#olga (gotham)
irisbleufic · 1 year
From your perspective as a Gotham fic writer, in the context of the show and your own fics, who is the worst person for you to get on their bad side - and why?
You do not want Olga mad at you. She helped kill her niece’s abusive boyfriend, and she’ll likewise kill anybody who hurts people she a) cares about, b) works for, or c) both, and not lose sleep.
You do not want Alfred mad at you. Dude’s scarily skilled at everything he does, and his anger comes so heavily laced with disappointment that it’s that much worse to be a target.
You do not want Oswald mad at you. Not even for something minor, for obvious canonically demonstrated reasons. He can turn anything into a weapon and will out-scheme you at all costs.
You do not want Ivy mad at you. She has more ways to control and kill pests than I can count. It’s worse knowing she can give life as easily as she can take it.
You do not want Five mad at you. Doesn’t fear death, can’t feel physical pain, doesn’t know the meaning of the word forgiveness. You’re fucked.
(Neither Bruce, nor the twins make my shortlist. Bruce and Jeremiah might be runners up if you count them as a unit like they are in most of my stories. Jerome’s anger is too specifically tied to people who hurt him, and I don’t usually count him as a broad-application threat because he doesn’t even succeed at killing everyone on that list.)
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tyler-is-hot · 2 years
i love that olga is nice to oswald but she doesn’t like edward 💀💀
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reine-du-sourire · 2 years
Victor is good for more than just getting crumbs all over the carpet, it seems- but not if you ask Oswald.
"Victor, for the love of all that is holy, will you please stop getting crumbs everywhere?!" 
Because that’s how it goes. Gotham’s criminal kingpin storms back and forth across the Van Dahl mansion's living room, gesturing wildly at the carpet, and is for the most part ignored by everyone present.
Victor looked up from his plate of muffins. "What crumbs? I don't see any crumbs.”
"Those crumbs, Victor! The ones on the carpet right there! Perhaps you’d be able to see them if you took your legs off the table and ate like a civilized person!" 
Martin and Edward looked up from across the paper-strewn table, the latter trying to stifle his laughter. Olga, who was pointedly dusting the windowsills, couldn't help but smirk.
Victor shrugged and stood up, wiping his hands on his pants. "Fine, fine, I'll clean it up," he conceded, grabbing a napkin and bending down to pick up the crumbs. “Not seeing any civilized people around here, anyway. ‘Cept Martin, maybe, but we’ll see how long that lasts.”
Read the rest here
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wishfulsketching · 3 months
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Suddenly got the need to give Gertrud Kapelput a chance to see her babyboy make bad decisions in life
The only reason they had to kill her off is so that Ed could survive season 3
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 154
Barbara: Today I had my favorite ever unsolicited queer comment. I was holding hands with Tabitha and Oswald's maid Olga, who speaks little English, approached us. She smiled, nodded approving and said: "men is too headache."
Oswald: Gotham isn't real. Just saw Barbara and Tabitha kissing at the Sirens Club and Butch looked at 'em and said "y'all can't do that at home?"
Oswald: He got some weird looks and so he felt the need to clarify to everyone; "not a homophobe, just a hater."
Ed: Every time I shower I'm like "yeah! I'll take better care of myself! This rules! Yeah!" And then the horrors.
Oswald: "The horrors" are "drying off" and "getting dressed," by the way.
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malvpswanson · 1 year
Heartbroken for Olga Carmona. That kind of loss, especially in this type of situation, is indescribable and unfathomable to those who’ve never had to go through it. I hope she has a good support system around her that can help her heal and be able to still view this day as one of the best of her life.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Yandere Oswald Cobblepot (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
Warnings: strong and bloody violence, guns, stalking, alcohol use, mentions of torture, death, undeath, desecration of corpses, abduction, incarceration, psychological manipulation, toxic mindsets.
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From his days of spying and backstabbing as a human footstool for Fish Mooney, Oswald has understood that most relationships are transactional and devoid of real intimacy. Hence, he becomes so readily attached when someone goes out of their way to make his time on this earth a little easier.
In this person, whom he now wishes to have as a lifelong friend, Oswald sees a shining exception to human ugliness, for whose sake he is willing to break laws, spend vast sums of money, and take lives to keep with him. The late Gertrud Kapelput taught him that one must give everything to those dearest to one's heart, a lesson Oswald will honour for the rest of his life.
In addition to assassinating people on his friend's behalf, this devotion translates to buying out entire inventories of jewellery and clothes for them. He offers free drinks at his nightclub, guarantees protection if they operate a business, and provides super-secret special access to all his mother's recipes.
Being sentenced to Arkham or Blackgate is no matter when Mayor Cobblepot is eager to finagle the early release of an old friend. He will blackmail, intimidate, and coerce all the appropriate offices until the person he wants is back with him.
