#one of the best parts was honestly seeing my mum dance and sing along like a lunatic lol :')
dangerliesbeforeyou · 11 months
cant bleieve the beatles tribute band i went to didnt perform several of my favs but they DID perform oblabloodydi 1000 dead 30,000 injured
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ok top 5 hsm songs 😌
okay now THIS is hard
1. right here, right now
it's so good!!!! I listen to it way too often and it's just so good and so sweet I cant- I honestly expected it to be a pretty popular opinion but istg I only see SLANDER which is absolutely insane (the third film is just none stop singing for me like sorry it has the best soundtrack..... last time I watched it I was mid conversation w my mum and had to stop and start singing bc i forgot this song was gonna start, she found it really funny djfjd)
tomorrow can wait
for some other day to be
i love the lyrics so bad but this gets me for some reason i just love it sm
2. you are the music in me
now THIS is where it gets hard fjfkf I love this song (I prefer the troyella version but the sharpey one is rlly funny and so I also have that on my playlists) the song just bops I love how it is in the film with all the hands stuff it's just really cute, and then the friends coming in near the end to sing along-- its just a great moment
like a common thread
hmm you're pulling me
is just so !!!! like I can't explain why I love this lyric so much but it's my favourite moment of the song idkidc
3. gotta go my own way
this. just had to be here. it makes me very emotional fjkff I think I've cried everytime I've watched it, except for the most recent time (I have watched it a Lot and am now 18 years of age.....) also the bit with troy on the literal bridge is absolutely top tier I sing both parts and it is the BEST fight me
(I hope you understa- just trying to understan- we might find..etc)
(I want you to stayyy IGOTTAGOMYOWNWAY!!!)
if you couldn't hear those you suck.
honorable mentions:
just wanna be with you, this song is so sweet like I'm grinning every time I see/hear it it's just great <3 I try and do the choreography w the jump jump thing when I sing along djfjd it's great
I want it all which is ICONIC I wish I could've put it higher but it seems I really like troyella something I didnt know about myself, anyway its so good and not just the singing, the speaking bit is literally the best I'm doing ALL of it (can't you see it? yeah! they're gonna love me :) *cough cough :/* I mean... us! again if you didn’t hear that in their voices you're a fake fan and also you suck.)
scream absolutely iconic song and I had a lot of fun changing the lyrics a bit when I was having trouble picking a uni rjfjr
can I have this dance SUCH a sweet song and scene in the movie I adore it it's so cute, also one of my mums favourites and one of the ones she'll sing along with so that helps push it higher fjfj
breaking free and start of something new which are both great like I love the first film and these songs are brilliant! I don't think I can say they're a favourite but I'll happily sing along when they come on hehe
this was so much fun to answer thank you for the ask!! hehe lmk your favourites in the comments (I feel like a YouTube video fjfjf)
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
really, really random but do you think you could write a shot of half blood prince tonks on christmas alone and she puts on the record player and dances to christmas music? (i know this is very specific ahaha)
I lovveeed this request so much! Thank you for sending it. I did write the whole thing and then re read the prompt and see if kinda strayed away from the prompt slightly, you asked for record player, so she does actually use a cassette player but I still hope you enjoy it!
As always request are open! Drop me an ask!
Check my Masterlist too!
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks ( only mentions of Remus. He does not appear )
Warnings: none. Just a very mopey Nymphadora
Tonks had never been one to take love all that seriously. In fact she’d thrown the word around almost carelessly, never really taking to its true weight and meaning. Falling in love with more people that she could count now. A ravenclaw girl in third year, a slytherin one in fourth, two different hufflepuff boys in Fifth and countless other short lived romances since. But when she looked back now she realised they weren’t really love at all. Because they hadn’t felt like she did now. When she thought of him. Remus.
It caused an ache in her chest, so deep it physically pained her. She knew that nothing else could hurt her as badly as this, only love. She hadn’t even meant to fall for him, she hadn’t planned to. He was wildly interesting and not to bad on the eye either, but she hadn’t being trying. It had just… happened. Friendly conversation became friendly touches. Friendly touches became late nights snuggled in the library by the fire. Which had become hand holding. Which had become kisses. And now… it had become heartbreak.
The argument they had had before he’d announced his departure had been a brutal one. She guessed it didn’t help that emotions were already running far too high with everything happening around them. She’d shouted. He’d shouted right back. He’d told her nothing she would say would ever change his mind and he was leaving. It was duty. His role in the war effort. To put his life as at risk as ever and plant himself in a werewolf camp for months on end. It’d ruin him, she knew it would. He’d told her about it from the first war, how much he hated it. How much it made him feel like an animal. Feral. Inhuman.
But she’d told him to go. Shouted at him and told him to get out of her sight, to go if that’s what he truly wanted. To never come back to her again.
She regretted that now. Of course she did. She wanted nothing more than to leave her parents house and turn up at Grimmauld place, drink tea and hot chocolate with him in the library, dance around to Sirius’ old records and talk about everything and nothing until the sun came up. But of course she couldn’t. Because he was gone.
To make everything truly worse, as another blinding hot blade to her chest, she couldn’t even turn to Sirius about it. Because he was gone too. And he really was never coming back. The loss of Sirius and her still healing injury from Bellatrix had knocked her down already, Remus leaving had just been the final kick. And it had all taken its toll.
She couldnt morph. Not a single fingernail would change the way she wanted. Thankfully for her she’d never really been one for tweaking her face dramatically , like she knew some with her powers did. But she felt lost without her bright hair, the tiny little tweaks to her nose and cheeks. She didn’t recognise herself anymore. She didn’t understand the face of the woman that looked back at her in the mirror, all limp dark hair and hollow cheeks. She wanted to blame him. Wanted to use it as some way to make her hate him. Forget him. So at least she couldn’t be relieved of at least one burden of pain, leave her with one less knife in her heart. But she couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried to.
“ You gonna come down love? Your mums made you some dinner. Even got some apple crumble for pud. Yeah? Try eat a bit for us? “ her dad appeared at her old bedrooms door, knocking slightly as he spoke. It had felt odd being back at her parents house again for Christmas, she’d hadn’t visited in longer than she wanted to admit. Work ask the order had been running her to exhaustion everyday. She’d hoped being back home would bring her some comfort. Being around her childhood things. But it hadn’t really been working so far.
Her mum kept silently crying to herself over Sirius, every now and then she’d look over at her and see tears streaming over her cheeks as she cleaned or cooked. Misery just seemed to follow her whether she went now.
“ Dora love? “ she turned around when he’d dad spoke again and forced a small smile onto her face.
“ yeah. Be down in a minute… save me a piece of crumble “ Ted gave her a sympathetic smile and quietly left her. One thing she loved about her dad was he knew when she didn’t want to talk, and left her alone when she needed it. Andromeda was one to fuss.
She took a deep breath and made her way out of the room and downstairs, knowing Andromeda would only send Ted back up if she didn’t surface within a few minutes. They were both sat at the table when she walked into the dining room, her father looking up with a cheerful smile.
“ here she is! C’mon petal before it gets cold “ Andromeda’s eyes were bloodshot as was the norm nowadays, she’d tried she her best to hide the fact she’d been crying. But there were still tracks in the makeup on her cheeks.
The entire house had been decorated for Christmas and she thought the fairy lights and the tinsel should be cheering her up. But she found it wasn’t. Even her dads cheesy Christmas jumpers weren’t making her crack her smile.
Dinner was painfully silent for the most part. Ted occasionally tried to get both women to talk about something but conversation constantly fell flat. She looked at her parents as he silently tried to coax Andromeda to talk, holding her hand under the table and looking at her with the same amount of pure love he always had done.
Tonks had always wanted a relationship like theres. And she thought she’d been getting there. Remus had looked at her like that. Gazing at her when he thought she wasnt paying attention to him. Sharing his mug of tea with her at order meetings, waiting up for her if she had a late shift at the ministry, making sure she had something to eat before she slept. Little things. Small ways he told her he felt the same as she did.
Until he’d thrown it all back in her face.
When Andromeda cleared their plates and went to fetch dessert, Ted too disappeared of a moment only to return with his hand behind his back and a grin.
“ look what I found today love. Remember this aye? “ he held his hand out with a proud look on his face. It was a cassette. One he’d made up for her himself when she was little. She’d always been fascinated with muggle things and she still had the cassette player buried up in her room somewhere “ your Christmas one! Fitting “ she took with the first genuine smile she’d mustered in a while.
“ thanks dad. It’s Brilliant honestly “ he sat back down again when crumble was served but his proud smile didn’t drop.
After dinner she made her way back up to her room with a muttered excuse of being tired and locked herself in. The cassette tucked into the pocket of her jeans. She rummaged around the various boxes of junk in her room until she found the player and pulled out the tape. She smiled slightly when she found the tape wonkily labeled ‘ Doras muggle Xmas songs ‘ , putting it into the player and waiting for it to play.
The first beats of ‘last Christmas’ started playing and she practically felt her hurt slipping away from her shoulders. She turned the volume up, the headphones now blasting the voice of George Michael into her ears and she forgot about her troubles for a while.
She danced around with the first full genuine smile she had in weeks on her face, every song that played transporting her back to some memory from her childhood. Even the slower ones had her smiling, waltzing with herself around her room. until the tape came to an end with silent night. She stopped dancing and the smile dropped as the almost hauntingly beautiful song played. She’d danced with Remus to the very song on that first Christmas of her being in the order.
She’d turned up at Grimmauld place on Boxing Day, on Sirius’ invitation that the three of them could have their own Christmas celebration but Sirius had still been black out drunk from the clearly heavy night before. So she’d spent the majority of the day with Remus, hiding away from the kids. Drinking, dancing and even singing when Sirius had joined them later to get drunk again.
Her moment of happiness had faded to pure nothingness and she pulled off the headphones, tossing the cassette player onto her bed. If she focussed hard enough she could hear Sirius laughing still, picture Remus’ face as he tried to look unimpressed by one of Sirius’ filthy jokes- and failing miserably. Or feel Remus’ arm around her shoulders, his lips on her temple. The purely joyful atmosphere where just the three of them could be happy, Remus not worrying about people thoughts on him showing affection to her because Sirius didn’t care.
She found her feet moving then at their own accord, out of her room and creeping past her parents bedroom, down the stairs and out the door. She jogged down the garden path and past the wards protecting the house, apparating the second she was out.
She turned up on the top step of number 12. She really shouldn’t be there. She knew she should just go back to her parents. It wasn’t safe. But her hands reacted on their own and she opened the door. It was quiet inside. The quietest she’d ever heard it. Now Sirius laughing- or snoring. No kids charging around and pestering Kreacher. No mad-eye stomping along the hall.
Her feet led her into the library and she felt tears brewing in her eyes. She wanted to see Sirius blacked out on the sofa, Remus sat writing up a report at the desk, a fire crackling away. But neither were there. And the fireplace only held charred wood. The ache in her chest made her breathless, the deep burning pain of missing a dead man and one that might as well be.
She’d never felt so alone. Never had such a overwhelming feeling of loneliness that it made she’d weak in the knees. She could picture Remus at the desk, the way his brow furrowed when he concentrated, or how his cheeks flushed when she’d sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around his neck. The countless nights they’d fallen asleep on the sofa, danced, kissed, laughed.
But now it was just an empty room. In an empty house. No laughter. No dancing. No Remus.
She wanted to be back in that library when it was full of life. When Sirius was alive. And Remus was by her side. But it was never to be again.
Sirius was dead. And Remus was gone. And she wasn’t sure he’d ever come back.
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 6/?
Word Count: 2.6-2.7k idk exact
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your name, A/N - Any name (your best friend’s name)
MUSIC IS INCLUDED THIS TIME! Please enjoy my personal music playlist, or at least a snippet of it.
TO THE PERSON WHO REBLOGGED AND SAID THIS WAS CUTE (at least the first part) you straight up made me cry omfg
Warnings: Swearing, gets really fucking heated at the end (no sex, yet), no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Outfit Context:
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Tumblr media
(Cause I finally found an outfit I liked on the boy, men’s fashion isn’t my strong suit,,, heh :) )
“Sorry, is my mouth hung open?” he asked.
“Yes, sir. Very much so,” she mocked.
Jason closed his mouth and outstretched his hand for Y/N’s, cupping it with both hands and kissing the top of it.
“You just look so lovely, Y/N.”
“And you’re chivalrous, Jay. Now, should we get going?” she asked, putting her free hand on top of his two.
“Yes, let’s go,” he let one of his hands go of hers and lead her to the Porsche he brought with him, not intertwining his fingers with hers.
He opened the passenger’s side door and let Y/N get in, not letting go of her hand til the last moment he could hold it. He got in an turned on the radio,
It felt like a good night, for dancing in the moonlight,
In empty streets, well, everybody's got a reason why,
If we could only just get it right,
Maybe it will all work out like in the movies,
But I know Romeo must die before the ending,
With a final poison kiss delivered gently,
Because you don't get lucky twice, and that's the truth,
“Sing to me sweet just like my memory, 
If New York City Still moves me then I’ve found something real,
I’ll be okay, I could go on for days,
But I just don’t have the courage that it takes to be real,
And even if it’s dark at least we’ll be together,
Slowly sinking in the Earth to lay forever,
You better grab a hold and hold on for your life,
Because you don’t get lucky twice,
No, you don’t get lucky twice,” She sung with the tune.
Without the Bitter the Sweet Isn’t as Sweet - Mayday Parade
“You, you have the voice of an angel,” he said.
“It’s not that hard to mimic works of art with my voice.”
“Did you ever take singing lessons?”
“I did when I was younger, so I could sing French lullabies to my cousins.”
He placed a hand on her thigh as he drove them through the countryside of Gotham to Metropolis, taking the long way on what seemed like purpose. So he could encapsulate the moment in his memory for as long as he knew her and what she was to him. She was an adventure waiting to happen, a love story not yet written to tell for ages, a rock ‘n’ roll song written to please the masses in hidden corners of the world.
And to her, he was a masterwork of intertwining memories of pain, sadness, luck and beauty. A mind of complexity she was just waiting to dive into and see how it functioned. A story behind the white tuff of hair he had, why he was jacked to the masses if he was a book nerd. A story of his favourite book and his favourite sibling, his favourite trope, his love, his pain, him.
The moments where she stuck her hand out the window and traced symbols into the Autumn air swirling past the two as they cruised down the empty back roads. When he laughed as she sang Reste by GIMS and Sting. He didn’t understand the lyrics, but she did, and she called it a love song. Well, he got the parts Sting sung, but French wasn’t a language he knew like she did.
“I guess being Bilingual helped you out massively with that one, huh?”
“It’s a talent I never knew I needed, apparently.”
“Well, you did know you needed.”
“That’s fair,” she laughed, “ I guess I did always need it as a skill.”
“Do your cousins speak English too?” he asked.
“Yeah, a bit? It’s better English than my father.”
“Can he not speak English?”
“Well, he can, just not well. But my mother is also Bilingual in English and French so they never had to worry about my father being bad at English. My twin sister and I grew up knowing both languages,” she rambled, still playing with the wind, “I guess it’s a one-up I have on a lot of people, being able to just talk and talk in another language, travelling advantage,” she kept going, Jason intently listening to her as she went on and on, he liked the silence being filled by her voice, “You know? You might know, I don’t know how you were raised to a T,” she finished.
“Well, I can assure you I only know English so you have that theoretical one-up on me, too. But I choose to see that one-up as something you can teach me as time goes on and we progress,” he paused, “If you’re down to get serious eventually, that is,” he panicked.
“Well, maybe we’re at that point where we can say we’re casually seeing each other and exclusive, but not serious. Hopeful, but not pressuring ourselves into something that’s going to be put under a lot of pressure as we go on,” she said, still playing with the wind.
“We’ll see about that after dinner.”
“Where are we even going?”
“Fancy little restaurant with a balcony facing over the city,” he assured.
“Really out here living for the moments?”
“Well, most girls crack under the pressure of the paparazzi, you, however, flipped them off, and that’s being rewarded for showing that you can’t give a fuck about those dingy ass tabloids and how they treat you, by taking you out to nice places,” he said.
She laughed, “I’m glad I’m never going to live that one down, it was really fun to do.”
“I hope it continues as we go along, I would hate to see that behavior change when it brings a smile to everyone who’s ever been harassed by paparazzi” when they pulled over for a second, Jason quickly loosened his tie a tad, “Honestly, I want to ditch this fucking tie,”
“It’s not you,” she said, “It’s just not.”
“And you know me that well to take that guess?”
“I could see you struggling with it from a mile away, Jason. Maybe the fancy restaurant isn’t us,” she laughs, “But we aren’t going to not take that dinner date.”
“Oh we’re so going to take that date, but I’m thinking from here on out we do whatever the fuck we want, no fancy dates. Thoughts?” he asked.
“Done deal,” she said.
In the restaurant, the two of them were basically the worst people to be there, it was levels of fancy that neither of them actually wanted, they both wanted simplicity, but they both thought the presence of the other person was enough of a takeaway from the completely wrong choice of restaurant. They had Dick to blame for this one, and Jason made that clear to Dick in a joking text while Y/N snuck off to the bathroom to ‘fix her hair, she was actually checking her breath.
Dick, this fucking restaurant is a god damn bust, man. We aren’t you and Barbara, that’s what we’ve discovered today. lol.
Bummer! We really like that place.
I can see why it screams Dick and Barbs.
You kissed her yet though?
Wuss! Cat got your tongue? Just do it, man.
And at the same time, Y/N was texting A/N about Jason and what to do,
Girl! Thank you so much for reminding me to bring mints, my god, food ruins your breath so much.
You really want the pretty boy kiss huh?
No, I’m eating the mints to not kiss him, YES I WANT THE KISS.
Ha! Honesty is key, just go for it.
She laughed as she packed her phone into her dress pockets (Yeah there’s fucking pockets :) ) and went to leave the restroom to meet up with Jason again. To which, Jason had already paid and tipped the waiter.
“I could have at least helped on the tip, Jay.”
“I tipped him 200%, but if you want to drop more cash, go for it.”
“You tipped that much?” she asked while slipping in a 50$ she had on her.
“Of course, food service workers deserve a lot more than what they get, especially when they have to deal with terrible customers,” he said as he went and grabbed her hand again, not intertwining fingers again, “And my best friend, Will, he complains about people who don’t tip and praises people who quote ‘over tip’ but I think that he deserves 200% each bill for the shit he puts up with.”
“Did you tip him when we went there?”
“No, I called in a ‘No questions asked’ favour. And before you say anything, he did the same to make me babysit his daughter-”
“Your best friend has a daughter?”
“Well, he’s older than me, but yeah, he’s a single dad because her mum kind of sucks, lovely little girl, I’m her godfather.”
“Does she call you Uncle Jason?”
“Well, Uncle Jay, it’s like one of the only works she knows how to say properly, and Dada,” he laughed, “Great little girl,” he said, nervously, “This doesn’t change anything, does it? ‘Cause if he, knock on fucking wood, lord forbids, dies that will be my daughter.”
“Well, he’s not dead and you’re not worrying that he’s going to die, so nothing has to change. God kids are god kids, noble that you took on your best friend’s kid if, lord forbid, anything happens to the man, really,” she assured.
He sighed and kissed the back of her hand, “Then that is just a gift on top of what I did,” he smiled and lead her back to the Porsche once again, opening the car door for her and she slightly turned on the radio, he let out a small laugh to himself, he got the pretty girl. He got into the Porsche again and began backing out.
“There’s something about ditching a really expensive dinner date that leaves you wanting more,” she said, absent-mindedly.
“What kind of more?” he asked.
“The kind you see in the movies, fully exposed and adventurous, you know?”
“Well, we could always sneak into the Wayne Manor Gardens and dance the night away under the stars like lovers do,” he half-joked, placing a hand on her thigh again and pretending like he did it subconsciously, but he was hyper-aware, especially when he caught her smile as she laughed.
“Wayne Manor? With your brothers, sisters, dad, and grandfather?” she paused, “If you’re serious, then no, not tonight. If you’re pulling my leg then, hell fucking no,” she joked.
“Maybe one day, then, huh?”
“One day, for sure. When it isn’t scary to accidentally run into your family on their property running around with you,” she said.
“Well, we can always go into the Wayne Enterprises Ballroom and dance the night away, no one should be in the office for a while and even then since there are no classes in the entire school tomorrow you can just hide out in my office if we stay too long,” he paused to make sure she was still listening, “Security can’t question me because I’m Bruce Wayne’s son, and security is tight as fuck so paparazzi can’t get to us,” he paused to put a little bit of pressure on her thigh, “What do you say? Can I have this dance, Milady?” he half-joked.
“You want to know something Jason?
“Always, Y/N.”
“I took dance lessons when I was younger, can you Waltz?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am, I can.”
“Then I’m in, let’s go.”
She loved the feeling of being back in her new hometown, Gotham. So when they pulled into the massive black building, she felt even more welcomed, security at the gates did ask ‘Who’s the girl?’ but Jason just explained it very easily,
“You know that date of mine that flipped off the press and you lot loved it?” he asked.
“Yes, sir,” the man responded.
“You can call me Jason, you know that. But this is that girl.”
And they were let through the parking gates and into the underground parking system, they had to travel surprisingly far to Jason’s reserved spot in the lot, but the did get there before it hit AM. Once out of the car, Jason grabbed her hand and they ran into the building’s employees doors. It was a tight squeeze, but the feeling of Jason pressed so close to her sent chills down her spine. They went through many halls and reached the Ballroom, and entering it was like a dream for her.
Walls lined with intricate shapes and colours, but the colours never brought away from the stage at the far end from the door, the curtains seemed to redden with each step towards them, the 3, maybe 4 chandeliers hung above her like crystals in the ocean, it was amazing and beautiful. Checkered floorboards to give it a little bit of dimension, but it was the same colour as the main wall so your brain and eyes wouldn’t hurt after looking at it. It was stunningly beautiful and that’s what drew her in.
When he grabbed her hand and put on Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, pulling her close to his chest and slowly Waltzing her around the room, spinning her when it felt right for him to do. Neither of them worried about the sloppiness or how it looked to the naked eye because it was for them. no one got satisfaction like they did at that moment. And grabbing her for one last dip was Jason’s goal when the ending of the song hit, although out of breath and his face stuffed in her chest as they both panted, he did pull her up so they were face-to-face on the dancefloor that they wiped clean.
“Did I tell you that you look stunning, Y/N?”
“I think you mentioned it a few times, Jay,” she said, staring directly into his eyes.
“Well, I mean it.”
