#once I watched their interview where they debating which one is stronger
movielosophy · 2 years
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Love Between Fairy and Devil~ She’s strong
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elisysd · 3 months
3. Wonder why you took a risk on a broken heart you cannot fix
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Purple Irises - Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton 
Another DNF. On a track he loved and had witnessed him achieving great performances. But now, being out after not even a corner, it was painful. He knew he couldn’t have done anything to avoid it but still, it was a bitter feeling. And a feeling that didn’t go away when he saw you waiting for him, your mic ready. He hadn’t talked to you ever since that day at the restaurant, didn’t ask for your number, didn’t ask for your social media, didn’t ask for anything and a part of him regretted it. Kind of. He had promised to show you not everyone was untrustworthy but didn’t even think to ask for a means to contact you. He knew it was stupid but he hated empty promises. He was man of his word and to think he could let you down like everybody else was unsettling for him. 
He moved to you, Silvia by his side and gulped, bracing himself for a petty question that surprisingly didn’t come through.
“A very sad day for you Charles, can you tell us what happened with Lance?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been able to watch the images yet but I guess he thought he had space and clearly, it was not the case.”
“Two DNF in three races, it’s not the start of the season you hoped it would be. What are your plans for now?”
“See what went wrong and try to learn from it with the team. That’s the best we can do and we will come back stronger next time.”
“Thank you Charles.”
As she was cutting her microphone he saw you looking at him.
“I’m sorry about the race. Truly.”
“No teasing this time?” he asked, surprised.
“I’m not a heartless monster.” you replied as Silvia pushed him to go talk to other media.
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The meeting with her team went nice. They talked a bit about race, debriefing each other's interventions of the day and looked at what they should have done better. You were happy when Marion told you that you had improved, your questions sharper and more precise, and happy, you had decided to wander the paddock in search of new information or to meet interesting new people. That is something you’ve always liked to do, hanging out somewhere to get the atmosphere and to have conversations with people who could provide you with new enlightenments about contracts, performances or any changes inside the teams. You had learned it while being in New-York, during one of your internships while you were covering  basketball games where your boss had told you to let your ears wander. A few words that you were clinging onto. Near the Mercedes hospitality, you had not expected to run into Mick who was coming out of it, a bottle of water in his hands. Out of habits you smiled at him, giving him a little nod which he took as an invitation to talk to you.
“Hey! I saw you around, right? The new interviewer for French TV?”
“That should be me, yes. Y/N, nice to meet you.” you greet him.
You found it surprisingly easy to talk to Mick. The discussion flowed, laughter could be heard from the other side of the paddock and soon the sun was setting. He was friendly, caring, and offered her to sit somewhere so they didn’t have to stand in the middle of the way.
“You know, I’m going to a bowling place tonight with some friends. Do you want to tag along?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s very professional of me.” 
“No pressure, of course. The offer stands but we all need to let go from time to time.” he added, winking at you before leaving.
You spent another half an hour debating with yourself on whether or not you should go. You could use some friends for sure, and Mick is not a bad guy, you know it.  He doesn’t have any hidden agenda behind his kindness, he just genuinely wants to get to know you and be your friend. And you saw how some journalists are buddy-buddy with the drivers, including in your own team. So why couldn’t you? You took a deep breath and decided that for once, you would have fun. And it had been a while since you had gone to a bowling area. You quickly went back to your hotel room to change into more comfortable clothes and you met Mick there. You recognised Esteban there as well and you were not surprised, you knew the two drivers were closed. 
You had fun. More fun than what you expected coming here. You sucked at bowling but it didn’t stop you from laughing. You also enjoyed Esteban’s calm confidence and how laid back he was. You told him you felt sorry about his crash with Pierre, Alpine could have realized something amazing out there.
“I know, I’m gutted. It’s not the start of the season we hoped it would be, for sure. But the season is long, so we have time to improve.”
“I’m sure it will keep on being better, Esteban. Trust your team.” Mick said, coming to them, a grin on his face. He sat down next to you before turning his head in your direction. “I’m glad you decided to come. I wasn’t sure you would.”
“I’m happy I did, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this relaxed.” you confessed. “I don’t have many friends, I’m not good at making connections.”
“Well you have us, now.” Mick shrugged.
“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll betray you?”
“Do you intend to?”
“No.” you admitted after a few seconds.
“Then it’s all good.” he smiled.
“You trust people easily, you know. A little too easily.”
“A few years ago, I wasn’t like that. I was doubting everyone and everything. I thought people only wanted to be around me because of my dad and not because of me. And then I decided to stop caring because usually those people end up leaving at the first obstacle. It’s better to give people a chance than being closed off. My friends are basically my second family, my home away from home. I’m a family guy, it’s tough for me to be away from them, so that’s why my friends are so important.”
“I’m not that close to my family.” you confessed and your heart wrenched at the thought.
“Because of your job?”
“That and I made a few mistakes in the past that really altered our relationship. And a lot of regrets, mostly about my brother. When you’re halfway across the world, it’s tough to be there when he needs you most. I should have been there for him.”
“It’s never too late to fix things.”
You gave him a sad smile and a shrug. You don’t want to bother him with your complicated family’s stories. And frankly, you don’t want to think about them.
“I understand you know, the regrets. I have so many when I think about my dad. I’ve never told him I loved him enough,  I should have told him everyday. I even regret things that are so far ahead in the future, like my wedding, my first kid… I often think about how he won’t be completely there to see all of that.” he bitterly said. 
“At least he is there. Even if it’s not how you want it.”
“I guess.”
When you ended up leaving, after this very heartfelt conversation, you felt somehow relieved. Maybe he was right, you didn’t have to assume the worst about people. You took your phone out of your pocket and looked at your lock screen. A picture of you and your brother. You smiled tenderly, you missed him. 
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Coming back to Paris and to your flat felt weird after such magical weeks. The gloomy weather made you regret the sun on your skin and you definitely didn’t miss the messy public transportation. Your days were filled with preparing the next races, organizing a few livestreams here and there where you invited fans to talk about the first few races of the season. And thanks to your connection at Alpine and the good relationship you had started to build with the drivers you even managed to get an interview from Pierre where you get to talk about his first weeks in his new team. It had been a nice and chill discussion more than an interview and you were happy to see that people had liked the concept and hoped you would keep it going with other people.
Despite how happy you were feeling about your week, it had still been a busy one and you couldn’t wait to go home and hop in your shower to relax before going out again to meet your best friend in a nice parisian restaurant. You arrived earlier than her and got to your table as the waiter gave you the menu and asked if you wanted to drink something. You ordered a Martini and started to wait for her, scrolling on your phone to pass the time. But as if fate had decided to play with you tonight, right when you decided to lift your chin, you saw him entering the restaurant. Charles Leclerc. And in good company if you could judge by the brunette walking right behind him. A date you thought to yourself. You unconsciously sat further down in your seat in hope he wouldn’t recognise you. You couldn’t help but give him little glances, your curiosity getting the best out of you. It didn’t last long, though, as your friend soon arrived and Charles wasn’t in your mind anymore.
“You have so many things to tell me and I have so many questions for you!”
You laughed. She has always been your number one supporter no matter what you were going through in your life. You didn’t expect anything else from her. Happily, you told her everything, even the slightest detail.
“So, who is the hottest? And is there anyone who is single?” she whispered to you as if you were both part of a gigantic conspiracy.
“I don’t know, I don’t really think about it. And I don’t have the mental space for that.”
She knew what you were implying. She knew all too well. She put a hand on yours and squeezed it gently before diverting the discussion to a lighter topic. The conversation flowed until your friend received a call. She quickly apologized to take it in a quieter space and came back a few minutes later, biting her lip, visibly worried.
“I got a call from my mom… my grandmother fell at home and she hit her head. She is at the hospital… I’m sorry I have to cut our dinner short, but…”
“Dont. I understand. Go.” you reassured her as she threw her arms around you and kissed your cheek before making her way out.
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He was fed up. Clearly, he was not having the time of his life. The girl right in front of him had been sent by Ferrari and Silvia in another attempt to set him up with someone. No pressure, she had told him, she just wanted him to meet her and who knows? Maybe they would hit it off. And if it wasn’t the case, then she would leave him alone. For now. So he had agreed, a few weeks of peace seemed like a good option.
But he was bored out of his mind. The girl, who seemed nice, he had nothing against her, was agreeing to everything he was saying and was waiting for him to hold the conversation. He hated that. He needed someone who could challenge him, someone who didn’t care about who he was and clearly the brunette in front of him wasn’t what he wanted. They weren’t even at the main course that she had already mentioned the growth of her following and the new opportunities being seen with him would bring her, if they decided to date. He hated it. And he didn’t intend to spend one more minute in her presence. When the waiter came to take their order, he looked him straight in the eyes.
“You know, come to think of it, I’m not hungry. Can I have the bill instead?”
He knew it was a dick move, and if his mother would hear of it she would most certainly give him an earful. But it would still be more enjoyable than sitting there. He apologized, quickly made sure that the girl knew he had no interest in going out with her another day and made his way out to pay. That’s when he noticed you, alone, sipping on your drink. He could laugh. Out of all places, he had to cross your path. As if acting on their own, his feet carried him to your table.
“Fancy, seeing you here.” he said, making you look up. He expected to see a surprised look on your face but it wasn’t the case. You didn’t take your eyes off of him, making him slightly uncomfortable. “What are you doing here, all alone? A date who hasn’t shown up?”
“I was supposed to meet my friend but she couldn’t stay for long, an emergency came up. So here I am, sipping my drink, alone. It’s okay. I’m enjoying my very own company. And that very tasteful assortment of pastries. I most likely won’t be able to eat that alone, though.” you shrugged, putting a piece of chocolate cake in your mouth.
“You know, I’m in a mood for sweet… care to share?”
You were about to offer him to sit with you when he quickly recalled that his date was still there.
“Actually, would you mind getting a doggy bag and going elsewhere to eat? I kind of want to get the hell out of here.”
“Your date wasn’t that good, I assume then.” you said as a matter of fact.
“How did you…”
“I have eyes. I saw you.”
“You saw me…” he repeated, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I was facing the door.”
And suddenly he felt stupid about trying to see a deeper meaning in her words than what she intended to.
Out of the restaurant, they both wandered along the docks, enjoying the fresh air and the almost empty streets, the bag of cakes between them as they were sharing in a natural way. Almost as if they had done it all their life. Charles told her all about his very bad date and enjoyed making her laugh.
“Glad to see my very poor and inexistent love life is entertaining.” he smiled.
“It really is. I mean, look at you. You have the fame, the money, the good looks you could have anyone you wanted and here you are, having the exact same issues as us common people.”
“Believe it or not, but dating has become harder and harder the more famous I become. Whatever that means. We are all searching for the same thing, at the end of the day and famous or not. We want someone to complete us. Someone we feel good with.”
“Yeah, it’s not easy to find.”
“Clearly not.”
They kept walking in silence, enjoying each other’s company.
“I’m shocked you don’t try to pry or snoop around. You could ask so many questions about the season and try to get insides… but you don’t. Why?”
“I’m outside of my job hours. Right now, I’m just Y/N and not Y/N the very insufferable journalist. And you hate my questions, it’s me who should be shocked that you want to hear them.”
“I don’t hate them, I just don’t understand why I seem to be the only one to be on the receiving end of your bluntness. Every freaking time.” he defended himself.
You let out a sigh.
“They are legitimate questions and they are always validated by the team before being asked, if something was out of line they would tell me and I wouldn’t ask them.” you simply said.
Charles felt that there must be something else, something she wasn’t saying but they didn’t know each other well enough for him to dare ask her. From the corner of his eye, he saw her repressing a yawn.
“It’s late, do you need someone to drive you back home safely?” he asked.
“No.” she immediately said. “I mean, it’s kind of you, really. This whole hour talking felt nice but I’m not sure it’s something that should have happened. I know I can make friends with drivers, and some journalists do it, but I don't think I can, personally. That’s just not how it works for me. It would make my job harder and I need a clear mind to focus.” you tried to explain, perfectly aware of how hypocritical you sound.
“Do you say the same things to all drivers or do I receive special treatment?”
You opened and closed your mouth. You didn’t want to lie to him and somehow he read it in your eyes that it’s not that you didn’t want to have friends among the drivers. You just didn’t want to be his friend. And somehow it hurt more than what he expected.
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Author's note: Happy first GP of the season! To celebrate it, here's the new chapter! I hope you liked it.
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Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @thirstylion @cmleitora @charizznorizz @sltwins @boherahpsody @herondalism
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randomlut · 2 years
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Non of the family was really fighting. They were trying to capture Jason. Jason was trying to run away/stall. There are scores of comics where a group tries to capture Jason and he gets away. Leviathan had Bruce and several league members fight Jason and he beat them. All I know is the issue was one of the few moments since UTRH that stressed how good Jason is a strategy and playing people.
Yes! the way I read it, it feels like an ordinary sibling brawl but vigilante standard. I remember back then when I was a kid when my Mom made me jump into the pool, once I get into the pool, I didn't want to stop to the point of my sister had to drag me out of the pool with physical force (we were both kids, nothing serious happen). same thing here.
Also, your examples show that it's USELESS to debate which one is stronger among batkids because almost DC comics are plot-driven, so it really depends on which one is being the main character/main villain in the series.
i feel like in the TFZ, the bat sibling "fight" is written quite fairly. no one really wins here, not even Jason because TFZ managed to escape but barely and they have to deal with being chased in the next volume.
the complaints feel like they just hate Jason can even hold up against batfam, like it's not allowed for Jason to be slightly competent, he must be the dumbest one against their fav and be beaten easily, which you know, is unfair.
89 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
So i got this ask and the more i think about it, you're absolutely absolutely right anon. This must be how this zombie group idea was pitched
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And this one is from Rosenberg's interview, about how Task Force Z comic was pitched
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See the full post
110 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
For people that complaining about Jason won against the Batsibling, especially Cass, did you actually read the whole run or just this panel then got angry out of context?
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193 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
So finally catch up with task force Z (the only run that i read that now since I'm still on DC Comic break).
Not really love Jason's describing himself as the same level with Bane (who literally killed Alfred?! and Jason killed him in issue 4 but now Bane's rising again because death really mean NOTHING in this run, like NOTHING NOTHING)
And no one corrects him, which seems that this is also Rosenberg's take on Jason and not just Jason's being self deprecating
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Like no Jason, maybe this is just me being a Jason's stan, but no, you're not the same, like why suddenly Jason is really into this team? Maybe because they just saved his ass earlier?
However, love Jason and Batman conversation. like what Jason said to Batman is exactly what i think about their relationship too.
See the full post
397 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Lol i just realize that there are Gotham citizens in the background. and they just standing there, watching vigilantes sibling fighting and all, being dramatic af while they just waiting for their train
Just another Tuesday for Gotham citizens.
Also, Jason's face is just open like that in public?
2,223 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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gracestone · 2 years
I think the whole reason why Tim Federle brings up Rina in interviews for Season 2 is because he is trying to keep the Rina shippers on the edge of their seat to wanna watch more. It doesn’t mean that R*na is the endgame he just doesn’t want to lose the Rina shippers just yet because some have little hope for their ship. I feel like Gina truly moved on from Ricky and her feelings for him will never come back because her feelings for E.J. are a lot stronger than what she used to feel about Ricky.
I actually have a post that talks about Tim's interviews in depth! I don't even necessarily think Tim brings up Ricky and Gina to bait the fans. I think he mostly talks about them because their S1 flirtation and Ricky rejecting Gina is a part of both characters' arcs. And of course Tim can't outright say that the ship will never really happen, because that's a spoiler. So he'll always give vague answers when interviews ask him about that. But given that he's said "I guess what I would say about R*na is, I think the reason people go to their high school reunions, even 50 years later, is because you never really graduate from high school", I wouldn't have any hope for that ship. Why would the showrunner bring up a high school reunion if the ship was meant to happen while they're still in high school? It almost sounds like they wouldn't be in each other's lives post-high school. I don't necessarily think that will be the case, but it seems pretty clear to me that Tim doesn't plan on exploring that ship and is just talking about them in terms of Ricky being Gina's first crush. Don't we all remember our first crush, even 50 years later?
Tim also mostly talks about the R*na fandom when asked about the ship. He said "That’s an incredible fandom. Man, they are passionate, and I really respect the passion that they have for that couple." Note how in an answer to a question about whether fan response to his show changes his story, he said "I say that because while I respect very much and I appreciate the passion that I know a lot of people have for these characters and these actors, ultimately that response feels, in a weird way, like it’s not really my business. That’s sort of their world to debate and talk about, and hopefully bond over. By the way, television production takes so long that by the time the season airs, you’re a little bit like, “Oh, wow, they’re reacting to this thing that I know is going to change so much, so just you wait.” It doesn’t change our mind, but we appreciate the passion." To me, that sounds like a clear indication that the R*na shippers can yell all they want on Twitter, it won't make their ship happen. Tim can't outright say that, of course, because he can't alienate part of his audience in interviews, but he's still subtly telling them not to get their hopes up. Even in answers where he's a little more vague, he's always like "we’ll see where they all end up", because that gives nothing away and will keep the shippers hanging on to the show without Tim actually having to bait them.
I agree with your interpretation of Gina's feelings, especially once she found out EJ reciprocates her feelings and allowed herself to really fall for him, but I wanna wait for Gina to actually voice how she feels before saying that with certainty. Right now it's all up to interpretation because Gina hasn't actually voiced the depth of her feelings (past and present) for either guy. Tim described Gina's feelings for EJ as "a huge crush" in one of the interviews I covered in my post, but I can't think of an interview in which he put a label on Gina's past feelings for Ricky. So we'll have to wait and see how Gina describes her own feelings in S3. But she's definitely fully moved on from Ricky. The show made that pretty clear.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
hockey!jj: road to the nhl
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the ncaa and the stress of being an nhl prospect
@sunnypogue​​ and i are back at it folks - and with this, we’ve finally established all of jj’s backstory
(the next thing we’re working on is the masterlist linking all of our hockey!jj and coho!rafe content - we’re posting on both of our blogs and @sunnypogue​ has a ton of coho!rafe stuff written already for you to catch up on his backstory)
warnings: cursing
Ward knew the Major-Junior leagues were a great opportunity and that they funneled players straight into the NHL - JJ’s end goal
The OHL came knocking as soon as JJ was draft eligible, but the idea of leaving the outer banks during high school to move somewhere way up north to play with even richer kids than he already did was intimidating to him
Then Rafe started looking at college hockey and opened the ncaa option to JJ, which he much preferred
As soon as Ward learned that JJ was considering college hockey, he started contacting coaches from the top hockey schools in the nation
Ward had a whole whiteboard full of schools and corresponding contacts posted up in his office
He sent out JJ’s highlight tape to any D1 school he could get in touch with
(JJ was oblivious - just playin’ hockey & working at the mechanics in his free time)
Actually, outside of playing hockey, JJ had very little to do with the process
Ward would send the emails, field the calls, etc.
Ward even accompanied him on a few recruiting trips, asking all the right questions.
(Did Ward miss one of Rafe’s games to attend the BU recruiting trip? Yes.)
And it paid off - JJ had a lot of college offers from some really good schools
Most of which JJ had no idea existed - Quinnipac? Northeastern? Clarkson?
Of course, there were a few he recognized - Michigan, BU, Denver
(tbh his favorite was Arizona State, but Ward refused because - “what kind of hockey did they play on the West Coast?”)
(JJ imagined it was similar to the hockey they played in North Carolina, but kept his mouth shut - for once.)
After much debate, he decided to attend University of North Dakota
JJ had grown up watching Toews & Oshie college highlights - he couldn’t help but have a soft spot for the school
Plus, the concept of living in North Dakota was hilarious to him
Ward moved JJ in mid-June, sticking around for an additional week to “keep an eye on him”
Despite Ward practically adopting JJ, he still didn’t really trust him
JJ caught Ward hovering at his practices, chatting up the coaching staff, the Athletic Director, his RA - JJ could only imagine what Ward was instructing them to do.
JJ dealt with it the way he dealt with most Ward-related things - he put his head down and played hockey.
JJ’s birthday was mid-September, so he had the luxury of being able to enroll at UND without worrying about the upcoming draft - he wasn’t eligible for another year.
UND was great, the guys were really nice and it was like a fresh start for him - no Ward, no Luke.
No one knew he was just a poor kid from some beach town on the Atlantic Coast with a deadbeat dad - he was “just JJ”
Road trips were his favorite - he’d never really gotten to travel in this region of the US before
He loved the bus rides with his teammates - even the early morning ones.
Plus, his teammates actually LIKED him - unlike his travel team back in NC, who never really embraced him as “one of their own”
(Ward said they were jealous - JJ knew better.)
The team was significantly more laidback than his travel team - despite being one of the best teams in the country
Most of the guys weren’t actively trying for the NHL and were a lot more chill which helped his nerves
Some of the older guys were already drafted, allowed to return back to UND for a year or two before joining their respective clubs
They took JJ under their wing, recognizing his talent immediately
They were always willing to hang around after practice, offering an opportunity for JJ to get a couple more drills in, or hit the gym with him a little extra.
They were full of advice for what to do and what not to do as a prospect
One thing they all advised? Attend the combine
JJ got an invite, late his freshman year, opting to attend despite being pretty unknown.
No one was really talking about him, this scrappy kid from North Carolina, who somehow got a full ride to UND.
He had a pretty impressive combine despite being on the smaller side; the physical testing went well, even though he almost threw up after the Wingate Test
(The kid before him puked twice)
The team interviews were harder, he was unfamiliar with it, unlike the junior hockey boys, his only experience coming from meeting with college coaches
JJ definitely said the Wrong Thing more than once
Ward had always handled the harder questions, the harder conversations - suddenly JJ was getting asked about his attitude issues, what he thought about legalizing marijuana, what he would do if there was a 25 foot python in a room with him - JJ was LOST.
(Also if he got ONE MORE question about his size, he was going to Lose It.)
He felt really alienated because they all seemed to know each other; it was like an exclusive clique.
Thankfully, one of his older teammates from UND was there too - they stuck together despite not really being good friends.
Somehow, he survived the combine (even after he snarked off in an interview when they questioned him about his height - JJ aptly responded with a “well, I’m taller than you, aren’t I?”)
Ward did not like that one.
His prospect status grew. Teams were very interested in him and he got on the media’s radar. Analysts predicted him going late first round, early second even.
Some of his UND teammates got wind of his newfound popularity and googled his name + elite prospects to check out his page
JJ was a little astounded to see how in depth they’d gone on his stats and a little embarrassed by all the teasing, but it was never mean-spirited
Kinda helped him feel like one of the guys which was unfamiliar after being ostracized in his younger years for not having the same economic status
JJ felt a little sick when he entered the draft.
He had been having a recurring dream where he attended the first and second rounds, only to not get picked at all, left sitting in the stands, desperately waiting to hear his name.
Deep down he knew he’d get selected by someone, but there was the inherent fear that teams hated him and would pass on him.
What if he didn’t get picked at all?
Of course, several teams were interested in him - he had a great freshman year, an excellent showing in the Frozen Four (UND lost in the semis, but JJ really put the team on his back), and his name was popping up all over Twitter as a “sleeper first round pick”
He had been in contact with scouts from Philadelphia, Columbus, Nashville and Dallas - he knew they were interested.
Ward regularly kept up with JJ, checking in to make sure his grades were good and he was getting his workouts in to stay in top form for the draft.
“Scouts are going to start attending your games, if they haven’t already.”
