#okay i should definitely take a break. starting to feel really bad about my writing capability shkdlhg
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
starving for jealous Earth 42 Miles
OFC!!!!! Imma do this head cannon style bc why not 🤷🏽‍♀️
A/n: Continue to request stuff for both of our boys! Also I love writing for y’all ❤️
Warnings: jealousy, miles being possessive, fluff, suggestive situations
Jealous Earth42!Miles headcannons
I feel like he would try to be subtle about it but it shows
Definitely makes you wear his clothes 24/7 or makes sure ya’ll match
Makes sure you wear the jewelry he bought you and had it engraved so you’ll know who you belong to. Because, he sees you as his prize, his doll, his special beacon of light and he wants everyone to know that you’re taken
Hates some of your friends because he’s so possessive of you
“Y/n I just think you should drop her” “Why?” “Cuz she hates me and she’s tryna break us up. Also, I hate how she’s so nosy I don’t like that” “Miiiileesss come on, she’s been my friend for two years, she wouldn’t do that"
He had a point tho
He's def suspicious when you hang out with your guy friends(don’t even get me started if you hang out with them alone)
“What do you mean you’re hanging out with him tonight? Nah nah nah I better be there. No quiero que te aleje de mi” “Miles baby, Tengo los ojos llenos de ganas de verte"
“Miles are you jealous?” “no. I just don’t want people to take you from me” “Miles thats called jealousy.” “no its not; jealousy is feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages or being suspicious of a partner in a relationship. I’m not suspicious of you, Mami because I know you’re not that stupid and you’re all mine so I have nothing to be envious of” “Damn, you’re right” “what’s new?"
Best believe when you are around people, he will slip an arm around you and kiss you on the temple
Death glares the guy you’re talking to and definitely stands up straighter
makes it KNOWN you’re taken
“Hey man, she’s taken, Aléjate de Ella!”
The guy doesn’t know what that means but judging by the way Miles said it, he knew to back off
I feel like Miles gets hit on by a very select group of people who think they could change him or he could be their “bad boy” but Miles only really has eyes for you
Makes sure he wears his matching bracelet you got him all the time
Knows you won’t drop any of your friends unless something important went down so he just makes sure everyone knows your his
Holds your hand a lot
Will speak for you
“Hey, Y/n wanna go to the carnival on Saturday?” “yeah sur-“ “We have plans for Saturday right, Y/n?” “not for all day tho-“ “I have something planned for Saturday and I’m not telling you the time.” “oh okay! sorry guys"
You hate it when he does that
Thats one of the many reasons why your friends hate Miles
At the end of the day, you still have to reassure him that you’re all his and he’s all yours
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Got any ideas for the demon bros with an MC who can carry them?
The Demon Bros with an MC who likes to carry them 
Demon Bros x Gender Neutral Reader (separately) 
Genre: Fluff
Content/Warnings: Mammon being a dumb tsundere, Asmo’s innuendos, Reader is a big strong sweetheart, very brief and small mentions of NSFW 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Asmodues uses he/she pronouns 
Oooohhh man 
Luci is, to put it bluntly, quite startled the first time you pick him up 
He’s used to thinking of humans as these fragile, puny little things 
So this was…jarring 
“W-What do you think you’re doing, human?!”
He’s used to being the one in charge, being the big domineering force 
So to suddenly be made to feel so small and frail is so foreign 
It puts butterflies in his stomach in a way he cannot explain and has never experienced before 
“Put me down, foolish human! …Why? B-Because I cant have anyone see me like this!” 
But he’ll think about it for days after 
He won’t ask for you to do it again, but if you do he’ll fight you significantly less 
He’ll grumble, but he won’t thrash in surprise 
“I don’t understand why you insist on doing this…No, that does not mean put me down. If you like it then…continue.”
Once he gets more comfortable with the idea he’ll start “asking” you to pick him up 
I put “asking” in quotes because he’ll really just hug you tight and whine and hope you get what he’s asking 
If you don’t, he’ll get frustrated and simply demand it 
It feels so nice to be held and carried, to finally be the one being supported 
To be lifted off his aching feet and give his body a break 
He needs more of that
His favorite time to be held is after a long day 
Especially if you carry him to his bed 
He’ll cuddle into your chest and cling to you until you put him down 
Please stay and lay next to him 
Nearly shits his pants he’s so scared
Kicks and flails like you’re holding him over the side of a cliff 
Hold him a bit tighter and shush him and he’ll calm down 
Only for a few moments though 
Then the embarrassment sets in, and his face goes red hot at the close proximity 
“Okay, okay! Y-You’ve had yer fun! Now put me down before somethin’ bad happens, ya idiot…” 
Crosses his arms and huffs as you put him down 
Like Lucifer, he won’t stop thinking about it for days 
Won’t do anything in front of his brothers, he couldn’t take the teasing 
But in private he’s much more open 
He’ll plop himself in your lap and simply demand to be carried 
And if you’re alone in the House of Lamentation he loves to be held while you do stuff around the house or just walk around 
He’s always looking for an excuse to jump into your arms as well
“I think I saw a demon rat! What? N-No, I’m not scared, I just don’t wanna get bit! Those things are wicked good at hiding, so maybe you should hold me for a while, just in case!” 
Likes to be held against your chest the most, but if you throw him over your shoulder (especially if you’re going up to the bedroom for…alone time) he’ll get so flustered his brain shuts down 
Give his ass a playful slap too
You’ll have him wrapped around your finger
Nearly flatlines 
Red faced immediately 
Melts when he looks up to see you smiling down at him 
A thousand anime scenes of this scenario are flashing through his head guarantee it 
He tries to speak but it just comes out as whimpers and stutters 
Physically cannot form words
So instead he gives up on speaking and just throws his arms around your neck
He can’t say a word or look you in the eyes, but he’s definitely not protesting 
He might be trembling a bit, though 
Don’t worry, it’s good nervousness 
You make him nervous in the best way 
“O-Oh my stars…I-I didn’t…this is…woah….” 
Poor sweet baby is flabbergasted 
Assure him he’s okay and that you won’t drop him, and then he’ll calm down a bit 
“I’ve imagined being swooped up by a brave hero before, but…this is even better!” 
His love language is definitely physical touch, so he enjoys not only being held and cuddles but carried as well 
Especially if you talk down to him sweetly 
Oh, he’ll look up at you with the most love drunk expression 
He’s definitely the most forward about wanting to be held 
He’ll sit on your lap or if he’s really desperate even jump up and wrap his legs around you 
“Will you, um…p-please carry me? You don’t have to, I-I just…really want to right now…” 
He WILL reach up and do the cute little grabby hands
And he WILL say “pwetty pwease” if he has to 
He loves his strong human
One of the more nonchalant reactions 
He’s a bit surprised at first, but doesn’t really mind it 
“Oh, what are you— Human? Is this some kind of game? …No? Hm, alright then.” 
Once he’s ascertained that you don’t need anything and simply wanted to pick him up, he’s done asking questions 
As long as you let him read while you hold him bridal style, he’s all good 
It’s quite nice, being rocked by your steps and small movements while he gets back into his book 
He’ll blush a bit if one of his brothers sees, but he doesn’t care enough to make you put him down 
If you have this skill, you may as well use it 
And you like carrying him too, so it’s a win-win! 
Every once in a while he’ll plant himself on your lap and ask to be carried, but he doesn’t particularly desire it, so he’ll simply wait for you to do it if you’d like 
He’ll gladly oblige any time 
Squeals in delight the first time you pick him up 
She’s simply giddy with excitement at this newfound ability! 
“Oh, human! You’re so strong! You know I loooove being manhandled…” 
His mind wanders to the gutter very quickly, so be ready for that
Jumps into your ames whenever he sees you 
He’s the shortest/smallest one, so it’s not like it’s particularly jarring or anything 
She’s always taking you to stores with her so you can lift her up and help her get stuff from the top shelves 
“Oh dear, those shoes are so high up! Could you be a dear and lift me? Pretty please?” 
Giggles like a schoolgirl with a crush whenever you lift her 
He’s pretty much always clinging to you, even if he doesn’t have a good reason 
He’s shameless 
And he wants what he wants 
And he is going to make it everyone else’s problem until he gets it
So be a good little human and hold her, okay? 
Definitely the most unbothered 
Doesn’t even stop eating his snack
It’s a bit odd seeing as he’s used to being the biggest and strongest, but  it’s definitely not bad 
Doesn’t crave to be held, but also doesn’t dislike it 
If you want to carry him, feel free to do whenever you’d like! No need to ask 
He trusts you enough to hold him tight without so much as a word 
Which is good since 60% of the time he can’t even say words with all that food in his mouth 
“You wanna carry me? Uh…can I ask why? ‘Just because?’ Alright then, but I’m not putting down my sandwich, okay?”
He’s pretty good at picking up on emotions, so to him it’s plain as day that it makes you happy 
And it makes him to happy to know you’re happy 
So he gladly goes along with it 
Because why shouldn’t he? It’s not hurting anything 
Even if it was, he would readily accept the consequences if it meant seeing you smile 
Oh this sleepy motherfucker is IN LOVE 
Absolutely melts against you when you pick him up 
Sighs happily and shit too 
You’re so warm and he feels so secure in your arms, he could sleep here forever! 