Oswald becomes exceedingly irritable and anxious if separated from his friend for too long. He relies on them to lend him an ear whenever he needs to castrate a rival verbally. Although he is not the most cooperative, Oswald is sensitive to any advice from his friend, a sensitivity that doubles if they tell him he is a good man.
As soon as they are more than a few hours late for a meeting and have not contacted him with an airtight explanation, Oswald is howling at his goons to find them and phoning the GCPD to babble about filing a missing persons report. He refuses to sleep or stop pursuing their alleged killer after his worried heart tells him they lie dead in an alley.
Oswald is drowning in grief and hysteria, attacking anyone who delivers bad news about the search when his friend returns to him alive. He collapses into their arms and rejoices that he can delay learning how it would feel to live without them a bit longer, at which point he begs them to clear their schedule in favour of accompanying him through his day.
If anyone dares make a laughingstock of this relationship and, by extension, him, Oswald paces up and down his home while guzzling wine and ranting about how he will roast these people's entrails like chestnuts over an open fire.
Practising emotional honesty for something other than anger takes every courage Oswald can summon. It is safer for him to live out his days half-satisfied and fantasizing than to put his hopes to the test and risk terrifying rejection, so while he is weighing the pros and cons of coming clean, Oswald awaits a sign that the attachment is reciprocal.
In his ideal world, he lives in his father's mansion and drinks tea with his mother and friend while everyone talks about how he proved the critics wrong and became a great man despite everything.
This dream will never come true for various reasons that keep Oswald awake at night, so he persuades his friend to take one of the guest bedrooms and dispatches those who might threaten his monopoly on their attention.
He does much to sweeten the deal, which, when broken down to its most basic elements, is a request for his friend to devote themselves to him, as Gertrud did and as he says he did for them. A gourmet breakfast and dinner from Olga every day are a given, but the only item on which Oswald will not make concessions is permission to leave Gotham.
Suppose his friend chooses a life of crime. Oswald considers himself their proudest and most adamant supporter. If they are arrested, he will burst into the police station with an army of sycophants — if necessary, an angry mob of misguided citizens — and demand that all charges be dropped.
If the GCPD resists, he will send Victor Zsasz to raid the precinct in a hail of bullets or turn the case into a political issue for the cameras and journalists to shame the police into submission.
A constant sense of danger looms over the friendship, like wolves over a sick deer. Oswald sees it every day in the crowds wishing him to suffer, in the way his heartbeat jumps and pushes him to lash out each time someone approaches his friend with a suspicious look.
This hypervigilance may one day prove too stressful, and Oswald decides his best course of action is to fake his friend's death and sequester them in a safe house until he rules Gotham's underworld with absolute power.
If they do die, Oswald embraces their corpse and wails like a lost child until he has to retreat to survive or gets a chance to mangle the one he thinks is to blame. Afterwards, he is subject to fits of rage and melancholy when reminded of his departed friend and enlists Hugo Strange to revive them.
Operating under a fat paycheck and the threat of torture if he fails, Strange is cleared to sacrifice as many people and make as many monstrous modifications as necessary to succeed.
Driven mad by loss compounded, Oswald finds scarcely a price not worth paying if it allows him to have back one of the few bright spots in his life.
In terms of relationship security, Oswald experiences some cognitive dissonance. He wants to believe that his partner will never abandon him, but at the same time, he fears losing them to anyone with a pulse.
Oswald, pathologically insecure, suspects his partner of finding a replacement for him after one ill-timed joke, one misunderstood smile, or one rejection of another's flirtation that he does not feel was direct enough. He flies into a tirade about how they lead him on and play with his emotions to leech off his wealth and influence.
This explosive tantrum sends his every minion scurrying far away, for whichever lackey is standing closest to him at that moment will be stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle or beaten senseless with a fire poker, depending on the setting. Even though the physical aspects of his rage never touch his partner, the threat of what he could do to them is present evermore.
Throughout his life, the only people who have invariably been kind to him without ulterior motives are his parents, especially his mother. Therefore, a genuine compliment from his partner overwhelms him with the feeling of being wanted and makes him grossly overestimate his importance to them.
If someone claims that his partner has been disloyal to him, Oswald disregards any evidence as forged and maims the messenger for, in his eyes, being a filthy liar. The only way he would believe such a thing is if he uncovers the evidence himself, in which Oswald would rather blame a third party for forcing his partner's hand than let go of the comforting delusion that this relationship is meant to be.
As his rise to power destabilizes him mentally and puts a glaring target on his back, Oswald fears leaving his partner alone, even for a minute. His paranoia spirals out of control until he becomes obsessed with the possibility that enemies he knows too well and those he has yet to discover will come to murder or kidnap and torture the last good thing in his miserable existence.
Oswald assigns Victor Zsasz to keep vigil over his partner day and night for the foreseeable future, giving Victor — who in turn gives his henchwomen — strict shoot-on-sight orders for any visitors not on his list. The list is shorter than a pig's tail and consists of Oswald himself, Victor and crew, and as an on-again, off-again member, Edward Nygma.
