#only requirement is that we have interacted before or plotted at least a little!
zmeydeva-arch · 1 year
mains + exclusives call ! since it's been a while since i updated my list i'm scraping a lot of old affiliates that are inactive or what have you, but in the mean time if you would like to be added as either or like this and we can discuss <3
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utilitycaster · 13 days
In what way did having Laura and Marisha on 4SD damage your view of their relationship? 100% agreed on needing Laura on 4SD without Marisha asap. Slightly off-topic, but Laura is also the only cast member who's never been on two consecutive 4SD episodes. It's frankly impressive she's been able to give any in-depth answers about Imogen with how repetitive questions for her are. It's really indicative of the questions' quality that she provides answers to them before even pulling them out.
re: damaging my view of the relationship (which to be clear - I mean im*dna, not Marisha and Laura themselves), one of my issues has always been that Imogen and Laudna have for lack of a better way to put it, acted (and been treated as) as a glued-together unit but without any glue. It's recently gotten interesting and I hope this conflict that we have continues! But until recently, they've had in my opinion a dampening effect on each others' stories; they're infinitely more interesting to me as individuals than as a couple. Therefore, the way that Laura hasn't been on 4SD without Marisha since "That's Just Right" in December 2022 (and, of her 9 appearances, has been paired with Marisha in 7), and the fact that so many 4SD questions treat them as one unit, even when it's not remotely relevant (eg, the question about FCG's death) and resist the idea of them becoming more distant even if that's where the narrative has taken them (the truly egregious "please say syke [sic]" question from last night) is a real turn off, but also, I'll admit, rather vindicating. I'd much rather have a 4SD where we can treat Imogen and Laudna as individuals with their own arcs and lives, but if we must have this pablum at least I was right that there is a noted pattern of treating them as the appendages of one another with little value outside of being half a relationship on which to project. It's unfortunate, because Imogen's had some fantastic interactions with Orym lately and I'd have loved to hear about that, though Robbie's questions were extremely good and maybe he should write the non-Dorian tankard questions for a while.
I will say the one criticism here that I think isn't really important is that Laura hasn't been on two 4SDs consecutively; I think that's almost certainly just scheduling. She's got a busy acting career and a kindergartner and a lot of the work she does for CR (merch) doesn't require being in-office, so she's always been a little less frequently on the talkbacks than some of the other cast members. Even though Imogen is extremely central to the plot I didn't expect Laura to be on 4SD too frequently; I just wish she could be asked more insightful questions. I'm not getting my hopes up but maybe the Fireside might be an option for something better.
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andreal831 · 3 months
Outside of Elijah/Klaus (cause there was absolutely 0 reason both of them died), which character in all of TVDU do you think had the most unnecessary/dumb death?
Honestly Klaus and Elijah aren't even in my top. Yes, both of them dying was dumb, but there are so many other death's that were more unnecessary. At least Elijah and Klaus made it to the end of TO.
Some honorable mentions: Hayley, Tyler, Gia, Josh, Enzo, Jo, Lexi, Sophie, Eve, Jesse, Aaron, Aya, Jackson, all of the hybrids, Carol, Henry, Celeste (first time), Genevie (first time and kind of second time). I'm sure there are more.
But my most unnecessary/dumb death is Cami O'Connell.
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There was zero reason for her to die and it was because she wasn't meant to die. I firmly believe she was meant to be the school psychologist in Legacies. It would have made so much sense for her to be there for Hope after Hope lost so much of her family. It also would have allow a woman on the show to have a happy ending that wasn't centered around a man. Her happy ending would have been watching over Hope and helping all of the supernatural children, fulfilling her family's destiny.
Cami still had so much of a story left to tell. She was so young and full of promise. She lost her entire family due to the supernatural world and then was forced into it herself. If anyone in TO is a parallel to Elena, it is Cami. Her family legacy was so entrenched in the supernatural that it was only a matter of time before she herself was pulled into it.
Even her death made no sense. Lucien wanted to hurt Klaus for 'stealing' Aurora from him, but at that point, Lucien had the ability to kill Klaus. Sure, maybe he wanted him to suffer, so why not go after Hope? She was out in the bayou essentially unprotected (let's be honest, what could Mary have done?).
Even if we accept Lucien wanted to make it even by taking away Klaus' love, how did they not save her? Like two days later the entire Mikaelson gang is bitten and Freya just magically thinks of a way to freeze them and save them all? They couldn't have thought of that a little quicker? It's funny how they always manage to think of life saving magic when the plot/Mikaelsons require it, but there's no other options when it comes to sacrificing other characters.
Even if we accept that she died, they really didn't even make an effort to bring her back? Davina was able to be brought back from the dead after her soul was shredded. I know the other side was gone at that point, but let's not pretend the show didn't just bring back characters with very little rhyme or reason. The Mikaelsons didn't even attempt to find a way to bring her back.
And no one even say it was to help Klaus' character development. I hate when women are killed to further a man's development. It was clear in the writing that Klaus still needed Cami for his development. He was just at the brink of trying to be a better person, he was nowhere near done. We can clearly see this in the amount of scenes Hayley becomes ooc in order to be Cami for Klaus. Or Caroline coming in season 5, which made no sense, was clearly meant to be Cami.
Cami was an O'Connell and this meant something in New Orleans. People who claim her character was just a love interest were not watching. Her character was going to unite New Orleans. Not Hayley, not Hope, and definitely not the Mikaelsons. Every faction adored her. Marcel and Vincent loved her and would have done anything to keep her safe. The Mikaelsons each loved her outside of her relationship with Klaus. She would have always been a mother figure to Hope, no matter what her relationship was. Hayley loved her as well. We don't see her interact with the wolves too much but that's because they were largely forgotten in the writing. But every faction loved her and respected her. Her legacy was fixing the war in New Orleans. Which I love the writers just kind of dropped and everything magically go better when the Mikaelsons left, even though the war had been going on longer than the Mikaelsons were there.
The writers had not planned to kill her off but because of the toxicity of the fandom, they killed her off. This is just bad writing. They writers often cared more about ratings than the actual art of story telling and the show suffered because of it.
Thanks for the ask! What other deaths do you all think were unnecessary?