“They’ve even popped up at a few of Rafe’s games - they’ll be at yours.”
(That’s how JJ found out Rafe was interested in trying out for the Canes after graduation)
JJ felt stupid, but he was really praying Carolina wasn’t interested in him - he’d rather go undrafted than end up on a team with Rafe again
Hell, he was hoping they wouldn’t be in the same division, much less the same conference - the less he saw of Rafe, the better.
Silly boy thought he’d be in the AHL
JJ didn’t attend the draft because he wasn’t predicted to go super early (also, you know - the nightmares)
He ended up staying in North Dakota to keep practicing and working out with some of his teammates who stuck around
The night of the first round, the group of them ordered food and hung out in one of the boys apartments to watch together. JJ was pretty sure he wouldn’t go in the first round, but his curiosity won out.
He sat in a corner chair, staring blankly at his hands the majority of the evening, too nervous to really even watch
To his surprise, his name was called late in the first round, the Dallas Stars using the 28th pick on him.
(JJ was pretty dejected at this point - Philly and Nashville had passed him up, despite showing a ton of interest earlier in the week)
He was struck still and wordless, barely registering the boys jumping up and down, shaking him, and screaming all around him
“Fuck, dude, you get to play with Seguin and Benn”
Soon after the first round ended, the Stars GM called and he put it on speaker to talk to him
“We love your game, son, we feel you’ll be a good fit for our team. I’m calling to invite you to prospect camp this year, we want the opportunity to see what you can really do. Can’t wait to see you in a Stars uniform.”
Ward called him next, already talking about getting JJ an agent and flight details to get down to Dallas for camp. It was all a blur, and the fluttering in JJ’s stomach got stronger as he realized he’d really made it.
Well, almost made it.
Prospect camp was insane. He felt like he barely slept, it was just eating, media, and hockey. The facilities were amazing and the other guys were so talented.
The competitive atmosphere was nothing like he’d ever felt before, and he thrived, consistently rising to the challenge.
Everyone wanted an invite to training camp, but spots were limited.
The practices were on another level - JJ was bone tired the whole week, body aching from the constant skating & checking.
Scrimmages were fun - JJ loved playing with guys outside the NCAA, enjoying the challenge that came with playing with talented, older prospects.
At the end, he got an invite to training camp
Playing with actual NHLers, some that he’d even grown up watching, was insane.
He was legitimately starstruck when Joe Pavelski checked him into the boards during a practice scrimmage - it took him a couple of seconds to recover.
JJ was the youngest at training camp by far - living out of a suitcase in a random Dallas hotel, trying to figure out whether he needed to re-enroll at UND or not, fielding daily calls from Ward - it was stressful.
(And apparently, his stress was palpable, because the next day, after practice, Tyler Seguin smacked him on the head, demanding that he meet him for dinner that night at Nick & Sam’s)
(JJ did not know what the fuck Nick & Sam’s was, but he figured it out)
Tyler sat JJ down, ordered him a big ol’ steak, & told JJ to tell him what was on his mind because “you’ve been looking constipated for about a week, now.”
JJ just...unloads on him. Tells him everything he’s stressed about - leaving school, moving to Dallas, whether he’s actually good enough to stay on NHL roster - he’s nearly panting by the time he’s done talking.
Tyler, shockingly, is an excellent listener. He offers advice about signing a contract & reassures JJ that he’s talented (“dude, you’re not going down to Austin. They’d be insane.”).
They also discuss the merits of maybe playing an extra season of NCAA before committing fully to the NHL because he was young and it was intimidating
Tyler gave his perspective and mistakes he made as a bit of a warning to starting too young
If anything, the dinner made JJ more confused about his future - would he fuck everything up if he waited another year? What if he got injured at UND, and never actually made the NHL?
He didn’t sleep that night - or the night after.
Ultimately, Ward ended up deciding for him, pushing him into signing an ELC & leaving UND.
“At least you’re guaranteed some money, son. That’s gotta be enough inspiration.”
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laboratorioautoral · 4 years
The original outline and why it is still relevant to ASOIF
Since the original outline for A Song of Ice and Fire was leaked there’s been a massive effort, both in fandom and mainstream media, to discredit everything that was revealed there as a potential clue for the future of the story.
Although I agree that some changes happened, I don’t subscribe to the idea that the outline is irrelevant at this point. This little essay is my attempt to analyze the outline and compare it with what has already happened and still could happen in the future books, how much was changed and more importantly, how it was changed. I won’t say this is an impartial analysis (because I don’t believe that such a thing exists) but an honest effort of textual interpretation.
Here we go:
“Dear Ralph,
Here are the first thirteen chapters (170 pages) of the high fantasy novel I promised you, which I'm calling 'A Game of Thrones.' When completed, this will be the first volume in what I see as an epic trilogy with the overall title, 'A Song of Ice and Fire.'”
First things first. A Song of Ice and Fire was first imagined as a trilogy and the fact that GRRM extended it to 7 books obviously has an impact in terms of structure. It seems quite reasonable to assume that a lot more would have to happen to fill the gap occupied by 4 additional books. That alone is a huge influencing factor, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the essence of the story was changed as we can see in the following paragraphs.
“As you know, I don't outline my novels. I find that if I know exactly where a book is going, I lose all interest in writing it. I do, however, have some strong notions as to the overall structure of the story I'm telling, and the eventual fate of many of the principle characters in the drama. Roughly speaking, there are three major conflicts set in motion in the chapters enclosed. These will form the major plot threads of the trilogy, [unclear] each other in what should be a complex but exciting (I hope [unclear] tapestry. Each of the [unclear] presents a major threat [unclear] of my imaginary realm, the Seven Kingdoms, and to the live [unclear] principal characters.”
Here we have Martin admitting that he usually doesn’t outline his novels over fear that he will lose interest while writing it. However, he also clarifies that he has “some strong notions” for the story he is telling, especially in which concerns those he considers to be the main characters.
In some of interviews Martin already said that the ending he had planned many years ago is still in place and he has known the characters’ endings ever since. It’s safe to assume, I think, that the core of his plans hasn’t changed much. What might have changed is the path that leads the characters from one point to another.
“The first threat grows from the enmity between the great houses of Lannister and Stark as it plays out in a cycle of plot, counter-plot, ambition, murder, and revenge, with the iron throne of the Seven Kingdoms as the ultimate prize. This will form the backbone of the first volume of the trilogy, A Game of Thrones.”
Can anyone say that this didn’t happen? Of course not. This is the spark that lights the fire that will consume the Seven Kingdoms throughout the story, with major and minor consequences that will shape both the narrative and the characters’ development. The conflict between Starks and Lannisters is the first of three conflicts that represent the core of the story.
“While the lion of Lannister and the direwolf of Stark snarl and scrap, however, a second and greater threat takes shape across the narrow sea, where the Dothraki horselords mass their barbarian hordes for a great invasion of the Seven Kingdoms, led by the fierce and beautiful Daenerys Stormborn, the last of the Targaryen dragonlords. The Dothraki invasion will be the central story of my second volume, A Dance with Dragons.”
Here we have the second major conflict and with this one in particular I’ll have to take my time to elaborate some points. First of all, A Dance With Dragons became the 5th book of the series instead of the second. So far everything we saw about Daenerys was her preparing to take her place at the center of the stage.
Dany has her own arc which hasn’t integrated to the events in Westeros so far given to her geographic location. That doesn’t mean that Daenerys has no relevance to what’s happening in Westeros, but her existence wasn’t directly noticed by the seven kingdoms yet. Daenerys is preparing for her role in the main story: She is gathering a military force based on the Dothraki to invade Westeros.
We already know that Daenerys will have more than just the Dothraki on her side. The Unsullied were added to the plot and my guess is that they exist to humanize Daenerys and make us sympathize with her cause as she creates the great narrative of “Breaker of Chains”. This makes Daenerys sound heroic and noble, but I would like to point that Martin is very specific about one thing: The fierce and beautiful Daenerys Stormborn is first and foremost a threat. She is ready to invade Westeros and invasions are not peaceful.
At this point we already know two things worth being mentioned that are related both with Daenerys and the title of this book: The Dance of Dragons was a civil war involving two Targaryen claimants to the Iron Throne. On one side we had Rhaenyra, firstborn of the king and rightful heir if gender wasn’t an issue in Westerosi succession laws. On the other side we had Aegon, a son born from the king’s second marriage. His claim was mostly based on gender norms that favor male heirs in detriment of primogeniture.
It isn’t much of a dance if we only have one dragon, is it? Yes, Daenerys is the first half of this equation, but there is another half that Martin hadn’t created yet (or didn’t mention) when he wrote the outline. There is a second Targaryen, or at least someone who claims to be one.
Aegon VI, or Young Griff, is actually the first one to arrive in Westeros with invasion in mind. Does it mean that Dany is less of a threat or that she was suddenly placed in a heroic position? Absolutely not. No one with three dragons is a harmless creature and Dany is even more dangerous now that she has a direct enemy in position to take away everything she fought for.
I know that there’s a lot of speculation on whether Aegon is a Blackfire or not, but honestly I think his true lineage will be irrelevant as long as he has at least a drop of Targaryen blood and the right looks. Legitimate or not, Aegon looks like a Targaryen, has the house’s ancestral sword and a story that is convincing enough. More than that, by posing as Prince Rhaegar’s legitimate son, Aegon makes his claim stronger than Daenerys’. On top of that, he would be the Targaryen male heir in opposition to a Targaryen woman, repeating at least a part of the scenery that led Westeros to the Dance of Dragons.
Aegon and Daenerys are bound to become enemies because of their own ambitions. I don’t see Dany accepting him as a suitor or even the rightful heir. She doesn’t need Aegon to take Westeros and a queen without a king is, historically speaking, more powerful.
Everything said about Aegon can also be applied to Jon once his true parentage is revealed. Jon and Daenerys are a threat to each other and only one will survive this.
“The greatest danger of all, however, comes from the north, from the icy wastes beyond the Wall, where half-forgotten demons out of legend, the inhuman others, raise cold legions of the undead and the neverborn and prepare to ride down on the winds of winter to extinguish everything that we would call "life." The only thing that stands between the Seven Kingdoms and an endless night is the Wall, and a handful of men in black called the Night's Watch. Their story will be [sic] heart of my third volume, The Winds of Winter. The final battle will also draw together characters and plot threads left from the first two books and resolve all in one huge climax.”
The third and greatest danger also remains just the same. The Others are still the core of the last book and the major battle. There isn’t much to elaborate on in this part except for the title of what was supposed to be the last book, The Winds of Winter.
I don’t think A Dream of Spring will be some sort of extended epilogue, but most of the action and conflict should take part during The Winds of Winter. At the very least the center of the whole debate will be both the North, with all the plots there, and what lies beyond the Wall.
“The thirteen chapters on hand should give you a notion as to my narrative strategy. All three books will feature a complex mosaic of inter-cutting points-of-view among various of my large and diverse cast of players. The cast will not always remain the same. Old characters will die, and new ones will be introduced. Some of the fatalities will include sympathetic viewpoint characters. I want the reader to feel that no one is ever completely safe, not even the characters who seem to be the heroes. The suspense always ratchets up a notch when you know that any character can die at any time.”
Needless to say anything about this. The books are well-known for these hallmarks. Now we are getting to the juicy part.
“Five central characters will make it through all three volumes, however, growing from children to adults and changing the world and themselves in the process. In a sense, my trilogy is almost a generational saga, telling the life stories of these five characters, three men and two women. The five key players are Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, and three of the children of Winterfell, Arya, Bran, and the bastard Jon Snow. All of them are introduced at some length in the chapters you have to hand.”
I would like to make a point here. The five characters will grow from children to adults, changing the world and themselves in the process.
Although I believe that Martin made a bit of a mess in which concerns the characters’ ages, I think we can understand that the characters will not only be forced to act like adults, but also will be perceived as such by those around them and given positions of power or leadership.
Specifically in which concerns the female characters, both Daenerys and Arya will be perceived as adult women by Westerosi society and this is important for several reasons, mainly in that being an adult noblewoman is a relevant component to form political alliances via marriage. In Arya’s case in particular, it reinforces the idea that she won’t be a nine year old girl forever. This impacts her relevance in the political game (something people usually overlook or ignore) and also makes it possible for Arya to have romantic interests.
“This is going to be (I hope) quite an epic. Epic in its scale, epic in its action, and epic in its length. I see all three volumes as big books, running about 700 to 800 manuscript pages, so things are just barely getting underway in the thirteen chapters I've sent you.”
Can anyone say it isn’t an epic? Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so intense so the books would come earlier, but here we are.
“I have quite a clear notion of how the story is going to unfold in the first volume, A Game of Thrones. Things will get a lot worse for the poor Starks before they get better, I'm afraid. Lord Eddard Stark and his wife Catelyn Tully are both doomed, and will perish at the hands of their enemies. Ned will discover what happened to his friend Jon Arryn, [unclear] can act on his knowledge [unclear] will have an unfortunate accident, and the throne will [unclear] to [unclear] and brutal [unclear] Joffrey [unclear] still a minor. Joffrey will not be sympathetic and Ned [what appears to say] will be accused of treason, but before he is taken he will help his wife and his daughter Arya escape back to Winterfell.”
Here we have proof that Ned and Catelyn were doomed from the start. Basically everything in this paragraph happened, even the part in which Ned helps Arya to escape by giving her position to Yoren. The only problem is that Arya never reached Winterfell and her mother had left the capital before Ned was arrested. Also the part that says that “things will get much worse for the poor Starks before they get better” makes me think that it’s quite clear that the Starks (or some of them) are the main protagonists of this story.
Why am I saying the Starks (or some of them) are the main heroes? Because being a charismatic character, created with the intention of getting the readers’ sympathy, isn’t necessarily what makes this character a protagonist. You can like whoever you want in the story, this doesn’t make a secondary character a main character, nor does it make a likable character the ‘hero’. The structure of the story and who are the main players is already given.
“Each of the contending families will learn it has a member of dubious loyalty in its midst. Sansa Stark, wed to Joffrey Baratheon, will bear him a son, the heir to the throne, and when the crunch comes she will choose her husband and child over her parents and siblings, a choice she will later bitterly rue. Tyrion Lannister, meanwhile, will befriend both Sansa and her sister Arya, while growing more and more disenchanted with his own family.”
Tyrion and Sansa were set to be the ones with dubious loyalties to their families. This also happened with slight differences. Tyrion befriends Jon and is somewhat sympathetic to Sansa and Bran. Sansa didn’t marry Joffrey, but she did choose him over her own family  the moment she went to Cersei to tell her Ned’s plans to get Sansa and Arya out of the capital. This might or might not indicate that she will have the chance to repent and atone for this, but her dubious loyalty is consolidated. Also Sansa has no children so far.
“Young Bran will come out of his coma, after a strange prophetic dream, only to discover that he will never walk again. He will turn to magic, at first in the hope of restoring his legs, but later for its own sake. When his father Eddard Stark is executed, Bran will see the shape of doom descending on all of them, but nothing he can say will stop his brother Robb from calling the banners in rebellion. All the north will be inflamed by war. Robb will win several splendid victories, and maim Joffrey Baratheon on the battlefield, but in the end he will not be able to stand against Jaime and Tyrion Lannister and their allies. Robb Stark will die in battle, and Tyrion Lannister will besiege and burn Winterfell.”
Bran’s arc is pretty much the same. We saw all of these things happen to him. The biggest change is in Robb’s part and even so most of it remains untouched. Robb did win splendid victories and in the books he even strategically beats both Jaime and Tyrion. What changed is that Robb and Joffrey never fought each other personally. Also Robb’s death was not on the battlefield but during the Red Wedding and Tyrion wasn't the one to sack Winterfell and burn it.
Tyrion’s first act of explicit villainy in the outline was transferred to Houses Bolton and Frey with participation of Theon Greyjoy. Still it was all part of the Lannisters’ plot and it was executed by their allies.
“Jon Snow, the bastard, will remain in the far north. He will mature into a ranger of great daring, and ultimately will succeed his uncle as the commander of the Night's Watch. When Winterfell burns, Catelyn Stark will be forced to flee north with her son Bran and her daughter Arya. Wounded by Lannister riders, they will seek refuge at the Wall, but the men of the Night's Watch give up their families when they take the black, and Jon and Benjen will not be able to help, to Jon's anguish. It will lead to a bitter estrangement between Jon and Bran. Arya will be more forgiving ... until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night's Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon's true parentage is finally revealed in the last book.”
Here we have some changes. What doesn’t change is that Jon becomes a member of the Night’s Watch and ultimately ascends to the position of Lord Commander. Benjen is a famous member of the Night’s Watch and I believe he was the first choice to take the position of Lord Commander after Mormont, but Ben’s disappearance accelerated Jon’s ascension.
Catelyn and Arya never fled Winterfell, since their paths had already taken them somewhere else, but Bran did and his first impulse is to go to the Wall. Given the fact that the three eyed raven calls him, Bran’s magical journey leads him to go beyond the Wall before he can be reunited with Jon.
Arya and Cat had completely different journeys, or at least partially. Cat seeks her eldest son and stays by Robb’s side during his campaign. Arya, on the other hand, is stranded all over the Riverlands trying to find her way to either Winterfell or the Wall, although she explicitly says that she prefers to go to Wall, where she can find Jon. There was a clear intention to send both Bran and Arya to the Wall, but as the story progressed this decision might have been abandoned temporarily.
Thanks to his vows, Jon can’t take part in the realm’s politics. When news of Ned’s fate arrive at the Wall, Jon is devastated by the impossibility to help his family and fight side by side with Robb. Jon’s moral boundaries and his code of honor become a huge issue for him in the books, and they are tested the most whenever his family is involved. This seems to be his main dilemma in the outline as well.
Jon’s relationship with his family is also ambiguous in some aspects, especially when it’s revealed that his greatest dream since he was young was to be the Lord of Winterfell. This implies a level of rivalry and envy of his true born siblings. Jon repressed these feelings as much as he could out of love for the Starks.
Now I’ll make some guesses here, I don’t think it’s impossible for Bran and Jon to have some bitter estrangement between them, but it won’t be because of the Night’s Watch: If Jon is released from his vows once he is resurrected and takes back Winterfell along with the titles, it will undoubtedly lead to a succession crisis involving not only rights of conquest but also Robb’s will. Bran’s rights are directly affected in this scenario and, unlike the show, Bran never once questioned his position as Robb’s heir. It’s not impossible to imagine that factions will gather behind both claimants and this can cause another crisis in the North and bitterness between brothers in a moment when union is crucial.
Arya has a close relationship with both Bran and Jon and she is someone both of them feel inclined to listen to. I think Arya will be the bridge between them and the one to diplomatically avoid a rupture in the North, but it doesn’t mean the bitterness between Bran and Jon will disappear.
Now we reach the hugest taboo of the outline and the main reason why people claim “it’s no longer relevant” or that “Martin changed his mind”. Jon and Arya falling in love.
Let’s get one thing very clear, Jon and Arya already love each other in the books. This is not my opinion, this is the literal text.
Jon’s best friend was Robb and still Jon affirms that he missed Arya the most. Just go back to the books and count how many times and how affectionately they think of each other. They repeatedly say how they miss finishing each other’s sentences and how Jon loves to mess Arya’s hair. “The memory of her laughter kept him warm during the long journey north.” and “Needle was Jon Snow’s smile” are two small quotes that speak volumes of how deep this love is.
Am I saying this is a romantic sort of love? No. I’m not saying this. What I’m doing is  highlighting the fact that this particular relationship stands out as one of the strongest (if not the strongest) bond in the books to the point where it’s not even questionable that Jon and Arya love each other the most. It’s strong enough to make Jon forsake his vows and decide to march to Winterfell to rescue a girl he thinks to be Arya. It’s strong enough to make Arya lie to Ned because she would never betray Jon.
Jon didn’t break his vows for any other sibling, no matter how much he wanted to, but he did it to save whom he thought was Arya. His love for her is the cause of Jon’s death in the books. He committed treason the moment he received the pink letter and decided to march against Ramsay Bolton. Jon’s last thought is “stick’em with the pointy end”.
I think it’s safe to assume that Jon will be resurrected and Melissandre is probably the one to perform the ritual. We already know that resurrections have some side effects in the asoiaf universe, the most evident one being some sort of obsessive thought that keeps guiding the resurrected’s actions (like Beric Dondarrion’s obsession with keeping the king’s peace, and Lady Stoneheart killing Freys to avenge Robb’s death). Jon’s last thought was directly related to Arya and there’s no other possible interpretation. His last thought is likely to become his obsession.
I also think it’s safe to say that Jon’s memory will stay inside Ghost at least for a while and we will have to wait and see the effects that will have on Jon’s personality once he comes back to life.
Varamir said that Ghost would be a second life fit for a king and I think this is a clear foreshadowing of Jon’s true identity. There are also some other aspects of wolf pack dynamics that deserve some consideration: Wolves are social animals that have hierarchy and well divided roles inside the pack and although Ghost is a lonely wolf that was separated from his original group, it would only take one female for him to start his own pack. Curiously Nymeria is an alpha female already, leading a pack of regular wolves, but she rejects her smaller cousins as potential mates. Ghost and Nymeria are the alpha male and female of a new pack. The wolves of Winterfell will come back; stronger and more dangerous.
I think all of these elements will play a significant role in how Jon and Arya’s love will change once they are reunited. It won’t be immediate, but as the story goes the sexual tension will become evident. Jon’s perception of Arya as a sister will be blurred as a teenage Arya starts to see him as a love interest. At this point Arya will already be perceived as an adult woman according to Westerosi society, as I pointed out before. My guess is that she will be close to Daenerys’ age when she married Drogo. I’m not judging if this is right or wrong by our own moral standards. What I’m saying is that it’s acceptable in the world created by GRRM.
As the outline says, their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until Jon’s true parentage is revealed. This necessarily implies that: 1) they are not siblings; 2) their passion brings a lot of moral issues and they are not comfortable with it; 3) their agony has an end when Jon’s parentage is revealed. Jon’s true parentage is a moral free pass for them and, at least from what we can read in the outline, this is more relevant than any potential succession rights.
This moral free pass wouldn’t be applied in a romantic relationship between Jon and Daenerys for example. It would actually have the opposite effect, giving Jon reason to question his moral choices and torment himself with doubts. This plot point is not applicable to Sansa either, mostly because Sansa and Jon don’t have a close relationship that’s already been established. They have a distant one and don’t even think much about each other. The whole point of Jon and Arya’s strong bond is to lay the foundations for a romance, establishing a relationship based on love, mutual loyalty and respect.
Do we have any indication that Jon and Arya’s romance was scrapped based on the books? No. Do we have any conclusive evidence in the text that Arya was replaced by any other female character? No. Why do I think Jon and Arya are endgame? Because we have only two books left and a lot of events that must be covered by them. It’s way easier to use an already established loving relationship with 5 books of consistent development and make it a romantic one (and make it believable as an epic romance because all the dramatic elements are already there), than to write a brand new one from scratch and make the reader believe that this is the ultimate love story.
“Abandoned by the Night's Watch, Catelyn and her children will find their only hope of safety lies even further north, beyond the Wall, where they fall into the hands of Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall, and get a dreadful glimpse of the inhuman others as they attack the wilding encampment. Bran's magic, Arya's sword Needle, and the savagery of their direwolves will help them survive, but their mother Catelyn will die at the hands of the others.”