“And I’m going to mean this,” she paused, taking her hand and placing it on his cheek, “ The way your eyes are a green-blue tint makes me lost in them, they’re like a sea of this mind I find myself liking more and more every day,” she paused to put her other hand on his other cheek, “And the way your nose and cheek freckles frame them is amazing.”
And he went for it. Somehow when he pressed his lips into hers, it felt like they were meant to match, and they both opened their mouths to play the coveted game of tongue-war, but they didn’t play by the rules, it was soft and sweet but full of passion and love, not lust. His hands would travel to her waist and lightly grip her, while her hands would travel to his neck and drape around the back of it.
They pulled away at the same moment to take in air, something they had clearly been missing as they were connected, they both let out a small chuckle before she put her hands in his hair and went in for round 2.
This time it was hungrier, and they both played with the shapes of the other so much more as time went on, he would grab her ass and she would pull on his hair slightly before he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and moved one of her hands to the nape of his neck, this time, they would break for seconds only to start moving towards his office, which, conveniently, had a couch.
To say he threw her on that couch would be an understatement, he fucking thrust her on that couch and climbed on top of her, it was like 3 days of passion and lust combined themselves in a matter of minutes from their first kiss to them meeting on the couch. They both knew deep down that it couldn’t escalate further than this, especially at 1 in the morning, but time moves fast when you’re connecting in this way.
They finally broke after their passionate exchange and he fell to her side and began to spoon her, “Worth it,” he whispered.
“Worth what?” she asked.
“It was worth it to take a chance and defy my anxieties to ask you on that first date.”
“I don’t like a reality where you didn’t ask me on that date.”
“Neither do I, and I’m positive of that.”
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Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - Older Dramione
This feels very much like a Part One, and if you’d like more please let me know! (if anyone even sees this!). 
Draco, eight months after becoming a widower, nearly loses his son too in a vicious attack at Malfoy Manor. In the aftermath, while he’s being questioned by the aurors, there’s no one to look after little Scorpius, who just won’t stop howling. In desperation, and remembering how good Hermione had been with his kids, Harry brings the baby up to her office. In the end, the only thing that will calm the child is the soft hum of Hermione’s voice as she sings to him. Of course, that would be how Draco Malfoy finds her, wouldn’t t it? And then, eleven years later, Hermione meets him again...
(Warnings for past Ron/Hermione, and implied infertility. No explicit Ron-bashing, but it’s implied that their relationship couldn’t take the strain and he looked elsewhere. I may develop it later, but it won’t be a Ron-bashing fic. They’re just ultimately incompatible in this universe).
“Hermione…” Harry’s voice cut through her thoughts as she stared at the paperwork in front of her.
“What? What’s wrong?” she asked, jerking to her feet behind her enormous desk, eyes wide at the sight of Harry’s face. He was ashen, and it took a lot to shake Auror Potter these days. “Is it Ginny? James? Albus? Merlin, Harry, what’s happened?”
“They’re fine,” he said heavily and with a strangely detached intonation. “It’s… It’s Malfoy.”
That drew her up short. “Draco?” she frowned, wondering why he’d be so concerned about his former schoolboy nemesis. They hadn’t seen him in years. No one had. “What about him?”
“He… There was an attack.”
Her world tilted strangely. He’d always been there in the background, though the last time she’d seen him had been years ago at Theo’s wedding. He’d looked so good then, and happy too, with Astoria smiling at his side. She seemed to have softened his sharp edges, though the two had merely nodded when their eyes met across the room while Theo kissed his husband silly in the middle of the dance floor. That had been a good night, but that had been years ago.  
“Harry, what happened? Is… Is he alright?”
“I’m not really here about Draco…. It’s about his son, Scorpius.”  
“I don’t understand.”
Harry stepped into her office and closed the door. With his status as Head Auror, he was the only one who could barge in on the head of the DMLE like this, and she welcomed it. “As I understand it, he left Scorpius in the care of his nanny for the afternoon so that he could go to Gringotts and sort out some business there, and while he was gone… the nanny and Scorpius were attacked. The nanny… she died protecting him. We’ve managed to keep it from the press at the moment.”
“Harry, where’s Draco now?” She scowled, coming around to the side of the desk. “I should have been informed, this is my department, Harry…”
“He’s being questioned.”
“Questioned? By whom? Why? Harry —”
“We need to know all we can about it. There were Dark Arts involved, Hermione. Some really nasty curses. This is Auror stuff for now. If it becomes your department, you can handle it personally if you like but…”  
He sucked in a breath and suddenly looked much older than he was. She was viscerally reminded of Remus Lupin for a heartbeat.  
“Mione, I haven’t got anywhere I can leave Scorpius, and he hasn’t stopped screaming since he got here. You… You were always so good with my lot… is… is there any chance I can leave him with you. I know he’ll be safe here…”
She blinked. “Harry, I —” What was she about to say? That she didn’t have time? That she didn’t have time to take care of a frightened child? What could be more important than that? The stacks of parchments and fluttering memos orbiting her desk would say otherwise, but she was head of the department, dammit. Someone else could handle that. “Of course.”
Harry’s shoulders went slack and he exhaled. “I’ll bring him up.” And with that, he was gone.  
She heard Scorpius long before she saw him, howling like a mandrake. 
When the eight month old child was brought into her office, red-faced and screaming, her heart went out to him. Harry - who had seen his fair share of babies and drama with his own little brood - looked distinctly uncomfortable holding the squirming child in his arms.  
There was a rarely-used sofa in Hermione’s office, and she took the wriggling baby from Harry and sank down onto it. “You can leave me with him,” she said quietly, marvelling at his silver eyes and tiny hands, currently balled into feisty little fists. “Tell Penelope that I am unavailable for the rest of the day and to be disturbed only in absolute emergencies, and even then only by you.”
Harry nodded.  
“Or by Draco, if he’s free and wants to reclaim his gorgeous little howling hellspawn,” she laughed. At the sound of it, Scorpius took a gulping breath, and paused his dramatics, blinking. “Oh, you didn’t like that, hmm?” she chuckled, tapping his tiny little button nose. “Well, if the shoe fits…” she said.  
“I’ll leave you to it,” Harry mumbled. “Thanks, Hermione.”
“Honestly, despite the terrible circumstances, I’m grateful for some time off, Harry. I can’t remember the last time I put something else before work.”
“Probably the last time Albus made a noise like that,” he snorted, hand on the door. “Shout if you need anything. I’ll be down in interrogation with Malfoy.”
“Go easy on him. He’s only been a widower for eight months.”
The comment brought a quiet look to Harry’s green eyes, perhaps imagining himself in the same boat, and he nodded.  
It took a long, long time for Scorpius to settle, but after nearly two hours, she had resorted to letting the boy play with her curls while she sang. He liked the melancholy folk songs, she discovered, so after four renditions of Scarborough Fair, and two of Go Your Way, she settled on Let No Man Steal Your Thyme. That one hurt even more than Go Your Way, but Scorpius was fascinated.  
Hermione wasn’t the best singer, but her husky alto suited that last one so well that she almost forgot to be shy about singing, even for a baby.  
Tears flowed as the words stuck in her throat and she cradled the little one close to her, cupping his head as she rocked him. Pain and heartache welled up in her as she fought down flashes of Ron’s callous betrayal, but she forced her voice to remain steady. 
For when your thyme is past and gone
He'll care no more for you
And in the place your time was waste
Will spread all over with rue
Will spread all over with rue
The door creaked and she jumped. Instinctively turning little Scorpius from the doorway and setting her own body between them, she soon found she need not have been so protective. Draco Malfoy stood on the threshold, his silver eyes wide and full of tears, his lips parted in a gesture of astonishment.  
“Draco,” she said, standing carefully from the sofa. “Are you alright?”
He didn’t say anything for the longest time, but eventually he cleared his throat. “Granger…” he whispered. “I… I mean…”
“Please,” she said, stepping over to him and holding out the tiny child. “Here… Careful, he’s not long been asleep.”
“Potter said he wouldn’t stop screaming. I nearly broke the wards trying to get to him…”
She chuckled. Scorpius still had his little fingers gripped around a curl and Draco was staring at it. “I’m surprised anything stopped you,” she said. “Here,” and handed him over.  
Draco took him so gently that something twisted in her gut and she almost lurched back from him for no good reason. Scorpius grumbled and fussed in his sleep as she pried his strong fingers off her hair and she stroked the back of his smooth, now pale, cheek. “Shh, little mandrake,” she smiled. “It’s alright now. Your father’s here.”
If she’d been told, at the age of eleven, that Draco Malfoy would be cradling his son like he was the most precious thing in the universe, she would have laughed, but seeing it now, it only warmed her heart.  
“Thank you, Granger,” Draco said in a hoarse rasp without taking his eyes off his boy. “I can’t tell you… I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”
“I think I can hazard a guess,” she said with a wry twist to her lips.  
“You and Weasley have children, Granger?” he asked, still staring at his son.  
Pain lanced through her chest, but she kept her face perfectly schooled. “No, but I’ve seen my fair share of late nights and fussy babies from Harry and Ginny.”
At that, Draco looked up sharply, his piercing eyes searching her face. “I see,” was all he said.
“Harry and his team will do everything they can to figure out who was behind it, Draco. They’ll get them.”
His face darkened. “Azkaban will be too comfortable a place for them after what they did.”
That’s the Malfoy I remember, she nearly said, but instead, she stroked Scorpius silky white hair once and then rolled the tension from her neck while Malfoy crossed to the door, his tiny son held tight to his chest. He looked thinner than she remembered, and more haunted around the eyes, but she supposed that the grief of his wife’s death was still near. Theo - a surprisingly close friend of hers these days - had said Malfoy hadn’t left the manor at all since Astoria died. Perhaps this was his first outing. Oh God, she thought. What a thing to happen on his first day from the Manor.  
“Take care of yourself, Granger,” he said from the doorway, and she realised that she’d been staring at him without really seeing him.  
“You too, Draco,” she said. “I hope perhaps to see you again, though under infinitely better circumstances.”
That clearly surprised him, but he managed a tight-lipped smile, a nod, and then he was gone.  
She sank down on to the sofa, feeling the loss of the little boy’s weight in her arms anew, and with a flick of her fingers, she wandlessly closed and locked the door to her office, and burst into tears.  
“Mum!” Albus whined, yanking Ginny along while their younger sister slid her tiny hand into Hermione’s and trotted along at a more sedate pace. “Come on! We’re going to miss the train!”
Ginny shot Hermione a frantic look over her shoulder, and Hermione just rolled her eyes. They still had enough time.  
“I want to go through on my own!” Albus said with a serious little frown on his adorable face when they paused in the main concourse of the station. “Can I?”
Ginny nodded. “Wait right on the other side for us though. Do not go wandering off. It’ll be chaos back there.”
The earnest young boy nodded and turned his trolley towards the barrier. Hermione watched as Ginny as Albus vanished into the brickwork, unseen by muggle eyes. “It’s no easier the second time around, Hermione,” she said.  
James, two years older, just rolled his eyes and slouched through after his little brother with the unimpressed face of a thirteen year old.
“Go on,” Hermione chuckled at Ginny. “I’ll bring Lily through.”
Reunited on the other side, Hermione’s eyebrows rose at the sight that greeted her almost immediately. Amid the bustle and rolling clouds of steam, a tall, slender man stood with his back to them, silver-white hair neatly combed back, and with his hand resting on the shoulder of a young boy who could have been a carbon copy of himself at that age. Hermione’s mind actually slipped a little sideways at the sight of them.
There was a bubble of empty space around them though, as if they carried the plague, and people shot them furtive looks as they scuttled past. Malfoy kept his hand on his son’s shoulder, and Hermione remembered with a jolt that she’d once held the boy who now stood beside him. Scorpius. Malfoy’s little mandrake. That had been in another life, it seemed to her then.  
“That’s Malfoy,” Ginny whispered, sounding scandalised as she half-turned to Hermione. “He hasn’t been seen in public for… years. I heard he’s a complete recluse… I’m surprised he didn’t pack his son off on the train with some governess or something…”
“Don't gossip, Gin,” Hermione chided her best friend. “It’s unkind.”
The guard gave a shrill whistle, and the platform scurried into a maelstrom of last-minute, frenzied activity. Goodbyes from weeping parents, yells and laughter of reuniting students, hooting owls and yowling cats… it was a familiar cacophony and somehow it soothed her. In the chaos, Malfoy and his son disappeared amid the smoke like ghosts.  
Once James had said his goodbyes and scuttled off to be with his friends, a sulking Albus hugged his mother, and she ruffled his black hair. “Your father’s so proud of you, Albus,” she said.  
“Yeah, but he’s not here today is he?” he said in a softly sullen voice as he stepped back.  
“He’s not in the country, Albus. He would have been here if he could, and he’ll be here when you come home for the holidays. He’s booked the time off already,” she said, clearly trying to hold it together.  
“Yeah, til there’s an emergency then as well.”  
“Can I have one last hug before you go?” Ginny asked and reluctantly the boy wound his arms around his mother’s waist again. “Thanks, love. I’m so proud of you.”
Hermione cupped his cheek fondly as he pulled back, and said, “You’ll be fine, Albus. Whatever happens, we’ll all be proud of you, alright? You can always owl us if you need anything.”
“Yes, Aunt Hermione.” The kid nodded and they helped him heave his trunk onto the train and stow it in the luggage area.  
As the engine left in a cloud of steam, Ginny looked at her wristwatch swore softly. “I’ve got to go. Come on, Lily,” she said, taking the quiet young girl’s hand. “Ready to side-along? Mummy’s going to be late.”
“You’re always late,” Lily said innocently and Hermione hid a smirk behind her hand.  
“Not one word, Granger,” Ginny snickered at her. “Thanks love. I’ll see you for dinner on Thursday?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Hermione smiled, hugging her briefly in an awkward side-hug before they both disapparated, leaving her alone in the swirling steam.  
When it cleared, she found that the only other person on her section of the platform was Draco Malfoy. He stood with his back to her, staring after the train like a statue as the white clouds cleared in the wake of the departing Express.  
Taking a chance, Hermione approached him. He flinched when she appeared in his peripheral vision, but when he saw who it was, he stilled. “Granger…” he said warily. Age had done nothing to his looks except perhaps to enhance them, though he still bore shadows under his eyes and carried a pinched look that reminded her of their sixth year at Hogwarts.  
She smiled openly though. “Draco.”  
His gaze slid inexorably back to the retreating engine as it dragged the carriages behind it, and he blinked a few times, eyes glassy. His throat worked as he swallowed thickly, and then he frowned. “You seeing your own off today?” he asked, still staring.  
The dull pain still made itself known, but she shook her head. “No. I’m… I’m here for Ginny’s younger boy, Albus.”
“I see.”
“Harry was a wreck when James went away.” At Malfoy’s frown, she clarified, “His first born.”  
“He’s not here today?” Malfoy asked with familiar sarcasm lacing his tone and turning to face her. “Couldn’t stand it a second time round?”
She sighed and swept her wild hair back out of her face, watching as Malfoy’s eyes tracked the movement with the intensity of a grey owl. “He’s on assignment and couldn’t get away. He left a letter in Albus’ suitcase, but the kid’s still hurt. How’s Scorpius handling it?” and by extension, you?  
Malfoy managed a weak, lopsided smile that carried none of his previous sneer and sting. In fact, he looked washed out. His cheeks were gaunt in a way that reminded her unsettlingly of Lucius in his latter years among the Death Eaters. Malfoy inhaled sharply through his nose. “Better than I would have done, in his position. He’s… He’s worried about the legacy I’ve left him, I think. Rightly so.”
Hermione nodded, hair still blowing about her head like a dandelion. “Albus too, with Harry.”
Malfoy raised one icy eyebrow and snorted in a very ‘Malfoy’ way. It was almost reassuring. “For different reasons, I imagine.”
“Yes and no,” she said, continuing unflinchingly. “Obviously Scorpius will have to deal with the unsavoury nature of your role in the war, but Harry’s successes weigh heavily on his children too. The pressure they feel is, regrettably, immense. In that respect, I’m almost glad I —” she cut herself off abruptly. “Anyway. All we can do is support them.”
Malfoy was looking at her with the strangest expression on his face. “Indeed,” he finally said. “I should return to the Manor.”
“Have a drink with me,” she blurted, and he turned his head like an owl in surprise. It might have been funny if his face wasn’t so difficult to read.  
“Beg pardon?” he snorted.  
“Sorry. I… I didn’t mean to impose myself on you, Draco. I don’t blame you if you’d rather not. I just… You look like you could use a drink.”
“At elven o’clock in the morning? What kind of degenerate do you take me for?”
Was he joking? She thought she saw a little burnished glint in his silver eyes. “Come to the Leaky with me and find out,” she said. “I’ve got nothing all day.”
He narrowed his eyes. Finally, he whispered, “Merlin’s beard, you’re actually serious.”
“Perfectly, but there’s no pressure. I’ve got some things I need to see to in Diagon Alley first. We could have lunch if you’d rather.”
He opened his mouth, said nothing, closed it, opened it again, and then, to her astonishment, he laughed. It was a bitter, brittle little thing, but still, it touched his eyes. “Alright. Lunch it is, Granger. I’ll see you at twelve thirty at the Leaky.”
Her mouth lifted into a smile and her heart leapt. She felt like a teenager again, giddy with anticipation and the slight elicit feel to it. This was Draco Malfoy after all. But she’d seen him watery eyed and desperately worried for his infant son, and she would never look at him the same way again after that.
If you enjoyed, please reblog and share! I’m kind of new to being active in the fandom on here, and shy.
If you want more from this AU, let me know too!
You spoke! and PART TWO was written. Find it here, and check my masterlist for more parts in the future!
writing masterlist | Ao3 (updated, should work now! Sorry!)
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tommodirection · 4 years
She’s Not Afraid
Louis Tomlinson x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: swearing, a lil bit of angst, not proofread (I’ll do it one day guys)
A/N: Heylo! I don’t know what’s come over me honestly! I should be writing for my next chapter on my other account, but these ideas just keeps coming to me! I really should be writing for the other boys too, but it’s really hard when you have a favorite, although I do have some other stuff planned for the other boys! I hope you enjoy this, and sorry if it’s bad! Thank you, and have a nice day!❤️💕🥰
You really hadn’t intended for him to see you. You weren’t sure if he even wanted to see you.
But when you buy front row tickets at a One Direction concert, the possibility of them seeing you definitely crosses your mind.
You had talked your best friend, Kate, into going with you. She told you it wasn’t the smartest idea, but you chose to ignore it.
So here you were, sitting in the front row of your ex’s show.
It had been about an hour, you were singing along to each song, smiling as you watched Louis crossing the stage.
You had been together for three years, right before the band hit big.
Of course, being the girlfriend of a celebrity, you were always under constant pressure and surveillance, but you didn’t mind.
Neither of you really cared about the paparazzi, you’d just do your best to ignore them. However, it did make you laugh when he would tell them off.
But it all had to come crashing down eventually.
He had told you that he loved you, something you had both said thousands of times before, but that wasn’t the problem. He had started talking about your future together. Up until then you had both lived in the moment, doing what made you happy and running wild. You hadn’t thought about the future.
It scared you, so you ran away. You regretted it every day. You were only twenty one at the time. It’d been a year since you broke up.
It was astounding to watch the way he moved across the stage. He was enjoying himself so much, it almost made you regret coming. You didn’t want him to spot you and ruin the concert for everyone else.
You were about to tell Kate that you had to leave, but then you heard the opening notes. The song he wrote about you, well, the one you thought he wrote about you. She’s Not Afraid.
You held your cup a little tighter, and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. You’d be fine. You’d listen to this song, and leave. It’d be over.
Kate must’ve realized what song it was and put her hand on your shoulder, trying to yell above the crowd. “Y/N! Are you alright? Should we go?”
You shook your head lightly, “I’m fine!” You yelled back, “let’s just enjoy the show!”
She nodded, and turned her attention back to the stage. Meanwhile, your eyes continued following Louis. He counted them in and Harry began singing, but your eyes never left Louis.
“Maybe all her friends have told her, don’t get closer, he’ll just break your heart,” Louis sang and you saw Kate cringe and look down guiltily. He wasn’t wrong.
She hadn’t meant any harm, only telling you that it was inevitable that he’d leave. She didn’t see a big pop star like him settling down. Kate was a lot of things, but she wasn’t a liar, or a dreamer. She was a realist, and she had gotten to you a little bit. She had apologized for her behavior after what happened and you had made up, but her words still echoed in your head sometimes.
You put a hand on her elbow, showing her it was alright.
Niall’s second solo and he and Louis stood back to back, nodding. When Niall sang “so hard,” he looked down at his crotch and Louis pointed to it as well, making you laugh. He really hadn’t changed.
For the rest of the song, he and Niall danced around the edge of the stage, running around and waving to all the fans, occasionally throwing in their harmonies.
You felt your heartbeat quicken as he and Niall neared you. Kate could sense your panic and put her hand on your back.
“Y/N, maybe we should leave,” she suggested and gestured towards the aisle.
You shook your head, “No, I can’t keep running away forever. He’ll just pass over us and continue on, he might even realize it’s me,” you said the last part to yourself, more wishful thinking than anything else.
He and Niall were a few feet away now, your heart clenching in your chest.
He and Niall were laughing at some fans next to you, holding a sign with their faces when the band first started.
They moved to you, expecting to see another screaming fan, but instead saw you. You weren’t screaming or crying, well, not yet. You were simply standing, looking up at them with a small smile on your face.
Louis saw you first. He waved and kept walking, but furrowing his eyebrows and did a double-take. He recognized you. Of course he would, you dated for three fucking years.
Niall was still laughing at the fan, and bumped into Louis. He looked at him confused for a moment and followed his gaze, seeing you.
“Y/N?” You saw Louis say, the stadium being too loud to hear anything.
You waved at the two, suddenly too nervous to even move.
Louis blinked a few times, trying to process what he was seeing. He mumbled something to Niall, and you watched Niall pinch his arm seconds later.
You let out a small laugh, and you felt tears pricking your eyes, threatening to spill over.
Neither of you moved for a few moments, both Niall and Kate glancing nervously between you two, all while the band continued playing.
Without any warning, Louis jumped down into the pit in front of the stage, the security guards groaning in protest.
The crowd went wild, most only seeing him disappear into the pit.
He immediately stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, holding you by the back of the head. You both tried your best to ignore the rail in between you.
The girls around you began screaming and clawing at you and Louis, trying to get his attention. You admired everything they’d ever done, but sometimes his fans were a bit… aggressive.
