#one would think that I've realised that people love and support me at this point
jekyllnahyena · 7 months
just me ranting about family shit
I've just realised that the weird tactic my mother has been trying to pull has actually worked in a way.
She been going on and on that I need to out myself to people personally because she hopes that it'll stop me from doing so and sometimes it does, because it's plain exhausting to do and sometimes my personal discomfort is more bearable than dealing with the tension and exhaustion and fear. (my family is very traditional and catholic if u couldn't tell :))
And it's somehow burned that idea into my brain that I gotta do that shit alone and that I can't really expect help from other people, because my parents do their best to ignore it for the most part.
Queue to me callling my sister, because the family is gonna meet this weekend and I realised, that my parents have apparently been completely avoiding so much as talking about me being trans with others, especially my brother in laws fam, whomst is also very, veeeery catholic, and they'll be there. And that one is partly on me, cause I've been avoiding calling her because she has a fresh fucking baby there that takes a lot of time and energy going and I don't wana add to that, which. I should know better at this point.
Because she so very easily just went: 'Hey of course I'll talk to the people for you, I'll do everything to make you more comfortable and if there's a problem, please come to me so I can help :) also, kinda sucks that you didn't call sooner because then I could've made more preperations to comb through people and make sure everybody respects you!' and proceeded to tell my nephew, on the phone, that he has another uncle now.
Did I cry a bit at that? yes, I did.
tears of absolute manliness I'll tell you that
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gguk-n · 20 days
Hii i think your requests are open
Can I request a Logan Sargeant fic (cus he needs more like fr 😭)
An angst fluff where the reader is Alex's sister that just graduated with a engineering (related to cars for f1) and since the reader just graduated she's been following Alex for all the GPs and she sees how williams doesnt really focus much on Logan and she realised they didnt look at something crucial so she just took over one day and it made him get a points and they end up together?? Idk if that makes sense but i hope it does
Thank youu 🫶
I had this in my inbox for ages and didn't know how to write it; then I decide I'll write it, Williams kicks Logan out. So, now finally, I've recovered, here's the fic.
I made a few changes to the request if you don't mind🫣
Engineering Love
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Alex Albon, driver for Williams Racing had a younger sister; everyone knew about. She was attached to Alex like his shadow. She was a golden retriever in human form. She would always make it to all of his races and was his biggest supporter except when she was away at college getting her bachelors and then masters in Automobile engineering.
In the fast paced world of Formula One, finding a job opening in a position you wanted and with the pay that you liked was a little difficult unless you had connections. Y/N had the connections, she was sure her brother would help her land a nice starting gig in Formula One but she was adamant on doing everything herself. She was fierce and strong and fought people when she was only 21 and Alex had lost his seat at Red Bull. So, Alex knew better than to mess with her.
Y/N was the same age as Alex's team mate, Logan Sargeant who had made his Formula One debut this season. Alex saw Logan as his younger brother the same way he would treat his sister. His sister had taken a liking to Logan and he could see that. He saw how annoyed she got when some one was rude to Logan or people talked badly about him after a crash or particularly bad race. She was currently Logan's defender more than Alex's. He didn't mind it since Logan was a nice guy and would probably bend over backwards for his sister.
After a particularly bad race and every one was bashing Logan, she had a fight with James Vowels on why he wouldn't defend his driver and why did he have to bare the brunt of Williams short comings. She wasn't willing to listen to anyone until she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Y/N, it's ok. Stuff happens" Logan said. "No" she replied and turned back to Vowels but before she could say anything, Logan sweeped her off her feet and carried her away. Y/N's heart was beating really fast while Logan carried her bridal style away from the chaos she had created. She looked at Logan and studied his features for the hundredth time since she had met him. There was a slight stubble on his face, his blond hair shined under the building's yellow light, blue eyes looked like a deep ocean she didn't mind drowning in. Logan looked down but she quickly looked away, "Can you put me down now?" she whispered. Logan put her on her feet. "Why'd you stop me?" she asked while fixing her clothes. "Can you stop it?" Logan said slightly annoyed. "What" she asked. "Stop interfering in my business. I'll handle it" he said sternly. "I just wanted to help plus they weren't being very nice" she said while biting her lower lip. "Y/N, this is my team. I'll deal with it. Stop trying to be some saviour" he said now running a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to help" she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. "Well, you didn't do anything but make stuff more difficult for me" he snapped and walked away.
Y/N headed back to her hotel room, where she couldn't stop crying until she heard a knock on the door. "Y/N, I got us pho" Alex said in a sing-songy tone. "I don't want it" she hiccuped out a reply. "I'm not leaving until you open the door or I'm calling mum" he said sternly. She shuffled towards the door and let Alex in. He placed the food on the table and sat with his sister on the bed; "What's up?" he asked. She just shook her head as tears started to fall. "hey, hey" Alex cooed while wiping away her tears and giving her a hug. "The Y/N I know made others cry. It feels weird to see you cry" he stated patting her back. She hit Alex's back while he continued to hug her. "Logan got angry, I mean annoyed at me for taking his side and fighting James." she cried. "Don't take what he says to heart, he's just stressed." Alex reasoned. "I know but I've never felt this way about anyone and when he got annoyed with me, it hurt" she mumbled. "Does little old Y/N have a crush?" Alex teased. "Yeah" she said now pulling away to look at her brother. "I think I love him Alex and that's what's freaking me out" she finally admitted. Alex just smiled at her.
He had had a similar conversation with his team mate a few days back, albeit with a few less tears. "Your heart eyes are so obvious" Alex chuckled while he saw his teammate stare at his sister. "What? No" he stammered. "It's ok. I know my sister's sweetheart. But I still don't get what you see in that devil reincarnated." he said while a shudder ran down his spine. "No, no.....I....was I that obvious?" Logan asked. "Kind of, I think even Gunther knows that you like her at this point" Alex stated solemnly. "What?" Logan asked shocked. "Mate you need more words in your vocabulary if you want to woo that woman, she loves all these fictional men, who talk eloquently" Alex laughed. "Really" Logan asked. "Dear God, the both of you are hopeless" Alex said as he walked away.
It was during the United States GP, Y/N was watching Logan race; he was doing so well, 3 of the 20 drivers had retired, if he over took a few more drivers he would finish in points. Logan was starting to lose focus and got flustered; Y/N saw that. She took the microphone in her hand started talking to Logan just to keep him going. Even though he finished in P12 after the stewards disqualified Lewis and Charles; Logan was the first American in 30 years to finish in points. He was over the moon; he wanted to see Y/N, the only person he wanted to see right now.
After everything, Y/N was sat in the Williams hospitality. Logan almost ran towards her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry for the other day and thank you for calming me down" he whispered into her ear. "It's ok, Congratulations Logan" she said. "No it's not ok, I should not be able to treat you so poorly, no one should" he stated. "You were annoyed, you didn't mean it" she reasoned. "I was annoyed that the woman I loved only saw me in all my downs and that I couldn't share my ups with her. Now that I've scored my first point in F1, I wanna keep going up and share all my ups with you." he rambled. Y/N's eyes were wide, "You like me?" she asked. "Uhh" Logan's mouth was open. "I like you too" she smiled widely. Logan breathed a sigh of relief. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. She nodded. Logan leaned in as his nose brushed against her cheek, he pressed his lips on her while she wrapped her arms around her neck; "I'm gonna make you a race winner one day" she mumbled in between the kiss. "Can't wait to win races with you as my engineer" he laughed now kissing her again
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ambermeh · 5 months
Chris Sturniolo Firsts
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⋆ His first crush: does not really know how to act around you and will become the most nervous and giggling person ever. This man will just want to talk to you. Especially if you two are friends and he has feelings. 'why don't you come over, i'll get the food' 'chris it's two in the morning'
⋆ He will drop subtle hints and play it off as joke because he doesn't want you to know or him to have to tell you 'outfit looks good ma might have to fight the other guys for you' 'shut up chris, what are you even talking about?'
