall-- standing tall, strong, with a fierce look to her eye. The world was watching this curious team defend her title.
“Alright, everyone...” She held them all one by one in her gaze, holding Gummyworm last of all. She had to admit: there was still a seed of doubt about this whole thing. But, it was now or never. If ever she had wanted something badly enough, it was for this to all work out. “Here we are again! We’re all here to be Champions once more, and for the first time! Now, Gummy--” He perked up immediately. “The Elite Four are the strongest in Alola. But, they’re also our friends! We’re here to have fun, and to show the world what we’ve got.” She picked him up in her arms and held him gently, but firm. “Give mom a wave, okay? I know she’s rooting for you loud and clear.”
Gummy turned to the room and waved a few feet, hoping at least one camera would catch the gesture.
(It did, and far away, across Alola, many cheered for the Caterpie taking on his first Kahuna.)
As the Fighting Ring enclosed around them, Gummy felt the enormity of what they had just agreed to do. There was no going back!
Luna walked to the center of the stage, and faced Kahuna Hala as an opponent, but also as a friend. Gummy remembered how he had arranged for him to train with Guzma, and had watched over them so carefully during that week. It was time to show him just how much he had grown during his journey since then.
Once the battle was underway, the very arena was trembling with their might. Ruto, elegant and ethereal, sang and swam his way to victory. Once Hala sent out Primeape, though, the rhythm changed. It was his turn!
“Alright, Gummyworm! Let’s go!” And out he went! There, for all to see across Alola and the world, was a small green bug who the cameras could easily miss, especially as Hala’s Primeape stood mightily in the ring. He stamped his feet and glared down this ridiculous little opponent, leaping into the air for a decisive blow. But, before any contact, a sticky web found itself fast around his leg. “Just like we practiced!!” Luna cried, and Primeape found himself thrown off his trajectory, and hurtling towards the ground in his surprise. Tumbling across the floor, Primape was absolutely incensed.
“Excellent work, Gummy! Ruto, you’re in!” As Gummy returned to his ball, he could feel his heart absolutely pounding in his chest. He had done it! He had landed an excellent String Shot, and threw off his opponent just enough to make him tumble!
Ruto blew him a kiss before expertly ending the match. It had been a wonderful, frightening experience, everything and nothing like what Gummy had imagined it to be.
They were amazing!
Kahuna Hala gave a jolly, belly-shaking laugh. “Who would have thought? Caught off-guard like that... Just goes to show you the true power of you and your team. Go on! Face the remaining three!” Luna bowed, and exited the arena, transported back to the main hall.
There, everyone swarmed Gummy. He was shaken and a bit dazed, but he had slowed down the pokémon of a kahuna! He had contributed to their win! Ruto sang a spirited victory chant while Luna healed everyone.
<<Our darling Gummy,>> he said proudly. <<Tangling up a Primeape and setting my stage beautifully!>>
Luna, too, was feeling fierce pride for Gummy. So many people had just seen his skill, and she felt sure in her decision to bring him after all. But, she still had the good sense to know Olivia’s rock-types would not be a good match for her little fighter. Gummy quite agreed.
And so, he sat that battle out, and watched as Orchid and Ruto made swift work of Olivia’s team. Gummy felt he finally understood the phrase “poetry in motion” as they dodged boulders, avoiding being crushed under their brute strength. Ruto was elegance personified as his liquid voice eradicated all obstacles. Peaceful Orchid surprised Gummy most of all, becoming a blooming force on the field. It was all over, it seemed, in a wink.
Halfway through the League, and the team was doing very well. Next was Acerola with her spooky team, none of whom were Gummy’s cup of tea. Maybe they sensed his insecurities, and just couldn’t help but send shivers down his exoskeleton. He wasn’t too sure how this would go. Orchid offered a reassuring pat.
<<It’s alright if the first battle was your only battle. Why, I hardly made it out during one title defense sweep! Sometimes your role is to be on-call, just in case.>>
He nodded. Still... he had to give it a try. Kahili had a team full of birds that he most definitely could not face, so this might be his only chance before the very last match to make himself useful.
He had to try!
As Luna stepped into the misty, strange ring, Gummy gave a determined mew. He would be first! As he landed confidently in the ring, Acerola gave a gleeful jump.
“Oh!! I was hoping you’d come out to play! I can’t wait to see how this goes!” Out came Sableye, teeth bared in such an unsettling fashion that Gummy was quite sure he’d have nightmares for weeks. If his journey with Luna had taught him anything, it was that fear was natural; how we react to it, though-- that made all the difference.
Sableye danced around Caterpie, grin wide and menacing. Her aura seemed to consume him like a nightmare. <<Long way from home, little Caterpie?>> she sneered. <<Want to go back to your tree?>> Everyone watching was convinced Gummy was immobilized by fear, shaking as he was. In a blink, Sableye delivered a snappy Fake Out, but something in the blow brought Gummy to his senses. Instead of flinching, he shot out a string of sticky web! Cocooned in string, Sableye couldn’t move. Without missing a beat Gummy began a barrage of bug bites, enraging the captured Sableye until she broke free of her sticky bonds. <<HOW DARE YOU!>> she hissed, but Luna intervened, seeing there was no way Gummy could progress further with such an angry opponent.
“Great job, Gummy!” she called. “Come on back!” Ruto took over once more, with Moro and Science having their time as well. It was a heated, spirited battle, with Luna emerging victorious after a few close calls. Acerola’s Pallossand took no prisoners, that was certain.
Luna was once again astounded by Gummy’s gumption, lifting him high once they were back in the hall.
“Incredible!” she said. “You’ve shown everyone watching that you’re to be reckoned with, not once, but twice! Want to sit the birds out?” Gummy gave a vigorous nod. No beaks for him, please. He gladly sipped a Lemonade and let Luna apply some Potion to his scratches before they set out again.
Kahili was a breeze with Science and Moro, and they were soon back in the main hall. Everyone ate their berries and sipped Fresh Water, taking one last mini break before the last defense battle. Kindle turned to Gummy, hoping with all his avian heart that there were no surprises in this last battle.
<<Gummyworm,>> Kindle said, <<I... didn’t think too much on what I’d say once we were here, but. I am very glad you decided to stick around.>> Gummy chewed on a Sitrus berry and smiled.
<<I never could have done it without you, Kindle. And the others. And Luna!>> What would he have been without the faith of his friends? <<To think, here we are, after the Elite Four!>> Somehow, in that moment, looking around the vast chamber, it all came into perfect focus for Gummy. A calm came over him. Whatever happened next... <<Kindle... Thank you. For helping me prove to myself that I was able to get this far. I... I used to hurt a lot about being a throw-away. It wasn’t about the ribbons, really! I just wanted to be part of something bigger! And now, I’ve shown so many people that you can be small, and maybe not someone’s first choice, but still be great.>> By this time, everyone had gathered around him. His friends, boosting him to be the best he could be. <<Thank you, everyone. Thank you for helping me, and bringing me into the team.>>
Moro stepped forward to nuzzle him, prompting a huge group hug. Luna felt the energy of it all, the sense that they had fulfilled a great mission together. There was still one more step, though, and that involved the Champion’s room!
The tall staircase opened up to an immense dome magnifying the brilliance of the blue sky. Luna brought Gummyworm onto her shoulder to see the space, showing him the wide stretches of mountain and sea all around. “Isn’t it marvelous?” she breathed. “Every time I’m here... I’m just not ready to lose this view.” They took another minute to appreciate the mountaintop before Luna turned to a large chair set towards the back. With great dignity, she walked to her seat, and placed herself dutifully to receive her last opponent.
No sooner had she done so, a familiar figure entered the room. There stood Gladion, looking as fiercely morose as ever.
“You just use your best moves and see who is left standing at the end, right?" Was that really what it came down to? It had to be so much more than that. The way they supported one another, cheered, fought, hurt, and healed together... No! It was more than that!
Luna sent out Science as her first pokémon, and the following battle was breathtaking. Where Kahili’s match seemed almost unfair in its type match-ups, Luna and Gladion fought with unbridled spirit. Science removed Crobat from the line-up. Kindle faced off with Lucario. Ruto faced off with curious Silvally and Weavile. An absolute blur of might! It was the final pokémon for Gladion. Porygon-Z floated in its twitching dancing way, with Orchid calmly looking on. But, as Orchid prepared a Solar Beam, Porygon-Z used a surprising Ice Beam, nearly bringing the delicate Grass-type to her knees in moments.
<<I’ll go!!>> Gummy cried. Luna looked to him with determined eyes. This was it. She had to let him into the match... with no plan. Enough of the team was healthy that this could still end in their favor. There, in the Champion’s arena, Luna gave her command.
“Go! Gummyworm!” And out he went, taking the place of his wounded friend in the ring.
He couldn’t know that all across Alola, people cheered for the Caterpie with the audacity to fight in the Title Defense match. All the children they had met, rooting loudly in front of their TVs, every Captain, every Kahuna, even Guzma in Iki Town. They all watched as Gummy unleashed his String Shot straight at Porygon-Z.
He had carefully assessed its erratic motions, had aimed not where it was, but where it was going to be... and there! Ensnaring its body, then with a careful flick, extending the web to the ground. Porygon-Z was confused for a moment at being stuck; that was all the opening Gummy needed to shoot another string, pulling himself in at high speed for a Tackle aimed right at its middle. The blow was confident, sending both of them in opposite directions. Gummy flew across the ring... caught by the call of his pokéball as Luna brought him safely back.
“You did great!” she called, but Gummy was just a bit dazed at what he’d just done. He heard Kindle take up the battle, and rode out the remaining match with Luna.
Then, almost as soon as it had started, Gladion’s last pokémon was defeated, and quiet fell across the arena. The mist and dust settled... The battle was won!
Luna remained Champion!
Everyone emerged from their pokéballs for healing and celebration, letting out reeling cries of strength bouncing from the very walls. Their joy echoed across the blue sky, and all across the region, people celebrated another powerful League run. After making sure everyone was safe and sound, Luna took up Gummyworm into her arms with tears in her eyes.
“You did it! You really, truly did it, Gummy!!” There had been so many moments when his heart felt full to bursting, but this! The brave Caterpie let his own tears fall as he took in the great Alola sky, and his friends encircling him.
<<I did! We did! Champions!!>>
During this great celebration, Professor Kukui entered the room, bringing with him a small case. He had been watching from the very beginning as Luna entered with her familiar team, along with the Caterpie from that day, not so long ago. Wasn’t it something, how people and pokémon could come together and achieve spectacular things? And that String Shot move! He would have to ask this spunky bug if he could study its power.
But that would be another day.
“Hey, cousin!” he called, approaching the group. “I bring with me an honor for the new League Champion.”
Luna hugged Gummy snugly before calmly walking him over to the large Champion’s chair. There, she set him down, and stepped aside as Kukui revealed the small case. “Gummyworm the Caterpie...” He knelt down, opening the lid to reveal a shining gold emblem attached to red and white ribbons. “I’ve heard about your great journey all across Alola. You’ve learned what it is to truly work hard and achieve your dreams, yeah? Today, you stepped into the ring and showed everyone the results of all that work, and also showed what it is to work as a team. In honor of your victory, I present to you the Alola League Champion Ribbon.”
Holding the honor, and looking to all his friends... Gummy knew he had achieved his dream, one that had brought him all across the islands, and united the hearts of so many who saw him as the treasured being he was.
And so, Gummyworm the Caterpie was entered into the Alolan Hall of Fame, recorded for all eternity with wonder and pride.
The sunset gently sank from blazing red, pink, to purple, slipping ever closer to the dusky veil of night. Mom had spread out a large blanket on the beach with a few candles and snacks, ending the day in peace. Ruto stretched at the water’s edge with Orchid close by; Moro sat with Mom and Meowth on the blanket. Kindle dozed, perched on Science, who was out cold. Luna, meanwhile, was off a ways, walking the waves with Gummyworm perched on her shoulder, making their way back to the group before night fell.
So very much had happened since that day at the Professor’s lab.
They had journeyed all across the islands, meeting so many people who challenged and supported them. Why, there had been quite a few moments where they seriously considered just going home... But where would they have been if they’d given up?
“You sure have taught me a lot,” Luna said, looking out across the fading sunset. “But you know what? I think you taught so many other people today what the League really means, too.” Gummy wiggled his antennae, curious what she meant. “I think... It’s more of a feeling, really. The connections we share, how we support one another... How we define ourselves. Do you feel like you’re a Champion?”
In that moment before the last match, he knew within his heart that he had everything he needed, right there. And, when victory had truly been achieved?
He mewed a loud <<Yes!>>
Luna laughed. “You earned it, buddy. You really, really did. Thank you for taking me on this journey.”
<<And thank you for having faith in me, Luna.>>
They walked to Mom, who welcomed them back with a hug and kiss.
From that day on, Gummyworm was famous across Alola. There were interviews, and visits to Community Centers for meet-and-greets. Luna made her thank-you’s known. Guzma received more visitors at Iki Town, making Hala proud every time he didn’t tell someone off or make a child cry. He couldn’t help but smile, though, when a basket full of berries and battling items arrived from Luna. The kid was alright.
Others sent the team their love as well from all over the regions, especially the children who adored the idea of a Super Caterpie. There was even a picture book that came out: The Champion of the Small, which certainly took its liberties, but made him happy just the same.
When the hype died down, and Luna set her sights on a new adventure, Gummy decided to stay with Mom on Melemele. He loved Luna, but he did need a break, and growing plump on berries didn’t sound half bad! Luna would visit, as would everyone else when they could. Orchid had decided to return to Mallow to learn advanced forest foraging, while Science was set to study at the Hokulani Observatory for a bit longer. Ruto went with Luna, as did Moro and Kindle.
Gummy was thinking that, maybe soon, he just might evolve... but until that felt just right, life was beautiful and serene,
And he was loved.
The End.
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divinebird · 6 years
edge of the universe | sheith | 2.7k | Keith searches for Shiro in a dead world.
aka TLOU AU that @brighteststarus​ and I talked about ^_^
Keith stares up at the medical research facility with trepidation, thumb brushing over the raised lines of his Firefly dog tags—a soothing habit that’s been with him as long as the tags.
He spent about two weeks traveling to get to this place, going by faded roadmaps and blood-splattered signs. Keith expected to see some guards patrolling the area, since it was a Firefly base after all, but all he’s seen so far is a few infected here and there.
“I hope someone’s in there,” he mutters, forcing himself to take a step towards the front doors.
I hope he’s in there.
Releasing the pendant and tucking it beneath his shirt, Keith pulls out his machete to be prepared.
He slowly pushes one of the doors open and peeks inside, only heading in when he sees no infected stumbling around. Even if he didn’t spot them right away, he would have as he headed deeper into the building—their glowing eyes always shine brightest in the dark, and the raspy moans and monstrous snarls echo throughout the buildings. Runners and Stalkers, the easiest to kill since they’re the weakest stages of infection.
If he hears clicking, then he knows it’s time to be careful and silent. Clickers are dangerous with their use of echolocation, but all he has to do is make no noise as he takes them out from behind or sneaks around them.
Kill them before they kill you.
Keith steps around the pieces of broken glass that came from the skylight, ignoring the smears of blood across the floor as he moves towards the door that’s just past the front desk.
It leads into a long hallway that has doors leading to different offices and test labs, none of which have what he’s looking for. Trying not to feel frustrated, Keith hopes for better luck as he climbs the stairs to the second floor.
He almost cheers in excitement when the fourth unlocked room he checks has something, crumpled up papers and folders that are signed with the name that beats in time with his heart. Keith also finds a small recorder in one corner of the room, settling down on one of the stools and readying himself for whatever he’s about to hear.
“Please,” he whispers as he presses down on the play button. “Tell me where you are.”
Like all the other recordings he’s heard, the voice comes out loud and clear—low and smooth, exhaustion clear in the tone.
“Log number… something, I’ve lost count. The Fireflies have been conducting more tests on people who have been bitten, promising them a cure when we all know that there isn’t one.” A sigh. “I thought I would be able to see this job to the end, that I would be able to gather up enough information to take them down from the inside, but I can’t bring myself to be a part of this anymore. I have to leave.”
Keith hears the telltale sound of a door opening in the recording, followed by a rustle of fabric that muffles the audio. Keith taps his nails along the desk in front of him as he waits, perking up when the voice returns.
“I’ll be heading west where the Fireflies have yet to spread. This is Takashi Shirogane, signing off.”
“West,” Keith breathes, a smile stretching across his face. “Shiro went west.”
It’s the most he’s gotten since he first set out to search for his best friend, combing through countless abandoned Firefly bases for any clue. All he’s found so far are recorders like this one, Shiro logging what the Fireflies have been doing in their quest to find a cure for the infection.
He’s about to shut the recorder off when he hears the sound of his name, the softness of Shiro’s voice making his heart ache.
“Keith,” Shiro says. “I know you’re out there, somewhere, and I hope you know that I’ve been trying my hardest to find you.” His voice wavers.“When I see you again I swear I’ll tell you that I—”
The recording stops there.
“Tell me what?” Keith asks into the empty room, staring down at the recorder. He plays it again, just in case it was a mistake, and slumps when it cuts off at the same place. “What do you want to tell me, Shiro?”
