#or go the angst route and you die and they decide to bring you back instead a la the d&d movie
auspicioustidings · 9 months
The 141 are all pretty pissed off that they're being told they need to go do a mission with NPC. They have never heard of this agency, but apparently National Pest Control are paid by the same government that pays them so off they go.
Honestly Price wonders if this is some pity party being thrown for them since they lost Johnny. It's been a year now, they all know that's the job and they all hate the idea of anyone treating the team like they are somehow delicate.
This team is actually who you've been assigned. You need the brawn for this next op to deal with the inevitable thralls and on paper these 3 are good at getting shit done and keeping their mouths shut. They don't believe you at first (obviously) about what it is National Pest Control really do, but then nobody ever does.
"Look, if you think hunting down a vampire sounds weird you're probably not going to like the reason I'm on this one. I can talk to ghosts which is handy when we're following a trail of drained bodies."
"Oh fuck off, the only Ghost you're talking to is me."
"Look, I don't know what a bampot is, but I'm being told you are one."
And thus begins a wild ride of 3 big military men, one spirit medium and the ghost who is frankly delighted that he can finally talk to someone again working together to hunt down all sorts of supernatural threats to the UK.
On one op you get possessed, like a ghost fully takes control of your body. You didn't know that could happen. Johnny didn't know that could happen. But now everyone is trying to figure out how it can be done because their boy deserves to stretch his legs in the land of the living for a few hours.
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sillygoosealert · 2 months
Weird thought, but imagine being Sukuna's favorite person/concubine once but someday he brings someone home or replace you, so then you die(obviously, your human) so then sukuna kinda felt heartbroken.
Now let's travel back to current timeline where sukuna is in yuji's body, Gojo decided to let his students meet his fiancee only for sukuna to be shocked cause it's reader reincarnated.
Once more to see you
Not a weird thought at all, silly ❤️
Sukuna x AFAB reader (for like a paragraph or two) Satoru Gojo x reader
pregnant! Reader, stress, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self-mutilation, body issues, big BIG warning for pregnancy and dying and so many other things just be cautious, please. Angst NO COMFORT ‼️, uhh unless you take the whole lobotomy route as comfort then yeah happy ending or wtv
Loud moans and barbaric grunts echo through the castle- originating from Sukuna’s chamber
All you can do is sit outside the door and listen as you wait to see him
The newest concubine is with him as of now
She looked similar to you- but much thinner, almost how you looked before
Her face emits a sense of pure life and hope, a rare find
Your bulging stomach is more than noticeable, as you are now 4 months pregnant
Thinking of having a baby with him is a terrifying thought- for so many reasons
Whether he will continue to keep you after you give birth
If you will live after you give birth
The baby is massive so far, much bigger than any human child
You aren't even sure if your body can continue to manage nurturing the baby much further past this point
Sitting outside the door quickly became too much and standing was out of the question
It was best to just find a better time later to talk, he doesn't prioritize you over..anything if you think about it
In fact, Sukuna wouldn’t gaze in your direction even if you were to bleed out and slowly die, so, you go to your separate bathroom to start a bath
The thought of laying face first in the water and drowning yourself crosses your mind, but it goes away as you really think about it
If it didn't work, the punishment of living would be much too severe for it to be worth anything
The thought of living also crosses your mind, would it really be worth it?
To carry his child, and then to watch as he becomes his father?
If you didn't lose the weight would he be disgusted with you?
Just as you are about to leave for your room, he comes out, interrupting your thoughts
The woman is beside him, and he guides her with a hand on the small of her back
It's not rough nor gentle, the hand that pushes you out of the way as they walk down the hall
But the mental feel of it is excruciating
Your vision is blurred as you drag your feet to your bathroom
Your body is weak and malnourished
Then you trip over the decorative rug in the middle of the too-clean room
But you make no move to get up
The floor envelopes you as something hot and wet fills your underwear
This was bound to happen
You knew it, but you also knew you could only sit and wait as there was no way you could give birth to his child
It hurts, so bad
But that reminds you how real you are, that you feel things just like others
Maybe you didn't deserve to be ignored by the man who impregnated you
Perhaps you didn't deserve this life
All the bad things that happened aren't because you're a bad person, it has nothing to do with you
This was never meant to be your life, something more pure was
And as your consciousness slips away, a better feeling welcomes you
A better life waits ahead
And this one finally ends
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Humans were like pets to Ryomen Sukuna. His servants took up such a little present of his life- but he took up almost all of theirs.
But you? You took up his everything. Late in the night after you were found lifeless in your separate bedroom- something he regrets making you have, he felt a change that night. Disappointment was a distinct feel, but there was something else. Hurt.
Possibly because this was something he now had no control over. Or maybe he was attached used to you.
None of that mattered in the end. You were no more. And as of now, so was he.
Originally split into 20 fingers- he now is trapped in the body of a high schooler.
He knows what he’s waiting for. More specifically, who- Satoru Gojo.
His body shakes with excitement as he thinks of all the ways he could kill him, threaten him, scare him into submission.
But that doesn't happen; not today at least.
Instead, he sees a much too-familiar face..but he doesn't immediately recognize who you are.
But as you come into view, arms interlocked with Satoru’s, greeting his students, he becomes filled with the need to switch.
When he heard you call out to the students, a realization washed over him.
That was his girl his concubine wrapped around Satoru Gojo
He knows it's you, it has to be. But he also knows his options are limited
He could call out your name- if it hadn't changed, or he could watch as you genuinely smile next to another man
If you had remembered him you wouldn't be with someone else, he knows that for a fact- right?
But you don't, he doesn't think you do at least
There's nothing he can do to remind you of all the nights you spent together
There's nothing he can do about it.
There's nothing he can do.
There's nothing.
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This was going to take such a different route LOL. You were going to be eaten by either him or curses. The thought of going into more detail on the whole malnutrition path because of the baby also crossed my mind. It was going to be a DDDNE path. But no one would want that so I didn't <|3 Js did something short and sweet because I spent too much time making it ;( sorry about that, I love you all soooooooo much ✋ 🤚 (that much) ❤️
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originalaccountname · 2 years
Sorry to bother you but I’ve been getting into BSD and Chuuya’s my fave, but I’ve been seeing some contradictory things in fanfic so…
Does Chuuya actually have a god sealed inside him? I thought it was just like his power without limitations and was dubious of those takes, but since eldritch beings can apparently be a thing (and not an ability), I think it could be plausible either way.
Though even if it’s not I can see why people would use that route for some good angst.
This is not a bother at all! This is something I very much like to talk about
if you're really new I do recommend you go read both "Dazai, Chuuya, Fifteen Years Old" and "STORM BRINGER" light novels (but SB especially), not only are they great books with Chuuya as the focal point but they will help answer your question in depth (you can buy the English translations but I can help you find the translation online if that's what you need, just message me again)
The short version is that Arahabaki being an actual god, a separate entity from Chuuya that has a personality/a voice/desires, is a common fanon trope, but not a canon fact. The truth is more complex and much more fun, lore-wise, in my opinion
And now the long version, because I'm passionate about this and this is my excuse to deep dive into it (spoilers for Fifteen)
In Fifteen, Chuuya says this:
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Chuuya himself presents "Arahabaki" as nothing more than pure power. No thoughts, no personality, but powerful for sure.
That phrasing in Fifteen created a lot of confusion I think, talking about gods as real but also not:
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But I think it's more of a symbolic reference, talking about immense power that seem out of this world. Because in practice, as Chuuya said before, "Arahabaki" is simply raw power, not an entity. You can't pray to it, it can't understand you, it can't perform miracles (which is why he knew the Old Boss couldn't have been brought back by Arahabaki and it was all nonsense from the start)
I'm also putting part of the blame on the anime, where they decided (while not being exactly wrong either, out of context it's weird) to illustrate Chuuya "floating in a bluish-black darkness, surrounded by a transparent seal" and being pulled out by a hand:
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like this:
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When, if you actually reread that part in the novel with knowledge about Storm Bringer, it's actually this moment that was being referred to:
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Which brings us to Storm Bringer! (heavy spoilers I'm serious)
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"Project Arahabaki" was the Japanese government's attempt to create an ability weapon from an individual. They wanted to craft a singularity that could be used multiple times, thus granting them access to power that should not be accessible normally. They based their research on what France had discovered through Verlaine. The objective is to create a massive energy output through a self-contradicting ability, for which you need a vessel:
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Chuuya is the device. "Arahabaki" is the massive energy. That massive energy can control gravity to the point of being able to create localized black holes! N implied that part of the lab's work for the Arahabaki Project was to modify Chuuya's body to be able to withstand the constant gravity effects on it so he doesn't just die. Chuuya's normal use of his ability doesn't seem to have any drastic effects on him, and his physical resilience (to getting hit, stabbed, poisoned, shot, electrocuted, to going through a black hole) does seem to imply they did succeed at least in part.
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And this bit here explains why "Arahabaki" was the chosen name for the project; unexplained phenomena across History that can be linked to an ability going haywire, but were attributed to god-like interventions at the time. So you're a funny little mad scientist, you read research papers from another mad scientist that named their own creation after a mythological monster, and you decide to do the same with your own local folklore.
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There's still something to be said about how "Arahabaki" is a singularity, and therefore, has its own set of rules. Chuuya does loose control, Chuuya does regress to a sort of destructive instinct while under Corruption. But "Arahabaki" is still no more than an ability singularity. Here's what is said about Guivre and Arahabaki:
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They are both singularity life-forms. They exist because they are singularities; outside of it, they are nothing. The inner workings of abilities are still mysterious, but most of them have a link to their wielder's desires. For example, Atsushi's Tiger is there to protect him, a mirror to his will to live no matter what. Verlaine's Guivre is similar:
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Guivre was a beast born out of Verlaine's loneliness and resulting hatred. He felt deeply alone in not feeling/being human, and through Pan's (his "creator") special "programming" of Verlaine's ability, N was able to trigger the true form of his singularity with that flare gun and metal powder, which took the form of Guivre. It's what the hat was supposed to prevent, but Verlaine had already lost it by then.
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Chuuya's Arahabaki is probably similar. Its first apparition was when Rimbaud tried to absorb him and use his ability for himself, and any subsequent use is linked to grief and survival. Basically, if they're their own entities, they are still born in a specific context and deeply linked to the original ability user's character. And Arahabaki? Only exists if Chuuya uses his activation phrase to get rid of the limitations put into place to prevent him from exploding:
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More about about Corruption: SB is kind enough to give us an explanation on how the nullification process works, right here:
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Chuuya's self-contradicting ability makes him able to control gravity through the sheer amount of energy it creates by permanently interacting with itself. It is kept under control through the use of an activation phrase, O grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again, which, after being either said or thought by Chuuya, will open his "Gate" (which I'm interpreting as a blocker put in place by the lab so the singularity doesn't just kill him, like those poor people they mentioned existed through History), and by opening it, "free Arahabaki's true power" (aka Corruption). When Dazai uses his ability on him, the base self-contradicting ability is nullified, which cancels out the singularity taking place, which stops Corruption and allows that "Gate" to close again. The red markings are there because they're cool and fun.
To conclude, I'll let Dazai do the honors:
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bonus: what does that mean for Chuuya's ability?
bons 2: Perceived timeline of Chuuya's past and what happened to to create confusion around his humanity
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cozage · 1 year
Hi! :)feel free to decline this if it’s not up your ally or you don’t really have anything else to say about it but, I was very interested when you mentioned law having anxiety about if the amber lead disease would be passed down to his kid, so I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a little offshoot of that (hcs/short fic/whatever format you want) about law and his partner trying to ease each other’s anxieties about it and just how he’d handle it in the long term plus maybe if it wasn’t able to be told if they had it or not before it was born seeing Law finally get to see the kid and his reaction him it having/not having it (it’s up to you what kind of route you’d want to take with that) but anyways it’s just a suggestion because I was really interested once you brought the idea up of how Law would handle something he’s probably tried to block out of his mind since he was young
The post that anon is talking about for reference
Guess what Anon? This is literally the best ask I’ve ever gotten because I think about it ALL the time and all the possible outcomes of that one little thing and I will literally never shut up about it. So here’s some fun* ideas on how I think Law would respond to bringing a child into the world. 
*these are not fun they're so angsty it's not even funny
Characters: female reader x Law
Word Count: 1k
CW: talk of abortion, talk about loss of pregnancy, talk of fatal diseases, lots of pregnancy angst, (happy ending though if that makes up for it!)
He runs a scan and finds out he has a lot to worry about. You can see the panic on his face and you know your fear was not misplaced. You’re pregnant.
His shoulders suddenly feel so heavy. Like a weight he is forced to carry, no matter how many times he tries to cast it aside. 
He doesn’t tell you about the burden. Not yet. You all talk through your options together, and you consider them heavily. You weigh the pros and cons of each option for days, but he doesn’t ever try to sway you one way or another. 
In fact, he becomes very distant. He locks himself away in the study, turning through a new book everyday. You can enter his study whenever you wish, but he barely acknowledges your entrance.
One day you’re talking about it with him, trying to decide what to do. It had only been about a week and a half since you found out, and Law’s cold shoulder has impacted you a bit. “What do you want to do?” you ask him.
He doesn’t respond. His nose is buried in a book, and you realize he hasn’t been listening the entire time. You suddenly burst into tears, upset with him and his coldness to you recently. “Just get it out,” you cry, punching at your stomach with your fists. “Get it out of me so we can get back to normal again.”
He looks up, surprised by your sudden outburst. “Hey, Y/N-ya! Stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!” He jumps up and grabs your wrists to keep you from harming yourself further. 
“I’m tired of being alone!” you cry out, tears streaming down your face. “You can’t even look at me anymore! I just want things to be normal again.”
He’s staring at you, unsure of what to do or how to respond. He guides you over to a chair, still holding your wrists, and sits you down in it. He sits across from you. “I need to tell you a story,” he whispers, and he has your full attention.
He tells you the story of Flevance, and of the Amber Lead Disease he inherited. How his entire city disappeared in a matter of years. How there was no cure. How he was the only survivor.
You had known a piece of that story. Law had told you about Corazon and that he had helped secure the Op-Op fruit for Law to find a cure for his disease. But you hadn’t known the rest of the tragedy. 
“I’m scared,” he admits, his voice quivering. “Amber Lead Disease is passed down from generation to generation, and shortens the lifespan each time it’s passed on. My sister got sick when she was six. I was supposed to die before I was fourteen.”
“But you got better. You’re okay now,” you reassured him. But you could feel the panic growing inside of you now too. Of course he didn’t want to talk about a child with this kind of trauma weighing on his mind.
“It doesn’t mean that the symptoms are gone. Each generation, the life expectancies go down at least ten years. What if…” he hesitates, and you can feel his grip around your wrists tighten as he squeezes his eyes shut. “What if our child dies before it’s even born?”
You can feel his pain and his sorrow emitting from him. You lean forward and wrap him in a hug, holding him tight. You can hear him choke back a sob, and you allow yourself to cry too. Both of you just hold each other, letting all of your fear and anger and sorrow wash away with your tears. 
Both of you start to calm down after a very long cry. “I want to keep it,” you say finally. “I want to try.”
You feel Law nod, and his body relaxes just a minuscule amount. At least he won’t be alone this time. At least he’s cured it before. 
During the pregnancy, he’s more stressed than you. It’s a weird relationship having Law as both your boyfriend and your doctor, and sometimes you have to remind him which hat he’s wearing. 
He’s always giving you vitamin supplements in the morning and making sure your diet is perfectly balanced. Sometimes you go to eat something and he starts with “as a pregnant woman, you shouldn’t-” but a quick glare will usually quiet him down.
You have checkups and he runs scans on your body at least once a week. There are nights he can’t sleep, his mind riddled with what if’s, and he has to do a quick scan just to make sure you and baby are still okay. He breathes a sigh of relief each time your scan comes back clean, but he doesn’t let himself get too comfortable. 
Both of you have your days. Some days you’re over the moon, others you feel like your lives are ending. It’s a hard middle to find. Both of you typically stick to the extremes and manage to mellow each other out while also validating each other's fears.  
He cries when he finds out it’s a girl. 
He cries even harder when you offer up a name. Cora.
His devil fruit ability makes the childbirth thing insanely easy. The “pain of childbirth” was a foreign concept to you for the most part. 
He counts Cora’s fingers and toes, and then counts them again. 10 fingers, 10 toes. She’s perfect. Just looking at her, Law already knows he would die for her. 
He wraps his sweet baby girl up in a blanket and passes her off to you. He brushes your hair and kisses your face while you hold her. He’s resisting the urge to run every scan he can think of. You were adamant that the three of you needed a few minutes together as a family before he went full doctor on you both. 
Finally you hand Cora off to him. “Go ahead, I know it’s driving you crazy.” He scans her, and finds her completely healthy. No Amber Lead Disease, no sickness, not even a slightly abnormal temperature. Law holds Cora close to his heart and he weeps. For his family, for himself, and for the new generation that’s finally free.
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streets-in-paradise · 8 months
Our Fight - Hector x (Fem)Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Requested by Anon
" Heyyy, I read some of your Troy 2004 fics and I'm sooo in love with how you write them. Your writing is so good. I thought maybe you could do a Hector one because my man is underrated, I don't have a specific idea in mind but particularly I'm someone who likes a little angst, those where maybe Hector gets back from battle hurt or his wife is hurt somehow, perhaps by Paris in someway, maybe a protective Hector in the scene... it can be with Andromache or a Fem reader too, I just thought of this idea. I said it but again I love your writing so much, spent nights finishing it all hahaha, have a super good day :D "
Awww, thank you so much again 💕💕
I'm so sorry this took me so long to post, some stuff irl is affecting my mood and it's becoming harder to keep up with a writing schedule. Hope you will still see it and it will be of your liking. Protective Hector is something i really need rn, so I went for that route, with Paris hurting his brother's wife emotionally during an argument. I made it a x reader because i feel it was more fitting for the idea i had in mind given it's influenced on how i'm feeling.
Warnings: Angst with comfort, feelings of hopelessness.
Summary: An altercate with Paris brings to the surface all your fears and insecurities for the future and after standing up for you, Hector does his best to calm you in a private sharing of your burdens.
Tags: @g-m-kaye
As a daughter of the same land, the actions of your brother in law filled you with indignation. As a member of the family, you were still trying to understand. The constant comparisons Paris attempted to make between your marriage and his were offensive, even if the only point of genuine closeness was the fact that both were based in love. 
For that foreign wife he sold the future of your country, and you felt that you would never be able to forgive him, at least as a trojan sheltered by the same nation. His reckless offer to win back the people’s trust by fixing the problem he had caused meant very little to you. Despite his good intentions, the goodness of his heart would never be enough to stop Agamemnon. Your mercy was reserved for Helen, who you couldn’t blame for wanting to escape at the first chance presented to her given the horrors she must have endured as the sister in law of the cruel mycenaean king. She had proven to her protectors she understood the risks, but the sudden finding of hope in her sad life encouraged her to take a rushed choice. 