⋆ As much as he pretends to be a player around you or jokes that all the girls love him, he cannot even look or think at a women in the same way after having a crush on you for a while. To the point you will be at a party somewhere and you will try and set him up with someone as a joke but he is dead serious and will act pissed off if you mention it. 'what's wrong I was just trying to help you find a girlfriend' 'yeah, well maybe I don't need help'
⋆ as you two are spending more an more time together you start having the same feelings and talk to Matt and Nick about it because they know Chris the best 'i think you should just go for it' 'i mean if chris says no he literally has lost his mind'
⋆His first relationship: when he finally builds up the courage to say it I think he would make a whole romantic surprise. For example, you get back from a week long holiday and he realises how much he actually likes you and so makes you find these clues etc and will be waiting for you at the end with a bunch of flowers. (Nick and Matt were also made to help because he would be stressing about doing something wrong)
⋆ The dates would be the funniest thing ever because he will randomly think of things he wants to do and there is page on his notes of all the dates he wants to do with you
⋆ Even though he will act like he doesn't like the romantic shit that other people do he LOVES it
⋆ Want to bake cookies and eat them while watching a romcom, sure. Want to do skincare and put make up on him, 100%. and the TIKTOKS that he would post would be so cute because he is literally just in awe of you. Does anything that you want really.
⋆ Just wants to make sure he is still the funniest person ever in your eyes. I feel like he would randomly show you videos while you two are just cuddling just to make sure you find them funny and will text you at the most random time with a joke he thought of 'well you could always show me when i'm not trying to get to sleep' 'sorry it was too funny not to'
⋆ First pet: it would be a cat because even if he didn't love the idea at first he would slowly start to be persuaded by the tiktoks of cute and funny cats. The cat would have to be a ginger cat or black cat because I think he would want one that matched his energy. Gets it as a kitten and was all I'm not going to get too attached to the cat BUT when it starts cuddling him at night he will act like it's his child 'I'm gonna stay at home because I can't leave him alone thinking I've left' 'thought you said it was my cat'
��� First child: The sweetest Dad ever
⋆ Will want to play sports with them all the time and dress them in outfits 'y/n i'm gonna go out and play some basketball with the kids i'll be back soon love you!!!'
⋆ Records everything because he thinks they are too cute not to. (and sends them all to you) 'Say hello to mummy for me, look y/n she's walking'
⋆ is that Dad who no matter what supports their child, you will never hear Chris comparing them to any other child because he loves them for who they are
⋆ AND even if you two are tired with having kids Nick and Matt are more than up for having them over, while you and Chris just eat a meal or watch a movie together. The love that you two have for each other is even more now that you have a family. 'we are parents now, I'm so proud of us' 'I know and at least we are not one of those boring couples' 'how could we be? I'm hilarious and you are so beautiful and funny and smart and' 'Chris shut up' 'you're blushing ma'
(Divider by @enchanthings)
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biasbuck · 5 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Less that a week to go!! Happy fraturday, and a very happy birthday to Mr Guzman. Here's another round of the fic I've been reading this week, you can find previous rec lists here.
21 September 2024
ice cream before dinner by cloudydaisies is a pitch perfect Eddie POV fic as he babysits Mara and Jee-Yun following 7x10, winning them over with icecream tuesdays, love and support. I saw so many people loving on this and then caught my eye even more with some gorgeous cover art by @walkingonawire and yes, everyone was right, it absolutely melted my heart. Just a beat for beat joy of a fic, Eddie's internal journey and the sweet bond of trust and love built between the trio, as he awaits Chris' return, and allows himself to open his heart up to Buck along the way. Beautifully written and delightful!
all you're giving me is friction by @henswilsons ahhhh such a wonderful 5+1 buddie fic in which Eddie joins the 118 and Hen is a little worried that Buck's flirting with him will cross a line...seeing as he's wearing a wedding ring. This is such a fun fic with the elephant in the room...because you know what she doesn't know you know, right? And waiting for the reveal and watching it dawn on them is so brilliantly funny in execution.
wherever you roam (you'll always want me) by @buddieism canon divergent following 7x05 in which Eddie would rather 'go to his grave repressed and miserable than ever take away from Buck’s happiness.' But in unpacking what would make Eddie himself happy, he comes to realise with some help and a look at what brought him to this point in his life that that might not be up to him. Aching and painfully cathartic and ultimately full of hope.
the cat's meow by @exhuastedpigeon GIVE. EDDIE. A CAT. (Do it for me!) When Eddie finds a box of abandoned kittens at the side of the road, he takes them to the shelter...but falls ass over teakettle for little calico Pinto (like the beans). Reluctant to let on to the existence of his new furry little friend, he keeps her close to his chest. When Buck finds out, he's unable to resist falling under the spell of her charms...or her owners. Sweet, romantic fluff...with such great character voice....and whiskers!! So freakin' cute.
glass on the pavement under my shoe by @doitbuckley a Buck POV fic under Gerrards command, taking a risk that puts his life on the line to save Eddie. But all these years later, he's not sure he's so readily okay with having to say goodbye for real, even in the line of duty. Some lyrically written introspection and growth from Buck here in the way he understands and embraces life vs death situations.
Hot Ghost Problems by @ebjameston in which Eddie is a natural born witch in a world where magic isn't a secret though he keeps it close to his chest. But on joining the 118 he meets Buck...only Evan Buckley is the firefighter who died that Eddie was here to replace. Tethered together by magic, Buck refuses to move on, and in staying around he saves Eddie along the way. With some excellent Diaz sister cameos, a brilliantly intriguing mystery, and a whole heap of magic, they race against time to save the day and might just get to keep their happily ever after. I had such a great time reading this one from 2023!
the tortured poets department by @colonoscopys more magic! 'The first time Buck touched him, Eddie blew an ambulance up.' Magic sparks under his skin, and falling in love with Buck feels a lot like when it overwhelms him with feeling. Eddie thinks he's doing a good job keeping it secret, but somethings are obvious to those who know what signs to look out for. This one felt like a little bit of magic shared, sweet, sexy and full of all sorts of sparks!
Okay let's leave it there for this week. Next week we'll have a new episode to play with! Can you believe it? I'll be on a little work trip and then a vacation so looking forward to joining you all in the sandbox soon. So excited to be back with the firefam again.
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danisbrainrot · 4 months
omg actress reader x nat? plssss
natalie scatorccio x reader
tw: slight NSFW? they're filming a sex scene but it's not explicit
actually I love this idea! I might start doing a whole yj! actress au. when they're in character everything will be in bold!
pacing your trailer, you nervously bit at your nails; waiting for one of the assistants to come get you was a nightmare. looking up at the clock, you took a deep breath when you saw the time—they should be here any minute now.
a firm knock on the door confirmed your suspicions, "we're ready for you," some called out, causing you to wrap the robe around you tighter. you opened the door slightly and smiled politely at the assistant, following them on set.
there was your costar, natalie scatorccio, waiting for you dressed similarly. she smirked at the sight of you, who was anxiously waiting for the director to instruct how they wanted you in the scene. it was the first sex scene of the movie, where you and her character who'd hated each other the entire movie let their passion take over. you knew it was going to be rough, but your intimacy coordinator had promised she'd be there for you every step of the way.
"natalie can you press y/n against the wall," the director asks, standing behind the camera to see whether the shot would work. you move slowly to where he was pointing, before natalie presses her chest against yours. she winks teasingly, noticing your racing nerves and trying to quell them. you blush, trying to look away. "now, y/n, place your left leg around her waist. natalie can you hold her up?" the intimacy coordinator shoots you a thumbs up and smiles reassuringly.
natalie hoists your legs up, supporting your hamstring. "come here often?" she jokes, prompting you to burst into laughter; her head falls back, as she joins in.