He pulls out the Firefly pendant and traces over the letters as he’d done so many times before, mouthing the name that is etched in the smooth metal and his memory for all of time.
Takashi Shirogane.
“I’ll find you,” he promises, metal growing warm when he curls a hand around it. “I’ll never give up on you.”
☆ ☆
“Dammit,” Keith mutters, staring at the spores that fill up the room ahead of him. He ties his hair up into a ponytail with a rubber band and swings his backpack to his front, pulling his gas mask out and putting it on.
He doesn’t really need it, but he hates the feeling of the spores in his throat.
His companion, a wolfdog, nudges his side with a small whine. The animal is black in color, a long stripe of grey going from the back of his head to the tip of his tail, and white covering the top of his head and around his eyes. Keith found him as a puppy when he was traveling through a forest, and the wolfdog quickly grew to reach his waist. He hasn’t left Keith’s side since.
“I know, Cosmo,” Keith murmurs soothingly, scratching behind his ears. “I don’t know what the spores will do to you, so you’ll have to find a way around. Understand?”
Cosmo whines again and licks his fingers before edging away from him and running off. Keith knows that he understood, the wolfdog is much more intelligent than one would guess.
Keith cautiously makes his way through the building, going from room to room to search for any supplies. He scavenges up a pair of scissors and a few bullets for his gun, but what he finds in the seventh room is even more surprising.
A man is sitting on the floor, head turned towards him. He rises after a few seconds of staring, and Keith is quick to pull out his gun and point it at the man’s forehead, voice low when he says, “Step any closer and I shoot you to hell.”
“Okay, okay,” the man says, and that’s when Keith notices that he only has one arm—which is raised up in the air while Keith’s finger rests on the trigger. “I’ll keep my distance, I’m sorry. Just… don’t shoot, please? I swear I won’t hurt you. I don’t have any weapons on me.”
“Your word isn’t enough to prove that,” Keith says, but he does lower his gun after a while. He keeps it at his side to show that the threat is still there. “Why are you hiding out in here? You stuck or something?”
“Yeah,” the man answers with a weak laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “My friends and I got separated when a few Runners came after us. I hid in this room when I realized I was alone. I may have gotten better at protecting myself with just one arm, but I don’t think I can take on six infected and live.”
“Most people can’t,” Keith replies dryly and is rewarded with another laugh.
Now that Keith knows that there are Runners in the building, he swears he can hear them in the distance. If there are really six out there, then there’s no way he can take them on himself (even if he does have his secret advantage).
He sighs and holds out his gun.
“Take it,” he tells him. “Only shoot when you have to, I don’t like wasting bullets.”
“Take the gun,” Keith says in exasperation. “I’ll lead you out of here, okay? I’m passing through anyway, might as well.”
“Oh!” The man shuffles forward and takes the gun, keeping a tight grip on it. “Um, thank you. Most people would have left me for dead.” He snorts. “Or killed me themselves.”
“Good thing I’m not most people,” Keith says, pulling his knife out from the sheath that’s on his lower back. “Stay behind me and wait for me to kill them, I’ll try to come at them from behind so we aren’t swarmed. Don’t make any noise or sudden movement, I don’t want to lose the element of surprise.”
“Got it.”
“I’m… Ryou,” he says hesitantly. It’s obviously not his real name, but Keith isn’t going to push.
“Akira,” Keith replies smoothly. He’s more used to giving out a fake one, because he’s learned that nothing good comes out of people knowing who he truly is. “Are your friends going to be right outside?”
“Probably not, but I do know where they’re going.”
Keith nods and walks over to open the door. “Then let’s get going.”
Ryou listens to his instructions, and also quietly informs him of how many Runners are in the rooms they’re passing through. Keith is able to kill the infected by coming up behind them and sinking his blade into their heads, carefully laying them out on the floor before moving onto the next one. It’s easy to do, but he fucks up and makes too much noise—causing a Stalker to turn his way and rush at him with a screech.
Keith has to kick it away from him, stumbling as he tries to get his footing back, and tries to pull out his machete when it starts charging at him again. Ryou comes in clutch and fires the gun when it gets too close, bringing it down with a bullet to the head.
“Thanks,” Keith mutters, receiving a nod in response.
There were actually eight infected in total, all taken care of with no bites or scratches, and they leave the building without any more trouble.
Cosmo is waiting outside for him and rushes forward with a happy bark, nearly knocking Keith down when he jumps up on him. Keith lets out a laugh and pets through his fur, commanding that he sit and giving him a treat when he obeys.
“He doesn’t bite,” Keith says when he notices Ryou standing farther away. “Cosmo’s a very good boy and he knows that I won’t give him pets if he’s bad.”
“That’s very reassuring,” Ryou replies wryly.
The wolfdog merely looks at Ryou and then proceeds to ignore him in favor of nudging Keith’s hand for more pets like the spoiled creature that he is. Still, Keith indulges him for a while before walking over to Ryou.
“I think we’re safe now,” Keith tells him, eyeing the area around them to make sure they’re clear of infected—they are, and even if he missed any he knows he can count on Cosmo for backup. “Where are you supposed to meet your friends?”
Ryou slowly turns in a circle, facing to the right of where they’re standing and pointing at a tall building that’s marked with the words ‘Red Lion Hotel.’ “Over there,” he says. “We’re going to stay there for the night and hunt the area for more supplies before moving on.”
Keith reaches up to pull his mask off when Ryou starts doing the same, removing the rubber band from his hair so he can shake it free. It’s almost long enough to obscure his vision, he’ll have to cut it soon.
He’s about to offer to take Ryou to the hotel when he looks up, breath lost once he gets a good look at Ryou’s face.
“Shiro,” he whispers in shock, eyes wide. His mask slips from his fingers.
Ryou—Shiro is staring back at him in equal surprise, looking so different with the shock of white hair and the scar across the bridge of his nose. “Keith!” he exclaims, visibly swallowing. He stammers for a bit and then stops to take a deep breath, looking at the ground. His eyes are warm when he lifts his head again, smile soft when he says, “You saved me.”
Keith can’t help but smile back at him. “We saved each other,” he replies, stepping closer.
He wraps both arms around him, relaxing when he feels Shiro’s single arm circle around his waist after a few seconds. His eyes slip shut as he breathes in the scent of his best friend and a lump appears in his throat.
Finally, finally, he found him.
☆ ☆
“So… tattoos, huh?”
Keith takes a big swig of his water and glances over at Shiro, who is staring at his exposed shoulder with a strange look on his face. He looks around to make sure that they’re truly alone. With the exception of Cosmo sleeping in the sun, they are—it’s just a force of habit by now. Keith sheds his hoodie, showing the tattoo that spreads from his right shoulder and down his entire right arm.
“Yup,” he says, turning to show off the ones on his left. “Got them to hide the scratches and bites. Didn’t want anyone to shoot me before I could explain.”
“Scratches?” Shiro asks in surprise. “Bites? What? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Keith is quick to reassure. Damn, he forgot that Shiro didn’t know. “Okay, look. This is going to sound crazy, but… I’m immune.” He turns his arm to expose the scarred skin on his right wrist. “See this? I got it a couple of years ago when I was sneaking out of the quarantine zone for some fun. Thought I was done for and waited to die, found out I was immune when I woke up the next morning.”
“Jesus,” Shiro exhales as he brushes his fingers over the healed bite. The touch sends sparks down Keith’s spine. “How many more bites do you have?”
“Another on my shoulder,” Keith answers, touching it with his free hand. “I got lucky, it wasn’t too deep. Coulda torn out my throat if I didn’t have my knife on me.” He kicks his left foot. “I have one on my ankle, too. Got it when I was still wearing sneakers and wading through water that went up to my chest. The scratches are mostly on my arms, so those are hidden beneath the tattoos.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Shiro whispers. He pulls away and pushes the sleeve up what’s left of his arm, revealing scarred skin. “Had to get it cut off after I got bit, didn’t want the infection to spread.”
“What?” Keith asks, heart stopping in his chest. “You got bit? And you’re okay?”
“I wouldn’t say that I’m okay, I did lose an arm,” Shiro says with a weak smile. “But at least I’m here.” He reaches out and grabs one of Keith’s hands, squeezing it. “At least we’re here.”
Keith gently frees his hand so he can throw himself forward and wrap his arms around Shiro. They fall back on the roof but he doesn’t care, he’s certain that they both need this right now.
“At least we’re here,” he echoes, burying his face in Shiro’s neck while Shiro’s arm snakes around his waist.
After a while, Keith starts to move away. He stops when Shiro’s arm tightens around him, peering down at him curiously. Shiro’s cheeks are dusted pink, and there’s an intensity to his gaze that makes Keith’s insides squirm.
He suddenly remembers the last recording he found.
“Shiro?” Keith says softly. “Your recordings, um. I found them.”
“Did you?” Shiro asks. “And you… listened to them?”
“Yup. All of them.” Keith doesn’t mention how he spent most of his nights playing them, wanting to hear Shiro’s voice again. “In your last one, you said that you were going to tell me something once you saw me again. Well… I’m here.”
Shiro’s cheeks darken further, eyes going wide. “Oh, um…” He releases his hold on Keith and shifts, so Keith sits up the rest of the way and helps Shiro up. They’re sitting across from each other now, and Shiro looks… nervous.
“I wanted to say—” Shiro starts, stopping and taking a deep breath. “I-I was going to tell you—” Shiro visibly swallows. Their eyes lock, and then Shiro is muttering, “Fuck it,” as he moves forward and captures Keith’s lips in a kiss.
Keith stills for a second, melting into the kiss once it registers and pushing him back onto the roof again. He eagerly dips his tongue into Shiro’s mouth, their desperate sounds muffled as the kiss escalates into a full on makeout session.
The world is in ruins and things may never go back to the way they were, but they’re together now—and nothing will keep them apart ever again.
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A Shattered Life
I don't know when you're going to read this, but I can tell you when it started: I was out for a walk alone in the woods when the entity came for me. It was beyond a blur. It was, for lack of a better term, absence of meaning. Where it hid, there were no trees; where it crept closer, there was no grass; through the arc it leapt at me, there was no breeze of motion. There was no air at all.
As it struck, I felt the distinct sensation of claws puncturing me somewhere unseen; somewhere I'd never felt before. My hands and arms and legs and torso seemed fine and I wasn't bleeding, but I knew I'd been injured somehow. As I fearfully ran back home, I could tell that I was less. I was vaguely tired, and it was hard to focus at times.
The solution at that early stage was easy: a big cup of coffee helped me feel normal again.
For a while, that subtle drain on my spirit became lost in the ebb and flow of caffeine in my system. You could say my life began that week, actually, because that was when I met Mar. She and I got along great, though, to be honest, I'm pretty sure I fell in love with her over the phone before we even met.
It was almost as if the strong emotions of that first week made the entity fight back—it was still with me, latched on to some invisible part of my being.
The first few incidents were minor, and I hardly worried about them. The color of a neighbor's car changed from dark blue to black one morning, and I stared at it before shaking my head and shrugging off the difference. Two days later, at work, a coworker's name changed from Fred to Dan. I carefully asked around, but everyone said his name had always been Dan. I figured I'd just been mistaken.
Then, as ridiculous as this sounds, I was peeing in my bathroom at home when I suddenly found myself on a random street. I was still in my pajamas, pants down, and urinating—but now in full view of a dozen people at a bus stop. Horrified, I pulled up my clothes and ran before someone called the cops. I did manage to get home, but the experience forced me to admit that I was still in danger. The entity was doing something to me, and I didn't understand how to fight back.
Mar showed up that evening, but she had her own key.
"Hey," I asked her with confusion. "How'd you get a key?"
She just laughed. "You're cute. Are you sure you're okay with this?" She opened a door and entered a room full of boxes. "I know living together is a big step, especially when we've only been dating three months."
Living together? I'd literally just met her the week before. Thing was, my mother had always called me a smart cookie for a reason. I knew when to shut my yap. Instead of causing a scene, I told her everything was fine—and then I went straight to my room and began investigating.
My things were just as I had left them with no sign of a three month gap in habitation, but I did find something out of the ordinary: the date. I shivered angrily as I processed the truth.
The entity had eaten three months of my life.
What the hell was I facing? What kind of creature could consume pieces of one's soul like that? I'd missed the most exciting part of a new relationship, and I would never understand any shared stories or in-jokes from that period. Something absurdly precious had been taken from me, and I was furious.
That fury helped suppress the entity. I never imbibed alcohol. I drank coffee religiously. I checked the date every time I woke up. For three years, I managed to live each day while observing nothing more than minor alterations. A social fact here and there—someone's job, how many kids they had, that sort of thing—the layout of nearby streets, the time my favorite television show aired, that kind of thing. Always, those changes reminded me the creature still had its claws sunk into my spirit. Not once in three years did I ever let myself zone out.
One day, I grew careless. I let myself get really into the season finale of my favorite show. It was gripping; a fantastic story. Right at the height of the action, a young boy came up to my lounger and shook my arm.
Surprised, I asked, "Who are you? How did you get in here?"
He laughed and smiled brightly. "Silly Daddy!"
My heart sank in my chest. I knew immediately what had happened. After a few masked questions, I discovered that he was two years old—and that he was my son.
The agony and heartache filling my chest was nearly unbearable. Not only had I missed the birth of my son, I would never see or know the first years of his life. Mar and I had obviously gotten married and started a family in the time I'd lost, and I had no idea what joys or pains those years contained.
It was snowing outside. Holding my sudden son in my lap, I sat and watched the flakes fall outside. What kind of life was this going to be if slips in concentration could cost me years? I had to get help.
The church had no idea what to do. The priests didn't believe me, and told me I had a health issue rather than some sort of possession.
The doctors didn't have any clue. Nothing showed up on all their scans and tests, but they happily took my money in return for nothing.
By the time I ran out of options, I'd decided to tell Mar. There was no way to know what this all looked like from her side. What was I like when I wasn't there? Did I still take our son to school? Did I still do my job? Clearly, I did, because she seemed to be none the wiser, but I still had a horrible feeling that something must have been missing in her life when I wasn't actually home inside my own head.
But the night I set up a nice dinner in preparation, she arrived not by unlocking the front door, but by knocking on it. I answered, and found that she was in a nice dress.
She was happily surprised by the settings on the table. "A fancy dinner for a second date? I knew you were sweet on me!"
Thank the Lord I knew when to keep my mouth shut. If I'd gone on about being married and having a son, she might have run for the hills. Instead, I took her coat and sat down for our second date.
Through carefully crafted questions, I managed to deduce the truth. This really was our second date. She saw relief and happiness in me, but interpreted that as dating jitters. I was just excited to realize that the entity wasn't necessarily eating whole portions of my life. The symptoms, as I was beginning to understand them, were more like the consequences of a shattered soul. The creature had wounded me; broken me into pieces. Perhaps I was to live my life out of order, but at least I would actually get to live it.
And so it went for a few years—from my perspective. While minor changes in politics or geography would happen daily, major shifts in my mental location only happened every couple months. When I found myself in a new place and time in my life, I just shut up and listened, making sure to get the lay of the land before doing anything to avoid making mistakes. On the farthest-flung leap yet, I met my six-year-old grandson, and I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, "Writer." I told him that was a fine idea.
Then, I was back in month two of my relationship with Mar, and I had the best night with her on the riverfront. When I say the best, I mean the best. Knowing how special she would become to me, I asked her to move in. I got to live through what I'd missed the first go-around, and I came to understand that I was never mentally absent. I would always be there—eventually. When we were moving her boxes in, she stopped for a moment and said she marveled at my great love, as if I'd known her for a lifetime and never once doubted she was the one.
That was the first time I'd truly laughed freely and wholeheartedly since the entity had wounded me. She was right about my love for her, but for exactly the reason she'd considered a silly romantic analogy. I had known her my whole life, and I'd come to terms with my situation and found peace with it. It wasn't so bad to have sneak peeks at all the best parts ahead.
But of course I wouldn't be writing this if hadn't gotten worse. The entity was still with me. It had not wounded me and departed like I'd wanted to believe. The closest I can describe my growing understanding was that the creature was burrowing deeper into my psyche, fracturing it into smaller pieces. Instead of months between major shifts, I began having only weeks. Once I noticed that trend, I feared my ultimate fate would be to jump between times in my life heartbeat by heartbeat, forever confused, forever lost. Only an instant in each time meant I would never be able to speak with anyone else, never be able to hold a conversation, never express or receive love.
As the true depth of that fear came upon me, I sat in an older version of me and watched the snow falling outside. That was the one constant in my life: the weather didn't care who I was or what pains I had to face. Nature was always there. The falling snow was always like a little hook that kept me in a place; the pure emotional peace it brought was like a panacea on my mental wounds, and I'd never yet shifted while watching the pattern of falling white and thinking of the times I'd gone sledding or built a snow fort as a child.
A teenager touched my arm. "Grandpa?"
"Eh?" He'd startled me out of my thoughts, so I was less careful than usual. "Who are you?"
He half-grinned, as if not sure whether I was joking. Handing me a stack of papers, he said, "It's my first attempt at a novel. Would you read it and tell me what you think?"
Ahh, of course. "Pursuing that dream of being a writer, I see."
He burned bright red. "Trying to, anyway."
