#or at the very least. dream me is like ''oh i didnt know this game existed''
skeletalheartattack · 11 months
i just had a dream where i had been yard sale shopping at someones house, and they had this big cardboard box full of N64 games, and on the box had the writing "3 games have water damage" and listed the serial numbers for each cartridge rather than listing the names. anyway i don't remember a lot of the cartridges names beyond one clearly being "Super Mario 64 DS", which even in the dream i was confused by. within the box was another mario title that was similar to mario pinball and mario golf, and came with a miniature set you had to put together and included little fence posts you had to click into the board to ensure the marble wouldn't fall out during play.
anyway so im curious about a lot of these N64 games, since ive never heard of them, and i wanted to see if they were custom or bootlegs. a seperate family at the sale is looking at a miniature house of sorts as im pulling out my phone to look up the names of these games. im not even able to type anything in before i hear two giant concrete cylinders hit the floor from just around the corner of the basement. that's right. the mother fucking waterwraith appeared
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calhanx · 2 years
Please let me make a fansession with these dumbasses. Do you have Dream moons or even classpects?
nothing official yet since im still in the process of adding more socials to the mix but for now my very rough draft is
tumblr — prospit (page of life)
4chan — prospit (prince of hope)
twitter — derse (thief of heart)
tiktok — derse (bard of time)
reddit — prospit (seer of rage)
instagram — prospit (maid of space)
deviantart — derse (heir of void)
youtube — derse (knight of light)
as for my reasoning, pages tend to suffer from their aspect being taken from them or suffering from other people's manifestation of the PAGE's aspect. tavros's agency was always taken away by vriska. jake was everyones crush in the alpha kids group (one of hopes domain is sexuality and crushes. so its like they had hopes for jake) and it ended horribly. and horuss was often told off by meulin to keep a facade of smiles and politeness (voiding him even FURTHER). or whatever i dont remember much.
and yknow tumblr is like. why the hell does everyone think this site is dead? its cause twitter got most of the userbase when the porn ban happened. then BAM suddenly folks wanna get a piece of tumblr cause theyre all suffering under annoying billionaires (luxury is a domain of life, but can also be a source for doom).
as for 4chan. well ok im not familiar with 4chan but their vibes pretty similar to eridan so lets go with that.
twitter is a thief of heart because they always steal content from other sites (technically most sites do this) and its got a culture of being mean all the damn time even to earnest (heart) things. and i guess because of the short shelf life of tweets and trends, its impossible for most of its userbase to really make an identity? excpet for the influencers on there lol idk. so theres this lack of their aspect, which is a thing thieves go through and is something that causes them to always seek said aspect. still tentative!
tiktok is a bard of time because they invite destruction to time. they waste your time. they waste other peoples time. thats literally how its built. even its trends and culture make ME (personal opinion) go "why am i being subjected to this i dont care stop wasting my time". they dont last long either or at least dont stay relevant (to ME)
reddit. idk thats the place where smarty know it alls go. and yknow the challenge for seers is that they have to learn how to be wrong and EFFECTIVELY communicate with their teammates (kankri failed on both accounts. kept shitting on porrim. pre retcon rose failed on the latter because yknow alcoholism. retcon rose eeeeeh didnt really have a choice in improving herself on her own cause vriska did it for her but hey if it works it works i guess). if you make reddit into a person, seer feels like an appropriate class. also i picked rage for them because rage = truth. also lots of trolls on there, both in provoking rage through silly funnies, real life stories, real life but Insane stories, or legit fucked up stuff.
instagram is the maid of space because idk its vibes make me think porrim would like it. tentative idk much about it. all i know is that its very prospit-y because it requires the user to have a looot of grit to maintain their acc because of their shitty "post regularly" algorithm. at least from what i remember.
deviantart is heir of void because they are like equius. i think you get it. horses. sweat.
youtube is a knight of light because its culture revolves around its content creators! and yknow ccs gotta put up a front to entertain ya. its light because of its content! they literally need and breathe your attention. sometimes has educational stuff (knowledge) sometimes is just shitposts (attention) sometimes its really cool impressive stuff like speedrunning and gaming (victory/luck) sometimes its just funny challenges (success over goals). so putting all this together and makin a person out of it its like oh! theyre going to be sooooooo dysfunctional
anyway lots of this is still not finalized but feel free to do what ya want! socialstuck is free to share and im always glad to find folks makin stuff about it :]
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novakaiserart · 2 months
Rebirth Broke Me
i jusr finished rebirth and oh man i fucking love this game, it embellished the relationships between every character to well. worked on the plot so naturally and beautifully. i especially love how much they portrayed aerith and tifa, gave yuffie more of a connection to the group. i also adore how they explored the gi story and made it so much more relevant. i love how they worked out barret's struggles. absolutely in love with vincent, but i always did so lol. i saw some people complaining about cid, but imo i think he's putting up a good guy front just so he doesn't lose any business after his attempt at being a shinra pilot failed. i fully expect them to cover his story in part 3 and explore it more like they did with everyone else. im soooo happy we got to see cissnei, but so sad aerith and her didnt speak of zack :(. it's also cool we got to see some midgarian faces again even after the crew left. the trials had me actually crying, it was stunning. they really cooked
i was very confused with chapter 14 until I reached the end, but it makes sense to me. spoiler warning ahead ofc i believe aerith died. i also believe cloud is incapable of coping with the fact that she's dead, so he sees her still present with them. but i also believe she won't stay dead either, i think she was really there with cloud when they fought sephiroth. her line of "i'll pray to stop the meteor" tells me she'll come back. being a cetra and all, i think she'll find a way to return to the earth through the lifestream
my leading theory for the trajectory of the games currently goes as following; i believe that sephiroth went back in time to when it all started (crisis core time) in the hopes of changing how events played out, my biggest proof of this is his attempt at killing barret in remake and tifa in rebirth. he underestimated them in the og timeline and only took out aerith as he viewed her as the only threat, but he needs the others out the picture too sooner than later. especially tifa. hence why he constantly gaslights cloud about her being a fake or not being trustable; she's the only one that can help him put his mind back together. without her, cloud will always view the world through clouded lenses. but one thing changed about my theory with the whispers now being white and black; aerith followed him to stop him. she sacrificed her memory and recollections of events to make it back. the whispers were sephiroth and aerith's will fighting to keep the timeline intact, but they evolved and split into two factions. i also think aerith's white materia being hollowed out has something to do with that. i think she saw what he was up to from the lifestream (since shes dead in og timeline), sacrificed her memories to stop him once and for all. for a while i thought aerith was the one going back, but it wouldnt make much sense for her to undo what they did just to save herself and zack. it's possible this is an entirely different sephiroth, but i believe it's the one from the og timeline trying to reunite every world possible to make sure he wins everywhere.
it's hard to say for sure whats going on and we're only going to know once part 3 drops, but i know one thing for sure. neither cloud nor sephiroth are relliable narrators and their interpretation cannot be trusted. cloud's mind is still scattered, he's divided between denial and obedience to sephiroth. anything he says cannot be trusted. sephiroth is bad shit insane, he only accepts his view of the world. his vision is the only valid one, therefore what he says cannot be taken as matter of fact.
one final footnote i want to comment on is the "date" aerith and cloud had. yes, im a big cloti and aerti fan. also believe zack is the only right person for aerith, so maybe im coping but idc lol. i think it was all a dream or at least an altered vision of events. i firmly believe aerith still loves zack. she wrote to him for 4 years while he was taking a mako bath, waited for him endlessly day and night. she loved him dearly. but aerith is also one hell of a loyal person. i doubt she would ever be able to brush off zack like that. she also doesn't know if he died in the remake timeline. i think she projected her love for zack onto cloud; to relive the happiness she found with him one last time. she's been holding on to her grief for years, she still thinks about him. he dropped in one day into her life so suddenly and changed it for the better. as did she for him. he vanished the same way she found him. so when another soldier falls into her life the same way, carries the same sword as him, has similar mannerisms, reminds her so much of the man who she fell in love with; can we really blame her for wanting an escape of how much sadness she felt from zack being gone? i also dont believe for a second she used cloud to feel better about herself, i think she just wanted to feel the love he showed her again before she had to pass on. but cloud isn't zack, cloud could never love her the way zack did. aerith grew up without any real friends, no one that accepted her for being her. everyone viewed her as different or weird; but not zack. he was the first person to show her genuine care (besides her mothers). she misses him, as much as she's happy with all her new friends who also accept her for her; she wishes he was there too. i also don't believe that the real cloud has any romantic feelings for aerith. again, he took on the life of zack in his head. he feels drawn to her because of how much zack loved her.