"okay, it works. resume starting positions," the director calls out, covering one ear with his headphones. "in three, two, one. rolling," the clacking sound made the two of you pause, swiftly getting into character.
natalie's eyes softened, turning into her infamous bedroom eyes all her characters shared. you felt your heart race, as you almost forgot to act. "who do you think you are? you think you can kick a couple of balls and suddenly you run the world?" natalie growled, unknowingly pressing against your core with her thigh.
trying hard to hide how flustered you were, you tip your head up smugly, hoping no one realised you were scrambling to remember your lines, "just accept it, you aren't the player you used to be. I won that position fair and square," you reply slyly, getting ready to move.
suddenly, natalie presses you up against the wall. "you have to prove to me how fit you are first," she whispers seductively. you try to keep a stoic face, but feel your resolve beginning to collapse—you were more similar to your character than you realised. she presses her lips against yours, grabbing your face gently and rubbing the back of your thighs. getting the hint, you wrap one of your legs around her waist and pull her in closer.
"cut!" the director yells, causing the two of you to swiftly pull away. by this point you're as red as a tomato, and natalie can't help but smile at your reaction.
the intimacy coordinator quickly checks up on both of you, making sure that you and natalie were comfortable. you nod, although your insides churned with anxiety. natalie, seemingly noticing it, shook her head. "I think we need to take a breather," she suggests, shooting the coordinator a grateful smile when she nodded in understanding.
leading you outside, where the cool breeze calmed your nerves, placed a soothing hand on the small of your back. "are you alright? I get it, it's pretty full on," she asks.
you shake your head, "I've never. . . done a sex scene before, I just feel so vulnerable in front of so many people," you confide.
natalie smirks, nodding in understanding. "and here I thought you were too scared to kiss me," she joked.
"no. no! I loved kissing you—i mean, you're a greater kisser. . . I just don't know how I feel about showing off my boobs to everyone in that room," you reply, a blush quickly creeping across your cheeks.
natalie held your hand comfortingly, "just pretend no one else is there. just your tits and me," she replies, causing you to giggle.
"you must be popular with the ladies," you tease, cocking an eyebrow. natalie laughed, rolling her eyes and cupping your cheek.
you go eerily silent, your eyes gazing into hers as you try to work out what she's doing. "I am, actually. wanna find out why?" she asks, a wide grin on her face; you nod softly, like a deer in headlights.
pulling you in close, natalie presses her lips against yours—it wasn't gentle, but it also wasn't as rough as she'd been when they were on set five minutes ago. it felt nice—tasted delicious too. natalie's soft lips tasted like the coconut balm she'd put on before the scene, and her breath reeked of mints. you found it sweet of her to try and get rid of her smoker breath before the shoot.
finally pulling apart, natalie grins at you, "ready to go back in? finish what we started?" you nod in a daze, letting her lead you on stage and into the bed they'd set up.
let's just say, you quickly lost your nerves for the rest of filming—instead too preoccupied with natalie's lips on yours once more.
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melodrangea · 9 months
Hello! I see that requests are open and I am in need of more SE content, so I figured I would just slide on in! I realise you said obscure characters, so I don't expect this to be answered because my home boy is one of the main characters, feel free to ignore this! But I've been so obsessed with the idea of Kid with a reader who kinda just let's people walk all over them. They're too shy to speak up! And out of fear of upsetting Kid they dress as symmetrically as they can! They even started folding their toilet paper and picking up various other habits to please him:') Since they tag along with him everywhere he and the sisters go, they figured it was the least they could do:')))) So maybe one day something happens to say... maybe their outfit or smth? Perhaps it tears on a mission in a way that is asymmetrical. They start crying cuz they are afraid Kid will yell at them or worse- stop talking to them entirely! How does Kid react?
Stay hydrated and eat well!!!!! OR I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL>:DDDD (Politely ofc U_U) 💛💛💛💛💛💛
Firstly I would like to say I'M FINALLY BACK BITCHES
Between holidays and my computer breaking and needing a new one I was unable to post for the longest time because shipping is a bitch but I'm totally back now and will be posting at least once or twice a week!
Now! Getting back into it...
-Kid would be the type to absolutely not realize that you are doing all that you do to please him
-he would love the matching outfits and all the symmetric habits you pick up but he figures that's just what happens in relationships and that you enjoys his habits
-after hanging out with them for a period of time, Liz does pick up on what you're doing and worries that you are doing it for different reasons than Kid thinks
-but she doesn't say anything because it doesn't seem to be really affecting you
-that is until you go on a mission together
-you and your weapon partner go on a joint mission with Kid to spend more time together and because Kid wanted to be able to protect you
-anyways the fight gets under swing and slowly but surely you're taking damage
-you don't notice but you outfit it coming undone; the laces rip on your right shoe, one of the buttons on your shirt gets torn off and you build up battle grime etc..
-once the fight is over you go to swipe the hair out of your face when you realize a part of you bangs has been trimmed on the left side
-you panic and inspect the rest of your outfit, realizing the rest of the imperfections in your outfit
-without even meaning to your eyes start to fill with tears, terrified that Kid is going to be upset with you, you heart begins to race and you feel your heartbeat in your ears
-you weapon partner is off assessing damage with Liz and Patty so Kid is the first to notice you upset
-he rushes over to you, at first thinking that you got hurt
"y/n are you alright? are you injured?" his eyes scan over you, hands rubbing soothingly across your jaw.
your lip quivers and tears stream down your cheeks, "I'm sorry" you whisper.
Kid's brow scrunches, "for what?"
you release a shaky breath, "I don't look perfect anymore. One of my buttons is gone, my shoes are dirty, I think that guy with the sword chopped my hair. Please don't be mad at me."
Kid frowns, "oh darling, what makes you think any of that matters to me? I admit I like symmetry but you could be wearing rainbow tie-dye and glow in the dark sketchers for all that I care. "
your eyes widen, "really?"
-after that mission you slowly start to develop your own style, occasionally swinging for matching outfits of course
-Liz helps Kid point out other habits that you copy unintentionally and helps you to gently shut them down
-Kid is your biggest supporter in helping you choose your own style, he can and will take you shopping whenever you feel like (live laugh love Kid's daddy's money agenda)
-and if you want to keep some of the habits you've picked up Kid is also happy because it means that you like him for who he is <3
tis all for now my lovelies
please don't be shy about asking because you think the character is "too mainstream", I'm pretty sure my entire inbox is Kid anyways so his character and I are getting fairly acquainted
as usual I am at your writing service my dears
-Melodrangea <3
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zayray030 · 2 months
I think Ace deserves a re-do at going to an amusement park, since Playful Land got kind of ruined. He goes with the same group and it takes place at a point where they all know they like Ace (-Jack and Ortho). Anyway, here's my ideas for what happens:
Cater and Ace do the ferris wheel together. *Insert cute moment where Ace is looking out at the park and says 'it's awesome' or something like that, while Cater stares at Ace and says some form of agreement.*
Lilia and Ace do a haunted house, together. *Insert Ace acting like he's not at all scared, as he walks in and Lilia having to carry him out, bridal style.*
Trey and Ace obviously go to the food areas together. *Insert basic scene where Ace gets chocolate on his face and Trey wipes it off with his thumb and eats it, staring into Ace's eyes.*
Vil and Ace go to whatever show the theme park has or a storyline-based ride. *Insert them judging the entire thing and talking about how it could have been better, while holding hands.*
Floyd and Ace do all the games that the park has like the basketball ones, the duck ones, etc. *Insert Ace struggling to carry all the giant prizes that they win.*
Jade and Ace can do like on of those drop towers, where it slowly goes up and drops down in a second. *Insert Ace just squeezing Jade's hand tightly enough for it to break, while Jade just smiles and teases him. (I feel like Ace would love rollercoasters but is terrified of drop towers (I might just be projecting)).*
Kalim and Ace get the cutesy stuff, like the teacups or the carousel. *(I've been on a few with these carriages that fit like two people (I went alone because my best friend decided to buy more food, instead of joining me)). Anyway, they get to enjoy a calmer ride and just sit close to each other and stuff. (Fifty quid on Floyd somehow getting into the operating booth and making it go super fast, suddenly).*
Lastly, Leona and Ace get to go on a rollercoaster. *Insert Ace being slightly wobbly after they get off and using Leona to support himself.*
(Obviously, Jack and Ortho also get cute, fun moments because best friends privileges. (Why do they keep being put together? Like, they got Playful Land and they got Fairy Gala. I'm not upset about it at all, though).