“Wow, this is so comfy…how much would I have to pay you to get carried around all day?” 
You’ll gladly do it for free, don’t worry Belphie 
He likes when you carry him while you walk, the steady movements of your steps lull him to sleep 
90% of the time he’s asleep within the first two minutes of being held 
He’s the best at asking to be held or carried to 
“Hey, human, ‘m getting sleepy. Would you hold me until I fall asleep? I can’t get comfortable without you.” 
Bonus points if you hum him a lullaby 
He’ll fall asleep with a smile on his face 
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useyourwordsdarling · 2 months
hii, was feeling super shy to write but it's mid of the night, I am half asleep, half horny and I can't help it anymore
first of all thank u for the great posts, you're honestly such a good writer
sooo it's not exactly my area of expertise but I'm thinking of coding an AI that can write just like u.. for funsies (or more) (hope u don't mind)
also u talked about being a calc tutor and enjoying it and I relate sm! I peer tutored stats and calc courses during the beginning of my 2nd year of uni (I still want u to tutor me tho 💕), didn't think I'd enjoy it but it was fun interacting w new people and helping them out but it got stressful so I quit 😞
any tips for juggling work, school, & life? I feel like I have too much I wanna do but not enough time/energy/motivation
anyways this was all over the place so thanks for reading, hope u have a good day/night 🦋
Awh that’s actually so sweet, thank you. And as to the AI part, even if it’s out of my area (I’d love to learn to program on that level tho) it does seem possible. But it’s probably easier to make an AI bot rather than code your own. There’s plenty of those AI bot websites you can check and if you have a sample of text big enough to input into it you might be able to get somewhat similar results. So if you just used my posts for that it should work? But I can’t say for sure
I wouldn’t mind if someone did that especially since it’s out of my control people can do it either way. But I really do wonder just how accurate it would be because I can see it being shit too and that’d be pretty funny. Teaching can be fun but it’s definitely tiring and not for everybody, I wouldn’t say it’s for me either but it was a nice experience to have
I’m probably one of the worst people you could ask how to have a work life balance like that…While working at my final project at my uni my professor who was assisting me with my thesis started to actually be worried and feel bad about how much time I spent on it…I’d sometimes spend the night working on it, and he felt pretty bad so I started working on it in the dark in the lab we got in hopes he wouldn’t notice I was there which isn’t great..
But I do think this balance it’s an important thing to have, I certainly should work more on it myself. I think it comes to not trying to be as productive as possible too, it’s okay to take breaks. It’s okay to do things that aren’t “productive”. We are still human at the end of the day, if we keep trying to work work and work, we’ll inevitably hit a wall. That’s why burn outs are a thing. This might not feel much of an advice, since I don’t know the solution myself. But I think related to knowing your priories, especially people in your life you want to keep close. And know when to spend time with them, because that’s still much more important than work or studying in the end
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minniiaa · 7 months
I'm back ;D
And even more down bad for bottom Law than before
Imagine Luffy and Law's first time together and Luffy never even considered holding back, meanwhile Law's trying to figure out when Luffy had the time to learn half of the shit he's doing or saying to Law. Luffy immediately notices how Law puts his face into the pillows/mattress so he just flips Law over, but then Law's biting his lip and Luffy can't tell if this is supposed to be a game or Law if just purposefully trying to annoy him.
Eventually, Luffy learns Law can't hold out forever and absolutely uses that against him. Telling Law he may as well give up, that he already knows Luffy will give him what he needs so he should do the same, taunting Law with the things he said last time: “But you were begging for more last time, are you already tired, Traffy?” “I remember you asking so nicely, did you forget your manners?”.
OH AND THE TEASING?? Horribly close but still too far away fingers tracing Law's skin like a well practiced pattern that Law KNOWS Luffy knows. Luffy doesn't give up though because for once, he’s patient, waiting until Law breaks and throws aside his pride for selfish pleasure.
Back to their first time together though, specifically the aftermath where Law's immediately back to shoving his face into pillows while Luffy cuddles him like he never heard a noise come out of Law. That definitely pisses Law off, Luffy acting like what they just did was nothing, what Luffy just TURNED HIM INTO was nothing (even though that's not how Luffy feels). And it takes a while for Law to realize that Luffy isn't doing it out of a lack of self awareness or sexual ignorance, once he does… man I dunno, I image Law having to keep himself from jumping Luffy to test his theory.
Lol, that's another thing I think about, Law sometimes turning sex into an experiment. This is long enough though and I ain't nearly as poetic or creative with my literacy as you, so I'll have you take it from here.
TLTR: I want Law fucked nasty stupid
HI ANON! welcome back glad to see you are still in bottom law hell (heaven) with me! You are plenty poetic and creative don't talk down on yourself like that! Your headcanon is CANON in my book.
Okay okay so hear me out. I started writing a little headcanon story to respond to this yesterday and somehow ended up getting REALLY carried away. Basically, I blacked out and woke up to find that I wrote an 11.5k-word story about Law and Luffy's first time with some of the themes you brought up (with canon plot?? Who am I?)
It is entirely too long to post as a tumblr reply so I threw it up on my ao3 for all to enjoy. Click below if you would like to see Law being fucked nasty stupid ;)
Thanks for the inspiration, you rock!! Please drop more horny asks and I will feed the masses! Bottom Law supremacy 4 lyfe!
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
Hello! I like your writing a lot and i was wondering if you'd do wolfwood x gn-reader, and the reader has a flirty and vulgar way of joking. I'm curious how would he react to that kind of chaotic person who likes to taunt and tease
I got a little bit nsfw with this haha-- a little full on smut drabble included so-
warnings: !nsfw minors dni! smut, swearing, make outs, blow jobs, face fucking wolfwood gets a bit rough, it's gender neutral but he does call you "angel" (my dyslexic ass is praying i managed to not put a single "angle" in there)
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Okay I really do believe he’d probably think you are hilarious. He’d probably  immediately connect with you. 
You take his jokes, and then you tease him back?? Wowie he’s already in love lol
But here’s the kicker- I think eventually  he’d dish out more than he could take
Especially if he starts falling for you along the way
Like he’d say a whittle inappropriate joke and you would try and up him
And then this man would fold
Red face
Unable to talk
Completely and totally flustered 
One time you make a joke about him using something else for his oral fixation and he straight up walks away
He doesn’t talk to you until the next day
You think it’s pretty funny actually - so you decide to start seeing how far you can take it before he snaps
NSFW part below the cut!
Imagine one day you say something and he finally just explodes
Like you make a job about him fucking your sins away and you thinks it’s all witty because he’s a priest
But he literally is like “You know what?? I think I will-” And bam he’s got you bent over screaming his name lol
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It’s a particularly hot afternoon, and in order to keep group morale up everyone has decided to make a little stop to drink some cool water. Maybe even eat some food if money will allow it. You’re pretty thankful. One more moment in that damn car and you’re sure you’d burst - it’s WAY too hot with both Vash and Wolfwood on either side of you like that.
It takes only a couple minutes for your dark haired friend to saunter up to you and sit down, throwing his arm on the seat behind you. Not close enough to touch you, but close enough that you can almost smell the cigarette smoke on his clothes. He’s, thankfully, curbed the habit of smoking inside. With a sucker popped in between his lips, he lets out a small sigh.
He doesn’t like sitting still, you know that. He hates when the group decides to take breaks like this. If it were up to him, you all would be moving non-stop into the dead of night. Thankfully, it’s not. So he’ll just have to live.
“Feeling restless?” You ask, knowing the answer already.
“What do you think, angel?” he sighs again, his voice slightly horse.
You smile softly at the nickname, a bit unsure why he calls you that still. He told you once before that it all started when he saw your worried face after he was hit by a car.  He said you looked innocent, and pure. He’d find out minutes later that you definitely weren’t- yet the nickname still rolls off his tongue like it belongs there.
“Why do you call me that?” you ask, looking up at him. “You know why.” His answer is simple. He looks down at you with a raised eyebrow, craning his neck. He’s too tall.
“Yeah I know why you started calling me that- but why still call me that?” you clarify rolling your eyes. He knew what you meant, he’s just being difficult. “I’m not really the most holy individual.’ You point out. He laughs and shakes his head. “Trust me I know.” He mumbles, that smirk still present on his lips as he looks forward. “You’re the biggest sinner I know.” he jokes. He really walks into this one. He should know, with how much he jokes about being a priest, that this joke was always in the back of your brain. Always waiting for the right moment. Yet here he is, giving you the perfect opening. It’s almost like he’s begging for it.
“Oh? Am I a bad girl, father? Should I get on my knees and confess my sins?” You ask with a sneer. He freezes immediately. “Are you gonna punish me?” You go on, leaning in close. Man, this is a gold mine. You’d probably keep going too, if he doesn’t stand up and yank you out of your chair.
You let out a small yelp as he starts pulling you along, through the room, and into a little storage place that is probably only for employees. He throws you in, softly of course, and you stumble forward slightly. “What hell are you-” You’re interrupted by the door locking as he turns to you, shrugging the Punisher off his shoulder. He leans the giant cross against the wall, and sighs.