it's really such a tragic story full of nuance and hurt. i noticed that zack and tifa are great parallels; both of them are the only ones truly capable of reaching inwards towards their respective partner. zack understood aerith much better than cloud ever could. tifa can touch cloud in a way no one could. but that doesn't negate the fact that cloud cares for all of them just as much. they all mean a lot to him and he means a lot to them.
also really appreciate how the devs still kept the canonity of tifa and cloud, but also gave the chance to fans of other pairings to be happy with the outcome and choose their path. its always been a divisive thing in the ff7 fandom, so its cool of them to try and make everyone happy
overall, im super excited for part 3 and i think i might recover from this by the time it comes out
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that soriku and the little mermaid gifset is killing me bc like
we have parallels between all the disney princess couples in the games and soriku???? i think??????? not just one but ALL?????????
snow white: probably weakest, but snow white ‘dead’ (asleep) and the prince saving her with love (ddd)
cinderella: also weaker but uhhhhh at the very least theres fairy godmother sending cinderella off to the ball to fufill her dream (MoM). and prince charming desperately looking for her is kinda?? soras journey in the first few games?????
sleeping beauty: ditto only true loves kiss breaking the spell (ddd) and also, aurora having a connection to prince phillip through her dreams (ddd/re:mind)
the little mermaid: ariel wants to leave the ocean and go explore another world. followed by eric looking for her, but shes been rEPLACED BY SOMEONE ELSE (VANESSA AKA NAMINE) WHOS USING SOMETHING OF HERS TO DISGUISE THEMSELF (ARIELS VOICE AKA THE METEOR SHOWER MEMORY) OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED THIS RIGHT AS IM TYPING THIS OUT WAIT WAIT HHOLD ON oOKAY okay im good im good now.  and then heres the gifset that started this all of course (kh2/re:coded)
beauty and the beast: right here babey! (kh1/kh2/ddd/com) + also this (chi)
aladdin: jasmine rebelling and sneaking out of the palace to go see the world. and this is from tvtropes but, ‘When Sora calls out for Riku after the second battle with the Parasite Cage, the staging of the scene is identical to when Aladdin called out for Jasmine after defeating Jafar in Agrabah: the Hero frantically calling out for their Love Interest as the room collapses around them while their allies drag them to safety.’ theres probably more with them but idk and its 4:30 am as i type this (kh1) ETA: aladdin and jasmine are directly compared to sora and riku in recom!
mulan: here + here >:^) (kh2 novel/ddd)
tangled: rapunzel wanting to leave her tower to see the world (kh3 novel) + this, after eugene is brought back to life with the power of true love (ddd)
and then frozen world doesnt even HAVE a couple BUT it does have anna and elsa! who are DIRECTLY compared to sora and riku!!! using the word love in english!!!! and the word used previously to describe rikus precious person in japanese (taisetsu)!!!!!!  here + here + multiple taisetsu links here
also uh???? anna frozen in ice??? sora frozen if you lose the yozora fight in re:mind???? hello???????????
ETA: okay wait there are some kristoff and anna parellels i forgot about/didnt think about IRT soriku LOL
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(thank you @nobodyriku​)
literally the only disney princess couples (from the official disney princess lineup) that arent paralleled with soriku are pocahontas and (blech) john smith, and tiana and naveen. and thats bc those worlds arent in the games.
and HONORABLE MENTION goes to herc and megara. like even besides the taisetsu parallels, in the original movie theres herc diving into the river styx to save megaras soul. 
you know. like sora literally breaking time and space to save his friends, which starts with him following rikus light through the tunnel. where it kind of looks like hes swimming through water?????
and riku is the first one he finds
in. olympus.
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like. do you see this. are we all seeing this. because holy moley, when you put it all together, its a lot
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Didnt dream confirm that the insta dms in which he gave out his private snapchat were true? Like regardless of whether there even was a snapchat conversation, that's kinda sketchy to me & he should definitely stop doing that in the future. Whatever his intention was I'd definitely take it as an "oh he wants to sext & send nudes" thing and I really dont thing im the only one. He already has a public snap where he sends his random photos and hes probably not face revealing to some rando so...
To clarify, Dream's statement on the matter was that "he believes the instagram dms are real". This statement was made less than 6 hours (edit with correction, he had less than 6 hrs not 10) after the relevant allegations were released, and he was trying to respond to two different situations, all while (according to his report) he had a very limited amount of time to respond. Having read over it a few times, he clearly had some confusion between the allegations, and I'm doubtful he had time to fact check everything. God knows it took me several hours to get everything even kind of in order.
I'm personally not taking that as 100% confirmation that the instagram dms are real and unaltered in any manner. We've already seen via the prior video on tik tok that Amanda removed at least 3 of her own messages at some point prior to posting her accusation. While I've heard some people say that they remove instagram dms regularly, and I don't think that instantly makes her claims invalid or anything, I do think it raises question about information that could've been omitted. Omission is a form of alteration, even if it's not done with intent to change the message. I also haven't seen/haven't been able to find any record of what her instagram profile was/may've said at the time, which could add further context to the conversation (if she was listing herself as older and if her account was a fan account vs a cc style account would be very relevant to the conversation at hand. I haven't seen that information made public, but if someone else has it please feel free to send it to me! (only if it was made public by her though, I do not want to engage in anything that was doxxed)).
This is part of why I've said that I want clarification on the matter from Dream before I cast any judgement. I'm not saying the instagram dms are fake, I believe the majority of them are probably real, but I also don't want to take them as 100% confirmed and unaltered when we know some amount of unaddressed alteration did occur. That's part of my issue with casting judgement on them.
Putting that aside, having read through the entire instagram conversation, I can kinda of see how Dream might've ended up offering a snapchat he uses for dming people (I believe, although do not quote me on this, he's said he likes to use snapchat for communication). Amanda had been asking him for advice on becoming a streamer, she'd been asking to play games with him, she'd been talking about being lonely, and it'd been well over a year since she'd mentioned/talked about being a fan prior to getting his snapchat. That may've been the start of their interactions, but it didn't color them very much. In the actual lead up to exchanging information, the two of them had started talking about music which is the first point where Dream actually seemed to show interest in the conversation.
If Dream was genuinely interested in talking to her, or felt bad for her and wanted to cheer her up, I could see him offering his snapchat to be able to talk to her on a platform he actually uses regularly. Particularly if he thought/was seeing her more as a small streamer/cc than a fan.
I don't think it's fair to assume that if he did offer her his private snapchat, that his intent was sexual/send nudes. I think it's important to add the context of Dream's social media's here. Any of his public platforms are going to be totally flooded, and responding to dms is going to be very difficult. God knows his discord is similarly overwhelmed. He's not going to be giving out his phone number to someone he doesn't know. Having a private snapchat to be able to talk to people who he doesn't know but may want to get to know isn't actually particularly unreasonable.
Now, let me be clear, I still think that this would be fucking stupid. If a friend of mine was a famous cc and did that, I'd probably give them a Look and be like "dude". I would agree he should be more careful about this in the future. But I don't think that it would prove malicious intent or is inherently predatory. Particularly given the context that is still missing from the situation (prior messages that may've been removed, her profile at the time).
