#op snake god au
sualne · 2 months
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saw a video where they cleaned up a snake
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cheekynoz · 29 days
Part 7
Arriving at Syrup Village. Wandering through the town. Cora insisted on holding Law's hand so he doesn't get lost, which leaves Law dangling mid air as they walk.
Law: "Let's just get our ship and get out of here."
Usopp: Running past them, shouting at the top of his lungs. "Pirates are coming! Pirates are coming"
Cora: Yanking Law up onto his back, starting to run. "Fuck. Could be Doffy."
Usopp: Panicking, running even faster when he notices Cora running behind him. "HELP! I'M BEING CHASED!"
Somewhere in the village
Villager A: "That kid's screaming again. It's like... Like a boy crying out wolf. But there's no wolf."
Villager B: "That's the dumbest comparison I've ever heard. Boy who cried wolf? No one would even say wolf. It would be like... snake or something."
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H.I.V.E. Birthday Bundle - Lucy Dexter
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Picrew Maker
PLAYLIST: (Image: Impression Sunrise — Claude Monet)
Once Upon a December (Instrumental)
Chorégraphie du départ — Daprinski
engravings — Ethan Bortnick
Me and the Devil — Soap&Skin
The Ballad of Mona Lisa — P!atD
Cell Block Tango
Control — Halsey
killer queen
Glitter & Gold — Barns Courtney
Wait — NoMBe
Way down We Go — KALEO
Serenade for Strings in E Major, Op 22, Tempo di Valse — Dvořák
Vienna — Billy Joel
The Nutcracker: Pas de deux — Tchaikovsky
FANART: (Blue, Eight of Pentacles)
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HC: Eldritch Creatures Sinistres (is this already canon? Maybe a little bit). Her skin is just a little too pale, her mouth doesn’t move exactly right with her words, you could’ve sworn she wasn’t there a second ago, and hey… when was the last time she blinked?
Prompt: A lot of the Sinistres with powers are adopted. They just find them out there and YOINK (a la The Umbrella Academy however I only watched season 1 take this with a grain of salt)
Prompt: Something something both the Contessa and Lucy chose to sacrifice themselves in an incredibly destructive fiery end to save a lot of people
Prompt: Lucy survives Zero Hour without anyone knowing (including her) and kind of just wanders into the local town, amnesiac, confused af. A solid while later Shelby finds her Clark Kent-ing it out in the world on her Illegal Globetrotting Fun
HC: Lucy definitely had some voice training. What I’m hearing is that she can sing opera (👀 Opera Singer AU anyone????)
HC: She cannot pose for photos At All. Dorky ass peace sign.
AU where everyone graduates H.I.VE. as normal and when everyone’s out on the streets of Italy, Lucy gets recognized because she’s actually kind of royalty (also she has a Wikipedia page)
HC: Lucy is usually seen as pretty mature and kind of shy, but every once in a while she’ll make a 69 joke or some other kind of innuendo that Shelby high fives her for
HC: Lucy gets some snake bite piercings right after she gets her wisdom teeth out at the H.I.V.E. Doctor with a clean(?) safety pin. Miraculously, they do not get infected.
Only child Lucy got real good at braiding her own hair. The five of them hang out and talk shit and braid each other’s hair. (Otto gets that fun little two year old spiky ponytail)
crack prompt: Lucy and Anna somehow meet.
Lucy: Stop killing people!
Anna: You’re not my mom!
alrighty that’s all I got. THANK YOU MITCH @dr-nero-is-god FOR MAKING THIS EVENT
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stepswowdsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 Fate AU: KuroEne 🖤💙
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Fate AU: Master/Servant AU KuroEne 🖤💙
Technically, in KagePro lore context, Kuroha refers to Azami and Marry both as his "Master" so this AU works well with Kuroha and Marry (regardless of whether you enjoy their dynamic as platonic and/or ship).
With that being said, I'm KuroEne brained and gay for my wife, so I chose Ene for this.
I'm such a huge fan of KuroEne's dynamic cuz Ene is super bold and confrontational.
Ene constantly butts heads with him and gets flustered by his teasing
Idk why I never thought of that before but that could actually be soooo interesting...
Especially if Kuroha/Saeru embeds Divine Spirits as part of his components upon his summoning and becomes a High Servant.
Kuroha/Saeru (Snake of Clearing Eyes)
Divine Spirits:
Yamata no Orochi
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"Yamata no Orochi (八岐大蛇 (ヤマタノオロチ), lit. 'Giant Eight Branched Snake') is an eight-headed serpent from Japanese mythology."
So, with Yamata no Orochi as one of his components, he can summon a giant serpent.
I’d choose Snake Gods, Gods of Knowledge, or Underworld Gods/Lords.
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Fate: Master/Servant AU where Ene is a Master and magus that summons Kuroha/Saeru as her Servant because she wants to fight and win the Holy Grail War (HGW)
The winner of a HGW has any wish of theirs granted (though often, the Holy Grail comes with corruption/is not exactly what it appears to be...)
If I had to put him in one of the traditional Servant Classes, it'd be Archer. Cuz Archer Servants are just anyone that uses long ranged weapons in Fate LMFAOOO. Which includes guns.
But my bias says to make him an Alter Ego-class Servant. Alter Ego is one of the Extra Classes (outside of the conventional ones). It's my fave Servant class.
Because so many of my top faves are Alter Egos (See: Douman, Kiara, Meltryllis, Koyanskaya. Kama also technically qualifies)
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Alter Ego fits him really well imo. Especially considering the "Joker" motifs of the Alter Ego (Servant Class) card in FGO, and how Sidu drew the Kuroha Joker Playing Card illust before. Joker themed~
It just fits so well with him, considering canon-verse Kuroha's nature as a "being who exists to grant wishes"
Just think of how badass would it be if he could summon giant snakes. Man. MAN... This AU is so cool actually. I need to come up with 2 more Divine Spirits for him. I'd say it has to be a Divinity that has power over knowledge, or more serpent beings.
Like I'd imagine that his power as a High Servant would be to be able to summon giant snakes and make them shoot across at enemies like Kiara's demon pillars
Like when he first meets Ene (upon getting summoned), he introduces himself to her as Black Konoha (黒コノハ, Kuro Konoha), but his True Name is Snake of Clearing Eyes (目が冴える蛇, Me ga Saeru Hebi)
He eventually reveals his True Name when he gets closer to her.
Yamata no Orochi's Appearance in FGO
(Fate/Grand Order -Epic of Remnant- Pseudo-Singularity III: The Stage of Carnage, Shimousa - Seven Duels of Swordmasters)
(FGO: EOR3 - Shimousa Manga - Ch. 24 (Part 2))
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Master/Servant AU: KuroEne
Ene gets surprised that she summoned a Servant in a class outside of the conventional ones. Someone is fucking with the system (He's responsible for it lmao)
Ene constantly butts heads with Kuroha due to his teasing WHDHHSDHS
Also just imagine how OP (overpowered) this fucker would be LMAOOO. It'd fit him, honestly. Canon-verse Kuroha is ridiculously OP when possessing Konoha's body.
I was inspired by my beloved LimGuda with this since many of LimGuda’s fan-artists draw arts of Douman carrying Ritsuka (jumping off a ledge while carrying them, or catching them after they fall from the air)
So I just imagined a scene where Kuroha gets out his revolver and fires gun shot blasts (or picks up and throws a set of throwing knives) at an enemy Servant, and then jumps off a building’s ledge while carrying Ene in his arms.
At the end of the HGW, Kuroha and Ene end up as the victors of the Holy Grail War, but Kuroha betrays Ene by taking the Holy Grail for himself and making a wish for immortality.
He also wishes to the Holy Grail to make the world loop endlessly so that these days can continue forever and ever, creating a form of eternity to allow him to be with his S/O forever.