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kaibutsushidousha · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Papermoon? Did it change your expectations for the Ordeal Call arc?
I really liked most of PAPERMOON's cast. My unpopular opinion is that Minase can be a garbage writer but he's a great character creator. His characters are always built around one solid core and can feel one-note due to how they never shift too far from this core element, but the element is always chosen with one impactful scene or interaction in mind, and these goal scenes generally hit more often than they miss. Maybe. At least in PAPERMOON, they hit with Lainur, Bhima/Cerejeira, Medusa, Kama, and Duryodhana.
Another thing that Minase always knows how to do brilliantly, better than Nasu even, is to re-deliver the most memorable quotes of past Type-Moon content in new contexts. Bazett's growth marked by well-timed use of Angra quotes pretty much carries her event, and Yuga Kshetra's remixes of JinaKarna interactions ultimately deliver what's still the most powerful scene in FGO. Honestly, only Haganeya (Lilim Harlot event writer) competes with Minase when it comes to hard-hitting references. His good sense for this shows in his great choices for which otherwise minor aspects of Sakura and Rani should take the forefront in this new context and which shouldn't. And then his handling of Lainur is about as masterful as his handling of Bazett. When Lainur drops the "Because it might cause something to change"? That's exactly what I mean by clever recycling of old quotes.
But enough about his strong suits. Minase's storytelling sucks for a couple reasons and the most prominent of them is that he almost never knows what to do in the middle. His good conclusions suffer from how he struggles to lead up to them in exciting ways. And his number one crutch for this problem is reaffirming the character traits that will be relevant to the good conclusions ad nauseam.
PAPERMOON also introduces us to Minase's crutch number 2: plot recycling. Again, his inability to plan the midfield leads him to corrupt one of the things he's legitimately good at. Here we get sections 5 to 12, a whole 50% of the chapter, dedicated to the most uninspired and uncathartic rehashes of Gilles and Zouken's arcs in Fate/Zero and Heaven's Feels respectively. Genuinely garbage recycling. This cool cast really could be doing cool things instead.
Ultimately, I think Minase was a poor choice for the Alterego chapter because the setting and concepts involved play directly into his crutches. Alteregos being isolated facets removes the absolute need for Minase to flesh out the characters beyond their necessary core, and System Grail War being a simulation taken from real samples facilitates otherwise inorganic repetition. He's an uncreative man thrown into the smack middle of his comfort zone and this is the result.
Final verdict:
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As for Ordeal Call expectations, yes, they did change. Before, I saw two routes for Ordeal Call.
A: pure Class mechanics-based filler that doesn't advance any of the plot points necessary for the finale.
B: final showdowns with each of the Apostles since Kotomine is Alterego, Dantes is Avenger, and Holmes is Ruler.
PAPERMOON was neither. It was completely unrelated to Kotomine, but it still changed the board for the finale by dooming Sion's plotline at the end.
Sion's arc in this chapter comments on how she's been always a sidelined cheerleader than a proper companion to Novum Chaldea, with her reasoning that she's not fit to be Fujimaru's friend because she predicted a role for herself in the finale that requires her not being a friend. This was already alluded to in Imaginary Scramble but mostly forgotten by the narrative otherwise.
Our main companion through this ordeal is an Alterego in the form of Sion's childish aspirations to be Fujimaru's friend despite knowing she can't, and the two of them are stuck in an unreal world where her actions wouldn't have consequences. So little Sion wholeheartedly indulges in this fun adventure.
However, even the most childish side of Sion knows that this cannot be. In the end, when she finally returns Fujimaru's Alterego to their complete self, she chooses to stay behind. The joyful memories of the child's adventure can't be allowed to return to the adult. Sion can't be Novum Chaldea's friend. This is essential to preventing mankind's demise.
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The young Sion closes the door behind Fujimaru and leaves herself stuck in an isolated micro-world. It's the only option Sion Eltnam Sokaris is capable of taking. And then comes the epilogue revealing the fallout of it:
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Sion remembers the adventure. Sion remembers being Fujimaru's friend. The bystander "unfortunately" became part of the team. The actress can no longer take the role in her script. It's over. She got attached to her sacrificial pawns. Sion had a chance to save the bleached Earth, but now she's suddenly faced with the greater challenge of saving both the world and the people she was planning to discard to save the world.
This is a big game changer for the final chapter, and honestly, in a route much more interesting than anything I had in mind. The Sion hype for FGO's finale is finally undeniably real. Took her long enough.
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flowerboy-barista · 4 months
❀~Welcome to Whipped Dream Battle Café~❀
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Hey hey! I'm Robin! I, along with my colleagues Nicky and Beau, run Nacrene City's one and only battle café!
Stop by for the coffee, the battles, or the vibes! We're Pokemon friendly, and have a fenced in space outside for your bigger Mons~!
Wanna know more info about me and how the café works? Check below the cut!
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Please use he/him, fae/faer, and it/its for me!! Yes, Caramel is a shiny Leafeon... No, you can't really tell...
I also have a little Fletchling named Ginger and an Applin named Nutmeg, both of which do not battle!!
We have a Appletun named Ambrosia, and a Dachsbun named Creampuff who both help around at the café!! Please be nice to them, they're extremely friendly!!
Are you curious about how our café works? Lemme give a quick rundown!!
Battling is not required! We have comfortable seating where people can enjoy their treats and watch the battles!!
Want to casually battle other trainers? You can do that! We have dedicated spaces for you to battle inside or outside the café!!
Want to be a bit more competitive? It's easy! Just register your trainer ID with one of our workers, and you'll receive a digital ticket!! Battle other trainers to collect their tickets. The more tickets you have, the more you climb the ranks!! Your goal? To fight one of the Battle Café Masters!! Beau runs the Single battles, while Nicky and I run the Doubles!!
I think that's all! Enjoy your stay~!!
((OOC NOTE: Please read before interacting!!
Hey hey! Welcome to my Pokémon rp blog. On this blog I will be pretending as if the world of Pokémon is 100% real. This being said, I will be including pkmn rp tags in each post that fits that description as a warning.
Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me or any kind of offscreen rp experience without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with something in mind, there is no guarantee I will engage. Also I tend not to interact or engage in any big events. They tend to become overwhelming for me and you’ll most likely never find me becoming a part of them. Please don’t send in asks regarding big events.
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
Admin is an adult! If this makes you uncomfortable then move along.
This is an RP blog for my own self insert. Not much to it, just be nice!
Please be aware that if something ever comes off as rude/mean, it does not reflect how I actually feel and is just how I believe my muse would react.
This blog is SFW, save for vaguely suggestive topics. Anything that is deemed as explicitly NSFW will be deleted on sight.
Another warning. This blog may often be involved in long RP threads. I won’t be using any programs to cut my long posts short. If this bothers you, I would recommend skipping this blog or blocking the tag “long post” or “rp thread”.
Also! I follow and like from @ripoff-robbie-rotten.
DNI: Proshippers, TERFS, and NSFW blogs))
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mysticmyths · 6 months
. 🧚‍♀️
Hey beloveds!
I’m searching for all those fantasy loving people out there. At the moment, I’ve barely gotten past the plotting stage and I’m far too enthused to start some fantasy threads, specifically medieval / historical fantasy threads. I’m overly keen on modern fantasy, I apologise if that is what you were looking for. Now, if that got your attention — a little about me.
My name is Jade, I’m a twenty one year older woman — pronouns are she / her. I’ve been writing for an exceptional ten years, thus leaving me quite experienced. My writing style varies between advantaged literate and novella. I ask my writing partners to be the same, considering I live longer replies. I typically send at least two full discord messages, so I’m on the hunt for somebody who can keep up with that. The more the better, honestly. I’m big on things like Pinterest boards, playlists, art, out of character communication, world building, plotting together, matching energy / being enthusiastic. That is to name just a few. I’m hoping to find a writing partner who’s the same about those things because I truly need it to keep the inspiration flowing. If I don’t have the same energy returned to me, I unfortunately lose muse because I hate one sided enthusiasm. I only write with those eighteen and above. Not under, even if we choose not to include smut. I love smut, but it isn’t required. I’m willing to fade to black too. As for pairings, I am mostly looking for mxf at the moment. I can play both female or male muses, I ask though, please don’t use me for my male muses. As much as I love playing them, it’s gone to a point where it’s just purely expected. I currently have no female muses at this time. I’m happy to play either gender, just don’t be specifically using me for them. Speaking of muses, I use realistic face claims or AI art. I don’t use anime or drawn, they make me uncomfortable for some reason. I require the same for my writing partners. Overall, I’m looking for a friend as well as a writing partner. I’m really hoping to bond and create a really beautiful friendship, it makes writing together all the more fun. If for any reason you are no longer interested then please tell me! I won’t take offence. I’d just rather know! I am fine with darker topics and tropes. Moving on to tropes —
I love the following tropes, but as much as I try to include all of them, there will be some I miss so please bring them all to me if you have one you love that isn’t included because chances are, I adore it too. •. — Enemies to lovers, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, fated mates, villain gets the girl, anti hero’s, morally grey characters, found family, forbidden lovers, star crossed lovers, human x fantasy creature, human turned fantasy creature, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, rivals to lovers, kingdoms at war, any war themed plots, one bed, teaching one to fight, strong female characters, dark male muses, dark powers, hates everyone but them trope, stabby women, intense sexual tension, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, height differences, sun x moon, spicy female muses. There are so many more but I feel like I’ll be listing forever, please note I’m completely okay with darker themes too!! Onto fantasy creatures I enjoy but not limited too •. — Elves, Fae, Dragons, Vampires, Gods, Deities, Witches, Demons. Those are the only ones I can think of, my brain is going blank. Honestly, I like them all. Except, I don’t enjoy playing werewolf muses myself but that isn’t to say you can’t!!
We can double up or leave it as a 1x1 and I’ll be happy either way! I enjoy creating rich lore for our world and I love kingdoms and courts and realms and all those good things. You can either message me yourself or you can interact and I will reach out! I write on discord only, with that; I hope to hear from you soon.
Also a quick PSA, if we plotted before and have yet to actually further it, please reach out. My notifications and messages are all jumbled and messy because of my lack of internet and full use of data! Promise I’m not ignoring <3
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twig-tea · 11 months
The La Pluie finale had everything:
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The Perfect Confession
Ok listen I am not one for nonconsensual public confession but know your audience, Tien is a perpetually invisible middle child who is not afraid of public attention and he is a film major, Lomfon making him a film to illustrate his feelings got me emotional, and him then also saying them out loud!! Because my boy learns from his own and others' mistakes, yesssss.
The Perfect Apology
I was so ready for Tai to suffer from the bed of his own making this episode, and I was not sure four days of searching was going to be enough. But that apology was PERFECT. He apologized first, he explained exactly what he did wrong, and he fixed it by saying his feelings aloud, finally! I was braced for the show to let him get away with not saying it, but he did. AND the show did us one better by giving us the explanation that he was parroting his parents' bullshit, which is such a real thing and it is difficult to catch yourself doing it, so the fact that he recognized it displayed his growth before the apology too. Just, all around this was so perfectly constructed and I was so pleased. Hell yes.
Surprise Sapphics
Listen, I am always here for more women loving women. Always. And LBR it's only a surprise that we actually got Dream and Nara confirmed because I know many of us were already shipping them.
Confirmation of Other Side Pairs
IDK if anyone else was rooting for the other vet techs than me, but they shared coffee so they're married in my head now I don't make the rules.
Best Brothers Being Best
Honestly Tien could have just said "unfuck it" to Tai again in that phone call and it would have rolled up to the same thing lol I really do love how their relationship was rock solid through this entire show, even when romance was potentially a threat. They have such a good sibling dynamic, one of the best I've seen in any show, and it makes me happy whenever Tien and Tai interact.
It also had a few things that I didn't love:
Awkward Logistics
This is maybe not a big deal because Tai is a writer but he works in a job that requires him to be in the office at least occasionally and Patts just started setting up a new vet clinic in Chiang Mai. Is Tai going to leave his friends and family to work remotely and live in Chiang Mai with Patts? Are they going to have to work out their relationship anew long distance? This is going to suck a little bit, and the adult in me could not help but notice and have it damper my joy. That being said, it was something Patts said he was thinking about for awhile so maybe it's something that would have come up anyway in future.