He felt the people clawing and scratching at you, and you yelped as he lifted you over the railing, nearly bringing you over his head.
He carefully put you back on the ground and gave you a proper hug, no rail and no scratching. You were so wrapped up in him, that you had forgotten about Kate.
“Wait! Kate!” You yelled in Louis’ ear and he nodded, grabbing the attention of a security guard and pointing to Kate, whispering something to him. He immediately pulled you back into his arms, placing his head in your shoulder.
Next thing you knew, Kate was over the rail, leaning against the stage as she watched you two.
“I missed you,” Louis said into your ear, talking over the roaring crowd.
You felt a few tears slip out, “I missed you so much, so fucking much,” you cried out and he held you closer.
The song ended, and the boys spotted you two hugging, looking at each other quickly.
“Well…” Harry began, “Uh, how about I tell some jokes?” He gave a cheeky grin and the audience erupted.
Louis pulled himself up on stage, sitting on the edge and lifting you up. Niall helped Kate on stage and Louis grabbed your hand.
He reached Liam, and Liam gave you a polite, but hesitant, smile.
“Listen, I’m going backstage for a bit, keep the audience entertained, if I’m not back in ten minutes,” he paused, glancing at Kate, “have her sing for me, she’ll do good,” he added and you laughed, quite loudly.
Liam glanced over at Kate, who was currently being dragged into Harry’s comedy show.
“Sounds good,” Liam said, holding his fist out for a bump. Louis lazily hit his fist and Liam nodded at you, “Long time no see, Y/N,” he smirked and you chuckled.
“I know Liam,” you gave him a nod, and he ran to the front of the stage, joining Harry and Kate. Niall was currently jig dancing to no music.
Louis led you backstage, making his way to his dressing room, his hand never leaving yours.
He opened the door, allowing you inside, closing and locking the door behind him.
You sat on a small futon, rubbing your hands on your jeans, your nerves finally settling in.
“Hi,” he said, sitting next to you, barely leaving any room.
“Hey,” you smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
You both sat in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.
“So, Uhm, how’ve ya been?” Louis asked, breaking to silence.
“I’ve been okay, how about you?” You asked both of you very stiff. He was about to answer but you collapsed. “Oh god, Louis, I’m so so sorry!” You put your head in your hands, Louis’ hand on your back almost immediately.
He didn’t say it was alright, which was something you were grateful for, you wanted him to be honest.
“I reacted horribly. I don’t know why I did it, there’s no excuse! You started talking about getting married one day, and having kids, and I freaked out! I knew you didn’t mean anytime soon, but I hadn’t even thought about any of that! I didn’t think that you were, and it really, really scared me,” you admitted, picking at your sleeve.
He inhaled deeply, and went over to his vanity, opening a drawer and scourging for a bit. He found what he was looking for and turned around. It was a little black believer box. You stopped breathing.
He fidgeted with the box for a moment, chewing the inside of his lip. “I bought this for you about a year after we started dating. I wasn’t going to propose anytime soon, but I knew you were the one for me. I remembered that we went to the mall one day and you insisted on stopping at a jewelry store, you said you needed to buy something for Kate. I remember that you saw this ring and you fell in love with it, you didn’t even need a second glance.
“The guy who was behind the counter told it was an engagement ring, and you got really embarrassed and walked away, I think you went to look at the necklaces. I told the guy to hold it for me when you walked away. I came back that day when you went for lunch with your mum, and I bought it for you. I knew it was the ring that you’d want. I knew there wasn’t another chance of me getting it. I was going to wait a few more years, wait until we were both ready. Well, until you were. I was ready the second out first date ended,” he laughed and ran his fingers along the edge of the box.
At this point, the tears were freely falling down your face, you didn’t care anymore. “Lou…” you whispered and he shook his head.
“I don’t know why I started talking about that stuff, I guess I was just thinking about my mum, and I just imagined what our kids would be like, and how you’d be a great mum, and I just got too excited,” he wiped a stray tear from his cheek.
You loved how he thought he always needed to act tough, you found it adorable. You stood up, making your way over to him.
“Lou, I always wanted that stuff with you, I just hadn’t really thought about it, and I guess the future kind of hit hard. I started getting anxious about it, I was worried I wasn’t going to be good enough for you, that I wasn’t going to be able to fit into your future, so I ran. It’s the worst mistake of my life,” you slowly wrapped your arms around his wait, glancing at the box he still held.
“Why did you come tonight?” He asked, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
You hesitated before answering. “Kate got engaged to Eli. It hurt because it reminded me of you, of these things we both wanted but I wasn’t ready to commit to. It made me realize how much I missed you, and I heard you were doing a show here, so I made the decision, I just wanted to see you,” you finished, avoiding his eyes.
He gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You both had tears building up in your eyes. He leaned closer to you, stuffing the box in his pocket. “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your lips met his, after a year of not kissing him, you were surprisingly calm.
You molded against each other, fitting together better than you did before. It wasn’t needy or desperate, it was passionate, slow. You were trying to show him how much you loved him, and missed him, you assumed he was doing the same thing.
You both pulled away, resting your foreheads against each other. You let out a content sigh, unable to stop the grin from forming on your face.
“Let’s do this for real this time, alright?” Louis rasped, “No more games, no more lies, just honesty. We’ll let each other know when something bothers us, okay?” He asked, rubbing small circles on your back.
“Yes, of course Louis, of course,” you quickly agreed and he gave you a chaste kiss.
“Would you mind waiting backstage for me? I need to get back out there so I don’t get fired,” he joked and you shook your head.
“I wouldn’t mind at all.”
You both were backstage now, he was about to go back out, but he insisted on one more hug, so you were holding onto each other. You didn’t want to let go.
Alas, he pulled back and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m going to get back out there, I’ll send Kate back,” he explained, and you nodded.
He reluctantly walked away, throwing his arms up when he stepped onto the stage. He brought his mic down to his mouth. “I’m back!” He shouted and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.
He sent Kaye backstage, and she ran into you, giving you a hug.
“How’d it go?” She asked, you nodded, looking down at the ground.
“Well, I’ll have a date for your wedding now,” you smirked and she gave a small squeal, wrapping you in another hug.
“If he talks about your future again what are you going to do?” She asked.
“I’m going to listen.”
A few months later, you were stood backstage with Kate again, this time joined by Eli.
You attended all of his concerts now, staying backstage to greet him when he was done. The boys were a bit hesitant around you at first, but after a few weeks, they welcomed you back, things being like before.
Conveniently, the last show was on the day of your anniversary, well, your first one. The boys had one more song before they finished the tour. She’s Not Afraid.
“Now, before we begin this next song, we have a special guest for you!” Harry announced. You looked at Kate. She shrugged, a small smirk on her face.
“Y/N, love, can you come out here?” Louis asked, and your eyes widened in shock. You glanced over at Kate. And she ushered you out.
You stepped out onto the stage bashfully waving at the audience.
You walked over and stood next to Louis, grabbing his arm and leaning over to whisper in his ear, “What are you doing?”
“Just trust me!” He said back and you sighed.
Louis counted them in and grabbed your hands, spinning you around the stage, stopping and spinning you with one hand when had to sing.
Towards the end, he just grabbed your hands, smiling as he looked into your eyes. The rest of the boys finished the last verse, and Louis got down on one knee, fishing for something in his pocket.
You squinted at him for a moment, confused as to what he was doing until he pulled out a familiar velvet box.
You gasped and put your hands over your mouth, the crowd roaring in your ears. “Lou,” you whispered and he opened the box, revealing the ring you had first spotted in the jewelry store years ago.
“Y/N, I love you,” he said, and he gestured to the crowd. You understood, he couldn’t say much when they were screaming over everything. “Will you marry me?” He asked.
You began nodding furiously, “Yes, yes I will Lou, of course I will!” You yelled and he quickly stood up, placing the ring on your finger. The second it was on, he picked you up and spun you around.
And for once in your life, you were sure everything was going to be alright.
A/N: Let me know if you wanna be added to my permanent taglist! Just send an ask or a message!
Permanent Taglist: @everything-is-alrightt
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ampintherain · 4 years
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I’m Yours:
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Chapter III
Y/N is Kenny Ortega’s ‘niece’ after going through a rough breakup, Kenny decides to fly her over to stay with him, will her broken heart mend?
(Female Reader, NO SMUT, Romance, Friendship, THIS IS MY FIRST EVER FANFIC/IMAGINE, I hope it’s good, Kenny is lifelong family friend so reader calls him Uncle Kenny. I’m British so the writing is going to be British so like ‘mum’ not ‘mom’ yanno?)
(Y/n/n- your nickname. Y/e/c- your eye colour. Y/h/c- your hair colour.)
This part is going to be in Y/n’s and Charlie’s POV.
-“I’m Charlie” he replied, “nice to meet you” he smiled back at me-
“So you’re his niece?” I smiled at the question that Jeremy had just asked me,
“Technically no, like my Uncle Kenny said, he’s not my blood relative but I grew up calling him my uncle and it stuck, he’s my favourite person ever, I talk to him more than my own parents” I admitted,
“So... if you don’t mind my asking, why did Kenny fly you out to Vancouver?” Savannah asked, I shrugged, “you don’t need to answer, it was quite forward” she mumbled,
“No! No, it’s fine, I haven’t seen Kenny for a few months and we missed each other a lot but my mum told Kenny about my ex and I guess he decided to fly me over and cheer me up” I smiled at the girl, she pouted slightly, hearing the tint of sadness laced in my voice, I saw Madison look at me sympathetically but it wasn’t patronising, which is something I loved, I saw the confusion at the mention of ex but I decided to ignore it, I felt like it wasn’t necessary to tell a bunch of people I’ve just met about the 13 month long relationship that my boyfriend deemed acceptable to have during his one with myself.
“Right guys, are we ready?” Kenny asked as he strolled into the tent happily, coming up to me and placing his hands gently on my shoulder, “you alright my little Sun?” He questioned, looking down at me, I looked up and nodded,
“I am indeed Kenneth” I smiled and slid up off the bench, Owen following after me, dipping his head down to whisper in my ear
“Kenneth?” I shushed him, giggling, “I love it” he used my shoulders as a support whilst he jumped up in the air,
“Shush, shush, Owen no! You can’t, Uncle Ken will kill me, he hates it” I reasoned with him, turning around to face Owen as we walked together, me walking backwards.
“But I love it... Y/n, you can’t say the name Kenneth and expect me not to do anything” Owen chuckled, i scrunched my nose at him, “y’know Y/n, I think we’re going to be great friends” he continued, tucking me up under his arm, “besties even”
“Ew, don’t say besties” I laughed, Charlie slowed down on his way to the set, stopping beside Owen and I,
“Is he creeping you out?” Charlie teased, nudging Owen, causing him to roll his eyes,
“Ugh as if, am I Y/n? I’m not am I?” I shook my head and smiled up at the boy beside me, “see? Charles, I told you” Owen stuck his tongue out at Charlie and walked quickly away from him in a strop, leaving me behind with Charlie,
“Hi” Charlie said simply, I looked up at him and nodded, smiling.
“Hi” I mirrored, Charlie smirked at me and stared at me, “what?” I questioned, Charlie shook his head, laughing slightly,
“Nothing, nothing” he repeated himself, saying the first ‘nothing’ quietly, almost to himself, “so uh, what’re you gonna do on set?” Charlie questioned,
“Oh I’m helping him direct, Kenny taught me everything I know, he’s the only one that supported me through everything- my family really hate the fact that I have a love for acting, singing, dancing and directing but Uncle Kenny always inspired me and pushed me to do my best” I explained,
“Oh you’re going to be bossing us around are you?” Charlie joked, winking at me, I nodded happily,
“Yes I am, and I’m going to have a fun time doing it too” I responded, “come on” I said, tapping Charlie’s forearm lightly to encourage him to walk faster with me to catch up with everybody, Kenny watched as Charlie and I came closer to view, he smiled yet he had a suspicious glint in his eyes, and if I knew my Uncle Kenny as much as I thought I did, I’d believe that he was up to something. “Sorry Uncle Kenny” I apologised coming up to stand beside him,
“No need to apologise darling,” Kenny simply replied “ready to get to work?” He questioned, I nodded and Kenny wandered over to the cast, requesting Madison, Savannah and Jadah, he was about to film the scene where we first meet Savannah’s character ‘Carrie.’ Kenny sent Booboo home as he was only called in for a briefing and script changes whilst Tori and Sacha went to the resting tent, Tori wanted to go through some of her choreography ideas and Sacha wanted to go through his lines.
I moved away from the set and sat in Uncle Jenny’s seat that had ‘Director’ written on the back, “alright boss?” I heard someone whisper from behind me, I turned around slightly to see Charlie leaning in close,
“I’m alright, how’re you?” I asked, “all of you” I continued, looking at Jeremy and Owen who were stood behind Charlie, they all smiled at me and took their scripts out from their back pockets,
“We’re great” they all said, moving to sit in their seats and beginning to read through their lines together, “so you’re gonna help direct huh?” Jeremy asked, peering up from his script to look at me,
“Yeah, I love directing and Kenny used to come to the shows I directed back in high school” I explained, “he said I was his ‘biggest inspiration’ because he thought that I could direct anything from thrillers to love stories to comedies”
“She is,” Kenny spoke up, as he had finished going through the basics with Savannah, Madison and Jadah, “I’m her biggest fan” he laughed, “right, silence on set” Kenny ordered to the crew behind the camera, they began filming, the talent that the three girls had was absolutely incredible, however, my ‘director’ brain came into play and I began to pick out things that I thought I could change, I wandered over to Kenny and took the script he had in his pocket along with a pen and began to jot down some ideas as soon as I got back into my seat.
I watched as Y/n scribbled in the script she had taken from Kenny, it amazed me how she had so many thoughts and ideas and wanted to put them all into effect, she was incredible. “You alright there Boss?” I questioned in a quiet tone, Y/n looked up at me with her y/e/c eyes and smiled, nodding.
“Hm? Yeah I’m okay” she said, not taking her eyes off of the script resting on her lap, I watched as Owen tapped Y/n on her shoulder,
“Whatcha working on?” He questioned, in a low whisper, “ideas for the scene?” He continued, Y/n nodded and showed him the script,
“Uh... yeah, they’re a bit rough... what do you think?” She asked nervously, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands, Owen read through the ideas, using his finger as a pointer to direct him through the scribbled notes on the page.
“They seem amazing” he said honestly, Jeremy had caught attention to what Y/n and Owen were doing, now becoming intrigued on the situation alongside myself, “Y/n has been busy coming up with ideas... show them, they won’t judge” Owen said, i heard the low whisper of the last part that he said directly to her, even I could feel her being slightly anxious about showing more people her ideas, she twisted her mouth slightly before biting her lip,
“Hey, I bet you they’re so good” I reassured, resting my hand on her arm, I heard as she took a sharp breath in, she turned to look behind her and beckoned Jeremy over, he smiled widely and jumped off of his seat, skipping jokingly over to her which caused her to stifle a giggle, she nodded her head towards herself for me to come over as well, Jeremy and I had formed a huddle around Y/n as she showed us her ideas,
“Y/n, these are really good!” Jeremy beamed, looking down at the girl sat in the director’s seat, he handed me the script for me to read through, Owen and Jeremy were right, although the notes were focusing on the small details of the scene, I could see how it would improve it, she had an eye for the smaller things, an eye for detail and that was something that not everyone could obtain.
“I agree, why don’t you show Kenny these?” I questioned, Y/n shrugged slightly, still unsure of his blatant talent, she consistently tugged on the oversized sleeves of her hoodie and brought her hands up close to her face, rubbing the fabric over her nose as she scrunched her face out of confusion and possible anxiety.
“Oh I don’t know” she trailed off, I tilted my head and smirked at her, “what?” She questioned, smiling half heartedly,
“Kenny!” I exclaimed, as soon as they stopped filming the scene, “Kenny, come here” I beckoned him over, Kenny told Sav, Mads and Jay to take 10 as he came over to us, Jeremy and I stepped to the side to reveal Y/n, who had now stood up,
“Wassup guys?” Kenny asked, his voice filled with concern, he scanned over Y/n’s face, “has he said anything to you?” Kenny questioned, Owen, Jeremy and I all looked at each other in confusion,
“Has who messaged her?” Owen asked, Y/n shook her head at the subject, waving Owen off,
“Nobody, and no, Uncle Kenny, he hasn’t...” she trailed off,
“No, she has some ideas for the scene and I think they’d really work” I said, Y/n nodded as Kenny tilted his head at her, she walked forward and handed Kenny the script she had stolen from him not so long ago,
“Ah so that’s where my script went” Kenny joked, looking through the ideas written on the script “yeah... yeah okay” he said loudly, “right, my little star, you ready to put these into action?” Kenny questioned, rubbing his hands together, Y/n began to stutter over her words, I placed my hands on her shoulders and leant down to whisper in her ear,
“You’ve got this Angel” I said, the pet name slipping out, she looked at me and smiled,
“Sav, Mads, Jay- you ready?” Kenny questioned, the girls nodded and ran over to set, “come on Star” he smiled, wrapping his arms around Y/n and ushering her over to set with him.
“Angel huh?” Jeremy asked, winking at me,
“Oh shut it” I retorted, hitting jumping on Jeremy’s back, Owen bundled on top of me,
“Charlie’s got a crush” he teased, I rolled my eyes.
I walked over to the three girls and spoke them through my ideas, “Jadah, Madison, I think instead of seeing each other and walking down the hall together, maybe Julie could walk to her locker on her own, with her head down and after looking through her locker she closes the door and there’s Flynn. It would show a contrast between the two at the moment, yanno, Julie’s still upset about her mum and there’s Flynn who’s trying to cheer her up” I explained, the two girls smiled, “Savannah, I think what you were doing is great but instead of having a drastic change in attitude you should be more passive aggressive towards Flynn” I said, turning to the girl next to me.
“You were right Ken, she is good” Savannah complimented, Kenny smiled proudly and gave me a tight hug before walking off set with me, I saw Charlie, Owen and Jeremy standing there with their thumbs up at me, I mirrored the motion and laughed before turning back to the set,
“Right, quiet on set please... everybody ready?” The girls all nodded whilst the three boys quietened down, “action” Kenny said, we watched as the adapted scene played out, Kenny kept hugging me into him and repeating how proud he was of me, “and cut! Well done girls and well done you” Uncle Kenny smiled and hugged me again,
“Okay okay, enough with the hugs” I joked, wriggling out of his hold, “was it okay? The scene?” I questioned, Madison came running up behind me and hugged me from behind,
“It was amazing, I loved it” she beamed, spinning me around to look at her, “you’re talented Y/n” she continued,
“So talented!” Jadah called as she ran up to the group, with Savannah. The three boys came up behind me.
“You did me proud Star” Uncle Kenny beamed, I could hear a waver in his voice as I looked up at him, I saw him wiping a tear away,
“Oh Uncle Kenny” I cooed, “what’re you crying for?” The cast aw’ed behind me as they pulled him and I in for a group hug,
“It’s just, Y/n, I’ve never seen you in action before, I’ve seen the product of it but never the making” Kenny said, I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Guys! I have an idea” Tori’s voice rang through the group as we separated, “karaoke. Tonight?” She suggested and Sacha came up too,
“I’m down” Sacha said, eagerly, the rest of the group nodded, even Kenny
“Um, I think I’ll stay home, I’m not too big on” I said but was quickly cut off by Owen,
“She’s coming, she’s definitely coming” he said, resting his chin on top of my head, “please” he begged me, “please please please” he repeated, the rest of the cast joined in with the begging, Charlie and Jeremy taking it as far as to get on their knees, Kenny gently tugged me near him,
“Come on Y/n/n, you need this, you know you do” he said loud enough for me to hear,
“Oh fine! Fine okay! I’ll come” I rolled my eyes jokingly, Madison pulled me to her by my arm,
“I want to duet with Y/n first!” She screamed,
“I’m awful at singing...” I trailed off, Kenny instantly refuting that statement, saying that I had, and I quote ‘a voice of an angel’ we continued going through all of the scenes that Kenny wanted to go through that day, I had him coming up to me asking for suggestions on scene improvements and developments.
“God I am so tired!” Owen whined, just as we finished the last scene of the day, putting all of his weight on me, I grunted at the sudden added weight before bending down and lifting Owen up onto my back “ah... this, this is nice” Owen sighed in delight as I lugged him on my back, walking towards our trailers, I watched as Y/n walked ahead with Savannah, the two had managed to become very close throughout the day, Savannah came up to Y/n anytime she wasn’t needed on set, they sat and talked for ages.
“Well tomorrow we have to film the hot dog scene” Jeremy said, “and that will probably take us hours” his voice dragging as he thought of how long it would take to film, I laughed and waved Jeremy off as he entered his trailer, I adjusted the weight that was Owen on my back before walking a little bit further, dropping Owen off at his trailer,
“Here you are your majesty” I joked, bowing sarcastically towards Owen, causing him to smack the back of my head, “and that’s the thanks I get for carrying you” I rubbed the area that Owen had just hit and turned on my heels to walk to my trailer that was just across from him.
I entered my trailer and hung my costume up on the rail, I jumped into the cold shower and washed off the sweat that had been building up throughout the day, I then changed into jeans and a t-shirt, pulling on my boots before leaving my trailer, I spotted Owen and Jeremy already dressed and leaving their trailers so I caught up with them and walked with them out of the filming lot.
“You took your time” Madison jokingly complained, resting her head on Y/n’s shoulder, Y/n giggled before quickly pulling her hair up into a high ponytail,
“So, guys! I have a whole karaoke set up at my apartment, if you guys come over for 9?” Tori asked, the rest of us nodded in agreement, Madison and her dad, Mr Reyes, walked away, bidding farewell to everyone, Sav was giggling and joking with Y/n before she took Jadah and Sacha away to drive them home,
“Bye Y/n/n!” Sav called, after giving Y/n a hug, the girl waved to Sav,
“Bye! Bye Jadah, bye Sacha!” She smiled, she turned to the boys and I, having Kenny behind her,
“So you are coming later?” I asked Y/n, she nodded and smiled,
“Uncle Kenny won’t have it any other way” she joked, “so... I’ll see you all in a few hours?” She questioned, causing Jer, O and I to all nod, “okay... we’ll see you later” she smiled, walking away with Kenny,
“Oh! Y/n!” I called out, gaining a sudden burst of confidence, she turned around and tilted her head in a silent question, “after your duet with Mads and your duet with Sav... do you think you’ll have time to fit me in for one?”