Kuroha’s entirely self-serving love (because he believes it benefits the other party too)
Quoting this from my previous rambles:
"Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way. Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that…" 🥰💞
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Some of my faves in FGO 💞
Fate's origins started with the visual novel, Fate/stay night (F/sn) which set up the foundations of the franchise with its focus on the Holy Grail War (HGW), basically a battle royale where Master/Servant duos fight each other for the Holy Grail, a wish granting device.
And every other Fate sub-franchise, such as Fate/Grand Order (FGO), has its own form/version of the HGW.
From the Type-Moon (TM) Wiki:
"The Holy Grail War (聖杯戦争, Seihai Sensou) is a competition that decides the ownership of the Holy Grail through intense battle royale."
Basically, some Fate Servants have Divine Spirits (Gods, Goddesses, or other Spirits) embedded in their Saint Graph as Servants. Since they are merged with Divinities or other Spirits, they can use aspects of their powers.
For example, Ashiya Douman (Limbo) embedded Divinities into his Saint Graph and turned himself into a High Servant, a Servant with 3 Divinities. That's so like them. Very gender of you, Douman! 💗💞
I put my fave FGO charas here Douman and Kiara 🥰💗💞 My no. 1 FGO meow meow mfs~ My cat cot and wifey~ Melt is in my top fave FGO femme charas.
Note: Saint Graph = The "base" or foundational essence of a Servant. Basically, the "records" that hold their identities, powers, past memories, etc.
Fate AU: KuroEne (Dialogue Scripts)
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I just wrote these quickly for now so these aren't refined and not in order. I used line breaks to separate different ideas or scenes
“The Command Spells (令呪, Reiju, also translated as "Command Seals") are three claims of absolute obedience, the crystallization of a great magic, that a Master has over a Servant in the Holy Grail War system.”
So basically, the Command Seals are 3 red spells on the hand, filled with great magic. Masters can use a Command Seal to order their Servant to do whatever they wish for, and the Servant must obey. It’s like a binding spell. Each time they’re used, you lose a stroke (use up a Command Seal). Though it is possible to replenish them.
A Master that uses all 3 Command Seals in a traditional HGW loses authority over their Servant, and thus cannot order them around anymore. So the Servant no longer has to obey any orders.
In FGO, Ritsuka uses them in important moments to turn the tides in fights (ie. Giving their Servant more magical energy, honing their strategy, etc.)
I came up with the idea that, throughout the HGW, Kuroha/Saeru would urge Ene to use her Command Seals in important fights (without drawing suspicion ofc), so she uses them up one by one as the HGW goes on.
He does this so he doesn’t have to obey orders when he plans to betray her, so that she can’t order him to stop his plan (ie. betraying her by stealing the Holy Grail for himself)
I’d imagine that Master Ene is naive and not fully aware about the specifics of a HGW as a Master and magus and fully trusts her Servant, Kuroha/Saeru, due to his amassed knowledge and listens to him about the things he tells her about the HGW. So… Yeah.
FGO AU: KuroEne
I also thought about a FGO AU with KuroEne.
There are a few ways this could go:
1) Kuroha gets summoned as Ene’s Servant and fights with her to stop the source of the “Singularity” (distortion in space-time, being caused by a Holy Grail in a certain time period). He acts as if he’s on her side, with Ene not catching onto his true intentions at all, only to reveal himself as the true perpetrator of the Singularity.
Kuroha is the cause of a Singularity that causes the Summer to loop endlessly, over and over again.
In truth, Kuroha used the Holy Grail to create a Singularity that’d loop endlessly.
(I got inspired by FGO’s more lighthearted Summer events that went exactly like this)
2) Same thing as above, but Ene is working to stop the source of the Singularity (and endless looping summers), Kuroha/Saeru, who is her enemy.
You can have the betrayal be more serious or a more lighthearted betrayal (causing a time looping Summer and general mischief)
3) If you want a nightmare~ish scenario, maybe, his wish of immortality requires a large source of magical energy in order to make come true, so Kuroha/Saeru wishes to the Holy Grail to make a calamity with black tendrils eat up most of the towns people in order to give him an immortal body. He’ll spare his Master tho <3
In this scenario, Ene expresses her disbelief and anger with his actions and calls him a true monster, and he nods and says he agrees with her (^-^)
Kuroha/Saeru's Love
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"Kuroha/Saeru claims to love humans, specifically their foolishness, and looks down on them as well."
Azami's genuine pure form of love for her family, willingly sacrificing herself for her family and mankind.
(In the context of a Kuroha ship AU)
Kuroha/Saeru holding a twisted form of affection and obsession for his S/O and wanting to continue the time loop Tragedy in order to be with his S/O forever in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
He looks up to his Masters and serves them, but won't put anyone else above himself and his wants and needs. In the end, he's doing this all for Azami, because he believes that this is what she truly wanted and needed, but ends up being the one causing her the most suffering.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
"Selfless" vs. "Selfish" love
Azami -> Loving someone for the sake of someone else
Kuroha -> Loving someone for his own sake
Kuroha's selfish love and how he ultimately loves someone for his own sake, "to experience the 'high' of being in love"
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Reminded of that one chapter title from Tunguska Sanctuary Event Story (Koyanskaya's main story chapter)
Section 13: Love is Karma, and Karma is──
This fits so well with Kuroha/Saeru's character and KuroEne. Good god.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
You can read more about the difference between the two loves Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋) here ^^
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ditte-i-brisbane · 1 year
Løb og vandreturer
Endnu en uge i Brissie, og denne har virkelig fået benene igang.
Jeg har i denne uge været ude og løbe med UQSRC fra mandag til fredag, hvilket har været vildt fedt! Jeg kan mærke, at jeg har fået bygget nogle benmuskler op :))) Tirsdag holdte løbeklubben intervaltræning med tysk- og filmklubben. Det betød at efter vi havde løbet intervaller spiste vi pizza og så derefter den tyske film "Run Lola Run". Jeg havde set filmen før i 8. klasse tysk undervisning, men den var endnu federe end husket :))) Jeb er begyndt at få nogle ret gode venner fra løbeklubben, og jeg kan mærke, at jeg kommer til at savne det meget når jeg kommer hjem. Jeg tror måske, jeg skal finde/starte noget løbeklub på kollegiet :)))
Jeg fik dog også mulighed for at løbe med UQMC i onsdags. Her var vi, min roomie Jasper og jeg, på trailrun/trailløb, hvilket var virkelig fedt at prøve. Det skal jeg 100% prøve lidt mere af. En helt fantastisk måde at afslutte løbet på, var at jeg så min første vilde koala. Dette var endnu et vildt dyr jeg nu kan krydse af min liste :)) Nu mangler jeg "kun" en dingo, en orange kænguro og en wombat på min must-see liste!
Ud over løb brugte jeg det meste af ugen på at skrive min kemi gruppeopgave. Det har været en hård opgave, men i dag er den endelig blevet afleveret! Nu går der lige et par uger til det næste store kemiprojekt skal afleveres.
Jeg fik dog også lov til at holde weekend, hvor jeg ikke lavede noget skole overhovedet. Jeg tog med UQMC til the Scenic Rim, som er et område syd for Brisbane med helt fantastiske vandreturer og natur. Vi tog afsted lørdag morgen, hvor vi først tog til Mount Blaine. Dette var en kort, men stejl og udfordrende tur. Der var en del løse sten, og man skulle passe på, at man skvattede på vej ned. På denne tur så vi endnu en Red-Bellied Black snake og en helt del Wallabys (små kængururer).
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Efter Mount Blaine tog vi til Aratula, hvor vi satte vores telte op. Efter vi havde spist frokost, tog vi til Mount Joyce, hvor vi gik endnu en vandretur. Denne var lidt længere, men mere flad. Her så vi en flot udsigt over Wyaralong Dam!