Catelyn was meant to be killed by the Others. It’s not hard to conclude that she would have become one of them. The major difference from the outline to the books is that Catelyn died elsewhere, however she was brought back to life by fire magic as Lady Stoneheart. I can also see Bran and Arya fighting against the Others with the help of their direwolves in the event of a great battle by the end of the books. There’s nothing indicating that this part was cut, it just hasn’t happened yet.
“Over across the narrow sea, Daenerys Targaryen will discover that her new husband, the Dothraki Khal Drogo, has little interest in invading the Seven Kingdoms, much to her brother's frustration. When Viserys presses his claims past the point of tact or wisdom, Khal Drogo will finally grow annoyed and kill him out of hand, eliminating the Targaryen pretender and leaving Daenerys as the last of her line. Danerys [sic] will bide her time, but she will not forget. When the moment is right, she will kill her husband to avenge her brother, and then flee with a trusted friend into the wilderness beyond Vaes Dothrak. There, hunted by [unclear] of her life, she stumbles on a [something about dragon eggs] a young dragon will give Daenerys [unclear] bend [unclear] to her will. Then she begins to plan for her invasion of the Seven Kingdoms.”
Daenerys’ arc here didn’t change much. What changed was her motivation to kill Drogo and how she gets the dragons. Everything else that happens to her since the second book is her preparing to invade Westeros.
“Tyrion Lannister will continue to travel, to plot, and to play the game of thrones, finally removing his nephew Joffrey in disgust at the boy king's brutality. Jaime Lannister will follow Joffrey on the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, by the simple expedient of killing everyone ahead of him in the line of succession and blaming his brother Tyrion for the murders. Exiled, Tyrion will change sides, making common cause with the surviving Starks to bring his brother down, and falling helplessly in love with Arya Stark while he's at it. His passion is, alas, unreciprocated, but no less intense for that, and it will lead to a deadly rivalry between Tyrion and Jon Snow.”
There’s only one character that was replaced, I think. The Jaime Lannister of the outline seems to have been replaced by Cersei in the books, and it makes much more sense.  The Baratheons are briefly mentioned and we know Joffrey to be officially one. We know that Tyrion and Jaime are Lannisters and that Tyrion and Jaime are brothers. Unless Joffrey’s official father was a Lannister, Jaime would have no place in the line of succession to the throne whatsoever and this is important even when you want to use the rights of conquest. Cersei could have one, by becoming her son’s heiress in case there’s no one else left.
Also, although Sansa didn’t marry Joffrey, her wedding to Tyrion still makes her a Lannister and ties her to the enemy. Her loyalty was put to the test because of Joffrey, but her ties to the Lannisters were consolidated with Tyrion. Her arc is still in place. Her marriage wasn’t declared null so far and I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. As far as public knowledge goes, Sansa is Lady Lannister.
As for the love triangle Jon Snow x Tyrion x Arya, I don’t think it’s impossible at all. While it’s true that so far Tyrion hasn't interacted with Arya and I doubt he even remembers her face from the short time he stayed at Winterfell, the Arya he will eventually meet will be an educated young woman that had many intriguing experiences in Braavos, is very charismatic and makes friends with everyone and anyone. Tyrion, being a man profoundly affected by his physical condition would gravitate towards her. I don’t think it’s hard to imagine him falling for someone capable of seeing him as an individual as Arya is.
There’s also an argument to be made that this love triangle might have been replaced by Ramsay x Arya x Jon in some ways. After all Tyrion didn’t burn Winterfell, Ramsay did. He also married a fake Arya (Jeyne Poole) to claim Winterfell in her name, leading to a violent rivalry between Ramsay and Jon.
This plot point might have just been either altered to replace Tyrion with Ramsay, or it hasn’t happened yet.
“[The next graph is blocked out.]
But that's the second book ... 
I hope you will find some editors who are as excited about all of this as I am. Feel free to share this letter with anyone who wants to know how the story will go. 
All best,
George R.R. Martin”
With everything said so far we can conclude a few things:
1) The three major conflicts remain the same.
2) Ned, Cat, Robb, Viserys and Drogo’s fate didn’t change.
3) Bran still went through a coma and can’t walk anymore. He also developed magical abilities. An eventual strained relationship with Jon is still possible.
4) Tyrion and Sansa’s dubious loyalties to their families weren't removed from the books and Sansa still got tied to the enemy via marriage, although to a different character.
5) Tyrion continues to travel, to plot, and to play the game of thrones. He didn’t kill Joffrey, but was blamed for it anyway. Eventually he will make alliances with enemies of his house.
6) Jon joined the Night’s Watch and became Lord Commander. His vows are constantly challenged, especially when his family is endangered. His incapacity to help them keeps torturing him and in the books it leads to his death.
7) Jon and Arya share a strong bond, based on love, mutual trust and loyalty, and respect. This relationship remains one of the most important ones in the books. This relationship was consistently developed throughout the 5 books already published and turning it into a romantic one is still possible.
8) Jon’s true parentage is super relevant.
9) Daenerys’ arc didn’t change.
10) The love triangle Jon x Arya x Tyrion was either replaced by Jon x FArya x Ramsay, or could still happen in its original form once Tyrion and Arya have the chance to interact with each other.
This was my lengthy analysis of the original outline and why I think it’s still valid. I hope you enjoyed it.
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marmolady · 4 years
The New Taylor: Part 1
Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC
Summary: (Endless Ending).  Saving the world takes a lot out of a person. For Taylor, growing into her new self beyond La Huerta can only happen as fast as her exhausted body will allow her....
Word Count: 5541
Tagging:   @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr,  @greengroove
The light of the rising sun filtered through the thin curtains of Estela’s childhood bedroom, gently rousing Taylor from her slumber. She grumbled softly, nuzzling deeper into the pillow, and snuggling into her wife’s chest and belly. Somehow, she could just never get enough sleep. It was as if her body’s batteries were still relearning the art of recharging, some three?-- four now, weeks after Vaanu’s energy departed her. In exchange for looking forward to a lifetime of waking up in Estela’s arms, a little tiredness was a small price to pay.Some days, though, it felt like an insurmountable hurdle.
Full lips brushed Taylor’s cheek and jaw, whispers of kisses. How could she not smile? Her eyes opened to that beautiful, scarred face. “Mm… morning, babe.”
Estela beamed. It was hard not to when she had her arms around a miracle. Back home with her tio, the promise of a happy future was tangible, a hope that she could just about believe in.
“Good morning, hermosa.” She nibbled the lobe of Taylor’s ear. “Did you sleep better?”
Taylor yawned noisily, and took her time stretching out her body, enjoying the press of her back against her lover.
“Better, yeah.”
Nightmares had been an ongoing problem for Taylor for about as long as she could remember. Every now and then she’d have stretches where she couldn’t even seem to close her eyes without being bombarded. Images of her friends’ deaths… dying in a thousand different ways. The worst, though, the worst by far, was a memory of her own; Estela’s eyes going dull as she took a last, rattling breath, Taylor cradling her in blood-soaked arms. It haunted her in sleep; the feel of blood on her hands so horrifyingly real, usually waking her with a violent shiver up her spine.
“Mmmm…” she turned to press a kiss to Estela’s lips. “I’ll take every good night of sleep I can get. You sleep okay?”
Estela’s face was soft with affection. Her own nights’ sleep had been badly impacted by the traumatic period of Taylor’s recovery from Vaanu’s leaving her. After seeing the love of her life stop breathing again and again… letting go of the fear wasn’t something that came easy, and it made for restless nights.
“I think I made it the whole night. We might just be through the worst of it. I guess you’re not gonna die on me in the middle of the night after all.”
“Like I keep saying; you are stuck with me, Estela Montoya. No way you’re shaking me now.”
With a happy squirm, Estela squeezed Taylor from behind. “Nope-- you’re all mine.” She placed a big smooch on her wife’s rosy cheek. “Come on; I can smell breakfast cooking!”
Several weeks in, San Trobida remained a brand new world for Taylor. It was to some relief when it quickly became apparent that she didn’t especially stand out and draw attention. She slowly got to grips with her place in a world beyond La Huerta, and no one seemed to pay her much notice. Estela had told her, with a laugh, that San Trobidans were not an especially chatty people, and that this shouldn’t come as a surprise. One might expect a polite smile of greeting, but the general population were about as likely to strike up small talk as Estela was-- which was to say, not very.
Initially, Estela had been stuck to Taylor as if by glue, letting her presence be a safety net as her wife grappled with her identity in what was an often overwhelming environment. And it hadn’t just been for Taylor’s benefit. Reunited with her uncle in a post-war San Trobida, her beloved partner by her side, it seemed inevitable to Estela that the other shoe had to drop at some point. Life wasn’t this easy. It just wasn’t. Every other time she’d believed that the struggle was over, she’d been hit with another wallop to the gut. Trusting in ‘happily ever after’ wasn’t something she could turn on like a switch.
But everything hadn’t gone crashing down in flames. Nicolas had welcomed Taylor-- and Jake, for that matter-- enthusiastically into the family. Even for the short years she’d been away, Estela found a San Trobida flourishing without the choke-hold of oppression that she’d always expected to be there. Jake had hit the ground running, having already interviewed for positions with two local airlines to charter tourists-- the thought of tourists coming to San Trobida was staggering in itself. Estela had offered her services to do odd jobs for old acquaintances; something she’d done many years before, when her mother had still been around to prevent her from getting involved in the war. The vast majority of her uncle’s friends had been connected to the rebellion in some way or another, and standoffish as most were, they welcomed her earnest insistence on being useful. Everything around her spoke of recovery, and Estela found herself beginning to believe that she and Taylor were on their way too.
Taylor often accompanied her wife on these errands, taking every opportunity to soak up the essence of San Trobidan life, to make it a part of herself. She was met predominantly with wary looks and grunts, and soon worked out that it wasn’t worth taking such reactions to heart. Today, though, she was striking out on her own. If she was going to come into her own as a ‘new Taylor’, the fully-realised human being that even Vaanu themselves could not have imagined of her, she had to give herself a chance to grow.
“You have the bus timetables on your phone, right?” Estela asked, taking a moment to give her wife’s fingers a squeeze. “It’s still probably best if you don’t go into the city on your own, but you pretty much know your way to the closer towns anyway. And you can call me…”
“...at any time.” Taylor returned the squeeze. “Always.”
Estela blushed. “Yeah… that. Just, be careful. If you’re feeling tired, call. I can drop everything in a moment, but I need you to be safe.”
Whether Taylor’s batteries ever properly recharged these days, was something debatable. Even the simplest activities would knock the stuffing out of her. Walks along the beach were kept short. Afternoon naps were now something of a fact of life. Sex was slow and gentle. It was damn near driving Taylor crazy, and all she could do was tell herself that it would get better, that her lack of energy was a tiny price for the miracle of her continued presence on earth.
She took Estela’s face in her hands and kissed her sweetly. “I’ll be careful, okay? I know my limits.”
  The bus ride up into the hills east of Estela’s home was a scenic one, and a trip that Taylor had now taken a couple of times during her solo explorations, as well as once, of course, with Estela. Passing agricultural plantations-- cassava, banana and sugar cane, she’d been told-- the surrounding vegetation became denser as the road carried on to the next town. Taylor hopped off at the next stop; if she was feeling up to it, there wouldn’t be too much of a trek back down the hill to the bay off which the Montoya house stood. With that in mind, she kept her ambling around town to a slow pace, and coffee in hand, soon took to the walking trails through the surrounding forest.
Almost certainly as a result of feeling so at home in the wilderness of La Huerta, it was in nature that Taylor felt she was at her best-- it had always been on hikes through the jungle or along the coast that she could really get lost in thought and ponder the big questions. Now, though, her body just couldn’t seem to keep up with her mental needs. When she sat down upon the forest floor for a breather-- surely after not even a quarter of an hour of walking-- her legs were like jelly.
Frustrated, Taylor distracted herself by taking a picture of an odd flower. She’d been collecting snaps of just about anything in nature she came across that stood out as different to what she was used to on La Huerta. If Estela or Nicolas couldn’t identify it, she’d hit their old handbook of San Trobidan botany. It was a small hobby to keep her occupied; at least she could keep on learning even if she was usually too tired to do a lot physically. She’d also taken up knitting-- though she had a way to go before she’d really got the hang of it. Besides poring over books and keeping up a barrage of questions about life here, there was not a whole lot else for her to do. She’d had a couple of driving lessons, but like everything else, they had to be kept short. She’d usually go along with Estela when she was running errands, but if she wasn’t painfully aware of how weak and vulnerable she presently was, getting a good view of her wife’s vigour and strength did nothing to make her feel any better. Of course, there wasn’t a hint of judgement-- but Taylor was so often left feeling useless and unattractive. Estela had fallen for an energetic woman who had taken life by the horns, and right now, it felt like that woman didn’t exist.
She took her time to recover; sending a couple of pictures to Diego who’d been getting an almost blow-by-blow account of her new life in San Trobida, and doing a few easy stretches. Estela was convinced that working on core strength was the best way forward for Taylor’s rehabilitation; once her body was stronger, then they’d work on cardio and stamina.
Limbered up, Taylor walked back to the bus stop. Dearly as she’d wanted to make the trek home, something that just a couple of months ago would have been a piece of cake, she was not fool enough to think it might happen today. Getting off the bus a couple of stops before home was the compromise she’d have to live with for the time being. She plugged in her earphones and watched the world go by-- listening to a soundtrack she’d inherited as a mish-mash of her friends’ tastes. When she hopped off the bus, that beat kept her putting one foot in front of the other, a steady rhythm. From the footpath by the road up the hill, she could already see an easy route home; the sparkling sea providing a beautiful backdrop that she’d never have fully appreciated through a window. She could feel her body flagging with every step, but it was worth it.
You got this, Taylor. All downhill from here.
As Taylor turned the last corner toward home, her legs shaking, a small figure skittered out across the road and towards the beach. A small sickly-looking dog. Strays were not uncommon near the towns and beaches; Estela had said there used to be many more around the place, that with the war over there was more scope for focus on animal welfare. The fact that this one looked like a strong gust of wind could finish it off spurred her.
Well, I guess I can make a slight detour.
She hastily tucked away her earphones and crossed the street, whistling. Most of the dogs that showed up were seasoned beggars with no qualms about approaching humans. Chances were, this little one would come running. Huffing and puffing her way slowly to the beachside village, she found the dog trundling along the behind the now-closed bar. On a longer look, Taylor noticed that its forelegs were oddly bent, facing in opposite directions as it loped, and the scruffiness that had caught her eye was down to great patches of hair loss that accentuated a thin frame.
Poor little fella…. She gave a low whistle and crouched. “Hey, l’il guy… uh, girl actually. Hey, l’il girl. You must be hungry….”
The dog looked around, eyes wary, as Taylor wobbled precariously. It gave a small but gruff bark, and moved further away. Taylor huffed; if the animal didn’t clearly need a vet, she’d have left it be. After her walk down from the bus stop, her head was spinning and she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be able to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Maybe… maybe she should just come back for the tiny dog later. Then, as Taylor made to get up, she stumbled and fell.
Suddenly, it seemed pretty clear that the mangy little dog was not the one in most immediate physical peril. Taylor gave a weak yell and kicked out the dirt. To her alarm, her vision blurred horribly, and she went from ‘a little bit weak’ to ‘I could faint right here’ dizzy in frightening speed.
Okay, head between your legs. Deep breaths… deep….
The world swam. Taylor could just about make out the dog barking in the distance… then all went black.
Taylor woke slowly, her head aching. The room around her seemed to spin, and it took several long moments before she recognised it as Estela’s bedroom. Propped up at the head of the bed, she’d clearly been brought home by someone after…. Crap, what happened?
“There is water for you on the bedside table,” came the sharp voice of Nicolas Montoya.
“W-what happened? I fainted? I think I… fainted.”
“Thankfully you were found by someone who recognised you as a guest of mine. Now, sit up slowly and take small sips of water. Estelita will be home soon-- I would much prefer she is not coming home to her idiot wife looking like death warmed up.”
Her lips dry, Taylor swallowed, still trying to catch her brain up with whatever had just happened. She’d been chasing after a stray dog, and then…. God, Estela was gonna freak. She mumbled a ‘thank you’ for the water, for the apparent rescue, and tried to hold off from shuddering at the bitter disappointment in her uncle-in-law’s voice. He was pissed. A strong part of Taylor was indignant; she wasn’t a fool, but this was new.
There was no arguing with that tone. Taylor took a sip, then another. She tried to think. She’d been out walking and… her body had just given out on her. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t known she was exhausted, but….
“It happened so fast. I was on my way home, and I was tired, and then I just… crashed. Where’s Estela--? Does she know I’m okay--?”
“I didn’t take you for a dumbass--”
Anger flared in Taylor’s gut. That was not fair. “Hey-- I passed out. I’m not stupid, I just--”
“No? You are ill, wandering around defenseless… by your own choice, no? Knowing that your wife would drop everything to get you home when you are clearly incapacitated. I give you some credit; I assume you know this is not the safest corner of the world? It seems like you are a maldito idiota to me!”
Taylor could feel her whole body trembling uncontrollably. “You can try, but you’re not gonna make me feel any worse than I already do. I made a bad call, and I’m paying for it. I don’t expect you to trust me; but I learned a fucking hard lesson today.”
Nicolas turned away, seething.
“If I thought it was a risk, I wouldn’t have done it. I would never put Estela through that kind of worry. Not again.”
“Well, we are fortunate indeed it wasn’t she who found you collapsed in the dirt.” Nicolas’ eyes flashed as he looked back over his shoulder at Taylor. “Do you have any idea--”
A creaking signaled the front door swinging open. There was a pounding of frantic footsteps on hardwood floor and then….
Estela rushed in, falling to her knees beside the bed where Taylor was propped up.
“’Stel…” Taylor’s eyes welled as both relief and shame washed over her all at once. I’m so sorry.
“¡Dios! Me asustaste hasta la muerte! What were you thinking? It’s okay, just… just let me look at you….”
The tone of panic and the tears rolling down Estela’s cheeks made Taylor’s heart sink down to her toes. This was the last thing she’d wanted.
Nicolas scowled. “Well, she’s in safe hands now. Estelita, I will be in the office if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Tio.” Estela did not turn as her uncle walked away; she had eyes only for Taylor. Tentatively, she climbed up onto the bed, settling down gently beside her wife.
“I really thought I had more stamina than tha--”
“Shh.” Estela put a finger to Taylor’s lips. “Let me check you over.”
Too exhausted to struggle, Taylor leaned back against the head of the bed, letting Estela inspect her for any signs of physical distress. She remained quiet, feeling the tension that hung between them, tension that shouldn’t be there.
Finally, Estela sighed, her dark eyes forlorn. “Looks like no harm done. You got lucky. But you can’t just push your luck like that. I can’t believe you’d just--”
“It was an honest mistake. Part of being human, or at least that’s what I’m told.”
“It was a stupid mistake!”
It was as though an icy bucket of water had been dropped on Taylor’s head. Estela wasn’t just hurt, she was… angry?
“Hey! I have been lectured enough by your uncle, and I am not gonna take it from you. I know you’re scared, but this is new to me. I’m still working out my limits.”
Estela winced, immediately looking ashamed for snapping. She curled up her knees to her chest and stared straight ahead. For a long while, she sat that way, unmoving.
Taylor watched her wife with concern. Where was she? Reliving the long nights in the Elyys’tel medical centre, a hair’s breadth from losing her partner forever? Or was she even further away; remembering the shattering impact of loss and fearing it touching again?
“Taylor,” Estela said hoarsely, “I can’t… I won’t lose you.”
“No. You won’t.”
“So, don’t do that to me again.That was irresponsible and dumb, and that… that wasn’t fair.”
Hurt, Taylor tried hard not to pout. She wasn’t doing this on purpose; surely Estela knew that?
“We both know that you can’t look me in the eye and tell me that you’ve never overestimated what you were capable of. I made a mistake, okay?”
Estela’s nostrils flared. It was difficult to argue with that. Sometime in the future, when he’d cooled off, her tio would no doubt laugh at the thought of her having a taste of all the worry she put him through. “Look, it might seem peaceful here, but beneath the surface, things are still broken. This is not a place that’s forgiving of stupid mistakes. If anything happened to you now, I-- I think it would kill me.”
“I know, ‘Stel. And I was being careful. I thought I was being careful enough…”
As she looked into Taylor’s face, Estela’s expression gradually softened. This sucked. It really sucked. But that wasn’t down to Taylor. She was scared too. Gently, Estela reached out a hand and stroked her wife’s cheek. “You’re safe now. That’s what matters.”
Pressing a tender kiss to Estela’s wrist, Taylor felt herself relax. They were okay. Both kind of freaked out, but they were freaked out together.
“It’s like I don’t know my own body anymore. I feel absolutely useless; I can’t even trust myself, not after what just happened. It’s… kinda shit. ”
Estela huffed knowingly, and stroked Taylor’s hair. “It’s a lot shit. I’m sorry for taking it out on you. The last thing you need is to be stressing out ‘cause I’m being an asshole.”
“You? Never. You’ve had to be scared for so long; you’d have to be a robot if you kept it together all the time.”
“Hmm. Well, if I’ve gotta let off steam, that’s what a punching bag is for. I don’t wanna hurt you. Not ever.” Estela stroked her calloused fingers through Taylor’s hair. It helped to calm the both of them.“Did Tio really chew you out? If he thinks he can lecture you--”
Taylor laughed dryly. “Nothing I can’t handle. It… kinda sucks that he thinks I’m a complete idiot, but I’ll work on that.”
The hurt, though, could not be hidden.
“Carińa, you have nothing to prove. When Tio gets protective he can be… well, pretty damn unpleasant.” Estela sighed softly. “When I found out Mom was dead, it… it’s hard to explain how bad it was. I was unreachable. And obviously it took a long, long time for me to even be close to the person I was before. I think when he found you like that, he must have had a moment when he thought it was happening again. It doesn’t excuse him being an ass to you, but you should know it’s not your fault. You’re not what’s wrong here. Jesus, you’re the opposite of what’s wrong. Okay?”
Taylor found her wife’s hand and squeezed. “I know.” For a little while, she was quiet, just taking comfort in Estela… her being there, her touch. That love was a privilege. “Your tio just… absolutely loves you to pieces. Like you’re his everything. For him to feel as though he’d lost you; it must have been something like torture.”
Her eyes closed, Estela breathed deeply against Taylor’s head, soothed by the scent of her hair. She’d let go of the guilt, but profound sadness lingered. The years since her mother’s death had been little but immeasurable pain for Nicolas, making even the triumphant rebellion hollow.
“I could never thank him enough. No matter what, he supported me, he had my back. Even when I was stuck on a mission that would take away the last person he loved.” She found herself enveloped in a hug, Taylor gently bringing her to her chest and cradling her head there. “I love him. More than I can say. More than I think I’ll ever work out how to show him. But I think… he knows. We’ve been through too much for him not to. I know I fought it; I didn’t wanna risk you even if it meant the world… but he gets to heal now. With me.” Estela looked up, pink dusting her cheeks as she looked into Taylor’s shimmering blue eyes. “You did that. And there’s nothing that anyone could ever give to compare to that. You’re my hero.”
Taylor found herself sniffing, faced with shining sincerity. She didn’t feel like a hero, but for as long as Estela needed her to be that person, she’d try to live up to it. “You’re mine.”
“So, mi querida, it’s gonna be okay.” Estela pulled herself up, so that Taylor could lean on her in turn. “How are you feeling?”
“Actually, not so bad. Like, I desperately needed rest, but at least I seem to be able to bounce back pretty well.”
