#its like. this is tolerable.
dog-girl-zezora · 2 years
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emberglowfox · 6 months
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lethal company things i noodled on during rounds where i died
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fedoraspooky · 10 months
Just saw some posts about how all the recent irritating changes at tumblr were made for the purpose of chasing growth.
And all i can say is, there's something kinda beautifully ironic about the possibility of tumblr's eventual downfall being due to their endless need for Biggering driving the natural wildlife away.
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lucidlikesthings · 8 months
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desert-to-mandalorian husbands raising 3 kiddos woohoo
the colors are just to make the shapes more distinguishable lmao i did not look up colors
EDIT: made everyone look a lot less undead fffff
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pocketwei · 7 months
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A lot of drugs, a lot of shrugs, not a lot of words
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hisui-dreamer · 5 months
thinking about jamil who's trying to impress you with his cooking, trying all sorts of dishes, different spices, different ingredients, spending hours cooking in the kitchen just to try and coincidentally tell you he's accidentally made too much food again, and it'd help so much if you could take it off his hands
you always do, smiling gratefully and accepting the food with both hands, your words of gratitude spilling freely from your mouth and it'd make him so happy-
but he's never seen you eat the food.
he's a bit confused, he's heard you mention to others that you don't get a lot to eat from the headmaster, and he's always seen you readily eat food others give you, the tarts you get from trey, the apples epel gifts you, even the dubious mushroom dishes jade offers... (no he wasn't keeping count!)
so he gets the courage to ask you one time, making it seem like it was another coincidence when he finds you at the library, making casual conversation before asking you what you thought of his food
"oh! i think it was delicious! grim seemed to really enjoy it!"
you... think?
he asks if you'd had any of the food, and you avert your eyes, seemingly hesitant
"ahh.. i haven't... i have awful spice tolerance you see..."
the next time he gives you "leftovers", he makes sure to tell you he made a non-spicy variant of curry, so you should be able to enjoy it
what you don't know is that he spent a few nights trying to perfect a non-spicy dish, researching different cusines and ingredients before finally setting on an eastern variant of curry that seemed to suit your tastes
but it's all worth it, the way you stared at him in awe, maybe realising this wasn't a leftover at all, and the way your eyes sparkled as you excitedly asked-
"oh!! do you mind if i try it now?"
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beatcroc · 1 year
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pest control.
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*UPDATE: i made a sequel
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How would Yassified Howdy react to his wings being touched?
i'd think that he doesn't mind
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...to a point
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strrwbrrryjam · 5 months
one thing homophobic gamer bros like to say to those who headcanon arthur was gay/bi or ship charthur is that "arthur was likely homophobic bc a lot of people were back then" and like. no??? he wasn't???
arthur meets margaret, the mistress of danger and his reaction is not anger, nor any sort of discomfort around his presence, he's honestly mostly confused and exasperated at his personality, as arthurs old and tired and margaret very well isn't. he isn't cruel to margaret at all and bares no judgement, he only really gets annoyed when margaret says he shouldn't give him the emerald because his dad wouldn't want him to.
he meets mr black and mr white, two men who have recently escaped from prison and watches their relationship change from hatred to love in a handful of meetings, he helps them go on to live a better life and when he figures out that mr black and mr white are in a relationship with one another, he advises them to go and find somewhere safe and secluded because "a lot of people don't like people like him," actively warn them against the type of people the gamer bros accuse him to be.
charles châtenay, comes to arthur while disguised as a woman and all he really is, is confused. charles asks him to help and protect him and arthur does. charles kisses arthur and the only thing he tells him is that "do not do that again," he doesn't yell, he doesn't shoot charles, and he doesn't even stop helping him, all he asks him is to not do that again. he's not even that annoyed, even though he would have been justified to be annoyed in this instance since he wasn't consenting to the kiss.
throughout all of this, there's no anger or discomfort to this, he's just- mostly confused, and once he gets past his confusion, he helps them anyway, even giving them advice and well wishes for them to be safe during this hateful time.
its like- no brad, arthur wasn't homophobic, you are though, and you don't get to hide your homophobia and general discomfort with queer people with a character who rockstar tells you, with a handful of examples, that he has no judgement and hatred towards people who are queer.