Patts Now Believes in Soulmates
Honestly, this was the biggest damper for me and I wish they hadn't included it (but maybe they had to for the sequel, IDK). Patts originally was willing to try with Nara because he didn't think the soulmate thing could dictate his emotions and he loved her, but she would not believe him. He also was willing to try with Tai before realizing that they were soulmates. And he told Tai that he would have wanted to try a relationship with him whether or not they were soulmates. So why now are we told that he suddenly thinks he can only love his soulmate for the rest of his life? This is not just anti-narrative, but anti-Patts' previous statements. I get that he was hurting and predisposed to be melodramatic in that moment, but it was a weird statement to include.
Bow's Throwaway Het Happy Ending
Not to be heterophobic but where is her cute Northern girlie who Tumblr convinced me she was dating? Bow deserves better imho
Tien's Turn for Drama
I KNEW this was going to happen! They spent too much time making it a big deal that Tai was the only sibling with hearing loss during rain. I just want my best boy to be happy for five minutes! Considering these characters, and what Tien's already said about what he would do if given this choice, I could see this plot being interesting. Especially because Tien had to suffer, now it's Lomfon's turn, maybe. But still, just let me have this cuteness for a little longer, show!
But all of that is relatively minor and honestly what we got was so good I can forgive and forget all of it.
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TL; DR La Pluie stuck the landing and I could not be more pleased!
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cantuscorvi · 5 months
# 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙪𝙣
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(PEN)NAME:  Rain PRONOUNS: Any pronouns. ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken
1 - I live in China, so if you see me around at weird hours, now you know. 2 - If you tell me what to do or shush me I will bite your ankles. 3 - I collect Daruma related things.
PLATFORMS USED: Mostly tumblr. I've dabbled in forum and IM-related stuff but it doesn't give me the same vibe so I always come back here. PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I prefer at least a little bit of plotting or discussion before we start. Otherwise it's difficult for me to know where even to begin, what are the boundaries expected, etc. I tend to need some kind of 'hook' to get started with interactions and then all is good. After that, everything is on the table, and we can build.
GENDER: I tend to write characters leaning to a more masc angle, even if they are female. Probably bc of who I am as a person lmao, it's easier for me! MULTI OR SINGLE: Raum scares all the other characters in my brain and makes them go sit in the corner. Naturally I'm more comfortable on a single, it's what I'm used to, but I want to try multi more. LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): The only time this gets to me is when there's a new popular media and everyone and their grandma is using the same faces from it - otherwise I don't have a problem.
 FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Difficult (muse-wise) but possible. If the mood strikes it can be fun! ANGST: Probably more common but I don't like to flood it too much or everything feels like a soap opera. SMUT : This is like a fun challenge for me to write but honestly it requires some trust between muns for me to do this. On the other hand I'm always down to eroticize the grotesque and mundane LMAO
tagged by: @sosordid tagging: you see this? you want to fill it in? go for it!
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weirdlyglitchy · 7 days
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☆ ━━━━ hello everyone, my name’s alice !! i’m eighteen years old, and i use they / them pronouns. this blog is mainly used for roleplaying and finding other rpers !! all important information can be found below. please read if you’d like to start an rp !!
general rules
★ . . . eighteen+ only. i prefer to include darker themes and sexual content in my writing, so minors please do not interact. i don’t have any preference for your age, as long as you’re legal.
★ . . . i'm advanced literate and even novella. my minimum word count is six hundred words per character. i'm completely comfortable going over one thousand words for each side. if you only send a paragraph or a few sentences, please do not message me. i prefer writing with people who can keep up with my replies, so if you can’t go over the discord limit, please don’t reach out.
★ . . . discord only. it’s much easier for me to write in discord compared to tumblr or other platforms. i like making cute and aesthetic private servers for our roleplay to make things neater !!
★ . . . i write in third person past tense. i’d prefer if you were to do the same. please try to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. mistakes are totally okay, but i don’t enjoy roleplays where little mistakes like these are a constant. i need to be able to read your reply. i also don’t roleplay script, so do not use asterisks.
★ . . . don’t spam me. if i haven’t replied for more than two weeks, you can send a reminder. i’ll do the same for you. i typically try and respond at least once a week, but that’s not always possible. if you haven’t responded in over two weeks without any warnings or explanation, i will delete our server and roleplay.
★ . . . only lgbt relationships. i can write mxm, fxf, and any kind of genderqueer dynamic. [including nonbinary, trans characters, etc.] i don’t really write mxf, unless it’s under very specific circumstances. unless we're friends, i've approached you first, or specifically asked for mxf, do not attempt to ask me for a straight relationship. i will not be playing the female role in mxf.
★ . . . please tell me your triggers and boundaries before we start writing. i do not want to make you uncomfortable. personally, i have very few limits. i’m completely okay with anything except for pregnancies and eating disorders. with discussion, i can write any concept you ask me to and actually prefer darker themes.
★ . . . doubling up is required for both original and fandom rps. i write for oc x oc and oc x canon. don’t ask me for canon x canon, i’m not interested in it. but i do love oc interactions and will never say no to that !! you can have more than one love interest [poly, love triangles, etc] and it’s encouraged !! just make sure to do the same in return. i literally don’t mind writing an entire harem for your character, as long as you’re okay with doing the same for me.
★ . . . nsfw is required. i like including it in my rps when i can. if you’re not comfortable with this, it’s better to not interact. kinks and concepts can be discussed in private. i typically like having a plot to smut ratio of 60:40 or 50:50. i do not write strict bottom or top characters and would prefer to not write with someone who does. my characters switch, and they can be subs and doms.
★ . . . plotting is a must. i love establishing friendships with my rp partners, so i’d absolutely adore to chat ooc !! i’m the type of person to gush constantly about our ocs and their love interests. if making art, spotify playlists, pinterest boards, memes, and all that sounds good to you, please please feel free to interact !! <3
animanga . . . black butler, chainsaw man, demon slayer, diabolik lovers, fruits basket, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, mob psycho 100, my hero academia, one piece, ouran high school host club, the disastrous life of saiki k, toilet bound hanako kun, welcome to demon school iruma kun.
tv shows and movies . . . alice in borderland, all of us are dead, castlevania, disney, hannibal, marvel cinematic universe, percy jackson, shadow and bone, spiderverse, the owl house, the vampire diaries, twilight, xo kitty.
miscellaneous . . . celebrities, creepypasta, danganronpa, original oc x oc, resident evil, the inheritance games.