“You’ve got the naughtiest mouth angel, I can’t fucking stand it anymore.” He curses sauntering up next to you. “All you do is tease me, and yeah it can be pretty funny. Then you go off and say shit like that- and you have no idea what it does to me.” He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “And you know what? Maybe it is about time you get punished.”
A few moments later and his lips are on yours. It’s a heated kiss from the beginning, open mouthed and messy. The sucker that was dangling from his lips falls against the dirty ground. You can’t help but moan into the kiss, as he devours you like you’re the last meal he’ll ever eat. His tongue invades your lips, and roams around every inch of your mouth. He drinks in your taste, and when he pulls away he’s got this shit eating grin that stretches across his lips.
“What do you think, angel?” He whispers, his hand sliding to the back of your head. 
Like you even have to think about this- Wolfwood is quite literally the hottest man you have ever been given the privilege to meet. Plus he’s endearing, and sweet when he wants to be. Plus that kiss was just about the most amazing thing you’ve ever experienced.
“I have been pretty naughty.” Is your answer.
His grin widens, and his fingers dip into your scalp, pulling your hair so your head tilts back. You gasp, and he takes that as an opportunity to slip his tongue back into your mouth. You’re not sure if it’s even really a kiss at this point, but if the noises that leave your throat are anything to go off of, you really don’t mind.
After a while he pulls away, his cheeks red. “Are you gonna make good on your promise and get on your knees, angel?” he whispers, lips dangerously close to your ear. Your cheeks instantly heat up. You just now notice something hard pressed up against your thigh, and you wonder how easy it was for him to so worked up on your teasing alone. 
You bend at the knees, and slowly fall to the ground. The floor is a bit sticky, but whatever. You have bigger things to deal with right now. And with the way he’s gripping your hair, you’re not sure if you can stop yourself from what’s to come.
He grunts as you slide your fingers into the waistline of his pants, and drag them down. His black boxers are already dripping with precum  from just the thought of what's to come. It makes your mouth water.
You press your lips against the fabric, and he growls softly. You take the hint, and slowly rid him of the undergarments. His dick flies free and you have to pinch the skin on your legs to keep from freaking out.
He’s big. Thick. Uncut and freaking beautiful.
“Like what you see, angel?” He asks, pressing your face forward. You nod, and reach a hand out, delicately tracing your fingers along the shaft. His hips jerk forward slightly, but he’s quick to let you know who’s in charge by pulling on your hair. You moan and lean forward, placing your tongue towards the middle, and licking a line up to the head. You look up at him, eyes wide, before quickly wrapping your mouth around the tip.
“God-’ He mumbles softly. “So perfect. Those lips are so Goddamn perfect angel.” He groans. You can tell he’s holding himself back, so you slide your head down and take in bit by bit slowly. He grunts and moans softly, clutching onto you for dear life. 
“Just like that angel, take it all in. You’re doing such a good job.” His praise ignites a fire in you, and you let out a soft whimper. The vibrations against his dick make the man freeze for a minute. He’s getting closer to losing control. But he wants you to take your time before he face fucks the life out of you.
“You like that angel? Like when I praise you?”
You try your best to nod, lips still wrapped around his cock. He gets the idea, and lets out a soft chuckle. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He mumbles, and his touch feels a bit softer for a second.
You continue on your journey of giving him the best blowjob of his life, licking and sucking as you see fit. One hand wrapped around the bottom of his dick, moving in unison with your head. You find the courage to finally slide it all the way into the back of your throat.  A cry escapes your mouth, followed by a gag, and tears threaten to spill from the corners of your eyes. The moment you deepthroat him, his hands grip the back of your head, and keep you there for a few seconds. 
“Fuck- angel-” He grunts before releasing you. You slide your mouth off of him for a second. “I can’t hold myself back. You feel too good- can I fuck your pretty face angel? That okay?” He asks, his hand dropping to your chin for a second. You nod, and he smiles.
And then, he grips your hair so tight you might scream. Before you can even make a sound, his dick is in your throat again, as he slams his hips against your face at a dead pace. It’s rough, but not aggressive enough to make you uncomfortable. And the noises he makes are insanely hot.
You can’t help but choke and moan as his dick slides into your mouth. You try your best to move your tongue around it, but it’s hard to think straight. You’re almost drunk on his cock.
“Fuck- you’re being so good for me angel.” He coos. His soft voice is a pleasant counter to his rough grip on your hair. 
Finally, his movements begin to get a bit clumsier, and you can tell he’s close. “Angel, shit, I’m close.” He grunts. “You gonna swallow every last drop? Gonna let my cum clean your filthy mouth, angel?” You cry out a yes against his cock, nails digging into his thighs.
That’s all it takes for him to unload into you, letting out one final curse as his seed drips down your throat. He keeps your head pressed against the bottom of his dick until you’ve swallowed the last of it. He lets go of your head, and you fall backwards, knees starting to hurt.
After a few seconds, once his pants are back on, he wraps his hand around your wrist and pulls you back up softly. He lets you lean against him as you get your strength back in your legs, and kisses the top of your head softly. His arm is around your waist, his touch now soft and loving. 
“You okay, angel?” he asks, his mouth presses against the top of your head. “Of course.” You hum, and lean into his embrace.
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heliads · 2 years
I think this is how you request? I’ve never requested anything before >w<
But before I do that I wanted to applaud you for all your hard work!!! You are such an amazing writer, one of favorites atm, and you definitely deserve some praise!!!
For my request, I’m not sure if you are still into Ouat or Peter Pan from the show, but I’m like, obsessed. I’ve had this soulmate idea in which Peter pan’s plan to steal the heart of the truest believer failed, so now he has to take the heart of his soulmate. This is harder for him because he doesn’t know how to love. He hates it out of fear of what it could do to him, yknow yknow? So he goes along with the plan and he captures her. He expects her to fight back but she doesn’t. In fact, she’s quite happy to give up her heart for him if it meant that she wasn’t useless. (She had no family other than her sister, who had recently died. She’s lived her whole life feeling unvaluable). Over the past few days, they get to know each other, and he starts to feel bad that he was her soulmate. Like, why does such a sweet girl have to be his??? How could she just be fine with giving up her heart, HOW COULD SHE BE FINE WITH HIM NOT LOVING HER WHEN SHE CLEARLY DESERVES ALL THE LOVE HE COULD GIVE HER?!?!
She just tells him that a soulmates job is to make their lover happy, and if this made him happy then she would gladly give him her heart. It’s not like he’s doing it just for himself anyway, he is doing it for all the lost children in the world.
After he finishes the setup necessary for the ritual, he takes his soulmate to Skull rock. By the point, Peter isn’t even sure if he wants to steal her heart anymore. Could he have fallen in love this quickly???
But she encourages him to do it, despite being frightened of it herself. Before he takes her heart, Peter asks her if she had any last words. She quietly mumbles that she loves him more to an anything. She then asks him if it will hurt, to which he responds by saying that he’ll numb the pain as much as possible.
Going against his better judgement, Peter kisses her softly as he takes her heart. She immediately passes out. Peter pan has big boy realization and can’t bring himself to kill her, so instead he puts her heart back in and kisses her in the hopes she will come back to him.
Insert fluffy ending here with more kisses!!
I am so so so sorry in advance if this is super specific or doesn’t make any sense. I’ve just had this idea stuck in my head for months and it won’t get out. Of course, you can add or change the idea to make it simpler for you to write!! Take as much time as you need and have an amazing day!!!
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oh this idea >>
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Peter Pan is really out of luck. No, really. He says this about once a decade, when his latest plan for glory goes a little topsy turvy, but it’s real this time. Peter has finally caught his last break, found himself in a trap that he just can’t slip. Peter can name a fair number of people who’d be just delighted to hear that the King of Neverland has finally lost his way, but Peter himself isn’t one of them. 
That probably has to do with a little something about how he’s going to die. Peter always knew his life came with strings attached, namely the giant hourglass ticking down his last hours until he finally croaked, but for some reason he always thought that he’d be able to find his way out of it. Peter is a mastermind at exploiting loopholes, but despite all of his centuries of figuring things out in the nick of time, he may have just now met his match. 
Peter thought he had it settled when it came to the heart of the truest believer. Kidnap a kid and carve out his vital organ, that’s all it took. It should have been an easy task, too, certainly within Peter’s grasp. It’s a shame the truest believer also came with a team of die-hard do-gooders ready to tear the world apart to save their son, but who could predict something like that?
Henry Mills was Peter’s last chance, though. Or, to be specific, the last chance that Peter even remotely wanted to consider. He has explored all other opportunities, never given up hope on finding another way, but at last, he’s going to have to admit it. Peter is going to have to do the one thing he swore to always avoid. 
Peter can feel the eyes of the other Lost Boys on him now, silently waiting for him to make the inevitable call. They’ll support him in whatever choice he makes to save himself, of course; Neverland disappears when Peter dies. He’s sworn that he’ll ship them all off to safer shores should that day arrive, but no one wants that, either. The Lost Boys have always had a chance to leave, they just never took it because this life on Neverland was always preferable to anything else. 