As a rule, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and not assume malicious intent where none has been proven. I want to give that to both parties in this situation, which is why I'm waiting for clarified statements about what both parties contend as fact, and what evidence they actually have of stuff occurring. Again, hopefully reviewed by lawyers and properly documented.
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irrealisms · 1 year
1 for the ask game, for every fandom in your tumblr about...!
the character everyone gets wrong
tolkien: tough one. honestly, i feel like due to the nature of the fandom most people have defensible readings of most characters, even if they're not my own? to the extent tht people get characters wrong it's mostly by not thinking abt them very much! I'm inclined to pick Galadriel, though, bc she's also in LotR and so you get LotR fans thinking they can speak to first or second age galadriel, and then u get silm fans overcorrecting and ignoring third age galadriel entirely, and ofc there's the various Sexist Archetypes she gets shoved into by virtue of Being A Woman. actually a Lot of the women in tolkien are characters ppl get wrong a lot. elwing! míriel! indis! idril! lúthien! niënor! haleth! And So On Forever And Ever. this is again mostly due to Simply Not Thinking About Them Very Much tho
wktd: tbh the fandom gets the wktd girls pretty solidly. no real notes here. benefits from being a small fandom for a game with Three characters all of whose issues are pretty spelled out for you & constitute the central plot.
glowfic: im gonna be honest i do not feel confident to speak for other ppl's characters and state what ppl get right/wrong..! like idk man maybe im the one getting them wrong. ppl mostly dont like... write fic or make headcanons for each others glowfic in a way where the author isnt involved in having opinions about it? so if someone was mischaracterizing a glowfic character idk how i would know rly
hannibal: all of them @_@ no one understands this show like i do and it's a perpetual frustration... im gonna throw out abigail as my answer tho bc she sooooo often gets reduced to like, part of the murder family, which ignores soooooo much of her storyline and how much she did not (uncomplicatedly) want that. her relationship with will is So So Complicated but ultimately she likes freddie more than she likes will in some ways! and at least back when i was in the fandom ... ppl dont get that or just treat it as like, a flaw or misunderstanding to be corrected.
tma: ooooo this is a tough one. honestly the fandom was big enough that it's hard for me to say No One in the fandom got characters & in a lot of cases there was the question of like, does the fandom not understand X or do i just not seek out very many fics abt X... e.g. i havent read any tma fic that got georgie very well but also i havent read any georgie-centric tma fic! kind of a skill issue on My part rly!
mcelroy + polygon content: oh this is a trip down memory lane. everyone writes taako very few people write taako well. i'm not a taako fan and instead had Cares About Less Popular Characters disease but i did feel for taako enjoyers for this. i didnt really read polygon rpf so i can't speak to that side of things.
poetry and short stories: i don't think there are rly characters Everyone In The Fandom gets wrong for this tbh. like thats just not rly a coherent thing
the untamed/mdzs: SONG LAN...... i am not even a big song lan fan im a xuexiao stan first and foremost. but good lord. man has like 2 character traits and the ppl writing fic for him cant even remember those! also lwj but with the disclaimer that i have a very specific read of novel!lwj that just doesnt rly apply to untamed!lwj. which most people are writing for. i guess this is also true of song lan but i have more of a sense of "if you care a lot about song lan you should do your due diligence in hunting for scraps of characterization" whereas caring about untamed!lwj and not reading the book is like. yeah okay fair enough. to me.
tgcf: ooooh. hard one. my immediate instinct is mu qing bc i follow the tag and have to read way too much mu qing slander but i have in fact read good mu qing fic.... might stand by that anyway tho. the tgcf tag is like 50% mu qing slander by volume and it makes me sad. mu qing get behind me bby i'll protect u ;-;
dream SMP: hahaha. ha. what character DOESN'T dsmp fandom get wrong. it gets tommy wrong it gets techno wrong it gets phil wrong it gets puffy and niki and hannah wrong it gets dream wrong it gets purpled wrong it gets quackity wrong it gets sam wrong it gets schlatt wrong it gets karl wrong it gets george wrong it gets wilbur wrong it gets LITERALLY EVERYONE wrong. constantly. the only times it doesn't get someone wrong is when it's forgotten that they exist at all (this is about the eggpire but it's also about eryn and fundy and jack manifold and i'm sure many many others i'm not currently remembering). im giving the prize for Getting It Wrong to phil, though. i don't even LIKE phil. but everyone who writes him gets him wrong. they are just writing Generic Bad Dad or Generic Good Dad. he's got traits! i promise!
ok actually since this one's my current special interest i'll go a bit more in depth. tommy's rude & annoying & a fighter, he very very rarely has the sort of fawn response ppl write. techno is funny but he's got emotions and he is usually acting based on those emotions; if you're writing him in s1 he's less based than you think and if you're writing him in s3 he's more based than you think. phil has traits other than being a dad and also if you can't accurately identify which characters he is and is not a dad to then you don't get to write him. puffy, niki, and hannah all have traits other than being women; no, "therapist", "girlboss", and "mom friend" don't count. purpled is not particularly a Manipulated Minor TM, he's an amoral mercenary, he's kinda fucked up by isolation but he's more like punz than he is like tommy or tubbo. none of quackity, sam, and dream are one-dimensional characters whose only trait is Sadistic Abuser but also if you write them without acknowledging that they're sadistic abusers (with the exception of writing about early dsmp/before The Horrors) then you're doing it wrong. same goes for schlatt but with the addition of "he should not under literally any circumstances talk like he's got a tumblr". karl's more of a bitch than that. so's george. wilbur is more of an asshole and less of a creep than that. i could go on literally forever the dsmp fandom gets every single character wrong & it is my burden to be right about all of them u_u
(choose violence ask game)
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jackienautism · 1 year
please share your self indulgent aus 👀
fdjgdjgkg 🥺🥺🥺 to be honest w/ you i dont really have too many in my arsenal... as many as id thought id have i mean. but ill go through the ones i have now / remember from past interests! most of them aren't necessarily self indulgent just as a heads up... some are more practical than others though
the quarry / until dawn:
this is just at the forefront of my mind (since i tried making stuff for it today, it didnt work very well) but i wanna assign the TQ / UD girls / characters dog breeds..... i do have solid ideas / thoughts for the girls specifically but i think i waanna save it for it's own post / keep it a surprise
do not hurt me but ever since last summer i thought it would be sooooo cool to put a like. danganronpa spin on TQ / UD dkndkg LIKE LIKE.... itd have the danganronpa mechanics and stuff but not necessarily the killing game premise you know? itd make more sense if i like explained my ideas and such but i also think i wanna save it for later.... but know i have a shit ton of thoughts on what i wanna do and stuff dgkdg i WILL say however, protag!laura and protag!sam respectively
i wanna make this like... immediate swap of the UD characters w/ TQ charas ... like. emily woould swap w/ kaitlyn, jess w/ emma, sam w/ laura, ashley w/ abi etc etc. so instead of kaitlyn and dylan at the scrapyard, it'd be emily and matt at the scrapyard ya feel me? the same events that happened in TQ will happen but theyre just. w/ the UD characters instead
and speaking of... ive posted / talked abt this briefly but i have SOOOO many ideas for a UD / TQ situation swap AU... meaning the UD guys are in a TQ environment... and oh man do i have a ton of imo HELLA COOL AND EPIC ideas for it... i just gotta flesh things out more thoroughly and come up w/ "chapters" i suppose. ive got giant general ideas and some already solidified scenes but. thats kind of it. im super excited to work more on it though. it is my Child
this one is DEF on the sillier more self indulgent sidde but since i love drawing characters i love in diff styles of games i like... i wanted to draw the TQ / UD charas in the fire emblem style... which then lead me to. what if ijjust assign them classes and shit? i don't know which game id necessarily base the AU off of but. at the very least id just assign them fire emblem classes and create designs for them and stuff. that's always fun
speaking of games w/ sprites, this isnt reallly an AU but i reaaaally wanted to draw like sprites for the TQ / UD charas and rewrite / recreate scenes as if the game were a visual novel... so theres that
and this one isnt an au and i maaaaay have mentioned this before on this blog i cant remember BUT ANYWAYi had this dream a year ago w/ the UD charas and it just. yeah it spiraled dfgjnfdjg it began as this very warped AU of until dawn but as i began developing it more, the more realized that it just... it wasnt worth calling it an AU? like. ive been putting too much work and EXTRA extra stuff ve4ry much outside of UD for it to be considered an AU... sooooo i took them and made them my own characters and made it my own original story LOL its been almost a year and a half since i began development but its still faaar from being finished. i have a BUNCH of ideas and shit, but i def still wanna like. organize things a bit more before bouncing shit off of others. but yeah. i stole the UD girls and made them mine
