#okay well im not bringing in women and even if i was they arent the 'other woman' because you are my Mother
saddlepunk · 1 year
fascinating message from my mother vis a vis the camera in the living room that i unplug any time she leaves. her reasoning is that shes been cheated on in the past, so shes paranoid and needs to keep track of who's coming into the house. my reasoning, i feel, is that reason makes 0 sense because i am her Son, and if i bring someone into the house thats not... even close to the same thing??? what the fuck kind of logic line is that??? i might be doing secret illicit relationship stuff with... my own boyfriend? in my house where i live? what kind of an example for needing the cameras is that????? shes not in a relationship anymore, my """"dad"""" moved out already. what is the fucking issue here.
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addelaidesupreme · 7 months
I'm watching a video essay about a game ive been interested in playing. The creator of the video, who has crossdressed multiple times, makes a "women arent funny" joke, and i suddenly realize ive never witnessed him acknowledge a woman in an uplifting way before.
I'm on a dating app for lgbt+ people. I've stated multiple times on my profile that i would rather lose an arm than recieve nudes without consent. I will be sent five dick pics for every 2 people i talk to that night.
I'm talking with my dad, who informs me he's been trying his best to learn about trans issues. He says the same things steven crowder brings up when trying to ridicule trans people. I gently but firmly correct my father and get told that ive been fed propaganda.
I'm on instagram, under the comments of a post ridiculing someone for being a misogynyst. Someone's left a comment saying "it must be hard being a woman on the internet" and i respond "it is." I will have every aspect of my appearance scrutinized as a reminder that no matter how well i pass, it will never be enough for someone with bad intentions.
I'm back on that dating app for lgbt+ people. I'm messaged by an attractive looking person, but i can see their partner prominently displayed in all but their main photo, oftentimes striking what im sure they thought was a very intimidating pose. Their bio says "looking for a third for our anniversary." I know that even if I did feel up to it, the gruff partner wouldnt approve of me because i don't pass.
I'm at a job interview for a clothing store. I tell the gracefully-dressed woman interviewing me that ever since i began my transition, i've discovered an interest in fashion, and that this job would allow me to dip my toes into the industry in a safe way. I'm told that i've reduced womanhood to a stereotype, and i can tell by her tone that i lost any chance at the job the minute she realized i was trans.
I'm at the same hospital i got facial feminization surgery in, trying to figure out what's wrong with my bowels. When the person behind the desk gives me a wristband with my patient info on it, i notice a single, lonely, letter M. I ask a nurse in private why it would say that despite me having changed it nearly a year prior. They say they have no clue, and bring in paperwork for me to fill out and have it re-changed again.
I'm living with my mom at the time. I'm new to transitioning, and decide to try my hand at voice training. It feels a bit off, but otherwise im feeling neutral toward the whole thing. I try speaking in this new voice to my mom and she laughs. Now, when people ask if i intend to voice train, i find speaking at all difficult for minutes after.
I didnt have some sort of grand message to convey by this. I just had a thought and then that thought spiralled into whatever the hell this became. Some, okay most, might call it complaining; they are right to do so.
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im-me-he-says · 3 months
(Okay I wasnt going to post this but im actually pissed off.)
Dear Bridgerton fans who are unreasonably angry at Michael being Micheala in the new season,
You still have the book.
Let me bring up points that I've seen in arguments online:
1- "But her story is about infertility! Putting her with a woman changes everything!"
Queer women struggle with infertility too, in fact it can be very difficult for lesbians who wish to start families of their own as not everyone is able to adopt or find a sperm donor, and even if a sperm donor is found THEY CAN STILL HAVE INFERTILITY ISSUES.
Let me list off romance books that deal with cishet women and their infertility issues below-
Untamed Rose, Scandalous Mistress by Bronwyn Scott
The Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt
What's Left of Me by Kristen Granata
Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen (this one is regency too)
A Secret Sorrow by Karen Van Der Zees
And many more if you google I just dont have all day.
(Extra point, in many of these books the women do not stay infertile and have a miracle baby...not only do many cishet women never get their miracle baby but lesbian couples literally cannot concieve)
And now let me list of books that deal with Lesbian women and their fertility issues-
This leads me to my next point.
2- Bridgerton is a love letter to minorities in romance.
As someone who is south asian myself, I have seen how western beauty standards and racism has treated women in our culture, literally go online and search up "which race would you not date" its disgusting.
I grew up only seeing white women be the desirable one in romances as did many others, you know what changed this for me?
Kate Sharma.
The international audience for Bridgerton especially with brown women of South Asian descent grew TREMENDOUSLY. We had a woman like us portrayed positively and seen as desirable, you guys genuinely do not understand how many brown women watch this show because of season 2.
If we had Kate, WHY should Lesbians struggling with infertility and Black Lesbians not have Francesca and Micheala.
3- "It should have been Eloise and Cressida!"
Why? Because Eloise is a loud mouthed feminist and Cressida is a mean blonde and they shared an understanding? Because theyre both white?
While I do want Eloise to be queer as well just think about that for a moment, while lesbian representation is scarce these days it is even scarcer for Lesbians who do not fit the norm...the mostly white, neurotypical, skinny, cis norm.
Genuinely think about how many times ypu have seen these tropes in wlw fiction, like sit and think about it.
Such as Black lesbians for example, you all are aware they exist right?
I want to reccomend this video by a sunny book nook which talks about how lesbians in a VAST MAJORITY of lesbian romance novels arent really...allowed to be complex characters and it would be some FANTASTIC insight for some of yall
In conclusion, you are allowed to miss Michael, but don't you dare say this takes away from her story, as it ties into the very aim of the show.
Thank you for reading.
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starsoftheeye · 5 months
TMAGP Episode 15 Live Reaction
I'm destressing after an exam so we're doing this again baby wooo
My YouTube keeps not showing the episode, it's been like an hour since the release and its still not up for me
It's not even up for my laptop this is so annoying
I can't remember how I got it to show up last time as well
Bro I keep refreshing my page and its not there WHERE ARE YOU???
Screw it Spotify get over here
who is this man and why is he just doing the toffee/gum in mouth/ face stretching exercise from every drama rehearsal i've ever been to
this is oddly scary
as a physics student... probably
oh its a gum ad
oooh implications
this podcast sounds cool
hi simon!!
i'm gonna stop talking about the ads now this post is so long already lmao
i love it when people dedicate episodes to their friends its so sweet
sam and celia!!
:0 he got them tickets? thats so sweet i love him
Theatre tickets can be fucking expensive as well jesus he is down bad
ah yes, my favourite piece of theatre to bring a date to: The Pillowman
i love them
oooh luke mention
every thursday i listen to a new tmagp episode and every thursday my samalicelia post becomes a little more plausible
she has really thought this through huh
okay this is probably alice meddling out of jealousy but seriously you cannot expect me to hear her basically asking these two to hangout after theyve been on a date and expect my samalicelia brain to not go insane over it
aw alice :(
jack mention jack mention
"babys are cool" shes so me
aw celia i love her
uh oh sam and alice conversation
oh so now youtube decides to work
i cannot understand what sam said there but i'm assuming it was funny and only a bit passive agressive
Ah another voicemail
this guy sounds like tim but not
oh god what fucked up dinner party are the rich doing now
"they wanted to know whos kill they were eating" oh this is gonna be interesting
oh no theyre watching
ah yes, very informative "prepare"
whos gonna die
ooooh a fucked up woman i love fucked up women
i know this is probably a very important character and i should be paying attention but i am a mere lesbian and i am finding this woman very attractive right now
thats when you realised something was up?
oh im so gay
theyre gonna aim for the caterers they are not safe
theyre gonna make them run methinks
they killed all the birds
oh are they gonna make the caterers kill something/someone?
oh no steven :(
these people are being very vague id be asking so many questions
each other?
this guys enjoying this a little too much
go on boris
oh no boris :(
is she following him?
actually no dont you have a better chance if you stay i think
lena what did you do
this is weirdly homoerotic
ooooh is this lukes band?
theyre good i like it
awww these two arent gonna survive together
damn hes doing well
pfffft weedy git i love luke already
hello?? whos this??
lady are you okay??
alice run
yippee more trauma for her to cover up with jokes
is she doing ellie the elephant oh my god
oh shes back
yeah alice you should run
im betting this was the stranger from the magnus institute
i shouldve paid attention to her little ramble lol
oh my god so much is happening in this show and we're only on episode 15
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soulspeaksfashion · 2 months
the collections descriptions:  “Composed layers, seemingly spontaneous and deliberated. Alternation between precious and pragmatic: creased, cushiony and fluffy.” // “She embraces the comfort of contradictions, her femininity at once tender and strong. Exudes an ineffable mystique: discreet yet audacious. Signals calm as well as boldness. Every duality brings us deeper into her desires.”
my overall rating: 7.7/10 
i did thoroughly enjoy this collection. i think it did exactly what it was supposed to. it’s very simplistic but also different from some other collections i’ve watched recently. i loved most of the styling decisions, the colors (they reminded me of the potterville collection's colors), the fabric choices (for the most part!).
(click keep reading for all images i included!)
Pieces I LOVED
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there’s just something cunty about the trench coat styling that i cant quite explain. it's so nice. sweater + dress combo looking so yummy.
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the blue sweater is giving xmas tree tinsel and i LOVE it. eating down.
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the back of the pink dress is so pretty!!! i think this is the only dress with this particular asymmetrical construction that i found flattering. also this jacket ATE down. it gave everything it needed to.
Pieces that were nice
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the purple jacket and sleeves, i'm not obsessed with, and i find the fit/silhouette to be a bit big. but otherwise, it's nice. that printed suit!! gorgeous. borderline obsessed with it.
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this trench coat is a beautiful pastel neon yellow!! the color is really what sells it for me. and the orange puffer jacket is so nice. i love this sleeve length and the panelling. and the sheen on it is really pretty.
Pieces i feel missed the mark (imo)
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all of this is just a big NO! between styling decisions and the choices of fabric combos... i'm absolutely losing my mind.
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this is where the xmas tinsel lost me entirely, on the suits i was like, "oh whatever... not super in love but it's not bad." this is bad. pants are gorgeous tho. moving on to this hideous skirt situation.. styling not giving. also, this model, i hate to say it, was the only one i thought walked badly (just in comparison to everyone else and the vibes, nothing against them!!). again, moving on, i'm personally really over these rounded shoulders so it's really nothing against DVN per say, the color combo however... i find it terrible. and the shoeeesss nooooo!