Estela sighed thoughtfully. The ordeal had been a fright, but it looked like no harm had been done. “You should tell Michelle what happened. She’ll want to know.”
It was hard for Taylor not to groan at the thought of causing even more worry, but she nodded her agreement. Ever since Vaanu left her, she’d been nothing but a burden.
“Actually, what did happen? Tio said you were passed out on the beach-- I thought you were going up into the hills.”
“I did. And I was all pumped up to trek back down from the town--,” Catching a horrified look, Taylor couldn’t help but chuckle. “--cool your jets; you know I’m not that stubborn. I realised pretty quickly that my ambitions were way too high. So, I got off the bus a little ways before our stop, and I walked it. I did it. I mean, it knocked the stuffing out of me, but I did it.”
“...And then, something possessed you to take a stroll along the beach?”
Taylor felt her cheeks flush. Okay, this was the part where I get a little foolish. “There was this little stray dog. Tiny thing, and it looked so sickly. Apparently, the bleeding heart in me jumped out, and then I was on a mission. I think the thought of actually helping someone, and not just being this weak, lost little person just… just sparked something in me. Pretty sure the adrenaline just from that got me to the beach, because when I stopped moving, the fatigue hit me like a train.”
A little smile came to Estela’s face, and it made Taylor blush all the more.
“I know, I know, apparently I’ve got myself a hero complex. Maybe a little bit stupid, but my heart’s in the right place?”
Estela just laughed and held her wife even tighter. “How am I meant to argue with that? One pig-headed crusader to another; it’s not the worst thing you can be. I love you, Taylor.”
Taylor closed her eyes, breathing in the familiarity, the comfort, that came of having Estela so near. Her whole world, her everything. All that she had to give in return was so… small. Helpless and small.
“Hey…,” Estela said gently. “It is going to be okay. I know you’re all right physically, but… you’re sad.”
“I thought I was getting better. I don’t want to be a damsel in distress for the rest of my life. It’s not as if I even know who I am now, but that ain’t it.”
Estela tenderly kissed Taylor’s brow, her own furrowed with concern. “You are getting better. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but from where you came from, this now is amazing. You’re stronger even than just last week. However long it takes, I’ll be there with you. You know, ready to give you a fireman-carry to safety.”
“I guess there’s gotta be some perks to being a damsel in distress. I can’t deny it; that would be kinda hot.”
“A lot. A lot hot. I’m sorry, have you seen your arms?”
To Taylor’s relief, the atmosphere had shifted; Estela waggled her eyebrows and giggled, eliciting a weak but grateful smile.
“You’ll be back to kicking ass in no time. If it helps, we can focus more on your physical training-- at least once you’ve recovered from this little, uh, episode. But, um, that little dog you found….”
“If we can find it, I really want to help. Maybe there’s the selfish aspect of me wanting to feel capable of being at least a little bit helpful to someone, but I want to get it fixed up. It-- I think it was a girl-- looked pretty bad.”
“I always wanted to bring home strays when I was little; Tio Nicolas thought he had enough responsibility with a kid around the place, so that was never gonna happen. I’m sure he won’t mind another guest, now. Or at least, he wouldn’t say no. Do you want to get a dog, mi amor?”
“It hadn’t actually crossed my mind what we’d do with her once we brought her home and got her healthy, but… yeah. I think I’d like to have a dog.” Despite all her worries, all her fears, all her shame, Taylor couldn’t stop the small smile that lit her features. If she could somehow claw her way back to a semblance of her old self, what lay ahead looked amazing. “Look at us, ‘Stel; already growing our family.”
A giddy grin plastered across Estela’s face served to sweep Taylor back up into her own insecurities; those voiced and those yet hidden. This was supposed to be their happy ending; after everything her lover had been through, it was all Taylor wanted to make it happen. But now… was she even enough?
This might be as good as it gets. Can you really expect her to be there to catch you when you just can’t stop falling?
Estela stood up and stretched, but gave Taylor a look when she made to follow suit.“We’re not going anywhere until you’re properly rested. I’ll make you some lunch. But then, we’ll see if we can help out your little friend. What do you think?”
Taylor frowned.
What do I think?
I think… I’m scared I’m going to hold you back, when you’re capable of so much.
I’m scared your uncle’s only ever gonna see me as another burden for you to carry.
I’m scared you’re gonna wake up one day and realise I’m not the same person you fell in love with.
She swallowed hard. There was so much love in Estela’s dark eyes, and it was shining there just for her.
I won’t stop fighting to be what you deserve. We’re so close to happy ever after, and I won’t let you down now.
“I think I’ll be up to that. We’ve got saving the world under our belt; rescuing a stray dog is gonna be a cakewalk. Let’s do this.”
28 notes · View notes
⚘ A Sick Ride (Tobio Kageyama)
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Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff, AU
Word Count: 3,332
Pairing: Reader x Kageyama
World: Haikyuu!!
Prompt(s): A is sick and B takes care of them. / “Checkmate, sweetheart.” / Uber Driver AU
Author’s Note: This was written for the weekly-prompt (08/26/20) over on @hqbookclub​ ‘s discord server – you should check it out if you haven’t ;)
Being an uber driver came with its fair share of headaches, but the pros heavily outweighed the cons. You were your own boss, working when you chose to rather than being stuck to a schedule, and if you didn’t want to drive someone because they were being a jerk, you didn’t have to. Most of the time, your clients were kind and respectful, keeping to themselves or making small talk, and the tips were great. Your rating on the app was above average because of this, but not top notch because you weren’t afraid to tell people off when they acted stupid.
Most of your clientele were repeat customers that appreciated your work ethic and professionalism, so they specifically requested you whenever possible. Because of this, you stopped taking new customers so you could focus on your repeat customers. One of the biggest clients that you dealt with was a man named Kageyama Tobio who, despite being fresh out of high school, was on a professional volleyball team representing Japan at the Olympics. He lived in a penthouse in Tokyo and clearly had more money than he knew what to do with, judging by how he tips without even counting the amount of money he offered you. He was a silent customer, preferring to keep to himself and get some rest between his interviews and practice games, which was fine with you.
You pulled up outside the penthouse, pulling out your phone to let him know that you were waiting outside and, like always, he responded with one word. You glanced at the sky, seeing the dark clouds rolling in. It was super humid outside, the summer heat nearly unbearable. The AC in the car wasn’t nearly as cold as usual because of it, but it was better than nothing.
The back door was pulled open, Kageyama practically throwing himself into the backseat. You glanced at him through the rear view mirror and frowned, turning in your seat to get a better look at him. His face was unusually pale, dark bags sitting beneath his bloodshot eyes, and the tip of his nose was bright red. He looked like absolute hell.
“Kageyama -”
“I’m going to be late,” he mumbled under his breath, body slumping down against the seat as he closed his eyes.
Chewing on your lip, you reluctantly started the GPS and pulled away from the curb. The ride was silent, broken only by the sound of the AC working hard to keep the car cool, and you found yourself glancing back at him every few minutes, but he didn’t shift from his position once. When you reached the office building where his next interview would be taking place, you parked the car and glanced back at him.
“We’re here,” you stated, but he didn’t move, making you turn in your seat. “Kageyama?” You reached out to him, feeling heat pouring off of his skin before you even made contact. When your fingers touched his forehead, your eyes widened. ‘He has a serious fever. Shit, what do I do?’ You turned back around, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel as you looked at the building. ‘He’s certainly not up for an interview…’ After a couple minutes of internally debating with yourself, you put the car in drive and headed back the way you had come.
Thunder began to rumble overhead as you got closer to the penthouse, rattling the windows of the car. Rather than pulling up at the front of the building like you normally would, you pulled into the parking garage where you came to a stop in front of the metal arm. The old man sitting in the booth started toward you, so you rolled the window down with a soft smile. “Good afternoon.”
“Afternoon.” He smiled back, tipping the hat he wore that matched his security uniform. “Are you here to visit someone? I’ll have to call up to them to verify.”
“Ah, no, actually…” You cleared your throat, a bead of nervous sweat rolling down your cheek. “I’m an uber driver that came here to pick up Kageyama-san, but he passed out in the backseat.”
The man tilted his body forehead to look into the back of the car, lips tugging downward. “I keep telling that boy he’s going to work himself to death. I saw him this morning and told him he looked sickly but he just waved me off.” He straightened his back with a huff, moving his hand as if he were swiping at an invisible fly. “I’ll let you through. Make sure he gets to his suite safely, you hear? Suite 305 on the eight floor.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” You nodded, turning your attention in front of you as the metal arm slowly started to rise up, allowing you to drive through the opening into the garage. You took the first available space before turning off the engine, dropping your keys into your pocket. As you headed for the opposite side of the car, your eyes scanned the garage, looking for someone that might be able to offer some assistance, but that level was empty. Thunder rumbled again, louder and stronger as the first signs of rain began to tumble from the sky.
You pulled the back door open, gently shaking his shoulder. “Kageyama-san. I know you don’t feel good but please wake up.”
A barely audible whine passed his lips, but he didn’t wake from his slumber, making you hang your head. You couldn’t just leave him in the car, he needed to get into bed so he could recover, but you were worried about your ability to carry him. Now, you had been on the wrestling team back in high school, so you were naturally stronger than the average person, but that was nearly three years ago and you certainly hadn’t kept up with your training in that time. Bringing your hand to your chin, your eyes scanned his body. Despite the slightly baggy clothes he wore, you knew that the volleyball player was mostly muscle and you imagined he probably weighed around a hundred and sixty pounds or so.
‘I can totally do this.’ With a nod, you carefully unbuckled his seat belt, having to hold him up so his body wouldn’t slump farther into the car. “I’m just putting this out there, if you want to wake up just long enough to help me out here, that’s be great.” But still, he did not stir. “Okay, fine. Be that way.”
With a huff, you brought his body closer to the edge of the seat, sliding your arms beneath his body. You originally wanted to carry him on your back, but getting him there seemed much more dangerous than you originally thought. ‘Guess he’s gonna be a princess today. Remember to lift with your legs,’ you grunted at his weight, but it was doable. Your arms would hate you later for it, but you felt confident that they could handle it long enough to get him upstairs.
Once he was out of the car, you kicked the door shut and headed for the elevator, having to bend your body so you could tap the button with your knuckle. It seemed to descend at the pace of a slug that had eaten its fill of your grandma’s plant, but it finally arrived with a ding, the doors sliding open. As you stepped inside, Kageyama shifted closer to you, his face falling against your neck as his long gingers clutched at your shirt, soft mumbles passing his lips. Heat rushed to your face, but you convinced yourself that it was just because of his flushed skin pressed against your own and not because you were currently carrying a very attractive celebrity athlete.
It was a struggle to press the eighth floor because it was higher than where your hands currently sat, but with some mild determination and a threat to ‘smash the button so many times it will forget its purpose’, you finally managed it, releasing a sigh as you leaned back against the wall. ‘What has my life become?’ You wondered, your eyes trained on the red digits above the door, slowly climbing toward the number eight. ‘He is my best customer, after all. I think his tips alone have earned a little special treatment. Besides, I’m just going to drop him off and then leave, he’ll never even know.’
The elevator lurched to a stop, dinging loudly as the doors slowly slid open and you stepped out, scanning the long hallway. ‘Let’s see, that one says 310 – 315.’ Your eyes shifted to the left. ‘And that one says 300 – 309.’ You started down the left side of the hallway, having to stop so you could readjust the man in your arms, which were quickly going numb.
At the realization, you walked a bit faster, eyes scanning the golden engraved plates by each door until you found the one you were looking for, but there was a problem. ‘How in the nine hells am I supposed to get inside?’ You glanced at the man, feeling your face grow hot again at the mere thought of rifling through his pockets, but… what choice did you have?
The door down the hall creaked open and then closed a moment later, a woman in her early sixties stepping out into the hall pushing a cleaning cart. She paused when she saw you, suspicious because she knew every single person that lived or worked on the first ten floors and she had never once seen you before.
You cleared your throat, forcing a smile that you hoped didn’t appear guilty. “Hello! My, uhm… friend lives here but he kind of overworked himself and passed out, would it be possible to open the door for me so I can put him to bed?”
For a moment, she just stood there, her narrowed eyes darting between you and the navy haired male, and then without a word, she pulled a set of keys from her pocket, approaching the door. You stepped back to give her room, wishing she would move a little bit faster because you didn’t know how much longer your arms would hold up.
When she finally got the door open, she paused, her narrowed eyes returning to your face. You shifted awkwardly, feeling as if she were looking into your very soul. Finally, her lips parted and she said in a raspy voice, “Take care of that idiotic blueberry.”
You blinked in surprise, watching as she returned to her cart and continued down the hall, knocking on the next door down before entering. ‘What a strange woman.’ You shook your head, stepping into the cool apartment. It was fairly modern, with very little decorations – and the few posters that he did have were all volleyball related. There was a small hallway just inside the door that opened up into a large area, the kitchen on the left with a small island and the living room on the right. The general colors of the place were white and grey, with a couple of other neutral or dark tones splashed in here and there. Beyond the kitchen was a short hallway that held three doors and since the first door was cracked open, you checked that one first.
‘Score!’ You grinned, stepping into the room and using your elbow to flip the switch, bathing the room with a soft yellow glow. Unlike the other room, his bedroom featured dark blues and greys, his sheets the same color as his hair. You gently laid him down, releasing a sigh of relief for your arms, which shook lightly from the horror that they had been subjected to. ‘Now I can leave and get back to work,’ you thought, turning toward the door, but something made you pause and look back at him. His breathing was heavy, mouth parted because he couldn’t get air through his nose. His face was a deep shade of red, a thin sheen of sweat dripping down his skin. You honestly felt bad just leaving him like that. ‘Damn you, Y/N, and your empathy!’
With a groan of frustration, you left the room to search the bathroom for a thermometer, but there was none there. Instead, you grabbed a washcloth from the rack bolted to the wall and headed into the kitchen, running it under cold water before wringing it out. You checked the cabinets and then the drawers, finally finding the thermometer in the junk drawer. You took the cap off, running it under hot water for a moment before drying it with a paper towel and heading back to his bedroom.
First, you folded the towel and set it across his forehead before carefully setting the tip of the thermometer into his mouth, forcing his mouth closed until it started to beep. ‘103° F… damn. I can’t really do anything until he wakes up.’
The phone within his coat pocket started to buzz loudly, making the boy stir in his sleep, a groan leaving his lips. You pulled the phone from his pocket, seeing the name Sawako Akimi flashing across the screen. Your thumb lowered only to lift again as you debated on whether or not to answer the phone, but then it stopped ringing, only for a text message to come through from the same person.
• ‘Where in the world are you, Tobio?’
You frowned at the use of his first name, but you knew it made sense that he would have a girlfriend considering how attractive and successful he is at such a young age. Before you could reply to the message and explain the situation, she continued.
• ‘You’re missing your interview! Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to secure this for you?’
• ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this to me. The looks these people are giving me!’
• ‘If you’re playing volleyball at the Y again, I swear, Tobio!’
Taking a breath, you started to type out a message before she could send another. ‘Hello there, my name is Y/N and I apologize for messaging you like this but I thought you should know that Kageyama-san is currently sleeping. I’m his uber driver and he passed out in the backseat of my car, he’s got the flue, I think. I brought him back to his room and I’m going to leave now, but I thought you should know :)’
She responded instantly.
• ‘Who the hell are you? Is this a joke?’
• ‘Who do you think you are using his phone?’
• ‘Don’t you dare move, I’ve called the cops! You’re going to be arrested for breaking and entering, stalking, plus assault! Checkmate, sweetheart. You fans are so disgusting, honestly.’
Your heart started to race within your chest at the words and you quickly tapped the power button to turn off the screen, setting it onto the bedside table. ‘Shit, what am I supposed to do? I should leave, but… won’t that make me look guilty? There’s no way to prove my story, though…’
Kageyama shifted, his eyes fluttering open. His body felt sore and heavy, as if he had been hit by a truck and he could’t recall where he last was. He could feel his sweaty body beneath his clothing, feel the burn in his nose when he tried to breathe through his nostrils. As he forced himself into a sitting position, his stomach churned and he slapped his hand over his mouth, bolting from the bed to rush to the bathroom where he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet.
You frowned as you came up behind him, softly rubbing his back to try and soothe him as he dry heaved. Though the thought of being arrested for trying to help worried you, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave him alone when he was feeling so ill. ‘I am so going to regret this. What if I get fired? Shit.’
Kageyama pushed himself up until his back hit the side of the tub, rubbing at his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes were half-lidded as they stared at you, clouded with misery. “Why…” his voice was hoarse and raw as he tried to put his thoughts into words. “Why are you here?”
“You passed out in my car,” you explained with a frown. “What were you thinking, trying to go to an interview when you’re sick? I know I have no right to lecture you, but that was really stupid.”
His eyes widened at the mention of the interview and he groaned, letting his head fall backward. “Shit… the interview…”
“Yeah, about that -”
A loud banging echoed throughout the suite, followed by a loud male voice. “Police! Open up!”
You gave him a sheepish smile before standing up and heading to the door, pulling it open. Two officers stood on the other side of the door, looking at you suspiciously. “Hello, please come in.”
“We’re looking for Kageyama Tobio, the owner of this suite.” The first officer, Karaki, didn’t spare you a glance as he looked around the suite, looking for anything out of place.
“He’s in the bathroom -”
“And who are you?” The second office, Akimaru, eyed you suspiciously, his hand on his belt.
“My name is L/N F/N and I -”
“Did you get them, officers?!” A woman came rushing through the door, breathing heavily. Her eyes landed on you and she scowled angrily. “What are you waiting for? Arrest them! They entered this apartment illegally!”
“Calm down, ma’am,” Akimaru commented, holding his hands up when she tried to get closer to you. “We have to assess the situation.”
“Assess the – are you stupid? They are clearly a fan trying to take advantage of Tobio! I demand you arrest them!”
“Umm, I was just trying to help,” you sweatdropped, holding up your hands in surrender.
“That’s what they all say!” She scowled, putting her hand on her hip. “Fans always believe they are helping, but they are only helping themselves!”
You scowled, starting to feel annoyed by this screeching woman. “I am not his fan, I don’t even follow volleyball!”
“Yeah, right!”
“Will you stop screaming,” Kageyama slowly shuffled into the room, arm across his stomach. “You’re giving me a headache.”
“Tobio!” She rushed past the cops, pulling the taller male into a hug that he clearly didn’t want, his nose scrunching up. “Don’t worry, this psycho will be arrested for what they’ve done to you.”
He rolled his eyes, pushing her back with more effort than usual because of his weakened state. “Y/N isn’t going anywhere.” His eyes turned to the cops. “My name is Kageyama Tobio and I asked them over to take care of me while I’m sick.”
“Why are you lying for them?” The woman huffed. “I have the messages for pro -”
“Please go away, Sawako-san. I’m not in the mood for your theatrics. I’m going back to bed.” His dark eyes met yours and he reached out to you, waving his hand. You took the hint, following him back into the bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“I’m sorry about all this…”
Kageyama fell onto the bed with a groan, his half-lidded eyes landing on you. “S’fine. Thank you… for helping me.”
You smiled softly, picking up the damp rag that had fallen to the end of the bed when he sat up, gently placing it on the back of his neck which elicited a soft sigh from his lips. “You’re welcome, Kageyama-san.”
His eyes slid closed as sleep started to tug at his consciousness. His words were soft, barely audible, and you had to take a minute to process them because of that. When they finally registered, though, you couldn’t help the smile that came to your lips.
“Call me… Tobio…”
You gently brushed the hair away from his eyes. “Rest well… Tobio.”
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palettepainter · 4 years
What are some of your favourite my hero academia characters and who are some of your least favourite? Both students and teachers/pro heroes
Saying right off the bat, there will most likely be a lot of fans that get annoyed by what I say: And to all those fans I say good for you for having a different opinion! I’m open to discuss if you guys wanna share your thoughts on characters in my ask blog or messages! As long as you don’t hate on my opinions
WARNING: This post may contain spoilers so just be weary 
Top fav hero: Fatgum!
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I. Love. This. Hero.
I cannot express enough how much I adore him! I’m not really sure what it is exactly that I adore so much about his character, I don’t think it’s one thing in particular: One thing I love about Fatgum is his design, I find his design really interesting and unique, and I think it’s great we get to see a hero that isn’t a typical comic book buff fictional kind! I think that’s really cool! Also, I love his English voice actor, again I don’t know why, but I just think the voice suits him so well! And watching his animation and seeing his expressions is so pleasing! I think the reason I love his expressions so much is because of that big goofy cartoon grin he has, I just love everything about his character!
Plus I think he’s the perfect role model for Kirishima and Amajiki! I remember reblogging a post that explained more about this, but it’s implied in the anime that Kirishima struggles with some self doubt with his abilities, thinking his quirk isn’t as flashy as compared to others. And then there’s Amajiki, someone who struggles a lot with anxiety and self doubt also - Fatgum is a hero who DOES have a skinny/normal look once he uses all his fat from fighting, a body that someone would consider as fit or even sexy, yet he CHOOSE to stay in his fat form and even name himself after it - Fatgum. Fatgum isn’t put off by his shape because he accepts that’s what his power is, he doesn't try to hide it or feel ashamed by it, and having a mentor that is confident in his own abilities is the perfect match for Amajiki and Kirishima, who could both use the encouragement to become stronger and more confident in their own skills.
Other fav top heroes:
Best Jeanist - 
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Jeanist was a character at first that I was like ‘he’s okay’, to begin with he wasn’t a character I would get excited about if he appeared in an episode. But now - and this time you CAN blame @hazbinextgeneration for this - I love him! Similar with Fatgum I really like his design, and his outfit - which is all denim - is so stupid and silly that I can’t help but love him even more! Even his dialogue is gold! I love how Jeanist makes metaphors or sayings linking to jeans or clothing, and the things in which he teaches Bakugo during his internship are very admirable points for a hero to take into consideration. He clearly cares for being a good pro hero and role model! Even going as far as to loose a lung from fighting All for One and saving his team mates from his blast!
Gang Orca
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His design was the thing that got me to fall in love with his character, even the way his clothes are designed and the colour used to match with his orca appearance is so awesome! His voice is also really cool sounding! We’ve only seen him a few times through out the anime, but I hope we get to see more of him and hopefully more of his backstory! The fact he’s also rated number three in the list of heroes that look as though they should be villains could lead to some interesting episodes or small moments in future episodes!
Kamui Woods/MT Lady:
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The first pro heroes we where shown in the anime! Off the bat I loved these two! They where interesting, their designs and personalities caught my attention, and I love theri dnyamic whenever they talk! As I said I’m a sucker for opposites attract ships, and these two have become one of my favourites. They’re already a pretty popular ship, and I can see the appeal behind it! Kamui being strict and well mannered, and wanting to keep up a good hero image. And MT Lady, who comes across as playful, a little carefree at times, and using the appeal of her body to get things (such as during the sports festival when she used her looks to get her a free box of food). I find MT Lady a funny character, I laughed during the episode where her and Midnight get into a fight at the TV interview, I really hope we get to see her and Kamui interact more! If I had to choose what we see more of with these two, I’d say there backstories, mostly Kamui if I had too choose between the two
Also Kamui woods, during the mission at Kamino, told MT that she did her best during the fight, and brings her closer to him. She is the ONLY hero he does this too, and that just fuelled my shipper heart
Present Mic
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Cockatoo man
I LOVE his personality! I love how lively and energetic he is! And how he always seems to be gesturing with his hands while he talks, it shows off his energy! The fact we get to see a more laid back and easy going teacher in a popular school like UA is a funny set up to me! Plus I love how his quirk not only works well in fighting, but also for his job on his radio station and as an announcer to the school! Also watching his interactions with Aizawa are some of my favourite moments in the series! Again sucker for opposites attract!