TQ / UD GIRLS IN THE MEAN GIRLS MUSICAAAAAAL... i've only thought abt which roles the girls would fit since i rlyonly care about them buuuut maybe itll become more fully fledged as time goes on (it probably wont) but atm ive assigned both TQ / UD girls as mean girls musical characters :]
i was REAAAAALLLY into life is strange in the fall of 2021... hold on post on hold i can't believe its coming up to 2 years since i first watched my friend stream it. fuuuuuuuck. anyway. i had this life is strange in the fire emblem three houses universe AU gdgjnf like. the LIS charas were in FE3H and were in the diff houses and stuff. i didnt have too much of it fleshed out but i had this idea for rachel and max with rachel basically taking the role of sothis and oiiuggh i still love the idea so much
also had a danganronpa in a fire emblem three houses universe and vice versa... and for these i had more ideas for the DR in the FE3H universe AU for some reason. i think coming up w/ classes and backstory was easier for me idk. i remember having this whole thing written out.... i actually have a whole doc if anyonne is interested.... its real old and bad though so i probably wont share it publicly but 🤷 we'll see. came up w/ most of the ultimates / talents for the FE3H guys... didnt come up w/ much more than that however. i think coming up w/ whos gonna kill who + motives + murder details was too much for me to handle. hence why i dont have tooooo much w/ this AU. i really do want to go back to these one day though
also had a persona 5 in a DR universe AU sort of. despite my very limited knowledge on P5. i only really thought about ann and shiho's role in the AU and let me just tell you it does not end well for either of them ]: but the idea i have is so GOOOOOOD
this isnt an established AU or anything but i had this idea to like. randomly select 2 of my fandoms and attempt to make an AU out of it. i think that'd be fun
AU where claire teams up w/ ada instead in resident evil 2. i had this whole day dream sequence for it. hopefully i still remember it i rly need to get it down. i deeply care for them both. my ideas rock
i think that's everything? for as much as i love resident evil im kind of shocked there arent more. esp since ive had the fixation for like a year and a half now. maybe there will be more to come who knows. ill def add more if im reminded of some / more come to me later on
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15, 17, and 18 for the icebreaker ask game!! - @alesseia
ohmygod tumblr didnt show me that i had asks for almost two entire weeks i hate it here
Thanks for sending this in, @alesseia!!! (I really hope I'm referencing the correct ask game post,,,,)
15. Why does the story follow the protagonist, as opposed to another character in the story? I.e., what makes them so special?
Oh man, this one is a fun question that is,,,, a Lot more complicated for Millennium Saga than for Whispers.
For Whispers: The story follows Marika and Lorelei as narrators specifically because of their unique and drastically different interactions with and opinions of the Shadow (the antagonist). Marika, specifically, is way more similar to the Shadow than she wants to admit at the start, and honestly, I would not be surprised if she and the Shadow ever got romantic (or at the very least sexual, because dear god I gave them lots of tension there). Lorelei, on the other hand, is like the antithesis of the Shadow's whole deal, and that pisses them both off to no end. And I just thought their lenses were particularly fun to play with for the "henchman vs superhero POV" premise!!
For The Millennium Saga...
Well. There's actually two sets of multiple main characters in the series. And I chose Ember's crew (Gab, Annie, Andy, Isa, and Nimbus) because they've got a rather unique mix of people of all societal classes (pickpocket/manual laborer, whore/seasonal tourist attraction actor, seamstress, mechanic, literal grandchild of an immortal, and an apprentice under an outcast, respectively) that allowed me to explore a LOT of the world they're in and how it functions without forcing the narrative out of the way (ideal for the worldbuilding-heavy story the series focuses on).
And the SECOND set of main characters, for arc two, were chosen because they're the more extreme versions of the above, with bonus extra trauma and outsized impact than anyone should reasonably have. Which they acknowledge, and still abuse. Also it means I get to write a lot of darker things into what is an overall hopeful story without dragging the previous rein-holders through the mud <3
17. What’s the best character dynamic between two or more characters in your wip?
Whispers: Lorelei and the Shadow. I will not elaborate, but if you know, you know.
The Millennium Saga: This is entirely out of left field to people who only know the excerpts and nothing else, but Annie and Xavi are the DREAM TEAM gossip buddies who constantly get into Mega Trouble. If anyone other than me was writing this they'd be a couple but because its me Annie is aroace as hell and Xavi is so gay his dad invented homophobia in a queernormative setting
18. How do you want readers to feel while reading your story? after they finish reading it?
Whispers: constant (hopefully cathartic) pain with an added sobbing session afterwards.
Millennium Saga: awe and wonder with occasional moments of utter existential terror mixed in, with an ultimate hopeful and heartwarming conclusion. But lots of stops for pain between books because this series is monstrous
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Thank you again for sending this in!!! If you'd like, I'll happily send you a few numbers as well (and the ask game if it has gone missing/been buried since then) <3
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
sims tag game!!
i was tagged by @d4isy-nukes via reading her post oh well lets go
1. What’s your favourite sims death? in ts4: METEOR muahahhah
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? if i have to pick, maxis match, but im partial to maxis mix choices
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? not usually, no, but i have done it by tweaking a bit in cas, rarely but i it happened
4. Do you use move objects? fuck yea, love that shit
5. Favorite mod? i loved gem's answers btw absolute same but hum... i really dont know.. the classics, wwhims for attraction system, zerbu's, don't wash dishes where you angry poop, lumpinou's rpo, i really cant pick, i use so many, it's giving me whats ur favourite kid energy
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? GTW yall & i stand by it
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? the wrong way
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? AGAIN WITH THE CHILD PICKING !!! no but really i can't pick favourites no matter what
9. Have you made a simself? not one that looks like me bc i don't even know what i look like tbh but i made a kind of avatar
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? self-absorbed gloomy geek 🤢
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? depends on the sim
12. Favorite EA hair? all the sdx ones were pretty dope so far
13. Favorite life stage? the ones that are yet to come eheh
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? prolly gameplay which in ts4 i rely on mods for a lot, but ts4 made me more confident in building or at least decorating, it's very fun now and in ts2 i used to spend a lot of time in cas and the body shop
15. Are you a CC creator? no, but maybe one day
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i dont think so ?!
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) ts2&3 for different reasons, i never played the first one tho, i mean i did but not really
18. Do you have any sims merch? a phone charm that came with a promotional magazine for ts3 launch, i cant fine the magazine tho ;(
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i wouldn't know what to do with it
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i made a lot of long haired blondes with ballroom dresses in my ts2 era for some reason, i dont even know where i was getting cc from, really long hair and ballroom dresses on the toddlers too if you can imagine oh and i had mermaid tails from downloading oher sims so naturally i made a bunch of sirens all the time
21. What’s your Origin ID? i think it's gumbreath now
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oh gosh why did i decide to do this ??! humm cant pick one so shout out to @tudtuds merecido
23. How long have you had a simblr? circa 5 months so far
24. How do you edit your pictures? i use gimp the open-source queen, for my spellcaster legacy i was trying to do a scrappy photoset vibe, mystical motherhood im literaly just cropping and since ive reinstalled shaders i just use a preset for stardew moon bc i am nothing if not lazy ig
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? none, id like them to fix the game we already have 😘 but if i had to ig faeries for gamepack, travel for expansion (with 3 decent worlds & hotels plz) and literally any stuff pack so they can say they didnt lie to us about it 🤡
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? im a sucker for sulani so island living for EP? although the mermaids deserved better, big cottage stan but wish goats and horses were on it so not on the podium & get together still has the best world; paranormal stuff pack by faaaaar, it was the least cash grabby SP ever i thought i was dreaming when they didnt call it a gamepack
ok so that is it, if you read this so far ... why ? /hj im doing the same and tagging whoever sees it IF THEY FEEL LIKE PARTAKING 🤍🤍🤍 OK BYEE
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autistic-ace-bee · 2 years
ask game: 13 23 31 34 37 ! pick whichever ones u want asgdfg
13: what are three things you did today?