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i think this coat is beautiful. it's really the lower half that's KILLING me. the shoes... and jorts... my body had a visceral reaction to seeing this.
moving into my thoughts while watching:
off rip, the shoes in this collection are BEAUTIFUL. they’re really sleek and edgy which, ugh, i love. deffo would love to own a pair of these!!! // also the giant fluffy, pillow bags!! ahh!! they kinda remind me of the bottega veneta w24 ones, i might be mixing them up with another brand tho. but i love these very oversized bags. even if they arent necessarily convenient to wear. // so far loving the contrasting fabrics and the styling of the pieces. the color palette is also gorgeous. very much giving european baddie socialite! the fit and construction omg im going to combust. it’s so nicely made, the silhouette’s are genuinely to die for. // THERES FURS OMG IM GOING TO PUKE. the first pink fur i was okay wont freak out tyfkhrgkysfgrk BUT this beige/sand colored one is so pretty, i’d giving every organ in my body for a collection of beautiful furs. // saw the first piece that i didn’t like and it was just the draping/bundling of the fabric. not pleasing to my eyes. however, the fabric choices of this collection, from what i’m seeing so far, are really nice. i’m gonna go look at individual pieces and look at the material composition and stuff.  // found a love hate piece ahhh, feeling conflicted bc it’s hideous and there’s deffo no fixing it, but i also like elements of it?? on another note, i really enjoy the styling of a lot of these pieces. it’s very thoughtful. i love the sleeve of the shirts and how they peek out from the sleeves of the sweaters/knitwear. // end of the collection is losing me just a lil bit!! not liking these combos at all. // sidebar: to pivot momentarily, the casting for this show is sooo good. i don’t recognize any of the models but they have such nice walks. i haven't seen anyone that i’m like “totally different vibe”, like everyone is on the same page and i really love that for them. just as i said that… found the one who had to mess it up. also her outfit is ugly... sigh. // casting: 10/10 // venue: 2/5
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violetnotez · 4 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Yuetara, zukka, and maiko
1) its not one of my main ships. i dont rlly read fanfic for them but if i see a cute fanart of them ill enjoy it and i think i first started shipping it because of good fanarts for them.
2) i like yuetara because of how similar they are. theyre both women from the water tribe. they both understand the misogyny that they have faced. and they both said f sexism im gonna be a strong woman. i also love the tui and la parallel. moon spirit and ocean spirit parallel COME ON. YUE IS THE MOON. KATARA IS THE MOST POWERFUL WATERBENDER. THEY ARE THE OCEAN AND THE MOON. the push and pull they could give eachother. that dynamic ftw.
3) i guess if i didnt like something about this ship would be the fact that if i read a fic or see a fanart w yuetara then than means in that particular au i wont get any yuekka and yuekka is probably my second favorite ship. but then again if i get yuetara than i could get a plethora of other sokka ships to go with it so my sadness disappears in like two seconds. gosh shipping is hard sometimes until you remember ‘hey i have like fifty different universes in my head. all ur ships can coexist in ur brain olivia’ other than that i really see no downsides to this ship. maybe i wish it had more content. maybe if it had more content id ship it a lot more but its not one of the more popular ships so the content is kinda few n far between on my feed.
1) my boys. my babies. my loves. i watched this show for the first time when it came out on netflix and when it ended i really didnt ship anything other than kataang. i came onto tumblr to find fun atla content and one of the very first things i saw under the atla tag was zukka content. i was like oh? whats this? zukka? interesting... i was intrigued so i found a list of fic recs and i fell in love with the ship. the rest is history. its probably my number one ship because it was my very first ship here and im nostalgic
2) oh boy there is so much i like about this ship. i relate to a shit ton of characters in atla. but sokka and zuko may be the ones i relate to most. i relate to sokka because i tend to feel second best a lot to my friends. i try to stay positive but things rarely go the way i plan or hope for them too and while im happy for my friends and their achievements i oftentimes find myself thinking why cant that be me? and i see this a lot in sokka especially in sokkas master. i dont feel special a lot and idk seeing sokka feel the same way and then realizing he is special kinda helped me realize that im special too. on the flipside i relate to zuko because i have wild anger issues and difficulty dealing w my emotions a lot as well. i get broody and short tempered and insecure very often and i tend to push people away and i refuse to ask for help (the amount of teachers and adults and therapists who have told me its okay to ask for help ur not any weaker because of it is astounding. do i listen to them? .....im working on it.) and i saw a shit ton of this in zuko. book one and two zuko rarely asks for help as seen in the blue spirit and zuko alone and he pushes away uncle so many times and even when the gaang iffers to help him in i think its the chase he tells them to leave. when he finally has his redemption and joins the gaang and lets them kinda become a better person i was so happy. i want that for myself yk. seeing him finally win the agni kai and overcome his family that always told him he was nothing was such a win. my sister and i get along but when we were children we were very much like zuko and azula. it was extremely competitive all the time and there was so much toxicity and sibling drama to a concerning extent. we get along great now which im very happy about but yeah their sibling relationship hit a lil too on the nose for me. seeing as i relate to these character so much and want them ti be happy i want to live vicariously through them so seeing them together is amazing for me to project into them. i love projecting onto fictional characters and with them i can project onto BOTH so its a winwin. plus so many zukka fics are so well written and heartwarming and heartbreaking and emotional and fluffy anf UGH the talent here us astounding.
3) what do i not like about the ship? again the list is long. oops. mainly the toxic shippers. there are so many toxic zukka stans that sometimes make it hard for me to enjoy this ship but hey! thats what the block button is for:) i despise how often people infantilize zuko and completely ruin his character for the sake of making him a soft weak lil boy who needs protecting. thats just not zuko for me. and ive seen many many accounts even state that this kind of portrayal of zuko is rooted in racist stereotypes about asian men (now i am white so i personally have never experiences racism but i feel the need to bring that up because it is wrong and attention needs to be brought to it because a lot of poc fans have criticised this) and the same for sokka. some ppl rlly skew his character and make him a big strong brute and hypermasculine and once again poc fans have said that this take is rooted in racist stereotypes. again! these are just my opinions! this is my favorite ship! but i think its important to acknowledge some of the bad parts of our ships as well and be critical where criticism is needed :))
1) I LOVE MAIKO. “i dont hate you” “i dont hate you too” BRUH. my little heart just burst into flames. im sorry guys but maiko is so cute. they hate everything except eachother. BRUH that is one of the cutest tropes. i shipped them the moment i saw them together onscreen and i was so happy when zukos face lit up in the finale when mai came back.
2) “i hate everything but i have a soft spot for you” TAKE MY MONEY I AM A SUCKER FOR THIS. they are so cute together. like zuko is rarely happy in a majority of atla but mai makes him happy and i- 🥺🥺 HE DESERVES IT. and mai is always so supportive of him. when hes stressing out about the war meeting she tries her best to comfort him. and zuko cares about her too. he may not be the best at showing it but oh my god hes TRYING HIS BEST. i think its a very accurate portrayal of teenage relationships because they arent perfect and they do fight but like,, every teenage relationship does that. and even after everything and how he left her in the fire nation she still had his back at boiling rock. she still risked her life against azula to save his butt.
3) the thing i hate about maiko isnt even about maiko. its about antis who think mai is toxic and that zuko deserves better. that has got to be the worst take ive ever heard. they had a fight in ember island. that is NORMAL. they are teenagers. they are not perfect. but underneath all the rough edges and things they need to work out they still care about eachother so freaking much. i genuinelt believe that neither of them would do anything to intentionally hurt the other and i think thats what matters the most. if anything mai is the best girlfriend in the entire world because zuko fucked up like,, quite a few times. he got rlly jealous and dumped her thru a letter and ppl always say that mai was toxic for being mad at him for those two things. umm she had every right to be mad at him for both of those. and while zuko is allowed to feel his emotions and be angry sometimes as well sometimes he needs to think things thru and realize that hey maybe some if this jealousy is unfounded. BUT EVEN THEN. HE RESPECTED HER FEELINGS AND DIDNT TOUCH HER WHEN SHE SAID DONT TOUCH ME. HE RESPECTED HER. so i hate toxic maiko takes because they are literally so wrong in my opinion.
again all of these are just my opinions!! feel free to agree or disagree but please be respectful!! i will respect whatever u think as well because this is all just for fun :)
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satorou-s · 4 years
MEAT IS GOD | zombies au
“I’m so fucking tired of stale beef jerky.”
zombie apocalypse au
i have been dreaming about this for days, i may as well write it
warnings: might be shitty, don’t hate on me
this is gonna be pretty long, so buckle up and grab a drink
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it’s the start of a new decade and the world is swept by a deadly virus that causes the dead to start walking
crazy shit man
a month into the apocalypse, daichi crosses paths with med student sugawara and architecture grad asahi, they decide to team up because a small group is better than being all alone in this world
a week later, they hear a loud ass “SHIT” coming from an alley and comes across nishinoya trying to fight off 3 of the undead all by himself ,,, the men [muscle emoji muscle emoji] decides to help - because sir suga said they should - and lo and behold, welcome noya to the group
noya tells them about the people he was staying with in an apartment complex, his childhood friend tanaka and his wife, shimizu [rio needs to add heart eyes here but she’s too lazy to] 
daichi decides OK YALL ,, LEZGO
now we have the group of: daichi, suga, asahi, noya, tanaka and shimizu
their ultimate goal is to get to the countryside where asahi’s family has a farm and hopefully, there wouldnt be as much zombies (or zombos as tanaka and noya calls them), and they’d have ~crops~
enter: star child, IWAIZUMI HAJIME
suga remembers this dude from one of his pre-med courses and here he is swinging a machete against FOUR ZOMBOS AND HE HANDLING THEM SO WELL
wow his muscles
iwaizumi got his hair tied back with a red bandana as a headband, he’s got a tanktop and an unbuttoned top on, cargo pants ,, boots ,, has this wrist band and ,, he looks so delicious man
ne way ,, so the group + iwa head off to the countryside yeehaw
they come across an enclosed camp
where the fu c k is that voice coming from
they look up and on the water tank we got OIKAWA TOORU WITH A FUCKIN RIFLE AND SHIT
he highkey the best shot with that shit in this camp
the big ass gates open, and there we have (cue angel music)
ushijima wakatoshi, kita shinsuke and bokuto koutaro
bokuto introduces themselves as 1/2 of the council in charge of the camp
there’s a council ?? yes
in the council, we have ushijima and kita who are in charge of the farm (the livestock and the crops ,, ushijima has a favorite chicken)
oikawa is in charge of border patrol ,, he’s fuckin deadly with that rifle and his accuracy on that thing is A++ 20/20 vision
bob the builder? we dont know him. we only know bokuto the builder he highkey be the dude who built most of the camp, the farms, repairs the gate, UGH LOVE THAT FOR HIM
we have a kuroo tetsuroo in charge of training, and supply runs ,, he knows which pads and tampons the women in the camp need ,, HIGHKEY
yaku is the mans in charge of the newbies, and speaking of ,, WELCOME TO THE CAMP TOUR
the whole camp is surrounded by fence walls, there are four posts and two main gates (west and south), there are tents in rows on the east side of the camp, and a row of outhouses (that bokuto built) and porta potties beside the main building, where people keep stocks n inventory by the north wall ,,, the whole west and south are mostly farm areas and where ppl park their vechiles
hopefully yall can imagine that
everybody in the camp has jobs to do
daichi and noya were put under kuroo for supply runs ,, noya is a quick boy and daichi is SMART wow they’re PERFECT FOR THIS
sugawara became the medic of the camp ,, their old medic died on a run so suga coming into the camp was basically a god sent ,, he also does inventory checks (with this dude named tsukishima kei who DIDNT sign up for the job but he does it anyway)
asahi does border patrol (coz wow imagine those thicc arms with a rifle in hand ,, DELICIOUS) he also helps bokuto in repairing and building things for the camp ,, their current project is another table for the mess hall/dining area :D
shimizu was put in to help care for the children in the camp ,, she sorta became a teacher and helps this girl yachi and this dude akaashi in teaching the kids basic education (because even in a zombie apocalypse, these children should kNOW HOW TO READ AND WRITE)
tanaka was put into farm work
a few months later, people started to get real sick in the camp ,, LIKE ,, season 4 of the walking dead type of sick where a fever can kill you and turn you into a zombo
suga is running out of antibiotics and ushijima’s medicinal herbs arent enough (yes he grows a herb farm)
noya nd kuroo goes out on a supply run to look for pharmacies to raid
lo and behold in one of these pharmacies they find a hinata shoyo and a kageyama tobio camped out in the back office
noya and kuroo brings them back to the camp with the medicine yay
hinata is a med student (noya showed off how it was him that helped look for the right kinds of antibiotics in the pharmacy) ,, kags is hinata’s annoying dorm mate
kageyama rolls into the camp with a rifle on his back and they ask if he’s any good with it yes he’s quite good ,, they put him under oikawa’s care
oikawa’s quite hesitant to teach this kid with the sharp and mean eyes but he does it anyway #SupportOikawa
tagging: @pretty-settersquad​ - @himbokutos​  - @akaaaashit​
with contrib from: @bord-y​ & @fitriiaw​ for the inspo
you guys are free to add on with what you think :> | also im sorry for not writing all of the characters into this but it will make the post longer than it already is | feel free to share how you’d see your fave characters in this au :0
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savnofilter · 4 years
no nuance november!
