#one is sad this is our reality. they would love to quit and do nothing but rot
milkykotek · 2 months
success story: celebrity crush turned boyfriend
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First off, I'm aware people may not believe me. However, that's completely fine! I simply don't care, because it happened, and I wanted to share. I will not be sharing explicit details due to privacy reasons for both me and my boyfriend, especially since he is a popular actor.
It took me a few weeks because I didn't want to jump into dating immediately. However, you can immediately manifest anything and quantum jump! I chose to do it step by step.
"Dp" is a term used in the LOA (Law of Affirmation, Assumption and/or Attraction) community to describe your desired person. It can be anyone. 3D is the 3d dimension, the world you see in front of you. 4D is your thoughts and the reality where everything you want is accomplished.
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It happened, but... what did?
I manifested my celebrity crush! I've been interested in him for some time now (due to personal reasons me and my now ex boyfriend – whom I manifested, too – have broken up). It was quite a wild ride, to be completely honest, and as always, I turned out successful!
There seems to be a blockage many face while manifesting celebrities, or otherwise famous/popular people. They're putting them on a pedestal, and so shifting the focus from actually manifesting to idolizing them. Of course, if you're manifesting a celebrity sp, you're most likely a fan of them already – that's not the point.
You're god, you're on top of the universe, you're the most important person there is. I don't care, and neither should you, about your circumstances. They're nothing but that – a circumstance in the 3D. As we all know, the 3D reflects our beliefs, assumptions, and the things we attract by engaging them. We engage them by giving them attention and reacting. An example can be someone giving you a dirty look – "Oh my god, they hate me!," you could think, and that is your assumption. You're not sure if they were even looking at you, because they could've been looking behind you, or simply have a resting b*tch face. And so, you thinking they frowned at you is an assumption. It's quite easy to create one.
And it's also easy to change that! The LOA (Law of Attraction, Assumption and/or Affirmation) community likes to overcomplicate manifesting by claiming it is hard to change your beliefs. It really is not. Every time you encounter a negative thought (thoughts create assumptions, assumptions show up in the 3D), simply change it. It's as easy as it seems. "I feel so sad", you can change that by saying, "I'm so happy and relaxed". Don't accept things you don't want to experience. Something happened that upset you? No, it didn't. Instead of dwelling on it, ignore it or affirm "It never happened", create a new story, "(something else) happened".
how did you manifest a celebrity dp?
You manifest a celebrity just like you manifest anyone else. They're human, and I don't believe in free will – anything I don't want, I change. It may sound weird, but is there even such thing as normal when it comes to manifesting and all the possibilities the universe offers?
The only thing you must do is take them off the pedestal and regain your power and control. It's not about them – it's about you. They're the obsessed one, they're the one manifesting you, you're on their mind.
If you're searching for a recipe, there is none. However, I can share a few ingredients – things that helped me:
— affirming. Affirming is nothing more than repeating what you want to happen, ex. "My dp loves me."
— persisting. You really don't want to give up until you see results. Of course, it doesn't mean you have to manifest 24/7, but then again, we think all the time, and so we manifest all the time, too.
— living in the end. Living in the end is living as if you already had your desire. How would you feel? How would you act, what would you do? Surely you wouldn't be stressing over results and whatever it is you're manifesting, because you'd already have it. Belief isn't necessary as long as you affirm and persist, but it sure does help.
— having someone to talk to. Having someone you can talk to about your manifestation journey and being supported was really important to me. I want to thank my best friends Star and Aurora, for always supporting and believing in me ❤️. Others would've called me delusional but you guys stood by my side.
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Just breathe. For this part, I wanted to share some affirmations I used.
"Everything I want is mine. Everything I want, I get. I want it, I've got it. I'm a master manifestor. I always manifest whatever I desire and want."
"My dp (insert their name) loves me. My dp wants me. My dp is obsessed with me. My dp constantly texts me. My dp is texting me right now. My dp misses me. I am constantly on my dp's mind. My dp is constantly thinking about me. My dp is my boyfriend (or girlfriend, partner, anything you desire). I am my dp's best friend and soulmate."
Good luck ❤️. 222
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actual-changeling · 7 months
we do not talk enough about the moment right before crowley puts his sunglasses back on. the "nothing lasts forever" is devastating and if you're like me your eyes were so full of tears you couldn't see the screen the first time you watched it (just like crowley, look at us all twinning in sadness!).
there is a shift that happens in his eyes and i think it is absolutely fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time.
we begin with crowley averting his gaze from aziraphale's face and staring off into the distance instead, and you can see his spirit break. that crowley just lost the one thing in the world he cannot live without and we can see it written across his face like a neon sign.
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then, as you'd expect, he gives into the need to cover up his pain, to try and make himself less vulnerable, and even before he lifts his glasses he looks down so aziraphale can no longer see his eyes.
now, the next part is what would not let me out of its grasp all day. we know it happens because of his demeanour afterwards and up until the kiss, but you can actually watch as crowley makes himself numb to the world.
i am intimately familiar with dissociation as a trauma and stress response, and while you can never fully control it, you do eventually find the switch in your mind that makes you snap back into the haze. crowley has had six thousand years to get really, really good at leaving reality behind when he needs and/or wants to.
that's exactly what he does.
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he still looks sad, and yet there's just something distinctly distant in his eyes, the shift from openly heartbroken to "i don't want to feel any of this let me leave".
glasses? on
emotions? off
hotel? trivago
i have stared at those four frames more than any person probably should and i don't know if it's the light, if i am going insane, or if there is a single tear sliding out of his right (our left) eye. i'm probably insane and the light is a bitch so if anyone has some high resolution shots or anything that could answer that question without a doubt PLEASE do add it.
by now you are probably ready to threaten me with a knife in a dark alley but before you do that or drive your car off a cliff, let me tell you the best part:
aziraphale notices.
they might be communicating on two different frequencies but aziraphale knows crowley. he knows and loves him, and, most importantly, over the last few years he has gotten used to seeing crowley without his glasses. aziraphale could probably write a book on the expressions in his eyes alone and watches that shift happen and is devastated.
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he tries to make himself hope the same second, tries to convince himself crowley is putting on his glasses so they can leave together, but he knows.
aziraphale sees the light leave crowley's eyes, sees crowley leave, knowing that he is quite literally running away from him. you and me against the world, angel, but in that moment crowley firmly pushes him back to "the world" (or tries to, anyway).
the entire season we see crowley take off his glasses whenever he enters the bookshop to the point where he's running around without them on in broad daylight with jimbriel right there.
can you imagine how hurt and confused aziraphale must be?
because what crowley is telling him, if we really, really break it down, is that aziraphale is no longer a safe person for him. and repairing that trust is going to take time and work, no matter how much crowley loves him, how badly they love and need each other.
anyway to seal this off and really rub in the pain - how it started vs. how it ended. <3
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oh one last thing: now crowley no longer has a single person he can be himself around, no one that knows him, no one he trusts. no one in whose presence he can take his glasses off.
and outside of the bentley and his own flat, he no longer has a place to do so either. the bookshop was theirs. with aziraphale gone, is it really a safe place anymore? is it somewhere he can just let himself be knowing he will be looked after and protected?
easy answer: no.
alright, off i go. see y'all on the next angst post or in the tags.
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dog-girl-zezora · 2 years
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bountycancelled · 7 months
bada x reader (part 1)
warnings: none really, it's just kinda sad
content: petnames (only one is used in reference to reader, but a few are mentioned) alcohol mentions (reader drinks away her feels) sad gays and bad gays, unedited becusse I'm lazy, a whole lotta projecting myself onto reader
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being bada's best friend would be the death of you, you were calling it right now.
she wasn't a bad friend by any means, quite the opposite actually. from the late night talks that would last until the early mornings before you both passed out, the tiny, sentimental gifts she would randomly get for you without expecting anything in return, to the way she would hold you, god, she was perfect. you loved everything about her.
but, that was the problem, wasn't it? you loved her. and a part of you wants to blame her for making it so easy, falling for her, but you know that would be unfair. not only because she wasn't leading you on or anything, but also because she couldn't do any wrong in your eyes.
everytime your heart fluttered at one of her actions, it would sink just as quickly. she's doing this as a friend, you would always remind yourself. but your not so friendly reminders didn't stop you from hoping. for something more, that one day, miracously, bada would realise that she was in lo–
"what's got you so worried?" you were pulled out of your daily dose of dramatic reality checking by none other than bada. her head was in your lap, she stared up at you with a look that you could only describe as... content. comfortable. and so, so beautiful.
"huh?" you answered, having not heard her clearly, too busy being in your head instead of in the real world, where unfortunately, you belonged.
she raised her arm and pressed on the space between your eyebrows, a small pout on her face. "you're frowning. what's wrong, pretty?"
the nicknames. the fucking. nicknames.
pretty, gorgeous, baby, love, honey. it was things like that made you believe, even if just for a moment, that she knew that you liked her, loved her, and was just toying with you for enjoyment.
you'd feel guilty everytime you had that thought. she wouldn't. not to you, not to anyone, not ever.
"it's nothing, really. I'm just in a mood today." you shrugged, hoping that she would, for your sake, take your half-hearted explanation and leave it there.
she nodded, clearly unconvinced, but moved one nonetheless. "do you still wanna go to the club tonight? we can cancel and spend the night together instead." she offered, lifting her head off of your lap in favour of placing it on your shoulder, waiting for your answer.
"no, we can still go, we'll just come back here together. we've blown off our friends enough times, I'm starting to feel bad." you joked, and once again, the atmosphere was light and airy. with that settled, you both stood up, trying to find something to wear for the nights activities.
you walked into her closet, sprinkled with tops and skirts from your own, almost laughing at the absurdity of the situation. for someone who claimed that being around bada was painful, your personal stamp on her home sure made it hard to believe.
"how's this?" you said for what felt like the 29th time to bada (it was only the third) as you spun around for her, showing off one of your options for the night.
she sat at the edge of the bed, ready to go about 20 minutes before you, as she usually was. her head was tilted back, staring at the ceiling as she waited patiently for you to finally choose something to wear.
you tried not to stare at her neck, which she made easier for you by finally looking at you, tilting her head to the side as she inspected your outfit.
"I was gonna say its looks as good as the other two because you look amazing in anything and everything, but... I like this one. a lot."
the way she looked at you when she said that, with her bottom lip between her teeth, stayed with you as you walked to the club together, hand in hand. did she really have no idea how much she affected you? you weren't sure if you hoped that she didn't, or did.
but you weren't going to think of that tonight. you were going to drink, and dance, and hang out with your friends, and not let bada affect you. if only for just one night.
okay, maybe you had had one too many drinks by now, but you weren't drunk just yet. it was still the normal you, just with a few tweaks. a little less shame here, a little more confidence here, nothing too major.
you were half in minah's lap and half in tatters, singing obnoxiously, almost as loud as the song blasting from the speakers. you weren't even thinking of bada... wait, where the hell was bada?
you squinted your eyes as they darted across the dance floor, hopelessly trying to locate her in the dim lighting of the club. but you didn't have to look for long, because she was headed back to your table, a smile painted on her face.
you stood up, suprisingly not stumbling as you walked up to her, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. "where were you?" you shouted over the music, wearing a curious expression.
she bit her lip excitedly before speaking into your ear, sending involuntary shivers down your spine. damn you and your natural charm, bada.
"I met a girl." you didn't mean for your face to drop in the way that it did, but from the looks of it, bada didn't even notice. if she did, then she didn't mention it.
"she actually wants to come over to my place..." bada trailed off, sending you a pleading look, a certain lust-driven glee shining in her eyes.
"oh." you said flatly before you could stop yourself, moving your arms away from her and crossing them over your chest.
she quickly wrapped her arms around your middle, squeezing while pleading her case in an effort to soften the blow. it doesn't help, not one bit.
"I know we were supposed to have a binging marathon, but please baby? just this once? I'll make it up to you real good, you know I always do." 'because I always let you.' you wanted to add, but you bit your tongue, you weren't feining for a fight with bada right about now.
you sigh, your arms hanging limply by your sides. "okay. I'll just crash at lushers'." you fight the urge to gag as she squeals in excitement, at the prospect of spending the night with someone who isn't you.
she gave you a curious look, most likely sensing your jealousy apprehension, her arms still around you, feeling more suffocating than comforting at that moment.
"...are you sure?" no. I'm not, don't go with her.
you nodded furiously, removing her arms from your frame, and turning her around, pushing her toward the dance floor where she had left her pursuit for the night. "go, she'll think you're blowing her off if you keep talking to me."
"are you actually, super, one hundred percent certain that I can go with her?" she pushed you further, and you knew that she knew that you weren't really all that okay with it.
but what was the point? you could easily sway her into sticking to the original plan, but she would've spent the whole night daydreaming about what could've been with the mysterious girl at the club. you didn't want to deal with that. you were tired of feeling like a second choice.
you wanted her to choose you, because she wanted to choose you. not because you asked her to.
'no, I'm not sure. I don't want you to go with her. I want you to choose me for once. choose me.' you screamed in your own mind, but all that could be seen on the outside was you smiling the best you could at bada, nodding once more before walking back to where the rest of your group sat, downing the drink in front of you.
you didn't know if it was even yours, but it didn't matter to you right now.
minah noticed your sudden change in mood, holding your hand in hers in a silent attempt to comfort you. you squeezed it as means of expressing gratitude, you didn't wanna talk about it.
but, you didn't need to. she knew, and if the downright pitiful looks the rest of the group were throwing your way were anything to go by, it seemed that everyone else knew too.
you wanted to leave, so you left. lusher had no problem going home early with you, she could tell that you weren't in a good headspace. you left with lushers arms around you, half to make sure that you didn't stumble, and half to try to make you feel a little better.
you left with a bitter taste in your mouth, and not from the shitty drinks you were downing.
you left without saying goodbye to bada, which you never did. she waved when she saw you by the door, that big smile still evident even in the dark lighting.
you didn't wave back.
a/n: this wasn't planned, and I wrote it in a day, but I hope you guys like it. also, doing a bada series and and a bada smau at the same time isn't my brightest idea, but fuck it, we ball.