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He’s a dog - yes
Similar with how Mic is a more laid back and easy going teacher, I like how more animalistic and gruff Hounddog can be. Also the fact that Nezu hired him as a guidance counsellor is so funny to me! Nezu had to look at this giant beast of a man, who growls and snarls when angry, and wears a literal muzzle, and go ‘Ah yes! A therapy dog!’ - Does anyone else find that funny?? Also even though we’ve only seen a lil bit of him in the English dub of Episode 21 (I know he appears more during episodes in season 4) I can say I adore him even more now! His voice makes his whole character that much more loveable! Yes incase it wasn’t clear I admire the voice acting for this series-
Shoji, Tokoyami and Koda
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Just some characters that I really like the look of and want to see explored more!
Now onto characters I don’t like as much 
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Now- Calm down-
Okay. So there’s a bit of debate around this angry gremlin - whether he is a good character, or just a straight up egotistical ass. And I’ll be honest - I think he’s kind of an ass. YES I know in recent episodes he’s been showing some development of becoming better, but me personally, I don’t really see it. Bakugo is obviously supposed to take up the role as Deku’s sort of rival if you will, childhood friend turned rival as Deku fights to beat Bakugo and become the number one hero. And..yeah, I can see that relationship in the show. What I DON’T see is how these two can be considered childhood friends. I’ll explain why: Bakugo is shown to bully Deku, even give him a name (Deku) that means useless. Furthermore, Bakugo then tells Deku to kill himself by jumping off the roof of the school - that’s not childhood friendship, and I fail to see why Deku would continue to chase after Bakugo, let alone even still want to be near him after all he had done. 
As someone who was bullied - granted in no way as bad or severe as Deku was by Bakugo - I can’t help but feel this so called ‘friendship’ they have is toxic and unhealthy. Even if Bakugo is showing signs of being a better person, I still don’t like him. You don’t tell someone to kill themselves, telling someone to do so is just as bad as committing a murder yourself. Plus Bakugo didn’t even have a reason to bully Deku, he did it because he could, because he had power to do so.
And what to the parents of said bully do to stop this? Nothin
What does the teacher in Deku’s old school do when everyone in the class starts laughing at him? Twiddle his thumbs
Also, I think he’s overpowered. I know a lot of people think Todoroki is overpowered, but that may because he’s the son to the Endevour, who’s a very powerful hero - Bakugo’s parents aren’t heroes or in the top 10, so WHY is he so powerful?
I’m sorry, but I just..REALLY don’t see it with Bakugo
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Do I even need to say anything about this one??
I don’t like his reason or being a hero. He’s being a hero so that women will let him touch them? Excuse me? I didn’t know being a hero equalled consent.
I get it, pervy characters, they’re fun to laugh at if used correctly - but not when they’re constant. Theres a point where it’s funny, and then a point where its not. And right now with this guy, it’s defiantly an ‘ Okay we get it, you like girls and you’re all whinny you don’t have a girl can we move on?’ - I fail to see how Mineta is still on the hero course, or how Aizawa hasn’t kicked him off the course yet
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Maybe this is just me, and this isn’t really a hate thing, but I just think Ojiro’s a bit boring. His design is simple, to me his slicked back hair looks a little weird, and he isn’t really that interesting to me, even his hero suit is kinda standard and normal looking compared to the others.
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angelinwhy · 5 years
Almost in Love
Description: after a couple of weeks debating, on a warm Californian night, Y/N was ready to reveal to Harry that she was slowly falling in love with him.
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Y/N wasn’t one to sit and just dwell on her thoughts as she let the world pass her by, or let herself fall into a world where she could be herself. Where she could make up her own scenarios and pretend like they are real, and that they exist in the real world - like a child playing with their dolls, or doodling something that is a figurative of their extraordinary imagination. She wasn’t a daydreamer by a long shot, she was merely even a dreamer, but could make the odd exception.
The born and raised Londoner had a pretty standard life, par from the fact that she liked to do a little bit of singing from time to time. Her life had been nothing short of boring when she grew up. Y/N’s family had forced her to take piano lessons (yes she was part of one of those families) and was sent to private school, as that’s where her parents believed she’d get the best education. So, like any child who was raised in a household like that, most believed that she was a stuck up snob, who only cared about herself. Oh how they were so wrong about that. She is naturally just a quiet person, very reserved and would rather sit at home baking or watching a movie, than going out to a party like most of her friends did.
A complete opposite of her boyfriend, Harry, then.
It was a warm February morning, when they had met for the first time, and the two of them hit it off almost instantly. Back in London, she had been playing the piano in a tube station, that had been left purely for the people’s entertainment, and Harry had happened to be waiting for one of the trains to come. And when he heard the amazing sounds of the piano, it was like all he knew and all of his plans had left the window. Or better yet, been carried away by the train, as he had missed it to stop and listen to Y/N play. Once she was done, he had mentioned how in awe he was of her, and she had just blushed and thanked him. Harry had never heard the piano being played so beautifully in all of his life, and better yet, he had never seen a woman so beautiful in all of his life either. Her nose a bit red from a cold, yet, he found her completely breathtaking all the same. Though, he wasn’t going to say that to her face. He didn’t know her right then.
Not wanting her to slip away from him, as he wanted to know more about the mysterious piano player, he had asked her out for coffee at his favourite little cafe down in Soho. They sat at a table in the corner, in their own little bubble, and got to know each other over a flat white and a hot chocolate. Harry hated to admit it, because he had only just met her, but he had found her completely infatuating. From the way she spoke so effortlessly about her life, to how she winced when her got chocolate burnt her tongue, as she had tried to drink it before it had cooled slightly. He never let himself fall so easily, plus they had only met that morning, yet there was something about her that made him way to stick around with her for the rest of the day. But, he was already late, so he had left her, but not before putting his number in to her phone, so they could arrange to meet up again.
From then it went to little meet-ups in cafes, to the two of them chilling at each other’s houses. Harry had told her about his profession, as it was better for her to find out sooner instead of later, but she didn’t seem to mind all that much, and she loved that he sung. She had made him sing one of his songs for her, and after going through the track list for ‘Harry Styles’, and Harry telling her what the song was like, she had picked From the Dining Table. She was in awe of his voice, and it all made sense - perfect voice to match an even more perfect man.
A couple of months later, and it may seem quick to some, the two of them had started dating. It was a mutual thing, them both falling head over heels fast, and just wanting to be around each other all the time. The paparazzi and media had an absolute field day, the day where they were spotted in Kensington. All of the pictures got out online, and fans speculated pretty quickly, and that scared Y/N because they are so overprotective of Harry, but they had settled down once they realised Harry had found someone good for him. And that’s all they wanted for him. They were both extremely happy, being with each other. All of the little kisses they shared when no one was looking at them, Harry’s snide, sexual comments that still make Y/N go bright red in the face, and the way she would play the piano as he sang along to the sound. It was a complete match made in heaven.
Now, 7 months down the line and their relationship had only gotten stronger.
The two of them were now in Harry’s residence in California, and had been for a couple of days. He had been busy filming with James for the Late Late Show and doing an interview with Zane. And whilst doing all of that, Y/N had been scratching about on her own, with her own thoughts.
She sits on one the benches outside, her elbows on the table next to it so she can keep herself steady as she stares out onto the gorgeous view in front of her. It was slowly getting darker, and the sky had gone an amazing mix of purple and orange, which was a nice contrast against the inviting sea, where waves rolled. Y/N had been sitting out here alone for a while now, as Harry was inside napping due to his busy day, so she had been trying to write out her thoughts down onto paper. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, there was a lot on her mind and when alone, she had to let those thoughts in before she went bonkers.
And the main thought was : am I in love with Harry?
It had been on her mind for about a week now, and it seemed to be the only thing that her bloody mind was able to focus on, even though there was so many exciting things going on around her. She knew that he had caught her in a deep daydream as she dwells on that really scary thought, and when asked what’s wrong, she just merely brushes it off and tells Harry that she’s fine. But love to her, was this huge, scary thing that could completely take over your life, and it was hard for her to think about the fact that she might be in love with Harry. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to love him, because just thinking about how it would all be when she is excites her, it’s the more the fact that she’s never been in love before.
Love was never something she thought about, until she met Harry. Sure, she had seen movies such as The Notebook (only because of Harry), and loved the way it was portrayed, but to her it set unreal standards about what love is actually like. Most girls who are young, and quite possibly naive, will grow up thinking that boys will fall at their feet and basically beg them to be in love with them. But she had learnt that the hard way. No boys had ever shown interest in her, they always cared more for her friends who, to Y/N at least, were much prettier and funnier than she was. That’s what she thought anyways. Her two older siblings were also very lucky when it came to being in relationships, and it always made Y/N wonder if there was something wrong with me. It was just her way of putting herself down, as someone was yet to tell her that she was good enough and deserved better.
She was scared to be in love with Harry, because what if it isn’t what she was expecting?
“Fucks sake,” she mumbles in annoyance as she tears out the page in her book, yet another letter that had been screwed up because she couldn’t think of the right words to say. It wasn’t like anyone was going to read the letters, but she feels like she owes it to herself to find a way to get her feelings out.
As she goes to flip over the page, a hand reaches over her shoulder and grabs a grape from the bowl of fruit, that she had set out as a snack. She tilts her head back, to see Harry standing above her as he eats the slightly sour fruit. He leans down and pecks her forehead, holding the sides of her head with his large and ring clad hands. “Y’alright, my love?” She would never get tired of the endless amount of pet names that he had for her, and the way he says them all. Y/N nods her head as he takes a seat in front of her, his hands resting in his lap.
“You feel better after your nap?” She asks softly as she gathers up the screwed up balls of paper.
“Yeah,” Harry nods as he stretches. “Probably won’t go down as easy tonight, so if I’m not in bed during the night then don’t be worried. I’ll more than likely be in the living room watching the TV or something.”
A habit resurfaces, as Y/N reaches out and grabs one of Harry’s hands, pulling it closer to her so she can play with the beautiful rings that were on his fingers. Her eyes admire the beautiful blue and pink that had been painted on his nails, and her heart gets happy when she remembers that they’re the colours of Fine Line. Harry watches her gently, his eyes soft as he takes in her actions, and she twiddles the rings on his fingers, playing with them and just admiring them all together. It was something she did when she didn’t have much to say, or was trying to distract herself from certain situations. This was something Harry had noticed earlier on in their relationship, when they had been out for a meal and the fans swarmed them, and she had got nervous. Right away, she had went for his hand to play with the rings to calm herself.
Harry knew that there was something up with her, as he could pratically read her like a book. To most their relationship was still pretty fresh and knew, but a lot of the time, Harry likes to think that he knows Y/N a lot better than she thinks he does.
“What’s with all the paper?” He asks, nodding his head at the pad, and all of the screwed up balls.
Y/N chuckles softly as she looks at them, her hands still playing with Harry’s rings. He did love that about her. She almost felt pathetic, telling Harry why she had the notebook out and why it looked like a scene out of Horrid Henry where he couldn’t do his work properly, so he screwed up the paper. “I thought that because you’ve been out a lot, it would be good for me to take some time to myself to kind of figure out some things that are going on in my head, that being said, writing out thoughts was like my first idea of how to vocalise how I’m feeling. Turns out, it isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be, it doesn’t flow naturally. It just comes out as a hot mess, if I’m being completely honest,” she laughs it off, feeling stupid.
“What’s been on your mind?” He simply asks.
Y/N shrugs her shoulders as she looks at him, “this and that. It isn’t much to worry about though.”
“You can talk to me, Y/N, y’know?”
As her fingers still mess about with his rings, she looks at him through her eyelashes, trying to distract herself and divert her mind so she didn’t have to speak to Harry about what was going on with her, as she was worried that a talk about love would scare him off. Although she was battling her own thoughts about whether she was in love with Harry or not, she would also worried about he would take it when the time came for them to say those three meaningful words. Y/N was more scared of the rejection, that he would tell her that he doesn’t love her.
But, what she didn’t know, was that Harry was in love with her already, she just didn’t have a clue because she wasn’t able to recognise the signs. Harry wasn’t one to love easily, it took him time because he had to look for the warning signs before letting himself fall all in a girl. There was no warning signs with Y/N, it was as simple as that. In an interview, when he was asked about to knowing when you had met the right one for you, his response was ‘when you know, you know’. And that’s how it was with Y/N. Ever since he had met her, Harry has had this gut feeling that she’s the one he is meant to be with, that she is the one he will spend the rest of his life with. He had never felt so strongly about someone before, and him falling in love with her so quickly was proving his point that she was the one for him. She’s the one he’s going to keep around. She’s the one who he’s in love with.
It had all started a month ago when they were back at her little, yet cosy apartment in London where the two of them spent the most of their time. She has a grand piano, and they had decided to sit on the bench together and play. Well, she would play and he would sing along, and their song of choice was Ruth B’s ‘Don’t Dissapoint Me’. A beautiful song about being in love, but not wanting to be let down by your other half, in case the feeling of love wasn’t mutual on their part, so you had to make sure they weren’t going to disappoint you. She had played and despite not knowing all of the words off by heart, Harry sang along.
Then, for a split second he stopped singing and she carried on playing. It was like a scene out of a movie when he turned to look at her, and she glanced at him with a huge smile on his face. That’s when he had realised that he was in love with her, and although it was pretty scary for him, he was ready to take the plunge, no matter how deep the water was.
She snaps out of her thoughts, as she had just been staring into the abyss as he hands mindlessly moved Harry’s rings about, taking them off his fingers and then sliding them back on. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” He muses, reaching out to tap her forehead with his finger. “Tell me what you’re thinking about, I might be able to help.”
“Love,” she tells him simply.
Harry’s brows furrow again. “Love?”
Yes, Harry. Love. Y/N nods her head, letting her hand slip into Harry’s big one, and he holds her little one gently, like if he added any more pressure it’d shatter like glass does. His thumb rubs over the back of her hand, in a more soothing manner, and she looks down at their intertwined hands and smiles a little. It had never really occurred to her, all of the little things Harry does to/with her, that are so simple yet mean so much. She always wondered how she had found someone like Harry, and why he stuck around. “If I’m going to be honest, it’s all that I’ve been thinking about over the last couple of weeks. When we talked, it’s all I thought about it, when you were sleeping and I couldn’t, it’s because that was keeping me awake. It shouldn’t even be a big deal, but to me it is and I do not know why. You know what I’m like, I overthink all of the things that I dwell on, and love just happens to be one of those things I overthink, unfortunately.”
“Is it that you’re scared of it? Because it’s a pretty big thing, so if you do then I understand,” he tells her but she shakes her head with a small smile.
Y/N laughs lightly. “More like if I’m in it? Is that the correct way to say it.” The then questions herself.
“You think you’re in love?”
A silence fell over the two of them, and it was a nice and comfortable silence, as they both took in their quick chat. Y/N watches Harry as he looks around his back garden, the wind ruffling his mop of brown and fluffy curls. One of her favourite things to do was run her hands through his hair. When they were cuddling, kissing, or just simply laying on the couch, his head in her lap as they watched whatever show they liked. Harry loved the feeling of her playing with his hair, it was enough to make him fall asleep wherever he was. He looks back to her, and his green eyes catch the light of the setting sun, making him look even more gorgeous then he already is. “Who do you think that you’re in love with?” Harry asks stupidly, like it wasn’t already so obvious that it was him she might love.
She shrugs as she runs her spare hand through her hair. “Timothée Chalamet.”
“Ah,” he hums, “like every other girl on the planet.”
Y/N laughs a little as Harry smiles at hed. He knew that she was joking, but she did have a crush on Timothée. Who wouldn’t?
Suddenly, Harry grabs her legs and pulls her forward, making her squeal in shock. Then she was sitting right in front of him, their faces level. “Now, I want you to tell me what’s actually going on in that head of yours. Okay?” He hums, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and she nods her head with a smile.
“I honestly don’t know where to start,” she explains as her hands reach out to play with the hem of his hoodie, that was a deep blue colour. “I guess the first thing I could say is that I’m pretty confused about all of this love stuff, because I don’t know how to notice or identify a feeling that I’ve never felt before, like I don’t know the signs, nor do I know what something like that is supposed to feel like. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t spoke to Gem and your mum and couple of times to see if they could help me, to see if they were able to give me some guidance or advice. Your mum said something along the lines of ‘don’t overthink it, when you’re in love then you’ll know straight away’. Gemma told me the same thing, that thinking about it too much would only make matters worse, it would only make me more stressed and confused about it. But you know me, overthinking central right here.”
“Sure, I love people, such as my mum and that, but I’ve never been in love, y’know?” She pauses for a moment to look at Harry, and he nods his head. “It is scary to me, because it’s like giving your all to one person, and knowing that you may not get the same in return. I think rejection scares me the most, as being in love in someone in clearly a big thing, so like what if I tell the person, but those feelings aren’t reciprocated? If that makes sense,” she rants to him.
Harry nods. “It makes perfect sense, bab. But love is this thing that has no boundaries, and you cannot be scared of it because at the end of the day, you’re in love with someone and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Yeah, it’s a big thing - it’s like jumping into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim, so the best thing you can do is try to float, until you learn to swim. Or in this case, figure out love and how to handle it in the correct way. I’ve been in love before, I have. Trust me, it broke me to pieces but it is one of the best things ever. You’re all for this one person, and only them, and you’ll find yourself thinking of them all of the time. It’s like they decided to fill that vacant space between your ears and start living there. Of course you’ll be scared, it’s love. It’s one of the biggest feelings a person can have, even if you have never felt it before, which I guess is one of the scariest parts about being in love with someone.”
“What is love to you? Like how would you describe it to someone whose never felt an emotion like that before?” She asks, looking at him like he had hung the moon and the stars.
“I don’t think I have the words to explain a feeling like that, because it’s so different for everyone,” he tells her as she watches him, hanging onto every single word that rolls out of his mouth. She could listen to his voice for hours on end. “But to me, it’s like a good and yearning ache in your heart and soul for that one person, even when they are around. Because when they aren’t around you’ll find yourself thinking about them all the fucking time. But it’s good, it’s really good. Just knowing that you’ve matched yourself to this one person is exciting, yet extremely terrifying at the same time because it’s like ‘hey you, I’m going to give my all to you and I hope you accept it, because if you don’t you’ll break my heart’,” Y/N chuckles lightly at Harry’s tone, and he smiles down at her. “It’ll make sense when you feel it, trust me on that one Y/N.”
Y/N reaches a hand up to caress his stubbly cheek, which makes him smile wider as he leans his head into her palm. “That’s beautiful, Haz.”
“It’s like my mum said, when it happens you’ll know. It’s just one of those instinct things,” Harry tells her.
She then leans into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his chest. Harry’s arms wrap around her shoulders and her holds her close, and tightly so she felt comfortable. Y/N then let out a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding in the whole time her and Harry were talking to each other. He rests his chin on the top of her head, and drags his fingers up and down her back to soothe her. They still hadn’t got the bottom of what they needed to speak about, that was only the start and there was still a little bit more to come. Y/N was just too scared to tell him what was really wrong.
All of this was now calming for them. As their were both silent, they were able to hear the wind brushing through the branches on the trees, and the waves crashing against the sand. The occasional car going past the front of the house, and the odd bird singing it’s song in one of the trees, or a helicopter whirring overhead. Both Harry and Y/N longed for moments like these ones, where it felt like nothing else mattered because they had each other, and that’s all they needed. Just the simplicity of being able to sit in each other’s arms and not say a word, instead just enjoying each other’s company, was their favourite. It was a common occurrence, on most of Harry’s days off they’d just cuddle on the couch, or sleep in bed. All the little things that mattered so much. It really is special to the both of them. It meant so much.
“Why did you ask me all of that?” Harry breaks the silence with his question.
Y/N pulls away from the hug and sighs, “because I think I might be falling in love with you, and I don’t know what to do.”
Harry’s face falls.
“No, no!” She quickly says, realising the ‘I don’t know what to do’ sounds bad. “I mean that I don’t know how to handle it or go about something like this, as I’m not really sure if I am in love with you yet. I’m a bit scared.”
“You don’t need to be scared, bab,” he laughs gently at her, now his turn to hold her face in an endearing way, and also to keep her calm because clearly this isn’t easy for her. “It’s hard, I know. Trust me the first time I was in love with someone it was a mess due to me not knowing how to handle an emotion like that, sometimes I look back at it and laugh about how stupid I was. But you don’t need to be scared. Shit like this comes naturally and it isn’t something that you need to dwell on, or stress yourself out about. It’s a big thing, I know, but it’ll make sense soon. You just need to let it happen, because the more you think on it, the more you’ll confuse yourself because your mind will keep on telling you different things. I know you’ve never been in love before, that’s why you need to just let things happen, instead of using all of your thoughts to force these feelings out, okay?”
She groans as she tilts her head back, Harry holding on to her arms so she doesn’t topple back and fall off the bench. “It’s so hard to not think about though.”
“I know, bab. I know. But trust me it’s so much better for yourself if you don’t overthink it.”
A sigh leaves her mouth. “I know I’m not in love with you yet…”
Harry nods.
“But I know that it’s gonna happen soon, y’know. Like just because I know I’m not in love with you just yet. doesn’t mean I can’t feel myself falling in love with you.”
It was as simple as that. Although she knew that she wasn’t in love with Harry yet, and that it could take some time before those feelings were true and she is able to express them, she couldn’t deny the fact that she could feel herself falling in love with him. She didn’t know much about love, but knew enough to know that it’s completely different for a silly little crush like a school girl would have. She was scared, scared of what Harry would say the day she is able to say ‘I love you’ to him (he’s going to say it back), and she’s worried for that. But just knowing that she has him by her side, is enough for her because he’s so good to her. So, so good. Harry’s in love with her, but he wasn’t going to tell her so until she’s ready. He thinks that if he tells her now, it’s going to put some pressure on her to say the same back, so he doesn’t want to do that. He’s going to wait until she’s ready.
“Promise me something,” he says to her.
She hums. “What?”
“That when we go back to London, we can go back to the tube station where we met and play the piano then go home and have spaghetti for dinner,” he tells her, and she laughs.
“Seriously?!” She giggles loudly. Harry laughs with her. “Here I was, thinking that you were going say something romantic like ‘please don’t ever leave me’ or ‘promise be you’ll always be around’, but no! You want to play the piano and eat spaghetti,” she gasps jokingly as she gets up from her chair and grabs her bowl and notebook, throwing one of the paper balls at Harry’s head. He chuckles as he gets up from his chair, and follows her through the patio doors and into the beautiful house.
“Babe,” he whines like a child. “Promise me you’ll always be around.”
Y/N turns around with a soft look on her face, her items now on the countertop. She walks over to the man she’s falling in love with and puts one hand on his face, and the other around his shoulder. She leans in, their lips barely brushing over each other, and Harry smiles as he snakes an arm around her waist. She goes to kiss him, but just as their lips touch, she smiles cheekily at him, patting him on the chest.
“Nah, I belong to Timothée now.”
“You little shit.”