a/n: which is basically you have a bunch of opinions and dont explain any of em' and let your followers discuss them (much more suited for tiktok sjsnj). i'll be doing it since it compiles with many topics like fandom, racism, lgbtq+, politics and etc. i highly encourage people to do this simply because why not? feel free to send your own opinions n stuff, i wanna know what my followers think!!
disclaimer!! ⚠️ all of these are broad, not pin pointing certain people or situations. even though these are my opinions these were all in fun and have been collected over the years and will change as time goes on. nothing is sugar-coated so thread carefully. feel free to agree or disagree. :)
warning(s): mentions of racism, p*do micro aggression, fetishizing, toxicity, abuse, politics, labelling, mental health, cancelling, fandoms, ages.
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iswis = i said what i said, no explanation to that one.
whe = will happily explain.
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stop sexualizing gay/m|m/yaoi relationships. it's not only demonizing to the males, it's also very fetishizing. (iswis)
most times /10 yall root for "feminine men" when you really mean white boys and fetishised asian men on social media. (whe)
bullying someone isnt educating. you either cant cope with the fact people have different opinions from you or you have a struggle with things either always never going your way or the opposite. (iswis)
straight people will never have a say in lgbtq+ issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
white people will never have a say in poc issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
poc will never have a say in black people issues. stop inserting yourself. (vice versa but im black and it happens more often to us lol) (iswis)
using the defense, "but black lives matter, right?" when one black person does something bad isnt facts, youre racist. (iswis)
fandom adults need to stop gatekeeping the target audience (demographics) to animes/shows. (iswis)
poc people can be racist. (whe)
even if a certain site was adult doesnt mean that every adult wants to see your porn. either keep it to yourself or tag properly. (iswis)
saying shit like, "im more xyz than you and im not even xyz" is not only disrespectful but disgusting. just because you believe in a popular opinion of a group does NOT suddenly make you a person in it, get over yourself. (iswis)
dont hate on people for the same things you have done at a young age. (ex: writing fanfic, seggs, etc) (iswis)
blaming a minor/someone mentally unstable for being abused is not only victim blaming, but it enables the notion that people who go those things that they wanted it. (iswis)
going off of that last point, if you do victim blame for situations and been in them yourself you either still havent coped with what you went through and still think it was your fault when it wasnt. (whe)
it's stupid people hate minors for being undeveloped when adults are the reason as to why people get traumas, abused and quite literally are destroying the world right now. (iswis)
gen z is white as fuck. (iswis)
early 2000s kids are equivalent to 90s kids who use to post, "only 90s kids under this" and post something that 2000-5 experienced. (iswis)
dear 2005+ kids, abusing harmful substances and having sex doesnt make you grown. stop it. (iswis)
adults, being able to post porn doesnt make you grown or mature, stop believing that it does. (iswis)
just because it's a coping mechanism doesnt mean it's healthy. (iswis)
avoiding conflict doesnt mean youre mature. if there is an active problem and you know ignoring it will only benefit you and not the actual problem at hand that is selfish. (iswis)
black women generate clout for everyone. when we're hated the person gets patted on the back, someone appreciates black girls they are praised, and people of many groups repeatedly steal from our culture. (iswis)
if youre black you do not have to be democrat OR republican, there are many other parties. (whe)
i do not trust either parties, no minority should. (whe)
this 2020 election was not a win for poc people no matter who won. (iswis)
we do not decide whether or not what to do on columbus day. it is up to the natives themselves. (whe)
pointing out other countries (current) faults is not racist. although the issue can be misconstrued, if proper research is done it safe to say it's an educated observation or opinion. (whe)
privilege heavily varies; ex, americans are seen as privileged, while the people who live in it experience a disadvantage because of the societal standards. within the country itself. (whe)
americans, stop saying that america is the worst country and there are other countries who are suffering much worse than we are. yes sometimes it sucks but do not label it as the worst. (iswis + whe)
white people are privileged and will always be until we break the racist issues deep rooted in EVERY community. (iswis)
9/10 when marginalized groups like (women, lgbt) are mostly focused on white people and never address the poc counter parts. using the excuse "well idk much about that" is not good enough and just promotes pseudo-white supremecy. (iswis + whe)
do not use aave. (iswis)
aave is not gen z language, stop calling it that. (iswis)
gay men (white especially) use black women and get praised for the things we do that are called ghetto. (iswis)
yes it is offensive if you touch a black persons hair with or without permission. we are not your pets nor zoo animals. (iswis)
and yes it is offensive if you see a black women with beautiful hair and assume it's fake or ask, "is it yours?" "is it real?" (iswis)
using jailbait as an excuse to lewd minors is just as disgusting. (iswis)
beauty standards for women is rooted from pedophilia. (iswis)
using other pedophilic relationships as an excuse to ship yours is disturbing and you shouldnt be near children at any capacity. (iswis)
everything doesnt need a label. (iswis)
the fact that gangs have been criminalized while mafias havent is racist and feeds the stereotypes that poc are criminals. (iswis)
people are more forgiving to white predators than to poc (neither are good but people let white off the hook more often). (iswis)
if youre okay with your friends being racists, creeps, abusers you are just as bad. (iswis)
although you can like what you like, making dark content shouldnt be as glorified as much as it is. (iswis)
some kinks do deserve to be kink shamed. (iswis)
adults need to be more held accountable when held in situations with minors. (iswis + whe)
everyone perceives the world differently, many people will see the same things you see differently. (iswis)
calling people crazy for questioning the things around them doesnt make them crazy, youre just asleep. (iswis)
the human body can function without a soul. (iswis)
stop disrespecting christianity. you wouldnt do the same with hinduism, islam and etc. (iswis)
the bible was altered by white men and the true meanings have been misconstrued. (iswis + whe)
bullying someone who you THINK is problematic is not excuse to be hateful. youre just scum and feel the need to justify your actions. (iswis)
not everyone has to like you and dont need a reason. (iswis)
just because you dont like someone doesnt mean you have to make a show of it. be mature and move along. (iswis)
yes callouts/cancelling has its place but it's never done right. (iswis)
"cancel culture" wasnt a thing till white people joined in. (iswis)
dont cancel someone for stuff they did years ago. bringing it up is important but not allowing them to understand, reflect, and apologize is not only bullying it defeats the purpose of bringing awareness. (iswis)
big writers need to stop complaining when one fic or a few dont do good. not only does it rub in small writers faces, it shows that if you need people's validation to write you probably shouldnt be writing. some works will be popular and some will flop, get over it. (iswis)
stop witch hunting & crucifying people for shit you have done or your friends have done and going "uwu sorry" when you get caught. (iswis)
90% people believe content creators with bigger audiences. (iswis)
people spontaneously posting, "uwu take care of your mental health" doesnt mean that they actually care. (iswis)
people are always quick to judge people with real mental health such as depression, anxiety, adhd, and etc are always the one to turn and pretend to be exactly what they just mocked. (iswis)
dont have kids if youre not going to take care of them. (iswis)
stop baiting baby otakus (people freshly getting into anime) into watching cp like yarichin bitch club or boku no pico. they are minors, it's not funny, stop it. (iswis)
stop being protective & toxic over anime characters. if they were real they probably wouldnt even like you. (iswis)
just because someone is your friend doesnt mean that they arent toxic or abusive. (iswis)
start believing when people show their true traits. (iswis)
trauma happens in different forms, stop saying something didnt happen because it didnt go the way that has commonly happened or the way it occurred to you. (iswis)
stop saying minors should "know" while also being the loudest to say that our brains arent even developed till 25. (iswis)
the adult age should be raised to 20 years old. (iswis + whe)
tos should be raised to 16 years old. (iswis + whe)
minors take "18+" & "minors dni" out of your bio. (iswis)
yelling at minors for finding the content you freely put out without any care is your fault not theirs. (iswis)
there are plenty of adult sites that are more confined for adults but you guys ignore them because youd rather get popular on writing erotica on a popular social media platform. (iswis)
trying to cancel someone over one mistake and or blowing said things out of proportion is toxic and stupid. (iswis)
if you take someone saying they need to distance themselves for mental health reasons personally and make them feel bad for it youre an actual shitty person. (iswis)
if someone disrespects you, you have the right to say whatever you want in response. (iswis + whe)
stop hypersexualizing everything (adults especially). (iswis)
the excuses of, "they look grown" "i mentally think xyz" "theyre fake" is creepy and weird and yall should come up with a better excuse. (iswis)
yes i do believe minors should be writing for minors only, but i will not give a shit if an adult does if said characters are aged up in every work sfw or not. (iswis)
stop saying teens cant go through traumatic things and cant experience mental illnesses. it just shows that you werent cared for as a child and never get the therapy for it. (iswis)
gen z has a very colonized idea of activism. (iswis)
feminism was never for all women until the rest of us forced ourselves in. and even now it's still an issue whether or not people realize it or not. (iswis)
poc solidarity doesnt exist as much as we try to make it happen. (iswis)
colorism is an issue, and no you will not tell me otherwise. (iswis)
the hot cheeto girl is offensive and demeans black & hispanic culture. (iswis)
stop bashing minors for breathing, just say youre mad youre not young anymore and move on. (iswis)
black men are the white people of black people. (iswis)
there is no reason as to why you anyone would refer to black people as "blacks". nor should you (non-black people) be arguing whether or not to say nigga even with the hard r. (iswis)
if you (pertains to white people) think white privilege doesnt exist but go on to make fun of or ignore minority problems you are the living and breathing example of what we are talking about. (iswis)