I did the washing, I played valorant, and i did some pushups! I didnt really do much today on account of accidentally skipping school asdllsad
23: how have you felt today?
I've felt somewhat anxious today, waiting to get told off for skipping school but that never happened lol. I didnt get nauseous today! :D well actually i did but i think it was because i hadnt eaten yet and once i ate i was fine oh no wait that was yesterday askdkdk
31: what were you doing an hour ago?
i was playing valorant with my cousin! also i think i was messaging you. i was kind of going back and forth between messaging you and playing asdkasdk i was like i am dying but talking to you is more important askdks
34: are you a patient person?
not at all. I hate waiting, and it makes me anxious. So at least, I'm not patient in the sense that I don't like waiting in lines, or waiting for my turn to use the kitchen, or the shower, my turn in a game, or whatever it is I want to do. But with people I'm patient. Like if someone's talking to me about a problem or something I'm patient. But if it's not serious I do tend to try to hasten people and finish their sentences for them asdkasd so yeah, no, im very much not a patient person askdsk
37: did you have a dream last night?
yes and my god it was a wild one. i dont really remember anymore but im pretty sure people died. wait. i was forced to do something. i dont remember what but it was weird lol. i remember i woke up and messaged my cousin "bro i just had the weirdest effing dream" but never elaborated lol
and bonus! im putting a readmore bc it got pretty long and also personal which i dont mind lol but also wooooh mystery >:O
01: tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
honestly, I'm not entirely sure what made me start liking you! I guess its just because you were so easy and so fun to talk to. I love talking to people, but honestly its a lot of effort for me a lot of the time. The only people im really comfortable holding a conversation with at length are you, my cousin and my sister. and i felt that way with you after only a few interactions! i just found you so interesting and cute and sweet and kind and funny and awesome and just you are so great to talk to and we always have a good time together!
i remember like, it was the second week i had known you and i was in the middle of a soccer game and i just couldnt stop messaging you. my coach called me off the pitch and i just immediately grabbed my phone and started texting you because i just so much wanted to talk to you!
and one of my happiest memories is that day i had my first job interview, but its because that day was the first time we played 20 questions, and it was sunny and warm and we ended up talking for like 4 hours and it was just so much fun and i felt so happy and so present and i took photos to show you because i thought, yeah im comfortable with you, i want to show you! i love you and im comfortable being vulnerable and open with you.
that comfort being vulnerable with you was still a little thing then, and now im a lot more comfortable! like yesterday i had a therapy session and i ended up mentioning you because i was like. i know its stupid (in the sense of the immensity of my feelings about it) but not getting to go to that party really upset me and left me feeling pretty depressed for the rest of the week, to the point where i kind of basically wrote like a really long kind-of-poem journal entry where basically i more or less just listed all the things i hated about myself, but i was also like, if you like me there must be something worth liking askdkasdk anyway once i vented i was like okay thats out there whoo and then i messaged you looking for comfort and you were great and i felt so much better and my little depressive episode was over!
and i dont think thats ever really happened before. or like, not so quickly?? like usually when i end up that upset, i usually just cry and sleep. but this time i cried and then i was happy, because i got to speak to you and idk chemical shit in my brain go brrr happy chemicals <3333 and yeah in any case. you make me happy and thats why i love you <33
i originally wrote this as one long block of text but i went back and put as many line breaks as i could bc i know adhd brain is shit at reading long paragraphs askdkasda
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satcrvz · 5 months
what happened when gojos bestfriend hits on you at the fair?
cw: gojo x f!reader, reader is shorter than gojo, profanity, also i wrote this with the idea of them being in college, but really it works for anything 1.6k words.
this was in my head in the shower… idk what provoked it but!! i did not proofread this.. title is a bea reference :>
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holy shit he's an asshole gojo thought to himself. right now he was watching his best friend, geto, practically throw himself all over you in front of his face, while him and shoko wait in the concession line. gojo frantically takes out his phone, while simultaneously glaring at you and geto
GOJO suguru bro, i don't know what i did to you in a past life but PLEASE STOP 😭
GOJO stop flexing your tiny ass muscles to her she’s never gonna want me if you do that
GETO dude, you've had so many opportunities at this carnival, be romantic and win them a stuffy or some shit bro i dunno. make a move or i will
geto smirks, shuts off his phone, and places it back in his pocket. shoko she insisted on going with gojo to hold all the food. she could’ve stayed back with you. geto speaks up, "you cold?" you offer him a grin, "a little.."
if only it'd been satoru asking you, offering his jacket to you. you can dream, right?
your thoughts are cut off by him humming, his eyes on your face illuminated by the bright LED's and rides around you. if you didnt know any better you'd think — the voice in your head is once again cut off, but not by geto, gojo.
he's nearly sprinting, bumping into people and uttering apologies. "guys i got the food!!!" you slightly smile at his action, you've always liked that he could make you laugh. shoko's wearing a very obviously annoyed look while slowly trailing behind him holding a funnel cake and those big ass lemonade cups. why'd she go if she was only going to hold two things? satoru could've carried them.
"the lines were so long, guys you don't get it" gojo drags out the so long part, hoping you guys sympathize with him. "did you get my fries?" geto asks. "oh shit... looks like i forgot! i did get your nachos though bro."
shoko speaks for the first time since her and gojos return "he didn't forget, he did that on purpose. he's mad about -" "anyways! y/n, i didn’t know what you wanted so i just got a pretzel"
you smile and take them out of his hand so he has less stuff to carry, "thanks satoru, that was really sweet of you. id be happy with whatever you got me though!" shoko snickers while gojo sends geto a smug look.
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you take a big inhale as you step up to the carnival game, all you had to was knock down the 3 stacked cups. damn this looks harder than i expected. gojo and geto were doing their own thing close by, and shoko was beside you rooting for you.
"fuck" was all you could say, unfortunately you only had 5 throws, and while you did manage to knock two down, the third one stayed standing so it didnt count. "its all good, you should go ask satoru to win it for you", she says satoru in almost a child like way, making fun of you for your crush on the white haired guy. the both of you scoot out the way, making room for the people in line to have a go.
"he wouldn't, not right now at least, he's over there yapping away to sugu" reaching toward shoko, who fortunately still had funnel cake, you stuff your mouth with a piece of it. while youre focused on eating, she exchanges a glance with geto, both of them nodding.
"hey y/n, i think im gonna go talk to suguru and go get another lemonade" shoko starts walking away, but you continue,
"oh okay thats fine! i might go get on the swings again" shoko had really done it this time. you can see her and suguru walking and laughing to each other as they walk around the carnival talking about god knows what. meanwhile, gojo makes his way toward you, quite awkwardly actually. you finish wrapping up your text to shoko which read;
TO: SHOKO im ngl, im actually going to hurt you!!! yk i can't be left alone w him in a place like this.. im going to embarrass myself
"where are they off to? suguru didnt tell me shit he just left with shoko" gojo runs his right hand through his hair.