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Debunking ahead: Tinhats historically believe Darren was FreePavarotti (mleigh69*tumblr*com/post/126280604185/why-do-people-think-darren-is-free-pavarotti). He isn't. Dominic Tracy (nee Barnes) stated the account was owned by a fan in Boston (www*masslive*com/television/2011/03/glee_exclusive_dominic_barnes*html) which was followed-up by an interview with with said Boston fan who owns it (www*masslive*com/television/2011/03/glee_exclusive_mr_boston_speak*html). As usual, tinhats bleat it was PR.
Ooohhh I love this....this is tooo delicious.   
akf-ighting asked:Why do people think Darren is Free Pavarotti?
There are quite a few reasons - some screen captured - others not
but all seem to lead to the same conclusion - despite PR attempts to “prove” it otherwise
the truth is hard to hide when it doesn’t want to be hidden
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This was a fun exchange that pav jumped in on:
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if the above doesn’t scream Darren’s voice to you - nothing will.
And there was a third tweet from a female friend (can’t recall who) who told him to watch which account he was tweeting from and called him “birdbrain”
This was an interesting post:
on December 10th, there were three consecutive tweets. I have all three in my phone saved. 11:10: @DarrenCriss I was gonna hop in the shower but then I decided to do jumping jacks in there instead. and then at 11:15: @DarrenCriss I was gonna hop in a cab but I realized there was no room in there for it. Plus I had nowhere to go. Sorry cab driver please let me out. and THEN, at 11:21: @FreePavarotti I was gonna hop to it but decided to walk instead. 3 MPH. So, basically, Darren mixed up accounts. (Tweets from FreePavarotti generally have #FreePav at the end.) The tweet was promptly deleted, so very few people have proof that it happened, but I do. it proved that Darren runs @FreePavarotti. LINK
I have seen screencaps of the tweet that Pav sent out the night of Chris’ 21st bad when they were on tour
Pav was drunk - or acting drunk - both are possible - the tweet was deleted
like the others that pointed too specifically to who was in charge of the account
I believe it is both Chris and Darren - but mostly Darren
The timing of events and information known - a lot not possible without some inside info
Many are in Darren’s playful and mischievous voice (with a possible assist from Chris at many)
And honestly - WHY would anyone work so hard to cover up something that was just a random fan having fun?!   LINK
Another incidence of PR overkill - that only proves the opposite to be true -they seem to have mastered this maneuver - don’t you think?!
Free pav continues to favorite things time and again
and frequently they are INTERESTING choices for sure!
Choose for yourself - but coincidences are only coincidences SO MANY TIMES
time will tell
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'Glee' exclusive: Mr. Boston speaks about FreePavarotti Twitter 
 Updated Mar 25, 2019; Posted Mar 31, 2011 Comment0sharesBy
Samantha Stephens, The Republican
Who would have thought that a bird could cause such a commotion?Pavarotti might have only appeared on a couple episodes of Glee but Kurt Hummel's (Chris Colfer) pet warbler stole the attention and devotion of thousands of Glee fans.
With a popular Twitter account, which currently has 9,483 followers, Pavarotti kept fans entertained with witty status updates about his caretaker, the Warblers, Kurt's budding relationship with Blaine (Darren Criss), and his own budding romance with Warbler Luke Edgemon.
As the account became popular, speculation over who ran the account swept the internet. Most fans agreed that it had to be a member of the Glee cast. But disparities on whether the account was operated by a Warbler, Darren Criss, or a joint-effort was a topic of debate for many.
When I started what I referred to as my “Wild Warbler Week”, in which I had the pleasure of chatting with three of the Warbler boys, I decided to try to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I was prepared to listen to the standard "he's a bird!" reply that had always been given when anyone attempted to solve this conundrum. But, lo and behold, I received the information on the first attempt thanks to Dominic Barnes.
We may never know the mysterious Mr. Boston’s true identity, he refused to answer any personal questions, but he offered an exclusive interview in which he revealed some of the magic (or should I say glitter?) behind the famous Twitter account.
When did you start the account? Where did the idea come from? The account began on December 1, 2010. It was the day after Pavarotti appeared on the show, I think. I started watching Glee when the Warblers first appeared, which was a couple weeks prior. I've done joke Twitters before in a different context, and it was a lot of fun. The initial idea was to start a campaign to "free Pavarotti", hence the username, while retweeting information about the Beelzebubs and bullying, to keep it in context. When I started tweeting, though, doing the character seemed like a more fun, accessible way to put that stuff out there.
Where did you get the ideas for the status updates? Do you have a favorite status or one that is particularly memorable? I had two different characters in mind for Pavarotti; one was the actor, an actual bird on set, totally infatuated with his own success and enamored with his fellow Warblers. He's the one who actually acts like a bird. The other was the bird in the show. That Pavarotti was meant to be a little more like a miniature Kurt; he overplays the "gay", gets excited about hanging out with Blaine, loves to sing to himself, and pretends to be well-educated about things like fashion, history, and music, while in reality he's just tossing his sassy feathers around, saying please, look at me, don't let me get lost, I'm bright yellow, I want to be important! Ha ha.
The other factor in updating the Twitter was relevancy; What's a hot topic in the world (Libya; Japan)?, Is there something I can do to stick with the gay/bullying theme (Trevor Project; transgender boy actor bird; It Gets Better)?, and What's up with my caretakers and how can I redirect some followers to them (Warblers; Bubs; Glee)?
I don't think I have a favorite. There are over 800 tweets on the account, you know! Every time I got to say "I'm not Someone Famous, because I'm a bird," that was awesome. Bird puns, too. Bird titles. Bird anything, really.
Did you ever expect it to become such a phenomenon within the Glee fandom? Not in a million years! I didn't even expect it to catch the eye of people in the show - and while I made some fun tweets, Pavarotti's popularity is due entirely to the Warblers & co. If it weren't for some of the guys being great sports, playing along, and pretending that Pavarotti was the real bird they worked with, this conversation we're having would be even more absurd. The Darren Criss conspiracy theory is also to blame.
Could you elaborate on the Darren Criss conspiracy for people who might not be familiar with it? I once dueled a tiger upon the harsh wastelands of Kentucky, but as soon as I managed to subdue this creature, it tweeted that I was actually Darren Criss to the World Wide Web. Its approximately three and a half million followers were fooled instantly and a thousand of them became personally invested. In order to preserve my secret identity and continue to oppose Professor Zoom and Magneto in their dastardly schemes, I played along until the time was rife to take revenge.
You said you had two ideas for how to maintain the Pavarotti Twitter, how did you decide between the two ideas? I used both Pavarotti - the bird and the actor. Some people picked up on this right away. It's not necessary in order to read it, though. The plan to use it as a "freedom campaign" was nixed almost immediately, because doing the character tweets was too much fun. And also because I couldn't come up with a neat little logo to save my life.
A huge part of the Twitter account was dedicated to the relationship between Luke Edgemon and Pavarotti. How did that get started and will you and Luke remain in touch? Luke was the first Warbler to tweet at FreePavarotti as though he were the real deal - he said "Pleasure working with you today!" and that was the beginning of my credibility. The romantic tweets just happened. Truly the age-old story of a canary and a boy falling in love. We will! At least, I hope so. We still text through private messages.
Pav had a lot of status updates about "Klaine" - do you think he's smiling from Bird Heaven now that they're finally (unofficially) together? What are your personal opinions on that storyline? I think Pavarotti loved both of the boys, as well as the rest of the Warblers. He did his best to chirp it up with Kurt, and Blaine was a real pal. I don't think he would have much of an opinion on the relationship itself, aside from what it does to Blaine and the Pips' set-list. Personally, it's important to have a gay relationship on primetime T.V., even if it's as silly as any other hookup on Glee. The "Brittana" excites me more, to be honest! People need to see that - LGBT intolerance is heading the way of dodo birds, shell suits, and separate drinking fountains, so we better darn well get a more and more positive presence in the media with each passing day.
Who has a stronger love: Pav and Luke or Kurt and Blaine? Love is the most powerful force in the universe; it's not a spectator sport. Be careful with that!
You mentioned one of the themes you wanted to touch upon with the Pav account was the bullying issue. What are your thoughts about the Kurt/Karofsky storyline and the possibility for Karosky's redemption? I'm not really qualified to talk about this! But here goes: I do like to think that anyone can find redemption, especially somebody who's lost and lashing out like Karofsky. The locker room kiss scene turns my stomach, and getting Kurt out of that entire environment was definitely the right thing to do. I'm sure Karofsky will "see the light", for lack of a better term. It's been set since that Superbowl number. I just don't know how much divine vengeance is too much - his remorse alone isn't really enough to make up for what he's done, but taking a crowbar to the guy's head would be overkill! Glee will, with any luck, find a happy medium and a happy ending for him. He and guys like him could use a little hope.
How difficult has it been to keep the secret, especially when so many people assumed the account was run by a Warbler or member of the cast? A fair number of folks on the human plane have known about the account from the start. I'm grateful that none of them have spoiled the fun. I   experience a mixture of guilt and glee when accused of being a member of the cast; I figured if anybody in the inner sanctum of Glee minded, I'd get in trouble, or someone would clear the air, so I'm guessing anybody on Glee who's heard of me gets just as much satisfaction out of toying with the emotions of Twitter as I do. Splendid. I don't need these five minutes of fame attached to my face; having this game on the internet was fun enough.
What did you think the reaction would be when it was revealed that you weren't a member of the Glee cast? I was surprised that the Warblers were surprised - I thought they were all just playing along! I figured Darren Criss would laugh to himself. You know, everybody's different - I knew some people would be disappointed, some people would be really amused, and some would still insist I'm a member of the cast.
Do you keep in touch with anyone from the cast of Glee? I could just tell you "no," but that's not very mysterious. I have a feeling folks would be skeptical, too. How about...my buddies are my secret, and the poor cast of Glee and I can continue to try to live our lives as ordinary people, connection or no connection.
Were you a fan of the show before you started the Twitter? If so, what was your favorite episode or cover? Nope! I'd never seen it before the Warblers appeared. But since then I've ended up with the box set of the first season, and I've seen some of it. I loved the episode with the mattress commercial. I like Teenage Dream a lot. I also liked Forget You and Vogue.
Who is your favorite Glee character? Puck. He appeals to my sensibilities. He's a cool dude with a lot to prove. He gets some great lines. He's just great. He can be both a bully and a kicked puppy.
When and how did you find out that Pav was going to die in "Original Songs"? I found out when people started tweeting me asking if it was true. That's how I learned a lot of things; I don't read the news blogs, and I don't really talk to people on the inside - well, I wouldn't be so rude as to ask for deets on spoilers all the time if I did, although I shot off a couple of excited messages to Warblers when I discovered "my" days were numbered. I toyed with the hearts of my followers, and as soon as I was informed that the death was actually going to happen, I began to plot my own demise.
On Glee, Kurt assumes Pavarotti dies from a stroke. Is that what really happened? How did you decide what the final tweet would be? Pavarotti either died of a stroke or of a glitter overdose. There was no time for an autopsy, in between singing and making out, so the world may never know. I had the final few days' worth of tweets saved on my phone weeks in advance. Pavarotti died while chirping out a tune; that's the way he wanted to live, so that's the way he had to go. The song seemed relevant.
Do you approve of the bedazzled coffin Pav was laid to rest in? It's beautiful. A glittery little box for his glittery little spirit.
There was about a week between Pav's death and the funeral. Where was he hanging out in the meantime? Kurt probably kept him in a well-decorated mini-fridge. Or maybe they used a slingshot to send him out into space at relativistic speed, so that he'd land back on Earth without decaying too much.Assuming that's where Pav is, what's Bird Heaven like?I'm not dead or a bird, so I couldn't tell you!
Are you or will you troll again? I'm glad that someone detailed for me exactly what the parameters of trolling are last night.I have had other Twitter accounts in the past; none taken as seriously as this one, and nowhere near the follower account this one generated. I have a new joke character Twitter account going, with a smaller following and a more casually fun tweeting schedule. It has been mistaken as an official Twitter in its franchise once or twice, too, but that impression was almost immediately dispelled by the followers and context. I don't plan on ever publicly linking them to each other, or my future endeavors.
Is the new Twitter account Glee, Darren Criss, or Starkid related? How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? (X)
So there you go...another cc trope, forever stricken from the masterpost!  
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brihana25 · 5 years
In “Defense” of John Kreese
NOTE: Okay, here goes. I wrote this weeks ago, when I was still processing Season 2 (which, honestly, I’m still doing), and I wrote it in reaction to some of what I was seeing about Kreese in the wake of it. It’s long, so there’s a jump. 
To say I was surprised to see the posts about Kreese would be an understatement. I meant and still mean no offense to anyone who expected more than we got, but it truly baffled me, because we got exactly what we were promised. I saw the betrayal coming from the last seconds of Mercy Part II, and I didn’t understand how other people didn’t.
So, this is me trying to explain why I felt and feel the way I do about Kreese. And for better or for worse, since I’m posting it, it’s open for discussion.
Wow. Talk about five words I never in a million years imagined I'd type.
I watched Season 2 of Cobra Kai within fifteen seconds of it dropping. Once I started, I didn't stop. I didn't pause. I was far from the only one. A little over five hours later, I'd seen the entire thing. I was devastated, of course. We all were. I intended to do an immediate rewatch, but I couldn't make myself do it. I was left reeling, numb, and completely emotionally drained for the rest of the day. Again, that's not unique to me. We all were. And even though I have rewatched it since then, more than once, that feeling hasn't really faded. I'm still having a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I know it's only a television show, but the impact it has had on me – on all of us – cannot really be explained. We're all shocked. We're all stunned. We're all feeling and dealing and still processing it.
If there is one word to sum up Season 2, it is this: brutal.
And no one was half as brutal as the man himself, the creator of Cobra Kai, the puppet master who holds everyone’s strings and pulls them to make them dance, knows every character's buttons and how to push them: John Kreese.
I know a lot of people are upset about Kreese still being bad. And not only is he bad, but he's possibly even more despicable and irredeemable than he was in the movies. I know a lot of people feel that they were lied to, or somehow misled, into believing he'd be a good guy by the end of the season.
I'm going to defend not only the pre-season interviews that may have led fans to believing that, but also the character of John Kreese himself. And those of you who know me and what I have said about this character in the past will understand what an odd thing this is for me to do. But one of the things I love most about this show, and about the movies that spawned it, are the characters and their development. That does include John Kreese, and it always has.
If you think back over what we were told about Kreese pre-season, no one ever said they were going to redeem him. The Big 3TM said they were going to make him human. They did. Martin Kove said he was "a little bit good, and a little bit bad." He is both.
First, to The Big 3TM's statements that either said or implied they were going to make him more human: they did. They made him much more human than he was in the movies; they just didn't make him a good one. Instead, he is devious, manipulative, abusive and cruel. And those are things that only humans can be.
He's always been a kind of caricature, a stock character "baddie" with memorable lines and no discernible motivations for being the way he was. The most human we saw him in the movies was at the beginning of The Karate Kid Part III. We see him walking down the street, alone, dejected. He is a broken man. He has lost everything and everyone, and he knows it. He has hit absolute rock bottom, and he does not know how to climb back up.
That doesn't last very long, of course. He walks into the dojo, glances at his bills, half-listens to his answering machine, picks up a newspaper article about Daniel's victory, and immediately, his dejection turns to anger. His desolation morphs into a singular obsession with destroying the old man who humiliated him and the child who dared to defeat him.
Terry's words to Daniel and Mr. Miyagi in the garden, about karate being Kreese's entire life, about losing his students (mostly Johnny, we now know) breaking his heart - I believe this was entirely true. It's probably one of the few honest things Terry said in the whole movie. It is also probably one of the purest descriptions of John Kreese’s motivation we have ever been given. There was a glimmer of hope at the beginning, in Kreese's conversation in the car with Terry, when it looked like maybe he wasn't wholly evil. But as we realized later, his protest to Terry that he didn't "need to do this" - didn't "need" to torture Daniel and Mr. Miyagi - was token only. He wanted it to happen. I'd go so far as to say that he played on Terry's love for and protectiveness of him to make it happen. That became obvious later in the movie, when he came up with the "brilliant" idea of making Daniel's knuckles bleed. And now that we have seen just how manipulative and calculating he can be, it fits with who and what he is.
Does he have PTSD? Certainly. He told Johnny as much when he said the psychiatrists wouldn't let him re-enlist. Does it stem from the Vietnam War? Again, there is very little doubt. Is he still fighting a war in his mind that never ended for him because he wasn't allowed to finish it? I don't question that for a second, either. Do any of those things excuse what he did - to children and adults both - after he returned? Absolutely not. Understanding his mind and seeing the world through his eyes gives us insight into why he is the way he is, but it doesn't excuse what he's done. And it doesn’t justify what he may do in the future.
Humans aren't always nice and decent. All people aren't basically good. Daniel learned that when he was sixteen years old. Johnny learned it at fifty-one. John Kreese is 100% human, and that's undeniable. They gave us exactly what they promised us.
As for Martin Kove's assertion that Kreese is "a little bit good, and a little bit bad": he is. This is where understanding his mind becomes vital. Kreese's "bad" qualities are on clear and open display for us to see. His "good" qualities aren't as obvious, and some would say they don't exist at all. That is because his definition of "good" is warped, and it doesn't fit with how we understand that word.
Also, I believe very strongly that John Kreese loves Johnny Lawrence.
No, it doesn't look anything like love to most of us. It looks like control, and domination, and manipulation. It looks like abuse. And that's because it is. It is dysfunctional, and destructive, and based on a power imbalance that Kreese cannot let shift in Johnny's favor for even a second. But in John Kreese's mind, it is love.
Make no mistake about it, Kreese abused both of these men when they were children. He abused Johnny - mentally and emotionally - for five years. Whether the karate training ever rose to the level of physical abuse is debatable, but after what we saw in Season 2, in Johnny's memory of receiving his blue belt, the rest of it is inarguable. The hardest concept to grasp, after watching just that one small memory and the impact it still has on Johnny almost 40 years later, is that Kreese honestly believed, and still does, that he was doing a good thing.
Listen to the things he says. Really listen to him. Even after everything that happens, even after Miguel and Robby, and Tory and Sam, and even after the destruction of everything and everyone Johnny loves, Kreese is still convinced that what he's doing is what's best for Johnny. He truly, honestly believes that he's helping him.
In his mind, he is making Johnny stronger. He is making him better. He is turning him into a good little soldier who will follow orders to the letter, because if he does what Kreese tells him, he will not and cannot lose. He is doing this because he doesn't want Johnny to feel the things he felt. He doesn't want Johnny to ever feel the sting of a defeat he had no choice but to accept. He sees in Johnny his chance to redeem himself for all the losses he himself has suffered, and he will use any means at his disposal to get him there.
His abuse of Daniel is strictly about punishment. He doesn't love him. He didn’t want to make him stronger. He didn’t want to turn him into a winner. His abuse of Daniel was purely for revenge. He smiled about it. He laughed about it. He wanted to see “a lot more” of it. He tortured a child, and he enjoyed it.
As much as John Kreese loves Johnny Lawrence, he hates Daniel LaRusso.
He hates him for forcing defeat on Johnny. He hates him for being a better student, or a better fighter, or a better anything than Johnny. He hates Mr. Miyagi for being a better teacher, or a better fighter, or just a better everything than him. Mr. Miyagi succeeded in turning Daniel into what Kreese failed in getting Johnny to be, and so Daniel - at the ripe old age of sixteen - gets the dubious distinction of being the living embodiment of both Johnny's and Kreese's failures. Kreese will never forgive him for any of that.
And so, Kreese (in conjunction with Terry Silver, of course) brainwashes him. They convince him to torture himself, and they torture Mr. Miyagi through him. They turn him into something he isn't and never has been. They turn him into the opposite of what Mr. Miyagi taught him to be. They send him home every night, bloody and bruised and completely oblivious to the fact that he's a nothing more than a pawn to them. He's a toy. If Johnny is Kreese's good little soldier, Daniel is his cannon fodder.
Kreese loves Johnny, and he hates Daniel, and he destroyed them both. But what has to be understood is that in his mind, everything he’s done have been "good" things.
To redeem Kreese now, to turn him into a "good guy," to have both of his victims forget and forgive him for everything he did, would not only be wholly unbelievable, it would invalidate everything they've been through. It would erase everything that turned the children they were into the men they are. It would cheapen and dismiss everything Kreese did to them.
It wouldn't just "flip the script" on their story. It would rewrite it wholesale.
At its heart, Cobra Kai is Johnny's and Daniel's story. Kreese plays a large part in that story, absolutely. But it’s not his. What they suffered at his hands shaped who and what they are, what they feel about each other, and what they believe about themselves. For better or worse, he is Cobra Kai.
He is their boogeyman.
And if the show is about Johnny and Daniel, then it has to be about them dealing with the impact Cobra Kai - and John Kreese - has had and continues to have on them and the people they love. For that to be possible, Kreese has to remain what he is and has always been.
A little bit good, and a whole lot bad.
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My Top Ships 2018
I really enjoyed writing this article last year. So here we go again. Check out my favorite ships from movies and TV this year. 
12. The Goldbergs-Erica and Geoff
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The Goldbergs has been one of my favorite sitcoms for a couple of years now and I have loved watching the development of Erica and Geoff’s relationship from a simple high school crush, to Erica discovering her feelings, to them now in the current season feeling like an old married couple at times. While they may still have their ups and downs I love how they are always there for one another and they are just adorable. Hope they’re in it for the long run like Geoff assumes they will be!
11. Throne of Glass-Chaol and Celaena 
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At the beginning of 2018 I started reading Sarah J. Maas’ fantasy novel Throne of Glass. Instantly I could see the love triangle emerge between the assassin Celaena, the crown prince Dorian and the head of the king’s guard Chaol. While book one looked more like Celaena and Dorian would be together I always held out hope for the latter. And then I read Crown of Midnight! That book was one of my overall favorites and I got to watch this relationship form. It was beautiful and then everything blew up. I started the third book in the series and was instantly disappointed because it felt like an entirely new series. So while I have stopped reading it since then Chaol and Celaena will forever be one of my favorite ships. 
10. Supergirl-Kara and Mon-El
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Mon-El returned to Supergirl last season and while Karamel was apart for the majority of the season viewers got to see a more mature Mon-El. There has always been much debate over his character as well as his relationship with Kara, but I have always been a fan of the Daxamite. In this season he returned to the present from the future where he was a part of the Legion of Superheroes and he was married. Kara, still recovering from the aftermath of season two, was thrilled to see him, but much had changed. While moments of this season were aggravating the two still had some great chemistry on screen. It was still very clear of their feelings for one another, but yet again Mon-El had to leave. This time taking Winn with him (which is a rant for another day). So while they might not have a future this is another ship that will always be one of my favorites. 
9. Victoria-Lord Alfred and Drummond
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This ship instantly pulled my heart strings and ultimately (SPOILER ALERT) crushed my soul. Lord Alfred and Edward Drummond’s relationship started in season one of Victoria, but truly got its own story line in season 2. As expected in this masterpiece drama there were twists and turns that kept this couple part. Given the time period two men could not be together and Drummond was engaged to be married to a woman. But what none of us saw coming was his death. I still cannot believe it. He will be truly missed in the newest season which will air in the new year. 
8. Anne with an E-Anne and Gilbert
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Netflix’s Anne with an E returned with a second season this year and we were blessed with more Shirbert moments between Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. While the beginning of this season saw Gilbert at sea (going off from L.M. Montgomery’s novel), there were still some great moments between the two characters from Anne writing him letters about the “gold,” to Gilbert not noticing her hair and letting her know it was good to see her. And who could forget this important moment (above) from the finale. Fortunately for us the series has just gotten picked up for a third season. I cannot wait to see what’s in store next!