He knows what he has to say, though. Peter has known it for a while. The one last gamble he could possibly deal, the last chance he will ever have to not die before a month is out—
His soulmate. 
This is the one option Peter was really hoping to avoid. Something about the whole soulmate affair has really bugged him all this time. Forget the odds of ever finding your soulmate when he’s immortal living on an island where no one could track him down if they dared, Peter isn’t the type of person who makes sense in the whole soulmates agenda. Peter doesn’t like weaknesses, and having someone out there who’s supposed to mean the world to you, love above all else, makes his skin crawl.
Technically, he supposes his soulmate isn’t a weakness at a time like this. In fact, his soulmate is going to be the only thing capable of making Peter strong again. See, if he wants to go on living, he can sacrifice someone else’s heart to the magic of Neverland:  that of his soulmate.
Anyone else would call it cruel. Peter is not anyone else, which is why he’s considering this. To be honest, he really hadn’t wanted to go anywhere near his soulmate, but he’s not so averse to the whole concept that he’d go into a grave rather than risk it. Peter clings to life like no one you’ve ever seen before, and he’s going to keep on doing it, soulmates be damned.
Peter can’t quite put a finger on why he has such a strong dislike of the soulmates thing. Maybe it’s because understanding the soulmate predicament would make him open to such weaknesses as love brings. Love is for fools who have nothing else to give, kids and blind men who would plunge a knife into their own chests if it meant meeting somebody who was supposedly meant for them. The only thing that Peter has ever needed in this world is his immortal youth, and if a soulmate were ever to get in the way of that, he’d take them out himself.
That’s the plan, at last. Peter doesn’t have to worry about the time it could take to track down his soulmate. He’s had his shadow keep vague tabs on them for no particular reason. He’ll tell himself it’s so he can head the other way if they ever draw near, but it’s not like that’s actually a good excuse. No one comes near Neverland unless they can avoid it or they’re one of his kind. Clearly, Peter’s soulmate would never be the type to fit in here, because soulmates are a sham. Peter refuses to believe anything else.
Still, he has to meet them, has to look them in the eyes as he carves the heart from their chest. It’ll be quick and clean, that’s all Peter needs. After that, he can live forever with another weight lifted from his shoulders. Two weaknesses removed from Peter’s world:  death and love. What more could he possibly want?
Peter actually goes to the trouble of locating his soulmate himself. This job needs to be clean, he can’t afford to have any more storybook heroes on his tail. Look how well that turned out with Henry. This is Peter’s last shot, after all; it happens without error or it doesn’t happen at all.
To his surprise, it’s relatively easy to find his soulmate. She’s walking alone at night when he finally comes to her world, trading a dimly lit house for a chilly twilight. The walls are silent, still as a grave, and the girl doesn’t look back once as she leaves. Strange.
Peter waits until she’s out of the line of sight of the house just in case, then starts following her. Once they’ve turned off of the street, Peter quickly closes the distance between them. The girl turns to stare at him, and her eyes widen. She must be feeling it too, then, the rushing feeling in her chest. Peter’s hit by it now too. He didn’t ever wonder what it would be like to meet one’s soulmate, so the reaction of being in such close quarters to the one person designed for him takes him by surprise.
Peter bites back an unwelcome smile and a rush of butterflies to his stomach. “I’m going to need you to come with me,” he says. He’s got a knife in his hand just so she gets the point. Like he said, no slip ups. Not this time.
He’s expecting a fight. That’s how Peter would react if someone approached him at night with a weapon, after all, yet for some reason his soulmate just nods. “Alright,” she replies.
Peter blinks in surprise. “Alright? I’m kidnapping you.”
“Alright,” she repeats, this time with a soft smile, “are you, though? You look really confused about it.”
“Yeah,” Peter says without thinking, “you seem like you’re not taking this seriously. Aren’t you going to try to run or something?”
The girl lifts a shoulder. “Where would I go? Besides,” she adds with a small laugh, “you’re my soulmate. That seems like a fascinating kidnapping to me.”
Peter thinks he’s gone out of his mind. “I’m going to kill you. This is not fascinating. I need your heart so I can live forever.”
His soulmate tilts her head to the side as if considering something, and then nods. “Okay.”
He must be crazy. “Why is that okay?”
The girl spreads her hands. “I have nothing. Nobody left, no family. It would be something to let someone live forever, wouldn’t it? Once you see enough death, you start to wish somebody could do it. If all it took was my heart, I think that’s a fair price. Where are we going, soulmate?”
Peter almost opens his mouth to stop her before he remembers that this is what he wants, someone willing to give up their heart so that he could live. This is actually the best possible scenario, but then why does his chest twinge with something almost like guilt when he nods and gestures towards the sky? And, upon seeing his soulmate’s face light up as she realizes that they’re to fly to Neverland, why does Peter feel like a monster for giving this girl a snapshot of all that she could have had if he hadn’t been afraid of her and taken her to his island for any reason other than sacrificing her heart?
It doesn’t matter what this girl thinks. What matters is Peter staying alive. He can focus on that, not the way the eyes of his soulmate shine with all the stars as they fly through the night air, how Peter feels more powerful than he’s ever felt before because they’re so close to each other. Y/N— he doesn’t remember asking her name, but he must have at some point because it’s now folded carefully within the depths of his memory— makes him feel strange. Better. More alive. 
It’s distracting, and Peter can’t take another distraction right now. He all but abandons her to the wilderness of the island when they touch down on Neverland, muttering something about needing to get something before disappearing again. 
To her credit, Y/N seems surprisingly good at navigating this strange new world. She finds her way to the Lost Boys’ camp within a few minutes, and by the time Peter plucks up the courage to head there as well, she’s already locked in conversation with a few of the boys. Even Felix is nodding along. Some unwelcome voice in the back of Peter’s head tells him that she fits into Neverland so well for a reason, but he refuses to listen. 
After all, Y/N is only here temporarily. She knows it, too, which just makes Peter’s unsettled surprise grow more intense. She doesn’t try to run or flee her fate in any way. Instead, she asks Peter questions about the magic of Neverland, what it would be like when her heart has been traded in and everything is as it should be. After some initial hesitation, Peter talks. He talks more than he thinks he has to anyone else, and comes away from every conversation feeling a surprising lightness in his chest. 
A couple of days pass after his soulmate arrives on Neverland, and Peter begins to realize that if he wants to get through this at all, he’s going to have to plan the ritual sooner rather than later. Already, something almost like guilt is pricking at the edges of his consciousness, making Peter wonder if this is really something he could do. To tear the still-beating heart out of Y/N’s chest, even with her explicit permission, seems somehow so wrong that even Peter with all his centuries of depravity feels like he’s missing something. 
It will come, though. This will pass. Peter has the Lost Boys depending on him. Peter himself knows nothing about death, that grand adventure that he has yet to experience, and he plans on keeping his demise to the distant future, if it ever does happen at all. He has to kill Y/N, even if it feels like he’s killing himself in turn. 
The hour arrives at last, Peter makes sure of it. He takes Y/N’s hand and they fly to Skull Rock, out of the judging eyes of the other Lost Boys. Those that were so keen on him finding any way to live now seem less sure of Peter Pan’s divine right to never fail. Peter isn’t sure of it either. 
The only one who’s sure of anything is Y/N. She watches him with those same bright eyes as Peter reminds himself of words to spells. He had wondered if her quiet strength would desert her when the moment of her actual death arrived, but she remains just as brave as ever. That marks her as better than Peter, he supposes. 
At last, when he can push it off no longer, Peter turns to her again.
“It’s time,” he murmurs. 
Y/N nods once. “It’s okay.”
How like her, to absolve him of this last guilt. He doesn’t deserve this. Maybe this is why Peter has avoided the topic of soulmates all this time— he wasn’t afraid of a weakness but the knowledge that he would never be good enough for anyone. Especially not a soulmate like Y/N. 
Peter squares his shoulders, reaches for her. “Is there anything you want to say? You know, before–”
He stops himself before the treacherous words come out. Before he kills her. Before he rips her heart out of her chest, ending the life of the one good person in his life, the one person he had been sent to love and instead ended up murdering just so he could have more years of empty life.
Y/N flinches slightly, and Peter realizes that she actually is terrified despite her calm front. “I don’t know,” she whispers, “Maybe that I love you. More than anything. If this is what it’s like to have a soulmate, to feel like this, I’m glad I got it.”
Peter must have reacted strongly, because she holds up a hand to stop Peter’s response. “I know it’s bad timing, but I wanted to say it once. You have to do this, Peter. Not just for you but all of the Lost Boys, everyone you haven’t saved yet. Promise me, won’t you? Promise me you’ll find all the kids who need you. You’ll have all the time in the world to do it. Bring them home.”
“I promise,” Peter says hollowly.
Y/N jerks her head up and down, a trembling acceptance. “Alright, then.” She eyes him cautiously. “Do you think it’ll hurt?”
Yes, he wants to say. “I’ll try to make any pain as little as possible.” He owes her that much.
Y/N flashes him a quick smile that neither of them believe. “Do it.”
Peter stares at her, and before he can stop himself, he leans forward slightly and kisses her. It is a mistake in anyone’s book, but Peter can’t help it. It goes against his better judgment, his limited common sense, but it also gives him a rush from head to toe that he could not explain if he tried.