"Hey cater-senpai!" Ace wrapped his hands around Cater's arms and started pulling him in the direction of the ferrid wheel. "Let's go on this ride!" He widened his eyes so that they looked like puppy dog eyes and internally let a giant whoop when Cater gave him an indulgent smile
"Why not! I can take so many pictures of the cute view!" Cater agreed and the of them linked arms and made their way to the ferris wheel.
After waiting in the line, and finally being able to ride the ferries wheel the both of them reached the peak of it.
"Ahh! Cater senpai!" Ace gasped at the view below him and how pretty the amusement Park was. "Isn't the view from here amazing!" He still hadn't turned back to his senpai, simply enjoying living in the moment
"Yeah, it is." Agreed Cater quietly, love in his eyes as he held his phone in front of him, still taking pictures of Ace, enraptured by how pretty the younger looked when he was excited.
"I can handle this, lilia-senpai!" Pouted Ace, affronted by the suggestion that he couldn't handle some cheap haunted house.
"Awe, but I'm right!" Smirked Lilia, enjoying how pouty and flustered Ace was getting. "How about this." He said when he noticed Ace's annoyance growing "if you can make it throughout this entire house without being scared ill but you anything you want!"
"Deal!" Agreed Ace, running off to the house, not even waiting to hear the rest of Lilias deal.
Too bad, because he would have realised that if he had failed then Lilia gets to carry him bridal style for the rest of the house.
Lilia let out a sinister chuckle. Oh this will be fun.
Ace had been succeeding at not getting scared until he had found himself face to face with what he had assumed was a blot monster.
So after that, he had been forced to allow himself to be carried by Lilia.
And no! He did not enjoy it!.....even if his arms and hands felt really really nice!!
"Wahhh! There's so many different treats!" Gasped Ace, his eyes widening as he viewed the selection of treats. In front of him where different chocolates, pastries, candies and more, all ranging from different shapes and sizes to colours and textures.
"Pick out anything you want so long as you burst your teeth." Teased Trey.
Ace merely laughed at his senpai before finally selecting a chocolate covered cherry cupcake
"This tastes amazing!" Moaned Ace at the flavour. Unfortunately, due to his haste in wanting to eat it, some of the chocolate smeared onto his cheek.
Trey, brought his hand up and gently whined the chocolate away before bringing the fingers used to clean the chocolate away to his mouth and licking it off.
"It does taste great." He agreed, smirking at the first years blushing face.
"This is so stupid." Complained Ace as he eyed the tacky decoration from the ride.
"I must agree. Normally I wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this." Vil wrapped his arm around Ace's shoulder and brought them closer together.
"I mean, why did they have to make it so confusing yet so boring!" Ace continued as he and Vil were forced to stay on tbe slow ride.
"Vleatly to appease to those poor souls who don't know any better." Snarked Vil as he turned his nose at the drawings of the characters on the walls of the ride.
"Promise me that I won't ever have to do in this again!" Pouted Ace, looking up at his boyfriend with wide eyes.
"Never again, reassured Vil, cupping Ace's cheek with one hand and lowering his face down to kiss the redhead.
Atleast one exciting thing was going on during this ride
"Are you sure you can do this Floyd-senpai?" Ace asked again much to the eels growing annoyance
"Yes crabby! Now let me focus!"
Ace mimed zipping his mouth as he observed his boyfriend getting ready to throw the ball at tbe targets in front of him.
Ace had originally wanted to get the large flamingo plush and Floyd had volunteered to get it. Even when Ace had explained how most of these booths were scams the eel was not to be deterred. Crabby wanted the plush, so crabby was going to get the plush.
Ace had been daydreaming so much he wasn't really focusing on what was going on. It was only until his boyfriend had thrown at him a large flamingo did he realise that Floyd had one
Ace gasped in shock before throwing his arms around the eel. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Ace repeated over and over again, excited by the win
Floyd, fueled by how cute his boyfriend was then continued on winning many prizes for him, simply so he can repeat that reaction again and again.
"Aren't you also scared of heights?" Snapped Ace when he saw his boyfriends teasing smile.
"Absolutely! However, this is different! Back home in the ocean, I am used to the turbulence so this does nor affect me whatsoever! However, u thought you enjoyed rollercoasters?"
"There's a difference between rollercoasters and being thrust up into the air over and over again!" Snapped Ace before immediately grasping his boyfriends hand when he felt the ride start.
It was a painful few minutes, both for Ace as a whole and for Jade's ears.
"They're so shiny together it actually makes my eyes hurt." Muttered Vil, as he watched Kalim and Ace at the teacups
"I know what you mean!" Agreed Cater as he swiped through the pictures he had collected of Ace and Kalim. "However, whenever they do that double stare thing it creeps me out." He confessed
"Don't blame you" Muttered Leona, as he watched with fobd eyes Ace and Kalim laughing at something in the teacups.
"Jade, why is your brother at the controls?" Asked Trey, worried and confused.
"I think you know why" Replied Jade politely ad they watched the teacups gaining speed.
They all winced when they started hearing Ace scream.
Well at least they enjoyed the pretty view when they did.
"You have way too much energy" complained Leona as he watched his boyfriend excited pull his arm towards the rollercoaster.
"I've been wanting yo go on this forever!" Defended Ace as the both of them took their seats.
"Uhuh." Leona nodded unconvinced
"Where did all that excitement from before go?" Leona Teased his wobbly'legged boyfriend
"I didn't think the ride would go like that!" Whined Ace as he used Leona's arms as cruch to stabilise himself.
Leona smirked before wrapping his arms around Ace's waist and leaning down so he could whisper into his ear. "Normally your only like this when it give it to you good."
It was so worth the loud shriek and immediate scolding from the blushing redhead
Ortho and Jack
"What ride do you think we can guilt them into letting us go on?"
"If we try hard enough wr can probably end up going on all the rides." Calculated Jack, crossing his arms and attempting not to look too excited about the prospect on going on the amusement rides.
"Leave the tough giy act back at Savanaclaw!" Ace popped his manly bubble before throwing his arms over his fellow first years shoulders.
"Now let's take advantage of the low quantity of people here and a bunch of rich upperclassmen!"
"I even took my brothers card!" Ortho showed off, showing the card to the two.
"Perfect!" Ace Giggled and the two of them couldn't help but feel giddy and excited as well
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jgys-hat · 1 month
Now I've rewatched The Untamed having now read MDZS, here are some thoughts (in no particular order):
I found myself liking Jin Zixuan a lot more this time around - the first time I watched I found him kind of boring, but this time I really appreciated him for seemingly trying to be kind and fair despite being posh and privileged. I also found his awkwardness endearing... Oh, and Wei Wuxian is a total dick to him on several occasions, to be honest.
I also liked Su She a lot more this time.
I liked Wangxian a more in CQL than in the novel. I think this is because in the novel, WWX can't read LWJ very well, so sometimes I felt that novel!LWJ came off as somewhat of a flat character, whereas in the show the acting gives a better sense of what he might be thinking and feeling at any given moment.
The flashback episode scenes at Cloud Recesses where they're all young, alive and more or less happy are Painful to watch knowing what's coming next...
I really intensely dislike CQL's inclusion of the second flautist plot point. I think the story is more interesting and tragic if WWX really did just overextend himself and lose control.
On a similar note, I preferred that in the novel the curse put on Jin Zixuan was nothing to do with WWX at all - I think something that's got nothing to do with him being pinned on him anyway adds an extra level of tragedy to the story and adds to the themes the story is trying to put across.
I much preferred the greater level of moral ambiguity that the novel had - it made me really sad that WWX does some really awful things but eventually gets to live happily ever after having had a chance to redeem himself, whereas JGY never gets that chance and just dies horribly :(((
I really enjoyed the extra development that CQL gave to the female supporting characters! I feel like CQL gives a much better sense of how Wen Qing is as a person than the novel does.