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sansaorgana · 2 months
Hey! I absolutely love your work and was wondering if you would be open to doing a John egan x reader but reader is really close with gales girl Marge and kinda takes care of her while the war is happening and neither of the guys know till they come back and release that Mabye reader moved across the street from Marge and how much she’s been helping Marge, I think it would be interesting to see a domestic and fluff relationship between the two girls and + the men being involved
hello, honey! 💘 thank you so much for your request 😘 it was a very interesting scenario, I love the idea of women helping each other in difficult times 💪🏻💪🏾 not gonna lie, though, I was so jealous of Marge while writing it 🤣 I'm a hopeless case when it comes to Buck, I swear 🙄
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Nothing was easy when the boys were away. Handling everything on your own and worrying about your husband at the same time was driving you crazy. You could only imagine how the women left alone with their children had to feel like. You weren’t sure if you’d handle that.
Some women handled the new reality better, some had a more difficult time to adjust. Marge was one of them and as Bucky’s wife you felt responsible for her just like you knew that your husband felt responsible for her boyfriend. They were closest friends and you were aware that if it was Bucky who had stayed in The US, he would take care of Marge because she was important for Gale. But it wasn’t him here, it was you.
You had only met her a few times before John went to Europe but she was sweet and she had wanted you to remain friends like your men were. You would call each other every week and talk on the telephone, trying to cheer yourselves up. But when both of your men had found themselves in the POW camp, you noticed that Marge was getting worse.
You packed your bags and decided to move in with her for some time. She was living alone and spending her whole days worrying. You couldn’t let that happen.
“They are together there, darling,” you squeezed her hands in yours when you were sitting together on her couch. “Think about that, it’s quite lucky that they’re together even there,” you didn’t know how else to cheer her up.
“But God only knows how long they will be there…” She sniffled her tears back. “What if we never see them again? How do they treat them?”
“We can try to write them letters, how about that? I know that the Red Cross helps with delivering them. Maybe they will get ours,” you proposed and she nodded, hesitantly.
“You know, Gale asked me to marry him in his last letter before he went down,” she confessed and you gasped before hugging her tight.
“Oh, congratulations! Then you absolutely have to write to him! You can’t leave him waiting!” You encouraged her and she broke a smile.
“Of course I’m going to say yes.”
“Of course,” you winked at her. “You know, some part of me is less worried now when I know John’s in the camp. At least he doesn’t fly anymore,” you told her. “I only hope he behaves well there because you know what he’s like. If he acts up too much, they can hurt him.”
“I’m sure that my Gale is watching over him and doesn’t let him act stupid,” Marge squeezed your hand and you nodded. She was right. The boys were looking out for each other. Just like you and Marge.
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A few weeks later you already decided to stay in the same town where Marge lived. There was a house down the road for sale and you decided to move in there. You knew that John wouldn’t get mad about it and he’d like to live closer to his friend, too. You were sure he’d follow Buck wherever he’d go so you just didn’t listen to your family telling you it was an impulsive decision. It was not. Marge needed you and you needed her.
In the meantime, Buck had his birthday in late December. Marge was very sad about it so you came up with an idea of baking him a cake and decorating it with candles. You invited a few close friends and took pictures of his birthday party to show him when he’s back. She wrote to him about it in a letter that she hoped the Red Cross would manage to deliver. You did the same thing in September 1944 when it was your husband’s birthday and then again in another December for Buck again. This time it was more sad, though, when you both realised that it was his second birthday in the POW camp already. You were slowly starting to lose hope to ever see your husband again, too. But you tried not to show it and be strong. For Marge.
In the letter you wrote to your husband, you mentioned that you moved closer to Marge and that you were looking after her. But you didn’t tell him everything because there were things that men would not understand. And there were things men should not know. You didn’t want them to worry even more but there were nights where both of you would just hug each other and cry. You tried to remain strong for her, to be the responsible one. But it was so difficult. You would let a few silent tears flow, trying to cheer her up although the words you were saying were not believable even to you.
“Germany is losing this war, Marge, we’re gonna see our boys again, soon,” you rubbed her back on those nights as you were sitting by the fireplace.
“What if they get rid of their prisoners? They’re not good people, they don’t respect the laws,” she sobbed.
And what could you answer? You felt the same, you were worried about the exact same thing on all the sleepless nights, clutching on the sheets and praying to all the gods above you to keep your men safe.
“It just won’t happen,” you told her as if you were a god yourself and you knew. But you didn’t, you couldn’t know. She chose to trust you because she desperately needed to be assured.
Sometimes you wished it had been you being held by her. Sometimes you felt weak, too. But you chose to look after her and you would not back out.
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In the summer of 1945 they finally came back and you threw a small party at Marge’s house to greet the boys home. Everything had been arranged by just the two of you – flowers, decorations and food. You had lots of fun preparing it together, excitedly awaiting to see your men again.
Of course you feared they would be different now. They had spent so much time in that camp, there was no way they’d come back the same. But you promised each other to always be there for the other one; to help and support when needed. You were like family now.
At the first sight they seemed the same – except for the eyes, they were sadder now. But your John was still playful as he spun you around and rubbed his nose with yours. He made a few teasing comments and inappropriate jokes that would make Gale roll his eyes and sigh. Gale seemed to be the same as well – kind and charming as always, with only a few new scars on his cheeks that Marge kissed all over.
But you knew it was just an act. You knew because the way you behaved oh-so-normal around them was an act, too. You were smiling and joking around with your husband like in the old days, but in fact you just wanted to curl up in his arms and cry out all the ugly tears you had been holding inside for the past two years. 
When all the guests left, you helped Marge in the kitchen to wash the dishes before you and John would go home, too. You were talking with each other softly about some silly things when Gale and John entered the kitchen and leaned on the wall as they watched you.
“What is it, boys?” You asked them with a soft smile.
“Just admiring our wives, can’t we?” John winked at you and you playfully rolled your eyes.
“I’m not a wife yet,” Marge teased.
“Soon you will be!” You reminded her excitedly and she giggled.
“I’ll go to the garden to see if there aren’t any dishes there,” she told you and you nodded. Marge went outside and you went back to drying the plates with a cloth.
“Thank you,” you heard Gale’s voice behind you as you flinched.
“Gee, you scared me. For what, Buck?” You asked.
“You were taking care of her,” he looked into your eyes deeply and for the first time this evening you could see all the hurt and pain on his face that he had been trying to hide.
“It’s nothing, don’t even mention that,” you told him as your voice broke. “You were looking after my Bucky.”
“And he was looking after me. Every day,” Gale nodded and walked away from you as Marge entered the kitchen again with a few plates and glasses.
You glanced at your husband who went oddly silent. He only watched you with sad eyes and you realised there were things about that war they would not tell you nor Marge in a long time. Perhaps never.
You finished the dishes and said goodbye to Marge and Gale. They were not married yet so he was supposed to rent a place nearby for a few weeks until the wedding but on that night he wanted to stay with her and you couldn’t blame him. You waved at them for the one last time and took John’s hand to go back to your house.
You opened the door and turned the light on with a relaxed sigh.
“I hope you like it, John. I had to manage everything on my own,” you told him.
He had been in the house early in the morning after his arrival but soon after you had left for the party at Marge’s house.
“Yeah, I can see that. Some things need to be fixed,” he pointed out and you shook your head at him as he grinned widely and pulled you closer for a hug. “I will repair them, don’t you worry, sugar.”
“Good. But overall you like it, yes?” You bit on your lower lip.
“Of course I do. It’s beautiful. But I’d live with you in a tent by the river, you know that? Everything would be beautiful with you in it,” he leaned in to place a soft kiss upon your lips and you threw your hands around his neck. “You’ve been a brave girl. I know what you did for Marge,” he whispered.
“I’ve already told Buck that it’s nothing.”
“No, it’s not nothing,” John insisted. “I know how much it had to cost you. Taking care of her when you needed to be taken care of, too. I know,” he caressed your cheek gently. “I’ve been taking care of him. Yeah, he was the one to keep me out of trouble but I’ve made sacrifices for him that only I know about,” he confessed.
For a moment, you felt jealous of Buck Cleven.
“I guess we are just good friends,” you tried to make a lighthearted comment about it. “They’re very lucky to have us.”
“Mhm, incredibly lucky,” John chuckled and leaned in once again to rub your nose with his. “I missed you terribly. Every day and every night. I’m not as good with words as Buck is, I’ve never been the romantic type but I hope you know that I mean it. I love you,” he whispered and you cupped his face with a smile.
“Bucky, baby, I didn’t fall for you because you were a romantic or good with words anyway. I fell for you because you were my goof. My class clown,” you assured him. “And I missed you, I missed you, I missed you… Terribly. Awfully. Dreadfully,” you kept saying these words and laughing through the tears of joy as he laughed, too.
“Okay, enough, I get the picture,” he pecked your lips. “Your goof is back now,” he assured you and you caressed his hair with your fingertips.
“I’m glad,” you nodded. “But if my goof needs to be sad sometimes or wants me to hug him and tell him it’s going to be alright, I don’t want him to keep it a secret, alright? I’m here for you, baby, for better and for worse,” you promised.
Bucky pulled you even closer for a very tight hug as he hid his face in the crook of your neck, his moustache tickling your soft skin. You put your arms around him and squeezed him in a loving way.
“I’m grateful, sweetheart,” he whispered into your ear as he placed a small kiss on your cheek, “but now it’s time for you to be taken care of.”
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ghostedcas · 9 months
Ok so like, I really like ghost and könig....I was wondering if you could do a not so safe for work story for me? I don't really mind how it plays out as long as you could maybe put some knife/gun play in there and lots of teasing...would mean a lot to me
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knifeplay and gunplay🤭🤤 i am such a whore for these it's so sad
i hope you eat well darling 🫶
könig x afab!reader x ghost
wc: 896
tw: SMUT SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, knifeplay, gunplay, penetration with an inanimate object, a lil bit of a blood kink (just a teensy bit), poorly translated german
a/n: i had the most evil lil smirk on my face when i read this request, i love it sm. when i tell y'all i was smirking uncontrollably as i wrote this?? also can y'all tell what petname i like the most lol
a/n 2.0: i tried to make this relatively gender neutral but reader is described with female genitalia
"schatzi, can you come here? ghost and i have something we want to discuss with you." you hear könig say, beckoning you into his and ghost's shared quarters. his tone sounded rather serious and it made you fear that perhaps you may have done something wrong.
however when you entered the room you knew that that was not the case, or so you hoped anyway. in ghost's hand you saw your journal. it was no simple journal though, no, this journal contained all of your dirtiest thoughts an fantasies.
"nice of you to join us, love. we found quite the intriguing... stories in this little book of yours." ghost says, you can practically see his smirk behind his balaclave.
"oh my go- i can explain!" you say, trying to think of a defense for the things written in that book. things that may or may not have involved some very filthy deeds between yourself and your two boyfriends, things far filthier and taboo than you had already experienced with them.
"no, no, maus. we don't want an explanation, we don't want to hear your pathetic little excuses, dirty little thing..." könig says with a chuckle. "there was one entry both ghost and i found rather... intriguing. something that we would love to make a reality, our süße schmutziges mäuschen."
he pulls you over to the bed and has you sit next to ghost who begins to read off an excerpt from your journal. you can feel your face begin to heat up in embarrassment as he reads, making sure to emphasize every dirty little detail.
you wanted nothing more than to sink into the bed and disappear, this was so embarrassing that words couldn't even describe how embarrassed you were at the moment.
"you naughty little minx, writing down all your little fantasies in this little book. i bet you wanted us to find this, hm?" ghost asks qith a smirk. "you knew exactly what would happen, you knew we would find this book filled with all your filthy little thoughts."
"no! no, i didn't!" you protest.
"knives and guns? my, my maus... you have quite the imagination." könig chuckles deeply.
"sweetheart, if you wanted to try these things, you could've just asked us." ghost adds.
the next thing you knew you were tied down to the bed, clothes discarded as ghost and könig sat on either side of you, könig tracing a large hunters knife gently down your torso as ghost ran one of his pistols across your cheek, caressing your face with the gun.
"hold still maus, wouldn't want to cut your pretty skin... unless? would you? would you like to bleed for us schatz?" könig asks with a dark chuckle, you can feel your heart skip a beat at the suggestion. it was hard to tell if he really would or not, especially as he ran the blade of the knife across your skin so slowly and carefully, if he pressed any harder he would definitely break the skin.
"maybe another night little love, for now, just enjoy our teasing." ghost says with a smirk, mask still on, but you could hear the smug smirk in his tone of voice.
"just lay there nice and pretty for us maus, our good little maus, ja?"
and so there you laid as your two boyfriends ran their weapons across your body, slowly and agonizingly teasing you with them, it was torturous, agonizing even. but in the most pleasurable way possible.
just as you were getting used to the sensations they were subjecting you to, you felt könig's cold blade lift away from your skin as ghost trailed the gun down your torso. the next thing you knew you could feel something solid press to the entrance of your cunt. the handle of könig's knife.
without much warning he slowly began to press it into you, watching your face as it contorted in surprise and pleasure, soft gasps and moans escaping your lips.
as könig thrusted the handle of his hunter's knife in and out of you, you felt ghost bring a hand up to your throat, wrapping around it just so.