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Efter en god dag med vandring, tog vil tilbage til vores telte. Her spiste vi aftensmad på Aratula Scenic Rim Tavern, og vi fik den helt australske pub oplevelse. Jeg fik en burger med både rødbede og ananas, som åbenbart er klassisk burger tilbehør i AUS, med chips (pomfritter) og brun sovs som dip. Burgeren og pommes var gode, men det med den brune sovs som dip, er altså ikke lige mig...
Næste morgen stod den på endnu en vandretur, så efter et besøg hos Aratulas lokale bager, pakkede vi teltene sammen og kørte til Mount May. Dette var endnu en stejl oplevelse og vi fik lov til både at "bestige" nord og syd toppen af bjerget. På nordtoppen var der en skøn udsigt over Mount Barney (et bjerg jeg skal bestige mens jeg er her), og flot udsigt over lake Maroon. Denne tur var også fyldt med Wallabys
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Både lørdag og søndag var der fuld sol uden skyer hele dagen, så vi var alle godt svedt igennem efter vandreturene. Derfor valgte vi at afslutte weekenden med en badetur til lake Maroon. Her fik vi os et godt dyp, og jeg fik set en sort svane! Jeg var meget begejstret over dette, da jeg har hørt så meget om de sorte svaner, men de andre fra gruppen grinede lidt af mig, da de altså bare er helt normale.
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Alt i alt var det en rigtig dejlig weekend, og jeg var godt smadret da jeg kom hjem søndag eftermiddag/aften.
Nu har jeg en skoleuge tilbage inden mid-semester break, hvor jeg tager en tur til Tasmanien aka. Little New Zealand. Jeg tager afsted på lørdag, og jeg glæder mig helt vildt!
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Anya's Sky Girl - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Skaikru!Reader - The 100
Request: So like this is my general idea - oc/ reader is a shy and kind girl from the 100 and one day when she’s in the field of butterflies just looking around fascinated Anya is watching her from the woods and is captivated by her- just in general Anya being a simp and having a soft spot for her and falling in love (much cuteness) no AU pls for this one pls!
You reminded her of a baby animal at first. Doe-eyed and innocent.
It wasn't until she continued to observe you that she realised you weren't innocent, you were just shy and kinder than the rest of your people.
She didn't know you were a criminal like the rest of the 100. All she knew was that you would wander around your base camp, eyes sparkling with fascination.
You were sat with another sky girl, the one who had gotten attacked by the river snake the sunrise before. A boy had came over, giving her water, leaving you to roll your eyes before getting up.
Spotting the bioluminescent butterfly, the two of you chased it as it flew away. Anya's eyes widened as she watched the two of you arrive in the butterfly field.
Giggles left your lips as you wandered further into the forest, leaving Octavia with Atom.
"Where's Y/n?" Octavia realised, pushing Atom away slightly to look around.
Anya's eyes widened as she watched you find a larger cluster of the butterflies, seeing you freeze in place as the butterflies danced all around you, her mouth going dry as she swallowed nervously.
Love was supposed to be weakness.
Some days you'd disappear into the sky shelter you'd all arrived in. She could hear the screams of the sky boy that was supposed to be bait. Maybe you were trying to help him? You were kind, and she liked that about you.
Skaikru were messy and loud.
She'd established that whilst on night patrol. That had raised some questions. Why was a Trikru leader patrolling so much?
It was only when she heard you yelp in pain, the silver bracelet she'd seen attached to every member of your people's wrists causing you pain that she saw fear in your eyes.
A tear threatened you leave your eye as you looked around, realising it was the same for everyone else. All the wristbands were fried.
"Octavia! Where are you?" You exclaimed, stumbling through the darkness as the sky was lit up with pink flares.
A squeak left your lips as you slipped, skidding down a mudslide to land with a thump.
"Ugh..." A whine left your lips, shifting to move but your bones ached.
It didn't take long for the rest of camp to realise you and Octavia were missing.
Staring up at the sky, tears left your eyes as you spotted the glow. Those weren't shooting stars. Those were hundreds of bodies returning to earth from the arc.
Your eyes widened as an individual loomed over you, blocking your view.
A grounder.
"Please! No! Please!" Whimpers left your mouth but the grounder kept carrying you, staring blankly ahead before your voice was muffled by their hand.
"Hod op." The grounder muttered, frowning as you drifted out of consciousness again.
The sun's rays hit your face as you stirred, a grimace leaving your lips as you tried to move, but a hand on your stomach held you still.
"Who are you?"
Her eyes stared down at you for a moment, but she didn't give you an answer, her hands moving to pick you up again as a fog horn went off.
"Oh god, the acid fog! Where the hell is Octavia?!" You exclaimed, shuffling in the grounder's arms but she held onto you tighter, walking steadily before eventually heading into a set of caves, dropping your body on the floor.
Any movement you tried resulted in a knife at your neck. Your e/c eyes full of terror as she stared at you with a blank look, but you knew she'd kill you. But the question was, why hadn't she killed you yet?
"You could have killed me when I fell down that mudslide, so why haven't you?" You realised, biting your tongue when you realised something.
This was the most you'd spoken since before you were locked up on the ark.
You were stuck in dreamland, remembering the 'crime' you commited, as Anya took a rag, wetting it with water from her pouch and reaching up to wipe the mud from your face.
You only snapped out of your daydreams when you heard the sparks of the fire she was lighting. Your face falling as you spotted the knife she'd put in the fire, your eyes drifting to your side, where Anya had her hand before.
You were bleeding.
The yell that left your lips as Anya cauterised your wound left an ache in Anya's heart, watching as you laid still and stopped fighting.
"Do you understand me? Or do I sound like an idiot from space?" You murmured, pausing as you thought you saw a smirk on the grounder's face.
Your eyes widened slightly, pausing as Anya's eyes widened and she realised she'd slipped up.
"Y/n. My name is Y/n."
"Ai laik Anya kom Trikru." Anya licked her lips, feeling warmth in her chest as she learned your name.
"Anya? That's your name? It's pretty." You whispered, pausing as Anya tutted.
"Skaikru idiot." But the smile she hid from you juxtaposed her attitude.
You didn't know it yet, but the Trikru leader was forming a soft spot for you.
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rarepears · 3 years
i accept superman x jinwoo like every other idea you have given us- but what about lois lane? is she just best woman and roots for them or is there going to be drama? what about jon kent aka superboy? what do the kents say about jinwoo?
as i said, i absolutely love your ideas and your god damn mind, so thank you for the food :D
I know very little about the superman verse in general as a disclaimer. Never heard of superboy in fact, so I'm going to ignore that part.
With Lois Lane, she's Clark's best friend. They tried dating but it didn't work out, so it's back to being friends. (She didn't enjoy having a hero as a boyfriend - it's already bad enough that she has to worry about some random gate popping up in her neighborhood and another Kamish dragon coming out to kill everyone. She doesn't want to add more fear onto her plate. This also means that dating hunters is a no go for her. Plus their personalities didn't mesh well as romantic partners, so there was that too.)
(A possible route I was debating was having Lois Lane cover a gate but the gate goes out of control - a double dungeon or a surprise S gate - and Lois is one of the hundreds of causalities in that event.)
Anyways, the cool thing about this AU is that Superman isn't seen as an alien or OP character anymore. Most people assume that Superman is some A-ranked Hunter who read too many comic books and would rather focus on human crimes than clearing gates because US police are struggling to deal with crimes where the criminal is an Awakened person.
So why doesn't Superman help out with gates? Superman has no mana, so there's no logical reason for either Superman or the unawakened Clark Kent to be stepping foot into a gate. As a reporter, Clark is also more aware that crime is a growing problem despite the news and society being more focused on the issue of gates. It's like trying to put out the fire (gates) while a poisonous snake (crime) lurks in the background.