After living a romantic fantasy in Sparta, reality was smacking Paris in the face as you wished you could. 
“ Do you even dimension the consequences of your actions, or have you delegated all perceptions of guilt on Helen?” You were calling him out, as soon as you heard of the pointless duel proposition. “ Giving a spectacle that looks like accountability will not solve anything, not even to show the trojan soldiers you are willing to risk your life the same way they do for you. There is an empire on the rise behind the angered husband, and we are the most persistent obstacle in its way. All we have left is deciding if we, as a nation, want to die fighting or live as slaves.” 
“ I’m doing the best I can! “ The naive young man defended himself. "But if what you seek is to make me regret my choice, I must warn that is not going to happen. “ 
You fulminated him with your glance, then looked at Hector as if you seeked he would calm down the fire inside of you before things could get worse. 
“ So what? Do you expect me to stand up and clap you? My husband could be slaughtered because of your intempestive reaction to being denied something for the very first time in your life!”
Paris took that offense very seriously and stopped measuring his phrasing. 
“ Maybe Hector should have married a princess of Hatti, so a friendly empire would be on our side. If you think love is so expendable, give up on yours.” 
For a harmless little man, Paris was capable of wrecking you with his words during harsh arguments. If the duel would take place in a council, instead of a battlefield, he would effortlessly destroy Menelaus. 
Hector knew his brother had gone too far, and he stopped him for you before the provocations would destroy your nerves. 
“ I have given up enough for you, Paris, and I’m still waiting to be compensated for it. “ He warned him. “ Don’t mistake my will of service with absolute disinterest for my own life. I earned my right to sporadic selfishness as a prince and warrior, while you have been selfish from birth. Ask yourself if you would have cared for Helen's unlucky marriage if she wouldn't have mesmerized you in the first place. Would you have offered shelter to a suffering greek girl, if she wouldn’t be the famously proclaimed beauty of the century? "
The youngest prince remained silent, acknowledging his defeat, but his brother didn’t care about that anymore. He could tell you were affected by the poisonous strike, regardless of his avenging protectiveness. 
In the sacred shelter of your thalamus you released your emotions, a moment of private comfort after facing so much pain in the short span of the greek’s arrival. 
“ I’m proud of your speech, you spoke fairly. Sometimes you are the only one who dares to challenge Paris when he deserves it, despite how father protects him.” He attempted to cheer you, holding you in his arms with loveful softness. “ He needs to hear the truth, I believe both need it. “
“ Sadly, that’s our fight. How can we save a nation unaware of its own demise?” You wondered out loud, sharing a frustration that was mutual. “ The illusion of choice is what has been presented to us. If we fight this war, chances are we will lose and get erased from the face of earth by the force of an empire that hates us too strongly to allow a mark of our passing to remain in history. If we give up, we will survive in an obscure existence as servants of this power. Our children will die in wars being fought far away from us, for reasons that aren’t even of our concern… Perhaps fighting men that look closer to them than the master, other asians attempting to resist the expansion. Tales won’t mourn their passing, eclipsed by the songs of the greek heroes guiding them to doom. They will be lost in the herds of submitted armies that Agamemnon keeps as reserve, hopeless men dying for his greed. Maybe even you would find your end in one of those never ending cycles and your tomb will be placed far away from Troy, where I will not be able to cry for you.” 
The dark presumptions you were announcing like an omen, although frightening due to your flawless logic, inspired on him the strength that he felt failing when Achilles killed Tecton. If then he doubted the course to take, he got reminded there were only two grim possibilities to pick and he knew which one he despised over anything. 
“ Could this be the last war we will be fighting for ourselves? The end of trojan history? It will be,for sure, if we don’t try it.” 
He seemed more determined than before, as if your opinion would have help him accommodate the contradicting thoughts in his mind.
“ Do you now wish you would have married the Hatti princess?” 
Hector answered wordlessly, by giving you a passionate kiss that neither of you stopped tasting until the need for air became unbearable. 
“ I will dedicate all my efforts into making sure you will get to rule Troy as my Queen.” He concluded, whispering near your lips. “ … To my last breath, you will see Paris is not the only stubborn man of the family.” 
You caressed his hair as you delivered your reply.
“ I don’t need a throne, all I ever wanted is to be your wife.” You reassured him, taking care that he won’t be putting too much pressure on himself. “ … but how I would love to kick that emperor away from our land and see all the slaves rise …  ‘If Troy could resist him, so can we’, they will say, and I bet you will hear Achilles has started the rebellion with the discontented soldiers. “
He stared at you in wonder of your clever guesses, wishing he could find the way of making you introduce those to his father and see if something would stick with him. 
“ That is, without doubt, an excellent theory. It’s precisely why Agamemnon can’t give up, unless we make him.” 
You showed him a prideful smile that was followed by more kisses. 
“ Our fight doesn’t look so hopeless after all. “ You commented later, regarding a brief change in your own mood. “ There is a lot at risk, but we are not the lost case Agamemnon wants us to feel. He is more doomed if he loses, and he commands a bunch of demoralized men with nothing of their own to fight for.” 
“ This is why I don't make my final choices before our late night talks.” Hector replied. squeezing the embrace a little tighter. “ My mind is more clear when I’m with you, even at the darkest hours of my life.” 
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the-lavender-clown · 8 months
I cannot for the life of me decide on which of the three routes to go with for my rottmnt future au “Love and War”
Like there’s the OG plan where Donnie is Krangifed and Cass ends up having to kill him as he kills her and I love it because that scene would be so gut wrenching! And then in the last moments of life Donnie would come back to himself as his life flashes before his eyes and they die in each others arms, able to have just one last moment to love each other. I adore it and it’s so beautifully angsty.
But then there’s the second option I came up with later where instead of being Krangifed the Krang want to use Donnie for his brain but at this point the turtles have built up very good mental walls and they can’t get through them like they did Raph’s in the movie. Him being completely uncooperative they decide to throw him in the Prison Dimension for the time being while they wait to figure out a way to break through his mind or he goes insane and his walls crumble that way. Later Cass is on a mission to get the key and fails to do so, resulting in her ending up in the PD when a Krang (not sure which yet) shoves her in, only saying to say hello to her little friend and they hope he hasn’t lost his mind yet for her sake. Donnie has gone feral from his time in there but Cass is able to snap him out of it eventually even if he never really loses all of that savage aspect of him. Because of *insert PD hcs and random thoughts* they’re in there when present Leo is and play a hand in saving him and escape with him so Casey gets both parents back in the end after thinking both were dead for years.
The last one is Donnie still being Krangifed but he and Cass don’t kill each other like in the first one so they’re both alive when Casey is sent through the portal. A moment after he is Donnie comes in and tackles both accidentally sending them through the portal and because of the time that passes between Casey going in and them, no matter how brief, they get spit out a few weeks after the invasion and Casey and the present gang go to see what the random mystic energy surge was only to find an old Leo and Cass fighting and trying to subdue or kill a frankly terrifying looking Donnie. Maybe it’s a tranquilizer shot by present Dee or something else but F!Don is knocked out and they keep him under containment after that to see if they can cure him. Because he’s no longer flooded with the thoughts and orders of the future Krang hive mind and the one that exists in the present is so quiet and weak Don’s consciousness is able to actually fight back again and he occasionally has moments where he successfully breaks through for a moment to say something to his family. They can’t release him however because he’s still very much not cured. They do find a way to cure him eventually thanks to Draxum but it’s a very painful procedure where they basically burn the parasites, and consequently him, alive to get rid of them. It’s a gamble on if he’d live or not but it’s that or nothing and Cass refuses to let him live like this for any longer even at the risk of killing him. He wouldn’t want that and they all know it. They do it and he does live but it’s a long road to recovery and he’s never the same of course but really none of them are after all the trauma and at least they’re together again.
In the second and third options F!Don would find away to bring back all his brothers and April too. In the first everyone stays dead for simplicity’s sake.
They all have such good angst potential and I love them but I just can’t decide!!
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natasharswifey · 21 days
Take me home. (1)
Summary: Yelena Belova had been a Widow ever since she could remember, and Katya was just another mission. Until she wasn’t.
What if it was Yelena who left someone behind?
A/N: This was originally supposed to be a oneshot but they're just too silly.
Tags: Swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, cold Yelena
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Link to fic on Ao3
Yelena skulks in the shadows of gloomy alleyways while waiting for her target to arrive walking her usual route.
For an ex Red Room spy she was far too hasty to fall into a routine. Well she wasn’t going to be an ‘ex’ Red Room spy for much longer.
Yelena had been sent out with orders to capture this ‘Rio Torrez’ and bring her back to where she belonged.
This girl had truly believed she would be able to live an ordinary life after escaping, finding roomates to settle down with and attending the local collage while taking hits on the side to make money.
To be fair she had gotten considerably far away, probably the furthest Yelena had ever seen a Widow get. But now it was time for her to return, willingly or unwillingly.
After what feels like hours off schedule the girl starts walking down the street, turning into the alleyway which was a shortcut to her home.
“Awfully late to be walking out by yourself, hm?” Yelena steps out of the shadows and can immediately notice the girl’s shift in demeanour.
“Not interested.” She replies blunty, almost shoving past Yelena as she continues her journey.
“That’s no way to treat one of your superiours, Katya.” The use of her mother tongue has the girl’s attention and she turns back around, trying to mask her nerves.
“I go by Rio now.”
“It doesn’t matter, Rio, Katya, Agent 00687. I’m here to bring you back.”
“I’d rather die than go back there.” Katya’s tone is even and serious.
It’s not a very uncommon response for those Yelena captures, so it doesn’t have the desired effect.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get this over with already."
Yelena produces a syringe with a cloudy liquide inside and rapidly approaches Katya, she retaliates by flicking out a sizeable knife.
Yelena can easily get the upper hand on the younger girl, she’s an experienced fighter but Yelena is older and faster.
She throws Katya against the wall, instantly picking up on when she cradles her right arm.
Yelena decides to take advantage of the girl’s presumed injury and lands a firm kick on it, which would most likely leave a lasting effect on an arm that wasn’t even previously affected.
It ends with Yelena pinning the girl down on the unforgiving and unsanitary street. Katya squirms and attempts to roll Yelena off of her, but it’s all in vain.
“I thought this would be a little more difficult, I must admit.” Yelena remarks, finally managing to get the girl still enough to inject her with the sedative safely.
“You’re just lucky I took a fall last week.”
”Excuses, excuses.” Yelena chides before sliding the needle into Katya’s neck, not getting back off of her until she completely stops moving.
Katya stumbles in and out of consicousness for the next few hours, able to grasp four things:
She’s in a van, her hands and feet are bound very tightly, and she has no idea where she currently is or how long she’s been out.
An annoyingly familiar voice calls out to her from behind the caged front seat.
“You awake back there?”
Katya groans in response, trying every tactic to wake herself back up but the sedative is too strong for her to fend off more than a few seconds.
Eventually the back doors of the van open up, although Katya can’t even be sure that it’s the same one from before.
“We’ve arrived, sit up I need to untie you.”
“What? No, you can’t bring me back here!” The young girl’s voice lacks the confidence it did before, stripped down to the desperate plea of a traumatised teenager, never once met by sympathy.
“I’m just following orders. But you know that this is where you belong. Sit up.” Yelena’s voice is no longer playful, detaching herself to avoid the raw emotions of the situation as she had many times before.
Katya slowly pulls herself up to a sitting position, trying to ignore the nausea that came with it, and Yelena easily cuts through the rope she was bound with.
“Alright let’s go. You already aren’t on good terms with the general, best not to keep him waiting any longer.”
Katya’s heart feels as though it stops the moment she utters his name.
The General could decide who lived or died with a simple wave of his arm, he controlled everything, even Katya’s superiors who displayed a flicker of fear everytime he entered to observe training.
Yelena looses her patience and drags the younger girl out of the van herself, bringing her to the extration point.
Katya desperately scans the surroundings for any kind of cover or even weapon and her eyes land on a nearby forest.
She waits until Yelena is distracted taking out her phone and sends a kick directly to her liver, causing her to double over in pain and giving her enough time to make it to the treeline.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: kazutora x reader
♡   —   summary: after a long day at work, you want nothing but to spend a calm night with your boyfriend. however, you have no idea this is the night were all his demons finally get the best of him.
♡   —   tags/warnings: female reader, angst, breakups, hurt feelings everywhere, mention on mental illnesses and nightmares, based on ben platt’s song ‘carefully’, mention of tora’s job in one of the future timelines.
♡   —   a/n: i enjoyed writing kazutora so. damn. much. also, i’m quite proud of this one and the small details i added~ thank you @ofoceansandtombstones​​ for being my lovely beta <3
♡   —  masterlist
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And all this time you've had a gentle way of holding me
So could you please release me that way too?
— “carefully” by Ben Platt
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“It’s open, come in!”
The first thing Kazutora sees when he opens the door of your apartment is you, kneeling on the kitchen floor and picking up pieces of a broken baking dish. Red sauce has splattered everywhere and his mind betrays him for a second, imagining an accident far worse than what has truly happened. He blinks twice and starts to notice the small details that finally slow down the fast beating of his heart. There are pieces of chicken breasts next to the open oven door and what he thinks are sliced carrots next to your right knee.
You hiss when you pick up a piece of the shattered glass, the sharp end pinching your finger. Kazutora comes back to his senses, widening his eyes as he realizes he’s just been standing there.
“Hey, let me. You’ll cut yourself,” he warns, walking up to you. Grabbing both your hands, he eases you into your feet and then guides you to the living room. “I’ll take care of it,” he promises as he goes back to the kitchen and starts cleaning up the mess.
You let yourself fall on the sofa with a loud thud and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I just had the most awful day,” you whine, taking off your apron and leaving it on the arm of the sofa.  “Work was hell, I got scolded by something that I didn’t do— like always, only this time my boss was all like: ‘You gotta be more careful, we wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable employee’. Like he was going to fire me over someone else’s mistake?!”
Your voice is getting louder by the minute and you take advantage of the fact Kazutora is in another room to keep the volume. You have been waiting the entire day to see him and vent about what a trainwreck you day had been. Just as always, he listens intently, the only noise coming from the kitchen being a soft scraping sound as he picks up everything and throws it to the trash. 
“Then, I went to the store and of course they had run out of basil. Tell me, how does a store that big run out of basil?” you ask. There’s no answer from the kitchen so you continue. “I mean, yeah, I could have gone to another store but my feet were killing me. I’m just not meant to work in heels the entire day,” you sigh tiredly, swinging your feet.
You reposition yourself, now sitting cross-legged on the sofa. Putting your right hand on your left shoulder, you stretch your neck, feeling your sore muscles releasing a bit of tension with a small ‘pop’.
“I ended up preparing something entirely different than I had planned for dinner. I tried to let it go but just as I was going to put it in the oven, it slipped my hands and—”
“I think we should break up.”
Words die in your lips the moment you listen to your boyfriend speak. The silence becomes loud and abrasive as you struggle to understand what was happening. Why was Kazutora breaking up with you with such a small voice? What had triggered him to come to that conclusion? Why had he decided to bring it up now? You turn your head to the kitchen door and watch him slowly make his way towards you, doubtful steps as he takes a seat on the other side of the sofa, avoiding your eyes at all costs.
“What?” you ask, your voice hoarse. His lips form a tight line and you see him swallowing nervously.
“I’m not doing okay— haven’t been for a while. I— it’s been two years since I left prison and I still haven’t— I don’t— I don’t know what I’m doing,” he explains, looking down at his hands.
You nod slowly, trying to comprehend where he’s coming from. Turning your body towards him, you take a deep breath before speaking.
“It’s okay not to know,” you assure him in a soft voice. “Just… take it slow. One day at a time and then I’m sure you’ll—”
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” Kazutora confesses and you notice his voice wavering a little. “I— I keep having nightmares about— about that day and— and also about the motorcycle shop. Those two mix up and…” he takes one of his hands to the side of his head, his fingers grazing his temple. “And I’m hitting Baji in the head. And there’s so much blood— so, so much blood and—”
Leaning forward, you take his hands. They’re shaking and extremely cold and you rub your thumb over his knuckles, trying your best to soothe him.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now, Tora, you’re—”
Kazutora pulls his hands away hastily, leaving a tingling sensation on your palms.
“I can’t!” he says as he shakes his head. You spend a moment looking at your empty hands, never before having felt your boyfriend’s rejection. “I feel like I’m drowning and— You know what? I think relationships just aren’t for me,” he shrugs, his hands moving in exaggerated gestures. “That’s why I never cared for dating, never got myself involved in that kind of shit, not until—”
He finally looks at you and, fuck, you wish he didn’t. You’re not sure if you have the strength to deal with such hurtful discourse. You lick your lips and take yet another deep breath, deciding to ignore his hurtful remark.
“I’m… so sorry you’re feeling this way,” you say, slowing down your words, trying your best not to show how hurt you were. This isn’t him, you tell yourself. So no need for that tightness in your throat. “But you have to understand it’s not because of me. It’s because of everything that you’ve gone through and how hard it’s to deal with them. I don’t blame you, it is hard. But this… us,” you gesture to the both of you. “This is a good thing. Despite all the pain and hurt we’ve both been through, we—”
“Please, stop,” he says, raising his hand and pressing his eyelids together. “I can’t be with you anymore. That’s it, that’s all—”
“So you don’t love me anymore?” you counter. You scoff in disbelief, shaking your head. Kazutora’s eyes shoot open and you notice his pupils shaking in fear, like a deer caught in headlights.
“I love you,” he breathes out, and for a moment you see the boy you fell in love with in his amber eyes that are quickly filling with tears. “I do love you but it’s killing me. I feel like I’m dying,” he chokes out. He looks away from you once more and starts tugging at his fingers. “I’m rotting inside and I don’t know what to do to make it better. I just want it to stop. I want it to stop and— I don’t want you around when I’m like this. I want to figure out what the hell is happening and—”
“But if you love me and I love you then why—”
“I’m not happy with you!”
Kazutora widens his eyes, scared by his loud outburst. He parts his lips, silently muttering nonsense as he tries to come up with words that can make it better. You lower your head and he wants to punch himself over it. He doesn’t want to make you cry, not after everything you’ve done for him. Is he really going to be the person that hurt the one that made a home for him in her embrace? Is he going to hurt the only person that was brave enough to pick up the pieces of his shattered soul?
“I’m…” he babbles, in a soft voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
You snort. “No, you really did mean it, Tora.”
He can sense the hurt and sadness in your voice, even if now you’re the one that won’t look at him. He watches helplessly as you stand up and walk towards the living room window in complete silence. The apron you took off is still on the couch and the vast memories of all the times he embraced you while you were wearing it quickly fill his mind.
He wishes there was a way he could keep you. But no matter how much he wants to, he knows there really is no other way. He’s thought about this countless times. He has gone to work without getting proper sleep, stared at his blank tv screen for hours on end, trying to come up with a plan where he could keep you. Was staying with the person he loved the most too much to ask?