"that's it love, just lay there and take it. lay there and let us take care of you. we'll make all of your little dirty fantasies come true." ghost mutters as he leans down, whispering in your ear.
you felt ghost bring his other hand down to rub your clit as könig continued shoving the handle of his knife in and out of your cunt, your orgasm building a lot quicker than you anticipated it would. and your boyfriends could tell.
"go on maus, let go for us. cum for us like a good mäuschen..." könig demands.
"yes sweetheart, that's it, just let go. that's a good good mouse." ghost encourages as your orgasm washes over you, body shaking under their touches.
as you come down from the intense pleasure, the two clean you up. ghost hands you a bottle of water after untying your wrists from the headboard and massages some lotion into them as könig wipes your release from your thighs with a warm, damp towel he retrieved from the bathroom.
"you did so good baby, so so good." könig smiles.
"we hope we lived up to your filthy little written fantasies," ghost adds. "because we have many more stories to recreate."
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bunnyywritings · 2 months
to be seen...
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[a/n: i lowkey love the hc that bakugou is partially deaf/hard of hearing cause of his quirk like...it just makes so much sense to me ?? anyways i just wanted to get this one out of my system! it's not the best so...sorry but yeah...enjoy!! - bunny]
© bunnyywritings pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
wc: 1.6k words
warnings: none that i can think of...kinda angsty tbh, there's also more of a focus on bakugou than reader
This couldn’t be real. 
He’s not weak so…why? 
Why did this happen? 
Bakugou’s hands shook as these merciless thoughts ran through his head as Doctor’s poked and prodded at his ears. Their touch was bothersome but he supposed he was grateful he couldn’t really hear what they were discussing, any tangible noise was muddy and replaced by a ceaseless ringing. 
He had gone through all the motions. Denial being the most violent. He had screamed and cried in a clearing a ways away from the dorms where he had thought that no one would hear him but when he returned and immediately clocked your glossy eyes and trembling bottom lip, he realized how mistaken he was. 
Oh, you. Sweet, caring, you. 
He almost felt guilty for how much he had pushed you away. All you wanted to do was make sure he knew he wasn’t alone, make sure he felt loved and cared for but he mistook your empathy for pity and blew up at you. This time around it was much, much louder and much more terrifying because he couldn’t hear how loud and rude he was really being. 
He had scoffed when you clutched your fists to your side as big fat tears rolled down your cheeks. He couldn’t read lips very well but he didn’t need to when the word ‘mean’ had been formed so clearly by your lips before you ran off to your room. 
Now, he was just numb. Having accepted that this was his reality, Doctor’s poking and prodding and the uneasy sight of his mother so broken and…sad. Having to practically be held up by his father. 
This wasn’t right. She wasn’t weak. She was never weak but once again, he had mistaken her love and empathy for pity…for weakness. 
School had been on break for the spring and he was desperate to get back, he was being run through the wringer and as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted the mundane rhythm of his life back. He wanted to attend his classes again. Quirk training. English. Hero Law.
 He actually missed those idiots he calls friends. To sit with them in the cafeteria and hear about the stupid shojo that Denki was reading. Hear how Kiri can’t beat some boss level on the stupid game he was playing. Hear Mina complain about how her cuticles were as healthy as ever. Hear Jiro ramble on about a new band she found and how she thinks he’d actually like them. 
Would he still be able to do any of that? 
He couldn’t quite remember what his condition was. The ringing was gone but all that's left is a muffled sea of jumbled up noises. He was getting better at reading lips and he was put through the master class of sign language in a week. His instructor was surprised but he knew that if you had been there, you would’ve given him a bashful smile and said, “I expected nothing less from our future top hero.” 
Ah, that’s right. 
Most of all, he missed you. 
Your smile. Your wit. Your eyes…the very same ones he made shine with tears. Your laugh…the sound he’d miss the most out of anything. 
Despite having left the way he did, you still texted him. He hadn’t responded but you still thought about him. 
“You’re doing an awful lot for a guy who told you to piss off…” Shoji eyed you carefully as you set up the classroom, helping you place workbooks on the desks and open the windows. 
“Yeah but you know as well as I do that Bakugou uses anger like a shield. He’s probably confused and in pain about all of this, it’s only fair that we help out as much as we can.” 
Your caring nature was worrying sometimes. Shoji had seen your heart shattered multiple times by people who brush you off or take advantage of your willingness to do hard work, he was worried that Bakugou didn’t deserve this kindness. 
He remembered holding you as you sobbed into his chest, it took everything in him to not run out to the common room and knock some sense into the blonde but ultimately, he decided that staying and comforting you was more important. 
And despite all that pain he caused you had gone straight to Principle Nezu and pleaded for the school’s help. Going as far as offering to do all the work in finding an instructor and getting all your classmates on board. Now, here you were setting up the classroom for the first day of sign language classes. 
The Friday before school started up again, Mitski got a call from the specialist they had been working with and with the influence of UA, Bakugou’s hearing aids were ready for him. She was ecstatic, enthusiastically waking her son and shouting at him to get ready. 
He was…startled to say the least. If he had been able to hear the yelp he had let out when he was shaken awake, he surely would’ve been a bright red. 
And so, with the promise of heading to a nice restaurant for breakfast before heading back home, Bakugou shoved himself into the backseat of the car and off they went. 
The school had covered two pairs and he almost scoffed at the design of the devices. The first pair’s earpiece was clear, swirled with red and orange and the part that hooks around the ear, an almost gaudy, bright red-orange. The second was just his hero costume earpieces with hearing aids attached. Both pairs were specially made to muffle his explosions while still being able to hear others clearly. They also had a bluetooth feature so he’d be able to listen to music comfortably.
The doctor and his parents looked on expectantly as Bakugou slipped them on for the first time, surprised by how comfortable they were. He switched them on with shaky hands and everyone waited in silence before he looked into his mother’s teary eyes. 
“Katsuki…honey? Can you hear me?” 
His eyes widened. Had her voice always been so tender?
 It brought tears to his eyes, he got up from the uncomfortable exam table, fists clenched at his sides. She looked up at him from her seat and her face crumbled. His eyebrows were pinched, a pitiful frown on his wobbling lips and tears slowly leaking from his eyes. 
“Oh, honey…” He threw himself into her embrace and cried into her neck like he had done many times when he was little. Masaru watched on in tearful wonder, remembering that this was still his son. His baby boy and he was hurting more than he let on. Shouldering an exhaustingly heavy burden on his shoulders all by himself. 
The image of his little boy, only 4 feet tall tearfully struggling to hold a boulder up above his head, arms and legs trembling with exhaustion and desperately calling out for his mommy and daddy shook him to his core. 
He wrapped his arms around both of them, his hand cradling the back of Bakugou’s head. “It’s okay, son. We’ve got you.” At the sound of his father’s steady and calming voice, the boy cried harder. “We’ve got you.” 
Standing in front of the dorms was more daunting than he thought it would be. Hiking up the steps was like attempting to trek Mt. Fuji. The only comfort being that he was expecting the common room to be empty. He expected everyone to be in their room attempting to settle back in after a week long break. 
He hated how wrong he’s been recently. 
When he opened the door, he was met with everyone cheering. It was all so loud and disorienting that, despite his hearing aids, he had no idea what the hell anyone had said. Then, you stepped through the crowd and suddenly everyone faded into the background. 
“Guys! I thought I said no shouting! It’s probably still too much for him!” 
“But you’re shouting right now…” Denki snickered, earning an unamused glare from you. 
His eyes filled with tears, heart constricting in his chest. Twisting and throbbing almost painfully. 
God, he missed you. 
“So scary when you look at me like that!” Denki shuddered playfully. 
You had opened your mouth to refute but were cut off by Bakugou suddenly roaring with laughter, squeaking the slightest bit as he hunched over, arms wrapped around his middle as he laughed. 
Shock ran through everybody’s spines, jaws on the floor. 
He wasn’t quite sure what came over him but it was an involuntary reaction. Maybe to camouflage the fact that he had a river of tears sliding down his chin. 
Once he had finished, he stood upright. Out of breath and wiping his eyes. Meeting your eyes once again made the butterflies in his stomach go berserk. They went downright psycho when your hands were held up in front of you, trembling as you carefully signed, ‘welcome home.’ 
He was silent once again. Absolutely dumbstruck. 
Midoriya watched on fondly, as did everyone, emotions overwhelming and tears filling their eyes. 
Bakugou was in complete disbelief. 
“When…” He breathed, hands coming up to sign the rest. ‘When did you learn that?’ 
It took you a second to register what he said before responding. ‘We learn over break…’ your signing was a little sloppy, he had missed a few things but caught on immediately at the end, ‘...love you. Want you feel normal as possible.’ 
He didn’t let you finish, grabbing you into his embrace and holding you tight. “Thank you.” He mumbled into your hair, you held on equally as tight. 
“You’re welcome.” Your voice so up close and intimate was a blessing. 
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tortelette · 1 year
It is god awful 4 am in the Philippines (insomnia growing worse due to worry) and I have one fucking theory on what fucking Demian said in the epilogue of Chapter 4.
Demian fucking returns to the presence of Dante as the Sinners took a feast for themselves at some restaurant and talks to them about the meaning and true purpose of technology and the morality behind it along with the concept of greed. One line took a fucking slap on me whenever I kept reading his dialogue.
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This is...
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A "The Little Prince (TLP)" by Saint Exupéry reference said by the Little Prince himself when he met the stranded pilot in the desert.
Back then when I was still studying religious literature and our main topic is TLP, there are many biblical references here and there from the snake who bit him down to the desert where the pilot has been stranded upon for some time. The sheep has many symbolisms back in my lessons, the common ones that I get to see are the spiritual transcendence of the prince, the representation of the truth, and the beauty hidden from reality. Mind you all that the story of TLP is quite imaginative and a sad one that gives the hopeful yet real life lessons of friendship, value, love, and loss. Hence many symbolisms are interpreted here.
Now that I mention those things... what does it have to do with Demian telling Dante to draw him a sheep like they promised to him? Judging from the structure of his tone, it appears that Demian knew Dante before Dante took their clock prosthetic.
Well my theory is that the sheep is the symbolism of "realization" or more likely "seeing the truth of humanity." Dante is a blurry yet blank slate when they saw that they lost their memories yet retained a sense of a trail of their true goal. Dante wants answers (an obvious reflection of decision for a person who knows nothing of the world) in everything around them and they are the ones who let's out the final decision to handle in everything with the Sinner's help. Hence, they take semi-control in seeing EVERYTHING and witness it along with them. So far Dante has saw the lives of four of their sinners (Gregor, Rodion, Sinclair, and Yi Sang) and see how cruel and unfair of the life they went through. Dante sees them all since they resonated as well with the golden boughs and sees a portion of their troubled lives. A normal happening of humanity in The City.
Dante has to draw a "sheep" to Demian, more likely... Dante has to share to Demian the "truth of humanity that they have witnessed through resonance with the Sinners in a refreshed look." In this chapter, it appears that Dante has to share their side of the truth to Demian about Yi Sang's life yet they appear to be at a lost as always. Just like a sheep that strays away from the shepherd's guidance.
Remember Faust's remarks when she stated on what would be Dante's reaction about their decision to suppress the bronze bull when they get their memories back? It is implying for me at least that Dante is a dislikable or negative character. I mean... look at them when we first started the entire game. Demian must have known this too and probably wants to get Dante to draw a sheep for him now that he can have a more "innocent" or understandable outlook about humanity.
In TLP, the sheep (if removing the more complex representations of various literary analysis) is a literal representation of one's ability to appreciate the beauty of all things through the heart despite the appearance. All of the sinner's lives are miserable in some way yet they are still "beautiful" for us because they manage to strive through their problems, they seek on the right of their belief, they live on to face their traumas, and to accept help from others in order to get back up. The disgusting experiences of humanity in The City is a facade that people always see, but the actions they have done that either support or combat those experiences is what makes it beautiful.
The truth of humanity, is the suffering that they have been through.
It would be interesting that Demian has the title of "The Little Prince" as a nod to it.
EDIT: How does my unhealthy insomnia theory get a lot of interactions- I... I am scared.
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slayfics · 10 months
HEY since u said it was alright to request, I've been thinking about something for a While and i rlly like angst but i dont know if u rlly write that, I've only seen a bit in the muichiros mansion chapters, but i can rarely find the type of mui angst i want but basically its something like mui leaving us or something like that, IDK JS HEARTBREAKING ANGST IG😰😰 bc i love the pain and suffering once i see angst of a character leaving🫶🫶
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Muichiro breaks up with you.
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You felt all the tension you had been caring for day finally release at receiving a crow from Muichiro. Ever since you heard of the upper demons attacking Swordsmith Village where Muichiro was you had not got a minute of sleep.
Finally not only was he safe, but healed as well. You had missed him dearly when he was gone and you felt butterflies in your stomach when you read his letter.
His letter indicated he wanted to talk to you as soon as possible about something extremely important. You made your way over to the usual spot you and Muichiro spent time together. A comfortable spot under a shady tree by the lake.
It filled your heart with joy just knowing you’d be in his company soon. You wanted nothing more than to let him know how dear he really was to you.
It wasn’t that you didn’t know how dangerous being a demon slayer was before, but when hearing he was up against an upper demon reality harshly set in. Any day it was possible that the two of you would be spending your last moments together.