loli/shotas are fucking disgusting and people who like it deserve to be tortured for eternity. (iswis)
seriously, stop using theyre "fake" as an excuse. (iswis)
if youre comfortable with being hateful to someone but still consider yourself a nice person because you do the hate minimum to be a decent human, youre either a narcissist or have a god complex. (iswis)
coons have no say in black issues. (iswis)
people need to stop blaming the "home wrecker" for ruining the relationship when it was the s/o's fault as well. there is no home to enter without an owner. (iswis)
stop saying any asian man yo see reminds you of a haikyuu character and or any anime character. it's racist. (iswis)
stop saying any asian person looks like a kpop idol, it's racist. (iswis)
stop downplaying and invalidating when black women go through traumatic things. not only does it promote that we have to be strong and save everyone else's problems, it says that we dont have emotions and cant be a victim which is disgusting. (iswis)
if you say shit like "minors curate your own experience" then go and turn around to say you REFUSE TO TAG YOUR SHIT YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING THE PROCESS OF CENSORING HARD! (iswis)
white women are just as much of a problem as white men. only difference is sex keeping them apart. (iswis)
stop saying kpop is racist. expecting artists from a different political progression to understand that things can be offensive is bland. (iswis)
people accept boy groups fuck-ups more than they accept girl groups. and most times out of ten, the males are worse. (iswis)
if you engage in nsfw conversation with a minor, it is your fault they responded. (iswis)
anyone can be abused. (iswis)
stop coddling adults and bullying minors. (iswis)
most of you females have internalized misogyny and dont even know it. (iswis)
you can callout issues without having to drag a group of people. same with uplifting. (iswis)
if youre fine with being a sheep unfollow me. (iswis)
seven deadly sins is not a good anime. (iswis)
there is a difference between boku no hero academia fans based on if they call it "bnha" or "mha". (iswis)
ships literally are not serious stop harassing people over ships. (iswis)
do not harass creators of series because they do something with THEIR story. make your own. (iswis)
stop saying horikoshi sexualizes his women too much/mineta is the worst when you guys enjoy shows like one piece, hunter x hunter, naruto and etc. (iswis)
minors often or not are sheeps (heres your sign you dont have to agree with everything other people say). (iswis)
just because minors can be mature doesnt mean that they are adults. stop treating them as such. (iswis)
we should give more voice actors in the asmr (idk what to call it) community more recognition instead of just one. (iswis)
writers are the ones that send hate to other writers. anon hate is so corny and if you do it that goes to show that you are truly a toxic person wearing a fake mask of kindness when youre not on anonymous. (iswis)
stop being mean to smaller writers because they did not have as much luck as you. (iswis)
stop blaming your readers because one story flopped. (iswis)
ignoring someone's shitty actions encourages them to do it more. (iswis)
going to school and getting a job is much harder now than it was before. (iswis)
being an adult doesnt automatically make you mature. just because youre older doesnt mean youre better or you opinion is more valuable. it just shows that you werent heard when you were younger. (iswis)
there should be no reason as to why someone of the age of 18 should be having any romantic relationship with someone who is a minor. (iswis)
hawks is a shitty character. (iswis)
bakudeku isnt toxic. (iswis)
just because bakugo is in a ship, doesnt mean it's toxic. (iswis)
stop shipping male characters together simply because they have screen time together. it's creepy. (iswis)
almost all of 1-a students have ptsd and anything close to the after effects of being traumatized. (iswis)
no, editing characters to be poc is not racist. youre just mad they arent "white" when they never were. theyre asian and come in many colors as well. (iswis)
wanting to only be with a different race to get a mixed baby is fucking disgusting. (iswis)
stop ignoring pedo relationships between older women and younger boys and or with older women in general. (iswis)
males can be abused, stop telling them to suck it up or that they cant go through things. (iswis)
shaming young females about things they cant control is misogynistic and is damaging to their identity and shouldnt be excused. (iswis + whe)
not all females have to shave. (iswis)
what you dont like in someone is the projections you see of yourself on other people that you dont like about yourself. (whe)
popular bl stories extremely misrepresent gay relationships and frankly it's disgusting that theyre boosted as much as they are. (iswis)
jjba isnt ugly, you just watch animes to sexualize the characters. (iswis)
it's shitty that anime and kpop only became cool once white people stated to like it and made it mainstream. go gatekeep family guy or something. (iswis)
if you have been anime fan for a long time you were with bullied/teased for just generally liking it or you were a weirdo who recreated shit from it. (iswis)
weaboo and weeb were bad terms till we made them positive?? literally otaku is the word for it but we use weeb instead lol. (whe)
normalize and promote educating someone without going straight to bullying them. (whe)
haikyuu isnt really a good manga/anime nor is the art style the best but the characters make up for it. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to manipulate your narrative. (iswis)
toxic positivity is manipulative and if you have to make it back handed you are not as nice as you like to make it seem. (iswis)
studying a major doesnt mean youre actually good in the subject. (iswis)
normalize people realizing their past mistakes and growing from it. (iswis)
do not self diagnos unless you actually feel like you may have that issue and would like to seek help. mental health is not a personality trait. (iswis)
stop projecting onto people. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to fit your narrative. (iswis)
stealing any type of work should not be tolerated. (iswis)
constantly trying to trigger someone to go back to their old ways (being toxic, abusive, addiction, suicidal etc) after changing is toxic and manipulative. (iswis)
if you make jokes about hurting kids and or feel the need speak badly about them i do not want to speak to you. (iswis)
the human brain wasnt developed to understand complex ideas such as death or the universe. (iswis)
we will never truly know what is beyond our skies. (iswis)
thats all, thanks for sifting!
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 // the seancé
watched this while drinking and working my second job after my full time job (hence the drinking) when my supe called to tell me i didnt do enough work for them and could i start doing more because being tired after working an 8 hour day was just. unacceptable. (while i'm drinking during this ENTIRE call) anyway 🍸 i use nance/nancy interchangeably like luce/lucy
-"denial: smalltown USA's favorite pastime" 👌🏻👀
-the begrudging kiss + george w the coffee = lmfaooooooo awkss nance
-wonder who this FBI agent friend of owen's is since they never get to meet 😕
-"we just opened!" / "work ethic" how nancy views the claw/work is manifested in her constant lateness and skipping out. like she says "i never thought i'd be wearing this" its clear she has some of that upper middle class/white suburban bias against restaurant working that only becomes okay in the pretext of saving up for college. this is made ironic by ryan who jokes in s2 about having no money and working at a coffee shop, sharing nancy's opinion. also ironic is how a group of her coworkers "not my friends" at this same place she puts little appreciation into turn out to be her biggest support group
-carson & family dinners: seeing john sanders' texts w nancy and trying to keep up with what shes doing / makes you wonder how ryan would approach as a dad. judging by s2 he's less subtle than carson but possibly more effective for it (i have so many nancy&ryanthoughts but i'll wait till the reveal ep)
-steaks lmaooooooo what a white suburban dad thing to say
-"we are on the same side" / "why does it feel like we're on different teams" : laura/ace and nancy/nick mirrors (almost like some kinda men vs women showdown but these women do NOT trust these men...)
-why is the precinct "the least haunted building in horseshoe bay"? does lucy not haunt the police bc she knew karen was trying to get revenge/"justice" for her? or bc she doesnt want to haunt karen at all? and what of other ghosts? a police station seems like prime ghost material for officers of unsolved cases. is it chief mcginnis with his link to the supernatural keeping everything under control? if so, what happens when he leaves and tamura shows up? (based on the dress ep i cant remember if hes woke to the supernatural or not)
-"you would need an object lucy touched the night she died" nancy like -->😌it me
-okay. anybody who hugged lucy would HAVE to know she was pregnant?? like wtf
-LAURAAAA lmfaoooo
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: laura/nick - hatefuck - hes strong enough to top her with words AND hands - bringing out something tougher created by prison (like it rough/lose control) nick is presented to be so kind and almost always on top of his emotions but laura is def a canvas that can take a few hits. i can definitely see her being attracted to how much he doesnt really like her and wants to stop her from always getting her way. her pretentious ass motormouth is practically begging you to grab her by the arms and shake her to shut her up (and she would be begging you to shut her up too)(ik s2 nick/race talks/his mom ep would never ever do this to anyone but its a choice "what if" to me)
-this casting for teen candace to adult is on point
-so two days after lucy's death they pay him 50 grand from a shell company? he says it's for services rendered but then for what services? does everett know or suspect that the drews took lucys baby and pay them for taking care of an impertinence, including lucy, not really caring what really happened to her as long as shes no longer a threat to him? honestly could see a cover up. nance only does the reveal in her balmain tazer glory and we dont really get an honest reaction out of him iirc (the new actor they switched to shows wayyyyy less emotion than s1 guy) and he could easily fake surprise. obvs celia doesnt know bc s2 but whos surprised at that. i wonder what tipped her off that nancy could be ryans baby and prompted her to test. hmm. and payroll vs shell account. why would it have been paid differently. sus. 🤔🤔
-the irony of nancy picking at nick's story at the inn for karens deal + nancy straight up ignoring nicks proof w this transfer... like ep 1 "i'll tell you about my past if you tell me about yours" except...no, actually. "i'm just trying to solve this / it feels more like you're trying to solve me" its so true. and nancy really badgered nick into telling about his conviction but it was kinda payback for showing up at the claw and making her admit their "relationship" -like when george says "you need to be just as relentless", it was equal but nasty. like. nick never asked george for details about ryan that way. he even admits he doesnt wanna push her to ace after learning what not to do with nancy.