No matter in how many shades of light or with how much care he handled the memory of you, the only way he could spare you the greatest amount of pain was to leave you— even if he knew he’d end up shattering your heart as well.
Kazutora notices the way your fingers tightly close around the edge of the window, your knuckles turning white. He had come to terms that he’d lose you today, yet he never expected for it to be this way. It doesn’t matter, he tells himself. If hating him would mend your wounds faster, then he’d take it. Anything that would make the heartache he was causing you a little bit lighter. He knew you were the last person on Earth that deserved to go to bed carrying that much pain in her soul.
Looking out the window, you focus on a small girl walking her dog on the street. It’s a brown labrador and by the size of it, it’s barely a puppy. Rather than walk, it jumps on its four legs, his little head looking back at the girl every chance he has as he happily wags his tail. The pet shop Kazutora and Chifuyu work at immediately comes to mind. Would it be like this from now on? Small things eliciting memories of your days together without your consent and leaving a sour taste in your mouth?
You will need to find a new commute, you think, as you had been stopping by the pet shop on your way home for the past year. Is there another bus that you could take? As you try to remember the lines and their respective routes, you’re engulfed by the memory of the first time Kazutora dozed off with his head resting on your shoulder as you rode the bus together. You close your eyes and you can clearly see his peaceful expression and slightly parted lips as he slept, his fingers tightly intertwined with yours. His breathing is slow and his hands are cold and you wish you could go back, even for a minute and place a kiss on top of his head, since you wouldn’t be able to do so from now on.
Where exactly had you failed? You had just been complaining about your day when he dropped the bomb. Did you complain too much? Did you talk too much? Or was it you the one that was too much? You tried your best and supported him as much as you could but as it turns out, it hadn’t been enough. Good intentions were nothing but useless as you were now saying goodbye to the man you had loved the most.
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt Kazutora’s cold knuckles against your cheek, wiping your tears. You gasp, startled by his touch and take a couple steps back until your back hits the wall. It takes a few seconds for him to bring his hand now, unsure on what to do next.
He looks so scared and small— it fills your heart with frustration. Your whole body is screaming to take a step forward and comfort him, cradle him in your arms like so many times before, assure him he’s safe with you and that he doesn’t have to worry anymore. That, if you can still go home to each other at the end of a bad day, you can take anything life throws at you.
But that’s the thing. You’re not each other’s home anymore. You don’t get to bury your face in his neck and hum happily when his perfume reaches your nose. You don’t get to have him take a nap on your lap as you watch a series or feel his lips ghost against yours seconds before colliding in a kiss.
You hate it. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking down at his feet. “Please, don’t cry.”
“You know what, Kazutora?” you say, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. You taste venom in your words, yet that doesn’t stop you. “If you’re not happy with me, then what are you doing here?”
He flinches at your words. Biting his inner cheek, he nods, still incapable of holding your gaze.
“Yeah, okay,” he mutters. “I’ll go. I really am sorry.”
Kazutora turns on his heel, walking towards the door. Maybe it’s the way you know he’s not coming back this time that makes your desperation afloat. You don’t want him to go and you also know you can’t make him stay. And even if somehow you could find a way to keep him by your side, it would be worthless.
He’s just not happy with you.
“Are you happy somewhere else, though?” you ask, your words leaving your mouth before your head has time to process them. He stumbles on his feet and stops. “Because if you just can’t manage to be happy, then it’s not on me.”
Kazutora doesn’t have to turn for you to know he’s second guessing himself. The next seconds feel like years as he just stands there, mid-way to the front door, thoughts so messy and loud you can almost hear them.
“That doesn’t matter,” he finally says with his back to you. He closes his fists and you see his shoulders rising and falling as he takes a deep breath. “This way you don’t have to deal with... with the mess I am and—”
“Oh, please, I knew what I was getting into when I started dating an ex-convict.”
The weight of your words fall onto you the moment they leave your mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, muttering a curse. It takes no time for you to walk towards Kazutora, standing between him and the door.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Tora, I didn’t— you know I didn’t mean it that way. Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you whimper, tears flowing free down your cheeks. Your wave your shaky hands, desperate to make your point across. “I just wanted to say I knew things would be difficult but I loved you— I love you and I—”
Kazutora shakes his head, a gentle yet sad smile on his face as he takes your hands in his. He holds them in front of his chest, squeezing them gently as they don’t stop trembling.
“Stop, it’s okay,” he assures you. “That’s what I am.”
“It’s not,” you protest. “I mean— yeah, but you’re more than that. You’re so much more than that. You’re caring, you’re noble— you’re so tender with the animals at your shop. You’re so sweet with me, always checking if I’ve eaten and offering to help me out if I have chores I need to do. You always come pick me up if I’m working late. You— you’re so fucking special to me.”
Kazutora’s lips form a tight line. “I wish I could see that,” he whispers.
“Then just— let me try. Let me try until you can look at yourself the way I do,” you almost beg. You let go of the hold he has on your hands to gently cradle his face. “I’ll do anything, but... don’t patronize me. I’m not a little girl. Whatever life throws at me, I’ve always been able to handle it. No— we’ll handle it. Together. Like it’s always been, you and me, I just— please, I don’t want you to go,” you cry. “We were going to be happy together, you were going to live with me and I’d give you half my drawers and half my closet and half… half everything. Please, don’t go. Don’t go, Tora.”
The sadness in his amber eyes only confirms what you’ve been fearing this whole time. You sob, your thumbs softly stroking his cheeks as you feel the world crumbling around you. This time, he doesn’t stop you, letting you cry as you hold his face, coming to terms with the fact he’s really leaving after all.
Your hands move to his hair, gently threading your fingers across his long, dark locks. Tracing the outline of his face, you push one of the dyed streaks away, only for it to fall back right where it was before. You can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. He’s so pretty, you think, as the pads of your fingers gently caress his face. Your thumb grazes the space between his bottom lip and his chin and you dream of a world when he’s not saying goodbye, but rather falling asleep under your touch on your shared bed. You never knew loving someone as much as you loved him was possible-- yet the way your heart was crumbling in pieces was evidence of how much your soul was aching by being separated from the person it belonged to.
Sniffling, you rub your cheek against your shoulder to wipe your tears. You swallow before raising another question.
“Is this a… temporary thing? Or for good?” Your voice comes out in a whisper as you place down your hands on his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” he answers. He wants nothing more than to put his arms around your body like so many times before, but he’s aware that it will only make things more difficult. “But I don’t want to keep you waiting in vain. You should move on.”
Kazutora realizes how much he hates the idea as it leaves his lips. The idea of you starting over with someone else rots in his tongue. He doesn’t want you to hold anyone’s face the way you were just holding his. He wants to keep you all to himself, to go to endless visits to the grocery shop, to watch you fall asleep during movie night and then pretend you didn’t, to massage your hands as you tell him about his day.
But you don’t deserve the guck that’s forming inside his mind. He knows it’s only a matter of time before it comes out pouring and reaches you. And he’ll be damned if he lets himself ruin the one good thing he’s had in his life for many years. He promised to himself he wouldn’t let his ill state of mind touch his loved ones. Never again.
He watches you nod and feels his heart shattering, even if everything is going just the way he intended. You rub his shoulders and look into his eyes, a sad smile on the pretty lips he would never get to kiss again.
“Okay,” you sigh. “We’ll end this but… when you leave, never doubt how loved you were. No— how loved you are. I don’t know what is coming for either of us but… I do know a part of my heart will always belong to you, no matter who I hold hands with. I will always love you, Tora.”
Your words are enough to finally break him. Kazutora clutches your body tightly against him as he loudly sobs against your shoulder. You hold him, tears flowing free once again as you try and soothe the man you love, leaving small kisses on the side of his head and whispering soft reassurances that it’s okay. It’s not, you tell yourself. It’s never going to be okay. But it has to be.
Carefully, you move him back to the sofa, helping him sit down while he refuses to let go of his hold on your body. You lean on the back pillows, both your arms cradling him while he whimpers like a small child. Kazutora clutches the fabric of your sweater with desperation, wishing there was a way he could stay with you.
Why does he have to give up the person that had put a smile back on his face? He can’t quite remember a time when his stomach had hurt out of laughter before he ever met you. Or when he’d experienced such peace as the night he stayed at your apartment and got to see your sleeping face first thing in the morning. He’s never loved anyone as much as he loves you and, for all he knows, he may never love like this again. 
But he could never risk tainting you. He would never be able to forgive himself.
Kazutora softly pulls away from your embrace. His eyes are blotchy and red and you’re sure yours look the same or even worse. His nose is red, like it always does when he cries. It’s endearing, you think. Everything about him, from his hair, to his eyes, his hands— you’ve come to love every part of Kazutora. And that’s exactly why it’s so hard to let him go.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says in a whisper, resting the side of his head on the back pillows of the sofa.
“Like what?” you ask, gently pushing his hair away from his face and behind his ear.
“Like I matter to you. Like I’m making a huge mistake.”
You take a deep breath. Imitating him, you rest your head on the back pillows as well, so you’re both facing each other.
“I don’t— I don’t fully understand what you’re going through,” you admit, your eyes locked on his. “But if you need to… get away, then you should. You’ve been nothing but loving to me. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, whether it’s with me or not. You deserve to fully experience all the beautiful things life has to offer.”
Silent tears fall from both your cheeks and his.
“I should be thankful I got to love you for this whole year. Because even if it ends this way… God, I loved you so much,” you sniffle, letting out a small laugh. “And I felt so loved. Isn’t that magical in itself? That we got to love each other at the same time?” you wonder with a sad smile.
Kazutora parts his lips, yet the doorbell interrupts him before he can even speak. You look at the front door, your eyebrows furrowing for a moment before you realize who’s probably there.
“Food’s here,” you say, wiping the tears from your face.
“Food?” Kazutora asks, confused.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Didn’t I tell you? The baking dish broke so I called that restaurant, the one with the burgers we like.”
“Sorry. I wasn’t really listening back then,” he admits with a pang of guilt. He sits up on the couch and turns his head at you. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
You sit up as well. “I ordered for the two of us. C’mon, stay for dinner. Let’s… remember us this way, okay? Without so many tears and sadness,” you offer, tilting your head towards him. “I even ordered your favourite one.”
Kazutora rubs his face with his sleeve, erasing the trail of the tears he just shed. Looking at you, he nods, drawing a small smile on his lips.
“Okay. I’ll get it.”
He only walks a few steps towards the door before he feels you tugging at the back of his shirt. Turning around, he notices you’re standing right behind him. Your eyes look up to him, biting your bottom lip and not even a ghost of the smile you previously offered him.
“Before that, uh— I want you to know I… I mean it,” you firmly say, taking in all his facial features, loving how they soften every time he looks at you. “I’ll always love you. No matter how many years go by or if I ever stop being in love with you— I’ll still love you.”
“I’ll always love you too,” he replies, taking your hand and squeezing it softly. “I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to.”
You finally let out a soft chuckle and squeeze his hand back. The doorbell rings again and you walk around Kazutora to get to it. This time, he’s the one that stops you, not letting go of the hold of your hand. Looking back at him, you notice the soft pout in his lips and how they softly tremble, looming more tears.
“It’s okay,” you assure him, and you know you’re saying it to yourself as well. “Who knows, we might get together again someday. Have our own Casablanca moment. We’ll always have the pet shop,” you joke, trying to fight back to tears that threaten to fill your eyes as well.
It’s Kazutora’s turn to chuckle, only this time he does it along with you. You let go of his hand only to hold his face tenderly, a soft smile as you look at the man you love. Standing on your tiptoes, you press your lips against the beauty mark under his right eye. You feel his hands setting on the small of your back and watch his smile widen when you fall back on your heels.
Locking your fingers with him once more, you open the door.
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Safe With Me
ao3 link! anon sentence prompt request: "ready or not, here I come." angst to fluff, very emotional. sorry for any grammatical errors! I was given a 2000 word limit or less and I went almost 200 over but enjoy and tell me what you think!
Hiding for your Mistress and her daughters was one thing but hiding from a hunter who had entered the castle undetected was another. Alcina and her daughters weren’t home, they were down in the village. Alcina’s daughters didn’t need to go with her, but they managed to convince her to let them tag along.
You had been getting ready to walk downstairs when you saw the hunter walk out of the room that led to the courtyard. Another thing you hated was that there was no staff today so you were all alone with the hunter. Your breath had caught in in your throat as you slowly backed up so he wouldn’t hear your footsteps but you weren’t paying attention and you hit one of the marble busts in the hallway, its banging up against the wall catching the hunter’s attention.
“Who’s in here?!” The hunter shouted out. Your eyes widened and your heart started beating even faster as you heard him coming towards the stairs. You looked around for somewhere to hide, but your legs felt like they couldn’t move. The hunter quickly ascended the stairs and laid eyes on you. “Now, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in this big castle all by your lonesome?” He asked with a creepy smile.
You let out an ear-piercing scream before you felt your legs finally work as you ran down the hallway towards Alcina’s chambers. You quickly entered the room and shut the door, locking it so he wouldn’t come in and hid under the bed. It didn’t take him long to realise where you had gone when he checked the door handle to find the door locked. You flinched as you heard the bullets hitting the handle, holding your breath when you heard the door creak open.
“I know you’re in here, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you.” The hunter said. You wish you could scream out Alcina’s name and that she’d come running to save you, but you knew she wouldn’t be able to hear you. “Come on now, I can help you.” He said as he stopped by the bed. You saw him start to crouch down and made your way to the other side of the bed. “There you are.” He grinned at you and you kicked him in the face scrambling from under the bed.
“Stay away from me!” You yelled over your shoulder as you dashed from the room.
“You little bitch! Get back here!” He screamed as he held his hand over his eye.
You didn’t stop running until you got to the hallway that had Alcina’s study and the library on it. Quickly deciding to hide in the library since it was bigger than Alcina’s study, you barricaded the door with a chair and a shelf that took a bit of work to move.
Your chest was heaving as you let out heavy breaths. You saw the handle to the library door jiggle and a small chuckle escape the hunter’s lips. “So you’re in here, are you?” He asked, his voice muffled. “Well, ready or not, here I come.” He grunted out as his rammed his shoulder into the doors to get them to open.
You shook your head as tears streamed down your face. Yes, the library was huge, but there were no good hiding places. But you headed up the left side of the stairs anyway just to put some distance between you two, a decision you made a second too late when the hunter came barrelling into the library, spotting you immediately.
“Aw, don’t run from me anymore, sweetheart, you’re starting to hurt my feelings.” He said as he cocked the gun and aimed it for you. You ducked when the first shot rang out, running up the rest of the stairs and hiding in between the bookcases as best as you could. The spot was cramped but you hoped that he wouldn’t find you here. Your heart thudded with every footstep he took up the stairs to the second floor. “Now, where could you be up here?” He asked as he looked through the rows of books. You thought it was strange when he started walking down the aisle you went down, like he could smell where you were hiding. The thought made your eyes widen and you pushed yourself back further into the space trying to get to the other aisle just as someone grabbed your arm.
“Let go of me!” You screamed at him, kicking him again but in his leg this time as you dashed down the aisle. He met you at the end of it. You pushed him out of your way, trying to get back down the stairs.
“Not on my watch sweetheart. You either die right here or I take you back down the village to be mine. What’s it gonna be?” He asked.
You grimaced. “Neither.” You replied. He kept walking towards you and you backed up until your back hit the balcony rail. “Take one more step towards me and I’ll jump.” You threatened. He smirked at you as if daring you to do so as he took one more step. To his surprise, you did jump from the balcony and to your surprise, you landed on one of comfy couches that was in the library.
“You stupid bitch!” He growled out as he headed back down the stairs. You quickly got up from the couch to make your way to the door, but somehow, he got there before you, blocking your only escape route. Was the door opened that wide when he came in? You shook the question from your mind. “Not so fast. I asked you a question and you gave me your answer so by default I’m gonna carve you up real nice for the Lady to come home to. Such a shame that I have to do something to such a pretty face.”
You shook your head at him, your hands coming up defensively as you back away from him. “Pl-please. I don-” Your words were cut off as you tripped over the rug where it had come up slightly. “I’ll, I’ll go with you. I just, please, don’t kill me.” You pleaded with him as he cocked his gun again.
“Too late for that. Any last words?” He replied.
You felt the tears streaming down your face. You whispered four words to yours before closing your eyes. “I love you, Alcina.” You waited for the shot to ring out and you heard two, but you heard something shatter and a squishing noise. You slowly opened one eye to find the man who had just threatened to end your life being impaled by your Mistress’ claws, gurgling blood in his mouth. “Alcina?”
Alcina led the body slide off her claws and signalled for her daughters to take the body from the room. “Are you alright, iubirea mea?” Alcina asked as she crouched down. You stared at her and nodded your head slightly. You saw her nostrils flare as she sniffed the air and looked down at your leg. “Oh, sweet thing, you’re hurt.”
You looked down to where her gaze was trained and saw the blood oozing out of your leg. You suddenly felt lightheaded. “Al...” It was all you could say before you felt yourself about to pass out.
“No, dear, stay awake for me.” She said as she picked you up carefully, carrying you over to the couch and placing you down before put your leg over hers. You weakly nodded your head as you heard the sound of buzzing. “Girls, get something to warm her up and get the first aid kit. Go down to village and get the doctor, wake her up if you have to, just get her here quickly.” She commanded. You heard the chorus of “Yes, Mother” before they flew away again.
“Ina?” You said. She hummed. “Ho- how did yo-”
Alcina cut you off. “I could smell his blood as you as I entered the gates. I got here as quickly as I possibly could.” You heard her sniffle. “This will hurt, but I must put pressure on the wound.”  You let out a strangled scream as she pressed on the wound to minimize the bleeding. “Shh, shh, sweet one, it’ll all be alright.” She said to you softly. “Where the hell are they?” She growled to herself.
You heard a soft buzzing come into the room. “The first aid kit, Mother. Daniela and Cassandra went to fetch the doctor.” Bela said. “Will she be alright?” Bela asked as she helped her Mother dress your wound until the doctor got here.
“I’m not sure, my dear. Did you bring a blanket?” Bela nodded her head and handed them to her Mother. “There, my sweet, these’ll keep you warm until the doctor arrives. You’ve gotten dreadfully cold in such a short matter of time.”
You could barely move so you just let out a small noise so that they would know you were still with them. It felt like hours had passed until Alcina was welcoming the doctor into the room to look at you.
“Well, Y/N, will need surgery to remove the bullet.” The doctor said. You heard Alcina protesting, not wanting you out of her sight. “It would be unsanitary for me to do it here, Lady Dimitrescu.” You could hear Alcina growl something out to the doctor in Romanian. “If this wound gets infected, My Lady, then this one’s on you. Prep her for me.”