“Yeah! Sure... why not?” She laughed before turning back around and running after Kenny who had continued to walk towards the car, I bounced on my feet happily,
“Cool” I mumbled to myself, “Owen, you ready?” I asked, spinning my car keys on my finger as I turned around, Owen and Jeremy were looking at me suspiciously, “what?” I questioned.
“I think you know what” Jeremy said in an obvious tone,
“You like that girl!” Owen exclaimed,
“Pfft, what?! No! I just met her...” I trailed off, it was true. I did just meet her, but that still didn’t mean that I couldn’t of liked her in the amount of hours she was around, I mean from 8am to 6pm... could I have fallen for her in that time? Surely not.
The time to go to Tori’s had finally come around, I had changed into a causal shirt and jeans, just so I didn’t feel overly formal, “so what duet are you thinking about doing with Y/n?” Owen asked as we got into the car.
“I don’t know... it’s just a silly duet O” I reasoned, beginning to drive over to Tori’s apartment.
Uncle Kenny parked up his car and we began to make our way up to Tori’s apartment, “so you’re singing with Charlie?” Kenny asked,
“Yeah, and Madison and Savannah” I replied, “and Madison is singing with Charlie and so is Owen and Jeremy” Kenny looked at me in agreement and knocked on Tori’s front door,
“Hi! Come in! Come in!” She said cheerily as she stepped to the side to allow us in, as we entered, Savannah came rushing up to me, embracing me in a quick hug, then came Mads and Jadah who joined in on the group hug, “wait! Wait!” Tori whined as I heard her feet pat towards the group, quickly flying her arms around the group, “I love group hugs” she sighed in content, as the group quickly dispersed I was greeted with Jeremy, Owen and Charlie
“Sacha and Booboo couldn’t make it in the end” Savannah announced, pouting at the sad news, “also why didn’t you boys join in on the hug?” She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest,
“Because...” Owen started as he and the boys stood up “we wanted one of our own” the three boys ran towards me and engulfed me in yet another group hug,
“Okay” I said, “okay guys” I laughed wriggling out of the hug, “I swear, I’ve never had this many hugs in my life” I joked as Owen ushered me over to sit next to him on the couch, Kenny wandered over and sat at the kitchen island drinking a glass of water.
Tori began to set up the karaoke machine whilst everyone was talking amongst one another, “so did you enjoy your first day on set?” Owen asked me,
“Oh yeah, it was great, I was really nervous, I didn’t want to mess anything up” I admitted,
“You were great” I heard a voice say, I turned to see Charlie moving to sit next to me just as Savannah got up to get a drink with Jadah, “honestly, you were amazing, a real natural” I blushed at his words and thanked him, “you excited for our duet?” Charlie asked, nudging me slightly,
“Yeah, I’m nervous though... I don’t really sing in front of people” I said just as Mads called me up to sing with her,
“We are singing Dynamite” Madison announced just as the song began to play, Mads and I started singing,
‘I came to dance, dance, dance, dance’ Madison started, holding my free hand and dancing with me,
‘I hit the floor cuz that’s my plans, plans, plans, plans’ I joined in, “oh okay girl!” Tori cheered causing me to laugh as Madison continued on.
The song soon came to an end and Madison and I jokingly bowed and Savannah came running up to sing our duet, “well that was amazing girls but now it’s my turn to sing with Y/n/n” she giggled, Madison rolled her eyes and wandered off the stage, sitting next to Kenny,
“What are we singing Sav?” I questioned, she smirked at me and whispered the song choice in my ear, “I love it... okay” the song began to play-
‘Eenie meenie miney mo, catch a bad chick by her toe’ Sav started rapping, ‘if she holla, if-if she holla, let her go’ she pointed over to me, signalling me to sing,
‘She’s indecisive, she can’t decide, she keeps on looking’ Sav then interjected,
‘From left to right, girl come a bit closer, look in my eyes’ we started dancing and laughing whilst the song continued, hardly managing to get through the song fully without bursting into fits of laughter. Once the song had finished, I went to walk away to sit on the sofa before being gently pushed back by Charlie,
“Uh you said you’d sing with me” he smiled at me, “and we are singing a lovely song called No Air”
“I love that song” I admitted as we walked back over and picked up the karaoke mics, ‘No Air’ started to play, Charlie turned to look at me as we sang the first part together.
I held onto Y/n’s free hand as we sang, I kept smiling down at her. The song soon came to an end, I let go on Y/n’s hand and felt heat creep onto my cheeks, I’m blushing... I never blush. I thought to myself, looking back down at the girl beside me, she lowered her head and walked away to sit next Owen, I watched as he nudged her lightly and she laughed at what he was saying to her, I waited a while before sitting back down on the couch sitting next to Madison, “you like her” she stated, not even looking at me,
“I- I don’t” I stuttered, Madison rolled her eyes and hummed at me, clearly not convinced, “I just met her”
“Listen, you can like someone from the first day, it’s not like there’s a handbook to this kinda stuff” she explained, she wasn’t wrong, the way you feel towards someone can change from person to person and this has to be the quickest I’ve ever liked someone, I knew it from the moment she walked in, she had this beautiful y/h/c hair and these glimmering eyes, she had one of the kindest faces I’ve ever seen, her features were soft yet chiselled, her lips were plump and when she looked at me, I could easily get lost. She was mesmerising... and I had fallen, quick.
💜thanks for reading!💜
♡︎𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 : @thesweetestsinner , @ifilwtmfc , @ashleyleblancx , @chloepart03 ♡︎
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
how much have you had to drink?
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george weasley x fem!reader
words: 2,387
a/n: maybe I did use too many differing pov’s but it is what it is,, enjoy!! :)
warnings: none ( i think )
I had been the first, and only person to prank the twins back at Hogwarts. Everyone else in the school was too afraid of their tricks that it was easier to stay out of a never-ending war with them. But I'd always been up for a good challenge, even if it was a 5 year long one.
As usual the twins joined me at breakfast, ignoring Angelina who had been telling me about the upcoming halloween party, and sat either side of me.
“Morning boys,”
“y/n,” they acknowledged in unison, both reaching for toast.
“Sleep well?” I asked George.
“Oh yes, perfectly.” He said sarcastically, taking a large bite of food.
“Almost as if someone slipped us a sleeping potion.” Fred joined in on the other side of me.
“Well I had to test my homework on someone,” I admitted, unashamed of my great potion-making skills. “Anything else strange happen last night?” I asked innocently.
“Nope.” they said.
“You sure? Because I managed to get some very lovely pictures of you too sporting some very sweet hairstyles.” I waved the photos of their sleeping forms in their faces, the little red pigtails flashing before their eyes.
Oliver Wood, having caught onto the end of our conversation leant across the table to see what I had.
“So that’s why you too looked like that this morning, I was beginning to worry I’d started sleepwalking.. Or styling.” He laughed, earning a glare from the boys beside me.
“You know we will get you back y/n,” Fred warned, but his threat was empty.
“Oh come on, you boys always go easy on me.” I laughed, taking a sip of my juice and immediately spitting it back out. “Gross!”
“Oh do we?” George asked, barely looking up from his book to hex my plate into slugs.
As much as the twins and I battled, they were still my best friends and I had spent pretty much my entire time at Hogwarts at their side. Unless Angelina pulled me away to gossip about whatever ‘exciting’ thing was coming up next.
This time it was the halloween party.
“I just don’t get why I have to dress up Lina, I'm already a witch. Can’t I go as myself?” I huffed, resting my legs on her lap as we sat in front of the fire.
“The Weasley’s won’t let anyone in who isn’t dressed up, it’s the rules.”
“Oh that’s easy, they’ll let me come regardless.” I laughed.
It was as if they appeared at the sound of their name, popping their heads over the back of the sofa. Both Angelina and I jumped out of our skin, immediately reaching up to hit them in retaliation.
“Hey, you guys will still let me come to the party saturday if I don’t dress up right?” I asked with an expectant smile.
“No costume,” Fred started
“No entry,” George finished. And then walked off to the dorms.
“Oi, but it’s me-”
“No exceptions,” They called back.
I fell back into the sofa, ignoring Angelina’s smug face as she started discussing costumes once again. Tossing up whether to go as a cat, or some sort of muggle character. Not that she really knew any, but she just wanted to impress one of the boys in the year above.
“Will you help me y/n?” she pleaded, to which I finally gave in. Knowing I didn’t have anything better to do.
Saturday morning rolled around and I still hadn’t sorted my own costume, but at least Angelina was happy with her Daphne costume that I’d helped organise.
Fred and George had slipped away early from dinner last night, claiming that they had to ‘finish up party plans’. But I felt uneasy, having swapped their ties for two slytherin ones and then locking them in the dorms until 2 minutes before classes started that morning.
Yes it made me late for Mcgonigall’s lesson too, but seeing them rush in wearing the wrong uniform and having to explain that it had just been mixed up somehow to their head of house was well worth it.
Still, they could be planning payback.
The party was starting in an hour, and everyone was in their dorms getting ready. Including about three more girls than were usually in mine and Angelina’s dorm, racing around with masks and lip liner and other parts of costumes.
I walked in to see a hat with bunny ears laying on my bed.
“It’s all I could find,” Angelina told me, as she passed by to grab her purple jacket. “Dunno if it’ll be enough though.”
“I’ll sort something out, thanks Lina!” I shouted after her as she raced to use the bathroom before anyone else slipped in.
My only thought at the time was clown makeup, but I didn’t have any white face paint, and never really enjoyed its feel as it was. So I took a red lipstick and some dark eyeshadow to draw diamonds round my eyes. With the bunny hat on I looked far from scary, but paired with the clown makeup and a dark lip, I at least looked creepy.
Angelina leant me some fishnet tights to wear with my black skirt and I threw on a zip hoodie I had stolen from one of them twins years ago. I couldn’t remember which one if I was being honest.
Oliver and I had been sharing a bottle of vodka I'd brought with me from home, knowing it got everyone drunk quicker than wizard booze. Without realising it, an hour had passed, and I was yet to see either of the twins.
“You seen Fred or George tonight?” I asked the boy beside me, who was enjoying his stress-free evening.
“Yeah, Fred is dressed as a fighter pilot and I think I saw George in some kind of lab coat… or maybe it was a doctor?” He laughed to himself.
I headed up to their dorm room to see if they were there, and sure enough I just avoided a head on collision as they walked out.
“Whoa, nearly lost me there!” I screamed, stumbling back with a laugh. “What are you guys doing up here,”
“Nothing,” George spoke quickly.
“How much did you drink, y/n” Fred asked, helping me down the stone steps until we made it safely to the common room.
“Not loads, hey that’s not right.” I frowned at the boy holding me steady.  “Oliver said you were dressed as a Pilot Fred, not George.”
“I am George!” The boy, with the aviator sunglasses on, teased. “You’re as bad as mum honestly.”
“Yeah, at least our costumes are legit!” the other teased, flopping the bunny ear that had fallen over one eye away.
“Do you like it?” I spun round, the skirt bouncing around I did.
“It’s an interesting combination,”
“Well you haven’t kicked me out… yet.”
Unbeknownst to y/n’s knowledge, the twins continued to confuse her. Constantly running off to swap costumes, and mess with their friend further. Although it kind of backfired, as the more she drank, the less she trusted herself to tell them apart and gave up altogether. In the end they went back to their original costumes, Fred as the Pilot and George the bloody doctor. They both decided to tell y/n the next morning, when she could at least have a chance of understanding.
Everyone else was in bed, except for the twins and I who sat up singing by the fire and sharing the last bottle of gin that I could find in my stash.
“I’m gonna have to stock up my stash at christmas,” I laughed as the last swig was taken and we fell into each other's shoulders. I slumped between them, laughing at the memory of Ron and Hermione’s perfect dance routine to livin’ la vida loca earlier that night.
I felt a lump in my jacket pocket and remembered that’s where I’d left my cigarettes since being at home. I stood up, startling the boys and declared what I was leaving to do.
“I’m off for a smoke, see you in a bit.” They shook awake.
“Wait y/n, you can’t smoke here rememb- oh god she’s gone.”
“Well go on then George, stop her!” Fred grumbled to his brother, having already drifted back off to sleep.
George ran down the staircase, being careful not to make too much noise as his doctor’s coat flew behind him. He had only been a few seconds behind y/n, how could she have disappeared already? Still, he headed for the black lake, knowing that was her favourite spot to go when she wanted to be alone. He had watched her there many times, far away enough that she had never spotted him though.
“Y/n!” He whisper-shouted, running down the bank towards her. She was already sat down, the lighter in one hand and a cigarette balanced between her lips.
“What are you doing Fred?” she asked, mistaking him for the other twin.
“Oh about th-”
“At least it’s you and not George,”
The boy felt hurt by her words, always having looked after her without her knowing. Most of the time the lack of retaliation from the twins in their prank war was because George would sabotage it. He always felt guilty playing tricks on y/n.
“Why’s that?” He asked, playing along with what she believed to find out the truth.
The girl lit her cigarette regardless of his warning, and puffed out a breath of smoke offering it to the boy beside her who reluctantly agreed. Knowing that if his mother could see him now, she would have a heart attack.
“I always embarrass myself in front of George,” y/n admitted. “Whether it’s being drunk, or making stupid jokes. I just look like an idiot when I’m around him.”
“I don’t think you do,”
“I can’t help it though, it’s different with you. You’re like a brother to me Fred.”
“Actually y/n-” George started, wanting to come clean, but she kept going.
“But George, he’s just more than that you know. He always cares for me and makes sure I’m safe, hell he thinks I don’t notice when he watches me sulk down here.” She laughed lightly to herself, leaning to rest on the boy beside her. “I was so sure I knew him better than anyone else, but obviously not.” Her shoulders dropped in despair.
“Why’s that?”
“He probably just sees me as a friend right? I mean, I couldn’t even tell you two apart tonight, I thought you were him.” She scoffed.
George swallowed, knowing that him admitting to their prank would most likely cause some backlash from the girl. But he bit the bullet.
“I am George.”
Her body froze.
“Don’t joke.” She said flatly.
“I’m not, honestly. It was just supposed to confuse you earlier but I am George.”
Y/n stood up, dropping her cigarette into the water and headed up the hill towards the courtyard. George ran after her again.
“Please y/n wait!” He called out, grabbing her hand to stop her. She spun around, tears running down her face. “Oh god i’m so sorry, I didn’t realise you thought I was him, I just came to check on you.”
“I’m such an idiot god.” she huffed, trying to drag herself away but he wouldn’t let go. “I can’t even tell it’s you when you’re right here,”
“Yes you could y/n, that’s the whole point.”
“Still I just told you how I feel about you, with no intention of actually telling you, yet here we are with you being kind and nice and perfect and I’m just embarrassing myself once again.”
George followed her into the hallway and up the stairs, not wanting to call out until they were clear of the earshot of others. He managed to stop her just before the common room, pulling her aside into a secluded corner.
“Y/n, darling..” she had never heard him call anyone that seriously until now, and she couldn’t help but feel special because of that. “I have never seen you as an idiot, and you have never embarrassed yourself in front of me. In fact, I’ve always thought you were the perfect one.”
“Then why are you only telling me this now?” The girl asked him.
“I always thought you liked Oliver,”
“Wood?” she laughed and he hadn’t heard a sound better “God, he’s way too intense. Even tonight he wanted to talk game strategies with me, it was so boring.”
“Well that’s a relief.”
“So… you’ve always liked me?” She teased him slightly, playing with the seam of his costume. George just rolled his eyes and held her face, making her look up at him. Of course she had stood next to him before, but it was only in this moment that she felt the sheer height gap between them.
He leant down and kissed her lips, still clutching her face as her hands dropped from his coat in shock. He was soft and sincere, holding her as if he’d longed to do so for quite some time. Y/n smiled against George’s lips, making the boy blush to himself and thank Merlin that she couldn’t see him do it.
They broke away after what felt like nowhere near long enough, y/n rested her head into his chest and sighed happily.
“We should get to bed, it’s late.” George whispered and she nodded. “You tired?” y/n nodded again. “Okay darling let’s go.” He took her waist and lifted her off the ground, letting her wrap her legs around him and nestle into his neck.
He passed Fred who was slipping into unconsciousness on the common room sofa.
“Night Fred,” they called to him, and he just groaned back.
“Don’t worry, we can tell him in the morning.”
“George,” the girl in his arms groaned.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
“Of course darling,” George said softly and took the girl up to his dorm so she could sleep comfortably in his arms, her little head tucked between him and the bed. He laughed at the bunny hat discarded on the chair, remembering how sweet she’d looked in it.
Even as a creepy clown George had wanted to kiss her.
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The Alley Cat (re-uploaded)
So I cannot find my Thomas O’Malley short ANYWHERE on my blog (that’s happened a few times with shorts I’ve written that I’ve adored, and it makes me really upset)
So I thought I’d re-upload my short since I’ve been talking a bit about Thomas as a Jellicle, and his relationship with Tugger! I may end up turning this into a short fic, or write a sequel, but I’m not 100% sure yet. 
So here’s the re-uploaded Alley Cat short!
(this features @dcjelliclequeen33‘s oc, Athena, aka the love of my life)
Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks had four children. 
Their oldest was a tom that they named Thomas. He had his father’s charming, easygoing nature, but his mother’s caring eye and warm nature.  
Their next kitten was a queen who was given the name Athena, who was as protective as they came, and adored her big brother and parents. 
Bombalurina and Demeter were their final two kittens, and they were both different and wonderful in their own way. Bombalurina was fierce and bright, energetic and bright, and, while Demeter loved her sister dearly, she was quieter, and chose to remain close to her siblings and friends. 
The four siblings loved each other, and they loved their parents. Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks were very proud, and very fond of their four kittens.
Thomas and Old Deuteronomy’s youngest son, the Rum Tum Tugger, got along like a house on fire, and the two were rarely seen out of reach of each other. It was not uncommon to hear the two singing at the top of their lungs as they ran through the Junkyard, the tom kittens laughing as they chased after each other.
“I like a chee-chee-chee-chee-rony like they make at home! Or a healthy fish with a big backbone!” Thomas would sing, a grin on his face as he tackled Tugger triumphantly, and Tugger would pout as he kicked the older tom off of him. “I’m Abraham De Lacy, Guiseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley! O'Malley the alley cat!”
Tugger stuck his tongue out at Thomas as he escaped his grasp, his fluffy tail twitching as he shook out his still-growing mane. “The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast! My disobliging ways are a matter of habit!” He would strut about the Junkyard proudly as Thomas laughed at him, but he would simply ignore the laughter and continue dancing around. “If you offer me fish, then I always want a feast. When there isn’t any fish then I won’t eat rabbit!”
The two toms were as thick as thieves, and when Thomas wasn’t spending time with Tugger dancing around and singing, he would either be with his sisters, or with his father at the railway station. While Skimbleshanks did not outright state that he was doing it, both he and Thomas knew that he was training his son to be the next Railway Cat, and Thomas was more than honored to be offered to take his father’s place, when the far-off day came. Skimbleshanks was a spry tom, so Thomas was not afraid of the day his father would be Chosen coming any time soon. 
Any plans of the future, however, were soon dashed by the revelation of Macavity’s madness, and his attack on his younger brother. 
Thomas hated himself for not realizing what was happening sooner. 
He should have seen the signs, he told himself. 
He should have realized that Athena was pulling herself away from the family, that Demeter was becoming snappish towards their parents and towards Munkustrap, the tom she once cared so deeply for, and he should have realized that Bombalurina was becoming more reclusive, remaining only around Macavity and her sisters, rarely interacting with anyone else.
Watching Macavity disappear with his sisters broke Thomas’ heart, and he hated himself for not chasing after them. 
“You can’t blame yourself, my dear.” Jennyanydots told him the night after everything happened, taking her son’s paw. “What happened was no one’s fault but Macavity’s.”
Thomas shook his head fervently, staring down at the ground. “I let them down, Mum. I was supposed to protect the girls, and I didn’t.” Skimbleshanks sat beside his son with a heavy sigh. “I can’t live with myself knowing that I could have stopped what happened.”
“We can’t change the past, lad.” Skimbleshanks said in a gentle but firm voice. “As much as we want to change everything, we cannot. We must live with our choices and our mistakes.”
“I can’t, Dad.” Thomas said, shaking his head as he covered his face with his paws in shame. “I was supposed to keep them safe from toms like Macavity.” He was ashamed, and he had failed completely. He was their big brother, he was supposed to have protected his little sisters.
And he didn’t.
A few weeks after Athena, Bombalurina, and Demeter left with Macavity, Thomas decided to leave the Junkyard.
It broke his heart leaving his parents, but the guilt was just too much. He couldn’t bear to hurt them anymore, to see the pain in their eyes as they walked around the near empty den, to see the pain in Munkustrap’s eyes every time he glanced at Tugger’s bandaged shoulder. 
It was all too much, and Thomas couldn’t stand it.
“I promise I’ll send word whenever I can.” He said after making his decision, hugging his mother tightly and nuzzling into her shoulder. 
Jennyanydots bit back a sob, stroking his fur lovingly. “Please, be safe, Thomas.”
Thomas nodded and stepped back, finding himself looking at his best friend. 
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can say to get you to stay here?” Tugger asked, his arms crossed as he fiercely held back any emotion. Thomas reached out, placing a paw on his uninjured shoulder. 
“I can’t… I’ve failed the girls, and I failed Mum and Dad, Tugs.” He said quietly, but Tugger couldn’t meet his eyes. Thomas shook the other tom gently.  “I promise, Tugs, I’m not going to become like her. I’m not cutting off ties with you all. You’re my family, no matter what happens.”
Tugger glanced back up at him, and gave him a small, curt nod. “Come back when you can.”
Thomas rubbed their shoulders together with a smile. “I will.”
With a final goodbye to the Jellicles, Thomas left his home.
He traveled all around, leaving London to see the rest of England, travelling until he ended up in Paris, France. Many times, Thomas met kind humans who let him stay in their homes for a few days, even a few weeks if he was lucky. He could never be a real housecat like his mother, too much had changed for that to happen, so he remained in the streets, meeting up with fellow alley cats and singing loudly every night. 
It was the one thing that Thomas could still do, the one thing that still made him feel like a Jellicle, even if he was miles away from home.
He would receive messages from his family via the mice that would make the journey between London and Paris, and he sent messages back, always promising that he would never become like the Glamour Cat, who had abandoned her family. 
(His favorite mouse was one named Roquefort, and the mouse eventually decided to stay in Paris, hunkering down in a lavish mansion in one of the upper-class sections of the city. Thomas visited the mouse frequently, the two joking, singing, and sharing memories of the Junkyard into the night.)