Y/N’s eyes are shut, which makes it easier. Peter plucks her heart from her chest as easily as if it were a single emerald leaf from a tree. Instantly, Y/N crumples to the ground. Peter looks at her body in a tangle of limbs on the floor of the cave, and he knows. He can’t do this. It is the only thing that will save his life, and it is too great a price to pay.
Within a second, Peter puts Y/N’s heart back in her chest. She still doesn’t stir, and Peter finds himself swept away on a tide of fear, utterly wracked with the horror that maybe he was too late, that his realization took just too long to come about. He kisses her again in the hopes that it might do something, anything. He’s heard that soulmates are supposed to have a special kind of magic in them; if the stories were true, if there is anything left to Y/N and Peter, let it go all to her. Let her wake up. Please.
Y/N lets out a shuddering gasp and sits up. Peter’s breath leaves him in a rush and he clutches her to him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as if she’s giving him strength instead of the other way around.
“You’re alright,” he says weakly. It’s as much to reassure him as her.
Y/N shakes her head against his chest. “Didn’t it work? It should have worked, Peter.”
Peter pulls away briefly, unwillingly, so he can look at her again. He doesn’t know how much time he has left now, but he’d gladly spend the rest of them just watching the sun set in her eyes. “I couldn’t do it. I can’t kill you, Y/N.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “No. No, you had to do this. You’re going to die.”
He lifts a shoulder. “I’ve lived a long time. You deserve your shot at life, just like me.”
Y/N opens her mouth to argue against this, and then she falls silent. Peter furrows his brow, confused at her sudden hesitation, and then he realizes that the entire room seems to be glowing. He turns around to see what Y/N’s looking at, and then he sees it and loses the ability to function.
The hourglass is glowing. As Peter watches, all of the grains that had been steadily collecting at the bottom fly up to the top, and this time, they stay there. Even after Peter waits, they refuse to fall. For some reason, he is no longer capable of dying, at least not through the steady progress of time that had once marked his centuries.
It must be the soulmate thing. It’s the only thing Peter can think of, that something must have come of the bond between him and Y/N. It’s funny, isn’t it, that Peter has spent all of this time running from the mere mention of a soulmate and now she’s the one to save his life?
He faces her once more, and this time, he lets himself smile back at her. “I think we’re alright.”
She laughs. Peter thinks he could listen to the sound on repeat for days at a time. “I think we’re more than alright, actually.”
For once, Peter does not have any cause to fear. He has his life, but more than that, he has his love. Love is not something to shun or hide, it makes him strong. He holds out a hand for Y/N and helps her up. They have a new life to lead, hundreds of thousands of lifetimes until time itself ceases to function. Peter thinks it’s just about enough time to get started.
requested by @hinayugi, i hope you enjoy!
ouat tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie, @w1shes43, @lost-ender
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cherryo · 2 years
Hello! Hope you are having wonderful day :3
Would you write some headcanons for rottmnt boys x reader who shows cute agression that often tires to bite them softly and squish with hugs?
It can be a little smut if you feel so :3
OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVED THIS SOOOOOOO SOOOO MUCH!!! IM AN AGRESSIVE LOVER SO THIS HIT SO CLOSE TO HOME FOR ME!!! i had so much fun writing this!! i didn't go with smut this time so just fluff, but if you want a smuttier version I can definitely do that!
Pronouns: none ? i think lol warnings: none it's pure fluff, cursing though? slight talk about Donnies panic at touch and his insecurity, but that should be it?
Out of all the boys I think he's the most okay with it? In terms of not caring or acknowledging when it happens
Not in a bad way though!! He absolutely melts on the inside, he fully takes it as a compliment
It would take him longer to get used to the biting tbh
The squishing in hugs he would love so much!! This man is in desperate need of long hugs
The biting though,,,, he found it odd at first and then grew used to it
He didn't think you were weird, just that the biting was weird
But! He doesn't even blink when you bit his arms or fingers or whatever
All in all he enjoys the cuteness aggression, he might even have some himself
I think he'd show it in squeezing your arm (I do that hehehe) and hands!! 
Or shaking your shoulders! 
Opposite of Leo, would take longer to get used to the hugs!! 
While yes he gets hugs from his brothers a lot, he's just scared 
He doesn't want to hurt you, but after awhile he let's you squish him during hugs
(Y'all had to work up to that though, originally with squeezing his arms) 
After he realized he really wasn't going to hurt you, he started to love and I mean love the hugs
He thinks it's adorable that you feel he's so cute that you need to physically let it out 
He's never really thought he's cute but god you changed his whole world
The biting though, he understood immediately, considering he's a snapping turtle 
I think as a child he used to need teething toys or something because he would just chomp and when you do it he's comforted by it
Knowing he's not alone in needing to bite
He literally doesn't bat an eyelash when you bite him but when you hug or squeeze his arm, he's kicking and swinging his feet, giggling and melting in your arms
He loves you and he loves that you get cuteness aggression <33
I feel like personally he wouldn't understand? Like he gets like cuteness zoomies and giggles, and other types but aggression? 
It'd take him a hot second to get used to the random squeezing and bites
The first time you bit him he screamed, like bloody murder, he fr thought you were going to eat him
He calmed down when you told him about cuteness aggression and that you're not trying to eat him, but that you sometimes need to let out the built up emotions 
He understands but doesn't like understand? 
Homeboy is confused, but he let's you do it nonetheless, he finds it sweet that you two let out the pent up cuteness out in other ways (not like *that*)
Eventually, he'll be like his brothers and won't bat an eye but you still scare him when you don't give warnings
Donnie takes the longest, he already doesn't find physical touch very nice, so it takes a while for him to get used to and warm up to regular romantic touch
It takes him even longer for your random love attacks
Obviously, you knew how he felt so you didn't go for it at first, you waited till he was comfortable then explained it to him
Apprehensive at first, really didn't know what to do when you squished him or chewed on his arm
The first time you bit him, he hit you square on the nose like a shark
Okay so, he panicked, he wasn't ready and you backed off and found something else to chew on
He felt bad that he wasn't getting used to it fast, you reassured him you'd wait for him. You always would. 
He eventually got okay with it, but just like regular touch he'd need breaks from it and had made you a chew that looked like him so you could always technically let your aggression out on him
He loves you and somewhat loves the cuteness aggression, he has moments where it's just not the thing for him, but he communicates that with you and you both are happy with the little arrangement you've got going on <33
He loves you and gets insecure sometimes when he doesn't want touch, but you always reassured him <3
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maochira · 2 years
What about kinda like the last request noa, chris, and lavinho as fathers find out reader has been dating kaiser for like a couple months
Okay so funny story I recently wrote my own thing for Noa and my Blue Lock OC in a similar situation. But writing this for Chris and Lavinho as well is gonna be fun. Also I'm adding this to the father figure!series
The other headcanons for context: right here
Series masterlist
Requests are open!
Tags: gn!reader, overprotective dad behaviour, reader is a soccer player but has an assistant role to the coaches in Blue Lock, literally everyone is concerned about you dating Kaiser (as they should), also if you're new to this series they're not actually reader's fathers but take a role as father figure in reader's life
Noel Noa
-he's known Kaiser for quite a while, and so did you, since all of you play for Bastard München. Just in different teams
-he's seen you hang out with Kaiser occasionally back in Germany, but ever since you went to Blue Lock, he's seen you around Kaiser more often. But he didn't think more into it
-and after a couple of months Noa. He. He sees you and Kaiser kissing and. Oh, well.
-he tries to keep calm, but inside of him there's so many emotions at once
-he calmly pulls you aside and asks if Kaiser is your boyfriend. When your answer is yes, well. Let's say Noa is not amazed.
-he starts asking questions about how long you've been dating, how far you've gone in the relationship (in terms of kissing, etc.), who knows about it, but most importantly: Noa wants to know why you didn't tell him
-so many thoughts about reasons why you should NOT be dating Kaiser run through his head, but he manages to not say any of them towards you. He doesn't want to make you feel insecure about your relationship, and he doesn't want you to feel like he's not supporting you either
-but he would definitely keep a really close eye on Kaiser and ask you if everything is going well between you and Kaiser at least once a day
-at some point, he admits that he's not really a fan of Kaiser being your boyfriend, and you keep reassuring Noa that your boyfriend treats you well
-eventually, Noa finds peace with the thought of you being in a relationship with Kaiser, especially after seeing how happy you are with him
Chris Prince
-even though you were Chris' assistant, occasionally you would be asked to assist at Bastard München's soccer practice as well. And that's basically how you and Kaiser got to know each other and how you started dating
-you kept your relationship a secret from everyone, tho. Even from Chris
-but when he does find out he's a bit unsure how well that could go, but he very much encourages you to continue the relationship if it makes you happy
-despite his concerns, he supports you because he loves seeing you happy like this. Also he thinks it's very cute how giggly you get when you talk about Kaiser
-at first, he was slightly upset that you kept your relationship a secret from him, although, looking back he realizes he should have noticed it sooner because especially to him it should have been pretty obvious
-whenever he meets Kaiser, Chris would occasionally stare at him with an expression that just screams "Break their heart and you're dead."
