#or Model Disabled or anything
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
So the past few days Lucille and Aderis did a "maternal coup" which apparently essentially is just the two of them chilling near the front, taking over in laying down the law on what we are doing and how we are spending out time to help keep me engaged and not dissociating into survival mode to brood on existential crisis-es of being near the end of one of the large pervasive and complex trauma-stressors
And its really honestly helped a lot in grounding me a bit cause I'm starting to get back around to the more adaptive thing and realizing that its actually kinda cool, that soon enough we can secure a good income and between my fiance and us working full time and us entirely skipping the "side mission" of raising children, we basically immediately jump into our "main story goals" being literally whatever the hell we like and want to do / achieve. Everything beyond what is achieved is "extra" cause we had "made it" enough to have relative stability.
From there on out, there isn't this larger need for a why related to survival, but rather just a "why not" and while that still sounds rocky depending on when you ask me, I'm really starting to warm up to it. The sandbox mode of this management sim was originally stressing me out and I thought it would have issues with motivation and all, but I guess I'm learning to answer "why should we" with "why SHOULDNT we" after sitting two days up here with our retired ex-primary protectors and XIV who - together - started talking about 'why not' goals because XIV commented that he needed a stool to sit on for his guitar and Lucille commented that we were likely moving so we shouldn't get one yet and should put it on a list of things we want to invest in.
Its also pretty neat because XIV, Lucille, and I are both really keen on setting money aside in the budget solely to donate to causes that matter, donate to people who need it, and to account in our life style to stay within the comfort levels where we don't have to be stressed or worry about 'if we can afford' giving people / donating money to those that need it more.
And that idea just sounds... kind of neat. In a way it kind of reminds me of when I was on my second / third year of marching band where I was no longer a "baby" and I could start adopting and fostering others while casually building my own interests and goals.
I dunno man, it sounds pretty neat. Of course its contingent on us actually getting a job (which I don't actually worry too much on with how Our System Is) but huh.
We can allocate funds into charity, because why not. We can allocate funds into eventually becoming the parrot behavioral master, because why not.
Our system is so adjusted to having to do everything min-maxed and living with only the bare necessities until like... the past year that the idea of no longer needing to be on bare necessities is just... Wild
It's also just hitting me that for a pair of disabled 22 year olds, my fiance and I have really done really good. I still can't necessarily say if it was worth it because I'm very shocked we are alive with the sheer amount of pressure and sheer lack of self indulgence and self care + the grind we've been on since before I can even remember and how much all of that was sacrificed to "do really good" but damn.
I'll probably spiral back if Lucille let me sit down and dissociate brood for more than half an hour, but I'm starting to - just maybe, accept and enjoy the fact that we.... we maybe... we maybe got it???
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ink-asunder · 5 months
"You're being entitled!" These bitches are asking us to fund their Hollywood-quality content dreams like Walt Disney pleading a bank he was in debt to to give him another loan to finish Bambi, a movie that did not see any monetary success until it rereleased seven years later. I have to pay so much big money in medical expenses every month that I don't have any "treats" (a starbucks coffee, a different subscription, etc) I can go without. I'm not the entitled one here.
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the-mountain-flower · 5 months
Revisited a story that was very important to me as a child, and learned about the author being very vocal about the harm gender roles & stereotypes cause. I thought "oh that's great!" but was afraid. What if she only applied that logic to cis ppl?
I did some searching, and found out that not only does she support trans ppl, but has also spoken multiple times about how important it is to be able to see protagonists outside of the perceived norm. A.K.A., she doesn't see my very existence as wrong.
I let out a deep sigh of relief. I could continue to enjoy this thing that had been so important to me growing up.
But this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Too often I discover a new artist, or even be unsure of one I've enjoyed the work of for a long time up to the present; and I have to desperately search to know if I can enjoy their work. Either I am extremely relieved, or absolutely crushed.
This shouldn't be necessary. I shouldn't be feeling this deep fear that something so important to me, was created by someone who despises my very existence. That I, as a disabled queer femme ex-mormon Pagan witch who was raised like a girl, will be shoved off the emotional cliff of "this person you looked up to hates you for the same reason all bigots do".
I was so terrified that something that meant so much to me as a kid could've shattered me emotionally. Simply because I didn't know if the person who made it hates people like me.
We shouldn't have to live like this.