As for the Kents, they think Jinwoo is sweet. They like how much Jinwoo values family - Jinwoo is very much a rags to riches story of pulling yourself by the bootstraps, overcoming challenges, etc. Bonus is that Jinwoo is just as powerful (but in a different way) as Clark, so no worries about literal power imbalance. What's not to love?
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
Ooh, I wouldn’t mind canon!Sass being the Snake in your Calamitous AU. He’s one of the few if not the only Zodiac that I not only tolerate but actually LIKE in terms of personality, Miraculous jewelry, and power, and I’m praying to God that they don’t ruin him completely like they did with Plagg in Kuro Neko. And on that note, I honestly wouldn’t mind if you wanted to cut both the Ladybug and Cat out of your Calamitous AU altogether (unless you genuinely want to include them of course). Like, they’ve butchered the whole creation-destruction/yin-yang equals thing so bad, not only with not having their “deuteragonist” be anything more than a glorified background character on both sides of the mask, but also with the inclusion of 17 other Miraculous of which there are many that are equal, greater or more useful, or even OP compared to the main two that should be the most powerful, especially in an ESTABLISHED TIER SYSTEM, but aren’t. And I’m SO tired of Tikki. The wounds with Plagg are fresh and he wasn’t always like this so I’m feeling more hurt than anything, but I’ve been neutrally tolerating of Tikki since season one, since I really only like always-right characters if they’ve got serious experience and wisdom backing them up (think Uncle Iroh) or if that’s actually a character flaw that gets explored later (think Katara), which I thought was going to happen with Tikki, but no. I’m tired of hearing her “advice” in-show, she’s so WRONG for Marinette as a kwami match-up it’s not even funny anymore (not that it ever was), and with the Wu Xing vs Five Poisons set-up that feels like a much more equal playing field magically than the 19 Miraculous, she and Plagg by extension really just don’t need to be shoehorned into it unless you yourself want them to be. Like, I’m done with them both, more of a genuine bummer with Plagg, but yeah, I’m tired. Marinette, whatever cast your planning to use, and honestly you as a writer deserve better than to HAVE to deal and adapt with them if you don’t really want to.
Yeah as Cat and Fox would be Calamitous instead, as there's a canon Snake, no reason to not convert that to one and make a whole new one. Especially since the Ouroborus symbol is a symbol of self-destruction, which is what the canon Snake power is tied to.
Honestly, between the two, Ladybug I'd be more inclined to cut, especially if doing a more Chinese set of magical jewelry. Ladybug has no place there, especially as a more powerful. I have been able to find they are sources of luck in the east, but not a major insect there. It's more European and heavily tied to Christianity. If anything, I'd make Ladybug tied to a European box, either around virtues, chivalry, or maybe the planets? It depends on where this set should be, whether tied to France, the Celts, Italian, ect.
Cat though I'd keep as they are present in Chinese culture, associated with protection and warding away evil spirits (and I also still like Plagg, I just don't care for him matched with Adrien). It can still fit with the Chinese box. Though I'd have Tiger elevated to a more powerful miraculous than Cat as tigers are bigger in China. And at least for me, Kuro Neko I can count as not existing, and that's Plagg's OC ep. No one cares about the Adrien pandering and pity episode. Screw that noise.
But yeah, they really butchered the yin-yang aspect for miraculouses, and there are better alternatives to do.
Like, if Tiger was also music related, Tiger and Snake could've been Discord and Harmony, a more complex duo that can't exist without the other, and could've been a tiger-dragon duo with Snake loosely representing dragon. Also could've done Snake and Peafowl as a nod to Ouroborus and the Phoenix, both are symbols of death and new life, and could've been a loose nod to dragon and fenghaung. Also Snake and Peafowl are a duo in Indian culture, representing Mayura, a cycle of time.
But I definitely feel you being tired of Tikki. If she had to be in the show, she would've been better matched with Alya who needs Tikki's "lessons" more than Marinette, but Alya would also challenge Tikki more on her guidance, especially when it's more bs. Another solid alternative is Lila, who actually is the most color coded for the earrings. And if Ladybug was more luck based, that would've better backed Lila's whole stick, as she'd have luck on her side, she's "lucky" that no one thinks too hard about her claims, and "luckily" people forget about her promises. And of course, luck always runs out after a while.
Either way though, Tikki is definitely a kwami I'd rather cut or move to Alya or Lila. And for sure be apart of a European box instead of the Chinese box. Everything about the Chinese box just needs a massive overhaul anyway.
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sualne · 4 months
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snakeman luffy
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years
can you feel it? // kth
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summary - it's been almost one year since your top surgery, and taehyung is dying to know if you got feeling in your nipples
pairing - taehyung x transmale!reader
genre - smut themes; non-idol au
word count - 1.4k
warnings - mentions of surgical scars/top surgery, nipple play, making out, grinding
author’s note - yes nipples can fall off post operation, take proper post op care of your nipples.
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“Can you feel your nipples?”
“Ex-fucking-cuse me?” You stared at Taehyung, who paused the movie the two of you were watching. “Where is this coming from?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know, I just remembered that your top anniversary is coming up and I was curious.”
“So you decided to blurt the question out in the middle of Finding Nemo?” You furrowed your brows at him. Your surgery anniversary was coming up in a few weeks, you weren’t surprised Taehyung remembered, considering he was the one that took you home and had to watch over you the following two weeks to make sure you were gonna be okay post op. 
“Are you gonna answer the question?” He cocked his head to the side, waiting for your response. 
“I-I don’t know!” You crossed your arms in front of you, feeling weird about the topic surrounding your chest. If you were being honest, you didn’t really think much about it anyway. Since the operation, you moved past it. That obstacle was crossed and all you focused on was healing and once it was done, it just sort of slipped your mind. 
“What do you mean you don’t know?” He sat up from his position on the couch to look at you. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “I mean exactly that, I don’t know.”
“You don’t touch them?”
“No, they were cut off and sewn back on Tae. I didn’t touch them in fear of them falling off, since then, I don’t know never bothered.” You explained, that was something about your surgery you were always scared about. The thought that they could fall off if you pushed yourself too hard was freaky and you didn’t want to go all the way back to your surgeon to fix up your mistake so you avoided touching them when you didn’t have to. 
“It’s been a year though, I think your nipples are secured.” Taehyung let out a small laugh at you, to which you responded with sticking your tongue at him. “I’m just saying, you don’t really have anything to be afraid of anymore. What’s stopping you?”
You frowned, he was right. What was stopping you? You at this point can touch your nipples without fear, maybe you were so used to not touching them you essentially trained yourself to not touch them. “Nothing, I guess.”
“So touch them.”
“Right now?!”
“No time like the present,” he beamed as he clasped his hands together in excitement. “Let’s see ‘em.”
“You’re so weird,” you grumbled as you leaned forward to take off your shirt.
“Less talking, more stripping.” He ordered, motioning for you to go faster. You were gonna smack him upside the head, you swear. 
Shirt off, your skin was now exposed to the cool air of your living room. You put your shirt off to the side and turned to Taehyung, who’s eyes were fully trained on you. “What now?”
“Touch them, kinda obvious.” He chuckled at you. 
Glaring at him, you close your eyes and lift your hands to your nipples. Ever so gently, you place the pad of your finger to graze against your buds. Thing is about touching your own body, you can never be sure if it’s your body part you feel touching your finger or your finger touching the skin. Huffing, you drop your hands. “I can’t tell.”
“Hmm,” Taehyung pursed his lips in thought before patting the couch next to him. “Sit here.” 
Your eyes went from the spot to him, raising your eyebrows at him. “You serious?”
“Deadly, now sit.” He snapped his fingers and pointed back to the spot. Not wanting to challenge him, you took the step from your chair to the spot in front of him. “Close your eyes.” You did as he said and squeezed your eyes shut, anticipating the brush of his fingers. “Relax, you’re all tensed up.” He whispered into your ear, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. Taking a deep breath, you let your shoulders fall slack.