-like in the Chris headcanons, you assist at Bastard München's practices sometimes and that's how you and Kaiser got close
-when Lavinho finds out about your relationship, he'd be concerned as well but he'd also get a bit emotional, knowing you've found love
-but you're literally dating Michael Kaiser how can he not be concerned
-he trusts you, and he knows if anything bad happened you would talk to him about it, so in the long run he's not that concerned about your relationship
-tries giving you relationship advice but like, you never asked for it so usually, your answer is just "uhhh I know"
-once he gets comfortable with knowing you and Kaiser are dating, he starts teasing you about it. A LOT.
-but he's also still so overprotective about you, a part of him can't really handle knowing you're so deeply in love with someone
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cupidddd-d · 1 year
fic where spencer & reader are both bi?? i never see bi spencer fics w/ fem reader :))
love your fics sm!! ty <3
hii!! tysm i'm so glad you love my fics!! sorry it took so long to answer, i've js been trying to get out of my writing slump :( but here it is i hope you like it!! so i introduce to you....
hey lol (with rizz)
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maturing was realizing that you were completely infatuated with spencer reid. and maturing was also realizing that helping each other pick up cute guys and girls together was definitely not going to help you rizz him up. which meant, as a whole, that maturing was realizing you needed to find a new way to bond with spencer.
because you had to admit, it was starting to hurt a little bit to watch spencer fall in love with all the men and women you would introduce to him (you were just a little too good at matchmaking).
and you felt a little bad for spencer, who spent most of his free time finding you possible dating candidates all around the country (the man was literally looking for your possible significant others as he was solving murder cases!) he seriously needed a break, especially considering how all of his work was for naught-- you were already in love with him.
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"so...spencer, i was thinking about changing up our location a little bit," you suggested as you gestured around the cafe the two of you frequented.
"i agree. i think broadening our horizons will allow us to widen our possible dating pool." spencer agreed. "perhaps a larger cafe?"
you cleared your throat nervously. "uh, actually...i was thinking maybe a nice restaurant? ju-just you and me, maybe mariano's on 32nd street? i hear they're having a couple's special."
spencer blinked. once. twice. you were getting anxious for him to respond, and frankly, you were ready to dive under the hardwood floors to never be seen again.
"what?" spencer blinked again.
you were internally screaming, crying, throwing up, ripping your hair out, and punching the wall. you really shouldn't have brought this up. you waited all this time for him to respond just for him to say 'what'???
you licked your lips and took a deep breath, steeling your nerves. "i guess i should rephrase that. do you want to just go on a date, you and me?"
you hoped he couldn't see that you were starting to sweat a little bit. was the cafe getting hotter?
"but...i thought we were spending all this time together to find partners for each other. i didn't know you felt this way." spencer said slowly.
what was that supposed to mean?? was he happy about you inviting him out or not?? you were already in too deep to take back your words, so the only way left to go was forward.
"i mean, yes, but during that time, i may have realized that your search was fruitless, because i already um...want...to date you?" you squinted at the end of your sentence,
spencer's cheeks blushed red. he looked pretty like that, and you were happy to have been the one to make him blush. "you....like me?"
you were starting to feel a hot flush start crawling up your cheeks too. "well...yeah. that's the thing i've been trying to tell you about this whole conversation. i want to go out with you. but if you don't want to, that's totally okay too. i don't want to pressure you or anything, but i just want to tell you that i do like you."
and it was then that you felt like you were about to faint. maybe it was just the stress of that whole conversation. or maybe it was the pink flush in spencer's cheeks, the slow smile spreading across his face, and the happiness in his lovely, lovely eyes.
it was just that one word that made everything shine so much brighter. "okay, so um...mariano's on 32nd?"
spencer pressed his lips together to force his smile down. "yeah, that sounds great. friday at 5?"
you felt a matching smile creep onto your face. "i'd love that."
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js some fluff for the kids because the next spencer reid fic coming out won't be a happy one :)
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beansnsoup · 1 year
Hello! You should write a robin Buckley x reader or maya hawke x reader fic ( or both:)) where (for robin) reader asked her out in French or something but reader doesn't know French and only learned those words. OR for maya you could write one where readefans maya are doing a show together and in the show their enemies but irl they like each other and flirt on set and during interviews, soon people start shipping the actors ( maya and reader) together then they start shipping the characters
Thanks ( you shoudl really do the Maya one or both? ;)
I'm definitely writing both, but I'll start with Maya 😻
Fan Favorites
Summary: You may be enemies on TV, but you both think of each other in a totally different light behind the scenes.
Relationship: Platonic going on Romantic
Warnings: Fluff, can't think of anything else
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"If you step one foot in this house again I'll make you regret it, don't screw with me."
"Aw, you're so very PG-13."
You eyebrows furrowed, "I'll go wherever I'll please, and you'll love it." She informed.
Maya stepped away from you, smiling, "You were amazing."
"As were you."
She giggled as she walked with you off set, "What do you want for lunch? My treat."
"Oh? Are you asking me out, what a stud you are."
Maya slyly wrapped her arm around yours, guiding you to her car. You sat in the passenger seat, deciding to let her surprise you.
You've both been like this since the close middle of production. The two of you quickly grew close, and it, of course, escalated.
It's not like you guys were a thing. It wasn't really official, but it was also one of those relationships where if the other got a partner, the other would feel cheated on.
Paparazzi also ate up every little crumb of this complicated relationship you had both conjured up. You'd open up Twitter every morning to both of your names trending, followed by a new ship name.
She pulled you up to a nearby Cafe, it had just opened up, and you were a suckered for small businesses. It was owned by a woman in her 50s who had like 3 kids. You met her when you came to check it out last weekend.
She informed you that it was always her passion to start something up like this but never had the time or money for it, and now that all of her kids had grown up enough to go on their own she saved up as much as she could to make it happen.
This lady had to whipped, you would do anything to support her business, so when you told Maya she made plans to bring you every moment possible.
"Welcome again!" The woman greeted cheerfully, "I suspected the two of you were on your way after I saw the weird men outside with their cameras." She said, pointing to outside where sure enough, there were men tucked behind cars, taking pictures.
"It's fine, it will give you some publicity as well if you think about it." You replied.
She laughed, "You're not wrong. So, your usuals?"
"Yes, please!" Maya chimed in.
"Why don't you both go ahead and take a seat while I get that ready."
The two of you nodded as you walked over to your usual table. As you sat down, Maya glanced outside and then proceeded to grab your hand.
"What might you be doing?"
"Feeding their obsession." She replied with a smirk. You then gladly accepted her gesture by wrapping your fingers around her hand.
You both sat there for the remainder of your lunch break, just looking at each other in comfortable silence.
"Okay, I think it's time we go back to hating eachother again."
You laughed at this, "You're right."
You both waved goodbye to the owner and then edged the paparazzi by also waving at them.
If you were being honest, you loved doing this with her. She also continued to hold your hand. You guys hadn't discussed labels, but you wanted this to be official so bad.
That morning, you woke up to both of your names trending on Twitter again. Since you were used to this, you didn't think much of it.
But when you got the message from her that's when you knew something was up.
'Click this link right now, then look up our ship name on Twitter 😭'
You pressed a link to find a ling article about the two of yours relationship and how it might affect the show. You didn't see how you two having a growing romance would have an impact on the show.
After you finished that up, you went to the search bar on Twitter and put in what Maya asked you to.
I'm not going to lie, yall. I'm starting to see the chemistry between Maya and Y/N and their characters.
|_ mayahawkesbbg
|_ ilovecharlieday
This was followed by tons of fanart, not just of you guys at the Cafe but also your characters.
In a whole new light might you add.
It had nothing to do with the plot of the show or your characters. It was the characters kissing, dancing, etc.
Soon, Maya was calling your phone,
"We're not stopping Y/N."
"I really like you, I don't want people getting in the way to ruin what we have going on."
"What about the show, Maya?"
"Screw the show."
"Wow, you're so PG-13, babe."
"Oh my God, shut up."
You heard her laugh through the phone. Yeah, you were totally whipped.
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echo-writes-things · 1 year
Hi I’m angsty anon😛 I recently got back into the saw movies and am now hyperfixating on them after seeing saw x in theaters. Wondering if I could request a fic about the father/daughter relationship between Amanda and John? Wondering if you could write Amanda getting the shit beat out of her like how Eric beat her up and John’s reaction, what he would do, if he would clean her wounds and take care of her, etc.
Psycho Family Headcannons:
Let’s be real Amanda gets into fights a lot. Not even on purpose it just follows her wherever she goes
John always patches her up and tries to make it a lesson. That classic old man “we can learn from this” fatherly advice
It’s a ritual every time they run out of bandaids Amanda gets to pick new bandaids (yes she picks princess bandaids not for herself but to make hoffman use them)
John always hates that he can’t step in and stop Amanda’s fights. He’d ask Hoffman to do it but we all know he’s go “no no I wanna see what happens”
One VERY RARE occasion Amanda had to go to Jill for help getting patched up instead of John because he was gone probably for a doctor’s appointment. It was awkward but they both appreciated the experience
John is gone a lot for doctors appointments (cancer check ups usually happen every 3-6 weeks depending on the stage at least that’s what I experienced) each time he comes back he hears Amanda getting into a fight.