"All right. Run off, I'll read this right now." The words were blurry, and, annoyed, I looked for glasses I probably had for reading. Being old was terrible, and I wanted to leap back into a younger year—but not before I read his book. I found my glasses in a sweater pocket, and began leafing through. Mar puttered in and out of the living room, still beautiful, but I had to focus. I didn't know how much time I would have there.
It seemed that we had relatives over. Was it Christmas? A pair of adults and a couple kids I didn't recognize tromped through the hallway, and I saw my son, now adult, walk by with his wife on the way out the door. As a group, the extended family began sledding outside.
Finally, I finished reading the story, and I called out for my grandson. He rushed down the stairs and into the living room. "How was it?”
"Well, it's terrible," I told him truthfully. "But it's terrible for all the right reasons. You're still a young man, so your characters behave like young people, but the structure of the story itself is very solid." I paused. "I didn't expect it to turn out to be a horror story."
He nodded. "It's a reflection of the times. Expectations for the future are dismal, not hopeful like they used to be."
"You're far too young to be aware like that," I told him. An idea occurred to me. "If you're into horror, do you know anything about strange creatures?"
"Sure. I read everything I can. I love it."
Warily, I scanned the entrances to the living room. Everyone was busy outside. For the first time, I opened up to someone in my life about what I was experiencing. In hushed tones, I told him about my fragmented consciousness.
For a teenager, he took it well. "You're serious?"
He donned the determined look of a grown man accepting a quest. "I'll look into it, see what I can find out. You should start writing down everything you experience. Build some data. Maybe we can map your psychic wound."
Wow. "Sounds like a plan." I was surprised. That made sense, and I hadn't expected him to have a serious response. "But how will I get all the notes in one place?"
"Let's come up with somewhere for you to leave them," he said, frowning with thought. "Then I'll get them, and we can trace the path you're taking through your own life, see if there's a pattern."
For the first time since the situation had gotten worse, I felt hope again. "How about under the stairs? Nobody ever goes under there."
"Sure." He turned and left the living room.
I peered after him. I heard him banging around near the stairs.
Finally, he returned with a box, laid it on the carpet, and opened it to reveal a bursting stack of papers. He exclaimed, "Holy crap!"—but of course, being a teenager, he didn't really say crap.
Taken aback, I blinked rapidly, forgiving his cussing because of the shock. "Did I write those?"
He looked up at me with wonder. "Yeah. Or, you will. You still have to write them and put them under the stairs after this." He gazed back down at the papers—then covered the box. "So you probably shouldn't see what they say. That could get weird."
That much I understood. "Right."
He gulped. "There are like fifty boxes under there, all filled up like this. Deciphering these will take a very long time." His tone dropped to deadly seriousness. "But I will save you, grandpa. Because I don't think anyone else can."
Tears flowed down my cheeks then, and I couldn't help but sob once or twice. I hadn't realized how lonely I'd become in my shifting prison of awareness until I finally had someone who understood. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
And then I was young again, and at work on a random Tuesday. Once the sadness and relief faded, anger and determination replaced them. After I finished my work, I grabbed some paper and began writing. While the weeks shifted around me, while those weeks became days, and then hours, I wrote every single spare moment about when and where I thought I was. I put them under the stairs out of order; my first box was actually the thirtieth, and my last box was the first. Once I had over fifty boxes written from my perspective—and once my shifting became a matter of minutes—I knew it was up to my grandson to take it from there.
I put my head down and stopped looking. I couldn't stand the river of changing awareness any longer. Names and places and dates and jobs and colors and people were all wrong and different.
I'd never been older. I sat watching the snow fall. A man of at least thirty that I vaguely recognized entered the room. "Come on, I think I finally figured it out."
I was so frail that moving was painful. "Are you him? Are you my grandson?"
"Yes." He took me to a room filled with strange equipment and sat me in a rubber chair facing a large mirror twice the height of a man. "The pattern finally revealed itself."
"How long have you worked on this?" I asked him, aghast. "Tell me you didn't miss your life like I'm missing mine!"
His expression was both stone cold and furiously resolute. "It'll be worth it." He brought two thin metal rods close to my arm and then nodded at the mirror. "Look. This shock is carefully calibrated."
The electric zap from his device was startling, but not painful. In the mirror, I saw a rapid arcing light-silhouette appear above my head and shoulder. The electricity moved through the creature like a wave, briefly revealing the terrible nature of what was happening to me. A bulging leech-like mouth was wrapped around the back of my head, coming down to my eyebrows and touching each ear, and its slug-like body ran over my shoulder and into my very soul.
It was a parasite.
And it was feeding on my mind.
My now-adult grandson held my hand as I took in the horror. After a moment, he asked, "Removing it is going to hurt very badly. Are you up for this?"
Fearful, I asked, "Is Mar here?"
His face softened. "No. Not for a few years now."
I could tell from his reaction what had happened, but I didn't want it to be true. "How?"
"We have this conversation a lot," he responded. "Are you sure you want to know? It never makes you feel better."
Tears brimmed in my eyes. "Then I don't care if it hurts, or if I die. I don't want to stay in a time where she's not alive."
He made a sympathetic noise of understanding and then returned to his machines to hook several wires, diodes, and other bits of technology to my limbs and forehead. While he did so, he talked. "I've worked for two decades to figure this out, and I've had a ton of help from other researchers of the occult. This parasite doesn't technically exist in our plane. It's one of the lesser spawns of µ¬ßµ, and it feeds on the plexus of mind, soul, and quantum consciousness/reality. When details like names and colors of objects changed, you weren't going crazy. The web of your existence was merely losing strands as the creature ate its way through you."
I didn't fully understand. I looked up in confusion as he placed a circlet of electronics like a crown on my head in exact line with where the parasite's mouth had ringed me. "What's µ¬ßµ?"
He paused his work and grew pale. "I forgot that you wouldn't know. You're lucky, believe me." After a deep breath, he began moving again, and placed his fingers near a few switches. "Ready? This is carefully tuned to make your nervous system extremely unappetizing to the parasite, but it's basically electro-shock therapy."
I could still see Mar's smile. Even though she was dead, I'd just been with her moments ago. "Do it."
The click of a switch echoed in my ears, and I almost laughed at how mild the electricity was. It didn't feel like anything—at least at first. Then, I saw the mirror shaking, and my body within that image convulsing. Oh. No. It did hurt. Nothing had ever been more painful. It was just so excruciating that my mind hadn't been able to immediately process it.
As my vision shook and fire burned in every nerve in my body, I could see the reflected trembling light-silhouette of the parasite on my head as it writhed in agony equal to mine. It had claws—six clawed lizard-like limbs under its leech-like body—and it cut into me in an attempt to stay latched on.
The electricity made my memories flare.
Mar's smile was foremost, lit brightly in front of a warm fire as the snow fell past the window behind her. The edges of that memory began lighting up, and I realized that my life was one continuous stretch of experience—it was only the awareness of it that had been fragmented by that feasting evil on my back.
I'd never managed to be there for the birth of my son. I'd jumped around it a dozen times, but never actually lived it. For the first time, I got to hold Mar's hand and be there for her.
No. No! That moment had shifted seamlessly into holding her hand as she lay in a hospital bed for a very different reason. Not this! God, why? It was so merciless to make me remember this. I broke down in tears as nurses rushed into the room. I didn't want to know. I didn't want to experience it. I'd seen all the good parts, but I hadn't wanted the worst part—the inevitable end that all would one day face.
It wasn't worth it. It was tainted. All that joy was given back ten thousand fold as pain.
The fire in my body and in my brain surged to sheer white torture, and I screamed.
My scream faded into a surprised shout as the machines and electricity and chair faded away. Snow was no longer falling around my life; I was out in the woods on a bright summer day.
Oh God.
I turned to see the creature approaching me. It was the same absence of meaning; the same blank on reality. It crept forward, just like before—but, this time, it hissed and turned away. I stood, astounded at being young again and freed from the parasite. My grandson had actually done it! He'd made me an unappetizing meal, so the predator of mind and soul had moved on in search of a different snack.
I returned home in a daze.
And while I was sitting there processing all that had happened, the phone rang. I looked at in awe and sadness. I knew who it was. It was Marjorie, calling for the first time for some trivial reason she'd admit thirty years later was made up just to talk to me.
But all I could see was her lying in that hospital bed dying. It was going to end in unspeakable pain and loneliness. I would become an old man, left to sit by myself in an empty house, his soulmate gone long before him. At the end of it all, the only thing I would have left: sitting and watching the falling snow.
But now, thanks to my grandson, I would also have my memories. It would be a wild ride, no matter how it ended.
On a sudden impulse, I picked up the phone. With a smile, I asked, "Hey, who's this?"
Even though I already knew.
Author's note: Together, my grandfather and I did set out to write the tale of his life. Unfortunately, his Alzheimer's disease progressed rapidly, and we were never able to finish. He's still alive, but I imagine that, mentally, he is in a better place than the nursing home. I like to think he's back in his younger days, living life and being happy, because the reality is much colder. It's snowing today; he loves the snow. When I visited him, he didn't recognize me, but he did smile as he sat looking out the window. 
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sending-the-message · 6 years
Why the birds migrated north by DenDanDo
Last time I remember Friday night being such a delightful feeling was college, and even that lasted until junior year. However one thing was different, and that was the lack of a goal to look forward to. I knew my life was only just starting, being 26 and finally being settled and single, but this is the beginning of the end, if I don’t find a better purpose than working as a Biologist in the town of Meteli, I will waste my life away.
Trying to get my mind off of the future, I attempted to focus on watching the news, as a very interesting story was being told. From what I heard, something strange is lurking in Meteli. The news anchor Jerome didn’t look very enthusiastic speaking of it, as if he doesn’t believe it himself.
There have been three sightings in Meteli so far, The anchor said before cutting to a woman being interviewed. Her name was listed as Elizabeth Jenkins,"I couldn't belive it," she said, "The thing had yellow eyes sunken into his face, a big smile with clunky looking but sharp teeth. Wings as large as himself!” Meteli’s winged creature was then seen consuming a bald eagle by Elizabeth. Other sightings include Mr. Patterson who’s dog was unfortunately taken by the beast, who proceeded to fly off with him.
I turned off the channel because I already knew what was to be said next, the story of little Michael. Mr. Selino told the story after a week of sorrow.
Michael is an 8 year old boy who was killed by “Meteli’s winged creature”, it was July 13th of summer, which was about a month ago from present day. Michael was alone, playing with his new kite his father gave him for his birthday. It was around 8:30 that his father wanted him back inside since it was getting dark, but Michael thought it wouldn’t hurt to stay out another few minutes.
And so did his father.
That was the worst decision Mr. Selino had made in his life. Watching through the window, smiling and thinking in his head I have succeeded, something swooped down from the sky, and with a face full of joy slashed little Michael right across his skinny little chest. It took a few seconds for Mr. Selino to react, but when he did, it was a stumbling, teary-eyed reaction. None of the doctors in the emergency room thought he would pass away that night, they weren’t even considering that outcome, they were too busy questioning.
Well, nonetheless, the scar was infected, leading to poor little Michael’s death. The doctors were to blame, as Jerome claimed they were questioning him more than treating his son. According to Jerome, the beast was about 9 feet tall, had a skull-crushing set of teeth, and always smiling, and had similar characteristics to what Elizabeth described.
However, I still don’t know where I should stand in this whole situation. The three reports on TV seem very believable, but many kids in Christopher’s school claim they have seen the beast, leaving me and him to believe it is just a big myth.
No, Christopher is not my son, he is actually my brother.
The day he became my responsibility two years ago was a very cold, windy day where it would occasionally drizzle, but no consistent rain. I was home alone with nine year old Christopher. I was still searching for the perfect opportunity in Meteli, living with my parents.
“Henwy.” he said, still having speaking problems at the age
“What is it Chris?”
He had a habit of telling me completely useless or irrelevant information to waste my time.
“Are you gonna leave Meteli?”
“I don’t know, Chris, maybe if I find a better job somewhere else.”
“Please don’t, I love you.”
I looked at him with slight disbelief in my eyes, he saw it too. But after few seconds, I could tell he wasn’t joking. I kneeled down, and stare at him.
“Chris, I don’t want to leave you, but you know mom and dad will take care of you, right?”
“Yeah, but you’re my rowe model.”
I smiled, then walked over to the ringing phone.
There are some moments where you don’t forget every detail, a strong memory that you wish didn’t exist. The one on the top of my list goes to the phone call that informed me my parents were involved in a car accident. It was date night for them.
It took a month before Christopher could go to school again, making him behind his entire class. After some tutoring from me, though, he caught up. Huh, I wonder if-
My thought was interrupted by a voice in the house.
It was Christopher, you can probably tell two things from this:
Yes, Christopher does live with me now, he has for the past two years His speaking has improved! He can finally pronounce his R’s right.
I couldn’t tell where he was at first, until he walked into the living room. I completely forgot he was home from school. When I checked my watch I was surprised to see it was already 7:00, but being August I shouldn’t be surprised why it’s not dark yet. By the way Christopher was looking at me, I could tell he was hungry for more than my terribly prepared steak. It was also the Friday of my first real job, so taking him out for dinner wasn’t a bad idea.
With the few seconds I had to think of an idea, I spouted the first thing that came to mind.
“Wanna go bowling?”
I was expecting an awkward response with a hidden message saying “no”, but I was surprised to see him quickly respond.
This put a smile on my face, me and Christopher haven’t had a good bonding moment in a while, and I figured bowling could kill two birds with one stone.
After putting on my ripped up jacket that I’ve had since college, still smelling like my old dorm, I made my way back to the living room where the front door was located. I saw Christopher impatiently waiting for me. I smiled, and we walked out the front door.
...And this is where it starts, where I realize something IS odd about Meteli, something supernatural. You see, I’m a biologist, and I would know if something in the ecosystem and environment has changed.
The feeling of winter was exactly the same as last year, and all previous years, but one element was the different. As I saw the wind blow the final leaves off of the dead trees, squirrels collecting their final acorns for hibernation, and the feeling of the cold air freezing my face to the point where I didn’t feel like speaking, I saw the birds. I see em every winter, flying south to warmer climates, but this time…
This time they were migrating north, the exact opposite of where any birds want to go. Staying up north during the winter would mean staying in the freezing cold day and night. I’ve never seen anything like this, why would they do this?
Before bringing up the strange event to Christopher, I thought about it.
Is this really the mood I would like to set for this night?
So I shook my mind off of it, if I even remember it maybe I would discuss it with my co-workers who would laugh their asses off assuming I don’t know north from south, but that wasn’t the case. North is always forward from my house, and south backwards. Convenient, right? I had Christopher sit front seat with me, smiling as I walked to the other side of my Toyota and got settled in.
But the ride wasn’t as exciting as I assumed it would be, these weird thoughts kept coming up that I heard from the news.
So far there are 7 kids missing in the past 5 months, please, if anyone ever spots these faces, report immediately
Huge rat population increase as tertiary consumers fall in the food web.
Meteli’s winged creature, myth or real?
No, Meteli’s been the exact same since I moved here at the age of 13, and it isn’t changing, this in the news always seem strange. Once again, mind washed of weird thoughts, I focused on what I was currently doing.
Luckily Christopher didn’t notice anything strange about me, he was just staring at the window of the car looking outside.
“Henry, is there a monster in Meteli?”
Without looking at him or even considering my response, I said,
“No, we would know for sure if there was. You see Henry, if there was some weird creature out here, what would it eat? Where would it live? No signs of any major ecosystem changes.”
I hoped he would understand what I said and acknowledge it, but no.
“How about the missing kids? And Michael.”
“People can... see things when extreme situations occur, and kids go missing all the time.”
“Okay, so I “saw something” a week ago?”
That’s when I looked at him, but making sure to stay mostly focused on the road, this isn’t going to be a ‘My parents part 2’.
“What do you mean? What did you see? More importantly, why are you telling me this now!” Regretting some of what I said, he responded,
“I saw something Henry, but I didn’t want to tell you because you would think I’m weird.”
At the red light, I grabbed his hand.
“You can tell me anything and I will believe you.”
After he contemplated whether or not he should tell me, he finally began.
“Last week, I could have sworn I saw something by my window, the shadow of the thing was visible through the walls.”
I continued to listen, trying to keep an open mind.
“...Then the shadow figure looked at me, and I was so scared I hid under my blankets until it flew away.”
“W-was it in your room?”
I tried not to show the slight disbelief in my eyes.
“No, he was outside my window, just looking at me. Was it the monster Henry? Is he here?”
For a second, my thought began to change, but I shook my head.
“Hallucinations, did you eat something weird?”
“If you’re ever scared, just come to my bedroom okay?”
He nodded his head, looking slightly disappointed, and to be honest I was disappointed in myself, I mean seriously? I could have at least attempted to believe it really happened, and what if it really did? Christopher said it like he truly meant it happened. That’s one mistake so far this night.
Once we arrived, the conversation we previously had was cleared from both our minds, hopefully, because it was for me. Christopher was sprinting to the door, I laughed and told him to slow down, it was a poury day. I quickly erased the thought of my parents death as the weather reminded me of it.
Like I always do.