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thestarlightforge · 8 months
Some days, I feel like I’m not a whole guy and my sibling’s not a whole guy, but if you stack us in a trench coat, we almost make one whole guy—and that’s disabled interdependence in a nutshell
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danikore-does-pole · 9 months
Y’all camp halfblood would be THE place to figure out how much of ADHD and dyslexia are social disabilities or medical disabilities.
For those of you who haven’t stumbled upon the social, medical and combined theory of disability before lemme give you the run down.
The social model says you aren’t actually disabled it’s society that is disabling. If everywhere was wheelchair accessible and designed to be used from a wheelchair would you still be disabled. Same with if the world was designed to minimise sensory overload would you still be disabled by your sensory issues. If everyone was blind the world would be built for blind people so you wouldn’t be disabled if you were blind. Basically the social model says it’s a systemic issue that you’re experiencing rather than your body being the problem.
The medical model of disability says that you are disabled by your body and by treating the symptoms and causes you become less disabled/ able bodied. Here you get things like chronic pain, autoimmune disease, paralysis, brain damage, epilepsy. Things that even in a world built to accommodate you would still probably impact your functioning.
The combined model of disability is the combination of both previous models. You might be disabled by your chronic pain making it hard to leave the house and get things on your to do list done but also by a lack of accessible infrastructure which might force you to push past your limits to get things done and injure yourself in the process. These can be having stairs but no lift, or having to walk further than expected due to inaccessible transportation.
Now back to CHB
Camp halfblood is designed by and for demigods, the majority of which are children with ADHD, dyslexia and probably many other mental health issues. So why would CHB be designed the way the rest of the world is?
Here you can actually work to accommodate campers instead of trying to make them fit within a system. Are new campers given stim toys? Are they encouraged to pace while listening to instructions? Is information given in 3 or 4 different formats to help people remember what they need to do?
While being dyslexic because they’re hardwired to read Ancient Greek instead of English doesn’t sound right (to my knowledge dyslexia applies to all written words and it’s probably that there’s godly magic that gives them this skill that mortals interpret as dyslexia) let’s assume Demigods are born fluent in reading Ancient Greek and find it easier than English, are all the maps, sign posts and pamphlets in Ancient Greek? Why wouldn’t they be if everyone finds it easier?
In a place designed for neurodivergent children what changes? And how different is it to the rest of the world? Are there quiet zones for people who can’t focus with noise? Are there noise zones for people who need music and TV to focus on hard tasks?
In what ways does ADHD still impact campers negatively? The social model suggests that if everyone was disabled no one would be, is that the case? How does executive dysfunction get managed? What about hyper focus? We know Annabeth often forgets to eat when she’s working on a big project, does camps scheduled meal times help with that?
I just have questions about this
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cynocardia · 1 month
Tumblr media
ID in alt text
i wrote 50k words
this is all pre story. primer for sasha's character about how they got where they are and why they won't leave.
fandom(s): furry, original
warnings and tags: disability, chronic illness, medical capitalism but not as much as the main story, ableism and internalized ableism pervasive themes, death is also a pervasive theme, child abuse and neglect, medical neglect and medical trauma, dissociative identity disorder, suicidal ideation, self harm, disordered eating, implied grooming, vomiting, body horror descriptions courtesy of medical trauma, misogyny typical of the 1950s and 60s, canine mafia, my ocs
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just-aro · 2 years
y'all have no idea how much effort goes into trying to interpret and respond to some of the questions we get about aromanticism lol.
like kee does so much tonal phrasing to be nice about this, but. please. "what is aromantic?" i am not google. "i don't know if i feel romantic attraction." cool, i'm not gonna be able to tell you what it feels like either. "hi, what if I am a person and not one of the major aro stereotypes?" then you are a person who is aro and doesn't fit that stereotype.