In his deranged mind, not even Jim Gordan has business speaking to his partner without him there to monitor the interaction.
Suppose Oswald gets the impression that someone is trying to wheedle information out of his partner or bully them into betraying his trust. In that case, this interloper is slain with extreme prejudice at the earliest opportunity.
Suppose a friend or family member decides to come over unannounced and receives a bullet to the brain, que será, será. Oswald has convinced himself that all the others in his partner's life are traitors waiting to happen, or, if not traitors, vulnerabilities that his enemies will use to lure his partner away from the safety of his watchful eye.
Acts of disrespect towards those he cares about make Oswald apoplectic, so if he hears anything about anyone accosting or assaulting his partner, someone is getting an umbrella crammed down their throat.
Whether he beats the culprit to death with a baseball bat, lets Victor have fun with them, or mounts their severed head on one of his end tables and calls it a decoration depends on the severity of his partner's distress. If tears are shed, and blood is bled, whoever caused them this pain is hunted like an animal and reduced to meat paste.
Through mass execution and permanent disfigurement, Oswald makes it clear that his partner is off-limits to Gotham's underworld, even to those members who have been licensed to do wrong by the Pax Penguina.
Anyone still holding them at gunpoint loses an arm and then a life, and Oswald insists that he take that life himself because everything that threatens his partner threatens him, too.
If in Arkham together, Oswald deems himself far more honest than the rest of these ruffians and thus makes a promise. Any violence against his partner will be inflicted tenfold on the perpetrators, whom he adds to his big book of names to disappear once he regains his status as King of Gotham.
Locked alone in the asylum, Oswald worries that his partner will leave and forget about him. Once free, he tracks their current address by any means necessary and seeks confirmation that they have not forsaken him. This absence has so reinforced his inability to separate that the appearance of a new person or a request to distance himself from them is perceived as a betrayal.
Although Oswald will always forgive his partner, he will not quit plotting revenge against those who gave them these terrible ideas. The day of reckoning for these pond scum will come when and how he pleases. In the meantime, he would like to share a ribeye steak with his partner while everyone else in Gotham starves.
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danosrosegarden · 1 year
Angel (Part Three) - Edward Nashton x GN!Reader
Contains: a small dose of angst, mentions of sex work, and that's about all!
Note: once again, I'd like to say Angel Eddie has minor differences to Paul Dano's 2022 Riddler. I'm so pleased with this little series so far, and I hope you continue to read!
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The lights inside of Josephine's were stuck in a constant whir. Perhaps it was just your eyes having grown accustomed to the dark, gloomy, rain-drenched streets of Gotham, but Josephine's blazing yellow walls and buzzing overhead lights were nibbling on your nerves and giving you a blasting headache.
Your waitress wasn't Josephine. Her nametag said Olga. She was old. She frowned by default, the wrinkles of her face carved deep into her mole-speckled skin. She stalked over to your table slowly.
Olga pulled a notebook from the front of her apron and clicked a pen. "Go ahead," she said in a gravelly rasp.
You looked up from your cup of black coffee and peered at Edward, who stared back at you with a straight face and empty eyes. In the light of the diner, you could finally see his face better. Round, freckled cheeks, an eternal blush dusting the dotted skin. His nails were torn and jagged, the skin of his lips chapped and peeling off. His glasses were thin and crooked, resting on his curvy nose at a slant. He was beautiful. Disheveled and anxious, but undeniably beautiful.
"Gonna order something?" Olga grunted.
"Oh. Um. Can I just have, um..." Your eyes frantically darted around the breakfast section of the menu as your cheeks tingled with heat. "Pancakes? An order of pancakes?"
"You want fruit on the side?"
"Sure, sure, thank you."
"Hmm." Olga snatched the menu from your weak grasp and turned to Edward. "What'll it be."
"The coffee is just fine, thank you."
Olga plucked the menu from in front of him and walked away without another word.
"You're not getting anything?" you asked.
You'd noticed something about Edward the moment you first interacted...he did not like to look you in the eyes, but when he did, he stared. He stared long and hard, and that stare had sharp, frosty icicles. His stare was deep, penetrating, and though it felt rather invasive, you were the one who had asked a stranger to roll down their window and open their door. You were the one intruding, spending his money, wasting his time.
Through the guilt bubbling in your stomach, you thirsted for any scraps on Edward's plate. You wanted to know more.
"Are you going to tell me what you were doing in an empty parking lot at five in the morning?"
Edward's stare faltered for a split second; a single crack in the code. His eyes darted away for a fraction of a moment and quickly targeted back on you.
"Sometimes I drive when I can't clear my head."
"Fair enough. What was on your mind, Edward?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"I'm sorry."
"No, don't apologize."