Alcina made sure the table in the library was thoroughly sanitised before placing you on it. “The doctor’s going to get the bullet out, and then I’ll take care of the wound afterwards.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead before whispering something to one of her daughters.
When you came to you could feel Alcina’s honey golden eyes staring at you as she sat by you. “You passed out from the potion, draga mea. You’ve been asleep for a few days.” She said to you softly, her head coming up to your forehead. “You’ve a small fever. But the doctor was able to get the bullet out during the surgery. However, though the potion did heal up your leg from any infections that you may or may not have gotten, the doctor wants you to stay off your leg as much as possible.” Alcina explains.
“Oh.” Was all you could say at the time.
“Try to go back to sleep, sweet one. After such an event, you need the rest.” You shook your head. You didn’t want to sleep, the fear of dreaming about what happened creeping up on you. “My dear, I can’t stay with you. I have some work to do so it’s either stay here or go to the library.”
Your eyes widened at the thought of being in the library. “Please don’t leave me.” You whispered to her. You didn’t realise you were crying until she was wiping the tears away with her thumbs. “Please.”
Alcina pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I won’t, I won’t, I’m right here.” She whispered. “If you wish to read, we can go to the library and I can work from there.” You nodded your head hesitantly before Alcina picked you up and headed to the library. She sat you down outside the door of the library. “Go on inside, I’ll be right there in a moment.” She said before disappearing into her study.
You didn’t move as you stared at the closed door. You couldn’t bring yourself to place your hand on the handle and open the door. “I can’t,” You said to yourself. “No! No! No! Stop it, please!” You yelled out.
Alcina rushed to your side. “Darling, what is it?” She asked, concern lacing her voice.
“He’s in there, Ina. He, he, I can’t. Please.” Your voice cracked as you pushed yourself into Alcina’s body. Your tears soaking her dress.
“Okay, okay. We won’t go in the library.” She ran her hand down your back before guiding you into her study. “How foolish of me to think that you’d want to go in there, especially by yourself. I’m sorry, sweet thing.” Alcina said, chastising herself.
“Please don’t leave me alone.” You said looking up at her from your position on her lap.
Alcina shook her head. “No, my darling, I won’t. I won’t ever leave you alone.” She pressed a kiss to your lips and you melted into it. “Never again.” She said against your lips before she pulled away and pressed one to your forehead. You pressed yourself deeper into her chest, just wanting to be as close to her as possible. She wrapped her arms around you. “I promise that you’ll always be safe with me, sweet one. Always.” You hummed into her chest at her promise. You knew she’d keep her word to you, in every way she could.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
I read the Diavolos ball and angsty stuff, can I please please please get a happy ending to go with it?
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This has been a highly requested and I must give my poor followers comfort after this straight up angst
So everyone, let's get into it! Some hurt and comfort to soothe your hearts
Warning: angst, long
I'll be putting this under readmore as it is long and I have had someone before say they wanted me to add it on long posts, I never really got any feedback about what I could do better and how this will help with people's viewing but I understand why, long posts can be annoying
If you guys think I should do this with all my long posts please comment or dm me or even state it in asks/requests - I wanna do what I can to make things enjoyable for people
Part 1 - beginning
Diavolo's ball aftermath
It's been a few days since they've seen you; they expected to find you in the dorm. Some fear you went back to the human world; there was no messages, no note - there was nothing. You were completely gone.
Everyone was losing it. The brothers got more aggressively with each other, no longer able to have you come between them. Your presence was so soothing to all of them but now you were gone. As soon as they realized you were gone the whole air of the dorm shifted. It wasn't right.
Mammon got desperate to know where you were. He handed one of his crows a necklace he got you, you promised to never take it off. His heart shattered when he saw it was on your desk. He wasn't sure what he did wrong - why did you take it off? What happened to you?
It wasn't long before the crow came back to the devildom; reporting that you were in fact in the human world. The brothers were devastated. They had to tell the others and they had to watch the hopeful shine in their eyes die.
They could all feel thankful you were unharmed but you were so far. You did this to get away from them. You didn't even leave a damn note!
Diavolo ordered everyone to go to the human world. They all split up into different parties to get you, whoever could get you first had to interrogate you. It didn't take a genius to understand that the Noble told you something horrible - why else would you have such a reaction? Barbatos was tasked to 'calmly discuss' that night with said noble but regardless of how rough and merciless he was; he refused to talk.
It was wasting time and energy. If he wasn't going to talk then they had to get the answer from you. A few were able to gather the gist of what he told you from your conversation before you disappeared; you were convinced you were being used and just a replacement, a pawn to them.
They wanted the full story. The whole reason. Anything! Just to understand why you would push them away and disappear like this. What have they done to make the nobles words feel so real to you? They needed to fix it.
The demon brother's split into a team of two; eldest and youngest, the royals stayed together and the elder exchange students were a double team aswell.
The crows lead the teams their way, splitting up to different routes to see if they could circle you so they could talk to you even if you decided to run.
In the end they found you, you were across the pavement, a train coming. The pedestrian stop dinged as it commanded people to stop but the men couldn't help themselves.
You whipped around, shocked. You thought your ears were playing tricks on you but there was the boys. Your boys. Tears bubbled in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. They followed you to the human world.
The world slowed down; the wind blowing against you as your eyes widened at the sight of them. They looked exhausted, some even with tear streaked cheeks. The more impulsive bunch being held back so they don't go running towards you. The street lights illuminated all of you; their appearance looked just as broken as their hearts.
The train rammed itself between you all. Disturbing the moment with its blaring horn, the screeching wheels ringing in your ears. It was the second you had to decide; do you run? Or do you stay?
To let them get you and finally face your emotions or run away, avoid everything and keep letting despair consume you.
You stayed. You couldn't move at all. It was if you were glued to the spot. But you knew it was just your heart aching for them; desperate to hold them and cry out your pain.
As soon as they could, they all rushed to your side. Hugging you, grabbing at your arms and head to pull you close to them. You choked on your tears as you let the 11 men hug you and check your face and clothes. All just wanting to make sure you were really there and unharmed.
You missed them all dearly and you were so happy they missed you too.
But then the big question was asked.
"what happened that night?"
"he said he was happy to meet me...asked for a dance and I said yes, I never should of, he kept telling me I was just Diavolo's pawn, Lilith's replacement and convinced me none of actually cared for me....I believed him.....I felt so unsure and he knew so much about us I just couldn't stop the doubts in my head....I'm so sorry-!"
He couldn't believe that noble said that to you
He hastily grabbed your face, wiping away your tears
"You will never be and never have been her replacement, you are your own person, your connection to our sister means nothing other than comfort that she was able to be happy and that's it - I apologize if we have made you feel like you are a replacement and have compared you to her.... please understand we just miss her very dearly but we all want you in our life more than anything."
You buried your face into his shoulder
Sobbing your heart out as you kept chanting apologies and gratitude in a broken voice
He silenced you, holding you close
The prideful demon hid his face as best as he could and let tears drip down his cheeks
He was so relived to have you back
It seemed that noble wasn't only going to be visited by barbatos
Lucifer was not known for being merciful
He grabbed your arm and hastily tugged you towards him
His other hand cradled the back of your head
"Don't ever run away again, you understand?! I'm supposed to be the one protecting ya and how am I supposed to do that if you're off running in different realms without telling anyone??!! That noble doesn't know anything! I don't know how he knew about Lilith but you ain't her, you're (Y/N) And that's it! You are your own person - you gotta call out my dumbass-ary if I compare or make you feel that way, I would never do it on purpose! I like you and only you! I can't lose you again!"
He pushed his forhead against yours
A shaky exhale leaving him
You tried to apologize but he cut you right off, hugging you closer
He was going to make that Noble pay for ever making you doubt yourself like this
To doubt how much he loves you
He was already crying
He was crying before you even considered crying
He rushed to you and grabbed your hands
"I got so scared I did something, Don't listen to that normie! Normies are losers for a reason! There's no one else I would want as my best friend - no one will ever be a better game partner than you! You always make me feel happy and proud to be me-! I couldn't ask for anything more from you! I miss Lilith but I miss you even more! You're my favourite person, you're not some replacement, you're you! You're my player 2-! I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not as amazing as you are, please don't leave again!"
It wasn't long after his speech he hugged you
Squeezing you tightly as he relished in having you back in real life 3D
since you were gone he kept playing as your game avatars
Using ai set ups to feel like he was with you again in VR
That noble will not stand a chance against his fury
He wasn't sure if he was mad at you or himself
It was most likely both - mad you left and let someone just destory so much work and progression in one meeting
But mad at himself for not making you feel secure
He couldn't bring himself to hug you but that was because he was scared he wouldn't let go
"I knew that Noble was nothing but a menace-! You can't listen to people like him, he's just trying to get to you and tear us apart - I don't know why he would do that but he isn't right, he will never EVER be right! You are yourself and never will be Lilith, I didn't get to me her or really know who she was but I do know you will never be her and never were her! I care so much about you and I will make sure to keep my stupid brothers to never make you feel that way again, I've missed you so much (Y/N)."
In the end, he fell into your arms
Holding you tight as he let out his tears of frustration go
You apologized but he just told you to shut up, he didn't want you to be sorry for being the victim
He already had plans on what he's going to do to that noble, trying to push those thoughts away
Focusing on how wonderful it is to have you close
As soon as he could reach you, he pulled you into an embrace
Shaking his head as tears streamed down
His makeup already starting to to drip along work his tears
"No! No! No! Noooo!! Don't listen to that horrible noble! He isn't right at all, he doesn't know anything about us or you! He obviously doesn't know how much we care about you and like you as your own person, I never meant to make you feel as if you were some sort of replacement! Lilith was her own being and so are you, your connection means nothing! I i will always be happy knowing my sister got to live the life she wanted but you aren't apart of that, your life is your own and you are nothing like her! I love you because you're you! I couldn't imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you, please come back to the devildom!"
He nuzzled his cheek against yours
Thankful to have you back in his arms again
He didn't like getting his hands messy but no one was going to make you feel that way ever again
He didn't care about that demons status
His hand landed on the top of your head
You flinched not expecting such a gentle pat but it only broke his heart more
"That noble knows nothing about you or any of us, he's turned my sister into an enemy to our relationship and I will not let that go on for any longer! You are not her and not her replacement, how dare he make you feel that way! you're apart of my family and I'll have it no other way, I really love you and missed you everyday you were gone - I was scared I'd never feel full again, you make me feel complete and when you disappeared I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you, I would of never forgiven myself if you got hurt! I want to always be able to protect you and have you by my side and make you feel happy - I promise I won't fail you again."
He almost fell to his knees once he was done
He was ready to swear to you on one knee, like a true knight
But instead hugged you
Mindful not to squeeze too hard but let himself be selfish and hold you tighter than he would normally dare to
He was one prone to be violent unless it was in sports or he was starved - the Noble starved him of your touch and kindness
He'll break more than just rooms once he gets his hands on that Noble
He spun you to face him
Needing your attention on him
It was only a few days but it felt like forever since he's had your eyes on him
"You're no pawn and no replacement, you are you and that's all I want, I don't want any one else, I know I've made you feel like a replacement - i did something horrible to you and then tried to make it seem like it was all okay after, I'm always trying to make up for that day but I know that is something that will always effect us! I missed you so much....you are your own person and you've helped me be a better person, come back home and let me make this right......you're all I want and need."
He broke down crying
Hanging his head low and it dropped onto your shoulder
He loosely held your waist whilst you gripped onto him tight
If everyone thought choking you was bad, just wait until they see what he plans to do with that noble
He couldn't stand seeing you so upset anymore
He gently held your arm
Giving it a small squeeze as tears built up
"He said all that? I'm sorry he made you feel like that, to feel such confliction and dread, You are never will be or were my pawn, you're a fantastic student and wonderful person who's did more than I've ever imagined Someone could do, if I could have asked you myself properly to be apart of the exchange program I would of but the world is not yet ready to merge and be aware of our existence.... please you have my deepest apologies and regrets that you felt this way and I've allowed such a person in my court, I will do whatever I can to make this right."
The tears finally fell and he became selfish
Hugging you tight against him, his fingers brushing against any skin he could touch
He couldn't dare to think how he'll be when you finally do leave the program
But until that time comes he needed to make it a good experience for you
If what barbatos did to him wasn't enough to convince him then he will not go back on his word
He'll fix this and do whatever he can to make all the pain stop
He sighed in relief seeing you in the flesh
Knees buckling as he stood before you
His knuckles bloodied and bruised under his gloves
"I should of been more comforting when I found you, if I had known that was what he said I would of never let him be apart of the lord's court or be at that party, believe me when I say you are not a pawn or someone's replacement - you are so much more than that, you are you and someone that's made me feel closer to the present, to act quicker and stop using endless time as a excuse, I will fix this and make him regret ever uttering a word to you, I promise you."
Your touch was as gentle as ever
He caved, leaning against you
Happy to be able to make amends and fix the situation
The nobles dealt with him once and no matter what he did it wasn't enough
But he was merely holding back to be a gentleman, even if that noble now looks like a beaten raisin
It seemed he will have to do much worse to send everyone's message across
His face was gentle yet scolding
He gently brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear
"don't run off next time something like this happens, your life is so short and I hate to think would could happen if I lost you because you felt isolated even from me, you though you could find solace as both of us are humans but I was slow to understand your needs - you are deeply loved by everyone, I envy how much love you get and that's why I can't stand to see you run! I also love you and your presence, you have been so kind to me and I still have so much to teach you- please believe me when I say you're no one's pawn or replacement, you're important because you're you."
You crumbled completely
He hugged you as you apologized, calling yourself an idioit
But it only made him tsk, rubbing your back as he filled your ears with praises
He was sure the demons were going to rip that Noble to shreds but he couldn't help but desire his own revenge
Seeing you like this hurt him so much
He was so quick and gentle you could of mistaken him as a feather
He embraced you, cradling your head and rubbed soothing circles between your shoulder blades
"I was worried about you, I took you home and then I learn you've completely disappeared! No warning or note behind, you ran away - your feelings are extremely valid and I understand why you did this, It must of been so conflicting and you needed space to think and reflect, you're so strong (Y/N)! but you are also smarter than this, I feel ashamed knowing I haven't showed you how much I appreciate you being in my life and make sure you feel secure in the Devildom, I want to look over you but I've failed you already, that Noble does not know what he's talking about regardless of the information he has! I would never let anyone use you or let anyone treat you as some replacement, we all care so much about you."
He slightly swayed with you in his arms
Overwhelmed by his fears and the emotions that were rushing through him
He promised to never harm an innocent soul
That noble did not have one
He will leave the more physically destructive rage to the others
Wanting to merely talk and show the noble the error of his ways
You were back in the Devildom, Everyone was making sure to spend extra time with you. So happy to have you back and wanting to work on making you feel more secure. You couldn't stop how fast your heart was beating from all the overwhelming joy you felt.
It felt so good to be back. But you nagging worry remained in your head; what was going to happen to the Noble? you wished you could go up to him and yell at him. Prove him wrong and make him regret ever making you spiral like that.
When you brought up the idea, the men all looked at each other. A knowing look in their eye.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I think it's best you don't see him but rest assured, we've dealt with him on your behalf and understand your wishes - let us know how we can help you feel resolved from that situation if this is unsatisfactory."
Diavolo answered. If it weren't the state the noble was in they'd happily let you chew him out but your heart and mind have been through enough already. No need to add on to the hurt with seeing what was left of him. They couldn't stand to see you upset again.
But you agreed, thanking them for their support and handling the situation. Unaware of their true actions. They all wished you a great day before going back to their own private meeting.
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red-writes · 3 years
a/n: I literally thought about this before falling asleep and I had the weirdest fucking dream ever it felt too real now I need to write this so-
cw: body description (of junpei), somno, Junpei is a peeping tom, slight angst, fingering.
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Junpei to most people is so weird. He’s unusually skinny for a guy his age. His collar bones protrude unfashionably and peak at you from under his too big t-shirt. His waist is slender and fragile, hip bones poking against the material of his pants. His limbs are so slim, it looks as though he hasn’t but an ounce of muscle on him. He acts weird too. He doesn’t talk to anyone and always sures his hair covers that eye of his. Despite other people finding him weird or awkward, you found him cute. Befriending him was a task all in itself, it was hard to but even harder to maintain a friendship with him due to him always keeping people at arms length. The truth is, you wanted to know him better- get closer to him. What started out as small kindlings of feelings grew and grew into the now roaring fire you held inside your heart. The rare smiles you’d get from him, the way his eyes lit up whenever you complimented him— those small things accumulated overtime until you left with a huge mass of emotions that you had no clue what to do with.
Maybe except one thing.
He looked so surprised, so happy when you told him how you felt, when you handed him that beautifully decorated letter. His face was slowly turning a mean shade of red. What you were expecting to come though didn’t, seeing as he told you he couldn’t accept your feelings. You gave him a sorry half smile that caused a pain within his chest that almost made it hard to breathe. You turned on your heel and walked away, hands clutching the small letter to your chest.
Rejection hurt. Your mother always says “the worst thing that can happen is that they tell you no” but it seemed she was for once, wrong. The friendship you’d worked so hard to build and maintain crumbled in a single second, like a sandcastle hit with ferocious tides. He didn’t speak to you anymore— in fact he avoided you, purposely taking the long routes to class so he didn’t have to see you, eating lunch on top of the roof so he didn’t have to eat with you. Scratch that, rejection didn’t hurt it fucking stung like a bee except this time it was your heart having the allergic reaction.
The whole truth is, Junpei was in love with you. In an instant, if he could, he would drop everything for you to be his. Seeing as he was already yours, unequivocally yours. But he was sick. The first day you’d began talking to him was the start of his sick desires. It began with following you home, footsteps light and unnoticeable. He just wanted to make sure you were safe, that’s all. Then he started peeking into your window while you slept, he did this all night and passed out on the bus ride to school. Eyes drooping and heavy, bags that scream tiredness. But he couldn’t help it, he just wanted to make sure you were okay, nothing more.
Then it evolved into him breaking into your house. With your parents away for work and you all alone, he had to be the one to protect you, you were so innocent, too innocent and trusting of this evil world. He couldn’t find a rationale for stealing your used panties. Nor could he find a rationale for taking them home and sniffing and licking at the crotch part while he stroked his pathetic cock to your entrancing scent. Junpei realized long ago that he was in love with you, couldn’t you see he was just trying to protect you from himself? He too, was apart of the evil world, in fact he embodied it.
He’d come late one night, his mother holding him up at home before he could leave his house to go see you. When he got there and peered into your window, you were masturbating. A flush rose to his face and his cock jerked to life. This would be the first time he’s ever seen this before. He didn’t sneak in this time, instead opting to watch your fingers plunge in and out of your cunt whilst you whined, he snuck a hand down and began palming his already hard cock from over the fabric of his slacks. That’s when he heard it.