★ . . . i usually have multiple love interests for fandoms to avoid conflict. however, sometimes i only have one love interest. i’d appreciate it if you respected this and didn’t try to fight me for it.
★ . . . similarly, i also have a blacklist of characters i don’t play for others. please don’t try to convince me out of these characters. there’s usually a good reason why they’re on my blacklist.
★ . . . bolded fandoms are the ones i’m currently interested in. i absolutely don’t mind writing one of the fandoms in regular text or even writing something that isn’t here. just let me know !!
☆ ━━━━ i have an entire google doc for a more in-depth description of my rules. it also includes a larger list of fandoms, as well as writing samples and a character directory, which can be located below !! if you’re still interested, please interact with this post, message me on tumblr, or just add me on discord !! my user is glitchcores. thank you so much for reading this far !! <3
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prpfs · 3 months
♥ Hello hello! My name is Spots (20 and she/her) and I’m currently looking for a One Piece (specifically the anime/manga) writing partner.
Specifically, I was hoping to do an OC x Canon roleplay with doubling because I’m a silly indulgent dumpster gremlin. That said, there are certain rules and facts to keep in mind:
• I currently am on Ennies Lobby (I’m an anime watcher but tempted to pick up the manga. I’m just terrible at reading) and while I am aware of spoilers, I would prefer to only play characters that appear before or during the arc. Yes I am aware that is at the beginning and it does lead to some characters like Law and Doflamingo being excluded so if this is a turn off for you I completely understand. If, not epic! That said, I am doing my best to get through the show quickly and know too many spoilers (… I spoiled a good chunk of WCI for myself cause I am a sucker for Sanji content) so you don’t have to worry about completely tiptoeing around spoilers with me.
•If you can’t tell by my icon and the talk about spoilers, I would love to play against Sanji. I’m just a sucker for this silly little guy man. That said, if you’re willing to play him for me, I would be down to play just about anyone for you in return as long as like I said, I’ve been able to see them on the screen.
•That said, this is not a requirement but I would love to have our OCs involved in the same plot rather then being in two separate stories because I am a sucker for OC interactions and the stories feeling connected. So I would be especially be down to play another Strawhat for you (especially Zoro since I feel like that could allow for some very funny interactions but I’m down for anything).
•While my pairing is MxF, I am lgbtq+ friendly so feel free to hit me with any pairing on your side
• I prefer to rp on Discord but am down to try other formats just inform me.
•I am a literate-novella roleplayer and often tend to write 2-3 paragraphs at the very least and have written some pretty long winded posts. That said, I never expect the same length. Just quality replies I can work with.
•I love OOC and headcanons. Please please hit me with all your ideas, memes, rambles. I beg. I will eat all that stuff up. All I ask is that we both show equal interest in each other’s stuff and it doesn’t feel like one’s OC is more important than the other. If you ever feel like that is the case with me, tell me and I, in return, will tell you.
•That said, you don’t need an OC prepared to respond. If anything, feel free to message me if you don’t have an OC at all because I would adore to bounce ideas off of each other and see what we can make together. If you do have one ready though, feel free to hit me with them and I shall gush over them
•I try to be fast with replies but with school, reply times can be a bit shaky. That said, I usually am a fast replier with ooc and if anything, ooc helps motivate my responses so please feel free to chat with me even before I respond.
•That said, I usually send check ins if you’re gone for 2-3 days. If this is irritating, let me know. That said, if you have to disappear for awhile please inform me.
•I usually prefer canon over AUs at least when I first rp with people but I am willing to do AUs if convinced. But with a world like One Piece, I do sort of wanna explore canonverse
•Like the way I am craving a canon divergent rp where we rp through plot events and such but with our OCs and change whatever we wish to fit them or have things go how we prefer. PLSSSSS! I’d love that. But I’m down for other plots too!!
•I am fine with NSFW just don’t want the plot to focus solely on that. No explicit DD stuff please. It really makes me uncomfortable
•I would be so down to explore a small group rp where everyone doubles if anyone is down (just please state if you’d like to do that)! I think it would be fun
That said, if you’re interested, feel free to either reach out to me in DMs or interact with this post via likes or replies or reblogs and I shall reach out as soon as I can ^^
Hope to sail with ya!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Jade Leech Ceremonial Robes Personal Story: Part 2
"How vexing."
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Interior Hallway]
Riddle: Really now, what is going on this year? That was an absolutely disastrous entrance ceremony thanks to that odd, rampaging familiar.
Trey: Yes, well. Thanks to you, the fiasco was contained and everyone is grateful.
Riddle: I was only acting in accordance with the rules, it was only natural of me to do so.
Riddle: The one who actually came out on top was Azul. He used me to…
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Jade: Azul, the new students have all gathered in the lounge. We may want to move a little faster.
Floyd: Hurry, hurry~
Azul: Of course.
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Riddle: Speak of the devil, he's walking ahead of us… I absolutely do not want to join them, so let us walk a little slower.
Trey: Got it. Looks like they're heading back to the dorms, same as us.
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Floyd: … But anyway, what're we doing in the lounge, again?
Jade: The Dorm Leader will be giving a welcome speech to the new students.
Floyd: Eeeeh~ Isn't that kinda boring? We should do something waaay crazier and fun~
Jade: This will be the first interaction with the Dorm Leader for the incoming students, after all. I don't think we should plan anything too rash…
Floyd: I mean, it's 'cause it'll be the first thing they do since entering the school, that it's gotta be something big.
Floyd: We gotta tell all them newbies exactly who they're not allowed to defy~
Jade: Oh, Floyd. How vexing...
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Trey: …I knew it, Jade's being pushed around again.
Trey: Poor guy. Someone as diligent as him won't ever have a chance to relax around them.
Riddle: …What did you just say?