You listened to the clicking of plates in the kitchen for a moment, the boisterous laughter from the cooks. The place smelled like maple syrup. The air tasted of something thick and cinnamony.
"What were you doing?" Edward asked, his eyes now fixated on the table.
"I told you, I got kicked out."
"I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "Hey, it's not your fault, it's mine."
Something inside of you was tugging at your vocal chords, urging you to share more. You weren't exactly sure what to make of Edward and what you felt about him. He couldn't be a friend...you had just met, and met under circumstances less than ideal. But something lying dormant was peeking out from under the covers, begging you to let go, to have faith in him. Speak.
"I was living with a...uh...a boyfriend, let's say."
"Let's say?"
"I don't know what to call him, Edward. My..."
Here we go.
"My work. Having a serious relationship didn't always work so well, considering what I do for work."
"What do you do?"
You sighed, resting your face in your cold, dry hands. "I'm a sex worker."
There was no twitch of his eye, no perk of his lip, nothing to gauge a reaction.
"I hope you don't look down on me." You could've decked yourself in the face for sounding so pathetic. Who gave a fuck what he thought?
You did. There was no explaining why, there was just a sorry, feeble wish that he'd still want to converse with you.
"I don't look down on you, Y/N."
"Do you want to know something, Edward?"
"I'm glad you were there when you were. I-I know this sounds crazy, but you're already like a friend to me." Your stomach flipped in wild leaps as you talked. You were like a bursting firecracker, crackling through the air without a break. "I mean, you don't care about my work. Marshall started off as a client. I thought he didn't care. But he fucking kicked me out. I needed more money to live, Edward, and he didn't understand that." You hands shook and your heart started to race. Your voice was raising, but it was all gas, no brakes. You couldn't find a way to stop. "I mean, who does that? He knew what he was getting into when he got with me. And since when were we even an official thing? Sure, we were living together, I guess, but he liked to drink, he liked to smoke. Those are expensive hobbies, Edward. He just...he didn't get it."
The air around the table was shrouded with a foul-smelling cloud of awkward silence. Edward peered up at you, nursing a bleeding strip of skin from a hangnail he'd ripped off while you were ranting. He said nothing, his face pale and blank.
You cleared your throat.
"My point is," you spoke, even and calm, "you're not like that. I feel as if you understand me already. I...I don't know. I feel as if we were meant to be here together."
"You do not want to be my friend."
Your eyebrows furrowed. That's what he had to say after everything?
"Why do you say that?"
He shook his head. "I-I'm sorry. There's just...there's so much you don't know about me, Y/N."
Edward was beautiful, yes, but in a disheartening way. There was something crying in the chasm of his hazel eyes that looked broken, stitched from torn pieces of dirty fabric. Perhaps there was something in Edward that also felt used, hurt, stamped on, burnt out. Maybe in sharing this space with him, your pain would coalesce into one broiling ball of shame you'd hold onto together. Could your charred skin ever heal? Could those acidic burns of the past ever cool, or was it wishful thinking? You wondered.
Edward took a sip of his coffee and set the cup back down with a shaking hand.
"Y/N, it is a brave thing to love me. That's what I'll say."
He was beautiful, dishearteningly gorgeous, and shrouded in mystery. Before you had time to begin unraveling his words, Olga bumbled over to your table and set down your plate of pancakes.
Fruit on the side.
"Thank you," you said softly, pulling a fork from the wrap of utensils on the table.
A brave thing. It echoed in your mind like a call out in an empty church. It is a brave thing to love me.
You did not speak to God often. When you did, you were usually asking Him for something. As you chewed on your warm, cloudy pancakes and watched Edward watch the carpet, you asked for one thing.
Let me know more. I'd like more of him. Please.
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Top 10 18 Most Hated NonDD Roles
Aka the ‘Fuck You, _____!’ list lol these aren't in order other than alphabetical by movie/show this time since that's a lotta hate, but oh boy almost changed my mind a couple times. Now, everyone knows I love DD characters, especially now that I've finished my love list, but what about everyone else around him? Sometimes I like them, sometimes I'm indifferent, sometimes they gotta kill him and I understand that cause he's a hot villain, but sometimes they just straight up treat him bad in ways I don't like or are so awful that I genuinely hate them, so let's take a look at some pure negativity today lmao
Just to state first that even though I'm very salty in this it's still all for fun, even if I have Some Opinions on all the people below 😖
James and José - 12 Monkeys
This is a tiny fuck you cause I get it, but the man was very unwell, like very very very unwell, this is mostly just me excusing murder because hot man but he was doing it to save time itself or something, doesn't that count for anything? Get him some help and then stop the bad guys and fix time, they should be your actual priority, guys.
Everyone who was ever mean to Simon - Almost Human
I'm just a broken record at this point, everyone knows how I feel about Simon, I'm scooping him up and punching all of them in the face and then we're gunna get fries and watch TV together.