His name from your mouth. You were masturbating while thinking of him? He immediately pulled his hand away from his cock in fear that the thought alone would make him cum. He waited for you to fall asleep to finally make his entrance. His breathing was heavy and uneven when he stood in your doorway. He swallowed down some his excitement, he didn’t want to wake you. But today, he was at his limit, he couldn’t hold back his longing for you anymore. He stripped and laid his clothes gently on the back of your desk’s chair. He slid in bed with you and at the mere feeling of your bare skin pressing against his he shivered. His cock was already hard, if he’s honest, the smell of your room—the room filled with your scent, was enough to have him stiff as a rod.
He analyzed your features before doing anything. Your face was scrunched up in a look of sorrow with dried tear stains on your cheeks. He hadn’t known his lack of presence in your life made you so sad, it had a throb of pain shoot through his chest. He didn’t care, he deserved it. You were naked, exposed breasts rising and falling in time with your breathing, your thighs were still spread wide open and a hand was resting between them. Silly girl, didn’t you know you were supposed to clean up after doing something like this? He’s so excited he doesn’t know where to start first, his fingers lightly tread over your soft skin, running from your neck, down your arm until they reach the smoothness of your thigh. He wants to savor you, take his time but his cock is already beading pre-cum, it’s amazing what you do to him. He cups one of your breasts in his hand and your lips part slightly and he takes advantage of that by placing his lips over yours and he slides his tongue in your mouth. Even in your sleep you’re so needy for him your hips are subconsciously raising off the bed. How adorable, you’re so cute.
Junpei’s fingers pinch your nipple and tug on it which leaves you whining breathlessly into the soft kiss. Junpei finally pulls away after he thinks he’s going to suffocate from lack of oxygen, it wouldn’t be such a bad death if it’s by your hands but he did want to live a little longer to finish the task at hand. He slides his hand down the expanse of your tummy and gently nudges your hand out of the way until his fingers have complete access to your cunt. Junpei’s cock is grinding against your thigh, he’s so turned on and hasn’t even really done much to you yet. He spreads your cunts lips and uses a finger to gently rub up and down your slit. Your pussy feels so nice, it’s soft and mushy and still wet from your earlier activities. He could die happy now, if you were to wake up and hate him he’d be able to live with it—he finally got to feel your cunt with his own fingers.
His decides he wants to explore everything your body has to offer him, he doesn’t want to waste anything. His fingers stumble upon your clit. He curiously runs the raised bud back a forth a bit and your reactions are so perfect. Soft moans keep falling out of your mouth the more he plays with it. He can feel you becoming more and more wet under his ministrations. He takes a chance and slides a finger inside of your cunt. He sucks in a breath at the feeling of your soft walls clamping down around his eager finger. Junpei’s breathing picks up and he slips in another finger, he slowly begins moving them in and out, mimicking the movements you did earlier. Your cunt feels heavenly around his fingers, your back is arching now, moans becoming louder as he grinds his cock against your soft body. He’s gonna cum soon.
He hasn’t even stuck his own cock inside of you and yet he’s already on the edge. It’s just your cute reactions are bringing him far closer than he’s ever been before. You’re so perfect like this, brows furrowed as you struggle around in your sleep. His fingers thrust upwards in an attempt to thrust them deeper inside of you. He rubs the pads of his fingers against a spongy spot that has your thighs shaking. He’s panting at this point, his hot breathes are hitting directly against your ear. He can feel your cunt spasm around your fingers and when he tries to pull them out you’re sucking them right back in. Oh god, you came didn’t you? He can’t help the way his hips stutter, his cock twitches as he shoots his cum over your lower half.
He withdraws his fingers from your cunt and he opens his mouth and sucks them clean. He sits up and begins climbing out of your bed. He feels so bad. The guilt is washing over him in waves, he knows he’s sick but that’s why he can’t be with you. His mind can’t help but flash back to the sad look on your face from before. It makes his heart hurt again and begins to get dressed. You sit up, voice still laced with sleep, “leaving already?”
Junpei’s body stiffens once he hears the sound of your voice.
“Junpei I..”
He merely shakes his head and hurries out of your room as quickly as possible, you try and follow him out but your legs feel so heavy you can hardly walk properly. You’re stumbling out of the room and into the doorway.
“Please! Wait- Junpei!” You call out but he’s already gone, leaving nothing but disappointment in his wake. You can feel the hotness of tears well up behind your eyes as you slump down against the wall, with your knees pulled up to your chest you can do nothing more but cry.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Could you make a fic based on the song Moondust By Jaymes Young? With Xiao or Zhongli? It’s fine if you decline, I enjoyed your Lonestar fic a lot! Also, thank you in advance if you do this! ^^
after this, i decided im a monster. this is so sad, like so so sad. i don't know if this is what you had in mind but since the song is basically about learning how to live/love without someone, i went down a death route. i also went w xiao. pls enjoy (and grab a tissue)
before reading: ANGST!!! you literally die and are a ghost the entire time. mentions of injury and blood as well as self-harm and suicidal thoughts. word count is around 2.1k (under cut for length)
I'm building this house, on the moon Like a lost, astronaut Lookin' at you, like a star From a place, the world forgot And there's nothing, that I can do Except bury my love for you
Death was quick.
You know instantly that you’re dead the second you open your eyes. You can still remember the feeling of the Fatui pyro agent slicing his knife across your throat and if you think about it enough, your neck tingles. You remember falling to your knees, being laughed at, and then you saw nothing.
Well, you saw blackness.
And then when you came to, you were standing in the middle of Liyue Harbor. The world seemed duller but it was real. No one paid any mind to you, so you assumed you were a ghost.
It’s nice to still be able to watch the sun rise high above your hometown.
There’s no panic, no rush to find out what’s going on, you don’t need to. Your hands travel to your throat and the horrific wound is gone. In fact, all of the scrapes and bruises and imperfections on your body were gone. Death brings solace, you humor.
Your peaceful moment was interrupted by two frantic voices. They catch the attention of everyone in the area, including you, and you spin around quickly.
“Break the contract, please, Zhongli-” His voice is frazzled, filled with a sadness the living can’t understand. “I can’t live without them.”
You looked down at your left hand, heart shattering at the absence of the jade ring. Right. You were going to marry Xiao later that year. Not anymore.
A hundred thousand memories of sweet kisses and long nights flooded into your mind. They caused you to hold your breath, too many emotions crashing through your tired form. You felt like crying but couldn’t (ghosts didn’t have tears, you guessed).
You’re standing right in front of the love of your life and he can’t see you.
Maybe it’s a good thing he can’t see you because Xiao already looked wrecked. His eyes were puffy and red and his hair was disheveled. Unhealed scratches wound his arms like ribbon. You had been with Xiao for years, through the good and the bad, and never once had you ever seen him in this state.
He’s pleading still and Zhongli has an indescribable expression on his face. “I can’t,” His voice is barely a whisper, “You know I can’t.”
Xiao wails, falling to his knees. Zhongli feels his pain, you know he does, yet he won’t put him out of misery. You watch as Zhongli bends down and lifts the adeptus into his arms, swiftly walking away from the crowd. You follow ensuite and Xiao’s eyes are hazy, staring through you over Zhongli’s shoulder.
“I’m right here.”
But he doesn’t hear you.
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
You begin to follow Xiao around. Not that he goes anywhere, too heartbroken to move, but you keep watch of him like he once did for you.
He resorts to staying in Zhongli’s apartment. The consultant isn’t around most of the day and Xiao rarely leaves his bed. His tears stain the satin pillowcase and he curls upon himself. Sometimes you stand in the doorway and stare, other times you muster up enough courage to go and sit on the unoccupied side of the bed.
The first time you touch Xiao again is at night. He’s crying and without thinking, you wrap your body around his. His chest is pressed against yours and you press your lips to his shoulder.
It’s not warm anymore. In fact, it feels like nothing.
But still, you hold Xiao until he’s asleep. You don’t let go all night, opting to watch your beloved finally get some rest. You wonder if this is how it’s going to be for the rest of eternity? Would you follow Xiao around aimlessly for centuries more?
Or maybe you’re just stuck here. You recall a saying from an elder in Liyue years ago, “Spirits with unfinished business can’t move.”
You decided then that you were going to help him move on, help Xiao bury his love for you.
Nothing can breath, in the space Colder than, the darkest sea I have dreams about the days, driving through your sunset breeze But the first thing, that I will do Is bury my love for you
There’s no book about being a ghost. You have to figure it out on your own and you’ve never been more grateful no one can see you go straight through the wall for the third time that hour. Over time, you create your own handbook in your mind, jotting down anything you discover as your time as a dead person entails.
Within the first week, you understand that no one can see you, hear you, or feel you. And while you can vaguely touch objects and people, the sensation is different than when you were alive. Every human trait was thrown out the window - you don’t need to sleep, breathe or eat and drink anything.
You attend your funeral exactly a week after your body was discovered and someone propped your sword against your casket. You try to grasp it, to pick it up, but you only manage to push it over with a gust of nonexistent wind. It clambers to the floor, the funeral parlor growing silent, and you take this as your cue to leave.
You wondered if Xiao, or anyone of that matter, could sense you at least. Even if Xiao couldn’t see you, just him knowing you were there would ascend you to the afterlife (right?).
You also find out you can’t leave Liyue. There’s an invisible border keeping you trapped in the country and, frankly, you don’t mind. Xiao won’t leave Liyue so you don’t need to leave Liyue. But sometimes you get anxious that one day Xiao will leave Liyue and never return. And if you haven’t accomplished your goal yet, would you truly be stuck as a monster among men?
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
On particularly good days, Xiao talks to you. Zhongli was gone early one morning and Xiao pulled himself out of bed and to the living room, opting to open the blinds and see sunlight for the first time in weeks.
You sit on the coffee table with your legs criss-crossed as Xiao mumbles desolate words.
“I keep just wishing I would wake up dead. I miss you so much.”
You frown. “I’m here, I’m right here.”
But he can’t hear you. “You aren’t here to make me laugh at your stupid jokes anymore. And I just...I should have been there! I should have-”
His voice cracks and you move off the coffee table, wrapping your arms around his quivering body. You try to press yourself against him, squeeze your arms so tight that he’ll feel you, but you can’t. You can’t kiss his chapped lips and move your bodies so he’s curled into the crook of your neck.
Sometimes, you watch Xiao hurt himself. He digs his nails into his arms or thighs until he draws blood, only to push it all away and scream into the ground. You want to snap him out of him, tell him to stop doing that to himself, but you can only sit and stare.
You were nothing to Liyue - a common human who added nothing of importance to society. Yes, your death was sad for many people but the world kept turning. Xiao, on the other hand, was so special. He was the Vigilant Yaksha - the people of Liyue needed him forever.
“I miss you. I love you. I miss you.”
I'm a cast away, and men reap what they sow And I say what I know, to be true Yeah I'm living far away, on the face of the moon I've buried my love to give the world to you
Xiao goes out sometimes. It’s either to patrol the city or on a walk with Zhongli. It’s not much but it's an improvement. Like always, you follow him.
He’s started to have nightmares, waking up in a rush. He used to comfort you when you had nightmares and it pains you that you can’t return the favor. You try, by God, you try. You run your hands down his back comfortingly but Xiao only cries harder.
When Xiao sees Ganyu for the first time in months and she gives him homemade almond tofu, he smiles. It’s small and quick but you see it.
Growing up, you had thought that the living mourned the dead. When your grandmother died, you felt broken for a while, but that pain was minimal compared to this. Having to live endless days as an invisible soul while the living grieved was unbearable.
When no one is around, Xiao breaks down. He hurts himself, insults himself and wishes for you endlessly. When Xiao tries to jump off the roof of the apartment complex in the middle of the night and survives with only an injured arm, you realize he’s pushing his body. He’s trying to kill himself.
So, you scream.
Every waking hour of the day you scream.
“I’m right here, Xiao! I love you and I’m right here! I’m sorry for being careless and getting killed but you aren’t ready to join me yet!”
You know he doesn’t hear you, he can’t hear you, and yet Xiao slowly stops hurting himself.
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
It takes a year for Xiao to finally begin to cope with your death and you know your journey will be coming to end soon.
He still talks to you except now it’s hopeful and filled with acceptance. On the anniversary of your death, he travels to the Dragon-Queller early in the morning. He sits down in the spot he used to take you to and rubs the grass softly, as if motioning for you to sit down next to him.
You do.
“I’m leaving Liyue next week.”
A million feelings run through your veins. You want to throw up, scream, cry. Is a week enough time to get Xiao to move on from you? Had he already moved on? There were too many questions you couldn’t fucking ask.
You can’t bear to listen to the rest. Your feet travel on their own, taking you far away from Xiao and back into the heart of Liyue Harbor. You didn’t know where you were until you heard a voice call out for you.
“Hey, you!”
You were imagining voices now. You felt sick to your stomach.
A short, young woman came into your view and you finally looked up. You had walked right into the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Hu Tao was staring at you, not through you.
“I knew you were still here.”
Hu Tao could see you.
It didn’t make sense but you didn’t have time to make it make sense. Without thinking, you cried out to Hu Tao and begged her to help you save Xiao, save yourself.
“I want to go with him,” You say.
“But you can’t.”
“Then he’s going to forget about me.”
Hu Tao chuckled softly, “You think Xiao would forget about you?”
You don’t answer. Maybe it was you that didn’t want to forget about Xiao. Either way, it hurts. “He’s going to fall in love with someone new and-”
“Isn’t that what you want?”
It was. You wanted Xiao to be happy without you, to learn to love again. You wanted him to bury his love for you so you could both be free.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Hu Tao says, “Xiao will find you again one day.”
She clasps her hands together and reaches them out to you. You look down and see a moving image of Xiao. He’s still talking softly, this time with a small smile on his lips. You close your eyes suddenly, not wanting to see anymore. You step outside of the funeral parlor and whisper “I love you” into the wind.
The sun is shining high in the sky when Teyvat begins to disappear from your vision.
Maybe in another life you and Xiao will spend forever together. You’ll have a grand wedding, start a family, and grow old together like you should have. But for now, you’ll see him from the moon.
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neovisioned · 4 years
♡ꜜ out of my league﹫mark lee
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out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
pairing : mark x reader (f)
genre : tiny angst, fluff, smut with some plot, bestfriend!mark, college!au, best friends to lovers.
warnings : weed, making out, fingering, unprotected sex, praising.
word count : +4k
synopsis : your best friend Mark Lee tells you all the things he believed, you were always out of his league.
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Mark Lee has been in love with the same person for as long as he could remember. It's something he took some time to understand, days to wrap his head around. 
Where do you draw the line between deep friendship, platonic love between friends and a connection running deeper, a love that seeks more than the label "friends" ?
Laying on your bed, his right hand throws a tennis ball in the air, easily catching it while his left hand hold the rolled up paper between two fingers.
It's a shame, the smoke he's blowing out of his lungs is probably sticking to your bed sheets, ones he noticed you washed the moment he dropped his body on your bed.
Soft rose fragrance, traces of an exotic fruit he can not pin point, though Mark is sure he could recognise the perfume of your detergent between thousands of others.
Heavy sigh, smoke escaping his lips like a dragon dissolving in the air, heavy eyelids closing in front of his brown irises. He really should stop smoking, Mark thinks. It's a black hole in his wallet, it is not that good for his health and fuck, does it makes his mind wonder.
Correction, Mark should stop smoking around you. Because, whenever he does, his mind might search in the deepest, darkest folds of his brain for a new topic, he'll always, forever, come back to you.
Mark Lee has been in love with you for as long as he can remember.
It's something he's been aware of for some years now. It's crazy how he can pinpoint the moment his mind clicked, the moment he put two and two together. He can still visualise the moment his heart went from a friendship he'd die for to a love he'd die for, one so strong he, himself, was dumbfounded by his years long blindness. 
It happened right before prom, second to last year of high school. Mark Lee remembers when you stepped out of your father's car (he doesn't trust any other boy but Mark, he insisted on driving you to your school's dance).
Pretty deep blue dress, it's his favourite colour on his favourite person. You did not do anything special to your hair, only added a bit more makeup. Though, it's not your appearance that made everything click, you've always been pretty, it wasn't the first time your friend noticed.
Rather, it's when your date shows up. It's when one of the school's popular kid shows up and makes you dance that he understands. He wants it to be him so bad. He wants to make you twirl, he wants to make you laugh.
Mark understands it isn't just him being mad that you're not answering your phone, it's love. Jealousy, green monster eating away at his heart when he wonders if you're still with him, it's a hand tightly wrapping around the muscle when he wonders if you're going to fall into someone else's arms.
Mark remembers it, it was five years ago. Late summer night where he stayed on his phone for too long, love sick kid scrolling through pictures and pictures of his prom waiting for a text from his best friend.
He didn't say anything, maybe Mark was a bit of a coward, and you were out of his league.
“Mark ?”
From all the things you best friend loves about you, if he had to pick, it'd be the way you say his name. No matter the intonation, no matter the context, the men loves the way it sounds coming out of your lips.
He thinks he won't ever get enough of it, it's intoxicating, makes him think he has the prettiest name after your own. 
Eyelids slowly open, tired smile stretching his lips. You're steading in front of your bed, freshly showered, hand turning your small projector on. 
“Hm ?”, he doesn't bother answering with words, humming softly. His head turns to the side, following your movements around the bedroom he knows like the back of his hand.
“This one or...That one ?”, you ask, playing with your remote to show your best friend two animation movies you both saw too many times.
“First one.” You've noticed over time, his voice always gets deeper when he smokes, brown eyes always get a shade darker. 
“Alright, baby chose.”
Ah, correction. If there's one thing that Mark loves, it's the pet names you give him. So natural, honey filled, he wished you meant them. 
Baby, babe, darling. He loves it all, he wants it all, he wants you all. 
Unaware of his thoughts, you finally crawl up next to him, the shirt you're wearing as your pyjamas riding up, Mark takes another hit at that. 
Familiar sound of Netflix resonates in your room as you take yet another remote and turn your lights off, before gesturing towards your friend. You're not an avide smoker but, you infale the smoke a few times before giving the rolled up paper back to the brunette. 
Mark knows what's about to happen, whenever your movie night has a bit of green, the movie gets long lost behind while you two would rather speak about anything and everything. After years of friendship, you'd think you two would've took and turned every subject under the pale moon but, Mark definitely did not expect this. 
Hands free, he crushes the cigarette on the special painted bowl you have for him, Mark also loves the way you have some things for him on your house as if he lives with you. 
Your right hand is quick to find his left hand, an old habit your have. Your fingers stretch against his own, comparing sizes like kids flirting, swinging your hands from left to right. Your arm easily gets tired by holding your hand up in the air like this, but the warmth of Mark's hand and the way his fingertips rough by his guitar strings brush against your palm every now and then feels like home. 
“How do you know when you're in love ?”, your voice's soft, mindlessly humming to the song in the animation movie Mark chose. Is that the topic you decided to bring up...? Mark's hand stays still for a moment, following your own hand's movement as he thinks for a while. 