JIN GUANGYAO THE CHARACTER EVER... Everything I could possibly say about him has already been said by people who are much smarter and better at writing than me, but I love his character so much... He does do some pretty awful things, BUT he gets put in a lot of impossible situations where he would have been absolutely pilloried no matter what he did, poor guy. "JGY did some awful things" and "JGY was genuinely badly treated by a lot of people" are statements that can and should coexist.
The other thing that I find really sad is that JGY meets his end because of the person he (at least in the novel) killed in self-defence and was genuinely afraid of, and not because of anything actually evil he did, like having his dad's pet serial killer murder twenty women... It's really not justice at all, but I think that's likely the point the story is trying to make.
Listen, I'm just so sad about A-Yao... Maybe people should have been nice to him and he wouldn't have committed crimes :)))
He lived so much of his life in fear of one kind or another and then dies humiliated :))) I'm fine this is fine :)))
I am continually astonished that the censors decided "no zombies for you" but something as gross and horrible as the way Jin Guangshan was bumped off is A-OK.
I think that given how different the structure of the drama is from that of the novel, introducing the Yi City trio earlier on was an understandable and sensible change to make.
I think I may need to scream forever about Nie Huaisang's character arc... The fact that by using LXC to kill JGY he's become as manipulative as the person he hated, and has also forced Jin Ling into becoming sect leader at a very young age, just like NHS himself was by the death of his brother, makes me Feel Things...
...As does the fact that his face as he leaves the Guanyin Temple in CQL is not the face of a happy man - it comes across to me as though he's realised that getting revenge hasn't really given him any sense of satisfaction at all. He must know that his peers are unlikely to really trust him again. I love how in his final scene he's dropped the buffoonish act totally, because now his plan has come to fruition he can outwardly be the person he has been inside for a very long time.
NHS is clearly just as capable of Rage as his brother once was, he just expresses it very differently.
Also, the fact that by the end of the story NHS is likely older than his brother ever got to be :)))
I wish CQL had had some way of working in the scene from the novel where NMJ had NHS' things burned - I think it was nice on getting some background on the brothers and on NHS' relationship with JGY.
JGY and NHS were clearly close once, so watching this happen to their relationship is so interesting to me... The betrayal on both sides is just *chef's kiss*... I actually think they're both quite similar in a lot of ways, but that's probably a topic for a separate post!!!
They are both such cool and interesting characters and I love them both!!
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thesunfyre4446 · 10 months
OMG I cannot take this anymore, I’m so tired of expressing my opinions on team black and getting backlash for it. TB supporters need to learn to not be so aggressive when it comes to defending their “Innocent” team. I’m not a green supporter either but I find myself sympathising more with those characters because I feel like they have reasons as to why they are what they are.
When I’m watching the show, I find myself disliking Rhaenyra. She constantly complains about being a female but yet she never does a thing to support her cause. In the books, I’ve heard she disinherits Lady Rosby and Lady Stokesworth on account of their genders and gives everything to their younger brothers. I did read the passage on which it says this and it was said that both girls were never named heir but they were the firstborn and is it not Rhaenyra’s movement to show that women can rule?
Back to her not doing anything about it, she does things, not a lot but the stuff she does do is extremely damaging to her image yet she still acts on them impulsively; Going to the street of silk with Daemon which leads to her marriage with laenor WHICH leads to her bastard children. Had she just not gone and not interacted with Daemon, she could have picked what man she got to marry, it didn’t necessarily have to be love but she could of picked one that could perform their duty and she could be friendly with. She could have done this because her father was allowing her to pick which was rare in those days and just further proves that Visery’s would ignore the customs for her.
I truly do agree with Viserys when he mentions that Jeaharys would have disinherited her and I don’t think Rhaenyra realises how lucky she is to have him as a father. She abandoned him for 6 years, knowing he was dying of an illness and only comes back to beg him to get out his bed and put himself in pain to defend her which he does because he loves her. Adding onto this, Rhaenyra expects to come back to kings landing and everyone to just follow her just because she was named heir, she didn’t stay there to prove her worth or anything. She left it for the greens to manipulate and take over and she is mad that she has no allies there when she’s the one the went into hiding. She’s been named heir for around 20 years at this point, most of the men that swore to her are dead and like they said in the show, most of those oaths are stale now.
The greens are definitely more politically savvy than the blacks which is how they gained so much support, had Rhaenyra stayed in the court and worked on making allies and proving her worth to the realm then maybe the Dance wouldn’t have started. Her hiding away in dragon stone also definitely helped the greens to take the throne because had she been in kings landing then she could have known straight away that her father was dead and the greens would have had a harder time getting the throne, but she left it open for the taking and gets mad when it is taken.
Forgive me for all this, I’m just so incredibly annoyed right now.
i completely agree with you, anon. some TB stans are just impossible to talk too. i usually love it when people with different opinions that mine leave comments on my posts, but i've gotten soooo many disgusting and disturbing messages calling me names, being racist, being incredible misogynistic towards alicent and just being very weird and aggressive.
idk it's very weird how personally TB stans take the criticism towards rhaenyra and daemyra. i mean, daemon gr00med and choked her - a lot of people are obvs NOT going to support this couple and find it very problematic.
i'm not a huge rhaenyra fan too . her character is kinda boring for me, she's giving me an overprivileged-rich-soccer-mom vibes. and yeah she def was not politically savvy (part of the reason i dislike her lol) and made a lot of mistakes. i think that rhaenyra is def a product of viserys's bad parenting skills. he never prepared her to rule, always justified and defended her mistakes (i mean, how are you going to grow as a person when your daddy defends everything you do no matter what?) and he gave her a false sense of security.
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forourtomorrows · 1 year
Hello people, let me introduce you to one AU I've been working on these past few months... Trucy Wright: Investigations
What if Trucy had her own Investigations spin-off ? Well, that was the thing I thought about, by making my own story !!
Summary: Trucy Wright, magician extraordinaire comes back home after multiple years on tour, but as she enters the office of the Wright Anything Agency, she discovers a note saying her father was abducted and a clue to find him ! Determined to uncover the truth behind what really happened to him, Trucy embarks on an adventure, and multiple investigations with familiar figures to bring her father back home !
The (made-up) game is set two years after aa6 and would be consisting of 4 cases, but first, here are the characters !
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Case 1: Welcome Home, My Turnabout
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Trucy comes back from touring and Athena picks her up from the airport. As they go to the WAA, they find that a murder happened right outside the office while they were away !! With the help of Athena, they investigate the scene of the crime.
After they discovered who was behind this, they go inside the office to find out Phoenix disappeared with a note and a piece of cloth which appears to have khura'inese patterns. Trucy, with her emergency money, decides to book a plane for Khura'in.
Case 2: Turnabout Nostalgia (i had no better names)
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Back to Khura'in ! Trucy meets up with Apollo who is busy with a case, so, for old time's sake, they investigate together ! The duo is also supported by the lovely comments of Rayfa who somehow is there.
After solving yet another case, Apollo with the help of Nahyuta find out that the pattern comes from a little community in London, so off to London we go ! Thanks to Apollo's money, Trucy books another plane for the UK !
Case 3: My Flying Turnabout
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Quite a bad luck Trucy has ! Indeed as she enjoys her plane ride, a murder suddenly happens (three rows behind her to be exact). So, with the help of Aries, a french prosecutor, they investigate to figure out who decided to kill someone in the air ! As they investigate, Trucy finds a photograph with Aries on it, but decides to keep it with her..
After they land, Trucy meets up with Edgeworth (who was at a conference in London) who takes care of the murderer (having connections with Interpol does help), and they decide to take a rest as Trucy explains the situation.
Case 4: Turnabout Revelations
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The day after arriving to London, Trucy receives a text from an unknown number with an address, telling her to go there, Edgeworth comes with her. The place is an abandonned storage area in which a recreation of a crime scene (ala Little Thief) is there for them to solve it. The murder is one of a young girl, who was harassed by a man who, at some point, decides to threaten her with a gun while she was with her brother. He harms her and her brother but during the fight, he drops his weapon and the brother catch it, and fires two time; only hitting the young girl. Trucy and Edgeworth both come to the conclusion that the culprit is the brother, but they are interrupted as someone comes in, telling them they're wrong ! And that person is Aries (please pretend to be shocked)
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Aries was actually the one who ordered to abduct Phoenix, and was following Trucy from the moment she came home to here as a way to ensure she was looking for her father. Why ?