Everyone in AVGN: The Movie
I've seen YouTuber movies before, there's usually something that makes me laugh even if it's still that special type of cringe. This movie just sucks. It's bad. It's sososososo bad. The only part that made me laugh was DD's quick bit because he sells every role he's in and I love him. I'm so glad I never have to see this one again, this one's a fuck you to them for just… not making an entertaining movie :/
Cass' family and Dwayne - Cass
Yeah yeah I know they're kids and that they're lonely and dealing with it in bad ways, but my God. She has zero self-preservation (he had such good points about her following him like????) and it's frustrating, and when she went to take that selfie I became so anxious over what her giving it to him would bring that it made me actually sick. Her brother is straight awful, I felt bad at first cause clearly he only has the two friends, but he wasn't just allowing things to happen he was right there being a genuine shit to that homeless couple that it made me mad. The dad I can't fault because he's just looking out for his daughter, so he gets a pass, but fuck Dwayne in particular for stealing his paintings, pissing on everything else, and then nearly getting Joshua to basically kill himself. Old man yells at clouds but it's me yelling at these kids, fuck them I'm taking care of Joshua now. 
Literally everyone else in Cora
The Vampire is the only redeeming quality of this short and even then he still falls prey ;w; Cora herself is okay, her dad is good, but her mom sucks and those teens at the camp really suck, the cringe dialogue really gets me yeesh. I feel like their entire scene could've been shortened or at least written in a way that didn't make my entire body shrivel up when the guys spoke. Fuck all of them for making me cringe when I'm trying to enjoy those double fangs, I’m so petty I’m glad all of them got got.
Jerome - Gotham
His energy is great. I'm still not sure if he actually is the Joker or if I'm insane and it was a red herring cause I saw comments? But he nailed the Dark Knight energy of the Joker even if he's not, don't spoil, I will watch someday I swear. Anyway fuck him though for killing Dwight in the most Joker way possible, yeah he took his face but he also brought him back to life so c’mon man just forgive him already and banish him, I've got room for him in my bed it all works out.
Olga and Svea - Last Seen Wearing
I don't really hate them, but I really like David Porter and the fact that he brought flowers and they still ate him after all he went through to find them. I'm gunna find him at the club and take him to a different party, in fact I'll become a model and help him write a better story and they can eat some other people instead, this tired party boy is mine now.
The Grove - Light Night With the Devil
Yes, fuck the entire Grove. If he didn't get tangled up with them then everything would be fine. He might never be #1 on the charts but he'll always be #1 in our hearts, and Minnie would still be there for him too, so yeah fuck the whole Grove, I want my Night Owl to be happy.
Amber - MacGyver 2016
This one is quick and obvious but like fuck her for using him to start, but using his son as well? What a bitch, I'm not gunna be Cassian’s stepmom I'm gunna be his mom who stepped up.
The Woman - Making Love
This is totally me projecting here, but fuck her. Anyone who's okay with cheating and jerking around the both of them is genuinely hated in my book, both as someone who's been jerked around and someone who's watched someone very dear to me be jerked around while she was in so much pain. This is a real hate, there's nothing jokey about it this time, he deserves better no matter how beautiful she is. No one deserves to go through what he's going through, even though he's not blameless for pursuing her. I wasn’t, and neither was my friend. This one gets me personally, so fuck her.
Detective Loki - Prisoners
I think this guy might be The Most Hated NonDD Role ever. The amount of people I know who hate this guy for what he did to Bob is astounding and I was really hoping he'd find the real guy and save the girls until he did what he did. This guy sucks, he hurt my most precious boy, I'm glad he saved the one girl but he needs a swift kick to the nuts as my dad would say, fuck you Loki, I’ll be taking your badge now, no retirement, no pension.
The entirety of Ray Donovan
I've been putting away DVDs of this show at work for years but I've never seen anything from it until I watched DD's ep. It was so bad I quit the rest of the video after his scene. This one was actual torture to sit through up until that point, I had to see old man sex that I did not want, the camera was on Donovan most of the time while DD spoke, this one is another personal fuck you for giving me a bad time, that show and everyone else in it sucks. (No offense to anyone who may be following me who likes it but it wasn't for me)
The Bullies - Teacher
I hate bullies. I can't stand them. The only exception is Cam and that's only because he's hot and I want him to bully me. In highschool I was always too invisible to be bullied, but those few times where I was seen? Where my seat on the bus was being kicked because it was hot and I opened the window? Where someone came after me cause I was protecting my friend from her bitchiness? Where I was given a fake love confession by a friend of my crush, only to hear him whisper to my crush that I wasn't reading it so I knew it was his idea? I fucking hate bullies. Fuck Tim and his friends for everything they did to Preston and Daniela. Fuck his dad for what he said and did to James as well as his own son even though I’m mad at him. Fuck everyone who wasn't on his side while everything actively got worse and made him spiral. But especially, fuck Arabella for looking at him that way. Like I said in my other list, she would cringe directly to his face whenever he said something she didn't like, which is so fucking rude??? Even when she accepted his dates and she was supposed to be on his side she was still cringing at him; if I was on a date with someone and said something dumb and I looked up and saw that I'd cry and never talk to them again. If she wasn't interested she could’ve just turned him down, he's a nice guy, he would've understood even if it made him sadder, it would've been better than her treating him that way and then storming out on him after he was humiliated in front of her. I hate the bullies, but she was the worst because she wasn't even supposed to be a bully, she just treated him cruelly while trying to be kind.