You were beginning to get lost in thought when Muichiro arrived and sat down next you.
“Tokito!” You exclaimed and tightly embraced the Hashira.
“Hello…” he said, remaining still and not returning your affections in any way. This made your heart sink. Was something wrong?
“I’m sorry, I suppose I should have asked how you were healing first,” you said carefully letting go of the Hashira.
“Oh my body is healed… but I’m not quite myself yet,” he said, cryptically.
“Is everything ok? What happened in the village?” You asked hastily, concern overflowing from you.
“Well it appears I’ve recovered all my memories,” Muichiro said gently placing a hand on his head.
“Tokito, that’s wonderful!” You exclaimed with a big grin. However, the Hashira demeanor remained unpleasant.
“Yes and no…” he said, zoning off. You stayed silent hoping for him to elaborate. “The memories I recovered weren’t pleasant ones…”
You searched for comforting words but nothing came to mind other than, “Tokito, I’m so sorry.”
“No you see I am here to apologize,” he said, turning to face you. “What I uncovered has been more than I can process… you see it is a burden all on its own and… I don’t think I can effectively maintain our relationship while I go through this.” He said, watching you carefully.
You felt as though time had stopped. You searched his eyes hoping to see some indication that this was a joke. However, the Hashira’s eyes were as stern as ever. You tried to speak but it felt as though the air had been ripped out of your lungs.
“T-Tokito- I can help,” you muttered, pitifully as tears formed in your eyes.
“I appreciate your concern but you see… this is something I wish to go through on my own.” He said, gently grabbing your hand. “Please do not be sad, you’ve done nothing wrong. You’re a magnificent person. I hope you understand.”
You searched for words but nothing came. What were you supposed to say? If he wanted to be alone then that was the end of the conversation, wasn’t it? You looked down at his hand holding yours and hot anger flashed through you. How dare he touch you while he’s ripping your heart in two. You forcefully pulled your hand back.
Muichiro winced in response. He knew you’d be hurt but seeing it now was too much to handle. He had enough trauma to process and he was already overflowing with pain.
“I respect your decision, but I don’t understand.” You finally spat your anger getting the best of you. “You have a lot to process, that’s fair, but I could have supported you through that. Nothing is easier alone, Tokito.”
“Everyone processes things differently,” he said pleadingly, hoping to help you understand. “Maybe one day when I’m better we can try again.”
Your anger was a burning rage now ready to fully unleash. Did he really think he could hurt you and expect you to forgive him so easily when he was ready to start again?
“You can’t rip my feelings to shreds and just expect me to wait around for you, Tokito. Things don’t always work on your terms.” You said with venom in your voice.
Muichiro took a deep breath, tears now lining his own eyes. “Yes, you’re right. I don’t expect you to wait around. You deserve to be happy and if you find someone else before I’m ready… well, I wish you the best.”
“I wish I could say the same to you,” you said again, even more nasty than the last time.
Your statement seemed to be the last blow Muichiro could take as the tears dropped freely from his eyes. He turned around not wanting to face you anymore. He tried to muster up what he could to say goodbye but the lump in his throat was too much, so he parted his way silently leaving you alone.
Now alone your anger melted into despair as sobs that sounded too strong to be your own escaped you. All this time you were excited to see Muichiro, but you never expected this outcome.
You walked home as sobs still escaped you from time to time. Finally approaching your house you froze in shock at the sight you were met with.
Your estate was covered in origami cranes of varying sizes and shapes. You blinked and rubbed your eyes believing you were imagining them. However, the cranes remained and the longer you looked the more you seemed to see.
You walked up to the door where a letter was hanging that read:
Till we meet again.
You grabbed the letter and held it to your chest tears streaming once more. I hope you didn’t take me seriously Muichiro you thought to yourself. Of course, I’d wait for you, I’d wait lifetimes for you. Please once you’re ready run back to me.
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Thank you for the very angsty request! I hope I did it justice and you enjoy~
@aeolia18 @yandere-kou @sakurasunkiss @hashiroses @plvuii @snowmist-hashira
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666writingcafe · 4 months
Arriving At Serenity Manor
"Welcome to Serenity Manor!" Asmo exclaims. "What do you think?"
There are a lot of things on my mind at the moment.
First, I hope Solomon doesn't destroy anything in my home as he's house sitting, because he did seem a little too eager when he offered his services.
Second, there are a lot of words I would use to describe what it's like living with the brothers, but 'serene' is not one of them. Not by a long shot.
Finally, there's the property itself. I've certainly driven past it before, but I don't recall it being quite so...big. Perhaps there's some magic involved that has increased its size to accommodate extra things, but still.
"It's a bit overwhelming. Beautiful, but overwhelming."
"You'll get used to it," Asmo responds. Our conversation gets interrupted by a basketball rolling towards us. I stop it with my foot before leaning down and picking it up.
"Thanks, MC." Turning my head towards the voice reveals Beel jogging up to me, followed by a casually strolling Belphie.
Beel's in a pretty typical workout outfit with his black tank top and camo sweatpants, although he's sporting a tattoo on his upper arm that I don't recall seeing before. Meanwhile, Belphie is surprisingly stylish with his matching jacket and shoes. I wonder if Asmo had anything to do with it, because Belphie usually values comfort over fashion.
Belphie sighs, bringing me back to reality.
"Once again, Beel, I'm not nearly as tall or as athletic as you. I can't keep up with all the rapid movement." He glances over at me and jerks his head up in acknowledgement.
"I can take that." Before any of us can protest, Beel grabs my suitcase and walks away from us, presumably to head inside.
"I didn't know Beel was into basketball," I tell Belphie, tucking the ball under my arm.
"It's more of a hobby for him than anything else. Plus, he's kinda banned from playing it competitively at RAD." Asmo nods his head in agreement before adding,
"There's definitely more rules in basketball than in fangol. I love Beel, but he's not exactly concerned about other people's safety when he participates in sports. Right kind of attitude for fangol, not so much for basketball."
"I see." The three of us begin walking up the driveway towards the front door. "So, Asmo mentioned that you guys adopted human alias?"
"Yeah. It was Lucifer's idea." Belphie rolls his eyes. "Beel's 'Ben', and I'm 'Beau'."
I can see Beel being a Ben, but Belphie being a Beau? Not exactly a common name, for one. I mean, there's Beau Bridges, but Belphie's nothing like him.
Asmo must have noticed the confused look on my face, for he exclaims,
"Belphie, I told you to pick a different name!"
"What's wrong with Beau? It's a nice, quiet name."
"We're supposed to be young adults in the twenty-first century! Tell me, when was the last time you saw a Beau, huh?" The bickering continues as we enter inside the manor, and I tune it out as I take in my surroundings. Unlike the House of Lamentation, everything's very bright and open. I wonder if this is what the manor looked like initially before the demons began tinkering with it.
Figuring it best to let Asmo and Belphie handle their argument themselves, I walk down the corridor to further explore the manor. Unfortunately, before I get very far, my little adventure gets interrupted by the sound of someone...crying? Pleading? It's too soft for me to tell exactly what it is, but in any case, it sounds pretty sad. As I walk closer to the source of the noise, I begin making out specific words.
"Heeelp...someone get me down from here."
Of course.
It's Mammon.
What did he do this time?
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munv · 1 year
Sobs in a lot of words - i might have changed it a bit from the lil teaser I made maybe a week or so earlier so don’t mind that tehe
2k+ words !! what if I said by the time I posted this I was already working on part 2?
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Step, step, step. Your heart pounded but you had no idea why, perhaps you didn’t turn off the stove when you were on your way to pick up Riko? No it couldn’t be that, but there had to be a reason you felt this..upcoming dread in your stomach.
Something was off..completely. You knew something was wrong, yet you brushed it off thinking it was nothing as you cotninued on your way home with your little sister.
By the time you reached home you had received a call that changed your life completely, your so called lovely parents were dead. You knew you couldn’t do much about it either way and it surely didn’t help you knew Riko was but only a 4 year old who would probably have no understanding of what is really happening.
A crush worthy reality that would break her small heart into more pieces than you could count.
“Hey hey nii-san! Look, this is what i wanted to show you!”. You slowly looked up to see something that made you feel as if you were completely shattered into pieces. You felt guilty, you knew you weren’t responsible for what had happened, but how would you be able to respond when she had such a angelic smile holding up a drawing of your precious family?
As if you weren’t controlling your own body your body went down on one knee and hugged her. “Hey riko..promise me something?”
The child felt as if you knew something she didn’t, she was well aware of her age and didn’t quite understand why you looked so..sad and distant but payed it no mind with the train of thought that you would be find not too long later into the day. “Promise you’ll listen to me and you won’t leave me, you fine with that?”
The child nodded her head enthusiastically “of course!”, holding out her pinky “to sweeten the deal” with a contagious smile that also spilled upon your face. “Deal”.
Ever since that day she was in your care until a woman named Misato Kuroi came around to take care of not only her but you as well. It was also thanks to her that you discovered you had cursed energy in the first place.
It was around this year that Riko was in junior high as you were secretly taking classes with Masamachi Yaga that you later found out to be the next principle of a school called “tokyo jujutsu high”. He offered to entroll you but you declined knowing that you still had to take care of Riko even with Kuroi taking care of her at times.
Obviously you having this amount of cursed energy wasn’t normal and most would be as bold as to assume you came from a very powerful clan but in reality, you were born of barely anyone with cursed energy fit to take down a 3rd grade at the very most.
Yaga knew about you potential and made no haste to waste it in no way at all, he knew that if he even hesitated in doing so the higher ups would get to you first considering a literal ball of huge cursed energy was just around and not being trained properly.
Despite your protests he made it so you would be entrolled either way.
“Yaga-san..as much as i appreciate you, I’d still like to stay away from that place as far as po-” You were cut off with his glare that really screamed ‘it wasn’t a question it was a order as your instructor’ and considering that you probably and most likely wouldn’t stand a chance against the older man in your attempt to change his mind, you gave in.
The same year prior you were ordered to come to his classroom in which you thought wouldn’t be a problem until you were proved wrong dearly.
In which that brings us to our current predicament
You were on your way down the corridor to Yaga’s classroom, the closer you got the more annoyed you got. “Why the hell do I have to wake up this damn early because the old man just wants to chat?” you mumbled as you dragged your feet to your destination.
The sunlight shined more than usually and to be honest you couldn’t confidently say you were a morning person. The way you weren’t able to get proper coffee didn’t help you either as it tasted like absolute crap.
As you were busy cursing out the very man you were going to go see in your thoughts, your train of thought was cut off by voices on the inside which you could say were particularly a bit too loud for your liking.
“He’s finally lost it”
“It is spring after all, with him being the next principal he’s probably gotten carried away”. Two deep voices from the inside of the room said.
You stopped your movements immediately realizing other people were in the room and with the amount of cursed energy coming from inside you could tell these weren’t just some average everyday sorcerers.
“I’ll decide whether that’s considered a joke or not..” The rest of what was going on was muffled and you considered yourself even grateful to hear some of it to some content. You were so deep in thought you couldn’t hear footsteps on the other side of the door approaching.
“Ah, I almost forgot to mention,recently we were able to come in contact with the said girls relative. The only one who has been taking care of her that is.They will be helping you escort her. Y/N you may come in now.”
The door opened and two pairs of eyes were on you. The silence that followed was unbearable as you were forced to stand in front of the two boys who looked at you with equally curious eyes.
One with white hair as pure as snow, seemingly had a slender figure with small round glasses covering his eyes. The other with jet black hair that was rapped into a bun at the back of his head as one starnd of hair neatly hanged in front of his face completing his handsome features.
Wait, handsome? When did you start thinking that? You cleared your throat knowing you couldn’t stand there for too long.
Bowing your head as your hair fell over your face like a curtain you introduced yourself. “I apalogize for coming in on short notice, my name is Amanai Y/N it’s a honor to meet you”. Raising your head you expected a response, not a specific one but the one you got made you stand there flabbergasted.
“So..are you supposed to be the hotter older si-” The black haired boy next to him smacked the back of his white haired friends head and turned to you with a smile “I’m geto suguru and this is gojo satoru” as he bowed his friend and forcing his seemingly supposed friend to bow his head too. You chuckled a little bit happy you could put names to the two faces in front of you.
Gojo scowled and yelled “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”. His friend slowly turned to him with a equally annoyed voice but not as loud “maybe because if you were about to hit on the very girls older sibling that we are supposed to be ESCORTING”
Sparks flew around the room as the boys started roughing one another up. You slowly turned to yaga with a blank expression, “so this is what you set me up for?..”
“Goodluck.” He responded with a dry voice that told in more ways than one that he deals with this more than he gets paid for. With that you both walked out the classroom leaving the two to their own devices.
“But honestly..I get why the curse-user group Q is after her but why would the star religion group want to kill her?” Gojo exlaimed opening a soda can as he caught up so he could walk with you and geto. “You have any N/N?” You turned your head to him with a confused expression, “N/N?..” “Yeah! That’s my nickname for you!” he said cheerfully putting his arm around your shoulder “Y/N will be just fine”
He took a rather massive chug out of his drink like a dehydrated man and took a sigh “N/N it is!”.
“Rather than getting off topic, they worship a pure masten tengen so if what I heard was right it’s that their beliefs led them to think a star plasma vessel would soil that purity.”
“And where did you supposedly hear that?”
“Rather than hear it’s more like the documents that yaga gave to us earlier, did you even read them?” you piped in.
“Nope!” gojo said making sure to pop to ‘p’ at the end.