The night was fun, I felt like a child again and I enjoyed it. I wouldn’t say the memory was ruined by what happened next, if anything, it enhanced it and taught me to stop being a pussy and running away from things and face them.
As we were walking out of the bowling alley, stomachs filled with pizza and slushies, talking and laughing, we heard a scream. It was coming from the opposite side of the building, so I sprinted over there, telling Christopher to come along but to stay behind me.
I stand by the decision for Christopher to come along and see a little girl get her neck ripped by a tall winged beast, though, because now we both experienced the truth.
“MY BABY GIRL!” The mother screamed.
We didn’t know what to do but to just watch, as it turned it’s head towards us, head slightly tilted to the right. The mother of the what looked to be a 6 year old was just crying, holding her little girl in her hands, as she bleed out. The beast with the terrifying face flew off after we got a good look at it.
I didn’t even notice my phone out recording in my hand, it made me feel guilty for some reason.
Christopher looked so frightened, I took him back to the car in a hurry. Yes, without even helping, without even calling 911 or anything. Once again I ran away from problems. That was the second mistake I made that night.
I was sick of it.
Christopher sat in the back seat of the car on the way home, and I couldn’t tell if it was because he prefered it when scared, or if he didn’t want to sit with me because he was upset that I didn’t take action. I had to do something. I have to deal with this Meteli situation myself. No more running away.
On the drive back I was juggling two ideas in my head, trying to decide which plan to execute. One one side, it was to tuck Christopher into bed and tell him to get rest. On the other, I would talk to Christopher about the situation and how I was going to take action. Then the thought came back to my mind.
No more running away, face it now.
Easy decision, talking to Christopher.
We both exited the car and walked in the house through the garage, but I stopped him before we entered the house.
He said, after proceeding to look over his shoulder.
I didn’t say anything, instead I closed the garage door and pulled out two plastic chairs we used to use when we watched the fireworks on Independence Day. I began to speak, about everything, about what could be going on in Meteli, about the birds…
“No, what we saw was real, it wasn’t a hallucination Chris, what I said to you in the car before we arrived was bullshit, something is lurking in Meteli, something strange.”
“Is it a monster?”
“We can call it that if you would like, but nonetheless, it is an organism, at it has to survive off of our ecosystem somehow.”
Christopher didn’t perceive my message I tried to get across to him through what I said, so I explained it.
“He is an animal, he has to eat, he has to drink, and he needs a habitat.”
“HENRY, you aren’t saying-”
“Chris, you don’t have to come, but i’m going to take down this thing no matter the risk.”
I could tell he understood I am finally taking matter into my own hands, after all I am now a witness to a… murder? So Christopher nodded his head, and I was surprised to see he still found me sane, and that he found my decision to try and defeat Meteli’s winged creature wasn’t arbitrary at all.
“So why not report what we saw?”
Chris still looked nervous about my plan.
“Without tangible evidence, how do we prove we saw it?”
“Didn’t you take a video?”
This got me reaching into my pocket, without the thought of sending this to the police. I looked at Christopher before playing the video, asking him if he was sure he wanted to see the horrifying video again. He agreed to look away, leaving me to have to watch it alone.
There it was again, the thing staring at the camera, then flying off… flying off to the hills!
Aha! The old temple of Meteli, where kids used to go make forts when it rained until the structure grew old and began to break down. It was always a journey to climb up the hill and reach the temple, but after years of being untouched, the forest became home to many more organisms and contributed to the ecosystem of Meteli. I specifically remember the Science Department of Meteli on the news stating that the hills and temple ‘unsafe’ for kids and even adults, telling people to stay away from it as people might destroy the ecosystem..
Maybe if I reported to only the scie-
No, I have to remember, by myself. I was a bit too excited about what I recorded. After plugging “Meteli’s winged creature” into Google, I couldn’t find anything about it flying to the temple, meaning I am withholding evidence, which is illegal. I quickly explained to Christopher.
“He lives in the temple, Chris, he lives in the temple and he feeds off of the ecosystem in the hills.”
“Doesn’t he eat humans?”
“No, he-”
Wait a minute, why does it kill humans?
“No, he eats…”
It was in my mind somewhere floating around, what was it..?
“EAGLES, it eats eagles, it’s a quaternary consumer Chris!”
I was proud of myself for putting pieces together, of course the one piece floating in my mind about why it kills humans bothered me. But of course, it couldn’t just eat eagles, it probably eats multiple tertiary consumers in the food web, maybe some secondary. Christopher looked confused, so I explained the food web, and why the secondary consumer population is rising, how Meteli’s winged creature is nothing more than an animal, fitting into, but heavily affecting the ecosystem.
I say, as he begins to understand the whole situation.
At this point, Christopher was so confused he didn’t even look like he was listening as I spoke. I even forgot we just witnessed a violent killing with all the excitement. I finally found the purpose I was looking for
“In the video, his habitat! The degrading temple in the hills!”
“Henry it’s not just an animal, why would it kill humans?”
Once again he reminded me of the missing piece in the puzzle that bothered me. I went over everything I knew so far with him.
“Remember Chris, i’m a biologist, I know this stuff. His habitat is at the top of the hills near the road taking you downtown. His role in the ecosystem is a quaternary consumer, as he eats the tertiary, making it the top of the food web. Now I don’t know where it came from, or what it is, or why it kills humans, but it seems to be a nocturnal creature, meaning it is out there feasting right now.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Relax Chris, like I said, it doesn’t eat humans, it-”
Then it hit me.
“It kills humans for sport…”
Finally, Christopher began to perceive everything at once, it all made sense to him.
“We have a- a monster in Meteli who likes to hunt humans for the fun of it. It’s smart, and i’m going to greet him when he comes back to his little home in the morning.”
“What? You’re crazy! It’ll kill you instantly like it kille-”
“I’m going prepared, dumbass.”
Christopher started shaking his head.
“No, no, my brother’s gone crazy.”
I rolled my eyes and got out some poster paper with a pre-sharpened pencil to begin my planning. That was of course, after I grabbed my Monster energy drink from my mini fridge under the desk. It was going to be a long night and an even longer morning. Before I started to draw out an outline for my plan, some other ideas started to come up.
“Chris, you said you saw it at your window that night, correct?”
“Yeah but you said it was a-”
“NO, I was wrong, so you saw it? Are you sure it’s what we saw tonight?”
“Yes, for sure, the shadow.”
My mind was going crazy with thoughts, but I finally understood. Smarter animals behave more like humans. They start looking for more than food on the daily basis, they look for sources of entertainment. Dogs who catch sticks, cats who play with yarn, and dolphins who have sex for fun.
“It scares and kills for fun.”
I spoke my thought outloud unintentionally. Christopher, who finally pulled out his own chair while he watched me think said,
“What? And how do you know all this stuff suddenly?”
“It’s basic Ethology.”
I gave a fake laugh, and Christopher knew it. Quite frankly he was still shaking over the whole incident with the little girl who got her throat slit by the claws of the beast. And while I was too, I was also caught up with my thinking.
So I wrote it all down.
It lives in the old temple of Meteli It feeds off of the ecosystem. Nocturnal, as it hunts and plays at night, no reports of activity during the morning. Description: Wings twice as large as it’s whole body, curved back, always smiling with yellow eyes sunken into face, spread apart skull-crushing teeth, wrinkly with no fur. Truly horrifying Kills for sport and scares for fun Missing children probably dead after venturing to temple.
That last one was just a thought, not an actual evidence based fact. With all of this information, I formed a quick plan with a map jotting down locations and times. It was out there right now, and I had a lot of time before it would go back for it’s rest. Best to catch it by surprise while it’s tired from hunting. I just had to remember, it’s smart, it knows not to get caught, I was the only one who knew all this information. When I finished my plan, I showed it to Christopher, who was shocked.
“Wait you’re actually going through with this?”
The plan was simple.
Plan execution time: 6:00 AM, Saturday
It had to be when dawn breaks tomorrow.
Arrival time: 6:30 Equipment: - Flashlight - Net Gun - Energy Bars - Camera - Garden Hoe
It was either catch it with the net gun I received from the lab, or kill it with a dull garden hoe. I’m hoping plan one works out, if I could bring this thing in alive it would be much better. This was a risk I was willing to take, and it was more for me than Meteli or Christopher.
“What if you die? I can’t lose you Henry! Stop this!”
“Chris, i’m doing this no matter what you say.”
“What if I tell on you?”
“I will never trust you again.”
This gave Christopher more of a reaction than I had hoped for. Then it happened, I saw the expression on his face that I wasn’t expecting, and quite frankly, I didn’t want to see. I heard it in my head before he said it.
“You’re not going alone, i’m coming with you.”
“No. Final answer.”
“It’s either that or I snitch, sorry Henry, i’m doing this for you.”
“Do you realize how dangerous this is?”
“Yes, we are literally hunting a monster.”
I corrected him in hopes to make this less serious.
“First of all, ‘I’ am hunting an ‘organism’.”
“Stop using fancy biology words!”
I smirked as I began to rethink my decision of leaving him alone at the house.
“I do need a camera man…”
Doing it for US, not me… I corrected myself this time. So it was going to be a duo adventure, but why risk Christopher’s life?
“You’re going to be the cameraman, nothing more. If I die, at least you need to show what happened and everything we know.”
“But you’re not going to die.”
Of course that was something he was just saying, but he looked to confident in his statement, like he had something planned. I ignored my instincts, first good decision that night.
“We still have eight more hours Chris, you can go to sleep.”
“Don’t think I won’t wake up, I have a hidden alarm and I always wake up to go to the bathroom.”
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help smiling. I decided it would be a good idea to get some sleep, so I set a 6 hour clock. I usually have a hard time waking up, but after the 6 hours was up, I instantly stood on my feet, chugged a new energy drink and walked back to the garage. It was 2 more hours until execution, so I had time to gather my equipment and rethink my plan. Everything seemed perfect, I had my route planned, no escape plan, though.
And I didn’t need one.
Before walking over to Christopher’s room to wake him up and train him before going out, I thought to myself. Do I really wanna bring my eleven year old brother into this? Yes I do, I don’t want him to grow up a pussy like me. He needs this as much as I do, I have to remember, this is a duo.
To my surprise, he opened the garage door. I flinched, like I said, i’m a pussy. He spoke first.
“Are we really doing this?”
“You don’t have to come.”
That was a test, I wanted him to come at this point.
“No, I have to.”
Yes you do I thought to myself.
“Then let’s take down that motherfu-”
Christopher’s sentence was interrupted by a shrieking sound coming from who knows where. One thing I knew for sure was the whole town could hear it. Meaning the news will be on it soon, and the Meteli Science Department are going to investigate the sound.
This wasn’t good, but it was still 4:30 AM, meaning I would get to it first. They probably know nothing of it, or haven’t bothered to investigate. I’m guessing it’s door number two. Don’t ask why the Meteli Science Department don’t investigate a monster, nobody does, they work their own ways. Some are afraid they could be doing inhumane experiments in the lab, but i’ve been there and I can say they probably don’t.
There it was again, the horrifying sound that sends a chill up my spine and hurts my eardrum.
“Uhm is that him?”
“Probably, but Chris, we don’t know it’s sex yet.”
The next hour and a half was me speaking to Christopher about precautions to take, and not to get close if something bad happens. He didn’t like that one.
6:00 AM
It was go time, we had all our stuff in an old but not damaged hiking backpack we used back when mom and dad would take us up to Yosemite during the summer. I miss those days. As we walked out the door, outside wasn’t the same. No it wasn’t. The smell was the first sense that got me thinking. It was a smell of decay, something you smell that only brings bad thoughts to your head. Then of course the weather, yes it was 6:00 AM, but it doesn’t get that damp in Meteli during the winter. The worst was the sense, it’s hard to explain, but just by being outside you knew some evil spirit took unwelcome residence in Meteli. I looked into the sky to see no birds. There was the possibility that we wouldn’t need to greet the beast, and it would come to us, so I told Christopher to begin the recording. I could tell by his hands that the recording would be very shaky. Oh well.
6:15 AM
I could see the temple now, we heard the cry from the beast two more times so far, but no sightings. Why is it making sounds this morning all of a sudden? Maybe it can sense it’s death to be near. It cannot be that strong otherwise it wouldn’t hide that much, but that only proves his intelligence to be superior.
6:30 AM
There wasn’t much to set up other than Christopher’s positioning. I made sure it was an angle where he could escape and get some good footage. That is if it actually comes, the thought of my plan failing kept slipping away from my mind. I was too sure it would come, it doesn’t know me, it only got a glimpse, I haven’t made any moves towards it so far. This was my one shot, otherwise I would have to report to the science department and have a whole investigation started. At that point it would probably leave Meteli. Maybe that’s for the best. I tossed Christopher an energy bar across the dark inside of the temple that has been breaking down as time has passed from my childhood. People used to go up here and pray for their crops, but during our generation it was the norm to hang out here. Now there is moss growing everywhere and water dripping from the ceiling. I figured I had time to shine my flashlight around before it arrived, and maybe find so-
Oh no, it was close. Shit, if I only thought earlier to look around and make sure this was the right location. If I recall correctly, though, it doesn’t have any fur, so maybe it sheds it’s skin. Maybe the missing children he probably brought up here to-
It was here…
7:00 AM
First this I did was check to make sure Christopher was okay, and he was. He was still shaking, but he had a good angle of recording. He looked at me with wide open eyes, and I signaled that everything was okay. The important thing was to keep calm during this whole thing.
At this point I could hear its footsteps and demonic noises. It was right around the corner, I could see his enormous wings cast a shadow when he landed as sunlight from dawn broke on the mossy stones leading to the temple. Each footstep the beast took towards the dark entrance accelerated my heart rate, I knew that either a new beginning or an end was near for me. Christopher was shivering in the corner, he put the flashlight down so my face was no longer revealing.
I could see it now. It doesn’t just smile for show, it always smiles, that’s part of its facial feature. Indeed it was about 9 feet tall, I could see blood stains on his chunky teeth, meaning it just finished it’s dinner. It had black rings around its two eyes that were sunken deep into it’s head. Oddly enough, the head proportion was off with it’s body.
As the creature was about to step it’s razor sharp clawed foot into the inside of the temple, it stopped.
My mind snapped at that moment.
Shit… It’s nocturnal, meaning it can see in the dark.
7:30 AM
It didn’t fly, it didn’t open it’s wings at first. The thing launched it’s entire body at me like a torpedo at the speed of a train, pinning me against the jagged walls where I couldn’t see anything but the light at the entrance of the temple. I resisted, and realized it really isn’t as strong as I thought. Still, it kept me against the wall, sniffing me all around, especially my hair for some reason. Christopher shined the flashlight at me and did exactly what I told him not to do, he interfered. “LET GO OF HIM”
It quickly turned around, and with the flashlight on me, I could see its claws out and ready to finish me off. He already damaged the back of my head and scratched both of my arms leaving them to bleed. Christopher started running over, which was dangerous because I no longer saw fear in his face.
My backpack
Of course! I was still wearing it, otherwise my back would be bleeding in pain from the impact. This distraction gave me time to pull out my net gun.
It was focused on Christopher, now, but didn’t attack him. Like I said, it was smart, it knows something is planned so it began walking slowly towards him, spreading his wings out with suspicion in his face, but still keeping his blood stained smile. Christopher was walking in his direction as well.
Chris what the hell are you doing
I thought to myself, but didn’t let it distract me. The net gun was huge in size, but what really made it inconvenient was the weight. I pointed it towards it and screamed to get it’s attention back.
But it didn’t even flinch, it just kept walking towards Christopher, and this is where he realized what he had gotten himself into as his legs began to tremble. It was loaded, but the damn gun was jammed. I smacked it against the smooth surface hoping something would happen, as the thing was inches away from tearing my brother’s face apart.
Got it
I turned towards the thing, and pulled the trigger. Before the net even came close to the thing, it yanked it out of the air, and dropped it, just like that. I knew it wasn’t enough to catch it, but maybe if I could have at least limited it’s mobility.
It held Christopher up by the neck with one hand. My hand grasped the garden hoe before I even realized I had one, hell, I forgot the whole plan with what was going on. I charged at the tall beast before it could tell what I was doing. I ran faster than I ever did in any of my P.E. classes, and swung harder than any baseball bat I ever held in my life.
The sharp end of the hoe dug deep into it’s back, making it let go of Christopher. He fell to the ground.
The beast screeched a loud cry, I could no longer see the smile on it’s face, instead I saw an angry expression, from yellow to red glowing eyes in the dark.
The scream made the whole temple shake, some stone was falling from the ceiling that me and Christopher had to dodge from severely damaging our head’s. It yanked the hoe out of it’s back, revealing its weak side, but I knew it was in a greater rage than ever before. It spread its wings, but no longer had the strength to fly. The focus was all on me, now, it couldn’t care less about Christopher, and the hoe was way out of reach for both of us.
I could tell it was ready to finish me off, its claw was raised, my throat was out, but then it smiled. It still had its red eyes, but smiled as it reached one of its fingers to the left side of my throat.
Why hasn’t it killed me yet, why is it taking so long?
But of course! Meteli’s winged creature is a smart being, it’s gonna take its sweet-ass time to make me suffer the most for making it suffer. The first cut leaking blood down my neck was already too much, I knew I was done for. All I needed to do now was to signal Christopher to get the hell out of here. Where was the bastard?