Dany Wilkins - The Belko Experiment
Okay for this one I'm just petty. He was freaking out and she made it worse, I may just be spouting nonsense here cause I'm clouded by the Power of Love, but if that were me I would've tried to actually calm him, cause her running did not help. It'd be scary as hell, but if I worked there he'd already know me so I wouldn't leave his side. I maybe kinda cheered when she finally died after surviving for so long, this one makes me petty.
The Boogeyman
Great monster design, hated every second he was around, but also fuck this guy for making such a sweet dad so miserable before getting him. I am once again swearing I will save him and make him happy.
Everyone else in The Employer
I just genuinely hate those guys. Their characters sucked and watching them was insufferable. James was the only redeeming quality and I mean that, way to write everyone as the most unlikable people on the planet, which I guess was the point, but they can be unlikeable and still be enjoyable, y’know, that is a possible combination that makes for a better movie.
Fuerza - The Flash
I just straight up hate this thing for killing him in one swipe. It was cheap, it was bad writing, it left me so annoyed after all the great buildup with his family and him working those eyes and stealing my heart. What the actual hell, why couldn't that have been saved for the next episode, why couldn't he have least been injured but ultimately okay, this one just frustrates me. I’m going to the future to warn him and we’re gunna start a family together, that’s another Ray Guarantee and this one’s all for me.
Dracula - The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Yes, I'm giving a fuck you to Dracula himself. This guy made everyone excited for some good bonus pay fun times, then ate half of them, made him shoot his crewmate, made him cry which is instantly illegal, made him fall like 40 feet where he bumped his head and broke his leg, made him try and sink the ship he called him, and then killed him. By the time he fell I was ready to get up and jump into the movie right there in the theater. The only way Dracula can redeem himself is if Hollywood lets DD play him, otherwise fuck Dracula,  friendship ended with him, now Dr Fearless is my best friend.
Honorable mentions
A super special fuck you to James Gunn and Hulu specifically for giving me the greatest loves of my life and then taking them away from me. I'm going to buy their licensing rights from you and bring them back, I miss Abner and Johnson every single day, life is unfair, this sucks, what the hell.
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unitedstatesofsimp · 5 months
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Edward Nygma head-canons
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve watched Gotham in its entirety but I’ve seen it many times so I hope I’m remembering him properly.(my brain may be rotted from all the fan fiction I’ve read since then)
This Ed is based on him in early season 3 before he meets Isabela and everything that went down after….the incident.
He has gone through the change from his previously nerdy and awkward self in season 1 to his more confident self as chief of staff, but he hasn’t had his full transition into his riddler personality yet so he’s still somewhat questioning his identity still.
I can see him being at an impasse of him wanting to do right by his friend Oswald and him wanting to make a name just for himself in the criminal underworld.
I also think he still has hallucinations of his other self and in addition Kristen because of the guilt he would still struggle with.
He’s still probably a little awkward at gatherings and is more confident when he’s just an advisor to Oswald at events and not stuck trying to suck up to rich society people and politicians he has no interest in talking to.
With that I see him preferring to be more of a wallflower or just not attending some events at all if not necessary.(and if Oswald isn’t bugging him to go with him)
I see him spending most of his free time in the manor either looking into things for Oswald,reading,playing video games or listening to music on a record player in one of the various rooms around the house.
He still probably enjoys to cook for himself and Oswald when Olga allows him to, I can also see him waking up extra early and beating Olga to the kitchen before she arrives for her shift in the morning’s.(probably worsening Oswald crush on him in the process)(I can’t blame him)
(More of an Ozzy head-canon here) Oswald definitely goes with him to get their suits fitted together, and has little details like his umbrella stitched into the seams of Edward’s and his shirts.
He definitely gives the NASTIEST stink eye to people he doesn’t like, cough cough Butch.
He can’t dance at clubs for shit definitely does the white man shuffle I don’t make the rules 🙌
This doesn’t mean he can’t dance at all he can, he dances predominantly the Foxtrot and swing but I can see him interested in learning more.
This is my first time writing so pls be nice and I’m just doing it to help with my craving for more Gotham content.