Eventually he pulls the “I won’t always be here to fix you..” and she bursts into tears (see what I did there? I referenced Saw III)
One day Amanda got into a real bad fight with a victim, blood everywhere and most of it was her own.
John when full panic. “What happened?! Who did this to you? How are you feeling? Anything broken? Maybe I should take you to the hospital.”
Amanda calmed him down but he still made her sit her gay ass down so he could patch her up.
John may know some stuff about simple first aid but anything past that he’s lost. Stitches? He can barely hold his hand still. But he’ll put some gauze on it and if need be he’ll have Hoffman do it since he’d definitely know more about that sort of thing.
If she’s crying he’s wiping her tears and telling her that it’s all gonna be okay. “I’m here now. Let’s get you cleaned up”
She called him dad once when she was crying from being hurt and he had a wave of emotions. He has mixed feelings being called dad. It was meant to be for his son after all, not this homicidal maniac druggie he picked up off the street. But he lets it slide after a while and eventually gets used to it
Hoffman never makes fun of Amanda while she’s hurt but once she’s cleaned up he bullies her relentlessly
John then has to break up the fight between his two mentally unstable children, “you shouldn’t be fighting each other like this. Honestly you’re both acting like preschoolers”
John isn’t one for “treats”. He’s not gonna give someone a lollipop for not crying during their shot you feel me? So he doesn’t really give Amanda anything after he patches up her wounds. He’ll give her a pat on the back and encouraging words like “you’re strong and you’re smarter than fighting aimlessly like this.”
John is against the whole “Don’t start fights but you can finish them”. He thinks people should just walk away entirely. Silly man doesn’t realize you can’t always walk away, Amanda has tried explaining that but he won’t listen
Amanda is desperate for hugs from John. She never asks for them verbally but he can catch on when she needs one
Despite him practically being bed ridden his hugs are firm as fuck, one of those hugs where you kinda cry a little no matter who you are, just from how nice it feels
Sorry it’s not a fic! I might write an actual fic using these but I’ve had these headcannons held in my brain ever since I saw these tragic mentally ill people. I’ve got so many headcannons and theories please people send in asks for them.
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circeyoru · 28 days
I love your writing a lot! It's really creative and life like, great job!
I have a very embarrassing question: is making a blog on tumblr easy to do? I'm trying to set my own up on my account for writing and I've read and watched videos on how to do it but I'm still unsure about going about without messing somewhere.
I know this is random question but I just don't know who to ask. You don't have to answer if you don't want to I completely understand.
Hello there~! Thank you for your praise and kind words!
No worries! It's not an embarrassing or random question. I'll try to answer with my own experience if that's okay with you. See if it helps you at all.
Making a blog on tumblr is easy. Super easy. Like I didn't even read or watch anything before I opened this one. Just takes an account and you to make it happen really. There's nothing to mess up because it's your blog and your blog means your style. There's no right or wrong in art so long as you think it's good then it is.
What I did was just set up my blog with whatever I had going at the time and started posting to see if anyone would visit my work. I experimented with the functions and stuff. That's all I did.
Before I opened this blog, however, I was a lurker on tumblr. I use it to read fanfics, headcanons, prompts, etc. All this is in another account now cause I like keep it separate (to not influence other readers and stuff). So in some sense, I have experience and know what or how I like my blog and posts to look like.
The question you should ask yourself before you make a blog would be: Will you put time into it or will you commit to it?
I'm not sure what or how you're using this blog to do, but you should expect some form of interaction and posts. For me I post my stories that I write on a whim and share my ideas for my fandoms and current obsessions. If you go back to what I posted in the beginning, they were works I wrote with my own ideas. Later on, there were requests or ideas sent in that I wrote for. Then asks on my work or something about myself or even these types of questions.
Point is, don't create your blog on a whim or just for a spontanous fun. Some reader might/will grow attach and want your work/response. There is commitment. I'm not saying to post 24/7, I'm just saying you need to know why you're making this blog to begin with. I take breaks and pause requests, even putting some of my longer series on hold so I don't get worn out to drop the story. My other friends on tumblr also take long breaks and map out their writing and posting schedule (way more organized than me, I'll admit). Either way, there's commitment.
One more. You will definitely have bad interactions or experiences, as much as I hate to name this here. Some irresponsible and selfish individuals might take advantage of you and try something. From the smallest rule breaking to the outright cursing sent to your inbox that demands an update from you. Be ready for those situations as well. I wish no one deals with those, I never even thought I'd have those as long as I'm nice, but you can't control others.
Still there are times where I feel so happy from this blog and the people that support me. Be it from anon thanking me for my work or asking more about my ideas, even giving gifts. A heart for my work or a comment is enough to make me smile. So it's not all bad. I say I continue even with all these bad things cause I think the positive ones outweight the negative. I've also made friends here, so I'm not dropping my blog anytime soon.
All in all. Ask yourself if you'll commit to this blog and if you really want to do it. Putting yourself on social media is a responsibility you take yourself.
I hope this helps in some way and you read this.
(sorry about the tags, it's cause I have no idea which side this anon came from so I'm doing both fandoms)
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Hi Kin. I wanted to ask, how did you manage things like writer's block or creative burnout while writing JTTA? I'm midway through a longfic now and it's kind of exhausting. I feel like I'm whining but I barely get any comments or asks or anything.
hi anon! honestly i'm not sure if i was the right person to ask this, because i... kind of didn't? as in, i didn't really have these problems - boring answer, i know!
i got lucky because i hit a sweet spot where the base story and characters were strong, but with just enough gaps in plot, worldbuilding, development, etc. such that the momentum of filling everything in carried me through the whole process. but there were definitely a lot of occasions where i sat there thinking "okay i have no idea what to do now"
in those cases, often i had to just step back and ruminate on it for a little while - i've pretty much constantly got little ideas bouncing around my head, and sometimes they hit each other like snowballs and form into more fully-fledged plot points, scenes, dialogue, so on. i try to keep track of these in notes apps, personal discord channels, etc, and dip into them if i'm stuck on something!
not sure if your fic is for obey me, but this could still apply even if not - with all the pop quizzes and devilgrams that put the characters in a bunch of new contexts, it's helpful seeing how that character's static vs dynamic traits persist/change depending on them, and often that'll give you inspiration as well. depending on what you've got available, you could browse through source material, or brainstorm aus, whichever you enjoy most
i'm really not sure HOW i've stuck with obey me for so long, but somehow it's just stuck with me. i don't remember being so invested in it before jtta, so that's probably why, but i just really love these guys, and i suppose that's why i never burnt out of it? i think it was also because i knew what story i wanted to tell, and i really wanted to make sure ik got her happy ending, and that carried me through as well
seriously, though - do take breaks. every writer's mileage varies, so take a step back whenever you need to. writing fics should be fun! sometimes it does feel like a chore, and it becomes more like 'the only thing i hate more than writing is not writing', but it happens to all of us. sometimes you've just got to rest until your second wind comes along
in terms of comments and such... yeah, it's a tough one! the unfortunate thing is that a vast majority of readers - even if they really enjoyed your writing! - won't leave a comment. don't take this as a direct reflection on your writing! often the reader can't think of what to say, is too shy, or quite simply forgot
again though... i'm not sure if i'm the best person to ask for advice here! i started publishing jtta without much expectation for an audience, given the genre of game it's written for, so any attention was more a nice surprise than anything. i suppose that, later on, when the fic was more well-established, i did start holding some expectation of response - and it really is tough when you don't get as much of one as you were hoping for
i've seen people talking about how the ask culture on tumblr has died down a lot in recent times, so i'm sure you're not the only one feeling like this! all i can suggest is trying to find more friends (mutuals?) and... networking, i guess? i've seen advice saying to share your fic within communities of writers, too
i can't honestly say if these things'll work, because i'm very bad about interacting with a wider fandom in anything - i usually keep to myself, so often i don't have much of an expectation for how and when people come chat. as in real life, i'm only a chatterbox when approached first haha
i'm not sure how helpful this has been, but i'm rooting for you! if you'd like to share your fic here, please do - though i understand if that's something you'd rather keep to yourself as well.
creating things is a joy - it might take some searching to find a circle, but the beauty of the internet is that you will, somewhere out there! wishing you the best ^^
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haveateadude · 2 months
i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i?
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summary *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ where ellie and dina have been letting the past linger for too long
warnings *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ ptsd—it's not mentioned but it's definitely there. a little bit of angst and the rest is fluff, though. this is sweet with sad undertones i would say
author notes *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ sorry for not being active, i really wanted to post stuff but i had school (i'm finally on break!!) and my mental health got so bad i stopped enjoying literally everything lmao. but dw i'm going back to therapy and luckily i'm alright now and i have huge urges to write so. also the coffee i had is giving me so much anxiety🙄like fucking bitch can i enjoy one cup of coffee in peace?? damn, let a girl live. also i'm shaking ass to guess rn, literally best collab fucking EVER, the mv got me giggling and blushing and shit
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Ellie is trying, Dina can see. She's trying to get better—better at whatever they have, whatever this is. Still, she's trying to become a better person, blend into the lives they now have, leave the past behind.