When he received word that his sisters had returned to the Junkyard, Thomas knew that he needed to return home as well. He had been on his way, humming his song to himself, excited for the journey ahead, when he had met her. 
Thomas had taken one look at the beautiful, pure-white queen and her trio of kittens, a precious white queen who was identical to her mother, a little black tom who sang loudly and proudly, and a little ginger tom who quite honestly looked as if he could have been Thomas’ own, and Thomas knew he’d never be able to part from them. 
And that was perfectly fine with him.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and smut.
a/n: shorter part tonight since last night was so long.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
“Babe? Gotta package.” Harry says as he comes in from work.
“Oh I wonder if it’s my shirt for the concert!” You rush over to him and snatch it. “I got a shirt from Etsy cause I don’t really like the merch.”
Harry smiles as you open the package and you gasp with delight. You got a black short sleeve crop top that said “Blinding Lights” on it it glittery writing.
“It’s perfect! Do you like it?”
“Yeah, looks nice.” He kisses your cheek and goes to sit on the sofa with Buster.
“I’m so excited, Harry. I still can’t believe you got fifth row seats!” You plop down next to him.
“Was thinkin’ we could go in and eat at Beer Works beforehand, would you like that?”
“Yeah! Love it there. Only a couple more days!” You squeal. “Do you feel like you know enough of the lyrics?”
“Yeah, babe. Think I got it.” He smiles.
“I wonder what songs he’ll do from his older albums. I hope he does Party After the After Party, that’s one of my absolute favorites.”
“I know, that’s your go to when we’re fuckin’.”
“Shut up.” You swat at him and giggle. “I like Aquainted too, and I Feel It Coming. Honestly, every song by him is a good song.”
“And you’ve really never seen him live before?”
“Never! This is the best early birthday present ever.”
“Does your family have anythin’ planned for you. I know we’re gonna be gone for a long weekend during your actual birthday…”
“No, I think our plan is to do a conjoined thing. Michael’s birthday is the weekend after mine, and my dad’s is the weekend after that. Michael’s gonna be one I can’t believe it. So we’ll just go to his birthday party. My family will call me on my birthday.”
“That’s right, I forgot about Michael’s party. Damn, this summer is just flyin’ by.”
“I know! We leave for London soon too, it’s crazy.”
“Are you sure your mum is cool with having Buster for an entire week?”
“Yeah, she loves watching him. I’m gonna miss him so much.” You pout.
“I know, he’s just too big to bring on a plane, unfortunately.”
You grab the remote and turn the TV on.
“Do you mind if I watch Glee? I feel like once I start I can’t stop.”
“Yeah, I don’t care.”
“You like it a little, don’t you?” You look at him grinning.
“It has some funny moments. Jane Lynch’s character is hilarious. It’s a little cringey though.”
“That’s Ryan Murphy for you.” You shrug.
“Plus…I’m fully invested in this will they won’t they with Rachel and Finn. I’m hooked on it.”
“God, I don’t think you’ve ever said anything sexier to me.” You kiss him and get snuggled up.
The night of the concert you make sure your hair looks perfect. You had really grown it out, and your waves looked great. You put your new crop top on and get to work on your makeup. Tonight was a false lash kind of night. You grab a high waisted pair of black jeans with some rips in them and put them on. You could just see the top of your naval piercing. You cuff the bottoms of your jeans and you’re very happy with how you look.
Harry had a pair of salmon pink shorts on and a black silk shirt with the first few buttons undone tucked into them. You liked that you and Harry had different fashion senses. You also loved when he wore anything to show off his tattoos a bit.
“You look so good, Harry.” You wrap your arms around him.
“So do you.” He kisses the top of your head. “Niall will be here soon to watch Buster, he just texted.”
Niall comes up with Sarah.
“Damn! Okay, out on the balcony, gotta take some cute pics before you get all sweaty at the concert.” Sarah says and you giggle.
She takes some pictures of the two of you outside. You take some nice ones and some silly ones. You kiss him on the cheek in one.
“Kiss each other, go on.”
Harry chuckles and turns to you. He tilts your chin up and kisses you.
“So cute.”
“Thanks, Sarah.” You take your phone from her.
“I’m so glad you finally got a new phone, the camera is so much better.”
“I know! I was just waiting for a good deal to upgrade.”
“You two kids have fun.” Niall smiles. “Do you want us here? I don’t mind bringin’ him across the street.”
“It’s up to you.” Harry says. “You guys can stay here if yeh want, doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah, make yourselves at home.” You smile and give Buster a hug. “Thanks again for watching him.”
You and Harry head out. You decide to take the green line over towards the Garden. You walk over to Beer Works which isn’t too far away, and sit at the bar. You each do a tequila shooter and order some apps. Harry sticks with beer, and you get a hard cider.
You walk hand in hand, slightly buzzed, into the Garden. Your tickets get scanned in and you make your way to your seats.
“Harry…holy shit, look at how close we are.”
“Want me to take your picture in front of the stage?”
You beam at him and hand him your phone. Someone offers to take a picture of the two of you in front of the stage as well.
“We’re really going to be able to see him, oh my god.” You hug him and he chuckles.
“Want me to grab us some drinks?”
“Yeah, that would be great actually. Do you want some money, I brought-“ He looks at you.
“I’ll be back with some beers.”
You watch Harry walk away, and look back to the stage. You can’t help but squeal with excitement. Harry comes back about ten minutes later with two large beers.
“Line was already crazy.” He hands you yours.
“Thanks, babe.” You sip on it and he sits down next to you.
You both were taking advantage of the little time left you wouldn’t be on your feet. You were happy you both were smart enough to at least wear sneakers.
You and Harry go for bathroom and beer runs during the two opening acts, not really interested in their music as much. You get back in your seats just when the second opener is done. The Garden goes dark and you squeal. You both stand up and you scream along with the crowd when he comes out.
He starts off with Alone Again, and works his way through most of the After Hours album. The crowd goes nuts when he goes into Starboy. You were having a great time. You ended up standing in front of Harry so you could rock against him. You would occasionally here him sing along and it sent a shiver up your spine. You got some great pictures and videos of The Weeknd, you swore he looked right at you. He sings I Feel It Coming, and Harry wraps his arms around you tighter. Another song you two had on in the background many times. Next he goes into Earned It, Often, and Acquainted. You were losing your fucking mind. He sounded so good loud, and you were having the best time just jamming out.
“So I thought I’d talk to the crowd for a minute, we’re at that point in the show.”
The crowd roars as he addresses certain people. He calls different people out, it’s a lot of fun. He has thre lights up in the balcony so he can thank the people from farther away. He walks along the stage, calling out people closer to him. Then his eyes fall to you.
“This girl, who’s been dancing on her man all night, where’d you get that shirt?” You freeze and point to yourself. “Yes, you. That’s not official merch.” He scolds you and you laugh.
“It’s from Etsy! Get better merch!”
“Get better merch, huh?” The crowd laughs. “Well, I’m glad someone made some money, guess that’s all that matters. You having a good time?” You smile and nod your head yes. “I know you are, you’ve been grooving the whole night, we love to see it.”
He moves on to someone else and you turn to look at at Harry, your mouth agape.
“I filmed that whole thing! Look!” Harry shows you his phone.
“That was the coolest fucking thing ever!”
He does his Dirty Diana cover, and then goes into Party After the After Party. You turn around to Harry and squeal, then you turn around to watch the stage again. Harry couldn’t help but laugh at your excitement. You had been a ball of energy all night. The show ends, and he comes back out to sing The Hills.
You and Harry wait a minute or two to head out, letting the crowd disperse before fighting your way through it. You walk through the Garden, keeping your hand on the back of Harry’s shorts while he leads you through the people. You get down to the green line, and only find one seat available. He sits down and pulls you into his lap. You turn to look at him and smile.
“This was one of the greatest nights of my life. Thank you so much.”
“I’m so glad you had fun. That was one of the best concerts I’ve been to in a long time.”
“I can’t believe he actually spoke to me! That was so cool.”
Harry moves to whisper in your ear.
“I can’t wait to get you home. You were grinding your ass on me all night, it was torture.” He kisses your cheek and holds you a little tighter. You smile at him and kiss him quick.
Sarah was passed out, leaning on Niall’s shoulder. The two thought Buster would be more comfortable in his own home. They were watching TV when she fell asleep. Niall was half asleep when he heard the shuffle of feet and giggling from the front hall.
“Babe, I think they’re back.” He lightly nudges her.
“Hm? Okay.” She yawns.
Harry gets you through the door, and lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around him. He pushes you up against the wall and kisses on your neck. You start giggling. Your hands move to unbutton Harry’s shirt. You push it off his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor. He takes your crop top off and kisses on your chest. You had a simple black bra on.
“Bedroom.” You groan into his ear.
He gets a better grip on you and starts walking into the rest of the apartment.
“Oh my god!” Sarah says.
Harry sets you down and hugs you to his chest. You hide your face in him. He needed you to stay close to hide his raging boner.
“You two are still here?” He says embarrassed.
“Yeah, we were gonna stay until you got home! Are you both drunk?!” You turn your head slightly to look at them and nod.
“Jesus.” Niall laughs. “Glad yeh didn’t get full naked out there.”
“Okay, well, thank you both so much for watchin’ Buster, goodnight.”
“Wait, how was the concert?”
“It was good Sarah, goodnight!” You say to her.
“Alright, alright, we’re leaving.”
Niall gives harry a thumbs up before they leave.
“They act like they never get a chance to do it.” Sarah laughs and looks at Niall. “How come we never do that?”
“Do what?”
“You never feel the need to get my clothes off the second we walk in the door.”
“Oh, you mean like this?”
Niall lifts Sarah up over his shoulder the second they get into his apartment and she squeals.
“I completely forgot they’d be here.” Harry says laughing.
“Me too!” You look at each other for a second. “Are gonna stand here or?”
“Oh right.”
He lifts you back up and carries you to the bedroom. Buster stays asleep in his dog bed. Harry undoes your jeans and yanks them down your legs. You do the same with his shorts. His lips connect with yours and you moan against him as he pushes his hips to yours. He really was hard.
You suck his bottom lip into your mouth and he groans. His hands dip into your panties and he drags them down your legs. He stays kneeling before you and grabs you by your ass, pulling you closer. He tugs one of your legs over one of his shoulders and he lips connect to your clit. You gasp when you feel his tongue lick up and down your folds. You tugs at his hair and he moans against you. He sucks and slurps on you and you feel like you’re going to lose your balance, but he steadies you. Just like when you feel you’re gonna come he stands up.
“Sorry.” He smirks. “My knees just hurt.”
“Thought you were trying to tease me.” You pout.
“Not tonight, angel.”
His hands move around you to unclasp your bra and it falls to the floor. He moves you over to the bed and he hovers over you. He kisses down your neck and chest, and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. You reach for him and pump him slowly. He twists your piercing between his teeth while he kneads your other breast.
“Harry.” You groan. “Want you inside me, please.”
“Want you on top.”
He kisses you and sits up against the headboard. You swing a leg over him and line yourself up to sink down on him.
“Fuck.” You breathe out.
You swivel your hips and grind against him. Harry wraps his arms around you and thrusts up. You move in a rhythm together and it feels amazing. You tug at his hair and kiss him, tongues gliding along each other. Your head rolls back when he starts to rub your clit. His other hand slides up to your throat. You make eye-contact with him.
“Yeah, go for it.” You smile, and he tightens his grip around you.
He moves his other hand faster on you as both continue in sync. You start panting, and love the way Harry’s large hand grips your throat. Harry looks at you, loving the way you’re just losing yourself.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He grunts.
You feel your stomach tighten and you clench around him.
“Fuck!” He moans as you both release at the same time. He thrusts up hard one more time as you gasp.
He loosens his grip on you, and you rest your head against his chest.
“You forgot to take your rings off.” You say, looking up at him.
“Oh, baby.” He smirks and moves some hair out of your face. “I didn’t forget.” He lightly grazes his fingers over the forming bruises on your neck. “I like the way you can kind make out my initials on you.” You involuntarily tighten around him. “And I see you don’t really mind it either.”
“I feel like I should…but I’ve always liked when you leave marks on me.” You smile. “It’ll fade, it’s fine.”
He kisses you, and you both sit there making out while he’s still inside you. You roll down on him and his cock twitches. His hands move to your hips and he rocks you back and forth on him.
“Harry, will you fuck me from behind?” You say against his lips.
“Always.” He smiles.
You giggle and get off of him to lay on your stomach. He grabs ahold of you to slide in, he gets fully on top of you how you like so his chest is flush with your back. You moan as he rocks in and out of you.
“God, you’re like balls deep, it feel so good.” You grab at the pillow under you.
Harry hooks an arm under you to grab one of your breasts, his other hand pressing into your hip. You press your ass against him as he moves around in a circle.
“Fuck, Harry.”
“Yeh like when we fuck like this?” He says into your ear.
“M’not crushin’ yeh?”
“Not at all.” You moan again when he thrusts deep into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna come again, oh god, right there, keep doing that.”
Harry keeps thrusting in and hitting your g-spot. You scream into your pillow and back your ass up right into him. His release comes shortly after. He lays on top of you for a few minutes before getting up. You get up to use the bathroom after he does.
You face each other as you lay in bed. Harry rubs your back and smiles at you.
“This was the perfect night, Harry.”
“Even when we almost got naked in front of our friends?”
“Especially when that happened.” You giggle. “No, but seriously. I love making these memories with you. I’ll never forget this.”
He pulls you in closer to him and rests his chin on the top of your head. You end up falling asleep like this. Ten months ago you never thought you’d be where you are right now. Being held by the person you loved most in the world, and him loving you right back.
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harrysgoldrush · 4 years
and they were roommates {h.s} part x
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A/N: so sorry for the wait my loves, I hope you enjoy!! and thank you thank you @soullikestyles for inspiring me and keeping me going xx
harry’s first solo concert was a success. there was no other way to say it and you couldn’t be more proud. you would be lying if you said you hadn’t cried along with anne and gemma, immensely overwhelmed with how great harry was. his album hasn’t even been out for that long and yet it seemed like the whole world was singing with him. you had never experienced anything like that in your life, an overwhelming sense of price.
of course you had been there when he was working on the album, he had shown you the songs and taken you to the studio and in turn, you had held his hand the minute the album was released, shouting with joy as jeff opened a bottle of champagne.
he was clearly emotional as well, frozen in awe when the audience sang loud and clear for him. you wanted him to always look that happy, eyes wide and smile blinding as he watched everyone around him.
as soon as harry finished his encore, it was a rushed madness to safely get backstage, gripping gemma’s hand tightly as anne pushed towards one of the venue workers who was glad to lead you back to the greenroom.
the band was all standing in the hallway, listening to the cheering audience that was slowly clearing out as the stage was being taken down. you spotted harry immediately, his floral jacket slung over his shoulder as he kicked at the ground, talking to adam with furrowed brows.
as anne whistled to the group, they all turned and gemma was quick to tackle her brother.
sarah came running to you immediately, her smile wide as she pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
“sarah, you were absolutely amazing! how was it for you guys?”
smoothing her ponytail, she tried to shrug coolly before bouncing on the balls of her feet. “oh awesome. really awesome. we could have played all night.”
“hang on, let’s not give jeff ideas,” mitch was cracking a rare smile as he pulled you into a hug, ruffling your hair as he asked, “was this as exciting as those book booze ups you’re always taking harry to?”
laughing, you pretended to think before playfully shoving at the taller guitarist. “those are for work, mitch. harry just likes the catering company so we always go. but this might have been just a bit more interesting.”
while you spoke to the two, you were keenly aware of harry making his way to you, kissing his mum on the cheek before murmuring something to her. you pretended not to notice harry slide up beside you but your smile betrayed you when he grabbed at your hand lightly and began playing with your fingers, his head ducked as he focused on his quiet task.
“sorry, i’m actually waiting for my roommate,” you were grinning at him, surprised when you felt tears growing in your eyes as harry looked up at you with his soft smile and gentle gaze. “he’s a huge fan, sings your songs almost every day. i hate to say it but he’s almost better than you.”
he was covered in sweat but practically glowing, his face lighting up the moment you began to tease him.
“oh sorry, must’ve thought you were my roommate, she flew out from new york to see me but must’ve gotten lost, she has no sense of direction,” he played alone, slapping a hand over his eyes as he stepped back, feigning embarrassment. “shame though, was thinking about inviting you to my after party.”
laughing, you grabbed at harry, pulling him into a tight hug as you said, “i’ve changed my mind, take me with you please!”
his arms stayed tight around your waist, his chest shaking from his own quiet laughter before he pressed a gentle kiss to your hairline. “mum said you cried during the show?”
your cheeks grew hot as you glanced towards the woman who had shared confidential information, having been sworn to secrecy after catching you wiping away quiet tears while harry spoke to the audience; you had started crying the second he stepped on stage.
“we all did, it was hard not to,” leaning back, you tilted your head as you studied him. “i’m really proud of you harry. that was phenomenal. what did you think?”
“audience was good. felt nice. better now that you’re here though.”
you were growing dizzy with every sweet word and meaningful glance and you were sure you would melt in his arms if not for jeff shouting, “c’mon folks, the quicker we work with tech the sooner we can head to our hotel.”
harry gave you that funny look he had been giving you the last few days before grabbing your cheeks, pecking your forehead dramatically before he joined his band, disappearing down the hall with a cheeky grin.
it was anne that pulled you back from space, making you jump as she took your arm gently. “let’s go, pet. after you and gems drop me off, you two can meet with them.”
the car ride was quiet, you could tell anne was still tired from the flight over. gemma had turned the radio off as soon as the car turned on, eager to hear how you had been since the last time you had met back when Harry had first finished the album.
"harry won’t stop telling us about that book of yours, you’ll have to send me a copy. from what i’ve heard it’s absolutely broken my heart."
gemma was speaking in a hushed tone, eyes filled with quiet excitement as she nodded her head toward anne who was already asleep before you had even left the parking garage.
"tomorrow morning mum'll be asking you for an advanced copy; we almost have to get one with the way our boy’s been acting; he needed to talk to someone but didn't want to bother you with all the reviews that were coming in."
"really? so he liked it?"
"babe, i haven’t seen my brother in weeks and all he’s said to me since i landed was about you and your book. i think it’s a bit more than just liking it.”
the rest of the car ride was filled with nervous smiles and knowing looks. anne was out of the car before you had fully parked, mumbling sleepily that she needed a shower before hugging and kissing you both, fully expecting to see you at brunch to discuss your book tour.
surprisingly the hotel was fairly empty as you helped gemma carry her bags, thankful jeff had sent yours there earlier. by the time the two of you had changed into more comfortable clothes, anne was passed out diagonally on the bed and harry was texting you, begging you to hurry up and get upstairs.
"you spoil him, babe," gemma had teased, pulling you into the elevator with her. you were wearing a floral button up crop top with light washed jean shorts, phone and hotel card sitting securely in gemma’s purse. despite her evident jet lag, gemma was bouncing up and down on her heels, black spaghetti strap top and skinny jeans creating a perfect balance of runway ready and after party prep.
harry was notorious for his drunken antics, with you having had to act as babysitter for plenty of exciting nights this past year. you had learned the hard way not to wear your favorite sweater or a short dress around him, it never ended well.
when gemma nudged you, effectively pulling you back to earth, you hummed in confusion causing her to laugh.
"i’m just saying that the two of you bend over backwards for each other. not that that's a bad thing, he clearly loves all your attention. you both just seem really happy. honestly i'm surprised he hasn't declared his undying love for you yet, you two just make sense."
your cheeks were beginning to burn as you laughed defensively. "i am very lucky to have clicked with harry the way i did. i feel like i’ve known him my whole life. but i don't see anything like that in our cards. we both needed a friend when we met and i wouldn't change that for the world."
gemma's eyes narrowed but she was soon smiling with excitement as the doors opened to reveal harry donning a sparkly party hat with three solo cups balanced carefully in his hands.
he had changed into dark jeans, his grateful dead shirt faded but fitting just right as he lifted his eyebrows and pulled a confused face, his breath already smelling like tequila and something else.
"did you go to the wrong hotel or something? it's been ages since i've seen my two best girls!”
gemma simply laughs, shoving at her younger brother as you chide playfully, “you’re an absolute goof, harry styles.”
the styles siblings were practically glowing, basking in each other’s presence in a way that you’ll always love. they have a secret language, one similar to yours with harry, but one that has been years in the making, something so effortless and fascinating and something you could only hope for.
before you’re even able to catch on, gemma has left you two alone and harry is gently handing you a cup that is filled to the brim. “hope you don’t mind, i might’ve poured a bit too much.”
“i need to catch up with you anyways” your shrug makes his eyes light up, more mischievous than usual with the excited nature brought on by a night of performing.
taking a sip, your eyes shoot wide as you’re met with a mouthful of straight tequila. his guilty pleasure and a nasty habit that you’re more than happy to indulge in.
when he begins to laugh, you ask quickly, “i’m not stealing you from the party, am i?”
“the party don’t start til you walk in.”
oh yeah, he’s plastered.
as he leads you deeper into the party, introducing you to people whose names are already forgotten, he hands you more and more drinks and you feel yourself swept into the blur of bright lights and loud music.
you are normally much more conscious of drinking with harry, always making sure to be aware enough to look out for him but tonight jeff has taken that role, along with dj much to harry’s delight.
“where’s the band?” your voice is drowned out by the bass drop of a song you’ve never heard in your life and you’re sure harry didn’t hear you with the way he grabs you to dance. then before your mind can wrap around what’s happening, he’s pushing you forward, hands resting warmly on your hips, cup clenched awkwardly between his teeth.
you wind up in another room filled with colorful lights and the smell of weed, thankful that this room is a little quieter. adam sneaks up on you, making you jump when he takes your empty cup and disappears with a promise to fill it up.
sarah is a welcome form of affection, granting you warm hugs and nonsensical insights as harry and mitch mess around with the camera. in a blur of bright lights and clumsy laughter, you’ve slowly begun to fill your pockets with photos of you and the band. you hardly have time to look at the finished products, deciding you’ll have plenty of time when you’re sober and missing your friends.
ever the narcissist, harry is fascinated with the machine and determined to take the best photos; he’s already brought himself a brightly colored hat to make sure people know this party is for him. you can’t tell why it’s so funny, but you keep pointing out his ridiculously large forehead and harry keeps pulling serious faces right before your pictures are taken, prompting you to do anything you can to try and get harry to crack a smile for a photo.