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esperata · 9 months
End of year wip round-up
Time to look through my files of notes and see what plots I have still waiting attention, and perhaps assess where they are in the scale of projects. Colour coded for riddlebird, hattercrow, wahsbands or octogoblin. I'm always open to questions on my projects. In fact, please do ask if you want to encourage them to be written.
Starting with some I have posted as unfinished works.
OTT (LEGO Batman) : I intend to post a second chapter for this, showing how well Riddler's plan turns out.
Gay Attorney (Gotham/Ace Attorney) : This is supposed to have multiple chapters with the various 'witnesses' taking the stand.
Little Bird (Batwoman) : Not sure where this is heading but a follow up chapter seems necessary.
P.I. Riddler (DC comics) : I have an outline of the idea for this but not sure how many chapters it will require to complete.
Urban Legends (Batman - all media) : There is going to be a continuation here with other rogues making an appearance.
What Is Reality? (Btas) : I already have a second chapter started and a concept of where its going, including a 'final' scene.
A few extra Mahou AU story ideas.
Killer Croc vs Jonathan (Arkhamverse) : This is an interesting conflict I'd like to write.
Grown up Ed gets powers (Burtonschumacher) : We only saw one half of this duo in my first story so it seems fair to bring in Riddler.
Take A Chance on Me (Arkhamverse) : Pitting the pair against the machinations of Hugo Strange.
Oz mentors Ed (The Batman) : Does what it says on the tin.
The Curse of Alice (1960s) : Again an interesting development I'd like to explore.
Future Hattercrow (Gotham) : Not sure about this but considering this pair twenty years further on.
The Telltale series.
You Only Live Twice : Oswald is being mentored but demands Edward treat him as an equal if he truly respects him.
For Your Eyes Only : Edward gets trapped by the Agency and suffers their virus before returning to Oswald.
The Spy Who Loved Me : Oswald helps Edward through the aftereffects, unwilling to lose anyone else to madness.
Live and Let Die : Riddler is planning his return to Gotham, letting Oswald into the secrets of his past to convince him.
The Living Daylights : A continuation of the story arc.
New stand alone ideas.
Babysitter : Wario is cajoled into babysitting Bowser's kids and calls Waluigi in for reinforcements.
Sherrif Wario : Waluigi rides into town and immediately gets called a trouble maker by the Mario bros. Wario makes his own assessment.
Good Omens : A friend suggested Alfred Molina as Aziraphale and Willem Dafoe as Crowley which is a fantastic idea.
Fate Or Something Like It : I really wanted to consider the timeline after Norman got back from No Way Home. How he might try to save Otto from his fate.
Old Friends, Bitter Enemies : I watched the Spider-man PS game and love the dynamic of Norman and Otto. It would be worth playing with.
Skyscraper : Basically a PWP. Be fun to write.
Misunderstandings : Oswald overhears Ed saying something he shouldn't.
Batman vs Dracula (2004 cartoon) : A re-write of the film except bringing Riddler into the story.
Halloween Topsy Turvy : A fancy dress party at the Lounge causes feelings to run high.
Streamer Ed (btas) : Ed works as a streamer, with Jon and Jervis as mods, and a habit of review Iceberg Lounge promotional videos.
Gotham Gossip (Gotham) : Newspaper column style fic charting their rising and falling relationship. I still like this concept but am struggling with the media.
Kids museum meeting (comics) : A look back at how they might have met as children.
Secret Admirer : Where both Oswald and Ed are the other's secret admirer.
Tattoos (comics) : Oswald has tattoos - Ed is intrigued.
Olga My Queen (1960s/Gotham) : What if the Queen of Cossacks was Oswald's maid?
Gotta Shape Up (Harley Quinn series) : ngl I lost impetus with this show but I still like this idea - Ed having to step up with Joshua after Oswald's demise.
The King Is Dead : Similar concept in that it looks at how Riddler might react in the wake of Penguin's demise.
Wrap You Around My Finger : Ed is new to Gotham and thinks it'll be easy to cajole favours from Penguin. He is wrong.
Western AU : I wanted a fic with Jonathan on a horse thus this idea was born.
Are We Friends? (Gotham) : Ed struggles to pin down just what their relationship is during Oswald's eye recovery period. Again, not super confident writing in this media now.
Rogues Go Skiing (LEGO) : Cutesy vacation style slice of life.
Arkham sitcom : Exactly as it says, chapters done with mini plots happening, all within Arkham asylum.
Bookshop (1960s) : Penguin owns a book store and has suitors competing for him - Riddler vs Bookworm
Pre-Arkham : What if Jon and Jervis met before either became rogues?
Trans Oswald (The Batman) : Not actually a romantic fic but more angsty, considering what if he'd had a child in his younger years.
Merman Oz (2004 cartoon) : I just like the visual of him as a mermaid.
What You Love Most (Arkhamverse) : Another angsty piece where Ed doesn't realise Oswald's feelings.
Drive-in Movie (Batwheels) : Simultaneous riddlebird and Ducky/Quizz.