-this seance has nick so irritated w nancy lmfaooooo
-"half sister" so josh and patrices' last name is dodd- his grandpa must be a dodd also for the name of the shop. wonder why lucy's last name is sable, and where her dad is, and where josh's dad is as well- there's no mention of dads or stepdads anywhere for these two
-mcginnis knows theyre innocent / "work together" he knows they arent really suspects but he just wants to fuck with nancy. could be playful or just nancy's naivete. maybe he actually kinda missed her fucking around in his work and is trying to make up for the lost time when she withdrew from mysteries d/t her depression after kate
-nancy + knowing everybody else's secrets - nick's conviction, bess's family, george's affair, ace's deal w mcginnis and confronts them all in turn like nick and the secret phone, george from the meeting in the woods, bess from the passport/ring and acs's phone calls (they all somehow end up knowing all each other's secrets after a bit anyway)
-fuckin love Ted 😌🙏🏻💙
-when lucy grabs nancys hand i was just like "MOM!"
-if nancy had asked lucy if carson did it, she would have been spared the trial 👀🙃
-"even if you did, nothing was gonna stop you" true truuuuueeeee like. nick needs to be needed. nancy doesnt need him starting in episode 1. nick thinks that sex = relationship but nancy never saw it that way until she realized thats what nick wanted her to admit. "i wanna be with you / im trying" she is literally forcing herself to try and date him normally when thats honestly never what she wanted. and its nicks own fault here bc she never even wanted to be "official" but he forced that out of her too in front of coworkers no less. he set himself up to be disappointed
and lastly
-so carson stole the evidence, but what did he do with it? burn it like the dress?
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softforcal · 5 years
I've never sent a blurb request before but luke choking reader for the first time and he covers her in hickeys and marks or something. Maybe jealous boyfriend luke after they bounce into her ex? Something like Dulcet where they're experimenting maybe idk.
aw you read Dulcet and i appreciate you so much for that what the heck i ADORE you. okay, i can feel this vibe.
BDSM and choking arent really things that come up when you meet someone, or even when you’re dating. i feel like this sort of talk is needed a little ways into a relationship unless someone acts on it first. something like seeing an ex could spurt it on, like remembering what the choking was like with him and then being like well now i miss choking. anyways. 
you’re a little nervous of how to tell Luke you want to be choked, that you’re okay if he marks you up, that you’re okay if he’s aggressive. it is 2019 and boy appreciates women properly so he’s not just about to lay hands on you in the middle of fucking you, so you know you’re going to have to bring it up.
after a date you end up at his place, watching a movie on the couch, and thats when you know you have to just do it. swinging your leg over his waist you straddle him, kissing him while you grind down against him. Luke’s hands go to your hips and he groans into your mouth, fingers just bordering on rough, but still not enough to hurt.  
you grab his hand and move it up your body, stopping briefly as his large hand covers your boob, then you raise it a little more and Luke breaks the kiss, laughing a little, “what are you doing?”
“trust me?” you ask and Luke’s eyes land on your hands as he allows you to wrap his fingers around your neck. 
then his grip tightens and he pulls you close, already delighting you, “so my pretty girl likes to be choked huh?” he’d tease.
you’d make a sound of affirmation fo shooo
“what else do you like baby?” he’d ask, teeth going to nip at your shoulder, biting and making you moan, “marks?” he asks, lips smoothing the skin, “what else have you been hiding baby?”
he was normal and then he was evil i dont know what happened there but he’s hot im sorry
Hi(bye) Event : more blurbs on my patreon
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How do the background newsies have more development than katherine 😭
hnnnggg okay i have a lot of opinions on this matter so sorry everyone its DISCOURSE time. Understand these are my OPINIONS and i am by no means the end-all-be-all on the matter. But since you asked!
I don’t believe I said they have more development than Katherine, what I said was that because they are undeveloped, we (the obnoxious newsies fans) can kind of develop them ourselves, and it’s very easy to make headcanons for them because there’s so little evidence of their personalities (when compared to the featured roles!! the actors def all bring a different personality to their characters, im talking comparatively. u cant develop much if u have 1 line lmao) so like, we can kind of, like, its dumb but its like. theres one for everyone? and u can be a geek abt whichever random one is ur fave and make any kind of headcanon u want basically bc there’s nothing saying it ISNT canon. like, they arent developed, but they dont need to be.
Katherine. Deserved better. Being a featured role, she SHOULD have had more development. Her only character trait is that she is stubborn. It’s also the only thing her and Jack have in common. I do not hate Katherine’s character, I’m saying the writers made her extremely two-dimensional, in my opinion. Like. Okay so, at first she couldnt stand Jack. Then, what, all of a sudden she just.. Does ? Like and I know they were going for like, he wins her over eventually kinda thing, but I don’t think it was executed very well. And what is her motivation behind everything she does? 
When you compare her to, say, Jack, the other lead. Jack wants to be safe and he wants that for the other boys as well. If you boil down all his motivations, that’s the most bare-bones way to put it. He starts the strike because at that new price, the newsies would not be safe. He wants to drop the strike when their safety is on the line and it would be safer for them to submit. He is WRACKED with guilt when Crutchie gets taken to the refuge, because he is in an unsafe environment where he can’t protect him and it KILLS him. Santa Fe is a fantasy place in his head where he is far away from NYC and in a Safe Place. He agrees to do the childrens crusade when he realizes it is the safest option. You see what I mean? It’s easy to see his motivations and why he does what he does, and the driving force and reasoning behind each and every one of his choices.
Maybe I’m just an idiot but ? I never got that with Katherine? Like, why does she want to be a reporter? What does she get out of it? What changes for her, as a character, when her feelings for Jack shift from negative to positive to very positive? And I’m wracking my brain trying to think of other choices she makes that I can analyze and there just aren’t a lot. Because they didn’t develop her!! The closest she comes is the children’s crusade, and even that seems (to me) to be more of a plot device than a character choice. Like, what are her motives?? Like, I could just not be seeing it because I haven’t analyzed her as deeply as I maybe could have ? But I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s like, an identity thing? Like, she doesn’t want to be just, Pulitzer’s daughter, she wants to be Katherine, and seeks that out herself. Okay, let’s say that’s it. To me, it still doesn’t seem like a strong enough driving force to justify her actions overall and it seems like she just does whatever is most convenient for the plot to move along, more so than as an individual character.
The relationship between her and Jack is COMPLETELY plot-convenient. It isn’t about their compatibility even a little bit. Jack is kind of shown to be a guy who flirts with just about any cute girl he comes across, not that I have much to show for that because again, there’s no fucking female characters in the show lmao. (But there is something to be said about the way he approached her in Carrying the Banner- like he had done just that to dozens of girls. Anyway.) But like, the only reason they have their relationship is to fulfill the obligatory male/female star-crossed lovers bullshit that every contemporary musical feels the need to have. They don’t have anything in common and their personalities would not last together long-term at all.
Hhhhh this got long but tl;dr, Katherine IS more developed than the background newsies which have an average of 2 lines each, but only marginally so. Which, being the lead compared to an ensemble member, it’s ! Sad that the difference is negligible. And I don’t think it’s misogynistic of the fandom to dislike her or the way her character was written. Like, if I dislike Katherine (I don’t but if someone did), it seems misogynistic. Like the post I reblogged seemed to come from that kind of place like, if you dont like katherine youre a misogynist >:( and I just don’t think thats fair because...her character isnt very well written, and there just being literally 2 featured female roles, i dont think how u feel abt katherine reflects how u feel abt women.
Thank u for the question!!
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just-my-fandom · 6 years
The Hidden World (Eret x Haddock! Reader)
So I heard you saw the third How to Train Your Dragon, and I was wondering if I could get an Eret x Haddock! Reader where the reader is the first child and by the third movie, is married to Eret and is pregnant. She isn't allowed to battle the man searching for her brothers Dragon, Grimmel and is put in danger during the last fight
Characters; Hiccup, Astrid, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Valka, Eret, mentions ofk Stoick, Grimmel, The Light Fury, and Toothless
Dt: @theperksofbeingafangirl2
This story is a long one. Have fun reading!
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"Where could it be?"
You watch with a frown as Hiccup runs a hand through his dirty brown hair, his fingers trailing over the map on the ground,
"Dad has searched high and low for the Hidden World. Are we sure its still there?" You ask your younger brother, who looks up at you, watching you poor a cup of tea and place your free hand on your large bump,
"I promised him I would find it. I just need to do something to make him proud," Hiccup sighs, and blinks as you sit down next to him, hand at his shoulder,
"Hiccup, there is nothing you can do that could make Dad more proud than he already was of you. You're chief for heavens sake," You explain,
"So are you," Hiccup raises an eyebrow, and you laugh warmly, a laugh you've inherited from Valka,
"Yes, but only because Im first born. Im not as great of a chief as you are," You wink, looking up at a creak from the flooring above you,
Smile dropping, you set down your cup, Hiccup rising to his feet and pulling out his flame thrower,
"Who is it? Its the middle of the night," You speak quietly, Hiccup raising a hand, then spins around, weapon drawn,
"Awe, how cute," A figure steps out from the shadows, eyes training on you as Hiccup helped you stand, arm out in front of his older sibling, "Like brother like sister,"
"Grimmel," You breathe, Hiccup glancing over, "Who?"
"Eret told me of him. The one who kills night furys," You run your hand down your stomach, Grimmels eyebrows raising with realisation,
"You're the famous wife who married a past dragon hunter? So stupid I must say. You're the first child of Stoick the Vast, you must set an example to your people!"
You clench your jaw, Grimmel holding up a dart. Hiccup quickly stands in front of you, blocking you, but the dart is instead impaled into Toothless' sleeping form across the room
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouts, teeth baring as he looked back at Grimmel,
"What do you want with us?"
Grimmel laughs, loudly, "I want your dragon. I want them all!! Ever since I was little, Ive killed dragons bigger and smaller than me. Youve got no chance against me boy,"
"Really?" Hiccup presses his fingers to his lips, sharply whistling, five forms jumping out with weapons, Fishlegs sitting up with a fake dragon mask and slurring his words, seeming he was hit by the dart instead,
"We got you," And he falls forward, out,
Grimmels laugh lowers into a dark chuckle, snapping his fingers to alert his own poisoned controlled dragons, "No," His eyes lock with yours, "I got you,"
Two dragons bust through the wood of your home, spitting out green venom that spread through the walls and erupted in flames,
"Everyone retreat! Get out of here!!" Hiccup stumbles back, swiping at a dragon, and you turn around, pushing past a table to rush across the room,
Flames envelope into a blockade in front of you, the red reflecting off your orbs, stomach tightening in fear,
"This way!" Valka takes your arm, leading her daughter to the left, outside of the burning building,
You look up, gasping, scanning the town of Berk to see every home sizzling to the ground,
.         .    Meanwhile at Town Hall       .        .
"Can everyone please be quiet!?"