8:00 AM
A hole went through the back of the creature's head, then it collapsed onto the ground. Its wings were flat on the ground, body flinching, with a smile kept on its face. The smell of smoke traveled up my nose, making me realize what had just happened.
I looked up to see Christopher, a flashlight in one hand, and a handgun in the other. No words would come out of me, so he spoke first.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to use it.”
He saved my life so I wasn’t going to bitch at him for having a gun and not telling me. The gun he held was the one our father kept in his drawer on his side of the bed just incase. I completely forgot about it.
“I hid it under my bed after mom and dad died because I wanted to use it on myself.”
“What? Chris? And you never talked to-”
“You didn’t seem like you wanted to talk after what happened.”
I looked at the body of the monster that Christopher had just killed. It was over, the monster that’s been terrorizing Meteli for who knows how long. No more screeches or movement came from it, instead it lied ther-
I rushed over to the direction Christopher was pointing the flashlight. What I saw made what Christopher just killed more than a monster.
The skulls of the 7 children it took were neatly aligned below the stone altar that’s built into the temple. There were spiders in the eyes that made it their very own home. It was truly disgusting. Luckily that was the only decoration it had in its ex-home. I walked over to the body while Christopher was tugging on me as he wanted to go home, I handed him an energy bar, and he rejected it, we both felt too sick. After just fighting the monster of Meteli, I wasn’t scared of touching it. Its wrinkly skin was very cold, it-
No, SHE was definitely dead. I requested the flashlight from Christopher as I saw a weird marking below its belly. Some sort of birthmark or scar- maybe?
It wasn’t a birthmark or a scar, it was stamp, and it read:
Property of Meteli Science Department
That was the sound of one of the enormous eggs in the corner of the temple.
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AU Headcannon: Natsu and Erza try for a baby but can't. Erza goes to a doctor and finds out she's infertile, incapable of having babies. She becomes depressed but Natsu figures out a way to make her happy; they adopt. Instead of picking out one, Erza chooses to adopt all the kids, making their wish come true of having a large and awesome family! :D
Crossover with Danganronpa 2/3… yeah…
            ChisaYukizome twitched and forced a brilliant smile onto her face as she regardedher fellow redhead.
            “I’m sorry,could you repeat that? I must have misheard you.”
            And true toform, Erza Dragneel did not bat an eye as she repeated word for word her“decision”.
            “I want all of them.”
            Chisa’ssmile dropped completely and she gave off a blank stare. Oh dear. This womanwas clearly delusional. It took all of herwillpower to not go crazy with all these kids every day, and she was trained for this sort of thing!
            “Ma’am,”Chisa started slowly. She needed to bring this madwoman back down to earth. “Wecurrently have seventeen children in our care. Seventeen. I don’t think you understand the gravity of howimportant it is to-”
            “I KNOWJUST HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO CARE FOR THEM! I GREW UP IN A GUILD OF ORPHANS!”Erza roared, making the matron flinch. Okay, she definitely had a voice thatcould keep them in line, and maybe the passion, but even so…  
            “D-Do youeven remember all their names? What each of them likes to do?” Chisa tried adifferent approach, but her eyes became wide as Erza’s eyes sparkled.
            “Fuyuhiko-kunis just so adorable! Well, they allare, especially Chiaki-chan, but still! The way he takes charge of theplayground like a yakuza… So cute!And little Mikan-chan is so sweet…”
             Chisa’s eyes got wider and wider as Erza wenton and on, listing each and every childand what they apparently liked to do. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Wants to be the head ofa yakuza empire. Chiaki Nanami: Content with playing video games, and beingleft to herself (though she certainly doesn’t mind multiplayer). Mikan Tsumiki:Hated so much to see others get hurt, wanted to be a nurse when she grew up.The “Imposter” (real name unknown): Because he doesn’t know or remember his ownname, he wants to copy others so that he feels like he is somebody. TeruteruHanamura: Developing a talent for cooking, wants to become Fiore’s greatestchef (then aim for the world title). Mahiru Koizumi: Sweet little girl contentwith taking pictures of anything and everything. Peko Pekoyama: Seems right upErza’s ally with her interest in becoming a swordswoman; seems smitten withFuyuhiko. Hiyoko Saionji: Very taken with dancing (and is a bit of a bully tothe other kids, especially Mikan-chan). Ibuki Mioda: Very outgoing, lovesplaying music (eager to learn any instrument). Nekomaru Nidai: Very athletic,but also has a habit of coaching the other kids so they’re in top physicalcondition (most… will pass up on his coaching). Akane Owari: Also veryathletic, but has an appetite to match (interacts with Nidai the most). GundhamTanaka: Very boastful of the animals he’s kept as pets (especially fourhamsters that he calls “the Four Dark Devas”). Nagito Komaeda: One of the oddducks; Lady Luck seems to be very fickle with this boy – it’s almost creepy howlucky or unlucky he can be at any given moment. Kazuichi Soda: Loves tinkeringaround with machines; has a massive crush on the “Princess” of the group. SoniaNevermind: Came from a wealthy family (they fell victim to bandits, and she hasno one left), but she’s come to terms with living at the orphanage with all theother children. Ryota Mitarai: Another reclusive boy; he likes to spend timedrawing and animating. And… Hajime Hinata. Chisa really feels bad for this lastone, because the boy feels so different from everyone else – like a “scrub”, ashe so puts it. If all these other kids can be described as “talented” in someway, then he seems to think himself “untalented”. “Average”. “Worthless”. He wants to be good at something, but hejust hasn’t found his calling yet – or at least, that’s what Chisa has toldhim… over and over and over. At least none of the other kids look down on him;most of Chisa’s time would be devoted to Hajime if that were the case. EvenHiyoko is a little less biting when she bullies Hajime like the other kids. Chisawas surprised Erza remembered Hajime… not because she doubted her fellow redhead,but because Hajime has been at the orphanage longer than the other kids, ifonly by a year. He’s so overlooked by potential parents, and it greatly saddensChisa.
            “O-Okay… soyou know them.” Chisa sounded dazed as she acknowledged that she was wrong.Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel had been stopping by the past few days, but to hearsomeone else know all her kids tosome degree… it was… Chisa honestly didn’t know how to feel about that. Alittle wary? Glad? Nervous? “I still don’t think you’d be able to give allseventeen of them the love they need… B-B-But if you want a trial run with themor something, b-by all means! Please! Let’s just get this pesky paperwork outof the way!”
            Apparently, Dragneel didn’t like her parenting skills being scrutinized. Well, it washer loss if she went insane. … Just kidding. Chisa would feel terrible forevery neglected child that would have to return to the orphanage until theDragneels could manage.
            Wouldn’tChisa be surprised when not a single child returned? Not even that odd duckNagito.
            “The fuck?!No one said we had to drink any milk!”Fuyuhiko raged with a reddened face.
            As he andErza proceeded to get into a screaming match, Natsu leaned over to his fellowpink-head. They had to set up two tables to accommodate all nineteen of them,plus Happy, but they made it work… somehow…
            “What’s upwith him?”
            Sodascratched his cheek sheepishly.
            “Peko orHajime might be able to tell you for sure, but I think he’s got an allergy orsomethin’. Lactose intolerant, I think?”
            Natsu madean ‘O’ face at this information. He should probably tell Erza, but they werecurrently on opposite sides of the tables… For his own good, he shouldn’t yellacross the table and incur Erza’s wrath about his own table manners.
            Aw hell,what did he care about manners?
            Thistriggered a shouting match between husband and wife, as Natsu had to pass alongSoda’s message accurately, and Erza scolded Natsu on his lack of manners. Mostof the kids ignored this over their own chatter; it wasn’t any louder thanAkane or Nekomaru’s verbal exclamations about the exercises they’d be doingafter dinner (even with Akane’s face stuffed), and with the adults occupied,the kids were free to ‘socialize’ as they pleased. Like Hiyoko picking on Mikan(Mahiru tried to get her to let up), Nagito getting on Fuyuhiko’s nerves (ittook all of Peko’s willpower not to smack him with her bamboo sword), Ibukitrying to get the “quiet ones” (the Imposter, Ryota, Hajime, and Chiaki) to bemore open and talkative, and Sonia apparently found Gundham feeding hishamsters “adorable” (which drew in a jealous Soda, who immediately beganslinging insults at Gundham and trying to pick a fight with him).
            “Hey Soniaaa!”It was all fun and games until Teruteru opened his perverted mouth. Withinearshot of Erza. “Some nasty poison caused my… little wiener to inflame, and it’s very troublesome… So I’d be verythankful if you sucked out the poison with your mouth~~”
            Of course thepoor aspiring chef was then dragged off by their new mother, who was nowred-faced and just a teensy bit shifty-eyed. Boys just entering their teensshould not be perverts yet! … But what does Erza care about Pervertedness? It’snot like she’s got a collection of erotica to share with her new ‘problem child’…or anything…
            For someunknown reason, Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Mahiru felt goosebumps go up their backs. Theyhad this odd premonition that one of their parents was going to be an enablerto that dirty rotten pervert…
             “So, mortal… whose master are you?” Gundhamasked Natsu, when they were alone with Happy. The dark-haired boy pausedbriefly before gesturing one bandage-wrapped hand at the Exceed. “… Aside fromthis magnificent specimen here.”
            “Eh?” Natsusquinted at the boy.
            “Whichtribe did you make a pact with? Answer me!” The boy pulled down his purplescarf to fix the Dragon Slayer with an intense stare… and the Pyro wasn’t anyless confused.
            “Answer menow! Though I shall cast you into a watery grave once you do!” Okay, nowGundham was just sounding bratty.
            Natsusquinted at the boy once again. Even by Fairy Tail’s standards, this guy was…eccentric. Happy seemed to understand, though… somehow.
            “I bet he’saskin’ if you’ve ever raised a pet, Natsu!” He rubbed the back of his head asGundham’s intense gaze fell on him. Natsu made an ‘O’ face.
            “Well, Ihaven’t raised any pets… Happy’s Kin.” Natsu sweatdropped as Gundham seemeddissatisfied with this answer. “… Oh! And Kemo-Kemo lived with us for a bit! Hewas green, and furry, and could breathe fire!But he wasn’t a pet, ‘cause he was Kin, like Happy.”
            Gundham’seyes seemed to bulge as Natsu described Kemo-Kemo. Never before had he heard ofsuch a creature… and this mortal had made a pact with it?! And this blue catcould fly… truly, his new father figure was a force to be reckoned with!
            “I-Itappears I underestimated you… to have raised such a pair of specimens…! I haveno way to gauge your Magic Essence! You may very well rival the great andpowerful Gundham Tanaka, SupremeOverlord of Ice!” Gundham posed dramatically and cackled gleefully.
            Happywatched the hamsters emerge from Gundham’s scarf.
            “Do thoselittle guys live in there…?” The Exceed asked cutely.
            Gundhamcrossed his arms proudly.
            “Tamingevil by using myself as a bed… Truly, this is the secret art of the TanakaEmpire!” He then paused again and nodded sagely. “One of my Four Dark Devas ofDestruction, Mirage Golden Hawk Jum-P, has this to say: ‘We’re not used togoing easy on our enemies…so don’t make us angry. You wouldn’t like us when we’reangry.’ FUAHAHAHA!”
            Natsu andHappy stared dumbfounded at the aspiring breeder. They hadn’t heard thehamsters say anything, but the boy apparently did.
            “Yourhamsters can talk?!” They chorused.
            Gundhamsmirked and chuckled. Oh yes. With a family that respected him like this, hewould make a fine roost here! He could not wait to tame the woodland creaturesand make them staunch allies!
           "Oh yeah.... Natsu was raised by a dragon! Thought you might find that cool."
           Gundham stared speechless at the flying blue cat. He had found quite the fascinating home indeed.....
            For thefirst few weeks, the Dragneel family home had to be renovated heavily to accommodatenineteen (eccentric) people. Unfortunately, it was a bit unreasonable to builda house that had nearly twenty separate bedrooms, so the kids were separatedinto rooms by gender, and given simple cots until they all raised enough moneyto upgrade living arrangements. None of the kids wanted Natsu, Erza, and Happyto break their backs to make sure they were all fed and cared for, so theyopted to help out around the Guild, and Magnolia in general for some. Chiakiand Sonia helped to serve tables in the Guildhall, while Teruteru helped Miraout in the kitchen; Elfman got some extra hands in bringing stuff out of thestorage room (Akane and Nekomaru); the Imposter was able to pull off convincing“Transformations” without the use of Magic, so he taught those the ‘tools’ ofhis trade; Mahiru didn’t want to intrude on poor Reedus’s turf, so she offeredto take photos around town; Fuyuhiko felt out of place in the Guildhall, so hetook to the streets and started cracking down on the “rival gangs” and bringingthem under his control (Erza thought it was a bit dangerous for him to handle,but the boy was an aspiring yakuza; and he had Peko to back him up, so Magnoliawas steadily becoming an even safer place to live); Ibuki and Hiyoko offered toperform shows for both the Guild and Magnolia in general; Mikan wanted to helpout in the infirmary, so for the time being she was learning under Porlyusica;Gundham grudgingly accepted the suggestion of taming wild animals and sellingthem to townspeople; Soda, aspiring mechanic that he was, offered to do oddjobsaround town and study under some mechanics; Ryota was working on honing histalent for animation, and he was getting some drawing tips from Reedus; Nagitowas a bit harder to pin down for a ‘job’, but Makarov gleefully had the boyentering all sorts of lotteries to earn money for the Guild (his bad luck wasannoying, but the good luck made it so worth it…); and Hajime… well…
            Hajime hada whole new world to explore with Fairy Tail. He usually helped out withwaiting on tables with Chiaki and Sonia, but he was also associating with manyof the Guildmates in an attempt to find his calling. He hadn’t found it yet,but he wasn’t going to give up. As one of the sons of Natsu and Erza Dragneel, thatwas one lesson drilled into his head fairly early on. Never give up. The futurehad endless possibilities~.
Note: I might continue this AU… The crossover’s a bit of a stretch in some places, like with Chiaki’s video-gaming and Ryota’s animation talent, but…. it’s fun~. I know I didn’t get into Erza’s infertility, but I wanted to get to these crazy kids. Phwwwh. They’d get along with the Fairy Tail cast… somewhat…. *giving Hiyoko the stinkeye* Hope you enjoyed this a little!
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mikhasunthistle · 7 years
Conversations with an Asican
((How to keep all of this RP together, and yet not spam people, AND make it easy to follow? I numbered the posts. 1-9 below the break below; current post, newest, is mine -- #11.))
10) @asktheascian ‘s post:
Mikha’s words did hit a sore spot for the ascian. Did Zodiark truly not want him back? No, this was not the case. Nabriales had visited him in the past, it was all but a word and he would have returned.
He shook his head. This mortal was one of the many, or so Lahabrea thought. Not even a Warrior of Light. A simple soul, part of this star. Somehow in the mid of questions, the ascian’s lips curved into a small smile. While it was a genuine one, it likely didn’t seem so with his mask on.
“I felt betrayed but no, I do not feel abandoned. I’ve chosen to stay among you.” he finally spoke. Reaching, the ascian slowly removed his mask to reveal a normal hyran face, even if a bit too stern, and a pair of misty yellow eyes. “We ascains observe your star, your world,” he added, “to us your lives are but seconds of a time, where we watch hours and days unfold. You ought to understand your lives meant very little to us.”
Explaining was a new thing to Lahabrea, an approach Elidibus would be proud of. Normally he would think, mortals won’t comprehend their mission, their goal.
“Long ago, your God and mine were one. We sought to rejoin them through sowing chaos and strife through your land. Such disasters tip the light that keeps my God away. There ought to be other means, but this was all we could do. Your Goddess’ light can be a blessing and a curse. Too much of either and your world would be naught.”
Now he reached to replace his mask and nod to the last question, “I’m Lahabrea. I did what all of my fellow ascians do across their words. Now I do not. I live here as I am and I see your world differently from before.”
11) Mikha’s reply:
The ascian's smile, when paired with the mask, makes Mikha retreat a step. But still, he's successfully holding a conversation with this... this immortal, and so long as they talk, there's a chance. A chance Mikha can win him over and get him to use his powers to help people. So long as that's a possibility, Mikha can't give up.
But that doesn't mean he's not scared as all hells right now.
He tilts his head in question. "You want to stay with us? Why?" He pauses, but it's not really long enough for the other to answer before Mikha makes his own guess. "Is it because you like us?"
There's another pause, longer this time, as Mikha tries to imagine how it would feel if his life seemed like only a second to this man-shaped thing. He has to shake his head though, failing. "Are you still immortal? Since you're here with us now? Are you--" But his next question is cut off when the ascian starts to remove his mask.
Eyes going wide, he calls, voice sharp, "Wait! What're you doing! You said-- you said you needed your mask to survive here..." And yet there he still stands, not dead at all. Mikha cocks his head, looking between the mask and the ascian's now-bare face.  "Do you just need to be in contact with it? Could you put it on your, um, knee and you'd still be okay?"