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For Aries to take her as a hostage, so Phoenix could make a re-trial and catch the guy that, according to him killed the girl. As Edgeworth is kind of helpless in this situation, Aries calls Trucy a bunch of names, telling her she's nothing, etc (think of the meanest thing you could say to someone). But as his monologue goes on, he makes a slip-up that causes Trucy to react. By remembering all the details, evidence (the photo from the case 3 makes a comback !) and others she realise : Aries was the one who unintentionally killed his sister, her only family, before running off to France. Aries has a breakdown and Trucy, with the help of Edgeworth, manages to free herself from Aries' grip and also magically handcuffs him (don't ask. it's magic.). After some time, the police finds Phoenix and the family is reunited !! Happy end for everyone yay !!
For the gameplay, I thought about having the Perceive ability being brought back because she is a Gramarye, and also keep the Rebuttals because during her investigations, she is always with either a defense attorney or a prosecutor.
But I also wanted to add another gimmick, that I called Showtime: Trucy is a performer, thus, she knows how to handle misdirections, she knows how to make a crowd believe in something that isn't completely real. So, in her head, she considers the crime scenes as magic stages.
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(here is an example of how it would look like)
So basically, Showtime allows her to put her inside the murderer's mind to discover things they might've hidden or illusions they might've created thanks to evidence she gathered.
Aaaaand that's all !! Thank you if you read all of that: this AU is really dear to me and I loved designing the characters and making up a story ! I might post some drafts of designs and stuff that didn't make it; but if you have any questions or suggestions I'd gladly answer them !
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Everlark (Mockingjay, Ch. 11)
in CF, katniss thought that if peeta died, she would be broken beyond repair but her realising snow's latest horror is what really does it: peeta being tortured to get at her. and she really begins breaking
"the pain over my heart returns. and from it i imagine tiny fissures spreading out into my body. through my torso, down my arms and legs, over my face, leaving it criss-crossed with cracks. one good jolt of a bunker missile and i could shatter into strange razor-sharp shards" - her descriptions of her heartbreak are so vivid, my god
it's like katniss really avoids talking about her feelings of love for peeta at any opportunity. obviously her whole 'we're friends' thing in the first two books but in this book she is clearly devastatingly heartbroken but she can't give it a name even though she can describe in vivid intense detail how her heart feels. and she says in so many ways that she loves him without outright saying it, like here: "i find finnick, feeling for some unspecified reason that he will understand." what is that unspecified reason katniss???
the annie/finnick and peeta/katniss parallels again because finnick is broken in the same way that katniss is being broken now
finnick realising that katniss loves peeta, before katniss herself does/can put a name to it. he's so real for that. (i think it's true for everyone in katniss's life because i know gale/prim/haymitch/her mother etc knows she loves peeta like that too)
i know finnick says that he's not saying in what way she loves peeta but i think it's clear, especially with the parallels with him/annie but i appreciate that he gives her this space.
but i think this is a turning point for katniss where she's able to admit to herself that she actually LOVES loves peeta, as in she's in love with him. finnick telling her that she loves him is like the missing puzzle piece she needed. she needed someone to say it like that. and now she knows and accepts it herself. she doesn't question it, she just asks him how he lives with it. she allows herself to give her love its name.
including this whole paragraph because it's kinda funny:
As I turn to go suit up as the Mockingjay, I catch Gale watching me and Finnick unhappily. What now? Does he actually think something's going on between us? Maybe he saw me go to Finnick's last night. I would've passed the Hawthornes' space to get there. I guess that probably rubbed him the wrong way. Me seeking out Finnick's company instead of his. Well, fine. I've got rope burn on my fingers, I can barely hold my eyes open, and a camera crew's waiting for me to do something brilliant. And Snow's got Peeta. Gale can think whatever he wants.
katniss is so fucking done with gale and his nonsense. "what now?" like she is breaking apart because peeta is being tortured in her name and then there's gale thinking her and finnick are flirting. complex character etc etc but gale is irritating and he needs to get a grip.
boggs confirming that peeta's warning helped district 13 in evacuating earlier - again peeta saving katniss and the people she loves, at a great risk to his own life.
finnick and haymitch are really her people in there, in 13. feeling what she feels. looking out for her. comforting her. the fact that whenever she looks at finnick, she essentially sees herself reflected back. because he too cares about peeta, and shares her suffering in regards to worrying about annie. gale doesn't come close to the friendship and support they offer.
she decided to use being the mockingjay to save peeta's life and now she realises that being the mockingjay will directly harm him and it's all just too much.
"but in the end, the only person i truly want to comfort me is haymitch, because he loves peeta too" - i think this is the first time katniss actually admits she loves peeta, and i think her earlier conversation with finnick plays a big part in it. like it all just clicked for her. and she truly knows it now. and there's no going back.
haymitch sitting by her bedside when she wakes up. that's his kid for real.
the fact that finnick lost it just after katniss did and had to be sedated too. what a broken brady bunch.
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layraket · 5 months
okay finally the most waited post (of mine (maybe)) since yesterday!!! me rambling in a weird/deep way!!!!
first of all we start strong
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the Wolfie thing was something that i've been wondering when will be adressed, and when i read the word "wolf" i got nuts
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I felt weird here cuz Four just mentioned Time and himself??? im crackling at Leg's face "my guy you forgot someone" now thinking better abt it Legend didn't tell anyone abt the bunny thing appart of Twi and Sky, so it makes sense they not knowing he already found out
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It makes sense that he didn't wanted to show his wolf form to them at the start, he can't just go "hey guys look i can turn into a wolf *cool shadow transformation* AUUUUUUUUUU-" and not freak them out.
and i find a little amusing Wind wanting a confirmation, he wants to make sure that now there's not fractures between each other's trust. They still got their secrets, yeah, but he still wanted to at least hear that theyre cool about this one
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Twi almost died, and the only reason that he's still breathing is because of them, obviously he will trust them now.
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my poor guy has been working so hard, being the emotional support dog in the group together with big brother duty is exhausting
still makes me laugh that nobody really made 2+2 and realised that it was a little suspicious that every time Wolfie was there Twi was patrolling. They really share the name Link huh
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Wolves are beautiful but dangerous animals, they are strong and usually agressive to invasors, makes sense to hide something that makes people run away from you. You might be able to defend them, but they will only pay back with scared glances
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ohhh i would really love to see this! Wild already knew Twilight, well, future Twilight. He saw the giant dog wandering around and thought "hey i know him thats the strange wolf! hey hiii buddyyy" this guy really
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love them trying to explain time shenanigans. keep it up buddy. you know basic math you can do this.
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the rest of them talking abt the wolf thing while here my man fighting with the gps
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Wild you already established your point calm down
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Something that i and a lot of people noticed: Wars seems more relaxed, the past updates he was at the verge of screaming at the void. Now here he is, bothering his brother. Happy Warriors is back!
See the only thing he needed was his emotional support scarf back
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if i had a coin every time a character hide their true identity in the zelda series i would have 16 coins, which is a lot considering that i thought it would be just 5 or 6 times what the hell
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oh i know that look. He has already an idea of what wars menat with that, he has already experienced the same situation
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Four doesn't fully approve the use of shadow magic yet. He remembers someone that because of that lost himself in the power. What if this happends too with Twi? How will they handle that situation? His mind is already too noisy just with thinking it a little
He hopes they will not have to confront the consecuences of dark magic's abuse
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i remember that someone said Wolfie looks weaker, and honestly i agree
im not sure if this is the case, but if it is i wouldn't be surprised. He looks thinner, his fur more tangled and less flat
Still fluffy boy, tho
AND NOW. the panels that made me laugh for some weird reason/i liked a lot without any comments of why
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art at its peak as always
(art credits goes towards @linkeduniverse as always!)