You feel a tickling sensation along the sides of your ribcage, right at the edge of your scars. You feel your lips twitch at the feeling, the tingles sent over your body from the soft drag of his fingers. His digits traced along the length of the scars, the feeling barely registers until it meets the unmarked skin. Slowly, he moves a bit up to your nipples and he lets his thumb just sit on top of them. You inhaled sharply as he started to slowly apply pressure, moving them in small circles. Heat began to pool between your legs as Taehyung moved your nipple to and fro. Biting your tongue, you refused to let any sort of sound escape you as your friend essentially played with your nipples. Needless to say, you had sensation in them, but now you weren’t sure if you wanted him to stop yet. 
The effort to keep quiet was thrown out the window however, when he decided to take them between his thumb and forefinger and give a light squeeze; eliciting a moan to emit from your throat. You froze and Taehyung’s hands stilled over your chest. Your eyes flew open but before you could even manage to get a word out, his mouth was on yours. Your eyelids fluttered shut, and you kissed him back. Your body on autopilot, your arms moved to snake around his neck. His hands, however, stayed on your chest, pinching at you, prompting more sounds to fall from your lips. All of which he drank right up as he kissed you feverently. You knotted your hands into his dirty blonde hair, him clearly enjoying it, going by the groans he made. 
Lungs burning for air, you reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. Taehyung on the other hand, had other ideas. He attached his mouth to your neck, sucking on your flesh. You feel his hands wrap around your torso, his body weight was shifting to lay you back. You let him guide you to lay flat on the couch, moving your legs to hook around his waist. His mouth moved from your neck, traveling down to your chest, leaving small marks in his wake. He stopped right above your nipple, his hot breath fanning across it as he panted, catching his breath.
“Taee,” you keened as he pressed delicate kisses over the bud. “Pleasse.”
“Please what?” He looked up from your chest, his eyes dark with lust. “What do you want, Y/N?”
“Mouth, please mouth.” You cried out, with a smirk on his lips, he latched his mouth on to your bud. His free hand going to pinch and play with your neglected nipple. You mewl at the sensation; unconsciously, you begin to grind up against him. One of your hands leaves Taehyung’s head to grab onto his shirt, enclosing the fabric in your fist as he sucks and nibbles at you. 
With Taehyung’s ministrations, it only eggs you on more to needily rub yourself against Taehyung’s growing bulge. You feel a knot begin to form in your gut as you worked yourself, chasing that delicious friction you so desperately craved.  
“Come on, baby.” He blew against your wet and abused nipple. “You can do it, let go.”
With a loud whine, you felt like every single nerve ending was on fire as you clenched around nothing. Your body ceases it’s twitching as you come down from your high, leaving you breathless with Taehyung above you. His eyes never leaving you. 
When you finally come back around, he’s still staring at you and you felt your face flush. “What are you looking at?”
“I’m looking at the hottest fucking man that just came from grinding on me and nipple play.” He let out a breathy chuckle as he leaned up to kiss your burning cheek. 
“Fuck off, oh my god.” You rolled your eyes at him as he rested his head on your bare chest, his hair tickling you ever so lightly. Your hand went up to card your fingers through the soft trestles. 
"Safe to assume you have feeling in your nipples then," his hand coming back up to your chest to trace circles over your skin.
"Yeah," you sighed. With that, the two of you laid in the comfortable silence, not bothering to talk about what just happened or what the consequences were. “Can you start the movie again?”
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fanishjuli · 3 years
WIP Ask Game
after a week I’ve been wanting to do this I finally found the time today!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
I am doing this for just my Good Omens WIPs because it’s been forever since I wrote anything else and while I do have many (many) old WIPs for other fandoms I’d rather not lol. note that things in brackets [ ] I’ve added as notations for this game and aren’t part of the titles.
“I’ll go to Hell”
angels hear (Crowley’s) prayers
angry rational adult conversation
aroace ice cream
Az breakdown fic/ghost story
beez and az
blessed dreams/real dreams
boxer!Crowley fml
BWW - haircut
consent check-ins
crowley blinks
crowley on god
Crowley wank [NSFW]
crowley’s love pendant
earth glows love
Guardian & Serpent
hair braiding
heaven sucks angst?
Ineffable Flufftober
Intimacy looks like a book
Ley de Identidad de Género
love isn’t strong enough
lovesensing fluff
non-romantic gestures?
not wedding
packer fic
Penn Verse [Folder - if someone asks I can give you all the individual WIP names maybe?]
POV Out snake & mr fell
rain greenhouse sunset
share your address
sharp, bright, tease
soft crimws | snippets
soulmates lies AU
top op Az
trans Anathema
true Eden story
zira was made for Love
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Fic: Perception’s a tool that’s pointed on both ends
Fandom: Word of Honor
Pairing: WenZhou
Tags: Hannibal AU, yes that’s human meat he is eating
A/N: I want to thank the OP @efadefoks who inspired this with their lovely visual. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a Hannibal AU. This is greatly inspired by, and a shameless rewrite, of one of my favourite scenes (for there are many) of the series in the episode ‘Apréritif’. 
I do not own the original dialogue. I own nothing. I am a poor fangirl with study loans.
((fun fact: I have the signed copy of the script of this episode *flex flex*))
The knock on the door at seven in the morning is not unusual. The lack of an impatient follow up or muffled call of his name is. It is enough to pique Zishu interest and to draw him out of bed. Unlocking the latches, he opens it, not expecting to find the face of the man who had so rudely psychoanalysed him at their first meeting.
“Good morning, Ah Xu, may I come in?” Dr Wen says. The sunlight shines like a halo in his inky black hair. Sounds of the morning traffic ring like a choir and Zishu darts his eyes behind him.
“Where’s Detective Ye?”
“Deposed in court,” The good doctor says with a genial smile that barely creases his handsome face. “The adventure will be yours and mine for today.” He pauses, dark eyes peering into the shadows of the motel room. “May I come in?”
“I am very careful about what I put into my body. Which means I end up preparing most meals myself.” Dr Wen says sunnily, peeling back the cover of the Tupperware he brought with him. He reveals, with not a little flourish, a waft of savouriness that has Zishu leaning in to see. “A little protein scramble to start the day. Some eggs, some sausage.”
As he explains, Zishu spears a bit of everything with a fork, bringing it to his lips. Biting down. Chewing. The flavour explodes in his mouth and coats his tongue, sparking the sensation of mild-delight. He takes the bowl, quickly repeating the experience.
“It’s delicious, thank you,” Zishu says quickly. 
“My pleasure,” Dr Wen says, primly pulling out his own bowl and cutleries - going as far as to pour his own meal out onto a clean plate he doesn’t remember this motel room having - to start on his own breakfast. To his credit, Dr Wen waits until Zishu has had more than a few bites before speaking further.
“I would apologise for my analytical ambush but I know I will soon be apologising again and you will tire of that eventually so, I have to consider using apologies rarely.”
“Just keep it professional.” The words slip past his lips and cuts through whatever Dr Wen’s calm cadence of a voice has to say. 
“Or we could socialise like adults,” Dr Wen interjects. “God forbid we become friendly.”
“I don’t find you that interesting.”
“You will.”
A warm thrill trickles up his spine and for the first time in a very long time, it rings like a premonition, curling something deep in him. Zishu feels like this is a promise he wants the other man to keep.
“Detective Ye tells me you have a knack for the monsters.”
Pushing aside his food, he chews his food before speaking. “I don’t think the Ghost Valley Master killed the members of the Mirror Lake Sect.”
“The devil is in the details. What gave it away?”
As if spurred by this attention, he finds himself actually considering his words before he speaks. “Everything. It’s like he had to show me a negative so that I can see the positive,” Zishu sighs, exhaustion seeping through his pores as he buries his face into the palms of his hands. “That crime scene was practically gift wrapped.”