“harry come on, i just want one nice photo of us. why won’t you smile? is it because i said the thing about your head?”
“you look better in the lighting than i do.”
you can hardly take him seriously, struggling to keep a straight face before you nod in understanding.
“okay. we can fix that.”
sarah is quick to hop in, directing the photos in question as she yells, “harry close your eyes more! no no don’t open them!”
in the end, you’ve wound up with dozens of photos of you pulling the ugliest faces ever to make your roommate feel better while he does a poor attempt at a smolder.
“what is that supposed to be, h? you look constipated.”
“sarah jones it is my interpretation of blue steel from the hit comedy action movie zoolander.”
“come on, come on i want the whole band in this last one!” you’re shouting, interrupting the two as you realize people have formed a semi-organized line to use the camera. “squeeze in!”
“hang on, i can’t fit!” harry is nearly screaming, pushing at you all as the camera counts down.
grabbing at him, you try to explain that he’s got plenty of room but as the shutter goes off you’re suddenly being tackled as harry leaps onto your back, knocking the whole group over.
time becomes blurred after that, desperate snacking and lazy drinks and an overall sense of content when sarah whispers something to harry and they both look at you.
later in the night, when your brain isn’t as foggy and the air isn’t as hot, he’s convinced you to sit on his lap, or maybe you had to sit on his lap to stop him from embarrassing himself; it’s hard to tell. all you know is that he is practically glowing with his arms wrapped around your middle and his chin resting on your shoulder as he talks loudly to his friends around you two.
you swear harry’s never spoken so much in his life when one of the tech crew members recognizes your name from the new york times newcomers list. he’s practically telling your whole life’s story along with a long list of embarrassingly exaggerated accomplishments. he’’s even stuck his hat on your head now, explaining that you’ve got to wear it because you’re the guest of honor now; the sharp bite of the elastic chin strap keeping it on your head makes you think otherwise.
by the time gemma’s rejoined the group with another round of drinks he’s lost the plot; all grins and giggles and nonsense.
“harry, mate, we’ve met!” mitch is close to tears, practically wheezing as he shakes your hand for the third time that night as you struggle to catch your breath.
“what? really? aw, i’m so glad. do you like her? i hope you do, she’s bloody brilliant.”
giggling, you’re glad to be grounded in his arms, feeling your drinks finally setting in. harry’s eyes are wide, his pupils impossibly wide and he can tell you’re about to get up to get him a water or a snack or anything to bring him back down because the second you try to get up, he’s stopping you with a playful frown.
“i’m just gonna fill our cup, it’s already empty since someone lost his drink earlier.”
he just shakes his head, wrapping his arms tighter around you before awkwardly twisting his legs around yours as sarah tells a story that makes gemma clap her hands loudly before asking mitch if it’s true.
you’re only able to tune into their conversation for a moment, with harry easily able to distract you when he begins fumbling with your phone. you’re still not sure how or when he got it but he’s been using it all night, doing who knows what with it.
“wanna take another picture of us, you look beautiful.”
laughing, you turn to see what he’s doing and let out a shriek when he accidentally head butts you as the flash goes off, his lips scrunched up against your chin.
he’s grimacing as you struggle to grab at your phone, easily able to keep it out of reach as he examines the picture he’s taken.
it’s an awkward angle with his free arm wrapped right around your stomach, the other holding out the phone low in front of them. you hadn’t even noticed your hand was holding his arm gently, too focused on not knocking over your drink while harry nearly broke your jaw with his sudden decision to aggressively kiss your jaw. your eyes are wide and so are his, but you’re both smiling in the picture and look so happy that you know you’ll never delete it.
“have you been taking those all night?”
he nods, still staring lazily at the photo, zooming in on your faces before he’s glancing up at you with a smile, surprising sober as you bump heads more gently.
“yeah, don’t want to forget anything. our lives are different after tonight with your book and my album. but i don’t want this to ever change.”
“you mean that?”
“yeah, never. but don’t tell the others, okay? i’d hate for them to find out so early in the tour that you’re my favorite friend.”
in a surge of sound, you’re immediately twisting to look at harry who’s already shot up, practically carrying you to the dance floor. you’re surprised he hasn’t been dancing all night, he’s mainly hovered around you and introduced you to his friends as if this was a house party rather than the after party for one of the most important shows of his career.
but now it’s your song, your guilty pleasure which always makes harry blush in embarrassment, begging you to stop dancing and singing loudly to the bee gee’s best song (in your humble opinion).
somehow “more than a woman” has found its way into a playlist that’s been playing fleetwood mac, kendrick lamar and the rolling stones for the past two hours. and harry is dancing his heart out.
you had shown him saturday night fever months ago, openly thirsting over young john travolta dancing to this song and now your best friend is drunkenly attempting to recreate the scene in question, singing in his falsetto with mischievous eyes and you watch in awe.
it’s utterly ridiculous. and that makes it easy to fall into line, practically shouting the lyrics with him as you dance just as awkwardly with a huge grin on your face. your arms are everywhere they shouldn’t be, harry’s tripping over his two left feet and it’s the greatest thing you can remember happening. with his eyes on you, it’s easier to just close yours; it makes your cheeks cool significantly as you embarrass yourself with him.
and when he takes you into his arms, you hold onto him just as tightly and yell, “i can’t believe you got jeff to play this song. when did you even tell him about it?”
“you should know by now i’d do anything for you. including playing the bee gees at my very private very exclusive party.”
at a loss for words and boldened by the endless drinks supplied, you can only admit with a breathless smile, “i love you, h. so much. i can’t remember the last time i had ever been so happy before i met you.”
his smile is timid, almost bashful as he nods, comprehending what you’ve said. you feel small in his arms, especially when he lifts you up and spins you in his arms, choosing to sing rather than respond.
maybe tonight he’ll tell you how he feels. while you’re dressed all pretty just for him, following him around all night despite how obnoxious he’s been; he blames it on the nerves. he’s had much more to drink that you, he had hoped it would have made him bolder in the ways that matter and now he’s sure he’s messed things up when he realizes just how much he’s leaning on her when they dance.
still, you somehow manage to hold him up, shouting the lyrics right back at him, holding his hand just as tightly and keeping him close all night until the party had dwindled down to just the two of you and harry’s ipod in harry’s hotel room.
“one last song,” harry promises earnestly, light on his feet as he searches for the song he wants. he’s torn between two, unsure of how he wants to end the night. “pick a number, one or two.”
please pick two. he thinks, fingers hovering over a herb alpert & the tijuana brass song that always makes him think of you, something that would easily steal his words right out of his mouth and change everything.
he watches you think for a moment, kicking your shoes off near his bed as you finally free your head from the hideous sparkly hat he had gifted you, your hair a frizzy mess that you have no intention on taming tonight.
“hmm. one? we can always listen to two another night.”
you can hardly breathe when he steps close to you and gently puts an earbud in your ear, smiling quietly at you before the beginning notes of “going to california” begin to play. his touch is soft when he pulls you close, his gaze intense as he sways you both gently. one hand grips yours and the white ipod nano while his other hand rubs at your lower back, his actions bold while his face is timid yet relaxed, giving you his full attention.
you fold first, skin hot and chest tight as you look down at what little space there is left between you two.
he sings it gently in your ear, your hair tickling his nose but harry doesn’t seem to mind, holding you tightly as you both dance. he’ll tell you another night when he doesn’t need to play “this guy’s in love with you” because he’ll be able to say it himself. until then, he’ll be thanking gemma for the rest of his life for taking your phone and key card with her to you shared room, giving him ample excuses to invite you in; he’ll take all the seconds he has with you.
tag list: @capture-the-moment-on-camera @myspecialparadise @berrynarrybanana @brwnskin-bunnyteeth @harry-is-my-medicine @harrysclementines @another-lonely-heart @harryskalechips @soullikestyles @lights-up-hazza @c-h-e-r-r-y-y-lips @cassiopeiaskies​ @inmygardensuit​ @ggaayyyong​ @mortumnoctis​ @orange-mang0​ @shawnieeboyy​ @odetostep​
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blu-joons · 5 years
My Puerto Rican Princess ~ Kim Namjoon
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Stepping through the front door, you felt a wave of relief to finally be home. It had been long, and stressful, yet as soon as you walked in, you could smell something that felt just like home.
“There you are,” Namjoon smiled, walking to greet you with a big hug, an apron tied around his waist. “You look like you’ve had a hard day today jagi.”
He knew when your days were hard you often ended up with you feeling homesick. All you wanted was to go home and be back around your friends and family, but then when you reunited with Namjoon, everything just felt right again.
“I’m just happy to be home, I’ve hated being at work today,” you grumbled, hanging your jacket on the wall, slipping your heels off, kicking them away.
From the kitchen, the smell lingered, bringing a smile to your face. He took your hand, walking you into the kitchen where you saw exactly what he’d been up to.
“Is that tostones?” You questioned, turning to look at him with a laugh. “What’s made you decide to give this a go? It smells amazing.”
“I just knew from your texts you’d been having a bad day, so I knew you’d come home feeling homesick, so I’ve brought home to you,” he smiled, walking over to the stereo.
He pressed play, and the music from your home country soon rang through the house. He danced around the house making you smile, desperately trying to cheer you up.
“I know it’s not the same as being at home, but I hope that this can make you feel a little bit better. If you shut your eyes, you must think you’re in Puerto Rico, surely.”
“Let’s see,” you chuckled, shutting your eyes tightly, feeling him rest his hands on your waist to sway you side to side. “It definitely feels like I’m in Puerto Rico right now.”
“Me allegro mi amore,” he whispered, as you opened your eyes.
You looked up at his tall frame in surprise. “I didn’t realise you were so fluent in Spanish. You make it sound so sexy.”
“I’ve been trying to learn the odd phrase of two,” he told you.
“That’s impressive. You’d settle right in if we went to Puerto Rico. I can’t believe I’ve not found you practicing or anything before this.”
He was sneaky when he wanted to be, he liked to do little things like that just to make you happy and feel at home. Plus, he loved to take you by surprise in moments when you least expected it.
Namjoon loved learning about your background and culture. You’d made it sound amazing, and he couldn’t wait for the day to come around when he could go and explore your home country.”
“I’d love to get a few lessons from you, really perfect the pronunciation of it all,” he queried, turning his attentions back to the tostones he’d been making. “How does that sound?” “Of course. It means a lot to me that you want to learn about home. I promise it’s not as hard as learning Korean though, that feels like it’s impossible.”
Whilst he paid attention to the things you said, the panic was setting in that he wanted the night to go perfectly. He grabbed a couple of plates from the cabinet, sitting you down so you were out of his way, and not able to watch him and judge him.
“Sit there and you will be fed in a few moments.”
He pressed a kiss to your head before plating up his tostones. Your eyes were still keeping a very close eye on him, although you didn’t mind too much how good they were. It was just the thought he’d put into them that made you so happy.”
“It smells like it should do,” he chuckled, turning back to face your smiling face. “I just hope that they can make you feel very homely and comfortable.”
He was adorable, as he brought the two plates over to the table. “I promise that they are amazing, they smell really good, and look just like my mum makes them.”
“You’ve not tried them yet, that’s the most important thing for me.”
You cut a piece off, tasting without hesitation, humming in delight. “You’ve done a really good job Joon, not just with this, but with the whole evening. Bringing home to our home means a lot to me, it just makes me happy being able to have a moment in time when I can think about home, and almost feel like I’m home. Honestly, I just want to thank you for all of this.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” he blushed, “seeing how happy all of this has made you makes this all worthwhile. I just can’t wait for the day that I get to experience your home for myself rather than try to replicate it. It’s never going to be perfect, but I’m trying.”
“It’s perfect to me, because all your heart went into it.”
“I put everything into it,” he assured you, trying some of his food for himself. “I know you love it here, but I can always tell when you’re feeling homesick too. Work might not be great at the moment, but hopefully coming back home to me can make you feel a bit more at ease.
The two of you sat at the table and finished your food, your heart was warm, and your tummy was full. Namjoon had surpassed all expectations you had of him.
“You’re so cute Joon, this honestly feels like home to me,” you replied, “I’m just lucky enough to have two homes. I miss Puerto Rico, but then when I’m there, I miss you as well. Sometimes I just feel like I can’t win.”
“That’s all I want to hear,” he nodded, standing up to clear the plates, whilst the music still played. “Knowing that you always feel at home regardless is important to me.”
Whilst he washed up, you took a moment to shut your eyes and listen to the music. The songs were ones you’d grown up with, songs you used to sing along to with your family, and now they were a part of your new home with Namjoon too.
Considering how poor your day was, you couldn’t have anticipated coming home to anything better. He took the best care of you, coming over once he’d finished washing up, standing you up to have a little dance together around the kitchen.
“I don’t think I want this night to end,” he whispered into your ear, “I like just being able to do things like this to make you smile.
“It’s been incredible Joon, there’s just one thing that I think is missing from tonight,” you announced, looking up at his smiling face.
“What’s that?” He asked, as you pouted your lips, feeling his lips press instantly to yours. “Now is the night perfect?”
“It already was perfect, I just wanted a kiss from you,” you giggled, feeling his hands cup the side of your face. “You’re one special human being Kim Namjoon.”
He shook his head, pecking your lips. “It’s only because you bring it out of me.”
“Nonsense, you’re just you, perfect.”
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thewhaatever · 5 years
My brain was very bad at processing things that day but seeing the show on Saturday was honestly the best experience of my life and here's why:
First of all: Joe Iconis was sitting two rows in front of me.
I was freaking out a little and my friend was laughing at me but I didn't want to annoy him so I tried to chill
But then he was standing behind us in line for merch (he was buying a whole bunch of his own merch which was kinda funny) and some other people talked to him so I did too and I'm not entirely sure what I said to him but he was SO nice and then I got a picture and... yeah I was just really happy.
Now to the show:
The set was incredible. Absolutely amazing.
The screen was used so perfectly and made everything seem like a videogame, honestly.
It was basically the only set. The only furniture they had was a desk for Jeremy's room, chairs for the school and some other minor things (I have to say it did seem a little bit empty at times and I wish that would have used a bed at least - didn't make sense to me that Jeremy falls asleep at his desk - but I'm probably just too used to the Broadway set)
More Than Survive was SO good! Scott puts so much emotion in his portrayal of Jeremy... I can't really describe what exactly he did but something about his Jeremy felt so real and yeah I might have cried a little... (I honestly think he’s my favourite Jeremy so far)
Also: Blake's Michael is very different from George's but in such an interesting way. I loved him the second he entered the stage. He really did capture the "Doesn't care about what anyone thinks, but deep down he does a little" - Energy.
Play Rehearsal was.... wow.
Miracle's Christine had no chill. At all. She was so unbelievably weird and quirky. (Also, she seemed much colder / not interested in talking about anything except theatre and when she didn't want to talk about something she was really showing that by acting uninterested... I thought that was an interesting take that definitely worked for the character) Every normal person would have been a little freaked out by her energy during the song probably but Jeremy was just staring at her the whole time with heart eyes it was really cute.
Favourite part was how Jake said: "Rich is doing it cause he's MY BOI!"
Squip Song was great, his VOICE!! WOW. I love James's Rich. Like, you could really see that even though he's the school's bully, there's something underneath that's not right. Everything he did felt very forced and I loved it (also, I told James at the stage door that Rich is my favourite character and that made him really happy apparently)
Now that I am thinking about it, I think they changed that scene a little and Rich didn't pee (so that conversation was missing) but that was probably due to the set bc the toilets were just projections on the screen so it would have been weird if he pretended to pee on the screen 😂
Also really loved the use of the screen during that whole scene, it was flashing and glitching when Rich's Squip was acting up
They brought back the bean bags for Two Player Game!!
The staging for this was so cool because at the end when Jeremy and Michael were dancing the screen made it look like they were the characters in the game (but differently than on Broadway) and I loved it (I'm sorry I'm really bad at explaining this)
Also, Blake's 'Is it really true, I'm your favourite person' was so funny, he did like a model pose or something and was sliding off the bag.
Scott was basically sitting on the floor the whole time because he somehow didn't manage to properly sit on that bag
Also, I think they changed the dialogue about Jeremy's mum a little bc when Michael asks him if he's heard from her Jeremy said "A little" and I'm pretty sure he didn't say that before
I feel Blake's Michael is that kind of person who's really bad at expressing how he feels... like, you could see in his face that he didn't like Jeremy's idea about going to the Payless and that he was genuinely scared about being too uncool for Jeremy afterwards but he really tried to say the "will u be to cool for... videogames" kinda jokey and yeah I'm overanalysing but I loved it
One thing in general: Everyone seemed really young on stage, definitely much younger than the Broadway cast. Especially Jeremy and Michael. I really believed that they were teenagers!! And I really love that.
Scott was fidgeting a LOT with his hands and I feel like that was very in character for Jeremy. I thought so often that he would drop things.... (like the money in the scary stockboy scene.. it took him so long to give it to Michael)
Jakes favourite restaurant is Pizza Hut now
When the Squip was activated Scott was screaming and rolling across the entire stage and it would have been funny if it didn't look like he was actually in pain
Because the stage was different the Squip had to walk on for his entrance and somehow that was incredibly funny to me but I can't explain why
Stewart Clarke. Holy shit. I'd totally swallow a supercomputer if it looked like him! I loovveeed his take on the role. I've seen interviews with him where he was talking about how he has to think of so many weird questions like how does a computer act, does it feel, how does it feel etc. And I really saw that he was thinking about those things. At the beginning his Squip was very robot-ish, simply focused on making Jeremy cool, without any secret plan or anything. But throughout the show, the Squip clearly evolved and became more... human, I guess? Like it was showing more and more human traits/emotion which peaked in The Play (later more on that)
In conclusion: I loved the Squip so so much
Squip: "Everything about you makes me wanna die!"
Jeremy: "Uhhhhhh this is intense!!"
The Brooke/Chloe scene in the mall was so funny and the part where the Squip tells Jeremy what to say (u know, in bmc pt.1) might have been my favourite part of the show. Scott looked so awkward and confused by everything but he did his best to mirror the Squip (they did identical movements the whole time which I don't remember from Broadway but my memory is shit so...)
Millie's Chloe was so over the top I love it.
They changed the dialogue a lot here, so that there's no mention of Madeleine at all so Chloe wasn't pissed or anything (I'm not sure if I like that) Jeremy just said something along the lines of "Oh you wouldn't know her because she's French" and that's where Brooke picks up her trying to speak French- thing
I THINK (not 100% sure tho) that Millie said "Jeremy?" Instead of "Jerry" At the beginning of that scene and that Scott was a bit confused for a second but he just continued with "It's Jeremy" and then Millie had to duck away because she was laughing (but maybe she did say it right and was just laughing at Jeremy in character idk)
I loved how Eloise's Brooke was so awkward. From the second that Jeremy noticed her she tried SO hard to impress him and it didn't work very well but it was so cute. Chloe tries to show her the whole time what to do but that doesn't make it better.
During Do you wanna ride, Jermey got so scared of the girls that he climbed onto the table with the t-shirts (actually now that I'm thinking about it he was climbing on things a lot)
Guy That I'd kinda be into was so cute!! I never particularly liked that song but Miracle somehow gave it a very different flair and I loved that. They changed the staging a bit and there weren't other people with hearts (there were hearts on the Screen) but at one point Rich was coming on stage with a helium heart balloon for like a second and then he disappeared again 😂 that was a bit weird but...
now lets get to the Act 1 Finale which was SO GOOD
Okay, so they changed it up quite a lot: After the whole "Eminem is dead?!" The Squip tells Jeremy that Brooke likes him (and Christine doesn't, yet) and Jeremy is so shocked that he turns to Brooke and says "You like me?" And she's like confused but nods and he's like: "Why???" (I loved that, Scott delivered that line really funny) and then Brooke explains the whole thing with Chloe, that she always gets noticed first etc. (That whole scene was really cute Jeremy and Brooke really seemed to actually like each other and I was really able to relate to Brooke - good Job Eloise!)
Then Brooke starts singing the "I'm tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am" Jeremy repeats it and then she starts Upgrade with the tres magnifique bit. It's like on the OBC until Jake's and Christine's part. They do their verse but run off after "Gotta get an upgrade" (Miracle was singing this up the octave which sounded SO cool) so they didn't have their conversation about Jake's parents (I did miss this a little but I get why it was cut) and then Jeremy ran back on stage followed by the Squip (you can see in Stewart's performance that he's already much more persuasive in a human way than before) who starts to sing the aggressive "C-c-c-come on Jeremy can't you see we got a plan, now be the man..." From the original cast album (I loved this SO much). Everyone came on to sing the "Christine" part in that and was surrounding Jeremy. He then shouts "Arghh too many voices in my head" the Squip leaves, Michael comes on, they do their "Jeremy that's amazing" dialogue, the Squip explains optic nerve blocking and says that he has to cut Michael off if he wants to be popular (Squip: "Cut your ties... or you'll both drown" I remember that because it sounded so unbelievably dramatic), Michael asked "Are you coming" and leaves the stage for Jeremy to sing Loser, Geek, Whatever.
I loved all of that so much because Scott puts so much emotion into this song, it nearly made me cry!! He really conveyed Jeremy's inner struggle without making him look like an asshole, more like a stupid kid that's going to make a really stupid decision
The second verse and chorus of LGW were cut (the "Dad taught me follow your instincts..." part) which I really liked (I never enjoyed the chorus of this song tbh).
"THE PROBLEM HAS ALWAYS BEEN.... .... me" the way Scott sang that truly broke my heart.
AND THEN (Loved this SO SO MUCH) after "ever agaaiiiiinnn" He went straight into that part that I guess you could call an Upgrade reprise from the Original Cast album ("And I wasn't sure before but now I wanna go all the way and more so give me that upgrade" etc.) AND it tied in so perfectly with Michael then asking again "Are you coming" and "Optic nerve Blocking on" and as much as I loved the "I'm tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am" chorus, this was SUCH a great way to end act one, I might even prefer this.
I just love how they mixed in the old parts from this song that I was really missing on the OBC.
When the Squip came out in his first dress (is it a dress?) Costume people were cheering, loved that. (I mean that costume IS gorgeous and Stewart Clarke looks absolutely fabulous in all the costumes)
That was Act 1!! (I am so sorry if you actually read everything up to this point...)