Trey: Oh, just saying that Jade has to deal with a lot. You think so too, don't you Riddle?
Riddle: Trey… Are you serious? How in the world did you get that kind of impression by watching him?
Trey: Where? I mean, just look…
Riddle: If you are seriously saying that, then I think you should buy new glasses.
Riddle: When commentating on others, you should only do so after enough careful observation. Just watch.
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Jade: Frightening the first-year students as soon as they step foot on campus...
Jade: That can be done as many times as needed later, can it not?
Floyd: Eeeeh~ But if we want 'em to listen to us, we gotta squeeze 'em from the very beginning. It'll be faster that way!
Jade: Of course, that is one course of action, but… I cannot say that is best in this case.
Jade: What we desire the most is that they will work for Octavinelle of their own initiative, not out of fear.
Jade: In order to obtain that, we require their "confidence". First impressions are everything.
Azul: Good, Jade. You seem to understand.
Floyd: Hmmm. Then what, we don't really got anything to do today?
Jade: Indeed. Today, everything is on Azul's shoulders.
Jade: I'm looking forward to the kind and friendly welcome speech from this "dependable upperclassman" that will have the new students prostrated before us without hesitation.
Azul: No need to tell me twice, that is my intention.
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Trey: ...…Uhhhh.
Trey: I'm starting to think that I had a different image of him in mind.
Riddle: Trey… Did you really think that Jade was being bullied by them?
Riddle: I am in the same class as Jade, but to be honest I would rather not approach him, similar to how I avoid Floyd.
Trey: That much, huh? …Oops, I guess that's rude to say about Floyd.
Riddle: He is always plotting with Azul. If anything, he has also taken the lead on some of their schemes!
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Azul: By the way, Jade. Did you bring the list of the newly enrolled students that I asked for?
Jade: Yes, this is the list here. Here you go.
Jade: In addition to the requested information of their homeland, hobbies, favorite and least favorite foods, their worst subjects…
Jade: I have also listed their Magicam accounts. I seem to have accidentally stumbled on those.
Azul: Oh? …What are these IDs here labeled "private"?
Azul: I'm sure that you did not go so far as to research those private accounts that people don't want discovered, yes?
Jade: Oh, no... These were so easy to find, that I carelessly listed them with the others.
Azul: Oh, that's terrible. It would be an absolute shame if this list were to be leaked.
Jade: Yes, in that case, you should keep it safe with you, so it does not fall into the wrong hands.
Azul: Oh my, I agree. Since it has already been collected, it cannot be helped. I shall take the responsibility for this list's safekeeping.
Jade: Yes. …Please put it to good use.
Azul: Fufufu…
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Trey: …
Riddle: At first glance, it may seem like Jade defers to Azul and Floyd, but that is a huge mistake.
Riddle: Sometimes he uses them for his own amusement as well.
Trey: …It seems I had the absolutely incorrect impression.
Trey: I thought Jade was a humble, down-to-earth, and mature guy who just worried too much, but…
Riddle: Are you blind? It sounds like you should be buying new glasses sooner rather than later, Trey.
Azul: Oh? Why, if it isn't Riddle-san. If you were behind us, you should have said something.
Riddle: We're in a hurry. We do not have time to chat with you. …Trey, let's go quickly.
Jade: Ah, Trey-san!
Trey: Hm?
Jade: I look forward to working alongside you as fellow Vice Dorm Leaders.
Trey: A-Ah, yeah… Me too.
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(Part 1) Part 2
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findroleplay · 5 months
Hello hello! My name is Spots (20 and she/her) and I’m currently looking for a One Piece (specifically the anime/manga) writing partner.
Specifically, I was hoping to do an OC x Canon roleplay with doubling because I’m a silly indulgent dumpster gremlin. That said, there are certain rules and facts to keep in mind:
• I currently am on Water Seven (I’m an anime watcher but tempted to pick up the manga. I’m just terrible at reading) and while I am aware of spoilers, I would prefer to only play characters that appear before or during the arc. Yes I am aware that is at the beginning and it does lead to some characters like Law and Doflamingo being excluded so if this is a turn off for you I completely understand. If, not epic! That said, I am doing my best to get through the show quickly and know too many spoilers (… I spoiled a good chunk of WCI for myself cause I am a sucker for Sanji content) so you don’t have to worry about completely tiptoeing around spoilers with me.
•If you can’t tell by my icon and the talk about spoilers, I would love to play against Sanji. I’m just a sucker for this silly little guy man. That said, if you’re willing to play him for me, I would be down to play just about anyone for you in return as long as like I said, I’ve been able to see them on the screen.
•That said, this is not a requirement but I would love to have our OCs involved in the same plot rather then being in two separate stories because I am a sucker for OC interactions and the stories feeling connected. So I would be especially be down to play another Strawhat for you (especially Zoro since I feel like that could allow for some very funny interactions but I’m down for anything).
• I prefer to rp on Discord but am down to try other formats just inform me.
•I am a literate-novella roleplayer and often tend to write 2-3 paragraphs at the very least and have written some pretty long winded posts. That said, I never expect the same length. Just quality replies I can work with.
•I love OOC and headcanons. Please please hit me with all your ideas, memes, rambles. I beg. I will eat all that stuff up. All I ask is that we both show equal interest in each other’s stuff and it doesn’t feel like one’s OC is more important than the other. If you ever feel like that is the case with me, tell me and I, in return, will tell you.
•That said, you don’t need an OC prepared to respond. I don’t have a bio myself. If anything, feel free to message me if you don’t have an OC at all because I would adore to bounce ideas off of each other and see what we can make together. If you do have one ready though, feel free to hit me with them and I shall gush over them
•I try to be fast with replies but with school, reply times can be a bit shaky. That said, I usually am a fast replier with ooc and if anything, ooc helps motivate my responses so please feel free to chat with me even before I respond.
•That said, I usually send check ins if you’re gone for 2-3 days. If this is irritating, let me know. That said, if you have to disappear for awhile please inform me.
•I usually prefer canon over AUs at least when I first rp with people but I am willing to do AUs if convinced. But with a world like One Piece, I do sort of wanna explore canonverse
•Like the way I am craving a canon divergent rp where we rp through plot events and such but with our OCs and change whatever we wish to fit them or have things go how we prefer. PLSSSSS! I’d love that. But I’m down for other plots too!!