Then the ascian gives him more challenging information, about gods and light, and the young archer struggles to follow.  It's only when the immortal gets to the last part, about too much light being as bad, that he reacts. That much he can understand. He shakes his head quickly no. "All light would be good! Some light's better than none, but all light would be better," he sounds certain of that opinion.
"Lahabrea," he repeats the ascian's name after him. A breath in to brace himself, then he eases a step closer. Watchful, so watchful of the other man, he lifts his hand and slowly extends it in an offer to shake. "It's good to meet you."
The thread up until now...
1) Mikha’s ask:
Mikha waits outside of the man's house. He doesn't wait all that patiently, but what's he going to do, knock on the thing's door? No way! He's not about to get that close! When, finally, he gets a chance to ask a question, he calls it out from beyond the property's border. "Why're you evil? Why don't you do good things instead? I bet you could help lots of people if you wanted to!"      
2) @asktheascian ‘s reply:
Lahabrea was having a great debate today - should he go out or should he stay indoor. He was most definitely not fond of the cold weather but he soon found staying indoors was making him rather restless.
Out it is.
Opening the door in most dramatic way and making only one step ahead before the question reached his ears. The ascian’s mouth hung open and he was frozen for good solid moment. Surely this was a jest!
“Asican, mortal!” he spat, hand extended “I am an asican! We seek a change of fate through tipping the aether on this star…” he paused, clenching his fist, “In more destructive ways as this proves to be most efficient.”
Such was the case for the rest of the ascians, no doubt. And then it dawned upon him, why was he even explaining himself to this adventurer there.
With clenched fist on his lips, the asican loomed over Mikha, lips pressed into a frown, “What of you…” Lahabrea began again, sneering under his mask, old habits seemed to have stayed, “adventurer? Don’t you have primals to hinder from emerging?”
3) Mikha’s reply:
Mikha backs from the thing’s hand as if it held a weapon instead of was just making a gesture.  Frowning, the young archer eyes the asican with the wariness of a wild creature. Still, he stays and hears him out, not interrupting the man-shaped thing’s answer.
“There’s all kinds of change,” the Midlander notes. “You could change things for the good. People are starving, you could change that, right? There’s wars and fighting, you could change that and make everyone peaceful and happy. You’ve got the power to do that, right? You could if you wanted to,” he points out.
He shakes his head no to being an adventurer, still eyeing the masked asican warily; he looks ready to flee if it becomes necessary. “I’m a hunter and I protect people, I don’t go into dungeons or ruins or do stuff like that.”  Another head shake, this one slower, at having primals to annoy. “The company I work for stopped a man who wanted to become a god, but if I saw a primal, I’d run!” he says, tone implying that’s the only reasonable reaction to coming face to face with a god.
4) @asktheascian​ ‘s reply:
Lahabrea squint his eyes, examining the hyur for a good moment. Perhaps he was not a Warrior of Light? Just one of the many adventurers of Eorzea? An idealistic youngling that was certain in this ascian’s head.
Folding his arms now, Lahabrea leaned back. “What makes you think the deeds you do are for a better future? You mortals see only as far as you live, which is but a blink of an eye for us. Where we…” he tilt his head now, “we see and plan centuries ahead.”
“Although now I could agree, perhaps some of our methods are too violent, it was but most effective to create a balance. Do not be fooled mortal, your star does not belong to your dear Hydaelyn.”
Lahabrea paused again. Perhaps his words were a bit too farfetched for the young adventurer. With his days among them, the ascian learned that mortals had quite the intense feelings and often they took action based on emotions.
“I do applaud you for your courage in facing me with your inquiry, mortal. Most of you rather take arms and attack at sight.” a nod was added at that. It seems Lahabrea had forgotten he was often the one to attack first….
5) Mikha’s reply:
When the man-shaped creature falls quiet and studies him, Mikha’s unease grows. His weight shifts, as if the young man were about to take off running. For now, he remains where he is, outside of arm’s reach.
The ascian’s mask makes it impossible to read his expression, which makes it even harder for Mikha to judge how to react.  "Why do you wear that?“ he lifts his hand to point at the man’s mask. “If you want people to believe you’re trying to make a better future, you should let people see your face. Unless…” he trails off, frowning thoughtfully. “Did you get hurt? Is your face scarred? If you want to wear a mask, you should find one that looks less, um…” Evil. Dark. “…red. Maybe green or blue? And not one with…” he gestures at the mask again, “fangs?”
The question in return makes Mikha blink in surprise. “I know what I do makes a better future because I see it.  When a family’s hungry, I hunt for them and bring them meat. If an animal is threatening their crops, I can get rid of it for them. If someone goes missing, I could help track them down.”
He cocks his head in question as the ascian repeats wording from earlier. “Star?” He shakes his head slowly no. “This isn’t a star, it’s a world. It’s ground and water and sky. Are you… are you lost maybe? Are you supposed to be here?” He glances at the house behind the creature. “Why’re you here?” The young man sounds honestly curious, not as if his questions were meant to imply that the ascian doesn’t belong here. Even if he doesn’t.
At the last part, about attacking on sight, Mikha hesitates. “Would that work? If I shot you with an arrow, would you die?” Again, honest questions, there’s no threat in his tone.
6) @asktheascian​ ‘s reply:
Indeed judging Lahabrea’s expression was an ordeal. Beyond the everlasting scowl on the face, it was hard to say if he was surprised or quirking eyebrows or anything. And then the many questions rained.
Overwhelmed the ascian took a step back, almost as of Mikha did an invisible attack with a critical accuracy!
‘By Zodiark… is this what I’m to deal with if me and beasty…’
Curious mortal that one. Way too curious. A long breath out and the ascian reminded himself to be patient and careful. And as the questions rained, all he did was a bonk on the hyur’s head and next thing he found was Lahabrea’s iron clad finger pointing at his nose.
“Slow down your inquiry, mortal!” he grumbled. There was a brief moment he hesitated to answer all that was asked and yet, was there any danger in doing so?
“Our masks are a bond to Lord Zodiark. A sign of our loyalty and a necessity in surviving on your star.” he finally began, “I am not hurt, my face is impeccable!”
“I am not lost but I am unable to return to my God… as such I have grown used to Hydealyn.” Lahabrea continued, folding his arms and leaning back now. This one was curious beyond belief! “An arrow may not kill me but it ought to kill you as I will show no mercy for those who dare challenge me.”
That last bit was hissed through his teeth. Surely he realized the hyur meant no harm!
7) Mikha’s reply:
Mikha leaps back from the finger, as if it were a weapon.  (Which it very well might be, ascian and all…) He eyes the masked man-thing with a wary frown, as if deciding on the need to back further away.
“Sorry,” he says of all the questions he asked. “I like learning about people– I mean, people and other things,” ascians aren’t people, right? “Asking questions is the best way.”
The young man looks surprised at the information about the mask. “How’s it bond you to anything?” He leans in just a little closer, trying to see it better. “It’s made of wood, right? Why a mask? Wouldn’t something smaller, like, um, a ring work better? If I was fighting you, I could just knock your mask off, then what would happen?” He frowns at the potential risk of that. “If you can’t survive here without wearing it, I guess trying to knock it off your face would be the best way to fight you,” while he sounds thoughtful, that’s all there is to his tone – no real threat, just thinking these what-ifs through.  "Or is it glued to your face?“
His expression goes sad at word the man is cut off from his god. "How’d that happen? Do you need help finding your way back? I mean, if you promise not to hurt anyone here once you were back!” he’s quick to add. “You’d have to give me your word before I’d help you!”
At the last bit, he turns his hands palms-out to the ascian. They’re down at his sides, and he’s showing him they’re empty – his bow and quiver are on his back, not close at hand. Then another thought strikes him, which leads to another question, “What if I hit your mask with an arrow? That might work, huh?”
8) @asktheascian​ ‘s reply:
Lahabrea leaned in instantly, almost seemingly offended by the notion of his mask being shot at, despite the evident sign that there was no such action planned.
“Do not dare aim your arrows at my mask, mortal!” he had to say first, “It’s made of aether as is everything else.”
Huffing he considered the next answers. Certainly questions were more welcomed than a fight, especially when one used to being of no form now had to settle with a mortal body. The ascian soon found wounds didn’t heal as fast when you have a feeble hyur body.
This was going to be a long morning. Lahabrea let a breath out and turned to approach the nearest garden bench where he sat down almost like a scolded teen who was to be giving explanation for their actions. Folding his arms he resumed answering the questions.
“The masks conceal our features, a sign that we belong to a higher cause, to our God - Lord Zodiark. Although I have lost my bond to him, I still have his will before my own. As for the mask,..” now he reached to touch the surface, “I need it for my eyes are not adapt to the aether shaping your realm.”
“No, I do not seek to return anymore. Had Zodiark willed it, he would had found a way to retrieve me.” The ascian squint his eyes at the hyur. “And what of you mortal. What brought your curiosity to me? Had any of your Warrior of Light friends fought me?”
9) Mikha’s reply:
Mikha trails after his conversational partner, though remains a couple paces back when the ascian sits.  The young archer’s wariness never fades, and rarely does his attention leave the other man. Just in case.
“Oh,” he says of what the ascian’s mask is made of.  He frowns thoughtfully as he studies the mask as best he can from where he is. “Is it part of you? I mean, is it made of your aether?” His thoughtful frown becomes a real frown as he continues, “Or did you take it from someone else?”
The Midlander falls quiet as the other explains about his God.  Once the ascian finishes speaking, Mikha turns his eyes away – a rare removing of his attention from the creature. Quieter, “I’d be real sad if my God didn’t want me anymore…” Then he looks back to him, attempting to study him once more.  Darned mask. He edges a small step closer. “Maybe you could do something to earn your way back to Him? If you keep doing things that make Him happy, maybe He’ll want you back?”
Then another question strikes him. “What’s your name? Um, do you all have names?”
The final question draws a surprised laugh from Mikha. “Me? I don’t know the Warriors of Light!” He looks pleased as hell at the idea of being friends with them though, his smile returning, his whole expression lighting up with it. Then he pauses and blinks as his brain catches up with the rest of what the other said and connects the dots.  Suspicion and wariness return to his face.  "What’d you do that made them fight you?“
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turningintomalfoy · 3 years
Draco Malfoy and the Obnoxious Stone
Rating: All Audiences
Tags: Time Travel, AU/Canon Divergence
Chapter: 2/8
AO3: Click here
Summary: Nothing is ever as easy as Draco would want it to be. At least after visiting Diagon Alley he’ll finally have a wand again. Why don’t his time travel problems just resolve themselves?
The excitement he felt truly rivalled that of his younger self at the time, only for completely different reasons. Once his mother got herself involved in his preliminary schoolwork, he had little daytime left for research on more pressing issues. After all, Draco couldn’t say whether he was here on borrowed time. Perhaps the situation would resolve itself if left alone, but he couldn’t sit around assuming it would.
Their shoes dug into smaller gravel lining the path from the Manor, cracking and scraping in time with their rhythmic steps. Today marked the first real opportunity both to find out information, and begin introducing small changes to actions he regretted and their dire consequences.
Nevertheless, old habits do tend to stick, and as such Draco hoped to avoid meeting Potter until he couldn’t put it off any more. Ideally, after he has fixed his time travelling situation and returned home. Best to leave that issue to his younger self, in fact. The Malfoy family made their way to Diagon Alley as swiftly and easily as ever. Before long, Draco was surrounded with excitable shoppers and colourful window displays. A considerable difference to the peaceful isolation of the Manor and its grounds.
“Now, Draco. Your mother and I understand you’ve been keen to not only learn the syllabus this year, but also expand on it a rather great deal. If your current reading habits persist we’ll run out of suitable material before the school year starts.” Lucius Malfoy’s voice barely resembled anything beyond neutrality, but Draco could see the subtle hint of amusement and satisfaction on his father’s face.
“There are a few titles I have in mind, mentioned in tomes from the library. I could go pick them out while you and mother go visit the vaults?” He suggested, his tone skimming past demand yet stopping before it could reach authority.
“Perhaps you should join your mother at the wand maker’s, Gringott’s shouldn’t be long.”
It seemed like his father found the requests somewhat unusual. Draco couldn’t remember what caused his parents to leave him at the tailor shop unsupervised last time, but it clearly would take more than this. Perhaps he hadn’t been a believable replacement, or his occlumency was not as strong as he hoped. Either way, the only thing he could do was follow along.
“That old crook better find me a great wand.” He drawled with growing frustration, following close behind Narcissa.
The store was unremarkable, not maintained enough to read as luxurious despite excellent calligraphy on the sign. He remembered when death eaters carried out the hit on Ollivander, filling the halls with their hysterical laughter, drunk on power from destroying half the shops on Diagon alley for fun. The shop owner couldn’t prevent the violence and damage back then, and he shouldn’t have to in this reality. If only... That was none of his business, Draco rationalised. He wasn’t going to be here long, and had plenty to do without being weighed down with reignited guilt over every single victim of war singeing his conscience. The air inside the narrow shop felt heavy with dust, and he couldn’t resist the reactive cough.
“Good morning, another young wizard off to Hogwarts come autumn I presume?” The man peered from behind a stack of boxes piled on the counter. He turned towards Narcissa, speaking with a level of familiarity too high considering the last time he saw her was when she purchased her own wand. “Unless this one has finally decided to give you some grief?”
She did not indicate an answer in either way, but Ollivander undoubtedly took it for encouragement to continue voicing his obsession with his creations.
“Unicorn hair, black walnut, surprisingly inflexible... I might even say it’s quite impressive to avoid a fight with that combination. It tends to cultivate a preference for finesse in spell casting. But enough about that.” Ollivander cut himself off. A flick of the wrist and Draco found measuring tape extending from the tip of his nose to the floor. Part of him hoped to avoid all the fuss, and just ask for his old wand, but it was a treat to experience the excitement of getting his first wand again. The shop owner narrated the process with a passion reserved only for artists and fanatics. One by one, the suggested wands refused to react, as if they felt he was already bound, leaving Ollivander somewhat puzzled, but undeterred. Eventually Draco felt the familiar hilt and weight in his fingers, magic swelling from within in joy of being chosen by a wand. Snowflake-like sparks surged around for a brief moment before fading out. His wand finally where it belongs, he thought, blocking out Ollivander listing the properties and preferences he already knew.
Feeling a surge of self assurance, Draco left his mother to pay, claiming he wanted to take a good look at the Nimbus 2000 before his father tired of waiting. There was a considerable crowd of children growing by the window display, it would be too much effort to push past them all. A few boys at least a foot taller blocked the view of anything past the smooth tail. Draco turned away in frustration, fully prepared to storm off towards Flourish and Blotts, or back to his mother, but was instead met by another body. Their heads crashed together hard enough to send him to the floor, hands scraping on the cobblestone. Draco couldn’t hold in his indignant response. “Watch where you’re going, idiot.” Followed by a whispered curse as pain finally registered.
“Sorry! Though you should look around too or you’ll the one called an idiot” a hesitant voice joined the outstretched hand before Draco reacted.
“Yeh aight ‘Arry? I jus saw yeh knockin heads, seems yeh came out better off, at least.” Draco recognised the booming voice and accent immediately, after all he spent years mocking the half giant during and between Care of magical creatures lessons. If Hagrid was here, that would imply... he grasped the offered hand. Of course he had to literally run into Harry Potter almost as soon as he decided to avoid running into him figuratively. The scruffy boy rubbing the back of his head with an unoccupied hand looked entirely too small, too young to be the future hope of the magical world. There were not enough words to describe the feelings surging inside Draco. As far as he was concerned no one else had experienced bringing a war back in time within himself, only to meet ghosts and victims he didn’t protect, and see the key to victory before constant fight to survive shaped the boy into a battle ready man. It seemed that despite everything that would oppose such sentiments, Draco was doomed to idolise Potter from childhood.
“I’m okay, Hagrid,” Potter smiled at the man, then turned to Draco. “Are you? I’m Harry, by the way.”
Draco cleared his throat as he rubbed the grit and blood out of his hands on his robe, before introducing himself. “Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, that is.” His voice was too stiff, mind unprepared for such a casual encounter with someone he disliked for most of his life. “Accident aside, it’s uh... nicetomeetyou.”
Thankfully the half giant processed his name and quickly dragged the boy off with a reasonable excuse of a tight schedule. It would have been even worse if his parents witnessed the exchange and fall. Once she caught up to him and ensured he wasn’t attacked or seriously hurt, Narcissa scolded Draco for running off, before she soothed the scratches and cleaned the slight stains on his robe with precise and quick spells on their way to Flourish and Blott’s.
Lucius was engrossed in a boring conversation with another ministry employee, unaware of all the customers they were inconveniencing by standing there. Narcissa offered to find the assigned booklist, letting him explore freely. He was drawn to arguably (and objectively) the best section: alchemy. He remembered the surprise his grandfather got when Draco asked to join the class after fifth year. Of course he wanted to reach for greater achievement than a ministry position or mastery of potions. Well, technically professional alchemy required a near mastery of potions and built on it... He got distracted. What was he looking for in the first place?
How to fix his time travel issue. Running into Harry Potter must have rattled him more than he thought if he could put being stuck as an eleven year old out of mind.
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nyeusigrube-haven · 4 years
All Just Glass: excerpts
(originally posted in 2004)
Prologue I 1981
That idiot. If he appeared and disappeared one more time, she was going to strangle him.