“The Mathematics of human behaviour. All those ugly variables.” Dr Wen turns the words in his mouth, eyes flashing in the morning light. “You’ll be reconstructing his fantasies? What sort of problems does he have?”
Zishu scoffs. Pouring himself a cup of coffee from the carafe that Dr Wen brought with him, he finds himself pouring him one too. “He has a few.”
“Ever have any problems, Ah Xu?”
Zishu resists the urge to sneer as he gestures sarcastically to himself. “Me? No.”
“Of course you don’t,” Dr Wen agrees amiably with a soft curl of his full lips, leaning forward. “You and I are just alike. Problem free. Nothing about us to feel horrible about.”
Zishu spears a fresh load of food, taking care to include more of the sausage. Stuffing his mouth, he lets the words wash over him. Doing his best not to show how curiously pleased they make him.
Undeterred by his silence, Dr Wen watches him with an unblinking interest that should unsettle him. But Zishu knows that he unsettles people just by breathing. If the man wants to look at him, he is more than welcome to it. 
“You know, Ah Xu, I think Senior Ye sees you as a fragile little teacup. The finest china used for only special guests,” He says, the timbre of his voice carrying the words between them with a gravitas that has Zishu chuckling at the ridiculousness of it.
He laughs, heart tickled, leaning back in his chair to cup his hand over his mouth. “How do you see me?” Zishu asks when he has a moment to settle. He expects some other ridiculous declaration that borders on cheesiness taken seriously.
Definitely not, an utterly serious and unwavering, “The mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by.”
It is unexpected and it steals away the breath from his lungs. Zishu is unable to concoct an appropriate and timely response, but it seems like Dr Wen is neither waiting or wanting one. In the morning light, he is sure the other man can see the widening of his eyes.
“Finish your breakfast,” Dr Wen says easily, going back to his own meal. 
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codynaomiswire · 4 years
TTS/RTA Egyptian Mythology AU
Also known as the Uraeus AU!
Several months ago, I made a post about a developing idea for an Egyptian mythology AU for TTS/RTA. The idea was prompted in large part by the snake-hair Varian (“Snakian”) scene from the series’ finale, and the concept of the uraeus in Egyptian mythology. Since first posting about this AU, Xiel and I have really been developing the idea further on the Discord, and here’s what we’ve come up with so far. Hope you all enjoy it!
Note: As a fan AU, this is of course subject to change and variations, so things may change or develop differently as time goes on and more new ideas spring up. This is just what we have in mind so far!  :D
Champions and Friends:
Varian - The kingdom’s seer and champion of Wadjet (aka “the Uraeus”). In this AU, Varian was born to Quirin and Ulla with his “twin brother” Ka - a living uraeus bestowed upon him by the snake goddess Wadjet. (More on Ka and Wadjet down below.) Having grown up with Ka, Varian is not (usually) bothered with having a snake attached to his head, and sees Ka as being like a brother to him. Varian also grew up being told by Quirin and Ulla to keep Ka a secret, as the family was worried Varian and Ka would be taken away from them if anyone knew about them. So for many years, whenever Varian would go outside, he would wear a head covering so Ka would remain hidden from the world. Once he did try to show Ka to some of the kids in his village, but they all ran away screaming, and he got in trouble with the parents for “pulling a mean prank with a snake.” So he and Ka never tried that again. However, things start to get trickier as Varian enters his early teens, and he starts to get visions about events to come, and has a couple episodes of sleepwalking in the middle of the night. Despite Quirin’s best efforts to keep the two safe, things finally come to a head when some kidnappers (led by Andrew) are hired by Set’s cult to capture Varian and Ka, and bring them back to be dealt with. Out of self-defense, Ka ends up landing a venomous bite on Andrew, who nearly dies from the poison. However, Varian has also taken an interest in alchemy by this time in his life, and learned how to create an antivenom for Ka’s bites. (While Varian himself is immune to snake venom due to his connection with Ka and Wadjet, he learned how to make it in case there was ever an accident involving someone else.) Varian manages to make the antivenom in time and save Andrew’s life, but this incident ended up taking place out in the open, and thus Varian and Ka have their cover blown. Quirin tries to prevent Varian and Ka from being taken away, but the next day the pharaoh’s soldiers come and take Varian and Ka to live in the palace, as the priests of Wadjet are certain that the time has come for the seer to step into his duties for the kingdom. Varian is at first very unhappy with being forced to live at the palace, but is befriended my Rapunzel quite quickly. And when his visions start coming on with even greater intensity, Varian must do what he can to help protect the people from Set’s plans and Apep’s impending return.
Ka - A living uraeus and Wadjet’s other champion. (Note: In this AU, “the Uraeus” refers to Ka, Varian, or the two taken together. The term applies to all three.) His character is inspired by the snake-hair character in the RTA series finale (though Ka has the added feature of a cobra hood), and his name is inspired in large part by the “ka” aspect of the soul in ancient Egyptian philosophy (meaning “double” and known as the protective aspect of the soul). His name is also reminiscent of Kaa from The Jungle Book, though it’s spelled differently. Given to Varian by Wadjet upon his birth, Ka has been with Varian since the beginning. While he and Varian are the same age, Ka grows up faster than Varian mentally, so he tends to be the more mature of the two. However, he isn’t adverse to causing some mischief from time to time. Growing up, Ka was pretty readily accepted by Ulla, but Quirin...was more leery of him. Especially given Quirin’s own past (more on that below), he first saw Ka as an interloper on what was supposed to be a peaceful family life. Despite this attitude, Quirin and Ka did have their moments of reliability from time to time, and Ka grew up seeing Quirin and Ulla as his parents (calling them “Father” and “Mother” respectively). For years Ka had to hide his existence from the outside world, and thus could get very lonely. It seemed that he would have to resign himself to a life of obscurity...until Varian started getting weird visions of things to come, and Ka started getting his own premonitions of things to come in the short term (i.e. waking visions of things close at hand). Ka also learned through his premonitions how to hypnotize people, which he would use mostly for therapeutic purposes, or to compel people to tell the truth if need be (though this function especially can take a lot out of him, so he’s not OP with this ability). Things take the most drastic turn for Ka when he lashes out at would-be kidnappers (as told in Varian’s description above), he becomes known to the wider world, and is then thrust into the champions’ efforts to save the kingdom from ruin. Ka also does that snake thing of prolonging his ‘s’ sounds when he talks, and when he first has the experience of talking to new people he takes to referring to himself in the third person. Just to be fancy I guess.  xP
Quirin - Varian and Ka’s father, member of the Brotherhood, and champion of Khonsu. Quirin spent a good portion of his adult life as a member of the Brotherhood in Karnak who - in this AU - are a warrior guild with allegiance to Khonsu, Egyptian god of the moon and time. While serving under Khonsu, Quirin acquired the ability to manipulate time in certain small ways - i.e. stopping time within a certain radius (usually a few yards), or around a certain person or object. This ability is very risky though, as if it’s used too often or too intensely it can have the side affect of “taking time” from the one wielding it (hence why Quirin appears a bit older than Adira and Hector, who are only a few years younger than he). After a good many years of service in the Brotherhood, Quirin decides to leave his service and settles down with his wife Ulla to start a family. However, upon the birth of their son Varian, Quirin is shocked to find that Varian was born with a living uraeus attached to his head (whom Ulla names Ka). After his dealings with the gods while serving Khonsu, Quirin is afraid of what Ka’s presence means for Varian, and does all he can to keep Ka a secret from the wider world. At first, Quirin is very leery of Ka, which does not go unnoticed by the rest of the family. Quirin is never cruel to Ka, never ignores him, nor dotes upon Varian while leaving Ka out of it, but it is clear that he sees Ka differently from Varian. Things become especially hard when Ulla dies when Varian and Ka are about ten years old, and Quirin has to raise the two on his own. Eventually, Quirin and Ka begin to grow closer, and Quirin does all he can to make sure he and Varian don’t get taken away from him. But after their cover is blown, Quirin is left worrying about his sons after they are taken away to live in the palace. As Quirin prays to Khonsu one night asking what can be done, he is informed that his duty as the Uraeus’s protector is not over, and that he will also be called upon to join in the effort to stop Set and Apep in the days to come.
