#or i might kms /hj
crimsonbubble · 4 months
If you can't find the content, make it yourself
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sluttylittlenewsboy · 10 months
Math test went so good /sarc
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diviinaee · 1 year
imagine if i made my art project surrounded by my religous trauma and fuckin cannibalism
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feralnightwing · 7 months
i am so unbelievably stressed rn it's insane. i have 3 assignments due tomorrow night and one of them is a mini thesis paper for HISTORY. IM SHIT AT HISTORY. i have calc due the next day and a programming quiz I HAVEN'T STUDIED FOR.
who knew passing out a week before and having dizzy spells since would fuck up ur ability to be a functioning student????
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so2uv · 2 years
the amount of shit that i have going on this week and next week is unreal 😂
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worseandworse · 2 years
Well that’s officially the last time I try to open up to friends
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r1poutmygvtz · 3 days
ok so i only lost .2lbs.. somehow?? my friend thinks it's water weight from my muscles repairing themselves and i'm pretty sure he's right but it makes me so upset knowing i put in all that work for nothing, i'll update tomorrow morning on if i lost or not, if i didn't i might actually kms /hj
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cchallucination · 1 year
Just a stupid ramble
I don't care what ANYONE says, Drew totally has some sort of cursh on Jake; Henry and Liam know abt it too. You might think: but he's dating Zoey, he can't be gay. (Well he was dating Zoey lmao, they broke up in the most recent episode)
Being closeted is a thing. There's a chance that he's gay and just has some internalized homophobia, so he dates Zoey as a way to 'prove' he's straight. Also, throughout the series it is shown how shallow this relationship is, and just how little they seem to like each other. And Zoey is literally a gold digger and cheating on him sooo…… ALSO IN EPISODE 6, when Jake sees him in the mall and goes to hide from him, DREW LOOKS SO UNHAPPY, PROB CUZ JAKE "COULDNT" COME
Okay now that that's out of the way…. Even if he was gay, Jake is just his best friend, how would you think he has a crush on him?
In episode 5, in the starting scene in the cafeteria Drew gets annoyed when Jake isn't listening to him. He also acts Jealous over Jake thinking abt the music club, saying, AND I QUOTE "Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if you prefer their company over ours." You can't tell me that isn't showing blatant jealousy over it!!! Then Henry mentions that it makes Drew sound Jealous, and Drew BLUSHES tell's him to shut up, then AGAIN I QUOTE "I'm just saying, you used to care to listen to me." ME. He wasn't talking about him, Liam, and Henry when he said that, just HIMSELF!!! AND THE LOOK HE GIVES JAKE AFTER JUST…IDK IT SCREAMS JEALOUS BOYFRIEND ENERGY. Also then they start discussing how Jake is doing the competition to confess to Daisy, and when Liam is talking to Jake telling him to just confess normally, DREW LOOKED SO SAD. I MAY JUST BE DELUSIONAL BUT HE FR SEEMED SAD ABT IT. Then Jake has to leave cuz he's going to be late for music practice, and Henry (our fav character <333) says, once again I quote, "Don't look so blue, Drew. I know it must be sad to see your boy running off to the music freaks, instead of into your arms" and Drew blushes AGAIN. Alsooo its worth mentioning that Drew is rarely seen smiling. But every time he IS smiling (with maybe ONE exception), he is with Jake!!! ANOTHER THING I FIND THAT REALLY SUPPORTS THIS THEORY. Drew acts supportive towards Jake's crushes, but it seems like he only is when he feels like Jake won't get with them. Like with Daisy!! In episode 1, when Liam tells Jake he should just ask Daisy out already, Jake says he's "waiting for the right moment" (When someone says that u know damn well they ain't doing it) And Drew doesn't think he's actually going to do it, saying, and I quote, "You've been waiting for the 'right moment' for years" if this comment doesn't show you that he clearly doesn't see Jake taking a step to get with Daisy, then idk what else could. But Drew see's that Jake seem's to be taking an interest to Hailey, he doesn't act the