Act 2
Halloween had such an amazing energy!!! The dances!! Ahh
At his "I don't have a machete but a loaf of bread will do" line, James threw the bread up in the air but didn't catch it and just hit his head as he went to pick it up as if he was blaming his Squip (not sure if that was supposed to happen but I loved it)
I loved how the Squip joined the dance, it looked so fancy with his costume 😂 I know he did this on Broadway too and I never really understood why (the others can't see him after all) but there it kinda felt like it was hinting at the fact that the Squip was becoming more human-ish??? (I'm definitely overthinking this) Like he was having fun maybe??? Idk
Millie's Do you wanna hang was so hilarious!!!
Like I said they didn't have a bed so she was just dancing around him (which looked good but I missed a bed here tbh) and they added a bit of dialogue (I think, maybe it was in the Broadway version) where Jeremy asked her "Are you jealous of Brooke??" And she was like "I'm not jealous I just don't understand why everyone likes her and no one likes me." (Or something like that) and the way Millie delivered that line really gave Chloe a whole lot of character depth. She sounded so heartbroken, I just wanted to hug her.
When the Squip shuts off (it looked really funny), Stewart just trust-falls backwards off stage and someone has to catch him and I was just thinking what if whoever catches him forgets about it??? 😂😂 (No seriously, dear catch person, don't forget this, ever... we need him as a Squip)
And now, the moment we have all been waiting for. MITB
Ahhh I was having so many feeling during this scene. I already told you that I love Blake's Michael and I really loved how rational and smart (?) He sounds in the scene before the song compared to Jeremy who kept insisting that the Squip isn't bad.
They added a bit of dialogue here too I think, because Jeremy said something along the lines of "You said technology isn't dangerous-" "Yeah unless someone uses it like you do!" (Something like this), really loved that as people somehow keep insisting that this is a show about the dangers of modern technology (It's definitely not).
Blake and Scott both did such an incredible job in this scene (and overall obviously), you just knew something bad was about to happen...
At the "Leave me alone" (not sure if that's what he's saying) line Jeremy steps reaaalllyy close to Michael (like there noses were almost touching close) and he looked so intimidating towards Michael and Blake sounded actually a bit scared when he says "Or you'll what?"
Then they just stand there for some seconds, not moving, before Jeremy says the "Get out of my way, loser" and Scott says this with so much hatred, my heart was actually hurting. Michael then just steps away and he looked sooo sad I almost cried.
MITB was absolutely amazing. Again very different than George's version but with just as much emotion and Blake's voice was sooooo beautiful, I can't!!
He sang the last "Michael in the Bathroom by himself" a bit different (can't really describe it but the note on "bath" was higher than usual? I don't know much about music sorry) and I loved loved loved that
The scene with Christine and Jeremy was so sweet. They were so unbelievably weird, I love them.
When the costumed person between them leaves, Christine pulls Jeremy across the stage by his legs and places them on top of hers (like in the promo pic) and it looked so cute!!
After that when Rich comes on and says the "I'll burn you out" I was soo sure somehow that there used to be a voiceover of his Squip but I can't find it anywhere so idk I'm confused... But it's definitely not there anymore.
Smartphone Hour. Holy shit, that was SO good. Renée Lamb's voice OMG!! Absolutely incredible.
(I just had to notice once again how much I hate the costumes in this scene... like the colours are great but what teenager wears THAT to sleep???)
The screen was so cool here again!! It obviously showed Jenna's selfie with the house (which I want printed to hang on my wall tbh) and then at the end it was full of fire that changed its colour and all of that was so fitting for the colour scheme!! The entire set design is just so incredible.
Also, Brooke is eating a banana when Chloe calls her and when she tells her about the fire Eloise just yeets it across the entire stage
They all looked like they were having so much fun!!
Back to Jeremy: For the scene with Mr Heere, Scott was switching back to total asshole mode... Internally I was like "Uhh that little shit" but yeah, great acting!!
I LOVE the pants song! It's so underappreciated!
The "You're burning incense" line got a lot of laughs
"Say it like you're in the army!"
"NO, SERGEANT, SIR!!!" *salutes*
Loved that
Pitiful Children was actually SO intimidating!! The use of the screen here and in The Play was almost overwhelming but like in a good way, I really felt the seriousness of the situation.
Again great acting skills from Scott and Stewart. Jeremy was so torn between giving in and knowing that it's wrong and the Squip really felt humanly evil at this point.
Renée Lamb's riff!! Omg! She did it very different than in the press videos but it sounded so cool!!
Also, I felt so bad for Jenna. Her "No one's ever asked me that before" really hit me.
"Michael makes an entrance!!!!!" was perfect, I love Blake!
The fight between Jeremy and Michael looked SO violent 😂 at one point towards the end Jeremy punched him and he was just lying there on the edge of the stage for some minutes and only woke up to join everyone screaming at the end.
I loved how everyone acted when they were squipped!! They were very obviously not themselves.
Especially Christine was acting very very differently. Her voice sounded completely different and you could see that Jeremy made his decision to give her the mountain dew red the second she opened her mouth.
Jake's "God I love me!" Was just really wholesome. He sounded so surprised about that.
They didn't have the "My Squip says I can go all the way to Broadway" :((( but I can live with that...
The part where the Squip “Died” was SO good!!! This was really the moment where the Squip felt very much like a human being. He was screaming and begging and sounded actually terrified. His acting here was absolutely incredible. I almost, almost felt bad for him a little.
Also, the projections were amazing, it looked like the screen shattered when the Squip died. 
Again, one thing that really bothered me: What kind of hospital doesn't have beds??? Jeremy and Rich were just sitting in wheelchairs which was fine but like... Why no bed???
I loved James' acting in this scene!!! He was a COMPLETELY different person and everyone noticed that right away. Even without the l lisp, you would have noticed simply by the way he was talking. James really did a great job with Rich!!
His "I'm totally bi now!!" Sounded so surprised and got a lot of applause.
Voices in my head is my favourite song and made me cry 😂
Christine's Squip is now Greta Thunberg!!!!
I loved how Jeremy was totally his old self again when he was talking to Christine. He was stammering and fidgeting with his hands a lot and only managed to bring out the "Bowling Alley performance art?" Because Christine kept encouraging him which was so cute. If there are somehow still people out there who think that their relationship is underdeveloped they should watch this version.
The kiss was so cute!! Miracle and Scott have amazing chemistry!
I really think that's all I have to say... It's a lot I'm sorry 😂😂😂 just had to write those thoughts down.. I hope it makes a little sense I was a bit sick in the last few days so excuse me if anything's worded in a weird way...
I loved it so so much and I'm so happy they got the well-deserved extension! I'm definitely going again sometime soon 😊😊
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cuttoothed · 5 years
Since @backofthebookshelf gave me this look about it (👀), and so as not to further hijack @wildehacked 's post, here's a very seasonally appropriate snippet of Tim/Martin Xmas party shenanigans that I wrote some time ago.
For context, this is from an unfinished fic I was working on, where Martin joined the Institute a lot later than in canon.
Features mildly irresponsible alcohol use, and an awkward morning after. Also contains Tim/Sasha and Martin/Jon pining.
Martin’s sitting in the back of the pub when Tim comes and flops down next to him, sprawling comfortably into Martin’s space. He holding a half-empty glass of something clear with a wedge of lime in it, a straw poking out at a jaunty angle.
“What’re you moping back here for?” he asks. Martin scowls at him without any venom.
“I’m not moping,” he says. “Just because I don’t feel like gyrating around with the idiots from the library.”
Said idiots have turned the middle of the pub into an impromptu dance floor, singing along to Christmas pop songs with more enthusiasm than talent as they groove. Tim glances at them, then raises an eyebrow at Martin.
“So what you’re telling me is that you’re sulking because Jon hasn’t turned up? I told you he wouldn’t, he never does.”
“I am definitely not sulking over Jon Sims,” Martin tells him.
“Sure. Honestly Martin, I don’t know what you see in Mister Short, Dark and Cranky. He’s an all right bloke, but he’s hardly worth going all moony over.”
“Like you’re one to talk. Don’t think I haven’t seen you shooting daggers at Sasha’s new boyfriend.”
Tim’s mouth twists into something ugly for half a second, and then settles into a cocky, insincere smirk. Martin knows he’s hit bone, and feels a bit bad for it.
“I might have been planning to steal him for all you know,” Tim says.
Martin doesn’t reply, because he knows Sasha’s a sore spot for Tim, has been since Martin started at the Institute. No point digging at it just because he’s - fine, moping - over the fact that Jon’s not here. Martin knew he wouldn’t turn up, but there was a small, hopeful part of him that thought maybe he would. That maybe here, outside of work, they might be able to have a proper conversation that didn’t involve Jon correcting Martin’s referencing methods or frowning over his translations.
He does give Tim a pointed look that says he’s fooling nobody, and Tim sighs.
“Right. Look at the pair of us, life of the party, eh?” Tim downs the rest of his drink in one, his throat working in a way that Martin can’t help noticing. “Come on, let’s get them in.”
Misery loves company, as Martin’s mum used to say. He and Tim get a drink and stand by the bar, poking fun at the festivities and pointing out who’s shagging who in each department, and more importantly, who’s going to be shagging who by the end of the night.
Tim keeps smiling brightly at him and laughing with his head tipped back, and Martin thinks Tim might be flirting with him. It’s difficult to tell with Tim, who’s always flirting a little bit with everyone, but by the time they’ve got a second drink each Tim is touching his wrist and leaning in close to murmur in his ear, and Martin can feel his face going red.
It would be a really bad idea, he knows, to get off with Tim Stoker. Not that there’s anything wrong with Tim, other than his compulsion to tease people constantly. Martin likes him, quite a lot actually, and he is a very good looking guy. Probably the best looking man who’s ever flirted with Martin Blackwood. But Martin knows Tim is only flirting with him because Sasha’s boyfriend is here, and he’s only letting it happen because Jon isn’t, and it’s really not a good idea.
He keeps telling himself that even as Tim’s pulling him out onto the dance floor to the strains of Slade. Martin’s feeling warm and flushed with the alcohol and the attention, and he goes along without protest, enjoying Tim’s arm slung over his shoulder as they bounce along with the rest of the happy crowd. When Last Christmas comes on, Tim’s other arm slides around Martin’s shoulders and they’re now very definitely dancing together. It’s not quite a slow dance, but Tim’s eyes are dark and bright all at once, and they don’t leave Martin’s.
What the hell? Martin thinks, and rests his hands on Tim’s hips. He can’t bring himself to care about their colleagues all around who can see them, what they’ll say in the office next week. Right now he doesn’t even care that Jon isn’t here. All that matters is Tim’s wicked smile and the steadily shrinking distance between them. Martin feels breathless with want, and then Tim’s lips meet his and they’re kissing in the middle of the dance floor, a sweet, lingering kiss. Tim’s hands are in his hair, and Martin lets his own hands slide from Tim’s hips onto his lower back, lean muscle stretching under his palms.
They’re still kissing, pressed together, as the song ends and Rockin’ Robin sends the crowd bouncing and whooping. Someone flails into them, nearly knocking Martin off balance, and Tim is smiling crookedly at him as they break apart.
“Come home with me,” he suggests, voice low with want, and Martin can think of plenty of reasons he should say no.
“Yeah,” he says.
The rest of the night is a whirlwind, both of them just tipsy enough so the world goes warm and fuzzy around the edges, so the trip back to Tim’s flat in the cold is an adventure rather than an annoyance. They hold hands on the street, and kiss again on the Tube, giggling against each other’s mouths at some ridiculous thing Tim says.
Once they’re in Tim’s sophisticated, minimalist flat, though, Martin starts to feel inadequate, and even more so as the clothes start to come off. He’s never felt quite so pasty and fat in his life, compared to Tim’s lean, brown body, but Tim doesn’t seem to have any objections, his hands and eyes wandering everywhere. Martin ends up face down, moaning into Tim’s sheets (which are so soft they probably have a thread count, whatever that means) while Tim mouths at his neck and shoulders, gasping into his ear.
Moving afterwards isn’t an option, with Tim draped warm and affectionate over him, pressing little kisses against his hair.
“This was a nice idea,” Tim says drowsily, already halfway asleep. Martin, pleasantly wrung out and sated, has to agree.
Things aren’t so nice the next morning when Martin wakes up with a dry mouth and a headache. He knew he should have had some water before he went to sleep. Alcohol and...strenuous activity together are a recipe for dehydration. Tim looks rumpled and tired, and makes them both extremely strong coffee, with a shot of whisky to take the edge off.
“Hair of the dog,” he explains with a wink. He seems entirely blasé about the whole situation, though Martin thinks he might literally die of embarrassment when he next goes into work. He snogged Tim Stoker in full view of the entire Institute - god, was Elias still there? And everyone saw them leaving together. He drinks his coffee and thinks about whether he can find another job before Monday morning.
“Well,” says Tim after they’ve finished their coffee. “I should probably go for a run, clear my head.”
It’s a clear invitation to leave, and Martin takes it gratefully. He’s been trying to think of a way to make a graceful exit for the past twenty minutes. He gets to his feet and glances around.
“I think I left my coat in the pub last night.”
“I can lend you one, if you like?” Tim suggests, and Martin shakes his head. Even if it would fit him, the idea of walking around wearing Tim’s coat, that would smell of Tim, is a lot more intimate than Martin thinks the previous night warranted.
“I’m fine, thanks,” he says, wincing as his head throbs. “I’d, uh, better get going. Home. And get a few more hours’ sleep.”
“Right,” says Tim, and reminds him of the way to the Tube station, just around the corner from his flat. Tim walks him to the door and then vacillates, looking like he’s halfway between hugging Martin and offering him a hand to shake. Martin ducks out of the way to avoid the whole ordeal.
“I’ll see you Monday,” he says.
“Yeah, have a good weekend,” says Tim. Neither of them say that they should keep this between them. Neither of them have to, because enjoyable and all as the previous night was, it’s pretty obviously not something either of them wants to repeat.
Later in the day, after more sleep and water and several cups of tea, Martin heads back to the ill-fated pub, only to find they’ve lost his coat. He sighs, and stays for a drink. Hair of the dog.
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maximows · 5 years
Against the Odds - Chapter VIII
Tumblr media
Emilia Alexandra Dawson,
MASTERLIST (mobile) 
(previous chapter)
Warnings: FLUFF, mentions of sex, swearing, the usual stuff
Chris walked up to me angrily, holding a cigarette and breathing loudly. “Are you happy with what just happened? Cause I’m not. You just cost us weeks of work, because of your inexperience and incompetence. Honestly, why would they sent us some incompetent rookie, I have no idea.” He brought the cigarette to his mouth. I looked over to the window and the shattered glass around it.
“Fuck off, I did what had to be done and it’s not my fault the suspect got away. Maybe you should work on your surveillance techniques, Mr. I-know-it-all.” I snapped, grabbing a laptop of the desk and walking away.  
“Cut!” Sam shouted as I escaped the camera shot. “I loved that, guys. Let’s take 5 minutes off, alright?”
I took off the high heels my character supposed to wear for the scene. I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes. It was around 10 pm and we have been filming since 6 am. I was barely able to stand on my feet properly. As I sat down on the nearest chair, Chris was talking to Sam about the next scene we were supposed to film, which was a kissing scene.  
We have been staying in London for a month now and we have nearly finished filming. We were actually staying at my family home, which seemed like a dream come true for Chris and my Mum, because it seemed like they had become the best friends in the world. Also, my Mum fell in love with Dodger, so even if we were home, we didn’t get to walk him much.  
Chris brought me a cup of tea and sat beside me. “I can’t believe we’re nearly finished,” he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. “Our third movie together.”
“Well, we still have the most fun scenes to do, though,” I said, referring to the kissing scenes and one sex scene we still had to do. "Why did the author had to add a romantic plot?”
“Are you saying you don’t want to kiss me and pretend to have sex with me?” Chris asked, pretending to be hurt.  
I sighed, pretending I was making up my mind. “I meaaan,” I started. “I think, I’d prefer to actually have sex with you, without the audience.”  
He furrowed his brows. “Aren’t you the reason there were photos of us almost fucking in the club two weeks ago?”
“Yeah, you looked so good in that shirt.” I remembered. “It’s actually your fault, if you really think about it.”
Words couldn’t describe how much I’ve missed spending time with Amy, Mary and Sophie and now we were getting to see each other a few times a week. Tonight, we all went out to one of my favourite clubs, which doesn’t play techno music, but a mix of 90’s, 00’s and modern hits. I was so, so excited to finally be back for a longer period of time than just a few days.  
We went out as four couples. I was happy that Chris got along with the girls’ boyfriends. But I shouldn’t be surprised – he gets along with everyone who’s not an idiot.  
I went to the dancefloor with the girls, while the guys got us drinks and sat at the table talking. I wanted Chris to come dancing with me, but the other guys didn’t want to dance yet so he stayed to talk to them and said he’d join me later.
I danced like a freak, singing along to every single fucking song, making sure my throat was sore tomorrow. We all went crazy, having not seen each other since April. At some point, Chris joined us, but he just wanted to say that we’ve been dancing for over an hour and our drinks have been at the table for some time.  
We moved and sat there. I sat on Chris’ lap, because the way he looked tonight was just incredible. I sipped my mojito, talking about everything that has happened. “You should visit us as soon as we go back to LA, we’re throwing a housewarming party.”
“Yeah, 6 months after buying it.” Chris laughed.  
“Shut up.” I said, covering his mouth. “We already had Chris’ friends from Boston over and the house needed a professional cleaning team after they left.”
“That’s because seven 30-years old Bostonians is too much even for such a big house.” he explained. Chris seemed to feel very comfortable around the guys, because they weren’t that much younger than him.
Chris and I went to the dancefloor. I grabbed his shirt and slipped my hands underneath it to rub his muscular stomach. “God, I wanna fuck so bad.” I whispered into his ear, before Chris spun me around.
“You’re gonna have to wait,” he grinned. “Because I wanna dance.”  
He was so fucking lucky, because Earth, Wind & Fire came up and we just went into a state of trance. I was thankful for a boyfriend who’s a very, very talented dancer who actually likes to dance, so we can have fun together. There’s honestly nothing he does wrong.
“I find romance when I start to dance in...” he sang into my ear.
“Boogie wonderlaaaand!” I screamed into his face.
Chris laughed loudly, leaning back. “Voice of an angel.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. “Don’t be rude.”
The next song was I Want it That Way and it was all I could ask for. “You are my fire,” I sang. “the one desire.”
We moved to the song's rhythm, just looking into each other's eyes and smiling. It was my favourite song on the planet and I was dancing to it with my favourite person on earth. It was all I could as for.
We came back to our table and the others left. I kept looking at Chris and admiring how fine he was looking in his outfit. I put my legs over his and let him rub my bare thighs. I leaned in to reach his neck and attached my lips to his skin right below his beard. I sucked on the spot, surely to leave a mark. I creeped my fingers up and down his torso. Chris put his hand on my cheek and turned his head to connect our lips. He first bit my upper lip, running his tongue over it, then slipped it inside to massage over mine. “Come ‘ere.” He mumbled and pulled me up to sit on his lap. I felt his hands travel from the small of my back to my butt.  
Even after a few drinks there was this thought in the back of my head that someone might be watching, so I twisted my head in the way that my hair covered up our faces. My hand reached down to gently rub my palm against his crotch. “Em, you’re playing a very dangerous game...” he mumbled against my lips.  
“Babe, if I remember correctly, you were equally involved in that make out session,” I pointed out. “Let's bring the same spirit to the scene in a few minutes.”
The scene was actually taking place in a car. Our characters are following a suspect in a case. We park the car near a building he enters and wait for his next move.  
My character is a newly recruited MI5 agent who’s working her first case, while Chris is a experienced FBI agent, who hates the fact that he got paired with a newbie. The characters are having a conversation in the cars as the suspect notices them.
“He’s looking at us,” Chris said. “He noticed the car.”  
I closed the laptop and shoved it under my seat. “Do you think he can see the inside of the car?”
“I can barely see the outside,” he mumbled and added after a moment. “He’s coming our way.”  
I acted like I was trying to come up with a solution and started undoing the few top buttons of my shirt. “What are you doing?” Chris asked, confused.
“We're just a couple, snogging in the car.” I stated, moving my legs to rest on both sides of his thighs.  
“Ok, cut!” Sam yelled. “Are you guys ready to do the scene today? We could wrap this part today.”
“Obviously,” I said. “No problem.”
Chris nodded. “Yeah, yeah.”
A part of the crew disappeared somewhere. Only a few people were allowed to be present during kissing and sex scenes, the essential crew members.  
Chris sucked in his breath as I placed my lips on his. I’ve done a few kiss scenes, but we always come up with ways to just make it look like a kiss. But now, we went crazy. We had been having fun on the set and kissing was the only thing even more exciting.  
We were supposed to start off like we were pretending to kiss and then really get into it.
He pushed my body against his as I tangled my fingers into his hair. “Can you see him?” I asked, not opening my eyes.
“Don’t care.” Chris breathed into my lips.
Somebody knocked on the window and we pulled away.  
Sam interrupted and ordered to move the camera. We were supposed to talk to the actor playing the suspect, pretending we were just making out on the parking lot. And then, keep kissing after he leaves.
After we wrapped for the day, Chris and I left the set. In a few days we had to finish the movie by filming some more indoor scenes. Including a sex scene.
“Hey, how about we fly somewhere for the weekend?” Chris suggested, checking something on the phone, while I was driving. “I’ve never been to Scotland, that sounds nice.”
“Oh, sure,” I agreed. “We could leave Dodger with my Mum, but only if we go hiking.”
We pulled up in front of my mum’s home and noticed my dad’s car. “Oh, God. My dad’s here with his  side chick and their offspring.”
“Harriet is my age.” Chris stated.
I raised my eyebrow. “So young,” I looked up at him. “There’s people in this world who are over 100 years old and you think you’re old.”
He took my hand and we went inside. All three of them were sitting in the living room with Leo on Harriet's lap. I really didn’t understand how they could get on so well, when the evidence of infidelity was sitting there with them. Harriet didn’t fancy my mum, but no one really cared. At least I didn’t.
“Mum, we are going to Scotland for the weekend.” I said, picking up Leo. He was almost two years old and incredibly cute. He was constantly smiling sweetly, especially when he saw me.  
“Oh, that’s nice,” she said. “Chris, have you ever been?”  
“No, no, that’s why I suggested,” he smiled as I sat on his lap with Leo playing with my phone. “We’ve been stuck in London for some time now, so I thought we could take advantage of the weekend off we got.”
My dad nodded. “That’s a very good choice.” They seemed to have had spoken more since we arrived here. I guess my dad just realized how cool Chris is.  