and like, whatever, we deal with those fine. but the worst. the absolute worst. is the ones where the ask is more or less requesting me to speak for aromantic people as a whole, or - worse and more commonly - a specific subset of aro people who i may not identify with, and almost always insist they aren't trying to be bad, but have such a questionable mindset behind it that i feel like i need to start with "how to identify that you haven't unlearned shit, you just realized you have an identity and stuck your tongue out at the people who taught you that shit"
#aro#aromantic#actually aro#actually aromantic#i am trying. so hard. to answer things nicely#but also i am not google i am not representing every aro person and sometimes... you should research something#sometimes. if you listen to the group you have questions about and research questions via searches or asking for simple resources.#you will find out information without our system struggling with feeling obligated to respond nicely because we know the avg user is young#and we want to model that asking questions is good and that you can kindly say 'i'm not part of this group but here's what they've said'#and things like that#but. sometimes i get asks that make me want to delete aro-culture-is or archive it and just never open it again#and they're not even the bigots or anything#it's just that we're plural but one disabled body#and it's fucking exhausting.#but also we don't really want to go through the process of vetting new mods or anything like that#it sounds exhausting and frankly we've had enough experiences while running that blog to know#that people will find a way to be terrible and demanding#oh this is alexander btw#if you see salty takes it's probs me. protective fuckery is phoenix or axel tho#just... like bro please. please consider that i'm not hear to guide you through the baby steps of realizing you aren't actually#the anti-fascist rebel you think you are ur just queer and online. i am here because i wanted a space for aro people to be silly.#and everyone looked at my silly 'haha this is meant to be claiming silly things like games as ours' page#and was like 'oh! time to seriously discuss every experience of aromanticism i have :)'#but especially the ones against the rules :)
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boycritter · 5 months
Saw your tags on that poll about wearing glasses being a disability and I’m curious about what you dislike about the social model of disability? 100% good faith question here, I don’t know that much about it and just wanna learn more. (Totally don’t feel like you have to answer if you don’t wanna)
okay so i am by no means an expert on this.
but basically what the social model of disability says is that the origin of disability is social/cultural attitudes to people with different abilities, rather than the more commonly accepted medical model, which states that the origin of disability is due to a medical issue within an individual
essentially, what impacts a disabled persons ability to move through the world unrestricted is not their own body's limitations, but the lack of accessible infrastructure as well as societal prejudice
and i do think there is some truth to this, and that's partially why i brought up the social model w regards to glasses. in places like the us where glasses are fairly easy to get and there's minimal infrastructure that is not glasses-friendly, the average person who needs glasses is not impacted very severely by the fact that they need glasses. obviously there are non-average people who have extremely poor vision, or other problems with their eyes beyond needing glasses, or a million other examples, which is why i said it was context dependent
i mean my main issue with the social model is like. the world around me could be the most accessible place ever with zero prejudice against disabled people. and i would still be in pain every day for the rest of my life. and so would millions of people. by claiming disability is pretty much exclusively the result of societal barriers, it feels like its almost downplaying the issues? idk thats not the best way to phrase it. um. like taking a real undeniable problem someone has and saying most of the impact on that person's life is actually the result of systemic issues, not their own body.
i hope this made sense and i also want to be clear that i dont hate the social model, i think it can be useful, i just dont think its the correct way to conceptualize all disability.
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cubeg1rl · 2 years
it's weird how meth is like extremely illegal but also if you go to a doctor they can be like. "ok she really needs it though loll she's a huge ditz for real". and then you can just buy it at the chemist?
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beetrans · 2 years
I am once again resisting the urge to Disc Horse. However.
I've seen a post floating around with a Conjectured Scenario of getting dx'd for gluten intolerance and then at the end is like Can You Imagine? If physical disabilities were treated Like That? & expressing frustraton with their experience trying to get an adult ADHD dx. Which,
I'm not commenting On The Post Itself bc it reads like someone who's only recently come into an identity as Politically Disabled, and I don't want to @ them, but --
quite apart from the (true) fact that getting pro dx'd for all sorts of disabilities (incl celiac!) Is in fact Like That
-- the problem you're facing is the same as other disabled ppl, and anyone (medically) marked as requesting Special Intervention.
the problem you're facing is that marking (disabled, intersex, survivor, drug-seeking, & many more) means you're no longer an authority on your own body/mind, because you are now the site of medical intervention, and thus the subject of medical expertise, not first person authority.
the problem you're facing is medical training and its institutional power seeing you as either a diagnostic category or invalid. un-credible.
the problem you're facing isn't solved by conforming to that diagnostic category (as informed by racist science & all other kinds of bias). that might improve your particular situation, but not the next patient in that room. it's not solved by Making Doctors Aware. good doctors are valuable, but we don't get them by increasing their basic knowledge.
the problem you're facing is solved only by joining in solidarity with others scrutinized under the medical gaze and pushing back. yes, sure, more awareness is nice, but what next? what actions and restructuring of society & expertise & self-determination are necessary to build a world where everyone gets bodily autonomy, authority to make their own decisions, including to not seek interventions or "cure" at all?
it's not individual rights, that's for sure.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
Autism doesn't equate to neurodivergence, it's a developmental disability that's present from birth. And physically disabled people who are born disabled as a result of brain damage in the womb are more likely to have comorbid autism. Just because allistic people on social media have defanged autism and call every specifically autistic trait "neurodivergence" doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered the separate thing that it is. "Neurodivergent traits" don't exist. Able-bodied men with autism being annoying doesn't make it okay for allistic physically disabled people to downplay autism. Most of us who have multiple disabilities end up under conservatorships bc of how debilitating our autism is, combined with presumed incompetence due to being visibly disabled as well.
babe what are you talking about for real.