•I am fine with NSFW just don’t want the plot to focus solely on that. No explicit DD stuff please. It really makes me uncomfortable
That said, if you’re interested, feel free to either reach out to me in DMs or interact with this post via likes or replies or reblogs and I shall reach out as soon as I can ^^
Hope to sail with ya!
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Hello hello! My name is Spots (20 and she/her) and I’m currently looking for a One Piece (specifically the anime/manga) writing partner.
Specifically, I was hoping to do an OC x Canon roleplay with doubling because I’m a silly indulgent dumpster gremlin. That said, there are certain rules and facts to keep in mind:
• I currently am on Water Seven (I’m an anime watcher but tempted to pick up the manga. I’m just terrible at reading) and while I am aware of spoilers, I would prefer to only play characters that appear before or during the arc. Yes I am aware that is at the beginning and it does lead to some characters like Law and Doflamingo being excluded so if this is a turn off for you I completely understand. If, not epic! That said, I am doing my best to get through the show quickly and know too many spoilers (… I spoiled a good chunk of WCI for myself cause I am a sucker for Sanji content) so you don’t have to worry about completely tiptoeing around spoilers with me.
•If you can’t tell by my icon and the talk about spoilers, I would love to play against Sanji. I’m just a sucker for this silly little guy man. That said, if you’re willing to play him for me, I would be down to play just about anyone for you in return as long as like I said, I’ve been able to see them on the screen.
•That said, this is not a requirement but I would love to have our OCs involved in the same plot rather then being in two separate stories because I am a sucker for OC interactions and the stories feeling connected. So I would be especially be down to play another Strawhat for you (especially Zoro since I feel like that could allow for some very funny interactions but I’m down for anything).
• I prefer to rp on Discord but am down to try other formats just inform me.
•I am a literate-novella roleplayer and often tend to write 2-3 paragraphs at the very least and have written some pretty long winded posts. That said, I never expect the same length. Just quality replies I can work with.
•I love OOC and headcanons. Please please hit me with all your ideas, memes, rambles. I beg. I will eat all that stuff up. All I ask is that we both show equal interest in each other’s stuff and it doesn’t feel like one’s OC is more important than the other. If you ever feel like that is the case with me, tell me and I, in return, will tell you.
•That said, you don’t need an OC prepared to respond. I don’t have a bio myself. If anything, feel free to message me if you don’t have an OC at all because I would adore to bounce ideas off of each other and see what we can make together. If you do have one ready though, feel free to hit me with them and I shall gush over them
•I try to be fast with replies but with school, reply times can be a bit shaky. That said, I usually am a fast replier with ooc and if anything, ooc helps motivate my responses so please feel free to chat with me even before I respond.
•That said, I usually send check ins if you’re gone for 2-3 days. If this is irritating, let me know. That said, if you have to disappear for awhile please inform me.
•I usually prefer canon over AUs at least when I first rp with people but I am willing to do AUs if convinced. But with a world like One Piece, I do sort of wanna explore canonverse
•Like the way I am craving a canon divergent rp where we rp through plot events and such but with our OCs and change whatever we wish to fit them or have things go how we prefer. PLSSSSS! I’d love that. But I’m down for other plots too!!
•I am fine with NSFW just don’t want the plot to focus solely on that. No explicit DD stuff please. It really makes me uncomfortable
That said, if you’re interested, feel free to either reach out to me in DMs or interact with this post via likes or replies or reblogs and I shall reach out as soon as I can ^^
Hope to sail with ya!
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
🕯️ 💥 💞 (@stabbyfoxandrew's main)
I just noticed there are two 🕯 questions on the ask game. Not sure which one you meant so I will just answer both!
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
I think that positive engagement with fandom can really be a powerful motivator. Part of it is the dopamine hit you get from making something good that a lot of people like, but I also think that even just the smallest positive interaction with others can really build friendship and community.
I have friends whom I've known for years now, and our friendship started because we both agreed Andrew is beefy and got very loud and passionate about it! I have friends whom I only got to know because I was a new fandom author in need of beta readers. Hell, I've made friends with people because we were excited to talk about the omegaverse!
I think the important thing with fandom interactions is to remember that there is a full and complete human behind every username, and that fandom-related stuff is only as serious as you want it to be.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Of all the fics I've written, More Than Words has been the hardest by far. I decided going into this fic that I wanted to incorporate a lot of elements and experiences from my own childhood into it, and that includes both good and bad experiences.
It has required that I examine memories and emotions I've long since tucked away, and that has been both deeply painful and extremely cathartic. Each chapter is emotionally exhausting to write, but it feels necessary to do so, both because I think it will help me process some shit and because I feel like it's a story that needs to be told.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
I'm gonna narrow this down to least kudos'd completed fic because I know there are some people who hold off on leaving kudos until a work is finished. So let's talk about And Baby, I'll Shut Up.
I'm actually quite happy with this one. It was a gift for my dear friend @halfpintpeach. I've never tried to write a fic based on a song before, so it was an interesting challenge to try an incorporate the lyrics and shape the themes of the song into a workable plot. In the end it's a very simple little fic, but I like the imagery and the prose quite a bit, so I'm happy with how it turned out.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
For me, it's the characters, always. I find that things like plot, worldbuilding and grammar cease to matter if your characters are not relatable, if not loveable. I love it when characters feel like fleshed out, real people, like friends I've never met and yet deeply know.
My technical writing is merely okay. I don't get too stressed about things like grammar - so long as it's readable and not distracting, I don't much care. I could spend ages perfecting it but really, it's not a big deal. The only thing I am really particular about is spelling, but that's because I personally find it distracting.
In my opinion, my prose is more serviceable than beautiful, and I'm okay with that. It's something I'd like to get better at in the long term, but honestly I think my prose being on the simpler side sometimes works in my favor, bc it means my writing is really approachable and easy to read.
It might not have the most interesting or stimulating turns-of-phrase, but I do think it lends itself to telling a story that just sucks you in. If prose is a window through which a story is viewed, then my window is floor to ceiling glass - its simple and unobtrusive, it does not stand out so it does not get in the way.