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7. Daredevil-Matt and Karen
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While against popular ships I found myself shipping Matt Murdock and Karen Page hard as I began season 1 of Daredevil this past spring. In season 1 I took every moment I could get between the two of them and then I was a little too excited when they got “together” in season 2. While it didn’t end well for the two of them there were some really great moments I find myself reliving on YouTube. I have not watched season 3 yet (mainly because I want to continue to watch the Marvel Netflix shows in order and I have only just finished The Defenders). With the recent news of the show being cancelled I can only hope these two end on good terms. (Even if it is not romantically as I may hope. Please no spoilers.)
6. Set it Up-Harper and Charlie
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This romantic comedy quickly made its way into my heart and into my top 10 favorite movies (I KNOW). This is all thanks to its lead characters Harper and Charlie. These two assistants were witty, relatable and just had an overall great chemistry that I am upset they are not together in real life. I have honestly watched this movie far too many times and each time my love for this ship gets stronger. I feel like the movie ends too quick because I want to know more about what happens to them. It might ruin it but would it be too much to ask for a sequel, Netflix?? 
5. Legacies-All of them
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Okay, so by saying ALL OF THEM I don’t think I’m necessarily cheating. This show is still in its beginning and still establishing itself. They are still finding their ships and we are discovering the characters. But I have to say I like so many of them that it’s hard to choose just one pairing. Julie Plec has done a FANTASTIC job of having a lot of her major cast interact with one another and they each bring out something different in one another’s characters. One day I’m shipping Hope and Josie and the next I like Hope and Raphael. You can really tell good writing and characters when you can like so many different combinations and not feel mad about it. If you aren’t watching Legacies make sure to tune into the CW because you are missing out. 
4. The Originals-Klaus and Caroline
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Yes, you did see this ship on my list from last year and that is because Klaus and Caroline are one of my top OTPs. I was excited to see Klaus on the Vampire Diaries so it is no surprise that I was beyond excited to hear of Caroline coming to the Originals in its final season. It was great to see the pair in the same room again. They were both parents now and had grown so much. Every time they recognized that in each other I got chills. So [SPOILER ALERT] while Klaus “had to die” I am extremely glad that he and Caroline got closure for their ship. In a way they were endgame and as a Klaroline fan, always and forever, that’s all a girl could ask for. 
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3. Dawson’s Creek-Pacey and Joey
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Dawson’s Creek was my summer binge this year. I wanted something “retro” that was just about regular teens (no superhero powers or magic). Going into this show I obviously knew a good amount of spoilers seeing as how it started in the late 90s, so I knew that Pacey Witter and Joey Potter would eventually become a couple. I now just had to wait for the when...and while at times it might have felt excruciating, I took any and all moments between the two characters (even before season 3 when things really get set into motion). There is just something so great about a ship between two characters who “hated” each others guts and tease each other constantly. It was well worth the wait because these two have become one of my favorite all time ships. While I am permanently paused on season four (pre their first break up) I have watched a bunch of spoiler videos to know that these two wind up together, which warms the heart. 
2. Brooklyn Nine-Nine-Amy and Jake
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While looking for a new TV show to watch earlier this year it was suggested to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (Only once I started binge-watching the show did it get cancelled and then thankfully renewed by NBC.) What a great choice it was to start watching this show. The void that was left by The Office and Parks and Rec was instantly filled by this sitcom. The characters and story-lines were hilarious and of course I couldn’t help but fall in love with the slow-burn of Amy and Jake. Again due to spoilers of coming into a show that already exists I knew the two would wind up together, but it was still so great to be a part of. The two are adorable and while the story line does not always revolve around their relationship you know they are still together by a quick line they say in a scene or two. They are just so right for each other. Right now I am catching up on season 5 (about mid-way right now) and I cannot wait to watch the next season premiering in January. So excited to see where their relationship is headed.
1. THE 100-Bellamy and Clarke 
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That’s right last year’s number 2 became my number 1 in 2018! While separated for 6 years with Clarke on the ground and Bellamy in the sky the two found their way back to one another. You could definitely feel the tension between the two, which made complete sense after all their time apart but there was still something that brought them back together. My heart still melts when Bellamy finds out that Clarke is alive from Madi and seeing Clarke’s face when Bellamy tells Diyoza that she matters. This ship is the slowest burn of my life and while Jason Rothenberg may still claim that the two will never be (and that we should read the books for that) this latest season gave us Bellarke fans a reason to hope. From Octavia calling out Bellamy’s feelings and saving the traitor who he loves (OMG) to Clarke’s looks every time Bellamy and Echo were embracing. They are the first two to wake up out of the pods and meet Harper and Monty’s son. They are deeply connected and I can only hope for moments like this next season. For now I’ll just re-watch my favorite to hold me over (and that includes Bob and Eliza’s SDCC interviews which were adorable). 
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 Here’s to another year. Cannot wait to see what is in store for 2019!!
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writingformeandyou · 5 years
A/N: This is a part 2/reunion part regarding one of my most recent head canons I’ve had! Honestly at some parts it hurt me because ouch I don’t like causing these boys pain but either way it was a kinda fun write and I hope you guys agree that the guys would act how I wrote that they would. (Request has been altered greatly so that it wouldn’t involve real world people and such.)
Basically the request: How would the chocobros react to being reunited with their daughter after five years? Their daughter has accomplishments such as being made a dame by a queen and getting a boyfriend that she actually cares for. Would the chocobros take their daughter back or not?
TLSS meaning: The long story short
Noctis being a King that wants to be involved with his people (blame his relationship with Prom for that) likes to do things where he is talking to his people or even occasionally goes onto talk shows to give updates on his country or meet a lucky civilian and get a insider look on how things are from a civilian's perspective. One day he was doing just that, going onto a talk show that is, so as Ignis lectures the makeup crew about making sure that he (Noctis) looked good and to try to take years of age off of him he watched the T.V. to see the talk show host talk about the events at hand and invited a young woman onto the stage, usually Noctis is excited to meet the people of his country but this woman made the pain of many years come back and makes tears fall down his face as his composure cracks. This woman is his baby girl, his daughter, one of the people that he loved the most- no one of the people that he loves the most… and one of the people that hurt him the most. Ignis has to usher the makeup crew out of the room and help Noctis with the onslaught of emotions and tears that have come to attack him. Overall his kingly calm that he had developed over the five years broke and he was a sobbing mess. Ignis soon after would have to leave to question why the ex-princess and not a civilian was there but Noctis remains watching the screen through his streaming tears. The interview of his daughter goes like this, at first she is introduced to the audience as the princess of Lucis- she corrects the host and tells them that she is just an average woman now, the host talks about what she’d been up to for the past couple years; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. This man is a very simple man you see, he loves his daughter and will never stop loving her. Noctis will end up rising from his seat and will grab the cane that he uses to walk because of the arthritis in his leg from a injury he got that felt like a millennia ago and will walk out onto the stage a crying mess and will rush to his daughter with his arms open and the two would embrace.
TLSS: Noctis loves his daughter no matter what and became depressed after cutting her off due to his responsibility as king and due to that responsibility he would have to hide how he felt for the sake of the country, which he did fairly well but when he was alone he was in shambles. When he was reunited with his daughter he was taken aback with distraught and lost the composure he built over time but after learning of the lessons his daughter learned and the life she built he would be a sobbing mess and would hug her and never let go (not true he would have to let go eventually). This man is incredibly happy to have his daughter back and the people would see it because he would become healthier and would act slightly younger. Though even though there is a happy ending there is one problem, Noctis would not be able to give her her throne back which with her developments would not be too problematic and she would likely fly up to a noble rank either way. She just has to remember one thing, her father will always love her.
For the past five years this man without the distraction of his duties faired horribly with the betrayal of his daughter and is one of the most depressed out of the four in this situation. On this day Ignis is requested to come over to a talk show for a surprise and to be interviewed, Noctis and the rest of the guys didn’t give him a choice. There Ignis was in hair and makeup talking to the hairstylist about his mostly grey hair when suddenly a familiar and haunting voice echoed through the t.v., there she was, his little girl, talking to the show host. Ignis would crack, usually around other people he kept his cool but seeing her has made tears streaking down his cheeks and has him beginning to dissociate. The hairstylist leaves him alone with his thoughts when he hears the talk show host talking to his daughter- no more like talking about his daughter, talking about his daughter’s successes; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. Ignis is in shock but smiles a broken but genuine smile, it feels as though it’s been forever since he’s done so and almost feels like he needs to learn how to do it again but is so proud of the woman that his daughter became so he decides to wipe his cheeks and clean his glasses before leaving the room to go on stage. Ignis would walk on stage and walk to his daughter before engulfing her in a hug.
TLSS: Ignis loves his daughter unconditionally and she has him wrapped tightly around her little finger from the moment she was born, though in the case of their confrontation this is one of the few things she wasn’t able to win and even then Ignis wasn’t the one who cut his daughter off, it was she who cut him off; She was the one who broke his heart. Like previously mentioned Ignis loves his daughter unconditionally so when he learns of her improvements on herself he is happy to try to make amends and the guys and their kids (including the prince) are at the Citadel cheering Ignis on as he and his daughter reconcile. Ignis will stop dissociating soon after this and will have more genuine smiles soon after. The bond of Ignis and his daughter is unaffected negatively by their power struggle and the two will have a stronger bond than ever and are now likely to be the happiest they’ve ever been in five years.
Much like Ignis Prompto didn’t react well over the span of five years, this beautiful sun drop faded into a dim image of what he once was, his light was gone. Prompto became strongly focused on his duties as general, he changed. Prompto became quieter, stricter, more serious, pretty much ignored his issues, and acted as if he was indebted to the king no matter what Noctis had to say about it. One day Noctis managed to rip Prompto from work and dragged him to a studio for a talk show, no matter the debates from the general the king wouldn’t relent and insisted on taking him so he went because he would do anything for his best buddy. This goes much more differently for Prompto than the others. Noctis would not allow Prompto to know of his true intent of the talk show as he helped plan it but he is concerned that if he knew that he’d leave… Prompto just isn’t readable nowadays and Noctis is unsure of how he will act but he won’t know until it happens. Eventually, hair and makeup has the general cleaned up and looking less like he’d traveled through hell and back so he and Noctis walk out on the stage together. Noctis insists that he himself walks out first so Prompto would roll his eyes and let out a strained chuckle because Noctis never acts like this and Prompto thinks him going out without him is a joke, nope it is part of an elaborate plan. Prompto is told to come out with his eyes closed so not without reluctance he does so and is told to hold out his hands when he reaches the stage so thinking he is taking Noctis’s hands to be led to a surprise or something he does as told and hands are placed in his, but they aren’t the hands he was expecting, he was expecting Noctis’s time and battle-worn hands but instead two soft hands take his and he is told to open his eyes which he does, the first thing he sees is his daughter, his little ray of sunshine, holding his hands with watering eyes as she apologizes. Prompto is taken aback with shock and whispers something about how she called him weak for being on her ex’s side so she starts crying and telling him that it isn’t true which soon enough has him crying and all and all they are a crying mess and Prompto is clinging to his daughter for dear life as the talk show host explains his dear child’s changes in life such as becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about how huge her mistake of hurting the prince and her father was.
TLSS: Prompto’s child is one of his purposes for living. If you take his child he shatters and loses a purpose to live, I can’t quite say if he decided things weren’t worth it as it pains me to think about it but I think he did. Prompto changes over the five years, he isn’t handling his depression the same way as Noctis, and Ignis, Noctis’s way of coping being just simply crying in private or in the presence of a friend and doing his duties as king and making sure that his people are happy while Ignis’s is, for the most part, dissociating and staring off in the distance when he even gives himself a moment to think about his child. Prompto will take his daughter back with no second thoughts. Prompto does not improve quickly, actually, he is the slowest to improve. Prompto is still difficult to read for a long time and still has a rough persona for some time but he begins to joke around again like his old self. Prompto is a step closer to his old self on the day he is reunited with his daughter but he might not return to that carefree man that he once was because it is difficult to take down your defenses after being hurt but he can only try with his friends and daughter by his side.
Gladio over the span of five years is able to deal with this the best. Gladio is fairly certain that his daughter inherited her callous attitude from him since that is how he occasionally acted when he was young hence meaning that he feels that he is for blame plus he was expecting some sort of rebellion at some point. Another thing that helps Gladio is that although he and his daughter are not on good terms their relationship wasn’t cut off as harsh as the other guys with their daughters though with the two being the people they are the other wouldn’t willingly apologize for what happened which caused communication to be cut off between the two soon after the fight. Although I said that Gladio acted well about what happened it doesn’t mean that he wasn’t upset. Like the others, if Gladio is left with his thoughts too long he is likely to start crying quietly to himself but he is a busy man that doesn’t really have the time to get stuck in his thoughts. Usually, he is training or doing his duties and eventually, training became one of his main coping methods which benefits him greatly but it is usually when he is in bed that he thinks about his little princess and will mourn his relationship with her. When Gladio is invited to the talk show he will willingly take it on as long as he has the ok from Noctis and the rest of the guys around to protect him. It is when Gladio is getting his hair done and the hairstylist is questioning how he had the least grey in his hair out of him and the guys that he watches his daughter enter the stage. Gladio is shocked and nowhere close to upset when she shows up as he believes this is the best chance for him to reconcile with her so he excuses himself and prepares to enter the stage when he hears the talk show host talk about his daughter’s accomplishments; Becoming a celeb, being made a dame by the monarchy in a neighboring country, getting herself a boyfriend that she genuinely loved, and learning about the huge mistake she made. Gladio feels the all too familiar painful ache of sadness in his chest that causes his eyes to water but there is something else, there is pride for his little princess too. Gladio walks out onto the stage, his daughter stands from her seat, and the two seem to have the same thought in mind as they meet halfway and hug. The two begin apologizing at the same time and soon after laughter ensues as soon as they realize they spoke at the same time and it seems as though nothing had changed between the two at all.
TLSS: Gladio’s daughter has been his beloved little princess and has been way before she even married Noctis’s son. It leads to great disappointment when his little princess acts the way she does but he does not disown her or anything, heck all he even does is take her duty as the future king’s shield and doesn’t even kick her out and it takes a couple of weeks of awkward silence for her to even decide to even leave by herself so it is the similar rough attitude that the two bear that made things worse for the two. Eventually when she does leave Gladio is distraught but copes with training and handling his job as Noctis’s shield or just crying discreetly when he begins worrying about her and wondering if he messed up or if he should’ve spoken to her before things became so messed up between them. Gladio is extremely happy to have his little princess back when they reunite and it is literally like nothing changed between the two.
~Mod Amic
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piquira · 5 years
“Anfield was a nightmare that’s going to stay with us...”
Gerard Pique interview with EL Pais, talks about CDR final this Saturday against Valencia, his feelings after Champions League exit, Valverde, new signings, his future, etc. 
Question: Do you agree with the general idea that this has been your best year as a professional yet or do you think people undervalue other seasons?
R: It’s difficult to value [our performance] because people tend to stay with what’s most recent. I agree its been a good season in which I have played almost all of the games, and feeling physically very good because I haven’t been with the NT. I haven’t had any injuries and I have felt very good and haven’t played a single game feeling pain, which has happened in other seasons. But I do want to give value to other seasons that were phenomenal as well. In other years where we were able to win the treble, for example, we all reached a level that was close to perfection both at an individual level and at a collective level.
Q: Have you notice there being a difference since you stopped playing with the NT?
R: [In total] They’re 4 weeks that help you disconnect and help you catch your breath. Participating in the NT is a huge commitment that never ends. It takes a lot from you at a mental and physical level. 
Q: There was criticism against you for playing for the NT, now there is criticism for you not playing. Do you understand it?
R: I understand it all, it’s part of the game. It’s impossible to have everybody happy, and in this country everybody has their opinion. But that’s why I have to do what’s right for me and the team that pays me. It was just that ideal moment for me [to retire]. 
Q: Are you a better player now than in your 20′s?
R: Different. As the years pass, age holds an important role in my game, despite going to the nutritionist, working out at the gym, and other positive stuff that could potentially help my body. But I do think that I have improved in many things because experience helps make better decision. And that in my position is vital. A while ago, I understood that I needed to be less physical and instead be more intelligent, concentrated, and improve my positioning. Being a centerback requires us to use our head, especially at Barca where we know there is always going to be risks and a lot of meters to cover. If you’re head functions perfectly, you don’t need your body as much. We have to learn how to take care of ourselves so that age isn’t a huge inconvenience.
Q: Does being a veteran player increase the responsibility of what happens in the teams defense?
R: Yes. It’s inevitable. I feel and hurt with every goal we concede because 90% of those goals are errors. And even if i’m not directly involved, i’m the one that has been here the longest and I might have been able to avoid it with better indications. Of course I’m very aware of that.
Q: Should Valverde continue next season?
R: It’s not my job [to decide] because Valverde is my boss and he’s the one that decides if I play or not. It’s irrelevant what I believe. But what I can say is that his gestation of the squad has been excellent these two years. He’s helped us improve in a tactical level and helped us win multiple trophies as well, which we hope to extend with the Copa final. Of course we can always play better. Always! And we know how much Anfield hurt, but I think we’d always be content with winning the league and CDR.
Q: The public argues that the style of play is boring and one dimensional...
R: That goes with out way of living football. Cules and Catalanes are very demanding and we like to look for perfection. It’s not about just winning anymore, but about the way we win. To top it all, Guardiola’s era is very recent which was when we play our best in and where people most like to watch us play. That debate will always remain regardless of who the coach is. But I can assure you that it’s the same style that Valverde wants to play. I’m part of the dressing room and can assure you that’s what he transmits. But it’s not something that depends solely on him, it depends on those who are playing and the rivals we’re facing... now we get pressured very high and it becomes almost impossible to play out of the box, when before it used to be very simple to be able to use our goalie. That’s why sometimes its better to play out with a long pass. Regardless, there are many factors [that can influence] but people tend to focus on the coach or on a certain player when in reality in a team sport there are many variables, many of which are intangible.  
Q: Did it help you guys that Madrid wasn’t much competition in the league?
R: WHen one of the two isn’t performing at the level expected, it always helps the other team. We have been very regular and solid with out results. I imagine that Cristiano Ronaldo leaving has influenced somehow because football can be seen in different forms and one of them is through statistics. You have to have a player that can score goals every year, which they lost when he left. 
Q: Is that a warning [for Barca] for when Messi leaves?
R: For that we don’t need any warnings. When Leo leaves we’ll suffer for sure. But the extent and time for which we do, will depend on how the club decides to adapt to his farewell. 
Q: Do you think substituting you will be complicated?
R: Not much. We’re all here temporarily and that’s something you learn with time. It could take months or maybe even a couple of season but in the long run we’re all going to be replaced. The day will come when another player will be better because football is always evolving. Now it is more spectacular, more technical, and physical. I always say that the best defenders in history are the ones playing now because they are much more complete than those of the past. Adding context, its possible that Beckenbauer was the best, but if you compare him with a modern defender, he probably wasn’t better with the ball, maybe he was slower, could have read the game less... Before, for example, they used to be far more lenient with fouls, you had to practically kill a player to be sent off. Now we’re much more exposed in that sense. It’s the evolution of the sport, and that’s that. 
Q: Can Barca evolve with De Jong and possibly De Ligt as new players on the squad? Does it worry you to have another centerback on the team?
R: They’re players that understand out football because we’ve sipped from the same fountain, which is Cruyff’s. And if I were worried about the defenders that the team has added since my arrival, I would have not been able to sleep in years! It’s been one of the positions in which the team has mostly added recently. I think it’s very logical and I like the competition. I don’t know what’s going to happen but De Ligt has a lot of qualities, especially with his age. And De Jong has a lot of potential and future. He’s an exciting prospect because of his style of play.
Q: Will there be another documentary about Griezmann’s decision?
R: No, I won’t do it. Once was enough. It’s been a while since I last talked to him but we’ll see what happens. I don’t know much more. 
Q: After losing in the first leg in both Levante & Sevilla, and with many substitutes in the team, it seemed as if not a lot of value was given to winning the CDR this season, is that true?
R: Those games were in January where there were many games in dispute. People might sense that there’s an ideal starting XI but I think the coach has regulated the squad perfectly. We had some losses and we were able to comeback because we are stronger at Camp Nou. But let it be known that we don’t like to throw away any competition. Passing to the final was very celebrated among us, and when we get to a final we intend to win it. We are a team that likes to win. We’re the team that has won the Copa the most and that shows how much we value it. 
Q: What has been the discourse that has most been repeated in the dressing room to be ready for the final after the fall in Anfield?
R: That we have to end the season well so we can end on a good note. Although Valencia is very dangerous team and they’ve gained momentum in the last run of the league. They also did a fine job in the European League up until the semi finals. They are a tough rival. 
Q: And what happened at Anfield?
R: When something like that happens, it’s just that everything or almost everything goes wrong. I think that our mentality was affected by what happened last year in Roma because it’s still fairly recent. With the first goal being scored, which happened very early on, unconsciously the images of Roma were there. Then the next two goals happened quickly as well, and that just seemed all to much like what happened last year. Surely it was a mental block, but also we lacked football. We lacked a lot of things. And they pressured high with a lot of intensity, Anfield also played a role there... we just weren’t capable. Something it happens. It was a tough day. It has cost us a lot to pick ourselves up from this because even as the days past you can’t get over the loss. It’s a loss that we’re going to remember for a long time. But we still have to move forward.
Q: We also didn’t see the team motivated, or moved by the goals that were conceded. 
R: It was a difficult situation. You see the team that isn’t working, while they’re pushing forward all while last year’s loss is still so recent. But we can’t torture ourselves either. It’s true it’s one of our worse defeats but that’s how sports work. It was a nightmare and we have to take responsibility for that otherwise it’ll happen again. We also have to understand why it happened so that it can help us improve because we want to lift the Champions league again!
Q: Do you still see yourself as Barca’s president in the future?
R: For a while I was very excited about the prospect, and I don’t shut the door to the idea, but I don’t see it happening in the near future. I have so many other things happening in my life right now, that I want to concentrate on those things first.
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lacrossepapi · 5 years
Trials and Tribulations
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This was supposed to be @mysenia prompt but it somehow turned into accidental child acquisition and mys’ maze prompt so here we are lol. I hope you still enjoy it and maybe someone else will go about the maze in the way you intended!  Ao3:Link                            Chapters: 1/1           Words: 5113
“Don’t touch him.” Stiles’ voice cut through the various sounds of demons and wolves clashing.
This demon lord had been in town for three days and Stiles was sick of the fear, of the blood, of the lonely nights filled with nightmares. The bastard had kidnapped Isaac, declaring that the wolf would be his mate and rule his kingdom in hell by his side. Personally, Stiles didn’t think that sounded too bad. They were all going to hell anyways, so why not get an early ride in exchange for being a king? He could fuck a not that bad looking demon lord for eternity in exchange for not being tortured. Nobody else saw it that way though.
The demon hummed, a thrilled, intrigued sound as his red eyes turned to Stiles.
“This one has power. You smell divine little mage.” The demon lord unceremoniously dropped Isaac from his clawed hands and gave Stiles his full attention.
All Stiles had to do was distract him long enough for Scott to get Isaac and Derek to round up the rest of the puppies, he could definitely do that.