As nonsensical as that idea seemed, since he didn’t need to breathe. But she was annoyed.
11:48. She should have been out of here by now, but this vampire was playing havoc with her self-control. Or the faint apparition of willpower she mistakenly liked to call "self-control."
Abruptly, a hand was resting on her right forearm, not tight enough to restrain yet, though the potential was there. The other half of the pair snaked around her to proffer a calla lily.
"A gift, for the most beautiful woman here," he offered.
She shook his grip off, turning, and finally the admirer who had been stalking her to- who had invited her to this bash, actually- stood before her.
"You’re late," she said. "You were supposed to-"
He hushed her, a finger over her lips, and she was shocked enough that she actually stopped talking. When he had invited her, he had promised to show up by ten; here it was almost the Devil’s Hour.
"I was here," he teased. "I never said I would introduce myself."
She glared. 11:50, the clock read. She really needed to get out of here; midnight was not a fond time for her at these parties.
"Would you care to dance?" the vampire offered.
"First I want to know your name." He had been following her around, playing merry hell with her hunting trips, and flirting for months now. From small gifts left in absurd places, to poetry called down from darkened rooftops as she stalked her prey, to odd moments where chocolate cake would appear beside her bed while she slept, he had attempted to court her.
Her! He was a vampire, infatuated with a hunter.
And finally he had invited her here.
And she had come. And she had been here for hours, mingling and playing nice, and hadn’t killed anything yet.
"Jerome," he answered. "Now would you like to dance?"
The music had surged into a slow song, ethereal and falsely peaceful.
They danced. Jerome was a fine dancer. More than fine.
11:57. His gaze followed hers to the clock. "How about a walk outside?" he suggested. A walk outside, while Devil’s Hour fell inside.
"Outside" included an Oriental garden, lush and beautiful. Jerome kept an arm around her shoulders as they walked, and she couldn’t tell if he was being friendly or trying to keep her from reaching the knife on the back of her neck.
"You know I have a fiancée," she said, wondering about this handsome vampire and how mad he truly was.
"The honorable Fredrick," he answered lightly. "He’s human, you know. No good for you at all."
She shook her head.
"You know what I am." She knew he did. But she needed to hear him say it.
"Of course." He sighed. Inside, a clock struck midnight.
"This is traditionally when you try to drink my blood, and I kill you," she said, wondering whether Jerome had plans to that effect. That was certainly what was going on inside- save for the second part. Most of the guests had no idea what their hosts were until the moment when the fangs were shown. Yet there was no screaming. There never was. She had seen enough vampires with their prey to know that the prey rarely fought. More often, it swooned.
"I don’t like tradition," Jerome answered. He stopped, facing her in the darkness. "How about we say this is the moment when I kiss you." He tilted her face up as he spoke. "And you kiss me back?"
They did. The clock had stopped striking when his lips met hers; she wrapped arms around his neck.
Jerome’s skin was warm as any human’s. She had never understood that.
His kiss trailed from her lips to her throat. She wrapped fingers around the handle of the knife on her left wrist, waiting for the bite.
He lifted his head, and she leaned against him, relaxing. "You are too tempting," he said, his voice shaky.
She could see through the window another couple, like Jerome and herself, the man’s lips at the woman’s throat. Only he had bitten. The woman’s fingers were twined in his hair, her body slack, supported by his embrace.
"What does it feel like?" She had never been in a position to know.
Jerome knew what she was asking. "If you don’t fight..." He shook his head. "It’s not something that can be described. It feels good. Really good." He took a breath, something that was completely unnecessary; it was one of those odd traits some vampires had, a habit left over from human time when emotions were expressed through breathing. "That’s why so many people are willing," he added. "And if the vamp can roll your mind, even better. You're a thousand miles away, floating in paradise in an instant."
She knew about those people, humans who willingly attended these bashes with the hope that some vampire would take their blood.
"Could you?" she asked, her voice uncharacteristically tentative.
Jerome looked surprised. "Only if you let me."
She had known that. He wasn’t the strongest of his kind, and the defenses in her mind were powerful.
It was tempting. When would she possibly get this opportunity again?
She tilted her head back, brushing silky blonde hair from her throat. Jerome met the invitation instantly, his lips hovering over the pulse for a moment. He whispered, "Sweetheart," an endearment that seemed out of place, breath cool on her skin, and then she felt the press of fangs. She consciously lowered the walls in her mind, and then...
As he had said, there were no words. A million caresses. A flow of warm water. A sweet lethargy like the warm fuzzy stage just before sleep.
However it was described, when he lifted his head again, she wanted more. She tried to pull him back down and he laughed.
"I think you would be very cross with me if I took too much," Jerome said.
She settled for the next best thing, rising on her toes to try to meet his lips, but again he pushed her back.
"Not unless you want to taste your own blood," he warned her.
Not like she had never tasted it before.
Prologue II
The sunlight formed millions of rainbows as it fell through the thick, carved glass window. Millions of glass facets, etched to resemble a forest of ice, decorated the eight panes.
"Sarah." The sharp sound of her older sister’s voice snapped Sarah back to what they were doing.
Adianna had looked up from the book she had been studying, and now brushed from her face fine, silver-blond hair that had only begun to darken to the deep honey color it would later become.
"Okay, I’m bored," sighed another girl at the table, also blond, named Gabriel. Gabriel Arun, one of the oldest of their group at eleven years, lifted eyes the color of lightening storms to glance at the clock. "Do I really have to do this?"
"Yep," answered Michael solemnly. He still had a bit of a French accent, which Sarah loved the sound of. The Andre family had only moved back to the US a year ago, to join Michael’s great aunt’s side of the family, which included Gabriel.
"Just read." That commandment came from Zachary Vida, Sarah’s first cousin. Zachary was Gabriel’s age, but had none of her impatience.
"I think if I stare at this book for another minute, I might have to break something," Sarah lamented.
She hunched over as she heard her mother’s stern voice behind her. Dominique had entered the kitchen.
"Sorry, Mother." Her mother did not approve of familiar greetings; Sarah could not imagine how Dominique would react to hear one of her daughters say the word "Mommy" or- "Has Father come home yet?" she asked hopefully, as her thoughts reminded her.
He had been gone for a week now, a long time. And if he was gone more than one night, he always called. He never went away for this long without calling to talk to Sarah.
"He hasn’t called," Dominique answered coolly. She did not sound worried about the man she had married.
"I’m worried about him," Sarah confided. "Can’t Monica or someone-"
The wrong person to confide to, unfortunately. Before Sarah could suggest that one of the other witches might be able to help track the human man down, Dominique interrupted, "It doesn’t matter. Study, Sarah."
She returned to her book, and studied. Dominique took Gabriel and Zachary into the next room, and the sound of Gabriel’s fierce kia’s soon filled the area as she practiced. Zachary was more quiet, though occasionally he would correct Gabriel or apologize to Dominique about a mistake.
They were allowed to fight. The older kids got to practice combat, and everyone else got to stay here, studying page after page of history and laws.
Michael put a hand over Sarah’s as she shut the book and leaned her head on the table.
"We’ll get a chance later," he whispered, careful not to let Dominique hear them talking. "Come on. We’ve only got another fifteen minutes, then we can take a break. Then I’ll fight you."
She smiled slightly. Michael and Gabriel were from the Arun line. That meant they did not need to memorize the pages of Vida laws, and they did not need to practice the iron control that Sarah, Adianna and Zachary were having drilled into them by Dominique.
They still needed to know the histories, though. Sarah had read these books so many times, she had come to know many of the creatures described within. She could recognize a lot of them on sight. Generations of genealogy were drilled into her.
That was the point of the books, the journals as Dominique called them. One contained the Vida ancestry, back until nearly five thousand years BC.Another contained the tedious lists of their prey, which Dominique had mostly gathered, based on sketches and descriptions written by witches long dead. All the creatures that the list named were vampires. With their sprawling, ever growing numbers, their black eyes and the bloodlust that drove them, they were slowly hunted by Sarah and her kin. Since long before the books were started, there had been Vida witches, defenders of humanity Sarah liked to think.
Michael’s line, the Arun line, was much younger. Its roots were a mystery; it was only known that they healed faster and were stronger than any other witch. And of course, the Arun line had fewer rules.
Adianna was studying those rules right now, poring over the faded, black script of Brina D'Bergitta Arun, who had lived in the late sixteen hundreds. She had recorded all the laws and some of the history of the lines of witches- ten pages of her tight handwriting covered the complex sets of Vida laws.
A sensation like ice down her spine caused Sarah to stand and look up towards the door, outside which she could sense... something. For a moment it had felt like vampire, but now that was gone. Michael was looking at her, puzzled, and Adianna was also watching the doorway.
"None of them would be stupid enough to attack one of us here," Sarah interrupted her sister, as her natural curiosity led her to investigate. The aura felt almost human, familiar, but still somewhat wrong.
She opened the door, but could not immediately comprehend what her eyes saw. Two feet, in dark sneakers. Dark pants. A hand, with a simple white-gold wedding band on one finger. Fair hair.
Her knees collapsed from under her, and she found her left hand on the shoulder of the victim, in the blood. The blood...
So red it seemed to make all other color fade. Once she had recognized it, the rest of the picture became all too clear. Though blood had turned the surface crimson and burgundy, she could recognize him.
His skin was the color of chalk. The bones of his arms bent in strange locations, and cuts were visible on his wrists. The blood had spilt from shallow knife wounds, which marred his shoulders, face and stomach. The unbroken skin of his arms showed bloody lips.
She felt her breath coming faster, the beginning of a scream that might never end building in her throat. She sensed Dominique behind her, a cool and controlled presence, and finally her gaze snapped up. Without conscious intent, she met the eyes of the two vampires which had brought her father here. They were standing on the porch of a house across the street, licking bloody lips, one male and one female.
She only realized she had stood when Dominique grabbed her shoulder. She glanced back at her mother, then across the street again. Seeing the hunters move towards them, the villains had disappeared into the air.
"Sarah, come inside," Dominique said, her tone as gentle as Sarah had ever heard it. "Zachary, could you give me a hand?"
In shock perhaps, she backed into the house. With some help from Zachary, Dominique lifted her husband’s body and brought it inside. Adianna called one of the other witches to say what had happened.
Dead. The word finally made its way into Sarah’s conscious mind. Her father, dead. Her mother and her sister, both treating this as ordinary. Zachary, calmly helping Dominique place the body some place where the neighbors would not see it. Michael had turned away, and was leaning against a wall. Gabriel’s eyes lingered on the blood for a moment, then she snapped her gaze away and left the room.
All so quiet, so controlled.
"How can you be so calm?" Sarah asked Zachary, as Dominique spoke on the phone to Zachary's older sister. His mother and father had both been taken by these creatures. How could he stand there so calmly?
"How else should I be?" he asked, almost emotionless. Not with shock, but with control, with that damnable Vida control that Dominique preached.
Why the control? She ranted silently. Why can’t I scream and cry, when the man who I call father is dead?
Instinctively, she reached out to the first thing she could find, the water glass Zachary had been drinking from, and threw it with all her strength at his feet. The glass shattered, and Zachary’s eyes widened for a moment. "Sarah, calm down," he ordered softly. "There’s no reason to-"
"How can you say that?" This time she threw one of the ancient, precious books, nearly hitting Dominique in the back. "There’s no reason for me to be furious? How can you not be? They just..." Her breath caught, but she continued in a violent whisper. "They murdered my father. How can you not care? Adianna, how-"
"I care," Adianna answered, her voice tight. She put a hand on her sister’s shoulder, and took a breath to control herself. "I care, but crying isn’t going to help anything. This is why we hunt- to stop things like this."
"Then why isn’t it working?" At the blank looks she received from everyone else in the room, she demanded, "We’ve been hunting them for thousands of years, and every year there are more pages in the book. There are more people dead. There are more hunters dead. There are more..." She raised her bloodied left hand. "More of this. More blood spilt out of spite and hatred and-" She slammed that fist into the window she had been daydreaming about earlier. She was young, but she had been trained as a hunter, and she was not a human child. She had never been a child. The glass was thick, and as it shattered she felt it slice into her skin, but she welcomed the sensation.
Softly, she hissed, "See that? That’s what we make out of everything we do. It’s all illusion. There’s no rainbow there." Enjoying the destructive chaos, enjoying letting out the anger, she shattered a second pane. "It’s all-" A third one, obliterating the moon. "Just-" A fourth, wiping out the oak trees that had hung over the pond. Pain shot up her arm, but she ignored it, as any Vida child was taught to do.
Ignore the pain, continue. Let it cut, ignore the blood, continue.
Chapter 1
"Sarah. Sarah, wake up."
The frantic voice dragged her abruptly from the world of sleep, and she soon found herself clinging to whoever had woken her.
She had nearly forgotten. She had nearly made herself forget what had happened, where all the hatred stemmed from. Not the old, dusty books of Vida ancestors who had been wronged, but that one incident.
The vampires who had caught her father had broken his arms, then chained him to a wall by his wrists. It had taken him three days to die, with them bleeding him a little each day.
Her mother had been furious at Sarah’s actions, though Dominique would never admit to the emotion. She had chastised Sarah for her "irrational loss of control," then set the four bones Sarah had broken in her hand.
There had been no more outbursts since. Her control had grown as icy as her mothers’.
You never react. Just like you never shout out in pain, and never cry, even when you make enemies of your friends.
Nikolas had said that to her once. Nikolas, who had hunted her down for harming his family. Nikolas, who had finally taught her how to forgive.
Nikolas, she realized, to who she was clinging as if he was the last line to shore.
She pulled away, awkward. She had needed someone to hold her as the memories washed over her, so raw even ten years later, but she had not expected that someone to be Nikolas.
"Are you all right?" he asked, letting her slip away.
She nodded once, trying to drag around herself whatever part of her composure still existed. She stood, shivering not from cold but from scores of memories she would just as soon forget.
Like a black and white photograph, Nikolas had a beauty and- as she had only recently learned- an innocence that made him seem as if he might be an angel. His hair was pure, moonless black; usually he wore it back, which only served to accent eyes the same impossible jet, but now it fell around his shoulders. The black was set against his fair skin, so pale it seemed almost white by contrast. He knew no deceit, and as he had told her many times, he never lied. His world was as clearly defined as black and white.
She was too tired, and romanticizing. If Nikolas was angel, he had fallen long ago. Within that sense of black and white was a clear line between friend and foe, and she remembered what it had been like on the wrong side of that line.
"Just a nightmare... but thank you," she added reluctantly.
Nikolas shook his head softly, but did not argue with her. Instead, he explained, "Kristopher went to SingleEarth. He didn’t want to leave you, but we decided it would be best to let Caryn know what was going on. I would have gone..." Nikolas trailed off with a shrug. He would never be allowed within five hundred yards of SingleEarth.
Caryn Smoke was another witch, about Sarah’s age, from a line of healers. SingleEarth was a peaceful establishment for all creatures, human and non, witch and vampire, who wanted to learn to live together without fighting. Nikolas had been barred from the building long ago.
Sarah sighed heavily, wrapping her arms around herself as if cold. She wanted Kristopher to be home.
Kristopher was Nikolas’s twin brother, physically identical save for a scar on the left side of his chest, where a knife wielded by one of Sarah’s ancestors had nearly struck his heart more than a hundred years ago.
They were similar like moonlight and starshine. Both brothers were fiercely loyal to their friends and kin, and powerful enough to be effective protectors even in the world of the night. However, where Nikolas saw the world in black and white, Christopher could see a thousands shades of gray. Where Nikolas could give a straight answer of yes or no, Christopher could give a thousand reasons for either. Nikolas could be either angel or demon, while Christopher frequently seemed far more human.
Christopher had been the one to show Sarah how human vampires could be, after seventeen years when she had been taught that they were simply monsters who should be destroyed from the earth.
"When did he leave?" Sarah asked, trying to shake off the last remnants of her dreams. None of Dominique’s lectures or books had been able to teach her hatred more effectively than that scene had.
Nikolas glanced to a clock that hung on the wall, a piece of modern artwork that gave Sarah a headache whenever she tried to read it. "About five minutes ago." Looking back to Sarah, he asked gently, "What was the dream about?"
She shook her head, turning away. "Nothing."
He pressed, "Bad memories?" Her gaze whipped back to him, a sharp remark on the tip of her tongue, until Nikolas hastily explained, "I didn’t read your mind, Sarah. You know I wouldn’t do that. Our kind doesn’t create dreams- when we sleep, we can only remember. What kind of memory can leave the indomitable Sarah Vida shaken?"
If he wanted to know, she would tell him. She raised her eyes to meet his gaze, and bluntly described, "I was seven years old when my father died. He was killed by a pair of vampires, who trapped him and tortured him for three days before they killed him." She saw Nikolas flinch away from her tone, but he held her gaze. "I found the body, nearly fell over it."
For a moment she had to pause, then she pulled her anger back around her. "I was furious, and punched a window. I broke four of the bones in my left hand, hitting it, and sliced myself open." Her voice softened as she continued, as she remembered her mother’s reaction. She held up her hand, showing the tear-shaped scar that still remained. "This would have healed, but my mother bound my magic for a week, so I would feel every injury I had given myself. She didn’t care that her husband was dead, but she was furious that her daughter had lost control."