“But the star religious group are all non-curse users so it shouldn’t be necessary to worry about them too much.” geto continued.
“Shouldn’t we be wary fo Q then?” you asked without looking at him. “mmh” he hummed in agreement.
“Anyways there’s nothing to worry about” gojo said and paused for a little bit to take another chug. “We’re the strongest so don’t worry your pretty little head Y/N-Chan!” you scoffed and started walking ahead of the two males “tell me the same thing when my little sister is safe idiot”. You mumbled yet still loud enough for them to hear.
“Hey satoru, i’ve been meaning to tell you this..” The black haired male said side eyeing his best friend sightly before fully looking at him. “What?”
“It’s just..you should be more aware of the way you talk, especially around your superiors.”
“WHAT-?!” gojo said as his eye widened at geto’s words.
“Maybe that way your juniors or new people won’t be scared of you y’know”
Throwing away his soda in a trash can he let out an exasperated sigh, “sheesh..gimme a break won’t you?”
“Yo slowpokes! You got long legs don’t you? Less chatting more walking” you yelled out to the two males behind you.
Just as gojo was about to let out a snarky comment back you all stopped when an explosion came out from the large building in front of you.
“SHIT!” you yelled running to the building at full speed.
“You think Y/N will kill us if the kid’s already dead?” he said as geto started holding a curse in his hand getting ready to unleash it incase anything else were to happen. They stopped when they saw something or rather – someone falling out the building.
“Forgive me” a voice said from the top of the building “feel free to blame this on tenge- WHA?” he stopped mid sentence staring wide eyed at geto who had riko in his hands on top of a flying curse.
You jumped up and kicked the man who had barely managed to block it. Debris flying everywhere from the very impact. “Keep your filthy hands off my sister you MUTT” you started to activate your cursed technique and millions of electric sparks started flying everywhere before a big clash of thunder came down on him.
“Don’t go making a mess now, we just got in trouble this morning” geto said with a satisfied expression still holding riko in his arms.
“Whatever” you said holding the man by the neck before giving him another punch to the face. This made geto sweatdrop at your anger you were seemingly letting out just for even attempting to harm your sister.
From below gojo let out a dramatic sigh, “phew! Just in time”. 6 knives then came rushing at him but were stopped by the contact of his limited technique. “Amazing” clapped a Q soldier coming close to the white haired male. “You’re Satoru Gojo I presume. I’ve heard you’re quite strong” he started to glare at the boy. “Show me if those rumors are true”, he said voice getting deeper with the last few words.
A smirk started to rise on Gojo’s face “sure, but.. Let’s make a little rule.”
“Rule?” His eyebrow raised in curiosity yet still on guard.
“I don’t wanna go all out and get in trouble so..cry now and apologize. Maybe I won’t kill ya”
“BRAT!” the Q soldier snarled with a pissed off look.
“So it begins..”
TAG LIST: @megumisemo @todorokistoya @sammyiguess @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9 @boo-kugo @vile-woman
Couldn’t @ the last person named woozzz someone do it for me I beg 💔 message me to be next on the tag list!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 6 months
I know we've already said our farewells but after todays BangtanB Admin 2 talked me into writing another tiny post because vmin. Truly as much as we weren't ready for the OT4 live, we hadn't been ready to get this BB so quickly, to see and hear them say goodbye to each other, or for Tae to quite literally apologise to Jimin for not being able to see him off the next day while Jimin told him he had nothing to be sorry for since he was going first.
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Seeing these two say goodbye to each other, it broke my heart on so many levels. Vmin being vmin aside, they are chingu and so incredibly close with each other, mean so much to each other, and yet because of damn enlistment they got separated. I'm glad though that Namjoon has Tae close to him, just like Namjoon said to Tae himself, and that they'll be able to see each other occasionally and perhaps have meals together, though they aren't training together. And before someone asks why Tae and Namjoon didn't use the buddy system like Jimin and JK did and tries to spin some annoying story in our messages, it's because Namjoon is too old for it.
Another tiny tangent I'd like to go on before I continue is that I implore all of you, and especially shippers of one particular ship, to stop romanticising the enlistment experience and all it entails. Enlistment isn't a fun little trip or vacation, it's an unjust gruelling and extremely hard time for all enlisted men. One of the translators for the English edition of the BTS book was asked by ARMY to translate Namjoon's letter on weverse but he declined to do so and gave a very nuanced and important explanation as to why. Please go and read it here. And before anyone comes (again) into our messages and claims I would speak differently if vmin went together, no I would not. This moment in their lives, the enlistment period, it fucking sucks. Plain and simple. We've seen what can happen with idols during enlistment, just look at Taemin's experience, so really, there is nothing nice and fun and chill about it. Or remember the incident with Seokjin and the nurse, hell knows what could've happened. It's hard and awful and it's unfair that after all that they have done, the members were put into a position where they knew there was no way they could not go, even if they would've been given an exemption because that's the kind of pressure they're under. We've seen how uncomfortable his shaved head made Jimin, how sad and devastated Jimin and JK looked in their final lives and in this BB. So set aside your delulu glasses and look at reality, especially as foreigners. We know nothing so let's not act like we know anything.
Anyway, seeing JK approach Namjoon, pet his head and then Namjoon turn around, his eyes turning all soft and fond as he realised it's JK and then enveloped him in a tight hug...and to think that's the hyung because of which JK even joined BH in the first place. My heart. And Namjoon, too, was sad that he wouldn't be able to see JK off the next day either.
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It was sad that we couldn't see Hobi, Seokjin, and Yoongi but we knew that would be the case from past experience. But it was nice to see JK sitting in the car talking and being obviously sad and then Hobi's hand appeared to pat his head to comfort him and JK closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and calm his emotions. Truly the bond the hyungs and maknaes have is beautiful.
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But with that the Tannies are all gone now and it'll be six months on the dot until Seokjin will be released and come back to us for FESTA 2024. But the members repeatedly said they've prepared lots of exciting things for us so we can look forward to that.
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And with this, we say farewell and we hope to see you again healthy and happy and doing well.
As for our blog, with Admin 2's plans for a BL break, we've started watching Love in the Air since it's a very popular BL. Once we'll finish it, we'll let you know what we think of it.
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cerastes · 2 years
Somnium Files 1 spoilers.
I want to talk a bit about Date’s Somniums/Somnii (well, his one Somnium and the tutorial dream).
It’s very telling of Date as a person that the rules of his Somnii are based on color. 
The Somnii of characters are all reflective of key aspects of themselves, for example, Iris’ Somnii are fundamentally informed by 1) her passions, that is, streaming (particularly ShovelForge), dancing, mythology, and the occult as the foundation to her psyche, 2) her delusions, the flawed perception of reality that comes as a side effect of her brain tumor, to which her love for the occult feeds, and 3) her fear of her coming death, which mixes with her passion for mythology to create an escapism where the Fruit of Immortality may save her. There’s a cohesive connection between Who Iris Is and What Iris Is. The same goes for Saito, whose Somnii all take place in ideal locales for murder (abandoned warehouses and factories), and all necessitate revisiting either his childhood of killing animals, represented by childish drawings of animals being brutalized in various ways, or his latest ‘achievements’, the Cyclops Serial Killings both old and new. The foundation of both of these is, again, passion. The only way Saito knew any sort of joy was when killing. It was quite essentially all he lived for.
If we do a cursory look of other Somnii, passion paints an important picture and plays and important role in all of them: Ota’s love for tokusatsu makes his Somnium play out like a toku fight, Ota’s mom focuses on the moments with her family, both the sad and the joyful, and even Mizuki’s Somnium, the one most colored with sorrow and trauma (it took place shortly after discovering her own mother’s corpse, after all), takes place in the park that housed the sole happy memory she had with her parents, and some parts of the Somnium allude to this joy and how important that is for Mizuki. The grand exception would be Hitomi’s Somnium and Rohan’s Somnium, which are entirely rooted in past regrets and sorrows. One could say these overpower their passions at that point in their lives.
So, we return to Date, Date Kaname, our dirtbag of a man, sleazy ass cheeky piece of shit, lovably charming loser. For all of this and more that he is, however, it’s easy to miss something essential about Date, something that also makes him stick out among the gallery of amnesiac protagonists: He’s happy. He’s perfectly happy where he is, he is not wholly uninterested in his past, but he doesn’t pursue it, either. He’s very content where he is in life. He likes Boss. He likes Aiba. He likes Mizuki. He likes Reika from the cabaret club and her fat thighs. He likes Mama. He likes hitting the bar with his drinking buds such as Okiura and Shoko. Date is in a good place... More than that, he’s thankful.
As the dream tutorial immediately shows us, there’s plenty of subconscious memories he is not even remotely aware of inside of him, of his past life, and even in these, the prime directive of his Somnii, the foundation, the passion, is represented by color.
In the Dream, it’s color that leads the way and dictates what can and cannot be interacted with. Date’s Somnii are very straightforward because he has nothing to hide, and what he is hiding, he doesn’t even know of. We see the stew, we see drawing Iris made of the Okonomiyaki Incident, we take a peek inside of Iris’ toy box where she keeps her UFO toys and occult magazines, right before being thrust into the completely colorless scene of ‘Rohan’ shooting at ‘Falco’, accidentally injuring Hitomi in the incident. Completely colorless, because what’s done is done and there’s nothing he can do about it, the guilt being such that even in his dreams, he cannot change those events. The main characters of this deep dream, however, were the good times, lingering as fractal memories that Date has no easy access to.
In the Somnium proper, when Mizuki is Psycing with the comatose Date, color once again dictates the rhythm. It’s no coincidence that his Dream took place where he considered home as Yagyu -- the Sagan Household -- and that his Somnium proper takes places where he, as Date, considers home, the Date Household: Domestic joy and stability is invaluable to him, again, he’s thankful. He has no memories of his days as a vigilante assassin, but the associated emotions linger, he wanted out of that life, he wanted to simply live a nice and peaceful life. As Date, that is exactly what he has. That’s what the ever caring Boss made sure he got. His passions are his peaceful, fun days with Aiba and Mizuki. Getting in fights, arguing, joking around, making up, going for disgusting stew, awkwardly greeting each other, covertly doing good things for each other, never honest, always earnest, a domestic routine, a life as regular as can be, despite the eccentricities of the events themselves (such as regularly diving into people’s heads and having an eye that’s also a buddy).
It’s precisely because Date has nothing to hide that his Somnii are so incredibly linear, he’s not making any secret of his memories, he is, in fact, proudly showing them. Unlike the other Somnii, where one has to do puzzles and use esoteric dream logic to peel each layer away, Date’s Somnii is basically a tour. He’s showcasing an exhibition of memories dear to him. Even the moments that were no doubt stressful, such as Mizuki throwing a tantrum or, worse yet, throwing his police badge out of the window, are regarded as dear and frankly fun memories. There’s no shortage of them. And eventually, when Mizuki does reach the innermost sanctum of the Somnium, a black void where he stands opposite to Okiura and Shoko, the negativity and sadness he keeps buried under so much happiness and color, it’s all born from a feeling of guilt towards Mizuki, believing himself insufficient as a guardian for her. “She should have her proper parents, I don’t stand a chance, is this the best for Mizuki?” In the end, it’s not that he doesn’t want to take care of her, it’s that he’s unconvinced that he’s the best option, and that maybe he’ll screw up and Mizuki won’t be the best version of herself.
Which is such a mundane and completely understandable inner sorrow to have! Of course you care for the ones you love, especially when you suspect it might be you that’s holding them back! End of the day, Date is many things, but the most important of them is that he’s a fun-loving, caring dude of all time. He’s a pathetic garbage dirtbag man that blows his money pouring ponzu between Reika’s thighs and can’t see anything but a pair of tits behind the reception desk at Lemniscate, but he’ll go through hell and back (silently and without ever admitting it, of course) for those he loves.
It all ties to one of the other biggest themes in Somnium Files: “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. With the exception of the Matsushita family, every single family by blood relation in Somnium Files is a strained mess, and to contrast, every single family tied together by love for each other rather than by blood -- Hitomi and Iris, Date, Aiba and Mizuki, even Rohan and Moma! -- is healthy and loving as can be.
To wrap this up, I do want to call attention to something important that is referred to very subtly in both the Dream and the Somnium:
In the Dream, Date can instruct Aiba to wear the box on her head. When she does, the box also covers the skeleton’s head. As we learn much, much later, the skeleton with the bleeding left eye socket represents Date’s old life, Yagyu.
In the Somnium, when Mizuki find Date in the innermost sanctum of his psyche, Date’s left eye is yellow, or in other words, Aiba.
In the Dream, Aiba wearing the box on her head puts it on the skeleton as well because Date considers Aiba as a literal part of himself, and is not whole without her, ergo, her wearing the box is essentially him also wearing the box, and in the Somnium, Date doesn’t have his proper eye or his eye closed, and has Aiba very clearly in there, because, again, his image of the self is simply not complete without her.
Date loves Mizuki and Aiba so much that they are inseparable from his deepest memories, psyche, and even sense of self. He is not only the dude of all time, he is the tsundere of all time (who happens to love his tsundere foster daughter Mizuki and his tsundere best friend-slash-literal part of his body Aiba).