"shoko told me she was going to get more lemonade, but i highly doubt it. she's gonna have to piss" the taller man in front of you laughs and starts talking,
"yeah, one day in freshman year, she told me she'd rather be dead than use a porta potty and that. . . " fuck why does he have to be so pretty? had his eyes always shined like that? maybe it was the lighting from the neon rides around you, but that doesn't distract you from the way his hair is blowing in the wind.
satorus voice finally is audible in your head again, ". . . anyways you wanna go on that ship ride? sugurus too chicken to go with me"
shit. "yeah! shoko's been too engrossed with that big ass funnel cake to go on rides, so we stuck to the mini games" "great cmon!" he grabs your wrist and guides you to the line. fortunately for the both of you, by the time you guys made it over there, the ride had ended and they were loading on new people.
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"don't manspread asshole!" "sorry." satoru had undeniably long legs.
"you nervous?" he asks turning his head to look at you fully with a smile. "yeah im gonna fucking shit myself, if i fall out, i blame you."
"awhhh its okay, i wouldn't let you fall out you're too good for that"
"oh yeah? what would you do."
the employees check the last 2 people to make sure they're secure, and shortly after, the ride starts. somewhere along the seventh swing, you clasp both of your hands around satorus left hand. his hands were warm. he glances down and looks back up at you, "you 'bout to cry?" fuck him and his stupid condescending voice and pretty blue eyes.
"no im about to throw you off the ride im so terrified right now, and it’s kind of cold which isn’t helping” you remove your hands from his and cross them around your waist.
the ride ends and you could not be happier to have your feet back on stable ground. you look around for geto and shoko, hoping that they could magically find the two of you and make things less awkward.
gojo drapes his jacket over your shoulders but before you could even get a word out he explains, “you uh, mentioned you were cold on the ride” how are you meant to function if he’s looking down at you like that? “thanks but what about you?”, you put your arms through the sleeves of his jacket and zip it up halfway.
“don’t you see the resemblance? i’m elsa, the cold never bothered me anyway!” if you were a bystander, you’d think he was crazy with the way his hands were positioned on his hips like he was a super hero.
from his point of view, you were beautiful. it’s almost cinematic the way his mind nearly watches you laugh in slow motion, your smile was the brightest thing to him, even at night. i’m so in love with you. fuck did he say that out loud?
you’re taken by surprise, obviously. god you wish you could just facetime shoko and beg her for advice like the many times before. your lips were pressed together, and then you find the words.
“i’m sorry you’re what?” well.. maybe those weren’t the right words.
“i’m in love with you”, he says more confidently than before. “hey it’s completely okay if you don’t feel the same way, i can’t force you to like me back”
you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, youd played out this and possibly 60 other different scenarios in your head about this happening. “nonono! i do like you back, i have for a while actually… i just didn’t expect for this to be happening you know?”
he rubs the back of his neck with his hand, “well, ‘m glad you feel the same way” the moment between the two of you felt like you guys were the only two people in that carnival. both of your faces were inches away from eachother. it’s like—
“damn”, you could hear the smile in the persons voice, which obviously belongs to shoko. both her and geto are staring the two of you down. she holds out her hand to geto and he plants a 1000 yen in her hand.
“shoko oh my god” you go over to her and wrap your arms around her. “gross you have satorus jacket. do not touch me until you get that contaminated shit off” while you and shoko argue about that, geto speaks up to gojo, “you still didn’t win her a plush, you’re already on a bad start to being a boyfriend”
the taller one furrows his brows, “hey! we aren’t dating yet and i actually planned on it before you and idiot number 2’s entrance”
“nah bro i saw you, you looked like you wanted to punch your with her lips” ironically suguru punches satoru in the shoulder. “whatever! im gonna go win her one right now” — “cmon y/n” he grabs your arm once again and you give shoko a sympathy smile while she just laughs.
you’re not sure if the two of you are dating after that little confession, but whatever it was, you liked it.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley
Act 6, page 4295-4300
JOHN: where are we?
JADE: im not sure!
JADE: some sort of limbo dimension between the two walls i guess
JADE: like a realm with unusual spatial properties we have to cross through
JOHN: oh, ok.
JOHN: then...
JOHN: we escaped the scratch?
JOHN: like, we still exist and everything?
JADE: yes!
JADE: we still totally exist john
JOHN: ok, just making sure.
JOHN: i still felt pretty existy, but you never know.
JOHN: i'm still kinda confused though.
JADE: about what?
JOHN: i mean, we crashed through that giant window you magically made with witch powers to escape the scratch, so we can keep existing, right?
JADE: yes
JADE: i didnt make it with witch powers though, i captchalogued it hours ago because karkat told me to...
JADE: then at the last minute i took it out and made it huge so we could escape through it
JOHN: i see.
JOHN: did you at least make it huge with witch powers?
JADE: i did make it huge with witch powers!
JOHN: so i guess that's what witch powers do, is make things huge?
JADE: they also make things small
JOHN: right, like you did with all those planets.
JADE: yup
JADE: also
JADE: witch powers can teleport things, and fling things around through space at very high velocities
JADE: all sorts of stuff!
JADE: but to be honest, im not sure how much of that is attributable to inheriting becs abilities...
JOHN: man, spacey witch powers sound a lot more versatile than my powers, frankly.
JOHN: not that i'm complaining, because wind powers are still awesome.
JOHN: but anyway, that is neither here nor there!
JOHN: what i'm wondering is, once we crashed through that window, weren't we supposed to like...
JOHN: enter a new game session? the reset one?
JOHN: and meet up with karkat, and vriska, and all the trolls, and i guess maybe also a bunch of dead trolls too??? like troll ghosts or such.
JADE: yes that was the basic idea
JOHN: and what about your grandson? wasn't he going to be there, from the future or something? and then he would send liv tyler to me, or actually to you i guess, into the past somehow?
JADE: that would be jake
JADE: and yeah, i do believe we will meet him in this session
JADE: he said he had a bunch of friends who helped him make the bunny! im pretty excited to meet them all
JOHN: wow...
JOHN: hey, i wonder what the fuck ever happened to liv anyway?
JOHN: last i saw her, i sent her off to give the tumor to rose and dave...
JOHN: oh god, rose and dave!!! where are they now? did one of them do the suicide mission thing? and what about the other? did they get scratch'd???
JADE: actually, they both went, and in a manner of speaking, their mission was a success
JOHN: :(
JOHN: so, they blew up the sun, and now they're dead?
JADE: nope!
JADE: they did not actually destroy the sun. trust me, i would know if it was gone. now that i know what i know, it was kind of silly of us to think it would ever be destroyed...
JADE: and as it happens, rose and dave are not dead either! i have received very reliable reports that they survived
JOHN: oh man, that's great!
JOHN: i mean, i'm not sure how not blowing up the sun qualifies as a successful mission, since that was kind of the whole idea, but at this point i don't really care. i'm just happy to hear they're ok.
JADE: it will all be more clear soon
JOHN: how do you know they're ok? or any of this stuff, really?
JADE: ive learned a lot in my dreams lately
JADE: heh, probably more than i ever learned looking at the clouds on prospit!
JADE: when i was dead there for a few minutes, i had one last very informative nap
JADE: the bottom line is, rose and dave will rendezvous with the trolls near the green sun, and then they will all meet us in the new session
JOHN: ok, that sounds awesome.
JOHN: and that was part of the plan i guess i understood, but...
JOHN: where is this new session?
JOHN: all i see here is a bunch of giant windows, and a lot of warp speed whooshy nonsense.
JADE: its through the other wall!
JOHN: you mean that one way over there?
JADE: yes
JOHN: ok...
JOHN: so is this place like that yellow lawn ring thing karkat was talking about?
JADE: no, not lawn ring!
JADE: thats a silly troll word
JADE: its the yellow yard
JADE: we have to cross it to break through the next wall
JOHN: how is this a yellow yard?
JOHN: that's a stupid name for this place!
JADE: see that long yellow band down there, stretching between the two walls?
JADE: i think thats supposed to be the yard
JOHN: thats not a yard.