Your scream brings silent to the town hall, every viking and dragon stopping to stare at the first child of Stoick,
"Yes, we are all scared, terrified even, because Grimmel now knows the amount and types of dragons we hold in our possession. But we cant fight out of fear. We fight out of the thought of loosing everything we battled for in the past, our dragons. Our home,"
You lower your head, inhaling, "When Hiccup and I are gone later in the past, we all know my son will be the one stepping up. Dont do this just for us, but for the sake of Berk and my father,"
Vikings murmur in agreement, Valka smiling softly, where you nod once, and sink down into your seat, "We'll be moving momentarily to a hidden island my brother and I found on the coast not too far from here. It'll keep the dragons, and all of you safe,"
You run a hand through your hair, sighing heavily, Hiccup putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing,
"Let me take care of the rest. You need a break, the stress isnt good for the baby,"
You look up at your sibling, putting your hand on his and squeezing back, smiling gently,
.               .          Hours later           .           .
"Okay okay!" Hiccup laughs as the group under him lunge him into the air, catching him easily and pushing him up again, "I feel more sick than joyful,"
He is put down, dizzily grabbing onto Gobbers arm and covering his mouth,
"Heh heh," Gobber snorts, "At least your not your sister, getting sick for the past seven months straight,"
Hiccup rolls his eye's, just as your form moves past him, calling for your mother as she landed Cloudjumper, jumping off and anxiously looking around,
Hiccup watches at the two women meet up, Valka pressing her hands to the bump that held her unborn grandchild, looking up at her daughter,
"Are you harmed? Your brother?"
"What?" You breathe, "Mom, we're okay. What did you see?"
"We're being followed," Valka alerts, "Grimmel is still out for us,"
"Well what are we doing here? We need to go stop him and get it through his head thats hes not having our dragons," You snarl, Valka waving a finger and shaking her head,
"No ma'am. You are staying here. You're going to be a mother soon, you need to rest, and care for the baby whether he's arrived yet or not. Your husband can agree with me,"
You frown, turning to Eret for help, but he crosses his muscular arms and moves his eyes to you,
"Your mothers right, Y/N. I'll have Skullcrusher here with you, and take one of the other dragons. But you cant go with us, its not safe,"
"But its safe for you to go," You rub your temple, nodding and clicking your tongue, "Got it. My child could lose his father but what does that matter,"
You move away, walking towards the hut made, tapping Skullcrushers nose and directing him to follow you,
"Y/N," Eret calls in a sigh, Valka waving him off, "Its the side effects of pregnancy, dear. You should know this by now,"
Its mere four hour later before talking is heard outside, your form leant against Skullcrusher as you sung to your stomach, your own dragons head laid in your lap,
The huts curtain pulls open, Eret stepping inside, removing his armor and wincing at the burns and cuts on his arms and chest,
"You look terrible," You attempt to heave yourself up, Skullcrusher leaning his head against your back to brush you to your feet, "What happened?"
"He expected us there," Eret removes his shirt, revealing a wound across his lower stomach, "We were attacked and almost trapped,"
Your eyes scan his toned chest, hand brushing the bruises littering his chest and shoulder, before gliding your hand to his face,
"But you survived, thats all that matters. Come sit down and let me clean you up," You usher, Eret placing his large hand over yours and wrapping his fingers to envelope your small hand,
"I'll be fine. Why arent you resting?" He whispers lowly, "You need sleep,"
"Stop thinking about me for once, I wont die," You huff, thumb brushing his jaw, "Let me take care of you,"
"I know a couple of ways," Eret presses his lips hot to yours, that curled upwards as you laugh warmly and press your hand to his chest,
"Nice try Romeo. Go sit down while I get the aid supplies,"
Your husband narrows his eyes, chuckling as he slides away and sinks down to sit next to Skullcrusher,
"Were you at least able to find what he wanted with the dragons?" You sit down on Erets lap, bump pressed to his stomach, and you dab a wet cloth to his busted lip,
"Hes not too fond of Toothless and the Light Fury Hiccup talks about," Eret runs his large hands over your stomach, under your shirt to get as close to his child as he could, "The other dragons are just of use for a certain venom that can control them,"
"That sounds dangerous, and something my brother would want to get into and stop," You sigh, running the cloth down his neck to his shoulder,
Eret hisses at a pierced cut, that burned as you dabbed it. "Easy," You soothe, and put your hand over his that rested over your bump, "Easy,"
"You're going to be a great mother," Eret speaks up, and you smile after placing a bandage at his wound, looking up to meet his eye's,
"And youre going to be a great father," Leaning forward, you slowly link your lips to his, his hand sliding in your hair as you both smile, before he pulls you against him and (Dragon/Name) is pulling a blanket over you with their tail,
. . The Battles Over . .
"You've had to deal with us long enough Bud," Hiccup slides a hand over Toothless' head, the dragon closing his eyes and purring, "Now its your time to go, and be with her,"
Toothless opens his eye's, confusion flickering, then looks over at a child wail,
Walking past the crowd was the first born Haddock and Eret, a bundle of blue held in your arms,
Your eyes were blood shot red, most likely from the labor, but a smile would not leave your lips as your dragon slowly leaned in, sniffing your son,
Your dragon presses their snout to (Sons/Name)s foot, then purrs as they lick your cheek lightly,
Skullcrusher scans your child, noticing how he had somehow inherited the slight gene of Stoicks hair, but had Erets eyes and your nose and face,
"We're living our life," Hiccup whispers to Toothless, "Its time to live yours,"
Toothless had pulled away from his rider, inching towards the sister of the chief and (Sons/Name)s cries had stopped at the sight of the Dragon, a squeal causing Toothless, your dragon, and Skullcrusher to jump,
You laugh softly, free hand rubbing Toothless' snout, and you lean against the dragon,
"Its time for you to start your own family Buddy. Where they'll take after you and continue your job," You look down at your son, a tear slipping down your cheek,
"The same goes for the rest of you,"
Eret slides his arms under your child to take him into his grasp, so you could unclip the saddle from your dragon and slide it off their back,
You caress her head, nose to hers, and you sniffle, "I'm going to miss you,"
(Dragon/Name) whimpers, and you pinch your eye's shut, hearing the clicks of every Viking undoing their dragons saddles,
"Go," You slide your hands away, (Dragon/Name) blinking before glancing at Skullcrusher, and they both jump up, flying to follow the rows of dragons,
Toothless looks back, watching you slide your hand your mouth, Eret wrapping an arm at your shoulder and placing his hand at your head, lips to your temple,
You walk up to Hiccup, arms throwing themselves around his neck, his own wrapping at your torso as he silently releases a sob, fingers clutching at your back side,
Toothless frowns, but lunges off, disappearing in the clouds above,
"We're going to be okay," You open your eye's, orbs glistening as your dragons roar is heard in the distance, "We always are,"
The End
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
nobody asked for it, but i liveblogged my She ra s3 reactions
[ part one ┊ part two ]
spoilers, obviously (under cut bc it’s rather long)
episode one
(oh yeah this is a split season so that makes sense..)
Angela loses points for not having a proper prison but gains them right back for not letting Adora in to interrogate Shadowbitch
Glimmer: we shouldn’t let her manipulate you
Adora, immediately: //decides to manipulate / trick her friends
Side note, interesting episode title..
Adora’s friends: //arent fooled at all THANKFULLY
adora honey youre a terrible liar. and your friends are too smart
Catra bby..
Catra: i cant handle this emotionally vulnerable shit
Aaand theyre asleep
Oh this is great
Glimmer’s target practice cjdhjdnf
Oh Adora wants to change Shadowbitch.. honey.
God Adora calling out Shadowbitch is everything
Fuck this is cool
Shadowbitch’s two reasons for (SUPPOSEDLY) turning is to get revenge on 1) Hordak and 2) Catra While im sure Adora is all behind the first one, she certainly wont let the second happen.
Okay but who SENT Adora through that portal??
“Don’t I get a say in what happens to me? Don’t I get a choice?!”
The worst thing about this is that LightHope is basically telling Adora the same thing the Horde did: you dont have a choice over your life, your ambitions, your responsibilities. Fuck LightHope.
“It is happening again.” HM
“Are you okay?” “I’m not sure yet.” baby.. i felt that
episode two
What a COOL shot of Adora
Fjejhd of coUrse Glimmer didnt tell her mom
Poor fucking Angela
Ive never related to Bow more in this moment ⁃ bird ⁃ Trying to navigate whEN FUCKIG GOOGLE MAPS ISNT WORKING- coughs i mean, the navigator machine
Oh shit Hordak cares about Entrapta
“Just act tough” oh yall are so bad at this
its Her time
I just watched this clip of Huntara last night
Adora is gay
Huntara is also gay she was just FLIRTING with a WOMAN at the BAR
 The ‘purposefully gets names wrong’ gag will always be my favorite
 anybody got a map? oh wrong show sorry
listen i cant blame Adora how could you NOT be in love with her
Ugly ass twink bitch
Adora getting an outside perspective on the war and how it effects Etheria should be interesting
Wait where are Glimmer and Bow ?
Adora being called “blondie” 👌👌
Oh theyre there they just fell behind
Huntara led them into a trap didnt she
Oh she took Adora’s sword fuck I mean ofc she did but mm That would be her only chance of escaping
Okay Entrapta is a top
Hordak is a clone?? Bitch what
//falsely sympathetic voice/ aww hordak just wants to impress his higher up with planetary conquest..
they even called this expedition a roadtrip awe
Wow theyre really playing up this Hordak + Entrapta friendship and bonding huh
Oh Glimmer is such a badass
Bow: awkward HAH of victory
Glimmer: sticks her tongue out at the enemy
God i love this battle sequence so much
Im watching it again
Adora’s laugh before she says “I AM She ra”  😍
Theyre both ex Horde soldiers oh shit!! One so trusting and one so fearful, so closed off to anyone
“I’m not gonna run anymore. I face my problems head on.” fuck yeah!!!
Netflix referring to Bow Glimmer and Adora as the “squad” omg
-rewatching the fight scene from 18:30-
I love the repeating of lines to each other thats such a good trope too
“Thats mine!” ”Then come and take it.”
Also I like seeing Adora fight and pull off really cool moves but not like, flawlessly. Like her backflip- she almost falls. Or when she swings Huntara’s sword and it doesn whip out at first.
Thats totally foreshadowing the connection of their backgrounds with the Horde huh
The “‘You know about She ra?’ Heheh, I AM She ra” moment is so good okay I need to call it out again. The way she flashes her sword in front of her face? Amazing. Spectacular. Im gay-
The end of this episode be like: //women supporting women
Mara’s ship!! Dun dun dunnn 
episode three
Edgy Catra in the Crimson Waste shot: ✔️
“Nothing matters anymore!” :(
Hey that place looks familiar!
Isnt Scorpia FROM here?? How does she not know anything about it??