same way. Well, at FIRST he does. Once again, I'm using episode 5 to support this lmao, when Jake is distracted during the game, Drew and Liam come up asking why he's making them lose blah blah, he looks over to where Hailey is and pretty much puts two and two together. He teases Jake in the moment, clearly thinking nothing will come of it. But when he sees they are spending more time together, he gets angry over it. Also when Jake says he doesn't like Hailey in this scene, his "Okay" comes off as so angry lmao. Also in episode 9 (the episode that genuinely makes me wanna kms /hj) When Jake is acting all blue, and finds out it's about Daisy, he seems SO annoyed over it. (Though, to be fair, it could be bc he justs wants to spend some time with his friend without him moping abt shit, but still.) When Drew says "Are you singing for Daisy, or for Hailey" He doesn't seem happy about either option fr. When Drew gets reminded of how Jake is singing for Daisy for Hailey specifically, two girls he thinks Jake likes, he has angry outbursts (once again, bro is so jealous) Drew doesn't even bother to mention Zander by name, his anger is clearly just about how close Hailey and Jake have gotten. And what about Daisy? Her and Jake barely ever speak, so Drew isn't nearly as bothered about that.
OKAY. That's all I feel like writing, but there is quite a few more examples throughout tmf that could support this theory!! Just a note, unless Drew has a redemption arc and becomes less judgemental and controlling; this relationship would be toxic, and I understand this. I don't want Drake to become canon (Well if drew has a redemption arc..then maybe I do…) and I don't believe it has any chance of becoming canon, though I really do think that there's a possibilty of Drew liking Jake. Which makes me rlly feel bad for the dude even if he is sort of an asshole :(
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defrostedvertebrae · 2 days
uhh brown bears of tumblr how tf can i avoid y'all in the wild irl because my country hosts 60% of europe's brown bears and i gotta hike. As a hare might do stranded a handful of km from a town in an alien biome to my kind.
much appreciated/hj
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loser-otaku-girl · 25 days
No matter how much u hate and/or disagree with me pls i am begging do not report any of my accounts if i ever get banned i will find you and curse u i might even kms/hj pls pls pls
Anyways luv yall ♡
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pressedink · 2 months
hi it's me back again (shadys back tell your friends (idek ignore me)) so i just read the new chapter and i think i might die. literally SOBBING
i knew they were probably gonna kiss but i was reallyyy hoping they wouldn't. i actually screamed and had to put my phone down when they did i don't think ill ever recover from this
ik i've said it before but i absolutely LOVE this fic so here r some things from that chapter that made me scream :)
"Barty is obsessed with it. He needs to book a tattoo appointment immediately." literally screaming barty would def be the type to get things like that, he'd have so many tattoos dedicated to evan that evan wouldnt evan know of all of them😭
"Because friends is what Evan wants" no it's not u oblivious idiot
"...that loving Evan Rosier is something he can control. But it isn’t. It never has been." i'm fucking screaming i love them sm😭
"Oh god, Barty's struck with a sudden deeply upsetting thought: he’s acting like James Potter. Barty physcically recoils" STOP THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD😭
"Evan was the first person who made him feel like he was truly loved. How could he stop himself from falling in love with him?" stop i'm gonna cry😭
"Evan just kissed him. They kissed. They have less than 4 hours left, and then they can never see each other again." oh wow isnt that fun. i'm going to kms/hj
there's like. so many other scenes i loved loved loved (and made me scream ofc) but i'd probably end of pasting almost the entire thing if i added literally everything😭
hello Eminem! thank you for gracing my tumblr inbox. had no idea you were a Marauders stan tbh but welcome!!
it's the way i almost didn't have them kiss too. i was fully prepared to just let them hash it out without the tiny little added complication of you know, never being able to see each other again, but where's the fun in that?