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🖤💜Protecting (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 2💜🖤
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
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I KNOW it's been at least 2 months since I posted the first part of this, but here it is!~ I love Katakuri sooo much, if you couldn't tell, and I just kept writing, so this turned into a 3 parter!~ But BEFORE you curse my existence and get your Mogura, I already have it done!~ Literally fully completed, I just have to post it after this one.~ And I decided that your reward for waiting so long for this series was some ✨spicy✨ times.~ So expect that in part 3.~ Also, I'm so shocked at the amount of likes I got on the first part??~ Almost 70 likes??~ You guys are too much.~ Hope you like it!~ Mwah mwah, darlings!~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
Dread set in as everyone realized the untimely situation. We still had to deal with Bege and the Strawhats, and the last thing we needed was a raging Big Mom. I felt Katakuri's grip tighten on me as I let my emotions drift into him. I was scared and tired, wanting nothing more than to stay in my husband's strong and safe arms. Perospero stood there, thinking of a plan, and when his gaze landed on me, he perked up. He seemed reluctant to ask me due to Katakuri's possessive hold on me, but when our eyes met I had an idea of what he wanted from me. This was part of my job in the family, to help Mama calm down during her hunger pangs even if it was dangerous. 
"Ah, Y/N? I'm sorry to ask this of you after the kind of day you've had, but", a nervous glance to Katakuri whose intense gaze slid to him the moment he addressed me, "would you help me out in calming Mama down? I have an idea that might work, but she seems a bit angrier than usual this time around, lick." Perospero's confidence dwindled the longer he stood under Katakuri's piercing gaze until I lifted my hand to lay it on my husband's shoulder. He focused on my soft face and quietly huffed before kneeling down to gently place me on my feet. Before he could make any threats, I snuck a quick peck on his nose, and grabbed Perospero's hand to run off. 
"Kekeke, quite the little minx you've become with our brother.~" He glances back. "He's become a lickity blushing mess.~ I can tell even if he pulls up his scarf.~" A large wail followed by a nearby building being crushed brought us back to the grim reality of our task. Perospero put up a candy wall to keep us from being crushed as he explained his plan. 
"We have three major problems right now and Mama is one of them. Katakuri is going to ambush the Strawhats on their ship while some of our brothers and sisters go after Bege. I want to get rid of Strawhat first and foremost, so let's set Mama's sights on him by telling her he has her wedding cake. This will give us a little time to figure out how to make the cake, though. . .", he trails off and tugs at his collar, "you know how Mama is with people who lie to her. Even if it's one of us. So, if this doesn't work out, you and I will be killed by Mama if that cake isn't made in time." That fact made me nervous, but Perospero looked even more scared than I felt. Mama liked me well enough, but I know she wouldn't think twice about killing me since I've seen her kill some of her own children before. As much as I loved Katakuri, that was something I hated about his mother. My gaze drops down to the mochi bracelet around my wrist, focusing on the emotions of my love. 
Worry. Simmering anger. Determination. Resolve. I had to be steadfast like Katakuri and play my part in keeping everyone safe. I felt like I had the same responsibility as Katakuri, taking on the role of a protective big sister since I was his wife. I could see my antennae change to a deep red. My desire to succeed was rooted in my love for Katakuri. With a shake of my head, I straightened up and threw my lollipop to the ground before going around Perospero's candy shield to march towards the rampaging Yonko. A frantic scream sounded from the brother behind me as he ran up to my side and put on a wide smile with me as he called out to Mama. 
We both shook as he convinced her with words while I coaxed her with a little emotion and thought nudging. Despite being such a feared pirate, Big Mom’s mind was easy to influence, like a child’s, which matched some of her behavior at times. The feeling of everyone watching us with bated breaths, and the direct tap of Katakuri's own worry made this all the more pressuring. The two of us just about fainted at her terrifying aura, purple taking over my previous red, as she promised to take our lives if we were lying before leaping onto Zeus and racing off towards the seducing wood. Not a moment after she was out of sight did Perospero and I share a glance before wailing out in fear. He fell to his knees on the ground, and I was heading to follow suit if Katakuri hadn't swooped in to pick me up off my feet again. I felt even more drained than before, but the love and comfort coming from my beloved husband and the few head caresses he was willing to give me in public made everything worth it. I trusted him to help me make sure everything worked out.
As Perospero fell further into despair about our current situation, a familiar voice from above called out to us. Peeking over my husband's shoulder until he turned around, I saw Pudding on her magic carpet. 
"I'll make Mama's cake!" She proclaimed, and Perospero just about cried tears of joy at those four words. As she explained her plan of recruiting Chiffon to help her remake Mama's cake on Cacao Island, I knew the little time I had with Katakuri was coming to an end. Soon, he would be locked in a heated battle with Strawhat Luffy. Staring up at my husband's serious face as he listened to Pudding and everyone else, I took to admiring every perfect line and curve of his face that I could see. After so many years, I didn't even need to see the rest of his face to visualize it under his scarf. The tips of my antennae drooped into my vision, and I could see them lit up with a dark pink. With a small, embarrassed jolt, I covered the exposing appendages with my hands as the conversation came to an end. 
I could hear and feel my husband’s amused chuckle at my embarrassment, making me flush further. This brought my attention to the tattling bracelet around my wrist, making me contemplate its importance right now. My emotions were all over the place and have already distracted him enough today. With pursed lips, I tugged at the mochi bracelet around my wrist. In an instant, Katakuri's full attention was on me, and his hand was preventing my own from completing its task. 
"What are you doing?" He asks in a low voice, ignoring the gazes of his younger siblings around us. To everyone else, he sounded angry, but I felt he was just apprehensive and confused. I smiled and lifted his gloved hand to my lips for a soft kiss to his knuckles, which elicited a few 'aww's, before continuing to move the bracelet to my hair as a hair tie, which he allowed this time. 
"I've worried you enough today, dear. You're about to enter a big fight, and I don't want to trouble you anymore. It's close enough to still feel my presence, but not my emotions unless you wish. You can focus on it for strength, if you need to. I'm sure I'm worrying over nothing again, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." With a soft smile and a peck to his cheek, I pat his muscled arm to be let down. Through my touch I could feel his unease and dissatisfaction at my words, but other than that, the only indication that my actions had bothered him was another crease in between his ever furrowed eyebrows. I knew he didn’t like this plan. He knew I didn’t like this plan either. But it was a necessary precaution, one taken to further ensure victory and protect the family. We held each other’s challenging gazes for a few bated breaths until Katakuri relented. He uncrosses his arms a bit, but before he could bend over to let me down closer to the ground, I slipped through the given gap, landed briefly on the spike band sticking out from his left knee and hopped to the ground. 
"I'll stay here with Mont d'Or and Pekoms to stay out of you guys’ way. I'm sure they can protect me if something happens, right, boys?" I smile wide and hook my arms through one of each of theirs, causing them to puff out their chests and proudly agree. 
"You guys just do your best, as always!" The dark pink of my antennae shifted to a burnt orange to show my low tempo joy and determination. Even though my bones ached with exhaustion, I took a deep breath and started to radiate feelings of rejuvenation and conviction for everyone as a boost. After I did so for a minute, I let my arm slip from Mont d'Or so I could subtly lean more into Pekoms' soft fur, who easily held me steady. As I lifted my heavy eyes, I could see Katakuri observing me closely before closing his eyes and turning away. Nothing got past him. 
"That's enough time wasted here. Get a move on to the positions you've been assigned. Every second lost is a lesser chance of victory, but we will win." Everyone, invigorated by my powers and inspired by Katakuri's brief speech, gave out a battle cry and ran off to do as they were told. As everyone dispersed, Pekoms wrapped an arm around my waist, and helped me follow Mont d'Or and Tamago to where they'd be working from. 
As I sat down and continued to rest against Pekoms, I thought about what happened earlier with that odd forcefield when I was about to be crushed. It had to have come from me since I felt the energy output of it, but I've never done that before. Maybe this was the awakening that Katakuri has been trying to draw out of me all this time, and it only just came out then because I was in real danger for the first time in my life. Of course, I've been in danger before, but ever since I married Katakuri, I've felt comfortably confident in my safety. I'd have to look into this development later.
With everything happening I didn't know when I'd be able to rest again, so I was going to take the opportunity while I had it. My gloves were starting to make my anxious hands sweaty, so I tugged them off and stuffed them into a pocket on my dress. A yawn escaped me as I snuggled more into Pekoms’ side and fell into a dreamless sleep. 
<コ:彡ミ☆<コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆
Unsure of how long I'd been asleep for, I woke up with a start to the sound of someone crying. I sat up from the piece of sponge cake I had been settled on during my nap to look around for the culprit. It was Pekoms, and he seemed truly upset by something. The sight of one of my friends crying like that woke me up quickly. With a frown and dark blue antennae, I stood up and rushed over to the sobbing lion to comfort him. Once he realized it was me, he instantly dropped to his knees to envelope me in a tight hug. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what the matter was, he beat me to it.  
"My brother! He's gone! How could this happen?! Gyah! Big bro Pedro!" My arms wrapped around his fluffy afro as I cooed at him in consolation. Without my gloves on, I could feel the full force of Pekoms' sorrow, and it cut deeply through me in my groggy state. Fat tears, the same as his, rolled down my cheeks until I managed to control the reception of emotions, yet it still left me sniffling and letting out a few tears. Normally, I'd try to calm the person down and make them calmer, but this was a hurt that needed to be let out naturally. It felt wrong to subdue the grief he felt for, what seemed like, the death of a very close person in his life. I looked over to the chicken form of Tamago, eyes still watery.
"Tamago-san, what happened?" My voice shook as I spoke, not able to completely dismiss my self-inflicted sadness. The teacup wearing man tutted as he walked towards me, using a wing to wipe my face of tears. 
"Ah, do not cry-amour, tears do not suit your face, bon. Unfortunately, Pekoms' brother, Pedro, died aiding the Strawhats' escape from the island. He blew himself up to free their ship of Perospero-sama's candy, bon. From what I heard he took part of Perospero-sama's arm with him. " My breath hitched in horror at the information and loss from both sides as Pekoms cried even harder upon hearing the news again. Enemy or not, losing someone close to you is always hard. Not to mention Perospero’s loss as well.
"Shut up already! He was our enemy! He knew the risks of helping those Strawhats fight a Yonko’s crew! And what about Perospero?! Half his arm is gone!" I snapped my head towards Mont d'Or with a tear-stained glare and dark purple antennae for his insensitive comment which had him shying behind the giant book he held. I understood that he was an enemy, but that didn’t negate the fact that Pekoms knew and cared for him. Nothing was black and white in this world, especially family. Fortunately, Tamago was partially on our side, and engaged Mont d'Or's complaint. Not wanting my irritation to upset Pekoms any further, I took a few deep breaths, cleared my mind and continued to hug his head to my shoulder. Slowly, the deep purple faded back into a light blue.
"I'm so sorry, Pekoms. I understand what it's like to lose someone so close to you. If you need anything, I'll help you in any way I can." He didn't say anything, but nodded a little against my shoulder. I stood there silently after my condolences, tuning out Tamago and Mont d'Or's continued argument in favor of comforting Pekoms to the best of my abilities.
After a while, his sobs waned to sniffles, and from there he finally loosened his hold on me and leaned back to look at me. My exposed shoulder was drenched from tears, but I paid that no mind as I lifted his glasses and wiped the tears from his black, beady eyes. I offered a sad smile. 
"Sorry for cry-" Before he could even think of finishing that sentence, I shushed him with a finger. 
"You have nothing to be sorry about. What happened was horrible. Even if he was technically an enemy", a swift, bombastic side eye to Mont d'Or, who cowered again under my returned scolding gaze, "he was still your brother. I'm sure he still saw you as his brother even if you two had different ideals and paths in life." My speech earned an appreciative smile from Pekoms as he nodded and stood up. He took on a thoughtful look as he stared out towards the Seducing Forest. I just stayed next to him, thinking over all the events of the day. 
"Y/N? Would you like to come with me to, uh, look around for any more injured people?" Pekoms’ somber and rough voice roused me from my thoughts yet again. That was an odd and random request, but I suppose he just needed something to do and focus on to distract himself. I was still a little tired, but I didn’t want to leave Pekoms alone.
"Of course, we need to find some first aid kits first, though." With an absent nod from him, I told the other two where we were off to, and Pekoms led me into the ruined city. The river of cream that had flowed freely earlier was now just a sludge that thickly coated the ground. Even though I was already a mess, I still held up the edge of my dress to prevent any further damage. 
We stop by the abandoned hospital for two first aid kits before setting off back through the city in silence. I had tripped a few too many times over debris and thick cream puddles, prompting Pekoms to grab hold of my bare hand. I tried not to focus on his swirling emotions out of courtesy, but I could tell easily that the most prominent one was uncertainty. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Pekoms stopped in his tracks and spoke up again.
"Y/N, what would you do if you knew someone was going to betray the family?" Stopping at both his halt and question, it took me a moment to understand why he would ask it. My e/c eyes stared at his triangular sunglasses, feeling out his emotions more deeply as I did. I felt his anguish, guilt, nervousness yet a flaring storm of conviction was starting to overshadow the aforementioned uncertainty. It was clear what he wanted to do, and I was in no position to talk him out of it. 
This is where I had to choose between my morality and true loyalty to Big Mom. Pedro was his family before we were, and I couldn’t ask him not to fight for the people that his brother died to protect. All the Strawhats wanted was their crew member back, a crew member that we took from them. All in all, I swore my loyalty and life to Katakuri, not Big Mom, and I knew he would understand any decision I made.
"I think that each person has their own values that they must hold steadfast to in any circumstance. Even if they conflict with other parts of our lives. Something you must ask yourself, though, is if you're willing to put your life on the line for those values and face any consequences that come with them." A beat of silence passed between us as I let my words soak in. I stepped towards Pekoms and wrapped my arms around him tightly, and he reciprocated. The warmth of his fur tickled a smile onto my face, lighting up my antennae yellow.