“Maybe I should have skipped force captain orientation eh?” THIS RUNNING JOKE DKFNFK
Catra bitching about Hordak is a whole mood
Wait satyr lady never said the second rule Prettyyy sure the second rule is that no one annoys Huntara, but shes not here! So what the hell are YOU gonna claim it is?
Catra’s monologue in the bar is everything
Catra stealing the jacket is such a ME move i see a leather jacket i go feral
Bow you’re such a nerd ily
Well duh the ship is empty its been looted for years
Do your She ra thing i bet thatll uncover something //wiggles eyebrows
Yeehaw! Look at that i was right
Its not haunted theres a repeated message echoing ..
Scorpia you’re gay
Also IM gay Catra in a jacket is 👌😩
 Aw look at Scorpia in her element
“Im gonna call you Kyle” KDHFKDJFJFK
Catra’s little smirk.. ️ ❤️️ Scorpia’s reaction is a whole mood
That giant skull tho
listen i know he’s an idiot with a dumb name and catra kicks his ass but i love me a buff lizard person,,
a broadcast.. oH ITS MARA HERSELF
“And I am gone.” sounds like.. something someone would say in a message if they didnt want to be looked for and found
Adora ... :(
Your frustration is so warranted
I wish i could give her answers
“I was supposed to be the last.” wh..
Even Tongue Lashor’s insults are dumb
Catra mimicking his evil laugh..
Listen imma say it again (my scalie is showing) Tongue Lashor’s design is great
Catra just winked at Scorpia, yoURE GAAY
 @ Mara’s dialogue.. that was uh. A Lot The biggest thing that jumps out to me is the fact that theyre in an empty dimension?? And the fact that Mar BROUGHT A WHOLE PLANET there. Thats some real power. Oh yeah, and LightHope is lying / working against the She ras / wants to bring destruction to the planet. But thats not surprising
Oh hey darts! Now who took the dart gun..
oh thats right!
Catra and Adora time baby
Adora is uh,, alone captured by Catra
This should be interesting
“A toast to Scorpia” //clutches chest
Hey yall this is cute but reminder that cattadora is endgame
“When we go back” nahhh
Also fuck Catra heard that hologram??
“We could rule the Crimson Waste together!” Scorpia you are SO gay
“I have to go check on the prisoner” her ex
“Shadow Weaver left me for you..?” Uh fuck
She has tears in her eyes oh bby
I cant believe im already halfway through the season jfc fuck split seasons
(part two is up now!)
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holylulusworld · 6 years
The morning after - Part 1
Summary: Reader wakes up next to the Winchesters…naked. Like always - after the fun there will be consequences.
Pairing: Dean x Reader x Sam, Castiel
Warnings: language, implied smut, smut (flashbacks), unplanned pregnancy (wrap it kiddos!), angst, sad reader, jealous reader (a bit)
The morning after Masterlist
Waking up your head feels like it got hit with a baseball bat. Your mouth tastes like whiskey mixed with the taste of someone else’s tongue.
Flinching you realize you’re completely naked and your whole body feels exhausted.
Turning around you see someone lying next to you…naked. God what did you do last night?
Trying to figure out who lies next to you, you tilt your head. Oh god…Sam…Sam is laying next to you…a naked Sam.
Ashamed you turn around only to see Dean on the other side of the bed…naked too.
Fucking shit what did you do last night? According to your soreness and exhaustion you assume you had sex … with both men.
Hiding your face in the palms of your hands you try to calm down. Your mind is racing and your head is spinning. God how did you end up in bed with your hunting partners?
The hunt…whiskey…a lot of whiskey. Trying to focus what happened last night you close your eyes.
You drank with the boys and then you played... oh fuck Dean suggested strip poker. You remember Dean won; of course he won that little fucker.
You were left in your underwear. You remember kissing Sam to at least keep your panties…
You remember Dean kissing down your spine…then…nothing…blank…
Fuck what did you do? Groaning you take a deep breathe … Maybe you didn’t fuck them?
But the sticky feeling between your thighs tells another story…oh god you didn’t use protection? Shit, shit…you’re on birth control…but shit!
Wait did you take your pill yesterday? Oh god, did you?
Whining you try to remember but all you can remember is Sam eating you out…fuck he was good at it! Focus, Y/N, goddamn focus!
But the next thing you remember is Dean switching places with Sam and shit his cock … fuck … so deep inside of you. Groaning he fucked you into the mattress.
Focus…did you take your pill? But your mind is busy showing you Dean and you moving in sync while Sam is watching and shit you came so hard and then…no, no…then you fucked Sam too. Awesome!
He was even bigger and rough…shit Sammy was rough. You never thought he would … fucking shit focus! Did you take your pill?
Whining you try to remember anything useful, but all you can see is Sam and Dean fucking you in the best way possible.
“God what did I do? Fuck!” You mutter.
“Correct Sweetheart!” Dean chuckles.
“Dude! Not so loud!” Sam groans.
“What did we do?” You whisper.
“We had fun last night.” Dean answers.
“Dean we crossed a line!” You mutter.
“Sorry but you were so hot and half naked…” Sam groans kissing your shoulder.
“I think I need a shower.”
“All three of us.” Dean chuckles wiggling his eyebrow.
“Not a chance, I can’t remember much but I’m beyond sore.” You scold.
“What a pity. Maybe we should make you remember?” Dean groans before kissing you roughly.
“Did one of you use protection?” You ask.
“Shit…not.” Sam stammers. “Dean?”
“Fuck…no…we were too busy…shit. Birth control?”
“I’m on pill but I can’t remember if I took it yesterday.”
“Wait you swallowed a pill before we drank whiskey.” Sam says and you sigh relieved.
“Thank Chuck!”
“So shower all three of us?” Dean insists.
“Dean I’m sore and maybe we shouldn’t do this again…” You whisper.
“But you had fun too.” Sam whines.
“I barely remember the fun! I was beyond drunk…”
“You said you want us … both.” Dean insists.
“I can’t remember.” You lie.
Jumping out of the bed you almost run into the shower.
“Do you think she regrets last night?” Sam asks sad.
“No, she lied. Can see through he façade. She’s a bit ashamed I guess.”
2 weeks later
Watching the boys flirting with another chick you feel anger boiling up your stomach. They fucked you and told you you’re something special and now they… well after the fight the morning after you guess Sam and Dean aren’t interested any longer.
Sighing you watch them until…oh god…Why is your stomach rumbling? …shit… Running into the restrooms you say goodbye to your dinner. What’s wrong with you?
Since over a week you feel exhausted, your stomach rumbles and…oh no…god, please no.
Leaving the bar you storm toward your car. There was a drugstore nearby the motel.
After buying a pregnancy test you drove back to the motel. Starring at the positive test in your hand you start crying. Sitting on the bathroom floor you don’t know what to do.
“No, no.” You sob.
“Hey, what’s up Y/N?” Sam asks concerned. You didn’t realize they came back too.
Sobbing you show him the positive pregnancy test.
“You’re pregnant?”
Nodding you start crying. “Don’t cry, maybe it’s wrong.” Sam tries to sooth you.
“Hey, whoa what did you do Sammy?” Dean grunts.
“She’s pregnant.”
“Baby, don’t cry. Does the father know?” Sam asks.
“What? I don’t know who the father is!” You yell.
“So many guys?” Sam asks again.
“No! Only you two in the last two years. I didn’t have sex with someone else! How can you think … I’m not a whore!” You sob.
“I thought you’re on birth control.” Sam says.
“I am and you said I took my pill.”
“You see…I’m not sure.” He stammers now and Dean eyes widen.
“But you said you saw me taking my pill! If I would’ve known I could’ve taking plan B!” You yell at Sam.
“I’m sorry. Didn’t want to kill the mood, so I lied.” Sam admits.
“Great! Now I’m pregnant and got no clue who knocked me up!” You grunt. Starting to cry again you can’t stop the tears from falling down. Honestly you always wanted a baby, but not like that.
“Hey, we’re going to fix this.” Dean tries to sooth you.
“Fix? A baby ain’t a car!” You grunt.
“Do you want to keep it?” Sam asks softly.
“I don’t know…” Sniffing you wipe away the tears. You already made your decision seeing the two blue stripes.
“You want to keep it - right?” Dean says smiling.
Humming you look at the test again. “Don’t worry I’ll leave the bunker. Still got my old hut.” You whisper.
“You won’t leave pregnant with my baby.” Sam orders.
“Minutes ago you thought I fucked so many guys that I don’t know who the father is.” You snap at him.
“Hey Sammy didn’t mean it that way. Let’s bring you home. Castiel can check the baby and we make an appointment for an ultrasound.” Dean whispers. Picking you up he carefully places you on the bed.
“I should leave. You two don’t want a baby with a one night stand.” You whisper.
“How dare you calling the mother of our child a one night stand!” Sam scolds.
“But that’s the truth. You were head over heels for the chick at the bar. I was just an easy lay for one night, nothing more.”
“We weren’t head over heels. She was a vamp. Killed her outside the bar.” Dean explains.
“Oh…” Casting your look down you play nervously with your fingers.
“Let’s drive back to the bunker and Cas checks on you. Tomorrow we’ll make an appointment for you to see a doctor.” Sam says softly.
Smiling Sam picks you up to carry you toward the Impala. “I can walk Sam.” You scold.
“No, you didn’t feel well.” Placing you into the backseat Sam sits next to you.
“Lay in my lap, I’ll stroke your back. I read that this can help a pregnant woman relax.”
“You read an article about pregnant women?” You ask giggling.
“Always be prepared.” Sam states.
“Not always…”
“Sorry, this is all Dean’s and my fault. We were too hot and bothered … too eager to finally be with you to think straight.”
“I decided to drink so much and if I remember right I kissed you first…well to keep my panties.”
“But in the end you lost your panties too.” Dean says chuckling.
“Not funny Dean.”
“Come one Y/N it was funny. Now I’ll drive us back and then we make you feel comfortable. But first Cas will check on you.” Starting the engine Dean looks in the rear view mirror at you smiling.
“We don’t know who the father is.” You whisper.
“Doesn’t matter. We are the father, both of us. So don’t worry, we’ll take care of you and our baby.” Dean states not excepting any argument.
Back at the bunker Dean drags Cas out of his room to check on you.
“Cas please check on Y/N she’s pregnant from one of us.” Dean pleas.
Smiling Castiel touches your belly. Closing his eyes his features darken.
“We’ve got a problem. There are two babies. Y/N is pregnant with a new vessel for Michael…” At this words Dean starts smiling and Sam sighs disappointed.
“…and a new vessel for Lucifer.” Castiel ends his sentence concerned.
Sam looks at your stunned form, hugging you tight he can’t stop smiling. You’re going to have his baby and well Dean’s, but you’re going to have a baby with him.
“Oh god…two babies?” You whisper scared.