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byebyelemonpie · 9 months
byebyelemonpie's august 2023 recommendations
Wow, my picks for this month are very weak, because I didn't watch any movie that stood up to me as much as previous months, and I've really liked only one series from the few ones I've finished.
My august top 5 movies:
Seriously. These movies are so mid that I don't even want to mention some of them in my top 5. Most movies I've seen from this month are rated 3.5 stars on letterboxd, and that's mostly because of great animation or great cinematography.
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003, dir: McG) [Rewatch after more than a decade] I had rewatched the first one recently and found it worse than I remembered, but this one was actually awesome. I very much enjoyed watching it, with its action scenes, its plot twists, and its Badass Girls Doing Stuff! It's just a very fun film, and I loved rediscovering it. -
Atonement (2007, dir: Joe Wright) [Rewatch after 9 years] I actually decided to rewatch this movie because the first time I saw it, I didn't like it at all. I get why, though: it doesn't have the best ending that 18 year old me would have loved, but 27 year old me now understands the nuances and the storytelling. I think the way it's told might be a little confusing at first, but it's interesting to see the different points of view and the lies of the person who tells the story rather than what actually happened. And my goodness, the green dress cinematography and the sound design are amazing. -
Trainspotting (1996, dir: Danny Boyle) [Rewatched after seven years] I don't even know if I liked this movie. I might have even hated it at times. I surely thought that the narrator talked way too much, but the story required it and it wouldn't be it without his redundant monologues. Every character is awful, but you can't help to root for them at least a bit: they are in misery, and it doesn't matter if they've created it for themselves or if society had a big part in that creation. What I really loved though, was the originality in depicting those abstract sequences that showed the state the characters were in when they were abusing substances: the editing was all over the place. I also watched T2 for the first time, but I personally didn't find it as good as the first one. -
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023, dir: Matthew López) [First time watch] This was fun! Definitely funnier than I expected, never having read the book before. I think the first act and a half were very fast and fun to follow, while the second half of the movie was at the same time too long with a very fast ending. I thought it was quite cute, though. -
Elemental (2023, dir: Peter Sohn) [First time watch] Listen, I love Pixar and I've loved Pixar for a long time. That's why I can say with my whole heart that they can do better than this! Of course, this wasn't terrible: I enjoyed it very much and it had my attention the whole time, but I know Pixar can and has done better movies even decades ago. The story is quite nice, maybe not the most original overall, but Pixar had never made a rom-com as far as I remember, so I'll let that slide. It's fun to see how "perfect" the elements look, of course! They're beautiful! They way they interact with each other and with other elements is very clever and well animated. I know that Pixar has strived to animate realistic things since its beginnings, but this is a fictional land with abstract characters! Shouldn't the animation, or even better, the character design be a little less "perfect"? And I'm not saying it should lack talent: I'm saying it should gain more feeling, rather. And I know that this studio can do that, if even more recently we look at things like Luca or Red, even.
The fact is that this same month I also watched for the first time Atlantis: The Lost Empire, which is a Disney film from that era of Disney that made great movies, and that had amazing animation, and the character design varied from character to character, highlighting everybody's personalities from even the smallest details. I didn't put it on the top 5 list because unfortunately I watched it while doing something else and now I don't remember much of it and that's on me, but I think it can have this small shout out anyway.
Favourite series in august:
Be My Favorite (Thailand, 2023) [First time watch] This was such a cute drama, started as a light show about a boy using time travel to make a girl like him, and evolved into a deep, quite philosophical story revolving around fixed points in time, fate, fighting for what's important even if things won't change immediately, queer rights, and making a boy like him instead. Probably one of my favourite series from this year: I enjoyed its fairytale vibes and its storytelling. It's quite difficult to write a story with several parallel universes starting up from different time travels, but I think the writers of this show managed to keep it easy to understand and fun to follow.
[byebyelemonpie's 2023 recs]
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iwillbestronger · 1 year
I just finished reading “Babel” and I was just wondering whether I was the only one who was left a little bit...dissatisfied by the book? Don’t get me wrong, as a translator myself I deeply enjoyed the book’s treatment of languages, I loved the setting, I thought the worldbuilding was magnificent. I also deeply respect Kuang’s commentary on racism, orientalism, colonialism, and I think she did a fantastic job with it  (and as a white person, I don’t have the perspective to comment on it anyway).
What I found a little bit underwhelming and almost unfinished were...the characters themselves? Not only were most of the side characters very one-dimensional good-or-evil, I never even felt like Ramy, Victoire and Letty were fully fleshed out. While I completely get what Kuang wanted to convey with Letty’s character it also felt like she was more of a prop than a full character? What also left me completely baffled was how it seemed like we saw the tiniest hints of a love story between Robin and Ramy (the scene in the park early on in the book, Ramy saying he could never return Letty’s feelings (which I read as much as a reference to sexuality as it was a reference to race) and then that ambiguous comment about “falling in love” right before Robin’s death) and then the book just...entirely forgot about it? Why put the subtext in there at all? Why begin this construct and then completely abandon it? Don’t get me wrong! I love it when books don’t require romance to construct a compelling plot! I don’t even think we would have needed anything to happen between them! But the fact that I was expecting something, anything, to happen throughout the entire book just left me feeling slightly confused.
What everything really boils down to is that I felt like we were TOLD about the relationships between the four more than we were ever SHOWN, and it just really made me feel like the book was lacking heart. There would be time skips of months at a time and we would just read something like “We spent many long evenings in the library together and they became the most important people in the world to me during that time” OKAY, BUT WHY DO WE NEVER SEE ANY OF IT? I wanted to experience them growing closer to each other! I wanted to feel it! I understand that the focus of the book was on the message it was delivering and I completely respect that but if you have four main characters grow into very close friends over the course of the book, you should at least let me FEEL that friendship in some way. This also made the end so much less shocking to me because while Victoire was talking about how she and Letty could never truly become friends and how race was always what separated them, it just felt odd because we didn’t even get to see their group dynamic all that often. We didn’t much get to see them interact as friends.
Anyway, I truly enjoyed the book a lot and will still rate it four stars but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed after all the hype.
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