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anonzentimes · 6 months
I've read fanfic where Nagito is jealous because he feels that Hajime thinks (remembers) about Chiaki at various times, but the idea that Nagito might feel guilty is new to me.
But it is true that Nagito might feel lonely or inferior, thinking that Hajime's awakening as Ultimate Hope was thanks to Chiaki and not to him. In my opinion, Hajime is likely to be depressed and mentally unstable even after 3, but Nagito might be afraid to see Hajime like that and speak harsh words to Hajime. Then he would think that if Chiaki were here, she would speak kind words to Hajime and regret that he himself couldn't do the same later.
However, in my personal opinion, what Hajime needs in the post-3 world is someone like Nagito rather than Chiaki, because Hajime has too much 'can do' due to the power of Kamukura's talent.
Chiaki has the mindset that if you do it, you can do it, but post-3 Hajime can do too many things, it will cause him to worry about where to start, and he will become impatient and overwhelmed by the need to use his talents.
Nagito has a very pessimistic view of things and (unless the other person is very talented) has no expectations of the people around him. And he might also have pessimistic opinions about Hajime, for example that he is basically an ordinary man, even though he has the power of Kamukura. But without people around him who think like that, Hajime would think that he can do anything he sets his mind to and try too hard at everything, which would probably lead to his self-destruction. So I hope that at some point Hajime will realise that he can control himself thanks to Nagito being there for him, and that by telling Nagito this, Nagito can gain a little confidence that he can support Hajime from a different perspective to Chiaki's.
Hmm, I may have somewhat forced the story into my interpretation 🤔 Well, at least I don't think Hajime would ever actually wish Chiaki had been here instead of Nagito, and he would rather strongly feel that he doesn't want to lose Nagito as well, even though losing Chiaki was sad enough. I hope that Hajime's feelings will be conveyed to Nagito at some point (for example, when Nagito is dying and Hajime is very desperate to help him) and that he will want to do something for Hajime instead of feeling guilty.
oh my word you turned on the stove and COOKED!!!!!!! This is definitely the kind of thing I was talking about!! :)
To be honest I think it'd be really sweet one way it could be resolved is that Hajime has to say that he loves Nagito and that he wouldn't replace him ever. Sure, he misses Chiaki and loved her but his love is with Nagito and he's so happy even if Nagito's beliefs and mindset are troubling to understand or bad for Nagito.
Like Hajime would have to be like, "Hey, I loved Chiaki, yes, but I love you and I wouldn't replace you for anything. You aren't taking her place" just like try to get it through Nagito's head lol. And maybe Hajime would believe that regardless in some way him and Nagito would fall in love and be happy if nothing Despair ever happened.
They definitely both don't want to lose each other, Hajime having already lost Chiaki, and Nagito having barely any reciprocal relationships besides Hajime and everyone dying around him due to his luck gives a lot of "I don't want it to happen again" for the both of them.
They're different people after Dr2 that experience and trauma of a killing game does a lot to you and at that point of growth, Hajime being him and Izuru, and Nagito having grown a bit more they are really perfect for each other imo.
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sunthyme · 8 months
Sorry for this being a day late, I last second decided I hated how the og designs turned out so I redid them lmaooo. Whoops! Tyty sm for the support though, I love y'all! 🩷🩷🩷
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I cleared the tail end of Book 4 and all of Book 5 two days ago so fair warning, I'm still not completely aware of all the ins and outs of Ortho and Idia. And I might have to redo some of my Pomefiore headcanons with Book 5 in mind, namely Rook??? Whose apparently from Sunset Savanna??? Anyways, onto the designs...
🎮Idia Shroud🎮
(he/it) Unlabelled Gender - Achillic Asexual
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Ah, the most relatable character in Twisted Wonderland...
- I don't think I really changed a whole lot about him physically, tbh. Gave him slightly bluer skin and dark makeup. I figured he's kinda one of the closest characters to like alt fashion and stuff so I slapped some piercings on him.
- You can't see them with his GIANT MESS OF HAIR but I gave him some piercings. I'll just grab a pic of them rq.
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No bald Idia today guys.
- He's autistic. Is that even up for debate at this point? Either way, I feel like he'd actually hate having hair against his neck and typically put it into a ponytail or something. That shit would be hella warm otherwise, fire or no.
- He plays dating sims religiously but god forbid someone ACTUALLY flirts with him. In the unlikely scenario that he actually realises they're hitting on it, he just freaks out and runs, physically if possible. I think he's unintentionally shut people down hard because he cannot fathom why anyone would like it.
- He has to fight his demons whenever he see any of the people with cat ears which me too me too. Ignihyde actually has a bit of a stray cats issue, namely because Idia sets out food and water for them and refuses to let anyone take them away. They never get into the workshops or anywhere dangerous and Idia has named all of them.
- He has unique names not only for the stray cats of Ignihyde but also for all of the ones in his games, in specific his Minecraft cats.
- It's actually in the process of making a robotic cat as a sort of emotional support animal since a live cat isn't allowed in classes due to allergies (which Grim is exempt from due to him not technically being a cat and not producing allergens, fun fact).
- Oh! And I headcanon him as Greek and Japanese. Forgot that oops. Nationality-wise he'd be Australian though.
I was struggling to think of things that were just canon facts of his character already, which, to be fair, some of this could be but moving onto...
🦾Ortho Shroud🦾
(they/it/he) Nonbinary???
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I actually adore how they came out omg. I have no really experience with robot/cyborg character design so I gave myself some liberties.
- First and for most, I made a lot of its robot features more obvious with panelling that would make it easy for Idia to access any brain or vocal mechanics. You cannot convince me that Idia, known for liking video games and anime, would pass up an opportunity to make Ortho look cool asf. Or maybe Book 6 can but for now, panels.
- I don't know if it's ever brought up in detail Ortho's like material components and stuff but I think they're made with the anti-magic stuff Charon's ferrymen have, further enhanced and durable. His freckles help with sensing particularly smell and temperature.
- His eyes took a bit of inspiration from Genoa, I just though a black sclera would look super cool tbh.
- It's hair is a bit crazier and I wanted to lowkey emulate Medusa vibes with it and the soulless eyes lol.
Not much else right now but I know damn well Book 6 will make me cry... Time for the ocs!
🪻Fuji Izanami🪻
Third Year - (she/he) Bigender - Bisexual
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- So, a bit of a disclaimer, I've never actually seen Hercules because I was a Greek mythology nerd and was offended by the inaccuracies lol so keep that in mind with the ocs for this dorm. Fuji is my Cerberus character!
- He's the vice-housewarden of Ignihyde and tends to help out with Ortho's upgrades by moving the heavier parts that Idia can't lift.
- Since I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, Cerberus means 'spots', I wanted her to have a ton of freckles as an omage.
- She's fully Japanese and has been a childhood friend of the Shrouds, with both families going way back. He was kind of Idia's emotional support before Ortho was allowed as well as a bit of a bodyguard. She and Ortho were the reason Idia didn't have to attend with a mass guard force.
- Quiet and seems quite menacing at first but is a huge softie and loves to be around other people. She and Jack are workout buddies and bond over common music tastes in the J-Pop and K-Pop genres.
- When she's talking to Idia or Ortho, it tends to be in Japanese (neglecting that the game is set to Japanese, imagine the default is like a common tongue or something lol).
- He specialises in heavier mech tech, developing protective wear and other durable things to work with. She hopes to intern with Charon eventually and work to study the containment of blot.
Now for another set of triplets, these ones all in Ignihyde...
🕰️Ye-Jin Ryu🕰️
Second Year - (she/her) - Sapphic
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So these next three characters are representative of the Fates, they're Korean.
- Ye-Jin is my 'past' character. I styled her hair is an older-fashioned wavy cut and gave her some classy pearl earrings to give that 🌸vintage aesthetic🌸.
- Her primary skill set and interest is in re-purposing older things and upgrading them i.e. keeping the older aesthetic but making the mechanisms modern and remove the fear that it'll break down from overuse and whatnot.