Music Meister (Arkhamverse) : Don't tell me the concept of Oz being forced to sing isn't hilarious.
Rumour Mill : Jonathan steps in when rumours spread about Jervis.
Trans Ed (Arkhamverse) : I wanted to write Oz facing his own transphobia but I'm not sure I can do the topic with the required sensitivity.
Hypnotism : As a hattercrow fan, its almost a rite of passage to write Jervis using his powers on Jon.
Merry Little Batman : I'm always drawn to new media variations.
More continuations.
The World Is Your Oyster sequel : What would life be like living with an octo-person?
Post Game (Arkhamverse) : A possibly final installment to my arkham Games series.
Nobody Said It Was Going To Be Easy sequel (btas) : Not sure this is something I still want to do honestly.
The Boss (The Batman) : Picking up their story post film.
Angel!Ed/Demon!Oz (2004 cartoon) : Bringing the contrasting pair actually together.
Pax Penguina sequel (Gotham) : I have no impetus to continue this one at present.
The Real Deal sequel (btas) : Considering whether Ed might get his own larger than life Penguin doll.
The King Of Gotham sequel (comics) : Picking up where the story ends off. Not finished posting the original yet.
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meanstreetspodcasts · 14 days
BONUS - Holy Guest Villains, Batman!
To the Batcave! In this bonus episode, we'll hear five Suspense stars who played Gotham City bad guys opposite Adam West and Burt Ward on Batman. We'll hear Vincent Price (Egghead) and Ida Lupino (Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft) in "Fugue in C Minor" (originally aired on CBS on June 1, 1944), Roddy McDowall (Bookworm) in "One Way Street" (originally aired on CBS on January 23, 1947), Anne Baxter (Zelda the Great, and Olga, Queen of the Cossacks) in "Always Room at the Top" (originally aired on CBS on February 20, 1947), Van Johnson (The Minstrel) in "The Defense Rests" (originally aired on CBS on October 6, 1949), and Milton Berle (Louie the Lilac) in "Rave Notice" (originally aired on CBS on October 25, 1950).
Check out this episode!
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whats-those · 6 months
[Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Fandoms: Gotham (TV)
Pairings: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma (background)
Chapter Summary: Martín has made it home, but something isn't right.
Words: 3,027 / 25,197 total (10/17 chapters)]
"The mansion was silent. Martín wanted to call out for Oswald, for Olga, for Edward the dog—even for the human Ed, despite knowing for sure he wasn’t there. He ran to Oswald's study and threw the door open. It was empty."
I'm taking a break with the illustrations for this fic. The style I chose to do them in turned out to be really limiting and it was starting to get frustrating. I might come back and do the illustrations for the remaining chapters after some time but we'll have to see.
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philosopherking1887 · 2 years
Mayor Oswald Cobblepot and his chief of staff, Edward Nygma (who could still hardly believe that those titles applied to them), had just finished dinner at the Van Dahl mansion, mainly spent discussing policy initiatives and how they interacted with Oswald’s interests in the underworld. Olga had come to clear away their plates, for which Oswald thanked her, as he did every time (never mind that he was also paying her generously to do such tasks), leaving them to nurse their half-full wine glasses in mostly comfortable silence… until Ed could no longer restrain the urge to break it. “Oswald, may I ask you a question?” Oswald looked up suddenly, as if startled out of a reverie, and smiled—his sincere smile, which Ed felt privileged to see as often as he did, since it was such a rare sight in Oswald’s public existence. “Of course, my friend! You never need to ask; you know I have no secrets from you.” “Well, I thought… it’s on a somewhat… sensitive topic; I was worried you might take offense.” “I’m sure I won’t,” Oswald said, still smiling, and took a sip of his wine. “Ask away.” “All right. Why haven’t you gotten surgery to repair your leg? I know you could afford the very best surgeons and rehabilitative physiotherapists in the world, if you wanted to.” Oswald’s smile froze for a moment, and so did Ed’s heart; he feared that he had overstepped, again, and he knew that he risked his life every time that he did. But Oswald just cleared his throat and said, with a kind of brittle cheerfulness, “You are quite right that money is no obstacle. The problem, as with so many things in life, is time.”
I'm back on my bullshit.
This very question occurred to me in season 3. Oswald got the brace in season 5, but considering the medical miracles that were constantly being pulled off on the show, it seemed completely plausible that he could have found someone to just fix the underlying problem. I know the Doylist reasons, but I'm intrigued by possible Watsonian reasons.
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wishfulsketching · 2 months
Tumblr media
Had an idea. Drew the idea.
Olga stays alive with pure willpower, just to annoy Oswald.
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 135
Ed: Olga, can you make me a sandwich?
Olga: Of course. *puts bread on his head* You're a sandwich.
Oswald: Edward's kinda like a dog. He doesn't really think about me when I'm gone, but he's so happy when I show up.
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