“Don't give me that “You just know” bullshit.”, you mumble when he stays quiet for a bit too long. 
“But I think you do, just know. I think it's different for everyone.”, he starts, speech slightly altered by the green herb intoxicating his mind. 
“How is it... For you ?”, you ask. See, you know Mark had some crushes here and there, but you don't think he has ever been in love or, at least, he never told you. 
“It's... Loving the way they say your name, wanting to be with them as much as possible. It's... Craving to be as close as possible.” and unconsciously, his fingers wrap around yours. 
“It's finding happiness in their joy, sharing their sadness. It's small things like memorising the perfume they wear and what food they dislike.”
The brunette stays quiet for a moment, heavy eyes look upon your locked hands in the darkness, chest light, mind foggy. 
“It's them feeling like home.”, he finally says. 
Mark smiles to himself, you do feel like home, you make everything feel like home. From the way you have a pillow and the way you keep a toothbrush for him, to the way you always feel so warm and safe. 
Thankfully for you, the lack of light hides the small blush creeping on your cheeks. 
Mark doesn't know, you've been in love with him for years, though you've been aware for a bit longer. His confession takes your breathe away with a heavy sigh, you squeeze his hand. 
“I was in love with you.”
Was, you take the safe route as the words fly out of your mouth before you can even understand. Even if he's shocked, you can play the past card. 
“I was in love with you too.”, silence doesn't last long as Mark let's out as well, eyes on the movie even though he isn't paying any attention : his favourite line just played and he didn't even let a giggle out. 
The words make your ears ring, skin burn red, heart beat against your ribcage. He was too...? He was. He isn't anymore. 
“Why didn't you tell me ?”, you breath out, turning to the side. You use an elbow to support your body, you dare look at your best friend's face. 
It's crazy how he still have the still has the same baby face you've always known, the same pretty eyes and the same smile, his jaw got sharper with years and voice deeper and yet, he's still the same. He's home. 
Mark, him, doesn't dare look at you for a second. Before he does, soft eyes looking directly into yours. Why didn't he tell you ? He knows why, he has a list of reasons why and another list of reasons why he should've told you he'd rather not think about right in this moment. 
“You're out of my league.”, he breathes out. You can read your best friend like a book, you know he is not joking when he tells you so. And yet, you can't wrap your head around the idea. 
“I— What, no !”, you're almost whispering and screaming at him at the same time, getting up to sit on your knees. He was out of your league, he has always been, you never—.
“You were—. You are out of mine.”, you tell him, almost dumbfounded. For a split second, it feels like someone's finally giving you the dream you've always wanted and, the moment it touches your hands, it slips through your fingers. 
Can you be nostalgic of something you've never even experienced ? And yet, your mind grabs onto a single thing. Present tense, you're still out of his league, he still thinks so. 
In his semi-high state, the brunette chuckles out, as dumbfounded. 
You wonder if there are feelings still unknown to humans because this, the pull you're feeling at the strings of your heart and the lump in your throat combined to the angering heat taking over your body aren't emotions you're used to feeling at the same time. 
“Hey, what's wrong ?”, your best friend asks, an arm wrapping around your neck to pull you closer. You're sure it's supposed to be for hug, one you'd happily accept if you weren't in this very situation. Both forearms stop your body from colliding against his, Mark frowns. 
In another situation, he'd be able to read you like an open book and, maybe he's thankful he isn't completely sober right now. If he wasn't slightly high, he'd be as red. 
“Are you...Are you still in love with me ?”, you ask. It's almost a whisper, one Mark is sure he would've caught if it wasn't for the almost silent scene going on in the long forgotten movie. 
Is he still in love with you ? Yes. His mind screams a loud, obnoxious yes. His body screams another loud and obnoxious yes and yet. Yet, Mark stays silent for what feels like minutes. He knows he is, he's sure of it, he doesn't know if he should say it. 
Yes, yes, yes. 
To be in love with your best friend, to confess your love after years, decades, even. 
Such a simple word and yet, it hangs in the air, you can almost make it out in the slight darkness of the room. When Mark has the ability to put words on how he feels, you can't put anything on what goes on in your brain and body when he says the simple truth. You think your heart might fall out right into your best friend's hand, if he did not already have it. Your mind twist the word again and again just to find a fault, a break, a rupture. 
There isn't none, he's in love with you. 
There's another few seconds where you stay silent. You decide actions speak louder than words. Where Mark pulled you into a hug, you pull him into a kiss you've been craving for years. 
Carnal need sleeping deep in both your minds, it doesn't need much to be awakened, burning a fire louder than hell's. Your lips touch his. Its shy, hesitant but, when Mark's arm tighten around your neck, no words need to be spoken. 
The sweet, innocent, childlike kiss turns desperate in matter of seconds. Your best friend pulls you closer, closer, closer. He catches your leg between his, pushes your chest against his to the point where you can feel his heart hammering.
Lips move in harmony, common rhythm is quickly found and, you whine the moment he pulls away.
“Tell me.”, he breathes out against your lips, it's a desperate plea for something he had been waiting to hear, something he thought he'd never hear. “Say it.”, it's demanding, greedy. You give in easily.
“I'm in love with you.”
There's a weight pulled out of your chest, you'd chant it again and again if you could. You'd scream in if you could, you'd breathe it against his skin.
The brunette pulls you into a bruising kiss, he pours his soul out, hand cupping the back of your neck.
If this is a dream, Mark is determined to not let it go. Using his body at his advantage, positions are reversed, the brunette quickly towards over you. You switched you could turn the light back on but, the colourful lights of the movie dance against his jawline and shine against his wet lips, you decide your best friend looks like a painter's muse.
“There hasn't been a single day where I haven't thought about you.”, he breathes pretty words against your skin, taking his lips from your mouth to your jaw. It's loving, deep kisses, each to mean something.
“There hasn't been a single day where I haven't thought about being more to you, wished we were more.”
More, more, more. You want more too, you need more too. You refuse to let go now.
“We can be, we can.”, it's frantic. You cup his face with your hands, bringing him closer. “Spent nights thinking about what we could be.”
It makes flowers bloom in his chest, he isn't able to take his lips away from your skin. The tip of his nose digs in your cheek, he inhales deeply. Oh, how he loves the soap you use.
“What did you see ?”, he asks, lips peppering kisses down your neck, hand gripping your shirt. You're quick to pull it up above your hips. First wanting to completely pull it off your body, it seems the brunette isn't patient enough.
His lips leave your neck to your tummy, butterfly kisses here and there until he stops to your panties.
“Us. Together. Living tog—.”
Your sentence's quickly cut off by your best friend, maybe a lot more now, pressing his tongue flat against the fabric of your panties.
If you weren't aware of how wet you were getting, you sure were now.
“Living together, yeah ?”, he asks, bringing his face closer to yours again right after disregarding his shirt somewhere. There's a few seconds where you pose, shamelessly taking in the men's figure. 
Forehead against yours, his digits run along the line of your underwear. He's as nervous as you are, as shaken up as you are yet, you two have never been more certain of one thing that doesn't need to be said anymore.
Mark bites down on his lip, you almost hear tje mechanism in his head twisting and turning to find the right way to ask you.
You beat him at it anyways, nodding as your arms wrap around his neck.
There's one thing you'll never tell him, you spent night dreaming about a future and other were filled with thoughts of his fingers.
The guitar player had pretty hands, even prettier when they wrapped around the neck of his guitar or when he picked as some strings.
“'was too scared to tell you.”, he says and, you'd tell him you know. You know exactly how it feels, the fear of rejection by the one you've know you're entire life. You'd tell him it doesn't matter now that you now if you could. 
His fingers stop you from articulating right, index and middle finger greedily collecting the wetness between your folds, the brunette doesn't wait much longer before pushing two digits in. 
“I—Mark.”, there it is, a moan of his name that intoxicates Mark more than any other drug. Pupils grow wide, ears greedy to hear more. It's him, him managing to make you moan so softly in the dead of the night, him that has you wrapped around his finger. 
“Fuck, say my name again.”, it's another desperate plea, say his name again so he knows it isn't a vivid dream he's going to wake up from, say his name until it's the only thing rolling out of your tongue. 
You easily oblige when he starts moving his fingers, slowly yet, in a way that quickly had you gasping for air.
There's nothing rough in his actions, expect from the way his teeth gaze at the skin of your neck before softly biting down just to sooth to spot with his tongue afterwards. 
It's agonising, like he wants to make sure he maps out your body to remember it perfectly after tonight. His fingers curl and drag against your walls, he remembers how and where. 
His free hand creeps under your raised shirt, quickly finding your chest as his mouth finds your again. 
There, he catches every sweet sound you make like he doesn't want any body else to hear them, tongue tastes yours as they lazily battle. 
“Shit, baby. Just like that, god.”, when you think Mark couldn't get any better, his fingertips brush against a spot that has your hips raising up, slowly rocking against his hand. 
“Right there ?”, you nod frantically as he does it again and again, lazily fingering you whilst he lets your hips grind against his digits. 
“So fucking pretty.”, it's a murmur once he detaches his lips from your own, wet and red by the exchange. 
It's not the first time Mark calls you pretty but at this very moment, it's different. 
His wrist twist the right way just as he's about to pick the pace up and the familiar feeling grows alongside the flower blooming in your chest as Mark whisperes sweet nothings into your ear. 
He can feel it, the way your walls clench around his fingers, it has his cock throbbing in his sweats. Carnal desire to feel you wrapped around him as his fingers speed up until you come undone around them. 
It's a mess of his name and profanities you hope your neighbours aren't hearing. 
“Want more, want you.”, you babble once you come down from your high, sweat collecting around your hairline, chest irregularly raising up and down. 
When Mark seems to take too long to process your words, you take matters into your own hand. 
A moment, Mark struggles to find his words and the other, his back hits the bed with a soft gasp. 
He's quick to raise with his elbows, almost having whiplash when you sit down on his lap after taking off your ruined and soaked panties. 
“Let me help you with that.”, there's a slight shyness in your voice Mark decides he'd die for when your clumsily work on the strings of his grey sweats. 
Unspoken words, soft silence when you look into his eyes and help him push the fabric down his thighs. The air is thick, your heart beats harder and harder, your chest swells when Mark pulls you closer by your hips. 
“I've been in love with you.”, he starts as you raise, lining your core with his hard member, one your eyes lingered on before he opened his mouth. There's a pause, your lips part as to say something when you slowly sit down, but no sound comes from your mouth when Mark's leaking head pushes inside. 
“For so— so fucking long.”, he uses the last bits of air in his lungs to let it out, voice cracking when you sit inch by inch. 
You wonder how you went so long without telling him, telling him you love him feels too good to take it back or ever again. There's a slight part of you wondering where you'd be right now if you told him sooner but you're quick to push it away. 
Both hands cup his face as you bring him closer for a kiss as you fully settle on his lap, though the exchange doesn't last long. There's a beautiful groan coming from the men in front of you just as you moan out from the sensitivity, the fulness. 
Mark's red lips fall open the moment you start moving up and down on him, eyes rolling back the slightest bit like he forces himself to look at you as you ride him. But, when his groans turn into moans, the brunette hides his face in the crook of your neck, arms tightly wrapping around your waist. 
You don't think your can be any closer, chest against chest, your mouth to his ear as he mumbles about how you were made for him. 
Up and down, up and down, your legs start burning but you keep moving on top. 
“Fuck, I love you.”, it slips out when his hips meet yours halfway, not that you can say it, you swear you won't stop doing it at any given occasion. 
Mark answers my sucking on your neck, probably drawing blood as he more boldly snaps his hips against yours. 
You find the same desperation as when he was kissing you, carnal need wanting to be met, he fucks into you just like he means it, switching between deep and slow to fast and short snaps. 
For the second time, you feel it tighten, knot threatening to burst at any moment. If you aren't moaning, your mouth hands silently open and thankfully, Mark can tell you're getting close by the way you're clenching around him. 
“You're doing so good, so so good for me.”, voice almost unrecognisable, the way you can feel every vein and the way he pulse tells you he's as close, if not more.
“Come with me.” 
After years of tuning your body to his voice, it follows the command almost immediately, there's a few seconds where the brunette snaps his hips, slowly, deeply, right before letting a draw out moan against your neck. 
It's the last thing you hear, the way he moans you name breathlessly against your skin before you follow right behind, coming right around him like he hoped so. 
Moans and body against body sound abruptly stop for heavy breathing and soft whines, you blink a few times, forehead against Mark's baked shoulder. 
He smells like the apple shampoo he almost wears, he feels like home when his arms tightly wrap around your body and rock from side to side, almost lolling you to sleep. He feels safe, familiar, comfortable. 
And, right before you fall deep into sleep, you hear him slightly chuckle at his second favourite movie line. 
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h0rr0rsaxo · 2 years
Okay.....I haven't had angst in a while, and you know how much I love some good angst so I have a request!
So Addict gets kidnapped because she was trying to protect Kellin on a dangerous mission and she gets taken while Kellin makes his way back to the mansion and tells everyone what happened, so Masky and Varrick go out to look for her and a few days later they find her, beat half to death in the woods.
So they bring her back and they immediately bring her to Ej. So Ej is trying his best to keep her calm and fix her up, but its really bad. I'm talking like a broken rib or two, maybe a stab wound, etc. Addict's in rough shape and starts actually crying because she is scared and in a huge amount of pain, so she just kinda grips onto to Jack and cries. Jack is so stunned and is heart broken to see her like this, so he does his best to help her and somewhat comfort her from her pain and trauma......(yeah that was long....i'm sorry)
But if this is too much or too long then I totally understand! Don't force yourself to do this if you don't want to and please send in a request or two if you have any ideas!
Kidnapped - Simp Party
Synopsis; Kellin and Addict go on a mission, but she gets kidnapped.
Warnings: Slight gore, angst.
Tags; @insane-horror-movie-addict
Note: I'm sorry this took so long, my laptop decided to die on me last minute...but it's working again! I hope you enjoy this. Also...this is kind of bad..I could have done better tbh.
Word count: 36, 645
Both Kellin and Addict had been sent on a mission, to an abandoned town in the Under-realm, overflowing with the souls of the damned.
Addict booted a demon against the chest as hard as she could and watched it stumble back and fall to the ground. Its brethren ignored it and only focused all attention on Addict, taking in her delicious scent. Slamming the edge of her knife's handle into demon's face, her eyes immediately searched for an escape route. Her knife didn’t do so well in tight spaces. Finally seeing an exit point, Addict shoved a demon out of the way and jumped up onto the trunk of a car. Landing on the other side, she weaved through the horde of demons brewing on the streets and frantically tried to find a new escape. She searched for a sign of Kellin, waiting for him to pop out of the shadows so they could make their grand escape back to the comfort of the truck.
As Addict stepped through the narrow way of two cars, she heard a snap and gasped, feeling an incredible pain in her ankle. With a loud shout of pain, she was slammed on her back and all she could feel was her body coming out from under her. Hair hung from her face and her eyes stared at the grey sky, trying to figure out what was going on as she finally came to a stop. As she looked down, she saw the ground below her and demons staring up as they crowded around a truck, their arms and fingers raised above them. She panted from the heavy adrenaline pumping through her body and realized she was hanging upside down. An immense surge of pain attacked her body and she gritted her teeth with a low whine, looking back up to see that her foot had been caught in a very large, very strong bear trap. Addict then realized she had fallen into an ensnarement that was set by someone who wanted to catch something. She looked back down to the ground, noticing her knife had fallen into the bed of the truck in all the commotion of the trap being released.
“Yo boys! We got ourselves a little prize over here!”
Addict could feel herself getting dizzier and dizzier by the second.
She flailed, trying to get down from the trap she was in as fast as she could once the blood started rushing to her brain. The man’s oddly familiar voice at the end of the street flooded her ears, as well as his gunshots as he took down a few demons that meandered up to him. Addict's eyes watched as he disappeared behind the building he came from, most likely going to gather reinforcements to gun down demons and take on Addict. She just couldn’t let that happen.
Addict yanked her coat off and let it fall into the bed of the truck below her, along with her bladed scythe that gleamed back up at her. She did her best to lean over to see exactly what she was dealing with, grunting from the never ending pain that riddled through her left leg. There she saw the serrated bear trap clamped down on her boot so tightly she could see blood beginning to seep through the thick pad, knowing it had to have been serious. She followed the trail of the thick rope the bear trap was tied to and noticed that it draped over a light post that Addict so desperately hung from. As Addict heard more gunshots and more voices, she began to grow panicked that it might be her last moments: hanging like a trapped animal waiting to be executed. It would either be the demons or the humans that would be the ones to claim her life. Not both.
Addict reached her free leg back and her fingers wiggled in attempts to grab it. As soon as she grabbed her boot behind her back, her face contorted into a pain riddled frenzy at the sudden weight change bearing down on her trapped ankle. A cold sweat broke out across her brow and pained heat formed under her clothing. Addict gritted her teeth so hard that she swore they could break and ignored the pain the best she could, reaching into her boot and sliding out a large, hidden knife. Upon pulling it out, she balanced her legs with one another and took a deep breath, using all her abdominal muscles to crawl up to her leg. She gripped her thigh tightly and reached up, grabbing onto the bear trap triumphantly. A few strained pants escaped her lips and she looked down over her shoulder, seeing numerous demons crowding around the side of the truck and waiting for her to fall into their pit. Their snarls caught up in her ears and she closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths before making her decision. It was now or never.
“Fuck... this is going to hurt.” She gasped to herself before reaching her free arm up and slashing the knife across the rope.
Addict's body crashed down on the cab of the truck, her entire weight denting the whole top of the vehicle. The windows exploded out of the driver’s and passenger’s side doors, sending glass shrapnel shooting through the air and even through a few demon heads. All the breath in Addict's chest halted and her mouth gaped open as she tried to breath, staring up at the crimson sky in nothing but a blur. Her ringing ears could make out the soft sound of demons growling and snarling at her, even so much as fingers touching the sleeve of her jacket. The burning pain brewing in her ankle snapped her back into reality and she took a much needed, but shallow breath.
“She’s down! She’s down!” Addict heard the shouts of the similar man and looked over seeing at least four of them standing at the end of the street. Her eyes widened as one of them raised his rifle and she immediately lifted herself up, rolling into the bed of the truck.
Bullets slammed up against the side and Addict tossed her hands over her head in attempts to protect her fragile skull. As the bullets seized for only a few moments, Addict grabbed her daggers and coat, tossing the black fabric back over her shoulders. She glanced down at the bear trap and placed some weight on her ankle, grunting from an abrupt surge of undeniable pain. Addict flinched as blood splattered all over her face, watching a demon's head slam up against the side of the truck and disappear to the ground. Her fingers gripped up against the blunt edges of the bear trap and she used all the might of her arms combined to try and pry it apart. It only moved a few inches before her fingers slipped and it snapped back down on her boot, Addict letting out a sharp cry from the traps intensity.