"I'll always think of you as my family, Pekoms, even if you leave us. Besides," I look up at him and give him a little wink, "believe it or not, Katakuri and I don't always tell the family everything if it doesn't affect them." Pekoms' lip quivered for a few seconds before starting up a new fountain of tears while hugging me even tighter. 
"Gyah! I knew you were my favorite for a reason, Y/N! Thank you so much!" I wheezed out a laugh, happily squeezing him back as my yellow shifted into a peachy orange. This felt like the right decision. 
Once Pekoms calmed down, we made our way to the ruined chateau once again. No one but the more prominent siblings in the family knew this, but Brulee had a mirror in her room in the chateau that she always keeps open. Whenever she was in the Mirro-World, anyone could access it through that mirror without her being present. It was useful for when we had meetings there, though we still needed Brulee to leave out of a different mirror. 
It was tough figuring out where her room was now that the whole building was ruined and skewered on the city's tallest buildings, but after an hour of searching, we figured it out and stood before the mirror. Miraculously, it wasn't cracked, but we did have to sit it back up for us to enter. Pekoms abandoned his first aid kit, on the checkered floor but I kept mine in case we came across someone who was injured. The only news we've heard so far has been a report of the Straw Hat's ship sinking and the defeat of Germa 66, so I wanted to be prepared. Pekoms lost a bit of his drive at those disheartening reports, but refused to give up just yet. Before I could wander off, Pekoms stopped me with a paw to my shoulder.
"Listen, Y/N. I know you said you wouldn't tell anyone about me, uh, following my values, but I also don't want you to be labeled as a traitor because of me. I know you love Katakuri, and I want you two to be happy. That being said, if push comes to shove, I don't want you to associate with anything I do from here on out. I'll even act like I took you hostage if I need to! Gyah!" He clenched his fist in front of him as he declared this, making me smile and pat his arm. 
"Don't worry, Pekoms, I'll be fine. I promise." Looking around, the winding and twisting walkways of the Mirro-World had me a bit lost. I had only been through here with a guide that knew where they were going. Luckily, Pekoms seemed to know what he was doing as he turned around to face the large mirror we just came through. 
"Hey mirror, who all is in the Mirro-World?" The mirror, to my surprise, answered. 
"Brulee, Katakuri, Flampe and a man in a straw hat are currently here!" I perked up upon hearing that Katakuri was still here with Strawhat Luffy. It's been a couple of hours since we heard the reports of the sunken Straw Hat's ship and Germa 66's defeat on Pekoms' transponder snail. Though, now it seemed that Strawhat was living up to his bounty and more. I was tempted to touch the bracelet in my hair but refrained. If Luffy was holding his own against my unrivaled husband, then it must require focus. I couldn’t let my own selfish whims worry him again. 
“Pekoms, what were you planning on doing here? Although Strawhat has held out for this long, he seems to be struggling against Kata, and if he loses, anything you do could be for naught.” Even with his sunglasses on, I could tell that Pekoms was worried as he thought out his first course of action. It was hard for me to believe that Katakuri would lose, so the most the mink could do was aid in Strawhat Luffy’s escape when the time came. Before Pekoms could think up a plan of anything, his transponder snail woke and started a ruckus. 
“Strawhat Luffy is in Chips Town!”
“No, he’s in Chockfull Town!” 
“Green Town!”
Island after island gave reports of sightings of Strawhat Luffy appearing all over Tottoland. The fact that he was running around so many islands meant that he had Brulee, for the second time to my understanding, and was running from his fight with Katakuri. Pekoms seemed relieved to even hear that he was alive and kicking even if he was running for his life. To me, this news meant that Katakuri was stuck here in the Mirro-world just like us until Brulee was freed. 
Just thinking about him spiked the craving of my husband’s feelings thrumming through my body. I had gotten so used to knowing the inner workings of his heart that I felt half empty without them. Without him, my nerves felt too open and vulnerable, so I shakily took out my gloves from my pocket and tugged them on. The anxiousness dimmed my bright antennae. Pekoms started to cheer which drew my attention to him and away from the remounting worries plaguing the edges of my mind.
“Gyah! I knew he would survive! He may be a bit stupid, but even he knows when to pick and choose his battles!” The mink turned to me with a wide smile and grabbed my shoulders. With his paws in contact with my bare shoulders, I could feel his strong relief and fierce motivation which brightened me back up. That was how I felt when I put my faith in Katakuri, and Pekoms felt this way about Strawhat Luffy? I suppose Strawhat was Pekoms' leader right now just as Katakuri was ours.
“If he’s trying to leave, then the rest of the crew has to be alive! They have to be! Big bro Pedro didn’t die in vain!” His voice wavered at that last sentence, but he kept his determined smile. I gave the invigorated mink a small, supportive smile and nodded. 
“It seems they could be alive, but we can’t leave without Brulee here, remember?” Pekoms froze in his excitement at my words of reasoning. In a second, he was depressed on the floor. I laughed softly and kneeled next to his hunched form. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure Brulee will be released soon, and you’ll be able to continue Pedro’s will.” Pekoms sniffled and looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. 
“You think so?” With a nod, I placed my gloved hand on his pink clad shoulder. The flow of his strong feelings seeping through my gloves had me taking a deep breath. Bright red blazed over the previous peachy orange. He really wanted- no, needed to help this rambunctious pirate running around Tottoland. For himself and no one else. That was a freedom not many people in this kingdom had. I wish Katakuri had that freedom.
“I do.” We shared a quiet moment before I stood back and put my hands on my hips. I was starting to feel tired again, but there were things that still needed to be done. 
“Now, let’s go. Brulee has a few houses around here, doesn’t she? If you’re going to be masquerading as a robust vigilante aiding Strawhat Luffy, you need to look the part, right?” Pekoms jumped up and threw a clenched fist into the air. 
“Gyah! Yeah! Let’s go!” With newfound energy, Pekoms grabbed my hand and dragged me along one of the many twisting and checkered paths. 
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"What about this one?" 
"Um, too sparkly."
"This one?" 
"Too frilly."
"Okay okay. This one!"
Pekoms pulled out a pink, skin tight mask with a few darker pink markings along the face and a star right on the forehead. It was one of the last costumes he had pulled out of one of the many costume drawers we found. Anyone who had met the Charlotte family would be hard pressed to deny the family’s. . . flamboyant clothing style, so a house in a central location solely for dress up clothes was well within their behavioral territory. I was laying along my stomach on a dangerously comfy bed as Pekoms sifted through all the clothes and outfits, helping him choose the right one. Who knew he would be so keen on matching his existing pink suit?
“Hmm, it matches your suit better than the other masks. Try it on?” I covered a yawn and closed my heavy eyes for a moment as the lion mink pulled on the tight face mask. When I opened them again, he had fit all his mane into the mask and I had to stifle a laugh at the sight. He looked like a giant cloud of cotton candy! Not to mention that the mask was so tight that it hid nothing to anyone who knew him. 
“Gyah! I knew I looked stupid!” My giggles only increased as the embarrassed mink tried tugging it off and the mask didn’t budge an inch. His frantic attempts prompted me to get up, despite my sore body’s protests, and try to help him. After about five minutes of tugging from any and all angles, the tight mask stayed in its place on Pekoms. With labored breaths, I collapsed onto the soft bed as Pekoms sulked on the floor. 
“Gyah! I have to defend Big Bro Pedro’s legacy in this? How shameful.” Once I caught my breath, I decided to encourage Pekoms again. 
“It doesn’t matter what you wear, Pekoms. What matters is your actions. As long as you do what you think is right for your ideals, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Another yawn drew out the last of my soft pep talk, and this time I couldn’t ignore the call of sleep. This day had drawn a lot out of me, and my aching bones settled as I slipped into my memories and dreams. 
As I faded out of consciousness, the last thing I heard was the unsteady reply of my companion. 
“Thanks, Y/N.”
Light filtered through the mosaic windows, casting hundreds of mini rainbows and refracted light spots across our cozy bedroom. It was one of the very few days that I awoke to my husband still by my side in bed. Even rarer, I was awake before him. Everything felt so bleary and light as I took in the warm air of our room, the large rises and falls of my husband’s chest underneath my arm, the softness of his arm settled against my body. It all felt so perfect. Too perfect. Yet, I didn’t want to lose this moment.
I treasured every moment I had with my busy behemoth of a man, no matter how brief, long, serene or fitful. I hardly stirred from my resting spot in fear of breaking the spell. There had to be a spell. My senses were so enchanted, so enraptured by the man resting beside me that at times it was hard to believe that I was his and he was mine. 
Mine. That word still made me giddy to think about, let alone say, even after two years of marriage. Giggles threatened to bubble out of my parched throat, but I kept my whimsical feelings contained so as to not disturb him. He deserved the rest. He deserved the world. A world better than the one he lived in, one where he could be just as peaceful and happy as those he protected. 
I wish I could protect him the way he did me. Protect him from everything that took away the shining light I saw in him every day. Protect him from the people that locked that light in a cage with a single window to shine through. But even as he is, scars and all, I knew he was perfect. My perfect husband in every sense of the word. The way he laughed, the way he smiled, oh his beautiful, unfettered smile, how he held me, those oh so gentle eyes when he told me he loved me. I was sure I was as pink as my antennae was bound to be by now. Every perfect thing I thought about him made it harder and harder to keep my smile down and my hands to myself. The hand on his chest trailed its way up to his uncovered face.
That was certainly the most perfect thing about him. The feature he hated most about himself is the thing that made me love him more when he finally showed me. Surprisingly, he didn’t move even as I cupped his scarred cheek. He was so warm. So soft. My lips itched to kiss him. To make sure he was really mine after all this time. Finally, I sat up at his side, looking down on his still slumbering face. 
Slowly, I lowered my forehead down to his. 
Nuzzled my nose to his sharp one.
My lips felt the exhales of his breath, getting closer and warmer until-
A loud, ground shaking rumble woke me up with a start. I sat up, my heart racing as I looked around to see where I was. I was still in Brulee’s dress up home, Pekoms lying on his back on the floor with loud snores coming from him. A pang stabbed my heart when I realized I wasn’t where my surreal dream-like memory led me to believe I was. Where I hoped I was. I was right, it was too perfect.
No, instead of Katakuri being next me, sleeping soundly, he was out there, fighting a dangerous pirate for our sake. If I had to guess, they were the cause of the rumbling that woke me up. With a weary sigh, I got up from the bed calling me to lay back down. As much as I wanted to rest, I still had to help Pekoms. Maybe I’ll get to see my husband at the end of his fight. The worries I had before resurfaced full force accompanied by a headache, but I made myself swallow any expressions of it back. Katakuri must be more tired and hurt than I am right now with such a long fight, so this is nothing. I have things to do.
“Pekoms, wake up. Wake up, Pekoms. It sounds like Kata and Strawhat are fighting again.” When my words did nothing to stir the deep sleeping mink, I crouched down and pulled back the tight mask still stuck to his face and let it snap back to his cheek. Pekoms was quick to react to that, a small roar of pain sounding from him as he shot up. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger as he rubbed his stinging cheek. 
“Gyah! What the hell was that for?!”
“We need to go, now is no time for sleeping. Don’t tell me you already forgot why you’re doing this.” This time Pekoms heard me loud and clear, and jumped to his feet. I joined him a little slower as another tremor shook the house, knocking a few things from dressers. 
“Of course I haven’t forgotten! I’ll never forget!” I smiled fondly at his persistent motivation before silently turning towards the door and making my way out of the house. The disarray of Brulee’s Mirro-World compared to how it was when we first got here was a bit shocking. It must be an intense battle for things to be in this state. My weariness was dragging my dread filled body down as I thought about my husband’s apparent struggle against this pirate. I had my faith in him until the end, but the fact that this has been going on all day and night is worrisome, to say the least. My mind ran wild with thoughts of the worst outcome, turning my antennae a lofty purple. Pekoms came up beside me with a look of uneasiness that matched my internal emotions. 
“Geez, those two are really doing a number on this place.” He checked his watch. “It’s 10 minutes 'till 1 am. They’ve been fighting all day and through half the night, gyah! I think we should go see where the fight is. Maybe I can try to save Strawhat from an untimely death.” Pekoms seemed to also hold the sentiment that Strawhat wouldn’t be able to defeat Katakuri, which eased my worries a little. Although I know Katakuri isn’t omnipotent, like many are led to believe, his strength is nothing to write off. After seeing what he’s capable of for the past 3 years, I’d be stupid to doubt his abilities now. 
All I could do was nod in agreement to Pekoms’ plan, and follow him as he started towards the source of the large tremors. Butterflies of nervousness had me feeling sick with each step I took. Anxiety was different from doubt. Eventually we got close enough to the fight that with each rumble, a wave of dust and Haoshoku Haki swept over us, and I fell to the ground at the unexpected onslaught of emotions. Pekoms was still standing, but upon noticing I wasn’t he knelt down beside me in concern. 
When people use Haoshoku Haki, they put out their intentions and emotions with it. The stronger the Haki, the more intense the emotions. I could tell one was Katakuri because it felt familiar. His Haki was filled with conviction and love. The other Haki that was new and almost suffocating had to be Strawhat’s. His was also filled with love alongside persistence but had a dangerous edge to it. Like with one wrong thought, things could turn horrible, and that possibility shook me to my core. The lilac of my antennae flickered like a firefly that changed in brightness with each new wave that washed over us.