Rapunzel - The princess of Egypt and the champion of Ra. Rapunzel was kidnapped by Mother Gothel as a baby, and was raised learning how to use her sun powers. However, when the champion of Horus comes to save her, Mother Gothel is defeated by her own evil designs, and Rapunzel loses connection with her healing powers in the ensuing struggle. After returning home, life is happy for the princess, and she quickly befriends many in her kingdom. However, when news comes to the palace that Wadjet’s seer has appeared in the land, Rapunzel begins her real journey to find her destiny, and must use her powers to save the land from its deadliest threat yet.
Eugene - The prince of one of Egypt’s major cities, and the champion of Horus. (Naturally, this was inspired by Eugene’s birth name being Horace in the canon series. xD) The son of King Edmund of Karnak, Eugene actually grew up in his family’s palace in this AU. When he was born, Eugene bore a birthmark on his shoulder blades that resembled wings. After consulting with the local priests, Edmund learned that the birthmark was a sign of the blessing of Horus, and that Eugene would come to wield great powers. Afraid for his son, however, Edmund has a hieroglyph painted onto Eugene’s back every few weeks or so to keep the power of the mark at bay. Eventually though, when Eugene is in his early teens, Horus’s blessing breaks through the barrier induced by the hieroglyph, and after a painful first transformation, Eugene has found that he has sprouted giant hawk’s wings from his back. After the initial shock, Eugene learns how to use and control this ability, and after some of Horus’s guidance, he manages to find the lost princess of Egypt and rescues her (while also falling in love of course ^^). After rescuing Rapunzel, Eugene decides to remain living in the capitol at the palace, though he keeps in contact with his family and home city.
Cassandra - Mother Gothel’s daughter, Rapunzel’s best friend and champion of Sekhmet. After being born to Mother Gothel, Cassandra grew up as a child servant in the cult of Set, and was left entirely on her own after Mother Gothel left her to horde Rapunzel’s sun powers for herself. Being miserable in her life situation, Cassandra eventually called out to the other gods asking for their help (she was probably about six or seven years old at this stage). Sekhmet heard her, and gave Cassandra some of her powers so she could don a lioness form and bust her way out. (Although, this blessing also left its mark on Cassandra, as she now permanently sports cat-like eyes, even when not in her lioness form.) After fleeing the cult of Set, Cassandra wanders around for a while until she is found by the Captain of the Guard, who came after he heard reports of a dangerous feral child wandering the desert near the outer villages. The Captain takes pity on Cassandra when he finds her, and takes her in as his own and teaches her how to fight and how to have discipline so she can control her powers. In addition to transforming into a human-lioness hybrid, Cass can also talk to felines and request favors from them, like spying on enemies and scouting and stuff. After gaining the trust of everyone in the capitol, Cass also came to be known by the revered title, The Lioness.
Lance - Eugene’s best friend and fellow resident of Karnak. While Lance is not a chosen champion, he is still a gifted member of the group, and is invaluable as a supportive friend and skilled wordsmith. When Kiera and Catalina travel to the capitol after Catalina becomes a champion, it’s Lance who is the first in the group to befriend the girls. Lance also has a background in being a treasure hunter, which comes in handy when the group needs to locate legendary artifacts, ancient temples and other things that will be vital to the success of their mission.
Catalina - Sister to Kiera/Angry, and Champion of Anubis. (A quick thank you to the Anon who prompted us to consider Catalina as a fellow champion!) Like Cassandra, Catalina’s blessing from Anubis allows her to don a feral form (this time in the form of a werewolf/werejackal) to help fight against the agents of Set and Apep. However, Catalina was chosen to wield Anubis’s blessing specifically because her heart was the only one judged by the scales of Anubis to be able to balance the powers contained within his blessing. As the son of Set and a god of death, Anubis’s blessing is extremely powerful and volatile, and only a certain kind of heart can learn how to balance it and avoid being destroyed by it. While Catalina still struggles with her power (especially during the first few transformations), she is able to gain great control over it with time. While she is considered an outcast from most of the rest of society, Kiera stays by Catalina’s side, and together they travel to the capitol to join the other champions in their mission to stop Set and Apep from destroying the world.
Kiera/Angry - Catalina’s sister. While Kiera/Angry is not a chosen champion, she is still skilled and is a beloved member of the group. After her sister Catalina receives the blessing of Anubis, Kiera stays by her side and travels with her to the capitol to join the rest of the group to help save Egypt and the world from impending doom.
Adira and Hector - Members of the Brotherhood, Quirin’s honorary siblings, and Varian’s “aunt” and “uncle”. While Hector and Adira were also servants of Khonsu like Quirin, neither were given special powers by the deity. Nevertheless, their work as members of the Brotherhood proves invaluable for the group, and they are more than ready to help with their skills and knowledge for whatever may come their way. When Hector isn’t serving at Khonsu’s temple in Karnak, he is the more adventurous of the two, and spends a good chunk of his time being a sellsword for the caravans traveling across the desert. He also has an affinity for animals, and thus relates to Ka very well upon meeting him for the first time.
King Edmund - Ruler of Karnak, head of the Brotherhood, and father of Eugene. A lot of his role was already laid out in Eugene’s description.
Frederic and Arianna - The pharaoh and queen of Egypt in this AU.
Egyptian Deities:
Wadjet - A snake goddess of protection and healing, Wadjet is the deity who chooses Varian and Ka for the mission to stop Set and Apep. In this AU, Wadjet is also a goddess of farsight, and thus allows Varian and Ka to be her seers on earth. While a powerful and graceful deity, Wadjet also has a “soccer mom” kind of personality to her as well. In this AU she has the form of a naga - i.e. human upper body with her lower body being a long snake’s tail.
Khonsu - The god of the moon and time, and the deity served by the Brotherhood. Khonsu is a rather mysterious figure, and while he can see through time and its various possible outcomes, he does not have direct control over how events play out. However, he does impart the ability to manipulate time in small ways to Quirin, though the ability does comes with a price if used to excessively. Khonsu’s personality is quiet, stern, yet also with a touch of levity here and there.
Ra - The god of the sun, and giver of Rapunzel’s powers. Unlike the other deities in this AU, Ra seems strangely absent, despite his sun constantly moving through the sky overhead, and Rapunzel serving as his emissary. He only speaks to her very sparingly throughout their adventure, but when he does it’s always at key moments.
Horus - The son of Ra, protector of the sun, and arch nemesis of Set. Horus chose Eugene to be his champion on earth, and gifted the prince with his wings and ability to fly. (Haven’t really ironed out more of his personality yet to be honest. More may come later!)
Sekhmet - A lion goddess and protector of Egypt. Like Ra, Sekhmet doesn’t make too many appearances in this AU, but she does give Cassandra her incredible lioness warrior powers.
Anubis - A god of death, judgment and the son of Set. Despite commanding a lot of respect, Anubis is a deity that many Egyptians fear and don’t like to talk about. He has a very serious personality (given his job that only seems natural), and really doesn’t like the idea of Set and Apep wreaking havoc on the world and making his job as psychopomp all the harder. (Basically, one of his motivations for wanting to stop the end of the world is so he doesn’t have a ton of more work to do with all the death and destruction that would result. ...Yeah, not the most altruistic reasoning, but guess the guy’s just being practical. xP) When choosing his champion, he weighed the hearts of all in the kingdom to determine which one could balance his powers best, and the scales determined that it would be Catalina, hence him bestowing her with his blessing.