“So you’ve finally figured it out? Yes, I am a mage. What does a mage have that a demon lord would want?” Stiles did not flinch when a clawed hand reached out to him, to caress or maim.
When his dark tipped fingers brushed an invisible wall the demon lord’s eyes widened with surprise and a bit of awe, a smile stretching across his inhuman face.
“Interesting. You’re stronger than you appear if your shield does not wither under my touch. You would be an excellent king, my love.” Several angry growls rose from behind Stiles making the man grin, a wicked thing full of teeth and malice.
“Best to watch yourself, my pack does not take those threats lightly.” The demon grinned back, the thrill of a chase seen clearly on his features before Stiles spoke again, “Now I am done with your flattery and your slaughter.”
He rose slightly off the ground, black veins bulging from under pale skin and silver eyes bright in the night, “Leave now, Abraxas, before I turn your demon horde to ash and your bones to dust.”
Stiles’ voice echoed through the clearing leaving no question as to if he could indeed burn a demon horde to the ground and take their lord with them.
The demon lord Abraxas watching Stiles for a moment longer before nodding, “I will remember you Stiles Stilinski and when you are killed I will claim your soul for eternity.”
“Well then if I die I’ll see you then. Now get out of my town.”
Where once there was fifty demons slobbering and drenched in blood there now only stood their lord, who gave one final wink before disappearing himself.
Stiles turned back to his pack, acutely aware that Kira had been gravely injured in the fight and did not heal as fast as the wolves. As he reached for her, hands glowing with healing light he took note of the rest of the pack. Erica and Boyd were huddled around Isaac, all three bleeding but fine. Scott and Derek were debating how to clean up the mess, while Allison and Lydia were watching Stiles with a look in their eyes he wasn’t ready to address. Cora and Malia were arguing about who took down the most demons, like the bad asses they were. Peter was leaning against a nearby tree trying to hide the fact that his arm was hanging half off his body, never one to admit to an injury. Stiles found himself chuckling despite the screaming girl beneath him, his pack would never change and he would always be here to take care of them.
Magical healing was never pretty nor relaxing, often being excruciatingly painful and all around a horrible experience. Stiles tried to only make them suffer through enough to keep them alive while their own healing kicked in, but with the less sturdy pack members he had to finish the job despite their screams and thrashing bodies. He hated it.
Stiles let Peter hide his injury until he could get the older wolf alone, knowing he’d never let the Scott or Derek see him so weak.
“Alright Zombiewolf let me see your arm.” Stiles demanded as he walked beside the older man at the end of the pack.
“I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about, dear Stiles.”
“Oh really?” he knew it was a shitty thing to do, but if Peter was going to be difficult then so would Stiles.
He lifted his hand and grinned at Peter, “Give me a high five.”
“No thank you.”
“Alright, how about a low five?”
“How juvenile. I expected more from you.”
Stiles rolled his eyes before stepping in front of Peter, making the older man come to a stop, “Peter, let me help.”
The werewolf sighed before offering his injured arm to Stiles.
“I put a silence charm around us so feel free to scream, cause this is going to hurt.”
Weeks passed with no missing citizens, no dead bodies, and thankfully no new monsters. The city of Beacon Hills was finally peaceful, and Stiles was bored. No fighting meant that Stiles was forced to face how broken and unhappy he truly was.
The end of the school year meant the pack was graduating and Stiles would have to say goodbye to the only people who’d ever really known him. He’d begun dreading the date as it slowly crept up on him.
A tan bear with a pink nose was spotted multiple times in one week, but since there was no dead bodies or missing persons it took awhile for Stiles to hear about the sightings. He quickly started interviewing the witnesses trying to understand why such an animal would be in Beacon Hills. He’d finally gathered enough information to definitely say a Canadian spirit bear was in Beacon Hills and most likely was a shifter, and brought his conclusions to the pack.
“What do you mean it’s a shifter?”
“How could you possibly know its a spirit bear?”
“What if it’s just a sick brown bear?”
“How do you know it’s a shifter?”
“Did you actually see it?”
Stiles’ frustration was rapidly increasing by the second until he finally snapped, “I know it’s a spirit bear because I used the process of elimination. I know it’s a shifter because when anyone tries to get a picture of it the eyes shine so bright it ruins the picture. And also the whole, spirit bears only live in the Canadian rainforest.”
Someone, most likely Peter, chuckled at his irritation.
“Okay. I believe you. Derek and I will go meet the shifter and see why they’re here.” Scott said with a grin, as if that would soothe the hurt of having to over explain himself just for the pack’s trust.
“I want to go. I love spirit bears and I’m pretty sure this one is a child.”
“It’s not safe for you to meet an unknown shifter. If it’s a child the parents could be coming at any moment.” Derek’s words made Stiles spin around to face the other alpha.
“Neither one of you knows jack shit about children and none of you know how to approach a bear without angering or spooking it.” Stiles demanded.
“I have a younger sister, Stiles.”
“How do you know how to approach a bear?”
Stiles sighed, dejected and aware he’d lost the fight regardless of what he said.
“Whatever. Just go and help the poor thing.”
The alphas nodded and took their leave, the loft suddenly becoming uncomfortably quiet.
“I remember taking hunter’s safety with you. The lesson on dangerous wildlife was always the best part wasn’t it?” Erica’s voice reminded Stiles he couldn’t dissolve into an angst puddle because the rest of the pack was still around him.
“And I remember you getting off the bus at the daycare every afternoon despite the fact that you were too old to be there.” Boyd offered, placing a hand on Stiles’ shoulder.
Stiles smiled at them, “Thanks guys. It’ll be fine.”
A quiet moment of tension before he shrugged, “Probably.”
The two alphas weren’t able to speak to the bear or get it to shift back, which won Stiles twenty bucks from Isaac. They decided to try again the next day, but Stiles couldn’t let the little thing spend another night alone in an unknown forest. After his father left for work Stiles stepped outside and started up the grill. He grilled salmon so the smell of fish would permeate the air around his house and played a recording of a black bear he’d found on the National Geographic website.
Stiles’ thought that he could lure the cub to his back yard was proven right when he heard the distinct sound of heavy paws approaching, his wards telling him a shifter was entering his yard. A pink nose pushed its way through the bushes, followed by a large blonde head with yellow eyes. The rest of the bear cub was larger than Stiles had been expecting, but still small enough he knew the poor thing was still growing.
Stiles averted his eyes and spoke clearly, “Hello. My name is Stiles, this is my house and you are safe here.”
He tossed a salmon to the bear, watching the cub quickly devour it. Stiles had feared the cub was straying near town because of a lack of food in the preserve, and his fears seemed justified as the cub quickly devoured a second one. Stiles started tossing the salmon closer and closer to his spot on the porch, coercing the cub to come closer. When the bear was close enough to touch Stiles slowly sat down and turn his head so that his eyes were down cast and his neck bared. A cold nose was shoved against his neck after a moment of silent tension. Another moment of crucial silence passed as Stiles kept his heart rate as slow as possible with a bear’s snout against his throat.
“Mama!” the voice suddenly crying out in Stiles’ ear made him jump, but didn’t surprise enough to stunt his reflexes as he quickly caught the toddler.
Stiles hushed him and rocked them both side to side as the little boy cried. They stayed like that for a long time, until finally the child stopped crying and seemed to have fallen asleep.
Stiles carried the little boy up to his room and held him close through the night.
The next day Stiles woke to a child snuffling against his neck.
“Good morning, little cub. Did you sleep okay?”
“I  miss mama.” the cub whined pathetically before nuzzling under Stiles’ chin.
“Do you know where she is?”
“Big, big bear tried to get us but mama said I had to run so fast and I did!” He smiled at Stiles.
“Yes you did little guy. I’m so proud of you. Have you seen your mama since?”
“No. She said to run until I found papa, but he was mean and didn’t like me, so i just kept on going.”
Stiles’ brow furrowed for a moment as he tried to connect the pieces. Did he just run away from a fight or did his father actually not want him?
“How did you know papa didn’t like you, buddy?”
“He told me I was never ‘posed to let my fingies and toesies come out. He talked real bad about mama too.” Stiles hugged the little boy closer.
Stiles held him tight until the little boy wormed his way out of his arms and asked, “Can I have more fish?”
“Yes you can! What’s your name little cub?”
After eating a real breakfast, which included more salmon, Stiles told Jesse all about each pack member and how nice and amazing they all were so the little boy wouldn’t be scared of them.
“You have to come here because I don’t have a carseat. How am I supposed to get a toddler to the loft in my Jeep without a carseat?”
“No she’s not a deathtrap, thank you very much.”
“Just hurry up and get here. He wants to meet you guys.”
Stiles sighed heavily.
Jesse hopped up into his lap, content to play with his hoodie strings until the pack arrived.
Scott was the last to arrive, already grinning as he took his helmet off.
“I told you we could totally get the cub safely!” Scott cheered, his hand high waiting for Stiles to slap it.
“Yeah man. We did it.” The high five that followed was weak.
Lydia crossed her legs and tossed her hair back before speaking, “Really Scott? Stiles is the one that helped Jesse. Not ‘we’. Him.”
Stiles shot her a grateful look as he scooped Jesse off of his leg.
“Okay guys so this is Jesse. He’s a spirit bear shifter and he’s been traveling alone for a long time. He’d got nowhere else to go and he’s going to be staying with me from now on.”
He hadn’t been consciously aware of the decision until he had spoken the words, but Jesse absolutely was going to stay with Stiles and his father. He’d seen the look on his father’s face when he’d introduced them that morning.
Scott spluttered “You can’t just adopt him like it’s nothing.”
“He’s a shifter Stiles. He need more than you can give.” Derek demanded.
“Well I raised your pack pretty well on my own.”
Derek glared, while the other snickered.
“What about when his parents come looking?” Peter inquired, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“I’ll tell you why they won’t when he lays down for his nap in a bit.”
“No nap!”
“Yes nap.” Stiles said plainly, lightly pinching the boy’s cheek.
“No! Nap!”
“You want to go nap right now?”
“No.” This time the words were more subdued.
“Anyways, Jessop Stilinski will be officially adopted by the end of the day. And I don’t care about any of your opinions.”
He’d expected to see angry faces ready to argue, but was greeted by the sight of his friend’s grinning faces.
“You’re such a dad. How did we not see it?” Malia laughed.
“I thought it was a good idea from the start. He shouldn’t be out there alone.” Cora said, reminding everyone that she’d once been in Jesse position.
“I can’t wait to see you in a fanny pack, darling.” Peter leered, reminding Stiles he needed to finish his pop culture and fashion lessons with Peter.
“Stiles. No. You aren’t strong enough to protect him.” Derek pleaded.
“Seriously man, he’s not safe here.” Scott added approaching Stiles as if to take Jesse from him.
Jesse whimpered and ducked his head into Stiles chest, no doubt feeling Stiles’ rage through their fledgling pack bond.The sound of his cub being scared and unsure broke something in Stiles and suddenly the two alphas were on the ground, struggling under the pressure of Stiles’ magic. He ignored the defensive wolves at his back, scared and threatened by the sight of their alphas on the ground but in control enough to not interfere.
Stiles felt his feet rise from the ground and the ends of his hair lift from his scalp as wind tore through the house, swirling quickly around Stiles and Jesse. He knew his eyes had changed to the silver that came with his magic and that his veins had once again turned black, he did not like what he looked like when he let his magic course through him this strongly, but he would not let them take his child from him.
“I am the strongest member of this pack.” The words filled the living room as if they to were made of magic.
The wolves behind him whimpered and submitted, but he did not care about them.
“Okay! We were wrong! Stiles stop this!” Scott shouted, still being crushed into the ground.
“Stiles!” Derek cried after a long moment of Stiles’ continued silence.
Stiles sighed, releasing his magic back into the ground and freeing the wolves he’d trapped.
Both rose quickly, angry and embarrassed.
“Do not ever do that again.” Derek spit the words, Stiles would undoubtedly be pushed against a wall if he hadn’t been holding a laughing toddler.
“I can’t believe you man.” Scott muttered before following Derek out the door.
Stiles didn’t move as the rest of the pack filed out after their alphas, a few saying goodbye to him and Jesse.
“That was fun!”Jesse cheered pulling on Stiles’ hoodie strings excitedly.
“Yeah, and now I’m ready to take a nap. How about you buddy?”
“No nap!”
Stiles didn’t answer the pack’s messages or attend any pack meetings for a month. A month of taking care of Jesse and picking a college close enough to help if anything happened, but still a good criminal justice school. It was a month full of frustration and fighting with a four year old.
Eventually Scott texted and demanded what they could do to show that they value him and need him in the pack, which sparked an idea in Stiles’ head that ran rampant over the next few days.
He replied, “Prove it.” and sent his location to the pack group message.
He was currently sitting in the exact middle of the preserve surrounded by eleven doors, most of which he knew would never open. He didn’t realistically expect any of them to open.
He had transformed the preserve into a giant maze with eleven entrances, each one spelled to only allow one person to enter, and many chambers filled with tricks, traps, monsters, and riddles. He was sick of the pack pretending to value him, it was time to see who actually did.
Stiles practiced the alphabet and counting to ten with Jesse while he waited, the four year old would be starting school in the fall and needed to catch up to the kids that hadn’t been a bear for over a year.
The first one into the maze was Malia though she was not the first to lose, that honor went predictably to Isaac. The first chamber had two tunnels, one tunnel had Scott’s name over it, the other had Derek’s, but both were correct. Both wolves were caring alphas who had their own faults, neither was the better alpha. Isaac could not pick which alpha he was more loyal to in his heart, the ground opening up from underneath him for hesitating too long.
Stiles snickered as Jesse loudly counted his fingers and Isaac fell to the bottom of a pit.
Malia turned out to be the second to go, charging straight past the riddles and warnings Stiles had spent forever thinking of and falling straight into the moss covered pitfall, joining a grumpy Isaac. Stiles smiled at her roar of fury but couldn't help feeling disappointed that she hadn't even though to read the engraved signs he'd placed in easy eye level.
Stiles smiled in delight as everyone was approaching halfway, he had not expected most to make it very far at all. The pitfall warnings we're closer to riddles and he thought he'd made them difficult to understand.
Poor Allison lost in the chamber Stiles had spelled to show them a lost loved one. Crying for the mother her memories had conjured up, a cold woman who despite her coarse words had genuinely loved her daughter. It was a nasty trick, but Stiles constantly had his mother’s death thrown in his face every time a bad guy smelled his magic. He’d thought that chamber would get Derek or Cora since they’d lost more than anyone, but both were hardened by their grief and were able to smell the magic on the mirages, which was not something he'd anticipated and quickly rectified for one specific chamber.
Cora dropped in the chamber Stiles had placed a singular joystick, she did not know the song of time despite Stiles setting it as his ringtone and the motions as his password to everything. He couldn’t really fault her for that though, but this maze wasn’t about picking favorites or feeling guilty it was about the pack proving which of them genuinely knew Stiles and proving that while alone they could only go as far as their individual weaknesses allowed. Hopefully they'd understand why he'd targeted their weaknesses by the last chamber, that is if anyone actually reached it.
Scott and Derek were breezing through, but Stiles had something saved for them towards the end so he turned his attention to Erica and Boyd.
Erica lost in the chamber of wendigos, swarmed by the realistic illusions before finally dropping into the pit that held her pack mates. Stiles had fought a coven of wendigos last summer on his own and no one had realized how close he'd actually came to dying. Now they'd understand.  Boyd continued passed to the chamber with four levers and four Hogwarts houses, pull the right lever and he’d pass. Unfortunately Boyd pulled Gryffindor, and into the pit he fell. Boyd had had a tendency to put Stiles in a heroistic light ever since sophomore year when he'd dragged Erica and Boyd out of that basement with his bare hands, unable to much with his magic at that point and scared that he'd get them all killed if he'd tried.
Lydia was fearless as she screamed wendigos into oblivion and narrowly avoided picking the wrong house, but as she'd moved to pull the wrong lever she seemed to realize it didn't matter what she thought of him this was about what he thought of himself. She did not make it passed the mirrored chamber, sadly.  Surrounded on all sides by mirrors and a singular sign that read “How do you know you’re you?” she crumpled shouting, “You’ll never need someone else to tell you who you are Stiles!”, unable to solve the riddle from Stiles’ perspective before the pit opened up beneath her.
Kira had shouted, “In a dream you have extra fingers!” before charging through the closest mirror, confident in her answer. The next chamber took Kira down unfortunately. All she had to do was keep control of her shift while six golem approached slow and menacingly. She couldn’t keep her kitsune in, her aura exploding out around her and she shouted, “Stay back!”
Derek and Scott had both just arrived to the second to last chamber. Inside was the illusion of a human woman, this time spelled to smell only human. She asked for their help, tears streaming down her face as she approached and a knife dripping in kanima venom. She took Scott down while he asked her what had happened. Derek faired better, incapacitating her quickly and without real harm.
Jesse gasped beside Stiles drawing his attention away from the monitors he used to watch each pack member. Standing before them covered in blood was a very exhausted Peter Hale.
“Really Stiles? Mirages and illusions the whole way, but the last chamber has a real creature?” the werewolf inquired as he approached a shocked Stiles.
“I gotta keep ya on your toes Creeperwolf.” Stiles grinned, expecting Peter to lightly cuff his head.
Peter smiled at him before placing a gentle, loving kiss on Stiles’ stunned lips. The werewolf promptly passed out after, collapsing at Stiles’ feet.
Stiles looked up just in time to see the pit open up into the last chamber where Derek was fighting the hydra. The pack leapt out of the pit together and took down the hydra quickly. They entered the sitting room Stiles and Jesse had inhabited for the passed couple hours and looked at Stiles expectantly.
“Did we pass then?” Isaac sneered.
“Yes. But only in the end. I was just trying to show you guys that alone we are weak but together, using everyone’s strength we are a pack and as a pack we can overcome anything.”
Stiles winced.
“You’re also a vindictive little monster.” Malia huffed.
“That too.” Stiles shrugged.
“And Peter?” Derek asked, pointing to the collapsed form of his uncle.
“I had not counted for Peter’s unwillingness to work together or lose.” Stiles grinned.
He had not accounted for Peter, that was for sure. He touched his lips for a moment in thought.
“Dinner time yet, ‘Tiles?” Jesse whined more than asked.
Stiles nodded and snapped his fingers, the room and the maze around them disappeared in an instant, the nine hydras returning to their stomping grounds in Greece.
“Peter stop eavesdropping. I know you're awake.” Stiles had been monitoring Peter’s heart rate and healing factor since the moment he’d passed out and knew that for the last ten minutes the older man had been listening to the pack yell at Stiles.
“Guilty.” Peter replied with a smirk as he sat up.
Stiles turned back to his angry friends and motioned for them to continue.
“How could you make Allison face her mother’s ghost?”
“How was anyone supposed to know there would be a giant hole in the middle of the pathway?”
“You know I’m scared of wendigos, Stiles!”
Peter finally joined the pack in the kitchen, but chose to stand by Stiles and face the pack, “No one was supposed to win. Stop being angry that he knew your weaknesses when you also know his. Pack is about catching others when they stumble, and not only have you all been stopping him from lifting you up, you’ve been ignoring his own pitfalls.”
The pack sat in silence for a moment as they thought about how they did actually know Stiles’ short comings and weaknesses and how he’d used theirs to show them that a pack is a unit not a group of individuals working towards their own goals.
“Well the test was subjective which means it cannot be used as an adequate grading system.” Lydia huffed.
“Someone did win. You did, Uncle.” Derek reminded them.
“That’s because I have no weaknesses.” Peter replied with a smirk.
“Or he forgot about you.” Scott mumbled.
“Or, I forgot how ruthless Peter is when he’s not being a dick and using it against us.” Stiles shrugged.
The mage’s eyes lit up for a moment before he turned to Peter completely, “How did you defeat the Hydra alone?”
“You mean you weren’t watching?” Cora asked, the Hale family eyebrow look morphing her features.
“Jesse was trying to count to twenty and Scott was being stabbed by a crazy woman, so no I wasn’t watching.” Stiles sniffed, crossing his arms defensively.
Peter turned his body towards Stiles too, as if they were speaking only to each other and the rest of the pack was no longer in the room, “I simply set it on fire.”
“I didn’t know you could kill them with fire. Peter, you’re a burn victim.” Stiles said in awe.
“Two times over. I’m aware of my weakness and do not let it stop me.”
“If you’d tried to fight it the pack would have came to your aid.”
“Would they have?”
Stiles glanced at his friends guilty faces before stepping closer to Peter.
“I wouldn’t have let you die.”
“I will never die again, darling.”
“No. You won’t.” Were Stiles final words on the subject.
He turned back to his friends and smiled, “So who’s ready for dinner?”
“Me!” shouted Jesse, Malia, and Erica.
Stiles was glad to see the pack working as a unit more in the aftermath of the maze. Derek stopped patrolling alone, Stiles and Deaton had started working with Kira on her control, Peter started teaching Erica how to fight Wendigos specifically, and over night almost as if my magic the fireplace in the loft had disappeared and the stove had changed from gas to electric. They’d started training together more, often times training separately but still together.
Jesse was acclimating to pack life easily, romping around training sessions and tackling his alphas in literal bear hugs. He still clung to Stiles when the betas growled or nipped at each other, tempers flaring easily between teenagers, but on the whole he was adjusting well. He was especially fond of the Hales, most likely due to the fact that they too were born shifters and were more intune with their wolves. The Hales were also fun to hang on and crawl all over if Jesse’s shrieks of glee as he ran and leaped onto Peter’s back were anything to go by.
He hummed, looking up from his latin notes and into Peter’s amused, yet exasperated face.
“You’ve been sunbathing long enough, your skin burns too easily, love.”
Stiles nodded silently, his mind still running through phrases and definitions.
“Up you get.” Peter spoke quietly, lifting Stiles off the blanket he was sprawled across in the grass.
“Don’t forget my books, Peter. I need to figure the summoning ritual out. Gotta reverse engineer it.” Stiles mumbled, his body and mind made soft by his time focusing in the warm sun.
“I won’t forget them. Let me get you to bed and I will come back for them.” Peter reassured him.
“‘Tiles! Papa is taking me to the park!” Jesse yelled, racing down the stairs and almost colliding with the very wombly mage.
“That’s amazing, sweetie. Remember that Papa isn’t as strong as you and the wolves so you gotta be gentle with him okay?”
Jesse huffed, his little foot stomping the ground, “I know how to play with Papa, ‘Tiles! I’m not a baby!”
“You know he didn’t mean it like that, cub. Don’t be mean.” Peter spoke calmly, but even Stiles could feel the reprimand in the man’s aura.
Jesse crossed his arms, his eyes turning away from Peter and Stiles as he mumbled, “Sorry Pe-ya. Sorry ‘Tiles.”
“I’m sorry too, cub. Have fun with Papa today.” Stiles tried to smile at his adopted son, but his face felt so heavy it was more of a flash of a grin than a genuine smile.
He ruffled Jesse’s hair as he passed the four year old and headed for the stairs.
“Hey Peter?” Stiles asked as he laid back onto his bed, immediately burrowing into the blankets.
“Yes, love?”
“Why do you only call me ‘Love’ now?”
“Because I love you, Stiles.”
Stiles was well on his way to being asleep, but his heart lurched at the admission.
“I love you too, Peter. But you should still call me the other pet names too. I like them.” His last words were mumbled into Peter’s chest as the older man joined him in his bed.
Peter ran his hand down Stiles’ back and whispered, “Anything for you, darling boy.”
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