“Get her before she escapes! Take down that boy as well!” She heard a faint voice say and her heart practically leapt out of her chest.
“Stop being a little bitch!” Addict hissed to herself, taking one last look at the trap around her ankle before grabbing onto the hilt of her daggers. She then discovered her knife was still gripped in the palm of her hand and she quickly sheathed it back in the depths of her good boot.
Addict took a few deep breaths and then popped open her brown eyes, feeling her fingers begin to get cold through her gloves. She jumped up to her feet, almost falling back down into the bed of her truck upon putting weight on her bum ankle. Shifting all she could to her good foot, she swung the long blade of her daggers and stabbed off the heads of a few demons crowding around the truck. Gunfire swiftly blazed past her and she swore she felt one slide past her head. Addict dove over the side of the truck and slid across the ground with a grunt, the handle of her scythe still clinging desperately in her hand. The many presences of demons crowded around her, and in such a tight space between vehicles, there was no way the radius of her short knife could successfully cut down her enemy.
She rolled over on her back and reached into the flap of her jacket, sliding out a pistol and aiming it at the head of a demon. Complete with a silencer, she pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced its brain, sending it plummeting to the ground. Her gloved hands helped her crawl backwards away from the frenzy that slowly moved after her, Addict looking over her shoulder to see a path to the other side of the road clear as day. A demon fell to its knees and grabbing onto her leg, Addict quickly reacted with a swift bullet to its head. Wrapping her hand around the handle of her scythe, she stuck the blunt edge of the blade into the ground and slowly got to her feet. 
Addict slammed her sore back up against a car, avoiding the spray of bullets that threatened to end her life. She looked through the broken windows the bullets had destroyed, seeing the men trying to make their way through the streets to get at her, cutting down demons along the way Addict's trigger finger shook with anticipation to gun down every single one of the militia men, but she knew in her condition she had no chance unless she got the bear trap off her ankle. With a deep breath, she hobbled towards a store, her eyes dead set on the door to take much needed cover. She raised her pistol and gunned down a demon in her path, slamming the blunt edge of her dagger down on its face ruefully. Its face exploded under the blunt force and Addict waded up saliva on her tongue, pursing her lips and spitting on the shambled face of the damned creature. Addict slid up against the side of the building, looking over her shoulder as she saw the men caught in the middle of a demon horde, their guns firing off in all directions.
Addict took a deep breath, turning towards the door and pulling the silenced trigger against a demon. With the turn of the handle, she mentally sighed in relief that it opened without a hinge and disappeared through the shadows of the room. As she shut the door behind her, Addict locked the handle and deadlock in hopes that it would hold for as long as possible. She fell against a desk and eventually to the ground, letting out a heavy sigh and gripping her leg. The rusted mouth of the bear trap glared back at her wickedly, Addict now seeing that there was more blood than she figured. The only thing she could hear were the men’s gunshots and the labored breathing coming from her own lips. Right then and there, she desperately wanted to give in, and let herself drift into sleep, but there was one man she needed to protect the most.
“I need to find Kellin...”
Kellin ducked down behind a desk upon hearing an explosive gunshot, staring out through the clouded window of the gas station he was in. It was right around the corner of the block he was on and he was in search for a few more gas canisters, but found none. He moved towards the door as he heard another gunshot, wiping in sleeve on the window to try and get a better view of the outside, but he saw nothing that seemed dangerous. It could have been Addict popping off shots to possibly get Kellin's attention, but he knew better than that. Even though he had only known her for a few weeks, he figured out that she was very careful about how she did things inside and outside the comfort of her compound. She was very sneaky and blasting off shots wasn’t something she would normally do.
Unless she could have been in trouble somehow.
But there was no way. It couldn’t have been that way. Kellin shook his head and put his hand on the cold door handle, opening it and looking out. The demons that were occupying his area began to migrate around the corner to all the commotion, Kellin narrowing his eyes at why exactly someone would be stupid enough to shoot. The gunfire began to get heavier and Kellin shut the door behind him as he fully stepped out of the station. His hand tightened around the handle of his silenced pistol and he held it in front of him just in case he needed to lift it quickly. His boots stepped lightly through the snow as he made way towards the back of the building strip. Instead of following the demons around the corner of the building, he decided to possibly take an alleyway to investigate the commotion.
Kellin's sleeved shoulder brushed up against the brick make of the building, his eyes constantly darting back and forth for any sign of danger. He steadied his breathing to keep as quiet as possible, careful not to alert any stray demons that may be hiding everywhere and anywhere. A soft wind caressed his scruffy face, Kellin slowing as he looked up at the sky, seeing some clouds beginning to muddle its soft view. The sun disappeared behind the fluffy concoctions and Kellin's eyes darkened, knowing that at any moment another one of the Under-realm's storm front would roll through and leave both him and Addict stranded with whoever else was in the town. Kellin then continued to step forward, a warm breath halting in his lips as his cold ears picked up a sudden sound.
A strong force knocked Kellin off his feet and snow powdered onto his face, instantly turning to liquid upon kissing his warm skin. Kellin shoved back across the ground with his feet, his blue eyes glancing up to see two men crowding around him. One grabbed his boot and jumped down on him, slamming his fist into Kellin's face and jarring him briefly. Kellin gritted his teeth and wrapped his hand around the man’s neck, pushing him up and ramming his knee into the man’s stomach. He coughed and Kellin shoved him off, reaching his pistol hand up and aiming at the man standing above him. He instantly kicked the pistol from Kellin’s hand just as the sheriff pulled the trigger, Kellin feeling an intense pain in his wrist. The man reached down and grabbed the collar of Kellin's jacket yanking him to his stumbling feet,
“Get the hell up you pussy!” He called to his partner as he struggled to get back to his feet, “We need to kill this asshole and take his shit before Kent comes over here and does it for us.” He reached his fist back and shoved it into Kellin’s stomach, causing him to fall to his knees and gasp for air. Kellin quickly recovered as he took in the real reality of the situation, knowing that if he didn’t fight back he was for sure going to get killed.
Kellin shoved his shoulder into the man’s stomach and knocked him to the ground, Kellin falling on his chest. The militia man grabbed Kellin’s arms as he tried to pry him off, but Kellin shoved all his weight down on him. Kellin’s fist broke the skin on the man’s lips, watching as he spit out blood before his fist could make more contact with the man’s face. Kellin glared down at him, gritting his teeth, “You’re not gonna be the one leavin’ alive!”
In the rage, Kellin obliviously forgot about the man’s partner and found himself face first into the snow once again. The sharp tip of a boot rammed into his ribs, causing his to cough out and grab at his side instinctively. As the two strange men regained their composure, they took out their entire wrath upon Kellin, not realizing that Kellin wasn’t such an easy target at first. Never did they expect him to fight back when they first laid their eyes on him in the dark alley.
Kellin finally managed to take a breath of fresh air as the onslaught of boots to his torso halted, his blue eyes opening and taking a look. His fingers grew numb against the influence of the cold snow, Kellin leaning up as he stared down the barrel of his own silver Python. A sly smirk brewed on the lips of the man as he watched Kellin look through the barrel of his own gun, seeing a spark of fear in his eyes. Kellin choked down whatever was in his throat, nothing but Addict, the love of his life flying through his mind in his last seconds of life. He couldn't bare to leave her, he dreaded the thought of leaving her behind because of some scum-bag that decided to kill him. His jaw tightened and he gritted his teeth, closing his eyes and just waiting for it all to be over.
The man’s sharp cries echoed through the air and Kellin's eyes popped open, seeing him fall to the ground and blood seeping out of a back wound. Kellin looked up at his savior, watching as none other than Addict ramming the wooden hilt of her dagger against the other man’s face, knocking him to the ground. A bloody knife was cradled in her hand, her chest heaving in pants as her golden eyes stared back at him. Kellin couldn’t believe how undetected she was; the way she came out of nowhere at the last second to save the day, “Are you okay?”
Kellin didn’t say a word as he was still a bit shock, his eyes trailing down to her bloodied ankle. His eyes narrowed at its condition, “What the hell’s going on?” Kellin asked as he got to his feet and looking back into her eyes, Addict leaning onto the wall.
“Zalgo's workers. By what I can tell they’re not friendly.” Addict nodded towards the man she had stabbed three times as he died in the snow, “But you already know that. Anyways, we should get out of here before more of them show up. I already ran into a few of them, I’d rather not again.” She looked down at her ankle with a grunt and Kellin took a look at the damage,
“What happened to you? Can you walk?”
“I can manage. Don’t worry about me... it’s really not as bad as it looks.” She lied through her teeth, remembering how much pain she endured in prying the bear trap off her ankle. She put on a smile, one that Kellin had grown to absolutely adore. 
“We should get moving before-“
“Walter! Kent! Help us!” Addict jumped at the sound of one of the men she put down shouting as loud as his vocal cords would allow him. She gritted her teeth, “Help! By the-“
Addict plunged her knife into the back of the man’s head, twisting it, and popping it back out of his skull. Blood stained her gloves and as she looked back to Kellin, she could see a slight disturbance in his demeanor upon witnessing her actions. He hated violence. Addict tried to lighten the mood a bit, “C'mon, we can finally relax once we get home, relaxing and watching a bunch of horror movies." She wiped the bloody blade across her pants, swirling around and hobbled quickly away from the scene, knowing the fresh blood of the recently killed men would soon attract the dangerous types of demons,  the man-eaters. With one last look at the men both dying and dead, Kellin followed after her, swinging down and snatching his trusty Python from the dead man’s hands.
Addict slipped in through an alleyway, Kellin close behind her as he pulled the rifle off his back and pressed it against his shoulder. He watched Addict's careful, but slightly clumsy movements as she led him to their vantage point. Addict soon stopped and peeked over the side of the wall, searching for any sign of living movement. 
A surge of angst tore through Addict as she saw one of the men jumped out from behind the alleyway, only feet away from the two. She grabbed Kellin by the jacket and shoved him out of the way, “Move!” Her voice demanded as she raised her silenced pistol and aimed it at the perpetrator. His trigger finger was faster than hers and Addict's chest buckled out from under her, her body falling to the ground with a muted thud.
“No!” Kellin saw Addict cough up blood and turned quickly, sliding out his trusty python from the holster on his belt. The man’s rifle barrel pointed at Kellin to take him down next, but in a madly exploding bellow, Kellin's pistol exterminated the man. Kellin abruptly turned, sliding over Addict and staring down at the thick gunshot that had pierced her chest, seeing her eyes red with strain and shock. Kellin dropped his head as a mass of gunfire took out the windows above them, the two still hiding behind the truck as safely as possible.
“Molo...tov.” Addict choked and Kellin looked back down at her, Addict squeezing her eyes shut, “Molotov... throw a Molotov!” Kellin breathed heavily and pulled her softly to her side, unzipping the backpack behind her and rummaging around before he felt a cold bottle. “Kill those fuckers...”
Kellin yanked a lighter from his jacket pocket and flicked the ignition, the wick only sparking. “Come on, come on!” Kellin pleaded as he frantically shoved his thumb down on the ignition for the lame sparks to turn into bright flames. Miraculously, it finally ignited and he frantically set the flame on the dirty, alcohol soaked cloth sticking out of the bottles lips. As the rag lit on fire, Kellin gripped the bottle of vodka tightly in his hand and looked through the broken window of the truck, seeing the three men leaning over the hoods of a couple cars. One took Kellin in his sights and the gun fired at Kellin’s head, barely missing him by inches and he hid back behind the heavy truck. Taking a couple deep breaths and stealing a glance at Addict as she tried to lean up off the ground, Kellin jumped up and tossed the Molotov as hard as he could across the street.
The bottle exploded against the building, igniting into a massive, destructive ball of flame. He heard the frantic cries of one individual enemy and watched as he ran around from behind the car, his entire body lit on fire. He got on one knee and grabbed Addict's arm, tossing it over his shoulder and pulling her up. She hissed and gasped from being moved but Kellin ignored it, knowing it was the only way for her to possibly survive. Not forgetting her daggers, he grabbed it and tossed the strap on his shoulder, pulling her through the door and kicking it shut with one foot.
As he took a look around the shop, it just so happened to be a bar. His eyes desperately searched for some type of cover, knowing that the only way they could find refuge was behind the bar himself. He helped Addict walked and she clambered along with him awkwardly, trying to stay conscious from the unbelievable pain that took over her entire self. Her feet struggled to walk along with him as he pulled her behind the bar, seeing that the bar was rather small and feeble, “Shit...” He rolled her arm off from around his neck and set her down softly, looking over the bar once he heard commanding shouts from the men outside. Frantically, he searched for some type of other refuge,
“There...” He looked to Addict and her shaky hand pointed over towards the corner. Kellin followed her finger’s trajectory and looked over to the corner of the bar, seeing an iron handle on the floor. He looked back to her and her lips drew in a small, bloody smile, “You need to start using your eyes better...”
“Where’d you get hurt?” She felt Kellin moved her bloody hand to try and observe the wound. Addict's tired eyes opened and stared at his face,
“Right above the heart...I got shot” Her voice was low and she tried to look down at the wound with a smile, grunting to herself, “I forgot what it feels like to get shot... hurts like a bitch.”
“What about your ankle?” Kellin moved back down to her boot and began to untie it. Addict pulled her foot away from him,
“Don’t worry about it.” Kellin's eyes slowly fell back upon her and her condition, his eyes closing and his fingers digging into them as they rubbed his lids softly,
“Why’d you do it?”
“Do what?” She asked, pressing her hand back against the bullet hole,
“Risk your life to save me?” Kellin's eyes narrowed as he opened them, staring hard at her, “You put yourself in harm’s way to do so. You call me an idiot... stupid for how I do things. Why did you save a fool?” Addict scoffed with a soft smile, rolling her head to the side and closing her tired eyes,
“Because…I like you…I'm so glad I met you, and I don't regret ever meeting you…” Addict opened her eyes to see a slightly flustered expression of his face, almost surprised to hear it. A hard roll of grief rolled down Kellin's throat and Addict squeezed her eyes shut, arching her back as the wound bit at her. Her head dipped in front of her, some of her brown hair cradling around her face, “I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at night it I let you take a hit. You may be an idiot….but you're my idiot.”
“You should go.”
“What?” Kellin asked and Addict opened her eyes to look at him, trying to take a deep breath,
“Leave. Go back to your group- your family. They need you.” Addict looked down at her wound, pulling her hand back and taking notice to the unstoppable, steady blood flow, “I don’t have much time left. I thought this wound wasn’t much... but I’m losing too much blood. The bullet must have hit an artery.”
“I’m not leavin’ you behind. I won’t have any of it.” Kellin shook his head, planting his feet steadily to the ground, “Not after what you did for me. You put your life on the line.”
“Don’t act all macho.” Addict scoffed, even smiling a bit, “You have people that depend on you back at the mansion. Go back to them.”
“I won’t. You're the only one who matters to me.” Kellin. leaned forward and put a hand on her shoulder, “They all depend on you just more than me....”
“It’s only a matter of time before I pass out... I’m starting to get there...” Addict rolled her head and her sticky brown hair stuck to her cheeks, “You won’t be able to carry my dead weight back to the car, on top of trying to avoid all those men and their guns... there’s no way.”
“I’ll find a way.” Kellin stood up and looked around the cellar, “You’re not getting’ rid of me that easily.”
Unexpectedly, interrupting their conversation, Kellin got thrown against the wall, his back slamming against the concrete as his vision slightly blurred. Before he knew it, a figure had been gently picking up Addict and leaving with her.
After the news broke out that Addict had been kidnapped, Masky and Varrick immediately went out searching, after a brief argument with Kellin of course. Usually, these two didn't work well as a pair, but this situation had been a special one.
Varrick and Masky quickly moved towards the store they had been eyeing ever since arriving in the abandoned demon-filled town moments ago. Varrick yanked the gun from his shoulder and pressed the butt against his shoulder, raising it in front of him warily. Masky tightened his cold fingers around the handle of his crowbar, his hand beginning to shake with anticipation once they arrived at the door.
Masky looked over his shoulder at Varrick and the firearm-wielder nodded humbly, pressing his gun tighter against his body to take aim. Masky grabbed the handle of the door and counted silently in his head, twirling the handle and shoving his shoulder against it. Masky raised his crowbar in the air and Varrick jumped through the door frame, pointing his gun about in different directions. His finger itched to press the trigger once his amber eyes acclimated to the darkness of the room. Upon seeing and hearing no undead intruders, Masky and Varrick cautiously lowered their weapons.
“Where is everyone? Did those fuckin workers leave already?” Varrick boots thumped softly against the hardwood floors as he walked further into the room and examined its contents. Masky moved around a table and crouched down behind a glass display case.
“Nobody is here…” Masky tossed an empty ammo box onto the floor and huffed with discontent. They came all this way just to find nothing but false hope.
“Dammit!!” Varrick shoved his foot against a glass case and it fell off its pedestal heavily against the ground. The glass erupted all over the flooring in a loud crash and Varrick gritted his teeth angrily. Masky sighed and looked to the ground, chewing on the inside of his cheek anxiously. He knew the position Addict had been put in was tough and this was the third town in a month they had come up empty handed. They had searched, and searched, but they had fled the scene. "
Masky and Varrick's attention jumped to the back of the store when they heard a rustle come from the shadows. Varrick propped his gun against his shoulder and the two prudently stepped towards the back of the shop, their ears being raided by the howling wind that continued to beat against the building. Masky narrowed his eyes and looked to the ground, seeing an evident sign of brief movement. Varrick tilted his head and knelt down on one knee,
“What’s this?” His voice asked the question quietly while rubbing his fingers across the floor. Masky crouched down next to him and pulled a flashlight from his jacket pocket, clicking it on and staring at the textured print.
“Bloodied footprints… leading out the back door right there.” The ball of light followed the print trail to the back door, and as if on cue, the door slowly blew open from a touch of the violent wind. Varrick and Masky got to their feet, Masky turning off his small flashlight and placing it back in his pocket. They both walked to the back door and saw the footprints fading into the pasitiness of white snow.
“Should we follow them?” Varrick asked while looking over at Masky briefly. Masky deliberated quickly in his instinctual mind and nodded his head,
“Worth a shot…we have to hurry though. Storm’s comin’ in fast…” Masky looked up at the sky through the back door and already noticed that large snowflakes were beginning to fall. Varrick swallowed a dry lump in his throat and turned around towards the front door of the gun shop.
Snow sharply bit at Masky's warm skin, the air becoming colder and colder with each minute passing. The dark blizzard clouds above them were moving in fast with the hectic winds whirling through the town. As more clouds moved in, they enthusiastically consumed the light of day and persuaded the night to come faster than expected. Masky kept a watchful eye in the streets as Varrick moved from building to building, trying to find the girl they mutually had loved. If they couldn’t find Addict here, Masky would do everything in his power to find her. He would do a search-down on everything abandoned town in the under-realm if he had to.