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mio-nika · 2 months
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Part 1
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
The red spot is a chili flake
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The red spot is a chili flake... (context)
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stubz · 4 months
grandma said
"I wonder what's taking Max so long?" mumbled the human, waiting with several younglings and children for the other human to come so that they can leave the centre.
"Kim can we go now?"
"Not until Max and Ezshi come."
"But Ezshi takes light years to get ready~" whined the child.
"I know but--"
A wail like no other echoed throughout the halls. The screams bounced off the walls into the human's body, from their heart to their skull they felt the vibrations of the child.
"Cover your ears and stay here!" they said before sprinting inside the classroom.
The wailing grew the closer they got to the source which was little Ezshi who was being comforted by the other human.
"What happened?!" even at Kim's loudest her yells were easily drowned out the reptilian's wails and cries.
Max pointed at the youngling and she looked down to see their tail swollen and slightly discolored. He then drew her attention to the door leading outside of the centre.
Ah shit it had to be the tail. As younglings Caimunes had incredibly sensitive tails as they were still developing the necessary healing abilities to allow them to regrow them.
'Anyting I can do?' she texted.
'Just take the others to the garden without us. Ezshi' cries r probably hurting some of their ears. Text management to send over a sub in my place and close the door to muffle the noise.'
'K, gud luck' and with that she left leading the younglings far away from the pained wails.
What the hell do I do!? They don't want an ice pack or a cold cloth or me to even breath on it and it'll be at least another 15 minutes till Eza get's here...
The poor human had spent the last 15 minutes trying to comfort and help the youngling to no avail. He tried applying first aid but Ezshi wailed even louder at the thought of anything touching their tail. The human then tried soothing them with words and rubbing circles on their back but that had only worked for mere seconds at a time.
So far the only thing he managed to do was give them a pillow to sit on and reassure them that their Bubba was coming as fast as they can.
A Caimunes tail is the most sensitive body part, equivalent to a human's fingers or toes...think think think. This isn't that far from when I slammed my finger in the closet door so what was done to help me?
He cried; just like Ezshi. He didn't want anyone to touch it; just like Ezshi. He calmed down but that was because he trusted his parents when they put his hand under cold water.
There has to be something...
"Oh." and Ezshi whimpered for the human had gotten up and went to the small kitchen they had.
"Don't worry I'm coming back buddy. I just remembered something that could help. Something my Grandma once said." they opened the top cupboard and came back with a small bag.
"Now don't tell anyone about this because this is for next week," he took out a small wrapped upped square and began to open it, "but my Grandma said that it's harder to be sad when eating something sweet so we're going to give it a try." he placed the small smooth square into the youngling's claw.
They sniffed it then plopped it into their mouth. It was strange to them. It was hard but then chewy and sticky. Sweet but tangy.
"It's called a Starburst. A candy from Earth."
The youngling started to cry once again but to the human's relief it was a much quieter cry.
"What does it taste like?"
"Is it sweet?"
"Kinda tangy?"
A little sour?"
"Just sweet?"
"Huh, usually I find that flavor to be a little tangy. It's cherry by the way."
"...can I have another one?"
"Of course."
They sat like that until Eza came. Max fed Ezshi different flavors and asked them questions about the flavor until he had them try and guess which flavor they were eating. By then the cries were far and few between one another.
Later when the Caimunes had left the human was contacted by the med bay about a hearing test as 90% of those who hear a youngling Caimun wail go deaf. Max was ultimately fine and actually found the experience interesting as he had experienced a full inner/outer body vibration from the soundwaves coming from Ezshi
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woe mundane monopoly headcanons be upon ye
follow for more of modern au hua cheng’s outfits
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saturnniidae · 22 days
Those posts that were like 'if rtte starts before Hiccup and Astrid get together, then why does he have the little braids in his hair!!' As if he and Astrid haven't been having sleepovers occasionally spent braiding each others hair for years 🙄
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Once again, for the people on the back!
✨Wei Wuxian was not Bi✨
As someone that did the bi to ace pipeline I LOVE Bi rep. There isn't enough of it.
You cannot assign sexuality to a character that is clearly gay.
@mxtxfanatic @ladypfenix and @jiangwanyinscatmom have done some absolutely beautiful metas about Wei Wuxian's sexuality and how his flirting was compulsory heterosexual ideas he grew up with and was the behavior expected of him.
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