Pekoms must have seen something happening that I couldn’t because he suddenly picked me up and ran back the way we came a little to hide in a tunnel full of mirrors. He used his Devil Fruit and put his back to the entrance to block anything from coming in. I was still frozen as I held onto Pekom’s jacket. Katakuri’s opponent was more dangerous than I thought, and I was sure he knew that, but he was still fighting. Everything going on paralyzed me with overstimulation.
What if Katakuri lost? What would Big Mom do to him for losing? He’s never lost before, but she expects perfection from him. How would he feel if he lost? What would happen if he lost? Would Strawhat just leave with his crew? All these rampant emotions had my antennae darkening to a deep shade of brown from the muddied myriad of feelings cloudy my senses. I couldn’t control my powers in this state, so involuntarily I started to exude them out, trying to get rid of them. Pekoms was holding me tight, so I could feel the vibrations of him talking, but everything else drowned out his words. 
Just be quiet, quiet,
And then. . . there was silence. 
Hope you liked it!~ If I didn't already have the 3rd part made, I'm sure I'd be a horrible person to anyone reading this.~ See you soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
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astroyongie · 8 days
Nakamoto yuta please💗💗
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warnings: established relationship, angst (mid), mentions of gambling and gaslight
Dating Yuta had been proven to be quite a challenge. Sure, he was very sweet and quite a protective boyfriend as well but everything he seemed to be through screen or through your friends eyes, were but a lie. 
The main reasons for your fights were that he was too controlative, too manly, too macho, too alpha. He couldn't understand that you were your own person and that you had your own needs and goals. He could be quite selfish, and of course his behaviors would always annoy you. 
Yuta had a way of carrying himself, a way that was so almighty. He liked to flash people about how much money he had, about how much fame he had and all the successful things that he were able to achieve. But you knew the truth. You knew the truth behind the glitter and the spotlight. 
Yuta had nothing. Besides a terrible gambling addiction that had sucked his money and left you taking care of all of his needs. In reality you were the one supporting him financially and emotionally, paying off his debts and pushing through your jobs to make sure no scandal would stain his image. 
But fuck, Yuta loved to stepped out of boundaries. Whenever he flashed that arrogant smile in front of others, or when he would tell everyone at the bar that he was paying for your drinks, you couldn't help but feel anger. You were the one paying for it. not him. Although you didn't mind him using you like this, you didn't want him to push your limits. 
After you had paid for those drinks and you both went back home, you had fallen silent. Yuta had tried to hold your hand, joke and tease you, but you weren’t having it. 
“Why are you being so bitchy about?” he finally said a little bit frustrated 
“maybe because my boyfriend keeps using me as if i was the goddamn bank!” you yelled back, throwing your purse on top of the shared table. “Don’t you understand? you have been spending my money recklessly when I am already struggling to pay off your debts!”
Yuta groaned, rubbing his neck. “our money” he pointed out which made you roll your eyes. “And relax. It was just one drink”
“It was 40 dollars worth of shots Yuta” 
Your boyfriend noticed that you were not backing down, so he hummed. He came to your side, gently grabbing you by your waist and pulling you close. A soft kiss was planted on your temple. 
"I hate that we keep having these fights, it's tearing me apart." he murmured, mastering all of his manipulation into his velvety words. You looked away, but he held your chin. “Baby I need you.. you know i need you.”
“You need me, but you don't love me Yuta '' looking into your eyes, a sad smile designed to his lips. 
“That’s not true..”
Yuta knew what he was doing. of course he knew. It didn't matter that he had to crawl at you like a poor peasant, it didn't matter that he had to beg at you privately. As long as you kept by his side and provided for him, he would say. But you were right. He didn't love you. But he needed you, if he wished to keep his lifestyle.
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flaylore · 13 days
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"I guess I should formally introduce you. I haven't even introduced myself. "I"… or… hm, you may call me Machina. Father Machina. And I welcome you to the rune monastery, a place offering shelter for those in need, all those who suffer from the supposed corruption, all those who disagree with the guild. Here, if you put your hopes in me, your faith, your love, your dreams, your everything, I promise you will be saved."
Church of Rune features a priest-like figure welcoming you to his church, the Rune Monastery, and invites you to join his mission on spreading corruption. It was uploaded on December 1st 2023, and had a small teaser dropped on November 23rd 2023.
A mysterious waiting room also appeared right after the teaser. However, it was eventually deleted. (1 , 2)
The screen glitches a bit, with a figure standing over us
The figure says: “You have multiple “you’s in you”, saying it’ll be difficult to determine our true thoughts
After a few minutes, we finally get ourselves to stand and figure out where we are
The area looks deserted in snow, the sound of bells can be heard (?) ringing in the background
The figure can read our minds
“Looks cold”? Of course, it is that time of year.”
Says that there’s better lighting in the church than outside
Seems confused that we don’t recognize the current area, then states that this is Elysium—or what’s left of it
Further elaborates on how there’s multiple versions of “us” inside of us
“There are… multiple "you"s inside of you. At the same time, you hold a consciousness of your own, or so I think. Do you know why that is? "We're all one," now that's the correct response.”
The corruption inside of us has spread, according to the figure
"It’s nothing to be worried, though 3 years ago this wouldn’t have been tolerated." “It makes up a part of you, as flaws try so desperately to hide.”
Asks us further if we don’t remember what happened 3 years ago. Mentions when activity spiked in the south, and when “The Great Debate” occurred
Explains that The Great Debate consisted of when the world did not know what to do with corruption
TEMPUS seeks to understand and pacify the “beasts”, while the mercenary group kills them off
Says the corruption isn’t bad
💬: “Would ARMIS kill us”? "Now that's a name I haven't heard in quite a while…”
Mentions how some people refuse to “take in the current reality”, and brings up how they jest as a coping mechanism
Assures us that he too is also pathetic in nature and accepts us
“Believe me, under my care, you will have no need for such things. Your worries, your fears, your anxieties… you may leave it all here, in my care. I will love you thoroughly.”
Our current form is “small”, but “quite familiar” to the figure
“You’re just a bit different.”
Takes us inside the church, holy music now playing subtly in the background
Calls himself “Father Machina”
He has no other name according to himself
The church is meant to be a “rune monastery”, offering as a shelter for those corrupted and in need, as well as a sanctuary for those who disagree with the guild’s methods
He then holds up a small figure, similar to a machiroon, to us. He asks us what this is
It looks to be physical, almost like goo
Its eyes are swirling, along with having two cat ears and a tail
The figure is referred to as a “machirune”, the end prefix spelt R-U-N-E instead of R-O-O-N
“These “runes”, these are souls, human souls, or rather, corruption in its purest form.”
There’s no malice in them, though there’s anxiety inside of them
“Corruption Beasts” are:
Referred as “The Afflicted” in this world
According to him, it is also considered an "old and jaded" term
Corruption is linked to emotions
“No one supposedly knows what happens after. But, when those emotions hit that stride, anything that is corrupted will start to spread. Consider it any extreme human emotion. Isn't that sad? Whether it be happiness to the point of being manic, sadness to the point of despair, even lust. But humans are already aware of that, aren't they?”
Someone asks if Father Machina is also afflicted, to which he laughs before the screen zooms into his mouth. His eyes dim, showing irritation
“Excuse me? Are you in good health? Oh, my apologies. I just couldn't tell with all that stupidity living in your brain. Do me and the world a favor, and shut up. Thank you.”
His god is Miyabi—the “man of flowers”
“We fight for him. Clearly, he knows what is best for this world and even though he is not here to decide his fate, I shall meet(?) it for him.”
His sermons are meant to introduce those who’re new to the church
He also accepts donations, though vague on what kinds he means
Once the sermon ends, he and his followers exit the church to “make the world a better place”
When asked about the hollow tree, Father Machina says it’s already been corrupted recently in the last year (whether in this world or in Elysium is unclear)
Shinri has helped out Father Machina during these expeditions
“The world in danger?” No! [laughs] My beloved lost lambs, I'm saving the world! I’m saving you. I have nothing but countless amounts of love for all of you.”
The X-TRUS is known as an “ancient Xenokunian weapon”, and it’s the object of “our will and love”
“I’d rather not refer to its name given when it was part of the guild.”
Father Machina is 21,000 years old
He aims to create a new world/new beginning where the corrupted reign over everyone else
"Are there still corruption beasts?" laughing You still don't get it? Don’t make me spell it out. The one rule of the rune monastery is to spread the “afflicted” everywhere.”
Doesn’t seem to know who X is, but knows who Flayon is
“I told you, stop mentioning his name. Is that understood?”
Soon after, a progress bar appears on the screen, filling up to 50%
The sermon begins, Father Machina preaching atop the altar
Father Machina calls himself “God’s messenger”, and those who do not love him will be sacrificed for “the greater good”
“I will not have a repeat of any of you abandoning me. Those of you that wish to play with a shiny new toy again can repeat the same mistake that you made three years ago.” “But, don’t think that didn’t hurt me. Or, “him” per se.”
Says he loves the Machiroons all the same, but wonders if they take his love seriously
“All who stand against the church will die. I will kill you myself personally. Those who wish to “study” the beasts, as they call it, will be put to death. Those who kill the afflicted on the spot will be put to death.”
The whole church is centered around Father Machina, rewording “Amen” to “Flaymen”
“Yes, praise me, revere me! Love me, do so and I will bring you to salvation. Look at no other idols, no other men. I am the only one you should know. In return I shall give you love everlasting.”
In this world, TEMPUS seeks to study and eventually kill the corrupted on sight. ARMIS on the other hand kills them without any hesitation
“I'm sure I would’ve agreed with them years ago but now I know the true nature. Why would you harm the afflicted?”
Goldbullet claims that Father Machina was threatening and killing people
“He’s still around, but do not worry. We will find him and the rest of this TEMPUS.”
Claims that TEMPUS thought they could come to a solution in understanding the corrupted beasts, to study them
“I’m sure you’re all aware, even those of you afflicted with some sort of memory loss. They’re seen as heroes? Righteous? I think we have all unfortunately bore witness to their violent tendencies, their extremes.”
Axel was almost killed by the church, running away after attempting to kill Father Machina himself
“He still evades us like the rest, but he is the most dangerous and on top of our list, he did not hesitate. The first one to go against us, and for that he is probably the most foolish of all. But dare he come back to this church.. I shall make sure that all of his beloved followers will be cooked alive, like the food they are.”
Suddenly, he brings an announcement. After some persuasion, Shinri is joining support for the church
“Now he… he is a man fit to lead the world. He is a man.. That if anything were to happen to me, I would have him take our place. However, should he stay his corrupted hand at slaying the enemy, I shall make sure it spreads to the rest of his body. until there is nothing left.”
Claims that Bettel—the Jester—is the largest enemy to the church
“We will bide our time then strike when he least expects it. Those of you, of the roons, that have managed to fuse with his so-called “Bettelion”, we will strike tomorrow at dawn. And then, if a god is on his side, surely it is not ours. Therefore, his luck will eventually run out.”
Originally thought of Hakka as “his brother”, but after numerous attempts of killing Father Machina, he is not forgiven
“I thought he’d understand the most. After all, this is what is best for the world, am I not wrong? But, whatever righteous morals he has he will be dealt with. Or rather, he is already dealing with himself.”
Claims that the corruption on Hakka makes him rampage like a “mindless demon”
Altare is mentioned to try and “pity him”, which makes Father Machina envious of him
“Did he think I wanted his pity? I don’t, I don’t need it. He.. pains me most of all. A kindhearted man with a voice that soothes the souls of thousands. A roundabout hero with a moral compass that doesn’t hesitate to make the.. worst of calls. Isn’t that nice? However, despite all these compliments, all these praises sent to him instead of me. Don’t you think it’s strange?”
Claims that Altare has formed his own cult, in which kidnapping some of his followers and torturing them
Hates the church being compared to a “cult”, claiming that he does this out of love
“Hahahah. Now, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me and me alone. Love me, and only me. No other idols, no replacing me for whatever reason you deem fit. The minute you give your love to me, you must take responsibility. Is that understood? Hm..? You think I’m “broken”?”
The music stops suddenly, zooming in on Father Machina’s face.
“You’re a fool. You know, I told all of you to keep your mind in check. Even, it would’ve been fine, fine if you all disobeyed me. But, we have no room for such foolish ideals and so.. Haven’t you noticed? Hahahaha ..hahah! You didn’t notice yet, did you?”
[The bar fills to 100%.]
“Have a safe trip. I love you.”
Suddenly, the screen cuts to black and begins to glitch
Warns us about the “raging thoughts/voices” inside of us, and that the corruption is continuing to spread
“Remember what I said earlier? You have multiple “you”s. Multiple even inside each individual one. This creates discord and chaos within your soul, your emotions as one person are running rampant.”
Is aware that we’re from another world
“Wait.. Stop mentioning that name. You even made my beloved rune stop moving. [He sighs.] Hm? It seems you’re running out of time. You know what to do, right? Hnk. Damn you, you riled up memories I didn’t need.”
Glitching continues as multiple images now appearing on the screen, Father Machina’s eyes swirling
“We love you!” “I love you guys too…” “Am I not enough?” “I can’t have you leave” “I want to be enough for you” “Love me, Love me” “I don’t want to be alone..” “Don’t leave me”
Before the stream ends, he reminds us of the corruption. It begins in a notion, and he assumes there’s a catalyst
“Whatever emotion that he has, whenever he gets corrupted, I’ll see you again.”
His last words:
“Goodbye, roons. I hope when we meet again that you will follow my endeavor. I love you guys.. Don’t leave me.”
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