- As such, she's a sucker for antiques and older fashion trends, mostly consisting of long skirts and formal wear. That being said, she still wears properly protective gear w an working on one of her projects.
- A hobby of hers is photography and she loves both actually taking photos as well as experimenting with different kinds of old cameras. She's a part of a photography club and also has a photo wall in her room.
- Never one to slack, she enjoys journalling and writing letters in her pass time as well. A hopeless romantic, she and Chanda share a class and Ye-Jin writes little posty notes for her.
Now for the present..
🛰️Ji-Ho Ryu🛰️
Second Year - (she/they) - Heteroromantic Bisexual
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- Ji-Ho is the present and reflects a more modern Korean makeup style and haircut. I think she'd have reading glasses but only wear them when necessary.
- She has an interest in modern technology and pushing its limits. Adding more storage to a computer than typically offered, making a car even more gas efficient, that kind of stuff.
- They like a combination of things but are actually a part of the Spelldrive Club. She wanted to try something new and expand their bases. It gave her some insight for a recent interest in prosthetics she's developed.
For the final Fate,
👾Dae Ryu👾
Second Year - (she/they/it) Agender - Pansexual
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- Dae is the future! I gave her more sci-fi-y makeup and a bit more flare in its hairstyle. Some piercings and ta dah!
- They specialise in bio-tech. Looking at nature to modify scientific approaches and being more environmentally friendly. Sustainability is a top priority for Dae.
- She wants to eventually make basic resources easily accessible to all and is doing its best to work out a solution. They're connecting the dots lol.
- Dae is a part of the hiking club and loves being around nature as much if not more than being in her lab. They often go hiking with Chunying on weekends.
For the last Ignihyde student and the final Benoit...
💀Cooper Benoit💀
First Year - (they/he) Nonbinary - Queer
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- Cooper is twisted from Barrel and is the last of the Benoit family to be introduced. They are a very booksmart person and a math nerd.
- He's also disabled and typically uses a wheelchair. As such, they have been working on trying to improve the school's general accessibility as even with magic, NRC's campus can be difficult to navigate in a wheelchair.
- Similarly to Idia, Cooper is a total cat person and he and Idia take care of the strays together. Cooper's slowly memorising the names lmao.
That's all for Ignihyde! Diasomnia will be out tomorrow, promise! Tyty 🩷🩷🩷
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not-poignant · 1 year
OMG, I literally found your Astarion/Raphael fic yesterday, desperately looking for something like it. So happy someone else had the same brain worms as me XD
I was wondering if I could pick your brain a bit about what kind of direction you think you will take the fic? I was wondering if you had any plans in your head or if you are just following the vibes so to speak.
Especially with Raphael being in the pairing, I wondered if this is more of a "It turns out they are actually good for each other" kind of thing or more of a "Astarion has to find out what his life is going to be now/get over some things and Raphael will enjoy every second of making him squirm" kind of thing.
In any case, I am looking forward to reading more, thank you :)
Hi hi,
So I guess answering this would kind of be talking about really end-game spoilers, but I also don't have a plan for this story beyond Astarion/Raphael, and 'hopeful ending.'
(I mean I do have more than that, I just don't know how much of that I want to reveal at this stage, when it's only chapter 5, and this story could easily be over 40 chapters long - there's a lot of potential for change and growth that could alter the trajectory of the relationship in a lot of different directions.'
What I will say is that:
I do not consider Astarion giving into a regular non-consensual situation and just accepting it and making painful peace with it, a hopeful ending type situation. Agency is important to me in my characters. Even if he one day decides to voluntarily submit to scenes he doesn't love - that would at least be a choice. Anything done while under contract with difficult consequences will not be where the hopeful ending happens.
It's an Astarion/Raphael story, therefore the hopeful ending will be an Astarion/Raphael ending. That's just how my brain works. It will not be a 'they break up and THAT'S why it's hopeful.' However, the end may not have a conventional looking relationship. And I've written unconventional endings in relationships before (like Stuck on the Puzzle)
For me, a hopeful ending (as opposed to a happy ending) means that we have to have confidence in the idea that Astarion's life will continue to improve and get better even after the story has ended. There's now enough evidence that he has enough enrichment and potentially for happiness in his life, that he won't downward spiral like he has in the same way again. This means he needs - more support, more healing, healthier avenues for communication even if the relationship isn't healthy overall all the time/every second, and some pretty big personal realisations about what he wants in life. Hopeful ending is both 'better than where we found him, but also genuinely, when most people think on the last chapter, they think 'he's got some ways to go in healing, but I really think he's/they're going to be okay'' not just physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
Those are the things I'm happy to reveal because that's how I feel about almost all of my hopeful endings. That's what that means to me.
I do think Raphael and Astarion can actually be good for each other, but I think we're missing huge pieces of the puzzle as to why that's true. Because we're missing so much of Raphael's post-death story, because he's deliberately hiding it.
But we'll find out more soon. At some point, High Inquisitor Verillius Receptor will visit, and then we'll find out a lot more, lol.
(Also yeah this story will be long, easily I suspect around 150k in length as a baseline - we're on an emotional journey folks! Sometimes the growth will be healthy, sometimes it'll be negative, we're going in all the directions lmao).
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saintsenara · 5 months
Another eager follower of your blog here - checking it is always a highlight of my day! I can't think of any ships atm, so instead, thoughts on a trope?? In my youth, I read a lot of FF net era fics where Hermione Isn't Really Muggleborn - usually her parents are Bellatrix and Voldemort (and she ends up becoming the next dark lady), although I've also seen various other purebloods, like Regulus, suggested (1/2)
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thank you very much for the ask, anon - this is extremely kind! and i'm delighted to expand from unhinged ships to unhinged tropes!
although i'll be honest that this specific trope has never hit for me.
i understand the appeal - we all love a bit of the princess diaries-style "ordinary person doesn't realise they're actually important" glamour - but i just really don't enjoy anything which implies that the blood-supremacist viewpoint which voldemort espouses is the correct one.
it always seems to me that the main thesis underpinning the "hermione isn't really muggleborn" trope is that she couldn't be as good at magic as she canonically is without wizarding blood. obviously, this undermines the entire central point of the harry potter series, which i don't think is great even in fanfiction - but the more important point is that it's not even an interesting way of undermining the series' central premise.
there is a lot which can be done in a "voldemort wins" scenario with the fact that - right on the canon page - the order of the phoenix is a profoundly unradical group committed to defending a vision of wizarding society which is just the status quo with a couple of minor adjustments. it's incredibly striking in canon that the non-human communities of magical britain - goblins, werewolves etc. - overwhelmingly support voldemort, as do the sort of working-class wizards who sign up for the snatchers, and his coup in deathly hallows [and his politics during the first war] can be written surprisingly easily as populist ones. i think you could hook hermione into his messaging, for example, by making him someone who appears - when he's around her, at least - to care about house elves...
equally, voldemort's commitment to pragmatism - which many people might also describe as a commitment to hypocrisy - can be used to write him as willing to make an exception for a muggleborn hermione, who is by far the member of the trio who would make the best death eater. something very interesting can be done with the fact that she would, i think, be possible to corrupt into a "dark lady" - especially one who held the viewpoint, as dumbledore did, that muggles should be subjected to wizarding control for their own good...
and i also think - as someone regrettably invested in the concept of a bellamort baby - that the "this kid was born hermione riddle" [except they'd have chosen a worse name] concept could be interesting in the right hands. we know from voldemort's own experience - as well as harry's - that magical children who are orphaned and/or adopted into muggle homes and institutions have a pretty grim time of things, and the journey of figuring out their life-story which all adoptees go on has an extra tangle of threads caused by the division between the two worlds. that hermione's relationship with the drs granger is canonically quite distant is always worth thinking about - and examining that relationship through the lens of them being adoptive parents could be a fun way of doing it.
but i will never be convinced that the alternative - "hermione is a secret pureblood and that explains why she's so clever and hot" - is interesting in the slightest.
great crackfic potential though.
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