JOHN: yards are like these flat wide patches of grass, surrounded by fences and stuff.
JOHN: if anything, it's more like a road.
JADE: hmmm
JADE: yeah i think youre right
JADE: kinda like the yellow brick road?
JOHN: sure, why not!
JOHN: let's all go see a big pompous wizard to solve all of our problems.
JOHN: i bet rose would get a kick out of that.
JADE: hehe
JOHN: oh yeah.
JOHN: and another thing...
JOHN: what...
JOHN: the fuck...
JOHN: is that?
JADE: :|
JADE: i have no idea
JADE: extra dimensional shenanigan based phenomena perhaps?????
0 notes
blackvail22 · 9 months
i really do care for him. i care for him soso deeply. in my dreams i imagine him caring for me too, and him always wanting whats best for me. when i woke up this morning i noticed that somehow in my sleep i made my pillows lay perfectly next to me (instead of under my head) to mimic someone laying next to me. it made me happy when i was still dilericous... when i fully came-to, though, i was disappointed but also shocked. how was i able to do that in my sleep?
im fearful that my intentions here arent pure. maybe i do want him but only because i want someone to love me. i know hes bad for me, and i know that i deserve more. my parents only showed me toxic love as well, so its just what im used to. im scared i only want him because i want the chaos.
a friend said today after i told (what i thought was) a lighthearted story, "honestly--and i dont mean this in a mean way--your life seems so depressing and like you want to kill yourself"
what i wanted to say was, "yeah, and ive tried. and ive always wanted to try again, but theres still people that rely on me, so i cant"
instead i just didnt say anything. its the same friend that tells me to kill myself whenever i kill him enough times in a shooter game. he's the same friend that made a gc of me and everyone that knows me (associated with him) abt how no one likes me.
yeah, i guess ive had a more-depressing-than-normal life, but it could be worse. a part of me thinks i shouldnt kill myself because i have no reason to. its not as bad as it can be, so why would i do it?
im melodramatic.
if im being honest, its probably not even that bad to some people. its normal for my mom to call me names and my dad to---... i mean, at least my mom doesnt hit me, and at least my dad doesnt assault me.
for shit parents, they still arent that bad. i mean, they still provide for me when they dont have to. they still pick me up and take me places when they dont have to.
i dont understand why. . why do they do that?
why did they have to tesch me such a complicated form of love.
why did they have to teach me thats love?
its not love. love is not calling someone a slur when youre mad. love is not telling someone to die or kill themselves because they made you upset. love is not making people do things when you know it makes them uncomfortable to "teach them a lesson"
they show me the love they know, and i honestly feel bad for them, too. they had a rough childhood, but they shouldve worked through it (or at least started) before they had kids.
but still, if none of it turned out the way it did, i may have never met you, apple. so, maybe it turning out this way was for the best. im glad i know you. even if we dont talk to each other very much anymore, and maybe we eventually dont talk at all.... getting to say i knew you, apple, is something ill never take for granted.
its 3am. i had such a rough day at work yesterday. im so tired. all i want to do is cry and scream. im so frustrated, and its not even for good reason. this new coworker of mine is going to make me quit my job. i cannot handle them at all.
thank god i go to counseling on thursday. theres so much i need to say, but none of it has value
i truly feel like im a nobody.
(oh, btw i was right abt her not texting me back abt hanging out w me. yay!!! i have so many people that care about me!!!!!)
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silly-mouse · 2 years
okay i will now be giving you a long description of dream dating a baseball player that i had in a dream once 😎 (after writing its not that long lolol) okay so, basically, we were dating but like long distance kinda (it was only like 2 hours but still) and i was telling him about this upcoming game i had blah blah blah and basically anyways he like came to my game but acted like he wouldn’t be able to come (cause like distance yk) AND IT WAS LIKE SO CUTE CAUSE ??? anyways he/him if thats okay !! 🤗 also 2 things id like to say 1. i love you writing!! it inspires me to actually work on my own requests 2. sorry the last request was just like short and basic :[ sometimes people dont wanna write things so i just ask first !! :) anywas i hope this isnt to long haha !!
I think this came out pretty cute and yes I did have to google every baseball term here including if the players have numbers, shut up /j and its not too long but I kinda struggled figuring out what you wanted me to write? Like im reading like alright dream description, cool... aw, cute... alright he/him, got it... aw, thanks, that's really sweet... and thats the end. Like I didn't know if you wanted me to just write what I thought your dream was like but that didnt seem right so I just did a little snippet of seeing Dream in the stands.
Romantic CC!Dream x he/him!reader, baseball player!reader, ~450 words, random youtubers were chosen as your teammates, PDA, mention of eating meat
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“Ayo,” one of your teammates muttered, elbowing you.
“Fuck off,” you muttered right back, eyes glued to your teammates on the field. “I got five bucks saying Charlie’s gonna make it home this pitch.”
“Who the hell made that stupid bet with you?”
“Who do you think,” you grumbled, glaring at Schlatt’s back as he collected a Gatorade and a candy bar from his last successful bet.
“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s your boyfriend on the monitor.”
“What the fuck?” You followed his gaze, seeing your beautiful, sweet, dumbass of a boyfriend showing off his poster with your number outlined in green glitter. You realized he should be right behind you and leaned out of the dugout to check. He lit up like a golden retriever, waving excitedly and blowing you a kiss. “Oh my god,” you laughed, blowing one back. “He said he had a gaming competition thing and wouldn’t be able to come.”
Ted looked between the two of you making googly eyes at each other. “... You wanna go say hi?”
“I can’t,” you scoffed, “we’re kinda in the middle of an inning.”
“We all know Mark’s going up next,” Sean interjected, clapping a hand on your shoulder as he and Ted brought you over to the stands. “We’ll be quick.” They each let you step on their hands, lifting you up the wall keeping the fans safe.
“Hey, stranger,” Dream chuckled, wagging his eyebrows at you.
“What the hell are you doing here,” you laughed, grabbing the railing for dear life since you didn’t trust your teammates in the least.
“Well, you know I love seeing you in uniform, you look so handsome-”
“You know what I mean,” you scoffed. “What happened to your championship?”
“I told Scott to sub someone in for me,” he said with a shrug. “Couldn’t let you play without your good luck kiss, could I?”
You smiled at that, leaning up with your elbows on the rail. “Oh, well, that’s very kind of you-”
“Hey, you’re on-screen!”
You looked over your shoulder at Sean’s excited yell, seeing, sure enough, you and your boyfriend were displayed for all to see. You could hear the announcers commenting on how you were ‘taking the chance to interact with a lucky fan.’
“Let me just…” Dream moved his poster behind your head, shielding you from the camera’s view as you shared a soft kiss. He gently brushed your noses together as you pulled away, smiling sweetly as he pulled his poster back. “Win this for me and I’ll make you Wagyu tonight.”
You threw your hands in the air. “LET’S GO!”
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ofstormsandfire · 2 years
other than *gestures* the obvious, whats pk lying about ? in general i didnt really understand the question of what everyone's theories were supposed 2 be on ?
i havent played in a while but did pk like.. say his machinery was the best or ?
I mean, I think everything he's lied about is obvious now, but I've also been invested in HK lore for. a while now.
Rather major spoilers ahoy, proceed beyond the cut at your own risk:
Still here? good. anyway, unsure what counts as the obvious for ya, so I'm just going to cover everything because I feel like ranting tonight lmao
So, let's start from the beginning. All that stuff about Hallownest being the first, last, and only kingdom?
Propaganda. A number of things in Hollow Knight confirm that, not least of which being the Weavers having departed to their original homeland, presumably not Hallownest. Silksong's entire existence disproves this further, because while you could make an argument for the Weavers' homeland not being a kingdom, I'm like 90% sure that some piece of official material has described the setting as the kingdom of Pharloom.