We took Leo for a walk to the park, bringing Dodger along with us. We put Leo into a swing for smaller children and Chris pushed him gently, making my little brother giggle. “I can't believe my father and I are dating people who are the same age.”
“Stop thinking about it,” Chris sighed. “The only reason you can’t let this go, is because it’s your father we're talking about. I have younger half-siblings too and my dad has a new wife. It was hard in the beginning, but you get used to it.”
I leaned on the post next to me and watched Chris play with Leo. “Why are you always right?” I asked.  
Chris laughed and lifted Leo up. “I'm not. I mostly talk bullshit.”
I sat down on the ground next to Leo, who chose to play with one of his toys now. I scratched Dodger behind his ear as Chris played with my brother. “You look good with kids,” I stated.
“We're on the same intellectual level.” He joked.  
I walked up to them and placed my hand on Chris’ head to run my fingers through his hair. “We should get going, it’s almost his bedtime.”
Chris leaned his head against my legs, his hand creeping up my calf. “Could it also be bedtime for us? I got kind of excited during our car make out session.”  
“My parents and Harriet will still be downstairs, Evans,” I noted. “But sounds interesting, we'll see what I can do.”
“Yess.” He cheered under his breath.
I carried Leo home and Chris pushed his stroller and held Dodger’s leash. When we arrived, my dad and Harriet were about to call us.
“We should go,” Harriet said, taking Leo from me. “He’s probably tired.”  
I helped my mum clean the room after our guests, while Chris booked our plane and hotel. Mum decided to go out with her friend, because she didn’t have to be early at work tomorrow. “I’ll give you guys some privacy.”
“No, Mum, that’s fine,” I assured her. “We're leaving tomorrow, we can spend the night together.”
“I need this, Emily,” she said. “I don’t like Harriet and I’m not as fine with all of this as I’m claiming I am.”  
“Oh, Mum... You should have told me.” I hugged her. “Go get drunk.”  
She smiled and soon went upstairs. I joined Chris on the sofa and sat next to him. He was closing up on the booking site. “So, where are we going?” I asked.
“Inverness,” Chris read. “It looked cool in the photos. Also, it’s close to the Loch Ness lake which is exciting.”
“Romantic.” I raised my eyebrow. “My mum will be leaving in a while, by the way.”
Chris turned to look at me, rapidly. “You’re kidding,” he whispered. “You didn’t throw her out, did you?”  
I rolled my eyes at him. “What kind of a daughter do you think I am, Christopher? Keep it up and we'll actually go to bed with no sexy times.”  
“Oh, come on,” he nudged my shoulder. ���I want you to sit on my face tonight.” He whispered, putting away the laptop.
I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say. “You’ve been very vocal about the things you want to do with me lately,” I noted, setting my chin on his shoulder. “I can’t wait to see where this brings us.”  
“I hope it’s road head,” he said and I burst into laughter.
“You're a reckless driver without your dick in my mouth, so I wouldn’t count on it.”
“Oh, come on,” Chris whined. “I'm an excellent driver.”
“You got 3 speeding tickets over the course of a year.” I told him, before placing the palm of my hand dangerously close to his crotch.  
Chris hissed in response, looking down at my hand. “You’re playing a dangerous game, princess. I can either eat you out and then fuck you or just fuck you against the wall as soon as your mom leaves.”  
I shrugged, placing my lips on his neck and gently sucking on a spot right below his beard. “Win-win.” I murmured and reached for the laptop to put back on his lap. “In case my mum comes downstairs.” Chris smirked as I opened his fly and pushed my hand inside. I knew we would be alone in a few moments, so I wanted him to be a bit worked up. I moved my hand up and down his clothed shaft. Chris’ mouth opened slightly as I slipped my hand into his boxers. “You like it?” I asked quietly
“That’s a stupid question,” He murmured and reached to my chin to pull my head to face him. He captured my lips with his, biting on my upper lip. “I want you so bad.”
As if she heard us (I hope not), I heard my mum approach the stairs, so we readjusted ourselves on the sofa and watched her put her coat on. “You kids have fun and don’t stay up too late.” she said, opening the door and leaving.
“We'll leave the door open!” I shouted to her.
Chris wasted no time waiting and stood up immediately, lifting me up bridal style and running upstairs and shutting the door to my bedroom behind us.  
Next day, we had just got to the hotel from the airport and we were driving from Iverness to Drumnadrochit, where it’s apparently the best view of the lake. Also, there’s a medieval castle. Chris was really excited, because he barely ever gets to do some sightseeing.  
We stepped out of the car on the parking lot. Chris seemed surprised that there were so many people there. “It's the most popular Scottish landmark, what did you expect?” I said, grabbing his hand and walking to the castle.  
“Well, I thought it would be less crowded since we're off season.” He shrugged, putting on his sunglasses.  
“It’s not crowded, Chris,” I looked around, noticing only a few groups of people. “The only empty places now are the stops we passed on the way.”  
“Yeah, we should've stopped there,” he muttered.
I furrowed my brows, not understanding why would he want to be completely alone with me around the lake. “Do you want to dive into the lake and look for the monster or something?” I asked. He laughed and pulled me in the direction of the castle. Chris got really into the whole sightseeing thing and took a million photos, mostly of me (walking up the stairs in front of him) and some selfies in which I also was included. We asked one old German lady to take a picture of us with a view of the lake behind us. He then sent the photo to the OG6 group chat and captioned: “Found the Loch Ness monster.” I only found out about it, because my dear friend Robert saw it and texted me immediately, saying: “I’d dump him into the lake if I were you.”.
“I’m not talking to you, Evans,” I said, after I closed the boot of our car and proceeded to walk on a marked path around the lake. Obviously, we weren’t going to circle around it, but I did want to find some nice spots for some photos.  
Chris knew I was joking, but still tried to make up for what he wrote. “But you’re my monster, you know.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. “I love my pretty monster.”
I rolled my eyes at him and looked around the forest we had just entered. I knew Chris was already loving the country – he loved the woods, nature and the quietness it all provided, so I was glad he had suggested we come here. “You’re safe for now,” I murmured, looking up at him and giving him a wink. “But I’m gonna keep my eye on you, so watch yourself now mister, don’t try to surprise me.”  
He grinned at me. “Alright.”  
We were walking around, admiring the dense forest we couldn’t encounter in California or most of other US areas. Chris was wearing a plaid shirt under his jacket, so combined with his beard, he was an exact picture of a lumberjack and I loved it.  
“I want a photo of you here,” He pointed at the spot I was supposed to stand on. I didn’t say anything and did what he asked me to, because I saw how much fun he was having, just walking around and taking photos.
He took a few nice shots of me in different locations, acting like a professional photographer and saying that it would be his new lock screen every time.  
We found a small beach with a bench. I walked up to the spot where water touched the rocks. “Do you think there really is something here?” I asked Chris, who was walking around behind me.
“I have no idea,” he answered, his voice weirdly excited. “But if there is, I hope people never find it.”
“True.” I agreed, looking at the hills on the other side of the lake. “All animals are better off without us. I mean, if you think about Dodger – you gave him a good home, but the people who had him before you...”
“Em,” I heard Chris behind me, probably wanting another photo.
“Chris, I’m talking...” I sighed at him. “Anyway, my point is animals don’t need expensive food or accessories, they just need to be left alone...”
“Emilia.” He tried to get my attention again.
“Chris, why can’t you...” I said and turned around to see him a few feet away from me. On his knee. Holding an open black velvet box with a ring inside. Oh my God. “You...”
“Emilia Alexandra Dawson,” he started, trying to maintain a serious tone, but I could see he was struggling. “Words cannot describe how grateful I am to God, gods, fate or whatever brought us together, for bringing you into my life. You are the most important person in my life... You are smart, intelligent, like you really are so much smarter than me and I’d probably just get lost without you next to me. I can't believe that I got to be with someone as kind and generous as you.” He took a big breath. I kept looking into his eyes which were a bit glassy right now as were mine. “Emilia, I can’t promise that life with me will always be a fairy tale. After all, I’m a Gemini.” I smirked lightly. “But you know I’ll always respect you and love you. Last year, exactly last year, when we separated... My life fell apart and I never want to be away from you again.” he hesitated a bit and inhaled. “Which is why I’m asking you to be my wife. Will you do me this honour and spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?”
It took me no time to start nodding furiously fast. “Of course, yes,” Chris stood up and took my left hand and placed the ring on my ring finger. I didn’t even take a glance at it before jumping on Chris and wrapping myself around him. “I can’t believe it.”
“Me neither,” He agreed, putting his head in the crook of my neck. “I’m so happy you said yes.”
“What else were you expecting, you stupid dork?” I asked, pulling away so I could see him face. His eyes were a little bit teary and a big grin was spread across his face. “I love you, I can’t wait to marry you.” I stroked his cheek. “But you could have found a better time to propose.”  
Chris raised his eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“My hands are dry and I haven’t done my manicure in months, so I can’t take a nice photo of the ring.” I said.
Chris rolled his eyes at me and whined “Come on,” and then kissed me. It was a playful kiss, we both couldn’t stop smiling. It was the happiest moment of my life. Chris bit my lower lip and then pulled away. “Let’s let everyone know, alright?”
I shook my head. “Let’s do this later, babe,” I asked. “I just wanna sit here and enjoy the moment.”
We sat down on the ground. Chris was behind me, I was sitting between his legs, leaning on his chest. The view was incredible. There were some dark clouds on one side, but they looked magical in contrast with the blue sky on the other side. I watched the small waves on the water, caused by light wind. “I love this place,” I whispered. “It’s so much better than California or New York, or even London.”  
“Yeah, I’m glad we came here to do this.” Chris agreed and planted a short kiss on my temple.
“We came to Scotland specifically so you could propose?” I leaned back to put my head on his shoulder and watch him answer.
Chris sighed. “Well, I bought the ring like a week before we came to London, with the help of your friends,” he pulled out his phone and started to scroll through it. “When we came here, I was mad, because we couldn’t get enough time off to travel somewhere and I didn’t want to just take you out to a restaurant and then casually go back to your mom’s house.” He handed me his phone and showed a full group chat he had with Amy, Sophie and Mary. He would send them photos of the rings he was looking at and ask for their opinions.  
“That’s incredible,” I said, scrolling through the messages. “You gave this so much thought.”
“Yeah, I mean... This is the most important day of my life now, until our wedding...” he sighed. “What do you want it to look like?”
I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. “I’m thinking... Well, I’d love it to happen in our garden, but it just wouldn’t work, will it? I have a draft of our guest list in my mind already and it’s so many people... I’d just want it to be a secluded area, with trees and grass around it... I just want it to be quiet, as small as possible...” I whispered. “I’d marry you anywhere, to be honest.”
Chris sighed and brought my left hand to his lips. “You’re making me cry,” he said planting a kiss on my hand. “Do you like the ring?”
“Of course,” I looked down at the thin band made of yellow gold, lined with small diamonds and a bigger, oval one in the middle. “It's perfect, baby.”
“Your friends said you’d prefer yellow gold, so I listened. I really should pay them back in a way, because I was hopeless without them.” He chuckled. “Anyway, how about September or October next year?”
“Um, is it the best timing for an outdoor wedding? I mean, if you don’t want it outdoor then we can negotiate, but...”  
“Baby, I just want you to be happy. I know that getting married is more of a goal for me than for you and...”
“Christopher,” I interrupted him. “Do you really think I only agreed to marry you because I know you want that? Babe, I want it. So bad. You have no idea how much I enjoy the idea of calling you my husband. This makes me want the interviewers to start asking about us more, so I can just say it out loud.” Chris chuckled. “You’re a bloody prince charming. I can’t wait for our wedding. I can’t wait to have that domestic bliss with you, you know?”
“You are  such a sappy romantic, just as I am.” He wrapped his arms around my neck. “Let's find the nearest date we can, alright?”
Chris took the phone from me. He switched the camera to portrait mode. We took a photo of us kissing, but with my left hand covering our connected lips and showing off the ring, which by the way, was quite heavy, and I was afraid to ask how much it cost him. “We can send this one to our friends,” He stated. “I’m so happy, I don’t think I’ll get over it soon.” He sent the photo to the chat with girls the OG6 one and to Mackie and Sebastian. We didn’t have to wait long for a response, but instead of getting a million texts, our phones blew up with calls. Scarlett called first, even though it was early in the morning in NY.
“EMILY, IS THIS REAL?” she squealed into the phone. I put her on speaker, so Chris (who was on the phone with Hemsworth) could hear her. She was so excited for us, she already wanted us to set the date for the wedding.  
“Man, I know your brother will probably be your best man, but I’m giving the best man's speech anyway. Scott and I will coordinate, alright?” Mackie literally screamed. “Chris, Em, alright!?”
“Of course, man!” Chris laughed.
“Can't wait for the bachelor party!”  
I immediately shot Chris a glare and raised my eyebrow. “Yeah, we'll talk about it,” Chris smiled, looking at me and kissing the top of my nose. “No strippers, though.”
When we finished talking to our friends and decided it was time to call our parents. We spent so much time talking about the engagement that we practically had half of our wedding planned.  
Chris dialled his mom’s number and put her on FaceTime. “Hi, Ma!” he waved as she picked up.
“Oh, hi! Are you at the lake already? Have you seen the monster?” She asked. “Where’s Emily?”  
I moved to fit into the camera and said, “Hi, Lisa,” I smiled. “We have something to tell you.”  
Chris grabbed my hand and moved it closer to the camera, so Lisa could see the ring. “We’re engaged!”
His mom was shocked, happy and excited. “Congratulations, guys! I’m so happy for you.” she cheered. “Have you told your siblings yet?”  
“No, we texted our friends and spent an hour on the phone with them,” Chris explained. “We didn’t think it would blow up like that.”
“Well then, make sure you call Emily's parents and then the rest,” she said. “I’m so happy for you guys and can’t wait to see you!”
We then called Chris’ dad and my parents. My mum was surprised and, as it turned out, Chris had asked my dad for his permission, so he knew about everything, apart from when exactly Chris was going to propose. My brother gave Chris their blessings and said that they were also looking forward to their speeches. We’re gonna have to hold a 24-hour reception to fit in all these speeches.  
“So, I guess we need to start planning a wedding.” Chris sighed. “That doesn’t sound as fun as just being your husband.”
“My husband,” I repeated. “I like the sound of it. We really have to get married as soon as possible.”  
“They’d never forgive us if we eloped, right?” Chris smirked, stroking my hand.
“Yeah, we’d be banned from all family occasions and parties.”
“But also, if we have a big wedding, we can play our favourite music at the reception.”  
My face lit up. “Our first dance could be to I Want It That Way!” I squealed. “Oh God, Chris! The possibilities..."
We decided to head back to the car, walking hand in hand. We kept receiving congratulations from our friends and explaining how and when it happened. I couldn’t describe how happy I was to call Chris my fiancé. I was do happy he did it. It as the end of our commitment issues discussion, once and for all. “I hope you realise that I’m going into a full bridezilla mode starting today.” I informed Chris, as we entered the car.  
“I should hope so,” he answered. “I don’t want you to win the Longest Engagement award a few years in a row.”  
My jaw dropped and I turned to him. “Was that a The Office reference?” I asked.
“I love you so much, Evans.”  
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uncrownedqueeen · 6 years
Dance With Me (L.H.)
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(Gif’s not mine)
Summary: Luke brings his boyfriend to his brother’s wedding.
Luke still couldn’t believe that this was really happening.  
Sure, it was just a matter of time. They have been dating for ages, he could still remember how his mum was sending him out with them in the evening to the movies, to prevent any funny business from happening. Jack always made him take a seat as far away from them as possible, so their mother’s tactics didn’t work that well. Luke didn’t mind though, not only he got to see movies that he wouldn’t be allowed to see if he went only with his friends, but Jack also always bought him the biggest popcorn and drink so he would leave them alone.
Everyone always talked about how cute the two of them were, but no one dared to say back then that they would stay together for this long. It happens just rarely that your first love is going to be someone with whom you’ll want to spend the rest of your life.
But it clearly worked out for them.
He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he watched the newly married couple have their first dance. Jack had been so nervous about it but he was doing great right now. And even if he sucked, Luke seriously doubted that his brother would let something like that get to him because he looked absolutely mesmerized by his wife.
One could very clearly tell that the young woman meant the world to him and there was no one in the whole room who wasn’t happy for them.
When the song ended and the Dj was now asking all the guests to come and join the couple on the dance floor, Luke let his gaze move to his own world that was sitting right beside him.
He always found him beautiful but he seemed to look particularly pretty today. Luke doubted that he has ever seen him this dressed up and he made a mental note to take him to weddings and other fancy occasions that required a button-up shirt.
The fairy lights all around them made his eyes shine a bit brighter and Luke had already got himself lost in them plenty of times tonight.
He didn’t even try to be sneaky about it and when he had caught him staring for the first time, asking if there was something wrong, Luke simply told him the truth. “Just can’t get over the fact that the most handsome guy around here is actually my date.“
“One would guess that you would be used to it by now,“ he had replied playfully, making Luke’s best friends, who were invited to the wedding as well, laugh.
When he caught Luke staring later, he left it without a comment and just smiled at him, or rolled his eyes when Luke’s face looked way too sappy.
Just like now.
It only made Luke smile a bit more though.
“Dance with me,“ Luke requested suddenly after a moment, making his boyfriend choke on his drink slightly.
“What?“ He asked, even though that he was pretty sure that he had heard him correctly. His eyes were opened wide as he stared at the tall blonde and waited for him to speak again. Luke possibly couldn’t be serious right now. He couldn’t really want to dance with him here.
“Dance with me.“ He moved closer to him, dipping his head down so he could place a small kiss to his jaw. “Please.“
“But we don’t know how to dance,“ he pointed out, pulling back on his chair so he could look at his face.
They were seriously awful. For someone who lived for music, Luke had no rhythm in his body when it came to dancing whatsoever, and their limbs were just too long to be able to move around together with grace.  
It was one thing when they were swaying their bodies slowly along to the music in their living room when there was no one to judge them and dancing HERE with so many people around. This was a big enough of a deal as it was. It wasn’t the first time he was meeting Luke’s closest family, he hung out with his parents and brothers plenty of times already. But tonight was the time when he got introduced to all the aunts, uncles and cousins as well. This wasn’t a setting where he wanted to make a fool of himself.
“That sounds like bullshit,“ Calum argued just when he came back with one of those fancy, colourful drinks he had gone to order himself at the bar.
“Not every gay person knows how to move, alright? I know. I was disappointed as well when I found out.“
Luke wasn’t going to give up so easily though. He didn’t care if he was going to look like a complete idiot. Half of the people that were here were around during his teenage years and got to experience all of his embarrassing phases. The bar for him was already pretty damn low and he had nothing to lose. And even if there was something, Luke didn’t care at all.
It was him who helped him get out of his shell, who learnt him to worry less about what others think and just be himself. His true self who was no longer hiding anything and he was honestly the happiest he has ever been.
If he wanted to dance with the guy he was deeply in love, he would simply do exactly that.
“Come on, baby,“ Luke tried again and moved forward so he could peck the tip of his nose. When he pulled away after that, there was a huge grin plastered on his face. He knew that he won. He was sure of it since he let out this heavy, dramatic sigh which simply meant just one thing.
“Just one song.“ Luke finally heard and his hands reached forward so he could cup his boyfriend’s face, softly rubbing his cheeks with his thumbs. He still seemed a bit hesitant but there was seriously nothing he needed to worry about. Sure, Luke’s family had been aware of who was he going to bring to the wedding and no one dared to say anything bad or send their way a dirty look, but he still felt a bit anxious.
“It’s going to be fun,“ Luke promised, nodding his head in a serious manner before he took his hand into his own, their fingers automatically intertwining like so many times before. “I’ll be there with you. It’s gonna be okay,“ he added before bringing their hands up to his lips and placing a small kiss to their fingers.
He smiled at Luke when hearing that, remembering all the times when it had been the other way around and he was the one muttering those reassuring words into the other’s ear. “Well, as long as you’ll be there, I suppose it’s really going to be fine.“
Right after that, Luke stood up and pulled him up to his feet as well, rolling his eyes at Calum’s cheers as they headed to the middle of the room and joined the dancing couples. The song Celebration was just coming to an end and they both had to grin when they recognized the next one.
Once they found their place in the crowded dancefloor, Luke pulled him a bit closer, setting one of his hands on his hip. They fumbled a bit awkwardly at first, stepping on each other’s toes before they finally figured out how they were going to do this tonight. It always took them a moment to get somewhat in sync and tame their lengthy limbs.
He finally took his eyes off their feet and looked up to meet Luke’s. He was already looking at him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly and he could swear that Luke looked like a fucking angel right now.
They shared a smile and soon they forgot about everyone and everything around them. It was just like in their living room.
Just a bit fancier.
He let out a soft laugh when Luke spun him around a bit clumsily and the grin remained on his lips even when Luke pulled him closer to his chest again. They were cheek to cheek now and returned to their usual, safe and simple swaying. 
“And I've been in a daze ever since the day that we met,“ he could suddenly hear Luke quietly singing along to the song right next to his ear.
He started to pull his head away so he could look at him but that didn’t stop Luke from continuing. If anything, that dork ended up singing the next part with even more passion once they were looking at each other.
It was the look saying ‘how is it even possible that I love this idiot‘ that he was wearing, which encouraged Luke to do so.  No matter how hard he rolled his eyes at him, the soft smile that always appeared on his lips gave away how much of a sucker he was for him.
That smile made Luke feel butterflies in his stomach and he couldn’t believe that he was actually experiencing something as amazing and magical as this.
The song they were dancing to was very fitting.
Luke found himself speechless when looking at him countless times, struck with a wave of adoration. They have been together for quite some time already, but there were still moments when this amazing guy put him in awe and he thought:  ‘Fuck. I really love him.‘ And the thing that was the most unbelievable to Luke was that someone as amazing loved him back. 
He didn’t consider him his weakness though. Not at all. With him by his side and with his love, Luke felt more powerful than ever. With him, he felt like on the top of the fuckin world. He was his strength.
“Here’s my favourite boy. Dance with me.“ They were suddenly cut off by Luke’s mother, who approached them once the song ended. If she hadn’t they probably wouldn’t even realize that the song already switched to another one.
He smiled, taking a step away. “He’s all yours, but be careful. Don’t let him step on your toes,“ he joked, making Luke let out an offended huff.
“I meant you. Come here, darling“ she said and grabbed his hand, positioning it on her waist while she just briefly glanced to Luke. “Little Henry had a bit of an accident after munching on all that cake. Go give them a helping hand.“
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