you're so right about Barty and his tattoos, like every single one is about Evan whether he knows it or not and Barty will just make shit up to make them connect like 'oh this frog riding a motorcycle? Evan's eyes sometimes have a little bit of frog green in them' or 'yeah my Fruit Loops Toucan Sam tattoo? Evan's fruity and hates cereal'
Evan isn't really giving Barty a ton of clues to be so real, like yes he's being oblivious and literally has now stated he understands Evan doesn't ask for what he wants ever so why would he lie and pretend he wants Barty now? but that's the key point: Barty thinks Evan wants him, not loves him. he's in denial because yes Evan loves him as a friend but how could he ever love him more than that?
James Potter as both Barty and Evan's standard of 'yeah, i've done something wrong here' is SO real and i love that they both just silently use him in their heads without voicing it out loud to each other
i can't confirm or deny a happy ending (bc again i ask, whereee is the fun in that?) but i can say [redacted] >:)
you're a star, light of my life, my favorite tumblr human. thank you so much for taking the time to not only read but hop over to tumblr and rap in my inbox :,) i'm honored, and hope you have the best day!! take care my friend <3
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emdabitchass · 11 days
guys I wanna fucking kms/hj
all I want to do rn is play my euphonium BUT I CANT cause if I do I might get burnt out and be a mental block for my audition on Saturday 😭😭😭😭
all this to say I’m bored af
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sethcertified · 2 years
i miss my old acc ughhh this sucks
literally went from 500+ notes on all my fics for my big fandoms and 100+ notes over night when i just post them and 100+ notes for my smaller fandoms and now i can barely scrap past 50 notes :( genuinely gonna kms /hj
like i lost all my moots and my fanbase (i had 800 and now i have less than 50) and this stupid scream fanfic i have poured my heart and soul into that was doing insanely well (i had over 4k likes on all of the parts together) gets AT MOST 14 notes per chapter
might just give up on them rn cs holy shit all my hard work meant nothing
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juniper-bunch · 3 months
tw: sh and sui
Guys if I end up relapsing after being over a month clean might just go the full mile and kms /hj
sorry- the urges™ are really fucking bad rn but really trying to stay safe. Hopefully the Dairy Queen ice cream will save me 🙏
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skyss-personal-hell · 9 months
sobbing my parents told me i gotta finish ALL of my schoolwork in 1 month. I might kms/hj
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z1ggystardus3rr · 11 months
Red flags of various Marauders characters...
(Mentions of self harm...)
-"If you leave me I'll kms"
-"I played violin on my armsss lmao"
-intentionally spells things wrong when texting
-is jokingly racist towards his own race 😭😭 (black evan 🔛🔝 also same/hj)
-Leaves people on read
-Lies for no reason
-professional gaslighter
-"Name five songs by the band on your shirt"
-Listens to mindless self indulgence (real)
-vapes (reallll)
-casually says people's full names
-"Saturdays are for the boyzz"
-Listens to Kanye West/"I miss the old Kanye"
-takes PE way too seriously
-lies about his height (says he's 6'2, he's actually 5'10
-Cares about zodiac signs
-was a fnaf kid (realest thing ever)
-when something unfortunate happens to her (like a breakup) she's like "that's so Lana del Rey of me"
-jokes about his trauma a lot
-genuinely liked Call Me By Your Name (the movie not the song)
-spoils books
-darkling apologist
-has vitamin d deficiency
-runs in the gayest way possible
-is short
-has cheated on a s/o...
-cusses three times in sentence
-picks at his scabs
-ian Gallagher vibes
Marlene (my wife)
-doesn't like heartstopper
-use the word faggot on a regular basis
-Dresses like Adam Sandler
-lies about liking a piece of media just to impress a girl
-uses aave wrong
I have more so I might make a part two but this is it for rn
Also I'm not attacking anyone who does any of these I do like half of these lmao
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