Dina can see it in the little things, in the little actions: when Ellie gets up to cradle JJ when he's crying, waking up earlier than she should to cook breakfast, water the plants, and helping Dina clean. It's subtle, but it's there. The effort. It's somewhere.
But you know what's also somewhere? Ellie leaving her. Ellie leaving for revenge. Ellie leaving. Ellie leaving. Ellie leaving. It creeps through the cracked floors and broken mirrors like the sun coming from a window. 
Dina trusts—maybe more than she should—Ellie. A lot. And it fucking scares her. Ellie is so predictable yet unreadable in a way that makes her bones itch. She knows it's not Ellie's fault. Because it isn't. Grief leads to places some of us can't reach, it plagues your mind like poison ivy—like an illness you cannot control, it leaves you stranded, wordless, sick to your stomach, knots in your throat; or like a friend, someone you don't know when they're going to leave or know when they're going to come back, if they ever do.
So, Dina, by default, is scared when she doesn't find Ellie anywhere in the house. She tries not to worry but fails at it. Fear fills her body from head to toe.
She left again, is her first thought. She left again, there's nothing I can do. Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?
Finally, she sees her. She sees Ellie, sitting at the outside stairs, playing the guitar—or trying to, at least. The sky is still dark, and the stars shine brighter than ever. Dina takes a second to calm down and breathe. When she feels ready and her beating heart has come back to normal, she opens the door.
"Ellie?" She asks, with her hand still on the doorknob.
Ellie turns around, and then breathes out, "Dina."
She puts the guitar aside like she's embarrassed. Her cheeks are flushed under the moonlight, Dina can see.
"You okay?" Dina asks as she sits next to Ellie. 
Ellie nods, crossing her arms and looking ahead, eyes staring into nothing. Dina's heart aches at the sight.
They sit in silence for a while. The sky is beautiful. Dina used to dread it because that was the way it looked when Ellie left—the moon looked lovely, and the constellations had seemed to wake up all of a sudden and they were all over the night sky. The wind was nice, also. That night she sat outside, hoping for Ellie to come back, and cried when she realized that Ellie wasn't coming back until she was gasping for air—until she ran out of tears. She then prayed for Ellie's safety and went to wake up JJ.
"It's never going to end, isn't it?" Ellie suddenly speaks. She isn't crossing her arms anymore, more so hugging herself. Dina frowns. "The fear you have… about me leaving, I mean."
Dina sighs because she thinks that might be true. 
"Well," she starts saying, "if it makes you feel better, I have a lot of fears."
Ellie nods, holding a guilty look as she looks at Dina, "Right."
"I do get…" She stops herself, trying to put into words what she's feeling in the best way—in a way that wouldn't sound mean. "I do get why you left, I just think it wasn't fair for me. We had a baby, for fuck's sake. And you were going to leave without saying anything!"
"I know," Ellie acknowledges it easily, like she has thought about it a lot. Her voice shakes.
"God, I'm not even mad at you," Dina lets the tears fall and lets the sadness and anger and all of the emotions she hasn't been allowing herself to feel sit with her. "I'm fucking pissed. And I love you, and it's fucking me up, Ellie."
Ellie looks down, fidgeting with her index finger. She sighs, looking guilty, and for a moment Dina enjoys it. She enjoys the fact that Ellie regrets leaving because a part of her was scared that Ellie didn't feel anything about abandoning her with a kid.
Ellie opens her mouth to say something, then closes it instantly. After shaking her head she decides to speak again. Her voice is less soft than it was in the whole conversation. "I'm so fucking sorry, Dina. I just—I had to do it. I wasn't gonna be capable of living with myself if I pretended that revenge wasn't all I thought about... I didn't kill Abby, by the way."
Dina sucks in a breath as she hears Ellie, even though she isn't in much shock. Alright, well, that's new. Ellie never talked about Abby ever since she had come back. Dina just guessed she was dead.
"It wasn't gonna change anything, was it?" Ellie answers, shrugging. 
Dina moves closer to Ellie, quietly wrapping her arms around her, and sniffling. Ellie hugs Dina back and takes a deep breath, as if she hadn't been letting herself breathe properly this past few weeks—her shoulders slump, the weight finally off her back.
"Promise me you'll never leave like that again?"
"I think leaving made me realize how much I love you," Ellie says, staring into Dina's eyes and pulling away gently, wiping Dina's tears with the pads of her thumbs. "I promise."
Ellie's forehead rests against Dina's and Dina's mind wanders to the day she left, but this feels so much different. This doesn't feel like Ellie's gonna leave and that everything is going fucking wrong; this feels like love, like real love—the type of love that you can feel and see and touch, the type of love that feels too real to be true, the type of love that makes you wanna rip out the skin on your chest and show the word that you've got a heart underneath and that that heart is capable of loving someone.
This feels like things can be okay again.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
okay, thoughts on the latest happenings hmm, first off, I love Tony and Pocket's brother-sister dynamic, it's so funny and sweet. If it were me, I would've asked for a house and a retirement fund and a bunch more but then again, she is already working for Stark Industries, so I think she's already set lmao. And obviously, we already knew Tony didn't authorize the shit Joseph just pulled, but I'm still not buying the fact that she did it alone. I mean, she could've since she's well capable, but something is still very fishy about it.
which brings me to Steveioli (I really like the nickname now, it flows off the tongue so well), hmm, okay, I don't think he's that bad now, but still keeping one eye open because I still don't trust him. Which brings me to my first theory, I feel like this short interaction between him and Pocket is going to cause something. And Juniper will be the one pulling the strings because lol the manipulative sack of shit she is. Like, she's probably good with tech too, so what if she managed to get footage of the dance, or just Steve walking Pocket to her room and then show it to Bucky? (or maybe Steve would give it himself but i digress) And I fear that's going to trigger something ESPECIALLY knowing how Jocelyn is going to spin it. And yeah technically Bucky and Pocket aren't together albeit the blurred lines with this friendship, so she doesn't really owe him anything. But, I wished she could've told Bucky about the interaction with Steve first so he knows the truth of what happened before Jennifer manages to twist it. AGAIN THEORY. But I really do have a feeling Something is going to trigger Bucky to do something rash (not cheat, but I can't pinpoint as to what yet. Maybe some harsh words being spoken or him defending Jomar again). Either way, it's going to be related to Steve because he always seems to be a sensitive topic.
Also, to add, why was my danger alert flaring when Steve handed Pocket that lemonade? Is that me being paranoid? lol but then again, we don't really know what's going on with Pocket being sick so maybe I'm just reaching. But since I have an inkling that she was given something, I'd be wary of accepting drinks from anyone. ESPECIALLY the person who's still madly in love and probably has a secret mission to break a relationship for good. But hey, maybe that's just me.
And I'm so anxious as to what's going to happen on the mission. (help as i was typing this a theory came to mind) What if Bucky gets badly hurt because Jakari sabotages it just like she did with Rhodey? But instead of Bucky being mad at her, he's still going to defend her? Say something about it wasn't her fault blah blah blah and it's going to anger Pocket especially if badly is hurt. OR OR ON THE FLIP SIDE, what if Judith intentionally hurts herself and make it look like Bucky didn't defend her or somehow makes a spin that it was his fault? THEN he'd start taking care of her, not because of anything fishy or feeling wise, but because he feels GUILTY and feels like he HAS to which, goes back to what you said about the way he followed through with his actions. Idk idk I'm probably reaching and I could be so so wrong haha sorry i'm just a theory girly
But anyways, CONGRATS ON FINISHING THE FIC. that's a great achievement you should definitely celebrate! Though I do get this would bittersweet though. But hey, don't be sad that it's over, be glad it happened. Keep doing what you're doing! you're amazing, lots of love!
— Jnon 🤍
Jnon! Hearing from you never fails to make my day! NEVER. I love you and you're perfect. I love writing Tony and Pocket. They bring me so much joy with their banter. Right now, though, Pocket's got no need for a house. I leaned on it much more in earlier drafts, but Pocket's fucking loaded. Like, she may not be a billionaire, but she aint' hurtin', lol. Obviously, Tony didn't send Joe Jonas to Russia; he hates her almost as much as Pocket does at this point, but as for whether or not she got in on her own... well, we shall have to wait and see!
As for Steveioli, it does roll off the tongue so smoothly! There are definitely repercussions concerning his encounter with Pocket at the gala, which you'll start hearing about this afternoon! I want to say so much more, but EEP! I cannot not! I will say, the lemonade, like the Thai food, was safe. No worries there. It was more like Steve trying to make a point to Pocket that he knows her so well. Pathetically. Your theories as to what could happen on the mission with Bucky and Jabba the Hut are fantastic; I wish I had come up with any one of them, but I did not. :( And finally, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had a moment yesterday where I typed the final sentence and was just like "shit; now what do I do with my life?" I'm pleased to say, I'm ten pages in to With Friends Like These already, so I think we'll be good, lol. And while I was so happy to finally be rid of The Famous Jett Jackson (wow-- that's a throwback; I'm old), I'm nowhere near done with Pocket, I think. I love her too much, lol. As always, I love getting your responses. They make my day! J'scoons
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