She flexed the hand against phantom pain as she remembered. "She had me practice fighting, even against the older kids. A Daughter of Vida needs to be able to continue, to fight on, even when she can hardly breathe past the pain. I was seven years old."
Nikolas looked pained, and she saw his hand close and open as he checked the impulse to reach out to her. Nikolas learned quickly; he knew she would only pull away.
Her voice soft, slow, she added softly, "They had cut into his arms, his shoulders and wrists, just to hurt him more. That’s where all the blood came from."
This time Nikolas leaned heavily back against the wall, closing his eyes with a whispered curse. His voice was pained, and she knew why.
The scars now on her arms had mostly been made by Nikolas, cut into her skin with a switchblade. They were his symbol- his and his brother’s. Most humans who wore them were proud of the marks, and those same marks were a silent warning to any vampire who might think of harming those humans.
Nikolas had marked Sarah when they had still been enemies. She had still been a vampire hunter, and had just before told Kristopher to leave her alone or she would kill him. Nikolas did not react well to people threatening his brother.
The tense moment was broken as someone knocked on the door. "Sarah?"
In the two seconds it took her to reach towards and open the door, Sarah had wiped the pained emotions from her expression. The action was natural, a habit- it was frequently more difficult to show emotion than to hide it.
He kissed her gently on the forehead, and then pulled her forward to catch her lips. "I’m sorry. I thought I would get back before you woke up."
She shrugged, not wanting to share the whole story. "I’m wasn’t human to begin with- I’m not as weak as I would have been."
She had been changed less than twenty-four hours ago, and most fledglings her age slept from sunrise to sunset, but according to the abstract black and white clock on the wall it was only one in the afternoon. Usually she slept later, and she could feel tiredness sucking her down even now, but she was grateful that Nikolas had woken her from that painful memory.
Nikolas did not tell his brother why she had woken, and Sarah was grateful for his discretion. If Kristopher asked, Nikolas would answer- he hid nothing from his brother- but Kristopher did not ask. He was intelligent enough to know that something had happened, because if Sarah had just woken naturally Nikolas would not have come to her, but he also understood that if she wanted him to know, she would tell him.
Kristopher nodded in the direction of a suitcase left in the hallway, just beyond the still open door. "Caryn packed that for you. She took them from your old room before your mother could destroy them, but hadn’t had a chance to get them to you."
The outfit she was wearing had been borrowed from one of many humans who lived half in and half out of the vampiric world, protected by Nikolas and Kristopher.
Sarah nodded again, grateful, as she slipped away from Kristopher. "Thanks."
"Sarah?" Kristopher caught her arm when she turned to fetch the bag Caryn had thoughtfully packed. "Have you decided yet what you’re going to do?"
She paused a moment, then answered truthfully, "I don’t know."
She had places to go if she wanted to. SingleEarth would take her, and even Dominique would hesitate to hunt her down in that establishment. Kristopher and Nikolas’s sister, Nissa, would take her in and teach her how to live without killing. Yet she was drawn to Kristopher’s offer of shelter, safety and companionship.
Except that she didn’t want to be protected- not by Kristopher, not by SingleEarth, not by Nissa. She was used to standing on her own.
So why was she still here? Kristopher had offered to her a place to sleep for the day, and she had accepted, exhausted and confused and needing to delay the decision for a while.
She just... didn’t know. She had been a hunter all her life; she had lived to kill vampires, and now found herself one of them.
She didn’t know where she could go from there.
Chapter 2
Adianna Vida was on the verge of breakdown. Complete emotional meltdown. She knew it; everyone knew it.
Not a scratch. She examined herself in the mirror. After that fight, she should have been hurt, but as always she was unscathed but for rumpled clothing and tangled hair.
She took a deep breath. Control. Control.
Dear goddess.
She pulled a brush through her hair as if to avenge a wrong committed against her.
She had seen him in SingleEarth. The vampire’s image was still clear in her mind. The image of his lips at Sarah’s throat would never fade. She had overheard enough of the conversation with Caryn to know that Sarah was "alive" still.
Not Sarah. Just one of them.
"What is wrong with you?" The voice was cool, full of disapproval.
Adianna turned to face her mother, forcing her expression to be calm. "I’m sorry, Dominique. I ran into some trouble on my way home from SingleEarth."
That much was true. The exact trouble had been a pair of vampires, determined to end her existence as a threat to them.
"What did SingleEarth have to say?" Dominique asked.
Dominique had sent Adianna to SingleEarth to ask about Sarah’s whereabouts. Luckily, Caryn had not known when Adianna had spoken to her where the witch-turned-vampire was, or even that she had been turned vampire.
Then the leech had shown up.
"They didn’t know anything about her."
Dominique knew that Sarah had disappeared one night. She knew that the vampires had tried to bloodbond her, an action that could kill any Vida. But Dominique did not accept "probably" for an answer. She wanted the body.
She wanted to make sure her youngest daughter was not exactly what she was.
"Track her down, Adianna," Dominique ordered. "I don’t care how long it takes."
Track her down.
She didn’t want to kill Sarah. "I will."
And she would, because she had received the order, and to defy it could get her disowned. Adianna and her cousin, Zachary, were the last pureblooded witches in their line; that line could not be allowed to die.
For a moment, Dominique looked tired. Her sapphire Vida-blue eyes looked much older than her not-quite forty years. And in that moment, Adia remembered that Dominique had married and had her first child when she was even younger than Adia was now.
So young. Sarah’s age.
Dominique never spoke about her childhood, not with her daughters anyway. To them she only spoke of duty and control. Had she ever been more open with her husband, before he had died? Had she ever been softer than the stone she was now?
"And if you find her, and she’s been turned into one of those... creatures," Dominique sighed, "put a knife in her heart."
Adianna swallowed thickly. "I will."
--- END ---
0 notes
splintered-dreams · 7 years
Title: Comeuppance Fandom: Original Story Published: 10-23-17 Words: 2,482 Warnings: Gratuitous gore, descriptions of sexual assault
Summary: He swallowed his heart back down from his throat and tried to hide the tears in his eyes. “I told you I’d do anything for you.”
She appeared to him as she had in the days leading up to her death, her messy blonde hair cut in a bob, pale skin unmarred by the ravages of time or man, with a small gap between her front teeth that showed when she opened her mouth. He wanted to sob. He always did, when he saw her. “Des!” she cried, rushing towards him and leaping into his arms, her form barely wavering as he held her close, tears running down his face. She pulled back slightly, placing her small palms on his filthy cheeks. “You haven’t been eating or sleeping again,” she scolded, pouting, running her fingers over his taut cheeks, taking in the dark bags under his mismatched eyes. “Ooh, mummy’s gonna getcha good when she sees you again!” All he could do was try and smile through his tears.
“It’s been a long time hasn’t it, Tetyana?” he choked out. “How’s my favourite princess doing, huh?” It felt like a sin to be holding her like this, caked in blood and sweat and grime, even though he knew she would remain untouched by his filth. The mage wiped his face, hiding the tear tracks with bloody smears. There was still a job to be done. At least he had company this time. He knelt down and she climbed onto his shoulders, fingers threaded through his tangled hair, a phantom weight as he walked through the bodies strewn about the hallway. Her eyes, he knew, saw everything but nothing at all. It would be pointless to attempt to shield her gaze. You can’t hide anything from the dead, after all.
She hummed. “I’m okay,” she said, before directing him to turn left, down a corridor he hadn’t seen earlier. “Mum misses you. She still worries about you, even though she knows you’ll be okay.” She was smiling, he knew, flashing that teasing grin he used to despise before everything went wrong. “My big brother, champion of the lowly ones, the voiceless ones, the broken ones; never would’ve thought you had it in ya.” It goes unsaid that he only picked up those nicknames because of his crusade to avenge her. That he would become anything to avenge her. That he cast away his humanity for her.
“I am whatever the masses decree me to be,” he said, large hands gently gripping small, phantom ankles, not because his sister’s shade needed steadying, but that it was an ingrained habit from when he was young, always holding his baby sister steady atop his shoulders so that she may reach up and try to capture the stars in her embrace. He missed those carefree days with such a sharp longing it felt like a stab to the heart with an acid-dipped blade. He forced those memories back, knowing it wouldn’t do to become distracted when he was so close to completing his current task.
The corridor the ghost directed him down led to a veritable labyrinth of dimly lit stone passages, a stark contrast from the soft velvet carpets and ornate wooden walls of the main section of the mansion. It would be easy for a normal mortal to become lost in these twisting halls, but the mage was undeterred, avoiding dead ends and decoy paths without batting an eye. While disgusted, he wasn’t surprised by the change in scenery. He knew what kind of people resided within the walls of this facsimile of a socially acceptable house, had seen the darkness that lurked in the eyes and hearts of those that entered the grounds. It was like a portal to the past, memories layered atop reality in the worst kind of way. He felt his sister’s ghost briefly lose her corporeality, a sensation like a sheet of cold water running down his back as she phased through him, before falling into step next to him, her bare feet disturbing none of the shallow puddles the duo walked through.
Up ahead he could hear muffled crying, the screaming of a child in agony, and bile rose up in his throat. His sister’s gaze burned as it lay on his stricken expression. “It never gets easier for you does it?” she asked quietly, not expecting an answer. His expression was far away, and she knew he couldn’t be reached by her voice. Not in the present, anyway. “You always hear me in their cries, see me in their mutilated bodies.” The dim lights flickered and faltered as the mage’s strides grew, increasing his speed until he broke into a run, eyes focused but unseeing. He didn’t notice he was leaving his sister’s ghost behind. As he darted ahead, consumed by both the horrors of the past and his current goal, his sister’s form changed from that of a five-year-old girl to that of an ageless being that only loosely could be classified as humanoid. Speaking to no one, it said, “That is why We chose you, Desmond Hoss,” before melting into the floor without a trace.
The mage, unaware of the being he left behind, rushed towards the sound of children in pain, reality blurring with the memories he was never able to suppress, not fully. Sigils flared to life around him, hovering and twisting around his arms and hands, flickering a sickly green light that cast strange shadows as he moved. There was an old, oak door at the end of a corridor, from behind which muffled screams were emanating. He didn’t bother with stealth, simply pouring his magic into the doorway with one intent: destroy.
The doorway exploded outwards in a shower of wooden and granite shrapnel, slicing through unprotected skin, but he barely registered the fresh cuts adorning his face. He walked through the destruction, webs of green magic crawling along the right side of his face, oozing in viscous streams from behind his glass eye, casting a menacing glow on his twisted countenance. There were dozens of children of all genders hidden away in the room, ages ranging from five to twelve, drugged to the gills and chained to beds and each other. Some of them seemed semi-conscious, while others simply sat there, unaware. Many sported hand-shaped bruises on their necks and wrists, while more still were littered with bite marks. The older ones were in worse shape than the younglings, inflamed abrasions on their wrists and ankles showing they fought against their restraints often, probably as soon as the drugs started to wear out. Their nails were blunt and bloody. Some had bloody mouths. The mage noted all of this and snarled.
There were adults in the room as well, men and women in various states of undress, masked and taking pleasure in the bodies of their captives. These children weren’t drugged, instead screaming, begging, sobbing, writhing, desperately trying to escape their restraints and the arms of their captors, crying out in fear and pain as they were violated, all to the soundtrack of their captors laughter. The scene was so familiar he nearly retched, watching helplessly in his mind’s eye as his sister was desecrated in the same manner, able to hear her crying for him to save her while he was bound and made to watch. Des snapped, his magic throwing the vile creatures posing as humans off their victims, throwing them against the far wall. His magic crackled, leaping off in arcs of sickly green light before snapping back to his body, sigils flaring in slowly spinning circles behind him.
He stalked forward, using his magic to hastily put the children into a deep sleep before vanishing them to the upper floors of the mansion. Rudimentary healing, both physical and mental, could take place later. He sealed the hole where the door had once stood, an electrical web weaving itself into place in the gaps between the stone, hissing and sparking dangerously. The scent of ozone hung heavy in the sealed room. The vermin huddled in on themselves, trembling, some even deigning to scream in horror as his form started to waver slightly, stretching and contorting before returning to normal in the blink of an eye. The only light came from Des’ magic, casting an unnatural green hue on all the objects in the room. “Now then,” he purred maliciously, eyes wild, grin full of teeth that lengthened and sharpened to unnatural points, “I think it’s time I punish the sinners, don’t you think?”
“H-How did you-?” one of the vermin tried to stammer out, but Des darted forward with inhuman speed and punched his hand straight through the man’s gut, cutting his inquiry off with a howl of pain, his viscera-covered arm protruding from his back. The mage smiled, equal parts cruel and amused, as he pulled his arm out with a thick, wet sucking noise, and let the man drop to the ground, watching him struggle to push his innards back into the hole in his gut. Watching him writhe like a maggot on the filthy stone floor, feebly fighting to stay alive, filled Des with sick pleasure.
“Haven’t you heard the stories? The myths?” he cooed, kicking his first victim over and grinding his heel into the gaping wound, the screams music to his ears. “When children are in pain, when there’s nowhere for them to turn, when the world has turned a blind eye while the innocent are crying out for salvation, don’t you know who they pray to?” He cackled as the man’s eyes shone with horrified realization, but before he could say anything, the mage crushed his neck with the heel of his boot, hearing the bone yield with satisfying cracks.
The vermin’s associates truly started to panic, the reality of their situation beginning to fully sink in. They had heard the stories, of course, everyone who shared their sickening tastes had heard that there was one who would deliver salvation to the abused while the abusers were never heard from again, but that’s what they were thought to be, just stories. Now, it seemed, they would pay the price for not heeding the warning in those tales. Most of the rats pressed themselves against the wall or backed themselves into corners, tears filling their eyes as they begged for mercy. Several tried to make a run for it, only for their doomed escape to come to an agonizing end as they ran into the barrier made by Des’ magic, electricity coursing through their bodies as they howled and writhed before falling, limp, smoking, blood and other bodily fluids leaking from various orifices.
A few brave, or perhaps just desperate, vermin tried to attack him, armed with only their fists and fueled by adrenaline and terror, but the mage ended their feeble attempts without breaking a sweat, gouging out eyes and ripping out tongues, tearing off genitalia and limbs, crushing skulls and windpipes with careless, thoughtless, yet precise movements. Screams rent the air, blood splashing on the walls and spilling onto the floor, hot and wet, streams of crimson snaking through the cracked stone floor. Once the proactive vermin were dealt with, Des turned his attention to those cowardly ones, the ones who still believed that begging and grovelling would save them. He put an end to that belief with extreme prejudice, ripping organs from the screaming fools, digging through their chest cavities to tear out their hearts just to make their helpless compatriots eat the still-beating muscle.
The sigils behind Des glowed brighter with each kill and his form began changing into something less than human. His skin blackened and his face briefly became featureless except for his grinning mouth filled with blood-stained teeth and the green webbing stretched across the right side of his face, and then hundreds of glowing green eyes opened all over his body, disappearing below his clothes. All the blood on his form, whether it belonged to him or one of his victims, was absorbed into his body. A thick, viscous liquid that glowed the colour of his magic dripped from his maw, hissing as the droplets hit the ground. Of the few victims who remained alive, only one had the energy left to stammer, horrified, “M-monster… y-you’re more of a-a monst-ter than you claim we a-are!!”
Des pushed out his magic, letting the sigils adhere themselves to the walls. “A monster, you say?” he rumbled, voice distorted. His eyes were devoid of emotion as he prepared his magic for afinal ritual. “No, I am no monster.” The mage laughed, throwing back his head to reveal rows and rows of needle-like teeth in his mouth. “My form is naught but a nightmare created by the darkness in your hearts. You created me.” Only he knew this meant more than what his victims could ever comprehend, not that it mattered. Animals didn’t need to understand the motivation of their butcher, only that they were about to die and there was nothing they could do about it. “Don’t you know who I am?” he mocked as the ritual symbol on the floor flared to life. The room echoed with the screams of the damned and he watched as skeletal hands grasped at the bodies and souls of the sinners and dragged them to the punishment realm to suffer for their crimes eternally. “I’m the chosen of the goddess, the savior of the broken ones. The only monsters here are you.”
A bright white light engulfed the room before dissipating, and once it was gone there was no trace of the slaughter that took place in it moments before. The bodies and blood were gone, vanished without a trace, and all traces of magic faded away, as though they had never been there in the first place. Des stood amongst the rubble from his initial break-in, human once more, and shook himself of the ghosts of his past. If a few tears rolled down his cheek, well, no one was there to witness it. A small hand grasped his and he looked down to see the ghost of his sister standing beside him, innocent and untouched as she always should have been. As was common after a job, he was struck with how little he believed what he told the sinners before he cast them down when he was faced with the image of what he believed goodness to be. He wanted to pull away, to prevent himself from poisoning her with his taint, even though he knew it was a ridiculous notion. However, Tetyana’s ghost simply pulled him from the room, a small smile on her face, and said, “Thank you, my Saint.”
He swallowed his heart back down from his throat and tried to hide the tears in his eyes. “I told you I’d do anything for you,” he simply replied, and the duo headed to the upper floors so that the mage could try to reverse the damage done to his goddess’ charges.
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