‘Gotta hurry and find her..’ Varrick found himself staring back up at the snowy sky once a vicious wind tore at his hair and clothing. He narrowed his eyes once seeing the snow beginning to fall heavier and heavier. There was no more time to waste; with or without the group, he had to scout ahead to find shelter for the night.
Varrick narrowed his eyes and stopped, seeing a large, fresh bloodied line stretching from sidewalk to sidewalk. He knelt down and rubbed his fingers in the sticky liquid. 
“Human blood..?” There had been a difference in both demon blood, and human blood— demon blood was much thicker, and darkened. While human blood had been lighter. He stared back down at the line confusingly and stood back to his feet. Varrick rubbed his fingers on his pant leg and stepped over the line, careful not to step in it and leave tracks. He pulled the crossbow against his shoulder and carefully walked through the small graveyard of cars, his eyes darting back and forth from window to window.
Another violent wind tore through the town and this time, it brought a snowy vengeance. The snow rained down heavily from the blackened sky, causing Varrick to stop and question his ventures. Even though he worked well alone, he knew that it wasn’t the smartest idea to stray too far from Masky. Varricj threw his arm up in front of his face to shield his cold cheeks from another gust of wind, grunting to himself as he felt his fingers beginning to go numb.
“Addict!” A frantic cry shouted from the middle of town and Varrick turned around, seeing Masky running towards an injured Addict.
He turned to see Addict's head hanging over her lap, her hair masking her face as she leaned up against a tree. Masky rushed up to her and knelt down, tilting her head back up and smacking her cheek lightly, “Addict... come on, stay with me.” Her eyes barely opened and she didn’t protest against him. Masky knew he didn’t have much time before she would completely pass out, “You just have to walk a little further.”
"Fuck....it hurts…so much” She whispered. He then grabbed her arm and pulled it around his neck, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to her feet. She stumbled for a moment and regained her awkward posture, Masky turning towards the doors and looking up into the snowy light above them.
“Come on... we’re going home.” He whispered to her, softly. "You're safe with me.." 
Feeling a set of incredibly warm hands latch onto hers, she opened her eyes to see Jack knelt down in front of her. He cupped her hands in his and breathed slowly onto her skin, trying to warm her hands up. Goosebumps fluttered up her arms as his hot breath managed to break through her cold flesh. His lips made her hands tingle and his presence made her feel utterly secure. She curled her fingers and he looked up into her brown eyes,
“Thanks… for taking care of me.” She whispered and he slowly dropped her hands into her lap, staring into her eyes. He caught himself quickly and stood back to his feet,
“How did this even happen..?” Addict pouted and her eyes stared up at him weakly,
“I don’t want to be the one with the luxury of sleeping in a comfortable bed tonight… you should take it. You deserve it after all you do.” Addict ignored his question,
“Yeah? Well too bad..you need to be taken care of,” He reached down and grabbed her backpack, hauling it onto the bed next to her. Unzipping it, he stared in and rummaged about until finding what he was looking for. Addict felt him set down an article of clothing on her lap and she looked down, running her hand over the soft mesh of a pair of sweats and a black long sleeved shirt.
“Get on some fresh clothes on…tell me when you're done, I'll be back in here to clean your wounds later.” He wheeled around on his boot heel and his soft footsteps faded towards the door. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her softly whimpering, hot tears trailing down her face. 
The pain started building tears, having them stream down her face, hot and heavy, and she brought his blanket to her face. Not to inhale the familiar scent or the traces of his cologne which remained, but to stifle her sobs.
He had heard the first sniffle and immediately rushed to the recently closed bedroom door, images filling his mind of going to her, pulling Addict into his arms and comforting 
Addict hadn’t meant for Jack to hear her when she had sobbed not an hour after the first time. A small hiccup while she was in the room that she began to sob anew. She had thought that Jack hadn’t seen her continuously raise her arms to her face, she had thought that he was out of the room by now. 
The sight of which only made her tears pour faster and Addict tried to pull away, but Jack knew her and he gently grabbed her face, her cheeks securely held in the palms of his hands as he used the rough calloused pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears away, “None of that.” His voice was soft, but the edge in his tone was enough to make her stop. “It’s… I get it,” One graceful shoulder curved into the air as he shrugged, “It’s not easy all the time.” He smiled wryly. “But I’m right here, Addict.” Jack brought up one of her hands to rest over his chest, and he pressed down hard so that she could feel, just faintly, his pulse. It was enough to make her smile, with many an unshed tear in her eye, and Jack made yet another soft noise of sympathy. “Please let me help you.” 
Addict's tears continued to fall, temporarily stain Jack's hoodie, and though she wasn't entirely sure as to why she had been so highly strung, so easily upset today, she also knew that not everything she had been thinking, everything which she had been torturing herself with today, was reflective of reality. He hadn’t left her for even a moment, and she knew that this would pass. The way it was feeling to her, it would probably pass like a kidney stone, but it would pass… she just had to hold onto Jack and to the very few things which made sense to her and all would be well.
"God. How did that kid even get you into this situation? I can't believe this." EJ spoke, freeing the tense silence between the two, as he continued to wrap bandages around her form, staring down at her through the mask. Usually, he wouldn't even make the effort for small talk, but Addict had been someone he had particularly been fond of, though fond wasn't precisely the right word to describe what he felt for the skilled woman.
Crisp white bandages had been wrapped around her chest, down to the middle of her forearm. The smaller scraps and bruises had been gently tended to with smaller bandages, an effort EJ wouldn't make for just anyone. "The wounds look pretty bad, what happened?" He questioned, raising one of her arms above her head as he wrapped additional bandages.
"It wasn't Kellin's fault…he tried his best to help me, he really did. He was so wonderful to me.." She loosely whispered  averting her eyes and her hand gently sliding to the back of her neck as she gripped at herself nervously. She couldn't help but notice EJ's form stiffened, his grip around one of her wrists tightened as he turned to look at her through his mask. Jack got slightly jealous, feeling his grip tighten at the mention of Kellin. He didn't have a problem with the empathetic man— at all in fact, that was until he found out how close he was with Addict.
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twomoonstwosuns · 3 years
pairing: santiago garcia x y/n
warnings: angst, some swearing, flashbacks, mentions of death and blood, vulnerability, mentions of sex...please read at your own risk
word count: 1.6k
inspired by: ‘epiphany’ - taylor swift
a/n: this is my first time writing for santiago, i hope you enjoy it and it doesn't suck <3
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The mountains were silent as he moved, careful not to make his presence known. The smoke and sound of gunfire had cleared, each of the five men holding their breath as their ears strained for sounds of movement from their attackers. The same thought ran through each of their heads. 
Stay alive and get out.
It was a surprise attack, a sudden gunshot from unknown followers as they climbed up the mountains. Their military instincts kicked in and took over, even when Benny got shot in the arm. It was just a flesh wound, nothing that could deter him from shooting when he heard the next gunshot. 
There was one man left. Five against one.
And then Tom was hit, a bullseye to the head. There was no way to survive something like that. Santiago shot his assailant twice and fell, blood dripping from the wounds and onto the rocks. A brief moment of silence passed before Benny’s voice pierced the air, yelling for his fallen comrade as he rushed over to him. Santiago felt numb, not acknowledging the next few moves he made. All he heard was Benny mourning over the loss of their friend. 
It didn’t even register that the brothers were punching each other until they were nearly falling off the cliff. Santiago jumped into action, Frankie joining him and tearing the brothers apart as ‘stop this shit!’ spewed angrily from his mouth. 
A chill ran up Santiago’s spine, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. They were being watched. Movement caught his eye and he looked. Lorea stood a few feet away, a rifle in his hand that was pointed directly at Santiago’s head. 
But he was supposed to be dead. Santiago killed him himself. 
Ten of his guards stood beside him, each of them pointing a gun at the others. They were surrounded and outnumbered. A wicked smile crossed Lorea’s face.
“Espero que estés listo para morir.”
Santiago’s breaths were shaky and he took as many as he could, not knowing what one would be his last. He didn’t want to die, but there was a brief moment where he caught a single glimpse of relief he would feel if he did. All he’d ever known was the military…how he gave his life over and over and over again and for what? To go back to civilian life without any help from the Colombian or US government? He deserved more, his friends deserved more, which is what brought them back to Colombia to steal Lorea’s money. 
But look where that got them, Santiago thought. A helicopter crash, an ambush that left one wounded and one dead, millions of dollars left behind because they were too ambitious and couldn’t take it all with them. 
Tom was someone’s son, someone’s father. And he was gone because Santiago wanted to steal the money he thought they were robbed of. That glimpse of relief from the guilt and the pain and the anger Santiago knew he’d feel for the rest of his life suddenly didn’t seem so bad…
…until the the shot was fired. 
》 》 》
It’s always the same dream.
Santiago would finally succumb to sleep, sometimes hours after he lays down in deafening silence and his mind finally stops reeling. And then before he knew it, he’s awake again, the violent images of Tom’s death replaying in his mind. At least the part about Lorea coming back from the dead to kill him wasn’t true. He just wishes the rest of it wasn’t either. 
This time, he had fallen asleep on his couch. The beginning of a new movie had already started and he doesn’t recognize it, but he also doesn’t really care. A quick look at the clock shows that it’s just after two in the morning and a heavy sigh and a whispered ‘fuck’ leave his lips and he turns the tv off. He runs a hand down his tired face and sits in the silence. He’s alone with nothing but his thoughts and none of them are pleasant.
He debates calling you. A one night stand turned into another one night stand which turned into the both of you reaching out whenever you were drunk, lonely, and horny. He had attempted therapy at the suggestion of Frankie, but walked out before the hour was up. But it’s early on a Friday morning and he knows you have work in the morning.  
He decides instead to grab his keys and go for a drive. Empty roads with the windows down and a classic rock radio station playing in the background would surely relax him.
The drive to clear his head brings him to your house, the route so familiar now that Santiago doesn’t realize he’s driven to your house until he’s outside of it. The lights are still on and he recalls you telling him once that you were a night owl, so he wasn’t too surprised to see that you were still awake.
He knocks on the door softly in case you had gone to bed already and he almost lets out a sigh of relief when you answer the door in sleep shorts that peeked out from beneath an oversized t-shirt. Your hair is down and disheveled from laying against the pillows of your couch and Santiago thinks it may just be the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. 
He doesn’t kiss you, no hand on the back of your head and crashing his lips onto yours. All he does is stare, like you weren’t real. Just your presence in front of him now was like the light at the end of the tunnel, the desire to rush towards it nearly overwhelming him.
It had been awhile since a woman made him feel like that. He thought there was a possibility with Yovanna when he went to track her down in Australia. Their chemistry was undeniable, but looking at her only made him feel ashamed. It was him giving her safe passage out of Colombia in exchange for Lorea’s whereabouts that led to Tom losing his life. 
He blamed her for awhile, but he mostly blames himself. 
Your voice brings him back to reality. He opens his mouth to say something, but all that comes out is a breath that shakes. You can see the pain behind his eyes. It’s the same pain you’ve seen get drowned in alcohol and hidden by lust at the bar you both frequent. 
“Do you want to come in?”
“I don’t…” His voice is low and defeated and it makes your heart ache. “I don’t, um….” 
Santiago sighs, not knowing what to say to explain why he stood at your doorstep. The only thing he knew for sure is that he isn’t looking for sex…and he hopes like hell you won’t turn him away.
You give him a small smile and step aside, welcoming him inside
The warmth of your home a sharp contrast from the chill of the night air and giving him goosebumps. The glow of your bedroom light cast a faint glow into the hall and he follows it like a siren call.
“Do you want something to—“ He isn’t behind you and you turn just in time to see his shadow disappear into the hallway.
Santiago lays back on your bed, breathing out all the hurt and anger he’d been feeling as the scent and comfort of you engulfed him. After turning off lights and plugging your phone in, you carefully lay next to him so you wouldn’t scare him. The only sounds that are heard is his breathing and the rain outside. You’ve seen him get caught up in his mind before, but never like this. You don’t ask him what’s wrong…whatever it was is clearly more complicated than a shitty day at work. You know as well as anyone there are some things in life that you just can’t speak about.
Instead, you watch him carefully and put your hand on top of his. He closes his eyes as another shaky breath escapes him. The touch of your hand on his grounds him, reminds him that when he closes his eyes, he’s not actually back in Colombia and reliving the death of his friend. He’s home, in your room, feeling safer than he’d felt all week. 
Santiago curls onto his side, arm sliding around your waist and pulling you into him. His forehead falls against yours and you gingerly put your hand on his cheek. A tear escapes his eye and you tenderly wipe it away, letting him pull you even closer. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper into the darkness of your room. Those two words squeeze his heart in a vice grip and he allows more tears to fall as sobs start to rack his body. His hold on you tightens and he’s scared to cry but he can’t stop. “I’ve got you, it’s okay.”
He cries himself to sleep in twenty minutes and you move just enough to grab the blanket to cover yourselves up. His head rests against your chest and you gently run your fingers through his salt and pepper hair. It had never been like this with him before. A couple rounds of sex with talking and flirting in between always ended with one of you leaving the other to go home. 
And yet as he lays against your chest and looks peaceful for the first time all night, you find yourself wishing you can be that for him all the time…his relief and his peace. 
[permanent tag list]: @dameronsgalaxygal​
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izur-x · 4 years
Hey hey! Is it okay if I request where Izuru and the reader are close which Junko sees as a problem to her plan. And it ended with Junko killing the reader to show Izuru an example of 'Despair'. Thank you in advance! Stay hydrated!
Ooohhhh, angst i see 👀👀, and yes no problem! You too, stay hydrated
Junko killed Izuru close friend (you)
Genre: angst a little fluff and then angst again insert ibuki sprite
tw.murder, blood, death.
(y/p) = your pronouns
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That day was a normal day. you and Izuru been hanging out for two months now. But a few days ago, he went missing, still couldn't find the reasons why he's suddenly missing.
Did he got bored of you? But if he got bored of you, he eventually tell you, but this, he didn't tell you anything, doesn't leave a message or a goodbye.
You cannot give up yet, you still determined to find him.
When you heard a news that the students council are killed, it's made all the students scared. After two days the news, Yukizome start missing too, but she appear again.
"everyone, can i show something to you guys, i prepare something for you all!" 'i had a bad feeling about this...', everyone seems looking forward to it, except you. Nagito tapped you shoulder "Hey, (l/n)-san, are you, okay?" "Yeah im okay, why do you ask?", "Well, you seems have a uneasy feeling too."
You look down "well, yeah accually..." Nagito stares at you, and open his both arms and smile widely "there's nothing to worried about!" You look at him, "sigh, yeah i guess....".
"alright class! We're going now!" Everyone followed yukizome. Yukizome stop midway, and give us a map, she pointed a room that located up stairs, "oh yeah chiaki, you come with me, okay?" Chiaki nodded at her and followed her to a different route.
You stayed behind, the rest of the class didn't notice you were left behind and keep walking. 'ugh, this bad feelings.....' you decided to follow yukizome and chiaki, try not to make noises.
There's a camera watching three of them and the rest of the class. "Puhuhuhuu! I see that your closed friend is here!, Buut don't get distracted by (y/p)~" he ignore her, he knows that you were going to die, he want to stop it.
Izuru leave the room and head to where you are, junko pouted, she decided to block the route, "ugh! (Y/p) gonna ruined my plan! (Y/p) need to die!", Junko realize something, she knows exactly what were you doing. Junko continue to monitor you with a laugh.
Izuru seems uneasy, he increase the speed of he's walking and then he run, 'come on.' he keep running to the location where you are without breaking a sweat.
Back to you.
You see that yukizome and chiaki infront of an elevator, yukizome pushes chiaki to the elevator, but your the one who ended up getting to the elevator because saving chiaki, you heard a force knock and someone shouting your name over and over again.
You just stayed on the floor and prayed, little did you know, yukizome had a knife with her amd killed chiaki in the spot and leave her alone. Izuru has just arrived and, he's too late.
He can't save you, nor the rest of the class. a monitor appears infront of him, showing you in the elevator, all he can do is watch.
Back to you.
You keep praying until the elevator doors open, you get up from the floors and cautiously walking, it was dark. You step a button it's triggered a gun that aim for you, the bullet shoot to you with a great speed and shoot your right shoulder, you let a scream, a painful scream, the scream that he didn't want to listen.
The rest of the class was getting brainwashed and force them watching you slowly dying. You speed up your walking while grabbing your right shoulder with left arms to endured the pain a little.
Izuru head to the class trial room and he knows you were going to ended up there's. You grab the door handle and coughed up blood, twisted the door handle and a bright light making your eyes flinch.
As you slowly open your eyes and see the rest of the class waiting for you, they called your name.... It's a relived that they were okay, you step to the room, wanting to hug them, but...
You're getting stab from a spears, a bunch of them, they appeared from the floors, your eyes widened, and you mouth closed and open again, wanting to say something, but with this pain you couldn't.
The spears disappear to where originally they're belong, left you in a pile off blood, you still alive, but not for long. Your left hands hold your stomach, 'its hurts....' you look up 'i guess this is the end...'
Izuru step to the room and quickly spotted you, he runs to you and pulling you to a hug, you couldn't process what happened, but you feels something familiar...
"i- *cough* i-izur-ru..?" "Yes, i here... don't worry..." You smiled softly, "finally... I finally see you again..." Izuru tears begin to falls, it's something that unusual to him.
"he-hey, don't c-cry..." You pulled out from the hug and slowly wiped his tears. "I..im sorry for leaving you without a contacts..." More tears falled.
"it's okay... *Cough* im just so happy to finally see you again...i never thought to....i almost giving up completely..." You cough more blood, "and now you were here-! You appears before i died-!" Your voice become softer and there's barely energy, your hands slowly remove from his face, Izuru right hand bring it up and let it touches his cheeks.
"im sorry tha-" "you don't have to apologise, 'she' the one who cause this incident." You hummed "i wonder..." You cough more blood, but this time it's a little, "well... I guess my time is up..." Your using all your energy to get closer to his face.
His left and support the back of you head, there's a little gap between you too. You too stared at each other eyes "before i go... I want to tell you something.." he waiting for you to continue.
"im actually fell i love yo-" Izuru cut off you speech and kissed you. As much you want to kiss him back, there's no energy left, he pulled out the kiss and look at you.
You soft smile and say.
"see you in the afterlife, izuru...."
And then you closed your eyes, and slowly get to sleep, forever.
Izuru places you down slowly and see you peacefully sleep, it's too late, (y/p) never come back, the one who make him feels emotions is now gone, Izuru heard some clapping from behind, "shut up junko." She flinch "now now, im just showing what's despair all about! Isn't it excitin-" "i said. Shut. Up." Junko got completely shutdown by Izuru, he didn't want to listen all the crap she was saying.
She's the one who make you died. She the one who made this world become a disaster. She's the despair.
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*casually give the reader a tissues* you need this, i think..., Anyway- make sure stay hydrated as well~ if you want to request, the request is still open~
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