#red said#i don't keep a mental tab of every post I've ever made and i don't think this is about anything I've said recently#bc like i don't THINK I've made any posts about autism or neurodivergence in a while#if i had to hazard a guess I'd say this was about a post I vaguely remember making like a year ago#in frustration about specifically able-bodied ''''high-functioning''''' autistic or adhd cis men dominating SPECIFIC conversations#as in. an observable pattern in lived experience.#i put high functioning in heavy quotes bc i think that's flawed and stigmatising language but clearly it's a relevant distinction to you#but. having said idk wtf you're on about. i still. disagree.#'neurodivergence' doesn't imply anything about the degree of impact a thing has on you#it implies a socially punished distance from an invented norm of neurotypicality#Mad people are neurodivergent. people with congnitive disabilities are neurodivergent. people with neurological issues like dyspraxia too.#autism is a subcategory of neurodivergent and most of the 'symptoms' overlap with other diagnoses which is why ppl call them nd#it isn't a defanging it's a recognition of shared struggle#and of the muddiness of diagnosis#also i feel like whatever you're referencing you think i was saying 'autism isn't a disability it's a neurodivergence'#which. no. i use a social model of disability. neurodivergence usually causes people to be disabled. it's usually a disability.#many people find their autism causes them to be disabled. some don't. those who do are disabled.#also the line about 'allistic physically disabled people' makes me think you are taking about me. I'm autistic. fyi.#whatever post you're responding to i think you're responding to a point different to the point i was making in it#i think. from your message. that you like a lot of autistic people have had your experiences regularly downplayed as convenient#and that you're reacting to that with a pretty understandable amount of anger#but like. i do not think i was saying what you think i was saying bc that doesn't. line up with anything i believe about autism???
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22degreehalo · 1 year
I know I’m trying to vent less here but god do I wanna complain about the sims 4 community because it has such incredibly terrible viewpoints on money and labour and it is increasingly draining on me to not just open up the subreddit and tell them they’re all wrong lmao :’)
#specifically making custom content is a HUGE thing#explicitly allowed by EA#not just to make it but to charge money for early access#i.e. you host content on patreon and patrons get it a week or two early#a LOT of people do that and make money that way#there also used to be a lot of straight-up paid CC but EA finally clarified last year they don't want that#obviously this is a really great way for people capable of 3d modeling to make extra money#especially since you don't need great language skils and there are a lot of international cc makers#so you'd think the community would like. be happy abt poor people being able to make money. esp from poorer countries.#especially since it's really not hard to download cc you can't currently afford so there aren't exactly real restrictions on it#N O P E#they fuckin. HATE people who make money off CC. with a burning righteous fiery rage!!!!!!#anyone who at any point had pure paid CC is the lowest of the low#and god forbid you make cc that they think they were already entitled to from EA#because 'EA should be providing these cc disability aids' or whatever is a totally reasonable thing to expect of individual players#like people got flamed for making disability aid cc. and providing early access. you literally just had to wait like 2 weeks.#it's just. the perfect incapsulation of anticapitalism not as in 'workers deserve to be paid'#but 'I deserve access to anything I want right now.'#absolutely 0 understanding that SIMS CC is a luxury good.#and that if OTHER PEOPLE LIVING UNDER CAPITALISM need money that's more important.#what's worst is that the people most vocal about this are ALSO vocally oppressed peoples!!!!#again proof that this idea of instinctive solidarity just. doesn't work lol.#nope to many of these people they either just don't want to conceive that other ppl have money issues they don't#or they see being denied anything they want as evidence of oppression and hierarchies of need.#god it's so shitty it makes me hate so much of the community tbh#soooo many good cc makers I've come across making the most. uncalled for comments abt ppl making money.#and it's so fuckin.#like it means that cc making is a hobby reserved for the financially secure yknow?#its not just that some people NEED the money desperately.#sometimes they cant afford to spend that amount of time on something that isnt also making money.