“Shhh…we’re going to make this work.” Dean tries to sooth you. Gently stroking your back he locks eyes with Sam. Nodding Sam let go of you so Dean can hold you tight.
“How can Y/N be pregnant from both of you?” Castiel asks confused.
“Well…we…had sex together.” Sam blurs out.
“Oh…I see.” Turning crimson Cas casts his look down. “We need to keep her safe. Not just the demons will be after her, the angels too.”
“She’s our girl, the mother of our children. We’ll make sure she’s safe.” Dean states holding you even tighter.
“We kill everyone who tries to come close to her.” Sam adds. Kissing the crown of your head he smiles again.
“Wouldn’t it be better if I just leave…”
“No.” Dean says tighten his embrace.
“But we only had sex as we were drunk!” You insist.
“I wasn’t drunk and Sammy only had half a whiskey. We just…we know we shouldn’t have taken advantage of your drunken state but we always wanted you.” Dean rasps.
“Oh…you wanted me?”
“Always…we just agreed you’re off limits, but when you kissed Sammy and then me we couldn’t resist any longer.”
“Do you want to do it again?” You ask biting your lip.
“God, yes.” Sam groans behind you.
“Then we should do it sober this time as I want to remember every detail...”
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genderfreezone · 5 years
Do you like the Evil Within 2?
Yeah! Certainly not as much as the first one (i was not immune to being sad they left out fan favorites Jojo and Ruvik's Cube)
The rest of this post is me rambling about things i didnt like about the game, and then things i did like (most of my issues are how they treat the female characters tbh)
Its missing kind of the action-noir-gone-horrifically-wrong feel of the first game. The scare factor also suffers bc our player character has been through this before, hes a veteran at dealing with this crazy shit, it doesnt phase him anymore and by extension it doesnt phase the player. They really like tripled down on the Evil Corporation thing and both the intrigue and horror suffer for it.
This game did not drink its respect women juice (the first one didnt really either, case in point: Everything About Kidman) Sebastian is surrounded by 5+ female characters and only 2 of them survive (and one of them is his 7 year old daughter hes spent the whole game trying to rescue... and yet they never bothered to give her any kind of characterization or agency. A highly empathetic and supernaturally powerful little girl in a monster-infested hellscape?? HELLO???? Lily really had the potential to be the most interesting, sympathetic, and complex character--especially as she slowly lost her innocence--in the WHOLE GAME, but she was just sort of relegated to Plot Device McGuffin) The rest of the female supporting cast are killed off for Sebastian's Man Pain. In fact, THIS ENTIRE GAME IS CENTERED AROUND SEBASTIAN'S MAN PAIN. Torrez is a walking stereotype, shes literally just Vasquez from Aliens. Hoffman was the most likeable and believeable, except when it Turns Out She Was In Love With Liam Or Whatever (psst, guess what, i dont care. Also O'neal was kind of a dick anyway? I dont care x2)
And you know who i SUPER dont care about? Bland-White-Bread-And-Mayo-Sandwich Myra. Where's the no-nonsense firecracker of a police lieutenant Sebastian married? Not here, thats for sure. Her entire personality is "mother" and "worries about stressed-out husband". We got more characterization of Myra in seb's jornals from the first game, where she never even made a physical appearance! Horror media does this SO MUCH, women are either A. Sexy Lamp B. Hurts Men (Sexily) C. Mother or D. Innocent Virgin. It sucks. Do better.
The story lacked the "digging up old buried memories" and "theres more to this than meets the eye" of the first game. It felt too...... Straightforward. Everyone told Sebastian the truth. EVERYTHING WAS EXACTLY WHAT IT SEEMED. It all felt too simple, too easy, like there SHOULDVE been something else beneath the surface. And yet there wasnt. (I watched markipliers playthrough and i loved his theory that Kidman was actually Lily. It had such potential. Kidman's entire resume for the police station was fabricated, who's to say the rest of her past wasnt fabricated as well? It would retcon a lot of stuff and like 80% of her backstory from the DLC, but you know games like this arent above retconning important shit, and at least it wouldve been sacrificed for something with actual intrigue. Maybe it wouldnt even retcon anything! Consider: tiny Lily is taken by Evil Corporation and dropped off in a non-nurturing environment that would lead her to become the kind of person who would willingly join & work for an organization like Mobius. At least wouldve been a nice excuse for why Kidman and Lilys face models looked so similar... other than... yknow.... "WomEN ARe hArD tO DRaWwwwwee")
Okay okay ive been ranting for long enough. It probably makes it sound like i kinda hate this game, but i dont! It certainly doesnt hold the same place in my heart as the first one (which i still have very glaring issues with lmao Kidman deserved WAAAAAAY better), but i do like it! It brings back salty, grizzled, tsundere Sebastian Castinellos. It brings back spooky monsters that kill you dead. It brings back having a fun theatrical over-the-top villain who takes himself a litte too seriously.
I love Stefano. Probably not in the way some other fans do, but i love him as a ridiculous theatrical over-the-top villain. He sucks! And i love that he sucks! I love him BECAUSE he sucks! Hes terrible and exaggerated and completely up his own ass and ITS GREAT. He isnt as ACTUALLY THREATENING as Ruvik was (even in his bad assassin's creed cosplay. I could go on and on and on about why Ruvik is simultaneously a ridiculous AND frightening antagonist and how much i love it but uh..... maybe later) but hes such a FUN villain! Hes the kind of pretentious art snob shitheel i cannot STAND irl, but in this game i LOVE to HATE him. Hes just SO over-the-top you kinda wonder if he actually subscribes to the pretentiousness he spouts, or if hes just being Exceptionally Extra.
The other villains? Theodore was.... forgettable. His monsters were forgettable. (Its like how i completely forgot that Frank Manera was a character in Whistleblower for like... 5 years lmao i guess this game also kinda followed that "having multiple named/characterized antagonists in one game" thing that Outlast did) Myra, i just didnt care. Her final design was kinda cool, i liked the red clusters of insect eyes. Her monsters werent really gross enough to be memorable. The only reson theyre gross at all is bc they kinda look like theyre made of semen. (I checked the wiki and apparently Myra's white goo is "psychoplasm" and her monsters lost 99% of their gross factor. I just dont care.) The Administrator literally just looked like a 3D human model of Maxwell from dont starve, and i have to laugh every time i see him. Hes not terribly threatening, all he does is threaten characters to work faster and doesnt actually follow through on those threats. He doesnt even make fun threats like HABIT or anything. He thinks hes so powerful and ominous that his mere presence will frighten the player but hes just kinda all bark and no bite. Hes The Big Bad Company Man so you know hes gonna get whats coming to him, and you know Kidmans gonna be the one to do it to him, so hes not even that much of a threat. Hes whatever.
Stefano definitely got all of the coolest monsters. Many Arms Buzzsaw Lady was terrifying and i love her. And OBSCURA was just *Chef's Kiss* Anima was cool, she kinda looked like a mix of Laura and Samara. The Harbingers were neat, but really only bc ive got a thing for gas masks. The rest of the monsters werent really unique or weighty/threatening enough to be memorable. Now the first game is a fucking TREASURE TROVE of unique monsters *muah* you got Sadist, Sentinel, Keeper, Amalgam, Heresy, Laura, Shigyo, the Twins, Alter Egos, and im probably forgetting some!! But holy FUCK!!!!! And if we're includong the DLC?? MOTHER FUCKING SHADE. SPOTLIGHT LADY. LIGHT WOMAN.  SEXY LEGS.  Whatever you call her, i fucking love her. Her design is so simple. Helmet. Sheet. Legs. Her voice? Unnerving as hell. Love it. (Also i just personally love the diving helmet. Also like you know how a lot of games have a spotlight mechanic where you have to avoid the light and if it lands on you, you're fucked? LET'S MAKE AN ENTIRE MONSTER OUT OF THAT. She's PERFECT.) Oh and also those weird crawling exploding dudes. They made gross sounds and it was great. (Tbh Keepers still probably my favorite, if only for horny reasons)
TATIANA HOW HAVE I NOT FUCKING TALKED ABOUT TATIANA. Shes like the ONE female character that i fucking LOVE in the sequel. I love how they finally gave her a personality, and that personality is literally just "fuck you, Sebastian" Oh GOD its great shes SO FUNNY. I just.... god i love Tatiana lmao. I love how she makes you kinda uncomfortable too, like she knows something, but she wont tell you bc youre stupid. I didn't like the kind of "all-knowing guide" thing they did to try and make her creepy (like she's a "guide" but then also turns around and is like "no i wont tell you what you need to know bc you """have to discover it on your own""" or whatever") it serves no purpose since she never gave you any actual information, and it didn't succeed in making her creepier, all it did was frustrate me. She was at her creepiest when she IMPLIED she was doing something behind the scenes or knew something you didn't know and then didn't elaborate (not REFUSING to elaborate, just... stopping talking and leaving the statement to hang in the air, like the "getting her nails done" and "its been a long time, detective" and the "now what makes you say that" from the first game) and she was at her funniest when she was interacting with Sebastian from the sidelines, her snide little comments and sarcastic clapping cracked me the fuck up. Tatiana not treating Sebastian seriously was a fantastic touch for a game that otherwise would probably take itself so seriously it would double back around to being silly. Without Tatiana, it would've been just another male-centric gun-toting "survival horror" game, and for the most part, it was just that. She was definitely a much-needed source of slightly derisive comedy and a definite high-point for me, even if they didn't so a great job of making her creepy or fulfilling her "purpose."
Oh I also really love the COLORS in TEW2. The first game fell into the trap of having the colors be totally washed out that a lot of horror stuff does, but it also kind of worked for it. Especially with the color pallette of our main villain and how the whole thing was His World. The saturation of the colors in the second game is a breath of fresh air and gorgeous to look at, and you can even see the color motifs of the game change with each new villain: the game starts out with Stephano has lots of blues and purples and dark reds, when Theodore takes over we get bright orange and yellow contrasted with black and brown, and in the climax with Myra the game goes back to having washed out colors and white (and with her villain design? Let's face it: they were kinda just trying to do Ruvik again) We did get portions that were still kind of wahed out whites and greens and greys, but it wasnt the ENTIRE game, even the big blood-and-brains splatterhouse sections of the first game kinda had their colors weirdly muted for that "Horror Aethetic."
In conclusion, i do like the evil within 2, but i also had a lot of problems with it. And i complain about these problems because i like the game and know it couldve done better, tried harder, and been a LOT more than it was (the wasted character potential is my real overarching pet peeve, probably becuase i loved the characters in the first game, and character development is kind of my whole jam) . But all in all, it was still a fun monster-zombie romp with at least one entertaining villain and fun-to-look-at designs and environments. It wasn't character or horror or even REALLY story driven in the way I know it COULDVE been, but i still had a fun time and enjoyed myself.
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