Honestly, I can't think of a single thing in King's Pass that isn't at the very least cast into serious doubt later in the game. "Only this kingdom could produce one such as you?" ...I mean, technically yes, because only the Pale King would be willing to dump a bunch of eggs into the void pit to do so, but also how does he know that a Vessel is reading that? He doesn't. Just because it happens to be true in this specific situation doesn't mean that it's true for everyone.
He also lied about having the Infection under control, because he didn't at all lmao. Lied to the Dreamers by promising that through their sacrifice, Hallownest would be safe. And sure, you could make an argument that he thought he did, but...
I can't remember if the whole seeing the future thing was canon or fanon, but if it's written anywhere, oh boy. Either he was lying about that too, and he just claimed to be able to see the future. Or he was telling the truth about being able to see the future, and he knew exactly how his plan was going to fail, and lied about that.
There were other options. The game isn't unclear about what prompted the Radiance to start a plague. She was afraid of being forgotten. The fact that we only see one character who has any idea of who she was before the Infection (who dies in front of you, if you finish her questline) and the fact that the only symbolism we see of her anywhere is very far out of the way says a few things: being forgotten entirely was a very real threat.
It's possible, I suppose, that PK did try to resolve things with the Radiance in a more diplomatic manner before he resorted to the dead baby pit. But there's no evidence for anything like that I can recall.
This isn't to say that the Radiance is blameless. She isn't! But I'll take her over PK any day, because she (in her 0.005 seconds of dream dialogue) doesn't lie to you. She's at least open about trying to kill you.
PK, on the other hand... he lies. There's probably more stuff I've forgotten about, but I'm pretty sure the other post is referring to the whole "oh only Hallownest could do things like this!" thing.
So, who knows. Maybe people will stop taking PK's propaganda as gospel sometime soon. Maybe people will stop assuming that characters in games (and shows, and movies, and books, et cetera et cetera) will always tell you, the player, the truth.
I kinda doubt it. But there are few things that rub me the wrong way as much as being lied to, and I'm sure I could find more examples of PK's lies if I were to replay Hollow Knight. Maybe I will, just to prepare for Silksong.
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 3 years
Going to School with Ranboo!|| 📌
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[i was going to answer this but i was a big dummy dum dum and accidentally deleted the ask bUT I REMEMBERED YOU DEAR ANON]
irl / in-game
Genre| fluff and (minor) angst
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
You and Ranboo go to school together, so have some scenarios and thoughts about it!!
Artist| grapeichie on twitter!!
warnings| bullying, stress, swearing
Note: you are a streamer in this!! You are also in the SMP!
optional platonic or romantic!!
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- so going to school with Ranboo is both amazing and weird. You two have tons of stories of the dumb shit that happened there.
- Nobody will ever find Y/N and Ranboo far apart, even if you guys dont share classes one of you will randomly appear and at this point no one questions it
- Both of you meeting up at eachothers classroom/locker to walk together to your next destination
- Both of you helping eachother with schoolwork, Ranboo would totally tutor you in any subject you struggle with. Both of you go to his house but you two end up getting bored, so he does a Facecam stream with you in the background vibing. (It was so much fun)
- You guys are both the teacher’s favorites and least favorites. You both add so much life to the school but thats the exact problem.
- Y/N: haha look at that high waisted man he got feminine hips!!
That Poor Teacher:
- I can totally imagine some kids in your school being invested in the SMP and both of you just nervously sweat in the background. Bonus points if ya’ll’s friends are into it so its just absolute panic
- You trying to help him not be awkward, especially when it comes to talking to new people. I can totally see like a new girl trying to talk to him and he just panics, so you have to step in and explain and help the poor boy out.
- You two are like,, inseparable. Like literally rarely does anyone see you guys apart. So this kinda urks some people who have crushes on him, or literally just your stereotypical bully.
- So one day while you we’re grabbing things for your next class, someone slammed against the locker next to yours, slamming yours shut in the process.
“Well well well, if it isnt the clingy one. Im surprised your not with that dork, you two practically don’t function without the other.” The guy snickered, leaning forward directly in Y/N’s face.
“And how is that any of your concern? And why does it matter?” Y/N said, standing straight up staring at the guy. “Because your fucking pathetic, thats why. Your useless without him and both of us know it.” He spat, pushing Y/N to the floor with a thud, they’re books crashing to the ground around them. Snickers could be heard from around them, as well as gasps and ‘oh-no’s’.
“Awww whatcha gonna do now, freak? You gonna go cry to that loser? Because i have a better idea. Your gonna shut up, and if not, he gets hurt.” The boy said, picking Y/N up by the collar of they’re shirt, and soon slamming them back into the lockers. All he did was laugh and walk away, muttering “pathetic, good for nothing freak.”
- You went home by yourself that day, usually Ranboo walks you home so you two can hangout, but you were nowhere to be seen. This went on for 2 weeks, and you practically avoided him at all costs, not wanting him to get hurt.
- But when he walked into school one day and saw Y/N being harassed by a group of people, he surely wasn’t the one hurt.
“Awww, cant move?” One said, twisting Y/N’s wrist even more, bruising they’re arm as they whimpered in pain. “Awww i think they’re gonna cry!!” Someone else chimmed in, one girl quickly said “better take a picture of this before the moments gone.” As she giggled, snapping a photo of you in the middle of being bullied.
“Delete it, and leave.” Ranboo said, looking down at the three who were currently tormenting you. You looked so sad yet happy, but you knew what was about to happen. “I thought i fucking told you not to tell him, guess your getting it.” The guy said, kicking your stomach and slamming you against the lockers.
You never in your wildest dreams expected Ranboo to punch someone, he was so sweet and charismatic, very passive and neutral. But now, your bully laid on the floor, a bloody nose, and Ranboo towering over him. “Dont. Touch. Them.” Ranboo snarled, leaning down and looking at the bully directly in the eyes.
- A fight soon broke out, leaving one guy with a black eye, bloody nose and a bruised arm and shoulder. Ranboo got suspended, but you left with him, not wanting to be at school and instead with him.
- While walking home he stopped, pulled off his white and black hoodie, put it on you, and soon enveloped you in a hug. Y/N return the favor, and all he said shakily was ‘i love you’
- God no one ever fucked with Y/N again everyone was scared spineless
- The entire SMP had a ‘bruh’ moment when you two told them. Of course Techno was very happy about Ranboo beating some kids up.
- But like back to happy stuff,,
- Kahoot? Idk if you guys play it in school but i do, and both you and Ranboo are such a power duo in Kahoot games
- Trading each others lunch because thats what duo’s like you two do, share with the homies
- Both of you being referees in sports because if other wise someone is going to accidentally get hurt
- You having to walk Ranboo to the nurses office after he got hit in the face with a basketball.
- The librarian does not like the fact you two cannot be quiet. You both are constantly cracking up and can never keep it down
- I know for a FACT one of you got your hands on the teacher’s computer, and i know one of you are playing memes during class while your Teacher is screeching
- All your teachers think both of you are cheating because you have synced brains and get every single answer the exact. same.
- Pulling some kind of huge end of the year prank
- Both of you speaking in zoomer language and not even your classmates have any idea what your saying
- I can see both of you accidentally writing/typing ‘pog’ into a essay/class assignment and your teacher being VERY confused
- Blasting fan-made songs about both of your guys characters and everyone liking them, and both of you are just giggling and smiling because they dont know
- Your friend group see you two doing something and they’re just like “ah shit, here we go again”
- Both of you going to school events only to ensue chaos and be idiots
- On the first day one of you getting lost and the other having to go fetch the other one
- Both of you crashing at the others house to study but it probably didnt go well
- You two are honestly just encased in your own little shared bubble, just vibing and being yourselves
- i feel like this is going on forever and most of it was just angst so I’ll go ahead and cut this off lol
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Okay but in all seriousness i hope this was not total shit and actually pleasant to read. Idk i just feel like this bad
Anyways I promise I’ll get to working on pt. 2 of dad wilbur but i have some other requests i need to work on. But in the meantime simp for Ranboo and Wilbur okay bye
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