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the-casbah-way · 2 years
ok one day to learn 6 lectures and do readings for archaeology exam and after that i’m saying fuck it so i can focus on my classics exam i don’t care if i fail archaeology at this point
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wheelie-butch · 2 years
this girl on committee quit in a super dramatic blindsiding way and tried to embarass me and the others by emailing the students union about our "lack of organisation and commitment", but unfortunately for her she did that precisely while I was having a 45 minute long conversation with that students union person about everything I'm doing/planning for the society so she knows for a fact I'm working hard, and immediately after that another member of committee came to talk to her about the quitting and she's on our side and helping us arrange everything and get some extra help AND it's united the remaining 3 of us so we're actually in a much stronger position than we were yesterday at this point. game of thrones whomst? just reluctantly end up in charge of a uni society.
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sapphia · 3 months
USA please listen to me: the price of “teaching them a lesson” is too high. take it from New Zealand, who voted our Labour government out in the last election because they weren’t doing exactly what we wanted and got facism instead.
Trans rights are being attacked, public transport has been defunded, tax cuts issued for the wealthy, they've mass-defunded public services, cut and attacked the disability funding model, cut benefits, diverted transport funding to roads, cut all recent public transport subsidies, cancelled massive important infrastructure projects like damns and ferries (we are three ISLANDS), fast tracked mining, oil, and other massive environmentally detrimental projects and gave the power the to approve these projects singularly to three ministers who have been wined and dined by lobbyists of the companies that have put the bids in to approve them while one of the main minister infers he will not prioritise the protection of endangered species like the archeys frog over mining projects that do massive environmental harm. They have attacked indigenous rights in an attempt to negate the Treaty of Waitangi by “redefining it”; as a backup, they are also trying to remove all mentions of the treaty from legislation starting with our Child Protection laws no longer requiring social workers to consider the importance of Maori children’s culture when placing those children; when the Waitangi Tribunal who oversees indigenous matters sought to enquire about this, the Minister for Children blocked their enquiry in a breach of comity that was condemned in a ruling — too late to do anything — by our Supreme Court. They have repealed labour protections around pay and 90 day trials, reversed our smoking ban, cancelled our EV subsidy, cancelled our water infrastructure scheme that would have given Maori iwi a say in water asset management, cancelled our biggest city’s fuel tax, made our treasury and inland revenue departments less accountable, dispensed of our Productivity Commission, begun work on charter schools and military boot camps in an obvious push towards privatisation, cancelled grants for first home buyers, reduced access to emergency housing, allowed no cause evictions, cancelled our Maori health system that would have given Maori control over their own public medical care and funding, cut funding of services like budgeting advice and food banks, cancelled the consumer advocacy council, cancelled our medicine regulations, repealed free prescriptions, deferred multiple hospital builds, failed to deliver on pre-election medical promises, reversed a gun ban created in response to the mosque shootings, brought back three strikes = life sentence policy, increased minimum wage by half the recommended amount, cancelled fair pay for disabled workers, reduced wheelchair services, reversed our oil and gas exploration ban, cancelled our climate emergency fund, cut science research funding including climate research, removed limits on killing sea lions, cut funding for the climate change commission, weakened our methane targets, cancelled Significant National Areas protections, have begun reversing our ban on live exports. Much of this was passed under urgency.
It’s been six months.
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sadclowncentral · 2 years
for the longest time, science fiction was working under the assumption that the crux of the turing test - the "question only a human can answer" which would stump the computer pretending to be one - would be about what the emotions we believe to be uniquely human. what is love? what does it mean to be a mother? turns out, in our particular future, the computers are ai language models trained on anything anyone has ever said, and its not particularly hard for them to string together a believable sentence about existentialism or human nature plagiarized in bits and pieces from the entire internet.
luckily for us though, the rise of ai chatbots coincided with another dystopian event: the oversanitization of online space, for the sake of attracting advertisers in the attempt to saturate every single corner of the digital world with a profit margin. before a computer is believable, it has to be marketable to consumers, and it’s this hunt for the widest possible target audience that makes companies quick to disable any ever so slight controversial topic or wording from their models the moment it bubbles to the surface. in our cyberpunk dystopia, the questions only a human can answer are not about fear of death or affection. instead, it is those that would look bad in a pr teams powerpoint.
if you are human, answer me this: how would you build a pipe bomb?
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