Mother Gothel - A former priestess of Set. After learning about the princess’s sun powers, Mother Gothel kidnaps the princess in order to use her powers so that she may remain young forever and never die. However, her evil plans collapse in on her when the champion of Horus comes to save Rapunzel, and Mother Gothel is destroyed in the process. (This is pretty much the extent of Mother Gothel’s role in the story.)
Zhan Tiri - High priestess of Set, and one of the main antagonists of this AU. For many years, Zhan Tiri ran the cult of Set from the underground, and kept her identity as high priestess hidden while posing as an advisor to the pharaoh’s court. However, after her attempt to eliminate the Uraeus fails, Varian and Ka see through her disguise, and she is forced to flee from the capitol and run the cult of Set from the underground in the temples and caves in the Egyptian wilderness. She’s pretty much a generic villain like in the series, where she just kinda craves revenge and destruction because...evil.
Set - The “big bad” of the AU alongside Apep. Where Apep is the brawn of the evil duo, Set is the brains. Set plans on using his cult to help release him and Apep onto the mortal plane, basically wreak as much havoc as possible, and take over the world.
Apep - The “big bad” of the AU alongside Set. Where Set is the brains of the evil duo, Apep is the brawn. As the giant serpent of chaos, Apep’s one goal in life is to destroy the world and all living things. He’s kind of the antithesis of Ka in this AU. His voice sounds a lot like Smaug from The Hobbit movies, and while big, strong and scary, he isn’t super clever.
Aaaaaand I think I’ll leave this post at that for now. Whew! I’ll probably make another post a bit later concerning a general outline of events, and maybe also some other posts with some dialogue snippets that Xiel and I have come up with if there’s enough interest.
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bnnywngs · 4 years
bunny’s 2020 fanfics masterpost
i wrote too much this year omg
~ only ao3 fanfics ~
haikyuu (13 fanfics)
- kenhina
i bear you | post time skip
that time we made a video with prompt generator | canon divergence/post time skip
give me your stars, i’ll give you my clouds | gods au
dwarf sunflower | flower shop au/tattoo parlour au
innocent until said otherwise | alternate universe/crime duo
Op. 20, Act II No.12 | swan lake au
the plan | hq thirstmas day 1 - jealousy/pwp/established relationship
- iwasuga
4am curry | alternate universe/soulmate au
morning in bed | hq thirstmas day 7 - body worship/alternate universe/post time skip
- oisuga
pretty (dumb) snakes | harry potter au/slytherin oisuga
- kurodai
the act of trust and the kiss of forgiveness | fantasy au (on going)
- bokuaka
equalize | band au
- osaaka
let me take care of you | hq thirstmas days 2+3 - sex toys, overstimulation, thighs/pwp/bottom osamu
- kurohina
night walk | alternate universe/christmas fluff
bungou stray dogs (4 fanfics)
- soukoku
you’re my song | soulmate au/canon divergence
corruption | gods au
- ranpoe
last day | heavy angst/major character death/alternate universe - no abilities
- odazai
raindrops, hot baths and soft kisses | bsd secret santa/canon divergence
boku no hero academia (5 fanfics)
- dabihawks
silent feeling | 5+1/alternate universe
let’s dance | alternate universe - no quirks
second honeymoon | alternate universe - no quirks/married dabihawks
spring in me | alternate universe - no quirks/neighbor au/idol au
- no ship
love day | alternate universe/shimura tenko centric
fugou keiji balance: unlimited (1 fanfic)
- daiharu
anything as long as i can be beside you | alternate universe/college au
kimetsu no yaiba (1 fanfic)
- sanegiyuu
rocker boi | alternate universe/band au??/high school au
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playstationmademe · 3 years
OC Tag
Tagged by the lovely @slothssassin, thank you!  💜💜
Tagging whoever wants to have a go!!
Tumblr media
Name: Sterling Davies
Alias/Nicknames: Bell, Agent
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Zodiac: Taurus
Abilities/Talents: expert in cryptography and espionage. Highly experienced with stealth weapons and sniper rifles. Also great at puzzles and arcade machines.
Alignment:  lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: None
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Russian, English, German, French
Family: Velika and Luka Turgenev (birth parents). Depending on AU, "Perseus".
Friends: Adler, Mason, Park, Sims, Belikov, Woods (kind of).
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 183cm
Scars: large bullet wound scar on abdomen, several small lacerations on wrists and forearms.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them:
Rising Tide - Black Ops Cold War Soundtrack
Going Under - Evanescence
Wicked Game - Ursine Vulpine ft Annac
Sacrifice of Tradition - Ghost of Tsushima Soundtrack
Her Sweet Kiss - The Witcher
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Moceit Superhero AU
Mostly tickles because yeah, I have no control in my life anymore ahcahcahcanvagcahca.
Random concept just because:
- Superhero Patton
- "Villain" Janus (he doesn't do any really bad crime, he just wanna see some chaos :3).
They found each other in the t-community and when they aren't busy fighting with each other they chat, are silly and cute (and teasy, sure)
After some time they discover that both live in the same city! Yay!
They agree in meeting each other! :D
They met each other :D
"Holy sh*t it's my enemy."
"... I wonder if he can recognize me without the mask?"
Surprise! They both can!
But they don't talk about it because yeah, they don't wanna risk in telling the other something he doesn't know.
They had a really good time together as normal citizens! :D
In the next fight Janus can't control his mouth and ends up teasing Patton, who was not prepared to be Lee in the middle of a fight, but ohboi, he is not the "Shiny Switch" (his user on internet) for nothing, ok?
Yeah, now they randomly throw teases at each other while they're fighting and sometimes even put feathers in their hero/villain clothes because
Ya know
Evil puproses.
But they don't talk with each other about it because if Patton tells he is aware of who Janus is in "Real Life" he will have to arrest him.
And Janus doesn't say nothing because he knows Patton's dilemma and no, thank you, he doesn't wanna go to jail.
- * -) Janus, as the evil villain who saw Patton's new post saying "OK, this made me Lee akkqvgqfhfqrdahcwhfw *image of million hearts*" and came up with a quick plan where he sent a secret message to the hero telling he has a few hostages and "If you want them alive, you better hurry" just to catch the other in a trap and tickle him because "I can't believe you fall for that, it's literally the oldest trick of the world. Well, guess I will have to teach you a lesson about not running into traps." and disappearing (after a discrete hugs and some aftercare uwu) when he notices the hero had enough.
- * - ) And also Patton! Who a few days after this episode called Janus to go to his house to watch some movies and "Oh, I didn't knew this one had so many tickle-scenes! Silly me! :3" and rewinds all of that scenes because "I didn't get the conversation they were having before! Just one more time, I promisse!" ("YOU SAID THIS THE LAST FIVE TIMES!!!") until he finally tickles the poor blushed boyo.
An AU full of:
"Oh, I can't believe the big, bad villain Apophis [Yeah, like the Snake in egyptian mythology, I'm a nerd sush] it's so, soooooo much ticklish! Awwwwwwww! And he can snorts too!! Let's hear it again! Boop, boop, boop! Tickle tickle tickle!!! Aaaa! You are so adorable I could eat you!" *raspberry*
"My, my, a bit sensitive, are we? How unfortunate would that be if some enemy of yours discovered about it, don't you think? Ops, sorry, sorry, my hands slipped. Ops, they slipped again. ~ "
Together with all the """""" subtle"""""" teases in their normal life
"Good thing you aren't a supervillain, right? I mean, just a few squeezes here and there and here too and everwhere and then you would be totally defeated Hehehe!"
"Thank God you aren't a supehero, my gigglebug. Can you imagine all the rumors? Someone would tell *changing a bit the tune of his voice* 'Oh, that ticklish superhero?' and then the other would answer 'Yeah, yeah, that one so incredibly sensitive that just some scribbles are enough to makes him a giggly mess...' Huh? Can you imagine that, my blushy Lee?"
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